Curriculum Vitae
Full name: Irene Spigno
Address: Via Famagosta 13, 09134, Cagliari (Italy)
Contact Address: Piazza San Francesco 7, 53100 Siena (Italy)
Telephone: 0039-0577-232775 (office); 0039- 347-1878467 (mobile)
Fax: 0039-0577-232775
Email contact: [email protected]
Nationality: Italian
Languages: Italian, English, Spanish
2010, November: Ph.D. in Comparative Public Law at the University of Siena (Italy), Economic
Law Department, with a thesis on “L’hate speech tra libertà di espressione e circolazione delle idee
costituzionali. Profili comparati”(Hate Speech between freedom of expression and the circulation of
constitutional ideas. A comparative perspective);
2007, December: Received European Master Degree (with full scholarship) in History, politics
and comparative law in Mediterranean countries, held in the Faculty of Political Studies and
issued by University of Messina (Italy), University of Milan (Italy) and University of Cordoba
(Spain), with a dissertation on “Torture, Punishment, Cruel and Inhuman Treatment: a brief
historical path and reflections on the International and Islamic world”. Special coursework included
at the University of Cordoba (Spain), July 2007.
2007, November: Sworn in to Cagliari bar (Italy);
2006, July: Received Post-graduate Diploma, School of Specialization in Legal Professions,
University of Cagliari (Italy);
2004, July: University of Cagliari (Italy), Degree in Law, Magna cum Laude, defending a
Constitutional Law thesis in “Interventi per la riqualificazione urbana a livello comunitario e
interno. Il caso italiano e spagnolo” (“Urban requalification interventions at national and
communitarian level. The Italian and Spanish cases”);
2002-2003: Participated in Socrates-Erasmus undergraduate exchange program, University of
Seville, Faculty of Law (Spain).
2011, Australian Government, Endeavour Awards (Endeavour Research Fellowship)
2010, Canadian Government, Doctoral Student Research Award
2009, Tuscany Region, Mobility Awards for PhD Courses in the University of Siena (South Africa)
2009, Cagliari’s bar, “Avv. Pietro Riccio Foundation” prize, achieving bar exam highest score in
criminal law
2007, University of Messina, European Master Degree Full Scholarship
2002, European Union, Socrates-Erasmus undergraduate exchange program (Spain)
Actual Position, since June 2011: Research Fellow in Comparative Constitutional Law at the
University of Siena (Italy);
Since 2010, Research assistant at DIPEC (Research Centre for European and Comparative Public
Law) at the University of Siena (Italy);
2011-2012 and 2010-2011: Professor on “The International protection of Human Rights” at the
Master of Arts in Human Rights and Genocide Studies held by the Collegium Civitas Warsaw
(Poland), the Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder, Germany), Kingston University London,
(United Kingdom), Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy) ;
2010, Supervisor in the Research Group on “The legal protection of biocultural diversity in the
Mediterranean”, coordinated by Prof. Tommaso Edoardo Frosini and commissioned by the Italian
Ministry of Environment;
Since 2010, Member of the Local Editorial Board (Siena) of the Review Diritto Pubblico Comparato
ed europeo DPCE)
Since 2007, Public Law Lecturer, School of Economics, University of Siena;
Since 2004, Constitutional Law Lecturer, School of Law, University of Cagliari.
