Letteratura Scientifica Premessa Allo scopo di individuare i principali progetti di ricerca sviluppati da Università ed Istituti italiani, nell’ambito delle tematiche nutrizione, alimentazione e sviluppo sostenibile, ed individuare specifiche competenze scientifiche in tali settori, è stata effettuata una accurata analisi della letteratura scientifica. La ricerca è stata svolta attraverso l’uso dello SciFinder Scholar, una banca dati della CAS (divisione della American Chemical Society), che contiene la più numerosa ed aggiornata raccolta di informazioni scientifiche. La ricerca è stata effettuata con le seguenti parole chiave: • nutrition and sustainable development/growth • nutrition and food • food science and food technology • food industry La ricerca è stata poi ristretta ai soli lavori prodotti in Italia nell’ultimo decennio (1998-2008). I risultati ottenuti sono riportati nella tabella che segue. Numero di Pubblicazioni Ottenuto dalla Ricerca Parole-chiave nutrition and sustainable nutrition and food food science and food technology food industry Totali 1998-2008 7506 5137 202078 Prodotte in Reviews Brevetti 122 35 2 100596 1712 384 57 16796 10919 284 91 4 17060 10704 216 56 12 Italia Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Analisi della Letteratura L’analisi della letteratura è stata condotta allo scopo di evidenziare i punti fondamentali a cui si rivolge la ricerca scientifica nel settore dell’alimentazione, in particolare in Italia. Un primo aspetto che sicuramente emerge è la dimensione sociale ed ambientale della Scienza dell’Alimentazione, ovvero la necessità di definire una nuova Scienza dell’Alimentazione ed una nuova politica della nutrizione, maggiormente attente ai problemi sociali ed ambientali. Questa riflessione porta gli scienziati che operano nel settore verso la ricerca di una Scienza dell’Alimentazione e di politiche nutrizionali, poste in un contesto di sviluppo sostenibile. A tal fine, la ricerca è principalmente indirizzati verso i seguenti obiettivi: • rispetto dell’ambiente: identificazione ed uso delle risorse disponibili; agricoltura sostenibile; sostenibilità in zootecnia; • sicurezza alimentare: tracciabilità degli alimenti in tutte le fasi della catena alimentare; sviluppo di metodi di controllo degli alimenti; • alimentazione e salute: corretta alimentazione per la prevenzione di patologie; gestione di patologie legate ad errate abitudini alimentari; alimentazione nella terza età; micro-nutrienti: uso e abuso. I punti indicati non sono tra loro separati, ma strettamente interconnessi in un ciclo, che, se correttamente attuato, garantirebbe al cittadino una migliore qualità della vita. 1 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Educazione alimentare Corrette abitudini alimentari; Salute alimentazione sana ed equilibrata ¾ ¾ Agricoltura e zootecnia sostenibili Igiene degli alimenti: produzione, packaging, conservazione e trasporto Emerge inoltre la necessità di fornire al cittadino informazioni chiare e non ingannevoli Importanza di programmi di “teaching and training” Da questo quadro semplice quadro, appare che importanti aree di ricerca possono essere così schematizzate: • • • • • • • Alimenti da sistemi di produzione sostenibile e a basso impatto ambientale. Ottimizzazione della catena produttiva in agricoltura. Nuove tecniche di produzione: alimenti e nutrienti. Effetti di contaminanti ambientali sulla salute: neurotossicità, allergie, etc. Influenza della nutrizione sulla salute nella terza età Impatto dell’alimentazione sulla salute Sviluppo di metodologie per la tracciabilità degli alimenti 2 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Altre utili fonti bibliografiche sono: • APAT: “Annuario dati ambientali - edizione 2007”; • APAT: “Italian Greenhouse Inventory 1990 - 2006. National Inventory Report 2007”; • APAT - ONR: “Rapporto Rifiuti 2006”; • COM (2006) 105, 2006: “Libro Verde: una strategia per un’energia sostenibile, competitiva e sicura”; • CEFIC: “Responsible Care Annual Report: Europe 2006 - 2007”; • Federchimica: “L’industria Chimica in Italia - Rapporto 2007 - 2008”, • Federchimica: “L’Industria Chimica in Cifre, 2007 - 2008”; • ICCA: “Responsible Care 1985 - 2005”; • LEGAMBIENTE: “L’emergenza Idrica in Italia - 2007” • Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio: “Relazione sullo stato dell’ambiente - 2005”; • Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico: “Bilancio Energetico Nazionale - 2006”; • Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti: “Conto Nazionale delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti anni 2006 - 2007”. • CEFIC, Federchimica “14° Rapporto Annuale Responsible Care® - 2007” Alcuni utili siti web: http://www.minerva.unito.it/default.htm http://www.minerva.unito.it/Chimica&industria/IndiceChimicaIndustria.htm http://www.federchimica.it/Index.aspx http://www.riflessioni.it/salute_alimentazione_naturale/index.htm Elsevier, Trends in Food Science & Technology: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/601278/description#description European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST): http://www.effost.org/index.htm 3 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Nutrition and Sustainable Development/Growth 4 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 5 Research Topic candidates were identified in CAPLUS and MEDLINE. using the phrase "nutrition and sustainable development" Selected 2 of 5 candidate topics. 1 reference was found containing "nutrition and sustainable development" as entered. 6887 references were found containing both of the concepts "nutrition" and "sustainable". Refine by Company Name started 150 references were found when refined by Company Name "italy" Remove Duplicates 119 references were found (31 duplicates removed) Refine by Publication Year started 111 references were found when refined by Publication Year "1998-2008" Refine by Publication Year started 99 references were found when refined by Publication Year "2000-2008" Copyrights: CAPLUS: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (The UK patent material in this product/service is UK Crown copyright and is made available with permission. © Crown Copyright. The French (FR) patent material in this product/service is made available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle (INPI).) MEDLINE: Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine REGISTRY: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (Some records contain information from GenBank(R). See also: Benson D.A., Karsch-Mizrachi I., Lipman D.J., Ostell J., Rapp B.A., Wheeler D.L. Genbank. Nucl. Acids Res. 28(1):15-18 (2000). Property values tagged with IC are from the ZIC/VINITI data file provided by InfoChem.) CAS Registry is a service mark of the American Chemical Society. CASREACT: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (In addition to reactions indexed by CAS, CASREACT contains reactions derived from the following sources: ZIC/VINITI database (journals 1974-1999, patents 1982-1999) provided by InfoChem, INPI data prior to 1986, and Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich.) CHEMLIST, CHEMCATS: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. Bibliographic Information Saffron, an alternative crop for sustainable agricultural systems. A review. Gresta, F.; Lombardo, G. M.; Siracusa, L.; Ruberto, G. Dipartimento di Scienze Agronomiche, Agrochimiche e delle Produzioni Animali, Universita de Catania, Catania, Italy. Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2008), 28(1), 95-112. Publisher: EDP Sciences, CODEN: ASDGAP ISSN: 1774-0746. Journal written in English. AN 2008:539741 CAPLUS 5 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) is an autumnal flowering geophite whose dried stigmas, well known for their arom. and coloring power, have been used since immemorial time as a spice in human nutrition, for medicinal purposes and as a dye. Many doubts remain on its origin; it was probably selected and domesticated in Crete during the Late Bronze Age. Saffron is an autotriploid geophyte species, self- and out-sterile and mostly male-sterile and therefore unable to produce seed, that reproduces by means of corms. Furthermore, it has a reverse biol. cycle compared with the majority of cultivated and spontaneous plants: flowering first in Oct.-Nov., then vegetative development until May, which means that the vegetative development is not directly important for prodn. of stigmas, but for the prodn. of new corms. Due to its unique biol., physiol. and agronomic traits, saffron is able to exploit marginal land and to be included in low-input cropping systems, representing an alternative viable crop for sustainable agriculture. Notwithstanding this great potential and the considerable increase in new generation consumer demand for saffron, the future of the plant is still uncertain. Indeed, the main obstacles to saffron prodn. are: (1) the limited areas of cultivation in countries where it is traditionally grown, (2) the great amt. of sophisticated spice, (3) management techniques executed by hand, and (4) the very high price of the spice. Here we review the main biol., genetic and ecol. traits assocd. with agronomic management techniques of saffron in relation to environmental conditions. Color, taste and aroma are the essential features on which the quality of saffron stigmas is founded. In turn, these aspects are strictly connected with the biomol. compn. of the stigmas, namely, the carotenoids and their derivs. With this in mind, the biosynthetic pathway that leads to the formation of saffron secondary metabolites and their abundance in the spice is presented, together with the biomedical properties commonly assocd. with saffron. Furthermore, a detailed overview of the more recent instrumental methods to assess the quality of saffron, strictly from a chem. point of view, will be discussed. Bibliographic Information Assessment of alternative land management practices using hydrological simulation and a decision support tool: Arborea agricultural region, Sardinia. Cau, P.; Paniconi, C. Center for Advanced Studies, Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico, POLARIS, Research and Development in Sardinia (CRS4), Pula, Italy. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (2007), 11(6), 1811-1823. Publisher: European Geosciences Union, CODEN: HESSCF ISSN: 1027-5606. Journal written in English. AN 2008:401897 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Quantifying the impact of land use on water supply and quality is a primary focus of environmental management. In this work we apply a semidistributed hydrol. model (SWAT) to predict the impact of different land management practices on water and agricultural chem. yield over a long period of time for a study site situated in the Arborea region of central Sardinia, Italy. The phys. processes assocd. with water movement, crop growth, and nutrient cycling are directly modeled by SWAT. The model simulations are used to identify indicators that reflect crit. processes related to the integrity and sustainability of the ecosystem. Specifically we focus on stream quality and quantity indicators assocd. with anthropogenic and natural sources of pollution. A multicriteria decision support system is then used to develop the anal. matrix where water quality and quantity indicators for the rivers, lagoons, and soil are combined with socio-economic variables. The DSS is used to assess four options involving alternative watersheds designated for intensive agriculture and dairy farming and the use or not of treated wastewater for irrigation. Our anal. suggests that of the four options, the most widely acceptable consists in the transfer of intensive agricultural practices to the larger watershed, which is less vulnerable, in tandem with wastewater reuse, which rates highly due to water scarcity in this region of the Mediterranean. More generally, the work demonstrates how both qual. and quant. methods and information can assist decision making in complex settings. Bibliographic Information Free fatty acids as mediators of adaptive compensatory responses to insulin resistance in dexamethasone-treated rats. Novelli, Michela; Pocai, Alessandro; Chiellini, Chiara; Maffei, Margherita; Masiello, Pellegrino. Department of Experimental Pathology, University of Pisa, Italy. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews (2008), 24(2), 6 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 155-164. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., CODEN: DMRRFM ISSN: 1520-7552. Journal written in English. AN 2008:333548 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Background Chronic low-dose dexamethasone (DEX) treatment in rats is assocd. to insulin resistance with compensatory hyperinsulinemia and redn. in food intake. We tested the hypothesis that the elevation in circulating free fatty acids (FFAs) induced by DEX is the common mediator of both insulin resistance and insulin hyperprodn. Methods For this purpose, an anti-lipolytic agent was administered during DEX treatment to lower lipacidemia for several hours prior to glucose and insulin tolerance tests. Leptin expression in adipose tissue (by Northern blot) and plasma leptin levels (by RIA) were also investigated to verify whether a rise in circulating leptin could be responsible for the anorectic effect of DEX. Results Our data show that a transient pharmacol. redn. of elevated plasma FFA levels abates the post-loading hyperinsulinemia and counteracts the insulin resistance induced by DEX, supporting the hypothesis that the chronic elevation in FFAs is the common mediator of DEX-induced changes. Despite enhanced leptin expression in white adipose tissue, DEX-treated rats show no significant increase in plasma leptin levels. This suggests that the anorectic effect of DEX should be mediated, at least partially, by other factors, possibly related to the influence of concomitantly elevated plasma FFA and insulin levels on the hypothalamic centers regulating feeding. Conclusions Our results sustain the idea that a prolonged increase in plasma FFA levels plays an important role in the adaptive regulation of glucose and energy homeostasis, not only by potentiating insulin secretion but also by providing a signal of 'nutrient abundance' capable of restraining food intake. Bibliographic Information Genes expressed in Blue Fin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) liver and gonads. Chini, Valentina; Cattaneo, Anna Giulia; Rossi, Federica; Bernardini, Giovanni; Terova, Genciana; Saroglia, Marco; Gornati, Rosalba. Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Scienze Molecolari, Universita dell'Insubria, Varese, Italy. Gene (2008), 410(1), 207-213. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: GENED6 ISSN: 0378-1119. Journal written in English. CAN 148:441963 AN 2008:231710 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Blue Fin Tuna (BFT), Thunnus thynnus, has been seriously endangered by global massive overfishing and by the pollution of marine environment. Feeding and fattening of caught tuna in marine cages is a recent resource, but the development of a self-sustained aquaculture activity, being independent from the supply of wild fish, is required from both industrial and conservation perspectives. At this scope, several tech. problems have to be solved and the control of reprodn. is the cardinal one. Beside the technol. developments of farming facilities and protocols, a mol. approach seems promising for the studies of appropriate nutritional strategies, reprodn. physiol. and animal welfare, as well as lifestyle and response to endocrine disruptor pollutants. In this context, we have started an EST project on this species sequencing 2743, 2907, and 3014 clones from expression libraries of ovary, testis and liver, resp., and 1499 clones from an ovary normalized library. Thanks to this project, we have identified several sequences with known function in other organisms, but not previously described in this species. Among the new genes, 712 were found only in the expression library of the ovary, 613 in that of the testis and 318 in that of the liver, while 324 addnl. genes were shared by two or more expression libraries; other 127 genes not found in the expression libraries were obtained from the ovary normalized library. This represents a contribution to the knowledge of the mol. basis of BFT and a necessary step for facilitating further mol. studies on this species. Bibliographic Information Olsen phosphorus, exchangeable cations and salinity in two long-term experiments of north-eastern Italy and assessment of soil quality evolution. Morari, Francesco; Lugato, Emanuele; Giardini, Luigi. Dipartimento di Agronomia Ambientale e Produzioni Vegetali Agripolis, Universita di Padova, viale dell'Universita 16, Legnaro (Padova), Italy. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2008), 124(1-2), 85-96. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: AEENDO ISSN: 0167-8809. Journal written in English. AN 2008:177661 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 7 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract Due to its food prodn. and environmental buffering functions, soil is considered a strategic target by the European Union and its quality evaluation could be used as an effective index of sustainability. The evolution of some soil chem. parameters has been studied in two long-term trials established in the early 1960s in north-eastern Italy: one (SF) comparing nutrient management treatments (i.e. org., mineral and mixed fertilizers) in lysimeters contg. widely contrasting soil types (i.e. sand, clay and peat) and the other (CR) involving a field study with crop rotation, nutrient (org. vs. mineral fertilizers), and management intensity variables. Soil was analyzed for Olsen phosphorus (Pav), exchangeable cations (Kex, Naex, Mgex and Caex) and salinity, evaluated by measuring the elec. cond. (EC). A bifactorial quality index based on fuzzy logic was then tested and applied to assess the overall soil quality and its evolution in the cropping systems. A min. dataset of chem. (pH, org. carbon, cation exchange capacity, Pav and Kex) and phys. parameters (available water content and water-filled porosity) was used to elaborate the index. In general, the use of org. fertilizer resulted in higher Pav, Kex and Mgex concns. than the mineral treatments at the same levels, whereas no differences for Naex and Caex were obsd. Salinity level was not influenced by the org. treatments probably because the consistent water drainage in the area prevented salt accumulation. The soil quality index represented the soil productivity function, explaining up to 74% of yield variability. Index comparison highlighted the pos. role of org. and mixed fertilizations in increasing and maintaining the soil quality. The bi-factorial index of soil quality based on a min. dataset is a good tool for the policy maker to evaluate the effects of management practices. However, standardization and accuracy of the soil analyses are important to reduce sources of variability that could have a strong influence on the soil quality evaluation. Bibliographic Information Nutrient fluxes in kiwifruit orchards. Tagliavini, Massimo; Scandellari, Francesca. Dipartimento di Colture Arboree, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University, Bologna, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2007), 753(Proceedings of the VIth International Symposium on Kiwifruit, 2006, Volume 2), 487-494. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. AN 2008:170774 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Understanding the cycling of nutrients at the orchard ecosystem scale and quantifying their fluxes between different compartments are important steps for a sustainable management of fertilization allowing improvements of the use efficiency of internal resources and a redn. of both the need for external fertilizer and the losses of nutrients from the system. This paper discusses approaches used to study biogeochem. cycles at the orchard scale, exemplified by specific data on kiwifruit from the literature. The focus is on methodol. aspects as well as on the potential use of results. Major fluxes of macronutrients considered are 1) uptake and partitioning; 2) cycling within the plant; and 3) soil return of nutrients during decompn. of vine litter. Soil nutrient uptake and partitioning within vines are assessed by excavation of plants and data on biomass of pruned wood, abscised leaves and fruit as well as their nutrient concns. Internal cycling studies have been focussed mainly on nitrogen because of the availability of the stable isotope 15N and have addressed the storage and remobilization processes between subsequent years as well as recycling between leaves and roots within a single season. Nutrient release from decompg. leaves and prunings was studied using the litter bag technique and 15N labeled material. Data on nutrient fluxes should be integrated in a model to predict fertilizer needs and the fate of internal and exogenous nutrients. Bibliographic Information Intestinal fermentation: dietary and microbial interactions. Piva, A.; Galvano, F.; Biagi, G.; Casadei, G. DIMORFIPA, Universita' degli Studi di Bologna, Ozzano Emilia, Italy. Biology of Growing Animals (2006), 4(Biology of Nutrition in Growing Animals), 3-31. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: BGAIAB ISSN: 1570-6222. Journal; General Review written in English. AN 2008:169777 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 8 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 A review. The gastrointestinal tract of growing animals represents a complex and constantly changing milieu, according to the result of complex interactions between dietary ingredients (influenced by their chem. and phys. characteristics), age, prodn. stage and immune status of the animal, environment management and microflora metab. The antibiotic growth promoter era is at its endpoint and new strategies to maintain high and safe prodn. stds. are needed. In this scenario, no longer bacterial inhibition, but rather bacterial modulation should be the primary target of all research efforts. Moreover, any alternative to antibiotics should be properly studied and must fit to prodn. conditions and market requirements in order to be successful. Addn. of org. acids, prebiotics and probiotics, as well as lowering the dietary buffering capacity and direct feeding of specific nutrients to sustain intestinal mucosa functions, are all strategies that require in-depth investigation. Some efforts are in progress to assess the advantages of "combo strategies" where, for example, a blend of org. acids could cumulate the effects of the different acids on animal physiol. and microbial metab., while a symbiotic combination could maximize the efficacy of a prebiotic NDO (nondigestible oligosaccharide) by coupling it with a probiotic strain that can electively ferment it. Science in the post-antibiotic era of animal farming is facing an intriguing challenge that will give a successful return only if applicable and reliable in practical situations. Bibliographic Information Treated and untreated olive waste water application on ryegrass meadow: chemical soil properties and yielding responses. Montemurro, F.; Ferri, D.; Convertini, G.; Maiorana, M. C. R. A. Istituto Sperimentale Agronomico, Bari, Italy. Agrochimica (2007), 51(2-3), 148-159. Publisher: Pacini Editore, CODEN: AGRCAX ISSN: 00021857. Journal written in English. AN 2007:1394264 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A two-year expt. was carried out on a rye-grass meadow with the aim to evaluate the effect of untreated and treated Olive Waste Water (OWW) on yield and N utilization of rye-grass, and on soil chem. characteristics. In a completely randomised split-plot exptl. design with three replications, the following treatments were compared: unfertilised control (Contr); OWW at 50 m3 ha-1 (max. dose permitted by the Italian law) (OWW); OWW treated with MnOx catalyzer at 50 m3 ha-1 (T_OWW). Both wastes were also applied on soil without cultivation. The results showed that the cumulative dry matter yield was higher in T_OWW treatment in the exptl. years, confirming the possibility to use olive wastes as partial substitute of the mineral fertilisation. Although the total amt. of N distributed with T_OWW in both trial years was lower of the 44.2% than OWW treatment, the mean of N uptake of rye-grass was higher of the 39.1% in treated waste, indicating a higher bio availability of N in respect to the raw waste water. The results also highlighted that the application of olive wastes increased the level of main chem. soil nutrients and of org. carbon fractions and improved the soil properties; did not substantially raise the soil heavy metal levels; sustained the rye-grass growth. Finally, the org. carbon fractions increased significantly when the olive wastes were applied at the soil without rye-grass crop. Bibliographic Information Soil application of meat and bone meal. Short-term effects on mineralization dynamics and soil biochemical and microbiological properties. Mondini, Claudio; Cayuela, Maria Luz; Sinicco, Tania; Sanchez-Monedero, Miguel Angel; Bertolone, Eleonora; Bardi, Laura. Istituto Sperimentale per la Nutrizione delle Piante, Sezione di Gorizia, CRA, Gorizia, Italy. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2008), 40(2), 462-474. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: SBIOAH ISSN: 0038-0717. Journal written in English. AN 2007:1320198 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Meat and bone meal (MBM) utilization for animal prodn. was banned in the European Union since 2000 as a consequence of the appearance of transmissive spongiform encephalopathies. Soil application could represent a lawful and effective strategy for the sustainable recycling of MBM due to its relevant content of nutritive elements and org. matter. The effectiveness of MBM as org. fertilizer needs to be thoroughly investigated since there is a lack of knowledge about the mineralization dynamics of MBM in soil and the impact of such residues, in particular the high content of lipids, on soil biochem. and microbiol. properties. For this aim, a defatted (D) and the correspondent non- 9 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 defatted (ND) MBM were added at two rates (200 and 400 kg N ha-1) to two different moist soils and incubated at 15 and 20 C for 14 d. MBM mineralization dynamics was studied by measuring CO2 evolution. Water extractable org. C, K2SO4-extractable NO-3 and NH+4, microbial biomass ninhydrin-reactive N, enzymic activities (FDA, urease, protease, alk. phosphatase) and microbial compn. (aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, fungi) were measured 2 and 14 d after MBM addn. to the soil. The rate of CO2 evolution showed a max. 2-3 d after the addn. of MBM, followed by a decrease approaching the control. MBM mineralization was fast with, on av., 54% of total CO2 evolved in the first 4 d of incubation at 20 C. The percentage of added C which was evolved as CO2 at the end of the incubation period ranged between 8% and 16% and was affected by temp., soil type and MBM treatment (ND > D). Soil amendment with MBM caused a noteworthy increase in both extractable NH+4 and NO-3 (about 50% of added N) which was higher for ND. The addn. of MBM also enhanced microbial content and activity. Microbial biomass increased as a function of the rate of application and was higher for ND with respect to D. The increase in nos. of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and fungi caused by MBM addn. was, in general, more pronounced with ND. Enzymic activity in amended soils showed an enhancement in nutrient availability and element cycling. At the rate of application of present work, lipids did not cause adverse effects on soil microorganisms. The potential of MBM as effective org. fertilizer was supported by the large increase in available N and the enhancement of the size and activity of soil microorganisms. Bibliographic Information Improving yield of vegetables by using soilless micro-garden technologies in peri-urban area of north-east Brazil. Gianquinto, G.; Orsini, F.; Michelon, N.; da Silva, D. F.; de Faria, F. D. Department of Environmental Agronomy and Crop Science, University of Padova, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2007), 747(Proceedings of the VIIIth International Symposium on Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climates, 2006), 57-65. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 148:494936 AN 2007:1180465 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In peri-urban areas, soils are not suitable for crop prodn. The adoption of soilless garden should allow to overtake this constrain. To assure soilless systems' sustainability at stakeholder level, all materials have to be inexpensive and easy to find locally, and garden management must be simple. This work reports some results attained in expts. carried out in Teresina (Brazil). Tomato and okra plants were tested for their adaptability to two soilless systems and two nutrient solns. Biometric measurements and phenol. stages were scheduled. At harvest, fruits were counted and weighed to asses yield. Nutrient soln. consumption has been measured throughout the growing period. Both tomato and okra showed interesting yield. Tomato is not grown on soil elsewhere in the nearby region, due to both limiting environmental conditions and diseases. In the condition tomato produced from 1.0 to 3.1 kg m-2 depending on soilless system and nutrient soln. Period from sowing to first harvest was particularly short in soilless grown okra, and yield varied with treatments (from 1.7 to 2.5 kg m-2). The systems appeared to be economically sustainable. Bibliographic Information Thyroid hormones in small ruminants: effects of endogenous, environmental and nutritional factors. Todini, L. Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali - Sezione di Produzioni Animali, Universita di Camerino, Matelica, Italy. Animal (2007), 1(7), 997-1008. Publisher: Cambridge University Press, CODEN: ANIMF4 ISSN: 1751-7311. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 147:515156 AN 2007:1159621 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Appropriate thyroid gland function and thyroid hormone activity are considered crucial to sustain the productive performance in domestic animals (growth, milk or hair fiber prodn.). Changes of blood thyroid hormone concns. are an indirect measure of the changes in thyroid gland activity and circulating thyroid hormones can be considered as indicators of the metabolic and nutritional status of the animals. Thyroid hormones play a pivotal role in the mechanisms permitting the animals to live and breed in the surrounding environment. Variations in hormone bioactivity allow the animals to adapt their metabolic balance to different environmental conditions, changes in nutrient 10 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 requirements and availability, and to homeorhetic changes during different physiol. stages. This is particularly important in the free-ranging and grazing animals, such as traditionally reared small ruminants, whose main physiol. functions (feed intake, reprodn., hair growth) are markedly seasonal. Many investigations dealt with the involvement of thyroid hormones in the expression of endogenous seasonal rhythms, such as reprodn. and hair growth cycles in fiberproducing (wool, mohair, cashmere) sheep and goats. Important knowledge about the pattern of thyroid hormone metab. and their role in ontogenetic development has been obtained from studies in the ovine fetus and in the newborn. Many endogenous (breed, age, gender, physiol. state) and environmental factors (climate, season, with a primary role of nutrition) are able to affect thyroid activity and hormone concns. in blood, acting at the level of hypothalamus, pituitary and/or thyroid gland, as well as on peripheral monodeiodination. Knowledge on such topics mirror physiol. changes and possibly allows the monitoring and manipulation of thyroid physiol., in order to improve animal health, welfare and prodn. Bibliographic Information Chemo-biological suppression of root-infecting zoosporic pathogens in recirculating hydroponic systems. Pagliaccia, D.; Ferrin, D.; Stanghellini, M. E. Department of Plant Production, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. Plant and Soil (2007), 299(1-2), 163-179. Publisher: Springer, CODEN: PLSOA2 ISSN: 0032-079X. Journal written in English. AN 2007:1119194 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Zoosporic root-infecting pathogens are the most destructive organisms in enclosed environment agricultural systems which recycle irrigation water. Numerous strategies have been proposed for reducing or eliminating these pathogens from recycled irrigation water. These strategies include the following: filtration, sedimentation, chlorination, ozonation, heat, UV light, application of antimicrobial chems., suppressive potting substrates, and biol. control agents. The latter strategy has been the focus of numerous investigations but consistency in performance in disease abatement following their application has not been realized. This has been attributed, in part, to the inability of these potential biocontrol bacteria to maintain a crit. threshold population necessary for sustained biocontrol activity. That threshold population has been estd. at not less than 106 CFU g-1 of soil or root. Recently, we demonstrated that amending recycled irrigation water with specific carbon substrates (i.e., N-Serve or Truban) resulted in the selective enhancement of the indigenous fluorescent pseudomonad populations to levels at or above the presumed threshold levels necessary for disease control. In our current study, we verified the ubiquity of that response in different cultural systems involving two different host plants (i.e., cucumber and pepper) and, most significantly, we document, for the first time, significant and sustained disease abatement. Addnl., we demonstrated that nitrapyrin, the active ingredients in N-Serve and Truban, exerted direct antifungal activity whereas the inert ingredients had an indirect role in disease suppression. Specifically, the inert ingredients were responsible for the increase in the fluorescent pseudomonad population. Amending the recirculating nutrient soln. with a representative fluorescent pseudomonad isolate verified and substantiated their role in disease control. Cumulatively, our results support the hypothesis that it is possible to modify the environment to make it more conducive to the multiplication and survival of indigenous biocontrol bacteria. The resident microflora in many, if not most, habitats already contain prospective biol. control members who, if enhanced, could function as antagonists to other microorganisms in the same habitat. Bibliographic Information Elemental enteral nutrition preserves the mucosal barrier and improves the trophism of the villi after small bowel transplantation in piglets. Zonta, S.; Doni, M.; Alessiani, M.; Lovisetto, F.; Vigano, J.; Mazzilli, M.; Dominioni, T.; Podetta, M.; De Martino, M.; Scaglione, M.; Vicini, E.; Bottazzi, A.; Villa, C.; Morbini, P.; Dionigi, P. Department of Surgery, University of Pavia School of Medicine and Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Matteo Hospital, Pavia, Italy. Transplantation Proceedings (2007), 39(6), 2024-2027. Publisher: Elsevier Inc., CODEN: TRPPA8 ISSN: 0041-1345. Journal written in English. CAN 147:540914 AN 2007:894023 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 11 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 The main goals for a successful small bowel transplantation (SBTx) are the control of acute rejection and maintenance of the mucosal barrier, which plays a key role in preventing bacterial translocation and preserving absorptive capacity. According to recent evidence that sustaining enteral nutrition (EN) as rehabilitative therapy improves the integrity of the mucosal barrier after SBTx, we studied the trophic effect of a new elemental enteral soln. whose proteinic supply is represented by oligomeric-aminoacidic chains. In a swine SBTx model we studied three groups, divided by the different postoperative feeding: group 1 (n = 5): std. swine chow, group 2 (n = 5): polymeric enteral soln., group 3 (n = 5): elemental enteral soln. (Peptamen, Nestle Corp). All animals were immunosuppressed with a tacrolimus/FK778 combined oral therapy. The nutritional indexes evaluated were: body wt., episodes of diarrhea, D-xylose absorption test, and histopatol. and villi morphometric anal. Three pigs died before the end of the study, two in group 1 (pneumonia and sepsis), one in group 2 (pneumonia). Mean days of diarrhea were 15, 10, and 3 in groups 1, 2, and 3, resp. (P < .05). The final/starting wt. ratio was 1.08 for group 3 and 0.92 for group 2 (P < .05); the D-xylose curves showed a statistically significant difference for group 3 vs. the groups 2 and 1 (P < .05), as well as for the villi height (P < .01) and width (P < .05). In conclusion, elemental enteral soln., with its basic protein supply, does not require a very complex enzymic system to be metabolized. Thus, it may contribute to a faster recovery of the mucosal barrier and to limit the hypercatabolic state. Bibliographic Information Oxygen and ammonium dynamics during a farming cycle of the bivalve Tapes philippinarum. Nizzoli, Daniele; Bartoli, Marco; Viaroli, Pierluigi. Department of Environmental Sciences, Parma University, Parma, Italy. Hydrobiologia (2007), 587 25-36. Publisher: Springer, CODEN: HYDRB8 ISSN: 0018-8158. Journal written in English. AN 2007:674345 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Fluxes of dissolved oxygen and ammonium across the water sediment interface were measured in a control and in an exptl. area farmed with the clam Tapes philippinarum. Young clams were seeded in March 2003 at mean (.apprx.500 ind m-2) and high (.apprx.1500 ind m-2) densities in a sandy area (2100 m2) of the Sacca di Goro Lagoon, Italy. Approx. every two months, until Oct. 2003, intact sediment cores were collected and incubated in the light and in the dark and surface sediments (0-2 cm) were analyzed for org. matter and nitrogen content. Clams farming induced pronounced changes in sediment characteristics and metab. Oxygen consumption and ammonium prodn. at the high d. area were, on av., 3 to 4 and 1.9 to 4.9 folds higher than those measured in the control field resp.; rates were pos. correlated with clams biomass. Exptl. fields resulted "Net and Total Heterotrophyc" in 3 out of 4 sampling dates and clams were the major factor shifting the benthic system towards this status. In only one occasion the appearance of the macroalgae Ulva spp. pushed the system rapidly towards hyperautotrophic conditions. Our results indicated that clams have the potential to drive benthic metab. in farmed areas and to sustain macroalgal growth through regeneration of a limiting nutrient for seawater as inorg. N. Bibliographic Information Sensitivity of a coupled physical-biological model to turbulence: high-frequency simulations in a northern Adriatic station. Carniel, Sandro; Vichi, Marcello; Sclavo, Mauro. Venice Section, Institute of Marine Sciences(CNR-ISMAR), Venice, Italy. Chemistry and Ecology (2007), 23(2), 157-175. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd., CODEN: CHECDY ISSN: 0275-7540. Journal written in English. CAN 147:490958 AN 2007:657419 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This paper investigates the impacts of different turbulence models on the biol. state at an ocean station in the northern Adriatic sea, named S3, comparing them with other uncertainties inherent to coupled phys.-biol. simulations. The numerical tool is a 1-D model resulting from the coupling of two advanced numerical models. The hydrodynamic part is modeled using the General Ocean Turbulence Model (www.gotm.net), in a version adopting state-of-the-art secondmoment Turbulence Closure Models (TCMs). Marine biogeochem. is parameterized with the Biogeochem. Flux Model (http://www.bo.ingv.it/bfm), which is a direct descendant of ERSEM (European Regional Sea Ecosystem Model). Results, obtained by forcing the model with hourly wind and solar radiation data and assimilating salinity casts, are 12 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 compared against monthly observations made at the station during 2000-2001. Provided mat modern second-moment TCMs are employed, the comparisons indicate that both the phys. and the biol. dynamics are relatively insensitive to the choice of the particular scheme adopted, suggesting that TCMs have finally 'converged' in recent years. As a further example, the choice of the nutrient boundary conditions has an impact on the system evolution that is more significant than the choice of the specific TCM, therefore representing a possible limitation of the 1-D model applied to stations located in a Region of Freshwater Influence. The 1-D model simulates the onset and intensity of the spring-summer bloom quite well, although the duration of the bloom is not as prolonged as in the data. Since local dynamics appears unable to sustain the bloom conditions well into summer, phytoplankton at the station was most likely influenced by river input or advection processes, an aspect that was not found when the S3 behavior was adequately modeled using climatol. forcings. When the focus is in predicting high-frequency dynamics, it is more likely that lateral advection cannot be neglected. While the phys. state can be satisfactorily estd. at these short time scales, the accurate estn. of the biol. state in coastal regions still appears as rather elusive. Bibliographic Information Nitrogen balances at the crop and farm-gate scale in livestock farms in Italy. Bassanino, Monica; Grignani, Carlo; Sacco, Dario; Allisiardi, Erica. Department of Agronomy, Forest and Land Management, University of Turin, Grugliasco, Italy. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2007), 122(3), 282-294. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: AEENDO ISSN: 0167-8809. Journal written in English. CAN 148:238329 AN 2007:656242 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Nutrient balances are often used to represent nutrient flows and to produce sustainability indicators. A soil surface nutrient budget (at the crop scale) and a farm-gate budget (at the farm scale) were calcd. over 41 com. Italian livestock farms. The objectives were to est. the N use efficiency of the main farm types using the two balances independently, and to assess and discuss the relationship between the two different budget methods. The N surpluses calcd. as a farmgate balance (FGBS) or at the soil surface scale (CBS) ranked livestock farms in a similar manner. The suckling cow farms (SC) showed the best sustainability, BB (beef breeding) and DC (dairy cow) farms were intermediate, while PB (pig breeding) farms were the worst due to their weaker link between breeding activities and farm crops. The CBS was mainly influenced by the manure input, while the FGBS was mainly influenced by the purchased animal feeding in the PB, BB and DC farms, and by the mineral fertilizer in the SC farms. Other information can be derived from a combination of the N flow quantified in the farm-gate balance and the crop balance; two examples are given concerning an estn. of gaseous losses and of animal N excreta for the different animal categories. Thus, even though N balances cannot be directly used to est. the actual environmental impact of different farming systems, they remain reliable indicators to help discriminate between different farm types. Bibliographic Information Soil microbial dynamics and genetic diversity in soil under monoculture wheat grown in different long-term management systems. Crecchio, Carmine; Curci, Maddalena; Pellegrino, Antonella; Ricciuti, Patrizia; Tursi, Nunzia; Ruggiero, Pacifico. Dipartimento di Biologia e Chimica Agroforestale ed Ambientale, Universita di Bari, Bari, Italy. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2007), 39(6), 1391-1400. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: SBIOAH ISSN: 0038-0717. Journal written in English. CAN 147:30350 AN 2007:341113 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Org. matter incorporation into soil can increase nutrient availability to plants but it can affect soil microbial communities. These in turn influence soil fertility and plant growth. Soil biochem. and microbiol. properties are indicators of soil quality, but there is still no consensus as to how these should be used. Recent developments in mol. biol. have provided new tools to obtain a view of the whole microbial community. The long-term impact of crop residue management on the microbial biomass, and on the activity and community structure of soil bacteria was evaluated in a clay soil of Southern Italy, where a monoculture of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) was grown in semiarid conditions, and burning or incorporation of post harvest plant residues were typical practices. The role of N- 13 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 mineral fertilization, simultaneously with the ploughing in of crop residues and during the plant growth cycle was also investigated. Total bacterial counts of viable cells, biomass C, ATP content of soil microorganisms, genetic fingerprinting of the total eubacterial community and of ammonia oxidizers were evaluated. Burning and incorporation did not affect microbial biomass C, ATP content, and total bacterial counts of viable cells although statistically relevant changes were detected among rhizosphere and bulk soil samples regardless of the crop residue management used. Mol. fingerprinting confirmed that: no significant change in the compn. and diversity of total bacteria, as well as of ammonia oxidizers was induced by the crop residue managements; that soil bacteria were more sensitive to N fertilizer application during the plant growth cycle; and that rhizosphere soil samples were significantly different from those of the bulk soil. As microbiol. and genetic factors related to soil fertility were not affected significantly, the long-term incorporation of crop residues, under the field conditions investigated, is a sustainable practice to manage post-harvest residues. Bibliographic Information Water and nitrogen use efficiency, dry matter accumulation and nitrogen uptake in fertigated processing tomato. Battilani, A. Consorzio di Bonifica di secondo grado per il Canale Emiliano Romagnolo, Bologna, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2006), 724(Proceedings of the IXth International Symposium on the Processing Tomato, 2004), 67-74. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 147:300329 AN 2007:190485 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A three year field expt. was carried out in Northern Italy (Po Valley) to assess the water and nitrogen use efficiencies (WUE & NUE) of two fertigation strategies (static and dynamic) in comparison with Non-Irrigated/Non-Fertilised and Irrigated/Non-Fertilised controls, and to define the better strategy to be applied for environmental and economical purposes in a sub-humid area on fertile soils. Dry matter accumulation and nitrogen uptake curves were calcd. to compare treatments and to verify the effectiveness and applicability of the WUE and NUE enhancement. Economical WUE and NUE values were also calcd. considering the gross margin in order to evaluate the economic selfsustainability of the proposed fertigation strategies. Fertigation efficiency and crop profitability were enhanced and non-point pollution risks reduced by applying "dynamic" fertilization principles on a daily basis. Managing the crop using dynamic criteria reduces plant nitrogen uptake and produces more fruit dry matter per g of nitrogen. Bibliographic Information Effects of long-term land use on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin-related soil protein. Bedini, Stefano; Avio, Luciano; Argese, Emanuele; Giovannetti, Manuela. Dipartimento di Biologia delle Piante Agrarie, Universita di Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2007), 120(2-4), 463-466. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: AEENDO ISSN: 0167-8809. Journal written in English. CAN 147:385168 AN 2007:164074 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The maintenance of soil health and productivity is a central aim of sustainable agriculture. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are soil biota fundamental for soil fertility and plant nutrition, which may be used in the evaluation of the impact of agronomic practices on soil quality. In the present study we evaluated the influence of three different land uses on AMF populations and correlated glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) content with AMF biomass parameters, such as spore d. and biovolume. Among the differently managed sites - maize monoculture, grassland and poplar grove - maize soil showed the lowest AMF spore no. and GRSP content. The same morphol. taxa were found in the three sites, except for one addnl. morphotype in poplar grove. A good correlation between GRSP and spore biovolume was found, suggesting that GRSP may represent a useful biochem. parameter for the assessment of biol. soil fertility in sustainable agriculture. Bibliographic Information Modelling soil organic carbon dynamics in two long-term experiments of north-eastern Italy. 14 Lugato, E.; Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Paustian, K.; Giardini, L. Dipartimento di Agronomia Ambientale e Produzioni Vegetali, Universita di Padova, Legnaro, Italy. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2007), 120(2-4), 423-432. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: AEENDO ISSN: 0167-8809. Journal written in English. CAN 147:385190 AN 2007:164071 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Simulation models are widely used to assess the impacts of management and environmental variables on soil org. matter dynamics, to address questions on ecosystem sustainability and carbon cycling under global change. We tested the Century ecosystem model for two long-term expts. in north-eastern Italy: one (SF) comparing nutrient management treatments in small confined plots contg. widely contrasting soil types (i.e., sandy, clay and peat) and the other (CR) involving a field study with crop rotation, nutrient, and management intensity variables. The org. matter changes in the SF expt., showed a strong, linear relationship with C inputs from crop residues and added manures in the sand and clay soils, which was closely mimicked by the model. There was a net loss of soil C for all treatments in the peat soil, but the rate and overall magnitude of C losses were accurately simulated by the model, which suggested that treatment effects on soil C inputs was the major determinant of SOC dynamics in all three soils. In the CR expt. the model reasonably simulated the large initial decline (averaging about 30% of initial levels) in SOC obsd. in all treatments, as well as mean treatment effects over the course of the expt. The model predicted a general pattern of higher SOC in the high management intensity, high fertility treatment combinations and lower SOC in the low management intensity, low fertility treatments; however, obsd. soil C did not show a clear pattern related to the treatments. Simulated soil C contents were linearly related to C input levels in the different treatments while there was no significant relationship between measured soil C and C inputs based on obsd. data. Bibliographic Information Effect of recycling wood ash on microbiological and biochemical properties of soils. Perucci, Piero; Monaci, Elga; Casucci, Cristiano; Vischetti, Costantino. Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e delle Produzioni Vegetali, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy. Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2006), 26(3), 157165. Publisher: EDP Sciences, CODEN: ASDGAP ISSN: 1774-0746. Journal written in English. CAN 147:234121 AN 2007:63985 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Wood ash prodn. is increasing due to the increasing use of wood as a sustainable fuel. Wood ash can be recycled in crop soils as a source of nutrients and as a liming agent to correct soil acidity. However, the effect of wood ash on soil quality is poorly known. Here, the authors studied the effect of addn. of wood ash at 5 and 20 t ha-1 on microbial and biochem. properties in samples from the 0-30 cm surface of three neutral and two alk. agricultural soils. The samples were incubated for one year at 25 and 60% water-holding capacity. The soil microbiol. biomass (microbial biomass C and N), general microbial activity using fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, and alk. phosphatase, arylsulfatase, catalase and o-diphenol oxidase activities were detd. periodically together with pH and elec. cond. Increases in microbial biomass C and fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis occurred at the lower wood-ash dose, whereas microbial biomass C decreased at the higher wood-ash dose over the entire period, and the fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis after 4 mo. The microbial C/N ratios of treated samples were significantly different with respect to that of the control, suggesting changes in the structure of the microbial communities. The changes in microbial biomass and microbial activity were related to the increases in pH, which induced the development of bacteria to the detriment of fungi, to the elec. cond., and to the nutrient levels after wood-ash addn. Alk. phosphatase and arylsulfatase activities were weakly inhibited at 20 t ha-1, and catalase activity was stimulated in the neutral samples and inhibited in the alk. samples. The highest odiphenol oxidase activity obsd. throughout in all of the treated samples may suggest a decrease in the mineralization process. The findings reveal that the soil biochem. parameters investigated are significantly affected only in some cases at 20 t ha-1. It is suggested that a treatment exceeding 5 t ha-1 not be recommended until the agrochem. and phys. functions of the soil are further studied. Bibliographic Information The effect of hot season and nutrition on the oxidative status and metabolic profile in dairy goats during mid 15 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 lactation. Di Trana, A.; Celi, P.; Claps, S.; Fedele, V.; Rubino, R. Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Animali, Universita degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy. Animal Science (2006), 82(5), 717-722. Publisher: CABI Publishing, CODEN: ANSCFO ISSN: 1357-7298. Journal written in English. CAN 146:141779 AN 2007:11716 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the hot season and nutrition on the oxidative status and metabolic profile of lactating goats during mid lactation. Twenty-four Red Syrian goats were allocated into three groups that were offered the following diets: natural pasture (P), pasture + 500 g/h per day of conc. (PC) and hay plus 500 g/h per day of conc. (HC). Blood samples were taken in spring (85 7 days in milk (DIM)) and summer (120 7 DIM) and assayed for reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs), -tocopherol, glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, non-esterified fatty acids, total protein, albumin and globulin concns. and glutathione peroxidase (GHS-Px) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities. Milk yield and milk compn. were also measured. SOD, GSH-Px and ROMs levels increased during summer when temp. humidity index values were high. The increase in ROMs in the PC and HC groups could be ascribed to the improved nutritional regime and to their higher prodn. level. The markers of the oxidative status and of the metabolic profile measured in this study indicate that goats may have experienced moderate oxidative stress. It seems that, seasonal rather than nutritional factors have a more pronounced effect on oxidative status markers. Conc. supplementation sustained milk yield and may represent a useful means to extend the lactation period in dairy goats during late spring and summer. Bibliographic Information The nutritional control of ghrelin secretion in humans: the effects of enteral vs. parenteral nutrition. Prodam, Flavia; Me, Elisa; Riganti, Fabrizio; Gramaglia, Elena; Bellone, Simonetta; Baldelli, Roberto; Rapa, Anna; van der Lely, Aart Jan; Bona, Gianni; Ghigo, Ezio; Broglio, Fabio. Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Dept. of Internal Medicine, University of Turin, Turin, Italy. European Journal of Nutrition (2006), 45(7), 399-405. Publisher: Steinkopff Verlag, CODEN: EJNUFZ ISSN: 1436-6207. Journal written in English. CAN 146:99823 AN 2006:1341006 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Background: The nutritional control of ghrelin has not been fully clarified yet. Particularly, the influence of amino acids and lipids is controversial and, moreover, whether the intra-luminal gastric contact with nutrients is required or if the modulatory action of nutrients on ghrelin secretion is mediated by insulin is still matter of debate. Aim of the study: To clarify the role of nutrients in the control of ghrelin secretion evaluating the effects of i.v. and oral lipids and amino acids compared with glucose and fructose load in healthy subjects. Methods: A total of 6 healthy overnight-fasted volunteers underwent the following testing sessions: (a) iv arginine (ARG, 0.5 g/kg); (b) oral protein load (PRO, 50 g); (c) iv lipid-heparin infusion (Li He, Intralipid 10% 250 mL); (d) oral fat load (OIL, soy oil 40 g); (e) oral glucose load (OGL, 100 g); (f) oral fructose load (OFL, 100 g); (g) iv saline (SAL, 3 mL); (h) oral water load (WL, 200 mL). Total ghrelin, insulin, and glucose were assayed every 15 min from 0 up to +180 min. Results: WL and SAL did not modify insulin, glucose and ghrelin. ARG induced a prompt but transient increase (P < 0.05) of insulin and glucose (P < 0.01), without modifying ghrelin secretion. PRO induced a mild but sustained increase of insulin secretion (P < 0.05) without affecting glucose and ghrelin. Li-He progressively increased circulating glucose (P < 0.01) without modifying insulin and ghrelin secretion. No significant variations in circulating glucose, insulin, and ghrelin occurred after OIL. OGL significantly (P < 0.01) increased insulin and glucose levels and progressively decreased (P < 0.05) ghrelin levels. OFL induced a mild (P < 0.05) increase of insulin without modifying glucose levels. Similarly, OFL was followed by a milder decrease (P < 0.05) of ghrelin levels. Conclusions: Differently from carbohydrates and independently from their modulatory effect on insulin secretion and glucose levels, both lipids and amino acids play a negligible role in the acute control of ghrelin secretion either after acute enteral and parenteral administration. Bibliographic Information Use of biostimulants for reducing nutrient solution concentration in floating system. 16 Vernieri, P.; Borghesi, E.; Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Tognoni, F.; Ferrante, A.; Serra, G.; Piaggesi, A. Dipartimento di Biologia delle Piante Agrarie, University of Pisa, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2006), 718(Proceedings of the International Symposium on Models for Plant Growth, Environmental Control and Farm Management in Protected Cultivation, 2006), 477-484. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 147:300306 AN 2006:1339848 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The prodn. innovations have been evolving more and more towards org., sustainable or environmental friendly systems. Contemporarily, the yield and the quality of crops must be assured. The redn. of fertilizers may be obtained by improving the nutrients uptake or their utilization by the plants. The aim of our work was to verify if the progressive redn. of nutrient soln. concn. in the floating system can be compensated by applications of a biostimulant (Actiwave, Valagro S.p.a.) without compromising the yield and the quality of vegetables. The expts. were performed on rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.) grown in floating system with std. nutrient soln. (NS100%), which was compared with nutrient solns. dild. 4 (NS25%) or 10-fold (NS10%) with or without 0.3 mL L-1 Actiwave. At harvest, yield, leaf area, root dry wt., chlorophyll, carotenoids, and leaf nitrate content were detd. Results showed that Actiwave significantly increased the nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiency in all treatments. In fact, no statistically significant differences were found in yield between NS100% and NS25% plus 0.3 mL mL-1 Actiwave. Moreover, Actiwave reduced the leaf nitrate content and increased chlorophyll and carotenoids in all treatments. Our results indicate that Actiwave lowered the leaf nitrate content through its ability in stimulating nutrient uptake and nitrogen metab. The combination of hydroponics and biostimulants appears as a promising environmental friendly strategy for the greenhouse prodn. of high-quality vegetables. Bibliographic Information Simplified models for the water relations of soilless cultures: what they do or suggest for sustainable water use in intensive horticulture. Pardossi, A.; Malorgio, F.; Incrocci, L.; Carmassi, G.; Maggini, R.; Massa, D.; Tognoni, F. Dipartimento di Biologia delle Piante Agrarie, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2006), 718(Proceedings of the International Symposium on Models for Plant Growth, Environmental Control and Farm Management in Protected Cultivation, 2006), 425-434. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 147:142493 AN 2006:1339842 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In intensive horticulture (including in this term both greenhouse cultivation and the outdoor prodn. of containerised nursery stocks) there is an increasing application of closed-loop (no-drain) soilless cultures, in consideration of their pos. environmental implications. In these systems, water use efficiency may depend on how the mineral supply is controlled. Crop modeling and the use of recently-marketed devices (like chemo-sensors) are promising tools for the development of a sort of 'on-demand' fertigation strategy. The management of closed systems is much more complicated when saline water is available to the growers, since the progressive accumulation of ions (such as Na and Cl) that are scarcely taken up by the plants, makes it necessary to discharge, more or less frequently, the recycling nutrient soln., with consequent loss of water and fertilizers. Simplified models were developed for the water relations of soilless culture and what these models , in terms of strategical, tactical or operational implementations, are suggested for a sustainable use of hydric resources, particularly in cultivations conducted under saline conditions. The anal. of the effect of salinity on crop productivity suggests that the most valuable strategy is likely the improvement of water quality, by means of desalinizsation or the use of rainwater. Nevertheless, on species with moderate tolerance to salinity, like tomato, the application of some particular procedures for the control of nutrient supply may have pos. results in terms of both crop sustainability. Bibliographic Information Identification of the first archaeal oligopeptide-binding protein from the hyperthermophile Aeropyrum pernix. Palmieri, Gianna; Casbarra, Annarita; Fiume, Immacolata; Catara, Giuliana; Capasso, Antonio; Marino, Gennaro; Onesti, Silvia; Rossi, Mose. IBP-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Naples, Italy. Extremophiles (2006), 10(5), 17 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 393-402. Publisher: Springer Tokyo, CODEN: EXTRFI ISSN: 1431-0651. Journal written in English. 147:67302 AN 2006:1060764 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) CAN Abstract The archaeon Aeropyrum pernix grows optimally at 90 C and derives energy primarily from aerobic degrdn. of complex proteinaceous substrates. The ability of these nutrients to sustain growth is generally assocd. with the presence of oligopeptide transport systems, such as the well-known protein-dependent ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. This study is concerned with the isolation and characterization of the first archaeal oligopeptide-binding protein (OppAAp) from the extracellular medium of A. pernix. The protein shows a pI of 3.9 and a mol. mass of about 90 kDa under native conditions. By using a proteomic approach, the OppAAp-encoding gene was identified (APE1583) and about 55% of the protein amino-acid sequence was validated. The extracellular purified protein was able to efficiently bind oligopeptide substrates such as Xenopsin. The amt. of a liganded peptide to OppAAp was about 70% at 90 C using a 1/100 (wt./wt.) OppAAp/substrate ratio. Sequence comparisons showed a weak but significant similarity of OppAAp with bacterial oligopeptide binding proteins. Furthermore, APE1583 neighboring genes encode for the cognate components of an ABC transport system, suggesting that these ORFs are organized in an operon-like structure, with OppAAp as the extracellular component for the uptake of oligopeptides. Bibliographic Information Hepatocyte growth factor installs a survival platform for colorectal cancer cell invasive growth and overcomes p38 MAPK-mediated apoptosis. Fassetta, Michela; D'Alessandro, Lorenza; Coltella, Nadia; Di Renzo, Maria Flavia; Rasola, Andrea. Division of Molecular Oncology, University of Torino Medical School, Candiolo, Italy. Cellular Signalling (2006), 18(11), 1967-1976. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: CESIEY ISSN: 0898-6568. Journal written in English. CAN 146:313829 AN 2006:1050794 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) induces invasive growth, a biol. program that confers tumor cells the capability to invade and metastasize by integrating cell proliferation, motility, morphogenesis, and survival. We here demonstrate that HGFR activation promotes survival of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) cells exposed to conditions that mimic those met during tumor progression, i.e. nutrient deprivation or substrate detachment, and following chemotherapeutic treatment. In all these conditions, a sustained activation of p38 MAPK delivers a main death signal that is overcome by cell treatment with HGF. HGF-driven survival requires the engagement of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR/p70S6K and ERK MAPK transduction pathways. Abrogation of p38 MAPK activity prevents CRC cell apoptosis also when these transduction pathways are inhibited, and treatment with HGF further increases survival. Engagement of these signaling cascades is also needed for HGF to induce CRC cell scattering, morphogenesis, motility and invasion. Activation of p38 MAPK signaling is therefore a main apoptotic switch for CRC cells in the stressful conditions encountered during tumor progression. Conversely, HGF orchestrates several biochem. pathways, which allow cell survival in these same conditions and promote the biol. responses required for tumor invasive growth. Both p38 MAPK and HGF/HGFR signaling constitute potential mol. targets for inhibiting colorectal carcinogenesis. Bibliographic Information Antimyopathic effects of carnitine and nicotine. Laviano, Alessandro; Meguid, Michael M.; Guijarro, Ana; Muscaritoli, Maurizio; Cascino, Antonia; Preziosa, Isabella; Molfino, Alessio; Fanelli, Filippo Rossi. Department of Clinical Medicine, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care (2006), 9(4), 442-448. Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, CODEN: COCMF3 ISSN: 1363-1950. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 146:175733 AN 2006:822236 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The clin. course of most chronic diseases is assocd. with declined energy intake and nutrient-resistant 18 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 progressive myopathy, characterized by accelerated proteolysis and impaired function. This anorexia/cachexia syndrome leads to deterioration of quality of life, and increased morbidity and mortality. The clin. efficacy of currently available therapeutic strategies is limited and more effective treatments are needed. Recent findings Chronic systemic inflammation, triggered and sustained by cytokines, and increased oxidative stress contribute to the pathogenesis of the anorexia/cachexia syndrome. Carnitine and nicotine have recently been tested as immunomodulating and antioxidant agents. In particular, carnitine supplementation has been shown to reduce chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in hemodialysis patients and, in cancer patients, yielding to reduced fatigue and improved outcome. Nicotine is able to induce the anti-inflammatory activity of the vagus nerve. In animal models of sepsis and cancer, the nicotine-induced supplementation resulted in better protection of nutritional status and improved survival. In the continuous effort to develop more efficacious strategies against the anorexia/cachexia syndrome, carnitine and nicotine may represent a further therapeutic tool. More clin. studies are needed, however, before their use can be routinely suggested. Bibliographic Information Short- and long-term therapeutic efficacy of nutritional therapy and corticosteroids in paediatric Crohn's disease. Canani, R. Berni; Terrin, G.; Borrelli, O.; Romano, M. T.; Manguso, F.; Coruzzo, A.; D'Armiento, F.; Romeo, E. F.; Cucchiara, S. Department of Paediatrics, University of Naples 'Federico II', Naples, Italy. Digestive and Liver Disease (2006), 38(6), 381-387. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: DLDIFK ISSN: 1590-8658. Journal written in English. CAN 145:488503 AN 2006:640578 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Background: Comparative data on the therapeutic efficacy of different enteral nutrition formulas and corticosteroids to obtain clin. remission and to induce mucosal healing influencing long-term disease course in pediatric Crohn's disease are still scarce. Aims: To investigate the efficacy of nutritional therapy using three different formulas vs. corticosteroids to achieve clin. remission as well as to induce intestinal mucosal healing in active Crohn's disease children. Duration of remission and effect on growth recovery were also assessed. Patients and methods: Clin., lab., endoscopic and histol. data of all new diagnosed active Crohn's disease pediatric cases were retrospectively recorded and reviewed. Thirty-seven children (median age 12.1 years) received nutritional therapy (12 polymeric; 13 semielemental; 12 elemental diet) and 10 subjects (median age 12.4 years) received corticosteroids. Results: Similar clin. remission rate were obsd. after 8 wk of treatment: 86.5% children receiving nutritional therapy vs. 90% treated with corticosteroids. Improvement in mucosal inflammation occurred in 26 out of 37 (64.8%) patients on nutritional therapy and in 4 out of 10 (40%) children on steroids (p<0.05). Finally, seven subjects on nutritional therapy and none on corticosteroids achieved comolete mucosal healing (p<0.005) at the end of the treatment. Nutritional therapy was more effective than corticosteroids in improving nutritional status and linear growth recovery. Compared to corticosteroids, the duration of clin. remission was longer in the nutritional therapy groups without differences among the three different formulas. Conclusions: In children with active Crohn's disease, nutritional therapy is more effective than corticosteroids to improve intestinal inflammation and to maintain a more sustained clin. remission. Bibliographic Information Metal accumulation in poplar plant grown with industrial wastes. Giachetti, Giorgio; Sebastiani, Luca. Polo S. Anna Valdera, Scuola Superiore S. Anna di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento-BioLabs, Pontedera, Italy. Chemosphere (2006), 64(3), 446-454. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: CMSHAF ISSN: 0045-6535. Journal written in English. CAN 145:248490 AN 2006:542996 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The effects of different levels of industrial wastes on growth traits and metal accumulation in aerial portions were detd. for Populus euramericana clone I-214. The expt. started in Apr. 2003. Scions of Populus euramericana clone I214, were grown outdoor near Pisa (Italy), in lysimeters filled with soil naturally present in the land around the exptl. site, were daily drip irrigated, hand weeded, monthly fertilized, pruned for a unique shoot and cultivated with four increasing treatments: soil non-amended, soil amended with 4.8 kg m-2, with 9.6 kg m-2 and with 19.2 kg m-2 of fresh tannery waste. The climatic parameters were daily recorded throughout the whole expt. Growth relieves were performed during the growing season. After six months since the plantation of the scions, aerial portions of every plant 19 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 were harvested for biomass and metal content analyses. Data demonstrated that the waste exerted beneficial effects on poplars mainly through a general increase of growth traits and that the nutrients relocation is the mechanisms involved in modulating growth rate. The concn. and the amt. of the mineral elements analyzed (N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, S, B, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr) changed determinately among treatments, organs and position. Thus, phytoremediation strategies of tannery wastes might be possible and sustainable for polar plantations in soil amended with non-hazardous levels of industrial waste, which maintain total heavy metals concn. close to background values. Bibliographic Information Intensification of the aerobic bioremediation of an actual site soil historically contaminated by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) through bioaugmentation with a non acclimated, complex source of microorganisms. Di Toro, Sara; Zanaroli, Giulio; Fava, Fabio. DICASM, Faculty of Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Microbial Cell Factories (2006), 5 No pp. given. Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd., CODEN: MCFICT ISSN: 1475-2859. http://www.microbialcellfactories.com/content/pdf/1475-2859-5-11.pdf Journal; Online Computer File written in English. CAN 144:494310 AN 2006:384183 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Background The biotreatability of actual-site polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated soils is often limited by their poor content of autochthonous pollutant-degrading microorganisms. In such cases, inoculation might be the soln. for a successful bioremediation. Some pure and mixed cultures of characterized PCB degrading bacteria have been tested to this purpose. However, several failures have been recorded mostly due to the inability of inoculated microbes to compete with autochthonous microflora and to face the toxicity and the scarcity of nutrients occurring in the contaminated biotope. Complex microbial systems, such as compost or sludge, normally consisting of a large variety of robust microorganisms and essential nutrients, would have better chances to succeed in colonizing degraded contaminated soils. However, such sources of microorganisms have been poorly applied in soil bioremediation and in particular in the biotreatment of soil with PCBs. Thus, in this study the effects of Enzyveba, i.e. a consortium of nonadapted microorganisms developed from composted material, on the slurry- and solid-phase aerobic bioremediation of an actual-site, aged PCB-contaminated soil were studied. Results A slow and only partial biodegrdn. of low-chlorinated biphenyls, along with a moderate depletion of initial soil ecotoxicity, were obsd. in the not-inoculated reactors. Enzyveba significantly increased the availability and the persistence of aerobic PCB- and chlorobenzoic acid-degrading cultivable bacteria in the bioreactors, in particular during the earlier phase of treatment. It also markedly enhanced PCB-biodegrdn. rate and extent (from 50 to 100%) as well as the final soil detoxification, in particular under slurryphase conditions. Taken together, data obtained suggest that Enzyveba enhanced the biotreatability of the selected soil by providing exogenous bacteria and fungi able to remove inhibitory or toxic intermediates of PCB biodegrdn. and/or exogenous nutrients able to sustain microorganisms in charge for PCB mineralization. Conclusions Enzyveba appears a promising agent for bioaugmenting actual-site PCB-polluted soils with a native low content of indigenous specialized microflora. This not only for its pos. effects on the soil biotreatability but also for its availability on the market at a relatively low cost. Bibliographic Information Cannibalism of Live Lymphocytes by Human Metastatic but Not Primary Melanoma Cells. Lugini, Luana; Matarrese, Paola; Tinari, Antonella; Lozupone, Francesco; Federici, Cristina; Iessi, Elisabetta; Gentile, Massimo; Luciani, Francesca; Parmiani, Giorgio; Rivoltini, Licia; Malorni, Walter; Fais, Stefano. Department of Drug Research and Evaluation, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Cancer Research (2006), 66(7), 3629-3638. Publisher: American Association for Cancer Research, CODEN: CNREA8 ISSN: 0008-5472. Journal written in English. AN 2006:307831 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The phenomenon of cell cannibalism, which generally refers to the engulfment of cells within other cells, was described in malignant tumors, but its biol. significance is still largely unknown. In the present study, we investigated the occurrence, the in vivo relevance, and the underlying mechanisms of cannibalism in human melanoma. As first 20 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 evidence, we obsd. that tumor cannibalism was clearly detectable in vivo in metastatic lesions of melanoma and often involved T cells, which could be found in a degraded state within tumor cells. Then, in vitro expts. confirmed that cannibalism of T cells was a property of metastatic melanoma cells but not of primary melanoma cells. In particular, morphol. analyses, including time-lapse cinematog. and electron microscopy, revealed a sequence of events, in which metastatic melanoma cells were able to engulf and digest live autologous melanoma-specific CD8+ T cells. Importantly, this cannibalistic activity significantly increased metastatic melanoma cell survival, particularly under starvation condition, supporting the evidence that tumor cells may use the eating of live lymphocytes as a way to "feed" in condition of low nutrient supply. The mechanism underlying cannibalism involved a complex framework, including lysosomal protease cathepsin B activity, caveolae formation, and ezrin cytoskeleton integrity and function. In conclusion, our study shows that human metastatic melanoma cells may eat live T cells, which are instead programmed to kill them, suggesting a novel mechanism of tumor immune escape. Moreover, our data suggest that cannibalism may represent a sort of "feeding" activity aimed at sustaining survival and progression of malignant tumor cells in an unfavorable microenvironment. Bibliographic Information Development and assessment of an innovative soil-washing process based on the use of cholic acid-derivatives as pollutant-mobilizing agents. Berselli, Sara; Benitez, Emilio; Fedi, Stefano; Zannoni, Davide; Medici, Alessandro; Marchetti, Leonardo; Fava, Fabio. DICASM, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2006), 93(4), 761-770. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., CODEN: BIBIAU ISSN: 0006-3592. Journal written in English. CAN 145:13497 AN 2006:226594 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Surfactant-aided soil washing is often proposed for the restoration of aged org. pollutant-contaminated soils. As many of com. surfactants have been found to be toxic and recalcitrant, the opportunity to use in this process cheap, non-toxic, and biodegradable pollutant-mobilizing agents, such as deoxycholic acid (DA), bovine bile (BB), and the residue resulting from DA extn. from BB (BBR), was studied. A soil historically contaminated by chlorinated anilines and benzenes, thiophenes, and several polycyclic arom. hydrocarbons was suspended at 15% wt./vol. and washed in water or water amended at 1.0% (wt./vol.) with DA, BB, BBR, or Triton X-100 (TX). The resulting effluents were supplemented with nutrients and subjected to aerobic bioremediation. The biogenic agents enhanced the water pollutant elution potential by 230/440%. TX enhanced the same parameter by .apprx.540%; however, it mediated a lower depletion of the initial soil ecotoxicity and a more extensive mobilization of soil constituents with respect to the biogenic agents. TX adversely affected the biotreatability of resulting effluents, by adversely affecting the growth of cultivable bacterial biomass and the structure of eubacterial community of the effluent. On the contrary, the biogenic agents, and in particular DA and BB, enhanced the effluents bioremediation, by sustaining the growth and increasing the complexity of the effluent eubacterial communities. Thus, DA and BB are very promising additives for an effective and environmental friendly soil washing treatment of aged (chloro)orgs. contaminated soils. Bibliographic Information Analysis of hyperspectral field radiometric data for monitoring nitrogen concentration in rice crops. Stroppiana, D.; Boschetti, M.; Confalonieri, R.; Bocchi, S.; Brivio, P. A. CNR-IREA, Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment, Milan, Italy. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (2005), 5976(Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VII), 59760R/1-59760R/9. Publisher: SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, CODEN: PSISDG ISSN: 0277-786X. Journal written in English. CAN 145:229986 AN 2006:24387 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Monitoring crop conditions and assessing nutrition requirements is fundamental for implementing sustainable agriculture. Rational nitrogen fertilization is of particular importance in rice crops to guarantee high prodn. levels while minimizing the impact on the environment. In fact, the typical flooded condition of rice fields can be a significant source of greenhouse gasses. Information on plant nitrogen concn. can be used, coupled with information about the 21 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 phenol. stage, to plan strategies for a rational and spatially differentiated fertilization schedule. A field expt. was carried out in a rice field Northern Italy, in order to evaluate the potential of field radiometric measurements for the prediction of rice nitrogen concn. The results indicate that rice reflectance is influenced by nitrogen supply at certain wavelengths although N concn. cannot be accurately predicted based on the reflectance measured at a given wavelength. Regression anal. highlighted that the visible region of the spectrum is most sensitive to plant nitrogen concn. when reflectance measures are combined into a spectral index. An automated procedure allowed the anal. of all the possible combinations into a Normalized Difference Index (NDI) of the narrow spectral bands derived by spectral resampling of field measurements. The derived index appeared to be least influenced by plant biomass and Leaf Area Index (LAI) providing a useful approach to detect rice nutritional status. The validation of the regressive model showed that the model is able to predict rice N concn. (R2=0.55 [p<0.01]; RRMSE=29.4; modeling efficiency close to the optimum value). Bibliographic Information Tabletted microspheres containing Cynara scolymus (var. Spinoso sardo) extract for the preparation of controlled release nutraceutical matrices. Gavini, E.; Alamanni, M. C.; Cossu, M.; Giunchedi, P. Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy. Journal of Microencapsulation (2005), 22(5), 487499. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd., CODEN: JOMIEF ISSN: 0265-2048. Journal written in English. CAN 144:198317 AN 2005:1315813 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Controlled release dosage forms based on tabletted microspheres contg. fresh artichoke Cynara scolymus ext. were performed for the oral administration of a nutritional supplement. Microspheres were prepd. using a spray-drying technique; lactose or hypromellose have been chosen as excipients. Microspheres were characterized in terms of encapsulated ext. content, size and morphol. Qual. and quant. compn. of the ext. before and after the spray process was detd. Compressed matrixes (tablets) were prepd. by direct compression of the spray-dried microspheres. In vitro release tests of microparticles and tablets prepd. were carried out in both acidic and neutral media. Spray-drying is a good method to prep. microspheres contg. the artichoke ext. The microspheres encapsulate an amt. of ext. close to the theor. value. Particle size analyses indicate that the microparticles have dvs of .apprx.6-7 m. Electronic microscopy observations reveal that particles based on lactose have spherical shape and particles contg. hypromellose are almost collapsed. The hydroalcoholic ext. is stable to the microsphere prodn. process: its polyphenolic compn. (qual. and quant.) did not change after spraying. In vitro release studies show that microparticles characterized by a quick polyphenolic release both in acidic and neutral media due to the high water soly. of the carrier lactose. On the contrary, microspheres based hypromellose release only 20% of the loaded ext. at pH 1.2 in 2 h and the total amt. of polyphenols is released only after about further 6 h at pH 6.8. Matrixes prepd. tabletting lactose microspheres and hypromellose microparticles in the wt. ratio 1:1 show a slow release rate, that lasts .apprx.24 h. This one-a-day sustained release formulation contg. Cynara scolymus ext. could be proposed as a nutraceutical controlled release dosage form for oral administration. Bibliographic Information Dynamics of nutrients uptake by strawberry plants (Fragaria Ananassa Dutch.) grown in soil and soilless culture. Tagliavini, M.; Baldi, E.; Lucchi, P.; Antonelli, M.; Sorrenti, G.; Baruzzi, G.; Faedi, W. Dipartimento di Colture Arboree - Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy. European Journal of Agronomy (2005), 23(1), 15-25. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: EJAGET ISSN: 1161-0301. Journal written in English. CAN 144:273623 AN 2005:579858 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Two expts. were conducted to evaluate the dynamics of nutrient uptake by strawberry plants grown under field conditions and the root nitrogen (N) uptake, storage and remobilisation by soilless grown plants. Uptake and partitioning of nutrients were detd. by successive destructive plant harvest and mineral anal. of plant organs of two field grown varieties ('Idea' and 'Marmolada'). Plants were destructively harvested at different developing stages and divided into roots, crowns, leaves, flower stalks, fruits. In an addnl. trial, the same approach was applied to two sets of plants 22 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 either not fertilised or receiving (in kg ha-1) 55 N, 10 phosphorus (P), 108 potassium (K) and 22 magnesium (Mg). In both cultivars the growth rate increased after blossom until end of fruit ripening, and nutrient uptake rate was lower in autumn than in spring. For K no net uptake was obsd. between mid autumn and the dormant period. Potassium was the nutrient absorbed in spring at the highest rates followed by N, calcium (Ca), Mg and P. Calcd. on ha basis, total plant removal by fertilised plants ranged between 78 and 91 kg N, 12 and 17 kg P, 92 and 125 kg K, 58 and 91 kg Ca, 19 and 23 kg Mg. Mineral partitioning among plant organs varied with nutrients: Ca was mainly recovered in leaves, magnesium was almost equally partitioned between leaves and fruit while N, P and K were esp. found in fruits. The roots and the crowns accounted for only small proportion of total plant nutrients at the end of fruiting season. Root N uptake in autumn, winter storage, remobilisation of N reserves and spring N uptake were studied applying 15N technique to potted strawberry plants of cv. Onda grown under greenhouse conditions. Nitrogen at high and low levels was supplied as unlabeled calcium nitrate in autumn. Plants were transferred in Feb. into new pots filled with sterile sand. In spring both sets of plants were supplied with labeled Ca(15NO3)2. High N supply in autumn significantly increased biomass and N content in plant organs, but did not affect fruit yields and quality. In spring, N was remobilised from roots and crowns to sustain growth. Remobilisation of N to new growth was completed by blooming, and around 40% of stored N was translocated to new growth. Plant partitioned to fruits a significant fraction of absorbed N, esp. during the fruit ripening stage. Bibliographic Information SFP1 is involved in cell size modulation in respiro-fermentative growth conditions. Cipollina, Chiara; Alberghina, Lilia; Porro, Danilo; Vai, Marina. Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze, Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milana, Italy. Yeast (2005), 22(5), 385-399. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., CODEN: YESTE3 ISSN: 0749-503X. Journal written in English. CAN 143:93752 AN 2005:375905 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Saccharomyces cerevisiae grows fast on glucose, while growth slows down on ethanol as cells move from glucose fermn. to oxidative metab. The type of carbon source influences both the specific growth rate and cell cycle progression, as well as cell size. Yeast cells grown on glucose have a larger size than cells grown on ethanol. Here, we analyzed the behavior of a sfp1 null mutant during balanced and transitory states of growth in batch in response to changes in the growth medium carbon sources. In a screening for mutants affected in cell size at Start, SFP1 has been identified as a gene whose deletion caused one of the smallest whi phenotype. Findings presented in this work indicate that in the sfp1 null mutant the redn. in cell size is not only a consequence of the reduced growth rate but it is tightly linked to the cellular metab. The SFP1 gene product is required to sustain the increase of both rRNA and protein content that in wild-type cells takes place in respiro-fermentative growth conditions, while it seems dispensable for growth on non-fermentable carbon sources. It follows that sfp1 cells growing on ethanol have a larger size than cells growing on glucose and, noticeably, the former enter the S phase with a crit. cell size higher than the latter. These features, combined with the role of Sfp1p as a transcriptional factor, suggest that Sfp1p could be an important element in the control of the cell size modulated by nutrients. Bibliographic Information Moderate caloric restriction, but not physiological hyperleptinemia per se, enhances mitochondrial oxidative capacity in rat liver and skeletal muscle-tissue-specific impact on tissue triglyceride content and AKT activation. Barazzoni, Rocco; Zanetti, Michela; Bosutti, Alessandra; Biolo, Gianni; Vitali-Serdoz, Laura; Stebel, Marco; Guarnieri, Gianfranco. Clinica Medica, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy. Endocrinology (2005), 146(4), 2098-2106. Publisher: Endocrine Society, CODEN: ENDOAO ISSN: 0013-7227. Journal written in English. CAN 142:349454 AN 2005:269001 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The study aimed at detg., in lean tissues from nonobese rats, whether physiol. hyperleptinemia with leptin-induced reduced caloric intake and/or calorie restriction (CR) per se: enhance mitochondrial-energy metab. gene transcript levels and oxidative capacity; and reduce triglyceride content. Liver and skeletal muscles were collected from 6-mo-old 23 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Fischer 344 rats after 1-wk leptin s.c. infusion (0.4 mg/kg d: leptin + 3-fold leptinemia vs. ad libitum-fed control) or moderate CR (-26% of those fed ad libitum) in pair-fed animals (CR). After 1 wk: leptin and CR comparably enhanced transcriptional expression of mixed muscle mitochondrial genes (P < 0.05 vs. control); CR independently increased (P < 0.05 vs. leptin-control) hepatic mitochondrial-lipooxidative gene expression and oxidative capacity; hepatic but not muscle mitochondrial effects of CR were assocd. (P < 0.01) with increased activated insulin signaling at AKT level (P < 0.05 vs. leptin-control); liver and muscle triglyceride content were comparable in all groups. In addnl. expts., assessing time course of posttranscriptional CR effects, 3-wk superimposable CR (P < 0.05): increased both liver and muscle mitochondrial oxidative capacity; and selectively reduced muscle triglyceride content. Thus, in nonobese adult rat: moderate CR induces early increments of mitochondrial-lipooxidative gene expression and time-dependent increments of oxidative capacity in liver and mixed muscle; sustained moderate CR alters tissue lipid distribution reducing muscle but not liver triglycerides; mitochondrial-lipid metab. changes are tissue-specifically assocd. with hepatic AKT activation; short-term physiol. hyperleptinemia has no independent stimulatory effects on muscle and liver mitochondrial-lipooxidative gene expression. Increased lean tissue oxidative capacity could favor substrate oxidn. over storage during reduced nutrient availability. Bibliographic Information Anaerobic Fermentation of Organic Municipal Solid Wastes for the Production of Soluble Organic Compounds. Bolzonella, David; Fatone, Francesco; Pavan, Paolo; Cecchi, Franco. Department of Science and Technology, University of Verona, Verona, Italy. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2005), 44(10), 3412-3418. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: IECRED ISSN: 0888-5885. Journal written in English. CAN 143:12547 AN 2005:267326 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract After investigating the application of the mesophilic and thermophilic processes in completely stirred, batch, and plugflow reactors, in this study the authors consider the anaerobic fermn. of source-sorted org. municipal solid wastes in psychrophilic conditions (14-22 ) without pH control. The pilot-scale reactor was operated in a batch mode, with a hydraulic retention time of 4-4.5 d. The prodn. of sol. COD from the particulate matter was (on av.) 0.27 g COD per g of total volatile solids fed to the reactor when operating with a total solids content of 20-35 g/L. The volatile fatty acids (VFA) were 15% of the sol. COD produced after 4 d of reaction. These values are far lower than those found in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions, where the prodn. of sol. COD ranged from 0.5 up to 0.9 g COD/g TVSfed and volatile fatty acids could reach 90% of sol. COD. Further, the first-order reaction const. for the hydrolysis process, Kh, for the psychrophilic conditions was found equal to 0.11 d-1 at 20 , while it was in the range 0.2-0.4 d-1 when operating in mesophilic or thermophilic conditions. Conclusively, the study of the psychrophilic fermn. process allowed for completing the scenario of different options of anaerobic solid-state fermn. of org. waste. Though mesophilic and thermophilic processes resulted in being more effective in dissoln. of particulate matter, psychrophilic processes can be of some interest because they are simpler and energy saving. In particular, psychrophilic processes can be useful for the prodn. of rough sol. COD to be used, e.g., for sustaining the biol. nutrients removal processes in wastewater treatment. Bibliographic Information Acquired glucose sensitivity of k-ras transformed fibroblasts. Chiaradonna, F.; Magnani, C.; Sacco, E.; Manzoni, R.; Alberghina, L.; Vanoni, M. Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences, University of MilanoBicocca, Milan, Italy. Biochemical Society Transactions (2005), 33(1), 297-299. Publisher: Portland Press Ltd., CODEN: BCSTB5 ISSN: 0300-5127. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 142:277469 AN 2005:89850 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Mutational activation of the ras gene is crit. for the onset of different malignant phenotypes. We constructed a dominant neg. mutant (GEF-DN) of a Ras activator protein (guanine nucleotide-exchange factor) that upon overexpression in k-ras transformed NIH 3T3 fibroblasts strongly reduces intracellular Ras GTP, reverting these cells to wild-type phenotype for morphol., anchorage-independent growth and redn. of tumor formation in nude mice. Here the 24 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 authors review evidence showing that the enhanced proliferation potential of NIH-ras cells requires high initial glucose concn. in the medium and sustained Ras pathway activation. The exquisite sensitivity of NIH-ras fibroblasts to a shortage in nutrient and energy supply highlights an acquired fragility of cancer cells that may be exploited for therapeutic purposes. Bibliographic Information From sludge to resources through biosolids. Spinosa, L. Commissariat for Environmental Emergency, CNR, Bari, Italy. Water Science and Technology (2004), 50(9), 1-8. Publisher: IWA Publishing, CODEN: WSTED4 ISSN: 0273-1223. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 144:56027 AN 2005:62643 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The paper gives an overview of the possibilities to achieve a more sustainable sludge management strategy by recovering and reusing valuable products as much as possible. Discussion sep. deals with the recovery of products suitable for "material" uses and those for "energy" ones. Discussion on material recoveries includes org. matter, nutrients, carbon source, coagulant, bricks, pumice, slag, artificial lightwt. aggregate (ALWA) and Portland cement. Regarding energy recovery, (i) conversion processes, including thermo-chem. conversion of dry sludge to oil, thermochem. liquefaction of wet sludge to oil and conversion/combustion processes, (ii) deep shaft wet air oxidn., and (iii) gasification processes, including starved air combustion, are outlined. Only general indications are given because the selection of an appropriate system for sludge management is strongly influenced by many other important factors, such as local economy and geog., climate, land use, regulatory constraints and public acceptance of the various practices. Also, the conventional and more traditional recycling options, like agricultural and other land uses, and incineration with energy recovery, are not dealt with because they are well known and extensively discussed elsewhere. Bibliographic Information Glutamate synthase activities and protein changes in relation to nitrogen nutrition in barley: the dependence on different plastidic glucose-6P dehydrogenase isoforms. Esposito, Sergio; Guerriero, Gea; Vona, Vincenza; Di Martino Rigano, Vittoria; Carfagna, Simona; Rigano, Carmelo. Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale, Universita di Napoli 'Federico II', Naples, Italy. Journal of Experimental Botany (2005), 56(409), 55-64. Publisher: Oxford University Press, CODEN: JEBOA6 ISSN: 0022-0957. Journal written in English. CAN 142:352142 AN 2005:42147 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Nure), glutamate synthesis and the prodn. of reducing power by the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP) are strictly correlated biochem. processes. NADH-GOGAT was the major root isoform, whose activity increased on a medium supplied with NH4+ or NO3-; by contrast, no noticeable variations could be obsd. in the leaves of plants supplied with nitrogen. In the leaves, the major isoform is Fd-GOGAT, whose activity increased under nitrogen feeding. G6PDH activity increased in the roots supplied with nitrogen; no variations were obsd. in the leaves. Moreover, an increase of the P2 isoform in the roots was measured, giving 13.6% G6PDH activity localized in the plastids under ammonium, and 25.2% under nitrate feeding conditions. Western blots confirmed that P2-G6PDH protein was induced in the roots by nitrogen. P1-G6PDH protein was absent in the roots and increased in the leaves by nitrogen supply to the plants. The changes measured in cytosolic G6PDH seem correlated to more general cell growth processes, and do not appear to be directly involved in glutamate synthesis. The effects of light on Fd-GOGAT is discussed, together with the possibility for P2-G6PDH to sustain nitrogen assimilation upon illumination. Bibliographic Information Menopause, the cardiovascular risk factor homocysteine, and the effects of treatment. de Leo, Vincenzo; la Marca, Antonio; Morgante, Giuseppe; Musacchio, Maria Concentta; Luisi, Stefano; Petraglia, Felice. Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Siena, Siena, 25 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Italy. Treatments in Endocrinology (2004), 3(6), 393-400. Publisher: Adis International Ltd., CODEN: TERNAN ISSN: 1175-6349. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 142:404325 AN 2004:1149686 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Since the identification of homocysteine (Hcy) as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, it has been the subject of much research. As with other cardiovascular risk factors, a gender difference exists for Hcy. Plasma levels are lower in women of reproductive age than in men and postmenopausal women. This has led to the hypothesis that the increased risk of cardiovascular disease documented in postmenopausal women may be related to the increase in Hcy levels. Factors affecting total plasma levels of Hcy include genetic factors, nutritional factors, and lifestyle. Many studies appear to support the ability of estrogen replacement therapy to significantly lower both basal levels of Hcy and levels following methionine loading. A mean redn. of 10-15% in Hcy levels after 6 mo of hormone therapy has been reported. Similarly, raloxifene and tamoxifen and low-dose folic acid administration induce redns. in plasma Hcy levels of the same degree obsd. for hormone therapy. The redn. occurs after a few months of therapy and is sustained, suggesting the potential for cardioprotective effects. Although there is a pos. effect of estrogen therapy and hormone therapy on Hcy levels, recent studies do not recommend the use of estrogen or hormone replacement therapy for the primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Further research is therefore needed to identify strategies to maximize the efficacy of hormone replacement therapy, while minimizing the risks. Bibliographic Information Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate has an important role for the survival of Rhizobium tropici under starvation. Povolo, S.; Casella, S. Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Agrarie, Universita di Padova, Legnaro, Italy. Annals of Microbiology (Milano, Italy) (2004), 54(3), 307-316. Publisher: University of Milan, Dep of Food Science and Microbiology, CODEN: AMNIC7 ISSN: 1590-4261. Journal written in English. CAN 142:257448 AN 2004:954682 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Accumulation of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate P(3HB) granules serves to sustain the survival of bacterial cells under conditions of nutrient shortage. P(3HB) is produced by many Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium and Azorhizobium species in free-living and in symbiotic state. However, the physiol. role for this polymer has not been entirely clarified. A stable P(3HB)-minus mutant of Rhizobium tropici was obtained by inactivation of the phaC gene and characterized. Nodule-inducing ability on bean plants and ARA of the mutant strain did not differ from those of the parental strain. However, P(3HB)-minus mutant showed higher accumulation of glycogen as compared to the parental strain. Persistence studies were performed and survival differences in carbon-free liq. microcosms were obsd. between the two strains. Bibliographic Information Effects of cyclodextrins, humic substances, and rhamnolipids on the washing of a historically contaminated soil and on the aerobic bioremediation of the resulting effluents. Berselli, Sara; Milone, Gabriella; Canepa, Pietro; di Gioia, Diana; Fava, Fabio. Department of Applied Chemistry and Material Science, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2004), 88(1), 111-120. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., CODEN: BIBIAU ISSN: 0006-3592. Journal written in English. CAN 141:415179 AN 2004:812519 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Nontoxic and biodegradable pollutant-mobilizing agents, instead of chem. surfactants, were tested in the washing of an actual-site chloroarom.-contaminated soil. A soil historically contaminated by chlorinated anilines and benzenes, thiophenes and several polycyclic arom. hydrocarbons was subjected to washing by suspending it (15% w/v) in water or in water with 1.0% (wt./vol.) -cyclodextrin ( -CD), hydroxypropyl- -cyclodextrin (HP- -CD), rhamnolipid (RL), dissolved humic substances (HS), or Triton X-100 (TX) in shaken batch reactors for 24 h. The resulting wastewaters 26 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 were amended with nutrients and treated aerobically in shaken reactors for 65 days. The biogenic agents markedly enhanced (by 237%, -CD; 265%, HP- -CD; 400%, RL; 566%, HS) the capability of water of eluting org. pollutants from the soil. TX enhanced the overall pollutant removal by .apprx.660%; however, a lower depletion of the initial soil ecotoxicity, along with a more extensive impact on the soil org. matter, was obsd. TX adversely affected the bioremediation of the resulting effluent by apparently inducing a premature decrease of specialized bacterial biomass. By contrast, the biogenic agents, and in particular HS and RL, sustained the biodegrdn. and dechlorination of pollutants by apparently enhancing the availability of specialized bacteria in the reactors. Thus, the biogenic agents proposed here seem to be promising nontoxic and nonaggressive soil washing agents for the integrated physicochem. (washing) and biol. (aerobic posttreatment) restoration of poorly bioremediable (chloro) orgs.-contaminated soils. Bibliographic Information Membrane separations for process intensification and sustainable growth. Drioli, Enrico; di Profio, Gianluca; Fontananova, Enrica. Research Institute on Membrane Technology, ITM-CNR, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy. Fluid/Particle Separation Journal (2004), 16(1), 1-18. Publisher: American Filtration & Separations Society, CODEN: FSJOE2 ISSN: 1043-2558. Journal; General Review; Computer Optical Disk written in English. CAN 142:338304 AN 2004:777566 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Because of its high charge of innovation and, mainly, its good fit with the requirements of the process intensification strategy for sustainable industrial growth, membrane technol. has become well established in an increasing no. of industrial processes. Brackish and(or) seawater desalination, for meeting the increasing demand for fresh water in various areas in the world; industrial wastewater treatment, for the redn. of the polluting charge or for the recovery, by specific sepn., of some important and valuable mols. having special nutritional properties (nutraceuticals); and milder treatment conditions in agrofood processes for products required with a high level of organoleptic characteristics but sensitive to thermal treatments, represent today only some examples of the important benefits from membrane science. Furthermore, integrated membrane systems are recognized as to become, for the next few years, an interesting way for a better rationalization and more productive industrial cycles. In conjunction with new membranebased devices like membrane contactors, these integrated systems are allowing achievement of highly selective sepn. operations, with benefits for the whole productive sectors. This paper gives an overview of the application of membrane technol. in some selected industrial cycles. Bibliographic Information The issues of energy and carbon cycle: new perspectives for assessing the environmental impact of animal waste utilization. Ceotto, E. Sezione di Modena, Istituto Sperimentale Agronomico, Modena, Italy. Bioresource Technology (2004), Volume Date 2005, 96(2), 191-196. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: BIRTEB ISSN: 09608524. Journal written in English. CAN 141:414827 AN 2004:769081 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This paper focuses on the benefits of an efficient use of animal waste from the standpoint of curbing the rise of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atm. An effective use of animal waste resources might provide a partial, but still important, contribution in reducing net CO2 emissions. In particular: the fulfilment of nutrient requirements of crop plants growing in non-limiting conditions and thus sequestering CO2 at their potential level; the chance of diminishing the use of fossil energy, and related CO2 emissions, required for manufg. industrial fertilizers; the possibility of enhancing carbon sequestration in agricultural soils by the application of farmyard manure. The future success of agriculture in providing these ecosystem services can only be achieved with a changed social awareness of the links between sustainable land use and global environmental change. Bibliographic Information Angiogenesis in developing follicle and corpus luteum. 27 Tamanini, C.; de Ambrogi, M. Faculty of Veterinary Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Medicine, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Reproduction in Domestic Animals (2004), 39(4), 206-216. Publisher: Blackwell Verlag GmbH, CODEN: RDANEF ISSN: 0936-6768. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 141:271678 AN 2004:748341 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Angiogenesis is a process of vascular growth that is mainly limited to the reproductive system in healthy adult animals. The development of new blood vessels in the ovary is essential to guarantee the necessary supply of nutrients and hormones to promote follicular growth and corpus luteum formation. In developing follicles, the preexisting endothelial cells that form the vascular network in the theca layer markedly develop in response to the stimulus of several growth factors, mainly produced by granulosa cells, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). The angiogenic factors also promote vessel permeability, thus favoring the antrum formation and the events inducing follicle rupture. After ovulation, newly formed blood vessels cross the basement membrane between theca and granulosa layers and continue a rapid growth to sustain corpus luteum development and function. The length of luteal vascular growth varies in cycling and pregnant animals and among species; both angiogenesis and subsequent angioregression are finely regulated by systemic and local factors. The control of angiogenic development in the ovary could be a useful tool to improve animal reproductive performances. Bibliographic Information The global Musa genomic consortium: A boost for banana improvement. Frison, E. A.; Escalant, J. V.; Sharrock, S. IPGRI, Rome, Italy. Editor(s): Jain, S. Mohan; Swennen, Rony. Banana Improvement (2004), 341-349. Publisher: Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, N. H CODEN: 69FTT2 Conference; General Review written in English. CAN 141:406328 AN 2004:664945 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Bananas (Musa spp.) are of great importance to small-scale farmers in the developing countries of the tropics and sub-tropics. The crop can be grown in a range of environments and prodn. systems, and provides a nutritious staple food and a significant source of revenue all year round. Growing populations in many of the countries where bananas provide a vital food source mean that productivity increases are essential. However, such increases in prodn. must be brought about in the face of growing pest and disease pressure, and constantly changing environmental and economic conditions. In order to accelerate efforts in producing improved varieties of Musa, the International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP) was instrumental in the formation of PROMUSA, the Global Program for Musa Improvement, in 1997. Within the framework of PROMUSA, a global Musa Genomics Consortium was launched in 2001. The consortium aims to apply the newly available genomic technologies, which cover the anal. and sequencing of all the DNA, its genes, their expression, recombination and diversity, directly to the sustainable improvement of this major crop. This paper gives details of the importance of genomic studies for the improvement of a crop such as Musa, in which all the important cultivars are highly sterile; the resources available to the members of the consortium; and the incremental strategy developed for achieving the consortium's aims. Musa provides an ideal model species for genomics studies because of the small size of its genome, the comparisons that can be made between sterile, vegetatively propagated cultivars and seed-fertile wild species, and the different levels of ploidy available among members of the genus. It is also one of the few plant species with biparental cytoplasmic inheritance: paternal inheritance of mitochondria and maternal inheritance of chloroplasts. Bibliographic Information 4-Hydroxynonenal is markedly higher in patients on a standard long-term home parenteral nutrition. Massarenti, Paola; Biasi, Fiorella; De Francesco, Antonella; Pauletto, Daniela; Rocca, Giuseppe; Silli, Barbara; Vizio, Barbara; Serviddio, Gaetano; Leonarouzzi, Gabriella; Poli, Giuseppe; Palmo, Augusta. Clinical Nutrition Center of San Giovanni Battista and of Turin Hospital, Turin, Italy. Free Radical Research (2004), 38(1), 73-80. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd., CODEN: FRARER ISSN: 1071-5762. Journal written in English. CAN 140:390780 AN 2004:140575 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 28 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Parenteral nutrition, a commonly used procedure in patients with gastrointestinal disorders, may lead to liver steatosis and fibrosis with unclear pathogenesis. Oxidative stress and esp. lipid peroxidn. contribute to such hepatobiliary complications by their proinflammatory and profibrogenic effects. To evaluate the adequacy of std. micronutrient supplementation against oxidative insult in patients on long-term parenteral nutrition, a comprehensive patterns of redox indexes was detd. in peripheral blood samples from 41 adult patients and 58 controls. Sustained oxidative stress in peripheral blood of home parenteral patients was obsd. Of the 2 lipid peroxidn. markers that were markedly increased (fluorescent blood plasma protein adducts with malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxynonenal), only the latter correlated with the antioxidant-related changes consistently found in the patients, esp. decreased plasma -tocopherol and selenium intakes and higher erythrocyte oxidized glutathione levels. Blood plasma levels of 4-hydroxynonenal-protein adducts were a reliable and easily measurable marker of oxidative status, esp. suitable for monitoring the adequacy of dietary regimens during parenteral nutrition. Bibliographic Information Organic inputs and ecosystem efficiency in the deep Mediterranean Sea. Danovaro, Roberto. Department of Marine Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy. Chemistry and Ecology (2003), 19(5), 391-398. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd., CODEN: CHECDY ISSN: 0275-7540. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 140:258259 AN 2003:990666 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Most studies on the benthic-pelagic coupling have focussed on how energy flow and fluxes of org. matter might influence the prodn. and structure of the benthic communities. The classical scenario depicts the input of org. material from the photic zone fertilizing the seabed and the consequent benthic nutrient regeneration supplying again the water column to sustain primary prodn. processes. More recent studies highlighted the role of benthos as cysts of planktonic organisms that spend part of their life quiescent in the sediments. Such benthic propagules, when environmental conditions are not anymore adverse, can supply back plankton communities. Marine canyons might accumulate cysts derived from shelf export and reverse the direction of the coupling in a bottom tip perspective. In the Mediterranean Sea, Eastern and Western basins display different productivity, flux rates and benthic standing stocks, with mass fluxes and org. carbon inputs up to 80 times higher in the Western basin. The low inputs reaching the deepsea sediments are apparently responsible for the lack of coupling in the oligotrophic regions of the Eastern Mediterranean. The poverty of the org. input <500 m, thought insufficient to fully support growth at the metazoan level, is partially balanced by a higher org. matter quality (i.e. bioavailability) in the more oligotrophic environments. In the Eastern Mediterranean, benthic organisms (e.g., bacteria and small metazoans) are 2-3 times more efficient than in the Western Mediterranean in exploiting the available food sources. These conditions are reflected also by bioenergetic strategies. In the more oligotrophic eastern basin, meiofauna body compn. (as lipid, protein and carbohydrate content) displays an apparent biochem. coupling with the compn. of the org. food sources and is apparently able to cope with longer periods of scarce and highly unpredictable food inputs. Finally also climate changes might influence the pelagic-benthic coupling modifying primary productivity and sedimentation rates. Recent changes in deep water mass characteristics of the south Aegean, detd. the formation, apparently related to climate anomalies, of new colder and higher salinity water masses. These waters replaced and lifted up the older nutrient-reach deep waters, thus enhancing primary prodn. and phytodetritus input to the deep sea. Such phenomenon detd. a clear accumulation (up to 10-times) of labile org. carbon in the deep sea. There is increasing evidence that greenhouse effects and transient climate changes might have rapid and profound effects also on pelagicbenthic coupling in deep-sea ecosystems. Bibliographic Information Low vitamin D status, high bone turnover, and bone fractures in centenarians. Passeri, Giovanni; Pini, Gabriella; Troiano, Leonarda; Vescovini, Rosanna; Sansoni, Paolo; Passeri, Mario; Gueresi, Paola; Delsignore, Roberto; Pedrazzoni, Mario; Franceschi, Claudio. Department of Internal Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Parma, Parma, Italy. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2003), 88(11), 5109-5115. Publisher: Endocrine Society, CODEN: JCEMAZ ISSN: 0021-972X. Journal written in English. CAN 140:145258 AN 2003:908399 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 29 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract We studied bone status and metab. in 104 subjects (90 women, 14 men; >98 yr old) to evaluate possible interventions to avoid fragility fractures and disability. They were not affected by any acute disease. After complete clin. assessment, blood was analyzed for bone turnover markers and phys. performance tests and skeletal ultrasonog. (phalanges or heels) were performed. We found that 38 subjects had sustained a total of 55 fractures throughout their lives and 75% of these were fragility fractures; 28 fractures occurred at the proximal femur, with 14 after the age of 94 yr. Blood serum 25hydroxyvitamin D was nondetectable in 99 of 104 centenarians. Serum PTH and C-terminal fragment of collagen type I were elevated in 64 and 90% of centenarians, resp., with a trend toward hypocalcemia. Bone alk. phosphatase levels were close to the upper limit. Serum interleukin (IL)-6 levels were elevated in 81% centenarians and pos. correlated with PTH and neg. with serum calcium levels. Serum creatinine did not correlate with PTH. Bone ultrasonog. showed that most centenarians had low values and the ultrasonog. parameters correlated with resorption markers. Thus, the extreme decades of life are characterized by pathophysiol. sequence of events linking vitamin D deficiency, low blood serum calcium, and secondary hyperparathyroidism with increased bone resorption and severe osteopenia. These data offer a rationale for possible prevention of elevated bone turnover, bone loss, and consequently decrease in osteoporotic fractures and fracture-induced disability in the oldest olds through dietary supplementation with calcium and vitamin D. Bibliographic Information Economic constraints on production and consumption of animal source foods for nutrition in developing countries. Steinfeld, Henning. Livestock Information Sector Analysis and Policy Branch, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Journal of Nutrition (2003), 133(11S-2), 4054S-4061S. Publisher: American Society for Nutritional Sciences, CODEN: JONUAI ISSN: 0022-3166. Journal written in English. AN 2003:905356 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Livestock ownership currently supports and sustains the livelihoods of an estd. 675 million rural poor, who depend partially or fully on livestock for their income and/or subsistence. Human population growth, increasing urbanization and rising incomes are predicted to double the demand for, and prodn. of, livestock and livestock products in the developing countries over the next 20 yr. Land availability limits the expansion of livestock nos. in extensive prodn. systems in most regions, and the bulk of the increase in livestock prodn. will come from increased productivity through intensification and a wider adoption of existing and new prodn. and marketing technologies. The significant changes in the global consumption and demand for animal source foods, along with increasing pressures on resources, are having some important implications for the principal prodn. systems. Prodn. at the smallholder level is constrained by a no. of barriers, lack of competitiveness and risk factors. The future holds both opportunities as well as serious pitfalls for animal prodn. in developing countries. There is a danger that livestock prodn. and processing will become dominated by integrated large-scale com. operations, displacing small-scale livestock farmers and thus exacerbating rural poverty and malnutrition. Conversely, correctly managed, a dynamic livestock sector could prove to be a catalyst for stimulating rural economies. However, the livestock sector will not take on this role on its own, but requires proactive policies on behalf of the private and public sectors. Bibliographic Information Polyunsaturated fatty acids, thrombosis and vascular disease. Di Minno, Giovanni; Tufano, Antonella; Garofano, Tiziana; Di Minno, Matteo Nicola Dario. Clinica Medica, Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale, Universita' degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Italy. Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis (2002), 32(5-6), 361-364. Publisher: S. Karger AG, CODEN: PHTAC7 ISSN: 1424-8832. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 140:27182 AN 2003:754425 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. In the 1980s, retrospective studies showed an inverse relation between fish consumption and ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality. Fish fats contg. the n-3 polyunsatd. fatty acid (PUFA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5n-3) 30 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 were shown to impair blood platelet aggregation and thromboxane formation. Large prospective trials, the Diet and Reinfarction Trial (DART) and the Lyon Heart Study in the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction, have further supported the interrelationships between diet and dietary prevention of IHD. In the DART Study, the cardioprotection by EPA was paralleled by increased blood plasma contents of EPA. In the Lyon Heart Study, in addn. to changes in the contents of EPA, changes in other well known variables (leukocytes, vitamin E; often abnormal in subjects prone to arterial thrombosis) were found. The GISSI Prevenzione Trial was a prospective, multicentric, open labeled trial with a factorial design, in which 11,324 recent (<3 mo) survivors of first myocardial infarction were assigned to receive, in addn. to the usual treatment strategy, supplements of n-3 PUFA, vitamin E, or their combination. The n-3 PUFA supplementation decreased cardiovascular death (-30%), coronary heart disease death (-35%), total death (-20%), and sudden death (-45%). The decreased tendency to sudden death in survivors of myocardial infarction in the n-3 PUFA treated group agree with scanty but reliable clin. data and exptl. studies. Large-scale prospective multicentric randomized trials aimed at preventing sudden death in high-risk patients and at testing the effects of n-3 PUFA in patients with intra-coronary devices and sustained ventricular arrhythmias should be followed to better understand the n-3 PUFA role and sudden death issues. Bibliographic Information Controlled liberation composition of biologically active substances for zootechnics use. Cicognani, Paolo; Mattioli, Paolo. (Ascor Chimici S.R.L., Italy). Mex. Pat. Appl. (2000), 32 pp. CODEN: MXXXA3 MX 9900144 A 20000731 Patent written in Spanish. Application: MX 99-144 19990104. Priority: . CAN 139:90419 AN 2003:571324 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. MX 9900144 Kind A Priority Application MX 1999-144 Date 20000731 Application No. MX 1999-144 Date 19990104 19990104 Abstract An invention involving the prepn. of a compn. for oral delivery of drugs and nutrients, in controlled-release form, to animals. The compns. comprise a vehicle constituted by a mixt. of oils and waxes, in which there are incorporated the biol. active substances. The process for the compns. prodn. comprises the fusion of the mixt. of oils and waxes, the incorporation of the biol. active substances in said merged mixt., and the subsequent solidification and fragmentation obtaining particles with dimensions of 400-500 em. The invention compns. are used to be added as additives in fodders, with the finality of obtaining medicinal and/or integrated fodders from the nutritional point of view, for example with essential amino acids or vitamins. Bibliographic Information Acute effects of lyophilised red wine on total antioxidant capacity in healthy volunteers. Alberti-Fidanza, A.; Burini, G.; Antonelli, G.; Murdolo, G.; Perriello, G. Sections of Nutrition and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism (2003), 16(1), 65-71. Publisher: Editrice Kurtis s.r.l., CODEN: DNMEEW ISSN: 0394-3402. Journal written in English. CAN 139:179329 AN 2003:553626 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This is an open, cross-over study to examine the acute effects of lyophilized red wine (LYOW) on total antioxidant capacity and some metabolic variables in 10 healthy subjects (age 27.7 3.9 yr) following a light meal. Each subject was studied on two occasions for a 360-min period, after consumption of a 1.22 MJ (291 kcal) meal; on one occasion without and on another occasion with intake of LYOW with high antioxidant activity [15.4 mM trolox equiv. (eq)]. 