November 2010
Stefani Scherer
Department of Sociology and Social Research
Trento University
Via Verdi 26, 38122 Trento, Italy
phone: ++39 0461 88 -1350
fax -1348
e-mail: [email protected]
Scherer, Stefani (2004): Erwerbseintritt und Berufsverlauf. Westdeutschland, Großbritannien und Italien in
Vergleich [Labour Market Entry and Early Career Patterns in Germany, Great Britain and Italy]. Peter
Lang Verlag. Frankfurt a.M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien.
--- (forthcoming) “Analisi di dati longitudinali per la ricerca sociale” Contract signed with il Mulino,
Bologna, due: 2011.
Edited Volumes
Scherer, Stefani, Reinhard Pollak, Gunnar Otte and Markus Gangl (Eds) (2007): From Origin to
Destination Trends and Mechanisms in Social Stratification Research. Campus, Frankfurt a. M. and
New York. (Rewied in: American Journal of Sociology 2009, 115(2) and Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
Sozialpsychologie 2008, 60(2))
Müller, Walter und Stefani Scherer (Eds.) (2003): Mehr Risiken- Mehr Ungleichheit? Abbau von
Wohlfahrtsstaat, Flexibilisierung von Arbeit und die Folgen [More Risks- More Inequality? Welfare
State Retrenchment, Labour Market Flexibilisation and the Consequences]. Frankfurt. Campus.
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
---- (2009): Labour Markte Flexibilisation and its Consequences in Italy. European Sociological Review
25(6): 677-692. (with Paolo Barbieri).
---- (2009): The Social Consequences of Insecure Jobs. Social Indicators Research. 93(3): 527 – 547.
---- (2008): Come è cresciuta l’occupazione femminile in Italia: fattori strutturali e culturali a confronto.
Stato e Mercato, 84, agosto: 183-213. (with Emilio Reyneri)
---- (2007): Vite Svendute. Uno sguardo analitico alla costruzione sociale delle prossime generazioni di
outsider". Polis: ricerche e studi su società e politica in Italia, 2007, n. 3: 431-460 (with P. Barbieri)
---- (2006): Methoden zur Analyse von Sequenzdaten [Analysing Sequence Data]. In: Kölner Zeitschrift
für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Sonderheft 44 „Methoden der Sozialforschung“, 330-347. (with
Josef Brüderl).
---- (2005): Patterns of Labour Market Entry. In: European Sociological Review, 21(5): 427-440
---- (2005): Le conseguenze sociali della flessibilizzazione del mercato del lavoro in Italia. In: Stato e
Mercato, 74, 2: 291-321. (with Paolo Barbieri)
---- (2004): Stepping-stones or Traps? The Consequences of Labour Market Entry Position for the Further
Career Chances in Germany, Italy and Great Britain. Work Employment and Society, 18(2): 369-394.
---- (2004): Erwerbseintritt in Europa [Labour Market Entry in Europe]. In: Bildung und Erziehung, 57,
Heft 2: 133-154. (with Irena Kogan)
---- (2002): Logici e Razionali? Comportamenti strategici dell’offerta di lavoro nella transizione scuolalavoro: un confronto fra Nord e Sud Italia. Lavoro e Relazioni Industriali. Rivista di economia del
lavoro applicata. n. 1: 95-119 (with Paolo Barbieri).
---- (2001): Early Career Patterns – a Comparison between Great Britain and West Germany. European
Sociological Review. Vol. 17, No 2: 119-144.
Book Chapters
---- (forthcoming) School Discipline in Italy. In: Arum, R. School Discipline and Deviant Behaviors at
School. A Comparative Analyses, Stanford U.P. (with Paolo Barbieri).
---- (2011) Retirement in Italy. Rising social inequalities across generations. In: Blossfeld H.-P., Buchholz
S and Kurz K. (Eds), Ageing Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Late
Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies. Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar,
(with Paolo Barbieri).
---- (2010). Sequenzanalyse. In: Wolf, Ch. and Best, H. (Eds). Handbuch der sozialwissenschaftlichen
Datenanalyse. Wiesbaden: Verlag, 1031-1052. (first author, with J. Bruederl).
---- (2008) Flexibilizing the Italian labor market: Unanticipated consequences of partial and targeted labor
market deregulation. In: Blossfeld H., Buchholz S., Bukodi E., Kurz K. (eds): Young Workers,
Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Early Working Life in Eleven Countries, Cheltenham,
UK/Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, 155-180. (with Paolo Barbieri).
---- (2009) Forme non-standard d’impiego. Esperimenti di regolazione a livello locale in Germania. In:
Regalia, Ida (Ed.): Regolare le nouve regole e forme d’impiego. Esperimenti locali e flexicurity in
Europa. 103-132.
---- (2007) Family and Work in Conflict? Evidence from Six European Countries. In: Gallie, Duncan (Ed.):
Employment Regimes and the Quality of Work. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 137- 178. (with N.
---- (2007) Introduction. From Origin to Destination. In: Scherer et al. (Eds.). From Origin to Destination.
Trends and Mechanisms in Social Stratification Research. Frankfurt and New York, Campus, 9-36.
(with R. Pollak, G. Otte, M. Gangl).