Valladolid (Spain), 15 December 2011, presented “La forma de gobierno en Italia” (The Italian
form of government), at the School of Law, University of Valladolid;
Brisbane (Australia), 18 September 2011, presented “Biocultural diversity, sustainability and the
protection of human dignity: a comparative perspective in Asian Constitutional law” at the
“Australia’s Third Wild Law Conference-“Earth Jurisprudence-Building Theory and Practice”;
Canberra (Australia), 16 September 2011, presented “Hate Speech Towards Freedom of Expression
and Human Dignity: The European Perspective”, at the ANU Centre for European Studies & Centre
for International and Public Law;
Trento (Italy), 24-25 June 2011, presented “Sulle minoranze linguistiche”(On the protection of
linguistic minorties) at the Conference “Administrative Jurisprudence and constitutional rights”;
Venice (Italy), 9-11 June 2011, presented “The judge and the cultural argument: reflections in
comparative law” at the “Italian Association of Comparative Law XXI Conference”;
Naples (Italy), 19- 21 May 2011, presented “End-of-life decisions between human dignity and
protection of diversity: the Federal District’s Ley de Voluntad Anticipada (Mexico City)”, at the
International Conference on “Law at the end of life. Principles, decisions, cases”;
Saltillo (Coahuila, Mexico), 12-13 May 2011 presented “Los mensajes presidenciales en cadena
nacional. El caso Calderón” (Presidential Messages in “National Chain”. The Calderon case) at
the International Seminar “Temas actuales del derecho a la información en materia
electoral”(Current themes of the right to information on electoral issues);
Birmingham (United Kingdom), 4-6 April 2011, presented “Hate propaganda: a threat to Canada
internal peace and stability” at the BACS (British Association of Canadian Studies) 36th Annual
Mexico City (Mexico), 31 March-1 April 2011, presented “La igualdad de género en el acceso a
cargos electivos: el caso italiano”(Gender Equality in Accessing to Elective Duties: the Italian case)
at the International Congress on “Participación política y liderazgo femenino.Visión de gobierno
incluyente: derechos políticos, leyes y gestión pública con enfoque de género”( Political
Participation and Female Leadership. Inclusive Governance: Political Rights, Law and Public
Administration Under a Gender Perspective);
Fredericton (New Brunswick, Canada), 24 February 2011 presented “The Use of Cultural Argument
in Judicial Reasoning: A Comparison Between Canada and Italy”, at the University of New
Brunswick, Faculty of Law;
St. John’s (New Brunswick, Canada), 19 February 2011 presented “The Use of Cultural Argument in
Judicial Reasoning: the Canadian Constitutional Perspective”, at the First Annual Social Sciences
and Humanities Student Conference and Workshop;
Mexico City, (Mexico) 6-10 December 2010, presented “The Use of the Cultural Argument in the
Judicial Reasoning in Multicultural Societies: a Constitutional Perspective in South Africa and
Canada” at VIII World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law;
Mexico City, (Mexico) 6-10 December 2010, presented “The use of foreign precedents in
constitutional adjudication: freedom of expression and hate speech in Namibian case law” at VIII
World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law;
Milan (Italy), 22-24 September 2010, presented “A Comparative Perspective on Hate Speech
Constitutional Regulation and the Emergence of a Canadian Model”, at the Nineteenth European
Seminar for Graduate Students in Canadian Studies;
Canterbury (United Kingdom), 11-12 June 2010, presented “Hate speech towards freedom of
expression, theories of recognition and human dignity. A comparative perspective” at the BACL
(British Association of Comparative Law) Postgraduate Workshop on Comparative Law;
Trento (Italy), 25-26 September 2009, presented “Modelli di circolazione giurisprudenziale: l'hate
speech nella giurisprudenza della Namibia” ( Models of judicial circulation: freedom of expression
and hate speech in Namibian case law) at a Conference on "Quali ‘vie di comunicazione’ del
costituzionalismo contemporaneo? Ipotesi a confronto" (Which are contemporary constitutionalism
‘ways of communication’? Comparing hypothesis) ;
London, 14-15 November 2008, presented “The Supreme Court of Namibia” (Interest Group on the
“Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges”) at a Conference “The Regulatory State:
Constitutional Implications”.
July 2011-October 2011, Centre of Comparative Constitutional Studies, The University of
Melbourne, Melbourne Law School (Melbourne, Australia), under the Endeavour Research Award;
May 2011, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
(México City, México);
February 2011, UNB, Faculty of Law (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada);
July 2010 –August 2010, Centre for Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta, School of Law
(Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), under the Doctoral Student Research Award 2009-2010, granted by
the Government of Canada;
March 2010, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg,
July 2009, University of Namibia-Supreme Court of Namibia (Windhoek, Namibia);
June 2009, North-West University (Potchefstroom, South Africa);
May-June 2009 Universidad de Sevilla (Sevilla, Spain);
November 2008, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (London, United Kingdom).
