Syme Collection DB page 1 Syme Collection Database Wolfson College 4 Jan 2003 2570. Abel,Karlhaus (1958): Zur Datierung von CÑsars Bellum Civile. Museum Helveticum 15, fasc. 1, 56-74. (SO16 053) [OFFPRINT] 2185. Aberson,Michel; Solin,Heikki (1982): Confrequento in Stiftungsformeln. ZPE 49, 154. (SO13 086) [OFFPRINT] 10. Ableitinger,Doris (1970): Beobachtungen zur Caesar-Rede in der Coniuratio Catilinae des Sallust. In: Festschrift Karl Vretska. (Eds: Ableitinger,Doris; Gugel,Helmut) Carl Winter-UniversitÑtsverlag, Heidelberg, 331-360. (SO1A 010; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 5173. Abraham,F (1885): Velleius und die Parteien in Rom under Tiberius. Wissenschaftliche Beilage zum Programm des Falk-Realgymnasiums. 1885,95, 17pp. (SO36F 036) [OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS; VELLEIUS PATERCULUS] 5490. Abramic,Mihovil ([1927]): Zigovi na Opekama i Amforama iz Narone. Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Historiju Dalmatinsku (Bulletin d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Dalmate) 49 (192627), 1-9. (SO40 026) <<repaginated from original>> [DALMATIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5491. Abramic,Mihovil ([1927]): O Novim Miljokazima i Rimskim Cestama Dalmacije. Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Historiju Dalmatinsku (Bulletin d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Dalmate) 49, 11-27 (139-155). (SO40 026) [DALMATIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ROADS] 5527. Abramiõ,Michael (1931): Novi Natpisi iz Poetovija (Neue Inschriften aus Poetovio)., 177-202. (SO41 030) <<source unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 5536. Abramiõ,Michael (1940): Historijski Natpis iz Garduna. Novi Vojnicki Spomenici iz Andetriuma. [New Epigraphic Finds from Muc Gornji (anc. Andretriuma)]. Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Historiju Dalmatinsku (Bulletin d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Dalmate) 51, 1-8. (SO41 038) [INCOMPLETE; EPIGRAPHY; MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 1901. Abramiõ,Michael (1953): Ein Neues Fortuna-AltÑrchen aus Mogontiacum. Germania 31,1-2, 60-61. (SO11 183) [OFFPRINT] 2282. Adamesteanu,Dinu; Torelli,Mario (1969): Il Nuovo Frammento della Tabula Bantina. Rivista Archeologia Classica 21,1, 117. (SO14 090) [OFFPRINT] 1912. Adams,FW (1951): Some Observations on the Consular Fasti in the Early Empire. AJA 55, 239-241. (SO11 194) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2655. Adams,Freeman (1955): The Consular Brothers of Sejanus. AJPh 76,1, 70-76. (SO17 074) [OFFPRINT] 2699. Adams,JN (1972): On the Authorship of the Historia Augusta. CQ 22,1, 186-194. (SO17 118) [OFFPRINT] 5195. Adams,JN (1972): The Language of the Later Books of Tacitus' Annals. CQ 22,2, 350-373. (SO37A 016) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2354. Adcock,Frank (1961): The Character of the Romans in their History and their Literature. Todd Memorial Lecture No. 5 (1961). Australasian Medical Publishing Co. Ltd., Sydney. 21 pages. (SO15 042) [LECTURE; MONOGRAPH] 2387. Adcock,Frank (1961): Aspects of Philhellenism in Antiquity. The Griffin Press, Adelaide. 11 pages. (SO15 075) <<series: Australian Humanities Research Councul Occasional Paper no. 3>> [MONOGRAPH] 25. Africa,Thomas (1982): Worms and the Death of Kings: A Cautionary Note on Disease and History. Classical Antiquity 1,1, 1-17. (SO1A 024; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3364. Africa,Thomas W (1960): Phylarchus, Toynbee, and the Spartan Myth. Journal of the History of Ideas 21,2, 266-272. (SO22 005) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 2 671. Africa,Thomas W (1961): The Opium Addiction of Marcus Aurelius. Journal of the History of Ideas 22,1, 97-102. (SO2 109) [OFFPRINT] 3365. Africa,Thomas W (1961): Aristonicus, Blossius, and the City of the Sun. Review of Social History 6,1, 110-124. (SO22 006) [OFFPRINT] 3590. Africa,Thomas W (1962): The City of God Revisited : Toynbee's Reconsiderations. Journal of the History of Ideas 23,2, 282-292. (SO23 009) [OFFPRINT] 3588. Africa,Thomas W (1963): Gibbon and the Golden Age. Centennial Review 7,3, 273281. (SO23 007) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3641. Africa,Thomas W (1968): Cleomenes III and the Helots. California Studies in Classical Antiquity 1, 1-11. (SO23 060) [OFFPRINT] 22. Africa,Thomas W (1970): The OneEyed Man Against Rome: an Exercise in Euhemerism. Historia 19,5, 528-538. (SO1A 021; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3766. Africa,Thomas W ([1970]): Sir Ronald Syme. Ten Studies in Tacitus, New York : Oxford University Press. 1970. AHR (June ?), . (SO214 083) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 27. Africa,Thomas W (1971): Urban Violence in Imperial Rome. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 2,1, 3-21. (SO1A 026; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 28. Africa,Thomas W (1978): The Mask of an Assassin: A Psychohistorical Study of M. Junius Brutus. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 8,4, 599-626. (SO1A 027; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2913. Africa,Thomas W (1979): Thomas More and the Spartan Mirage. Historical Reflections 6,2, 343-352. (SO18 102) [OFFPRINT] 4095. Africa,Thomas W (1979): Psycohistory, Ancient History and Freud: The Descent into Avernus. Arethusa 12,1, 5-33. (SO26 134) [OFFPRINT] 2900. Africa,Thomas W (1983): The Final Vision of Arnold Toynbee. A review of Arnold J. Toynbee, The Greeks and Their Heritages. Oxford University Press, 1981. Historical Reflections 10,2, 221-228. (SO18 088) [BOOK REVIEW] 2. Afzelius,Adam (1941): Die Politische Bedeutung des JÅngeren Cato. VI. Grosspolitik: Der Kampf Gegen die Triumvirn. Classica et Mediaevalia 4,2, 155-203. (SO1A 003; OLIS) [CATO; OFFPRINT; TRIUMVIRATE] 4. Afzelius,Adam (1941): Die Politische Bedeutung des JÅngeren Cato. I. Einleitung. Classica et Mediaevalia 4,2, 155-203. (SO1A 002; OLIS) [CATO THE YOUNGER; OFFPRINT] 5. Afzelius,Adam (1945): Zur Definition der Rîmischen NobilitÑt vor der Zeit Ciceros. Classica et Mediaevalia 7, 150-200. (SO1A 005; OLIS) [ARISTOCRACY; OFFPRINT; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 1367. Aguil¢,Juan CabrÇ (1929): Azaila. IV Congräs International d'ArchÇologie Barcelone 1929. Exposition International de Barcelona, Barcelona. 26 pages. (SO7 059) [AZALIA-ANCIENT SITE; EXCAVATIONS; MONOGRAPH; SPAIN] 29. Alarcao,J; Etienne,R (1982): Ville Romaine et Agglomeration Indigäne: L'Example de Conimbriga (Portugal). In: Actes du Colloque "Villes et Campagnes dans l'Empire Romain" OrganisÇ Ö Aix-enProvence par l'UER d'Histoire, les 16 et 17 Mai 1982. (Eds: FÇvrier,PA; Leveau,Ph) UniversitÇ de Provence; J. Laffitte, Aix-enProvence; Marseille, 57-59. (SO1A 028; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2143. Alarcao,Jorge; êtienne,Robert (1986): ArchÇologie et IdÇologie ImpÇriale a Conimbriga (Portugal). CRAI jan-mar 1986, 120-132. (SO13 044) [OFFPRINT] 4311. Albertini,E (1935): Un Nouveau Document sur la "Numidie d'Hippone". Bulletin de l'Academie d'Hippone 37, 3-8. (SO28 065) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4275. Albertini,Eugäne (1934): A Propos des Numeri Syriens de Numidie. Revue Africaine ?,no. 358, 1-20. (SO28 029) Syme Collection DB page 3 [AFRICA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 4254. Albertini,Eugäne (?): Les Loups de Carthage., 1-4. (SO28 008) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 30. Alexander,Paul J (1938): Letters and Speeches of the Emperor Hadrian. Harvard Studies in Classical Antiquity 49, 141-177. (S01A 029; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 5212. Alexander,WH (1952): The "Psychology" of Tacitus. The Classical Journal 47,3, 326-328. (SO37A 032) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4583. Alfieri,Nereo (1948): I Fasti Consulares di Potentia (Regio V). Athenaeum 26,1-2, 110-134. (SO32 076) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4052. Alfîldi,A (1938): La Grand Crise du Monde Romain au IIIe Siäcle. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 7,1, 5-18. (SO26 095) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3192. Alfîldi,A (1939): The Invasions of Peoples from the Rhine to the Black Sea. In: Cambridge Ancient History. 1st ed. Vol. 12. (: ) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 138164. (SO21 018) [OFFPRINT] 3193. Alfîldi,A (1939): The Crisis of the Empire (A.D. 249-270). In: Cambridge Ancient History. 1st ed. Vol. 12. (: ) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 165-231. (SO21 018) [OFFPRINT] 4881. Alfîldi,A (1939): Chars FunÇraires Bacchiques dans les Provinces Occidentales de l'Empire Romain. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 8,2, 347-359. (SO35 069) [OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] (SO39 014) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 5436. Alfîldi,A (1974): Tempestas Mariana. ErgÑnzende Bemerkungen zur MÅnzprÑgung der Jahre 88 bis 84 v. Chr. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 24, 37-45. (SO39 017) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 5437. Alfîldi,A (1974): Tempestas Mariana. Das Zeugnis der KupferprÑgung 87-84 v. Chr. Chiron 4, 207-241. (SO39 018) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 4647. Alfîldi,Andr†s (1950): Die Geburt der Kaiserlichen Bildsymbolik. Kleine BeitrÑge zu Ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte. Museum Helveticum 7,1, 1-13. (SO33 027) [ICONOGRAPHY; IMPERIAL IDEOLOGY; OFFPRINT] 3468. Alfîldi,Andr†s (1952): Le Basi Spirituali del Principato Romano. Corvina. Rassegna Italo-Ungherese 1,2 (3rd. series), 24-37. (SO22 107) [OFFPRINT] 4648. Alfîldi,Andr†s (1952): Die Geburt der Kaiserlichen Bildsymbolik. Kleine BeitrÑge zu Ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte. Museum Helveticum 9,4, 204-243. (SO33 027A) [ICONOGRAPHY; IMPERIAL IDEOLOGY; OFFPRINT] 4649. Alfîldi,Andr†s (1953): Die Geburt der Kaiserlichen Bildsymbolik. Kleine BeitrÑge zu Ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte. Museum Helveticum 10,2, 103-124. (SO33 028B) <<parts 3 and 4 of series bound together. Part 2 is SO16 080 (MH 8, 1951, 190ff)>> [ICONOGRAPHY; IMPERIAL IDEOLOGY; OFFPRINT] 2783. Alfîldi,A (1951): Die Geburt der Kaiserlichen Bildsymbolik. Kleine BeitrÑge zu Ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte. Museum Helveticum 8, fasc. 2-3, 190-215. (SO16 080) [OFFPRINT] 4650. Alfîldi,Andr†s (1954): Die Geburt der Kaiserlichen Bildsymbolik. Kleine BeitrÑge zu Ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte. Museum Helveticum 11,3, 133-169. (SO33 029) <<part 5 of article>> [ICONOGRAPHY; IMPERIAL IDEOLOGY; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 5433. Alfîldi,A (1966): Commandants de la Flotte Romaine StationnÇe Ö Cyrene sous PompÇe, CÇsar et Octavien. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie, d'êpigraphie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö JÇrìme Carcopino. (: ) Hachette, Paris, . (25-43) 4778. Alfîldi,AndrÇ (1946): Valentinien Ier. Le Dernier des Grandes Pannoniens. Revue d'Histoire ComparÇe 3 (n.s.), 3-24. (SO34 036) <<reprinted from journal as part of series: êtudes d'Histoire ComparÇe>> Syme Collection DB page 4 [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; VALENTINIAN] 3122. Alfîldi,AndrÇ (1952): La Corporation des Transalpini et Cisalpini Ö Avenches. UrSchweiz (La Suisse Primitive) 16,1, 3-9. (SO20 075) [OFFPRINT; RHAETIA] 2449. Alfîldi,AndrÇ (1969): Les Deniers de C. Valerius Flaccus FrappÇs a Marseille et les Derniäres êmissions de Drachmes Massaliotes. Revue Numismatique 11 (6th series), 55-61. (SO15 125) [OFFPRINT] 5438. Alfîldi,AndrÇ (1971): Redeunt Saturnia Regna (L'Attente du Roi-Saveur Ö Rome). Revue Numismatique 13 (6th ser.), 76-89. (SO39 019) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4877. Alfîldi,Andrea (1943): La Conversione di Constantino e Roma Pagana. Corvina. Rassegna Italo-Ungherese 6, 529-544. (SO35 066) [CHRISTIANITY; CONSTANTINE; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 3532. Alfîldi,Andrea (1972): La Struttura Politica di Roma nei suoi Primordi. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 27, fasc. 5-6 (8th series), 307-333. (SO22 172) [OFFPRINT] 1780. Alfîldi,Andreas (1937): Die Germania als Sinnbild der Kriegerischen Tugend des Rîmischen Heeres. Germania 21,2, 95-100. (SO11 064) [OFFPRINT] 5164. Alfîldi,Andreas (1937): Zum Panzerschmuck der Augustusstatue von Primaporta. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts Roemische Abteilung 52, 48-63. (SO36F 027) [AUGUSTUS; ICONOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] Christentum. Kultur- und Religionsgeschichtliche Studien ErgÑnzungsbd. 1.) Aschendorff, MÅnster (Westf.), 1-18. (SO35 078) [INCOMPLETE; CONSTANTINE; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 5477. Alfîldi,Andreas (1942): Zur Geschichte des Karpatenbeckens im I. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Archivum Europae Centro-Orientalis 8,1-2, 148. (SO40 013) <<pgs. 48-52 missing>> [HUNGARY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 3. Alfîldi,Andreas (1950): Die Geschichte des Throntabernakels (Vortrag in der Forschungsbibliothek und Sammlung der Harvard-UniversitÑt in Dumbarton Oaks, am 28 April 1950). La Nouvelle Clio 10, 537-566. (SO1A 004; OLIS) [MONARCHY; OFFPRINT; SYMBOLISM] 4820. Alfîldi,Andreas (1951): Asina. Eine Dritte Gruppe Heidnischer NeujahrsmÅnzen im SpÑtantiken Rom. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 2,7, 57-66. (SO35 012) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 4821. Alfîldi,Andreas (1951): Asina II. Weitere Heidnische NeujahrsmÅnzen aus dem SpÑtantiken Rom. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 2,8, 92-96. (SO35 013) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 3110. Alfîldi,Andreas (1952): Der Kreislauf der Tiere um Mithras. Germania 30, 3-4, 362368. (SO20 063) [OFFPRINT] 1571. Alfîldi,Andreas (1953): Caesars Tragîdie im Spiegel der MÅnzprÑgung des Jahres 44 v. Chr. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 4, 13, 1-12. (SO9 106) [OFFPRINT] 6. Alfîldi,Andreas (1938): Zu den Christenverfolgungen in der Mitte des 3. Jahrhunderts. Clio 31, 3, 1-26. (SO1A 006; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1575. Alfîldi,Andreas (1953): Studien Åber Caesars Monarchie. Bulletin de la SociÇtÇ Royale des Lettres de Lund 1 (1952-53), 1-82. (SO9 110) [OFFPRINT] 4890. Alfîldi,Andreas (1939): Hoc Signo Victor Eris. BeitrÑge zur Geschichte der Bekehrung Konstantins des Gro·en. In: Pisciculi. Studien zur Religion und Kultur des Altertums. Franz Joseph Dîlger... Dargeboten. (Eds: Klauser,T; RÅcker,A) (Antike und 3684. Alfîldi,Andreas (c1953): Der Philosoph als Zeuge der Wahrheit und sein Gegenspieler der Tyrann. Antrittsvorlesung an der UniversitÑt Basel, am 25. Juni 1953., 7-19. (SO23 099) <<source and date unknown>> Syme Collection DB page 5 [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 1. Alfîldi,Andreas (1954): Karl Pink: The Triumviri Monetales and the Structure of the Coinage of the Roman Republic. New York: The Amer. Num. Soc. 1952.(Numismatic Studies. 7.). Gnomon 26, 381-391. (SO1A 001; OLIS) [BOOK REVIEW; NUMISMATICS] 1532. Alfîldi,Andreas (1954): PortrÑtskunst und Politik in 43 v.Chr. Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, 151-171. (SO9 067) [OFFPRINT] 1572. Alfîldi,Andreas (1954): Isiskult und Umsturzbewegung im Letzten Jahrhundert der Rîmischen Republik. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 5, 18, 25-32. (SO9 107) [OFFPRINT] 1576. Alfîldi,Andreas (1954): Studien zur Zeitfolge der MÅnzprÑgung der Rîmischen Republik. Schweizerischen Numismatischen Rundschau 36, 5-30. (SO9 111) [OFFPRINT] 4871. Alfîldi,Andreas (1954): Das Kreuzszepter Konstantins des Grossen. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 4, 81-86. (SO35 059) [CONSTANTINE; ICONOGRAPHY; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 4856. Alfîldi,Andreas (1955): Zur ErklÑrung der Konstantinischen DeckengemÑlde in Trier. Historia 4,2-3, 131-150. (SO35 045) [CONSTANTINE; ICONOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 629. Alfîldi,Andreas (1958): Der Einmarsch Octavians in Rom, August 43 v.Chr. Hermes 86,4, 480-496. (SO2 065) [OFFPRINT] 1534. Alfîldi,Andreas (1959): Das Wahre Gesicht CÑsars. AK 2,1, 27-32. (SO9 069) [OFFPRINT] 1566. Alfîldi,Andreas (1959): Iuba I und die Pompeianer in Afrika (zu den MÅnzquellen der Geschichte der BÅrgerkriege, I). Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 8-9 (1958-59), 1-10. (SO9 100) [OFFPRINT] 3599. Alfîldi,Andreas (1961): Ein GlÅckwunsch aus der Rîmischen Kaiserzeit. In: Festschrift Hans R.Hahnloser zum 60. (Eds: Beer,Ellen J; Hofer,Paul; Mojon,Luc) BirkhÑuser, Basel; Stuttgart, 11-14. (SO23 018) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1568. Alfîldi,Andreas (1962): Der Machtverheissende Traum des Sulla. Jahrbuch des Bernischen Museums in Bern 41-42 (1961-62), 275-288. (SO9 102) [OFFPRINT] 3548. Alfîldi,Andreas (1962): Emotion und Ha· bei Fabius Pictor. In: [ANTIDORON]. Edgar Salin zum 70 Geburtstag. (Ed: von Beckerath,Erwin et al) J.C.B. Mohr (P.Siebeck),, 117-136. (SO22 188) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3561. Alfîldi,Andreas (1962): Ager Romanus Antiquus. Hermes 90,2, 187-213. (SO22 210) [OFFPRINT] 1567. Alfîldi,Andreas (1964): Der MettiusDenar mit ÆCAESAR DICT. QVART.Ø. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 13, 50, 29-33. (SO9 101) [OFFPRINT] 1570. Alfîldi,Andreas (1964): Die VerstÅmmelte Emission des M.Mettius mit der Legende CAESAR IMP und den MÅnzbuchstaben G-H-I-K-L. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 13-14, 51-54, 6576. (SO9 105) [OFFPRINT] 1805. Alfîldi,Andreas (1964): Zwei Bemerkungen zur Historia Augusta. In: Historia-Augusta-Colloquium. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) Rudolf Habelt Verlag, Bonn, 18. (SO11 088) <<(possibly vol. 1 of BeitrÑge zur Historia Augusta Forschung)>> [OFFPRINT] 3622. Alfîldi,Andreas (1964): Zum Speersymbol der SouverÑnitÑt im Alterum. In: Festschrift Percy Ernst Schramm zu Seinem Siebzigsten Geburtstag von SchÅlern und Freunden Zugeeignet. Vol. 1. (Eds: Classen,Peter; Scheibert,Peter) Franz Steiner, Wiesbaden, 3-6. (SO23 041) [OFFPRINT; SPEAR; SYMBOLISM] 4816. Alfîldi,Andreas (1964): Stadrîmische Heidnische Amulett-Medaillen aus der Zeit um 400 nC. In: Mullus. Festschrift Theodor Klauser. (Eds: Stuiber,Alfred; Hermann,Alfred) (Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum. ErgÑnzungsband, 1.) Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, MÅnster (West.), 1-9. Syme Collection DB page 6 (SO35 008) [FESTSCHRIFT; ICONOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 1569. Alfîldi,Andreas (1965): Der Denar des L.Aemilius Buca mit CAESAR˙IM-P [] M. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 15, 58, 29-41. (SO9 104; crescent symbol in []) 14. Alfîldi,Andreas (1966): Les Cognomina des Magistrats de la RÇpublique Romaine. In: MÇlanges d'Archaeologie et d'Histoire offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 709722. (SO1A 014; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 819. Alfîldi,Andreas (c1966): Die Alexandrinischen Gîtter und die Vota Publica am Jahresbeginn. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 8/9 (1965/1966), 53-87. (SO5 057) [OFFPRINT] 1564. Alfîldi,Andreas (1966): Der Denar des P. Sepullius Macer mit CAESAR IMP -[]. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 16, 61, 4-17. (SO9 098) <<star symbol in []>> [OFFPRINT] 1565. Alfîldi,Andreas (1966): Zwei IrregulÑre Denartypen des P. Sepullius Macer mit Caesar Dictator Perpetuo. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 16, 64, 145-149. (SO9 099) [OFFPRINT] 3523. Alfîldi,Andreas (1967): Die Herrschaft der Reiterei in Griechenland und Rom nach dem Sturz der Kînige. In: ÆGestalt und GeschichteØ. Festschrift Karl Schefold. (: ) (Antike Kunst, suppl. vol. 4.),, 13-47. (SO22 163) [OFFPRINT] 647. Alfîldi,Andreas (1968): Die Massenemission der Macer und des Buca mit Caesar - Dict. Perpetvo vor Caesars Ermordung. Schweizerischen Numismatischen Rundschau 47, 51-84. (SO2 084) [OFFPRINT] 1573. Alfîldi,Andreas (1968): Die Ersten Beiden Denartypen nach der Ermordung Caesars mit CAESAR IMPER. Zur Auswertung des MÅnzquellen der Geschichte des Jahres 44 v. Chr. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 18, 71, 57-74. (SO9 108) [CAESAR; NUMISMATICS- ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 5439. Alfîldi,Andreas (1968): Die Denartypen des C. Cossutius Maridianus und die Letze Denaremission des P. Sepullius Macer. Schweizerischen Numismatischen Rundschau 47, 85-103. (SO39 020) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 1562. Alfîldi,Andreas (1969): Die FrÅheste Denartypus des L/ Buca mit Caesar Dictator Perpetuo. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 19, 73, 1-5. (SO9 096) [OFFPRINT] 686. Alfîldi,Andreas (1971): Zu den Sizilischen PrÑgungen Caesars. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 21, 85-88. (SO2 137) [OFFPRINT] 648. Alfîldi,Andreas (1972): Redeunt Saturnia Regna, III: Juppiter-Apollo und Veiovis. Chiron 2, 215-230. (SO2 085) [OFFPRINT] 3525. Alfîldi,Andreas (1972): Robert E.A.Palmer : The Archaic Community of the Romans. London : Cambridge UP 1970. Gnomon 44, 787-799. (SO22 165) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 641. Alfîldi,Andreas (1973): La Divinisation de CÇsar dans la Politique d'Antoine et d'Octavien entre 44 et 40 avant J.-C. Revue Numismatique 15 (6th ser.), 99-128. (SO2 078) [OFFPRINT] 655. Alfîldi,Andreas (1974): Les Prefecti Urbi de CÇsar. In: MÇlanges d'Histoire Ancienne offerts Ö William Seston. (: ) (Publications de la Sorbonne. êtudes, 9.) êditions E. de Boccard, Paris, 1-14. (SO2 092) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 685. Alfîldi,Andreas (1974): Das Verschwinden der Namen der Monetalen seit dem Jahre 41 V. Chr. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 24, 107-109. (SO2 136) [OFFPRINT] 292. Alfîldi,Andreas (1975): Heiden und Christen am Spieltisch. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 18, 19-21. (SO4 071) [OFFPRINT] 635. Alfîldi,Andreas (1975): Octavians Aufstieg zur Macht. A&A 21,1, 1-11. (SO2 071) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 7 2522. Alfîldi,Andreas (1975): Stefan Weinstock: Divus Julius. Oxford: Clarendon Pr. 1971. Gnomon 47, 154-179. (SO16 007) [BOOK REVIEW] 3612. Alfîldi,Andreas (19??): Rîmische Kaiserzeit. In: Historia Mundi. Vol. 4 : Rîmisches Weltreich und Christentum. (Ed: Valjavec,Fritz) Francke Verlag; Lehnen, Bern; MÅnchen, 190-297. (SO23 031) [OFFPRINT] 985. Alfîldi,Andreas; Alfîldi,GÇza (1978): [Antrittsrede des Herrn Alfîldy]. Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 1978, 111-115. (SO3 024) [OFFPRINT] 4879. Alfîldi,Andrew (1959): Cornuti: A Teutonic Contingent in the Service of Constantine the Great and its Decisive Role in the Battle at the Milvian Bridge. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 13, 171-179. (SO35 068) [CONSTANTINE; ICONOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4812. Alfîldi,Andrew (1962): Some Portraits of Julianus Apostata. AJA 66, 403-405. (SO35 005) [JULIAN; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; PORTRAITURE] 1533. Alfîldi,Andrew (19??): The Portrait of Caesar on the Denarii of 44 B.C. and the Sequence of the Issues. In: Centennial Volume of the American Numismatic Society. (: ), New York, 27-42. (SO9 068) [INCOMPLETE; CAESAR; ICONOGRAPHY; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3137. Alfîldi,Andrew (19??): From the Aion Plutonios of the Ptolomies to the Saeculum Frugiferum of the Roman Emperors., 1-30; 275-281. (SO20 090) <<source unknown>> [OFFPRINT] 776. Alfîldi,Andrew; Mattingly,Harold trans (1969): Note to the 1969 Impression. In: The Conversion of Constantine and Pagan Rome. (Ed: Mattingly,Harold) Clarendon Press, Oxford, vi-x. (SO5 009) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 5480. Alfîldi,G (1962): [SPLAUNON]. Splonum. AAntHung 10, 3-12. (SO40 016) [CASSIUS DIO; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; TOPOGRAPHY] 5495. Alfîldi,G (1963): Das Leben der Dalmatinischen StÑdte in der Zeit des Prinzipates. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 12,2, 323-337. (SO40 030) [DALMATIA; OFFPRINT; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 5478. Alfîldi,G (1964): Des Territoires OccupÇs par les Scordisques. AAntHung 12,1-2, 107-127. (SO40 014) [ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 5496. Alfîldi,G (1964): Eine Rîmische Strassenbauinschrift aus Salona. AAntHung 16, 247-256. (SO40 031) [DALMATIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ROADS] 5533. Alfîldi,G (1966): R.G. Collingwood and R.P. Wright, The Roman Inscriptions of Britain. I. Inscriptions on Stone. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1965. BonnJahr 166, 638646. (SO41 035) [BOOK REVIEW; BRITANNIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1095. Alfîldi,G (1989): Epigraphische Notizen aus Italien III. ZPE 77, 155-180. (SO3 138) [OFFPRINT] 1056. Alfîldi,GÇsa (1979): Un'Iscrizione di Patavium e la Titolatura di C.Fulvio Plauziano. Aquileia Nostra 50, 125-152. (SO3 096) [OFFPRINT] 5524. Alfîldi,GÇza (1958): Augustalen- und Sevirkîrperschaften in Pannonien. AAntHung 6, 433-459. (SO41 027) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; PRIESTHOODS; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1392. Alfîldi,GÇza (1965): Ein Hispanischer Offizier in Niedergermanien. Madrider Mittleilungen 6, 105-115. (SO7 084) [OFFPRINT] 5492. Alfîldi,GÇza (1965): Epigrapghica. Situla. Glasnik Narodnega Muzeja V Ljubljani (Opuscula Musei Nationalis Labacensis) 8, 93112. (SO40 027) [DALMATIA; EPIGRAPHY; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ROADS] Syme Collection DB page 8 5509. Alfîldi,GÇza (1965): Tilurium- Der Antike Name des Legionslagers Gardun bei Trilj in der Provinz Dalmatien. BonnJahr 165, 105-107. (SO41 012) [DALMATIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; TOPOGRAPHY] 5522. Alfîldi,GÇza ([c1965]): Die Valerii in Poetovio. AArchSlov 15-16 (1965-1965), 137144. (SO41 025) [OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA; PANNONIA; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 18. Alfîldi,GÇza (1966): Um ÆcursusØ senatorial de Bracara Augusta. Revista de Guimaraes 76, 3-12. (SO1A 017; OLIS; `til' accent over 2nd. `a' in Guimaraes) [OFFPRINT] 5521. Alfîldi,GÇza (1966): Zur Inscrift des Collegium Centonariorum von Solva. Historia 15,4, 433-444. (SO41 024) [EPIGRAPHY; NORICUM; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 592. Alfîldi,GÇza (1971): Bellum Desertorum. BonnJahr 171, 367-376. (SO2 024) [OFFPRINT] 9. Alfîldi,GÇza (1972): Die Freilassung von Sklaven und die Struktur der Sklaverei in der Roemischen Kaiserzeit. Rivista Storica dell'AntichitÖ 2, 1-2, 97-129. (SO1A 009; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 703. Alfîldi,GÇza (1972): Die Ablehnung der Diktatur durch Augustus. Gymnasium 79,1/2, 1-12. (SO2 155) [OFFPRINT] 4210. Alfîldi,GÇza (1977): Les Equites Romani et l'Histoire Sociale des Provinces Germaniques de l'Empire Romain. Corsi di Cultura sull'Arte Ravennate e Bizantina, 7-19. (SO27 093) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 8. Alfîldi,GÇza (1978): Beobachtungen zur Lage der Althistorie in der Bundesrepublik. In: Geisteswissenschaft als AufgabeKulturpolitische Perspektiven und Aspekte. (Eds: Flashar,Hellmut; Lobkowicz,Nikolaus; Pîggeler,Otto) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 194-203. (SO1A 008; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1105. Alfîldi,GÇza (1978/79): Die Atti von Solva. Schild von Steier 15/16, 89-99. (SO3 152) <<incorporates Festschrift Modrijan>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 1324. Alfîldi,GÇza (1978 [1979]): Eine Inschrift auf dem Monteg¢ bei Dianium an der Spanischen OstkÅste. Epigraphica 40, 59-90. (SO7 015) [OFFPRINT] 1326. Alfîldi,GÇza (1978): Cnaeus Domitius Calvinus, Patronus von Emporiae. AEA 50-51, 135-138, 47-55. (SO7 018) [OFFPRINT] 11. Alfîldi,GÇza (1979): Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt II, vols. 1-6, 8, 9.1. Anzeiger fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 32, 3-4, 152-173. (SO1A 011; OLIS) [BOOK REVIEW] 13. Alfîldi,GÇza (1979): Gallicanus Noster. Chiron 9, 507-544. (SO1A 013; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1057. Alfîldi,GÇza (1979): Der Friedensschlu· des Kaisers Commodus mit den Germanen. Historia 20, 84-109. (SO3 097) [OFFPRINT] 1103. Alfîldi,GÇza (1979): Otto Lendle: Schildkrîten. Antike Kriegsmaschinen in Poliorketischen Texten (Palingenesia, Monographien u. Texte zur Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, hgg. v. O'L u. Peter Steinmetz; Bd. X). Franz Steiner Vlg. GmbH, Wiesbaden 1975. Erasmus 31,14, 496-500. (SO3 150) [BOOK REVIEW] 1306. Alfîldi,GÇza (1979): Zum Cursus Honorum des Aurelius Tuesianus. ZPE 34, 247-272. (SO6 153) [OFFPRINT] 383. Alfîldi,GÇza (1980): Ein SpÑtrîmisches Senatorisches Ehepaar in Verona. Epigraphica 41, 73-88. (SO4 170) [OFFPRINT] 1014. Alfîldi,GÇza (1980): Hans-Georg Pflaum. Gnomon 57, 203-206. (SO3 053) [OBITUARY] 1038. Alfîldi,GÇza (1981): Andreas Alfîldi. Gnomon 53, 410-414. (SO3 077) Syme Collection DB page 9 [ANDREAS ALFôLDI 1895-1981; OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 12. Alfîldi,GÇza (1982): Senatoren aus Norditalien Regiones IX, X und XI. In: Atti del Colloquio Internazionale AIEGL su Epigraphia e Ordine Senatorio, Roma, 14-20 Maggio 1981. Vol. 2. (: ) (Tituli, 5.) Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 309-368. (SO1A 012; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3739. Alfîldi,GÇza (1983): Ein Tempel des Herrscherkultes in Comum. Athenaeum 61, 362-373. (SO24 055) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 16. Alfîldi,GÇza (1985): Eine Kaiserliche Widmung in der Stadt Tucci. (Epigraphica Hispanica VIII). ZPE 59, 189-199. (SO1A 012; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 19. Alfîldi,GÇza (1987): M.Cornelius Nigrinus Filius, un ÆHijo PerdidoØ. Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina 17, 1-8. (SO1A 018; OLIS) <<vol. 17 forms vol. I of Festschrift for D.Domingo Fletcher Valls>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 1130. Alfîldi,GÇza (1987): Die Inschriften des P. Cornelius Anullinus. Fundberichte aus Baden-WÅrttemberg 12, 303-324. (SO3 176) [OFFPRINT] 23. Alfîldi-Rosenbaum,Elizabeth (1974): Late Antique Sarcophagi in Adrassus. In: MÇlanges Mansel. (: ) (TÅrk Tarih Kurumu Yayinari.) TÅrk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, Ankara, 483-492. (SO1A 022; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 3935. Alfîldy,G (1959): Die Truppenverteilung der Donaulegionen am Ende des I. Jahrhunderts. AAntHung 11, 113141. (SO25 151) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 3926. Alfîldy,G (1962): Die Auxiliartruppen der Provinz Dalmatien. AAntHung 14, 259296. (SO25 141) [DALMATIA; OFFPRINT] 5519. Alfîldy,G (1965): Caetennii. Eirene 4, 43-53. (SO41 022) [OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 1734. Alfîldy,G (1969): Ein Praefectus der Cohors VI Neruiorum in Britannia. In: Hommages Ö Marcelo Renard. (: ) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 3-6. (SO11 017) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2696. Alfîldy,G (1971): Herddians Person. AncSoc 2, 204-233. (SO17 115) [OFFPRINT] 4573. Alfîldy,G (1976): Consuls and Consulars under the Antonines: Prosopography and History. AncSoc 7, 253299. (SO32 066) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4591. Alfîldy,G (1978): Der Senator Q. Gargilius Macer Aufidianus und Seine Verwandten. Chiron 8, 361-376. (SO32 074) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4343. Alfîldy,G (1984): Drei StÑdtische Eliten im Rîmischen Hispanien. Geri¢n 2, 193238. (SO29 030) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SPAIN] 4347. Alfîldy,GÇza (1883): Zur Geschichte von Asturia et Callaecia. Bemerkungen zu Alain Tranoy, La Galice Romaine [De Boccard, Paris, 1981]. Germania 61,2, 511-528. (SO29 033) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE; SPAIN] 4279. Alfîldy,GÇza (1885): Bellum Mauricum. Chiron 15, 91-109. (SO28 033) [HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 5584. Alfîldy,GÇza (1961): Die Stellung der Frau in der Gesellschaft der Liburner. AAntHung 9, 307-319. (SO42 043) [DALMATIA; ETHNICITY; GENDER; OFFPRINT] 5585. Alfîldy,GÇza (1961): Die Sklaverei in Dalmatien zur Zeit des Prinzipats. AAntHung 9, 121-151. (SO42 044) [DALMATIA; OFFPRINT; SLAVERY] 5582. Alfîldy,GÇza (1962): Caesarische und Augusteische Kolonien in der Provinz Dalmatien. AAntHung 10, 357-365. (SO42 041) [AUGUSTUS; COLONISATION; DALMATIA; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 10 5583. Alfîldy,GÇza (1962): Die Gesellschaft der Urbevîlkerung Dalmatiens zur Zeit der Rîmischen Eroberung. Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis De Rolando Eîtvîs Nominatae. Sectio Historica 4, 17-26. (SO42 042) [DALMATIA; OFFPRINT; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 5581. Alfîldy,GÇza (1963): Cognatio Nantiana. Zur Struktur der Sippengesellschaft der Liburner. AAntHung 11, 81-87. (SO42 040) [DALMATIA; ECONOMY; OFFPRINT] 5586. Alfîldy,GÇza (1964): Veteranendeduktionen in der Provinz Dalmatien. Historia 13,2, 167-179. (SO42 045) [DALMATIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 3120. Alfîldy,GÇza (1965): Epigraphisches aus dem Rheinland I. BonnJahr 165, 177. (SO20 073) [EPIGRAPHY] 5580. Alfîldy,GÇza (1965): Epigraphica. I. Revidierte Inschriften aus Dalmatien. II. Revidierte Inschriften aus Poetovio und Aquae Balissae. III. Eine Strassenbauinschrift aus Salonae. Situla. Glasnik Narodnega Muzeja V Ljubljani (Opuscula Musei Nationalis Labacensis) 8, 93-112. (SO42 039) [BALKANS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4509. Alfîldy,GÇza (1966): Zur Italischen Gentilnamenforschung: Die Obultroni. BN 1,2 (n.s.), 145-152. (SO32 002) [ITALY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5587. Alfîldy,GÇza (1966): Notes sur la Relation entre le Droit de CitÇ et la Nomenclature dans l'Empire Romain. Latomus 25,1, 37-57. (SO42 046) [CITIZENSHIP; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 1635. Alfîldy,GÇza (1968): Senatoren in der Rîmischen Provinz Dalmatia. Epigraphische Studien 5, 99-144. (SO10 032) [OFFPRINT] 1680. Alfîldy,GÇza (1968): Septimius Severus und der Senat. BonnJahr 168, 112160. (SO10 111) [OFFPRINT] 1737. Alfîldy,GÇza (1968): Zur Beurteilung der MilitÑrdiplome der Auxiliarsoldaten. Historia 17,2, 215-227. (SO11 020) [OFFPRINT] 3827. Alfîldy,GÇza (1970): Eine Spanische Gesandtschaft in Pannonien. AEA 43, 121122, 169-174. (SO25 046) [HISPANIA; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3900. Alfîldy,GÇza (1970): Patrimonium Regni Norici. BonnJahr 170, 163-177. (SO25 116) [NORICUM; OFFPRINT] 2665. Alfîldy,GÇza (1971): Cassius Dio und Herodian Åber die AnfÑnge des Neupersischen Reiches. RMfP 114,4, 360366. (SO17 084) [OFFPRINT] 2667. Alfîldy,GÇza (1971): Zeitgeschichte und Krisenempfindung bei Herodian. Hermes 99,4, 429-449. (SO17 086) [OFFPRINT] 3915. Alfîldy,GÇza (1972): Eine Spanische Gesandtschaft in Pannonien. AEA 43, 121122, 169-174. (SO25 130) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3919. Alfîldy,GÇza (1972): SÅdosteuropa im Altertum- von der Vielfalt zur Einheit. SÅdostForschungen 31, 1-16. (SO25 134) [BALKANS; OFFPRINT] 2666. Alfîldy,GÇza (1973): Herodian Åber den Tod Mark Aurels. Latomus 32,2(AprilJune), 345-353. (SO17 086) [OFFPRINT] 2673. Alfîldy,GÇza (1973): Der Heilige Cyprian und die Krise des Rîmischen Reiches. Historia 22, 479-501. (SO17 092) <<possibly a proof copy>> [OFFPRINT] 3824. Alfîldy,GÇza (1974): P. Helvius Pertinax und M. Valerius Maximianus. Situla. Razprave Narodnega Muzeja V Ljubljani (Dissertationes Musei Nationalis Labacensis) 14/15, 199-215. (SO25 043) <<article in German with Serbo-Croat summary>> [OFFPRINT] 1558. Alfîldy,GÇza (1975): Die FÅhrungsschicht des Rîmischen Reiches in der Prinzipatszeit: Problem, Forschungen, Syme Collection DB page 11 Ergebnisse. Jahrbuch der Historischen Forschung, 26-29. (SO9 092) [OFFPRINT] 1559. Alfîldy,GÇza (1976): Die Rîmische Gesellschaft- Struktur und Eigenart. Gymnasium 83,1-2, 1-25. (SO9 093) [OFFPRINT] 2668. Alfîldy,GÇza (1976): Soziale Konflikte im Rîmischen Kaiserreich. Heidelberger Jahrbuecher 20, 111-125. (SO17 087) [OFFPRINT] 2315. Alfîldy,GÇza (1977): Andr†s M¢csy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia. A History of the Middle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire. Translation edited by Sheppard Frere. London/ Boston, Routledge and Kegan Paul 1977. Historische Zeitschrift 224, 120-123. (SO15 003) [BOOK REVIEW] 3226. Alfîldy,GÇza (1977): Reichtum und Macht der Senatoren. (Remarks on) I. Shatzman : Senatorial Wealth and Roman Politics. Bruxelles (Latomus) 1975. Coll. Latomus: 142. Gymnasium 84,6, 541-545. (SO21 053) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4341. Alfîldy,GÇza (1977): Ein Ziegelstempel mit dem Namen eines Senators aus Villajoyosa in der Hispania Citerior. ZPE 27, 217-228. (SO29 028) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SPAIN] 3894. Alfîldy,GÇza (1978): Ein 'Nordadriatischer' Gentilname und seine Beziehungen. ZPE 30, 123-136. (SO25 110) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2670. Alfîldy,GÇza (1979): Anton Gnirs, BeitrÑge zur Geschichte und Geographie Bîhmens und MÑhrens in der Zeit des Imperium Romanum. Hrsg. von Anna Gnirs. Bonn-Bad Godesbergs, Verlag Wissenschaftliches Archiv 1976. Historische Zeitschrift 228, 147-148. (SO17 089) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2746. Alfîldy,GÇza (1979): Ronald Syme, Roman Papers, edited by E.Badian. 2 volumes, Oxford 1979. AJAH 4,2, 167-185. (SO17 163) [BOOK REVIEW] 4615. Alfîldy,GÇza (1980): Ein Senator aus Vicetia. ZPE 39, 255-266. (SO32 096) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4612. Alfîldy,GÇza (1981): Die Stellung der Ritter in der FÅhrungsschicht des Imperium Romanum. Chiron 11, 169-215. (SO32 093) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4346. Alfîldy,GÇza (1983): Epigraphica Hispanica IV. Voconia Pax, ein Stîrenfried in der Rîmischen Epigraphik Hispaniens. ZPE 53, 103-111. (SO29 032) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 4601. Alfîldy,GÇza (1983): Sir Ronald Syme, `Die Rîmische Revolution' und die Deutsche Althistorie. Sitzungberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 1983,1, 42. (SO32 083) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN REVOLUTION; SYME] 2024. Alfîldy,Geza (1985): J.B. Campbell: The Emperor and the Roman Army 31 A.D.A.D. 235. Oxford: Clarendon P. 1984. Gnomon 57, 440-446. (SO12 066) [BOOK REVIEW] 2105. Alfîldy,GÇza (1985): Zu den Inschriften eines Rîmischen Senators aus Aquileia. In: Rîmische Geschichte, Altertumskunde und Epigraphik. Festschrift fÅr Artur Betz zur Vollendung seines 80. Lebensjahres. (Eds: Weber,Ekkehard; Dobesch,Gerhard) (ArchÑologischeEpigraphische Studien, 1.) ôsterreichischen Gesellschaft fÅr ArchÑologie, Wien, 13-29. (SO13 009) [FESTSCHRIFT] 1989. Alfîldy,GÇza (1986): Latinische BÅrger in Brigantium und im Imperium Romanum. Jahrbuch des Vorarlberger Landesmuseumsvereins, 21-22. (SO12 031) [OFFPRINT] 2028. Alfîldy,GÇza (1986): Latinische BÅrger in Brigantium und im Imperium Romanum. Bayerische Vorgeschichts-BlÑtter 51, 187-220. (SO12 070) [OFFPRINT] 2139. Alfîldy,GÇza (1986): Die MithrasInschrift aus Riegel am Kaiserstuhl. Germania 64,2, 433-440. (SO13 040) [OFFPRINT] 2138. Alfîldy,GÇza (1987): Epigraphica Hispanica IX: Inschriften aus Ciudad Real. ZPE 67, 225-262. Syme Collection DB page 12 (SO13 039) [OFFPRINT] 4314. Alfîldy,GÇza (1988): T†racco y el Imperio Romano. In: GÇza Alfîldy Doctor Honoris Causa. (: ) Universitat Autïnoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 15-27. (SO28 001) <<vol. includes c.v. and bibliography>> [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 2669. Alfîldy,GÇza (197?): Ramsay MacMullen: Roman Government's Response to Crisis A.D. New Haven-London, Yale University Press (1976). Hispania Antiqua, 341-346. (SO17 088) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2106. Alfîldy,GÇza (19??): Fulviomario Broilo: Iscrizioni Lapidarie Latine del Museo Nazionale Concoediese di Portoguaro (I a.C.III d.C.) II. Roma: Giorgio Bretschneider 1984. Gnomon, 294-295. (SO13 010) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 2747. Alfîldy,GÇza; Halfmann,H (1979): Iunius Maximus und die Victoria Parthica. ZPE 35, 195-212. (SO17 164) [OFFPRINT] 3067. Alfîldy,GÇza; Halfmann,Helmut (1973): M. Cornelius Nigrinus Curiatus Maternus, General Domitians und Rivale Trajans. Chiron 3, 331-373. (SO20 023) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5294. Allen,W and the Tacitus Seminar (1961): Epic and Etiquette in Tacitus' Annals. Studies in Philology 58,4, 557-572. (SO37D 012) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5297. Allen,W and the Tacitus Seminar (1962): Imperial Table Manners in Tacitus' Annals. Latomus 21, 374-376. (SO37D 015) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 5298. Allen,W and the Tacitus Seminar (1962): Nero's Eccentricities before the Fire (Tac. Ann. 15.37). Numen 9,2, 99-109. (SO37D 016) [NERO; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5265. Allen,Walter (1947): The Death of Agrippa Postumus. Transactions of the American Philological Association 78, 133139. (SO37C 024) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5211. Allen,Walter (1948): A Minor Type of Opposition to Tiberius. The Classical Journal 44,3, 203-206. (SO37A 031) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 2567. Allen,Walter (1953): Caesar's Regnum (Suet. Iul. 9.2). Transactions of the American Philological Association 84, 229-236. (SO16) [OFFPRINT] 2447. Allen,Walter (1954): A Survey of Selected Ciceronian Bibliography, 1939-53. The Classical Weekly 47,9(182, 8 March), 129-139. (SO15 123) [OFFPRINT] 2507. Allen,Walter (1954): Cicero's Conceit. Transactions of the American Philological Association 85, 123-144. (SO15 183) [OFFPRINT] 5067. Allen,Walter (1954): Sallust's Political Career. Studies in Philology 51, 1-14. (SO36C 015) [OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5054. Allen,Walter (1966): The Unity of the Sallustian Corpus. The Classical Journal March 1966, 268-269. (SO36C 002) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 2622. Allen Jr.,Walter and the Horace Seminar (1970): The Adresses in Horace's First Book of Epistles. Studies in Philology 67(3 July), 255-266. (SO17 042) [OFFPRINT] 2008. Alonso Nu§ez,JM (1987): Los Vacceos en Estrabon. Publicaciones de la Instituci¢n "Tello TÇllez de Meneses" 56, 7-12. (SO12 050) [OFFPRINT] 898. Alonso-N£§ez,JM (1988): Pompeius Trogus on Spain. Latomus 47,1, 117-130. (SO5 142) [OFFPRINT] 1085. Alonso-N£§ez,JM (1988): Sur un Nouvel Ouvrage de Claude Nicolet: L'Inventaire du Monde. Les êtudes Classiques 57, 53-55. (SO3 127) [OFFPRINT] 1121. Alonso-N£§ez,JM (1989): Aemilius Sura. Latomus 48, 1, 110-119. (SO3 168) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 13 4889. Altheim,F; Trautmann,E (1937): Nordische und Italische Felsbildkunst. Die Welt als Geschichte 3,2-3, 83-118. (SO35 077) [ICONOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROCK ART] 1590. Altheim,Franz (1937): Altitalische und Altrîmische Gottesvorstellung. Klio 30,1, 3453. (SO9 126) [OFFPRINT] 2399. Altheim,Franz (1937): Von den Ursachen der Grîsse Roms. Neuen Rundschau March 1937, 236-258. (SO15 087) [OFFPRINT] 4790. Altheim,Franz (1939): Sol Invictus. Die Welt als Geschichte 5,3, 290-303. (SO34 048) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 3445. Altheim,Franz (1950): Gassire's Laute. Paideuma : Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde 4, 171-178. (SO22 084) [OFFPRINT] 5206. Altheim,Franz (1953): Tacitus. Die Neue Rundschau, 175-193. (SO47A 025) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2171. Ambrogi,A et al (19??): [selection of roman military gravestones]. In: Museo Nazionale Romano. Vol. 1,7/ part I. (Eds: de Lachenal,Lucilla; Palma,Beatrice; Sapelli,Marina) De Luca, Roma, 158-179. (SO13 071) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2123. Ameling,W (1985): Der Sophist Rufus. Epigraphica Anatolica 6, 27-36. (SO13 026) [OFFPRINT] 7. Ameling,Walter (1984): Aulus Gellius in Athen. Hermes 112, 4, 484-490. (SO1A 007; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2982. Ameling,Walter (1985): Plutarch, Perikles 12-14. Historia 34,1, 47-63. (SO18 168) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1979. Amiran,R; Aharoni,Y (1967): Ancient Arad. Introductary Guide to Exhibition Held at the Israel Museum, jan-april 1967. Israel Museum, Jerusalem. 36 pages. (SO12 021) <<Israel Museum Catalogue 32>> [MONOGRAPH] 4678. Amundsen,Leiv (1947): Notes to the Preface of Livy. Symbolae Osloenses 25, 3135. (SO33 055) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 2542. Anastos,Milton V (19??): The Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. A Life of Learning. Scholarship by Contrariety. American Council of Learned Societies Newsletter, 3-17. (SO16 026) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2561. Andersen,A (1938): Cassius Dio und die BegrÅndung des Principates. Junker und DÅnnhaupt Verlag, Berlin. 66 pages. (SO16 044) <<series:Neue Deutsche Forschungen 196; Abteilung Alte Geschichte 4>> [MONOGRAPH] 1506. Anderson,JGC (1899): Exploration in Galatia cis Halym. Part II Topography, Epigraphy, Galatian Civilisation. JHS 19, 52134. (SO9 044A) [OFFPRINT] 1507. Anderson,JGC (1899): Exploration in Galatia cis Halym. Part II Topography, Epigraphy, Galatian Civilisation. JHS 19, 280318. (SO9 044B) [OFFPRINT] 3162. Anderson,JGC ([c1927-]): Augustan Edicts from Cyrene. JRS, 33-38. (SO20 115) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5172. Anderson,JGC (1927): Augustan Edicts from Cyrene. JRS 17, 33-38. (SO36F 035) <<dupl. of. SO20 115>> [AUGUSTUS; CYRENAICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3758. AndrÇ,Jacques (1959): Ronald Syme, Tacitus. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1958. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 33, 1, 144-145. (So24 075) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SYME] 5368. Andresen,Georg (??): Die Entstehung und Tendenz des Taciteischen Agricola., 293314. (SO38B 019) <<source and date unknown>> [AGRICOLA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1002. Angeli Bertinelli,MG (1981): Ancora in Tema di Titolatura Imperiale Romana in Ambiente Punico. In: Scritti sul Mondo Antico in Memoria di Fulvio Grosso. (Ed: Syme Collection DB page 14 Gasperini,Lidio) Giorgio Bretschneider, Roma, 13-22. (SO3 042) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2473. Anon. (c1880): 1. The Life and Times of Cicero; His Character as a Statesman, Orator, and Friend. With a Selection from his Correspondence and Orations, By William Forsyth, Q.C. Third Edition. London, 1866 2. The Correspondence of M. Tullius Cicero, Arranged According to its Chronological Order. By R.Y. Tyrrell. Vol. 1. Dublin, 1979 3. Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius. By E.G. Beesly. London, 1878 4. The Life and Letters of M.Tullius Cicero. By G.E. Jeans. London, 1880. 150, no. 300, 337373. (SO15 149) <<source and author unknown>> [BOOK REVIEW] 5371. Anon. (1946): Britain under the Flavians: Agricola and his Predecessors. Durham University Journal June 1946, 10-19 [79-84]. (SO38B 021) <<article reprinted in unknown source>> [AGRICOLA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5370. Anon. (c1952): Britain under Nero: The Significance of Q. Veranius. Durham University Journal June 1952, 1-9 [88-92]. (SO38B 021) <<article reprinted in unknown source>> [BRITANNIA; NERO; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5372. Anon. (c1952): Britain after Agricola, and the End of the Ninth Legion. Durham University Journal June 1948, 20-30 [78-83]. (SO38B 021) <<article reprinted in unknown source>> [BRITANNIA; NERO; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3759. Anon. (1958): The Enigma of Tacitus [Review of R. Syme : Tacitus.; C.W. Mendell : Tacitus]. Times Literary Supplement 57, no. 2939(27 June), 353-354. (SO24 076) [CUTTINGS; OFFPRINT; SYME] 4364. Anon. (1963): Museo Arqueol¢gico de Sevilla. Adquisiciones de 1958-61. Memorias de los Museos Arqueol¢gicos 19-22, 147-161. (SO29 049) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 4365. Anon. (1963): Museo Arqueol¢gico y Necr¢polis de Carmona (Sevilla). Actividades Diversas de 1958-61. El Vaso de ÆLos GladiadoresØ. Memorias de los Museos Arqueol¢gicos 19-22, 162-167. (SO29 050) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 5441. Anon. (1966): Lily Ross Taylor. A Bibliography. Bryn Mawr, Penn. August 12, 1966 ("This presented to the community of classical scholars by the Department of Latin, Bryn Mawr College, as a tribute to its senior member on the occasion of her eightieth birthday."). (SO39 022) [BIBLIOGRAPHY; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 2804. Anon. (1967): Ein Intelligenter, aber Unheldischer CÑsar. Vortrag von Sir Ronald Syme im Hîrsaal 9. Report of lecture given by Syme in late May 1967 in SchwÑbisches Tagblath 2-6-1967. (SO16 099) [REVIEW] 2739. Anon. (1968): Ronald Syme, Ammianus and the ÆHistoria AugustaØ. Londra, Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1968. Le Parole e le Idee (JanuaryJune 1968), . (SO17 157) [BOOK REVIEW] 2743. Anon. (1968): Mares's Nest. Ronald Syme: Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. Times Literary Supplement (11 July), 725. (SO17 161) [BOOK REVIEW] 2745. Anon. (1968): Vexed Chronology. Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. By Sir Ronald Syme. Oxford University Press. The Times Educational Supplement (18 October), . (SO17 163) [BOOK REVIEW] 2796. Anon. (1968): 1) Fergus Millar et al: The Roman Empire and its Neighbours. Weidenfeld and Nicolson (2) Matthias Gelzer: Saesar: Politician and Statesman. Translated by Peter Needham. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Times Literary Supplement (2 May), 458. (SO16 091) [BOOK REVIEW] 2799. Anon. (1968 [1933]): Appendix. The Augustan Principate 1933-1967. In: The Augustan Principate. (: ) Russell & Russell, New York, 335-386. (SO16 094) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4619. Anon. (1968): La Familgia dei Saturnini. Autostrade 10,8, 9-12. (SO32 100) [INCOMPLETE; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 15 2733. Anon. (1970): Syme,Ronald. Ten Studies in Tacitus. Clarendon Press: Oxford. Times Literary Supplement (25 September), . (SO17 151) [BOOK REVIEW] 3761. Anon. (1970): Ten Studies in Tacitus. Sir Ronald Syme. Oxford University Press. 1970. British Book News (September 1970), . (SO24 078) <<review of book from TLS 25th Sept. 1970 on same photocopy>> [BOOK REVIEW; CUTTINGS] 2472. Anon. (c1979): 1. Caesar, a Sketch. By J.A. Froude, M.A. London, 1979. 2. The Correspondence of M. Tullius Cicero, Arranged according to its Chronological Order. By R.Y. Tyrrell, M.A. Vol. 1 Dublin University Press Series, 1879., 453-489. (SO15 148) <<source and author unknown>> [BOOK REVIEW] 2197. Anon. (1986): Staat und Landwirtshaftliches BewÑsserungssystem égyptens in Rîmischer Zeit. LeichtweissInstitut fÅr Wasserbau der Technischen UniversitÑt Braunschweig. Mitteilungen 89, 137. (SO14 007) [OFFPRINT] 3712. Anon. (1987): Ronald Syme. Roman Papers, Vol. III. Edited by Robin Birley. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 1984. Anzeiger fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 40,3-4, 264-? (SO24 027) <<article incomplete, no author>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; REMOVED] 2154. Anon. (19??): Nijmegen van Hoofdkwartier tot Hoofdstad., 86. (SO13 053) <<short article from unknown source on Nijmegen fort with emphasis on sculptures representing Tiberius Caesar and some gods>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 250. Anon. (?): James H. Oliver's Bibliography. (unknown) ?, 1-9. (SO4 029) [OFFPRINT] 3609. Anti,Carlo (1925): Il Presunto Altare di Dimizio Ahenobarbo. Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 84,2, 473483. (Festschrift for C. Cessi) (SO23 028) [OFFPRINT] 3607. Antoniewicz,Wlodzimierz ([1961]): Recenti Scoperte d'Arte Preromanica e Romanica a Wislica in Polonia. Accademia Polacca di Scienze e Lettere. Bibliotheca di Roma 14, 31. (SO23 026) [EXCAVATIONS; OFFPRINT; POLAND] 26. Applebaum,Shimon (1974): Domitian's Assassination: the Jewish Aspect. Scripta Classica Israelica 1, 116-123. (SO1A 025; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1019. Applebaum,Shimon (1981): The Burial Place of Rabbi `Aquiva. In: Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress of Jewish Studies. (: ) The Perry Foundation for Biblical Research; World Union of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 3747. (SO3 058) [OFFPRINT] 2019. Applebaum,Shimon (1985): Uwe Baumann: Rom und die Juden. Die RîmischJÅdischen Beziehungen von Pompeius bis zum Tode des Herodes (63-64 v. Chr.) Frankfurt am Main/ New York: Lang 1983. Gnomon 57, 479-480. (SO12 062) [BOOK REVIEW] 1964. Applebaum,Shimon; Gihon,Mordekhai (1967): Israel and her Vicinity in the Roman and Byzantine Periods. Tel Aviv University, Tev Aviv. (SO12 006) <<Notes offered to Delegates to the Seventh International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies>> [MONOGRAPH] 2086. Applebaum,Shimon; Gihon,Mordekhai (1967): Israel and Her Vicinity in the Roman and Byzantine Periods. Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv. (SO12 127) <<vol. is Notes offered to delegates of Seventh International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies>> [MONOGRAPH] 2068. Applebaum,Shimon; Issac,Benjamin; Landau,Yohanan (1978): Varia Epigraphica. Scripta Classica Israelica 4, 133-159. (SO12 109) [OFFPRINT] 2064. Applebaum,Simon (1973): The Legal Status of the Jewish Communities in the Diaspora. In: The Jewish People in the 1st Century A.D. (Eds: Safrai,Shemuel; Stern,M) Van Gorcum,, 420-463. (SO12 106) <<series: Compendium Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum>> [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 16 2065. Applebaum,Simon (1973): The Organisation of the Jewish Communities in the Diaspora. In: The Jewish People in the 1st Century A.D. (Eds: Safrai,Shemuel; Stern,M) Van Gorcum,, 464-503. (SO12 106) <<series: Compendium Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum I>> [OFFPRINT] 4642. Arangio-Ruiz,Vincenzo (1961): L'Iscrizione Leidense di Augusto. B.I.D.R. ÆVittorio ScialojaØ 3 (3rd. ser.), 323-342. (SO33 022) [AUGUSTUS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4353. Arce,J (1981): Inestabilidad Pol°tica en Hispania durante el Siglo II d.C. AEA 54 (nos. 143-144), 101-115. (SO29 038) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 321. Arce,J (1982): The Inscription of Troesmis (ILS 724) and the First Victories of Constantius II as Caesar. ZPE 48, 245-249. (SO4 100) [OFFPRINT] 328. Arce,J (1982): Märida Tardoromana (284-409 d.C.). In: Homenaje a Saenz de Buruaga. (: ) Instituci¢n Cultural "Pedro de Valencia" : Excelent°sima Diputaci¢n Provincial de Badajoz, [Badajoz, Spain], 209226. (SO4 109) [FESTSCHRIFT; LATE EMPIRE; LUSITANIA; MêRIDA- ANCIENT SITE] 5592. Arce,J (1988): La Tabula Siarensis y los Funerales Imperiales (II). AEA 9, 43-50. (SO1A 155) [INCOMPLETE; EPIGRAPHY; GERMANICUS; OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS] 2150. Arce,Javier (1984): Constantius II Sarmaticus and Persicus. ZPE 57, 225-229. (SO13 051) [OFFPRINT] 20. Arce,Javier (1987): Los Funerales del Emperador Constancio II (a. 361 d.C.). In: Athlon Satura Grammatica in Honorem Francisci R. Adrados. Vol. 2. (Ed: B†denas de la Pe§a,P) Editorial Gredos, Matriti, 29-39. (SO1A 019; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 21. Arce,Javier (1988): Epigraf°a de la Hispania Tardorromana de Diocleciano a Teodosio: Problemas de Historia y de Cultura. In: La Terza EtÖ dell'Epigrafia. Colloquio AIEGL. Borghesi 86. (: ) (Epigrafia e AntichitÖ, 9.) Fratelli Lega Editori, Faenza, 211-227. (SO1A 020; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2607. Ardevan,Radu (1985): Aelius Ties. Apulium. Acta Musei Apulensis 22, 67-70. (SO17 027) [OFFPRINT] 2144. Arias,Gonzalo (c1980): Grammar in the Antonine Itinerary. published by the author as a offprint. (SO13 045) [OFFPRINT] 3928. Aricescu,Andrei (1970): Quelques PrÇcisions sur la Carte de la Scythia Minor. Dacia. Revue d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Ancienne 14 (n.s.), 297-309. (SO25 144) [OFFPRINT; SCYTHIA] 1522. Arik,Remzi Oguk; Coupry,J (1935): Les Tumuli de Karalar et la SÇpulture du Roi Deitaros II. Revue ArchÇologique oct-dec 1935, 133-151. (SO9 059) [OFFPRINT] 4755. Arnaldi,Adelina (1972): La Successione dei Cognomina Devictarum Gentium e le loro Iterazioni nella Titolatura dei Primi Tetrarchi. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 106, 28-50. (SO34 015) [CHRONOLOGY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 285. Arnaldi,Adelina (1975): Osservazioni sul Convegno di Carnuntum. Memorie dell'Istituto Lombardo 35, fasc. 4, 217-238. (SO4 064) 287. Arnaldi,Adelina (1977): I Cognomina Devictarum Gentium dei Successori di Constantino il Grande. Epigraphica 39, 91102. (SO4 066) [OFFPRINT] 2609. Arnaldi,Adelina (1986): Termini e Dati Monetari nelle Biografie da Adriano a Caracalla dell'ÆHistoria AugustoØ. Serta Historica Antiqua, 197-221. (SO17 029) <<vol. no. unstated, but journal was first published in 1986>> [OFFPRINT] 5243. Arnaldi,Francesco (1962): Gli Studi su Tacito. Cultura e Scuola 3, 34-39. (SO37C 002) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE; TACITUS] 2212. Arnaldi,Francesco (1968 [1967]): Il Continuatore di Tacito. Rendiconti dell'Accademia di Archeologia Lettere e Belle Arti di Napoli 42, 103-154. Syme Collection DB page 17 (SO14 021) [OFFPRINT] 5353. Arnaldi,Francesco (1968): Tacito e Vico. Vichiana 5,3-4, 297-305. (SO38B 004) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; VICO] 5048. Arnaldi,Francesco (1969): Sallustius Personatus. Vichiana 6, 75-81. (SO36B 021) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 2585. Arnaud,Pascal (1983): L'Affaire Mettius Pompusianus ou le Crime de Cartographie. MEFRA 95,2, 677-699. (SO17 005) [OFFPRINT] 2586. Arnaud,Pascal (1984): L'Image du Globe dans le Monde Romain: Science, Iconographie, Symbolique. MEFRA 96,1, 53116. (SO17 006) [OFFPRINT] 3598. Ashby,Thomas (1912): Appunti sulla Via Salaria. Mitteilungen der K.D. Archaeologischen Instituts Rom 27, 222-229. (SO23 017) [OFFPRINT] 2310. Ashby,Tommaso; Lugli,Giuseppe (1928): La Villa dei Christiani "Ad Duas Lauros" e il Suburbano Imperiale ad Oriente di Roma. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia. Memorie 2, 157-192. (SO14 117) [OFFPRINT] 2083. Ashmolean Museum (19??): Coin Room., 27-28. (SO12 124) <<page from an Aslmolean Museum publication (annual report?)>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 668. Astin,AE (1959): The Status of Sardinia in the Second Century A.D. Latomus 18, 150-153. (SO2 106) [OFFPRINT] 3409. Astin,AE (1960): Dicta Scipionis of 131 B.C. CQ 10, 1 (vol. 54 of continuous series), 135-139. (SO22 050) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3412. Astin,AE (1961): Water to the Capitol : a Note on Frontinus De Aquis 1,7,5. Latomus 20, 541-548. (SO22 053) [OFFPRINT] 3509. Astin,AE (1962): `Professio' in the Abortive Election of 184 B.C. Historia, 252255. (SO22 147) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4625. Astin,AE (1963): Augustus and ÆCensoria PotestasØ. Latomus 22, 226-235. (SO33 055) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 2500. Astin,AE (1964): Leges Aelia et Fufia. Latomus 23,3, 421-445. (SO15 176) [OFFPRINT] 3377. Astin,AE (1964): The Roman Commander in Hispania Ulterior in 142 B.C. Historia 13,2, 245-254. (SO22 018) [OFFPRINT] 24. Astin,AE (1965): Jaako Suolahti: The Roman Censors. A Study on Social Structure. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemia 1963. (Ann.Acad.Scient.Fenn. B117.). Gnomon 37, 76-83. (SO1A 023; OLIS) [BOOK REVIEW] 2362. Astin,AE (c1968): Politics and Policies in the Roman Republic. The Queen's University, Belfast. 18 pages. (An Inaugural Lecture delivered before The Queen's University of Belfast on 1 May 1968) (SO15 050) <<series: New Lecture Series No. 41>> [LECTURE; MONOGRAPH] 3402. Astin,AE (1969): The Atinii. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 2. (Ed: Bibauw,Jacqueline) Latomus, Bruxelles, 3439. (SO22 043) <<series : Collection Latomus 102>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5653. Astin,AE (1969): `Nominare' in Accounts of Elections in the Early Republic. Latomus 28,4, 863-874. (SO16 115) [ELECTIONS; MAGISTRATES; OFFPRINT] 4553. Astin,AE (1972): Cato Tusculanus and the Capitoline Fasti. JRS 62, 20-24. (SO32 046) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3415. Astin,AE (19??): Scipio Aemilianus and Cato Censorius. Latomus, 159-180. (SO22 056) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 18 1967. Atkinson,KMT (1959): The Historical Setting of the Habakkuk Commentary. Journal of Semitic Studies 4,3, 238-263. (SO12 009) [OFFPRINT] 146. Babelon,E (1917-18): Quelques Monnaies de l'Empereur Domitien. Revue Numismatique Franáaise, 25-44. (SO1A 171; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4514. Atkinson,Kathleen (1960): Constitutional and Legal Aspects of the Trials of Marcus Primus and Varro Murena. Historia 9,4, 440-473. (SO32 007) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; ROMAN LAW] 1428. Babelon,Ernest (1903): Les Monnaies de Septime SÇväre, de Caracalla st de GÇta Relatives Ö l'Afrique. Rivista Italiana di Numismatica e Scienze Affini 16, fasc. 2, 3-20. (SO7 120) [OFFPRINT] 1712. Atkinson,Kathleen MT (1958): The Governors of the the Province Asia in the Reign of Augustus. Historia 7,3, 300-330. (SO10 100) [OFFPRINT] 734. Atkinson,Kathleen MT (1962): The Constitutio of Vedius Pollio at Ephesus and its Analogies. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'AntiquitÇ 9 (3rd. ser.), 261-289. (SO2 187) [OFFPRINT] 5004. Badian (1966): The Early Historians. In: Latin Historians. (Ed: Dorey,TA) (Studies in Latin Literature and its Influence.) Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1-38. (SO36 004) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 36. Badian,E (1952): Notes on Roman Policy in Illyria. PBSR 7, new series, 72-93. (SO1A 035; OLIS) <<vol. 20 of continuous series>> [OFFPRINT] 4836. Audin,A (1966): Les Martyrs de 177. Cahiers d'Histoire 11, 343-367. (SO35 027) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT] 34. Badian,E (1954): Lex Servilia. The Classical Review 4,2, new series (vol. 68 of continuous series), 101-102. (SO1A 033; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 589. Aymard,Jacques (1955): La Configuration de Lucilla. REA 57,1-2, 85-91. (SO2 021) [OFFPRINT] 38. Badian,E (1954): The Prefect at Gades. Classical Philology 49, 250-252. (SO1A 037; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1553. Aymard,Jacques (1955): Quelques Remarques sur les Jeux avec le Taureau a l'êpoque Romaine. Les êtudes Classiques 23,3, 259-266. (SO9 087) [OFFPRINT] 57. Badian,E (1954): Lex Acilia Repetundarum. AJPh 75,4, 374-384. (SO1A 065; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3608. Aymard,Jacques (1955): Un DÇtail MÇconnu d'un Sarcophage de la Villa MÇdicis. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 1955, 181-188. (SO23 027) [OFFPRINT] 71. Babcock,Charles L (1965): The Early Career of Fulvia. AJPh 86,1, 1-32. (SO1A 084; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 46. Badian,E (1955): L. Papirius Fregellanus. The Classical Review 5,1 new series (vol. 69 of continuous series), 22-23. (SO1A 049; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 49. Badian,E (1955): The Date of Pompey's First Triumph. Hermes 83,1, 107118. (SO1A 052; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1553. Aymard,Jacques (1955): Quelques Remarques sur les Jeux avec le Taureau a l'êpoque Romaine. Les êtudes 39. Badian,E (1956): P.Decius P.f. Subulo- an Orator of the time of the Gracchi. JRS 46,1-2, 91-96. (SO1A 039; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 71. Babcock,Charles L (1965): The Early Career of Fulvia. AJPh 86,1, 1-32. (SO1A 084; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 47. Badian,E (1956): Q. Mucius Scaevola and the Province of Asia. Athenaeum 34, fasc. 1-2, 104-123. (SO1A 050; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 19 128. Badian,E (1957): Caepio and Norbanus- Notes on the Decade 100-90 B.C. Historia 6,3, 318-346. (SO1A 147; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 33. Badian,E (1958): Mam. Scaurus Cites Precedence. The Classical Review 8,3-4, new series (vol. 72 of continuous series), 216-220. (SO1A 032; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 40. Badian,E (1958): Notes on Provincial Governors from the Social War down to Sulla's Victory. Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 1, 1-18. (SO1A 041; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 43. Badian,E (1958): Emilio Gabba: Appiano e la Storia delle Guerre Civili. Florence: La Nouva Italia, 1956. The Classical Review 8,2 new series (vol. 72 of continuous series), 159-162. (SO1A 046; OLIS) [BOOK REVIEW] 42. Badian,E (1959): Sulla's Cilician Command. Athenaeum 37, fasc. 3-4, 279-303. (SO1A 045; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 44. Badian,E (1959): E.Gabba: Appiani Bellorum Civilium Liber Primus. Florence: La Nouva Italia, 1958. The Classical Review 9,3 new series (vol. 83 of continuous series), 272274. (SO1A 047; OLIS) [BOOK REVIEW] 136. Badian,E (1959): The Early Career of A.Gabinius (COS. 58 B.C.). Philologus 103,12, 87-99. (SO1A 160; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 5594. Badian,E (1959): Caesar's Cursus and the Interval Between Offices. JRS 49, 81-89. (SO1A 040) [CAESAR; CURSUS HONORUM; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5593. Badian,E (1960): Ettore Lepore: Il Princeps Ciceroniano e gli Ideali Politici della Tarda Republica. (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici, Napoli; [vol.] 6. (Casa ed. Einaudi, Torino, 1954). Eranos 13, cols. 423-425. (SO1A 038) [BOOK REVIEW; CICERO; LATE REPUBLIC; OFFPRINT] 5596. Badian,E (1960): Sources for Roman History, 133-70 B.C. Collected and Arranged by A.H.J. Greenidge and A.M. Clay. Second Edition, revised by E.W. Gray. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1960. Gnomon, 534-536. (SO1A 044) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 35. Badian,E (1961): Servilius and Pompey's First Triumph. Hermes 89,2, 254256. (SO1A 034; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 41. Badian,E (1961): T. Robert S. Broughton: Supplement to The Magistrates of the Roman Republic. New York: American Philological Association 1960. Gnomon 33, 492-498. (SO1A 043; OLIS) [BOOK REVIEW] 45. Badian,E (1961): Cicero, Pro Cluentia 76. The Classical Review 11,2 new series (vol. 74 of continuous series), 107-108. (SO1A 048; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 48. Badian,E (1962): The Tribe of the Curiones. Athenaeum 40, 3-4, 356-359. (SO1A 051; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 130. Badian,E (1962): From the Gracchi to Sulla. Historia 11,2, 197-245. (SO1A 149; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 5089. Badian,E (1962): D.C. Earl: The Political Thought of Sallust. Ca,bridge: University Press 1961. (Cambridge Classical Studies). Gnomon, 463-466. (SO36D 003) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; SALLUST] 37. Badian,E (1963): The "Lex Thoria": a Reconsideration. In: Studi in Onore di Biondo Biondi. Vol. 1. (: ) A.Giuffrä, Milan, 189-196. (SO1A 036; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 129. Badian,E (1963): Notes on Roman Senators of the Republic. Historia 12,2, 129143. (SO1A 148; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2480. Badian,E (1964): Alfred Heuss: Rîmische Geschichte. Braunschweig: Westermann 1960. XVIII. Gnomon 36, 380387. (SO15 156) [BOOK REVIEW] 3579. Badian,E (1964): Kaeso and the Carthaginian. The Classical Review 14,2 (n.s., vol. 78 of continuous series), 139-140. (SO22 221) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 20 5061. Badian,E (1964): Where was Sisenna? Athenaeum 42, 422-431. (SO36C 009) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5131. Badian,E (1964): Marius and the Nobles. Durham University Journal March, 1964, 141-154. (SO36E 010) [BIOGRAPHY; MARIUS; OFFPRINT] 64. Badian,E (1965): The Dolabellae of the Republic. PBSR 22 (new series, vol. 33 of continuous series), 48-51. (SO1A 072; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3636. Badian,E (1965): The Administration of the Empire. Greece & Rome 12,2 (2nd. ser.), 166-182. (SO23 055) [OFFPRINT] 625. Badian,E (1966): Notes on Provincia Gallia in the Late Republic. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) S.E.V.P.E.N, Paris, 901-918. (SO2 060) [OFFPRINT] 2455. Badian,E (1967): The Testament of Ptolomy Alexander. RMfP 110,2 (new series), 178-192. (SO15 131) [OFFPRINT] 2787. Badian,E (1967): Matthias Gelzer, Kleine Schriften. Ed. by Hermann Strasburger and Christian Meier. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag. 3 vols. JRS 57, 216-222. (SO16 083) [BOOK REVIEW] 3206. Badian,E (1968): Sulla's Augurate. Arethusa 1,1, 27-46. (SO21 033) [OFFPRINT] 3638. Badian,E (1968): A King's Notebook. HSCP 72, 183-204. (SO23 057) [OFFPRINT] [CICERO; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5457. Badian,E (1969): Two Roman NonEntities. CQ 19,1, 198-204. (SO39 038) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5451. Badian,E (1970): Additional Notes on Roman Magistrates. Athenaeum 48,1-2 (n.s.), 3-14. (SO39 032) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 110. Badian,E (1971): Antonio La Penna. Sallustio e la "Rivoluzione" Romana. Milano, Feltrinelli Editore, 1968. Pp.501. AJPh 122,1, 103-107. (SO1A 128; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2621. Badian,E (1971): M.Calpurnius M.F. Piso Frugi. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. (: ) Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 209-214. (SO17 041) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3033. Badian,E ([1971] 1972): Ennius and His Friends. In: Ennius: Sept ExposÇs Suivis de Discussion. (Ed: Skutsch,Otto) Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres-Genäve, 151-208. (SO19 050) <<Entretiens sur l'AntiquitÇ Classique 17>> [ENNIUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5446. Badian,E (1971): Two More Roman Non-Entities. Phoenix 25,2, 134-144. (SO39 027) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5450. Badian,E (1971): Three Fragments. In: Pro Munere Grates. Studies Presented to H.L. Gonin. (Ed: Kriel,DM) Pretoria Departement Latijn, Univ. van Pretoria, Pretoria, 1-6. (SO39 031) [FESTSCHRIFT; PHOTOCOPY; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 3975. Badian,E (1969): Quaestiones Variae. Historia 18,4, 447-491. (SO26 019) [OFFPRINT] 105. Badian,E (1972): Roman Politics and the Italians (133-91 B.C.). Dialoghi di Archeologia 4-5, fasc. 2-3 (1970-71), 373-421. (SO1A 122; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 5456. Badian,E (1969): Cicero and the Commission of 146 B.C. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 1. (: ) (Collection Latomus, 101.) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 54-65. (SO39 037) 3220. Badian,E (1972): Tiberius Gracchus and the Beginning of the Roman Revolution. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. I. Vol. 1. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 669-731. (SO21 048) Syme Collection DB page 21 [OFFPRINT] 5449. Badian,E (1972): W. Dahlheim, Struktur und Entwicklung des Rîmischen Vîlkerrechts im Drutten und Zwriten Jahrhundert v. Chr. (Vestigia: BeitrÑge zur Alten Geschichte, Bd. 8). MÅnchen, C.H. Beck 1968. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 100, 91-99. (SO39 030) [BOOK REVIEW; PHOTOCOPY] 1176. Badian,E (1973): More on Romanus Hispo. Rivista Storica dell'AntichitÖ 3, 1-2, 7785. (SO6 022) [OFFPRINT] 626. Badian,E (1974): Alfredo Passerini: Studi su Caio Mario. Milano: Celuc 1971. (Scienze Umane). Gnomon 46, 421-424. (SO2 062) [BOOK REVIEW; MARIUS; ROMAN REPUBLIC] 5454. Badian,E (1974): The Thessalian Clients of Tiberius Nero. The Classical Review 88,2 (n.a. vol. 24, 186. (SO39 035) [CLIENTELAE; OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS] 3088. Badian,E (1977): In Defense Of Empire: Review of (i) Empire Without End by Lidia Storoni Mazzolani. Translated by Joan McConnell and Mario Pei, forwarded by Mario Pei. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (ii) The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire from the First Century A.D. to the Third. by Edward N. Luttwak, foreworded by J.F.Gilliam. John Hopkins University Press. NYRB (23 June), 34 ff. (SO20 042) [BOOK REVIEW] 3216. Badian,E (1979): Alvin H Bernstein. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus. Tradition and Apostasy. Ithaca and London. Cornell University Press, 1978. AJPh, 452-458. (SO21 044) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5608. Badian,E (1979): Prorogation und Au·erordentliche Imperium 326-81 v. Chr. Untersuchungen zur Verfassung der Rîmischen Republik. Meisenheim am Glan: Hain 1977. (BeitrÑge zur Klassichen Philologie. 84). Gnomon, 792-794. (SO1A 167) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 115. Badian,E (1980): A Fundus at Fundi. AJPh 101, 471-482. (SO1A 133; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 739. Badian,E (1980-81): Notes on the Laudatio of Agrippa. CQ 76, 97-109. (SO2 192) [OFFPRINT] 50. Badian,E (1988): E.H.L.N.R. Museum Helveticum 45, 203-218. (SO1A 056; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2629. Badian,E (197?): The Questorship of Tiberius Nero. Mnemosyne 27, fasc. 2, 160172. (SO17 049) <<latest cited article is dated 1972>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 5595. Badian,E (??): Matthias Gelzer: Caesar. Der Politiker und Staatsmann. Sechste, bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1960., 597-600. (SO1A 042) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; CAESAR; OFFPRINT] 3205. Badian,E; Errington,RM (1965): A Meeting of the Achaean League. Historia 14,1, 13-17. (SO21 032) [OFFPRINT] 3217. Badian,E; Martin,Th R (1979): Two Notes on the Roman Law from Cnidos. ZPE 35, 153-167. (SO21 045) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 645. Badian,Erich (1974): The Attempt to Try Caesar. In: Polis and Imperium. Studies in Honour of E.T. Salmon. (Ed: Evans,JAS) Hakkert, Toronto, 145-166. (SO2 082) [FESTSCHRIFT; JULIUS CAESAR; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 2966. Bagnall,Roger S (1982): Religious Conversion and Onomastic Change in Early Byzantine Egypt. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 19, 105-124. (SO18 153) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 271. Bagnall,Roger S; Drew-Bear,Thomas (1973): Documents from Kourion: A Review Article. Part 2: Individual Inscriptions. Phoenix 27,3, 213-244. (SO4 050) [OFFPRINT] 2967. Bagnall,Roger S; Worp,K (1982): Papyrus Documentation in the Period of Diocletian and Constantine. Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar 4, 25-33. (SO18 154) [EGYPT; HISTORIOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 22 2423. Bagnani,Gilbert (1949): Divine Right and Roman Law. Phoenix 3,2, 51-80. (SO15 110) [OFFPRINT] Saggi Universitari di Filologia Classica. 30). Gnomon, 269-271. (SO26 088) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 4837. Bagnani,Gilbert (1955): Peregrinus Proteus and the Christians. Historia 4,1, 107112. (SO35 028) [CHRISTIANITY; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 4703. Baldwin,B (1981): Seneca and Petronius. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 24, 133140. (SO33 079) [OFFPRINT] 1585. Bailey,Cyril (1915): Some Greek and Roman Ideas of a Future Life. (Occasional Publications of the Classical Associations, 3.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 24 pages. (SO9 121) [MONOGRAPH; PHILOSOPHY- GREEK; PHILOSOPHY-ROMAN; RELIGIONANCIENT] 4046. Baldwin,B (1983): Hadrian's Death in the Historia Augusta. Gymnasium 90,6, 546. (SO26 089) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 763. Baker,Robert J (1976): Propertius, Cleopatra and Actium. Antichthon 10, 56-62. (SO2 204) [OFFPRINT] 1187. Baldwin,Barry (1972): Women in Tacitus. Prudentia 4,2, 83-101. (SO6 033) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4980. Baker,Robert J; Marshall,Bruce (1978): Commoda and Insidiae: Catullus 84. 14. Classical Philology 73,1, 49-50. (SO1C 201) [CATULLUS; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN HISTORYREPUBLIC] 4191. Baldwin,Barry (1973): Aulus Gellius and his Circle. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 16, 103-107. (SO27 074) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 666. Baldacci,Paolo (1967): Commercio e Stato nell'EtÖ dei Severi. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 101, 729-747. (SO2 104) [OFFPRINT] 2308. Baldacci,Paolo (1968): Alcuni Aspetti dei Commerci nei Territori Cisalpini. In: Atti del Centro Studi e Documentazione sull'Italia Romana. Vol. 1, 1967-68. (: ) Istituto Editoriale Cisalpino, Milano; Varese, 7-50. (SO14 115) [OFFPRINT] 97. Baldacci,Paolo (1969): Patrimonium e Ager Publicus al Tempo dei Flavi. PP (fascicule) 128, 349-367. (SO1A 111; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2740. Baldacci,Paolo (1970): Ronald Syme, Ammianus and the Historia Augusta, Oxford, 1968. Athenaeum 48, fasc. 1-2, 194-202. (SO17 158) [BOOK REVIEW] 4045. Baldwin,B ([c1981]): Paolo Soverini: Problemi di Critica Testuale nella Historia Augusta. Bologna: PÖtron 1981 (Edizioni e 1186. Baldwin,Barry (1970): Seneca's Potentia. Classical Philology 65,3, 187-188. (SO6 032) [OFFPRINT] 1188. Baldwin,Barry (1974): Themes, Personalities, and Distortions in Tacitus. Athenaeum 52, 1-2 (n.s.), 70-81. (SO6 034) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 261. Baldwin,Barry (1975): The Career of Oribasius. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 18, 8597. (SO4 040) [OFFPRINT] 2721. Baldwin,Barry (1975): Suetonius: Birth, Disgrace and Death. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 18, 61-70. (SO17 140) [OFFPRINT] 109. Baldwin,Barry (1976): The Vita Avidii. Klio 58,1, 101-119. (SO1A 127; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 263. Baldwin,Barry (1976): Some Addenda to the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. Historia 25,1, 118-121. (SO4 042) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 23 1644. Baldwin,Barry (1976): Athenaeus and his Work. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 19, 2142. (SO10 041) [OFFPRINT] 1106. Baldwin,Barry (1978): Menander Protector. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 31, 101125. (SO3 153) [OFFPRINT] 262. Baldwin,Barry (1977): Lucian, De Hist. Conscrib. 34: An Unnoticed Aristolelian Source. Philologus 121, 165-168. (SO4 044) [OFFPRINT] 1262. Baldwin,Barry (1978): Trimalchio's Domestic Staff. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 21, 87-97. (SO6 109) [OFFPRINT] 267. Baldwin,Barry (1977): Jordanes on Eugenius: Some Further Possibilities. Antichthon 11, 103-104. (SO4 046) [OFFPRINT] 2682. Baldwin,Barry (1978): Verses in the Historia Augusta. Institute of Classical Studies Bulletin 25, 50-58. (SO17 101) [OFFPRINT] 411. Baldwin,Barry (1977): Malachus of Philadelphia. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 31, 91107. (SO4 200) [OFFPRINT] 2692. Baldwin,Barry (1978): Festus the Historian. Historia 27,1, 197-217. (SO17 111) [OFFPRINT] 944. Baldwin,Barry (1977): Polyphagus: Glutton or Crocodile. AJPh 98, 406-409. (SO5 190) [OFFPRINT] 1171. Baldwin,Barry (1977): Tacitean Humour. Wiener Studien 90 (n.s. vol. 11), 128144. (SO6 017) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4195. Baldwin,Barry (1977): Crepereius Calpurnianus. Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 27, 211-213. (SO27 078) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4198. Baldwin,Barry (1977): The Minor Characters in Athenaeus. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 20, 37-48. (SO27 081) [OFFPRINT] 268. Baldwin,Barry (1978): The Career of Corippus. CQ 28,2, 372-376. (SO4 047) [OFFPRINT] 327. Baldwin,Barry (1978): The De Rebus Bellicis. Eirene 16, 23-39. (SO4 107) [OFFPRINT] 833. Baldwin,Barry (1978): The Caesares of Julian. Klio 60,2, 449-466. (SO5 071) [OFFPRINT] 266. Baldwin,Barry (1979): Zosimus and Asinius Quadratus. Classical Philology 74,1, 57-58. (SO4 045) [OFFPRINT] 377. Baldwin,Barry (1979): Leontius Scholasticus and his Poetry. Byzantinoslavica 40, fasc, 1, 1-12. (SO4 162) [OFFPRINT] 380. Baldwin,Barry (1979): The Purpose of the Getica. Hermes 107,4, 489-492. (SO4 167) [OFFPRINT] 381. Baldwin,Barry (1979): senator or Senator? Procopius, De Aed. 1.3.14. Glotta 57, 3-4, 227-228. (SO4 168) [OFFPRINT] 1225. Baldwin,Barry (1979): Nero and His Mother's Corpse. Mnemosyne 32,3-4, 380381. (SO6 072) [OFFPRINT] 1249. Baldwin,Barry (1979): Possible Horatian Echoes in Tacitus. Wiener Studien 13 (n.s. vol. 92 of entire series), 144-150. (SO6 096) [HORACE; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2679. Baldwin,Barry (1979): Some Alleged Greek Sources of the Historia Augusta. Liverpool Classical Monthly 4, 19-23. (SO17 098) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 24 2754. Baldwin,Barry (1979): Biography at Rome. In: Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. Vol. 1. (Ed: Deroux,Carl) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 100-118. (SO17 171) <<series: Collection Latomus 164>> [OFFPRINT] 3045. Baldwin,Barry (1979): The Acta Diurna. Chiron 9, 189-203. (SO20 002) [OFFPRINT] 4235. Baldwin,Barry (1979): Juvenal's Crispinus. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 22, 109114. (SO27 117) [JUVENAL; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4707. Baldwin,Barry (1979): Turnus the Satirist. Eranos 77, 57-60. (SO33 083) [OFFPRINT] 350. Baldwin,Barry (1980): Olympiodorus of Thebes. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 49, 212-231. (SO4 131) [OFFPRINT] 355. Baldwin,Barry (1980): Priscus of Panium. Byzantion 50, fasc. 1, 18-61. (SO4 136) [OFFPRINT] 360. Baldwin,Barry (1980): The Date of the Cycle of Agathias. ByzZ 73, 334-340. (SO4 143) [AGATHIAS C. A.D. 531-C. 580; LITERATURE- GREEK; OFFPRINT] 839. Baldwin,Barry (1980): Tacitus, the Panegyrici Latini, and the Historia Augusta. Eranos 78, 175-178. (SO5 081) [OFFPRINT] 335. Baldwin,Barry (1981): Greek Historiography in Late Rome and Early Byzantium. Hellenika 33, 51-65. (SO4 116) <<includes summary in greek>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY- GREEK; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 372. Baldwin,Barry (1981): Sources for the Getica of Jordanes. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 59,1, 141-145. (SO4 156) [OFFPRINT] 392. Baldwin,Barry (1981): Eusebius and the Siege of Thessalonica. RMfP 124,3-4, 291-296. (SO4 179) [OFFPRINT] 838. Baldwin,Barry (1981): Catiline in the Historia Augusta. PP fasc. 200, 315-316. (SO5 080) [OFFPRINT] 951. Baldwin,Barry (1981): Ausonius and the Historia Augusta. Gymnasium 88, 438. (SO5 200) [OFFPRINT] 953. Baldwin,Barry (1981): Acclamations in the Historia Augusta. Athenaeum 69,1-2, 138149. (SO5 201) [OFFPRINT] 1030. Baldwin,Barry (1981): The Authorship of the Aratus Ascribed to Germanicus. Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 7 (n.s. vol. 30 of whole series), 163-172. (SO3 069) [GERMANICUS; OFFPRINT] 1041. Baldwin,Barry (1981): Physical Descriptions of Byzantine Emperors. Byzantion 51, 8-21. (SO3 080) [OFFPRINT] 1046. Baldwin,Barry (1980-1981): The Scholiast's Lucian. Helikon 20-21, 219-234. (SO3 085) [OFFPRINT] 1246. Baldwin,Barry (1981): Three Notes on Tacitus, Histories I. Maia 33, fasc. (new series), 43-44. (SO6 093) [OFFPRINT] 253. Baldwin,Barry (1981): Dioscorus of Aphrodito and the Circus Factions. ZPE 42, 285-286. (SO4 032) [OFFPRINT] 117. Baldwin,Barry (1982): An Unnoticed Sense of [kymeenopreeses]. Glotta 60,3-4, 244-245. (SO1A 135; OLIS; [in greek characters]) [OFFPRINT] 334. Baldwin,Barry (1981): The Fate of Macedonius Consul. Eranos 79, 145-146. (SO4 115) [OFFPRINT] 330. Baldwin,Barry (1982): Paul Keresztes, Constantine: A Great Christian Monarch and Apostle. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, 1981. The Second Century. A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2, 53-54. Syme Collection DB page 25 (SO4 111) [BOOK REVIEW; CONSTANTINE; LATE EMPIRE] 331. Baldwin,Barry (1982): Vergil in Byzantium. A&A 28,1, 81-93. (SO4 112) [OFFPRINT] 332. Baldwin,Barry (1982): The Date and Purpose of the Philopatris. Yale Classical Studies 27, 321-344. (SO4 113) <<volume on Later Greek Literature>> [OFFPRINT] 333. Baldwin,Barry (1982): Some Addenda to the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. Historia 31,1, 97-111. (SO4 114) [OFFPRINT] 393. Baldwin,Barry (1982): An Aphorism in Procopius. RMfP 125,3-4, 309-311. (SO4 180) [OFFPRINT] 782. Baldwin,Barry (1982): The Testamentum Porcelli. In: Studi in Onore di Cesare Sanfilippo. Vol. 1. (: ) GiuffrÇ Editore,, 41-52. (SO5 017) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2910. Baldwin,Barry (1983): Four Observations on the Pro Lapsu Salutandi of Lucia. Maia 35, fasc. 1 (new series), 49-50. (SO18 098) [OFFPRINT] 2911. Baldwin,Barry (1983): The Development of a Byzantine These: AP 9.656. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 52, 255-259. (SO18 099) [OFFPRINT] 5602. Baldwin,Barry (1983): Book Titles in the Suda. JHS 103, 136-137. (SO1A 082) [BYZANTIUM; OFFPRINT; SUDA; TEXTUAL CRITICISM] 1219. Baldwin,Barry (1984): Herodotus and Tacitus: Two Notes on Ancient Book Titles. Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 16,1 (new series, vol. 45 of continuous series), 3134. (SO6 066) [OFFPRINT] 2060. Baldwin,Barry (1984): Beyond the House Call: Doctors in early Byzantine History and Politics. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 38, 1519. (SO12 101) <<(journal volume is a Symposium on Byzantine Medicine)>> [OFFPRINT] 835. Baldwin,Barry (1982): Literature and Society in the Later Roman Empire. In: Literary and Artistic Patronage in Ancient Rome. (Ed: Gold,Barbara K) University of Texas Press, Austin, 67-83. (SO5 077) [OFFPRINT] 2883. Baldwin,Barry (1984): Lia Raffaella Cresci, Malco di Filadelfia, Frammenti [Byzantina et Neo-Hellenica Neapolitana,9] Napoli, Bibliopolis 1982. ByzZ 77, 290-293. (SO18 072) [BOOK REVIEW] 1223. Baldwin,Barry (1982): Seneca and Petronius. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 24 (1981), 133-140. (SO6 070) [OFFPRINT] 4830. Baldwin,Barry (1984): Late Antiquity: A Review Article. Echos du Monde Classique (Classical Views) 28,1 (n.s. vol. 3), 57-67. (SO35 022) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 4709. Baldwin,Barry (1982): The Date of Alciphron. Hermes 110,2, 253-254. (SO33 085) [OFFPRINT] 5598. Baldwin,Barry (1984): Power Corrupts- and Absolute Power Is Even Nicer. Some Thoughts on Recent Assessments of the Roman Emperors. Liverpool Classical Monthly 9.7(July 1984), 102-105. (SO1A 054) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; REVIEW ARTICLE] 70. Baldwin,Barry (1983): A "Lost Manuscript" of Nonnus' Dionysiaca. International Review of Manuscript Studies 37,1, 110-112. (SO1A 081; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2907. Baldwin,Barry (1983): Poems on Memnon. Prudentia 15,1, 53-57. (SO18 095) [OFFPRINT] 1159. Baldwin,Barry (1985): Fumum Vendere in the Historia Augusta. Glotta 63,1-2, 107-110. (SO6 005) [OFFPRINT] 1160. Baldwin,Barry (1985): Dio Cassius on the Period A.D. 96-180: Some Problematic Syme Collection DB page 26 Passages. Athenaeum 63, fasc. 1-2 (new series), 195-197. (SO6 006) [OFFPRINT] 1161. Baldwin,Barry (1985): Leopards, Roman Soldiers, and the Historia Augusta. Illinois Classical Studies 10,2, 281-283. (SO6 007) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2890. Baldwin,Barry (1985): Careless Boys in the Satyricon. Latomus 44,4(OctoberDecember 1985), 847-848. (SO18 079) [OFFPRINT] 2058. Baldwin,Barry (1986): Nonos and Agathias: Two Problems in Literary Chronology. Eranos 84, 60-61. (SO12 099) [OFFPRINT] 5599. Baldwin,Barry (??): Continuity and Change: The Practical Genius of Early Byzantine Civilisation., 1-24. (SO1A 061) <<year and source unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; BYZANTIUM; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1341. Balil,A (1955-56): Algunos Aspectos del Proceso de la Romanizaci¢n de Catalu§a. Ampurias 17-18, 39-77. (SO7 032) [OFFPRINT] 4376. Balil,A (1956): Tres Ejemplares de la Coropl†stica IbÇrica en el Museo Arqueol¢gico de Barcelona. Ampurias 17-18, 255-265. (SO29 060) <<journal year is 1955-56>> [HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 4377. Balil,A (1956): Una Nueva Necr¢polis Romana en Barcelona. Ampurias 17-18, 269272. (SO29 061) <<journal year is 1955-56>> [HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 1629. Balil,A (1960): Sobre los Miembros Hispanicos del Senado Romano durante el Impero de Nerva. Zephyrus 11, 215-224. (SO10 026) [OFFPRINT] 4358. Balil,A (1960): La Defensa de Hispania en el Bajo Impero. Zephyrus 11, 179197. (SO29 047) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; SPAIN] 4359. Balil,A (c1960): Circulaci¢n Monetaria en Espa§a durante el Imperio Romano. In: Communications du XI Congräs International des Sciences Historiques. Stockholm 1960. (: ),, 65-66. (SO29 043) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1352. Balil,A (1963): Funcionarios y Oficiales Subalternos en la Espa§a Romana durante la Epoca Republicana. Hispania 92, 314. (SO7 043) [OFFPRINT] 1613. Balil,A (1964): Los Gobernadores de la Hispania Tarraconense durante el Imperio Romano. EmÇrita 32, fasc. 1, 19-34. (SO10 010) [OFFPRINT] 1333. Balil,A (1965): Riqueza y Sociedad en la Espa§a Romana (s. III-I a.d.J.C.). Hispania. Rivista Espa§ola de Historia 25, 325-366. (SO7 025) [OFFPRINT] 1612. Balil,A (1965): Funcionarios Subalternos en Hispania durante el Imperio Romano. EmÇrita 33,2, 297-319. (SO10 009) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; SPAIN] 1614. Balil,Alberto (1962): Los Proc¢nsules de la BÇtica. Zephyrus 13, 75-89. (SO10 011) [OFFPRINT] 4319. Balil Illana,A (c1958): Las Invasiones Germanicas en Hispania Durante la Segunda Mitad del Siglo III d.C. Anales de Historia Antigua y Medieval 1957-1958, 49-91. (SO29 006) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 65. Balsdon,JPVD (1933): The Successors of Augustus. Greece & Rome 2,6, 161-169. (SO1A 073; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3408. Balsdon,JPVD (1938): The History of the Extortion Court at Rome 123-70 B.C. PBSR 14, 98-114. (SO22 049) [OFFPRINT] 2579. Balsdon,JPVD (1939): Consular Provinces under the Late Republic I. General Considerations. JRS 29, 57-73. (SO16 061) [OFFPRINT] 2580. Balsdon,JPVD (1940): Consular Provinces under the Late Republic II. Caesar's Gallic Command. JRS 30, 167-183. (SO16 062) Syme Collection DB page 27 [OFFPRINT] 2770. Balsdon,JPVD (1950): Matthias Gelzer: Pompeius, MÅmchen, 1949, F. Bruckmann. Historia 1,2, 296-300. (SO16 067) [BOOK REVIEW] 3466. Balsdon,JPVD (1951): The `Murder' of Drusus, Son of Tiberius. The Classical Review 1,2 (n.s., vol. 65 of the continuous series), 75. (SO22 105) [OFFPRINT] 2559. Balsdon,JPVD (1957): The Veracity of Caesar. Greece & Rome 4,1 (2nd series), 1928. (SO16 042) [OFFPRINT] 2797. Balsdon,JPVD (1957): Roman History, 58-56 B.C.: Three Ciceronian Problems. JRS 47, 15-20. (SO16 092) [OFFPRINT] 127. Balsdon,JPVD (1958): The Ides of March. Historia 7,1, 80-94. (SO1A 146; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2453. Balsdon,JPVD (1960): Auctoritas, Dignitas, Otium. CQ 10,1 (vol. 54 of continuous series), 43-50. (SO15 129) [OFFPRINT] 2528. Balsdon,JPVD (1960): Hans Volkman: Cleopatra: A Study in Politics and Propaganda. Translated by T.J. Cadoux. London: Elek, 1958. The Classical Review 10,1 (new series), 68-71. (SO16 012) [BOOK REVIEW] 5032. Balsdon,JPVD (1963): The Commentariolum. CQ 56 (n.s. 13,2), 242-250. (SO36B 005) [CICERO; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2461. Balsdon,JPVD (1965): Matthias Gelzer Kleine Schriften. Bd. 1-3. Hrsg. von Hermann Strasburger und Christian Meier: Steiner 1962; 1963; 1964. Gnomon 37, 578587. (SO15 137) [BOOK REVIEW] 2484. Balsdon,JPVD (1965): E. Badian, Studies in Greek and Roman History. Basil Blackwell, 1964. JRS 55, 229-232. (SO15 160) [BOOK REVIEW] 2465. Balsdon,JPVD (1966): Fabula Clodiana. Historia 15,1, 65-73. (SO15 141) [OFFPRINT] 2571. Balsdon,JPVD (1966): J.F.C. Fuller: Julius Caesar, Man, Soldier, and Tyrant. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1965. The Classical Review 16,2 (new series, vol. 80 of continuous), 217-220. (SO16 054) [BOOK REVIEW] 3429. Balsdon,JPVD (1966): Francesco de Martino : Storia della Costituzione Romana, iv. 2. Naples : Dott. Eugenio Jovene, 1965. The Classical Review 16, 2 (n.s. vol. 80 of continuous series), 222-224. (SO22 070) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3972. Balsdon,JPVD (1966): The Salii and Campiagning in March and October. The Cambridge Review 16, (n.s. vol. 80 of continuous series)(June 1966), 146-147. (SO26 016) [OFFPRINT] 2793. Balsdon,JPVD (1967): Gerhard Dobesch: Caesars Apotheose zu Lebzeiten und Sein Ringen um den Kînigstitel. Untersuchungen Åber Caesars Alleinherrschaft. Wien: ôster. ArchÑolog. Institut, im Selbstverlag 1966. Gnomon 39, 150-156. (SO16 089) [BOOK REVIEW] 4009. Balsdon,JPVD (1967): T. Quinctius Flamininus. Phoenix 21,3, 177-190. (SO26 052) [OFFPRINT] 4078. Balty,J; Balty,Ch (1974): Notes d'Iconographie Romaine. Bulletin de l'Institut Historique Belge de Rome 44, 23-59. (SO26 119) <<vol. is festschrift for Charles Verlinden>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1946. Balty,J Ch (1974): Julien et ApamÇe. Aspects de la Restauration de l'Hellenisme et de la Politique AntichrÇtienne de l'Empereur. Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne, 267-304. (SO11 228) [OFFPRINT] 5605. Balty,Janine; Balty,Jean Ch; Dewetz,M (1970): Belgian Archaeological Research on a Site in Syria. Apamea on the Orontes. In: Memo from Belgium. Vol. 120. (: ) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brussels-Belgium, Brussels, 56pp. (SO1A 121) Syme Collection DB page 28 [APAMEA; EXCAVATIONS; OFFPRINT; SYRIA] 153. Balty,Jean Ch (1970): Un Follis d'Antioche DatÇ de 623/624 et les Campagnes Syriennes d'HÇraclius. Gazette Numismatique Suisse 20 (cahier 77), 4-12. (SO1A 178; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4153. Barbieri,G (1959): Un Nuovo Cursus Equestre (Plauziano?). Epigraphica 11, fasc. 1-4, 93-108. (SO27 038) <<journal year is 1957>> [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2280. Barbieri,G (1961): Nuove Iscrizioni di Marsala. Kokalos 7, 15-52. (SO14 088) <<pages renumbered 3-40 for offprint>> [OFFPRINT] 4115. Barbieri,G (1964): Nuove Iscrizioni Campane. In: Akte des IV. Internationalen Kongresses fÅr Griechische und Lateinische Epigraphik (Wien, 17. bis 22. September 1962). (: ) Hermann Bîhlaus; Kommissionverlag der ôsterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, GrazWien-Kîln, 40-50. (SO27 001) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4565. Barbieri,G (1975): ÆL'AnnÇe êpigraphiqueØ, 1969-70, Paris 1972 e 1974. Epigraphica 36, 276-283. (SO32 058) <<journal year is 1975>> [BIBLIOGRAPHY; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3208. Barbieri,G; Tibiletti,G (1957): Lex. In: Dizionario Epigrafico di AntichitÖ Romane. Vol. 4, fasc. 22-25. (Ed: De Ruggiero,Ettore) Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica, Roma, 94. (SO27 035) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 1703. Barbieri,Guido (1940): Pierre Lambrechts. La Composition du SÇnat Romain de Septime SÇvere Ö DioclÇtian (193-284). Budapest, Institut de Numismatique et d'ArchÇologie de l'UniversitÇ 1937. Mondo Classico 10, 304, 129-147. (SO10 091) [BOOK REVIEW] 92. Barbieri,Guido (1941): L. Aemilius Frontinus Proconsule d'Asia. Epigraphica 3, fasc. 4, 3-12. (SO1A 106; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4526. Barbieri,Guido (1941): Edmund Groag. Die Rîmische Reichbeamten von Achaia bis auf Diokletian in ÆSchriften der Balkankommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften in WienØ. Antiq. Abteil. IX, Hîlder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien und Leipzig 1939. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 19,4 (n.s.), 1-8. (SO32 019) <<pgs. 292-299 of original journal>> [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 606. Barbieri,Guido (1952): Aspetti della Politica di Settimio Severo. Epigraphica 14,14, 3-48. (SO2 040) [OFFPRINT] 1697. Barbieri,Guido (1953): A. Stein, Prosopographia Imperii Romani Saec. I.II.III, Pars IV, Fasc. 1, Berlin, 1952. Rivista Storica Italiana 65, fasc. 1, 111-114. (SO10 085) [BOOK REVIEW] 2294. Barbieri,Guido (1953): Notizie degli Scavi di AntichitÖ. XIII- Ostia. Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 7, fasc. 1-6 (8th series), 151-189. (SO14 101) [OFFPRINT] 4533. Barbieri,Guido (1953): Nuovi Frammenti di Fasti Ostiensi. Studi Romani 1,4, 365-375. (SO32 026) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4788. Barbieri,Guido (1953): Settimio Nestore. Athenaeum 31 (n.s.), 158-169. (SO34 046) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3263. Barbieri,Guido ([1954]): Mario Massimo. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 32, 1-45. (SO21 090) <<original page nos. are 36 ff; 262 ff.>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4581. Barbieri,Guido (1954): A. Degrassi. I Fasti Consolari dell'Impero Romano dal 30 a.C. al 613 d.C., Roma 1952, [Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, via Lancelloti 18]. Rivista Storica Italiana 66,3, 416-425. (SO32 074) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2281. Barbieri,Guido (1963): Due Cippi di Marsala del IV sec. d.C. Kokalos 9, 225-252. (SO14 089) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 29 2283. Barbieri,Guido (1965): L'Epigrafia Latina di Sicilia nell'Ultimo Ventennio. Kokalos 10-11, 313-318. (SO14 091) <<journal year is 1964-1965>> [OFFPRINT] 4524. Barbieri,Guido (1975): I Consoli dell'Anno 43 d.C. Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche. Rendiconti 30, fasc. 5-6 (8th ser.), 153-158. (SO32 017) [PHOTOCOPY; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 102. Barbieri,Guido (1981): Un Centurione in un'Epigrafe di Ostia. In: Scritti sul Mondo Antico in Memoria di Fulvio Grosso. (Ed: Gasperini,Lidio) Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome, 23-27. (SO1A 117; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 5385. Bardon,H (1946): Recherches sur la Formation de Tacite. MÇlanges de la FacultÇ de Lettres de Poitiers, 195-220. (SO38C 003) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4692. Bardon,H (1947): Quinte-Curce. Les êtudes Classiques 15, 3-14; 120-137; 193220. (SO33 068) [CURTIUS RUFUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5525. Bark¢czi,L (1959): Ethnische Zusammensetzung der Pannonischen Bevîlkerung am Ende des II. und in der Ertsen HÑlfte des III. Jahrhunderts. AAntHung 7, 167175. (SO41 028) [ETHNICITY; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA; PANNONIA] 133. Barnes,T (1967): A Note on Polycarp. Journal of Theological Studies 18,2 new series, 433-437. (SO1A 153; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 134. Barnes,T (1970): The Chronology of Montanism. Journal of Theological Studies 21,2, 403-408. (SO1A 154; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1462. Barnes,TD (1967): Hadrian and Lucius Verus. JRS 57, 65-79. (SO9 002) [OFFPRINT] 4205. Barnes,TD (1967): The Family and Career of Septimius Severus. Historia 16,1, 87-107. (SO27 088) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SEVERUS] 90. Barnes,TD (1968): Legislation Against the Christians. JRS 58, 32-50. (SO1A 104; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 751. Barnes,TD (1968): Origen, Aquila and Eusebius. HSCP 74, 313-316. (SO2 118) [OFFPRINT] 821. Barnes,TD (1968): Festus. The Breviarum. Ed J.W. Eadie (Univ. of London Classical Studies, 5) London: the Athlone Press, 1967. Pp xii+194. JRS 58, 263-265. (SO5 059) [OFFPRINT] 2700. Barnes,TD (1968): Philostratus and Gordian. Latomus 27,3(July-September 1968), 581-597. (SO17 119) [OFFPRINT] 4847. Barnes,TD (1968): Pre-Decian Acta Martyrium. Journal of Theological Studies 19,2 (n.s.), 509-531. (SO35 037) [CHRISTIANITY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4152. Barnes,TD (1969): `In Attali Gratiam'. Historia 18,3, 383-384. (SO27 037) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4848. Barnes,TD (1969): Tertullian's Scorpiace. Journal of Theological Studies 20,1, SO35 038. [OFFPRINT; TERTULLIAN] 3251. Barnes,TD (1970): Three Notes on the Vita Probi. CQ 20,1, 198-203. (SO21 078) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 4852. Barnes,TD (1970): Peter in Rome: The Literary, Liturgical, and Archaeological Evidence. By D.W. O'Conner. New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1969. Journal of Theological Studies 21,1 (n.s.), 175179. (SO35 042) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT] 60. Barnes,TD (1971): The First African Consul. The Classical Review 21,3 new series (vol. 85 of continuous series), 332. (SO1A 069; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 30 1939. Barnes,TD (1971): Helmut Castritius: Studien zu Maximinus Daia. KallmÅnz (Opf.): Lassleben, 1968. The Classical Review 21,3 (vol. 85 of continuous series), 461-462. (SO11 220) [BOOK REVIEW] 4758. Barnes,TD (1971): Robert Duthoy: The Taurobolium, its Evolution and Terminology. Leiden: Brill 1969 (êtudes PrÇliminaires aux Religions Orientales dans l'Empire Romain. 10). Gnomon, 522-523. (SO34 018) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 4849. Barnes,TD (1971): Three Neglected Martyrs. Journal of Theological Studies 22,1 (n.s.), 159-161. (SO35 039) [CHRISTIANITY; MARTYRS; OFFPRINT] 3261. Barnes,TD (1972): Some Persons in the Historia Augusta. Phoenix 26,2, SO21 088. [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4207. Barnes,TD (1972): Ultimus Antoninorum. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1970. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 10.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 53-74. (SO27 090) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 946. Barnes,TD (1973): More Missing Names (A.D. 260-395). Phoenix 27,2, 135155. (SO5 192) [OFFPRINT] 1813. Barnes,TD (1973): Porphyry Against The Christians: Date and the Attribution of Fragments. Journal of Theological Studies 24,2, 424-442. (SO11 096) [OFFPRINT] 1949. Barnes,TD (1973): Lactantius and Constantine. JRS 63, 29-46. (SO11 231) [OFFPRINT] 123. Barnes,TD (1974): Who Were the Nobility of the Roman Empire? Phoenix 28,4, 444-449. (SO1A 142; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 124. Barnes,TD (1974): The Victories of Augustus. JRS 64, 21-26. (SO1A 143; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1809. Barnes,TD (1974): An African Governor Under Decius. Journal of Theological Studies 25,1 (new series), 110112. (SO11 092) [OFFPRINT] 1947. Barnes,TD (1974): Another Forty Missing Persons (A.D. 260-395). Phoenix 28,2, 224-233. (SO11 229) [OFFPRINT] 4752. Barnes,TD (1974): Merobaudes on the Imperial Family. Phoenix 28,3, 314-319. (SO34 012) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; MEROBAUDES; OFFPRINT] 282. Barnes,TD (1975): Pubilius Optatianus Porfyrius. AJPh 96, 173-186. (SO4 061) [CONSTANTINE; OFFPRINT; POETRYLATIN; PUBLIUS OPTATIANUS PORFYRIUS] 283. Barnes,TD (1975): Patricii under Valentinian III. Phoenix 29, 155-170. (SO4 062) [FASTI; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; VALENTINIAN III] 293. Barnes,TD (1975): Two Senators under Constantine. JRS 64, 40-49. (SO4 072) [OFFPRINT] 304. Barnes,TD (1975): The Composition of Eusebius' Onomasticon. Journal of Theological Studies 26, 2 (n.s.), 412-415. (SO4 083) [OFFPRINT] 832. Barnes,TD (1975): Frank Kolb: Literarische Beziehungen Zwischen Cassius Dio, Herodian und der Historia Augusta. Bonn: Habelt 1972. (Antiquitas. Reihe 4: BeitÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung. 9). Gnomon 47, 368-373. (SO5 070) [BOOK REVIEW; CASSIUS DIO; HERODIAN; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1808. Barnes,TD (1975): The Beginnings of Donatism. Journal of Theological Studies 26,1 (new series), 13-22. (SO11 091) [OFFPRINT] 1812. Barnes,TD (1975): Constans and Gratian in Rome. HSCP 79, 325-333. (SO11 095) [OFFPRINT] 1953. Barnes,TD (1975): The Unity of the Verona List. ZPE 16, 275-278. (SO11 235) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 31 4851. Barnes,TD (1975): The Embassy of Athenagoras. Journal of Theological Studies 26,1 (n.s.), 111-114. (SO35 041) [CHRISTIANITY; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 299. Barnes,TD (1976): Sossianus Hierocles and the Antecedents of the "Great Persecution". HSCP 80, 239-252. (SO4 078) [OFFPRINT] 1798. Barnes,TD (1976): Tertullian the Antiquarian. In: Studia Patristica. Vol. 14. (Ed: Livingstone,EA) (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur, 117.) Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 3-20. (SO11 082) [LATE EMPIRE; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; TERTULLIAN] 1173. Barnes,TD (1977): The Fragments of Tacitis' "Histories". Classical Philology 72,3, 224-231. (SO6 019) [OFFPRINT] 315. Barnes,TD (1978): A Correspondant of Iamblichus. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 19, 1, 99-106. (SO4 094) [OFFPRINT] 316. Barnes,TD (1978): Claudian and the Notitia Dignitatum. Phoenix 32, 1, 81-82. (SO4 095) [OFFPRINT] 345. Barnes,TD (1978): Emperor and Bishops, A.D. 324-344: Some Problems. AJAH 3,1, 53-75. (SO4 126) [OFFPRINT] 1936. Barnes,TD (1976): Imperial Campaigns, A.D. 285-311. Phoenix 30,2, 174193. (SO11 217) [OFFPRINT] 379. Barnes,TD (1978): Emperors and Bishops: A.D. 324-344: Some Problems. AJAH 3,1, 53-75. (SO4 166) [OFFPRINT] 1952. Barnes,TD (1976): The Victories of Constantine. ZPE 20,2, 149-155. (SO11 234) [OFFPRINT] 2671. Barnes,TD (1978): Roman Government's Response to Crisis A.D. 235337. By Ramsey MacMullen. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1976. Classical Philology 73,3, 244-247. (SO17 090) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2688. Barnes,TD (1976): The Chronology of Plotinus' Life. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 17,1, 65-70. (SO17 107) [OFFPRINT] 2986. Barnes,TD (1976): The Horoscope of Licinius Sura? Phoenix 30,1, 76-79. (SO19 003) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3186. Barnes,TD (1976): The Epitome De Caesaribus and its Sources. Classical Philology 71,3, 258-268. (SO21 012) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA] 4746. Barnes,TD (1976): The Histroical Setting of Prundentius' Contra Symmachum. AJPh 97, 373-386. (SO34 006) [LATE EMPIRE; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; PRUDENTIUS] 314. Barnes,TD (1977): Two Speeches by Eusebius. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 18, 4, 341-345. (SO4 093) [OFFPRINT] 344. Barnes,TD (1979): The Date of Vegetius. Phoenix 33, 254-257. (SO4 125) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; VEGETIUS] 342. Barnes,TD (1980): The Editions of Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 21,2, 191-201. (SO4 123) [CHRISTIANITY; EUSEBIUS OF CAESAREA; OFFPRINT] 343. Barnes,TD (1980): Imperial Chronology A.D. 337-350. Phoenix 34,2, 160166. (SO4 124) [CHRONOLOGY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 121. Barnes,TD (1981): Julia's Child. Phoenix 35, 362-363. (SO1A 140; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3068. Barnes,TD (1981): Curiatus Maternus. Hermes 109,3, 382-384. (SO20 024) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 32 323. Barnes,TD (1982): Aspects of the Background of the City of God. University of Ottawa Quarterly 52, 64-80. (SO4 102) [OFFPRINT] 66. Barnes,TD (1985): Proconsuls of Africa, 337-392 (+ Corrigenda). Phoenix 39,23, 144-153; 273-274. (SO1A 075; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1998. Barnes,TD (1985): Tertullian Revisited: A Postscript. In: Tertullian. 2nd ed. (: ), Oxford, 321-339. (SO12 040) [OFFPRINT] 5383. Barnes,TD (1986): The Significance of Tacitus' Dialogus De Oratoribus. HSCP 90, 225-244. (SO38C 001) [OFFPRINT; ORATORY; TACITUS] 5597. Barnes,TD (1986): The Constantinian Reformation. In: The Crake Lectures 1984. A Classical Symposium Held September 27-28 in Conjunction with the Opening of the Crake Reading Room, Mount Allison University. (Eds: Fancy,M; Cohen,I) Crake Institute, Sackville, New Brunswick, 39-57. (SO1A 053) [CONSTANTINE; LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 2680. Barnes,TD (19??): Senatus Contra Principem: Untersuchungen zur Senatorischen Opposition Gegen Kaiser Maziminus Thrax. By Karlheinz Dietz. Munich: Beck (Vestigia 29). 1980. Phoenix, 386-387. (SO17 099) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 322. Barnes,TD; Vander Spoel,J (1981): Juliann and Themistius. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 22,2, 187-189. (SO4 101) [OFFPRINT] 3259. Barnes,Timothy Barnes (1970): The Lost Kaisergeschichte and the Latin Historical Tradition. In: Antiquitas Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 1968/1969. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 7.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 13-43. (SO21 086) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 1969. Barnes,Timothy D (1968): The Date of Herod's Death. Journal of Theological Studies 19,1 (new series), 204-209. (SO12 011) [OFFPRINT] 1968. Barnes,Timothy D (1969): An Apostle on Trial. Journal of Theological Studies 20,2 (new series), 407-419. (SO12 010) [OFFPRINT] 2717. Barnes,Timothy D (1970): A Senator from Hadrumentum, and Three Others. In: Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1968/1969. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-AugustaForschung.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 45-58. (SO17 136) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 1247. Barnes,Timothy D (1982): The Date of the Octavia. Museum Helveticum 39, 215-217. (SO6 094) [OFFPRINT] 4110. Barns,JWB (1966): A Letter of Severus Alexander. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 52, 141-146. (SO26 149) [OFFPRINT] 1811. Barns,John; Chadwick,Henry (1973): A Letter Ascribed to Peter of Alexandria. Journal of Theological Studies 24,2 (new series), 443-455. (SO11 094) [OFFPRINT] 403. Bartholomew,Philip (1984): FourthCentury Saxons. Britannia 15, 169-185. (SO4 191) [OFFPRINT] 5335. Barwick,Karl (1954): Der Dialogus De Oratoribus des Tacitus. Berichte Åber die Verhandlungen der SÑchsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 101,4, 42pp. (SO38A 023) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5420. Bassignano,Maria Silvia (1967): Il Flaminato nella Politica Romana fino all'êta di Tibero. Atti dell'Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti. Classe di Scienze, Morali e Lettere 125, 241-290. (SO39 001) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN RELIGION] 4515. Bauman,RA (1966): Tiberius and Murena. Historia 15,4, 420-432. (SO32 008) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 3970. Bauman,RA (1968): Some Remarks on the Structure and Survival of the Quaestio De Adulteriis. Antichthon 2, 68-93. (SO26 014) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 33 3995. Bauman,RA (1973): The Hostis Declarations of 88 and 87 B.C. Athenaeum 51,3-4 (n.s.), 270-293. (SO26 038) [OFFPRINT; SULLA] 4000. Bauman,RA (1974): Criminal Prosecutions by the Aediles. Latomus 33,2, 245-264. (SO26 042) [OFFPRINT] 2687. Bauman,Richard (1977): The ResumÇ of Legislation in the Early Vitae of the Historia Augusta. ZRG Rom. Abt. 109, 43-75. (SO17 106) [OFFPRINT] 4909. Baynes,Norman H (1936): The Political Ideas of St. Augustine's De Civitate Dei. (Historical Association Pamphlet, 104.) Historical Association; G. Bell, London. 18 pages. (SO35 097) [AUGUSTINE; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 801. Bean,GE (1949): Notes and Inscriptions from Lycia. JHS 68, 40-58. (SO5 037) [OFFPRINT] 4388. Bean,GE (1953): Inscriptions from Pontus. Belleten 17, 151-178. (SO30 011) <<article in English and Turkish>> [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3219. Bean,GE (1954): Notes and Inscriptions from Caunus. JHS 74, 85-110. (SO21 047) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4432. Bean,GE; Cook,JM (?): The Cnidia. ABSA 47, 171-212. (SO30 054) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4434. Bean,GE; Cook,JM (?): The Halicarnassus Peninsula. ABSA 50, 85-171. (SO30 056) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 88. Beaujeu,Jean (1966): Religion in the Second Century A.D. Bucknell Review, 1-18. (SO1A 102; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 151. Beaujeu,Jean (1966): Politique Religieuse et Propagande Numismatique sous le Haut-Empire. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) S.E.V.P.E.N, Paris, 1529-1540. (SO1A 176; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 3066. Beaujeu,Jean (1966): Le Mare Rubrum de Tacite et le Probläme de la Chronologie des Annales. Revue des êtudes Latines 38, 200-235. (SO20 022) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1945. Beaujeu,Jean (1967): Remarques sur la Datation de l'Octavius. Vacances de la Moisson et Vacances de la Vendange. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 41, fasc. 1, 121134. (SO11 227) [OFFPRINT] 155. Beaujeu,Jean (1976): Les Derniäres AnneÇes du Calendrier PrÇ-Julien. In: L'Italie PrÇromaine et la Rome RÇpublicaine. MÇlanges Offerts Ö Jacques Huergon. (: ) Ecole Franáaise de Rome, Rome, 13-32. (SO1A 180; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 84. Beaujeu,Jean (1980): Une ÆBÇte NoireØ de CicÇron: BelliÇnus DÇmÇtrius. In: MÇlanges de LittÇrature et d'êpigraphie Latines, d'Histoire Ancienne et d'ArchÇologie: Hommages Ö Pierre Wuilleumier. (: ) (Collection d'êtudes Latines. Serie Scientifique, 35.) SociÇtÇ D'Edition Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 17-23. (SO1A 098; OLIS) [CICERO; FESTSCHRIFT; OLIS] 3583. Becker,Carl (1967): Wertbegriffe im Antiken Rom. Ihre Geltung und ihr Absinken zum Schlagwort. (MÅnchener UniversitÑtsreden, 44 (n.s.).) Max Hueber Verlag, MÅnchen. 16 pages. (SO23 002) [OFFPRINT] 2366. Beckmann,Franz (1952): Humanitas. Ursprung und Idee. Ashendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, MÅnster Westf. 51 pages. (SO15 054) <<series: Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft zur Fîrderung der WstfÑlischen WilhelmsUniversitÑt, vol. 3>> [MONOGRAPH] 3105. Behrens,G (1932): Rîmische Inschriften aus Rheinhessen. Mainzer Zeitschrift 27, 29-32. (SO20 058) [EPIGRAPHY; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 3106. Behrens,G (1938): Rîmische Steininschriften aus Mainz und Rheinhessen. Mainzer Zeitschrift 33, 29-47. (SO20 059) [EPIGRAPHY; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 34 5635. Bell,HI (1927): Juden und Griechen im Rîmischen Alexandreia. Eine Historische Skizze des Alexandrinischen Antisemitismus. Beihefte zum Alten Orient 9, 52pp. (SO43 015) [ANTI-SEMITISM; EGYPT; ETHNICITY; OFFPRINT] 1261. Bellen,Heinz (1974): Die `Verstaatlichung' des Privatvermîgens der Rîmischen Kaiser im 1. Jahrhundert n. Chr. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. Principat II. Vol. 1. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 91-112. (SO6 108) [OFFPRINT] 2488. Bellen,Heinz (1975): Sullas Brief an den Interrex L. Valerius Flaccus. Zur Genese der Sullanischen Diktatur. Historia 24,4, 555569. (SO15 164) [OFFPRINT] 141. Bellen,Heinz (1976): Hans Volkmann. Historia 48, 426-431. (SO1A 165; OLIS) <<Obituary of H.Volkmann>> [OBITUARY] 3425. Bellen,Heinz (1976): Die Krise der Italischen Landwirtschaft unter Kaiser Tiberius (33 n. CHR.). Historia 25,2, 217-234. (SO22 066) [OFFPRINT] 69. Bellinger,Alfred R; Welles,C Bradford (1935): A Third-Century Contract of Sale from Edessa in Osrhoene. Yale Classical Studies 5, 95-154. (SO1A 080; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1905. Benario,Herbert W (1959): C. Paccius Africanus. Historia 8, 496-498. (SO11 187) [OFFPRINT] 5248. Benario,Herbert W (1963): Arcanus in Tacitus. RMfP 106,4 (n.s.), 356-362. (SO37C 007) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5184. Benario,Herbert W (1964): Recent Work on Tacitus (1954-63). The Classical World 58,3, 69-83. (SO37 005) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE; TACITUS] 5188. Benario,Herbert W (1964): Tacitus and the Principate. The Classical Journal 60, 97-106. (SO37 009) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; TACITUS] 4537. Benario,Herbert W (1967): C. Paccius Africanus at Sabratha. Epigraphica 28, 135139. (SO32 030) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5405. Benario,Herbert W (1968): Tacitus and the Fall of the Roman Empire. Historia 17,1, 37-50. (SO38D 010) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5185. Benario,Herbert W (1970): Recent Work on Tacitus (1964-68). The Classical World 63,8, 253-267. (SO37 006) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE; TACITUS] 2271. Benario,Herbert W (1972): Albano and the Second Parthian Legion. Archaeology 25,4, 256-263. (SO14 079) [OFFPRINT] 5193. Benario,Herbert W (1972): Imperium and Capaces Imperii in Tacitus. AJPh 93,1, 14-26. (SO37A 014) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; TACITUS] 3984. Benario,Herbert W (1973): Asconiana. Historia 12,1, 64-71. (SO26 028) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4656. Benario,Herbert W (1977): Recent Work on Tactitus: 1969-1973. The Classical World 71,1, 1-32. (SO33 001A) [BIBLIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE; TACITUS] 1230. Benario,Herbert W (1979): Agricola's Proconsulship. RMfP 122,2, 167-172. (SO6 077) [OFFPRINT] 1241. Benario,Herbert W (1983): Tacitus' Germania- A Third of a Century of Scholarship. Quaderni di Storia 17, 211-230. (SO6 088) [OFFPRINT] 4620. Benario,Herbert W (1986): Recent Work on Tacitus 1974-1983. The Classical World 80,2(Nov.-Dec. 1986), 73-147. (SO33 001A) [BIBLIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE; TACITUS] 2732. Benario,Herbert W (19??): Sir Ronald Syme. Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. Syme Collection DB page 35 Oxford, At the clarendon Press, 1968. AJPh, 482-484. (SO17 150) [BOOK REVIEW] 2429. Bengtson,Hermann (1954): Hellenen und Barbaren. Gedanken zum Problem des Griechischen Nationalbewu·tseins., 25-40. (SO15 192) <<source illigible on offprint, dated MÅnchen (?) 1954>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2574. Bengtson,Hermann (1954): Q.Caecilius Metellus Celer (Cos 60) und die Inder. Historia 3,2, 229-236. (SO16 057) [OFFPRINT] 2403. Bengtson,Hermann (1958): Universalhistorische Aspekte der Geschichte des Hellenismus. Die Welt als Geschichte 18,1, 1-13. (SO15 091) [OFFPRINT] 3786. Bengtson,Hermann (1959): Neues zue Geschichte der Naristen. Historia 8,2, 213221. (SO25 005) [GERMANIA; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3674. Bengtson,Hermann ([c1960]): Barthold Georg Niebuhr und die Idee der Universalgeschichte des Altertums. WÅrzburger Rektoratsrede Gehalten am 11. Mai 1960 zum 378. Stiftungsfest der JuliusMaximilians-UniversitÑt. (WÅrzburger UniversitÑtsreden, 26.) Andreas Staudenraus UniversotÑts-Druckerei WÅrzburg, [WÅrzburg]. 21 pages. (SO23 089) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 5577. Bengtson,Hermann (1962): Neues zur Geschichte des Hellenismus in Thrakien und in der Dobrudscha. Historia 11,1, 18-28. (SO42 036) [ACCULTURATION; HELLENISM; OFFPRINT; THRACE] 139. Bengtson,Hermann (1964): Das Imperium Romanum in Griechischer Sicht. Gymnasium 71,2-3, 150-166. (SO1A 163; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3663. Bengtson,Hermann (1968): WesenszÅge der Hellenistischen Zivilisation. Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgiâ. Klasse der Letteren 30, fasc. 3, 3-20. (SO23 082) [HELLENISM; OFFPRINT] 2520. Bengtson,Hermann (1970): Zur Geschichte des Brutus. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. PhilosophischHistorische Klasse. Sitzungberichte 1970,1, 350. (SO16 005) <<each article is a separate fasc. of the year's proceedings>> [OFFPRINT] 620. Bengtson,Hermann (1972): Zu den Proskriptionen der Triumvirn. Bayerische Akademie des Wissenschaften. PhilosophischHistorische Klasse 1972, Heft 3, 38pp. (SO2 055) [ROMAN REPUBLIC; TRIUMVIRATE] 619. Bengtson,Hermann (1974): Zum Partherfeldzug des Antonius. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. 1974, Heft 1, 48pp. (SO2 054) [MARK ANTHONY; OFFPRINT; PARTHIANS; ROMAN ARMY] 3961. Bengtson,Hermann (1974): Kleomenes III. Ein Spartanischer Kînig im Exil. In: Geschichte in der Gesellschaft. Festschrift fÅr Karl Bosl zum 65. Geburtstag. 11-XI. 1973. (Eds: Prinz,Friedrich; Schmale,F-J; Seibt,Ferdinand) Anton Hiersemann, Stuttgart, 1-13. (SO26 004) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; SPARTA] 5062. Bennett,William H (1961): The Death of Sertotius and the Coin. Historia 10,4, 459472. (SO36C 010) [CHRONOLOGY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 730. Benoit,Fernand (1952): La Sanctuaire d'Auguste et les Cryptoportiques d'Arles. Revue ArchÇologique 39,1, 31-67. (SO2 183) [OFFPRINT] 3456. BÇranger,J (1956): De SÇnäque Ö Corneille : Lueurs sur Cinna. In: Hommages Ö Max Niedermann. (: ) Latomus Rec=vue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 52-70. (SO22 095) <<series : Collection Latomus 23>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 147. BÇranger,J (1957): La DÇmocratie sous l'Empire Romain: les OpÇrations Electorales de la Tabula Hebana et la ÆDestinatioØ. Museum Helveticum 14,4, 216240. (SO1A 172; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 36 5251. BÇranger,J (1960): La ÆPrÇvoyanceØ (Providentia) ImpÇriale, et Tacite, Annales, I, 8. Hermes 88,4, 475-492. (SO37C 010) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 144. BÇranger,J (1964): Les GÇnies du SÇnat et du Peuple Romain et les Reliefs Flaviens de la Cancelleria. In: Hommages Ö Jean Bayet. (: ) (Collection Latomus, 70.) Latomus, Bruxelles, 76-88. (SO1A 169; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 696. BÇranger,J (1965): Der `Genius Populi Romani' in der Kaiserpolitik. BonnJahr 165, 72-87. (SO2 147) [OFFPRINT] 656. BÇranger,J (1969): Remarques sur la Concordia dans la Propagande MonÇtaire ImpÇriale et la Nature du Principat. In: BeitrÑge zur Alten Geschichre und Deren Nachleben. Festschrift fÅr Franz Altheim zum 6.10.1968. (Eds: Stiehl,Ruth; Stier,HE) Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 477-491. (SO2 093) [FESTSCHRIFT] 149. BÇranger,J (1970): Ordres et Classes d'AprÇs CicÇron. In: Recherches sur les Structures Sociales dans l'AntiquitÇ Classique. (: ) CNRS, Paris, 225-242. (SO1A 174; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 296. BÇranger,J (1976): Le Terminologie ImpÇriale: une Application Ö Ammien Marcellin. In: MÇlanges d'Histoire et d'Archaeologie offerts Ö Paul Collart. (: ) (Cahiers d'ArchÇologie Romande, 5.) Bibliothäque Historique Vaudoise, Lausanne, 47-60. (SO4 075) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIOGRAPHY; ROMAN ARMY] 836. BÇranger,J (1984): La Politique Municipale des Empereurs Ö travers l'Histoire Auguste. In: Althistorische Studien. Hermann Bengtson zum 70. Geburtstag Dargebracht von Kollegen und SchÅlern. (Ed: Heinen,Heinz) Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden, 233-250. [FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 4674. BÇranger,J (??): Le Rìle des Clausules dans les Discours de Tite-Live. In: Hommages Ö Robert Schilling. (Eds: Zehnacker,H; Hentz,G) (Collection d'êtudes Latines (SÇrie Scientifique), 37.) Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 449-465. (SO33 051) [INCOMPLETE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 4639. BÇranger,Jean (1948): A Propos d'un Imperium Infinitum. Histoire et Stylistique. In: MÇlanges de Philologie, De LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes Offerts Ö J. Marouzeau par ses Collägues et êläves êtrangers. (: ) Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 19-27. (SO33 019) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4627. BÇranger,Jean (1949): Le Refus du Pouvoir (Recherches sur l'Aspect IdÇologique du Principat). Museum Helveticum 5,3, 178196. (SO33 007) [OFFPRINT] 3446. BÇranger,Jean (1958): L'Accession d'Auguste et l'IdÇologie du ÆPrivatusØ. Palaeologia 7,1, 1-11. (SO22 085) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 4636. BÇranger,Jean (1959): CicÇron PrÇcurseur Politique. Hermes 87,1, 103-117. (SO33 016) [CICERO; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 3431. BÇranger,Jean (1961): Pierre Grenade : Essai sur les Origines du Principat. Investiture et Renouvellement des Pouvoirs ImpÇriaux. Paris : de Boccard 1961 (Bibliothäque des êcoles Franáaises d'Athänes et de Rome. 197). Gnomon 33, 387-393. (SO22 072) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3635. BÇranger,Jean (1966): Fortune PrivÇe ImpÇriale et êtat. Tacite, Annales I.86 : Æprovis etiam heredum in rem publicam opibusØ. In: MÇlanges Offerts Ö Monsieur Georges Bonnard Ö l'Occasion de son Quatre-Vingtiäme Anniversaire. (: ) (UniversitÇ de Lausanne. Publications de la FacultÇ des Lettres, 18.) Libraire Droz, Genäve, 151-160. (SO23 054) [ECONOMY; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2694. BÇranger,Jean (1970): L'Expression de la DivinitÇ dans les PanÇgyriques Latins. Museum Helveticum 27, fasc. 4, 242-254. (SO17 113) [OFFPRINT] 2518. BÇranger,Jean (1972): Les Jugements de CicÇron sur les Gracques. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. I. Von den AnfÑngen Roms bis zum Ausgang der Republik. Vol. 1. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 732-763. (SO16 003) Syme Collection DB page 37 [OFFPRINT] 1260. BÇranger,Jean (1978): Imperium, Expression et Conception du Pouvoir ImpÇrial. Revue des êtudes Latines 55 (1977), 325-344. (SO6 107) [OFFPRINT] 1256. BÇranger,Jean (1979): L'Abdication de l'Empereur Romain. CRAI april-june 1979, 357-379. (SO6 103) [OFFPRINT] 1156. BÇranger,Jean (1987): Les SenatusConsultes dans l'Histoire Auguste. In: Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1984/1985. (: ) (Antiquitas 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia Augusta Forschung, 19.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 25-53. (SO6 002) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2795. BÇranger,Jean (19??): Diagnostic du Principat. Revue des êtudes Latines ?, 151170. (SO16 090) <<date and vol. unknown; journal deduced>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3792. Berciu,D (1931): Burii (BuridavaBuridavenses-Burebista). Institutul de Arheologie Olteana. Memoriul 3, 1-28. (SO25 011) <<article in Romanian with French resumÇ>> [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 93. Bernardi,Aurelio (1961): Tendenze di Fondo nell'Economia del Tardo Imperio Romano. In: Studi Giuridici e Sociali in Memoria di Ezio Vanoni. (Studia Ghisleriana Serie 1, vol. 3). (: ) Tipografia del Libro, Pavia, 257-321. (SO1A 107; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 1822. Bernardi,Aurelio (1965): The Economic Problems of the Roman Empire at the Time of its Decline. Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 31, 110-170. (SO11 105) [OFFPRINT] 4062. Bernareggi,E (1967): Dramma Chalkine e Dramma Pypara nella Monetazione Alessandrina di Adriano. PP 112, 7-16 [54-63 in original vol.]