31 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Plasma oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) values decreased significantly after meal alone from 4.97 0.499 to 4.39 0.383 mM trolox eq. (mean SD; p<0.05) and remained lower until 360 min compared to basal values (p<0.05). In contrast, ORAC values after meal with LYOW increased significantly from a baseline of 4.79 0.356 to the highest value of 6.39 0.570 mM trolox eq at 90 min; then, it decreased to a plateau of 4.99 0.316 mM trolox eq (p<0.05), whose values were still higher than baseline ones until 360 min and also significantly different from the values obtained without LYOW from 90 to 360 min (p<0.05). No correlations were obsd. between dietary antioxidant vitamin, fruit and vegetable intakes and plasma antioxidant capacity. No differences were found in plasma insulin and glucose values after meal between the two occasions. We conclude that moderate drinking of red wine (350 mL) with high antioxidant capacity increased and sustained for 360 min plasma antioxidant level of 10 healthy subjects after a meal. Bibliographic Information Effect of weight loss and lifestyle changes on vascular inflammatory markers in obese women. A randomized trial. Esposito, Katherine; Pontillo, Alessandro; Di Palo, Carmen; Giugliano, Giovanni; Masella, Mariangela; Marfella, Raffaele; Giugliano, Dario. Department of Geriatrics and Metabolic Diseases, Center for Obesity Management, Second University of Naples, naples, Italy. JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association (2003), 289(14), 1799-1804. Publisher: American Medical Association, CODEN: JAMAAP ISSN: 0098-7484. Journal written in English. CAN 139:34712 AN 2003:280416 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Obesity is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which may be mediated by increased secretion of proinflammatory cytokines by adipose tissue. To det. the effect of a program of changes in lifestyle designed to obtain a sustained redn. of body wt. on markers of systemic vascular inflammation and insulin resistance. Randomized singleblind trial conducted from Feb. 1999 to Feb. 2002 at a university hospital in Italy. One hundred 20 premenopausal obese women (body mass index 30) aged 20 to 46 yr without diabetes, hypertension, or hyperlipidemia. The 60 women randomly assigned to the intervention group received detailed advice about how to achieve a redn. of wt. of 10% or more through a low-energy Mediterranean-style diet and increased phys. activity. The control group (n=60) was given general information about healthy food choices and exercise. Lipid and glucose intake; blood pressure; homeostatic model assessment of insulin sensitivity; and circulating levels of interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 18 (IL18), C-reactive protein (CRP), and adiponectin. After 2 yr, women in the intervention group consumed more foods rich in complex carbohydrates (9% cor. difference; P<.001), monounsatd. fat (2%; P=.009), and fiber (7 g/d; P<.001); had a lower ratio of -6 to -3 fatty acids (-5; P<.001); and had lower energy (-310 kcal/d; P<.001), satd. fat (-3.5%; P=.007), and cholesterol intake (-92 mg/d; P<.001) than controls. Body mass index decreased more in the intervention group than in controls (-4.2; P<.001), as did serum concns. of IL-6 (-1.1 pg/mL; P=.009), IL-18 (-57 pg/mL; P=.02), and CRP (-1.6 mg/L; P=.008), while adiponectin levels increased significantly (2.2 pg/mL; P=.01). In multivariate analyses, changes in free fatty acids (P=.008), IL-6 (P=.02), and adiponectin (P=.007) levels were independently assocd. with changes in insulin sensitivity. In this study, a multidisciplinary program aimed to reduce body wt. in obese women through lifestyle changes was assocd. with a redn. in markers of vascular inflammation and insulin resistance. Bibliographic Information Biological nutrient removal wastewater treatments and sewage sludge anaerobic mesophilic digestion performances. Bolzonella, D.; Innocenti, L.; Cecchi, F. Department of Science and Technology, University of Verona, Verona, Italy. Water Science and Technology (2002), 46(10, Sludge Management: Regulation, Treatment, Utilisation and Disposal), 199-208. Publisher: IWA Publishing, CODEN: WSTED4 ISSN: 0273-1223. Journal written in English. CAN 138:259523 AN 2003:61063 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The paper deals with the performances of the mesophilic anaerobic digestion treatment of sewage sludge from a full scale BNR process without primary settling (nominally 300,000 PE). A relation between the activated sludge obsd. 32 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 yields, Yobs, and the anaerobic digester performance was preliminarily found: for values of Yobs of 0.25 kgVSS/kgCOD the anaerobic digester specific gas prodn. showed the best performances (0.22 m3/kgVSfed). This has to be confirmed with wider future studies. It was also shown the level of sludge pre-thickening to be reached for the self-sustaining warming of the digester also in wintertime. According to the energetic balance and to a comparison with an aerobic stabilization process, it was pointed out as when a co-generation unit for heat and energy prodn. was introduced about 3.4 kWh/PE year of energy were produced in the anaerobic digestion process. On the other hand, 4.3 kWh/PE year were spent if an aerobic stabilization process was applied. The economic assessment, carried out on the basis of the energy balances, showed that the anaerobic digestion is always economically advantageous if compared to aerobic stabilization processes, also for small WWTPs. According to the energetic evaluations an environmental balance was assessed, in terms of CO2 emissions. The difference between anaerobic and aerobic processes was about 5.3 kgCO2/PE year in favor of anaerobic processes application. Bibliographic Information Zeolite-coated sustained-release urea fertilizer. Marchello, Giovanni Battista. (Odore, Carlo, Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2002), 21 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2002083740 A1 20021024 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2002-IB1238 20020410. Priority: IT 2001-363 20010413. CAN 137:294357 AN 2002:814192 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2002083740 Kind A1 IT AU EP EP A1 A1 A1 B1 2001TO0363 2002249526 1379558 1379558 AT 313564 ES 2255611 T T3 Priority Application IT 2001-TO363 WO 2002-IB1238 A W Date Application No. Date 20021024 WO 2002-IB1238 20020410 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20021014 IT 2001-TO363 20010413 20021028 AU 2002-249526 20020410 20040114 EP 2002-718474 20020410 20051221 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR 20060115 AT 2002-718474 20020410 20060701 ES 2002-718474 20020410 20010413 20020410 Abstract Urea particles are coated with natural zeolite powder, which forms a protective coating layer around the urea particles. The fertilizer permits a gradual supply of nitrates to the soil over time, which solves the problem of loss of nitrogenous 33 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 nutrients from the soil due to leaching phenomena and to the redn. of the nitrates to gaseous nitrogen. Bibliographic Information Clinical Response to Amino Acid-Based Formula in Neurologically Impaired Children With Refractory Esophagitis. Miele, Erasmo; Staiano, Annamaria; Tozzi, Arturo; Auricchio, Renata; Paparo, Francesco; Troncone, Riccardo. Department of Pediatrics and European Laboratory for the Investigation of Food-Induced Diseases, University Federico II, Naples, Italy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (2002), 35(3), 314-319. Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, CODEN: JPGND6 ISSN: 0277-2116. Journal written in English. CAN 138:55129 AN 2002:741575 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract OBJECTIVE Chronic gastrointestinal symptoms and histol. changes of the esophagus unresponsive to std. treatments for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may be improved by the use of elemental formulas. The aim of the authors' study was to evaluate the efficacy of a dietary trial in neurol. impaired children unresponsive to medical and surgical therapy for GERD. METHODS Nine children (three boys and 6 girls; median age, 44 mo; range, 13-180 mo) affected by cerebral palsy assocd. with severe mental retardation and with long-standing history of GERD were fed the elemental formula, Neocate, for a min. of 4 wk. Before and after the dietary trial, each child underwent endoscopy with esophageal biopsy and a cellobiose/mannitol sugar permeability test. The diagnosis of GERD was based on the microscopic changes of the esophagus. RESULTS Before the dietary trial, according to conventional histol. criteria, esophagitis was considered moderate in 7 children and mild in 2. Five of nine patients also had abnormal sugar permeability test results. During and after the dietary trial, seven of nine patients experienced resoln. of their long-term symptom complaints. Furthermore, after the dietary trial, both endoscopic (< 0.01) and histol. (< 0.05) findings significantly improved. At 6-mo follow-up, progressive reintroduction of individual dietary proteins, except for cow's milk protein, did not cause reappearance of the symptoms. CONCLUSIONS In neurol. impaired children unresponsive to conventional antireflux treatments, a course of a highly restricted diet with an amino acid-based formula may bring an immediate and sustained, endoscopically and histol. proven improvement in long-standing gastrointestinal symptoms and esophagitis. Bibliographic Information Evaluation of a eutrophic coastal lagoon ecosystem from the study of bottom sediments. Frascari, F.; Matteucci, G.; Giordano, P. Marine Geology Institute, National Research Council, Bologna, Italy. Hydrobiologia (2002), 475/476 387-401. Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers, CODEN: HYDRB8 ISSN: 0018-8158. Journal written in English. CAN 138:94980 AN 2002:738381 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Morphol. reconstruction and biogeochem. characterization of the lagoon of Comacchio (Italy) were carried out in order to provide recommendations for the recovery, conservation and sustainable management of the Fattibello-Spavola coastal lagoon ecosystem. Samples were taken in 2 seasons: July 1997 and Nov. 1998. The irregular morphol. of the Fattibello lagoon affects depositional processes and seawater exchange (tidal currents). Several depressions retain part of the dense water of the saline wedge; these stagnant waters became sinks for fine terrigenous and org. matter. The basin is already extensively supplied with N and P compds. from land. The inflow is demonstrated by the large quantity of org. C, N and org. and inorg. P compds. in the superficial sediment. The ratios between the various forms of macronutrients indicate that the org. matter is primarily of autochthonous origin, with relatively low C/N ratios (8.4 0.6 and 8.1 0.6 in July and Nov., resp.). Shallow areas were almost always oxygenated by tidal currents and thus rich in organisms, with a predominance of molluscs and Ficopomatus enigmaticus. However, the trophic equil. of the ecosystem was affected by the accumulation of org. matter in the depressions, favored by the increased hydrodynamics during the autumn. These accumulations generate high O consumption and release considerable quantities of nutrients into the water column, with the risk of serious dystrophy throughout the basin during the summer. Local dredging and an improvement of the circulation are suggested and carried out to contain these processes. Reclamation measures in the longer term are proposed. 34 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Cadmium-induced sulfate uptake in maize roots. Nocito, Fabio F.; Pirovano, Livia; Cocucci, Maurizio; Sacchi, Gian Attilio. Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy. Plant Physiology (2002), 129(4), 1872-1879. Publisher: American Society of Plant Biologists, CODEN: PLPHAY ISSN: 0032-0889. Journal written in English. CAN 137:244742 AN 2002:639369 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The effect of Cd on high-affinity sulfate transport of maize (Zea mays) roots was studied and related to the changes in the levels of sulfate and nonprotein thiols during Cd-induced phytochelatin (PC) biosynthesis. Ten micromolar CdCl2 in the nutrient soln. induced a 100% increase in sulfate uptake by roots. This was not obsd. either for potassium or phosphate uptake, suggesting a specific effect of Cd2+ on sulfate transport. The higher sulfate uptake was not dependent on a change in the proton motive force that energizes it. In fact, in Cd-treated plants, the transmembrane elec. p.d. of root cortical cells was only slightly more neg. than in the controls, the external pH did not change, and the activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase did not increase. Kinetics anal. showed that in the range of the highaffinity sulfate transport systems, 10 to 250 M, Cd exposure did not influence the Km value (about 20 M), whereas it doubled the Vmax value with respect to the control. Northern-blot anal. showed that Cd-induced sulfate uptake was related to a higher level of mRNA encoding for a putative high-affinity sulfate transporter in roots. Cd-induced sulfate uptake was assocd. to both a decrease in the contents of sulfate and glutathione and synthesis of a large amt. of PCs. These results suggest that Cd-induced sulfate uptake depends on a pretranslational regulation of the high-affinity sulfate transporter gene and that this response is necessary for sustaining the higher sulfur demand during PC biosynthesis. Bibliographic Information Postprandial endothelial activation in healthy subjects and in type 2 diabetic patients: role of fat and carbohydrate meals. Nappo, Francesco; Esposito, Katherine; Cioffi, Michele; Giugliano, Giovanni; Molinari, Anna Maria; Paolisso, Giuseppe; Marfella, Raffaele; Giugliano, Dario. Department of Geriatrics and Metabolic Diseases, Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy. Journal of the American College of Cardiology (2002), 39(7), 11451150. Publisher: Elsevier Science Inc., CODEN: JACCDI ISSN: 0735-1097. Journal written in English. CAN 136:385483 AN 2002:348936 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract To compare the effect of a high-fat meal and a high-carbohydrate meal (pizza), with and without antioxidant vitamins, on endothelial activation in healthy subjects and in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The postprandial state is becoming increasingly acknowledged to affect some early events of atherogenesis. In a randomized, observer-blinded, crossover study, 20 newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients and 20 age- and gender-matched healthy subjects received two meals at one-week intervals: a high-fat meal (760 cal) and an isoenergetic high-carbohydrate meal (non-cheese pizza). In all subjects, the same meals were repeated immediately following ingestion of vitamin E, 800 IU, and ascorbic acid, 1,000 mg. In normal subjects, the high-fat meal increased the plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor(TNF- ), interleukin-6 (IL-6), intercellular adhesion mol.-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion mol.-1 (VCAM-1), which were prevented by vitamins. No change in these parameters occurred after pizza ingestion or pizza ingestion with vitamins. In diabetic patients, basal concns. of glucose, cytokines and adhesion mols. were significantly higher than in nondiabetic controls. Both meals significantly increased cytokine and adhesion mol. levels, but the increase was more sustained following the high-fat meal. There was no significant change from baseline when vitamin supplementation accompanied each meal. There was a relationship between changes in serum triglycerides and changes in TNF- (r = 0.39, p < 0.01), IL-6 (r = 0.28, p < 0.05) and VCAM-1 (r = 0.25, p < 0.05), and between changes in plasma glucose and changes in IL-6 (r = 0.36, p < 0.01) and ICAM-1 (r = 0.31, p < 0.02). An oxidative mechanism mediates endothelial activation induced by post-meal hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia. Bibliographic Information Iron deficiency and chlorosis in orchard and vineyard ecosystems. 35 Tagliavini, M.; Rombola, A. D. Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Dipartimento di Colture Arboree, Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy. European Journal of Agronomy (2001), 15(2), 71-92. Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V., CODEN: EJAGET ISSN: 1161-0301. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 136:354692 AN 2001:738063 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The main fundamental and applied aspects of iron (Fe) nutrition of deciduous fruit crops and grapevine and the possible development of sustainable Fe nutrition management in orchard and vineyard ecosystems were reviewed. Cultivated grapevines and most deciduous fruit trees are made up of two sep. genotypes the cultivar and the rootstock, providing the root system to the tree. The effect of the rootstock on scion tolerance of Fe chlorosis is discussed in terms of biochem. responses of the roots to acquire iron from the soil. Symptoms of iron chlorosis in orchards and vineyards are usually more frequent in spring when shoot growth is rapid and bicarbonate concn. in the soil soln. buffers soil pH in the rhizosphere and root apoplast. Since the soly. of Fe-oxides is pH dependent, under alk. and calcareous soils inorg. Fe availability is far below that required to satisfy plant demand, so major role on Fe nutrition of trees is likely played by the iron chelated by microbial siderophores, chelated by phytosiderophores (released into the soil by graminaceous species) and complexed by org. matter. As most fruit tree species belong to Strategy I-based plants (which do not produce phytosiderophores in their roots) Fe uptake is preceded by a redn. step from Fe3+ to Fe2+. The role of ferric chelate reductase and proton pump activities in Fe uptake and the possible adoption of these measurements for screening procedure in selecting Fe chlorosis tolerant rootstocks are discussed. In a chlorotic leaf the existence of Fe pools which are somehow inactivated has been demonstrated, suggesting that part of the Fe coming from the roots does not pass the leaf plasmamembrane and may be confined to the apoplast; the reasons and the importance for inactivation of Fe in the apoplast are discussed. The use of Fe chlorosis tolerant genotypes as rootstocks in orchards and vineyards represents a reliable soln. to prevent iron chlorosis; in some species, however, available Fe chlorosis resistant rootstocks are not very attractive from an agronomic point of view since they often induce excessive growth of the scion and reduce fruit yields. As most fruit tree crops and grapes are high value commodities, in many countries growers are often willing to apply synthetic Fe chelates to cure or to prevent the occurrence of Fe deficiency. The application of iron chelates does not represent a sustainable way to prevent or cure iron chlorosis because of to their costs and of the environmental risks assocd. with their use. Since Fe chelates were introduced, little research on alternative means for controlling the chlorosis has been performed. Sustainable management of Fe nutrition in orchards and vineyards should include all genetical and agronomical means in order to naturally enhance Fe availability in the soil and in the plant. Special attention should be given to soil anal. and to prevention measures carried out before planting. Alternatives to iron chelates are being developed and in the future they should be included into the routine practices of managing fruit trees and grapevine under Integrated Prodn. and Org. Farming. Bibliographic Information Reduction of oxaluria after an oral course of lactic acid bacteria at high concentration. Campieri, Claudio; Campieri, Massimo; Bertuzzi, Veronica; Swennen, Erwin; Matteuzzi, Diego; Stefoni, Sergio; Pirovano, Franco; Centi, Carla; Ulisse, Salvatore; Famularo, Giuseppe; De Simone, Claudio. Department of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, S. Orsola University Hospital, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Kidney International (2001), 60(3), 1097-1105. Publisher: Blackwell Science, Inc., CODEN: KDYIA5 ISSN: 0085-2538. Journal written in English. CAN 136:134155 AN 2001:696072 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Hyperoxaluria is a major risk factor for renal stone formation and in most cases it may be sustained by increased dietary oxalate load or increased intestinal absorption. The endogenous digestive microflora, esp. Oxalobacter formigenes, utilizes oxalate in the gut and limits its absorption. Oxaluria may be decreased by decreasing oxalate intestinal absorption via feeding a mixt. of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria. Six patients with idiopathic Ca oxalate urolithiasis and mild hyperoxaluria (>40 mg/24 h) received a mixt. of 8 1011 freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. brevis, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium infantis) daily for 4 wk. The 24-h urinary excretion of oxalate was detd. at the end of the study period and 1 mo after end of the treatment. The ability of 36 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 bacteria to degrade oxalate and grow in oxalate-contg. media and the gene expression of Ox1T, an enzyme that catalyzes the transmembrane exchange of oxalate, were also investigated. The lactic acid bacteria treatment decreased the 24-h excretion of oxalate in all 6 patients. The mean levels were 33.5 15.9 mg/24 h at the end of the study period and 28.3 14.6 mg/24 h at 1 mo later compared with baseline values of 55.5 19.6 mg/24 h. The treatment was assocd. with a strong decrease of the fecal excretion of oxalate in 2 patients tested. Two bacterial species among those used (L. acidophilus and S. thermophilus) degraded oxalate effectively in vitro, but their growth was somewhat inhibited by oxalate. One species (B. infantis) showed a good oxalate-degrading activity and grew rapidly in the oxalate-contg. medium. L. plantarum and L. brevis showed a modest ability to degrade oxalate even though they grew well in oxalatecontg. medium. No strain expressed the Ox1T gene. Thus, the urinary excretion of oxalate, a major risk factor for renal stone formation and growth in patients with idiopathic Ca oxalate urolithiasis, can be greatly decreased with dietary treatment by high concns. of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria. The biol. manipulation of the endogenous digestive microflora can be a novel approach for the prevention of urinary stone formation. Bibliographic Information Programmed cell death, proliferating cell nuclear antigen and p53 expression in mouse colon mucosa during diet-induced tumorigenesis. Risio, Mauro; Sarotto, Ivana; Rossini, Francesco Paolo; Newmark, Harold; Yang, Kan; Lipkin, Martin. Department of Pathology, Institute for Cancer, Candiolo-Torino, Italy. Analytical Cellular Pathology (2000), 21(2), 87-94. Publisher: IOS Press, CODEN: ACPAER ISSN: 0921-8912. Journal written in English. CAN 135:342247 AN 2001:360544 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Western-style diets (WDs) trigger and sustain the early phases of tumorigenesis in mouse colon, and when continued throughout the life span lead to the development of dysplastic crypts. To evaluate the roles both of cell proliferation and programmed cell death (PCD) in WD-induced tumorigenesis, immunohistochem. detection of proliferating nuclear antigen (PCNA), in situ end labeling (TUNEL) of DNA breaks, and p53 protein were carried out in mouse colonic mucosa during prolonged feeding of 2 WDs. PCNA Labeling Index of colonic crypts was significantly higher in WDtreated animals than in controls only at the beginning of the nutritional study, the gap rapidly bridged by increased cell proliferation spontaneously occurring in the colonic mucosa during aging. A transient early homeostatic activation of PCD at the base of the crypt also was obsd. in WD groups. No changes in PCD were seen in the upper third of the crypt or in surface epithelium throughout the study, indicating that PCD in that colonic crypt segment produces a const. flux of cell loss, uninfluenced by homeostatic fluctuations. A major finding was an irreversible, progressive, age-related decline of PCD at the crypt base in both control and treated animals that occurred during the second half of the rodents' life span, p53 protein was not immunohistochem. detected, suggesting that neither overexpression of wild-type nor mutated forms of the protein are involved in the above mentioned changes. Bibliographic Information Nutrients cycling in Mediterranean basins: the role of the biological pump in the trophic regime. Crispi, G.; Mosetti, R.; Solidoro, C.; Crise, A. Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Trieste, Italy. Ecological Modelling (2001), 138(1-3), 101-114. Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V., CODEN: ECMODT ISSN: 0304-3800. Journal written in English. CAN 135:170313 AN 2001:292996 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The Mediterranean Sea is generally characterized by the presence of oligotrophic conditions, which are more pronounced in its eastern part. The effects of phys. and biol. fluxes on the N and P distributions are addressed by means of a box model. Numerical simulations obtained with realistic fluxes, as well as the anal. of the asymptotic behavior of the model support the hypothesis that inverse estuarine circulation is not sufficient to explain the oligotrophic regime. Conversely, it appears that the downward fluxes of org. matter play a major role in sustaining and stabilizing the oligotrophy as found in the observations. Indeed the trophic gradients between the western and the eastern Mediterranean arise as a consequence of the unbalance of the loads emitted in the basins, with greater inputs into the 37 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 western, but, they are maintained in the long run by the biol. pump. Bibliographic Information Recovery of the macrozoobenthic community after severe dystrophic crises in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Orbetello, Italy). Lardicci, C.; Como, S.; Corti, S.; Rossi, F. Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Uomo e dell'Ambiente, Universita di Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Marine Pollution Bulletin (2001), 42(3), 202-214. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., CODEN: MPNBAZ ISSN: 0025-326X. Journal written in English. AN 2001:229583 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The Orbetello lagoon, one of the largest Western Mediterranean lagoons, was affected by high algal blooms and severe anoxic crises in 1992 and 1993, with fish mortality throughout most of the lagoon and a drastic redn. of benthic species. Many measures were undertaken between 1994 and 1996 to remove the severe eutrophication of this lagoon. Such measures included harvesting of the floating seaweed biomass, removal of all wastewater and sea channel enlargement by dredging activity. The aim of the present research was to study the macrozoobenthic assemblage in 1999 and to compare it with previous research in order to assess the recovery of the lagoon. A total of 106 taxa and 45 175 individuals were collected in three areas (sea inlets, western and eastern lagoon) having different org. matter loading during winter and summer. The results of multivariate and correlation analyses indicated that trophic status and its seasonal dynamics were crucial in detg. species distribution among the different areas. Moreover, comparison of the macrozoobenthic structure between winter 1995 and 1999 showed differences in species compn. and structural parameters in the western and eastern lagoon, where a clear recovery of benthic assemblages was obsd. in 1999. However, the dominance of opportunistic species in most of the lagoon and the decrease in some structural parameters during summer suggested that this basin still presented signs of disturbance in 1999, six years after the last extended anoxic crises and even after completion of the restoration measures carried out in the environment. It was hypothesized that a secondary disturbance, sustained by a high seasonal release of nutrients from the sediments, could create considerable deviations from the expected improvement in benthic conditions. Bibliographic Information Dietary fats and cholesterol in Italian infants and children. Agostoni, Carlo; Riva, Enrica; Scaglioni, Silvia; Marangoni, Franca; Radaelli, Giovanni; Giovannini, Marcello. Department of Pediatrics, San Paolo Hospital, Milan, Italy. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2000), 72(5, Suppl.), 1384S-1391S. Publisher: American Society for Clinical Nutrition, CODEN: AJCNAC ISSN: 0002-9165. Journal written in English. CAN 134:41572 AN 2000:799555 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The dietary fat intake of Italian infants has peculiar characteristics that begin quite early because their mothers' milk has a monounsatd. fat content (45%) at the upper limit of values found in Europe. Comparison studies in breast-fed and formula-fed infants were conducted to evaluate the infant growth and developmental correlates and differences in fat intakes in the early months of life. The breast-fed infants had higher blood lipid concns. at 4 mo of age than the formula-fed infants. The addn. of long-chain polyunsatd. fatty acids (LC-PUFA) and cholesterol to the formulas for term infants may affect the concns. of circulating blood lipids and LC-PUFA compn. of the lipids during the breastfeeding period. The addn. of LC-PUFA does not seem to affect the growth rate of formula-fed infants. Although an initial benefit of LC-PUFA feeding on eye-hand coordination was obsd., this effect was not sustained; by 24 mo the different feeding groups had similar developmental scores. Other peculiarities of the Italian experience are presented, including body wts. from infancy to early childhood in 147 children, the nutrient densities of different diets in Italian school children, and the effects of nutritional education on dietary intakes. The diets of these children were high in animal protein and supplied .apprx.30-35% of energy from fats throughout childhood. Both the dietary protein intakes at 1 yr of age and parental body mass indexes were assocd. with 5-yr body mass index values. Classroom education may be useful to lower blood plasma lipid concns. in healthy primary school-age children. It is not known whether this early modification can be maintained and whether it influences the later development of cardiovascular disorders. 38 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations in human hindmilk are stable throughout 12-months of lactation and provide a sustained intake to the infant during exclusive breastfeeding: an Italian study. Marangoni, Franca; Agostoni, Carlo; Lammardo, Anna M.; Giovannini, Marcello; Galli, Claudio; Riva, Enrica. Institute of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. British Journal of Nutrition (2000), 84(1), 103-109. Publisher: CABI Publishing, CODEN: BJNUAV ISSN: 0007-1145. Journal written in English. CAN 133:237233 AN 2000:552465 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract While numerous data on the fatty acid compn. of mature human milk have been published, limited information is available on the quantities of individual fatty acids supplied to the nursing infant with maternal milk during the whole first year of life. The qual. and quant. fatty acid compn. of human milk from Italian mothers was detd. throughout extended lactation, with particular emphasis on the long-chain polyunsatd. fatty acids. The total fat content and the concns. of major fatty acids were quant. detd. by GLC in pooled breast hindmilk (at the end of feeding) collected from all feedings over 24 h at the colostrum stage and at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 mo from 10 mothers after delivery of full-term infants. The total satd. fatty acids progressively increased and total monounsatd. acids progressively decreased on % basis, while among the long-chain polyunsatd. fatty acids the % of arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids decreased from colostrum up to the third month. The hindmilk total lipid levels (mg/dL) increased >2-fold up to 3 mo and then remain stable. The amts. of linoleic and -linolenic acids (mg/dL) progressively increased, following the trend of total fat, while the arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acid concns. (mg/dL) remained stable throughout the whole nursing period. Assessment of the intakes per kg of infant body wt. showed different trends for the individual major long-chain polyunsatd. fatty acids supplied from the hindmilk during exclusive breast feeding (3 mo). This information is useful for the evaluation of infant intakes during extended lactation. Bibliographic Information Biocatalytic membrane reactors: applications and perspectives. Giorno, L.; Drioli, E. IRMERC-CNR, Research Institute on Membranes and Modelling of Chemical Reactors, University of Calabria, Rende-CS, Italy. Trends in Biotechnology (2000), 18(8), 339-349. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., CODEN: TRBIDM ISSN: 01677799. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 133:236858 AN 2000:507335 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 79 refs. Membranes and biotechnol. tools can be used for improving traditional prodn. systems to maintain the sustainable growth of society. Typical examples include: new and improved foodstuffs, in which the desired nutrients are not lost during thermal treatment; novel pharmaceutical products with well-defined enantiomeric compns.; and the treatment of waste-water, wherein pollution by traditional processes is a problem. Bibliographic Information Defective suppression of the aldosterone biosynthesis during stroke permissive diet in the stroke-prone phenotype of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Enea, Iolanda; De Paolis, Paola; Porcellini, Antonio; Piras, Ornella; Savoia, Carmine; Russo, Rosaria; Giliberti, Rosangela; Gigante, Bruna; Rubattu, Speranza; Conte, Giuseppe; Ganten, Detlev; Volpe, Massimo. Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo "Neuromed", Pozzilli, IS, Italy. Basic Research in Cardiology (2000), 95(2), 84-92. Publisher: Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, CODEN: BRCAB7 ISSN: 0300-8428. Journal written in English. CAN 133:237181 AN 2000:407457 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Short-term high salt dietary intake can unmask blunted blood plasma aldosterone suppression in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRsp). The responses of aldosterone biosynthesis and prodn. to sustained exposure 39 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 to the stroke-permissive high-sodium Japanese-style diet (JD) were studied in 6-wk old male stroke-prone and strokeresistant SHR. The rats from both strains were fed a regular diet (SHR = 37, SHRsp = 32) or the JD plus 1% saline to drink (SHR = 34, SHRsp = 30) for 4 wk. All measurements were done at the end of the study. After JD, blood plasma aldosterone levels were decreased in SHR from 357.8 57 to 163.3 31.5 pg/mL, but markedly increased in SHRsp from 442 56.5 to 739 125.7 pg/mL. The adrenal aldosterone synthase expression was decreased by JD in SHR; it was slightly increased by JD in SHRsp so that after 4 wk the aldosterone synthase mRNA level was 5-fold higher in SHRsp than in SHR. Urinary sodium excretion (mEq/24 h) was lower in SHRsp; the fractional Na excretion was 80.2 9% in SHR and 40.3 8% in SHRsp in balance studies performed at the end of JD period. These responses of mineralocorticoid biosynthesis and urinary Na excretion to JD were not accounted for by different adaptations of the renin-angiotensin and atrial natriuretic peptide systems, of blood serum K levels, or of adrenal 11 -hydroxylase expression in the 2 strains. Systolic blood pressure was comparable in both strains throughout the expt. Thus, there is an enhanced aldosterone biosynthesis assocd. with decreased urinary excretion of sodium in response to JD in SHRsp before the onset of stroke. This abnormality may play a role in the higher susceptibility to stroke in this model. Bibliographic Information Metabolic responses in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) roots under Fe-deficiency: a 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance in-vivo study. Espen, Luca; Dell'Orto, Marta; De Nisi, Patrizia; Zocchi, Graziano. Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Planta (2000), 210(6), 985-992. Publisher: SpringerVerlag, CODEN: PLANAB ISSN: 0032-0935. Journal written in English. CAN 133:71452 AN 2000:301863 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The metabolic responses occurring in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) roots (a strategy-I plant) grown under irondeficiency conditions were studied in-vivo using 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Iron starvation induced activation of metab. leading to the consumption of stored carbohydrates to produce the NAD(P)H, ATP and phosphoenolpyruvate necessary to sustain the increased activity of the NAD(P)H:Fe3+-reductase, the H+-ATPase (EC and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC Activation of catabolic pathways was supported by the enhancement of glycolytic enzymes and concns. of the metabolites glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate, and by enhancement of the respiration rate. Moreover, Fe-deficiency induced a slight increase in the cytoplasmic (pHc) and vacuolar (pHv) pHs as well as a dramatic decrease in the vacuolar phosphate (Pi) concn. A comparison was done using fusicoccin (FC), a fungal toxin which stimulates proton extrusion. Changes in pHc and pHv were measured after addn. of FC. Under these conditions, a dramatic alkalinization of the pHv of -Fe roots was obsd., as well as a concomitant Pi movement from the vacuole to the cytoplasm. These results showed that Fe starvation was indeed accompanied by the activation of metabolic processes useful for sustaining the typical responses occurring at the plasma-membrane level (i.e. increases in the NAD(P)H:Fe3+-reductase and H+-ATPase activities) as well as those involved in the homeostasis of pHc. The decrease in vacuolar Pi levels induced by Fe-deficiency and FC and movement of Pi from the vacuole to the cytoplasm suggest a possible involvement of this compd. in the cellular pH-stat system. Bibliographic Information Signal transduction mechanism for LH in the cumulus-oocyte complex. Mattioli, M.; Barboni, B. Facolta di Medicina Veterinaria, Istituto di Fisiologia Veterinaria, Teramo, Italy. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology (2000), 161(1-2), 19-23. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd., CODEN: MCEND6 ISSN: 0303-7207. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 133:53748 AN 2000:255484 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review, with 31 refs., on the recently described signaling mechanisms by which cumulus cells exposed to peak levels of gonadotropins, activate oocyte maturation. Cumulus cells react to LH with a prompt Ca raise which diffuses through gap junctions in a few minutes also into the oocyte where a local amplification system spreads the signal all over the cell. Few h later, still as a consequence of LH stimulation, cumulus cells undergo a progressive depolarization of their plasma membrane potential. Due to the elec. coupling with these cells the oocyte depolarizes too and this open specific 40 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 voltage gated Ca channels responsible for a second wider and more sustained intracellular Ca rise. As a result of changes throughout maturation with a consequent modification of the size and charge of the mols. that can diffuse from one cell compartment to the other. This cell to cell interaction is further modified with cumulus expansion that leads to a progressive uncoupling of outer cumulus cells while the inner cell layer, corona radiata, remains in oocyte maturation by addressing to the oocyte nutrients and instructions in a well-orchestrated sequence. The identification of these mechanisms are a fundamental prerequisite for the development of in vitro systems suitable to produce oocytes matured in vitro with normal developmental competence. Bibliographic Information How the hindgut can cure type 2 diabetes. Ileal transposition improves glucose metabolism and beta-cell function in Goto-kakizaki rats through an enhanced Proglucagon gene expression and L-cell number. Patriti Alberto; Aisa Maria Cristina; Annetti Claudia; Sidoni Angelo; Galli Francesco; Ferri Ivana; Gulla Nino; Donini Annibale Department of Surgery, Section of General and Emergency Surgery, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. [email protected] Surgery (2007), 142(1), 74-85. Journal code: 0417347. ISSN:0039-6060. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 17630003 AN 2007412461 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract BACKGROUND: It has been hypothesized that glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), secreted by ileal L cells, plays a keyrole in the resolution of type 2 diabetes after bariatric operations whose common feature is an expedite nutrient delivery to the hindgut. Ileal transposition (IT), an operation that permits L-cell stimulation by undigested food, was employed to verify this theory. METHODS: IT was carried out in Goto-Kakizaki (GK) type 2 diabetic rats and in euglycemic Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, food-intake, body weight, pancreas morphology, and function were evaluated to track the effects of IT on diabetes. Intact GLP-1 secretion and gene expression pattern of the transposed ileum were investigated to verify the molecular bases of the hindgut action. RESULTS: In GK rats, IT significantly improved glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and acute insulin response without affecting body weight and food intake. Immunohistochemistry revealed remodeled islets strictly resembling that of euglycemic rats and signs of beta-cell neogenesis starting with exocrine structures. GLP-1 secretion in GK transposed rats was characterized by a more sustained response to oral glucose compared with nontreated rats. Gene expression of Proglucagon, Proconvertase 1/3 (PC1/3), and Chromogranin A in the transposed ileum significantly enhanced. Effects on glucose metabolism and pancreas morphology were not observed in the euglycemic rats as a consequence of the glucosedependent action of GLP-1. CONCLUSIONS: This study gives strong evidences for the crucial role of the hindgut in the resolution of diabetes after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (GBP) and biliopancreatic diversion (BPD). Moreover, these findings confirm at the preclinical level that IT is a surgical procedure of possible relevance in the therapy of type 2 diabetes in non-overweight and mildly obese patients. Bibliographic Information A child health promotion intervention in Albania: results and lessons learned. Buonomo E; Doro Altan A M; Cenko F; Godo A; Scarcella P; Fioramonti L; Marazzi M C; Palombi L Dipartimento di Sanita Pubblica, Universita di Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy. [email protected] Igiene e sanita pubblica (2007), 63(1), 7-20. Journal code: 0373022. ISSN:0019-1639. (ENGLISH ABSTRACT); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in Italian. PubMed ID 17401446 AN 2007198278 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Albania is a Balkan country in South-Eastern Europe which, in recent years, has undergone complex demographic, political and economical changes. A notable drop in infant and maternal mortality rates and a significant rise in economic indicators have been observed in recent years. Despite this, over 15% of the population living in the northern and north-eastern areas of the country lives in extreme poverty conditions. In recent years various healthcare system reforms have been introduced, including the introduction of private healthcare and improvement of the main hospital infrastructures but not much has been done to increase the provision of essential healthcare services especially in rural 41 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 and poor areas. Inequalities in health care are therefore widespread and these particularly affect children living in critical areas. In this paper we describe a paediatric healthcare intervention programme conducted in Albania from 2002 to 2004, aimed at improving the health and nutrition status of children and tackling healthcare system inequalities. The intervention consisted in offering free healthcare services and assistance, delivered through the Albanian healthcare system, to 5280 children. It also involved a health education programme for the mothers. The impact of the programme on the prevalence of infant malnutrition was evaluated by examining the medical records of 1745 infants followed for at least 6 months. Prevalence of malnutrition significantly decreased, from 13.4% to 4.2% during the study period. Mortality in children aged 0-5 years also showed a considerable drop. These results confirm that an efficient and sustainable model of paediatric healthcare assistance in Albania is possible. Bibliographic Information The physiology of mountain biking. Impellizzeri Franco M; Marcora Samuele M Human Performance Laboratory, MAPEI Sport Research Center, Castellanza (VA), Italy. [email protected] Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) (2007), 37(1), 59-71. Journal code: 8412297. ISSN:0112-1642. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 17190536 AN 2006753789 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Mountain biking is a popular outdoor recreational activity and an Olympic sport. Cross-country circuit races have a winning time of approximately equal 120 minutes and are performed at an average heart rate close to 90% of the maximum, corresponding to 84% of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). More than 80% of race time is spent above the lactate threshold. This very high exercise intensity is related to the fast starting phase of the race; the several climbs, forcing off-road cyclists to expend most of their effort going against gravity; greater rolling resistance; and the isometric contractions of arm and leg muscles necessary for bike handling and stabilisation. Because of the high power output (up to 500W) required during steep climbing and at the start of the race, anaerobic energy metabolism is also likely to be a factor of off-road cycling and deserves further investigation. Mountain bikers' physiological characteristics indicate that aerobic power (VO2max >70 mL/kg/min) and the ability to sustain high work rates for prolonged periods of time are prerequisites for competing at a high level in off-road cycling events. The anthropometric characteristics of mountain bikers are similar to climbers and all-terrain road cyclists. Various parameters of aerobic fitness are correlated to cross-country performance, suggesting that these tests are valid for the physiological assessment of competitive mountain bikers, especially when normalised to body mass. Factors other than aerobic power and capacity might influence off-road cycling performance and require further investigation. These include off-road cycling economy, anaerobic power and capacity, technical ability and pre-exercise nutritional strategies. Bibliographic Information Diet and physical activity in patients with type 1 diabetes. Iafusco Dario Department of Paediatrics, Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy. [email protected] Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis (2006), 77 Suppl 1 41-6. Journal code: 101295064. ISSN:0392-4203. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16918070 AN 2006493521 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Patients with type 1 diabetes require adequate amounts of macronutrients to support their training and sustain performance during regular exercise and during competitions. A frequent goal in competitive sports is to improve performance, and athletes may resort to a number of practices that can adversely affect blood glucose control and health in general in an attempt to gain a competitive advantage. These may include unsafe dietary patterns, and the use of nutritional supplements, other ergogenic aids and illegal substances. In this paper we review data on the relationship between insulin therapy and needs of single macronutrients before, during and after regular and competitive exercise in young subjects and athletes with type 1 diabetes. We also list nutrition integrators, available in the gymnasium or as over-the-counter drugs, which are increasingly being used by athletes, and describe their interactions with diabetes. 42 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Intensification of the aerobic bioremediation of an actual site soil historically contaminated by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) through bioaugmentation with a non acclimated, complex source of microorganisms. Di Toro Sara; Zanaroli Giulio; Fava Fabio DICASM, Faculty of Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Viale Risorgimento 2, I-40136 Bologna, Italy. [email protected] Microbial cell factories (2006), 5 11. Journal code: 101139812. E-ISSN:1475-2859. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 16549016 AN 2006248969 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract BACKGROUND: The biotreatability of actual-site polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated soils is often limited by their poor content of autochthonous pollutant-degrading microorganisms. In such cases, inoculation might be the solution for a successful bioremediation. Some pure and mixed cultures of characterized PCB degrading bacteria have been tested to this purpose. However, several failures have been recorded mostly due to the inability of inoculated microbes to compete with autochthonous microflora and to face the toxicity and the scarcity of nutrients occurring in the contaminated biotope. Complex microbial systems, such as compost or sludge, normally consisting of a large variety of robust microorganisms and essential nutrients, would have better chances to succeed in colonizing degraded contaminated soils. However, such sources of microorganisms have been poorly applied in soil bioremediation and in particular in the biotreatment of soil with PCBs. Thus, in this study the effects of Enzyveba, i.e. a consortium of nonadapted microorganisms developed from composted material, on the slurry- and solid-phase aerobic bioremediation of an actual-site, aged PCB-contaminated soil were studied. RESULTS: A slow and only partial biodegradation of lowchlorinated biphenyls, along with a moderate depletion of initial soil ecotoxicity, were observed in the not-inoculated reactors. Enzyveba significantly increased the availability and the persistence of aerobic PCB- and chlorobenzoic aciddegrading cultivable bacteria in the bioreactors, in particular during the earlier phase of treatment. It also markedly enhanced PCB-biodegradation rate and extent (from 50 to 100%) as well as the final soil detoxification, in particular under slurry-phase conditions. Taken together, data obtained suggest that Enzyveba enhanced the biotreatability of the selected soil by providing exogenous bacteria and fungi able to remove inhibitory or toxic intermediates of PCB biodegradation and/or exogenous nutrients able to sustain microorganisms in charge for PCB mineralization. CONCLUSION: Enzyveba appears a promising agent for bioaugmenting actual-site PCB-polluted soils with a native low content of indigenous specialized microflora. This not only for its positive effects on the soil biotreatability but also for its availability on the market at a relatively low cost. Bibliographic Information Towards the advancement of the Mediterranean food cultures. Dernini Sandro Forum on Mediterranean Food Culture, Rome, Italy. [email protected] Public health nutrition (2006), 9(1A), 103-4. Journal code: 9808463. ISSN:1368-9800. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16512955 AN 2006126980 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The Forum on Mediterranean Food Cultures has the purpose to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue to acknowledge the underestimated role of the Mediterranean diet and of the Mediterranean food cultures for an effective sustainable development in the Mediterranean. It is addressed towards the achievement of food security and a broader nutritional well-being in the entire Mediterranean area. The Forum uses a creative approach for the development of communitybased programmes to manage the emerging trend of childhood overweight and obesity, as well as to reduce the increasing erosion of the Mediterranean food cultural heritage. Bibliographic Information Teleoperation support for early human planetary missions. 43 Genta Giancarlo; Perino Maria Antonietta Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy. [email protected] Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2005), 1065 271-84. Journal code: 7506858. ISSN:0077-8923. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 16510414 AN 2006123357 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A renewed interest in human exploration is flourishing among all the major spacefaring nations. In fact, in the complex scene of planned future space activities, the development of a Moon base and the human exploration of Mars might have the potential to renew the enthusiasm in expanding the human presence beyond the boundaries of Earth. Various initiatives have been undertaken to define scenarios and identify the required infrastructures and related technology innovations. The typical proposed approach follows a multistep strategy, starting with a series of precursor robotic missions to acquire further knowledge of the planet and to select the best potential landing sites, and evolving toward more demanding missions for the development of a surface infrastructure necessary to sustain human presence. The technologies involved in such a demanding enterprise range from typical space technologies, like transportation and propulsion, automation and robotics, rendezvous and docking, entry/reentry, aero-braking, navigation, and deep space communications, to human-specific issues like physiology, psychology, behavioral aspects, and nutritional science for long-duration exposure, that go beyond the traditional boundaries of space activities. Among the required elements to support planetary exploration, both for the precursor robotic missions and to sustain human exploration, rovers and trucks play a key role. A robust level of autonomy will need to be secured to perform preplanned operations, particularly for the surface infrastructure development, and a teleoperated support, either from Earth or from a local base, will enhance the in situ field exploration capability. Bibliographic Information Gut-trophic feed additives and their effects upon the gut structure and intestinal metabolism. State of the art in the pig, and perspectives towards humans. Domeneghini C; Di Giancamillo A; Arrighi S; Bosi G Department of Veterinary Sciences and Technologies for Food Safety, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. [email protected] Histology and histopathology (2006), 21(3), 273-83. Journal code: 8609357. EISSN:1699-5848. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16372249 AN 2005683273 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The correct functional development of the gastrointestinal tract is of special importance during the neonatal and weaning phases of reared piglets. Nutrition is obviously a critical determinant in the growth of the gut in the young swine. The mucosal epithelium of the small intestine is reputed anatomically and functionally immature in neonatal pigs, a feature that appears to be exacerbated at weaning, when a colonization of the gut occurs by "new" microorganisms entering the alimentary canal with the solid feed. This frequently exposes piglets to diarrhoeic syndromes and other intestinal disturbances. Functional feed additives, also called nutraceuticals, appear as promising alternative substances to the use of chemotherapeutics as growth promoters in the rearing farm, above all considering the near banning of them by the European Parliament in the view of reducing antibiotic resistance phenomena in human therapies. Several feed additives are available that may play a role in the pig nutritional plan because of their trophic and cyto-protective effects on the gastrointestinal apparatus. Paying special attention to the quantitative consequences (histometry) upon the gut of the examined dietary supplements, this review, even if not fully exhaustive, will focus on the function (and possibly the mechanism/s of action) of certain gut-trophic nutrient substrates. This in turn will sustain the potential use of these substances in human therapy, especially the one directed at resolving intestinal diseases, both in adult and infant ages. In nutritional studies as well as in other biomedical research fields, the swine is an excellent animal model. Bibliographic Information The social and environmental dimensions of nutrition science. Pettoello-Mantovani Massimo Institute of Pediatrics, University of Foggia, Italy. [email protected] Public health nutrition (2005), 8(6A), 749-52. 44 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Journal code: 9808463. ISSN:1368-9800. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16236211 AN 2005560857 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract OBJECTIVE: To emphasise the importance of defining a new nutrition science and food policy that includes social and environmental dimensions. DESIGN: Nutrition science and food policy is put in the context of sustainable development. Examples are presented to show that a number of factors including exploitation of resources, disrespect for land and food insecurity contribute to the decline of a culture. The fate of cultures that lack implemented sustainable development strategies is discussed. CONCLUSION: Pressure from low-income and economically challenged countries combined with the efforts of not-for-profit private institutions is proposed. The goal is to produce and provide science-based evidence and guidelines to be used as a tool to encourage institutions and organisations to redefine their policies to deal effectively with global issues. Bibliographic Information Functional foods in the management of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Riccardi Gabriele; Capaldo Brunella; Vaccaro Olga Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Federico II University, Medical School, Naples, Italy. [email protected] Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care (2005), 8(6), 630-5. Journal code: 9804399. ISSN:1363-1950. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16205464 AN 2005528769 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The aim of this article is to evaluate food properties able to influence specific physiological targets that may be helpful for the prevention and management of overweight and diabetes. RECENT FINDINGS: Observational and intervention studies have clearly shown that type 2 diabetes can be prevented by lifestyle measures, including reduced energy intake to induce a modest but sustained weight reduction, together with changes in diet composition. SUMMARY: Foods can be regarded as functional if proven to affect beneficially one or more target functions in the body, beyond adequate nutritional effects, in a way relevant to improved state of health and well-being, reduction of risk of diseases, or both. Functional foods might have a particularly high impact for prevention or treatment of overweight and diabetes for which, more than in many other fields, the link between nutrition, biological responses and diseases is clearly established. Functional foods for obesity should be able to influence the energy balance equation regulated by the control of energy intake or of energy dissipated as heat (thermogenesis). For prevention of type 2 diabetes, several unmodified foods with functional properties have already been identified (low saturated fat products, vegetables, fruit, wholegrain foods, low glycemic index starchy foods). Overall, the available evidence on functional foods so far identified in this field is incomplete: the major gap is the lack of diet-based intervention trials of sufficient duration to be relevant for the natural history of diseases like overweight and diabetes. Bibliographic Information Food aid in emergencies and public health nutrition. Bhatia Rita; Thorne-Lyman Andrew World Food Programme, Rome, Italy Forum of nutrition (2003), 56 391-4. Journal code: 101194770. ISSN:1660-0347. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 15806950 AN 2005174783 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract HUNGER LEAVES SCARS: The visible kind may be born by the survivors of famine. Less visible, but all the more damaging, are the long-term effects of hunger that run through families through generations. Hunger passed from mother to child represents a ruinous inheritance. It marks a cycle of hunger that transcends generations, unless the cycle is broken. Food aid provided at crucial times in the lives of women and infants represents an investment for future. Thus, in contrast to former conceptions of food aid as an exclusively life-saving vehicle, modern aims of food aid also 45 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 include preventing increases in the prevalence of malnutrition and asset depletion. Mass migration and food shortages have been responsible for most deaths following civil conflicts around the world. The most visible form of migration occurs when people cross international borders. The reasons for the flight of refugees and internally displaced persons are generally same; war, civil strife, and persecution. "NUTRITIONAL GATEWAYS": Finally, the importance of timely and sustained delivery of adequate food aid adequate in quality and quantity to people in dire need during the emergency is paramount. Food aid is the most direct means for conveying nutritional benefits: the time frame is often limited, sustainability is not an issue. However, in the case of drought victims, refugees or displaced people, the nutritional situation and the actions needed are more complex. In many situations people arrive are often in very bad state. While high prevalence of malnutrition is associated with inadequate food rations, in some situation malnutrition developed primarily because of the high incidence of diarrhoeal diseases. The synergism between high malnutrition and increased incidence of communicable diseases explains much of excess mortality seen in refugee and displaced persons. Bibliographic Information The issues of energy and carbon cycle: new perspectives for assessing the environmental impact of animal waste utilization. Ceotto E Istituto Sperimentale Agronomico, Sezione di Modena, Viale Caduti in Guerra 134, 41100 Modena, Italy. [email protected] Bioresource technology (2005), 96(2), 191-6. Journal code: 9889523. ISSN:0960-8524. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 15381215 AN 2004469538 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This paper focuses on the benefits of an efficient use of animal waste from the standpoint of curbing the rise of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO(2)) in the atmosphere. An effective use of animal waste resources might provide a partial, but still important, contribution in reducing net CO(2) emissions. In particular: the fulfillment of nutrient requirements of crop plants growing in non-limiting conditions and thus sequestering CO(2) at their potential level; the chance of diminishing the use of fossil energy, and related CO(2) emissions, required for manufacturing industrial fertilizers; the possibility of enhancing carbon sequestration in agricultural soils by the application of farmyard manure. The future success of agriculture in providing these ecosystem services can only be achieved with a changed social awareness of the links between sustainable land use and global environmental change. Bibliographic Information Food and health in Europe: a new basis for action. Robertson Aileen; Tirado Cristina; Lobstein Tim; Jermini Marco; Knai Cecile; Jensen Jorgen H; Ferro-Luzzi Anna; James W P National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition, WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition, Rome, Italy WHO regional publications. European series (2004), (96), i-xvi, 1-385, back cover. Journal code: 7612236. ISSN:0378-2255. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 15038063 AN 2004145423 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Poor nutrition, foodborne disease and lack of secure access to good food make an important contribution to the burden of disease and death in the WHO European Region. Better diets, food safety and food security will not only reduce or prevent suffering to individuals and societies but also help cut costs to health care systems and bring social and economic benefits to countries. People's chances for a healthy diet depend less on individual choices than on what food is available and whether it is affordable. Policies to benefit health through good food and nutrition must extend beyond the health sector to include sectors ranging from agriculture and food processing, manufacturing and trade to transport, retailing, catering and advertising. Food and nutrition policies should be coordinated so that public health is given due priority in the making of food policies by non-health sectors. This publication discusses in depth the components of food and nutrition policies and the evidence supporting them. It describes food- and nutrition-related ill health and its costs, shows the need for action and describes the steps for decision-makers to take. This book highlights the urgent need for integrated, multisectoral food and nutrition policies to encourage the sustainable production of food, its safety 46 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 and the provision of food of high nutritional quality for all. Bibliographic Information Body composition and hip fracture type in elderly women. Di Monaco M; Vallero F; Di Monaco R; Mautino F; Cavanna A Presidio Sanitario San Camillo, Centro Studio Osteoporosi, Strada Santa Margherita 136, 10131, Torino, Italy. [email protected] Clinical rheumatology (2004), 23(1), 6-10. Journal code: 8211469. ISSN:07703198. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 14749973 AN 2004048247 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Many observations support the view that there are significant differences between patients sustaining trochanteric fractures and those sustaining cervical fractures of the hip. Our aim was to evaluate the association between soft tissue composition (fat and lean compartments) and the type of hip fracture sustained. Of 120 consecutive women affected by their first hip fracture admitted to our rehabilitation hospital 102 were included in this cross-sectional study. Body composition was assessed by DXA. Body fat mass was lower in the women with trochanteric fracture than in those with cervical fracture (difference between groups: 2.86 kg; 95% CI 0.10-5.61 kg; p=0.042). The percentage of fat was 30.75+/-8.77 (mean+/-SD) versus 34.75+/-7.29 (difference between groups: 4.00; 95% CI 0.84-7.16; p=0.014). In contrast, no meaningful differences in body lean mass were shown between the two groups. Logistic multiple regression showed that fat mass was associated with the type of fracture independently of age, height, weight, time between fracture occurrence and DEXA assessment, comorbidity, number of drugs in use, lean mass and bone mineral content. The logistic regression results were similar when fat percentage was substituted for fat mass. The data show that fat but not lean body mass is associated with the type of hip fracture, contributing to the definition of the differences between patients sustaining cervical or trochanteric fractures. We stress the importance of distinguishing the two types of fracture when clinical or epidemiological studies related to body composition, including those regarding nutrition or physical exercise, are performed. Bibliographic Information Ventilation effects on air quality and on the yield and quality of ewe milk in winter. Sevi A; Taibi L; Albenzio M; Caroprese M; Marino R; Muscio A Dipartimento PRIME, Facolta di Agraria, Via Napoli, 25, 71100 Foggia, Italy. [email protected] Journal of dairy science (2003), 86(12), 3881-90. Journal code: 2985126R. ISSN:0022-0302. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 14740823 AN 2004040574 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The effects of ventilation on air quality, and on the welfare and production performance of dairy ewes were assessed in a 6-wk trial conducted during the winter of 2002. Thirty-six midlactation Comisana ewes were divided into three groups of 12, which were randomly balanced for parity, time of lambing, and number of lambs suckled. Treatments were low (LOV), moderate (MOV), and programmed ventilation regimen (PROV). In LOV and MOV rooms, fans provided 10 ventilation cycles of 40 min each at a fan speed of 1 and 2 m/s, respectively. In the PROV room, the fan was programmed to maintain a 70% relative humidity. Mean ventilation rates were 23, 47, and 73 m3/h per ewe in LOV, MOV, and PROV rooms, respectively. Air concentrations of microorganisms and dust, and of gaseous pollutants were measured twice weekly. Cell-mediated immune response to phytohemagglutinin at d 1, 21 and 42, and humoral response to chicken egg albumin at d 11, 21, 30, and 40 were determined. At d 39, ewes were injected with 2 IU of porcine adreno-corticotropic-hormone/kg body weight(0.75), and subjected to blood sampling for evaluation of cortisol concentrations immediately before and 1, 2, and 4 h after adreno-corticotrophic-hormone injection. Milk yield was recorded daily. Individual milk samples were analyzed weekly for composition, renneting parameters, and somatic cell count. The LOV treatment resulted in higher air concentrations of NH3 and CO2 than the MOV and PROV treatments. Greater amounts of total and respirable dust were found in the PROV room than in the LOV and the MOV rooms. The LOV ewes had lower milk yield than the PROV ewes, lower milk casein content, and higher rate of clot formation than the MOV and PROV ewes. The ventilation regimen did not affect the immune and endocrine responses of the ewes. Results suggest that an intermittent ventilation regimen, providing a mean ventilation rate of 47 m3/h per ewe at a fan 47 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 speed of 2 m/s, is required to sustain the yield and cheese-making ability of ewe milk during the winter season. Bibliographic Information Exercise physiology in COPD. Antonucci R; Berton E; Huertas A; Laveneziana P; Palange P Servizio di Fisiopatologia Respiratoria, Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica, Universita La Sapienza, Roma, v.le Universita, 37, 00185 Roma, Italy Monaldi archives for chest disease = Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace / Fondazione clinica del lavoro, IRCCS [and] Istituto di clinica tisiologica e malattie apparato respiratorio, Universita di Napoli, Secondo ateneo (2003), 59(2), 134-9. Journal code: 9307314. ISSN:1122-0643. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 14635502 AN 2003556213 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Multiple mechanisms contribute to exercise limitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The ability to increase ventilation during exercise is reduced; the more advanced the disease, the more impaired the exercise tolerance is. However, factors other than ventilatory limitation play an important role in reducing the exercise capacity in COPD. Data implicating peripheral muscle atrophy and muscle weakness as cofactors have been reported in individuals with advanced disease. At this stage daily activities are curtailed to avoid exertional respiratory discomfort. Recent studies have demonstrated that the muscle aerobic capacity of stable hypoxemic COPD patients is impaired; oxygen uptake (V'O2) kinetics and 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies have shown that these patients rely heavily on nonaerobic energy sources even during moderate, sustained workloads. Finally, early occurrence of metabolic acidosis has been demonstrated in patients with mild to severe COPD during exercise. Inadequate tissue oxygenation appears to result from a defect in peripheral oxygen utilization rather than from a reduction in O2 bulk flow. Peripheral factors may include: a) impaired diffusive conductance for O2 between red cells and mitochondria; b) heterogeneous distribution of O2 bulk flow within the exercising muscle fibers; c) inertia of the oxidative processes at the cellular level; d) changes in distribution of muscle fibers, e) reduction in muscle aerobic enzymes; and f) poor nutritional status. Since muscle dysfunction has an important role in the development of exercise intolerance, physical rehabilitation is more and more used as part of the treatment of COPD. The aim of this review is to briefly discuss current views on the mechanisms responsible for the reduced ability to exercise and the rationale for exercise rehabilitation in COPD patients. Bibliographic Information Three-week integrated body weight reduction programme markedly improves performance and work capacity in severely obese patients. Sartorio A; Ottolini S; Agosti F; Massarini M; Lafortuna C L Laboratorio Sperimentale di Ricerche Endocrinologiche, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, IRCCS, Milan, Italy. [email protected] Eating and weight disorders : EWD (2003), 8(2), 107-13. Journal code: 9707113. ISSN:1124-4909. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 12880187 AN 2003347764 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the effects on performance and work capacity of a short-term (3-week) integrated body weight reduction programme consisting of an energy-restricted diet, nutritional education, psychological counselling and aerobic exercise training at a constant metabolic load (5 days/week) in 71 severely obese patients (18 males and 53 females aged 29.3 +/- 0.8 years, with a mean weight of 113.8 +/- 2.2 kg and a mean BMI of 41.3 +/- 0.5 kg/m(-2)). Body mass and composition, and maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) were determined before and after the programme. The caloric equivalent of work output and a performance index (PI) during 10 min of bicycle ergometer pedalling (50-60 rpm) and 20 min of treadmill walking (incline 0-3%) at a constant metabolic load (50% of individual VO2max during the preliminary conditioning period--1st week--and 60% during the exercise conditioning period--2nd and 3rd week) were evaluated daily throughout the study. After the programme, body mass reduced significantly (-4.5%, p<0.001), the weight loss being sustained entirely by a significant reduction in fat mass (-7.6%, p<0.001) without any significant changes in fat-free mass. Absolute and body mass-related VO2max significantly increased by respectively 14.5% and 20.2% (p<0.001). Both daily work output during constant metabolic load 48 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 (ANOVA, p<0.05-0.001) and PI (ANOVA, p<0.05-0.001) increased significantly during each week of the programme, leading to a total increase in work output in response to exercise conditioning of 44.6 +/- 5.8 kcal. It is concluded that the changes in exercise capacity induced by the present programme offer significant advantages for obese patients that can be quantified in terms of an improvement in their ability to perform everyday activities, thus contributing towards improving their quality of life. Bibliographic Information Effect of a multidisciplinary program of weight reduction on endothelial functions in obese women. Nicoletti G; Giugliano G; Pontillo A; Cioffi M; D'Andrea F; Giugliano D; Esposito K Chair of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy Journal of endocrinological investigation (2003), 26(3), RC58. Journal code: 7806594. ISSN:0391-4097. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 12809165 AN 2003281720 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Obesity is associated with an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis and atherosclerotic lesions are essentially an inflammatory response. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a medically supervised, multidisciplinary weight loss program on endothelial functions and circulating levels of proinflammatory cytokines in obese women. Twenty healthy pre-menopausal obese women and 20 age-matched normal weight women were studied. Endothelial functions were assessed by evaluating the response of blood pressure and platelet aggregation to an intravenous bolus of L-arginine (3 g), the natural precursor of nitric oxide. In obese women, the vascular and rheological responses to Larginine were significantly lower (p < 0.05) at baseline, as compared with non-obese women, indicating endothelial dysfunction; on the contrary, basal concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were significantly higher (p < 0.01). After one year of a multidisciplinary program of weight reduction consisting of diet, exercise and liposuction surgery, all obese women lost at least 10% of their original weight (10.5 +/- 1.7 kg, range 7.9-13.9 kg). Compared with baseline, sustained weight loss was associated with reduction of cytokine (p < 0.01) concentrations and with improvement of vascular responses to L-arginine. In conclusion, a multidisciplinary approach aimed at inducing a sustained reduction of body weight in obese women is feasible and is associated with improvement of endothelial functions and reduction of circulating proinflammatory cytokine concentrations. Bibliographic Information Nutritional status in childhood malignancies. Schiavetti Amalia; Fornari Christiana; Bonci Enea; Clerico Anna; Guidi Roberto Department of Pediatrics, University of Rome La Sapienza, 00161 Rome, Italy. [email protected] Nutrition and cancer (2002), 44(2), 153-5. Journal code: 7905040. ISSN:0163-5581. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 12734061 AN 2003213612 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In children affected by tumor, nutritional status is important to sustain aggressive chemotherapy and to support normal growth during and after therapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of nutritional status disorders in a sample of pediatric oncology day-hospital patients. We measured weight and height in patients affected by solid tumors on or off therapy at short-term follow-up (1-24 mo). The study was performed at a pediatric oncology dayhospital over a period of 20 consecutive days. A suitable computer package was used to estimate relative body weight (%RBW) and body mass index (BMI) for each patient. Thereafter, the same sample was divided into four weight classes (underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese) according to %RBW and BMI. Moreover, patients were divided into two groups: on and off therapy. In the off-therapy group, no patient was underweight; in the on-therapy group, 26.3% and 15.8% of patients were underweight (not significant) according to %RBW and BMI, respectively. The prevalence of overweight (overweight ++obese) according to %RBW was 36.9% in the on-therapy group and 52.9% in the off-therapy group (P < 0.05); whereas the prevalence of overweight according to BMI was 21% in the ontherapy group and 35.3% in the off-therapy group (P = 0.05). These preliminary data suggest that, in pediatric oncology, nutritional assessment is required to provide nutritional strategies in on-therapy patients whose underweight status prevalence is impressive or in off-therapy children in whom the causes of overweight should be explored. 49 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Obesity, heart failure and sudden death. Contaldo F; Pasanisi F; Finelli C; de Simone G Interuniversities Center for Studies and Research on Obesity and Eating Disorders (CISRO), Clinical Nutrition, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Federico II University, Via Pansini 5, 80131 Naples, Italy. [email protected] Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD (2002), 12(4), 190-7. Journal code: 9111474. ISSN:0939-4753. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 12514939 AN 2003009094 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract AIM: To review the direct unfavourable effect of obesity, the most prevalent nutritional and metabolic disease worldwide, on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. DATA SYNTHESIS: Obesity is associated with high chronic cardiac workload due to the need to supply more blood to peripheral tissue. The high cardiac output is mainly a consequence of the greater requirements of increased lean body mass, and is maintained by an increased stroke volume and high normal heart rate, and sustained by an increase in ventricular mass. The increase in left ventricular (LV) mass also implies an increase in non-muscular tissue that plays a role in the development of electrical abnormalities, heart failure and sudden death. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity per se is a major risk factor for heart failure. Obesity-related LV hypertrophy is in turn associated with varying degrees of systolic and diastolic dysfunction that are not easily recognisable using traditional methods, but are potentially reversible after appropriate, stable moderate weight loss. Bibliographic Information Food-based strategies to meet the challenges of micronutrient malnutrition in the developing world. Tontisirin Kraisid; Nantel Guy; Bhattacharjee Lalita Food and Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO-ESNA, C-244 Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2002), 61(2), 243-50. Journal code: 7505881. ISSN:0029-6651. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 12133206 AN 2002384311 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The purpose of the present paper is to review the evidence in favour of food-based strategies to meet the challenges of micronutrient malnutrition in the developing world. Increasing dietary diversification is the most important factor in providing a wide range of micronutrients, and to achieve this objective in a development context requires an adequate supply, access and consumption of a variety of foods. Diets in developing countries generally lack many nutrients, including energy (inadequate amounts of food), so that strategies need to also emphasize an increase in total food intake, in addition to a greater variety. Agricultural and food policies tend to be oriented to primary agricultural productions, but they could also be formulated to promote and support home gardens and small livestock production for the explicit purpose of increasing the household consumption of micronutrient-rich foods. The adoption of 'desirable' dietary patterns for nutrition improvement, e.g. appropriately formulated to meet micronutrient needs, could be used in the formulation of agricultural policies and programmes. This process could be achieved through support for integrated farming systems oriented to assuring household food security, but also based on a variety of foods that will meet total dietary (including micronutrient) needs. Thus, availability of energy-rich staples, animal and/or fish as major sources of protein, and vitamin-, mineral- and phytonutrient-rich fruit and vegetables could constitute the types of production envisaged. The cultivation of edible indigenous plants as additional sources of micronutrients could also be added. The low bioavailability of some key micronutrients from foods, such as Fe, are substantially enhanced with the right food combinations and with appropriate food processing and preparation techniques. Simple appropriate technology for the preservation of micronutrient-rich foods would need further development and promotion for their year-round availability. Linking community development policies to national programmes for the alleviation of hunger and malnutrition, with an emphasis on increasing the variety of foods consumed, is probably the best strategy for improving micronutrient malnutrition sustainably. 50 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Policy and sustainability issues. Nantel Guy; Tontisirin Kraisid Food and Nutrition Division, FAO, Rome, Italy 00100. [email protected] The Journal of nutrition (2002), 132(4 Suppl), 839S-44S. Journal code: 0404243. ISSN:0022-3166. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 11925493 AN 2002192488 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The need for combined and integrated strategies to address iron deficiency is widely recognized, utilizing targeted supplementation, as well as food based strategies including both fortified and nonfortified foods. The challenge is not so much knowing "what" to do as is understanding "how" to implement effective and sustainable interventions. Because the causes of iron and other micronutrient deficiencies are complex, including inadequate food intake, unsanitary conditions and inadequate health services, the solutions may also be complex, requiring multisectoral and interdisciplinary approaches. Top-down strategies are unlikely to be effective and sustainable. Rather, the beneficiaries of the program at the community level must be able to understand malnutrition in simple terms, to envisage potential solutions and to become "demanders" of services. The experience in Thailand provides an example of a country-wide, community-based and participatory approach utilizing facilitators and motivators at the local level to implement and sustain interventions. The experience in Thailand indicates the potential for developing effective and sustainable interventions to address iron deficiency and other micronutrient problems as part of a broad, community-based effort. Bibliographic Information Teaching and training programme on carbohydrate counting in Type 1 diabetic patients. Bruttomesso D; Pianta A; Crazzolara D; Capparotto C; Dainese E; Zurlo C; Minicuci N; Briani G; Tiengo A Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Padova, Italy. [email protected] Diabetes, nutrition & metabolism (2001), 14(5), 259-67. Journal code: 8813443. ISSN:0394-3402. (EVALUATION STUDIES); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 11806466 AN 2002080208 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Carbohydrates (CHO) are a major determinant of post-prandial blood glucose in the diet of people with Type 1 diabetes mellitus, but patients frequently fail to evaluate CHO food content. Poor education is thought to contribute heavily to this failure. Our aim was to plan and evaluate a simple educational program to improve dietary knowledge and teach how to count CHO in Type 1 diabetic subjects. Forty-eight patients (age 27+/-1 yr, diabetes duration 11+/-1 yr, HbA1c 9%) attended 4 interactive meetings held at monthly intervals. The targets of the course were: 1) to identify sources of CHO, fats and proteins; 2) to count CHO and to split them among meals; 3) to assume CHO-rich foods without changing daily calorie or carbohydrate intake; 4) to modify the diet so as to correct hypoglycaemic events. To evaluate the effect of the course, patients completed a 7-day food record and answered a questionnaire covering the targets of the course at baseline, at the end of the course and 7 months later. After the course dietary knowledge improved significantly. The number of patients who weighed foods, estimated CHO food content and correctly distributed CHO among meals also increased. After the course patients reacted better when faced with hypoglycaemia. The knowledge acquired persisted 7 months after the end of the course. Therefore, we conclude that a simple teaching program can improve diet knowledge in Type 1 diabetics and establish a sustained habit of counting CHO. Bibliographic Information Irreversible intestinal failure, nutrition support, and small bowel transplantation. Dionigi P; Alessiani M; Ferrazi A Department of Surgery, Universita degli Studi dell'Insubria, Varese, Italy Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) (2001), 17(9), 747-50. Journal code: 8802712. ISSN:0899-9007. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 11527671 AN 2001486184 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) 51 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract OBJECTIVES: Prolonged total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is a palliative but life-saving treatment for patients with irreversible intestinal failure (IIF). During the past few years, intestinal transplantation (ITx) has become the most realistic alternative to TPN. METHODS: We identified potential candidates for ITx, reported clinical data of the international Intestinal Transplant Registry, and analyzed the intestinal function after transplantation and the common nutrition strategies usually adopted in the recipients. RESULTS: At present, candidates for ITx are patients with IIF who develop a life-threatening complication during TPN treatment. During the past few years, clinical results have improved mainly in relation to the progress in immunosuppression, but prevention of the acute cellular rejection (ACR) is still the key point. ACR, high doses of immunosuppressant drugs, and intestinal bacterial translocation can exacerbate intestinal malabsorption and sustain systemic complications such as sepsis and multiorgan failure. Early enteral alimentation is started after ITx and gradually increased. To prevent dehydration and malnutrition caused by persistent diarrhea, parenteral nutrition is frequently maintained for 1 to 2 mo. More than 66% of long-term recipients become nutritionally independent of TPN. CONCLUSIONS: ITx is now a life-saving option for patients with IIF and severe complications from TPN. Clinical and nutritional management of the recipients is a complex procedure and requires a great deal of expertise. After transplantation most adults maintain adequate nutrition status and children have normal growth. Multiple episodes of ACR, early and persistent dehydration, and malabsorption are still common problems that influence the recipient's quality of life. Bibliographic Information The importance of leaf- and litter-feeding invertebrates as sources of animal protein for the Amazonian Amerindians. Paoletti M G; Dufour D L; Cerda H; Torres F; Pizzoferrato L; Pimentel D Department of Biology, Padova University, 35100 Padova, Italy. [email protected] Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society (2000), 267(1459), 2247-52. Journal code: 101245157. ISSN:0962-8452. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 11413639 AN 2001351058 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract At least 32 Amerindian groups in the Amazon basin use terrestrial invertebrates as food. Leaf- and litter-consuming invertebrates provide the more important, underestimated food sources for many Amerindian groups. Further, litterconsuming earthworms are also an important food resource for the Ye'Kuana (also known as Makiritare) in the Alto Orinoco (Amazonas, Venezuela). By selecting these small invertebrates the Amerindians are choosing their animal food from those food webs in the rainforest which have the highest energy flow and which constitute the greatest renewable stock of readily available nutrients. Here we show that the consumption of leaf- and litter-feeding invertebrates as a means of recovering protein, fat and vitamins by the forest-living peoples offers a new perspective for the development of sustainable animal food production within the paradigm of biodiversity maintenance. 20 references were found when refined by Publication Year "-1999" Bibliographic Information Coupling nonpoint nitrate transport models to evaluate land use impacts on a lake trophic state. Preti, F.; Leone, A.; Garnier, M. Istituto di Genio Rurale, Universita della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. Editor(s): Feyen, Jan; Wiyo, K. Modelling of Transport Processes in Soils at Various Scales in Time and Skpace, International Workshop of EurAgEng's Field of Interest on Soil and Water, Leuven, Nov. 24-26, 1999 (1999), 609-615. Publisher: Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, Neth CODEN: 69BBAB Conference written in English. CAN 132:352267 AN 2000:355257 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The Vico Lake Basin is considered a case study to highlight how agricultural sustainability is fundamental for 52 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 environmental protection. An environmental concern for Vico Lake exists, due to great increases of nutrient concns. occurring in the last 15 yr, almost totally due to nonpoint agricultural sources. To best manage the problem, it is necessary to examine lake trophic state trends. NO3- transport from surrounding agricultural land was studied by automatic monitoring and long time resoln. modeling. How a field scale simulation model, such as GLEAMS (groundwater loading effects of agricultural management systems) can be used for larger scale studies (lake basin in this case), thanks to coupling with a large-scale, semi-distributed simulation model was demonstrated. GLEAMS output was used as input to the other model. Initial results seem encouraging, nevertheless, this method needs further exptl. investigation for complete validation. Bibliographic Information Sustainable methods for a sustainable production of Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) essential oil. Maffei, Massimo. Dept. Plant Biology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy. Journal of Essential Oil Research (1999), 11(3), 267-282. Publisher: Allured Publishing Corp., CODEN: JEOREG ISSN: 1041-2905. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 132:119830 AN 1999:739015 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 72 refs. Sustainable agriculture is a practice involving the management of resources for agriculture to satisfy the human needs, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) cultivation and essential oil prodn. is described in relation to soil and nutrients, pests and pathogens, environmental factors, biotechnol. applications, cell and tissue culture and essential oil distn. Besides an overview on the state of the art of peppermint cultivation and oil prodn., new results are presented on the intercropping of peppermint with soybean and the selection of a new pest-resistant early blooming peppermint variety. The application of sustainable agricultural and technol. methods for a sustainable peppermint oil prodn. is discussed. Bibliographic Information Timing of nitrogen uptake affects winter storage and spring remobilization of nitrogen in nectarine (Prunus persica var. nectarina) trees. Tagliavini, Massimo; Millard, Peter; Quartieri, Maurizio; Marangoni, Bruno. Dipartimento di Colture Arboree, Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Plant and Soil (1999), 211(2), 149-153. Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers, CODEN: PLSOA2 ISSN: 0032-079X. Journal written in English. CAN 131:350746 AN 1999:736119 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Two-year old nectarine trees (Prunus persica, Batsch, var. nectarina, cv. Starkredgold on GF305 rootstock) planted in pots each received five applications of 1.0 g 15N labeled urea either from mid May to mid July (early uptake) or from mid August to the beginning of Oct. (late uptake). All trees were supplied with a corresponding amt. of unlabeled urea when they did not receive the labeled N. In autumn, all abscised leaves were collected and during winter randomly selected trees were harvested and divided into main organs. The remaining trees were transplanted into similar pots filled with sand; they received no N fertilizer and were harvested in May to evaluate the remobilization of N. Total N and 15N abundance were detd. in each organ. Nectarine trees took up similar amts. of N in the "early" and in the "late" period; however, more labeled nitrogen was recovered in the perennial organs during the winter when trees received the labeled N in the "late" than in the "early" period. Some 73-80% of the N present in the dormant trees was stored in the roots, which contained almost twice the amt. of labeled N taken up "late" than that absorbed "early". Nitrogen for spring growth was remobilized predominantly from the roots and accounted for some 43-49% of the labeled N recovered in the tree during winter. Results suggest that the nitrogen taken up "late" in the season is preferentially stored in roots and used by peach trees to sustain new growth the following spring. Bibliographic Information Antioxidant vitamins and prevention of cardiovascular disease: Laboratory, epidemiological and clinical trial data. Marchioli, R. Laboratory of Clinical Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Santa Maria, Italy. Pharmacological Research (1999), 40(3), 227-238. Publisher: 53 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Academic Press, CODEN: PHMREP ISSN: 1043-6618. Journal; General Review written in English. 132:150956 AN 1999:573469 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) CAN Abstract A review with 111 refs. Naturally occurring antioxidants like vitamin E, -carotene, and vitamin C can inhibit oxidative modifications of low-d. lipoproteins. This can pos. influence the atherosclerotic process and progression of coronary heart disease. Exptl. studies provide a rationale for the mechanisms of action of antioxidants, whereas epidemiol. studies strongly sustain the antioxidant hypothesis. To data the clin. trials with -carotene supplements have been disappointing and their use as a preventive intervention for cancer and coronary heart disease should be discouraged. Only scant data from clin. trials are available for vitamin C. As for vitamin E, discrepant results have been obtained in the -tocopherol and -carotene Cancer Prevention Study with low-dose vitamin E supplementation (50 mg daily) and the Cambridge Heart Antioxidant Study (400-800 mg daily). Several current large-scale clin. trials may help in clarifying the role of vitamin E in the prevention of atherosclerotic coronary disease. (c) 1999 The Italian Pharmacological Society. Bibliographic Information Growth hormone bioactivity, insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), and IGF binding proteins in obese children. Radetti, G.; Bozzola, M.; Pasquino, B.; Paganini, C.; Aglialoro, A.; Livieri, C.; Barreca, A. Department of Paediatrics, Regional Hospital of Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy. Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental (1998), 47(12), 1490-1493. Publisher: W. B. Saunders Co., CODEN: METAAJ ISSN: 0026-0495. Journal written in English. CAN 130:166786 AN 1999:2683 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In obese children, both spontaneous and stimulated growth hormone (GH) secretion are impaired but a normal or increased height velocity is usually obsd. This study was undertaken to explain the discrepancy between impaired GH secretion and normal height velocity. We evaluated the GH bioactivity (GH-BIO), GH serum level by immunofluorimetric assay (GH-IFMA), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-II, and IGF binding protein-1 (IGFBP1), IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-3 in 21 prepubertal obese children (13 boys and eight girls) aged 5.7 to 9.4 yr affected by simple obesity and in 32 (22 boys and 10 girls) age- and sex-matched normal-wt. controls. The results were as follows (obese vs. [v] controls): GH-IFMA, 4.84 3.54 v 23.7 2.04 g/L (P < .001); GH-BIO, 0.60 0.45 v 1.84 0.15 U/mL (P < .001); IGF-I, 173.8 57.2 v 188.6 132.6 ng/mL (nonsignificant); IGF-II, 596.1 139.7 v 439.3 127.4 ng/mL (P < .001); IGFBP-1, 23.25 14.25 v 107 165.7 ng/mL (P < .05); IGFBP-2, 44.37 62.18 v 385.93 227.81 ng/mL (P < .001); IGFBP-3, 3.31 0.82 v 2.6 0.94 g/mL (P < .05); and IGFs/IGFBPs, 1.32 0.32 v 1.07 0.34 (P < .05). In conclusion, in prepubertal obese children, not only immunoreactive but also bioactive GH concns. were low. In these subjects, therefore, nutritional factors and insulin may contribute to sustain normal growth also by modulating several components of the IGF-IGFBP system. Bibliographic Information Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in adults receiving lipid-based home parenteral nutrition. Pironi, Loris; Ruggeri, Enrico; Zolezzi, Carola; Savarino, Lucia; Incasa, Elena; Belluzzi, Andrea; Munarini, Alessandra; Piazzi, Sandro; Tolomelli, Maurizio; Pizzoferrato, Arturo; Miglioli, Mario. First Medical Clinic, the Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Saint Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, University of Bologna, Italy. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1998), 68(4), 888-893. Publisher: American Society for Clinical Nutrition, CODEN: AJCNAC ISSN: 0002-9165. Journal written in English. CAN 130:3368 AN 1998:649316 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Infusion of lipid emulsions rich in polyunsatd. fatty acids (PUFAs) may increase lipid peroxidn., which is counteracted mainly by superoxide dismutase (SOD) (a zinc-, copper-, and manganese-dependent enzyme), selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (Se-GSHPx), and -tocopherol. We investigated lipid peroxidn. and antioxidant status in 54 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 patients receiving home parenteral nutrition (HPN) providing variable amts. of a lipid emulsion rich in PUFAs, and tocopherol, zinc, copper, and manganese as recommended by the American Medical Assocn., and no selenium. Serum malondialdehyde, plasma -tocopherol, selenium, Se-GSHPx, PUFAs, and red blood cell Se-GSHPx and SOD were evaluated in 12 patients and in 25 healthy control subjects. Malondialdehyde was also assessed in a group of 40 healthy control subjects. Patients had significantly higher concns. of malondialdehyde and SOD and lower -tocopherol concns. and selenium nutritional status. Linear regression anal. showed that malondialdehyde was assocd. with the daily PUFA load (r = 0.69, P < 0.03) and with plasma -tocopherol (r = -0.59, P < 0.05), but stepwise multiple regression anal. confirmed only the assocn. between malondialdehyde and -tocopherol; plasma -tocopherol was assocd. with the daily PUFA load (r = -0.65, P < 0.04) and with the duration of HPN (r = -0.74, P < 0.02). In HPN patients, the peroxidative stress due to lipid emulsions rich in PUFAs is counteracted primarily by -tocopherol. The dosages of -tocopherol, zinc, copper, and manganese recommended by the American Medical Assocn. appear sufficient to sustain SOD activity but inadequate to maintain -tocopherol nutritional status. HPN formulations should be supplemented with selenium. Bibliographic Information Effect of sustained-release somatotropin on performance and grazing behavior of ewes housed at different stocking rates. D'Urso, G.; Avondo, M.; Bordonaro, S.; Marletta, D.; Guastella, A. M. Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie delle Produzioni Animali, University of Catania, Catania, Italy. Journal of Dairy Science (1998), 81(4), 958-965. Publisher: American Dairy Science Association, CODEN: JDSCAE ISSN: 0022-0302. Journal written in English. CAN 129:27487 AN 1998:295289 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This study evaluated the effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST; Somidobove, Eli Lilly) on milk prodn. and compn. and on the grazing behavior of 40 multiparous ewes in the third to fourth lactation. Two Comisana lactating ewe groups were bST-untreated and grazed on natural pasture at low stocking d. (16 m2/d) or high stocking d. (8 m2/d), and 2 groups were treated with bST (one 320-mg injection per ewe) and grazed at low or high stocking d. The ewes were supplemented with vetch and oat hay (500 g/d) and conc. (500 g/d). The bST treatment increased milk prodn. (923.8 vs. 669.5 g/d), but had little effect on milk fat and protein content. The bST increased forage intake and this effect was more marked at the high stocking d. Under these grazing conditions, the bST-treated ewes reduced the selective intake (grass botanical compn.) behavior and achieved good feed intake despite the low forage biomass availability. Bibliographic Information Long term simulations of population dynamics of Ulva r. in the lagoon of Venice. Solidoro, C.; Brando, V. E.; Dejak, C.; Franco, D.; Pastres, R.; Pecenik, G. Department of Physical Chemistry, Section of Ecological Physical Chemistry, University of Venice, Dorsoduro 2137, Venice, Italy. Ecological Modelling (1997), 102(2,3), 259-272. Publisher: Elsevier, CODEN: ECMODT ISSN: 0304-3800. Journal written in English. CAN 128:7064 AN 1997:711118 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The dynamic of macroalgae is implemented in a 3D transport-water-quality model of the central part of the Lagoon of Venice. Ulva biomass d. and nitrogen concn. in Ulva tissue have been added to the set of state variables previously considered, that is to phytoplankton and zooplankton densities, concns. of nutrients in water, detritus and dissolved oxygen. The model shows that Ulva succeeds in the competition with the phytoplanktonic community in the shallower areas, where water temp. and irradiance levels reaching the bottom are sufficient to sustain growth. Long term evolutions of Ulva colonies, under different scenarios of forcing functions, show that adverse meteoclimatic conditions can be more effective in reducing Ulva biomass than a consistent decrease in the loads of nitrogen. Bibliographic Information Acclimation to low water potential determines changes in membrane fatty acid composition and fluidity in 55 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 potato cells. Leone, A.; Costa, A.; Grillo, S.; Tucci, M.; Horvath, I.; Vigh, L. Research Centre Vegetable Breeding, CNR, Portici, Italy. Plant, Cell and Environment (1996), 19(9), 1103-1109. Publisher: Blackwell, CODEN: PLCEDV ISSN: 0140-7791. Journal written in English. CAN 125:270499 AN 1996:619601 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Potato (Solanum tuberosum) cells were gradually acclimated to grow at low water potential created by addn. of increasing concns. of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 to the nutrient medium. While growth of cells abruptly transferred into a medium contg. 20% PEG was dramatically inhibited, under the same stress intensity gradually acclimated cells were able to sustain active growth similarly to control unstressed cells. Gradual acclimation allowed the maintenance of normal cellular and subcellular membrane structure at an osmotic potential of -2.sum.3 MPa, which caused extended membrane disruption when applied to non-acclimated control cells. Anal. of fatty acids (FAs) from control and acclimated cells revealed that the mol percentage compn. of the major extra-plastidial phospholipids (PLs) was basically unchanged, but both phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) were more satd. in acclimated cells. The decrease in unsatn. occurred primarily at the expense of linoleic acid (18:2) in the PE fraction. A significant increase in the percentage content of palmitic acid (16:0) of the PE fraction was also detected in acclimated cells. Membrane microviscosity, as detd. by diphenyl-hexatriene (DPH) labeling, was higher in PEG-acclimated cells, as expected from the lower degree of unsatn. of membrane FAs found in acclimated cells. The steady-state transcript levels of a 9-stearoyl-acyl carrier protein-desaturase and a 12-oleoyl-desaturase gene decreased in acclimated cells, suggesting that the variation in the level of FA unsatn. was at least partially assocd. with down-regulation of the expression of these genes. Bibliographic Information Role of amino acid transport system A in the control of cell volume in cultured human fibroblasts. Gazzola, Gian Carlo; Dall'Asta, Valeria; Nucci, Franca A.; Rossi, Patrizia A.; Bussolati, Ovidio; Hoffmann, Else K.; Guidotti, Guido G. Ist. Patol. Gen., Univ. Parma, Parma, Italy. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (1991), 1(3), 13142. CODEN: CEPBEW ISSN: 1015-8987. Journal written in English. CAN 115:252911 AN 1991:652911 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Human fibroblasts shrink and are unable to recover their initial vol. when incubated in hypertonic saline solns., whereas an efficient vol. restoration takes place in hypertonic media contg. substrates of the highly concentrative transport system A (amino acids and methylamines). Amino acid substrates of barely concentrative transport systems are ineffective in sustaining the vol. recovery. The activity of system A increases following incubation of fibroblasts under conditions promoting cell shrinkage and decreases upon cell swelling. These results stress the role of system A in the regulation of cell vol. Adaptive changes in the activity of system A are also induced by cell starvation and refeeding (adaptive regulation). Cell starvation is assocd. with cell shrinkage, but cell refeeding is accompanied by cell swelling. It is suggested that nutritional regulation and cell vol. control by system A may be part of a common regulatory network. Bibliographic Information Pharmacological data on crinia-angiotensin II. Erspamer, G. Falconieri; Nakajima, T.; Yasuhara, T. Inst. Med. Pharmacol. I, Univ. Rome, Rome, Italy. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (1979), 31(10), 720. CODEN: JPPMAB ISSN: 0022-3573. Journal written in English. CAN 92:140901 AN 1980:140901 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract On various test systems, Crinia-angiotensin II (I) [72007-47-7] was approx. equiactive to 5-valine-angiotensin II amide (II), with the exception of the isolated guinea pig gallbladder, on which it was more potent. Occasionally, I produced a more sustained elevation of blood pressure. Relaxation of guinea pig gallbladder upon washing with nutrient liq. was 56 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 slightly retarded with I, in comparison to II. I differed from other angiotensins II in that Ala-Pro-Gly was attached to the N-terminal aspartate residue and that an isoleucine residue replaced the usual valine residue at position 6 of the Cterminus. Bibliographic Information Nutritive characteristics of poultry litter: production of volatile fatty acids and utilization of components in the semi-permeable artificial rumen. Geri, Giancarlo; Sottini, Emanuele; Antongiovanni, Mauro. Ist. Zootecn., Univ. Firenze, Florence, Italy. Alimentazione Animale (1970), 14(4), 21-35. CODEN: ALANAG ISSN: 00025429. Journal written in Italian. CAN 74:29595 AN 1971:29595 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Broiler litter contg. wood shavings, and previously used with good results in feeding young steers, was fermented in vitro for 96 hr by using a continual flow semipermeable artificial rumen technique which closely simulated in vivo conditions. The litter was capable of sustaining intense fermentative activity, producing amts. of volatile fatty acids (VFA) which were comparable with the quantities obtained in the ruminal digestion of common feeds. More than 80% of the total VFA was formed in the first 12 hr. It is probable that a substantial amt. of the VFA produced is derived by the dynamic utilization of nitrogenous compds. Poultry litter appears to influence ruminal metabolism with increased propionic acid formation. The litter is not particularly rich in available carbohydrates; the crude protein digestibility is >87%, but it is unlikely that it is able to promote max. N retention. Bibliographic Information Demographic impact of vaccination: a review. Bonanni P Public Health and Epidemiology Department, University of Florence, Viale G.B. Morgagni 48, 50134, Florence, Italy. [email protected] Vaccine (1999), 17 Suppl 3 S120-5. Journal code: 8406899. ISSN:0264-410X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 10559545 AN 2000027658 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Vaccination is one of the most powerful means to save lives and to increase the level of health of mankind. However, the impact of immunization against the most threatening infectious agents on life expectancy has been the object of a still open debate. The main issues are: the relative influence of nutrition and infectious diseases on demographic patterns of populations; the possibility that lives saved thanks to vaccination are subsequently lost due to other competing causes of death; the positive indirect effect of immunization on other causes of death. With regard to past evidence, several data from the United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries show that the widespread use of smallpox vaccination starting at the beginning of the nineteenth century resulted in a marked and sustained decline not only of smallpox-related deaths, but also of the overall crude death rate, and contributed greatly to an unprecedented growth of European population.As to the present, it is estimated that 3 million children are saved annually by vaccination, but 2 million still die because they are not immunized. Tetanus, measles and pertussis are the main vaccine-preventable killers in the first years of life. Data from Bangladesh show that full implementation of EPI vaccines has the potential of reducing mortality by almost one half in children aged 1-4 years. Recent progress in the development of vaccines against agents responsible for much mortality in the developing countries make it possible to forecast a further substantial reduction of deaths for infectious diseases in the next century. Bibliographic Information Retrospective study of candidemia in patients with hematological malignancies. Clinical features, risk factors and outcome of 76 episodes. Pagano L; Antinori A; Ammassari A; Mele L; Nosari A; Melillo L; Martino B; Sanguinetti M; Equitani F; Nobile F; Carotenuto M; Morra E; Morace G; Leone G Istituto di Semeiotica Medica, Universita Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy European journal of haematology (1999), 63(2), 77-85. Journal code: 8703985. ISSN:0902-4441. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (MULTICENTER STUDY); 57 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T); (CLINICAL TRIAL) written in English. PubMed ID 10480286 AN 1999408163 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A retrospective study of 76 episodes of candidemia in 73 patients with underlying hematological malignancy, from 1988 until 1997, has been conducted to evaluate the clinical characteristics and to ascertain the variables related to the onset and the outcome of candidemia. The most frequent malignancy was acute myeloid leukemia (29 episodes). Candidemia developed mainly during aplasia in patients refractory to chemotherapy (42%). In 65 episodes (86%) the patients were neutropenic (ANC <1 x 10(9)/l) before the candidemia diagnosis for a median time of 13 d, and in 53 episodes (70%) at microbiological diagnosis of candidemia ANC was <1 x 10(9)/l. Candida albicans was the most frequently isolated etiologic agent (31 episodes), but C. non-albicans species sustained the majority of candidemia. Seventeen candidemias developed during azoles prophylaxis. One month after the diagnosis of candidemia, 26 patients died. In 19 cases, death was attributable to candidemia. The case-control study demonstrated, at univariate analysis, that the colonization with Candida. spp. (p=0.004), antimycotic prophylaxis (p=0.01), presence of central venous catheter (p=0.01), neutropenia (p=0.002), and the use of glycopeptide (p=0.0001) increased the risk of candidemia. Using multivariate regression analysis only colonization with Candida spp. and the previous therapy with glycopeptide were associated with a significantly increased risk. Acute mortality, expressed by a cumulative probability of survival at 30 d from diagnosis of candidemia, was 0.67 (95% C.I. 0.55-0.77) and was significantly reduced in patients with neutrophils <1 x 10(9)/l when compared to those with neutrophils >1 x 10(9)/l (p at Mantel-Cox=0.029). Overall cumulative probability of survival at 1 yr was 0.38 (95% C.I. 0.27-0.49) and only the treatment with Amfotericin B significantly reduced the risk of death. Bibliographic Information Total parenteral nutrition and home parenteral nutrition: an effective combination to sustain malnourished children with cancer. Forchielli M L; Paolucci G; Lo C W Department of Pediatrics, University of Bologna, Italy Nutrition reviews (1999), 57(1), 15-20. Journal code: 0376405. ISSN:0029-6643. (CASE REPORTS); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 10047701 AN 1999157231 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A patient with Wilms' tumor and severe failure to thrive required total parenteral nutrition (TPN) for "catch-up" growth. This case underscores how TPN might be useful in the management of a child with cancer. Cancer cachexia, chemotherapy, radiation, and infections caused by immune suppression can lead to potentially serious macro- and micronutrient deficiencies. Bibliographic Information Internal mammary blood supply for ileo-colon interposition in esophagogastroplasty: a case report. Zonta A; Visconti F E; Dionigi P; Vai L; Avanzi M S; Mourad Z; Perosin D; Fraipont G; Guizzetti M; Aluffi A; Ciccone R; Perego M; Alvisi C; Passera R Dipartimento Di Chirurgia, Sez. Di Chirurgia Gen. A Universita Degli Studi di Pavia, Istituto Di Ricavero e Cura A Carattere Scientifico, Policlinico San Matteo Di Pavia, Italy Microsurgery (1998), 18(8), 472-5. Journal code: 8309230. ISSN:0738-1085. (CASE REPORTS); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 9888352 AN 1999103427 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract We report on a clinical case where microsurgical techniques successfully supported traditional surgery in a wide reconstruction between the oropharynx and small bowel. Several years ago, the patient sustained a severe corrosive injury of the upper digestive tract with subsequent esophageal stricture and stiffening; at that time, an emergency gastrectomy was performed. In this case, the restoration of the defect could not rely on the classic colonic interposition. During the operation the ileo-colic flap, well-fitted for tension-free reconstruction, revealed the foreseen inadequacy of 58 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 its vascularization based on the sole middle colic vascular pedicle. The blood supply to its proximal part was then increased by microanastomosis between the right internal mammary and ileo-colic vessels. The revascularization ensured the viability of the interposed tissue. Oral intake resumed after 3 weeks; nowadays the patient is able to maintain her ideal weight with adequate nutrition. Bibliographic Information Body mass index development during the first 6 months of life in infants born to human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive mothers. Agostoni C; Zuccotti G V; Gianni M L; D'Auria E; Giovannini M; Riva E Department of Pediatrics, San Paolo Hospital, Milan, Italy Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) (1998), 87(4), 378-80. Journal code: 9205968. ISSN:0803-5253. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 9628290 AN 1998290254 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The development of body mass index (BMI) was measured during the first 6 months of life in three groups of infants [human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) -uninfected, n = 92; later symptomatic HIV-infected, n = 18; early symptomatic HIV-infected, n = 9] born to HIV-positive mothers and compared with a reference group (n = 65) born to healthy mothers. A trend towards lower values in the two groups of HIV-infected infants was already evident at birth. Among the four groups, HIV-uninfected infants showed the highest BMI values while the early-infected infants showed the lowest BMI values at all measurements. The later-infected group had a value close to the reference at 1 month, and then increased at slower rates than the uninfected and the reference groups. Infants born to HIV-positive mothers may have higher energy and nutrient requirements after birth, either to sustain an increased BMI development (when uninfected) or to meet catabolic mechanisms (when infected). Bibliographic Information Hookworm infection and disease: advances for control. Albonico M; Savioli L Comitato Scientifico, Fondazione Ivo de Carneri, Milan, Italy Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanita (1997), 33(4), 567-79. Journal code: 7502520. ISSN:0021-2571. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 9616967 AN 1998279953 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Advances in epidemiology and in control strategies of hookworm infection and associated disease were reviewed. Recent estimates indicate that hookworms infect approximately 1.3 billion people worldwide, and 96 million suffer from associated morbidity, including also insidious effects on nutritional status and on physical and intellectual development. Recent research studies on iron loss and iron-deficiency anaemia associated to hookworm infection were irondeficiency anemia associated to hookworm infection were reviewed. Recommendations for planning strategies for the control of hookworm infection were addressed and epidemiology, targets, chemotherapy, health education, sanitation, monitoring and evaluation in helminth control programmes were discussed. Special relevance was given to chemotherapy with new, single dose broad spectrum, safe anthelminthic drugs as the mainstay of control strategy to reduce intensity of infection, iron-deficiency anaemia and other morbidity indicators associated with hookworm infections. For the control of transmission of hookworm infection, periodic chemotherapy should be implemented in the context of ongoing improvement of sanitation and promotion of health education. These elements should be integrated into the prevailing system of primary health care and must be based on multisectoral collaboration to ensure sustainability of control programmes. Bibliographic Information Vasa vasorum of superficial collecting lymphatics of human thigh. Agliano M; Sacchi G; Weber E; Pucci A M; Comparini L Institute of Human Anatomy, University of Siena, Italy Lymphology (1997), 30(3), 116-21. Journal code: 0155112. ISSN:0024-7766. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NONU.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 9313203 AN 97458383 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. 59 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Collecting lymphatics were obtained from human thigh fat for light microscopy and tridimensional reconstruction at time of operation for varicose veins. No patient had lymphedema and routine sections showed no inflammation or notable pathologic alteration of the surrounding soft tissue. Abundant vasa vasorum was observed around the musculature of superficial collecting lymphatics of human thigh. Within intervalvular portions of the lymphatic collectors where the muscle coat was thicker and more compact, the vasa vasorum penetrated between smooth muscle cells and was in contact with the endothelium. In valvular portions of the collecting lymphatics where the muscle layer was thinner and more fragmented, there were fewer vasa vasorum. Tri-dimensional reconstructions of the collecting lymphatic wall showed two communicating plexi of vasa vasorum--one outside and the other inside the muscle layer. Arteries and veins of similar size did not have such an abundant vasa vasorum. The explanation for this difference may relate to the fact that a relatively low oxygen and nutrient content of lymph is insufficient to nourish the collecting lymphatic. Moreover, diffusion of nutrients from the external plexus is likely also impeded by the thickness and density of the muscle layer. The vasa vasorum deep in the muscular layer and in the subendothelial space probably sustain adequate nutrition and oxygenation to the collecting lymphatic. Bibliographic Information Cirrhosis and muscle cramps: evidence of a causal relationship. Angeli P; Albino G; Carraro P; Dalla Pria M; Merkel C; Caregaro L; De Bei E; Bortoluzzi A; Plebani M; Gatta A Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Padua, Italy Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) (1996), 23(2), 264-73. Journal code: 8302946. ISSN:0270-9139. (CLINICAL TRIAL); (CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 8591851 AN 96162050 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The aim of the study was to define the features, prevalence, and pathophysiology of therapy for muscle cramps in cirrhotic patients. The first protocol study included 294 cirrhotic patients and 194 age- and sex-matched controls. Controls were defined as inpatients or outpatients without any clinical and laboratory evidence of liver disease. Features and prevalence of muscle cramps were defined on the basis of a standard questionnaire. As far as the pathophysiological associations of muscle cramps were concerned, the following parameters were evaluated: mean arterial pressure (MAP), nutritional status, liver function tests, plasma volume (PV), plasma renin activity (PRA), and electrolyte, mineral, and acid-base status. The prevalence of cramps was higher in cirrhotic patients than in controls, and it was related to the duration of recognized cirrhosis and to the severity of liver function impairment. At a multiple regression analysis, the presence of ascites, low values of MAP, and high values of PRA were the independent predictive factors for the occurrence of cramps in cirrhosis. In the second protocol study, the effects of a sustained expansion of the effective circulating volume induced by intravenous infusion of human albumin were compared with those of a placebo in 12 cirrhotic patients with more than three cramp crises a week. Compared with the placebo, albumin reduced the cramp frequency (P < .01). In conclusion, an increased prevalence of true muscle cramps occurs in patients with cirrhosis. Our data indicate that the pathophysiological link between cirrhosis and cramps may be represented by the reduction of the effective circulating volume. They also indicate that weekly infusion of human albumin may be an effective treatment for cramps in cirrhosis. 