Radio programs:
Ultima Instancia (Universidad Autonoma de Mexico Radio Program): together with Prof.
Alfonso Ochoa Hoffmann discussing the European Courts of Human Rights’s case “Lautsi v.
Al Aire Libre (Indipendent Program-Mexico), discussing the Italian legal culture.
TV Program:
Entre Argumentos (Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federacion, Mexico), discussing
the Felipe Calderon case.
La representación de género en Italia (Gender representation in Italy)(together with Tania Groppi),
in Justicia Electoral (Electoral Justice), num. 8.1, 2011, 149-184;
Tecniche di interpretazione costituzionale nel riconoscimento dei diritti delle coppie omosessuali in
Colombia (Techniques of constitutional interpretation in the recognition of same-sex couples’ rights
in Colombia), in Ianus, n. 3, 2011, forthcoming (accepted on 18 September, 2011);
Il caso namibiano, tra rispetto delle tradizioni culturali e lotta alla segregazione razziale:profili di
storia costituzionale (The Namibian case, between the respect for cultural traditions and the fight
against racial segregation: profiles of constitutional history), in Federalismi - Rivista di diritto
pubblico italiano, comunitario e comparato (Federalism – Journal of Italian, Communitarian and
Comparative Public Law), n.18, 2011, 1-24;
Modelli di circolazione giurisprudenziale: la libertà di espressione e l’hate speech nella
giurisprudenza della Namibia (Models of judicial circulation: freedom of expression and hate speech
in Namibian case law), in Revista general de derecho publico comparado (General Review of
Comparative Public Law), n. 9 July 2011, 1-13;
Brevi considerazioni sul rapporto tra diritto interno e la Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia
dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali (Some considerations on the relationship between
national law and the European Convention of Human Rights), Comment on the Cagliari Court of
Appeal Decree (12 June 2009), in Rivista Giuridica Sarda (Sardinian Judicial Review), 1, 2011;
La Corte Costituzionale e la vexata questio del rinvio pregiudiziale alla Corte di Giustizia (The
Constitutional Court and the vexata questio of the preliminary ruling to the European Court of
Justice), in Osservatorio sulle fonti (Observatory on the Sources of Law), n. 2, 2008, 1-7 (on line
Un dibattito ancora attuale: l’Olocausto e la sua negazione (A still relevant debate: Holocaust and
its denial), in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo (Comparative and European Public Law), n.4,
2008, 1921-1931;
La dottrina canadese in tema di diritti (Canadian Legal Doctrine on Fundamental Rights), in Diritto
Pubblico comparato ed europeo (Comparative and European Public Law), n.4, 2010;
Multiculturalismo e Diritti(Multiculturalism and Law): Accomodating Diversity (Conference
Resume), in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo (Comparative and European Public Law), n.4,
La soberanía en transición: la auto-representación de las colectividades regionales entre“Cultura” y
“Derecho” en la jurisprudencia constitucional española e italiana, in E.Álvarez Conde (ed.),
Autonomías y unidad del ordenamiento jurídico: la cuadratua del circulo, Ed. Dykinson, Madrid,
2011, forthcoming, accepted on October 2011;
The use of foreign precedents in constitutional adjudication: The Namibian experience, in T. Groppi,
M.C. Ponthoreau (eds.), The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges,Hart Publishing,
2012, forthcoming, accepted on September 2011;
Sulle minoranze linguistiche(On linguistic minorities), in P. Bonetti, A. Cassatella, F. Cortese, A.
Deffenu, A. Guazzarotti, (eds.), Giudice amministrativo e diritti costituzionali (Administrative
jurisprudence and constitutional rights), Giappichelli, 2011, forthcoming,accepted on September
Los mensajes presidenciales en cadena nacional. El caso Calderón.(Presidential messages in
“National Chain”. The Calderon case), in L. E. Ríos Vega (ed.), Temas actuales del derecho a la
información pública en materia electoral, Centro de Derechos Políticos,Mexico-Madrid, 2011,
forthcoming, accepted on May 2011;
El derecho de voto de los “inmates” en Canadá entre deferencia y dialogo institucional (The right to
vote of inmates in Canada between deference and institutional dialogue), in L. E. Ríos Vega (ed.), La
muerte civil en el siglo XXI. Una perspectiva comparada, Centro de Derechos Políticos, MexicoMadrid, 2011, forthcoming, accepted on May 2011;
La collaborazione in Conferenza Stato-Regioni sugli atti non normativi del Governo (The
collaboration within the State-Regions Conference on no-normative acts), in G. Carpani, A.