. (S26 104) <<one of three articles in fasc. 112 based on research of the Istituto di Papirologia, University of Milan>> [OFFPRINT] 1735. Bersanetti,GM (1940): I Soprannomi Imperiali Variabili degli Auxilia dell'Esercito Romano. Athenaeum 18, fasc. 3 (new series, vol. 28 of continuous series), 105-135. (SO11 018) [OFFPRINT] 3804. Bersanetti,GM (1941): Ancora su Menofilo, Legato della Mesia Inferiore. Athenaeum 19,3 (n.s, vol. 29 of continuous series), 144-148. (SO25 023) [MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 4132. Bersanetti,GM (1942): P. Settimio Geta, Fratello di Settimio Severo. Epigraphica 4, fasc. 3(July-Sept. 1942), 105-126. (SO27 018) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1738. Bersanetti,GM (1943): Sui Soprannomi Imperiali Variabili delle Legioni. Athenaeum 21 (new series, vol. 31 of continuous series), 79-91. (SO11 021) [OFFPRINT] 4383. Bersanetti,GM (1945): Un Governatore Equestre della Licia-Panfilia. Aevum 19,3-4, 384-390. (SO30 006) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4131. Bersanetti,GM (1946): Il Padre, La Madre e la Prima Moglie di Settimo Severo con un'Appendice: Sull'Uso di "Dominus Noster" nelle Iscrizioni dell'EtÖ Severiana. Athenaeum 24, fasc. 1-2 (n.s.), 28-43. (SO27 017) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SEVERUS] 4910. Bersanetti,GM (1946): Iscrizione Leptitana in Onore di Costanzo II. Epigraphica 7 (1945), 39-46. (SO35 098) [EPIGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1519. Bersanetti,GM (1947): Corila Dinasta della Paflagonia e il Gran Re. Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 1, 10 (8th series) [1946], 323-329. (SO9 056) [OFFPRINT] 5290. Bersanetti,GM (1947): Tiberiana. Athenaeum 25,1-2 (n.s.), 3-16. (SO37D 008) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 2689. Bersanetti,GM (1948): Valeriano ed Emiliano. Rivista di Filologia Classica 26 (new series), 257-279. (SO17 108) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 38 744. Bersanetti,GM (1949): Su Pescennio Nigro. Aegyptus 29,1-2, 78-90. (SO2 112) [OFFPRINT] 665. Bersanetti,GM (1951): Perenne e Commodo. Athenaeum 29, fasc. 3-4 (n.s.), 151-170. (SO2 103) [COMMODUS; OFFPRINT] 101. Bertinelli,M (1979): La Tribó Galeria di Luna. In: Phil°as Charin: Miscellanea in Onore di Eugenio Manni. (: ) Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome, 117-128. (SO1A 116; OLIS; [Philia Charin] in Greek letters) [FESTSCHRIFT] 5603. Bertinelli,MGA (1982): Epigrafi Inedite da Luni. Centro Studi Lunensi. Quaderni 6-7 (1981-82), 3-10. (SO1A 115) [EPIGRAPHY; LUNI; OFFPRINT] 98. Bertinelli,Maria Angeli Bertinelli (1987): Gli Imperatori Romani del III Secolo nelle Iscrizioni Onorarie Lunensi. In: Atti del Convegno ÆStudi Lunensi e Prospettive sull'Occidente RomanoØ. Lerici, Settembre 1985. (: ) (Quaderni (Centro Studi Lunensi), 10-12.) Centro Studi Lunensi, Luni, 525-540. (SO1A 112; OLIS) [EPIGRAPHY; LUNA- ANCIENT SITE; OFFPRINT] 2601. Bertinelli,Maria Gabriella Angeli (1983): I Centurioni della "Legio II Traiana". In: Studi in Onore Arnaldo Biscardi, IV. (: ) Cisalpino-Goliardica, Milano, 143-199. (SO17 021) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2589. Bertinelli,Maria Gabriella Angeli (1986): I Semiti e Roma: Appunti da una Lettura di Fonti Semitiche. Serta Historica Antiqua, 145-181. (SO17 009) <<no journal no. but 1986 is year of vol. 1>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 915. Bertinelli,Maria Gabriella Angeli (1987): Germanico nella Documentazione Epigrafica. In: Germanico. La Persona, La PersonalitÖ, Il Personaggio. Atti del Convegno (Macerata-Perugia, 9-11 Maggio 1986). (Eds: Bonamente,Giorgio; Segoloni,Maria Paola) (Pubblicazioni dells FacoltÖ di Lettere e Filosofia, UniversitÖ degli Studi di Macerata, 39.) Giorgio Brettschneider, Roma, 25-51. (SO5 160) [GERMANICUS; HISTORIOGRAPHYROMAN; OFFPRINT] 3603. Bertolone,Mario (1947): Materiali Archaeologici Scoperti ad Angera, Conservati nelle Raccolte del Museo Civico di Como. Urna Cineraria Proveniente da Bissone Pavese. Rassegna Storica del Seprio 7, [2869]. (SO23 022) [OFFPRINT] 154. Bertrand,CÇcile (1986): Machiavel, l'Histoire Auguste et HÇrodien. Renaissance Mitteilungen 10,1, 1-10. (SO1A 179; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1413. Beschaouch,A (1967): Grammatica Quaedam. Latomus 26,2, 401-412. (SO7 105) [OFFPRINT] 4296. Beschaouch,A (1975): A Propos de RÇcentes DÇcouvertes êpigraphiques dans le Pays de Carthage. CRAI (jan-march 1975), 101-118. (SO28 050) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1415. Beschaouch,Azedine (1966): La Mosaãque de Chasse a l'AmphithÇÉtre DÇscouverte a Smirat en Tunisie. CRAI janmarch 1966, 134-157. (SO7 108) [OFFPRINT] 3139. Beschaouch,Azedine (1969): Une Stäle ConsacrÇe Ö Saturne le 8 Novembre 323. BCTH 4 (n.s.), 253-268. (SO20 092) <<journal year is 1968>> [OFFPRINT] 3159. Beschaouch,Azedine (1969 [1970]): Encore un Gaulois en Afrique : Le Lyonnais M. Licinius Fidelis. BCTH 5 (n.s.), 260-268. (SO20 112) <<journal year is 1969>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4196. Beschaouch,Azedine (1969): Uzappa et le Proconsul d'Afrique Sex. Cocceius Anicius Faustus Paulinus. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 81, 195-218. (SO27 079) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3158. Beschaouch,Azedine (n.d.): Neferitana. Nouvelles Recherches sur NÇferis, CitÇ Antique de Tunisie (Premiäre Partie). Africa 3-4, 121-129. (SO20 111) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 5530. Betz,A (1960): Neue Inschriften aus dem Rîmischen Dalmatien. Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Historiju Dalmatinsku (Bulletin Syme Collection DB page 39 d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Dalmate) 56-59,2 (1954-1957), 82-87. (SO41 033) [DALMATIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 799. Bickerman,Elias J (1947): Syria and Cilicia. AJPh 68,4, 353-362. (SO5 034) [OFFPRINT] 3929. Betz,Artur (1936): Eine Neue Inschrift aus Elbassan in Albanien. JOAI 30, 102-107. (SO25 145) [ALBANIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 814. Bickerman,J Elias (1952): Origines Gentium. Classical Philology 47,2, 65-81. (SO5 050) [OFFPRINT] 5515. Betz,Artur (1953): Noriker im Verwaltungs-und Heersdienst des Rîmischen Kaiserreiches. In: BeitrÑge zur élteren EuropÑischen Kulturgeschichte. Festschrift fÅr Rudolf Egger. Vol. 2. (Ed: Moro,G) Geschichtsvereines fÅr KÑrnten, Klagenfurt, 269-285. (SO41 018) [FRONTIERS; NORICUM; OFFPRINT] 4895. Bickermann,Elias J (1947): R.P. Festugiäre,O.P. La RÇvelation d'Hermes TrismÇgiste, I: L'Astrologie et les Sciences Occultes. Paris, J. Gabalda & Co., 1944. AJPh 68,4, 445-448. (SO35 083) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN RELIGION] 1768. Betz,Artur (1955): Konrad Kraft. Zur Rekrutierung der Alen und Kohorten an Rhein und Donau. Bernae Aedibus A. Francke, 1951. Anzeiger fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 8,2, 86-88. (SO11 052) <<page nos refer to columns>> [BOOK REVIEW] 1877. Betz,Artur (1957): Ernst Hohl. Kaiser Commodus und Herodian. Sitzungberichte der Deutchen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Jahrgang 1954, Nr. 1. Anzeiger fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 10, 255-257. (SO11 159) [BOOK REVIEW] 1496. Bevan,AA (19??): Controversies in Armenian Topography. Journal of Philology 271-258, 258-288. (SO9 036) [OFFPRINT] 4089. Bickerman,EJ (1973): Faux LittÇraires dans l'AntiquitÇ Classique en Marge d'un Livre RÇcent [Review of: Wolfgang Speyer, Die Literarische FÑlschung im Heidnischen und Christlichen Altertum. Ein Versuch ihrer Deutung (Handbuch der Altertumwissenschaft. vol. 1,2) MÅnchen, C.H. Beck, 1971]. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 101,1 (3rd. ser.), 22-41. (SO26 128) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 682. Bickerman,Elias et al (1973): Consecratio [=Introductory lecture and discussion]. In: Le Culte des Souverains dans l'Empire Romain. (: ) (Entretiens sur l'AntiquitÇ Classique, 19.) Foundation Hardt, Vandoeuvres- Genäve, 1-37. (SO2 133) [IMPERIAL CULT-CONGRESSES; OFFPRINT] 3729. Bignardi,Agostino (1963): L'Agricoltura in Emilia Prima dei Romani. Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura. Annali 3 (3rd. series), 17pp. (SO24 046) <<reprint of original article>> [AGRICULTURE; ECONOMY; ITALY; OFFPRINT] 1961. Bikerman,ê (1955): Une Question d'AuthenticitÇ. Les Priviläges Juifs. Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et de l'Histoire Orientales et Slaves 13 (1953), 11-34. (SO12 003) [OFFPRINT] 1514. Bikerman,êlie (1947): La CoelÇ-Syrie. Notes de GÇographie Historique. La Revue Biblique 54, 256-268. (SO9 050) [OFFPRINT] 3486. Bilinski,Bronislaw (1961): FORNIX CALPURNIUS e la Morte di Tiberio Gracco. Helikon 1,2, 264-282. (SO22 124; polish accents on `l' and 2nd. `n' of author's name) [OFFPRINT] 5232. Biraghi,Gioietta (1951): Il Problema Economico del Regno di Nerva. PP 19, 257273. (SO37B 016) [ECONOMICS; NERVA; OFFPRINT] 2657. Bird,HW (1969): L. Aelius Sejanus and his Political Significance. Latomus 28,1(January-March), 61-98. (SO17 076) [OFFPRINT] 2660. Bird,HW (1970): L. Aelius Seianus: Further Observations. Latomus 29,4(OctoberNovember), 1046-1050. (SO17 0079) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 40 947. Bird,HW (1971): Suetonian Influence in the Later Lives of the Historia Augusta. Hermes 99,2, 129-134. (SO5 194) [OFFPRINT] Dobson,Brian) Titus Wilson, Kendal, 56-60, plus 1 page Bibliography. (SO21 095) <<not so much an offprint but a badly stapled together series of photocopies!>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 2658. Bird,HW (1971): Erhart Meissner, Sejan, Tiberius und die Nochfolge im Prinzipat, Erlangen, J.Hogl, 1968. Latomus 30, 788-791. (SO17 077) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3118. Birley,AR (1967): Roman Frontiers Policy under Marcus Aurelius. Roman Frontier Studies, 7-14. (SO20) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 2698. Bird,HW (1971): Aurelius Victor and the Accession of Claudius II. The Classical Journal (February 1971), 252-254. (SO17) [OFFPRINT] 3262. Birley,AR (1967): The Augustan History. In: Latin Biography. (Ed: Dorey,TA) Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 113-138. (SO21 089) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4130. Birely,AR (1972): Tonio Hîlscher, Victoria Romana: ArchÑologische Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Wesensart der Rîmischen Siegesgîttin von der AnfÑngen bis zum Ende des 3. Jhs. n. Chr. Mainz: Phillip von Zabern, 1967; Peter Kneissl, Die Siegestitulatur der Rîmischen Kaiser: Untersuchungen zu den Siegerbeinamen des Ersten und Zweiten Jahrhunderts (Hypomnemata, Heft 23). Gîttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1969. JRS 62, 195197. (SO27 016) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 618. Birley,AR (1968): The Invasion of Italy in the Reign of M. Aurelius. In: Provincialia. Festschrift fÅr Rudolf Laur-Belart. (Eds: Schmid,E; Berger,L; BÅrgin,P) Schwabe & Co. Verlag, Basel; Stuttgart, 214-255. (SO2 051) [FESTSCHRIFT; ITALY; MARCUS AURELIUS] 5606. Birley,A (1975): Agricola, The Flavian Dynasty and Tacitus. In: The Ancient Historian and his Materials. Essays in Honour of C.E. Stevens on his Seventieth Birthday. (Ed: Levick,B) Gregg International, Farnborough, Hants., 139-153. (SO1A 156) [AGRICOLA; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4202. Birley,AR (1970): Some Notes on HA Severus, 1-4. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1968/1969. (Ed: Straub,J) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 7.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 59-77. (SO27 085) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2241. Birley,AR (1971): VI Victrix in Britain. In: Soldier and Civilian in Roman Yorkshire. (Ed: Butler,Ronald Morley) Leicester University Press, Leicester, 81-96. (SO14 050) [OFFPRINT] 3461. Birley,AR (1962): The Oath Not To Put Senators To Death. The Classical Review 12,3, 197-199. (SO22 100) [OFFPRINT] 662. Birley,AR (1972): A Nickname for Commodus and the Date of Fronto's Death. Chiron 2, 463-473. (SO2 099) [OFFPRINT] 1599. Birley,AR (1963): The Status of Moesia Superior under Marcus Aurelius. Acta Historica Philippopolitana, 109-112. (SO9 136) [OFFPRINT] 1954. Birley,AR (1972): A.H.M.Jones, J.R. Martindale and J.Morris, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, Volume I: 260395. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. JRS 62, 185-186. (SO11 236) [OFFPRINT] 3237. Birley,AR (1966): Two Names in the Historia Augusta. Historia 15,2, 249-253. (SO21 064) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 3268. Birley,AR (1966): The Origins of Gordian I. In: Britain and Rome: Essays Presented to Eric Birley on his Sixtieth Birthday. (Eds: Jarrett,Michael G; 3053. Birley,AR (1972): Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy Cambridge, 1967. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1971. JRS 62, 189-190. (SO20 009) [BOOK REVIEW] Syme Collection DB page 41 4135. Birley,AR (1972): Virius Lupius. ArchAel 50 (4th ser.), 179-189. (SO27 021) <<article on building phases at Hadrian's wall>> [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4136. Birley,AR (1973): Petillius Cerialis and the Conquest of Brigantia. Britannia 4, 179190. (SO27 022) [BRITANNIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2244. Birley,AR (1974): Roman Frontiers and Roman Frontier Policy: Some Reflections on Roman Imperialism. Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland 3, 13-25. (SO14 053) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 2245. Birley,AR (1974): Septimius Severus, Propagator Imperii. In: Actes du IXe Congräs International d'êtudes sur les Frontiäres Romaines. (: ) Editura Academiei/ Bîhlau Verlag, Bucuresti/ Kîln-Wien, 297-299. (SO14 053A) [OFFPRINT] 89. Birley,AR (1976): The Third Century Crisis in the Roman Empire. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 58,2, 253-281. (SO1A 103; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1191. Birley,AR (1976): The date of Mons Graupius. Liverpool Classical Monthly 1,2, 1114. (SO6 038) [OFFPRINT] 119. Birley,AR (1981): An Altar from Bremenium. ZPE 43, 13-23. (SO1A 137; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1111. Birley,AR (1981): The Economic Effects of Roman Frontier Policy. In: The Roman West in the Third Century. Contributions from History and Archaeology. (Eds: King,Anthony; Hennig,Martin) (BAR International Series, 109.) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 39-53. (SO3 158) [ECONOMY; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 118. Birley,AR (1982): Senators from Britain? In: Atti del Colloquio Internazionale AIEGL su Epigragia e Ordine Senatorio Roma, 14-20 Maggio 1981. Vol. 2. (: ) (Tituli, 5.) Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 531538. (SO1A 136; OLIS) [BRITANNIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 398. Birley,AR (1983): Magnus Maximus and the Persecution of Heresy. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 66,1, 13-43. (SO4 186) [OFFPRINT] 3715. Birley,AR (1984): Alex Hardie, Statius and the Silvae. Poets, Patrons and Epideixis in the Graeco-Roman World, Liverpool : Francis Cairns, 1983. Liverpool Classical Monthly 9,2(February 1984), 26-27. (SO24 030) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 893. Birley,AR (1988): Names at Lepcis Magna. Libyan Studies 19, 1-19. (SO5 137) [OFFPRINT] 1081. Birley,AR (1988): Irfan Shahid, Rome and the Arabs. A Prolegomenon to the Study of Byzantium and the Arabs; Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C. 1984. Journal of Semitic Studies 33, 290-303. (SO3 121) [BOOK REVIEW] 1627. Birley,Anthony R (1967): The Roman Governors of Britain. Epigraphische Studien 4, 63-102. (SO10 024) [OFFPRINT] 3164. Birley,Anthony R (1967): Excavations at Carpow. In: Studien zu den MilitÑrgrenzen Roms : VortrÑge des 6. Internationalen Limeskongresses in SÅddeutschland. (: ) Bîhlau Verlag, Kîln; Graz, 1-5. (SO20 117) [BRITANNIA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 1681. Birley,Anthony R (1969): The Coups d'Etat of the Year 193. BonnJahr 169, 247280. (SO10 112) [OFFPRINT] 1682. Birley,Anthony R (1982): Notes on Senators' Imperial Policy. Tituli 4, 239-249. (SO10 113) <<series: Epigrafia e Ordine Senatorio I>> [OFFPRINT] 2988. Birley,Anthony R; Nicolai,Karl (1979): Die Au·en- und Grenzpolitik unter der Regierung Marc Aurels. In: Marc Aurel. (Ed: Klein,Richard) Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 473-502. (SO19 005) Syme Collection DB page 42 <<article is translation of "Foreign and Frontier Policy in the Reign of M.Aurelius" (1978); series: Wege der Forschung vol. 550>> [FRONTIERS; MARCUS AURELIUS; OFFPRINT] 4548. Birley,E (1936): The Epitaph of Iulius Classicianus. AntJ 16,2, ? (SO32 042) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5649. Birley,E (1950): The Governors of Numidia. JRS 40, 60-68. (SO16 111) [NUMIDIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4182. Birley,E (1977): The Aftermath of an Incident in A.D. 69. Chiron 7, 279-281. (SO27 065) [OFFPRINT] 4181. Birley,E (1978): Alae named after their Commanders. AncSoc 9, 257-273. (SO27 064) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4216. Birley,E (1979): Inscriptions Indivative of Impending or Recent Movements. Chiron 9, 495-505. (SO27 099) [OFFPRINT] 4183. Birley,E (1980): M. Bassaeus Astur: A Note. ZPE 37, 19-21. (SO27 066) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4209. Birley,E (1985): A Note on Cornelius Repentinus. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1982/1983. (Ed: Straub,J) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 17.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 69-73. (SO27 092) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2756. Birley,EB (1971): The Fate of the Ninth Legion. In: Soldier and Civilian in Roman Yorkshire. (Ed: Butler,Ronald Morley) Leicester University Press, Leicester, 71-80. (SO17 173) [OFFPRINT] 1781. Birley,Eric (c1939): Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Vol XVI: Diplomata Militaria. Post Theodorum Mommsen ed. H.Nesselhauf. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1936., 224229. (SO11 065) <<source unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 1551. Birley,Eric (1952): Britain under Nero: The Significance of Q. Veranius. Durham University Journal June 1952, 89-92. (SO9 085) [OFFPRINT] 5512. Birley,Eric (1952): Noricum, Britain and the Roman Army. In: BeitrÑge zue élteren EuropÑischen Kulturgeschichte. Festschrift fÅr Rudolf Egger. Vol. 1. (Ed: Moro,G) Geschichtsvereines fÅr KÑrnten, Klagenfurt, 175-188. (SO41 015) [BRITANNIA; FESTSCHRIFT; FRONTIERS; NORICUM; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 1889. Birley,Eric (1953): The Eipigraphy of the Roman Army. In: Actes du Deuxiäme Congräs International d'êpigraphie Greque et Latine. (: ) Libraire d'AmÇrique et d'Orient Adrien Maisonneuve, Paris, 226-238. (SO11 171) [OFFPRINT] 3108. Birley,Eric (1953): Eine Inschrift von Untersaal. Die Folgenden Gesichtspunkte Scheinen bei der Interpretation der Schwierigen Inschrift CIL. III mit 14193 = Dessau 2525 = Vollmer 354. Germania 31, 34, 199-200. (SO20 061) [EPIGRAPHY; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 4571. Birley,Eric (1953): Senators in the Emperors'Service. PBA 39, 197-214. (SO32 064) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1904. Birley,Eric (1955): An Unrecorded Roman Gentilicium. Jahrshefte 42, . (SO11 186) [OFFPRINT] 3246. Birley,Eric (1955): Jacob Jan van Norren : Plautianus Commandant van de Lijfwacht van Keizer Septimius Severus. Hilversum : Schipper, 1953. The Classical Review 5,2 (n.s., vol. 69 of continuous series), 222-223. (SO21 073) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 587. Birley,Eric (1956): Hadrianic Frontier Policy. In: Carnuntina. Ergebnisse der Forschung Åber die Grenzprovinzen des Rîmischen Reiches VotrÑge beim Internationalen Kongre· der Altertumsforscher. Carnuntum 1955. (Ed: Swoboda,Erich) (Rîmische Forschungen in Niederîsterreich, 3.) Hermann Bîhlaus, Graz-Kîln, 25-33. (SO2 019) [FRONTIERS; HADRIAN; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 43 1715. Birley,Eric (1962): Bengt E. Thomasson, Die Statthalter der Rîmischen Provinz Nordafrikas von Augustus bis Diocletianus. Lund: C.W.K Gleerup, 1960. JRS 52, 1-2, 219-226. (SO10 103) [BOOK REVIEW] Internationalen Limeskongresses. SzÇkesfehÇrvÖr 30/8-6/9, 1976. (Ed: Fitz,Jeno) AkadÇmiai Kiad¢., Budapest, 3542. (SO1A 063; OLIS) [BRITANNIA; LIMES; OFFPRINT; VINDOLANDA- ANCIENT SITE] 570. Birley,Eric (1965): Promotions and Transfers in the Roman Army II: The Centuriate. In: Carnuntum Jahrbuch 1963/64. (: ) (Rîmische Forschungen in Niederîsterreich, 8.) Hermann Bîhlaus, GrazKîln, 21-33. (SO2 001) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN ARMY] 3821. Birley,Eric (1977): A Severan Governor of Upper Moesia. AArchSlov 28, 180-182. (SO25 040) [MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 1762. Birley,Eric (1966): Alae and Cohortes Militariae. In: Corolla Memoriae Erich Swoboda Dedicata. (: ) Bîhlau,, 54-67. (SO11 046) [OFFPRINT] 3182. Birley,Eric (1966): Military Intelligence and the Historia Augusta. In: Bonner HistoriaAugusta-Colloquium 1964/1965. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas Reihe: 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 3.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 35-42. (SO21 008) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 743. Birley,Eric (1969): Septimius Severus and the Roman Army. Epigraphische Studien 8, 63-82. (SO2 211A) [OFFPRINT] 1777. Birley,Eric (1974): Cohors I Tungrorum and the Oracle of the Clarian Apollo. Chiron 4, 511-513. (SO11 061) [OFFPRINT] 1301. Birley,Eric (1976): An Inscription from Crammond, and the Matres Campestres. Glasgow Archaeological Journal 4(Studies in Roman Archaeology for Anne S. Robertson), 108-110. (SO6 148) [EPIGRAPHY; FESTSCHRIFT; FRONTIERS; ROMAN ARMY; ROMAN RELIGION] 1764. Birley,Eric (1976): Local Militias in the Roman Empire. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1972/1974. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 12.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 65-73. (SO11 048) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 55. Birley,Eric (1977): The Vindolanda Project. In: Limes. Akten des XI. 61. Birley,Eric (1978): The Adherence of Britain to Vespasian. Britannia 9, 243-245. (SO1A 070; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 823. Birley,Eric (1978): `Tales of my Grandfather'. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1975/1976. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 13.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 91-97. (SO5 061) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 824. Birley,Eric (1978): Fresh Thoughts on the Dating of the Historia Augusta. In: Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1975/1976. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 13.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 99-105. (SO5 062) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 1300. Birley,Eric (1978): The religion of the Roman Army: 1895-1977. In: Aufstieg und Niedergand der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 16,2. (Ed: Haase,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 1506-1541. (SO6 147) [BIBLIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; ROMAN RELIGION] 132. Birley,Eric (1980): True and False: Order of Battle in the HA. In: Bonner HistoriaAugusta-Colloquium 1977/1978. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 14.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 35-43. (SO1A 152; OLIS) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 143. Birley,Eric (1980): Raetien, Britannien und das Rîmische Heer. Bayerische Vorgeschichts-BlÑtter 45, 77-89. (SO1A 168; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 982. Birley,Eric (1980): Law in Roman Britain. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. Principat II. Vol. 13. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 609-625. Syme Collection DB page 44 (SO3 021) [OFFPRINT] 2165. Birley,Eric (1981): Evocati Aug: A review. ZPE 43, 25-29. (SO13 064) [OFFPRINT] 368. Birley,Eric (1982): The Dating and Character of the Tract De Munitionibus Castrorum. In: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Literatur der Rîmischen Kaiserzeit. (Ed: Wirth,G et al) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 277-281. (SO4 152) [FESTSCHRIFT] 114. Birley,Eric (1983): Some Names in the Historia Augusta. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1979/1981. (Ed: Straub,J) (Antiquitas Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 17.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 67-98. (SO1A 132; OLIS) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2148. Birley,Eric (1983): Veterans of the Roman Army in Britain and Elsewhere. AncSoc 13/14, 265-276. (SO13 049) <<journal year is 1982/83>> [OFFPRINT] 2163. Birley,Eric (1983): A Roman Altar from Old Kirkpatrick and Interim Commanders of Auxiliary Units. Latomus 42,1, 73-83. (SO13 062) [OFFPRINT] 404. Birley,Eric (1984): Constantius II Sarmaticus and Persicus: A Reply. ZPE 57, 225-232. (SO4 192) [OFFPRINT] 2151. Birley,Eric (1984): A Centurion of Leg. VI and his Wife. ZPE 57, 230-232. (SO13 051) [OFFPRINT] 1165. Birley,Eric (1985): The Dating of Vegetius and the Historia Augusta. Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1982/ 1983, 5767. (SO6 011) [OFFPRINT] 2108. Birley,Eric (1985): Britain, Pannonia and the Roman Army. In: Rîmische Geschichte, Altertumskunde und Epigraphik. Festschrift fÅr Artur Betz zur Vollendung seines 80. Lebensjahres. (Eds: Weber,Ekkehard; Dobesch,Gerhard) ôsterreichischen Gesellschaft fÅr ArchÑologie, Wien, 75-81. (SO13 012) <<series: ArchÑologisch-Epigraphische Studien vol. 1>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 2153. Birley,Eric (1985): A Legionary Legate at Vindonissa. ZPE 59, 234-236. (SO13 052) [OFFPRINT] 2166. Birley,Eric (1985): More Links between Britain and Noricum. In: Lebendige Altertumswissenschaft. Festgabe zur Vollendung des 70. Lebensjahres von Hermann Vetters. (: ),, 114-119. (SO13 065) [OFFPRINT] 2104. Birley,Eric (1986): Limesforschung seit Ernst Fabricius. In: Studien zu den MilitÑrgrenzen Roms III. 13. Internationaler Limeskongre· Aalen 1983 VortrÑge. (: ) Theiss, Stuttgart, 17-19. (SO13 008) <<series: Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und FrÅhgeschichte in BadenWurttemberg 20>> [OFFPRINT] 2122. Birley,Eric (1986): Some Military Inscriptions from Chester (Deva). ZPE 64, 201-216. (SO13 025) [OFFPRINT] 2127. Birley,Eric (1986): Before Diplomas, and the Claudian Reform. In: Heer und Integrationspolitik: Die Rîmischen MilitÑrdiplome als Historische Quelle. (Eds: Eck,W; Wolff,H), Kîln, 249-257. (SO13 030) <<series: Passauer Historische Forschungen 2>> [OFFPRINT] 1157. Birley,Eric (1987): `Trebellius Pollio' on Aureolus. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1984/1985. (Ed: Straub,J) (Antiquitas Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung, 19.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 61-69. (SO6 003) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 1158. Birley,Eric (1987): Ballista and `Trebellius Pollio'. In: Bonner HistoriaAugusta-Colloquium 1984/1985. Vol. 19. (Ed: Straub,J) (Antiquitas 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia Augusta Forschung, 19.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 55-60. (SO6 004) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2100. Birley,Eric (1987): öberlegungen zur Geschichte des Rîmischen Heeres. Address delivered on the occasion of being granted an honorary doctorate by the University of Syme Collection DB page 45 Heidelburg 12th May 1986 with response by GÇza Alfîldy ("Laudatio auf Eric Birley"). (SO13 004) [OFFPRINT] 1139. Birley,Eric (1988): Pannonians in Roman Britain. ZPE 73, 151-158. (SO3 184) [OFFPRINT] 3166. Birley,Eric (n.d.): Some Military Aspects of Roman Scotland. Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society 31, 9-21. (SO20 119) [BRITANNIA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 4704. Bischoff,Bernard; Bloch,Herbert (1979): Das Wiener Fragment der `Historiae' des Sallust. Wiener Studien 13 (n.s.), 116-129. (SO33 080) <<vol. 92 of full series>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3060. Bitto,Imra (1968): Tribus e Propagatio Civitatis nei Secoli IV e III A.C. Epigraphica 30, fasc. 1/4, 20-58. (SO20 016) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ITALY] 4074. Bivona,L (1966): Per la Chronologia di Aureliano. Epigraphica 28,1-4, 106-121. (SO26 115) [OFFPRINT] 1790. Bizzari,M; Forni,G (1960): Diploma Militare del 306 D.C. Rilasciato a un Pretoriano di Origine Italiana. Athenaeum 38, 1-2, 3-25. (SO11 074) [OFFPRINT] 3753. Blaiklock,EM (1958): In the Roman Manner. Review of Tacitus, by Ronald Syme : Oxford, at the Clarendon Press. New Zealand Listener 19 September, 1958, 12-13. (SO24 068) [CUTTINGS; REVIEW; SYME] 3709. Blake Tyrrell,W (1972): Labienus' Departure from Caesar in January 49 B.C. Historia 21,3, 424-440. (SO24 023) [OFFPRINT] 4322. Blanco,A; Lachica,G (1960): De Situ Iliturgis. AEA 33,1-2 (nos 101-102), 193-196. (SO29 009) [EPIGRAPHY; HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 2595. Blawatskaya,TV (1987): Sur l'Interpretation de l'Inscription IG V,1, No. 1145. In: [Praktika tou ee diethnous sinedriou elleenikees kai latinikees epigraphikees] Athens, 3-9 October 1982. Vol. 2. (: ) Ypourgeio politismou kai episteemÍn, Athens, 71-77. (SO17 104) <<title in greek characters>> [CONFERENCE REPORT; OFFPRINT] 4362. Blazquez,JM (1961): Las relaciones entre Hispania y el Norte de Africa durante el Gobierno B†rquida y la Conquista Romana (327-19 a. J.C.). Saitabi 11, 21-43. (SO29 046) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1362. Blazquez,JM (1962): El Impacto de la Conquista de Hispania en Roma (218-154 a.J.C.). Estudios Cl†sicos 7, 37, 1-29. (SO7 053) [OFFPRINT] 2201. Bl†zquez,JM (1962): Estudo de la Romanizacion de Hispania Bajo Cesar y Augusto. EmÇrita 30, fasc. 1, 71-129. (SO14 013) [OFFPRINT] 1359. Blazquez,JM (1963): La Conquista de Hispania en Roma. Klio, 168-186. (SO7 050) [OFFPRINT] 1319. Blazquez,JM (1964): Causas de la Romanizacion de Hispania. Hispania. Rivista Espa§ola de Historia 24, 5-26, 166-184, 325357, 485-508. (SO7 010) [OFFPRINT] 4356. Blazquez,JM (1966): Los Vascos y sus Vecinos en las Fuentes Literarias Griegas y Romanas de la AntigÅedad. In: Problemas de la Prehistoria y de la Etnologia Vascas. IV Symposium de Prehistoria Peninsular baja la Direcci¢n del Dr. D. Juan Maluquer de Motes. (Ed: Maluquer de Motes,J) (Publicaciones Eventuales 11.) Editorial G¢mez, Pamplona, 177-205. (SO29 041) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1405. Blazquez,JM (1967): Las Alianzas en la Pen°nsula IbÇrica y su Repercusi¢n en la Progresiva Conquista Romana. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'AntiquitÇ 14 (third series), 209-243. (SO7 097) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1403. Blazquez,JM (1968): La Crisis del Siglo III en Hispania y Mauritania Tingitania. Hispania. Rivista Espa§ola de Historia 28, 537. (SO7 095) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 46 1315. Blazquez,JM (1969): Problemas en Torno a las Raices de Espa§a. Hispania. Rivista Espa§ola de Historia 29, 245-286. (SO7 005) [OFFPRINT] 1366. Blazquez,JM (1970): Fuentes Literarias Griegas y Romanas Referentes a los Explotaciones Mineras de la Hispania Romana. In: La Mineria Hispana e Iberoamericana. Contribucion a su Investigacion Historia-Estudios. VI Congreso Internacional de Mineria, Madrid 1-7 June 1970. Vol. 1,I. (: ) Catedra de San Isidoro, Leon, 117-150. (SO7 058) [CONGRESSES; METALS; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1339. Blazquez,JM (1973): Economia de la Hispania Romana Republicana (Minas, Agricultura, Ganaderia, Caza, Pesca y Salazones). Hispania. Rivista Espa§ola de Historia 33, 205-247. (SO7 030) [OFFPRINT] 1358. Blazquez,JosÇ Maria (1964): Estructura Economica y Social de Hispania durante la Anarquia Militar y el Bajo Imperio. (Cuadernos de la C†tedra de Historia Antigua de Espa§a de Carmela Vi§as y Mey, 1.) Facultad de Filosofia y Letras de la Universidad de Madrid, Madrid. 206 pages. (SO7 049) [LATE EMPIRE; MONOGRAPH; SOCIAL STRUCTURE; SPAIN] 1329. Blazquez,JosÇ Maria (1975): Hispanien unter den Antoninen und Severern. In: Augstirg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 3. (Eds: Temporini,Hildegard; Haase,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, . (SO7 021) [OFFPRINT] 1318. Bl†zquez Mart°nez,JM (1960): El Legado Indoeuropeo en la Hispania Romana. In: Primer Symposium de Prehistoria de la Peninsula Iberica, Septiembre 1959. (: ) Diputacion Foral de Navarra; Institucion Æ Principe de Viana Ø, Editorial Gomez, Pamplona, 319-362. (SO7 009) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 3546. Bleickem,Jochen (1957): Oberpontifex und Pontifikalkollegium. Eine Studie zur Rîmischen Sakralverfassung. Hermes 85,3, 345-366. (SO22 186) [OFFPRINT] 3392. Bleicken,Jochen (1963): Die Schwurszene auf den MÅnzen und Gemmen der Rîmischen Republik. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 13, 51-70. (SO22 033) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3560. Bliecken,Jochen (1957): Kollisionen Zwischen Sacrum und Publicum. Eine Studie zum Verfall der Altrîmischen Religion. Hermes 85,4, 446-480. (SO22 200) [OFFPRINT] 1883. Bloch,Erberto (1939): Inedita Ostiensia I. Epigraphica 1,fasc. 1, 37-40. (SO11 165) [OFFPRINT] 4077. Bloch,H (1938): Die Gemahlin des Kaisers Balbinus. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia. Memorie 4, 107-109. (SO26 118) [OFFPRINT] 135. Bloch,Herbert (1111): The Name of the Baths near the Forum of Ostia. In: Studies Presented to David Moore Robinson. (: ),, 412418. (SO1A 158; OLIS) [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT] 4718. Bloch,Herbert (1940): L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus in Samothrace and Herculanum. AJA 44,4, 485-493. (SO33 093) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5382. Bloch,Herbert (1941): A Manuscript of Tacitus' Agricola in Monte Cassino about A.D. 1135. Classical Philology 36,2, 185-187. (SO38B 030) [AGRICOLA; MSS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1920. Bloch,Herbert (1944): Aqua Traiana. AJA 48,4, 337-341. (SO11 201) [OFFPRINT] 4586. Bloch,Herbert (1944): Consules Suffecti on Roman Brick Stamps. Classical Philology 39,4, 254-255. (SO32 079) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4749. Bloch,Herbert (1945): A New Document of the Last Pagan Revival in the West, 393-394 A.D. Harvard Theological Review 38,4, 199-244. (SO34 009) [LATE EMPIRE; PAGANISM; PHOTOCOPY; PROSOPOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 47 2295. Bloch,Herbert (1953): Notizie degli Scavi di AntichitÖ. Atti dell' Accademia Pontaniana 7, fasc. 7-12 (8th series), 239-306. (SO14 102) [OFFPRINT] 1899. Bloch,Herbert (1955): 1. Hilding Thylander. Inscriptions du Port d'Osie. Volume I (text). Lund, C.W.K. Gleerup, 1952; 2. Hilding Thylander. êtude sur êpigraphie Latine. Lund, C.W.K. Gleerup, 1952. AJPh 76,1, 93-96. (SO11 181) [OFFPRINT] 5063. Bloch,Herbert (1961): The Structure of Sallust's Historiae: The Evidence of the Fleury Manuscript. In: Didiscalae. Studies in Honor of Anselm M. Albareda. (Ed: Prete,Sesto) Bernard M. Rosenthal, New York, 61-76. (SO36C 011) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 137. Bloch,Herbert (1965): Russell Meiggs: Roman Ostia. Oxford: The Clarendon Press 1960. Gnomon 37, 192-203. (SO1A 161; OLIS) [BOOK REVIEW] 3605. Bloch,R (1950): Vases et Intaille Originaires d'êtrurie. Latomus 9,4(?), 141-148. (SO23 024) [OFFPRINT] 148. Bloch,Raymond (1958): Sur les Danses ArmÇes des Saliens. Annales. ESC 13,4, 706-715. (SO1A 173; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3748. Bloch,Raymond (1958): Une Tombe Villanovienne präs de Bolsena et la Danse Guerriäre dans l'Italie Primitive. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire [1958], 9-37. (SO24 063) [OFFPRINT] 3669. Bloch,Raymond (1966): Karl Schefold : Rîmische Kunst als Religiîses PhÑnomen. Hamburg : Rowohlt 1964 (Rowohlts Deutsche EnzyklopÑdie.). Gnomon 38, 274-279. (SO23 085) [ART-ROMAN; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; RELIGION-ROMAN] 4472. Bloch,Raymond (1966): Lettres et Signes d'Assemblage : Documents Concernant le Cratäre de Vix. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) (êcole Practique des Hautes êtudes. VIe Section; Centre de Recherches Historiques.) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 621-636. (SO31 032) [EPIGRAPHY; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4438. Blumer,FI (1895-1898): Zur MÅnzkunde Kleinasiens. Revue Suisse de Numismatique 5-7, vol. 5: 305-326; vol. 6: 524, 193-293; vol. 7: 1-42. (SO30 060) [ASIA MINOR; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 2483. Blunt,Herbert W (1887): The Causes of the Decline of the Roman Commonwealth. B.H. Blackwell, Oxford. 43 pages. (SO15 159) [MONOGRAPH] 4855. Boak,AER; Youtue,HC (1957): Flight and Oppression in Fourth-Century Egypt. In: Studi in Onore de Aristide Calderini e Roberto Paribeni. Vol. 2, Studi di Papirologia e di AntichitÖ Orientali. (: ) Ceschina, Milano, 32. (SO35 063) [EGYPT; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1011. Bobbio,Norberto (1979): Inaugurazione del CXCVI Anno Accademico della Accademia della Scienze di Torino. Relazione. (SO3 051) <<includes lecture on Voltaire by Pietro Rossi. C.f. Ref.# 1011>> [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 2237. Boâthius,Axel; Lawrence,AW (1962): Le Fortificazioni di Ardea. Opuscula Romana 4, 29-45. (SO14 046) <<includes Addendum by Lawrence>> [OFFPRINT] 2199. Boiso,Luciano (1973): La Venetia Orientale nella Descrizione della Tabula Peutingeriana. Aquileia Nostra 44, 37-40. (SO14 012) <<offprint is a complete fascicule>> [OFFPRINT] 2200. Boiso,Luciano (1973): Le Epigrafi Musive della Basilica Martiriale di Trieste. Aquileia Nostra 44, 127-130. (SO14 012) <<offprint is a complete fascicule>> [OFFPRINT] 3017. Bollack,M (1968): Le Retour de Saturne. Une êtude de la Quatriäme êglogue. Revue des êtudes Latines, 304-324. (SO19 034) [LATIN LITERATURE; OFFPRINT; VIRGIL] 5728. Bonacasa,Nicola (Ed.) (1960): Sculture Romane Inedite. Museo Civico di Termini Imerese. Banco di Sicilia Fondazione per l'Incremento Economico Culturale e Turistica della Sicilia ÆIgnazio MorminoØ, [Palermo]. 20 pages. (SO16 186) Syme Collection DB page 48 [MUSEUMS; OFFPRINT; SCULPTURE; SICILY] 397. Boninu,Antonietta; Stylow,Armin U (1982): Militari Nouvi e Vecchi dalla Sardegna. Epigraphica 44, 29-56. (SO4 185) [OFFPRINT] 4266. Bonner,Gerald (c1956): The Scillitan Saints and the Pauline Epistles. JEH 7,2, 141146. (SO28 020) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 3255. Bonner,Stanley F (1965): The Edict of Gratian on the Renumeration of Teachers. AJPh 86,2, 113-137. (SO21 082) [OFFPRINT] 2741. Boren,Henry C (1968): Sir Ronald Syme. Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. Oxford: Clarendon Press: New York; Oxford University Press, 1968. The Classical World (December 1968), . (SO17 159) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 2821. Bors†k,I (1962): Caesars Funeralien und die Christliche Passion. AAntHung 10, 2331. (SO18 010) [OFFPRINT] 3042. Borzs†k,I (1960): Descende Caelo. AAntHung 8, 369-386. (SO19 059) [HORACE; OFFPRINT] 3043. Borzs†k,I (1964): Exegi Monumentum Aere Perennius. AAntHung 12, 137-147. (SO19 160) [HORACE; OFFPRINT] 1250. Borzs†k,I (1970): Zum VerstÑndnis der Darstellungskunst des Tacitus. AAntHung 18, 279-292. (SO6 097) [OFFPRINT] 142. Borzs†k,I (1971): Die AchÑemeniden in der SpÑteren öberlieferung. AAntHung 19, 41-51. (SO1A 166; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 140. Borzs†k,I (1975): Heroisches EposUnheroische Gesellschaft Homer und Vergil. AAntHung 23, 141-152. (SO1A 164; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3014. Borzs†k,I (1975): Persicos Odi, Puer, Apparatus (Interpretationsversuch zu Hor. C.I 38). Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 25,1-2, 76-87. (SO19 031) [HORACE; LATIN LITERATURE; OFFPRINT] 1170. Borzs†k,I (1976): Von Tacitus zu Ammian. AAntHung 24, 357-368. (SO6 016) [OFFPRINT] 4378. Borzs†k,I (1976): Semiramis in Zentralasien. AAntHung 24, 51-62. (SO30 001) [OFFPRINT] 4694. Borzs†k,I (1979): Zum Zeitansatz des Q. Curtius Rufus. In: Prolegomena to the Sources on the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia. (Ed: Harmatta,J) (Collection of the Sources for the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia, 1.) AkadÇmiai Kiad¢; Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 27-38. (SO33 070) [INCOMPLETE; CURTIUS RUFUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5344. Borzs†k,Istv†n (1962): Die TacitusHandschriften der Bibliotheca Corviniana. Egyetemi Kînyvt†r 1?, 141-156. (SO38A 032) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5199. Borzs†k,Istv†n (1970): Zum VerstÑndnis der Darstellungskunst des Tacitus. Die VerÑnderungen des GermanicusBildes. AAntHung 18, 279-292. (SO37F 020) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3041. Borzs†k,Istv†n (1971): Von Hippokrates bis Vergil. In: Vergiliana. Recherches sur Virgile. (Eds: Bardon,Henry; Verdiäre,Raoul) E.J.Brill, Leiden, 41-55. (SO19 058) [OFFPRINT] 1245. Borzs†k,S (1975): De Thucycide Ö Tacite. In: Actes du IXe Congräs (Rome, 1318 Avril, 1973). Association Guillaume BudÇ. (: ) Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 229-238. (SO6 092) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS; THUCYCIDES] 5256. Borzs†k,Stefan (1966): Pax Tacitea. Acta Classica Univ. Scient. Debrecen 2, 4761. (SO37C 015) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5352. Borzs†k,Stefan (1967): Der Annalenkommentar von G.B. Comazzi. BeitrÑge zur Geschichte der Tacitusrezeption. Syme Collection DB page 49 Acta Classica Univ. Scient. Debrecen 3, 117128. (SO38B 003) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2984. Borzs†k,Stefan (1968): Zum Fortleben von Vergils Heldenschau (Aen. B. VI). Acta Classica Univ. Scient. Debrecen 4, 93-100. (SO19 001) [COMPARATIVE LITERATURE; OFFPRINT; VIRGIL] 2985. Borzs†k,Stefan (1968): Zum Hadriansgedicht "Animula Vagula Blandula". Acta Classica Univ. Scient. Debrecen 4, 101105. (SO19 001) [BIOGRAPHY; HADRIAN; HISTORIA AUGUSTA] 5240. Borzs†k,Stefan (1969): Das Germanicusbild des Tacitus. Latomus 28,3, 588-600. (SO37B 024) [GERMANICUS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 138. Borzs†k,Stefan (1975): Cicero und Caesar- Ihre Beziehungen im Spiegel dea Romulus-Mythos. In: Ciceroniana. Hommages Ö Kazimierz Kumaniecki. (Eds: Michel,Alain; VerdiÇre,Raoul) E.J.Brill, Leiden, 22-35. (SO1A 162; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 1243. Borzs†k,Stefan (1982): Alexander d. Gr. als Muster Taciteischer Heldendarstellung. Gymnasium 89,1-2, 37-56. (SO6 090) [OFFPRINT] 2889. Borzs†k,Stefan (1982): Die Punica des Silius Italicus und die Alexanderöberlieferung. In: Romanitas-Christianitas. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Literatur der Rîmischen Kaiserzeit. Johannes Straub zum 70. Geburtstag am 18. Oktober 1982 Gewidmet. (Eds: Wirth,Gerhard; Schwarte,Karl-Heinz; Heinrichs,Johannes) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 164-174. (SO18 078) [FESTSCHRIFT] 5629. Bosch,E (1947): Der Umfang der Autonomen MÅnzpraegung Kleinasiens im Altertums. In: Halil Edhem HÉtira Kitabi (GedÑchtsschrift fÅr Halil Edhem). (Ed: TÅrkischen Historischen Gesellschaft) TÅrk Tarih Kumuru Basimevi, Ankara, 165-169. (SO43 009) [ASIA MINOR; FESTSCHRIFT; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 1368. Bosch-Gimpera,P (1951): PhÇniciens et Grecs dans l'Extràme-Occident. La Nouvelle Clio 3, 9-10, 269-296. (SO7 060) [OFFPRINT] 1376. Bosch Gimpera,P (1952): Problemas de la Historia Fenicia en al Extremo Occidente. Zephyrus 3, 15-30. (SO7 068) [OFFPRINT] 1377. Bosch-Gimpera,Pedro (1950): Una Guerra entre Cartagineses y Griegos en Espa§a. La Ignorada Batalla del Artemision. Cuadernos de Historia Primitiva 5,1, 40-55. (SO7 069) [OFFPRINT] 1364. Bosch-Gimpera,Pedro (1970): Problemas de la Segunda Guerra Punica. Los dos Ebros de Carcopino. In: Homenaje a Elias Serra Rafolis. Vol. 1. (: ) Universidad de la Laguna, Laguna, 303-313. (SO7 055) [OFFPRINT] 2587. Bost,JP; Dubedat,P (1979): DÇdicaces Antiques et Moderne de la Fontaine de Brille Ö Saint-Sever. Bulletin de la SociÇtÇ de Borda, [1-12]. (SO17 007) [OFFPRINT] 125. Bosworth,AB (1972): Asinius Pollio and Augustus. Historia 21,3, 441-473. (SO1A 144; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4142. Bosworth,AB (1973): Vespasian and the Provinces: Some Problems of the Early 70's A.D. Athenaeum 51, fasc. 1-2 (n.s.), 4978. (SO27 028) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; VESPASIAN] 32. Bosworth,AB (1976): Vespasian's Reorganization of the North-East Frontier. Antichthon 10, 63-78. (SO1A 031; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1651. Bosworth,AB (1977): Arrian and the Alani. HSCP 81, 217-255. (SO10 048) [OFFPRINT] 2617. Bosworth,AB (1977): Tacitus and Asinius Gallus. AJAH 2,2, 173-192. (SO17 037) [OFFPRINT] 1007. Bosworth,AB (1978): Eumenes, Neoptolemus and PSI XII 1284. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 19,3, 227-237. (SO3 047) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 50 126. Bosworth,AB (1982): Augustus and August: Some Pitfalls of Historical Fiction. HSCP 86, 151-170. (SO1A 145; OLIS) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 1649. Bosworth,AB (1983): History and Rhetoric in Curtius Rufus. Classical Philology 78,2, 150-161. (SO10 046) [OFFPRINT] 1212. Boulvert,G (1970): Tacite et le Fiscus. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 3, 430-438. (SO6 059) [OFFPRINT] 4206. Bowersock,GW (1885): Hadrian and Metropolis. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1982/1983. (Ed: Straub,J) (Antiquitas Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 19.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 75-88. (SO27 089) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 54. Bowersock,GW (1961): Eurycles of Sparta. JRS 51, 1-2, 112-118. (SO1A 060; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 67. Bowersock,GW (1964): Anth. Pal. VII 638 (Crinagoras). Hermes 92,2, 255-256. (SO1A 077; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1478. Bowersock,GW (1964): A Correction In Strabo Confirmed. The Classical Review 14,1 (vol. 78 of continuous series), 12-13. (SO9 018) [OFFPRINT] 1487. Bowersock,GW (1964): C. Marcius Censorinus, Legatus Caesaris. HSCP 68, 207210. (SO9 027) [OFFPRINT] 1636. Bowersock,GW (1964): Augustus on Aegina. CQ 14,1 (vol. 58 of continuous series), 120-121. (SO10 033) [OFFPRINT] 609. Bowersock,GW (1965): Fergus Millar: A Study of Cassius Dio. Oxford: The Clarendon Press 1964. XIV, 239 S.42 sh. Gnomon 37, 469-474. (SO2 042) [BOOK REVIEW] 1465. Bowersock,GW (1965): Some Persons in Plutarch's Moralia. CQ 15,2, 267270. (SO9 005) [OFFPRINT] 1474. Bowersock,GW (1965): Zur Geschichte des Rîmischen Thessaliens. RMfP 108,3, 277-289. (SO9 014) [OFFPRINT] 2248. Bowersock,GW (1967): A New Inscription of Arrian. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 8,4, 279-280. (SO14 055) [OFFPRINT] 62. Bowersock,GW (1968): The Proconsulate of Albus. HSCP 72, 289-294. (SO1A 071; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2722. Bowersock,GW (1969): Suetonius and Trajan. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 1. (Ed: Bibauw,J) (Collection Latomus, 101.) Latomus. Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 119-125. (SO17 141) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3267. Bowersock,GW (1969): Ilse Becher. Das Bild der Cleopatra in der Griechischen und Lateinischen Literatur. Berlin, AkademieVerlag, 1966. (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Schriften der Sektion fÅr Altertumswissenschaft, 51). AJPh 90,2, 252-254. (SO21 094) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5187. Bowersock,GW (1969): Suetonius and Trajan. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 1. (Ed: Bibauw,J) (Collection Latomus, 101.) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Paris, 119125. [FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SUETONIUS; TACITUS] 113. Bowersock,GW (1970): The Annexation and Initial Garrison of Arabia. ZPE 5,1, 37-47. (SO1A 131; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 233. Bowersock,GW (1971): Strabon: GÇographie. Livre I et Livre II. Introduction par Germaine Aujac et Franáois Lasserre; texte Çtabli et traduit par Germaine Aujac. Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1969. Gnomon 43, 249-253. (SO4 012) [BOOK REVIEW] 762. Bowersock,GW (1971): A Date in the Eighth Eclogue. HSCP 75, 73-80. (SO2 203) [OFFPRINT] 112. Bowersock,GW (1973): Syria Under Vespasian. JRS 63, 133-140. Syme Collection DB page 51 (SO1A 130; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2816. Bowersock,GW (1974): The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire by Michael Ivanovitch Rostovzeff. Daedalus. Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 103,1(Twentieth-Century Classics Revisited, Fall 1974), 15-23. (SO18 005) [OFFPRINT] 3707. Bowersock,GW (Ed.) (1974): Approaches to the Second Sophistic. Papers Presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. American Philological Association, University Park, Penn. 40 pages. (SO24 021) [CONGRESSES; PHILOSOPHY- GREEK] 576. Bowersock,GW (1975): Herodian and Elagabalus. Yale Classical Studies 24, 229236. (SO2 007) [OFFPRINT] 1660. Bowersock,GW (1975): The GreekNabataean Bilingual Inscription. In: Le Monde Grecque. PensÇe, LittÇrature, Histoire, Documents. (Eds: Bingen,Jean; Cambier,Guy; Nachtergael,Georges) êditions de l'UniversitÇ de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 513-522. (SO10 057) [FESTSCHRIFT] 273. Bowersock,GW (1976): Limes Arabicus. HSCP 80, 219-229. (SO4 052) [OFFPRINT] 1655. Bowersock,GW (1976): A New Antonine Inscription from the Syrian Desert. Chiron 6, 349-355. (SO10 052) [OFFPRINT] 414. Bowersock,GW (1978): Les êglises de Lyon et de Vienne: Relations avec l'Asie. In: Les Martyrs de Lyon (177). Colloques Internationaux du CNRS No. 575. (: ) êditions du CNRS, Paris, 249-256. (SO4 203) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 714. Bowersock,GW (1978): Augustus und der Kaiserkult im Osten. In: Rîmischer Kaiserkult. (Ed: Wlosok,Antonie) (Wege der Forschung, 372.) Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 389-402. (SO2 166) [AUGUSTUS; IMPERIAL CULT; OFFPRINT] 1265. Bowersock,GW (1978): The Emperor's Burden. Review of: F. Millar, The Emperor in the Roman World. [Duckworth 1977]. Classical Philology 73,4, 346-351. (SO6 112) [BOOK REVIEW; IDEOLOGY; ROMAN EMPERORS] 709. Bowersock,GW (1979): Historical Problems in Late republican and Augustan Classicism. In: Le Classicisme Ö Rome aux Premiers Siäcles Avant et Apräs J.-C. (: ) Foundation Hardt, Vandouevres-Genäve, 5778. (Entretiens sur l'AntiquitÇ Classique. vol. 25) (SO2 161) [OFFPRINT] 367. Bowersock,GW (1980): Mavia, Queen of the Saracens. In: Studien zur Antiken Sozialgeschichte. Festschrift Friedrich Vittinghoff. (Eds: Eck,Werner; Galsterer,Hartmut; Wolff,Hartmut) Bîhlau, Cologne, 477-495. (SO4 151) [OFFPRINT] 643. Bowersock,GW (1980): Pompey: A Political Biography. By Robin Seager. University of California Press. The American Scholar 49,2, 276-280. (SO2 080) [BOOK REVIEW] 249. Bowersock,GW (1981): The Julian Poems of C.P.Cavafy. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 7, 89-104. (SO4 028) [OFFPRINT] 382. Bowersock,GW (1981): Julian Apostata, Herausgegeben von Richard Klein, Wege der Forschung, Bd. 509- Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978. Numen 28,1, 88-93. (SO4 169) [BOOK REVIEW] 83. Bowersock,GW (1982): The Emperor Julian and his Predecessors. Yale Classical Studies 27, 159-172. (SO1A 096; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2720. Bowersock,GW (1982): Roman Senators from the Near East: Syria, Judaea, Arabia, Mesopotamia. Tituli 5, 651-668. (SO17 139) <<journal incorporates series: Epigrafia e Ordine Senatorio (II)>> [OFFPRINT] 653. Bowersock,GW (1984): Junius Q.Publicus. NYRB 31,10, 45-48. (SO2 090) <<(a propos Nicolet,C- The World of the Ciizen in Republican Rome and Clarke,ML- Syme Collection DB page 52 The Noblest Roman: Marcus and His Reputation)>> [REVIEW ARTICLE] 903. Bowersock,GW (1984): Augustus and the East: The Problem of Succession. In: Caesar Augustus. Seven Aspects. (Eds: Millar,Fergus; Segal,Erich) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 169-188. (SO5 148) [OFFPRINT] 2157. Bowersock,GW (1984): Joyce: Aphrodisias and Rome. Documents from the Excavation of the Theatre at Aphrodisias Conducted by Kenan T. Erim Together with Some Related texts. London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies 1982 (JRS Monographs 1). Gnomon 56, 48-53. (SO13 056) [OFFPRINT] 4611. Bowersock,GW (1984): Rîmische Geschichte und Deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft. By Karl Christ. Munich: Verlag C.H. Beck, 1982. History and Theory. Studies in the Philosophy of History 23,3, 370-378. (SO32 092) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1999. Bowersock,GW (1986): 1) Irfan Shahid: Rome and the Arabs: A Prolegomenon to the Study of Byzantium and the Arabs. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1984 2) Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1984. The Classical Review 36,1, 111117. (SO13 041) [BOOK REVIEW] 2129. Bowersock,GW (1986): Tylos and Tyre: Bahrain in the Graeco-Roman World. In: Bahrain through the Ages: The Archaeology. (Eds: Haya,Shaikha; Al Khalifa,Ali; Rice,Michael),, 399-406. (SO13 032) [OFFPRINT] 2822. Bowersock,GW (1986): Louis Robert, 1904-1985. AJA 90, 171-172. (SO18 011) [EPIGRAPHY; OBITUARY; ROBERT,LOUIS, 1904-1985] 3780. Bowersock,GW (1986): Rostovtzeff in Madison. The American Scholar 55,3, 391400. (SO24 095) [HISTORIANS; OFFPRINT; ROSTOVTZEFF,M.I.] 4041. Bowie,E (1976): The Novels and the Real World. In: Erotica Antica. International Conference on the Ancient Novel. (Ed: Reardon,BP) Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies/ ICAN, Bangor, 91-96. (SO26 084) [ABSTRACT] 81. Bowie,EL (1970): Greeks and their Past in the Second Sophistic. Past & Present 46, 3-41. (SO1A 094; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1045. Bowie,Ewen (1980): Lucian at Philippopolis. Mitteilungen des Bulgarischen Forschungsinstitutes in ôsterreich 3,1, 53-60. (SO3 084) [OFFPRINT] 4038. Bowie,L (1978): Apollonius of Tyana: Tradition and Reality. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 2. (Ed: Hasse,W) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 1652-1699. (SO26 081) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 82. Bowie,WL (1982): The Importance of Sophists. Yale Classical Studies 27, 29-59. (SO1A 095; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 104. Bowman,AK (1974): Roman Military Records from Vindolanda. Britannia 5, 360373. (SO1A 120; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 53. Bowman,AK; David Thomas,J (1975): The Vindolanda Writing Tablets and Their Significance: an Interim Report. Historia 24,3, 463-478. (SO1A 062; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 103. Bowman,AK; Thomas,JD; Wright,RP (1974): Roman Britain in 1973, Appendix. The Vindolanda Writing-Tablets. Britannia 5, 471480. (SO1A 119; OLIS) [BRITANNIA; LIMES; OFFPRINT; VINDOLANDA- ANCIENT SITE] 2748. Bowman,Alan K (1970): A Letter of Avidius Cassius. JRS 60, 20-26. (SO17 165) [OFFPRINT] 1929. Bowman,Alan K (1971): Some Aspects of the Reform of Diocletian in Egypt. In: Akten des XIII. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses. (Eds: Kie·ling,E; Rupprecht,HA) Verlag C.H.Beck, MÅnchen, 43-51. (SO11 210) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 53 260. Bowman,Alan K (1976): Papyri and Roman Imperial History, 1960-75. JRS 66, 153-173. (SO4 039) [OFFPRINT] 1302. Bowman,Alan K (1978): The Military Occupation of Upper Egypt in the Reign of Diocletian. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 15, 25-38. (SO6 149) [EGYPT; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4896. Bowra,CM (1959): Palladas and Christianity. PBA 45, 255-267. (SO35 084) [ANCIENT THOUGHT; CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT] 4765. Bowra,CM (1960): Palladas on Tyche. CQ 54 (n.s. vol. 10,1), 118-128. (SO34 025) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 3666. BoyancÇ,Pierre ([c1964]): Les Romains, Peuple de la Fides., 419-435. (SO23 085) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4789. Boyd,MJ (1937): The Chronology in Porphyry's Vita Plotini. Classical Philology 32,3, 241-257. (SO34 047) [BIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 3469. Boyd,MJ (1953): The Porticoes of Metellus and Octavia and their Two Temples. PBSR 21 (n.s. vol. 8), 152-159. (SO22 108) [OFFPRINT] 3682. Bradenbaugh,Carl (1963): The Great Mutation. AHR 68,2, 315-331. (SO23 097) [OFFPRINT] 3741. Bradford,John (1949): 'Buried Landscapes' in Southern Italy. Antiquity 23, 58-72. (SO24 073) [OFFPRINT] 5625. Bradford Welles,C (1937): Dura Papyrus 101. Purchase of a Vineyard on the Chabur by a Roman Veteren in A.D. 227. Archives d'Histoire du Droit Oriental 1, 261284. (SO43 005) [ECONOMY; MESOPOTAMIA; OFFPRINT; PAPYRI] 2386. Bradford Welles,C (1956): Rhetoric and the Law. Seminar 13, 1955-56, 1-16. (SO15 074) <<Seminar is an Annual Extraordinary Number of The Jurist>> [OFFPRINT] 1893. Bradford Welles,C (1958): Die Datierung der Kapitolinischen Fasten. By Ruth Stiehl. TÅbingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1957. Classical Philology 53,3, 208. (SO11 175) [BOOK REVIEW] 1894. Bradford Welles,C (1958): öber Sprache und Stil des Diodorus von Sizilien: Ein Beitrag zur Beleuchtung der Hellenistischen Proas. By Jonas Palm. Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup, 1955. Classical Philology 53,2, 125-126. (SO11 176) [BOOK REVIEW] 691. Bradford Welles,C (1962): Another Look at P. Giss. 40 I. A Review Article. êtudes de Papyrologie 9, 1-20. (SO2 142) [OFFPRINT] 1971. Bradford Welles,C (1962): The Discovery of Sarapis and the Foundation of Alexandria. Historia 11,3, 271-298. (SO12 013) [OFFPRINT] 2072. Bradford Welles,C (1962): Hellenistic Tarsus. Mälanges de l'UniversitÇ Saint Joseph 38, fasc. 2, 43-75. (SO12 113) <<volume is festschrift for Fr. Rene Mouterde>> [OFFPRINT] 3642. Bradford Welles,C (1965): Alexander's Historical Achievement. Greece & Rome 12,2 (2nd. ser.), 216-228. (SO23 061) [OFFPRINT] 5646. Bradley,K (1979): Fergus Millar: The Emperor in the Roman World (31 BC - AD 337). London: Duckworth 1977. Gnomon 51, 258-263. (SO16 108) [BOOK REVIEW; EMPERORS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 5652. Bradley,KR (1978): The Career of Titus Clodius Eprius Marcellus, Cod. II A.D. 74: Some Possibilities. Symbolae Osloenses 53, 171-181. (SO16 114) [CYPRUS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2749. Bradley,Keith R (1973): The Composition of Suetonius' Caesares Again. Journal of Indo-European Studies 1,3, 257263. Syme Collection DB page 54 (SO17 166) <<journal vol.: Papers on Italic Topics presented to James Wilson Poultney, Dean of Italic Studies in the United States on the occasion of his Academic Retirement...21 May 1973>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 2209. Brenot,Claude; Pflaum,H-G (1965): Les êmissions Orientales de la Fin du IIIe S. apräs J.-C. Ö la Lumiäre de Deux TrÇsors DÇcouverts en Syrie. Revue Numismatique 7 (6th series), 134-205. (SO14 018) [OFFPRINT] 723. Braunert,Horst (1975): Die Gesellschaft des Rîmischen Reiches im Urteil des Augustus. In: Monumentum Chiloniense. Studien zur Augusteischen Zeit. Kieler Festschrift fÅr Erich Burck. (Ed: Lefävre,Eckard) Adolf M.Hakkert Verlag, Amsterdam, 9-54. (SO2 176) [OFFPRINT] 100. Bretone,Mario (1978): Postulati e Aporie nella ØHistoryÆ di Schutz. In: Festschrift fÅr Franz Wieacker zum 70. Geburtstag. (Ed: Behrends,Okko et al) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gîttingen, 37-49. (SO1A 114; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2075. Braunert,Horst (1975): JÅdische Diaspora und Judenfeinschaft im Altertum. Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 9, 531-547. (SO12 116) [OFFPRINT] 3978. Braunert,Horst (19??): In den Stadtrechten von Salpensa und Malaca. In: Corolla Memoriae Erich Swoboda Dedicata. (: ),, 68-83. (SO26 023) [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1084. Bravo,Benedetto; Griffin,Miriam (1988): Un Frammento del Libro XI di Tito Livio? Athenaeum 66,fasc. 3-4 (new series), 447-521. (SO3 126) [OFFPRINT] 4102. Breckenridge,JD (1973): Apocrypha of Early Christian Portraiture. ByzZ 67, 101-109. (SO26 141) [OFFPRINT] 2231. Brendel,Otto J (1960): Two Fortunae, Antium and Praeneste. AJA 64, 41-47. (SO14 040) [OFFPRINT] 3683. Brendel,Otto J (1964): Gilbert Charles Picard : Les TrophÇes Romains. Contribution Ö l'Histoire de la Religion et de l'Art Triomphal de Rome. Paris : E. de Boccard 1957 (Bibliothäque des êcoles Franáaises d'Athänes et de Rome. 187). Gnomon 36, 498-508. (SO23 098) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 56. Brenk,Frederick E (1975): The Dreams of Plutach's Lives. Latomus 34,2, 336349. (SO1A 064; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4511. Bretone,Mario (1978): Il "Diritto Antico" nella Polemica Antiaugustea. Quaderni di Storia 8, 273-294. (SO32 004) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN LAW] 3703. Brice,William C (1982): The Roman Roads Through the Anti-Taurus and the Tigris Bridge at Hasan Keyf. In: Serta Indogermanica. Festschrift fÅr GÅnter Neumann zum 60. Geburtstag. (Ed: Tischler,Johann) (Innsbrucker BeitrÑge zur Sprachwissenschaft, 40.) Institut fÅr Sprachwissenschaft der UniversitÑt Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 19-33. (SO24 017) [ANATOLIA-TOPOGRAPHY; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ROADS] 1025. Brink,CO (1982): Horatian Notes III: Despised Readings in the Manuscripts of the Epodes and a Passage of Odes Book 3. PCPS 208 (n.s. vol. 28), 30-56. (SO3 064) [HORACE; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 4680. Briscoe,John (1885): AbrÇgÇs des Livres de l'Histoire Romaine de Tite-Live. Tome XXXIV, Ire Partie: `Periochae' Transmises par les Manuscrits (Periocae 169); 2e Partie: `Periochae' Transmises par les Manuscrits (Periochae 70-142) et par le Papyrus d'Oxyrhynchos. Text êtabli et Traduit par Paul Jal. Paris: Belles Lettres 1984. (Coll. des UniversitÇs de France). Gnomon 57, 419424. (SO33 057) [BOOK REVIEW; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 980. Briscoe,John (1982): Livy and Senatorial Politics, 200-167 B.C.: The Evidence of the Fourth and Fifth Decades. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 30,2. (Ed: Hasse,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 10751121. (SO3 020) Syme Collection DB page 55 [OFFPRINT] 284. Brock,Sebastian P (1976): The Rebuilding of the Temple under Julian: A New Source. Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 103107. (SO4 063) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3592. Broggini,Geraldo (1966): La RetroattivitÖ della Legge nella Prospettiva Romanistica. Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 32, 1-62. (SO23 011) [OFFPRINT] 1492. Broughton,T Robert S (1933): Some Notes on the war with the Homonadeis. AJPh 54,2, 134-144. (SO9 032) [OFFPRINT] 1468. Broughton,T Robert S (1934): Roman Landholding in Asia Minor. Transactions of the American Philological Association 65, 207239. (SO9 008) [OFFPRINT] 1473. Broughton,T Robert S (1935): Some Non-colonial Coloni of Augusti. Transactions of the American Philological Association 66, 18-24. (SO9 013) [OFFPRINT] 107. Broughton,T Robert S (1946): Notes on Roman Magistrates. Proceedings of the American Philological Association 77, 35-43. (SO1A 125; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2568. Broughton,T Robert S (1948): More Notes on Roman Magistrates. Proceedings of the American Philological Society 79, 63-78. (SO16 051) [OFFPRINT] 2448. Broughton,T Robert S (1962): Comment. In: Acta IInd International Congress of Economic History, Aix-en-Provence. (: ),, 150-162. (SO15 124) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1357. Broughton,T Robert S (1965): Municipal Institutions in Roman Spain. Journal of World History 9,1, 126-142. (SO7 048) [OFFPRINT] 2785. Broughton,T Robert S (1965): Comment. In: Acta: Second International Congress of Economique History, Aix-enProvence 1963. Trade and Politics in the Ancient World. (Ed: Finley,MI) Mouton, Paris, 150-162. (SO16 081A) <<series: êcoles des Hautes êtudes Practiques, Sorbonne. 6: Section Sciences êconomiques et Sociales. Congräs et Colloques.>> [OFFPRINT] 131. Broughton,T Robert S (1972): Senate and Senators of the Roman Republic. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt I. Von den AnfÑngen Roms bis zum Ausgang der Republik. Vol. 1. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 250-265. (SO1A 151; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2437. Brown,Frank E (1951): Magni Nominis Umbrae. In: Studies Presented to David Moore Robinson on his Seventieth Birthday. Vol. 1. (Eds: Mylanos,GE; Dor,Ray) Washington University, Washington D.C., 761-764. (SO15 193) [OFFPRINT] 2312. Brown,Frank Edward (1951): Cosa I. History and Topography. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 20, 7-113. (SO14 119) <<entire (?) fascicule is devoted to article>> [OFFPRINT] 3148. Brown,Peter (1961): Religious Dissent in the Later Roman Empire: the Case of North Africa. History 46, 83-101. (SO20 101) [OFFPRINT] 63. Brown,Peter (1968): Pelagius and His Supporters: Aims and Environment. Journal of Theological Studies 19,1 new series, 93-114. (SO1A 072; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 86. Brown,Peter (1968): Approaches to the Religious Crises of the Third Century A.D. The English Historical Review 83, No. 328, 542-558. (SO1A 100; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1431. Brown,Peter (1968): Christianity and Local Culture in Late Roman Africa. JRS 58, 1-2, 85-95. (SO7 123) [OFFPRINT] 1833. Brown,Peter (1968): M.A.Wes, Das Ende des Kaisertums im Westen des Rîmischen Reichs, 's-Gravenhage, Staatsdruckerei, 1967 (Archeologische Studien van het Nederlands Historisch Instituut te Rome, Deel III). Rivista Storica Italiana 80, fasc. 4, 1018-1022. Syme Collection DB page 56 (SO11 116) [BOOK REVIEW] 4760. Brown,Peter (1970): Sorcery, Demons, and the Rise of Christianity from Late Antiquity into the Middle Ages. In: Witchcraft, Confessions and Accusations. (: ) (Association of Social Anthropologists Monographs, 9.) Tavistock; Association of Social Anthropologists of the Commonwealth, London; New York; Sydney; Toronto; Wellington, 17-45. (SO34 020) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT] 364. Brown,Peter (1982): Dalla "Plebs Romana" alla "Plebs Dei": Aspetti della Cristianizzazione di Roma. In: Governanti e Intellettuali Popolo di Roma e Popolo di Dio (IVI secolo). (: ) (Passopresente, 2.) Giappichelli, Torino, 123-145. (SO4 147) [OFFPRINT] 1814. Brown,Peter (19??): The Later Roman Empire. Essays in Bibliography and Criticism 57, 327-343. (SO11 097) [REVIEW ARTICLE] 5332. Bruäre,Richard T (1954): Tacitus and Pliny's Panegyricus. Classical Philology 49,3, 161-179. (SO38A 020) [OFFPRINT; PLINY; TACITUS] 4477. Bruhl,A (1965): Dieux et Cultes Ö Lyon Ö l'êpoque Gallo-Romaine. In: Actes du 89iäme Congräs National des SociÇtÇs Savantes. Lyon 1964. Section d'ArchÇologie. (: ) Bibliothäque Nationale, Paris, 163-171. (SO31 036) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4487. Bruhl,A; Audin,A (1966): Inscription du Lyonnais Tiberius Aquius Apollinaris. Gallia 23,2, 267-272. (SO31 044) <<journal year is 1965>> [EPIGRAPHY; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 150. Bruhl,Adrien (1930): Le Souvenir d'Alexandre le Grand et les Romains. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 47, 1-20. (SO1A 175; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] Press). Oxford Magazine (20 November), 120121. (SO24 037) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5394. Brunt,PA (1959): The Revolt of Vindex and the Fall of Nero. Latomus 18,3, 531-559. (SO38D 001) [NERO; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5401. Brunt,PA (1960): Tacitus and the Batavian Revolt. Latomus 19,3, 494-517. (SO38D 006) [GAUL; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3423. Brunt,PA (1961): Charges of Provincial Maladministration under the Early Principate. Historia 10,2, 189-227. (SO22 064) [OFFPRINT] 5647. Brunt,PA (1961): The Lex Valeria Cornelia. JRS 51, 71-83. (SO16 109) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN LAW] 2486. Brunt,PA (1962): The Army and the Land in the Roman Revolution. JRS 52, 69-86. (SO15 162) [OFFPRINT] 5091. Brunt,PA (1963): D.C. Earl: The Political Thought of Sallus. Cambridge: University Press, 1961. The Classical Review 77 (n.s. 13,1), 74-75. (SO36D 005) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; SALLUST] 2456. Brunt,PA (1964): Wolfgang Kunkel, Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung des Rîmischen Kriminalverfahrens in Vorsullanischer Zeit [Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-Hist. Kl., Abh. Neue Folge, Heft 56] MÅnchen 1962. Revue d'Histoire du Droit 32, 440-450. (SO15 132) [BOOK REVIEW] 2349. Brunt,PA (1965): Reflections on British and Roman Imperialism. Comparative Studies in Society and History 7,3, 267-288. (SO15 037) [OFFPRINT] 3414. Brunt,PA (1956): Sulla and the Asian Publicans. Latomus 15, 17-25. (SO22 055) [OFFPRINT] 2525. Brunt,PA (1965): `Amicitia' in the Late Roman Republic. PCPS 191 (new series, no. 11), 1-20. (SO16 009) [OFFPRINT] 3721. Brunt,PA (1958): Tacitus- The Man and His Work. By C.W. Mendell. (Yale University Press : London, OUP.); Tacitus. By Ronald Syme. (2 vols.: Oxford, Clarendon 2784. Brunt,PA (1965): The Equites in the Late Republic. In: Second International Conference on Economic History, Aix-enProvence 1963. Trade and Politics in the Syme Collection DB page 57 Ancient World. (Ed: Finley,MI) Mouton, Paris, 117-149. (SO16 081) <<series: êcole des Hautes êtudes Practiques, Sorbonne. 6: section Sciences êconomiques et Sociales. Congräs et Colloques>> [OFFPRINT] 3384. Brunt,PA (1965): D.C Earl : Tiberius Gracchus. A Study in Politics. BruxellesBerchen : Latomus 1963 (Coll. Latomus 66). Gnomon, 189-192. (SO22 025) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 59. Brunt,PA (1966): Procuratorial Jurisdiction. Latomus 25,3, 461-489. (SO1A 067; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3623. Brunt,PA (1966): The Roman Mob. Past & Present 35, 3-27. (SO23 042) [OFFPRINT] 3553. Brunt,PA (1969): The Enfranchisement of the Sabines. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 2. (: ) Latomus. Revue d'êtudes Latines, [Bruxelles], 121-129. (SO22 194) <<series : Collection Latomus 102>> [OFFPRINT] 5447. Brunt,PA (1972): Cn. Tremellius Scrofa the Agronomist. The Classical Review 86,3 (n.s. vol. 22), 304-308. (SO39 028) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 80. Brunt,PA (1973): Aspects of the Social Thought of Dio Chrysostom and of the Stoics. PCPS, 9-34. (SO1A 093; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 617. Brunt,PA (1973): The Fall of Perennius: Dio-Xipholonus 72.9.2. CQ 23,1, 172-177. (SO2 050) [OFFPRINT] 5448. Brunt,PA (1973): Cn. Tremellius Scrofa. The Classical Review 87,2 (n.s. vol. 23), 295. (SO39 029) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1757. Brunt,PA (1974): Conscription and Volunteering in the Roman Imperial Army. Scripta Classica Israelica 1, 90-115. (SO11 041) [OFFPRINT] 2638. Brunt,PA (1974): C. Fabricius Tuscus and an Augustan Dilectus. ZPE 13,2, 161-185. (SO17 058) [OFFPRINT] 711. Brunt,PA (1975): Two Great Roman Landowners. Latomus 34,3, 619-635. (SO2 163) [OFFPRINT] 1557. Brunt,PA (1976): The Romanization of the Local Ruling Classes in the Roman Empire. In: Assimilation et RÇsistance Ö la Culture GrÇco-Romaine dans le Monde Ancien. Travaux du Vie Congräs INternational d'êtudes Classiques. Madrid, Septembre 1974. (Ed: Pippidi,DM) Editura Academiei/ SociÇtÇ d'êdition Æ Les Belles Lettres Ø, Bucuresti/Paris, 161-173. (SO9 091) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; ROMANIZATION] 85. Brunt,PA (1977): From Epictetus to Arrian. Athenaeum 55, fasc. 1-2, 19-48. (SO1A 099; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3260. Brunt,PA (1978): Laus Imperii. In: Imperialism in the Ancient World. (Eds: Garnsey,PDA; Whittaker,CR) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 159-373. (SO21 087) <<proof copy?>> [OFFPRINT] 77. Brunt,PA (1979): Cicero and Roman Historiography. In: Philias charin: Miscellanea in Onore di Eugenio Manni. (: ) Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome, 311-340. (SO1A 090; OLIS; [philias charin] in greek characters) [CICERO; FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIOGRAPHY] 78. Brunt,PA (1979): Hermann Strasburger: Zum antiken Gesellshaftsideal. Heidelburg: Winter 1976.(AbhHeid 1976,4). Gnomon 51, 443-448. (SO1A 091; OLIS) [BOOK REVIEW] 307. Brunt,PA (1979): Marcus Aurelius and the Christians. In: Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History I. (Ed: Deroux,Carl) (Collection Latomus, 164.) Latomus, Brussels, 483-520. (SO4 086) [CHRISTIANITY; MARCUS AURELIUS; PHOTOCOPY] 79. Brunt,PA (1980): Patronage and Politics in the `Verrines'. Chiron 10, 273-289. (SO1A 092; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 58 4702. Brunt,PA (1980): On Historical Fragments and Epitomes. CQ 30,2, 477-494. (SO33 078) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 68. Buckler,WH (1924): The Angora Resolution of the Stage Guild. JHS 44, 158162. (SO1A 079; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1218. Brunt,PA (1984): Ronald Syme: Roman Papers, III. (Edited by Anthony R. Birley) Pp. 863-1558. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984. The Classical Review 34, 349350. (SO6 065) [OFFPRINT; RONALD SYME] 5626. Buckler,WH (1926): C.I.G.: Essai de Restitution. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 50,1, 5-12. (SO43 006) [ANATOLICA; CULT; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2569. Brutscher,Cordula (1958): CÑsar und sein GlÅck. Museum Helveticum 15, fasc. 1, 75-83. (SO16 052) [OFFPRINT] 1523. Buckler,WH (1935): Auguste, Zeus Patroos. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 9,2, 177-188. (SO9 060) [OFFPRINT] 4828. Bruun,Patrick (1981): The Church Triumphant- Inter Muros. Quaderni Ticinesi di Numismatica e AntichitÖ Classiche 10, 353374. (SO35 020) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN TOPOGRAPHY] 1524. Buckler,WH (1937): Les Lettres ImpÇriales de Pessinonte. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 11,2, 105-111. (SO9 061) [OFFPRINT] 1277. Bucci,Onorato (c1976): Patto e Æ Contratto Ø nella Tradizione Giuridica Iranica. In: Scritti in Onore di Salvatore Pugliatti. Vol. 4. Scritti Storico-Filosofici. (: ) GiuffrÇ Editore, Milano, 73-106. (SO6 124) [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT] 99. Bucci,Onorato (1978): L'AttivitÖ Legislativa del Sovrano Achemenide e gli Archivi Reali Persiani. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'AntiquitÇ 25, 11-93. (SO1A 113; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 742. Buchner,Edmund (19??): Ultor. In: Pauly RealencyclopÑdie der Classischen Altertumwissenschaft. (: ) Alfred DruckenmÅller Verlag, Stuttgart, 2-7. (SO22 211) [OFFPRINT; REMOVED] 5627. Buckler,WH (1913): Monuments de Thyatire. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 37,4, 289-331. (SO43 007) [ANATOLICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; THYATIRE- ANCIENT CITY] 5628. Buckler,WH (1914): La DÇesse Julie: CIG. 2815 et 3642. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 38,2, 211214. (SO43 008) [ANATOLICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SEVERANS- JULIA DOMNA] 2372. Buckler,William Hepburn (19??): The Relations of Roman Law to the Other Historical Sciences., 1-24. (SO15 060) <<source unknown: may be a monograph/lecture>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3513. BÅchner,Karl (1962): Das Somnium Scipionis und sein Zeitbezug. Gymnasium 69,3-4, 220-241. (SO22 151) [OFFPRINT] 5114. BÅchner,Karl (1963): Das Verum in der Historischen Darstellung des Sallust. Gymnasium 70,3, 231-252. (SO36D 028) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 4123. Bugno,LV (1972 [1971]): M. Barronio Sura e l'Industria della Porpora ad Aquino. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 26, fasc. 7-12 (8th ser.), 1-12. (SO27 009) <<journal year is 1971>> [OFFPRINT] 5288. Bulst,Christopher M (1961): The Revolt of Queen Boudicca in A.D. 60. Historia 10,4, 496-509. (SO37D 006) [BRITANNIA; CASSIUS DIO; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 95. Bultrighini,Umberto (1980): I Teori come Istitiuzione Politica. Archeologia e Storia Antica 2, 123-146. Syme Collection DB page 59 (SO1A 109; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 96. Bultrighini,Umberto (1981): Gli Antigrapheis Ateniesi e il loro significato nel II sec. a.C. Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 7, new series (vol. 36 of continuous series), 85-105. (SO1A 110; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 94. Bultrighini,Umberto (1984): Pausania 1, 26, 3 e la Liberazione del Pireo. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 112, fasc. 1, 54-62. (SO1A 108; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4738. Burck,Erich (1984): Silius Italicus. Hannibal in Capua und die RÅckeroberung der Stadt durch die Rîmer. AAWM 1984,13, 53pp. (SO33 113) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; SILIUS ITALICUS] 3362. Burdese,Alberto (1951): Tibiletti,G. Il Possesso dell'ÆAger PublicusØ e le Norme ÆDe Modo AgrorumØ sino ai Gracchi, in Athenaeum 26 (1948) 173-236, e 27 (1949), 341; Tibiletti,G., Ricerche di Storia Agraria Romana, III. Ancora sulle Norme ÆDe Modo AgrorumØ in Athenaeum 28 (1950) 245-266. Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 2, 326-332. (SO22 003) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW] 1702. Bureth,Paul (1954): Documents Papyrologiques Relatifs aux PrÇfets d'êgypte. Bulletin de la FacultÇ des Lettres de Strasbourg 33,2, 135-148. (SO10 090) [OFFPRINT] 229. Burkhalter,Fabienne; Arce,Javier (1984): La Coupe de MÇroÇ: une Nouvelle êtude Iconographique et Historique. BCH 108,1, 407-423. (SO4 008) 2381. Burn,AR (1953): Hic Breve Vivitur. Past & Present 4, 2-31. (SO15 069) [OFFPRINT] 3752. Burns,JH (1958): The Tyrannous Reign of Mary Stewart. George Buchanan's Account Translated and Edited by W.A. Gatherer (Edinburgh University Press). 7,10, 731-732. (SO24 067) <<source unknown, literary review (?)>> [CUTTINGS] 361. Burns,Thomas S (1982): Theories and Facts: The Early Gothic Migrations. History in Africa 9, 1-20. (SO4 144) [OFFPRINT] 2935. Busche,JÅrgen (1982): Mommsens Darstellung der Kaiserzeit. Ein öberraschender Fund: Mitschhriften Bisher Unbekannter Vorlesungen des BerÅhmten Historikers. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (25 September), 25. (SO18 123) <<article includes extracts from Mommsen's `lost' lecture notes on Constantine and Julian>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; MOMMSEN] 622. Buttery Jr,Theodore V (1960): The `Pietas' Denarii of Sextus Pompey. Numismatic Chronicle 20 (6th ser.), 83-101. (SO2 057) [OFFPRINT] 108. Buttrey jnr,TV (1963): The Unique "as" of Cn. Piso Frugi, an Unrecognized Semuncial Dupondius. Studia Oliveriana 9, 3-10. (SO1A 126; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 111. Buttrey jnr.,TV (1964): Some Roman Republican Coins at Yale. Numismatic Chronicle 4, 7th series, 125-132. (SO1A 129; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 106. Buttrey jnr.,TV (19??): The Denarius of P.Ventidius. ANSMusN 9, 95-108. (SO1A 124; OLIS) <<date unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 642. Buttrey Jr.,Theodore V (19??): The Denarii of Cn. Pompeius Jr. and M. Minatius Sabinus. ANSMusN 9, 75-94. (SO2 079) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1152. Caballos Rufino,Antonio (1981): Iptuci, Civitas Stipendiaria del Conventus Gaditanus. Gades 7, 37-46. (SO3 202) [OFFPRINT] 1153. Caballos Rufino,Antonio (1986): Consideraciones Generales Sobre la Romanizacion de la Betica. Rivista de Estudios Andaluces 6, 13-26. (SO3 203) [OFFPRINT] 1154. Caballos Rufino,Antonio (1986): Los Horoscopos de la Apotelesmatica de Hefestion de Tebas y los Senadores Hispanorromanos. Memorias de Historia Antigua 7, 121-128. (SO3 204) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 60 2774. Cadoux,TJ (1956): Marcus Crassus: A Revaluation. Greece & Rome 3,2 (2nd series), 153-161. (SO16 071) [OFFPRINT] 4614. Cadoux,TJ (?): Siegfried J. Dr Laet, De Samenstellung van den Romeinschen Senaat Gedurende de Eerste Eeuw van het Principaat (28 v¢¢r Chr.-68 na Chr.) Antwerp: 1941. JRS, . (SO32 095) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5009. Cadoux,Theodore (1980): Sallust and Sempronia. In: Vindex Humanitas. Essays in Honour of John Huntly Bishop. (Ed: Marshall,B) Armidale, NSW, University of New England, 93-122. (SO36A 008) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 2929. Cahn,Herbert A (1936): [KAISAR KOMMODOS] Una Moneta Inedita di Adriano e Elio Coniata a Stratonikea- Adrianopolis. Numismatica e Scienze Affini 2, 57-58. (SO18 117) <<letter from Cahn dated 1983 enclosed>> [HADRIAN; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3779. Cahn,Herbert A (1981): Andreas Alfîldi in Memoriam. Schweizerischen Numismatischen Rundschau 60, 99-104. (SO24 094) [ALFôLDI,ANDREAS; OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 2022. Cahn,Herbert A (1985): An Imperial Mint in Bithynia. Israel Numismatic Journal 8, 1984-5, 14-26. (SO12 064) [OFFPRINT] 171. Cahn,Herbert A (1988): Adlernase und Backenbart. In: Kanon. Festschrift Ernst Berger. (Ed: Schmidt,Margot) Freunde antiker Kunst. (ArchÑologisches Seminar der UniversitÑt), Basel, 218-221. (SO1A 196; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 5112. Calabi,Ida (1950): I Commentarii di Silla come Fonte Storico. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 3,5 (8th ser.), 247-302. (SO36D 026) [BIOGRAPHY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SULLA] 4782. Calabi,Ida (1955): Le Fonti della Storia Romana nel De Civitate Dei di Sant'Agostino. PP fasc. 43, 274-294. (SO34 040) [AUGUSTINE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1505. Calder,WM (1932): Inscriptions of Southern Galatia. AJA 36,4, 452-464. (SO9 043) [OFFPRINT] 218. Calder,WM (1935): Silius Italicus in Asia. The Classical Review 49,6, 216-217. (SO1A 243; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 5094. Calder III,William M (1961): Irony in Horace Carm. 2. 2: Nullus Argento Color Est Avaris. Classical Philology 56,3, 175-178. (SO36D 008) [HORACE; OFFPRINT] 3655. Calder III,William M (1966): Die Geschichte der Klassischen Philologie in den Vereinigten Staaten. Jahrbuch fÅr Amerikastudien 11, 213-240. (SO23 074) [OFFPRINT] 209. Calder III,William M (1968): Sophokles' Political Tragedy, Antigone. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 9,4, 389-407. (SO1A 231; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 210. Calder III,William M (1969): "Ein öbles Flickwerk". Classical Philology 64,1, 35-36. (SO1A 232; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4098. Calder III,William M (1972): Schliemann on Schliemann: A Study in the Use of Sources. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 13,3, 335-353. (SO26 137) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 156. Calder III,William M (1977): G. Wilson Knight. Jackson Knight. A Biography. Oxford: The Alden Press, 1975. The Classical World March, 403-404. (SO1A 181; OLIS) [BOOK REVIEW] 212. Calder III,William M (1977): Seventeen Letters of Ulrich von WilamowitzMoellendorff to Eduard Fraenkel. HSCP 81, 275-297. (SO1A 236; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 215. Calder III,William M (1977): Nauck to Wilamowitz: Three Letters. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 18,4, 375-385. (SO1A 239; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 61 213. Calder III,William M (1978): B.L. Gildersleeve and Ulrich von WilamowitzMoellendorff: New Documents. AJPh 99,1, 311. (SO1A 237; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 216. Calder III,William M (1978): The Correspondence of Ulrich von WilamowitzMoellendorff with Werner Jaeger. HSCP 82, 303-347. (SO1A 240; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1018. Calder III,William M (1978/79): Wilamowitz on Demosthenes. The Classical World 72, 239-240. (SO3 057) [OFFPRINT] 1053. Calder III,William M (1979/80): The Spurned Doxy: An Unnoticed Topos in English Academic Autobiography. The Classical World 73, 305-306. (SO3 092) [OFFPRINT] 2936. Calder III,William M (1983): Mommsen's History of the Empire. The Classical World 76,5, 295-296. (SO18 124) <<Discussion of J. BÅsche's 1982 article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung SO18 123 on the discovery of lecture notes of T. Mommsen on roman imperial history>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; MOMMSEN; REVIEW] 2897. Calder III,William M (19??): 1) WolfLÅder Liebermann. Studien zu Senecas Tragîdien. Meisenheim am Glan, Verlag Anton Hain, 1974 (BeitrÑge zur Klassischen Philologie, Heft 39) (2) Konrad Heldman. Untersuchungen zu den Tragîdien Senecas. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1974 (Hermes-Einzelschriften, Heft 32)., 129-131. (SO18 085) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 1836. Calderini,Aristide ed (c1957): Sommari dei Facicoli Finora Pubblicati. Epigraphica 17, 1-10. (SO11 019) <<index of first series of the journal>> [OFFPRINT] 3238. Calderone,Salvatore (1976-77): Seminario di Ricerca : Polyb[io]. 1, 11, 1ss. UniversitÖ di Messina Istituto di Storia Antica, Messina. 49 pages. (SO21 065) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 890. Callu,JP (1987): Un ÆMiroir des PrincesØ: le ÆBasilikosØ libanien de 348. Geri¢n 5, 133-152. (SO5 134) [OFFPRINT] 2979. Callu,Jean-Pierre (1984): Le Jardin des Supplices as Bas-Empire. In: Du ChÉtiment dans la CitÇ. Supplices Corporels et Peine de Mort dans le Monde Antique. (: ) êcole Franáaise de Rome, Rome, 313-359. (SO18 165) <<series: Collection de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome 79>> [BIOGRAPHY; CAPITAL PUNISHMENT; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4047. Callu,J-P (1984): ÆManus InermisØ: Le PhÇnomäne Bureaucratique et l'ÆHistoire AugusteØ. Quaderni Ticinesi di Numismatica e AntichitÖ Classiche 13, 229-248. (SO26 090) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 3245. Cameron,A (1965): Eunuchs in the ÆHistoria AugustaØ. Latomus 24,1, 155-158. (SO21 072) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2684. Cameron,A (1968): The First Edition of Ovid's Amores. CQ 18,2, 320-333. (SO17 103) [OFFPRINT] 159. Cameron,A (1969): The Date of Zosimus' New History. Philologus 113, 106110. (SO1A 184; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4101. Cameron,A (1976): The Authenticity of the Letters of St Nilus of Ancyra. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 17,2, 181-196. (SO26 140) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 200. Cameron,ADE (1963): An Alleged Fragment of Eunapius. The Classical World 13,2, 232-236. (SO1A 225; OLIS) <<vol 56 of continuous series>> [OFFPRINT] 3253. Cameron,ADE (1964): Literary Allusions in the Historia Augusta. Hermes 92,3, 363-377. (SO21 080) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2676. Cameron,Alan (1964): The Roman Friends of Ammianus. JRS 54, 15-28. (SO17 095) [OFFPRINT] 157. Cameron,Alan (1965): St. Jerome and Claudian. Vigiliae Christianae 19, 111-113. (SO1A 182; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 62 203. Cameron,Alan (1965): The Fate of Pliny's Letters in the late Empire. CQ 15,2, 289-298. (SO1A 227; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 206. Cameron,Alan (1965): Wandering Poets: A Literary Movement in Byzantine Egypt. Historia 14,4, 470-509. (SO1A 229; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2677. Cameron,Alan (1965): 1) Johannes Straub, Heidnische Geschichtsapologetik in der Christlichen SpÑtantike; Untersuchungen Åber Zeit und Tendenz der Historia Augusta. (Antiquitas, Reihe 4, BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAygusta-Forschung, 1). Bonn: R. Habelt, 1963 2) Historia-Augusta-Colloquium Bonn 1963 (Antiquitas, Reihe 4,2). Bonn: R. Habelt, 1964 (3) Atti del Colloquio Patavino sulla Historia Augusta (UniversitÖ degli Studi di Padova; Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Storia Antica iv). Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider, 1963 [published 1964]. JRS 55, 240-250. (SO17 096) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 195. Cameron,Alan (1966): The Date and Identity of Macrobius. JRS 56,1-2, 25-38. (SO1A 222; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3256. Cameron,Alan (1966): A Biographical Note on Claudian. Athenaeum 44, fasc. 1-2, 32-40. (SO21 083) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 165. Cameron,Alan (1967): The Date of Porphyry's KATA XPI‰TIANÍN. CQ 17,2, 382384. (SO1A 190; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 197. Cameron,Alan (1967): Macrobius, Avienus, and Avianus. CQ 17,2, 385-399. (SO1A 223; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 199. Cameron,Alan (1967): Pliny's Letters in the Late Empire: An Addendum. The Classical World 17,2, 421-422. (SO1A 224; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 205. Cameron,Alan (1967): The End of the Ancient Universities. Journal of World History 10,4, 653-673. (SO1A 228; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4666. Cameron,Alan (1967): Alexander Demandt: Zeitkritik und Geschichtsbild im Werk Ammians. Bonn: Habelt, 1965. The Classical Review 17,1 (n.s.), 60-63. (SO33 043) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 158. Cameron,Alan (1968): The Garlands of Meleager and Philip. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 9,3, 323-349. (SO1A 183; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 161. Cameron,Alan (1968): Theodosius the Great and the Regency of Stilico. HSCP 73, 247-280. (SO1A 186; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 166. Cameron,Alan (1968): The Date of Iamblichus' Birth. Hermes 96,3, 374-376. (SO1A 191; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 201. Cameron,Alan (1968): Notes on Claudian's Invectives. CQ 18,2, 387-411. (SO1A 226; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3175. Cameron,Alan (1968): Three Notes on the Historia Augusta. The Classical Review 18,1 (n.s. vol. 82 of continuous series), 17-20. (SO21 001) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 160. Cameron,Alan (1969): The Last Days of the Academy at Athens. PCPS 15, new series, 7-29. (SO1A 185; OLIS) <<vol. 195 of continuous series>> [OFFPRINT] 162. Cameron,Alan (1969): Petronius and Plato. CQ 19,2, 367-370. (SO1A 187; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3254. Cameron,Alan (1969): J.W.Eade : The Breviarum of Festus (University of London Classical Studies, V.). London : Athlone Press, 1967. The Classical Review 19,3 (n.s. vol. 83 of continuous series), 305-307. (SO21 081) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4127. Cameron,Alan (1970): Pap. Ant. III 115 and the Iambic Prologue in Late Greek Poetry. CQ 20,1, 119-129. (SO27 013) [OFFPRINT] 2729. Cameron,Alan (1971): Ronald Syme, Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968. JRS 61, 255-267. (SO17 148) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1933. Cameron,Alan (1972): 1) Percival Vaughan Davies: Macrobius, The Saturnalia. Syme Collection DB page 63 Translated with and Introduction and Notes. London and New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. 2) Noni Marinone: I saturnalia di Macrobio Tedesio. Turin: Unione TipograficoEditore. The Classical Review 22,1 (vol. 86 of continuous series), 44-46. (SO11 214) [BOOK REVIEW] 2701. Cameron,Alan (1972): Eugenio Manni: Trebellio Pollione, Le Vite di Valeriano e di Gallieno. The Classical Review 22,1 (new series; vol. 86 of continuous series), 115. (SO17 120) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2693. Cameron,Alan (1977): Paganism and Literature in the Late Fourth Century. In: Christianisme et Formes LittÇraires de l'AntiquitÇ Tardive en Occident. (: ) Fondation Hardt, Vandoevres-Genäve, 1-40. (SO17 112) <<series: Entretiens sur l'AntiquitÇ Classique 23>> [OFFPRINT] 302. Cameron,Alan (1978): The House of Anastasius. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 19, 3, 259-276. (SO4 081) [OFFPRINT] 219. Cameron,Alan (1980): Poetae Novelli. HSCP 84, 127-175. (SO1A 245; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2627. Cameron,Alan (1980): The Garland of Philip. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 21,1, 43-62. (SO17 047) [OFFPRINT] 389. Cameron,Alan (1981): Notes on the Erotic Art of Rufinus. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 22,2, 179-186. (SO4 176) [OFFPRINT] 1020. Cameron,Alan (1981): Notes on the Erotic Art of Rufinus. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 22,2, 179-186. (SO3 059) <<duplicate of SO4 176>> [LITERATURE- GREEK; OFFPRINT; RUFINUS] 325. Cameron,Alan (1982): Asclepiades' Girl Friends. In: Reflections of Women in Antiquity. (Ed: Foley,HP), London, 275-302. [OFFPRINT] 329. Cameron,Alan (1982): A Note on Ivory Carving in Fourth Century Constantinople. AJA 86, 126-129. (SO4 110) [OFFPRINT] 1831. Cameron,Averil (1964): Herodotus and Thucydides in Agathias. ByzZ 57, 33-42. (SO11 114) [OFFPRINT] 2539. Cameron,Averil (1983): Howard Hayes Scullard. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 30, 167-182. (SO16 023) <<includes a bibliography>> [OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 164. Cameron,Averil; Cameron,Alan (1964): Christianity and Tradition in the Historiography of the Late Empire. CQ 14,2, 316-328. (SO1A 189; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3658. Cameron,Averil; Cameron,Alan (1966): The Cycle of Agathias. JHS 86, 6-25. (SO23 077) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 163. Cameron,Averil; Cameron,Alan (1969): Erinna's Distaff. CQ 19,2, 285-288. (SO1A 188; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4576. Camodeca,Giuseppe (1976): La Carriera del Giurista L. Neratius Priscus. Atti dell'Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche 87, 19-38. (SO32 069) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN LAW] 196. Camodeca,Giuseppe (1979): Curatores Rei Publicae I. ZPE 35, 225-236. (SO1A 223; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 5612. Camodeca,Giuseppe (1979): La Carriera del Prefetto del Pretorio Sex. Cornelius Repentinus in una Nuova Iscrizione Puteolana. Puteoli 3, 41-76. (SO1A 150) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 845. Camodeca,Giuseppe (1980): Ricerche sui Curatores Rei Publicae. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 13. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 453-534. (SO5 087) [OFFPRINT] 871. Camodeca,Giuseppe (1982): Quattro Carriere Senatorie. In: Epigrafia e Ordine Senatorio. Vol. 1. (: ) (Tituli, 4.) Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 529-545. (SO5 114) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 64 4563. Camodeca,Giuseppe (1982): Per una Riedizione dell'Archivo Puteolano dei Sulpicii. Puteoli 6, 3-53. (SO32 056) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4564. Camodeca,Giuseppe (1982): Sui Senatori Romani d'Origine Flegrea: Qualche Addendum. Puteoli 6, 55-65. (SO32 056) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4570. Camodeca,Giuseppe (1984-1985): Per una Riedizione dell'Archivo Puteolano dei Sulpicii. In: Sodalitas. Scritti in Onore di Antonio Guarino. (Ed: GiuffrÇ,Vicenzo) Editore Jovene, Napoli, 2191-2207. (SO32 063) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2137. Camodeca,Giuseppe (1985): Due Nuove Iscrizioni-Cursus di C. Octavius Suetrius Sabinus, Cos. Ord. 214, II 240: CIL. VI 1551 = 1477 e CIL IX 2848. Atti dell'Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche 96, 1-15. (SO13 038) [OFFPRINT] 4584. Camodeca,Giuseppe (1986): I Consoli del 55-56 e un Nuovo Collega di Seneca nel Consolato: P. Cornelius Dolabella (TP, 75 [=140] +135). ZPE 63, 201-215. (SO32 077) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 913. Campbell,DB (1986): The Consulship of Agricola. ZPE 63, 197-200. (SO5 158) [OFFPRINT] 3008. Canali,Luca (1967): Giovanale. Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Roma. 49 pages. (SO19 025) <<series: Quaderni Athena 4>> [JUVENAL; LATIN LITERATURE; MONOGRAPH; SATIRE] 4874. Canavesi,Manlio (1940): S. Maurizio e la Legione Tebana. Un Precedente Immediato della Grande Persecuzione do Diocleziano. Rivista Rosminiana fasc. 4, 3-9. (SO35 062) [CHRISTIANITY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 741. Cancelli,Filippo (1966): Principato Diritto Romano. Novissimo Digesto Italiano, 348. (SO2 196) [OFFPRINT] 928. Cancelli,Filippo (1969): Magdelain A., Recherches sur l'ÆImperiumØ, la Loi Curiate et les Auspicies d'Investiture [Travaux et Recherches de la FacultÇ de Droit et des Sciences êconomiques de Paris, sÇrie ÆSciences HistoriquesØ, 12] (Paris 1968). Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 20, 635-642. (SO5 173) [BOOK REVIEW; POLITICAL THEORY] 1288. Cancelli,Filippo (1970): SocietÖ Diritto Romano. Novissimo Digesto Italiano, 3-72. (SO6 135) [OFFPRINT] 2298. Cancelli,Filippo (19??): Littori. Novissimo Digesto Italiano, 3-8. (SO14 105) <<no date. latest cited work is 1960>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2445. Candiloro,Elettra (1963): Sulle Historiae di L. Cornelio Sisenna. Studi Classici e Orientali 12, 212-226. (SO15 121) [OFFPRINT] 3030. Canfora,Luciano (1971): Per una Storia del Dialogo dei Melii e degli Ateniesi. Belfagor 26, fasc. 4, 409-426. (SO19 047) [OFFPRINT] 3034. Canfora,Luciano (1971): Il ÆCicloØ Storico. Belfagor 26, fasc. 6, 655-670. (SO19 051) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 185. Canfora,Luciano (1972): Il Programma di Sallustio. Belfagor 27,2, 137-148. (SO1A 212; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4031. Canfora,Luciano (1972): I Frammenti Storici Fiorentini e le Elleniche di Ossirinco. RMfP 115,1, 14-19. (SO26 074) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3009. Canfora,Luciano (1973): Il Proemio del ÆDe Rerum NaturaØ. Belfagor 28,fasc. 2, 161-167. (SO19 026) [LATIN LITERATURE; LUCRETIUS; OFFPRINT] 3035. Canfora,Luciano (1973): Forme della Tradizione Storiografica. Belfagor 28, fasc. 5, 509-523. (SO19 052) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5002. Canfora,Luciano (1980): Crispus Sallustius Autore delle Suasoriae Æad Caesarem SenemØ. Index. International Survey of Roman Law 9, 1-8. (SO36A 003) Syme Collection DB page 65 [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 187. Cantarella,R (1931): Le Ultime Parole di Nerone Morente. Mondo Classico 1,2, 1-6. (SO1A 214; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4727. Cantarelli,Luigi (1895): Le Fonti per la Storia dell'Imperatore Traiano. Studi e Documenti di Storia e Diritto 16, 5-40. (SO33 102) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TRAJAN] 674. Cantarelli,Luigi (1908): I XX Viri Ex Senatus Consulto Rei Publicae Curandae al Tempo di Massimino. Ausonia. Rivista della SocietÖ Italiana di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte 2, fasc. 2 (1907), 1-10. (SO2 125) [OFFPRINT] 4352. Canto,AM (1978): Una Familia Betica: Los Fabii Fabiani. Habis 9, 293-310. (SO29 037) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SPAIN] 5704. Canto,AM (1980): Saturninus, Augusti Libertus. ZPE 38, 141-145. (SO16 163) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4351. Canto,AM (1981): Notas sobre los Pontifices Coloniales y el Origen del Culto Imperial en la Betica. In: La Religion Romana en Hispania [Symposium del C.S.I.C. Madrid Dic. 1980]. (: ) Ministerio de Cultura. Direccion General de Bellas Artes, Archivos y Bibliotecas. Subdirecci¢n General de Arquelogia y Etnografia, Madrid, 143-153. (SO29 036) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 2119. Canto,AM (1986): A Propos de la Loi Municipale de Corticata (Cortegana, Huelva, Espagne). ZPE 63, 217-220. (SO13 022) [OFFPRINT] 2158. Canto,Alicia M (1984): Les Plaques Votives avec Plantae Pedum d'Italica: Un Essai d'Interpretation. ZPE 54, 183-194. (SO13 057) [OFFPRINT] 172. Canto,Alicia M (1985): Die Vetus Urbs von Italica. Probleme Ihrer GrÅndung und Ihrer Anlage. Madrider Mittleilungen 26, 137148. (SO1A 197; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2120. Canto,Alicia M (1985): Un Nuevo Documento de Paulo Emilio en la Hispania Ulterior: CIL, I, 546= CIL, II, 1119. Epigraphica 47, 9-19. (SO13 023) [OFFPRINT] 1351. Canto,Alicia Mar°a (1979): El Acueducto Romano de It†lica. Madrider Mittleilungen 20, 282-338. (SO7 042) [OFFPRINT] 5323. Caplan,Harry (1944): The Decay of Eloquence at Rome in the First Century. In: Studies in Speech and Drama in Honour of Alexander M. Drummond. (: ) Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 295-325. (SO38A 011) [OFFPRINT; RHETORIC; TACITUS] 192. Carandini,Andrea (1966): Roma, Anno 112. La III Orazione [peri basileias] di Dione di Prusa, Traiano [philokeios] e una Gemma del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. ArchClass 18, 125-141. (SO1A 220; OLIS; words in [] are in greek characters) [OFFPRINT] 5398. Carbone,Martin E (1967): The First Relief of Castra Vetera in the Revolt of Civilis (A Note on Tacitus Hist. 4.26.3). Phoenix 21,4, 296-298. (SO38D 005) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4258. Carcopino,J (1918): Les "Castella" de la Plaine de SÇtif. Revue Africaine 59, 5-22. (SO28 012) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4259. Carcopino,J (1919): L'Insurection de 253 d'Apräs une Inscription de Miliana RÇcemment DÇcouverte. Revue Africaine 60, nos. 300-301, 369-383. (SO28 013) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1623. Carcopino,JÇrìme (1932): Ce que Rome et l'Empire Romain Doivent Ö la Gaule. Zaharoff Lecture. (SO10 020) [OFFPRINT] 2630. Carcopino,JÇrìme (1940): Notes Biographiques sur M. Valerius Messala Corvinus. 72, 96-117. (SO17 050) <<Abbreviation of journal looks like `Rev. de Phil.'>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3407. Carcopino,JÇrìme (1950): Observations sur le ÆDe SuppliciisØ. Revue Syme Collection DB page 66 Internationale des Droits de l'AntiquitÇ 4, 229266. (SO22 048) <<vol. 3 of MÇlanges Fernand de Visscher>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 4736. Cardauns,Burkhart (1982): Stand und Aufgaben der Varroforschung (mit einer Bibliographie der Jahre 1935-1980). AAWM 1982,4, 46pp. (SO33 111) [BIBLIOGRAPHY; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; VARRO] 3184. Carlozzo,Giuseppe (1978): Il Faceto nella Historia Augusta. Pan 6, 59-64. (SO21 010) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 3185. Carlozzo,Giuseppe (1978 [1977]): Su alcuni Procedimenti di Composizione nella Historia Augusta. Pan 5, 43-78. (SO21 011) <<journal year is 1977>> [HISTORIA AUGUSTA] 755. Carney,HL (191971): The Emperor Claudius and the Grain Trade. In: Pro Munera Grates. Studies Presented to H.L. Gonin. (Ed: Kriel,DM) Pretoria Departement Latijn, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 39-57. (SO2 195) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 5122. Carney,TF (1959): Two Notes on Republican Roman Law. Acta Juridica, 229234. (SO36E 001) [MARIUS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 5126. Carney,TF (1959): Coins Bearing on the Age and Career of Marius. Numismatic Chronicle 19 (6th ser.), 79-88. (SO36E 005) [MARIUS; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 5123. Carney,TF (1960): A Textual Study in Plutarch's Marius. Symbolae Osloenses 36, 86-95. (SO36E 002) [MARIUS; OFFPRINT; PLUTARCH; TEXTUAL CRITICISM] 5127. Carney,TF (1960): The Death of Ancharius. Hermes 88,3, 382-384. (SO36E 006) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; MARIUS; OFFPRINT] 5128. Carney,TF (1960): Plutarch's Style in the Marius. JHS 80, 24-31. (SO36E 007) [MARIUS; OFFPRINT; PLUTARCH; TEXTUAL CRITICISM] 2755. Carney,TF (1968): How Suetonius' Lives Reflect on Hadrian. Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 2, 7-24. (SO17 172) [OFFPRINT] 3698. Carney,TF (1970): Two Contemporary Views of a Traditional Bureaucracy. Journal of Comparative Administration 1,4, 398-427. (SO24 013) [OFFPRINT] 4071. Carney,TF (1971): C.R. Whittaker: Herodian. With an English Translation. Vol. i (Books 1-iv). (Loeb Classical Library). London: Heinemann, 1969. The Classical Review 21,2 (n.s. vol. 85 of continuous series)(June 1971), 194-196. (SO26 112) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5135. Carney,TF (??): H.H. Scullard, From the Gracchi to Nero, A History of Rome from 133 B.C. to A.D. 68, 1959., . (SO36E 014) <<source and date unknown [post 1959]>> [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 204. Carradice,Ian (1982): Coins, Monuments and Literature: Some Important Sestertii of Domitian. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Numismatics. (Eds: Hackens,Tony; Weiller,Raymond) Association Internationale des Numismates Professionels, Louvain-La-Neuve, 371-383. (SO1A 228; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4530. Carratelli,GP (1947): Un Nuovo Diploma Militare e i Consoli dell'Anno 80 D.C. PP 6, 349-362. (SO32 023) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN ARMY] 1671. Carrington,Peter; Harrison,RM; Hill,SJ; Hillenbrand,R (1977): Yayla. Report of the Northern Society for Anatolian Archaeology. Department of Archaeology. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne. 24 pages. (SO10 068) [MONOGRAPH] 4109. Carson,RAG (1958): The Coinage and Chronology of A.D. 238. ANSMusN 100?, 181199. (SO26 148) <<centennial volume of journal>> [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 2313. Cartledge,Paul (1977): The Enlightened Historiography of Edward Gibbon, Syme Collection DB page 67 Esq.: A Bicentennial. The Maynooth Review 3,2, 67-93. (SO15 001) [OFFPRINT] 1049. Cartledge,Paul A (1982): Yvon Garlan, Les Esclaves en Gräce Ancienne, Paris, Maspero, 1982, 224 p. Annales. ESC 1982, nos. 5-6, 1028-1032. (SO3 088) [BOOK REVIEW; SLAVERY; SOCIAL HISTORY] 1268. Casavola,Franco (1976): Cultura e Scienza Giuridica nel Secondo Secolo d.C.: Il Senso del Passato. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 15. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 131-175. (SO6 115) [OFFPRINT] 613. Cassavola,Franco (1968): Potere Imperiale e Stato delle Persone tra Adriano ed Antonino Pio. Labeo 14,3, 251-270. (SO2 046) [OFFPRINT] 4108. Cassola,F (1972): La Politica Romana nell'Alto Adriatico. AntichitÖ Altoadriatiche 2, 43-63. (SO26 147) [OFFPRINT] 4157. Cassola,F (?): La Morte del Prefetto Sabino (238 d.C.). Atti dell' Accademia Pontaniana 6 (n.s.), [1-7]. (SO27 042) <<year unknown, repaginated? for offprint>> [OFFPRINT] 188. Cassola,Filippo (1957): Sull'AttendibilitÖ dello Storico Erodiano. Atti dell' Accademia Pontaniana 6 (n.s.), 191-200. (SO1A 216; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 190. Cassola,Filippo (1957): Sulla Vita e sulla PersonalitÖ dello Storico Erodiano. Nouva Rivista Storico 41,2, 3-13. (SO1A 218; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] [OFFPRINT] 4187. Cassola,Filippo (1965): Pertinace Durante il Principato di Commodo. PP 105, 451-477. (SO27 070) [OFFPRINT] 663. Cassola,Filippo (1966): Ricerche sul II Secolo dell'Impero: L'Ascesa di Pertinace Fino al 180 D.C. (Quaderni di ÆLe Parole e le IdeeØ, 5.) A. Morra, Napoli. 43 pages. (SO2 101) <<supplement of Le Parole e le Idee>> 664. Cassola,Filippo (1967): Grosso, F.: La Lotta Politica al Tempo di Commodo, Mem. Acc. Scienze Torino. Cl. Scienze Mor., 4.7 [1964]. Labeo 13,1, 120-123. (SO2 102) [BOOK REVIEW; COMMODUS] 1699. CÖssola,Filippo (1969): Note sul `Praefectus Alimentorum'. In: Studi in Onore de Edoardo Volterra. Vol. 3. (: ) GiuffrÇ Editore,, 495-504. (SO10 087) [OFFPRINT] 616. Cassola,Filippo (1970): I Rapporti fra Romani e Buri in Cassio Dione. In: Ricerche Storiche ed Economiche in Memoria di Corrado Barbagallo. Vol. 1. (: ) Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 497-501. (SO2 049) [FESTSCHRIFT] 4684. CÖssola,Filippo (1970): Livio, il Tempio di Giove Feretrio e la InaccessibilitÖ dei Santuari in Roma. Rivista Storica Italiana 82,1, 5-31. (SO33 061) [LIVY; OFFPRINT] 194. Cassola,Filippo (1973): La ProprietÖ del Suolo in Attica Fino a Pisistrato. PP fasc. 148-149, 75-87. (SO1A 222; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 189. Cassola,Filippo (1958): Erodiano e le Sue Fonti. Rendiconti dell'Accademia di Archeologia Lettere e Belle Arti di Napoli 32, 165-172. (SO1A 217; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 830. Cassola,Filippo (1974): Franz Kolb, Literarische Beziehungen Zwischen Cassius Dio, Herodian, und der Historia Augusa (Antiquitas, Reihe 4: BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung, Bd. 9), Bonn, Habelt, 1972. Athenaeum 52, fasc. 3-4, 374-378. (SO5 068) [BOOK REVIEW; CASSIUS DIO; HERODIAN; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 191. Cassola,Filippo (1964): Note Critiche al testo di Erodiano. Rendiconti dell'Accademia di Archeologia Lettere e Belle Arti di Napoli 38, 3-7. (SO1A 219; OLIS) 5654. Cassola,Filippo (??): Werner Widmer, Kaisertum, Rom und Welt in Herodians [MetÖ M†rchon Basile°as °stor°a], Zurigo, Frez und Wesmuth Verl., 1967. Le Parole e le Idee, 184-185. Syme Collection DB page 68 (SO16 116) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; HERODIAN; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1335. Castillo,C (1974): Hispanos y Romanos en Corduba. Hispania Antiqua 4, 191-197. (SO7 027) [OFFPRINT] 904. Castillo,C (1985): Eine Inschrift zu Ehren von L. Stertinius Quantilianus in der Baetica Entdeckt. ZPE 61, 219-221. (SO5 149) [OFFPRINT] 3155. Castillo,Carmen (1973): El Progreso de la Epigrafia Romana de Hispania (19671972). EmÇrita 41, 1, 109-127. (SO20 108) [EPIGRAPHY; HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 1317. Castillo,Carmen (1979): El Progresso de la Epigraf°a Romana en Hispania (19721977). EmÇrita 47, fasc. 1, 35-66. (SO7 008) [BIBLIOGRAPHY; EPIGRAPHY; HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 1332. Castillo,Carmen (1981): Un Nuevo Documento de la "Legio IV Macedonica" en Hispania. In: Primera Reunion Gallega de Estudios Classicos: Penencias y Communicaciones (2-4 Julio 1979. SantiagoPontevedra). (: ) (Cursos y Congresos de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 19.) Royal University of Santiago, Santiago de Compostela, 134-140. (SO7 024) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; SPAIN] 2133. Castillo,Carmen (1985): Eine Inscrift zu Ehren von L. Stertinus der Baetica Entdeckt. ZPE 61, 219-221. (SO13 036) [OFFPRINT] 5613. Castillo,Carmen (1988): Estudios sobre la Tabula Siarensis (La Tribu Galeria en Hispania: Cuidades y Ciudadanos). AEA 9, 233-243. (SO1A 015) [INCOMPLETE; HISPANIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 169. Castritius,Helmut (1964): Der Phoenix auf den Aurei Hadrians und Tacitus' Annalen VI, 28. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 14, 89-95. (SO1A 194; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 175. Castritius,Helmut (1969): Zu den Frauen der Flavier. Historia 18,4, 492-502. (SO1A 201; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 170. Castritius,Helmut (1971): Ein VernachlÑssigtes Zeugnis fÅr die Reichspolitik Trajans: Die Zweite Tarsische Rede des Dion von Prusa. Historia 20,1, 62-83. (SO1A 195; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 948. Cazzangiga,Ignazio (1969): La Leggenda Fortuna Pedvix in un Aureo di Uranio Antonio. Rivista Italiana di Numismatica 17 (5th ser.), 67-71. (SO5 195) [OFFPRINT] 4063. Cazzaniga,I (1967): Osservazioni Critiche intorno allo Hypomnema Antimacheo di Pap. Mil. Vogl. I, 17, 33-36 (=Fr. 182 Antimachi W.). PP 112, 16-27 [63-74 in original vol.]. (S26 104) [OFFPRINT] 4221. Cazzaniga,I (1967): Una Dedica del Prefetto M. Rutilio Lupo? Aegyptus 47,3-4, 213-216. (SO27 104) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 735. Ceausescu,Petre (1973): Caligula et le Legs d'Auguste. Historia 22,2, 269-283. (SO2 188; sedilla under first `s' in author name) [OFFPRINT] 767. Ceausescu,Petre (1974): La Double Image d'Alexandre le Grand Ö Rome. Studii Clasice 16, 153-168. (SO2 177) [OFFPRINT] 1200. Ceausescu,Petre (1974): L'Image d'Auguste chez Tacite. Klio 56, 183-198. (SO6 047) [OFFPRINT] 1294. Ceausescu,Petre (1976): Altera Romana- Histoire d'une Folie Politique. Historia 25,1, 79-108. (SO6 141; accent under first `s' of author name) [OFFPRINT] 4124. CÇbeillac,Mireille (1971): Quelques Inscriptions InÇdites d'Ostie: De la RÇpublique Ö l'Empire. MEFRA 83,1, 39-125. (SO27 010) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; OSTIA] 2290. CÇbeillac,Mireille (1973): Octavua, êpouse de Gamala et la Bona Dea. MEFRA 85,2, 517-553. (SO14 098) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 69 4125. CÇbeillac-Gervasoni,M; Zevi,F (1976): RÇvisions et NouveautÇs pour Trois Inscriptions d'Ostie. MEFRA 88,2, 607-637. (SO27 011) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; OSTIA] 180. CÇbeillac-Gervasoni,Mireille (1978): ProblÇmatique de la Promotion Politique Pour les Notables des CitÇs du Latium Ö la Fin de la RÇpublique. Ktema. Civilisations de l'Orient, de la Gräce et de Rome Antiques 3, 227-242. (SO1A 206; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4850. Chadwick,Henry (1885): Augustine on Pagans and Christians: Reflections on Religious and Social Change. In: History, Society and the Churches: Essays in Honour of Owen Chadwick. (Eds: Beales,D; Best,G) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 9-27. (SO35 040) [AUGUSTINE; CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 2361. Chambers,Mortimer (c1958): Greek and Roman History. Service Centre for Teachers of History, Washington D.C. 28 pages. (SO15 049) [MONOGRAPH] 2383. Chambers,Mortimer (1965): Greek and Roman History. 2nd ed. Service Center for Teachers of History, Washington D.C. 47 pages. (SO15 071) [MONOGRAPH] 4161. Champlin,E (1974): The Chronology of Fronto. JRS 64, 136-159. (SO27 046) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4141. Champlin,E (1978): Pegasus. ZPE 32, 269-278. (SO27 027) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 207. Champlin,E (1980): The Volcei LandRegister (CIL X 407). AJAH 5,1, 13-18. (SO1A 230; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 217. Champlin,E (1983): Figlinae Marcianae. Athenaeum 61,1-2, 257-264. (SO1A 242; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2678. Champlin,Edward (1978): The Life and Times of Calpurnius Siculus. JRS 68, 95110. (SO17 097) [OFFPRINT] 1640. Champlin,Edward (1979): Notes on the Heirs of Commodus. AJPh 100, 288-306. (SO10 037) [OFFPRINT] 698. Champlin,Edward (1981): Serenus Sammonicus. HSCP 85, 189-212. (SO2 149) [OFFPRINT] 1711. Champlin,Edward (1981): Owners and Neighbours at Ligures Baebiani. Chiron 11, 239-264. (SO10 099) [OFFPRINT] 837. Champlin,Edward (1982): Saint Gallicanus (Consul 317). Phoenix 36,1, 71-76. (SO5 079) [OFFPRINT] 856. Champlin,Edward (1982): Pliny the Younger. In: Ancient Writers: Greece and Rome. (Ed: Luce,TJ) Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1035-1048. (SO5 98) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PLINY THE YOUNGER] 851. Champlin,Edward (1984): A Commentary on the "Vita Hadriani" in the "Historia Augusta". By Herbert W. Benario. The American Philological Association, American Classical Studies, no. 7. Chico, Cal: Scholars Press, 1980. Classical Philology 79,1, 76-82. (SO5 093) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 1498. Chapot,Victor (1940): DonnÇes Nouvelles sur la Prosopographie de l'Asie Proconsulaire. In: MÇlanges en l'Honneur de M. Fr. Martroye. (: ) SociÇtÇ Nationale des Antiquaires de France, Paris, 1-12. (SO9 037) [OFFPRINT] 4512. Charbonnel,Nicole (1979): A Propos de l'Inscription de KymÇ et des Pouvoirs d'Auguste dans les Provinces au Lendemain du Räglement de 27 av. n.ä. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'AntiquitÇ 26 (3rd. ser.), 177-225. (SO32 005) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5168. Charlesworth,MP (1933): Some Fragments of the Propaganda of Mark Antony. CQ 27,3-4, 172-177. (SO36F 031) [ANTONY; AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 5253. Charlesworth,MP (1933): The Tradition about Caligula. Cambridge Historical Journal 4,2, 105-119. (SO37C 012) Syme Collection DB page 70 [CALIGULA; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5230. Charlesworth,MP (1950): Nero: Some Aspects. JRS 40, 69-76. (SO37B 014) [NERO; OFFPRINT] 1578. Charlesworth,Martin Percival (1935): Some Observations on Ruler-cult, Especially in Rome. Harvard Theological Review 28,1, 544. (SO9 114) [OFFPRINT] 3451. Charlesworth,Martin Percival (1936): Providentia and Aeternitas. Harvard Theological Review 29,2, 107-132. (SO22 090) [OFFPRINT] 5303. Charlsworth,MP (1936): Providentia and Aeternitas. Harvard Theological Review 29,2, 107-132. (SO37D 020) [IDEOLOGY; OFFPRINT] 5305. Charlsworth,MP (c1937): The Virtues of a Roman Emperor: Propaganda and the Creation of Belief. Raleigh Lecture on History 1937. PBA 23, 31pp. (SO37D 022) <<repaginated from original?>> [EMPERORS; IDEOLOGY; OFFPRINT] 3178. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1964): Le Probläme de l'Histoire Auguste : êtat de la Question. In: Historia-Augusta-Colloquium Bonn 1963. (: ) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 43-71. (SO21 004) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 1827. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1965): Les Espagnols dans l'Aristocratie Gouvernementale Ö l'êpoque de ThÇodose. In: Les Empereurs Romains d'Espagne. (Eds: Terrasse,Henri; Piganiol,AndrÇ) êditions du C.N.R.S, Paris, 269-292. (SO11 110) [OFFPRINT] 176. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1966): Sur Quelques Documents Relatifs Ö la Basilique de Saint-Paul-Hors-les-Murs. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 421-437. (SO1A 202; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 3248. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1966): Les Consulaires de Numidie. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie, d'êpigraphie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö JÇrome Carcopino. (: ) Hachette, Paris, 215-228. (SO21 075) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 167. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1111): Les Femmes dans l'Ordre SÇnatorial: Titulature et Rang Social Ö Rome. Revue Historique 262,1, 5-28. (SO1A 192; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4767. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1966): Zosime II, 38 et l'Histoire Auguste. In: Bonner HistoriaAugusta-Colloquium. (: ) (Antiquitas 4: BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 3.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 43-78. (SO34 027) [CONSTANTINE; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; ZOSIMUS] 4555. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1884): La Naissance de l'ÆOrdo SenatoriusØ. In: Des Ordres Ö Rome. (Ed: Nicolet,Claude) (Publications de la Sorbonne. Histoire Ancienne et MÇdieval 13.) Publications de la Sorbone, Paris, 175-198. (SO32 048) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4770. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1966): Un Gouverneur Constantinien de Tripolitaine: Laenatius Romulus, Praeses en 324-326. Latomus 25,3, 539-552. (SO34 030) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4223. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1961): La Famille de Caecinia Lolliana Grande Dame Paãenne du IVe SiÇcle apräs J.-C. Latomus 20,4, 744758. (SO27 106) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1826. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1967): Les Gouverneurs de Byzacäne et de Tripolitaine. AntAfr 1, 119-134. (SO11 109) [OFFPRINT] 945. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1964): L'Histoire Auguste. In: Association Guillaume BudÇ : Actes du VIIe Congräs Aix-en-Provence. (: ) SociÇtÇ d'êdition Æ Les Belles Lettres Ø, Paris, 187-212. (SO5 191) [OFFPRINT] 3190. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1967): Emprunts de l'Histoire Auguste aux Æ Caesares Ø d'Aurelius Victor. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 41, fasc. 1, 85-97. (SO21 016) [BIOGRAPHY; HISTORIA AUGUSTA] Syme Collection DB page 71 4781. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1967): La Restauration du Temple d'Isis au ÆPortus RomanusØ sous le Rägne de Gratien. BSAF, 47-54. (SO34 039) [EPIGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 4557. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (c1971): Les Modes d'Accäs au SÇnat Romain Romain au DÇbut de l'Empire: Remarques Ö Propos de la Table Claudienne de Lyon. BSAF (27 Oct 1971), 282-310. (SO32 050) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1818. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1968): Les PrÇfets du PrÇtoire de Constantin. REA 70,3-4, 321352. (SO11 101) [OFFPRINT] 1928. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1973): Classe et Ordres dans le Bas-Empire. In: Ordres et Classes. Colloque d'Histoire Sociale. (Eds: Roche,Daniel; Labrousse,Ernest) Mouton, Paris, 49-57. (SO11 209) [OFFPRINT] 2736. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1969): Sir Ronald Syme, Ammianus and the Historia Augusta, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1968. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 43, fasc. 2, 268-274. (SO17 154) [BOOK REVIEW] 179. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1970): Les Modes de Recrutement du SÇnat au IVe Siäcle Apräs J.-C. In: Recherches sur les Structures Sociales dans l'AntiquitÇ Classique (Caen 2526 Avril 1969). (: ) C.N.R.S, Paris, 187-211. (SO1A 205; OLIS) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SENATE; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 952. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1970): Le Poäte Claudien et l'Histoire Auguste. Historia 19,4, 444-463. (SO5 199) [OFFPRINT] 1940. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1970): La Proposographie MÇthode de Recherche sur l'Histoire du Bas-Empire. Annales. ESC 1970,5, 1299. (SO11 221) [OFFPRINT] 1941. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1970): L'êvolution de l'Ordre SÇnatorial aux IIIe et IVe Siäcle de Notre Ere. Revue Historique 496, oct-dec. 1970, 305-314. (SO11 222) [OFFPRINT] 4741. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1970): Le Diocäse Civil d'Aquitaine au Bas-Empire. BSAF (28 Oct 1970), 272-292. (SO34 001) [GAUL; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 3419. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1971): Les Modes d'Accäs au SÇnat Romain au DÇbut de l'Empire : Remarques Ö Propos de la Table Claudienne de Lyons. BSAF (27 Oct), 282310. (SO22 060) [OFFPRINT] 4559. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1973): La Naissance de l'Ordo Senatorius. MEFRA 85,2, 583-607. (SO32 052) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4763. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1973): Le Repli sur Arles des Services Administratifs Gaulois en l'An 407 de notre äre. Revue Historique fasc. 505, 23-40. (SO34 023) [GAUL; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4560. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1975): ÆLatus ClavusØ et ÆAdlectioØ. L'Accäs des Hommes Nouveaux au SÇnat Romain sous le Haut-Empire. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 53,3, 375-394. (SO32 053) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 311. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1976): Remarques sur les SÇnators Orientaux au IVe Siäcle. AAntHung 24, 341-356. (SO4 090) [OFFPRINT] 4742. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1976): Constantin et le SÇnat. In: Atti dell'Academia Romanistica Constantiniana. 2ß Convegno Internazionale. (: ) Libreria Universitaria, Perugia, 51-69. (SO34 002) [CONSTANTINE; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 289. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1977): L'Impìt PayÇ par les Soldats au IVe Siäcle. In: ArmÇes et FiscalitÇ dans le Monde Antique. (: ) (Colloques Nationaux du CNRS, 936.) Editions du CNRS, Paris, 279-301. (SO4 068) [OFFPRINT] 1278. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1977): A Propos des Institutions du Bas-Empire. Labeo 23,3, 290-305. (SO6 125) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 72 371. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1978): Sidoine Apollinaire et le SÇnat de Rome. AAntHung 26, fasc. 1-2, 57-70. (SO4 155) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SENATE; SIDONIUS APOLLINARIUS] 386. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1980): G.W.Bowersock: Julian the Apostate. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP 1978. Gnomon 52, 462-466. (SO4 173) [BOOK REVIEW] 988. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1980): Remarques sur les Salaires et RÇmunerations au IVe Siäcle. In: Les ÆDevaluationsØ Ö Rome. êpoque RÇpublicaine et ImpÇriale. (: ) (Collection de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome, 37.) êcole Franáaise de Rome, Rome, 215-233. (SO3 026) [OFFPRINT] 4111. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1980): Sur la Chronologie des AnnÇes 275-285. In: MÇlanges de Numismatique, d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire offerts Ö Jean Lafaurie. (Ed: Bastien,P) SociÇtÇ Franáaise de Numismatique, Paris, 75-82. (SO26 150) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 978. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1981): Une Firme de Commerce Maritime Entre l'Ile de Bretagne et le Continent Gaulois Ö l'êpoque des Severes. ZPE 43, 63-66. (SO3 018) <<(volume is festschrift for Hans GeorgPflaum)>> [OFFPRINT] 363. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1983): Les JubilÇs ImpÇriaux de 260 Ö 337. In: Crise et Redressements dans les Provinces EuropÇenes de l'Empire (milieu du IIIä- milieu du IVä siäcle ap. J.-C.). Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg (däcembre 1981). (Ed: FrÇzouls,Edmond) AECR, Strasbourg, 11-25. (SO4 146) [OFFPRINT] 1995. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1984): Un Chapitre NÇgligÇ de l'êpigraphie Latine: La Titulature des Empereurs Morts. Revue des êtudes Latines 62, 275-287. (SO12 037) [OFFPRINT] 1996. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1984): Les JubilÇs DÇcennaux et Vicennaux des Empereus sous les Antonins et les SÇväres. Revue Numismatique 26 (6th series), 104-124. (SO12 038) [OFFPRINT] 2337. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1987): Rencontre entre l'Histoire Auguste et CicÇron (Ö Propos d'Alex. Sev., 6,2). MEFRA 99,2, 905-919. (SO15 025) [OFFPRINT] 2338. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1988): Le Formulaire de l'êpigraphie Latine Officielle dans l'AntiquitÇ Tardive. Epigrafia e AntichitÖ 9, 11-65. (SO15 026) <<vol. incorporates La Terza EtÖ dell'Epigrafia Colloquio AIEGL- Borghesi 86>> [OFFPRINT] 4613. Chastagnol,AndrÇ (?): Histoire de l'Empire Romain. Revue Historique 259,1, 75161. (SO32 094) [BIBLIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5006. Chànerie,Maurice (1977): La MÇtrique des Lettres Ö CÇsar et leur Attribution Ö Salluste. Pallas. Annales PubliÇes par la FacultÇ des Lettres de Toulouse 13,3 (n.s.), 25-44. (SO36A 006) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 181. Chevallier,Raymond (1985): Montaigne Lecteur et Juge de Cesar. In: PrÇsence de CÇsar. Hommage au Doyen M.Rambaud. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) SociÇtÇ d'Edition ÆLes Belles LettresØ, Paris, 91-107. (SO1A 207; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 3454. Chilver,GEF (1949): Princeps and Frumentationes. AJPh 70,1, 7-21. (SO22 093) [OFFPRINT] 4638. Chilver,GEF (1950): Augustus and the Roman Constitution 1939-50. Historia 1,3, 408-435. (SO33 018) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; REVIEW ARTICLE] 5610. Christ,K (1962): Zur Herrscheraufassung und Politik Domitians. Aspekte des Modernen Domitianbildes. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fÅr Geschichte 12,2, 187-213. (SO1A 199) [DOMITIAN; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 3653. Christ,Karl (1968): Rîmische Geschichte und Universalgeschichte bei Barthold Georg Niebuhr. Saeculum 19,2-3, 172-196. (SO23 072) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 73 3981. Christ,Karl (c1968): Zur Beurteilung Hannibals. In: . (: ),, 461-495. (SO26 025) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2205. Christ,Karl (1970): Joseph Vogt und die Geschichte des Altertums. Eine WÅrdigung. Saeculum 21, 2-3, 106-150. (SO14 017) [OFFPRINT] 3243. Christ,Karl (1970): Der Untergang des Rîmischen Reiches in Antiker und Moderner Sicht. In: Der Untergang des Rîmischen Reiches. (Ed: Christ,Karl) Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1-31. (SO21 070) <<series: Wege der Forschung vol. 269>> [OFFPRINT] 621. Christ,Karl (1974): Caesar und Ariovist. Chiron 4, 251-292. (SO2 056) [OFFPRINT] 2635. Christ,Karl (1977): Zur Augusteischen Germanienpolitik. Chiron 7, 149-205. (SO17 055) [OFFPRINT] 1183. Christ,Karl (1978): Tacitus und der Principat. Historia 27,3, 449-487. (SO6 029) [OFFPRINT] 173. Christmann,Eckhard (1976): Der Tod des Aeneas und die Pforten des Schlafes. In: Studien zum Antiken Epos. (Eds: Gîrgsmanns,Herwig; Schmidt,Ernst A) Anton Hain, Meisenheim am Glan, 251-279. (SO1A 198; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4174. Christol,M (1974): La Carriäre de Q. Cerellius Apollinaris, PrÇfet des Vigiles de Caracalla. In: MÇlanges d'Histoire Ancienne Offerts Ö William Seston. (: ) E. de Boccard, Paris, 119-126. (SO27 058) <<series: Publications de la Sorbonne. êtudes 9>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 186. Christol,M (1981): La Carriäre de Q. Hedius Rufus Lollianus Gentianus. REA 83,12, 75-82. (SO1A 213; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 220. Christol,M (1981): Les Carriäres de Marcus Aurelius Hermogenes et de Pontius Eglectus Iulianus. ZPE 43, 67-74. (SO1A 246; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4114. Christol,M (1984 [1982]): Les Reformes de Gallien et la Carriäre Senatoriale. In: Epigrafia e Ordine Senatorio I. (: ) Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 143166. (SO26 153) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4137. Christol,M; Demougin,A (1884): Notes de Prosopographie Equestre. ZPE 57, 163178. (SO27 023) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4242. Christol,M; Demougin,S (1985): Notes de Prosopographie Equestre. III- C. Rutilius Secundus, Procurateur de Mauretanie Tingitane? ZPE 59, 283-290. (SO27 124) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 184. Christol,M; Demougin,S (1988): Notes de Prosopographie Equestre V-VI. V- Les Ornements de Ser. Sulpicius Similis. VI- Un Chevallier Originaire de Cilicie. ZPE 74, 1-21. (SO1A 211; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2103. Christol,M; Le Roux,Patrick (1985): L'Aile Tauriana Torquata et les Relations Militaires de lHispania et la MaurÇtanie Tingitaine entre Clauset et Domitien. AntAfr 21, 15-33. (SO13 007) [OFFPRINT] 612. Christol,Michel (1971): Un êcho des Jeux SÇculaires de 204 apräs JÇsus-Christ en Arabie. REA 73,1-2, 124-140. (SO2 045) [OFFPRINT] 2681. Christol,Michel (1980): A Propos de la Politique ExtÇrieure de TrÇbonien Galle. Revue Numismatique 22 (6th series), 63-74. (SO17 100) [OFFPRINT] 2027. Christol,Michel (1984): Problämes Historiques d'une Province Romaine au IIIe Siäcle: La Belgique. Revue ArchÇologique de Picardie 3-4, 229-238. (SO12 069) [OFFPRINT] 910. Christol,Michel; Goudineau,Christian (1988): Nãmes et les Volques ArÇcomiques au 1er Siäcle avant J.-C. Gallia 45 (19871988), 87-103. (SO5 155) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 74 182. Christol,Michel; Mahjoubi,Amar (1987): Une Carriäre SÇnatoriale du Deuxiäme Quart du IIIe Siäcle Ap. J.-C. MÇlanges de l'Ecole Franáaise de Rome 99,2, 921-935. (SO1A 208; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2654. Cichorius,Conrad (1904): Zur Familiengeschichte Seians. Hermes 39, 461471. (SO17 073) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3011. Cizek,E (1975): Structure du De Grammaticis et Rhetoribus. Revue des êtudes Latines 52, 303-317. (SO19 028) [BIOGRAPHY; LATIN LITERATURE; OFFPRINT; SUETONIUS] 1195. Cizek,Eugen (1968): La Structure du Temps et de l'Espace dans l'Æ Agricola Ø de Tacite. Helikon 8, 1-4, 238-249. (SO6 042) [OFFPRINT] 1198. Cizek,Eugen (1970): InterprÇtations de Texte: CicÇron, de l'Orateur, 1, 5, 17 et Tacite, Via d'Agricola, 4, 5-6. Analele Universitatii Bucuresti 19, 17-20. (SO6 045; accents on `a and `t of Universitatii,; on `s' of Bucuresti) [OFFPRINT] 1213. Cizek,Eugen (1971): Structure du Temps et de l'Espace dans la Germanie et dans le Dialogue des Orateurs de tacite. Analele Universitatii Bucuresti 20, 15-26. (SO6 060; accents on `a' and `t' in Universitatii; on `s; in Bucuresti) [OFFPRINT] 1214. Cizek,Eugen (1972): L'Image du Renouvellement Historique chez Velleius Paterculus. Studii Clasice 14, 85-93. (SO6 062) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; VELLEIUS PATERCULUS] 899. Cizek,ME (1973): SuÇtone et le ThÇÉtre. In: Actes du IXe Congräs de Rome, 13-18 Avril 1973. Association Guillaume BudÇ. (: ) Les Belles LettresØ, Paris, 480-485. (SO5 143) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN THEATRE; SUETONIUS] 2738. Clarke,GW (c1969): Ammianus and the Historia. Ronald Syme. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1968. AUMLA, 232-234. (SO17 156) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 4068. Clarke,GW (1969): Some Observations on the Persection of Decius. Antichthon 3, 63-76. (SO26 109) [OFFPRINT] 593. Clarke,GW (1970): Barbarian Disturbances in North Africa in the Mid-Third Century. Antichthon 4, 78-85. (SO2 025) [OFFPRINT] 1934. Clarke,GW (1971): Prosopographical Notes on the Epistles of Cyprian I. The Spanish Bishops of Epistle 67. Latomus 30,4, 1141-1145. (SO11 215) [OFFPRINT] 1938. Clarke,GW (1971): Two Christains in the Familia Caesaris. Harvard Theological Review 64, 121-124. (SO11 219) [OFFPRINT] 4756. Clarke,GW (1972): Prosopographical Notes on the Epistles of Cyprian. II. The Proconsul in Africa in 250 A.D. Latomus 31,4, 1053-1057. (SO34 016) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1948. Clarke,GW (1973): Cyprian's Epistle 64 and the Kissing of Feet in Baptism. Harvard Theological Review 66, 147-152. (SO11 230) [OFFPRINT] 1950. Clarke,GW (1973): Two Measures in the Persecution of Decius? Two Recent Views. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 20, 118-123. (SO11 232) [OFFPRINT] 4747. Clarke,GW (1973): Double-Trials in the Persecution of Decius. Historia 22,4, 650663. (SO34 007) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1932. Clarke,GW (1975): Prosopographical Notes on the Epistles of Cyprian- III Rome in August, 258. Latomus 34,2, 437-448. (SO11 213) [OFFPRINT] 297. Clarke,GW (1977): Cyprian. By Michael M. Sage. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Philadelphia Patristic Foundation (Patristic Monograph Series 1). 1975. Phoenix 31,1, unpaginated proof. (SO4 076) [BOOK REVIEW] Syme Collection DB page 75 354. Clarke,GW (1979): Charles Saumagne: Saint Cyprien, Evàque de Carthage, `Pape' d'Afrique (248-258): Contributions Ö l'êtude de Däce et de ValÇrian (Editions du CNRS) Paris 1975. Journal of Religious History 10,3, 327-328. (SO4 135) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; CYPRIAN; PHOTOCOPY] 352. Clarke,GW (1980): Dating the Death of the Emperor Decius. ZPE 37, 114-116. (SO4 133) [OFFPRINT] 3032. Clarke,GW (19??): Books for the Burning. Prudentia 4,2, 67-81. (SO19 049) [OFFPRINT] 2526. Classen,C Joachim (1962): Romulus in der Rîmischen Republik. Philologus 106,34, 174-204. (SO16 010) [OFFPRINT] 2992. Classen,C Joachim (1978): Horace- A Cook. CQ 28,2, 333-348. (SO19 009) [HORACE; OFFPRINT; SATIRE] 3233. Classen,C Joachim (1978): Cicero, the Laws and the Law-Courts. Latomus 37,3(July-Sept 1978), 597-619. (SO27 060) [CICERO; OFFPRINT] 174. Classen,C Joachim (1979): Bemerkungen zu Ciceros éusserungen Åber die Gesetze. RMfP 122,2-3, 278-302. (SO1A 200; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 959. Classen,C Joachim (1988): Virtutes Romanorum. Rîmische Tradition und Griechischer Einflu·. Gymnasium 95,4, 289302. (SO3 001) [OFFPRINT] 2443. Classen,Carl Joachim (1963): Gottmenschentum in der Rîmischen Republik. Gymnasium 70,4, 312-338. (SO15 119) [OFFPRINT] 954. Classen,Carl Joachim (1986): Virtutes Romanorum Nach dem Zeugnis der MÅnzen Republikanischer Zeit. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts Roemische Abteilung 93, 257-279. (SO5 202) [OFFPRINT] 202. Classen,Carl Joachim (1987): Giorgio Pasquali, un Italiano come Mediatore della Scienza Tedesca. Quaderni di Storia 26, 5-22. (SO1A 123; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1082. Classen,Carl Joachim (1988): Nec Spuens aut Os Nasium Tergens vel Fricans (Amm, Marc. XVI 10,10). RMfP 131,2, 177186. (SO3 123) [OFFPRINT] 4113. Clay,CL (1979): The Roman Coinage of Macrinus and Diadumenian. Numismatische Zeitschrift 93, 21-40. (SO26 152) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 5279. Clayton,CW (1947): Tacitus and Nero's Persecution of the Christians. CQ 41,34, 81-85. (SO37C 038) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3872. Clemente,Guido (1984): Lo Sviluppo degli Atteggiamenti Economici della Classe Dirigente fra il III e II Sec. A.C. In: The Imperialism of Mid-Republican Roma. (Ed: Harris,William V) (Papers and Monographs of the Smerican Academy in Rome, 29.) America Academy in Rome, Rome, 165-191. (SO21 185) [ECONOMY- ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 2837. Clemente,Guido (1985): Lucilio e la SocitÖ Romana. Index. International Survey of Roman Law 13, 47-62. (SO18 026) [OFFPRINT] 5611. Clemente,Guido (??): Ticinum: Da Diocleziano alla Caduta dell'Impero d'Occidente., 255-269. (SO1A 215) [INCOMPLETE; ITALY; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 402. Clover,F (1983): Sergio Roda, Commento Storico al Libro IX dell'Epistolario di Q. Aurelio Simmaco ÆBiblioteca di Studi AntichiØ 27; Pisa: Giardini Editori e Stampatori, 1981; Domenico Vera, Commento Storico alle Relationes di Quinto Aurelio Simmaco ÆBiblioteca di Studi AntichiØ, 29; Pisa: Giardini Editori e Stampatori, 1981. Athenaeum 61,fasc. 1-2 (n.s.), 229-302. (SO4 190) [BOOK REVIEW] 401. Clover,F (1984): Le Culte des Empereurs dans l'Afrique Vandale. BCTH 1516 (n.s.), 121-128. (SO4 189) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 76 4042. Clover,FC (1983): Olympiodorus of Thebes and the Historia Augusta. In: Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1979/1981. (Ed: Straub,J) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 15.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 127-156. (SO26 085) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 4754. Clover,Frank M (1973): Geiseric and Attila. Historia 22,1, 104-117. (SO34 014) [BARBARIANS; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1799. Clover,Frank M (1976): Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court A.D. 364-425. By John Matthews. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975. Classical Philology 71,3, 269-273. (SO11 083) [BOOK REVIEW] 301. Clover,Frank M (1978): The Family and Early Career of Anicius Olybrius. Historia 27, 1, 169-196. (SO4 080) [OFFPRINT] 349. Clover,Frank M (1979): Count Gaãnas and Count Sebastian. AJAH 4,1, 65-76. (SO4 130) [OFFPRINT] 351. Clover,Frank M (1980): The PseudoBoniface and the Historia Augusta. In: Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1977/1978. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 14.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 73-95. (SO4 132) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1438. Clover,Frank M (1982): Carthage and the Vandals. In: Excavations at Carthage 1978. Vol. 7. (Ed: Humphrey,JH) Kelsey Museum, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 121. (SO7 129) [OFFPRINT] 2029. Clover,Frank M (1985): The New Assessment of the Carmen Contra Paganos. Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium [1982/1983], 163-176. (SO12 071) [OFFPRINT] 208. Clover,Frank M (1986): Felix Karthago. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 40, 1-16. (SO1A 230; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2112. Clover,Frank M (1986): Felix Carthago. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 40, 1-16. (SO13 016) <<duplicate of SO1A 230>> [OFFPRINT] 2299. Coarelli,Filippo (1966): The Bronze Handles of Charsada. East and West 16, 1-2 (new series), 94-108. (SO14 106) [OFFPRINT] 2303. Coarelli,Filippo (1966): Il Relievo con Scene Gladiatore. Studi Miscellanei 10, 85-99. (SO14 110) [OFFPRINT] 193. Coarelli,Filippo (1968): L'"Ara di Domizio Enobarbo" e la Cultura Artistica in Roma nel II Secolo A.A. Dialoghi di Archeologia fasc. 3, 1-67. (SO1A 221; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2276. Coarelli,Filippo (1968): La Porta Trionfale e la Via dei Trionfi. Dialoghi di Archeologia 2,1, 55-103. (SO14 084) [OFFPRINT] 2302. Coarelli,Filippo (1968): Navalia, Tarentum e la Topografia del Campo Marzio Meridionale. In: Studi di Topografia Romana. (Ed: Collini,Antonio Mario) De Luca, Roma, 27-37. (SO14 109) <<series: Quaderni dell'Istituto di Topografia Antica della UniversitÖ di Roma 5>> [OFFPRINT] 2203. Cocchia,Enrico (1898): Del Passagio di Annibale per le Alpi (a Proposito di Alcune Pubblicazioni Recenti). 19, 1 (memoria no. 2), 1-44. (SO14 015) <<journal of unknown society>> [OFFPRINT] 4708. Coffey,Michael (1962): Seneca, Apocolocyntosis 1922-1958. Lustrum 1961,6, 239-311. (SO33 084) <<journal year is 1961>> [OFFPRINT; REVIEW; SENECA] 2723. Coffey,Michael (1964 [1963]): Juvenal Reports for the Years 1941-61. Lustrum 8, 161-270. (SO17 142) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 2885. Coleman,KM (1978): A Statian NameGame. Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 14, 9-10. (SO18 074) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 77 2881. Coleman,KM (1981): The Persona of Catullus' Phaselus. Greece & Rome 28,1, 6872. (SO18 070) [OFFPRINT] 2771. Collins,John H (1959): On the Date and Interpretation of the Bellum Civile. AJPh 80,2, 113-132. (SO16 068) [OFFPRINT] 4698. Coleman,KM (1982): Vibius Maximus and the Writing of History. Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 16, 25-27. (SO33 074) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; STATIUS] 5325. Colson,FH (1917): Some Considerations as to the Influence of Rhetoric upon History. Preceedings of the Classical Association 14, 149-173. (SO38A 013) [OFFPRINT; RHETORIC] 2882. Coleman,KM (1983): Manilius' Monster. Hermes 111,2, 226-232. (SO18 071) [OFFPRINT] 4104. Condurachi,Em (1958): La Costituzione Antoniniana e la sua Applicazione nell'Impero Romano. Dacia. Revue d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Ancienne 2 (n.s.), 281-316. (SO26 143) [OFFPRINT] 4699. Coleman,KM (1983): An African at Rome: Statius, Silvae 4.5. Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 17, 85-99. (SO33 075) [OFFPRINT; STATIUS] 843. Coleman,KM (1986): The Emperor Domitian and Literature. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 32, 5. (Ed: Hasse,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 3087-3115. (SO5 085) [OFFPRINT] 4527. Colin,J (1954): Les Consuls du CÇsarPharaon Caligula et l'HÇritage de Germanicus. Latomus 13,3, 394-416. (SO32 020) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1906. Colin,Jean (1951): Restitution de l'Inscription des Sevirs de Lanuvium au Vatican. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 25, fasc. 2, 195-201. (SO11 188) [OFFPRINT] 2238. Colini,AM (1939): Forum Pacis. Bull. della Comm. Arch. Com. di Roma 65, 7-40. (SO14 047) [OFFPRINT] 4337. Collantes De Ter†n,F (1955): Cantillana (Sevilla). Huerta Alta. Noticiario Arqueologico Hispanico 2,1-3, 134-137. (SO29 024) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 2556. Collins,John H (1958): Raymond Schmittlein: La Premier Campagne de CÇsar Contre les Germains 58 avant JÇsus-Christ. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France [1956] (Trav. et MÇm. des Inst. Franá. en Allemagne. 6.). Gnomon 30, 300-305. (SO16 039) [BOOK REVIEW] 4853. Condurachi,êmile (1960): Un Probläme d'êtat au IVe Siäcle: Les DÇlations. In: Nouvelles êtudes d'Histoire. PubliÇes Ö l'Occasion du XIe Congräs des Sciences Historiques. Stockholm, 1960. (: ) êditions de l'Academie de la RÇpublique Populaire Roumaine, Bucarest, 83-89. (SO35 043) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 3885. Condurachi,êmile (1970): Kotys, Rome et Abdäre. Collection Latomus 29,3, 581-594. (SO25 102) [OFFPRINT] 3886. Condurachi,êmile (1970): Die Beziehungen zwischen den Griechen und der ôrtlichen Bevîlkerung am Unterlauf der Donau im Lichte der JÅngsten ArchÑologischepigraphischen Funde. In: Studia Gottica. Die Eisenzeitlichen Verbindungen zwischen Schweden und SÅdosteuropa. VortrÑge beim Gotensymposion im Statens Historiska Museum Stockholm 1970. (Ed: Hagberg,Ulf Erik) Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, [Stockholm], 206-215. (SO25 103) [OFFPRINT] 5528. Conduracho,E (1968): Les DÇlimitations des Terres dans la Province Romaine de Dalmatie. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 2. (Ed: Bibauw,J) (Collection Latomus, 102.) Latomus, Bruxelles, 145-156. (SO41 031) [CENTURIATION; DALMATIA; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1340. Conejero,Augustin Ventura (1981): Qui sub Viriatho Militaverant. Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina 16, 539-551. (SO7 031) Syme Collection DB page 78 [OFFPRINT] 3960. Corbett,JH (1971): Rome and the Gauls 285-280 B.C. Historia 20,5-6, 656-664. (SO26 003) [OFFPRINT] 4121. Corbier,M (1981): La ÆTavola MarmoreaØ de Bolsena et la Famille SÇnatoriale des Pompeii. MEFRA 93,2, 10631112. (SO27 007) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2873. Corbier,M (1985): DÇvaluation et êvolution des Prix (Iär-IIIä Siäcles). Bulletin de la SociÇtÇ Franáaise de Numismatique 40,4(April 1985), 614-615. (SO18 062) [OFFPRINT] 1693. Corbier,Mireille (1973): Les Circonscriptions Judiciares de l'Italie de MarcAuräle Ö AurÇlien. MEFRA 85,2, 609-690. (SO10 081) [OFFPRINT] 221. Corbier,Mireille (1982): La Place des Esclaves dans l'Economie Romaine aux Ier et IIe Siäcles Apräs J.-C. International Journal for Social & Economic History of Antiquity 1,1, 109-113. (SO1A 247; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4250. Corbier,Mireille (1982 [1984]): Les Familles Clarissimes d'Afrique Proconsulaire (Ier-IIIe Siäcle). In: Epigrafia e Ordine Senatorio II. (: ) (Tituli, 5.) Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 685-754. (SO28 004) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 876. Corbier,Mireille (1983): La Famille de SÇjan Ö Volsinii: La DÇdicace des Seii, Curatores Aquae. MEFRA 95,2, 719-756. (SO5119) [OFFPRINT] 2161. Corbier,Mireille (1984): L'Aerarium Militaire sur le Capitole. In: ArmÇe Romaine et provinces III. (: ) Presses de l'êcole Normale SupÇrieure, Paris, 147-160. (SO13 060) [OFFPRINT] 2162. Corbier,Mireille (1984): [article on representations of metrology on roman mosaics, murals, sculpture etc]. In: Les Mesures et l'Histoire (Cahiers de MÇtrologie NumÇro SpÇcial) Table Ronde Witold Kula 2 Mai 1984. (: ) êditions de C.N.R.S, Paris, 7274. (SO13 061) [OFFPRINT] 183. Corbier,Mireille (1985): IdÇologie et Practique de l'HÇritage (Ier s. av. J.-C.-IIe s. ap. J.-C.). Index. International Survey of Roman Law 13, 501-528. (SO1A 210; OLIS) <<appended is response 648-450>> [OFFPRINT] 2125. Corbier,Mireille (1985): L'êvergÇtisme de l'Eau en Afrique: Gargilianus et l'Aqueduc de Cirta. In: L'Africa Romana. Atti del III Convegno di Studio Sassari, 13-15 Dicembre 1985. (: ) Edizioni Gallizzi,, 275-285. (SO13 028) [OFFPRINT] 2132. Corbier,Mireille (1985): De Volsinii a Sestinum: CURA AQUAE et êvergÇtisme Municipal de l'Eau en Italie. Revue des êtudes Latines 62, 236-274. (SO13 035) <<journal year is 1984>> [OFFPRINT] 2875. Corbier,Mireille (1985): FisacalitÇ et DÇpenses Locales. In: L'Origine des Richesses DÇpensÇes dans la Ville Antique. Actes du Colloque OrganisÇ Ö Aix-enProvence par l'U.E.R. d'Histoire, les 11 et 12 Mai 1984. (Ed: Leveau,Philippe) UniversitÇ de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, 219-232. (SO18 064) [OFFPRINT] 892. Corbier,Mireille (1987): Les Comportements Familiaux de l'Aristocratie Romaine (IIe Siäcle Avant J.-C. IIIe SiÇcle Apräs J.-C.). Annales. ESC 6, NovemberDecember 1987, 1267-1285. (SO5 136) [OFFPRINT] 4170. Corbier,Mireille; Christol,M (1971): Un Nouveau Vice-Gouverneur de Lyonnaise Ö la Lumiäre d'une Inscription Romaine. REA 73,34, 356-364. (SO27 054) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 211. Corbishley,Thomas (1934): A Note on the Date of the Syrian Governorship of M. Titius. JRS 24, 43-49. (SO1A 233; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1469. Corbishley,Thomas (1935): The Chronology of the reign of Herod the Great. Journal of Theological Studies 36 (no. 131), 22-32. (SO9 009) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 79 1470. Corbishley,Thomas (1936): Quirinius and the Census: A Re-study of the Evidence. Klio 29,1, 1-13. (SO9 010) [OFFPRINT] Sutherland. (Eds: Carsen,RAG; Kraay,CM) Spink, London, 2-11. (SO1A 235) [ADRIATIC; FESTSCHRIFT; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3062. Cormack,JMR (19??): Epigraphic Evidence for the Water Supply of Aphrodisias. ABSA 49, 9-10. (SO20 018) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 3225. Crawford,M (1979): Roman Numismatics. A. The Roman Republic. In: A Survey of Numismatic Research 1972-1977. (Eds: Carson,Robert; Berghaus,Peter; Lowick,Nicholas) International Numismatic Commission, Berne, 161-176. (SO21 052) <<series: International Association of Professional Numismatists Publication No. 5>> [OFFPRINT] 2116. Cornell,TJ (1985-1986): Rome and Latium Vetus, 1980-85. AR 32, 123-133. (SO13 020) [OFFPRINT] 2842. Cornell,TJ (1986): The Annals of Quintus Ennius. Ed. O. Skutsch. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. JRS 76, 244-250. (SO18 031) [BOOK REVIEW] 861. Cotton,Hannah (1984): The Concept of Indulgentia Under Trajan. Chiron 14, 245266. (SO5 103) [OFFPRINT] 2023. Cotton,Hannah M (1986): The Role of Cicero's Letters of Recommendation: Iustitia Versus Gratia? Hermes 114, 4, 443-460. (SO12 065) [OFFPRINT] 177. Couissin,Paul (1928): Les Triomphes de Domitien. Revue ArchÇologique ?, 65-94. (SO1A 203; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3585. Coulborn,Rushton (1964): Toynbee's Reconsiderations : A Commentary. Journal of World History 1, 15-53. (SO23 004) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TOYNBEE,ARNOLD] 4260. Courtois,C (1953): Bibliographique de l'Histoire de l'Afrique du Nord des Origines Ö la Fin du Moyen Age (Ouvrages Parus de 1946 Ö 1951 Inclus). Revue Africaine 96, 416448. (SO28 014) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 5053. Crane,Theodore (1966): Times of the Night in Cicero's First Catilinarian. The Classical Journal March 1966, 264-267. (SO36C 002) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5617. Crawford,M (1978): Trade and Movement of Coinage across the Adriatic in the Hellenistic Period. In: Scripta Nummaria Romana. Essays Presented to Humphrey 1099. Crawford,M (1988): The Laws of the Romans: Knowledge and Diffusion. In: Estudios Sobre la Tabula Siarensis. (: ) C.S.I.C, Madrid, 127-140. (Anejos de Archivo Espa§ol de Arqueologia; 9) (SO3 142) [OFFPRINT] 4002. Crawford,M; Reynolds,J (1974): Rome and Tabae. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 15,3, 289-293. (SO26 045) [OFFPRINT] 5619. Crawford,MH (1978): Greek Intellectuals and the Roman Aristocracy in the First Century B.C. In: Imperialism in the Ancient World. (Eds: Garnsey,PDA; Whittaker,CR) Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 193-338. (SO1A 244) [GREEK THOUGHT; OFFPRINT; ROMAN IMPERIALISM] 2156. Crawford,MH (1982): M. Silanus Murena. Liverpool Classical Monthly 7,8, 124. (SO13 055) [OFFPRINT] 2155. Crawford,MH (1984): The Pettorano Fragment of the Prices Edict. Athenaeum 62, fasc. 1-2, . (SO13 054) [OFFPRINT] 1100. Crawford,MH (1989): The Lex Iulia Agraria. Athenaeum 67, fasc. 1-2, 179-190. (SO3 143) [OFFPRINT] 2937. Crawford,MH; Keppie,Lawrence (1984): Excavations at Fregellae, 1978-1984 IIV. PBSR 52, 21-35. (SO18 125) [COLONIES; ITALY; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 80 5730. Crawford,MH; Reynolds,J (1977): The Aezani Copy of the Prices Decree. ZPE 26, 125-151. (SO4 97A) [AEZANI PRICES EDICT; ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 318. Crawford,MH; Reynolds,JM (1979): The Aezani Copy of the Prices Edict. ZPE 34, 163-210. (SO4 097B) [AEZANI PRICES EDICT; ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2262. Crawford,MH et al (1985): Excavations at Fregellae, 1978-84. Part II. V. The Development of the City. PBSR 53, 72-96. (SO14 070) [OFFPRINT] 2263. Crawford,MH et al (1986): Excavations at Fregellae, 1978-1984 Part III. VI. The Territory. PBSR 54, 40-68. (SO14 071) [OFFPRINT] 4986. Crawford,Michael (1967): Roman Republican Numismatics. In: A Survey of Numismatic Research 1960-1965. Vol. 1. Ancient Numismatics. (Ed: Morkholm,Otto) International Numismatic Commission, Copenhagen, 153-161. (SO1C 207) [NUMISMATICS- ROMAN; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3999. Crawford,Michael (1969): Coin Hoards and the Pattern of Violence in the Late Republic. PBSR 37, 76-81. (SO26 043) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 198. Crawford,Michael (1980): Economia Imperiale e Commercio Estero. In: Tecnologia, Economia e SocietÖ nel Mondo Romano. Atti del Convegno di Como, 27-29 settembre 1979. (: ) Banca Populare Commercio e Industriale, Como, 207-218. (SO1A 249; OLIS) [ECONOMY; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; PLINY] 1087. Crawford,Michael (1987): Excavations at Fregellae, 1978-1985. PBSR 55, 75-82. (SO3 129) [OFFPRINT] 1101. Crawford,Michael (1989): Aut Sacrom aut Poublicom. In: New Perspectives in the Roman Law of Property. Essays for Barry Nicholas. (Ed: Birks,Peter) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 93-98. (SO3 144) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2492. Crawford,Michael H (1968): The Edict of M. Marius Gratidianus. PCPS 194 (new series, no. 14), 1-4. (SO15 168) [OFFPRINT] 1672. Crawford,Michael H (1977): Rome and the Greek World: Economic Relationships. Economic History Review, 42-42. (SO10 069) [OFFPRINT] 214. Crawford,Michael H (1978): Ancient Devaluations: A General Theory. In: Les ÆDÇvaluationsØ Ö Rome. êpoque RÇpublicaine et Imperiale. (: ) (Collection de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome, 37.) êcole Franáaise de Rome, Rome, 147-158. (SO1A 238; OLIS) [ECONOMY; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3844. Crawford,OGS (1950): Some Linear Earthworks in the Danube Basin. Geographical Journal 96,4-6, 218-220. (SO25) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 5493. Cremosnik,G; Sergejevski,D (1930): Gotisches und Rîmisches aus Breza bei Sarajevo. Novitates Musei Saraievonsis 9 (11 Sep. 1930), 1-9. (SO40 028) [BARBARIANS; EPIGRAPHY; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT] 2277. Criniti,Nicola (1972): Quattro Epigrafi Veronesi della Collezione Moscardiana nell'Ex-abbazia di Vertemate (CIL, v, 413*, 3258, 3753- IG, xiv, 2308. In: Contributi dell'Istituto di Storia Antica. Vol. 1. (: ) Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 198-211. (SO14 085) <<vol. is a publication of the UniversÖ Cattolica, Milan>> [OFFPRINT] 5463. Criniti,Nicola (1972): L. Cornelio Scipione Asiageno Emiliano. Secondo Colonizzatore di Como nel 77 a.C. (Strab., V, 1, 6)? In: Contributi dell'Istituto di Storia Antica. Vol. 1. (Ed: Sordi,M) (Scienze Storiche, 1,8.) Vita e Pensiero. Pubblicazioni della UniversitÖ Cattolica, Milano, 91-97. (SO39 044) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3702. Crook,John (1959): Tacitus, The Man and his Work. By Clarence W. Mendell. New Haven : Yale University Press; Toronto : Oxford University Press; Tacitus. By Ronald Syme. Oxford : Clarendon Press; Toronto : Oxford University Press. 1958. Phoenix 13,1, 38-41. (SO24 016) Syme Collection DB page 81 <<call no. includes entire fascicule of journal>> [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SYME] 3765. Crook,John (1972): Tacitea. [Review of Ronald Syme, Ten Studies in Tacitus; Clarence W. Mendell, Tacitus, the Man and his Work]. The Classical Review (Jan. 1972), 221222. (SO24 082) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5204. Crook,John A (1951): Titus and Berenice. AJPh 72,2, 162-175. (SO37A 023) [FLAVIANS; OFFPRINT] 1363. Cuevillas,Florentino L¢pez (c1954): Le Edad del Hierro en el Noroeste (La Cultura de los Castros). (From: IV Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Prehist¢ricas y Protohist¢ricas, Madrid 1954). Tip. ÆLa AcadÇmicaØ [dated 1953], Zaragoza. (39pp) (SO7 054) <<Spanish with French, English and German summaries>> [EXCAVATIONS; LECTURE; MONOGRAPH; SPAIN-PREHISTORIC] 4652. Cuff,PJ (1958): The Terminal Date of Caesar's Gallic Command. Historia 7,4, 445471. (SO33 031) [CAESAR; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5250. Cuff,PJ (1964): Tacitus, Annals i. 72. The Classical Review 78, 2 (n.s. vol. 14), 136137. (SO37C 009) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4777. Cuff,PJ (1965): Sallust. Sir Ronald Syme. (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1964). Oxford Magazine (4 March 1965), 265-266. (SO34 035) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SYME] 3399. Cuff,PJ (1967): Prolegomena to a Critical Edition of Appian, B.C. I. Historia 16,2, 177-188. (SO22 040) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5614. Cuff,PJ (1982): G.E.M de Ste. Croix: The Class Struggle in the Ancient World: London: Duckworth. Athenaeum 55,3-4, 575581. (SO1A 068) [BOOK REVIEW; MARXISM; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL STRUCTURE] 178. Cumont,M Franz (1931): Inscriptions Grecques de Suse. CRAI [1931], 1-32. (SO1A 204; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 4349. Curchin,L (1883): Personal Wealth in Roman Spain. Historia 32,2, 227-244. (SO29 035) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 4345. Curchin,LA (1883): Further Corrections to Hispano-Roman Epigraphy. ZPE 53, 112-116. (SO29 032) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1123. Curchin,Leonard A (1986): Marcus Agrippa's Gout. AJPh 107, 406. (SO3 170) [OFFPRINT] 2434. Curtius,Ludwig (1931): Physiognomik des Rîmischen PortrÑts. Die Antike 7, 226254. (SO15 110) [OFFPRINT] 2307. Curtius,Ludwig (1934): Ein Bildnis des Jugendlichen Domitian. Pantheon. Monatsschrift dÅr Freunde und Sammler der Kunst 1934,3, 73-77. (SO14 114) [OFFPRINT] 2152. Dabrowa,Edward (1985): Ala Flavia Agrippiana et Ala II Flavia Agrippiana. ZPE 59, 227-233. (SO13 052) [OFFPRINT] 1446. Dagrassi,Attilio (1954): The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania edited by J.M. Reynolds and J.B.Ward-Perkins. British School at Rome. Rome & London 1952. Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia 3, 113116. (SO7 137) [AFRICA; BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4735. Dahlmann,Hellfried (1981): öber Aemilius Macer. AAWM 1981,6, 33pp. (SO33 110) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 4733. Dahlmann,Hellfried (1982): Zu Fragmenten Rîmischer Dichter. AAWM 1982,11, 60pp. (SO33 108) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 4734. Dahlmann,Hellfried (1984): Zu Fragmenten Rîmischer Dichter II. AAWM 1984,12, 37pp. (SO33 109) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 3846. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1936): Dacica ån Jurul unor Probleme din Dacia Romana. Syme Collection DB page 82 Anuarul Institutului de Studii Clasice 2 (19331935), 240-256. (SO25 066; breve over last `a' in Romana) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3851. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1955): Le Probläme de l'êtat et de la Culture des Daces Ö la Lumiäre des Nouvelles Recherches (prÇsente au Congräs des Sciences Historiques, Rome 1955). êditions de l'Academie de la RÇpublique Populaire Roumaine, Bucarest. (SO25 088) <<conference paper>> [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 3852. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1958): Insemnari Despre Daci (XVI) "Dacia Capta..." (In Jurul Cuceririi si Primei Organizari a Daciei de Catre Romani). Steaua 6, 116-118. (SO25 069) <<circumflex on `I' and breve on `a' in Insemnari; breve on `i' in in; cedilla under 's' in Si; breve over `a' in organizari and catre>> [DACIA; OFFPRINT; REMOVED] 3805. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1959): Contributi alla Storia della Dacia Romana alla Luce degli Ultimi Tre Lustri di Studi Epigrafici in Romania. In: Atti del III Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Grece e Latina. (: ) Bretschneider, Roma, 183-197. (SO25 024) [DACIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5540. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1960): Le Monument-Calendrier des daces de Sarmizegetusa. In: Nouvelles êtudes d'Histoire PubliÇes Ö l'Occasion du XI Congräs des Sciences Historiques. Stockholm, 1960. (: ) AcadÇmie de la RÇpublique Populaire Roumaine, Bucarest, 55-72. (SO42 002) [DACIA; MONUMENTS; OFFPRINT] 3790. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1965): Einige Probleme der Provinz Dazien wÑhrend des 3. Jahrhunderts. Studii Clasice 7, 235-250. (SO25 009) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3789. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1966): Zur Inneren Geschichte Daziens. In: Studien zur Geschichte Osteuropas. Vol. 3. (Eds: Eckhardt,T; Leitsch,W; Plaschka,G) (Wiener Archiv fÅr Geschichte des Slawentums und Osteuropas, 5.) Hermann Bîhlau, Graz-Kîln, 914. (SO25 008) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3791. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1966): Severus Alexander si Provincia Dacia. Acta Musei Napocensis 3, 153-171. (SO25 010; comma under `s' in `si') [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3812. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1969): Rubobostes=Burebistas? Acta Musei Napocensis 6, 459-463. (SO25 031) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3813. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1969): Orase, Tårguri si Sate ån Dacia Romana. Acta Musei Napocensis 6, 537-544. (SO25 032; commas under `s' in Orase and si, breve over last `a' in Romana) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3814. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1969): Die Romanisierung Daziens. In: BeitrÑge zur Alten Geschichte und deren Nachleben. Festschrift fÅr Franz Altheim zum 6.10.1968. (Eds: Stiehl,Ruth; Stier,H-E) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 535-547. (SO25 033) [DACIA; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3815. Daicoviciu,Constantin (1969): Die Daker und die Antike. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 2. (Ed: Bibauw,J) (Collection Latomus, 102.) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 157-166. (SO25 034) [DACIA; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3862. Daicoviciu,Constantin; Daicoviciu,Hadrian (1967): Noi Consideratii Asupra Daciei Malvensis [Nouvelles ConsidÇrations sur Dacia Malvensis]. Acta Musei Napocensis 4, 73-83. (SO25 078) <<article in Romanian article with French summary>> [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3843. Daicoviciu,Constantin; Macrea,M (1936): Contributii la Bibliografia Daciei Romane (1920-35)/ BeitrÑge zur Bibliographie des Rîmischen Daciens (1920-1935). Anuarul Institutului de Studii Clasice 2 (1933-1935), 260-283. (SO25 063; cedilla under `t' in Contributii) [OFFPRINT] 3810. Daicoviciu,Hadrian (1972): Der Hîhepunkt der Dakischen Kultur. In: Studia Gotica. Die Eisenzeitlichen Verbindungen zwischen Schweden und SÅdosteuropa. VortrÑge beim Gotensymposion im Statens Historiska Museum Stockholm 1970. (Ed: Hagberg,UE) (Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. Antikvariska Serien, 25.) Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, 196-205. (SO25 029) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 5555. Danov,Christo (1970): Der GegenwÑrtige Stand der Balkan- und der SÅdosteuropaforschung. Geschichte der Griechischen und Rîmischen Antike. In: Syme Collection DB page 83 Deuxiäme Congräs Internationale des êtudes du Sud-Est EuropÇen. Athänes, 7-13 Mai 1970. I. Rapport GÇnÇral. êtat Actuel des êtudes Sud-Est EuropÇennes (Objets, MÇthodes, Sources, Instruments de Travail, Place dans les Sciences Humaines). Histoire. (: ) Association International des êtudes du Sud-Est EuropÇen, Athänes, 35pp. (SO42 017) <<Congress report, later published in 'Actes du IIe Congräs International...'>> [BALKANS; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 4594. D'Arms,JH (1967): Canidia and Campania. Philologus 111, 141-145. (SO32 077) [HORACE; OFFPRINT] 5460. D'Arms,JH (1967): Roman Campania: Two Passages from Cicero's Correspondance. AJPh 88,2, 195-202. (SO39 041) [CAMPANIA; CICERO; OFFPRINT] 2493. d'Arms,JH (1968): The Campania Villas of C. Marius and the Sullan Confiscations. CQ 18,1, 185-188. (SO15 169) [OFFPRINT] 4119. D'Arms,JH (1974): Puteoli in the Second Century of the Roman Empire: a Social and Economic Study. JRS 64, 104-124. (SO27 005) [OFFPRINT] 759. D'Arms,JH (1975): Tacitus, Annals 13.48 and a New Inscription from Puteoli. In: The Ancient Historian and His Materials. Essays in Honour of CE Stevens. (Ed: Levick,Barbara) Gregg International, London, 155-165. (SO2 200) [OFFPRINT] 4593. D'Arms,JH (19??): Tacitus, Histories 4.13 and the Municipal Origins of Hordeonius Flaccus. Historia 23,4, 497-504. (SO32 076) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; TACITUS] 873. D'Arms,John H (1984): Upper-Class Attitudes Towards Viri Municipales and their Towns in the Early Roman Empire. Athenaeum 62, 3-4, 440-467. (SO5 116) [OFFPRINT] 2393. Daube,David (1956): The Defences of Superior Orders in Roman Law. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 24 pages. (SO15 081) [OFFPRINT] 3619. Daube,David (1966): Extraordinary Holidays. In: Die Moderne Demokratie und Ihr Recht. Modern Constitutionalism and Democracy. Festschrift fÅr Gerhard Keibholz zum 65. Geburtstag. (Ed: Bracher,KD et al) J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck), TÅbingen, 311321. (SO23 038) [FESTSCHRIFT; HOLIDAYS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL PROPAGANDA] 3271. Daube,David (1967): Greek and Roman Reflections on Impossible Laws. Natural Law Forum 12, 1-84. (SO21 098) [OFFPRINT] 3625. Daube,David (1967): The Marriage of Justinian and Theodora. Legal and Theological Reflections. Catholic University of America Law review 16,4, 380-399. (SO23 044) [OFFPRINT] 4730. Daube,David (1977): Typologie im Werke des Flavius Josephus. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. PhilosophischHistorische Klasse. Sitzungberichte 1977,6, 29pp. (SO33 0105) <<journal issued in separate fascicules>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; JOSEPHUS; OFFPRINT] 2257. David,Jean-Michel (1977): RÇformes des Administration de l'Annone et des Domaines en Numide, Pendant la PersÇcution de ValÇrien (257-260). A Oropos de C.I.L., VIII, 2757. AntAfr 11, 149-160. (SO14 065) [OFFPRINT] 5026. David,Jean-Michel et al (1973): Le 'Commentariolum Petitionis' de Quintus CicÇron. êtat de la Question et êtude Prosopographique. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. I Republik. (: ) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 239277. (SO36A 025) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2401. Davies,O (1948): The Depopulation of the Ancient World. Theodora. A Journal of Studies, 1-11. (SO15 089) [OFFPRINT] 3436. Davies,RW (1966): The `Abortive Invasion' of Britain by Gaius. Historia 15, 123128. (SO22 076) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 84 3772. Davin,Dan (1983): Norman Davies : The Growth of a Scholar. In: Middle English Studies Presented to Norman Davies in Honour of his Seventieth Birthday. (Eds: Gray,Douglas; Stanley,EG) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1-15. (SO24 087) [FESTSCHRIFT; NORMAN DAVIES; OFFPRINT] 1747. Davis,RW (1966): Sergio Daris, Documenti per la Storia dell'Esercito Romano in Egitto. Milan: SocietÖ Editrice Vita e Pensiero, 1964. JRS 56, 242-243. (SO11 030) [BOOK REVIEW] 1728. Davis,RW (1967): A Note on P. Dura 64. Latomus 26,1, 67-72. (SO11 011) [OFFPRINT] 1739. Davis,RW (1967): Ratio and Opinio in Roman Military Documents. Historia 16,1, 115118. (SO11 022) [OFFPRINT] 3676. Dawson,Christopher (c1934): Edward Gibbon. Annual Lecture on a Master Mind. Henriette Hertz Trust of the British Academy 1934. Humphrey Milford, London. 24 pages. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. 20) (SO23 091) <<reprinted from the Proceedings of the British Academy>> [GIBBON,EDWARD; LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 3327. Debord,Pierre et al (1982): Du Nouveau sur Bordeaux Antique. In: 104e Congräs National des SociÇtÇs Savantes, Bordeaux, 1979, ArchÇologie. (: ),, 165-178. (SO21 181) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4554. Degrassi,A (1938): Sui Fasti di Magistri Vici Rinvenuti in Via Marmorata. Bull. della Comm. Arch. Com. di Roma 63, 173178. (SO32 047) <<journal year is 1935>> [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1858. Degrassi,A (1939): La Dedica alla Fortuna Melior del Tesoro di Marengo. Athenaeum 17, fasc. 3-4 (new series), 227232. (SO11 141) [OFFPRINT] 4116. Degrassi,A (1944): "Corrector Italiae" in un'Epigrafe di Como. In: Raccolta di Scritti in Onore di Antonio Giussani della SocietÖ Archeologica Comense. (: ) U. Haepli, Milano, 165-175. (SO27 002) [EPIGRAPHY; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3078. Degrassi,A (1951-52): Le Dediche di Popoli e Re Asiatici al Popolo Romano e a Giove Capitolino. Bull. della Comm. Arch. Com. di Roma 74, 19-47. (SO20 033) [OFFPRINT] 1887. Degrassi,A (1959): 1. Arthur E. Gordon and Joyce S. Gordon, Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions, Rome and the Neighbourhood, Augustus to Nerva, I, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1958. 2. Joyce S. and Arthur E. Gordon, Contributions to the Palaeography of Latin Inscriptions, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1957. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 2,2, 206-213. (SO11 169) [OFFPRINT] 3294. Degrassi,A (1960): Coronide, Madre di Esculapio, nel Culto di Roma Repubblicana. In: Hommages Ö LÇon Herrmann. (: ) Latomus, Bruxelles, 253-256. (SO21 120) <<series: Collection Latomus 44>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 4360. Degrassi,A (1961): Robert êtienne, Le Culte ImpÇrial dans la PÇninsule IbÇrique d'Auguste Ö DioclÇtien, (Bibliothäque des êcoles Franáaises d'Athänes et de Rome, fasc. 191), Paris, E. de Boccard Editeur, 1958. ArchClass 13, 258-262. (SO29 044) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1862. Degrassi,A (1962): Nuovi Militari Arcaici. In: Hommages Ö Albert Grenier. (Ed: Renard,Marcel) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 499-513. (SO11 145) <<series: Collection Latomus 58>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 5455. Degrassi,A ([1962]): Il Sepolcro dei Salvii a FÇrento e le sue Iscrizioni. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 34 (1961-62), 59-77. (SO39 036) [BURIAL; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4331. Degrassi,A (1963): Un Torinese Relegato a Lucus Augusti della Spagna. In: Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia dell'Italia Settentrionale. Torini 2124 Giugno 1961. (: ) (UniversitÖ di Torino Pubblicazioni della FacoltÖ di Lettere e Syme Collection DB page 85 Filosofia, 14, fasc. 4.) G. Giappichelli, Torino, 51-56. (SO29 018) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SPAIN] (SO22 132) [COLONIES; OFFPRINT] 4771. Degrassi,A (1965): Graffiti del Sepolcreto Vaticano. Latomus 24,2, 346-352. (SO34 031) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4510. Degrassi,Attilio (1938): Gli Ultimi Frammenti dei Fasti Ostiensi. In: Atti del IV Congresso Nazionale di Studi Romani. (: ) Istituto di Studi Romani, Roma, 3-8. (SO32 003) <<repaginated?>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4603. Degrassi,Atilio (1955): Un Municipio Romano nei Pressi di Nalles? Archivo per l'Alto Adige 49, 385-389. (SO32 085) [ITALY; OFFPRINT] 1884. Degrassi,Attilio (1939): Risulti della Revisione del Testo dei Fasti Capitolini. Epigraphica 1, fasc.1, 21-27. (SO11 166) [OFFPRINT] 3278. Degrassi,Attilio (1933): Istria Archeologica (nov. 1918-dic. 1932, XI). Aevum 7, fasc. 2-3, 279-328. (SO21 105) [OFFPRINT] 3293. Degrassi,Attilio (1939): P. Cluvius Maximus Paullinus. Epigraphica 1, fasc. 3-4, 307-321. (SO21 119) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3279. Degrassi,Attilio (1933): Notiziario Archeologico (1932-1933). Atti e Memorie della SocietÖ Istriana d'Archeologia e Storia Patria 45, 3-15. (SO21 106) [OFFPRINT] 3745. Degrassi,Attilio (1942): Le Iscrizioni di Tarsatica. Origine e Sito del Municipio Romano. Epigraphica 4,4(Oct-Dec. 1942), 191-203. (SO24 060) [EPIGRAPHY; ITALY; OFFPRINT] 1722. Degrassi,Attilio (1934): OYETPANOI OI XÍPI‰ XA[L]KÍN. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 12 (new series, vol. 62 of continuous series), 194-200. (SO11 005; capital lamba of title in []) [OFFPRINT] 1886. Degrassi,Attilio (1943): Le Iscrizioni Dipinte del Sepolcro di Irzio. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 19, 389-396. (SO11 168) <<journal year is 1942-43>> [OFFPRINT] 3732. Degrassi,Attilio ([c1934]): Regione X (Venetia et Histria). Notizie degli Scavi di AntichitÖ. Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche. Memorie 10, 4-5 (6th series), 113116. (SO24 049) [OFFPRINT] 3728. Degrassi,Attilio (1935): Notiziario Archeologico. Atti e Memorie della SocietÖ Istriana d'Archeologia e Storia Patria 46 (1934), 10 pp. (SO24 045) <<reprint of original article>> [EXCAVATIONS; ITALY; OFFPRINT] 1849. Degrassi,Attilio (1936): I Fasti Ostiensi e le Guerre Daciche di Traiano. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 12, 179-184. (SO11 132) [OFFPRINT] 3494. Degrassi,Attilio (1938): Problemi Cronologici delle Colonie di Luceria, Aquileia, Teanum Sidicinum. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 16 (n.s. vol. 66 of continuous series), 129-143. 3744. Degrassi,Attilio (1943): La Data della Fondazione della Colonia Romana di Pola. Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 102,2, 667-678. (SO24 059) [ITALY; OFFPRINT] 1871. Degrassi,Attilio (1946): L'Edificio dei Fasti Capitolini. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 21, 57104. (SO11 153) [OFFPRINT] 1851. Degrassi,Attilio (1947): Frammenti Inediti di Calendario Romano. Athenaeum 25, fasc. 3-4 (new series), 127-139. (SO11 134) [OFFPRINT] 3863. Degrassi,Attilio (1947): La Via Seguita da Triano nel 105 per Recarsi nella Dacia. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 22 (1946-1947), 167-183. (SO25 079) [DACIA; OFFPRINT; TRAJAN] Syme Collection DB page 86 1624. Degrassi,Attilio (1948 [1946]): Osservazioni su alcuni Consoli Suffetti dell'etÖ di Augusto e Tiberio. Epigraphica fasc. 1-4 (june-december 1946), 34-39. (SO10 021) <<numbered pps 3-8 in offprint.>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4544. Degrassi,Attilio (1948 [1946]): Postilla alla Nouva Edizione dei Fasti Consulares et Triumphales (I. I., XIII, I.). Epigraphica (Jan.Dec. 1946), 5-8. (SO32 038) <<repaginated from original?>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1845. Degrassi,Attilio (1949): Epigraphica Romana I. Roma (1937-46). Doxa. Rassegna Critica di AntichitÖ Classica 2, fasc. 1-2, 47135. (SO11 128) [OFFPRINT] 3496. Degrassi,Attilio (1950): Quattuorviri in Colonie Romane e in Municipi Retti da Duoviri. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 2, fasc. 6 (8th series), 281-344. (SO22 134) [COLONIES; MAGISTRATES; OFFPRINT] 4915. Degrassi,Attilio (1950): L'Iscrizione in Onore di Aezio e l'"Atrium Libertatis". Bull. della Comm. Arch. Com. di Roma 72 (194648), 33-44. (SO35 103) [EPIGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1900. Degrassi,Attilio (1951): Sull'Epigrafe Milanese di San Babila. Epigraphica 13, 1416. (SO11 182) [OFFPRINT] 1896. Degrassi,Attilio (1953): Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Consilio et Auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Germanicae Editum. Voluminis quarti Supplementi Pars Tertia. Edidit Matthaeus Della Corte. Inscriptiones Pompeianae Parietariae et Vasorum Fictilium. Berolini apud W. de Gruyter et Socios., 1952. Athenaeum 31, 362-364. (SO11 178) [OFFPRINT] 3273. Degrassi,Attilio (1953): Aquileia e l'Istria in EtÖ Romana. In: Studi Aquileiesi il 7 Ottobre 1953 [Offerti] a Giovanni Brusin nel suo 70. Compleamo. (Ed: Costantini,Celso) Associazione Nazionale per Aquileia, Aquileia, 51-65. (SO21 100) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1876. Degrassi,Attilio (1954): 1. Hilding Thylander: Inscriptions du Port d'Ostie. Lund; Gleerup 1952. 2. Derselbe: êtude sur l'êpigraphie Latine. Date des Inscriptions. Noms et DÇnomination Latine. Noms et Origine des Personnes. Lund: Gleerup 195152. Gnomon 26, 102-107. (SO11 158) [BOOK REVIEW] 1843. Degrassi,Attilio (1955): Matteo della Corte, Case ed Abitanti di Pompei. Presso l'Autore, Pompei Scavi, o Presso la Libreria Editrice l'Erma, 1954. Athenaeum 33, fasc. 12, 141-149. (SO11 126) [BOOK REVIEW] 3363. Degrassi,Attilio (1955): Un Nuovo Militaria Calabro della Via Popillia e la Via Annia del Veneto. Philologus 99, 3-4, 259-265. (SO22 004) [OFFPRINT] 3600. Degrassi,Attilio (1955): Esistette sul Palatino un Tempio di Vesta. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts Roemische Abteilung 62, 144-154. (SO23 019) [OFFPRINT] 4566. Degrassi,Attilio (1955): Sui Fasti Consolari dell'Impero. Athenaeum 33,1-2 (n.s.), 112-117. (SO32 059) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1897. Degrassi,Attilio (1956): Un Nuovo Corrector Venetiae et Histriae. Atti e Memoriae della SocietÖ Istriana d'Archeologia e Storia Patria 4, 113-116. (SO11 179) [OFFPRINT] 3410. Degrassi,Attilio (1956): La Via Annia e la Data della sua Costruzione. In: Atti del Convegno per il Retroterra Veneziano. (: ) Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venezia, 35-40. (SO22 051) [OFFPRINT] 3460. Degrassi,Attilio (1956): Documents Illustrating the Reigns of Augustus and Tiberius, by Victor Ehrenberg and A.H.M. Jones. Second Edition. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press 1955. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 34, fasc. 2 (n.s.), 194-196. (SO22 099) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3492. Degrassi,Attilio (1956): Duoviri Aedilicia Potestate, Duoviri Aediles, Aediles Duoviri. In: Studi in Onore di Aristide Calderini e Roberto Paribeni. Vol. 1 : Studi di Storia e Syme Collection DB page 87 AntichitÖ Greche e Romane. (: ) Ceschina, Milano, 151-155. (SO22 130) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3747. Degrassi,Attilio (1956): L'Esportazione di Olio e Olive Istriane nell'EtÖ Romana. Atti e Memorie della SocietÖ Istriana d'Archeologia e Storia Patria 4 (n.s.), 104-112. (SO24 062) [ITALY; OFFPRINT] 4822. Degrassi,Attilio (1956): Consularis Apuliae et Calabriae. Athenaeum 34,1-2 (n.s.), 97-103. (SO35 014) [ITALY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1882. Degrassi,Attilio (1957): L'Epigrafia Latina in Italia nell'Ultimo Ventennio e i Criteri del Nouvo Insegnamento (Prolusione al Corso di Epigrafia Latina nell'UniversitÖ di Roma, 29 Nov 1956). Tipografia Antoniana, Padova. 15 pages. (SO11 164) [MONOGRAPH] 3276. Degrassi,Attilio (1957): I Porti Romani d'Istria. Atti e Memorie della SocietÖ Istriana d'Archeologia e Storia Patria 5 (n.s., vol. 57 of continuous series), 24-81. (SO21 103) [OFFPRINT] 3277. Degrassi,Attilio (c1957): Nuovi Documenti Epigrafici del Trentino e Alto Adige. In: MÇlanges Ahamic I (Vjestnik ? 56-59). (: ),, 139-144. (SO21 104) <<source is illegible on original>> [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1888. Degrassi,Attilio (1958): Un'Iscrizione Greca di Corcira e M. Calpurnia Bibulo. ArchClass 10, 87-93. (SO11 170) [OFFPRINT] 3746. Degrassi,Attilio (1958): Noterelle di AntichitÖ Istriane. Atti e Memorie della SocietÖ Istriana d'Archeologia e Storia Patria 6 (n.s.), 237-241. (SO24 061) [OFFPRINT] 4825. Degrassi,Attilio (1958): Tracce del Domino Ostrogoto nell'Isola Martana? In: Miscellanea in ONore di Roberto Cessi. Vol. 1. (: ) (Storia e Letteratura. Raccolta di Studi e Testi, 71.) Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 3-8. (SO35 017) [INCOMPLETE; ITALY; OFFPRINT; OSTROGOTHS] 3498. Degrassi,Attilio (1960): Sul Duovirato nei Municipi Italici. In: Omagiu lui Constantin Daicoviciu vcu Prilejul åmplinirii a 60 De Ani. (: ) Academia Republicii Populare Romåne, [Bucharest], 141-145. (SO22 136) [FESTSCHRIFT; ITALY; MAGISTRATES; OFFPRINT] 5209. Degrassi,Attilio (1960): Nerva Funeraticium Plebi Urbanae Instituit. Bulletino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano 63 (3rd. ser., vol. 3), 233-238. (SO37A 028) [EPIGRAPHY; NERVA; OFFPRINT] 4811. Degrassi,Attilio (1963): Dati Demografici in Inscrizioni Cristiane di Roma. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 18,1-2 (8th ser.), 20-28. (SO35 004) [CHRISTIANITY; DEMOGRAPHY; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1847. Degrassi,Attilio (1964): Una Dedica degli Augustali Brindisini a Tiberio. Athenaeum 42, fasc. 1-4 (new series), 299-306. (SO11 130) <<vol. is festschrift for Enrica Malcovati>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 1857. Degrassi,Attilio (1964): Sull'Iscrizione di Ponzio Pilato. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 19, fasc. 3-4 (8th series), 59-65. (SO11 140) [OFFPRINT] 2192. Degrassi,Attilio (1965): Epigraphica II. Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche. Memorie 11, fasc. 5 (8th series), 233-276. (SO14 001) [OFFPRINT] 3750. Degrassi,Attilio (1965): Quando Fu Costruito il Cosiddetto Tempio Capitolino di Trieste. Atti dell'Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti. Classe di Scienze, Morali e Lettere 123, 353-362. (SO24 065) [ITALY; OFFPRINT] 4590. Degrassi,Attilio (1966): Due Documente Giuridici dell'Istria Romana. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) (êcole Practique des Hautes êtudes. VIe Section. Centre de Recherches Historiques.) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 205-216. (SO32 073) Syme Collection DB page 88 [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2193. Degrassi,Attilio (1967): Epigraphica III. Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche. Memorie 13, fasc. 1 (8th series), 1-53. (SO14 002) [OFFPRINT] 1907. Degrassi,Attilio (19??): Nuova Lettura di un'Epigrafe del Santuario Prenestino della Fortuna. ArchClass 7, fasc. 2, 195-198. (SO11 189) [OFFPRINT] 1908. Degrassi,Attilio (19??): L'Epigrafia e il Santuario Prenestino della Fortuna Primigenia. ArchClass 6, fasc. 2, 302-304. (SO11 190) [OFFPRINT] 3275. Degrassi,Attilio (19??): Notizie degli Scavi di AntichitÖ. Regione X (Venetia et Istria). Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 10, fasc. 1-3 (6th series), 3-11. (SO21 101) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2286. Degrassi,N (1970): Le Iscrizioni di Brescia con una Serie di Nomi di Imperatori. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 42, 135-172. (SO14 094) <<journal year is 1969-70>> [OFFPRINT] 1387. Deininger,JÅrgen (1963): [.] Aecius Taurus Gallus, ein Gefolgsmann des Kaisers Galba aus Tarraco. Madrider Mittleilungen 4, 99-106. (SO7 079) [OFFPRINT] 1381. Deininger,JÅrgen (1964): Zur BegrÅndung des Provinzialkultes in der Baetica. Madrider Mittleilungen 5, 167-179. (SO7 073) [OFFPRINT] 4839. Deininger,JÅrgen (1965): Jean Colin: L'Empire des Antonins et les Martyrs Gaulois de 177. Bonn: Habelt 1964. (Antiquitas, R. 1. Abh. zur Alten Geschichte. 10). Gnomon, 289292. (SO35 030) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; MARTYRS; OFFPRINT] 4478. Deininger,JÅrgen (1966): A. Audin, Lyon, Miroir de Rome dans les Gaules. Paris (Fayard) 1965. Coll. "RÇsurrection du PassÇ". Gymnasium 73,3-4, 370-373. (SO31 037) [BOOK REVIEW; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 3189. de Kisch,Yves (1970): Les Sortes Vergilianae dans l'Histoire Auguste. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 82, 321-362. (SO21 015) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA] 5291. de Laet,SJ (1938): Hedendaagsche Stroomingen in de Studie der Geschiedenis van Keizer Tiberius (1914-1937). L'AntiquitÇ Classique 7,1-2, 93-104; 333-342. (SO37D 009A-B) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW; TIBERIUS] 4542. de Laet,SJ (1941): La Composition de l'Ordre êquestre sous Auguste et Tibäre. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 20,3-4, 509-531. (SO32 036) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4543. de Laet,SJ (1941): Le Rang Sociual du Primipile Ö l'êpoque d'Auguste et de Tibäre. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 9, 13-23. (SO32 037) <<journal year is 1941>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3477. De Laet,SJ (1943): La PrÇfecture du PrÇtoire sous le Haut-Empire et le Principe de la CollÇgialitÇ. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 22, fasc. 1-2, 73-95. (SO22 115) [OFFPRINT] 5149. De Laet,SJ (1947): Note sur l'Organisation et la Nature Juridique de la ÆVigesima HereditatiumØ. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 16,1, 29-36. (SO36F 012) [AUGUSTUS; ECONOMY; OFFPRINT] 1420. de Laet,SJ (1953): Documents Nouveaux Concernant les ÆQuattuor Publica AfricaeØ. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 22, fasc. 1, 98-102. (SO7 112) [OFFPRINT] 4459. De Laet,S-J ([1951]): La Gaule Septentrionale Ö l'êpoque Romaine Ö la Lumiäre des Fouilles, des Recherches et des Publications les Plus RÇcents (1935-1950). Bulletin de l'Institut Historique Belge de Rome 26, 187-250. (SO31 019) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 2428. Delatte,Armand (1948): La Constitution des êtats-Unis et les Pythagoriciens. ARB 34,6 (5th series), 1-30. (SO15 198) [OFFPRINT] 3738. de Lavis-Trafford,MA (1955): Le ÆItalicus ClivusØ d'Ammien Marcellin. Bulletin Syme Collection DB page 89 de la SociÇtÇ d'Histoire et d'ArchÇologie Sean-Jean-de-Maurienne, 10 pp. (SO24 072) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; OFFPRINT] 1970. de Lavis-Trafford,MA (1956): Le Æ Praecelsum Jugum Ø d'Ammian Marcellin. Le Canal de Giaglione. Le Trou ou Pertuis de Touille. In: L'Identification Topographic du Col Alpin Franchi par Hannibal. (: ) Libraire Termignon, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, 3-11. (SO12 012) <<series: Travaux de la SocietÇ d'Histoire et d'ArchÇologie de Maurienne (Savoie) vol. 13>> [OFFPRINT] 2206. de Lavis-Trafford,M-A (1954): Les Confines de l'Italie du CìtÇ des Alpes Cottienes depuis les Origines jusqu'Ö 1713. Bulletin de la SociÇtÇ d'Histoire et d'ArchÇologie (Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne), 319. (SO14 009) [OFFPRINT] 1353. del Castillo,Angel; d'Ors,Alvaro (1960): Provincia de la Coru§a. In: Inscripciones Romanas de Galicia. Vol. fasc. I (supplement). (Eds: del Castillo,Angel; d'Ors,Alvaro) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas; Instituto Padre Sarmiento de Estudios Gallegos, Santiago de Compostella, 5-24. (SO7 044) [OFFPRINT] 1321. de Llanza,Isabel RodÖ (1970): Lucius Licinius Secundus, Liberto de Lucius Licinius Sura. Pyrenae 6, 167-183. (SO7 012) [OFFPRINT] 1211. Delz,Josef (1970): `Namensatz' und Weitere Korrupte Stellen bei Tacitus. Museum Helveticum 27, fasc. 4, 224-241. (SO6 058) [OFFPRINT] 3564. de Martino,Francesco (1953): Note sul ÆRegnumØ. Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 4, 181-192. (SO22 204) [OFFPRINT] 3209. De Martino,Francesco (1955): Nota sulla ÆLex Julia MunicipalisØ. In: Studi in Onore di Ugo Enrico Paoli. (: ), Firenze, 225238. (SO21 036) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 3965. de Martino,Francesco (1962): Di E.S.Staveley o dell'Intoleranza nella Critica Storica. Labeo 8, 1-24. (SO26 009) <<response to Staveley's review of author's Storia della Costituzione Romana>> [OFFPRINT] 3550. de Martino,Francesco (1972): Intorno all'Origine della Repubblica Romana e delle Magistrature. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt I. Von den AnfÑngen Roms bis zum Ausgang der Republik. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 217-249. (SO22 190) [OFFPRINT] 1279. de Martino,Francesco (1974): Intorno all'Origine della Schiavitó a Roma. Labeo 20,2, 163-193. (SO6 126) [OFFPRINT] 1273. De Martino,Francesco (1975): Æ Supplicia Ø dell'Iscrizione di Pozzuoli. Labeo 21,2, 211-214. (SO6 120) [OFFPRINT] 4940. De Martino,Francesco (1975): Note sull'Italia Augustea. Athenaeum 53,3 (n.s.), 245-261. (SO1C 161) [AUGUSTUS; ITALY; OFFPRINT] 1015. de Martino,Francesco (1979): Caratteri dell'Economia Romana. Studi Storici 4, 725-745. (SO3 054) [OFFPRINT] 4943. de Martino,Francesco (1979): Produzione di Cereali in Roma nell'EtÖ Arcaica. PP fasc. 187, 241-255. (SO1C 164) [EARLY ROME; ECONOMY-ANCIENT; OFFPRINT] 4945. de Martino,Francesco (1979): Clienti e Condizioni Materiali in Roma Arcaica. In: [Phil°as Ch†rin]. Miscellanea in ONore di Eugenio Manni. (: ) Giorgio Bretschneider, Roma, 681-705. (SO1C 166) [ECONOMY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 4944. de Martino,Francesco (1980): Sulla Storia dell'Equitatus Romano. PP fasc.191, 143-160. (SO1C 165) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] Syme Collection DB page 90 3501. de Martino,Francesco (19??): Riforme del IV Secolo A.C. Bulletino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano 17 (3rd series, vol. 78 of continuous series), 29-70. (SO22 139) [OFFPRINT] 1175. de Montmollin,D (1966): Cornelius Tacitus: Annalen, Band 1: Buch 1-3. Commentary and Introduction by Erich Koestermann. Heidelberg: Carl Winter (Wissenschliftliche Kommentare zu Griechischen und Lateinischen Schriftsstellern) 1963. Phoenix 20,1, 76-94. (SO6 021) [BOOK REVIEW; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1380. de Motes,Juan Maluquer (1954): La Edad de Hierro en la Cuenca del Ebro y en la Meseta Central Espa§ola (From: IV Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Prehist¢ricas y Protohist¢ricas, Madrid 1954). Tip. ÆLa AcadÇmicaØ, Zaragoza. 23 pages. (SO7 072) <<Spanish with French, English and German summaries>> [EXCAVATIONS; METALS; MONOGRAPH; OFFPRINT; SPAINPREHISTORIC] 4913. Demougeot,êmilienne (1954): A Propos des Interventions du Pape Innocent Ier dans la Politique SÇculiäre. Revue Historique, 23-38. (SO35 101) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PAPACY] 4861. Demougeot,êmilienne (1956): Remarques sur l'Emploi de Paganus. In: Studi in Onore di Aristide Calderini e Roberto Paribeni. Vol. 1, Studi di Storia e AntichitÖ Greche e Romane. (: ) Ceschina, Milano, 337350. (SO35 050) [FESTSCHRIFT; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 4863. Demougeot,êmilienne (1956): Une Lettre de l'Empereur Honorius sur l'Hospitium des Soldats. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 1956,1, 25-49. (SO35 052) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 3285. Demougeot,Emilienne (1958): Attila et les Gaules. MÇmoires de la SociÇtÇ d'Agriculture, Commerce, Sciences et Arts du DÇpartment de la Marne 73, 7-42. (SO21 112) [GAUL; OFFPRINT] 2742. Demougeot,êmilienne (1969): Sir Ronald Syme, Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. Oxford, Classical Press, 1968. REA 71, 1-2, 203-208. (SO17 160) [BOOK REVIEW] 858. Demougin,SÇgoläne (1983): Notables Municipaux et Ordre êquestre Ö l'êpoque des Derniäres Guerres Civiles. In: Les ÆBourgeoisiesØ Municipales Italiennes aux IIe et Ier Siäcles av. J.-C. [Colloque] 7-10 DÇcembre 1981, Centre Jean BÇrard, Institut Franáais de Naples. (Ed: CÇbeillacGervasoni,M) (Collqoues INternationaux de CNRS, 609; Bibliothäque de l'Institut Franáais de Naples, 2nd. ser., vol. 6.) êditions de CNRS; Institut Franáais de Naples, Paris; Naples, 279-298. (SO5 100) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1992. Demougin,SÇgoläne (1987): êlections et êlecteurs Ö la Fin de la RÇpublique. In: L'Urbs. Espace Urbain et Histoire (Ier Siäcle av. J.C.- IIIe siäcle ap. J.-C.) Atti du Colloque International OrganisÇ par le C.N.R.S et l'êcole Franáaise de Rome. (: ) êcole Franáaise de Rome, Rome, 305-317. (SO12 034) <<series: Collection de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome 98>> [OFFPRINT] 3287. Demougin,SÇgoläne (1988): Triumviri augustales. MEFRA 100,1, 117-126. (SO21 114) [OFFPRINT] 4315. De Navascues,JM (1963): Caracteres Externos de las Antiguas Inscripciones Salmantinas. Los Epitafios de la Zona Occidental. Bolet°n de la Real Academia de la Historia 152,2, 159-224. (SO29 002) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 4904. den Boer,W (1949): P. de Jonge, Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, XV, 1-5. GroningenBatavia, J.B. Wolters N.V., 1948. Mnemosyne 2 (4th ser.), 172-173. (SO35 092) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 58. den Boer,W (1950): Lusius Quietus, an Ethiopian. Mnemosyne 3 (4th ser.), 263267. (SO1A 066; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 87. den Boer,W (1955): Religion and Literature in Hadrian's Policy. Mnemosyne 8,2 (4th ser.), 123-144. (SO1A 101; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 91 4670. den Boer,W (1959): The Emperor Silvanus and His Army. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 1, 105-109. (SO33 047) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4898. den Boer,W (1961): Early Christian Historiography. In: Studia Patristica IV. Third International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford 1959. (Ed: Cross,FL) (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur, 79.) Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 348-362. (SO35 086) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PATRISTICS] 4759. den Boer,W (1962): Two Lettres from the Corpus Iulianeum., 179-197. (SO34 019) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4918. den Boer,W (1962): Two Letters from the Corpus Iulianeum. Vigiliae Christianae 16,3-4, 179-197. (SO35 106) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4715. den Boer,W (1965): Florus und die Rîmische Geschichte. Mnemosyne 18,4 (4th ser.), 366-387. (SO33 090) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3662. den Boer,W (1968): Graeco-Roman Historiography in its Relation to Biblical and Modern Thinking. History and Theory. Studies in the Philosophy of History 7,1, 60-75. (SO23 081) [OFFPRINT] 2814. den Boer,W (1969): Die Prosopographische Methode in der Modernen Historiographie der Hohen Kaiserzeit. Mnemosyne 22,3 (4th series), 268-280. (SO18 003) [OFFPRINT] 51. den Boer,W (1973): Aspects of Religion in Classical Greece. HSCP 77, 1-21. (SO1A 057; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 919. den Boer,W (1973): Demography in Roman: Facts and Impressions. Mnemosyne 26/1 (4th ser.), 29-46. (SO5 163) [OFFPRINT] 806. den Boer,W (1974): A Pagan Historian and his Enemies: Porphry Against the Christians. Classical Philology 69,3, 198-208. (SO5 042) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 927. den Boer,W (1974): Republican Rome and the Demography of Hopkins. Mnemosyne 27, fasc. 1, 79-82. (SO5 172) <<reply to Hopkins in Mnemosyne 27,1 (1974)= S05 172>> [BOOK REVIEW; DEMOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 31. den Boer,W (1975): Trajan's Deification and Hadrian's Succession. AncSoc 6, 203-212. (SO1A 030; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 152. den Boer,W (1976): La PolÇmique Anti-ChrÇtienne du IIe Siäcle: ÆLa Doctrine de VÇritÇØ de Celse. Athenaeum 54, fasc. 34, 300-318. (SO1A 177; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1337. den Boer,W (1978): Pierre Salmon: Population et DÇpopulation dans l'Empire Romain. Bruxelles: Latomus 1974. (Coll. Latomus 137). Gnomon, 86-88. (SO7 028) [BOOK REVIEW; POPULATIONS] 3183. den Boer,W (1979): J. Schlumberger : Die Epitome de Caesaribus. Untersuchungen zur Heidnischen Geschichtsschreibung des 4. Jahrhunderts n.Chr. MÅnchen : Beck 1974 (Vestigia, BeitrÑge zue Alten Geschichte. B. 18). Gnomon 51, 165-171. (SO21 009) [BIOGRAPHY; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1169. den Hengst,D (1985): H.W. Benario, A Commentary on the Vita Hadriani in the Historia Augusta (American Classical Studies, 7). Chico, Scholars Press, 1980. Mnemosyne 38,1-2, 236-238. (SO6 015) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIA AUGUSTA] 2441. Deonna,W (1921): La LÇgende d'Octave-Auguste. Dieu, Saveur et Maåtre du Monde. Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 8384, 2-91. (SO15 117) <<entire fasc. devoted to single article>> [OFFPRINT] 3659. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1966): Mythe et PensÇe chez les Grecs. Review of J.Vernant : Mythe et PensÇe chez les Grecs, êtudes de Psychologie Historique, Maspero, ÆLes Textes Ö l'appuiØ, 1965. Annales. ESC [1966,6], 1305-1308. (SO23 078) Syme Collection DB page 92 [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; MYTH, GREEK; OFFPRINT] 524. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1967): PanhellÇnisme et Union de l'Europe. In: The Living Heritage of Greek Antiquity/ L'HÇritage Vivant de l'AntiquitÇ Greque. (: ) Mouton & Co., The Hague, Paris, 212-230. (SO1C 100) [OFFPRINT; PANHELLENISM] 534. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1971): La Vengeance comme Explication Historique dans l'Oeuvre d'HÇrodote. Revue des êtudes Greques 84, nos 401-403, 314-337. (SO1C 110) [OFFPRINT] 530. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1973): La Gräce et la Formation de la PensÇe Morale et Politique. Lecture delivered to the Colläge de France, 13 Dec 1973. (SO1C 106) [OFFPRINT] 533. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1973): Le ThÇme du Prestige dans l'Oeuvre de Thucydide. AncSoc 4, 39-58. (SO1C 109) [OFFPRINT] 3021. de Romilly,Jacqueline (c1973): L'Historiographie Grecque. In: Actes du IXe Congräs. (: ) SociÇtÇ d'êdition ÆLes Belles LettresØ, Paris, 113-132. (SO19 038) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3140. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1973): Religion et Droit dans la Gräce Ancienne. Archives de Philosophie du Droit 18, 5-16. (Dimensions religieuses du Droit et Notamment sur l'Apport de Saint Thomas d'Aquin; Sirey) (SO20 093) [OFFPRINT] 532. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1975): Cycles et Cercles chez les Auteurs Grecs. In: Le Monde Grec. PensÇe, LittÇrature, Histoire, Documents. (Eds: Bingen,Jean; Cambier,Guy; Nachtergael,Georges) êditions de l'UniversitÇ de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 140-152. (SO1C 108) [FESTSCHRIFT] Honorem J.C.Kamerbeek. (Ed: Bremer,JM et al) A. Hakkert, Amsterdam, 309-321. (SO1C 135) [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT] 1021. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1978 (?)): Caillois (Roger), NÇ Ö Reims le 3 Mars 1913, DÇcÇdÇ Ö Paris le 21 DÇcembre 1978Promotion de 1933., 80-85. (SO3 060) [INCOMPLETE; OBITUARY; ROGER CAILLOIS 1913-1978] 241. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1980): RÇflections sur le Courage chez Thucydide et chez Platon. Revue des êtudes Greques 93, 307-323. (SO4 020) 1003. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1982): Les Conflits de l'Ame dans le Phädre de Platon. Wiener Studien 16 (n.s., vol. 95 of whole series), 100-113. (SO3 043) [OFFPRINT] 1004. de Romilly,Jacqueline (c1982): La Rìle de l'êcriture dans la Gräce Ancienne. Corps êcrits 1, 23-30. (SO3 044) [LITERACY; OFFPRINT; SOCIAL HISTORY] 3686. de Romilly,Jacqueline (c1983): Perspectives Actuelles sur l'êpopÇe HomÇrique ou Comment la Recherche Peut Renouveler la Lecture des Textes. (Colläge de France Essais et ConfÇrences.) Presses Universitaires de France, Paris. 41 pages. (SO24 001) [HOMER; OFFPRINT] 2037. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1986): Les Manies de Prodicos et la Rigeur de la Langue Grecque. Museum Helveticum 43, 1-18. (SO12 080) [OFFPRINT] 3031. de Romilly,Jacqueline (19??): La Notion de NÇcessitÇ dans l'Histoire de Thucydide., 111-128. (SO19 048) <<source unknown>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; THUCYDIDES] 529. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1976): Alcibiade et le MÇlange Entre Jeunes et Vieux: Politique et MÇdecine. Wiener Studien 10 (n.s., vol 89 of full series), 93-105. (SO1C 105) [OFFPRINT] 5351. de Saint-Denis,E (1941): Qu'est-ce que l'Agricola de Tacite? Les êtudes Classiques 10,1-2, 14-30. (SO38B 002) [AGRICOLA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 559. de Romilly,Jacqueline (1976): L'Excuse de l'Invincible Amor dans la TragÇdie Grecque. In: Miscellanea Tragica in 3290. Desanges,Jehan (1974): Utica, Tucca et la Cirta de Salluste. In: LittÇrature GrÇcoRomaine et GÇographie Historique : Syme Collection DB page 93 MÇlanges Offerts Ö Roger Dion. (: ) êditions A. & J. Picard, Paris, 143-150. (SO21 117) [AFRICA; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3161. Desanges,Jehan; Lancel,Serge (1968 [1970]): Bibliographie Analytic de l'Afrique Antique III (1965-1966). BAA 3, 393-430. (SO20 114) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3160. Desanges,Jehan; Lancel,Serge (Eds.) (1970): Bibliographie Analytique de l'Afrique Antique IV (1967). E. de Boccard, Paris. 29 pages. (SO20 113) <<also published in Bulletin d'ArchÇologie AlgÇrienne, IV, 1969. Monograph is offprinted under auspices of UNESCO>> [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; MONOGRAPH] 3295. Deschamps,Lucienne (1987): Temps et Histoire Chez Varron. In: Filologia e Forme Letterarie. Studi Offerti a Francesco Della Corta II. (Ed: Boldrini,Sandro) UniversitÖ degli Studi Urbino, [Urbino], 167-192. (SO21 127) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 2254. d'Escurac-Doisy,Henriette (1967): Notes sur le PhÇnomäne Associatif dans le Monde Paysan Ö l'êpoque du Haut-Empire. AntAfr 1, 59-71. (SO14 062) [OFFPRINT] 1471. Dessau,H (1906): Die Entstehung der Aeren von Gangra und Amasia. ZPE 25, 335343. (SO9 011) [OFFPRINT] (SO35 035) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 4846. de Ste. Croix,GEM (1967): Roman State and Christian Church: A Collection of Legal Documents to A.D. 535. By P.R. Coleman-Norton. London: S.P.C.K., 1966. Journal of Theological Studies 18,1 (n.s.), 221222. (SO35 036) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 5620. de Ste. Croix,GEM (1969): Christianity's Encounter with the Roman Imperial Government. In: The Crucible of Christianity. Judaism, Hellenism and the Historical Background to the Christian Faith. (Eds: Toynbee,A; Schalit,A) Thames & Hudson, London, 345-352. (SO1A 248) [INCOMPLETE; CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT] 2202. de Ste. Croix,GEM (1975): Early Christian Attitudes to Property and Slavery. Studies in Church History 12, 1-38. (SO14 014) [OFFPRINT] 5615. de Ste. Croix,GEM ([c1975]): Richard Duncan-Jones. The Economy of the Roman Empire: Quantitive Studies. (Cambridge: The University Press). Economic History Review 28,2 (n.s.), 350-351. (SO1A 138) [BOOK REVIEW; ECONOMY; OFFPRINT] 2427. de Ste. Croix,GEM (1954): Suffragium: from Vote to Patronage. British Journal of Sociology 5,1, 33-48. (SO15 197) [OFFPRINT] 5616. de Ste. Croix,GEM (1975): Aristotle on History and Poetry (Poetics 9, 1451a36-b11). In: The Ancient Historian and his Materials. Essays in Honour of C.E. Stevens. (Ed: Levick,B),, 45-58. (SO1A 234) [ARISTOTLE; FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POETICS] 4801. de Ste. Croix,GEM (1954): Aspects of the "Great Persecution". Harvard Theological Review 47,2, 75-113. (SO34 059) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 5618. de Ste. Croix,GEM (1975): Karl Marx and the History of Classical Antiquity. Arethusa 8, 7-41. (SO1A 241) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; MARXISM; OFFPRINT] 4843. de Ste. Croix,GEM (1963): Why Were the Early Christians Persecuted? Past & Present 26, 6-38. (SO35 034) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 3793. Detschew,Dimiter (1937): Ein Neues MilitÑrdiplom aus Dacia Porolissensis. Klio 30,2, 187-199. (SO25 012) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 4845. de Ste. Croix,GEM (1964): Why Were the Early Christians Persecuted?- A Rejoinder. Past & Present 27, 28-33. 2818. Deutsch,Monroe E (1917): Caesar's First Wife. Classical Philology 12,1, 93-96. (SO18 007) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 94 2819. Deutsch,Monroe E (1917): Concerning Caesar's Appearance. Classical Philology 12,4, 247-253. (SO18 008) [OFFPRINT] 2513. Deutsch,Monroe E (1925): The Murder of Cinna, the Poet. The Classical Journal 20,6, 326-336. (SO15 189) [OFFPRINT] 2546. Deutsch,Monroe E (1928): Caesar's Son and Heir. University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology 9,6, 149-200. (SO16 030) [OFFPRINT] 17. Devijver,Hubert; van Wonterghem,Frank (1985): Nouvi Contributi alla Prosoprografia di Superaequum. ZPE 59, 200-204. (SO1A 012; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 3325. Devine,AM (1984): Diodorus' Account of the Battle of Gaza. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 27, 31-40. (SO21 150) [OFFPRINT] 2041. Devine,AM (1985): Diodorus' Account of the Battle of Paraitacene. The Ancient World 12,3-4, 75-86. (SO12 084) [OFFPRINT] 2042. Devine,AM (1985): Diodorus' Account of the Battle of Gabiene. The Ancient World 12,3-4, 87-96. (SO12 084) [OFFPRINT] 2039. Devine,AM (1986): Demythologizing the Battle of the Granicus. Phoenix 40,3, 265278. (SO12 082) [OFFPRINT] 2056. Devine,AM (1987): The Battle of Hydaspes: A Tactical and Source-Critical Study. The Ancient World 16,3-4, 115-118. (SO12 097) [OFFPRINT] 1867. de Visscher,F (1964): Jules CÇsar Patron d'Alba Fucens. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 33, fasc. 1, 98-107. (SO11 150) [OFFPRINT] 3483. De Visscher,Fernand (1951): Autour du "Ius Quiritium". In: Festschrift Fritz Schulz. (: ) Hermannn Bîhlaus Nachfolger, Weimar, 71-78. (SO22 121) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3597. De Visscher,Fernand (1951): Locus Religiosus. In: Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Diritto Romano e di Storia del Diritto. Verona, 27-28-29 Settembre 1948. Vol. 3. (: ) A.Giuffrä, Milano, 181-188. (SO23 016) [BELIEFS; BURIAL; OFFPRINT; RELIGION-ROMAN] 2509. de Visscher,Fernand (1954): LabÇon et les Ventes ForcÇes de terres aux VÇterans des Guerres Civiles. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'AntiquitÇ 1 (third series), 299-313. (SO15 185) [OFFPRINT] 2357. De Visscher,Fernand (1957): L'Espansione dell Civitas Romana e la Diffusione del Diritto Romano. In: Conferenze Romanistiche. Vol. 4. (: ) Istituto di Storia del Diritto, Trieste (?), 3-16. (SO15 045) <<series: Istituto di Storia del Diritto 1/ UniversitÖ degli Studi di Trieste, FacoltÖ di Giurisprudenza>> [OFFPRINT] 3473. De Visscher,Fernand (1957): L'AmphithÇÉtre d'Alba Fucens et son Fondateur Q. Naevius Macro, PrÇfet du PrÇtoire de Tibäre. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 12, fasc. 1-2 (8th series), 39-49. (SO22 111) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4545. De Visscher,Fernand (1957): La Carriäre et le Testament d'un PrÇfet du PrÇtoire de Tibäre. ARB 43,5 (5th. ser.), 168179. (SO32 039) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3472. De Visscher,Fernand (1960): La Caduta di Seiano e il suo Macchinatore Macrone. Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 2,3, 245-257. (SO22 110A) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3602. De Visscher,Fernand (1961): L'Ercole Epitrapezios di Alba Fucens. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 15,712 (8th series), 301-309. (SO23 021) [HERCULES; OFFPRINT; RELIGIONROMAN] Syme Collection DB page 95 4605. De Visscher,Fernand (1963): Ascia. NachtrÑge zum Reallexicon fÅr Antike und Christentum (RAC). Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 6, 187-192. (SO32 087) [OFFPRINT] 3471. De Visscher,Fernand (1964): La Politique Dynastique sous le Rägne de Tibäre. In: SYNTELEIA. Vicenzo Arangio-Ruiz. (Eds: Guarino,Antonio; Labruna,Luigi) Jovene, Napoli, 54-65. (SO22 110) <<series : Biblioteca di Labeo 2>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3475. De Visscher,Fernand (1964): La Justice Romaine en CyrÇnaãque. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'AntiquitÇ 11 (3rd. series), 321-333. (SO22 113) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 3283. Devreker,J (1967): A Propos d'une Restitution RÇcente d'une Inscription de Delphes. Latomus 26,3, 717-722. (SO21 110) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4072. Devreker,J (1971): Une Inscription InÇdite de Caracalla Ö Pessinote. Latomus 30,2, 352-362. (SO26 113) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2719. Devreker,J (1982): Les Orientaux au SÇnat Romain d'Auguste Ö Trajan. Latomus 41,3(July-September 1982), 492-516. (SO17 138) [OFFPRINT] 3286. Devreker,J (1984): Franscesco Lucrezi: Leges Super Principem. La `Monarchia Costituzionale' di Vespasiano. Napoli: Jovene 1982 (Pubblicazioni della FacoltÖ Giuridica dell'UniversitÖ di Naopli). Gnomon, 433-436. (SO21 113) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2228. Devreker,J (1986): Curiatius Maternus. In: Hommages Ö Jozef Veremans. (Eds: Decreus,Freddy; Deroux,Carl) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 101-108. (SO14 037) <<series: Collection Latomus 193>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 3673. de Zuleuta,F (1939): Don Antonio Agustin (Eight Lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on February 24th, 1939). Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company. (SO23 089) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 1185. Dickison,SK (1977): Claudius: Saturnalicius Princeps. Latomus 36,3, 634647. (SO6 031) [OFFPRINT] 1184. Dickison,Shelia K; Plympton,Margaret (1977): The Prodigy of the Fig-Tree: Tacitus' Annales 13.58. Rivista di Studi Classici 25, fasc. 2, 183-186. (SO6 030) [OFFPRINT] 5328. Dienel,Richard (1897): Untersuchungen Åber den Taciteischen Rednerdialog. Beilage zum Jahresberichte des N.-ô. Landes-Real und Ober-Gymnasiums in St. Pîten, 3-20. (SO38A 016) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4794. Diesner,H-J (1963): Orosius und Augustinus. AAntHung 11, 89-102. (SO34 052) [AUGUSTINE; CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 5042. Dieterich,Hermann (1957): Sallust. Auswahlbericht Åber die Literatur 1945-1956. Gymnasium 64,6, 533-554. (SO36B 015) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 775. Dietz,Karlheinz (1976): Senatskaiser und ihre [monarchias epithumia]. Chiron 6, 381-425. (SO5 008; [in greek]) [OFFPRINT] 2107. Dietz,Karlheinz (1985): Zwei Neue Meilensteine Caracallas aus Gundelfingen, Ldkr. Dillingen a.d. Donau, Reg.-Bez. Bayerisch-Schwaben. Germania 63, 75-86. (SO13 011) [OFFPRINT] 509. Diez Taboada,Juan Maria; Diez Platas,Fatima (1981): Gustavo Adolfo Becquer y Salvador Rueda: "El Poema del Beso". Revista de Literatura 43, no. 85, 59-90. (SO1C 085) [OFFPRINT] 2221. Diggle,James (1983): FACTA DICTIS AEQVARE: Sallust, Hist. II frag. 98. Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 17, 59-60. (SO14 030) [OFFPRINT] 5041. Dihle,Albrecht (1954): Zu den Epistolae ad Caesarem Senem. Museum Helveticum 11,2, 126-130. (SO36B 014) Syme Collection DB page 96 [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] [ECONOMY; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5336. Dihle,Albrecht (1957): Analogie und Attizismus. Hermes 85,2, 170-205. (SO38A 024) [OFFPRINT; RHETORIC; TACITUS] 4948. Di Stefano Manzella,Ivan ([1977]): I Nomi Attributi alle Due Falerii dalla Tradizione Letteraria Antica e dalle Epigrafi. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 49 (1976-77), 151-162. (SO1C 168) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3485. Dihle,Albrecht (1962): Miszellen zum sc De Bacchanalibus. Hermes 90,3, 376-379. (SO22 123) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3661. Dihle,Albrecht (1962): Der Fruchtbare Osten. RMfP 105,2 (n.s.), 97-110. (SO23 080) [OFFPRINT] 1834. Dihle,Albrecht (1963): Neues zur Thomas-Tradition. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 6, 54-70. (SO11 117) [OFFPRINT] 1479. Dihle,Albrecht (1964): Indische Philosophen bei Clemens Alexandrinus. In: Mullus. Festschrift Theodor Klauser. (Ed: Stuiber,A) (Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum. ErgÑnzungsband, 1.) Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, MÅnster Westfallen, 60-70. (SO9 019) [CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA; FESTSCHRIFT; INDIA; PHILOSOPHYGREEK] 1174. Dihle,Albrecht (1971): Sine Ira et Studio. RMfP 114,1, 27-43. (SO6 020) [OFFPRINT] 4946. Di Stefano Manzella,Ivan (1980): L. Nonio Asprenate Quinquennale di Falerii Novi in un'Epigrafe Monumentale Riscostruita. In: Muscelllanea. (Ed: Bevilacqua,G) (Tituli, 2.) Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, . (SO1C 024) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1444. di Vita,Antonino (1982): Gli Emporia di Tripolitana dall'etÖ di Massinissa a Diocleziano: un Profilo Storico-Istituzionale. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 10, 2. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 515-595. (SO7 135) [AFRICA; ECONOMY; OFFPRINT; TRADE] 4120. Di Vita-Evrard,G (1981): Le Proconsul d'Afrique Polyonyme ITR 517: Une Nouvelle Tentative d'Identification. MEFRA 93-1, 183226. (SO27 006) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4334. Dipersia,G (1972): La Concessione della Cittadinanza Romana a Gades nel 49 a.C. In: Contributi dell'Istituto di Storia Antica. Vol. 1. (Ed: Sordi,M) (Pubblicazioni dell'UniversitÖ Cattolica del S. Cuore. Scienze Storiche, 1.) Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 108-120. (SO29 021) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 4277. Di Vita-Evrard,G (1985): Regio Tripolitana. A Reappraisal. In: Town and Country in Roman Tripolitania. Papers in Honour of Olwen Hackett. (Eds: Buck,DJ; Mattingly,DJ) (Society for Libyan Studies Occasional Papers 2; BAR International Series 274.) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 143-163. (SO28 031) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 2859. Di Porto,Andrea (1984-85): Impresa Agricola ed AttivitÖ Collegate nell'Economia della ÆVillaØ alcune Tendenze Organizzative. In: Sodalitas. Scritti in Onore di Antonio Guarino. (Ed: GiuffrÇ,Vincenzo) Editore Jovene, Napoli, 3235-3277. (SO18 048) [FESTSCHRIFT] 1411. di Vita-Evrard,Ginette (1979): Quatre Inscriptions du Djebel Tarhuna: Le Territoire de ÆLepcis MagnaØ. Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia 10, 67-98. (SO7 103) [OFFPRINT] 4947. Di Stefano Manzella,Ivan (1971): Un'Iscrizione di Falerii sul Mercato Antiquario Romano. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 26 (8th ser.), 1-18. (SO1C 167) 1410. di Vita-Evrard,Ginette (1984): ÆMunicipium Flavium Lepcis MagnaØ. Bulletin ArchÇologique du C.T.H.S. 17B (n.s.), 197-210. (Premier Colloque International sur l'Histoire et l'ArchÇologie de l'Afrique du Nord, Perpignan, Avril 1981) (SO7 102) Syme Collection DB page 97 [AFRICA; LEPCIS MAGNA-ANCIENT SITE; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1985. di Vita-Evrard,Ginette (1985): Note sur Quelques Timbres d'Amphores de Tripolitaine. Bulletin ArchÇologique du C.T.H.S. 19 B (new series), 147-159. (SO12 027) [OFFPRINT] ILS 9122). [La Nouvelle Inscription de Zana (Diana Veteranorum) et l'Inscription Romaine sur le Rocher de Trenc°n (CIL III 13439=Dessau ILS 9122)]. Listy FilologickÇ 5,2, 179-196. (SO25 059; s-wedge in author surname; acute over 'y' in Novy; r-wedge in Rimsky; cwedge in Trenc°nskÇ) <<article in czech with French summary>> [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 896. di Vita-êvrard,Ginette (1987): Des Calvisii Rusones Ö Licinius Sura. MEFRA 99,1, 281-338. (SO5 140) [OFFPRINT] 3840. Dobi†s,Josef ([1957?]): Noch Einmal zum Elogium von Tusculum (Dessau, ILS 8965). Listy FilologickÇ 80,1 (=vol. 5,1 of n.s.?), 8-10. (SO25 060) [OFFPRINT] 2340. Di Vita-Evrard,Ginette (1987): En Feuilletant les "Inscriptions Antiques du Maroc, 2". ZPE 68, 193-225. (SO15 028) [OFFPRINT] 3831. Dobi†s,Josef (1958): Expedition Naristarum. Listy FilologickÇ 6,2, 65-68. (SO25 049; s-wedge on author surname) [OFFPRINT] 917. di Vita-êvrard,Ginette (1988): Le Plus Ancien Milliaire de Tripolitaine: A. Caecina Severus, Proconsul d'Afrique. Libya Antiqua 15-16 (1978-1979), 9-44. (SO5 161) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; TOPOGRAPHY] 1991. di Vita Evrard,Ginette di (1985): La Fossa Regia et les Diocäses d'Africa Proconsulaire. In: L'Africa Romana. Atti del III Convegno di Studio. (Ed: Mastino,Attilio) Edizioni Gallizzi,, 31-58. (SO12 033) [OFFPRINT] 4240. DobiÖs,J (1932): Le Monnayage de L'Empereur Marc-Auräle et les Bas-Reliefs Historiques Contemporains. Revue Numismatique, 127-172. (SO27 122) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 2809. DobiÖs,J (1934): La Donation d'Antoine Ö ClÇopÉtre en l'an 34 av. J.-C. Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et de l'Histoire Orientales et Slaves 2, 287-314. (SO16 103; s wedge (hacek) in author's name) <<journal year is 1933-34; constitutes MÇlanges Bidez>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3838. Dobias,Josef (1935): I Romani nel Territorio della Cecoslavacchia Odierna. Gli Studi Romani nel Mondo 2, 61-91. (SO25 058) [CZECHOSLOVAKIA- ROMAN PERIOD; LIMES; OFFPRINT] 3839. Dobi†s,Josef (1957): Novy N†pis Ze Zany (Diana Veteranorum) a R°msky N†pis Na Sk†le Trenc°nskÇ (CIL III 13439=Dessau, 3830. Dobi†s,Josef (1959): Expeditio Naristarum. Listy FilologickÇ 7,1, 22-31. (SO25 050; s-wedge on author's surname) [OFFPRINT] 3833. Dobi†s,Josef (1960): Jeste Jednou k ProblÇmu StarovekÇho Boiohaema. Lezelo Boiohaemum Na Morave? Listy FilologickÇ 8,1 (?), 88-92. (SO25 052; s-wedges in Jeste, e-wedge in StarovEkÇho and Morave, z-wedge in Lezelo) [OFFPRINT] 3842. Dobi†s,Josef (1960): A Propos de l'Expedition Suebica et Sarmatica de l'Empereur Hadrien en l'An 118. In: Omagu lui Constantin Daicoviciu Cu Prilejul åmplinirii a 60 De Ani. (: ) Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romåne, [Bucharest], 147-153. (SO25 062) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 5482. DobiÖs,Josef (1960): King Maroboduus as a Politician. Klio 38, 155-166. (SO40 018) [BARBARIANS; FRONTIERS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 5484. DobiÖs,Josef (1960): Wo Lagen die Wohnsitze der Markomannen? Historica 2, 3775. (SO40 020) [BARBARIANS; FRONTIERS; MARCOMANNI; OFFPRINT] 3834. Dobi†s,Josef (1961): Les Problämes Chronologiques de la Colonne de Marc Auräle Ö Rome. In: Charisteria Francisco Novotny Octogenerio Oblata. (Eds: Stiebitz,Ferdinand; Hosek,Radislav) (Spisy Univerzity J.E. Syme Collection DB page 98 Purkyne v Brne, Filozofick† Facult†, 90.) St†tn° PedagogickÇ Nakl, Praha, 161-174. (SO25 054) [FESTSCHRIFT; MARCUS AURELIUS; MONUMENTS; OFFPRINT] 5474. Dobi†s,Josef (1961): Zwei Mi·verstandene Quellen zur Geschichte der Donausweben. Historica 3, 35-55. (SO40 010) [DANUBE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3836. Dobi†s,Josef (1962): Razby C°sare Marka Aurelia S Merkurem a N†pisem RELIG AUG (Les Frappes de l'Empereur Marc-Auräle au Type de Mercure et Ö la LÇgende RELIG AUG). Numismaticky Sborn°k 7, 7-31. (SO25 056; s-wedge in author's surname; z-wedge in Razby; r-wedge i C°sare) <<article in Czech with Russian and French summaries>> [OFFPRINT] 5483. Dobi†s,Josef (1962): Das Tschechoslowakische Gebiet zur Zeit des Rîmischen Kaiserreiches. Historica 4, 23-38. (SO40 019) [DANUBIANA; OFFPRINT; TOPOGRAPHY] 3832. Dobi†s,Josef ([c1964]): The Sense of the Victoria Formulae on Roman Inscriptions and Some New Epigraphic Monuments from Lower Pannonia. In: Mnema Vladimir Groh. (Eds: Ceska,Josef; Hejzlar,Gabriel) (Spisy Univerzity J.E. Purkyne v Brne, FilozofickÖ Faculta, 92.) St†tn° PedagogickÇ Nakl, [Praha], 37-52. (SO25 051; s-wedge on author's surname) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 1910. Dobson,Brian (1957): Marcus Torius Victor. Germania 35, 1-2, 120-122. (SO11 192) [OFFPRINT] 5734. Dodge,Hazel (1984): The Use of Brick in Roman Asia Minor. Yayla 5, 10-15. (SO03 013) [ARCHITECTURE; ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 300. Dîpp,Siegmar (1975): Theodosius I. ein Zweites Mal in Rom? In: Apophoreta fÅr Uvo Hîlscher zum 60. Geburtstag. (Ed: Patzer,Andreas) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 73-83. (SO4 079) [FESTSCHRIFT] 4744. Dîpp,Siegmar (1978): Claudian's Invective against Eutropius as a Contemporary Historical Document. WÅrzburger JahrbÅcher fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 4 (n.s.), 187196. (SO34 004) [CLAUDIAN; LATE EMPIRE; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 4745. Dîpp,Siegmar (1978): Zur Datierung von Macrobius' ØSaturnaliaÆ. Hermes 106, 619-632. (SO34 005) [LATE EMPIRE; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 366. Dîpp,Siegmar (1980): Prundentius' Gedicht gegen Symmachus: Anlass und Struktur. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 23, 65-81. (SO4 149) [OFFPRINT] 1338. Domergue,Claude (1966): Les Lingots de Plomb Romains du MuseÇ ArchÇologique de Carthagäne et du MusÇe Naval de Madrid. AEA 39, 113-114, 41-72. (SO7 029) [OFFPRINT] 4237. Donati,A (1970): Ricerche su M. Gavio Massimo. 29 pp. (Faenza: Fratelli Lega; SO27 119) <<no source>> [OFFPRINT] 3280. Donati,Angela (1965): Fonti Cesenati Romane. Scrittori, Itinerari, Iscrizioni, Prosopografia. Studi Romagnoli 16, 11-77. (SO21 107) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2236. Donati,Angela (19??): Sull'Iscrizione Lanuvina della Curia Mulierum., 1-4. (SO14 045) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2452. Dorey,TA (1955): Cicero, Pompey and the "Pre Archaia". Orpheus. Rivista du UmanitÖ Classica e Christiana 2, fasc. 1-2, 32-35. (SO15 128) [OFFPRINT] 3649. d'Ormesson,Jean (1963): Arrivisme,Snobisme,Dandysme. Revue de MÇtaphysique et de Morale 4, 443-459. (SO23 068) [OFFPRINT] 3714. d'Ormesson,Jean (1976): La Trahison des Clercs. Le Figaro 2 February, 1976, . (SO24 029) [CUTTINGS; PHOTOCOPY] 4373. D'Ors,A (1951): Un Nuevo Dato para la Historia de la Llamada Termancia. In: Estudios Dedicados a Menendez Pidal. Vol. 2. (: ) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient°ficas, Madrid, 567-581. (SO29 057) Syme Collection DB page 99 [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1740. d'Ors,A (1957): Notulas sobre los Apokrimata de P. Col. 123. Eos 48,2, 83-88. (SO11 023) <<festschrift for Raphael Taubenschlag vol. 3>> [OFFPRINT] 4325. D'Ors,A (1959): Miscelanea Epigraphica. I) El Bronce de Belo. (II) CIL II 2562 y 333, Sepultura y Cenotafio. (III) Nuevas Rectificaciones Sobre CIL II 4911. EmÇrita 27,2, 367-374. (SO29 011) [EPIGRAPHY; HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 4326. D'Ors,A (1959): Album of Dated Inscriptions, I: Rome and the Neighborhood, Augustus to Nerva, by Arthur E. Gordon in Collaboration with Joyce S. Gordon. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1958.; Contributions to the Palaeography of Latin Inscriptions, by Joyce S. and Arthur E. Gordon (University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, Vol. 3, No. 3). Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1957. AJA 63, 313-314. (SO29 013) [BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4327. D'Ors,A (1960): Miscelenea Epigraphica. (I) Una Tabla Lucense de Hospitalidad. (II) Un Acertijo Epigr†fico de It†lica. EmÇrita 28,1, 143-149. (SO29 014) [EPIGRAPHY; HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 4320. D'Ors,A (1964): Un Nuevo Fragmento de Ley Municipal. EmÇrita 32,1, 103-106. (SO29 007) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 4171. D'Ors,A (1966): El Conjunto Epigr†fico del Museo de Linares (IX). XI. La Gran Inscripcion Triplicada de Castulo. Oretania 2324, 277-285. (SO27 055) [EPIGRAPHY; HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 4330. D'Ors,A (1966): Un Militario del Emperador Juliano en Espa§a. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,R) (êcole Practique des Hautes êtudes. VIe Section. Centre de Recherches Historiques.) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 1337-1339. (SO29 017) [HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 4224. D'Ors,A (1972): Miscelanea Epigrafica. EmÇrita 40,1, 59-67. (SO27 107) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4370. D'Ors,A (1972): Leyes Municipales de la Espa§a Romana. In: Homenaje al Profesor Carriazo. Vol. 2. (: ) Publicaciones de le Universidad, Sevilla, 177-180. (SO29 055) [FESTSCHRIFT; HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 4166. D'Ors,A (1974): Licinio Silvano, Patrono de Badalona. EmÇrita 42, fasc. 1, 6975. (SO27 051) [HISPANIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4371. D'Ors,A (1974): La Condici¢n Jur°dica del Suelo en las Provincias de Hispania. In: I Diritti Locali nelle Province Romane con Particolare Riguardo alle Condizioni Giuridiche del Suolo. (: ) (Problemi Attuali di Scienza e Di Cultura, 194.) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 253-268. (SO29 062) [HISPANIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 4344. D'Ors,A (1980): Las F¢rmulas Procesales del ÆBronces de ContrebiaØ. AHDE, 1-20. (SO29 031) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; SPAIN] 4374. D'Ors,A (?): Una Nueva Inscripci¢n Ampuritana. Notas Ampuritanas 1, 293-295. (SO29 058) [INCOMPLETE; EPIGRAPHY; HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 1892. d'Ors,Alvaro (1959): Atti del Terzo Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina, L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 1959. Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 25, 481-484. (SO11 174) [BOOK REVIEW] 1350. d'Ors,Alvaro (1961): Los Bronces de Mulva. EmÇrita 29, fasc. 2, 203-218. (SO7 040) [OFFPRINT] 1402. d'Ors,Alvaro (1961): El Conjunto Epigr†fico del Museo de Linares (IV). Oretania 3,no. 7, 3-7. (SO7 094) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 4892. d'Ors,Alvaro (1963): Un Arbitrista del Siglo IV y la Decadencia del Imperio Romano. Cuadernos de la Fundaci¢n Pastor 7, 41-69. (SO35 080) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 604. D'Ors,Alvaro (1966): Nuevos Estudios Sobre la ÆConstitutio AntoninianaØ. In: Atti Syme Collection DB page 100 dell'XI Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia. (: ) Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, Milan, 408-432. (SO2 036) [OFFPRINT] 1802. d'Ors,Alvaro (1966/1973): Una Nueva Hipotesis Sobre P.Giss 40 I. In: Kurzberichte aus den Giessener-Sammlungen. Zur Constitutio Antoniniana (Pap. Giss. 40 I). Vol. 22. (: ) UniversitÑts-Bibliothek Giessen, Giessen, 4-7. (SO11 086) [OFFPRINT] 3297. D'Ors,Alvaro (1966): Sobre el NoEstatismo del Imperio Romano. Atlantida. Revista del Pensamiento Actual 4, 19, 82-88. (SO21 123) [OFFPRINT] 931. d'Ors,Alvaro (1968): Das Rîmische Gesetz als Akt des Magistrats. In: Epirrhosis. Festgabe fÅr Carl Schmitt. (Eds: Barion,Hans; Bîckenfîrde,E-W; Forsthoff,Ernst; Weber,Werner) Dunker & Humblot, Berlin, 313-323. (SO5 176) [OFFPRINT] 687. D'Ors,Alvaro (1969): The Athenian Constitution after Sulla, by Daniel J. Geagan (Hesperia Supplement XII). American School of Classical Studies, Princeton, New Jersey, 1967. AJA 73, 90-91. (SO2 138) [ATHENS; BOOK REVIEW; POLITICAL HISTORY] 3141. d'Ors,Alvaro (1969): Epigrafia Juridica Griega y Romana (IX). Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 35, 501-558. (SO20 094) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 1316. d'Ors,Alvaro (1971): El Progresso de la Epigraf°a Romana de Hispania. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. (: ) Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 253-264. (SO7 006) [CONGRESSES; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4568. D'Ors,Alvaro (1973): El Consol Augurino de la Tabla de Castromao. Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos 28, fasc. 85, 244-247. (SO32 061) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 624. D'Ors,Alvaro (1979): Cleopatra ®ÆuxorØ de Marco Antonio? AHDE, 639-642. (SO2 059) [OFFPRINT] 1397. d'Ors,Alvaro (19??): El Conjunto Epigr†fico del Museo de Linares (III). Oretania no. 6, . (SO7 089) <<no pages numbers, 5 pgs in total>> [OFFPRINT] 1133. d'Ors,Alvaro; d'Ors,Javier (1988): Lex Irnitana. (Texto BilingÅe). (Cuadernos Compostelanos de Derecho Romano, 1.) Universidade de Santiago de Compostella, Santiago de Compostella. 95 pages. (SO3 179) [MONOGRAPH; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW; TEXTS] 3416. Dow,Sterling (1951): Corinthiaca. HSCP 60, 81-100. (SO22 057) [OFFPRINT] 3323. Dow,Sterling (1959): M. Rostovtzeff. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire. Edited by P.M. Fraser. Oxford and New York, Clarendon Press, 1957. AJPh 80,4, 436-440. (SO21) [BOOK REVIEW] 2364. Dow,Sterling (1960): The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire: Rostovzeff's Classic after Thirty-Three Years. AHR 65, 544-553. (SO15 052) [OFFPRINT] 4768. Downey,Glanville (1968): Justinian and the Imperial Office. (Lectures in Memory of Louise Taft Semple, 2 ser.) University of Cincinnati, [Cincinnati]. 31 pages. (SO34 028) [JUSTIANIAN; LATE EMPIRE; LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 1669. Drew-Bear,Thomas (1972): Deux DÇcrets HellÇnistiques d'Asie Mineure. BCH 96, 435-471. (SO10 066) [OFFPRINT] 242. Drew-Bear,Thomas (1980): An Act of Foundation at Hypaipa. Chiron 10, 509-536. (SO4 021) [OFFPRINT] 3326. Drew-Bear,Thomas (1981): Les Voyages d'AurÇlius Gaius, Soldat de DioclÇtien. In: La GÇographie Administrative et Politique d'Alexandre Ö Mahomet. Actes du Colloques de Strasbourg 14-16 Juin 1979. (: ) Brill, Leiden, 93-141. (SO21 182) <<series: UniversitÇ des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg Travaux du Centre Syme Collection DB page 101 de Recherche sur le Proche-Orient et la Gräce Antiques 6>> [OFFPRINT] 1668. Drew-Bear,Thomas; Eck,Werner (1976): Kaiser-, MilitÑr und Steinbruchinschriften aus Phrygien. Chiron 6, 289-318. (SO10 065) [OFFPRINT] 1267. Drew-Bear,Thomas; Eck,Werner; Herrmann,Peter (1977): Sacrae Litterae. Chiron 7, 355-383. (SO6 114) [OFFPRINT] 2532. Drexler,Hans (1969): Suetons Divus Iulius und die ParallelÅberlieferung. Klio 51, 223-266. (SO16 016) [OFFPRINT] 3281. Drexler,Hans (1970): Eine CiceroBiographie. Maia 22, fasc. 1 (n.s.), 63-81. (SO21 108) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW] 5077. Drexler,Hans (1970): Sallustiana. Symbolae Osloenses 45, 49-66. (SO36C 025) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3214. Drexler,Hans (n.d): Nochmals Cicero und Matius. Romanitas, 69-97. (SO21 042) [OFFPRINT] 324. Dronke,Peter (1981): St Patrick's Reading. Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 1, 21-38. (SO4 103) [OFFPRINT] 5630. Dubs,Homer H (??): A Military Contact Between Chinese and Roman in 36 B.C. T'oung Pao 36,1, 64-80. (SO43 010) [ANATOLICA; CHINA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 3296. Ducrey,Pierre; van Effenterre,Henri (1973): Un Reglement d'êpoque Romaine sur les Bains d'Arcades. Kretika Chronika KE' (25/2), 281-290. (SO21 122) [OFFPRINT] 3320. Dudley,DR (1959): The Celebration of Claudius' British Victories. University of Birmingham Historical Journal 7,1, 6-17. (SO21 145) [OFFPRINT] 3282. DÅring,Ingemar (1954): Von Aristotles bis Leibniz. Einige Hauptlinien in der Geschichte des Aristotelismus. A&A 4, 118154. (SO21 109) [OFFPRINT] 2714. DÅrr,Julius (1902): Die Zeitgeschichtlichen Bezeihungen in den Satiren Juvenals. G.F. Rapp'schen Buchdruckerei, Cannstatt. 22 pages. (SO17 133) <<series: Wissenschaftliche Beilage [Supplement] zum Programm des Kgl. Gymnasiums in Cannstatt 1902. Programm Nr. 651>> [MONOGRAPH] 3284. Dunand,Franáois (1968): Les Deliaca de l'Histoire Auguste. Bulletin de la FacultÇ des Lettres de Strasbourg 47,3(dec. 1968), 151-155. (SO1 111) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 4278. Duncan-Jones,R (1967): Equestrian Rank in the Cities of the African Provinces under the Principate: An Epigraphic Survey. PBSR 35 (n.s. vol. 22), 147-188. (SO28 032) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1442. Duncan-Jones,RP (1963): Wealth and Munificence in Roman Africa. PBSR 31 (n.s. vol. 18), 159-177. (SO7 133) [AFRICA; ECONOMY; OFFPRINT] 1454. Duncan-Jones,RP (1963): City Population in Roman Africa. JRS 53, 85-90. (SO7 144) [OFFPRINT] 1412. Duncan-Jones,RP (1964): Human Numbers in Towns and Town-Organisations: The Evidence of Gifts. Historia 13,2, 199-208. (SO7 104) [OFFPRINT] 3322. Duncan-Jones,RP (1964): The Purpose and Organisation of the Alimenta. PBSR 32 (n.s. vol. 19), 123-146. (SO21 147) [OFFPRINT] 3321. Duncan-Jones,RP (1977): AgeRounding, Illiteracy and Social Differentiation in the Roman Empire. Chiron 7, 333-353. (SO21 146) [OFFPRINT] 2876. Duncan-Jones,RP (1985): Who Paid for Public Buildings in Roman Cities? In: Roman Urban Topography in Britain in Briain Syme Collection DB page 102 and the Western Empire. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Urban Archaeology. (1983). (Eds: Grew,Francis; Hobley,Brian) Council for British Archaeology,, 28-33. (SO18 065) <<CBA Research Report 59>> [OFFPRINT] 1421. Duncan-Jones,Richard (1962): Costs, Outlays and Summae Honorariae from Africa. PBSR 30 (n.s. vol. 17), 47-115. (SO7 113) [AFRICA; ARCHITECTURE; ECONOMY; OFFPRINT] 3272. Duncan-Jones,Richard (1965): An Epigraphic Survey of Costs in Roman Italy. PBSR 33 (n.s vol. 20), 189-306. (SO21 099) [OFFPRINT] 3274. Duncan-Jones,Richard (1965): The Finances of the Younger Pliny. PBSR 33 (n.s. vol. 20), 177-188. (SO21 101) [OFFPRINT] 1463. Dunst,G (1976): Hadrian's Heir. ZPE 21,1, 79-89. (SO9 003) [OFFPRINT] 3291. Durante,Marcello (1951 [1949]): A Propos d'une Nouvelle Interpretation de la Tabula Hebana. PP 18, 208-219. (SO21 118) [OFFPRINT] 2051. Durling,Richard J (1984): Problems of the Delphic Manumission Payments 200-1 B.C. ZPE 57, 203-209. (S012 092) [OFFPRINT] 4579. Dusanic,S (1968): On the Consules Suffecti of A.D. 74-76. Epigraphica 30, 59-74. (SO32 072) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3873. Dusanic,S (1971): [The Antinous Inscription at Socanica and the Metalla Municipii Dardanorum]. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 21,1, 241-261. (SO25 090; Serbo-Croat diacritics) <<Serbo-Croat article in Cyrillic script with English summary>> [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 865. Dusanic,S (1983): Moesia and Pannonia in Domitian's Last War on the Danube. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 33,1, 13-21. (SO5 108; `s' wedge and `c' acute in author's surname; Z cedilla in `Zhiva') [OFFPRINT] 752. Dusanic,Slobodan (1964): Severus Alexander as Elagabalus' Associate. Historia 13,4, 487-498. (SO2 119; `s' wedge and `c' acute in author's surname) [OFFPRINT] 591. Dusanic,Slobodan (1976): The End of the Philippi. Chiron 6, 427-439. (SO2 023; `s' wedge and `c' acute in author's surname) [OFFPRINT] 1290. Dusanic,Slobodan (1979): A Military Diploma of A.D. 65. Germania 56,2, 461-475. (SO6 136; `s' wedge and `c' acute on author's surnames) [OFFPRINT] 1058. Dusanic,Slobodan (1980): Nobilissimus Caesar Imperii et Sacerdotis. ZPE 37, 117-120. (SO3 098; `s' wedge and `c' acute author's surname) [OFFPRINT] 1113. Dusanic,Slobodan (1980): Military Dipplmata and War Expeditions. In: Roman Frontier Studies 1979 (XII). Papers Presented to the 12th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. (Eds: Hanson,WS; Keppie,LJF) (BAR International Series, 71.) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 10611069. (SO3 160; `s' wedge and `c' acute slavic accents in author's surname) [DIPLOMATA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 2159. Dusanic,Slobodan (1982): The Award of the Military Diploma. AArchSlov 33, 197232. (`s' wedge and `c' acute in author's surname, accent on `s' of `Arheoloski' in journal title) <<includes serbo-croat summary pgs 230232>> [OFFPRINT] 3298. Dusanic,Slobodan (1982): The Issue of Military Diplomata under Claudius and Nero. ZPE 47, 149-171. (SO21 124; `s' wedge and `c' acute in author's surname) [OFFPRINT] 3800. Dusanic,Slobodan; Vasic,Miloje R (1974): Fragment of a Military Diploma from Moesia Superior. Germania 52,2, 408-425. (SO25 019; `s' wedge and acute acute on Dusanic; c acute on Vasic) [MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 3086. Dusanic,Slobodan; Vasic,Miloje R (1977): An Upper Moesian Diploma of A.D. 96. Chiron 7, 291-304. Syme Collection DB page 103 (SO20 040; `s' wedge and `c' acute on authors' surnames) [MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 1074. Duval,Noâl (1980): Couronnes Agonistiques sur des Mosaãques Africaines: D'Althiburos (IVe s.?) au Cap Bon (Ve s.?). BCTH 12-14. fasc. B. Afrique du Nord (new series), 195-216. (SO3 114) [OFFPRINT] 3700. Duval,Paul-Marie (1964): Chronique Gallo-Romaine. REA 66,3-4, 353-389. (SO24 015) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3299. Duval,Paul-Marie (1986): Sources and Distribution of Chieftaincy Wealth in Ancient Gaul. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Celtic Studies. (Eds: Ellis Evans,D; Griffith,John G; Jope,EM), D.E. Evans, . (19-24; SO21 125) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4452. Duval,P-M (1956): Contribution des Fouilles de France 1941-1955 Ö l'Histoire de la Gaule. Historia 5,2, 238-253. (SO31 013) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4467. Duval,P-M (1958): Les Inscriptions Gallo-Grecques TrouvÇes en France. In: Actes du Colloque sur les Influences HellÇniques en Gaule. (: ) (Publications de l'UniversitÇ de Dijon, 16.) Imp. Bernigaud et Privat, Dijon, 1-7. (SO31 027) [EPIGRAPHY; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4470. Duval,P-M (1958): Notes sur la Civilisation Gallo-Romaine, IV. "Teutates, Esus,Taranis". êtudes Celtiques 8,1, 41-58. (SO31 030) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4495. Duval,P-M (1958): Observations sur les AmphithÇÉtres, Particuliärement dans la Gaule Romaine. êtudes d'ArchÇologie Classique 1, 67-73. (SO31 052) <<journal year is 1955-1956>> [GAUL; OFFPRINT] 4481. Duval,P-M (1960): La PrÇparation du Recueil des Inscriptions Gauloises. êtudes Celtiques, 20-28. (SO31 040) [EPIGRAPHY; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4482. Duval,P-M (c1965): Leáon Inaugurale Faites le Vendredi 4 DÇcembre 1964. Colläge de France. Chaire d'ArchÇologiqie et Histoire de la Gaule. (Nogent-le-Rotrou, Imp. Dauperley-Gouverneur 1965) (SO31 041) [FRANCE; LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 4480. Duval,P-M (1968): Chronique GalloRomaine. REA 70,3-4, 409-448. (SO31 039) [BIBLIOGRAPHY; EXCAVATIONS; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 3117. Dyson,Stephen L (1971): Native Revolts in the Roman Empire. Historia 20, 2-3, 239-274. (SO20 070) [OFFPRINT] 774. Eadie,J (1974): The Reliability and Origin of the Vita Didii Iuliani. ASNP 4,4 (3rd. ser.), 1409-1442. (SO5 006) [OFFPRINT] 4106. Eadie,J (c1977): Peripheral Vision in Roman History: Strenghts and Weaknesses of the Comparative Approach. In: Ancient and Modern Essays in Honour of Gerald F. Else. (Eds: D'Arms,JH; Eadie,JW) Centre for Coordination of Ancient and Modern Studies, Ann Arbor, Mich., 215-234. (SO26 145) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3920. Eadie,John W (1977): Civitates and Clients : Roman Frontier Policies in Pannonia and Mauretania Tingitana. In: The Frontier : Comparative Studies. (Eds: Miller,DH; Steffen,JO) University of Oklahoma Press,, 57-80. (SO25 135) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 5469. Eadie,John W (1977): The Development of the Pannonian Frontier South of the Drave. In: Limes. Akten des XI. Internationalen Limeskongresses (SzÇkesfehrÇru†r, 30/8-6/9/1976). (Ed: Fitz,Jeno) AkadÇmiai Kiado; Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 209-222. (SO40 005) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 5035. Earl,DC (1959): Political Terminology in Epistula ad Caesarem II. Museum Helveticum 16,3, 152-158. (SO36B 007) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 5093. Earl,DC (1960): Political Terminology in Plautus. Historia 9,2, 235-243. (SO36D 007) [OFFPRINT; PLAUTUS; POLITICAL THEORY] 3379. Earl,DC (1962): Terence and Roman Politics. Historia 11,4, 469-485. (SO22 020) Syme Collection DB page 104 [OFFPRINT] 5028. Earl,DC (1963): Pseudo-Sallust: Lettres Ö CÇsar, Invectives. Text êtabli, Traduit et CommentÇ par A. ERnout. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1962. The Classical Review 77 (13,2 n.s.), 172-173. (SO36B 001) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 5072. Earl,DC (1963): Two Passages of Sallust. Hermes 91,1, 125-127. (SO36C 020) [OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3373. Earl,DC (1965): Tiberius Gracchus' Last Assembly. Athenaeum 43, fasc. 1-2 (n.s.), 95-105. (SO22 014) [OFFPRINT] 5110. Earl,DC (1965): Sallust and the Senate's Numidian Policy. Latomus 24,3, 532536. (SO36D 024) [JUGURTHINE WAR; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5111. Earl,DC (1965): Ronald Syme, Sallust. University of California Press/ Cambridge University Press, 1964. JRS 55, 232-240. (SO36D 025) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SALLUST; SYME] 3306. Earl,Donald (1972): Prologue-Form in Ancient Historiography. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. I Republik. Vol. 2. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter De Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 842-856. (SO21 132) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3307. Ebel,Charles (1975): Pompey's Organization of Transalpina. Phoenix 29,4, 358-373. (SO21 133) [GAUL; OFFPRINT] 4144. Eck,W (1971): Zur Verwaltungsgeschichte Italiens unter Mark Aurel . Ein Iuridicus Per Flaminiam et Transpadanam. ZPE 8,1, 71-79. (SO27 030) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4145. Eck,W (1971): Prosopographische Bemerkungen zum XII. Supplement-Band der Real-EncyklopÑdie. ZPE 8,1, 81-92. (SO27 030) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4138. Eck,W (1972): Die Familie der Volusii Saturnini in Neuen Inschriften aus Lucus Feroniae. Hermes 100,3, 461-484. (SO27 024) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4156. Eck,W (1974): Ein Senatorischer Cursus Honorum aus der Mitte des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Chiron 4, 533-540. (SO27 041) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4409. Eck,W (1974): Zu Drei Ephesischen Inschriften. ZPE 14,2, 163-167. (SO30 032) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4154. Eck,W (1978): Beobachtungen zu Kaiserlichen Beauftragten der Alimentarinstitution. ZPE 18,1, 89-99. (SO27 039) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5655. Eck,W (1982): Anthony R. Birley: The Fasti of Roman Britain. Oxford: Clarendon P. 1981. Gnomon 54, 636-642. (SO16 117) [BOOK REVIEW; BRITANNIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4162. Eck,W (?): Hans-Georg Pflaum: Les Fastes de la Province de Narbonnaise. Preface d'Albert Grenier. Paris: êd. du Centres National de la Recherche Scientifique 1978 (Gallia. Suppl. 30). Gnomon, 493-495. (SO27 047) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 3329. Eck,Werner (1969): Die Eroberung von Masada und Eine Neue Inschrift des L. Flavius Silva Nonius Bassus. Zeitschrift fÅr die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaf und die Kunde der élteren Kirche 60, 3-4, 282-289. (SO21 152) [JUDAEA; OFFPRINT] 796. Eck,Werner (1970): Die Legaten von Lykien und Pamphylien unter Vespasian. ZPE 6,1, 65-75. (SO5 031) [OFFPRINT] 950. Eck,Werner (1971): Das Eindringen des Christentums in den Senatorenstand bis zu Konstantin d. Gr. Chiron 1, 381-406. (SO5 197) [OFFPRINT] 1617. Eck,Werner (1971): Arp†d Dob¢, Die Verwaltung der Rîmischen Provinz Pannonien von Augustus bis Diocletianus. Die Provinziale Verwaltung. Adolf M. Hakkert Verlag, Amsterdam 1968. BonnJahr 171, 743-750. (SO10 014) Syme Collection DB page 105 [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1685. Eck,Werner (1971): Prosopographische Bemerkungen zum XII Supplement-Band der Real-EncyklopÑdie. ZPE 8, 81-92. (SO10 073) [OFFPRINT] 766. Eck,Werner (1972): Peter Kneissl: Die Siegestitulatur der Rîmischen Kaiser. Untersuchungen zu den Siegerbeinamen des Ersten und Zweiten Jahrhunderts (Hypomnemata. 23) Gîttingen Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1969. 253 S. Gnomon 44, 171-176. (SO2 207) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1560. Eck,Werner (1972): Bemerkungen zum MilitÑrkommando in der Senatsprovinzen der Kaiserzeit. Chiron 2, 429-436. (SO9 094) [OFFPRINT] 3083. Eck,Werner (1972): Zum Ende der Legio Hispana. Chiron 2, 459-462. (SO20 037) [OFFPRINT] 3302. Eck,Werner (1972): Die Laufbahn des L. Antonius Albus, Suffektkonsul unter Hadrian. Epigraphische Studien 9, 17-36. (SO21 128) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3335. Eck,Werner (1972): M. Pompeius Silvanus, Consul Designatus Tertium- Ein Vertrauter Vespasians und Domitians. ZPE 9,3, 259-276. (SO21 158) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1561. Eck,Werner (1973): Sozialstruktur des Rîmischen Senatorenstandes der Hohen Kaiserzeit und Statistische Methode. Chiron 3, 375-394. (SO9 095) [OFFPRINT] 1676. Eck,Werner (1973): öber die PrÑtorischen Prokonsulate in der Kaiserzeit. Zephyrus 22-24, 233-260. (SO10 107) <<journal year is 1972-73>> [OFFPRINT] 3330. Eck,Werner (1973): Zu Zwei Stadtrîmischen Inschriften. Hispania Antiqua 3, 299-310. (SO21 153) [OFFPRINT] 1675. Eck,Werner (c1974): Acilius-Volatius. In: Paulys RealencyclopÑdie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Vol. 15 (suppl). (: ) Alfred DruckenmÅller Verlag, MÅnchen, . (SO10 063A) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1677. Eck,Werner (1974): Befîrderungskriterien Innerhalb der Senatorischen Laufbahn, Dargestellt an der Zeit von 69 bis 138 n. Chr. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 1. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 158-228. (SO10 108) [OFFPRINT] 1705. Eck,Werner (1975): Die Regionale Organisation der Italischen Iuridikate. ZPE 18,2, 155-166. (SO10 093) [OFFPRINT] 3828. Eck,Werner (1975): Die Claudische Kolonie Apri in Thrakien. ZPE 16, 295-299. (SO25 047) [COLONISATION; OFFPRINT; THRACE] 3829. Eck,Werner (1975): Die Laufbahn eines Ritter aus Apri in Thrakien. Ein Beitrag zum Ausbau der Kaiserlichen Administration in Italien. Chiron 5, 365-392. (SO25 048) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4525. Eck,Werner (1975): ErgÑnzungen zu den Fasti Consulares des 1. und 2. Jh. N. Chr. Historia 24, 324-344. (SO32 018) [PHOTOCOPY; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1291. Eck,Werner (1976): W.Langhammer: Die Rechtliche und Soziale Stellung der Magistratus Municipales und der Decuriones in der öbergangsphase der StÑdte von sich selbst Verwaltenden Gemeinden zu Vollzugsorganen des SpÑtantiken Zwangsstaates (2.-4. Jahrhundert der Rîmischen Kaiserzeit). Wiesbaden (Steiner) 1973. Gymnasium 83, 1-2, 105-109. (SO6 137) [BOOK REVIEW] 1298. Eck,Werner (1976): Ein Fragmentarischer Epigraphischer Text aus Aachen. Epigraphische Studien, 43-47. (SO6 145) [OFFPRINT] 1259. Eck,Werner (1977): Manfred Hainzman: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Verwaltung der Stadtrîmischen Wasserleitungen. Wien: Verb. der Wiss. Gesellschaften ôsterreiches 1975. (Diss. d. Univ. Graz. 32). Gnomon 49, 383-387. (SO6 106) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; WATER SUPPLY] Syme Collection DB page 106 1296. Eck,Werner (1977): Zur Erhebung der Erbschafts- und Freilassungssteuer in égypten im 2. Jahrh. N. Chr. ZPE 27, 201-210. (SO6 143) [OFFPRINT] 4575. Eck,Werner (1977): Miscellanea Consularia. ZPE 25, 227-240. (SO32 068) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 312. Eck,Werner (1978): Der Einflu· der Konstantinischen Wende auf die Auswahl der Bischîfe im 4. u.5. Jahrhundert. Chiron 8, 561585. (SO4 091) [OFFPRINT] 1077. Eck,Werner (1978): AbhÑngigkeit als Ambivalenter Begriff: zum VerhÑltnis von Patron und Libertus. Memorias de Historia Antigua 2(Actas del Coloquio 1978 Colonato y Otras Formas de Dependencia no Esclavistas), 41-50. (SO3 117) [OFFPRINT; SLAVERY; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 1684. Eck,Werner (1978): Mireille Corbier: L'Aerarium Saturni et l'Aerarium Militare. Administration et Prosopographie SÇnatoriale. Rome 1974. Gazette Numismatique Suisse 50, 763-767. (SO10 072) [BOOK REVIEW] 3084. Eck,Werner (1978): Zum Neuen Fragment des Sogenannten Testamentum Dasumii. ZPE 30, 277-295. (SO20 038) [OFFPRINT] 4561. Eck,Werner (1978): Mireille Corbier: L'Aerarium Saturni et l'Aerarium Militare. Administration et Prosopographie SÇnatoriale. Rome: êcole Franáaise de Rome 1974. (Collection de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome. 24). Gnomon 50, 763-767. (SO32 054) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 313. Eck,Werner (1979): Christen im Hîheren Reichsdienst im 2. und 3. Jahrhundert? Chiron 9, 449-464. (SO4 092) [OFFPRINT] 1255. Eck,Werner (1979): Wahl von Stadtpatron mit Kaiserlicher Beteilung? Chiron 9, 489-494. (SO6 102) [OFFPRINT] 1304. Eck,Werner (1979): Neue Inschriften aus SÅdetrurien. ZPE 36, 219-225. (SO6 151) [OFFPRINT] 1072. Eck,Werner (1980): Traian als Stifter der Alimenta auf einer Basis aus Terracina. AA, 266-270. (SO3 112) [OFFPRINT] 1076. Eck,Werner (1980): Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae. Curavit L.Moretti. Fasc. II. Pars Prior (264-728); Pars Altera (729-1141). Romae: Ist. Italiano per le Storia Antica 1972. 1973. V, 1-249. 255-512 S. (Studi Pubbl. dall'Ist. per la Storia Antica 22,1.2). Gnomon 52, 273-276. (SO3 116) [BOOK REVIEW] 1683. Eck,Werner (1980): B.Thomae [=B.E. Thomasson]: Laterculi Praesidium. Vol II: Tabulae Synchronae. Fasc. 2. Gîteborg 1978. Gymnasium 87,1-2, 123-124. (SO10 071) [BOOK REVIEW] 3301. Eck,Werner (1980): Die PrÑsenz Senatorischer Familien in den StÑdten der Imperium Romanum bis zum SpÑten 3. Jahrhundert. In: Studien zur Antiken Sozialgeschichte. Festschrift Friedrich Vittinghoff. (Eds: Eck,Werner; Galsterer,Hartmut; Wolff,Hartmut) Bîhlau, Kîln; Wien, 283-322. (SO21 127) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3305. Eck,Werner (1980 [1979]): Iscrizioni Nouve dall'Etruria Meridionale (Supplemento a CIL XI). Epigraphica 41, 89-118. (SO21 131) [ETRURIA; OFFPRINT] 3334. Eck,Werner (1980): Hermann Bengtson : Die Flavier. Vespasian. Titus. Domitian. Geschichte eines Rîmischen Kaiserhauses. MÅnchen : Beck 1979 (Beck'sche Sonderausgaben). Gnomon 52, 343-347. (SO21 157) [BIOGRAPHY; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4585. Eck,Werner (1980): Epigraphische Untersuchungen zu Konsuln und Senatoren des 1.-3 JH.N.CH. ZPE 37, 31-68. (SO32 078) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1713. Eck,Werner (1981 [1978]): Alfîldy,G., Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter den Antoninen. Prosopographische Untersuchungen zur Senatorischen FÅhrungsschicht. Bonn, Habelt-Verlag, 1977. Syme Collection DB page 107 Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 29, 209-214. (SO10 101) [BOOK REVIEW] 1716. Eck,Werner (1981): Benedictus Thomae, Laterculi Praesidium II. Tabulae Synchronae, Fasc. 2. Bokfîrlaget Radius, Gîteborg 1978. BonnJahr 181, 661-664. (SO10 104) [BOOK REVIEW] 3303. Eck,Werner (1981): Miscellanea Prosopographica. ZPE 42, 227-256. (SO21 129) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1625. Eck,Werner (1982): Prokonsuln von Asia in der Flavisch-Traianischen Zeit. ZPE 45, 139-153. (SO10 022) [OFFPRINT] 1688. Eck,Werner (1982): Einflu· Korrupter Praktiken auf das Senatorisch-Ritterliche Befîrderungswegen in der Hohen Kaiserzeit? In: Korruption in Altertum. (Ed: Schuller,Wolfgang) R.Oldenburg,, 135-151. (SO10 076) [OFFPRINT] 3332. Eck,Werner (1982): Jahres- und Provinzialfasten der Senatorischen Statthalter von 69/7- bis 138/139. Chiron 12, 281-362. (SO21 154) <<part 2 of the article is offprint SO21 155>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3331. Eck,Werner (1983): Jahres- und Provinzialfasten der Senatorischen Statthalter von 69/70 bis 138/139. Chiron 13, 147-237. (SO21 155) <<second part of SO21 154>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 3333. Eck,Werner (1983): CIL VI 1444 + CIL XII 3169 : Die Laufbahn des D. D. Terentius Scaurianus. ZPE 52, 151-156. (SO21 156) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3822. Eck,Werner (1983): C. Gabinius Barbarus Pompeianus als Statthalter Obermîsiens im Jahr 197 n. Chr. ZPE 51, 291294. (SO25 041) [MOESIA; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 872. Eck,Werner (1984): CIL VI 1508 (Moretti, IGUR 71) und die Gestaltung Senatorischer Ehrenmonumente. Chiron 14, 201-217. (SO5 115) [OFFPRINT] 901. Eck,Werner (1984): Niedergermanische Statthalter in Inschriften aus Kîln und Nettersheim. BonnJahr 184, 97115. (SO5 146) [OFFPRINT] 905. Eck,Werner (1984): Zu Inschriften Rîmischer Statthalter in Germanien. ZPE 57, 149-159. (SO5 150) [OFFPRINT] 2346. Eck,Werner (1984): Roms Statthalter am Rhein - ReprÑsentanten Rîmischer Macht. Geschichte in Kîln 16, 5-33. (SO15 034) <<series: Schriftenreihe der ArchÑologischen Gesellschaft Kîln 18>> [OFFPRINT] 3300. Eck,Werner (1984): Zum Konsularen Status von Iudaea im FrÅhen 2. JH. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 21,1-4, 55-67. (SO21 126) [OFFPRINT] 859. Eck,Werner (1985): Richard J.A. Talbot: The Senate of Imperial Rome. Princeton N.J.: Princeton UP 1984. Gnomon 57, 624-631. (SO5 101) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1022. Eck,Werner (1985): Statius Silvae 1.4 und C. Rutilius Gallicus als Proconsul Asiae II. AJPh 106, 475-484. (SO4 061) [OFFPRINT] 2134. Eck,Werner (1985): ErgÑnzende Bemerkungen zur Inschrift des L. Stertinius Quintilianus. ZPE 61, 222-223. (SO13 036) [OFFPRINT] 2136. Eck,Werner (1985): Ein Ehrenmonument der Centurionen der Legio I Minervia fÅr Caracalla, Geta und Iulia Domna. BonnJahr 185, 41-45. (SO13 037) [OFFPRINT] 3328. Eck,Werner (1985): H.-G. Pflaum : Les Carriäres Procuratoriennes êquestres sous le Haut-Empire Romain. SupplÇment. Paris : Geuthner 1982 (Institut Franáais d'ArchÇologie du Proche-Orient. Bibliothäque ArchÇologique et Historique. 112). Gnomon 57, 252-256. (SO21) [BOOK REVIEW; PROSOPOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 108 868. Eck,Werner (1986): Augustus' Administrative Reformen: Pragmatismus oder Systematisches Planen? Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 29, 105-120. (SO5 111) [OFFPRINT] 891. Eck,Werner (1986): Die Ausformung der Ritterlichen Administration als Antisenatspolitik? In: Opposition et RÇsistances a l'Empire d'Auguste Ö Trajan. (Eds: Adalberto,G; Raaflaub,K) (Entretiens sur l'AntiquitÇ Classique, 33.) Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres-Genäve, 249-289. (SO5 135) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL STRUCTURE] 2147. Eck,Werner (1986): Inschriften aus der Vatinkanischen Nekropole unter St. Peter. ZPE 65, 245-293. (SO13 048) [OFFPRINT] 906. Eck,Werner (1987): Senatorische AmtstrÑger und RÑtien unter Augustus. ZPE 70, 203-216. (SO5 151) [OFFPRINT] 4494. Eck,Werner; Gladbach,Bergisch (c1973): Eine Bauinschrift Nertos aus Kîln. Kîlner Jahrbuch fÅr Vor- und FrÅhgeschichte 13, 89-91. (SO31 051) <<journal year is 1972-1973>> [EPIGRAPHY; FRONTIERS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 1075. Eck,Werner; Pack,Edgar (1980): Inschriften aus dem Campo Santo Teutonico in Rom. Chiron 10, 1980. (SO3 115) [OFFPRINT] 1064. Eck,Werner; Pack,Edgar (1981): Das Rîmische Heba. Chiron 11, 139-168. (SO3 104) [OFFPRINT] 3716. Edlund,Sven (1959): Ronald Syme, Tacitus. Vol I-II. London : Oxford University Press 1958. Lynchos. Annual of the Swedish History of Science Society [1959], 303-304. (SO24 031) [OFFPRINT] 786. Edson,Charles (1961): Pompei Trogi Fragmenta. Collegit Otto Seel. ("Bibl. Script. Graec. et Rom. Teubn.," No 1981) Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1956. Classical Philology 56,3, 198-204. (SO5 021) [BOOK REVIEW] 3896. Edson,Charles F (1970): Early Macedonia. In: Ancient Macedonia. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium. Thessaloniki 26-29 August, 1968. (: ) (Hidryma Meleton Chersonesou tou Haimou, 122.) Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 17-44. (SO25 112) [MACEDONIA; OFFPRINT] 3927. Egger,Rudolf (1919): Ein Neuer Statthalter der Provinz Dalmatia. JOAI 19-20, 294-322. (SO25 142) [DALMATIA; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4645. Ehrenberg,Victor (1953): "Imperium Maius" in the Roman Republic. AJPh 74,2, 113-136. (SO33 025) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 2396. Ehrenberg,Victor (1960): Theodor Mommsens Kolleg Åber Rîmische Kaisergeschichte. Heidelberger Jahrbuecher 4, 94-107. (SO15 084) [OFFPRINT] 2803. Ehrenberg,Victor (1964): Caesar's Final Aims. HSCP 68, 149-161. (SO16 098) [OFFPRINT] 5624. Ehrenstein,Theodor (1937): öber die Fresken der Synagoge von Dura Europos. Eine Studie. 