---- (2005): Non-standard employment. Experiments in regulation at the local level in Germany. In:
Regalia, Ida (Ed.): New Rules for New Forms of Employment and Work: Experiments in Social
Innovation at the Local Level in Europe. Routledge. 84-109.
---- (2004): The Pay-off from Education: A North-South Comparioson. In: Daniele Checchi and Claudio
Lucifora (Eds.): Education, Training and Labour Market Outcomes in Europe, Palgrave-McMillan.
Houndsmills and New York. 166-187. (with Paolo Barbieri).
---- (2003): Markexpansion, Wohlfahrtsstaatsumbau und soziale Ungleichheit [Market Expansion,
Welfarestate Retrenchment and Social Inequality]. In: Mehr Risiken- Mehr Ungleichheit? Abbau von
Wohlfahrtsstaat, Flexibilisierung von Arbeit und die Folgen [More Risks- More Inequality? Welfare
State Retrenchment, Labour Market Flexibilisation and the Consequences]. Frankfurt. Campus. 9-27.
(with Walter Müller).
---- (2003): Sprungbrett oder Falle? Die Rolle der Erwerbseintrittsposition für den weiteren
Karriereverlauf in Deutschland, Italien und Großbritannien. [Springboard or Trap? Labour Market Entry
and the Consequences in Germany, Italy and Great Britain]. In: Walter Müller and Stefani Scherer
(Eds.) (2003): Mehr Risiken- Mehr Ungleichheit? Abbau von Wohlfahrtsstaat, Flexibilisierung von
Arbeit und die Folgen. Frankfurt. Campus. 137-166.
---- (2003): The CASMIN Educational Classification in International Comparative Research. In: Jürgen
H.P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik and Christof Wolf (Eds.): Advances in Cross- National Comparison. A
European Working- Book for Demographic and Socio- Economic Variables. New York, Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publisher. 196-221. (with Hildegard Brauns and Susanne Steinmann).
---- (2003): Education and Unemployment Risks among Market Entrants: A Comparison of France, the
United Kingdom and West Germany. In: Jürgen H.P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik and Christof Wolf (Eds.):
Advances in Cross- National Comparison. A European Working- Book for Demographic and SocioEconomic Variables. New York, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher. 328-345. (with Hildegard Brauns
and Markus Gangl).
---- (2002): Die Übergangsstruktur zwischen Bildung und Beschäftigung [The Structuring of the
Transition from Education to Work]. In: Matthias Wingens und Reinhold Sackmann (Eds.):Bildung und
Beruf [Education and Occupation]. Weinheim/ München: Juventa. 39-64. (with Walter Müller and
Markus Gangl).
---- (2000): Assetti istituzionali e differenze di genere nell'accesso al mercato del lavoro: un confronto
internazionale. In: Franca Bimbi e Elisabetta Ruspini (Eds.): Oltre la femminilizzazione delle Povertà,
INCHIESTA, No 128, 69-84.
---- (1997): Umweltbewußtsein und Umweltverhalten in den alten und neuen Bundesländern
[Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour in the old and new Bundesländer]. In: Walter Müller (Ed.):
Soziale Ungleichheit: Neue Befunde zu Strukturen, Bewußtsein und Politik [Social Inequality: New
Findings about Structure, Attitudes and Politics]. Opladen, Leske+Budrich. 235-268. (with Silvia
Working/Conference Papers
---- (2009): Flexible employment and its consequences. When men flexibilize the labour market and
women pay the costs. Conference paper.
---- (2009): De-standardisation of male employment careers? The case of Italy. EQUALSOC
Workshop in Occupational Mobility, February 2009, Trento. mimeo.
---- (2003): Work and Family. CHANGEQUAL Working Papers, Oxford.
---- (2002): Bildungsexpansion und soziale Reproduktion in Europa- ein Überblick über sechs Jahre
Forschung. [Educational Expansion and Social Reproduction in Europe- overview of six years of
research ] Report for the German Science Foundation DFG. (with Walter Müller).
---- (2001): La transizione scuola-lavoro e i rendimenti dei titoli di studio nel mercato del lavoro: il
caso lombardo. Rapporto di Ricerca Per Istud, Ottobre 2001. (with Paolo Barbieri).
---- (2000): Arbeitszufriedenheit im Europaeischen Vergleich [Labour Satisfaction in European
Comparison]. Social Science Faculty, Department for Economic and Organisational Psychology,
University of Mannheim. Mimeo.
---- (1999): Different Patterns of Converting Education into Job Positions? Returns to Education in the
Early Career Course, a Comparison of the United Kingdom and West Germany. In: Torild Hammer
(Ed.): Transition and Mobility in the Youth Labour Market. Paper proceedings of the annual
conference on Transition in Youth, September 1999. NOVA, Oslo, Norway, 391-416.
---- (1999): Early Career Patterns – a Comparison between Great Britain and West Germany. MZES
Workingpaper No. 7. Mannheim.
---- (1999): Education and Unemployment: Patterns of Labour Market Entry in France, the United
Kingdom and Germany. MZES-Workingpaper No 6. Mannheim. (with Hildegard Brauns and
Markus Gangl).

Publications - Università degli Studi di Trento