Siniscalchi (eds.), Collaborare per l’ambiente-L’effettività della collaborazione tra Stato,Regioni ed
Enti locali in materia di ambiente dopo la riforma del Titolo V (Collaborating for the Environmentthe effectiveness of the collaboration between State, Regions and local governments on environment
after the amendment of the V Title of the Constitution),Gangemi, 2011, 321-333, forthcoming,
accepted on February 2011;
L’effettività della collaborazione in materia di ambiente tra Stato ed enti locali: l’esperienza dei
Consigli delle autonomie locali in Sardegna ed Umbria, ( The effectiveness of the collaboration on
environmental issues between the State and local governments: the experience of the Councils of
local governments in Sardinia and Umbria), in G. Carpani, A. Siniscalchi (eds.), Collaborare per
l’ambiente-L’effettività della collaborazione tra Stato,Regioni ed Enti locali in materia di ambiente
dopo la riforma del Titolo V, (Collaborating for the Environment- the effectiveness of the
collaboration between State, Regions and local governments on environment after the amendment of
the V Title of the Constitution), Gangemi, 2011, 407-469, forthcoming, accepted on February 2011;
Le decisioni di fine vita tra dignità umana e tutela delle diversità: la Ley de Voluntad Anticipida del
Distrito Federal (Città del Messico)(End-of-life decisions between human dignity and protection of
diversity: the Federal District’s Ley de Voluntad Anticipada (Mexico City)), in the “The Law at the
end of life. Principles, decisions, cases” International Conference proceedings (held in Naples (Italy),
19- 21 May 2011), 2011 forthcoming;
A comparative perspective on hate speech regulation: the emergence of the Canadian model, in
Nineteenth European Seminar for Graduate Students in Canadian Studies proceedings (held in Milan
(Italy), 22-24 September 2010), 2011, forthcoming;
Ancora sulle lois memorielles: la parola del Conseil constitutionnel sull’antinegazionismo (Still on
the lois memorielles: the word to the Conseil constitutionnel on genocide denial), in, March, 2012;
Tra le tessere del mosaico culturale canadese non c’è la poligamia (Among the pieces of Canadian
cultural mosaic there is no space for polygamy), in, January, 2012;
L’assolutismo del I Emendamento e lo spazio negato alla dignità umana(The Absolutism of the First
Amendment and the place denied to human dignity), in, August, 2011;
Speech is powerful. La Corte suprema statunitense e il I Emendamento (Speech is powerful. The
Supreme Court and the First Amendment), in, May, 2011;
Spagna: Approvata la legge che limita la giurisdizione universale, (Spain: The Law limiting
Universal Jurisdiction Approval
(Chronicle), in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo
(Comparative and European Public Law), n.1/2010, 1-3 (on line issue);
The European Court of Justice decides on the preliminary ruling requested for first time by the
Italian Constitutional Court, in PalomarItaly, num. 9, January 2010;
The Italian Court of Cassation establishes the duty for Italian judges to refer to the principles of the
Charter of Nice even when deciding cases filed prior to Charter’s entry into force (Court of
Cassation decision no. 2352/2010), in PalomarItaly, num. 10, April 2010;
Andorra – Rafforzati i diritti delle coppie di fatto, (Andorra: reinforced unmarried and same sex
couplet rights), (Palomar, first trimester 2009), in Ianus, n.1/2009, 4;
Colombia – La Colombia approva due leggi di tutela dei diritti delle persone anziane e delle
donne,(Colombia: approved two laws protecting women and elders), (Palomar, first trimester 2009),
in Ianus, n.1/2009, 11-13;
Lettonia – La Corte Costituzionale lettone riconosce il diritto dei detenuti alle ferie
retribuite,(Latvian Constitutional Court recognizes convicted right to enjoy paid holidays) (Palomar,
first trimester 2009), in Ianus, n.1/2009, 35-37;
Liberia – La Corte suprema annulla la sospensione del Presidente del Senato, (Liberia: Supreme