16pp. Wien: Kuntsverlag Albert Kende. (SO43 004) [JUDAISM; MESOPOTAMIA; PAMPHLETT] 4748. Ehrhardt,Arnold (1955): Constantin d. Gr. Religionspolitik und Gesetzgebung. Savigny-Stiftung fÅr Rechtsgeschichte. Romantische Abteilung 72, 388-456. (Zeitschrift fÅr Rechtgeschichte vol. 85) (SO34 008) [CONSTANTINE; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1228. Ehrhardt,C (1978): Messalina and the Succession to Claudius. Antichthon 12, 51-77. (SO6 075) [OFFPRINT] 863. Ehrhardt,Christopher THR (1984): Roman Coin Types and the Roman Public. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 34, 41-53. (SO5 105) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 109 773. Ellis,Robinson (1905): On the Historia Augusta. Hermathena 13 (no. 31), 399-420. (SO5 005) [OFFPRINT] 1925. Emmett,Alanna; Croke,Brian; Nutt,DC; Folkard,RD (1972): The Later Roman Empire. AncSoc 2,4, 3-26. (SO11 206) [OFFPRINT] 3359. Engelmann,H (1972): Der Tempel des Hadrian in Ephesos und der Proconsul Servaeus Innocens. ZPE 9,1, 91-96. (SO21 180) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4867. En·lin,W (1951): Papst Johannes I. als Gesandter Theoderichs des Grossen bei Kaiser Justinos I. ByzZ 44, 127-134. (SO35 056) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PAPACY] 4864. En·lin,W (1953): A. Alfîldi, A Conflict of Ideas in the Late Roman Empire. The Clash Between the Senate and Valentinian I, translated by H. Mattingly. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1952. ByzZ 46, 151-153. (SO35 053) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 4865. En·lin,W (1953): P. Goubert, Byzance Avant Islam. T. I: Byzance et l'Orient sous les Successeurs de Justinien. L'Empereur Maurice. Paris, A. et J. Picard 1951. ByzZ 46, 383-384. (SO35 054) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4866. En·lin,W (1953): S. Mazzarino, Aspetti Sociali del Quarto Secolo. Richerche di Storia Tardo-Romana. (Problemi e Richerche di Storia Antica, 1) Rom, L'Erma di Bretschneider 1951. ByzZ 46, 388-389. (SO35 055) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] (SO38A 033) [MSS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4367. Etienne,R (1960): Sur une Monnaie FrappÇ sous Caligula. Bulletin et MÇmoires de la SociÇtÇ ArchÇologique de Bordeaux 60, 1-5. (SO29 052) <<journal year is 1947-58>> [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 4332. êtienne,R (1966): Ausone e l'Espagne. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie, D'Epigraphie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö Jàrome Carcopino. (: ) Hachette, Paris, 319-332. (SO29 019) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SPAIN] 4471. Etienne,R (1966): La Date de l'AmphithÇÉte de Nåmes. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) (êcole Practique des Hautes êtudes. VIe Section; CNRS.) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 985-1010. (SO31 031) [FESTSCHRIFT; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 317. Etienne,R (1982): MÇrida Capitale du Vicariat des Espagnes. In: Homenaje a Saenz de Buruaga. (: ) Instituci¢n Cultural "Pedro de Valencia"; Excelent°sima Diputaci¢n Provincial de Badajoz, [Badajoz, Spain], 201-207. (SO4 096) [FESTSCHRIFT; LUSITANIA; MêRIDAANCIENT SITE] 3459. êtienne,Robert (1952): Le Voyage PyrÇnÇen d'Auguste en 26-25 avant J.-C. Annales du Midi 64, 5-14. (SO22 098) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 4868. En·lin,W (1953): Der Kaiser Herakleios und die Themenverfassung. ByzZ 46, 362-368. (SO35 057) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4463. Etienne,Robert (c1959): La Chronologie des Autels Tauroboliques de Lectoure. In: Gascogne Gersoise. ArchÇologie - Historire - êconomie. Actes des XIIme et XVme Congräs d'êtudes RÇgionales Tenus Ö Lectoure les 1-3 Mai 1959. (: ) SociÇtÇ ArchÇologique du Gers; CNRS,, 35-42. (FÇdÇration Historique du Sud-Ouest; FÇdÇrations des SociÇtÇs AcadÇmiques et Savantes Languedoc - PyranÇes - Gascogne) (SO31 023) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4869. En·lin,W (1953): War Kaiser Theodosius I. Zweimal in Rom? Hermes 81,4, 500-507. (SO35 0057) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4464. Etienne,Robert (1960): Ausone et Dax. Bulletin de la SociÇtÇ de Borda, 217224. (SO31 024) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5345. Erasmus,HJ (1962): A Note on Leidensis B.P.L. 16B, Tacitus XI-XXI. Mnemosyne 15,4 (4th ser.), 384-389. 2847. êtienne,Robert (1987): Frommages et Alimentation Ö Rome. In: Histoire et Syme Collection DB page 110 GÇographie des Fromages. (: ), Caen, 299304. (SO18 036) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3304. êtienne,Robert (1987): Extra Portam Trigeminam : Espace Politique et Espace êconomique Ö l'Emporium de Rome. In: L'Urbs. Espace Urbain et Histoire (Ier siäcle av. J.-C.-IIIe siäcle ap. J.-C.). Actes du Colloque Internationale OrganisÇ par la Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique et l'êcole Franáaise de Rome (Rome, 8-12 Mai 1985). (: ) êcole Franáaise de Rome, Rome, 235-249. (SO21 130) <<series: Collection de lêcole Franáaise de Rome 98>> [OFFPRINT; ROME- TOPOGRAPHY] 2124. Etienne,Robert (19??): Aeternitas Augusti-Aeternitas Imperii. In: Les Grandes Figures Religieuses. Fonctionnement Pratique et Symbolique dans l'AntiquitÇ de Besanáon, 25-26 Avril 1984. (: ) (Annales LittÇraires de l'UniversitÇ de Besanáon, 329; Centres de Recherches d'Histoire Ancienne, 68; Lire les PolythÇismes.) Belles Lettres, Paris, 445-454. (SO13 027) [OFFPRINT; RELIGION-ANCIENT] 2146. Etienne,Robert; Le Roux,Patrick; Tranoy,Alain (1987): La Tessera Hospitalis, Instrument de SociabilitÇ et de Romanisation dans La PÇninsule IbÇrique. In: SociabilitÇ Pouvoirs et SociÇtÇ. Actes du Colloque de Rouen. (: ) UniversitÇ de Rouen, Rouen, 323336. (SO13 047) [OFFPRINT] 4506. Ettlinger,E; von Gonzenbach,V (1952): Die Grabung am ShutthÅgel 1951. Gesellschaft pro Vindonissa. Jahresbericht 1951/52, 29-56. (SO31 061) <<journal year is 1951/52>> [EXCAVATIONS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 4282. Euzennat,M (1966): Le Roi Sosus et la Dynastie MaurÇtanienne., 333-339. (SO28 036) <<source unknown-same as SO28 025>> [INCOMPLETE; AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4453. Euzennat,M (1976): Les Fouilles de la Bourse Ö Marseille. CRAI (July-Oct.), 529552. (SO31 014) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4474. Euzennat,M; Salviat,F; Veyne,P (c1970): Les Scholies Bernoises de Lucain, CÇsar et Marseille Antique. êtudes Celtiques 3, 13-24. (SO31 034) <<journal year is 1968-70?>> [EXCAVATIONS; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 2252. Euzennat,Maurice (1969): Fragments InÇdits de Bronzes êpigraphiques Marocains. AntAfr 3, 115-132. (SO14 060) [OFFPRINT] 4475. Euzennat,Maurice (c1970): Lingots Espagnols RetrouvÇs en Mer. êtudes Celtiques 3, 83-98. (SO31 035) <<journal year is 1968-70?>> [INCOMPLETE; EPIGRAPHY; FRANCE; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 4489. Euzennat,Maurice (1970): Circonscription de Provence - Cìte-d'Azur Corse (RÇgion Sud). Gallia 27,2, 419-463. (SO31 046; journal year is 1969) [EXCAVATIONS; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 2256. Euzennat,Maurice (1971): Grecs et Orientaux en Mauretaine Tingitaine. AntAfr 5, 161-178. (SO14 064) [OFFPRINT] 1426. Euzennat,Maurice (1974): Les Zegrenses. In: MÇlanges d'Histoire Ancienne Offerts Ö William Seston. (: ) (Publications de la Sorbonne. êtudes, 9.) êditions E. de Boccard, Paris, 175-186. (SO7 118) [AFRICA; FESTSCHRIFT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1434. Euzennat,Maurice (1976): Une DÇdicace Volubilitaine a l'Apollon de Claros. AntAfr 10, 63-68. (SO7 126) [OFFPRINT] 1407. Euzennat,Maurice (1984): Les Troubles de MaurÇtanie. CRAI april-june 1984, 372-393. (SO7 099) [OFFPRINT] 1408. Euzennat,Maurice (1984): Le Limes du Sebou. Bulletin ArchÇologique du C.T.H.S. 17B (n.s.), 371-381. (SO7 100) [FRONTIERS; MAROCCO; OFFPRINT] 4466. Euzennat,Maurice; Salviat,Franáois (1968): Les Fouilles de Marseille (Mars-Avril 1968). CRAI (April-June 1968), 144-159. (SO31 026) [EXCAVATIONS; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 3188. Evans,Elizabeth C (1941): The Study of Physiogomy in the Second Century A.D. Syme Collection DB page 111 Transactions of the American Philological Association 72, 96-108. (SO21 014) [BIOGRAPHY] 5375. Fabia,Philippe (1922): 1. Oeuvres de Tacite,...[ed.]...par Henri Goelzer. Histoires. Paris: Hachette, 1920. 2. Tacite, Histoires, Texte êtabli et Traduit par Henri Goelzer. Collection des UniversitÇs de France publiÇe sous le Patronage de l'Association Guillaume BudÇ. Paris, SociÇtÇ d'êdition ÆLes Belles LettresØ. Journal des Savants March-April 1922, 49-63. (SO38B 024) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3479. Fabia,Philippe (1931): A Propos de la Table Claudienne. REA 33, 3-60. (SO22 117) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3358. Fabre,G; Roddaz,JM (1982): Recherches sur la ÆFamiliaØ de M. Agrippa. Athenaeum 60, fasc. 1-2 (n.s.), 84-112. (SO21 179) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4037. Fairweather,JA (1974): Fiction in the Biographies of Ancient Writers. AncSoc 5, 231-275. (SO26 080) [BIOGRAPHY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2947. Fairweather,Janet (1984): Traditional Narratives, Inference and Truth in the Lives of Greek Poets. In: Papers of the Liverpool Latin Fourth seminar, 1983. (Ed: Cairns,Francis) Francis Cairns, Liverpool, 315-369. (SO18 134) <<series: ARCA Classical and Mediaeval Texts, Papers and Monographs, 11>> [BIOGRAPHY; GREEK LITERATURE; OFFPRINT] (SO21 144) [OFFPRINT] 1280. Fascione,Lorenzo (1975): Aliquem Iudicio Circumvenire e ob Iudicandum Pecuniam Accipere (da Caio Gracco a Giulio Cesare). Archivo Giuridico 189, fasc. 1-2, 124. (SO6 127) [OFFPRINT] 3318. Fascione,Lorenzo (1975): Cenni Bibliografici sulla ÆBona FidesØ. In: Studi sulla Buona Fede. (: ) Giuffrä, [Roma?], 51-73. (SO21 183) [OFFPRINT] 5174. Faucci,Dario (1935): Ronald Syme, The Spanish War of Augustus (26-25 B.C.), in ÆThe American Journal of PhilologyØ, 1934, vol. LV,4. Historia (It) 9,1, unpag. (SO36F 037) [AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SYME] 1837. Fayer,Carla (1963): Testimonianze di Tribó Romane nelle Leggende delle Monete, nei Papiri e nelle Fonti Letterarie. Studi Urbinati 36, 2 (new series B), 185-206. (SO11 120) <<journal year is 1962>> [OFFPRINT] 5360. Fehrle,Eugen (1926): Die Germania des Tacitus als Quelle fÅr Deutsche Volkskunde. Schweiz. Archiv fÅr Volkskunde 26, 229-253. (SO38B 011) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2082. Feldman,H Louis (1960): The Orthodoxy of the Jews in Hellenistic Egypt. Jewish Social Studies 22,4, 215-237. (SO12 123) [OFFPRINT] 2865. Fairweather,Janet (1987): Ovid's Autobiographical Poem, Tristia 4.10. CQ 37,1, 181-196. (SO18 054) [OFFPRINT] 1980. Feldman,H Louis (1961): Scholarship on Philo and Josephus (1937-1959). The Classical World 54,9, 281-290. (SO12 022) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 5000. Farrington,Benjamin (1937): Diodorus Siculus Universal Historian. Inaugural Lecture of the Professor of Classics delivered at the University College of Swansea on November 10 1936. 37 pp.; University of Wales Press Board. (SO36A 001) [DIODORUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1981. Feldman,H Louis (1961): Scholarship on Philo and Josephus (1937-1959) II. The Classical World 55,2, 36-49. (SO12 023) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3317. Fascione,Lorenzo (1974): Riflessioni sull'Orazione per Rabirio Postumo. Studi Senesi 86, fasc. 3 (3rd. series, vol. 23), 335376. 1982. Feldman,H Louis (1962): Scholarship on Philo and Josephus (1937-1959) II. The Classical World 55,8, 236-244. (SO12 024) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] Syme Collection DB page 112 1983. Feldman,H Louis (1962): Scholarship on Philo and Josephus (1937-1959) II. The Classical World 55,9, 278-301. (SO12 025) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 2078. Feldman,H Louis (1970): Hellenizations in Josephus' Version of Esther. Transactions of the American Philological Association 101, 143-170. (SO12 119) [OFFPRINT] 5263. Feldman,LH (1962): The Sources of Josephus' ÆAntiquitiesØ, Book 19. Latomus 21, 320-333. (SO37C 022) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; JOSEPHUS; OFFPRINT] 1963. Feldman,Louis H (1950): Jewish "Sympathizers" in Classical Literature and Inscriptions. Transactions of the American Philological Association 81, 200-208. (SO12 005) [OFFPRINT] 1962. Feldman,Louis H (1953): Asinius Pollio and His Jewish Interests. Transactions of the American Philological Association 84, 73-80. (SO12 004) [OFFPRINT] 1974. Feldman,Louis H (1958): The Identity of Pollio, the Pharisee in Josephus. The Jewish Quarterly Review 49, 53-62. (SO12 016) [OFFPRINT] 4503. Fellmann,Rudolf (1955): Die Grabungen im Legionslager Vindonissa im Jahre 1954/55. Gesellschaft pro Vindonissa. Jahresbericht 1954/55, 5-66. (SO31 060) <<offprint includes entire annual>> [EXCAVATIONS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 362. Fern†ndez,Gonzalo (1983): Justiano y la Clausura de la Escuelo de Atenas. Erytheia 2,2, 24-30. (SO4 145) [JUSTINIAN; PHILOSOPHY- GREEK; PHOTOCOPY] 400. Fern†ndez,Gonzalo (1984): El Cisma Meleciano en la Iglesia Egipcia. In: Geri¢n. (: ) Facultad de Geograf°a e Historia Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, 155-180. (SO4 188) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4831. Fern†ndez,Gonzalo (1984): Problemas Historicos en Torno a la Muerte de Arrio. Erytheia 5, 95-103. (SO35 023) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 3345. Fern†ndez,Gonzalo (1985): Galvaris,G.: The Icon in the Life of the Church. Doctrine. Liturgy. Devotion. Serie "Iconograpgy of religions", editada por Th. Van Baaren, L.P. Van Den Bosch, L. Leertouwer, F. Leemhuis y H. Buning. Erytheia 6,1, 141144. (SO21 166) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3346. Fern†ndez,Gonzalo (1985): La Muerte de Hipatia. Erytheia 6.2, 269-282. (SO21 167) [OFFPRINT] 3347. Fern†ndez,Gonzalo (1987): El Rey Persa Khusro y la Filosof°a Atiense ante la Crisis del Ano 529 d.C. Un Nuevo Episodio de la Penetraci¢n de la Cultura Griega en Ir†n. Geri¢n 5, 171-181. (SO21 168; - over `o' in `Khusro'; til over `o' in `Ano') [OFFPRINT] 3502. Ferenczy,E (1967): The Censorship of Appius Claudius Caecus. AAntHung 15, 2761. (SO22 140) [OFFPRINT] 2874. FernÖndez,Gonzalo; Mortimore,Roger (1985): Athanasius of Alexandria and Liberius of Rome. Analysis of the Letter "Pro Deificio Timore" of Liberius in the Light of the Edict of Arles of 353. In: Arianism. Historical and Theological Reassessments. Papers from the Ninth International Conference on Patristic Studies. September 5-10, 1983. Oxford, England. (Ed: Gregg,Robert C) Philadelphia Patristic Foundation, Ltd.,, 303-311. (SO18 063) <<series: Patristic Monograph Series, No. 11>> [OFFPRINT] 384. Fern†ndez,Gonzalo (1981): Destrucciones de Templos en la AntigÅedad Tard°a. AEA 54, no. 143-144, 141-156. (SO4 171) [OFFPRINT] 429. Fern†ndez Nieto,FJ (1971): Tucidides I, 28,5 y el Incedente de Corcira. Hispania Antiqua 1, 95-104. (SO1C 007) [OFFPRINT] 3503. Ferenczy,E (1966): The Rise of the Patrician-Plebeian State. AAntHung 14, 113139. (SO22 141) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 113 428. Fern†ndez Nieto,FJ (1972): La Indemnizaci¢n de Guerra en la Grecia Cl†sica y sus Aplicaciones. Revista de la Universidad de Madrid 20, no. 78, 37-55. (SO1C 006) [OFFPRINT] 427. Fern†ndez Nieto,FJ (1975): Observaciones sobre el Sistema de Distribucion de la Tierra tras la Desaparicion del Mundo Micenico. In: Actas de las I Jornadas de Metodologia Aplicada de las Ciencias Historicas. I Prehistoria e Historia Antigua. (: ) Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, 197205. (SO1C 005) [AGRICULTURE; LAND DIVISION; OFFPRINT] 3316. Ferray,Jean-Louis (1985): La Lex Antonia de Termessibus. Athenaeum 73, fasc. 3-4 (n.s.), 419-457. (SO21 143) [OFFPRINT] 4368. Ferri,S (1935): Poulsen, Sculptures de MusÇes de Provinces Espagnols. Copenhagen 1933. Historia (It) 9,1, 2-12. (SO29 053) <<article repaginated?>> [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2411. Ferri,Silvio (1934): Anticipazioni Medievali nell'Arte dell'Impero Romano. Anuario del Cuerpo Facultativo de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios y Arque¢logos 2, 5-15. (SO15 099) [OFFPRINT] 2433. Ferri,Silvio (1934): Aspetti d'Arte Romana su Suolo Greco. Historia. Studia Storici per l'AntichitÖ Classica 8,3, 453-473. (SO15 200) [OFFPRINT] 3350. Ferrill,Arther (1971): Prosopography and the Last Years of Augustus. Historia 20, 56, 718-731. (SO21 171) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 627. Ferrill,Arther (1977): Caesar's Private Fortune: Wealth and Politics in the Late Roman republic. Indiana Social Studies Quarterly 30, 101-111. (SO4 063) [OFFPRINT] 2833. Ferrill,Arther (1978): The Emperor Augustus: From Republic to Empire. Forum Press, St. Louis. 15 pages. (SO18 022) <<series: The Forum Series (FE 157)>> [MONOGRAPH] 3348. Ferrill,Arther (1978): History in Roman Schools. The Ancient World 1,1, 1-5. (SO21 169) [OFFPRINT] 3352. Ferrill,Arther ([1978]): The Wealth of Crassus and the Origins of the "First Triumvirate". The Ancient World 1,4, 169-177. (SO21 173) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3354. Ferrill,Arther (1978): Herodotus on Tyranny. Historia 27,3, 385-398. (SO21 175) [OFFPRINT] 3351. Ferrill,Arther (1980): Augustus and His Daughter : A Modern Myth. In: Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History II. (Ed: Deroux,Carl) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 332-346. (SO21 172) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5409. Ferrill,Arthur (1965): Otho, Vitellius, and the Propaganda of Vespasian. The Classical Journal 60,6, 267-269. (SO38D 014) [FLAVIANS; OFFPRINT; PROPAGANDA] 5235. Ferrill,Arthur (1966): Seneca's Exile and the Ad Helviam: A Reinterpretation. Classical Philology 61,4, 253-257. (SO37B 019) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SENECA] 1448. FÇvrier,J-G; Levi della Vida,G (1953): La Ligne NÇopunique de l'Inscription Bilingue: I.R.T, 305. REA 55,3-4, 358-360. (SO7 138) [OFFPRINT] 1453. FÇvrier,Paul-Albert (1964): Remarques sue les Inscriptions FunÇraires DatÇes de Mauretanie Cäsarienne Orientale. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 1964,1, 105-172. (SO7 143) [OFFPRINT] 1458. FÇvrier,Paul-Albert (1964): Notes sur le DÇvelopment Urbain en Afrique du Nord. Les Examples ComparÇs de Djemila et de SÇtif. Cahiers ArchÇologiques 14, 1-47. (SO7 148) [OFFPRINT] 5399. Finch,Chauncey E (1967): Fragments of Carmina Duodecim Sapientum in Codex Vat. Lat. 3227. Phoenix 21,4, 299-300. (SO38D 005) [CICERO; MSS; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 114 4151. Fink,RO (1939): Lucius Seius Caesar, Socer Augusti. AJPh 60,3, 326-332. (SO27 036) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1763. Fink,Robert O (1967): M.Aurelius Atho Marcellus. AJPh 88,1, 84-85. (SO11 047) [OFFPRINT] 4070. Fink,RO (1942): Victoria Parthica and Kindred Victoriae. Yale Classical Studies 81101, SO26 111. [OFFPRINT] 1729. Fink,Robert O (1974): Æ Damnatio Memoriae Ø and the Dating of Papyri. In: Syntheleia. Vicenzo Arangio-Ruiz. (: ) Editore Jovene, Napoli, 232-236. (SO11 012) [OFFPRINT] 1770. Fink,Robert O (1941): The Sponsalia of a Classiarius: A Reinterpretation of P. Mich. Inv. 4703. Transactions of the American Philological Association 72, 109-124. (SO11 054) [OFFPRINT] 1719. Fink,Robert O (1942): Mommsen's Pridianum: B.G.U., 696. AJPh 63,1, 61-71. (SO11 002) [OFFPRINT] 1795. Fink,Robert O (1944): Feriale Duranum I,1 and Mater Castrorum. AJA 48, 17-19. (SO11 079) [OFFPRINT] 1776. Fink,Robert O (1945): A Fragment of a Roman Military Papyrus at Princeton. Transactions of the American Philological Association 76, 271-278. (SO11 060) [OFFPRINT] 1741. Fink,Robert O (1953): Centuria Rufi, Centuria Rufiana, and the Ranking of Centuries. Transactions of the American Philological Association 84, 210-215. (SO11 024) [OFFPRINT] 1774. Fink,Robert O (1957): Two Fragments of Roman Military Rosters in Vienna. PP 55, 298-311. (SO11 058) [OFFPRINT] 3356. Fink,Robert O (1958): Hunt's Pridianum : British Museum Papyrus 2851. JRS 48, 102-116. (SO21 177) [OFFPRINT] 1752. Fink,Robert O (1963-1964): Soldier's Receipts for Legacies. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 1, 39-46. (SO11 035) [OFFPRINT] 1794. Fink,Robert O (1964): P. Mich. VII 447. AJA 68, 297-299. (SO11 078) [OFFPRINT] 3723. Finlay,M (1960): Serious History. Review of : The History of Rome. By Theodor Mommsen. abridged by C. Bryans and F.J.R. Hendy (re-issue of 1888 ed.); The Roman Revolution. By Ronald Syme (O.U.P.). Spectator (7 October), 527. (SO24 038) [BOOK REVIEW; CUTTINGS] 3665. Finlay,MI (1965): Classical Greece. In: Second International Conference of Economic History, Aix-en-Provence 1962. Vol.1 : Trade and Politics in the Ancient World. (: ), Paris; The Hague, 11-35. (SO23 100) [ECONOMY; OFFPRINT; TRADE] 3142. Finlay,MI (1974): The World of Odysseus Revisted. Preceedings of the Classical Association 71, 13-31. (SO20 095) <<article is text of Presidential Address delivered to the Classical Association, University of Newcastle, 10 April 1974>> [HOMER; LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 5552. Finley,MI (1962): The Black Sea and Danubian Regions and the Slave Trade in Antiquity. Klio 40, 51-59. (SO42 014) [BLACK SEA; DANUBIANA; OFFPRINT; SLAVERY] 4596. Finley,MI (1965): La Servitude pour Dettes. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 43 (4th ser.), 159-184. (SO32 079) [OFFPRINT] 2229. Finsen,Helge (1969): La RÇsidence de Domitien sur le Palatin. Einar Munksgaard, Copenhagen. 20 pages. (SO14 038) <<series: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 5 (Supplementum)>> [MONOGRAPH] 3311. Fischer,Franz (1973): KEIMH[L]IA : Bemerkungen zur Kulturgeschichtlichen Interpretation des Sogenannten SÅdimports in der SpÑten Hallstatt- und FrÅhen LatäneKultur des Westlichen Mitteleuropa. Germania 51,2, 436-459. (SO21 138) Syme Collection DB page 115 [GERMANY; OFFPRINT] 878. Fischer,Thomas (1967): Bemerkungen zur SpÑtclaudischen MÅnzprÑgung. Schweizerischen Numismatischen Rundschau 46, 34-50. (SO5 122) [OFFPRINT] 3677. Fisher,HAL (1928): The Whig Historians. The Raleigh Lecture on History. Humphrey Milford, London. 45 pages. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. 14) (SO23 092) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 1360. Fishwick,D (1981): A Gold Bust of Titus at Emerita. AJAH 6,1, 89-96. (SO7 051) [OFFPRINT] 2903. Fishwick,D (1983): Ramsay MacMullen. Paganism in the Roman Empire. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1981. AJPh 104, 306-310. (SO18 091) [BOOK REVIEW] 1253. Fishwick,Duncan (1978): The Development of Provincial Ruler Worship in the Western Roman Empire. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. Principat II. Vol. 16,2. (Ed: Hasse,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 1201-1253. (SO6 100) [IDEOLOGY; OFFPRINT; RULER CULT] 1382. Fishwick,Duncan (1982): The Altar of Augustus and the Municipal Cult of Tarraco. Madrider Mittleilungen 23, 222-233. (SO7 074) [OFFPRINT] 1409. Fishwick,Duncan (1984): From Flamen to Sacerdos. The Title of the Provincial Priest of Africa Proconsularis. Bulletin ArchÇologique du C.T.H.S. 17B, 337344. (SO7 101) [OFFPRINT] 1678. Fishwick,Duncan (1984): NacÇra Benseddik: Les Troupes Auxiliares dans l'ArmÇe Romaine en Mauretanie CÇsarienne sous le Haut-Empire. Alger (no date). Gnomon 36, 559-561. (SO10 109) [BOOK REVIEW] 2141. Fishwick,Duncan (1986): L'Autel des Trois Gaules. BSAF, 90-110. (SO13 042) [GAUL; OFFPRINT] 2126. Fishwick,Duncan (1987): A Municipal Temple at Narbo. In: „PAKÁIKA TOY ÎIÓÈNOY‰ ‰YNEÎPIOY E[LL]HNIKH‰ KAI [L]ATINIKH‰ E„I‚PAÌiKH‰ ( Proceedings of the Second Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy ). Vol. 2 (B'). (: ) Foundation for Culture and Knowledge, Athens, 192-194. (SO13 029; capital lambda, pi, sigma and delta) [OFFPRINT] 1128. Fishwick,Duncan (1989): The Sixty Gallic Tribes and the Altar of the Three Gauls. Historia 38,1, 111-112. (SO3 175) [OFFPRINT] 1361. Fishwick,Duncan (19??): An Early Provincial Priest of Lusitania., 249-252. (SO7 052) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3353. Fishwick,Duncan (?): Rituals and Power. The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor. By S.R.F. Price. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 1984. Phoenix, . (SO21 174) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4442. Fishwick,W ([1983]): Les Monnaies Dites "A l'Autel de Lyon". InterprÇtations des Motifs FigurÇs au-dessus de l'Autel. Bulletin des MusÇes et Monuments Lyonnais 7,3, 131138. (SO31 003) <<printed 1986? or misprinted 198283?>> [FRANCE; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 4308. Fitx,J (1965): H.G. Kolbe, Die Statthalter Numidiens von Gallien bis Konstantin (268-320). Alba Regia 4-5, 248250. (SO28 062) <<journal year is 1963-64>> [AFRICA; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1598. Fitz,J (1962): Prosopographia Pannonica. Epigraphica 23 (1961), 66-94. (SO9 103) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1615. Fitz,J (1963): Legati Augusti Pro Praetore Pannoniae Inferioris. AAntHung 11, 245-324. (SO10 012) [OFFPRINT] 5645. Fitz,J (1963): öber die Laufbahn der Pannonischen Legaten. Helikon 3, 373-387. (SO16 107) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN ARMY] Syme Collection DB page 116 1751. Fitz,J (1965): La Carriäre de P. Aelius Proculinus. Latomus 24,3, 565-575. (SO11 034) [OFFPRINT] 3918. Fitz,J ([1966]): Data to the Career of Q. Marcius Turbo [a propos R. Syme, The Wrong Marcius Turbo. JRS 52 (1962), 87-96]. Alba Regia 6-7 (1965-1966), 201-202. (SO25 133) <<offprint includes other articles on Pannonia by J. Fitz, chiefly comments on recent articles>> [OFFPRINT; SYME] 4159. Fitz,J (1966): RÇflexions sur la Carriäre de Tib. Claudius Candidus. Latomus 25,4(Oct.-Dec. 1966), 831-846. (SO27 044) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4197. Fitz,J (1967): M. Macrinius Avitus Catonius Vindex. Epigraphica 28, fasc. 1-4, 50-94. (SO27 080) <<journal year is 1966>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3930. Fitz,J (1968): Rîmische Inschriften im Komitat FejÇr. Alba Regia 18-19, 197-214. (SO25 146) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4219. Fitz,J (1968): M. Campanius Marcelluis. AAntHung 16, 313-323. (SO27 102) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 615. Fitz,J (1969): RÇorganisation Militaire au DÇbut des Guerres Marcomanes. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 2. (Ed: Bibauw,Jacqueline) (Collection Latomus, 102.) Latomus. Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 262-274. (SO2 048) <<series: Collection Latomus 102>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 4167. Fitz,J (1969): The Governors of Britain [Comment on: A.R. Birley: The Roman Governors of Britain, Epig. Stud., 4, 1967]. Alba Regia 10, 179-180. (SO27 052) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; REVIEW] 4168. Fitz,J (1969): Epigraphica III. Alba Regia 10, 181-183. (SO27 052) [OFFPRINT] 4169. Fitz,J (1969): Die Personalpolitik des Septimius Severus im BÅrgerkrieg von 193197. Alba Regia 10, 69-85. (SO27 053) [OFFPRINT; SEVERUS] 4231. Fitz,J (1970): Auszeichnungen der Praefekten der Alae Militariae. Klio 52, 99-106. (SO27 114) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3870. Fitz,J (1972): The Excavations in Gorsium. AAntHung 24, 3-52. (SO25 086) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3911. Fitz,J (1974): Notes on : A.R. Birley, Roman Frintier Policy under Marcus Aurelius. Roman Frontier Studies 1967. Tel Aviv, 1971, 7-12. Alba Regia 13 (1972), 297-298. (SO25 127) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; REVIEW] 3949. Fitz,J (1975): Donaugrenze von Pannonia Superior und Inferior. Alba Regia 14, 351-355. (SO25 164) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3950. Fitz,J (1975): Epigraphica VII. Alba Regia 14, 357-358. (SO25 165) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3951. Fitz,J (1975): Taurisci. Alba Regia 14, 359-361. (SO25 166) [NORICUM; OFFPRINT] 337. Fitz,J (1976): Gorsium-Hercula im 4. JH. AAntHung 24, 383-389. (SO4 118) [OFFPRINT] 3947. Fitz,J (1976): Epigraphica VIII. Alba Regia 15, 265-267. (SO25 162) <<see subject of SO25 161 by same author on the beneficarius>> [EPIGRAPHY; NORICUM; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3946. Fitz,J (1977): Stations de Beneficarius en Norique et en Pannonie. Alba Regia 15, 269-270. (SO25 161) [NORICUM; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 4107. Fitz,J (1977): Das Verhalten der Armee in der Kontroverse zwischen Caracalla und Geta. In: Studien zu den MilitÑrgrenzen Roms II. VortrÑge des 10. Internationalen Limescongresses in der Germania Inferior. (Eds: Haupt,D; Horn,HG) Rheinland-Verlag; Rudolf Habelt, Kîln; Bonn, 545-552. (SO26 146) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 1091. Fitz,J (1978): Augusti Tres Avant 209. Alba Regia 14, 49-58. (SO3 133) Syme Collection DB page 117 [OFFPRINT] 3312. Fitz,J (1978): Die Laufbahn des Aelius Triccianus. AAntHung 26, 21-27. (SO21 139) [OFFPRINT] 3954. Fitz,J (1978): Grenzberichtigung im Jahre 214 zwischen Pannonia Superior und Inferior. Alba Regia 16, 71-86. (SO25 169) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3955. Fitz,J (1978): Kleinasiaten in Pannonien. Alba Regia 16, 365-368. (SO25 170) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3956. Fitz,J (1978): Silius Hospes, Hastatus de la Legio X Gemina. Alba Regia 16, 373374. (SO25 171) [OFFPRINT] 3957. Fitz,J (1978): H. Devijver, Prosopographia Militarium Equestrium quae Fuerunt ab Augusto ad Gallienum. Symbolae. Facultatis Litterarum et Philosophiae Lovaniensis, A/3, 1976. Alba Regia 16, 357358. (SO25 172) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4188. Fitz,J (1978): La Carriäre de [Iasdius?]. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 56,1, 71-79. (SO27 071) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1092. Fitz,J (1979): Epigraphica X. Alba Regia 17, 351. (SO3 134) [OFFPRINT] 1093. Fitz,J (1979): Notes. Alba Regia 17, 353-356. (SO3 136) [OFFPRINT] 1094. Fitz,J (1979): M. CÇbeillac: Les `Quaestores Principis et Candidati' au Ier et IIe Siäcle de l'Empire. Centro Studi e Documentazione sull'Italia Romana. Monografie a Supplemento degli `Atti' Nr. 4, Milano, 1972, p. 278. Alba Regia 17, 343-344. (SO3 137) [BOOK REVIEW] 1118. Fitz,J (1979): Gouverneur Inconnu de la Pannonie InfÇrieure. Alba Regia 17, 349350. (SO3 165) [OFFPRINT] 2213. Fitz,J (1981): Chronica [obituary of Andr†s Alfîldi 1895-1981]. AAntHung 33, 387388. (SO14 022) [OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 2591. Fitz,J (1985): Epigraphica XII. Alba Regia 22, 179-180. (SO17 011) [OFFPRINT] 2590. Fitz,J (1986): Les êpithätes Honorifiques Antoniniana Ö l'êpoque SÇvÇrienne. Studii Clasice 24, 139-142. (SO17 010) [OFFPRINT] 2602. Fitz,J (1986): Geschichtliche Probleme des Forums von Gorsium. Oikumene 5, 329-369. (SO17 022) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3134. Fitz,J (1987): Epigraphica XIII. Alba Regia 23, 249-253. (SO20 087) [OFFPRINT] 3135. Fitz,J (1987): Notes. Alba Regia 23, 255-257. (SO20 088) <<note on Ptolomy's description of Pannonian frontiers>> [OFFPRINT] 3136. Fitz,J (1987): Prosopographica Pannonica I. Alba Regia 23, 259-269. (SO20 089) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 1131. Fitz,J (1988): La Division de l'Illyricum. Latomus 47, fasc. 1, 13-25. (SO3 177) [OFFPRINT] 3796. Fitz,Jenî (1961): Il Soggiorno di Caracalla in Pannonia nel 214. Accademia d'Ungheria in Roma. Quaderni di Documentazione 2,2, 5-21. (SO25 015) <<offprint may be renumbered from original journal>> [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3085. Fitz,Jenî (1963-64 [1965]): i) Arrabona, Arabo-, Aravisci (ii) I Residenti della Pannonia Inferiore durante l'Impero di Septimius Severus e di Elagabalus (iii) Gallienus LÇgi¢s-Antoninianusai. Alba Regia 4-5, 255-259. (SO20 039) <<(i) & (iii) in hungarian>> [DANUBIANA; OFFPRINT] 3798. Fitz,Jenî (1965): Tullius Menophilus. Acta Archaeologia Hungaricae 13, 433-440. Syme Collection DB page 118 (SO25 017) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1630. Fitz,Jenî (1966): Die Laufbahn der Statthalter in der Rîmischer Provinz Moesia Inferior. Hermann Bîhlaus Nachfolger, Wiemar. 92 pages. (SO10 027) [MONOGRAPH] 3787. Fitz,Jenî (1966): Der MarkomannischQuadische Angriff gegen Aquileia und Opitergium. Historia 15,3, 336367. (SO25 006) [FRONTIERS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 3782. Fitz,Jenî (1967): Pertinax in Raetien. Bayerische Vorgeschichts-BlÑtter 32,1-2, 4051. (SO25 001) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 3788. Fitz,Jenî (1967): Die Vereinigung der Donauprovinzen in der Mitte des 3. Jahrhunderts. In: Studien zu den MilitÑrgrenzen Roms : VortrÑge des 6. Internationalen Limeskongresses in SÅddeutschland. (: ) (Beihefte der Bonner JahtbÅcher, 19.) Bîhlau, Kîln, Graz, 113-121. (SO25 007) [DANUBIANA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 673. Fitz,Jenî (1968): When Did Caracalla Become Imperator Destinatus. Alba Regia 8-9, 285-286. (SO2 124) [CARACALLA; OFFPRINT] 3314. Fitz,Jenî (1968): Contribution Ö la Carriäre d'un Proconsul d'Afrique. Latomus 27,1, 45-74. (SO21 141) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5731. Fitz,Jenî (1968): Az Aurelii Heraclitii Interci†ban. Alba Regia 8-9, 286-290. (SO2 124) [EPIGRAPHY; INTERCIA- ANCIENT SITE; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 5732. Fitz,Jenî (1968): Epigraphica II. Alba Regia 8-9, 292-294. (SO2 124) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4134. Fitz,Jenî (1969): La Carriäre de L. Valerius Valerianus. Latomus 28,1(Jan.-March 1969), 126-140. (SO27 020) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3808. Fitz,Jenî (1971): The Governors of Pannonia Inferior. Alba Regia 11 (1970), 145150. (SO25 027) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3807. Fitz,Jenî (1972): Clodius Celsinus und die Revolte in Viminacium. Alba Regia 12 (1971), 249-260. (SO25 026) <<journal year is 1971>> [OFFPRINT] 3825. Fitz,Jenî (1972): G. Alfîldy, Fasti Hispanienses. Wiesbadem (sic), 1969. Alba Regia 12 (1971), 242-244. (SO25 044) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3880. Fitz,Jenî (1972): Verwaltung der Pannonischen Bergwerke. Klio 54, 312-325. (SO25 097) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3903. Fitz,Jenî (1975): Alcuni Cursus Honorum nelle Provincie Danubiane. Epigraphica 36 (1974), 101-108. (SO25 119) [DANUBIANA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1263. Fitz,Jenî (1977): êpithätes ImpÇriaux sur les Cursus Honorum. AArchSlov 28, 393398. (SO6 110) [OFFPRINT] 2637. Fitz,Jenî (1977): Die Eroberung Pannoniens. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt II. Principat. Vol. 6. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 543-556. (SO17 057) [OFFPRINT] 3945. Fitz,Jenî (1977): Onomastique Pannonienne: La Population de la Pannonie sous l'Aspect de l'Onomastique et de l'ArchÇologie. In: L'Onomastique Latine. (: ) êditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 395-402. (SO25 160) <<series: Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 564>> [OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA; PANNONIA] 1308. Fitz,Jenî (1978/79): Beneficiarier in Noricum. Schild von Steier 15/16, 79-81. (SO6 155) [OFFPRINT] 3819. Fitz,Jenî (1978): L. Ulpius Marcellus. Alba Regia 16, 369-370. (SO25 038) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] Syme Collection DB page 119 3313. Fitz,Jenî (1982): Tribuni Laticlavii in Pannonien. Tituli 4, 319-331. (SO21 140) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2592. Fitz,Jenî (1986): Das Auxiliarkastell von Gorsium. In: Studien zu den MilitÑrgrenzen Roms III. VortrÑge des 13. Internationaler Limeskongre·. Aalen 1983. (: ), Stuttgart, 316-321. (SO17 012) <<series: Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und FrÅhgeschichte in BadenWÅrttemberg 20>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2344. Fitzhardinge,LF (1944): A Roman Governor. Journal of the Institute of Public Administration March 1944, 1-8. (SO15 032) [OFFPRINT] 3355. Fitzhardinge,LF (1944): A Roman Governor. Pliny in Bithynia. Journal of the Institute of Public Administration (March 1944), 1-8. (SO21 176) [OFFPRINT] 5252. Flaceliäre,Robert (1963): Rome et ses Empereurs Vus par Plutarque. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 32,1, 28-47. (SO37C 011) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PLUTARCH] 3315. Flaceliäre,Robert ([c1970]): êtat PrÇsent des êtudes sur Plutarque. In: Actes du VIIIe Congräs. (: ) Belles Lettres; Association Guillaume BudÇ, [Paris], 483-505. (SO21 142) [INCOMPLETE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5381. Fletcher,GBA (1943): Tacitea. CQ 37,3-4, 90-92. (SO38B 029) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5324. Fletcher,GBA (1945): Notes on Tacitus. AJPh 66,1, 13-33. (SO38A 012) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5321. Fletcher,GBA (1955): On Varro, Tibullus, Tacitus and Ammianus Marcellinus. In: Up Pictura Poesis. Studia Latina Petro Iohanni Enk Septuagenario Oblata. (: ) Brill, Leiden, 75-86. (SO38A 009) [FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2858. Fo,A (1979): L'Argute Loqui dei Galli in un Frammento di Catone. Romanobarbarica 4, 13-30. (SO18 047) <<English Summary pg. 30>> [OFFPRINT] 2066. Foerster,Gideon (1980): A Cuirassed Bronze Statue of Hadrian. The Israel Museum News, 107-110. (SO12 107) [OFFPRINT] 5565. Fol,A (1965): Le DÇveloppement de la Vie Urbain dans les Pays entre le Danube et la Mer êgÇe jusq'Ö la Conquàte Romaine. êtudes Balkaniques 2-3, 309-317. (SO43 025) [BALKANS; OFFPRINT; URBAN DEVELOPMENT] 5568. Fol,A (1968): The Importance of the Inscriptions Extra Fines Provinciarum for the History of Moesia and Thracia (I-III C.A.D.). In: Studien zur Geschichte und Philosophie des Altertums. Kongress fÅr Klassiche Philologie, Budapest 1954. (Ed: Harmata,J) AkadÇmiai Kiad¢, Budapest, 377-381. (SO42 027) [EPIGRAPHY; ETHNICITY; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; THRACE] 5578. Fol,A (1968): Les Thraces dans l'Empire Romain d'Occident (Ier-IIIe S.). Deuxiäme Partie: Documentation êpigraphique. Annuaire de l'UniversitÇ de Sofia. FacultÇ de Philosophie et d'Histoire 61,3 (Histoire)(1967), 17pp. (SO42 037) <<article in French with Russian/ Bulgarian (?) summary>> [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; THRACE] 5579. Fol,A (1969): Les Thraces dans l'Empire Romain d'Occident (Ier-IIIe S.). Deuxiäme Partie: Documentation êpigraphique (Suite de T. LXI). Annuaire de l'UniversitÇ de Sofia. FacultÇ de Philosophie et d'Histoire 62,3 (Histoire)(1968), 197-274. (SO42 038) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; THRACE] 4669. Fontaine,Jacques (1969): Ammien Marcellin, Historien Romantique. BAGB, 417435. (SO33 046) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2945. Forest,WG (1984): Herodotos and Athens. Phoenix 8,1, 1-11. (SO18 132) [HERODOTOS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 120 3864. Forni,G (1958): Contributo alla Storia della Dacia Romana. Athenaeum 36,1-4 (n.s.), 3-66. (SO25 080) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3508. Forni,Giovanni (1953): Manio Curop Dentato Uomo Democratico. Athenaeum 31 (n.s.), 170-240. (SO22 146) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3339. Forni,G (1969): Tribó Romane e Problemi Connessi dal Biondo Flavio al Mommsen. In: Studi di Storia Antica in Memoria di Luca De Regibus. (: ) Istituto di Storia Antica e Scienze Ausiliarie, Genova, 1790. (SO21 162A) <<series: Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Storia Antica e Scienze Ausiliarie dell'UniversitÖ di Genova>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1793. Forni,Giovanni (1954): Il Tramonto di un'Istituzione. Pseudo-Tribó Romane Derivate da Soprannomi Imperiali. Studia Ghisleriana 2, 89-124. (SO11 077) [OFFPRINT] 4226. Forni,G (1975): Epigrafe con Carriera Equestre da Aquileia. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 30,1-2 (8th series), 51-56. (SO27 109) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4329. Forni,G (1976): La Tribu' Papiria de Augusta Emerita. In: Augusta Emerita. Actas del Simposio Internacional Commemorativo del Bimilenario de MÇrida. 16-20 de Novembre de a§o 75. (: ) Direcci¢n General del Patrimonio Art°stico y Cultural del Ministerio de Educaci¢n y Ciencia y Patronato de la Cuidad de MÇrida, Madrid, 33-42. (SO29 016) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 909. Forni,G (1986): I Properzi nel Mondo Romano: Indagine Prosopograpfica. Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 40,fasc. 5-6 (1985) (eight series), 205-223. (SO5 154) [OFFPRINT] 3823. Forni,Giovanna Maria (1974): Un Nuovo Governatore della Dacia SuperioreApulense. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 29, 7-12 (8th series), 571-577. (SO25 042) [DACIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 3195. Forni,Giovanni (1950): Dacia Romana Tributim Discripta. In: Omagiu lui Constantin Daicoviciu cu Prilejul åmplinirii a 60 de Ani. (: ) Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romåne,, 233-240. (SO21 020) [INCOMPLETE; DACIA; OFFPRINT] 1903. Forni,Giovanni (1954): Arthur A. Gordon. Quintus Veranius Consul A.D. 49. A Study Based upon his Recently Identified Sepulchral Inscription. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles 1952. Giornale Italiano di Filologia 7,2, 179-182. (SO11 185) [BOOK REVIEW] 3742. Forni,Giovanni (1957): Intorno alle Costituzioni di CittÖ Greche in Italia e in Sicilia. Kokalos 3, 61-69. (SO24 057) [MAGNA GRAECIA; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL STRUCTURE] 5510. Forni,Giovanni (1957): Die Rîmischen Tribus in Pannonien. In: Carnuntum-Jahrbuch 1956. (Ed: Swoboda,E) (Rîmische Forschungen in Niederîsterreich, Beiheft 2.),, 13-22. (SO41 013) [INCOMPLETE; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4069. Forni,Giovanni (1959): La Correggenza di Severo Alessandro a Proposita di un Frammento di Diploma Militare Ritrovato in Lodi. Archivo Storico Lodigiano 1, 3-22. (SO26 110) [OFFPRINT] 4854. Forni,Giovanni (1959): Il Diploma Militare Frammentario ÆCILØ XVI 157 della Prima Tetrarchia. Bulletino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano 62 (vol. 1, 3rd. ser.), 247-266. (SO35 044) [EPIGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 3050. Forni,Giovanni (1966): `Doppia Tribó' di Cittadini e Cambiamenti di Tribó Romane. Possible Connessione con l'Esercizio dei Diritti Politici in Municipi e Colone. Tetraonyma. Miscellanea Graeco-Romana, 139-155. (SO20 006) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1725. Forni,Giovanni (1968): Sull'Ordinamento ed Impiego della Flotta di Syme Collection DB page 121 Ravenna. In: Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi sulle AntichitÖ di Classe. (: ) Stab. Grafico F.Lli Lega, Faenza, 265-282. (SO11 008) [OFFPRINT] 2287. Forni,Giovanni (1968): L'IntensitÖ della Popolazione nella Regione Augustea del Sannio. Abruzzo 6,1, 59-77. (SO14 095) <<journal incorporates Atii del Secondo Convegno Nazionale della Cultura Abruzzese>> [OFFPRINT] 3239. Forni,Giovanni (1972): Considerazioni sui Comizi Romani. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 106, 543-566. (SO21 066) [OFFPRINT] 1758. Forni,Giovanni (1974): Bresciani nelle Legioni Romane. In: Atti del Convegno Internazionale per il XIX Centenario della Dedicazione del ÆCapitoliumØ e per il 150ß Anniversario della sua Scoperta. (: ) Ateneo di Brescia, Brescia, 225-243. (SO11 042) [OFFPRINT] 2164. Forni,Giovanni (1974): Estrazione Etnica e Sociale dei Soldati delle Legioni nei Primi Tre Secoli dell'Impero. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 339-391. (SO13 063) [OFFPRINT] 3806. Forni,Giovanni (1974): Considerations sur l'Occupation Militaire en Thrace au Cours des Deux Premiers Siäcles de Notre Ere. In: Thracia II. Primus Congressus Studiorum Thracicorum. (: ) Accademia Litterarum Bulgarica, Serdica, 123-129. (SO25) <<series : [acts of the] First Congress of Thracia Studies>> [OFFPRINT; THRACE] 3818. Forni,Giovanni (1974): La Provincia della Dacia e la Politica Romana. In: Colloquio Italo-Romeno sul Tema : Romania Romana Organizzato d'Intesa con la Accademia Romena delle Scienze (Roma, 10-11 maggio 1973). (: ) (Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura, 207.) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 89-104. (SO25 037) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3338. Forni,Giovanni (1975): Due Documenti del Pontificato di Pio VII Relativi alla Via Flaminia. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 47, 55-67. (SO21 161) [OFFPRINT; ROME] 3319. Forni,Giovanni (1976): Consistenza e QualitÖ dell'Esercito Romano nella Renania nei Primi Secoli dell'Impero. In: Renania Romana. Convegno Internazionale (Roma, 1416 Aprile 1975). (: ) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 95-110. (SO21 184) <<series: Atti dei Convegni Lincei 23>> [OFFPRINT] 3342. Forni,Giovanni (1976): Menzioni di Tribó Romane in Conteste Poetici. In: Contributi di Storia Antica in Onore di Albino Garzetti. (: ) Istituto di Storia Antica e Scienze Ausiliarie, Genova, 203-212. (SO21) <<series: Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Storia Antica e Scienze Ausiliarie dell'UniversitÖ di Genova 14>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3337. Forni,Giovanni (1978): Intorno all'ACHAIA TRIBUTUM DISCRIPTA. In: [STELE : Tomos eis Mnemen Nikolaou Kontoleontos]. (: ), Athens, 222-226. (SO21 160; title in greek) <<volume in memory of Nikolaou Kontoleontos>> [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3340. Forni,Giovanni (1979): Sicilia Romana Tributim Discripta. In: [Phil°as Ch†rin] : Miscellanea in Onore di Eugenio Manni. (: ) Giorgio Bretschneider, Roma, 949-961. (SO21) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3344. Forni,Giovanni (1979): La Pió Recente Menzione di Tribó Romana. In: Atti dell'Accademia Romanistica Constantiniana 3o Convegno Internazionale (Perugia-TreviGualdo Tadino 28 Settembre-1o Ottobre 1977). (: ) Liberia Universitaria, Perugia, 233237. (SO21 166) [OFFPRINT] 3343. Forni,Giovanni (1980 [1979]): Epigrafi Romane in Scanno. Epigraphica 41, 145-152. (SO21 165) [OFFPRINT] 3341. Forni,Giovanni (1981 [1979]): Compromessi Religiosi fra Occidente ad Oriente in EtÖ Repubblicana e all'Inizio dell'Impero Romano. In: Homenaje a Garc°a Bellido. (: ) Universidad Complutense de Madrid, [Madrid], 21-35. (SO21 163) <<series: Revista de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, vol. 18, No. 118; published 1981>> Syme Collection DB page 122 [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 877. Forni,Giovanni (1987): Sui Proconsoli della Sicilia in EtÖ Imperiale. Historia 36,3, 333-342. (SO5 120) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SICILY] 3336. Forni,Giovanni; Manini,D (1969): La Base Eretta a Nicopoli in Onore di Antonino Pio dai Veterani della Legione II Traiana. In: Studi di Storia Antica in Memoria di Luca De Regibus. (: ) Istituto di Storia Antica e Scienze Ausiliarie, Genova, 177-210. (SO21 159) <<series: Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Storia Antica e Scienze Ausiliarie dell'UniversitÖ di Genova>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 2044. Forrest,WG; Stockton,DL (1987): The Athenian Archons: A Note. Historia 36,2, 235240. (SO12 086) [OFFPRINT] 1098. Foss,Clive (1987): Classical Atlases. The Classical World 80,5, 337-365. (SO3 141) [ATLASES; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3521. Fraccaro,Plinio (1933): ÆTribulesØ ed ÆAerariiØ. Una RicercÖ di Diritto Pubblico Romano. Athenaeum 11,fasc.2 (n.s., vol. 21 of continuous series), 2-24. (SO22 161) [OFFPRINT] 2389. Fraccaro,Plinio (1934): L'Organizzazione Politica dell'Italia Romana. In: Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Diritto Romano. Roma 22-29 aprile 1933. Vol. 1. (: ) Fratelli Fusi, Pavia, 195-208. (SO15 077) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3559. Fraccaro,Plinio (1934): L'Organizzazione Politica dell'Italia Romana. In: Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Diritto Romano. Roma 22-29 aprile 1933. Vol. 1. (: ) Pavia,, 195-308. (SO22 193) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] Centuriazione. Annali dei Lavori Pubblici (Giornale del Genio Civile) fasc. 10, 24. (SO21 135) [INCOMPLETE; CENTURIATION; COLONIES; OFFPRINT] 4690. Fraccaro,Plinio (1942): Livio e Roma. Discorso Pronunciato nell'Aula Foscoliana della R. UniversitÖ di Pavia il 23 Maggio 1942 Celebrandosi il Secondo Bimillenario dalla Nascita di Tito Livio. In: Per il Bimillenario dalla Nascita di Tito Livio. (Ed: Lenchantin de Gubernatis,Massimo) (R. UniversitÖ degli Studi di Pavia.) Mario Ponzio (?), Pavia, 1-26. (SO33 066) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 3743. Fraccaro,Plinio (1943): Iscrizioni col Nome di un Pagus Patavino. Athenaeum 21 (n.s., vol. 31 of contin. series), 1-3. (SO24 058) [EPIGRAPHY; ITALY; OFFPRINT] 3542. Fraccaro,Plinio (1952): La Storia Romana Arcaica. Doscorso Inaugurale Letto nella Solenne Adunanza del 14 Febbraio 1952 dell'Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 85 (3rd series, vol. 17,1), 5-36. (SO22 182) <<pages renumbered for offprint?>> [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 3751. Fraccaro,Plinio (1952): La Via Postumia nella Venezia. In: BeitrÑge zur élteren EuropÑischen Kulturgeschichte. Festschrift fÅr Rudolf Egger. Vol. 1. (Eds: Egger,Rudolf; Moro,Gotbert) Verlage des Geschichtsvereines fÅr KÑrnten, Klagenfurt, 251-275. (SO24 066) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3308. Fraccaro,Plinio (1956): La Centuriazione Romana dell'Agro di Altino. In: Atti del Convegno per il Retroterra Veneziano. (: ) Carlo Ferrari; Istituto Veneto di Scienze ed Arti, Venezia, 61-80. (SO21 134) [CENTURIATION; COLONIES; OFFPRINT] 1850. Fraccaro,Plinio (1937): Unione Accademia Nazionale. Forma Italiae. Regio IX, Liguria. Vol. I Libarna. Descripsit Giorgius Monaco. Roma, Danesi, 1936-XV. Athenaeum 15, fasc. 1-2 (new series), 95-101. (SO11 133) [BOOK REVIEW] 3733. Fraccaro,Plinio (1956): Il Valico del Sempione nell'AntichitÖ. In: Atti del Convegno di Studi per i Rapporti Scientifici e Culturali Italo-Svizzeri, 4-6 May 1956. (: ) Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, Milano, 43-46. ('Sotto gli auspici del comitato italiano per le celebrazioni del 50ß anniversario del traforo del Sempione') (SO24 050) [OFFPRINT] 3309. Fraccaro,Plinio (1941): La Colonia Romana di Eporedia (IVREA) e la sua 5038. Fraenkel,Eduard (1954): A Sham Sisenna. Eranos 51, 151-154. Syme Collection DB page 123 (SO36B 011) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2363. Fraenkel,Eduard (1957): Il Filellenismo dei Romani. Studi Urbinati 31,1 (new series `B'), 1-18. (SO15 052) [OFFPRINT] 2395. Frank,Tenney (1936): On the Emport Tax of Spanish Harbors. AJPh 57,1, 87-90. (SO15 083) [OFFPRINT] 1958. Frantz,Alison (1965): From Paganism to Christianity in the Temples of Athens. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 19, 187-205. (SO11 240) [OFFPRINT] 1817. Frantz,Alison (1975): Pagan Philosophers in Christian Athens. Proceedings of the American Philological Society 119,1, 2938. (SO11 100) [OFFPRINT] 305. Frantz,Alison (1979): Did Julian the Apostate Rebuild the Parthenon. AJA 83, 395401. (SO4 084) [OFFPRINT] 306. Frantz,Alison (1979): A Public Building of Late Antiquity in Athens (IG II2, 5205). Hesperia 48, 2, 194-203, plates 61-64. (SO4 085) [OFFPRINT] 388. Frantz,Alison (1982): The Date of the Phaidros Bema in the Theater of Dionysos. In: Studies in Athenian Architecture, Sculpture and Topography Presented to Homer A. Thompson (Hesperia: Supplement XX). (: ) American School of Classical Studies, Princeton, New Jersey, 34-39. (SO4 175) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2318. Fraser,PM (1970): Eratosthenes of Cyrene. PBA 56, 32pp. (SO15 006) <<offprint is text of lecture originally published in PBA>> [OFFPRINT] 264. Fraser,PM (1978): The Kings of Commagene and the Greek World. In: Studien zur Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens. Festschrift fÅr Friedrich Karl Dîrner. (Eds: Sahin,Sencer; Schwertheim,Elmar; Wagner,Jîrg) E.J.Brill, Leiden, 359-374. (SO4 043) [FESTSCHRIFT] 240. Fraser,PM (1980): The Son of Aristonax at Kandahar. Afghan Studies 2, 921. (SO4 019) [OFFPRINT] 3725. Frederiksen,MW (1959): Republican Capua : A Social and Economic Study. PBSR 14 (n.s. vol. 27 of continuous series), 80-130. (SO24 040) [CAPUA; ECONOMY; ITALY; OFFPRINT] 3538. Frederiksen,Martin W (1968): Campanian Cavalry : A Question of Origins. Dialoghi di Archeologia 2,1, 3-31. (SO22 178) [OFFPRINT] 2135. Freis,H (1985): Zwei Lateinische Inschriften aus Albanien. ZPE 61, 224-228. (SO13 036) [OFFPRINT] 4833. Frend,WHC (1964): A Note on the Chronology of the Martyrdom of Polycarp and the Outbreak of Montanism. In: Oikoumene. Studi Paleocristiani Pubblicati in Onore del Consilio Ecumenico Vaticano II. (: ) Centro di Studi sull'Antico Cristianismo. UniversitÖ di Catania,, 499-506. (SO35 025) [CHRISTIANITY; CHRONOLOGY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4840. Frend,WHC (1974): Open Questions Concerning the Christians and the Roman Empire in the Age of the Severi. Journal of Theological Studies 25,2 (n.s.), 333-351. (SO35 031) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1068. Frere,SS (1980): Naming Roman Britain. The Place-Names of Roman Britain. By A.L. Rivet and Colin Smith. B.T. Batsford Ltd., London 1979. Britannia 11, 419-423. (SO3 108) [BOOK REVIEW; BRITANNIA; OFFPRINT; TOPONYMS] 3349. Frere,SS (1980): Hyginus and the First Cohort. Britannia 11, 51-60. (SO21) [OFFPRINT] 4444. FrÇzouls,Edmond (1884): EvergÇtisme et Construction Urbaine dans les Trois Gaules et les Germanies. Revue du Nord 66, no. 260, 27-54. (SO31 005) [FRANCE; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 4406. FrÇzouls,Edmond (1954): Inscriptions de Cyrrhus Relative Ö Q. Marcius Turbo. Syria 30,3-4, 247-278. (SO30 029) Syme Collection DB page 124 [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SYRIA] 4253. FrÇzouls,Edmond (1966): Les Ocratii de Volubilis d'Apräs Deux Inscriptions InÇdites. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) S.E.V.P.E.N,, Paris. (SO28 007) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 407. FrÇzouls,Edmond (1969): L'Exploration ArchÇologique de Cyrrhus. In: Colloque ApamÇe de Syrie. Bilan des Reserches ArchÇologiques 1965-1968. 29-30 avril 1969. (: ) MusÇes Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Bruxelles, 81-92. (SO4 195) [OFFPRINT] 3153. FrÇzouls,Edmond (1973): Etudes et Recherches sur les Villes en Gaule. In: Atti del Colloquiuo sul Tema La Gallia Romana, Roma, 10-11 maggio. (: ) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, . <<series: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Quaderno no. 158>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1292. FrÇzouls,Edmond (1974): L'Empire Romain et la CitÇ. RÇflexions sur la Politique d'Urbanisation. In: Actes du Quatre-VingtQuinziäme Congräs National des SociÇtÇs Savantes. (: ) Bibliothäque Nationale, Paris, 43-48. (SO6 138) [OFFPRINT] 4660. FrÇzouls,Edmond (1983): Les Deux Politiques de Rome face aux Barbares d'Apräs Ammien Marcellin. In: Crise et Redressement dans les Provinces EuropÇennes de l'Empire (Milieu du IIIe - Millieu du IVe Siäcle ap. J.-C.). Actes du Colloque de Sreasbourg (DÇcembre 1981). (Ed: FrÇzouls,Edmond) (UniversitÇ des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg. Contributions et Travaux de l'Institut d'Histoire Romaine, 3.) AECR, Strasbourg, 175-197. (SO33 037) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 3988. Frier,Bruce; Badian,Ernst (1969): Sulla's Priesthood (with a reply by Ernst Badian). Arethusa 2,2, 187-201. (SO26 031) [OFFPRINT; SULLA] 1855. Frova,Antonio (1961): L'Iscrizione di Ponzio Pilato a Cesarea. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 95, 419-434. (SO11 138) [OFFPRINT] 4420. Fuchs,A (1951): Notes on the Archive of Nicanor. Journal of Juristic Papyrology 5, 207-216. (SO30 042) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT] 5347. Fuchs,Harald (1963): Tacitus in der Editio Helvetica. Museum Helveticum 20,4, 205-229. (SO38A 035) [EDITIONS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5236. Fuchs,Harald (1965): Tacitus' Nachruf auf Servilius Nonianus. Museum Helveticum 22,2, 115-116. (SO37B 020) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3310. Fuchs,Harald (1968): Das Klagelied der Sulpicia Åber die Gewaltherrschaft des Kaisers Domitian. Der Lateinische Text des Gedichtes mit öbersetzung und ErlÑuterungen. In: Discordia Concors. Festschrift fÅr Edgar Bonjour. (: ) Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Basel; Stuttgart, 32-47. (SO21 137) [OFFPRINT] 4920. Fuhrmann,Manfred (1963): Macrobius und Ambrosius. Philologus, 301-308. (SO35 108) [LATE EMPIRE; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 5269. Fuhrmann,Manfred (1963): Die Alleinherrschaft und das Problem der Gerechtigheit (Seneca: De Clementia). Gymnasium 70,6, 481-514. (SO37C 028) [OFFPRINT; SENECA; TACITUS] 5271. Fuks,Alexander (1953): The Jewish Revolt in Egypt (A.D. 115-117) in the Light of the Papyri. Aegyptus 33,1, 131-158. (SO37C 030) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT; PAPYRI] 2081. Fuks,Alexander (1961): Aspects of the Jewish Revolt in A.D. 115-117. JRS 51,1-2, 98-104. (SO12 122) [OFFPRINT] 3648. Fuks,Alexander (1966): Social Revolution in Greece in the Hellenistic Age. PP 111, 437-448. (SO23 067) [OFFPRINT] 3971. Fuks,Alexander; Geiger,Joseph (1969): The 'Lex Iudiciaria' of M. Livius Drusus. In: Studi in Onore di Edoardo Volterra. Vol. 2. (: ) GiuffrÇ, Milano, 421-427. (SO26 015) Syme Collection DB page 125 <<series: Pubblicazioni della FacoltÖ di Giurisprudenza dell'UniversitÖ di Roma>> [OFFPRINT] 818. Funke,Hermann (c1966): Univira. Ein Beispiel Heidnischer Geschichtsapologetik. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 8/9 (1965/1966), 183-188. (SO5 056) [OFFPRINT] 822. Funke,Hermann (1967): MajestÑtsund Magieprozesse bei Ammianus Marcellinus. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 10, 145-175. (SO5 060) [OFFPRINT] 1032. Funke,Hermann (1977): Porcius Licinus Fr. I Morel. RMfP 120,2, 168-172. (SO3 071) [OFFPRINT] 2893. Funke,Hermann (1977): Sueton, Cal. 26.4. Hermes 105,2, 252. (SO18 082) [OFFPRINT] 1052. Funke,Hermann (1979): Der Platon des AndrÇ Glucksmann. Dokumente 35,1, 5159. (SO3 091) [OFFPRINT] 4429. Gabba,E (1957): Sul Libro Syriaco do Appiano. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 12,7-10 (8th ser.), 339351. (SO30 051) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SYRIA] 4055. Gabba,E (1962): Progetti di Riforme Economiche e Fiscali in uno Storico Dell'EtÖ dei Severi. In: Studi in Onore di Amintore Fanfani. Vol. 1. (: ) A.Giuffrä, Milano, 5-32. (SO26 098) [OFFPRINT] 4838. Gabba,E (1966): Il Processo di Apollonio. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie, d'êpigraphie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö JÇrìme Carcopino. (: ) Hachette, Paris, . (SO35 029) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; MARTYRS; OFFPRINT] 2491. Gabba,Emilio (1949): Le Origini dell'Esercito Professionale in Roma: I Proletari e la Riforma di Mario. Athenaeum 27, fasc. 34, 173-209. (SO15 167) [OFFPRINT] 2495. Gabba,Emilio (1951): Ricerche sull'Esercito Professionale Romano da Mario ad Augusto. Athenaeum 29,fasc. 3-4, 171-272. (SO15 171) [OFFPRINT] 3391. Gabba,Emilio (1951): Ricerche su Alcuni Punti di Storia Mariana. Athenaeum 29, fasc. 1-2, 12-24. (SO22 032) [OFFPRINT] 3520. Gabba,Emilio (1952): Ancora sulle Cifre dei Censimenti. Athenaeum 30,fasc.3-4, 161-173. (SO22 160) [OFFPRINT] 3387. Gabba,Emilio (1953): Politica e Cultura in Roma agli Inizi del I Sec. A.C. Athenaeum 31 (n.s.), 261-272. (SO22 028) <<journal vol. comprises Studi Offerti dai Discepoli al Prof. Plinio Fraccaro per il suo LXX Genetliaco>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3437. Gabba,Emilio (1953): Sulle Colonie Triumvirali di Antonio in Italia. PP 29, 101-110. (SO22 077) [OFFPRINT] 611. Gabba,Emilio (1955): Sulla Storia Romana di Cassio Dione. Rivista Storica Italiana 67,fasc. 3, 289-333. (SO2 044) [OFFPRINT] 3382. Gabba,Emilio (1955): Nore Appianee. Athenaeum 33, fasc. 3-4 (n.s.), 218-230. (SO22 023) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3672. Gabba,Emilio (1956): Prospero MÇrimÇe Storico di Roma. Rivista Storica Italiana 68,4, 541-558. (SO23 088) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; MêRIMêE, PROPSPER; OFFPRINT] 4173. Gabba,Emilio (1956): Epigrafe di un Console del III Sec. D.C. Athenaeum 34, fasc.3-4, 273-283. (SO27 057) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3368. Gabba,Emilio (1960): Senati in Esilio. B.I.D.R. ÆVittorio ScialojaØ 2 (3rd. series, vol. 63 'della collezione'), 221-232. (SO22 009) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 5012. Gabba,Emilio (1960): Studi su Dionigi da Alicarnasso I. Athenaeum 38,3-4 (n.s.), 175-225. Syme Collection DB page 126 (SO36A 011) [DIONYSIUS OF HALIKARNASSUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5013. Gabba,Emilio (1961): Studi su Dionigi da Alicarnasso II. Athenaeum 39,1-2 (n.s.), 98121. (SO36A 012) [DIONYSIUS OF HALIKARNASSUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5237. Gabba,Emilio (1961): Ronald Syme, Tacitus, I-II. Oxford, Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1958. Athenaeum 39,3-4, 402-405. (SO37B 021) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SYME; TACITUS] 5016. Gabba,Emilio (1962): Italia e Roma nella Storia di Velleio Patercolo. Critica Storica 1,1, 1-9. (SO36A 015) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; VELLEIUS PATERCULUS] 2450. Gabba,Emilio (1964): M. Livio Druso e le Riforme di Silla. ASNP 33, fasc. 1-2, 1-15. (SO15 126) [OFFPRINT] 3555. Gabba,Emilio (1964): Studi su Dionigi d'Alicarnasso. Athenaeum 42, fasc. 1-4 (n.s.), 29-41. (SO22 196) <<journal comprises Studi in Onore di Enrica Malcovati>> [OFFPRINT] 1485. Gabba,Emilio (1966): Sulle Influenze Reciproche degli Ordinamenti Militari dei Parti e dei Romani. In: Attia del Covegno sul Tema: La Persia e il Mondo Greco-Romano, Roma 11-14 Aprile 1965. (: ) (Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura. Quaderno, 76.) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 5173. (SO9 025) [OFFPRINT; PARTHIA-FOREIGN RELATIONS; ROME-FOREIGN RELATIONS; WARFARE] 3551. Gabba,Emilio (1967): Considerazioni sulla Tradizione Letteraria sulle Origini della Repubblica. In: Les Origines de la RÇpublique Romaine. (: ) Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres; Genäve, 135-174. (SO22 191) <<series: Entretiens sur l'AntiquitÇ Classique 13>> [OFFPRINT] 1102. Gabba,Emilio (1978): Per la Tradizione dell'Heredium Romuleo. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 112, 250-258. (SO3 145) [OFFPRINT] 651. Gabba,Emilio (1979): Per un'Interpretazione Politica del De Officiis di Cicerone. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 34,fasc.3-4 (8th series), 117-141. (SO2 088) <<article in Italian with English summary>> [OFFPRINT] 2899. Gabba,Emilio (1979): Sul Miles Inpransus dell'Aulularia di Plauto. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 113, 408-414. (SO18 087) [OFFPRINT] 2002. Gabba,Emilio (1984): Il Consenso Populare alla Politica Espansionistica Romana fra il III e II Sec. A.C. In: The Imperialism of Republican Rome. (: ) American Academy in Rome, Rome, 115-132. (SO12 044) <<series: Papers and Monographs Vol. 29>> [OFFPRINT] 2178. Gabba,Emilio (1984): L'Istituzione degli Alimenta a Ticinum. Bollettino della SocietÖ Pavese di Storia Patria 36, 3-6. (SO13 079) [OFFPRINT] 3522. Gabba,Emilio (1984): The Collegia of Numa : Problems of Method and Political Ideas. JRS 74, 81-86. (SO22 162) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2838. Gabba,Emilio (1985): Arricchimento e Ascesa Sociale in Plauto e in Terenzio. Index. International Survey of Roman Law 13, 5-15. (SO18 027) [OFFPRINT] 2860. Gabba,Emilio (1985): Lo Spirito Santo, Il Senato Romano e Bossuet. Rivista Storica Italiana 97, fasc. 3, 795-809. (SO18 049) [OFFPRINT] 2000. Gabba,Emilio (1986): La Sicilia Romana. In: L'Impero Romano e le Strutture Economiche e Sociali delle Province. (Ed: Crawford,Michael H) Edizioni New Press, Como, 71-85. (S012 042) <<series: Biblioteca di Athenaeum 4 (The British School at Rome)>> [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 127 1993. Gabba,Emilio (1987): Maximus Comitiatus. Athenaeum 65, fasc. 1-2, 203-205. (SO12 035) [OFFPRINT] 2829. Gabba,Emilio (1987): Mondo Ellenistico e Roma. Athenaeum 65, fasc. 1-2, 205-210. (SO18 018) [OFFPRINT] 2697. Gaden,Anne (1976): Structure et PortÇe Historique de la Vie d'Hadrien dans l'Histoire Auguste. Ktema. Civilisations de l'Orient, de la Gräce et de Rome Antiques 1, 129-144. (SO17 116) [OFFPRINT] 834. Gaden,Anne (1980): Quelques Remarques sur le PassÇ et l'Avenir de Rome. Centres Jean Palerne. MÇmoires 2, 27-35. (SO5 074) [OFFPRINT] 4873. GagÇ,J (1936): Le ÆTemplum UrbisØ et les Origines de l'IdeÇ de ÆRenovatioØ. Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves 4, 151-187. (SO35 061) <<jounal vol. comprises MÇlanges Franz Cumont>> [FESTSCHRIFT; IDEOLOGY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN RELIGION] 5143. GagÇ,Jean (1931): Divus Augustus. L'IdÇe Dynastique chez les Empereurs JulioClaudiens. Revue ArchÇologique 34 (5th ser.), 11-41. (SO36F 006) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4883. GagÇ,Jean (1933): [Staur¢s Nikopoi¢s]. La Victoire ImpÇriale dans l'Empire ChrÇtien. Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses, 370-400. (SO35 071) <<[transliterated from Greek]>> [ICONOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 2781. GagÇ,Jean (1936): De CÇsar Ö Auguste. Oó en est le Probläme des Origines du Principat? A Propos du CÇsar de M.J. Carcopino. Revue Historique 177, 3-66. (SO16 078) [BOOK REVIEW/ REVIEW ARTICLE] 4885. GagÇ,Jean (1936): De Rome Ö Byzance. Le CÇrÇmonial Monarchique. Les Insignes et le Coutume des Empereurs Romains. Review of: Andrea Alfîldi: 1. Die Ausgestaltung des Monarchischen Zeremonials am Rîmischen Kaiserhofe; 2. Insignien und Tracht der Rîmischen Kaiser. Deux ÆSonderabdrÅckeØ des Mitteilungen des Deutschen ArchÑologischen Insatituts, Rîmische Abteilung, t. 49, 1934. Byzantion 11, 325-340. (SO35 073) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 5153. GagÇ,Jean (1936): Actiaca. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 53, 37-100. (SO36F 016) [ACTIUM; AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 4740. GagÇ,Jean (1937): Gli Studi Francesi sulla Figura e l'Opera di Augusteo e sulla Fondazione dell'Impero Romano. (Quaderni Augustei. Studi Stranieri, 1.) Istituto di Studi Romani, Roma. 27 pages. (SO33 115) [AUGUSTUS; BIBLIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 4917. GagÇ,Jean (1953): Les Perses Ö Antioche et les Courses de l'Hoppodrome au Milieu du IIIe Siäcle Ö propos du ÆTransfugeØ Syrien Mariadäs. Bulletin de la FacultÇ des Lettres de Strasbourg 31,8, 301324. (SO35 105) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SYRIA] 5737. Gagnani,Gilbert (1959): Latin Epigraphy and the New Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions. [Review of: Gordon & Gordon, Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions. Rome and the Neighbourhood, Augustus ro Nerva, University of California Press]. Phoenix 13,1, 13-22. (SO24 016) [BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY-LATIN; OFFPRINT] 1529. Galli,Francesco (1961): La Tribó Romana come Criterio di Indagine Prosopografica. Studi Urbinati 35, 1-2 (n.s.B), 1-11. (SO9 065) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN REPUBLIC-SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 4013. Galsterer,H (1971): Die Lex Osca Tabulae Bantinae -Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Chiron 1, 191-214. (SO26 056) [OFFPRINT] 4408. Galsterer,H (1971): CIL III 2733 und die Entstehung der Kolonie in Aequum. ZPE 7,1, 79-91. (SO30 031) [COLONIES; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1311. Galsterer,Hartmut (1979): Bemerkungen zur Integration Vorrîmischer Bevîlkerungen. In: Actas del il Colloquio sobre Lenguas y Culturas Preromanas de la Syme Collection DB page 128 Peninsula Iberica. (Eds: Tovar,Antonio; Faust,Manfred; Fuscher,Franz; Koch,Michael) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, 453-464. (SO7 001) [OFFPRINT] 4507. Gansser-Burckhardt,A (1952): Die Lederfunde aus dem SchutthÅgel von Vindonissa 1951. Gesellschaft pro Vindonissa. Jahresbericht 1951/52, 57-65. (SO31 061) [EXCAVATIONS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 5529. Garasanin,MV (1966): Ka Konfrontaciji Pisanih i Arheoloskih Izvora o Keltima u Nasoj Zemlji (Contributions Ö la Confrontation des Sources êcrites etb ArchÇologiques sur les Celtes en Yougoslavie). In: Materijali III. Simpozijum Praistorijske i Srednjevekovne Sekcije Arheoloskog Drustva Jugoslavije. Novi Sad 1965. (: ) Arheolosko Drustvo Jugoslavije; Drustvo Muzejskih Radnika Vojvodine, Beograd, 17-26. (SO41 032) <<article in Serbo-Croat with French resumÇ>> [INCOMPLETE; BALKAN PROVINCES; CELTS; ETHNICITY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2704. Garcia,Carmen Castillo (1975): StÑdte und Personen der Baetica. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt II. Principat. (Eds: Temporini,Hildegard; Hasse,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 602-654. (SO17 123) [OFFPRINT] 2261. Garc°a,Carmen Castillo (1982): El Famoso Testamento del CordobÇs ÆDasumioØ. In: Actas del I Congresso Andaluz de Estudios Cl†sicos. (: ) Excma. Diputaci¢n Provincial/ Instituto de Estudios Giennenses, JaÇn, 159-163. (SO14 069) [OFFPRINT] 2705. Garc°a,Carmen Castillo (1984): Los Senadores de la BÇtica: Onom†stica y Parentesco. Geri¢n 2, 239-250. (SO17 124) [OFFPRINT] 1328. Garcia,Luis Pericot (1952): Las Raices de Espa§a. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid. 63 pages. (SO7 020) [MONOGRAPH; POPULATIONS; SPAIN] 1331. Garcia y Bellido,A (1956): El Culto a S†rapis en la Pen°nsula IbÇrica. Imprenta y Editorial Maestre, Madrid. 69 pages. (SO7 023) [MONOGRAPH; ROMAN RELIGION; SPAIN] 1348. Garcia y Bellido,A (1958): Las Colonias Romanas de la Provincia Lusitana. Arqueologia e Historia. Publicaáoes da Associaáao dos Arque¢logos Portugueses 8 (8th ser.), 13-23. (SO7 038) [COLONIES; LUSITANIA; OFFPRINT] 1343. Garcia y Bellido,A (1959): Las Colonias Romanas de Hispania. AHDE, 447512. (SO7 034) [COLONIES; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1344. Garcia y Bellido,A (1959): Del Caracter Militar Activo de las Colonias Romanas de la Lusitania y Regiones Immediatas. Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia 17(Volume de Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Mendes Corràa), 299-304. (SO7 035) <<volume is festschrift for Prof. Mendes Corràa>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 1395. Garcia y Bellido,A (1959): Cohors I Gallica Equitata Civium Romanorum. Conimriga 1, 29-40. (SO7 087) [OFFPRINT] 1314. Garcia y Bellido,A (1961): El "Excercitus Hispanicus" desede Augusto a Vespasano. AEA 34, 103-104, 114-160. (SO7 004) [OFFPRINT] 1396. Garcia y Bellido,A (1962): Notas sobre Arqueologia Hispano-Romana de la Provincia de Le¢n. Tierras de Le¢n 2, 11-23. (SO7 088) [LEON-ANCIENT REGION; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1345. Garcia y Bellido,A (1963): Los Auxiliares Hispanos en los Ejercitos Romanos de Ocupacion (200 Al 30 Antes de J.C.). EmÇrita 31,2, 213-226. (SO7 036) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; SPAIN] 1394. Garcia y Bellido,A (1963): Varias Notas sobre Arqueolog°a Hispano-Romana en la Provincia de Le¢n. Tierras de Le¢n 4, 1122. (SO7 086) [OFFPRINT] 1312. Garcia y Bellido,A (1966): Nuevos Documentos Militares de la Hispania Romana. AEA 39, 113-114, 24-40. (SO7 002) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 129 [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 1399. Garcia y Bellido,A (1966): Los "Mercatores", "Negotiatores" y "Publicani" como Vehiculos de Romanizacion en la Espa§a Romana Preimperial. Hispania. Rivista Espa§ola de Historia 26, 497-512. (SO7 091) [OFFPRINT] 1401. Garcia y Bellido,A (1968): Lapidas Votivas a Deidades Exoticas Halladas Recientemente en Astorga y Le¢n. Bolet°n de la Real Academia de la Historia 163, 2, 191209. (SO7 093) [OFFPRINT] 1347. Garcia y Bellido,A (1970): Una Pausa en el Proceso de la Romanizacion de Espa§a durante los Julio-Claudios. In: Homenaje a Xavier Zubiri. (: ) Diana, Madrid, 607-614. (SO7 037) [COLONISATION; FESTSCHRIFT; SPAIN] 5604. Garcia y Bellido,A (1970): Problemas Sociales del Urbanismo en el Area Mediterranea durante la Edad Antigua. In: XIII Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Historicas. Moscó, 16-23 de Agosto de 1970. (: ) Editorial "Nauka". Secci¢n Oriental, Moscó, 23pp. (SO1A 118) [OFFPRINT; SOCIAL STRUCTURE; URBANISM] 1365. Garcia y Bellido,A (19??): Phînizische und Griechische Kolonisation im Westlichen Mittelmeer. Karthago. In: Historia Mundi. Vol. 3. (Ed: Valjavec,Fritz) Francke Verlag; Lehnen Verlag, Bern; MÅnchen, 328-356. (SO7 056) [OFFPRINT] 1389. Garcia y Bellido,A; Fernandez de AvilÇs,Augusto (1960): Fuentes Tamaricas. Velilla del R°o Carri¢n (Palencia). (Excavaciones Arqeologicas en Espa§a, 29.) Ministerio de Educacion Nacional, Madrid. 39 pages. (SO7 082) [DUPLICATE; MONOGRAPH; REMOVED; SPAIN; WATER SUPPLY] 1346. Garcia y Bellido,A; Qui§ones,D Manuel Arroyo (1968): Le¢n y la Legio VII Gemina con Motivo del XIX Centenario de su Creacion (with address by DMA Qui§ones...22 Nov. 1967). XIX Centenario de la Creacion de la Legion VII Gemina fundadora de la Ciudad de LÇon. 68-10 Junio- 1968. Programa General. (SO7 041) <<lecture given on occasion of 1900th anniversity of creation of VII Legion Gemina. Includes addresses and programmes etc>> 1150. Gardner,Jane F (1986): Proofs of Status in the Ancient World. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 33, 1-14. (SO3 196) [OFFPRINT] 602. Garnsey,Peter (1968): Why Penal Laws Became Harsher: The Roman Case. Natural Law Forum 13, 141-162. (SO2 034) [OFFPRINT] 879. Garnsey,Peter (1968): Trajan's Alimenta: Some Problems. Historia 17,3, 367381. (SO5 121) [OFFPRINT] 3203. Garnsey,Peter (1968): The Criminal Jurisdiction of Governors. JRS 58, 51-59. (SO21 029) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5085. Garrison,Daniel H (c1959): The Events of December 4, 63 B.C. and Sallust Cat. 50. 3-4. The Classical Journal 57, 360360. (SO36C 033) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 1535. Garstang,John (1943): Hittite Military Roads in Asia Minor. AJA 47,1, 35-62. (SO9 070) [OFFPRINT] 5462. Garton,Charles (1970): Naevius' Wife. Classical Philology 45,1, 39-41. (SO39 043) [CICERO; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5208. Garzetti,A (1953): Nerviana. Aevum 27,6, 549-553. (SO37A 027) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3443. Garzetti,Albino (1953): Aerarium e Fiscus sotto Augustus : Storia di una Questione in Parte di Nomi. Athenaeum 31 (n.s.), 298-327. (SO22 082) <<journal comprises "Studi Offerti dai Discepoli al Prof. Plinio Fraccaro per il suo LXX Genetliaco">> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 4695. Garzetti,Albino (1953): Plutarco e le sue ÆVite ParalleleØ. Rivista Storica Italiana 65,1, 76-104. (SO33 071) Syme Collection DB page 130 [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PLUTARCH; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3464. Garzetti,Albino (1956): Le Basi Amministrative del Principato Romano. Aevum 30, fasc. 2, 97-114. (SO22 103) [OFFPRINT] 3465. Garzetti,Albino (1956): La Data dell'Incontro all'Eufrate di Artabano III e L. Vitellio Legato di Siria. In: Studi in Onore di Aristide Calderini e Roberto Paribeni. Vol. I : Studi di Storia e AntichitÖ Greche e Romane. (: ) Ceschina, Milano, 211-229. (SO22 104) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1686. Garzetti,Albino (1966): L. Cesennio Peto e la Rivalutazione Flaviana di Personaggi Neroniani. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 777790. (SO10 074) [OFFPRINT] 3749. Garzetti,Albino (1968): Iscrizioni Latine di Brescia a Milano. Notozie del Chiostro del Monastero Maggiore. Rassegna di Studi del Civico Museo Archeologico e del Civico Gabinetto Numismatico di Milano [1968], fasc. 1-2, 11-40. (SO24 065) [EPIGRAPHY; ITALY; OFFPRINT] 1778. Garzetti,Albino (1970): Legio VII Hisp(ana). In: Legion VII Gemina (Ponencias del Coloquio Internacional de Romanistas). (: ) Catedra de San Isidoro/ Excma. Diputacion Provincial, LÇon, 333-336. (SO11 062) [OFFPRINT] 3730. Garzetti,Albino; Garbellini,Mario (1968): Le Valli dell'Adda e della Mera in Epoca Romana. Centro Iniziativa Giovanile Madonna di Tirano. (SO24 047) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 2751. Gascou,J (1978): La Carriäre de SuÇtone. Latomus 37,2(April-June 1978), 436444. (SO17 168) [OFFPRINT] 1439. Gascou,J; Gros,P; Loriot,X (1964-65): Une Grande Famille du Cuicul Ö Travers le Second Siäcle. Annuaire de l'êcole Practique des Hautes êtudes, 69-79. (SO7 130) [OFFPRINT] 1433. Gascou,Jaques (1979): L'Emploi du Terme Respublica dans l'êpigraphie Latine d'Afrique. MEFRA 91,1, 383-398. (SO7 125) [OFFPRINT] 4797. Gatti,Clementina (1949): Per la Storia della Culta della ÆMagna MaterØ in Roma. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 82 (3rd. ser. vol. 13), 253-262. (SO34 055) [OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 4762. Gaudemet,Jean (1970): A Proposito di Basso Impero. Review of: De Martino, Storia della Costituzione Romana, vol. 5 (Napoli, Jovene, 1967). Labeo 16,2, 215-219. (SO34 022) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1517. GDS (1935): [note on R. Syme: Galatia and Pamphylia under Augustus, Klio 27 (1934)]. Rivista di Filologia Classica 63, 129. (SO9 054) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1293. Geagan,Daniel J (1973): Traute Adam, Clementia Principis. Der Einfluss Hellenistischer FÅrstenspiegel auf den Versuch einer Rechtlichen Fundierung des Principats durch Seneca. Stuttgart, Ernst Klett Verlag, 1970. (Kieler Historische Studien, Band 11). AJPh 94,3, 297-300. (SO6 139) [BOOK REVIEW; POLITICAL IDEOLOGY; PRINCIPATE] 3123. Gebhart,Hans et al (1956): Bemerkungen zur Kritischen Neuaufnahme der FundmÅnzen der Rîmischen Zeit in Deutschland. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 7, 10-71. (SO20 076) [OFFPRINT] 1490. Geer,Russel Mortimer (1935): The Greek Games at Naples. Transactions of the American Philological Association 66, 208221. (SO9 030) [OFFPRINT] 574. Geer,Russel Mortimer (1936): Second Thoughts on the Imperial Succession from Nerva to Commodus. Transactions of the American Philological Association 67, 47-54. (SO2 005) [OFFPRINT] 2529. Geiger,J (1973): The Last Servilii Caepiones of the Republic. AncSoc 4, 143156. Syme Collection DB page 131 (SO16 013) [OFFPRINT] 3740. Geiger,Joseph (1970): M. Hortensius M. f. Q. n. Hortalus. The Classical Review 20,2 (vol. 84 of contin. series), 132-134. (SO24 056) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5423. Geiger,Joseph (1972): Canidius or Caninius. CQ 22,1, 130-134. (SO39 004) [MSS; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5014. Geiger,Joseph (1974): C.P. Jones, Plutarch and Rome, Oxford, 1971. Scripta Classica Israelica 1, 137-144. (SO36A 013) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4518. Gelzer,M (1955): N.A. Maschkin: Zwischen Republik und Kaiserreich. Ursprung und Sozialer Character des Augusteischen Prinzipats. öbersetzung aus dem Russischen von Martin Brandt. Leipzig: Koehler & Amelang 1954. Gnomon 27, 525-532. (SO32 011) [AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2378. Gelzer,Matthias (1924): Gemeindestaat und Reichsstaat in der Rîmischen Geschichte. Druckerei Werner u. Winter, Frankfurt a. Main. 18 pages. (SO15 066) <<lecture delivered on G's installation as vice-chancellor of Frankfurt University>> [LECTURE; MONOGRAPH] 2394. Gelzer,Matthias (1935): Fritz Schutz: Prinzipien des Rîmischen rechts. Vorlesungen Gehalten an der UniversitÑt Berlin. MÅnchen: Duncker & Humblot 1935. Gnomon 11,1, 1-6. (SO15 082) [BOOK REVIEW] 2557. Gelzer,Matthias (1938): Ciceros `Brutus' as Politische Kundgebung. Philologus 93,1-2 (47 of new series), 128-131. (SO15 040) [OFFPRINT] 4722. Gelzer,Matthias (1940): Die Achaica im Geschichtswerk des Polybios. Abhandlungen der Preu·ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 1940,2, 32pp. (SO33 097) [GREECE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 4723. Gelzer,Matthias (1942): Cn. Pompeius Strabo und der Aufstieg seines Sohnes Magnus. Abhandlungen der Preu·ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 1941,14, 33pp. (SO33 098) [OFFPRINT; POMPEIUS; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4721. Gelzer,Matthias (1943): Das Erste Konsulat des Pompeius und die öbertragung der Gro·en Imperium. Abhandlungen der Preu·ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 1943,1, 43pp. (SO33 096) [OFFPRINT; POMPEIUS; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3367. Gelzer,Matthias (1950): H.H.Scullard : Roman Politics 220-150 B.C. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1951. Historia 1,4, 634-642. (SO22 008) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1960. Gelzer,Matthias (1952): Die Vita des Josephos. Hermes 80,1, 67-90. (SO12 002) [OFFPRINT] 3388. Gelzer,Matthias (1953): H.Hill : The Roman Middle Class in the Republican Period. Oxford : Basil Blackwell. Gnomon 25, 319-323. (SO22 029) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2548. Gelzer,Matthias (1954): War Caesar ein Staatsmann. Historische Zeitschrift 178,3, 449-470. (SO16 032) [OFFPRINT] 2398. Gelzer,Matthias (1955): Staat und BÅrger im Altertum. Museum Helveticum 12, fasc. 1, 1-19. (SO15 086) [OFFPRINT] 2446. Gelzer,Matthias (1955): J. van Ooteghem, S.J.: PompÇe le Grand, BÉtisseur d'Empire. Bruxelles: Palais des AcadÇmies 1954 (AcadÇmie Royale de Belgique. MÇmoires. 49). Gnomon 27, 196-199. (SO15 122) [OFFPRINT] 3484. Gelzer,Matthias (1963): Polybe, Histoires. Livre 12. Texte êtabli, Traduit et CommentÇ par Paul PÇdech. Paris : Les Belles Lettres 1961 (Coll. des UniversitÇs de France). Gnomon, 163-165. (SO22 122) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5560. Gerov,B (1960): Der Thrakische Stamm der MÑden. Ethnographisch-Historisch Untersuchung. In: Omagiu lui Constantin Daicoviciu cu Prilejul åmplinarii a 60 de Ani. (Ed: Conduriachi,Em) Academia Republicii Populare Romåne, [Bucharest], 241-249. Syme Collection DB page 132 (SO42 020) [ETHNICITY; MAEDI- ANCIENT PEOPLES; OFFPRINT; THRACE] 4155. Gerov,B (1961): Zur IdentitÑt des Imperators Decius mit dem Statthalter C. Messius Q. Decius Valerinus. Klio 39, 222226. (SO27 040) [EPIGRAPHY; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5574. Gerov,B (1961): Rîmische BÅrgerrechtsverleihung und Kolonisation in Thrakien vor Trajan. Studii Clasice 3, 107-116. (SO42 033) [COLONISATION; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; THRACE] 5573. Gerov,B (1963): Die Gotische Invasion in Mîsien und Thrakien unter Decius im Lichte der Hortfunde. Acta Antiqua Philippopolitana. Studia Historica et Philologica, 127-146. (SO42 032) [GOTHS; HOARDS; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; THRACE] 4150. Gerov,B (1965): La Carriera Militare di Marciano, Generale di Gallieno. Athenaeum 43,3-4 (n.s.), 333-354. (SO27 035) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 571. Gerov,B (1968): Die Krisis in den OstbalkanlÑndern WÑhrend der Alleinregierung des Marcus Aurelius. AAntHung 16, 325-338. (SO2 002) [OFFPRINT] 3817. Gerov,Boris (1959): Zwei Neugefundene MilitÑrdiplome aus Nordbulgarien. Klio 37, 196-216. (SO25 036) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5476. Gerov,Boris (1959): L'Aspect êthnique et Linguistic dans la RÇgion entre le Danube et les Balkans Ö l'êpoque Romaine (Ier-IIIe s.). Studi Urbinati n.s. B,1-2, 173-191. (SO40 012) [DANUBE; ETHNICITY; OFFPRINT] 5567. Gerov,Boris (1965): Die Rechtstellung der Untermîsischen Stadt Novae. In: Akte des IV. Internationalen Kongresses fÅr Griechische und Lateinische Epigraphik (Wien, 17. bis 22. September 1962). (: ) Hermann Bîhlaus; Der ôsterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Graz-Wien-Kîln, 128133. (SO42 026) [CONGRESSES; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; URBAN DEVELOPMENT] 5556. Gerov,Boris (1969): öber die Datierung der DenkmÑler aus dem Mittelstrumatal. êtudes Balkaniques 5,3, 6871. (SO42 018) [EPIGRAPHY; MACEDONIA; OFFPRINT] 5459. Gesche,Helga (1968): Die Reiterstatuen der Aemilier und Marcier. Ein Beitrag zur Monumentalen Rekonstruktion der FrÅhen Geschichte in Rom. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 18, 25-42. (SO39 040) [MONUMENTS; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 2385. Getty,Robert K (1956): Astrology in Roman Law and Politics. By Frederick H. Kramer ("Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society," Vol. 37) Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1954. Classical Philology 51,2, 103-106. (SO15 073) [BOOK REVIEW] 5076. Giancotti,Francesco (1967): Struttura del ÆCatilinaØ di Sallustio. Siculorum Gymnasium 20,2 (n.s.), 145-208. (SO36C 024) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5088. Giancotti,Francesco (1968): Struttura del ÆBellum IugurthinumØ di Sallustio. Athenaeum 46 (n.s.), 3-47. (SO36B 002) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5103. Giancotti,Francesco (1969): Riflessioni sulle Strutture delle Monografie di Sallustio. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 103, 111-156. (SO36D 017) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 1977. Gichon,M (19??): Der Beginn der MakkabÑerkriege., 34-37. (SO12 019) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1978. Gichon,Mordechai (1967): The Military Significance of Certain Aspects of the Limes Palaestinae. Roman Frontier Studies, 191200. (SO12 020) [OFFPRINT] 2085. Gichon,Mordechai (1968): Das Verteidigungssystem und die Verteidiger des Flavischen Limes in JudÑa. In: Provincialia. Festschrift fÅr Rudolf Laur-Belart. (Eds: Schmid,Elisabeth; Berger,Ludwig; Syme Collection DB page 133 BÅrgin,Paul) Schwabe & Co, Basle/Stuttgart, 317-334. (SO12 126) [FESTSCHRIFT] 1976. Gichon,Mordechai (1971): Das Kastell En Boqeq. Die Ergebnisse der Ersten Kampagne 1968. BonnJahr 171, 386-406. (SO12 018) [OFFPRINT] 2925. Gichon,Mordechai (1980): Research on the Limes Palaestinae: A Stocktaking. In: Roman Frontier Studies 1979. Papers Presented to the 12th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. (Eds: Hanson,WS; Keppie,LJP) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 843-864. (SO18 113) <<series: BAR International Series 71>> [OFFPRINT] [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2334. Gil,Juan (1987): Tarsis y Tarteso. In: Studia Palaeohispanica. Actas del IV Coloquio sobre Lenguas y Culturas Paleohhisp†nicas (Vitoria/ Gasteiz 6-10 Mayo 1985). (Eds: Gorrochategui,Joaqu°n; Melena,JosÇ L; Santos,Juan) Instituto de Ciencias de la AntigÅedad Universidad del Pais Vasco, Vasco, 421-432. (SO15 022) <<series: Veleia vols. 2-3 [special issue of journal]>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2071. Gilboa,A (1972): L'Octroi de la CitoyennetÇ Romaine et de l'ImmunitÇ Ö Antipater, Päre d'HÇrode. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 4, 609-614. (SO12 112) [OFFPRINT] 2096. Gichon,Mordechai (1986): Who were the Enemies of Rome on the Limes Palaestinae. In: Studies zu den MilitÑrgrenzen Roms III. 13. Internationaler Limeskongre· Aalen 1983 VortrÑge. (: ) (Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und FrÅhgeschichte in Baden-WÅrttemberg, 20.) Theiss, Stuttgart, 584-592. (SO12 059) [OFFPRINT] 4065. Gilliam,J (1963): Severan Titles and and Inscription from Puteoli. Classical Philology 58,1, 26-29. (SO26 106) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2128. Gichon,Mordechai (1986): Aspects of a Roman Army in War According to the Bellum Judaicum of Josephus. In: The Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East. (Eds: Freeman,Philip; Kennedy,David) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 287-310. (SO13 031) <<series: BAR International Series 297>> [OFFPRINT] 1721. Gilliam,JF (1952): Ostr. Skeat 11. Transactions of the American Philological Association 83, 51-55. (SO11 004) [OFFPRINT] 2922. Gichon,Mordechai; Shalev,A (1985): The West Bank: The Geostrategic and Historical Aspects. In: The West Bank Line of Defence. (: ), New York, 178-205. (SO18 110) <<chapter is a historical supplement to book by A. Shalev>> [OFFPRINT] 3438. Gigante,Marcello (1954): La Clemenza di Tito. PP 37, 288-302. (SO22 077) [OFFPRINT] 3651. Gigon,Olof (1958): Interpretationen zu den Antiken Aristotles-Viten. Museum Helveticum 15,3, 147-193. (SO23 070) [OFFPRINT] 1975. Gihon,M (19??): Idumea and the Herodian Limes., 27-42. (SO12 017) 4176. Gilliam,J (1967): Caesoniun Bassus: Cos. Ord. A.D. 317. Historia 16,2, 252-254. (SO27 060) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1743. Gilliam,JF (1952): Notes on PSI 1307 and 1308. Classical Philology 47,1, 29-31. (SO11 026) [OFFPRINT] 1775. Gilliam,JF (1952): The Minimum Subject to the Vicesima Hereditatium. AJPh 73,4, 397-405. (SO11 059) [OFFPRINT] 1792. Gilliam,JF (1953): A Roman Naval Roster: P Rylands 79. Classical Philology 48,2, 97-99. (SO11 076) [OFFPRINT] 1723. Gilliam,JF (1954): The Roman Military Feriale. Harvard Theological Review 47,3, 183-196. (SO11 006) [OFFPRINT] 1759. Gilliam,JF (1955): Giovanni Forni. Il Reclutamento delle Legioni da Augusto a Diocleziano. Milano-Roma, Fratelli Bocca Editori, 1953. AJPh 76,3, 323-325. Syme Collection DB page 134 (SO11 043) [BOOK REVIEW] 1766. Gilliam,JF (1956): The Veterans and Praefectus Castrorum of the II Triana in A.D. 157. AJPh 77,4, 359-375. (SO11 050) [OFFPRINT] 4049. Gilliam,JF (1956): The Death of Alexander Severus and the Stelae from Terenouthis. Chronique d'êgypte 31,(no. 61), 149-151. (SO26 092) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4053. Gilliam,JF (1956): Trebonianus Gallus and the Decii: III et I Cos. In: Studi in Onore di Aristide Calderini e Roberto Paribeni. Vol. 1: Studi di Storia e AntichitÖ Greche e Romane. (: ), Milano-Varese, 305-311. (SO26 096) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4283. Gilliam,JF (1956): Libyca: Bulletin du Service des Antiquities, I (Avril-Octobre, 1953). Alger: Gouvernement GÇnÇral de l'AlgÇrie. Classical Philology 51,1, 53-55. (SO28 037) [AFRICA; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1718. Gilliam,JF (1957): Enrollment in the Roman Imperial Army. Eos 48,2, 207-216. (SO11 001) <<Festschrift for Raphael Taubenschlag vol. 2>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1784. Gilliam,JF (1957): Two Latin Letters from Duro-Europos of A.D. 221. êtudes de Papyrologie 8, 49-58. (SSO11 068) [OFFPRINT] 1594. Gilliam,JF (1958): The Governors of Syria Coele. AJPh 79,3, 225-242. (SO9 131) [OFFPRINT] 1720. Gilliam,JF (1958): The Appointment of Auxiliary Centurions (P Mich. 164). Transactions of the American Philological Association 88, 155-168. (SO11 003) [OFFPRINT] 1787. Gilliam,JF (1959): Excavations at Nessana, Vol. III: Non-Literary Papyri. By Caspar J. Kraemer,Jr. Princeton University Press, 1958. Classical Philology 54, 180-183. (SO11 071) [BOOK REVIEW] 1767. Gilliam,JF (1960): R.E.Smith. Service in the Post-Marian Roman Army. Manchester University Press; New York, Barnes and Noble, 1958. AJPh 81,3, 323-326. (SO11 051) [BOOK REVIEW] 1785. Gilliam,JF (1960): Notae Militares in Isidore, Etym. I, xxiv. In: Hommages Ö LÇon Herrmann. (: ) Latomus revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 408-415. (SO11 069) [OFFPRINT] 1789. Gilliam,JF (1960): An Antonine Consul Suffect. Classical Philology 55,3, 177-178. (SO11 073) [OFFPRINT] 582. Gilliam,JF (1961): The Plague under Marcus Aurelius. AJPh 82,3, 225-251. (SO2 014) [OFFPRINT] 1749. Gilliam,JF (1961): Egyptian Æ Duces Ø under Gordian. Chronique d'êgypte 36 (no. 72), 386-392. (SO11 032) [OFFPRINT] 1786. Gilliam,JF (1961): Ala Agrippiana and Archistator. Classical Philology 56, 2, 100-103. (SO11 070) [OFFPRINT] 3816. Gilliam,JF (1962): The Moesian ÆPridianumØ. In: Hommages Ö Albert Grenier. (Ed: Renard,Marcel) (Collection Latomus, 58.) Latomus d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 747-756. (SO25 035) [DACIA; FESTSCHRIFT; MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 4218. Gilliam,JF (1964): Valerius Titanianus. Mnemosyne 17,3, 293-299. (SO27 101) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1753. Gilliam,JF (1965): Dura Rosters and the Constitutio Antoniniana. Historia 14,1, 7492. (SO11 036) [OFFPRINT] 1724. Gilliam,JF (1966): An Egyptian Cohort in A.D. 117. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-AugustaForschung 3.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 91-97. (SO11 007) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 1727. Gilliam,JF (1967): The Deposita of an Auxiliary Soldier. BonnJahr 167, 233-243. (SO11 010) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 135 1773. Gilliam,JF (1967): Sergio Daris. Documento per la Storia dell'Esercito Romano in Egitto. Milan, SocietÖ Editrice Vita e Pensiero, 1964. AJPh 88,1, 99-101. (SO11 057) [BOOK REVIEW] 942. Gilliam,JF (1972): Ammianus and the Historia Augusta: The Lost Books and the Period 117-285. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1970. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 10.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 125-147. (SO5 188) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 4180. Gilliam,JF (1974): An Ab Epistulis Graecis and Praefectus Vigilum from Egypt. In: MÇlanges d'Histoire Ancienne Offerts Ö William Seston. (: ) E. de Boccard, Paris, 219225. (SO27 063) <<series: Publications de la Sorbonne. êtudes 9>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1264. Gilliam,JF (1978): Some Roman Elements in Roman Egypt. Illinois Classical Studies 3, 1978. (SO6 111) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT; ROMAN INFLUENCE] 2672. Gilliam,JF (1978): The Decline Before the Fall: Roman Government's Response to Crisis A.D. 235-337, by Ramsay MacMullen, Yale University Press. The Yale Review (Winter 1978), 283-289. (SO17 091) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1701. Gilliam,James Frank (1967): Novius Priscus. BCH 91,1, 269-271. (SO10 089) [OFFPRINT] 5247. Gillis,D (1963): The Portrait of Afranius Burrus in Tacitus' Annales. PP 88, 522. (SO37C 006) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1204. Gillis,D (1972): The Speaker of 3640.1 in the Dialogus. Latomus 31, 2, 512-518. (SO6 051) [OFFPRINT] 3996. Giomaro,AM (c1975): Per lo Studio della Les Cornelia de Edictis del 67 A.C.: La PersonalitÖ del Tribuno Proponente, Gaio Publio Cornelio. Studi Urbinati 43 (1974-75) (n.s A, no. 27), 269-325. (SO26 039) [OFFPRINT] 4007. Giovannini,A (1970): Philipp V., Perseus und die Delphische Amphiktyonie. In: Ancient Macedonia, 1st. International Symposium. (Eds: Laourdas,V; Makarona,Ch) Institute of Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 147154. (SO26 050) <<series: Idryma Meleton tes Chersonesou tou Haimou vol. 122>> [OFFPRINT] 4010. Giovannini,A (1971): Die Beziehungen Zwischen Rom und den Juden im 2. Jh. v. Chr. Museum Helveticum 28, 156-171. (SO26 053) [OFFPRINT] 236. Giovannini,Adalberto (1983): TÇos, Antiochos III et Attale Ier. Museum Helveticum 40, 178-184. (SO4 015) [OFFPRINT] 860. Giovannini,Adalberto (1984): Les Origines des Magistratures Romaines. Museum Helveticum 41, 15-30. (SO5 102) [OFFPRINT] 2014. Giovannini,Adalberto (1985): Auctoritas Patrum. Museum Helveticum 42, 28-36. (SO12 056) [OFFPRINT] 2015. Giradet,Klaus M (1987): Die Lex Iulia de Provinciis. RMfP 130, 3-4, 291-329. (SO12 057) [OFFPRINT] 1286. GiuffrÇ,Vicenzo (1970): Æ Plebeii Gentes Non Habent Ø. Labeo 16,3, 329-334. (SO6 133) [OFFPRINT] 2269. Gjerstad,Einar (1954): The Fortifications of Early Rome. Opuscula Romana 1, 50-65. (SO14 077) [OFFPRINT] 2297. Gjerstad,Einar (1960): Discussions Concerning Early Rome. Opuscula Romana 3, 69-102. (SO14 104) [OFFPRINT] 2275. Gjerstad,Einar (1962): A Proposito della Ricostruzione del Tempio Arcaico di Giove Capitolino in Roma. Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia 1, 35-40. (SO14 083) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 136 3858. Glodariu,I (1971): Consideratii Asupra Circulatiei Monedei Straine in Dacia (Sec. II I.E.N.- I E.N.) [Zum Umlauf Fremder MÅnzen in Dazien (2. Jh. v. u. X.- 1. Jh. u. Z.)]. Acta Musei Napocensis 8, 71-90. (SO25 074) <<Rumanian article with German summary>> [DACIA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3859. Glodariu,Ion (1968): Importuri Romane ån Cetatile Dacice din Muntii Orastiei.[Rîmische Importware un den Dakischen Burgen von Orastie]. Apulum. Acta Musei Apulensis 50, 353-367. (SO25 075) <<Rumanian article with German summary>> [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 1356. Gloria Tr°as,M (1963): El Impacto Comercial y Cultural Griego en Catalu§a. In: Problemas de la Prehistoria y de la Arquelogia Catalanas. II Symposium de Prehistoria Peninsular (8-11 de Octobre de 1962). (: ) (Publicaciones Eventuales, 4.) Instituto de Arquelog°a, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, 145-163. (SO7 047) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN-GREEK INFLUENCE; TRADE] 3985. Glucker,Ioannes (1970): Ciceroniana. Eranos 68, 231-233. (SO26 029) [CICERO; OFFPRINT] 3986. Glucker,Ioannes (1970): Lucretius 1.34. Eranos 68, 233-236. (SO26 029) [OFFPRINT] 1797. Gnilka,Christian (1977): Alan Cameron: Claudian. Poetry and Propaganda at the Court of Honorius. Oxford: Clarendon Pr. 1970. Gnomon 49, 26-51. (SO11 081) [BOOK REVIEW] 5414. Godolphin,FRB (1935): The Source of Plutarch's Thesis in the Lives of Galba and Otho. AJPh 56,4, 324-328. (SO38D 019) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PLUTARCH] 3252. Goffart,Walter (1970): Did Julian Combat Venal Suffragium? A Note on CTh 2. 29. 1. Classical Philology 65,3, 145-151. (SO21 079) [OFFPRINT] 907. GonzÖlez,J (1988): The First Oath Pro Salute Augusti. ZPE 72, 113-127. (SO5 152) [OFFPRINT] 1151. GonzÖlez,J; Caballos Rufino,A (1983): Die Messii Rustici. Eine Senatorische Familie aus der Baetica. ZPE 52, 157-173. (SO3 201) [OFFPRINT] 2336. Gonz†lez,J; Ruffino,Antonio Caballos (1983): Die Messii Rustici. Eine Senatorische Familie aus der Baetica. ZPE 52, 157-170. (SO15 024) [OFFPRINT] 4357. Gonzalez,JM (1965): Amanum Portus, Flaviobriga y Bilbao. Archivum 15, 157-167. (SO29 042) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1404. Gonzalez,JosÇ Manuel (1962): ÆSestianasØ, el Calificativo de las Aras Astures y Galaicas. Archivum 11, 103-110. (SO7 096) [OFFPRINT] 2332. Gonz†lez,JuliÖn (1987): Trajano: PART(H)ICVS, TRIB. POT. XIIX, IMP. X. AEA 60, 155-156, 237-250. (SO15 020) [OFFPRINT] 1422. Goodchild,RG; Reynolds,JM (1962): Some Military Inscriptions from Cyrenaica. PBSR 30 (new series 17), 37-46. (SO7 114) [CYRENAICA-ANCIENT REGION; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 1423. Goodchild,RG; Ward Perkins,JB (1949): The Limes Tripolitanus in the Light of Recent Discoveries. JRS 39, 1-2, 81-95. (SO7 115) [OFFPRINT] 2864. Goodman,MD; Holladay,AJ (1986): Religious Scruples in Ancient Warfare. CQ 36,1, 151-171. (SO18 053) [OFFPRINT] 5329. Goodyear,FRD (1968): Development of Language and Style in the Annals of Tacitus. JRS 58, 22-31. (SO38A 017) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2898. Goodyear,FRD (1979): Tacite: Annales, Livres XI-XII. Texte êtabli et Traduit par Pierre Wuilleumier. Paris: Bellles Lettres 1976. T. Doppels. (Coll. des Univ. de France.). Gnomon, 188-189. (SO18 086) [BOOK REVIEW] 787. Goodyear,FRD (1982): On the Character and Text of Justin's Compilation of Trogus. Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 16, 1-24. Syme Collection DB page 137 (SO5 022) [OFFPRINT] 1031. Goodyear,FRD (1982): Cicero, Epistulae ad Quintam Fratrem et M. Brutum. Ed. by D.R. Shackleton Bailey. Cambridge/ New York/ Melbourne:P cambridge UP 1980. (Cambridge Class. Texts and Commentaries. 22). Gnomon 54, 266-270. (SO3 070) [BOOK REVIEW; CICERO; LITERATURE- LATIN] 2919. Goodyear,FRD (1982): Pompeius Trogus and the Oxford Latin Dictionary. Liverpool Classical Monthly 7,1(Jan 1982), 1314. (SO18 108) [OFFPRINT] 788. Goodyear,FRD (1984): Virgil and Pompeius Trogus. Atti del Convegno Mondiale Scientifico di Studi su Virgilo 2, 167-179. (SO5 023) [OFFPRINT] 850. Goodyear,FRD (1984): Paolo Soverini: Problemi di Critica Testuale nella Historia Augusta (Edizioni e Saggi Universitari di Filologia Classica, 30.). Bologna: PÖtron, 1981. The Classical Review 34,2, 324. (SO5 092) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIA AUGUSTA] 2887. Goodyear,FRD (1984): The `Aetna': Thought, Antecedents, and Style. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt II. Principat. Vol. 31,1. (Eds: Temporini,Hildegard; Haase,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 344-363. (SO18 076) [OFFPRINT] 2906. Goodyear,FRD (1984): Notes on the Alcestis of Barcelona. Liverpool Classical Monthly 9.2(February 1984), 28-30. (SO18 094) [OFFPRINT] 4697. Goodyear,FRD (1984): J. Hellegouarc'h: Velleius Paterculus, Histoire Romaine, Tome I, Livre 1; Tome II, Livre ii. (Collections BudÇ). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1982. The Classical Review 34,2, 196-197. (SO33 073) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; VELLEIUS PATERCULUS] 4706. Goodyear,FRD (1984): Tiberius and Gaius: Their Influence and Views on Literature. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 32,1. (Ed: Hasse,W) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 603-610. (SO33 082) [OFFPRINT] 2844. Goodyear,FRD (1986): W.S. Watt: Marci Tulli Ciceronis Epistulae, Tomus I: Epistulae ad Familiares. (Oxford Classical Texts.) Oxford University Press, 1982. The Classical Review 36,2, 241-243. (SO18 033) [BOOK REVIEW] 1486. Goold,GP (1961): A Greek Professional Circle at Rome. Transactions of the American Philological Association 92, 168192. (SO9 026) [OFFPRINT] 1866. Gordon,AE (1935): On the First Appearance of the Cognomen in Latin Inscriptions of Freedmen. University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology 1,4, 151-158. (SO11 149) [OFFPRINT] 1861. Gordon,AE; Gordon,JS (1965): Three Latin Inscriptions of 52 B.C. In: Calligraphy and Palaeography. Essays Presented to Alfred Fairbank. (: ) Faber & Faber, London, 35-41. (SO11 144) [FESTSCHRIFT] 1915. Gordon,Arthur E (1950): A New Fragment of the Laudatio Turiae. AJA 54,3, 223-226. (SO11 196) [OFFPRINT] 1909. Gordon,Arthur E; Gordon,Joyce S (1951): Inscriptiones Italiae, Academiae Italicae Consociatate Ediderunt: Volumen XIIIFasti et Elogia, Fasciculus I- Fasti Consulares et Triumphales, Curavit Atilius Degrassi, Libreria dello Stato, Roma 1947. AJA 55, 278281. (SO11 191) [BOOK REVIEW] 4536. Gordon,Arthur E; Gordon,Joyce S (1951): Roman Names and the Consuls of A.D. 13. AJPh 72,3, 283-292. (SO32 029) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3054. Gossage,AJ (19??): The Date of IG (2) 516 (SIG/3 800). ABSA 49, 51-56. (SO20 010) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 5539. Gostar,N (1969): Cohors VI Nova Cumidavensium. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Al. I. Cuza Din Iaso. (Serie Noua) Sectiunea III a. Istorie 15,1, 21-31. (SO42 001) [DACIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] Syme Collection DB page 138 3853. Gostar,Nicolae (1956): Ramura Nordica a Dacilor- Costobocii [La Branche Nordique des Daces. Les Costoboques]. Buletinul Universitatilor "V. Baes" si "Bolyai" Cluj 1,1-2 (seria stiintelor sociale), 183-199. (SO25 070; Rumanian diacritics) <<article in Romanian with Russian and French summaries>> [DACIA; OFFPRINT] [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 3809. Gostar,Nicolae (1971): Condita Colonia Dacica. Apulum. Acta Musei Apulensis 9, 305-321. (SO25 028) <<Rumanian artitle with French resumÇ>> [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3052. Grant,Michael (1950): Constantiae Augusti. Numismatic Chronicle 10 (6th series), 23-42. (SO20 008) [CLAUDIUS; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3860. Gostar,Nicolae (1971): Expeditio II Dacica. Intr-o Inscriptie din Venusia. [Expeditio II Dacica dans une Inscription de Venouse]. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitii "AL. I. Cuza" din Iasi. Sectiunea III. a. Istorie 17,1 (n.s), 9396. (SO25 076) <<article in Romanian with typed French summary appended at end>> [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 4743. Gottlieb,Gunther (c1974): Les êvàques et les Empereurs dans les Affaires EcclÇsiastiques du 4e Siäcle. Museum Helveticum, 38-50. (SO34 003) [INCOMPLETE; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; RELIGIOUS HISTORY] 3028. Grant,John R (1974): Toward Knowing Thucydides. Phoenix 28,1, 81-94. (SO19 045) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; THUCYDIDES] 1609. Grant,Michael (1949): The Decline and Fall of City-Coinage in Spain. Numismatic Chronicle 9 (6th series), 93-106. (SO10 006) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1610. Grant,Michael (1949): The Colonial Mints of Gaius. Numismatic Chronicle 8 (6th ser.)(1948), 113-130. (SO10 007) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 2409. Grant,Michael (1949): Pax Romana: an Early Imperial Definition. University of Edinburgh Journal spring 1949, 229-240. (SO15 097) [OFFPRINT] 4643. Grant,Michael (1949): The Augustan 'Constitution'. Greece & Rome 18, no. 54, 97112. (SO33 023) 1608. Grant,Michael (1950): The Official Coinage of Tiberius in Galatia. Numismatic Chronicle 10 (6th series), 43-48. (SO10 005) [ASIA MINOR; GALATIA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS] 3064. Grant,Michael ([post 1950]): Harold Mattingly: Catalogue of the Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, Vol. V, From Pertinax to Elagabalus. London: The Trustees of the British Museum, 1950., 158164. (SO20 020) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; NUMISMATICS] 3292. Grant,Michael (1951 [1949]): `Timed' Roman Foundations. PP 18, 219-223. (SO21 118) [OFFPRINT] 580. Grant,Michael (1952): A Capricorn on Hadrian's Coinage. EmÇrita 20,1, 1-7. (SO2 012) [OFFPRINT] 2408. Grant,Michael (1952): Roman Coins as Propaganda. Archaeology 5,2, 79-85. (SO15 096) [OFFPRINT] 3442. Grant,Michael (1952): C.H.V.Sutherland : Coinage in Roman Imperial Policy, 31 B.C.-A.D. 69. London : Methuen, 1951. The Classical Review 2, 3-4 (n.s. vol. 66 of continuous series), 214-216. (SO22 081) [BOOK REVIEW; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3457. Grant,Michael (1955): H.R.W. Smith : Problems Historical and Numismatic in the Reign of Augustus. (Publications in Classical Archaeology, vol. 2, no. 4.) Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1951. The Classical Review 5,2 (n.s. vol. 69 of continuous series), 187-189. (SO22 096) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3616. Grant,Michael (1967): The Climax of Rome. University of Saskatchewan Lectures, No. 15. 16pp. (SO23 035) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 139 3531. Grant,Michael (1978): A View of the Etruscans. Presidential Address Delivered to the Classical Association in the University of Edinburgh 30 March 1978. Proceedings of the Classical Association 75, 9-22. (SO22 171) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 3187. Grasby,KD (1975): The Age, Ancestry and Career of Gordion I. CQ 25,1, 123-130. (SO21 013) [BIOGRAPHY; HISTORIA AUGUSTA] 2806. Gray,AW (1962): Hans Buchheim: Die Orientpolitik des Triumvirn M. Antoinius. Ihre Voraussetzungen, Entwicklung und Zusammenhang mit den Politischen Ereignissen in Italien. Heidelberg: Winter 1960 (Abh d. Heidelburger Akad d. Wiss., Phil.-Hist. Kl. 1960.3). Heidelberg: Winter, 1960. The Classical Review 12, 3 (new series, vol. 76 of continuous series), 280-282. (SO16 101) [BOOK REVIEW] 706. Gray,EW (1970): The Imperium of Agrippa. A Note on P. Colon. inv. nr 4701. ZPE 6,3, 227-238. (SO2 158) [AGRIPPA; OFFPRINT; PAPYROLOGY] 1467. Gray,EW (1973): The Roman Eastern Limes from Constantine to JustinianPerspectives and Problems. Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 12, 24-40. (SO9 007) [OFFPRINT] 1622. Grayson,Cecil (1960): A Renaissance Controversy. Latin or Italian? Inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 6th November 1959 by Cecil Grayson, Serena Professor of Italian Studies. (SO10 019) [OFFPRINT] 4048. Green,RPH (1981): Marius Maximus and Ausonius'Caesares. CQ 31,1, 226-236. (SO26 091) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5733. Greenhalgh,Jean (1984): Notes on the Deforestation of Central Anatolia in Antiquity. Yayla 5, 3-9. (SO3 013) [ASIA MINOR; FORESTRY; OFFPRINT] 1048. Greenhalgh,Jean; Dodge,Hazel; Russell,J; Hopwood,Keith (1984): Yayla. Fifth Report of the Northern Society for Anatolian Archaeology. Department of Archaeology, The University, Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne. (SO3 013) [ASIA MINOR; JOURNAL] 5695. Gregory,TE (1982): Beans, Pythagoras, Taboos, and Ancient Dietetics. The Classical World 75, 355-358. (SO16 154) [ANCIENT DIET; OFFPRINT; PYTHAGORAS] 3450. Grenade,Pierre (1950): Le Mythe de PompÇe et les PompÇiens sous les CÇsars. REA 52, 1-2, 28-63. (SO22 089) [OFFPRINT; POMPEIUS] 880. Grenier,Albert (1936): Tibäre et la Gaule. Revue des êtudes Latines, 373-388. (SO5 123) [OFFPRINT] 5634. Gressmann,Hugo (1925): Die Hellenistische Gestirnreligion. Beihefte zum Alten Orient 5, 31pp. (SO43 014) [ASTRONOMY; OFFPRINT; RELIGIONHELLENISTIC] 4687. Gries,K (1959): Livian Scholarship since 1940 (1). The Classical World 53,2, 3340. (SO33 064A) [LIVY; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 4688. Gries,K (1959): Livian Scholarship since 1940 (2). The Classical World 53,3, 6980. (SO33 064B) <<continues SO33 064A>> [LIVY; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 2993. Griffin,Jasper (1979): The Fourth Georgic, Virgil, and Rome. Greece & Rome 26,1 (2nd. series), 61-80. (SO19 010) [LATIN LITERATURE; OFFPRINT; VIRGIL] 3727. Griffin,Jasper (1988): `Here was a Caesar!'. Review of : The Education of Julius Caesar : A Biography, A Reconstruction by Arthur D. Kahn. Schocken Books; Caesar by Christian Meier. Severin and Siedler (Berlin). NYRB (12 May), 14-18. (SO24 042) [BOOK REVIEW; CUTTINGS] 1115. Griffin,Jaster (1981): Haec Super Arvorum Cultu. The Classical Review 31,1, 2337. (SO3 162) [BIBLIOGRAPHY; LITERATURE- LATIN; REVIEW ARTICLE; VIRGIL] 1029. Griffin,MT (1980): Pier Viencenzo Cova: Lo Stoico Imperfetto. Naples: SocietÖ Editrice Napoletana, 1978. The Classical Syme Collection DB page 140 Review 30,2 (vol. 94 of whole series), 288289. (SO3 068) [BOOK REVIEW; LITERATURE- LATIN; STOICISM] 1224. Griffin,MT (1982): The Lyons Tablet. CQ 32,3, 404-418. (SO6 071) [OFFPRINT] 5464. Griffin,Miriam (1973): The Tribune C. Cornelius. JRS 63, 196-213. (SO39 045) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2895. Griffin,Miriam (1983): Revelations of Excess. Review of : Elaine Fantham. Seneca's Troades: A Literary Introduction with Text, Translation, and Commentary. Guildford: Princeton University Press. Times Literary Supplement (18 November 1983), 1285. (SO18 084) [BOOK REVIEW] 2006. Griffin,Miriam (1985): Willibald Heilmann, Ethische Reflexion und Rîmische Lebenswirklichkeit in Ciceros Schrift De Officis: Ein Literatursoziologischer Versuch (Palingenesia XVII). Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1982. JRS 75, . (SO12 048) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 2010. Griffin,Miriam (1986): Philosophy, Cato, and Roman Suicide: I. Greece & Rome 33,1, 64-77. (SO12 052) [OFFPRINT] 2016. Griffin,Miriam (1986): Philosophy, Cato, and Roman Suicide. Greece & Rome 33,2, 192-202. (SO12 058) [OFFPRINT] 2215. Griffin,Miriam (1987): Philosophy for Statesmen: Cicero and Seneca. In: Antikes Denken- Moderne Schule. (Eds: Schmidt,HW; WÅlfing,P) Carl Winter- UniversitÑtsverlag, Heidelberg, 133-150. (SO14 024) <<series: Gymnasium Beiheft 9>> [OFFPRINT] 3989. Griffin,Miriam T (1973): The 'Leges Iudiciariae' of the Pre-Sullan Era. CQ 23,1, 108-126. (SO26 032) [OFFPRINT] 1177. Griffin,Miriam T (1974): Imago Vitae Suae. In: Seneca. (Ed: Costa,CDN) Routledge & Kegan Paul, London; Boston, 1-38. (SO6 023) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; SENECA 4 B.C.-65 A.D.] 2007. Griffin,Miriam T (1985): Yolande Gris: Le Suicide dans la Rome Antique. MontrÇal: Bellarmin; Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1982. Gnomon 57, 437-440. (SO12 049) [OFFPRINT] 2214. Griffin,Miriam T (1985): JÅrgen Makitz: Die Historien des Poseidonios. MÅnchen: Beck 1983 (Zetemata. 79). Gnomon, 568-569. (SO14 023) [BOOK REVIEW] 353. Grillone,A (1971): Il Labaro ed il Sogno Miracoloso nella Vita Constantini (Patrol. Gr. XX). Vetera Christianorum 8, 4954. (SO4 134) [CONSTANTINE; EUSEBIUS OF CAESAREA; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 347. Grillone,A (1977): Note Critiche al Testo del De Metatione Castrorum dello Pseudo-Igino. Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 49, 255-266. (SO4 128) [PHOTOCOPY] 348. Grillone,A (1977): Sul De Metatione Castrorum dello Pseudo-Igino. Latomus 36,3, 794-800. (SO4 129) [OFFPRINT] 1034. Grillone,Antoninus [Antonio] (c1967): De Simulatis Somniis apud Graecos atque Romanos Epicos Poetas. Annali del Liceo Classico Æ G. Garibaldi Ø di Palermo 3-4 (n.s.)(1966-1967), 274-280. (SO3 073) [LITERATURE- GREEK; LITERATURELATIN; OFFPRINT] 1033. Grillone,Antonio (1969): Per la Fortuna di Virgilio nel Mondo Greco: Lineamenti di una Ricerca. Atti dell'Accademia di Scienze Lettere e Arti di Palermo 28, 2 (fouth series), 5-8. (SO3 072) [OFFPRINT] 2510. Grimal,Pierre (1949): La ÆVe êglogueØ et le Culte de CÇsar. In: MÇlanges Charles Picard. (: ) Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 406-419. (SO15 186) [OFFPRINT] 3463. Grimal,Pierre (1954): Le Livre VI de l'ÆênÇideØ et son ActualitÇ en 23 av. J.-C. REA 56, 1-2, 40-60. Syme Collection DB page 141 (SO22 102) [OFFPRINT] 3626. Grimal,Pierre (19??): EncyclopÇdies Antiques., 1-24. (SO23 045) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1639. Groag,Edmund (c1931): Prosopographische Bemerkungen. Wiener Studien 49,1-2, 157-161. (SO10 036) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4547. Groag,Edmund (c1932): Prosopographische Bemerkungen III. Wiener Studien 50, 202-205. (SO32 041) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1488. Groag,Edmund (1936): Zu Einer Inschrift aus Dura. Klio 29, 2-3, 232-236. (SO9 028) [OFFPRINT] 4469. Gropengie·er,Erich (1964): Rîmerzeit an Rhein und Donau. Mannheimer Hefte 1964,1, 28-38. (SSO31 029) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 5287. Grosso,F (1954): Aspetti della Politica Orientale di Domiziano. Epigraphica 16, 117179. (SO37D 005) [DOMITIAN; OFFPRINT] 4175. Grosso,F (1967): Claudio Giuliano Prefettod'Egitto dal 203 al 205/6. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 22, fasc. 3-4 (8th ser.), 55-64. (SO27 059) <<article in Italian with Latin summary>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4129. Grosso,F (1968): Ricerche su Plauziano e gli Avvenimenti del suo Tempo. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 23,fasc. 1-2 (8th ser.), 7-58. (SO27 015) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5417. Grosso,Fulvio (1954): TendenziositÖ dell'Agricola. In: In Memoriam Achillis Beltrami. Miscellanea Philologica. (: ) (Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Filologia Classica e Medievale, 3.) Istituto di Filologia Classica, Genova, 97-145. (SO38D 022) [INCOMPLETE; AGRICOLA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5207. Grosso,Fulvio (c1956): La Morte di Tito. In: Miscellanea Paoli. (: ) Istituto di Filologia Classica, UniversitÖ di Genova,, 137162. (SO37A 026) [INCOMPLETE; FLAVIANS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4705. Grosso,Fulvio (1959): L'Epigraffe di Ippona e la Vita di Svetonio con in Fasti dei Pontefici di Volcano a Ostia. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 14,56 (8th ser.), 263-296. (SO33 081) [EPIGRAPHY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4060. Grosso,Fulvio (1968): Il Papiro Oxy. 2565 e gli Avvenimenti del 222-224. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 23,5-6 (8th series), 205-220. (SO26 103) <<article in Italian with Latin summary>> [OFFPRINT] 2497. Gruen,ES (1965): The Exile of Metellus Numidicus. Latomus 24,3, 576-580. (SO15 173) [OFFPRINT] 5424. Gruen,ES (1971): Some Criminal Trials of the Late Republic: Political and Prosopographical Problems. Athenaeum 49,12 (n.s.), 54-69. (SO39 005) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; TRIALS] 4020. Gruen,ES (1972): H.H. Scullard. Scipio Africanus: Soldier and Politician. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1970. (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life). AJPh 93,2, 377-380. (SO26 063) [BOOK REVIEW] 4028. Gruen,ES (1972): Aratus and the Achaean Alliance with Macedon. Historia 21,4, 609-625. (SO26 071) [OFFPRINT] 4019. Gruen,ES (1974): The Last Years of Philip V. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 15,2, 221-246. (SO26 062) [OFFPRINT] 4004. Gruen,ES (1975): Rome and Rhodes in the Second Century B.C.: A Historiographical Inquiry. CQ 25,1, 58-81. (SO26 047) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 142 3378. Gruen,Erich S (1964): Politics and the Courts in 104 B.C. TPAPA 95, 99-110. (SO22 019) [OFFPRINT] 2475. Gruen,Erich S (1965): The Lex Varia. JRS 55, 59-73. (SO15 151) [OFFPRINT] 3375. Gruen,Erich S (1965): The Political Allegiance of P. Mucius Scaevola. Athenaeum 53, fasc. 3-4 (n.s.), 321-332. (SO22 016) [OFFPRINT] 2454. Gruen,Erich S (1966): Cicero and Licinius Calvus. HSCP 71, 215-233. (SO15 130) [OFFPRINT] 2462. Gruen,Erich S (1966): P. Clodius: Instrument or Independent Agent? Phoenix 20,2, 120-130. (SO15 138) [OFFPRINT] 3376. Gruen,Erich S (1966): The Quaestorship of Norbanus. Classical Philology 61,2, 105-107. (SO22 017) [OFFPRINT] 2444. Gruen,Erich S (1968): Pompey and the Pisones. California Studies in Classical Antiquity 1, 155-170. (SO15 120) [OFFPRINT] 2789. Gruen,Erich S (1969): Pompey, The Roman Aristocracy, and the Conference of Luca. Historia 18,1, 71-108. (SO16 085) [OFFPRINT] 5078. Gruen,Erich S (1969): Notes on the "First Catilinarian Conspiracy". Classical Philology 64,1, 20-24. (SO36C 026) [CATILINE; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5442. Gruen,Erich S (1971): Pompey, Metellus Pius, and the Trials of 70-69 B.C.: The Perils of Schematism. AJPh 92,1, 1-16. (SO39 023) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORYREPUBLIC; TRIALS] 1956. Gruen,Erich S (1972): Augustus to Constantine: The Thrust of the Christian Movement into the Roman World. By Robert M. Grant. New York: Harper & Row, 1970. Journal of the American Oriental Society 92,1, 190-191. (SO11 238) [BOOK REVIEW] 1274. Gruen,Erich S (1974): E.S. Staveley. Greek and Roman Voting and Elections. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press, 1972. (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life). AJPh 95, 417-419. (SO6 121) [BOOK REVIEW; ELECTIONS; POLITICS-ANCIENT] 1275. Gruen,Erich S (1975): Alan Watson, Law Making in the Later Roman Republic, New York, Oxford University Press, 1974. American Journal of Legal History 19, 163166. (SO6 122) [BOOK REVIEW; ROMAN LAW] 3236. Gruen,Erich S (1976): Class Conflict and the third Macedonian War. AJAH 1, 29-59. (SO21 063) [MACEDONIA; OFFPRINT] 2057. Gruen,Erich S (1987): The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome, 2 Volumes. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California Press, 1984. AJPh 108, 773-794. (SO12 098) [BOOK REVIEW] 634. Gruen,Erich S (19??): Mark Anthony: A Biography. By Eleanor Goltz Huzar. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1978. Pp. ix + 347. The Classical Journal ?, 63-66. (SO2 070) [BOOK REVIEW] 2616. Gruen,Erich S (19??): M.Licinius Crassus. A Review Article. AJAH, 117-128. (SO17 036) <<review article of biographies of Crassus by BA Marshall and Allen Ward>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3023. Gruen,Erich S (19??): Thucydides, His Critics and Interpreters. Review of i) Thucydides on the Nature of Power. By A. Geoffrey Woodhead (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1970) (ii) The Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. By Donald Kagan (Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1969) (iii) Individuals in Thucydides. By H.D. Westlake (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1968)., 327-337. (SO19 040) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; THUCYDIDES] 3390. Gruen,Erich S0 (1966): Political Prosecutions in the 90's B.C. Historia 15,1, 3264. (SO22 031) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 143 1869. GrÅndel,Roland (1963): Das Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum und der Nutzen seiner Indizes. Das Altertum 9,3, 175-181. (SO11 152) [OFFPRINT] 3544. Grundel,Hans Georg (1963): Der Begriff Maiestas im Politischen Denken der Rîmischen Republik. Historia 12,3, 283-320. (SO22 184) [OFFPRINT] 2207. Gruppo di Ricerca sulla Propaganda Antica (1972): L'Integrazione dell'Italia nello Stato Romano. In: Contributi dell'Istituto di Storia Antica. Vol. 1. (: ) (Scienze Storiche, 1.) Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 146-175. (SO14 010) <<From vol. 3 onwards, "Contributi" becomes a series title for volumes with various titles.>> [OFFPRINT] 623. Grzybek,Erhard (1978): Pharao Caesar in einer Demotischen Grabschrift aus Memphis. Museum Helveticum 35, 149-158. (SO2 058) [OFFPRINT] 3218. Grzybek,Erhard (1978): La Lex de Piratis Persequendis. Museum Helveticum 35, 33-47. (SO21 046) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 1226. Grzybek,Erhard (1980): Roms BÅndnis mit Byzanz (Tac. Ann. 12, 62). Museum Helveticum 37, 50-59. (SO6 073) [OFFPRINT] (SO26 030) [OFFPRINT] 1287. Guarino,Antonio (1971): Æ Post Reges Exactos Ø. Labeo 17, 3, 309-329. (SO6 134) [OFFPRINT] 4017. Guarino,Antonio (1971): Il Vuoto di Potere nella "Libera Respublica". Atti dell'Academia di Scienze Morali e Politiche della SocietÖ Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Napoli 82, 288-312. (SO26 060) [OFFPRINT] 719. Guarino,Antonio (1974): In Difesa di Messalina. Labeo 20,1, 12-26. (SO2 171) [MESSALINA C26-48 B.C.; OFFPRINT] 1269. Guarino,Antonio (1975): Genesi e Ragion d'Essere del Patriziato. Labeo 21,3, 343-353. (SO6 116) [OFFPRINT] 1310. Guarino,Antonio (1979): Ineptiae Iuris Romani: III. Atti dell' Accademia Pontaniana 28 (n.s.), 1-12. (SO6 140) [OFFPRINT] 844. Guarino,Antonio (1980): Gli Aspetti Giuridici del Principato. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 13. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berin; New York, 3-60. (SO5 086) [OFFPRINT] 3567. Gschnitzer,Fritz (1968): Excercitus. Zur Bezeichnung und Geschichte des Heeres im FrÅhen Rom. In: Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft und Kulturkunde. Gedenkschrift fÅr Wilhelm Brandenstein (1898-1967). (Ed: Mayrhofer,Manfred) Institut fÅr Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft der Leopold-Franzens-UniversitÑt Innsbruck., Innsbruck, 181-190. (SO22 206) <<series: Innsbrucker BeitrÑge zur Kulturwissenschaft 14>> [OFFPRINT] 997. Guarino,Antonio (1980): La Formazione dell'Editto Perpetuo. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 13. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 62-102. (SO3 037) [OFFPRINT] 3075. Gschnitzer,Fritz; Keil,Josef (1956 [1957]): Neue Inschriften aud Lydien. AAWW 1956, no. 18, 219-231. (SO20 030) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 5377. Gudeman,Alfred (1935): Gunnar Sîrbom, Variatio Sermonis Tacitei aliaeque apud eundem quaestiones selectae. Upsaliae 1935, Verlag Almquist u. Wiksell Soc. Philologische Wochenschrift 48(30 Nov. 1935), cols 1335-1341. (SO38B 025) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIANS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3987. Guarino,Antonio (1970): L'Abrogazione di Ottavio. Atti dell'Academia di Scienze Morali e Politiche della SocietÖ Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Napoli 81, 236-266. 1017. Guarino,Antonio (1980): Frustula Iuris Romani. Atti dell'Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche 91, 303-316. (SO3 056) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 144 5378. Gudeman,Alfred (1935): AndrÇ Gunz, Die Deklamatorische Rhetorik in der Germania des Tacitus. Lausanne 1934, Deutsche Univ.Buchhandlung. Philologische Wochenschrift 7/8(23 Feb.), cols 185-198. (SO38B 026) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5379. Gudeman,Alfred (1935): Cornelius Tacitus edd. Halm-Andresen, I 1, Ann. lib. I-VI ed. E. KÅstermann. Leipzig u. Berlin 1934, B.G. Teubner. Philologische Wochenschrift 11/12(23 March), cols 300-306. (SO38B 027) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5293. GÅngerich,Rudolf (1960): 1. Tacitus, Die Historischen Versuche. Agrocola. Germania. Dialogus. öbers. und hrsg. von Karl BÅchner. Stuttgart: Krîner 1955. (Krîners Taschenausg. 225). 2. Tacitus, Germania. Hrsg., Åbers. und mit ErlÑuterungen Versehen von Eugen Fehrle. Heidelberg: Winter 1959. Gnomon, 776-778. (SO37D 011) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5254. GÅngerich,Rudolf (1965): Ettore Paratore: Tacito. 2. ed. Roma: Ateneo 1962. (Nuovi Saggi. 34). Gnomon, 422-424. (SO37C 013) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5331. GÅngerich,Rudolf (1965): Tacitus, Dialogus De Oratoribus. Ed., Introd. et Comm. par Alain Michel. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 1962. (êrasme. Coll. de Textes Lat. Comm.). Gnomon 37, 169-173. (SO38A 019) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5191. GÅngerich,Rudolf (1971): Helmut Gugel: Untersuchungen zu Stil und Aufbau des Rednerdialogs des Tacitus. Innsbruck: Wagner 1969. (Commentationes Aenipontanae. 20 [Umgearbeitete Fassung des Diss. Graz 1964]). Gnomon, 31-34. (SO37 012) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4804. GÅnther,Rigobert (1967): E.M. Schtajerman, Die Krise der Sklavenhalterordnung im Westen des Rîmischen Reiches. Aus dem Russ. Åbers. u. Hrsg. v. Wolfgang Seyfarth. Berlin: AkademieVerlag 1964. Deutsche Literaturzeitung 88,7(July 1967), cols 622-624. (SO34 062) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; SLAVERY] 2536. Guerrini,Bruno; Robert,Louis (1987): Alla Memoria di Louis Robert Pias, 3 Giugno 1987. UniversitÖ degli Studi di Pisa: FacoltÖ di Lettere e Filosofia- Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche del Mondo Antico, Pisa. 15 pages. (SO15 020) <<this memorial pamphlet includes a passage of Robert's on the subject of epigraphy and epigraphers>> [OFFPRINT] 4054. Guey,J (1955): Les ÆRes Gestae Divi SaporisØ. REA 57,1-2, 113-122. (SO26 097) <<discussion of text with comments on Honigmann,E and Maricq,A, Recherches sur les ÆRes Gestae Divi SaporisØ MÇmoires de l'AcadÇmie Royale de Belgique, vol. 47,4. Bruxelles, 1953>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; REVIEW] 4458. Guey,J (1956): Lugudunum, Thurium, Thurinus. A Propos de la Fondation de Lyon. Cahiers d'Histoire 1, 103-109. (SO31 018) [COLONIES; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4445. Guey,J (1959): A Propos de Lyon: Dion Casius et le SÇnatus-Consulte d'Avril 43 av. J.-C. BSAF (20 May), 128-173. (SO31 006) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4446. Guey,J (1966): De Trincos Ö Princeps. A Propos d'une Correction Palmaire. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,R) (êcole Practique des Hautes êtudes- VIe Section. Centre de Recherches Historiques.) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 249-266. (SO31 007) [OFFPRINT] 4484. Guey,J; Audin,A (1962): L'AmphithÇÉtre des Trois-Gaules Ö Lyon. Rapport PrÇliminaire aux Fouilles (Premiäre Partie). Gallia 20,1, 117-145. (SO31 043A) [EXCAVATIONS; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4485. Guey,J; Audin,A (1963): L'AmphithÇÉtre des Trois-Gaules Ö Lyon. Rapport PrÇliminaire aux Fouilles (Deuxiäme Partie). Gallia 21,1, 125-154. (SO31 043B) [EXCAVATIONS; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4486. Guey,J; Audin,A (1964): L'AmphithÇÉtre des Trois-Gaules Ö Lyon. Rapport PrÇliminaire aux Fouilles (SupplÇment : Inscriptions, Monnaies). Gallia 22,1, 37-61. (SO31 43C) [EXCAVATIONS; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 1481. Guey,Julien (1938): Inscription du Second Siäcle Relative a l'Annone Militaire. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 55, 3-24. (SO9 021) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 145 1447. Guey,Julien (1953): The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania edited by J.M. Reynolds and J.B.Ward-Perkins. British School at Rome. Rome & London 1952. Pp. vi + 286, 9 maps, 9 plates. REA 55, 3-4, 334-358. (SO7 138) [BOOK REVIEW] 4813. Guey,Julien (1961): Autour des Res Gestae Divi Saporis. I. Deniers (d'Or) et Deniers d'Or (de Compte) Anciens. Syria 28,34, 261-274. (SO35 006) [EASTERN FRONTIER; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; SASSANIANS] 2626. Gundel,H (1963): Quinctilius. In: Paulys RealencyclopÑdie der Classischen Alterumswissenschaft. Vol. 24. (: ) Alfred DruckenmÅller, Stuttgart, 894-927. (SO17 046) <<pg. nos. refer to columns>> [OFFPRINT] 1379. Gundel,Hans (1961): Viriatus. In: Paulys RealencyclopÑdie der Classischen Altertumwissenschaft. Vol. 9A. (: ) Alfred DruckenmÅller, Stuttgart, 203-230. (SO7 071) [OFFPRINT; REMOVED] 1803. Gundel,Hans Georg (1966/1973): Papyrologisches zue Constitutio Antoniniana. In: Kurzberichte aus den Giessener PapyrusSammlungen. Zur Constitutio Antoniniana (Pap. Giss. 40 I). Vol. 22. (: ) UniversitÑtsBibliothek Giessen, Giessen, 8-18. (SO11 086) <<extract from monograph series with number of articles on related subjects>> [OFFPRINT] 918. Gundel,Hans Georg (1970): Vom Weltbild in den Griechischen Zauberpapyri. Probleme und Ergebnisse. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology. (Ed: Samuel,Deborah H) (American Studies in Papyrology, 7.) A.M. Hakkert Ltd., Toronto, 183-193. (SO5 161) [ANCINET MAGIC; CONGRESSES; PAPYROLOGY] 1504. Gwatkin,William Emmett (1930): Cappadocia as a Roman Procuratorial Province. University of Missouri Studies 5,4, 566. (SO9 042) [OFFPRINT] 3211. Gwyn Morgan,M (1969): Metellus Macedonicus and the Province Macedonia. Historia 18,4, 422-446. (SO21 038) [MACEDONIA; OFFPRINT] 3213. Gwyn Morgan,M (1969): The Roman Conquest of the Balearic Islands. California Studies in Classical Antiquity 2, 217-231. (SO21 041) [OFFPRINT] 3212. Gwyn Morgan,M (1973): Pliny, N.H. III 129, The Roman Use of Stades and the Elogium of C. Sempronius Tuditanus (Cos. 129 B.C.). Philologus 117, 29-48. (SO21 040) [OFFPRINT] 346. Haase,Wolfgang (1977): "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum." Zur Beurteilung MilitÑrischer StÑrke in der Rîmischen Kaiserzeit. In: Limes. Akten des XI. Internationalen Limeskongresses, SzÇkesfehÇrv†r 30/8 - 6/9, 1976 [International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1976]. (Ed: Fitz,Jeno) AkadÇiai Kiado, Budapest, 721-755. (SO4 127) [CONGRESSES; LIMES; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 3090. Haberey,Waldemar (1951): Zu CIL. XIII 8648 aus Vetera (Caeliusstein). BonnJahr 151, 116-122. (SO20 044) [FRONTIERS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 4027. Habicht,C (1970): Epigraphische Zeugnisse zur Geschichte Thessaliens unter der Makedonischen Herrschaft. In: Ancient Macedonia. 1st International Symposium. (Eds: Laourdas,V; Makarona,Ch) Institute of Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 265-279. (SO26 070) <<series: Idryma Meleton tes Chersonesou tou Haimou>> [OFFPRINT] 4200. Habicht,C (1972): BeitrÑge zur Prosopographie der Altgriechischen Welt. Chiron 2, 103-134. (SO27 083) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1717. Habicht,Ch (1974): Zwei Rîmische Senatoren aus Kleinasien. ZPE 13,1, 1-6. (SO10 105) [OFFPRINT] 2718. Habicht,Christian (1960): Zwei Neue Inschriften aus Pergamon. Istanbuler Mitteilungen 9/10, 109-127. (SO17 137) <<journal year is 1959/60>> [OFFPRINT] 1601. Habicht,Christian (1963): Bengt E Thomasson, Die Statthalter der Rîmischen Provinzen Nordafrikas von Augustus bis Syme Collection DB page 146 Diocletianus, 2 Bde. 1960 (Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom IX 1-2). Gîttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 215,3-4, 190-197. (SO9 138) [AFRICA; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5198. Haffter,Heinz (1971): Pasquill, Pamphlet und Invective bei Tacitus. Altsprachliche Unterricht 14,1, 100-110. (SO37A 019) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1663. Habicht,Christian (1974): Ein Thesprotischer Adliger im Dienste Ptolemaios' V. ArchClass 25-26, 313-318. (SO10 060) [OFFPRINT] 3013. Haffter,Heinz (1977): Patrii Sermonis Egestas bei den FrÅhesten Rîmischen Geschichtsschreibern. In: LatinitÑt und Alte Kirche. Festschrift fÅr Rudolf Hanslik zum 70. Geburtstag. (Eds: Kraus,W; Primmer,A; Schwabl,H) Hermann Bîhlaus, Wien: Kîln: Graz, 101-108. (SO19 030) [FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIOGRAPHY] 257. Habicht,Christian (1975): New Evidence on the Province of Asia. JRS 64, 6491. (SO4 036) [OFFPRINT] 408. Habicht,Christian (1976): Ehrung eines Thessalischen Politikers in Athen. ZPE 20,2, 193-199. (SO4 197) [OFFPRINT] 3997. Habicht,Christian (1976): Zur Geschichte Athens in der Zeit Mithridates' VI. Chiron 6, 127-142. (SO26) [OFFPRINT] 683. Habicht,Christian et al (1973): Die Augusteische Zeit und das Erste Jahrhundert nach Christi Geburt. In: Le Cult des Souverains dans l'Empire Romain. (: ) (Entretiens sur l'AntiquitÇ Classique, 19.) Foundation Hardt, Genäve, 41-99. (SO2 134) [AUGUSTUS- CONGRESSES; AUGUSTUS- IMPERIAL CULT; OFFPRINT] 2142. Hadley,Robert A (1987): Dura Europus. Bowdoin Magazine sept. 1987, 2933. (SO13 043) [OFFPRINT] 900. HÑgg,Thomas (1987): Callirhoe and Parthenope: The Beginnings of the Historical Novel. Classical Antiquity 6,2, 184-204. (SO5 145) [OFFPRINT] 5095. Haffter,Heinz (1956): Superbia Innenpolitisch. Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 27-28, 135-141. (SO36D 009) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4679. Haffter,Heinz (1964): Rom und Rîmische Ideologie bei Livius. Gymnasium 71,2-3, 236-250. (SO33 056) [LIVY; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 2555. Hagendahl,Harald (1944): The Mutiny of Vesontio. A Problem of Tendency and Credibility in Caesar's Gallic War. Classica et Mediaevalia 6, fasc. 1-2, 1-40. (SO16 038) [OFFPRINT] 810. Hagendahl,Harald (1971): Die Bedeutung der Stenographie fÅr die SpÑtlat. Christliche Literatur. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 14, 24-38. (SO5 046) [OFFPRINT] 1923. Hagendahl,Harald (1974): Jerome and the Latin Classics. Vigiliae Christianae 28, 216-227. (SO11 204) [OFFPRINT] 4140. Halfmann,H (1885): Die Inschrift des Senators C. Cilnius Proculus aus Arezzo. ZPE 61, 239-250. (SO27 026) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1618. Hall,AS (1984): An Unidentified Governor of Lycia-Pamphylia under Vespasian. Epigraphica Anatolica 4, 27-36. (SO10 015) [OFFPRINT] 1210. Hammerich,LL (1968): Die Germania des Tacitus. AAntHung 16, 279-282. (SO6 057) [OFFPRINT] 3097. Hammerich,LL (19??): [Kleine BeitrÑge] Horrenda Primordia. Zur Germania c. 39., 228-233. (SO20 050) <<source and date unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3718. Hammon,Mason (1959): Tacitus. Volumes I and II. By Ronald Syme. (New York Syme Collection DB page 147 : Oxford University Press. 1958). AHR (July 1959), 914-916. (SO24 033) [OFFPRINT] 4079. Hammond,M (?): Septimius Severus, Roman Bureaucrat. HSCP 51, 137-173. (SO26 120) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1472. Hammond,Mason (1934): Corbulo and Nero's Eastern Policy. HSCP 45, 81-104. (SO9 012) [OFFPRINT] 888. Hammond,Mason (1938): Curatores Tabularum Publicarum. In: Classical and Mediaeval Studies in Honor of Edward Kennand Rand. (Ed: Jones,Leslie Webber), New York, 123-131. (SO5 132) [OFFPRINT] 2341. Hammond,Mason (1938): Pliny the Younger's Views on Government. Historical Studies 49, 115-140. (SO15 029) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2562. Hammond,Mason (c1938): H.A.Andersen, Cassius Dio und die BegrÅndung des Principates (Neue Deutsche Forschungen, Band 196; Abteilung Alte Geschichte, Band 4). Berlin: Junker und DÅnnhaupt, 1938. JRS, 262-263. (SO16 045) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 5147. Hammond,Mason (1938): A. von Premerstein; ed. Hans Volkmann. Vom Werden und Wesen des Prinzipats. (Abh. des Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-Hist. Abteilung, N.F., Heft 15.) MÅnchen, Beck, 1937. AJPh 44,4, 481-487. (SO36F 010) [AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 672. Hammond,Mason (1940): Septimius Severus, Roman Bureaucrat. HSCP 51, 137173. (SO2 110) [OFFPRINT] 2309. Hammond,Mason (1940): Hellenistic Influences on the Structure of the Augustan Principate. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 17, 1-24. (SO14 116) [OFFPRINT] 753. Hammond,Mason (1947): Septimius Severus, Roman Bureaucrat. HSCP 51, 137173. (SO2 122) [OFFPRINT] 3595. Hammond,Mason (1947): Economic Stagnation in the Early Roman Empire. BobbsMerrill Reprint Series in Economic History. E98. New York University Press. (Reprinted from: The Tasks of Economic History = Supplement VI, The Journal of Economic History 1946, 63-90) (SO23 014) [ECONOMY-ANCIENT; OFFPRINT] 2382. Hammond,Mason (1948): Ancient Imperialism: Contemporary Justifications. HSCP 58-59, 105-161. (SO15 070) [OFFPRINT] 4646. Hammond,Mason (1948): Michael Grant. From Imperium to Auctoritas; A Historical Study of Aes Coinage in the Roman Empire, 49 B.C.-A.D. 14. Cambridge University Press; New York, The Macmillan Co., 1946. AJPh 69,3, 317-323. (SO33 026) [BOOK REVIEW; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 4659. Hammond,Mason (1948): E.A. Thompson, The Historical Work of Ammianus Marcellinus, Cambridge, England: At the University Press; New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. Speculum. A Journal of Mediaeval Studies 23,1, 150-153. (SO33 036) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1694. Hammond,Mason (1957): Composition of the Senate, A.D. 68-235. JRS 47, 74-81. (SO10 082) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2685. Hammond,Mason (1958): Plato and Ovid's Exile. HSCP 63, 347-361. (SO17 104) [OFFPRINT] 3755. Hammond,Mason (1959): Clarence W. Mendell. Tacitus : The Man and his Work. New Haven : Yale University Press; London : Oxford University Press, 1957; Ronald Syme : Tacitus. Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1953. The Classical World (January 1959), 129. (SO24 070) [BOOK REVIEW; CUTTINGS; SYME] 3664. Hammond,Mason (1963): Ancient Rome and Modern America Reconsidered. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society 73 (1961), 3-17. (SO23 083) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 148 3668. Hammond,Mason (1963): Res Olim Dissociabiles : Principatus ac Libertas. Liberty Under the Early Roman Empire. HSCP 67, 93113. (SO23 083A) [OFFPRINT] 1879. Hammond,Mason (1964): Three Latin Inscriptions in the McDaniel Collection. HSCP 68, 79-97. (SO11 161) [OFFPRINT] 3448. Hammond,Mason (1964): Pierre Grenade. Essai sue les Origines du Principat : Investiture et Renouvellement des Pouvoirs ImpÇriaux. Paris, êditions E. de Boccard, 1961. AJPh 85,1, 77-81. (SO22 087) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4236. Hammond,Mason (1964): Gaius. By A.M.HonorÇ. Oxford: The Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press. 1962. Harvard Law Review 77,8, 1568-1572. (SO27 118) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 727. Hammond,Mason (1965): The Sincerity of Augustus. HSCP 69, 139-162. (SO2 180) [OFFPRINT] 553. Hammond,Mason (1968 [1933]): Appendix. The Augustan Principate 19331967. In: The Augustan Principate. (: ) Russell & Russell, New York, 335-386. (SO1C 129) <<offprint is Appendix to reissue of 1933 edition>> [OFFPRINT] 2330. Hammond,Mason (1974): The Emergence of Mediaeval Towns: Independence or Continuity. HSCP 78, 1-33. (SO15 018) [OFFPRINT] 2355. Hammond,Mason (1974): The City in the Ancient World: A Summary Summary. Massachusetts Historical Society 85, 3-20. (SO15 043) [OFFPRINT] 2348. Hammond,Mason (19??): Ancient Rome and Modern America Reconsidered. Massachusetts Historical Society, 3-17. (SO15 036) [OFFPRINT] 3497. Hampl,Franz (1954): H.H. Scullard. Roman Politics 220-150 B.C. Oxford, At the Clarendon Press, 1951. Anzeiger fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 6, 90-97. (SO22 135) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5307. Hampl,Franz (1955): BeitrÑge zur Beurteilung des Historikers Tacitus. Innsbrucker BeitrÑge zu Kulturwissenschaft 3, 89-102. (SO37D 029) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5099. Hampl,Franz (1957): "Stoische Staatseethik" und FrÅhes Rom. Historische Zeitschrift 184, 249-271. (SO36D 013) [CICERO; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; REPUBLIC] 2413. Hampl,Franz (1958): Franz Altheim. Rîmische Geschichte (3 volumes). Sammlung Gîschen, Bde. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter u. Co., 1956. Anzeiger fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 9, 161-165. (SO15 101) [OFFPRINT] 2807. Hampl,Franz (1959): Hans Volkmann: Cleopatra. A Study in Politics and Propoganda. Translated by T.J. Cadoux. London: Elek Books 1958. Gnomon 31, 301395. (SO16 102) [BOOK REVIEW] 5098. Hampl,Franz (1959): Rîmische Politik in Republikanischen Zeit und das Problem des "Sittenverfalls". Historische Zeitschrift 188, 497-525. (SO36D 012) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 3499. Hanell,Krister (1954): Die Form der Rîmischen Eigennamen bei Polybius. Opuscula Romana 1, 66-76. (SO22 137) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1289. Hanslik,Hans (1974): Tacitus. Anzeiger fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 27, 34, 129-132. (SO6 037) [OFFPRINT] 4139. Hanson,AE (1982): Two Copies of a Petition to the Prefect. ZPE 47, 233-254. (SO27 025) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2102. Hanson,AE (1984): The Archive of Isidorus of Psophithis and P. Ostorius Scapula, Praefectus Aegypti. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 21,1-4, 7787. (SO13 006) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 149 2176. Hanson,Ann Ellis (1984): Caliguan Month-Names at Philadelphia and Related Matters. In: Atti del XVII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia. (: ) Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi, Napoli, 1107-1118. (SO13 076) [OFFPRINT] 2831. Hanson,Ann Ellis (19??): Paryri of Medical Content. Yale Classical Studies 28, 25-47. (SO18 020) <<vol. is devoted to Papyrology>> [EGYPT; MEDICAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 5413. Hardy,EG (??): Tacitus as a Military Historian in the Histories. Journal of Philology 31, 123-152. (SO38D 018) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4436. Harmatta,J (1957): The Parthian Parchment from Dura-Europos (Dura Parchment No. 12). Acta Archaeologia Hungaricae 5,1-4, 261-308. (SO30 058) [OFFPRINT; PARTHIA] 3869. Harmatta,J (1968): Inscriptions on Pottery from Pannonia. AAntHung 20, 247274. (SO25 085) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3910. Harmatta,J (1968): FrÅheisenzeitliche Beziehungen zwischen dem Karpatenbecken, Oberitalien und Griechenland. AAntHung 20, 153-157. (SO25 126) [OFFPRINT] 3907. Harmatta,J (1970): The Last Century of Pannonia [Review of : L. V†rady : Das Letze Jahrhundert Pannoniens (376-476), Budapest 1969]. AAntHung 18, 361-369. (SO25 123) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3908. Harmatta,J (1971): Gotten und Hunnen in Pannonien. AAntHung 19, 293-297. (SO25 124) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3012. Harmatta,J†nos (1971): Poseidonios Åber die Rîmische Urgeschichte. Acta Classica Univ. Scient. Debrecen 7, 21-25. (SO19 029) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3133. Harmatta,JÖnos (1974-75): Agri Vacui und Solitudo (Zu Tac., Ann. XIII 53ff.). Acta Classica Univ. Scient. Debrecen 10-11, 101110. (SO20 086) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4407. Harper,RP (1964): Roman Senators in Cappadocia. AS 14, 163-168. (SO30 030) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4425. Harper,RP (1969): Inscriptiones Comanis Cappadociae in A.D. 1967 Effossae: Titulorum Loci Supplementum. AS 19, 27-40. (SO30 047) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1477. Harper,Richard P (1970): Podandus and the Via Tauri. AS 20, 149-153. (SO9 017) [OFFPRINT] 1918. Harrar,GA; Suskin,AI (1939): Fasti Consulares. AJA 43,2, 278-284. (SO11 199) [OFFPRINT] 5202. Harrer,GA (1918): Senatorial Speaches and Letters in Tacitus' Annals. Studies in Philology 15,4, 333-343. (SO37A 037) <<entire fascicule present>> [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1891. Harrer,GA (1937): Jean GagÇ. Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 1935. AJPh 58,2, 247-250. (SO11 173) [BOOK REVIEW] 3198. Harris,BF (Ed.) (1971): The Prosopographical Technique in Roman History (Ancient Society Resources for Teachers vol. 1,1). Macquerie University, . 50 pages. (SO21 024) [MONOGRAPH; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4008. Harris,WV (1971): On War and Greed in the Second Century B.C. AHR 76,5(Dec. 1971), 1371-1385. (SO26 051) [OFFPRINT] 4005. Harris,WV (1976): The Development of the Quaestorship, 267-81 B.C. CQ 26,1, 92106. (SO26 048) [OFFPRINT] 5312. Hartke,Werner (1959): Der Retrospektive Stil des Tacitus als Dialektisches Ausdrucksmittel. Klio 37, 179195. (SO37D 028) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4798. Hartmann,Ludo M (1889): öber die Ursache des Unterganges des Rîmischen Syme Collection DB page 150 Reiches. Archiv fÅr Soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik, 483-494. (SO34 056) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 5452. Harvey,PB (1973): Socer Valgus, Valgii, and C. Quinctius Valgus. In: Classics and the Classical Tradition. (: ) Pennsylvania Sate University,, 79-94. (SO39 033) [INCOMPLETE; CICERO; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3074. Haspels,CHE (1951): Lions. In: Studia Archaeologica Gerardo van Hoorn Oblata (Studia van Hoorn). (: ) E.J.Brill, Leiden, 3842. (SO20 029) [FESTSCHRIFT] 4403. Haspels,CHE (n.d.): Western Cognizance of Inner Phrygia in Earlier Days. In: The Aegean and the Near East. Studies Presented to Hetty Goldman. (: ) J.J. Augustin, Locust Valley (NY), 313-322. (SO30 026) [INCOMPLETE; ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 2368. Haverfield,F (c1916): Some Roman Concepts of Empire. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 18 pages. (SO15 056) <<series: Occasional Publications of the Classical Association, No. 4>> [MONOGRAPH] 2405. Haverfield,F (19??): Roman History Since Mommsen., 323-345. (SO15 093) <<review of ancient history publications 1902-1911 from unknown source>> [INCOMPLETE; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3611. Hawkes,CFC (1948): Archaeology and the History of Europe. Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford 28. Nov. 1947; Oxford : Clarendon Press. (SO23 030) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 2094. Hawkes,Christopher (1929): The Roman Siege of Masada. Antiquity June 1929, 195-213. (SO12 135) [OFFPRINT] 265. Hassall,Mark; Crawford,Michael; Reynolds,Joyce (1974): Rome and the Eastern Provinces at the End of the Second Century B.C. JRS 64, 195-220. (SO4 044) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; GREEK LAW; KNIDOS- ANCIENT SITE; OFFPRINT] 638. Hayne,LÇonie (1972): Lepidus' Role after the Ides of March. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 14 (1971), 109-117. (SO2 075) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN REPUBLIC; TRIUMVIRATE] 1107. Hasse,Wolfgang (1975): Kommagene. AW 6, [17-21]. (SO3 154) [COMMAGENE-ANCIENT REGION; EPIGRAPHY; EXCAVATIONS; OFFPRINT; RULER CULT] 5425. Hayne,LÇonie (1972): M. Lepidus (Cos. 78): A Re-appraisal. Historia 21,4, 661668. (SO39 006) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 1108. Hasse,Wolfgang (19??): Gro·mut. In: Historisches Wîrterbuch der Philosophie. (Ed: Ritter,Joachim) Schwabe & Co, Basel; Stuttgart, 887-900. (SO3 155) [OFFPRINT] 639. Hayne,LÇonie (1974): The Defeat of Lepidus in 36 B.C. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 17, 59-65. (SO2 076) [OFFPRINT] 2459. Haury,Auguste (1961): Les Secrets d'un Triomphe ManquÇ. In: Atti del I Congresso Internazionale di Studi Ciceroniani. (: ) Centro di Studi Ciceroniani Editore,, 1-8. (SO15 135) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 5426. Hayne,Leonie (1974): Who Went to Luca? Classical Philology 69,3, 217-220. (SO39 007) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; TRIUMVIRATE] 2369. Haverfield,F (1912): The Study of Ancient History in Oxford. Henty Frowde/ Oxford University Press, London, Edinburgh, New York and Melbourne. 31 pages. (A Lecture delivered to undergraduates reading for the Literae Humaniores School May 1912) (SO15) [LECTURE; MONOGRAPH] 5427. Hayne,LÇonie (1974): The Politics of M'. Glabrio, Cos. 67. Classical Philology 69,4, 280-282. (SO39 008) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 4084. Heichelhei,,FM (1940): The Text of the Constitutio Antoniniana and the Three Other Syme Collection DB page 151 Decrees of the Emperor Caracalla Contained in Papyrus Gissensis 40. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 26, 10-22. (SO26 125) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1540. Heichelheim,FM (1935): Zu Pap. Osl. 83. Symbolae Osloenses 14, 82-85. (SO9 074) [OFFPRINT] 1476. Heichelheim,FM (1944): Supply Bases for Caracalla's Parthian Campaign. Classical Philology 39,2, 113-115. (SO9 016) [OFFPRINT] 3601. Heichelheim,FM (1950): The Mildenhall Treasure II. Symbolae Osloenses 28, 105-108. (SO23 020) [OFFPRINT] 688. Heinen,Heinz (1971): Zur Tendenz der Caracalla- Vita in der Historia Augusta. Chiron 1, 421-435. (SO2 139) [OFFPRINT] 4493. Heinen,Heinz (1976): GrundzÅge der Wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung des Moselsraumes zur Rîmerzeit. Trierer Zeitschrift 39, 75-118. (SO31 050) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 2370. Heinze,Richard (1943): Von den Ursachen der Grîsse Roms. B.G.Teubner, Leipzig & Berlin. 37 pages. (SO15 058) <<innaugural lecture of vice-chancellor of Leipzig University 31 Oct. 1921>> [LECTURE; MONOGRAPH] 5040. Hejnic,Josef (1956): Clodius Auctor. Ein Beitrag zur Sog. Sallusts Invektive. RMfP 99,2 (n.s.), 255-277. (SO36B 013) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 2709. Helmbold,WC (1956): Juvenal's Twelfth Satire. Classical Philology 51,1, 14-23. (SO17 128) [OFFPRINT] [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE; TACITUS] 5419. Hemmerich,LL (1968): Die Germania des Tacitus. AAntHung 16, 279-282. (SO38D 024) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2552. Hempl,Franz (1957): Gerold Walser: Caesar und die Germanen. Studien zur Politischen Tendenz Rîmischer Feldzugberichte. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1955. Gnomon 29, 277-285. (SO16 036) [BOOK REVIEW] 5343. Hendrickson,GL (1941): CorreptusCorruptus-Corruptiare-Corrucciare. Classical Philology 36,3, 240-245. (SO38A 031) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 681. Hennig,Dieter (1972): Zur égyptenreise des Germanicus. Chiron 2, 349365. (SO2 132) [OFFPRINT] 726. Hennig,Dieter (1974): Zu den Alexandrinischen MÑrtyrerakte P.Oxy. 1089. Chiron 4, 425-440. (SO2 179) [OFFPRINT] 728. Hennig,Dieter (1975): Zu Neuverîffentlichten BruchstÅken der <Acta Alexandrinorum>. Chiron 5, 317-335. (SO2 181) [OFFPRINT] 5113. Henry,RM (1937): The Roman Tradition. Preceedings of the Classical Association 34, 7-28. (SO36D 027) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 3650. Hereward,Daphne ([c1968]): Inscriptions from Amorgos, Hagios, Eustratios and Thrace. Palaeologia [1968], 136-149. (SO23 069) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2708. Helmbold,WC; O'Neil,EN (1956): The Structure of Juvenal IV. AJPh 77,1, 68-73. (SO17 127) [OFFPRINT] 3095. Hering,Wolfgang (1954/55): Strabo Åber die Dreiteilung Galliens. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der UniversitÑt Rostock (Gesellschafts und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe) 4,3/4, 289333. (SO20 048) [GAUL; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5373. Helmreich,Georg (??): Jahresbericht Åber Tacitus. 1880-1884. Jahresbericht Åber die Fortschritte der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft, 91-170. (SO38B 022) 4405. Hermann,P (1960): Inschriften Rîmischer Zeit aus dem Heraion von Samos. Mitteilungen des Deutschen ArchÑologischen Instituts Athenische Abteilung 75, 68-183. (SO30 028) Syme Collection DB page 152 [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4410. Herrmann,P (1974): Cn. Dimitius Ahenobarbus- Patronus von Ephesos und Samos. ZPE 14,3, 257-258. (SO30 033) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 409. Herrmann,Peter (1975): Eine Kaiserurkunde aus der Zeit Marc Aurels aus Milet. Istanbuler Mitteilungen 25, 149-166. (SO4 198) [OFFPRINT] 1657. Herrmann,Peter (1975 [1974]): Ehrendekret von Iulia Gordos. AAWW 111, 439-444. (SO10 054) <<journal year is 1974>> [OFFPRINT] 1482. Herzog,Rudolf (1933): C. Iulius Quadratus Bassus. Sitzungberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 10, 3-10. (SO9 022) [OFFPRINT] 669. Herzog,Rudolf (1935): Urkunden zur Hochschulpolitik der Rîmischen Kaiser. Sitzungberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 32, 968-1019. (SO2 107) [OFFPRINT] 5504. Heuberger,Richard (1954): Taurisker und Noriker. In: Ammann-Festgabe. (Ed: Knobloch,J) (Innsbrucker BeitrÑge zue Kulturwissenschaft, Bd. 2, Heft 4 (9).) Sprachwissenshaftlichen Seminars der UniversitÑt Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 161-171. (SO41 007) [BARBARIANS; FRONTIERS; NORICUM; OFFPRINT] 4086. Heurgon,J (c1956): Traditions Etrusco-Italiques dans la Monnayage de Trebonien Galle. Studi Etruschi 24 (2nd. ser.), 91-105. (SO26 126) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 5356. Heurgon,J (1968): Les Sortiläges d'un Avocat sous Trajan. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Ranard. Vol. 1. (Ed: Bibauw,J) (Collection Latomus, 101.) Latomus, Bruxelles, 443-448. (SO38B 007) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; PLINY] 2538. Heurgon,J; Giard,J-B; Chastagnol,AndrÇ (1981): Andreas Alfîldi (1895-1981). Journal des Savants (JulySeptember), 197-227. (SO16 02) [OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 3539. Heurgon,Jacques (1957): L'êtat êtrusque. Historia 6,1, 63-97. (SO22 179) [ETRURIA; OFFPRINT] 4285. Heurgon,Jacques (1958): Les Origines Campaniennes de la ConfÇration CirtÇenne. Libyca 5, 7-24. (SO28 039) <<journal year is 1957>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 3543. Heurgon,Jacques (1964): L.Cincius et la Loi du Clavus Annalis. Athenaeum 42, fasc.1-4 (n.s.), 432-437. (SO22 183) <<journal vol. comprises Studi in Onore di Enrica Malcovati>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 940. Heurgon,Jacques (1970): Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de M. AndrÇ Piganiol. CRAI 28, 1-16. (SO5 185) [OFFPRINT] 1054. Heurgon,Jacques (1972): I Culti nonGreci della Magna Grecia. In: Le Genti non Greche della Magna Grecia. Atti dell'Undecesimo Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia: Taranto, 10-15 Ottobre 1971. (: ) Arte Topografica, Napoli, 55-75. (SO3 093) [ITALY; MAGNA GRECIA; OFFPRINT; RELIGION] 2530. Heuss,Alfred (1956): Cicero und Matius. Zur Psychologie der RevolutionÑren Situation in Rom. Historia 5,1, 53-73. (SO16 014) [OFFPRINT] 2549. Heuss,Alfred (1956): Der Untergang der Rîmischen Republik und das Problem der Revolution. Historische Zeitschrift 182,1, 1-28. (SO16 033) [OFFPRINT] 3596. Heuss,Alfred ([1960-]): Das Zeitalter der Revolution. In: PropylÑen-Weltgeschichte. Eine Universalgeschiche. (Eds: Mann,Golo; Heuss,Alfred) PropylÑen-Verlag, Ullstein, 177316. (SO23 015) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; TRIUMVIRATE] 5600. Heuss,Alfred (1964): Verfassungsrecht und Ideologie. In: Syntheleia. Vincenzo Arangio-Ruiz. (Eds: Guarino,A; Labruna,L) (Biblioteca di Labeo, 2.) Jovene, Napoli, 340-348. (SO1B) Syme Collection DB page 153 [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; PRINCIPATE] [INCOMPLETE; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 3586. Heuss,Alfred (1965): Max Webers Bedeutung fÅr die Geschichte des GriechischRîmischen Altertums. Historische Zeitschrift 201,3, 529-556. (SO23 005) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; WEBER,MAX] 1878. Hill,Dorothy Kent (1966): Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions, II: Rome and the Neighbourhood, A.D. 100-199, Vols. 1 and 2; III:-A.D. 200-525, Vols. 1 and 2; IV: Indexes, by Arthur E. Gordon and Joyce S.Gordon, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1964-64. AJA 70, 83-85. (SO11 160) [BOOK REVIEW] 916. Heuss,Alfred (1970): Aristoteles als Theoretiker des Totalitasismus. A&A 17, 1-44. (SO5 162) [OFFPRINT] 4598. Heuss,Alfred (1973): Das Revolutionsproblem im Spiegel der Antiken Geschichte. Historische Zeitschrift 216, 1-72. (SO32 081) [OFFPRINT] 3554. Heuss,Alfred (19??): Der Erste Punische Krieg und das Problem der Rîmischen Imperialismus (Zur Politischen Beurteilung des Krieges). Historische Zeitschrift 169, 457-513. (SO22 195) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3692. Highet,Gilbert (1937): The Life of Juvenal. Transactions of the American Philological Association 68, 480-506. (SO24 007) [OFFPRINT] 5274. Highet,Gilbert (1941): Petronius the Moralist. Transactions of the American Philological Association 72, 176-194. (SO37C 033) [OFFPRINT; PETRONIUS] 3690. Highet,Gilbert (1949): The Philosophy of Juvenal. Proceedings of the American Philological Association 80, 254-270. (SO24 005) [OFFPRINT] 2713. Highet,Gilbert (1951): Juvenal's Bookcase. AJPh 72,4, 369-394. (SO17 132) [OFFPRINT] 3691. Highet,Gilbert (1951): Sound-Effects in Juvenal's Poetry. Studies in Philology 48,4, 697-706. (SO24 006) [JUVENAL; OFFPRINT; POETRY- LATIN] 874. Hildebrand,Bernhard (c1983): Der XIII. Internationale Limeskongress 1983 in Aalen., 41-43. (SO5 117) <<source unknown, possibly an article from german magazine>> 5641. Hill,GF (??): Some Palestinian Cults in the Graeco-Roman Age. PBA 5, 17pp. (SO43 021) [CULT; LECTURE; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; PALESTINE] 4809. Himmelmann-WildschÅtz,Nikolaus (1962): Sarkophag eines Gallienischen Konsuls. In: Festschrift fÅr Friedrich Matz. (Eds: Himmelmann-WildschÅtz,N; Biersantz,H) Philip von Zabern, Mainz, 110124. (SO35 002) [FESTSCHRIFT; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SCULPTURE] 5177. Hirst,Gertrude (1926): The Significance of Augustior as Applied to Hercules and to Romulus: A Note on Livy 1,7, 9 and I, 8, 9. AJPh 47,4, 347-357. (SO36F 040) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 720. Hoben,Wolfgang (1978): CaesarNachfolge und Caesar-Abkehr in den Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Gymnasium 85,1, 1-19. (SO2 172) [OFFPRINT] 3737. Hochholzer,Hans (1956): Das Geschichtliche RaumgefÅge der Kulturlandschaft Oberitaliens. Historische Zeitschrift 181,1, 1-30. (SO24 054) [OFFPRINT] 3406. Hîeg,Carsten (1939): The Second Pleading of the Verres Trial. In: [DRAGMA] Martino P. Nilsson A.D. IV ID. IUL. ANNO MCMXXXIX Dedicatum. (: ) C.Gleerup, Lund, 264-279. (SO22 047) <<series : Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom 8o, 1>> [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1587. Hoey,AS (1937): Rosaliae Signorum. Harvard Theological Review 30,1, 15-35. (SO9 123) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 154 3990. Hofmann,Walter (1972): Probleme der Sklaverei und ihre Bedeutung fÅr die Inneritalische Entwicklung um die Wende vom 2. zum 1. Jhdt. V.Z. Dialoghi di Archeologia 45,2-3 (1970-71), 498-527. (SO26 033) [OFFPRINT] 2268. Hogarth,DG (1908): Hierapolis Syriae. ABSA 14, 183-196. (SO14 076) <<journal year is 1907-1908>> [OFFPRINT] 4087. Hohl,E (1955): Henri Stern, Date et Destination de lÆHistoire AugusteØ. Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1953 (Collection d'êtudes Latines, sÇr scientifique 27). Deutsche Literaturzeitung 76,1, cols. 23-24. (SO26 127) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 3266. Hohl,Ernst (1934): Zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung. Klio 27,1/2, 149-164. (SO21 093) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2800. Hohl,Ernst (1935): JÇrìme Carcopino, Points de Vue sur l'ImpÇrialisme Romain. Paris 1934, Le Divan. Philologische Wochenschrift 39(28 September), 1087-1091. (SO16 095) <<pg. nos refer to columns>> [BOOK REVIEW] 5156. Hohl,Ernst (1936): The Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. X: The Augustan Empire 44 B.C.-A.D. 70. Edited by S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock, M.P. Charlesworth. Cambridge 1934, University Press. Gîttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 198,3-4, 133-139. (SO36F 019) [AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3270. Hohl,Ernst (1937): Bericht Åber die Literatur zu den Scriptores Historiae Augustae fÅr die Jahre 1924-1935. Jahresbericht fÅr Altertumswissenschaft 256,2, 127-156. (SO21 097) [OFFPRINT] 5140. Hohl,Ernst (1937): Zu den Testamentum des Augustus. Klio 30,3, 323342. (SO36F 003) [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5179. Hohl,Ernst (1937): Wilhelm Weber, Princeps. Studien zur Geschichte des Augustus. Band I. Stuttgart 1936, W. Kohlhammer. Philologische Wochenschrift 1937,21, 574-585 (cols). (SO36F 042) [AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 584. Hohl,Ernst (1938): Die Angebliche "Doppelbestattung" des Antoninus Pius. Klio 31,2, 169-185. (SO2 016) [OFFPRINT] 5159. Hohl,Ernst (1938): Der Cupido der Augustusstatue von Primaporta und der Gro·e Pariser Cmeo. Klio 32,3, 269-284. (SO36F 022) [AUGUSTUS; ICONOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5178. Hohl,Ernst (1938): Gustave Block et JÇrìme Carcopino, Histoire Romaine. Tome 2: La RÇpublique Romaine de 133 Ö 44 avant J.-C. Des Gracques Ö Sulla; JÇrìme Carcopino, CÇsar. Paris 1935/36, Les Presses Universitaires de France. (= Histoire GÇnerale. Histoire Ancienne, 3). Philologische Wochenschrift 1938,3-4(22 Jan), 88-91 (cols). (SO36F 041) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 2577. Hohl,Ernst (1939): Besa· CÑsar Tribunengewalt? Klio 32,1, 61-75. (SO16 060) [OFFPRINT] 4628. Hohl,Ernst (1947): Das Selbstzeugnis des Augustus Åber Seine Stellung im Staat. Museum Helveticum 4,2, 101-115. (SO33 008) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 676. Hohl,Ernst (1950): Das Ende Caracallas. Miscellanea Academica Berolinensia, 276-293. (SO2 127) [OFFPRINT] 745. Hohl,Ernst (1950): Ein Politischer Witz auf Caracalla. Sitzungberichte der Deutchen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse fÅr Gesellschaftswissenschaften (1950),1, 3-20. (SO2 113) [OFFPRINT] 3433. Hohl,Ernst (1951): Um Arminius. Biographie oder Legende. Sitzungberichte der Deutchen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse fÅr Gesellschaftswissenschaften 1951, 1, 27. (SO22 073) <<articles issues as separate fascicules>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2581. Hohl,Ernst (1952): Die Siegesfeirern des Tiberius und das Datum der Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald. Sitzungberichte der Syme Collection DB page 155 Deutchen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse fÅr Gesellschaftswissenschaften 1952,1, 3-24. (SO17 001) [OFFPRINT] 2778. Hohl,Ernst (1952): CÑsar am Rubico. Hermes 80,2, 246-249. (SO16 075) [OFFPRINT] 3244. Hohl,Ernst (1953): öber die GlaubwÅrdigkeit der Historia Augusta. Sitzungberichte der Deutchen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse fÅr Gesellschaftswissenschaften 1953,2, 54 pps. (SO21 071) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 3264. Hohl,Ernst (1954): Kasier Commodus und Herodian. Sitzungberichte der Deutchen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse fÅr Gesellschaftswissenschaften 1954,1, 46 pgs. (SO21 091) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4076. Hohl,Ernst (1954): Jean BÇranger, Recherches sur l'Aspect IdÇologique du Principat. Basel: Reinhardt 1953 (Schweizerische BeitrÑge zue Altertumwissenschaft, 6). Deutsche Literaturzeitung 75,12, 749-751. (SO26 117) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3265. Hohl,Ernst (1956): Kaiser Pertinax und die Thronbesteigung Seines Nachfolgers im Lichte der Herodiankritik (nebst einem Anhang: Herodian und der Sturz Plautians). Sitzungberichte der Deutchen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse fÅr Gesellschaftswissenschaften 1956,2, 46 pgs. (SO21 092) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2035. Holladay,AJ (19??): The Forethought of Themistocles., 181-187. (SO12 078) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2034. Holladay,AJ; Langmuir,Alexander D (1986): The Thucydides Symdrome: Another View. The New England Journal of Medicine Oct., 1986, 1170-1173. (SO12 077) <<includes comments on paper by Langmuir et al>> [OFFPRINT] 3370. Holroyd,M (1928): The Jugurthine War. JRS 18,1, 1-20. (SO22 011) [OFFPRINT] 5137. Holyroyd,M (1928): The Jugurthine War. JRS 18, 1-20. (SO36E 015) [JUGURTHA; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3756. Homeyer,H (1963): Livy. Historical Aims and Methods. By P.G. Walsh. Cambridge, University Press 1961. Historische Zeitschrift ?, 367-369. (SO24 071) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3757. Homeyer,H (1963): Tacitus I-II. By R. Syme. Oxford, Clarendon Press 1958. Historische Zeitschrift, . (SO24 074) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5315. Hommel,H (1936): Die Bildkunst des Tacitus. In: Studien zu Tacitus. Caro Hosius zum Siebzigsten Geburtstag Dargebradt. (: ) (WÅrtzburger Studien zur Altertumwissenschaft, 9.) W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 2-34. (SO38A 003) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2625. Hommel,H (1965): PortÑtmÅnze des Valerius Messala Potitus. In: Congresso Internazionale di Numismatica, Roma 11-16 Settembre 1961. Atti. Vol. 2. (: ) Istituto Italiano di Numismatica, Roma, 301-305. (SO17 045) [OFFPRINT] 4051. Hommel,H (1965): Adventus Sive Profectio Gordiani III. In: Congresso Internazionale di Numismatica. Atti. Vol. 2. (: ) Istituto Italiano di Numismatica, Roma, 327339. (SO26 094) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3102. Hommel,Hildebrecht (1952): Der Rîmische Name Heidelbergs. Rhein-NeckarZeitung (175, 1 August), 4. (SO20 055) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 3656. Hommel,Hildebrecht (1966): Die Sage von der Trojanischen Herkunft der Franken. WÅrttembergisch Franken 50, 11-21. (SO23 075) [OFFPRINT] 754. HonorÇ,AM (1964): Julian's Circle. Revue d'Histoire du Droit 32, 1-44. (SO2 123) [OFFPRINT] 1647. HonorÇ,Anthony Maurice (1962): The Severan Lawyers: A Preliminary Survey. Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 28, 162-232. (SO10 044) Syme Collection DB page 156 [OFFPRINT] 2584. HonorÇ,Tony (1986): The Making of the Theodosian Code. ZRG Rom. Abt. 103, 133-222. (SO17 004) <<vol. 116 of the Zeitschrift fÅr Rechtsgeschichte>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 958. HonorÇ,Tony (1987): Scriptor Historiae Augustae. JRS 77, 156-176. (SO5 106) [OFFPRINT] 1097. HonorÇ,Tony (1989): Conveyances of Land and Professional Standards in the Later Empire. In: New Perspectives in the Roman Law of Property. Essays for Barry Nicholas. (Ed: Birks,Peter) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 137-151. (SO3 140) [FESTSCHRIFT] (SO3 013) [ASIA MINOR; CILICIA-ANCIENT REGION; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 761. Horace (19??): Horace and Augustus. (SO2 202) [INCOMPLETE; REMOVED] 977. Hornblower,Simon (1981): A.B.Bosworth: A Historical Commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander. Vol. I: Commentary on Books I-III. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980. The Classical Review 31,2, 185188. (SO3 017) [BOOK REVIEW] 2927. Horsfall,Nicholas (1979): Some Problems in the Aeneas Legend. CQ 29, 372390. (SO18 115) [AENEAS; EPIC; OFFPRINT] 1078. HonorÇ,Tony; Matthews,John F (1989): Virius Nicomachus Flavianus. (Xenia. Konstanzer Althistoriker VortrÑge und Forschungen, 23.) UniversitÑtsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz. 48 pages. (SO3 118) [LATE EMPIRE; MONOGRAPH] 1027. Horsfall,Nicholas (Ed.) (1981): Poets and Patron. Maecenas, Horace and the Georgics, Once More. (Publications of the Macquarie Ancient History Association, 3.) The Macquarie Ancient History Association, North Ryde. 24 pages. (SO3 066) [HORACE; LITERATURE- LATIN; MONOGRAPH; VIRGIL] 684. Hopkins,Keith (1965): Contraception in the Ancient World. Comparative Studies in Society and History 8,1, 124-151. (SO2 135) [MEDICINE- ROMAN; OFFPRINT; POPULATIONS; SOCIAL HISTORY, WOMEN] 2869. Horsfall,Nicholas (1983): Poets and patron Reconsidered. Ancient Society (Macquerie) 13, 1-3. (SO18 058) [OFFPRINT] 4556. Hopkins,Keith (1965): êlite Mobility in the Roman Empire. Past & Present 32, 12-26. (SO32 049) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 926. Hopkins,Keith (1974): Demography in Roman History. Mnemosyne 27,1, 77-79. (SO5 172) <<comments on Den Boer's review of Brunt: Italian Manpower (Mnemosyne 26 (4th ser.) 1973)= SO5 163>> [BOOK REVIEW; DEMOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 971. Hopwood,Keith (1983): Policing the Hinterland: Rough Cilicia and Isauria. In: Armies and Frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia. (Ed: Mitchell,Stephen) (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph, 5.) British Archaelogical Reports, Oxford, 173187. (SO3 014) [OFFPRINT] 5736. Hopwood,Keith (1984): Policing the Melas Valley. Yayla 5, 25-29. 2227. Horsfall,Nicholas (1985): Illusion and Reality in Latin Topographical Writing. Greece & Rome 32,2, 197-208. (SO14 036) [OFFPRINT] 2839. Horsfall,Nicholas (1985): Enea. In: Enciplopedia Virgiliana. Vol. 2. (: ) Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, 222-229. (SO18 028) [OFFPRINT] 2868. Horsfall,Nicholas (1985): CIL VI 37965 = CLE 1988 (Epitaph of Allia Potestas): A Commentary. ZPE 61, 251-272. (SO18 057) [OFFPRINT] 2003. Horsfall,Nicholas (1986): Fast. Cons. Cap. Fr. XXXIX: A Problematic Grandfather. ZPE 65, 84. (SO12 045) [OFFPRINT] 2827. Horsfall,Nicholas (1986): N.M.Kay. Martial Book XI: A Commentary. Duckworth. Times Literary Supplement (28 March), 337. Syme Collection DB page 157 (SO18 016) [BOOK REVIEW] 2840. Horsfall,Nicholas (1986): Rome's Manifest Destiny. Review of: Philip R. Hardie, Virgil's Aeneid: Cosmos and Imperium. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Times Literary Supplement (29 August), 943. (SO18 029) [BOOK REVIEW] 2852. Horsfall,Nicholas (1987): Jean-Claude Richard: Pseudo-AurÇlius Victor, Les Origines du Peuple Romain. (Collection BudÇ). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1983. The Classical Review 37,2 (new series), 192-194. (SO18 041) [BOOK REVIEW] 2853. Horsfall,Nicholas (1987): Augustus' Table Talk. Ancient Society (Macquerie) 17,1, 16-18. (SO18 042) [OFFPRINT] 2854. Horsfall,Nicholas (1987): The ÆLetter of CorneliaØ: Yet More Problems. Athenaeum 65, 231-234. (SO18 043) [OFFPRINT] 2855. Horsfall,Nicholas (1987): Two Notes: 1. Horace, Carm. 4.2.29: 2 CIL V.1. Liverpool Classical Monthly 12.9(Nov. 1987), 136. (SO18 044) [OFFPRINT] 2521. Horsfall,Nicholas (19??): The Ides of March: Some New Problems., 191-199. (SO15 006) <<source and date unknown; latest cited reference is 1971>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3785. Hosek,Radislav (1959): M. Valerius Maximianus im Unteren Donaurum in den Jahren 176-178 U.Z. Journal of Studies of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Brno E4, 83-92. (SO25 004) <<s-wedge in author's surname>> [INCOMPLETE; DANUBIANA; LIMES; OFFPRINT] 1771. Hosek,Radislav; Velkov,Velizar (1957): Ein Terrerarius von Durostorum. Rada Archeologicko-Klasick† E2, 118-120. (SO11 055; slavic accent on `s' of Hosek) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3866. Hosek,Radislav; Velkov,Velizar (1958): New Antique Finds in Ratiaria (Moesia Superior). Listy FilologickÇ 6,1 (n.s vol. 81 of continuous series), 32-39. (SO25 082) [OFFPRINT] 5376. Hosius,Carl (1935): Silius Italicus Punica with an English Translation by I.D. Duff. (Loeb Classical Library). I. II. London 1934, Heinemann; Cambridge Mass, Harvard Univ. Philologische Wochenschrift 48(30 Nov. 1935), cols 1342-1343. (SO38B 025) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIANS; OFFPRINT; SILIUS ITALICUS] 5086. Huergon,Jacques (1949): Salluste et le Serment Sacrificiel de Catilina. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Hostoire Offerts Ö Charles Picard Ö l'Occasion de son 65e Anniversiare. (: ) (Revue ArchÇologique 29-32 (6th. ser.).) Presses Universitaires de France, [Paris], 438-447. (SO36C 034) [CATILINE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5084. Huergon,Jacques (1950): La Lettre de CicÇron Ö P. Sittius. Latomus 9, 369-377. (SO36C 032) [CICERO; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4462. Huergon,Jacques (1952): Les Lassii PompÇiens et l'Importation des Vins Italiens en Gaule. PP 23, 113-118. (SO31 022) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1844. Huergon,Jacques (1953): La Date des Goblets de Vicarello. REA 54, 1-2, 39-50. (SO11 127) [OFFPRINT] 5386. Huergon,Jacques (1953): Tarquitius Priscus et l'Organisation de l'Ordre des Haruspices sous l'Empereur Claude. Latomus 12,4, 402-417. (SO38C 004) [CLAUDIUS; EPIGRAPHY; ETRURIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN RELIGION] 5387. Huergon,Jacques (1953): La Vocation êtruscologique de l'Empereur Claude. CRAI 1953, 92-97. (SO38C 005) [CLAUDIUS; EPIGRAPHY; ETRURIA; OFFPRINT] 5421. Huergon,Jacques (1958): A Propos du Cognomen Violens et du Tombeau des Volumnii. ArchClass 10, 151-159. (SO39 002) [ETRURIA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 2978. Hunger,Herbert (1984): Byzanz, eine Gesellschaft mit zwei Gesichtern. Munksgaard, KÌbenhavn. 35 pages. (SO18 164) Syme Collection DB page 158 <<series: Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Historisk-Filosofiske Meddelelser 51:2>> [BYZANTIUM; COMPARATIVE HISTORY; MONOGRAPH] 5326. Hunt,RW (1954): Chapter Headings of Augustine De Trinitate Ascribed to Adam Marsh. Bodleian Library Record 5,2, 63-68. (SO38A 014) [OFFPRINT] 2046. Hu·,Werner (1983): Guy Bunnens: L'Expansion PhÇnicienne en MediterranÇe. Essai d'InterprÇtation FondÇ sur une Analyse des Traditions LittÇraires. Bruxelles/Rome: Institute Belge de Rome 1979. Gnomon 55, 593-596. (SO12 088) [BOOK REVIEW] 2877. Huss,Werner (1986): Hannibal und die Religion. In: Studia Phoenicia IV. Religio Phoenicia (Travaux du Group de Contact Interuniversitaire d'êtudes PhÇniciennes et Puniques). (Eds: Bonnet,C; Lipinski,E; Marchetti,P) SociÇtÇ des êtudes Classiques, Namur, 223-238. (SO18 066) <<series: Collection d'êtudes Classiques 1>> [OFFPRINT] 1055. Hutchinson,GO (1981): Notes on the New Gallus. ZPE 41, 37-42. (SO3 094) [OFFPRINT] 883. Huxley,George (1973): Aristotle as Antiquary. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 14, 271-286. (SO5 126) [OFFPRINT] 274. Huxley,George (1975): A list of <aplekta>. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 16,1, 87-93. (SO4 053) [OFFPRINT] 3144. Iliescu,Vladimir (1969): Bemerkungen zur Au·enpolitischen Krise der Westpontischen GriechenstÑdte in der Zweiten HÑlfte des 4. Jahrhunderts v.u.Z. In: Die Krise der Griechischen Polis. Vol. 1. (Eds: Jurewicz,Oktawiusz; Kuch,Heinrich) Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 51-55. (SO20 097) [OFFPRINT] 3856. Iliescu,Vladimir (1970): Wann Lebte Kînig Oroles? Zu Iustin 32,3,16. Analele Universitatii Bucucesti. Limbi Clasice 19, 9-15. (SO25 072) <<Rumanian diacritics>> [OFFPRINT] 3857. Iliescu,Vladimir (1970): Provinciam...Intermisit. Zu Eutr. IX,15,1. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 15,6, 597600. (SO25 073) [OFFPRINT] 3882. Iliescu,Vladimir (1971): Devictis Sarmatis? Zu Jord. Get. 101. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 16,1, 63-65. (SO25 099) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2943. Iliescu,Vladimir (1983): Zum Vermeintlichen MÑnnerbund der 'Wîlfe` bei den Dakern. BonnJahr 183, 167-174. (SO18 130) [DACIA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 421. Inan,Jale (1977/78): Der Bronzetorso im Burdur-Museum aus Bubon und der Bronzekopf im J.-Paul-Getty-Museum. Istanbuler Mitteilungen 27/28, 267-296. (SO4 209) [OFFPRINT] 757. Ingholt,Harald (1969): The Prima Porta Statue of Augustus. Part I: the Interpretation of the Breastplate. Archaeology 22,3, 176-187. (SO2 198) [OFFPRINT] 758. Ingholt,Harald (1969): The Prima Porta Statue of Augustus. Part II: the Location of the Original. Archaeology 22,4, 304-318. (SO2 199) [OFFPRINT] 3447. Instinsky,Hans Ulrich (1951-53): Bemerkungen ueber die Ersten Schenkungen des Antonius und Kleopatra. In: Studies Presented to David Moore Robinson. (Ed: Mylonas,GE) Washington University Press, St. Louis, Mo., 975-979. (SO22 086) [OFFPRINT] 3441. Instinsky,Hans Ulrich (1954): Hortiana. Hermes 82,1, 124-128. (SO22 080) [HORACE; OFFPRINT] 3098. Instinsky,Hans Ulrich (1959): Kaiser Nero und die JupitersÑule. JRGZ 6, 128-141. (SO20 051) [OFFPRINT] 5182. Instinsky,Hans Ulrich (1969): Formalien im Briefwechsel des Plinius mit Kaiser Trajan. AAWM 1969, 12, 387-406. (SO37 003) [OFFPRINT; PLINY; TRAJAN] Syme Collection DB page 159 1114. Issac,Benjamin (1980): Trade-Routes to Arabia and the Roman Army. In: Roman Frontier Studies 1979 (XII). Papers Presented to the 12th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. (Eds: Hanson,WS; Keppie,LJF) (BAR International Series, 71.) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 889901. (SO3 161) [ARABIA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; TRADE] 2090. Issac,Benjamin (1981): The Decapolis in Syria, A Neglected Inscription. ZPE 44, 6774. (SO12 131) [OFFPRINT] 2067. Issac,Benjamin (1982): Roman Colonies in Judaea: The Foundation of Aelia Capitoina. Talanta. Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society 12-13, 31-54. (SO12 108) <<journal year is 1980-81>> [OFFPRINT] 2091. Issac,Benjamin (1984): Bandits in Judaea and Arabia. HSCP 88, 171-203. (SO12 132) [OFFPRINT] 2167. Issac,Benjamin (1984): Vespasian's Titulature in A.D. 69. ZPE 55, 143-144. (SO13 066) [OFFPRINT] 2871. Issac,Benjamin (1984): Judaea after AD 70. Journal of Jewish Studies 35,1, 44-50. (SO18 060) [OFFPRINT] 804. Issac,Benjamin; Oppenheimer,Aharon (1985): The revolt of Bar Kokhba: Ideology and Modern Scholarship. Journal of Jewish Studies 36,1, 33-60. (SO5 040) [OFFPRINT] 2093. Issac,Benjamin; Roll,Israel (1970): Judaea in the Early Years of Hadrian's Reign. Latomus 38,1, 54-66. (SO12 134) [OFFPRINT] 2069. Issac,Benjamin; Roll,Israel (1979): Legio II Traiana in Judaea. ZPE 33, 149-156. (SO12 110) [OFFPRINT] 2070. Issac,Benjamin; Roll,Israel (1982): Legio II Traiana in Judaea- A Reply. ZPE 47, 131-132. (SO12 111) [OFFPRINT] 1769. Istvan,Paulovics (1933): Aquila Legionis. KÅlînlenyomat az E.PhK 9-10, 1-4. (SO11 053) [OFFPRINT] 4716. Jachmann,GÅnther (1950): Die Invective gegen Cicero. Miscellanea Academica Berolinensia, 235-275. (SO33 091) [CICERO; OFFPRINT] 4233. Jaczynowska,M (1968): Les Collegia Iuvenum et leurs Liasons avec les Cultes Religieux au Temps du Haut-Empire Romain. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolja Kopernika w Toruniu. Nauki HumanistycznoSpoleczne 32 (Historia 4), 23-44. (SO27 112) <<article in French with Polish resume>> [OFFPRINT] 2762. Jal,P (1961): La Propagande Religieuse Ö Rome au Cours des Guerres Civiles de la Fin de la RÇpublique. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 30, fasc. 2, 395-414. (SO17 179) [OFFPRINT] 2757. Jal,P (1962): Le "Soldat des Guerres Civiles" Ö Rome Ö la Fin de la RÇpublique et au DÇbut de l'Empire. Pallas. Annales PubliÇes par la FacultÇ des Lettres de Toulouse 11, fasc. 2, 7-27. (SO17 174) [OFFPRINT] 2759. Jal,P (1962): Bellum Civile...Bellum Externum dans la Rome de la Fin de la RÇpublique. Les êtudes Classiques 30,3, 257267. (SO17 176) <<1 part of 2 part article Cf. SO17 177 for conclusion>> [OFFPRINT] 2760. Jal,P (1962): Bellum Civile...Bellum Externum dans la Rome de la Fin de la RÇpublique (suite). Les êtudes Classiques 30,4, 384-390. (SO17 177) <<part 2 of SO17 177>> [OFFPRINT] 2761. Jal,P (1962): La Guerre Civile Ö Rome (de Sylla Ö Vespasien), Facteur de Vie Morale. BAGB 21, 4 (4th series), 399-434. (SO17 178) [OFFPRINT] 2764. Jal,P (1962): Le Rìle des Barbares dans les Guerres Civiles de Rome, de Sylla Ö Vespasien. Latomus 21, 8-48. (SO17 181) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 160 2765. Jal,P (1962): Les Dieux et les Guerres Civiles dans la Rome de la Fin de la RÇpublique. Revue des êtudes Latines 40, 170-200. (SO17 182) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2758. Jal,P (1963): ÆHostis (Publicus)Ø dans le LittÇrature Latine de la Fin de la RÇpublique. REA 65, 1-2, 53-79. (SO17 175) [OFFPRINT] 2763. Jal,P (1963): Ciceron et la Gloire en Temps de Guerre Civile. Mnemosyne 16,1 (4th series), 43-56. (SO17 180) [OFFPRINT] 2766. Jal,P (19??): ÆPax CivilisØ ÆConcordiaØ. Revue des êtudes Latines, 210-231. (SO17 183) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 732. Jameson,Shelagh (1966): The Date of the Asses of M.Agrippa. Numismatic Chronicle 6 (7th ser.), 95-124. (SO2 185) [OFFPRINT] 795. Jameson,Shelagh (1966): Two Lycian Families. AS 16, 125-136. (SO5 030) [OFFPRINT] 4517. Jameson,Shelagh (1969): 22 or 23? Historia 18,2, 204-229. (SO32 010) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 4248. Jarrett,M (1972): An Album of the Equestrians from North Africa in the Emperor's Service. Epigraphische Studien 9, 146-232. (SO28 002) <<important survey of prosopographical material>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4234. Jarrett,MG (1962): The Career of L. Titinius Clodianus. Latomus 21,4, 853-859. (SO27 116) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4199. Jarrett,MG (1971): Decurions and Priests. AJPh 92,4, 513-538. (SO27 082) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1441. Jarrett,Michael G (1963): The African Contribution to the Imperial Equestrian Service. Historia 12,2, 209-226. (SO7 132) [OFFPRINT] 3165. Jarrett,Michael G (n.d.): Septimius Severus and the Defences of York., 516-523. (SO20 118) [BRITANNIA; OFFPRINT] 2243. Jarrett,Michael G; Mann,JC (1970): Britain from Agricola to Gallienus. BonnJahr 170, 178-210. (SO14 052) [OFFPRINT] 1543. Jeanmaire,H (1924): La Politique Religieuse d'Antione et de ClÇopatre. Revue ArchÇologique 19, 241-261. (SO9 077) [OFFPRINT] 5299. Jerome,TS (1912): The Tacitean Tiberius. A Study in Historiographic Method. Classical Philology 7,3, 265-292. (SO37D 030) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 640. Jocelyn,HD (1982): Varro's Antiquitates Rerum Divinarum and Religious Affairs in the Late Roman republic. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 65,1, 148-205. (SO2 077) [OFFPRINT] 1037. Jocelyn,HD (1982): Boats, Women, and Horace Odes 1.14. Classical Philology 77,4, 330-335. (SO3 076) [OFFPRINT] 5249. Johansen,HF (1963): The End of Sex. Vistilius (Tac. Ann. VI 9,2). Classica et Mediaevalia 24,1-2, 80-85. (SO37C 008) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5300. John,Walter (??): ôrtlichkeit und Verlauf der Varus-Schlacht nach Tacitus, Ann. 161., . (SO37D 017) <<source unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1556. Johne,Klaus-Peter (1974): 100 Jahre Prosopographia Imperii Romani. Klio 65, 2127. (SO9 090) [OFFPRINT] 2079. Jones,AHM (1928): Inscriptions from Jerash. JRS 12,2, 144-178. (SO12 120) [OFFPRINT] 2080. Jones,AHM (1930): Inscriptions from Jerash. JRS 20,1, 43-54. (SO12 121) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 161 2073. Jones,AHM (1931): The Urbanization of the Ituraean Principality. JRS 21,2, 265-275. (SO12 114) [OFFPRINT] 2074. Jones,AHM (1931): The Urbanization of Palestine. JRS 21,1, 78-85. (SO12 114) [OFFPRINT] 2435. Jones,AHM (1938): The Election of the Metropolitan Magristrates in Egypt. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 24,1, 65-72. (SO15 111) [OFFPRINT] 4085. Jones,AHM (1951-53): I Appeal unto Caesar. In: Studies Presented to David Moore Robinson. (Ed: Mylonas,GE) Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., 918-930. (SO26 126) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 2380. Jones,AHM (1956): Numismatics and History. In: Essays in Roman Coinage Presented to Harold Mattingly. (Eds: Carson,RAG; Sutherland,CHV) Oxford University Press, Oxford, 13-33. (SO15 068) [OFFPRINT] 2397. Jones,AHM (1956): Slavery in the Ancient World. Economic History Review 9,2, 185-199. (SO15 085) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4826. Jones,AHM (1958): The Roman Colonate. Past & Present 13 (April), 1-13. (SO35 018) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1823. Jones,AHM (1959): Over-Taxation and the Decline of the Roman Empire. Antiquity 33, 39-43. (SO11 106) [OFFPRINT] 3360. Jones,AHM (1960): De Tribunis Plebis Reficiendis. PCPS 186 (n.s. 6), 35-42. (SO22 001) [OFFPRINT] 1483. Jones,AHM (1963): The Greeks under Roman Rule. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 17, 319. (SO9 023) [OFFPRINT] 3799. Jones,A Stuart (1910): The Historical Interpretation of the Reliefs of Trajan's Column. PBSR 5, 435-459. (SO25 018) [DACIA; OFFPRINT; TRAJAN] 601. Jones,CP (1967): A Friend of Galen. CQ 17,2, 311-312. (SO2 033) [OFFPRINT] 5400. Jones,CP (1967): The Younger Pliny and Jerome. Phoenix 21,4, 301. (SO38D 005) [JEROME; OFFPRINT; PLINY THE YOUNGER] 1172. Jones,CP (1968): Julius Naso and Julius Secundus. HSCP 72, 279-288. (SO6 018) [OFFPRINT] 4379. Jones,CP (1968): A Leading Family of Roman Thespiae. HSCP 74, 223-255. (SO30 002) [GREECE; OFFPRINT] 5650. Jones,CP (1968): A New Commentary on the Letters of Pliny [Review of: A. SherwinWhite, The Letters of PLiny: A Historical and Social Commentary, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966). Phoenix 22,2, 111-142. (SO16 112) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PLINY] 2987. Jones,CP (1970): Sura and Senecio. JRS 60, 98-104. (SO19 004) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3022. Jones,CP (1970): Cicero's Cato. RMfP 113,2-3 (n.s.), 188-196. (SO19 039) [BIOGRAPHY; CICERO; OFFPRINT] 699. Jones,CP (1971): A New Letter of Marcus Aurelius to the Athenians. ZPE 8,2, 161-183. (SO2 150) [OFFPRINT] 598. Jones,CP (1972): Two Enemies of Lucian. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 13,4, 475-487. (SO2 030) [OFFPRINT] 4149. Jones,CP (1972): Two Friends of Plutarch. BCH 96,1, 263-267. (SO27 034) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4412. Jones,CP (1972): The Inscription from the Sea-Wall at Anemurium. Phoenix 26,4, 396-399. (SO30 035) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 797. Jones,CP (1973): Werner Eck: Senatoren von Vespasien bis Hadrian. Prosopographische Untersuchungen mit Einschlu· der Jahres- und Provinzialfasten der Syme Collection DB page 162 Statthalter. MÅnchen: Beck 1970. (Vestigia 13). Gnomon 45, 688-691. (SO5 032) [BOOK REVIEW; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 1605. Jones,CP (1974): Diodorus Pasparos and the Nikephoria of Pergammon. Chiron 4, 183-205. (SO10 002) [OFFPRINT] 4381. Jones,CP (1976): The Plancii of Perge and Diana Planciana. HSCP 80, 231-237. (SO30 004) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 309. Jones,CP (1978): L'Inscription Grecque de Saint-Just. In: Les Martyrs de Lyon (177), Lyon 20-23 Septembre 1977. (: ) (Colloques Internationaux du CNRS, 575.) Editions de CNRS, Paris, 119-127. (SO4 088) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT] 415. Jones,CP (1978): Three Foreigners in Attica. Phoenix 32,3, 222-234. (SO4 204) [OFFPRINT] 979. Jones,CP (1980): An Epigram on Appolonius of Tyana. JHS 100, 190-194. (SO3 019) [OFFPRINT] 1069. Jones,CP (1980): Prosopographical Notes on the Second Sophistic. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 21,4, 373-380. (SO3 109) [OFFPRINT] 4039. Jones,CP (1980): Apuleius' Metamorphoses and Lollianus' Phoinikika. Phoenix 34,3, 243-254. (SO26 082) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 697. Jones,CP (1981): The [EIS BASILEA] Again. CQ 31,1, 224-225. (SO2 148; EIS BASILEA in greek characters) [OFFPRINT] 243. Jones,CP (1982): A Family of Pisidian Antioch. Phoenix 36,3, 264-271. (SO4 022) [OFFPRINT] 254. Jones,CP (1982): A Martyria for Apollonius of Tyana. Chiron 12, 137-144. (SO4 033) [OFFPRINT] 857. Jones,CP (1982): Plutarch. In: Ancient Writers. Greece and Rome. (Ed: Luce,TJ) Charles Scribner's Sons,, 961-983. (SO5 099) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PLUTARCH] 4710. Jones,CP (1982): Plutarch, Lucullus 42, 3-4. Hermes 110,2, 254-256. (SO33 085) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PLUTARCH] 237. Jones,CP (1983): Diotrophes of Antioch. Chiron 13, 369-380. (SO4 016) [OFFPRINT] 238. Jones,CP (1983): A Deed of Foundation from the Territory of Ephesos. JRS 73, 116-125. (SO4 017) [OFFPRINT] 225. Jones,CP (1984): Tituli Asiae Minoris 5: Tituli Lydiae. Fasiculus 1: Regio Septentrionalis Ad Orientem Vergens. By Pater Herrmann. Vienna: Verlag der ôsterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1981. Phoenix 38, 283-285. (SO4 004) [ASIA MINOR; BOOK REVIEW; ONOMASTICA] 226. Jones,CP (1984): The Sacrae Litterae of 204: Two Colonial Copies. Chiron 14, 9399. (SO4 005) [OFFPRINT] 2953. Jones,CP (1984): [Ponos] in Aelian Varia Historia 5.6. Classical Philology 79, 4344. (SO18 140; ponos in greek) [OFFPRINT] 1141. Jones,CP (1985): A Letter to Aphrodisias in Caria. Echos du Monde Classique (Classical Views) 29, 2 (n.s.), 309318. (SO3 187) [APHRODIAS-ANCIENT SITE; ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1143. Jones,CP (1985): Joyce Reynolds. Aphrodisias: Documents from the Excavation of the Theatre at Aphrodisias Conducted by Professor Kenan T. Erim, Together with Some Related texts. London. Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies Monograph No. 1, 1982. AJPh 106, 262-264. (SO3 189) [APHRODIAS-ANCIENT SITE; BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY; EXCAVATIONS; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 163 2940. Jones,CP (1985): Neryllinus. Classical Philology 80,1, 40-45. [EPIGRAPHY; FASTI; OFFPRINT] 1140. Jones,CP (1986): Suetonius in the Probus of Giorgio Valla. HSCP 90, 245-251. (SO3 185) [OFFPRINT] 1142. Jones,CP (1987): A Note on Diogmitae. Illinois Classical Studies 12,1, 179180. (SO3 188) [OFFPRINT] 1144. Jones,CP (1987): Sophron the Comoedos. CQ 37,1, 208-212. (SO3 190) [OFFPRINT] 1145. Jones,CP (1987): Stigmata: Tattooing and Branding in Graeco-Roman Antiquity. JRS 77, 139-155. (SO3 191) [OFFPRINT] 2537. Jones,CP (1987): Epigraphica Asiae Minoris Rapta Aut Obruta. AJPh 108, 699-706. (SO16 021) [OFFPRINT] 230. Jones,Christopher (1981): Two Inscriptions from Aphrodisias. HSCP 85, 107129. (SO4 009) 2265. Jones,PJ (1964): Per la Storia Agraria Italiana nel Medio Evo: Lineamenti e Problemi. Rivista Storica Italiana 76, fasc. 2, 287-348. (SO14 073) [OFFPRINT] 3773. Jones,PJ (1965): Communes and Despots : The City States in Late-Medieval Italy. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 15 (5th series), 71-96. (SO24 088) [OFFPRINT] 3637. Jones,PJ (1966): L'Italia Agraria nell'Alto Medioeva : Problemi di Cronologia e di ContinuitÖ. In: Agricoltura e Mondo Rurale in Occidente nell'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto, 2228 Aprile 1965. (: ) (Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 13.) Presso la Sede del Centro, Spoleto, 57-92; 225-248. (SO23 056) [AGRICULTURE; ITALY; OFFPRINT] 5407. Jucker,Hans (1961-62): Vitellius. Jahrbuch des Bernischen Museums in Bern 41-42, 331-357. (SO38D 012) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; PORTRIATURE; VITELLIUS] 5406. Jucker,Hans (1963-64): Ein Aureus und der Kopt des Kaisers Galba. Jahrbuch des Bernischen Museums in Bern 43-44, 261-302. (SO38D 011) [GALBA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3126. Jucker,Hans (1964): Colin M. Kraay, Die MÅnzfunde von Vindonissa (bis Trajan). Verlag BirkhÑuser, Basel 1962 (Verîffentlichungen der Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa, Bd. V). Schweizerische Zeitschrift fÅr Geschichte 14,4, 565-569. (SO20 079) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3660. Jucker,Hans (1965): Gilbert-Charles Picard : L'Art Romain. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1962 ('Les Neuf Muses'. Histoire GÇnerale des Arts, Collection DirigÇe par Norbert Dufourcq.). Gnomon 37, 411-415. (SO23 079) [OFFPRINT] 5408. Jucker,Hans (1965): HISPANIA CLVNIA SVL. Zu einem Sesterz des Kaisers Galba. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 15, 94-111. (SO38D 013) [GALBA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 922. Jucker,Hans (1973): Graffito einer DomitiansbÅste. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 23,89, 11-13. (SO5 164) [OFFPRINT] 921. Jucker,Hans; Near,Pinkey L trans (1973): Caligula. Arts in Virginia 13,2, 16-25. (SO5 167) [OFFPRINT] 5434. Judge,EA (1966?): The Roman Noble and a Political Career. Script of Radio Broadcast of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, Edication Dept., N.S.W. Branch. June 21 1966. (SO39 015) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; TYPESCRIPT] 4764. Judge,EA (1973): `Antike und Christentum'. Some Recent Work from Cologne. Prudentia 5,1, 1-13. (SO34 024) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 708. Judge,EA (1974): Res Republica Restituta. In: Polis and Imperium. Studies in Honour of Edward Togo Salmon. (Ed: Evans,JAS) Hakkert, Toronto, 279-311. (SO2 160) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 164 4841. Judge,EA; Thomas,GSR (1966): The Origin of the Church at Rome: A New Solution. The Reformed Theological Review 25,3, 8194. (SO35 031) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT] 1388. Julia,DolorÇs (1971): êtude êpigraphique et Iconographique des Stäles FunÇraires de Vigo. (Deutsches ArchÑologisches Institut Abteilung Madrid) F.H. Kerle Verlag, Heidelberg. 38pp pages. (SO7 080) <<monograph of the Deutsches ArchÑologisches Institute in Madrid>> [BURIAL CUSTOMS; EPIGRAPHY; ICONOGRAPHY; MONOGRAPH; SPAIN] 4083. Jung,Julius (?): Imperium und Reichsbeamtenschaft. Eine Episode aus der Rîmischen Kaisergeschichte. 93, 65-78. (SO26 124) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2735. Kagan,Donald (1969): Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. By Sir Ronald Syme. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1968). AHR, . (SO17 153) [BOOK REVIEW] 5141. Kahrstedt,Ulrich (1938): Anton v. Premerstein, Vom Werden und Wesen des Prinzipats. Aus dem Nachla· Hsgn. von Hans Volkmann. (Abhandl. d. Bayr. Akadem. d. Wissenschaften, n.f. heft 15). MÅnchen 1937, Verlag der Bayr. Akad. d. Wissensch.). Gîttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 200,1, 5-23. (SO36F 004) [AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3925. Kahrstedt,Ulrich (1940): Zwei Erdlager in Jugoslavien. In: Serta Hoffilleriana. (: ), Zagreb, 183-188. (SO25 140) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4431. Kahrstedt,Ulrich (1950): Die Territorien von Patrai und Nicopolis in der Kaiserzeit. Historia 1,4, 549-561. (SO30 053) [COLONIES; GREECE; OFFPRINT] 3121. Kahrstedt,Ulrich (1951): Die ÆGrÅndungØ der Colonia Augusta Treverorum. Trierer Zeitschrift 20, 1-2, 68-76. (SO20 074) [OFFPRINT] 3076. Kahrstedt,Ulrich (1953): StÑdte in Makedonien. Hermes 81,1, 85-111. (SO20 031) [MACEDONIA; OFFPRINT] 4418. Kahrstedt,Ulrich (1960): Zwei Probleme im Kaiserzeitlichen Griechenland. Symbolae Osloenses 28, 66-75. (SO30 040) [GREECE; OFFPRINT] 3127. Kahrstedt,Ulrich (19??): Methodisches zur Geschichte des Mittel- und Niederrheins zwischen Caesar und Vespasian. Germania, 63-80. (SO20 080) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 1201. Kajanto,I (1970): Tacitus' Attitude to War and the Soldier. Latomus 29,1, 699-718. (SO6 048) [OFFPRINT] 4609. Kajanto,Iiro (1965): Cognomina Pompeiana. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 66,4, 446-460. (SO32 090) [OFFPRINT; POMPEII; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5233. Kajanto,Iiro (1970): Tacitus on the Slaves. An Interpretation of the Annales, XIV, 42-45. Arctos 6, 43-60. (SO37B 017) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW; SLAVERY; TACITUS] 5432. Kajanto,Iiro (1975): Who Was Sabinus Ille? A Reinterpretation of Cataleption 10. Arctos 9, 47-55. (SO39 013) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; VIRGIL] 4829. Kajanto,Iiro (1978): The Hereafter in Ancient Christian Epigraphy and Poetry. Arctos 12, 27-53. (SO35 021) [CHRISTIANITY; IDEOLOGY; OFFPRINT] 2101. Kajava,Mika (1983): A Note on the Text Tradition of CIL IX 1973. Arctos 17, 2122. (SO13 005) [OFFPRINT] 867. Kajava,Mika (1986): Livia Medullina and CIL X 6561. Arctos 20, 59-71. (SO5 110) [OFFPRINT] 2326. Kajava,Mika (1988): Marie-ThÇräse Raepsaet-Charlier: Prosopographie des femmes de l'Ordre SÇnatorial; (Ier-IIe s.) 2 voll. AcadÇmie Royale de Belgique, Classe des Lettres, Fonds RenÇ Draguet, tome IV. Aedibus Peeters, Lovabii 1987. Arctos 22, 7593. (SO15 014) [BOOK REVIEW] Syme Collection DB page 165 4901. Kantorowicz,Ernst H (1963): Puer Exoriens. On the Hypapante in the Mosaics of S. Maria Maggiore. In: Perennitas. BeitrÑge zur Christlichen ArchÑologie und Kunst, zur Geschichte der Literatur, der Liturgie und des Mînchtums sowie zur Philosophie des Rechts und zur Politischen Philosophie. P. Thomas Michels OSB zum 70. Geburtstag. (Eds: Rahner,H; von Severus,E) Aschendorff, MÅnster, 118-135. (SO35 089) [CHRISTIANITY; FESTSCHRIFT; ICONOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 3516. Kaser,Max (1955): H.H.Scullard : Roman Politics, 220-150. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1951. Gnomon, 207-210. (SO22 150) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3507. Keil,Josef (1933): Das Sogenannte Senatusconsultum De Bacchanalibus. Hermes 68,3, 306-312. (SO22 145) [OFFPRINT] 4213. Keil,Josef (1938): Kaiser Marcus und die Thronfolge. Klio 31,3, 293-300. (SO27 096) [OFFPRINT] 2710. Kenney,EJ (1962): The First Satire of Juvenal. PCPS 188 (new series, no. 8), 29-40. (SO17 129) [OFFPRINT] 2707. Kenney,EJ (1963): Juvenal: Satirist or Rhetorician? Latomus 22,4(OctoberDecember 1963), 704-720. (SO17 126) [OFFPRINT] 1110. Keppie,Lawrence (1980): Mile Fortlets on the Antonine Wall. In: Roman Frontier Studies 1979 (XII). Papers Presented to the 12th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. (Eds: Hanson,WS; Keppie,LJF) (BAR International Series, 71.) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 107-112. (SO3 157) [BRITANNIA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 630. Keppie,Lawrence (1981): Virgil, the Confiscations and Caesar's Tenth Legion. CQ 31,2, 367-370. (SO2 066) [OFFPRINT] 2379. KerÇnyi,Karl (1938): Religio Academici. Pannonia-Kînyvt†r 52, 3-13. (SO15 067) [OFFPRINT] 659. Keil,Josef (1956): Ein Ephesischer Anwalt des 3. Jahrhunderts Durchreist das Imperium Romanum. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. 1956,3, 10pp. (SO2 096) [EPHESUS; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 657. Kienast,D (1966): Fulvio Grosso: La Lotta Politica al Tempo di Commodo. Torino: Accad. delle Scienze 1964. (Memorie dell'Accad. delle Scienze di Torino. 4,7). Gnomon 38, 596-606. (SO2 094) [BOOK REVIEW; COMMODUS] 4185. Kennedy,DL (1979): Ti. Claudius Subatianus Aquila, `First Prefect of Mesopotamia'. ZPE 36, 255-262. (SO27 068) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 581. Kienast,Dietmar (1959/60): Hadrian, Augustus und die Eleusinischen Mysterien. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 10, 61-69. (SO2 013) [OFFPRINT] 1059. Kennedy,DL (1980): The Date of the Arabian Governorship of Q. Scribonius Tenax. ZPE 37, 24-26. (SO3 099) [OFFPRINT] 4906. Kienast,Dietmar ([1960]): Die RÅckeroberung Britanniens im Jahre 297 und die Trierer FollesprÑgung. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 10, 71-78. (SO35 094) [LATE EMPIRE; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 1112. Kennedy,DL (1980): The Frontier Policy of Septimius Severus: New Evidence from Arabia. In: Roman Frontier Studies 1979 (XII). Papers Presented to the 12th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. (Eds: Hanson,WS; Keppie,LJF) (BAR International Series, 71.) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 879-888. (SO3 159) [ARABIA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS] 4631. Kienast,Dietmar (1961): Imperator. ZRG Rom. Abt. 78, 403-421. (SO33 011) [OFFPRINT] 5190. Kienast,Dietmar (1968): Nerva und das Kaisertum Trajans. Historia 17,1, 51-71. (SO37 011) [LECTURE; NERVA; OFFPRINT; TRAJAN] Syme Collection DB page 166 710. Kienast,Dietmar (1969): Augustus und Alexander. Gymnasium 76,5, 430-456. (SO2 162) [OFFPRINT] 3529. Kienast,Dietmar (1975): Die Politische Emanzipation der Plebs und die Entwicklung des Heerwesens im FrÅhen Rom. BonnJahr 175, 83-112. (SO22 169) [OFFPRINT] 270. Kienast,Dietmar (1979): Fred S. Kleiner and Sidney P. Noe: The Early Cistophoric Coinage, New York: The American Numismatic Society 1977. (Numismatic Studies No. 14). Gnomon 51, 452-456. (SO4 049) [BOOK REVIEW] 803. Kienast,Dietmar (1980): Zur Baupolitik Hadriens in Rom. Chiron 10, 391-412. (SO5 039) [OFFPRINT] 737. Kienast,Dietmar (1981): Der Regierungsantritt. In: Lagom. Festschrift fÅr Peter Berghaus zum 60. Geburtstag am 20. November 1979. (Eds: Fischer,Thomas; Ilisch,Peter) Numismatischer Verlag der MÅnzenhandlung H.Dombrowski GMBH, MÅnster, 41-48. (SO2 190) [FESTSCHRIFT] 1997. Kienast,Dietmar (1985): Der Heilige Senat. Senatskult und Æ Kaiserlicher Ø Senat. Chiron 15, 253-282. (SO12 039) [OFFPRINT] 2020. Kienast,Dietmar (1985): Caesar Augustus: Seven Aspects. Edited by Fergus Millar and erich Segal. Oxford: Clarendon P. 1984. Gnomon 57, 480-483. (SO12 062) [BOOK REVIEW] 3204. Kierdorf,Wilhelm (1966): Comm Pet.9 und die Bedeutung von Corroboratus. Hermes 94,4, 443-449. (SO21 030) [OFFPRINT] 5218. Kierdorf,Wilhelm (1969): Die Einleitung des Piso-Prozesses (Tac. Ann. 3, 10). Hermes 97,2, 246-251. (SO37B 002) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 4384. Kilpatrick,GD (1964): Dura-Europos: The Parchments and the Papyri. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 5,3, 215-225. (SO30 007) [OFFPRINT] 3079. Kirwan,LP (1953): The Ballan Civilisation: A Note on the Historical Geography of Lower Nubia. Bulletin de la SociÇtÇ Royale de GÇographie d'êgypte 25, 103-110. (SO2 034) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT] 4419. Kirwan,LP (1957): Rome Beyond the Southern Egyptian Frontier. Geographical Journal 123,1, 13-19. (SO30 041) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT] 3154. Kleiner,Fred S (1973): Gallia Graeca, Gallia Romana and the Introduction of Classical Sculpture in Gaul. AJA 77,4, 379390. (SO20 107) [GAUL; OFFPRINT] 3933. Klemenc,Josip (1928): Nov Rimski Vojicki Napis iz Mirse. Vjesnik Hrvatskoga Arheoloskoga Drustva u Zagrebu 15 (n.s.), 271-274. (SO25 149; Serbo-Croat diacritics) [OFFPRINT] 5119. Klotz,Alfons (1936): O. Seel, Hirtius, Untersuchungen Åber die Pseudocaesarischen Bella und den Balbusbrief. (35. Beiheft zur Klio.) Leipzig 1935, Dieterichsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. Philologische Wochenschrift 1936,43(24 October), 1187-1192. (SO36D 033) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SALLUST; THESIS] 5120. Klotz,Alfons (1936): Ezio Bolaffi, La Concezione Sallustiana dello Stato e le Fonti Relative. Pesaro 1936, La Poligrafica. Philologische Wochenschrift 1936,43(24 October), 1192-1193. (SO36D 033) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SALLUST; THESIS] 5121. Klotz,Alfons (1936): Karl Bauhofer, Die Komposition der Historien Sallusts. Inaugural-Dissertation. MÅnchen 1935, Druck der Salesianischen Offizien. MÅnchen. Philologische Wochenschrift 1936,43(12 December), 1370-1376. (SO36D 034) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SALLUST; THESIS] 5118. Klotz,Alfred (1935): W. Farber, Sallust gegen Cicero. Eine Sprachliche Untersuchung. TÅbinger Diss. WÅrtzburg 1934. Philologische Wochenschrift no. 36(7 September), 1003-1007. (SO36D 032) Syme Collection DB page 167 [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SALLUST; THESIS] 5117. Klotz,Alfred (1936): K. Latte, Sallust. Neue Wege zur Antike. II. Reihe: Interpretation. Heft 4. Leipzig u. Berlin 1935. B.G. Teubner. Philologische Wochenschrift 1936, 11-12(21 March), 293-298. (SO36D 031) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SALLUST; THESIS] 5027. Klotz,Alfred (??): Diodors Rîmische Annalen. RMfP 86,3 (n.f.), 206-224. (SO36A 026) [DIODORUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4460. Knapowski,Roch (1958): Probleme der Chronnologie und der Reichweite der Entdeckungsreisen des Pytheas von Massalia. Abteilung fÅr Geschichte und Sozialwissenschaften. Abhandlungen der Kommission fÅr Geschichte 18,1, 33-62. (SO31 020) [OFFPRINT] 2812. Knapp,RC (1978): The Origins of Provincial Prosopography in the West. AncSoc 9, 187-222. (SO18 001) [OFFPRINT] 5697. Knauer,ER (1977): Kaiser Sigismund. Eine Ikonographische Nachlese. In: Festschrift fÅr Otto von Simson zum 65. Geburtstag. (Eds: Grisebach,L; Renger,K) PropylÑen,, 173-196. (SO16 156) [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; SIGISMUND] 2948. Knauer,Elfriede R (19??): Toward a History of the Sleeved Cpat. A Study of the Impact of an Ancient Eastern Garment on the West. Expedition 21,1, 18-36. (SO18 135) [ICONOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2954. Knauer,Elfriede Regina (1983): The Fifth Century A.D. Buddhist Cave Temples at YÅn-Kang, North China. A Look at their Western Connections. Expedition Summer 1983, 27-47. (SO18 141) [OFFPRINT] 5259. Knoche,Ulrich (1963): Zur Beurteilung des Kaisers Tiberius durch Tacitus. Gymnasium 70,3, 211-226. (SO37C 018) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 5196. Kîhnken,Adolf (1973): Das Problem der Ironie bei Tacitus. Museum Helveticum 30, 32-50. (SO37A 017) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 705. Koenen,L (1970): Die "Laudatio Funebris" des Augustus fÅr Agrippa auf einem neuen Papyrus (P. Colon. inv. nr. 4701; H.Volkmann gewidmet). ZPE 5,3, 217-283. (SO2 157) [AGRIPPA; AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; PAPYROLOGY] 707. Koenen,L (1970): Summum Fastigium. Zu der Laudatio Funebris des Augustus (P. Colon. inv. nr. 4701, 11ff.). ZPE 6,3, 239-243. (SO2 158) [AGRIPPA; AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; PAPYROLOGY] 5314. Kîstermann,Erich (1930): Der Taciteische Dialogus und Ciceros Schrift De Re Publica. Hermes 65,4, 396-421. (SO38A 002) [CICERO; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5278. Koestermann,Erich (1953): B. Walker: The Annals of Tacitus. A Study in the Writing of History. Manchester University Press. Gnomon 25, 512-518. (SO37C 037) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5479. Kîstermann,Erich (1953): Der Pannonische-Dalmatinische Krieg 6-9 n. Chr. Hermes 81,3, 345-378. (SO40 015) [ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 2661. Koestermann,Erich (1955): Der Sturz Sejans. Hermes 83,3, 350-373. (SO17 080) [OFFPRINT] 5220. Koestermann,Erich (1955): Die MajestÑtsprozesse unter Tiberius. Historia 4,1, 72-106. (SO37B 004) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 5403. Koestermann,Erich (1956): Der RÅckblick Tacitus Hist. I 4-11. Historia 5,2, 213-237. (SO38D 008) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5404. Koestermann,Erich (1956): Das Charakterbild Galkbas bei Tacitus. In: Navicula Chiloniensis. Studia Philologa Felici Jacoby Professori Chiloniensi Emerito Octogenario Oblata. (: ) E.J. Brill, Leiden, 191206. (SO38D 009) [BIOGRAPHY; GALBA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] Syme Collection DB page 168 2653. Koestermann,Erich (1957): Die FeldzÅge des Germanicus 14-16 N. Chr. Historia 6,4, 429-479. (SO17 064) [OFFPRINT] 5163. Kîstermann,Erich (??): 'Status' als Politischer Terminus in der Antike. RMfP 86,3, 225-240. (SO36F 026) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 5217. Koestermann,Erich (1958): Die Mission des Germanicus im Orient. Historia 7,3, 331-375. (SO37B 001) [GERMANICUS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2690. Kolb,Frank (1973): Meyer Reinhold: History of Purple as a Status Symbol in Antiquity. Bruxelles: Latomus 1970. (Collection Latomus 116). Gnomon 45, 50-58. (SO17 109) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5346. Koestermann,Erich (1960): Codex Leidensis BPL. 16B- Ein vom Mediceus II UnabhÑngiger Textzeuge des Tacitus. Philologus 104,1-2, 92-115. (SO38A 034) [MSS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5219. Koestermann,Erich (1961): Der Eingang der Annalen des Tacitus. Historia 10,3, 330-355. (SO37B 003) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5410. Koestermann,Erich (1961): Die Erste Schlacht bei Bedriacum 69 N. Chr. Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 3,1, 16-29. (SO38D 015) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5222. Koestermann,Erich (1965): Tacitus und die Transpadana. Athenaeum 43,1-2, 167-298. (SO37B 006) [BIOGRAPHY; ITALY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3510. Koestermann,Erich (1967): Cannae und Metaurus. Gymnasium 74,1, 13-23. (SO22 148) [OFFPRINT] 5221. Koestermann,Erich (1967): Ein Folgenschwerer Irrtum des Tacitus (Ann. 15, 44, 2ff.)? Historia 16,4, 456-469. (SO37B 005) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5503. Koestermann,Erich (1969): Der Zug der Cimbern. Gymnasium 76,4, 310-329. (SO41 006) [BARBARIANS; CIMBRI; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 5090. Koestermann,Erich (1970): Ps. Sall. Epistula ad Caesarem Senem I. Historia 19,2, 216-223. (SO36D 004) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 595. Kolb,Frank (1977): Der Aufstand der Provinz Proconsularis im Jahr 238 n. Chr. Historia 26,4, 440-477. (SO2 027) [OFFPRINT] 702. Kolb,Frank (1977): Zur Statussymbolik im Antiken Rom. Chiron 7, 239-259. (SO2 154) [OFFPRINT] 885. Kolb,Frank (1977): Die Bau-, Religions- und Kulturpolitik der Peisistratiden. Jahrbuch des Deutschen ArchÑologischen Instituts 92, 99-138. (SO5 128) <<published 1978>> [OFFPRINT] 2674. Kolb,Frank (1977): Wirtschaftliche und Soziale Konflikte im Rîmischen Reich des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. In: Bonner Festgabe Johannes Straub zum 65. Geburtstag am 18. Oktober 1977. (: ) Rheinland-Verlag GMBH; Rudolph Habelt Verlag GMBH, Bonn, 277-295. (SO17 093) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 376. Kolb,Frank (1980): Der Bu·akt von Mailand: Zum VerhÑltnis von Staat und Kirche in der SpÑtantike. In: Geschichte und Gegenwart. Festschrift fÅr Karl Dietrich Erdmann. (Eds: Boockmann,H; JÅrgensen,K; Stoltenberg,G) Karl Wachholtz Verlag, NeumÅnster, 41-74. (SO4 161) [CHURCH HISTORY; FESTSCHRIFT; LATE EMPIRE] 394. Kolb,Frank (1982): Die AdÑration als Korruptionsproblem in der SpÑtantike. In: Korruption im Altertum. Konstanzer Symposium, Oktober 1979. (Ed: Schuller,Wolfgang) MÅnchen, Oldenburg, 163174. (SO4 182) [CONGRESSES; CORRUPTIONHISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2325. Kolb,Frank (1988): L'Ideologia Tetrachica e la Politica Religiosa di Diocleziano. In: I Cristiani e l'Impero nel IV Secolo. Atti del Colloquio sul Cristianesimo nel Syme Collection DB page 169 Mondo Antico. (Eds: Bonamente,Giorgio; Nestori,Aldo) FacoltÖ do Lettere e Filosofia, UniversitÖ di Macerata, Macerata, 17-44. (SO15 013) <<series: UniversitÖ degli Studi di Macerata 47>> [OFFPRINT] 2327. Kolb,Frank (1988): Zu Chronologischen Problemen der Ersten Tetrachie. Eos 76, 105-125. (SO15 015) [OFFPRINT] 4499. Kolbe,Hans-Georg (1961): Neue Inschriften aus Bonn. BonnJahr 161, 85-107. (SO31 056) [EPIGRAPHY; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 1386. Kolbe,Hans-Georg (1965): Raecius Gallus und M.Reacius Taurus. Madrider Mittleilungen 6, 116-119. (SO7 078) [OFFPRINT] 3534. Kolbe,Hans-Georg (1970): Lare Aineia? Mitteilungen der Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts Roemische Abteilung 77, 1-9. (SO22 174) [OFFPRINT] 4147. Kolbe,Hans-Georg (1972): Die Cursus Honorum eines Unbekannten Senators aus Praeneste. Chiron 2, 405-428. (SO27 032) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4604. Kolbe,H-G (1961): Attilio Degrassi, Il Confine Nord-Orientale dell'Italia Romana. Richerche Storico-Topografiche. Dissertationes Bernenses, ser. I, fasc. 6. Bern, A. Francke 1954. BonnJahr 161, 514-520. (SO32 086) [BOOK REVIEW; ITALY; OFFPRINT] (SO17 024) <<article (and journal details) in Greek with summary in>> [OFFPRINT] 4241. Kornemann,E (1934): Kaiser Hadrian und der Donauraum im Altertum. Forschungen und Fortschritte 10 (nos. 35/36)(10/20 Dec. 1934), 427-430. (SO27 123) [DANUBIANA; HADRIAN; OFFPRINT] 3131. Kornemann,Ernst (1937): Gli Studi Germanici sulla Figura e l'Opera di Augusto e sulla Fondazione dell'Impero Romano. Istituto di Studi Romani, Rome. 18 pages. (SO20 084) <<series: Quaderni Augustei. Studi Stranieri IV>> [AUGUSTUS; MONOGRAPH] 4621. Kornemann,Ernst (1938): Zum Augustusjahr. Klio 31,1, 81-91. (SO33 002) [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4622. Kornemann,Ernst (1938): Wilhelm Weber: Princeps. Studien zur Geschichte des Augustus. Band 1. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer 1936; Anton v. Premerstein: Vom Werden und Wesen des Prinzipats. Aus dem Nachla· herausgeg. von Hans Volkman. MÅnchen: Verlag der Bay. Ak. der Wiss. (in Kommission bei C.H. Beck) 1937. (AbhMÅnch. Phil.-His. Abt. N.F. 15, 1937). Gnomon 14,9, 489-507. (SO33 003A) [AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4190. Kolbe,H-G (1962): Der Pertinaxstein aud BrÅhl. BonnJahr 162, 407-420. (SO27 073) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4623. Kornemann,Ernst (1938): Wilhelm Weber: Princeps. Studien zur Geschichte des Augustus. Band 1. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer 1936; Anton v. Premerstein: Vom Werden und Wesen des Prinzipats. Aus dem Nachla· herausgeg. von Hans Volkman. MÅnchen: Verlag der Bay. Ak. der Wiss. (in Kommission bei C.H. Beck) 1937. (AbhMÅnch. Phil.-His. Abt. N.F. 15, 1937). Gnomon 14,10, 548-565. (SO33 003B) [AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5571. Kolendo,Jerzy (1966): Une Inscription Inconnue de Sexaginta Prista et la Fortification du Bas-Danube sous la TÇtrarchie. Eirene 5, 139-154. (SO42 030) [DACIA; EPIGRAPHY; FORTIFICATIONS; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; URBAN DEVELOPMENT] 5304. Kornemann,Ernst (1947): Der Prinzipat des Tiberius und der "Genius Senatus". Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. 1947,1, 26pp. (SO37D 021) [IDEOLOGY; OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS] 2604. Kontorini,Vasa (1986): A.Ofellius Major Macedo (Dessau 8849, Actia Nicopolis) et Ofillius Macedo, Nouveau Procurateur de Vespasian (Rhodes). Dodone IE', 1, 185-201. 1937. Kotula,Tadeusz (1962): En Marge de l'Usurpation de L. Domitius Alexander. Klio 40, 159-177. (SO11 218) Syme Collection DB page 170 [OFFPRINT] 4230. Kotula,Tadeusz (1969): Einige Bemerkungen zu der Tribus Papiria in den Afrikanischen Inschriften. Klio 51, 277-285. (SO27 113) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3063. Kraay,Colin M (1949): The Coinage of Vindex and the Continuity of the Augustan Principate. Numismatic Chronicle 9 (6th series), 129-149. (SO20 019) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3048. Kraay,Colin M (1952): Revolt and Subversion: The So-called `Military' Coinage of A.D. 69 Re-examined. Numismatic Chronicle 11 (6th series), 78-86. (SO20 005) [OFFPRINT] 3099. Kraay,Colin M (1952): Monnaies du Haut-Empire Romain Ö Vindonissa. Gazette Numismatique Suisse 3, fasc. 11, 49-56. (SO20 052) [OFFPRINT] 1563. Kraay,Colin M (1955): Caesar's Quattorviri of 44 B.C.: The Arrangement of the their Issues. Numismatic Chronicle 14 (6th series), 18-31. (SO9 097) [CAESAR; NUMISMATICS- ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 2109. KrÑmer,R (c1982): Damm und Deich. In: Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Vol. 5,3-4. (Eds: Beck,Heinrich; Ranke,Kurt; Wenskus,Reinhard; Jankuhn,Herbert) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 216-225. (SO13 013) [OFFPRINT] 4450. KrÑmer,W (1973): La Fin de la Civilisation de La Täne et l'Occupation Romaine au Nord des Alpes. In: Actes du Quatriäme Congräs International d'êtudes Celtiques (Rennes 18-25 Juillet 1971). Vol. 2. (: ) (êtudes Celtiques, 13, fasc. 2.) SociÇtÇ d'êdition ÆLes Belles LettresØ, Paris, 629643. (SO31 011) [OFFPRINT] 1574. Kraft,Konrad (1953): Der Goldene Kranz Caesars und der Kampf um die Entlarvung des "Tyrranen"., . 97 pages. (Reprinted from Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte vol. 3-4 (952-53)) <<reprinted as monograph>> [MONOGRAPH] 3116. Kraft,Konrad (1955-56): Das Enddatum des Legionslagers Haltern. BonnJahr 155-156, 95-111. (SO20 069) [OFFPRINT] 4878. Kraft,Konrad ([1955]): Das Silbermedaillon Constantins des Gro·en mit dem Christusmonogramm auf dem Helm. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 5-6 (1954-55), 151-178. (SO35 067) [CONSTANTINE; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3094. Kraft,Konrad (1956): Ein Neues MilitÑrdiplomfragment aus Manching (Raetien). Germania 34,1/2, 75-83. (SO20 047) [OFFPRINT; RAETIA] 4810. Kraft,Konrad (1958): Die Taten der Kaiser Constans und Constantius II. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 9, 141186. (SO35 003) [LATE EMPIRE; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 1295. Kraft,Konrad (1961): Zum BÅrgerrecht der Soldatenkinder. Historia 10, 120-126. (SO6 142) [OFFPRINT] 2623. Kraft,Konrad (1966): Q.Aelius L.F. Lamia, MÅnzmeister und Freund des Horaz. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 16, 23-31. (SO17 043) [OFFPRINT] 2830. Kraft,Konrad (1966): Der Politische Hintergrund von Senecas Apocolocyntosis. Historia 15,1, 96-122. (SO18 019) [OFFPRINT] 3434. Kraft,Konrad (1967): Der Sinn des Mausoleums des Augustus. Historia 16, 2, 189-206. (SO22 074) [OFFPRINT] 3201. Kraft,Konrad (1968): Taten des Pompeius auf den MÅnzen. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 18, 7-24. (SO21 027) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 5357. Kraft,Konrad (1968): Urgentibus Imperii Fatis (Tacitus, Germania 33). Hermes 96,5, 591-608. (SO38B 008) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] Syme Collection DB page 171 3724. Krahe,Hans (1950): Der Ortsname Sulmo und seine Verwandten. BN 1,2, 180187. (SO24 039) [OFFPRINT] 3964. Krarup,Per (1969): Cicerone e l'Imperium Romanum. Un Contributo all'Interpretazione del De Re Publica di Cicerone. Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 5, 7-23. (SO26 008) [CICERO; OFFPRINT] 3111. Krier,Jean; Schwinden,Lothar (1974): Die Merscher Inschrift CIL XII 4030. Trierer Zeitschrift 37, 123-147. (SO20 064) [OFFPRINT] 725. Krîmer,D (1978): Textkritisches zu Augustus und Tiberius. ZPE 28, 127-144. (SO2 178) [OFFPRINT] 5049. Kroll,W (1927): Sallusts Staatsschriften. Hermes 62,4, 373-392. (SO36B 022) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 3845. Kubitschek,W (1910): Drobeta in Dacien. Klio 10,2, 1-4 (253-256). (SO25 065) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 1196. Kuch,H (1968): Zu Plinius, Epist. 3, 14. In: Studien zur Geschichte und Philosophie des Altertums. Kongress fÅr Klassiche Philosophie. (Ed: Harmata,J) AkadÇmiai Kiad¢, Budapest, 170-180. (SO6 043) [OFFPRINT; PLINY] 1120. Kuhrt,AmÇlie TL (1988): The Achaemenid Empire: A Babylonian Pespective. PCPS 214, 34, 60-76. (SO3 167) [OFFPRINT] 5358. Kuijper,D (1968): De Honestate Plinii Minoris. Mnemosyne 21,1 (4th ser.), 40-70. (SO38B 009) [OFFPRINT; PLINY] 2502. Kumaniecki,Kazimierz (1956): Kurt Aland, Die HandschriftenbestÑnde der Polnischen Bibliotheken, Insbesondere an Griechischen und Lateinischen Handschriften. Ein VorlÑufiger Bericht. Berlin: AkademieVerlag 1956 (Deutsche Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berli. Schriften d. Sektion f. Altertumswissenschaft. 7.). Deutsche Literaturzeitung 77,12, . (SO15 178) [BOOK REVIEW] 2501. Kumaniecki,Kazimierz (1957): Ciceros Paradoxa Stoicorum und die Rîmische Wirklichkeit. Philologus 101,1-2, 113-134. (SO15 177) [OFFPRINT] 2505. Kumaniecki,Kazimierz (1959): Ciceros Rede de Haruspicum Responso. Klio 37, 135152. (SO15 181) [OFFPRINT] 4036. Kunkel,W (1968): Die Funktion des Konsiliums in der Magistratischen Strafjustiz und im Kaisergericht II. ZRG Rom. Abt. 85, 253-329. (SO26 079) <<part 1 of article in ZSSR 84, pg. 218 ff>> [OFFPRINT] 4633. Kunkel,Wolfgang (1958): Bericht Åber Neuere Arbeiten zur Rîmischen Verfassungsgeschichte III. ZRG Rom. Abt. 75, 302-352. (SO33 013) <<continuation of articles in ZRG. Rom. Abt. 72 (1955) and 73 (1956)>> [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 4634. Kunkel,Wolfgang (1961): öber das Wesen des Augusteischen Prinzipats. Gymnasium 68,5, 353-370. (SO33 014) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4641. Kunkel,Wolfgang (1961): öber die Leidener Augustus-Inschrift aus Kyme. Zugleich ein Beitrag zu ÆAestimatio PossessionisØ. In: Studi in Onore di Emilio betti. (: ) A. Giuffrä, Milano, 593-620. (SO33 021) [AUGUSTUS; EPIGRAPHY; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3422. Kunkel,Wolfgang (1969): öber die Entstehung des Senatsgerichts. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. PhilosophischHistorische Klasse. Sitzungberichte 1969,2, 64. (SO22 063) <<articles published as separate fascicules>> 5115. Kurfe·.Alfons (1935): Georg Schîrner, Sallust und Horaz Åber den Sittenverfall und die Sittliche Erneuerung Roms. Diss. Erlangen 1934. Philologische Wochenschrift 1935,18(4 May), 493-498. (SO36D 029) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SALLUST; THESIS] Syme Collection DB page 172 3768. Lacey,Patrick (1958): Tacitus, His Text and Theme. Review of: R. Syme, Tacitus. The Cambridge Review (7 June), 623-625. (SO24 085) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SYME; TACITUS] 2572. Lacey,WK (1961): The Tribunate of Curio. Historia 10,3, 318-329. (SO16 055) [OFFPRINT] 2477. Lacey,WK (1962): Cicero, Pro Sestion 96-143. CQ 12,1 (vol. 56 of continuous series), 67-71. (SO15 153) [OFFPRINT] 2467. Lacey,WK (1964): J.P.V.D. Balsdon: Roman Women. London: Bodley Head, 1962. The Classical Review 14,1 (vol. 78 of continuous series), 87-89. (SO15 143) [BOOK REVIEW] 3040. Lacey,WK (1970): Jean-Marie AndrÇ: L;Otium dans la Vir Morale et Intellectuale Ö Rome des Origines Ö l'êpoque AugustÇenne. (Publ. de la Fac. des Lettres de Paris, recherches, xxx) Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1966. The Classical Review 20,2 (n.s. vol. 84 of continuous series), 238-240. (SO19) [OFFPRINT] 3199. Lacey,WK (1976): Elizabeth Eawson, Cicero, A Portrait. London : Allen Lane, 1975. JRS 66, 265-266. (SO21 025) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 717. Lacey,WK (1979): Summi Fastigii Vocabulum. JRS 69, 28-34. (SO2 169) [OFFPRINT] 4513. Lacey,WK (1980): Primus and Gabinius. Greece & Rome 27,1 (2nd. ser.), 3133. (SO32 006) [OFFPRINT] 2928. Lacey,WK (1982): Laurel Bushes Again- Res Gestae 34.2. Liverpool Classical Monthly 7.8(October 1982), 118. (SO18 116) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 908. Lacey,WK (1983): 19 B.C. Classicum 9,2 (no.23), 30-35. (SO5 153) [OFFPRINT] 722. Laffi,Umberto (1967): Le Iscrizioni Relative all'Introduzione nel 9 A.C. del Nuovo Calendario della Provincia d'Asia. Studi Classici e Orientali 16, 5-98. (SO2 175) [OFFPRINT] 2440. Laffi,Umberto (1967): Il Mito di Silla. Athenaeum 45,3-4, 177-277. (SO15 116) [OFFPRINT] 4541. Lambrechts,P (1936): Notes sur le Nom d'um Ami de Pline le Jeune. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 15,1, 125127. (SO32 035) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5651. Lambrechts,P (1936): Trajan et le Recrutement du SÇnat. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 5,1, 105-114. (SO16 113) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; TRAJAN] 1554. Lambrechts,P (1937): Le Commerce des Æ Syriens Ø en Gaulle du Haut Empire a l'êpoque MÇrovingienne. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 6, fasc. 1, 35-61. (SO9 088) [OFFPRINT] 4461. Lambrechts,P (1951): L'Imagerie Religieuse Celtique: Le Fond et la Forme. Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et de l'Histoire Orientales et Slaves 11, 195-212. (MÇlanges Henti GrÇgoire, vol. 3) (SO31 021) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3458. Lambrechts,P (1952): Livie-Cybäle. La Nouvelle Clio 4, 5-8, 251-260. (SO22 097) [OFFPRINT] 4817. Lambrechts,Pierre (1951): A Propos d'une Nouvelle Histoire du Bas-Empire. Review of Ernest Stein. Histoire du BasEmpire, tome II. Bruges, DesclÇe de Brouwer, 1949. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 20,2, 427-433. (SO35 009) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 3647. Lambrechts,Pierre (1952): Le ÆRameau d'OrØ devant la Science des Religions (1952). Le Flambeau 1, 24-36. (SO23 066) [OFFPRINT] 3784. Lambrino,S (1935): Valerius Bradua, un Nouveau Gouverneur de la MÇsia InfÇrieure. Revista Istorica RomÉna 5, 321332. (SO25 003; breve on `a' in `Istorica' and `Romana') [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 173 4316. Lambrino,S (1952): Le Dieu Lusitanien Endovellicus. Bulletin des êtudes Portugaises, 58 pp [93-147]. (SO29 003) <<repaginated from original journal>> [OFFPRINT] address delivered at the annual dinner of the American Histroical Association...December 29, 1957') (SO23 008) <<text of presidential address delivered at annual dinner of American Historical Association>> [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 4318. Lambrino,S (1960): Le Nom Aefus et la CitÇ D'Avobriga en Lusitaine. Bulletin des êtudes Portugaises 22, 3-18. (SO29 005) <<repaginated from original?>> [LUSITANIA; OFFPRINT] 3680. Langer,William L (1963): Europe's Initial Population Explosion. AHR 69,1, 1-17. (SO23 095) [OFFPRINT] 5547. Lambrino,Scarlat (1933): Inscription Latine de Callatis. CRAI, 1-9 (pp. 278ff). (SO42 009) [CALLATIS; DACIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1406. Lambrino,Scarlat (1953): Les Inscriptions de Sao Miguel d'Odrinhas. Bulletin des êtudes Portugaises, 5-44. (SO7 098) [OFFPRINT] 4720. Lambrino,Scarlat (1953): L. Fulcinius Trio, Gouverneur de Lusitanie, sur une Tabula Patronatus de Juromenha. Arque¢logo Portuguàs 1 (n.s.), 5-24. (SO33 095) [LUSITANIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5551. Lambrino,Scarlat (1960): DÇcret d'Histria en l'Honneur d'Agathocläs. Revue des êtudes Roumaines 5-6 (1960), 180-207. (SO42 013) [DACIA; EPIGRAPHY; HISTRIA; OFFPRINT] 4306. Lancel,JD-S (c1965): Bibliographie Analytic de l'Afrique Antique (1960-1962). Bulletin d'ArchÇologie AlgÇrienne 1, 277-301. (SO28 060) [AFRICA; BIBLIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1846. Lancel,S (1964): Monsieur Dupont, en Latin. In: Hommages Ö Jean Bayet. (: ) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 355-364. (SO11 129) <<series: Collection Latomus 70>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 4786. Lancel,Serge (??): ÆCuriositasØ et PrÇoccupations Spirituelles chez ApulÇe. Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, 25-46. (SO34 044) <<date and vol. number unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 3589. Langer,William L (1958): The Next Assignment. AHR 63,2, 283-304. ('Presidential 3681. Langer,William L (1964): The Black Death. Scientific American 210,2, 114-121. (SO23 096) [OFFPRINT] 2425. Langer,William L; Blake,Robert P (1932): The Rise of the Ottoman Turks and its Historical Background. AHR 37,3, 468-505. (SO16 196) [OFFPRINT] 4372. Lantier,R (1937): Histoire Ancienne de la PÇninsule IbÇrique (1927-1936). Revue Historique 181, 1-24. (SO29 056) [HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 1000. Lanza,Carlo (1979): De Francisi, ÆIl RinnovamentoØ e una Recensione a Ferrero. Materiali per una Storia della Cultura Giuridica 9,2, 441-490. (SO3 040) [OFFPRINT] 3695. Lanza,Carlo (1982): La Posizione del Syme. In: La Rivoluzione Romana. Inchiesta tra gli Antichisti. (: ) (, Biblioteca di Labeo.) Jovene, Napoli, 34-38. (SO24 010) [OFFPRINT; SYME] 5005. La Penna,Antionio (1979): Il Bandito e il Re. Maia 31 (1, n.s.), 29-31. (SO36A 005) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3694. La Penna,Antonia et al (1972): Discussioni sulla Relazione La Penna. Dialoghi di Archeologia 4-5,2-3 (1970-71), 283-297. (SO24 009) <<R. Syme is one of discussants>> [OFFPRINT] 5070. La Penna,Antonio (1959): Il Significato dei Proemi Sallustiani. Maia 11,1-2 (n.s.), 153. (SO36C 018) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] Syme Collection DB page 174 5071. La Penna,Antonio (1959): L'Interpretazione Sallustiana della Congiura di Catilina. Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 31,1-2, 1-106. (SO36C 019) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5124. La Penna,Antonio (1959): L'Interpretazione Sallustiana della Guerra Contro Giugurta, (ctd). ASNP 38,3-4 (n.s.), 243-284. (SO36E 003A) [JUGURTHA; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5136. La Penna,Antonio (1959): L'Interpretazione Sallustiana della Guerra Contro Giugurta. ASNP 38,1-2 (n.s.), 3-84. (SO36E 003) [JUGURTHA; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 700. la Penna,Antonio (1961): La Lirica Civile di Orazio e l'Ideologia del Principato. Maia 13, fascs. 2-4, 83-123, 209-244, 257283. (SO2 151) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 5052. La Penna,Antonio (1963): Per La Ricostruzione delle ÆHistoriaeØ di Sallustio. Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 35,1, 5-68. (SO36C 001) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5060. La Penna,Antonio (1963): Le Historiae di Sallustio e l'Interpretazione della Crisi Repubblicana. Athenaeum 41,3-4, 201-274. (SO36C 008) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5102. La Penna,Antonio (1966): Morten Noejgaard, La Fabric Antique, I, La Fable Grecque avant Phädre. Copenhagen, Nyt Nordisk Forlag-Arnold Busck, 1964. Athenaeum 44,3-4, 354-381. (SO36D 016) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5105. La Penna,Antonio (1966): Die Bedeutung Sallusts fÅr die Geschichtsschreibung und die Politischen Ideen Leonardo Brunis. Arcadia 1,3, 255-276. (SO36D 019) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3002. la Penna,Antonio (1967): Virgilio e la Crisi del Mondo Antico. In: Tutte le Opere di Virgilio. (Ed: Cetrangolo,Enzio) Sansoni, Firenze, xi-civ. (SO19 019) <<offprint in the introduction to a collected edition of Virgil>> [OFFPRINT; VIRGIL] 498. la Penna,Antonio (1970): Congetture sull Fortuna di Sallustio nell'AntichitÖ. In: Studia Florentina Alexandro Ronconi Sexagenario Oblata. (: ) Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Roma, 195-206. (SO1C 075) [BIOGRAPHY- ROMAN; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 2990. la Penna,Antonio (1970-71): Cassio Parmense nella Storia del Teatro Latino. Studi Classici e Orientali 19-20, 286-292. (SO19 007) [CASSIUS PARMENSE] 500. la Penna,Antonio (1971): Sallustio, Hist. II 83 M. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 99, 1 (3rd. ser.), 61-62. (SO1C 077) [OFFPRINT] 497. la Penna,Antonio (1972): Aspetti e Conflitti della Cultura Latina dai Gracchi a Silla. Dialoghi di Archeologia 4-5, fascs. 2-3 (1970-71), 193-211. (SO1C 074) [OFFPRINT] 501. la Penna,Antonio (1972): Ancora su Sallustio e Ventidio Basso. Maia 24,4 (n.s.), 349-352. (SO1C 078) [BIOGRAPHY- ROMAN; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 2300. La Regina,Adriano (1964): Peltuinum. Quaderni dell'Istituto di Topografia Antica della UniversitÖ di Roma 1, 69-73. (SO14 107) [OFFPRINT] 2304. La Regina,Adriano (1964): Venafro. Quaderni dell'Istituto di Topografia Antica della UniversitÖ di Roma 1, 55-67. (SO14 111) [OFFPRINT] 2279. La Regina,Adriano (1966): Le Iscrizioni Osche di Pietrabbondante e la Questione di Bovianum Vetus. RMfP 109,3 (new series), 260. (SO14 087) [OFFPRINT] 2305. La Regina,Adriano (1966): Monumento Funebre di un Triumviro Augustale al Museo di Chieti. Studi Miscellanei 10, 39-53. (SO14 112) [OFFPRINT] 2306. La Regina,Adriano (1966): Sulmona. Quaderni dell'Istituto di Topografia Antica della UniversitÖ di Roma 2, 107-116. Syme Collection DB page 175 [OFFPRINT] 2284. La Regina,Adriano (1967): Cluviae e i Territorio Carecino. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 22, fasc. 5-6 (8th series), 87-99. (SO14 092) [OFFPRINT] 800. Larsen,JAO (1946): Tituli Asiae Minoris, II, 522 and the dating of Greek Inscriptions by Roman Names. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 5,1, 55-63. (SO5 035) [BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICS] 2421. Larsen,JAO (1949): The Origin and Significance of the Counting of Votes. Classical Philology 44,3, 164-181. (SO15 108) [OFFPRINT] 4059. Larsen,JAO (1950): Le Marbre de Thorigny. By H.G. Pflaum. (Bibliothäque de l'êcole des Hautes êtudes, fasc. 292) Paris: HonorÇ Champion, 1948. Classical Philology 45,4, 254-256. (SO26; SO26 102) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3059. Larsen,JAO (1952): Roman Rule in Asia Minor to the end of the Third Century after Christ, Vol. I: Text; Vol. II: Notes. By David Magie. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1950. Classical Philology 47, 4, 235-238. (SO20 015) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 2420. Larsen,JAO (1954): The Judgement of Antiquity on Democracy. Classical Philology 49,1, 1-14. (SO15 107) [OFFPRINT] 791. Larsen,JAO (1956): The Araxa Inscription and the Lycian Confederacy. Classical Philology 51,3, 151-169. (SO5 026) [OFFPRINT] 790. Larsen,JAO (1957): Lycia and Greek Federal Citizenship. Symbolae Osloenses 33, 5-26. (SO5 025) [OFFPRINT] 4455. Larsen,JAO (1964): Bordeaux Antique. By Robert Etienne "avec la collaboration de P. Barräre." ("Hisotire de Bordeaux" edited by Ch. Higounet, Vol. I.) Bordeaux: FÇdÇration Historique du Sud- Ouest, 1962. Classical Philology 59,3, 213214. (SO31 016) [BOOK REVIEW; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4456. Larsen,JAO (1965): An Ancient Economic History from the Palaeolithic Age to the Migrations of the Germanic, Slavic, and Arabic Nations, Vol. II. By Fritz M. Hiechelheim. Translated by Mrs. Joyce Stevens. Leyden: A.W. Sythoff, 1964. Classical Philology 60,4, 294-295. (SO31 017) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4457. Larsen,JAO (1965): Epigraphica, Vol. 1: Texts on the Economic History of the Greek World. By H.W. Pleket. ("Textus Minores," Vol. XXXI). Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1964. Classical Philology 60,4, 295-296. (SO31 017) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1607. Larsen,JAO (1966): Some Early Anatolian Cults of Roma. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) S.E.V.P.E.N, Paris, 1635-1643. (SO10 004) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2321. Larsen,JAO (1971): The Rights of Cities within the Achaean Confederacy. Classical Philology 66,2, 81-86. (SO15 009) [OFFPRINT] 2322. Larsen,JAO (1971): Studien zur Methode des Polybios und ihrer Historischen Auswertung. By Karl-Ernst Petzold. ("Vestigia," Band 9) Munich: Verlag C.H.Beck, 1969. Classical Philology 66,2, 66-67. (SO15 010) [BOOK REVIEW] 4029. Larsen,JAO (1972): A Recent Interpretation of the Achaean Assemblies. Classical Philology 67,3, 178-185. (SO26 072) [OFFPRINT] 1930. Larsen,Jakob AO (1934): The Position of Provincial Assemblies in the Government and Society of the Late Roman Empire. Classical Philology 29, 209-220. (SO11 211) [OFFPRINT] 1116. Lassäre,Jean-Marie (1980): Remarques Onomastiques sur la Liste Militaire de Vezereos (ILAfr 27). In: Roman Frontier Studies 1979 (XII). Papers Presented to the 12th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. (Eds: Hanson,WS; Keppie,LJF) (BAR International Series, 71.) British Archaeological reports, Oxford, 955-970. Syme Collection DB page 176 (SO3 163) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA; ROMAN ARMY] 1424. Lassäre,Jean-Marie (1980): Remarques sue le Peuplement de la Colonia Iulia Augusta Numidica Simitthus. AntAfr 16, 27-44. (SO7 116) [OFFPRINT] 815. Lassäre,J-M (1975): La Tour d'Elagabal (S.H.A., Ant. Heliog. 33,6). REA 77, 131-136. (SO5 051) [OFFPRINT] 4274. Lassäre,J-M (1979): Rome et le ÆSous-DÇvelopmentØ de l'Afrique. REA 1,2, 67-104. (SO28 028) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4272. Lassäre,J-M (1982): Un Conflit ÆRoutierØ: Observations sur les Causes de la Guerre de Tacfarinas. AntAfr 18, 11-25. (SO28 026) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4273. Lassäre,J-M (1982): Onomastica Africana V-VIII. AntAfr 18, 167-175. (SO28 027) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 4252. Lassus,J (1956): Vight-cinq Ans d'Histoire AlgÇrienne Recherches et Publications (1931-1956). II. L'AntiquitÇ. Revue Africaine 100, 1-39. (SO28 006) <<vol. marks the centenary of the Sociäte Historique AlgÇienne>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 5276. Last,DM; Ogilvie,RM (??): Claudius and Livy. Latomus, 476-487. (SO37C 035) [BIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 5044. Last,Hugh (1923): On the Sallustian Suasoriae. CQ 17,2, 87-100. (SO36B 017) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 5050. Last,Hugh (1923): On the Sallustian Suasoriae II. CQ 17,3-4, 151-162. (SO36B 17B) <<continuation of SO36B 17>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 5051. Last,Hugh (1924): A Note on the First Sallustian Suasoria. CQ 18, 83-84. (SO35B 018) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 583. Last,Hugh (1940): The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume XII. The Imperial Crisis and recovery. A.D. 193-324. Edited by S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock, M.P. Charlesworth and N.M.Baynes. Cambridge, at the University Press; New York, Macmillan Company, 1939. AJPh 61,1, 81-90. (SO2 015) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5081. Last,Hugh (1948): Sallust and Caesar in the ÆBellum CatilinaeØ. In: MÇlanges de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Ancienne Offerts Ö J. Marouzeau. (: ) Les belles Lettres, Paris, 355-369. (SO36C 029) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3455. Latte,Kurt (1957): Jean Beaujeu : La Religion Romaine Ö l'apogÇe de l'Empire. 1 : La Politique Religieuse des Antonins (96-192). Paris : Les Belles Lettres 1955 (Coll. des êtudes Anciennes). Gnomon 29, 258-261. (SO22 094) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5023. Latte,Kurt (1960): Der Historiker L. Calpurnius Frugi. Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse fÅr Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst 1960,7, 16pp. (SO36A 022) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 914. Lebek,WD (1987): Die Drei Ehrenbîgen fÅr Germanicus: Tab. Siar. frg. I 934; CIL VI 31199a 2-17. ZPE 67, 129-148. (SO5 159) [OFFPRINT] 894. Lebek,WD (1988): CONSENSUS VNIVERSORVM CIVIVM: Tab. Siar. frg. II col. b 21-27. ZPE 72, 235-240. (SO5 138) [OFFPRINT] 895. Lebek,WD (1988): Die Circensischen Ehrungun fÅr Germanicus. ZPE 73, 249-284. (SO5 139) [OFFPRINT] 5458. Lebek,W-D (1970): Cic. De Orat. 3, 153: Caelius oder Laelius. Museum Helveticum 27,1, 41-44. (SO39 039) [CICERO; MSS; OFFPRINT] 2140. Lebek,Wolfgang Dieter (1987): Kleinere ErgÑnzungsprobleme in der Tabula Siarensis. ZPE 70, 57-62. (SO13 041) [OFFPRINT] 5106. Lebek,Wolfgang-Dieter (1970): Eine Pollionische Bemerking Suet. Gramm. 10,1 Syme Collection DB page 177 (ROB.) und der Name des Ateius Philologus. Hermes 98,1, 127-128. (SO36D 020) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST; SUETONIUS] 4105. Lefkowitz,MR (1975): The Influential Fictions in the Scholia to PIndar's Pythian 8. Classical Philology 70,3, 173-185. (SO26 144) [OFFPRINT] 3778. Leddy,JF (1957): Toynbee and the History of Rome. Phoenix 11,4, 139-152. (SO24 093) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TOYNBEE,ARNOLD] 4103. Lefkowitz,MR (1976): Fictions in Literary Biography: The New Poem and the Archilochus Legend. Arethusa 9,2, 181-189. (SO26 142) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5363. Lee,GM (1966): 1. Tacitus Agricola 43 2. After Preseren. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 15,2, . (SO38B 014) [MSS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4090. Lefkowitz,MR (1979): The Euripides Vita. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 20,2, 187-210. (SO26 129) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2511. Leeman,AD (1953): Nepos, Vita Attici Ch. XVI, et "Les Secrets de la Correspondance de CicÇron". Mnemosyne 6 (4th series), 58-61. (SO15 187) [OFFPRINT] 4024. Lefkowitz,Mary (1978): The Poet as Hero: Fifth-Century Autobiography and Subsequent Biographical Fiction. CQ 28,2, 459-469. (SO26 067) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5068. Leeman,AD (1954): Sallusts Prologe und seine Auffassung von der Historiographie. Mnemosyne 7,2 (4th ser.), 323-339. (SO36C 016) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 4035. Lefkowitz,Mary (1983): Patterns of Fiction in Ancient Biography. The American Scholar (Spring 1983), 205-218. (SO26 078) [BIOGRAPHY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5069. Leeman,AD (1955): Sallusts Prologe und seine Auffassung von der Historiographie II. Mnemosyne 8,1 (4th ser.), 38-48. (SO36C 017) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 286. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1976): The Motivations for St. Perpetua's Martyrdom. Journal of American Academy of Religion 44, 3, 417-421. (SO4 065) [OFFPRINT] 5134. Leeman,AD (1957): Aufbau und Absicht von Sallusts Bellum Jugurthinum. Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde 20,8, 33pp. (SO36E 013) [JUGURTHINE WAR; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 1070. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1980): The Quarrel Between Callimachus and Apollonius. ZPE 40, 1-19. (SO3 110) [OFFPRINT] 4737. Lefävre,Eckard (1982): Maccus Vortit Barbare. Vom Tragischen Amphitryon zum Tragikomischen Amphitruo. AAWM 1982,5, 46. (SO33 112) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 4099. Lefkowitz,MR (1975): Pindar's Lives. In: Classica et Iberica. A Festschrift in Honour of The Reverend Joseph M.-F. Marique, S.J. (Ed: Brannan,PT) Institute for Early Christian Iberian Studies, Worcester, Mass., 71-93. (SO26 138) [BIOGRAPHY; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 2917. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1980): The Mythical and the Memorable. Review of Michael Grant: Greek and Latin Authors 800 B.C.-A.D. 1000. New York: H.W. Wilson. Times Literary Supplement (8 August), 893. (SO18 106) [BOOK REVIEW] 2934. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1981): Princess Ida, the Amazons and a Women's College Curriculum. Times Literary Supplement (27 November), 1399. (SO18 292) <<text of an innaugural lecture givrn as Andrew A. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Wellesley College, Massachusetts>> [BOOK REVIEW; MYTH, GREEK] 1005. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1983): Influential Woman. In: Images of Woman in Antiquity. Syme Collection DB page 178 (Eds: Cameron,A; Kuhrt,A) Croom Helm, London, 49-64. (SO3 045) [OFFPRINT; SOCIAL HISTORY; WOMEN] 1125. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1989): Only the Best Girls Get to. Times Literary Supplement May 5-11 1989, 484. (SO3 172) [OFFPRINT] 1051. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1983): Wives and Husbands. Greece & Rome 30,1, 31-47. (SO3 090) [OFFPRINT] 1126. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1989): `Impiety' and `Atheism' in Euripides' Dramas. CQ 39,1, 7082. (SO3 173) [OFFPRINT] 2047. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1985): Pindar's Pythian V. Entretiens Hardt 31, 33-69. (SO12 089) [OFFPRINT] 2828. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1985): Women in Greek Myth. The American Scholar (spring 1985), 207-219. (SO18 017) [OFFPRINT] 2924. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1985): Bruno Gentili e Giovanni Cerri: Storia e Biografia nel Pensiero Antico. Roma/ Bari: Laterza 1983. (Biblioteca di Cultura Moderna. 878). Gnomon, 178-180. (SO18 112) [BOOK REVIEW] 2933. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1985): Who Wears the Head-dress. Review of: Satah B. Pomeroy, Women in Hellenistic Egypt: From Alexander to Cleopatra. New York: Schocken. Times Literary Supplement (15 March), 292. (SO18 121) [EGYPT] 2061. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1987): Was Euripides an Atheist? Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 5, fasc. 2, 149-165. (SO12 102) [OFFPRINT] 2062. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1987): What the Amazons Taught Her [ Review of Marion Zimmer Bradley: The Firebrand. New York: Simon & Schuster. NYRB Nov. 29th, 1987, 27. (SO12 103) [BOOK REVIEW] 1124. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1988): Chastening Experiences (review of Aline Rousselle. Porneia: On Desire and the Body in Antiquity. Oxford: Basil Blackwell). Times Literary Supplement August 19-25, 912. (SO3 171) [OFFPRINT] 1127. Lefkowitz,Mary R (1988): Feminist Myths and Greek Mythology. Times Literary Supplement July 22-28, 804. (SO3 174) [OFFPRINT] 4263. Leglay,M (1954): Bibliographie. Libyca 1, 297-307. (SO28 017) <<journal year is 1953>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4268. Leglay,M (1954): Les Stäles Ö Saturne de Djemila-Cuicul. Libyca 1, 36-76. (SO28 022) <<journal year is 1953>> [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4261. Leglay,M (1955): L'ArchÇologie AlgÇriene en 1953. Libyca 2, 273-289. (SO28 015) <<journal year is 1954>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4264. Leglay,M (1955): Bibliographie. Libyca 2, 481-494. (SO28 018) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4262. Leglay,M (1956): L'ArchÇologie AlgÇrienne en 1954. Libyca 3, 183-206. (SO28 016) <<journal year is 1955>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4267. Leglay,M (1956): Djemila. Nouvelle Inscription sur les Cosinii. Revue Africaine 3, 169-171. (SO28 021) <<journal year is 1955>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4281. Leglay,M (1956): Inscriptions de Lambäse sur les Deux Premiers LÇgats de la Province de Numidie. CRAI, 293-308. (SO28 035) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1427. Leglay,M (1962 [1959]): Rome. Une Nouvelle Inscription Relative Ö l'Insurrection MaurÇtanienne de 145-147. Libyca 7, 217220. (SO7 119) [OFFPRINT] 4271. Leglay,M (1966): Une DÇdicace Ö Venus Offerte Ö ÆCaesareaØ par le Futur Empereur Galba., 629-640. Syme Collection DB page 179 (SO28 025) <<source unknown- same as SO28 036>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4307. Leglay,M (1968): Inscriptions InÇdites de Lambäse se Rapportant au Culte de Mercure. BCTH 3 (n.s.), 273-281. (SO28 061) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4476. Leglay,M (1972): Alba. Chef-Lieu de la Cite des Helviens. Nouvelles Recherches, Nouvelles Questions. In: Vivarais et Languedoc. FÇderation Historique du Languedoc MÇditerranÇen et du Roussillon. 44e Congräs (Privas, 22-23 Mai 1971). (: ) UniversitÇ Paul ValÇry, Montpellier, 55-60. (SO31 062) [OFFPRINT] 4269. Leglay,M (1974): Hadrien et Viator sur les Champs de Manoeuvre de Numidie. In: MÇlanges d'Histoire Ancienne Offerts Ö William Seston. (: ) (Publications de la Sorbonne. êtudes 9.) E. de Boccard, Paris, 277-283. (SO28 023) [AFRICA; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 4270. Leglay,M (1974): Recherches et DÇcouvertes êpigraphiques dans l'Afrique Romaine Depuis 1962. Chiron 4, 629-646. (SO28 024) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4443. Le Glay,M (1980): DÇcouverte d'un Sanctuaire Municipal du Culte ImpÇrial Ö Lyon. CRAI (April-June), 394-414. (SO31 004) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4441. Le Glay,M; Audin,A (1976): Notes d'êpigraphie et D'ArchÇologie Lyonaises. (Travaux Edites Sous les Auspices de la Ville de Lyon, 5.) C.N.R.S.; De Boccard, Lyons. (SO31 002) [EPIGRAPHY; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4289. Leglay,M; Lemosse,M (1955): Note sur Deux Inscriptions IntÇressant le Droit Successoral Romain. Libyca 2, 461-464. (SO28 043) <<journal year is 1954>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 1414. Leglay,Marcel (1962): Les Gaulois en Afrique. Latomus, Bruxelles. 44 + 1 map pages. (SO7 106) <<series: Collection Latomus 56>> [MONOGRAPH] 4479. Leglay,Marcel (1965): Les Fouilles d'Alba Augusta Helviorum (Ardäche). Recherches PrÇliminares 1964. CRAI (JulyDec.), 401-415. (SO31 038) [EXCAVATIONS; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 1417. Leglay,Marcel (1968): Les Flaviens et l'Afrique. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 80, 201-246. (SO7 109) [OFFPRINT] 2255. Le Glay,Marcel (1968): A la recherche d'Icosium. AntAfr 2, 7-54. (SO14 063) [OFFPRINT] 3157. Leglay,Marcel ([c1968]): Saturne Ö la Barbe Fleurie. Africa, 315-317. (SO20 110) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 2260. Le Glay,Marcel (1971): La Vie Religieuse Ö Lambäse d'Apräs de Nouveaux Documents. AntAfr 5, 125-153. (SO14 068) [OFFPRINT] 3232. Le Glay,Marcel (1978): L'Evolution des Mentalites Collectives sous le Second Triumvirat (1). In: Le Dernier Siäcle de la Republique Romaine et l'êpoque Augusteenne. (: ) AECR (Associationpour l'êtude de la Civilisation Romaine), Strasbourg, 63-73. (SO21 059) <<series: Contributions et Travaux de l'Institut d'Histoire Romaine I>> 1009. Leglay,Marcel (1980): Hans-Georg Pflaum. Epigraphica 42, 212-229. (SO3 049) <<includes bibliography of H.-G. Pflaum>> [BIBLIOGRAPHY; HANS-GEORG PFLAUM, 1902-1979; OBITUARY] 2994. Lehmann,Gustav Adolf (1974): Polybios und die éltere und Zeitgenîssiche Griechische Geschichtschreibung: Einige Bemerkungen. In: Polybe: Neuf ExposÇs Suivis de Discussion. (Eds: Walbank,FW; Gabba,Emilio) Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres: Genäve, 147-205. (SO19 011) <<series: Entretiens sur l'AntiquitÇ Classique 20>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 310. Lenaz,Luciano (1978): Annotazioni sul "Carmen Contra Paganos". Studia Pataviana 25, 3, 541-572. (SO4 089) [OFFPRINT] 4608. Lepper,FA (1955): U. Kahrstedt: Artabanos III und seine Erben. (Dissertationes Bernenses, ser. I, fasc. 2.). Bern: Francke, Syme Collection DB page 180 1950. The Classical Review 5,2 (n.s.), 191193. (SO32 089) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PARTHIA] 5201. Lepper,FA (1970): A.N. SherwinWhite: The Letters of Pliny. A Historical and Social Commentary. London: Oxford UP 1966. Gnomon 42, 560-572. (SO37A 022) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PLINY] 1297. Lepper,FA (1978): G. Tedeschi Grisanti, I `Trofei di Mario': Il Ninfeo dell'Acqua Giulia sull'Esquilino (Monumenti Romani VII). Rome: Istituto di Studi Romani, 1977. JRS 68, 211-213. (SO6 144) [BOOK REVIEW] 4340. Le Roux,P (1977): L'ArmÇe de la PÇninsule IbÇrique et la Vie êconomique sous le Haut-Empire Romain. In: ArmÇes et FiscalitÇ dans le Monde Antique. (: ) (Colloques Nationaux de la Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, no. 936.) êditions de CNRS, Paris, 341-772. (SO29 027) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; SPAIN] 4339. Le Roux,P (1980): Les Auxilia Romains RecrutÇs chez les Bracari et l'Organisation Politique du Nord-Ouest Hispanique. In: Actas do Semin†rio de Arqueologia do Noroeste Peninsular. Vol. 3. (: ) Sociedade Martins Sarmento, Guãmares, [43-65]. (SO29 026) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; SPAIN] 3065. Le Roux,Patrick; Tranoy,Alain (1973): Rome et les Indigenes dans le Nord-Ouest de la Peninsule Iberique. Problämes d'êpigraphie et d'Histoire. MÇlanges de la Casa de Velazquez 9, 177-231. (SO20 021) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; SPAIN] 4251. Leschi,L (1953): Travaux et Publications êpigraphiques en AlgÇrie. In: Actes du Deuxiäme Congräs International d'êpigraphie Grecque et Latine. Paris 1952. (: ), Paris, 112-131. (SO28 005) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4290. Leschi,L (1954): Un Autel Votif de Bourbaki. Libyca 1, 87-94. (SO28 044) <<journal year is 1953>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4291. Leschi,L (1954): Autour de l'AmphithÇÉtre de Lambäse. Libyca 2, 171186. (SO28 045) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4292. Leschi,L (1954): Inscriptions Latines de Lambäse et de Zana (Diana Veteranorum). Libyca 1, 189-205. (SO28 046) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 1416. Leschi,Louis (1949): DÇcouvertes êpigraphiques dans le Camp de Gemellae (ElKasbat, AlgÇrie). CRAI, 220-226. (SO7 108) [OFFPRINT] 3452. Levi,MA (1937): Dopo Azio Appunti sulle Fonti Augustee Dione Cassio. Athenaeum 15, fasc. 1-2 (n.s. vol. 25 of continuous series), 1-23. (SO22 091) [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 771. Levi,MA (1938): La Legge dell'Iscriz. C.I.L. VI, 930 (Lex de Potestate Vespasiani). Athenaeum 16, 1 (n.s.), 1-11. (SO2 005) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 5176. Levi,MA (1938): Auspicio Imperio Ductu Felicitate. Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti 71,1 (3rd. ser., vol. 2), 1-18. (SO36F 039) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 2508. Levi,MA (1952): Ottaviano e la Memoria di Giulio Cesare. ACME 5,3, 485491. (SO15 184) [OFFPRINT] 2406. Levi,Mario Attilio (1937): Roma nella Storia del Mondo Antico. Rivista Storica Italiana 2,fasc.1 (5th series), 1-17. (SO15 094) [OFFPRINT] 5139. Levi,Mario Attilio (1937): Dopo Azio. Appunti sulle Fonti Augustee. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 65 (n.s. vol. 15), 1-24. (SO36F 002) [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5148. Levi,Mario Attilio (1938): Le Provincie Romane sotto Augusto. Rivista Storica Italiana 3, (5th ser.), 1-16. (SO36F 011) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] Syme Collection DB page 181 5152. Levi,Mario Attilio (1938): La Grande Iscrizione di Ottaviano Trovata a Roso. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 66, (16, n.s.), 113-128. (SO36F 015) [AUGUSTUS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4424. Levick,B (1965): Two Inscriptions from Pisidian Antioch. AS 15, 53-62. (SO30 046) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5158. Levi,Mario Attilio (1938): Culto Imperiale e Genesi della Monarchia Augustea. Rivista Storica Italiana 3,1 (5th ser.), 1-14. (SO36F 021) [AUGUSTUS; IMPERIAL CULT; OFFPRINT] 3428. Levick,BM (1967): Imperial Control of the Elections under the Early Principate : Commendatio, Suffragatio and "Nominatio". Historia 16,2, 207-230. (SO22 069) [OFFPRINT] 4644. Levi,Mario Attilio (1949): Studi Augustei. Rivista Storica Italiana 61,1, 101110. (SO33 024) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 2619. Levick,BM (1972): Tiberius' Retirement to Rhodes in 6 B.C. Latomus 31, 279-813. (SO17 039) [OFFPRINT] 4677. Levi,Mario Attilio (1949): Tito Livio e gli Ideali Augustei. PP 10, 15-28. (SO33 054) [AUGUSTUS; LIVY; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 1129. Levick,Barbera (1989): Claudius Speaks: Two Imperial Contretemps. Historia 28,1, 112-116. (SO3 175) [OFFPRINT] 2412. Levi,Mario Attilio (1951): Note de Esperienza Storiografica. ACME 4,2, 263-302. (SO15 100) [OFFPRINT] 1271. LÇvy-Bruhl,Henri (1962): Juge et Prudent. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 1962,1, 5-28. (SO6 118) [OFFPRINT] 3440. Levi,Mario Attilio (1954): ÆIncivilis PotestasØ. In: Studi inn Onore di Pietro de Francisci. Vol. 1. (: ) Antonino GiuffrÇ, Milano, 403-406. (SO22 079) [OFFPRINT] 2588. Lewicki,Tadeusz; Kotula,Tadeusz (1986): Un TÇmoinage d'Al-Bakri et le Probläme de la Ratio Privata SÇvÇrienne en Tripolitaine. AntAfr 22, 255-271. (SO17 008) [OFFPRINT] 2779. Levi,Mario Attilio (1957): La Politica di Giulio Cesare. Atene e Roma 2,1 (new series), [1-8]. (SO16 076) [OFFPRINT] 3401. Lewis,RG (1968): Appian B.C. I, 49, 214 [dekate£ontes] : Rome's New Tribes 9087. Athenaeum 46, fasc. 3-4, 273-291. (SO22 042) [OFFPRINT] 935. Levi,Mario Attilio (1968): Ricerche sulla Genesi della Centuriatio e dell'Ager Vectigalis. PP fasc. 123, 409-415. (SO5 180) [OFFPRINT] 4022. Lewis,RG (1974): Catulus and the Cimbri, 102 B.C. Hermes 102,1, 90-109. (SO26 065) [OFFPRINT] 934. Levi,Mario Attilio (1969): Per un Nuovo Esame del Problema Storico della Tabula Alimentaria di Veleia. In: Atti del III Convegno di Studi Veleiati. (: ) Istituto Editoriale Cisalpino, Milano, 189-198. (SO5 179) [OFFPRINT] 5145. Levi,Mario Attilio (??): La Composizione delle ÆRes Gestae Divi AugustiØ. Rivista di Filologia Classica 25 (n.s.), 189-210. (SO36F 008) 2234. Lewis,RG (1978): A Samnite Craftsman. Historia 27,1, 235-239. (SO14 043) [OFFPRINT] 2235. Lewis,RG (1978): Oscan Ethnics. Historia 27,1, 239-241. (SO14 043) [OFFPRINT] 4096. Lewis,RG (1978): I. Gallo: Frammenti Biografici da Papiri I: La Biografia Politica. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1975. The Classical Review 28,1 (vol. 92 of contin. ser.)(April 1978), 71-72. Syme Collection DB page 182 (SO26 135) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3962. Libourel,Jan M (1973): A Battle of Uncertain Outcome in the Second Samnite War. AJPh 94,1, 71-78. (SO26 005) [OFFPRINT; SAMNIUM] 3109. Lieb,Hans (1955): Rîmische Inschriften in der Reisebeschreibung des JÅngeren Thomas Platter. öberlieferungsgeschichtliche NachtrÑge zu CIL 12 und 13 und IG 14. BZG 54, 51-62. (SO20 062) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4468. Lieb,Hans (c1957): Appendix Epigraphica (CIL 13,11513.11530. 16,81 und die Neuen Grabungen). 1956/57, 70-74. (SO31 028) [EPIGRAPHY; GERMANY; OFFPRINT] 3081. Lieb,Hans (1967): Zum Clemensfeldzug. In: Studien zu den MilitÑrgrenzen Roms. VortrÑge des 6. Internationalen Limeskongresses in SÅddeutschsland. (: ) Bîhlau Verlag, Kîln: Graz, 94-97. (SO20 036) [OFFPRINT] 4496. Lieb,Hans (1968): Truppen in Augst. In: Provincialia. Festschrift fÅr Rudolf LaurBelart. (Eds: Stiftung Pro Augusta Raurica; Schmid,E et al) Schwabe & Co. Verlag, Basel; Stuttgart, 129-132. (SO31 053) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3087. Lieb,Hans (1969): Der Bodenseeraum in FrÅhrîmischer Zeit. Schriften des Vereins fÅr Geschichte des Bodensees und Seiner Umgebung 87, 143-149. (SO20 041) [OFFPRINT] 2247. Lieb,Hans (1974): Zur Zweiten Colonia Raurica. Chiron 4, 415-423. (SO14 055) [OFFPRINT] 1419. Lieb,Hans; Reidinger,Walter (1956): Der Praeses aus Sbeitla. In: Die Statthalter des Ungeteilten Pannonien und Oberpannonien von Augustus bis Diokletian/ by Walter Reidinger. (Ed: Reidinger,Walter) Rudolf Habelt Verlag, Bonn, 239 ff. (SO7 111) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5350. Liebeschuetz,W (1966): The Theme of Liberty in the Agricola of Tacitus. CQ 16,1, 126-139. (SO38B 001) [AGRICOLA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1283. Liebs,Detlef (1976): Rîmische Provinzialjurisprudenz. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 288-362. (SO6 130) [OFFPRINT] 1641. Liebs,Detlef (1978): Tîchter Klassischer Juristen. Eine Sozialgeschichtliche Studie. In: Festschrift fÅr Ernst von Caemmerer. (Ed: Ficker,Hans Claudius) Mohr,, 21-44. (SO10 038) [FESTSCHRIFT] 912. Liebs,Detlef (1983): Juristen als SekretÑre des Rîmischen Kaisers. ZRG Rom. Abt. 100, 485-509. (S05 157) [OFFPRINT] 359. Lieu,Samuel; Lieu,Judith (1981): `Felix Conversus ex Manichaeis': A Case of Mistaken Identity. Journal of Theological Studies 32,1 (n.s.), 173-176. (SO4 142) [MANICHAEIASM; OFFPRINT; RELIGION] 2533. Lieu,Samuel NC (1977): A Lapsed Chinese Manichaean's Correspondence with a Confucian Official in the Late Sung Dynasty (1265): A Study of the Ch'ung-Shou-Kung Chi by Huang Chen. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 59,2, 397435. (SO16 017) [OFFPRINT] 1016. Lieu,Samuel NC (1980): Nestorians and Manichaeans on the South China Coast. Vigiliae Christianae 34, 71-88. (SO3 055) [OFFPRINT] 358. Lieu,Samuel NC (1981): Precept and Practice in Manichaean Monasticism. Journal of Theological Studies 32,1 (n.s.), 153-173. (SO4 141) [MANICHAEISM; MONASTICISM; OFFPRINT] 338. Lieu,Samuel NC (1983): An Early Byzantine Formula for the Renunciation of Manichaeism. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 26, 152-218. (SO4 119) [OFFPRINT] 2856. Lieu,Samuel NC (1986): Some Themes in Later Roman Anti-Manichaean Polemics: I. Bulletin of the John Rylands Syme Collection DB page 183 University Library of Manchester 68,2, 434472. (SO18 045) [OFFPRINT] 1972. Lifshitz,B (1962): Die Entdeckung einer Alten Synagoge bei Tiberias. Zeitschrift des Deutschen PalÑstina-Vereins 78, 180184. (SO12 014) [OFFPRINT] 1911. Lind,LR (1955): Nine Inscriptions and a Roman Brick Stamp in Kansas. AJA 59, 159162. (SO11 193) [OFFPRINT] 3223. Linderski,J (1972 [1975]): Erdmann, Elizabeth H. Die Rolle des Heeres in der Zeit von Marius bis Caesar : MilitÑrische und Politische Probleme einer Berufsarmee. Neustadt/ Aisch : Druck und Verlag Ph. C. W. Schmidt, 1972. American Classical Review 2,5, 216-217. (SO21 050) <<pg. nos. refer to colums>> [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3224. Linderski,J (1973 [1976]): Staveley, E.S. Greek and Roman Voting and Elections ("Aspects of Greek and Roman Life.") Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. American Classical Review 3,2, 98-99. (SO21 051) <<pg. nos. refer to columns>> [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5428. Linderski,J (1975): Two Quaestorships. Classical Philology 70,1, 3538. (SO39 009) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 3726. Linderski,J (1977): Two Studies in Roman Nomenclature. By D.R. Shackleton Bailey. The American Philological Association (American Classical Studies, 3). 1976. Phoenix 31, 372-375. (SO24 041) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1180. Linderski,J (1978): Kenneth Wellesley. The Long Year A.D. 69. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1976 [1977]. The Classical World April-May 1978, 483. (SO6 026) [OFFPRINT] 2012. Linderski,J (1983): A Witticism of Appuleius Saturninus. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 111, fasc.4, 452-459. (SO12 054) [OFFPRINT] 2011. Linderski,J (1984): Rome, Aphrodisias and the Res Gestae: The Genera Militiae and the Status of Octavian. JRS 74, 74-80. (SO12 053) [OFFPRINT] 2849. Linderski,J (1984): Le DÇlit Religieux dans la CitÇ Antique (Table Ronde, Rome, 6-7 avril 1978). Collection de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome, 48. Textes de: M.Torelli et al. Rome: êcole Franáaise de Rome, Palais Farnäse, 1981. Classical Philology 79,2, 174-177. (SO18 038) [BOOK REVIEW] 2013. Linderski,J (1985): The Dramatic Date of Varro, De Re Rustica, Book III and the Elections in 54. Historia 34,2, 248-254. (SO12 055) [OFFPRINT] 2848. Linderski,J (1985): La Gladiature en Occident des Origines Ö la Mort de Domitien. By Georges Ville. Bibliothäque des êcoles Franáaises d'Athänes et de Rome, fasc. 245. Rome: êcole Franáaise de Rome, Palais Farnäse, 1981. Classical Philology 80,2, 189192. (SO18 037) [BOOK REVIEW] 1147. Linderski,J (1987): Du ChÉtiment dans la CitÇ: Supplices Corporels et Peine de Morte dans le Monde Antique. Table Ronde Organisäe par l'êcole Franáaise de Rome avec le Concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Rome 9-11 novembre 1982) Collection de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome, 79. Rome: êcole Franáaise de Rome, Palais Farnäse, 1984. Classical Philology 82,4, 377-380. (SO3 193) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SOCIAL HISTORY] 1148. Linderski,J (1987): Fumum Vendere and Fumo Necare. Glotta 65,1-2, 137-146. (SO3 194) [OFFPRINT] 1149. Linderski,J (1988): Julia in Regium. ZPE 72, 181-200. (SO3 195) [OFFPRINT] 5440. Linderski,J; Kaminska-Linderski,A (1974): The Quaestorship of Marcus Antonius. Phoenix 28, 213-223. (SO39 021) [MARK ANTONY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3976. Linderski,Jerzy (1962): Suetons Bericht Åber die Vereinsgesetzgebung unter Caesar und Augustus. ZRG Rom. Abt. 92, 322-328. Syme Collection DB page 184 (SO26 020) [OFFPRINT] 5079. Linderski,Jerzy (1963): Cicero and Sallust on Vargunteius. Historia 12, 511-512. (SO36C 027) [CATILINE; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3633. Linderski,Jerzy (1964): Alfred the Great and the Tradition of Ancient Geography. Speculum. A Journal of Mediaeval Studies 39,3, 434-439. (SO23 052) [OFFPRINT] 2573. Linderski,Jerzy (1965): Constitutional Aspects of the Consular Elections in 59 B.C. Historia 14,4, 423-442. (SO16 056) [OFFPRINT] 5443. Linderski,Jerzy (1974): The Mother of Livia Augusta and the Aufidii Lurcones of the Republic. Historia 23,4, 463-480. (SO39 024) [LIVIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1010. Linderski,Jerzy (1981): Exta and Aves: An Emendation in Rufinus, Origenis in Numeros Homilia 17.2. HSCP 85, 213-215. (SO3 050) [OFFPRINT] 5609. Lintott,A (1986): Acta Antiquissima. A Week in the History of the Roman Republic. PBSR 54, 213-228. (SO1B 198) [ARCHIVES; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 387. Lippold,A (1979): Archi G.G. Teodosio II e la sua Codificazione (Napoli,Ed. Scientifiche Ital., 1976). Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 27 (1976), 194-199. (SO4 174) [BOOK REVIEW; ROMAN LAW; THEODOSIAN CODE] 369. Lippold,A (1981): GiuffrÇ V., "Iura" e "Arma". Ricerche Intorno al VII Libro del Codice Teodosiano (Napoli, Jovene, 1978). Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 29, 242-246. (SO4 153) [BOOK REVIEW] 2981. Lippold,A (1984): Korruption in Altertum (Konstanzer Symposium Oktober 1979). Hg. v. Wolfgang Schuller. Oldenbourg, MÅnchen 1982. ZRG Rom. Abt. 101, 351-356. (SO18 167) <<vol. 114 of Zeitschrift fÅr Rechtsgeschichte which is incorporated with the present journal>> [BOOK REVIEW; CORRUPTION] 4112. Lippold,A (1984): Der Germanenfeldzug des Kaisers C. Iulius Verus Maximinus im Jahre 235/36. Die Historia Augusta und RÑtien. Bayerische Vorgeschichts-BlÑtter 49, 197-213. (SO26 151) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT; RHAETIA] 2772. Lippold,Adolf (1965): Michel Rambaud: CÇsar. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 1963 (Que sais-je? 1049). Gnomon, 100-101. (SO16 069) [BOOK REVIEW] 4805. Lippold,Adolf (1965): Ursinus und Damasus. Historia 14,1, 105-128. (SO34 063) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PAPACY] 385. Lippold,Adolf (1967): Andrea Giardina: Aspetti della Burocrazia nel Basso Impero. Roma: Ateneo e Bizzarri 1977. Gnomon 53, 212-213. (SO4 172) [BOOK REVIEW] 2691. Lippold,Adolf (1968): Herrscherideal und Traditionsverbundenheit. Historia 17,2, 228-250. (SO17 110) [OFFPRINT] 340. Lippold,Adolf (1981): Bischof Ossius von Cordova und Konstantin der Gro·e. Zeitschrift fÅr Kirchengeschichte 1, 1-15. (SO4 121) [OFFPRINT] 840. Lippold,Adolf (1981): Constantius Caesar, Sieger Åber die Germanen Nachfahre des Claudius Gothicus? Chiron 11, 347-369. (SO5 082) [OFFPRINT] 1327. Llorente,Antonio Tovar; Entralgo,Pedro La°n (Eds.) (1968): Lat°n de Hispania: Aspetos LÇxicos de la Romanizaci¢n. Real Academia Espa§ola, Madrid. 80 pages. (SO7 019) [MONOGRAPH] 3774. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh ([c1972]): Sir Maurice Bowra 1898-1971. PBA 58, 18 pp. (SO24 089) <<reprinted from the PBA>> [BOWRA, SIR MAURICE, 1898-1971; OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 2965. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh (1983): Preface [and Epilogue] to the Second Edition, 1983. In: Syme Collection DB page 185 The Justice of Zeus. (: ) University of California Press, Berkeley, vii-viii; 165-250. (SO18 152) <<series: Sather Classical Lectures v. 41>> [DIKE- JUSTICE; OFFPRINT; ZEUS] 2054. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh (1984): A Hellenistic Miscellany. Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 2 (third series, vol 77 of continuous series), 52-72. (SO12 095) [OFFPRINT] 2932. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh (1984): Representing Gods and Heroes. Review of Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae. Vol. 1, Aara-Aphlad; Vol. 2, Aphrodisias-Athena. ZÅrich: Artemistls. Times Literary Supplement (28 December), 1498. (SO18 120) [ICONOGRAPHY; MYTH] 2050. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh (1985): Pindar and the Afterlife. Entretiens Hardt 31, 245-283. (SO12 091) [OFFPRINT] 2063. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh (c1985): The Cambridge History of Classical Literature, vol. 1: Greek Literature. Edited by P.E.Easterling and B.M.W. Knox. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 1985., 255-265. (SO12 104) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2931. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh (1985): The Best of Dilettantes. A Review of : A History of Greek Literature. Peter Levi (Viking). Spectator (2 March 1985), 25. (SO18 119) [BOOK REVIEW] 2032. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh (1987): Ehre und Schande in der Griechischen Kultur. A&A 33, 1-28. (SO12 075) [OFFPRINT] 2204. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh (1988): The History of Herodotus. Translated by David Greene. University of Chicago Press. The American Scholar (Winter 1988), 130-134. (SO14 016) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3770. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh (19??): Gilbert Murray. The American Scholar, . (SO24 085) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4040. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh (n.d.): Glaucus and Ione [The Last Days of Pompeii, by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Sudgewich and Jackson, 1979]. Times Literary Supplement, . (SO26 083) <<probable source>> [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; CUTTINGS] 1071. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh; Trevelyan,H (1981): Foreward: Goethe and the Greeks, by Humphry Trevelyan. In: Goethe and the Greeks. 2nd. ed. (: ) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, vii-xxxviii. (SO3 111) [GOETHE, JW VON 1749-1832; HELLENISM; OFFPRINT] 3769. Lloyd-Jones,Hugh; Wind,Edgar (1983): A Biographical Memoir. In: The Eloquence of Symbols : Studies in Humanistic Art/ by Edgar Wind. (: ) Clarendon Press, Oxford, xiii-xxxvi. (SO24 086) [OBITUARY; OFFPRINT; WIND, EDGAR] 5043. Lîfstedt,Einer (1949): Reminiscence and Imitation. Some Problems in Latin Literature. (Lecture delivered to the joint meeting of Greek and Roman Societies at Oxford, in August, 1948). Eranos 47, 148-164. (SO36B 016) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5317. Lîfstedt,Einer (??): Zum Stil des Tacitus. In: [Dragma]. Martino P. Nilsson. A.D. IV Id. Iul. Anno MCMXXXIX Dedicatum. (: ) C. Gleerup, Lund, 297-308. (SO38A 005) [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5364. Lîschhorn,Bernhard (1966): Tacitus Germ. 11,6: 'Frameas Concutiunt'. Museum Helveticum 23,2, 118-120. (SO38B 015) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2293. Longo,Patrizia Sabbatini Tumolesi (1973): Gladiatoria II. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 27, fasc. 7-12, 485-496. (SO14 100) [OFFPRINT] 4872. Lopuszanski,Georges (1951): La Date de la Capture de Valerien et la Chronologie des Empereurs Gaulois. Cahiers de l'Institut d'êtudes Polonaises en Belgique 9, 79pp. (SO35 060) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3820. Lorincz,B (1974): C. Iulius Commodus Orfitanus. Annales. Universitatis Scientarum Budapestinensis. Sectio Classica, 59-73. (SO25 039; double acute accent over `o' in author's name) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 186 3943. Lorincz,B (1975): Zur Erbauung des Legionslagers von Brigetio. AAntHung 27, 343-352. (SO25 158) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 3948. Lorincz,B (1976): Die Duces der Provinz Valeria unter Valentinian I (364-375). Alba Regia 15, 99-105. (SO25 163) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; ROMAN ARMY] 3952. Lorincz,B (1976): Zur Datierung der Stempelziegel von Vindobona. Alba Regia 15, 261-262. (SO25 167) [OFFPRINT] 3953. Lorincz,B (1976): Bemerkingen zu Zwei Inschriften aus Aquincum. Alba Regia 15, 263-264. (SO25 168) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3944. Lorincz,B (1977): Zur ErgÑnzung und Datierung Dazischer MilitÑrdiplome. AAntHung 29, 281-285. (SO25 159) [DACIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4580. Lorincz,Barnab†s (1977): Zur Konsulliste des Jahres 154. AArchSlov 28, 369-372. (SO32 073) <<article in German with Serbo-Croat summary>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2702. Loriot,X (1971): A Propos d'une Intaille ReprÇsentant les Empereurs Pupien at Balbin. Bulletin de la SociÇtÇ Franáaise de Numismatique 26,5(May 1971), 56-58. (SO17 121) [OFFPRINT] 2703. Loriot,X (1971): Itinera Gordiani Augusti, I: Un Voyage de Gordien III Ö Antioche en 239 apräs J.-C.? Bulletin de la SociÇtÇ Franáaise de Numismatique 26,2(February 1971), 18-21. (SO17 122) [OFFPRINT] 374. Loriot,X (1981): Les Aurel de DioclÇtien et Maximien Ö la Marque IAN. Bulletin de la SociÇtÇ Franáaise de Numismatique 36,7, 88-92. (SO4 159) [OFFPRINT] 2695. Loriot,Xavier (1975): Les Premiäres AnnÇes de la Grande Crise du IIIe Siäcle: De l'Avänement de Maximin le Trace (235) Ö la Mort de Gordion III (244). In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt II. Principat. Vol. 2. (Eds: Temporini,Hildegard; Hasse,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 657-787. [OFFPRINT] 4675. Luce,TJ (1965): The Dating of Livy's First Decade. TPAPA 96, 209-240. (SO33 052) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 2438. Luce,TJ (1968): Political Propaganda on Roman Republican Coins: circa 92-82 B.C. AJA 72,1, 25-39. (SO15 114) [OFFPRINT] 3207. Luce,TJ (1970): Marius and the Mithridatic Command. Historia 19,2, 161-194. (SO21 034) [OFFPRINT] 4686. Luce,TJ (1971): Design and Structure in Livy: 5.32-55. TPAPA 102, 265-302. (SO33 063) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 3029. Luce,T James (1964): Appian's Egyptian History. Classical Philology 59,4, 259-262. (SO19 046) [APPIAN; EGYPT; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4336. Luengo,JM (1955): Astorga (Le¢n) Exploraci¢n de las Cloacas Romanas. Noticiario Arqueologico Hispanico 2,1-3, 143152. (SO29 023) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 5341. Lundstrîm,Vilh (1923): Tacitus' Poetiska KÑllor. Inbjudningsskrift till FilosofieDoktors-Promotionen vid Gîteborgs Hîgskola den 9 May 1923. Gîteborg: Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag. (SO38A 029) <<lecture?>> [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5553. Lupu,Nicolae (1966): Interessante Ausgrabungen in RumÑnien. SÅdosteuropa Mitteilungen, 36-37. (SO42 015) [DACIA; EXCAVATIONS; OFFPRINT] 4751. MacDermot,B (1970): The Conversion of Armenia in 294 A.D. A Review of the Evidence in the Light of the Sassanian Inscriptions. Revue des êtudes ArmÇniennes 7 (n.s.), 281-359. (SO34 011) [ARMENIA; CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 5073. MacKay,LA (1962): Sallust's Catiline: Date and Purpose. Phoenix 16,3, 181-194. Syme Collection DB page 187 (SO36C 021) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3487. MacKendrick,Paul (1956): Roman Colonisation and the Frontier Hypothesis: I. Social Education 20,8(Dec. 1956), 356-360, 370-. (SO22 125) <<incomplete>> [OFFPRINT] 3488. MacKendrick,Paul (1957): Roman Colonisation and the Frontier Hypothesis: 2. Social Education (Jan. 1957), 11-13. (SO22 126) [OFFPRINT] 4303. Mackie,NK (1983): Augustan Colonies in Mauretania. Historia 32,3, 332-358. (SO28 057) [AFRICA; COLONIES; OFFPRINT] 995. Macleod,CW (1981): Ethics and Poetry in Horaces's Odes: II (1.7; 2.9). Greece & Rome 28,2 (2nd. ser.), 141-149. (SO3 035) [OFFPRINT] 3269. MacMullan,Ramsey (1964): Some Pictures in Ammianus Marcellinus. The Art Bulletin 46,4, 435-455. (SO21 096) [OFFPRINT] 4073. MacMullen,R (1964): Nationalism in Roman Egypt. Aegyptus 3-4, 179-199. (SO26 114) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT] 780. MacMullen,Ramsay (1962): Roman Bureaucratese. Traditio 18, 364-378. (SO5 013) [OFFPRINT] 1825. MacMullen,Ramsay (1966): Provincial Languages in the Roman Empire. AJPh 87,1, 1-17. (SO11 108) [OFFPRINT] 1801. MacMullen,Ramsay (1968): Rural Romanization. Phoenix 22,4, 337-341. (SO11 085) [OFFPRINT] 1824. MacMullen,Ramsay (1968): Constantine and the Miraculous. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 9,1, 81-96. (SO11 107) [OFFPRINT] 4562. Macurdy,Grace H (1935): Julia Berenice. AJPh 56,3, 246-253. (SO32 055) [BERENICE; OFFPRINT] 3547. Magdelain,A (1964): Auspicia ad Patres Redeunt. In: Hommages Ö Jean Bayet. (: ) Latomus. Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles; Berchem, 427-473. (SO22 187) <<series : Collection Latomus 70>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3562. Magdelain,A (1964): Note sur la Loi Curiate et les Auspices des Magistrats. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 1964,2, 198-203. (SO22 202) [OFFPRINT] 3569. Magdelain,A (1969): `Procrum Patricium'. In: Studi in Onore di Edoardo Volterra. Vol. 2. (: ) GiuffrÇ Editore, [Milano], 247-266. (SO22 209) [OFFPRINT] 3069. Magie,David (1920): Augustus' War in Spain. Classical Philology 15,4, 323-339. (SO20 025) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 1503. Magie,David (1928): Roman Policy in Armenia and Transcausia and its Significance. Annual Report of the American Historical Association 1 [1919], 297-304. (SO9 045) <<article reprinted from original source with pagination>> [ARMENIA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 4618. Magne,Jean (1973): La Naissance de JÇsus-Christ ou L'Exaltation de Sabaìth dans Hypostase des Archontes 143, 1-31 et l'Exaltation de JÇsus dans Philippiens 2, 6-11. Cahiers du Cercle Ernst-Renan 21,(no.83), 356. (SO32 099) [OFFPRINT] 4287. Mahjoubi,A (1961): DÇcouverte d'une Nouvelle CitÇ Romaine Ö Henchir El-Faouar. CRAI (1960), 382-391. (SO28 041) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4309. Mahjoubi,A (1966): Le Conventus Civium Romanorum de Mactar. Africa 1, 6596. (SO28 063) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 829. Malcovati,Enrica (1942): I Breviari Storici del IV Secolo. AFLC, 23-42. (SO5 067) [DUPLICATE; OFFPRINT; REMOVED] 3250. Malcovati,Enrica (1942): I Breviari del IV Secolo. AFLC 1942,3, 3-22. (SO21 077) Syme Collection DB page 188 [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4935. Malcovati,Enrica ([1944]): Le Traduzioni Greche di Eutropio. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 77,2 (1943-44), 1-32. (SO1C 156) [EUTROPIUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4941. Malcovati,Enrica (1955): L. Papirius Fregellanus. Athenaeum 33,1-2 (n.s.), 137140. (SO1C 162) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5096. Malcovati,Enrica (1955): Rassegna di Stuid Sallustiani. Athenaeum 33,3-4, 365-377. (SO36D 010) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE; SALLUST] 5037. Malcovati,Enrica (1958): C. Sallust Crispy. Orationes et Epistulae de Historiarum Libris Excerptae. A Cura di Virgilio Paladini. Adriatica Editrice Bari, 1956. Athenaeum 36,12, 169-178. (SO36B 010) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 740. Malcovati,Enrica (1972): Il Nuovo Frammento Augusto della Laudatio Agrippae. Athenaeum 50,1-2 (n.s.), 142-151. (SO2 193) [OFFPRINT] 5367. Malone,Kemp (1934): The Votaies of Nerthus. Mamn Och Bygd. Tidskrift fîr Nordisk Ortnamnsforskning 22,1-2, 26-51. (SO38B 018) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2117. Manganaro,G (1985): La Dedica di un Aphidrysma di Men Axittenos del 118 d.C. ZPE 61, 199-203. (SO13 021) [OFFPRINT] 1193. Mann,Golo (19??): Versuch Åber Tacitus., 249-280. (SO6 040) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3112. Mann,JC (1962): Colonia Ulpia Traiana and the Occupation of Vetera II. BonnJahr 162, 162-164. (SO20 065) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 585. Mann,JC (1963): The Raising of New Legions during the Principate. Hermes 91,4, 483-489. (SO2 017) [OFFPRINT] 1755. Mann,JC (1969): A Note on an Inscription from Kurnub. Israel Exploration Journal 19,4, 211-224. (SO11 038) [OFFPRINT] 2641. Mann,JC (1979): Power, Force and the Frontiers of the Empire: Review of Edward N. Luttwak, The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire from the First Century A.D. to the Third. Baltimore and Londob: John Hopkins U.P., 1976. JRS 69, 175-183. (SO17 061) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2030. Mann,JC (1985): Epigraphic Consciousness. JRS 75, 204-206. (SO12 073) [OFFPRINT] 2220. Mann,JC (1985): Two `Topoi' in the Agricola. Britannia 16, 21-24. (SO14 029) [OFFPRINT] 690. Mann,JC; Jarrett,MG (1967): The Division of Britain. JRS 57,1-2, 61-64. (SO2 141) [OFFPRINT] 2249. Mann,John Cecil (1974): The Frontiers of the Principate. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 1. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 508-533. (SO14 056) [OFFPRINT] 4011. Manni,E (1969): Sur l'Origine des Municipia Romains. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 1, 66-77. (SO26 054) [OFFPRINT] 605. Manni,Eugenio (1947): La Lotta di Settimio Severo Ecc. Rivista di Filologia Classica, 211-243. (SO2 037) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3495. Manni,Eugenio (1950): Quattuorviri e Duoviri. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 83, 383-396. (SO22 133) [MAGISTRATES; OFFPRINT] 4787. Manni,Eugenio (1951): Note Valerianee. Epigraphica 11 (1949), 3-32. (SO34 045) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; VALERIAN] 4394. Mansel,AM (1956): Bericht Åber Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in Syme Collection DB page 189 Pamphylien in der Jahren 1946-1955. AA, 33120 (cols.). (SO30 017) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 4126. Manzella,Ivan Di Stefano (c1980): I Volusii e il Tempio del Divo Augusto a Lucus Feroniae. In: I Volusii Saturnini: Uno Famiglia Romana della Prima EtÖ Imperiale. (Ed: Boatwright,MT) De Donato, Bari, 45-53. (SO27 012) <<series: Archeologia. Materiali e Problemi 6>> [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4298. Marec,E; Pflaum,H-G (1954): Deux Carriäres êquestres d'Hippone. Libyca 1, 207244. (SO28 052) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4860. Maricq,A (1950): Factions du Cirque et Partis Populaires. ARB 26 (5th ser.), 396421. (SO35 049) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1270. Marino,R (1974): A Proposito di un'Iscrizione Latina di Cefaló. Kokalos 20, 213-217. (SO6 117) [OFFPRINT] 288. Marino,Rosalia (1976): Il Problema Cronologico della Tribunicia Potestas Prima di Commodo. In: Studi di Storia Antica Offerti dagli Allievi a Eugenio Manni. (: ) Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome, 223-239. (SO4 067) [FESTSCHRIFT] 3577. Marmorale,Enzo V (1964): ÆPrimus CaesarumØ. In: SYNTELEIA. Vincenzo Arangio-Ruiz. (Eds: Guarino,A; Labruna,L) Editore Jovene, Napoli, 1009-1025. (SO22 217) <<series : Biblioteca di Labeo 2>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1828. Marrou,Henri IrÇnÇe (1964): Le BasEmpire Vu par un HÇritier de Mommsen. Journal des Savants january-march, 47-58. (SO11 111) [OFFPRINT] 4834. Marrou,Henri-IrÇnÇe (1953): La Date du Martyre de S. Polycarpe. Analecta Bollandiana 71, 5-20. (SO35 026) [CHRISTIANITY; CHRONOLOGY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4835. Marrou,Henri-IrÇnÇe (1959): Campenhausen, Frhr. v., Hans: Bearbeitungen und Interpolationen des Polycarpmartyriums. Heidelberg: Winter 1957 (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaft. Phil-Hist. Kl., Jg. 1957, 3 Abh.). Theologische Literatur-Zeitung 31,2, col. 361-363. (SO35 026A) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 2485. Marshall,AJ (1968): Pompey's Organisation of Bithynia-Pontus: Two Neglected Texts. JRS 58, 103-109. (SO15 161) [OFFPRINT] 4982. Marshall,Anthony J (1966): Governors on the Move. Phoenix 20,3, 231-246. (SO1C 203) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; ROMAN HISTORYREPUBLIC] 2460. Marshall,Anthony J (1968): Friends of the Roman Empire. AJPh 89,1, 39-55. (SO15 136) [OFFPRINT] 712. Marshall,Anthony J (1969): Romans under Chian Law. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 10,3, 255-271. (SO2 164) [OFFPRINT] 2222. Marshall,Anthony J (1984-86): Ladies in Waiting: The Role of Woman in Tacitus' Histories. AncSoc 15-17, 167-184. (SO14 031) [OFFPRINT] 4983. Marshall,Anthony J (1984): Symbols and Showmanship in the Roman Public Life: The Fasces. Phoenix 38,2, 120-141. (SO1C 204) [ICONOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 1089. Marshall,B; Beness,JL (1987): Tribunician Agitation and Aristocratic Reaction 80-71 B.C. Athenaeum 65, fasc. 3-4, 361-378. (SO3 131) [OFFPRINT] 4951. Marshall,BA (c1971): The Ciceronian Concept of Crassus' Complicity in the Catilinarian Conspiracy. In: [based on paper read to Annual Conference of U.A.C.C.S. held at Hobart, 24-28th May, 1971]. (: ),, 27-32. (SO1C 171) [INCOMPLETE; CICERO; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC; TYPESCRIPT] 4979. Marshall,Bruce (1977): The Case of Metellus Nepos V. Curio. A Discussion of Cicero, Verr. I 6 and 9 and the Scholiasts. Philologus 121, 83-89. (SO1C 200) [CICERO; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 190 3234. Marshall,Bruce (1978): Q. Curius. Homo Quaestorius. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 47, fasc. 1, 207-209. (SO21 061) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5348. Martin,RH (1964): The Leyden Manuscript of Tacitus. CQ 58,1 (n.s. vol. 14), 109-119. (SO38A 036) [MSS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4985. Marshall,Bruce (1980): Asconius and Fenestella. RMfP 123,3-4 (n.s.), 349-354. (SO1C 206) [LITERARY CRITICISM; OFFPRINT] 5333. Martin,RH (1967): The Speech of Curtius Montanus: Tacitus, Histories IV, 42. JRS 57, 109-114. (SO38A 021) [OFFPRINT; RHETORIC; TACITUS] 2005. Marshall,Bruce (1985): Catilina and the Execution of M. Marius Gratidianus. CQ 35,1, 124-133. (SO12 047) [OFFPRINT] 5316. Martin,RH (??): Caecina's Meeting with Bassus (Tacitus Hist. II 100). Eranos 49, 174-176. (SO38A 004) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1088. Marshall,Bruce (1987): The Career Pattern of M.Livius Drusus. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 115, fasc. 3, 317-324. (SO3 130) [OFFPRINT] 781. Martin,Thomas S (1983): Quintus Curtius and Josephus. AJAH 8,2, 161-190. (SO5 016) [OFFPRINT] 1135. Marshall,Bruce (1987): Pompeius' Fear of Assassination. Chiron 17, 119-133. (SO3 181) [OFFPRINT] 5011. Marshall,Bruce A (1974): Cicero and Sallust on Crassus and Catiline. Latomus 33,4, 804-813. (SO36A 010) [CICERO; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 632. Marshall,Bruce A (1984): Faustus Sulla and Political Labels in the 60's and 50's B.C. Historia 33,2, 199-219. (SO2 068) [OFFPRINT] 227. Mart°n,Fernando (1984): El Problema de las Copias Egipcias de la Ep°stola de Alejandro Severo al "Koin¢n" de los Griegos de Bitinia. Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 32, 57-72. (SO4 006) [OFFPRINT] 5306. Martin,Josef (1936): Zur Quellenfrage in der Annalen und Historien des Tacitus. In: Studien zu Tacitus. Festchrift Hosius. (Eds: Hosius,K; Ffister,F; Vogt,J) W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1-38. (SO37D 023) [FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1206. Martin,RH (1953): Variatio and the Development of Tacitus' Style. Eranos 51, 8996. (SO6 053) [OFFPRINT] 1313. Martino,Eutimio (1979): La Guerra Cantabra. Miscelanea Comillas 37, 1, 39-70. (SO7 003) [OFFPRINT] 2288. Martorelli,Fiorella (1971): Su Due Iscrizioni Metriche di Roma. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 26, fasc. 1-2 (8th series), 1-13. (SO14 096) [OFFPRINT] 1638. Mason,HJ (1973): Glabrio, Archon of Asia. Classical Philology 68,2, 121-124. (SO10 035) [OFFPRINT] 2439. Mason,Hugh J; Wallace,Malcolm B (1972): Appius Claudius Pulcher and the Hollows of Euboia. Hesperia 41,1, 128-140. (SO15 115) [OFFPRINT] 2540. Mass,P; von Wilamowitz,U; Schroeder,O; Norden,Ed (1985): Texte zur Berliner Philologie-Geschichte. I. Latein und Griechisch in Berlin 29, 82-89. (SO16 024) [OFFPRINT] 1988. Mastino,Attilio (1983): ORBIS, KO‰MO‰, OIKOYMENH: Aspetti Spaziali dell'Idea di Impero Universale da Augusto a Teodosio. In: Populi e Spazio Romano tra Diritto e Profezia. (: ) (Da Roma alla Terza Roma. Documenti e Studi, 3.) Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Roma, 63-162. (SO12 030) [OFFPRINT] 1440. Mastino,Attilio (1984): La Ricerca Epigrafica in Tunisia (1973-1983). In: Atti del I Syme Collection DB page 191 Convegno di Studio su ÆL'Africa RomanaØ. (Ed: Mastino,Attilio) UniversitÖ di Sassari, Sassari, 5-64. (SO7 131) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TUNISIA] 4606. Mastino,Attilio (1984): Le Relazioni tra Africa e Sardegna in EtÖ Romana: Inventario Preliminare. In: Atti del II Convegno su ÆL'Africa RomanaØ Sassari, 14-16 Dic. 1984. (Ed: Mastino,Attilio) Gallizzi, Sassari, 17-81. (SO32 088) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; SARDINIA] 5591. Matthews,J (1982): Ammianus Marcellinus (Ca. A.D. 330- ca. 395). In: Ancient Writers: Greece and Rome. (Ed: Luce,TJ) Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1117-1138. (SO1C 185) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1806. Matthews,JF (1967): A Pious Supporter of Theodosius I: Maternus Cynegius and His Family. Journal of Theological Studies 18,2, 438-446. (SO11 089) [OFFPRINT] 4667. Matthews,JF (1967): Continuity in a Roman Family; The Rufii Festi of Volsinii. Historia 16,4, 484-509. (SO33 044) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1927. Matthews,JF (1970): The Historical Setting of the `Carmen Contra Paganos' (Cod. Par. Lat. 8084. Historia 19,4, 464-479. (SO11 208) [OFFPRINT] 1955. Matthews,JF (1970): Olympiodorus of Thebes and the History of the West (A.D. 407425). JRS 60, 79-97. (SO11 237) [OFFPRINT] 1926. Matthews,JF (1971): Gallic Supporters of Theodosius. Latomus 30,4, 1073-1099. (SO11 207) [OFFPRINT] 1944. Matthews,JF (1971): Symmachus and the Magister Militum Theodosius. Historia 20,1, 122-128. (SO11 226) [OFFPRINT] 1951. Matthews,JF (1973): Symmachus and the Oriental Cults. JRS 63, 175-195. (SO11 233) [OFFPRINT] 224. Matthews,JF (1984): The Tax Laws of Palmyra: Evidence for Economic History in a City of the Roman East. JRS 74, 157-180. (SO4 003) [OFFPRINT] 1800. Matthews,JF (19??): The Letters of Symmachus. In: Latin Literature of the Fourth Century. (Ed: Binns,JW) Routledge & Kegan Paul, London & Boston, 58-99. (SO11 084) <<date unknown>> [OFFPRINT] 4780. Matthews,JF (??): Orose et ses IdÇes by B. Lacroix, O.P. Institut d'êtudes MediÇvales, Montreal, 1965. Medium Aevum 36,2, 168-171. (SO34 038) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 779. Matthews,John (1966): Problems of the Historia Augusta. Historia-AugustaColloquium, Bonn 1963. Bonn: Habelt, 1964. The Classical Review 16,1 (n.s.), 63-65. (SO5 012) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; HISTORIOGRAPHY-ROMAN] 1435. Matthews,John (1976): Mauretania in Ammianus and the Notitia. In: Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum. Papers Presented to the Conference in Oxford, Dec. 13-15 1974. (Eds: Goodburn,R; Bartholomew,P) (BAR supplemtary volume, 15.) British Archaeological Rports, Oxford, 157-186. (SO7 127) [AFRICA; AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; MAURETANIA-ANCIENT REGION; OFFPRINT] 339. Matthews,John (1983): Ammianus' Historical Evolution. In: History and Historians in Late Antiquity. (Eds: Croke,Brian; Emmett,Alanna M) Pergamon Press, Oxford, 30-41. (SO4 120) [OFFPRINT] 5192. Matthiessen,Kjeld (1970): Der Dialogs des Tacitus und Cassius Dio 67,12. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 39,1, 168-177. (SO37 013) [CASSIUS DIO; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2113. Mattingly,DJ (1987): Libyans and the `Limes': Culture and Society in Roman Tripolitania. AntAfr 23, 71-94. (SO13 017) [OFFPRINT] 1700. Mattingly,H (1926): The Restored Coins of Trajan. Numismatic Chronicle 6 (5th series), 232-278. Syme Collection DB page 192 (SO10 088) [OFFPRINT] 4908. Mattingly,H (1946): The Monetary Systems of the Roman Empire from Diocletian to Theodosius I. Numismatic Chronicle 6 (6th ser.), 111-120. (SO35 096) [LATE EMPIRE; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3049. Mattingly,H (1952): The `Military' Class in the Coinage of the Civil War of A.D. 68-69. Numismatic Chronicle 11 (6th series), 72-77. (SO20 005) [OFFPRINT] 4970. Mattingly,H (1953): The Imperial `Vota'. PBA 36, 155-195. (SO1C 191) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN RELIGION] 3571. Mattingly,H (19??): `Tribuni Aerarii'(?) on Coins. PCPS, 27-29. (SO22 211) <<year and vol. # unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3572. Mattingly,H (19??): Nomentanus. PCPS, 12-14. (SO22 212) <<year and vol. # unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3689. Mattingly,H; Robinson,ESG (c1932): The Date of the Roman Denarius and Other Landmarks in Early Roman Coinage. PBA 18, 59pp. (SO24 004) <<reprinted from the PBA>> [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 4972. Mattingly,Harold (1920): The 'Restored' Coins of Titus, Domitian, and Nerva. Numismatic Chronicle 20 (4th ser.), 177-207. (SO1C 193) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 610. Mattingly,Harold (1932): The Coinage of Severus and his Times. Mints and Chronology. Numismatic Chronicle 12 (fifth series), 177-198. (SO2 043) [OFFPRINT] 1577. Mattingly,Harold (1937): The Roman `Virtues'. Harvard Theological Review 30,2, 103-117. (SO9 112) [OFFPRINT] 4971. Mattingly,Harold (1946): Dives Anagnia. Numismatic Chronicle 6 (6th ser.), 91-96. (SO1C 192) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 4969. Mattingly,Harold (1948): The Emperor and his Clients. Todd Memorial Lecture 2 (1948). 27pp. Sydney: Australasian Medical Published Co. Ltd. (SO1C 190) [LECTURE; NUMISMATICS; POLITICAL THEORY] 3713. Mattingly,Harold (19??): Sceptical Historian? Tacitus. By Ronald Syme, 2 vols. (Oxford. Clarendon Press)., 734-736. (SO24 028) <<source and date unknown>> [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5295. Mattingly,Harold (??): Tacitus (Historians Reconsidered: VIII)., 611-618. (SO37D 013) <<source unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4569. Mattingly,Harold B (1972): Tacitus' Praenomen: The Politics of a Moderate. Rivista Storica dell'AntichitÖ 2,1-2, 169-185. (SO32 062) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; TACITUS] 1391. Maurenbrecher,Berthold (1935): Wilhelm Siegeln, Die Entstehung des Names Spanien. (Sept.-Abdr. aus "Zeitschrift fÅr Ortsnamenforschung", Bd. X, S. 253-265.), Her. von Jos. Schnetz. MÅnchen u. Berlin, R. Oldenburg.- Derselbe, Die Namensform des Stadt Tartesos. (Sept.-Adbr. Ebenda X, S. 206-275.) 1934. Philologische Wochenschrift 45/46, 1271-1280. (SO7 083) [BOOK REVIEW; SPAIN] 1008. Maxwell-Stuart,PG (1981): An Unexplained Syriac Word in Athenaeus. Glotta 59,1-2, 117. (SO3 048) [OFFPRINT] 3735. Mazzarino,Santo (1968): Aspetti di Storia dell'Appia Antica. Helikon 8, 174-196. (SO24 052) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3736. Mazzarino,Santo (>1969): Note di Storia Giuridica in Territorio Cenomano e Problemi di Storia Culturale Veneta. Bullettino dell'Istituto de Diritto Romano 12 (3rd. series, vol. 73 of contin. series), 35-57. (SO24 053) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 193 4942. Mazzarino,Santo (1973): La Rivolta di Vindice e il Problema del "Separatismo". In: La Gallia Romana. (Atti del Colloquio. Roma, 1011 Maggio 1971). (: ) (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura, 158.) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 37-51. (SO1C 163) [GAUL; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4939. Mazzarino,Santo (??): De Francisci fra ÆStoricismoØ e Sociologia. Bulletino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano 73 (12, 3rd. ser.), 1-18. (SO1C 160) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 2342. McAlindon,D (1941): Senatorial Advancement in the Age of Claudius. Latomus 19, 252-262. (SO15 030) [CURSUS HONORUM; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2343. McAlindon,D (1957): Claudius and the Senators. AJPh 78,3, 279-286. (SO15 031) [OFFPRINT] 5010. McCuaig,W (1982): Bernardo Rucellai and Sallust. Rinascimento 22, 75-98. (SO36A 009) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5255. McDaniel,W Brooks (1910): Bauli the Scene of the Murder of Agrippina. CQ 4,2, 96102. (SO37C 014) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4949. McDermott,WC (1970): In Caelianum. Athenaeum 48,3-4, 408-409. (SO1C 169) [CICERO; OFFPRINT; SPEECHES] 4974. McDermott,WC (1970): Fabricius Veiento. AJPh 91,2, 129-148. (SO1C 195) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5429. McDermott,WC (1971): Q. Cicero. Historia 20,5-6, 702-717. (SO39 010) [CICERO; OFFPRINT] 4961. McDermott,WC (1977): Plotina Augusta and Nicomachus of Gerasa. Historia 26,2, 192-203. (SO1C 181) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4960. McDermott,WC; Orentzel,AE (1977): Silius Italicus and Domitian. AJPh 98, 24-34. (SO1C 180) [DOMITIAN; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; SILIUS ITALICUS] 831. McDermott,William C (1969): SHA Vita Hadriani 2, 1-6. Mnemosyne 22/2 (4th ser.), 186-190. (SO5 069) [OFFPRINT] 1189. McDermott,William C (1969): A.N. Sherwin-White. The Letters of Pliny. A Historical and Social Commentary. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1966. AJPh 90,3, 342-347. (SO6 035) [OFFPRINT; PLINY THE YOUNGER] 1190. McDermott,William C (1969): Pliniana. AJPh 90,3, 329-332. (SO6 036) [OFFPRINT] 1772. McDermott,William C (1970): Milites Gregarii. Greece & Rome 17,2, 184-196. (SO11 056) [OFFPRINT] 3968. McDermott,William C (1970): In Ligarianam. TPAPA 101, 317-347. (SO26 012) [CICERO; OFFPRINT] 3994. McDermott,William C (1970): Commentariolum Petitionis 2. Historia 19,3, 384-385. (SO26 037) [OFFPRINT] 1706. McDermott,William C (1971): Pliny the Younger and Inscriptions. The Classical World november 1971, 84-94. (SO10 094) [OFFPRINT] 2517. McDermott,William C (1977): Lex De Tribunicia Potestate (70 B.C.). Classical Philology 72,1, 49-52. (SO16 001) [OFFPRINT] 4981. McDermott,William C (1977): The Verrine Jury. RMfP (120,1 (n.s.)), 64-75. (SO1C 202) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORYREPUBLIC; ROMAN LAW] 2371. McDonald,AH (1940): The Rise of Roman Imperialism. Australasian Medical Publishing Company, Sydney. 18 pages. (SO15 059) <<Inaugural Lecture of Reader in Ancient World History in the University of Sydney>> [LECTURE; MONOGRAPH] Syme Collection DB page 194 2476. McDonald,AH (1960): Fifty Years of Republican History. JRS 50, 135-148. (SO15 152) [OFFPRINT] 2422. McDonald,AH (19??): The Roman Citizenship., 239-254. (SO15 109) <<source and date unknown, but based in part on a discussion of A.N. Sherwin-White's The Roman Citizenship (1939)>> [OFFPRINT] 2794. Meier,Christian (1961): E.Badian, Foreign Clientelae (264-70 B.C.). Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press 1958. BonnJahr 161, 503-514. (SO16 090) [BOOK REVIEW] 5083. Meier,Christian (1962): Pompeius' RÅckkehr aus dem Mithridatischen Kriege und die Catilinarische Verschwîrung. Athenaeum 40,1-2, 103-125. (SO36C 031) [CATILINE; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 2474. Meier,Christian (1964): William S. Anderson: Pompey, his Friends and the Literature of the First Century B.C. Berkeley and Los Angeles: California UP; London: Cambridge UP 1963. (University of California Publications in Classical Philology 19,1). Gnomon 36, 429-430. (SO15 150) [OFFPRINT] 2786. Meier,Christian (1964): Frank E. Adcock, Roman Political Ideas and Practice, The University of Michigan Press, AnnArbor 1958. Gîttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 215,1-2, 37-52. (SO16 082) [BOOK REVIEW] 5132. Meier,Christian (1964): T.F. Carney: A Biography of C. Marius. An Inaugural Lecture Given in the University College of Rhodesis and Nyasaland. (Proceedings of the African Classical Associations. Suppl. 1 [1962]). Gnomon 36, 64-70. (SO36E 011) [BIOGRAPHY; BOOK REVIEW; MARIUS; OFFPRINT] 3998. Meier,Christian (1968): Die Loca Intercessionis bei Rogationen. Zugleich ein Beitrag zum Problem der Bedingungen der Tribunischen Intercession. Museum Helveticum 25,2, 86-100. (SO26 041) [OFFPRINT] 4927. Meier,Christian (1968): Ciceros Consulat. In: Cicero. Ein Mensch seiner Zeit. (Ed: Radke,Gerhard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 61-116. (SO1C 149) [CICERO; OFFPRINT; ROMAN POLITICS] 3506. Meier,Christian (1969): Filippo Cassola, I Gruppi Politici Romani nel III Secolo a.C Trieste, FacoltÖ di Lettere e Filosofia. Istituto do Storia Antica n.2, 1962. Historische Zeitschrift 208, 367-372. (SO22 144) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3980. Meier,Christian (1969): Lily Ross Taylor : Roman Voting Assemblies from the Hannibalic War to the Dictatorship of Caesar. Ann Arbor: Michigan UP 1966 (Jerome Kectures. 8.). Gnomon 41, 781-785. (SO26 024) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4923. Meier,Christian (1969): Die Entstehung des Begriffs ØDemokratieÆ. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 10,4, 535-575. (SO1C 147) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4926. Meier,Christian (1975): Das Kompromiss-Angebot an Caesar i. J. 59 v. Chr. Ein Beispiel Senatorischer 'Verfassungspolitik'. Museum Helveticum 32, 197-208. (SO1C 148) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4929. Meier,Christian (c1977): Handeln und Aushalten. Didaktische öberlegungen zur Funktion der Historie. In: Imago Linguae. BeitrÑge zu Sprache, Deutung und öbersetzen. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Fritz Paepcke. (Eds: Bender,K-H; Berger,K; Wandruszka,M) Wilhelm Fink, MÅnchen, 359-382. (SO1C 150) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4930. Meier,Christian (1978): Entstehung und Besonderheit der Griechischen Demokratie. Zeitschrift fÅr Politik 25,1 (n.s.), 131. (SO1C 151) [GREEK HISTORY; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 3771. Meier,Christian (1979): Die Politische IndentitÑt der Griechen. In: IdentitÑt. (Eds: Marquard,Odo; Stierle,Karlheinz) (Poetic und Hermeneutik, 8.) Wilhelm Fink, MÅnchen, 371406. (SO24 096) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THOUGHT] 4928. Meier,Christian (1979): Die Ernstfall im Alten Rome. In: Der Ernstfall. (: ) (Series Syme Collection DB page 195 Eds: Peisl,A; Mohler,A. Schriften der Carl Friedrich Siemens Stiftung, 2.) Ullstein, Frankfurt, 40-73. (SO1C 006A) [LATE REPUBLIC; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4893. Meier,Christian (1980): Vorwort und EinfÅhrung zur Neuausgabe (1980). In: Res Publica. Eine Studie zu Verfassung und Geschichte der SpÑten Rîmischen Republik. (: ) Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M, ix-lvii. (SO35 081) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 2442. Meier,Christian (19??): Populares. In: Paulys RealencyclopÑdie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft. (: ) Alfred DruckenmÅller Verlag, Stuttgart, 549-616. (SO15 118) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2550. Meier,Christian (19??): Caesars BÅrgerkrieg [Introduction]. In: G.J. Caesar: Der BÅrgerkrieg mit den Berichten Åber den Alexandrinischen, Afrikanischen und Spanischen Krieg. (: ) Carl SchÅnemann Verlag, Bremen, ix-lxxvi; 374-375. (SO16 034) <<introductory chapter to Caesar's Civil War etc>> [OFFPRINT] [OFFPRINT] 4953. Mellor,Ronald (1978): The Dedications on the Capitoline Hill. Chiron 8, 319-330. (SO1C 173) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMETOPOGRAPHY] 996. Mellor,Ronald (1981): The Goddess Roma. In: Aufstieg und Niedergand der Rîmischer Welt. II Principat. Vol. 17,2. (Ed: Hasse,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 950-1030. (SO3 036) [OFFPRINT] 4354. Menaut,GP (1978): Inscripciones Latinas del Museo de Prehistoria de Valencia. Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina 15, 255-263. (SO29 030) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 5277. Mendell,Clarence W (1935): Dramatic Construction of Tacitus' Annals. Yale Classical Studies 5, 3-53. (SO37C 036) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 391. Merkelbach,R (1983): Der Neue Euphranor in Bargylia und Euphranor, der Admiral von Caesars Rhodischem Geschwader. Epigraphica Anatolica 1, 29-37. (SO4 178) [OFFPRINT] 2983. Meiggs,Russell (1980): Sea-Borne Timber Supplies to Rome. In: Roman Seaborne Commerce. (: ) American Academy in Rome,, 185-196. (SO18 169) [OFFPRINT] 1237. Merkelbach,R (1984): Konjekturen zu den Annalen des Tacitus. Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 2,1 (3rd. ser.7), 107-110. (SO6 084) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3430. Meise,Eckhard (1966): Der Sesterz des Drusus mit den Zwillingen und die NachfolgeplÑne des Tiberius. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 16, 7-21. (SO22 071) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 2565. Merkelbach,Reinhold (1960): Augustus und Romulus (ErklÑrung von Horaz Carm. I 12, 37-40). Philologus 104,1-2, 151153. (SO16 048) [OFFPRINT] 5308. Meister,Karl (1955): Der Bericht des Tacitus Åber die Landung des Germanicus in der EmsmÅndung. Hermes 83,1, 92-106. (SO37D 024) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3826. Merlin,Alfred (1934): Remarques sur la Carriäre de C. Sulpicius Ursulus Praefectus Symmachiariorum Asturum Belli Dacici. Istros. Revue Roumaine d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Ancienne 1,2, 1-4. (SO25 045) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4160. Mellor,R (?): Edward Champlin. Fronto and Antonine Rome. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1980. AJPh, 459462. (SO27 045) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1047. Mellor,Ronald (1974): [Demiourgos Theas `Romes?]. ZPE 13,3, 277-279. (SO3 086; [greek characters]) <<[title in greek]>> 1443. Merlin,Alfred (1960): Additions aux Fastes Proconsulaires d'Afrique. Journal des Savants, 23-31. (SO7 134) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1445. Merlin,Alfred (c1961): Nouveaux Fastes des Provinces Africaines: Bengt E. Thomasson. Die Statthalter der Rîmischen Syme Collection DB page 196 Provinzen Nord-Afrikas von Augustus bis Diocletianus: I. ÆEinleitungØ; II ÆFasti et IndicesØ. (Tome IX des ÆActa Instituti Regni SueciaeØ). Lund, Carl Blom, 1960. Journal des Savants, 12-17. (SO7 136) [AFRICA; BOOK REVIEW; PROSOPOGRAPHY] [OFFPRINT] 3540. Meyer,E (1961): Lily Ross Taylor : The Voting Districts of the Roman Republic. American Academy in Rome 1960. (Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome). Gnomon 33, 600-694. (SO22 180) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4933. Merten,Elke (1977): Die Adoption Hadriens. In: Bonner Festgabe Johannes Straub zum 65. Geburtstag am 18. Oktober 1977. (: ) Rheinland-Verlag; Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 247-259. (SO1C 154) [FESTSCHRIFT; HADRIAN; OFFPRINT] 3580. Meyer,E (1964): Noch Einmal Hannibals AlpenÅbergang. Museum Helveticum 21, fasc. 2, 99-102. (SO22 219) [OFFPRINT] 2273. Mertens,Joseph; de Laet,Siegfrid J (1951): Massa d'Albe. Scavi di Alba Fucense. Notizie degli Scavi di AntichitÖ 4, fasc. 7-12, 248-288. (SO14 081) [OFFPRINT] 3424. Meyer,Ernst (1958): Ronald Syme, Die Rîmische Revolution. Aus dem Englischen öbersetz von Friedrich Wilhelm Eschweiler und Hands Georg Degen. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1957. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fÅr Geschichte 8, 4, 535-537. (SO22 065) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4661. Meurig-Davies (1946): Emendations of S.H.A. Pamphlet ([8pp] unpaginated). Published by E.L.B. Meurig-Davies, Oxford, 17th May 1946. (SO33 038) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT; PAMPHLETT] 2211. Meurig-Davies,ELB (1946): Emendations of Ammianus Marcellinus II. booklet, 7 pp. `published 6th July, 1946, Oxford'. [MONOGRAPH] 4662. Meurig-Davies,ELB (1946): The ManEating Bears of Valentinian. Pamphlet (1 pg. unpaginated). Published by E.L.B. MeurigDavies, Oxford, 16 February 1946. (SO33 039) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PAMPHLET] 4663. Meurig-Davies,ELB (1946): Emmendations of Ammianus Marcellinus. Pamphlet ([?pp] unpaginated). Published by E.L.B. Meurig-Davies, Oxford, 15 February, 1946. (SO33 040) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; PAMPHLET] 4664. Meurig-Davies,ELB (1946): Emmendations of Ammianus Marcellinus II. Pamphlet. (9 pp). Published 6th July, 1946. Oxford). (SO33 041) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; PAMPHLET] 2210. Meurig-Davies,ELB (1948): Notes on Ammianus Marcellinus. Latomus 7, 213-221. (SO14 019) 1853. Meyer,Ernst (1959): Augusti. Museum Helveticum 16, fasc. 4, 273-274. (SO11 136) [OFFPRINT] 1854. Meyer,Ernst (1960): Augusti. Ein Nachtrag. Museum Helveticum 17, fasc. 2, 118. (SO11 136A) [OFFPRINT] 2353. Meyer,Ernst (1960): Mommsens Rîmische Geschichte. Schweizer Monatshefte 40,1, 69-76. (SO15 041) [OFFPRINT] 2250. Meyer,Ernst (1962): Neuere Forschungergebnisse Åber die Schweiz in Rîmischer Zeit. Museum Helveticum 19, fasc. 3, 141-155. (SO14 057) [OFFPRINT] 4313. Meyer,Marc (1988): Presentaci¢ de GÇza Alfîldy. In: GÇza Alfîldy Doctor Honoris Causa. Discurs Llegit a la Cerimïnia d'Investidura Celebrada a l'Auditori de la Facultat de Lletres d'Aquesta Universitat el Dia 11 d'Octobre de l'Any 1988. (: ) Universitat Autïnoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 7-11. (SO29 001) [OFFPRINT] 4911. Michell,H (1947): The Edict of Diocletian: A Study of Price Fixing in the Roman Empire. Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 13,1, 1-12. (SO35 099) [ECONOMY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 197 4043. Michelotto,Giuseppe (1984): Ronald Syme e il Problema della Historia Augusta: Osservazioni intorno a R. Ryme, Historia Augusta Papers (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1983). Storia della Storiografia (History of Historiography) 1984,6, 119-127. (SO26 086) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 4925. Mickwitz,Gunner (1936): Zu den Finanzen Trajans. Arctos 3, 1-5. (SO1C 003) [ECONOMY; OFFPRINT; TRAJAN] 5214. Mierow,CC (1939): Tacitus the Biographer. Classical Philology 34,1, 36-44. (SO37A 034) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5302. Mierow,CC (1939): Tacitus the Biographer. Classical Philology 34,1, 36-44. (SO37D 019) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5215. Mierow,CC (1941): Two Roman Emperors. The Classical Journal 36,5, 259274. (SO37A 035) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5213. Mierow,CC (1943): Tiberius Himself. Philological Quarterly 22,4, 289-307. (SO37A 033) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 5216. Mierow,CC (1943): Germanicus Caesar Imperator. The Classical Journal 39,3, 137-155. (SO37A 036) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5563. Mihailov,G (1961): La Fortification de la Thrace par Antonin le Pieux et Marc Auräle. Studi Urbinati 25,1-2 (n.s. B), 5-19. (SO42 023) [FORTIFICATIONS; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; THRACE; URBAN DEVELOPMENT] 5572. Mihailov,G (1963): Septimius Severus in Moesia Inferior and Thrace. Acta Antiqua Philippopolitana. Studia Historica et Philologica, 113-126. (SO42 031) [INCOMPLETE; FRONTIERS; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; SEVERUS; THRACE] 5558. Mihailov,G (1970): AntiquitÇ (Jusqu'au VIe S.). Corapport. In: IIäme Congräs Internationale des êtudes du Sud-Est EuropÇen. Athänes, 7-13 Mai 1970. I. Rapport GÇnÇral. êtat Actuel des êtudes du Sud-Est EuropÇen (Objets, MÇthodes, Sources, Instruments de Travail, Place dans les Sciences Humaines) LittÇrature. (: ) Association Internationale des êtudes du SudEast EuropÇen, Athänes, 30pp. (SO42 018) <<Congress paper, later publisged in 'Actes du IIe Congräs International...'>> [CONGRESSES; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 2850. Milazzo,F (1984 [1987]): SocietÖ e Diritto nell'Epoca Decemvirale. Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 35, 230-237. (SO18 039) <<published 1987>> [OFFPRINT] 1163. Milazzo,Francesco (1987): Pertinacis `Natalis Imperii'. In: Studi in Onore di Cesare Sanfilippo. Vol. 7. (: ) GiuffrÇ Editore,, 439461. (SO6 009) [FESTSCHRIFT] 4783. Milburn,RLP (1945): The Persecution of Domitian. Church Quarterly Review Jan-Mar 1945, 154-164. (SO34 041) [CHRISTIANITY; DOMITIAN; OFFPRINT] 4088. Millar,F (1962): The Date of the Constitutio Antoniniana. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 48, 124-131. (SO26 127) [OFFPRINT] 4081. Millar,F (1969): P. Herennius Dexippus: The Greek World and the ThirdCentury Invasions. JRS 59, 12-29. (SO26 122) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4082. Millar,F (1971): Paul of Samosata, Zenobia and Aurelian: The Church, Local Culture and Political Allegiance in ThirdCentury Syria. JRS 61, 1-17. (SO26 123) [OFFPRINT] 4696. Millar,Fergus (1961): Some Speeches in Cassio Dio. Museum Helveticum 18,1, 1122. (SO33 072) [CASSIUS DIO; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3620. Millar,Fergus (1964): M.A.Levi, L'Impero Romano dalla Battaglia di Azio alla Morte di Teodosio I, Torino, SEI, 1963 (Enciclopedia Classica, sez. 1, vol. II). Rivista Storica Italiana 76, fasc. 3, 806-808. (SO23 039) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 198 4955. Millar,Fergus (1964): Some Evidence on the Meaning of Tacitus Annals XII.60. Historia 13,2, 180-187. (SO1C 175) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; ROMAN LAW; TACITUS] 4956. Millar,Fergus (1965): The Development of Jurisdiction by Imperial Procurators; Further Evidence. Historia 14,3, 362-367. (SO1C 176) [OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; ROMAN LAW; TACITUS] 3478. Millar,Fergus (1968): Two Augustan Notes. The Classical Review 18,3 (n.s. vol. 82 of continuous series), 263-266. (SO22 116) [OFFPRINT] 715. Millar,Fergus (1978): Culture Grecque et Culture Latine dans le Haut-Empire. La Loi et la Foi. In: Les Martyrs de Lyon. (: ) (Colloques Internationaux du C.N.R.S, 575.) êditions du C.N.R.S., Paris, 187-193. (SO2 167) [OFFPRINT] 1965. Millar,Fergus (1978): The Background to the Maccabean Revolution: Reflections on Martin Hengel's "Judaism and Hellenism". Journal of Jewish Studies 29,1, 1-21. (SO12 007) <<based on M.Hengel 1974>> [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2636. Millar,Fergus (1982): Emperors, Frontiers and Foreign Relations, 31 B.C. to A.D. 378. Britannia 13, 1-23. (SO17 056) [OFFPRINT] 3781. Millar,Fergus (1983): The Phoenician Cities : A Case Study of Hellenisation. PCPS 209, 55-71. (SO18 170) [OFFPRINT] 848. Millar,Fergus (1984): Condemnation to Hard Labour in the Roman Empire, from the Julio-Claudians to Constantine. PBSR 52, 124-147. (SO5 090) [OFFPRINT] 852. Millar,Fergus (1984): The Political Character of the Classical Roman Republic, 200-151 B.C. JRS 74, 1-19. (SO5 094) [OFFPRINT] 855. Millar,Fergus (1984): The Mediterranean and the Roman Revolution: Politics, War and the Economy. Past & Present 102, 3-24. (SO5 097) [OFFPRINT] 1987. Millar,Fergus (1986): Italy and the Roman Empire: Augustus to Constantine. Phoenix 40,3, 295-318. (SO12 029) [OFFPRINT] 2872. Millar,Fergus (1987): Introduction. In: Roman Architecture in the Greek World. (Eds: Macready,Sarah; Thompson,FH) Society of Antiquaries: Thames & Hudson, London, ix-xv. (SO18 061) [ACCULTURATION; OFFPRINT] 4966. Millar,Fergus (1987): Empire, Community and Culture in the Roman Near East: Greeks, Syrians, Jews and Arabs. Journal of Jewish Studies 38,2, 143-164. (SO1C 188) [EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; SYRIA] 4967. Millar,Fergus (1988): Cornelius Nepos, 'Atticus' and the Roman Revolution. Greece & Rome 35,1, 40-55. (SO1C 218) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 2059. Millar,Fergus GB (1987): Polybius Between Greece and Rome. In: Greek Connections. Essays on Culture and Diplomacy. (Eds: Koumoulides,John TA; Brademas,John) University of Notre Dame Press,, 118. (SO12 100) [OFFPRINT] 5244. Millar,NP (1968): Tiberius Speaks. An Examination of the Utterances Ascribed to him in the Annals of Tacitus. AJPh 89,1, 1-19. (SO37C 003) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 5285. Miller,NP (1956): The Claudian Tablet and Tacitus: A Reconsideration. RMfP 99,4, 304-315. (SO37D 003) [CLAUDIUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5264. Miller,NP (1962): Notes on Tacitus, Annals i-vi. The Classical Review 75,1 (n.s. vol. 12), 11-13. (SO37C 023) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5245. Miller,NP (1964): Dramatic Speech in Tactus. AJPh 85,3, 279-296. (SO37C 004) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] Syme Collection DB page 199 1215. Miller,NP (1970): An Aspect of Tacitean Style. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 17, 111-119. (SO6 061) [OFFPRINT] 1203. Miller,Norma (1976): Taciti Narrationis Ratio. In: Acta Omnium Gentium ac Nationum Conventus Latinis Litteris Linguaeque Fovendis a Die XXX Mensis Augusti ad Diem IV Mensis Septembris A.D. MDCCCCLXXIII [=1973]. (Ed: Coleiro,E) In Aedibus Universitatis Melitensis, Melita, 181-184. (SO6 050) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4728. Milne,J Grafton (1924): Aemilianus the "Tyrant". Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 10,2, 80-82. (SO33 103) [EGYPT; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4729. Milne,J Grafton (1928): Chronological Pitfalls. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 14, 20-21. (SO22 104) [CHRONOLOGY; EGYPT; OFFPRINT; PAPYRI] 1539. Minns,Ellis H (1915): Parchments of the Parthian Period from Avroman in Kurdistan. JHS 35, 22-65. (SO9 073) [OFFPRINT] 5632. Minorsky,V (1944): Roman and Byzantine Campaigns in Atropatene. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Research 11, 243-274. (SO43 012) [ATROPATENE- ANCIENT REGION; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 5470. Mirdita,Zef (1973): Les Origines des Dardaniens. Studia Albanica 2, 117-149. (SO40 006) [FRONTIERS; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT] 5499. Mirkovic,M (1968): Die Auxiliareinheiten in Mîsien unter den Flaviern. Epigraphische Studien 5, 177-183. (SO41 002) [FLAVIANS; FRONTIERS; MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 5498. Mirkovic,Miroslava (1968): Die SÅdillyrischen StÑmme im Illyrischen Krege Octavians in den Jahren 35-33 v. u. Z. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 18, 113-127. (SO41 001; acure accent on 'c' in author name) [AUGUSTUS; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT] 3912. Mirokivic,Miroslava (1968): Eine FrÅhchristliche Inschrift aus der Umbegung von Krupanj. Archaeologia Iugoslavica 9, 9195. (SO25 128) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3876. Mirokivic,Miroslava (1971): Der Beneficiarierposten bei Novi Pazar. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 21,1, 263-271. (SO25 093) [MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 4025. Mitchel,FW (1970): Lykourgan Athens 338-322. Lectures in Memory of Louise Taft Semple (Second Series), April 9 and 10, 1968; University of Cincinnati. (SO26 068) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 279. Mitchell,S (1900): Haspels (C.H.E.) The Highlands of Phrygia: sites and monuments. 2 vols. Princeton: The University Press. 1971. JHS ?, 275-276. (SO4 058) [BOOK REVIEW] 4380. Mitchell,S (1974): The Plancii in Asia Minor. JRS 64, 27-39. (SO30 003) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1182. Mitchell,S (1978): Venutius and Cartimandua. Liverpool Classical Monthly 3, 215-219. (SO6 028) [OFFPRINT] 649. Mitchell,S (1983): Cornish Tin, Iulius Caesar and the Invasion of Britain. In: Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History III. Collection Latomus Vol. 180. (Ed: Deroux,Carl) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 80-99. (SO2 086) [OFFPRINT] 4439. Mitchell,S (1985): Archaeology in Asia Minor 1979-84. AR 31, 70-105. (SO30 061) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 272. Mitchell,Stephen (1974): Blucium and Peium: The Galatian Forts of King Deiotarus. AS 24, 61-75. (SO4 051) [OFFPRINT] 258. Mitchell,Stephen (1976): Requisitioned Transport in the Roman Empire: A New Inscription from Pisidia. JRS 66, 106131. (SO4 037) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 200 259. Mitchell,Stephen (1976): R.Teja, Organizacion Economica y Social de Capadocia en el Siglo IV, Segun Los Padres Capadocios (Acta Salamanticensia, Filosofia y Letras, 78). University of Salamanca, 1974. JRS 66, 256-257. (SO4 030) [BOOK REVIEW] 3197. Mitchell,Stephen (1976): Legion VII and the Garrison of Augustan Galatia. CQ 26,2, 298-308. (SO21 023) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 416. Mitchell,Stephen (1978): Onomastic Survey of Mysia and the Asiatic Shore of the Propontis. In: Pulpudena. Semaines Philippopolitaines de l'Histoire et de la Culture Thrace. Plovdiv, 4-9 octobre 1976. Vol. 2. (: ) êditions de l'Academie d'Athänes, Sofia, 119127. (SO4 205) [ASIA MINOR; ETHNICITY; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICS] 4958. Mitchell,Stephen (1978): Roman Residents and Roman Property in Southern Asia Minor. In: Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Classical Archaeology. (Ed: Akurgal,E) TÅrk Tarih Kumuru Basimevi, Ankara, 311-318. (SO1C 178) <<published by the Turkish Historical Society, Ankara>> [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 4973. Mitchell,Stephen (1978): R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 3. A Latin Inscription from Galatia. AS 28, 93-96. (SO1C 194) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 984. Mitchell,Stephen (1979): R.E.C.A.M. Notes and Studies No. 5. A Roman Family in Phrygia. AS 29, 13-22. (SO3 023) [OFFPRINT] 4959. Mitchell,Stephen (1980): Population and Land in Roman Galatia. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 7,2. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 1053-1081. (SO1C 179) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 247. Mitchell,Stephen (1982): A. Balland: Fouilles de Xanthos VII. Inscriptions d'êpoque ImpÇrial du LÇtìon. Paris: Klincksieck, 1981. The Classical Review 32,2, 258-260. (SO4 026) [BOOK REVIEW] 395. Mitchell,Stephen (1982): The Life of Saint Theodotus of Ancyra. AS 32, 93-113. (SO4 183) [OFFPRINT] 1109. Mitchell,Stephen (1983): The Balkans, Anatolia, and Roman Armies Across Asia Minor. In: Armies and Frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia. (Ed: Mitchell,Stephen) (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph, 5.) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, . [ASIA MINOR; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4963. Mitchell,Stephen (1987): Imperial Buildings in the Eastern Roman Provinces. HSCP 91, 333-365. (SO1C 041) [ARCHITECTURE; EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4964. Mitchell,Stephen (1988): B. Remy: L'êvolution Administrative de l'Anatolie aux Trois Premiers Siäcles de notre äre. (Collection du Centre d'êtudes Romaines et Gallo-Romaine, 5.). Lyon: Diffusion de Boccard, 1986. The Classical Review 38,2, 427-438. (SO1C 183) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4965. Mitchell,Stephen (1988): Maximinus and the Christians in A.D. 312: A New Latin Inscription. JRS 78, 105-124. (SO1C 187) [CHRISTIANITY; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4984. Mitchell,Thomas N (1973): Cicero, Pompey, and the Rise of the First Triumvirate. Traditio 29, 1-26. (SO1C 205) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORYREPUBLIC] 4390. Mitford,TB (1948): Religious Documents from Roman Cyprus. JHS 66, 2442. (SO30 013) [CYPRUS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4417. Mitford,TB (1950): New Inscriptions from Roman Cyprus. Opuscula Archaeologia 6, 1-95. (SO30 039) [CYPRUS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3480. Mitford,TB (1960): A Cypriot Oath of Allegiance to Tiberius. JRS 50, 75-79. (SO22 118) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 201 4391. Mitford,TB (1961): Further Contributions to the Epigraphy of Cyprus. AJA 65, 93-151. (SO30 014) [CYPRUS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4392. Mitford,TB (1966): Thre Milestones of Western Cyprus. AJA 70, 89-99. (SO30 015) [CYPRUS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4975. Mitford,TB (1967): The God Pylon in Eastern Pontus. Byzantion 36,2 (1966), 471490. (SO1C 196) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN RELIGION] 4389. Mitford,TB (?): Some Published Inscriptions of Roman Date from Cyprus. ABSA 42, 201-230. (SO30 012) [INCOMPLETE; CYPRUS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5544. Mitrea,B (1954): Contributii Numismatice la Cunoasterea Problemei Luptei Impotriva Stapinirii Romane in Dacia (Contributions Numismatiques pour Servir Ö a Connaissance des Luttes MenÇes en Dacie contre la Domination Romaine (I)). Studii si Cercetari de Istorie Veche 5,3-4, 467-486. (SO42 006) <<article in Rumanian with Russian (?) and French summaries>> [DACIA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3794. Mitrea,B (1955): L'Incursion des Carpes en Dacie sous le Rägne de Philippe l'Arabe, Ö la Lumiäre des DÇcouvertes de TrÇsors de Monnaies. PrÇsentÇ au Xe Congräs des Sciences Historiques Rome 1955. êditions de l'AcadÇmie de la RÇpublique Populaire Roumaine, Bucharest. 12 pages. (SO25 013) [DACIA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 5543. Mitrea,Bucur (1956): Contributii Numismatice la Istoria Triburilor Daco-Getice din Moldova in a Doua Jumatate a Secolului al II-Lea E.N. (Contribution Numismatique Ö l'Histoire des Tribus GÇto-Daces de Moldavie dans la Seconde MoitiÇ du IIe Siäcle de Notre äre). Studii si Cercetari de Istorie Veche 7,1-2, 159-177. (SO42 005) <<article in Rumanian with Russian (?) and French summaries>> [DACIA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3936. Mitrea,Bucur (1957): La Migration des Gothes ReflÇtÇe par les TrÇsors de Monnaies Romaines Enfouis en Moldavie. Dacia. Revue d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Ancienne 1 (n.s.), 229-236. (SO25 152) [DACIA; MOLDAVIA; OFFPRINT] 5523. M¢csy,A (1956): Die Entwicklung der Sklavenwirtschaft in Pannonien zur Zeit des Prinzipates. AAntHung 4, 221-250. (SO41 026) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; SLAVERY] 4924. M¢csy,A (1962): Ubique Res Publicae. AAntHung 10, 367-384. (SO1C 146) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 5506. M¢csy,A (1965): Pannonia-Forschung 1961-1963. Eirene 4, 133-155. (SO41 008) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; REVIEW ARTICLE] 2358. M¢csy,A (1966): Die Urkenntis des Lebensalters im Rîmischen Reich. AAntHung 14, 387-421. (SO15 046) [OFFPRINT] 5472. M¢csy,A (1966): Der Vertuschte Dakerkrieg des M. Licinius Crassus. Historia 15,4, 511-514. (SO40 008) [CRASSUS; DACIA; OFFPRINT] 5473. M¢csy,A (1966): Die Vorgeschichte Obermîsiens im Hellenistisch-Rîmischen Zeitalter. AAntHung 14, 87-112. (SO40 009) [MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 5534. M¢csy,A (1967): Municipale Gemeinden und Ihre Territorien in Moesia Superior. Akademija Nauka i Umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine. Godisnjak 5 (Centar za Balkanoloska Ispitivanja vol. 3), 151-166. (SO41 036) <<article in German with Serbo-Croat resumÇ>> [INCOMPLETE; FRONTIERS; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5507. M¢csy,A (1968): Latrones Dardaniae. AAntHung 16, 351-354. (SO41 009) [FRONTIERS; MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 5508. M¢csy,A (1968): Umgetaufte Ortschaften in Pannonien. AArchSlov 19, 7577. (SO41 011) [MOESIA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA; PANNONIA] 3932. M¢csy,A (1969): Pannonia-Forschung 1964-1968. AAntHung 21, 340-375. (SO25 148) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] Syme Collection DB page 202 3913. M¢csy,A (1970): J.J. Wilkes : Dalmatia. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1969. (History of the Provinces of the Roman Empire). AAntHung 22, 438-440. (SO25 129) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3914. M¢csy,A (1970): E. Weber : Die Rîmerzeitlichen Inschriften der Steiermark. Verîffentlichungen der Historischen Landeskommission fÅr Steiermark, Arbeiten zur Quellenkunde XXXV. Graz, Selbsverlag der Historischen Landeskommission, 1969. AAntHung 22, 440-441. (SO25 129) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3916. M¢csy,A (1971): Zur FrÅhesten Besatzungsperiode in Pannonien. AAntHung 23, 41-46. (SO25 131) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 4023. M¢csy,A (1972): Zu Theopomos Frg. 39-40. Rivista Storica dell'AntichitÖ 2,1-2, 1316. (SO26 066) [OFFPRINT] 4931. M¢csy,A (1973): J. Fitz: Les Syriens Ö Intercisa. Collection Latomus, vol. 122. Bruxelles, 1972. AAntHung 25, 233-234. (SO1C 152) [BOOK REVIEW; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 3904. M¢csy,A (1974): Das Problem der MilitÑrischen Territorien im Donauraum. AAntHung 20 (1972), 133-168. (SO25 120) [DANUBIANA; OFFPRINT] 2359. M¢csy,Andr†s (1966): Das SchÑtzungsweise Angegebene Lebensalter auf Rîmischen Grabinschriften. Das Altertum 12,2, 108-111. (SO15 047) [OFFPRINT] 3909. M¢csy,Andr†s (1970): Decurio Eraviscus. Folia Archaeologica 21, 59-66. (SO25 125) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 4932. M¢csy,Andr†s (1970): Das Namensverbot des Kaisers Claudius (Suet. Claud. 53,3). Klio 52, 287-294. (SO1C 153) [CLAUDIUS; NOMENCLATURE; OFFPRINT] 3874. M¢csy,Andr†s (1974): Ein SpÑtantiker Festungstyp am Linken Donauufer. In: Roman Frontier Studies 1969. Eight International Congress of Limesforschung. (Eds: Birley,Eric; Dobson,Brian; Jarrett,M) University of Wales, Cardiff, 191-196. (SO25 091) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3905. M¢csy,Andr†s (1974): Il Problema delle Condizioni del Suolo Attribuito alle UnitÖ Militari nelle Province Danubiane. In: Atti del Convegno Internazionale sul Tema : I Diritti Locali nelle Province Romane con Particolare Riguardo alle Condizioni Giuridiche del Suolo (Roma, 26-28 Ottobre 1971). (: ) (Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura, 194.) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 345355. (SO25 121) [DANUBE; LIMES; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 5516. M¢csy,Andreas (1964): Zum Neuen Dakischen MilitÑrdiplom. Argo 3, 73-74. (SO41 019) [DACIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 15. M¢csy,Andreas (1966): Tampius Flavianus Pannoni†ban=Tampius Flavianus in Pannonien. KÅlînlenyomat az Archaeologiai êrtes°to 93, 203-207. (SO1A 016; OLIS; accent over `o' in êrtes°to) <<article in Hungarian wioth German summary>> [OFFPRINT] 1744. M¢csy,Andreas (1966): Das Lustrum Primipli und die Annona Militaris. Germania 44,2, 312-326. (SO11 027) [OFFPRINT] 2360. M¢csy,Andreas (1966): Henric Nordberg, Biometrical Notes. The Information on Ancient Christian Inscriptions from Rome Concerning the Duration of Life and the dates of Birth and Death. Helsinki 1963 (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae. Vol. II: 2). Deutsche Literaturzeitung 87,3, 242-243. (SO15 048) [BOOK REVIEW] 1921. Modena,Aldo Neppi (1934): Rassegna di Epigrafia Romana puntata VII. Historia. Studia Storici per l'AntichitÖ Classica 8,4, 686707. (SO11 202) [OFFPRINT] 1922. Modena,Aldo Neppi (1934): Rassegna di Epigrafia Romana puntata VI. Historia. Studia Storici per l'AntichitÖ Classica 8,2, 315345. (SO11 203) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 203 3061. Modona,A Neppi (1932): Il Nuovo Frammento Berlinese degli "Atti dei Martiri Alessandrini" (P. 8877). Aegyptus 12, fasc. 1, 17-24. (SO20 017) [EGYPT] 5638. Modona,A Neppi (1932): Studii Diadochei. Athenaeum 20, 1( n.s. vol. 10), 2236. (SO42 018) [ALEXANDER THE GREAT; DIADOCHI; OFFPRINT] 1885. Modona,Aldo Neppi (1937): Epigrafia Romana (1935-36). Aevum 11, fasc. 1-2, 91131. (SO11 167) [OFFPRINT] 4165. Modrzejewski,J; Zawadski,T (1970): Inscription Latine d'un TriÇrarque d'êgypte TrouvÇe a Akìris. In: êtudes Offertes Ö Jean Macqueron. (: ) FacultÇ de Droit et des Sciences êconomiques d'Aix-en-Provence, Aix-en-Provence, 539-543. (SO27 050) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1643. Modrzejewski,J; Zawadzki,T (1967): La Date de la Morte d'Ulpian et la PrÇfecture du PrÇtoire au DÇbut du Rägne d'Alexandre SÇvÇre. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 45,4 (4th series), 565-611. (SO10 040) [OFFPRINT] (SO14 097) [OFFPRINT] 937. Momigliano,A (1938): Dubbi Intorno alle Teorie Letterarie del De Pythiae Oraculis di Plutarco. Athenaeum 16, 1-2 (n.s.), 1-6. (SO5 181) [OFFPRINT] 827. Momigliano,AD (1962): Harry J Leon: The Jews of Ancient Rome. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America 19605721. (The Morris Loeb Series). Gnomon 34, 178-182. (SO5 065) [BOOK REVIEW; JUDAISM] 1525. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1938): Una Osservazione sulla Politica Tributaria di Roma in Oriente. In: Atti del IV Congresso Nazionale di Studi Romani. (: ) Istituto di Studi Romani,, 1-4. (SO9 062) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 5157. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1938): The Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XI, The Imperial Peace, A.D. 70-192, edited by S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock, M.P. Charlesworth, Cambridge 1936. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 66,2 (16 n.s.), 1-3. (SO36F 020) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4577. Modungo,S; Panciera,S; Zevi,F (1973): Osservazioni sui Consoli dell'85 d.C. Rivista Storica dell'AntichitÖ 3,1-2, 87-108. (SO32 070) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5167. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1938): I Problemi delle Istituzioni Militari di Augusto. In: Augustus. Studi in Occasione del Bimillenario Augusteo. (: ) R. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 195-216. (SO36F 030) <<offprint repaginated 1-23>> [INCOMPLETE; AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4122. Molisani,G (1972): Una Dedica a Giove Dolicheno nell'Isola Tiberina. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 26,fasc. 7-12 (8th ser.), 795-811. (SO27 008) <<journal year is 1971>> [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1484. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1949): F.A.Lepper, Trajan's Parthian War, Oxford University Press (Oxford Classical and Philosophical Monographs), 1948. Rivista Storica Italiana 61,1, 124-127. (SO9 024) [BOOK REVIEW; PARTHIA-ANCIENT REGION; ROMAN ARMY; TRAJAN] 4422. Molisani,G (1977): Il Governo della Licia-Panfilia nell'EtÖ di Marco Aurelio. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 105,2, 166178. (SO30 044) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2414. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1950): Ancient History and the Antiquarian. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 13, 3-4, 286315. (SO15 102) [OFFPRINT] 2289. Molisani,Guilio (1971): Lucius Cornelius Quinti Catuli Architectus. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 26, fasc. 1-2 (8th series), 1-10. 4819. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1950): Note sulla Leggenda del Cristianesimo di Seneca. Rivista Storica Italiana 62,3, 325-344. (SO35 011) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; SENECA] Syme Collection DB page 204 2390. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1953): In Memoria di Michele Rostovzeff (1870-1952). Rivista Storica Italiana 65, 4, 481-495. (SO15 078) [HISTORIANS; OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 2725. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1954): Un Unsolved Problem of Historical Forgery: The Scriptores Historiae Augustae. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 17,1-2, 2246. (SO17 144) [OFFPRINT] 1621. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1959): Angelo Poliziano, Della Congiura dei Pazzi, a cura di Alessandro Perosa, Antenore, 1958. Rivista Storica Italiana 71, fasc. 4, 680-682. (SO10 018) [BOOK REVIEW] 3511. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1959): Atene nel III Secolo A.C. e la Scoperta di Roma nelle Storie di Timeo di Tauromenio. Rivista Storica Italiana 71, fasc. 4, 529-566. (SO22 149) [GREECE; OFFPRINT] 924. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1961): Moses Hadas, Hellenistic Culture, Fusion and Diffusion, New York, Columbia University Press (Londra, Oxford University Press), 1959. Rivista Storica Italiana 73,1, 147-149. (SO5 171) [BOOK REVIEW] 5022. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1961): Linee per una Valutazione di Fabio Pittore. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 15 (8th ser.), 310-320. (SO36A 021) [FABIUS PICTOR; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3679. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1962): J.Burckhardt e la Parola ÆCesarismoØ. Rivista Storica Italiana 74,2, 369-371. (SO23 094) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3634. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1964): Enrico Caiado e la Falsificazione di C.I.L. II,30. Athenaeum 42,1-4 (n.s.), 3-11. (Studi in Onore di Enrica Malcovati) (SO23 053) [EPIGRAPHY; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3667. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1964): Le Conseguenze del Rinnovamento della Storia dei Diritti Antichi. Rivista Storica Italiana 76,1, 133-149. (SO23 086) [OFFPRINT] 3643. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1965): School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Historical Writing on the Peoples of Asia. 4 vols. London, etc. : Oxford University Press, 1961-62. Bulletin of the School of African and Oriental Studies, 447-451. (SO23 062) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3670. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1965): Fattori Orientali della Storiografia Ebraica Post-esilica e della Storiografia Greca. Rivista Storica Italiana 77,2, 456-464. (SO23 086) [OFFPRINT] 4775. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1965): The Later Roman Empire AD 284-602 by A.H.M. Jones. Oxford Magazine (4 March 1965), 264. (SO34 035) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 2351. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1966): Ronald Syme ÆPremio Cultori di RomaØ. Studi Romani 14,2, 1-3. (SO15 039) <<discussion of Syme's background and major work>> [OFFPRINT] 3582. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1966): Vico's Scienza Nuova : Roman "Bestioni" and Roman "Eroi". History and Theory. Studies in the Philosophy of History 5,1, 3-23. (SO23 001) [OFFPRINT] 3632. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1966): Time in Ancient Historiography. History and Theory. Studies in the Philosophy of History 6, 1-23. (SO23 051) [OFFPRINT] 3640. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1966): Reconsidering B. Croce (1866-1952). Durham University Journal Dec. 1966, 1-12. (SO23 059) [CROCE, BENEDETTO (1866-1952); HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3624. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1967): Santo Mazzarino. Il Pensiero Storico Classico, I-II,1 (Laterza, Bari, 1966). Rivista Storica Italiana 79,1, 206-219. (SO23 043) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2727. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1969): Ammiano Marcellino e la Historia Augusta. Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 103, 423436. (SO17 146) <<journal year is 1968-69; article is based ona review of R.Syme: Ammianus and the Syme Collection DB page 205 Historia Augusta; Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1968>> [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2728. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1969): Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. By Sir Ronald Syme. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968). The English Historical Review 84 (no. 332)(July 1969), 566-569. (SO17 147) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2744. Momigliano,Arnaldo (1969): L'EtÖ del Trapasso fra Storiografia Antica e Storiografia Medievale (320-550 d.C.). Rivista Storica Italiana 81, fasc. 2, 286-303. (SO17 162) [OFFPRINT] 3587. Momigliano,Arnaldo; Rossi,Pietro (1961): Lo Storicismo nel Pensiero Contemporaneo. Rivista Storica Italiana 73,1, 104-132. (SO23 006) [OFFPRINT] 3418. Momigliano,Arnaldo; Syme,R (1962): Introduzione. In: R. Syme : The Roman Revolution. (: ) Giulio Einaudi,, ix-xv. (SO22) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3247. Momigliano,Arnoldo (1964): Per la Interpretazione di Simmaco Relatio 4. Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche. Rendiconti 19, fasc. 7-12, 225-230. (SO21) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5189. Moore,Frank Gardner (1923): Annalistic Method as Related to the Book Divisions in Tacitus. Transactions of the American Philological Association 54, 5-20. (SO37A 010) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4859. Moreau,J (1957): Observations sur lÆIpomneestikon Biblion 'IoseeppouØ. Byzantion 25-27,1 (1955-57), 241-276. (SO35 048) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1791. Moreau,J (19??): Sur une Inscription de Sinope. Limes-Studien, 84-87. (SO11 075) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4936. Moretti,L ([1984]): Frammenti Vecchi e Nuovi del Commentario dei Ludi Secolari. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 55-56 (1982-84), 361-379. (SO1C 157) [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4938. Moretti,L ([1985]): Due Epigrammi Greci Inediti di Roma. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 57 (1984-85), 233-246. (SO1C 159) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4016. Morgan,AG (1974): Priests and Physical Fitness. CQ 24,1, 137-141. (SO26 059) [OFFPRINT] 1542. Mommsen,Theodor (19??): Zum égyptischen MÅnzwesen. Archiv fÅr Papyrusforschung 1-2, 273-284. (SO9 076) [OFFPRINT] 4006. Morgan,MG (1973): Villa Publica and Magna Mater. Klio 55, 215-245. (SO26 049) [OFFPRINT] 3678. Mommsen,Wolfgang J (1963): Between Past and Future. By Hannah Arendt. New York : Viking Press, 1961. History and Theory. Studies in the Philosophy of History 2,3, 286-326. (SO23 093) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5467. Morgan,M Gwyn (1971): ÆLucius Cotta and MetellusØ. Roman Campaigns in Illyria during the Late Second Century. Athenaeum 49,3-4 (n.s.), 271-301. (SO40 003) [DANUBE; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 2311. Monaci,Alfredo (1919): Di uno Scudo con Emblema Legionario Scolpiti nell'Arco di Constantino. Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia, 281-288. (SO14 118) [OFFPRINT] 5444. Morgan,M Gwyn (1973): "Metellus Pontifex" and Ops Opifera: A Note on Pliny Naturalis Histori a 11.174. Phoenix 27,1, 3541. (SO39 025) [OFFPRINT; PLINY MAJOR; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2087. Montefiore,HW (1960): Josephus and the New Testament. Novum Testamentum 4, fasc. 2-4, 139-160; 307-318. (SO12 128) [OFFPRINT] 5468. Morgan,M Gwyn (1974): "Cornelius and the Pannonians". Appian, Illyrica 14,41 and Roman History, 143-138 B.C. Historia 23,2, 183-216. Syme Collection DB page 206 (SO40 004) [APPIAN; DANUBE; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 3835. Morris,John (1952): The Dating of the Column of Marcus Aurelius. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 15,1-2, 3347. (SO25 054) [OFFPRINT] 4950. Morris,John (1963): Senate and Emperor. In: 1963 Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica. Vol. 1. (: ) (Graecolatina Pgarensia, 2.),, 149-161. (SO1C 170) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; TACITUS] 4954. Morris,John (1964): Leges Annales under the Principate. Listy FilologickÇ 87, 316337. (SO1C 174) <<article in English with Czech resume>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN LAW] 2825. Morris,John (1965): Leges Annales under the Principate. Political Effects. Listy FilologickÇ 88, 22-31. (SO18 014) <<resume in Czech `Leges Annales v Obdob° Princip†tu'>> [OFFPRINT] 4222. Morris,John (1965): Munatius Plancus Paulinus. BonnJahr 165, 88-96. (SO27 105) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4806. Morris,John (1965): Pelagian Literature. Journal of Theological Studies 16,1 (n.s.), 26-60. (SO34 064) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; LITERATURE-HERETICAL; OFFPRINT] 4934. Mratschek,Sigrid (1984): Est Enim Ille Flos Italiae. Literatur und Gesellschaft in der Transpadana. Athenaeum 62,1-2 (n.s.), 154189. (SO1C 155) [ITALY- ANCIENT; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 4229. Mrozek,Stanislaw (1968): Die Kaiserlichen Bergwerksprokuratoren in der Zeit des Principats. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolja Kopernika w Toruniu. Nauki Humanistyczno-Spoleczne 32 (Historia 4), 45-67. (SO27 112) <<article in German with Polish resume>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4148. MÅller,H (1968): Marcus Aurelius Olympiodorus [Egonos Hippodromou]. ZPE 3,3, 197-219. (SO27 033) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5319. MÅller,Johan (1912): Kritische und Exegetische Studien zu Tacitus. Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 170,3, 15pp. (SO38A 007) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3552. MÅller-Seidel,Ilse (1953): Q. Fabius Maximus Cunctator und die Konsulwahlen der Jahre 215 und 214 V. Chr. RMfP 96,3, 241281. (SO22 192) [OFFPRINT] 3693. MÅller-Seidel,Ilse (1955): Die Usurpation Julians des AbtrÅnnigen im Lichte seiner Germanenpolitik. Historische Zeitschrift 180,2, 225-244. (SO24 008) [OFFPRINT] 2377. MÅnzer,Friedrich (1927): Die Entstehung des Rîmischen Principats. Ein Beispiel des Wandels von Staatsformen. Ashendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, MÅnster Westfalen. 32 pages. (SO15 065) <<lecture delivered on the ReichgrÅndungsfeier of the University of MÅnster 18 Jan. 1927/ series: Aschenhdorffs ZeitgemÑsse Schriften 16>> [LECTURE; MONOGRAPH] 3549. MÅnzer,Friedrich ([1937-?]): Die Rîmischen Vestalinnen bis zur Kaiserzeit. Philologus 92,1-2, 47-67; 199-222. (SO22 189) [OFFPRINT] 1508. Munro,JAR (1912): Dascylium. JHS 32, 57-67. (SO9 046) [OFFPRINT] 1511. Munro,J Arthur R (1901): Roads in Pontus. JHS 21, 52-66. (SO9 049) [OFFPRINT] 1231. Murgia,Charles E (1979): The Length of the Lacuna in Tacitus' Dialogus. California Studies in Classical Antiquity 12, 221-240. (SO6 078) [OFFPRINT] 1217. Murgia,Charles E (1980): The Date of Tacitus' Dialogus. HSCP 84, 99-125. (SO6 064) Syme Collection DB page 207 [OFFPRINT] 1235. Murgia,Charles E (1984): Tacitus Auctus. Classical Philology 79,4, 314-326. (SO6 082) [OFFPRINT] 2836. Murgia,Charles E (1984): Ovid Met. 1.544-547 and the Theory of the Double Recension. Classical Antiquity 3,2, 207-235. (SO18 025) [OFFPRINT] 1216. Murgia,Charles E (1985): Pliny's Letters and the Dialogus. HSCP 89, 171-206. (SO6 063) [OFFPRINT] 1222. Murgia,Charles E (1985): Tacitus Annals 2.8.2. Classical Philology 80,3, 244253. (SO6 069) [OFFPRINT] 2862. Murgia,Charles E (1985): Imitation and Authenticity in Ovid: Metamorphoses 1.477 and Heroides 15. AJPh 106, 456-474. (SO18 051) [OFFPRINT] 2866. Murgia,Charles E (1986): Influence of Ovid's Remedia Amoris on Ars Amatoria 3 and Amores 3. Classical Philology 81,3, 203-220. (SO18 055) [OFFPRINT] 2867. Murgia,Charles E (1986): The Date of Ovid's Ars Amatoris 3. AJPh 107, 74-94. (SO18 056) [OFFPRINT] 4776. Murray,Oswyn (1965): A ThirdCentury Historian: A Study of Cassius Dio. Fergus Millar. (O.U.P. 1964). Oxford Magazine (4 March 1965), 264-265. (SO34 035) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5200. Murray,Oswyn (1965): The 'Quinquennium Neronis' and the Stoics. Historia 14,1, 41-61. (SO37A 021) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; NERO; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3242. Murray,Oswyn (1967): Albrecht Dihle : Umstrittene Daten : Untersuchungen zum Auftreten der Griechen am Roten Meer (Wiss. Abh. d. Arbeits-Gemeinshaft f. Forschung d. Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen,32). Opladen : Westdeutscher Verlag, 1965. The Classical Review 81,1 (n.s. vol 17), 79-81. (SO21 069) [BOOK REVIEW] 3615. Murray,Oswyn (1967): Aristeas and Ptolomaic Kingship. Journal of Theological Studies 18,2 (n.s.), 337-371. (SO23 034) [OFFPRINT] 4978. Murray,Oswyn (1967): B. Grenzheuser, Kaiser und Senat in der Zeit von Nero bis Nerva. MÅnster: The Author, 1964. JRS 57, 250-251. (SO1C 199) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 1810. Murray,Oswyn (1968): Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosohy: Origins and Background. By Francis Dvornik (Dunbarton Oaks Studies, ix) Washington, D.C. Dunbarton Oaks Centre for Byzantine Studies. Journal of Theological Studies 19,2, 673-678. (SO11 093) [OFFPRINT] 3019. Murray,Oswyn (1968): Hermann Strasburger: Die Wesenbestimmung der Geschichte durch die Antike Geschichtsschreibung. (Sitz. d. Wiss. Gesellschaft a.d. UniversitÑt Frankfurt, v. 3) Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1966. The Classical Review 18,2 (n.s. vol. 82 of continuous series), 218-221. (SO19 036) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY] 4952. Murray,Oswyn (1969): Ramsey MacMullan, Enemies of the Roman Order: Treason, Unrest, and Allienation in the Empire. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harverd University Press, 1967. JRS 59, 261-265. (SO1C 172) [BOOK REVIEW; ECONOMY-ANCIENT; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; RELIGION-ROMAN] 813. Murray,Oswyn (1970): Hecataeus of Abdera and Pharaonic Kingship. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 56, 141-171. (SO5 049) [OFFPRINT] 718. Murray,Oswyn (1971): B.H.Warmington: Nero: Reality and Legend. London: Chatto & Windus 1969. (Ancient Culture and Society). Gnomon 53, 833-834. (SO2 170) [BOOK REVIEW] 4968. Murray,Oswyn (1971): A.R. Hands: Charities and Social Aid in Greece and Rome. London: Thames & Hudson, 1968. The Classical Review 85 (21,3 n.s.), 397-401. (SO1C 189) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SOCIAL HISTORY- CHARITY] Syme Collection DB page 208 2317. Murray,Oswyn (1974): The Perspectives of Exile. Times Literary Supplement october 18 1974, 1158. (SO15 005) [OFFPRINT] 923. Murray,Oswyn; Dorini,G trans (1973): AndrÇ Aymard. Rivista Storica Italiana 85,1, 217-221. (SO5 169) [OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 3558. Myres,JL (1934): The Roman Plebs and the Creation of its Tribunes. In: Essays Presented to C.G. Seligman. (: ) Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., London, . (SO22 199) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 930. Myres,Sir John L (1953): Ancient Groceries. Greece & Rome 21, (no. 64), 1-10. (SO5 175) [OFFPRINT] 3194. Nagy,T (1965): Commanders of the Legions in the Age of Gallienus. Acta Archaeologia Hungaricae 17, 289-307. (SO21 019) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4228. Nagy,T (1969): Les Dona Militaria de M. Macrinus Avitus Catonius Vindex. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 2. (Ed: Bibauw,J) (Collection Latomus 102.) Latomus, Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 536-546. (SO27 111) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2608. Nagy,T (1983): Die Zwei L.Neratii Prisci und Neratius Priscus der Jurist. AAntHung 28 (1980), 411-436. (SO17 028) [OFFPRINT] 2599. Nagy,T (1984): Die Regierungsjahre des Caesar mit Besonderer RÅcksicht auf Illyrisum. AAntHung 29, 337-362. (SO17 109) [OFFPRINT] 2605. Nagy,T (1984): Die Gens Marcomannorum in Pannonia Prima. Milleilungen des ArchÑologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 12/13, 113-121. (SO17 025) <<journal year is 1982/83>> [OFFPRINT] 2594. Nagy,T (1985): Traian Statthalter in Obermoesien? AAntHung 37, 159-160. (SO17 014) [OFFPRINT] 3906. Nagy,Tibor (1971): The Last Century of Pannonia in the Judgement of a New Monograph [Review of : L. V†rady : Das Letze Jahrhundert Oannoniens (376-476). Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 1969]. AAntHung 19, 299-345. (SO25 122) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 2331. Nagy,Tibor (1985): Pannonier in den Richterdekurien. In: Rîmische Geschichte, Alterumskunde und Epigraphik. Festschrift fÅr Artur Betz zur Vollendung seines 80. Lebenjahres. (Eds: Weber,Ekkehard; Dobesch,Gerhard) ôsterreichischen Gesellschaft fÅr ArchÑologie, Wien, 417-444. (SO15 019) <<series: ArchÑologisch- Epigraphische Studien 1>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 2600. Nagy,Tibor (1985): Ein Sonderfall bei der Magisterwahl der ArvalbrÅder. Historia 34,4, 505-508. (SO17 020) [OFFPRINT] 2593. Nagy,Tibor (1986): Traian und Pannonien. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte Pannoniens. In: Studien zu den MilitÑrgrenzen Roms III. VortrÑge des 13. International Limeskongre·. Aalen 1983. (: ), Stuttgart, 377383. (SO17 013) <<series: Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und FrÅhgeschichte in BadenWÅrttemberg 20>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2375. Namier,Lewis B (1952): Monarchy and the Party System. The Romanes Lecture delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre 15 May 1952. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 30 pages. (SO15 063) [LECTURE; MONOGRAPH] 3901. Nandris,John (1976): The Dacian Iron Age. A Comment in a European Context. In: Festschrift fÅr Richard Pittioni zum Siebzigsten Geburtstag. (Eds: MitschaMÑrheim,H; Freisinger,H; Kerchler,H) (Archaeologica Austriaca, 13-14.) Deuticke; Berger, Wien; Horn, 723-736. (SO25 117) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3922. Nandris,John (n.d.): Geto-Dacian Civilisation in the Classical Period. In: The Dacians. An Exhibition from Romanian National Collections Presented under the Romania-British Cultural Exchange Programme by the Council for Culture and Socialist Education of the Socialist Republic of Romania, in Association with the British Council, the Visiting Arts Unit of Great Britain, and Stockton Borough Council Museum Syme Collection DB page 209 Service. Billingham Art Gallery 11th April- 7th June. (: ),, 9-11 (+ illustrations). (SO25 137) [INCOMPLETE; PHOTOCOPY] 3196. Nash,D (1976): Reconstructing Poseidonios's Celtic Ethnography: Some Considerations. Britannia 7, 111-126. (SO21 022) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4988. NaudÇ,CPT (1969): Alexander Demandt: Zeitkritik und Geschichtsbild im Werk Ammians. Bonn: Habelt 1965. (Habelts Dissertionsdrucke. Reihe Alte Geschichte. 5). Gnomon, 481-484. (SO1C 209) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4097. Naumann,H (1976): Gab Es eine Roemische Dichter-Biographie? Sileno 2,1-2, 35-50. (SO26 136) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1913. Neatby,Leslie (1951): The "Bigatus". AJA 55, 241-244. (SO11 194) [OFFPRINT] 1931. Nenci,G (1973): Eunapio, V. Sophist. 2,2,6-8 e la Periodizzazione della [Philosophos `Istoria]. ASNP 3,1 (third series), 95-102. (SO11 212) [OFFPRINT] 3037. Nenci,Giuseppe (1973): Leucopetrai Tarentinorum (Cic., Att. 16,6,1) e l'Itinerario di un Progettato Viaggio Ciceroniano in Grecia. ASNP 3,2 (3rd series), 387-396. (SO19 054) [CICERO; GREECE; OFFPRINT] 426. Nenci,Giuseppe (1978): Graecia Capta Ferum Victorem Cepit (Hor., EP., 2,1,156). ASNP 8,3 (3rd. ser.), 1007-1023. (SO1C 004) [OFFPRINT] 3115. Nesselhauf,H (1951): Die Besiedlung der Oberrheinlande in Rîmischer Zeit. Badische Fundberichte 19, 71-85. (SO20 068) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 4857. Nesselhauf,H (1955): Das Toleranzgesetz des Licinius. Historisches Jahrbuch 74, 44-61. (SO35 046) [CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 5286. Nesselhauf,H (1955): Die Adoption des Rîmischen Kaisers. Hermes 83,4, 477495. (SO37D 004) [ADOPTION; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 1637. Nesselhauf,H (1958): Ein Neues Fragment der Fasten von Ostia. Athenaeum 36, fasc. 3-4, 219-228. (SO10 034) [OFFPRINT] 1788. Nesselhauf,H (1959): Fragment eines MilitÑrdiploms aus Owen (Kr. NÅrtingen). Fundberichte aus Schwabe 15 (new series), 73-77. (SO11 072) [OFFPRINT] 4245. Nesselhauf,H (1964): Sextus Iulius Possessor. Madrider Mittleilungen 5, 180-184. (SO27 127) [OFFPRINT] 4624. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1937): Von der Feldherrlichen Gewalt des Rîmischen Kaisers. Klio 30,3, 306-322. (SO33 004) [OFFPRINT] 3849. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1938): Vasile Christescu : Istoria Militara a Daciei Romana. Bukarest : Fundatia Regele Carol I. 1937. Gnomon 14,9, 512-517. (SO25 068; breve over last `a' in militara; cedilla under `t' in Fundatia) [BOOK REVIEW; DACIA; OFFPRINT] 5155. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1938): Wilhelm Weber: Princeps. Studien zur Geschichte des Augustus. Band 1. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer 1936; Anton v. Premerstein: Vom Werden und Wesen des Prinzipats. Aus dem Nachla· hrsg. von Hans Volkmann. MÅnchen: Verlag der Baer. Ak. der Wiss. (in Kommission bei C.H. Beck) 1937. (AbhMÅnch. Phil.-Hist. Abt. N.F. 15. 1937). Gnomon, 489-517. (SO36F 018) [AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1451. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1951 [1950]): Zur MilitÑrgeschichte der Provinz Mauretania Tingitana. Epigraphica 1-4 (fasc.), 34-38. (SO7 141) [OFFPRINT] 5475. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1952): Tacitus und Domitian. Hermes 80,2, 222-245. (SO40 011) [DOMITIAN; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3100. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1953): S.J. DE Laet, Portorium, êtude sur l'Organisation Douaniäre chez les Romains, Surtout Ö l'êpoque du Haut-Empire. Brugge 1949. Historia 2,1, 111-115. (SO20 053) Syme Collection DB page 210 [BOOK REVIEW] 4535. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1954): Attilio Degrassi: I fasti Consolari dell'Impero Romano dal 30 Avanti Christo al 613 Dopo Cristo. Roma: Ed. di Storia e Lett. 1952. (Sussidi Eruditi. 3). Gnomon 26, 265-271. (SO32 028) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] Zeitschrift 21 (3rd series, 117 continuous series), 1-10. (SO15 055) [OFFPRINT] 731. Newbold,RF (1974): Consequences of the A.D. Fire at Rome. Latomus 44,4, 858869. (SO2 184) [OFFPRINT] 1354. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1960): Zwei Bronzeurkunden aus Munigua. Madrider Mittleilungen 1, 142-154. (SO7 045) [OFFPRINT] 736. Newbold,RF (1974): Social Tension at Rome in the Early Years of Tiberius' Reign. Athenaeum 52,1-2 (n.s.), 110-143. (SO2 189) [OFFPRINT] 3080. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1960): Umriss einer Geschichte des Obergermanischen Heeres. JRGZ 7, 151-179. (SO20 035) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 2750. Newbold,RF (1984): Suetonius' Boundaries. Latomus 43,1(January-March 1984), 118-132. (SO17 167) [OFFPRINT] 4501. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1962): Ein Leugenstein des Kaisers Victorinus (Illingen, Ldkrs. Rastatt). Badische Fundberichte 22, 7984. (SO31 058) [EPIGRAPHY; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 4989. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1964): Patrimonium und Res Privata des Rîmischen Kaisers. In: Hisoria-Augusta-Colloquium Bonn 1963. (: ) (BeitrÑge zur Historia-AugustaForschung, 2.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 73-93. (SO1C 210) [ECONOMY; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 3180. Nesselhauf,Herbert (1966): Die Vita Commodi und die Acta Urbis. In: Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1964/1965. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 3.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 127-138. (SO21 005) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 1756. Nesselhauf,N (1959): Das BÅrgerrecht der Soldatkinder. Historia 8,4, 434-442. (SO11 040) [OFFPRINT] 5169. Neumann,KJ (1917): Eine Geschichte der Rîmischen Kaiser. Review of A. von Domaszewski, Geschichte der Rîmischen Kaiser. 2 BÑnde. Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer, 1909. Deutsche Literaturzeitung 17-18(28 April & 5 May), 531-568. (SO36F 021) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2367. Neumann,Karl Johannes (c1916): Rîmische Klientelstaaten. Historischen 2316. Newbold,RF (1988): Need for Achievement in Velleius. The Ancient History Bulletin 2,4, 94-98. (SO15 004) [OFFPRINT] 4957. Nicolet,C (1883): L'Empire Romain: Espace, Temps et Politique. Ktema. Civilisations de l'Orient, de la Gräce et de Rome Antiques 8, 163-173. (SO1C 177) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 2499. Nicolet,C (1960): ÆConsul TogatusØ. Remarques sur le Vocabulaire Politique de CicÇron et de Tite-Live. Revue des êtudes Latines, 236-263. (SO15 175) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1865. Nicolet,C (1963): L'Inscription de l'Autel de Narbonne et la Æ Commendatio Ø des Chevaliers. Latomus 22,4, 721-732. (SO11 148) [OFFPRINT] 3389. Nicolet,C (1965): L'Inspiration de TibÇrius Gracchus (A Propos d'un Livre RÇcent). REA 67, 1-2, 142-158. (SO22 030) <<based on D.C. Earl : Tiberius Gracchus, A Study in Politics (Coll. Latomus 66) 1963>> [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3969. Nicolet,C (1969): La Titulature des Chevaliers Romains Ö l'êpoque ImpÇriale. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 2. (Ed: Bibauw,J) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 547-565. (SO26 013) <<series: Collection Latomus vol. 102>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 211 4001. Nicolet,C (1970): Le Livre III des ÆRes RusticaeØ de Varron et les Allusions au DÇroulement des Comices Tributes. REA 72,1-2, 113-137. (SO26 044) [OFFPRINT] 5435. Nicolet,C (1970): Prosopographie et Historire Sociale: Rome et l'Italie. Annales. ESC 1970,5, 1209-1228. (SO39 016) [ITALY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5430. Nicolet,C (1974): La Loi GabiniaCalpurnia de Dälos et L. Iulius Caesar, Censeur en 61 avant J.-C. REA 51 (1973), 150-158. (SO39 011) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN LAW] 4987. Nicolet,C (1977): Les Classes Dirigeantes Romaines sous ls RÇpublic: Ordre SÇnatorial et Ordre êquestre. Annales. ESC 1977,4, 726-755. (SO1C 208) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; ROMAN POLITICS; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 4998. Nicolet,C (1977): Institutions Politiques de Rome. Extrait des Rapports sur les ConfÇrence. Annuaire de l'êcole Practique des Hautes êtudes, 331-338. (SO1C 219) [CONFERENCES; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4997. Nicolet,C (1978): Mutations MonÇtaires et Organisation Censitaire sous la RÇpublique. In: Les ÆDÇvaluationsØ Ö Rome. êpoque RÇpublicaine et Imperiale (Rome, 13-15 nov. 1975). (: ) (Collection de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome, 37.) êcole Franáaise de Rome, Rome, 249-272. (SO1C 217) <<includes interventions by R. Thompson, Cl. Nicolet, H. Zehnacker, M. Crawford and A. Chastagnol>> [INCOMPLETE; ECONOMY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 4976. Nicolet,C (1979): Deux Remarques sur l'Organisation des SociÇtÇs de Publicains Ö la Fin de la RÇpublique Romaine. In: Points de Vue sur la FiscalitÇ Antique. (Ed: Van Effenterre,H) (Publications de la Sorbonne. êtudes, 14.) UniversitÇ de Paris 1. PanthÇonSorbonne, Paris, 69-95. (SO1C 197) [ECONOMY; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4996. Nicolet,C (1979): Varron et la Politique de Caius Gracchus. Historia 28,3, 276-300. (SO1C 216) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 4977. Nicolet,C (1980): La Lex GabiniaCalpurnia de Insula Delo et la Loi ÆAnnonaireØ de Clodius (58 AV. J.C.). CRAI, 260-292. (SO1C 198) [ANNONA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 4999. Nicolet,C (1985): Pläbe et Tribus: Les Statues de Lucius Antonius et le Testament d'Auguste. MEFRA 97,2, 799-839. (SO1C 220) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 4246. Nicolet,C (1988): De VÇrone au Champs de Mars: Chorographia et Carte d'Agrippa. MEFRA 100,1, 127-138. (SO1C 221) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2515. Nicolet,Claude (1965): Le De Republica (VI,12) et la Dictature de Scipion. Revue des êtudes Latines, 212-230. (SO15 191) [OFFPRINT] 3427. Nicolet,Claude (1967): Tribinu Militum a Populi. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 79, 29-76. (SO22 068) [OFFPRINT] 2516. Nicolet,Claude (1977): ArmÇe et FiscalitÇ : Pour un Bilan de la Conquàte Romaine. In: ArmÇes et FiscalitÇ dans le Monde Antique. (: ) êditions de Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 435-454. (SO16 001) <<series: Colloques Nationaux du C.N.R.S. No. 936>> [OFFPRINT] 3230. Nicolet,Claude (1978): Le Stipendium des Allies Italiens Avant la Guerre Sociale. PBSR 46, 1-11. (SO21 057) [ITALY; OFFPRINT] 3708. Nicolet,Claude (1982): La Dictature Ö Rome. In: Dictature et LÇgitimate. (Eds: Duverger,Maurice; Bendel,Marianne) Presses Universitaire de France, [Paris], 69-84. (SO24 022) [OFFPRINT] 528. Nicolet,Claude (1983): Le Gladiateur et le Publicain: La PrÇtendue ÆauctoratioØ de P.Rupilius. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 61, 243-257. (SO1C 104) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 212 424. Nicolet,Claude (1987): La Table d'HÇraclÇe et les Origines du Cadastre Romain. In: L'Urbs. Espace Urbain et Histoire (Ier siäcle av. J.-C. - IIIe siäcle ap. J.-C.). (: ) (Collection de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome, 98.) êcole Franáaise de Rome, Rome, 1-25. (SO1C 001) [CENTURIATION; OFFPRINT; URBAN LIFE] 425. Nicolet,Claude; DalchÇ,Patrick Gautier (1987): Les ÆQuatre SagesØ de Jules CÇsar et la ÆMesure du MondeØ selon Julius Honorius: RÇalitÇ Antique et Tradition MÇdiÇvale. Journal des Savants oct.-dec. 1987, 157-218. (SO1C 002) [OFFPRINT] 2659. Nicols,John (1975): Antonia and Sejanus. Historia 24,1, 48-58. (SO17 078) [OFFPRINT] 3754. Nicolson,Harold (1958): Views of Tacitus. Review of Tacitus, by Clarence Mendell (Yale/Oxford); Tacitus, by Ronald Syme. (Clarendon Press). The Observer 7 September, 1958, 16. (SO24 069) [BOOK REVIEW; CUTTINGS; SYME; TACITUS] 4323. Nierhaus,R (1964): Topographische Studien zum Territorium des Conventus Cordubensis in der Mittleren Sierra Morena. Madrider Mittleilungen 5, 185-212. (SO29 010) [HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 1385. Nierhaus,Rolf (1965): Nochmals Raecius Gallus und M.Raecius Taurus. Madrider Mittleilungen 6, 120-126. (SO7 077) [OFFPRINT] 588. Nierhaus,Rolf (1966): Hadrians VerhÑltnis zu Italica. In: Corolla Memoriae Erich Swoboda Dedicata. (: ) (Rîmische Forschungen in Niederîsterreich, 5.) Bîhlau,, 151-168. (SO2 020) [ERICH SWOBODA; FESTSCHRIFT; HADRIAN; ITALICA- ANCIENT CITY; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 3044. Nierhaus,Rolf (1966): Die Wirtschaftlichen Voraussetzungen der Villenstadt von Italica. Madrider Mittleilungen 7, 189-205. (SO20 001) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 4937. Nieto,FJF (1981): Die AbÑnderungsklausel in der Griechischen StaatsvertrÑgen der Klassischen Zeit. Wissenschaftlichen Jahrbuch der Panteios, 275-286. (SO1C 158) [GREEK HISTORY; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 2930. Nieto,Francisco Javier Fernandez (1970): Eine Neue Lesung der éltesten Griechischen Inschrift (IG I Suppl. 492a). BonnJahr 170, 71-76. (SO18 118) [ALPHABET - GREEK; EPIGRAPHY] 597. Nilsson,Martin P (1953): The Bacchic Mysteries of the Roman Age. Harvard Theological Review 46,4, 175-202. (SO2 029) [OFFPRINT] 5029. Nisbet,RGM (1958): The Invectiva in Ciceronem and Epistula Secunda of PseudoSallust. JRS 48, 30-32. (SO36B 001) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 2916. Nisbet,RGM (1980): Sidere Clarior (Horace, Carm. 3.1.42). Liverpool Classical Monthly 5,7(July 1980), 151-152. (SO18 105) [OFFPRINT] 846. Nisbet,RGM (1984): Horace's Epodes and History. In: Poetry and Politics in the Age of Augustus. (Eds: Woodman,AJ; West,DA) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1-18, (plus notes and bibliography). (SO5 088) [OFFPRINT] 2841. Nisbet,RGM (1986): D.R. Shackleton Bailey: Q. Horati Flacci Opera. (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.) Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner, 1985. The Classical Review 36,1, 227-234. (SO18 030) [BOOK REVIEW] 430. Nisbet,RGM (1988): Sacrilege in Egypt (Lucan IX 150-161). AAntHung 30, 309317. (SO1C 008) [OFFPRINT] 431. Nisbet,RGM (1988): Notes on the Text and Interpretation of Juvenal. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 51, 86-110. (SO1C 009) [OFFPRINT] 4990. Nissen,H (c1906): Die StadtgrÅndung der Flavier. RMfP 49, 275-298. (SO1C 211) [FLAVIANS; OFFPRINT; ROMETOPOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 213 1497. Nock,AD (1925): Studies in the Graeco-Roman Beliefs of the Empire. JHS 45, 84-101. (SO9 036) [OFFPRINT] 4884. Nock,AD (1936): Hans Jonas: Gnosis und SpÑtantiker Geist. Teil 1: Die Mythologische Gnosis. Mit einer Einleitung: Zur Geschichte und Methodologie der Forschung. Vorwort von Rudolf Bultmann. Gîttingen: Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht 1934 (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments. N.F. Heft 33.). Gnomon 12, 605-612. (SO35 072) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4886. Nock,AD (1938): 1. A Papyrus Codex of the Shepherd of Hermas (Similitudes 2-9) with a Fragment of the Mandates. Edited by Campbell Bonner. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1934. (Univ. of Michigan Studies. Humanistic Series. 22). 2. èke V. Strîm: Der Hirt des Hermas. Allegorie oder Wirklichkeit? Uppsala 1936. (Arbeiten u. Mitteilungen aus dem Neutestamentlichen Seminar zu Uppsala, 3). Gnomon 14, 268-271. (SO35 074) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT] 4887. Nock,AD (1939): Wilhelm Gundel: Neue Astrologische Texte des Hermes Trismegistos. Funde und Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Antiken Astronomie und Astrologie. MÅnchen: Beck 1936. (AbhMÅnch. Phil-Hist. Abt. N.F. 12, 1936). Gnomon 15, 359-368. (SO35 075) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4888. Nock,AD (1939): Raffaele Pettazoni: La Confessione dei Peccati. 3 vols. Bologna: N. Zanichelli 1929-1936. (Storia delle Religioni. 8. 11. 12). Gnomon 15, 18-23. (SO35 076) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; RELIGION] 4882. Nock,AD (1940): Orphism or Popular Philosophy. Harvard Theological Review 33,4, 301-315. (SO35 070) [OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 4992. Nock,AD (1951): 1. R. Walzer: Galen on Jews and Christians. Oxford: University Press, 1949. (Oxford Classical and Philosophical Monographs). 2. W. den Boer: Scriptorum Paganorum I-IV Saec. de Christianis Testimonia. Leiden: E.J. Brill 1948. (Textus Minores. 2.). Gnomon 23, 48-52. (SO1C 184) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4991. Nock,AD (1953): Martin Dibelius: AufsÑtze zur Apostelgeschichte. Hrsg. von Heinrich Greeven. Gîttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1951. (Forsch. z. Rel. u. Lit. d. AT. u. NT, hrsg. von R. Bultmann. Neue Folge 42). Gnomon 25, 499-506. (SO1C 212) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT] 4426. Nock,AD (1954): The Praises of Antioch. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 40, 76-82. (SO30 048) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 4993. Nock,AD (1957): Erwin Goodenough: Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period. Vols- 5-6: Fish, Bread, and Wine. New York: Pantheon Books, 1956 (Bollingen Series. 37). Gnomon 29, 524-533. (SO1C 213) [BOOK REVIEW; ICONOGRAPHY; JUDIASM; OFFPRINT] 4433. Nock,AD (1960): Les Cultes Indigänes en Carie. By Alfred Laumonier ("Bibliothäque des êcoles Franáaises d'Athänes et de Rome," Fasc. 188) Paris: E. de Boccard, 1958. Classical Philology 55, 121-123. (SO30 055) [ASIA MINOR; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4899. Nock,AD (1960): Neutestamentliche Apokryphen in Deutscher öbersetzung. Edgar Hennecke. 3., Vîllig Neubearbeitete Auflage, hgs. von Wilhelm Schneemelcher. I. Band: Evangelien. TÅbingen: Mohr, 1959. Journal of Theological Studies 11,1 (n.s.), 63-70. (SO35 087) [APOCRYPHA; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 432. Nock,Arthur Darby (1930): [Synnaos Theos]. HSCP 41, 1-62. (SO1C 010) <<[greek characters]>> [OFFPRINT] 3324. Nock,Arthur Darby (1930): A DIIS ELECTA : A Chapter in the Religious History of the Third Century. Harvard Theological Review 23,4, 251-274. (SO21 149) [OFFPRINT] 438. Nock,Arthur Darby (1932): Cremation and Burial in the Roman Empire. Harvard Theological Review 25,4, 321-359. (SO1C 016) [OFFPRINT] 1583. Nock,Arthur Darby (1939): S.Ronzevalle,S.J. Jupiter HÇliopolitain, Nova Syme Collection DB page 214 et Vetera. Notes et êtudes d'ArchÇologie Orientale III SÇr 2. (MÇlanges de l'UniversitÇ St. Joseph, XXI,1) Beyrouth, Imprimerie Catholoique, 1937. AJPh 60,3, 395-396. (SO9 119) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; RELIGIONROMAN] 1589. Nock,Arthur Darby (1939): A Feature of Roman Religion. Harvard Theological Review 32,1, 83-96. (SO9 125) [OFFPRINT; RELIGION-ROMAN] 3357. Nock,Arthur Darby (1939): Carl Koch. Der Rîmische Juppiter. (Frankfurter Studien zur Religion und Kultur der Antike, XIV.) Frankfurt a.M., Klosterman, 1937. AJPh 60,3, 396-397. (SO21 178) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1580. Nock,Arthur Darby (1940): Franz Altheim. A History of Roman Religion. Translated by Harold Mattingly. New York, E.P. Dutton and Company, 1938. AJPh 61,1, 90-96. (SO9 116) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; RELIGIONROMAN] 433. Nock,Arthur Darby (1951): "Mana". Introduction Ö l'Histoire des Religions- 2: Les Religions de l'Europe Ancienne. III: Les Religions êtrusque et Romaine par Albert Grenier. Les Religions des Celtes, des Germains et des Anciens Slaves par Joseph Vendryes, Ernst Tonnelat et B.-O. Unbegaun. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1948. AJPh 72,1, 72-74. (SO1C 011) [BOOK REVIEW] 3138. Nock,Arthur Darby (1951): Rudolf Bultmann: Das Urchristentum im Rahmen der Antiken Religionen. Artemis-Verlag, ZÅrich 1949. Nuntius 5, 35-40. (SO20 091) [BOOK REVIEW] 436. Nock,Arthur Darby (1952): Hellenistic Mysteries and Christian Sacraments. Mnemosyne 5 (4th ser.), 177-213. (SO1C 014) [OFFPRINT] 437. Nock,Arthur Darby (1953): Neotera, Queen or Goddess? Aegyptus 33,2, 283-296. (SO1C 015) [OFFPRINT] 434. Nock,Arthur Darby (1958): A Coptic Library of Gnostic Writings. Journal of Theological Studies 9,2, 314-324. (SO1C 012) [OFFPRINT] 435. Nock,Arthur Darby (1958): A Cult Ordinance in Verse. HSCP 63, 415-421. (SO1C 013) [OFFPRINT] 2506. Nock,Arthur Darby (1958): Studies in Roman Literature, Culture and Religion, By H. Wagenvoort. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1956. Classical Philology 53,2, 140-141. (SO15 182) [OFFPRINT] 4523. Nock,Arthur Darby (1958): Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de la Syrie (Institut Franáais d'Archäologie de Beyrouth, Bibliothäque ArchÇologique et Historique, vol. 61), Vol. IV; LaodicÇe. Apamäne, nos. 12431997 bu Louis Jalabert, RenÇ Mouterde, Claude MondÇsert. Paris, Geuthner 1955. AJA 62, 339-341. (SO32 016) [BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SYRIA] 4815. Nock,Arthur Darby (1962): Sapr I and the Apollo of Bryaxis. AJA 66, 307-310. (SO35 007) [OFFPRINT; PAGANISM; SASSANIANS] 4158. Nîrr,Dieter (1973): Iurisperitus Sacerdos. In: Xenion. Festschrift fÅr Pan. J. Zepos. Vol. 1. (Ed: von Caemmerer,E) Ch. Katsikalis, Athen-Freiburg/Br.-Kîln, 555-572. (SO27 043) [OFFPRINT] 4193. Nîrr,Dieter (1974?): Drei Miszellen zur Lebensgeschichte des Juristen Salvius Julianus., 233-252. (SO27 076) <<source unknown (illegible)>> [OFFPRINT] 4995. Nîrr,Dieter (1977): Planung in der antike. öber die Ehegesetze des Augustus. In: Frieheit und Sachzwang. BeitrÑge zu Ehren Helmut Schelskys. (Ed: Baier,Horst) Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 309-334. (SO1C 215) [AUGUSTUS; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 357. Nîrr,Dieter (1982): C.Cassius Longinus: Der Jurist als Rhetor (Bemerkungen zu Tacitus, Ann. 14.42-45). In: Althistorische Studien. Hermann Bengtson zum 70. Geburtstag Dargebracht von Kollegen und SchÅlern. (Eds: Heinen,Heinz; Stroheker,Karl; Walser,Gerold) (Historia Einzelschriften, 40.) Franz Steiner, Wiesbaden, 187-222. (SO4 140) [C. CASSIUS LONGINUS; FESTSCHRIFT; RHETORIC; ROMAN LAW; TACITUS] Syme Collection DB page 215 1372. Nony,Claude-Josäphe (1969): Une Nouvelle InterprÇtation des Bronzes d'Azaila. MÇlanges de la Casa de Velazquez 5, 5-26. (SO7 064) [OFFPRINT] 1320. Nony,Daniel (1968): Claude et les Espagnols, sur un Passage de L'ÆApocoloquintoseØ. MÇlanges de la Casa de Velazquez 4, 51-71. (SO7 011) [OFFPRINT] 2541. Norden,Ed; Deubner,L; Rehm,A (1986): Texte zur Berliner PhilologieGeschichte. II. Latein und Griechisch in Berlin 30, 2-7. (SO16 025) [OFFPRINT] 3887. Novak,Grga (1966): Problemi Hvarskog Neolita i Eneolita [Problemi del Neolitico ed Eneolitico di Lesiva (Hvar)]. Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Historiju Dalmatinsku (Bulletin d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Dalmates) 68, 27-36. (SO25 104) <<article in Serbo-Croat with Italian summary>> [OFFPRINT] 3891. Novak,Grga (1966): Kolonizacija Grka na Istocnoj Obali Jaranskog Mora. [La Colonizzazione Greca sulla Costa Orientale del Mare Adriatico]. Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Historiju Dalmatinsku (Bulletin d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Dalmates) 68, 119-126. (SO25 107A) <<article in Serbo-Croat with Italian summary>> [DALMATIA; OFFPRINT] (SO38C 010) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5393. Nutting,Herbert C (1923): Subjunctive Conditions in Tacitus. University of California Publications in Classical Philology 7,4, 143195. (SO38C 011) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3621. ôzergin,M Kemal (1965): Anadolu'da Seláuklu Kervansaraylari (Caravanseries in Seljuk Anatolia). Tarih Dergisi 15, 141-170. (SO23 040) <<article in turkish>> [OFFPRINT] 5024. Ogilvie,RM (1962): The Maid of Ardea. Latomus 21, 477-483. (SO36A 023) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 449. Ogilvie,RM (1967): The Date of the De Defectu Oraculorum. Phoenix 21,2, 108-119. (SO1C 027) [OFFPRINT] 4676. Ogilvie,RM (1968): Wege zu Livius. Hrsg. von Erich Burck. Darmstadt: Wissenshaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1967 (Wege d. Forschung 132). Gnomon, 509-511. (SO33 053) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 4673. Ogilvie,RM (1984): Titi Livi Lib. XCI. PCPS 210 (n.s., no. 30), 116-125. (SO33 050) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 670. Noyen,P (1955): Marcus Aurelius, the Greatest Practician of Stoicism. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 24,2, 372-383. (SO2 108) [MARCUS AURELIUS; OFFPRINT; PHILOSOPHY- GREEK; STOICISM] 5488. Oliver,JH (1948): Arthur Stein. Die Legaten von Moesien. Budapest, Institut fÅr MÅnzkunde und ArchÑologie der P. P†zm†nyUniversitÑt, 1940. (Dissertationes Pannonicae). AJPh 69,2, 217-222. (SO40 024) [BOOK REVIEW; FRONTIERS; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 972. Nriagu,Jerome O (1983): Saturnine Gout Among Roman Aristocrats. Did Lead Poisoning Contribute to the Fall of the Empire? The New England Journal of Medicine 308,11, 660-663. (SO3 032) [OFFPRINT] 4385. Oliver,JH (1951): David Magie. Roman Rule in Asia Minor to the End of the Third Century after Christ. Princeton University Press, 1950. AJPh 72,2, 198-201. (SO30 008) [ASIA MINOR; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5418. Nutting,HC (1929): Notes on the Agricola of Tacitus. AJPh 50,3, 266-272. (SO38D 023) [AGRICOLA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4401. Oliver,JH (1955): The Date of the Pergamene Astynomic Law. Hesperia 24,1, 88-92. (SO30 024) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5392. Nutting,Herbert C (1923): The Use of Forem in Tacitus. University of California Publications in Classical Philology 7,6, 209219. 4328. Oliver,JH (1957): A Spanish Corporation and its Patrons. Eos 48,3, 447454. Syme Collection DB page 216 (SO29 015) <<journal vol=Symbolae Raphaeli Taubenschlag Dedicatae III>> [HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 4280. Oliver,JH (1958): The Significance of the Municipal Album of Timgad. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'AntiquitÇ 5 (3rd. ser.), 537-538. (SO28 034) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4387. Oliver,JH (1963): Augustan, Flavian, and Hadrianic Praefecti Iure Dicundo in Asia and Greece. AJPh 84,2, 162-165. (SO30 010) [ASIA MINOR; GREECE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 678. Oliver,James H (1941): Documents Concerning the Emperor Hadrian. Hesperia 10,4, 361-370. (SO2 129) [OFFPRINT] 4133. Oliver,James H (1946): M. Aquilius Felix. AJPh 67,4, 311-319. (SO27 019) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4520. Oliver,James H (1947): The Descendants of Asinius Pollio. AJPh 68,2, 147-160. (SO32 013) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4522. Oliver,James H (1948): Edmund Groag. Die Rîmischen Reichbeamten von Achaia auf Diokletian. Vienna und Leipzig, Hîlder-Pichler A.-G.,1939. Coll. 198. (Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wein, Schriftten der Balkankommission, Antiquarische Abteilung, IX.); Edmund Groag. Die Reichbeamten von Achaia in SpÑtrîmischer Zeit. Budapest, Institut fÅr MÅnzkunde und Archaeologie der P. P†zm†ny-UniversitÑt, 1946. (Dissertationes Pannonicae. Ser. 1, no. 14). AJPh 69,4, 434441. (SO32 015) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 440. Oliver,James H (1949): The Divi of the Hadrianic Period. Harvard Theological Review 42,1, 35-40. (SO1C 018) [OFFPRINT] 677. Oliver,James H (1949): Two Athenian Poets. In: Commeratiuve Studies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear. (: ) (Hesperia Supplement, 8.) American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton, 243-258. (SO2 128) [OFFPRINT; POETRY-GREEK; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4075. Oliver,James H (1950): Three Attic Inscriptions Concerning the Emperor Commodus. AJPh 71,2, 170-179. (SO26 116) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4796. Oliver,James H (1950): Hadrian's Precedent, the Alleged Initiation of Philip II. AJPh 71,3, 295-299. (SO34 054) [HADRIAN; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 443. Oliver,James H (1951): The Senatorial But Not Imperial Relatives of Calpurnia Ar[ria]. AJA 55, 347-349. (SO1C 021) [OFFPRINT] 675. Oliver,James H (1951): On the Athenian Decrees for Ulpius Eubiotus. Hesperia 20,4, 350-354. (SO2 126) [OFFPRINT] 1698. Oliver,James H (1951): H.G.Pflaum. Les Procurateurs êquestres sous le HautEmpire Romain. Paris, A.Maisonneuve, 1950. AJPh 72,3, 316-322. (SO10 086) [BOOK REVIEW] 4163. Oliver,James H (1951): Athenian Citizenship of Roman Emperors. Hesperia 20,4, 346-349. (SO27 048) [GREECE; OFFPRINT] 1902. Oliver,James H (1954): A Roman Interdict from Palestine. Classical Philology 49,3, 180-182. (SO11 184) [OFFPRINT] 4164. Oliver,James H (1954): The Roman Governor's Permission for a Decree of the Polis. Hesperia 23,2, 163-167. (SO27 049) [GREECE; OFFPRINT] 2419. Oliver,James H (1955): Free Men and Dediticii. AJPh 76,3, 279-297. (SO15 106) [OFFPRINT] 603. Oliver,James H (1958): A New Letter of Antoninus Pius. AJPh 79,1, 52-60. (SO2 035) [OFFPRINT] 1917. Oliver,James H (1958): Gerusiae and Augustales. Historia 7,4, 472-496. Syme Collection DB page 217 (SO11 198) [OFFPRINT] 450. Oliver,James H (1960): Jonas Palm: Rom, Rîmertum und Imperium in der Griechischen Literatur der Kaiserzeit. Lund: Gleerup 1959. (Skrifter utg. av Kungl. Hum. Vet. i. Lund. 57). Gnomon 32, 501-505. (SO1C 028) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 422. Oliver,James H (1963): Domitian's Freedman Antiochus. Hesperia 32,1, 87. (SO4 210) [OFFPRINT] 441. Oliver,James H (1963): A.C. Johnson, P.R. Coleman-Norton, F.C. Bourne. Ancient Roman Statutes, A Translation with Introduction, Commentary, Glossary and Index. Austin, University of Texas, 1961 (The Corpus of Roman Law [General Editor Clyde Pharr], II). AJPh 84,1, 86-91. (SO1C 019) [BOOK REVIEW] 3493. Oliver,James H (1963): Civic Constitutions for Macedonian Communities. Classical Philology 58,3, 164-165. (SO22 131) [GREECE; OFFPRINT] 4630. Oliver,James H (1963): The Main Problem of the Augustus Inscription from Cyme. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 4,2, 115-122. (SO33 010) [AUGUSTUS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 444. Oliver,James H (1965): Athens and Roman Problems around Moesia. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 6,1, 51-55. (SO1C 022) [OFFPRINT] 1602. Oliver,James H (1965): Texts A and B of the Horothesis Dossier at Istros. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 6,2, 143-156. (SO9 113) [OFFPRINT] 2808. Oliver,James H (1965): Attic Text Reflecting the Influence of Cleopatra. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 6,4, 291-294. (SO16 103) [OFFPRINT] (SO1C 023) [OFFPRINT] 446. Oliver,James H (1967): Philosophers and Procurators, Relatives of the Aemilius Juncus of Vita Commodi 4, 11. Hesperia 36,1, 42-56. (SO1C 024) [OFFPRINT] 689. Oliver,James H (1967): The Sacred Gerusia and the Emperor's Consilium. Hesperia 36,3, 329-335. (SO2 140) [OFFPRINT] 764. Oliver,James H (1969): Octavian's Inscription at Nicopolis. AJPh 90,2, 178-182. (SO2 205) [OFFPRINT] 733. Oliver,James H (1972): On the Hellenic Policy of Augustus and Agrippa. AJPh 93,1, 190-197. (SO2 186) [OFFPRINT] 1596. Oliver,James H (1973): Imperial Commissioners in Achaia. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 14,4, 389-405. (SO9 133) [OFFPRINT] 413. Oliver,James H (1978): Panachaeans and Panhellenes. Hesperia 47,2, 185-191. (SO4 202) [OFFPRINT] 596. Oliver,James H (1978): On the Edict of Severus Alexander (P. Fayum 20). AJPh 99, 474-485. (SO2 028) 1060. Oliver,James H (1978): Hartmut Wolff. Die Constitutio Antoniniana und Papyrus Gissensis 40 I. Kîln, Wolff, 1976. AJPh 99, 403-408. (SO3 100) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1061. Oliver,James H (1978): The Helladarch. Rivista Storica dell'AntichitÖ 8,1-2, 1-6. (SO3 101) [OFFPRINT] 447. Oliver,James H (1966): Lollia Paulina, Memmius Regulus and Caligula. Hesperia 35,2, 150-153. (SO1C 025) [OFFPRINT] 269. Oliver,James H (1979): Antoninus Pius to Ptolemais Barca about the Capitolia. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 20,2, 157-159. (SO4 048) [OFFPRINT] 445. Oliver,James H (1967): Epigramma Magni Momenti, IG IX ii 1135. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 8,3, 237-239. 2901. Oliver,James H (1979): Xenophon of Ephesus and the Antithesis HistoriaPhilosophia. In: Arktouros. Hellenic studies Syme Collection DB page 218 Presented to Bernard M.W. Knox on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. (Eds: Bowersock,Glen W; Burkert,Walter; Putnam,Michael CJ) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 401-406. (SO18 089) [FESTSCHRIFT] 448. Oliver,James H; Palmer,Robert EA (1954): Text of the Tabula Hebana. AJPh 75,3, 225-249. (SO1C 026) [OFFPRINT] 235. Oliver,James H (1980): The Areopagus and the Whole City Honor M. Ulpius Eubiotus Leurus. ZPE 38, 107-114. (SO4 014) [OFFPRINT] 1916. Oliver,James H; Palmer,Robert EA (1955): Minutes of an Act of the Roman Senate. Hesperia 24,4, 320-349. (SO11 197) [OFFPRINT] 842. Oliver,James H (1980): Achaia, Greece and Laconica. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 21,1, 75-81. (SO5 084) [OFFPRINT] 3020. Olshausen,Eckart (1969): G.H. Lehmann, Untersuchungen zur Historischen GlaubwÅrdigkeit des Polybios. (Fontes et Commentationes, Heft 5.) MÅnster, Aschendorff 1967. Historische Zeitschrift, 637644. (SO19 037) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 1062. Oliver,James H (1980): From Gennetai to Curiales. Hesperia 49,1, 30-56. (SO3 102; (second `e' in Gennetai is stressed)) [OFFPRINT] 248. Oliver,James H (1981): Civic Status in Roman Athens: Cicero, Pro Balbo 12.30. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 22,1, 83-88. (SO4 027) [OFFPRINT] 439. Oliver,James H (1981): The Monodesima Response of Caracalla. ZPE 42, 133-136. (SO1C 017) [OFFPRINT] 693. Oliver,James H (1981): Marcus Aurelius and the Philosophical Schools at Athens. AJPh 102, 213-225. (SO2 144) [OFFPRINT] 694. Oliver,James H (1981): Roman Emperors and Athens. Historia 30,4, 412-423. (SO2 145) [OFFPRINT] 1650. Oliver,James H (1982): Arrian in Two Roles. In: Studies in Attic Epigraphy, History and Topography presented to Eugene Vanderpool. (: ) American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton, 122-129. (SO10 047) [FESTSCHRIFT] 231. Oliver,James H (?): Flavius Pantaenus, Priest of the Philosophical Muses. Harvard Theological Review ?, 157-160. (SO4 010) 442. Oliver,James H; Geagan,Daniel J (1968): Corinth VIII, 3, 125. AJA 72, 156-157. (SO1C 020) [OFFPRINT] 3717. Oppermann,Hans (1958): Ronald Syme : Tacitis. I. II, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1958. Das HistorischPolitische ? 6, 295. (SO24 032) <<journal title unclear>> [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2955. Orestano,Riccardo (1980): La `Cognitio Extra Ordinem': Una Chimera. Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 46, 236-246. (SO18 142) [LEGAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2962. Orestano,Riccardo (1981): Il ÆMetabolismoØ dei Giuristi. Il Foro Italiano 106,4(April 1981), 3-43. (SO18 149) [LEGAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2908. Orestano,Riccardo (1982): Ideologia, Parola da non Far Pió Paura. Per uns ÆradiografiaØ della ÆScientia IurisØ. Il Foro Italiano [1982, V, 157](July-August), 3-36. (SO18 096) <<pages possibly renumbered for offprint,>> [OFFPRINT] 2909. Orestano,Riccardo (1982-83): `Institution' Barbeyrac e l'Anagrafe di un Significato. Quaderni Fiorentini per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno 11-12, 169178. (SO18 097) [OFFPRINT] 2959. Orestano,Riccardo (1982): Idea di Progresso, Esperienza Giuridica Romana e Syme Collection DB page 219 ÆPaleoromanisticaØ. Sociologia del Diritto 3, 15-25. (SO18 146) [LEGAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2960. Orestano,Riccardo (1982): Del ÆPost-ModernoØ, della Scientia Iuris e di Altro. Il Foro Italiano 107,4, 3-14. (SO18 147) [LEGAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2963. Orestano,Riccardo (1982): Rapporti, Norme ed Elaborazione nella Scienza del Diritto. Linee per una Diritto. Annali di Macerata, 1523-1529. (SO18 150) [LEGAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2944. Orestano,Riccardo (1983): Norma Statuita e Norma Statuente. Contributo alle Semantiche di una Metafora. Materiali per una Storia della Cultura Giuridica 13,2, 313-350. (SO18 131) [OFFPRINT] 2957. Orestano,Riccardo (1983): Sulla Problematica del Segreto nel Mondo Romano. In: Il Segreto nella Realta Giuridica Italiana, Convegno Roma, Ottobre 1981. (: ), Padova, 95-144. (SO18 144) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW; SECRECY] 2961. Orestano,Riccardo (1983): Progetto di una Introduzione allo Studio della Scientia Iuris. Il Foro Italiano [5,8?], 3-22. (SO18 148) [LEGAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2888. Orestano,Riccardo (1984): Verso l'UnitÖ della `Conoscenza Giuridica'. Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico 3, 635-670. (SO18 077) [OFFPRINT] 2923. Orestano,Riccardo (1984-85): Ratio e Sensus Communis nella Visione Cuiaciana della Giurisprudenza. AFGG 20, fasc. 1-2, 169-173. (SO18 111) [OFFPRINT] 2926. Orestano,Riccardo (1984-85): Livio, La Macedonia e il Tempo ÆLegum CorrectorØ. In: Sodalitas. Scritti in honore di Antonio Guarino. (Ed: GiuffrÇ,Vincenzo) Editore Jovene, Napoli, 1537-1544. (SO18 114) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2832. Orestano,Riccardo (1985): Æ RealitÖ Ø, Æ Parole Ø, Æ Valori Ø nella Scienze Diritto. Rivista di Diritto Civile 31,5/1, 463-497. (SO18 021) [OFFPRINT] 2861. Orestano,Riccardo (1985): Del problema del Diritti Romano e della sua StoricÖ. Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto e Procedura Civile 39,3, 533-595. (SO18 050) [OFFPRINT] 2902. Orestano,Riccardo (1985): Le Nozioni di Ordinamento Giuridico e di Esperienza Giuridica nella Scienza del Diritto. Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico 4, 959-1000. (SO18 090) [OFFPRINT] 2964. Orestano,Riccardo; Bixio,Andrea; Riccobono,Francesco (1983): Ordinamento Giuridico, Scienza del Diritto, Ideologie. Quaderni del Pluralismo 1, 68-78. (SO18 151) <<interview with Orestano by authors #2 & 3>> [LEGAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 5391. Otto,Walter (1919): Zur Lebensgeschichte des JÅngeren Plinius. Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. PhilosophischHistorische Abteilung 1919,10, 104pp. (SO38C 009) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PLINY THE YOUNGER] 5390. Otto,Walter (1923): Zur PrÑtur des Jungeren Plinius. Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Abteilung 1923,4, 13pp. (SO38 008) [OFFPRINT; PLINY THE YOUNGER] 5640. Otto,Walter (1941): Die élteste Geschichte Vorderasiens. Kritische Bemerkungen zu B. Hroznys Gleichnamigem Werk. Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. PhilosophischHistorische Abteilung 1942, vol. 2,3, 47pp. (SO43 020) [HISTORY- NEAR EASTERN; MIGRATIONS; OFFPRINT; POPULATIONS; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3082. Overbeck,Bernhard (1972): Ein Neues MilitÑrdiplom von Moesia Superior. Chiron 2, 449-457. (SO20 037) [MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 5045. Paananen,Unto (c1975): Die Echtheit der 'Pseudosallustischen' Schriften. Eripainos 68, 22-68. (SO36B 023) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] Syme Collection DB page 220 493. Pack,E; Paolucci,G (1987): Tituli Clusini. Nouve Iscrizioni e Correzioni all'Epigrafia Latina di Chiusi. ZPE 68, 159-191. (SO1C 070) [OFFPRINT] 2545. Pack,Edgar (1987): Johannes Hasebroek und die AnfÑnge der Alten Geschichte in Kîln. Eine Biographische Skizze. Geschichte in Kîln 21 (June 1987), 5-42. (SO16 029) [OFFPRINT] 507. Pack,Edgar (1988): Clusium: Ritratto di una CittÖ Romana Attraverso l'Epigrafia. In: I Romani di Chiusi. (Ed: Paolucci,Giulio) Multigrafica Editrice, Rome, 11-104. (SO1C 083) [CLUSIUM- ANCIENT CITY; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 508. Pack,Edgar (1988): Chiusi. Anfore dalla Cisterna dei Forti: Due Schede Epigrafiche. In: Archeologia in Valdichiana. (Ed: Paolucci,Giulio) Multigrafica Editrice, Rome, 115-121. (SO1C 084) [CLUSIUM- ANCIENT CITY; EPIGRAPHY; EXCAVATIONS; OFFPRINT] 4713. Paladini,ML (1953): Studio su Velleio Patercolo. ACME 6,3, 447-478. (SO33 088) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; VELLEIUS PATERCULUS] 5309. Paladini,ML (1954): La Morte di Agrippa Postumo e la Congiura di Clemente. Annali della FacoltÖ di Filosofia e Lettere dell'UniversitÖ di Milano 7,3, 313-329. (SO37D 025) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 487. Paladini,Maria Luisa (1958): Il Processo di Mario Prisco nel Panegirico a Traiano di Plinio il Giovane. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 92, 713-736. (SO1C 065) [OFFPRINT] 5107. Paladini,Maria Luisa (1962): D.C. Earl, The Political Thought of Sallust (Cambridge, University Press, 1961). Latomus 21,4, 878879. (SO36D 021) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 483. Paladini,Maria Luisa (c1963): L'Aspetto dell'Imperatore- Dio Presso i Romani. In: Contributi dell'Istituto di Filologia Classica. Sezione di Storia Antica. Vol. 1. (: ) (Pubblicazioni dell'UniversitÖ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Contributi ser. 3, Scienze Storiche, vol. 6.) SocietÖ Editrice ÆVita e PensieroØ, Milan, 1-65. (SO1C 063) [OFFPRINT] 4018. Palmer,R (1973): A Roman Street Named Good. Journal of Indo-European Studies 1,3, 370-378. (SO26 061) [OFFPRINT] 3500. Palmer,Robert EA (1968): Samnium and the Samnites, by E.T. Salmon. New York : Cambridge University Press, 1967. The Classical Journal 64,2(Nov. 1968), 77-79. (SO22 138) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 932. Palmer,Robert EA (1969): Cupra,Matuta, and Venilia Pyrgensis. Illinois Studies in Language and Literature 58, 292309. (SO5 177) [OFFPRINT] 512. Palmer,Robert EA (1970): Erik Wistrand. Sallust on Judicial Murders in Rome: A Philological and Historical Study, 1968. (Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensis). AJPh 91, 4, 502-503. (SO1C 088) [BOOK REVIEW; ROMAN LAW; SALLUST] 510. Palmer,Robert EA (1971): Tre Lettere in Cerca di Storico. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 99,fasc.4 (n.s.), 385-408. (SO1C 086) <<incomplete offprint>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 511. Palmer,Robert EA (1971): Paolo Cigusi. <C.Sallusti Crispi> Epistulae ad Caesarum. Introduzione, Testo Critico e Commento. Caglari, University of Cagliari, 1968. (Annali delle FacoltÖ di Lettere, Filosofia e Magistero dell'UniversitÖ di Caglairi, XXXI). AJPh 92, 2, 339-342. (SO1C 087) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; SALLUST] 2527. Palmer,Robert EA (1973): Stefan Weinstock, Divus Julius (Oxford, 1971). Athenaeum 51, fasc. 1-2, 201-213. (SO16 011) [BOOK REVIEW] 658. Palmer,Robert EA (1974): The Excusatio Magisteri and the Administration of Rome Under Commodus. Athenaeum 52,3-4, 1-52. (SO2 095) [OFFPRINT] 884. Palmer,Robert EA (1974): Roman Shrines of Female Chastity from the Caste Syme Collection DB page 221 Struggle to the Papacy of Innocent I. Rivista Storica dell'AntichitÖ 4,1-2, 113-159. (SO5 127) [OFFPRINT] 2232. Palmer,Robert EA (1975): The Neighbourhood of Sullan Bellona at the Colline Gate. MEFRA 87,2, 653-665. (SO14 041) [OFFPRINT] 3526. Palmer,Robert EA (1975): Early Rome V. The Written Sources/ Early Rome VI. Historical Survey, by Einar Gjerstad. (Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 4o, XVII5-6) Svenska Institutet i Rom, Lund, 1973. AJA 79, 386-390. (SO22 166) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 652. Palmer,Robert EA (1978): Octavian's First Attempt to Restore the Constitution (36 B.C.). Athenaeum 56,3-4 (n.s.), 315-328. (SO2 089) [OFFPRINT] 3854. Panaitescu,Em (1936): Provincia si Imperiul. In: Volumul Omagial pentru fratii Alexandru si Ion I. Lapedatu. (: ) M.O., Imprimeria Nationala, Bucaresti, 3-14. (SO25 070; cedilla under `s' in si) [INCOMPLETE; DACIA; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 486. Panciera,S (1972-73): L.Pomponius L.F.Horatia Bassus Cascus Scribonius. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 45, 105-131. (SO1C 064) [OFFPRINT] 2160. Panciera,S (1984): I Segni Diacritici: Riflessioni e Proposte. In: Epigraphie Hispanique. Problämes de Methode et d'êdition. (: ) (Publications du Centre Pierre Paris (E.R.A. 522); Collection de la Maison des Pays IbÇriques 15.) E. de Boccard, Paris, 372-379. (SO13 059) [OFFPRINT] 4572. Panciera,Silvio (1966): Ancora sui Consoli dell'Anno 13 D.C. Bull. della Comm. Arch. Com. di Roma 79, 94-98. (SO32 065) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4567. Panciera,Silvio (1967): E. Mary Smallwood, Documents Illustrating the Principates of Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian. Cambridge, The University Press 1966. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 95,4 (3rd. ser.), 480-483. (SO32 060) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1731. Panciera,Silvio (1968): Gli Schiavi nelle Flotte Augustee. In: Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi sulle AntichitÖ di Classe. (: ) Stab. Grafico F.Lli Lega, Faenza, 313-330. (SO11 014) [OFFPRINT] 3055. Panciera,Silvio (1968): Due NovitÖ Epigrafiche Romane. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 23, fasc. 7-12 (8th series), 1-26. (SO20 011) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 1957. Panciera,Silvio (1970): Nuove Testimonianze sul Governo della Campania in EtÖ Constantiniana. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 25, fasc. 3-4 (8th series), 111-129. (SO11 239) [OFFPRINT] 1748. Panciera,Silvio (1974): Equites Singulares. Nouve Testimonianze Epigrafiche. Rivista di Archaeologia Christiana 1-4, 221247. (SO11 031) [OFFPRINT] 1868. Panciera,Silvio (1974): Livia Bivona, Iscrizioni Latine Lapidarie del Museo di Palermo. S.F. Flaccovio Editore, Palermo 1970. Athenaeum 52, fasc. 1-2, 180-184. (SO11 151) [BOOK REVIEW] 4588. Panciera,Silvio (c1976): Un Frammento degli Acta Arvalium ed Altre NovitÖ Epigrafiche Romane. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 48, 279-308. (SO32 081) <<jornal year is 1975-76>> [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2191. Panciera,Silvio (1981): Ulpia Tonzus. In: Scritti sul Mondo Antico in Memoria di Fulvio Grosso. (Ed: Gasperini,Lidio) (UniversitÖ di Macerata Pubblizioni della FacoltÖ di Lettere e Filosofia 9.) Giorgio Bretschneider, Roma, 465-475. (SO13 069) [OFFPRINT] 2170. Panciera,Silvio (1984): Epigrafia e Organizzazione Museale. In: Il Museo Epigrafico Colloquio AIEGL- Borghesi 83. (: ) Fratelli Lega Editori, Faenza, 119-130. (SO13 070) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 222 1779. Panciera,Silvio; Degrassi,A (1964): Sulla Pretesa Esclusione dei Cittadini Romani dalle Flotte Italische nei Primi Due Secoli dell'Impero. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 19, fasc. 7-12 (8th series), 316-328. (SO11 063) [OFFPRINT] 1239. Pani,M (1979): Seiano e la Nobilitas: I Rapporti con Asinio Gallo. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 107, fasc. 2, 142-156. (SO6 086) [OFFPRINT] 1001. Pani,M (1981): Gaetano de Sanctis e l'Imperialismo Antico. In: Scritti sul Mondo Antico in Memoria di Fulvio Grosso. (Ed: Gasperini,Lidio) (UniversitÖ di Macerata Pubblicazioni della FacoltÖ di Lettere e Filosofia, 9.) Giorgio Bretschneider, Roma, 475-492. (SO3 041) [FESTSCHRIFT; GAETANO DE SANCTIS; IMPERIALISM-ANCIENT] 4994. Pani,Mario (1886): La Remunerazione dell'Oratoria Giudiziaria nell'Alto Principato: Una Laboriosa Accettazione Sociale. In: Decima Miscellanea Grece e Romana. (: ) (Studi Pubblicati dall'Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica, 36.) Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica, Roma, 315-346. (SO1C 214) [OFFPRINT; ORATORY; ROMAN LAW] 5241. Pani,Mario (1966): Osservazioni Intorno alla Tradizione su Germanico. Annali della FacoltÖ di Magistero. UniversitÖ di Bari 5, 107-120. (SO37B 025) [BIOGRAPHY; GERMANICUS; OFFPRINT] 503. Pani,Mario (1979): Sulla Costituzione del Municipio Tarantino. Ricerche e Studi 12, 93-104. (SO1C 080) <<Festschrift volume for Gabriele Marzano>> [OFFPRINT] 505. Pani,Mario (1979): Ancora sulle Elezioni nel Primo Principato. Quaderni di Storia 10, 305-311. (SO1C 081) [OFFPRINT] 504. Pani,Mario (1981): i) Rîmischer Kaiserkult hrsg. von A.Wlosok, Darmstadt, Wissenschftliche Buchgesellschaft 1978 (Wege der Forschung 372). (ii) B.Manuwald, Cassio Dio und Augustus. Philologische Untersuchungen zu den BÅchern 45-56 des Dionischen Geschichtswerkes. Franz Steiner Verlag Gmbh, Wiesbaden, 1979. Athenaeum 69,1-2 (n.s.), 250-254. (SO1C 222) [AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; DIO CASSIUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; IMPERIAL CULT] 981. Pani,Mario (1981): Ideologie und Herrschaft in der Antike, hrsg. von H.Klopt (Wege der Forschung, 528). Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1979. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 109,3, 322-326. (SO3 033) [BOOK REVIEW; POLITICAL IDEOLOGY] 991. Pani,Mario (1981): Ideologie und Herrschaft in der Antike, hrsg. von H.Klopt (Wege der Forschung, 528). Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1979. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 109,3, 322-326. (SO3 033) [BOOK REVIEW; POLITICAL IDEOLOGY] 506. Pani,Mario (1982): Quale `Novitas'. Quaderni di Storia 16, 193-203. (SO1C 082) [OFFPRINT] 489. Pani,Mario (1984): Jochen Bleicken: Zum Regierungsstil des Rîmischen Kaisers. Eine Antwort auf Fergus Millar. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1982. (SB der wiss. Ges. an der J.W. Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt am Main, 18, 5, 183215). Gnomon 56, 469-471. (SO1C 067) [BOOK REVIEW] 2017. Pani,Mario (1984): Jacques Sancery, Galba ou l'ArmeÇ Face au Pouvoir (Collection ÆConfluentsØ, 10). Paris, Les Belles Lettres 1983. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 112, fasc. 3, 361-362. (SO12 060) [BOOK REVIEW] 491. Pani,Mario (1985): F.Millar-E.Segal (Edd.), Caesar Augustus. Seven Aspects. Oxford, Clarendon Press 1984. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 113, fasc. 3, 351-359. (SO1C 068) [AUGUSTUS; BIOGRAPHY; BOOK REVIEW] 492. Pani,Mario (1985): Ricchezza e Politica in EtÖ Giulio-Claudia: una Complicata Trama Ideologica. Index. International Survey of Roman Law 13, 163-175. (SO1C 069) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 223 496. Pani,Mario (1985): La Polemica di Seneca Contro le Artes (Ep. 90). Un Caso di Sconcerto. In: Xenia. Scritti in Onore di Piero Treves. (Ed: Broilo,F) L'Erma di Bretschneider, Rome, 141-150. [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LITERATURE; SENECA] 494. Pani,Mario (1986): Raymond Boudon, Il Posto del Disordine. Critica delle Teorie del Mutamento Sociale, il Mulino. Bologna 1985 (La Place du DÇsordre. Critique des ThÇories du Changement Social, Presses Universitaires de France). Quaderni di Storia 23, jan-june, 249-255. (SO1C 071) [OFFPRINT] 495. Pani,Mario (1986): La Remunerazione dell'Oratoria Giudiziaria nell'Alto Principato: Una Laboriosa Accettazione Sociale. Miscellanea Greca e Romana 10, 315-346. (SO1C 072) <<(complete volume is fasc. 36 of Studi Publicati dall'Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica)>> [OFFPRINT] 5538. Papazoglou,Fanoula (1961): Septimia Aurelia Heraclea. BCH 85,1, 162-175. (SO41 040) [EPIGRAPHY; FRONTIERS; HERACLEA; OFFPRINT] 5537. Papazoglou,Fanoula (1964): [Dardanska Onomasttika] (L'Onomastique Dardanienne). Recueil de Travaux de la FacultÇ de Philosophe (Belgrade) 8,1, 49-75. (SO41 039) <<article in Serbo-Croat with French summary>> [INCOMPLETE; ETHNICITY; FRONTIERS; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 5471. Papazoglou,Fanoula (1967): Steph. Byz.: [Skord°skoi kaç Sk°rtioi]. Recueil de Travaux de la FacultÇ de Philosophe (Belgrade) 9,1, 61-66. (SO40 007; [transliterated from Greek]) <<article in Serbo-croat with French resumÇ>> [INCOMPLETE; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT] 2319. Papazoglou,Fanoula (1970): Nouveau Fragment d'Acte de la Chancellerie MacÇdonienne. Klio 52, 305-315. (SO15 007) [OFFPRINT] 3877. Papazoglou,Fanoula (1970): Inscription HellÇnistique de Lyncestide. Quelques Problämes de l'Histoire êpirote. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 20, 99-136. (SO25 094) [EPIGRAPHY; EPIRUS; OFFPRINT] 3878. Papazoglou,Fanoula (1970): Autarijati i Lizimah [Les Autariates et Lysamaque]. In: Adriatica Praehistorica et Antiqua. Miscellanea Gregorio Novak Dicata. (Eds: Mitrosavljevic,Vladimir; Rendic-Miocevic,Duje) Izdavacki Zavod Jugoslavenske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Zagreb, 335-346. (SO25 095) <<Serbo-Croat article with French summary>> [OFFPRINT] 3879. Papazoglou,Fanoula (1971): Nouvelle InterprÇtation de l'êpigramme CLE I, 273 [=CIL, 8153], de Singidunum. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 21,2, 435-441. (SO25 096) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3892. Papazoglou,Fanoula (1971): Un TÇmoignage Inaperáu sur Monounios l'Illyrien. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 21,1, 177184. (SO25 108) [ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT] 3883. Papazoglou,Fanoula (1972): Une Inscription Honorifique de Septime SÇväre de Lychnidos. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 22, 157-164. (SO25 100) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SEVERUS] 1709. Papazoglou,Fanoula (1979): Gouverneurs de MacÇdonie. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 29, 2, 227-249. (SO10 097) [OFFPRINT] 488. Paratore,Ettore (1945): Plotina, Sabina e le Due Faustine. (Quaderni di Studi Romani. Donne di Roma Antica, 2.) Reale Istituto di Studi Romani, Rome. 28 pages. (S01A 066) [OFFPRINT; SOCIAL HISTORY, WOMEN] 925. Paratore,Ettore (1948): Il Fondamento Religioso della ÆMetafisicaØ Epicurea. ASNP 1947, fasc. 3-4, 125-148. (SO5 170) [OFFPRINT] 5310. Paratore,Ettore (1949): Tacito. Maia 2,2, 1-28 [93-120]. (SO37D 026) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5339. Paratore,Ettore (1954): Ancora del Dialogus De Oratoribus. Humanitas 5-6 (2-3 n.s.), 1-54. (SO38A 027) <<repaginated from original?>> [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] Syme Collection DB page 224 5266. Paratore,Ettore (1959): Claude et NÇron chez SuÇtone. Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 1,3, 326-341. (SO37C 025) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SUETONIUS; TACITUS] 5267. Paratore,Ettore (1960): Tacitea. Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 2,1, 62-92. (SO37C 026) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE; TACITUS] 4080. Paratore,Ettore (1966): La Persia nella Litteratura Latina. In: Atti del Convegno sul Tema: La Persia e il Mondo Greco-Romano (Roma 11-14 Aprile 1965). (Ed: Monteverdi,A) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 505558. (SO26 121) <<series: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura 76>> [OFFPRINT] Neuf ExposÇs Suivis de Discussions. (Eds: Walbank,FW; Gabba,Emilio) Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres-Genäve, 305-344. (SO19 055) <<Entretiens sur l'AntiquitÇ Classique 20>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 294. Paschoud,Franáois (1976): Un Probläme de Circulation MonÇtaire au IVe Siäcle apräs J.-C. In: MÇlanges d'Histoire Ancienne et d'ArchÇologie Offerts Ö Paul Collart. (: ) (Cahiers d'ArchÇologie Romande, 5.) Bibliothäque Historique Vaudoise, Lausanne, 307-316. (SO4 073) [ECONOMY- ROMAN; FESTSCHRIFT; NUMISMATICS] 308. Paschoud,Franáois (1978): Une Relecture PoÇtique de Rutilius Namatianus. Museum Helveticum 35, 319-328. (SO4 087) [OFFPRINT] 5631. Pargoire,J (c1898): Inscriptions d'HÇraclÇe du Pont., 492-496. (SO43 011) [INCOMPLETE; ASIA MINOR; BLACK SEA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1073. Paschoud,Franáois (1981): La Bataille de Pharsale: Quelques Problems de Details. Historia 30,2, 178-188. (SO3 113) [OFFPRINT] 721. Parsi-Magdelain,B (1978): L'Avänement de Tibäre. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 56, 391-425. (SO2 173) [OFFPRINT] 1242. Paschoud,Franáois (1982): Deux Notes sur Tacite. Museum Helveticum 39, 247-253. (SO6 089) [OFFPRINT] 3421. Parsi-Magdelain,Blanche (1964): La Cura Legum et Morum. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 42, 3 (n.s.), 373412. (SO22 062) [OFFPRINT] 1168. Paschoud,Franáois (1985): Zosime et la Fin de l'Ouvrage Historique d'Eunape. Orpheus 6, fasc. 1 (new series), 44-61. (SO6 014) [OFFPRINT] 5497. Pasalic,E (1959): Rîmische Strassen in Bosnian und der Herzegowina. Archaeologia Iugoslavica 3, 61-73. (SO40 032) [ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ROADS] 3249. Paschoud,Franáois (1965): Reflections sur l'Ideal Religieux de Symmaque. Historia 14,2, 215-235. (SO21 076) [OFFPRINT] 1935. Paschoud,Franáois (1971): Zosime 2,29 et la Version Paienne de la Conversion de Constantin. Historia 20,2-3, 334-353. (SO11 216) [OFFPRINT] 3038. Paschoud,Franáois (1974): Influences et êchos des Conceptions Historiographiques de Polybe dans l'AntiquitÇ Tardive. In: Polybe: 1986. Paschoud,Franáois (1985): Le DÇbut de l'Ouvrage Historique d'Olympiodore. In: Studia in Honorem Iiro Kajanto. (: ), Helsinki, 185-196. (series: Arctos. Acta Philologica Fennica Supp. II) (SO12 028) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2328. Paschoud,Franáois (c1986): Justice et Providence chez Ammien Marcellin. In: Hest°asis. Studi di Tarda AntichitÖ Offerti a Salvatore Calderone. (: ) Sicania, Messina, 139-161. (SO15 016) [FESTSCHRIFT] 482. Paschoud,Franáois (19??): Francesco de Martino, Storia della Costituzione Romana, I-V, Seconda Edizione, Napoli, Jovene, 19721975. Bullettino dell'Istituto de Diritto Romano 20 (third series), 343-354. (SO1C 062) Syme Collection DB page 225 [BOOK REVIEW] 5057. Pasoli,Elio (1966): Pensiero Storico ed Espressione Artistica nelle Historiae di Sallustio. Bolletino del Comitato per la Preparazione dell'Edizione Nazionale dei Classici Greci e Latini 14, 23-50. (SO36C 005) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5046. Pasoli,Elio (1967): Sall. Ep. Caes. 2, 13, 6-7. Latinitas 2?, 104-109. (SO36B 019) [INCOMPLETE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 5047. Pasoli,Elio (1968): Sall. Ep. Caes. 2, 7, 6. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 96,2 (3rd. ser.), 177-183. (SO36B 020) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 499. Pasoli,Elio (1972): Uno Spostamento Cronologico in Sallustio Cat. 27-29? In: Studi Classici in Onore di Quintino Cataudella vol. III. (: ) UniversitÖ di Catania, Catania, 175183. (SO1C 076) [OFFPRINT] 5007. Pasoli,Elio (1975): Osservazioni sul Proemio delle 'Historiae' di Sallustio. In: Atti del Convegno Gli Storiografi Latini Tramandati in Frammenti (Urbino, 9-11 Maggio 1974)=Studi Urbinati di Storia, Filosofia e Letteratura 49 (n.s. B,1). (: ) Argalça, Urbino, 367-380. (SO36A 007) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 4714. Pasoli,Elio (1976): Indirizzi e Programmi di Storici Romani. Pan 4, 7-19. (SO33 089) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5008. Pasoli,Elio (1976): De Orationibus atque Epistulis de Hisoriarum Sallusti Libris Excerptis. In: Acta Omnium Gentium ac Nationum Conventus Latinis Litteris Linguaeque Fovendis a die XXX Mensis Augusti ad diem IV Mensis Septembris A.D. MDCCCCLXXIII. (: ) In Aedibus Universitatis Melitensis, Melitae, 103-114. (SO36A 007) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 502. Passerini,A (1937): Le Iscrizioni dell'AgorÖ di Smirne Concernenti la Lite tra i Publicani e i Pergameni. Athenaeum 15,4 (n.s., vol 25 of full series), 1-32. (SO1C 079) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PUBLICANI] 4552. Passerini,A (1940): M. Arrecino Clemente. Athenaeum 18 (n.s., vol. 28 of contin. ser.), 145-163. (SO32 045) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5411. Passerini,A (1940): Le Due Battaglie presso Betriacum. In: Studi di AntichitÖ Classica Offerti da Colleghi e Discepoli a Emanuele Ciaceri al Termine del suo Insegnamento Universitario. (Ed: Andreotti,R) Genova, SocietÖ Anonima Editrice Dante Alighieri; Albrighi, Sergati & Co., 71pp (178248). (SO38D 016) <<repaginated from original>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1730. Passerini,Alfredo (1942): La Tavola dei Privilegi di Brigetio e i Diplomi Militari. Athenaeum 20 (new series, vol. 30 of continuous series), 121-126. (SO11 013) [OFFPRINT] 4689. Passerini,Alfredo (1943): Livio e Polibio. (Quaderni Liviani. La Figura e l'Opera di Livio, 3.) Reale Istituto di Studi Romani, Roma. 19 pages. (SO33 065) <<fasc. of series>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 1742. Passerini,Alfredo (1946): Gli Augmenti del Soldo Militare da Commodo a Massimino. Athenaeum 24, fasc. 3-4 (new series), 145159. (SO11 025) [OFFPRINT] 5289. Passerini,Alfredo (1947): Per la Storia dell'Imperatore Tiberio. Studia Ghisleriana 8, 195-233. (SO37D 007) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 5100. Paul,GM (1966): Sallust. In: Latin Historians. (Ed: Dorey,TA) (Studies in Latin Literature and its Influence.) Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 85-113. (SO36D 014) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 405. Peachin,Michael (1983): Johannes Malalas and the Moneyers' Revolt. In: Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History III. Collection Latomus 180. (Ed: Deroux,C) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 325-335. (SO4 193) Syme Collection DB page 226 [OFFPRINT] 1515. Pearson,Lionel (1951): Notes on Two Passages on Strabo. CQ 1, 1-2 (n.s.), 80-85. (SO9 051) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; STRABO] 460. Pek†ry,Thomas (1966/67): Tiberius und der Tempel der Concordia in Rom. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts Roemische Abteilung 73/74, 105-133. (SO1C 040) [OFFPRINT] 3025. Pearson,Lionel (1962): The PseudoHistory of Messenia and its Authors. Historia 11,4, 387-426. (SO19 042) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; MESSENIA; OFFPRINT] 455. Pek†ry,Thomas (1967): Zur Konstantinischen MÅnzprÑgung. Bemerkungen zu P.M. Bruun's Neuem RICBand. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 17,no. 67, 98103. (SO1C 035) [BOOK REVIEW; CONSTANTINE; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT/ BOOK REVIEW] 423. Pearson,Lionel (1982): Demosthenes (ca. 384-322 B.C.). In: Ancient Writers: Greece and Rome. (Ed: Luce,TJ) Charles Scribners's Sons, New York, 417-433. (SO4 181) [DEMOSTHENES; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1943. Pek†ry,Thomas (1967): Zur Ostgrenze des Gallischen Sonderreiches im 3. JH. N. Chr. Roman Frontier Studies, 128-131. (SO11 224) [OFFPRINT] 4363. Pek†ry,T (1967): Inschriften von Avenches. Bulletin pro Aventico 19, 37-56. (SO29 048) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4502. Pek†ry,Thomas (1967): Zur Geschichte von Vindonissa in SpÑtrîmischer Zeit. Gesellschaft pro Vindonissa. Jahresbericht 1966, 5-14. (SO31 059) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 4793. Pek†ry,Thomas (1960): Sture Bolin, State and Currency in the Roman Empire to 300 A.D. Almquist & Wiksell, Stockholm. Uppsala 1958. Historia 9, 380-383. (SO34 051) [BOOK REVIEW; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 692. Pek†ry,Thomas (1968): Goldene Statuen der Kaiserzeit. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts Roemische Abteilung 75, 144-148. (SO2 143) [OFFPRINT] 4814. Pek†ry,Thomas (1961): Autour des Res Gestae Divi Saporis. II. Le ÆTributØ aux Perses et les Finances de Philippe l'Arabe. Syria 28,3-4, 275-283. (SO35 006) [EASTERN FRONTIER; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; SASSANIANS] 3533. Pek†ry,Thomas (1969): Das Weihedatum des Kapitolinischen Iupitertempels und Plinius N.H. 33,19. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts Roemische Abteilung 76, 307-312. (SO22 173) [OFFPRINT] 454. Pek†ry,Thomas (1962): Hans Peter Kohns: Verorgungskrisen und Hungerrevolten im SpÑtantiken Rom. Bonn: R.Habelt 1961. 240 S.(Antiquitas 1,6). Gnomon 34, 806-810. (SO1C 034) [BOOK REVIEW] 4066. Pek†ry,Thomas (?): Bemerkungen zur Chronologie des Jahrzents 250-260 n. Chr., 123-128. (SO26 107) <<journal may be Chiron>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3156. Pek†ry,Thomas (1965): Inschriftenfunde aus Milet 1959. Istanbuler Mitteilungen 15, 118-134. (SO20 109) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5726. Pelekide,Chrise (1969): Anekdotoi Epigraphai ex Androu kai Naxou., Athenai. 15 pages. (SO16 184) [INCOMPLETE; ANDROS- ANCIENT PLACE; EPIGRAPHY; NAXOS; OFFPRINT] 3432. Pek†ry,Thomas (1965): Zur Datierung der DIVVS AUGUSTUS PATER / PROVIDENTIA- PrÑgungen. Ein MÅnzfund in Vidy bei Lausenne. Schweizer MÅnzblÑtter 15, pt. 59, 128-130. (SO22 072) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 5146. Pelham,Henry (??): On Some Disputed Points Connected with the "Imperium" of Augustus and his Successors. Journal of Philology 17, 27-52. (SO36F 009) [INCOMPLETE; AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] Syme Collection DB page 227 1181. Pellegrini,GB (1967): P.BoyancÇ, Lucräce et l'êpicurisme. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris. Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 9, 1-2, 117-162. (SO6 027) [LUCRETIUS; OFFPRINT; PHILOSOPHY- GREEK] 515. Pelling,CBR (1973): Plutarch, Alexander and Caesar: Two New Fragments. CQ 23,2, 343-344. (SO1C 091) [OFFPRINT] 3697. Pelling,CBR (1979): Plutarch's Method of Work in the Roman Lives. JHS 99, 74-96. (SO24 012) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4712. Pelling,CBR (1980): Plutarch's Adaptation of his Source Material. JHS 100, 127-140. (SO33 087) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PLUTARCH] 870. Pelling,CBR (1982): Bernd Manuwald: Cassius Dio und Augustus. Philologische Untersuchungen zu den BÅchern 45-46 des Dionischen Geschichtswerkes. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1979. (Palingenesia 14). Gnomon 55, 221-226. (SO5 113) [BOOK REVIEW; CASSIUS DIO; HISTORIOGRAPHY] 3007. Percival,John (1977): Thucydides and the Uses of History. Greece & Rome 18,2 (2nd. series), 199-212. (SO19 024) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; THUCYDIDES] 5087. Peremans,W (1969): Note Ö Propos de Salluste, Bellum Iugurthinum, 17, 7. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. (: ) (Collection Latomus, 101.) Latomus. Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 634-638. (SO36D 001) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 453. Peremans,Willy (1963): A.B.Breebaart: Einige Historiografische Aspecten van Arrianus' Anabasis Alexandri. Leiden: Universitaire Pers 1960. (Gleichzeitig Diss. Leiden 1960.). Gnomon 35, 516-517. (SO1C 033) [BOOK REVIEW] 3629. Perl,G (1968): Zur Chronologie der Kînigreiche Bithynia,Pontus und Bosporus. In: Studien zur Geschichte und Philosophie des Altertums. Kongress fÅr Klassiche Philosophie. (Ed: Harmata,J) AkadÇmiai Kiad¢, Budapest, 209-230. (SO23 048) [BLACK SEA; CHRONOLOGY; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL STRUCTURE] 5097. Perl,Gerhard (1959): Probleme der Sallust-öberlieferung. Forschungen und Fortschritte 33,2, 56-60. (SO36D 011) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5056. Perl,Gerhard (1964): Der Anfang der Rîmischen Geschichtsschreibung. Forschungen und Fortschritte 38,6-7, 185-190; 213-218. (SO36C 004) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5109. Perl,Gerhard (1964): Karl BÅchner, Sallust. Heidelberg: Carl Winter 1960. Deutsche Literaturzeitung 85,10, 878-882. (SO36D 023) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5058. Perl,Gerhard (1967): Die Rede Cottas in Sallusts Historien. Philologus 109, 75-82. (SO36C 006) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5059. Perl,Gerhard (1967): Die Rede Cottas in Sallusts Historien (Fortsetzung). Philologus 111, 137-141. (SO36C 007) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5101. Perl,Gerhard (1967): Sallusts Todesjahr. Klio 48, 97-105. (SO36D 015) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 461. Perl,Gerhard (1969): Sallust. Cat. 59,3 Ipse cum Libertis et Colonis. Hermes 97,4, 501-502. (SO1C 041) [OFFPRINT] 463. Perl,Gerhard (1969): Sallust und die Krise der Rîmischen Republik. Philologus 113, 201-216. (SO1C 043) [OFFPRINT] 5055. Perl,Gerhard (1969): Der Alte Codex der ÆHistoriaeØ Sallusts. Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes. Bulletin 15 (1967-68), 29-38. (SO36C 003) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 465. Perl,Gerhard (1970): Die Rîmischen Provinzbeamten in Cyrenae und Creta zur Zeit der Republik. Klio 52, 319-354. (SO1C 045) Syme Collection DB page 228 [OFFPRINT] 1134. Perutz,Max (1985): That Was the War. The New Yorker August 12, 35-54. (SO3 180) [OFFPRINT] 2583. Pescheck,Christian (1978): Die Germanischen Bodenfunde der Rîmischen Kaiserzeit in Mainfranken. MÅnchner BeitrÑge zur Vor- und FrÅhgeschichte 27, 119-129. (SO17 003) [OFFPRINT] 1859. Petersen,Hans (1962): The Numeral Praenomina of the Romans. Transactions of the American Philological Association 93, 347354. (SO11 142) [OFFPRINT] 4922. Petersen,Hans (1964): The Earliest Christian Inscriptions of Egypt. Classical Philology 59,3, 154-174. (SO35 110) [CHRISTIANITY; EGYPT; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 464. Petersen,Leiva (1966): Der JÅngste Iunius Silanus. Historia 15,3, 328-335. (SO1C 044) [OFFPRINT] 452. Petersen,Leiva; Vidman,Ladislav (1975): Zur Laufbahn des A. Didius Gallus. In: Actes de la XIIä Conference Internationale d'êtudes Classiques *Eirene*, Cluj-Napoca, 27 Oct. 1972. (: ) Adolf M.Hakkert, B.V./ Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste RomÉnia, Amsterdam/ Bucharest, 653-669. (SO1C 032) [A. DIDIUS GALLUS; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2734. Petit,Paul (1969): Sir Ronald Syme, Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1968. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 38, fasc. 1, 265-267. (SO17 152) [BOOK REVIEW] 704. Petzold,Karl-Ernst (1969): Die Bedeutung des Jahres 32 fÅr die Entstehung des Principats. Historia 18,3, 334-351. (SO2 156) [OFFPRINT] 462. Petzold,Karl-Ernst (1971): Der Politische Standort des Sallust. Chiron 1, 219238. (SO1C 042) [OFFPRINT] 4399. Pflaum,HG (1952): La Fortification de la Ville d'Adraha d'Arabie (259-260 Ö 274-275) d'apräs des Inscriptions RÇcemment DÇcouvertes. Syria 29,3-4, 307-330. (SO30 022) [OFFPRINT] 4437. Pflaum,HG (1957): Les Gouverneurs de la Province Romaine d'Arabie de 193 Ö 305. Syria 34,1-2, 128-144. (SO30 059) [ARABIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4876. Pflaum,HG (1957): La Monnaie de Träves Ö l'êpoque des Empereurs GalloRomains. In: Congräs International de Numismatique, Paris 6-11 Juiller 1953. Vol. 2. (: ) Commission Internationale de Numismatique; SociÇtÇ Franáaise de Numismatique; Bibliothäque Nationale., Paris, 273-280. (SO35 065) [LATE EMPIRE; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 4421. Pflaum,HG (1967): Un Nouveau Diplìme d'un Soldat de l'ArmÇe d'êgypte. Syria 44,3-4, 339-362. (SO30 043) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT] 4247. Pflaum,HG (1971): Diverses Inscriptions de Numidie et de Tripolitaine. BCTH 6, 225-231. (SO28 001) [AFRICA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4414. Pflaum,HG (1971): Inscription de Chios (L. Faianius Sabinus). ZPE 7,1, 61-63. (SO30 037) [EPIGRAPHY; GREECE; OFFPRINT] 4415. Pflaum,HG (1971): Une Inscription Bilangue de Cos et la Perception de la Vicesima Heredatium. ZPE 7,1, 64-68. (SO30 037) [EPIGRAPHY; GREECE; OFFPRINT] 4128. Pflaum,Hans-G (1963): Sur un Fragment de Carriäre Senatoriale di IIIe Siäcle Provenant de Grottaferrara (CIL XIV 2503. In: Romanica et Occidentalia. êtudes dÇdiÇes Ö la Memoire de Hiram Peri (Pflaum). (Ed: Lazar,MoshÇ) Magnes Press, UniversitÇ HÇbraãque, Jerusalem, 264-269. (SO27 014) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4204. Pflaum,Hans-G (1964): Le Reglement Successorial d'Hadrien. In: Historia-AugustaColloquium Bonn 1963. (Ed: Straub,J) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 2.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 95-122. (SO27 087) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 229 4203. Pflaum,Hans-G (1972): La Valeur de l'Information Historique de la Vita Commodi Ö la Lumiäre des Personnages NottÇment CitÇs par le Biographie. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1970. (: ) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 10.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 199-247. (SO27 086) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] (SO27 004) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1689. Pflaum,H-G (1954): La Chronologie de la Carriere de L. Caesennius Sospes. Historia 2, 4, 431-450. (SO10 077) [OFFPRINT] 3783. Pflaum,Hans-Georg (1962): Un Nouveau Gouverneur de la Province de RhÇtie, Proche Parant de l'ImpÇratrice Julia Domna, Ö propos d'une Inscription RÇcemment DÇcouverte Ö Augsbourg. Bayerische Vorgeschichts-BlÑtter 27,1, 82-99. (SO25 002) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1425. Pflaum,H-G (1956): Remarques sur l'Onomastique de Castellum Celtianum. In: Carnuntina. Ergebnisse der Forschung Åber die Grenzprovinzen des Rîmischen Reiches. VotrÑge beim Kongre· der Altertumsforscher, Carnuntum 1955. (Ed: Swoboda,Erich) (Rîmische Forschungen in Niederîsterreich, 3.) Hermann Bîhlaus, Graz-Kîln, 126-151. (SO7 117) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 1714. Pflaum,Hans-Georg (1966): Deux Gouverneurs de la Province de l'êpoque de Trajan Ö la Lumiäre de Deax Nouvelles Inscriptions de IotapÇ en Cilicie TrachÇe. In: Corolla Memoriae Erich Swoboda Dedicata. (: ) Bîhlau,, 183-194. (SO10 102) <<series: Rîmische Forschungen in Niederîsterreich 5>> [OFFPRINT] 1704. Pflaum,H-G (1956): G.Barbieri, L'Albo Senatorio da Settimio Severo a Carino (193285). Roma, Angelo Signorelli, 1952. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 30, fasc.1 (third series, 82 in continuous sequence), 68-82. (SO10 092) [BOOK REVIEW] 4172. Pflaum,Hans-Georg (1969): CIL, XI: Index Consulum. Studi Romagnoli 20, 421445. (SO27 056) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1303. Pflaum,Hans-Georg (1974): Cohors I Flavia Bessorum et Cohors I Ulpia Traiana Cugernorum. Chiron 4, 453-456. (SO6 150) [OFFPRINT] 2715. Pflaum,Hans-Georg (1974): Les Personnages NommÇments CitÇs par la Vita Didi Iuliani de l'H.A. In: Bonner HistoriaAugusta-Colloquium 1971. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas 11) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 139-156. (SO17 134) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2815. Pflaum,Hans-Georg (1974): Les Progräs des Recherches Prosopographiques Concernant l'êpoque du Haut-Empire durant le Dernier Quart de Siäcle (1945-1970). In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt II. Principat. Vol. 1. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 113-135. (SO18 004) [OFFPRINT] 4118. Pflaum,Henri-George (1967): Vibius Seneca, Dux Vexillationum Classis Praetoriae Misenatium et Ravennensium. Studi Romagnoli 18, 255-257. 4194. Pflaum,H-G (1956): La Carriäre de C. Aufidius Victorinus, Condisciple de Marc Auräle. CRAI april-june 1956, 1-11. (SO27 077) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4214. Pflaum,H-G (1956): Deux Carriäres êquestres de Lambäse et de Zama (Diana Veteranorum). Libyca 3, 123-154. (SO27 097) <<journal year 1955>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4256. Pflaum,H-G (1956): Nordafrika und die Rîmer. Annales Universitatis Saraviensis 5,1, 37-49. (SO28 010) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4257. Pflaum,H-G (1956): At Fusa per Numidiam. Revue Africaine 100, 315-318. (SO28 011) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4299. Pflaum,H-G (1957): Une Inscription de Madaure. Recueil des Notices et MÇmoires de la SociÇtÇ ArchÇologique de Constantine 69, 1-7. (SO28 053) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4302. Pflaum,H-G (1957): Une Inscription de Castellum Arsacalitanum. Recueil des Notices et MÇmoires de la SociÇtÇ ArchÇologique de Constantine 69, 3-28. Syme Collection DB page 230 (SO28 056) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 479. Pflaum,H-G (1958): Principes de l'Administration Romaine ImpÇriale. Bulletin de la FacultÇ des Lettres de Strasbourg 37, 3, 1-17. (SO1C 059) [OFFPRINT] 451. Pflaum,H-G (1959): La Chronologie de la Carriäre de M.Pompeius Macrinus Theophanes. Germania 1,4, 150-155. (SO1C 031) [OFFPRINT] 2198. Pflaum,H-G (1961): Les Gendres de Marc-Auräle. Journal des Savants (JanuaryMarch), 28-41. (SO14 008) [OFFPRINT] 467. Pflaum,H-G (1962): LÇgats ImpÇriaux Ö l'IntÇrieur de Provinces Sänatoriales. In: Hommages Ö Albert Grenier. Collection Latomus vol. 63. (Ed: Renard,Marcel) Latomus, Bruxelles, 1232-1242. (SO1C 047) [FESTSCHRIFT] 475. Pflaum,H-G (1962): P. Caetennius P.F.Clemens. Argo 1, 47-48. (SO1C 055) [OFFPRINT] 1695. Pflaum,H-G (1962): Les Sodales Antoniniani. CRAI april-june 1961, 118-121. (SO10 083) [OFFPRINT] 4192. Pflaum,H-G (1962): Deux Familles SÇnatoriales des IIe et IIIe Siäcles. Journal des Savants (jan-june 1962), 108-122. (SO27 075) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4239. Pflaum,H-G (1962): Fulvius Maximus, CIL XIII 8007= Dessau 1195. BonnJahr 162, 174. (SO27 121) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4217. Pflaum,H-G (1964): Le Correspondants de l'Orateurs M. Cornelius Fronto de Cirta. In: Hommages Ö Jean Bayet. (Ed: Renard,M) (Collection Latomus 70.) Latomus. Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 544-560. (SO27 100) [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 474. Pflaum,H-G (1965): Un Ami Inconnu d'Hadrien: M.Aemilius Papus. Klio 46, 331336. (SO1C 054) [OFFPRINT] 575. Pflaum,H-G (1965): Tendances Politiques et Administratives au IIe Siäcle de Notre êre. Revue des êtudes Latines ?, 112121. (SO2 006) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1597. Pflaum,H-G (1965): Walter Meyers: L'Administration de la Province Romaine de Belgique. Brugge 1964. (Dissertationes Archeologicae Gandenses). Gnomon 37, 388396. (SO9 134) [BOOK REVIEW; GALLIA BELGICA; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 468. Pflaum,H-G (1966): Augustanius Alpinus Bellicius Sollers Membres de la Gens Cassia. AEA 39, 113-114, 3-23. (SO1C 048) [OFFPRINT] 660. Pflaum,H-G (1966): Les Titulaires AbrÇgÇes ÆImp. Antoninus Aug.Ø et ÆAntoninus Imp.Ø S'appliquent en Principe Ö Antonin le Pieux. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie, d'êpigraphie et d'Histoire offerts Ö JÇrìme Carcopino. (: ) Hachette, Paris, 717-736. (SO2 097) <<source unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1628. Pflaum,H-G (1966): ., . <<duplicate of #1603; SO9 140>> [BOOK REVIEW] 1708. Pflaum,H-G (1966): Les Sodales Antononiani de l'êpoque de Marc-Auräle. MÇmoires PrÇsentÇs [par divers savants] Ö l'AcadÇmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 15,2, 1-93. (SO10 096) [OFFPRINT] 4177. Pflaum,H-G (1966): Un Nouveau Sodalis Aurelianus Antoninianus Ö la Lumiäre d'une Inscription de Philippopolis Thraciae. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 275-282. (SO27 061) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1691. Pflaum,H-G (1967): Les Pràtres du Culte ImpÇrial sous le Rägne d'Antonin le Pieux. CRAI april-june 1967, 194-209. (SP10 079) [OFFPRINT] 4284. Pflaum,H-G (1967): Les Creperii et les Egrilii d'Afrique. Les Cahiers de Tunisie 14, nos. 57-60, 65-72. Syme Collection DB page 231 (SO28 038) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 480. Pflaum,H-G (1968): La Mise en Place des Procuratäles Financiäres dans les Provinces du Haut-Empire Romain. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 3, 367-388. (SO1C 060) [OFFPRINT] 2259. Pflaum,H-G (1968): Les Juges des Cinq DÇcuries Originaires d'Afrique Romaine. AntAfr 2, 153-195. (SO14 067) [OFFPRINT] 1654. Pflaum,H-G (1969): Remarques sur le Changement de Statut Administratif de la Province de JudÇe: A Propos d'une Inscription RÇcÇmment DÇcouvert Ö Side de Pamphylie. Israel Exploration Journal 19,4, 225-233. (SO10 051) [OFFPRINT] 2253. Pflaum,H-G (1969): Inscriptions ImpÇriales de Sila. AntAfr 3, 133-144. (SO14 061) [OFFPRINT] 3628. Pflaum,H-G (1969): Forces et Faiblesses de l'ArmÇe Romaine du HautEmpire. In: Problämes de la Guerre Ö Rome. (Ed: Brisson,Jean-Paul) (Civilisation et SociÇtÇes, 12.) Mouton, Paris, 85-98. (SO23 047) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 469. Pflaum,H-G (1970): Les Mettii d'Arles. Une Famille ArlÇsienne Ö la Fin du Ier Siäcle et au IIe Siäcle de Notre äre. BSAF, 265-272. (SO1C 049) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 471. Pflaum,H-G (1970): Une Famille de la Noblesse Provinciale Romaine: Les Oppii. Cahiers Alsaciens d'ArchÇologie d'Art et d'Histoire 14, 85-90. (SO1C 051) [OFFPRINT] 473. Pflaum,H-G (1970): La Valeur de la Source Inspiratrice de la Vita Hadriani et de la Vita Marci Antonini a la LumiÇre des PersonnalitÇs Contemporaines NommÇment CitÇes. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1968/1969. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 7.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 173-232. (SO1C 053) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 481. Pflaum,H-G (1970): Titulature et Rang Social Sous le Haut-Empire. In: Recherches sur les Structures Sociales dans l'AntiquitÇ Classique. Caen 25-25 Avril 1969. (: ) (Colloques Nationaux du CNRS.) êditions de CNRS, Paris, 159-185. (SO1C 061) [OFFPRINT] 2258. Pflaum,H-G (1970): La Romanisation de l'Ancien Territoire de la Carthage Punique Ö la Lumiäre des DÇcouvertes êpigraphiques RÇcents. AntAfr 4, 75-117. (SO14 066) [OFFPRINT] 4220. Pflaum,H-G (1970): La Carriäre de l'Affranchi ImpÇrial Saturninus. SousProcurateurs Provinciaux êquestres et Procurateurs Provinciaux d'Extraction Affranchie. REA, 297-310. (SO27 103) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4534. Pflaum,H-G (1972): Extrait des Rapports sur les ConfÇrences êpigraphie Romaine ImpÇriale. Annuaire de l'êcole Practique des Hautes êtudes 1971/1972, 247249. (SO32 027) [CONFERENCES; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 470. Pflaum,H-G (1975): Clients et Patrons Ö la Lumiere du Cimitiäre de l'Autoparco sous le Vatican Ö Rome. Arctos 9, 75-87. (SO1C 050) [OFFPRINT] 943. Pflaum,H-G (1976): Zur Reform des Kaisers Gallienus. Historia 25,1, 109-117. (SO5 189) [OFFPRINT] 1429. Pflaum,H-G (1977): SpÇcificitÇ de l'Onomastique Romaine en Afrique du Nord. In: L'Onomastique Latine. (: ) (Colloques Internationaux de C.N.R.S, 564.) êditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 315-324. (SO7 121) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 825. Pflaum,H-G (1978): Les Amours des Empereurs dans l'Histoire Auguste. In: Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1975/1976. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 13.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 157-166. (SO5 063) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 4186. Pflaum,H-G (1978): La PrÇfecture de l'Annone (Ö Propos d'Ouvrage RÇcent= H. Pavis d'Escurac, La PrÇfecture de l'Annone. Service Administratif ImpÇrial d'Auguste Ö Syme Collection DB page 232 Constantin, Rome: êcole Franáaise de Rome, 1976). Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 56, 49-77. (SO27 069) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 975. Pflaum,H-G (1981): Euploea. ZPE 42, 221-222. (SO3 016) [OFFPRINT] 976. Pflaum,H-G (1981): Sur une Inscription de Gonfaron (Var). ZPE 42, 223226. (SO3 016) [OFFPRINT] 466. Pflaum,H-G (19??): Procurator. In: Paulys RealencyclopÑdie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft. (: ) Alfred DruckenmÅller Verlag, Stuttgart, (cols.) 12391280. (SO1C 046) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 472. Pflaum,H-G; Picard,G-CH (1951): Notes d'Epigraphie Latine. I- Les Vicissitudes de Bruttius Praesens. II- Une Carriere Senatoriale au Temps de l'Anarchie Militaire. Karthago 2, 91-106. (SO1C 052) [OFFPRINT] 1457. Pflaum,H-G ed (1961): Index Onomastique des Æ Inscriptions Latines d'Afrique Ø. Karthago 11, 171-208. (SO7 147) [OFFPRINT] 1603. Pflaum,H-G ed (1966): Arthur E. Gordon in Collaboration with Joyce S. Gordon, Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions. III: Rome and the Neighborhood. AD 200-525: 1965. Revue des êtudes Latines, 136-143. (SO9 080) [BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY-LATIN] 2798. Philipp,Hans (1935): Frank Burr Marsh, A History of the Roman World from 146 to 30 B.C. London 1935. Philologische Wochenschrift 43(26 October), 1197-1204. (SO16 093) [BOOK REVIEW] 2863. Philips III,Charles Roberts (1984): Quae Per Squalidas Transiere Personas: Ste. Croix's Historical Revolution. Helios 11,1 (new series), 47-82. (SO18 052) <<article based on G. de Ste. Croix' The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World from the Archaic Period to the Arab Conquests (London: Duckworth, 1981)>> [REVIEW ARTICLE] 847. Phillips,CR (1983): Rethinking Augustan Poetry. Latomus 62,4, 780-818. (SO5 089) [OFFPRINT] 1552. Phillips,ED (1952): A Hypochondriac and his God. Greece & Rome 21, 61, 23-36. (SO9 086) [OFFPRINT] 929. Phillips,ED (1953): Doctor and Patient in Classical Greece. Greece & Rome 22 (no. 65), 70-81. (SO5 174) [OFFPRINT] 4297. Picard,Colette (n.d.): MusÇes de Plein Air de Carthage. Imprimerie la Rapide, Tunis. (SO28 051) [AFRICA; PAMPHLET] 4286. Picard,G (1954): Mactar. Bulletin Economique et Social de la Tunisie July 1954, no. 90, 3-18. (SO28 040) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4276. Picard,GC (1956): NÇron et le BlÇ d'Afrique. Les Cahiers de Tunisie 4, no. 14, 163-173. (SO28 030) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4295. Picard,GC (1956): Isaona. Revue Africaine 100, 301-313. (SO28 049) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4293. Picard,GC (1966): L'Administration Territoriale de Carthage. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,Raymond) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 1257-1265. (SO28 047) [OFFPRINT] 1452. Picard,G-CH (1950): Le Monument aux Victoires de Carthage et l'Expedition Orientale de Lucius Verus. CRAI, 67-94. (SO7 142) [OFFPRINT] 4310. Picard,G-Ch (1957): L'ArchÇologie ChrÇtienne en Afrique 1938-1953. In: Actes du Ve Vongräs International d'ArchÇologie ChrÇtienne. Ain-en-Provence 13-19 Sept. 1954. (: ) Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana; SociÇtÇ d'êdition ÆLes Belles LettresØ, Vatican City; Paris, 45-59. (SO28 064) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3578. Picard,G-Ch (1966): Le TraitÇ Romano-Barcide de 226 av. J.-C. In: . (: ) Hachette, [Paris], 747-762. (SO22 218) Syme Collection DB page 233 <<source unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2251. Picard,Gilbert-Charles; Le Bonniec,Henri; Mallon,Jean (1970): Le Cippe de Beccut. AntAfr 4, 125-164. (SO14 059) [OFFPRINT] 1881. Pietrangeli,C (1941): Supplementi al Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum II (Volumi I e XV). Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica del Governatorato di Roma 69, 167-192. (SO11 163) [OFFPRINT] 4912. Piganiol,A (1947): L'êconomie DirigÇe dans l'Empire Romain au IV Siäcle ap. J.-C. Scientia 41 (6th ser.), 95-100. (SO35 100) [ECONOMY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4772. Piganiol,A (1949): Note sur un BasRelief de la Villa MÇdicis. In: Hommages Ö Joseph Bidez et Ö Franz Cumont. (: ) (Collection Latomus, 2.), Bruxelles, 265-270. (SO34 032) [ANTONINES; ICONOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3610. Piganiol,AndrÇ (1908): Fornix Fabianus. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 28, 89-95. (SO23 029) [OFFPRINT] 3491. Piganiol,AndrÇ (1939): La Table de Bronze de Falerio et la Loi Mamilia Roscia Peducaea Alliena Fabia. CRAI, 193-200. (SO22 129) [EPIGRAPHY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2512. Piganiol,AndrÇ (1949): Un Ennemi de CicÇron (A Propos d'un Livre RÇcent). Revue Historique april-june 1949, 224-234. (SO15 188) [OFFPRINT] 3103. Piganiol,AndrÇ (1950): Sur un Fragment Nouveau du Cadastre d'Orange. CRAI [SÇance of 17 February], 60-69. (SO20 056) [GAUL; OFFPRINT] 478. Piganiol,AndrÇ (1951): La ProcÇdure de la Destination selon la Table de Magliano. CRAI 1951, fasc. 2, 204-214. (SO1C 058) [OFFPRINT] 3490. Piganiol,AndrÇ (1951): Sur la Nouvelle Table de Bronze de Tarente. CRAI, 58-63. (SO22 118) [EPIGRAPHY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2404. Piganiol,AndrÇ (1957): Mazzarino S., L'Impero Romano [vol. II del Trattato di Storia Romana di G.Giannelli e S.Mazzarino] (Roma, Tumminelli, 1956). Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 8, 571-574. (SO15 092) [OFFPRINT] 3644. Piganiol,AndrÇ (195?): Histoire Romaine (1951-1955). I-II. Revue Historique 218, 310-342. (SO23 063) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3645. Piganiol,AndrÇ (195?): Histoire Romaine III-V. Revue Historique 219, 97-139. (SO23 064) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3646. Piganiol,AndrÇ (195?): Histoire Romaine (1951-55) VI. Revue Historique 220, SO23 065. [OFFPRINT] 1579. Piganiol,AndrÇ (19??): Observations sur le Rituel le Plus RÇcent des Fräres Arvales. CRAI, 241-251. (SO9 115) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1450. Piganiol,AndrÇ; Pflaum,H-G (1954): Borne de Ksar Mahidjiba. [Extrait du Livre du Centenaire de la SociÇtÇ ArchÇologique de Constantine]. Attali, Constantine, Algeria. 14 pages. (SO7 140) [AFRICA; ALGERIA; EPIGRAPHY; EXCAVATIONS; OFFPRINT] 4300. Piganiol.A; Pflaum,H-G (1954): Borne de Ksar Mahidjiba. In: Livre de Centenaire de la SociÇtÇ ArchÇologique de Constantine. (: ) Attali, Constantine, 1-14. (SO28 054) [INCOMPLETE; AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 2845. Pigeaud,J (1983 [1984]): êpicure et Lucräce et l'Origine du Langue. Revue des êtudes Latines 61, 122-144. (SO18 034) <<offprint dated/ journal published? 1984>> [OFFPRINT] 3514. Pinsent,J (1954): The Original Meaning of Municeps. CQ 4, 3-4 (n.s.), 158164. (SO22 152) [OFFPRINT] 3515. Pinsent,J (1957): Municeps, II. CQ 7,1-2 (n.s., vol. 51 of continuous series), 8997. Syme Collection DB page 234 (SO22 153) [OFFPRINT] 3685. Pinsent,J (1959): Antiquarianism, Fiction and History in the First Decade of Livy. The Classical Journal 55, 81-85. (SO23 101) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4683. Pinsent,John (1959): Antiquarianism, Fiction and History in the First Decade of Livy. The Classical Journal 55, 81-85. (SO33 060) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 3570. Pinsent,John (1964): Cincius,Fabius, and the Otacilii. Phoenix 18,1, 17-29. (SO22 210) [OFFPRINT] 476. Pippidi,DM (1935): ÆDominus Noster CaesarØ A Propos du Texte de Scribonius Largus. Atheneum 1, 637-660. (SO1C 056) [OFFPRINT] 881. Pippidi,DM (1935): Tibäre et Arruntius. Athenaeum 1, 1-8. (SO5 124) [OFFPRINT] 477. Pippidi,DM (1936): Sur un Passage ControversÇ de SÇnäque: de Tranq. Animi, XIV. Revista Clasica 6-7, 3-46. (SO1C 057; accent over second `a' in Clasica) [OFFPRINT] 2683. Pippidi,DM (1936): Autour de la Chronologie des Epåtres d'Ovide Ex Ponto. Atheneum 2, 3-16. (SO17 102) [OFFPRINT] 4725. Pippidi,DM (1938): Tacite et Tibäre. Une Contribution Ö l'êtude du Portrait dans l'Historiographie Latine. Ephemeris Dacoromana 8, 1-67. (SO33 100) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS; TIBERIUS] 1582. Pippidi,DM (1940): A Propos de Properce III, 18, 32. Revista Clasica 11-12 (1939-1940), 3-8. (SO9 118) [OFFPRINT] 3426. Pippidi,DM (1941): L'Avänement Officiel de Tibäre en Egypte. Revue Historique du Sud-Est EuropÇen 18, 87-94. (SO22 067) [OFFPRINT] 769. Pippidi,DM (1942): Dion Cassius et la Religion des Empereurs. Revue Historique du Sud-Est EuropÇen 19,2, 407-418. (SO5 001) [OFFPRINT] 4769. Pippidi,DM (1957): BeitrÑge zur Rîmischen Prosopographgie des III. Jahrhunderts. Philologus 101,1-2, 148-162. (SO34 029) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3938. Pippidi,DM (1958): Un Nouvo Prefetto del Pretorio in un'Iscrizione della Scizia Minore. Dacia. Revue d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Ancienne 2 (n.s.), 249-257. (SO25 154) [DACIA; OFFPRINT; SCYTHIA] 5550. Pippidi,DM (1963): A Propos du Basileus Rhemaxos. Acta Antiqua Philippopolitana. Studia Historica et Philologica, 91-98. (SO42 012) [COLONISATION-GREEK; DACIA; ISTROS; OFFPRINT] 4451. Pirling,R (1971): Ein Bestattungsplatz Gefallener Rîmer in Krefeld-Gellep. ArchÑologisches Korrespondenzblatt 1, 45-46. (SO31 012) [OFFPRINT] 998. Pl†cido,Domindo (1984): De la Muerte de Pericles a la Stasis de Corcira. Geri¢n 1, 131-143. (SO3 038) [OFFPRINT] 3776. Placido,Domingo (1980): Le Ley Atica de 375/4 a.C y la Politica Atiense. Memorias de Historia Antigua 4, 27-41. (SO24 091) [OFFPRINT] 3143. Pocock,LG (1961): Hesiod and the Odyssey. AUMLA 15, 40-59. (SO20 096) [HOMER; OFFPRINT] 3884. P¢czy,Kl†ra Sz (1970): Anwendung Neuerer Ausgrabungsergebnisse bei der Ruinenkonservierung in der BÅrgerstadt Aquincum. Acta Technica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae 67,1-4, 177-194. (SO25 101) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 2514. Pîschl,Viktor (1961): "Invidia" nelle Orazioni di Cicerone. In: Atti del I Congresso Internazionale di Studi Ciceroniani. (: ) Centro di Studi Ciceroniani Editore,, 1-7. <<pages have been reordered for offprint>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 235 5296. Pîschl,Viktor (1962): Der Historiker Tacitus. Die Welt als Geschichte 22,1-2, 1-10. (SO37D 014) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2418. Polacco,Luigi (1955): Il Trionfo di Tiberio nella Tazza Rothschild da Boscoreale. Memorie della Accademia Patavina di Scienze, Lettere ed Arte: Classe di Scienze Morali, Lettere e Arti. 67, 3-20. (SO15 106) [OFFPRINT] 637. Polverini,Leandro (1964-65): L'Aspetto Sociale del Passaggio dalla Repubblica al Principato. Aevum 38 (fasc. 3-6)- 39 (fasc. 12), 241-285; 439-467 (vol. 38); 1-24 (vol.39). (SO2 073) [OFFPRINT] 2891. Pomeroy,Sarah B (1986): When No One Wore the Pants. Review of: The Creation of Patriarchy, By Gerda Lerner. New York; Oxford University Press. The New York Times (Book Review) (20 April 1986), 12. (SO18 080) <<includes interview of Lerner with Ashok Chandrasekhar entitled: `The Roots of Hierarchy'>> [BOOK REVIEW] 1028. Poole,JCF; Holladay,AJ (1979): Thucydides and the Plague of Athens. CQ 29,2, 282-300. (SO3 067) [OFFPRINT] 513. Poulter,Andrew G (1986): The Lower Moesian Limes and the Dacian Wars of Trajan. In: Studien zu den MilitÑrgrenzen Roms III. (13. Internationaler Limeskongre· Aalen 1983). (: ) (Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und FrÅhgeschichte in BadenWÅrttemberg, 20.), Stuttgart, 519-528. (SO1C 089) [OFFPRINT] 514. Purcell,Nicholas (1986): Livia and the Womanhood of Rome. PCPS 32 (n.s., vol. 212 of full series), 77-105. (SO1C 090) [OFFPRINT] 5239. Questa,Cesare (1957): Il Viaggio di Germanico in Oriente e Tacito. Maia 9,4 (n.s.), 1-31. (SO37B 023) [GERMANICUS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5260. Questa,Cesare (1957): Tecnica Biografica e Tecnica Annalistica nei II. LIIILXIII di Cassio Dione. Studi Urbinati 31,1 (n.s. B), 1-17. (SO37C 019) [CASSIUS DIO; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1221. Questa,Cesare (1959): Due Recenti Saggi Tacitiani. Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 1,3, 403-410. (SO6 068) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5261. Questa,Cesare (1959): La Morte di Augusto secondo Cassio Dione. PP 64, 41-55. (SO37C 020) [AUGUSTUS; CASSIUS DIO; OFFPRINT] 1192. Questa,Cesare (1967): Cornelius Tacitus, Annalen. Band II, Buch 4-6. ErlÑutert und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Erich Koestermann (Wiss. Kommentare zu Griechischen und Lateinischen Schriftstellern) Heidelberg, Carl Winter-UniversitÑtsverlag 1965. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 95,2 (3rd. ser.), 199-211. (SO6 039) [BOOK REVIEW; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 961. Prag,AJNW ed (1986): Archaeological Reports 1985-86. Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies/ British School at Athens, London. 141 pages. (SO3 004) 3767. Questa,Cesare (1972): Parerga del Syme su Tacito. Review of R. Syme, Ten Studies in Tacitus, Oxford, Clarendon Press L: Oxford University Press, 1970. Maia 2, 168174. (SO24 084) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SYME; TACITUS] 456. Probst,H (?): Anti-Tiberius. I., 3-18. (SO1C 036) <<in latin, source and date of pamphlett unknown, OLIS?>> [INCOMPLETE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS] ss. Kommentare zu Griechischen und Lateinischen Schriftstellern) Heidelberg, Carl WinÄ +ò ˇˇsitÑtsverlag 1965. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 95,2 (3rd. ser.), 199-211. (SO6 039) 3151. Pryce,FN ([c1935]): Louis C. West., Roman Gaul, The Object of Trade. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1935., 120-121. (SO20 104) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 522. Raaflaub,Kurt (1974): Zum Politischen Wirken der Caesarfreundlichen Volkstribunen am Vorabend der BÅrgerkrieges. Chiron 4, 293-326. (SO1C 098) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 236 5355. Radice,Betty (1968): Pliny and the Panegyricus. Greece & Rome 15,2, 166-172. (SO38B 006) [OFFPRINT; ORATORY; PLINY] 2810. Raditsa,Leo (1973): Julius Caesar and his Writings. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt I. Principat. Vol. 3. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 417-465. (SO16 104) [OFFPRINT] 3565. Radke,Gerhard (1969): Die Territoriale Politik des C.Flaminius. In: BeitrÑge zur Alten Geschichte und deren Nachleben. Festschrift fÅr Franz Altheim zum 6.10.1968. Vol. 1. (Eds: Stiehl,Ruth; Stier,Hans Erich) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 366-386. (SO22 205) [OFFPRINT] 541. Radke,Gerhard (1974): Il Valore Religioso e Politico delle DivinitÖ del Campidoglio. In: Atti del Convegno Internazionale per il XIX centenario della Dedicazione del ÆCapitoliumØ e per il 150ß Anniversario della Sua Scoperta. (: ) Ateneo di Brescia, Brescia, 245-250. (SO1C 117) [OFFPRINT] 3527. Radke,Gerhard (1974): Etrurien - Ein Produckt Politischer, Sozialer und Kultureller Spannungen. Klio 56, 29-53. (SO22 167) [ETRURIA; OFFPRINT] 3563. Radke,Gerhard (1975): Grenzen der Information und des Interesses bei Livius (Beispiele aus dem 4. Jh. v. Chr.). In: Werte der Antike. (: ), MÅchen, 72-99. (SO22 203) <<series: Klassische Sprachen und Literaturen 9>> [INCOMPLETE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2242. Radnoti,A (1974): Legionen und Auxilien am Oberrhein im I. Jh. n. Chr. In: Roman Frontier Studies 1969. (Eds: Birley,Eric; Dobson,Brian; Jarrett,Michael) University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 138-151. (SO14 051) [OFFPRINT] 1782. Radn¢ti,Alad†r (1961): Zur Auszeichnung "torquata" und "bis torquata" der Auxiliartruppen. Germania 39, 3-4, 458461. (SO11 066) [OFFPRINT] 1783. Radn¢ti,Alad†r (1961): Neue RÑtische MilitÑrdiplome aus Straubing und Eining. Germania 39, 1-2, 93-117. (SO11 067) [OFFPRINT] 4146. Radn¢ti,Alad†r (1961): C. Julius Avitus Alexianus. Germania 39,3-4, 383-412. (SO27 031) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4500. Radn¢ti,Alad†r (1962): Ein Legionarshelm aus Burlafingen, Landkreis Neu-Ulm. In: Aus Bayerns FrÅhzeit. Friedrich Wagner zum 75. Geburtstag. (: ) (Schriftenreihe zur Bayerischen Landesgeschichte, 62.) C.H. Beck,, 157-173. (SO31 057) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 1745. Radn¢ti,Alad†r (1968): Ein Neues MilitÑrdiplomfragment aus Eining. Germania 46,1, 118-123. (SO11 028) [OFFPRINT] 4201. Radn¢ti,Alad†r (1972): Eine Grabinschrift aus Leutstetten (Lkr. Starnberg, Obb.). Chiron 2, 437-447. (SO27 084) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4215. Raepsaet,M-Th (1883): Venulei et Pompei d'êtrurie. Latomus 42, 422-423. (SO27 098) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4212. Raepsaet,M-Th (1981): Cornelia Cet(h)egilla. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 50,1-2, 685-695. (SO27 095) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 525. Raepsaet,M-Th; Deman,A (1973): A Propos de L. Minicius Natalis Quadronius Verus Iunior et de Cominius Secundus. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 42,1, 185-191. (SO1C 101) [DACIA; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4208. Raepsaet-Charlier,M Th (1982): Epouses et Familles de Magistrats dans les Provinces Romaines aux Deux Premiers Siäcles de l'Empire. Historia 31,1, 56-69. (SO27 091) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 862. Raepsaet-Charlier,M Th (1984): L'Origine Sociale des Vestales sous le HautEmpire. In: ÆMNHMHØ Georges A. Petropoulos. Vol. 2. (Ed: Biscardi,A et al) Editions Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens, 253-270. Syme Collection DB page 237 (SO5 104) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN RELIGION] 2118. Raepsaet-Charlier,M Th (1985): A Propos des Premiers Emplois DatÇs de DeoDeae dans les Trois Gaules et les Germanies. ZPE 61, 204-208. (SO13 021) [OFFPRINT] 983. Raepsaet-Charlier,Marie-ThÇräse (1975): La Datation des Inscriptions Latines dans les Provinces Occidentales de l'Empire Romain d'Öpres les Formules ÆIN H(ONOREM) D(OMUS) D(IVINAE)Ø et ÆDEO, DEAEØ. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. Principat II. Vol. 3. (Eds: Temporini,Hildegard; Hasse,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 232-282. (SO3 022) [OFFPRINT] 1067. Raepsaet-Charlier,Marie-ThÇräse (1977): A Propos du Fragment de Diplìme Militaire DÇcouvert Ö HÇbron. Latomus 36,4, 1055-1056. (SO3 107) [OFFPRINT] 1065. Raepsaet-Charlier,Marie-ThÇräse (1978): Le Lieu d'Installation des VÇtÇrans Auxiliares Romains d'Apräs les Diplìmes Militaires. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 47,2, 557-565. (SO3 105) [OFFPRINT] 1710. Raepsaet-Charlier,Marie-ThÇräse (1981-1982): Ordre SÇnatorial et Divorce sous le haut-Empire: Un Chaptite de l'Histoire des MentalitÇs. Acta Classica Univ. Scient. Debrecen 17-18, 161-173. (SO10 098) [OFFPRINT] 2826. Raepsaet-Charlier,Marie-ThÇräse (1981): Clarissima Femina. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'AntiquitÇ 28 (3rd series), 191-212. (SO18 015) [OFFPRINT] 4558. Raepsaet-Charlier,Marie-ThÇräse (1982): Les Couches SupÇrieures de la SociÇtÇ Romaine. L'êgalitÇ, Travaux du Centre de Philosophie du Droit de l'UniversitÇ Libre de Bruxelles 8, 452-477. (SO32 051) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 599. Raepsaet-Charlier,Marie-ThÇräse (1983): A Propos de Julia Soaemias. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'AntiquitÇ 30 (3rd. ser.), 185-192. (SO2 031) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SEVERAN DYNASTY] 4589. Raepsaet-Charlier,Marie-ThÇräse (1983): L'Inscription CIL XI 1735 ComplÇtÇe et les Venulei. Latomus 42,1, 152-155. (SO32 072) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2469. Rai,Reinhold (1934): Caesar vor Gergovia. Wiener Studien 52, 147-150. (SO15 145) [JULIUS CAESAR; OFFPRINT] 2790. Rambaud,M (1964): Le Caractäre de Jules CÇsar. In: Hommages Ö Jean Bayet. (: ) Latomus. Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 599-610. (SO16 086) <<series: Collection Latomus 70>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 2494. Rambaud,M (1968): LÇgion et ArmÇe Romaines. A Propos de: J. Harmand, L'ArmÇe et le Soldat Ö Rome, de 107 Ö 50 avant notre äre: Paris, Picard, 1967. Revue des êtudes Latines, 112-146. (SO15 170) [OFFPRINT] 2823. Rambaud,Michel (1955): Le Soleil de Pharsale. Historia 3,3, 346-378. (SO18 012) [OFFPRINT] 537. Rambaud,Michel (1958): Lucius Munatius Plancus: Gouverneur de la Gaule d'Apräs la Correspondance de CicÇron. Cahiers d'Histoire 3,2, 103-128. (SO1C 113) [OFFPRINT] 2820. Rambaud,Michel (1958): L'Ordre de Bataille de l'ArmÇe des Gaules d'Apräs les Æ Commentaires Ø de CÇsar. REA 60, 1-2, 87-130. (SO18 009) [OFFPRINT] 2769. Rambaud,Michel (1968): CÇsar Ö Travers les Commentaires. In: ConfÇrences de la SociÇtÇ d'êtudes Latines de Bruxelles 1965-1966. (Ed: Cambier,Guy) Latomus. Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 47-75. (SO16 066) <<series: Collection Latomus 92>> [CONFERENCE REPORT; OFFPRINT] 636. Rambaud,Michel (1969): La Cavalerie de CÇsar. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard. Vol. 2. (Ed: Bibauw,Jacqueline) (Collection Latomus, 102.) Latomus, Bruxelles, 650-663. (SO2 072) [FESTSCHRIFT; MARCEL RENARD; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] Syme Collection DB page 238 526. Ramsay,M William (1935): Le ThÇma LÇontokomeos ÆKaystroupÇdionØ de XÇnophon. CRAI, 1-13. (127ff. of original vol.) (SO1C 102) [OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICS- ANCIENT; PHRYGIA- ANCIENT REGION; ROMAN ARMY] 1527. Ramsay,WM (1902): Report Presented to the Wilson Trustees Part II. Deux Jours en Phrygie., . 13 pages. (SO9 063) <<'Reprinted with improvements from the Revue des êtudes Anciennes'>> [OFFPRINT; PHRYGIA- ANCIENT REGION; TOPOGRAPHY] 3169. Ramsay,WM (1904): Lycaonia. JOAI 7, 61-132. (SO20 122) <<page #s refer to columns>> [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 1500. Ramsay,WM (c1905): Preliminary Report to the Wilson Trustees on Exploration in Phrygia and Lycaonia, 1905. Aberdeen University Press Ltd, Aberdeen. 37 pages. (SO9 039) [ASIA MINOR; EXCAVATIONS; LYCAONIA-ANCIENT REGION; MONOGRAPH; PHRYGIA- ANCIENT REGION] 1499. Ramsay,WM (1911-1912): Sketches in the Religious Antiquities of Asia Minor. ABSA 18, 37-79. (SO9 038) [OFFPRINT] 565. Ramsay,WM (1922): Studies in the Roman Province Galatia. JRS 12, 147-186. (SO1C 141) [OFFPRINT] 5729. Ramsay,WM (1924): Note on the Angora Resolution. JHS 44, 163. (SO1A 079; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1546. Ramsay,WM (1928): Res Anatolicae. Klio 22,3, 369-383. (SO9 081) [OFFPRINT] 1544. Ramsay,WM (1931): Phrygian Orthodox and Heretics 400-800 AD. Byzantion 6, 1-35. (SO9 078) [OFFPRINT] 1545. Ramsay,WM (1932): Mystery of a Doubtful Inscription. Klio 25,3, 422-427. (SO9 079) [OFFPRINT] 5643. Ramsay,WM (??): The Intermixture of Races in Asia Minor. Some of its Causes and Effects. PBA 7, 64pp. (SO43 023) [ASIA MINOR; LECTURE; OFFPRINT; POPULATIONS] 564. Ramsay,WM; Ramsay,AM (1928): Roman Garrisons and Soldiers in Asia Minor. JRS 18,2, 181-190. (SO1C 140) [OFFPRINT] 545. Ramsey,John T (1980): The Prosecution of C.Manilius in 66 B.C. and Cicero's Pro Manilio. Phoenix 34,4, 323-336. (SO1C 121) [OFFPRINT] 3704. Ramsey,WM (1929): A Doubtful Inscription. Klio 23,1, 20-23. (SO24 018) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 568. Rapke,Terence T (1974): The Demotic of Kallias Didymiou. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 43, 332-333. (SO1C 144) [OFFPRINT] 567. Rapke,Terence T (1981): Agora Ostrakon P.9945- Two Possibilities. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 24 (1982), 153155. (SO1C 143) [OFFPRINT] 1234. Rapke,Terence T (1982): Tiberius, Piso and Germanicus. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 25, 61-69. (SO6 081) [OFFPRINT] 1233. Rapke,Terence T (1984): Julia and C. Proculeius: A Note on Suetonius. Liverpool Classical Monthly 9,2, 21-22. (SO6 080) [OFFPRINT] 556. Rapke,Terence T (1988): The Reluctant Patrician: Q. Statilius Taurus, tr. pl. des. 28 B.C. Latomus 47,1, 90-93. (SO1C 132) [OFFPRINT] 5142. Raubitschek,Anthony E (1946): Octavia's Deification at Athens. Transactions of the American Philological Association 77, 146-150. (SO36F 005) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PRINCIPATE] 544. Raubitschek,Anthony E (1959): The Brutus Statue in Athens. In: Atti del III Syme Collection DB page 239 Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina. (: ) "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, Rome, 15-21. (SO1C 120) [OFFPRINT] 2504. Raubitschek,Anthony E (19??): Sylleia., 49-57. (SO15 180) <<source and date unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 558. Rawlings III,Hunter R (1976): Antiochus the Great and Rhodes 197-191 B.C. AJAH, 2-28. (SO1C 134) [OFFPRINT] 560. Rawlings III,Hunter R (1977): Thucydides on the Purpose of the Delian League. Phoenix 31,1, 1-8. (SO1C 136) [OFFPRINT] 557. Rawlings III,Hunter R (1978): "Giving Desertion as a Pretext" Thuc. 7.13.2. Classical Philology 73,2, 134-136. (SO1C 133) [OFFPRINT] 566. Rawson,Beryl (1974): Roman Concubinage and Other De Facto Marriages. Transactions of the American Philological Association 104, 279-305. (SO1C 142) [OFFPRINT] 5019. Rawson,Elizabeth (1971): Prodigy Lists and the Use of the Annales Maximi. CQ 21,1, 158-169. (SO36A 018) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 5015. Rawson,Elizabeth (1976): The First Latin Annalists. Latomus 35,4, 689-717. (SO36A 014) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 2624. Rawson,Elizabeth (1977): More on the Clientelae of the Patrician Claudii. Historia 26,3, 340-357. (SO17 044) [OFFPRINT] 2811. Rawson,Elizabeth (1978): Caesar, Etruria and the Disciplina Etrusca. JRS 68, 132-152. (SO16 105) [OFFPRINT] 3229. Rawson,Elizabeth (1978): The Introduction of Logical Organisation in Roman Prose Literature. PBSR 46, 12-34. (SO21 056) [OFFPRINT] 3235. Rawson,Elizabeth (1979): M. Aeficius Calvinus and his Grammaticus (Suetonius, de gramm. 3). Liverpool Classical Monthly 4, 5358. (SO21 062) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3240. Rawson,Elizabeth (1979): Caerellii, Juno Populonia and Aquinum. Athenaeum 57, fasc. 3-4, 462-464. (SO21 067) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 569. Rawson,Elizabeth (1982): History, Historiography and Cicero's Expositio Consiliorum Suorum. Liverpool Classical Monthly 7,8, 121-124. (SO1C 186) [OFFPRINT] 2628. Rawson,Elizabeth (1982): Crassorum Funera. Latomus 41,3, 540-549. (SO17 048) [OFFPRINT] 555. Rawson,Elizabeth (1985): Cicero and the Areopagus. Athenaeum 63,1-2, 44-67. (SO1C 131) [OFFPRINT] 853. Rawson,Elizabeth (1985): Theatrical Life in Rpublican Rome and Italy. PBSR 53, 97-113. (SO5 095) [OFFPRINT] 563. Rawson,Elizabeth (1986): Cassius and Brutus: the Memory of the Liberators. In: Past Perspectives: Studies in Greek and Roman Historical Writing. (Eds: Moxon,I; Smart,JD; Woodman,AJ) Cambridhe University Press, Cambridge, 101-119 (plus bibliography pgs 213-229). (SO1C 139) [OFFPRINT] 2216. Rawson,Elizabeth (1987): Sallust on the Eighties? CQ 37,1, 163-180. (SO14 025) [OFFPRINT] 4061. Rea,J (1967): The Date of the Prefecture of Claudius Julianus. PP 112, 1-6. (SO26 106) <<one of three articles in fasc. 112 based on research in the Istituto di Papirologia, University of Milan>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4335. Real,JS (1951): La Invasion Germanica del 259. Bollet°n Arqueol¢gico 51,(êpoca IV) fasc. 35-36, 129-131. (SO29 022) <<SO29 022 includes entire fasc.>> Syme Collection DB page 240 [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 4366. Real,JS (?): Juan Serra Vilar¢. La Muralla de Tarragona. Archivo Espa§ol de Arqueologia 12, 76 (1949) 221-236., 1-5. (SO29 0) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW] 1197. Reed,Nicholas (1976): Some Neglected Evidence on the Early Career of Tacitus. CQ 26,2, 309-314. (SO6 044) [OFFPRINT] 2711. Reekmans,T (1971): Juvenal's Views on Social Change. AncSoc 2, 117-161. (SO17 130) [OFFPRINT] 2886. Reeve,MD (1984): Tibullus 2.6. Phoenix 38,3, 235-239. (SO18 075) [OFFPRINT] 4700. Reeve,MD (c1984): The Addressee of Laus Pisonis. Illinois Classical Studies 9,1, 4248. (SO33 077) [OFFPRINT] 5590. Reichenkron,GÅnther (1977): Die Entstehung des RumÑnentums. Neueste Forschungsergebnisse im Lichte der Sprachwissenschaft. SÅdosteuropa Mitteilungen 17,3, 69-78. (SO42 050) [DACIA; LANGUAGE; OFFPRINT] 5282. Reid,JS (1921): Tacitus as a Historian. JRS 11, 191-199. (SO37C 041) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4178. Reinmuth,OW (1967): A Working List of the Prefects of Egypt 30. B.C. to 299 A.D. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 4,4, 75-128. (SO27 062) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1330. Remesal Rodriguez,J (1983): Imagen y Funci¢n de Iberia en el Medditerr†neo Antiguo. In: Atti del I Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici. Vol. 3. (: ) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, 837-845. (SO7 022) [OFFPRINT] 1342. Remesal-Rodriguez,JosÇ (1978): La Econom°a Ole°cola BÇtica: Nuevas Formas de An†lisis. AEA 50-51, 135-138, 87-142. (SO7 033) [OFFPRINT] 1334. Remesal-Rodriguez,JosÇ (1983): ôlproduktion und ôlhandel in der Baetica: Ein Beispiel fÅr die Verbindung ArchÑologischer und Historischer Forschung. MÅnstersche BeitrÑge zur Antiken Handelsgeschichte 2,2, 91-111. (SO6 026) [OFFPRINT] 521. RÇmy,Bernard (1983): La Carriäre de P.Calvisius Ruso Iulius Frontinus, Gouverneur de Cappadoce-Galatie Ö Propos de l'Inscription MAMA, VII, 193. MEFRA 95,1, 163-182. (SO1C 097) [OFFPRINT] 875. Remy,Bernard (1983): Une Famille de Senateurs d'Asie Mineure: Les Ti. Iulii Frugi. Epigraphica 45, 79-93. (SO5 118) [OFFPRINT] 5535. Rendic-Miocevic,Duje (1959): Cohors VI Voluntariorum. Nota Epigraphica. Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Historiju Dalmatinsku (Bulletin d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Dalmate) 61, 156158. (SO41 037) <<article in Serbo-Croat with Latin summary>> [EPIGRAPHY; FRONTIERS; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 5531. Rendic-Miocevic,Duje (1962): Princeps Municipi Riditarum. Uz Novi Epigrafski Nalaz u Danilu (Princeps Municipi Riditarum. AnlÑsslich des Neuen Epigraphischen Fundes in Danilo). Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti. Arheoloski Radovi i Rasprave 2, 315-334. (SO41 034) <<article in Serbo-Croat with German resumÇ>> [EPIGRAPHY; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; TOPOGRAPHY] 3890. Rendic-Miocevic,Duje (1967): Problemi Romanizacije Ilira s Osobitim Obzirom na Kultove i Omomastiku. [Problämes de la Romanisation des Illyriens avec un Regard Particulier sur le Cultes et sur l'Onomastique]. Posebna Izdanja 5, 139-156. (SO25 107) <<article in Serbo-Croat with French summary>> [ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT] 3917. Rendic-Miocevic,Duje (1970): Salone d'Apräs les Sources Antiques et Question des Grecs Salonitains. In: Disputationes Salonitanae 1970. Colloque Scientifique International. (Ed: Rapanle,Zeljko) DS, Split, 23-30. (SO25 132) Syme Collection DB page 241 [OFFPRINT] 3941. Rendic-Miocevic,Duje (1970): IONIO‰ "TO ‚ENO‰ ILLÁIO‰". I Novci Grcko-Ilirskih Kovnica na Jadranu [Ionios "To Genos Illyrios" and the Greco-Illyrian Coinage]. In: Adriatica Praehistorica et Antiqua. Miscellanea Gregorio Novak Dicata. (Eds: Mirosauljevic,V; Rendic-Miocevic,D; Suic,M) Izdavacki Zavod Jugoslavenske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Zagreb, 347372. (SO25 173) <<article in Serbo-Croat with English summary>> [FESTSCHRIFT; ILLYRIA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3897. Rendic-Miocevic,Duje (1971): Ilirske Onomasticke Studije [êtudes d'Onomastique Illyrienne (III)]. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 21,1, 159-174. (SO25 113; Serbo-Croat diacritics) <<article in Serbo-Croat with French summary>> [OFFPRINT] 3921. Rendic-Miocevic,Duje (1971): Ilirske Onomasticke Studije (IV) : Numizmatika kao izvor Ilirskoj Antroponimiji [êtudes d'Onomastiques Illyrienne (IV) : La Numismatique et l'Anthroponymie Illyrienne]. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 21, 2, 381397. (SO25 136) <<article in Serbo-Croat with French summary>> [ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 3871. Rendic-Miocevic,Duje (1972): Le Municipium Riditarum en Dalmatie. Son Patrimoine Epigraphique et l'Onomastique Illyrienne. Studia Albanica 2, 229-234. (SO25 087) [DALMATIA; OFFPRINT] 3889. Rendic-Miocevic,Duje (1974): Dissertationes Riditinae (Uz Jedan Neobjavljeni Natpis iz Danila). [Dissertationes Riditinae (A Propos d'une Nouvelle Inscription de Danilo)]. Arheoloski Radovi i Rasprave [21?], 321-346. (SO25 106; Serbo-Croat diacritics in author name and and journal title) <<article in Serbo-Croat with French summary>> [OFFPRINT] 3942. Rendic-Miocevic,Duje (1978): Encore le Decret Athenien IG I,2,72 [Jos o Atenskom Dekretu IG, I,2,72]. Vjesnik Arheoloskog Muzeja u Zagrebu 10-11 (3rd. series), 133142. (SO25 157) <<article in French with Serbo-Croat (?) summary>> [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 607. Reusch,W (1937): Pescennius. In: Paulys RealenzyklopÑdie der Klassischen Altertums wissenschaft. Vol. 19. (Eds: Wissowa,Georg; Kroll,W; Mittelhaus,K) J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, (columns) 1085-1102. (SO2 041) [OFFPRINT] 4483. Reynaud,J-F; Helly,B; Leglay,M (1982): Nouvelles Inscriptions de Lyon. Gallia 40, 123-148. (SO31 042) [EPIGRAPHY; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 419. Reynolds,J (1977): The Inscriptions of Apollonia. In: Apollonia, the Port of Cyrene. Excavations by the University of Michigan, 1965-1967. (Ed: Goodchild,RG et al) (Libya Antiqua, 4.) Depart of Antiquity, Ministry of Teaching and Education, People's Socialist Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,, 293-333. (SO4 208) [APOLLONIA- ANCIENT SITE; EPIGRAPHY; EXCAVATIONS; LIBYA; OFFPRINT] 239. Reynolds,J (1981): New Evidence for the Imperial Cult in Julio-Claudian Aphrodisias. ZPE 43, 317-327. (SO4 018) [OFFPRINT] 341. Reynolds,J (1981): Diocletian's Edict on Maximum Prices: The Chapter on Wool. ZPE 42, 283-284. (SO4 122) [PHOTOCOPY] 562. Reynolds,JM (1962): Vota Pro Salute Principis. PBSR 17 (vol. 30 of whole series), 33-36. (SO1C 138) [OFFPRINT] 4232. Reynolds,JM (1962): Q. Cerellius Apollinaris, Praefectus Vigilum in A.D. 212. PBSR 30 (vol. 16 of n.s.), 31-32. (SO27 115) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1856. Reynolds,JM (1966): Inscriptions from South Etruria. PBSR 34 (new series, vol. 21), 56. (SO11 139) [OFFPRINT] 4532. Reynolds,JM (1969): A New Fragment of the Arval Acta. PBSR 37, 158-160. (SO32 025) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 242 1436. Reynolds,JM (1971): Two Equites Romani at Balagrae in Cyrenaica. Libya Antiqua 8, 43-45. (SO7 128) [OFFPRINT] 1437. Reynolds,JM (1971): New Boundary Stones from the Public Land of the Roman People in Cyrenaica. Libya Antiqua 8, 47-51. (SO7 128A) [OFFPRINT] 543. Reynolds,JM (1972): Aphrodisias: A Free and Federate City. Vestigia. BeitrÑge zur Alten Geschichte 17, 115-122. (SO1C 119) <<Volume of journal incorporates Acts of 6th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy. Munich 1972>> [OFFPRINT] 1667. Reynolds,JM (1974): A Civic decree from Benghazi. Libyan Studies 5, 19-23. (SO10 064) [OFFPRINT] 412. Reynolds,JM (1976): The Austuriani and Tripolitania in the Early Fifth Century. ARSLS, 13. (SO4 201) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 420. Reynolds,JM (1977): Lunch at Cyrene in A.D. 106 and the Closing Incidents of Trajan's Second Dacian War. ARSLS, 11-18. (SO4 196) [CYRENE- ANCIENT SITE; EPIGRAPHY; LIBYA; OFFPRINT; TRAJAN] 232. Reynolds,JM (1980): The Origins and Beginning of Imperial Cult at Aphrodisias. PCPS 26, new series, 70-82. (SO4 011) <<vol 206 of continuous series>> [OFFPRINT] 4305. Reynolds,JM; Goodchild,RG (1965): The City Lands of Apollonia in Cyrenaica. Libya Antiqua 2, 103-107. (SO28 059) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 1432. Reynolds,Joyce (1962): Cyrenaica, Pompey and Cm. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus. JRS 52, 1-2, 97-103. (SO7 124) [OFFPRINT] 3072. Reynolds,Joyce (1963): A New Text from Asia Minor. PCPS 189 (n.s. no. 9), 1-2. (SO20 027) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 418. Reynolds,Joyce (1977): (ii) Inscriptions. In: Excavations at Sidi Krebish, Benghazi (Berenice) vol. 1. (Ed: Lloyd,John) (Libya Antiqua Supplement, 5.) Dept. of Antiquities, Ministry of Teaching and Education, People's Socialist Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,, 233-254. (SO4 207) [BERENICE (BENGHAZI)- ANCIENT SITE; EPIGRAPHY; EXCAVATIONS; LIBYA; OFFPRINT] 1258. Reynolds,Joyce (1978): Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and the Cyrenaican Cities. JRS 68, 111-121. (SO6 105) [OFFPRINT] 2009. Reynolds,Joyce (1986): Further Information on Imperial Cult at Aphrodisias. Studii Clasice, 109-117. (SO12 051) [OFFPRINT] 2169. Reynolds,M Joyce (1980): Mura di S.Stefano, Anguillara: The Inscriptions. In: Roman Villas in Italy. Recent Excavations and Research. (Ed: Painter,Kenneth) British Museum, London, 83-89. (SO13 068) <<series: British Museum Occasional Paper 24>> [OFFPRINT] 2958. Rhodes,PJ (1985): What Alcibiades Did or What Happened to Him. An Inaugural Lecture by P.J.Rhodes, Professor of Ancient History in the University of Durham, 15 November 1984. (SO18 145) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 2043. Rhodes,PJ (1987): Thucydides on the Causes of the Peloponnesian War. Hermes 115,2, 154-165. (SO12 085) [OFFPRINT] 2038. Rhodes,Peter J (1987): NOMOTHESIA in Classical Athens. In: L'Educazione Giuridica. V. Modelli di Legislatore e Scienza della Legislazione. Vol. 2, Modelli Storici e Comparativi. (Eds: Giuliani,Alessandro; Picardi,Nicola) Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Perugia, 5-26. (SO12 081) [OFFPRINT] 2036. Rice,EE (1986): Prosopographika Rhodiaka. ABSA 81, 209-250. (SO12 079) [OFFPRINT] 1138. Rice,EE (1989): AmÇlie Kuhrt, Susan Sherwin-White (Edd.): Hellenism in the East. The Interaction of Greek and Non-Greek Civilisations from Syria to Central Asia after Alexander. London: Duckworth, 1987. The Classical Review 39,1 (n.s.), 80-82. Syme Collection DB page 243 (SO3 183) [BOOK REVIEW; HELLENISM; MIDDLE EAST-GREEK INFLUENCE] 2870. Rice,Ellen E (19??): Possible Ptolemaic Influence on the Carthaginian Navy in the First Punic War. In: Naval History. The Sixth Symposium of the U.S. Naval Academy. (Ed: Masterson,Daniel M) Scholarly Resources Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, 53-61. (SO18 060) <<no date, vol. not on olis>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 738. Rich,JW (1980): Agrippa and the Nobles: a Note on Dio, 54.29.6. Liverpool Classical Monthly 5.10 (Dec. 1980), 217-221. (SO2 191) [OFFPRINT] 535. Richard,J-C (1970): Du Nouveau sur les Lettres Ad Caesarem Senem de Republica? Revue des êtudes Latines 47, 6471. (SO1C 111) <<comments on : Wistrand,E (1968)Sallust on Judicial Murders in Rome>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY-ROMAN; REVIEW ARTICLE; SALLUST] 536. Richard,J-C (1971): Salluste TÇmoin et Juge de Son Temps. Revue des êtudes Latines 48, 48-58. (SO1C 112) <<comments on: La Penna,A (1969)Sallustio e la Rivoluzione Romana>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY-ROMAN; REVIEW ARTICLE; SALLUST] 3374. Richard,Jean-Claude (1965): La Victoire de Marius. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 77, 69-86. (SO22 015) [OFFPRINT] 1513. Richards,GC (1939): The Composition of Josephus' Antiquitates. CQ 33,1, 36-40. (SO9 050) [OFFPRINT] 1371. Richmond,IA (1931 [1930]): The First Years of Emerita Augusta. Archaeological Journal 87, 98-116. (SO7 063) [OFFPRINT] 2239. Richmond,IA (1933): Commemorative Arches and City Gates in the Augustan Age. JRS 23, 149-174. (SO14 048) [OFFPRINT] 2314. Richmond,IA (1967): The Archaeology of the Roman Empire: A Scheme of Study. An Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 14 May 1957. (SO15 002) [OFFPRINT] 5489. Richmond,IA (1967): Adamklissi. PBSR 35 (n.s. vol. 22), 29-39. (SO40 025) [DACIA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; SCULPTURE] 2481. Richter,Will (1961): Rîmische Zeitgeschichte und Innere Emigration. Gymnasium 68, 3-4, 286-315. (SO15 157) [OFFPRINT] 5338. Richter,Will (1961): Zur Rekonstruktion des Dialogus De Oratoribus. Nachrichten des Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gîttingen. I. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 1961,12, 387-425. (SO38A 026) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 523. Richter,Will (1973): Der Manierismus des Sallust und die Sprache der Rîmischen Historiographie. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. I. Von den AnfÑngen Roms bis zum Ausgang Republik. Vol. 3. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 755-780. (SO1C 099) [OFFPRINT] 5194. Richter,Will (c1986): Tacitus als Stilist. Altsprachliche Unterricht, 111-128. (SO37A 015) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4597. Ridley,RT (1986): The Genesis of a Turning-Point: Gelzer's NobilitÑt. Historia 35,4, 474-502. (SO32 080) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3524. Ridley,Ronald T (1980): Fastenkritik : A Stocktaking. Athenaeum 68, fasc. 3-4 (n.s.), 264-298. (SO22 164) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 633. Ridley,Ronald T (1981): The Extraordinary Commands of the Late Republic. A Matter of Definition. Historia 30,3, 280-297. (SO2 069) [OFFPRINT] 2884. Ridley,Ronald T (1981): Exegesis and Audience in Thucydides. Hermes 109,1, 2545. (SO18 073) [OFFPRINT] 631. Ridley,Ronald T (1983): Pompey's Commands in the 50's: How Cumulative? RMfP 126,2, 136-148. Syme Collection DB page 244 (SO2 067) [OFFPRINT] 3528. Ridley,Ronald T (1983): Falsi Triumphi, Plures Consulatus. Latomus 42, 372-382. (SO22 168) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1276. Rienzi,Carlo (1976): Brevi Appunti Storico-Esegetici sull'Azione Riformatrice di Gaio Flaminio. Archivo Giuridico 191, fasc. 12, 29-51. (SO6 123) [OFFPRINT] 5374. Riese,Alexander (1875): Die Idealisirung der Naturvîlker der Nordens in der Grieschischen und Rîmischen Literatur. Programm des StÑdtischen Gymnasiums zu Frankfurt a.M., 3-46. (SO38B 023) [OFFPRINT] 3654. Riesenberg,Peter (1969): Civism and Roman Law in Fourteenth-Century Italian Society. Explorations in Economic History 7,12, 237-254. (SO23 073) [OFFPRINT] 646. Ritter,HW (1969): Caesars Erstes Zusammentreffen mit Deiotarus. Historia 18,2, 255-256. (SO2 083) [OFFPRINT] 1199. Ritter,HW (1972): Cluvius Rufus bei Josephus. RMfP 115, 1, 85-91. (SO6 046) [OFFPRINT] 4497. Ritter,Hans-Werner (1963): Zur MÅnzdatierung des Kohortenkastells Saalburg. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 13, 71-74. (SO31 054) [GERMANIA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 756. Ritter,Hans-Werner (1971): Adlocutio und Corona Civica unter Caligula und Tiberius. Jahrbuch fÅr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 21, 81-96. (SO2 197) [OFFPRINT] 765. Ritter,Hans-Werner (1972): Livias Erhebung zur Augusta. Chiron 2, 313-338. (SO2 206) [OFFPRINT] 2640. Ritterling,Emil (1914?): Zur Geschichte des Rîmischen Heeres in Gallien unter Augustus. BonnJahr 114, 159-188. (SO17 060) [OFFPRINT] 549. River,ALF (1982): The Brittones Anavionenses. Britannia 13, 321-322. (SO1C 125) [OFFPRINT] 548. Rivet,ALF (1980): Celtic Names and Roman Places. Britannia 11, 1-19. (SO1C 124) [OFFPRINT] 1220. Rivet,ALF (1983): The First Icenian Revolt. In: Rome and Her Northern Provinces. Papers Presented to Sheppard Frere in Honour of his Retirement from the Chair of then Archaeology of the Roman Empire, University of Oxford, 1983. (Eds: Hartley,Brian; Wacher,John) Alan Sutton, Gloucester, 202-209. (SO6 067) [BRITANNIA; FESTSCHRIFT; ICENIANCIENT PEOPLES] 1489. Robert,Jeanne; Robert,Louis (1951): Campagnes ArchÇologiques dans l'Anatolie Occidentale. In: Anadoulou. MÇlanges d'Histoire et d'ArchÇologie I. (: ) (êtudes Orientales PubliÇes par l'Institut Franáais d'ArchÇologie de Stamboul, 10.) E. de Boccard, Paris, 3-11. (SO9 029) [ASIA MINOR; EXCAVATIONS; OFFPRINT] 1656. Robert,Jeanne; Robert,Robert (1975): La Persistance de la Toponymie Antique dans l'Anatolie. In: La Toponymie Antique. (: ) UniversitÇ des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, 11-63. (SO10 053) <<series: Travaux du Centre de Recherche sur le Proche-Orient et la Gräce Antiques 4>> [OFFPRINT] 4427. Robert,L (1956): êpigraphie et AntiquitÇs Grecques. Annuaire du Colläge de France 56, 295-299. (SO30 049) [OFFPRINT] 4428. Robert,L (1957): êpigraphie et AntiquitÇs Grecques. Annuaire du Colläge de France 57, 363-368. (SO30 050) [OFFPRINT] 4430. Robert,L (1957): Deux Inscriptions d'Iasos. REA 70, 361-375. (SO30 052) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4416. Robert,L (1958): Inscriptions Grecques de Sidä en Pamphylie (êpoque ImpÇriale et Bas-Empire). Revue de Syme Collection DB page 245 Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 32,1 (3rd. ser.), 15-53. (SO30 038) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4400. Robert,L (1959): Rapport sur les Fouilles de Claros en 1958. TÅrk Arkeoloji Dergesi 9,1, 3-4. (SO30 023) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 4440. Robert,L (1968): Noms de Personages et Civilisations Grecque. I. Noms de Personnes dans Marseille Grecque. Journal des Savants (Oct-Dec. 1968), 197213. (SO32 001) [FRANCE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5546. Robert,L (1968): Des Carpathes Ö la Propontide. 5. Sur Quelques Fragments de DÇcrets Ö Istros. Studii Clasice 10, 77-85. (SO42 008) [DACIA; EPIGRAPHY; ISTROS; OFFPRINT] 4398. Robert,L (n.d.): Sur des Types de Monnaies ImpÇriales d'Asie Mineure. In: Centennial Volume of the American Numismatic Society. (: ),, 577-584. (SO30 021) [INCOMPLETE; ASIA MINOR; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3073. Robert,Louis (1953): Le Sanctuaire d'ArtÇmis Ö Amyzon. Institute de France. AcadÇmie des Inscriptions de Belles-Lettres. (SO20 028) <<text of lecture delivered at the annual public meeting November 20, 1953>> [ASIA MINOR; LECTURE] 1604. Robert,Louis (1954): Les Fouilles de Claros. Lecture given at conference at University of Ankara, 26th Oct 1953. (SO10 001) [ASIA MINOR; CLAROS-ANCIENT CITY; EXCAVATIONS; OFFPRINT] 3170. Robert,Louis (1958): PresÇntation du Bulletin êpigraphique 1958 : l'êpigraphie Grecque en 1956 et 1957. Revue des êtudes Greques 71, 334-338. (SO20 123) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3171. Robert,Louis (1958): Theodor Wiegand : Didyma. 2. Teil : Die Inschriften. Bearb. von Albert Rehm. Hrsg. von Richard Harder. Berlin : Gebr. Mann 1958 (Deutsches ArchÑol. Institut.). Gnomon 30, 657-674. (SO20 124) [ASIA MINOR; BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY] 527. Robert,Louis (1959): Theodor Wiegand: Didyma. 2. Teil: Die Inschriften. Bearb. von Albert Rehm. Hrsg. von Richard Harder. Berlin: Gebr. Mann 1958. (Deutsches ArchÑol. Institut). Gnomon 31, 657-674. (SO1C 103) [BOOK REVIEW; DIDYMA- ANCIENT CITY; EPIGRAPHY-CLASSICAL] 3058. Robert,Louis (1961-62): êpigraphie et AntiquitÇs Grecques. Annuaire du Colläge de France 61, 309-316. (SO20 014) [OFFPRINT] 3631. Robert,Louis (1967): Encore une Unscription Grecque de l'Iran. CRAI, 281-297. (SO23 050) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4602. Robert,Louis (1969-1970): GÇographie et Philologie ou La Terre et le Papier. In: Actes du VIIIe Congräs (Paris, 5-10 1968). Association Guillaume BudÇ. (: ) Belles Lettres, Paris, 67-86. (SO32 084) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 955. Robert,Louis (1973): De Cilicie Ö Messine et Ö Plymouth. Journal des Savants July-September 1973, 161-211. <<(entire fascicule)>> [OFFPRINT] 1658. Robert,Louis (1973): Les MonÇtaires et un DÇcret HellÇnistique de Sestos. Revue Numismatique 15 (6th series), 43-53. (SO10 055) [OFFPRINT] 1659. Robert,Louis (1974): Epigraphie et AntiquitÇs Grecques. Annuaire du Colläge de France 74, 533-547. (SO10 056) [OFFPRINT] 1661. Robert,Louis (1974): Inscriptiones Graecae, vol. X, pars II, fasc. 1: Inscriptiones Thessalonicae et Viciniae, êditÇes par Edson, Berlin, De Gruyter, 1972. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 48, fasc. 2, 180-246. (SO10 058) [BOOK REVIEW] 1662. Robert,Louis (1974): Des Carpathes Ö la Propontide. Studii Clasice 16, 53-88. (SO10 059) [OFFPRINT] 1665. Robert,Louis (1974): êpigraphie Grecque et GÇographie Historique du Monde HellÇnique. Annuaire de l'êcole Practique des Hautes êtudes [1973-74], 241-250. (SO10 062) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 246 1666. Robert,Louis (1976): Monnaies Grecques de l'êpoque ImpÇriale. Revue Numismatique 18 (6th series), 25-56. (SO10 063) [OFFPRINT] 1664. Robert,Louis (1977): Sur des Inscriptions d'êphäse. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 51,1, 7-14. (SO10 061) [OFFPRINT] 1673. Robert,Louis (1977): La Titulature de NicÇe et de NicomÇdie: La Gloire et la Haine. HSCP 81, 1-39. (SO10 070) [OFFPRINT] 3168. Robert,Louis (1977): Documents d'Asie Mineure. BCH 101,1, 43-132. (SO20 121) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 251. Robert,Louis (1981): Sur des Inscriptions d'êphäse. 12. Deux Inscriptions Pseudo-êphÇsiennes. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 55,fasc. 1, 9-13. (SO4 030) [OFFPRINT] 255. Robert,Louis (1981): Amulettes Grecques. Journal des Savants january-march 1981, 3-44. (SO4 034) [OFFPRINT] 256. Robert,Louis (1981): Une êpigramme Satirique d'AutomÇdon et Athänes de l'Empire. Revue des êtudes Greques 94, 338361. (SO4 035) [OFFPRINT] 234. Robert,Louis (1982): Dans une Maison d'êphäse un Serpent et un Chiffre. CRAI january-march 1982, 126-132. (SO4 013) [EPHESUS; OFFPRINT; RELIGION] 246. Robert,Louis (1982): La Date de l'êpigrammatiste Rufinus. Philologie et RÇalitÇ. CRAI january-march 1982, 50-63. (SO4 025) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; RUFINUS] 252. Robert,Louis (1982): Le Serpent Glycon d'Abìnouteichos Ö Athänes et Artemis d'êphäse Ö Rome. CRAI july-october 1981, 513-535. (SO4 031) [OFFPRINT] 519. Robert,Louis (1982): Deux êpigrammes de Philippe de Thessalonique. Journal des Savants april-june 1982, 139-162. (SO1C 095) [OFFPRINT] 4832. Robert,Louis (1982): Une Vision de PerpÇtue Martyre Ö Carthage en 203. CRAI (April-June), 228-276. (SO35 024) [AFRICA; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 222. Robert,Louis (1983): Les Dieux des Motaleis en Phrygie. Journal des Savants (january-september 1983), 45-63. (SO4 001) [OFFPRINT] 518. Robert,Louis (1983): Une êpigramme HellÇnistique de Lycie. Journal des Savants Oct-Dec 1983, 241-258. (SO1C 094) [LITERATURE- GREEK; LYCIAANCIENT REGION; OFFPRINT] 223. Robert,Louis (1984): Opening Address. In: Praktika tou H'[Protou] Diethnous Synedriou Ellenikes kai Latinikes Epigraphikes, Athena, 3-9 Oktobriou 1982 [Proceedings of the First Conference of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Athens 1982]. Vol. 1. (: ) Hypourgeio Politismou kai Epistemon, Athena, 35-45. (SO4 002) [OFFPRINT] 228. Robert,Louis (1984): Documents d'Asie Mineure. XXIX Retour Ö Aphrodisias. BCH 108,1, 457-532. (SO4 007) 244. Robert,Louis (1984): HÇracles Ö Pergame et une êpigramme de l'Anthologie XVI 91. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 58, fasc. 1, 7-18. (SO4 023) [OFFPRINT; PERGAMON- ANCIENT CITY] 245. Robert,Louis (1984): ., . <<duplicate of SO4 002/ Ref. # 223>> [DUPLICATE] 517. Robert,Louis (1984): ., . <<duplicate of SO4 007/ #517>> 1890. Robert,Louis (19??): êpigraphie et PalÇographie. CRAI, 195-219. (SO11 172) [OFFPRINT] 410. Robert,Louis; Robert,Jeanne (19??): Une Inscription Grecque de TÇos en Ionie. L'Union de TÇos et de Kyrbissos. Journal des Savants, 153-235. (SO4 199) Syme Collection DB page 247 [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1591. Roberts,Colin; Skeat,Theodore C; Nock,Arthur Darby (1936): The Gild of Zeus Hypsistos. Harvard Theological Review 29,1, 39-88. (SO9 127) [OFFPRINT; PAPYROLOGY; PRIESTS; RELIGION-ROMAN] 4342. Rodriguez,JR (1979): Dali Colls, Robert êtienne, Robert LequÇment, Bernard Liou, Franáois Mayet, L'êpave Port-Vendres II et le Commerce de la BÇtique Ö l'êpoque de Claude, Archaeonautica, 1, Paris (êditions du C.N.R.S.), 1977. ArchClass 31, 379-389. (SO29 029) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 5160. Robinson,David Moore (1926): Two New Heads of Augustus. AJA 30, 2 (n.s.), 125136. (SO36F 023) [AUGUSTUS; ICONOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4369. Rodriguez,Joaquin Manzanares (1960): Otro Epigrafe Romano Inedito Encontrada en Asturias. Boletin de la Comision Provincial de Monumentos 2, 75-78. (SO29 054) <<journal year is 1959>> [EPIGRAPHY; HISPANIA; OFFPRINT] 3453. Robinson,David Moore (1956): A New Bust of Livia in the Robinson Collection. In: Classical Studies for Alexander Fraser. (: ),, 211. (SO22 092) [OFFPRINT] 3396. Rîgler,GÅnther (1962): Die Lex Villia Annalis. Eine Untersuchung zur Verfassungsgeschichte der Rîmischen Republik. Klio 40, 76-123. (SO22 037) [OFFPRINT] 4265. Robinson,ESG (1953): A Hoard of Coins of the Libyans. Numismatic Chronicle 13 (6th ser.), 27-32. (SO28 019) [AFRICA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 3047. Rîsger,Alfons (1977): Usurpatorenviten in der Historia Augusta. In: Bonner Festgabe Johannes Straub. (: ) Rheinland-Verlag GMBH : Rudolf Habelt Verlag GMBH, Bonn, 359-393. (SO20 004) [FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; HISTORIOGRAPHY] 3173. Robinson,ESG (1955): Cistophori in the Name of King Eumenes. Numismatic Chronicle 14 (6th series), 1-8. (SO20 126) [ASIA MINOR; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 1369. Robinson,ESG (1956): Punic Coins in Spain and their Bearing on the Roman Republican Series. In: Essays in Roman Coinage Presented to Harold Mattingly. (Eds: Carson,RAG; Sutherland,CHV) Oxford University Press, Oxford, 34-53. (SO7 061) [FESTSCHRIFT] 4301. Robinson,ESG (1956): The Libyan Hoard (1952). Addenda, and the Libyan Coinage in General. Numismatic Chronicle 16 (6th ser.), 9-14. (SO28 055) [AFRICA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 1390. Rodrigeuz,JosÇ Remesal (1981): Reflejos Econ¢micos y Sociales en la Producci¢n de Anforas Olearias BÇticas. In: Producci¢n y Comercio del Aceite en la AntigÅedad. Primer Congreso Internacional bajo el Patronato de Ministerio de Cultura, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1980. (Ed: Bl†zquez,JM) Editorial de la Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 131-152. (SO7 081) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN; TRADE; WINE PRODUCTION] 2482. Rogeard,A (1865): Les Propos de LabiÇnus (La Critique Historique sous Auguste). S.Mode, Berlin. 16 pages. (SO15 158) <<book was prohibited in France>> [MONOGRAPH] 5275. Rogers,Robert Samuel (1959): Treason in the Early Empire. JRS 49, 90-94. (SO37C 034) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW; TIBERIUS] 3462. Rogers,Robert Samuel (1960): A Group of Domitianic Treason-Trials. Classical Philology 55,1, 19-23. (SO22) [OFFPRINT] 3760. Rogers,Robert Samuel (1960): Tacitus. By Ronald Syme. 2 vols. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1958. Classical Philology 55,1, 40-43. (SO24 077) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SYME] 3149. Rohatyn,Bennis (19??): Aristotle on Pleasure., 6-25. (SO20 102) [OFFPRINT] 4396. Rohde,G (1940): Neue Inschriftenfunde. TÅrk Tarih, Arkeologya ve Ethnografya Dergisi 4, 65-79. Syme Collection DB page 248 (SO30 019) <<check journal title>> [INCOMPLETE; ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4397. Rohde,G (1944): Neugefundene Griechische und Lateinische Inschriften aus Ankara und Umgebung. Ankara öniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Cografya FakÅltesi Dergisi 2,5, 807810. (SO30 020) <<article in German and Turkish>> [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1581. Rohde,G (19??): Os Resectum. In: RealenzyklopÑdie der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. (: ),, . (SO9 017) [REMOVED] 1063. Roll,Israel; Ayalon,Etan (1981): Two Large Wine Presses in the Red Soil Region of Israel. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 113, 111-125. (SO3 103) [OFFPRINT] 4473. Rolland,Henri (1955): Deux Nouvelles Inscriptions Celtiques. CRAI, 91-99. (SO31 033) [EPIGRAPHY; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4447. Roman,D (1979): La Fondation de la Colonie de Nåmes: Problämes de Chronologie. êcole Antique de Nåmes. Bulletin Annuel 14 (n.s.), 99-104. (SO31 008) [COLONIES; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 538. Roman,D (1981): Apollon,Auguste et Nåmes. Revue ArchÇologique de Narbonnaise 14, 207-214. (SO1C 114) [OFFPRINT] 4393. Romanelli,P (1961): Un Nuovo Governatore della Provincia di Creta e Cirene: P. Pomponio Secondo. Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia 4, 97-100. (SO30 016) [CYRENE; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3606. Romanelli,P ([1966]): Esempio di Sopravvivenza Classica in una Miniatura Medioevale., 819-829. (SO23 025) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3444. Romanelli,Pietro (1950): Note StoricoGeografiche Relative all'Africa al Tempo di Augusto. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 5, fasc. 11-12 (8th series), 472-492. (SO22 083) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 1852. Romanelli,Pietro (19??): L'Iscrizione di L. Nevio Surdino nel Lastricato del Foro Romano. In: Gli Archeologi Italiani in Onore di Amadeo Maiuri. (Ed: [Centro Studi Ciociaria]) Di Mauro Editore,, 381-389. (SO11 135) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 552. Romer,FE (1978): A Numismatic Date for the Departure of C.Caesar? Transactions of the American Philological Association 108, 187-202. (SO1C 128) [OFFPRINT] 551. Romer,FE (1979): Gaius Caesar's Military Diplomacy in the East. Transactions of the American Philological Association 109, 199-214. (SO1C 127) [OFFPRINT] 911. Romer,FE (1985): A Case of ClientKingship. AJPh 106, 75-100. (SO5 156) [OFFPRINT] 546. Romer,FE ((n.d.)): The Golden Age of Augustus. Edited by Meyer Reinhold, assisted by Paul T. Alessi. Toronto, Canada and Sarosata, N.Y.: Samuel Stevens, 1978. The Classical Journal April-May 19??, 359-362. (SO1C 122) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1510. Roos,AG (1941): Die QuiriniusInschrift. Mnemosyne 9 (3rd. ser.), 306-318. (SO9 048) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5154. Roos,AG (1941): De Verleening van Tribunicische Bevoegdheden aan Caesar en Augustus. Mededeelingen der Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Letterkunde 4,16 (n.s.), 675-695. (SO36F 017) [AUGUSTUS; CAESAR; OFFPRINT] 5270. Roos,AG (1946): Nero and the Christians. Symbolae van Oven, 297-306. (SO37C 029) [NERO; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 561. Roos,AG (1950): Lusius Quietus Again. Mnemosyne 3 (4th series), 158-165. (SO1C 137) [OFFPRINT] 770. Roos,AG (1950): Lusius Quietus. A Reply. Mnemosyne 3 (4th ser.), 336-338. (SO5 002) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 249 4521. Rose,KFC (1961): The Author of the Satyricon. Latomus 20,4, 821-825. (SO32 014) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 365. Rosen,Klaus (1982): öber Heidnisches und Christliches Geschichtsdenken in der SpÑtantike. EichstÑtter Hochschuldreden 34, 3-29. (SO4 148) [OFFPRINT] 1164. Rosen,Klaus (1985): Die Falschen NumabÅcher. Politik, Religion und Literatur in Rom 181 v. Chr. Chiron 15, 65-90. (SO6 101) [OFFPRINT] 1325. Rosenblat,Angel (1971): Base del Espa§ol de America: Nivel Social y Cultural de los Conquistadores y Pobladores. Revista de Indias 125-126, 13-75. (SO7 017) [OFFPRINT] 520. Rosenblat,Angel (19??): Bases del Espa§ol en AmÇrica: Nivel Social y Cultural de los Conquistadores y Pobladores., 293371. (SO1C 096) <<journal unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4880. Ross,MC (??): Bronze Statuettes of Constantine the Great. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 13, 179-183. (SO35 068) [CONSTANTINE; ICONOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1012. Rossi,Pietro (1979): Voltaire e la Tolleranza. [ lecture on occasion of] Inaugurazione del CXCVI Anno Accademico della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. (SO3 051) [OFFPRINT] 628. Rossi,Ruggero F (1965): Sulla Lotta Politica in Roma dopo la Morte di Silla. PP (fasc. 101), 133-152. (SO2 064) [OFFPRINT] 540. Rossi,Ruggero F (1967): Sulla ÆAbdicazioneØ di Nerva. Annali della FacoltÖ di Lettere e Filosofia dell'UniversitÖ di Trieste 3, 45-68. (SO1C 116) [OFFPRINT] 2802. Rossi,Ruggero F (1968): La Crisi della Repubblica. In: Nuove Questioni di Storia Antica. (: ) Marzorati, Milano, 375-446. (SO16 097) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1475. Rostovsef,M (1918): Pontus, Bithynia and the Bosporus. ABSA 21 (1916-1918), 122. (SO9 015) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 1512. Rostovseff,M (1919): Queen Dynamis of Bosporus. JHS 39, 88-109. (SO9 049A) [OFFPRINT] 5292. Rostovseff,M (1930): L'Empereur Tibäre et le Culte ImpÇrial. Revue Historique 163, 1-26. (SO37D 010) [IDEOLOGY; OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS] 1547. Rostovzeff,Michel (1930): L'Empereur Tibäre et le Culte ImpÇrial. Revue Historique 163, 3-26. (SO9 082) [OFFPRINT] 5623. Rostovzeff,Michel (1933): L'HellÇnisme en MÇsopotamie. Scientia February 1933, 1-15. (SO43 003) [HELLENISM; MESOPOTAMIA; OFFPRINT] 5151. Rostovzeff,Michel (??): Augustus. University of Wisconsin Studies in Language and Literature 15, 134-147. (SO36F 014) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 2407. Rostowzew,M (1898): Das Patrimonium und die Ratio Thesaurorum. Mitteilungen der K.D. Archaeologischen Instituts Rom 13, 108-123. (SO15 095) [OFFPRINT] 1966. Roth,Cecil (1959): The Zealots in the War of 66-73. Journal of Semitic Studies 4,4, 332-355. (SO12 008) [OFFPRINT] 2095. Roth,Cecil (19??): Did Vespasian Capture QumrÉn? Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 122-129. (SO12 136) <<(date is post 1959)>> [OFFPRINT] 406. RouechÇ,C (1984): Acclamations in the Later Roman Empire: New Evidence from Aphrodisias. JRS 74, 181-199. (SO4 194) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 250 4766. RougÇ,J (1968): Topos et Realia: La Tempàte ApaisÇe de la Vie de Saint Germain d'Auxerre. Latomus 27,1, 197-202. (SO34 026) [BIOGRAPHY; HAGIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 2631. RougÇ,J ([1969]): La Date de Naissance de Sextus PompÇe. Revue des êtudes Latines, 180-193. (SO17 051) <<no journal. vol no./ vol. 1 is 1923 <1924>>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3630. RougÇ,Jean (1967): Le Voyage de Saint Paul en Occident. Cahiers d'Histoire 12, 237-247. (SO23 049) [OFFPRINT] 4657. Rowell,HT (1966): The First Mention of Rome in Ammianus' Extant Books and the Nature of the ÆHistoryØ. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie, d'êpigraphie et d'Histoire offerts Ö JÇrìme Carcopino. (: ) Hachette, Paris, 839-848. (SO33 035A) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4665. Rowell,Henry T (1964): Ammianus Marcellinus, Soldier-Historian of the Late Roman Empire (Lectures in Memory of Louise Taft Semple). Pamphlet (53pp). University of Cincinnati. (SO33 042) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; LECTURE] 578. Rubin,Zeev (1975): Further to the Dating of the Constitutio Antoniniana. Latomus 34,2, 430-436. (SO2 009) [OFFPRINT] 579. Rubin,Zeev (1975): Dio, Herodian, and Severus' Second Parthian War. Chiron 5, 419-441. (SO2 010) [OFFPRINT] 326. Rubin,Zeev (1981): The Conversion of the Visigoths to Christianity. Museum Helveticum 38, 34-54. (SO4 106) [OFFPRINT] 1984. Rubin,Zeev (1986): The Mediterranean and the Dilemma of the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity. Mediterranean Historical Review 1,1, 13-62. (SO12 026) [OFFPRINT] 5431. Rubinsohn,Z (1970): A Note on Plutarch, Crassus X, 1. Historia 19,5, 624-627. (SO39 012) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PLUTARCH] 4021. Rubinsohn,Z (1973): The ÆBellum AsiaticumØ - A Reconsideration. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 107, 546-570. (SO26 064) [OFFPRINT] 550. Roxan,Margaret (1981): The Distribution of Roman Military Diplomas. Epigraphische Studien 12, 265-286. (SO1C 126) [OFFPRINT] 3763. Rubio,L ([c1970]): Syme, Ronald. Ten Studies in Tacitus. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970., 537-538. (SO24 080) <<source and date unknown but comes from a spanish journal>> [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2110. Roxan,Margaret M (1983): A Roman Military Diploma from London. Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society 34, 67-72. (SO13 014) [OFFPRINT] 849. Rudd,N (1960): The Names in Horace's Satires. CQ 10,2 (n.s., vol. 54 of whole series), 161-178. (SO5 091) [HORACE; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 4617. Rubenstein,Nicolai (1967): Machiavelli e le Origini di Firenze. Rivista Storica Italiana 79,4, 952-959. (SO32 098) [OFFPRINT] 3113. RÅger,Christoph B (19??): Siegesdenkmal der "Siegreichen". Eine Wichtige Inschrift der 6. Legion bei Xanten., 68-71. (SO20 066) [EPIGRAPHY; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 695. Rubin,Zeev (1974): Anthony Birley, Septimius Severus The African Emperor. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1971. JRS 64, 231-233. (SO2 146) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SEVERUS] 2780. RÅstow,Alexander (1944): Die Rîmische und Kaiser Augustus. Bermerkungen zu Ronald Syme (Fellow of Trinity College Oxford, Professor an der UniversitÑt Istanbul): The Roman Revolution, Syme Collection DB page 251 Oxford 1939, The Clarendon Press). Revue de la FacultÇ des Sciences êconomiques de UniversitÇ d'Istanbul 5,3-4, 224-252. (SO16 077) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1973. RÅstow,Alexander (1963): Von Abraham bis Paulus. Schweizer Monatshefte January 1963, 1-21. (SO12 015) [OFFPRINT] 2335. Ruffino,Antonio Caballos (1978): COLONIA CLARITAS IVLIA VCVBI. Habis 9, 273-291. (SO15 023) [OFFPRINT] 2333. Ruffino,Antonio Caballos (1984): P. Acilius Attianus. Habis 15, 237-251. (SO15 021) [OFFPRINT] 2195. Ruffino,Antonio Caballos (1985 [1984]): P. Acilius Attianus. Habis 15, 237-251. (SO14 005) [OFFPRINT] 2706. Ruffino,Antonio Caballos ([19871988]): M. Trahius, C.F., Magistrado de La Italica Tardorepublicana. Habis, 18-19. (SO17 125) [OFFPRINT] 4807. Ruggini,LC (1964): Vicende Rurali dell'Italia Antica dall'EtÖ Tetrarchia ai Longobardi. Rivista Storica Italiana 76,2, 261286. (SO34 065) [ITALY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4774. Ruggini,LC (1965): Emin Tengstrîm, Donatism und Katholiken. Soziale, Wirtschaftliche und Politische Aspekte einer Nordafrikanischen Kirchenspaltung. Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia 18, Gîteburg, Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag, 1964 (Almqvist & Wiksell Publishers, Stockholm). Athenaeum 43,1-2, 230-241. (SO34 034) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4802. Ruggini,LC (1965): Ambrosii De Tobia. Saggio Introduttivo, Traduzione con Testo a Fronte di Marta Giacchero, Ist. di Filol. Cl. e Med., UniversitÖ di Genova, 1965. Athenaeum 43,3-4, 469-472. (SO34 060) [BOOK REVIEW; CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT] 539. Ruggini,LC (1971): Sofisti Greci nell'Impero Romano. Athenaeum 49,3-4, 402425. (SO1C 115) [OFFPRINT] 375. Ruggini,LC (1980): UniversalitÖ e Campanilismo, Centro e Periferia, CittÖ e Deserto nelle Storie Ecclesiatiche. In: La Storiografia Ecclesiastica nella Tardo AntichitÖ. Atti del Convegno di Erice (3-8 xii 1978). (: ) Centro di Studi Humanistici, Messina, 159-194. (SO4 160) [CHRISTIANITY; CHURCH HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 542. Ruggini,LC (1981): L'Imperatore, il Serapeo e i Filosofi. In: Religione e Politica nel Mondo Antico. (Ed: Sardi,Marta) (Contributi dell'Istituto di Storia Antica, 7; Scienze Storiche, 27.) Vita e Pensiero. Pubblicazioni della UniversitÖ Cattolica, Milano, 183-212. (SO1C 118) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1384. Ruggini,L Cracco (1965): Strutture Socioeconomiche della Spagna Tardoromana. Athenaeum 43, 3-4 (n.s.), 432-440. (SO7 076) [ECONOMY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 298. Ruggini,L Cracco (1976): Zosimo, ossia il Rovesciamento delle "Storie Ecclesiastiche". Augustinianum 16, fasc. 1, 23-36. (SO4 077) [OFFPRINT] 3687. Ruggini,Lellia (1959): Ebrei e Orientali nell'Italia Settentrionale fra il IV e il VI Secolo D.Cr. Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 25, 186-308. (SO24 002) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4803. Ruggini,Lellia (1963): Il Vescovo Ambrogio e la Historia Augusta: AttualitÖ di un Topos Politico-Letterario. In: Atti del Colloquio Patavino sulla Historia Augusta. (: ) (UniversitÖ degli Studi di Padova. Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Storia Antica, 4.) Bretschneider, Roma, 67-79. (SO34 061) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1815. Ruggini,Lellia Cracco (1964): Dupont C., La RÇglementation êconomique dans les Constitutions de Constantin (Lille, Morel & Corduant, 1963). Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 15, 339-342. (SO11 098) [BOOK REVIEW] 1830. Ruggini,Lellia Cracco (1964): Marta Giacchero, Note sull'Editto-Calmiere di Diocleziano. Genova,Fratelli Pagano 1962. Syme Collection DB page 252 Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 92, fasc. 3, 364-368. (SO11 113) [BOOK REVIEW] 4773. Ruggini,Lellia Cracco (1964): A.H.M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire 284-602, A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey. B. Blackwell, Oxford, 1964. Athenaeum 42, 599-612. (SO34 033) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1819. Ruggini,Lellia Cracco (1965): Sulla Christianizzazione della Cultura Pagana: Il Mito Greco e Latino di Alessandro dall'EtÖ Antonina al Medioevo. Athenaeum 43,1-2, 380. (SO11 102) [OFFPRINT] 547. Runciman,WG (1983): Capitalism without Class: The Case of Classical Rome. British Journal of Sociology 34,2, 157-181. (SO1C 123) [OFFPRINT] 554. Runciman,WG (1986): The Sociologist and the Historian. JRS 76, 259-265. (SO1C 130) <<(after Hopkins,K (1983)- Death and Renewal (Sociological Studies in Roman History)>> [REVIEW ARTICLE] 5735. Russell,James (1984): Funerary Scenes from Roman Anemurium. Yayla 5, 1624. (SO3 013) [ASIA MINOR; BURIAL CUSTOMS; ICONOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5548. Russi,II (1965): Le Substrat ThracoDace et Illyrien dans le Processus de l'Ethnogenäse des Roumains. Revue Roumaine d'Histoire 4,5, 887-900. (SO42 010) [DACIA; ETHNICITY; OFFPRINT] 3671. Rustow,Dankwart A (1966): The Study of Elites. Who's Who, When and How. World Politics 18,4, 690-717. (SO23 087) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 5311. Ryberg,Inez Scott (1942): Tacitus' Art of Innuendo. Transactions of the American Philological Association 73, 383-404. (SO37D 027) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3004. Ryberg,Inez Scott (1958): Vergil's Golden Age. Transactions of the American Philological Association 89, 112-131. (SO19 021) [LATIN LITERATURE; OFFPRINT; VIRGIL] 2149. Saddington,DB (1983): The Auxiliary Prefect Glabrio and the Introduction of the Duovirate at Perusia. Athenaeum 61, fasc. 1-2 (new series), 264-266. (SO13 050) [OFFPRINT] 2098. Saddington,RD (1980): Prefects and Lesser Officers in the Auxilia at the Beginning of the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 15, 20-58. (SO13 002) [OFFPRINT] 4255. Salama,P (1955): La Colonie de Rusguniae d'Apräs les Inscriptions. Revue Africaine 99, nos. 442-443, 5-52. (SO28 009) [AFRICA; COLONIES; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4294. Salama,P (1956): Nouveaux TÇmoignages de l'Oeuvre des SÇväres dans la MaurÇtanie CÇsarienne. Libyca 3, 329-368. (SO28 048) <<journal year is 1955>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 4288. Salama,P (1957): La Trouvaille de Sesterces de Rusguniae. Histoire d'une DÇcouverte. Revue Africaine 101, 205-225. (SO28 042) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 1455. Salama,Pierre (1962): Sur un Lot MonÇtaire Constantinien DÇcouvert au Guelta (AlgÇrie). Annali dell'Istituto Italiano di Numismatica 7-8 (1961-62), 253-294. (SO7 145) [OFFPRINT] 1166. Sallmann,Klaus (1984): I. Pline l'Ancien, Histoire Naturelle, livre V, 1-46, Iiäre Partie (L'Afrique du Nord), Texte êtabli, Traduit et CommencÇ par Jehan Desanges. Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1980. (Coll. des Univ. de France).II. Pline l'Ancien, Histoire Naturelle, Livre VII (46-106), 2e Partie (L'Asie Centrale et Orientale, l'Inde). Texte êtabli, Traduit et CommentÇ par J.AndrÇ et J.Filliozat. Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1980. (Coll. des Univ. de France.). Gnomon 56, 111-120. (SO6 012) [BOOK REVIEW; LITERATURE- LATIN; PLINY THE YOUNGER] 3536. Salmon,ET (1930): Historical Elements in the Story of Coriolanus. CQ 24,2, 96-101. (SO22 175) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 253 3535. Salmon,ET (1933): The Last Latin Colony. CQ 27,1, 30-35. (SO22 176) [COLONIES; OFFPRINT] 5171. Salmon,ET (1948): From Imperium to Auctoritas. By M. Grant. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1946. Phoenix 2,2, 56-60. (SO36F 034) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; REPUBLIC] 3573. Salmon,ET (1953): Rome and the Latins I. Phoenix 7,3, 93-135. (SO22 213) [ITALY; OFFPRINT] 2775. Salmon,ET (1955): Michel Rambaud, L'Art de la DÇformation Historique dans les Commentaires de CÇsar. Paris, SociÇtÇ d'êdition "Les Belles Lettres", 1953. AJPh 76,2, 201-203. (SO16 072) [BOOK REVIEW] 3574. Salmon,ET (1955): Roman Expansion and Roman Colonization in Italy. Phoenix 9,2, 63-75. (SO22 214) [COLONIZATION; ITALY; OFFPRINT] 4640. Salmon,ET (1956): The Evolution of Augustus' Principate. Historia 5,4, 456-478. (SO33 020) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 3393. Salmon,ET (1958): Notes on the Social War. Transactions of the American Philological Association 89, 159-184. (SO22 034) [OFFPRINT; SOCIAL WAR] 3394. Salmon,ET (1962): The Cause of the Social War. Phoenix 16,2, 107-119. (SO22 035) [OFFPRINT; SOCIAL WAR] 2490. Salmon,ET (1964): Sulla Redux. Athenaeum 42, fasc. 1-4, 60-79. (SO15 166) [OFFPRINT] 4012. Salmon,ET (1971): Marta Sordi: Roma e i Sanniti nel IV Secolo a.c. Bologna: Cappelli 1969 (Saggi di AntichitÖ). Gnomon 43, 184187. (SO26 055) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2391. Salmon,Edward T (1961): The End of Roman Imperialism. The Griffin Press, Adelaide. 13 pages. (SO15 079) <<series: Australian Humanities Research Council Occasional Paper no. 4>> [MONOGRAPH] 4034. Salmon,P (1969): L'êtablissement des Trente Ö Athänes. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 38,2, 497-500. (SO26 077) [OFFPRINT] 1646. Salmon,P (1971): La PrÇfecture du PrÇtoire de Julius Paullus. Latomus 30,3, 664667. (SO10 043) [OFFPRINT] 4238. Salomies,Olli (1883): Appius Claudius Iulianus und CIL X 1688. Arctos 17, 69-77. (SO27 120) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4582. Salomies,Olli (1983): Der Konsul M. Gavius[---] im J. 155 N. Chr. ZPE 53, 209-213. (SO32 075) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2145. Salomies,Olli (1986): Ligoriana. Arctos 20, 145-151. (SO13 046) [OFFPRINT] 5318. Salvatore,Armando (1947): Ritmo e Stile in Tacito. Rendiconti dell'Accademia di Archeologia Lettere e Belle Arti di Napoli 23, 5-33. (SO38A 006) <<repaginated from original?