Social Program
19 :30 - W ednesd ay S ep te m b er 1 6 th - Ristoran te C om m erc io
We suggest you this cozy and traditional restaurant-pizzeria in Lugano city center.
Via Ludovico Ariosto 4 – 6900 Lugano
+41 91 923 43 64
12 :30 - Th urs da y S ep te m b er 1 7
- Ristoran te d a Ele na
“ Perspectives on the Future
of Learning ”
Following the PhD presentations, we invite you to join us for lunch at the Ristorante da
Via Zurigo 3 – 6900 Lugano
+41 91 921 24 76
19 :30 - Th urs da y S ep te m b er 1 7 th - S an M aur izio G ourm et
Following the public conference by Francesc Pedró, we invite you to join us for a
social dinner at the Ristorante San Maurizio Gourmet.
Via Carlo Maderno 16 – 6900 Lugano
+41 91 923 50 50
Lugano - Switzerland
September 17th – 18th, 2015
USI - Università della Svizzera italiana
13 :00 - Frid ay Se p tem b e r 18 th – Lu nch at Ristoran te d a Ele na
Following the concluding remarks of the event, we invite you to join us for lunch at the
Ristorante da Elena.
Via Zurigo 3 – 6900 Lugano
+41 91 921 24 76
C RO SS- F IELD – C RO SS-F er tiliza tIon betw ee n fo rm al an d in for ma l
L ea rn ing th ro ugh Digital tec h no logies ( is a doctoral
program funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation aimed at the education of
highly qualified researchers in the social sciences.
It addresses the issue of informal learning, and how Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) can help to promote it, as well as to better integrate and
orchestrate it with formal learning in different learning contexts.
To this purpose, CROSS-FIELD federates three Swiss universities: EPFL – École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Pier re Dille n bo u rg), and U niSG –
Universität St.Gallen (D ie te r Eu le r), U SI – Università della Svizzera italiana
(L or en zo Ca n ton i).
The PhD Workshop “Perspectives on the future of learning” is organized by CROSSFIELD doctoral program for PhD candidates internationally. It aims to attract
outstanding junior researchers working on the issue of how ICT can support an
enhance learning in formal and informal contexts. All accepted participants will be
able to present their research: globally renowned scholars will contribute to the
discussion, providing PhD candidates with invaluable insights, perspectives and
recent developments on the topic.
Ke yn ote S p eak ers :
Ste wa rt Ma rs ha ll, University of the West Indies Open Campus (Barbados)
F ra nc es c Pe dró , UNESCO Education Sector (France)
Erk ki Su tine n , University of Eastern Finland (Finland)
H ame d Alav i, EPFL (Switzerland)
T obias Je ne rt, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
C hry si Ra pan ta , Lisbona (Portugal)
Th e e ve nt w ill p ro vid e:
Ke yn ote s
Ph D pre se nta tion s, where PhD candidates will present their research and
receive structured feedback
Pa ne l dis cu ss io ns , with keynote speakers about the future of ICT
supported learning, especially in developing and emerging regions
Pu blic co n fer en ce ( in Ita lia n ), Francesc Pedró on “Un bilancio della
rivoluzione digitale nell’educazione”
Or ga nizatio n:
Lorenzo Cantoni, USI
Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL
Dieter Euler, UniSG
Silvia De Ascaniis, USI
Emanuele Mele, USI
D AY 1 – Th urs da y S ep te m b er 17 th , 20 15 (room 40 2)
8.30 – 9.00
Welcome and Introduction: Lorenzo Cantoni, Pierre Dillenbourg,
Dieter Euler
9.00 – 9.10
Logistic and organization: Silvia De Ascaniis
9.10 – 10.00
Keynote: Erkki Sutinen
10.00 – 10.30
10.30 – 11.10
Keynote: Hamed Alavi
11.10 – 11.50
PhD presentation: Marion Lehner
11.50 – 12.30
PhD presentation: David Salomao Cumbula
14.10 – 15.00
Keynote: Stewart Marshall
15.00 – 15.40
Keynote: Tobias Jenert
15.40 – 16.00
16.00 – 16.40
PhD presentation: Marta Pucciarelli
16.40 – 17.20
PhD presentation: Sawadogo Daouda
18.00 – 19.00
Public Conference (in Italian): Francesc Pedró on “Un bilancio
della rivoluzione digitale nell’educazione” roo m A 11
Social dinner
D AY 2 – Frid ay S ep te m b er 18 th , 20 15 (roo m 4 02)
8.40 – 9.30
Keynote: Francesc Pedró
9.30 – 9.45
Keynote: Chrysi Rapanta (via Skype)
9.45 – 10.25
PhD presentation: Jingjing Lin
10.25 – 10.50
10.50 – 11.30
PhD presentation: Asta Adukaite
11.30– 12.10
PhD presentation: Hoang Nam
12.10 – 12.50
PhD presentation: Anna Picco
12.50 – 13.00
Concluding remarks

program crossfield