60 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Nutrition and Food 61 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 5 Research Topic candidates were identified in CAPLUS and MEDLINE. using the phrase "nutrition and food" Selected 1 of 5 candidate topics. 1489 references were found containing "nutrition and food" as entered. Refine by Company Name started 25 references were found when refined by Company Name "italy" Remove Duplicates 25 references were found (0 duplicates removed) Refine by Publication Year started 18 references were found when refined by Publication Year "1998-2008" Copyrights: CAPLUS: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (The UK patent material in this product/service is UK Crown copyright and is made available with permission. © Crown Copyright. The French (FR) patent material in this product/service is made available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle (INPI).) MEDLINE: Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine REGISTRY: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (Some records contain information from GenBank(R). See also: Benson D.A., Karsch-Mizrachi I., Lipman D.J., Ostell J., Rapp B.A., Wheeler D.L. Genbank. Nucl. Acids Res. 28(1):15-18 (2000). Property values tagged with IC are from the ZIC/VINITI data file provided by InfoChem.) CAS Registry is a service mark of the American Chemical Society. CASREACT: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (In addition to reactions indexed by CAS, CASREACT contains reactions derived from the following sources: ZIC/VINITI database (journals 1974-1999, patents 1982-1999) provided by InfoChem, INPI data prior to 1986, and Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich.) CHEMLIST, CHEMCATS: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. Bibliographic Information Food selection based on total antioxidant capacity can modify antioxidant intake, systemic inflammation, and liver function without altering markers of oxidative stress. Valtuena, Silvia; Pellegrini, Nicoletta; Franzini, Laura; Bianchi, Marta A.; Ardigo, Diego; Del Rio, Daniele; Piatti, PierMarco; Scazzina, Francesca; Zavaroni, Ivana; Brighenti, Furio. Department of Internal Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Parma, Parma, Italy. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2008), 87(5), 1290-1297. Publisher: American Society for Nutrition, CODEN: AJCNAC ISSN: 0002-9165. Journal written in English. CAN 148:537143 AN 2008:611011 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 62 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Background: It is unknown whether diets with a high dietary total antioxidant capacity (TAC) can modify oxidative stress, low-grade inflammation, or liver dysfunction, all of which are risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Objective: We studied the effect of high- and low-TAC (HT and LT, resp.) diets on markers of antioxidant status, systemic inflammation, and liver dysfunction. Design: In a crossover intervention, 33 healthy adults (19 men, 14 women) received the HT and LT diets for 2 wk each. Dietary habits were checked with a 3-d food record during both diet periods and the washout period. Results: Fruit and vegetable, macronutrient, dietary fiber, and alc. intakes did not differ significantly between the 2 diets, whereas dietary TAC, -tocopherol, and ascorbic acid were significantly (P < 0.001) higher during the HT diet. Plasma -tocopherol rose during the HT and decreased during the LT diet (P < 0.02 for difference) without changes in markers of oxidative stress except plasma malondialdehyde, which decreased unexpectedly during the LT diet (P < 0.05). Plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, and alk. phosphatase concns. decreased during the HT compared with the LT diet (mean SEM for pre-post changes: -0.72 0.37 compared with 1.05 0.60 mg/L, P < 0.01; -1.73 1.02 compared with 2.33 2.58 U/L, P < 0.01; -2.12 1.45 compared with 5.15 2.98 U/L, P < 0.05; and 1.36 1.34 compared with 5.06 2.00 U/L, P < 0.01, resp.). Conclusion: Selecting foods according to their TAC markedly affects antioxidant intake and modulates hepatic contribution to systemic inflammation without affecting traditional markers of antioxidant status. Bibliographic Information Development and validation of a brief food frequency questionnaire for dietary lutein and zeaxanthin intake assessment in Italian women. Cena, Hellas; Roggi, Carla; Turconi, Giovanna. Dept. of Health Applied Sciences, Section of Human Nutrition, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy. European Journal of Nutrition (2008), 47(1), 1-9. Publisher: Steinkopff Verlag, CODEN: EJNUFZ ISSN: 1436-6207. Journal written in English. AN 2008:333577 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Background There is increasing evidence that higher intakes of carotenoids could protect against oxidative and light damage in premature infants and may promote other health benefits in both mothers during pregnancy and lactation and in newborn infants. Aim of the study To develop and validate a brief quant. food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) aimed at assessing lutein and zeaxanthin intake in women. Methods In this cross-sectional study, ests. of lutein and zeaxanthin intake from the FFQ were compared with a 7-day dietary record and with plasma concns. of these carotenoids. This primary care study was conducted in Pavia, Italy. Subjects were all female volunteers, aged 20-25 years (mean age 22.7 2.1 years), university students. Of the 110 women initially recruited, 87 completed diet questionnaires and donated a blood sample. Dietary intake was assessed by the FFQ by interview and 7-day dietary records chosen as a ref. std., using photog. estns. of portion sizes. Plasma concns. of lutein and zeaxanthin were measured by HPLC. Pearson's correlation coeff. and Bland Altman Regression anal. were used. Results Mean dietary lutein and zeaxanthin intakes were 1,107 113 g/day from the FFQ questionnaire and 1,083 116 g/day from the 7 day dietary records. The mean difference in intake assessed by the two methods (-24.5 38.3 g/day) did not differ significantly from zero. Dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin measured with the FFQ and plasma nutrient concn. among this sample were significantly correlated (r = 0.76, P < 0.0001). Mean plasma lutein and zeaxanthin concns. were 0.33 0.09 mol/l. Conclusions This FFQ could be used to assess lutein and zeaxanthin intake in adult women. Bibliographic Information Drugs and food products for hypophosphoric normo-, hyper- and hypoproteic diets, and hypophosphoric beverages. Savica, Vincenzo. (Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2007), 18pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2007115973 A2 20071018 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IS, IT, LU, MC, MT, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2007-EP53230 20070403. Priority: IT 2006-204 20060410. CAN 147:447602 AN 2007:1177509 CAPLUS 63 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2007115973 WO 2007115973 Kind A2 A3 Priority Application IT 2006-RM204 A Date Application No. Date 20071018 WO 2007-EP53230 20070403 20080403 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG, BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM, AP, EA, EP, OA 20060410 Abstract An alimentary component comprises a physiol. acceptable phosphorus-binding agent, in particular polyallylamine hydrochloride, polyallylamine carbonate, lanthanum carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, magnesium acetate, magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium acetate, calcium citrate, calcium alginate, styrene divinylbenzene ionic exchange resin, stabilized polynuclear iron hydroxide, calcium acetate plus magnesium carbonate and chitosan. This component is useful in the nutrition of subjects requiring a low-phosphorus diet and the foods may include bakery products, dairy products, and cola beverages. Bibliographic Information Reply to Value or usefulness of the food frequency questionnaire for the assessment of dietary total antioxidant capacity. Comments. Pellegrini, Nicoletta; Del Rio, Daniele; Brighenti, Furio; Valtuena, Silvia. Department of Public Health, University of Parma, Italy. Journal of Nutrition (2007), 137(6), 1498. Publisher: American Society for Nutrition, CODEN: JONUAI ISSN: 0022-3166. Journal written in English. CAN 146:520886 AN 2007:623726 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Reply to comments by C. K. Chow and S.-J. Chang (this issue, pp. 1496-7) related to the article by N. Pellegrini et al. on the "Development and validation of a food frequency questionnaire for the assessment of dietary total antioxidant capacity" (this journal, 137(1): 93-98, 2007). The main point of the discussion is the discrepancy of the estd. dietary antioxidant value and blood antioxidant indexes in humans consuming the diets. Bibliographic Information A new iron free treatment with oral fish cartilage polysaccharide for iron deficiency chronic anemia in inflammatory bowel diseases: a pilot study. Belluzzi, Andrea; Roda, Giulia; Tonon, Francesca; Soleti, Antonio; Caponi, Alessandra; Tuci, Anna; Roda, Aldo; Roda, Enrico. Gastroenterology Unit, S.Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. World Journal of Gastroenterology (2007), 13(10), 1575-1578. Publisher: World Journal of Gastroenterology, CODEN: WJGAF2 ISSN: 1007-9327. Journal written in English. CAN 147:71894 AN 64 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 2007:576960 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Aim: To investigate the effect of a new oral prepn., highly concd. in fish cartilage, in a group of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) patients with chronic iron deficient anemia. Methods: In an open label pilot study, we supplemented a group of 25 patients (11 with Crohn's disease and 14 with ulcerative colitis) in stable clin. conditions and chronic anemia with a food supplement which does not contain iron but contains a standardized fraction of fish cartilage glycosaminoglycans and a mixt. of antioxidants (Captafer Medestea, Turin, Italy). Patients received 500 mg, twice a day during meals, for at least 4 mo. Patients were suggested to maintain their alimentary habit. At time 0 and after 2 and 4 mo, emocrome, sideremia and ferritin were examd. Paired data were analyzed with Student's t test. Results: Three patients relapsed during the study (2 in the 3rd mo, 1 in the 4th mo), two patients were lost to follow up and two patients dropped out (1 for orticaria, 1 for gastric burning). Of the remaining 18 patients, levels of serum iron started to rapidly increase within the 2nd mo of treatment,(P < 0.05), whereas serum ferritin and Hb needed a longer period to significantly improve their serum levels (mo 4) P < 0.05. The product was safe, easy to administer and well tolerated by patients. Conclusion: These data suggest a potential new treatment for IBD patients with iron deficiency chronic anemia and warrant further larger controlled studies. Bibliographic Information Dietary source of nutrients in a sample of the Italian population: Protein, lipids, sugar and amino acids. Gnagnarella, Patrizia; Parpinel, Maria; Bidoli, Ettore. Divisione di Epidemiologia e Biostatistica, Istituto Europeo di Oncologia-via Ripamonti, Milan, Italy. Rivista di Scienza dell'Alimentazione (2005), 34(3), 119-131. Publisher: Fondazione per lo Studio degli Alimenti e della Nutrizione, CODEN: RSAIE3 ISSN: 1126-9480. Journal written in Italian. CAN 145:123684 AN 2006:675655 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract To interpret epidemiol. data and to provide better nutritional guidelines, it is essential to examine both food habits and main sources of food components in the population. Data from the control group of a large case-control study on cancer carried out in 6 Italian areas were used for this examn. The dietary habits of 6101 cancer-free humans (2811 men, 1979 yr, median age 57 yr; 3290 women, 20-74 yr, median age 56 yr) were examd. in 1991-1999 via interviewer-given food frequency questionnaires. The data on mean daily intakes and the major food sources of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, alc., and amino acids are presented in this paper. Bread was the first contributor of proteins and starch for both genders, whereas the first sources of fats were raw vegetables since these foods includes oil (Italian dressing). The first contributors to sugars were fresh fruits (26.1% in men, 30.3% in women). Meat and fish were the most important sources of amino acids, while pulses were a source of amino acids only when consumed in vegetable soups and not as side dishes. The consumption of milk and dairy products was a prevailing habit in women. The results agree with similar studies carried out in Italy in the last few years. The data highlight the modality of assumption and the specificity of dietary sources of some food components in the Italian population. Bibliographic Information Food groups and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a multicenter, case-control study in Italy. Talamini, Renato; Polesel, Jerry; Montella, Maurizio; Dal Maso, Luigino; Crovatto, Marina; Crispo, Anna; Spina, Michele; Canzonieri, Vincenzo; La Vecchia, Carlo; Franceschi, Silvia. Unita di Epidemiologia e Biostatistica, Centro di Riferimento Oncologico, Aviano, Italy. International Journal of Cancer (2006), 118(11), 2871-2876. Publisher: Wiley-Liss, Inc., CODEN: IJCNAW ISSN: 0020-7136. Journal written in English. CAN 144:449977 AN 2006:460136 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) has been rising worldwide, but the reasons are undefined. Dietary habits may play a role in the etiol. of NHL by influencing the metabolic pathways of several cells of the immune system. This case-control study investigated the relation between food consumption and NHL risk. Between 1999 and 2002, we 65 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 conducted a hospital-based case-control study on NHL in 2 areas of Italy. Cases were 190 patients (median age 58 years) with incident NHL admitted to specialized and general hospitals. Controls were 484 patients (median age 63 years) with acute non-neoplastic conditions admitted to the same hospitals network of cases. A validated foodfrequency questionnaire was used to assess habitual diet 2 years before interview. Unconditional multiple logistic regression was used to est. the odds ratios (OR) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI), with allowance for energy intake, according to the residual model. Consumption of highest vs. lowest quartile of pasta/rice (OR = 1.87, 95% CI: 1.04-3.36) and cheese (OR = 1.66, 95% CI: 0.98-2.83) were assocd. with a significantly increased NHL risk. Inverse assocn. was found for vegetables (OR = 0.49, 95% CI: 0.28-0.87), fruits (OR = 0.51, 95% CI: 0.30-0.85), and egg consumption (OR = 0.59, 95% CI: 0.36-0.97). The assocn. of pasta/rice was also supported by an increased risk of high glycemic load levels (OR = 1.86, 95% CI: 1.04-3.32). In conclusion, our results suggested that diet could affect NHL risk. Bibliographic Information Our everyday cup of coffee: The chemistry behind its magic. Development Department, Illycaffe S.p.A., Trieste, Italy. Journal 1167. Publisher: Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, written in English. CAN 143:325677 AN 2005:621967 CAPLUS Petracco, Marino. Research and Technical of Chemical Education (2005), 82(8), 1161CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract To develop a fruitful knowledge base on coffee, research strategy should prompt scientists with different backgrounds (food technol., food chem., and biochem., nutrition, consumer science) to team up and work closely with coffee companies in investigating all aspects that are crucial to product acceptance. Superior coffee is the result of close control over a multitude of factors in the field, in industrial processing, and in the cup. Bibliographic Information Antioxidants: current status. Lercker, G. Dip. di Scienze degli Alimenti, Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Progress in Nutrition (2001), 3(2), 26-30. Publisher: Casa Editrice Mattioli, CODEN: PNRUAT ISSN: 1129-8723. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 136:368599 AN 2002:337447 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Free radicals and antioxidants are widely discussed in the clin. and nutritional literature. Antioxidants are needed to prevent the formation and oppose the actions of radicals and reactive oxygen species. The activity of natural antioxidants can be related to their concns. in food and to factors (food compn., presence of synergic substances, temp.) which contribute to the final antioxidant status in the dietary items. The classification of natural food components with antioxidant properties is still poorly defined, since nutritional characteristics of several antioxidants (tocopherols, phospholipids, amino acids, amines) are more important than their antioxidant actions. Anal. methods for the evaluation of food antioxidants should be considered together with the detn. of antioxidant properties in defined foods. Methods for evaluation of the amts. of antioxidants and the relative antioxidant power are discussed. Bibliographic Information Effect of potential renal acid load of foods on calcium metabolism of renal calcium stone formers. Trinchieri, Alberto; Zanetti, Giampaolo; Curro, Anna; Lizzano, Renata. Department of Urology, IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore, Milan, Italy. European Urology (2001), 39(Suppl. 2), 33-37. Publisher: S. Karger AG, CODEN: EUURAV ISSN: 0302-2838. Journal written in English. CAN 135:165481 AN 2001:206437 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Diet was proposed as a causative factor of hypercalciuria in patients with Ca stones. The aim of this study was to 66 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 investigate the influence of diet on Ca metab. of renal stone formers. 35 Renal Ca stone formers were entered in this study. A 2-day recall of dietary intake was obtained from each subject. The food records were coded and computer analyzed for total energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, sodium, potassium, Ca, magnesium, phosphate, oxalate, vitamin C and fiber. Daily potential renal acid load (PRAL) of the diet was calcd. considering the mineral and protein compn. of foods, the mean intestinal absorption rate for each nutrient and the metab. of sulfur-contg. amino acids. A fasting blood sample was drawn and a 24-h urine collection were obtained for analyses of Ca, phosphate and creatinine. Serum osteocalcin was also analyzed. A fasting 2-h urine sample was collected in the morning for hydroxyproline, pyridinium cross-links and creatinine. The mean daily dietary PRAL of renal stone formers was 22.4 15.7 (range 4.2-65.8) mEq/day. Regression anal. demonstrated that urinary Ca excretion is dependent on daily protein intake and dietary PRAL, whereas the urinary pyridinium cross-links/creatinine ratio is inversely dependent on daily Ca intake. The urinary pyridinium cross-links/creatinine ratio was significantly lower in patients on a low Ca diet (<600 mg/day) than in other patients (19.5 7.8 vs. 27.3 7.5 nM/mM, p = 0.008). No significant difference was obsd. between the 2 groups for daily urinary Ca (254 109 vs. 258 140 mg/day), serum osteocalcin (8.2 3.3 vs. 6.2 2.4 ng/mL) and urinary hydroxyproline/creatinine (14.1 7.4 vs. 10.3 4 mg/g). The urinary Ca excretion of renal stone formers seems to be dependent on dietary acid load rather than dietary Ca intake. In patients consuming an acidifying diet a restriction of Ca intake could increase bone resorption leading to a progressive bone loss. Bibliographic Information Total Diet Studies in Italy. Carnovale, E.; Cappelloni, M.; Lombardi-Boccia, G.; Turrini, A. Istituto Nazionale della Nutrizione, Rome, Italy. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2000), 13(4), 551-556. Publisher: Academic Press, CODEN: JFCAEE ISSN: 0889-1575. Journal written in English. CAN 134:115251 AN 2000:701419 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Total diet studies represent a suitable tool for monitoring dietary intakes of nutrients, other food constituents and contaminants for large groups of population or at national level. In Italy, the Istituto Nazionale della Nutrizione (INN) carried out two studies using the market basket approach for the formulation and evaluation of the total diet. The studies were based on the data collected in the nation-wide food consumption surveys in 1980-1984 and 1994-1996, resp. The approach and the results of the former are discussed in detail to render available all elements for comparison with the results from the latter. Some future methodol. developments are indicated in order to plan further analyses and to improve this type of study. (c) 2000 Academic Press. Bibliographic Information Food-related sensory stimuli are able to promote pancreatic polypeptide elevation without evident cephalic phase insulin secretion in human obesity. Morricone, L.; Bombonato, M.; Cattaneo, A. G.; Enrini, R.; Lugari, R.; Zandomenighi, R.; Caviezel, F. Cattedra di Endocrinologia, Istituto di Scienze Medico-Chirurgiche S. Donato, Universita di Milano, Italy. Hormone and Metabolic Research (2000), 32(6), 240-245. Publisher: Georg Thieme Verlag, CODEN: HMMRA2 ISSN: 0018-5043. Journal written in English. CAN 133:250859 AN 2000:548175 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The data concerning the cephalic phase of insulin secretion (CPIS) in human obesity are controversial. We investigated the effect of a variety of sensory challenges on CPIS in 17 non-diabetic obese patients (four males, 13 females, mean age 41.1 yr, mean BMI 38.7). Water, saccharin, and lemon juice were used as oral stimuli, and a complete meal was simply presented as visual and olfactory stimulations. Twelve healthy normal-wt. subjects (four men, eight women, mean age 39.9, mean BMI 22.5) also underwent oral stimulation as controls, and the patients who underwent the sight and smell stimulations were also tested for pancreatic polypeptide (PP) changes in order to verify the occurrence of truly cephalic reflex during the test. Insulin levels were measured before and after each stimulation (every min for the first 5 min, and then after 10, 20, and 30 min). None of the stimuli (saccharin, lemon juice or water retained in the mouth for 2 min and were then spat out; the combined and sep. sight and smell of a meal for 2 min) led to a significant increase in insulin in the obese patients (except in the case of one woman after oral stimulation). The oral stimuli led to 67 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 a variable CPIS in one female and three male controls. Despite the absence of CPIS, the five obese patients undergoing all three sensory stimulations related to the meal (combined sight and smell, sight alone and smell alone) showed an early and significant increase in plasma PP concns. within the first 3 min; this was more pronounced after the combined than after the sep. exposure. Although only preliminary, these results underline the variability but substantial lack of CPIS in obese patients, thus suggesting that it can be considered a relatively rare and unrelevant event even in the presence of a true brain-mediated reflex revealed by the rapid and consistent increase in PP found in our expts. Bibliographic Information Selenium in food and waters: notes on its biology and toxicity. Morabito, R.; Brunori, C.; Soldati, P. ENEA Casaccia, Rome, Italy. Industrie delle Bevande (1999), 28(160), 115-118. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INBEEW ISSN: 0390-0541. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 131:43714 AN 1999:335780 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 16 refs. The main dietary sources of Se and its metab. in humans are examd. The essentiality and toxicity of Se in foods are discussed. The results of Se speciation anal. of some Italian common mineral waters on the market are presented. Bibliographic Information Study design of a total reference diet for a population in Northern Italy. Ciapellano, Salvatore; Roggi, C.; Baggio, C.; Lanza, M. P.; Erba, D.; Maccarini, L.; Brighenti, F.; Testolin, G. Dep. Food Sci. Microbiol., Section Human Nutrition, Univ. Milan, Milan, Italy. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism (1998), 42(3), 127-137. Publisher: S. Karger AG, CODEN: ANUMDS ISSN: 0250-6807. Journal written in English. CAN 129:27502 AN 1998:398764 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A market based of 91 food items was purchased in Northern Italy, based on a list taken from a food survey previously conducted in the same area. The food items from the survey were grouped into 14 categories. Food samples were collected, homogenized, and frozen for the anal. of both the nutrient content and the levels of mineral contaminants. The study design and decision processes behind the choice of type and quantity of each food are explained. The relative quantities of each food group were compared with those from 2 similar studies. Energy, nutrients, and mineral contaminants obtained by direct anal. were compared with the calcns. given on the food compn. tables. The comparison between the analyzed and calcd. data only showed marked differences in P, Na, K, and Cu intakes. Bibliographic Information Process for solvent extraction of lycopene from whole fruits and concentration of the extract. Bombardelli, Ezio; Seghizzi, Roberto; Morazzoni, Paolo. (Indena S.P.A., Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (1998), 8 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 818225 A1 19980114 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, FI. Patent written in English. Application: EP 97-111635 19970709. Priority: IT 96-1442 19960712. CAN 128:129826 AN 1998:116171 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 818225 EP 818225 Kind A1 B1 US 5897866 AT 227599 PT 818225 A T T Date Application No. Date 19980114 EP 1997-111635 19970709 20021113 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, FI 19990427 US 1997-890165 19970709 20021115 AT 1997-111635 19970709 20030331 PT 1997-111635 19970709 68 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 ES CA CA AU AU JP HK 2186824 2210039 2210039 9728539 722774 10226654 1005499 T3 A1 C A B2 A A1 20030516 19980112 20020910 19980129 20000810 19980825 20030221 Priority Application IT 1996-MI1442 A 19960712 ES 1997-111635 CA 1997-2210039 19970709 19970710 AU 1997-28539 19970710 JP 1997-199150 HK 1998-104650 19970710 19980529 Abstract Pure lycopene or lipophilic exts. contg. lycopene are recovered from whole fruits of Lycopersicum esculentum and similar species as byproducts of food industry processes. The partially dehydrated fresh material is extd. with aliph. or arom. hydrocarbons or water-immiscible solvents (e.g., n-hexane or methylene chloride) in the presence of phospholipids or soy lecithin (0.01-0.100 wt./vol.%) as surfactants and stabilizing agents, then the exts. are concd. to an oil or fractionated to the desired concn. (1-10%) of lycopene. The exts. can be purified by chromatog. using an acidic alumina column with Et acetate/hexane eluant or by supercrit. extn. with CO2. In examples, lycopene was extd. from whole tomato biomass, dried skins, and moist skins. Compns. were presented of coated tablets, hard gelatin capsules and soft gelatin capsules contg. the lycopene ext. Bibliographic Information Evaluation of health, nutrition and food security programmes in a complex emergency: the case of Congo as an example of a chronic post-conflict situation. Rossi Laura; Hoerz Thomas; Thouvenot Veronique; Pastore Gianni; Michael Markus Human Nutrition Unit, National Institute for Research on Food and Nutrition, via Ardeatina 546, 00178 Rome, Italy. [email protected] Public health nutrition (2006), 9(5), 551-6. Journal code: 9808463. ISSN:13689800. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 16923285 AN 2006500133 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract OBJECTIVE: To describe the case of Congo as an example of the assessment and appropriateness of donor operational and sectoral strategies in a complex emergency. DESIGN AND SETTING: The paper reports the findings of an external evaluation of operations financed by the European Commission Humanitarian Office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). RESULTS: The Congolese health system is suffering from severe deterioration. What is functioning in the public health context is donor-dependent with high costs and limited coverage. Despite a relatively favourable agro-climatic situation, food shortage and famine severely affect the nutritional status of large population groups. In this context, humanitarian programmes have generally improved access to health care and the nutritional status of beneficiaries. The reduction of malnutrition in project areas is often demonstrated even though the context did not permit consolidation of these results. Malnutrition continues to claim a massive cost of lives owing to the effect of widespread food insecurity that follows a circular cause-and-effect pattern of very low food production and extreme poverty. CONCLUSIONS: The current context in DRC does not correspond yet to 'post-crisis': neither at population level with regard to indicators of poverty, malnutrition, disease and death, nor at institutional level, with regard to state support to institutions. In these situations, the international community is often called upon to replace the state as service provider. Integrated humanitarian actions should be the future of relief projects in DRC. Health, nutrition and food security components should be considered a standard public health intervention strategy representing the most sensible approach to address the needs of the affected population. Bibliographic Information The Mediterranean diet in a world context. Alexandratos Nikos 69 the Global Perspective Studies Unit, Food and Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. [email protected] Public health nutrition (2006), 9(1A), 111-7. Journal code: 9808463. ISSN:1368-9800. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16512957 AN 2006126982 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract OBJECTIVE: To put the debate on the Mediterranean diet in context by highlighting historical and prospective changes in the level and composition of food consumption in the world and key Mediterranean countries. DESIGN: Data from FAO's food balance sheets are used to illustrate historical evolution. Projections to 2030 are presented from FAO's recent and ongoing work on exploring world food and agriculture futures. SETTING: International. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Many developing countries are undergoing diet transitions bringing them closer to the diets prevalent in the richer countries, i.e. with more energy-dense foods. There follows an increase in the incidence of diet-related non-communicable diseases, which are superimposed on the health problems related to undernutrition that still afflict them. In parallel, many low-income countries are making little progress towards raising food consumption levels necessary for good nutrition and food security. Wider adoption of food consumption patterns akin to those of the Mediterranean diet hold promise of contributing to mitigate adverse effects of such diet transitions. However, the evolution of food consumption in the Mediterranean countries themselves is not encouraging, as these countries have also followed the trend towards higher shares of energy-dense foods. Possible policy responses to these problems include measures to raise awareness of the benefits of healthier diets and/or to change relative food prices in favour of such diets (by taxing fattening foods) or, at the extreme, making individuals who follow 'bad' diets, and thus are prone to associated diseases, bear a higher part of the consequent costs borne by the public health systems (tax fat people). Bibliographic Information Science as the basis for public health decisions in nutrition and food safety in Asia. Tontisiri K; Clark R Food and Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES (2001), 14(1-2), 1-13. Journal code: 8909524. ISSN:0895-3988. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 11594468 AN 2001548226 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) 70 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Food Science and Food Technology 71 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 5 Research Topic candidates were identified in CAPLUS and MEDLINE. using the phrase "food science and technology" Selected 2 of 5 candidate topics. 172 references were found containing "food science and technology" as entered. 772 references were found containing both of the concepts "food science" and "technology". Remove Duplicates 718 references were found (54 duplicates removed) Analyze Analyzed 718 of 718 by Company/Organization Selected 10 of 470 candidates Department of Food Science and Technology University of Milan Italy (2 references) Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy (2 references) Dipartimento di Produzioni Animali Universita di Bari, Italy (1 reference) European Institute of Oncology, Italy (1 reference) FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy (1 reference) Istituto Agrario di S Michele a/A, Italy (1 reference) National Cancer Research Institute, Italy (1 reference) Universita di Padova, Italy (1 reference) University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFM, Italy (1 reference) Vendor Assurance Materie Prime Barilla Alimentare s p a, Italy (1 reference) Copyrights: CAPLUS: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (The UK patent material in this product/service is UK Crown copyright and is made available with permission. © Crown Copyright. The French (FR) patent material in this product/service is made available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle (INPI).) MEDLINE: Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine REGISTRY: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (Some records contain information from GenBank(R). See also: Benson D.A., Karsch-Mizrachi I., Lipman D.J., Ostell J., Rapp B.A., Wheeler D.L. Genbank. Nucl. Acids Res. 28(1):15-18 (2000). Property values tagged with IC are from the ZIC/VINITI data file provided by InfoChem.) CAS Registry is a service mark of the American Chemical Society. CASREACT: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (In addition to reactions indexed by CAS, CASREACT contains reactions derived from the following sources: ZIC/VINITI database (journals 1974-1999, patents 1982-1999) provided by InfoChem, INPI data prior to 1986, and Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich.) CHEMLIST, CHEMCATS: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. Bibliographic Information Chitosan as a dietary supplement and a food technology agent. 72 Muzzarelli, Riccardo A. A.; Muzzarelli, Corrado. Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biochemistry, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy. Editor(s): Biliaderis, Costas G.; Izydorczyk, Marta S. Functional Food Carbohydrates (2007), 215-247. Publisher: CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Fla CODEN: 69JGCY Conference; General Review written in English. CAN 147:485117 AN 2007:594747 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review discussing the characteristics, modern applications in food sciences, and application as a nutraceutical of chitosan. Bibliographic Information Piezophilic adaptation: a genomic point of view. Simonato, Francesca; Campanaro, Stefano; Lauro, Federico M.; Vezzi, Alessandro; D'Angelo, Michela; Vitulo, Nicola; Valle, Giorgio; Bartlett, Douglas H. Department of Biology, Universita di Padova, Padua, Italy. Journal of Biotechnology (2006), 126(1), 11-25. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: JBITD4 ISSN: 0168-1656. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 146:55970 AN 2006:989377 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Two-thirds of Earth's surface is covered by oceans, yet the study of this massive integrated living system is still in its infancy. Various environmental variables, such as high salinity, low and changeable nutrient availability and depth-correlated gradients of light, temp., nutrients and pressure shape the diversity, physiol. and ecol. of marine species. As oceans present an av. depth of 3800 m, deep-sea ecosystems represent the most common marine ecol. niche. One of the key environment variables that influences the life and evolution of deep-sea organisms is high pressure. This extreme widespread condition requires specific adaptations, the nature of which remains largely unknown. Recent advances in genomic approaches, such as in sequencing technologies and global expression profiling, are rapidly increasing the data available to understand microbial evolution, biochem., physiol. and diversity. This review summarizes the anal. of the results published so far about microbial high pressure adaptation from a genomic point of view. Understanding high pressure adaptation mechanisms is not just a scientific exercise but has important biotechnol. implications. For example, hydrostatic pressure is a reality for food science and technol., both for food prepn. and preservation. An understanding of the effects of pressure on biomols. will expand its use in the medical, industrial and biotechnol. fields. Bibliographic Information A proteomic approach to study protein variation in GM durum wheat in relation to technological properties of semolina. Di Luccia, Aldo; Lamacchia, Carmela; Fares, Clara; Padalino, Lucia; Mamone, Gianfranco; La Gatta, Barbara; Gambacorta, Giuseppe; Faccia, Michele; Di Fonzo, Natale; La Notte, Ennio. Dipartimento di Produzioni Animali, Universita di Bari, Bari, Italy. Annali di Chimica (Rome, Italy) (2005), 95(6), 405-414. Publisher: Societa Chimica Italiana, CODEN: ANCRAI ISSN: 0003-4592. Journal written in English. CAN 144:146709 AN 2005:875334 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Genetic manipulation of durum wheats by tobacco rab-1 genes influence the trafficking of gluten proteins through the secretory system by up- or down-regulating the transport step from the ER to the Golgi app. which may in turn modify functional performance of the grain. Gluten proteins were extd. from two genetically manipulated lines - Svevo B730 1-1 and Ofanto B688 1-2 - and their control lines and were analyzed by two dimensional gel electrophoresis. When the two-dimensional maps were compared by image anal. no significant differences between the GM line with an upregulated trafficking contg. the wild type tobacco rab1 (Svevo B730 1-1) and its control (Svevo control). By contrast, significant differences were found between the GM line with a down-regulated trafficking due to the tobacco rab1 mutant form (Ofanto B688 1-2) and its control (Ofanto control). Of the new protein spots detected in the downregulated Ofanto B688 1-2 map, only a -amylase was identified. The remaining spots were susceptible to chymotripsin action but not to trypsin one, as in the case of the gluten protein. Rheol. measurements showed that gluten 73 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 quality was enhanced in the down-regulated Ofanto B688 1-2 without an increase in the amt. of gluten. Proteomics is a useful and powerful tool for investigating protein changes in GMOs and in understanding events in food science and technol. Bibliographic Information Stable Polymeric Microballoons as Multifunctional Device for Biomedical Uses: Synthesis and Characterization. Cavalieri, Francesca; El Hamassi, Ali; Chiessi, Ester; Paradossi, Gaio. Department of Chemical Sciences and Technologies, University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFM, Rome, Italy. Langmuir (2005), 21(19), 8758-8764. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: LANGD5 ISSN: 0743-7463. Journal written in English. CAN 143:353234 AN 2005:729810 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Gas filled hollow microparticles, i.e., microbubbles and microballoons, are soft matter devices used in a no. of diverse applications ranging from protein sepn. and purifn. in food science to drilling technol. and ultrasound imaging. Aq. dispersions of these mesoscopic systems are characterized by the stabilization of the air/water interface by a thin shell of phospholipid bilayer or multilayers or by a denatured and cross-linked proteic matrix. We present a study of a type of microballoons based on modified poly(vinyl alc.), PVA, a synthetic biocompatible polymer, with new structural features. A crosslinking reaction carried out at the air/water interface provides polymeric air-filled microbubbles with av. dimensions depending on the reaction temp. Characterization of diams. and shell thicknesses for microbubbles obtained at different temps. has been carried out. Conversion to solvent-filled hollow microcapsules is possible by soaking microbubbles in DMSO. Microcapsules permeability to fluorescent labeled dextran mol. wt. stds. was correlated to the mesh size of the polymer network of the shell. Microbubbles were covalently grafted under very mild conditions with -cyclodextrin and poly-L-lysine with a view to assay the capability of the device for delivery of hydrophobic drugs or DNA. PVA based microballoons show a remarkable shelf life of several months, their external surface can be decorated with many biol. relevant mols. These features, together with a tested biocompatibility, make them attractive candidates for use as multifunctional device for diagnosis and therapeutic purposes, i.e., as ultrasound reflectors in ecog. investigation and as drug platforms for in situ sonoporation. Bibliographic Information Chitin related food science today (and two centuries ago). Muzzarelli, Corrado; Muzzarelli, Riccardo A. A. Institute of Biochemistry, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech (2003), 14(5), 39-42. Publisher: Tekno Scienze srl, CODEN: AIHTEI ISSN: 1722-6996. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 141:330924 AN 2004:362180 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review discussing some information on the activities going on in a botanical garden 2 centuries ago. The discovery of chitin did not attract much attention for long, but today chitin is going to have a role in food technol. They focus on most important current applications of chitosan in the food area, and emphasize the connection between the scientific knowledge about the chitosans of animal origin and the food technol. relevant to plant products and their protection from spoilage. Bibliographic Information Fingerprinting mass spectrometry by PTR-MS: heat treatment vs. pressure treatment of red orange juice-a case study. Biasioli, F.; Gasperi, F.; Aprea, E.; Colato, L.; Boscaini, E.; Mark, T. D. Istituto Agrario di S. Michele a/A, S.Michele, Italy. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (2003), 223-224(1-3), 343-353. Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V., CODEN: IMSPF8 ISSN: 1387-3806. Journal written in English. CAN 138:253900 AN 2002:916283 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 74 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) is more and more applied to rather different fields of research and applications showing interesting performances where high sensitivity and fast monitoring of volatile org. compds. (VOCs) are required. Based on this technique and aiming at the realization of an automatic system for routine applications in food science and technol., a novel approach for fingerprinting mass spectrometric detection and anal. of complex mixts. of VOCs was tested. In particular, corresponding head space (HS) sampling methods and possible data anal. techniques were described and discussed. As a 1st test case, the properties of 4 red orange juices processed by different stabilization methods starting from the same industrial batch: untreated juice, thermal pasteurized (flash and std.) juice and high pressure stabilized juice was studied. The possibility of a fast automatic discrimination/classification of the samples with the further advantage, compared to the use of electronic noses, of useful information on the mass of the discriminating compds. was demonstrated. Moreover, 1st comparisons with discriminative anal. by a sensory panel shows evidence that there is a correlation between the ability of the PTR-MS to distinguish different juice samples and that of a panel of trained judges with the obvious advantages of an instrumental approach. Bibliographic Information Pesticides as food contaminants: a pilot project for correct public information. Morasso, G.; Bolognesi, C.; Duglio, E.; Musso, M. Psychology Department, National Cancer Research Institute, Genoa, Italy. Trends in Food Science & Technology (2001), Volume Date 2000, 11(9-10), 379-382. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., CODEN: TFTEEH ISSN: 0924-2244. Journal written in English. AN 2001:409297 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Despite the fact that scientific statements coming from several toxicol. studies provide a strong indication of the low risk of pesticides residues [Bolognesi, C., Morasso, G. (in press) 'Genotoxicity of Pesticides: Potential Risk for Consumers' Food Science & Technol.], the general population does not seem to have the same assurances as experts: consumers' perception may widely differ from the orientation offered by health authorities [Slovic, P. (1987) 'Perception of Risk' in Science, 17 Apr., 236, 280-285; Segal, M. (1990) 'Is it Worth the Worry Detg. Risk' US Food and Drug Administration; Forsythe, R.H. (1993) 'Risk: Reality Vs. Perception' in Poult. Sci. 72, 1152-1156; Sparks, P. and Shephered, R. (1994) 'Public Perception of the Potential Hazards Assocd. with Food Prodn. and Food Consumption: An Empirical Study' in Risk Anal. 14, 799-806; Knox, B. (2000) 'Consumer Perception and Understanding of Risk from Food' in Br. Med. Bull. 56, 97-109]. This cognitive-evaluative process may affect personal behavior or lifestyle and may induce consumers to reduce or eliminate the use of certain foods which they feel contain pesticides [Fischhoff, B. and Dows, J.S. (1997) 'Communicating Foodborne Disease Risk' in Emerg. Infect. Dis. 3, 489-495; Stili di vita e condizioni di salute. (1999) 'Sistema Statistico Nazionale', Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)]. Therefore, authorities and educational experts should take objective assessment as well as subjective risk perception into account to come to a higher awareness in the accomplishment of an appropriate food choice. Following this premise and owing to the lack and unsuitability of information on the way pesticides are used in Italy, a new information system on food, called NAFSA, was created to increase consumers' awareness. Bibliographic Information Foam in foods. Russo, Claudio. Vendor Assurance Materie Prime Barilla Alimentare s..p..a., Parma, Italy. Industrie Alimentari (Pinerolo, Italy) (2000), 39(391), 425-443. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INALBB ISSN: 0019-901X. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 133:236940 AN 2000:435728 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This work examines the surface-active properties of proteins, protein foaming power, and foam stability in relation to protein intrinsic properties, based on the fundamental studies by Graham and Phillips, and illustrates also the foaming mechanism in the light of the present set of knowledge. A review with 77 refs. describing the available methods to improve the foaming power of proteins: enzymic, phys. (including an overview of high-pressure treatment), and chem. modifications. The most widely used protein systems are reviewed: egg albumen (and derived dehydrated products), 75 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 serum, gluten, and soy proteins. A description follows of the methods in use to measure foam characteristics for practical systems, with also a brief outline of the methods for pure protein model systems, and for anal. data treatment. The origin of the "Science in the kitchen" is briefly dealt with, of interest for food technol. as a whole, and in particular for the science of colloidal systems, of which foams and emulsion are part. Bibliographic Information The food composition database for an Italian food frequency questionnaire. Salvini, Simonetta; Gnagnarella, Patrizia; Parpinel, Maria Teresa; Boyle, Peter; Decarli, Adriano; Ferraroni, Monica; Giacosa, Attilio; La Vecchia, Carlo; Negri, Eva; Franceschi, Silvia. Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, European Institute of Oncology, Italy. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (1996), 9(1), 57-71. Publisher: Academic, CODEN: JFCAEE ISSN: 0889-1575. Journal written in English. CAN 124:315496 AN 1996:249712 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract To interpret food consumption data from large epidemiol. studies, extended, up-to-date, and country-specific food compn. tables are needed. A food compn. database was created for the anal. of dietary intake information from a large case-control study starting from a large, unpublished database developed by the National Nutrition Institute of Rome, Italy. The compn. of 252 food items in terms of 29 nutrients was checked according to well-defined methods, and values for nutrients that were not included in that database were found from other sources. This is a first attempt to create a well-documented, computerized food compn. database for use in an epidemiol. study in Italy: this effort will be extended to a larger set of food items in a collaborative project involving several researchers and institutions in Italy. Bibliographic Information Science and society: protecting crop genetic diversity for food security: political, ethical and technical challenges. Esquinas-Alcazar Jose FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. [email protected] Nature reviews. Genetics (2005), 6(12), 946-53. Journal code: 100962779. ISSN:1471-0056. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16341075 AN 2005658558 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Crop genetic diversity - which is crucial for feeding humanity, for the environment and for sustainable development - is being lost at an alarming rate. Given the enormous interdependence of countries and generations on this genetic diversity, this loss raises critical socio-economic, ethical and political questions. The recent ratification of a binding international treaty, and the development of powerful new technologies to conserve and use resources more effectively, have raised expectations that must now be fulfilled. Bibliographic Information Composition of platelet phospholipids after moderate consumption of red wine in healthy volunteers. Pellegrini N; Simonetti P; Brusamolino A; Bottasso B; Pareti F I Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Milan, Italy European journal of clinical nutrition (1996), 50(8), 535-44. Journal code: 8804070. ISSN:0954-3007. (CLINICAL TRIAL); (COMPARATIVE STUDY); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 8863014 AN 97016379 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of moderate consumption of red wine on composition of platelet phospholipids, discriminating the effect of alcohol from that of non-alcoholic components. DESIGN: A randomised crossover study. 76 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 SETTING: The Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Milan. SUBJECTS: Eleven healthy male volunteers who were moderate drinkers. INTERVENTIONS: For three periods of 4 weeks, subjects drank three different beverages [320 ml of red wine (providing 30 g/day of alcohol), 30 g/day of alcohol diluted in 320 ml of clear fruit juice or 320 ml of dealcoholised red wine] during the two main meals. Each treatment was preceded by a period of 4 weeks of complete withdrawal from any alcoholic beverage. At the end of each period the fatty acid composition of individual phospholipids was determined on isolated platelets. RESULTS: Consumption for a period of 4 weeks of non-alcoholic components either from 320 ml of red wine or from the same amount of dealcoholised red wine resulted in similar increases in polyunsaturated fatty acids in all phospholipid fractions of platelet, with the exception of sphingomyelin. No differences were detected when we compared the composition of phospholipids at the end of red wine and alcohol treatments with findings at the end of dealcoholised treatment and abstinence. CONCLUSIONS: The increase of polyunsaturated fatty acids in platelet phospholipids due to the non-alcoholic components of red wine suggests an antioxidant effect that could be relevant in justifying the protective effect of red wine shown in epidemiological studies. Bibliographic Information Effects of moderate consumption of red wine on platelet aggregation and haemostatic variables in healthy volunteers. Pellegrini N; Pareti F I; Stabile F; Brusamolino A; Simonetti P Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Milan, Italy European journal of clinical nutrition (1996), 50(4), 209-13. Journal code: 8804070. ISSN:0954-3007. (CLINICAL TRIAL); (COMPARATIVE STUDY); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 8730606 AN 96276567 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of moderate consumption of red wine on platelet aggregation and haemostatic variables, discriminating the effect of alcohol from that of non-alcoholic components. DESIGN: A randomised crossover study. SETTING: The Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Milan. SUBJECTS: Eleven healthy male volunteers who were moderate drinkers. INTERVENTIONS: For three periods of four weeks, subjects drank three different beverages [320 ml of red wine (providing 30 g/day of alcohol), 30 g/day of alcohol diluted in 320 ml of clear fruit juice or 320 ml of dealcoholised red wine] during the two main meals. Each treatment was preceded by a period of four weeks of complete withdrawal from any alcoholic beverage. At the end of each period platelet aggregation after collagen and ADP stimulus, and levels of fibrinogen, plasminogen, tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) antigen and von Willebrand factor (vWF) were determined. RESULTS: Consumption for a period of four weeks of 30 g/day of alcohol either from red wine or alcohol resulted in similar decreases of collageninduced platelet aggregation and fibrinogen levels. ADP-induced platelet aggregation, t-PA antigen, vWF and plasminogen levels were not affected by any treatment. No differences were detected when we compared platelet function and the other haemostatic variables at the end of red wine and dealcoholised treatments with findings at the end of alcohol treatment and abstinence. CONCLUSIONS: The well known positive effect of moderate consumption of red wine on haemostasis seems due to alcohol and not to the non-alcoholic fraction present in red wine. 77 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Food Industry 78 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 2 Research Topic candidates were identified in CAPLUS and MEDLINE. using the phrase "food industry" Selected 2 of 2 candidate topics. 15565 references were found containing "food industry" as entered. 38053 references were found containing the concept "food industry". Refine by Company Name started 829 references were found when refined by Company Name "italy" Remove Duplicates 757 references were found (72 duplicates removed) Refine by Publication Year started 439 references were found when refined by Publication Year "1998-2008" Refine by Publication Year started 73 references were found when refined by Publication Year "2007-2008" Copyrights: CAPLUS: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (The UK patent material in this product/service is UK Crown copyright and is made available with permission. © Crown Copyright. The French (FR) patent material in this product/service is made available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle (INPI).) MEDLINE: Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine REGISTRY: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (Some records contain information from GenBank(R). See also: Benson D.A., Karsch-Mizrachi I., Lipman D.J., Ostell J., Rapp B.A., Wheeler D.L. Genbank. Nucl. Acids Res. 28(1):15-18 (2000). Property values tagged with IC are from the ZIC/VINITI data file provided by InfoChem.) CAS Registry is a service mark of the American Chemical Society. CASREACT: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. (In addition to reactions indexed by CAS, CASREACT contains reactions derived from the following sources: ZIC/VINITI database (journals 1974-1999, patents 1982-1999) provided by InfoChem, INPI data prior to 1986, and Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich.) CHEMLIST, CHEMCATS: Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. Bibliographic Information Amperometric detection of carbohydrates and thiols by using a glassy carbon electrode coated with Co oxide/multi-wall carbon nanotubes catalytic system. Buratti, Susanna; Brunetti, Barbara; Mannino, Saverio. Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Milan, Via Celoria 2, Milan, Italy. Talanta (2008), 76(2), 454-457. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: TLNTA2 ISSN: 0039-9140. Journal written in English. AN 79 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 2008:668129 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A glassy carbon electrode coated with cobalt oxide/multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) system was used for the detection of carbohydrates and thiols. The modification of the glassy carbon electrode increased the anodic current response of these org. compds. and decreased their overvoltage. The amperometric responses were extremely stable with no loss of sensitivity over many days of storage. Such attractive performance characteristics indicate great promise for using this new catalytic system for monitoring in fast and simple way compds. of great interest for food industry, biotechnol. and clin. diagnostics. Bibliographic Information S100B protein concentration in milk-formulas for preterm and term infants. Correlation with industrial preparation procedures. Nigro, Francesco; Gagliardi, Luigi; Ciotti, Sabina; Galvano, Fabio; Pietri, Amedeo; Tina, Gabriella Lucia; Cavallaro, Daniela; La Fauci, Luca; Iacopino, Leonardo; Bognanno, Matteo; Li Volti, Giovanni; Scacco, Antonio; Michetti, Fabrizio; Gazzolo, Diego. Department of Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Health, G. Garibaldi Hospital, Catania, Italy. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research (2008), 52(5), 609-613. Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, CODEN: MNFRCV ISSN: 1613-4125. Journal written in English. AN 2008:663367 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Human milk S100B protein possesses important neurotrophic properties. However, in some conditions human milk is substituted by milk formulas. The aims of the present study were: to assess S100B concns. in milk formulas, to verify any differences in S100B levels between preterm and term infant formulas and to evaluate the impact of industrial prepn. at predetd. phases on S100B content. Two different set of samples were tested: (i) com. preterm (n = 36) and term (n = 36) infant milk formulas; ii) milk preterm (n = 10) and term infant (n = 10) formulas sampled at the following predetd. industrial prepn. time points: skimmed cow milk (Time 0); after protein sources supplementation (Time 1); after pasteurization (Time 2); after spray-drying (Time 3). Our results showed that S100B concn. in preterm formulas were higher than in term ones (p < 0.01). In addn., S100B concns. during industrial prepn. showed a significant increase (p < 0.001) at Time 1 followed by a slight decrease (p > 0.05) at Time 2, whereas a significant (p < 0.001) dip was obsd. at Time 3. In conclusion, S100B showed a sufficient thermostability to resist pasteurization but not sprydrying. New feeding strategies in preterm and term infants are therefore warranted in order to preserve S100B protein during industrial prepn. Bibliographic Information Detection of bacteriocin production and virulence traits in vancomycin-resistant enterococci of different sources. Sabia, C.; de Niederhausern, S.; Guerrieri, E.; Messi, P.; Anacarso, I.; Manicardi, G.; Bondi, M. Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio E., Modena, Italy. Journal of Applied Microbiology (2008), 104(4), 970-979. Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., CODEN: JAMIFK ISSN: 1364-5072. Journal written in English. AN 2008:615928 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Aim: Three hundred and two enterococci were isolated from food, animal and clin. samples in order to evaluate the incidence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and bacteriocin, cytolysin, haemolysin, gelatinase prodn. Methods and Results: Among the isolates, 27 (8.9%) were VRE, and 17 (63%) of these showed, by the deferred antagonism method, bacteriocin prodn. against Gram-pos. and some Gram-neg. indicators. Eight bacteriocin producers displayed by polymerase chain reaction an enterocin structural gene: six Enterococcus faecium the Enterocin A, two Enterococcus faecalis the Enterocin P genes. The enterocins AS-48, 31, L50 and 1071A/B genes were not found. Regarding the virulence factors, two VRE produced gelatinase and seven were haemolytic. Gelatinase gelE gene was found in 19 strains and cytolysin cylLL gene in eight. Among the strains showing the cylLL gene, only two E. faecalis expressed a -haemolysis. Conclusions: Our results showed the persistence of VRE in food, animal and clin. samples. 80 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Many of these strains displayed antibacterial activity and sometimes different components of virulence, which could emphasize their pathogenicity. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work indicates the need of a const. monitoring of enterococci in order to assess their possible pathogenic properties. The strains of interest in the food industry or used as probiotics should be tested for antibiotic resistance and virulence traits. Bibliographic Information Exploring the potential of membrane bioreactors to enhance metals removal from wastewater: pilot experiences. Fatone, F.; Eusebi, A. L.; Pavan, P.; Battistoni, P. Department of Science and Technology, University of Verona, Verona, Italy. Water Science and Technology (2008), 57(4), 505-511. Publisher: IWA Publishing, CODEN: WSTED4 ISSN: 0273-1223. Journal written in English. AN 2008:615914 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The potential of membrane bioreactors to enhance the removal of selected metals from low loaded sewages has been explored. A 1400 L pilot plant, equipped with an industrial submerged module of hollow fiber membranes, has been used in three different configurations: membrane bioreactor, operating in sequencing batch modality, for the treatment of real mixed municipal/industrial wastewater; membrane-assisted biosorption reactor, for the treatment of real leachate from municipal landfills; continuously fed membrane bioreactor, for the treatment of water charged with cadmium and nickel ions. The results show that: (a) in treating wastewaters with low levels of heavy metals (< one milligram per L concn.), operating high sludge ages is not an effective strategy to significantly enhance the metals removal; (b) Hg and Cd are effectively removed already in conventional systems with gravitational final clarifiers, while Cu, Cr, Ni can rely on a addnl. performance in membrane bioreactors; (c) the further membrane effect is remarkable for Cu and Cr, while it is less significant for Ni. Basically, similar membrane effects recur in three different exptl. applications that let us est. the potential of membrane system to retain selected metal complexes. The future development of the research will investigate the relations between the membrane effect and the manipulate filtration parameters (i.e., permeate flux, solids content, filtration cycle). Bibliographic Information Granulation device. Bonita, Antonio. (Vima Impianti S.r.l., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2008), 17pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2008059343 A2 20080522 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IS, IT, LU, MC, MT, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2007-IB3462 20071113. Priority: IT 2006-779 20061115. AN 2008:615227 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2008059343 Kind A2 Date Application No. Date 20080522 WO 2007-IB3462 20071113 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG, BW, GH, GM, KE, 81 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM Priority Application IT 2006-BO779 A 20061115 Abstract The granulation device comprises a wet granulation unit having a chamber for mixing a powder product with appropriate binding agents and a dry granulation unit having a chamber for mixing a product exiting from the wet granulation unit. The dry granulation unit is operatively connected with the wet granulation unit. The app. has means for purifying the air used in the granulation process. The app. is suitable for use in the chem., drug, and food processing industries. Bibliographic Information Detection of microbial concentration in ice-cream using the impedance technique. Grossi, M.; Lanzoni, M.; Pompei, A.; Lazzarini, R.; Matteuzzi, D.; Ricco, B. Department of Electronic Engineering (D.E.I.S.), University of Bologna, Via Risorgimento 8, Bologna, Italy. Biosensors & Bioelectronics (2008), 23(11), 1616-1623. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: BBIOE4 ISSN: 0956-5663. Journal written in English. AN 2008:576350 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The detection of microbial concn., essential for safe and high quality food products, is traditionally made with the plate count technique, that is reliable, but also slow and not easily realized in the automatic form, as required for direct use in industrial machines. To this purpose, the method based on impedance measurements represents an attractive alternative since it can produce results in about 10 h, instead of the 24-48 h needed by std. plate counts and can be easily realized in automatic form. In this paper such a method has been exptl. studied in the case of ice-cream products. In particular, all main ice-cream compns. of real interest have been considered and no nutrient media has been used to dil. the samples. A measurement set-up has been realized using benchtop instruments for impedance measurements on samples whose bacteria concn. was independently measured by means of std. plate counts. The obtained results clearly indicate that impedance measurement represents a feasible and reliable technique to detect total microbial concn. in ice-cream, suitable to be implemented as an embedded system for industrial machines. Bibliographic Information Composition of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Commercial Aqueous Smoke Flavorings. Soldera, Susi; Sebastianutto, Nerina; Bortolomeazzi, Renzo. Department of Food Science, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2008), 56(8), 2727-2734. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: JAFCAU ISSN: 0021-8561. Journal written in English. CAN 148:470311 AN 2008:345455 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The antioxidant activity of 12 aq. com. smoke flavorings used in the food industry was detd. by 2 methods: bleaching of the carotenoid crocin and scavenging of the DPPH radical. The reaction with the DPPH radical was evaluated by calcg. the effective concn. (EC50) and the antiradical efficiency (AE). A gas chromatog.-mass spectrometry method was, moreover, used for the detn. of 2-methoxyphenols, 2,6-dimethoxyphenols, and dihydroxybenzenes. The methoxyphenols were extd. from the aq. smoke by dichloromethane, and also the residue aq. phase was analyzed to det. the more water-sol. dihydroxybenzenes. The recovery and the repeatability of the method are reported. The total phenolic concns. of the smoke flavorings showed a wide range, from about 1000 to 25,000 mg/kg. Considering the 3 classes of compds., the concns. were about 300-3000 mg/kg for the 2-methoxyphenols, 200-11,000 mg/kg for the 2,6dimethoxyphenols, and 140-10,000 mg/kg for the dihydroxybenzenes. The range of the antioxidant activities of the 82 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 smoke flavorings was wide, reflecting the wide range of the phenolic concns. Good correlations were obtained between the total phenolic concn. and the antioxidant activities detd. by both the DPPH and crocin assays. Bibliographic Information Thermal cycling stability of Cr-N thin films deposited on stainless steel. Paternoster, Carlo; Fabrizi, Alberto; Cecchini, Raimondo; Choquet, P. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy. High Temperature Materials and Processes (Tel Aviv, Israel) (2007), 26(5-6), 349-353. Publisher: Freund Publishing House Ltd., CODEN: HTMPEF ISSN: 0334-6455. Journal written in English. AN 2008:303200 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Stainless steels have several industrial uses, such as in industrial plants, food manuf., furniture and lighting applications. Hard ceramic coatings are often used to improve steel surface properties, such as hardness, wear resistance and friction. In this work, 150 nm thick Cr-N coatings deposited on AISI 304L by D.c. (DC) reactive sputtering were studied. Structural and morphol. characterizations by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), At. Force Microscopy (AFM) and SEM (SEM) were carried out before and after thermal cycling at different temps. It was found that thermal cycling induces Cr-N oxidn. with the progressive formation of Cr2O3 crystallites. Increase of coating surface roughness, cracking and detachment from the substrate occurs for temps. above 910 K. Bibliographic Information A computational tool to verify acrylamide formation. Carrieri, Gabriella; de Bonis, Maria Valeria; Ruocco, Gianpaolo. CFDfood, Dip. Tecnico Economico (DITEC), Universita degli studi della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy. Industrie Alimentari (Pinerolo, Italy) (2008), 47(476), 12-17. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori sas, CODEN: INALBB ISSN: 0019-901X. Journal written in Italian. CAN 148:494224 AN 2008:241764 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Computational anal. based on methodologies of transport phenomena allows to simulate and verify food processes using computer models. Such modeling is an innovative programming tool in food industry as it can guide and assist the new product design, processing, and related plant equipment. The use of computational technol. (computational fluid dynamics) was applied to the prediction of harmful mol. (acrylamide) formation during food (French fry frying) processing. Multidimensional driving factors favoring the acrylamide formation during frying of potato fries are analyzed. Bibliographic Information Microbial carbohydrate esterases in cold adapted environments. Aurilia, Vincenzo; Parracino, Antonietta; D'Auria, Sabato. Laboratory for Molecular Sensing, Institute of Protein Biochemistry, C.N.R., Naples, Italy. Gene (2008), 410(2), 234-240. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: GENED6 ISSN: 0378-1119. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 148:441706 AN 2008:231744 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Psychrophiles produce cold-evolved enzymes that display a high catalytic efficiency, assocd. with a low thermal stability. In recent years, these enzymes have attracted the attention of scientists because of their peculiar properties that render them particularly useful in investigating the relationship existing between enzyme stability and flexibility on one hand, and enzyme activity on the other hand. Among these enzymes, the esterases, and particularly the feruloyl esterases, have potential uses over a broad range of applications in the agro-food industries. In recent years, the no. of microbial feruloyl esterase activities has increased in the growing genome databases. Based on substrate utilization data and supported by primary sequence identity, four subclasses of esterase have been characterized so far. Up to the present, ten genomes from psychrophilic bacteria have been completely sequenced and addnl. fourteen 83 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 genomes are under investigation. From the bacteria strains whose genome has been completely sequenced, we analyzed the presence of esterase genes, both the putative genes and the detd. exptl. genes, and performed a ClustalW anal. for feruloyl esterases. Major details will be presented for the ORF PSHAa1385 from P. haloplanktis TAC125 that recently has been studied in our research group. In addn., the potential biotechnol. applications of this class of enzymes will be discussed. Bibliographic Information Genes expressed in Blue Fin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) liver and gonads. Chini, Valentina; Cattaneo, Anna Giulia; Rossi, Federica; Bernardini, Giovanni; Terova, Genciana; Saroglia, Marco; Gornati, Rosalba. Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Scienze Molecolari, Universita dell'Insubria, Varese, Italy. Gene (2008), 410(1), 207-213. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: GENED6 ISSN: 0378-1119. Journal written in English. CAN 148:441963 AN 2008:231710 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Blue Fin Tuna (BFT), Thunnus thynnus, has been seriously endangered by global massive overfishing and by the pollution of marine environment. Feeding and fattening of caught tuna in marine cages is a recent resource, but the development of a self-sustained aquaculture activity, being independent from the supply of wild fish, is required from both industrial and conservation perspectives. At this scope, several tech. problems have to be solved and the control of reprodn. is the cardinal one. Beside the technol. developments of farming facilities and protocols, a mol. approach seems promising for the studies of appropriate nutritional strategies, reprodn. physiol. and animal welfare, as well as lifestyle and response to endocrine disruptor pollutants. In this context, we have started an EST project on this species sequencing 2743, 2907, and 3014 clones from expression libraries of ovary, testis and liver, resp., and 1499 clones from an ovary normalized library. Thanks to this project, we have identified several sequences with known function in other organisms, but not previously described in this species. Among the new genes, 712 were found only in the expression library of the ovary, 613 in that of the testis and 318 in that of the liver, while 324 addnl. genes were shared by two or more expression libraries; other 127 genes not found in the expression libraries were obtained from the ovary normalized library. This represents a contribution to the knowledge of the mol. basis of BFT and a necessary step for facilitating further mol. studies on this species. Bibliographic Information Antioxidants in nervine foods: total polyphenols, catechins and proanthocyanidins. Chiacchierini, E.; Eramo, S. L. M.; Restuccia, D.; Vinci, G.; Recchia, L. Dipartimento per le Tecnologie, le Risorse e lo Sviluppo, Universita La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. Ingredienti Alimentari (2007), 6(6), 9-13. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori sas, CODEN: IANLBJ ISSN: 1594-0543. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 148:470256 AN 2008:226787 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The nervine (nervous system stimulating) beverages, such as tea, coffee, cocoa/chocolate, have high concns. of phenolic compds. with antioxidant activity. The antioxidant compds. may protect from damage by free radicals during oxidative stress. Industrial food processing causes drastic changes in chem. compn. and biol. activities of tea, coffee, and chocolate polyphenols. The prepn. of beverages before use may also influence the amt. of polophenol compds. It is important to analyze the antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, and the amts. of procyanidins and their possible correlations. Recent literature data are presented. Bibliographic Information A testing facility for refrigerating plants equipment working with new fluids. Dispenza, C.; La Rocca, V.; Panno, G.; Morale, M.; Dispenza, A.; Panno, D. Dipartimento di Ricerche Energetiche ed Ambientali, Universita degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy. International Congress of Refrigeration: Refrigeration Creates the Future, 22nd, Beijing, China, Aug. 21-26, 2007 (2007), b2888/1-b2888/8. Publisher: International Institute of Refrigeration, Paris, Fr CODEN: 69KKFK Conference; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2008:195117 CAPLUS 84 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract DREAM of the University of Palermo in the framework of a Program granted by MIUR (PRIN 2001, Project No. 2001098981) built a Facility (a Test Rig) belonging to the Lab. of Refrigerating Engineering for test runs with a lot of fluid and equipment of various kind for Com. Refrigeration. The facility has been continuously improved during the past years and allows to perform expts. aiming to assess the performance characteristics both of conventional and new equipment for com. refrigeration. In the Test Rig can be tested a lot of cooling loop filled with a secondary fluid for simulation of their behavior in industrial and com. plants (e.g.: during exploitation in Supermarket and Hypermarket for refrigeration of foodstuffs in cold store, display cases and cabinets, etc). The Paper deals with a presentation of the Exptl. facility and a perspective of the expts. which have been performed and which will be planned using the Test Rig for each duty and reports main results both of the expts. performed in the past years and future expts. planned. Bibliographic Information Chromatographic evaluation of chlorophyll derivatives in pasta-based food products: effects of pasteurization treatments and correlation with sensory profiles. Suman, Michele; De Maria, Roberta; Catellani, Dante. Central Research Labs, Barilla GR F.lli SpA, Parma, Italy. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2008), 88(3), 471-478. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., CODEN: JSFAAE ISSN: 0022-5142. Journal written in English. CAN 148:377872 AN 2008:187687 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The degree of greenness, attributed to chlorophyll pigments, is important in detg. the final quality and consumer appeal of processed industrial food. Thermal pasteurization treatments are usually applied to improve the mech. and microbiol. stability of pasta. This research study was focused on the investigation of the effects from these treatments on chlorophylls and their derivs. A second aim was the correlation between the organoleptic changes and the decompn. of chlorophylls present in spinach filled pasta. High-performance liq. chromatog.-diode array detection and liq. chromatog.-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry were used to sep. and characterize pigments in dried spinach lasagna. The progressive redn. of chlorophylls and the simultaneous increase in derivs. were followed in the prodn. steps. Furthermore, chlorophyll-derived pigments present in spinach-filled pasta products were monitored during shelflife: a complete degrdn. was confirmed around the sixth to seventh month, in agreement with the corresponding organoleptic tests. The adopted chromatog. and mass spectrometric techniques have proven to be successful in the estn. of pigment stability during steam treatments used for the prodn. of dried spinach pasta. The possibility of exploiting chlorophylls and pheophytins as good markers for predicting the shelf-life of food products enriched with edible grasses has also been demonstrated, correlating anal. measurements with sensory profiles. Bibliographic Information Isolation and identification of Listeria monocytogenes in processed meat by a combined cultural-molecular method. Ingianni, Angela; Quartuccio, Marta; Madeddu, Maria Antonietta; Sanna, Adriana; Dessi, Sandro; Pompei, Raffaello. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biomediche, Universita di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy. American Journal of Infectious Diseases (2007), 3(3), 159-164. Publisher: Science Publications, CODEN: AJIDAC ISSN: 1553-6203. Journal written in English. CAN 148:516078 AN 2008:65077 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The isolation and identification of Listeria monocytogenes in processed meat samples by a combined cultural-mol. method is described. It allows the identification of Listeria strains by means of a hybridization technique with a specific DNA probe directed to the listerial internalin gene. The specificity of this method was found to be 100% and sensitivity was as low as 1 CFU/2.5 g of food sample. A total of 278 meat samples were tested in comparison with PCR and conventional cultural assays. A total of 42 (15.4%) L. monocytogenes were detected. PCR anal. gave 3 false neg. results and culture failed to detect the Listeria in 5 cases. With this cultural-mol. method the identification and quant. 85 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 detection of L. monocytogenes were achieved within 36 h and no false pos. or neg. tests were obtained, thus fitting most food industry requirements. Bibliographic Information Taxanes from shells and leaves of Corylus avellana. Ottaggio, Laura; Bestoso, Federica; Armirotti, Andrea; Balbi, Alessandro; Damonte, Gianluca; Mazzei, Mauro; Sancandi, Monica; Miele, Mariangela. Department of Translational Oncology, National Institute for Cancer Research, IST, Genoa, Italy. Journal of Natural Products (2008), 71(1), 58-60. Publisher: American Chemical Society-American Society of Pharmacognosy, CODEN: JNPRDF ISSN: 0163-3864. Journal written in English. CAN 148:258074 AN 2008:15701 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Paclitaxel is an effective antineoplastic agent originally extd. in low yield from the bark of Taxus brevifolia. Although it was generally considered a particular metabolite of Taxus sp., paclitaxel was recently found in hazel cell cultures. The aim of the present work was to verify whether hazel differentiated tissues could be used as a com. source of paclitaxel and other taxanes. Thus, shells and leaves of hazel plants were analyzed by ELISA and HPLC-MS. Both shell and leaf exts. contained taxanes. Among these, paclitaxel, 10-deacetylbaccatin III, baccatin III, paclitaxel C, and 7-epipaclitaxel were identified and quantified. Hazel exts. also showed biol. activity, inhibiting metaphase to anaphase transition in a human tumor cell line. The level of total taxanes in leaves was higher than in shells collected in the same period from the same plants. However, the finding of these compds. in shells, which are considered discarded material and are mass produced by many food industries, is of interest for the future availability of paclitaxel and other antineoplastic compds. Bibliographic Information Standard and Light-Cycler PCR methods for animal DNA species detection in animal feedstuffs. Frezza, Domenico; Giambra, Vincenzo; Chegdani, Fatima; Fontana, Cecilia; Maccabiani, Giampietro; Losio, Nadia; Faggionato, Elena; Chiappini, Barbara; Vaccari, Gabriele; von Holst, Christoph; Lanni, Luigi; Saccares, Stefano; Ajmone-Marsan, Paolo. Department di Biologia "Enrico Calef", Universita di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies (2008), 9(1), 18-23. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: IFSEBO ISSN: 1466-8564. Journal written in English. AN 2007:1408120 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In this work four species-specific primers and probes were designed and evaluated for the detection and quantification of bovine, ovine, swine and chicken mitochondrial DNA in feeds. PCR primers were optimized using conventional and Real Time PCR, to detect short species-specific sequences amplifiable from heat treated material. Both methods confirmed the high specificity of the primers designed. Real time quant. PCR assay allowed the detection of as few as 0.01 ng and 0.05 ng of ovine and bovine genomic DNA, resp. The detection limit for swine and chicken genomic DNA was 0.5 ng. Sensitivity levels obsd. in DNA extd. from meat samples processed according to EU legislation were different compared to those in genomic DNAs previously described. They resulted in swine 5 fg of MBM DNA, in chicken 25 ng, in ovine and bovine 50 ng. We confirmed the efficiency and specificity of primers in RT-PCR to detect 0.5% of bovine, ovine, swine and chicken MBM in contaminated feedstuffs. Industrial relevance: The variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease is a rare and fatal human neurodegenerative condition clearly linked with the bovine spongiform encephalopathies (BSE) of cattle. The ban of using animal derived protein in animal feeds has efficiently controlled the development of the BSE epidemic. The work presented by Frezza and collaborators is an application of the real time polymerase chain reaction (a std. procedure used in mol. biol. also known as RT-PCR) to identify specific DNA of four animal species (bovine, ovine, swine and chicken). This method is applied to the anal. of feeds to detect and eventually est. the amt. of animal derived proteins. The difficult aim to detect DNA derived from heat-treated material was successfully reached using as target short mitochondrial DNA sequences. The method presented could have important application not only in the control of feed prodn. but also in many fields of the food industry as quality and process control. 86 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information A rapid analytical technique for determining oxidation stability of food products. Maiocchi, P.; Bersellini, U. VELP Scientifica, Italy. Editor(s): Van Amerongen, A.; Barug, D.; Lauwaars, M. Rapid Methods for Food and Feed Quality Determination (2007), 117-124. Publisher: Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, Neth CODEN: 69KCHW Conference written in English. CAN 148:401531 AN 2007:1362436 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The food industry is continually developing new products to explore new market opportunities. The success of any new development is based on getting the right product to the right market area at the right price. The detn. of product shelf life is fundamental to its quality and, therefore, a key factor to its final success. Many changes in formulas or technologies occur, so the importance of gaining the necessary information for detg. product shelf life cannot be stressed enough. A rapid anal. technique was used to examine fat oxidn., which is a main factor affecting product shelf life. This approach provides valuable information on oxidn. stability of raw materials and food products. Bibliographic Information Optimization of conditions for profiling bacterial populations in food by culture-independent methods. Cocolin, Luca; Diez, Ana; Urso, Rosalinda; Rantsiou, Kalliopi; Comi, Giuseppe; Bergmaier, Ingrid; Beimfohr, Claudia. Dipartimento di Valorizzazione e Protezione delle Risorse Agroforestali, University of Turin, Grugliasco, Turin, Italy. International Journal of Food Microbiology (2007), 120(1-2), 100-109. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: IJFMDD ISSN: 0168-1605. Journal written in English. CAN 148:448178 AN 2007:1293989 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In this study we used culture-independent methods to profile bacterial populations in food products. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were employed in order to identify bacterial species without the need of isolation and biochem. identification. The protocols used to ext. the DNA, subsequently subjected to PCR amplification for DGGE, as well as the hybridization procedure for FISH, were optimized. Moreover, an extensive study on the primers and probes to be used for the direct detection and identification of microorganisms commonly found in food, was carried out. Meat and cheese samples, fresh or processed, were subjected to DGGE and FISH anal. and the results obtained highlighted how the processing in food industry is decreasing the bacterial biodiversity. Not only processed cheese or meat but also fermented products were dominated by only one or few species. Lactobacillus sakei, Lactobacillus curvatus and Brochothrix thermosphacta were the main species found in meat products, while in cheese(s) Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus and Leuconostoc spp. were repeatedly detected. The results obtained by the two culture-independent methods used always correlated well. Bibliographic Information Simulation study of water gas shift reaction in a membrane reactor. Brunetti, A.; Caravella, A.; Barbieri, G.; Drioli, E. National Research Council-Institute for Membrane Technology (ITM-CNR), The University of Calabria, Rende CS, Italy. Journal of Membrane Science (2007), 306(1+2), 329-340. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: JMESDO ISSN: 0376-7388. Journal written in English. CAN 148:57703 AN 2007:1292676 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The water gas shift (WGS) reaction is an important step of hydrogen prodn. in industrial cycles for upgrading H2 rich streams by CO conversion present in syngas mixts. WGS was studied in a Pd-alloy membrane reactor (MR) by a nonisothermal math. model using, as main parameter, Damkoehler's no. (Da), the ratio of characteristic times of flow rate 87 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 and reaction, in a temp. range of 220-320 . Two different reactant equimol. feed streams were considered: one contg. only CO and H2O, the other contg. also H2 and CO2 of higher industrial interest. The permeation driving force was generated by feed pressure ranging 200-1500 kPa which allows a good H2 recovery index (up to 95%) and a retentate stream rich (up to 80%) in CO2. No sweep gas was used; therefore, a pure H2 stream is obtained as permeate. CO conversion, H2 recovery index and its partial pressure are the main variables used for analyzing the MR performance and showing its advantages with respect to a TR in the large feed pressure range. In addn., the vol. index and conversion index are introduced for the first time and proposed as simple tools analyzing the vol. redn. or improved conversion shown by MRs; both lead to the catalyst amt. and reactor size being reduced. The two new indexes proposed by membrane engineering open a window on the anal. of MRs for H2 prodn. and CO2 sepn. for the process intensification strategy. This paper describes a modeling anal. of a packed-bed membrane reactor involving dense PdAg com. permselective membrane. Bibliographic Information Analytical screening of polyadipates and other plasticisers in poly(vinyl chloride) gasket seals and in fatty food by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Ezerskis, Z.; Morkunas, V.; Suman, M.; Simoneau, C. Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Physical and Chemical Exposure Unit, European Commission DG - Joint Research Centre, Ispra (VA), Italy. Analytica Chimica Acta (2007), 604(1), 29-38. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: ACACAM ISSN: 0003-2670. Journal written in English. CAN 148:111728 AN 2007:1278967 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Fourteen poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) gasket seals and 15 samples of pesto, tomatoes sauces, olive oil and olives in oil were analyzed for the additives and plasticizers. The systematic screening of the representative samples revealed that epoxidized soybean oil (ESBO) was the principal plasticizer in eight gaskets and the concns. of the substance ranged from 15% to 42%. Diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) as main plasticizer was revealed in three samples and the amt. ranged from 37 to 41%. Polyadipate was added in four samples at 16-46%. The concn. of ESBO exceeded 60 mg kg-1 in three food samples with extreme at 281.9 mg kg-1 and av. 61.3 mg kg-1. Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) was detected in six food samples and it ranged from 2.5 to 8.7 mg kg-1. The concn. of DEHP exceeded SML (3 mg kg-1) in five cases. The concn. of total polyadipate (PA) was 16.3 mg kg-1 in av. All eight pos. food samples for total PA showed the concns. below SML (30 mg kg-1), which are specified for the fraction of polyadipates <1000 Da. The migration rate of polyadipate in the food ranged from 1 to 7%. At such low transfer rate the polyadipates could be promising plasticizers for PVC gasket seals used in food industry. Bibliographic Information Efficiency of extracting vitamin E from plant sources. Sacchetti, Gianni; Bruni, Renato. Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e Culturali, Laboratorio di Biologia Farmaceutica e Biotransformazioni, Universita degli Studi di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy. Editor(s): Preedy, Victor R.; Watson, Ronald R. Encyclopedia of Vitamin E (2007), 122139. Publisher: CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK CODEN: 69JZU7 Conference; General Review written in English. CAN 148:115699 AN 2007:1268255 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Alimentary and pharmaceutical dietary research is increasingly focusing on nutraceuticals. In fact, from cosmetics to functional foods, from the herbal market to the food preservation industries, a wide spectrum of applications involves the use of antioxidants of natural origin. A sector where a noticeable amt. of data have already been generated is linked to the optimization of extractive processes from antioxidant-rich plant sources. Among them, vitamin E plays a pivotal role, both for its efficacy and for its relatively common presence in many natural sources. Tocopherols and tocotrienols (vitamin E isomers) are well-known natural lipophilic antioxidants, and besides their known activity as free radical scavengers they are also deemed to be able to counteract the onset of pathologies related to fat and cholesterol consumption in the diet. During the last decades, a huge no. of matrixes and extn. methods have been optimized to set up adequate, faster, cheaper and healthier techniques for vitamin E isolation. With the aim of providing an overview of the most common methods available for both anal. and preparative purposes, the most 88 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 significant and recent bibliog. was summarized, devoting particular attention to methods with better perspectives for the health and herbal market, such as supercrit. fluid extn. Original data regarding the development and optimization of a supercrit. fluid extn. process on renewable resources from agroindustrial byproducts are provided. Bibliographic Information Structural and dynamical properties of water in sugar mixtures. Magazu, S.; Migliardo, F.; Telling, M. T. F. Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Messina, Messina, Italy. Food Chemistry (2007), Volume Date 2008, 106(4), 1460-1466. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: FOCHDJ ISSN: 0308-8146. Journal written in English. CAN 148:143287 AN 2007:1219770 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Trehalose, a bioprotective sugar, has very important applications in different industrial fields, such as food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Trehalose can be used as a new multi-functional ingredient with considerable potential for the industry. The characterization of mol. mechanisms underlying the manifold functions of trehalose is very important for the understanding and exploitation of the potentialities of the disaccharide. This work deals with exptl. findings obtained by light and neutron scattering on structural and dynamical properties of trehalose, maltose and sucrose water solns. The results provide an explanation about the bioprotective effectiveness of trehalose which is capable to strongly interact with water mols. forming a protective shell preserving biostructures under stress conditions. Bibliographic Information Safe genetically engineered plants. Rosellini, D.; Veronesi, F. Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale e Biotecnologie Agroambientali e Zootecniche, Universita degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2007), 19(39), 395005/1-395005/7. Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing, CODEN: JCOMEL ISSN: 0953-8984. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 148:49732 AN 2007:1217420 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The application of genetic engineering to plants has provided genetically modified plants (GMPs, or transgenic plants) that are cultivated worldwide on increasing areas. The most widespread GMPs are herbicide-resistant soybean and canola and insect-resistant corn and cotton. New GMPs that produce vaccines, pharmaceutical or industrial proteins, and fortified food are approaching the market. The techniques employed to introduce foreign genes into plants allow a quite good degree of predictability of the results, and their genome is minimally modified. However, some aspects of GMPs have raised concern:. (a) control of the insertion site of the introduced DNA sequences into the plant genome and of its mutagenic effect;. (b) presence of selectable marker genes conferring resistance to an antibiotic or an herbicide, linked to the useful gene;. (c) insertion of undesired bacterial plasmid sequences; and. (d) gene flow from transgenic plants to non-transgenic crops or wild plants. In response to public concerns, genetic engineering techniques are continuously being improved. Techniques to direct foreign gene integration into chosen genomic sites, to avoid the use of selectable genes or to remove them from the cultivated plants, to reduce the transfer of undesired bacterial sequences, and make use of alternative, safer selectable genes, are all fields of active research. In our lab., some of these new techniques are applied to alfalfa, an important forage plant. These emerging methods for plant genetic engineering are briefly reviewed in this work. Bibliographic Information Metal ion uptake from aqueous solution by olive stones: a carbon-13 solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and potentiometric study. Nurchi, Valeria Marina; Floris, Costantino; Pinna, Rosalba; Fiol, Nuria; Villaescusa, Isabel. Chemical Science Department, Cittadella Universitaria, Monserrato Cagliari, Italy. Water Environment Research (2007), 79(11), 2363-2367. Publisher: Water Environment Federation, CODEN: WAERED ISSN: 1061-4303. Journal written in English. CAN 147:527249 AN 2007:1155312 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 89 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract The use of biomasses that result from the agriculture and food industries in removing heavy metals from wastewaters is attracting increasing interest. We present a joined potentiometric and cross polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) 13C NMR study on the interaction of olive stones with Cu(II), Ni(II), and Cd(II). The potentiometric measurements allow both to distinguish 2 kind of basic sites in the olive stones and to postulate the coordination models for the 3 metals. The NMR spectral anal. allows the attribution of the different signals to the components of the olive stone matrix. A comparison of CP-MAS 13C NMR spectra of the samples after metal treatment suggests a specific complexation between metal ions and hydroxyl groups on guaiacyl and syringyl moieties. Bibliographic Information Sterilizing containers especially in the food industry. Ferraguti, Pietro. (Procomac S.p.A., Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2007), 14pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1837037 A1 20070926 Designated States R: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, AL, BA, HR, MK, YU. Patent written in English. Application: EP 2007-104827 20070323. Priority: IT 2006-24 20060323. CAN 147:364214 AN 2007:1079191 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 1837037 Kind A1 Priority Application IT 2006-PR24 A Date Application No. Date 20070926 EP 2007-104827 20070323 R: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, AL, BA, HR, MK, YU 20060323 Abstract A method for sterilizing containers, comprising the steps of atomizing a sterilizing liq.; mixing the atomized liq. with a carrier fluid to obtain a sterilizing mixt., said carrier fluid having such a temp. as to make the atomized liq. evap.; sterilizing a container by sending said sterilizing mixt. against inner and/or outer walls of the container. During the sterilization step, the temp. of the sterilizing mixt. is maintained above a condensation temp. of the sterilizing liq. Bibliographic Information Traditional Italian products from wheat and other starchy flours. Pagani, M. Ambrogina; Lucisano, Mara; Mariotti, Manuela. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari e Microbiologiche, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy. Editor(s): Hui, Y. H. Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing (2007), 1 327-388. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, N. J CODEN: 69JVQP Conference; General Review written in English. CAN 148:283303 AN 2007:1063414 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review discusses the prodn. processes and characteristics of the most well-known starch-based foods of Italian tradition, with special emphasis on the evolution of the artisanal processes, which in many cases have led to an optimization and transformation of their prodn. into a truly industrial cycle. Bibliographic Information Advances in genomics, biodiversity and rapid systems for the detection of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins. Anon. National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Science of Food Production (ISPA), Bari, Italy. Food 90 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Additives & Contaminants (2007), 24(10), 1033-1034. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd., CODEN: FACOEB ISSN: 0265-203X. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 148:32089 AN 2007:1062253 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review describes genomics, biodiversity, and novel technologies aimed to reduce and ultimately eliminate the adverse effects of mycotoxin contamination on the profitability of agriculture and related industries as well as the safety of food and feed supplies worldwide. Bibliographic Information Oven for industrial cooking of foodstuffs, particularly bread, pizzas or the like. Papa, Gianfranco. (C.L.M. S.r.l., Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2007), CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1825755 A2 20070829 Designated States R: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, AL, BA, HR, MK, YU. Patent written in English. Application: EP 2007-102184 20070212. Priority: IT 2006-72 20060228. AN 2007:967963 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 1825755 Kind A2 Priority Application IT 2006-MO72 A Date Application No. Date 20070829 EP 2007-102184 20070212 R: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, AL, BA, HR, MK, YU 20060228 Abstract An oven (1) for the industrial cooking of foodstuffs, particularly bread, pizzas or the like, which comprises a frame (2) for supporting a cooking chamber (3) which is provided with an inlet (4) and an outlet (5) for the foodstuffs, a line (6) for the advancement of the foodstuffs within the cooking chamber (3) between the inlet (4) and the outlet (5), a chamber (8) for the combustion of one or more fuels, which is assocd. with the frame (2) and is arranged adjacent to at least one wall of the cooking chamber in which there are a plurality of openings (9) for the passage of the combustion gases from the combustion chamber (8) to the cooking chamber (3), and at least one duct (10) for the outflow of the combustion gases from the cooking chamber (3), which is provided with a gas intake port (11) arranged at the lower portion of the cooking chamber (3). Bibliographic Information Development of a complete kinetic model for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over Co/Al2O3 catalysts. Visconti, Carlo Giorgio; Tronconi, Enrico; Lietti, Luca; Zennaro, Roberto; Forzatti, Pio. Dipartimento di Chimical, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica "Giulio Natta", Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. Chemical Engineering Science (2007), 62(18-20), 5338-5343. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: CESCAC ISSN: 0009-2509. Journal written in English. CAN 147:368111 AN 2007:957682 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A global kinetic model of the FTS over a Co/Al2O3 state-of-the-art catalyst is developed in a fixed bed micro-reactor under conditions relevant to industrial operation (temp., 210-235 ; pressure, 8-25 bar; H2/CO feed molar ratio, 1.8-2.7; gas hourly space velocity, 2000-7000 cm3 (STP)/h/gcatalyst). On the basis of proposed reaction mechanisms, developed according to the carbide theory and the alkyl mechanism, the kinetic expressions for n-paraffins and - 91 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 olefins formation are derived. Both the calcd. CO conversion and the hydrocarbon distribution (up to n = 49) in FT reaction are satisfactorily predicted. Bibliographic Information Aloe vera as an ingredient in food industry. Mognetti, C.; Garcia-Segovia, P.; Martinez-Monzo, J. DiSTAM, sez. Tecnologie Alimentari, Universita Statale di Milano, Italy. Alimentacion, Equipos y Tecnologia (2007), 223 48-52. Publisher: Reed Business Information, CODEN: AEQTDY ISSN: 0212-1689. Journal; General Review written in Spanish. CAN 148:99244 AN 2007:909093 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The topics include aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) botanical and chem. description, uses in folk medicine, biol. properties of aloe bioactive components, methods for obtaining aloe pharmaceutical prepns. and their stabilization, healing uses of aloe concd. and lyophilized juices, and use of aloe prepns. as ingredients in health foods. Bibliographic Information A method for preparing an intermediate food product on potatoes and/or cereals and/or legumes and derivatives thereof for the production of snacks. Prestini, Pierangelo. (Le Caselle S.r.l., Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2007), CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1815753 A1 20070808 Designated States R: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, AL, BA, HR, MK, YU. Patent written in English. Application: EP 2006-425065 20060207. Priority: . AN 2007:867574 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 1815753 Kind A1 US 20070184162 A1 Priority Application EP 2006-425065 A Date Application No. Date 20070808 EP 2006-425065 20060207 R: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, AL, BA, HR, MK, YU 20070809 US 2006-375573 20060315 20060207 Abstract The present invention relates to a method for the industrial prepn. of an intermediate food product based on potatoes, cereals, and/or legumes and derivs. thereof for the prodn. of foods such as pasta and snacks. Particularly, the invention relates to an industrial method that allows processing a food dough such that, after it has been shaped and suitably expanded by means of frying or other conventional systems, it exhibits optimum organoleptic characteristics and a homemade appearance. Bibliographic Information Solubilization of lignin components of food concern from sugarcane bagasse by alkaline hydrolysis. Al Arni, S.; Zilli, M.; Converti, A. Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, "G.B. Bonino", Genoa University, Genoa, Italy. Ciencia y Tecnologia Alimentaria (Ourense, Spain) (2007), 5(4), 271-277. Publisher: ALTAGA, CODEN: CTAICD ISSN: 1135-8122. Journal written in English. CAN 148:213649 AN 2007:866316 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 92 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Solubilization of sugarcane bagasse was performed in autoclave by alk. treatment at 121 C for one hour to follow the release of its main components. The major products extd. were p-coumaric acid, vanillin, ferulic acid, and syringic acid, whose concns. increased significantly with increasing the concn. of the NaOH soln. up to 2.0 M or decreasing the liq./solid ratio of the raw material to be treated to 50 g/g, resp. These arom. compds. could be usefully exploited in food industry because of their antioxidant power; however, a lot of exptl. work is needed to optimize this process. Bibliographic Information Post harvest patterns of deltamethrin and nitrates industrial spinach. D'Antuono, L. F.; Elementi, S.; Neri, R. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali, University of Bologna, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2007), 741(Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Fresh Food Quality Standards: Better Food by Quality and Assurance, 2006), 253-257. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 148:213739 AN 2007:843159 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Spinach is the most important leafy vegetable for processing. Pesticide and nitrate residues represent important quality factors, and are constantly monitored during processing, within the HACCP control system. Deltamethrine is frequently used for pest control, because of its wide range of action and short safety time, allowing spraying within few days before harvest. In this experience, the content of nitrates and Deltamethrine after each of the three processing phases: unloading (harvest), washing and blanching, for three winter-spring growing cycles in the Romagna plain (northern Italy) are reported. Dry matter significantly decreased during washing, as a result of tissue hydration. On the other hand, a new increase of dry matter was detd. by blanching. Deltamethrine concn., on a fresh matter basis, substantially decreased with washing and raised again after blanching. On a dry wt. basis, a further redn. of concn. was obsd. after blanching, with respect to the washing phase. Washing reduced nitrate concn., to a higher amt. than what expected from a simple diln. effect due to hydration. The role of processing on the redn. of potentially hazardous residuals is clear, but the quantification of the involved processes needs further investigation. Bibliographic Information Areal identification of groundwater Nitrate Contamination sources in periurban areas. Corniello, Alfonso; Ducci, Daniela; Ruggieri, Giovanni. Sez. Geologia Applicata, Dip. Ing. Geotecnica, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy. Journal of Soils and Sediments (2007), 7(3), 159-166. Publisher: Ecomed Publishers, CODEN: JSSOAJ ISSN: 1439-0108. Journal written in English. AN 2007:809548 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Background, Aims and Scope. The purpose of this study is to verify a method for groundwater contamination risk assessment in urban and periurban areas using Geog. Information Systems (GIS). The method is based on agricultural hazard evaluation. In urban and periurban areas, the problem of dealing with NO3 concns. mainly entails identifying nitrate sources from the excessive use of fertilizers, or leaks from the sewage network and old septic systems. Residential areas coexisting with farming, and high and increasing nitrate concns., were identified in a densely inhabited area (>2 million inhabitants in about 1,000 km2) with an alluvial aquifer, located in southern Italy. Methods. First of all, comparison between the Contamination Vulnerability Map and the distribution of NO3 concns. highlights anomalous areas with low or moderate vulnerability in spite of the diffuse nitrate contamination of the aquifer. Assuming the agricultural origin of the nitrates, the hazard is calcd. using the ANHI (Agricultural Nitrate Hazard Index), a parametric index which assesses the potential hazard of nitrate contamination originating from agriculture on a regional scale. The ANHI integrates two categories of parameters: the hazard factors (HF), which represent all farming activities that cause, or might cause, an impact on soil quality in terms of nitrate (use of fertilizers, application of livestock and poultry manure, food industry wastewater and urban sludge), and the control factors (CF) which adapt the hazard factors to the characteristics of the site (geog. location, climatic conditions and agronomic practices). Organization, processing and mapping are performed using a Geog. Information System (GIS: ILWIS 3.3 and ARCGIS 93 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 9.1). Results. The ANHI Map is obtained by multiplying hazard factors (HF) and the control factors (CF), and dividing the resulting values into 6 classes. Finally, the Potential risk Map (R) is obtained by coupling the potential hazard of nitrate pollution (ANHI) and the aquifer Contamination Vulnerability Map. Discussion. By using spatial statistics, the Potential Agricultural Nitrate Contamination Risk Map and the Nitrate content of the aquifer correlation can be correlated. Where areas with low correlation in the Land Use Map are in the 'urban areas and artificial land' class, the source of the groundwater nitrate is not necessarily related to intensive farming and livestock. Conclusions. The Potential Agricultural Nitrate Contamination Risk Map in urban and periurban environments indicates the relationship between the high nitrate values and land use, giving useful information about the source of nitrate in groundwater. Recommendations and Perspectives. Based on this study, we formulate a hypothesis on the source of groundwater nitrate which should be verified on several case studies using nitrogen isotope techniques. Bibliographic Information Concentration of natural pigments and other bioactive components in pulp oils from de-stoned olives. Ranalli, Alfonso; Benzi, Mario; Gomes, Tommaso; Delcuratolo, Debora; Marchegiani, Donato; Lucera, Lucia. Istituto Sperimentale per l'Elaiotecnica, CRA, Citta S. Angelo, Pescara, Italy. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies (2007), 8(3), 437-442. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: IFSEBO ISSN: 1466-8564. Journal written in English. CAN 148:261125 AN 2007:804369 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract De-stoned olives (Gentile di Chieti, Caroleo and Coratina varieties) were processed in comparison with non-stoned olives (traditional extn.). Since the de-stoned oily pastes are not easy to process, a depolymg. pectocellulolytic enzyme prepn. (in combination or not with draining micronized food talc) was added to them. These processing aids significantly improved the lower oil yields given by the new extn. system. Destoning increased the hourly plant processing potential of approx. 20%. In addn., it allowed to obtain sepd. byproducts (better recyclable in chem. or feedstuff industries) and to produce highly nutraceutical oils, characterized by higher contents of hydrophilic biophenols, tocopherols and volatiles. On the contrary, the de-stoned oils had lower concns. of pigments (both carotenoids and chlorophylls). They were chiefly valuable for the marked and harmonic aroma, the green fruitiness notes and the potentially higher preservability (shelf-life) and resistance to autoxidn. This could lead to economically prefer the new extn. system to the classical industrial processing cycles. Bibliographic Information Inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase in vitro and in vivo by a water-soluble extract of Wendita calysina leaves. Marzocco, Stefania; Piccinelli, Anna Lisa; Rastrelli, Luca; Mazzon, Emanuela; Cuzzocrea, Salvatore; Autore, Giuseppina. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology (2007), 375(6), 349-358. Publisher: Springer, CODEN: NSAPCC ISSN: 0028-1298. Journal written in English. CAN 147:356633 AN 2007:796987 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Wendita calysina is a Paraguayan herbaceous plant commonly known as burrito. The previous study indicated that burrito leaves are a very good source of phenylpropanoid glycosides, principally verbascoside. From W. calysina leaves, a standardized, water-sol. ext. (WSE) rich in phenylpropanoid glycosides has been developed on an industrial scale to be used as a food supplement, cosmetic, phytomedicine, and ingredient of different formulations. In this study, we investigated the effect of the W. calysina WSE both in vitro in murine macrophage cell line J774.A1 stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and, in vivo in an animal model of acute inflammation, carrageenan-induced pleurisy. Here we report that W. calysina WSE (0.05, 0.1, and 0.5 mg/mL) inhibited inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and activity in LPS-stimulated J774.A1. In vivo expts. showed that injection of carrageenan (2%) into the pleural cavity of rats elicited an acute inflammatory response characterized by iNOS expression, intercellular adhesion mol.-1 (ICAM-1) up-regulation, nitrotyrosine and poly (ADP-ribose) synthase (PARS) formation, and lung tissue damage-all parameters significantly reduced by W. calysina WSE (500 mg/kg per os). These results report, for the first time, that a 94 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 treatment with W. calysina WSE exerts anti-inflammatory effects both in vitro and in vivo. Bibliographic Information Control and prevention of avian influenza in an evolving scenario. Capua, Ilaria; Marangon, Stefano. OIE, FAO and National Reference Laboratory for Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Legnaro, Padua, Italy. Vaccine (2007), 25(30), 5645-5652. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: VACCDE ISSN: 0264-410X. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 147:539700 AN 2007:771413 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Continuing outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) across Eurasia and in Africa, caused by a type A influenza virus of the H5N1 subtype appear out of control and represent a serious risk for animal and public health worldwide. It is known that biosecurity represents the first line of defense against AI, although in certain circumstances strict hygienic measures appear to be inapplicable for social and economic conditions. The option of using vaccination against AI viruses of the H5 and H7 subtypes, has made its way in recent times-primarily as a tool to maximize the outcome of a series of control measures in countries that are currently infected, but also as a means of reducing the risk of introduction in areas at high risk of infection. In developing countries vaccination programs in avian species have been recommended recently, however it will require concurrent management of local husbandry practices and industry compliance to eradicate the disease rather than the establishment of an endemic situation. Other key deliverables expected for this control strategy include maintaining a major source of food for rural communities and the preservation of the com. viability of the local poultry industry. In developed countries vaccination is being used as a means of increasing resistance of susceptible animals to reduce the risk of introduction from the reservoir host or to reduce secondary spread in densely populated poultry areas. The recent joint OIE/FAO summits recommended applying vaccination, using the differentiating infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA) strategy when there is risk of major spread and depopulation is not feasible or desirable. Particularly in developing countries, stamping out of infected animals does not seem to be an appropriate means of reducing the spread of infection, if food supplies are to be guaranteed and economic consequences minimized. Crucial points to the success of a vaccination campaign are the implementation of complex territorial strategy involving upgraded biosecurity, monitoring vaccine efficacy, identification of field exposure and the appropriate management of infected flocks, regardless of vaccination status. Granting financial support for the compensation of farmers is also a key part of this strategy. Poultry veterinarians working for the industry or for the public sector represent the first line of defense against the pandemic threat and for the prevention and control of this infection in poultry and in wild birds. Bibliographic Information MBR pilot plant for textile wastewater treatment and reuse. Lubello, C.; Caffaz, S.; Mangini, L.; Santianni, D.; Caretti, C. Publiacqua SpA, Florence, Italy. Water Science and Technology (2007), 55(10, Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries 2006), 115-124. Publisher: IWA Publishing, CODEN: WSTED4 ISSN: 0273-1223. Journal written in English. CAN 148:126944 AN 2007:747493 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract An exptl. study was carried out in order to evaluate the possibility of upgrading the conventional activated sludge WWTP of Seano (Prato, Italy) which treats municipal and textile wastewaters, by using membrane bioreactor (MBR) technol. The MBR pilot plant, set up within Seano WWTP, was fed with mixed municipal-industrial wastewaters during the first exptl. period and with pure industrial wastewaters during the second. Performances and operation of the MBR were evaluated in terms of permeate characteristics and variability (COD, color, surfactants, total N and P) and other operational parameters (sludge growth and obsd. yield). According to the exptl. results the MBR permeate quality was always superior to the Seano WWTP one and it was suitable for industrial reuse in the textile district of the Prato area. Respirometric tests provided a modified IWA ASM1 model which fits very well the exptl. data and can be used for the design and the monitoring of a full-scale MBR pilot plant. 95 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Olive mill wastewater biological treatment by fungi biomass. Caffaz, S.; Caretti, C.; Morelli, M.; Lubello, C.; Azzari, E. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Florence, Florence, Italy. Water Science and Technology (2007), 55(10, Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries 2006), 89-97. Publisher: IWA Publishing, CODEN: WSTED4 ISSN: 0273-1223. Journal written in English. CAN 148:220638 AN 2007:747487 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Olive oil extn. is one of the most important traditional food industries in the Mediterranean region, esp. in Italy. In addn. to olive oil, this industry produces byproducts, in particular olive mill wastewaters (OMWs) and olive husks, which represent a serious environmental problem. OMWs can be rarely treated in a municipal WWTP, using conventional wastewater treatments. A novel biol. process has to be considered in order to treat OMWs. Literature data show that yeasts and different kinds of fungi are able to reduce both the org. and the phenolic content of the OMW. The present work is aimed at investigating the growth of a biomass rich in fungi in a batch reactor filled with OMW and its capacity to degrade the org. and phenolic load. The aerobic OMW degrdn. obtained using this biomass reached a COD and TP removal efficiency of 86 and 70%, resp. Respirometric tests have been carried out in order to measure the biomass activity on different substrates: OMW and phenolic compds. (gallic and p-coumaric acids). The polyphenolic biodegrdn. efficiency of fungi biomass was higher than the one of a non-acclimated activated sludge biomass. Fungi biomass was able to completely degrade pure phenolic compds. Bibliographic Information MOS-based artificial olfactory system for the assessment of egg products freshness. Suman, M.; Riani, G.; Dalcanale, E. R&D Central Research Labs, Barilla G. R. F.lli SpA, Parma, Italy. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (2007), B125(1), 40-47. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: SABCEB ISSN: 0925-4005. Journal written in English. CAN 147:405021 AN 2007:744191 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The detn. of egg freshness as a fundamental aspect directly related to consumers' perception of food product quality is a major target of the egg industry. An artificial olfactory system (AOS) based on common metal oxide sensors is presented here as an interesting tool to carry out, in a simple and rapid way, the freshness assessment of industrial egg products. Contemporaneously, the correlation between AOS responses and the correspondent chem. (lactic and succinic acids) and microbiol. (total viable mesophilic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae counts) parameters, which are legal refs. to attest the quality of the egg products, has been demonstrated. Bibliographic Information Industrial plant for the continuous production of a superconducting tape and related surface treatment process to give tapes of acceptable lengths for industrial use. Canetti, Marco; Battocchio, Alessandro. (Rial Vacuum S.p.A., Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2007), 14pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1804306 A1 20070704 Designated States R: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, AL, BA, HR, MK, YU. Patent written in English. Application: EP 2005-113039 20051228. Priority: . CAN 147:131480 AN 2007:723788 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 1804306 Kind A1 Date Application No. Date 20070704 EP 2005-113039 20051228 R: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, AL, BA, HR, MK, YU 96 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Priority Application EP 2005-113039 20051228 Abstract A plant for the continuous prodn. of a superconducting tape to give tapes of acceptable lengths for industrial use comprises three vacuum chambers, a pre-treatment chamber, a treatment chamber and a post-treatment chamber, each marked by its own process conditions, i.e. pressure and gas atm., the chambers being arranged in series and resp. connected with each other by a connection unit, in which the connection unit, which effects the continuous passage of a metallic tape, comprises at least one connection with a primary pumping device, or rotary vane pump,, and in which a 1st motorized reel for the feeding of the tape is situated in the pre-treatment chamber and a 2nd motorized winding reel is situated in the post-treatment chamber. Bibliographic Information Forced Unsteady-State Reactors as Efficient Devices for Integrated Processes: Case Histories and New Perspectives. Barresi, Antonello A.; Baldi, Giancarlo; Fissore, Davide. Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2007), 46(25), 8693-8700. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: IECRED ISSN: 0888-5885. Journal written in English. CAN 147:471328 AN 2007:685620 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This article addresses the industrial application of unsteady-state operation that can be achieved in a gas-solid catalytic reactor by periodically reversing the flow direction (reverse-flow reactor) or by periodically moving the feed position (loop reactor). The combustion of lean VOC-air mixts. and the selective catalytic redn. of NOx are processes that can efficiently exploit the heat and mass storage resulting from these devices. The main questions arising in the design of these reactors are addressed in this article, and general guidelines for selecting the operating variables in industrial-size units are given. Bibliographic Information Treatment of food processing wastewater. Bolzonella, D.; Cecchi, F.; Pavan, P. Department of Environmental Sciences, Ca Foscari University, Venice, Italy. Editor(s): Waldron, Keith. Handbook of Waste Management and Co-Product Recovery in Food Processing (2007), 573-596. Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK CODEN: 69JIUO Conference; General Review written in English. CAN 147:473754 AN 2007:676994 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. A review discusses the application of different processes for treatment of wastewaters produced in the food industry. The first part of the discussion is devoted to the illustration of characteristics and flows coming from food processing, then the typical processes for pollutant removal and their yields are presented; the final part of the discussion presents the most innovative processes for wastewater treatment and for recovery of valuable products from these wastes. Bibliographic Information Viscosity of Multicomponent Solutions of Simple and Complex Sugars in Water. Migliori, Massimo; Gabriele, Domenico; Di Sanzo, Rosa; De Cindio, Bruno; Correra, Sebastiano. Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (2007), 52(4), 1347-1353. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEAAX ISSN: 0021-9568. Journal written in English. CAN 147:220908 AN 2007:659786 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 97 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract Sugar is a key ingredient widely used in food industries mainly in the form of soln. in water. Due to different phys. and chem. properties, different simple and complex sugars are mixed together to obtain the optimal mixt. mainly in terms of f.p. and sweetness capability. Aiming to measure some of these relevant properties, in this paper viscosity data and starting freezing temp. have been measured for a wide range of binary, ternary, and quaternary sugar solns. in water. The onset freezing temp. for solns. was calcd. from DSC data, applying a new iterative numerical technique. From viscosity data, a method was developed to calc. the viscosity of multicomponent aq. solns. of simple and complex sugars, also including temp. effects. The proposed model ests. the viscosity of a multicomponent soln. by assuming the summability of the contribution from binary soln. viscosity and introducing pairwise interaction parameters. The values of these parameters, as a function of temp. and compn., have been estd. from exptl. data of binary and ternary solns. Quaternary soln. data have been used to check the model in a predictive way. The resultant predictions were good (error below 15 %) for dild. solns., but agreement fails for concd. solns. Therefore, another parameter, taking into account ternary interactions, was added, and the model results fit the exptl. data within a 10 % max. error over the entire concn. and temp. range. Bibliographic Information Traceability and food contact materials. Dainelli, D. Sealed Air Corporation, Italy. Editor(s): Barnes, Karen A.; Sinclair, C. Richard; Watson, D. H. Chemical Migration and Food Contact Materials (2007), 64-83. Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK CODEN: 69JHJA Conference; General Review written in English. CAN 148:53286 AN 2007:629940 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review discussing the regulation of traceability of food contact materials and industrial guidelines for traceability of these materials, such as plastic packaging. Bibliographic Information Parameters for the evaluation of the thermal damage and nutraceutical potential of lupin-based ingredients and food products. Arnoldi, Anna; Resta, Donatella; Brambilla, Francesca; Boschin, Giovanna; D'Agostina, Alessandra; Sirtori, Elena; O'Kane, Francesca. Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry, Department of Agri-Food Molecular Sciences (DISMA), University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research (2007), 51(4), 431-436. Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, CODEN: MNFRCV ISSN: 1613-4125. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 146:460774 AN 2007:532377 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Foods based on sweet lupin proteins are gaining attention from industry and consumers because of their possible role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. When promoting lupin-based foods for inclusion in a daily diet, the thermal damage suffered during processing is of relevance to the bioactive and nutritional quality of the food product. N-(2-furoylmethyl)-L-lysine (furosine) quantification demonstrates that currently available sweet lupin protein isolates have a thermal damage comparable to or lower than other traditional food ingredients, and are a good source of lysine in non-dairy products. In lupin-based foods claiming to have cholesterol-lowering potential, shotgun proteomics offers itself as a fast and effective screening method for assessing the biol. availability of active peptides. Such a method is readily applicable to other legume-enriched food products. Bibliographic Information Impact evaluation of innovative and sustainable extraction technologies on olive oil quality. Chiacchierini, E.; Mele, G.; Restuccia, D.; Vinci, G. Department of Control and Management of Goods and of their Impact on the Environment, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. Trends in Food Science & Technology (2007), 18(6), 299305. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: TFTEEH ISSN: 0924-2244. Journal; General Review written in English. 98 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 CAN 147:210362 AN 2007:522365 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Olive oil prodn. in Italy boasts a thousand years old tradition and represents one of the most interesting field of Italian agriculture. Nowadays the olive oil extn. is carried out with technol. industrial processes (continuous or discontinuous), even though the quality and the quantity of the obtained oil are still to be optimized, producing a significant economic loss for the oil sector. A possibility for trying to solve the problem could be the exploitation of biotechnol. in olive oil industry, considering also eco-sustainability and lower environmental impact of the enzymes used. The aim of this work is to present the state-of-the-art about the application of natural enzymic complexes in olive oil industry, referring also to the evaluation of anal. parameters related to extra virgin olive oil quality and authenticity. Bibliographic Information Production of seafood fish oil. Aveni, Mariafrancesca; Rana, Roberto. Dipartimento di Scienze Geografiche e Merceologiche - Facolta di economia, Universita degli Studi, Bari, Italy. Industrie Alimentari (Pinerolo, Italy) (2007), 46(466), 127-139. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori sas, CODEN: INALBB ISSN: 0019-901X. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 147:141679 AN 2007:500895 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Fish oil is an important fishery product traditionally used in many industrial fields. Chile and Peru are the main producers and account for >50% of worldwide prodn. (almost 1 million tons in 2004). Despite continuing decrease in worldwide fish oil supply, there has been a continuous growth in com. demand esp. from aquaculture (fish farming). Aquaculture uses >80% of fish oil world prodn. as feed component, while food, pharmaceutical and chem. industries use the rest. The technol., economic aspects, and worldwide market situation of fish oil prodn. are discussed. Bibliographic Information Vanillin production using metabolically engineered Escherichia coli under non-growing conditions. Barghini, Paolo; Di Gioia, Diana; Fava, Fabio; Ruzzi, Maurizio. Department of Agrobiology and Agrochemistry, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. Microbial Cell Factories (2007), 6 No pp. given. Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd., CODEN: MCFICT ISSN: 1475-2859. http://www.microbialcellfactories.com/content/pdf/1475-2859-6-13.pdf Journal; Online Computer File written in English. CAN 147:8482 AN 2007:481087 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Vanillin is one of the most important arom. flavor compds. used in the food and cosmetic industries. Natural vanillin is extd. from vanilla beans and is relatively expensive. Moreover, the consumer demand for natural vanillin highly exceeds the amt. of vanillin extd. by plant sources. This has led to the investigation of other routes to obtain this flavor such as the biotechnol. prodn. from ferulic acid. Studies concerning the use of engineered recombinant Escherichia coli cells as biocatalysts for vanillin prodn. are described in the literature, but yield optimization and biotransformation conditions have not been investigated in details. Effect of plasmid copy no. in metabolic engineering of E. coli for the synthesis of vanillin has been evaluated by the use of genes encoding feruloyl-CoA synthetase and feruloyl hydratase/aldolase from Pseudomonas fluorescens BF13. The higher vanillin prodn. yield was obtained using resting cells of E. coli strain JM109 harboring a low-copy no. vector and a promoter exhibiting a low activity to drive the expression of the catabolic genes. Optimization of the bioconversion of ferulic acid to vanillin was accomplished by a response surface methodol. The exptl. conditions that allowed us to obtain high values for response functions were 3.3 mM ferulic acid and 4.5 g/L of biomass, with a yield of 70.6% and specific productivity of 5.9 moles/g min after 3 h of incubation. The final concn. of vanillin in the medium was increased up to 3.5 mM after a 6-h incubation by sequential spiking of 1.1 mM ferulic acid. The resting cells could be reused up to four times maintaining the prodn. yield levels over 50%, thus increasing three times the vanillin obtained per g of biomass. Ferulic acid can be efficiently converted to vanillin, without accumulation of undesirable vanillin redn./oxidn. products, using E. coli JM109 cells 99 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 expressing genes from the ferulic acid-degrader Pseudomonas fluorescens BF13. Optimization of culture conditions and bioconversion parameters, together with the reuse of the biomass, leaded to a final prodn. of 2.52 g of vanillin per L of culture, which is the highest found in the literature for recombinant strains and the highest achieved so far applying such strains under resting cells conditions. Bibliographic Information Inactivation of avian influenza viruses by chemical agents and physical conditions: a review. De Benedictis, P.; Beato, M. S.; Capua, I. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, OIE, FAO and National Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease, Padua, Italy. Zoonoses and Public Health (2007), 54(2), 51-68. Publisher: Blackwell Verlag GmbH, CODEN: ZPHOAH ISSN: 1863-1959. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 147:339131 AN 2007:439669 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The recent outbreaks of avian influenza (AI) worldwide have highlighted the difficulties in controlling this disease both in developed and in developing countries. Biosecurity is considered the most important tool to prevent and control AI. In certain areas of the world, AI has become endemic and the recent outbreaks in Europe and Africa show that the epidemiol. situation is evolving in an unprecedented way. The consequences of this situation are economic losses to the poultry industry, food security issues in developing countries and a serious threat to human health, due to the direct consequences of AI infection in humans, and more alarmingly due to the risk of the generation of a new pandemic virus from the animal reservoir. In this paper, the phys. and chem. methods of inactivating AI viruses are reviewed, with particular emphasis on the practicalities of using such methods in the poultry industry. Bibliographic Information HPLC-MS validation of QualisaFoo biosensor kit for cost-effective control of acrylamide levels in Italian coffee. Gianni, Sagratini; Armando, Fabbri; Gabriella, Marucci; Massimo, Ricciutelli; Sauro, Vittori; Sergio, Ammendola. Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Universita degli Studi di Camerino, Camerino, Italy. Food Control (2007), 18(10), 1267-1271. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: FOOCEV ISSN: 0956-7135. Journal written in English. CAN 147:520876 AN 2007:422319 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Acrylamide is a carcinogenic and mutagenic compd. found in many industrially processed foods and beverages, including coffee. The aim of this work is to det. the acrylamide level in some Italian coffees by using a mass spectrometry method and an enzymic test kit. Comparison of av. values in four Italian coffees detd. using the two methods permitted us to validate the results obtained with the kit, hence the kit itself, showing that acrylamide is present in low amt. The amt. of acrylamide was also detd. in other foods, by using the kit. This work shows that there is a correspondence between the two methods and that the kit provides a cost-effective method to det. the amt. of acrylamide in food. Bibliographic Information Biodegradation of Polyethoxylated Nonylphenols in Packed-Bed Biofilm Reactors. Bertin, Lorenzo; Di Gioia, Diana; Barberio, Claudia; Salvadori, Laura; Marchetti, Leonardo; Fava, Fabio. Department of Applied Chemistry and Material Science, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2007), 46(21), 6681-6687. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: IECRED ISSN: 0888-5885. Journal written in English. CAN 147:328874 AN 2007:358619 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The opportunity to apply an immobilized-cell biotechnol. process in the remediation of polyethoxylated nonylphenol (NPnEO) contaminated water was studied in this work. To this purpose, three identically configured aerobic column reactors packed with different materials (silica beads, granular activated carbon, or glass spheres) were developed, 100 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 inoculated with the NPnEO-degrading Pseudomonas sp. strain BCb 12/3, and compared for their ability to biodegrade the two NPnEO industrial mixts. Igepal CO-520 and CO-210 fed in synthetic wastewater at concns. in the range 30-90 mg/L. The three biofilm reactors, tested under batch conditions, showed comparable degrdn. capabilities and specificities, being able to remove from 77 to 99% of the total Igepal mixts. supplied after 9 days of batch treatment. NPnEOs were mostly removed through biodegrdn., as suggested by the accumulation of two metabolites typical of NPnEO aerobic biodegrdn., such as phenol and 4-nonylphenol, and by the low NPnEO amts. recovered from the reactors at the end of the study. Fluorescent in situ hybridization and DAPI staining performed at the end of the study showed that the bacterial biofilm was well and homogeneously developed on the packed beds of the three reactors and that it was mostly composed by bacteria belonging to Gammaproteobacteria, i.e., the Proteobacteria class which includes the genus Pseudomonas. Bibliographic Information A study on PCB, PCDD/PCDF industrial contamination in a mixed urban-agricultural area significantly affecting the food chain and the human exposure. Part I: Soil and feed. Turrio-Baldassarri, Luigi; Abate, Vittorio; Alivernini, Silvia; Battistelli, Chiara Laura; Carasi, Sergio; Casella, Marialuisa; Iacovella, Nicola; Iamiceli, Anna Laura; Indelicato, Annamaria; Scarcella, Carmelo; La Rocca, Cinzia. Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Chemosphere (2007), 67(9), 1822-1830. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: CMSHAF ISSN: 0045-6535. Journal written in English. CAN 147:241532 AN 2007:282213 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This study deals with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and polychlorinated dibenzodioxin-dibenzofuran (PCDD/PCDF) contamination in Brescia, a city in the North-West of Italy, affecting an area with about 11,000 inhabitants. The area is close to an industrial plant that produced, in total, some 31,000 tons of PCBs. A relevant part of the polluted area is agricultural soil, where cattle were fed with polluted forage and farmers were consuming their own products, so that the contamination led eventually to human exposure. Total levels of PCDDs/Fs varied from 8 to 592 pg TEQ (WHO)/g for soil samples and when the dioxin-like PCBs (dl-PCBs) are included, the levels varied from 14.6 to 1033.7 pg TEQ (WHO)/g. In several cases, the legal limit was exceeded by more than one order of magnitude, with the highest contamination in some agricultural areas and in the surrounding zones. For the forage samples, the total levels of PCDDs/Fs varied from 0.29 to 2.04 pg TEQ (WHO)/g and, when dl-PCBs are included, this range increased from 2.04 to 4.75 pg TEQ (WHO)/g. PCB contamination of the forage through vapor condensation seemed to be relevant. The toxic contribution of dl-PCBs is always relevant and must be considered for risk management. The main component of the contamination source is probably a heavy PCB mixt., such as Aroclor 1262. The study dealt generally with the contamination transfer of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs from soil up to humans across the food chain. The results on soils and forage are shown, while measurements concerning the contamination of the animals fed with contaminated forage and the exposure of the farmers (through human serum analyses), as compared to the general population, will be reported in a dedicated paper. Bibliographic Information Probiotic bacteria: legislative framework-requirements to evidence basis. Pineiro, Maya; Stanton, Catherine. Food Quality and Standards Service, Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. Journal of Nutrition (2007), 137(3S-2), 850S-853S. Publisher: American Society for Nutrition, CODEN: JONUAI ISSN: 0022-3166. Journal written in English. AN 2007:248351 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Following on from the FAO/WHO Expert Consultation and Working Group outputs on probiotics and their presentation to Codex, it is hoped that these will be used as a science-based risk assessment process for managerial decision on probiotics and that the "Guidelines for the Evaluation of Probiotics in Food" will be used as a model for scientific criteria for evaluation of health claims. It is also hoped that this work will be incorporated or taken as example for the Codex draft being prepd. on health and nutrition claims and as a scientific assessment of a novel food and that the probiotic guidelines will be adopted by Industry. 101 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Highly purified sugar concentrate from a residue of citrus pigments recovery process. Scordino, Monica; Di Mauro, Alfio; Passerini, Amedeo; Maccarone, Emanuele. Dipartimento di OrtoFloroArboricoltura e Tecnologie Agroalimentari (DOFATA), Sezione Tecnologie Agroalimentari, Universita degli Studi di Catania, Catania, Italy. LWT--Food Science and Technology (2007), 40(4), 713-721. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: LSTWB3 Journal written in English. CAN 146:336791 AN 2007:106649 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Pigmented orange pulp wash (PW), a byproduct of citrus processing, was already studied to obtain anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamates using adsorption resins. The residue of such process was further investigated to obtain a purified sugar conc. applying a series of resin adsorptions and membrane techniques. The final product and the intermediates were characterized by chem. and microbiol. analyses. The results have shown that anthocyanins, limonoids, flavanones and hydroxycinnamates were absent in the starting material because totally removed by the treatment with the neutral polystyrene-divinylbenzene (PS-DVB) resin used to recover the pigments; the acidity was strongly reduced through a weakly basic ion-exchange matrix while the ultrafiltration (UF) process stabilized the product by removal of enzymes and microorganisms. Eighty percent of the water was eliminated by a reverse osmosis (RO) treatment, increasing the sugar concn. by four times. The final product (28 Brix) contained about 250 g/l of sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose), 9 g/l of citric acid and 1 g/l of pectins. The conc., obtained from a residue that otherwise must be disposed, was a transparent liq. of slight amber color with a very low microbial count and could easily find application as a natural sweetener in food and beverage industries. Bibliographic Information Reactivity of NO/NO2-NH3 SCR system for diesel exhaust aftertreatment: Identification of the reaction network as a function of temperature and NO2 feed content. Ciardelli, Cristian; Nova, Isabella; Tronconi, Enrico; Chatterjee, Daniel; Bandl-Konrad, Brigitte; Weibel, Michel; Krutzsch, Bernd. Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica "G. Natta", Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. Applied Catalysis, B: Environmental (2007), 70(1-4), 80-90. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: ACBEE3 ISSN: 0926-3373. Journal written in English. CAN 146:211343 AN 2007:2851 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A systematic study of the selective catalytic redn. (SCR) reactivity of NH3 over com. V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst in a wide temp. range and NO:NO2 feed ratios, covering and exceeding those of interest for industrial applications for posttreatment of diesel vehicle exhaust gases is discussed. Expts. confirmed that best deNOx efficiency was achieved with a 1:1 NO/NO2 feed ratio. Main reactions at different operating conditions were identified and an overall reaction scheme is proposed. Particular attention was paid to the role of NH4NO3, which forms rapidly at low temps., and with excess NO2, dets. a lower N2 selectivity for the deNOx process. Data are presented showing the NO/NO2-NH3 reaction system can be fully chem. interpreted according to a mechanism which involves: NO2 dimerization/disproportion and reaction with NH3 and water to yield NH4NO2 and NH4NO3; NH4NO3 redn. by NO to NH4NO2; and decompn. of NH4NO2 to N2. This scheme explains peculiar deNOx reactivity at low temp. in the presence of NO2, the optimal stoichiometry (NO/NO2 = 1:1), and obsd. selectivity to all major N-contg. products (N2, NH4NO3, HNO3, N2O). It also provides a basis to develop a mechanistic kinetic model of the NO/NO2-NH3 SCR reaction system. Bibliographic Information Influence of temperature on biofilm formation by Listeria monocytogenes on various food-contact surfaces: relationship with motility and cell surface hydrophobicity. Di Bonaventura G; Piccolomini R; Paludi D; D'Orio V; Vergara A; Conter M; Ianieri A Center of Excellence for Aging, G. d'Annunzio University Foundation, Chieti, Italy. [email protected] Journal of applied microbiology (2008), 104(6), 1552-61. Journal code: 9706280. E-ISSN:1365-2672. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. 102 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 18194252 AN 2008330688 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) In-process for MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 Abstract AIMS: To assess the ability of Listeria monocytogenes to form biofilm on different food-contact surfaces with regard to different temperatures, cellular hydrophobicity and motility. METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty-four L. monocytogenes strains from food and food environment were tested for biofilm formation by crystal violet staining. Biofilm levels were significantly higher on glass at 4, 12 and 22 degrees C, as compared with polystyrene and stainless steel. At 37 degrees C, L. monocytogenes produced biofilm at significantly higher levels on glass and stainless steel, as compared with polystyrene. Hydrophobicity was significantly (P < 0.05) higher at 37 degrees C than at 4, 12 and 22 degrees C. Thirty (68.2%) of 44 strains tested showed swimming at 22 degrees C and 4 (9.1%) of those were also motile at 12 degrees C. No correlation was observed between swimming and biofilm production. CONCLUSIONS: L. monocytogenes can adhere to and form biofilms on food-processing surfaces. Biofilm formation is significantly influenced by temperature, probably modifying cell surface hydrophobicity. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACTS OF THE STUDY: Biofilm formation creates major problems in the food industry because it may represent an important source of food contamination. Our results are therefore important in finding ways to prevent contamination because they contribute to a better understanding on how L. monocytogenes can establish biofilms in food industry and therefore survive in the processing environment. Bibliographic Information Biodiversity of Aspergillus species in some important agricultural products. Perrone G; Susca A; Cozzi G; Ehrlich K; Varga J; Frisvad J C; Meijer M; Noonim P; Mahakarnchanakul W; Samson R A Institute of Sciences of Food Production, CNR, Via Amendola, 122/O 70126 Bari, Italy Studies in mycology (2007), 59 53-66. Journal code: 8411984. ISSN:0166-0616. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 18490950 AN 2008327501 In-process for MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The genus Aspergillus is one of the most important filamentous fungal genera. Aspergillus species are used in the fermentation industry, but they are also responsible of various plant and food secondary rot, with the consequence of possible accumulation of mycotoxins. The aflatoxin producing A. flavus and A. parasiticus, and ochratoxinogenic A. niger, A. ochraceus and A. carbonarius species are frequently encountered in agricultural products. Studies on the biodiversity of toxigenic Aspergillus species is useful to clarify molecular, ecological and biochemical characteristics of the different species in relation to their different adaptation to environmental and geographical conditions, and to their potential toxigenicity. Here we analyzed the biodiversity of ochratoxin producing species occurring on two important crops: grapes and coffee, and the genetic diversity of A. flavus populations occurring in agricultural fields. Altogether nine different black Aspergillus species can be found on grapes which are often difficult to identify with classical methods. The polyphasic approach used in our studies led to the identification of three new species occurring on grapes: A. brasiliensis, A. ibericus, and A. uvarum. Similar studies on the Aspergillus species occurring on coffee beans have evidenced in the last five years that A. carbonarius is an important source of ochratoxin A in coffee. Four new species within the black aspergilli were also identified in coffee beans: A. sclerotioniger, A. lacticoffeatus, A. sclerotiicarbonarius, and A. aculeatinus. The genetic diversity within A. flavus populations has been widely studied in relation to their potential aflatoxigenicity and morphological variants L- and S-strains. Within A. flavus and other Aspergillus species capable of aflatoxin production, considerable diversity is found. We summarise the main recent achievements in the diversity of the aflatoxin gene cluster in A. flavus populations, A. parasiticus and the non-toxigenic A. oryzae. Studies are needed in order to characterise the aflatoxin biosynthetic genes in the new related taxa A. minisclerotigenes and A. arachidicola. Bibliographic Information Production of feruloyl esterases and xylanases by Talaromyces stipitatus and Humicola grisea var. thermoidea 103 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 on industrial food processing by-products. Mandalari G; Bisignano G; Lo Curto R B; Waldron K W; Faulds C B Sustainability of the Food Chain Exploitation Platform, Institute of Food Research, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UA, United Kingdom; Department of Pharmacobiology, University of Messina, Viale Annunziata, 98100 Messina, Italy Bioresource technology (2008), 99(11), 5130-3. Journal code: 9889523. ISSN:0960-8524. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 17951057 AN 2008324553 In-process for MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Feruloyl esterase (FAE) and xylanase activities were detected in culture supernatants from Humicola grisea var. thermoidea and Talaromyces stipitatus grown on brewers' spent grain (BSG) and wheat bran (WB), two agro-industrial by-products. Maximum activities were detected from cultures of H. grisea grown at 150rpm, with 16.9U/ml and 9.1U/ml of xylanase activity on BSG and WB, respectively. Maximum FAE activity was 0.47U/ml and 0.33U/ml on BSG and WB, respectively. Analysis of residual cell wall material after microbial growth shows the preferential solubilisation of arabinoxylan and cellulose, two main polysaccharides present in BSG and WB. The production of low-cost cell-wall-deconstructing enzymes on agro-industrial by-products could lead to the production of low-cost enzymes for use in the valorisation of food processing wastes. Bibliographic Information Review article: future research on coeliac disease - a position report from the European multistakeholder platform on coeliac disease (CDEUSSA). Troncone R; Ivarsson A; Szajewska H; Mearin M L Department of Paediatrics and European Laboratory for Investigation of Food Induced Diseases, University Federico II, Naples, Italy. (Members of European Multistakeholder Platform on CD (CDEUSSA)) [email protected] Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics (2008), 27(11), 1030-43. Journal code: 8707234. E-ISSN:1365-2036. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 18315588 AN 2008290983 In-process for MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract BACKGROUND: CDEUSSA is a Specific Support Action project from the Sixth Framework Programme Priority of the European Union (EU). Its aim is to bring together basic and applied research in the area of coeliac disease (CD). This paper reviews the main issues that are a result of the CDEUSSA initiative. AIM: To identify the major issues in need of investigation in the areas of clinical aspects, treatment, prevention and public health. METHODS: Key stakeholders, representing a wide range of knowledge with crucial importance for CD research and practice, have participated in two workshops aimed at identifying and proposing to the EU, as high priority research, topics in the areas of clinical aspects, treatment, prevention and public health. RESULTS: In public health, the overall goal should be to improve quality of life of the European population by implementing primary prevention strategies, early diagnosis and improved treatments for CD. New treatment strategies need to be developed. The option of primary prevention should be fully explored, which requires combined epidemiological, clinical and basic scientific research efforts. Such studies should also consider the importance of gene-environment interactions in the development of CD. Increased knowledge is needed on the natural history of CD. Diagnostic criteria need to be revised. CONCLUSIONS: To achieve these goals, a collaboration of the stakeholders is fundamental, including research and patient organizations, as well as industries within both diagnostics and food production. Bibliographic Information Remediation of waters contaminated with ionic herbicides by sorption on polymerin. Sannino F; Iorio M; De Martino A; Pucci M; Brown C D; Capasso R Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta, dell'Ambiente e delle Produzioni Animali, Facolta di Scienze Biotecnologiche, Universita di Napoli Federico II Via Universita 100, 80055 Portici, Napoli, Italy Water research (2008), 42(3), 643-52. Journal code: 0105072. ISSN:0043-1354. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 17904611 AN 2008144087 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 104 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 This study investigated the sorption of paraquat and 2,4-D on polymerin, the humic acid-like fraction of olive mill wastewater. Effects of pH, contact time, initial concentration and sorbent dosage on the sorption of both herbicides were studied. The sorption mechanism of paraquat on polymerin was consistent with the ion exchange of this herbicide with Ca, Mg and K natively occurring in the sorbent; in contrast, 2,4-D was bound to polymerin by hydrogen bonding. Simulated wastewaters contaminated with paraquat were purified after three sorption cycles on polymerin renewed at each cycle, at a solid/liquid ratio of 0.5, whereas those containing 2,4-D showed a maximal residue removal of 44% after two sorption cycles at the same ratio. The possible application of this model to other water-soluble herbicides, as well as the possible exploitation of polymerin as a bio-filter for the decontamination of pollution point sources is briefly discussed. Bibliographic Information Investigation on virucidal activity of chlorine dioxide. experimental data on feline calicivirus, HAV and Coxsackie B5. Zoni R; Zanelli R; Riboldi E; Bigliardi L; Sansebastiano G Department of Public Health, Sec. Hygiene, University of Parma, Italy Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene (2007), 48(3), 91-5. Journal code: 9214440. ISSN:1121-2233. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 18274345 AN 2008116583 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of ClO2 with regard to viruses which show a particular resistance to oxidizing agent such as HAV and Norwalk and Norwalk-like viruses, and which play an important role in the epidemiology of viral foodborne diseases. In the food industry, disinfection of processing systems and equipment is a very important instrument to prevent secondary contamination and to guarantee food safety. Among disinfectants, chlorine dioxide (ClO2) presents a good efficacy at wide range of pH values, its action is rapid and generates few reaction byproducts if compared to hypoclorite. Experimental studies have highlighted that ClO2 shows a good bactericidal activity and it is also active towards viruses. Furthermore, the low concentrations and low contact times required to obtain microbial load reduction are favourable elements for the application of this compound in the industrial sanitizing practices. METHODS: As it is impossible to cultivate the Norwalk virus in vitro, we tested the resistance of Feline calicivirus (F9 strain) vs. ClO2, in comparison with HAV (strain HM-175) and Coxsackie B5. Chlorine dioxide was used at concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 0.8 mg/l in water solution, at pH 7 and at +20 degrees C. Viral suspensions were added to disinfecting solution and, at pre-set times, were sampled to undergo to titration after blocking the disinfectant action with thiosulphate 0.05 M. On the basis of the data obtained, for each virus and in relation to different concentrations, mean reduction times were calculated for 99%, 99.9% and 99.99% using the regression analysis model. RESULTS: As regards Feline calicivirus, at a concentration of 0.8 mg/l of ClO2, we obtained the complete elimination of the viral titre in 2 min while 30 min were required at concentrations of 0.2 mg/l. Coxsackie B5 showed a similar behaviour, being completely inactivated in 4 min with 0.4 mg/l of ClO2 and after 30 min at a concentration of 0.2 mg/l. Inactivation was quicker for HAV, which was eliminated after only 30 sec at a concentration of 0.8 mg/l and after 5 min at 0.4 mg/l. CONCLUSION: Our data show that for complete inactivation of HAV and Feline calicivirus, concentrations > or = 0.6 mg/l are required. This observation is true for Coxsackie B5 too, but this virus has shown a good sensitivity at all concentration tested according to regression analysis results. For Feline calicivirus and HAV, at low concentrations of disinfectant, prolonged contact times were needed to obtain a 99.99% reduction of viral titres (about 16 and 20 minutes respectively). Bibliographic Information Are FPCIs a source of increased risk for children? Results of a multicenter, experimental study comparing children's behaviour with FPCIs and toys. Donati C; Benelli B; Consonni N; Fabregant M; Mantyla T; Carelli G; Corradetti R; Snidero S; Scarinzi C; Morra B; Gregori D Italian Institute of Toy Safety, Como, Italy Journal of safety research (2007), 38(5), 589-96. Journal code: 1264241. ISSN:0022-4375. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (MULTICENTER STUDY); (RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL); (CLINICAL TRIAL) written in English. PubMed ID 18023644 AN 2007688678 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) 105 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract INTRODUCTION: Food Products Containing Inedibles (FPCIs) are believed to represent a source of higher choking risk in children. The aim of this study was to set up a controlled study, conducted on children aged 3-6 in a laboratory setting, in order to understand their behavior when interacting with FPCIs (with reference to mouthing activities, double nature recognition, and toy assembling ability). METHOD: The experimental phase was divided into two sessions: a FPCI session and a Toy session, to which 247 children were randomly assigned. During these sessions children were observed in order to catch their mouthing activity according to the two types of objects available to them (FPCIs and Toys). RESULTS: This study shows that: (a) children's behavior with respect to toys contained in FPCIs and toys presented alone is not significantly different; (b) children's ability to distinguish between the edible and non-edible part of the FPCI was very high; and (c) mouthing episodes of the inedible parts were negligible and comparable between FPCIs and toys presented alone. This strongly suggests that, with respect to choking risk, FPCIs are not per se distinguishable from toys containing small parts. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Restrictions on the sale of FPCIs with small toys exist in the U.S. market. In Europe, FPCIs are allowed to be on sale, under the condition that, in case, they will follow the general regulatory requirements of small toys packaged and sold alone. In this case, they must provide age warnings and labels. Our findings do not justify the different attention that toys in FPCIs are at times afforded by regulators when compared to "stand alone" toys. Bibliographic Information Multiplex PCR for the identification and serotyping of L. monocytogenes isolated from sheep cheese-processing plants. De Santis E P L; Pilo A L; Cosseddu A M; Canu N A; Scarano C; Marongiu P Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy. [email protected] Veterinary research communications (2007), 31 Suppl 1 359-63. Journal code: 8100520. ISSN:0165-7380. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 17682914 AN 2007597553 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Bibliographic Information Evaluation of HACCP plans of food industries: case study conducted by the Servizio di Igiene degli Alimenti e della Nutrizione (Food and Nutrition Health Service) of the local health authority of Foggia, Italy. Panunzio Michele F; Antoniciello Antonietta; Pisano Alessandra; Rosa Giovanna Food and Nutrition Health Services, Local Health Authority, Foggia, Italy. [email protected] International journal of environmental research and public health (2007), 4(3), 228-32. Journal code: 101238455. E-ISSN:1660-4601. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 17911662 AN 2007590593 In-process for MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract With respect to food safety, many works have studied the effectiveness of self-monitoring plans of food companies, designed using the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) method. On the other hand, indepth research has not been made concerning the adherence of the plans to HACCP standards. During our research, we evaluated 116 self-monitoring plans adopted by food companies located in the territory of the Local Health Authority (LHA) of Foggia, Italy. The general errors (terminology, philosophy and redundancy) and the specific errors (transversal plan, critical limits, hazard specificity, and lack of procedures) were standardized. Concerning the general errors, terminological errors pertain to half the plans examined, 47% include superfluous elements and 60% have repetitive subjects. With regards to the specific errors, 77% of the plans examined contained specific errors. The evaluation has pointed out the lack of comprehension of the HACCP system by the food companies and has allowed the Servizio di Igiene degli Alimenti e della Nutrizione (Food and Nutrition Health Service), in its capacity as a control body, to intervene with the companies in order to improve designing HACCP plans. Bibliographic Information A case of malignant mesothelioma in a rice-starch factory. 106 De Zotti Renata; Fiorito Antonio Clinical Unit of Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Occupational Medicine, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste General Hospital, Via della Pieta' 19, 34129, Trieste, Italy. [email protected] International archives of occupational and environmental health (2007), 80(8), 743-5. Journal code: 7512134. ISSN:0340-0131. (CASE REPORTS); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 17387504 AN 2007560102 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract INTRODUCTION: Recent reports of cases of malignant mesothelioma (MM) in "non-traditional" areas of employment are an indication of the numerous occasions in which exposure to asbestos has occurred in the workplace. We describe an unusual case of occupational exposure to asbestos to stress the importance of careful history taking when assessing a patient's work history, especially in generic occupations in which there is apparently no exposure to asbestos. CASE REPORT: Malignant mesothelioma was diagnosed in a woman worker employed in a factory making rice starch. She had worked in the storehouse of the factory for approximately 40 years. From circumstantial interviews with relatives and workmates, it emerged that her job involved retrieving, for re-use, the jute sacks in which the rice was transported. More than one source remembered distinctly that some of the sacks had "Asbestos" written on the outside. DISCUSSION: This case provides further confirmation of the importance of careful history taking among workers with mesothelioma to avoid failing to diagnose occupational disease. It also highlights the risk of asbestos exposure represented by recycling asbestos-contaminated sacks in both occupational and non-occupational settings. Bibliographic Information Leptospirosis: occupational risk in the chain of food of animal origin. Colavita G; Paoletti M Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari Ambientali e Microbiologiche Universita degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso, Italy. [email protected] Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomia (2007), 29(1), 21-4. Journal code: 9712708. ISSN:1592-7830. (ENGLISH ABSTRACT); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in Italian. PubMed ID 17569414 AN 2007357739 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic infection. The source of infection in humans is usually either direct or indirect contact with the urine of infected animals. Occupation is a significant risk factor for humans. Direct contact with infected animals accounts for most infections in farmers, veterinarians, abattoir workers, meat inspectors. The highest risk is associated with swine farming, slaughterhouse and meat industry workers. Most cases are diagnosed by serology. Leptospirosis may be prevented trought appropriate hygiene, sanitization, animal husbandry. It is essential to educate people working with animals or animal tissues about measures for reducing the risk of exposure to Leptospira. Protective clothing provided included an apron, gloves and rubber boots. When the risk is high, serologic testing are useful also. Bibliographic Information Application of automated ribotyping to support the evaluation of Listeria monocytogenes sources in a Taleggio cheese producing plant. de Cesare A; Manfreda G; Macri M; Cantoni C Department of Food Science, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Via S. Giacomo 9, 40126 Bologna, Italy. [email protected] Journal of food protection (2007), 70(5), 1116-21. Journal code: 7703944. ISSN:0362-028X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 17536669 AN 2007325084 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In March 2005, Listeria monocytogenes was detected on the rinds of Taleggio cheeses produced in an Italian plant. To identify the pathogen source, 154 rinds of cheeses that had been manually and automatically salinated and 52 environmental swabs collected from salting equipment, ripening cloths, and ripening boxes were tested for L. monocytogenes. Twenty-seven strains isolated from cheese samples and 16 strains isolated from environmental 107 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 samples were genotyped by EcoRI and PvuII automated ribotyping. The microbiological results revealed a significant incidence of contamination of cheeses that were automatically salinated and contamination on the salting equipment, ripening cloths, and boxes. All cheese and environmental strains had the same EcoRI and PvuII ribotyping profiles, designated 153-204-S5 and 153-210-S-2, respectively. The only exception were three Taleggio strains, isolated from the same lot of product, that had EcoRI and PvuII ribotyping profiles designated 153-289-S6 and 153-214-S-5, respectively. Strains with EcoRI profile 153-204-S5 were classified as DUP-ID 1045 and serotype 1/2a, whereas strains with EcoRI profile 153-289-S6 were classified as DUP-ID 1034 and serotype 1/2b. The microbiological and molecular typing data collected in this study suggest that the source of the L. monocytogenes contamination in the Taleggio plant under study was the automated salting equipment. The isolate DUP-IDs were used to trace the introduction of potentially dangerous strains, such as those characterized as DUP-ID 1034, in the processing plant. Bibliographic Information Penicillium populations in dry-cured ham manufacturing plants. Battilani Paola; Pietri V Amedeo; Giorni Paola; Formenti Silvia; Bertuzzi Terenzio; Toscani Tania; Virgili Roberta; Kozakiewicz Zofia Institute of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Via Emilia Parmense, 84, 29100 Piacenza, Italy. [email protected] Journal of food protection (2007), 70(4), 975-80. Journal code: 7703944. ISSN:0362-028X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 17477269 AN 2007269253 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Seven ham manufacturing plants were sampled for 1 year to assess the mycoflora present in the air and on hams, with special attention given to potential mycotoxin producers. Temperature and relative humidity were recorded in the ripening rooms. Maturing rooms held hams from 2 to 3 through 6 to 7 ripening months, and aging rooms held hams for the following 6 to 7 months, until the 14-month ripening point, when they were ready for the market. Mean temperatures and relative humidities registered during the study were 14.9 degrees C and 62.4%, respectively, in maturing rooms and 16.3 degrees C and 57.6% in aging rooms. Aspergilli and penicillia, potential mycotoxin producers, were isolated in all the plants from the air and the ham. Aspergilli represented 5% of the isolates, while penicillia were largely dominant, with Penicillium nalgiovense being the most represented species (around 60% of the penicillia), followed by Penicillium nordicum, with 10 and 26% of the penicillia isolated, respectively, from the air or the ham. Ochratoxin A production ability, checked in vitro at 250C, was observed in 50% of the P. nordicum isolates obtained both from the air and the ham. Air and ham surface contamination by penicillia was greater in the ripening rooms, where higher temperatures were registered. A certain correlation was also observed between air and ham surface contamination. On the basis of this study, P. nordicum, the ochratoxin A producer that is notable on proteinaceous substrates, is normally present in ham manufacturing plants in Italy, even though not a dominant species. Further studies are necessary to clarify and ensure if dry-curing conditions minimize the potential risk of ochratoxin A formation in the product. Bibliographic Information Vanillin production using metabolically engineered Escherichia coli under non-growing conditions. Barghini Paolo; Di Gioia Diana; Fava Fabio; Ruzzi Maurizio Department of Agrobiology and Agrochemistry, University of Tuscia, via Camillo de Lellis-snc, 01100 Viterbo, Italy. [email protected] Microbial cell factories (2007), 6 13. Journal code: 101139812. E-ISSN:1475-2859. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 17437627 AN 2007252079 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract BACKGROUND: Vanillin is one of the most important aromatic flavour compounds used in the food and cosmetic industries. Natural vanillin is extracted from vanilla beans and is relatively expensive. Moreover, the consumer demand for natural vanillin highly exceeds the amount of vanillin extracted by plant sources. This has led to the investigation of other routes to obtain this flavour such as the biotechnological production from ferulic acid. Studies concerning the use of engineered recombinant Escherichia coli cells as biocatalysts for vanillin production are described 108 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 in the literature, but yield optimization and biotransformation conditions have not been investigated in details. RESULTS: Effect of plasmid copy number in metabolic engineering of E. coli for the synthesis of vanillin has been evaluated by the use of genes encoding feruloyl-CoA synthetase and feruloyl hydratase/aldolase from Pseudomonas fluorescens BF13. The higher vanillin production yield was obtained using resting cells of E. coli strain JM109 harbouring a low-copy number vector and a promoter exhibiting a low activity to drive the expression of the catabolic genes. Optimization of the bioconversion of ferulic acid to vanillin was accomplished by a response surface methodology. The experimental conditions that allowed us to obtain high values for response functions were 3.3 mM ferulic acid and 4.5 g/L of biomass, with a yield of 70.6% and specific productivity of 5.9 micromoles/g x min after 3 hours of incubation. The final concentration of vanillin in the medium was increased up to 3.5 mM after a 6-hour incubation by sequential spiking of 1.1 mM ferulic acid. The resting cells could be reused up to four times maintaining the production yield levels over 50%, thus increasing three times the vanillin obtained per gram of biomass. CONCLUSION: Ferulic acid can be efficiently converted to vanillin, without accumulation of undesirable vanillin reduction/oxidation products, using E. coli JM109 cells expressing genes from the ferulic acid-degrader Pseudomonas fluorescens BF13. Optimization of culture conditions and bioconversion parameters, together with the reuse of the biomass, leaded to a final production of 2.52 g of vanillin per liter of culture, which is the highest found in the literature for recombinant strains and the highest achieved so far applying such strains under resting cells conditions. Bibliographic Information Proliferative peritoneal and pleural cestodiasis in a cat caused by metacestodes of Mesocestoides sp. Anatomohistopathological findings and genetic identification. Eleni C; Scaramozzino P; Busi M; Ingrosso S; D'Amelio S; De Liberato C Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Regioni Lazio e Toscana, Via Appia Nuova 1411, 00178 Rome, Italy Parasite (Paris, France) (2007), 14(1), 71-6. Journal code: 9437094. ISSN:1252-607X. (CASE REPORTS); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 17432059 AN 2007224666 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A 10-year-old female cat was brought to Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Regioni Lazio e Toscana for postmortem examination. The animal used to live, together with 26 other cats, in the big terrace of an apartment at the 8th floor in Rome; and was always fed with industrial pet food. Anamnesis referred balance troubles, vomit and convulsions, during a couple of days, followed by sudden death. At necropsy, the cat presented mucoid rhinitis, purulent tracheitis, small areas of pneumonia, dark spots in the liver, catarrhal-hemorrhagic gastritis, fibrinous enteritis and meningeal hyperemia. Thoracic and abdominal cavities were completely invaded by hundreds of larval stages of cestodes. The same parasites were also included in nodules in pancreatic, lung and kidney parenchyma. Microscopic examination of parasites allowed their identification as larval stages (metacestodes) of cestodes of the genus Mesocestoides. The molecular genotyping of the metacestodes indicates a close relationship with members of the genus Mesocestoides, although a significant variation was found with respect to the available sequences of other species of the genus. Bibliographic Information System of indexes and indicators for the quality evaluation of HACCP plans based on the results of the official controls conducted by the Servizio di Igiene degli Alimenti della Nutrizione (Food and Nutrition Health Service) of the Local Health Authority of Foggia, Italy. Panunzio Michele F; Antoniciello Antonietta; Pisano Alessandra Food and Nutrition Health Services, Local Health Authority, Foggia, Italy. [email protected] International journal of environmental research and public health (2007), 4(1), 34-8. Journal code: 101238455. ISSN:1661-7827. (COMPARATIVE STUDY); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (VALIDATION STUDIES) written in English. PubMed ID 17431313 AN 2007222707 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Within the realm of evaluating self-monitoring plans, developed based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control 109 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Points (HACCP) method and adopted by food companies, little research has been done concerning the quality of the plans. The Servizio di Igiene degli Alimenti e della Nutrizione (Food and Nutrition Health Service) of the Local Health Authority of Foggia, Italy, has conducted research with the aim to adopt a system of indexes and indicators for the qualitative evaluation of HACCP plans. The critical areas considered were the following: simplicity, specificity, feasibility and adherence. During the period from January 2004 to June 2005, the evaluation grid was used in examining 250 HACCP self-monitoring plans of food companies. For the analysis of the determining factor four groups were considered, with reference to HACCP self-monitoring plans designed: group 1 - with the aid of a qualified team; group 2 - with the aid of an unqualified team; group 3 - with the aid of an unqualified expert; group 4 - without the aid of an expert. The mean values of the measures elaborated decrease towards insufficiency moving from group 1 to group 4. In particular, collaboration by teams of unqualified experts brought about drafting unacceptable HACCP plans on the levels of specificity and adherence, with respect to the HACCP method. The method proposed of the analysis of the indexes and indicators beginning with an evaluation sheet can also help the individual company to better adjust contribution by internal or external professionals to the company. 54 references were found when refined by Publication Year "2006" Bibliographic Information Electrodialysis applications in the food industry. Fidaleo, Marcello; Moresi, Mauro. Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research (2006), 51 265-360. Publisher: Elsevier, CODEN: AFNREL ISSN: 1043-4526. Journal written in English. AN 2008:400094 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This paper reviews the most recent innovations in electrodialysis (ED) modules and/or processes that appear to affect the food and drinks industries in the short-medium term, together with their basic mass transport equations that might help ED unit design or optimization. Future perspectives for ED processing in the food sector are also outlined. Bibliographic Information Anthocynanins as potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. Longo, Luigia; Vasapollo, Giuseppe. Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, Universita di Lecce, Lecce, Italy. Editor(s): Govil, J. N.; Singh, V. K.; Ahmad, Khalil. Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants (2006), 14 31-57. Publisher: Studium Press, LLC, Houston, Tex CODEN: 69KLGO Conference; General Review written in English. AN 2008:295805 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Anthocyanins are phenolic compds. belonging to the flavonoid family and responsible for the color of many flowers, fruits and berries. In the last decades, interest in this kind of pigments has increased because of their possible utilization as natural food colorants and esp. as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. Grapes and byproducts from the wine industry, as well as other fruits such as strawberries, bilberries, cranberries, cherries, have traditionally been used as important sources of anthocyanins. Recently, the berries of some shrubs and trees which grow wild in the Mediterranean area have drawn attention since they could be new and interesting sources to obtain exts. rich in anthocyanins for their use in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Bibliographic Information From environment to food: the case of PCB. La Rocca, Cinzia; Mantovani, Alberto. Dipartimento di Sanita Alimentare ed Animale, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita (2006), 42(4), 410-416. Publisher: Istituto Superiore di Sanita, CODEN: AISSAW ISSN: 0021-2571. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 147:270274 AN 2007:537441 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 110 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract A review. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) are ubiquitary microcontaminants. Because of both lipid soly. and the absence of adequate metabolic pathway in the organisms, PCB tend to bioaccumulate along the trophic chains. PCB may affect the endocrine, nervous and immune systems; the biol. activities are related to chem. structure, particular concern has arisen about a group of "dioxin-like" congeners. Feed is the major way of PCB exposure of farm animals. PCB bioaccumulation is related to the lipid content of tissues, particularly in fat tissues, in meat, liver and are transferred into milk and eggs. More than 90% of human exposure derives from foods of animal origin. A recent episode of PCB contaminating pastures occurring in the industrial municipality of Brescia (Northern Italy) is presented as an example of feed-food-human transfer chain. Farm animals and human exposure to dioxin-like and non dioxin-like PCB congeners is discussed in relationship to their toxicol. effects, with special attention to vulnerable groups, such as children. Finally, considerations on risk assessment and management are reported. Bibliographic Information Exploitation of by-products (solid wastes) from tomato processing to obtain high value antioxidants. Sandei, L.; Leoni, C. SSICA-Parma-Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Conserve Alimentari, Parma, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2006), 724(Proceedings of the IXth International Symposium on the Processing Tomato, 2004), 249257. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 147:233746 AN 2007:190500 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Several companies worldwide are interested in carrying out the industrial extn. of carotenoids (lycopene, beta-carotene and others) from tomato wastes (peels and seeds) in order to meet the requirements of the international nutraceutical (food additives), pharmaceutical and cosmetic markets. This project investigated the theor. capacity of a large area in Northern Italy with many tomato processing factories, to obtain carotenoids from tomato solid wastes and the possibility of reducing the degrdn. of these pigments via isomerization and oxidn. under different processing conditions. The wastes collected from 16 tomato processing factories operating in the Pianura Padana area were analyzed and stabilized with different pre-treatments in order to improve the yield of the subsequent extn. process (CO2 SFE). Bibliographic Information Compact gas heater/mixer for special applications: theoretical approach and experimental verification. Di Matteo, Umberto. Universita Telematica Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, Italy. Heat and Technology (Pisa, Italy) (2006), 24(2), 151-157. Publisher: Edizioni ETS, CODEN: HETEEE ISSN: 0392-8764. Journal written in English. CAN 146:186400 AN 2007:152319 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A particular double fluid and phase transition heat exchanger and gas mixer characterized by a coil shape is proposed and studied. The system may be used for special applications where peculiar geometrical constraints must be achieved. The exchanger was firstly proposed for feeding an original small size modular molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) patented (patent no.: PG 2003 A 0019) by researchers of the University of Perugia. Because of the small size and compact geometry of the patented MCFC stack, a custom system for natural gas and water introduction is required. Natural gas must be heated (stack temp. is 650 ) and mixed with steam in order to obtain gas reforming into hydrogen and meanwhile anodic humidification which is required to extend MCFC life. Theor. results were verified by exptl. investigations. The proposed heat exchanger design approach may be applied to any devices which requires high temps. feeding gases, such as any fuel cell type or reforming industrial plants. Bibliographic Information Characterization and biological activity of essential oils from fourteen Labiatae species. Stefanini, I.; Piccaglia, R.; Marotti, M.; Biavati, B. Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technologies, Bologna University, 111 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2006), 723(Proceedings of the Ist International Symposium on the Labiatae: Advances in Production, Biotechnology and Utilisation, 2006), 221-226. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 147:230684 AN 2007:89997 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The Labiatae family is rich in plants that are sources of essential oils having arom. notes and biol. properties. Considering the interest in natural products for cosmetic, perfumery, food and pharmacol. industry, the deeper knowledge of the potentiality of different arom. plants can give results of economic importance. In our work, the essential oils of fourteen species were evaluated for their qualiquant. compn. and biol. activity. The species analyzed are: basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), beebalm (Monarda didyma L.), pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.), spearmint (Mentha spicata L.), headed savory (Thymus capitatus Hoffm.et Link), calamint (Calamintha nepeta L.), winter savory (Satureja montana L.), savory (Satureja cuneifolia Ten.), thymbra (Thymbra sintenisii Bornm. et Aznav. ssp. isaurica P.H. Davis), a cultivated rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L) and four wild rosemaries harvested in different Italian locations: Elba Island (Tuscany), Sicily, Abruzzo and Calabria. The oils, obtained by steam-distn. of fresh aerial part of the plants harvested at full flowering stage, were characterized by GC-MS, tested for antimicrobial property by detg. the minimal inhibitory concn. (MIC) and for the antioxidant activity by -carotene bleaching test. Each species was characterized by a peculiar qualiquant. compn. and all the oils contained compds. with established biol. activity. Headed savory exerted the highest antimicrobial control also at low concns. Basil and rosemary from Elba Island evidenced a great antioxidant capability comparable to that of -tocopherol used as ref. antioxidant agent. Bibliographic Information Carotenoid, chlorophyll and chlorophyll-derived compounds in pistachio kernels (Pistacia vera L.) from Sicily. Giuffrida, D.; Saitta, M.; La Torre, L.; Bombaci, L.; Dugo, G. Dipartimento di Chimica Organica e Biologica, Facolta di Scienze, Universita di Messina, Messina, Italy. Italian Journal of Food Science (2006), 18(3), 309-316. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori sas, CODEN: ITFSEY ISSN: 1120-1770. Journal written in English. CAN 147:141976 AN 2006:1320350 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The compn. of carotenoid, chlorophyll, and chlorophyll-derived compds. in Sicilian pistachio kernels (Pistacia vera L.) was investigated. In all, 13 compds. were identified and quantified using reversed-phase liq. chromatog. with photodiode array detection with a C-30 column. Internal kernel color is an important visual quality characteristic for the food processing industry. Chlorophyll a was the major component (54.14 ppm), followed by chlorophyll b (30.2 ppm). Lutein (29.14 ppm) and pheophytin a (25.68 ppm) were also well represented. Pheophytins a and b, neoxanthin, luteoxanthin and violaxanthin were identified in pistachio nuts for the first time. The presence of a carotenoid ester was also detected. The ratio between the two isochromic pigment fractions, namely the chlorophyll and the carotenoid fractions, was 2.7, clearly showing the prevalence of the green color; the chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b and the lutein/ carotene ratios were of 1.8 and 4.1, resp. These parameters, along with other anal. parameters, could be used as indicators of typicality in Sicilian pistachio nuts. The presence of a specific pigment profile in nuts could, in fact, be used to guarantee the typicality of the product, since the quality control of food also requires a precise knowledge of the pigment compn. of the original product. Bibliographic Information CcpA affects expression of the groESL and dnaK operons in Lactobacillus plantarum. Castaldo, Cristiana; Siciliano, Rosa A.; Muscariello, Lidia; Marasco, Rosangela; Sacco, Margherita. Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Seconda Universita di Napoli, Caserta, Italy. Microbial Cell Factories (2006), 5 No pp. given. Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd., CODEN: MCFICT ISSN: 1475-2859. http://www.microbialcellfactories.com/content/pdf/1475-2859-535.pdf Journal; Online Computer File written in English. CAN 146:136290 AN 2006:1316352 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 112 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are widely used in food industry and their growth performance is important for the quality of the fermented product. During industrial processes changes in temp. may represent an environmental stress to be overcome by starters and non-starters LAB. Studies on adaptation to heat shock have shown the involvement of the chaperon system-proteins in various Gram-pos. bacteria. The corresponding operons, namely the dnaK and groESL operons, are controlled by a neg. mechanism involving the HrcA repressor protein binding to the cis acting element CIRCE. In this study, the authors studied adaptation to heat shock in the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum. The LM3-2 strain, carrying a null mutation in the ccpA gene, encoding the catabolite control protein A (CcpA), showed a lower percent of survival to high temp. with respect to the LM3 wild type strain. Among proteins differentially expressed in the two strains, the GroEL chaperon was more abundant in the wild type strain compared to the mutant strain under std. growth conditions. Transcriptional studies showed that class I heat shock operons were differentially expressed upon heat shock in both strains. Indeed, the dnaK and groESL operons were induced about two times more in the LM3 strain compared to the LM3-2 strain. Anal. of the regulatory region of the two operons showed the presence of cre sequences, putative binding sites for the CcpA protein. The authors concluded that the L. plantarum dnaK and groESL operons are characterized by the presence of the cis acting sequence CIRCE in the promoter region, suggesting a neg. regulation by the HrcA/CIRCE system, which is a common type of control among the class I heat shock operons of Gram-pos. bacteria. The authors found an addnl. system of regulation, based on a pos. control exerted by the CcpA protein, which would interact with cre sequences present in the regulatory region of the dnaK and groESL operons. The absence of the CcpA protein results in a lower induction of the chaperon coding operons, with a consequent lower percent of survival of the LM3-2 mutant strain population with respect to the wild type when challenged with a heat insult. Bibliographic Information Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of acrylamide: a critical review. Carere, Angelo. Dipartimento di Ambiente e Connessa Prevenzione Primaria, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita (2006), 42(2), 144-155. Publisher: Istituto Superiore di Sanita, CODEN: AISSAW ISSN: 0021-2571. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 146:178469 AN 2006:1291583 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. In 2002, public health concerns were raised by Swedish studies showing that relatively high levels of acrylamide were formed during the frying, roasting, or baking of a variety of foods, including potatoes, cereal products and coffee at temps. above 120 C. Acrylamide possesses a range of hazardous properties, the key effects being carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, neurotoxicity and reproductive toxicity. Acrylamide is clearly carcinogenic in studies in animals, in which it causes increased tumor incidence at a variety of sites. Although the mechanisms for tumor induction in exptl. animals have not yet fully elucidated, the in vivo genotoxicity at gene and chromosome level in somatic and germ cells in rodents cannot be discounted from contributing to it. At this time, there is no information to indicate any significant difference between rodents and humans in sensitivity to cancer formation from acrylamide. The present available epidemiol. studies of human industrial and accidental exposures have to be considered not suitable for use in the cancer risk assessment of acrylamide in food, due to several limitations. In reviewing the genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of acrylamide, the author has taken into account also the evaluations made by the IARC in 1994, the FAO/WHO in 2002 by the European Commission Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) in 2002 and by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additive (JECFA) in 2005. Bibliographic Information Development of a complete kinetic model for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over Co/Al2O3 catalysts. Visconti, Carlo Giorgio; Tronconi, Enrico; Lietti, Luca; Zennaro, Roberto; Forzatti, Pio. Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica "G.Natta", Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. DGMK Tagungsbericht (2006), 2006-4(Proceedings of the DGMK/SCI-Conference "Synthesis Gas Chemistry", 2006), 255-262. Publisher: Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle, CODEN: DGTAF7 ISSN: 1433-9013. Journal written in English. CAN 146:524499 AN 2006:1263351 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 113 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract A global kinetic model of the FTS over a Co/Al2O3 state-of-the-art catalyst is developed in a fixed bed micro-reactor under conditions relevant to industrial operation (temp., 210-235 C; pressure, 8-25 bar; H2/CO feed molar ratio, 1.82.7; gas hourly space velocity, 2000-7000 cm3(STP)/h/gcatalyst). On the basis of proposed reaction mechanisms, developed according to the carbide theory and the alkyl mechanism, the kinetic expressions for n-paraffins and olefins formation are derived. Both the calcd. CO conversion and the hydrocarbons distribution (up to N = 49) in FTS reaction are satisfactorily predicted. Bibliographic Information Nickel quantification in serum by a validated sector-field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method: assessment of tentative reference values for an Italian population. Bocca, Beatrice; Forte, Giovanni; Ronchi, Anna; Gaggeri, Raffaella; Alimonti, Alessandro; Minoia, Claudio. Department for Environmental and Primary Prevention, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2006), 20(22), 3289-3294. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., CODEN: RCMSEF ISSN: 0951-4198. Journal written in English. CAN 146:39835 AN 2006:1258396 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The daily exposure to Ni from food, industrial processes, jewellery and coins makes the detn. of Ni in human serum an important way to monitor the health status in non-occupationally exposed subjects. To this end, a method based on sector-field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was developed and validated. The limits of detection (LoD) and quantification (LoQ), sensitivity, linearity range, trueness, repeatability, within-lab. reproducibility, and robustness were the considered issues of the validation process. The uncertainty assocd. with the measurements was also calcd., according to the Eurachem/Citac Guide. The method LoD and LoQ were 0.03 and 0.09 ng/mL-1, linearity was over two order of magnitude, trueness was -3.57%, and the repeatability and reproducibility showed relative std. deviations equal to 4.56% and 6.52%, resp. The relative expanded uncertainty was 21.8% at the Ni levels found in the general population. The tentative ref. value for serum Ni was 0.466 0.160 ng/mL-1 with a related interval between 0.226 and 1.026 ng/mL-1. Bibliographic Information Cyclodextrins as food additives and in food processing. Cravotto, Giancarlo; Binello, Arianna; Baranelli, Enzo; Carraro, Paolo; Trotta, Francesco. Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco, Universita di Torino, Turin, Italy. Current Nutrition & Food Science (2006), 2(4), 343-350. Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., CODEN: CNFSCQ ISSN: 1573-4013. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 147:29698 AN 2006:1198869 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review discussing the applications of cyclodextrins (CDs) in food manuf., focusing on the tech. advantages of their use in food processing and as food additives. Their beneficial effects essentially derive from the ability to form stable inclusion complexes with sensitive lipophilic nutrients and constituents of flavor and taste. Toxicol. data are examd. and an assessment of CDs from the standpoint of safety for human consumption is made. Regulations are covered, showing a general trend towards a wider acceptance of CDs as food additives. The growing health consciousness of consumers and expanding market for functional foods and nutraceutical products are opening up to CDs a promising future in food industry. Bibliographic Information Improving the extraction of -tocopherol-enriched oil from grape seeds by supercritical CO2. Optimization of the extraction conditions. Bravi, M.; Spinoglio, F.; Verdone, N.; Adami, M.; Aliboni, A.; D'Andrea, A.; De Santis, A.; Ferri, D. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy. Journal of Food Engineering (2006), Volume Date 2007, 78(2), 488-493. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: JFOEDH ISSN: 114 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 0260-8774. Journal written in English. ACS on SciFinder (R)) CAN 146:315445 AN 2006:1158741 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 Abstract In this work milled grape seeds from Vitis Vinifera were leached with supercrit. carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) to assess the opportunity to obtain and -tocopherol-enriched oil, having many potential uses in both the pharmaceutical and food industry. The extns. were carried out at the pressure of 25 MPa without pre-soaking to better reflect the prospective operation mode in a forthcoming industrial use. The obtained results were evaluated in terms of total amt. of oil and total amt. of -tocopherol extd. from milled grape seeds as a function of particle size, extn. temp. and CO2 to seed mass ratio. The optimal extn. conditions were found to be 80 and ground seed fragment size in the range 300-425 m; under these conditions the extd. oil contains as much as 265 ppm -tocopherol. All the obtained results were compared to those of n-hexane extn.: the -tocopherol concn. in the oil extd. with SC-CO2 is higher than that obtained by n-hexane, while the overall oil yield is lower. Bibliographic Information Use of DNA-based tracers for surface identification of commercial products including foodstuff and horticultural products by PCR. Franchi, Alberto. (Avvocato Alberto Franchi, Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2006), 15pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1717321 A1 20061102 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR, BG, CZ, EE, HU, PL, SK, BA, HR, IS, YU. Patent written in English. Application: EP 2005-425272 20050429. Priority: . CAN 145:434395 AN 2006:1151013 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 1717321 Kind A1 Priority Application EP 2005-425272 Date Application No. Date 20061102 EP 2005-425272 20050429 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR, BG, CZ, EE, HU, PL, SK, BA, HR, IS, YU 20050429 Abstract The present invention relates to the use of DNA-based tracer for surface identification of com. products including foodstuff and horticultural products by PCR. The tracer comprises at least one DNA cloning vector in which one or more DNA fragments are inserted which are mutually different at least in terms of length or sequence, wherein the inserted DNA is primary DNA, each inserted fragment has a length of at least 50 base pairs and the inserts are at least two if the inserted DNA is derived entirely from the product to be identified. The tracer also comprises at least one agent that is adapted to allow application of vectors to the surface of product needed to be identified. The agent may include waxes or reins of vegetable or chem. origin and mixts. thereof typically used in the food industry, liq. and/or semiliquid substances of vegetable, animal, mineral and/or chem. origin normally used in the food sector, flours or powders of vegetable, animal, chem. or mineral origin and one or more adhesives that can be used for food. In a particular embodiment, DNA-based tracers were used for identification of apples by PCR. Bibliographic Information Effect of feed length on settleability, substrate uptake and storage in a sequencing batch reactor treating an industrial wastewater. Dionisi, D.; Majone, M.; Levantesi, C.; Bellani, A.; Fuoco, A. Department of Chemistry, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy. Environmental Technology (2006), 27(8), 901-908. Publisher: Selper Ltd., Publications Division, CODEN: ENVTEV ISSN: 0959-3330. Journal written in English. CAN 115 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 146:31872 AN 2006:1136642 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Performance of 2 sequencing batch reactors (SBR) treating the same industrial wastewater (contg. formic acid, ethylene glycol, methanol) operated at 2 different feed lengths were compared. The 2 SBR were operated in parallel under the same org. load (0.85 g COD/L-day) and sludge age (.apprx.10 days) conditions; the only difference was length of the feed: <1 min vs. 5 h. Thus, conditions in a plug-flow reactor and a completely-mixed reactor were simulated. These 2 systems were compared on sludge settleability (related to filaments abundance and floc morphol.), substrate uptake rate, and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) storage rate. The main difference between the 2 systems was sludge settling properties: sludge vol. index and effluent solids were higher in the slow feed system. Regarding filamentous microorganisms, even though both reactors were inoculated with the same sludge with high filament concns., the filaments were rapidly washed-out of both systems. Microscope observations showed the reason for different sludge settling properties was floc structure, which was more compact in fast feed system. These data supported the theory of the role of diffusion inside flocs to det. sludge settling properties. Max. substrate uptake and PHA storage rates were similar in the 2 systems, showing that microorganisms grown at a const., low substrate concn. were able to quickly increase their activity and store PHA in the presence of a sudden change in substrate concn. Bibliographic Information Immunolocalization of -glucosidase immobilized within polysulphone capillary membrane and evaluation of its activity in situ. Mazzuca, S.; Giorno, L.; Spadafora, A.; Mazzei, R.; Drioli, E. Department of Ecology, University of Calabria, Rende, CS, Italy. Journal of Membrane Science (2006), 285(1+2), 152-158. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: JMESDO ISSN: 0376-7388. Journal written in English. CAN 146:77036 AN 2006:1104670 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A new combined method is reported to localize the sites of enzyme immobilization and to det. its catalytic activity on a polymeric capillary membrane reactor. The useful new method resulted from the merging of the classic in situ enzyme activity assay and western blot technique whose both results are easily detectable either at low than at high magnification in light microscopy. -Glucosidase from olive fruit was selected as enzyme model because of its suitable relevance in the industrial processing of foods, in biotechnol. and in pharmaceuticals and for its activity against the synthetic substrate 5-brome-4-chloro-3-indolyl- -D-glucopyranosyde which develops an insol. dyed product. The enzyme was phys. immobilized within 30 kDa cut-off capillary polysulfone membranes and results obtained by means of a polyclonal antibody against -glucosidase and the synthetic substrate clearly showed a coherent localization of the immobilization enzyme sites and its activity. Bibliographic Information General evidence supporting the hypothesis that Saccharomyces cerevisiae vaginal isolates originate from food industrial environments. Siccardi, Daniela; Rellini, Paolo; Corte, Laura; Bistoni, Francesco; Fatichenti, Fabrizio; Cardinali, Gianluigi. Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale e Biotecnologie Agroambientali e Zootecniche, Sezione Microbiologia Agroalimentare e Ambientale, Universita degli Studi di Perugia, Italy. New Microbiologica (2006), 29(3), 201-206. Publisher: Edizioni Internazionali srl, Div. EDIMES, CODEN: NMEIB2 ISSN: 1121-7138. Journal written in English. CAN 146:248869 AN 2006:1102803 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from pregnant women were identified and characterized by mol. techniques which disclosed a wide chromosomal variability and possible segregations due to sporulation. The morphol. anal. showed that very few strains were able to sporulate and generate pseudohyphae, whereas none produced proteases, raising some doubts on the importance of these characters in strain pathogenicity. The anal. of ethanol prodn. revealed that these strains are quite similar to those found in fermentative plants, suggesting a possible derivation from the food industrial environment. Since the absence of relevant amts. of sugar does not confer selective advantage to strong 116 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 fermentative metabs., these findings suggest that a metabolic adaptation to the vaginal environment did not occur yet. Bibliographic Information Mass spectrometry in grape and wine chemistry. Part II: the consumer protection. Flamini, Riccardo; Panighel, Annarita. Istituto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura, CRA, Conegliano, Italy. Mass Spectrometry Reviews (2006), 25(5), 741-774. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., CODEN: MSRVD3 ISSN: 0277-7037. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 146:227877 AN 2006:975664 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Controls in food industry are fundamental to protect the consumer health. For products of high quality, warranty of origin and identity is required and anal. control is very important to prevent frauds. In this article, the "state of art" of mass spectrometry in enol. chem. as a consumer safety contribution is reported. Gas chromatog.-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and liq.-chromatog.-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) methods have been developed to det. pesticides, Et carbamate, and compds. from the yeast and bacterial metab. in wine. The presence of pesticides in wine is mainly linked to the use of dicarboxyimide fungicides on vineyard shortly before the harvest to prevent the Botrytis cinerea attack of grape. Pesticide residues are regulated at max. residue limits in grape of low ppm levels, but significantly lower levels in wine have to be detected, and mass spectrometry offers effective and sensitive methods. Moreover, mass spectrometry represent an advantageous alternative to the radioactive-source-contg. electron capture detector commonly used in GC anal. of pesticides. Anal. of ochratoxin A (OTA) in wine by LC/MS and multiple mass spectrometry (MS/MS) permits to confirm the toxin presence without the use of expensive immunoaffinity columns, or time and solvent consuming sample derivatization procedures. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) is used to control heavy metals contamination in wine, and to verify the wine origin and authenticity. Isotopic ratio-mass spectrometry (IRMS) is applied to reveal wine watering and sugar addns., and to det. the product origin and traceability. Bibliographic Information Effects of three AM fungi on growth, distribution of glandular hairs, and essential oil production in Ocimum basilicum L. var. Genovese. Copetta, Andrea; Lingua, Guido; Berta, Graziella. Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Ambiente e della Vita, Universita del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro", Alessandria, Italy. Mycorrhiza (2006), 16(7), 485-494. Publisher: Springer, CODEN: MCOREZ ISSN: 0940-6360. Journal written in English. CAN 147:67727 AN 2006:927458 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The essential oils of basil are widely used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, food, and flavoring industries. Little is known about the potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi to affect their prodn. in this arom. plant. The effects of colonization by three AM fungi, Glomus mosseae BEG 12, Gigaspora margarita BEG 34, and Gigaspora rosea BEG 9 on shoot and root biomass, abundance of glandular hairs, and essential oil yield of Ocimum basilicum L. var. Genovese were studied. Plant P content was analyzed in the various treatments and no differences were obsd. The AM fungi induced various modifications in the considered parameters, but only Gi. rosea significantly affected all of them in comparison to control plants or the other fungal treatments. It significantly increased biomass, root branching and length, and the total amt. of essential oil (esp. -terpineol). Increased oil yield was assocd. to a significantly larger no. of peltate glandular trichomes (main sites of essential oil synthesis) in the basal and central leaf zones. Furthermore, Gi. margarita and Gi. rosea increased the percentage of eugenol and reduced linalool yield. Results showed that different fungi can induce different effects in the same plant and that the essential oil yield can be modulated according to the colonizing AM fungus. Bibliographic Information Water, solute, and segmental dynamics in polysaccharide hydrogels. Cavalieri, Francesca; Chiessi, Ester; Finelli, Ivana; Natali, Francesca; Paradossi, Gaio; Telling, Mark F. Dipartimento di Chimica, University of Rome Tor 117 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Vergata, Rome, Italy. Macromolecular Bioscience (2006), 6(8), 579-589. Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, CODEN: MBAIBU ISSN: 1616-5187. Journal written in English. CAN 146:258532 AN 2006:881288 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Polysaccharide hydrogels have found several applications in the food industry, in biomedicine, and cosmetics. The study of polysaccharide hydrogels offers a challenging scenario of intrinsic heterogeneities in the crosslinking d. and large time and space ranges that characterize a no. of dynamic processes entailing segmental motions, water diffusion, and small-mol. diffusion. The understanding of such complex features is essential because of the extensive use of polysaccharidic moieties in the food industry, biomedical devices, and cosmetics. The study of phenomena occurring at the nanoscale to the mesoscale requires the combination of investigative tools to probe different time and distance scales and the structural characterization of the networks by established methodologies such as swelling and elastic modulus measurements. Elastic and quasielastic neutron scattering, and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching are emerging methodologies in this field. In this feature article the authors focus, somewhat arbitrarily, on these new approaches because other techniques, such as low-resoln. proton NMR relaxometry and rheol., were already described thoroughly in the literature. Case examples of polysaccharide hydrogels studied by neutron scattering and fluorescence recovery are presented here as contributions to the comprehension of the dynamic behavior of phys. and chem. hydrogels based on polysaccharides. Bibliographic Information Expression of Penicillium variabile P16 glucose oxidase gene in Pichia pastoris and characterization of the recombinant enzyme. Crognale, Silvia; Pulci, Valentina; Brozzoli, Viviana; Petruccioli, Maurizio; Federici, Federico. Dipartimento di Agrobiologia e Agrochimica, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. Enzyme and Microbial Technology (2006), 39(6), 1230-1235. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: EMTED2 ISSN: 0141-0229. Journal written in English. CAN 146:99205 AN 2006:879830 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Glucose oxidase (GOX) is a glycoprotein that finds wide application in food industry and clin. anal. The gene encoding the GOX from Penicillium variabile P16 was expressed in Pichia pastoris X 33 using the methanol inducible AOX1 promoter. Among 11 transformants resistant toward high zeocin concns., six Mut+ strains were screened in shaken flasks and the strain X33 c9, producing 0.33 U ml-1 of heterologous GOX after 11 days of fermn., was selected. Recombinant GOX (ca. 50 U ml-1) was produced in a 3-l fermenter under not optimized conditions, recovered and purified in order to characterize and to compare it with the native one. The GOX from P. pastoris had a mol. wt. of 82 kDa. Comparison of carbohydrate moieties showed a slight over-glycosylation of the GOX from Pichia over the native enzyme (17 and 14%, resp.). pH behavior of the recombinant enzyme, in terms of both activity and stability, was similar to that of the native one; on the other hand, a certain difference was obsd. in optimal temp. for activity and in thermal stability. P. pastoris appears to be a good expression system for GOX prodn. Bibliographic Information Comparative evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of smoke flavouring phenols by crocin bleaching inhibition, DPPH radical scavenging and oxidation potential. Bortolomeazzi, Renzo; Sebastianutto, Nerina; Toniolo, Rosanna; Pizzariello, Andrea. Department of Food Science, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. Food Chemistry (2006), Volume Date 2007, 100(4), 1481-1489. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: FOCHDJ ISSN: 0308-8146. Journal written in English. CAN 145:437483 AN 2006:803169 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The antioxidant capacity of the main phenolic compds. present in wood smoke and smoke flavourings used in the food industry was investigated by three methods, based on a kinetic and thermodn. approach: The bleaching of the carotenoid 118 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 crocin, the scavenging of the DPPH radical, and the detn. of the oxidn. potential. The reaction with the DPPH radical was evaluated calcg. the effective concn. (EC50) and the antiradical efficiency (AE). The compds. tested were 2methoxyphenols (guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, 4-ethylguaiacol, 4-vinylguaiacol, 4-propylguaiacol, eugenol, isoeugenol, vanillin, acetovanillone, 2-propiovanillone), 2,6-dimethoxyphenols (syringol, 4-methylsyringol, 4-allylsyringol, syringaldehyde, acetosyringone) and dihydroxybenzenes (catechol, 3-methylcatechol, 4-methylcatechol, 3methoxycatecho,l and hydroquinone). The trend in antioxidant capacity was similar in all the three methods, with dihydroxybenzenes > 2,6-dimethoxyphenols > 2-methoxyphenols, although some discrepancies in the ranking within the groups were present. Considering the overall ranking, isoeugenol was amongst the most active compd., like dihydroxybenzenes, evidencing the role of a conjugated double bond at para position for the stabilization of the phenoxyl radical in the radical scavenging process. Bibliographic Information Development of synthetic wastewater from the tomato industry for membrane processing purposes. Iaquinta, Marie; Stoller, Marco; Merli, Carlo. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy. Desalination (2006), 200(1-3), 739-741. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: DSLNAH ISSN: 00119164. Journal written in English. CAN 145:443023 AN 2006:802670 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The wastewater produced by the tomato industries deteriorates quickly. This issue does not permit to study this kind of soln. for long periods, hence the requirement of a prodn. of equiv. synthetic wastewater. All the considered parameters of the synthetic soln. created in this work were in line with the real ones, including the chem. properties and the fouling behavior. Bibliographic Information Exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls in residents near a chemical factory in Italy: The food chain as main source of contamination. Donato, Francesco; Magoni, Michele; Bergonzi, Roberto; Scarcella, Carmelo; Indelicato, Anna; Carasi, Sergio; Apostoli, Pietro. Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health, Facolta di Medicina e Chirurgia, Universita di Brescia, Brescia, Italy. Chemosphere (2006), 64(9), 1562-1572. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: CMSHAF ISSN: 0045-6535. Journal written in English. CAN 145:286303 AN 2006:738729 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract High levels of PCBs were recently found in soil, food, and some farmers living close to a chem. factory which until the 1980s had produced polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Brescia, North Italy. The authors performed a survey on a random sample of subjects aged 20-79 years living in various areas of the town with different levels of soil pollution to investigate factors assocd. with increased levels of PCB in serum (24 congeners were tested). Total PCB values were closely related to age (Spearman r = 0.68; p < 0.0001). The 166 consumers of locally produced food had higher PCB levels than non-consumers (median = 1143 vs. 719; 95th centile = 9301 vs. 2635 ng/g lipid) with the highest levels among consumers of food produced in the most contaminated area close to the factory (median = 2551; 95th centile = 33 464 ng/g lipid). A dose-effect relation between consumption of food produced in this area and PCB blood levels was obsd. (Spearman r = 0.52, p = 0.0014). Consumers of only plant food produced in this area had higher levels of PCB than non-consumers (median = 1100; 95th centile = 10,800 ng/g lipid). Three subjects who had worked at the factory in the past showed high PCB levels. Distribution of PCB congeners did not differ between consumers of locally produced food and non-consumers, apart from PCB 209 which was found at high levels in former factory workers and was more common among consumers of food produced in the polluted area. Thus, the authors found high serum PCB levels in humans living in a highly polluted area in an industrialized town in Italy, due mainly to the consumption of food produced in polluted areas. Bibliographic Information 119 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Traceability of organic compounds. Part 1: Chemical methods. Brenna, Elisabetta; Fronza, Giovanni; Fuganti, Claudio. Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali ed Ingegneria Chimica, Politecnico di Milano, CNR - Istituto di Chimica del Riconoscimento Molecolare, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (2006), 88(5), 58-62. Publisher: Promedia Publishing, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 145:118413 AN 2006:735800 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. In the field of food and drug industry and forensic science, traceability is an essential tool to ensure the use of safe products and to fight counterfeiting and illicit business. In this work, the main chem. methods to establish the synthetic origin of food and drugs are reviewed. Bibliographic Information Water safety plans and their role in preventing and managing contamination of the water supply. Aertgeerts, R. WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Rome, Italy. Editor(s): Thompson, K. Clive; Gray, John. Water Contamination Emergencies (2006), 53-61. Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK CODEN: 69IFHV Conference written in English. CAN 145:459711 AN 2006:590905 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The historic basis of risk assessment and risk management is discussed in the framework of the hazard anal. and crit. control point approach in the food industry, leading to the formulation of water safety plans (WSP) in the drinkingwater service. The role of such WSPs in the protection of public health in case of malevolent introduction of contaminants in the water system is also discussed. Bibliographic Information Cleaning and sanitizing device for food manufacture premises and equipments. Amalberto, Andrea. (Aeraque Impianti Tecnologici S.r.l., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2006), 11 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2006061705 A1 20060615 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IS, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2005-IB3715 20051205. Priority: IT 2004-551 20041206. CAN 145:26950 AN 2006:558948 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2006061705 Kind A1 Date Application No. Date 20060615 WO 2005-IB3715 20051205 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG, BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, 120 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 MD, RU, TJ, TM Priority Application IT 2004-MI551U U 20041206 Abstract A device for cleaning and sanitizing premises and equipment for food prodn. comprises: means for the generation of ozone, means for mixing ozone with water, means for feeding pressurized water into said means for mixing, means of dispersion for delivering pressurized ionized water, and means for opening and closing the connection of the means for the generation of ozone with the means for mixing. The means for feeding water are adapted to supply high-pressure water, the means for mixing are shaped so as to mix high-pressure water with ozone, and between the means for mixing and the means of dispersion a conduit is provided, shaped so as to improve the absorption of ozone into the highpressure water. The ozone content is preferably 1-2 ppm and the water pressure is 60-70 bar. Bibliographic Information The effect of high pressure and temperature on the macroscopic, microscopic, structural, and molecular properties of tapioca starch gels. Vittadini, Elena; Carini, Eleonora; Barbanti, Davide. Dipartimento di Chimica Ingegneria Industriale, Universita degli Studi di Parma, Parma, Italy. Editor(s): Buera, Maria del Pilar. Water Properties of Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biological Materials, [Papers presented at the International Symposium on the Properties of Water in Foods (ISOPOW, 2004)], 9th, Mar del Plata, Argentina, Sept. 25-30, 2004 (2006), Meeting Date 2004, 471-482. Publisher: CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Fla CODEN: 69IEQ3 Conference; General Review written in English. CAN 145:417249 AN 2006:556001 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. High pressure processing (HPP) is becoming a popular tool in food industry not only to reduce microbial load but also to induce phys. changes in the constituents of food products. HPP was show to induce the formation of tapioca starch gels with different physico-chem. properties from temp.-induced gels. These differences might result in a different performance in starch-contg. food products. Bibliographic Information Effect of Industrial Processing on the Distribution of Aflatoxins and Zearalenone in Corn-Milling Fractions. Brera, Carlo; Catano, Carla; de Santis, Barbara; Debegnach, Francesca; de Giacomo, Marzia; Pannunzi, Elena; Miraglia, Marina. GMO and Mycotoxins Unit, National Centre for Food Quality and Risk Assessment, Italian National Institute of Health (ISS), Rome, Italy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2006), 54(14), 50145019. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: JAFCAU ISSN: 0021-8561. Journal written in English. CAN 145:6918 AN 2006:550285 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of aflatoxins and zearalenone levels in various corn-milling fractions. Corn kernels and 6 derived milling fractions (germ, bran, large and small grits, flour, and animal feed flour) were sampled in an industrial plant; both conventional and org. corns were sampled. To evaluate the effect of cooking, samples of polenta were prepd. starting from naturally contaminated flour. Conventional and org. lots showed mycotoxin contamination. For both lots, germ, bran, and animal feed flour showed a marked concn. factor from 239 to 911% accounting for both the low yields of the derived products and the distribution of aflatoxins and zearalenone contamination in the outer parts of the kernels. Conversely, a redn. factor of at least 4 times from raw material to finished products was obsd. Polenta samples were unaffected by the cooking process, with levels of contamination similar to those of starting flour. Bibliographic Information 121 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Biodegradation of the fungicide iprodione by Zygosaccharomyces rouxii strain DBVPG 6399. Zadra, Claudia; Cardinali, Gianluigi; Corte, Laura; Fatichenti, Fabrizio; Marucchini, Cesare. Department of Plant Biology and Agroenvironmental and Animal Biotechnology, Section of Applied Microbiology, and Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science, Section of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2006), 54(13), 4734-4739. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: JAFCAU ISSN: 0021-8561. Journal written in English. CAN 145:183919 AN 2006:523219 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Iprodione is a contact fungicide used to control several pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea, Monilia, and Sclerotinia. This paper reports the ability of an iprodione-resistant strain of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii to degrade iprodione at a concn. of 1 mg L-1. The yeast Z. rouxii was chosen also for its ability to grow at high osmolarity. Also of note is that in bioremediation situations and in the food industry such resistance could be important. The kinetic and metabolic behaviors of the fungicide in the media are described. The results show a new transformation pathway of iprodione by the yeast leading to the formation of N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-2,4-dioxoimidazoline,3-isopropylhydantoin, and 3,5dichloroaniline. These compds. were identified by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and GC-MS analyses. This study provides a basis to employ yeast strains in biodegrdn. studies in relation to their ability in the disappearance and degrdn. of xenobiotics into simpler mols. Bibliographic Information Assessment of agronomic, chemical and genetic variability in common basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). De Masi, Luigi; Siviero, Pietro; Esposito, Castrese; Castaldo, Domenico; Siano, Francesco; Laratta, Bruna. Laboratorio Tecnologie Biochimiche e Microbiologiche, Stazione Sperimentale per le Industrie delle Essenze e dei Derivati dagli Agrumi (SSEA), Reggio Calabria, Italy. European Food Research and Technology (2006), 223(2), 273-281. Publisher: Springer GmbH, CODEN: EFRTFO ISSN: 1438-2377. Journal written in English. CAN 145:99666 AN 2006:464286 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In the present work, agro-morphol. characteristics, essential oil compn. and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were studied to est. the relationships among 12 basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) genotypes, belonging to nine known cultivars grown in Italy. The basil cultivars were distinguished on the basis of agro-morphol. detns. and constituents of essential oil. Chem. compds. of essential oils were found variable in the various basil cultivars. As a consequence, the plants were classified into main phenotypes and chemotypes. RAPD markers were used in order to assess the genetic relatedness among the basil cultivars. On the basis of their genetic similarities, RAPD anal. allowed to group the samples into two main clusters. One of these included cultivars suitable for food industry, which were also correlated via agro-morphol. features. However, the same cultivars produced distinct essential oil profiles, which did not match with results obtained by agronomic and genetic anal. This fact, maybe, is due to a different genic expression of the key enzymes involved in biosynthetic pathways that produce chem. compds. Bibliographic Information Environmental stress response in wine lactic acid bacteria: Beyond Bacillus subtilis. Spano, G.; Massa, S. Department of Food Science, Foggia University, Foggia, Italy. Critical Reviews in Microbiology (2006), 32(2), 77-86. Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Inc., CODEN: CRVMAC ISSN: 1040-841X. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 145:395667 AN 2006:445586 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) constitute a heterogeneous group of bacteria that are traditionally used to produce fermented foods. The industrialization of food transformations has increased the economical importance of LAB, as they play a crucial role in the development of the organoleptic and hygienic quality of fermented products. However, 122 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 the strains selected for industrial purposes, should tolerate adverse conditions encountered in industrial processes, either during starter handling and storage (freeze-drying, freezing, or spray-drying) or during food processing in which abiotic stresses such as heat, cold, acidity, and high concn. of NaCl or ethanol are common. Wine LAB have to deal with several stresses including an acidic pH, a high alc. content, non optimal growth temps., and growth-inhibitory compds. such as fatty acids and tannins, originated from yeast and bacteria metab. Wine LAB have developed several mechanisms to escape or to tolerate wine conditions. They carry out a malolactic fermn. in this stressful environment. In addn. to the regulation of the expression of specific genes, bacteria have evolved adaptive networks to face the challenges of a changing environment and to survive under conditions of stress. The so called Global Regulatory Systems control the simultaneous expression of a large no. of genes in response to a variety of environmental stress factors. CIRCE sequences able to bind the HrcA repressor, B dependent promoters and CtsR regulatory elements have been obsd. in several genes identified from wine LAB. Improved knowledge of regulators and a better understanding of LAB stress responses could constitute a basis of comparison with the well known model microorganisms, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. Moreover, it can provide an important insight into improving current industrial starter strains. Bibliographic Information Flavonoid Glycosides in Bergamot Juice (Citrus bergamia Risso). Gattuso, Giuseppe; Caristi, Corrado; Gargiulli, Claudia; Bellocco, Ersilia; Toscano, Giovanni; Leuzzi, Ugo. Universita di Messina, S. Agata di Messina, Italy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2006), 54(11), 3929-3935. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: JAFCAU ISSN: 0021-8561. Journal written in English. CAN 145:82303 AN 2006:429532 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A comprehensive profile of flavonoids in bergamot juice was obtained by a single DAD-ESI-LC-MS-MS course. Eight flavonoids were found for the 1st time, 5 of these are C-glucosides (lucenin-2, stellarin-2, isovitexin, scoparin, and orientin 4'-Me ether), and 3 are O-glycosides (rhoifolin 4'-O-glucoside, chrysoeriol 7-O-neohesperidoside-4'-Oglucoside, and chrysoeriol 7-O-neohesperidoside). A method is proposed to differentiate chrysoeriol and diosmetin derivs., which are often indistinguishable by LC-MS-MS. In-depth knowledge of the flavonoid content is the starting point for bergamot juice exploitation in food industry applications. Bibliographic Information Cogeneration from poultry industry wastes: indirectly fired gas turbine application. Bianchi, M.; Cherubini, F.; De Pascale, A.; Peretto, A.; Elmegaard, B. DIEM, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Energy (Oxford, United Kingdom) (2006), 31(10-11), 1417-1436. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: ENEYDS ISSN: 0360-5442. Journal written in English. CAN 146:166150 AN 2006:428170 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The availability of wet biomass as waste from a lot of industrial processes, from agriculture and farms and the need to meet the environmental stds. force to investigate all options in order to dispose this waste. The possible treatments usually strongly depend on biomass characteristics, namely water content, d., org. content, heating value, etc. In particular, some of these wastes can be burnt in special plants, using them as energy supply for different processes. The study carried out with this paper is concerned with the promising utilization of the org. wastes from an existing poultry industry as fuel. Different plant configurations have been considered in order to make use of the oil and of the meat and bone meal, which are the byproducts of the chicken cooking process. In particular, the process plant can be integrated with an energy supply plant, which can consist of an indirectly fired gas turbine. Moreover, a steam turbine plant or a simplified system for the supply of the only technol. steam are investigated and compared. Thermodn. and economic anal. have been carried out for the examd. configurations in order to outline the basic differences in terms of energy savings/prodn. and of return of the investments. Bibliographic Information 123 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Laccases: Blue enzymes for green chemistry. Riva, Sergio. Istituto di Chimica del Riconoscimento Molecolare, C.N.R., Milan, Italy. Trends in Biotechnology (2006), 24(5), 219-226. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: TRBIDM ISSN: 0167-7799. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 145:182734 AN 2006:403195 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Laccases are oxidoreductases belonging to the multinuclear Cu-contg. oxidases; they catalyze the monoelectronic oxidn. of substrates at the expense of O2. Interest in these essentially 'eco-friendly' enzymes, which work with air and produce water as the only byproduct, has grown significantly in recent years: their uses span from the textile to the pulp and paper industries, and from food applications to bioremediation processes. Laccases also have uses in org. synthesis, where their typical substrates are phenols and amines, and the reaction products are dimers and oligomers derived from the coupling of reactive radical intermediates. Here, the authors provide a brief discussion of this interesting group of enzymes, increased knowledge of which will promote laccase-based industrial processes in the future. Bibliographic Information Bergamot essential oil extraction by pervaporation. Figoli, A.; Donato, L.; Carnevale, R.; Tundis, R.; Statti, G. A.; Menichini, F.; Drioli, E. Institute of Membrane Technology, Rende (Cs), Italy. Desalination (2006), 193(1-3), 160-165. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: DSLNAH ISSN: 0011-9164. Journal written in English. CAN 145:126614 AN 2006:401496 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Bergamot peel oil is the most valuable essential oil due to its unique fragrance and freshness. The essence finds application in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. However, strong limitations have been imposed on its use since bergamot oil contains several coumarins and psoralens which may be photoactive. Qual. and quant. analyses with GC-MS were carried out to evaluate the aroma flavor bouquet of the bergamot essential oil obtained by pervaporation (PV). In all PV expts., made at different ethanol feed concn. and temp., the bergapten was not detected in the permeate while the aroma components, present in the feed, permeate through the com. Pervap 1070 membrane. Bergapten is a photoactive component of bergamot essential oil which, in combination with UV radiation, promotes melanogenesis and causes thickening of the stratum corneum. Therefore, PV is a valid alternative for the high quality of essential oil produced without bergapten to the traditional techniques employed in which the bergapten can be removed after an extra-chem. treatment. Bibliographic Information Container for the facilitated slicing of food products. Brazzale, Tiziano. (Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2006), CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2006032473 A1 20060330 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IS, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2005-EP10190 20050920. Priority: IT 2004-221 20040921. AN 2006:301698 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2006032473 Kind A1 Date Application No. Date 20060330 WO 2005-EP10190 20050920 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, 124 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 EP 1802200 A1 Priority Application IT 2004-VI221 WO 2005-EP10190 A W GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG, BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM 20070704 EP 2005-787613 20050920 R: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, BA, HR 20040921 20050920 Abstract A container (10), which can be used in particular for the facilitated slicing of preformed food products (21), comprises at least an outer shell, suitably shaped for the insertion of the preformed food product (21), and at least a buffer device (18), inserted inside the shell, which acts as a support (20) for the bottom of the preformed food product (21) to be sliced and which can be progressively moved in relation to a progressive reduction of the product (21), the container (10) can be used, in particular, for the slicing of food products, such as raw ham, which are processed on an industrial scale, in order to obtain a predefined form (usually parallelepiped) and thus allowing the regularity of the slice from the beginning to the end of the product (21). Bibliographic Information Influence of two process variables on oxidative stability of extra-virgin olive oil obtained by different extraction technologies. Cerretani, Lorenzo; Bendini, Alessandra; Toschi, Tullia Gallina; Lercker, Giovanni; Rotondi, Annalisa. Dip. Scienze degli Alimenti, Universita di Bologna, Cesena, Italy. Industrie Alimentari (Pinerolo, Italy) (2006), 45(455), 133-140. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INALBB ISSN: 0019-901X. Journal written in Italian. CAN 145:26793 AN 2006:299412 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The performance of 2 extn. systems most commonly used in Italy for extra-virgin olive oil prodn. was compared. The olive oil was obtained from Peranzana olive lots quarantined because of heavy infestation with the olive fly (Bactrocera oleae). Traditional discontinuous and industrial continuous processes were used. The effects of olive crushing time (15 or 30 min) in the traditional method and the oil emulsion breaking temp. (25 and 35 C) in the industrial method were evaluated. The main olive oil quality parameters (free acidity, peroxide no., UV spectrophotometric indexes, sensory properties), qual. and quant. compn. of the phenolic fractions (total, o-diphenols) detd. by spectrophotometry and HPLC-DAD/MSD, phenols antiradical power detd. by the DPPH assay, and resistance to forced oxidn. index (Oxidative Stability Instrument, OSI time) were compared. The data showed that the use of the 2 technol. processes can affect the commodity marketing and sensory quality of olive oils made from diseased olives. Bibliographic Information Exopolysaccharides production in Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus casei exploiting microfiltration. Schiraldi, C.; Valli, V.; Molinaro, A.; Carteni, M.; Rosa, M. Department of Experimental Medicine, Section of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2006), 33(5), 384-390. Publisher: Springer, CODEN: JIMBFL ISSN: 1367-5435. 125 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Journal written in English. SciFinder (R)) CAN 144:449407 AN 2006:271713 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on Abstract The physiol. of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus casei, extensively used in the dairy industry, was studied in order to evaluate key parameters in the synthesis of exopolysaccharides and to improve their prodn. through novel fermn. processes. Selected strains were studied in shake flasks and in fermentor expts. using glucose and lactose as main carbon sources and bacto casitone as the only complex component, in a temp. range between 35 and 42 C. The prodn. of exopolysaccharides was monitored and correlated to the growth conditions using both a colorimetric assay and chromatog. methods. Fermentor expts. in batch mode yielded 100 mg l-1 of EPS from L. bulgaricus and 350 mg l-1 from L. casei. Moreover, the use of a microfiltration (MF) bioreactor resulted in exopolysaccharides (EPS) concns. threefold and sixfold those of batch expts., resp. The monosaccharidic compn. of the two analyzed polymers differed from those previously reported. The optimization of the prodn. of EPSs using the MF fermn. strategy could permit the use of these mols. produced by generally recognized as safe (GRAS) microorganisms in the place of other polysaccharides in the food industry. Bibliographic Information Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of agricultural and food processing wastes and byproducts. Perretti, Giuseppe. Department of Economic and Food Science, Section of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. ACS Symposium Series (2006), 926(Modern Extraction Techniques), 23-35. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: ACSMC8 ISSN: 0097-6156. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 144:211277 AN 2006:163371 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The agricultural processing industry generates a large variety of byproducts and wastes ranging from manure to packing residuals. Researchers are working to develop new technologies and new uses for these materials in order to reduce environmental costs of the agricultural processing industry. New processes are developed to recover components producing value added products, such as novel foods, food ingredients, bioactive mols. for cosmetic or pharmaceutical industry. Supercrit. carbon dioxide was tested for the extn. of lipids and lipophilic components, where this technol. has advantages over conventional solvents. For example, high extn. rates are achieved at lower temps., preserving many of the thermolabile extd. components. In this chapter, the compn. of byproducts and wastes, and extn. of useful components is discussed. Bibliographic Information Antioxidant capacity of dry vegetal extracts checked by voltammetric method. Campanella, Luigi; Martini, Elisabetta; Rita, Guido; Tomassetti, Mauro. Department of Chemistry, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Rome, Italy. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (2006), 4(1), 135-144. Publisher: World Food RD Ltd., CODEN: JFAEAC ISSN: 1459-0255. Journal written in English. CAN 145:291581 AN 2006:150866 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In the present research some of the vegetal matrixes that are more common and more frequently described in the literature for their high antioxidant activity, such as green tea, black tea, rosemary and coffee, were selected and analyzed to test the total antioxidant capacity of resp. dry exts. In addn. to these products, which are well known and extensively investigated, it was deemed of interest to test acerola and acai, i.e. "new" food products from the Brazilian Amazon forest, which have only recently become the focus of interest for food and drug industries. Also analyzed were two herb teas consisting of a mixt. of natural antioxidants called "Herb Tea" and "Quality Tea". Methanol, acetone and aq. dry exts. were prepd. from each of these vegetal matrixes, using for extn. solvents considered to be complementary in processes for the extn. of antioxidant substances present in the vegetal matrixes. For the three exts. obtained from each matrix the antioxidant capacity was detd. using a new electrochem. method based on the measurement of the 126 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 anodic area of a cyclic voltammogram. Bibliographic Information Sol-gel coating of stainless steel with titanium dioxide-containing phosphate glassy films with good adhesion. Costa, Fulvio; Gini, Lucia; Giardino, Vincenzo; Costa, Lorenzo. (Novara Technology S.r.l., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2006), 21 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2006002648 A1 20060112 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2004-EP6869 20040625. Priority: . CAN 144:112560 AN 2006:29418 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2006002648 Kind A1 EP 1761470 A1 JP 2008503429 US 20070141359 KR 2007032711 T A1 A Priority Application WO 2004-EP6869 W Date Application No. Date 20060112 WO 2004-EP6869 20040625 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR 20070314 EP 2004-763024 20040625 R: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LI, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR 20080207 JP 2007-516979 20040625 20070621 US 2006-629774 20061215 20070322 KR 2006-727030 20061222 20040625 Abstract The present invention relates to glassy inorg. films, characterized by a high chem. stability and a high adhesion, contg., among the others, titanium dioxide, employable to coat metal surfaces characterized by the presence of oxides, particularly stainless steel sheets. The coated structures obtained thereby, which are the second object of the present invention, are used to build many articles such as pipes, reactors, exchangers, containers, and so on. With ref. to the peculiar case of stainless steel structures coated by the above film, these ones can be used in the food industry since that film coated article shows specific and very high photobactericide properties. Bibliographic Information Biosensor for food quality assessment. Del Carlo, Michele; Nistor, Mihaela; Campagnone, Dario; Mattiasson, Bo; Csoregi, Elisabeth. Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti Universita di Teramo, Teramo, Italy. Food Science and Technology (Boca Raton, FL, United States) (2006), 148(Food Biotechnology (2nd Edition)), 1567-1604. Publisher: CRC Press LLC, CODEN: FSTEEM ISSN: 0891-8961. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 144:310744 AN 2005:1205938 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 127 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 A review on the development and application areas of biosensors in the food industry, their current status, and future possibilities. Bibliographic Information Standardization or tailorization of veterinary vaccines: a conscious endeavour against infectious disease of animals. Tollis Maria Dipartimento di Sanita Alimentare ed Animale, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy. [email protected] Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanita (2006), 42(4), 446-9. Journal code: 7502520. ISSN:0021-2571. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 17361069 AN 2007235216 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Protecting animals from infection is a major obligation of every veterinarian's work in order to preserve animal welfare while assuring human health. Highly infectious animal diseases can reduce the performances of food producing animals and may have a great economical impact on many industries. Some animal diseases can be transmitted to humans, and control of these types of diseases, is beneficial to public health. In the wild, animal populations reduced by disease can dramatically affect the ecological balance of an area. Vaccination is one part of an effective health program as it helps to prevent disease and, in most cases, is more cost-effective than treating sick animals. Veterinarians have succeeded in greatly reducing the incidence of important diseases by taking advantage from improved technologies in vaccines production and by planning vaccination schedules based on the different characteristics of available products. Today, veterinarians can recommend and plan to use vaccines designed for a specific herd or flock or class of animals and even for individual treatments. Bibliographic Information Regional and international approaches on prevention and control of animal transboundary and emerging diseases. Domenech J; Lubroth J; Eddi C; Martin V; Roger F FAO, Rome, Italy. [email protected] Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2006), 1081 90-107. Journal code: 7506858. ISSN:0077-8923. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 17135498 AN 2007183739 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Transboundary animal diseases pose a serious risk to the world animal agriculture and food security and jeopardize international trade. The world has been facing devastating economic losses from major outbreaks of transboundary animal diseases (TADs) such as foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, rinderpest, peste des petits ruminants (PPR), and Rift Valley fever. Lately the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) due to H5N1 virus, has become an international crisis as all regions around the world can be considered at risk. In the past decades, public health authorities within industrialized countries have been faced with an increasing number of food safety issues. The situation is equally serious in developing countries. The globalization of food (and feed) trade, facilitated by the liberalization of world trade, while offering many benefits and opportunities, also represents new risks. The GF-TADs Global Secretariat has carried out several regional consultations for the identification of priority diseases and best ways for their administration, prevention and control. In the questionnaires carried out and through the consultative process, it was noted that globally, FMD was ranked as the first and foremost priority. Rift Valley fever, and today highly pathogenic avian influenza, are defined as major animal diseases which also affect human health. PPR and CBPP, a disease which is particularly serious in Africa and finally, African swine fever (ASF) and classical swine fever (CSF) are also regionally recognised as top priorities on which the Framework is determined to work. The FAO philosophy-shared by the OIE--embraces the need to prevent and control TADs and emerging diseases at their source, which is most of the time in developing countries. Regional and international approaches have to be followed, and the FAO and OIE GF-TADs initiative provides the appropriate concepts and objectives as well as an organizational framework to link international and regional organizations at the service of their countries to better prevent and control the risks on animal and human health and the 128 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 economic impact of TADs and emerging animal diseases. Bibliographic Information Olive mill wastewater treatment: an experimental study. Bettazzi E; Morelli M; Caffaz S; Caretti C; Azzari E; Lubello C Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Universita di Firenze, Via Santa Marta 3, 50139 Firenze, Italy Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research (2006), 54(8), 17-25. Journal code: 9879497. ISSN:0273-1223. (COMPARATIVE STUDY); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 17163009 AN 2006725242 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Olive oil production, one of the main agro-industries in Mediterranean countries, generates significant amounts of olive mill wastewaters (OMWs), which represent a serious environmental problem, because of their high organic load, the acidic pH and the presence of recalcitrant and toxic substances such as phenolic and lipidic compounds (up to several grams per litre). In Italy, traditional disposal on the soil is the most common way to discharge OMWs. This work is aimed at investigating the efficiency and feasibility of AOPs and biological processes for OMW treatment. Trials have been carried out on wastewaters taken from one of the largest three-phase mills of Italy, located in Quarrata (Tuscany), as well as on synthetic solutions. Ozone and Fenton's reagents applied both on OMWs and on phenolic synthetic solutions guaranteed polyphenol removal efficiency up to 95%. Aerobic biological treatment was performed in a batch reactor filled with raw OMWs (pH = 4.5, T = 30 degrees C) without biomass inoculum. A biomass rich of fungi, developed after about 30 days, was able to biodegrade phenolic compounds reaching a removal efficiency of 70%. Pretreatment of OMWs by means of oxidation increased their biological treatability. Bibliographic Information CcpA affects expression of the groESL and dnaK operons in Lactobacillus plantarum. Castaldo Cristiana; Siciliano Rosa A; Muscariello Lidia; Marasco Rosangela; Sacco Margherita Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Seconda Universita di Napoli, Caserta, Italy. [email protected] Microbial cell factories (2006), 5 35. Journal code: 101139812. E-ISSN:1475-2859. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 17129387 AN 2006700967 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract BACKGROUND: Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are widely used in food industry and their growth performance is important for the quality of the fermented product. During industrial processes changes in temperature may represent an environmental stress to be overcome by starters and non-starters LAB. Studies on adaptation to heat shock have shown the involvement of the chaperon system-proteins in various gram-positive bacteria. The corresponding operons, namely the dnaK and groESL operons, are controlled by a negative mechanism involving the HrcA repressor protein binding to the cis acting element CIRCE. RESULTS: We studied adaptation to heat shock in the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum. The LM3-2 strain, carrying a null mutation in the ccpA gene, encoding the catabolite control protein A (CcpA), showed a lower percent of survival to high temperature with respect to the LM3 wild type strain. Among proteins differentially expressed in the two strains, the GroES chaperon was more abundant in the wild type strain compared to the mutant strain under standard growth conditions. Transcriptional studies showed that class I heat shock operons were differentially expressed upon heat shock in both strains. Indeed, the dnaK and groESL operons were induced about two times more in the LM3 strain compared to the LM3-2 strain. Analysis of the regulatory region of the two operons showed the presence of cre sequences, putative binding sites for the CcpA protein. CONCLUSION: The L. plantarum dnaK and groESL operons are characterized by the presence of the cis acting sequence CIRCE in the promoter region, suggesting a negative regulation by the HrcA/CIRCE system, which is a common type of control among the class I heat shock operons of gram-positive bacteria. We found an additional system of regulation, based on a positive control exerted by the CcpA protein, which would interact with cre sequences present in the regulatory region of the dnaK and groESL operons. The absence of the CcpA protein results in a lower induction of the chaperon coding operons, with a consequent lower percent of survival of the LM3-2 mutant strain population with respect to the wild type when challenged with a heat 129 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 insult. Bibliographic Information Staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcal enterotoxin A in breaded chicken products: detection and behavior during the cooking process. Pepe Olimpia; Blaiotta Giuseppe; Bucci Francesca; Anastasio Marilena; Aponte Maria; Villani Francesco Dipartimento di Scienza degli Alimenti, Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, I-80055 Portici, Italy. [email protected] Applied and environmental microbiology (2006), 72(11), 7057-62. Journal code: 7605801. ISSN:0099-2240. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 17088378 AN 2006654164 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In this study we examined the presence of Staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) in 20 industrial breaded chicken products obtained from different retail butchers and supermarket stores in Italy. The levels of contamination in the products analyzed were quite low, although the pH values and water activities (a(w)) in the samples considered were in ranges favorable for S. aureus growth. As demonstrated by phenotypic and molecular characterization, in spite of the high percentage of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus strains, only three strains could be referred to the species S. aureus. Moreover, all the strains were negative in PCR assays targeting staphylococcal enterotoxin genes (seA to seE, seG to seJ, and seM to seO), as well as the toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 gene, and no SEA was detected in the retail breaded chicken samples analyzed by a reversed passive latex agglutination assay or by Western blotting. Hence, we evaluated the thermal resistance of two strains of SEA-producing S. aureus in a laboratory-scale preparation of precooked breaded chicken cutlets. The heat treatment employed in the manufacture determined the inactivation of S. aureus cells, but the preformed SEA remained active during product storage at 4 degrees C. The presence of the staphylococci and, in particular, of S. aureus in the retail breaded chicken products analyzed is a potential health risk for consumers since the pH and a(w) values of these kinds of products are favorable for S. aureus growth. The thermal process used during their manufacture can limit staphylococcal contamination but cannot eliminate preformed toxins. Bibliographic Information POEMS: a case study of an Italian wine-producing firm. Ardente Fulvio; Beccali Giorgio; Cellura Maurizio; Marvuglia Antonino Dipartimento di Ricerche Energetiche ed AMbientali (DREAM), Universita degli Studi di Palermo, Italy Environmental management (2006), 38(3), 350-64. Journal code: 7703893. ISSN:0364-152X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 16845555 AN 2006449545 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Over the last decade, researchers paid much attention to concepts such as Design for Environment, Extended Producer Responsibility, Responsible Chain Management, and Eco-design. Many management tools and standards (such as EMAS, ISO 14001, LCA, EPD, Ecolabel) have been developed to support companies in the evaluation and management of their environmental performance and to pursue continual environmental improvement. The more recent development of the aforesaid fields looks at interorganizational environmental management. Such an approach can complement the more traditional intraorganizational corporate environmental management approaches and tools. A typical example of this new trend is the Product Oriented Environmental Management System (POEMS), which represents the natural evolution of the above-mentioned tools, combining the features of EMS, EPD and Ecolabel. Although the structure of the POEMS is still not standardized, many experimental applications have yet been carried out in Europe. In developing a POEMS, a company needs to determine all of the environmental impacts caused at all life-cycle stages of the product and, ideally, to reduce all of them through a continual commitment. The aim of the present study was to perform a survey of the developed POEMS models and to analyze their peculiarities and drawbacks in the application to Small and Medium Enterprises. A case study regarding an Italian winery company is presented. The study analyzes the structure and the activities of the examined firm, in order to estimate direct and indirect environmental impacts following a life-cycle approach. The chosen functional unit is a 0.75-L bottle of red 130 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 wine. The article also suggests some solutions to improve the environmental performances of the firm's products. Bibliographic Information Survival of Listeria monocytogenes in uncooked Italian dry sausage (salami). Gianfranceschi M; Gattuso A; Fiore A; D'Ottavio M C; Casale M; Palumbo A; Aureli P National Center for Food Quality and Risks Assessment, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy Journal of food protection (2006), 69(7), 1533-8. Journal code: 7703944. ISSN:0362-028X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 16865882 AN 2006442784 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This study was undertaken to supplement existing information on the survival of Listeria monocytogenes in Italian salami. The fact that Italian salami is frequently consumed by a large number of people poses some serious health implications. Some raw materials have been found to be microbiologically contaminated, for their production occurs without any thermic treatment, and these are in circulation throughout Italy all year round. We selected the product for its microbiological, technological, and commercial characteristics. We analyzed 1,020 samples taken during the autumn and winter 2002 and spring and summer 2003 periods and immediately before selling. The samples were collected from 17 plants with an annual production of between 1 and 2000 metric tons and with a distribution of products in over 80% of Italy in geographic terms. To detect and enumerate L. monocytogenes, we followed International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 11290 part 1 and 2: 1996 (modified using chromogenic medium Agar Listeria according to Ottarviani and Agosti [ALOA]). L. monocytogenes was found in 22.7% of samples, but the contamination level was less than 10 CFU/g. Contamination prevalence ranged from 1.6 to 58.3% and was lower than 10% in 5 of the 17 plants checked. The most frequently isolated serotypes were 1/2c, 1/2a, 1/2b, and 4b. Additional studies are necessary to establish if the exposure to a small number of L. monocytogenes cells through the consumption of salami represents a significant health risk and, in light of the future introduction of the SANCO/4198/2001 revision 21 "Commission Regulation on Microbiological Criteria for Foodstuffs," is a necessary investigation. Bibliographic Information Olive-mill wastewaters: a promising substrate for microbial lipase production. D'Annibale Alessandro; Sermanni Giovanni Giovannozzi; Federici Federico; Petruccioli Maurizio Dipartimento di Agrobiologia e Agrochimica, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy Bioresource technology (2006), 97(15), 1828-33. Journal code: 9889523. ISSN:0960-8524. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 16236495 AN 2006380685 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The present study investigated the valorization of olive-mill wastewater (OMW) by its use as a possible growth medium for the microbial production of extra-cellular lipase. To this end, strains of Geotrichum candidum (NRRL Y-552 and Y-553), Rhizopus arrhizus (NRRL 2286 and ISRIM 383), Rhizopus oryzae (NRRL 6431), Aspergillus oryzae (NRRL 1988 and 495), Aspergillus niger (NRRL 334), Candida cylindracea (NRRL Y-17506) and Penicillium citrinum (NRRL 1841 and 3754, ISRIM 118) were screened. All strains were able to grow on the undiluted OMW, producing extracellular lipase activity. C. cylindracea NRRL Y-17506 showed the highest lipase activity on all the typologies of OMW used. Its lipase production on OMW was markedly affected by the type of nitrogen source and was induced by the addition of olive oil. The highest activity (9.23 IU ml(-1)) of the yeast was obtained on OMW supplemented with NH(4)Cl (2.4 g l(-1)) and olive oil (3.0 g l(-1)). Bibliographic Information Mass spectrometry in the analysis of grape and wine proteins. Flamini Riccardo; De Rosso Mirko Quality Control of Wine at the Agricultural Faculty of Padua University, Italy. [email protected] Expert review of proteomics (2006), 3(3), 321-31. Journal code: 101223548. E-ISSN:1744-8387. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL 131 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16771704 AN 2006358064 (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) MEDLINE Abstract Wine proteins play an important role in the quality of wine, because they affect taste, clarity and stability of product. The majority of wine proteins are in the range of 20-30 kDa. Different mass spectrometry (MS) techniques have been successfully applied to study the grape and wine proteins. By liquid chromatography (LC) electrospray ionization (ESI) MS and nano-LC/MS, nine dipeptides and 80 peptides were unambiguously identified in Champagne and Sauvignon Blanc wines, respectively. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) and surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization TOF, the protein and peptide fingerprints in Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Muscat of Alexandria wines were determined. MALDI-TOF identified the mesocarp proteome of six Vitis grape varieties. Proteins in different grape tissue extracts were also studied. The major grape pathogenic-related proteins are chitinases and thaumatin-like proteins, which both persist through the vinification process and cause hazes and sediments in bottled wines. ESI-MS, LC/ESI-MS and MALDI-TOF analysis of these proteins in grape and wine were also used to characterize different grape varieties. Bibliographic Information Listeriosis associated with gorgonzola (Italian blue-veined cheese). Gianfranceschi M; D'Ottavio M C; Gattuso A; Pourshaban M; Bertoletti I; Bignazzi R; Manzoni P; Marchetti M; Aureli P Istituto Superiore di Sanita, National Center for Food Quality and Risk Assessment, Rome, Italy. [email protected] Foodborne pathogens and disease (2006), 3(2), 190-5. Journal code: 101120121. ISSN:1535-3141. (CASE REPORTS); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 16761945 AN 2006349100 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract We describe a case of listeriosis in Italy associated with the consumption of cheese. Opened samples of two brands of gorgonzola (Italian blue-veined cheese; referred to as brands "B" and "C") were collected from the patient's refrigerator. Unopened samples of the brand suspected to be the source of infection (brand B) were taken from the store where the cheese had been purchased, other local stores, and the production plant. Listeria monocytogenes serotype 1/2b was isolated from the patient and from the opened and unopened cheese samples. The contamination level varied from <100 to 1,200 cfu g(-1). Molecular typing of the isolates, using both randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), demonstrated that the isolates from the patient's refrigerator, food stores, and production-plant samples were indistinguishable from the clinical isolate. Molecular typing verified the peristence of closely related L. monocytogenes isolates in the production plant B for 5 months. The results stress the importance of developing a code of hygienic practice for preventing, limiting, and where possible, eliminating this pathogen in processed foods and of educating at-risk persons on foods likely to be contaminated. Bibliographic Information Social, economic and policy issues in the long-term control of HPAI. McLeod A; Guerne-Bleich E Animal Production and Health Division (AGA), FAO, Rome, Italy. [email protected] Developments in biologicals (2006), 124 171-6. Journal code: 100940058. ISSN:1424-6074. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 16447509 AN 2006063319 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Prevention and control of HPAI in Asia is a long term problem with important economic and policy consequences. The macro level impact of a single national outbreak is greatest for an exporting country, ranging in 2003-5 from dollars 65 million to over dollars 400 million. No estimates are available for the impact of market disruption if endemic disease changes the pattern of regional and international trade. In countries with minimal exports, the total financial impact may be much smaller, but there can be serious losses to vulnerable sectors of society at several stages of the market 132 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 chain. The economies of the region are growing and some countries could finance recurrent costs of AI control, but substantial investment in veterinary services is required. National and regional financing structures need to be reviewed. AI control strategies should include a broad financial support system that addresses education, credit, compensation and social relief programmes. Some strategies may result in restructuring of the industry, or affect the wider development of rural areas and local food security. 58 references were found when refined by Publication Year "2005" Bibliographic Information Conventional and innovative breeding for the improvement of industrial crops. The research performed at Experimental Institute for Industrial Crops (Italy). Ranalli, Paolo. CRA-Istituto Sperimentale per le Colture Industriali, Bologna, Italy. Current Topics in Genetics (2005), 1 73-86. Publisher: Research Trends, CODEN: CTGUA9 ISSN: 0972-8236. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 148:233878 AN 2007:1091877 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. In Italy, research on industrial crops is focused in particular on food e non-food species. Scientific programs are based on an integrated and multidisciplinary approach including crop physiol., advanced plant breeding methods and crop management. Sugar beet research developed new genotypes with resistance to the most aggressive pathogens (cercospora and rhizomania) and with improved yield. The selected materials led to new hybrids which after validation have been released. Beside, mol. studies have been carried out to elucidate the reaction of sugar beet to sub-optimal environments. In potato varieties have been developed able to be utilized in extra-seasonal crops performed by the Southern growers; this new material has been generated by breeding programs aimed at developing desirable clones for the Mediterranean cultivation regions. In grain legumes, common bean is one of the best known species in Italy with the most extensive tradition of cultivation. Lastly, there have been considerable advances in breeding work; a range of varieties with different merceol. characteristics and able to meet the needs of the freezing industry and consumers have been developed. Among the non-food species, hemp is a multi-use crop able to provide fiber, cellulose, seeds and seed oil, cannabinoids and biomass; research was focused on the improvement of fiber prodn., specific cannabinoid profiles and the plant reaction to day length. The released varieties of above mentioned industrial crops, some of which included in recommendation lists, provided farmers with new opportunities. Bibliographic Information Multiple chemical sensitivity as a result of exposure to heterogeneous air pollutants. Latini, G.; Passerini, G.; Grifoni, R. Cocci; Mariani, M. M. Dipartimento di Energetica, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Italy. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (2005), 85(Environmental Exposure and Health), 65-74. Publisher: WIT Press, CODEN: WTEEAZ ISSN: 1746-448X. Journal written in English. CAN 146:342821 AN 2006:1335786 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract To understand the relationship between health and the environment, we must study a series of events that might begin with the release of pollutants into the environment and might end with the development of disease in an individual, or a population. Noticeably, many studies have demonstrated an assocn. between environmental exposure and certain diseases or health problems. Amongst all pollutants, Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic, Nickel and Lead are emitted from several industrial processes, energy prodn. processes and most vehicles. Methyl-Mercury is a poisonous industrial deriv. of Mercury, enters the food chain and is toxic to the nervous system. Cadmium, Arsenic, Nickel and Lead are considered carcinogenic. Lead also causes digestive problems and damage to the nervous systems, esp. in children. Assessing the relationship between exposure to air pollutants and disease is complicated by the problem of multiple exposures to multiple pollutants. In fact, a controversial condition, known as Multiple Chem. Sensitivity (MCS), is thought to arise only through the combined effects of a no. of chems. in concns. that might not be harmful on their own. 133 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 In this first Italian pilot study, sufficiently large population groups have been considered to evaluate levels of toxic trace metals stored in the body by means of a hair anal. technique. For a majority of toxic trace metals the hair anal. technique has proved to be a well-suited biol. marker of environmental exposure of general population to such toxic metals. The results suggest that there is an explicit correlation between exposure to air pollutants and high levels of toxic metals in the body with consequent development of diseases. Bibliographic Information Flavours and fragrances by biocatalytic routes. Brenna, Elisabetta. Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali, ed Ingegneria Chimica, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech (2005), 16(5), 18-20. Publisher: Tekno Scienze srl, CODEN: AIHTEI ISSN: 1722-6996. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 145:395709 AN 2006:659392 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. This overview describes how biocatalysis can be applied in the field of flavors and fragrances, to satisfy the increasing market request for natural products, and to investigate the odor properties of the single enantiomers of common odorants. At the end of XIX century the achievements of org. chem. made available the key components of natural products on large scale by synthetic routes. The industrial prodn. (1) of nature identical coumarin, benzaldehyde, vanillin, and cinnamaldehyde (Figure 1) promoted the diffusion of these aroma compds. in the field of flavors for food applications and of fragrances for fine and functional perfumery. In 1882, for example, synthetic coumarin was used by Houbigant to perfume the soap "Fougere Royale". The combination of synthetic vanillin and coumarin was employed by Guerlain in 1889 to produce the sweet oriental note in "Jicky". Vanillin is one of the most important flavor compds. From the annual consumption of the world market, which is about 10,000 tons, only about 0.2 percent originates from botanical sources, mainly from the alc. exts. of cured vanilla pods. The main portion is produced by chem. synthesis from guaiacol and lignin. Org. synthesis made nature identical flavors available at a cheap price and contributed to the creation of new odorous mols. more suitable for perfumery applications. Nowadays, changes in lifestyle are dictating consumer demand for new flavors and fragrances. In this paper we are now going to show how biocatalysis can meet satisfactorily the current market requirements in this field. Recent works on the same topic are reported in ref. 2-5. Bibliographic Information Birth, life and death of gas bubbles rising in a stagnant liquid. Di Marco, Paolo. LOTHAR, Dipartimento di Energetica "L. Poggi s, Universita di Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Heat and Technology (Pisa, Italy) (2005), 23(2), 17-26. Publisher: Edizioni ETS, CODEN: HETEEE ISSN: 0392-8764. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 144:414871 AN 2006:331648 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review of isolated bubbles and some aspects of bubble-bubble interaction. A state of the art is reported about the behavior of gas bubbles originating and rising in a pool of liq., including the researches carried out at LOTHAR, with several cooperations. The study has interest not only per se, but it is mainly intended to open the way to the comprehension of more complex boiling phenomena, in which bubble dynamics plays a determinant role. Exptl. and theor. works on this topic are also useful for the optimization of a wide class of industrial processes (including food processing ones) which involve mass and thermal exchange in bubbly flows. The entire "life" of a bubble is considered, starting from its "birth" with injection of gas in the fluid from an orifice (a simpler condition than nucleation in boiling) through its rising in the fluid up to the "death" at the liq. upper interface, which may generate foams or secondary droplets. The current state of the art of modeling in each of the three aspects is reported. Bibliographic Information Plant latex lipases: physiological role and applications. Palocci, Cleofe; Fiorillo, Fulvio; Belsito, Carmela; Cernia, Enrico; Pasqua, Gabriella. Department of Chemistry, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy. Recent Research Developments in Biochemistry (2005), 6 87-99. Publisher: Research Signpost, CODEN: RRDBAK 134 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Journal; General Review written in English. ACS on SciFinder (R)) CAN 145:265251 AN 2006:233624 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 Abstract A review. Lipases are natural catalysts widely employed to structure various lipids, fats and oils in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. Despite their high potential in lipid biotechnol., current application of microbial lipases has been limited owing to high costs and limited availability. During the last two decades, research efforts have been directed towards the identification of low cost and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) lipases sources. Plant lipases from species with oil seeds have been widely studied, though their application has turned out to be disappointing, due to low activity and transient expression during seed germination. In the early nineties, research into in non seed tissues showed high lipolytic activity in the latex of some species of Caricaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Asclepiadaceae. At the moment, crude dried latex from Carica papaya is the most studied biocatalyst in lipid synthesis and modification, but little is known about the physiol. role of C. papaya lipase or the applications of other latex lipases. In this paper we report more than ten years of research into the characterization of plant-latex lipases roles and applications. Bibliographic Information Saving energy in cold towers by splitting the feed. Soave, Giorgio; Gamba, Simone; Pellegrini, Laura Annamaria. Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "G. Natta", Politecnico of Milan, Milan, Italy. World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 7th, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 10-14, 2005 (2005), 85638/185638/9. Publisher: Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, UK CODEN: 69HUFZ Conference; Computer Optical Disk written in English. CAN 145:421346 AN 2006:225554 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Distn. is the most commonly used operation in the chem. industry for the sepn. of mixts. of chem. compds., and accounts for about 13% of the total energy consumption in the entire sector. Methods for improving the energy efficiency of distn. often involve reducing the reboiler heat demand, as it represents the major energy requirement. A promising alternative is to use cold towers, i.e., those having low temps. in the condenser for which the main objective is redn. of the condenser heat duty, the main source of operating costs. In a cold tower, if the enthalpy of the feed is decreased by pre-cooling it by heat exchange with the distillate, the final result is a decrease in the condenser duty, but lower than the heat transferred from the feed to the distillate. This mechanism was applied to a demethanizer tower where the feed is composed of 90% methane and 10% ethane. A case study demonstrated how an industrial distn. tower can be improved by splitting the feed. When the feed splitting theory is applied to the demethanizer column, both condenser duty (main effect) and reboiler duty decrease under the same operating conditions (pressure, no. of theor. stages of the column, flowrate and compn., i.e., temp., of distillate and bottom streams). When applied to an existing plant, this theory requires only the introduction of a bypass to the pre-cooler and the changes of the feed trays, with low fixed costs. Thus, application of the feed splitting theory reduces operating costs while entailing only negligible investment. Bibliographic Information Preservation of natural properties of food by high pressure CO2 pasteurization. Parton, Tiziana; Elvassore, Nicola; Bertucco, Alberto; De Sanctis, Sergio; Grimolizzi, Luana. Dipartimento di Principi e Impianti di Ingegneria Chimica, Universita di Padova, Padua, Italy. World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 7th, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 10-14, 2005 (2005), 84236/1-84236/14. Publisher: Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, UK CODEN: 69HUFZ Conference; Computer Optical Disk written in English. CAN 145:291435 AN 2006:225488 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Traditionally, heat processes have been used to ensure the safety of food against pathogenic and spoilage 135 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 microorganisms, and enzymic activity. However, thermal energy inevitably leads to destruction of heat-sensitive nutrients, texture, color and flavor. Moreover, the enzymes activity may not completely interrupted by classical heating processes. High pressure CO2 treatment could be an alternative to the heating for food preservation. The mild conditions of temp., pressure and contact time can allow the maintenance of fresh product characteristics destroying microbial contaminants, and inactivating endogenous enzymes. Preliminary studies are-required on CO2-substrate interactions, particularly for detn. of inactivation kinetics of microorganisms and possible phys.-chem. changes in foodstuffs. In this work, inactivation kinetics in food by high pressure CO2 technol. is detd. Exptl. batch runs were performed to det. the redn. of viability of bacteria, yeasts and molds in natural and inoculated food using a special multi-batch reactor app. Results are presented for tomato sauce and grape must. The pumpable liq. food is then treated in a continuous plant for pasteurization under high pressure CO2. Continuous process development represents an important step forward for high pressure CO2 technol. implementation in the industry of food pasteurization. Bibliographic Information Alkane-fluoroalkane interactions in polymeric solutions. De Angelis, M. G.; Sarti, G. C.; Doghieri, F.; Freeman, B. D. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Mineraria e delle Technologie Ambientali, Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italy. World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 7th, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 10-14, 2005 (2005), 83577/1-83577/10. Publisher: Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, UK CODEN: 69HUFZ Conference; Computer Optical Disk written in English. CAN 145:471929 AN 2006:224492 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The low soly. of mixts. formed by hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon compds. is generally overestimated by the most common equations of state when the usual, "geometric mean", mixing rule is used for estg. the interactions between hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon mols. Various studies, which focus on mixts. formed by low mol. wt. compds., have shown that the actual value for the energetic interactions between hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon mols. is about 10% lower than the geometric mean of the binary interactions between mols. of the same species, whatever model is used for the prediction of soly. In this work, we analyze the case of hydrocarbon-fluorocarbon interactions in polymeric solns., and in particular of those mixts. formed by gases in polymers, which are of interest in many applications of the food, process, and pharmaceutical industry. We will restrict the anal. to mixts. formed by C2H6 and C2F6 in a rubbery, hydrocarbon-based polymer such as Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), and in a perfluoroelastomer, copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene (51%mol) and perfluoromethylvinylether (49%mol) (TFE/PMVE49), at 35 C and pressures below 30 atm. These data have been previously analyzed with the Lattice Fluid (LF) Model for gas soly. in polymers, leading to results which are similar to the case of hydrocarbon/fluorocarbon mixts. formed by low mol. wt. compds. In this work, we will consider the predictive ability of two non lattice models, belonging to the family of the Hard Sphere Chain Equations of State, for the description of complex systems such as polymers and their solns.: the Statistical Assocg. Fluid Theory (SAFT) and the Perturbed Hard Sphere Chain Model (PHSC). We will in particular test if these models, together with the geometric mean rule used to est. the binary interactions, are able to predict, based on pure component data only, the low interactions between hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon mols. in the case of solns. formed by low mol. wt. penetrants in polymers. Bibliographic Information A fully integrated membrane operation for sea water and brackfish water desalination. Curcio, Efrem; Di Profio, Gianluca; Mariah, Lynette; Drioli, Enrico. Department of Chemical Engineering an Materials, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 7th, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 10-14, 2005 (2005), 84275/1-84275/9. Publisher: Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, UK CODEN: 69HUFZ Conference; Computer Optical Disk written in English. CAN 145:151958 AN 2006:224404 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Water scarcity already represents the major problem in many countries. Considerable progresses have been reached by introducing pressure driven membrane operations as alternative to thermal desalination systems. Today, a large part of 136 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 new desalination plants are almost completely based on Reverse Osmosis, eventually integrated with Microfiltration and Nanofiltration for pre-treatment. The introduction of these technologies has already evidenced interesting cost redn. and operational flexibility. However, membrane desalination technol. still requires further improvements in the direction of: higher water recovery factors, further cost redn., implementation of innovative strategies for brine disposal, improved process flexibility with respect to feed water compn., better quality of produced water for different potential end-users (ultrapure water, drinking water, agricultural and industrial water). In order to achieve these goals, the strategy of Process Intensification - that represent, today, one of the most realistic answer to a sustainable industrial growth - should be extended to the industrial segment of desalination. In this respect, fully integrated membrane operations seem to offer, in principle, interesting perspectives. In this work, authors present the energetic and energetic anal. of an integrated membrane desalination system and discuss some appropriate parameters for improving the performance of the desalination plant in the logic of process intensification. A preliminary cost anal. based on different combinations of the membrane units, including the possibility to produce crystals from brines, is also provided. Bibliographic Information A preliminary study using Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy to monitor the shelf-life of packed industrial ricotta cheese. Sinelli, N.; Barzaghi, S.; Giardina, C.; Cattaneo, T. M. P. Department of Food Science & Technology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (2005), 13(5), 293-300. Publisher: NIR Publications, CODEN: JNISEI ISSN: 0967-0335. Journal written in English. CAN 144:231897 AN 2006:185928 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Ricotta cheese is a dairy product characterized by a short shelf life. The aim of this study was to monitor changes occurring during storage of packed industrial ricotta cheese using a simple and fast method. Several samples of manufd. ricotta cheese were monitored during storage at 3 different temps. (3, 10 and 20 C). Spectral data were collected over the range 12000 to 4400 cm-1 using a Fourier transform near IR (FT-NIR) spectrometer fitted with an optic fiber working in diffuse reflectance. Some chem. and rheol. parameters were also measured. Principal component anal. (PCA) was applied as an exploratory chemometric technique to each one of the 3 sets of data (FT-NIR, chem. and rheol. data) and a calibration model between the NIR data set and chem. and rheol. indexes was developed by partial least squares regression. The PCA results showed in all cases the influence of the storage temp. on the shelf life trend and were able to identify a crit. day of shelf life for each storage temp. Bibliographic Information Medical diagnosis with electronic noses. Di Natale, C.; Pennazza, G.; Martinelli, E.; Santonico, M.; Macagnano, A.; Paolesse, R.; D'Amico, A. Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy. Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society (2005), 93(1-3), 81-87. Publisher: Asociacion Quimica Argentina, CODEN: JACSFY Journal written in English. AN 2006:173154 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Electronic noses are arrays of partially selective chem. sensors. These systems appeared at the end of the eighties as technol. attempts to mimic some of the functions of natural olfaction. Although they were introduced as a sort of olfaction model they were soon applied to the qual. anal. in a no. of different fields disciplines such as food anal., environmental control and industrial processes. Among these fields also medicine was considered, in particular taking into account the diagnostic role that olfaction plays in many traditional medicines. In this paper the use of electronic noses in medicine is discussed with a particular emphasis on the possible use of this technol. in telemedicine. Bibliographic Information Saponins and phenolics of Yucca schidigera Roezl: chemistry and bioactivity. Piacente, Sonia; Pizza, Cosimo; Oleszek, Wieslaw. Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano, Italy. Phytochemistry Reviews (2005), 4(2-3), 177-190. Publisher: Springer, CODEN: PRHEBS ISSN: 1568-7767. 137 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Journal; General Review written in English. ACS on SciFinder (R)) CAN 144:408119 AN 2006:121007 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 Abstract A review. Yucca schidigera (Agavaceae) is one of the major com. source of steroidal saponins. Two products of yucca are available on the market. These include dried and finely powd. logs (yucca powder) or mech. pressed and thermally condensed juice (yucca ext.). These products possess the GRAS label which allows their use as a foaming agent in soft drink (root beer), pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, and feed-stuff industries. The main application of yucca products is in animal nutrition, in particular as a feed additive to reduce ammonia and fecal odors in animal excreta. The pos. effects of dietary supplementation with yucca products on the growth rates, feed efficiency, and health of livestock seem to be due not only to the saponin constituents but also to other constituents. These observations prompted us to investigate the phenolic constituents of Y. schidigera. This study led to the isolation of resveratrol, trans-3,3',5,5'tetrahydroxy-4'-methoxystilbene, the spirobiflavonoid larixinol along with novel phenolic derivs. with very unusual spirostructures, named yuccaols A-E and yuccaone A. Taking into account the multifunctional activities of resveratrol and the novelty of yuccaols A-E, structurally related to resveratrol, a program aimed at evaluating for yucca phenolics some of the activities exerted by resveratrol has been carried out. This review describes the chem. of yucca saponins and phenolics, summarizes the biol. activities of yucca products and constituents and gives an account on the actual and potential applications of yucca products. Bibliographic Information Olfactometric gas chromatography. Benzo, Maurizio. Dipartimento di Chimica Farmaceutica, Universita Di Pavia, Italy. Laboratorio 2000 (2005), 19(8), 60-62. Publisher: Morgan Edizioni Tecniche, CODEN: LABOE4 ISSN: 1120-8376. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 145:464886 AN 2006:46711 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review on olfactometric gas chromatog. (O-GC) employing a nontraditional detector having special characteristics indispensable in certain areas such as perfumery and food industry. The development of the O-GC in recent years in relation to the techniques of Charm Anal. (by Terry Acree from Cornell University) and AEDA (aroma ext. diln. anal. by Werner Grosch from Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Lebensmittelchemie) is considered. The role of the sensory methods such as O-GC in ascertaining the significant contribution of some components to an aroma is shown. The aroma anal. by the W.Grosch's procedure is presented along with the application example (fried food aroma). Bibliographic Information NIRFlex N-500 Buchi spectrometer. Merlo, Barbara. Italy. Laboratorio 2000 (2005), 19(8), 8-12. Publisher: Morgan Edizioni Tecniche, CODEN: LABOE4 ISSN: 1120-8376. Journal written in Italian. CAN 145:140326 AN 2006:46702 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The operational features of the NIRFlex N-500 Buechi spectrometer are described, including its interferometric and polarizational capabilities. Its use is popular in the pharmaceutical, agrochem., and food chem. industries. Bibliographic Information Spectrofluorometry of essential oils: bergamot oil. Giungato, Pasquale; Notarnicola, Luigi. Dip. Scienze Geografiche Merceologiche, Univ. degli Studi di Bari, Bari, Italy. Journal of Commodity Science (2005), 44(1), 17-34. Publisher: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice, CODEN: RIMEDE ISSN: 1593-2052. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 144:494787 AN 2006:41123 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 138 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract A review. Bergamot (Citrus bergamia, Risso et Poiteau) cultivation started in Italy at the beginning of the 18th century. Italian bergamot prodn. is limited in a narrow strip of the Calabrian coast, along the Ionian and the Thyrrenian seas. Bergamot is cultivated for the essential oil representing an important raw material for cosmetic and food industry. Among non-volatile fraction components of the bergamot essential oil there are coumarins, whose fluorescence was widely investigated in the past. Because of their structural diversity and diverse occurrence, these oxygenated heterocyclic compds. have an important role in the identification of the quality and genuineness of the bergamot essential oil. This review reports spectrofluorometric properties of bergamot essential oil. From excitation-emission matrix (EEM) anal. of bergamot essential oil solns. in ethanol, the characteristic emissions of citropten, linalyl acetate and that of chlorophills have been detected. One citropten emission has been used in quant. detn., while none of linalyl acetate. Quant. fluorometric detn. of citropten gives the sum of both citropten and 7-methoxy-5-geranyloxy-coumarin concn. Bibliographic Information Ionization systems to decontaminate the air of San Daniele dry-cured ham production rooms. Comi, Giuseppe; Lovo, Andrea; Bortolussi, Nadia; Paiani, Mario; Berton, Alessandro; Bustreo, Giacomina. Dipartimento Scienze degli Alimenti, Universita degli Studi di Udine, Udine, Italy. Industrie Alimentari (Pinerolo, Italy) (2005), 44(451), 982-989, 993. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INALBB ISSN: 0019-901X. Journal written in Italian. CAN 144:375291 AN 2005:1324018 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The microbial concn. in the air of salt, pre-ripening and ripening rooms of a San Daniele dry-cured ham factory was reduced using an ionization system. The air of these rooms was treated with an ionizer machine mod. "Maia" (SitalKlima company) for twenty-four hours. Data demonstrated that either molds and yeasts or bacteria concns. decreased. After the treatment only the 48-53% of the initial microbial population was detected. After the ionization the concn. of air pollution was <200 CFU/m3, demonstrating that this treatment allows to reach acceptable air contamination values for food industries. Bibliographic Information Fermented functional foods based on novel cultures of lactic acid bacteria. Torriani, Sandra; Dellaglio, Franco; Cristofoletti, Marta; Gatto, Veronica. Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico, Universita degli Studi di Verona, Verona, Italy. Ingredienti Alimentari (2005), 4(5), 6-16. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: IANLBJ ISSN: 1594-0543. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 144:291398 AN 2005:1275818 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. A survey of results of the Italian scientific research project Si.S.Al. (Sicurezza e Salubrita degli Alimenti per il benessere dell'uomo) is presented. The goal was to select new cultures of lactic acid bacteria with specific technol. and functional properties; such properties can be exploited in development of innovative functional milk products. Technol. properties of the bacterial strains evaluated included acidifying and proteolytic activities, ability to coagulate milk, and sensory characteristics of milk fermented with the cultures. Among the functional properties, the criteria for selection of probiotic bacterial strains were survival during gastric transit and the ability to release metabolites with inhibitory properties against angiotensin 1 converting enzyme. Particular interest was devoted to the selection of strains able to inhibit the growth of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms. Concerning the safety of the cultures, the ability to produce biogenic amines and the antibiotic resistance were checked since these may pose a threat to the consumers. The research so far allowed to select and validate safe cultures with specific characteristics of interest; these cultures can be used for the development of new fermented functional foods with safety, taste and health properties demanded by the food industry and consumers. The results offer a variety of possibilities for the food companies ro produce marketable products. 139 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Milk, residues and contaminants. Pinelli, C.; Dallaturca, E.; Schianchi, L.; Vene, F. Servizio Garanzia Qualita, Parmalat S.p.A., Parma, Italy. Scienza e Tecnica Lattiero-Casearia (2005), 56(4), 273-293. Publisher: Associazione Italiana Tecnici del Latte, CODEN: SLCAAF ISSN: 0390-6361. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 144:291397 AN 2005:1261499 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Milk compn. is a faithful reflection of the ecosystem and agricultural practices used on dairy farms. The origin and incidence of milk contamination with various residues, such as organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, polycyclic arom. hydrocarbons, heavy metals, radionuclides, antimicrobials, surfactants and aflatoxins, are examd. using recent results (1400 samples, 1999-2004) of milk residue monitoring for the prevention of food safety risk in Italy. Bibliographic Information Cocoa byproducts as source of raw materials and commodities and energetic value of cocoa teguments. Paiano, Annarita; Camaggio, Gigliola; Maringelli, Giacomo. Facolta di Economia, Dipartimento di Scienze Geografiche e Merceologiche, Universita degli Studi di Bari, Bari, Italy. Industrie Alimentari (Pinerolo, Italy) (2005), 44(450), 868-872. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INALBB ISSN: 0019-901X. Journal written in Italian. CAN 144:291488 AN 2005:1211691 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A survey of cocoa fruit and bean processing byproducts (shells, pulp, teguments, germs), material balance in cocoa prodn. cycle, the byproducts com. utilization in food/feed and cosmetic industries, and estd. prodn. vols. and market values are presented. The cocoa tegument biomass was examd. by chem. methods to est. its (burning) biofuel energy value. Bibliographic Information The development of a high flow seawater membrane. A case history of one of the first applications using high flow seawater elements in a plant producing process and boiler feed water for ENEL (now EDIPOWER) at San Filippo del Mela power plant in Italy. Maragliano, Guido; Moss, Peter. Koch Membrane Systems, Milan, Italy. Desalination (2005), 184(1-3), 247-252. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: DSLNAH ISSN: 0011-9164. Journal written in English. CAN 144:218564 AN 2005:1198990 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Reverse osmosis (RO) technol. was used for the redn. of the salt content of water since the late 1960s. The RO membrane elements are available for a variety of desalination applications, treating water from sources ranging from seawater and brackish water to waste water for use in applications ranging from industrial and process water to drinking water. In recent years major advancements were made in the flux and salt rejection capabilities of the membranes. It became apparent that a high flow seawater membrane element was needed particularly for cooler, lower salinity water and during the mid 1990s a product was developed to meet these needs. In 1999 high flow seawater elements, Koch Membrane Systems product Fluid Systems TFC 2822HF-370 elements were installed in a new plant producing 5230 m3/d process and boiler feed water for EDIPOWER at Archi Marina San Filippo del Mela - Sicily, Italy. This paper is a case history describing the plant and looking at the performance of the membrane using Koch Membrane Systems NormPro to normalize the data. Bibliographic Information Molecular identification of nematode worms from seafood (Anisakis spp. and Pseudoterranova spp.) and meat (Trichinella spp.). La Rosa, Giuseppe; D'Amelio, Stefano; Pozio, Edoardo. Department of Infectious, Parasitic 140 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 and Immunomediated Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Methods in Biotechnology (2005), 21(Food-Borne Pathogens), 217-232. Publisher: Humana Press Inc., CODEN: MEBIFQ Journal written in English. CAN 144:461397 AN 2005:1179526 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Fish-borne and meat-borne parasitic infections represent an important public health concern, given the increasing risk of acquiring these pathogens and related allergies through the consumption of raw or undercooked seafood and meat. This can, in part, be attributed to the increased globalization of both the food industry and eating habits. For the anal. of food-borne pathogens and for mol. epidemiol., in vitro amplification of nucleic acids using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has become a powerful diagnostic tool. Each parasite species has a specific distribution area and range of hosts. Because the infecting larval stages of the species belonging to the genera Anisakis, Pseudoterranova, and Trichinella are morphol. indistinguishable, the only chance of identifying these pathogens at the species or genotype level is through PCR-derived methods. PCR amplification of ITS1 and ITS2 regions, followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), allows for the distinction among species of the genera Anisakis and Pseudoterranova. For Trichinella worms, a multiplex PCR anal. can be used to distinguish among the eight recognized species and four genotypes (Trichinella T6 and three populations of T. pseudospiralis), whereas to distinguish the genotypes Trichinella T8 and T9 from Trichinella britovi, PCR-RFLP can be performed. Bibliographic Information Extraction of the phenolic complex from byproducts of wine industry. Piracci, A.; Bucelli, P.; Faviere, V.; Giannetti, F.; Facondini, N.; Piracci, F. S.o.p. Gaiole in Chianti Siena 1, Mi.P.A.F. - Istituto Sperimentale per l'Enologia, Gaiole i.C, Italy. Industrie delle Bevande (2005), 34(198), 338-343, 353. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INBEEW ISSN: 0390-0541. Journal written in Italian. CAN 145:6891 AN 2005:1145835 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Optimal conditions for the extn. of the phenolic complex (polyphenols, cinnamic acids, flavanols, anthocyanins, resveratrol) from pressed black grape seed and peel residues were studied for the development of industrial processes aimed at the prodn. of dietary natural antioxidant supplements for humans. The considered parameters were extn. agent, extn. agent/grape residue ratio, time and way of shaking, pH, time and temp. of contact, gas atm., effects of SO2 and ascorbic acid presence during grape maceration, grape residue particle size (grinding), and no. of extn. cycles. Extn. with aq. tartaric acid pH 3.20, 95% ethanol, 10% ethanol acidified with tartaric acid to pH 3.20, and water/acetone 1:1 mixt. was used. The optimal conditions can serve for design of a pilot extn. plant. The extd. phenolic complex was evaluated for free radical scavenging activity in comparison with wine obtained from same grapes. This use of grape residues adds value to processing byproducts and decreases the waste load on the environment. Bibliographic Information Biologically active substances in foods of plant origin. Carratu, Brunella; Sanzini, Elisabetta. Centro Nazionale per la Qualita degli Alimenti e per i Rischi Alimentari, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita (2005), 41(1), 7-16. Publisher: Istituto Superiore di Sanita, CODEN: AISSAW ISSN: 00212571. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 144:169709 AN 2005:1127496 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Phytochems. are a heterogeneous group of substances with potential protective effects on human health when their dietary intakes are significant. These phytochems. can have antioxidant activity, modulate detoxification enzymes, stimulate immune system, decrease blood platelet aggregation, and modulate hormone metab. Glucosinolates and the large group of polyphenols, including flavonoids as the main category, are examd. in more detail. Isoflavones and phytoestrogens are discussed at length because of their weak estrogenic activity. Numerous factors affect the phytochem. contents and bioavailability from foods of plant origin; these factors include environmental conditions and 141 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 industrial or domestic processing. The bioavailability of phytochems. can be influenced by intrinsic factors in foods and/or in human body; these substances are in general little absorbed, largely metabolized, and rapidly eliminated. It is advisable that the consumption of beneficial phytochems. is const. over time to maintain high concns. of their metabolites in the blood and body. Bibliographic Information Ammonia heat pump for energy saving in food industrial processes: the case of a cheese factory. Panno, G.; Auguanno, S.; Messineo, A.; Panno, D. Department of Energy and Environmental Researches (D.R.E.A.M.), University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy. Ammonia Refrigerating Systems: Renewal and Improvement, Refrigeration Science and Technology Proceedings, Ohrid, Macedonia, May 6-8, 2005 (2005), Panno1/1-Panno1/8. Publisher: Institut International du Froid, Paris, Fr CODEN: 69HJK7 Conference; Computer Optical Disk written in English. CAN 145:11226 AN 2005:1115031 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The consumption of energy is important in the development of refrigerating engines. Refrigerating systems can have direct and indirect effects on the environment. To set a limit to the harm induced using synthetic refrigerants and to follow up energy saving, it is important to study new solns. A feasibility study on the refrigeration plant of a cheese factory was performed by addn. of a heat pump, with NH3 as refrigerant, to recover the thermal reject of 2 refrigerating units and to supply the required heat to pasteurize milk. The energy saving and redn. of CO2 emissions were compared to those of the previous system. The proposed soln. enables energy saving and has little effect on the environment. Bibliographic Information Occurrence and Removal of Potentially Toxic Metals and Heavy Metals in the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Fusina (Venice, Italy). Busetti, F.; Badoer, S.; Cuomo, M.; Rubino, B.; Traverso, P. Department of Environmental Sciences, University Ca'Foscari of Venice, Venice, Italy. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2005), 44(24), 9264-9272. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: IECRED ISSN: 0888-5885. Journal written in English. CAN 144:39912 AN 2005:1113444 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This study addresses the issue of whether it is possible to accurately predict the removal efficiencies of metals of environmental concern (i.e., Al, Ag, As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Hg, Ni, Pb, Cu, V, and Zn) in a wastewater treatment plant. The plant in question (at Fusina, Venice, Italy) is fed by mixed wastes from municipal and industrial sources (.apprx.300,000 equiv inhabitants) and discharges the treated effluent into the Venice lagoon. The year-long sampling campaign (2001-2002) yielded a substantial amt. of anal. data and relatively wide ranges of concns. of metals in the influent samples, which made it possible to study the removal efficiencies by plotting the terms (inlet concn. - outlet concn.) vs (inlet concn.) for each metal investigated. The data in the plots were fitted using the linear regression model Y = BX. The slope rates (terms B), which were estd. by the least-squares method, have been adopted as the removal efficiencies, and they can be considered as consts. in the concn. ranges recorded in this work. VThe relative abundance of metals in the raw wastewaters feeding Fusina WWTP followed the order Al > Fe > B > Zn > Ba > Mn > Cu > Pb > Hg = Ni > Cr = As > V > Ag > Cd, while in the effluent the order was Fe > Al > Zn > Mn > Ba > Ni > Cu > Pb > Cr > Ag > As > Hg = V > Cd. The removal percentages (%) of the metals were Al = 92 1; Ag = 94 1; As = 76 3; B = n.d.; Ba = 85 2; Cd = 85 2; Cr = 87 1; Fe = 90 1; Mn = 61 2; Hg = 93 1; Ni = 50 3; Pb = 92 1; Cu = 93 1; V = 74 2; and Zn = 75 3. Bibliographic Information Versatile lactic acid bacteria. Present and future perspectives in the feed industry. Giardini, Alberto; Vigezzi, Pierangelo; Soncini, Gabriella. Centro Sperimentale de Latte S.P.A., Zelo Buon Persico, Italy. Kraftfutter (2005), 88(7-8), 20-28. Publisher: Deutscher Fachverlag, CODEN: KFFUAS ISSN: 0023-4427. Journal written in English/German. CAN 145:209550 AN 2005:1104473 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 142 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract A large no. of molds species contaminating crops or growing on food and feed commodities may elaborate mycotoxins. An appropriate use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can be envisaged. LAB selected strains have been taken into consideration for their application in the food and feed industry as mold growth antagonists and aflatoxins and other mycotoxin "sequestrants". Bibliographic Information Mono- and multilayer active films containing lysozyme as antimicrobial agent. Buonocore, G. G.; Conte, A.; Corbo, M. R.; Sinigaglia, M.; Del Nobile, M. A. National Research Council, Institute of Composite and Biomedical Materials, Naples, Italy. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies (2005), 6(4), 459-464. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: IFSEBO ISSN: 1466-8564. Journal written in English. CAN 144:190881 AN 2005:1058137 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Active packaging materials able to release antimicrobial compds. into foodstuff can be used in order to avoid or slow down the bacterial growth during storage. In this work the use of two techniques to control the release of the chosen active compd. (lysozyme) from a polymeric material into the foodstuff is proposed: a monolayer crosslinked PVOH film and a multi-layer structure made of crosslinked PVOH layers are developed and studied. Lysozyme release tests into water were performed in order to compare the release kinetics from the investigated films. Results suggest that by means of both structures it is possible to control the rate at which lysozyme is released from the PVOH film. The antimicrobial activity of lysozyme released from the investigated films was tested against a suspension of Micrococcus lysodeikticus. Results show that the incorporation of lysozyme into PVOH does not lead to a loss of activity of the enzyme. Industrial relevance: The increased use of gently processed foods requires packaging to be an integral part of the preservation concept. Consequently addnl. antimicrobial activity from the packaging material can aid in shelf life extension. This paper concs. on the release rate of lysozyme, a naturally occurring antimicrobial agent (eg. salvia, mothers milk, raw milk), from multi-layer films. A comparison of mono- and multi-layer films contg. lysozyme regarding their effectiveness on M. lysodeikticus as target organism was also performed. Both aims were met leading to a controlled release of lysozyme with no loss of activity. Bibliographic Information Characterization and partial purification of peroxidase from artichoke leaves. Cardinali, A.; Di Venere, D.; Sergio, L.; Linsalata, V. Istituto sull'Orticoltura Industriale, CNR, Bari, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2005), 681(Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Artichoke, 2000), 445-452. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 144:463060 AN 2005:1037836 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Artichoke, Cynara cardunculus L. subsp. scolymus (L.) Hayek, is widely used in processed food industry. Leaves and external bud bracts discarded as refuse represent about 70% of the total biomass and could be utilized to ext. important compds. as phenols and enzymes (i.e. polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase) very abundant in this vegetable. Peroxidases (PODs) are part of a large group of enzymes assocd. with cell wall biosynthesis, response to injury, disease, resistance and wound repair. In this study the sepn. and distribution of sol. peroxidase (SP), ionically bound (IBP) and covalently bound (CBP) peroxidases from artichoke leaves was performed. The POD forms were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and stained for peroxidase activity using o-dianisidine as substrate. The SP and IBP electrophoretic patterns were very similar. They showed three different mol. wt. (MW) zones: 100 kDa, 60 kDa and 35 kDa. The CBP pattern was different; it showed a group of high MW bands. The SP was partially purified by ammonium sulfate pptn., gel filtration, affinity chromatog. and AE-HPLC. The increase of specific activity was 43-fold compared to the crude ext. as estd. by the guaiacol assay. The SDS-PAGE stained for POD activity showed a double band with an apparent MW of about 60 kDa. 143 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Antioxidant activities of artichoke phenolics. Lattanzio, V.; Cicco, N.; Linsalata, V. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Orticoltura e Colture Industriali, Tito Scalo, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2005), 681(Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Artichoke, 2000), 421-427. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 144:270510 AN 2005:1037832 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Both leaves and heads from artichokes are rich in phenolic compds. belonging to different classes: benzoic and cinnamic derivs., flavonoids and tannins. There are conditions when these phenolic compds. show antioxidant activities and quench different types of free radicals. Therefore, they can be used as nutrient compds., because of their role in preventing and treating different diseases of radical origin, or as food preservatives. This research deals with the compn. and biol. activities of artichoke exts. prepd. from leaves and heads. Mono-caffeoylquinic acids and dicaffeoylquinic acids are the predominant phenolics in these exts., which also contain flavonoids (apigenin and luteolin glycosides) and tannins (hydrolyzable and condensed tannins). Artichoke exts. and some of their pure phenolic constituents were assessed for their protective role in the control of oxidative damage to biol. mols. (proteins, lipids and DNA), caused by free radicals such as RCOO.bul. and/or OH.bul., and the mechanism of their action using the carotene/linoleate assay, the deoxyribose assay and the metmyoglobin assay. The results of this study suggests that artichoke heads are rich in phenolics showing, in some conditions, a good antioxidant activity and might, therefore, be regarded as a source of dietary antioxidants. In addn., leaves and outer bracts of artichoke heads can be considered as a cheap, as yet unused, source of natural non-toxic antioxidants for use in industrial processes (to preserve and stabilize the freshness, nutritive value, flavor and color of foods). Bibliographic Information Process for the preparation of colored icing sweetners, products obtainable by said process and use thereof in the alimentary field. Angelini, Mario. (Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2005), CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2005084112 A2 20050915 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IS, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2004-IB3900 20041129. Priority: IT 2004-250 20040216. AN 2005:999251 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2005084112 WO 2005084112 Kind A2 A3 Date Application No. Date 20050915 WO 2004-IB3900 20041129 20060420 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 144 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 EP 1715759 A2 US 20070178207 A1 Priority Application IT 2004-MI250 WO 2004-IB3900 A W 20061102 EP 2004-799002 20041129 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR, BG, CZ, EE, HU, PL, SK, HR, IS, YU 20070802 US 2006-589300 20060814 20040216 20041129 Abstract The invention relates to a process for industrial application for preparing icing sweeteners colored with any coloring agent for food use. The process basically consists in subjecting to a simultaneous mixing-refining step a mixture comprising sugar or a surrogate thereof, and one or more coloring agents for food use, by means of a high speed mill. The mill also relates to colored sweetening products that can be obtained with said process and to their use in the alimentary field. Bibliographic Information Growth response, leaf gas exchange and fructans accumulation of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) as affected by different water regimes. Monti, A.; Amaducci, M. T.; Venturi, G. Department of Agroenvironmental Science and Technologies, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. European Journal of Agronomy (2005), 23(2), 136-145. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: EJAGET ISSN: 1161-0301. Journal written in English. CAN 144:429098 AN 2005:842223 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Fructans can be used in the food industry and in several non-food industrial and medical applications. Several crops accumulate fructans as storage reserves, among these Jerusalem artichoke (JA) can be appreciated for its high fructans yield with low input techniques. Dry matter accumulation, leaf photosynthesis and fructans accumulation of JA were investigated under irrigated (W 1) and rain-fed (W 0) conditions over the 2 years 1999 and 2000. In both years, the time-course of the plant growth and biomass partitioning was significantly affected by water availability, esp. during the period of the two first irrigations. The initially higher growth rate of W 1 was explained by leaves and stems while tuber initiation was considerable faster in W 0. Conversely, in the last part of the growing season the considerably faster tuber formation of W 1 produced a higher tuber dry wt. than W 0. As expected by the higher dry matter yield of W 1 the radiation use efficiency (RUE) was also affected by treatment with higher values in irrigated plots (2.9 g MJ-1 vs. 2.2 g MJ-1). Conversely, if marketable product is considered instead of the total dry matter, RUE would be not statistically different between treatments. Leaf net photosynthesis (A) was weakly affected by treatment and strongly by leaf temp. (T leaf) and stomatal conductance (g s). T leaf over 33 C seemed to cause non-stomatal limitations thus to decrease A more than g s did. Stem fructan yields (FYstem) did not vary between treatments despite the fructans content being generally significantly higher in W 0. Otherwise, FYstem as well as the fructan chain length (DP) were significantly reduced by delaying the harvest from Sept. to Nov. The highest tuber DP was slightly higher than that of the stems and it was reached 1800 GDD before the max. tuber dry wt. Water restoration did not increase tuber DP, instead it delayed (700 GDD) the time taken to reach the max. values. Assuming that fructans are extd. both from tubers and stems, the last but one harvest appeared more profitable than the last one. The irrigation slightly increased the fructan yield only in the first year when the meteorol. conditions favored a high aboveground development. In this year the yield was however satisfactory even in rain-fed conditions at least for the consistent water saving (318 L m-2). Moreover, the fructan chains were never affected by water regime. Thus irrigation seems to be not worthwhile for this area. Bibliographic Information Functional foods: Salient features and clinical applications. Riezzo, Giuseppe; Chiloiro, Marisa; Russo, Francesco. Laboratory of Experimental Pathophysiology, Scientific Institute for Digestive Diseases "S. De Bellis", 145 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Castellana Grotte, Italy. Current Drug Targets: Immune, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (2005), 5(3), 331-337. Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., CODEN: CDTIBT ISSN: 1568-0088. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 143:171441 AN 2005:812384 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The term "functional food" refers to foods or ingredients of food providing an addnl. physiol. benefit beyond their basic nutritional needs. Health benefits are best obtained through a varied diet contg. fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and seeds. However, fortified foods and dietary supplements were marketed and food industry have made functional food one of their current leading trends. Recently, the no. of functional foods that have a potential benefit on health has hugely grown and scientific evidence is supporting the role of functional foods in prevention and treatment of several diseases. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and hypertension are the most important diseases that can be treated or prevented by functional foods; other diseases are osteoporosis, abnormal bowel motility, and arthritis. It was estd. that 80% of cancer in USA have a nutrition/diet component suggesting a great impact of functional food and foods components on incidence and treatment of cancer. Numerous factors complicate the evaluation of scientific evidence such as the complexity of food substance, effect on food, metabolic changes assocd. to dietary changes, the lack of biol. markers of disease development. This paper reviews the scientific evidence supporting this area regarding only those foods and ingredients in which a clear exptl. and clin. evidence exists for their chemopreventive and therapeutic effects. Bibliographic Information In vitro antimicrobial activity of essential oils from Mediterranean Apiaceae, Verbenaceae and Lamiaceae against foodborne pathogens and spoilage bacteria. Di Pasqua, Rosangela; De Feo, Vincenzo; Villani, Francesco; Mauriello, Gianluigi. Dipartimento di Scienza degli Alimenti, Universita degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Portici, Italy. Annals of Microbiology (Milano, Italy) (2005), 55(2), 139-143. Publisher: University of Milan, Dep of Food Science and Microbiology, CODEN: AMNIC7 ISSN: 1590-4261. Journal written in English. CAN 144:146366 AN 2005:781814 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The aim of this work was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of twelve essential oils, against Gram-pos. and Gramneg. bacteria, for a potential use in the food industry. The antimicrobial activity of essential oils was detd. by an agar diffusion method against foodborne pathogens and spoilage bacteria. Further, bacteriostatic and bactericidal concns. were detd. for each strain that evidenced sensitivity to the oils. All the oils showed bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium, while Brochotrix thermosphacta was inhibited by eight of 12 tested oils. Finally, the pathogenic microorganism Listeria monocytogenes and lactic acid bacteria strains were affected only by thyme, oregano and vervain oils. The essential oils considered in this research showed a satisfactory antimicrobial activity. The essential oils could be used for the development of novel systems for food preservation. Bibliographic Information Hybrid membrane operations in water desalination and industrial process rationalisation. Drioli, E.; Di Profio, G.; Curcio, E. Institute on Membrane Technology ITM-CNR, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy. Water Science and Technology (2005), 51(6-7, Water Environment--Membrane Technology), 293-304. Publisher: IWA Publishing, CODEN: WSTED4 ISSN: 0273-1223. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 144:337087 AN 2005:674184 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review concerning membrane science and technol. to resolve important global problems and develop new industrial processes needed for sustainable industrial growth is given. Topics discussed include: membrane technol. for seawater desalination; membrane technol. for selected industrial processes (textile and leather industry wastewater treatment; dairy, fruit juice, and food applications; membrane applications in petrochem. industry ethylene prodn. process); and conclusions. 146 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Photosynthetic membranes. Part 74. Solar energy driven photocatalytic membrane modules for water reuse in agricultural and food industries. Pre-industrial experience using s-triazines as model molecules. Bellobono, Ignazio Renato; Morazzoni, Franca; Bianchi, Riccardo; Mangone, Emilia Simona; Stanescu, Rodica; Costache, Cristina; Tozzi, Paola Maria. Environmental Research Centre, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. International Journal of Photoenergy (2005), 7(2), 87-94. Publisher: Ain Shams University, Photoenergy Center, CODEN: IJPNBU Journal written in English. CAN 144:375903 AN 2005:669601 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A membrane module, using photocatalytic membranes, was used in a pilot plant, under solar irradn. conditions, to investigate photodecompn.-photooxidn. of atrazine, propazine, terbutylazine, symazine, prometryn, and ametryn, as model mols. of s-triazine herbicides, at a std. concn. (1.0 ppm) simulating those of contaminated aquifers, using ozone as the oxygen source. Photocatalytic composite membranes had 30 3 wt.% immobilized TiO2 and 6 wt.% of a synergic mixt. of tri(tert-butyl)- and tri-(i-propyl)vanadate(V). Photooxidn. was followed by anal. of substrate disappearance, as such, and by total org. carbon (TOC) anal. A four parameters kinetic model was used, as set up in previous studies of this series, to interpret the whole photooxidn. curve. Quantum yields, as indicative of catalytic and photocatalytic mechanisms, were evaluated satisfactorily: they are discussed, and compared with those of previous studies on the same substrates, carried out in the same module, but in conditions of practically monochromatic irradn. (254 nm) within the range of optical absorption of a semiconductor. Finally, in order to compare effectiveness of composite photocatalytic membranes, described above, prepd. by photografting, either in the presence or in the absence of an added photopromoter, as well as that of metallic membranes, onto which the semiconductor without any photopromoter was present as a 3-4 m thick surface layer, directly produced on the nanotechnol. treated surface, with those of other com. materials, parallel expts. were carried out, by using com. sheets in which the semiconductor was immobilized, by a method based substantially on gluing by colloidal silica. All of these comparison expts. were carried out at a lab. scale, using dioxygen of air, or ozone as oxygen donors. Bibliographic Information Piston with an improved seal system for a dosing apparatus, in particular for use in food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. (Crespi, Carlo, Italy). Ger. Gebrauchsmusterschrift (2005), 7 pp. CODEN: GGXXFR DE 202005005346 U1 20050714 Patent written in German. Application: DE 2005-202005005346 20050405. Priority: IT 2004-22 20040526. CAN 143:135382 AN 2005:608694 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. DE 202005005346 Kind U1 Date 20050714 Priority Application IT 2004-PC22U U 20040526 Application No. DE 2005-202005005346 Date 20050405 Abstract The seal for the piston of a dosing app. consists of an outer part which is in contact with the cylinder wall and an inner part made of a different material than that of the outer part. The inner part has a circumference groove into which elastic means (e.g., a spring-loaded steel element) are introduced. The elastic means press against the outer part of the seal to hold it in contact with the cylinder wall. Bibliographic Information 147 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Subjective and objective evaluation of odors. How to quantify an odor. Polesello, Andrea. Italy. Laboratorio 2000 (2005), 19(3), 24-37. Publisher: Morgan Edizioni Tecniche, CODEN: LABOE4 ISSN: 1120-8376. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 144:297717 AN 2005:562136 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review (16 refs.). Sensors and anal. methods are described for evaluation of odors for quality control of industrial products, cosmetics, foods, sanitary engineering. Bibliographic Information Anaerobic digestion of food industry wastes. Effect of codigestion on methane yield. Carucci, G.; Carrasco, F.; Trifoni, K.; Majone, M.; Beccari, M. Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy. Journal of Environmental Engineering (Reston, VA, United States) (2005), 131(7), 1037-1045. Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers, CODEN: JOEEDU ISSN: 0733-9372. Journal written in English. CAN 143:352251 AN 2005:530298 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Anaerobic treatability of 2 different wastes that represent the main refuse streams generated by a frozen food factory (fresh vegetable waste and precooked food waste) was assessed. Moreover, the sludge coming from agro-industrial wastewater treatment was codigested with the previously mentioned wastes. Batch tests were performed at different solids content both on the single wastes and on appropriate mixts. of them (also to simulate the seasonality of factory prodn.). Both fresh vegetable and precooked food wastes strongly inhibited methanogenesis from unacclimated inoculum at 10% solids content (undiluted waste) and 5% solids content (8- to 9-fold dild. waste), resp. This was due to their high contents of K and lipids, resp. The aerobic sludge from the wastewater treatment plant did not exert inhibitory effect 10% solids content (undiluted waste). Codigestion of the fresh vegetable waste and sludge (60 and 40% on wet basis) was more effective both in terms of rate and yield of methane prodn. with respect to the single wastes (due to diln. and synergic effects). On the other hand, methanogenesis remained strongly inhibited from mixts. contg. pre-cooked food waste (at 25 and 45%, on wet basis). Methanogenesis inhibition could be overcome by a long acclimation period. Fill-and-draw digestion in a 0.5 L lab-scale reactor of the fresh vegetable waste and sludge mixt. after start up with acclimated inoculum allowed higher methane yields (37% at high org. load and 57% at low org. load). Better results were obtained in a 1.7 L micropilot fill-and-draw reactor (yield of 67%) fed at higher frequency. Bibliographic Information Transglutaminases as biotechnological tools. Mariniello, Loredana; Porta, Raffaele. Department of Food Science, University of Naples 'Federico II', Naples, Italy. Progress in Experimental Tumor Research (2005), 38(Transglutaminases), 174-191. Publisher: S. Karger AG, CODEN: PEXTAR ISSN: 0079-6263. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 144:269652 AN 2005:500927 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review describes the main applications of the multiple transglutaminase mol. isoforms in different sectors, from biomedicine to cosmetics, from food to leather and textile industries. Bibliographic Information Differences in volatiles, and chemical, microbial and sensory characteristics between artisanal and industrial Piacentinu Ennese cheeses. Horne, J.; Carpino, S.; Tuminello, L.; Rapisarda, T.; Corallo, L.; Licitra, G. Regione Siciliana, CoRFiLaC, Ragusa, Italy. International Dairy Journal (2005), 15(6-9), 605-617. Publisher: Elsevier B.V, CODEN: IDAJE6 ISSN: 0958-6946. Journal written in English. CAN 143:476834 AN 2005:465104 148 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Piacentinu is a traditional Sicilian ewes' milk cheese produced in the province of Enna. The objective of this study was to det. whether altering the traditional conditions under which Piacentinu cheeses are made affects their volatile org. compds. (VOCs) and sensory characteristics. Cheeses were obtained from different farms and ripened for 2 to 6 mo. Those made from raw milk and artisanal rennets contained a more diverse group of VOCs, esp. with respect to terpenes, and had significantly stronger aroma intensities in most categories except fruity. Cheeses made from pasteurized milk with com. starters and rennets had significantly stronger salty and spicy tastes. Principal components anal. of the VOC and sensory data sepd. the 2 types of cheeses by their VOC "fingerprints" and a few aroma sensory attributes. Ripening time was accounted for by aroma intensity, and taste and texture attributes. Bibliographic Information Interactions between metabolism of trace metals and xenobiotic agonists of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in the Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii: Environmental perspectives. Regoli, Francesco; Nigro, Marco; Benedetti, Maura; Gorbi, Stefania; Pretti, Carlo; Gervasi, Pier Giovanni; Fattorini, Daniele. Istituto di Biologia e Genetica, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2005), 24(6), 1475-1482. Publisher: SETAC Press, CODEN: ETOCDK ISSN: 0730-7268. Journal written in English. CAN 143:72980 AN 2005:455965 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Although Antarctica is a pristine environment, organisms are challenged with contaminants either released locally or transported from industrialized regions through atm. circulation and marine food webs. Organisms from Terra Nova Bay also are exposed to a natural enrichment of cadmium, but to our knowledge, whether such environmental conditions influence biol. responses to anthropogenic pollutants has never been considered. In the present study, the Antarctic rock cod (Trematomus bernacchii) was exposed to model chems., including polycyclic arom. hydrocarbons (benzo[a]pyrene), persistent org. pollutants (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin [TCDD]), cadmium, and a combination of cadmium and TCDD. Analyzed parameters included chem. bioaccumulation, activity, and levels of biotransformation enzymes (cytochrome P 4501A); metallothioneins and the efficiency of the antioxidant system measured as individual defenses (catalase, glutathione, glutathione reductase, glutathione S-transferases, and glutathione peroxidases); and total scavenging capacity toward peroxyl and hydroxyl radicals. Reciprocal interactions between metab. of inorg. and org. pollutants were demonstrated. Dioxin enhanced the accumulation of cadmium, probably stored within proliferating endoplasmic reticulum, and cadmium suppressed the inducibility of cytochrome P 4501A, allowing us to hypothesize a posttranscriptional mechanism as the depletion of heme group availability. Clear evidence of oxidative perturbation was provided by the inhibition of antioxidants and enhanced sensitivity to oxyradical toxicity in fish exposed to org. chems. Exposure to cadmium revealed counteracting responses of glutathione metab.; however, these responses did not prevent a certain loss of antioxidant capacity toward peroxyl radicals. The pattern of antioxidant responses exhibited by fish coexposed to cadmium and TCDD was more similar to that obsd. for cadmium than to that obsd. for TCDD. The overall results suggest that elevated natural levels of cadmium in Antarctic organisms from Terra Nova Bay can limit biotransformation capability of polycyclic (halogenated) hydrocarbons, thus influencing the bioaccumulation and biol. effects of these chems. in key sentinel species. Bibliographic Information Mixing kinetics of granular materials in drums operated in rolling and cataracting regime. Santomaso, A.; Olivi, M.; Canu, P. DIPIC-Dipartimento di Principi e Impianti di Ingegneria Chimica, Universita di Padova, Padua, Italy. Powder Technology (2005), 152(1-3), 41-51. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: POTEBX ISSN: 00325910. Journal written in English. CAN 142:484027 AN 2005:389688 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 149 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Most of the earlier studies on mixing were focused on drums operated in or close to rolling regime, considered the most convenient for metallurgical, cement and mining applications in rotary kilns. However, many other industrial applications deal with powder mixing in rotating drums or other tumblers such as in pharmaceutical, detergent or food industry. In these cases, effectiveness of mixing may be given by other regimes. Here we compare mixing efficiency and kinetics of two different regimes, i.e. rolling and cataracting. The attention was specifically focused on both the internal compn. patterns and the mixing kinetics, aiming at optimizing the operation time and the final homogeneity of the mixts. The internal structure of the bed, after mixing, was investigated through a solidification technique. Images of the transverse plane of the mixt. at the ends of the drum provide information on the mixt. compn. there, during mixing. Both information from the interior and the ends were used to point out differences in the mixing patterns and kinetics of the two regimes considered. It is known since a long time in the industry that the evolution of the mixing process strongly depends on the history whom the bulk was subjected to before mixing begins or during the early stages of the process. This work aims at providing some mechanistic and quant. explanation of this knowledge and shows that not a single regime, but a proper combination of the two regimes allows to achieve a better mixing quality more rapidly. Bibliographic Information Wet hydrogen peroxide catalytic oxidation (WHPCO) of organic waste in agro-food and industrial streams. Perathoner, Siglinda; Centi, Gabriele. Department of Industrial Chemistry and Engineering of Materials and ELCASS (European Laboratory for Catalysis and Surface Science), University of Messina, Messina, Italy. Topics in Catalysis (2005), 33(1-4), 207-224. Publisher: Springer, CODEN: TOCAFI ISSN: 1022-5528. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 143:158059 AN 2005:389521 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This review discusses the use of iron- or copper-based solid catalysts in the wet oxidn. using H2O2 as oxidant of org. mols. present in agro-food and industrial waste aq. streams. After an introduction on the advantages and limits of using wet H2O2 catalytic oxidn. (WHPCO) as opposite to wet air catalytic oxidn. (WACO), the contribution shortly analyses recent results in the field to evidence new trends and open issues. More specific examples discussed regard the performances of Fe/zeolite and Fe-contg. pillared clays in the oxidn. of selected mols. (p-coumaric acid, propionic acid) of relevance for the treatment of org. waste from agro-food prodn. (with ref. esp. to olive oil milling wastewater). The application of WHPCO in the treatment of complex effluents from electronic industry is also shortly discussed. Bibliographic Information Industrial process for recycling waste, its applications, and products obtained. Di Giovanni, Maurizio. (Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2005), 67 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2005035148 A1 20050421 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2004-IB382 20040216. Priority: IT 2003-2 20031009. CAN 142:396980 AN 2005:346926 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2005035148 Kind A1 Date Application No. Date 20050421 WO 2004-IB382 20040216 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW 150 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 EP 1673180 EP 1673180 A1 B1 AT 368529 US 20070262031 T A1 Priority Application IT 2003-TP2 WO 2004-IB382 A W RW: BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20060628 EP 2004-711416 20040216 20070801 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR, BG, CZ, EE, HU, SK 20070815 AT 2004-711416 20040216 20071115 US 2007-573714 20070308 20031009 20040216 Abstract The present invention relates to an industrial process, a so-called oxido-destruction process, for conveniently recycling every type of waste of any origin. The materials obtained through said process have various and interesting possibilities of use in the industrial field. Said process is preferably carried out continuously, in a suitable mobile or stationary system, by subjecting said waste to an oxidative demolition-polymn. reaction, followed if necessary by a repolymn. reaction depending on the desired end product. In the first case, the result consists of fluid and solid, biol. stable sterile materials, whereas in the second case the result is a stable sterile expanded polymer having a polyurethane structure. Said system basically comprises means for waste volumetric redn. and compacting and a multistage reactor, where the oxido-destruction process takes place. Preferably, said system also comprises means for collecting, isolating and sepg. products resulting from oxido-destruction treatment. Said system is most preferably combined with two turboelectrophotolytic reactors for on-site prepn. and metering of the super-oxidizing mixt. for waste oxidative demolitiondepolymn. Bibliographic Information Effects of endocrine disruptors on developmental and reproductive functions. Brevini, Tiziana A. L.; Zanetto, Simona Bertola; Cillo, Fabiana. Department of Anatomy of Domestic Animals, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milano, Italy. Current Drug Targets: Immune, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (2005), 5(1), 1-10. Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., CODEN: CDTIBT ISSN: 1568-0088. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 142:311038 AN 2005:246760 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Endocrine disrupters (EDs) are exogenous environmental mols. that may affect the synthesis, secretion, transport, metab., binding, action, and catabolism of natural hormones in the body. EDs may thus interact with the endocrine system of animals and humans and can exert this effect even when present in minute amts. EDs have adverse impacts on a no. of developmental functions in wildlife and humans. Crit. periods of urogenital tract and nervous system development in-utero and during early post-natal life are esp. sensitive to hormonal disruption. Furthermore a wide range of hormone-dependent organs (pituitary gland, hypothalamus, reproductive tract) are targets of EDs disrupting effects in adult subjects, possibly resulting in cell transformation and cancer. At present about 60 chems. have been identified and characterized as EDs and belong to three main groups: (a) synthetic compds. utilized in industry, agriculture and consumer products; (b) synthetic mols. used as pharmaceutical drugs and (c) natural chems. found in human and animal food (phytoestrogens). In the present review we will give special attention to the family of Polychlorinated biphenyls (also indicated as PCBs) because of their persistence in the environment, ability to conc. up the food chain, continued detection in environmental matrixes, and ability to be stored in the adipose tissue of animals as well as humans. The detrimental effects of these compds., and of EDs more in general, on health and reprodn. will be discussed, presenting exptl. data aimed at understanding the mol. mechanisms involved in their action. 151 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Analytical comparison of monovarietal virgin olive oils obtained by both a continuous industrial plant and a low-scale mill. Cerretani, Lorenzo; Bendini, Alessandra; Rotondi, Annalisa; Lercker, Giovanni; Toschi, Tullia Gallina. Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti, Universita di Bologna, Cesena, Italy. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (2005), 107(2), 93-100. Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, CODEN: EJLTFM ISSN: 1438-7697. Journal written in English. CAN 143:6443 AN 2005:221135 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Two monovarietal extra virgin olive oils, obtained from Ghiacciolo and Nostrana di Brisighella cvv. olives, were produced by 2 different extn. plants, a low-scale mill equipped with a 2-phase decanter and a continuous water-saving industrial plant. The olive ripening index, the fatty acid anal. by capillary gas chromatog., the spectrophotometric detns. of total phenols and o-diphenols, the phenolic profile by HPLC-DAD/MSD and the oxidative stability by OSI, together with the sensory anal. on the oil produced, were evaluated. Independently of the olive processing plant, the oils originating from 2 cultivars of olive fruit showed different fatty acid compns. (particularly the C18:1/C18:2 ratio), phenol compns. and oxidative stabilities. Concerning the extn. system, for both cultivars, the oxidative resistance and the content of phenols and o-diphenols were higher for the oils produced by the low-scale mill. The quant. descriptive anal. sensory anal. was not able to discriminate the oil samples from both cultivars obtained from the 2 plants, even if it underlined a higher bitter attribute for the Ghiacciolo cv. oil when it was obtained from the low-scale mill. The data of the sensory anal. were correlated with simple phenol and the secoiridoid contents, both detd. by HPLC-DAD-MSD. Bibliographic Information Pathological evidence of interactions of environmental micro and nanoparticles in humans. Gatti, Antonietta M.; Montanari, Stefano. lab. of Biomaterials, Dept of Neurosciences, University of modena and ReggioEmilia, Modena, Italy. Abstracts of Papers, 229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, March 13-17, 2005 (2005), IEC-157. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69GQMP Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2005:190358 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The European Project NANOPATHOl. lead to the discovery of pathol. interactions between micro and nanoparticles and the human organism. Through a novel technique of environmental electron scanning microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and the ad-hoc prepn. of biol. samples, it has been possible to observe the presence of inorg. debris in pathol. biopsies and autopsies. In non-cancerous and cancerous neoformations (granulomas, lymphomas, etc.) debris was detected from whose chem. (by EDS) an environmental origin was put forward thanks to the anamnestic indications given by patients. Specific foundings from the environment confirmed the identity between pollution in the environment and in the patient. The particles found were neither biodegradable nor biocompatible and liable to induce adverse biol. reactions. Over 100 pathol. samples from subjects exposed to: 1) inhaled occupational pollution (soldering, aluminothermia, etc.), 2) dust inhaled from the Twin Towers collapse and 3) ingested food polluted by industrial wastes are shown. Bibliographic Information Estimation of Color of Durum Wheat. Comparison of WSB, HPLC, and Reflectance Colorimeter Measurements. Fratianni, Alessandra; Irano, Mario; Panfili, Gianfranco; Acquistucci, Rita. DISTAAM, Universita degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso, Italy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2005), 53(7), 2373-2378. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: JAFCAU ISSN: 0021-8561. Journal written in English. CAN 142:409896 AN 2005:179907 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Color is an important parameter involved in the definition of semolina and pasta quality. This character is mainly due 152 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 to natural pigments (carotenoids) that are present at different levels in cereals and cereal products, due to botanical origin, growing conditions, distribution in the kernel, and technol. processes. In food industries, color measurements are usually performed by means of automatic instruments that are rapid and safe, as alternatives to the chem. extn. methods. In this study, automatic measurements (CIE, color-space system L*, a*, b*), water-satd. butanol (WSB), and HPLC detns. have been applied to evaluate the carotenoid content in whole meals and resp. semolina samples produced from wheat cultivated in the years 2001 and 2002. In whole meals, total carotenoids, detd. by HPLC, were about 3.0 g/g (2001) and 3.5 g/g (2002) calcd. on dry wt. (dw) and about 3.0 and 3.2 g/g dw in corresponding semolina samples. The b* values for the same period were 19.78 and 15.75, resp., in raw materials and 20.03-21.67 in semolina. Results have confirmed lutein and -carotene as the main components mainly responsible for the yellow color in wheat grains. The ability of the index b* to express natural dyeing was dependent on sample characteristics as demonstrated by the relationships found between this index and pigments, although the best correlation resulted between HPLC and WSB. Bibliographic Information Determination of cadmium, lead, iron, nickel and chromium in selected food matrices by plasma spectrometric techniques. Cubadda, Francesco; Raggi, Andrea. National Centre for Food Quality and Risk Assessment, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Microchemical Journal (2005), 79(1-2), 91-96. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: MICJAN ISSN: 0026-265X. Journal written in English. CAN 142:238874 AN 2005:49160 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In the frame of a study aimed at investigating the transfer of metal contaminants through the food chain and the effects of food processing, 5 elements, namely Cd, Pb, Fe, Ni and Cr, were accurately detd. in (i) durum wheat grain and derived products, (ii) wheat-based ref. materials, (iii) drinking water, used both as an ingredient and for technol. purposes in the investigated industrial process. Microwave closed vessel digestion was selected as the dissoln. technique for solid samples, whereas water samples were acidified with ultrapure nitric acid and analyzed directly. As several analytes had to be quantified at trace or ultratrace levels, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) was resorted to for anal. detns. Overall, this straightforward anal. approach enabled to detect the often small changes in element concn. assocd. with the different technol. steps of processing. Nevertheless, detection of heavily interfered elements, esp. Cr, as well as analyte quantification at ultratrace-level level in water, posed anal. challenges that required suited anal. solns. Changes in the sample introduction system and complementary use of inductively coupled plasma at. emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) straightforwardly overcame the difficulties in detg. the analytes in the selected food matrixes. The benefits of ultrasonic nebulization in reducing the effects of problematic spectral interferences were demonstrated. Overall, a robust and high-throughput anal. method was outlined. Bibliographic Information Batch and fed-batch cultivations of Spirulina platensis using ammonium sulphate and urea as nitrogen sources. Soletto, D.; Binaghi, L.; Lodi, A.; Carvalho, J. C. M.; Converti, A. Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Genoa, Italy. Aquaculture (2005), 243(1-4), 217-224. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: AQCLAL ISSN: 00448486. Journal written in English. CAN 142:428808 AN 2004:1088525 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis is an attractive source of chlorophyll, a green pigment used in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, and other high-value cell components. Moreover, it can be easily and cheaply recovered by filtration from the cultivation medium. In this work, the replacement of potassium nitrate with ammonium sulfate (A) and urea (U) as cheaper nitrogen sources was investigated. Previous research work did in fact demonstrate that urea has no effect on the final chlorophyll content of the cultures. Several batch and fed-batch protocols were tested, modeled, and compared in this work for the first time. It was demonstrated that the kinetics of S. platensis growth at 30 C, using urea as nitrogen source, can be comparable and even better than the kinetics achievable with the classic nitrate-based culture media. Adoption of an appropriate slowly increasing urea feeding rate prevented the 153 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 accumulation of ammonia in the medium as well as its well-known inhibition of biomass growth; therefore, the use of urea should be recognized as a possible way to decrease the costs of a large-scale plant for the prodn. of Spirulina platensis. Bibliographic Information Effects of hypothyroidism and endocrine disruptor-dependent non-thyroidal illness syndrome on the GnRHgonadotroph axis of the adult male rat. Toni R; Della Casa C; Castorina S; Cocchi D; Celotti F Department of Human Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of Parma, Parma, Italy. [email protected] Journal of endocrinological investigation (2005), 28(11 Suppl Proceedings), 20-7. Journal code: 7806594. ISSN:0391-4097. (COMPARATIVE STUDY); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16760620 AN 2006359643 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Effects of primary hypothyroidism (HYPO) on the male gonadal axis are controversial, with only scanty data on the gonadotroph cell response and no information on GnRH tuberoinfundibular neurons, even in animal models. HYPO has been reported to variably induce hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, a hypergonadotropic state, or to have no effects on basal levels of pituitary gonadotropins, both in adult male rats and humans. Similarly, the exogenous administration of GnRH to HYPO rats and humans may increase or decrease gonadotropin secretion. Since inhibitory effects of HYPO on the GnRH-gonadotropin axis are reversed by replacement with L-T4, it has been suggested that thyroid hormone (TH) may regulate tuberoinfundibular GnRH and pituitary gonadotropin biosynthesis and/or secretion. To shed light on this hypothesis, we conducted immunocytochemical studies on the distribution and immunostaining characteristics of hypophysiotropic GnRH neurons, LH, PRL and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) immunoreactive (IR) cells in the pituitary of adult, male rats. We show that HYPO reduces IR-GnRH in a restricted population of tuberoinfundibular perikarya and their proximal axons compared to euthyroid controls, but increases IRVIP both in pituitary cells in direct association with LH-gonadotrophs and within IR-LH cells, itself. We propose that VIP may serve as a juxtacrine/paracrine/autocrine regulator of LH secretion and that, when GnRH biosynthesis is reduced by HYPO, gonadotropin secretion may be rescued by local activating effects of VIP. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), industry toxicants found in food and water, also have inhibitory effects on the gonadal axis, decreasing fertility and suppressing basal and GnRHinduced LH release in male rats. Since PCB may also exert endocrine disruptor-dependent (EDD) effects on the thyroid axis producing a non-thyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS) (coined EDD-NTIS), we developed a rat model of EDD-NTIS to determine whether central hypothyroidism may contribute to the pathophysiology of PCB-induced hypogonadism. On the basis of preliminary animal data, we speculate that one of the mechanisms for Partial Androgen Deficiency of the Aging Male may involve central hypothyroidism and EDD-NTIS, resulting in inhibition of the GnRH-gonadotroph axis. Bibliographic Information Characterization of carbons from olive cake by sorption of wastewater pollutants. Cimino G; Cappello R M; Caristi C; Toscano G Dipart. di Chimica organica e biologica, Universita degli Studi di Messina Salita Sperone 31, 98166 Messina, Italy. [email protected] Chemosphere (2005), 61(7), 947-55. Journal code: 0320657. ISSN:0045-6535. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 16257318 AN 2005578461 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Studies has been conducted to compare the sorption properties between raw carbons made from olive cake and commercial activated carbons to remove aquatic pollutant such as heavy metal (HM), phenol (Ph), dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid-sodium salt detergent (DBSNa) and methylene blue dye (MB). Effect of acidic treatments by H2SO4, HCl and HNO3 on the sorption properties of olive cake carbon (OCC) were studied by mass titration, SEM photographs, sorption isotherms. It is found that acidic treatment changes the surface properties of OCC but do not enhance its sorption capacity. Compared to commercial activated carbons the OCC derivatives generally are equally 154 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 able to uptake HM and Ph from solution but MB and DBSNa are not. This different behaviour is to attribute to manufacturing and activation treatments so as surface groups of the precursor sorbent material. For the heavy metals, chromium and silver were removed effectively but to small extent cadmium. This may be because of the various charge densities of metal elements tested. The results of the multiple experiments indicate that sorption of cadmium ions can be significantly improved by the presence of complexing agents sorbed from the carbon. An empirical mathematical form is proposed to correlate experimental data and to compare the performance of the different sorbent materials. Bibliographic Information The food safety management system. Stecchini M L; Del Torre M Department of Food Science, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. [email protected] Veterinary research communications (2005), 29 Suppl 2 117-21. Journal code: 8100520. ISSN:0165-7380. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16244936 AN 2005567727 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A comprehensive food safety strategy involves establishing risk management goals, food safety objectives and, for production systems, performance objectives and performance criteria. The working instructions for each step of the process should be validated for their effect before integration within a specific HACCP plan. The importance of realistic inactivation models to predict the hygienic equivalence of food processing operations is discussed. Bibliographic Information Probabilistic models for food-borne disease risk assessment. Trevisani M; Rosmini R Department of Veterinary Public Heath and Animal Pathology, Alma Mater University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. [email protected] Veterinary research communications (2005), 29 Suppl 2 107-12. Journal code: 8100520. ISSN:0165-7380. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16244934 AN 2005567725 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Risk assessment is a tool used by manufacturers, governmental, or regulatory bodies to evaluate the safety of food production systems and decide on strategies to protect consumers. This article presents a general approach to the use of probabilistic models to assess the risk related to specific hazards in some categories of food. It discusses their value in organising and analysing the scientific knowledge about the factors that most affect risk along the food production chain, but also highlights the data gaps that currently hamper accurate risk assessment. Bibliographic Information Disease and health management in Asian aquaculture. Bondad-Reantaso Melba G; Subasinghe Rohana P; Arthur J Richard; Ogawa Kazuo; Chinabut Supranee; Adlard Robert; Tan Zilong; Shariff Mohamed Fisheries Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Vialle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. [email protected] Veterinary parasitology (2005), 132(3-4), 249-72. Journal code: 7602745. ISSN:0304-4017. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 16099592 AN 2005474059 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Asia contributes more than 90% to the world's aquaculture production. Like other farming systems, aquaculture is plagued with disease problems resulting from its intensification and commercialization. This paper describes the various factors, providing specific examples, which have contributed to the current disease problems faced by what is now the fastest growing food-producing sector globally. These include increased globalization of trade and markets; the intensification of fish-farming practices through the movement of broodstock, postlarvae, fry and fingerlings; the introduction of new species for aquaculture development; the expansion of the ornamental fish trade; the enhancement 155 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 of marine and coastal areas through the stocking of aquatic animals raised in hatcheries; the unanticipated interactions between cultured and wild populations of aquatic animals; poor or lack of effective biosecurity measures; slow awareness on emerging diseases; the misunderstanding and misuse of specific pathogen free (SPF) stocks; climate change; other human-mediated movements of aquaculture commodities. Data on the socio-economic impacts of aquatic animal diseases are also presented, including estimates of losses in production, direct and indirect income and employment, market access or share of investment, and consumer confidence; food availability; industry failures. Examples of costs of investment in aquatic animal health-related activities, including national strategies, research, surveillance, control and other health management programmes are also provided. Finally, the strategies currently being implemented in the Asian region to deal with transboundary diseases affecting the aquaculture sector are highlighted. These include compliance with international codes, and development and implementation of regional guidelines and national aquatic animal health strategies; new diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and new information technology; new biosecurity measures including risk analysis, epidemiology, surveillance, reporting and planning for emergency response to epizootics; targeted research; institutional strengthening and manpower development (education, training and extension research and diagnostic services). Bibliographic Information Analysis of pulegone and its enanthiomeric distribution in mint-flavoured food products. Siano F; Catalfamo M; Cautela D; Servillo L; Castaldo D Stazione Sperimentale per le Industrie delle Essenze e dei Derivati dagli Agrumi, Via Gen. Tommasini 2, I-89127 Reggio Calabria, Italy Food additives and contaminants (2005), 22(3), 197-203. Journal code: 8500474. ISSN:0265-203X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 16019787 AN 2005362975 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A procedure for the extraction and determination of pulegone enanthiomers in mint essential oils and mint products (syrups, dried leaves, toothpaste, lozenges, candy and chewing-gum) was developed. The compounds were recovered from the food matrices by employing a simultaneous distillation-extraction (SDE) technique with a Likens-Nickerson apparatus using dichloromethane as an extraction solvent. The analyses were performed by capillary gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Experiments on food products spiked at different pulegone concentrations showed recoveries ranging from 95 to 106%. The detection limit was about 5?mg?l(-1) for both pulegone enanthiomers and good linearity was found in the concentration range 0.5-25?mg?l(-1). In a number of repeated analyses, the pulegone peak height repeatability (RSD) was 0.2%. The pulegone enanthiomers were separated and quantified by enanthioselective multidimensional gas chromatography. The results of analyses conducted on essential mint oils and mint-flavoured food products are reported. Bibliographic Information Coagulase-positive Staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus in food products marketed in Italy. Normanno G; Firinu A; Virgilio S; Mula G; Dambrosio A; Poggiu A; Decastelli L; Mioni R; Scuota S; Bolzoni G; Di Giannatale E; Salinetti A P; La Salandra G; Bartoli M; Zuccon F; Pirino T; Sias S; Parisi A; Quaglia N C; Celano G V Department of Health and Animal Welfare, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Strada prov.le per Casamassima Km, 3-70010 Valenzano Bari, Italy. [email protected] International journal of food microbiology (2005), 98(1), 73-9. Journal code: 8412849. ISSN:0168-1605. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 15617802 AN 2004642104 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Staphylococcus aureus is a very common organism capable of producing several enterotoxins (SEs) that cause intoxication symptoms of varying intensity in humans when ingested through contaminated food. This paper reports the results of an investigation on the presence of Coagulase-Positive Staphylococci (CPS) and S. aureus in several food products marketed in Italy and on food contact surface swabs sampled from the food industry. A total of 11,384 156 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 samples were examined and 1971 of them (17.3%) were found to contain CPS. The assays performed on 541 CPS strains led to the identification of 537 S. aureus strains on which characterization of type A, B, C and D staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEA, SEB, SEC and SED) was performed. A total of 298 S. aureus strains (55.5%) produced one or more SEs: 33.9% of the strains produced SEC, 26.5% SEA, 20.5% SEA+SED, 13.4% SED, 2.7% SEB, 1.7% SEA+SEB, 0.7% SEC+SED and 0.3% produced SEA+SEC and SEB+SEC. The investigation highlighted that these organisms are very common and constitute a potential risk for consumers' health. Bibliographic Information Assessment of dietary intake of flavouring substances within the procedure for their safety evaluation: advantages and limitations of estimates obtained by means of a per capita method. Arcella D; Leclercq C Human Nutrition Department, INRAN, National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition, Via Ardeatina 546, 00178 Rome, Italy Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association (2005), 43(1), 105-16. Journal code: 8207483. ISSN:0278-6915. (COMPARATIVE STUDY); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 15582202 AN 2004608795 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The procedure for the safety evaluation of flavourings adopted by the European Commission in order to establish a positive list of these substances is a stepwise approach which was developed by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and amended by the Scientific Committee on Food. Within this procedure, a per capita amount based on industrial poundage data of flavourings, is calculated to estimate the dietary intake by means of the maximised survey-derived daily intake (MSDI) method. This paper reviews the MSDI method in order to check if it can provide conservative intake estimates as needed at the first steps of a stepwise procedure. Scientific papers and opinions dealing with the MSDI method were reviewed. Concentration levels reported by the industry were compared with estimates obtained with the MSDI method. It appeared that, in some cases, these estimates could be orders of magnitude (up to 5) lower than those calculated considering concentration levels provided by the industry and regular consumption of flavoured foods and beverages. A critical review of two studies which had been used to support the statement that MSDI is a conservative method for assessing exposure to flavourings among high consumers was performed. Special attention was given to the factors that affect exposure at high percentiles, such as brand loyalty and portion sizes. It is concluded that these studies may not be suitable to validate the MSDI method used to assess intakes of flavours by European consumers due to shortcomings in the assumptions made and in the data used. Exposure assessment is an essential component of risk assessment. The present paper suggests that the MSDI method is not sufficiently conservative. There is therefore a clear need for either using an alternative method to estimate exposure to flavourings in the procedure or for limiting intakes to the levels at which the safety was assessed. 84 references were found when refined by Publication Year "2003-2004" Bibliographic Information Public health issues related with the consumption of food obtained from genetically modified organisms. Paparini, Andrea; Romano-Spica, Vincenzo. University of Rome "Foro Italico" (IUSM), Rome, Italy. Biotechnology Annual Review (2004), 10 85-122. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: BAREFD ISSN: 1387-2656. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 148:487633 AN 2008:144032 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are a fact of modern agriculture and a major field of discussion in biotechnol. As science incessantly achieves innovative and unexpected breakthroughs, new medical, political, ethical and religious debates arise over the prodn. and consumption of transgenic organisms. Despite no described medical condition being directly assocd. with a diet including approved GM crops in large exposed populations such as 157 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 300,000,000 Americans and a billion Chinese, public opinion seems to look at this new technol. with either growing concern or even disapproval. It is generally recognized that a high level of vigilance is necessary and highly desirable, but it should also be considered that GMOs are a promising new challenge for the III Millennium societies, with remarkable impact on many disciplines and fields related to biotechnol. To acquire a basic knowledge on GMO prodn., GM-food consumption, GMO interaction with humans and environment is of primary importance for risk assessment. It requires availability of clear data and results from rigorous expts. This review will focus on public health risks related with a GMO-contg. diet. The objective is to summarize state of the art research, provide fundamental tech. information, point out problems and perspectives, and make available essential tools for further research. Are GMO based industries and GMO-derived foods safe to human health. Can we consider both social, ethical and public health issues by means of a const. and effective monitoring of the food chain and by a clear, informative labeling of the products. Which are the so far characterized or alleged hazards of GMOs. And, most importantly, are these hazards actual, potential or merely contrived. Several questions remain open; answers and solns. belong to science, to politics and to the personal opinion of each social subject. Bibliographic Information Device for crushing of organic or inorganic solids (excluding metals) contained in the domestic or industrial liquid waste. Stazio, Vinicio. (STA Co S.r.l., Italy). Ital. Appl. (2003), 20pp. CODEN: ITXXCZ IT 2001RM0562 A1 20030314 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 2001-562 20010914. Priority: . CAN 147:57600 AN 2007:693005 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 2001RM0562 Kind A1 Priority Application IT 2001-RM562 Date 20030314 Application No. IT 2001-RM562 Date 20010914 20010914 Abstract A crushing device for crushing nonmetallic org. or inorg. solids in domestic or industrial liq. waste is made from a cylindrical container with a cover with an opening for feeding the material to be treated. The container is connected to a closable drainage from a sink with and has a rotor with a set of crushing knives with spacers interposed between them driven by an elec. motor. The drive shaft brings one inferior gear coupled to the rotor gear in such a way that the rotation of the motor transmits to the crushing disks to it and puts the material in rotating motion moving it toward the crushing disks so it is crushed and discharged through n opening in the bottom. Procedures to wash the container and to prevent clogging of the drainage ways by the crushed material are also proposed. Bibliographic Information Process and unit for the production of synthesis gas from a charge consisted mostly of urban, agricultural and/or industrial solid wastes and/or biomass by pyrolysis and gasification. Russomanno, Francesco; Pochetti, Fausto. (Airwater Engineering S.r.l., Italy). Ital. Appl. (2003), 52pp. CODEN: ITXXCZ IT 2001RM0577 A1 20030324 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 2001-577 20010924. Priority: . CAN 146:209650 AN 2007:199759 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 2001RM0577 Priority Application IT 2001-RM577 Kind A1 Date 20030324 Application No. IT 2001-RM577 20010924 158 Date 20010924 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract The process for the prodn. of synthesis gas from a charge consisted mostly of urban, agricultural, and/or industrial solid wastes and/or biomass consists of the following stages: (a) drying the charge to be treated in order to eliminate the interstitial water; (b) devolatilization-pyrolysis of the charge; (c) first phase of gasification of the heavy fractions of the devolatilization-pyrolysis stage with return to the devolatilization-pyrolysis of the light gasified fractions and discarding the ashes; and (d) further gasification of light fractions of the devolatilization-pyrolysis stage and light gasified fractions of the first gasification. The unit for the prodn. of synthesis gas from a charge consisted mostly of urban, agricultural and/or industrial solid wastes and/or biomass consists of two principal reactors and means for reheating the second reactor, for feeding the charge to the drying and devolatilization-pyrolysis areas, and means for feeding the flow, mostly gaseous, to the gasification area. Bibliographic Information Sintered stainless steels fatigue crack propagation under hydrogen charging conditions. Iacoviello, F.; Di Cocco, V. Di. M. S. A. T., Universita di Cassino, Cassino, Italy. Trends in Corrosion Research (2004), 3 23-39. Publisher: Research Trends, CODEN: TCREFL ISSN: 0972-4826. Journal written in English. CAN 146:166868 AN 2006:473360 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Stainless steels are widely used in many fields such as chem., petrochem., food and nuclear industries and they are characterized by phys., mech. and corrosion resistance properties that depend on the microstructure and phase transformations: many intermetallic phases, carbides and nitrides ppt. at different tempering temps. In this work hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms were reviewed, focusing the increasing of the fatigue crack growth rate as a function both of the exptl. conditions and of the steels microstructure. Sintered stainless steels microstructure influence on fatigue crack propagation both in air and under hydrogen charging condition was investigated. Six different sintered stainless steels were considered and an extensive SEM (scanning electron microscope) fracture surface anal. was performed. Bibliographic Information Micelle of vegetable origin with high synergistic antioxidant and radical scavenging activities. Anselmi, Cecilia; Andreassi, Marco; Centini, Marisanna; Maffei Facino, Roberto; Carini, Marina. (Universita' degli Studi di Siena, Italy). Ital. (2003), 34 pp. CODEN: ITXXBY IT 1317105 B1 20030526 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 2000-223 20001109. Priority: . CAN 143:234958 AN 2005:986177 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 1317105 IT 2000FI0223 Priority Application IT 2000-FI223 Kind B1 A1 Date 20030526 20020509 Application No. IT 2000-FI223 Date 20001109 20001109 Abstract An invention involving a micelle contg. phenolic and polyphenolic compds. obtained from olive oil extns. The phenolic compds. have antioxidant and radical scavenging activities which are useful in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The micelle has synergistic antioxidant activity. 159 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information A study on PCB, PCDD/PCDF industrial contamination in an urban/agricultural area. Part II: Animal matrices. La Rocca, Cinzia; Alivernini, Silvia; Battistelli, Chiara; Carasi, Sergio; Casella, Marialuisa; Fochi, Igor; Iacovella, Nicola; Iamiceli, Anna Laura; Indelicato, Annamaria; Mariani, Alessandro; Scarcella, Carmelo; TurrioBaldassarri, Luigi. Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Organohalogen Compounds (2004), 66(Dioxin 2004), 1989-1995. Publisher: International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and Persistent Organic Pollutants, CODEN: ORCOEP ISSN: 1026-4892. Journal; Computer Optical Disk written in English. CAN 144:253019 AN 2005:701340 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The concn. of 17 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) of the 4 non-ortho-substituted polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB 77, PCB 126, PCB 169 and PCB 81), of other 60 PCB congeners (including 8 monoortho congeners) were detd. in samples of bovine perirenal fat, liver and milk from cattle grazing in the contaminated area and belonging to small farms located near the industrial area. PCDD and PCDF levels for all the matrixes are significantly higher than the EU limits of 3 pgTE/g of lipid for meat from ruminants, 6 pgTE/g of lipid for liver and 3 pgTE/g of lipid for milk. The overall congener PCDD and PCDF profiles of each matrix were generally const. over different farms. For liver, OCDD was the most abundant congener, followed by 2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF and 1,2,3,4,7,8,hexaCDF (from 40 to 60% with respect to the most abundant congener), and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,-heptaCDD (25-30%). For both perirenal fat and milk, 2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF is the most abundant congener, followed by 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexaCDF (from 50 to 80% with respect to the most abundant congener), and 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexaCDF and OCDD (.apprx.20%). Most of the farms display levels of dioxin-like PCBs 10-fold higher than the European limits for PCDDs and PCDFs. Moreover, the dioxin-like PCB contribution to toxic equiv. concn. is greatly prevailing over the dioxin one. The 126 congener is by far the major single contributor. These findings seem to confirm that PCBs are the source of the contamination. Bibliographic Information Pectin methylesterase (PME) activity and its control in plant cells. Giovane, Alfonso; Servillo, Luigi; Gagliardi, Antonietta; Ciardiello, Maria Antonietta; D'Anvino, Rossana; Camardella, Laura. Dipartimento di Biochimica e Biofisica, Seconda Universita di Napoli, Naples, Italy. Essenze, Derivati Agrumari (2004), 74(3), 113-119. Publisher: Stazione Sperimentale per lÏIndustria delle Essenze e dei Derivati Agrumari, CODEN: EDAGAH ISSN: 0014-0902. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 143:302418 AN 2005:267182 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. PME is present in plants and phytopathogenic microorganisms (bacteria and fungi); it is the first enzyme acting on pectin which thereafter can be degraded by glycosidases. PME is present in plants in several isoforms encoded by a multigene family; 67 PME-related genes have been identified in Arabidopsis plant genome. Regulation of plant PME occurs through differential expression of isoforms in different tissues and developmental stages. Identification of a proteinaceous inhibitor (PMEI) specific for plant PME isoforms suggests the existence of a posttranslational control mechanism. PMEI has been biochem. identified so far only in kiwi fruit (Actinidia chinensis). Two gene sequences from Arabidopsis cloned and expressed in a heterologous system have produced proteins with PMEI activity. The kiwi PMEI primary structure anal. has identified a structural motif consisting of 4 cysteine residues linked by 2 disulfide bridges, first to second and third to fourth. This structural motif is also found in other plant proteins acting as inhibitors of invertase, which have different target enzymes. PMEI may have interesting biotechnol. significance and applications in food industry as inhibitors of endogenous PME, as PME may be responsible for phase sepn. and cloudiness loss in fruit juice manufg. Bibliographic Information Chemometrics. Forina, Michele; Lanteri, Silvia; Casolino, Chiara. 160 University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy. Food Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Science and Technology (New York, NY, United States) (2004), 138(Handbook of Food Analysis, Volume 3), 17571804. Publisher: Marcel Dekker, Inc., CODEN: FSTEEM ISSN: 0891-8961. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 143:77004 AN 2005:242626 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review discussing the tools and validation procedures of chemometrics, and chemometric techniques and describes some of the computer packages with chemometrical characterization for food industry. Bibliographic Information Potential application of electronic nose in processed animal proteins (PAP) detection in feedstuffs. Campagnoli, Anna; Pinotti, Luciano; Tognon, Gianluca; Cheli, Federica; Baldi, Antonella; Dell'Orto, Vittorio. Department of Veterinary Sciences and Technology for Food Safety, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societe et Environnement (2004), 8(4), 253-255. Publisher: Bibliotheque de la Faculte Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux, CODEN: BASEFI ISSN: 1370-6233. Journal written in English. CAN 143:284945 AN 2005:194807 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Electronic nose and olfactometry techniques represent a modern anal. approach in food industry since they could potentially improve quality and safety of food processing. The aim of this study was to evaluate possible application of electronic nose in PAP detection and recognition in feed. For this purpose 6 ref. feedstuffs (CRA-W / UE STRATFEED Project) were used. The basis of the test samples was a compd. feed for bovine fortified with processed animal proteins (PAP) consisting of meat and bone meal (MBM) and/or fish meal at different concns. Each feed sample was tested in glass vials and the odor profile was detd. by the ten MOS (metal oxide semi-conductor) sensors of the electronic nose. Ten different descriptors, representing each ten sensors of electronic nose, were used to characterize the odor of each sample. In the present study, electronic nose was able to discriminate the blank sample from all other samples contg. PAP (MBM, fish meal or both). Samples contg. either 0.5% of MBM or 5% of fish meal were identified, while samples contg. a high fish meal content (5%) assocd. with a low MBM content (0.5%) were not discriminated from samples contg. solely fish meal at that same high level (5%). This latter indicates that probably the high fish meal level, in samples contg. both MBM and fish meal, tended to mask MBM odor. It was also evident that two odor descriptors were enough to explain 72.12% of total variability in odor pattern. In view of these results, it could be suggested that electronic nose and olfactometry techniques can provide an interesting approach for screening raw materials in feed industry, even though further studies using a wider set of samples are needed. Bibliographic Information Bioremediation of food industry effluents. Recent applications of free and immobilised polyphenoloxidases. Chiacchierini, E.; Restuccia, D.; Vinci, G. Department of Control and Management of Goods and their Impact on the Environment, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. Food Science and Technology International (London, United Kingdom) (2004), 10(6), 373-382. Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd., CODEN: FSTIFZ ISSN: 1082-0132. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 143:31263 AN 2005:161862 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Enzymes are specific biol. catalysts able to react under mild conditions of temp. and pH and their use in food industry for bioremediation is well known. Research in recent years was intense, much of it elicited by the great no. of different exploitable enzymes. Employment of enzymes in many bioremediation processes is made to protect the environment from damage caused by industrial polluting effluents. In particular, the food industry is one of the most important sectors among the manufg. industries as far as prodn. values are concerned; indeed, food industry processes involve large amts. of water and contribute to pollution loads discharged into water resources. In particular the presence of phenols in agroindustrial effluents has attracted interest for laccases and tyrosinases use in wastewater treatment and bioremediation. The presence of phenolic compds. in drinking and irrigation water or in cultivated land 161 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 represents a significant health and/or environmental hazard and, therefore, the development of methods for their removal and transformation have received increased attention in recent years. The most recent results dealing with the fundamental and applied aspects of free and immobilized polyphenoloxidases for food industry wastewater processing were presented. Bibliographic Information Lactic acid bacteria, an example of industrial microorganisms turning into biological model systems. Ricca, Ezio; Baccigalupi, Loredana; Naclerio, Gino; Varcamonti, Mario; de Felice, Maurilio. Dipartimento di Fisiologia Generale ed Ambientale, Universita Federico II, Naples, Italy. Recent Research Developments in Bacteriology (2003), 1 311-330. Publisher: Transworld Research Network, CODEN: RRDBHR Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 142:388744 AN 2005:111958 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. In the second half of 19th century a no. of scientists discovered that the natural conversion of raw materials such as milk, meat and vegetables into fermented food was due to the activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). Since then the metabolic activities of LAB, such as the ability to efficiently convert sugar into acids and other flavor compds. responsible for the attributes that make fermented foods so attractive to consumers, were widely exploited by the food industry. More recently, the observation that LAB constitute a significant part of the human microflora originated the concept that the metab. of these microorganisms may contribute to the maintenance of intestinal health, thus making LAB of interest also for pharmaceutical companies. This strong and growing biotechnol. interest has oriented many scientists towards the study of LAB biol., thus bringing to the development of specific genetic tools and to the identification of peculiar biol. mechanisms that, over the years, have converted some LAB species into model systems to address complex biol. issues. Bibliographic Information Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of lemon juice concentrate obtained by osmotic distillation. Romano, Raffaele; Schiavo, Lorena; Iavarazzo, Ernesto; Battaglia, Angela; Cassano, Alfredo. Dipartimento di Scienza degli alimenti, Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Portici-Na, Italy. Industrie delle Bevande (2004), 33(194), 529-532. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INBEEW ISSN: 0390-0541. Journal written in Italian. CAN 143:228222 AN 2005:45315 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Lemon juice conc. is used in food industry for the prodn. of fruit juices, beverages, and confectionery products. During the concn. process the water is usually removed by heat-induced evapn. This procedure can alter the levels of some juice components, such as citric acid, ascorbic acid, sugars, and many volatile org. compds., important for the lemon juice sensory properties. This work proposes the use of cold osmotic distn. to produce concd. juice from peeled lemon byproduct of lemon liquor manuf. The osmotic distn. involves dehydration of the juice by 40% CaCl2 soln. sepd. by microporous hydrophobic polypropylene membrane (pores 0.03 m; Celgard); the process theor. involves juice water evapn., vapor passage through the membrane, and condensation in the CaCl2 soln. Samples of juice from manually squeezed peeled lemons were concd. for 4 h by heat/vacuum evapn. (40 C) and by osmotic distn. (20 C) to resulting sol. solid levels of 25 and 40 Brix, resp. The juice color and levels of pH, total acidity (as citric acid), vitamin C, glucose, fructose, sucrose, and volatiles (limonene, camphene, D-3-carene) were detd. before and after the concn. processing. The data indicated the feasibility of using osmotic distn. for lemon juice concn. processing to obtain product with superior quality. Bibliographic Information Effect of concentration process on non-enzymic browning of lemon juice. Arcoleo, Gioacchina; Costanzo, Antonella; Pusateri, Umberto. Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Tecnologie Agro-Forestali-Settore Industrie, Universita degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy. Industrie delle Bevande (2004), 33(193), 442-446. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INBEEW ISSN: 0390-0541. Journal written in Italian. CAN 143:171580 AN 162 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 2004:1148960 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The non-enzymic browning of lemon juice due to industrial thermal concn. (evapn.) process was studied. Juice samples were taken at the inlet and outlet of the evapn. unit. Primary quality parameters (refraction index, total acidity, total amino acids, L-ascorbic acid, reflectance) were detd. The results showed decreased L*, b* and C* and increased a* and arctan (b*/a*) values in juices reconstituted from concs. compared to natural juices. No significant changes in ascorbic acid levels were found. Bibliographic Information Filter press with automatic discharge of the separated solids. Bartalucci, Piero. (Diemme S.P.A., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2004), 21 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2004110588 A1 20041223 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2004-EP5809 20040526. Priority: IT 2003-57 20030606. CAN 142:58825 AN 2004:1127225 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2004110588 WO 2004110588 Kind A1 B1 EP 1628731 A1 Priority Application IT 2003-RE57 WO 2004-EP5809 A W Date Application No. Date 20041223 WO 2004-EP5809 20040526 20050303 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20060301 EP 2004-739440 20040526 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, FI, RO, CY, TR, BG, CZ, EE, HU, PL, SK 20030606 20040526 Abstract A filter press is described comprising 2 side-by-side vertical plates provided with resp. filter cloths and movable in a horizontal direction to assume a first configuration in which they are clamped together to define a filtration chamber between the cloths, and a second configuration in which they are spaced apart to enable the accumulated material to be discharged. The cloths have a vertical dimension at least double the corresponding dimension of the plates and are supported by a slider arranged to move in level between a raised position in which the lower portions of the cloths lie between the plates, and a lowered position in which the lower portions are disposed below the plates and spaced apart 163 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 by the action of resp. deviation and gliding elements positioned facing the lower edges of the plates. Bibliographic Information Hygienic monitoring of surface air. Guenzi, Silivia. Italy. Laboratorio 2000 (2004), 18(5), 78-87. Publisher: Morgan Edizioni Tecniche, CODEN: LABOE4 ISSN: 1120-8376. Journal written in Italian. CAN 143:132210 AN 2004:1078903 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A method, based on the use of a stopper, for indicating work surface hygienic conditions within minutes was presented. The method involves a bioluminescence kit to detect protein residues, a stopper and an agar slide. Bibliographic Information Drinking water: analytical and management problems. Alava, Fausto. Servizi Idrici Integrati, Grippo BAS Bergamo, Italy. Laboratorio 2000 (2004), 18(4), 28-35. Publisher: Morgan Edizioni Tecniche, CODEN: LABOE4 ISSN: 1120-8376. Journal written in Italian. CAN 144:10962 AN 2004:1074321 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The paper discusses a new Italian Directive related to water destined for the consumption by humans, which considers all waters, treated or nontreated, utilized for drinking water, culinary purposes, food prepn., or other domestic uses, as well as waters intended for food industry enterprises producing treating, conserving, and delivering products for human consumption to market. Some anal. and management problems are presented, and their relation to labs. of the water system firms and those assocd. with the food industry is considered. Bibliographic Information Solid impurities in sugar crystals. Marin, P. Ch. S. Stabilimento di Ostellato, Italy. Industria Saccarifera Italiana (2004), 97(4), 159-166. Publisher: Associazione Nazionale fra i Tecnici dello Zucchero e dellÏAlcole, CODEN: INSIAN ISSN: 0019-7734. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 143:58640 AN 2004:1052383 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The purity of the std. sugar (sucrose) produced in Italy is 99.94%; its quality largely guarantees its food safety. The market, esp. beverage market, calls for cryst. sugar product with very low content of solid impurities. It is important to know the origin of sugar impurities to avoid their presence in sugar crystals. The insol. matter in sugar crystals may iron and iron rust particles from the manufg. equipment, plastic fragments from conveyors, sand and cement from the floors, ion exchange resin fragments, filter aids, dust from the air, microcrystals of calcium salts (oxalate, sulfate, carbonate), and colloids and biol. oligomers present due to insufficient sugar beet juice preliming. The solid impurities are responsible for turbidity of sugar solns. There are 2 main methods for the detn. of the sugar soln. turbidity. Calcium salts have an important role in the formation of insol. compds. In low-purity boiling conditions the Ca salts can ppt. and be included in the growing crystals and reach the refining stage. Filtration of refinery syrups allows to obtain sugar that meets the food industry stds.; bag filters with synthetic fibers (without pressure) or wire mesh filters (limited size, operating pressure 3 bar). These filters permit removal of particles 50-100 m in diam. As Ca salt microcrystals 10-20 m in diam. are also present, it is necessary to use filters to reach low levels of insolubles. Overall, the best way to minimize the amt. of solid impurities is the adoption of most suitable processing schemes. Bibliographic Information Proteomic characterization of a wild-type wine strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Trabalzini, Lorenza; Paffetti, Alessandro; Ferro, Elisa; Scaloni, Andrea; Talamo, Fabio; Millucci, Lia; Martelli, Paola; Santucci, Annalisa. 164 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Dipartimento di Biologia Molecolare, Universita' degli Studi di Siena, Siena, Italy. Italian Journal of Biochemistry (2003), 52(4), 145-153. Publisher: Biomedia, CODEN: IJBIAC ISSN: 0021-2938. Journal written in English. CAN 142:214958 AN 2004:1051212 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract S. cerevisiae is the optimal eukaryotic model system to study mammalian biol. responses. At the same time S. cerevisiae is also widely utilized as a biotechnol. tool in the food industry. Enol. S. cerevisiae strains have been so far routinely analyzed for their microbiol. aspects. Nevertheless, wine yeasts are gaining an increasing interest in the last years, since they strongly affect both the vinification process and the organoleptic properties of the final product wine. The protein repertoire is responsible of such features and, consequently, 2D-PAGE can be an useful tool to evaluate and select optimal wine yeast strains. We present here the 1st proteomic map of a wild-type wine S. cerevisiae strain selected for the guided fermn. of very high quality wines. Bibliographic Information Energy recovery from industrial waste of a confectionery plant by means of BIGFC plant. Lunghi, P.; Burzacca, R. Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Energy (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (2004), 29(12-15), 2601-2617. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: ENEYDS ISSN: 0360-5442. Journal written in English. CAN 143:100248 AN 2004:1034896 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The search of environment friendly solns. for waste management, along with increasing costs and recent regulations on waste disposal, leads toward the recovery of energy and requires research activities related to plant definition and thermo-economic comparison. On the other hand, energy recovery from waste has never been an easy task. The high pollutant level in waste combustion gases requires low max. temps. in thermodn. cycles thus affecting the efficiency of the "heat to electricity" conversion process. The recent progress of high temp. fuel cells seems to bring a significant change in this scenario, thanks to the feasible combination with advanced gasification systems. A thermo-economic comparison of different solns. for energy recovery from industrial waste is reported, considering an advanced dual bed gasification-MCFC integrated plant. The soln. has been applied to a confectionery plant. Even if this system seems to promise high thermodn. efficiency, a lot of effort in research is necessary for tech. anal. of the advanced plant open issues and for the thermo-economic evaluation of potential advantage over consolidated systems. The thermodn. anal. has been conducted interfacing Aspen+ flowsheets developed with the integration of a proprietary numerical code. The definition of a complex plan of costs would have been presumptuous at this stage of the development; therefore, a reverse economic approach has been used and is suggested by the authors; a specific solver has been implemented for this purpose. An extensive survey of the confectionery plant has been conducted considering the present energy system, the current supplies, and the trends of the required energy needs. The results show that the proposed advanced energy system can represent a valid soln. for both industrial waste management and for integration in energy supply. Bibliographic Information Purification of cations. Pizzichini, Massimo; Russo, Claudio; Di Meo, Chiara; Ballista, Enrico; Martella, Carlo. ENEA Unita Tecnico Scientifica BIOTEC, C.R., Casaccia, Roma, Italy. Industria della Carta (2004), 42(7), 70-81. Publisher: Promotec System, CODEN: ICAMA4 ISSN: 0019-7548. Journal written in Italian. CAN 143:12499 AN 2004:1007622 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In Italy the pulp and paper industry shows a relevant prodn. of about 8,6 ton year-1 of fine paper and packaging specialties. Many paper industries use waste paper as raw materials instead of native cellulose coming from plants. In this process, the liq. wastes coming from the process prodn. shows a higher environmental load. As well known, the water consumption in the paper industry is still high, (20-30 L/kg of fine paper) because the biol. treated water is not suitable for the reuse as feed water. For this purpose the final waste coming from a Lucart Industry, sited in Lucca- 165 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Tuscany, are cleaned by different membrane technologies. In fact, specific sepn. tests were performed in pilot scale processes, using a feed vol. of 200-350 L per single batch. The membrane sepns., in particular microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO), were tested in different process conditions, in order to optimize the process. Good sepns. performances were obtained with MF ceramic membrane, having a cut-off of 0,14 mm, that assures a productivity of 150-200 L m-2 h-1 and a low fouling index. The MF retentate stream, that contains cellulose microfibers, is purified in biol. cleaners, and the permeate is further purified with RO process. In this manner a very purified water is obtained, having a COD < 30 ppm of O2, TOC = 1 ppm, an elec. cond. of 75 mS cm-1, a total dissolved solid in the range of 5 to 25 ppm, and a zero total suspended solid. This paper shows the possibility to recover and reuse about 85% of purified water, coming from rough wastewater. Bibliographic Information Method for the treatment of an oily fluid substance. Tavaniello, Giovanni; Capacci, Davide; Fusaroli, Roberto. (Tecofil Srl, Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2004), 14 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2004098746 A1 20041118 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2004-IB1404 20040423. Priority: IT 2003-14 20030509. CAN 141:412959 AN 2004:996029 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2004098746 Kind A1 Priority Application IT 2003-RA14 A Date Application No. Date 20041118 WO 2004-IB1404 20040423 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20030509 Abstract A method is described for treatment of an oily fluid, suitable for vegetable oils such as olive oil in the food industry, comprising feeding an oily fluid under pressure to a filtration station provided with filter plates. The residual oily paste is subjected to squeezing by expansion of the plate membranes. Bibliographic Information Oxidative degradation of food dye E133 Brilliant Blue FCF liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry identification of the degradation pathway. Gosetti, F.; Gianotti, V.; Angioi, S.; Polati, S.; Marengo, E.; Gennaro, M. C. Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e della Vita, Universita del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro", Alessandria, Italy. Journal of Chromatography, A (2004), 1054(1-2), 379-387. Publisher: Elsevier 166 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 B.V., CODEN: JCRAEY ISSN: 0021-9673. Journal written in English. CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) CAN 142:37111 AN 2004:869047 Abstract This paper is devoted to the evaluation of the degrdn. pathway of the E133 Brilliant Blue FCF (C.I. 42090) that is largely used in the food industry. The degrdn. is studied in oxidn. conditions obtained by addn. of potassium persulfate at different persulfate to dye molar ratios under natural sunlight irradn. The degrdn. pathway of the dye passes through a species colored in dark blue and then gives rise to uncolored species. Due to the low volatility and the poor thermal stability of the dye, reversed-phase liq. chromatog. assocd. to mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry was employed to follow the kinetics of degrdn. and identify some intermediates. The identification of org. species still present in the decolored dye and the value of COD obtained in these conditions show evidence that complete decolorization does not correspond to complete mineralization. No direct information of toxicity is available for the uncolored degrdn. products but the further formation of arom. amines can not be excluded. Bibliographic Information Synthesis of chitosan-cyclodextrin adducts and evaluation of their bitter-masking properties. Binello, Arianna; Cravotto, Giancarlo; Nano, Gian Mario; Spagliardi, Paola. Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco, Universita di Torino, Turin, Italy. Flavour and Fragrance Journal (2004), 19(5), 394-400. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., CODEN: FFJOED ISSN: 0882-5734. Journal written in English. CAN 143:6534 AN 2004:811813 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Finding new taste modifiers, particularly bitter-taste blockers (BTBs), is an important goal for pharmaceutical and food industries. Although BTBs have been much sought after, only a few possess a wide spectrum of activity. The authors prepd., on a gram scale, several macromol. adducts in which - and -CDs are linked to chitosan through succinyl or maleyl bridges. Their bitterness-masking power was evaluated on caffeine and bitter natural exts. (artichoke leaves, aloe and gentian) by a panel test using serial caffeine concns. as a ref. scale. The -CD-chitosan adduct showed the highest efficacy and the bitterness attenuation was statistically significant. Bibliographic Information Development of polythene films for food packaging activated with an antilisterial bacteriocin from Lactobacillus curvatus 32Y. Mauriello, G.; Ercolini, D.; La Storia, A.; Casaburi, A.; Villani, F. Dipartimento di Scienza degli Alimenti, Universita degli Studi di Napoli 'Federico II', Naples, Italy. Journal of Applied Microbiology (2004), 97(2), 314-322. Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., CODEN: JAMIFK ISSN: 1364-5072. Journal written in English. CAN 142:409926 AN 2004:726693 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The aims of this work were to. (i) use a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus curvatus 32Y active against Listeria monocytogenes to activate polythene films by different methods,. (ii) implement a large-scale process for antilisterial polythene films prodn. and. (iii) verify the efficacy of the developed films in inhibiting the growth of L. monocytogenes during the storage of meat products. The film was made active by using the antilisterial bacteriocin 32Y by Lact. curvatus with three different procedures: soaking, spraying and coating. The antimicrobial activity of the activated films was tested in plate assays against the indicator strain L. monocytogenes V7. All the used procedures yielded active polythene films although the quality of the inhibition was different. The coating was therefore employed to develop active polythene films in an industrial plant. The antimicrobial activity of the industrially produced films was tested in expts. of food packaging involving pork steak and ground beef contaminated by L. monocytogenes V7 at roughly 103 CFU cm-2 and gram resp. The results of the challenge tests showed the highest antimicrobial activity after 24 h at 4 C, with a decrease of about 1 log of the L. monocytogenes population. Antimicrobial packaging can play an important role in reducing the risk of pathogen development, as well as extending the shelf life of foods. Studies of new food-grade bacteriocins as preservatives and development of suitable systems of bacteriocin treatment of plastic films 167 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 for food packaging are important issues in applied microbiol. and biotechnol., both for implementing and improving effective hurdle technologies for a better preservation of food products. Bibliographic Information Membrane separations for process intensification and sustainable growth. Drioli, Enrico; di Profio, Gianluca; Fontananova, Enrica. Research Institute on Membrane Technology, ITM-CNR, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy. Proceedings - World Filtration Congress, 9th, New Orleans, LA, United States, Apr. 18-24, 2004 (2004), Meeting Date 2004, 1-22. Publisher: American Filtration and Separations Society, Houston, Tex CODEN: 69FQIG Conference; General Review; Computer Optical Disk written in English. CAN 141:227397 AN 2004:708573 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The application of membrane technologies in drinking water prodn., wastewater treatment, food industry, biotechnol., medicine, chem. industry, and in fuel cells is presented as a contribution for sustainable growth. Bibliographic Information Food colorants between nature and chemistry. Use of natural colored extracts in foods. Carinelli, Luigi; Acquati, Carlo. Biochim Srl, Milan, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (2004), 86(2), 50-55. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 141:409941 AN 2004:667740 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Natural colors have been mainly used in textile and food industry. The discovery of artificial and synthetic colorants greatly decreased the uses of natural colors in textile products. Natural products continue to be used in foods, where the safety and toxicity aspects are of great importance. The natural colorants have become a marketing niche product. There are signs of revival in the natural colorants market due to increasing attention to more friendly food ingredients and more genuine foods. New scientific data suggest to use some products, formerly used only as colorants, also as ingredients with addnl. (secondary) nutritional properties. Legislative aspects, advantages and disadvantages of natural colorants, and properties of common natural colorants (anthocyanins, flavonoids, carotenoids, chlorophyll, carmine, curcumin, Carthamus ext., beet ext., red sandalwood ext., caramel) are discussed. Bibliographic Information Detection of allergens in food: Basic concept, regulations and analytical methods. Carlbon, E.; Pellelierey, O.; Villa, C.; Saly, A. Biolab SpA, Vimodrone-Mi, Italy. Ingredienti Alimentari (2004), 3(3), 12-21. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: IANLBJ ISSN: 1594-0543. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 141:409940 AN 2004:644414 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Food allergens are an important health problem in industrialized countries, including Europe. Recently a European regulation has been approved. There are anal. methods available for the identification of main food allergens, which can be used by the food industry and consumers. The basic concepts for the problem understanding, current European regulations, and std. anal. methods with their limitations and advantages are discussed. Bibliographic Information Truffles decontamination treatment by ionizing radiation. Adamo, M.; Capitani, D.; Mannina, L.; Cristinzio, M.; Ragni, P.; Tata, A.; Coppola, R. ENEA, Advanced Physics Technologies Unit, Rome, Italy. Radiation Physics and Chemistry (2004), 71(1-2), 167-170. Publisher: Elsevier Ltd., CODEN: RPCHDM ISSN: 0969-806X. Journal written in English. AN 2004:642841 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 168 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract A research project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and the European Union, is in progress aimed to develop processes to enhance, by irradn., the safety and the wholesomeness of fresh products relevant for Italian food industry. Irradn. was performed on truffles, since the bacterial contamination impairs their trade in foreign countries. The microbial population and the shelf life under refrigeration were studied either on samples untreated or on samples submitted to -rays in a 1-2.5 kGy dose range. The effect of the treatment was monitored by UV and NMR techniques. Total microbial population and the shelf life prolongation were investigated. The synergistic effect of the dose, the packaging under vacuum and the storage/irradn. temp. resulted in a direct effect on the microbial load, spoilage and shelf life. After the irradn., small variations in the intensity of some NMR resonances due to arom. compds. and other unassigned compds. were obsd. As confirmed by UV spectrophotometric data, these phenomena seemed to originate from a small degrdn. of polyphenols; the induced growth of sol. phenols suggested that the 1.5 kGy dose can be considered as the radiation dose threshold beyond which clear chem. modifications on truffles appear. Bibliographic Information Inhibiting enzymatic activity with UV irradiation or treating with ozone, application to puree and juice production. Cataldo, Franco. (Bertocchi S.R.L., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2004), 21 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2004063367 A1 20040729 Designated States W: AE. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2004-IB88 20040115. Priority: IT 2003-14 20030115. CAN 141:139618 AN 2004:606546 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2004063367 Kind A1 EP 1585818 A1 US 20060147589 A1 Priority Application IT 2003-RM14 WO 2004-IB88 A W Date Application No. Date 20040729 WO 2004-IB88 20040115 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ 20051019 EP 2004-702371 20040115 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR, BG, CZ, EE, HU, SK 20060706 US 2005-542111 20051115 20030115 20040115 Abstract The present invention describes methods suitable for inhibiting enzymic activity in biochem. industry, wherein general enzymic reactions have to be controlled, and esp. in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical industries. In particular, but not exclusively, the invention relates to a process for inhibiting enzymic activity during the prodn. of puree and juice food. According to preferred embodiments of the invention, radiating with UV waves or treating with ozone or the combination of the two treatments allows denaturing enzymes and then inhibiting the enzymic activity in food substrates at room temp. The advantage of working at room temp. implies less energy absorption since for example fruit juice must not any more be heated and cooled as the traditional techniques require. Furthermore, the treatments proposed with the present invention, acting at a temp. less than 60 C, and preferably at room temp., do not affect the characteristics, vitamins and fragrances of the treated food substrates. In order to show the effectiveness of inhibiting enzymic activity according to the invention, fission of saccharose into two components i.e. glucose and fructose, commonly referred to as sugar inversion, by invertase is selected as model enzymic reaction and the effect is studied of phys. treating (UV irradn.) or chem. treating (treatment with ozone) std. saccharose solns. in particular the reaction of 169 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 saccharose inversion. Bibliographic Information Photocatalytic degradation of dyes by using a membrane reactor. Molinari, R.; Pirillo, F.; Falco, M.; Loddo, V.; Palmisano, L. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e dei Materiali, via P. Bucci, Cubo 45a, Universita della Calabria, Rende, Italy. Chemical Engineering and Processing (2004), 43(9), 1103-1114. Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V., CODEN: CENPEU ISSN: 0255-2701. Journal written in English. CAN 141:161616 AN 2004:543093 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Dyes are org. compds. used in textile, food and drug industries, and their abatement represents one of the main problems in the treatment processes because generally they are very stable toxic compds. In this work, two com. azodyes, i.e. Congo Red and Patent Blue were degraded in a photocatalytic membrane reactor using TiO2 Degussa P25 as the catalyst. Different system configurations and irradiating sources were studied, and the influence of some operational parameters such as the pressure in the membrane cell and the initial concn. of the substrates was detd. A comparison between suspended and entrapped TiO2 was performed. The results showed a satisfactory degrdn. efficiency of the photocatalytic membrane process. The effect of various parameters (e.g. feed concn., recirculation rate) is discussed to obtain high reaction rates, operating stability and high membrane rejection, both for substrates and byproducts. Congo Red was photodegraded with higher rate under the same exptl. conditions probably due to its higher adsorption onto the catalyst surface. It was possible to treat successfully highly concd. solns. (500 mg/L) of both dyes by a continuous process obtaining good values of permeate fluxes (30-70 L/m2-h); this could be interesting for industrial applications. The reactor contg. the suspended photocatalyst was significantly more efficient than the reactor contg. the catalyst entrapped into the membrane. Bibliographic Information Effect of industrial microwave treatment on the antioxidant activity of herbs and spices. Bertelli, D.; Plessi, M.; Miglietta, F. Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Universita degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy. Italian Journal of Food Science (2004), 16(1), 97-103. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: ITFSEY ISSN: 1120-1770. Journal written in English. CAN 141:348987 AN 2004:477559 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The effect of the industrial treatment with microwaves on the antioxidant activity of herbs and spices was evaluated. Samples of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and sage (Salvia officinalis L.) obtained before and after the microwave treatment were extd. with an acetone-water mixt. (70:30). The exts. were analyzed for their phenolic content. The antioxidant activity was detd. using the DPPH (2,2diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and deoxyribose methods and the prooxidant activity was detd. by evaluating the reducing power and the iron chelating capacity. The treatment did not modify the antioxidant properties of these herbs and spices as the majority of the differences between treated and non treated samples were not statistically significant. Bibliographic Information Wine and tumors: study of resveratrol. Bruno, P.; Ghisolfi, L.; Priulla, M.; Nicolin, A.; Bertelli, A. Department of Pharmacology, University of Milan, Italy. Drugs under Experimental and Clinical Research (2003), 29(5/6), 257-261. Publisher: Bioscience Ediprint Inc., CODEN: DECRDP ISSN: 0378-6501. Journal written in English. CAN 141:388254 AN 2004:436443 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In modern industrial societies the attention to public health, esp. in relation to food habits, is increasing day by day. It is no wonder that wine, the voluptuary drink that best represents human history, is the most interesting compd. The main 170 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 and best known wine effects on the human body are caused by alc., but several other active compds. are present in wine. Above all, resveratrol is able to neutralize free radicals, which can damage DNA and may lead to cancer onset. In this study, we have indagated resveratrol anticancer action, analyzing its effects on both cell cycle and growing of human lymphoma B (DHL-4) cells. MTT colorimetric test, tripan blue dye exclusion assay, and cell cycle anal. showed that resveratrol has a dose-dependent antiproliferative and antiapoptotic action on DHL-4 cells. These results confirm resveratrol's potential therapeutic role on tumors. Bibliographic Information Protein-doped nanoporous silica gels. Bettati, Stefano; Pioselli, Barbara; Campanini, Barbara; Viappiani, Cristiano; Mozzarelli, Andrea. University of Parma, Parma, Italy. Editor(s): Nalwa, Hari Singh. Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2004), 9 81-103. Publisher: American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, Calif CODEN: 69FJQ3 Conference; General Review written in English. CAN 140:409112 AN 2004:395708 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The immobilization of biol. compds., such as enzymes on nanoporous silica gels is outlined, including the description of the properties of the silica gel and the doped silica gel. These composite materials are generated by absorption or covalent binding of the biomols. on the silica matrixes, and are promising candidates for the development of biosensors and bioreactors industrial catalysis, food industry, environmental science, and biomedical diagnosis. A further challenge is the use of such protein-doped gels for advanced electronic devices. Bibliographic Information Antimicrobial lipase antibodies, their sequences, and uses thereof. Frati, Luigi; Biffoni, Mauro; Rughetti, Aurelia; Koshkaki, Hassan Rahimi; Barachini, Serena; Nuti, Marianna; Palocci, Cleofe; Soro, Simonetta; Cernia, Enrico. (Universita'degli Studi Di Roma 'la Sapienza', Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2004), 42 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2004039845 A1 20040513 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2002-EP12149 20021031. Priority: . CAN 140:405485 AN 2004:392490 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2004039845 WO 2004039845 Kind A1 A8 AU 2002368305 A1 Priority Application WO 2002-EP12149 A Date Application No. Date 20040513 WO 2002-EP12149 20021031 20040812 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20040525 AU 2002-368305 20021031 20021031 171 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract Polypeptides and antibodies able to recognize microbial lipases (preferably Candida rugosa lipase isoforms) and to enhance their hydrolytic activity are disclosed. The disclosed expts. present the C. rugosa lipase immunoactivation using the BF11 hybridoma supernatant (contg. the whole Ig mols. and the light chains), the studies of the enzyme activation using the BF11 light chains, and the lipase activation using the immune complexes. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of a preferred embodiment of these antibodies are also provided. Also disclosed are the industrial uses of these antibodies. Bibliographic Information Environmentally degradable bio-based polymeric blends and composites. Chiellini, Emo; Cinelli, Patrizia; Chiellini, Federica; Imam, Syed H. UdR Consortium INSTM, Department of Chemistry & Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Macromolecular Bioscience (2004), 4(3), 218-231. Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, CODEN: MBAIBU ISSN: 1616-5187. Journal written in English. CAN 141:124468 AN 2004:327856 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Blends and composites based on environmentally degradable-eco compatible synthetic and natural polymeric materials and fillers of natural origin have been prepd. and processed under different conditions. Poly (vinyl alc.) (PVA) was used as the synthetic polymer of choice by virtue of its capability to be processed from water soln. or suspension as well as from the melt by blow extrusion and injection molding. Starch and gelatin were taken as the polymeric materials from renewable resources. The fillers were all of natural origin, as waste from food and agro-industry consisted of sugar cane bagasse (SCB), wheat flour (WF), orange peels (OR), apple peels (AP), corn fibers (CF), saw dust (SD) and wheat straw (WS). All the natural or hybrid formulations were intended to be utilized for the prodn. of: (a) environmentally degradable mulching films (hydro-biomulching) displaying, in some cases, self-fertilizing characteristics by in situ spraying of water solns. or suspensions; (b) laminates and containers to be used in agriculture and food packaging by compression and injection molding followed by baking. Some typical prototype items have been prepd. and characterized in relation to their morphol. and mech. properties and tested with different methodol. for their propensity to environmental degrdn. and biodegrdn. as ultimate stage of their service life. A relationship between chem. compn. and mech. properties and propensity to biodegrdn. has been discussed in a few representative cases. Bibliographic Information Bio-morphological and chemical characterization of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) biotypes. De Mastro, G.; Ruta, C.; Mincione, A.; Poiana, M. Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Vegetali, Universita degli Studi di Bari, Bari, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2004), 629(Future for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants), 471-482. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 141:257370 AN 2004:318709 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The use of herbs in the food industry has recently increased significantly because of their antioxidant action on lipid degrdn., besides their traditional role in food aroma. In particular, rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) exts. have proved to possess such useful antioxidant properties. The present research that reports on a study on the morphol. and chem. characteristics, conducted on rosemary clones obtained from wild material collected in different environments of southern Italy, was aimed at better characterizing and evaluating their potential for present and possible new food technol. uses. In addn. to morphol. characterizations aimed to detect differences among clones, a technol. qual. oil component "fingerprint" was conducted by means of GC-MS, comparing two different extn. techniques of the essential oil fraction (traditional steam distn. and dichloromethane solvent extn.) for the quant. and qual. differences. Bibliographic Information 172 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Hygienic coatings in the food industry environment: the Italian standard. Pagella, C.; Fumi, D.; Galli, R.; De Faveri, D. M. Food Engineering Dept., UCSC Catholic University, Piacenza, Italy. Paintindia, Annual (2003), 99-100,102,104,106-108. Publisher: Colour Publications Pvt. Ltd., CODEN: PIDABZ ISSN: 0030-9540. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 141:37675 AN 2004:220709 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The mandatory introduction of HACCP assessment in food industries has drawn attention to all topics connected with the safety of food, including those related to the coatings applied in places where food is manufd., preserved, packed and consumed. The authors had formerly pointed out the need for a test protocol for paints and coatings to be used in environments where food is present. They also implemented the protocol and tested several paints currently available in the Italian marketplace. The experience gained helped in development of an industry std. which is now published as UNI 11021. An outline of the std. and related exptl. results are presented in this paper. Existing regulations and std. test methods were used or adapted for controlling hazardous substances and assess general properties such as dirt pick-up, hiding power, wet scrub resistance or resistance to chems. and cleaning agents. New specific test methods were developed for cleanability, release of odors, mildew growth resistance. Cleanability is the attitude of a coating to be cleaned using mech. action and detergents. Film porosity and gloss, PVC and pigment/binder ratio can affect cleanability. Paint films were coated with a std. dirt, then washed using a plynometer for 50 strokes. The color difference (cleaned/not dirty) was measured using a spectrophotometer. Tests for release of odors were carried out exposing 2 simulants (fresh water - Philadelphia cheese) in the presence of the coating in a gas-tight chamber. Coating surface to chamber vol. ratio was 3 m-1. The samples were then tested for organoleptic alterations by persons informed of the scope of the test and trained. Tests for mildew growth resistance were carried out after sampling naturally occurring strains from wall coatings in northern Italy. 50 Strains were isolated, belonging mainly to Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, Paecilomyces, Fusarium species. Proper strains were selected as std. testing strains. The paint was applied on different supporting materials, properly dried and placed onto Petri dishes with malt agar or water and inoculated with suspended spores. Some specimens were previously washed to assess the effect of biocides leaching. After incubation samples were rated for growth occurring. Bibliographic Information A rapid chromatographic method for determining the glucosinolate content in crambe seed. Leoni, O.; Cinti, S.; Aliano, N.; Tittonel, E. D. MIPAF, Istituto Sperimentale per le Colture Industriali, Bologna, Italy. Plant Breeding (2003), 122(6), 517-520. Publisher: Blackwell Verlag GmbH, CODEN: PLABED ISSN: 0179-9541. Journal written in English. CAN 140:299720 AN 2004:135456 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Crambe abyssinica is becoming a reliable source of industrial oil with good tech. characteristics because of its high erucic acid content. The possibility of using the industrial defatted meal of crambe as a feed could further promote the interest in this crop, but is prevented by the high glucosinolate content (70-150 mol/g). Therefore the possibility of reducing this parameter by selection was evaluated and a search for a new quick anal. procedure begun. When hydrolyzed by myrosinase (thioglucoside glucohydrolase EC, at pH 6.5 or higher, epi-progoitrin, the main glucosinolate in crambe seed (>90% of total glucosinolates), gives (5R)-5-vinyl-1,3-oxazolidine-2-thione quant. The latter can be easily estd. by HPLC. This is the background of the proposed anal. procedure that permits rapid anal. of .apprx.100 samples per day using .apprx.25 mg of crambe meal (five seeds) for assay. The method can also be used to select for glucosinolate content in rapeseed and, probably with some adjustment, all crops that have a 2hydroxyglucosinolate as the main glucosinolate. Bibliographic Information Pectin methylesterase inhibitor. Giovane, A.; Servillo, L.; Balestrieri, C.; Raiola, A.; D'Avino, R.; Tamburrini, 173 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 M.; Ciardiello, M. A.; Camardella, L. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2nd University of Napoli, Naples, Italy. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Proteins and Proteomics (2004), 1696(2), 245-252. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: BBAPBW ISSN: 1570-9639. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 140:317968 AN 2004:107764 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Pectin methylesterase (PME) is the first enzyme acting on pectin, a major component of plant cell wall. PME action produces pectin with different structural and functional properties, having an important role in plant physiol. Regulation of plant PME activity is obtained by the differential expression of several isoforms in different tissues and developmental stages and by subtle modifications of cell wall local pH. Inhibitory activities from various plant sources have also been reported. A proteinaceous inhibitor of PME (PMEI) has been purified from kiwi fruit. The kiwi PMEI is active against plant PMEs, forming a 1:1 non-covalent complex. The polypeptide chain comprises 152 amino acid residues and contains five Cys residues, four of which are connected by disulfide bridges, first to second and third to fourth. The sequence shows significant similarity with the N-terminal pro-peptides of plant PME, and with plant invertase inhibitors. In particular, the four Cys residues involved in disulfide bridges are conserved. On the basis of amino acid sequence similarity and Cys residues conservation, a large protein family including PMEI, invertase inhibitors and related proteins of unknown function has been identified. The presence of at least two sequences in the Arabidopsis genome having high similarity with kiwi PMEI suggests the ubiquitous presence of this inhibitor. PMEI has an interest in food industry as inhibitor of endogenous PME, responsible for phase sepn. and cloud loss in fruit juice manufg. Affinity chromatog. on resin-bound PMEI can also be used to conc. and detect residual PME activity in fruit and vegetable products. Bibliographic Information Identification of Virgin Olive Oil from Different Cultivars by Analysis of DNA Microsatellites. Pasqualone, Antonella; Montemurro, Cinzia; Caponio, Francesco; Blanco, Antonio. Dipartimento PRO.GE.S.A., Sezione di Industrie agro-alimentari, Universita di Bari, Bari, Italy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2004), 52(5), 1068-1071. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: JAFCAU ISSN: 0021-8561. Journal written in English. CAN 140:286359 AN 2004:85772 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract DNA anal. enables genome fingerprinting with consequent identification of different individuals. In the agro-food industry, this can have interesting applications for the identification of species and cultivars of both raw materials and processed food. In this investigation, the efficiency of DNA microsatellite anal. in identifying virgin olive oils from different cultivars was evaluated. Ten virgin oils were obtained in the lab. from olives of 10 different cultivars and the DNA extd. from the cell residues, recovered by oil centrifugation, was used as a template with seven different primer pairs of microsatellite sequences. The electrophoretic patterns showed an adequate level of amplification and were identical to those obtained from leaves and drupes of the same cultivar. By analyzing all the patterns obtained, the smallest no. of microsatellites able to distinguish the examd. oils was established and an identification key for the different oils was developed. Bibliographic Information A device for triturating and extracting the juice or pulp from food products. Catelli, Roberto; Gozzi, Mario. (Rossi & Catelli S.P.A., Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2004), CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1380217 A1 20040114 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR, BG, CZ, EE, HU, SK. Patent written in English. Application: EP 2003-425385 20030613. Priority: IT 2002-201 20020710. AN 2004:27938 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 1380217 Kind A1 Date 20040114 Application No. EP 2003-425385 174 Date 20030613 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 EP 1380217 B1 AT ES US US T T3 A1 B2 311771 2250865 20040007139 6722268 Priority Application IT 2002-MO201 A 20051207 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR, BG, CZ, EE, HU, SK 20051215 AT 2003-425385 20030613 20060416 ES 2003-425385 20030613 20040115 US 2003-464747 20030619 20040420 20020710 Abstract The device for triturating and extracting juice or pulp from food produce is used in particular in the food preserves industry for triturating and subsequently separating the juice or pulp from fruit or vegetables, in particular in a coldworking process. The device comprises a refiner (1) of known type provided with a rotating shaft having blades rotating internally of a sieve contained in an external casing (1b); a triturator group (2) receives a produce to be processed from an infeeder archimedes screw (3) and introduces the produce into the refiner (1); the triturator group (2) comprises a fixed cylindrical cage (4), fixed to a casing (3a) of the archimedes screw (3) and also fixed to the external casing (1b) of the refiner (1), is arranged coaxially to these machines, and exhibits apertures (4a) and a cutting group (5) which rotates with the refiner (1) and which is provided with frontally-acting cutters, and which is arranged internally of the cylindrical cage (4) with the cutters facing the archimedes screw and being provided with radial blades (5a) arranged downstream of the cutters. Bibliographic Information Automobile shredder residue gasification. De Filippis, Paolo; Pochetti, Fausto; Borgianni, Carlo; Paolucci, Martino. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy. Waste Management & Research (2003), 21(5), 459-466. Publisher: IWM Business Services Ltd., CODEN: WMARD8 ISSN: 0734-242X. Journal written in English. CAN 140:275298 AN 2003:997335 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Automobile Shredder Residue (ASR) shows a broad chem. compn. owing to the presence of different materials, and its high org. content makes it interesting as a source of energy. In this work, a bench scale two-stage reactor is used for gasifying ASR. The reactor shows an efficient ASR gasification, avoiding the formation of difficult to manage char and tar and allowing an easy recovery of energy. The results of the investigation were used to test a simple model based on mass and energy balances and chem. equil., predicting syngas compn. including the presence of problematic elements such as sulfur and chlorine. Gasification data calcd. by the model agree in a satisfactory way with the exptl. ones. Due to the large variation in ASR compn., the model predicts that ASR gasification is industrially feasible only if a blend of ASR and RDF is used as a reactor feed. Bibliographic Information New industrial process for food liquids decontamination from chemical and/or biological contaminants. Volpato, Ivo; Bizzini, Bernard; Veneroni, Flavio. (Dox-Al Italia S.P.A., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 31 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2003103409 A2 20031218 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2003-EP6072 20030610. Priority: IT 2002-1260 20020610. CAN 140:16064 AN 2003:991263 CAPLUS 175 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2003103409 WO 2003103409 Kind A2 A3 IT CA AU EP 2002MI1260 2489078 2003246410 1531679 A1 A1 A1 A2 JP 2005528902 US 20050220936 T A1 Priority Application IT 2002-MI1260 WO 2003-EP6072 A W Date Application No. Date 20031218 WO 2003-EP6072 20030610 20040325 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20031210 IT 2002-MI1260 20020610 20031218 CA 2003-2489078 20030610 20031222 AU 2003-246410 20030610 20050525 EP 2003-757053 20030610 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR, BG, CZ, EE, HU, SK 20050929 JP 2004-510545 20030610 20051006 US 2004-518106 20041210 20020610 20030610 Abstract A procedure is presented for the decontamination of a food liq. from one or more chem. and/or biol. contaminants, based on the contact of said liq. with at least a bio-compatible membrane, to which antibodies specific for said contaminants are covalently bound. Bibliographic Information Chemistry and nutrition. The nutritional foods industry. An ever more significant reality in continuous expansion. Malesani, Paolo. Indena SpA, Milan, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (2003), 85(8), 4751. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal written in Italian. AN 2003:922251 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The purpose of this article is to discuss the actual status concerning nutritional products. After a brief introduction of some specific definitions, the attention is focused on the legislative aspects, a market overview, the main players and the relevant structural information. A prospect on how to grow the role of chemist as well as the chem. industry in this scenario is treated in the conclusion. Bibliographic Information Structure-activity relationships for the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of simple and unsaturated aldehydes. Benigni, Romualdo; Passerini, Laura; Rodomonte, Andrea. Laboratory of Comparative Toxicology and 176 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Ecotoxicology, Istituto Superiore di Sanita', Rome, Italy. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (2003), 42(3), 136-143. Publisher: Wiley-Liss, Inc., CODEN: EMMUEG ISSN: 0893-6692. Journal written in English. CAN 140:266007 AN 2003:888197 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Aldehydes are important industrial compds. that are used for the synthesis of chems. and pharmaceuticals and as solvents, food additives, and disinfectants. Because of their reactivity, aldehydes are able to interact with electron-rich biol. macromols. and adverse health effects were reported, including general toxicity, allergenic reactions, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity. The cost, time, and no. of animals necessary to adequately screen these chems. places serious limitations on the no. of aldehydes whose health potential can be studied and points to the need of using alternative methods for assessing, at least in a preliminary way, the risks assocd. with the use of aldehydes. A method of choice is the study of quant. structure-activity relationships (QSARs). In the present work, we present QSAR models for the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of simple aldehydes and - unsatd. aldehydes. The models point to the role of electrophilicity, bulkiness, and hydrophobicity in the genotoxic activity of the aldehydes and lend themselves to the prediction of the activity of other untested chems. of the same class. Bibliographic Information A study on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by tropical ascomycetous yeasts. Buzzini, Pietro; Martini, Alessandro; Cappelli, Francesco; Pagnoni, Ugo Maria; Davoli, Paolo. Sezione di Microbiologia Applicata, Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale e Biotecnologie Agroambientali, Universita di Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (2003), 84(4), 301-311. Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers, CODEN: ALJMAO ISSN: 0003-6072. Journal written in English. CAN 140:232188 AN 2003:772870 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract As a part of a program aiming at the selection of strains which might be of interest as sources of natural flavouring mols., the prodn. of volatile org. compds. (VOCs) by 98 ascomycetous yeast strains (representative of 40 species belonging to 12 genera) isolated from tropical environments was investigated. Volatiles produced were sampled by means of headspace solid-phase microextn. (SPME) and the compds. were analyzed and identified by gas chromatog.mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). The VOCs produced were found to be alcs. (amyl alc. and isoamyl alc.), aldehydes (2methyl-2-hexenal and 2-isopropyl-5-methyl-2-hexenal) and esters (Et isobutyrate, iso-Bu acetate, isoamyl acetate, 2methylbutyl acetate, Et isovalerate, isoamyl propionate and phenylmethyl acetate). Differences in VOC profiles were used to cluster the yeast strains into 25 VOC phenotypes. The different frequency of VOC phenotypes in three specific habitats was correlated to the divergent environmental conditions, possibly affecting the selection of specific yeasts. From a biotechnol. viewpoint, this study reveals the potentiality of ascomycetous yeasts isolated from tropical environments as a promising source of VOCs relevant in food and fragrance industry. Bibliographic Information Sterilization of fruit juice by high pressure CO2. Parton, T.; Rocchi, E.; Spilimbergo, S.; Elvassore, N.; Bertucco, A. Dipartimento di Principi e Impianti di Ingegneria Chimica, Universita di Padova, Padua, Italy. Editor(s): Winter, Roland. Advances in High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology II, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2nd, Dortmund, Germany, Sept. 16-19, 2002 (2003), Meeting Date 2002, 419-424. Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany CODEN: 69ENSC Conference written in English. CAN 139:395069 AN 2003:748691 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In alimentary industry the thermal treatment is the most used technique to obtain pasteurization or sterilization of food, but changes in organoleptic flavor and nutritive properties can occur. In this work, orange juice inoculated with Bacillus subtilis bacteria and spores was treated by high pressure CO2 in both batch and semi-continuous app. at different conditions of contact time, temp. and pressure in order to study inactivation kinetics and process efficiency. 177 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Some hypothesis on inactivation mechanism are discussed with regard to cytoplasmatic membrane damage, inactivation of some fundamental enzymes and strong lowering of extracellular pH. Bibliographic Information Enzyme applications in detergency and in manufacturing industries. Galante, Yves M.; Formantici, Cristina. Corporate R&D, LAMBERTI spa, Albizzate, Italy. Current Organic Chemistry (2003), 7(13), 1399-1422. Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., CODEN: CORCFE ISSN: 1385-2728. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 140:78830 AN 2003:692352 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Applications of enzymes in industrial and food processes have undergone remarkable developments in several areas such as detergent, textile, grain wet milling, food, monogastric animal feed, pulp and paper, leather, natural polymer modifications, org. chem. synthesis, diagnostics, etc., in the last 10-20 yr. Recombinant DNA technol. and protein engineering are currently the main technologies in the design and prodn. of new industrial enzymes, because they reach high prodn. yields of purified products at competitive costs and to design new enzymes with novel properties well adapted to industrial conditions. Of the major classes of enzymes, e80% of current industrial enzymes are hydrolases (e.g., carbohydrolases, esterases) and are extracellularly produced for ease of downstream recovery after fermn. In recent years, a few oxidoreductases were com. introduced (e.g., catalase, peroxidase, laccase) and even 1 lyase (pectate lyase for raw cotton bioscouring). The authors give an overview of enzyme applications in detergency, textiles, and leather, the 3 areas that represent the majority of industrial enzyme uses. In detergency, enzymes contribute to the highly efficient removal of stains made of proteins, starch and grease from garments and fabrics, enhancing the action of surfactants and improving the performance of the washing process. In the textile industry, cellulases, amylases, proteases, catalases, pectin lyase, peroxidase and laccase, have all become enzymes commonly used in textile mills, dyehouses and industrial laundries. In tanneries, application of proteases at the bating step to soften the hides and prep. them for tanning was a key step in leather making ever since ancient times. A vast range of proteases is now available for soaking, bating and for unhairing raw hides, and of lipases for degreasing. Bibliographic Information Use of tomato lycopene cyclase gene in production of transgenic plants that have increased concentration of carotene and that show resistance to hydric stress. D'ambrosio, Caterina; Festa, Giuseppe; Giorgio, Giovanni; Marino, Ivana; Petrozza, Angelo; Salfi, Leonarda; Stigliani, Adriana Lucia; Cellini, Francesco. (Metapontum Agrobios S.C.R.L., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 32 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2003066866 A2 20030814 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2003-EP279 20030113. Priority: IT 2002-213 20020206. CAN 139:174849 AN 2003:633936 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2003066866 WO 2003066866 Kind A2 A3 Date Application No. Date 20030814 WO 2003-EP279 20030113 20040115 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, 178 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 AU 2003202560 A1 KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, SI, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20030902 AU 2003-202560 20030113 Priority Application IT 2002-MI213 WO 2003-EP279 A W 20020206 20030113 Abstract The invention provides the use of tomato lycopene cyclase gene in the prodn. of transgenic plants, wherein said plants have increased content of -carotene when grown under appropriate temp. and light conditions. Specifically, the invention relates that said conditions include cultivating transgenic plants in a temp. ranging from 10 C to 25 C, and in the presence of continuous light. The invention also relates that said transgenic plants are characterized by having a high resistance to abiotic stress, in particular hydric stress. In the examples, the invention presented the cDNA cloning, sequencing, and use in construction of plasmid vector of tomato lycopene cyclase gene. A plasmid vector contg. said tomato lycopene cyclase gene was used to transform Agrobacterium tumefaciens, wherein said A. tumefaciens where used to transform cotyledons from Red Setter tomato plants. The transformed Red Setter tomato plants were evaluated when grown under continuous light and varies temps. The invention discussed in a general sense that the -carotene produced in recombinant plants could be potentially used as a nutritional supplement, and/or as a dye or preservative in food, poultry-deed and cosmetic industries. Bibliographic Information Guar Galactomannans: Enzymatic depolymerization, characterization and biostability. Baldaro, Eva M.; Formantici, Cristina; Rinaldi, Cristina; Vigano, Laura. Guar Technology Unit, Lamberti SpA, Albizzate, Italy. Abstracts of Papers, 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, NY, United States, September 7-11, 2003 (2003), CARB-044. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69EKY9 Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2003:630172 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Guar galactomannans find wide industrial applications as additive in food, paintings, coatings, paper, cosmetics as well as in oil operations. These polysaccharides may undergo chem. and biochem. modification to generate novel carbohydrate products with unique reol. and/or applicative properties. Enzyme modifications of galactomannans with the aid of new com. biotech enzymes, offer new opportunities. These modifications can be of various nature: depolymn. by specific beta-mannanases, debranching by alpha-galactosidase and oxydation of selected hydroxyl groups by an engineered glactose oxydase. We have focused our research on enzyme depolymn. of Guar in heterogeneous system to generate stable, low viscosity products, suitable to undergo further chem. derivatization. Resistance of hydroxypropylguar (HPG) to degrdn. by microbial endo-beta-mannanase was proven to be enhanced with respect to non-modified galactomannan. Enzyme resistance appears to be directly correlated to the extent of molar substitution (MS) and uniformity of substituent distribution. Bibliographic Information The safety of pharmaceutical excipients. Pifferi, Giorgio; Restani, Patrizia. Institute of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Milan, Italy. Farmaco (2003), 58(8), 541-550. Publisher: Editions Scientifiques et Medicales Elsevier, CODEN: FRMCE8 ISSN: 0014-827X. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 140:222940 AN 2003:567597 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The most important part of a medicine as far as its wt. is concerned, is constituted by its excipients, which 179 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 have the important functions of guaranteeing the dosage, stability and bioavailability of the active principle. The components employed as excipients must present the characteristics required by their technol. function but, as with any substance administered to man, they must also correspond to suitable safety requirements. In fact, in the past the importance of evaluating the possible adverse effects of excipients was underestimated, because their inertia and innocuity were taken for granted. The safety profile of these substances is more deeply researched as regards the toxicol. aspect only if they are also employed in the food industry (anti-oxidants, sweeteners, coloring agents, etc.). Indeed, in this case, the International Toxicol. Committees (among which the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, a mixed committee of the WHO/FAO) demand thorough studies in lab. animals, with the intent of protecting the consumer's safety. Tackling the question of the toxicity of excipients thoroughly is not a simple matter for several reasons: the large no. of substances on the market and the diversity of their chem. profiles, their sources, their technol. functions, and the presence of secondary products and/or contaminants that may be the true causes of adverse effects. In this article we shall review the principal classes of excipients and their resp. side effects. Then we shall proceed to their toxicol. evaluation, giving examples of: (a) intrinsic toxicity, or adverse effects that may be encountered in the whole population; and (b) specific toxicity, which manifests only in people who are carriers of a transmissible disease or who are genetically predisposed, such as people with allergies and intolerances. Bibliographic Information Incidence and correlates of breast-feeding practices in the non-European Community migrant women. Golin, R.; Marzari, F.; Zanardo, V. Department of Pediatrics, Vicenza Hospital, Vicenza, Italy. Nutrition Research (New York, NY, United States) (2003), 23(8), 983-990. Publisher: Elsevier Science Inc., CODEN: NTRSDC ISSN: 02715317. Journal written in English. AN 2003:542389 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The purpose of this case-control study was to compare post-migration attitudes of non-European Community migrant women towards infant feeding, in comparison with industrialized area native Italian women of North-eastern Italy (Noventa Vicentina Maternity Hospital, Vicenza). A questionnaire was used for maternal and infant characteristic data collection at hospital discharge following delivery and at 3 and 6 mo postpartum, to identify patterns and correlates in the quant. breast-feeding practices. From Mar., 1999 to Sept. 2000 50 consecutive migrant women (55% African, 35% Balcanic, 7% Latin-American and 3% Indo-Chinese) and 100 consecutive native control mothers, matched for gestational age, were invited to participate in this study. Twelve weeks was chosen as a reasonable cut-off time for "Early or Later Weaning", after breast-feeding initiation upon hospital discharge. The strength of linear correlation between educational level (years) of native and migrant lactating women vs. age, parity, pre- and post-gestational body wt., duration of breast-feeding (3 and 6 mo), and no. of fetal ultrasound screenings during gestation was assessed. At maternity hospital discharge the migrant women had high breast-feeding rates, similar to native women (99% and 96%, resp.). In both migrant and native mother samples a sharp fall in breast-feeding practice followed discharge. Migrant women presented the highest occurrence of Early Weaning (3rd month, breast-feeding rates 42% and 61%, resp.; p < 0.05). No significant differences were found across the 2 groups in Later Weaning (6th month, breast-feeding rates 38% vs 40%, resp.).Thus, the breast-feeding trend toward smaller values with time within each of the 2 groups on initiation, on the 3rd month, and on the 6th month was statistically significant (p per trend <0.01). In addn., the schooling years of migrant women were significantly correlated with the duration of breast-feeding (r = 0,11; p < 0.03) and a greater no. of ultrasound screenings during gestation (r = 0.29; p < 0.03). Findings revealed that more cultured women are prone following migration to industrialized settings to adopt the sociosanitary facilities and cultural characteristics on plane mode of feeding of the host country. Bibliographic Information A real time toxicity bioassay for activated sludge reactor. Pernetti, Mimma; Di Palma, Luca; Merli, Carlo. Chemical Engineering Department, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (2003), 1 No pp. given. Publisher: Berkeley Electronics Press, CODEN: IJCRBB ISSN: 15426580. http://www.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1076&context=ijcre Journal; Online Computer File written in English. CAN 139:218421 AN 2003:536380 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 180 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract Activated sludge reactors are commonly used for secondary treatment of industrial wastewater, showing a high purifn. yield, operating simplicity, and cost-effectiveness. Nevertheless, industrial wastewater generally contains numerous org. and inorg. compds. which are not biodegradable; heavy metals often occur in electroplating and metal-processing, paint, plastics, scientific instrument effluents; salts occur in wastewater from pesticide, pharmaceutical and food industry manufg. and waste-dump percolating water. Primary treatments are often designed to reduce wastewater heavy metal and salt content; however, trace concns. persist and may reach the biol. reactor causing biomass inhibition and dramatic loss in purifn. efficiency. Respirometry through O2 uptake rate measurements is the most rapid, reliable method to assess activated sludge inhibition. Previous toxicity test studies for specific compds. were performed following different procedures and attaining heterogeneous results. A simple modification of the toxicity test configuration is proposed to assess in real time the toxicity and inhibiting effect of influent wastewater before it reaches the reactor. A sample is collected from the influent and a respirometric test is performed from reactor mixed liquor. If inhibition exceeds the limit, the influent is stored and alternative treatment is done. Preliminary expts. were conducted in a bench-scale continuously-stirred tank reactor fed synthetic wastewater. Copper sulfate and NaCl, inhibiting compds., were sep. supplied to activated sludge batch samples in shock load at different concns. Mixed liquor Cu concns. were measured by at. absorption and salt concns. were detd. with conductance measurements. Inhibition 90%, evaluated by short-response time OUR tests, demonstrated the suitability of this tool as a real-time toxicity bioassay for activated sludge reactors. Bibliographic Information Evaluation of a high temperature immobilised enzyme reactor for production of non-reducing oligosaccharides. Schiraldi, Chiara; Di Lernia, Isabella; Giuliano, Mariateresa; Generoso, Maddalena; D'Agostino, Antonella; De Rosa, Mario. Section of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Department of Experimental Medicine, Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2003), 30(5), 302-307. Publisher: Springer-Verlag, CODEN: JIMBFL ISSN: 1367-5435. Journal written in English. CAN 140:302358 AN 2003:514469 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract There is interest in the prodn. of non-reducing carbohydrates due to their potential application in various industrial fields, particularly the food industry. In this paper, we describe the development of an immobilized cell bioprocess for the synthesis of non-reducing maltodextrins at high temps. The trehalosyl-dextrins-forming enzyme (TDFE) isolated from the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (strain MT4), was recently expressed at high yields in Escherichia coli (strain Rb-791). Here, we evaluate different matrixes, such as polyacrylamide gel, crude egg white, chitosan and calcium alginate for their effectiveness in immobilizing whole recombinant E. coli cells subjected to prior thermal permeabilisation. Calcium-alginate based gels formed a solid biocatalyst with a good activity yield and the best enzymic stability at the operating temp. (75 C). Therefore, these beads were used to pack a glass column reactor to perform the bioconversion of interest. Optimal operating parameters were defined in relation to the substrate stream flow-rate and the substrate-to-biocatalyst ratio. The prodn. of trehalosylmaltotetraose from maltohexaose reached equil. with a const. of about 2.6 at 75 C. The bioreactor was exploited for prodn. of trehalosylmaltodextrins from a com. mixt. of maltodextrins, achieving a productivity of 106.5 mg ml-1 h-1 (g biocatalyst)-1 with ~40% conversion when using a 30% (w/v) soln. Bibliographic Information Membrane contactors in the beverage industry for controlling the water gas composition. Criscuoli, Alessandra; Drioli, Enrico; Moretti, Ugo. Research Institute on Membrane Technology (ITM-CNR), Rende (CS), Italy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2003), 984(Advanced Membrane Technology), 1-16. Publisher: New York Academy of Sciences, CODEN: ANYAA9 ISSN: 0077-8923. Journal written in English. CAN 139:196578 AN 2003:450565 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 181 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 In the work described here, membrane contactors are used for coupling the removal of species (oxygen and hydrogen sulfide) present in the water with the water carbonation process. We include both expts. and a theor. study devoted to the anal. of the transport phenomena that occur in the membrane contactor. The main resistance to mass transport was located at the liq. side. Correlations between Sherwood and Reynolds nos. on the shell side that are suitable for the membrane contactor used to carry out our expts. have been detd. In particular, for Re > 1.6, the expression proposed by Yang and Cussler in 1986: Sh = 0.90Re 0.40Sc0.33 describes the behavior of the system; whereas, for Re between 0.03 and 0.3, a new expression is proposed: Sh = 0.435Re1.2SC0.33. A comparison with traditional equipment is also furnished. Membrane contactors offer reduced size, CO2 consumption, and capital costs. Bibliographic Information Present and potential applications of membrane processing in the food industry. Moresi, M.; Lo Presti, S. Istituto di Tecnologie Agroalimentari, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. Italian Journal of Food Science (2003), 15(1), 3-34. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: ITFSEY ISSN: 1120-1770. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 139:116399 AN 2003:430812 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. This paper reviews the most recent innovations in membrane modules and/or processes that appear to affect the food (dairy products, fermented and alc. beverages, fruit juices, vegetable oils, etc.) and drinks (potable water and soft-drinks) industries in the short-medium term. Basic mass transport equations and the general relationship between solvent permeation flux and solute concn. are examd. as a function of the sepn. range of membranes. Future perspectives for membrane processing in the food sector are also outlined. Bibliographic Information Improvement of biocatalysts by directed evolution. Molinari, Francesco; Lametti, Stefania. Sezione di Microbiologia Industriale - DiSTAM, Universita di Milano, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (2003), 85(2), 13-14. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 138:400438 AN 2003:340560 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Directed evolution combines the most innovative techniques of biotechnol. (generation of mutant library, in vitro recombination, screening) for improving the functionality of enzymes and microorganisms. Recent developments include the creation of biocatalysts with improved stability, more enantioselective, with broader substrate specificity or ameliorated metabolic pathways. The combination of directed evolution and rational design promises to accelerate the development of biocatalysts for applications in pharmaceutical, chem. and food industries. Bibliographic Information Proteins from bovine tissues and biological fluids: Defining a reference electrophoresis map for liver, kidney, muscle, plasma and red blood cells. Talamo, Fabio; D'Ambrosio, Chiara; Arena, Simona; Del Vecchio, Prisco; Ledda, Luigi; Zehender, Goffredo; Ferrara, Lino; Scaloni, Andrea. Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, National Research Council, ISPAAM, Naples, Italy. Proteomics (2003), 3(4), 440-460. Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, CODEN: PROTC7 ISSN: 1615-9853. Journal written in English. CAN 139:146036 AN 2003:302109 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A no. of high resoln. two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) ref. maps for bovine tissues and biol. fluids have been detd. for animals in basal state. Among the 1863 distinct protein features detected in samples of liver, kidney, muscle, plasma and red blood cells, 509 species were identified and assocd. to 209 different genes. Difficulties in the identification were related to the poorly characterized Bos taurus genome and were solved by a combined matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry and liq. chromatog.-electrospray ionization tandem mass 182 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 spectrometry approach. The exptl. output allowed us to establish a 2-DE database accessible through the World Wide Web network at the URL address (http://www.iabbam.na.cnr.it/Biochem). These ref. maps may serve as a tool in future veterinary medical studies aimed at the evaluation of changes in protein repertoire for altered animal physiol. conditions and infectious diseases, to the definition of mol. markers for novel diagnostic kits and vaccines, as well as the characterization of protein modifications in bovine materials following technol. processes used in the food industry. Bibliographic Information Study on the adhesion of different types of lacquers used in food packaging. Barilli, F.; Fragni, R.; Gelati, S.; Montanari, A. Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle, Conserve Alimentari (SSICA), Parma, Italy. Progress in Organic Coatings (2003), 46(2), 91-96. Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V., CODEN: POGCAT ISSN: 0300-9440. Journal written in English. CAN 139:134917 AN 2003:289903 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The rapid detn. of the durability and quality of a coating used to protect against corrosion is a practical problem that in the specific case canned food packaging, both can-maker and the food industry must consider carefully. In this work the authors discuss 3 methods for evaluating the adhesion of 3 types of lacquers (stoving and UV curing) applied on different tinplate substrate. In detail, the methods used are: dry adhesion, wet adhesion, and electrochem. impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. The last method allows the influence of both types of lacquers and tinplate supports to be evaluated when coming in contact with model solns. of foodstuff. Adhesion was studied before and after sterilization treatment. The results show that the best protection is given by epoxy phenolic and organosol lacquers. Bibliographic Information Prostate cancer and exposure to pesticides in agricultural settings. Settimi, Laura; Masina, Alceste; Andrion, Alberto; Axelson, Olav. Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. International Journal of Cancer (2003), 104(4), 458-461. Publisher: Wiley-Liss, Inc., CODEN: IJCNAW ISSN: 0020-7136. Journal written in English. CAN 139:48460 AN 2003:243052 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Our study evaluates the assocn. between prostate cancer and exposure to pesticides in agricultural settings in Italy. The data were derived from a hospital-based multi-site case-control study carried out in 5 rural areas between 1990-92. In our study, 124 new cases of prostate cancer were ascertained and interviewed, along with 659 cancer controls. A team of agronomists assessed past exposure to pesticides by using a checklist of 100 chem. families and 217 compds. applied from 1950-85 in the areas considered. The assocn. between prostate cancer and different occupational risk factors was measured by max. likelihood estn. of the odds ratio, controlling for potential confounders. "Ever been employed in agriculture" was assocd. with a 40% increased risk (OR = 1.4, 95% CI = 0.9-2.0). Prostate cancer was also related pos. to food and tobacco (OR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.1-4.1), and chem. products (OR = 2.2, 95% CI = 0.7-7.2) industries. The analyses carried out to est. the assocn. between different types of pesticides and prostate cancer showed increased risks among farmers exposed to organochlorine insecticides and acaricides (OR = 2.5, 95% CI = 1.4-4.2), more specifically to the often contemporary used compds. DDT (OR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.2-3.8), and dicofol (OR = 2.8, 95% CI = 1.5-5.0), whose effects could not be well sepd. Bibliographic Information Transglutaminase, a food additive with multiple uses. Paleari, M. Antonietta; Cantoni, Carlo; Beretta, Giuseppe. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Veterinarie, Universita degli Studi, Milan, Italy. Ingredienti Alimentari (2003), 2(1), 18-20. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: IANLBJ ISSN: 1594-0543. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 139:51733 AN 2003:201701 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 183 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 A review. The biochem. characteristics and food additive uses of the transglutaminase enzyme obtained from a Streptoverticillium mobaraense strain are described. The main enzyme activity is to catalyze the formation of crosslinks in several food proteins esp. in the presence of caseinates. The transglutaminase uses in food industry are widely different, mainly in meat and cheese prodn. Bibliographic Information Production and purification of microbial xylanase for industrial or food uses from transplastomic plants containing plastids transformed with the xylanase gene. Reddy, Vanga Siva; Leelavathi, Sadhu; Gupta, Naveen; Maiti, Sankar; Ghosh, Amit. (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Italy; Institute of Microbial Technology). PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 51 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2003012094 A1 20030213 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2002-EP8655 20020802. Priority: GB 2001-18935 20010802. CAN 138:164728 AN 2003:118003 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2003012094 Kind A1 AU 2002333317 IN 2004DN00209 US 20050106699 A1 A A1 Priority Application GB 2001-18935 WO 2002-EP8655 A W Date Application No. Date 20030213 WO 2002-EP8655 20020802 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, SK, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20030217 AU 2002-333317 20020802 20060224 IN 2004-DN209 20040129 20050519 US 2004-485347 20041203 20010802 20020802 Abstract The present invention relates to the transformation of a plastid genome with a polynucleotide encoding xylanase, and to the prodn. of xylanase thereby. The invention provides a process of obtaining a xylanase comprising: providing a protein-contg. ext. of a transplastomic plant tissue comprising plastids transformed with a polynucleotide encoding the xylanase, the ext. having been subjected to heat treatment that has denatured at least some of the protein content of the tissue but under which the xylanase has remained stable; and recovering the xylanase from the ext. The authors have transformed the xynA gene coding for an alkali- and thermo-stable xylanase from a mesophilic obligate alkalophilic Bacillus sp. NG-27 into chloroplast genome of tobacco plants. The authors report here the successful high level expression and purifn. of this industrially important enzyme and thus provide its significant benefits related to tech. industry, agriculture and the environment. The recombinant xylanase can be used in the manuf. of paper, for improvement of quality in baked and brewed products, or in processing of plant fibers by selective removal of xylan 184 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 components. Bibliographic Information Simultaneous Determination of Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) in Citrus Essential Oils by Derivative Potentiometric Stripping Analysis. La Pera, Lara; Saitta, Marcello; Di Bella, Giuseppa; Dugo, Giacomo. Dipartimento di Chimica Organica e Biologica, University of Messina, Messina, Italy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2003), 51(5), 1125-1129. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: JAFCAU ISSN: 00218561. Journal written in English. CAN 138:237065 AN 2003:49667 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Citrus essential oils are widely used in the food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries, so the detn. of heavy metals content is of great importance to guarantee their quality. The present work deals with the quantification of Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) in different varieties of citrus essential oils, using deriv. potentiometric stripping anal. Two different metals extn. procedures, involving concd. HCl treatment and acid-alc. dissoln., are tested on lemon, mandarin, sweet orange, and bergamot essential oils, and they give very similar results. Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) recovery tests spanned from 95 to 100.50%, providing evidence that metals quantification remained unaffected by the cleanup steps of the 2 procedures. The repeatability of the HCl extn. method, applied on different varieties of essential oils, is >95.00% for Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II), whereas the repeatability of the acid-alc. dissoln. method is >93.00% for Cu and Cd only in lemon oil. Detection limits obtained for the 4 analytes, using both procedures, ranged from 0.10 to 0.98 ng/g in lemon, mandarin, sweet orange, and bergamot essential oils. Bibliographic Information Plant for the treatment of waste waters. Setti, Leonardo; Pifferi, Piergiorgio; Bordado, Joao. (Tecnoalimenti S.p.A., Italy; Domca S.A.; AC & H Consultores, Lda.). PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 16 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2003004419 A1 20030116 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2002-IB2348 20020624. Priority: IT 2001-419 20010703. CAN 138:94849 AN 2003:42207 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2003004419 Kind A1 IT 2001BO0419 AU 2002314410 TR 200302111 A1 A1 T2 Date Application No. Date 20030116 WO 2002-IB2348 20020624 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20030103 IT 2001-BO419 20010703 20030121 AU 2002-314410 20020624 20070221 TR 2003-2111 20020624 Priority Application 185 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 IT 2001-BO419 WO 2002-IB2348 A W 20010703 20020624 Abstract The present invention presents wastewater facilities for the recovery of industrially important substances from the agroindustrial waste waters, and particularly from vegetable waters coming from the olive milling or from the prodn. of vegetable based preserves. The treatment of wastewater process involves the regeneration of natural or synthetic adsorbents and the recovery of industrially important substances and includes treatment tanks loaded with natural or synthetic adsorbent which, after being satd. by substances of agroindustrial interest contained in the wastewaters, are dumped by said tanks and sent to extn. tanks where they are regenerated through specific eluants. Bibliographic Information Color variation and characterization of broiler breast meat during processing in Italy. Petracci M; Betti M; Bianchi M; Cavani C Department of Food Science, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, 47023 Cesena (FC), Italy Poultry science (2004), 83(12), 2086-92. Journal code: 0401150. ISSN:0032-5791. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 15615025 AN 2004639033 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The variation in broiler breast meat color (CIE values L*a*b*) that normally occurs during processing was evaluated on 6,997 broiler breast fillets (pectoralis major muscles) from 79 flocks using a Minolta Chroma Meter. The samples were randomly collected at 3 to 6 h postmortem from the deboning line at a single major Italian processing plant. In addition, 216 fillets were selected based on lightness (L*) values as being dark (L* < 50), normal (50 < or = L* < or = 56), or pale (L* > 56), and were analyzed for ultimate pH, intact and ground meat cooking loss, and shear value. The overall range in measured lightness (L*) was considerable and varied from 40 (dark) to 66 (pale), indicating that high breast meat color variation during processing could exist. Broiler breast meat during summer was found to be paler (+1.7 L* unit), less red (-1.0 a* unit), and less yellow (-0.7 b* unit) than breast meat samples collected during the winter, confirming that the incidence of pale meat is greater during summer as indicated by nonscientific observations of plant personnel. It was also determined that paler (L* > 56) breast meat is associated with lower ultimate pH and poorer water-holding capacity, whereas darker (L* < 50) breast meat is associated with higher muscle pH and cooking yield. Bibliographic Information beta-Glucan synthase induction in mushrooms grown on olive mill wastewaters. Reverberi M; Di Mario F; Tomati U IBAF, Istituto di Biologia Agroambientale e Forestale-CNR, Area della Ricerca di Roma, via Salaria Km 29.300, 00016 (Rm) Monterotondo Scalo, Italy Applied microbiology and biotechnology (2004), 66(2), 217-25. Journal code: 8406612. ISSN:0175-7598. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NONU.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 15558276 AN 2004583011 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract beta-1-3-Glucan synthase activity and its induction by olive mill wastewaters (OMW) was studied in ten fungal strains (Auricularia auricula-judae, Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus eryngii, Stropharia aeruginosa, Agrocybe aegerita, P. pulmonarius, Armillaria mellea, P. ferulae, P. ostreatus, P. nebrodensis). A microtiter-based enzymatic assay on beta-13-glucan synthase activity was carried out on all mycelia growth both on the control medium and on OMW. Among the fungi assayed, L. edodes beta-1-3-glucan synthase was highly enhanced in OMW. The main components of OMW, i.e. phenols and lipids, were added separately to the control medium, to highlight the mechanism of L. edodes beta-1-3glucan synthase induction. A Southern blot analysis and PCR with degenerated primers were carried out to detect the presence of fks1-like genes in these Basidiomycetes. The sequences obtained from the ten Basidiomycota were remarkably similar to fks1 from Filobasidiella neoformans. Spectrofluorimetric and RT-PCR analyses of beta-1-3- 186 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 glucan synthase were performed on the mycelia of L. edodes. In this fungus, a strong stimulation of beta-1-3-glucan synthase mRNA and protein was recorded in the presence of OMW and phenols. Bibliographic Information Characterization of winemaking yeast by cell number-size distribution analysis through flow field-flow fractionation with multi-wavelength turbidimetric detection. Zattoni Andrea; Melucci Dora; Reschiglian Pierluigi; Sanz Ramses; Puignou Lluis; Galceran Maria Teresa Department of Chemistry G Ciamician, University of Bologna, Via Selmi 2, 1-40126 Bologna, Italy Journal of chromatography. A (2004), 1054(1-2), 293-301. Journal code: 9318488. ISSN:0021-9673. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 15553156 AN 2004576850 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Yeasts are widely used in several areas of food industry, e.g. baking, beer brewing, and wine production. Interest in new analytical methods for quality control and characterization of yeast cells is thus increasing. The biophysical properties of yeast cells, among which cell size, are related to yeast cell capabilities to produce primary and secondary metabolites during the fermentation process. Biophysical properties of winemaking yeast strains can be screened by field-flow fractionation (FFF). In this work we present the use of flow FFF (FlFFF) with turbidimetric multiwavelength detection for the number-size distribution analysis of different commercial winemaking yeast varieties. The use of a diode-array detector allows to apply to dispersed samples like yeast cells the recently developed method for number-size (or mass-size) analysis in flow-assisted separation techniques. Results for six commercial winemaking yeast strains are compared with data obtained by a standard method for cell sizing (Coulter counter). The method here proposed gives, at short analysis time, accurate information on the number of cells of a given size, and information on the total number of cells. Bibliographic Information Tolerance of heat-treated kiwi by children with kiwifruit allergy. Fiocchi Alessandro; Restani Patrizia; Bernardo Luca; Martelli Alberto; Ballabio Cinzia; D'Auria Enza; Riva Enrica Department of Child and Maternal Medicine, Melloni Hospital, 52 Via Melloni, Milan 20134, Italy. [email protected] Pediatric allergy and immunology : official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (2004), 15(5), 454-8. Journal code: 9106718. ISSN:0905-6157. (CLINICAL TRIAL); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL) written in English. PubMed ID 15482522 AN 2004513538 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Kiwifruit allergy is increasing among children but whether heating affects clinical tolerance to kiwifruit is unknown. To assess tolerance to heated kiwifruit in children allergic to fresh kiwifruit. In this prospective trial, 20 children (median age 9.4 yr) with a history of immediate allergic reactions to fresh kiwifruit underwent double-blind placebocontrolled food challenges with steam-cooked (100 degrees C for 5') and industrially homogenised kiwifruit. Skin prick tests with a commercial kiwifruit allergen, raw kiwifruit and double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge with 25 g of fresh kiwifruit were used to confirm the history. Specific kiwifruit IgE to native and homogenized fruit were identified by immunoblotting. Fresh kiwifruit induced positive skin prick wheals in all children (confirmed during challenge in 19 patients). Commercial skin prick test elicited a positive response in five children, steam-cooked kiwifruit in five, and the homogenised kiwifruit preparation in none. UniCAP determinations were positive for kiwifruit in three patients. All children's sera showed specific IgE at immunoblotting with raw kiwifruit and one with the homogenised preparation (major allergens identified: Act c 1 and Act c 2). There was no clinical reactivity following challenge with homogenised kiwifruit but one child reacted to cooked kiwifruit challenge. Industrial heat treatment and homogenisation can make kiwifruit safe for children who are allergic to this increasingly popular fruit. This has dietary implications for children who are allergic to several fruit and vegetable proteins. Bibliographic Information 187 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 The livestock revolution--a global veterinary mission. Steinfeld Henning Food and Agriculture Organization, AGAP, Room C-542, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome 00100, Italy. [email protected] Veterinary parasitology (2004), 125(1-2), 19-41. Journal code: 7602745. ISSN:0304-4017. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 15476965 AN 2004508392 In-process for MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Increasing population, urbanisation and disposable incomes in developing countries are fuelling a strong growth in demand for animal food products, which in turn will have a strong impact on the location and organisation of global livestock production. Changes in the latter will in turn strongly impinge on animal and human health, the livelihoods of the poor and the environment. The consequences of these trends, termed the 'livestock revolution', are expected to dramatically change the face of animal agriculture in coming decades, including a major increase in the developing countries' share in world livestock production and consumption; a gradual substitution of cereals and other basic foods with meat and milk in the developing countries' diets; a change from multiple production objectives to more specialised intensive meat, milk and egg production within an integrated global food and feed market; a shift to more industrial production and processing; rising use of cereal-based animal feeds; and greater stress on fragile extensive pastoral areas and more pressure on land in areas with very high population densities and close to urban centres. Henning Steinfeld, an agricultural economist from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, reviews here trends associated with the 'Livestock Revolution' and predicted implications for animal health. The presentation was given in a plenary session at the 19th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA during 10-14 August 2003. Bibliographic Information Reduction of deoxynivalenol during durum wheat processing and spaghetti cooking. Visconti Angelo; Haidukowski Edith Miriam; Pascale Michelangelo; Silvestri Marco Institute of Sciences of Food Production, Via G. Amendola 122/0, 70126 Bari, Italy. [email protected] Toxicology letters (2004), 153(1), 181-9. Journal code: 7709027. ISSN:0378-4274. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 15342095 AN 2004437915 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The reduction of deoxynivalenol (DON) during durum wheat processing and spaghetti cooking was investigated in nine samples of durum wheat contaminated with DON under field conditions (either naturally contaminated or artificially inoculated with Fusarium) at levels ranging from 0.3 to 13.1 microg/g. A consistent reduction of DON levels was observed during each of the processing steps from uncleaned durum wheat to cooked spaghetti. With respect to the uncleaned wheat, the average levels of DON were 77% in cleaned wheat, 37% in semolina, 33% in spaghetti and 20% in cooked spaghetti, with relative standard deviations of 11%, 13%, 12% and 8%, respectively. Average DON levels in the screenings, bran and fine middlings were 4.1-, 1.6- and 0.6-fold, respectively, relative to the uncleaned wheat. DON was almost completely recovered from spaghetti after cooking, with a repartition between cooked spaghetti (without the corresponding DON amount from absorbed water) and cooking water generally in favour of the latter. An increased DON leaching into the cooking water was observed when a higher water to spaghetti ratio was used during cooking. This study strongly supports the basis of previous knowledge on DON distribution in durum wheat, semolina and pasta products, and concludes that the retention level of DON from grains on the market to cooked pasta in the plate can be conservatively assessed at 25% or less. Bibliographic Information Orthorexia nervosa: a preliminary study with a proposal for diagnosis and an attempt to measure the dimension of the phenomenon. Donini L M; Marsili D; Graziani M P; Imbriale M; Cannella C Istituto di Scienza dell'Alimentazione, Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Italy. [email protected] Eating and weight disorders : EWD (2004), 9(2), 151-7. Journal code: 9707113. ISSN:1124-4909. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL 188 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 15330084 AN 2004424792 National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. Abstract AIM: To propose a diagnostic proceeding and to try to verify the prevalence of orthorexia nervosa (ON), an eating disorder defined as "a maniacal obsession for healthy foods". MATERIALS AND METHODS: 404 subjects were enrolled. Diagnosis of ON was based on both the presence of a disorder with obsessive-compulsive personality features and an exaggerated healthy eating behaviour pattern. RESULTS: Of the 404 subjects examined, 28 were found to suffer from ON (prevalence of 6.9%). The analysis of the physiological characteristics, the social-cultural and the psychological behaviour that characterises subjects suffering from ON shows a higher prevalence in men and in those with a lower level of education. The orthorexic subjects attribute characteristics that show their specific "feelings" towards food ("dangerous" to describe a conserved product, "artificial" for industrially produced products, "healthy" for biological produce) and demonstrate a strong or uncontrollable desire to eat when feeling nervous, excited, happy or guilty. Bibliographic Information Panus tigrinus efficiently removes phenols, color and organic load from olive-mill wastewater. D'Annibale Alessandro; Ricci Marika; Quaratino Daniele; Federici Federico; Fenice Massimiliano Dipartimento di Agrobiologia e Agrochimica, University of Tuscia, Via San Camillo de Lellis snc, 01100 Viterbo, Italy Research in microbiology (2004), 155(7), 596-603. Journal code: 8907468. ISSN:0923-2508. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 15313262 AN 2004409593 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This study was aimed at assessing the potential of the white-rot fungus Panus tigrinus CBS 577.79 in removing organic load, color and toxic phenols from agro-industrial effluent olive-mill wastewater (OMW). The influence of wastewater composition on P. tigrinus degradative capability was investigated in shaken cultures using two different OMWs. The initial soluble COD of 85,000 mg l(-1) led to a delay in removal of color, organic load and phenol by the fungus. This was associated with delayed onset of laccase and Mn-dependent peroxidase. On the other hand, P. tigrinus, when grown on OMW with an initial soluble COD content of 43,000 mg l(-1), promptly and efficiently removed the aforementioned components. Chromatographic analyses showed that 4-hydroxy-substituted simple phenols were predominantly removed. The polymeric aromatic fraction underwent simultaneous polymerization and depolymerization. This study is a contribution to the understanding of the degradative specificity of P. tigrinus on OMW aromatic components and provides good indications for possible future applications of the fungus. Bibliographic Information Effect of industrial processing on the distribution of fumonisin B1 in dry milling corn fractions. Brera Carlo; Debegnach Francesca; Grossi Silvana; Miraglia Marina Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Laboratorio Alimenti, Reparto Chimica dei Cereali, Viale Regina Elena, 299-00161 Rome, Italy. [email protected] Journal of food protection (2004), 67(6), 1261-6. Journal code: 7703944. ISSN:0362-028X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 15222562 AN 2004320817 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of fumonisin B1 in various corn milling fractions processed by an industrial plant. Corn kernels and six derived milling fractions (germ, bran, large and small grits, animal feed flour, and flour) were sampled. In addition, in order to evaluate the effect of cooking, samples of polenta were prepared starting from naturally contaminated flour obtained from the industrial processing cycle. The industrial plant worked continuously at a rate of 60 tons per day. Two sublots of 5 tons each were investigated with samples of derived products taken at regular time intervals. Due to a similar heterogeneous distribution of fumonisin B1 with other 189 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 mycotoxins, such as aflatoxins, the sampling scheme was derived from the European Directive 98/53 for aflatoxins. Both lots of kernels showed fumonisin contamination at 4.54 and 5.09 mg/kg, respectively. Germ, bran, and animal feed flour showed contamination levels, namely 8.92 mg/kg (lot 1) and 9.56 mg/kg (lot 2), 7.08 mg/kg (lot 1) and 8.08 mg/kg (lot 2), and 9.36 mg/kg (lot 1) and 6.86 mg/kg (lot 2) higher than large and small grits and flour (0.39 mg/kg [lot 1] and 0.42 mg/kg [lot 2], 0.60 mg/kg [lot 1] and 1.01 mg/kg [lot 2], and 0.40 mg/kg [lot 1] and 0.45 mg/kg [lot 2], respectively). These results seem to account both for the industrial yields of the derived products and the distribution of fumonisin contamination in a kernel. The cooking of polenta in a domestic pressure cooker did not affect fumonisin contamination because the mycotoxin concentrations were similar to those of the starting flour (0.40 and 0.45 mg/kg). Bibliographic Information New regulatory trends for probiotics. Prevot Michela Bianco Probiotical srl, a company of the Mofin Alce Group, Novara, Italy. [email protected] Journal of clinical gastroenterology (2004), 38(6 Suppl), S61-3. Journal code: 7910017. ISSN:0192-0790. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 15220660 AN 2004319089 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The aim of this paper (presented in Rome, Italy, at the 2nd Congress of Probiotics, Prebiotics, and New Food, September 7-9, 2003) was to provide an objective view of the regulatory trends at the European level specifically referring to probiotics, because until now they have never been directly mentioned nor officially or expressly regulated per food and/or dietary applications, excluding their use as "active principles" in pharmaceutical products. Such a report presented during a scientific congress could represent a potential link between the world of research and the world of industry, both of presently deeply engaged and attracted by the potentiality raised until now, as per the application of probiotics under different points of view. Bibliographic Information Development of a seven-target multiplex PCR for the simultaneous detection of transgenic soybean and maize in feeds and foods. Erratum in: J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Jun 30;52(13):4350 Germini Andrea; Zanetti Alessandro; Salati Claudia; Rossi Stefano; Forre Christel; Schmid Sergio; Marchelli Rosangela; Fogher Corrado Dipartimento di Chimica Organica e Industriale, Universita di Parma, Italy Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (2004), 52(11), 3275-80. Journal code: 0374755. ISSN:0021-8561. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 15161182 AN 2004263043 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food and feed is an important issue for all the subjects involved in raw material control, food industry, and distribution. Because the number of GMOs authorized in the EU increased during the past few years, there is a need for methods that allow a rapid screening of products. In this paper, we propose a method for the simultaneous detection of four transgenic maize (MON810, Bt11, Bt 176, and GA21) and one transgenic soybean (Roundup Ready), which allows routine control analyses to be sped up. DNA was extracted either from maize and soybean seeds and leaves or reference materials, and the recombinant DNA target sequences were detected with 7 primer pairs, accurately designed to be highly specific for each investigated transgene. Cross and negative controls were performed to ensure the specificity of each primer pair. The method was validated on an interlaboratory ring test and good analytical parameters were obtained (LOD = 0.25%, Repeatability, (r) = 1; Reproducibility, (R) = 0.9). The method was then applied to a model biscuit made of transgenic materials baked for the purpose and to real samples such as feed and foodstuffs. On account of the high recognition specificity and the good detection limits, this multiplex PCR represents a fast and reliable screening method directly applicable in all the laboratories involved in raw material and food control. Bibliographic Information Cold-storage affects antioxidant properties of apples in Caco-2 cells. 190 Tarozzi Andrea; Marchesi Alessandra; Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Cantelli-Forti Giorgio; Hrelia Patrizia Department of Pharmacology, University of Bologna, 40126 Bologna, Italy The Journal of nutrition (2004), 134(5), 1105-9. Journal code: 0404243. ISSN:0022-3166. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 15113953 AN 2004216228 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Data on the composition of phenolic antioxidant compounds present in food plants and assessment of their activity are essential for epidemiological explanation of the health benefits of fruit and vegetables. Various factors such as cultivation methods, industrial processing, and storage may affect the final concentrations of phytochemicals in food plants and their eventual bioactivity. This study investigated the influence of commercial cold-storage periods on the antioxidant properties of apples grown either by organic or integrated systems. In both cases, total phenolics and total antioxidant activity decreased only in the first 3 mo and only in apples with skin (P < 0.05), suggesting that cold storage rapidly impoverishes these properties in skin but not in pulp. Assessment of antioxidant bioactivity in vitro, measured in terms of intracellular antioxidant, cytoprotective, and antiproliferative activity in human colon carcinoma (Caco-2) cells (differentiated to normal intestinal epithelia for intracellular antioxidant and cytoprotective effects), showed strong, time-related decreases over 6 mo of cold storage for all 3 parameters (P < 0.01), irrespective of the cultivation system. These findings with integrated and organic apples further support the concept that organic systems of cultivation do not generally provide real health benefits. Moreover, the data from the present study clearly show that factors such as cold storage may affect the antioxidant properties of apples. Epidemiological studies on the cancerpreventive benefits of fruits and vegetables should take into account the cold-storage bias for apples, and possibly for other products. Bibliographic Information Antioxidizing potency of phenol compounds in olive oil mill wastewater. Ranalli Alfonso; Lucera Lucia; Contento Stefania Istituto Sperimentale per l'Elaiotecnica, Viale Petruzzi 75, 65013 Citta S Angelo, Pescara, Italy. [email protected] Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (2003), 51(26), 7636-41. Journal code: 0374755. ISSN:0021-8561. (COMPARATIVE STUDY); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 14664521 AN 2003584505 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The antioxidizing potency of phenol compounds contained in olive oil mill wastewater (OOMWW) has been elucidated. Commercially available phenol standards at varying concentrations and the Rancimat oxidation test have been used. Refined purified olive oil was utilized as an oxidation lipid substrate. Synthetic antioxidants, such as 2,3tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (BHA), 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene (BHT), l-ascorbic acid, and gallates (commonly used as food preservatives), and other known chemicals endowed with antioxidizing properties have been employed as reference compounds. The OOMWW phenol compounds have been classified into different groups depending on their antioxidizing potency. This was significantly affected by the tested concentrations of the standards. Mixtures of phenol standards and other antioxidants (l-proline, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and alpha-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol) have also been tested. Many phenol compounds present in OOMWW showed antioxidizing potency higher compared to that of the less safe synthetic antioxidants and could therefore replace these in the industrial preservation of food items. They could also be used in combination with other natural antioxidants (e.g., tocopherols). In fact, some mixtures of antioxidants, owing also to the synergistic phenomena, showed strong antioxidizing potency. Bibliographic Information Sorption of copper by olive mill residues. Veglio F; Beolchini F; Prisciandaro M Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of L'Aquila, Monteluco di Roio, L'Aquila 67040, Italy. [email protected] Water research (2003), 37(20), 4895-903. Journal code: 0105072. ISSN:0043-1354. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 14604635 AN 2003528078 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) 191 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract A study on olive mill residues (OMR) as copper adsorbing material is reported in this work. A rough characterization of this waste material has been performed, by microanalysis and SEM pictures. Sorption tests with suspended OMR evidenced copper removal from solution, of about 60% in the investigated experimental conditions. The COD release in solution was also monitored during biosorption. Considering that it was significant, OMR washings with water were performed before biosorption. In this case the COD release in solution was reduced to less than 600 mg/L after two washings, while the OMR metal sorption properties did not change. Regenerated residues by acid solutions gave a copper removal of about 40%, in the same experimental conditions of the first adsorption test: regeneration with EDTA at different concentrations suggested that it presents a damage of adsorption active sites. On the other hand, the use of HCl and CaCl(2) led to completely regenerate the biosorbent material. Tests were also performed with a column filled with 80 g of OMR and the breakpoint was demonstrated to take place after that about 1L solution was treated in the investigated experimental conditions. Regeneration tests permitted to demonstrate that a concentration factor of about 2 can be obtained in no-optimized conditions, highlighting the possibility of using OMR for the treatment of metal bearing effluents. The main advantage of the process would be the "low cost" biosorbing material, considering that it represents a waste in the olive oil production. Bibliographic Information Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in food and environmental samples in Italy between 1990 and 1999: serotype distribution in food, environmental and clinical samples. Gianfranceschi Monica; Gattuso Antonietta; Tartaro Stefania; Aureli Paolo Food Laboratory, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy European journal of epidemiology (2003), 18(10), 1001-6. Journal code: 8508062. ISSN:0393-2990. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 14598931 AN 2003520838 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract We report the findings of the study of 4185 food samples and 958 environmental samples collected in Italy in the period 1990-1999 and tested for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes. The strains isolated were biochemically and serologically characterised. We found a fairly high percentage of L. monocytogenes contamination in food (12.8%), whereas the level of contamination was lower in the environment (environment and work surfaces in food processing plants) (6.1%). Serotyping showed a prevalence of a few serotypes (i.e., 1/2a, 1/2b, 1/2c and 4b), which were the same as those found in clinical samples collected during outbreaks and from sporadic cases of listeriosis reported in Italy in the period considered. The geographical distribution of the strains of L. monocytogenes isolated from food samples is very similar to that of the clinical strains. Bibliographic Information A new route for the chemical valorisation of lactose. Corsaro Antonino; Catelani Giorgio; D'Andrea Felicia; Fisichella Salvatore; Mariani Manuela; Pistara Venerando Universita di Catania, Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, viale A. Doria 6, I-95125 Catania, Italy. [email protected] Environmental science and pollution research international (2003), 10(5), 325-8. Journal code: 9441769. ISSN:0944-1344. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 14535648 AN 2003473397 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A totally protected di-O-benzyl derivative of triacetonlactose dimethyl acetal was transformed into a 4'-hexeno disaccharide by elimination of acetone with t-BuOK in DMF and subsequently in 5'-C-methoxy derivative by oxidation with MCPBA in methanol as a solvent. The hydrolysis of this latter compound affords 2,6-di-O-benzyl-L-arabinoaldohexosos-5-ulose, which by intramolecular aldol condensation with DBU gives an inosose that was stereoselectively reduced to epi-inositol. Therefore our synthetic strategy offers a new and simple method to transform lactose into carbocyclic monosaccharide analogues. 192 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Degradation of para-hydroxybenzoic acid by means of mixed microbial cultures. Lallai Antonio; Mura Giampaolo; Palmas Simonetta; Polcaro Anna Maria; Baraccani Luca Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e Materiali, Unita di Ricerca del Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale La Chimica per l'Ambiente, Universita di Cagliari, Piazza d'Armi, I-09123 Cagliari, Italy. [email protected] Environmental science and pollution research international (2003), 10(4), 221-4. Journal code: 9441769. ISSN:0944-1344. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 12943005 AN 2003404335 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Olive mill wastewater contains some phenolic compounds that cause antibacterial activity of a kind that prevents biological treatment without previous dilution. Among these phenolic compounds, p-hydroxybenzoic acid (PHB) is considered to be one of the most representative. This work examines the biodegradation of PHB by aerobic microbial mixed cultures previously acclimatized to glucose, which was used as an easily biodegradable model compound. Microbial growth runs were carried out in a batch reactor in the PHB concentration range of 200-1000 mg/L. In all the runs the PHB proved to be completely degradable. The specific growth rates obtained were in the range of 0.16-0.35 l/h. Experimental runs showed that the functional relationship between the specific growth rate and PHB concentration was that proposed by Monod. The kinetic constants of the Monod equation (mu(max) and K(S)) and biomass yield coefficient (Y) were determined experimentally. With the parameter values thus obtained, a mathematical model that also takes account of the duration of the lag phase was employed to describe both the microbial growth and the consumption of PHB. The concentration values of the model fit well with the data obtained experimentally. Bibliographic Information Analysis of carbohydrates and amino acids in vegetable waste waters by ion chromatography. Arienzo Michele; De Martino Antonio; Capasso Renato; Di Maro Antimo; Parente Augusto Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e dell'Ambiente, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Via Universita 100, I-80055 Portici, Italy. [email protected] Phytochemical analysis : PCA (2003), 14(2), 74-82. Journal code: 9200492. ISSN:09580344. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 12693630 AN 2003175073 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract High-performance anion exchange chromatography coupled with pulsed amperometric detection was used for the quantitative determination of total and free sugars in olive oil mill waste waters (OMWW). Automated amino acid ion chromatography was employed to analyse total and free amino acids in the same OMWW. Sugars were analysed in samples pre-purified by means of a three-step purification procedure involving: (i) methanol precipitation of OMWW; (ii) dialysis of the obtained solid and liquid fractions; and (iii) chromatographic purification on RP18 phase followed by Amberlite resin. The amino acids were determined directly in samples obtained from the first two steps performed for sugar analysis. The analysis carried out with the reported methodologies allowed the quantitative determination of total sugars and amino acids and the differentiation between their free and bound forms. The sugars determined were arabinose, fructose, galactose, glucose, rhamnose, xylose, galacturonic and glucuronic acids, and the amino acids were Asp, Glu, Thr, Ser, Pro, Gly, Ala, Val, Met, Ile, Leu, Tyr, Phe, Lys, His, Arg and Cys. Asn, Gin, and Trp were not detected. The technological, biotechnological and environmental advantages arising from this analytical methodology applied to OMWW are briefly discussed. Bibliographic Information Reduction of the phenolic components in olive-mill wastewater by an enzymatic treatment and its impact on durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) germinability. Casa R; D'Annibale A; Pieruccetti F; Stazi S R; Giovannozzi Sermanni G; Lo Cascio B Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale, Universita degli Studi della Tuscia, Via San Camillo de Lellis snc, Viterbo 01100, Italy. [email protected] Chemosphere (2003), 50(8), 959-66. Journal code: 0320657. 193 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 ISSN:0045-6535. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 12531700 AN 2003024684 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Olive-mill wastewater (OMW), an effluent of olive oil extraction process, is annually produced in huge amounts in olive growing areas. An interesting option for its disposal is the spreading on agricultural land, provided that phytotoxic effects are neutralized. The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the potential of an enzyme-based treatment in removing OMW phytotoxicity. To this aim, germinability experiments on durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf. cv. Duilio) were conducted in the presence of different dilutions of raw or enzyme-treated OMW. OMW treatment with laccase resulted in a 65% and 86% reduction in total phenols and ortho-diphenols respectively, due their polymerization as revealed by size-exclusion chromatography. Raw OMW exerted a significant concentration-dependent inhibition on the germinability of durum wheat seeds which was evident up to a dilution rate of 1:8. When the effluent was treated with a fungal laccase, germinability was increased by 57% at a 1:8 dilution and by 94% at a 1:2 dilution, as compared to the same dilutions using untreated OMW. The treatment with laccase also decreased the mean germination time by about 1 day as compared to untreated controls. These results show that germinability inhibition due to OMW can be reduced effectively using fungal laccase, suggesting that phenols are the main determinants of its phytotoxicity. Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. Bibliographic Information Saccharomyces cerevisiae biodiversity in spontaneous commercial fermentations of grape musts with 'adequate' and 'inadequate' assimilable-nitrogen content. Granchi L; Ganucci D; Viti C; Giovannetti L; Vincenzini M Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Agrarie, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italy. [email protected] Letters in applied microbiology (2003), 36(1), 54-8. Journal code: 8510094. ISSN:0266-8254. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 12485343 AN 2002723674 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract AIM: To evaluate whether intraspecific diversity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in wine fermentations is affected by initial assimilable-nitrogen content. METHODS AND RESULTS: Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates from two spontaneous commercial wine fermentations started with adequate and inadequate nitrogen amounts were characterized by mitochondrial DNA restriction analysis. Several strains occurred in each fermentation, two strains, but not the same ones, being predominant at frequencies of about 30%. No significant differences were detected by comparing the biodiversity indices of the two fermentations. Cluster analysis demonstrated that the strain distribution was independent of nitrogen content, the two pairs of closely related dominant strains grouping into clusters at low similarity. CONCLUSIONS: The genetic variability of S. cerevisiae in wine fermentations seemed not to depend on the nitrogen availability in must. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Nitrogen content did not affect the genetic diversity but may have induced a 'selection effect' on S. cerevisiae strains dominating wine fermentations, with possible consequences on wine properties. 70 references were found when refined by Publication Year "2001-2002" Bibliographic Information Binary mixtures and materials based on biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic polyesters. Bastioli, Catia; Del Tredici, Gianfranco; Ponti, Roberto; Guanella, Italo. (Novamont S.p.A., Italy). Ital. Appl. (2002), 63pp. CODEN: ITXXCZ IT 2001TO0063 A1 20020725 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 2001-63 20010125. Priority: . CAN 146:338790 AN 2007:378114 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information 194 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Patent No. IT 2001TO0063 Kind A1 Priority Application IT 2001-TO63 Date 20020725 Application No. IT 2001-TO63 Date 20010125 20010125 Abstract The biodegradable polyester mixts. comprise an aliph.-arom. polyester with m.p. of 80-110 contg. 60 mol % arom. diacid of mol. wt. of more than 60,000 amu and modulus of less than 200 MPa and poly(lactic acid) contg. at least 75% L-lactic acid or D-lactic acid or their mixt. of mol. wt. of more than 30,000 amu. The biodegradable polyester mixt. contains native or processed starch as disperse phase. The starch-biodegradable polyester mixt. is used to fabricate films that can be used for packaging, garbage bags, and in agriculture. Compact film materials fabricated from the same material are used as containers for food, beverages, and other industrial uses. Foam sheets produced from the same material are used as containers for food and for industrial packaging. Fibers produced from the same material are used in fabrication of fabrics for sanitary and protective garments. A mixt. of 50% arom.-aliph. polyester (Ecoflex 700, BASF), 50% poly(L-lactic acid) was processed into biodegradable transparent films. Bibliographic Information Industrial decontamination and sanitation of food. Contos, Simos; Piacenza, Giuseppe. (Polo Tecnologico Sud S.r.l., Italy). Ital. Appl. (2002), 9pp. CODEN: ITXXCZ IT 2001GE0041 A1 20021023 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 2001-41 20010423. Priority: . CAN 146:336914 AN 2007:371228 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 2001GE0041 Kind A1 Priority Application IT 2001-GE41 Date 20021023 Application No. IT 2001-GE41 Date 20010423 20010423 Abstract Washing with antimicrobial acidic ionized water is used for decontamination and purifn. of food and processing equipment, the water being produced on site in app. coupled to the decontamination equipment or supplied in batches. Bibliographic Information Method and setup for disinfesting food products by means of carbon dioxide under pressure. Frati, Maurizio; Tomatis, Aldo; Rodriguez, Rafael Enrique; Appiani, Salvatore. (Air Liquide Italia S.R.L., Italy; Gariboldi Progetti S.R.L.). Ital. (2001), 23 pp. CODEN: ITXXBY IT 1306945 B1 20011011 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 99-45 19990113. Priority: . CAN 142:462662 AN 2005:475724 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 1306945 Priority Application IT 1999-MI45 Kind B1 Date 20011011 Application No. IT 1999-MI45 19990113 195 Date 19990113 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract A method and industrial setup are disclosed with which to disinfest food products with the aid of carbon dioxide under pressure. A means for disposing of the carbon dioxide is also disclosed. Bibliographic Information Method, computer programs and apparatus for determination of the polydispersity of emulsions. Ambrosone, Luigi; Ceglie, Andrea. (Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande, Italy). Ital. (2001), 30 pp. CODEN: ITXXBY IT 1307847 B1 20011119 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 99-44 19990309. Priority: . CAN 139:235985 AN 2003:746963 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 1307847 Kind B1 Priority Application IT 1999-FI44 Date 20011119 Application No. IT 1999-FI44 Date 19990309 19990309 Abstract A method for detn. of emulsion polydispersity comprises sampling the emulsion; NMR attenuation measurement of the sample; calcns. based on the pulse duration of the magnetic field gradient, the av. radius of a solvent mol. and the diffusion of the dispersed phase of the emulsion; calcn. of 1 coeff. characterizing the emulsion properties; and detn. of the parameters and form of the distribution function of the emulsion from these coeffs. A computer program may be used for these polynomial calcns. An app. for det. of polydispersity of emulsions includes an NMR device, means for acquiring the NMR measurement results, a microprocessor to run the program, and means of presenting a graphical or numerical view of the results. The app. may also include means to modify the compn. based on the results. The method and app. may be used for emulsions in the food, paint, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and other industries. Bibliographic Information Industrial modular oven for continuous microwave-assisted firing of nonmetallic objects. Borelli, Gaudenzio. (Italy). Ital. (2001), 17 pp. CODEN: ITXXBY IT 1308251 B1 20011210 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 99-48 19990312. Priority: . CAN 139:151715 AN 2003:646936 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 1308251 Priority Application IT 1999-FI48 Kind B1 Date 20011210 Application No. IT 1999-FI48 Date 19990312 19990312 Abstract An industrial oven for continuous firing (baking) of nonmetallic objects, such as ceramics, foodstuffs, and others, consists of one or more modular components arranged in series, each of them comprising: (a) a firing chamber with refractory-lined walls, (b) a conveyor running through the firing chamber(s), which is intended for placing and 196 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 advancing the materials to be fired, (c) a microwave diffusor suitable for receiving a microwave flux from a microwave source through a waveguide and scattering it towards a chamber wall constituting a firing chamber ceiling for establishing a high-frequency oscillating electromagnetic field in the chamber, (d) means with high dielec. const. placed inside the firing chamber in order to absorb microwaves and generate heat, and (e) means for shielding the external ambience from the microwave module. Bibliographic Information Development of the citrus industry: Historical note. Di Giacomo, Angelo. Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Essenze e dei Derivati degli Agrumi, Reggio Calabria, Italy. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants--Industrial Profiles (2002), 26(Citrus), 63-70. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd., CODEN: MAPPFL ISSN: 1027-4502. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 140:286276 AN 2003:625650 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review providing a historical background on the industrial prodn. of citrus essential oils, juices, citric acid, pectin, flavonoids, and other byproducts. Bibliographic Information Procedure for increasing of a pollution load abatement, biogas production, and methane yield in the anaerobic digestion of industrial wastewaters. Recchia, Valter. (Sisea S.R.L. Servizi Integrati Salute Ed Ambiente, Italy). Ital. (2002), 13 pp. CODEN: ITXXBY IT 1309783 B1 20020130 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 982650 19981210. Priority: . CAN 139:25942 AN 2003:487405 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 1309783 Kind B1 Priority Application IT 1998-MI2650 Date 20020130 Application No. IT 1998-MI2650 Date 19981210 19981210 Abstract The procedure involves subjecting a biomass in industrial wastewaters (e.g., from food-processing plants) to anaerobic digestion, granulation, passage through a magnetic field, and ultrafiltration. A screw pump operating at an outlet pressure of 3 bar is used for transporting the biomass. A residence time of the biomass in the electromagnetic field of 14,000-16,000 G is 0.1-5 s. Bibliographic Information New fluoroelastomer nanocomposites based on PTFE. Comino, G.; Arrigoni, S.; Staccione, A.; Apostolo, M.; Albano, M. Solvay Ausimont S.p.A. - R&D Center, Bollate, Italy. HPE 2002, International Conference Focusing on High Performance Elastomers, 2nd, Cologne, Germany, Nov. 13-14, 2002 (2002), 127-136. Publisher: Rapra Technology Ltd., Shrewsbury, UK CODEN: 69DTRO Conference written in English. CAN 140:60896 AN 2003:313352 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Fluoroelastomers are designed for high demanding applications in hostile environments characterized by high temp. ranges and contact with aggressive fluids. The challenging fields for fluoroelastomers are oil drilling, electronic and 197 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 food industry. In particular oil drilling requires items achieving high hardness and good elastic properties, while electronic and food industry demand for high purity (no carbon black) items and non-extractable materials. Fluoroelastomer compds. based on std. org. (carbon black) or inorg. fillers do not satisfy these requirements. Basically high hardness means poor elastic properties, while high purity cannot be obtained because of a too high release of metal ions. By replacing carbon black based fillers with PTFE or any other perfluorinated semi-cryst. polymer, the obtained fluoroelastomer compd. is extremely pure and the level of extractable metal ions is adequate for semiconductor applications. The easiest way to obtain such a blend is by std. rubber compounding technol., that is by mech. mixing fluoroelastomer and PTFE powder. However, because of PTFE high crystallinity and high mol. wt. and of the very low interaction energy between the two materials, PTFE dispersion in the fluoroelastomer matrix is very poor, as witnessed by poor mech. properties of the final cured items; moreover mixing of these materials is very difficult esp. when high PTFE contents are required. In this context, a new technol. has been developed in order to disperse PTFE nanoparticles into a continuous fluoroelastomer matrix. The PTFE nanoparticles are obtained by means of a special microemulsion polymn. process which leads to a very close control of particle dimension, morphol. and concn. in the latex: in particular, particle diam. ranges between 20 and 50 nm. Because of these nanoscale dimensions, the interaction surface between rubber and filler is greatly increased, thus leading to improved mech. properties. Finally it has to be pointed out that, since the PTFE particle dimension is by far lower than visible wavelength, light scattering is prevented; as a consequence, the obtained compds. are transparent even when their PTFE content is 40 % wt. Bibliographic Information From the field to the table: production chain management, traceability and safety. Studies for monitoring the presence of pesticides, PAH and PCB. Pinelli, C.; Cagnasso, P.; Dalla Turca, E.; Manghi, P.; Bassi, E.; Messori, A. Ricerca e Sviluppo, Assicurazione Qualita, Parmalat, Italy. Progress in Nutrition (2002), 4(3), 215-220. Publisher: Casa Editrice Mattioli, CODEN: PNRUAT ISSN: 1129-8723. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 139:51741 AN 2003:229848 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Food industry pays a lot of attention to hygienic-sanitary characteristics of foods with intention to guarantee the food products from the field to the table. The industry developed a prodn. chain management control system based on knowledge, cooperation, responsibility, and traceability. In practical terms, this system involves structured and coordinated evaluation scheme covering the farm, stall, allocation system, processing company, storage and delivery system, and consumer satisfaction level. As an example of monitoring agricultural practices, data on the trends of organochlorine pesticide residues in milk and fruits over 10 yr are reported. At present none of the samples analyzed has significant contamination from organochlorine pesticides; only traces within the anal. method sensitivity limits and/or their degrdn. products can be detected, mainly DDT. After 24 yr of the ban on their use, in almost all cases, with the exception of accidental negligence in the use of insufficiently controlled raw materials for animal feed, the organochlorine pesticides no longer pose danger for the food safety and consumer health. Guaranteeing the health and hygienic safety of milk involves also controlling the absence of environmental org. micropollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and polycyclic arom. hydrocarbons (PAH). Bibliographic Information Hexane removal from off-gases by biofiltration. Pagella, C.; Fumi, M. D.; Spigno, G.; De Faveri, D. M. Istituto di Enologia e Ingegneria Alimentare, Universita Cattolica Sacro Cuore Piacenza, Piacenza, Italy. World Clean Air & Environment Congress and Exhibition, 12th, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Aug. 26-31, 2001 (2001), 992-999. Publisher: Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, Pa CODEN: 69DPBU Conference; Computer Optical Disk written in English. CAN 139:264806 AN 2003:107896 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A study was conducted to isolate potentially hexane degrading fungi strains and to verify the feasibility of a biofilter system without a relevant liq. phase. Some of the fungal species isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated soils revealed 198 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 ability to degrade hexane and grow inside the experimented lab-scale bioreactor. Biofiltration is a VOC and odor emission control technol. initially developed in Europe. Hexane is emitted by the food industry and these emissions cannot be prevented by process integrated solns. Bibliographic Information Plant melanin. A new dermoprotective biopolymer. Ghisalberti, Carlo. R&D in Health Care, Milan, Italy. Cosmetic Technology (Milano, Italy) (2002), 5(4), 23-27. Publisher: C.E.C. sas, CODEN: CTECFI ISSN: 11276312. Journal written in Italian. CAN 139:234998 AN 2003:93535 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Vegetable melanins, although a problem in the food industry, are shown to have protective effects upon the skin and can stimulate melanogenesis. Sources of vegetable melanins are discussed, and their biosynthesis is explained. They may be used as sunscreens and as antioxidants to prevent lipid peroxidn. Bibliographic Information Vacuum pump for variable loads particularly for food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. Morselli, Giovanni; Lugli, Glauco; Rossi, Mauro. (Italy). Ital. Appl. (2001), 31 pp. CODEN: ITXXCZ IT 2000MO0126 A1 20011212 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 2000-126 20000612. Priority: . CAN 137:386433 AN 2002:942976 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 2000MO0126 Kind A1 Priority Application IT 2000-MO126 Date 20011212 Application No. IT 2000-MO126 Date 20000612 20000612 Abstract The pump is designed in 2 versions (1) with axial pistons and (2) with radial pistons. The pump contains 2 chambers communicating with exterior, a rotor which presents a sliding center for the pistons, several pistons communicating with the rotor by means of connecting rods, and a device suitable for changing of piston strokes in relation to load variations and flow reversal. The version with the radial pistons does not need valves. The pump can be used as a vacuum pump, a pump for transportation of liqs., and as an air compressor. Bibliographic Information Fluoroelastomers blended with bromine and/or iodine containing semi-crystalline fluoropolymers. Albano, Margherita; Apostolo, Marco; Arrigoni, Stefano. (Ausimont S.p.A., Italy; Solvay Solexis S.p.A.). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2002), 15 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1262497 A2 20021204 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR. Patent written in English. Application: EP 2002-10917 20020516. Priority: IT 2001-1060 20010522. CAN 138:14340 AN 2002:925317 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 1262497 EP 1262497 Kind A2 A3 Date 20021204 20030312 Application No. EP 2002-10917 199 Date 20020516 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 EP 1262497 B1 IT JP US US A1 A A1 B2 2001MI1060 2003012883 20030060568 6750295 Priority Application IT 2001-MI1060 A 20041020 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR 20021122 IT 2001-MI1060 20010522 20030115 JP 2002-145042 20020520 20030327 US 2002-151960 20020522 20040615 20010522 Abstract The prepn. of vinylidene fluoride based fluoroelastomeric matrix and core-shell bromine and/or iodine contg. semicryst. tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) based fluoropolymer and their blends are claimed. The semi-cryst. fluoropolymer content is between 1% to 40% by wt. The semi-cryst. fluoropolymer core is coated by a semi-cryst. fluoropolymer shell contg. bromine and/or iodine in the polymer chain. The semi-cryst. fluoropolymer is formed by TFE homopolymers, or by TFE copolymers with one or more monomers contg. at least one unsatn. of ethylene type, the av. sizes of the semicryst. fluoropolymer particles being from 10 to 100 nm, preferably from 10 to 60 nm. A perfluoro-bis-olefinperfluoromethyl vinyl ether-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer was prepd. as the fluoroelastomer and bromoethylheptafluorovinylether-perfluoromethyl vinyl ether-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer was prepd. as the semicryst. fluoropolymer in one example. Perfluoropolyoxyalkylenes were used as surfactants in the microemulsion polymn. Bibliographic Information Cultivation of microalgal biomass enriched in selenium and docosahexaenoic acid. Mafrici, Antonino; Manganaro, Renato. (Italy). Ital. Appl. (2001), 19 pp. CODEN: ITXXCZ IT 2001RC0008 A1 20011105 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 2001-8 20010806. Priority: . CAN 137:324288 AN 2002:870106 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 2001RC0008 Kind A1 Priority Application IT 2001-RC8 Date 20011105 Application No. IT 2001-RC8 Date 20010806 20010806 Abstract A process for the prodn. of microalgal biomass rich in Se-contg. org. compds. and in docosahexaenoic acid by axenic culture of the marine microalga Crypthecodinium cohnii in photoheterotrophic or predominantly heterotrophic conditions is claimed. The produced biomass can be used as a food or feed supplement or be extd. by appropriate solvents to produced an oil useful in the pharmaceutical industry. Bibliographic Information Method for purifying and refining fluids through accelerated electron beam. Perona, Silvio. (Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2002), 30 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2002083295 A1 20021024 Designated States W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, 200 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2002-IB1165 20020410. Priority: IT 2001-372 20010413. CAN 137:315253 AN 2002:814001 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2002083295 WO 2002083295 Kind A1 B1 IT AU EP EP A1 A1 A1 B1 2001TO0372 2002253434 1379330 1379330 AT 281236 T Priority Application IT 2001-TO372 WO 2002-IB1165 A W Date Application No. Date 20021024 WO 2002-IB1165 20020410 20030306 W: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW RW: GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW, AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20021014 IT 2001-TO372 20010413 20021028 AU 2002-253434 20020410 20040114 EP 2002-722549 20020410 20041103 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR 20041115 AT 2002-722549 20020410 20010413 20020410 Abstract A method is described for purifying, recovering, refining or chem. modifying fluid substances of different origins, for cleaning or for industrial applications, through high-energy accelerated electrons, typically from 1.2 MeV to 1.8 MeV; the liq. or the gas fed into a suitable chamber. Protected with screens against the electromagnetic radiation is subject to the action of the high-energy electronic beam and of the catalysts and of the ultrasounds emitted by the transducers. Bibliographic Information Influence of immobilizing alginates on viability and metabolism of lactic acid bacteria. Nazzaro, F.; Sorrentino, A.; Malinconico, M.; Orlando, P. Istituto di Scienze dell'Alimentazione, CNR, Avelfino, Italy. Industrie Alimentari (Pinerolo, Italy) (2002), 41(416), 777-781. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INALBB ISSN: 0019-901X. Journal written in Italian. CAN 139:21197 AN 2002:802042 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The influence of some alginates used as immobilizing matrixes on viability and metab. of two strains of lactic acid bacteria (L. delbrueckii subs. bulgaricus and L. rhamnosus) was tested during freezing and freeze-drying. Viability was assayed by plate count of CFU, while metab. was monitored through the resistance of the strains against bile salts and lysozyme. The data obtained showed how the alginates purified from Dictyota dichotoma and Fucus vesiculosus could have a better effect in comparison to the com. ones and thus highlight how a better purifn. of immobilizing material could give, even after the freezing and the freeze-drying, a better viability and resistance of the strains against different 201 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 stress conditions. These parameters are very important for using of these immobilized strains as starters in the food industry or as probiotic formulas in the healthy industry. Bibliographic Information Erosion-corrosion of a stainless steel distillation column in food industry. Proverbio, Edoardo; Bonaccorsi, Lucio Maria. Department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials Engineering, University of Messina, Messina, Italy. Engineering Failure Analysis (2002), 9(6), 613-620. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., CODEN: EFANEM ISSN: 1350-6307. Journal written in English. CAN 138:156754 AN 2002:799660 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Unusual extended corrosion phenomena were detected in a distn. column made in AISI type 316 stainless steel (UNS S31600) of a plant for natural pectins extn. from citrus. The column was the first of a series of two distn. columns representing the unit core. Corrosion problems were obsd. only in that column and mainly along the surface of the trays located in the lower section of the column. The phenomenon was obsd. subsequently to a modification of the original plant layout that caused an increase of the operating temps. and turbulence of the process stream inside the column. Bibliographic Information Integrated processes with thermoelectric power plants or industrial plants for storage and reutilization of natural gas by means of technology of active carbon adsorption or by means of technology of hydrates. Dodero, Giorgio. (I.P.G. Industrial Project Group, Italy). Ital. Appl. (2001), 28 pp. CODEN: ITXXCZ IT 2000MI1367 A1 20011219 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 2000-1367 20000619. Priority: . CAN 137:265339 AN 2002:786647 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 2000MI1367 Kind A1 Priority Application IT 2000-MI1367 Date 20011219 Application No. IT 2000-MI1367 Date 20000619 20000619 Abstract Invention concerns (1) storage of natural gas in the presence of a high-porosity adsorbent (e.g., activated C) and optional fluids (e.g., H2O, H2O(g)) forming hydrates or clathrates and (2) discharge of the natural gas from the storage and its reutilization in thermoelec. plants or industrial plants. The invention also concerns equipment and systems of a computerized control which are necessary for accumulation of natural gas in the storage, its discharge, and utilization. Natural gas supplied by a pipeline can be fed into the storage or directly to the thermoelec. power plant or industrial plant. The thermoelec. power plant supplies the storage with hot water or steam, cold water, and elec. energy and air for instrument systems. Bibliographic Information Influence of pH and temperature on the growth of and toxin production by neurotoxigenic strains of Clostridium butyricum type E. Anniballi, Fabrizio; Fenicia, Lucia; Franciosa, Giovanna; Aureli, Paolo. Food Microbiology Laboratory, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Journal of Food Protection (2002), 65(8), 1267-1270. Publisher: International Association for Food Protection, CODEN: JFPRDR ISSN: 0362-028X. Journal written in English. CAN 137:309764 AN 2002:660494 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 202 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Strains of Clostridium butyricum that produce botulinal toxin type E have been implicated in outbreaks of foodborne botulism in China, India, and Italy, yet the conditions that are favorable for the growth and toxinogenesis of these strains remain to be established. We attempted to det. the temps. and pH levels that are most conducive to the growth of and toxin prodn. by the six strains of neurotoxigenic C. butyricum that have been implicated in outbreaks of infective and foodborne botulism in Italy. The strains were cultured for 180 days on Trypticase-peptone-glucose-yeast ext. broth at various pHs (4.6, 4.8, 5.0, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, and 5.8) at 30 C and at various temps. (10, 12, and 15 C) at pH 7.0. Growth was detd. by checking for turbidity; toxin prodn. was detd. by the mouse bioassay. We also inoculated two foods: mascarpone cheese incubated at 25 and 15 C and pesto sauce incubated at 25 C. The lowest pH at which growth and toxin prodn. occurred was 4.8 at 43 and 44 days of incubation, resp. The lowest temp. at which growth and toxin prodn. occurred was 12 C, with growth and toxin prodn. first being obsd. after 15 days. For both foods, toxin prodn. was obsd. after 5 days at 25 C. Since the strains did not show particularly psychrotrophic behavior, 4 C can be considered a sufficiently low temp. for the inhibition of growth. However, the observation of toxin prodn. in foods at room temp. and at abused refrigeration temps. demands that these strains be considered a new risk for the food industry. Bibliographic Information Furnace retort apparatus with molten slag for continuous processing of feed material to yield controlledcomposition products. Granati, Paolo; Colletta, Angelo. (Italy). U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2002), 9 pp. CODEN: USXXCO US 2002100345 A1 20020801 Patent written in English. Application: US 2000-725924 20001130. Priority: . CAN 137:127870 AN 2002:575433 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. US 20020100345 US 6547847 IT 99RM0692 IT 1306746 EP 1099746 EP 1099746 EP 1099746 Kind A1 B2 A1 B1 A2 A3 B1 Priority Application US 2000-725924 IT 1999-RM692 A A Date Application No. Date 20020801 US 2000-725924 20001130 20030415 20010510 IT 1999-RM692 19991110 20011002 20010516 EP 2000-830734 20001107 20020925 20060322 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, CY, TR 20001130 19991110 Abstract The combustion-heated retort app. is equipped for continuous processing, by phys.-chem. reactions inside molten slag, of the feed materials to be gasified, thermally dissocd., or smelted, and is based on a single vertical reaction chamber having cylindrical symmetry and equipped with an upper nozzle for flue gas exit. The process includes: (a) gas feed into the top reactor zone for post combustion of the process gases; (b) injection of the feed materials into the hot bottom zone of the reactor, sideways through an upper injection nozzle and/or vertically through a top lance, including the feed material to be transformed, the fuel, O2 for combustion, and optional fluxes; (c) injection of inert gas for stirring from the reactor bottom; (d) removing the hot byproduct gases from the top nozzle; and (e) tapping from the bottom zone of the molten products having controlled compn., and of the inert slag. The app. and process are suitable for smelting of industrial wastes with recovery of metal values in the hot molten and/or vapor products. The melting charge with Alalloy scrap can be modified for thermal dissocn. of polychlorinated biphenyl wastes or similar feed in the presence of lime slag. 203 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Plant characters and essential oil composition of new selections of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). Mulas, M.; Francesconi, A. H. D.; Perinu, B.; Del Vais, E.; Bicchi, C. Department of Economy and Tree Systems, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy. Acta Horticulturae (2002), 576(Proceedings of the International Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2001), 163-168. Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science, CODEN: AHORA2 ISSN: 0567-7572. Journal written in English. CAN 138:2221 AN 2002:562902 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Rosmarinus officinalis L. is an arom. plant which is widely used as an ornamental plant is used in the pharmaceutical and food industries, mainly due to its essential oil content. A lack of detailed characterization of rosemary cultivars has stimulated this research on the evaluation of 15 selections of the Sardinian germplasm. After a preliminary phase (1996/1997) of identification, description and evaluation of 31 mother plants of the Sardinian territory, selected rosemary clones were planted in a repository located at the Expt. Station of the University of Sassari, in Oristano (Sardinia). In this paper, 15 selections of the repository are characterized in terms of morphol. (plant habitus and vigor, leaf size) and phenol. characters and of essential oil compn. The 15 selections evaluated in the repository had a high variability for plant habitus (compact, intermediate and upright) and vigor (low, medium and high), leaf size, and plant phenol. For instance, the selection CAG5 is compact, vigorous and blooms several times throughout the year, while ORS3 has an upright shape, medium vigor and blooms once a year. Essential oil content varied from 1.18% (VIG12) to 4.07% (ORS1). In addn., the essential oil compn. was quite variable. Bibliographic Information Antimicrobial food packaging in meat industry. Quintavalla, Stefania; Vicini, Loredana. Experimental Station for the Food Preserving Industry, Parma, Italy. Meat Science (2002), 62(3), 373-380. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., CODEN: MESCDN ISSN: 0309-1740. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 138:88771 AN 2002:547561 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. Antimicrobial packaging, an active packaging concept, can be considered an extremely challenging technol. that could have a significant impact on shelf-life extension and food safety of meat and meat products. Use of antimicrobial substances can control the microbial population and target specific microorganisms to provide higher safety and quality products. Many classes of antimicrobial compds. were evaluated in film structures, both synthetic polymers and edible films: org. acids and their salts, enzymes, bacteriocins, and misc. compds. such as triclosan, silver zeolites, and fungicides.The characteristics of some antimicrobial packaging systems are reviewed in this article. The regulatory status of antimicrobial packaging in EU is also examd. Bibliographic Information Effects of perinatal exposure to bisphenol A on play behavior of female and male juvenile rats. Dessi-Fulgheri, Francesco; Porrini, Stefania; Farabollini, Francesca. Department of Animal Biology and Genetics, University of Firenze, Florence, Italy. Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements (2002), 110(3), 403-407. Publisher: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, CODEN: EHPSEO ISSN: 1078-0475. Journal written in English. CAN 137:74627 AN 2002:531033 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In higher vertebrates, estrogen can exert an organizational effect on sexually dimorphic areas of the central nervous system (CNS) during the perinatal phase of development. The possibility that estrogenic pollutants may mimic estrogen action on the CNS during development and produce long-lasting or irreversible effects is an issue of great concern. Bisphenol A (BPA), a compd. widely used in the food industry and in dentistry, has proven estrogenic actions. To study its potential developmental effects on behavior, the authors gave female Sprague-Dawley rats 40 g/kg/day BPA 204 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 from conception to weaning postnatal day 21 and 400 g/kg/day BPA from gestation day 14 to postnatal day 6. After exposure, the authors studied social behavior in a play situation in juvenile male and female offspring. The attempt to use play behavior to study the effects of BPA yielded some interesting results. An early action of BPA was obsd. on several behavioral categories in both males and females. In particular, the authors obsd. a masculinization of female behavior in 2 behavioral categories (play with females and sociosexual exploration), an effect probably mediated by the estrogenic activity of BPA in the CNS. These long-lasting effects of BPA could have important consequences at individual and population levels. Bibliographic Information Process for production of expanded polypropylene and end-products based on expanded polypropylene. Bandera, Franco; Venegoni, Enrico. (Italy). U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2002), 4 pp. CODEN: USXXCO US 2002068769 A1 20020606 Patent written in English. Application: US 2001-996670 20011129. Priority: IT 20002614 20001204. CAN 137:6942 AN 2002:429553 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. US 20020068769 US 6573310 IT 2000MI2614 IT 1319675 EP 1211038 EP 1211038 EP 1211038 Kind A1 B2 A1 B1 A2 A3 B1 AT 388005 T Priority Application IT 2000-MI2614 A Date Application No. Date 20020606 US 2001-996670 20011129 20030603 20020604 IT 2000-MI2614 20001204 20031023 20020605 EP 2001-204631 20011130 20030115 20080305 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, MK, CY, AL, TR 20080315 AT 2001-204631 20011130 20001204 Abstract Title method comprises the following phases of (a) melting polypropylene contg. high melt strength polypropylene 1525%; (b) admixing possible additives; (c) purging CO2 (expanding agent) and immediately lowering the temp. to 160 ; (d) extruding the mixt. to form end-products. The end-products can be used for car industry such as internal door linings, and products for the food packaging fields, such as fruit containers. Bibliographic Information External and internal dose in subjects occupationally exposed to ochratoxin A. Iavicoli, Ivo; Brera, Carlo; Carelli, Giovanni; Caputi, Rosamaria; Marinaccio, Alessandro; Miraglia, Marina. Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Istituto di Medicina del Lavoro, Rome, Italy. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health (2002), 75(6), 381-386. Publisher: Springer-Verlag, CODEN: IAEHDW ISSN: 0340-0131. Journal written in English. CAN 137:357261 AN 2002:424566 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Ochratoxin A (OA) is a ubiquitous mycotoxin which can contaminate food, drink, and animal feed worldwide. Humans and animals can absorb this toxin via the gastrointestinal tract after ingesting contaminated products. OA, known to exert toxic effects particularly on the renal system, is classified as a possible human carcinogen (Group 2B) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Measuring OA serum concns. is an effective method to evaluate internal doses. Inhalation of airborne OA is a source of addnl. exposure. Concns. of serum OA were detd. in workers exposed 205 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 to airborne dust from the handling or processing of contaminated foods. Area and personal sampling were conducted to det. airborne OA in 3 industries where coffee, cocoa beans, and spices, foods highly susceptible to contamination, were processed. OA concns. in the serum of 6 healthy workers employed in these factories were measured in samples collected at the end of the work shift. Airborne OA measured in these 3 industries by personal and area sampling, was from <0.003 to 8.15 ng/m3; concns. measured in the breathing zone of the 6 workers who agreed to biol. monitoring was 0.006-0.087 ng/m3. OA serum concns. were 0.94-3.28 ng/mL; the latter values largely exceeded those of the control group (0.03 to 0.95 ng/mL). Results suggested occupational exposure to this mycotoxin may represent a health risk for workers, esp. if preventive and protection measures are not adopted in the workplace. Airborne exposure levels can result in an increased OA concns. in serum. This finding suggested environmental and biol. monitoring should be conducted in workplaces where OA-contaminated products are handled or processed. Bibliographic Information Saving energy in distillation towers by feed splitting. Soave, Giorgio; Feliu, Josep A. Italy. Applied Thermal Engineering (2002), 22(8), 889-896. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., CODEN: ATENFT ISSN: 1359-4311. Journal written in English. CAN 137:156551 AN 2002:383717 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract It is a common procedure to save energy in industrial distn. towers by preheating the feed with heat recovered from the bottom product. It will be demonstrated theor., and shown by simulation means, that if, before entering the unit, the feed is split into two streams, and only one of them is preheated, further savings of energy ( 50%) can be achieved. The use of a steady state process simulator like Hysysrtm is precious for a fast and reliable detn. of the optimum split ratio and feed tray. A typical example of application is given and the use of Hysysrtm shown. The results for the optimization of the split ratio are provided showing the economical impact of the proposed soln. Bibliographic Information Analysis of limette and bergamot distilled essential oils by HPLC. Buiarelli, Francesca; Cartoni, Giampaolo; Coccioli, Franco; Jasionowska, Renata; Mazzarino, Monica. Dipartimento di Chimica, Universita "La Sapienza" di Roma, P.le Aldo Moro 5, Rome, Italy. Annali di Chimica (Rome, Italy) (2002), 92(4), 363-372. Publisher: Societa Chimica Italiana, CODEN: ANCRAI ISSN: 0003-4592. Journal written in English. CAN 137:237379 AN 2002:375774 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This work examines the distd. essential oils of limette and bergamot in order to assess the presence of low volatile substances such as coumarins (bergapten) which, being toxic, must be eliminated before using these oils in the food industry. The quant. detn. of coumarins was carried out by spectrofluorimetric detection. The substances present in the chromatograms, obtained by HPLC with UV detection at 254 nm, were then identified. Moreover, a new coumarin that is present in small quantities was identified using HPLC-MS. Bibliographic Information Volatile composition of "grappa low wines" using different methods and conditions of storage on an industrial scale. Da Porto, Carla. Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. International Journal of Food Science and Technology (2002), 37(4), 395-402. Publisher: Blackwell Science Ltd., CODEN: IJFTEZ ISSN: 0950-5423. Journal written in English. CAN 137:19705 AN 2002:366585 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This is a study on the volatile compn. of grappa low-wines. Grappa low wines are the first distn. products, with about 15-20% vol./vol. ethanol, when grappa is produced using continuous distn. Different methods and conditions of marc 206 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 and wine lees storage on an industrial scale have been considered. New technol. for the storage of large amts. of grape marc, called the "Grappa system", was evaluated. By comparison with a traditional ensilage method, the low-wines obtained from the Grappa system resulted in higher concns. of ethanol, lower levels of methanol, slightly different concns. of fusel alcs. and higher concns. of Et esters and terpenes. The use of phosphoric acid and sodium methabisulfate to achieve a partial control of marc fermn. had no effects using the Grappa system method. This could be the result of the mixing technique used which was spraying alone and was only slightly effective for the homogeneous treatment of the mass. On the contrary, the lower content of methanol, 2-butanol and n-propanol confirmed the effectiveness of phosphoric acid addn. to the wine lees. Bibliographic Information Membrane separation technology for reduction of pollution. Anon. Italy. Inquinamento (2002), 44(35), 7880. Publisher: VNU Business Publications Italia Srl, CODEN: IQAAAW ISSN: 0001-4982. Journal written in Italian. CAN 137:252209 AN 2002:365454 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The four principal classifications of membrane sepn. are microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis. Generally, microfiltration uses 0.05-3 m diam. pores to sep. microorganisms, viruses, and suspended solids; ultrafiltration, 0.005-0.1 m pores to sep. proteins, viruses, colloids, gelatins, yeasts, emulsions, oils, and fats; nanofiltration, 0.001-0.01 m pores to sep. pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, sugars, pigments, and bivalent and polyvalent ions; and reverse osmosis, <0.001 m pores to sep. acids, bases, mineral salts, metal ions, and monovalent ions. The principal configurations of cross filtration are: modules with flat membranes, tubular modules, hollow fiber modules, and spiral wrapped modules. Examples of industrial applications of membrane sepn. are given for water and wastewater treatment as well as the petroleum, paint, textile, paper, food, pharmaceutical, chem., and electronics industries. The objective in industry is to minimize the use of fresh water and the cost of waste disposal, ideally reaching zero discharge and total recycling of process waters. Bibliographic Information Inexpensive isolation of -D-glucopyranosidase from -L-arabinofuranosidase, -L-rhamnopyranosidase, and O-acetylesterase. Barbagallo, Riccardo N.; Spagna, Giovanni; Abbate, Cristina; Azzaro, Giuseppe; Palmeri, Rosa. Biotechnology Group from the Department of Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture and Agroindustrial Technology (DOFATA), University of Catania, Catania, Italy. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2002), 101(1), 1-13. Publisher: Humana Press Inc., CODEN: ABIBDL ISSN: 0273-2289. Journal written in English. CAN 136:397718 AN 2002:346483 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract -D-Glucopyranosidase ( -glucosidase; EC (I)was isolated from some collateral activities, -Larabinofuranosidase (EC, -L-rhamnopyranosidase (EC, and sialate O-acetylesterase (EC, using a com. enzyme prepn. and a simple method economically sustainable for the food industry. The procedure comprised pptn. of extraneous substances by adding EtOH and CaCl2, ultrafiltration, and adsorption, 1st on bentonite and then on chitosan. The results obtained were the complete isolation of I from the above-mentioned activities, a drastic redn. in extraneous compds., such as brown substances and polysaccharides, and a slight increase in purifn. Bibliographic Information News items. Focus on life science at Analytica 2002. Gargantini, Mario. Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (2002), 84(2), 14-15. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal written in Italian. AN 2002:320253 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract At next gathering in Munich, the world of Research and Industry will show new research in medicine and pharma, 207 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 biotechnol. and diagnostic, environmental engineering, cosmetics, food anal., lab. technol. and quality control. Foreign participation is increasing and Italian exhibitors, are doubled. Bibliographic Information Creation of on-line solutions in support of the dissemination of legislative and analytical information on foodcontact materials. Simoneau, C.; Rossi, L. Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, T.P. 260, Food Products and Consumer Goods Unit, European Commission DG Joint Research Centre, Ispra Va, Italy. Food Additives and Contaminants (2002), 19(Suppl.), 201-208. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd., CODEN: FACOEB ISSN: 0265203X. Journal written in English. CAN 138:302851 AN 2002:298569 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract To facilitate access to European Commission (EC) documentation and provide a public service resource of relevant information an Internet site dedicated to food-contact materials was created (http://cpf.jrc.it/webpack/) in 1998. The site contains legislative information in downloadable format, information on contacts for authorities and organizations in the field of food-contact materials, as well as information on methods for overall and specific migration. A satellite site (http://cpf.jrc.it/smt/) is dedicated to physicochem. and spectral information (FT-IR, GC-MS, NMR) as well as anal. methods on an increasing no. of regulated substances. Many of these, as well as substances submitted for evaluation, are held in a centralized databank at the JRC in Ispra and aliquots can be made available to the public upon request. The site also recently expanded to provide an incentive for anal. networking between institutions by including information pages on current EC-funded and national projects and conference announcements. Bibliographic Information Soil contamination detected using bacterial and plant mutagenicity tests and chemical analyses. Monarca, Silvano; Feretti, Donatella; Zerbini, Ilaria; Alberti, Adriana; Zani, Claudia; Resola, Sergio; Gelatti, Umberto; Nardi, Giuseppe. Department of Experimental and Applied Medicine, Hygiene Section, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy. Environmental Research (2002), 88(1), 64-69. Publisher: Academic Press, CODEN: ENVRAL ISSN: 00139351. Journal written in English. CAN 136:212182 AN 2002:198732 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Soil contaminants are common in industrialized countries, causing widespread contamination directly of soil and indirectly of ground water and food. Among these pollutants particular attention should be paid to soil mutagens and carcinogens due to their potentially hazardous effects on animal populations and human health. The aim of this research was to evaluate the genotoxicity of contaminated soils by means of an integrated chem./biol. approach, using a short-term bacterial mutagenicity test (Ames test), a plant genotoxicity test (Tradescantia/micronucleus test), and chem. analyses. Soil samples were collected in a highly industrialized area in the Lombardy region, in Northern Italy. Soil samples were extd. with water or with org. solvents. Water exts. of soil samples were tested using the Tradescantia genotoxicity test and org. solvent exts. were analyzed for their polycyclic arom. hydrocarbon (PAH) concns. and for their mutagenicity with the Ames test. Heavy metal concns. were also studied. Some soil samples showed mutagenic activity with the Ames test and clastogenicity with the Tradescantia/micronucleus test. The same soils showed high concns. of genotoxic PAH and heavy metals. (c) 2002 Academic Press. Bibliographic Information Prevention of obesity. Caroli, M.; Lagravinese, D. Unita Operativa di Igiene della Nutrizione, Dipartimento di Prevenzione-AUSL BR, Brindisi, Italy. Nutrition Research (New York, NY, United States) (2002), 22(1/2), 221226. Publisher: Elsevier Science Inc., CODEN: NTRSDC ISSN: 0271-5317. Journal written in English. AN 2002:150855 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 208 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 The increased prevalence of obesity highlights the need of programs for its prevention. In the obesity prevention programs calorie and nutrient intake, emotional and social cues related to food intake must be considered. Thus, in order to prevent development of obesity modifying the nutritional factors it would be necessary: increasing breastfeeding in terms of percentage and duration; modifying wrong weaning patterns decreasing protein intake and increasing fat intake until 2 yr of age; modifying toddler and school age children eating habit decreasing fat intake and increasing carbohydrates and fibers intakes; helping parents and/or guardians to understand the real needs of their children without using food as form of gratification, reward, and/or consolation for every neg. feelings and situations; asking governments, consumer unions, food industries, and mass media to reduce and regulate non-nutritional food advertisings during children television time. Bibliographic Information Bacteriocin-producing Lactobacillus sake as starter culture in dry sausages. Tantillo, M. G.; Di Pinto, A.; Novello, L. Dipartimento di Sanita e Benessere Animale, Facolta di Medicina Veterinaria - Universita di Bari Prov.le per Casamassima, Bari, Italy. Microbiologica (2002), 25(1), 45-49. Publisher: Luigi Ponzio e Figlio Editori, CODEN: MIBLDR ISSN: 1121-7138. Journal written in English. CAN 136:213477 AN 2002:147366 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract One hundred and fifty-two strains of Lactobacillus spp and Micrococcus spp, isolated from dry sausages, were screened for inhibitory activity. Two of the strains assayed of the genus Lactobacillus showed bactericidal activity. They were able to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria seeligeri, Listeria innocua, Lactobacillus alimentarius and Lactobacillus bavaricus. The strains of Escherichia coli, Salmonella bradford and Salmonella newlands, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens were resistant. Their antimicrobial activity was due to peptides detectable in the culture broths and inactivated by treatment with proteolytic enzymes. Using bacteriocinproducing Lactobacillus sake as starter cultures in dry sausages could be promising in the food industry. Bibliographic Information Membrane technologies in the agricultural and food industry. Bottino, Aldo; Capannelli, Gustavo; Comite, Antonio. DCCI, Universita di Genova, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (2001), 83(7), 63-68. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 136:339618 AN 2002:99769 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The importance of membrane filtration and sepn. technologies and processes (dialysis, micro- and ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, pervaporation, membrane distn., membrane gas sepn.) in the agricultural and food industry is discussed. As illustrated by specific examples from the prodn. of dairy products, fruit juices, beverages and sugar, the membrane processes can allow the sepn., purifn. and concn. of various fluids encountered in the food industry while maintaining the typical compn. of the original products. Membrane processes usually do not require heat treatments or use of chem. additives. Many thermolabile compds. present in natural products, such as flavor volatile compds. and nutritionally important compds., usually remain intact during the membrane processes. Membrane processes allow to sterilize, stabilize, and develop new products. Bibliographic Information Hydroxycinnamic acids as natural antioxidants. Setti, Leonardo; Faulds, Craig; Giuliani, Silvia. Dip. di Chimica Industriale e die Materiali, Universita di Bologna, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (2001), 83(7), 45. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal written in English. CAN 137:92930 AN 2002:99739 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 209 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Functional foods contg. a high amt. of antioxidant compds. are of great interest for the food and pharmaceutical industries like foods for the health care. In fact the lifelong prodn. of free radicals through the human biochem. functions have to be balanced by a series of biomols. named as antioxidants. Recently, a group of dietary phenolic compds. with antioxidant activity have received increasing interest, these being derivs. of cinnamic acid; e.g. caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and ferulic acid. Bibliographic Information Applications of biosensors in analysis of foods. Pizzariello, Andrea; Stredansky, Miroslav; Miertus, Stanislav. POLYtech SCrl, Trieste, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (2001), 83(7), 45. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal written in English. CAN 137:92858 AN 2002:99737 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The food industry needs suitable anal. methods for quality control and contamination monitoring along the whole chain process, from the raw materials to the consumers; such methods must be rapid, reliable, specific and cost effective. Apart from a few important analytes, such as sugars, alcs., amino acids, flavors and sweeteners, food applications mainly focus on the detn. of contaminants. This article describes the development of biosensors as anal. tools in the food industry and discusses the tech. and economic problems of applying this technol. to the monitoring of foodstuffs quality and contamination. It is mainly focused on those biosensor systems which reached final phase of development, namely the industrialization and marketing. Bibliographic Information News items. The integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive in the food industry. Canepa, Pietro. Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale, Universita degli Studi di Genova, Genoa, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (2001), 83(7), 13-15. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal; News Announcement written in Italian. AN 2002:99693 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Bibliographic Information Enological uses of liquid carbon dioxide. Landi, Lorenzo; Frati, Maurizio. Fattoria del Cerro, Acquaviva di Montepulciano, Italy. Industrie delle Bevande (2001), 30(175), 480-482. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INBEEW ISSN: 0390-0541. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 136:339616 AN 2002:59085 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review. The topics include physicochem. properties of anhydrouls liq. CO2 applicable to food industry, liq. CO2 uses as a refrigerant fluid, dry snow and recirculating gas, and liq. CO2 applications in preservation of grapes before must pressing and in enhancing grape peel maceration. Bibliographic Information Assessment of stainless steels' compatibility in food and health applications regarding their passivation ability. Tamba, A.; Cigada, A.; Gatti, A.; Baroux, B.; Boulange, L.; Haudrechy, P.; Orlandi, M. C. CSM, Rome, Italy. European Commission, [Report] EUR (2001), (EUR 19986), 1-212. CODEN: CECED9 ISSN: 1018-5593. Report written in English. CAN 137:128244 AN 2001:907398 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This study assesses the safety of stainless steels and related alloys in human health applications as a consequence of 210 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 their passivity properties, for use in day-to-day life or in biol. and surgical applications. Among the austenitic and duplex stainless steels, using electrochem. methods, it is possible to select materials not susceptible to localized corrosion in the human body. Furthermore, when testing stainless steels and passivable Ni and Co base alloys in contact with cells culture as well as in prosthesis applications (s.c., bone or dental implants), attractive solns. can be brought about without damage or distress for live beings. Conversely to pure Ni or Ni plated material, stainless steels remain passive in sweat media and no allergic reaction is obsd. with the Ni-sensitized patient. Only strong resulfurized grades must be avoided, due to poor corrosion resistance in acid sweat. In contact with food, stainless steels show weak ion release, in the same order of magnitude as for the food constituents themselves. Also, compatibility with drinkable water, agreeing with regulations and stds., is ensured, in spite of very severe exptl. conditions. In the field of hygiene against bacteria contagion, Cu-enriched stainless steel surfaces do not appear to be effective for a long time - due to no more diffusion from the bulk alloy after the initial consumption of the superficial Cu-enriched layer. In a legislative frame, where European Directive 88/379/EEC on the hazards of dangerous prepns. classifies alloys like stainless steels with Ni> 1% in the carcinogenic category C 3. This work evidences that, when the alloy is properly chosen, developing a strong protective Fe-Cr passive layer, no nickel release can happen. Consequently, the main objective is to obtain a stable passive film (avoiding localized corrosion), enriched in Cr and Ni free: this passivity constitutes an efficient barrier against ion release from the bulk alloy, so the Ni content of the alloys is then unimportant. Bibliographic Information A DSC study of hydrated sugar alcohols: isomalt. Borde, B.; Cesaro, A. Dep. of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2001), 66(1), 179-195. Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers, CODEN: JTACF7 ISSN: 1418-2874. Journal written in English. CAN 136:133793 AN 2001:888748 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A DSC study was carried out on isomalt, a com. sugar alc. derived from sucrose and widely used as a sweetener in the food industry. Isomalt is a mixt. of two isomers: -D-glucopyranosyl-1-6-mannitol and -D-glucopyranosyl-1-6sorbitol. Release of the water of crystn. (around 100 C) and melting (around 150 C) were phenomenol. characterized using different scanning rates and heat treatments. The effect of dehydration/re-hydration on the melting was investigated. The isomalt glass transition, at about 60 C, was studied on samples cooled after melting. The dynamic aspect of structural relaxation of isomalt was quantified by its fragility parameter. Glassy state stability was evaluated by performing ageing expts. at sub-Tg temps. During ageing, apart from the expected enthalpy relaxation effects, isomalt showed a peculiar behavior, due to its isomeric compn. These preliminary and phenomenol. results were interpreted in terms of isomer structure and of carbohydrate-water interactions in the mixt. Bibliographic Information Primary liver cancer and occupation in men: a case-control study in a high-incidence area in Northern Italy. Porru, Stefano; Placidi, Donatella; Carta, Angela; Gelatti, Umberto; Ribero, Maria Luisa; Tagger, Alessandro; Boffetta, Paolo; Donato, Francesco. Institute of Occupational Health, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy. International Journal of Cancer (2001), 94(6), 878-883. Publisher: Wiley-Liss, Inc., CODEN: IJCNAW ISSN: 0020-7136. Journal written in English. AN 2001:817796 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The objective of our study was to evaluate the assocn. between occupation and risk of liver cancer. A hospital-based case-control study was carried out during 1997-1999 in the Province of Brescia, a highly industrialized area in Northern Italy with a high incidence of this neoplasm. The cases were 144 male patients with incident liver cancer (96% hepatocellular carcinoma). Controls were 283 male patients, matched to cases on age ( 5 yr), period and hospital of admission. Information on lifetime occupational history and alc. consumption was obtained via interview. Specific occupational exposures to pesticides, solvents and other suspected hepatocarcinogens were evaluated. A blood sample was collected to detect hepatitis B and C infections. Odds ratios (OR) of occupational exposure and 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusted for age, residence, education, heavy alc. intake, hepatitis B surface antigen and hepatitis C virus antibodies positivity were computed. A statistically significant increased OR was obsd. for employment in repair of 211 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 motor vehicles (OR 3.7; 95% CI 1.1-12.3; 9 exposed cases, 10 exposed controls). Increased ORs, although not statistically significant, were found for field-crop farm workers, food and beverage processors, blacksmiths and machine-tool operators, elec. fitters, clerical workers, manuf. of industrial machinery and personal and household services. A slightly increased OR was noted in workers exposed to toluene and xylene (OR 1.4; 95% CI 0.7-3.0, 23 cases, 36 controls); the OR was 2.8 (95% CI 1.0-7.6, 11 cases, 12 controls) for 20 or more years of exposure and 2.0 (95% CI 0.9-4.1, 21 cases, 28 controls) for 30 or more years of time since first exposure. The increase in OR seemed to be independent from that of alc. or viral infections. Our study showed that the role of occupational exposures in liver carcinogenesis is limited. However, prolonged exposure to org. solvents such as toluene and xylene may represent a risk factor for liver cancer. Bibliographic Information The phenomenology of bed defluidization during the pyrolysis of a food-packaging plastic waste. Arena, U.; Mastellone, M. L. Department of Environmental Sciences, Second University of Naples, Caserta, Italy. Powder Technology (2001), 120(1-2), 127-133. Publisher: Elsevier Science S.A., CODEN: POTEBX ISSN: 0032-5910. Journal written in English. CAN 136:106694 AN 2001:686636 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The stability, in long-term operation, of fluidized bed reactors utilized to pyrolyze plastics waste can be seriously compromised by particle agglomeration phenomena. These phenomena can cause poor fluidization and eventually lead to defluidization. In order to study this phenomenon, a polypropylene waste from a food-packaging industry was utilized in a lab.-scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor. The effect of the main operating variables (bed hold-up, size of inert material, fluidizing velocity, feed rate of plastic pellets) was studied by expts. carried out under an inert atm. The time at which defluidization occurred was correlated with some process variables by linear relations. A modeling approach is proposed to predict the risk of defluidization under different operating conditions. Bibliographic Information Optimization of Chemical and Physical Pretreatments in a Platform for the Treatment of Liquid Industrial Wastes. Battistoni, Paolo; Boccadoro, Raffaella; Bolzonella, David; Pezzoli, Silvia. Institute of Hydraulics, University of Ancona, Ancona, Italy. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2001), 40(21), 4506-4512. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: IECRED ISSN: 0888-5885. Journal written in English. CAN 136:24566 AN 2001:686055 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Results of managing the physicochem. pretreatment step in a platform to treat liq. wastes are discussed. This work optimized the organization of a flow scheme to achieve the best performance in the physicochem. pretreatment step. Starting from the initial situation (Jan-Apr 1997), wastewater types, amts., and characteristics and treatment methods were critically discussed. Process management was subsequently (Jul-Aug 1997) modified to take advantage of synergic power among the different liq. wastes to reduce the use of strong oxidative treatments (i.e., Fenton process) which detd., during the first research period, a large increase of the total dissolved solids and salinity in the effluent, without meaningful COD redns. NH4+-N removal was performed by struvite pptn., using phosphate-rich wastewater or pure chems. A good indicator of the reliability of the new flow scheme was a salinity redn., a loss of 2800 mg/L, in the first 2 mo. A larger redn. was obtained after a further 3 mo (total dissolved solids decreased from 17,000 to 5000 mg/L); thus, effluent characteristics became suitable for a downstream biol. process. Bibliographic Information System for supplying solid polymeric combustible for industrial and/or civil combustors. Migliaccio, Patrizia. (Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2001), 9 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1130316 A1 20010905 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO. Patent written in English. Application: EP 2001-830111 20010219. Priority: IT 2000-12 20000222. CAN 135:199894 AN 2001:654762 212 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 1130316 Kind A1 Priority Application IT 2000-NA12 A Date Application No. Date 20010905 EP 2001-830111 20010219 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO 20000222 Abstract The present invention refers to a system and relative equipments for supplying polymeric solid fuel in combustors used for industrial and civil purposes. The app. can use thermoplastic or thermosetting polymer and specific injectors with materials that can be supplied as continuous elements with a suitable size and shape. Homogeneous or charged polymeric materials can be used. The charged type materials are doped with specific additives in order to optimize the combustion process enhancing the efficiency and minimizing the emission of polluting elements during combustion. The main features of the present invention are use of plastic materials from recycling and/or from industrial scraps as continuous bars, continuous wire or as discrete element suitably thermoformed immediately before the device with a dedicated app.; easy interfacing to most industrial and civil combustion systems; best feed control of solid fuel relating to actual systems; redn. of pollutants produced during combustion. Bibliographic Information Thermoplastic fluoropolymers with good impermeability to gases and vapors and with improved mechanical properties. Abusleme, Julio A.; Manzoni, Claudia. (Ausimont S.p.A., Italy; Solvay Solexis S.p.A.). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2001), 11 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1130056 A2 20010905 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO. Patent written in English. Application: EP 2001-101785 20010126. Priority: IT 2000-248 20000215. CAN 135:211790 AN 2001:654714 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 1130056 EP 1130056 EP 1130056 Kind A2 A3 B1 IT IT US US JP CA A1 B1 A1 B2 A A1 2000MI0248 1317834 20010027236 6569946 2001270969 2337453 Priority Application IT 2000-MI248 A Date Application No. Date 20010905 EP 2001-101785 20010126 20031217 20060809 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO 20010816 IT 2000-MI248 20000215 20030715 20011004 US 2001-781210 20010213 20030527 20011002 JP 2001-37120 20010214 20010815 CA 2001-2337453 20010215 20000215 Abstract 213 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 A polymer compn. comprises (a) (co)polymers based on chlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) contg. 99 mol% of chlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE) and 1 mol% of 1 fluorinated or non-fluorinated monomers, (b) (co)polymers based on ethylene/chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE) and/or ethylene/tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) in which the E:CTFE (or TFE) molar ratio is between 1:3 and 3:1. The fluoropolymers have very good impermeability to gases and vapors combined with improved mech. properties and good processability. The polymers can be used to make pipes, sheets, molded articles and films which are preferably useful for packaging of food and pharmaceutical industry. Bibliographic Information Use of food industry by-products for the removal of fungicides from white wine. Pifferi, P. G.; Spagna, G.; Barbagallo, R. N.; Morselli, L.; Manenti, I.; Ranieri, C. Scuola di Specializzazione in Chimica e Tecnologie Alimentari, Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale, Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Italian Journal of Food Science (2001), 13(2), 173-188. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: ITFSEY ISSN: 1120-1770. Journal written in English. CAN 136:101380 AN 2001:562864 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The removal of seven fungicides (triadimenol, penconazole, fenarimol, iprodione, procymidone, vinclozolin and benalaxyl) from white wine was investigated by using inorg. and org. matrixes, formed from natural macromols. Based on the adequate aspecific adsorption obtained with lignin, some of the natural macromols. (cellulose and chitin) were functionalized with alkylic and arylic residues. Benzoyl cellulose at a concn. of 0.25-1% wt./vol. gave 70-95% removal of all the pesticides when they mixed together, each at 1 mg/L. It was particularly selective for iprodione, procymidone and vinclozolin (85-90% removal, 0.25% adsorbent, 3 h at 25 ). Bibliographic Information Electrochemical biosensors for food analysis and the food industry. Palleschi, G.; Cubadda, R. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, Universita di Roma, "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy. Italian Journal of Food Science (2001), 13(2), 137-157. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: ITFSEY ISSN: 1120-1770. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 136:84828 AN 2001:562862 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review concerns the development and application of electrochem. biosensors to solve anal. problems for the food industry. A concise description of the fundamentals of electrochem. devices is given with emphasis on their application to detect damaged and gelatinized starch and to detect lactate, lactose and glucose in milk during mozzarella cheese manufg. Their application to detect malic and lactic acid in wine and grapes is also reported. The review then focuses on the detection of amino acids, such as glutamate and aspartate in food stuffs and "health foods" and lysine in feeds. An electrochem. probe for the sequential detection of glucose and fructose in honey samples is reported. Some studies are reported on the quality of some fruit samples evaluated by electrochem. and multivariate anal. Bibliographic Information High-quality fruit and vegetable products using combined processes. Torreggiani, D.; Bertolo, G. I.V.T.P.A., Milan, Italy. Editor(s): Fito, Pedro. Osmotic Dehydration & Vacuum Impregnation (2001), 3-9. Publisher: Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster, Pa CODEN: 69BPKT Conference; General Review written in English. CAN 136:166180 AN 2001:548864 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review of the results of studies conducted to evaluate the effect of both raw material characteristics and process parameters on texture, color, and vitamin C retention in frozen kiwifruit slices after processing and during frozen storage. Despite the large no. of theor. and exptl. studies, combined processes are still hard to find in the food industry. The wide range of possibilities regarding raw material characteristics, process parameters, and flow sheets make it very 214 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 difficult for these processes to be applied. Since combined processes could be effective and useful tools for formulating new fruit ingredients with functional, sensory, and nutritional characteristics suitable for specific industrial uses, further research is needed to implement such interesting techniques. Bibliographic Information Composting of solid and sludge residues from agricultural and food industries. Bioindicators of monitoring and compost maturity. Ranalli, G.; Bottura, G.; Taddei, P.; Garavani, M.; Marchetti, R.; Sorlini, C. Dip. Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari, Ambientali e Microbiologiche, Universita del Molise, Campobasso, Italy. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering (2001), A36(4), 415-436. Publisher: Marcel Dekker, Inc., CODEN: JATEF9 ISSN: 1093-4529. Journal written in English. CAN 135:141671 AN 2001:455090 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A study to monitor the composting process, to evaluate the effectiveness of bioindicators for the quality and maturity of cured compost obtained by a mixt. of winery residues, sludges from dairies and solid residues from food processing (grape-stalks, grape-dregs, rice husks), was conducted. Composting process lasting 5 mo was monitored by chemicophys., spectroscopic (FTIR, DTG and DSC), microbiol. and enzymic analyses. Biol. activities (ATP, DHA contents and several enzymic activities), impedance variations (DT) of mixed cultures during growth and potential pathogens (E. coli and Salmonella), were detd. The phytotoxicity tests gave a germination index >90% and no significant genotoxic differences between controls and the compost samples were evidenced. Pathogens were not found on the cured compost that can therefore be satisfactorily used as amendment for agricultural crops. However, no single measurement of a composting process factor, biol., chem. or phys., gave a comprehensive view of the quality of a specific composting. We propose a tool of bioindicators of potential activity and markers in combination for integrated evaluation of monitoring of composting process and compost quality. The responses of several enzymic activities were pos. and indicative of their favorable use capable to reveal even very small changes within microbial population and activity in test and monitoring of compost programs. Bibliographic Information Determining the binding capability of the mouse major urinary proteins using 2-Naphthol as a fluorescent probe. Sartor, Giorgio; Pagani, Raffaella; Ferrari, Elena; Sorbi, Robert Tibor; Cavaggioni, Andrea; Cavatorta, Paolo; Spisni, Alberto. Department of Experimental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Analytical Biochemistry (2001), 292(1), 69-75. Publisher: Academic Press, CODEN: ANBCA2 ISSN: 0003-2697. Journal written in English. CAN 135:2438 AN 2001:292703 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The mouse major urinary proteins (MUPs) are an ensemble of isoforms secreted by adult male mice and involved in sexual olfactory communication. MUPs belong to the lipocalin superfamily, whose conserved structure is a -barrel made of eight antiparallel -strands forming a hydrophobic pocket that accommodates small org. mols. A detailed knowledge of the mol. mechanism assocd. to the binding of those mols. can guide protein engineering to devise mutated proteins where the ligand specificity, binding affinity, and release rate can be modulated. Proteins with such peculiar properties may have interesting biotechnol. applications for pest control, as well as in food and cosmetic industries. In this work, we demonstrate that the fluorescent mol. 2-naphthol binds to the natural ligand's binding site of MUPs with high affinity. In addn., we show that 2-naphthol binds to MUPs in its protonated form, that its fluorescence is blueshifted, and the quantum yield is increased, thus confirming the high hydrophobicity of the protein pocket and the absence of proton acceptors inside the binding site. At large the results presented, besides demonstrating that the use of 2-naphthol provides a convenient and quick method for testing MUPs binding activity and to ascertain the quality of the protein prepn., suggest that MUPs can represent an interesting system for studying the photophys. characteristics of fluorescent mols. in a highly hydrophobic environment. (c) 2001 Academic Press. Bibliographic Information 215 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 A kinetic and mass transfer model to simulate the growth of baker's yeast in industrial bioreactors. Di Serio, M.; Tesser, R.; Santacesaria, E. Dipartimento di Chimica, Federico II, via Cinthia, Universita degli Studi di Napoli, Naples, Italy. Chemical Engineering Journal (Lausanne) (2001), 82(1-3), 347-354. Publisher: Elsevier Science S.A., CODEN: CMEJAJ ISSN: 1385-8947. Journal written in English. CAN 135:18604 AN 2001:196298 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A structured unsegregated cybernetic model, able to simulate the growth of baker's yeast in any possible condition in multistage industrial prodn. has been developed. The model has first been proven in the simulation of the behavior of a lab. batch bioreactor, describing the evolution with time of the biomass growth rate, the glucose and oxygen consumption as well as the prodn. of ethanol and carbon dioxide. The same model with the same parameters has then been used to simulate both lab. and industrial size fed-batch bioreactors achieving satisfactory results. The effect of the oxygen mass transfer limitation in fed-batch bioreactors has also been described and discussed. The model developed allows to find and keep the optimal conditions of biomass growth in industrial fed-batch bioreactors. Bibliographic Information A process for purifying organic sewage and the biomass material obtained thereof. Bertolotto, Antonio. (Marcopolo Engineering S.R.L., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2001), CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2001007379 A1 20010201 Designated States W: AU, BG, BR, CA, CZ, EE, HR, HU, LT, LV, MX, NO, NZ, PL, RO, SI, SK, US, YU. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2000-EP6831 20000718. Priority: IT 99-651 19990723. AN 2001:73648 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2001007379 Kind A1 IT 99TO0651 IT 1310635 A1 B1 Priority Application IT 1999-TO651 A Date Application No. Date 20010201 WO 2000-EP6831 20000718 W: AU, BG, BR, CA, CZ, EE, HR, HU, LT, LV, MX, NO, NZ, PL, RO, SI, SK, US, YU RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE 20010123 IT 1999-TO651 19990723 20020219 19990723 Abstract A process for the depuration of at least one type of waste or refuse organic sewage coming from livestock-breeding farms, slaughter-houses, the foodstuff industry and the like, and for obtaining a biomass usable for the production of energy, for the production of fertilisers and for other applications, characterised in that it comprises the following steps: (a) collecting said sewage in a tank; (b) taking the sewage from said tank and treating it through at least one filtering mass of flaking material that is able to withhold macroscopic and microscopic particles present in the sewage; and (c) once saturation of at least one part of said filtering mass has been reached, periodically removing the saturated mass and replacing it with a new filtering mass. Bibliographic Information Plant for the depuration of industrial and civil wastes. Derago Matteucci, Massimo. (Ecosistema S.r.l., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2001), 10 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2001004059 A1 20010118 Designated States W: AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, 216 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2000-IT104 20000324. Priority: IT 99-447 19990714. CAN 134:90556 AN 2001:50592 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2001004059 Kind A1 IT 99RM0447 IT 1306887 A1 B1 Priority Application IT 1999-RM447 A Date Application No. Date 20010118 WO 2000-IT104 20000324 W: AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW RW: GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW, AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20010115 IT 1999-RM447 19990714 20011011 19990714 Abstract The invention relates to a depuration plant for civil and industrial wastewater comprising means to feed water to be treated from the above into a first flocculation and pptn. chamber; means for dosing from the above a flocculation compd. into said first chamber; stirring means, to stir waste waters and compd. within said first chamber, said first chamber being provided at the bottom with a passage into a second chamber, said second chamber being externally substantially coaxial with respect to said first chamber, for the reascending of the purified water, said first chamber being further provided with an opening for the exit of the pptd. mud; removal means for the pptd. mud and removal means for the purified water. Bibliographic Information Enzymatic extraction of carotenoids from plant material using two immiscible liquid phases. Fidaleo M; Lavecchia R; Marsili E Istituto di Tecnologie Agroalimentari, Facolta di Agraria, Universita della Tuscia, Via S. Camillo de Lellis, 01100 Viterbo, Italy Mededelingen (Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. Fakulteit van de Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen) (2001), 66(3a), 295-8. Journal code: 100967625. ISSN:1373-7503. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 15954605 AN 2005307424 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The kinetics of extraction of carotenoids from orange flavedo was investigated. Extraction was carried out using a mixture of degrading enzymes and an edible oil as the solvent. More than 70 microg of carotenoids per g of wet flavedo were extracted within the first 3-4 hours. The results obtained were interpreted by a simple kinetic model considering the unsteady mass transfer of carotenoids in the two-phase system. Bibliographic Information Recombinant lipoxygenases as biocatalysts for natural flavour production. 217 Gallo A; Mita G; Zasiura C; Casey Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 R; Santino A; Zacheo G Istituto di Ricerca sulle Biotecnologie Agroalimentan, C.N.R., Via Prov. le Lecce-Monteroni, 73100 Lecee, Italy Mededelingen (Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. Fakulteit van de Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen) (2001), 66(3a), 267-72. Journal code: 100967625. ISSN:1373-7503. (COMPARATIVE STUDY); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 15954598 AN 2005307417 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract We identified a lipoxygenase expressed early during almond seed development. Biochemical and molecular characterisation showed that the enzyme produces almost exclusively 9-hydroperoxides which have been demonstrated to be important factors for the production of characteristic aromas in several fruits. An almond LOX cDNA was identified by RT-PCR using RNA extracted from immature almond seeds. Sequence analysis revealed that the identified gene is closely related to tomato fruit and potato tuber lipoxygenases. The isolated cDNA was cloned into pET24a and the expression of recombinant protein was induced in E. coli. The presence of an active LOX was confirmed in cells containing the recombinant vector. HPLC analysis of the reaction products of recombinant almond LOX confirmed that the isolated cDNA encodes a 9-LOX. Bibliographic Information Genetic transformation of Vitis vinifera via organogenesis. Mezzetti Bruno; Pandolfini Tiziana; Navacchi Oriano; Landi Lucia Dipartimento Biotecnologie Agrarie e Ambientali, University of Ancona, Via Brecce Bianche 60100-Ancona Italy. [email protected] BMC biotechnology (2002), 2 18. Journal code: 101088663. E-ISSN:14726750. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 12354328 AN 2003506053 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract BACKGROUND: Efficient transformation and regeneration methods are a priority for successful application of genetic engineering to vegetative propagated plants such as grape. The current methods for the production of transgenic grape plants are based on Agrobacterium-mediated transformation followed by regeneration from embryogenic callus. However, grape embryogenic calli are laborious to establish and the phenotype of the regenerated plants can be altered. RESULTS: Transgenic grape plants (V. vinifera, table-grape cultivars Silcora and Thompson Seedless) were produced using a method based on regeneration via organogenesis. In vitro proliferating shoots were cultured in the presence of increasing concentrations of N6-benzyl adenine. The apical dome of the shoot was removed at each transplantation which, after three months, produced meristematic bulk tissue characterized by a strong capacity to differentiate adventitious shoots. Slices prepared from the meristematic bulk were used for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of grape plants with the gene DefH9-iaaM. After rooting on kanamycin containing media and greenhouse acclimatization, transgenic plants were transferred to the field. At the end of the first year of field cultivation, DefH9iaaM grape plants were phenotypically homogeneous and did not show any morphological alterations in vegetative growth. The expression of DefH9-iaaM gene was detected in transgenic flower buds of both cultivars. CONCLUSIONS: The phenotypic homogeneity of the regenerated plants highlights the validity of this method for both propagation and genetic transformation of table grape cultivars. Expression of the DefH9-iaaM gene takes place in young flower buds of transgenic plants from both grape cultivars. Bibliographic Information Genetically modified parthenocarpic eggplants: improved fruit productivity under both greenhouse and open field cultivation. Acciarri Nazzareno; Restaino Federico; Vitelli Gabriele; Perrone Domenico; Zottini Michela; Pandolfini Tiziana; Spena Angelo; Rotino Giuseppe Research Institute for Vegetable Crops, Monsampolo del Tronto, AP, Italy. [email protected] BMC biotechnology (2002), 2 4. Journal code: 101088663. E-ISSN:1472-6750. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 11934354 AN 2003506043 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) 218 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract BACKGROUND: Parthenocarpy, or fruit development in the absence of fertilization, has been genetically engineered in eggplant and in other horticultural species by using the DefH9-iaaM gene. The iaaM gene codes for tryptophan monoxygenase and confers auxin synthesis, while the DefH9 controlling regions drive expression of the gene specifically in the ovules and placenta. A previous greenhouse trial for winter production of genetically engineered (GM) parthenocarpic eggplants demonstrated a significant increase (an average of 33% increase) in fruit production concomitant with a reduction in cultivation costs. RESULTS: GM parthenocarpic eggplants have been evaluated in three field trials. Two greenhouse spring trials have shown that these plants outyielded the corresponding untransformed genotypes, while a summer trial has shown that improved fruit productivity in GM eggplants can also be achieved in open field cultivation. Since the fruits were always seedless, the quality of GM eggplant fruits was improved as well. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the DefH9-iaaM gene is expressed during late stages of fruit development. CONCLUSIONS: The DefH9-iaaM parthenocarpic gene is a biotechnological tool that enhances the agronomic value of all eggplant genotypes tested. The main advantages of DefH9-iaaM eggplants are: i) improved fruit productivity (at least 30-35%) under both greenhouse and open field cultivation; ii) production of good quality (marketable) fruits during different types of cultivation; iii) seedless fruit with improved quality. Such advantages have been achieved without the use of either male or female sterility genes. Bibliographic Information Optimisation of transgene action at the post-transcriptional level: high quality parthenocarpic fruits in industrial tomatoes. Pandolfini Tiziana; Rotino Giuseppe L; Camerini Serena; Defez Roberto; Spena Angelo Dipartimento Scientifico Tecnologico, University of Verona, Verona, Italy. [email protected] BMC biotechnology (2002), 2 1. Journal code: 101088663. E-ISSN:1472-6750. (COMPARATIVE STUDY); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 11818033 AN 2003506040 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract BACKGROUND: Genetic engineering of parthenocarpy confers to horticultural plants the ability to produce fruits under environmental conditions that curtail fruit productivity and quality. The DefH9-iaaM transgene, whose predicted action is to confer auxin synthesis specifically in the placenta, ovules and derived tissues, has been shown to confer parthenocarpy to several plant species (tobacco, eggplant, tomato) and varieties. RESULTS: UC82 tomato plants, a typical cultivar used by the processing industry, transgenic for the DefH9-iaaM gene produce parthenocarpic fruits that are malformed. UC82 plants transgenic for the DefH9-RI-iaaM, a DefH9-iaaM derivative gene modified in its 5'ULR by replacing 53 nucleotides immediately upstream of the AUG initiation codon with an 87 nucleotides-long sequence derived from the rolA intron sequence, produce parthenocarpic fruits of high quality. In an in vitro translation system, the iaaM mRNA, modified in its 5'ULR is translated 3-4 times less efficiently than the original transcript. An optimal expressivity of parthenocarpy correlates with a reduced transgene mRNA steady state level in DefH9-RI-iaaM flower buds in comparison to DefH9-iaaM flower buds. Consistent with the known function of the iaaM gene, flower buds transgenic for the DefH9-RI-iaaM gene contain ten times more IAA than control untransformed flower buds, but five times less than DefH9-iaaM flower buds. CONCLUSIONS: By using an auxin biosynthesis transgene downregulated at the post-transcriptional level, an optimal expressivity of parthenocarpy has been achieved in a genetic background not suitable for the original transgene. Thus, the method allows the generation of a wider range of expressivity of the desired trait in transgenic plants. Bibliographic Information Olive mill solid residues as heavy metal sorbent material: a preliminary study. Pagnanelli Francesca; Toro Luigi; Veglio Francesco Dipartimento di Chimica, Facolta di SMFN, Universita degli Studi La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. [email protected] Waste management (New York, N.Y.) (2002), 22(8), 901-7. Journal code: 9884362. ISSN:0956-053X. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 12423052 AN 2002662832 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 219 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Biosorption of heavy metals is an innovative and alternative technology to remove these pollutants from aqueous solutions using inactive and dead biomasses such as agricultural and industrial wastes, algae and bacteria. In this study olive mill solid residue was used as heavy metal adsorbent material for its wide availability as agricultural waste and also for its cellulosic matrix, rich of potential metal binding active sites. Preliminary studies concerned with the removal of different heavy metals (Hg, Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd), the effect of pre-treatments by water and n-hexane and the regeneration possibility. Olive mill solid residue resulted able to remove heavy metals from aqueous solutions with an affinity series reflecting the hydrolytic properties of the metallic ions, but also a particular affinity for copper. It can be supposed that biosorption phenomenon occur by a general ion exchange mechanism combined with a specific complexation reaction for copper ions. Water pre-treatment is sufficient to reduce COD release in the effluent according to the law limit, while n-hexane pre-treatment strongly reduces also the adsorption properties of this material. Experimental isotherms obtained under different operating conditions were fitted using a non linear regression method for the estimation of the Langmuir parameters. Moreover a simple Scatchard plot analysis was performed for a preliminary investigation of the active sites, showing the presence of two different site affinities depending on the metal concentration, according to the previous hypothesis of two kinds of uptake mechanisms for copper biosorption. Regeneration tests gave good results in terms of yield of regeneration and also concentration ratios. Bibliographic Information Recovery of anthocyanins from pulp wash of pigmented oranges by concentration on resins. Di Mauro Alfio; Arena Elena; Fallico Biagio; Passerini Amedeo; Maccarone Emanuele Dipartimento di OrtoFloroArboricoltura e Tecnologie Agroalimentari, Sezione Tecnologie Agroalimentari, Universita degli Studi di Catania, Via S. Sofia 98, 95123 Catania, Italy Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (2002), 50(21), 5968-74. Journal code: 0374755. ISSN:0021-8561. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 12358467 AN 2002497976 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A pulp wash (PW) coming from a plant for citrus processing of pigmented oranges was utilized as a starting material to recover anthocyanins, using the procedure of concentration on resin. Six commercial food-grade resins were tested to find the more suitable ones for adsorbing anthocyanins, and 96% ethanol was used as eluent for desorbing them. An automated experimental apparatus was developed to perform the adsorption-desorption procedure on column. The kinetics results in a batch system and experiments on column showed that the more efficient resins are those made of styrene-divinylbenzene having a pore radius ranging from 70 to 150 A and a surface area from 600 to 800 m(2)/g, namely, Sepabeads SP 70 and Relite EXA 90. The richest fractions collected from these resins contained about 95% of the anthocyanins in a volume of about 2% of the loaded PW. The HPLC profile of the desorbed anthocyanins is the same as that in PW. These fractions contain other phenol compounds, such as hesperidin and derivatives of hydroxycinnamic acids, in remarkable amounts. Ethanol can be easily removed from the solution and recycled, thus affording a much more concentrated product which can find application as a food colorant or antioxidant ingredient for a nutritional integrator. Bibliographic Information Basic requirements for the transfer of fermentation technologies to developing countries. Rolle R; Satin M Agro-Industries and Post-Harvest Management Service, Agricultural Support Systems Division, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. [email protected] International journal of food microbiology (2002), 75(3), 181-7. Journal code: 8412849. ISSN:0168-1605. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 12036141 AN 2002295609 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Traditional small-scale fermentation technologies offer considerable potential for stimulating development in the food industry of developing countries in light of their low cost, scalability, minimal energy and infrastructural requirements 220 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 and the wide consumer acceptance of fermented products in these countries. Efficient transfer and adaptation of these technologies is, however, often limited by inadequate basic scientific knowledge of the processes involved and the lack of appropriate biological inoculants and process controls for these technologies. Basic infrastructures, such as suitably equipped laboratories with consistent working conditions, a constant supply of good quality water and reliable power supplies, are critical elements of a minimal technology base for transfer and adaptation of these technologies. Building the institutional capacity in developing countries to facilitate research and development geared toward a better understanding of the technologies applied in small-scale traditional fermentations is essential, as is the encouragement of governments to formulate supportive national policies, which promote small-scale agro-industrial development. Socioeconomic considerations play a critical role in the successful and sustainable transfer and adoption of technologies and their products in developing countries. Bibliographic Information Different case definitions to describe the prevalence of occupational carpal tunnel syndrome in meat industry workers. Isolani Lucia; Bonfiglioli Roberta; Raffi Giovanni B; Violante Francesco S Occupational Health Unit, Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, via P. Palagi 9, 40138 Bologna, Italy. [email protected] International archives of occupational and environmental health (2002), 75(4), 229-34. Journal code: 7512134. ISSN:0340-0131. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 11981656 AN 2002243219 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in a group of meat industry workers, using typical symptoms, median nerve conduction studies (NCSs) and their combinations. In the case definition including the NCSs, we tested the electrodiagnostic reference values derived from the general healthy population and from the asymptomatic study population. METHODS: One-hundred fourteen workers were examined by clinical interviews and median NCSs. RESULTS: The prevalence of CTS varied from 11% to 53%, with a progressive reduction passing from symptoms to NCSs to the their combinations. The prevalence was identical and the highest at the same time (53%) considering the case definitions based only on the symptoms and only on the NCSs with Kimura's reference values. Using the asymptomatic workers' electrodiagnostic reference values, alone or in combination with symptoms, the prevalence of CTS was the lowest (respectively, 15% and 11%). CONCLUSIONS: In the epidemiological studies, median NCSs should be considered desirable, if not essential, for confirming a clinical diagnosis, most of all in the longitudinal studies. In the future of CTS diagnosis, attention should be paid to the electrodiagnostic reference values that are discriminating to confirm the presence or not of the disease. Bibliographic Information Liquid chromatographic determination of simple phenolic compounds in waste waters from olive oil production plants. Ceccon L; Saccu D; Procida G; Cardinali S Universita di Udine, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Italy. [email protected] Journal of AOAC International (2001), 84(6), 1739-44. Journal code: 9215446. ISSN:1060-3271. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 11767140 AN 2002037840 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A method was developed for the determination of simple phenolic compounds (PCs) in waste waters from olive oil production plants by liquid chromatography (LC). The sample under examination was acidified to pH 2 to precipitate proteins, acetone was added to eliminate the colloidal fraction, and hexane was used for extraction to eliminate lipidic substances. The solution obtained was filtered and injected into the LC system; the wavelength selected for the spectrophotometric detection was specific for PCs, so that carbohydrates, organic acids, and short-chain free fatty acids did not interfere. Recoveries of 9 PCs spiked to a real sample were 90-100% for concentrations ranging from 20 to 2000 mg/L for each analyte. Bibliographic Information 221 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Innovative fermentation strategies for the production of extremophilic enzymes. Erratum in: Extremophiles 2001 Dec;5(6):431 Schiraldi C; Acone M; Giuliano M; Di Lernia I; Maresca C; Carteni M; de Rosa M Department of Experimental Medicine, Second University of Naples-CRIB, Italy Extremophiles : life under extreme conditions (2001), 5(3), 193-8. Journal code: 9706854. ISSN:1431-0651. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); (RESEARCH SUPPORT, NON-U.S. GOV'T) written in English. PubMed ID 11453463 AN 2002019602 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A new type of microfiltration (MF) bioreactor, developed in our laboratory, was investigated for use in improving efficiency of the production of extremophilic enzymes. In spite of the difficulties in cultivating hyperthermophiles, we achieved, in 300 h fermentation, more than 38 g/l dry weight of Sulfolobus solfataricus using a MF technique, and we demonstrated that the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), as the reporter enzyme, was not affected by cell density. However, hyperthermophile cultivation is difficult to scale up because of evaporation and the very low growth rate. Thus, to achieve high productivity we cultivated, in the MF bioreactor, recombinant mesophilic hosts engineered for the production of two thermophilic enzymes, namely, trehalosyldextrin-forming enzyme (SsTDFE) and trehaloseforming enzyme (SsTFE) from Sulfolobus solfataricus. The traditional Luria-Bertani broth used for recombinant Escherichia coli growth was replaced with a semidefined medium. The latter was used in both the batch and the MF experiments, and the ratio of complex components (e.g., yeast extract and tryptone) to a simple carbon source (glycerol) was decreased during the fed-batch phase to further decrease the medium cost in view of industrial applications. The bioprocess developed was able to improve productivity 500 fold for rSsTFE and 60 fold for rSsTDFE with respect to the wild type cultivated in MF mode. Comparisons with another recombinant enzyme, alpha-glucosidase (rSsalphagly), from Sulfolobus solfataricus produced in our MF bioreactor are reported. Bibliographic Information Codex as the basis for national standards and international harmonization. Tontisiri K; Lepretre C Food and Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, Rome, Italy Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES (2001), 14(1-2), 137-44. Journal code: 8909524. ISSN:0895-3988. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 11594472 AN 2001548230 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Bibliographic Information ICS-UNIDO programme in the area of pure and applied chemistry. Activities in the subprogramme of remediation and focus on food contamination. Miertus S ICS-UNIDO, Trieste, Italy Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju (2001), 52(1), 3-9. Journal code: 0373100. ISSN:0004-1254. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 11370296 AN 2001274090 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Bibliographic Information Occupational generalised urticaria and allergic airborne asthma due to anisakis simplex. Scala E; Giani M; Pirrotta L; Guerra E C; Cadoni S; Girardelli C R; De Pita O; Puddu P Dept. of Immunodermatology, Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Istituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata, I.D.I.-IRCCS, Rome, Italy. [email protected] European journal of dermatology : EJD (2001), 11(3), 249-50. Journal code: 9206420. ISSN:1167-1122. (CASE REPORTS); Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 11358735 AN 2001267838 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Anisakis simplex (AS), a fish and cephalopodes parasite, may cause allergic reactions in humans on eating and/or handling contaminated fish. We present a case of occupational hypersensitivity to AS in a woman employed in a frozen-fish factory. She showed both generalised urticarial rash and asthmatic symptoms after work place exposure. All these symptoms immediately disappeared after work place exposure was ceased. The presence of a positive skin 222 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 prick test and high specific IgE values confirmed a hypersensitivity to anisakis. This is the first case reported of both occupational generalised urticaria and allergic airborne asthma due to AS in the same patient. We suggest that AS could be an important cause of occupational asthma and/or urticaria in the fish industry. Bibliographic Information Introducing chemists to food allergy. Ortolani C; Ispano M; Scibilia J; Pastorello E A Centro di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica, Ospedale Niguarda Ca Granda, Milan, Italy. [email protected] Allergy (2001), 56 Suppl 67 5-8. Journal code: 7804028. ISSN:0105-4538. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 11297997 AN 2001209857 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Adverse reactions to food may be toxic or non toxic, depending on the susceptibility to a certain food; non toxic reactions that involve immune mechanisms are termed allergy if they are IgE-mediated. If no immunological mechanism is responsible, it is termed intolerance. The following disorders are considered a consequence of food allergy: gastrointestinal reactions (oral allergy syndrome, vomiting, diarrhea, protein-induced enterocolitic syndrome, eosinophilic gastroenteritis); respiratory reactions (rhinitis, asthma, laryngeal edema); cutaneous reactions (urticariaangioedema, atopic dermatitis); anaphylaxis. There is much recent evidence to consider celiac disease an immunological disorder. Food allergy diagnosis is based on history, SPT, specific IgE, food challenges. DBPCFC is fundamental for diagnosing true food allergy; patients who have had anaphylaxis to food must not undergo DBPCFC. Rapidly progressive respiratory reactions and anaphylactic shock are life-threatening reactions that can be caused by food allergy. The doses of food inducing anaphylaxis can be very low, therefore commercial cross-contamination with an unsuspected food during food processing can be risky for the food allergic patient. The prevention of severe anaphylactic food reactions may lie in interdisciplinary collaboration among allergologists, chemists, food technologists, and experts in food industry research. 100 references were found when refined by Publication Year "1998-2000" Bibliographic Information Method and apparatus for analyte measurement under non isothermic conditions. Portaccio, Marianna; Santucci, Massimo; Rossi, Sergio; Bencivenga, Umberto; Gaeta, Francesco Saverio; Mita, Gustavo Damiano. (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy). Ital. (2000), 25 pp. CODEN: ITXXBY IT 1302906 B1 20001010 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 98-754 19981204. Priority: . CAN 137:244239 AN 2002:779892 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 1302906 Kind B1 Priority Application IT 1998-RM754 Date 20001010 Application No. IT 1998-RM754 Date 19981204 19981204 Abstract An invention involving a method for the measurement of analytes under non isothermic conditions and the biosensor app. for implementation. The method shows an improvement in parameter sensitivity and in reduced response time. The method may be used in the ecol., food and industrial sectors. Bibliographic Information 223 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Process and apparatus for the production of biological agents from vegetable material. The proposed system is characterized by high productivity, an automatic and continuous functioning and adaptability to industrial use. Baldo, Ruggero. (Italy). Ital. (2000), 18 pp. CODEN: ITXXBY IT 1302888 B1 20001010 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 98-734 19981201. Priority: . CAN 137:168401 AN 2002:666939 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 1302888 Kind B1 Priority Application IT 1998-RM734 Date 20001010 Application No. IT 1998-RM734 Date 19981201 19981201 Abstract An invention involving a method and app. for the continuous prepn. of biol. agents in aq. solns. The method is used for the prodn. of biol. agents, such as fungi, capable of intervening pos. in the degrdn. of lignin. The process and app. would render an enzymic aq. soln. of concd. biol. action with the ability to degrade vegetable matter. The enzymic soln. is obtained from two different phases; the "solid phase" provides the highly concd. enzymic soln. This process may have industrial applications in the following fields: pharmaceuticals, textiles, food, animal feed, etc. Bibliographic Information Genetic and molecular approaches for upgrading starch and protein fractions in maize kernels. Rossi, V.; Hartings, H.; Thompson, Richard D.; Motto, Mario. Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura - Bergamo Section, Bergamo, Italy. Genetika (Belgrade, Yugoslavia) (2000), 32(3), 283-301. Publisher: Yugoslav Union of Biological Sciences, CODEN: GNTKDF ISSN: 0534-0012. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 136:196964 AN 2002:16980 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In this review we have attempted to cover the recent research related to regulatory mechanisms of starch and storage protein synthesis in the maize seeds. Understanding the genetic organization and the regulatory mechanisms involved in carbohydrate and storage protein accumulation in maize seed may give use to novel approaches for increasing the nutritional value of grain and for producing materials for non-food manufg. industries. In particular, we focus our attention on the developmental genetic and environmental factors which appear to influence the compn. of carbohydrate and storage protein fractions in the seed. Genetic and mol. approaches for upgrading grain protein and starch quantity and quality of maize grains are also discussed. Bibliographic Information Cereal processing with whey or demineralized water to obtain food and feed products. Menegatto, Mario. (Te.Me, Italy). Ital. (1999), 27 pp. CODEN: ITXXBY IT 1297791 B1 19991220 Patent written in Italian. Application: IT 97-11 19971217. Priority: . CAN 136:36746 AN 2001:934124 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. IT 1297791 Kind B1 Date 19991220 Application No. IT 1997-RO11 Priority Application 224 Date 19971217 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 IT 1997-RO11 19971217 Abstract Biochem. and industrial procedures (e.g., hydrolysis, fermn., homogenization, sepn.) are used to obtain products from wet or dried cereals (e.g., corn) and cereal milling products by combining them with whey or demineralized water. The action of amylolytic or proteolytic enzymes, bacteria, fungi, etc., are used to produce probiotic high-protein flours, sugar syrups, oils, amino acid concs., yeasts, lactic acid bacteria, enzymes, probiotic products, etc. Bibliographic Information The phenomenology of bed defluidization during the pyrolysis of a food-packaging plastic waste. Arena, U.; Mastellone, M. L. Department of Environmental Sciences, Second University of Naples, Caserta, Italy. Recents Progres en Genie des Procedes (2000), 14(76), 649-656. Publisher: Tec & Doc - Lavoisier, CODEN: RPGPEX ISSN: 1166-7478. Journal written in English. CAN 136:10320 AN 2001:646659 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The stability of long-term operations of fluidized bed reactors utilized as pyrolyzers of plastics waste can be seriously compromised by particle agglomeration phenomena, which can generate a worsening of fluidization and eventually lead to the defluidization. In order to investigate this phenomenon, a polypropylene waste, coming from a food-packaging industry, has been fed in a lab. scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor. The effect of the main operating variables (bed hold-up, size of inert material, fluidizing velocity, feed rate of plastic pellets) was investigated by means of expts. carried out under inert atm. The time at which defluidization occurred was correlated with some process variables by means of linear relationships. A new modeling approach was also proposed in order to predict the risk of defluidization under different operating conditions. Bibliographic Information Packaging as an opportunity to create design that reflects the communicational, functional and logistical requirements of food products. Meroni, Anna. Milan, Italy. Packaging Technology & Science (2000), 13(6), 243-248. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., CODEN: PTSCEQ ISSN: 0894-3214. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 135:258000 AN 2001:263760 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 13 refs. Of industrial food products is the most important means of a product's image and taste value. When the nature of its interface contents are the product of carefully planned imaging, the product has advantages in defining its image and product identity. Modern food trends an ever-increasing amt. of services: The so-called "functional " and "active packaging" are prime examples of this service. The greatest within this category of products consists literally of their interaction food. These features create numerous fallbacks within all stages of the of a product, requiring a complex and multidisciplinary evaluation. The strategy of services which this packaging will offer to the consumer is to be defined, and still to be identified within the key applications are the of the intermediary links of the prodn. process. This requires the of the semantic and communicative aspects of the packaging which be confused with the foodstuffs, the individualization of appropriate user, control of logistical and location aspect of prodn., and a careful of a comprehensive environmental balance, all issues that are parts of the European project, Actipak. It is hoped, therefore, that the of these packaging systems will become a motive to try out a more and systematic design process for foodstuffs, in which innovative is used to provide effective benefits to the consumer. Bibliographic Information Analysis of milk ageing by a sol-gel sensors array. Siciliano, P.; Rella, R.; Capone, S.; Taurino, A.; Vasanelli, L. Dipartimento Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, Universita di Lecce, Lecce, Italy. Editor(s): Di Natale, Corrado; D'Amico, 225 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Arnaldo; Siciliano, Pietro. Sensors and Microsystems, Proceedings of the Italian Conference: Extended to Mediterranean Countries, 5th, Lecce, Italy, Feb. 12-16, 2000 (2000), 243-247. Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Singapore CODEN: 69AZQQ Conference written in English. CAN 135:60316 AN 2001:196536 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract There is growing interest in the development of electronic odor detection multisensor system for objective evaluation of aroma food. Study of food storage, freshness control and ageing is one of the most important application field for this new class of device (named the "electronic nose"). In this paper we report a specific application of semiconductor thin films-based electronic nose in the control of the rancidity of two different milk (UHT and pasteurized) during storage. The active elements of the array were undoped and Os-, Ni-, Pt-, Pd-doped SnO2 thin films prepd. by the sol-gel method. Principal Component Anal. (PCA), applied to the data coming from the sensor responses gave satisfactory results in tracking dynamic evolution of milk that could lead to com. application in the food industry. Bibliographic Information Molecular markers in olive trees: current status and potential applications to olive oils. Pasqualone, Antonella; Caponio, Francesco. Dip. Progettazione e Gestione Sistemi Agro-Zootecnici Forestali, Univ. Bari, Bari, Italy. Industrie Alimentari (Pinerolo, Italy) (2000), 39(398), 1397-1402. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INALBB ISSN: 0019-901X. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 134:279718 AN 2001:154112 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 38 refs. Olive (Olea europaea) plant DNA anal. using mol. markers may allow their possible applications in genome fingerprinting and identification of different plant individuals. In the agricultural and food industry this can have interesting applications for the identification of monovarietal raw olive oils and processed oil products. The various categories of mol. markers used in Olea europaea for cultivar identification purposes are described and their potential implications for virgin olive oils prodn. are discussed. This may help in detecting the presence of non-declared cultivars in the prodn. of virgin olive oils with recognized protected origin denomination (POD). Bibliographic Information In vitro genotoxicity of terbutryn evaluated by the alkaline single-cell microgel-electrophoresis "comet" assay. Villarini, M.; Scassellati-Sforzolini, G.; Moretti, M.; Pasquini, R. Department of Hygiene, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Cell Biology and Toxicology (2000), 16(5), 285-292. Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers, CODEN: CBTOE2 ISSN: 0742-2091. Journal written in English. CAN 135:1517 AN 2001:103190 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Terbutryn, a s-triazine herbicide, is extensively used in agriculture as a selective pre- and postemergence control agent for most grasses and many annual broadleaf weeds in cereal and legume fields, and under fruit trees. Terbutryn was reported to degrade slowly, with half-lives of 240 and 180 days in pond and river sediment, resp. The tendency of this herbicide to move from treated soils to water compartments through water runoff and leaching was demonstrated and residual amts. of terbutryn and its metabolites have been found in drinking water, and industrial food products, long after application. Although this herbicide may be regarded as a contaminant of our environment, only limited and inconsistent data exist concerning its genotoxic properties. In this study, the DNA-damaging ability of the herbicide was evaluated in the alk. single-cell microgel-electrophoresis ("comet") assay by testing terbutryn in the presence of S9mix (rat liver homogenate contg. microsomal enzymes plus cofactors) prepd. with liver homogenate from both uninduced (basal) and aroclor 1254-induced rats. DNA damage was recorded in freshly isolated human peripheral blood leukocytes. A statistically significant increase in the extent of primary DNA damage, more pronounced in the absence of S9mix, took place only when terbutryn concns. were high (100 and 150 g/mL), in the presence of a 226 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 concomitant mild cytotoxic effect. Bibliographic Information Safe design in dryers for food industry. Spigno, G.; De Faveri, D. Marco. Istituto di Enologia e Ingegneria Alimentare, Universita Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italy. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly (2000), 14(4), 125-131. Publisher: Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, CODEN: CBEQEZ ISSN: 0352-9568. Journal written in English. CAN 134:151748 AN 2001:59435 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In food processing operations org. dust thermal decompn. is possible. In this paper theor. models are presented for the safe design of equipment employed to work on org. dusts, such as dryers. Models are based on the well known theories of Semenov (uniform internal temp.) and Frank-Kamenetskii (non uniform internal temp.) and they are also useful to verify the thermal stability of the apparatuses during the process activities. Bibliographic Information Screening methodologies for genetic modified organisms (GMOs). Minunni, M.; Mascini, M.; Cozzani, I. Dipartimento di Sanita Pubblica, Epidemiologia e Chimica Analitica Ambientale, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy. Analytical Letters (2000), 33(15), 3093-3125. Publisher: Marcel Dekker, Inc., CODEN: ANALBP ISSN: 0003-2719. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 134:206731 AN 2001:8209 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 21 refs. There is an increasing need for anal. methods for the detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) detection in food due to the growth of use of GMOs, or their derivs., in the food industry. This paper aims to briefly introduce the reader to GMOs, to describe the state of the art in detection methods for GMOs, and to provide the reader with the assocd. terminol., mainly borrowed from mol. biol. The main characteristics of GMO are illustrated and future developments using the biosensor approach for detection are presented. Bibliographic Information Ochratoxin A determination in South Italian wines. Bertolini, Luca; Giampiccolo, Gabriella; Caggia, Cinzia; Ferri, Giovanni; Russo, Carlo. Dipartimento di Protexione Agroalimentare, Universita di Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Italy. Industrie delle Bevande (2000), 29(169), 473-476, 483. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INBEEW ISSN: 0390-0541. Journal written in Italian. CAN 134:206773 AN 2000:910208 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The general aspects and the risk assessment of Ochratoxin A contamination in wine was investigated. A screening on the presence of Ochratoxin A in wines ready for consumption was carried out in the South Italy area. Statistic design was applied by the following variables: color, grouping by price segment, and productive plant scale. Bibliographic Information Biochemical and histochemical responses to environmental contaminants in clam, Tapes philippinarum, transplanted to different polluted areas of Venice Lagoon, Italy. Nasci, C.; Da Ros, L.; Nesto, N.; Sperni, L.; Passarini, F.; Pavoni, B. Instituto di Biologia del Mare C.N.R., Venice, Italy. Marine Environmental Research (2000), 50(1-5), 425-430. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., CODEN: MERSDW ISSN: 0141-1136. Journal written in English. CAN 134:127051 AN 2000:898209 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 227 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract In this study the clam, Tapes philippinarum, a filter-feeding bivalve living in soft bottoms, was used to investigate the water/sediment pollution in Venice Lagoon (Venice, Italy), a heavily urbanized and industrialized area. To this end, clams collected from indigenous populations in a clean farming area (Val Doga) were transplanted into a relatively low contaminated site (Palude della Rosa) and in a heavily polluted area (Porto Marghera), for 5 wk. A range of possible induced stress indexes were measured, on the basis of potential toxicity mechanisms, including specific enzymic activities [Bap hydroxylase and NADPH cytochrome c reductase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and propionaldehyde dehydrogenase (PDH)] and general cellular responses (lysosomal latency). Moreover, chem. analyses (polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic arom. hydrocarbon, DDTs) were carried out on sediments and animal tissues at the beginning and end of the transplantation expts. The chem. results show an active bio-accumulation activity from sediment in clams translocated to the most polluted area. Correspondingly, biol. data indicate marked effects on PDH activity and latency in T. philippinarum from the same site. In contrast, no similar pattern has been obsd. in the other considered indexes, possibly due to antagonistic effects of the complex contaminant mixt. present in the environment. Bibliographic Information Stakeholders' influence and internal championing of product stewardship in the Italian food packaging industry. Braglia, Marcello; Petroni, Alberto. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Nucleare e della Produzione Universita di Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Journal of Industrial Ecology (2000), 4(1), 75-92. Publisher: MIT Press, CODEN: JINEFZ ISSN: 1088-1980. Journal written in English. CAN 134:222239 AN 2000:895276 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Environmental management is becoming a top issue on managers' agendas in several industries. The adoption and implementation of a sound "green" strategy involves following product stewardship practices. Product stewardship is the idea that manufacturers rather than consumers, governments, or waste companies, ought to take responsibility for the recycling and disposal of their products at the end of their life cycle. The relationships between the adoption of product stewardship and the involvement of different actors in the decision-making process have been investigated. By means of discriminant anal., 120 firms have been classified into two different environmental profiles. Results indicate that firms that are more committed to product stewardship differ from less-committed firms in the influence exerted by different stakeholders and in the supportive role played by the management at different hierarchical and functional levels. In general, it appears that top management involvement in the decision-making process is a crit. condition for the successful championship of product stewardship. In addn., the effective implementation of product stewardship along the product life-cycle stages is correlated to a strong commitment on the part of chief tech. officers and development engineers rather than of manufg. or marketing managers. Bibliographic Information 2,3-Butanediol production by Enterobacter aerogenes: selection of the optimal conditions and application to food industry residues. Perego, P.; Converti, A.; Del Borghi, A.; Canepa, P. Department of Chemical Engineering "G.B. Bonino", Genoa University, Genoa, Italy. Bioprocess Engineering (2000), 23(6), 613-620. Publisher: Springer-Verlag, CODEN: BIENEU ISSN: 0178-515X. Journal written in English. CAN 134:236302 AN 2000:887447 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Optimum values of temp., pH, and starting substrate concn. are exptl. detd. for 2,3-butanediol prodn. by Enterobacter aerogenes through three set of batch fermns. of synthetic glucose solns. The results of tests carried out at variable temp. show an optimum of 39 C and are used to est., for both fermn. and thermal inactivation, the activation enthalpies (7.19 and 23.6 kJ mol-1) and the related entropies (-0.32 and -0.27 kJ mol-1 K-1). An optimum pH value of 6.0 is evidenced from batch runs at variable pH, whose results are also used to make reasonable hypotheses on the reaction controlling the metabolic pathway which leads to butanediol. The fermentability of different food industry wastes, namely starch 228 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 hydrolyzate, both raw and decolored molasses, and whey, is studied. Bibliographic Information Method for agglomerating powders and apparatus for the implementation thereof. Chiappa, Ottorino. (Food Technologies S.R.L., Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (2000), CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1050221 A1 20001108 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO. Patent written in English. Application: EP 99-830274 19990506. Priority: . AN 2000:782632 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 1050221 Kind A1 Priority Application EP 1999-830274 Date Application No. Date 20001108 EP 1999-830274 19990506 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO 19990506 Abstract The present invention relates to a method and the assocd. app. for agglomerating powders, in particular for use in the food industry. More particularly, the present invention relates to an app. for agglomerating powders, comprising means for supplying the powders and means for wetting the powders, said means for supplying the powders comprising an extruder (3,103) and a metering device (4,26) which is arranged above said extruder and substantially in contact therewith, characterized in that said extruder (3,103) has a substantially semi-circular cross-section. A further aspect of the present invention relates to a method for agglomerating powders, characterized in that the powders are subjected beforehand to a homogeneous and uniform compacting action. Bibliographic Information Grain quality variation in hulled wheats (Triticum monococcum L., T.dicoccon Schrank and T.spelta L.). A review. Piergiovanni, Angela R. Germplasm Institute-CNR, Bari, Italy. Current Topics in Cereal Chemistry (1999), 2 29-35. Publisher: Research Trends, CODEN: CTCCF8 Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 134:130433 AN 2000:771040 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 60 refs. Hulled wheats, some of the oldest domesticated crops, are presently cultivated only in marginal areas of several European and Mediterranean countries. They are of strong interest to several research and development areas, including genetic resources, archaeobotany, plant breeding, rural development, nutritional science and food industry. Until now, cereal scientists have studied only few aspects and small segments of hulled wheat germplasm. A review of the literature concerning grain compn. of einkom (Triticum monococcum L.), emmer (T.dicoccon Schrank) and spelt (T.spelta L.) is presented. Inter-specific differences and intra-specific variation of the most important quality traits are discussed. Assuming that variation is the basis for improvement, the available knowledge indicates the presence of significant variation within each species; moreover, hulled wheat species differ to each other for some characteristics. Bibliographic Information Reduction of tin dissolution in canned tomatoes. Effect of some kinds of spices. Gelati, S.; Mignani, S.; Fragni, R.; Rizzi, F.; Grimaldi, M.; Montanari, A. Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Conserve Alimentari, Parma, Italy. Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara, Sezione 5: Chimica Pura ed Applicata, Supplemento (2000), 11(9th 229 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 European Symposium on Corrosion Inhibitors, 2000, Vol. 1), 137-148. Publisher: University of Ferrara, CODEN: AUFSAH ISSN: 0365-785X. Journal written in English. CAN 134:44967 AN 2000:744025 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Decreasing tin corrosion in cans contg. tomato puree-based products and diced tomatoes was investigated by adding some spices. The most common spices used in the food industry based on onion, basil, garlic and hot chilli pepper were examd. After a series of preliminary wt. loss tests made with a large variety of products of different origin, it was possible to divide these natural products into two main groups as a function of their inhibiting or accelerating effect on plain tinplate corrosion. These effects were checked by using a pack test with tomato puree to which the different spices had been added. The can corrosion level was studied by measuring tin and iron release at pre-established intervals 6 mo. During the pack test, the cans were stored at 20 and 37 . At the same time d.c. electrochem. corrosion tests were made to study the effect of each spice and assess the smallest concns. able to inhibit tin loss. Such tests were performed in a citric model soln. at pH 4. The possibility of using natural products to reduce the corrosion rate of the tinplate in canned tomatoes was confirmed. Bibliographic Information Nipre as a replacement for chromium plating of steels. Careri, Domenico. Italy. Trattamenti e Finiture (2000), 40(5/6), 91-92. Publisher: E.T.M. SRL, CODEN: TRFIFA ISSN: 0041-1833. Journal written in Italian. CAN 134:19767 AN 2000:735321 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract T.T.N. operate in nitriding, gas and ionic nitrocarburation, three years ago they added a post-oxidn. treatment to their prodn. consisting in the passivation of steel component surfaces to increase their corrosion resistance. Tests were carried out subjecting the components to salt mist for over 30 h. The aim was to identify a type of ferrous oxide capable of a greater resistance than that produced by chrome or nickel plating. Nipre was one the processes used in all the tests and proved to produce high levels of resistance, hardness and depth after nitriding. Nipre has already replaced galvanizing in numerous applications producing high resistance to wear with extremely low levels of surface rust, reducing friction between components and enabling application in the food industry as well as aggressive environments such as foundries, high humidity areas, at sea and for machines such as pumps and cylinders used outdoors. Bibliographic Information Analysis of vapors and foods by means of an electronic nose based on a sol-gel metal oxide sensors array. Capone, S.; Siciliano, P.; Quaranta, F.; Rella, R.; Epifani, M.; Vasanelli, L. INFM-Dipartimento Ingegneria dell'Innovazione, Universita di Lecce, Lecce, Italy. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (2000), B69(3), 230-235. Publisher: Elsevier Science S.A., CODEN: SABCEB ISSN: 0925-4005. Journal written in English. CAN 134:55636 AN 2000:719030 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A novel electronic nose based on a metal oxide gas sensors array, prepd. by means of the sol-gel method in the form of thin films, is described, including the fabrication process. Two different configurations of the array were developed: one consisting of sensors with the same sensing layer (SnO2) but different geometry and material for the elec. electrodes, and another consisting of chem. modified SnO2 thin films. Examples of application to the anal. of air pollutants (CO, NO2, CH4, C2H5OH and CH3OH) and different foods (oil, milk, tomato, wine, ground coffee). Recognition of different air contaminants and of the aroma of foods is achieved by using the principal component anal. Good discrimination among the clusters has been obtained indicating promising results for the application of the sensor array as electronic nose, in particular in the food industry for the classification of different olive oils. Bibliographic Information 230 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Capillary electrophoresis coupled to biosensor detection. Bossi, Alessandra; Piletsky, Sergey A.; Righetti, Pier Giorgio; Turner, Anthony P. F. Department of Agricultural and Industrial Biotechnologies, University of Verona, Verona, Italy. Journal of Chromatography, A (2000), 892(1+2), 143-153. Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V., CODEN: JCRAEY ISSN: 0021-9673. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 133:331572 AN 2000:700153 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review, with 81 refs., is given. The present review highlights some modern aspects of biosensor revelation, a detection method which has already found a large no. of applications in health care, food industry and environmental anal. First, the concept of bio-recognition, which is at the heart of biosensor technol., is discussed, with emphasis on host-guest-like recognition mechanisms. This detection device was successfully coupled, in its 1st applications, to chromatog. columns, which allow a high resoln. of complex mixts. of analytes prior to interaction with the biosensing unit. The properties of the transducing elements, which should generate a signal (e.g., electrochem., thermal, acoustic, optical) of proper intensity and of relative fast rise, are addnl. evaluated and discussed. The review then focuses on potential applications of biosensing units in capillary electrophoresis (CE) devices. CE appears to be an excellent sepn. methodol. to be coupled to biosensor detection, since it is based on miniaturized electrophoretic chambers, fast anal. times, complete automation in sample handling and data treatment and requires extremely small sample vols. Although only a few applications of CE-based biosensors were described up to the present, it is anticipated that this hyphenated technique could have a considerable expansion in the coming years. Bibliographic Information Coatings for food-compatible environments. 1st part. Pagella, C.; Fumi, D.; Galli, R.; Cervellati, G. Istituto di Ingegneria Alimentare, Univ. Cattolica, Piacenza, Italy. Pitture e Vernici, European Coatings (2000), 76(8), 7-9, 11-14, 16-19. Publisher: G.B.P. Communications, CODEN: PVECF5 Journal; General Review written in English/Italian. CAN 134:41213 AN 2000:610517 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 28 refs. The recent legislative provisions and the introduction of the HACCP methodol. have drawn attention to all the topics connected with the safety of food, including those related to the environments where food is manufd., preserved, packed and consumed, as well as the related coatings. The authors have recently pointed out the need for a test protocol for paints and varnishes to be used in environments where food is present, and they worked out the fundamentals. An overview is given of the results of an expts. based on the paints used; this permitted the drawing up a specific definition of the tests and led to a choice of the threshold values for control parameters. Bibliographic Information Upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) technology assay for AOX removal from mixed municipal-industrial wastewater. Goi, D.; Pivato, P.; Colussi, I.; Dolcetti, G. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly (2000), 14(2), 63-67. Publisher: Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, CODEN: CBEQEZ ISSN: 0352-9568. Journal written in English. CAN 133:227017 AN 2000:609914 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Effluents from urban wastewater treatment plants, were demonstrated to be polluted by org.-halogen compds. (OX). This kind of effluents are often reused for irrigation representing a potential source of contamination for soils, nevertheless, for the receiving bodies such as rivers or protected lagoons. The results of an exptl. test run with a UASBBiopaq pilot-scale plant fed with wastewater from a municipal treatment plant and loaded with rising simulated industrial AOX contg. water were shown. Results confirm that UASB technol. is successful in removing AOX with a rate of abatement 50-70% for inlet concn. 3000 g L-1 with no evident inhibition effects. Also, COD and TSS (Total Suspended Solids) removal is evident (60-80%) and gas prodn. after the acclimatization period stabilized at 0.6 L dm-3 days-1. 231 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information pH-sensitive amperometric biosensor. Pizzariello, Andrea; Stredansky, Miroslav; Stredanska, Silvia; Miertus, Stanislav. (Saicom S.r.l., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2000), 36 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2000046393 A1 20000810 Designated States W: AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 2000-EP455 20000121. Priority: IT 99-210 19990204. CAN 133:132098 AN 2000:553725 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 2000046393 Kind A1 IT IT EP EP A1 B1 A1 B1 99MI0210 1307750 1151134 1151134 AT 365810 US 7041209 T B1 Priority Application IT 1999-MI210 WO 2000-EP455 A W Date Application No. Date 20000810 WO 2000-EP455 20000121 W: AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW RW: GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW, AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 20000804 IT 1999-MI210 19990204 20011119 20011107 EP 2000-903603 20000121 20070627 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO, CY 20070715 AT 2000-903603 20000121 20060509 US 2001-890478 20010731 19990204 20000121 Abstract The present invention describes a new electrochem. biosensor comprising (i) a biocatalyst producing a pH change when interacting with the analyte to be detd. and (ii) a compd. exhibiting different redox properties both in its protonated and non-protonated forms (pH-sensitive redox compd.). The elements described above are integrated in a biosensor system composed of a working electrode and a ref. electrode connected to an ammeter. When the analyte is present, the system produces a current change that is proportional to the concn. of the analyte. The biosensors described herein can be used in the accurate detection of a wide range of analytes. They can be used in diagnostics, industrial processes, food and feed quality control, biotechnol., pharmaceutical industry, environmental monitoring and so on. Bibliographic Information Composition and in vitro antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Thymus herba-barona Loisel growing wild in Sardinia. Juliano, Claudia; Mattana, Antonella; Usai, Marianna. Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco, Universita degli Studi di Sassari, Sassari, Italy. Journal of Essential Oil Research (2000), 12(4), 516-522. Publisher: Allured Publishing Corp., CODEN: JEOREG ISSN: 1041-2905. Journal written in English. CAN 232 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 134:61324 AN 2000:547146 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Two samples of the essential oils from Thymus herba-barona Loisel (Labiatae) of Sardinian origin were chem. characterized and their antimicrobial activity evaluated, in comparison with T. vulgaris and T. serpyllum oils, on the basis of their min. inhibitory concns. (M.I.C.s) and of the contact times required to totally inhibit development of microorganisms. GC and GC/MS anal. showed that the main components of essential oils of T. herba-barona were carvacrol (75.4% and 73.0%), borneol (3.6% and 6.4%) and p-cymene (3.9% and 3.3%), while the percentage of thymol was very low (1.0% and 0.7%). Results of the antimicrobial investigation demonstrated that both oils possessed similar and relevant microbicidal activities, esp. against Gram+ bacteria (M.I.C.s range 0.125-0.500 mg/mL) and mycetes (M.I.C.s 0.125-0.500 mg/mL). At inhibitory concns., times required to kill microbial inocula (5-10 min) are comparable with those of chlorhexidine gluconate, an antiseptic with a broad range of antimicrobial activities. The strong activity of T. herba-barona oils is very probably due to the presence of carvacrol, which was found from our screenings to exhibit a similar antimicrobial activity. Our findings provide for a rationale basis of a possible utilization of this oil in fields requiring safe and cheap compds. with antiseptic and preservative properties, such as cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. Bibliographic Information Examples of applications of an electronic nose to the analysis of volatile compounds secreted outside the human body. Di Natale, Corrado; Macagnano, Antonella; Paolesse, Roberto; Mantini, Alessandro; Finazzi-Agro, Alessandro; D'Amico, Arnaldo. Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy. Editor(s): Hurst, W. Jeffrey. Electronic Noses & Sensor Array Based Systems: Design & Applications, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Olfaction and the Electronic Nose, 5th, Baltimore, MD, United States, Sept. 27-30, 1998 (1999), Meeting Date 1998, 198-204. Publisher: Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Lancaster, Pa CODEN: 69AFRZ Conference written in English. CAN 134:112568 AN 2000:528583 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Electronic noses have been applied to several disciplines such as food anal., environmental control and industrial processes; in this paper the use of electronic noses in medicine is introduced and discussed. In this paper a review about the main features of human body odor is given. First expts. concerning the measurement of the sensitivity of sensors towards a particular constituent of the skin odor and preliminary results of a survey of skin odor anal. in a population of individuals are reported. Furthermore, the possibility of the application of the electronic nose approach to follow the different phases of the ovulation cycle in woman is also presented. Preliminary results show that the sensor responses follow the periodicity of the ovulation cycle and that also some periodic sub-structures can be identified. Findings encourage in pursuing this research direction which can give rise to a better comprehension of the role of smell and odor in humans and, in the next future, in novel diagnostic tools. Bibliographic Information Identification of Listeria monocytogenes contamination sources in two fresh sauce production plants by pulsedfield gel electrophoresis. Pourshaban, M.; Gianfranceschi, M.; Gattuso, A.; Menconi, F.; Aureli, P. Food Laboratory, Istituto Superiore de Sanita, Rome, Italy. Food Microbiology (2000), 17(4), 393-400. Publisher: Academic Press, CODEN: FOMIE5 ISSN: 0740-0020. Journal written in English. CAN 134:4185 AN 2000:467429 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Twenty-three Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from two food-processing plants which produce fresh sauces, were serol. characterized and tested by the mouse biol. assay and mol. typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The use of PFGE for the characterization of these L. monocytogenes strains provided in plant A, valuable information about potential sites of cross-contamination and in plant B, a valuable insight into the presence of endemic 233 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 strains. The use of highly discriminating typing techniques such as PFGE and the thorough observance of GMPs and the HACCP system can reduce the incidence of L. monocytogenes in food-processing plants. (c) 2000 Academic Press. Bibliographic Information Prototype of a fiber optic sensor for online measurement of coating thickness. D'Emilia, Giulio. Dip. Energetica, Univ. L'Aquila, Roio Poggio AQ, Italy. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (1999), 3824(Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection), 297-304. Publisher: SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, CODEN: PSISDG ISSN: 0277-786X. Journal written in English. CAN 133:209745 AN 2000:462289 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The exptl. characterization of a transducer comprising a fiber optic and eddy current probes for the online measurement of coating thickness in food industry applications is described. The method is based on measuring thin steel sheet coating reflectance with a fiber optic probe. The eddy current proximity probe is to be used to measure the substrate position. To evaluate the feasibility of this approach, a particular attention was paid to the accuracy of the method, since an accuracy on the order of 1 m should be achieved for practical interest. The effect of the main interfering and modifying quantities of geometrical (sensor size, probe head angle of incidence, working distance, etc.) and optical (light source and photo-detector behavior stability, etc.) type was evaluated both theor. and exptl. by using a calibration test bench in stationary working conditions. Furthermore, a calibration test bench was built with a translating and vibrating steel plate to evaluate the effect of translation velocity of the plate and also of transverse vibration. Results of dynamic calibration are also described and discussed, to get information about the final sensor configuration. Bibliographic Information Human skin odor analysis by means of an electronic nose. Di Natale, C.; Macagnano, A.; Paolesse, R.; Tarizzo, E.; Mantini, A.; D'Amico, A. Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (2000), B65(1-3), 216-219. Publisher: Elsevier Science S.A., CODEN: SABCEB ISSN: 0925-4005. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 133:249062 AN 2000:456252 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review, with 5 refs. Electronic noses have been applied to several disciplines such as food anal., environmental control and industrial processes. In this paper the use of electronic noses in medicine is introduced and discussed. In this paper a review about the main features of human body odor is given. First expts. concerned with the measurement of the sensitivity of sensors towards a particular constituent of the skin odor, and preliminary results of a survey of skinodor anal. in a population of individuals are reported. Findings encourage pursuing this research direction that can give rise to a better comprehension of the role of smell and odor in humans and, in the next future, to a novel diagnostic tool. Bibliographic Information Multi-isotopic characterization of glycerol by using NMR and IRMS. Breas, O.; Fauhl, C.; Guillou, C.; Reniero, F.; Fuganti, C.; Fronza, G.; Grasselli, P.; Rossmann, A.; Hermann, A. Joint Research Centre, Environment Institute, Food and Drug Unit, Ispra (VA), Italy. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (1998), 34(1-2), 54. Publisher: Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, CODEN: IEHSF8 ISSN: 1025-6016. Journal written in English. CAN 133:42347 AN 2000:280316 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Authentication of glycerol is from different points of view a very interesting topic. Glycerol is a primary metabolite of living organisms, mainly stored in nature in esterified form in fats and oils. Its derivation from carbohydrates in the alc. fermn. has been recognized in a pioneering work by L. Pasteur and, subsequently, the enzymic nature of the biogeneration process has been established. Glycerol finds application in fairly large quantities in industrial food 234 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 prepns., i.e., chewing gum products, the main suppliers being the fat and oil industries. Consumers are more crit. and now being very selective about the origin of food products as well as the ingredients they contain. The appearance on the label of certain foods of the specification non animal origin for the glycerol included as humectant suggested a study of the isotopic compn. of glycerol samples of different origin. In the present study the authors have investigated the 13C and 18O content by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) and the site specific 2H content by NMR of different glycerols originating from vegetable oils and animal fats. IRMS measurements were performed on pure glycerol samples, whereas for 2H-NMR anal. also the triacetyl derivs. of glycerol were prepd. The multi-isotopic approach enabled us to characterize glycerols from C3 and C4 plants. In addn. there are observations indicating the possibility of differentiation between glycerol from vegetal oils and animal fats, the latter showing isotopic values related to the animal diet. Bibliographic Information Development of an electronic tongue based on potentiometric sensors. Mazzone, E.; Di Natale, C.; Mantini, A.; D'Amico, A.; Legin, A.; Rudnitskaya, A.; Vlasov, Yu. Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy. Editor(s): Di Natale, Corrado; D'Amico, Arnaldo; Davide, Fabrizio. Sensors and Microsystems, Proceedings of the Italian Conference, 4th, Roma, Feb. 3-5, 1999 (2000), Meeting Date 1999, 282287. Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Singapore CODEN: 68UUAK Conference written in English. CAN 132:353953 AN 2000:260409 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In the frame of a joint research between the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Sensors and Microsystems group), and the Labs. of Chem. Sensors of the University of St. Petersburg, an Electronic Tongue has been designed, constructed and applied to qual. anal. of different kinds of complex liqs., such as mineral waters, wines and biol. samples. The results presented in this paper show that the electronic tongue can give interesting information in various applications of fundamental interest (i.e. drinkable water control, food industry and medicine). Bibliographic Information Comparison between MOS and CP-based electronic noses in the discrimination of extra virgin olive oils. Gardini, M. Stefania; Allai, Matteo; Dalcanale, Enrico; Di Francesco, F.; Pioggia, G. Dipartimento di Chimica Organica e Industriale - Universita di Parma, Parma, Italy. Editor(s): Di Natale, Corrado; D'Amico, Arnaldo; Davide, Fabrizio. Sensors and Microsystems, Proceedings of the Italian Conference, 4th, Roma, Feb. 3-5, 1999 (2000), Meeting Date 1999, 265-269. Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Singapore CODEN: 68UUAK Conference written in English. CAN 133:57768 AN 2000:260403 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The MMMOS-based electronic nose has proved to be able to recognize the geog. origin of extra virgin olive oils. D.O.P. control and fraud detection are interesting application where the electronic nose can be successfully employed, provided that the operating parameters are adjusted to the specific needs. CP-based electronic nose technol. is promising, esp. from the point of view of the generation of hybrid electronic noses, where different types of sensors operate together (es. MOS-CP-QCM) to extend the range of applications. A final consideration about the general use of electronic noses in food industry: the aim of the electronic nose i not to replace the human sensory panels in food evaluation, since they are necessary to define the desired product quality, but to substitute them in routine work and quality control. Bibliographic Information An ISFET based chemical sensor for the food industry. Corra, M.; Pignatel, G. U.; Conci, P.; Margesin, B.; Zen, M.; Maglione, A. Lab. ElettroOttica, Lab. ElettroOttica, Facolta di Ingegneria dell' Universita, Trento, Italy. Editor(s): Di Natale, Corrado; D'Amico, Arnaldo; Davide, Fabrizio. Sensors and Microsystems, Proceedings of the Italian Conference, 4th, Roma, Feb. 3-5, 1999 (2000), Meeting Date 1999, 241-246. Publisher: World Scientific 235 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Singapore CODEN: 68UUAK Conference written in English. 132:355492 AN 2000:260390 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) CAN Abstract Silicon integrated ISFET (Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor) is widely used as pH sensor of electrolytic solns., and by adding properly designed membranes on top of the chem. sensitive gate area a variety of chems. of interest for the food industry can be detected. The main remaining problems to be solved for a wide acceptance of this type of sensor are the need of a ref. electrode, which contains dangerous and poisonous chems., like KCl and Ag/AgCl, and the development of esp. designed, bio-compatible packages. Finally, an efficient protection of the gate area with respect to ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) is required to assure the sensor long term reliability. In our sensor prototype a double ISFET chip has been designed and fabricated at IRST by a dedicated fabrication process. The use of two nominally identical ISFET transducers, one exposed to the electrolyte under testing and the other exposed to a suitably selected ref. soln. allows a differential read-out of the output signal, thus avoiding the need of the ref. electrode. The differential read-out also eliminates or drastically reduces all the problems related to the sensor drift, common mode noise and temp. fluctuations. A specially designed stainless steel package which completely covers the conventional plastic encapsulation is being used to assume a food bio-compatibility. A dedicated PCB mounted read-out electronics has been developed, which includes a const. voltage, const. current bias circuit, A/D conversion, micro-controller, data anal. and output signal display. The ISFET sensor is coupled with a Pt100 for simultaneous measurement of pH and temp. The prototype electrochem. characteristics and the results of preliminary tests on the field will be reported. Bibliographic Information Characterisation of olive oil by an electronic nose based on conducting polymer sensors. Stella, R.; Barisci, J. N.; Serra, G.; Wallace, G. G.; De Rossi, D. Centro 'Enrico Piaggio', School of Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (2000), B63(1-2), 1-9. Publisher: Elsevier Science S.A., CODEN: SABCEB ISSN: 0925-4005. Journal written in English. CAN 132:269105 AN 2000:236957 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Selection and testing of an array of conducting polymer sensors with extra-virgin olive oil samples is discussed as a first step towards developing an electronic nose dedicated to the detection of olive oil aroma. Different sensors produced by electrochem. and chem. techniques were initially exposed to a set of pure substances present in the headspace of extravirgin olive oil and meaningful for evaluation of its overall organoleptic characteristics. Four sensors showing the best sensitivity to these std. substances were chosen to conduct further expts. on com. olive oil. Two different exptl. set-ups and protocols for olive oil sampling were tested and compared, providing evidence on the best procedure needed to handle this foodstuff and on the possibility of using a dedicated sensing system for practical purposes in the olive oil industry. Three different extra-virgin Italian types of olive oil were easily distinguished with an array of 4 sensors; it was also possible to detect changes in the arom. content of the headspace after sample handling. Different samples of the same oil showed reproducible responses. Bibliographic Information Physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological characteristics of ovine ricotta cheese from Sardinia. Cherchi, A.; Porcu, M.; Spanedda, L.; Tuberoso, C. I. G. Dipartimento di Economia dell'Impresa, della Tecnologia, dell'Ambiente-Seizione di Merceologia, Universiti degli Studi di Cagliari, Catliari, Italy. Rivista di Scienza dell'Alimentazione (1999), 28(3), 307-314. Publisher: Fondazione per lo Studio degli Alimenti e della Nutrizione, CODEN: RSAIE3 ISSN: 1126-9480. Journal written in English. CAN 133:29893 AN 2000:198611 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Ovine ricotta cheese is well known and appreciated, in view of its nutritional and organoleptic properties. Its prodn. in Sardinia is mainly carried out on an artisan basis, though in due respect of the Legislative Decree # 155 (26/5/97) on the 236 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 introduction of the Hazard Anal. and Crit. Control Point System in food industries. The increasing consumers' interest for this product drove us to carry out an exptl. investigation on Sardinian ovine ricotta cheese. During a six-month period com. samples produced in the province of Cagliari were tested: physico-chem., organoleptic and microbiol. analyses were performed; the percentages of the main nutritional components, the organoleptic characteristics and the microbiol. parameters were evaluated. The changes regarding the physico-chem. parameters were moderate; in some cases, a certain variability was detected for fats and proteins. Sensory analyses showed that the organoleptic characteristics were good for all the samples tested. Microbiol. analyses allowed to point out the absence of pathogenic micro-organisms and a generally modest microbial contamination. Data from our investigation sufficiently agree with those of the literature, which are quite scarce. As a matter of fact, a deep comparison is not possible owing to the lack of homogeneity as to the parameters considered and the anal. methods employed. However, for almost all the samples we analyzed the data were within the limits reported in the cited papers. Bibliographic Information Analysis of Benzothiazole in Italian Wines Using Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Bellavia, Vincenzo; Natangelo, Marco; Fanelli, Roberto; Rotilio, Domenico. Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri - Consorzio Mario Negri Sud Gennaro Paone Environmental Health Center, Santa Maria Imbaro, Italy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2000), 48(4), 1239-1242. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: JAFCAU ISSN: 0021-8561. Journal written in English. CAN 132:292860 AN 2000:158260 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Benzothiazoles are a part of the mol. structure of a large no. of natural products, biocides, drugs, food flavors, and industrial chems. They also appear in the environment mainly as a result of their prodn. and use as rubber vulcanization accelerators. A new headspace solid-phase microextn. (HS-SPME) method for anal. of benzothiazole (BTH) in wine is described. This method is fast, inexpensive, and does not require solvents. The detection limit of BTH in wine was 45 ppt. with linearity up to 100 ppb. The quantification of BTH is performed by the std. addns. method and does not require the use of an internal std. Wines (12) from different grape varieties grown in several regions were analyzed, using SPME extn. and gas chromatog.-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) detection. Under these exptl. conditions, benzothiazole was found in all wines analyzed. Concn. levels in samples varied from 0.24 g/L (Vermentino) to 1.09 g/L (Franciacorta). Bibliographic Information An analysis of the performance of membrane reactors for the water-gas shift reaction using gas feed mixtures. Criscuoli, A.; Basile, A.; Drioli, E. Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy. Catalysis Today (2000), 56(1-3), 53-64. Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V., CODEN: CATTEA ISSN: 0920-5861. Journal written in English. CAN 132:182855 AN 2000:114918 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The water-gas shift (WGS) reaction in membrane reactors has been widely studied by several authors. From these works, the increase of the CO conversion above the equil. values appears to be possible when hydrogen is removed through the membrane. However, to date, this feasibility has been verified mostly when feeding pure reagents to the reactor, although in an industrial context the feed normally contains several other compds. The objective of this work has been to analyze the effect of the feed compn. on the membrane reactor efficiency in order to det. the best conditions in terms of CO conversion. At this purpose, exptl. tests with mixts. of different compns. have been carried out in three different systems of reaction: (1) traditional fixed-bed reactor; (2) membrane reactor with mesoporous ceramic membrane; (3) membrane reactor with palladium membrane. The expts. included permeation (for the membrane reactors) and reaction tests. The exptl. results obtained with the various systems of reaction have been compared. A math. model has been also formulated for the different type of reactors used in order to verify the exptl. results obtained. From the work carried out it can be concluded that by using the palladium membrane reactor it is possible to overcome the equil. conversion. Moreover, a complete conversion has been achieved for one of the mixts. fed to the reactor. 237 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Milk components in traditional products and in new food formulations. Innocente, Nadia; Corradini, Cesare. Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti, Udine, Italy. Scienza e Tecnica Lattiero-Casearia (1999), 50(5), 381-393. Publisher: Associazione Italiana Tecnici del Latte, CODEN: SLCAAF ISSN: 0390-6361. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 133:16437 AN 2000:111289 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 10 refs. Milk is a complex system of components in soln., emulsion, and colloidal dispersion. The stability of milk and the way by which most important milk derivs. are obtained depend on the physicochem. properties of the main components (casein micelles, fat globules) and on the their interactions with water and the solid components. The current necessity to maximize economic benefits in milk prodn. and dairy industry suggest to consider the use of milk proteins not only in the prodn. of traditional dairy products, but also in nontraditional food products. The nontraditional product formulations should attempt to utilize the physicochem. and interactive behavior of milk proteins and to enhance or suppress certain aspects as needed. Bibliographic Information News items. Safer foods for Italians. Garbillo, Daniela. Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan) (1999), 81(9), 1154-1155. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal written in Italian. AN 2000:79724 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Foodstuffs safety is the aim of the crop protection products industry: the results of the inquiries carried out by the qualified Departments and Agrofarma prove that consumers can swallow by the diet only an insignificant percentage of the acceptable daily intake values of residues. Bibliographic Information Measures of TC/TOC-MPC (multiple point control) in quality systems and process control. Tateo, Valerio; Lubian, Elisabetta. Shimadzu Italia, Milan, Italy. Industrie Alimentari (Pinerolo, Italy) (1999), 38(386), 13021305. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INALBB ISSN: 0019-901X. Journal written in Italian. CAN 132:307411 AN 2000:22235 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The authors suggest the detn. of TC/TOC (total carbon/total org. carbon) as a parameter useful for quality and process control in various industrial processes, esp. in food industry. Model solns. of ethanol (0.05-2.52 mL/L), yellow coloring agent E-110 (curcumin; 83.5-167.0 mg/L), and K sorbate (195.5-295.5 mg/L) were used to verify the use of a single instrumental parameter for monitoring the target compd. concns. The C content was detd. instrumentally using total sample decompn., catalytic oxidn. at high temp. (680 C), and measurement of produced CO2 by near-IR spectrophotometry. The data confirmed the possibility of using TC/TOC data for monitoring the concns. in process control. The TC/TOC data allow to use only one anal. method for monitoring different crit. points in an industrial process. There is a possibility of centralizing the data concerning different quality and process control measures, thus decreasing the costs involved. Bibliographic Information Simple HPLC detection and determination of synthetic acid dyes in food. Frattini, Valeria; Lionetti, E. Claudia. P.M.I.P. - Unita Operative Chimica, Monza, Italy. Bollettino dei Chimici Igienisti, Parte Scientifica (1998), 49(S3), 191-199. Publisher: Societa Editoriale Farmaceutica, CODEN: BCISEN Journal written in Italian. CAN 132:278300 AN 2000:6400 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 238 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract A rapid HPLC method for simultaneous sepn. and quantification of multiple dyes in food is described. The dyes are extd. from food with a basic water soln. and the co-extractives are removed by C18 SPE after acidification of the ext. The final ext. is analyzed by HPLC with visible detection; the mobile phase contains methanol/water/buffer pH 2.5. The quant. external std. method was chosen in order to det. the amt. of dye added to some typical industrial foods. Good sensitivity and linearity were evaluated in the concn. range studied: 10-200 ppm (correlation coeff. ranged from 0.8987 to 0.9989). The method was applied to the detn. of com. colored food: chewing gums (red, blue, yellow), jams, synthetic saffron and cake decoration. Bibliographic Information Recyclable multi-layer material in polyester resin. Ghisolfi, Guido. (Sinco Ricerche S.p.A., Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (1999), 5 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 967074 A2 19991229 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO. Patent written in English. Application: EP 99-111078 19990617. Priority: IT 98-1463 19980626; IT 98-2078 19980925. CAN 132:49372 AN 1999:819020 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 967074 EP 967074 Kind A2 A3 IT 1301813 IT 1302278 TW 499363 KR 2000006246 US 7182985 CA 2276792 JP 2000025185 JP 3426539 NO 9903178 AU 9936799 AU 758170 HU 9902201 HU 9902201 RU 2194657 MX 9906062 IN 1999CA00778 B1 B1 B A B1 A1 A B2 A A B2 A2 A3 C2 A A Priority Application IT 1998-MI1463 IT 1998-MI2078 A A Date Application No. Date 19991229 EP 1999-111078 19990617 20010516 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO 20000707 IT 1998-MI1463 19980626 20000905 IT 1998-MI2078 19980925 20020821 TW 1999-88109996 19990615 20000125 KR 1999-22693 19990617 20070227 US 1999-334891 19990617 19991226 CA 1999-2276792 19990623 20000125 JP 1999-178054 19990624 20030714 19991227 NO 1999-3178 19990625 20000113 AU 1999-36799 19990625 20030320 20000328 HU 1999-2201 19990625 20020228 20021220 RU 1999-114447 19990625 20050110 MX 1999-6062 19990625 20050902 IN 1999-CA778 19990913 19980626 19980925 Abstract Recyclable multi-layer material in polyester resin suitable for the prodn. of beverage and food containers comprises a layer of foam in polyester resin with d. <700 kg/m3, and a film of polyester resin adhered to the foamed sheet. On the multi-layer material a pattern is creased according to which by folding it is possible to develop the shape of a container. Bibliographic Information 239 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Use of a molecular typing method to evaluate the control of Listeria monocytogenes contamination in a poultry meat processing plant. Pourshaban, M.; Gianfranceschi, M.; Gattuso, A.; Aureli, P. Food Microbiology Laboratory, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Italian Journal of Food Science (1999), 11(3), 257-264. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: ITFSEY ISSN: 1120-1770. Journal written in English. CAN 132:193372 AN 1999:803965 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The usefulness of a mol. typing method was used to assess the efficacy of control measures to eradicate or reduce contamination at crit. points in a food processing plant. We analyzed Listeria monocytogenes (L.m.) strains isolated from poultry meat samples collected during official checks over a seven month period. The L.m. strains were compared using the pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) mol. typing method with three enzymes (ApaI, AscI, SmaI). Results showed that the food processed in the plant had been contaminated by two L.m. clones. This confirms the need for accurate cleaning and disinfection of equipment and environment to prevent cross-contamination. Bibliographic Information Titanium in the food industry. Feliciani, Roberta; Marcoaldi, Roberta; Gramiccioni, Luciana; Caiazza, Salvatore; Giamberardini, Silvia. Laboratoria di Tossicologia Applicata, Ist. Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy. Industrie delle Bevande (1999), 28(163), 500-502. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INBEEW ISSN: 0390-0541. Journal written in Italian. CAN 132:136576 AN 1999:795013 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The Ti physicochem. properties suggest that it could be used in materials and equipment coming into contact with foodstuffs. It could be used in food industry fields where corrosive or delicate liqs. are manipulated. The behavior of Ti in contact with foodstuffs was studied. The corrosion of 2 ref. stainless steel samples (AISI 304 and 316) and com. pure Ti (>99.2%) in contact with different food simulants was studied under various conditions of time and temp. (30 min/100 C or 10 days/40 C). The simulant solns. were 3% aq. acetic acid with or without satn. with 18-20% NaCl (brine). The specimens were then submitted to morphol. anal. to evaluate metal surface modifications. The steel 304 showed signs of corrosion esp. in contact with the brine, while the steel 316 and Ti samples were resistant. Bibliographic Information Evaluation of the risk of groundwater pollution by agricultural activities in Cremona Province. Trevisan, Marco; Padovani, Laura; Capri, Ettore. Istituto di Chimica Agraria ed Ambientale, Facolta di Agraria, Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italy. Quaderni di Tecniche di Protezione Ambientale (1999), 63(Impatto Ambientale di Metalli Pesanti ed Elementi in Tracce), 77-88. Publisher: Pitagora Editrice, CODEN: QTPAFH Journal written in Italian. CAN 131:341563 AN 1999:755686 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This study illustrates the methodologies which have been adopted to evaluate the hazard level of farming activities in the province of Cremona, Italy, through a parametric approach based on the definition of potential hazard indexes (nonpoint source agricultural hazard indexes). Two categories of parameters were chosen: the hazard factors, which represent all farming activities which cause or may cause an impact on groundwaters (use of fertilizers and pesticides, application of livestock and poultry manure, food industry wastewater and urban sludge), and control factors which adapt the hazard factor to the characteristics of the site (geog. location, slope, agronomic practices and type of irrigation). The hazard index (Hi) can be calcd. by multiplying the hazard factors by the control factors and the nonpoint source agricultural hazard indexes is obtained from Hi dividing it into classes on a percentile basis using a scale ranging from 1 to 10. Organization, processing and displaying of all data layers was performed by Geog. Information System ArcView and its Spatial Analyst extension. Results show that the potential hazard of contamination by farming activities in the province of Cremona falls mainly in the 5th class (very low hazard). 240 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Production, recovery and purification of bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria. Parente, E.; Ricciardi, A. Dipartimento di Biologia, Difesa e Biotechnologie Agro-Forestali, Universita della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (1999), 52(5), 628-638. Publisher: Springer-Verlag, CODEN: AMBIDG ISSN: 0175-7598. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 132:49049 AN 1999:737094 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 82 refs. Bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria are a heterogeneous group of peptide inhibitors which include lantibiotics (class I, e.g. nisin), small heat-stable peptides (class II, e.g. pediocin AcH/PA1) and large heat-labile proteins (class III, e.g. helveticin J). Many bacteriocins belonging to the first two groups can be successfully used to inhibit undesirable microorganisms in foods, but only nisin is produced industrially and is licensed for use as a food preservative in a partially purified form. This review focuses on the prodn. and purifn. of class I and class II bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria. Bacteriocin prodn. is growth assocd. but the yield of bacteriocin per unit biomass is affected by several factors, including the producing strain, media (carbohydrate and nitrogen sources, cations, etc.) and fermn. conditions (pH, temp., agitation, aeration and diln. rate in continuous fermns.). Continuous fermn. processes with cell recycle or immobilized cells can result in a dramatic improvement in productivity over batch fermns. Several simple recovery processes, based on adsorbing bacteriocin on resins or silica compds., have been developed and can be used to build integrated prodn. processes. Bibliographic Information The use of exhausted olive husks as fuel in the Calabrian bread-baking industry. Nicoletti, G. Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy. Editor(s): Overend, Ralph P.; Chornet, Esteban. Biomass: A Growth Opportunity in Green Energy and Value-Added Products, Proceedings of the Biomass Conference of the Americas, 4th, Oakland, Calif., Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 1999 (1999), 2 1467-1473. Publisher: Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK CODEN: 68IQAG Conference written in English. CAN 132:24755 AN 1999:710681 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Exhausted olive husks are a biomass byproduct from the olive oil working cycle that has very interesting energy characteristics. This paper considers the use of this biomass as an alternative to or integrative energy source with conventional fuels in the Calabrian bread baking sector, and it outlines its potential and economic viability. Various energy scenarios are suggested for a Calabrian bakery, by means of a detailed anal. of economic convenience. Bibliographic Information Conducting polymer based device for odour detection. Stella, Rita; Serra, Giorgio; De Rossi, Danilo; Barisci, Joseph N.; Wallace, Gordon G.; Harris, Paul D.; Andrews, Mike K.; Partridge, Ashton C. Centro "E. Piaggio" Faculty of Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Advances in Science and Technology (Faenza, Italy) (1999), 26(Solid State Chemical and Biochemical Sensors), 363-368. Publisher: Techna, CODEN: ASETE5 Journal written in English. CAN 132:211771 AN 1999:659971 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Sensory anal. by panels of human assessors is currently being used for odor classification in several industrial applications, such as perfume formulation or food and beverages quality control. Recent efforts in the development of systems for odor detection (combining arrays of sensors with overlapping sensitivities and pattern recognition techniques for aroma classification) have led to an increasing industrial interest and a growing demand for dedicated instrumentation and methodols. The challenges in this area are mainly related to: synthesis and characterization of new sensing materials, design and improvement of techniques for sensor fabrication (material processing, patterning and packaging), and design of instruments (hardware and software) able to satisfy requirements of low cost and high 241 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 accuracy,. In this work, the evaluation of an array of sensors produced using both chem. and electrochem. techniques for the application in an instrument dedicated to olive oil headspace anal. is presented. Bibliographic Information Industrial application of biocatalytic processes. Gennari, Fabiana; Miertus, Stgtanislav; Stredansku, Miro; Pizzio, Francesco. ICS-UNIDO (International Centre for Science and High Technology), Trieste, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan) (1999), 81(6), 711-719. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 131:270985 AN 1999:614954 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 14 refs. Enzymes are biocatalysts that enable numerous biochem. reactions. They present a high level of selectivity, work under mild conditions, are easy to dispose of and are environmentally friendly. This review presents some examples of com. applications of enzymes in different industries, such as detergent, food, textile, pulp and paper, starch and sugar. oil and fat, beverages, backing, leather, and fine chem. All the cases in which the use of enzymes presents, if compared to conventional processes, as significant improvement in terms of environmental protection, will be emphasized. Bibliographic Information Towards the electronic nose applications in medicine: The skin odor analysis. Macagnano, Antonella; Di Natale, Corrado; Paolesse, Roberto; Mantini, Alessandro; D'Amico, Arnaldo. Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy. Editor(s): Di Natale, Corrado; D'Amico, Arnaldo; Sberveglieri, Giorgio. Sensors and Microsystems, Proceedings of the Italian Conference, 3rd, Genova, Feb. 11-13, 1998 (1999), Meeting Date 1998, 201-204. Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore, Singapore CODEN: 68BGAJ Conference written in English. CAN 132:104798 AN 1999:563681 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Electronic noses have been applied to several disciplines such as food anal., environmental control and industrial processes, in this paper the use of electronic noses in medicine is outlined. In the paper a review about the main features of human body odor is given. First expts. concerning with the measure of the sensitivity of sensors towards a particular constituent of the skin odor and the preliminary result of a survey of skin odor in a population of individuals are reported. Results encourages in pursuing this application which may arose both in an increased comprehension of the role of smell and odor in humans and in the next future in a novel diagnosis tool. Bibliographic Information Electrochemical biosensors for quality control in the food industry. Palleschi, G.; Compagnone, D.; Moscone, D. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, Universita' Tor Vergata, via della Ricerca Scientifica, Rome, Italy. Editor(s): Di Natale, Corrado; D'Amico, Arnaldo; Sberveglieri, Giorgio. Sensors and Microsystems, Proceedings of the Italian Conference, 3rd, Genova, Feb. 11-13, 1998 (1999), Meeting Date 1998, 40-47. Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore, Singapore CODEN: 68BGAJ Conference written in English. CAN 132:49183 AN 1999:563656 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Enzyme electrodes and/or reactors for the detn. of lysine content in food proteins, lactulose in milk and glycerol in wine have been developed. The general strategy consisted in the covalent immobilization of enzymes as glycerol-3-P oxidase, glycerokinase, lysine oxidase, fructose dehydrogenase and -galactosidase onto a membrane or glass beads with electrochem. detection of the reaction products. A Flow Injection Anal. manifold was used for lysine and glycerol while microdialysis sampling was used for lactulose. This work presents data about the anal. optimization of the biosensors as well as application to real samples anal. 242 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Dry citrus rinds for the production of feeds in Italy. Di Giacomo, Angelo; Postorino, Enrico; Gionfriddo, Francesco. Italy. Essenze, Derivati Agrumari (1998), 68(3), 300-308. Publisher: Stazione Sperimentale per lÏIndustria delle Essenze e dei Derivati Agrumari, CODEN: EDAGAH ISSN: 0014-0902. Journal written in Italian. CAN 131:169574 AN 1999:516668 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The Italian citrus industry generates large amts. of processing byproducts (after juice pressing and oil extn.) with potential use as animal feeds. The mix of orange and citrus byproducts was neutralized with limestone and ground to a paste. The liq. phase was pressed out and concd. by evapn. to molasses, which was subsequently mixed with the solids to yield a mixt. with lower water content. This mixt. was then dried in a drum dryer to the final dry matter content of .apprx.88%. Dry matter, Brix degree, carbohydrates, total N, minerals, pectins, and flavonoids were detd. during the process. Anal. of the dry final product showed 9.05-9.80% total carbohydrates, 0.77-0.79% total N (corresponding to 4.81-4.94% protein), 10.90-11.80% minerals (0.18-0.24% Na, 0.55-1.20% K, 2.24-5.52% Ca, 0.094-0.095% Mg, 0.0650.087% P), 3.03-4.00% flavonoids (hesperidine, eriocitrin, narirutin, didymine), and 1.03-1.20% pectins. Bibliographic Information Water quality in the foodstuff industry: problems due to the use of drinkable water containing iron and manganese. Profumo, Antonella; Spini, Giovanni; Cucca, Lucia; Testori, Gian Maria; Mannucci, Barbara. Dipartimento di Chimica Generale, Universita degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia, Italy. Annali di Chimica (Rome) (1999), 89(7-8), 499-504. Publisher: Societa Chimica Italiana, CODEN: ANCRAI ISSN: 0003-4592. Journal written in English. CAN 131:120473 AN 1999:489159 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Filtration of chlorinated drinkable waters contg. iron and manganese used in the technol. cycles of many foodstuff industries, is not sufficient to prevent the formation, after pasteurization, of yellow-brown ppts. of Fe(OH)3 and MnO2, as evidenced by chem.-phys. analyses. Those ppts. can change the quality of the foodstuff products which come in contact with the pasteurized water in any step of the prodn. and, in particular, of those dairy products, such as mozzarella, which are packed up, to keep them fresh, in watery soln. prepd. with the same water. To avoid the formation of these insol. compds., drinkable water should not contain any trace of iron and manganese, or a ligand able to complex both iron and manganese should be added to it. The results of this paper explain the cause of the formation of these ppts. and show how the addn. of citric acid to water, a substance commonly used as a preservative in the foodstuff industry, prevents the formation of Fe(OH)3 and MnO2. Bibliographic Information The electronic nose in the food industry: the extra virgin olive oil case. Dalcanale, Enrico; Gardini, M. Stefania; Allai, Matteo. Dip. di Chimica Organica e Industriale, Univ. Parma, Parma, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan) (1999), 81(4), 465-469. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal written in English. CAN 131:157019 AN 1999:488821 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Electronic noses are rapidly becoming a valuable tool for the organoleptic evaluation of food parameters related to taste and smell. This new technol. may replace human sensory panels in quality control applications, where the objective, rapid, and synthetic evaluation of the aroma of many specimens is required. This article shows how to select the operating conditions for a given application and highlights potentials, limits and future trends of electronic noses. The instrumentation, sensors, odor profiling, operating parameters and data acquisition, discriminant function anal., and discriminant power of sensors are discussed. An example of virgin olive oil anal. and detection of possible adulteration using this technol. and data evaluation is presented. 243 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Process for the industrial production of high purity hydrogen peroxide. Bianchi, Ugo Piero; Leone, Umberto; Lucci, Mauro. (Ausimont S.p.A., Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (1999), 9 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 930269 A1 19990721 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO. Patent written in English. Application: EP 99-100238 19990108. Priority: IT 98-72 19980116; IT 981394 19980618. CAN 131:89805 AN 1999:460257 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 930269 EP 930269 Kind A1 B1 IT IT US US B1 B1 A1 B2 1298142 1301745 20010009655 6333018 Priority Application IT 1998-MI72 IT 1998-MI1394 A A Date Application No. Date 19990721 EP 1999-100238 19990108 20021127 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, LT, LV, FI, RO 19991220 IT 1998-MI72 19980116 20000707 IT 1998-MI1394 19980618 20010726 US 1999-231824 19990115 20011225 19980116 19980618 Abstract Process for the industrial prodn. of hyperpure hydrogen peroxide also having high titer up to 60-70% by wt. characterized in that the hydrogen peroxide produced in an industrial plant is directly fed to a purifn. unit, being part of the same prodn. plant, in which the inverted osmosis, sepn. of the the high purity permeate flow and direct recycle of the concd. flow to the prodn. plant, are carried out. Bibliographic Information Development and application of amperometric biosensors in food analysis. Compagnone, D.; Moscone, D.; Palleschi, G. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata" via della Ricerca Scientifica, Rome, Italy. Recent Research Developments in Pure & Applied Analytical Chemistry (1998), 1 73-86. Publisher: Transworld Research Network, CODEN: RPAAFR Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 131:213236 AN 1999:390192 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 11 refs. on amperometric enzyme electrodes of potential use for food industry developed recently in the author's lab. Bibliographic Information Performances of a fiber optic sensor for on line measurement of coating thickness. D'Emilia, Giulio. Dipartimento di Energetica, University of L'Aquila, Roio Poggio, Italy. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (1999), 3538(Process Monitoring with Optical Fibers and Harsh Environment Sesors), 174-179. Publisher: SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, CODEN: PSISDG ISSN: 0277-786X. Journal written in English. CAN 130:254163 AN 1999:252679 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 244 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Abstract Some aspects concerning a methodol. for the measurement of thickness of dry and wet coatings which is based on a fiber optic probe are discussed in order to verify the feasibility of this approach and the capability of such a probe of on line measuring. In this preliminary step of the research some problems are discussed mainly concerning the methodol. which has been proposed and which is based on the measuring of the reflectance of the coating plated on thin steel sheets for use in the food industry. Furthermore the effect of the main interfering and modifying quantities is discussed both theor. and exptl. when the measurement has to be carried out in order to allow online coating thickness measurements with satisfactory accuracy. Bibliographic Information Profile of a company. Dalmine Tube and State Steelworks (ATB). The art of gas cylinders. Gargantini, Mario. Dalmine ATB Spa, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan) (1999), 81(1), 93-95. Publisher: Editrice Bias Sas, CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal written in Italian. AN 1999:248218 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Ninety years of activity and an unceasing technol. improvement make Dalmine ATB the world leading producer of pressure vessels. The company is part of the Techint Group and is increasing its presence on the global market. High quality products and high efficiency of plants, allow Dalmine to meet users needs and to serve new emergent sectors as food industry and the environment. Bibliographic Information Production of bacterial exopolysaccharides by solid substrate fermentation. Stredansky, Miroslav; Conti, Elena; Navarini, Luciano; Bertocchi, Claudia. Area Science Park, POLYtech S.C.ar.l., Trieste, Italy. Process Biochemistry (Oxford) (1999), 34(1), 11-16. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., CODEN: PBCHE5 ISSN: 1359-5113. Journal written in English. CAN 130:337015 AN 1999:223935 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In a comparison of submerged cultivation (SC) with solid substrate fermn. (SSF) for the prodn. of bacterial exopolysaccharides (EPS), the latter technique yielded 2 to 4.7 times more polymer than the former, on the lab. scale. SSF was performed using inert solid particles (spent malt grains) impregnated with a liq. medium. The polymer yields obtained from SSFs, as referred to the impregnating liq. vols., were as follows: 38.8 g/L xanthan from Xanthomonas campestris, 21.8 g/L succinoglycan from Rhizobium hedysari and 20.3 g/L succinoglycan from Agrobacterium tumefaciens PT45. These results make this technique promising for a potential application on the industrial scale. A further advantage with this fermn. process is found in the availability and low cost of substrates, which are obtained as byproducts or wastes from the agriculture or food industry. Bibliographic Information New technique for online measurement of the Brix degree. Felisari, Ezio. Tecnova HT, Italy. Tecnologie Chimiche (1998), 18(8), 80-82. Publisher: Gruppo Editoriale Stammer, CODEN: TECCDK ISSN: 0392-3452. Journal; General Review written in Italian. CAN 130:208912 AN 1999:178353 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with no listed refs. In order to guarantee the quality of food and beverages, it is necessary to use digital refractometers which correctly monitor the concns. of intermediates and end products. A description of the use of the new digital refractometer PR-03-A made by K-Patents (Finland) and distributed in Italy by Tecnova HT is presented. 245 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 The principles of operation, construction details, measurement precision, installation procedures, sanitary aspects, and various applications are presented. Bibliographic Information Titanium in food industry. Feliciani, Roberta; Marcoaldi, Roberta; Gramiccioni, Luciana; Caiazza, Salvatore; Giamberardini, Silvia. Lab. Tossicol. Appl., Ist. Super Sanita, Rome, Italy. Industrie Alimentari (Pinerolo, Italy) (1999), 38(377), 13-15. Publisher: Chiriotti Editori spa, CODEN: INALBB ISSN: 0019-901X. Journal written in Italian. CAN 130:195934 AN 1999:168401 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The Ti behavior in contact with foods was studied. Because of its physicochem. properties, Ti could be used as a material intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. It could be used in food industry where manipulation of corrosive or delicate liqs. is of major concern. The corrosion phenomena were studied at different conditions of temp. and time using pure Ti and stainless steels Aisi 304 and 316 (as ref. materials) in contact with different simulated foods. The metal plates 100x25x1 mm were immersed in 3% acetic acid, pickle of 3% acetic acid and 18-20% NaCl. The immersion simulated short-term repeated contact (3-times 30 min at 100 C) or long-term storage contact (10 days at 40 C). The levels of Ti, Cr, Ni, and Mo in the immersion solns. were detd. by at. absorption spectrophotometry and levels of Fe by flame emission spectrophotometry. The metal specimens were then submitted to morphol. anal. by SEM to evaluate surface modifications. The Ti plates showed less corrosion than the stainless steel plates. Bibliographic Information Study of the Maillard reaction in model systems under conditions related to the industrial process of pasta thermal VHT treatment. Sensidoni, Alessandro; Peressini, Donatella; Pollini, Claudio M. Department of Food Science, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1999), 79(2), 317-322. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., CODEN: JSFAAE ISSN: 0022-5142. Journal written in English. CAN 130:295708 AN 1999:140806 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Non-enzymic browning (NEB) due to the Maillard reaction (MR) was studied in a closed starch/glucose/lysine model system (20 g/kg glucose, 10 g/kg lysine) to analyze conditions favoring reactivity during an industrial process of pasta VHT (very high temp.) thermal treatment. The closed model pastes gave data on the-NEB progress during the pasta drying cycle as a function of temp., time and water activity (aw). Indicators such as headspace CO2, optical d. and color showed an increase of MR as the initial aw, increased from 0.50 to 0.91. During the initial stages of drying, a combination of high temps. and high aw led to the most likely conditions for NEB. Bibliographic Information Enzyme applications for agroprocessing in developing countries: an inventory of current and potential applications. Rolle, R. S. Agro-Industries and Post-Harvest Management Service, Agricultural Support, Food and Agriculture Organisation of The United Nations, Rome, Italy. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology (1998), 14(5), 611-619. Publisher: Rapid Science Publishers, CODEN: WJMBEY ISSN: 0959-3993. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 130:280937 AN 1999:60824 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 100 refs. The use of enzymes has the potential to increase productivity, efficiency and quality output in agro-industrial processing operations in many developing countries. Enzyme-catalyzed processes generally have requirements for a simple manufg. base, low capital investment and consume relatively small amts. of energy, when compared with other methods of food processing. This review presents an inventory of current and potential areas in which the use of enzymes may expand and diversify markets for agricultural products, facilitate agro-industrial 246 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 development, improve nutrition, and reduce toxicity in foods produced and consumed in developing countries. Bibliographic Information Process and catalysts for (Snamprogetti SpA, Italy). Patent written in English. AN 1999:32627 CAPLUS the production of ethers from alcohols. Patrini, Renata; Marchionna, Mario. Brit. UK Pat. Appl. (1998), 27 pp. CODEN: BAXXDU GB 2323844 A 19981007 Application: GB 98-6669 19980327. Priority: IT 97-754 19970402. CAN 130:53948 (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. GB 2323844 GB 2323844 US 6218583 NO 9801467 RU 2182900 NL 1008796 NL 1008796 Kind A B B1 A C2 A1 C2 Date 19981007 20001129 20010417 19981005 20020527 19981005 19981103 Priority Application IT 1997-MI754 A 19970402 Application No. GB 1998-6669 Date 19980327 US NO RU NL 19980323 19980401 19980401 19980402 1998-45904 1998-1467 1998-106629 1998-1008796 Abstract Ethers (e.g., di-n-pentyl ether), useful as octane-boosting blending components for gas oils (no data), are prepd. on an industrial scale by: (A) sending a stream of C4-10 alcs. (e.g., 1-pentanol) over an acid etherification catalyst (e.g., perfluorosulfonic acid) in a reaction zone; (B) feeding the product stream from step A contg. the ethers and catalyst to an extn. zone with C4-10 alcs. to produce a stream of ethers and a stream contg. the alcs. and the catalyst; (C) sending the nonreacted alcs. and byproduct water to a distn. zone from which an azeotropic alc.-water stream is obtained with the residual stream which is sent to the step A reaction zone; and (D) sending the azeotropic alc.-water stream to a sepn. zone to sep. the alc. (which is recycled to the step A reaction zone) from the aq. stream. Process flow diagrams are presented. Bibliographic Information Distribution of absorbance in visible spectrum related to molecular size fractions in secondary and tertiary municipal-textile effluent. Rozzi, A.; Malpei, F.; Colli, S.; Uberti, M. Department of Hydraulic, Environmental and Survey Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. Water Science and Technology (1998), 38(4-5), 473480. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., CODEN: WSTED4 ISSN: 0273-1223. Journal written in English. CAN 130:143472 AN 1999:25642 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Distribution of absorbance into the visible spectrum was studied as a function of the mol. size in the following streams: the secondary effluent from a denitrification/nitrification activated sludge treatment plant (80% as COD load and 70% as hydraulic load from textile industries) and the intermediate and final effluents of a pilot-scale advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) fed on the secondary effluent, consisting of clariflocculation (FPS) and of granular activated C adsorption (GAC). Correlations with the TOC distribution detd. in a previous research were studied. The TOC distribution and absorption fingerprints as a function of the mol. cuts were found to be quite different: TOC was made of small fractions up to the last cut for the 3 sampled streams (influent, effluent FPS and effluent GAC). The percent absorbance distribution is much less homogeneous, and correlation between %TOC and percent absorbance seem to be very poor which confirms that photometric anal. in the visible spectrum is unsuitable to monitor residual pollution in textile effluents. 247 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information The synthetic peptide: a successful biotechnological product. Massari, Stefania. Dipartimento di Zoologia, Universita di Bari, Bari, Italy. Journal of Commodity Science (1998), 37(1), 33-45. Publisher: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice, CODEN: RIMEDE ISSN: 0392-064X. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 130:152576 AN 1998:783464 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 28 refs. Synthetic peptides can be considered as an example of high technol. products directly connected to the explosive development, obsd. in the last twenty years, of the biotechnologies, based on the knowledge and the manipulation of living cells' mechanisms. The peptides, although already perform a lot of biol. processes in natural conditions, once produced at industrial level by means of innovative automatic systems of synthesis, can find infinite application in the most various fields, such as the pharmaceutical sector, the biochem. and diagnosis field, the food industry, the agriculture and the environment. Thanks to the enormous versatility in the use of synthetic peptides, their demand is increasing a lot and it offers good opportunities for the birth of new enterprising activities. Anyway, an open and continuous collaboration between industry and the world of research is absolutely necessary for the establishment, esp. in Italy, of the market of these high quality products. Bibliographic Information Determination of Maltitol, Isomaltitol, and Lactitol by High-pH Anion-Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection. Cataldi, Tommaso R. I.; Campa, Cristiana; Casella, Innocenzo G.; Bufo, Sabino A. Dipartimento di Chimica, Universita degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (1999), 47(1), 157-163. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN: JAFCAU ISSN: 0021-8561. Journal written in English. CAN 130:124006 AN 1998:772002 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Disaccharide alditols (DAs) such as maltitol, isomaltitol, and lactitol are increasingly being employed in food industry by virtue of their low hydroscopicity, high stability, and good bulking properties. Still, these compds. are reducedcalorie sweeteners, so they are successfully employed in many dietetic foods, like candies, chocolates, baked products, ice creams, and beverages. The detn. of maltitol, isomaltitol, and lactitol, along with other common carbohydrates, in some foodstuffs such as toffees, biscuits, creams, sponge cakes, chocolates, roasted malt, and chicory leaves was described. Sepns. were accomplished by high-pH anion-exchange chromatog. (HPAEC) with pulsed amperometric detection using 40 mM NaOH + 1 mM Ba(CH3COO)2 as the mobile phase. The optimal detection potential (EDET = +0.10 V) was established in voltammetric expts. carried out in batch and flowing stream solns. Under optimized conditions there was no need for both post-column addn. of strong bases to the eluent and, even more important, column regeneration between runs. A pellicular column with a relatively low ion-exchange capacity was adopted, which allows a rapid sepn. of sorbitol, isomaltitol, lactitol, maltitol, glucose, fructose, sucrose, and lactose. The presence in the alk. mobile phase of barium ions improved selectivity and reproducibility besides shorter anal. times as well. Limits of detection were on the order of 10-20 pmol injected. The contents of DAs and other free sugars in some dietetic foods were evaluated by calibration graphs. Bibliographic Information Development of a system with enzyme reactors for the determination of fish freshness. Carsol, M.-A.; Mascini, M. Dipartimento di Sanita Pubblica, Epidemiologia e Chimica Analitica Ambientale, Sezione di Chimica Analitica, Florence, Italy. Talanta (1998), 47(2), 335-342. Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V., CODEN: TLNTA2 ISSN: 0039-9140. Journal written in English. CAN 130:94577 AN 1998:737033 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract 248 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 A continuous system for the detn. of fish freshness with double enzyme reactors was developed and applied to the detn. of the freshness indicator K K = 100(HxR + Hx)/(IMP + HxR + Hx), where IMP, HxR and Hx are Inosine monophosphate, Inosine and Hypoxanthine, resp. The system was assembled with a three electrode screen-printed element (graphite as working electrode, silver as counter and silver, silver chloride as ref. electrode) placed in a flow cell, a sample injection valve and two enzyme reactors. The detn. of the total amt. of HxR and Hx is realized by flowing the sample through two reactors in series: one reactor was packed with nucleoside phosphorylase (Np) and the other with xanthine oxidase (XO) immobilized on aminopropyl glass. Similarly, the other term of the equation was evaluated by flowing through the two reactors the sample treated by Alk. phosphatase (AlP) for 5-10 min at 45 . One assay could be completed within 5 min. The system for the detn. of fish freshness was reproducible within 2-3% (n = 4). The immobilized enzymes were fairly stable for at least 3 mo at 4 . More than 200-300 samples could be analyzed in about one month by using these enzyme reactors provided the disposable screen-printed electrode should be changed every 30-40 real samples. The results obtained suggest that the proposed sensor system provides a simple, rapid and economical method for the detn. of fish freshness (K). We applied the present system with two reactors for the detn. of K values in fish samples and compared the results with those obtained by the XO-reactor. Correlation factor and regression line between the two methods were 0.992 and Y = -3.14+1.03X resp. We concluded that the present flow injection anal. (FIA) system with XO and Np reactors was suitable as a simple, easy to handle and reliable instrument for quality control in the fish industry. Bibliographic Information Electrochemical incineration (mineralization) of glucose as a model organic substrate. Role of the electrode material and of active chlorine mediation. Ferro, S.; Lavezzo, F.; Lodi, G.; De Battisti, A.; Comninellis, Ch. Dipartimento di Chimica dell'Universita, Ferrara, Italy. Proceedings - Electrochemical Society (1998), 985(Environmental Issues in the Electronics/Semiconductor Industries and Electrochemical/Photochemical Methods for Pollution Abatement), 75-90. Publisher: Electrochemical Society, CODEN: PESODO ISSN: 0161-6374. Journal written in English. CAN 130:28750 AN 1998:727361 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In the electrolysis of a soln. contg. glucose, as a model substrate in the wastewater from food industry, and a dil. NaCl, the formation of active Cl makes the glucose mineralization at the stable DSA electrode substantially insensitive to the nature of the electrode surface. The mineralization rate being the same at Ti/Pt, Ti/PbO2, TiSnO2-Pt, and Ti/IrO2 electrode. Bibliographic Information Application of Trichoderma enzymes in the food and feed industries. Galante, Yves M.; De Conti, Alberto; Monteverdi, Riccardo. Laboratory of Biotechnology, Central R&D, LAMBERTI s.p.a, Albizzate, Italy. Editor(s): Harman, Gary E.; Kubicek, Christian P. Trichoderma and Gliocladium (1998), 2 327-342. Publisher: Taylor & Francis, London, UK CODEN: 66NZAK Conference; General Review written in English. CAN 130:109269 AN 1998:722342 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with many 30 refs. covering the use of the Trichoderma enzymes, including macerating enzymes, in brewing, wine making, fruit juice prodn., olive oil prodn., and animal feed prodn. Bibliographic Information Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry in the dairy industry 2. The protein fingerprint of ewe cheese and its application to detection of adulteration by bovine milk. Fanton, Chiara; Delogu, Giovanna; Maccioni, Elias; Podda, Gianni; Seraglia, Roberta; Traldi, Pietro. Area della Ricerca, Corso Stati Uniti 4, CNR, Padua, Italy. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (1998), 12(20), 1569-1573. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., CODEN: RCMSEF ISSN: 0951-4198. Journal written in English. CAN 130:37419 AN 1998:697827 249 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Ewe milk and ewe cheese samples were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and their protein profiles were compared with those obtained from bovine milk and bovine cheeses. Various mixts. of bovine and ewe cheeses in different wt. ratios were analyzed, leading to a reproducible calibration curve, which has been successfully employed in detg. the percentage of bovine milk fraudulently added to ewe milk in the prodn. of marketed ewe cheese. Bibliographic Information Water saving in a two stage diafiltration for the production of whey protein concentrates. Barba, D.; Beolchini, F.; Veglio, F. Dipartimento di Chimica, Ingengneria Chimica e Materiali, Universita degli Studi dell'Aquila, Monteluco di Roio, L'Aquila, Italy. Desalination (1998), 119(1-3), 187-188. Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V., CODEN: DSLNAH ISSN: 0011-9164. Journal written in English. CAN 129:259582 AN 1998:676347 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Whey proteins are of higher nutritive value than many other animal proteins. This makes whey an attractive raw material in the prodn. of whey protein concs. (WPC). These ingredients have been used extensively in various segments of the food industry including dairy, bakery, meat industry, confectionery, beverage prodn. and the manuf. of baby and dietary foods. Due to the progress in membrane technol., it is possible now to obtain WPC contg. the desired quantities of sol. native proteins, lactose and mineral matter. To obtain WPC with 65% of proteins or more in the solid content, water is normally added during ultrafiltration, realizing a diafiltration operation. The WPC thus obtained contain lower concn. of lactose which broadens their use in food products applications. The diafiltration operation is characterized by high water consumption. The aim is the study of a 2-stage diafiltration process, where water consumption results to be lower with respect to conventional diafiltration. Bibliographic Information Assessment of the dairy production needs of cattle owners in southeastern sicily. Licitra, G.; Blake, R. W.; Oltenacu, P. A.; Barresi, S.; Scuderi, S.; Van Soest, P. J. Progetto Ibleo, Istituto de Scienze e Tecnologie delle Produzioni Animali, Universita di Catania, Ragusa, Italy. Journal of Dairy Science (1998), 81(9), 2510-2517. Publisher: American Dairy Science Association, CODEN: JDSCAE ISSN: 0022-0302. Journal written in English. AN 1998:644850 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract This study was undertaken to investigate research and outreach priorities for Progetto Ibleo (Project Ibleo), a center created in 1990 with tripartite government funding to serve dairy producers in the Hyblean region of Sicily. Data comprised values for prodn. and compn. of milk from 1984 to 1989 from 35 herds of Modicana cows on a system based on pasture and that from 69 input-intensive herds of Holstein cows, assocd. lactation and reprodn. measures, and yield and compn. of forages from 4 of these farms in 1988. Season had a large effect on the neutral detergent fiber and crude protein compn. of forages, prodn. and compn. of milk, and predicted yield of fresh Ragusano cheese manufd. from the milk of these cows. The poorest forage quality and the poorest cow performance were obsd. in summer and fall months (May to Oct.). Lactation curves that were flat, without a discernible peak, or convex were obsd. for both systems, esp. for cows calving in spring and in the dry summer seasons (Mar. to July). These abnormalities, signifying substantial sacrifices in prodn. potential, probably had a complex etiol. that stemmed from low nutrient intake and high neutral detergent fiber and low crude protein compn. of the grazed and preserved forages. Research and outreach priorities to support the Hyblean dairy industry should include chem. evaluation of forages and other feedstuffs, low moisture ensiling of high quality winter forages, better formulation of diets that are dense with nutrients, and the shifting of calving patterns to better exploit high quality winter forages. 250 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Bibliographic Information Water content of sulfate-fined industrial soda-lime glass and its influence on workability. Geotti-Bianchini, Franco; De Riu, Luca. Stazione Sperimentale Vetro, Murano, Italy. Glass Science and Technology (Frankfurt/Main) (1998), 71(8), 230-242. Publisher: Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, CODEN: GSTEEX ISSN: 0946-7475. Journal written in English. CAN 129:192335 AN 1998:580379 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The aims of the paper are: (a) to systematically det. by IR spectroscopy the water content of sulfate-fined industrial soda-lime glass (mainly container and float, besides that household and tech. glass) produced in Italy; (b) to highlight the influence of redox state, melting conditions, batch and cullet addn. on the water content; (c) to check the consistency with time and between different feeders of the water content in the glass produced by a given furnace; (d) to assess possible correlations between water content and workability in container glass. The water content ranges between 300 and 400 ppm in conventionally fired glass, with elec. melting it decreases to 150 to 200 ppm, with oxycombustion it increases to 500-600 ppm. In the case of conventional flame melting the main factor influencing the water content is the redox state, due to a water/sulfate exchange. When a glass with a given color and redox state is produced in a given furnace, the daily oscillations of the OH level are moderate, with negligible effects on viscosity. In all the workability problems analyzed the contribution of water content oscillations was negligible as compared to other factors. According to the results obtained, significant water-related viscosity variations are expected to take place only when the melting atm. or the redox conditions are significantly altered. Bibliographic Information Aromatic plants: a world of flavoring compounds. Piccaglia, R. Dipartimento di Agronomia, Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Agro-Food-Industry Hi-Tech (1998), 9(3), 12-15. Publisher: TeknoScienze, CODEN: AIHTEI ISSN: 1120-6012. Journal written in English. CAN 129:301848 AN 1998:539263 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Arom. plants represent a renewable source of flavoring substances which can be employed in food industry, in perfumery and in pharmaceutical prepns. In this research, several arom. plants typical of the Mediterranean area, were studied and their oil content and quality were evaluated. In particular, the compn. of the essential oils was established by GC and GC/MS and its possible changes due to the effects of some agricultural practices, environmental conditions and plant development stages were studied. Relevant differences in the oil compns. due to different climatic conditions were obsd. in Satureja montana L. and Thymus vulgaris L. crops grown in two successive years and changes in oil compns. were found in Salvia officinalis L., Foeniculum vulgare Mill. and Mentha x piperita L. harvested at different development stages. On the basis of oil compn., three chemotypes were evidenced among ten samples of Ocimum basilicum L. and the chemotypes of S. montana and T. vulgaris were established. Bibliographic Information Measurement of ammonium concentration and nitrification rate by a new titrimetric biosensor. Massone, Alessandro; Gernaey, Krist; Rozzi, Alberto; Verstraete, Willy. Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Water Environment Research (1998), 70(3), 343-350. Publisher: Water Environment Federation, CODEN: WAERED ISSN: 1061-4303. Journal written in English. CAN 129:7999 AN 1998:342947 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Nitrifiers are more sensitive than heterotrophic bacteria to environmental changes (such as temp., pH, shock loads as biol. oxygen demand or nitrogen, and toxic/inhibiting loads). Moreover, they are slow-growing bacteria. Thus, a careful control of their activity is needed to achieve continuous good effluent quality. To maintain an actively nitrifying 251 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 population, efficient process control requires monitoring of the toxicity and the ammonium concn. The latter is commonly measured by online ammonium analyzers. A new sensor has been developed to measure both the ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) content in the mixed liquor and the activity of the nitrifiers. The operating principle of the biosensor is based on a titrn. method, which measures the protons produced during nitrification. This paper describes the biosensor and the exptl. results (estn. of NH4+-N concn. and nitrification rate) obtained using activated sludge from wastewater treatment plants receiving hospital and food industry effluents. The influence of changes in operational factors such as pH, temp., and bicarbonate alky. on the measurements has been examd. The potential applications of the system as an online biosensor are outlined. Bibliographic Information Economic aspects of Italian bergamot oil. Crispo, Francesco; Lamonica, Giuseppe. Consorzio del Bergamotto, Reggio Calabria, Italy. Rivista Italiana EPPOS (1998), (Spec. Num.), 60-73. Publisher: Rivista Italiana EPPOS, CODEN: RIEPD7 ISSN: 0392-0445. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 129:71905 AN 1998:294228 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with 12 refs. The market of bergamot essential oil has been subjected, during the this last century, to strong speculative operations which have detd. various crisis on this market field. The necessity of a tutorial law for the Calabrian product was evident, so that it was established by the Italian legislation that the bergamot prodn. had to be controlled by the "Consorzio del Bergamotto di Reggio Calabria" and the quality control limited to the Stazione Sperimentale delle Essenze e Derivati Agrumari. The economic crisis were mainly detd. by the neg. com. campaign, by the competition with synthetic products, sold at a very low price, and by the variation of the price of the essential oil from year to year. Giving the bergamot prodn. control to the Consorzio detd. a more stable value of the oil on the market, which is restricted to a very limited no. of consumers. The evolution the prodn. and exportation of bergamot essential oil is examd. on the basis provided by the Stazione Sperimentale and on data reported by ISTAT (Italian Statistics Institute). The variation of the Bergamot cultivation areas, the prodn. of the oil collected and commercialized by the Consorzio, the unsold oil and the prices assessed by the Consorzio itself (representing about the 15-20% of the market) are also examd. A new law for the valorization of bergamot was ratified by the Calabrian province in order to maintain such an important source for the Calabrian economy and to stimulate, with appropriate financial supports, the concn. of the whole oil prodn. and the quality control at the Consorzio. In this way it is possible to guarantee quality and price suitable for the consumer and at the same time a right recompensation for the producer. The forecast for an improved market of bergamot essential oil is pos., both for the oil to be used in the perfumes industry and in the food industry as an ingredient in beverages and confectionery products, as well as in pharmaceutical applications. Bibliographic Information Pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations with antimicrobial activity. Bombardelli, Ezio; Morazzoni, Paolo. (Indena S.P.A., Italy; Bombardelli, Ezio; Morazzoni, Paolo). PCT Int. Appl. (1998), 13 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 9817294 A1 19980430 Designated States W: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GE, GH, HU, ID, IL, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZW, AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM. Designated States RW: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG. Patent written in English. Application: WO 97-EP5529 19971008. Priority: IT 96-2148 19961017. CAN 128:326474 AN 1998:268370 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. WO 9817294 Kind A1 Date Application No. Date 19980430 WO 1997-EP5529 19971008 W: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GE, GH, HU, ID, IL, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, 252 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 CA CA AU AU EP EP 2268914 2268914 9748657 717765 932408 932408 A1 C A B2 A1 B1 CN CN HU HU JP JP SK AT CZ PT ES RU PL NO NO KR HK US US 1233184 1114436 9904679 9904679 2000507609 3279321 282410 211388 289845 932408 2170374 2196599 187940 9901740 321146 2000049164 1022278 20010046525 6475536 A B A2 A3 T B2 B6 T B6 T T3 C2 B1 A B1 A A1 A1 B2 Priority Application IT 1996-MI2148 WO 1997-EP5529 WO 1997-EP5510 IT 1996-MI2149 US 1999-254038 US 1999-254040 US 1999-301687 A W W A B2 B2 A1 PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZW RW: GH, KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, ZW, AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG 19980430 CA 1997-2268914 19971008 20040210 19980515 AU 1997-48657 19971008 20000330 19990804 EP 1997-911196 19971008 20020102 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, SI, FI, RO 19991027 CN 1997-198872 19971008 20030716 20000528 HU 1999-4679 19971008 20011128 20000620 JP 1998-518894 19971008 20020430 20020107 SK 1999-495 19971008 20020115 AT 1997-911196 19971008 20020417 CZ 1999-1330 19971008 20020429 PT 1997-911196 19971008 20020801 ES 1997-911196 19971008 20030120 RU 1999-110382 19971008 20041130 PL 1997-332870 19971008 19990610 NO 1999-1740 19990413 20060327 20000725 KR 1999-703259 19990415 20040227 HK 2000-101283 20000301 20011129 US 2001-884939 20010621 20021105 19961017 19971008 19971007 19971017 19990226 19990226 19990429 Abstract Pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations contg. a hydrophilic ext. of Krameria (esp. K. triandra) and a lipophilic ext. of Mesua ferrea show synergistic antimicrobial activity against gram-pos., gram-neg., and anaerobic bacteria, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Candida albicans. The active components of Krameria exts. are neolignans such as eupomatenoid 6 and 2-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-propenylbenzofuran. The combination of exts. may be applied in topical therapeutic formulations or as a preservative in the food and cosmetic industries. Bibliographic Information The Titania Group. Competence in materials of the advanced technology. Guglielmi, Fabio; Sibum, Heinz. Centro Sviluppo Applicazioni Titanio S.p.A., Terni, Italy. Technische Mitteilungen Krupp (1998), (1), 27-35. 253 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Publisher: Fried. Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp, CODEN: TMKREQ ISSN: 0930-9276. Journal; General Review written in German. CAN 128:311170 AN 1998:260114 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A review with no refs. with discussion of the Titania Group (the chief manufacturer of Ti products in Western Europe, and 8-10% of the worldwide market), and the properties and applications of Ti and Ti alloys. Topics discussed include uses of Ti (Ti alloys for structural components for use at low and/or high temps., for corrosion-resistant applications, for special or new applications), prodn. of Ti (Ti sponge, melting process), customer-oriented products (e.g. sheets for heat exchangers, for explosive cladding), Titania's new application development center (CSAT) (use of Ti in the food industry, development of metal matrix composites for the aircraft industry, further projects), as well as future prospects and strategies of the Titania Group. Bibliographic Information Study of fouling phenomena in apple juice clarification by enzyme membrane reactor. Giorno, Lidietta; Donato, Laura; Todisco, Silvestro; Drioli, Enrico. Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Calabria, Arcavacata Di Rende, Italy. Separation Science and Technology (1998), 33(5), 739-756. Publisher: Marcel Dekker, Inc., CODEN: SSTEDS ISSN: 0149-6395. Journal written in English. CAN 128:320862 AN 1998:255655 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Membrane sepn. processes have great potential in the food industry due to their ability to operate in mild conditions and to involve no phase change or chem. agents. The present work is part of a project which investigates the use of integrated membrane processes to produce fruit juices that are additive-free and have a natural, fresh taste. A study to optimize the depectinization and clarification of apple juice by enzyme membrane reactors has been carried out by using lab. and semipilot scale equipments. The performance of the membrane systems has been investigated in terms of permeate flux and degree of depectinization. The effects of various parameters (transmembrane pressure, axial flow rate, feed mixt., etc.) on membrane fouling have been evaluated, and the fouling mechanism has been interpreted in terms of complete pore blocking or cake filtration. The permeate flux improved with an increasing enzyme percentage in the feed mixt. Bibliographic Information An Italian approach. Mascini, M.; Marrazza, G. Sezione di Chimica Analitica, Dipartimento di Sanita' Pubblica, Epidemiologia e Chimica Analitica Ambientale, Florence, Italy. Special Publication - Royal Society of Chemistry (1998), 167(Biosensors for Food Analysis), 91-100. Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry, CODEN: SROCDO ISSN: 0260-6291. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 128:281822 AN 1998:235291 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Long life milk treated at ultra high temp. (UHT procedure) was one of the subjects of research and procedures were developed to control L-lactate in milk for monitoring bacterial fermn. The possibility of measuring L-lactate in a few seconds directly in whole milk without any conventional preliminary treatment (deproteinization) was demonstrated. However, with some bacteria D-lactate is formed which is not detected by the specific L-lactate biosensor. The research was then extended to develop biosensors for D-lactate exploiting a different pathway of lactate oxidn. through D-lactate dehydrogenase instead of the oxidase which was unavailable com. in this case. This research provides new applications of biosensors while eliminating interference through microdialysis and pre-electrolysis procedures. Another group of metabolites of special interest for food industries are pesticides. Acetylcholinesterase activity is inhibited by phosphoric and carbamic pesticides and the term Total Anticholinesterase Activity (TAA) is being considered for adoption in Italy as a general index for the presence of pesticide in drinking H2O. New technologies based on Piezolectric devices for following antigen-antibody reactions directly are considered; this technique can have application by the food industry for measuring low concns. of specific metabolites such as Atrazine which was 254 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 measured at ppb level. A review with 8 refs. Bibliographic Information Crystallization processes and plants. Guerreri, Gianfranco. Milan, Italy. Tecnologie Chimiche (1998), 18(1), 94-100. Publisher: Gruppo Editoriale Stammer, CODEN: TECCDK ISSN: 0392-3452. Journal written in Italian. CAN 128:296481 AN 1998:220550 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The criteria for evaluation of a crystn. process principally concern its productive capacity, and the av. size, distribution, and purity of the crystals. These factors are detd. by the choice of feed conditions, as well as the type and dimensions of the crystallizer. Supersatn., nucleation, crystal growth, and impurity effects are considered for water-sugar systems in the food industry. Bibliographic Information Immobilization of -L-arabinofuranosidase on chitin and chitosan. Spagna, Giovanni; Andreani, Franco; Salatelli, Elisabetta; Romagnoli, Denis; Pifferi, Pier Giorgio. School of Specialization in Food Chemistry and Technology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Process Biochemistry (Oxford) (1998), 33(1), 57-62. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., CODEN: PBCHE5 ISSN: 1359-5113. Journal written in English. CAN 128:216425 AN 1998:133236 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The present research is mainly concerned with the immobilization of -L-arabinofuranosidase (EC from Aspergillus niger, for use in the food processing industry and in particular in oenol. This enzyme was immobilized on chitosan by means of covalent coupling to a glutaraldehyde pretreated support (functionalization), adsorption on the support and crosslinking with glutaraldehyde, which was added either in the absence (crosslinking) or presence (conjugation) of the enzyme soln. Conjugation proved to be the better method as it ensured good biocatalyst activity (about 150 U/g) but, above all, good stability, better than that reported for the free enzyme. Bibliographic Information Maillard reaction in milk-based foods: nutritional consequences. Pizzoferrato, Laura; Manzi, Pamela; Vivanti, Vittorio; Nicoletti, Isabella; Corradini, Claudio; Cogliandro, Eugenia. Istituto Nazionale della Nutrizione, Rome, Italy. Journal of Food Protection (1998), 61(2), 235-239. Publisher: International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians, CODEN: JFPRDR ISSN: 0362-028X. Journal written in English. CAN 128:229584 AN 1998:130313 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Chem. reactions occurring during industrial treatments or storage of foods can lead to the formation of -deoxyketosyl compds., the Amadori products. Food protein value can be adversely affected by these reactions, and in particular lysine, an essential amino acid having on its side chain a free amino group, can be converted to nonbioavailable Nsubstituted lysine or blocked lysine. By acid hydrolysis of -deoxyketosyl compds., furosine is formed. In this paper furosine prepd. from milk-based com. products has been evaluated by use of a recently developed HPLC method using a microbore column and phosphate buffer as the mobile phase at controlled temp. Furosine levels have been used, together with protein, total amino acids, and lysine content, as an est. of protein quality of a few different products such as cooked-cream dessert, yogurt mousse, white chocolate, milk chocolate, milk chocolate with a soft nougat and caramel center, milk chocolate with a whipped white center, chocolate spread, part-skim milk tablets, milk-based dietetic meals, and baby foods. The protein content of the analyzed products ranged from 34.3 g kg-1 (milk nougat) to 188.4 g kg-1 (milk tablets). The Maillard reaction caused a loss in available lysine that varied from 2.5% (cooked cream) to 36.2% (condensed milk). The contribution to the lysine av. daily requirement is heavily affected by this reaction and varied from 13% (milk tablets and soft nougat) to 61% (dietetic meal). Variable results were also obtained 255 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 for the other essential amino acids. Bibliographic Information Process for solvent extraction of lycopene from whole fruits and concentration of the extract. Bombardelli, Ezio; Seghizzi, Roberto; Morazzoni, Paolo. (Indena S.P.A., Italy). Eur. Pat. Appl. (1998), 8 pp. CODEN: EPXXDW EP 818225 A1 19980114 Designated States R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, FI. Patent written in English. Application: EP 97-111635 19970709. Priority: IT 96-1442 19960712. CAN 128:129826 AN 1998:116171 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Patent Family Information Patent No. EP 818225 EP 818225 Kind A1 B1 US AT PT ES CA CA AU AU JP HK 5897866 227599 818225 2186824 2210039 2210039 9728539 722774 10226654 1005499 A T T T3 A1 C A B2 A A1 Priority Application IT 1996-MI1442 A Date Application No. Date 19980114 EP 1997-111635 19970709 20021113 R: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LI, LU, NL, SE, MC, PT, IE, FI 19990427 US 1997-890165 19970709 20021115 AT 1997-111635 19970709 20030331 PT 1997-111635 19970709 20030516 ES 1997-111635 19970709 19980112 CA 1997-2210039 19970710 20020910 19980129 AU 1997-28539 19970710 20000810 19980825 JP 1997-199150 19970710 20030221 HK 1998-104650 19980529 19960712 Abstract Pure lycopene or lipophilic exts. contg. lycopene are recovered from whole fruits of Lycopersicum esculentum and similar species as byproducts of food industry processes. The partially dehydrated fresh material is extd. with aliph. or arom. hydrocarbons or water-immiscible solvents (e.g., n-hexane or methylene chloride) in the presence of phospholipids or soy lecithin (0.01-0.100 wt./vol.%) as surfactants and stabilizing agents, then the exts. are concd. to an oil or fractionated to the desired concn. (1-10%) of lycopene. The exts. can be purified by chromatog. using an acidic alumina column with Et acetate/hexane eluant or by supercrit. extn. with CO2. In examples, lycopene was extd. from whole tomato biomass, dried skins, and moist skins. Compns. were presented of coated tablets, hard gelatin capsules and soft gelatin capsules contg. the lycopene ext. Bibliographic Information Bioactive long chain N-acylethanolamines in five species of edible bivalve mollusks. Possible implications for mollusk physiology and sea food industry. Sepe, Nunzio; De Petrocellis, Luciano; Montanaro, Francesca; Cimino, Guido; Di Marzo, Vincenzo. Via Toiano 6, C.N.R., Istituto per la Chimica di Molecole di Interesse Biologico, 80072 Arco Felice (Na), Italy. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Lipids and Lipid Metabolism (1998), 1389(2), 101-111. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: BBLLA6 ISSN: 0005-2760. Journal written in English. CAN 128:113061 AN 1997:795381 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2008 ACS on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Several long chain N-acylethanolamines, including the proposed endogenous ligands of cannabinoid receptors, anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine, C20:4 NAE) and N-palmitoylethanolamine (C16:0 NAE), as well as some 256 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 of their putative biosynthetic precursors, the N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamines, were found in lipid exts. of five species of bivalve mollusks, including Mytilus galloprovincialis, commonly used as sea food. The amts. of these metabolites, the most abundant being C16:0 NAE and N-stearoylethanolamine, appeared to increase considerably when mussels were extd. 24 h post-mortem, but were not significantly affected by boiling the tissue prior to extn. In particulate fractions of homogenates from Mytilus, where the existence of a highly selective cannabinoid receptor with an immunomodulatory function has been previously described, an enzymic activity capable of catalyzing the hydrolysis of C20:4 NAE amide bond, and displaying similar pH dependency and inhibitor sensitivity profiles as the recently characterized 'fatty acid amide hydrolase' was found. The enzyme Km and Vmax for C20:4 NAE were 29.6 M and 73 pmol/mg protein/min, resp. These findings support the hypothesis that C20:4 NAE, never reported before in the phylum Mollusca, may be a mollusk physiol. mediator, and suggest that edible bivalves may be a dietary, albeit limited, source of C16:0 NAE, whose anti-inflammatory properties, when administered orally in amts. higher than those reported here, have been previously reported. Bibliographic Information An outbreak in Italy of botulism associated with a dessert made with mascarpone cream cheese. Aureli P; Di Cunto M; Maffei A; De Chiara G; Franciosa G; Accorinti L; Gambardella A M; Greco D Reparto di Microbiologia degli Alimenti, Centro Nazionale di Riferimento per il Botulismo, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy European journal of epidemiology (2000), 16(10), 913-8. Journal code: 8508062. ISSN:0393-2990. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 11338122 AN 2001569099 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In the late 1996, an outbreak of botulism affected eight young people (age of patients ranged from 6 to 23 years) in Italy. The onset of the illness was the same for all of these patients: gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea and vomiting) followed by neurologic symptoms. The most common neurologic symptoms were dysphagia, respiratory failure (100%), diplopia (87%), dysarthria, ptosis (75%) and mydriasis (50%). All patients required mechanical ventilation. Botulinum toxin was detected from two of respectively five sera and six stool samples analysed, while spores of Clostridium botulinum type A were recovered from all patient' faeces. The epidemiological investigation led to suspect a commercial cream cheese ('mascarpone') as a source of botulinum toxin: indeed, it had been eaten by all the patients before onset of the symptoms, either alone or as the (uncooked) ingredient of a dessert, 'tiramisu'. Botulinum toxin type A was found in the 'tiramisu' leftover consumed by two patients and in some mascarpone cheese samples collected from the same retail stores where the other patients had previously bought their cheeses. A break in the cold-chain at the retail has likely caused germination of C. botulinum spores contaminating the products, with subsequent production of the toxin. One of the patients died, while the others recovered very slowly. Prompt international alerting and recall of the mascarpone cheese prevented the spread of the outbreak due to the wide range of distribution, demonstrating the importance of a rapid surveillance system. None of the people complaining of symptoms after the public alert resulted positive for botulinum spores and toxin. Bibliographic Information Biosensors as a new analytical tool for detection of genetically modified organisms. Minunni M; Mascini M; Motti C; Dainese E; Di Matteo A; Chen B; Cozzani I University of Teramo, Faculty Agriculture and Food Science Mosciano Stazione, TE, 64023, Italy The Italian journal of biochemistry (2000), 49(3-4), 64-72. Journal code: 0376564. ISSN:0021-2938. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 11508061 AN 2001463513 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Bibliographic Information The index of microbial air contamination. Comment in: J Hosp Infect. 2001 Dec;49(4):299-300. PubMed ID: 11740884 Comment in: J Hosp Infect. 2002 May;51(1):73. PubMed ID: 12009825 Pasquarella C; Pitzurra O; Savino A Department of Hygiene, University of Perugia, Via del Gochetto, 06100 Perugia, Italy. [email protected] The Journal of hospital infection (2000), 46(4), 241-56. Journal code: 8007166. ISSN:0195-6701. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 11170755 AN 2001256631 257 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract The standard index of microbial air contamination (IMA) for the measurement of microbial air contamination in environments at risk is described. The method quantifies the microbial flow directly related to the contamination of surfaces coming from microbes that reach critical points by falling on to them. The index of microbial air contamination is based on the count of the microbial fallout on to Petri dishes left open to the air according to the 1/1/1 scheme (for 1h, 1m from the floor, at least 1m away from walls or any obstacle). Classes of contamination and maximum acceptable levels have been established. The index of microbial air contamination has been tested in many different places: in hospitals, in food industries, in art galleries, aboard the MIR space station and also in the open air. It has proved to be a reliable and useful tool for monitoring the microbial surface contamination settling from the air in any environment. Copyright 2000 The Hospital Infection Society. Bibliographic Information On-line microdialysis-ion chromatographic determination of inorganic anions in olive-oil mill wastewater. Buldini P L; Mevoli A; Quirini A C.N.R.-LAMEL, Bologna, Italy Journal of chromatography. A (2000), 882(12), 321-8. Journal code: 9318488. ISSN:0021-9673. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 10895954 AN 2001009915 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract A fully automated method is presented for the determination of inorganic anions in olive-oil mill effluents using on-line dialysis-ion chromatography. The wastewater is first of all sonicated at room temperature to make it homogeneous, then diluted and microdialized. Most of the organic load of the effluents is removed in a few minutes without using reagents, while soluble anion quantitation remains unaffected. The clear solution is analyzed for the inorganic anions content by direct injection on to an ion chromatograph equipped with a conductivity detector. In the absence of standards, the separation efficiency of microdialysis has been investigated by spiking wastewater samples as well as standard oil emulsions with varying amounts of inorganic anions and subjecting them to microdialysis for different periods of time prior to performing instrumental analysis. Excellent spike recoveries and low relative standard deviations are obtained for all the anions if a 10 min microdialysis time is overcame. Chloride, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and sulphate are not affected by the microdialysis procedure and their recovery is between 96 and 104% in wastewater as well as in standard oil emulsion. Calibration plots are linear over about two orders of magnitude. The dialysis membrane has been replaced after more than 100 analyses. The UV photolysis pre-treatment of the same sample evidences the different information that can be obtained by the two sample pre-treatment procedures. Bibliographic Information Livestock production and animal health in Sicily, Italy. Caracappa S Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia A. Mirri, Palermo, Italy. [email protected] Parassitologia (1999), 41 Suppl 1 17-23. Journal code: 0413724. ISSN:0048-2951. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE); General Review; (REVIEW) written in English. PubMed ID 11071536 AN 2000513035 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract In Sicily, as in other Mediterranean areas, livestock represents one of the most important resources for the island economy. This sector involves more than 16,000 farms of cattle and 10,000 farms of sheep and goats (respectively 6% and 15% of national production) which are actually increasing their number. Most livestock in Sicily is owned by small holders and pastoralists. Regional production of milk feeds some industries, which involve a large and increasing occupational area. Due to its peculiar geographic aspect Sicily is constituted by hill areas with sporadic grasses, therefore extensive grazing methods represent an ancient, traditional practice for using poor lands. For the control of infectious diseases Veterinary Services (VS) are based on the public regional network that is coordinated by the 258 Ricerca Bibliografica 19982008 Ministry of Health in Rome. Even if Sicilian VS had to solve many constraints related to traditional "pastoral management system", to the lack of any sanitary background of this sector, to unknown data on the numbers of the whole livestock, the effort done in the last years has allowed to monitor for brucellosis, bovine leukemia virus (BLV), bovine TBC, swine vescicular disease (MVS) and other diseases for the majority of the farms. Tick-borne diseases (TBDs) still represent a serious impediment to the improvement of meat and milk production in the region. Every year, several outbreaks related to Theileria, Babesia or Anaplasma infections in cattle are recorded. Imported breeds pay the most expensive tribute often with a mortality rate of 100%. In the last five years more than 170 outbreaks of TBDs have been notified by our Institute although the pathogen prevalence and economical impact in the Sicilian livestock is still unknown. The outdoor grazing of the animals, far away from observation, a subclinical course of the disease, can in fact create difficulties in discovering infection and therefore the therapy is often too late. New diagnostic and control methods (PCR, vaccination) are being developed at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale of Sicily in cooperation with other national and international laboratories (such as the University of Utrecht). Bibliographic Information Epidemiology of occupational contact dermatitis in a North Italian population. Lodi A; Mancini L L; Ambonati M; Coassini A; Ravanelli G; Crosti C Clinica Dermatologica IV, Ospedale San Paolo, via A. Di Rudini' 8, 20142 Milano, Italy European journal of dermatology : EJD (2000), 10(2), 128-32. Journal code: 9206420. ISSN:11671122. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in English. PubMed ID 10694312 AN 2000159186 MEDLINE (Copyright (C) 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine on SciFinder (R)) Abstract Occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) is a very important skin disease both for its high frequency and for its social and economic implications. The aim of our work is to evaluate the epidemiology of occupational contact dermatitis in a north-Italian population and the possibility of a c