Court cancel the suspension against the President of the Senate, (Palomar, first trimester 2009), in
Ianus, n.1/2009, 37-38;
Portogallo – Il Parlamento respinge la legalizzazione del same-sex marriage, (Portugal: Parliament
refuses to legalize same sex marriage), (Palomar, first trimester 2009), in Ianus, n.1/2009, 43;
Portogallo – Approvato il nuovo Statuto delle Isole Azzorre, (Portugal: Approved the new Azores
Islands Statute), (Palomar, first trimester 2009), in Ianus, n.1/2009, 44;
Spagna – Dichiarata l’illegittimità della presenza del crocifisso in aula, (Spain: the uncostitutionality
of crucifix in classrooms), (Palomar, first trimester 2009), in Ianus, n.1/2009, 55-56;
According to the Italian Court of Cassation the mere qualification of a subject as unwelcome within
the Schengen area cannot preclude issuance of an entry visa by the Italian Government unless proof
of serious threat to the national community is given (Court of Cassation, decision n. 27224/2008), in
PalomarItaly, num. 5, January 2009;
The right to cultural and religious identity is addressed in significant decisions issued by Italian
lowers courts of first instance (Tribunal of Cremona, decision issued on 19 February 2009; Tribunal
of Vicenza, decision issued on January 28, 2009; G.I.P. of the Tribunal in Milan, ordinance issued on
February 26, 2009), in PalomarItaly, num. 6, April 2009;
The Italian Constitutional Court declares void the act promulgating the so-called Statute Law for the
Sardinia Region (Constitutional Court Decision n. 149/2009), in PalomarItaly, num.7, July 2009;
Italian Law. No. 94/2009 adopts several different legal remedies to deal with social emergency
issues, among which a modification to the Criminal Code making illegal immigration a crime, in
PalomarItaly, num. 8, October 2009;
Honduras: Colpo di stato e sospensione dei diritti costituzionali, (Honduras: coup d’état and the
suspension of constitutional rights), (Chronicle), in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo
(Comparative and European Public Law), n.4/2009, 1639-1640;
The use of the notion of Sovereignty in drafting a Regional Statute and its consistency with a
Regional Form of Government (Constitutional Court Decision n. 365/2007), in PalomarItaly, num.1,
January 2008;
Conflict of competence between State Powers: the Italian Constitutional Court defines the boundaries
between the powers of the Judicial Authority and of the Parliamentary Investigating Committee in the
frame of the principle of loyal cooperation (Constitutional Court decision n. 26/2008), in
PalomarItaly, num. 2, April 2008;
The Italian Constitutional Court for the first time applies to the ECJ asking for a preliminary ruling
on the interpretation of Community law (Constitutional Court ordinance n. 103/2008), in
PalomarItaly, num. 2, April 2008;
The Italian Constitutional Court recognizes for the first time the right to monetary damages for unjust
imprisonment to detainees not acquitted on the merits (Italian Constitutional Court, decision n.
219/2008), in PalomarItaly, num. 4, October 2008;
Lettonia: Fallisce il referendum per la modifica della Costituzione (Latvia: Referendum for the
Constitution’s amendment failed) , (Chronicle) in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo,
(Comparative and European Public Law), n.4/2008;
Spagna: Incostituzionale la legge basca che prevede la convocazione di una consultazione popolare
sulla cessazione delle violenze legate al terrorismo dell’ETA, (Spain: Declared unconstitutional the
Basque Law for the convocation of a referendum on the suspension of terroristic violence)
(Chronicle), in Diritto Pubblico comparato ed europeo, (Comparative and European Public Law),
C. BARON, Bioetica e diritto negli Stati Uniti: una prospettiva giudiziaria (Bioethics and Law in the
United States: a judicial perspective), in Bioetica e diritto (Bioethics and Law), Editoriale Scientifica,
2010, 45-74.

Curriculum Vitae