>> [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4691. Santoro,Antonio (1938): I Problemi della Composizione dell'Eneide. Livio Fonte di Virgilio. F. Lli Portoghese, Altamura. 111 pages. (SO33 067) <<1947 ed. on OLIS published by Libreria Scientifica, Napoli>> [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT; VIRGIL] 4361. Saria,B (1941): Saxanus Augustus. Corona de Estudios, 327-334. (SO29 045) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 3923. Saria,Balduin (1937): Novi Napasi [Neue Inschriften]. Glasnik Muzejskega Drustva Za Slovenijo (Bulletin de l'Association du MusÇe de SlovÇnie) 18, 132-135. (SO25 138) <<article in Serbo-Croat with German summary>> [OFFPRINT] 3802. Saria,Balduin (1953): Rom und der SÅdosten im Altertum. SÅdost-Forschungen 12, 1-20. (SO25 021) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 254 4539. Sartori,F (1973): Cinna e gli Schiavi. In: Actes du Colloque 1971 sur l'Esclavage. (: ) (Annales LittÇraires de l'UniversitÇ de Besanáon.) Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 151-169. (SO32 032) [OFFPRINT] 2089. Sartori,Franco (1967): I Manoscritti del Mar Morto. Introduzione, Traduzione e Commento di Franco Michelini Tocci, Bari, Editori Laterza, 1967. Critica Storica 6,5, 704708. (SO12 130) [OFFPRINT] 3627. Sartori,Franco (1968): Libri e Librai nel Mondo Antico. Atene e Roma 13,1 (n.s.), 1-17. (SO23 046) [OFFPRINT] 3974. Sartori,Franco (1968): La Nuova Edizione de ÆLa Conquàte RomaineØ di AndrÇ Piganiol. Critica Storica 4, 502-523. (SO25 018) <<review of Paganiol, A., La Conquàte Romaine, 5th ed., Paris 1967>> [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 936. Sartori,Franco (1972): Attilio Degrassi (1887-1969). Praelectiones Patavinae, 75-87. (SO5 182) [OBITUARY] 3027. Sartori,Franco (1973): Considerazioni di Storiografia Antica. Historia 22,3, 379-396. (SO19 044) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 956. Sartori,Franco (1974): Le Condizioni Giuridiche del Suolo in Sicilia. In: I Diritti Locali nelle Province Romane con Particolare Riguardo alle Condizioni Giuridiche del Suolo. (: ) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 225-252. (SO5 204) [OFFPRINT] 4538. Sasel,J (1963): Calpurnia L. Pisonis Auguris Filia. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 12,2, 387-390. (SO32 031) <<article in Serbo-Croat with German summary>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1942. Sasel,J (1971): The Struggle between Magnentius and Constantius II for Italy and Illyricum. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 21,1, 205-216. (SO11 223) [OFFPRINT] 3881. Sasel,J (1972): Zur ErklÑrung der Inschrift am Tropaeum Alpium (Plin. n. h. 3, 136-137. CIL V 7817). Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 22, 135-144. (SO25 098) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 5706. Sasel,J (1980): DreigenerationenIntervall. In: Studien zur Antiken Sozialgeschichte. Festschrift Friedrich Vittinghoff. (: ) Bîhlau, Kîln-Wien, 357-363. (SO16 164; 'S' wedge on author name) [COLONIES- ROMAN; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 5511. Sasel,J; Weiler,I (1965): Zur Augusteisch-Tiberischen Inschrift von Emona. In: Carnuntum-Jahrbuch 1963/64. (Ed: Swoboda,E) (Rîmische Forschungen in Niederîsterreich, Beiheft 8.) Hermann Bîhlaus, Graz-Kîln, 40-42. (SO41 014) [INCOMPLETE; AUGUSTUS; EPIGRAPHY; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 3797. Sasel,Jaroslav (1961): Bellum Serdicense. Situla. Glasnik Narodnega Muzeja V Ljubljani (Opuscula Musei Nationalis Labacensis) 4, 3-30. (SO25 016) [OFFPRINT] 5513. Sasel,Jaroslav (1966): Keltisches Portorium in den Ostalpen. In: Corolla Memoriae Erich Swoboda Dedicata. (: ) (Rîmische Forschungen in Niederîsterreich, 5.) Hermann Bîhlaus, Graz-Kîln, 198-204. (SO41 016) [CELTS; FRONTIERS; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT] 5520. Sasel,Jaroslav (1966): Barbii. Eirene 5, 117-137. (SO41 023) [OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 5514. Sasel,Jaroslav (1967): Huldiging Norischer StÑmme am Magdalensberg in KÑrnten. Ein KlÑrungsversuch. Historia 16,1, 70-74. (SO41 017) [EPIGRAPHY; EXCAVATIONS; NORICUM; OFFPRINT] 4531. Sasel,Jaroslav (1968): Essai d'Indentification des Consuls de l'AnnÇe 209 Apräs J.-C. Historia 17,2, 256. (SO32 024) <<slavic diacritics in author name>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 614. Sasel,Jaroslav (1974): öber Umfang und Dauer der MilitÑrzone Praetentura Italiae et Alpium zur Zeit Mark Aurels. Museum Helveticum 31, 225-233. (SO2 047) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 255 3899. Sasel,Jaroslav (1974): Die LimesEntwicklung in Illyricum. In: Actes du IXe Congräs International d'êtudes sur les Frontiäres Romaines. Mamaãa, 6-13 Septembre 1972. (: ) Editura Academiei; Bîhlau Verlag, Bucuresti; Kîln-Wien, 193-199. (SO25 115) [ILLYRIA; LIMES; OFFPRINT] 5500. Sasel,K (1960): Caesernii. Zhiva Antika (AntiquitÇ Vivante) 10, 201-221. (SO41 003) <<wedge on both s's in author name>> [OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 5656. Scarborough,John (1885): Erasistratus, Student of Theophrastus. Bull. Hist. Med. 59, 515-517. (SO16 118) [OFFPRINT; PHILOSOPHERS- GREEK] 5658. Scarborough,John (1975): The Drug Lore of Asclepiades of Bithynia. Pharmacy in History 17,2, 43-57. (SO16 120) [ASCLEPIADES OF BITHYNIA; MEDICINE- GREEK; OFFPRINT] 5675. Scarborough,John (1977): On the Understanding of Medicine among the Romans. The Historian 39,2, 213-227. (SO33 134) [MEDICINE- ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 1024. Scarborough,John (c1978): Reflections on Sparta. The Ancient World 1,2, 75-81. (SO3 063) [OFFPRINT] 5676. Scarborough,John (1978): Theophrastus on Herbals and Herbals Remedies. Journal of the History of Biology 11,2, 353-385. (SO16 135) [MEDICINE- GREEK; OFFPRINT; THEOPHRASTUS] 5666. Scarborough,John (1979): On the History of Early Entomology, Chiefly Greek and Roman with a Preliminary Bibliography. Melsheimer Entomological Series 26, 17-27. (SO16 126) [OFFPRINT; ZOOLOGY- GREEK; ZOOLOGY- ROMAN] 5680. Scarborough,John (1979): Dieter Irmer (Editor and Translator). Palladius Kommentar zu Hippokrates 'De Fracturis' und seine Parallelversion unter dem Namen des Stephanus von Alexandria. (Hamburger Philologische Studien 45.). Hamburg: Helmut Buske, 1977. Isis 70,4 (254), 615. (SO16 139) [BOOK REVIEW; HIPPOKRATES; MEDICINE- GREEK; OFFPRINT] 1036. Scarborough,John (1980): Roman Medicine and Public Health. Proceedings of the International Symposium.[....]. History of Medicine 81, 33-75. (SO3 075) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 5663. Scarborough,John (1980): Gordon Harrison, Mosquitoes, Malaria and Man: A History of the Hostilities Since 1880. (New York: E.P. Dutton); B.H. Kean, Kenneth E. Mott, and Adair J Russell, ed., Tropical Medicine and Parasitology: Classic Investigations. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1978). Journal of the History of Biology 13,1, 161-163. (SO16 125) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICINE; OFFPRINT] 5664. Scarborough,John (1980): Rudolph E. Siegel, trans. Galen on the Affected Parts (Basel and New York: S. Karger A.G. 1976). Journal of the History of Biology 13,1, 165166. (SO16 125) [BOOK REVIEW; GALEN; MEDICINEGREEK; OFFPRINT] 5665. Scarborough,John (1980): John Pollard, Birds in Greek Life and Myth (London: Thames and Hudson, 1977). Journal of the History of Biology 13,1, 167-168. (SO16 125) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; ZOOLOGYGREEK] 5667. Scarborough,John (1980): Nicander, Theriaca 811: A Note. Classical Philology 75,2, 138-140. (SO16 127) [OFFPRINT; ZOOLOGY- GREEK] 5670. Scarborough,John (1980): The Bulgarians from Pagan Times to the Ottoman Conquest. By David Marshall Lang. London and Boulder, Colorado: Thames and Hudson and Westview Press, 1976. The Classical Journal 75, 352-353. (SO16 130) [BOOK REVIEW; BULGARIANSANCIENT PEOPLES; BYZANTIUM; OFFPRINT] 5671. Scarborough,John (1980): Pythagoras: A Life. By Peter Gorman. London, Henley and Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. The Classical Journal 75, 354-356. (SO16 130) [BIOGRAPHY; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PHILOSOPHERS- GREEK; PYTHAGORAS] 5679. Scarborough,John (1980): Galen. On the Doctrines of Huppocrates and Plato. Edition, Trans., and Commentary by Philip De Syme Collection DB page 256 Lacy. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1978. Isis 71, 2 (257), 334-335. (SO16 138) [BOOK REVIEW; GALEN; MEDICINEGREEK; OFFPRINT] 5685. Scarborough,John (1980): The Gardens of Adonis. Spices in Greek Mythology. By Marcel Detienne. Trans. from the French by Janet Lloyd, with an Introduction by J.-P. Vernant. The Humanities Press, 1977. The Classical Journal 76,2, 175-178. (SO16 144) [BOOK REVIEW; MYTHOLOGY- GREEK; OFFPRINT; SPICES] 2974. Scarborough,John (1981): The Galenic Question. Sudhoffs Archiv 65, 1-31. (SO18 160) [MEDICAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2977. Scarborough,John (1981): Roman Medicine and Roman Health. In: Proceedings pf the Fifth International Symposium on the Comparative History of Medicine- East and West. (: ) Tanigichi Foundation, Tokyo/Kyoto, 52 pps. (SO18 163) <<offprint is an advance copy of the chapter>> [MEDICAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 5674. Scarborough,John (1981): Ancient Medicine: Some Recent Books. Clio Medica 16,2-3, 141-149. (SO16 133) [MEDICINE- GREEK; MEDICINEROMAN; OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 5677. Scarborough,John (1981): Roman Portraits: The Flavian-Trajanic Period. By William C. McDermott and Anne E. Orentzel. (Columbia: University of Missouri Press. 1979). The Historian 43, 411-412. (SO16 136) [BIOGRAPHY- ROMAN; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5678. Scarborough,John (1981): Susan Sherwin-White. Ancient Cos: An Historical Study from the Dorian Settlement to the Imperial Period. (Hypomnemata, 51). Gîttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. 1978. AHR 86, 819-820. (SO16 137) [BOOK REVIEW; COS- ANCIENT REGION; OFFPRINT] 5681. Scarborough,John (1981): Jean ThÇodoridäs, Les Sciences Biologiques et MÇdicales Ö Byzance, Cahiers d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences, 3 (Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/ Centre de Documentation Sciences Humaines, 1977). Journal of the History of Biology 14, 361-362. (SO16 140) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICINE- ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 5682. Scarborough,John (1981): Phillip de Lacy, ed., trans., and commentary, Galen: On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato. First and Second Parts. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. [Corpus Medicorum Graecorum V 4, 1-2]. Clio Medica 16, 2/3, 159-161. (SO16 141) [BOOK REVIEW; GALEN; MEDICINEGREEK; OFFPRINT] 5683. Scarborough,John (1981): Jutta Kollesch and Diethard Nickel, trans. and eds. Antike Heilkunst, AusgewÑlte Texte aus dem Medizinischen Schrifttum der Griechen und Rîmer. Lepizig, Verlag Philipp Reclam jun., 1979. Journal of the History of Medicine 36, 232-234. (SO16 142) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICINE- GREEK; MEDICINE- ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 5657. Scarborough,John (1982): Hippokrates, öber die Krankheiten. Hrsg., öbers. und. ErlÑutert von Paul Potter. (Corpus Medicorum Graecorum I 2,3) Berlin: Akademie Verlag 1980. Sudhoffs Archiv 66,1, 86-89. (SO16 119) [HIPPOKRATES; MEDICINE- GREEK; OFFPRINT] 5668. Scarborough,John (1982): Wesley D. Smith. The Hippocratic Tradition. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 1979. AJPh 103, 341-344. (SO16 128) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICINE- GREEK; OFFPRINT] 5669. Scarborough,John (1982): Aristotle's De Motu Animalium, ed. trans., commentary and interpretative essays. By Martha Craven Nussbaum. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978. The Classical Journal 78, 73-76. (SO16 129) [ARISTOTLE; BOOK REVIEW; MEDICINE- GREEK; OFFPRINT] 5673. Scarborough,John (1982): Roman Pharmacy and the Eastern Drug Trade. Some Problems as Illustrated by the Examples of Aloe (Kremers Award Address 1982). Pharmacy in History 24, 135-149. (SO16 132) [MEDICINE- ROMAN; OFFPRINT; TRADE] 5684. Scarborough,John (1982): Jackie Pigeaud. La Maladie de l'Éme: êtude sur la Relation de l'Éme et du Corps dans la Tradition MÇdico-Philosophique Antique. (Collections d'êtudes Anciennes.). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1981. Isis 73, 3 (368), 463-464. (SO16 143) Syme Collection DB page 257 [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICINE- GREEK; MEDICINE- ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 2968. Scarborough,John (1983): On Medications for Burns in Classical Antiquity. Clinics in Plastic Surgery 10,4, 603-610. (SO18 155) [MEDICAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2969. Scarborough,John (1983): Barbera Griggs. Green Pharmacy: A History of Herbal Medicine. Foreward by Norman Farnsworth. New York: Viking Press, 1981. Isis 74,4 (No. 274), 598-599. (SO18 156) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2970. Scarborough,John (1983): Perspective: Some Thoughts on Redefinitions in Education. Ampersand (Spring 1983), 1-2. (SO18 157) [EDUCATION; OFFPRINT] 2976. Scarborough,John (1983): Theoretical Assumptions in Hippocratic Pharmacology. In: Formes de PensÇes dans la Collection Hippocratique. Actes du IVe Colloque International Hippocratique (Lausanne, 21-26 Sept. 1981). (Eds: Lasserre,Franáois; Mudry,Philippe) Libraire Droz, Genäve, 307325. (SO18 162) <<series: UniversitÇ de Lausanne Publications de la FacultÇ des Lettres 26>> [MEDICAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2949. Scarborough,John (1984): The Shepherd's Bad Seeds. Review of: Geoffrey Eatough (Editor and Translator), Fracastro's Syphilis. Liverpool: Francis Cairns. Times Literary Supplement (31 August), 978. (SO18 136) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICAL HISTORY] 2950. Scarborough,John (1984): M.M.Sadek, The Arabic Materia Medica. (Les êditions du Sphinx, 718 de la Colline, St-JeanChrysostome, QuÇ, 1982). Pharmacy in History 26, 190. (SO18 137) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICAL HISTORY] 2971. Scarborough,John (1984): Medical Soporifics and Narcotics. Review of FranzJosef Kuhlen, Zur Geschichte der Schmerz-, Schlaf- und BetÑubungsmittel in Mittelalter und FrÅher Neuzeit. (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Pharmazie. Bd. 19; Deutcher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart 1983). Pharmacy in History 26,2, 118-119. (SO18 158) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICAL HISTORY] 2972. Scarborough,John (1984): Galen's Commentary on the Hippocratic Treatise "Airs, Waters, Places" in the Hebrew Translation of Solomon ha-Me'ati. Edited and Translated with an Introduction by Abraham Wasserstein (Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 6 [3]). Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1982. Isis 75,2 (no. 277), 437. (SO18 159) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICAL HISTORY] 2973. Scarborough,John (1984): The Spirochetes of Old. review of Mirkod Grmek, Les Maladies Ö l'Aube de la Civilisation Occidentale. Paris: Payot. Times Literary Supplement (16 March), 284. (SO18 160) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICAL HISTORY] 2975. Scarborough,John (1984): Heraclides of Pontus. By H.B.Gottschalk. Oxford and New York: Clarendon Press and Oxford University Press, 1980. The Classical Journal 79(Dec 1983- Jan. 1984), 167-171. (SO18 161) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICAL HISTORY] 5661. Scarborough,John (1984): Early Byzantine Phamacology. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 38 (Symposium on Byzantine Medicine), 213-232. (SO16 123) [LATE EMPIRE; MEDICINE- ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 5662. Scarborough,John (1984): Symposium on Byzantine Medicine. Introduction. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 38 (Symposium on Byzantine Medicine), ix-xvi. (SO16 124) [MEDICINE- ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 5659. Scarborough,John (1986): Pharmacy in Pliny's Natural History: Some Observations on Substances and Sources. In: Science in the Early Roman Empire: Pliny the Elder, His Sources and Influence. (Eds: French,R; Greenaway,F) Croom Helm, London & Syndey, 59-85. (SO16 121) [MEDICINE- ROMAN; OFFPRINT; PLINY] 5660. Scarborough,John (1986): Timothy S. Miller, The Birth of the Hospital in the Byzantine Empire. (The Henry E. Sigerist Supplements of the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, n.s. 10). Baltimore/ London: John Hopkins University Press, 1985. Isis 77,2: 287, 372-373. (SO16 122) [BOOK REVIEW; MEDICINE- ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 5672. Scarborough,John; Nutton,Vivian (1982): The Preface of Dioscorides' Materia Medica: Introduction, Translation, Commentary. Transactions & Studies of the Syme Collection DB page 258 College of Physicians of Philadelphia 4,3, 187227. (SO16 131) [DIOSCORIDES; MEDICINE- GREEK; OFFPRINT] 2951. Scarborough,John et al (1984): Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter. 16 November 1984. <<Includes abstracts of papers on Jewish Healing/ Pyrrhonian Scepticism/ Anthrax>> [MEDICAL HISTORY; OFFPRINT] 2817. SchÑfer,Peter (1986): Gerschom Scholem Reconsidered. The Aim and Purpose of Early Jewish Mysticism. The Twelfth Sacks Lecture delivered on 29th May 1985. Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies; 21 pgs. (SO18 006) [LECTURE] 746. Schehl,F (1930): Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Kaisers Antoninus Pius. Hermes 60,2, 177-208. (SO2 114) [OFFPRINT] 2612. Scheid,J (1976): Scribonia Caesaris et les Cornelii Lentuli. BCH 100, 485-491. (SO17 032) [OFFPRINT] 2613. Scheid,John (1975): Scribonia Caesaris et les Julio-Claudiens. Problämes de Vocabulaire de ParentÇ. MEFRA 87,1, 349375. (SO17 033) [OFFPRINT] 716. Scheid,John; Broise,Henri (1980): Deux Nouveaux Fragments des Actes des FrÇres Arvales de l'AnnÇe 38 AP. J.-C. MEFRA 92,1, 215-248. (SO2 168) [OFFPRINT] 1079. Scheithauer,Andrea (1988): Die BautÑtigkeit der Kaiser in der Historia Augusta. WÅrzburger JahrbÅcher fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 14 (new series), 225240. (SO3 119) [OFFPRINT] 5700. Schieder,Theodor (1982): Friedrich der Grosse und Machiavelli. Das Dilemma von Machtpolitik und AufklÑrung. Historische Zeitschrift 234, 265-294. (SO16 159) [ENLIGHTENMENT; MACHIAVELLI; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 5707. Schilling,R (1967): En Reprenant le Pervigilium Veneris. Kokalos 13, 3-18. (SO16 165) [OFFPRINT; VIRGIL] 3057. Schilling,R (1969): Dea Dia dans la Liturgie des Fräres Arvales. In: Hommages Ö Marcel Renard, II. (Ed: Bibauw,Jacqueline) Latomus. Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 675-679. (SO20 013) <<series: Collection Latomus 102>> [ARVALE BRETHERN] 933. Schilling,Robert (1964-1965): La Place de la Sicile dans la Religion Romaine. Kokalos 10-11, 259-286. (SO5 178) [OFFPRINT] 1821. Schlunk,Helmut (1966): Der Sarkophag von Puebla Nueva (Prov. Toledo). Madrider Mittleilungen 7, 210-231. (SO11 104) [OFFPRINT] 5082. Schmid,Walter (1961): Sallust: Die Reden Caesars und Catos. Terminologie und Ideologie. Gymnasium 69,3-4, 336-350. (SO36C 030) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3705. Schmid,Wilhelm (1898): öber den Kulturgeschichtlichen Zusammenhang und die Bedeutung der Griechischen Renaissance in der Rîmerzeit. Akademische Antrittsrede Gehalten am 3. Februar 1898 in TÅbingen. Leipzig : Dieterich'sche VerlagsBuchhandlung, Theodor Weicher. (SO24 019) <<author's inaugural lecture as professor at TÅbingen>> [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 4827. Schmid,Wolfgang (1960): Wolfgang Speyer: Naucellius und sein Kreis. Studien zu den Epigrammata Bobiensia. MÅnchen: Beck 1959 (Zetemata 21). Gnomon 32, 340-360. (SO35 019) [BOOK REVIEW; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 4894. Schmid,Wolfgang (1960): Christus als Naturphilosoph bei Arnobius. In: Erkenntnis und Verantwortung. Festschrift fÅr Theodor Litt. (Ed: Friedhelm,N) PÑdagogischer Verlag Schwann, DÅsseldorf, 264-284. (SO35 082) [CHRISTIANITY; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1832. Schmid,Wolfgang (1961): Epikur. In: Reallexikon fÅr Antike und Christentum. Vol. 5. (Ed: Klauser,Theodor) Anton Hiersemann, Stuttgart, 681-819. (SO11 115) <<page nos refer to columns>> [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 259 811. Schmid,Wolfgang (1964): Bilderloser Kult und Christliche Intoleranz. In: Mullus. Festschrift Theodor Klauser. (: ) (Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum ErgÑnzungband, 1.) Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, MÅnster Westf., 298-315. [CHRISTIANITY; FESTSCHRIFT; ICONOGRAPHY; PAGANISM] 5693. Schmid,Wolfgang (1964): Eutropspuren in der Historia August. Eine Beitrag zum Problem der Datierung der HA. In: Historia-Augusta-Colloquium Bonn 1963. (Ed: Alfîldi,A) (Antiquitas Reihe 4: BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta Forschung.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 123-133. (SO16 152) [CHRONOLOGY; EUTROPIUS; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 5366. Schmid,Wolfgang (??): Urgentibus Umperii Fatis (Tac. Germ. 33). In: Didascaliae. Studies in Honor of Anselm M. Albareda. (Ed: Prete,Sesto) Bernard M. Rosenthal, New York, 383-392. (SO38B 017) [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3191. Schmidt,Peter Lebrecht (19??): Victor. In: Paulys RealencyclopÑdie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Vol. Suppl. 15. (: ) Alfred DruckenmÅller, MÅnchen, 1583-1676. (SO21 017) <<dictionary entry, pg. nos. refer to columns>> [OFFPRINT] 3435. Schmitthenner,Walter (1956): Friedrich Vittinghoff, Rîmische Kolonisation und BÅrgerrechtspolitik under Caesar und Augustus. Wiesbaden : Steiner 1952 (Akademie der Wissenschaften u. der Literatur in Mainz. Abhandlungen d. Geistes- u. Sozialwissenschaflichen Klasse. Jahrg. 1951. Nr. 14). Deutsche Literaturzeitung 77, 6, 3 pp. (SO22 075) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2400. Schmitthenner,Walter (1958): J.A.O.Larsen, Representative Government in Greek and Roman History. Berkeley and Los Angeles (University of California Press) 1955 (Sather Classical Lectures, 28). Gymnasium 65,6, 566-569. (SO15 088) [BOOK REVIEW] 2547. Schmitthenner,Walter (1960): Politik und Armee in der SpÑten Rîmischen Republik. Historische Zeitschrift 190,1, 1-17. (SO16 031) [OFFPRINT] 2782. Schmitthenner,Walter (1962): Das Attentat auf Caesar am 15. MÑrz 44 v. Chr. Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 11, 685-695. (SO16 079) [OFFPRINT] 3070. Schmitthenner,Walter (1962): Augustus' Spanischer Feldzug und der Kampf um den Prinzipat. Historia 11,1, 29-85. (SO20 026) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 3071. Schmitthenner,Walter (1962): Ernst Kornemann: Tiberius. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1960. Gnomon, 65-68. (SO20 027A) [BOOK REVIEW; TIBERIUS] 2650. Schmitthenner,Walter (1965): Hans D. Meyer: Die Au·enpolitik des Augustus und die Augusteische Dichtung. Kîln-Graz: Bohlau 1961. Gnomon 37, 152-162. (SO17 070) [BOOK REVIEW] 3652. Schmitthenner,Walter (1968): öber eine FormerverÑnderung der Monarchie seit Alexander d. Gr. Saeculum 19,1, 31-46. (SO23 071) [OFFPRINT] 5699. Schmitthenner,Walter (1974): HansUlrich Instinsky. Historische Zeitschrift 218, 781-784. (SO16 158) [OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 1104. Schmitthenner,Walter (1979): Rome and India: Aspects of Universal History during the Principate. JRS 69, 90-106. (SO3 151) [OFFPRINT] 5703. Schmitthenner,Walter (1983): Die Zeit Vergils. Von der SpÑten Republik zur Augusteischen Monarchie. Gymnasium 90,12, 1-16. (SO16 162) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; VIRGIL] 4599. Schmitthenner,Walter (1985): Caesar Augustus- Erfolg in der Geschichte. Saeculum 36,4, 286-298. (SO32 082) [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY] 2544. Schmitthenner,Walter (1986): Hermann Strasburger. Gnomon 58, 187-189. (SO16 028) [OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 1137. Schmitthenner,Walter (1988): Jacques AndrÇ- Jean Filliozat: L'Inde Vue de Rome. Textes Latins de l'AntiquitÇ Relatifs Ö l'Inde. Syme Collection DB page 260 Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1986. (Collections d'êtudes Anciennes). Gnomon, 551-553. (SO3 182A) [BOOK REVIEW; INDIA-IN LITERATURE; LITERATURE- LATIN] 1136. Schmitthenner,Walter (1989): Ein Einschneidendes Ereignis in der Geschichte des Heidelberger Seminars fÅr Alte Geschichte. In: Vom FrÅhen Griechentum bis zur Rîmischen Kaiserzeit. Gedenk- und JubilÑumsvortrÑge am Heidelberger Seminar fÅr Alte Geschichte. (: ) (Heidelberger Althistoriche BeitrÑge und Epigraphische Studien, 6.) Franz Steiner,, 7-22. (SO3 182) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4490. Schînberger,Hans (1962): Neue Ergebnisse am Obergermanischen und RÑtischen Limes. AA, 839-852. (SO31 047) [EXCAVATIONS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 4492. Schînberger,Hans (1962): Ein Neu Entdecktes FrÅhrîmisches Lager bei Rîdgen. Wetterauer GeschichtsblÑtter 11, 1-6. (SO31 049) [EXCAVATIONS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 4498. Schînberger,Hans (1967): Das Augusteische Rîmerlager in Rîdgen. Vorbericht Åber die Grabungen in den Jahren 1961 bis 1966. Germania 45,1-2, 84-95. (SO31 055) [EXCAVATIONS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 2055. Schofield,Malcolm (1988): Argument in Motion [review of David Furley: The Greek Cosmologists. Volume One: The Formation of the Atomic Theory and its Earliest Critics. Cambridge University Press]. Times Literary Supplement April 1-7, 365. (SO12 096) [BOOK REVIEW] 2918. Schrîmbges,Paul (1987): Essen und Politik. Zur Person des Kaisers Tiberius. Jahresbericht St. Ursula Gymnasium BrÅhl 1986, 79-90. (SO18 107) [OFFPRINT] 5636. Schubart,W (1927): Die Griechen in égypten. Beihefte zum Alten Orient 10, 54pp. (SO43 016) [EGYPT; ETHNICITY; OFFPRINT] 1898. Schubring,Konrad (1957): Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Prosopographia Imperii Romani. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.(Schriften der Sektion fÅr Altertumswissenschaft) 8, 79-86. (SO11 180) [OFFPRINT] 1378. Schulten,Adolf (1927): Die SÑulen des Herakles. In: Die Strasse von Gibralter. (Ed: Jessen,O) Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin, 174206. (SO7 070) [OFFPRINT] 1375. Schulten,Adolf (1928): Iliturgi. Hermes 63,3, 288-301. (SO7 067) [OFFPRINT] 1374. Schulten,Adolf (1930): Die Etrusker in Spanien. Klio 23, 25-68. (SO7 066) [OFFPRINT] 1373. Schulten,Adolf (1932): Tartessos. In: Pauly-Wissowa, Real-EncyclopÑdie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Vol. Reihe 2, 4. (Eds: Kroll,Wilhelm; Mittelhaus,Karl) J.B. Metzlersche, Stuttgart, 2445-2452. (SO7 065) [OFFPRINT; REMOVED] 590. Schulz,Otto (1903): ., . (SO2 022) [INCOMPLETE] 5162. Schulz,Otto (1932): Das Dritte Triumvirat Oktavians. Zeitschrift fÅr Numismatik 42,1-2, 101-127. (SO36F 025) [AUGUSTUS; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 4491. Schumacher,Leonhard (1976): Der Grabstein des Ti. Claudius Zosimus aus Mainz. Bemerkungen zu den Kaiserlichen Praegustores und zum Rîmischen Sepulkralrecht. Epigraphische Studien 11, 131-141. (SO31 048) [EPIGRAPHY; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4595. Schumacher,Leonhard (1976): Das Ehrendekret fÅr M. Nonius Balbus aus Herculaneum (AE 1947, 53). Chiron 6, 165184. (SO32 078) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4529. Schumacher,Leonhard (1977): Propinquo et Ambibulo Cos. Methodische öberlegungen zur Datierung eines Zeigelstempels. ZPE 24, 155-163. (SO32 022) [CHRONOLOGY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 261 5696. Schumacher,Leonhard (1977): James G. Harrison: The Official Priests of Rome in the Reigns of Trajan and Hadrian. Phil. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1974. (Microfilm). Gnomon 49, 809-814. (SO16 155) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PRIESTHOODS; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 869. Schumacher,Leonhard (1985): Die Imperatorischen Akklamationen der Triumvirn und die Auspicia des Augustus. Historia 34,2, 191-222. (SO5 112) [OFFPRINT] 5698. Schumacher,Leonhard (1985): Walter Ameling: Herodes Atticus. Hildesheim: Olms 1983 (Studia Epigraphica. 11). Gnomon 57, 35-42. (SO16 157) [BOOK REVIEW; GREECE; HERODES ATTICUS; OFFPRINT] 866. Schumacher,Leonhard (1987): HerrschaftsÅbertragung im FrÅhen Prinzipat: Die Rolle von Senat, Volk und Heer bei der Kaisererhebung. Index. International Survey of Roman Law 15, 315-332. (SO5 109) [OFFPRINT] 2033. Schumacher,Leonhard (1987): Themistokles und Pausanias. Die Katastrophe der Sieger. Gymnasium 94, 218-246. (SO12 076) [OFFPRINT] 4448. Schumacher,Leonhard (?): Rîmische Kaiser in Mainz im Zeitalter des Principats (27. v. Chr.- 284 n.Chr.)., 8. (SO31 009) [INCOMPLETE; GERMANIA; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 586. Schurz,Guilelmus (1883): De Mutationibus in Impero Romano Ordinando ab Imperatore Hadriano Factis, Particula I., . 43 in fascicule p. (SO2 018) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3959. Schwarte,Karl-Heinz (1971): Zum Ausbruch des Zweiten Samnitenkrieges (326304 V. CHR.). Historia 20,2-3, 368-376. (SO26 002) [OFFPRINT] 2997. Schwarte,Karl-Heinz (1972): Naevius, Ennius und der Beginn des Ersten Punischen Krieges. Historia 21,2, 206-223. (SO19 014) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PUNIC WARS] 1257. Schwarte,Karl-Heinz (1977): Salus Augusta Publica. Domitian und Trajan als Heilbringer des Staates. In: Bonner Festgabe Johannes Straub. (: ) Rheinland-Verlag GMBH, Bonn, 225-246. (SO6 104) [OFFPRINT] 3056. Schwarte,Karl-Heinz (1979): Trajans Regierungsbeginn und der `Agricola' des Tacitus. BonnJahr 179, 139-175. (SO20 012) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2834. Schwarte,Karl-Heinz ([1983]): Intention und Rechtsgrundlage der Christenverfolgung im Rîmischen Reich. Eine Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Skizze. In: SpÑtantike und FrÅhes Christentum. Ausstellung im Liebieghaus Museum alter Plastik, Frankfurt am Main. (Ed: Stutzinger,D et al) Liebieghaus, Museum alter Plastik, Frankfurt am Main, 20-33. (SO18 023) <<article from an exhibition catalogue>> [OFFPRINT] 4179. Schwartz,J (1949): T. Claudius Balbillus (PrÇfet d'êgypte et Conseillor de NÇron). BIAO 49, 45-55. (SO27 062) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4050. Schwartz,J (1953): Les PalmyrÇniens et l'êgypte. Bulletin de la SociÇtÇ d'Alexandrie 40, 3-21. (SO26 093) <<possibly repaginated for offprint>> [EGYPT; OFFPRINT] 747. Schwartz,J (1959): Note sur le SÇjour de Caracalla en êgypte. Chronique d'êgypte 34, no. 67, 120-123. (SO2 115) [OFFPRINT] 1750. Schwartz,J (1962): La Gaule Romaine et l'êgypte. In: Hommages Ö Albert Grenier. (Ed: Renard,Marcel) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latine, Bruxelles, 1397-1406. (SO11 033) <<series: Collection Latomus 58>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 3177. Schwartz,J (1964): L'Histoire Auguste et la Fable de l'Usurpateur Celsus. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 33,2, 419-430. (SO21 003) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 5712. Schwartz,J (1964): La ÆConversionØ de Lucien de Samosate. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 33,2, 384-400. Syme Collection DB page 262 (SO16 170) [CHRISTIANITY; LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA; OFFPRINT] 3231. Schwartz,J (1966): Arguments Philologiques pour Dater l'Histoire Auguste. Historia 15,4, 454-465. (SO21 058) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 3593. Schwartz,J (1967): Die Rolle Alexandrias bei der Verbreitung Orientalischen Gedankenguts. ZPE 1,3, 197-217. (SO23 012) [OFFPRINT] 4057. Schwartz,J (1967): Quelques Observations sur des Romans Grecs. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 36,2, 536-552. (SO26 100) [OFFPRINT] 4064. Schwartz,J (1967): Papyrus Grecs de la Bibliothäque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg. Bulletin de la FacultÇ des Lettres de Strasbourg 46,2(Nov. 1967), 259-306. (SO26 105) [OFFPRINT] 2737. Schwartz,J (1968): Sir Ronald Syme, Ammianus and the Historia Augusta, Oxford, 1968. Bulletin de la FacultÇ des Lettres de Strasbourg 47,3(December 1968), 157-159. (SO17 155) [BOOK REVIEW] 828. Schwartz,J (1974): Autour de l' Æ Humiliation Ø de Galäre. In: MÇlanges d'Histoire Ancienne Offerts Ö William Seston. (: ) (Publications de la Sorbonne. êtudes, 9.) êditions E. de Boccard, Paris, 463-466. (SO5 066) [FESTSCHRIFT; GALERIUS; LATE EMPIRE] 2726. Schwartz,J (1977): Chronologie du IIIe s.p.C. ZPE 24, 167-177. (SO17 145) [OFFPRINT] 1066. Schwartz,J (1981): L'Histoire Auguste et l'êpigraphie Latine du 4e s.p.C. ZPE 43, 353-356. (SO3 103) [OFFPRINT] 841. Schwartz,J (1983): Du Bon Usage des Historiographes. In: Crise et Redressement dans les Provinces EuropÇennes de l'Empire (Milieu du IIIe- milieu du IVe Siäcle ap. J.-C.). Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg (DÇcembre 1981). (Ed: FrÇzouls,Edmond) (UniversitÇ des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg. Contributions et Traveaux de l'Institute Romaine.) AECR, Strasbourg, 3-9. (SO5 083) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5280. Schwartz,Jacques (1951): Pompeius Macer et la Jeunesse D'Ovide. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 77,2 (n.s. vol. 25), 182-194. (SO37C 039) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; OVID] 1804. Schwartz,Jacques (1978): A Propos des Ch. 4 A du Æ De Mortibus Persecutorum Ø. In: Lactance et son Temps. (Eds: Fontaine,J; Perrin,M) êditions Beauchesne,, 91-103. (SO11 087) <<series: ThÇologie Historique 48>> [OFFPRINT] 5694. Schwarz,Jacques (1964): Avidius Cassius et les Sources de l'Histoire Auguste (Ö propos d'une LÇgende Rabbinique). In: Historia-Augusta-Colloquium Bonn 1963. (Ed: Alfîldi,A) (Antiquitas Reihe 4: BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta Forschung.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 123-133. (SO16 153) [AVIDIUS CASSIUS; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT; TALMUD] 3518. Scullard,HH (1952): T.Robert S. Broughton, with ... Marcia L. Patterson. The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, Volume I, 509 B.C.-100 B.C. New York, Ameican Philological Association, 1951 (Philological Monographs, No. XV, vol. 1). AJPh 73,2, 212215. (SO22 157) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3517. Scullard,HH (1954): Gaetano De Sanctis, Storia dei Romani, IV : La Fondazione dell'Impero, parte 2a : Vita e Pensiero nell'EtÖ delle Grandi Conquiste, Tomo I, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1953. Rivista Storica Italiana 64,fasc. 3, 413-416. (SO22 156) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3420. Scullard,HH (1955): Roman Politics. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 2, 15-21. (SO22 061) [OFFPRINT] 3417. Scullard,HH (1960): Scipio Aemilianus and Roman Politics. JRS 50, 59-74. (SO22 058) [OFFPRINT] 3566. Scullard,HH (1966): Two Halicarnassians and a Lydian. In: Ancient Society and Institutions. Studies Presented to V. Ehrenberg. (Ed: Badian,E) Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 225-231. (SO22 207) Syme Collection DB page 263 [FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1244. Seager,R (1977): Amicitia in Tacitus and Juvenal. AJAH 2,1, 40-50. (SO6 091) [OFFPRINT] Tolemaica Tarda. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 21, 7-12 (8th ser.) (1965), 396-413. (SO5 184) <<(published 1966)>> [OFFPRINT] 2896. Seager,Robin (1983): L'êtat, C'Çst Moi. Review of Arthur Keaveney: Sulla: The Last Republican. Croon Helm. Times Literary Supplement (18 November), 1285. (SO18 084) [BOOK REVIEW] 4056. Segrä,Angelo (1966): La Costituzione Antoniniana e il Diritto dei ÆNovi CivesØ. Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 17, 1-26. (SO26 099) [OFFPRINT] 4651. Sealey,R (1957): "Habe Meam Rationem". Classica et Mediaevalia 18,1-2, 75-101. (SO33 030) [CAESAR; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5689. Seidl,Erwin (1955): Die Jurisprudenz der Statthalter égyptens in der Prinzipatszeit. In: Studi in ONore di Ugo Enrico Paoli. (: ) Felice Le Monnier, Firenze, 659-673. (SO16 147) [EGYPT; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 2662. Sealey,Raphael (1961): The Political Attachments of L.Aelius Seianus. Phoenix 15,2, 97-114. (SO17 081) [OFFPRINT] 3039. Segal,Charles (1969): Vergil's Sixth Eclogue and the Problem of Evil. TPAPA 100, 407-435. (SO19 056) [OFFPRINT; VIRGIL] 3018. Segal,Charles (1971): Ovid's Metamorphoses: Greek Myth in Augustan Rome. Studies in Philology 68,4(October 1971), 371-394. (SO19 035) [LATIN LITERATURE; MYTH; OFFPRINT; OVID] 5716. Segal,Erich (1975): PerchÇ Amphitruo. In: Atti del V Congresso Internazionale di Studi sul Drama Antico. Plauto e il Teatro. Siracusa 15-18 Maggio 1975. (: ),, 247-267. (SO16 174) [OFFPRINT; PLAUTUS; ROMAN COMEDY; ROMAN THEATRE] 2939. Segal,Erich (1983): J.N. Adams. The Latin Sexual Vocabulary. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1982. The Classical World 77,2, 132. (SO18 126A) [BOOK REVIEW] 2938. Segal,Erich (1984): "To Win or Die": A Taxonomy of Sporting Attitudes. Journal of Sport History 11,2, 25-31. (SO18 126) [OFFPRINT] 939. SegrÇ,Angelo (1966): Note sulla Moneta Siceliota, Italiota, Etrusca, Romana e 4671. Selem,Antonio ([c1972]): A Proposito degli Amici Romani di Ammiano. Annali della Libera UniversitÖ della Tuscia 3, 1-50. (SO33 048) <<journal year is 1971-72>> [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3924. Sergejevski,Dimitrije (1964): Borne Frontiäre de Kosijerevo. Archaeologia Iugoslavica 5, 93-95. (SO25 139) [OFFPRINT] 5487. Sergejevskij,Dimitrije (1936): Aquae S.... bei Sarajevo. Novitates Musei Saraievonsis 13, 20 Dec. 1936, 3. (SO40 023) [FRONTIERS; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 3405. Serraco,Feliciano (1954): Appunti sui "Patroni" e sulla Legittimazione Attiva all'Accusa nei Processi "Repetundarum". In: Studi in Onore di Pietro de Francisci. Vol. 2. (: ) GiuffrÇ, Milan, 473-511. (SO22 046) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 1400. Serra-RÖfols,J de C (1965): Sobre los Ultimos Hallazgos Epigr†ficos en Barcelona. Cuadernos de Arquelogia e Historia de la Ciudad 7, 9-30. (SO7 092) [OFFPRINT] 3101. Seston,M William (1953): La ÆBasiliqueØ de Träves dans la Tradition LittÇraire. In: Memorial du Voyage en RhÇnanie de la SociÇtÇ Nationale des Antiquiires de France. (: ),, 211-216. (SO20 054) Syme Collection DB page 264 [INCOMPLETE; GERMANIA; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3467. Seston,M William ([1954?]): Le Clipeus Virtutis d'Arles et la Composition des Res Gestae Divi Augusti. CRAI, 286-297. (SO22 106) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3398. Seston,M William (1978): La Lex Iulia de 90 av. J.-C. et l'IntÇgration des Italiens dans la CitoyennetÇ Romaine. CRAI, 529-542. (SO22 039) [ITALY; OFFPRINT] 4875. Seston,W (1937): Recherches sur la Chronologie du Rägne de Constantin le Grand. REA 39,3, 197-218. (SO35 064) [CHRONOLOGY; CONSTANTINE; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4862. Seston,William (1950): Jovius et Herculius ou l'ØêpiphanieÆ des TÇtrarques. Historia 1,2, 257-266. (SO35 051) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PAGANISM] 5708. Seston,William (1950): Germanicus HÇros Fondateur. PP fasc. 14, 171-181. (SO16 166) [GERMANICUS; MAGISTRATES; OFFPRINT] 5709. Seston,William (1950): La Table de Bronze de Magliano et la RÇforme êlectorale d'Auguste. CRAI, 105-111. (SO16 167) [AUGUSTUS; EPIGRAPHY; MAGISTRATES; OFFPRINT] 4465. Seston,W (1962): Le DÇcret de Digne et la Fin de l'Autonomie Municipale en Occident. REA 64,3-4, 314-325. (S031 025) [EPIGRAPHY; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 5710. Seston,William (1952): Les Chevalliers Romains et le ÆIustitiumØ de Germanicus. Revue Historique de Droit Franáais et êtranger 29 (4th ser.), 159-177. (SO16 168) [EQUITES; GERMANICUS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 3176. Seston,W ([c1966]): Marius Maximus et la date de la Æ Constitutio Antoniniana Ø. In: MÇlanges Carcopino. (: ) Hachette, Paris, 877-888. (SO21 002) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 4818. Seston,William (1955): Du Comitatus de DioclÇtian aux Comitatenses de Constantin. Historia 4,2-3, 284-296. (SO35 010) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 1430. Seston,W (1967): Des ÆPortesØ de Thugga Ö la ÆConstitutionØ de Carthage. Revue Historique 482 (fasc.), 277-294. (SO7 122) [OFFPRINT] 3179. Seston,William (1966): Sur les Traces de Marius Maximus I. Marius Maximus et les Consuls de 229. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1964/1965. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 3.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 211-219. (SO21 005) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 5711. Seston,W (1970): La Citoyennete Romaine. In: XIIIe Congräs International des Sciences Historiques. Moscou, 16-23 Aoñt 1970. (: ) Editions ÆNaoukaØ, Moscou, 1-18. (SO16 169) [CITIZENSHIP; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 4184. Seston,W (1973): La Carriäre de T. Flavius Piso, PrÇfet d'êgypte. Chronique d'êgypte 48 (no. 95), 152-156. (SO27 067) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4528. Seston,W; Euzennat,M (1972): Un Dossier de la Chancellerie Romaine: La Tabula Banasitana. êtude de Diplomatique. CRAI (July-Oct.), 468-490. (SO32 021) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1692. Seston,William (1973 [1971]): Remarques Prosopographiques Autour de la Tabula Banasitana. BCTH 7 (new series), 323331. (SO10 080) <<journal year is 1971>> [OFFPRINT] 4914. Seston,William (??): A Propos de la Passio Marcelli Centurionis. remarques sur les Origines de la PersÇcution de DioclÇtien. In: Aus Sources de la Tradition ChrÇtienne. MÇlanges Offerts Ö M. Maurice Goguel. (: ) (Bibliothäque ThÇologique.) Delachaux et NiestlÇ, NeuchÉtel; Paris, 239-246. (SO35 102) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; MARTYRS; OFFPRINT] 3594. Setton,Kenneth M (1969): Pope Leo X and the Turkish Peril. [Penrose Memorial Syme Collection DB page 265 Lecture 1969]. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 113,6, 357-424. (SO23 013) <<text of Penrose Memorial Lecture (April 24, 1969)>> [OFFPRINT; OTTOMAN EMPIRE; PAPACY] 4091. Sevcenko,Ihor (1971): The Date and Author of the So-Called Fragments of Toparcha Gothicus. Association Internationale des êtudes Byzantines. Bulletin d'Information et de Coordination 5, 71-95. (SO26 130) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4629. Seyfarth,Wolfgang (1957): Potitus Rerum Omnium. Ein Beitrag zur Deutung der RGDA, Kapitel 34. Philologus 101,3-4, 305323. (SO33 009) [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5036. Seyfarth,Wolfgang (1962): Sallusts Briefe an Caesar. Versuch eines Beweises ihrer Echteit im Hinblick zuf die WiedersprÅchlichkeit der Gesellschaft ihrer Zeit. Klio 40, 128-141. (SO36B 009) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 4395. Seyrig,H (1954): AntiquitÇs Syriennes: 55. Le Grand Pràte de Dionysos Ö Byblos. 56. êres PompÇiennes des Villes de PhÇnicie. 57. Questions HÇliopolitaines. Syria 1954,1-2, 6898. (SO30 018) [OFFPRINT; SYRIA] 886. Shackleton,Robert (1975): SaintSimon et Montesquieu. Cahiers Saint-Simon 3, 21-25. (SO5 130) [OFFPRINT] 5687. Shackleton,Robert (1976): The Impact of French Literature on Gibbon. Daedalus. Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 105,3, 37-48. (SO16 146) [GIBBON; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2768. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1956): Expectatio Corfiniensis. JRS 46, 57-64. (SO16 064) [OFFPRINT] 120. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1960): The Roman Nobility in the Second Civil War. CQ 10,2 (new series, vol. 54 of continuous series), 253-267. (SO1A 139; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2767. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1960): The Credentials of L. Caesar and L. Roscius. JRS 50, 80-83. (SO16 063) [OFFPRINT] 73. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1973): Mumpsimus-Sumpsimus. Ciceroniana 1 (n.s.)(Atti del Colloquium Tullianum. RomaArpino, 30 sett.- 2 Ott. 1972), 3-9. (SO1A 086; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2618. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1977): Brothers or Cousins? AJAH 2, 148-150. (SO17 038) [OFFPRINT] 2989. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1978): Corrections and Explanations of Martial. Classical Philology 73,4, 273-296. (SO19 006) [LATIN LITERATURE; MARTIAL; OFFPRINT] 52. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1979): On Cicero's Speeches. HSCP 77, 1-21. (SO1A 057; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 122. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1979): L. Annaei Senecae "Dialogorum" Libri Duedecim. Recognovit Brevique Adnotatione Critica Instruxit L.D.Reynolds. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. Classical Philology 74,1, 76-78. (SO1A 141; OLIS) [BOOK REVIEW] 2218. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1980): Textual Notes on Justin (Trogus). Phoenix 34,3, 227236. (SO14 027) [OFFPRINT] 76. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1982): Who is Junia? AJAH 7,1, 40-41. (SO1A 089; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 116. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1982): Notes on Cicero's Phillipics. Philologus 126, 217226. (SO1A 134; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 1229. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1982): Notes on Tacitus' Opuscula. 77, 255-258. (SO6 076) [OFFPRINT] 74. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1983): Cicero and Early Latin Poetry. Illinois Classical Studies 8,2, 239-249. (SO1A 088; OLIS) Syme Collection DB page 266 [CICERO; OFFPRINT; POETRY- LATIN] 75. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1983): Bothers or Cousins? AJAH 8,2, 191. (SO1A 087; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2905. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1983): M.Tulli Ciceronis Scripta quae Manserunt Omnia. Fasc. 28: In M. Antonium Orationes Philippicae XIV. Edidit Paulus Fedeli. Leipzig: BSB Teubner 1982. (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teuberniana. Gnomon, 544-545. (SO18 093) [BOOK REVIEW] 4044. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1983): Notes on the Historia Augusta. Eranos 81, 117-130. (SO26 087) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2920. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1985): Vindiciae Horatianae. HSCP 89, 153-170. (SO18 108) [OFFPRINT] 2921. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1985): More on Cicero's Speeches (Post Reditum). HSCP 89, 141-151. (SO18 109) [OFFPRINT] 2021. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1986): Systems and Bits of Systems. [Review of Elizabeth Rawson. Intellectual Life in the Late Roman Republic. Duckworth n.d]. Times Literary Supplement June 1986, ? (SO12 063) [BOOK REVIEW] 2857. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1986): Tu Marcellus Eris. HSCP 90, 199-205. (SO18 046) [OFFPRINT] 1994. Shackleton Bailey,DR (1987): Rudolf Fehrle. Cato Uticensis. Impulse der Forschung, 43. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1983. The Classical World 80, 216. (SO12 036) [BOOK REVIEW; CATO UTICENSIS] 2824. Shackleton Bailey,DR (19??): Nobiles and Novi Reconsidered. AJPh, 255-260. (SO18 013) [OFFPRINT] 4701. Shackleton Bailey,DR (??): Notes on Suetonius., 316-318. (SO33 077) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; SUETONIUS] 72. Shackleton Bailey,David R (1977): The Grievance of L. Domitius Ahenobarbus. Illinois Classical Studies 2, 223-228. (SO1A 085; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 2904. Shackleton Bailey,David R (1984): Luciano Perelli. Il Movimento Populare nell'Ultimo Secolo della Repubblica. Il Pensiero Antico- Studi e Testi II. Torino: Paravia, 1982. The Classical World 77,4, 255256. (SO18 092) [BOOK REVIEW] 3699. Shackleton Bailey,David R (1987): Tacitea. In: Filologia e Forme Letterarie : Studi Offerti a Francesco Della Corte. Vol. 4. (Eds: Boldrini,Sandro; Della Corte,Francesco) UniversitÖ degli Studi di Urbino, [Urbino], 6168. (SO24 014) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 390. Shanzer,DR (1983): `Me Quoque Excellentior': Boethius, De Consolatione 4.6.38. CQ 33,1, 277-283. (SO4 177) [OFFPRINT] 336. Shanzer,Danuta (1982): William Harris Stahl, Richard Johnson, with E.L.Burge, Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts. Vol 1: The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella: Latin Traditions in the Mathematical Sciences 50 B.C.-1150 A.D. With a Study of the Allegory and the Verbal Disciplines. Vol. 2: The Marriage of Philology and Mercury. New York: Columbia Univ. Press 1971. 1977. BeitrÑge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur 104,1, 110-117. (SO4 117) [BOOK REVIEW] 2942. Shanzer,Danuta (1983): Ennodius, Boethius and the Date and Interpretation of Maximianus's Elegia III. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 111, fasc. 2, 183-195. (SO18 129) [BIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SATIRE] 2892. Shanzer,Danuta R (1983): How Long was Alan of Lille's `Anticlaudianus'? Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch. Internationale Zeitschrift fÅr MediÑvistik 18, 233-237. (SO18 081) [OFFPRINT] 2092. Shatzman,Israel (1983): The Beginning of the Roman Defensive System in Judaea. AJAH 8,2, 131-160. (SO12 133) [OFFPRINT] 993. Sheldon,J (1979): Greek Papyri from Roman Egypt. Edited by Willian M. Brashear. Syme Collection DB page 267 Berlin: Staatliche Museen Preu·ischer Kulturbesitz 1976. (BGU XIII 2211-2366; égyptische Urkunden aus d. Staatl. Museen Berlin. Griechische Urkunden. 13). Gnomon 39, 609-610. (SO3 031) [BOOK REVIEW; EGYPT; PAPYRI] [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 2560. Sherwin-White,AN (1957): Caesar as an Imperialist. Greece & Rome 4,1 (2nd series), 36-45. (SO16 043) [OFFPRINT] 1626. Sherk,RK (1951): The Legates of Galatia from Augustus to Diocletian. The John Hopkins Press, Baltimore. 116 pages. (John Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science 69,2) (SO10 023) [MONOGRAPH] 3711. Sherwin-White,AN (1959): R. Syme, Tacitus. Vols. I, II. Oxford : The Calrendon Press, 1958. JRS 49, 140-146. (SO24 026) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SYME] 1760. Sherk,Robert K (1955): The Inermes Provinciae of Asia Minor. AJPh 76,4, 400-413. (SO11 044) [OFFPRINT] 4844. Sherwin-White,AN (1964): Why Were the Early Christians Persecuted?- An Amendment. Past & Present 27, 23-33. (SO35 035) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 1761. Sherk,Robert K (1957): Roman Imperial Troops in Macedonia and Achaea. AJPh 78,1, 52-62. (SO11 045) [OFFPRINT] 5719. Sherk,Robert K (1966): The Text of the Senatus Consultum De Agro Pergameno. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 7,3, 361-369. (SO16 177) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PERGAMON- ANCIENT CITY; ROMAN LAW] 1632. Sherk,Robert K (1980): Roman Galatia: The Governors from 25 B.C. to A.D. 114. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 7,2. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 954-1052. (SO10 029) [OFFPRINT] 3439. Sherwin-White,AN (1939): Procurator Augusti. PBSR 15, 11-26. (SO22 078) [OFFPRINT] 1456. Sherwin-White,AN (1944): Geographical Factors in Roman Algeria. JRS 34,1-2, 1-10. (SO7 146) [OFFPRINT] 3400. Sherwin-White,AN (1949): Poena Legis Repetundarum. PBSR 17 (n.s, vol. 4), 525. (SO22 041) [OFFPRINT] 4842. Sherwin-White,AN (1952): The Early Persecutions and Roman Law Again. Journal of Theological Studies 3,2 (n.s.), 199-213. (SO35 033) 768. Sherwin-White,AN (1972): Philo and Avillius Flaccus. Latomus 31,3, 820-828. (SO2 100) [OFFPRINT] 5104. Shimron,B (1967): Caesar's Place in Sallust's Political Theory. Athenaeum 45,3-4, 335-345. (SO36D 018) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; SALLUST] 3958. Shimron,B (1974): Nabis. Aemulus Lycurgi. Scripta Classica Israelica 1, 40-46. (SO26 001) [OFFPRINT; SPARTA] 5020. Shimron,B (1974): Ciceronian Historiography. Latomus 33,2, 232-244. (SO36A 019) [CICERO; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5723. Shimron,B (c1980): Polybius on Rome: A Reexamination of the Evidence. Scripta Classica Israelica 5 (1979/80), 94-117. (SO16 181) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 4724. Siber,Heinrich (1933): Zur Entwicklung der Rîmischen Prinzipatverfassung. Abhandlungen der Philologisch-Historischen Klasse der SÑchsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 42,3, 53pp. (SO33 099) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 724. Simon,Erika (1982): The Kurashiki Ninagawa Museum. Removed. (SO2) <<Dustjacket of volume with photograph of marble bust of the divine Augustus and his priestess Antonia Minor>> Syme Collection DB page 268 2001. Simon,Erika (1985): Virtus und Pietas. Zu den Friesen A und B von der Cancelleria. Jahrbuch des Deutschen ArchÑologischen Instituts 100, 543-555. (SO12 043) [OFFPRINT] 5075. Skard,Eiliv (1964): Zur Sprachlichen Entwicklung des Sallust. Symbolae Osloenses 39, 13-37. (SO36C 023) [OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5129. Skard,Eiliv (1965): Sallust, Cat. 20, 23. Symbolae Osloenses 40, 49-52. (SO36E 008) [OFFPRINT; SALLUST; SYME; TEXTUAL CRITICISM] 5702. Skard,Eiliv (1972): Sallust. Geschichtsdenker oder Parteipublizist. Symbolae Osloenses 47, 70-78. (SO16 161) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3481. Skutsch,Otto (1953): The Annals of Quintus Ennius. An Inaugural Lecture Delivered at University College London 29 November 1951. (SO22 119) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 5354. Slusanski,Dan (1969): Tacitus, Dialogus De Oratoribus, 33,3. Studii Clasice 11, 225-227. (SO38B 005) [DE ORATORIBUS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4540. Smallwood,E Mary (1968): Consules Suffecti of A.D. 55. Historia 17,3, 384. (SO32 034) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5340. Smiraglia,Pasquale (1955): Il Dialogus De Oratoribus: Cronologia e Rapporti con l'Insegnamento di Quintiliano. Annali della FacoltÖ di Lettere e Filosofia dell'UniversitÖ di Napoli 5, 1-31. (SO38A 028) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5203. Smith,KF (1918): The Poet Ovid. Studies in Philology 15,4, 307-342. (SO37A 022) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; OVID] 2077. Smith,Morton (1956): Palestinian Judaism in the First Century. In: Israel: Its Role in Civilisation. (Ed: Davis,Moshe) Seminary Israel Institute, New York, 67-81. (SO12 118) [OFFPRINT] 2088. Smith,Morton (1958): The Image of God: Notes on the Hellenization of Judaism, with Especial Reference to Goodenough's Work on Jewish Symbols. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 40,2, 473-512. (SO12 129) [OFFPRINT] 3591. Smith,Morton (1969): The Present State of Old Testament Studies. Journal of Biblical Literature 88,1, 19-35. (SO23 010) [OFFPRINT] 1924. Smith,Morton (1971): Prolegomena to a Discussion of Aretalogies, Divine Men, The Gospels and Jesus. Journal of Biblical Literature 90,2, 174-199. (SO11 205) [OFFPRINT] 3366. Smith,RE (1951): The Law of Libel at Rome. CQ 1, 3-4 (n.s.), 169-179. (SO22 007) [OFFPRINT] 3403. Smith,RE (1951): Roman Literature after the Gracchi. Greece & Rome 20 (no. 60), 123-136. (SO22 044) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3386. Smith,RE (1960): Pompey's Conduct in 80 and 77 B.C. Phoenix 14,1, 1-13. (SO22 027) [OFFPRINT] 1305. Smith,RE (1979): Dux, Praepositus. ZPE 36, 263-278. (SO6 152) [OFFPRINT] 5268. Snell,Bruno (1935): Primum Facinus Novi Principatus. Hermes 70,3, 350-356. (SO37C 027) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1840. Soffredi,Adriana ed; Susini,Giancarlo ed (1965): Acta Epigraphica II (1965). Epigraphica, 171-201. (SO11 123) [OFFPRINT] 2121. Solin,H (1986): Ein Grabgedicht aus Formiae. ZPE 65, 61-64. (SO13 024) [OFFPRINT] 2177. Solin,Heikki (1974): Analecta Epigraphica. XV. Zu Einer Namenliste aus étolien. Arctos 8, 145-171. (SO13 077) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 269 2188. Solin,Heikki (1980): Varia Onomastica IV. Gibt Es Einen Frauennamen Roma. ZPE 39, 249-254. (SO13 089) [OFFPRINT] 2179. Solin,Heikki (1981): Un Epigramma della Domus Aurea. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 109, fasc. 3, 268-271. (SO13 080) [OFFPRINT] 2180. Solin,Heikki (1981): Zu Lukanischen Inschriften. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki. (series: Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum; 69) (SO13 081) [MONOGRAPH] 2181. Solin,Heikki (1981): Regio I- Latium et Campania Ferentinum (Ferentino- I.G.M. 151, II. SO). Supplementa Italica 1 (new series), 23-68. (SO13 082) [OFFPRINT] 2182. Solin,Heikki (1981): Latin Inscriptions in the Kelsey Museum. The Dennison Collection. Edited by Martha Welborn Baldwin and Mario Torelli. The University of Michigan. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Studies 4, Ann Arbor 1979. Arctos 15, 149-154. (SO13 083) [BOOK REVIEW] 2187. Solin,Heikki (1981): Germanicus in Patrai. ZPE 41, 207-208. (SO13 088) [OFFPRINT] 2173. Solin,Heikki (1982): Analecta Epigraphica. LXXIX. Der Neue Index Cognominum CIL VI. Arctos 16, 165-222. (SO13 073) [OFFPRINT] [OFFPRINT] 2186. Solin,Heikki (1983): Varia Onomastica V. [Kleiklos]. ZPE 51, 180-182. (SO13 087) [OFFPRINT] 2190. Solin,Heikki (1983): Lucani e Romani nella Valle del Tanagro. In: Les ÆBourgeoisiesØ Municipales Italiannes aux IIe et Ier Siäcles av. J.-C. (: ),, 411-414. (SO13 091) [OFFPRINT] 2097. Solin,Heikki (1984): Analecta Epigraphica. LXXXVI. Zu Minturnensischen Inschriften. Arctos 18, 113-148. (SO13 001) [OFFPRINT] 2175. Solin,Heikki (1984): Piirtokirjoitukset ja Rooman Historia. Academia Scientarum Fennica Vuosikirja 1983-1984, 195-206. (SO13 075) <<in Finnish, English summary pg 205206>> [OFFPRINT] 2099. Solin,Heikki (1985): Analecta Epigraphica. XCIV. Zu Inschriften aus Capua. Arctos 119, 155-216. (SO13 003) [OFFPRINT] 2596. Solin,Heikki (1986): Senatorisches. ZPE 66, 177-180. (SO17 015) [OFFPRINT] 2606. Solin,Heikki (1986): Cv. Weitere Bemerkungen zu Inschriften von Capua. Arctos 20, 153-169. (SO17 026) [OFFPRINT] 2174. Solin,Heikki (1982): Borghesi e Ferentino. Epigraphica 44, 123-129. (SO13 074) [OFFPRINT] 2843. Solin,Heikki (1986): Epigrafia. In: Enciclopedia Virgiliana. Vol. 2. (: ) Istituti della Enciclopedia Virgiliana, Roma, 332-340. (SO18 032) [OFFPRINT] 2183. Solin,Heikki (1982): BeitrÑge zur Namengebung der Senatoren. Tituli 4, 411432. (SO13 084) [OFFPRINT] 2189. Solin,Heikki (19??): Le Iscrizioni Parietali. In: Pompei 79. (Ed: Zevi,Fausto) Gaetano Macchiaroli Editore, Napoli, 278-288. (SO13 090) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2184. Solin,Heikki (1982): I Consoli dell'Anno 263. Tituli 4, 527-528. (SO13 085) [OFFPRINT] 5715. Solin,Heikki (??): Obbligo o LibertÖ? Sull'Onomastica dell'Aristocrazia Romana. Opuscula. Instituti Romani Finlandiae 3, 6980. (SO16 173) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2172. Solin,Heikki (1983): Analecta Epigraphica. LXXX. Nachlese zum Index Cognominum con CIL VI. Arctos 17, 87-108. (SO13 072) Syme Collection DB page 270 3617. Sordi,M (1966): Saumagne Ch., Le Droit Latin et les CitÇs Romaines dans l'Empire. Esseis Critiques. [Publications de l'Inst. de Droit Romain de l'Univ. de Paris, 22] (Paris, Sirey, 1965). Iura. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico 17, 366-370. (SO23 036) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] [BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY; SPAIN; TARACCO-ANCIENT SITE] 3003. Sordi,Marta (1965): Alessandro e i Romani. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 99, 435-452. (SO19 020) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5705. Speidel,Michael P (1980): Lixa of the Third Thracian in Syria. A New Inscription. ZPE 38, 146-148. (SO16 163) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; SYRIA] 3504. Sordi,Marta (1965): I Rapporti fra Roma e Tibur nel IV Sec. A.C. SocietÖ Tiburtina di Storia e d'Arte. Atti e Memorie 38, 5-10. (SO22 142) [OFFPRINT] 5644. Speidel,Michael P (1982): Auxiliary Units Named after Their Commanders: Four New Cases from Egypt. Aegyptus 62,1-2, 165172. (SO16 106) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN ARMY] 3568. Sordi,Marta (1965): Sulla Cronologia Liviana del IV Secolo. Helikon 5,1, 3-44. (SO22 208) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3505. Sordi,Marta (1966): L'Excursus sulla Colonizzazione Romana in Velleio e le Guerre Sannitiche. Helikon 6,3-4, 627-638. (SO22 143) [COLONISATION; OFFPRINT] 5717. Sordi,Marta (1972): L'Arruolamento dei Capite Censi nel Pensiero e nell'Azione Politica di Mario. Athenaeum 50,3-4 (n.s.), 379-385. (SO16 175) [CENSUS; MARIUS; OFFPRINT; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 5713. Spadaccini,Roberto (1936): Una Vittima Minore dell'Eruzione Vesuviana del 79 D.C.: Retina. Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 2,1, 124. (SO16 171) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; VESUVIUS] 5727. Spano,Giuseppe (1911): Il Kibotion Lithinon dell'Equus Maximus Domitiani. In: Symbolae Litterariae in Honorem Julii De Petra. (: ) Stab. Tip. Luigi Pierro & Figlio, Napoli, 34pp. (SO16 185) [DOMITIAN; FESTSCHRIFT; MONUMENTS; OFFPRINT; SCULPTURE] 1336. Speidel,MP (1978): Geza Alfîldy: Die Rîmischen Inschriften von Tarraco. Berlin: de Gruyter 1975.(Madrider Forschungen. 10). Gnomon 50, 85. (SO7 028) 2026. Speidel,MP (1985): Valerius Valerianus in Charge of Septimius Severus' Mesopotamian Campaign. Classical Philology 80,4, 321-326. (SO12 068) [OFFPRINT] 5722. Speidel,Michael P (1982): Augustus' Deployment of the Legions in Egypt. Chronique d'êgypte 57, no. 113, 120-124. (SO16 180) [AUGUSTUS; EGYPT; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 5724. Speidel,Michael P (1983): Exploratores. Mobile Elite Units of Roman Germany. Epigraphische Studien 13, 63-78. (SO16 182) [GERMANY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 5725. Speidel,Michael P (1983): The Centurions' Titles. Epigraphische Studien 13, 43-61. (SO16 183) [CENTURIONS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 2025. Speidel,Michael P (1985): Domo Hispanus. Geri¢n 3, 347-348. (SO12 067) [OFFPRINT] 5301. Spengel,A (1903): Geschichte des Kaisers Tiberius. Kgl. Bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichten der Philos.-Philol. und der Histor. Classe. 1903,1, 63pp. (SO37D 018) [OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS] 772. Speyer,W (1950-): FÑlschung,Literarische. In: Reallexikon fÅr Antike und Christentum. (Ed: Klauser,Theodor) Anton Hiersemann, Stuttgart, 236-278. (SO5 004) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 271 817. Speyer,W (c1966): Religiîse Pseudepigraphie unf Literarische FÑlschung in Altertum. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 8/9 (1965/1966), 88-125. (SO5 055) [OFFPRINT] 812. Speyer,W (1968/1969): Angebliche öbersetzungen. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 11/12, 26-41. (SO5 048) [OFFPRINT] 808. Speyer,W (1970): BÅcher Vernichtung. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 13, 123-152. (SO5 044) [OFFPRINT] 1080. Spitzelberger,Georg (1978): Die Rîmischen Amphorenstempel von Bregenz, Zum Exporthandel SÅdspaniens im 1. und 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Jahrbuch des Vorarlberger Landesmuseumsvereins 1976/1977, 157-184. (SO3 120) [OFFPRINT] 5257. Spuler,B (1958): Der Pannonische Aufstand des Jahres 14 n.chr. und der Regierungsantritt des Tiberius. Historia 7,3, 378-384. (SO37C 016) [OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS] 1502. Stade,Kurt (1929): David Moore Robinson: Greek and Latin Inscriptions from Asia Minor. SA. aus Transactions of the American Philological Association 57 1926. Gnomon 5,1, 51-54. (SO9 041) [ASIA MINOR; BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY] 5144. Stade,Kurt (1932): Ernst Kornemann: Neue Dokumente zum Lakonischen Kaiserkult. Breslau: M. & H. Marcus 1929. (Abh. der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fÅr VaterlÑndische Cultur. Geisteswissenschaftl. Reihe 1). Gnomon 8,4, 195-201. (SO36F 007) [AUGUSTUS; IMPERIAL CULT; OFFPRINT] 777. Stade,Kurt (1954): Santo Mazzarino, Aspetti Sociali del Quarto Secolo. Ricerche di Storia Tardo-Romana. Rom, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 1951. ZRG Rom. Abt. 84, 456464. (SO5 010) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 2716. Stadter,Philip A (1972): The Structure of Livy's History. Historia 21, 2, 287-307. (SO17 135) [OFFPRINT] 1648. Stadter,Philip A (1981): Arrian's Extended Preface. Illinois Classical Studies 6,1, 157-171. (SO10 045) [OFFPRINT] 3710. Stafford,David AT (1977): SOE and the British Involvement in the Belgrade Coup d'êtat of March 1941. Slavic Review. American Quarterly of Soviet and East European Studies 36,3, 399-419. (SO24 025) [OFFPRINT] 2914. Stahl,Hass-Peter (1981): Aeneas- An `Unheroic Hero'. Arethusa 14,1, 157186. (SO18 103) [OFFPRINT] 573. Standon,GR (1975): Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus, and Commodus: 1962-1972. In: Aufstieg und Niedergand der Rîmischen Welt. Principat II, vol. 2. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 478-549. (SO2 004) [OFFPRINT] 3575. Stark,Rudolf (1953): Catos Rede De Lustri Sui Felicitate. RMfP 96,2, 184-187. (SO22 215) [OFFPRINT] 2458. Stark,Rudolf (1954): Ciceros Staatsdefinition. La Nouvelle Clio 60,1-2, 5669. (SO15 134) [OFFPRINT] 2417. Starr,Chester G (1952): The Perfect Democracy of the Roman Empire. AHR 58,1, 1-16. (SO15 105) [OFFPRINT] 2466. Starr,Chester G (1964): Hermann Bengtson with the Cooperation of Robert Werner. Die VertrÑge der GriechischRîmischen Welt von 700 bis 338 v. Chr. Munich and Berlin, C.H. Beck (Die StaatsvertrÑge des Altertums, II). AJPh 85,4, 451-453. (SO15 142) [OFFPRINT] 3476. Staveley,E Stuart (1953): Iudex Selectus. RMfP 96,2, 201-213. (SO22 114) [OFFPRINT] 3557. Staveley,E Stuart (1954): The Conduct of Elections during an Interregnum. Historia 3,2, 193-211. (SO22 198) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 272 3541. Staveley,E Stuart (1956): The Constitution of the Roman Republic 19401954. Historia 5,1, 74-122. (SO22 181) [OFFPRINT; REVIEW ARTICLE] 3581. Staveley,E Stuart (1959): The Political Aims of Appius Claudius Caecus. Historia 8,4, 410-433. (SO22 220) [OFFPRINT] 3556. Stavely,E Stuart (1963): The Fasces and Imperium Maius. Historia 12,4, 458-484. (SO22 197) [OFFPRINT] 5281. Stein,Arthur (c1904): Die Protokolle des Rîmischen Senates und ihre Bedeutung als Geschichtsquelle fÅr Tacitus. Jahresbericht der I. Deutschen Staatsrealschule in Prag 43, 5-33. (SO37C 040) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4549. Stein,Arthur (1933): Balbillus. Aegyptus 13,1, 123-136. (SO32 043) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4550. Stein,Arthur (1933): Nachtrag zu Balbillus. Aegyptus 13,1, 136-137. (SO32 043) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5170. Stein,Arthur (1935): Zwei Neue Schriften Åber M. Agrippa. reviews of: Meyer Rheinhold, Marcus Agrippa. A Biography. New York 1933; Rudolf Daniel, M. Vispannius Agrippa. Eine Monographie. Diss. Breslau 1933. Klio 28,1-2, 189-192. (SO36F 033) [AGRIPPA; AUGUSTUS; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4779. Stein,Arthur (1936): Tenagino Probus. Ein Beitrag zur GlaubwÅrdigkeit der Historia Augusta. Klio, 237-242. (SO34 037) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; HISTORIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 1841. Stein,Arthur (19??): Rîmische Inschriften in der Antiken Literatur I., . 39 pages. (SO11 124) <<date and publisher unknown/ may a journal offprint along with SO11 125>> [INCOMPLETE; MONOGRAPH] 1842. Stein,Arthur (19??): Rîmische Inschriften in der Antiken Literatur II., . 50 pages. (SO11 125) <<date and publisher unknown/ may be a journal offprint along with SO11 124 (pages have been renumbered from another sequence)>> [MONOGRAPH] 5688. Stein,Arthur (??): Zum Rîmischen Ritterstand. AJPh 67,4, 361-362. (SO16 148) [EQUITES; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5621. Stein,Aurel (1938): An Archaeological Journey in Western Iran. Geographical Journal 92,4, 313-342. (SO43 001) [ANATOLICA; ANTIQUITIES; IRAN; OFFPRINT] 5637. Stein,Aurel (1938): Note on Remains of the Roman Limes in North-Western 'Iraq. Geographical Journal 92,1, 62-66. (SO43 017) [FRONTIERS; MESOPOTAMIA; OFFPRINT] 1516. Stein,Sir Aurel (1938): Notes on the Remains of the Roman Limes in NorthWestern `Iraq. Geographical Journal 92,1, 6266. (SO9 052) [OFFPRINT] 1520. Stein,Sir Aurel (1940): Surveys on the Roman Frontier in `Iraq and Trans-Jordan. Geographical Journal 95,6, 428-438. (SO9 057) [OFFPRINT] 4800. Stein,Arthur (1938): [Epanorthotees]. Aegyptus 18,3-4, 234-243. (SO34 058) <<[transliterated from Greek]>> [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1494. Stein,Sir Aurel (1941): The Ancient Trade Route past Hatra and its Roman Posts. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society October 1941, 299-316. (SO9 034) [OFFPRINT] 3803. Stein,Arthur (1942): Dacien nach dem Bruderkrieg im Hause des Severus. Anuarul Comisiunii Monumentelor Istorice Cluj-Sibiu 5, 3-10. (SO25 022) <<possibly repaginated from original>> 1521. Stein,Sir Aurel (1942): Notes on Alexander's Crossing of the Tigris and the battle of Arbela. Geographical Journal 100,4, 155-164. (SO9 058) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 273 816. Stern,M; Murray,Oswyn (1973): Hecataeus of Abdera and Theophrastus on Jews and Egyptians. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 59, 159-168. (SO5 054) [OFFPRINT] 2912. Stern,Menahem (1981): Judaea and Her Neighbors in the days of Alexander Jannaeus. The Jerusalem Cathedra, 22-46. (SO18 100) [JUDAEA; OFFPRINT] 4655. Stevens,CE (1938): The Terminal Date of Caesar's Command. AJPh 59,2, 169208. (SO33 034) [CAESAR; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1549. Stevens,CE (1951): The Will of Q. Veranius. The Classical Review 1,1 (n.s. Vol 65 of continuous series), 4-7. (SO9 084) [BRITANNIA; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 1550. Stevens,CE (1951): Claudius and the Orcades. The Classical Review 1,1 (n.s. Vol 65 of continuous series), 4-7. (SO9 084) [BRITANNIA; GEOGRAPHY, ANCIENT; OFFPRINT] 4653. Stevens,CE (1952): The ÆBellum GallicumØ as a Work of Propaganda. Latomus 11, 3-18, 165-179. (SO33 032) <<article in two parts in vol. 11>> [CAESAR; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 4654. Stevens,CE (1953): Britain and the Lex Pompeia Licinia. Latomus 12,1, 14-21. (SO33 033) [CAESAR; OFFPRINT; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5074. Stevens,CE (1963): The ÆPlottingØ of B.C. 66/65. Latomus 22,3, 397-435. (SO36C 022) [OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 701. Stewart,AF (1977): To Entertain an Emperor: Sperlonga, Laokoon and Tiberius at the Dinner-Table. JRS 67, 76-90. (SO2 153) [OFFPRINT] 3614. Stewart,Richard S (1958): Theodor Mommsen's History of Rome. Harvard Library Bulletin 12,2, 161-195. (SO23 033) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; MOMMSEN,THEODOR 1817-1903; OFFPRINT] 5258. Stewart,Zeph (1953): Sejanus, Gaetulicus, and Seneca. AJPh 74,1, 70-85. (SO37C 017) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SENECA] 4900. Stewart,Zeph (1964): Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, Vol. III. Monuments from Lycaonia, the Pisido-Phrygian Borderland, Aphrodias. Edited by Sir William M. Calder and J.M.R. Cormack. (Publications of the American Society for Archaeological Research in Asia Minor, Vol. VIII.) Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1962. Journal of Theological Studies 15 (n.s.), 388-392. (SO35 088) [ASIA MINOR; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1807. Stewart,Zeph (1966): Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety: Some Aspects of Religious Experience from Marcus Aurelius to Constantine. By E.R.Dodds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965. Journal of Theological Studies 17, 1 (new series), 160167. (SO11 090) [OFFPRINT] 4092. Stewart,Zeph (1971): BÅcherfunde in der Glaubenswerbung der Antike, mit einem Ausblick auf Mittelalter und Neuzeit. By Wolfgang Speyer. (Hypomnemata, 24.) Gîttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1970. Journal of Theological Studies 22,2 (n.s.), 589592. (SO26 131) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4792. Steyermann,EM (??): Programmes Politiques a l'êpoque de la Crise du IIIe Siäcle. 4,2, 1-19. (SO34 050) <<source:JWH>> [INCOMPLETE; ECONOMY; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 3991. Stiewe,Klaus (1976): Wahrheit und Rhetorik in Caesars Bellum Gallicum. WÅrzburger JahrbÅcher fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 2 (n.s.), 149-163. (SO26 034) [OFFPRINT] 2468. Stockton,David (1962): Cicero and the Ager Campanus. TPAPA 93, 471-489. (SO15 144) [OFFPRINT] 4516. Stockton,David (1965): Primus and Murena. Historia 14,1, 18-40. Syme Collection DB page 274 (SO32 009) <<pages bound in wrong order>> [OFFPRINT; ROMAN LAW] 5273. Stockton,David (??): Tacitus Annals XII 60: A Note., 116-120. (SO32C 032) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2813. Stone,Lawrence (1971): Prosopography. Daedalus. Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Winter 1971), 46-79. (SO18 002) <<Journal volume is entitled Historical Studies Today `Issued as Vol. 101. No. 1, of the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences'>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2534. Stone,Lawrence (1985): The Charles Homer Haskins Lecture: A Life of Learning. American Council of Learned Societies Newsletter 36,1-2, 3-22. (SO16) [OFFPRINT] 650. Strasburger,Hermann (1953): CÑsar im Urteil der Zeitgenossen. Historische Zeitschrift 175,2, 225-264. (S02 087) [OFFPRINT] 2225. Strasburger,Hermann (1966): Matthias Gelzer. Zu Seinem Achtzigsten Geburtstag. Forschungen und Fortschritte 40, 12, 381-382. (SO14 034) [OFFPRINT] 3381. Strasburger,Hermann (1966): Der `Scipionenkreis'. Hermes 94,1, 60-72. (SO22 022) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3530. Strasburger,Hermann (1968): Zur Sage der GrÅndung Roms. Sitzungberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 1968, 5, 43. (SO22 170) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5701. Strasburger,Hermann (1975): Matthias Gelzer. Gnomon 47, 817-824. (SO16 160) [GELZER, MATTHIAS; OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 2523. Strasburger,Hermann (1983): Livius Åber Caesar. In: Livius. Werke und Rezeption. Festschrift fÅr Erich Burck zum 80. Geburtstag. (Eds: Lefävre,Eckard; Olshausen,Eckart) C.H. Beck, MÅnchen, 265291. (SO16 008) [OFFPRINT] 2524. Strasburger,Hermann (1983): Virgil und Augustus. Gymnasium 90,1-2, 41-76. (SO16 008) [OFFPRINT] 319. Straub,J (1979): Des Christlichen Kaisers Secunda Maiestas. Zeitschrift fÅr Kirchengeschichte 2/3, 147-157. (SO4 098) [OFFPRINT] 2724. Straub,J (19??): Eugenius. In: Reallexikon fÅr Antike und Christentum. (Ed: Colpe,Carsten et al) Anton Hiersemann, Stuttgart, 860-878. (SO17 143) <<pg. nos refer to columns>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4348. Straub,Joannes (1978): Reichbewu·tsein und NationalgefÅhl in den Rîmischen Provinzen. Spanien und das Imperium Romanum in der Sicht des Florus. JRGZ 25, 173-195. (SO29 034) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 3257. Straub,Johannes (1963): Le Leggi di Severo Alessandro in Materia di Usuria. In: Atti del Coloquio Patavino sulla Historia Augusta. (: ) L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma, 11-20. (SO21 084) <<series: UniversitÖ degli Studi di Padova. Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Storia Antica vol. 4>> [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 3258. Straub,Johannes (1963): Il Precetto Aureo. In: Atti del Colloquio Patavino sulla Historia Augusta. (: ) L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma, 21-28. (SO21 085) <<series: UniversitÖ degli Studi di Padova. Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Storia Antica vol. 4>> [OFFPRINT] 5690. Straub,Johannes (1964): Pescennius Niger und die Luftsteuer. In: Studien zur Papyrologie und Antiken Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Friedrich Oertel zum Achtzigsten Geburtstag Gewidmet. (: ) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 175-182. (SO16 149) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT; PESCENNIUS NIGER] 5691. Straub,Johannes (1964): Marnas. In: Historia-Augusta-Colloquium Bonn 1963. (Ed: Alfîldi,A) (Antiquitas Reihe 4: BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta Forschung.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 165-170. (SO16 150) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 275 5692. Straub,Johannes (1964): Die Ultima Verba des Septimius Severus. In: HistoriaAugusta-Colloquium Bonn 1963. (Ed: Alfîldi,A) (Antiquitas Reihe 4: BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta Forschung.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 171-172. (SO16 151) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT; SEVERUS] 3181. Straub,Johannes (1966): Senaculum, Id Est Mulierum Senatus. In: Bonner HistoriaAugusta-Colloquium 1964/1965. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-Augusta-Forschung 3.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 221-240. (SO21 007) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 809. Straub,Johannes (1970): Divus Alexander. In: Kyriakon. Festschrift Johannes Quasten. (Eds: Granfield,Patrick; Jungmann,Josef A) Verlag Aschendorff, MÅnster Westf., 461-473. (SO5 045) [OFFPRINT] 826. Straub,Johannes (1972): Iuppiter Consul. Chiron 2, 545-562. (SO5 064) [OFFPRINT] 807. Straub,Johannes (1974): Aurelian und die Axumiten. In: IV Congresso Internazionale di Studi Etiopici. Vol I (Sezione Storico). (: ) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 5573. (SO5 043) [OFFPRINT] 1642. Straub,Johannes (1975): Juristische Notizen in der Historia Augusta. In: Actes de la XIIe ConfÇrence Internationale d'êtudes Classiques. (: ) Editura Academiei; Adolf M. Hakkert, Bucuresti; Amsterdam, 383-401. (SO10 039) [OFFPRINT] 1232. Straub,Johannes (1980): Liberator Haud Dubie Germaniae. WÅrzburger JahrbÅcher fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 6a, 223-231. (SO6 079) <<(volume is festschrift for Hartmut Erbse)>> [FESTSCHRIFT] 783. Straub,Johannes (1984): Il Problema del Carattere Letterario della Storia Augusta. AFLM 17, 13-36. (SO5 018) [OFFPRINT] 1162. Straub,Johannes (1986): Germania Provincia. Reichsidee und Vertragspolitik im Urteil des Symmachus und der Historia Augusta. In: Symmaque. Colloque Genevois sur Symmaque Ö l'Occasion du Mille-SixCentiäme Anniversitaire du Conflit de l'Autel de la Victoire. (Eds: Paschoud,F; Ruetsche,Y; Fry,G) Les Belles Lettres, Paris, . (209-230) (SO6 008) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; SYMMACHUS] 2731. Straub,Johannes (19??): Ronald Syme, Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. Oxford, Clarendon Press 1968., 660-662. (SO17 149) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 1835. Straub,Johannes A (1967): Constantine as KOINO‰ E„I‰KO„O‰. Tradition and Innovation in the Representation of the First Christian Emperor's Majesty. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 21, 39-55. (SO11 118) [OFFPRINT] 5639. Stred,Maximilian (1917): Seleucia und Ktesiphon. Der Alte Orient 16,3/4, 64pp. (SO43 019) [ANATOLICA; KTESIPHON- ANCIENT CITY; OFFPRINT; PARTHIA; SELEUCIAANCIENT CITY] 1820. Stroheker,Karl Friedrich (1963): Spanische Senatoren der SpÑtromischen und Westgotischen Zeit. Madrider Mittleilungen 4, 107-132. (SO11 103) [OFFPRINT] 5714. Strong,Eugenia (1938): Testa d'Erma Bifronte Ritrovata ad Albano. Roma. Rivista de Studie e di Vita Romana (September 1938), 17. (SO16 172) [INCOMPLETE; HERCULES; OFFPRINT; ROMAN SCULPTURE] 3129. Strong,Eugenia (1939): La Legislazione Siciale di Augusto ed i Fregi del Recinto dell'Ara Pacis. Istituto di Studi Romani, Rome. 24 pages. (SO20 082) <<series: Quaderni di Studi Romani II>> [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 3174. Stroux,Johannes (1949): Eine Hafeninschrift von der KÅste des Pontus. Sitzungberichte der Deutchen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. (PhilosophischHistorische Klasse) 1949, 1, . [INCOMPLETE] 2347. Stuart Jones,H (1920): Fresh Light on Roman Bureaucracy. An Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on March 11, 1920. (SO15 035) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 276 2991. Sullivan,JP (1978): Ass's Ears and Attises: Persius and Nero. AJPh 99, 159-170. (SO19 008) [OFFPRINT; PERSIUS; SATIRE] 2879. Sullivan,JP (1979): Horace and Propertius- Another Literary Feud? Studii Clasice 18, 81-92. (SO18 068) [OFFPRINT] 1466. Sullivan,RD (1973): Diadochic Coinage in Commagene after Tigranes the Great. Numismatic Chronicle 13 (7th series), 18-39. (SO9 006) [ASIA MINOR; COMMAGENE-ANCIENT REGION; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 276. Sullivan,Richard D (1977): The Dynasty of Emesa. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 8. (Eds: Temporini,Hildegard; Hasse,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 198-219. (SO4 056) [OFFPRINT] 277. Sullivan,Richard D (1977): Papyri Reflecting the Eastern Dynastic Network. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 8. (Eds: Temporini,Hildegard; Hasse,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 908-938. (SO4 056) [OFFPRINT] 278. Sullivan,Richard D (1977): The Dynasty of Commagene. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. vol 8. (Eds: Temporini,Hildegard; Haase,Wolfgang) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 732-798. (SO4 057) [OFFPRINT] 275. Sullivan,Richard D (1978): Priesthoods of the Eastern Dynastic Aristocracy. In: Studien zur Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens. Festschrift Friedrich Karl Dîrner. (Eds: Sahin,Sencer; Schwertheim,Elmar; Wagner,Jîrg) E.J.Brill, Leiden, 914-939. (SO4 054) [OFFPRINT] 4693. Sumner,GV (1961): Curtius Rufus and the `Historiae Alexandri'. AUMLA 15, 30-39. (SO33 069) [CURTIUS RUFUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2457. Sumner,GV (1963): Lex Aelia, Lex Fufia. AJPh 84,4, 337-358. (SO15 133) [OFFPRINT] 5066. Sumner,GV (1963): The Last Journey of L. Sergius Catilina. Classical Philology 58,4, 215-219. (SO36C 014) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 1860. Sumner,GV (1965): A New Reading in the Fasti Triumphales Capitolini. Phoenix 19,1, 24-26. (SO11 143) [OFFPRINT] 2503. Sumner,GV (1965): Zu Augustin, De Civitate Dei I, Praef. Hermes 93,1, 133-136. (SO15 179) [OFFPRINT] 2656. Sumner,GV (1965): The Connections of L.Aelius Sejanus. Phoenix 19,2, 134-145. (SO17 075) [OFFPRINT] 5080. Sumner,GV (1965): The Consular Elections of 66 B.C. Phoenix 19,3, 226-231. (SO36C 028) [OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 2566. Sumner,GV (1966): Cicero,Pompeius, and Rullus. TPAPA 97, 569-582. (SO16 049) [OFFPRINT] 5718. Sumner,GV (1967): Augustus and the Greek World. By G.W. Bowersock. Oxford: Clarendon Press; Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1965. Phoenix 21,2 (2nd. ser.), 130135. (SO16 176) [AUGUSTUS; EASTERN EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 280. Sullivan,Richard D (?): King Marcus Antonius Polemo. Typed text of paper sent to R. Syme and accompanying notes SO4 059. (SO4 060) [REMOVED] 2649. Sumner,GV (1970): The Truth about Velleius Paterculus: Prolegomena. HSCP 74, 257-297. (SO17 069) <<printed date on offprint (1968) has been amended to 1970>> [OFFPRINT] 281. Sullivan,Richard D (?): King Marcus Antonius Polemo. Journal ?, ? (SO4 059) [REMOVED] 5720. Sumner,GV (1970): Proconsuls and Provinciae in Spain, 218/7-196/5 B.C. Arethusa 3,1, 85-102. (SO16 178) Syme Collection DB page 277 [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION; SPAIN] 5686. Sumner,GV (1976): The Career of Titus Vinius. Athenaeum 54, 430-436. (SO16 145) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; TACITUS] 2615. Sumner,GV (1977): The Pompeii in their Families. AJAH 2,1, 8-25. (SO17 035) [OFFPRINT] 3227. Sumner,GV (1978): The 'Piracy Law' from Delos and the Law of the Cnidos Inscription. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 19,3, 211-225. (SO21 054) [OFFPRINT] 3228. Sumner,GV (1978): Sulla's Career in the Nineties. Athenaeum 56, fasc. 3-4 (n.s.), 395-396. (SO21 055) [OFFPRINT] 5721. Suolahti,J (1954): The Origin of the Poet Catullus. Arctos 1 (n.s.)(Commentationes in Honorem Edwin Linkomies), 159-171. (SO16 179) [BIOGRAPHY; CATULLUS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN POETRY] 3973. Susini,Giancarlo (1962): La Dedica a Caio Mario nel Foro di Rimini. Studi Romagnoli 13, 1-16. (SO26 017) [OFFPRINT] 1733. Susini,Giancarlo (1965): Figulos Bonos. Studi Romagnoli 16, 3-9. (SO11 016) [OFFPRINT] 1732. Susini,Giancarlo (1966): Il Mathematicus Trierarchi e alcune Osservazioni sulla Flotta Ravennate in Levante. Studi Romagnoli 17, 219-228. (SO11 015) [OFFPRINT] 2278. Susini,Giancarlo (c1967): Origini di Ravenna Romana: Cicerone, pro Balbo, 22, 50. In: Corsi di Cultura sull'Arte Ravennate e Bizantina (Ravenna 1967). (: ) Stab. Grafico F.lli, Faenza, 361-365. (SO14 086) [OFFPRINT] 2597. Susini,Giancarlo (1984): Le Lapis de Polla. Academiae Analecta. Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgiâ 46,5, 103-110. (SO17 106) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1919. Suskin,AI (1936): The Date of Tacitus' Proconsulship. AJA 40,1, 71-72. (SO11 200) [OFFPRINT] 1393. Sutherland,CHV (1934): Aspects of Imperialism in Roman Spain. JRS 24,1, 21-42. (SO7 085) [OFFPRINT] 5228. Sutherland,CHV (1935): The State of the Imperial Treasury at the Death of Domitian. JRS 25, 150-162. (SO37B 0012) <<comments on artcicle by Syme in JRS 20>> [DOMITIAN; ECONOMICS; OFFPRINT] 5229. Sutherland,CHV (1938): Two `Virtues' of Tiberius: A Numismatic Contribution to the History of his Reign. JRS 28, 129-140. (SO37B 013) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS] 5150. Sutherland,CHV (1945): Aerarium and Fiscus during the Early Empire. AJPh 66,2, 151-170. (SO36F 013) [AUGUSTUS; ECONOMY; OFFPRINT] 5517. Svoboda,Bedrich (1968): Rîmerzeitliche SilbergefÑsse aus der Slowakei. In: Antiquitas Graeco-Romana ac Tempora Nostra. Acta Congressus Internationalis Habiti Brunae Diebus 12-16 Mensis Aprilis MCMLXVI. (: ) Academia, Pragae, 451-452. (SO41 020) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; SILVERWARE] 1096. Swan,PM (1987): Cassius Dio on Augustus: A Poverty of Annalistic Sources? Phoenix 41,3, 272-291. (SO3 139) [OFFPRINT] 3016. Swinton,TCW (1977): Horatian Echoes. Phoenix 31,2, 159-173. (SO19 033) [HORACE; LATIN LITERATURE; OFFPRINT] 2431. Swoboda,Erich (1953 or 1959): Michael Grant. Aspects of the Principate of Tiberius. Historical Comments on the Colonial Coinage Issued Outside Spain, New York; The American Numismatic Society, 1950. XBII. Anzeiger fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 6 or 12, 25-27. (SO15 113A) <<vol. VI 1959 written on offprint is incorrect>> [BOOK REVIEW] Syme Collection DB page 278 2430. Swoboda,Erich (1954): Zur Frage der Romanisierung. In: Festschrift Julius Franz SchÅtz. (Ed: Sutter,Berthold) Hermann Bîhlaus Nachf., Graz-Kîln, 224-234. (SO15 137) [OFFPRINT] 3449. Swoboda,Erich (1960): F.E.Adcock : Roman Political Ideas and Practise. Ann Arbor : Michigan UP, 1959 (Jerome Lecture. 6 ser.). Gnomon, 476-478. (SO22 088) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5485. Swoboda,Erich (1961): Der Pannonische Limes und sein Vorland. In: Carnuntum Jahrbuch 1959. (Ed: Swoboda,E) (Rîmische Forschungen in Niederîsterreich, beiheft 5.) Hermann Bîhlaus, Graz-Kîln, 17-30. (SO40 021) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 5486. Swoboda,Erich (1961): Der Pannonische Limes und sein Vorland. Rîmische Historische Mitteilungen 4 (1960/61), 11-22. (SO40 022) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 5033. Syme,R (1962): The Damaging Names in Pseudo-Sallust. Museum Helveticum 19,3, 177-179. (SO36B 008) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 1530. Syme,R (1983): Problems about Proconsuls of Asia. ZPE 53, 191-208. (SO9 065) [OFFPRINT] 1531. Syme,R (1983): The Proconsuls of Asia under Antononus Pius. ZPE 51, 271-290. (SO9 066) [OFFPRINT] 2644. Syme,Ronald (1932): Die Zahl der Praefecti Castrorum im Heere des Varus. Germania 16,2, 109-111. (SO17) <<transferred to main sequence of Syme offprints>> [OFFPRINT] 793. Syme,Ronald (1937): Pamphylia from Augustus to Vespasian. Klio 30,4, 1-16. (SO5 028) [OFFPRINT] 5501. Swoboda,Erich (1962): Andreas M¢csy: Die Bevîlkerung von Pannonien bis zu den Markomannenkriegen. Budapest: Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaft 1959. Gnomon 34, 387-393. (SO41 004) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 802. Syme,Ronald (1939): Province of Cilicia. In: Anatolian Studies Presented to William Hepburn Buckler. (Eds: Calder,William; Keil,J) (Publications of the University of Manchester, 265.) Manchester University Press, Manchester, 299-332. (SO5 038) [OFFPRINT] 2356. Swoboda,Erich (1963): Zur Frage der Romanisierung. AAWW 1963,7, 153-174. (SO15 044) [OFFPRINT] 1611. Syme,Ronald (1940): Roman Senators from Dalmatia. In: Serta Hoffileriana. (: ) Zagrabiae, Officina Typographica "Zaklada Tiskare Narodnih Novina", 225-232. (Commentationes Gratulatorias Victori Hoffiler Sexagenario Obtulerunt Collagae, Amici, Discipuli, A.D. XI Kal. Mar. MCMXXXVII) (SO10 008) [DALMATIA; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5210. Syme,R (1936): A. Hennemann: Der éussere und Innere Stil in Trajans Briefen. (Diss. Giessen). Leipzig: R. Noske, 1935. The Classical Review 50,5, 150-151. (SO37A 029) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PLINY; TRAJAN] 5065. Syme,R (1957): A Fragment of Sallust? Eranos 55, 171-174. (SO36C 013) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5034. Syme,R (1958): Pseudo-Sallust. Museum Helveticum 15,1, 46-55. (SO36B 006) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 2801. Syme,Ronald (1950): A Roman PostMortem. An Inquest on the Fall of the Roman Republic. Todd Memorial Lecture No. 3 (1950): Sydney, Australasian Medical Publishing Co. Ltd. (SO16 096) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 794. Syme,Ronald (1957): The Origin of the Veranii. CQ 7, 3-4 (n.s. vol 51 of whole series), 123-125. (SO5 029) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 279 1155. Syme,Ronald (1958): Colonial êlites. Rome, Spain and the America. Oxford University Press, London. 65 pages. (SO6 001) <<incomplete proof copy of book>> [REMOVED] 1645. Syme,Ronald (1970): Three Jurists. In: Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1968/1969. (Ed: Alfîldi,Andreas) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur Historia-AugustaForschung.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 309-323. (SO10 042) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2639. Syme,Ronald (1970): The Conquest of North-West Spain. In: Legio VII Gemina. (: ) EXCMA. Diputacion Provincial, Leon, 83-107. (SO17 059) <<published in association with the Catedra de San Isidoro/ Instituto Leones de Estudios Romano-Visigoticos. Volume constitues the acta of the International Colloquium of Romanists, 16-21 Sept. 1968, to mark the 19th centenary of the foundation of the city of Leon>> [OFFPRINT] 805. Syme,Ronald (1972): The Composition of the Historia Augusta: Recent Theories. JRS 62, 123-133. (SO5 041) [OFFPRINT] 949. Syme,Ronald (1972): The Son of the Emperor Macrinus. Phoenix 26,3, 275-291. (SO5 196) [OFFPRINT] 2620. Syme,Ronald (1980): The Sons of Crassus. Latomus 29,2, 403-408. (SO17 040) [OFFPRINT] 1464. Syme,Ronald (1982): The Career of Arrian. HSCP 86, 181-211. (SO9 005) [OFFPRINT] 1528. Syme,Ronald (1982): Clues to Testamentary Adoption. In: Epigrafica e Ordine Senatorio I. (: ) (Tituli, 4.) Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 397-410. (SO9 064) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2226. Syme,Ronald (1983): Hadrian and Antioch. In: Bonner Historia-AugustaColloquium 1979/1981. (Ed: Straub,J) (Antiquitas: Reihe 4. BeitrÑge zur HistoriaAugusta-Forschung 15.) Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 321-331. (SO14 035) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 970. Syme,Ronald (1984): P.Calvisius Ruso. One Person or Two? ZPE 56, 176-192. (SO3 012) [OFFPRINT] 1023. Syme,Ronald (1984): Statius on Rutilius Gallicus. Arctos 18, 149-159. (SO3 062) [OFFPRINT] 5453. Szemler,GJ (1974): The Dual Priests of the Republic. RMfP 117,1-2, 72-86. (SO39 034) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN RELIGION] 5518. Szil†gyi,J (1954): Les Variations des Centres de PrÇpondÇrance Militaire dans les Provinces Frontiäres dans l'Empire Romain. AAntHung 2, 117-223. (SO41 021) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 3934. Szil†gyi,M (1952): Roman Garrisons Stationed at the Northern Pannonian-Quad Frontier-Sectors of the Empire. AAntHung 2, 189-222. (SO25 150) <<article in English with Russian summary>> [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 1122. Szil†gyi,M (1984): Zu den Rangunterschieden Zwischen den Legionen der Prinzipatszeit- Die Zweilegionerlager im 1 JH. Annales. Universitatis Scientarum Budapestinensis. Sectio Classica 7 (1979), 87125. (SO3 169) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4338. Taboada,J (1955): Monterrey (Orense). Medeiros. Noticiario Arqueologico Hispanico 2,1-3, 61-72. (SO29 025) [OFFPRINT; SPAIN] 5116. Taeger,Fritz (1935): Werner Schur, Sallust als Historiker. Stuttgart 1934, Verlag W. Kohlhammer. Philologische Wochenschrift 1935, 15-16(20 April), 417-427. (SO36D 030) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; SALLUST; THESIS] 1282. Tafaro,Sebastiano (1976): Æ Fideiussor Iudicio Sistendi Causa Ø. Labeo 22,2, 232-252. (SO6 129) [OFFPRINT] 5648. Talbert,RJA (1980): Pliny the Younger as Governor of Bithynia-Pontus. In: Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. Vol. 2. Syme Collection DB page 280 (Ed: Deroux,C) (Collection Latomus, 168.) Latomus, Bruxelles, 412-435. (SO16 110) [OFFPRINT; PLINY THE YOUNGER; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 2345. Talbert,Richard JA (1984): Augustus and the Senate. Greece & Rome 31,1, 55-63. (SO15 033) [OFFPRINT] 1194. Tanner,RG (1969): Tacitus and the Principate. Greece & Rome 16,1 (2nd. ser.), 95-99. (SO6 041) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1537. Tarn,WW (1930): Seleucid-Parthian Studies. PBA 16, 3-33. (SO9 072) [OFFPRINT] 1509. Tarn,WW (1932): Titidates II and the Young Phraates. In: MÇlanges Glotz. Vol. 2. (: ) Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 831837. (SO9 047) [FESTSCHRIFT; PARTHIA-FOREIGN RELATIONS; ROME-FOREIGN RELATIONS] 1536. Tarn,WW (1933): Alexander the Great and the Unity of Mankind. PBA 19, 3-46. (SO9 071) <<text of the Raleigh Lecture on History>> [ALEXANDER THE GREAT; OFFPRINT] 1493. Taylor,Lily Ross (1933): Quirinius and the Census of Judaea. AJPh 54,2, 120-133. (SO9 033) [OFFPRINT] 3024. Taylor,Lily Ross (1934): Varro's De Gente Populi Romani. Classical Philology 29, 221-229. (SO19 041) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; VARRO] 4546. Taylor,Lily Ross (1936): The Publii Lucilii Gamamae of Ostia. AJPh 57,2, 183189. (SO32 040) [OFFPRINT; OSTIA; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2664. Taylor,Lily Ross (1937): Tiberius' Ovatio and the Ara Numinis Augusti. AJPh 58,2, 185-193. (SO17 083) [OFFPRINT] 4726. Taylor,Lily Ross (1944): Symbols of the Augurate on Coins of the Caecilii Metelli. AJA 44,4, 352-356. (SO33 101) [NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1874. Taylor,Lily Ross (1946): The Date of the Capitoline Fasti. Classical Philology 41,1, 1-9. (SO11 156) [OFFPRINT] 1872. Taylor,Lily Ross (1950): Degrassi's Edition of the Consular and Triumphal Fasti. Classical Philology 45,2, 84-95. (SO11 154) [BOOK REVIEW] 1914. Taylor,Lily Ross (1950): Annals of the Roman Consulship on the Arch of Augustus. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 94,6, 511-516. (SO11 195) [OFFPRINT] 2777. Taylor,Lily Ross (1950): The Date and Meaning of the Vettius Affair. Historia 1, 45-51. (SO16 074) [OFFPRINT] 1873. Taylor,Lily Ross (1951): New Indications of Augustan Editing in the Capitoline Fasti. Classical Philology 46,2, 7380. (SO11 155) [OFFPRINT] 2576. Taylor,Lily Ross (1951): On the Chronology of Caesar's First Consulship. AJPh 72,3, 254-268. (SO16 059) [OFFPRINT] 2464. Taylor,Lily Ross (1954): On the Date of Ad Atticum 2.24. CQ 4,3-4 (new series), 181-182. (SO15 140) [OFFPRINT] 3371. Taylor,Lily Ross (1955): Gaetano De Sanctis. Storia dei Romani. Volume IV : La Fondazione dell'Impero. Part II : Vita e Pensiero nell'EtÖ delle Grandi Conquiste, Tomo I. Firenze, "La Nuova Italia" 1953. AJPh 76,1, 86-89. (SO22 012) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4717. Taylor,Lily Ross (1956): Trefula Suffenas and the Plautii Silvani. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 24, 9-30. (SO33 092) [ITALY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2558. Taylor,Lily Ross (1957): The Rise of Julius Caesar. Greece & Rome 4,1 (2nd series), 10-18. (SO16 041) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 281 [OFFPRINT] 1880. Taylor,Lily Ross (1961): Freedmen and Freeborn in the Epitaphs of Imperial Rome. AJPh 82,2, 113-132. (SO11 162) [OFFPRINT] 3372. Taylor,Lily Ross (1962): Forerunners of the Gracchi. JRS 52, 19-27. (SO22 013) [OFFPRINT] 3383. Taylor,Lily Ross (1963): Was Tiberius Gracchus' Last Assembly Electoral of Legislative? Athenaeum 41, fasc. 1-2, 51-69. (SO22 024) [OFFPRINT] 5031. Taylor,Lily Ross (1964): D,.C. Earl. The Political Thought of Sallust. Cambridge University Press, 1961. (Cambridge Classical Studies); Pseudo-Salluste. Lettres Ö CÇsar, Invectives. Texte êtabli, Traduit et CommentÇ par A. Ernout. Paris, SociÇtÇ d'êition "Les Belles Lettres", 1962. (Collection des UniversitÇs de France). AJPh 85,1, 94-96. (SO36B 004) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; PSEUDOSALLUST] 1026. Teja,Ramon (1980): Die Rîmische Provinz Kappadokian in der Prinzipatskeit. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 7,2. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 10831124. (SO3 065) [OFFPRINT] 4907. Telfer,W (1950): Paul of Constantinople. Harvard Theological Review 43,1, 31-92. (SO35 095) [BIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 679. Temporini,Hildegard (Ed.) (197?): Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York. 39 pages. (SO2 130) [OFFPRINT] 3489. Taylor,Lily Ross (1966): Appian and Plutarch on Tiberius Gracchus' Last Assembly. Athenaeum 44, fasc. 3-4, 238-250. (SO22 127) [HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 5384. Tenney,MF (1932): Tacitus in the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance and in England to about the Year 1650. An Abstract of a Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, February, 1932. (SO38C 002) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS; THESIS] 2792. Taylor,Lily Ross (1968): The Dating of Major Legislation and Elections in Caesar's First Consulship. Historia 17,2, 173-193. (SO16 088) [OFFPRINT] 5322. Tenney,Mary F (1935): Tacitus Through the Centuries to the Age of Printing. University of Colorado Studies 22,4, 341-363. (SO38A 010) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2564. Taylor,Lily Ross (19??): Ceasar's Agrarian Legislation and his Municipal Policy., 68-78. (SO16 047) <<source and date unknown>> [OFFPRINT] 3163. Thomas,Benedict (1969): Praesides Provinciarum Africae. Proconsularis Numidiae Mauretaniarum qui Fuerint ab Augusti Aetate usque ad Diocletianum. Opuscula Romana 7,12, 163-211. (SO20 116) <<article in latin>> [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2791. Taylor,Lily Ross; Broughton,T Robert S (1968): The Order of the Consul's Names in Official Republican Lists. Historia 17,2, 166172. (SO16 087) [OFFPRINT] 1875. Taylor,Lily Ross; Holland,Louise Adams (1952): Janus and the Fasti. Classical Philology 47,3, 137-142. (SO11 157) [OFFPRINT] 4003. Taylor,Lily Ross; Scott,RT (1969): Seating Space in the Roman Senate and the Senatores Pedarii. TPAPA 100, 529-582. (SO26 046) 2894. Thomas,Richard F (1981): Cinna, Calvus, and the Ciris. CQ 31,2, 371-374. (SO18 083) [OFFPRINT] 2851. Thomas,Richard F (1988): Turning Back the Clock. Classical Philology 83,1, 5469. (SO18 040) [BOOK REVIEW] 1687. Thomasson,BE (1972): Werner Eck, Senatoren von Vespasian bis Hadrian. Prosopographische Untersuchungen mit Syme Collection DB page 282 Einschlu· der Jahres- und Provinzialfasten der Statthalter. MÅnchen 1970. BonnJahr 172, 645-651. (SO10 075) [BOOK REVIEW] 4249. Thomasson,BE (1982): Zur Verwaltungsgeschichte der Rîmischen Provinzen Nordafrikas (Procconsularis, Numidia, Mauretaniae). In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 10,2. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 3-61. (SO28 003) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT] 2168. Thomasson,BE (1983): Zum Gebrauch von Augustorum, Augg. und Aug. als Bezeichnung der Samtherrschaft Zweiter Herrscher. ZPE 52, 125-135. (SO13 067) [OFFPRINT] 1595. Thomasson,Bengt E (1963): Die Statthalter der Rîmischen Provinzen von Augustus bis Diocletianus. Eranos 61, 177182. (SO9 132) [OFFPRINT] 1449. Thomasson,Bengt E (1964): The Reading in Antigone 24. Eranos 62, 170-178. (SO7 139) [OFFPRINT] 1592. Thomasson,Bengt E (1967): Zur Verwaltungsgeschichte der Provinz Aquitania. Eranos 65, 170-173. (SO9 129) [OFFPRINT] 1690. Thomasson,Bengt E (1968): Jenî Fitz: Die Laufbahn der Statthalter in der Rîmischen Provinz Moesia Inferior. Wiemar: Bîhlaus Nachf. 1966. Gnomon, 629-630. (SO10 078) [BOOK REVIEW] 1653. Thomasson,Bengt E (1969): Verschiedenes zu den Pronconsules Africae. Eranos 67, 175-191. (SO10 050) [OFFPRINT] 1593. Thomasson,Bengt E (1972): Zur Verwaltungsgeschichte der Provinz Sardinia. Eranos 70, 72-81. (SO9 130) [OFFPRINT] 1652. Thomasson,Bengt E (1972): Vermischte Notizen zu den Laterculi Praesidium. Eranos 70, 90-97. (SO10 049) [OFFPRINT] 1631. Thomasson,Bengt E (1973): Mauretania; Numidia. In: Paulys RealencyclopÑdie der Classischen Altertumwissenschaft. Vol. 13 (suppl). (: ) Alfred DruckenmÅller Verlag, MÅnchen, 307322. (SO10 028) [OFFPRINT] 1634. Thomasson,Bengt E (1973): Africa. In: Paulys RealencyclopÑdie der Classischen Altertumwissenschaft. Vol. 13 (suppl). (: ) Alfred DruckenmÅller Verlag, MÅnchen, 1-12. (SO10 031) <<also contains article on Alpium Iuliarum Claustra (J.Sasel)>> [INCOMPLETE] 1633. Thomasson,Bengt E (1977): Moesia, Dacia, Thracia. Bokfîrlaget Radius, Gîteborg. 69 pages. (SO10 030) <<series: Laterculi Praesidium>> [MONOGRAPH] 2130. Thomasson,Bengt E (1987): Kein Legatus Pro Consule. ZPE 68, 275-276. (SO13 033) [OFFPRINT] 4897. Thompson,EA (1946): The Isaurians under Theodosius II. Hermathena 68, 18-31. (SO35 085) [ASIA MINOR; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4823. Thompson,EA (1955): The Passio S. Sabae and Early Visigothic Society. Historia 4,2-3, 331-338. (SO35 015) [BIOGRAPHY; CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; VISIGOTHS] 4858. Thompson,EA (1957): Christianity and the Northern Barbarians. Nottinghamn Mediaeval Studies 1, 3-21. (SO35 047) [BARBARIANS; CHRISTIANITY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4903. Thompson,EA (1961): The Visigoths in the Time of Ulfila. Nottinghamn Mediaeval Studies 5, 3-32. (SO35 091) [BARBARIANS; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 4921. Thompson,EA (1963): The Barbarian Kingdoms in Gaul and Spain. Nottinghamn Mediaeval Studies 7, 3-33. (SO35 109) [BARBARIANS; GAUL; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; SPAIN] Syme Collection DB page 283 4784. Thompson,EA (??): Peasant Revolts in Late Roman Gauls and Spain. Past & Present, 11-23. (SO34 042) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4824. Thompson,ET (1960): The Conversion of the Visigoths to Catholicism. Nottinghamn Mediaeval Studies 4, 4-35. (SO35 016) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; VISIGOTHS] 3837. Thompson,Edward A (1963): Maroboduus. In: Geras : Studies Presented to George Thompson on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. (Eds: Varcl,Ladislav; Willetts,RF) Charles University, Praha, 203-210. (Acta Universitatis Carolinae : Philosophica et Historica 1; Graecolatina Pragensia II) (SO25 057) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3775. Thompson,Harold (1973): Cyril Norman Hinshelwood 1897-1967. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of The Royal Society 19, 375-431. (SO24 090) [HINSHELWOOD,CYRIL NORMAN, 1897-1967; OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 3397. Thomsen,Rudi (1942): Das Jahr 91 v. Chr. und seine Voraussetzungen. Classica et Mediaevalia 5, fasc. 1, 13-47. (SO22 038) [OFFPRINT] 3404. Thomsen,Rudi (1944): Erliess Tiberius Gracchus ein Iustitium. Classica et Mediaevalia 6, fasc. 1-2, 60-71. (SO22 045) [OFFPRINT] 3411. Thomsen,Rudi (1948): The Iter Statements of the Liber Coloniarum. Classica et Mediaevalia 9, fasc. 1, 37-81. (SO22 052) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3545. Tibiletti,Gianfranco (1950): Evoluzione di Magistrato e Popolo nello Stato Romano. Studia Ghisleriana 1 (2nd series), 3-21. (SO22 185) <<series: Studi Letterari-FilosoficiStorici>> [OFFPRINT] 3688. Tibiletti,Gianfranco (1950): Ricerche di Storia Agraria Romana. Athenaeum 28,3-4 (n.s.), 183-266. (SO24 003) [OFFPRINT] 3395. Tibiletti,Gianfranco (1953): La Politica delle Colonie e CittÖ Latine nella Guerra Sociale. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 86 (3rd series), 45-63. (SO22 036) [OFFPRINT; SOCIAL WAR] 3519. Tibiletti,Gianfranco (1955): Feliciano Serrao, La Æ iurisdictio Ø del Pretore Peregrino (UniversitÖ di Roma, Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano e dei Diritti dell'Oriente Mediterraneo, XXXI). Milano, Dott. A.GiuffrÇ Editore, 1954. Athenaeum 33, fasc. 3-4, 387-393. (SO22 159) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3361. Tibiletti,Gianfranco (1957): Riforme Agrarie nell'Italia Antica. RealtÖ Nuova. Rivista dei Rotary Club d'Italia 10, 3-14. (SO22 002) [ITALY; OFFPRINT] 2496. Tibiletti,Gianfranco (1959): The `Comitia' During the Decline of the Roman Republic. Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 25, 94-127. (SO15 172) [OFFPRINT] 3482. Tibiletti,Gianfranco ([c1959]): Marsyas, die Sklaven und die Marser., 1-8. (SO22 120) <<source unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2274. Tibiletti,Gianfranco (1968): La Struttura Topografica Antica di Pavia. In: Atti del Convegno di Studio sul Centro Storico di Pavia, 1964. (: ) Editrice Fusi, Pavia, 3-20. (SO14 082) [OFFPRINT] 4015. Timpe,D (1974): Der Rîmische Vertrag mit den Juden von 161 v. Chr. Chiron 4, 133152. (SO26 058) [OFFPRINT] 5262. Timpe,Dieter (1960): Rîmische Geschichte bei Flavius Josephus. Historia 9,4, 474-502. (SO37C 021) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; JOSEPHUS; OFFPRINT] 2563. Timpe,Dieter (1962): Die Bedeuting der Schlacht von Carrhae. Museum Helveticum 19, fasc. 2, 104-129. (SO16 046) [OFFPRINT] 2805. Timpe,Dieter (1962): Hans Buchheim: Die Orientpolitik des Triumvirn M. Antoinius. Ihre Voraussetzungen, Entwicklung und Zusammenhang mit den Politischen Ereignissen in Italien. Heidelberg: Winter 1960 Syme Collection DB page 284 (AbhHeid, Phil.-Hist. Kl. 1960). Gnomon 34, 173-178. (SO16 100) [BOOK REVIEW] 5133. Timpe,Dieter (1962): Herrschaftsidee und Klientelstaatenpolitik in Sallusts Bellum Jugurthinum. Hermes 90,3, 334-375. (SO36E 012) [JUGURTHA; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; SALLUST] 2788. Timpe,Dieter (1965): Caesars Gallischer Krieg und das problem der Rîmischen Imperialismus. Historia 14,2, 189214. (SO14 084) [OFFPRINT] 748. Timpe,Dieter (1967): Ein Heiratsplan Kaiser Caracallas. Hermes 95,4, 470-495. (SO2 116) [OFFPRINT] 2646. Timpe,Dieter (1967): Drusus' Umkehr an der Elbe. RMfP 110,4 (new series), 289306. (SO17 066) [OFFPRINT] 2648. Timpe,Dieter (1967): Zur Geschichte und öberlieferung der Okkupation Germaniens unter Augustus. Saeculum 3, 278-293. (SO17 068) [OFFPRINT] 2647. Timpe,Dieter (1971): Der Rîmische Verzicht auf die Okkupation Germaniens. Chiron 1, 267-284. (SO17 067) [OFFPRINT] 5001. Timpe,Dieter (1971): Le "Origini" di Catone e la Storiografia Latina. Atti e Memorie dell'Academia Patavina di Scienze Lettere ed Arti. Classe di Scienze Morali, Lettere ed Arti. 83,3 (1970-71), 5-33. (SO36A 002) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 644. Timpe,Dieter (1972): Rechtformen der Rîmischen Au·enpolitik bei Caesar. Chiron 2, 277-295. (SO2 081) [OFFPRINT] 5025. Timpe,Dieter (1972): Fabius Pictor und die AnfÑnge der Rîmischen Historiographie. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. I Republik. (Ed: Temporini,Hildegard) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 928-969. (SO36A 024) [FABIUS PICTOR; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2582. Timpe,Dieter (1973): Neue Gedanken zur Arminius-Geschichte. Lippische Mitteilungen aus Geschichte und Landeskunde 42, 5-30. (SO17 002) [OFFPRINT] 680. Timpe,Dieter (1975): Zur Augusteischen Partherpolitik zwischen 30 und 20 v. Chr. WÅrzburger JahrbÅcher fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 1 (n.s.), 155-167. (SO2 131) <<vol. is Festschrift for Ernst Siegmann>> [AUGUSTUS; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; PARTHIANS] 2634. Timpe,Dieter (1975): Zur Geschichte der Rheingrenze zwischen Caesar und Drusus. In: Monumentum Chiloniense. Studien zur Augusteischen Zeit. Kieler Festschrift fÅr Erich Burck zum 70. Geburtstag. (Ed: Lefävre,Eckard) Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam, 124-147. (SO27 054) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 5018. Timpe,Dieter (1979): ErwÑgungen zur JÅngeren Annalistik. A&A 25,2, 97-119. (SO36A 017) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1040. Timpe,Dieter (1980): Moses als Gesetzgeber. Saeculum 31,1, 66-77. (SO3 078) [OFFPRINT] 1501. Tomaschek,Wilhelm (1891): Zur Historischen Topographie von Kleinasien im Mittelalter. I. Die KÅstengebiete und die Wege der Kreuzfahrer. F.Tempsky, Wien. 106 pages. (SO9 040) <<series: Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien vol. 124. monograph is part VIII of vol.>> [MONOGRAPH] 295. Tomlin,RSO (1976): Notitia Dignitatum Omnium, Tam Civilium Militarium. In: Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum. (Eds: Goodburn,R; Bartolomew,P) BAR, Oxford, 189-209. (SO4 074) [OFFPRINT] 378. Tomlin,RSO (1979): Ammianus Marcellinus 26.4.5-6. CQ 29,2, 470-478. (SO4 163) [OFFPRINT] 1117. Tomlin,RSO (1980): Fairy Gold: Monetary History in the Augustan History. In: Imperial Revenue, Expenditure and Monetary Policy in the Fourth Century A.D. (Ed: King,CE) (BAR International Series, 76.) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 255279. Syme Collection DB page 285 (SO3 164) [OFFPRINT] 4761. Tomlin,Roger (1972): SenioresIuniores in the Late-Roman Field Army. AJPh 93,2, 253-278. (SO34 021) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4757. Tomlin,Roger (1974): The Date of the `Barbarian Conspiracy'. Britannia 5, 303-309. (SO43 017) [BARBARIANS; BRITANNIA; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 4592. Torelli,Mario (1962): Laberia Crisoina e un Praefectus Castrorum in due Epigrafi Inedite di Trebula Mutuesca. Epigraphica 24, 55-77. (SO32 075) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3734. Torelli,Mario (1963): Trebula Mutuesca. Iscrizioni Corrette ed Inedite. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 18, 3-4 (8th series), 230-284. (SO24 051) [EPIGRAPHY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2208. Torelli,Mario (1966): Il Monumento Teatino di C. Lusius Storax al Museo di Chieti. Le Iscrizioni- Il Frontone. Studi Miscellanei 10, 61-84. (SO14 011) [OFFPRINT] 2285. Torelli,Mario (1966): Un Templum Augurale d'EtÖ Repubblicana a Bantia. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 21, fasc. 7-12 (8th series), 1-23. (SO14 093) [OFFPRINT] 1839. Torelli,Mario (1968): Un Nuovo Attacco fra gli Elogia Tarquinensia. Studi Etruschi 36 (2nd. series), 467-470. (SO11 122) [OFFPRINT] 2301. Torelli,Mario (1968): Il Donario di M. Fulvio Flacco nell'Area di S. Omobono. In: Studi di Topografia Romana. (Ed: Collini,Antonio Mario) De Luca, Roma, 71-76. (SO14 108) <<series: Quaderni dell'Istituto di Topografia Antica della UniversitÖ di Roma 5>> [OFFPRINT] 1679. Torelli,Mario (1969): Senatori Etruschi della Tarda Repubblica e dell'Impero. Dialoghi di Archeologia 3, 285-363. (SO10 110) [OFFPRINT] 1838. Torelli,Mario (1969): Contributi al Supplemento del CIL IX. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 24, fasc. 1-2 (8th series), 9-48. (SO11 121) [OFFPRINT] 1707. Torelli,Mario (1974): Per Una Storia della Classe Dirigente di Leptis Magna. Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 28, fasc. 3-4 (eighth series), 377-410. (SO10 095) [OFFPRINT] 1370. Torres,JosÇ Ferrandis (1929): Les Monnaies Hispaniques. (From: IV Congräs International d'ArchÇologie). Exposition Internationale de Barcelone, Barcelone. 20 pages. (SO7 062) [MONOGRAPH; NUMISMATICS; SPAIN] 2643. T¢th,Endre (1977): Ø...Protulique Fines Illyrici ad Ripam Fluminis Danubi.Æ. AArchSlov 28, 278-287. (SO17 063; accent over `s' of Arheoloski) [OFFPRINT] 4244. Townend,G (1961): Some Flavian Connections. JRS 51, 54-62. (SO27 126) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2752. Townend,GB (1959): The Date of Composition of Suetonius' Caesares. CQ 9,2 (new series, vol. 53 of continuous series), 285293. (SO17 169) [OFFPRINT] 5225. Townend,GB (1960): The Sources of the Greek in Suetonius. Hermes 88,1, 98-120. (SO37B 009) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SUETONIUS] 2753. Townend,GB (1961): The Hippo Inscription and the Career of Suetonius. Historia 10,1, 99-109. (SO17 170) [OFFPRINT] 5224. Townend,GB (1961): Traces in Dio Cassius of Cluvius, Aufidius and Pliny. Hermes 89,2, 227-248. (SO37B 008) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 286 5227. Townend,GB (1961): The Reputation of Verginius Rufus. Latomus 20,2, 337-341. (SO37B 011) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] Index des Sources et Index thÇmatique). Gnomon 56, 471-472. (SO1C 067) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; SPAIN] 4578. Townend,GB (1962): The Consols of A.D. 69/70. AJPh 83,2, 113-129. (SO32 071) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; TACITUS] 1746. Tregenza,LA (1950): A Latin Inscription from Wadi Semna. Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Fouad I University 12,2, 85-89. (SO11 029) [OFFPRINT] 5223. Townend,GB (1964): Cluvius Rufus in the Histories of Tacitus. AJPh 85,4, 337-377. (SO37B 007) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5445. Treggiari,Susan (1973): Cicero, Horace, and Mutual Friends: Lamiae and Varrones Murendae. Phoenix 27,3, 245-261. (SO39 026) [CICERO; HORACE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5226. Townend,GB (1964): Some Rhetorical Battle-Pictures in Dio. Hermes 92,4, 467-481. (SO37B 010) [DIO CASSIUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 960. Townend,GB (1972): The Earliest Scholiast on Juvenal. CQ 22,2, 376-387. (SO3 003) [OFFPRINT] 2712. Townend,GB (1973): The Literary Substrata to Juvenal's Satires. JRS 63, 148160. (SO17 131) [OFFPRINT] 1227. Townend,GB (1980): Tacitus, Suetonius and the Temple of Janus. Hermes 108, 2, 233-242. (SO6 074) [OFFPRINT] 2217. Townend,GB (1987): The Restoration of the Capitol in A.D. 70. Historia 36,2, 243248. (SO14 026) [OFFPRINT] 2531. Townend,GB (1987): C. Oppius on Julius Caesar. AJPh 108, 325-342. (SO16 015) [OFFPRINT] 2272. Toynbee,Jocelyn (1928): Note on a Roman Sarcophagus in the Campo Santo, Pisa. JRS 18,2, 215-216. (SO14 080) [OFFPRINT] 3731. Tozzi,Pierluigi (1973): Catone, Fr. 39 Peter e Polibio II,15. Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere. 107, 499-501. (SO24 048) [OFFPRINT] 490. Tranoy,Alan (1984): Javier Arce: El Ultimo Siglo de la Espa§a Romana: 284-409. Madrid: Alianza Ed. 1982. (avec Bibliographie, 902. Treggiari,Susan (1984): Digna Condicio: Betrothals in the Roman Upper Class. EMC/CV 3, 419-451. (SO5 147) [OFFPRINT] 1266. Trell,Bluma L (1978): Epigraphica Numismatica. Monumental Nymphaea on Ancient Coins. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 15,1-2(Studies Presented to Naphtali Lewis), 147-161. (SO6 113) [FESTSCHRIFT] 3413. Trencsànyi-Waldapfel,Imre (1960): Das Zeitalter der Scipionen in den Werken von Cicero. In: Acta Sessionis Ciceronianae diebus diebus 3-5 mensis Decembris a. 1957 Varsoviae habitae. (Ed: Kumaniecki,Kazimierz Feliks) Panstwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, Warszawa, 75-107. (SO22 054) <<publishe under auspices of Academia Scientiarum Polona Collegium Studiis Classicis Promovendis>> [OFFPRINT] 2424. Trendall,AD (1950): Medicine and the Classics. Proceedings of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians 4,2, 69-76. (SO15 195) <<journal year is 1949>> [OFFPRINT] 1586. Treu,Max (1947): Das Camilliusgebut bei Livius (5,21,14 ff.). WÅrzburger JahrbÅcher fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 1947,1, 63-74. (SO9 122) [OFFPRINT] 5397. Treu,Max (1948): M. Antonius Primus in der Taciteischen Darstellung. WÅrzburger JahrbÅcher 1948,2, 241-262. (SO38D 004) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] Syme Collection DB page 287 2575. Treu,Max (1949): Zur Clementia Caesars. Museum Helveticum 5,fasc.4, 197217. (SO16 058) [OFFPRINT] 5415. Treu,Max (1951): Tacitus und der Anfang der Historien. Atti della Accademia Peloritana. Classe di Lettere, Filosofia e Belle Arti 47 (8th ser.) (1947-50), 3-41. (SO38D 020) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1209. Treves,Piero (1970): Il Giorno della Morte di Seneca. In: Studia Florentina Alexandro Ronconi Sexagenario Oblata. (: ) Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Roma, 507-524. (SO6 056) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; SENECA 4 B.C.-65 A.D.] 5246. Treves,Piero; Rindi,A (1965): Speranza e Disperazione in Tacito [Preface]. In: Annali di Publio Cornelio Tacito. (: ) (Collana di Storia, 20.) Club del Libro, Milano, v-xxxix. (N) (SO37C 005) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3210. Triantaphyllapoulos,Johann (1964): Persînliches Ius Italicum (Inschr. Didyma 331). In: Akte des IV. Internationalen Kongresses fÅr Griechische und Lateinische Epigraphik (Wien, 17. bis 22. September 1962). (: ) Hermann Bîhlaus; Kommissionsverlag der ôsterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Wien, 399-404. (SO21 037) [OFFPRINT] 1670. Triantaphyllopoulos,Jean (1974): Epigraphica. In: MÇlanges HellÇnistiques Offerts Ö Georges Daux. (: ) êditions E. de Boccard, Paris, 331-338. (SO10 067) [OFFPRINT] 1480. Triantaphyllopoulos,Johann (1966): Karl-Heinz Ziegler: Die Beziehungen Zwischen Rom und der Partherreich. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Vîlkerrechts (Diss. Frankfurt a.M). Franz Steiner Vlg. GmbH, Wiesbaden 1964. Erasmus 18,21-22, 648-653. (SO9 020) [BOOK REVIEW; PARTHIA-FOREIGN RELATIONS; ROME-FOREIGN RELATIONS] 2376. Trimalchio,Gilbert (1954): Trimalchio. Phoenix 8,3, 77-91. (SO15 064) [OFFPRINT] 5589. Tudir,D (1956): Cohors I Cicicum in Scythia Minor Si Taurida. Contributii la Cunoastera Legaturilor Dintre Coastra de Vest si Nord a Marii Megre in Sec. I-III e.n. (Cohors I Cilicum dans la Scythia Minor et la Taurida). Analele Universitatii C.I. Parhon. Seria Stiintelor Sociale (Istorie) 5, 45-74. (SO42 048) <<article in Rumanian with French and Russian (?) summaries>> [EPIGRAPHY; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; SCYTHIA MINOR] 5549. Tudor,D (1938): Castrele Romane dela Jidava, Langa Campulung in Muscel. (I Castri Romani di Jidava (Romania)). Bucurestii 2 (1936), 1-29 (repaginated?). (SO42 011) <<article in Rumania with Italian summary>> [DACIA; MONUMENTS; OFFPRINT] 3855. Tudor,D (1944): Granita de Nord-Est A Daciei Inferioare. Revista Istorica RomÉna 14,2, 157-164. (SO25 071; Rumanian diacritics) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 5542. Tudor,D (1955): Consideratii Asupra Unor Cercetari Arheologige Facute Pe Limes Transalutanus. (ConsidÇrations sur Certaines Recherches ArchÇologiques EffectuÇes sur le Limes Transalutanus). Studii si Cercetari de Istorie Veche 6.1-2, 85-97. (SO42 004) <<article in Romanian with Russian (?) and French summaries>> [DACIA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 5554. Tudor,D (1958): Garnizoane Romane pe Malul Banatean al Dunarii in Secolul IV E.N. (Les Garnisons Romaines sur la Frontiäre Danubienne du Banat ai IVe Siäcle). Studii si Cercetari de Istorie Veche 9, 373-379. (SO42 016) [INCOMPLETE; DACIA; DANUBIANA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 3795. Tudor,D (1960): La PrÇtendue Guerre de Caracalla contre les Carpes. Latomus 19, 350-356. (SO25 014) [OFFPRINT] 3937. Tudor,D (1964): Pedites Singulares a Buridava. Dacia. Revue d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Ancienne 8 (n.s.), 345-351. (SO25 153) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3861. Tudor,D (1965): La Fortificazione delle Citta Romane della Dacia nel Sec. III dell'e.n. Historia 14,3, 368-380. (SO25 077) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 2292. Tumolesi,Sabbatini Patrizia (1971): Gladiatoria I. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Syme Collection DB page 288 Storiche e Filologiche 26, fasc. 7-12 (8th series), 1-15. (SO14 099) [OFFPRINT] 3010. Tuplin,Christopher (1976): Cantones Euphorionis. In: Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar 1976. (: ) Francis Cairns, Liverpool, 1-23. (SO19 027) <<series: ARCA Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 2>> [CICERO; LATIN LITERATURE; OFFPRINT] 889. Turner,Frank M (1986): British Politics and the Demise of the Roman Republic: 17001939. The Historical Journal 29,3, 577-599. (SO5 133) [OFFPRINT] 5334. Ullman,BL (1942): History and Tragedy. Transactions of the American Philological Association 73, 25-53. (SO38A 022) [ARISTOTLE; OFFPRINT; TRAGEDY] 5320. Ullman,BL (1943): Sine Ira et Studio. The Classical Journal 38,7, . (SO38A 008) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1620. Ullman,BL (1946): Leonardo Bruni and Humanistic Historiography. Medievalia et Humanistica 4, 45-61. (SO10 017) [OFFPRINT] 4312. Universitat Autïnoma de Barcelona; Mayer,Marc; Alfîldy,GÇza (1988): Doctor Honoris Causa GÇza Alfîldy. Discurs Llegit a la Cerimïnia d'Investidura Celebrada a l'Auditori de la Facultat de Lletres d'Aquesta Universita el Dia 11 d'Octubre de l'Any 1988. Bellaterra, Universitat Autïnoma de Barcelona. (SO29 001) [PAMPHLET] 2223. Urban,Ralf (1979): Tacitus und die Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Gymnasium 86, 5974. (SO14 032) [OFFPRINT] 789. Urban,Ralf (1982): "Historiae Phillipicae" bei Pompeius Trogus. Historia 31,1, 82-96. (SO5 024) [OFFPRINT] 897. Urban,Ralf (1982): `Gallisches Bewu·stein' und `Romkritik' bei Pompeius Trogus. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 30,2. (: ) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 14251443. (SO5 141) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POMPEIUS TROGUS] 2224. Urban,Ralf (1982): Urgentibus Imperii Fatis. Die Lage des Rîmischen Reiches nach Tacitus, Germania 33,2. Vestigia. BeitrÑge zur Alten Geschichte 12, 145-162. (SO14 033) [OFFPRINT] 1990. Urban,Ralf (1983): Wahlkampf im SpÑtrepublikanischen Rom. Der Kampf um das Konsulat. Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 10, 607-622. (SO12 032) [OFFPRINT] 2040. Urban,Ralf (1983): Die Griechen in der Sicht des Advokaten, Politikers und Privatmannes Cicero. In: Althistorische Studien: Hermann Bengtson zum 70. Geburtstag Dargebracht von Kollegen und SchÅlern. (Eds: Heinen,Heinz; Stroheker,Karl; Walser,Gerold) Franx Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden, 157-173. (SO12 083) [FESTSCHRIFT] 3222. Urdahl,Lloyd B (1972 [1975]): Davies, J.K. Athenian Propertied Families: 600-300 B.C. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. American Classical Review 2,5, 216. (SO21 050) <<pg. nos. refer to columns>> [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3241. Urruela,JJ (1974): La Represiïn de las Bacanales en Roma en 186 A.D.J.C. Hispania Antiqua 4, 49-67. (SO21 068) [OFFPRINT] 5108. Usher,S (1963): Sallust. The Censor of a Decadent Age. History Today 13,8, 564572. (SO36D 022) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 1281. Ussani,Vicenzo Scarano (1977): Ermeneutica, Diritto e `Valori' in L.Nerazio Prisco. Labeo 23,2, 1-56. (SO6 128) [OFFPRINT] 2352. Utschenko,U (1961): Die Idee der VolkssouverÑnitÑt bei den Rîmern. Romanitas 3,3-4, 227-248. (SO15 040) <<journal vol. is festschrift(?) for Henrici LÇvy-Bruhl>> [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 289 4668. Valensi,Louis (1957): Quelques RÇflexions sur le Pouvoirs ImpÇrial d'Apräs Ammien Marcellin. BAGB 1957,4, . (62-107) (SO33 045) <<series: Lettres d'HumanitÇ 16>> [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5359. Valmaggi,Luigi (1918): Circumnavigazione della Britannia. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 53, 579-586. (SO38B 010) [AGRICOLA; BRITANNIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5362. Valmaggi,Luigi (1918): Per una Digressione. Rassegna Itallana di Lingue e Letterature Classiche 1,3, 1-7. (SO38B 013) [AGRICOLA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5361. Valmaggi,Luigi (1919): Scorci Tacitiani. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 54, 1195-1198. (SO38B 012) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 4404. van Berchem,D (1954): Recherches sur la Chronologie des Enceintes de Syrie et de MÇsopotamie. Syria 31,3-4, 254-270. (SO30 027) [OFFPRINT] 4454. van Berchem,D (1966): RÇflexions sur le Cadastre d'Orange. Museum Helveticum 23,1, 58-64. (SO31 015) [COLONIES; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 4304. van Berchem,D (1967): Sanctuaires d'Hercule-Melqart. Contribution Ö l'êtude de l'Expansion PhÇnicienne en MÇditerranÇe. Syria 44, 73-109; 307-338. (SO28 058) [OFFPRINT] 290. van Berchem,D (1969): Encore la Sapaudia: Observations sur le Text de Not. Dign. Oc. 42. In: Actes du Colloque sur les Cols des Alpes dans l'AntiquitÇ et le MoyenAge. (: ),, 179-181. (SO4 069) [OFFPRINT] 1252. van Berchem,D (1978): Un Banquier chez les Helvätes. Ktema. Civilisations de l'Orient, de la Gräce et de Rome Antiques 3, 267-274. (SO6 099) [OFFPRINT] 3124. van Berchem,Denis (1944): Les Colons d'Aventicum. In: MÇlanges h'Histoire et de LittÇrature Offerts Ö Monsieur Charles Gilliard. (: ), Lausanne, 46-56. (SO20) [INCOMPLETE; COLONIES; OFFPRINT] 4610. van Berchem,Denis (1944): Le ÆDe PallioØ de Tertullian et le Conflit du Christianisme et de l'Empire. Museum Helveticum 1,2, 100-114. (SO30 091) [CHRISTIANITY; OFFPRINT; TERTULLIAN] 2246. van Berchem,Denis (1955): Aspects de la Domination Romaine en Suisse. Revue Suisse d'Histoire 5, fasc. 2, 145-175. (SO14 054) [OFFPRINT] 3150. van Berchem,Denis (1956): Du Portage au PÇage. Le Rìle des Cols Transalpins dans l'Histoire du Valais Celtique. Museum Helveticum 13,4, 199-208. (SO20 103) [OFFPRINT] 3145. van Berchem,Denis (1962): Les Italiens d'Argos et le DÇclin de DÇlos. BCH 86,1, 305-313. (SO20 098) [OFFPRINT] 3146. van Berchem,Denis (1963): Les Italiens d'Argos. Un Post-Scriptum. BCH 87,1, 322-324. (SO20 099) [OFFPRINT] 3128. van Berchem,Denis (1966): La Fuite de Decimus Brutus. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie, d'êpigraphie et d'Histoire offerts Ö JÇrìme Carcopino. (: ) Hachette, Paris, 941-953. (SO20 081) [OFFPRINT] 2652. van Berchem,Denis (1968): La Conquàte de la RhÇtie. Museum Helveticum 25,1, 1-10. (SO17 071) [OFFPRINT] 91. van Berchem,Denis (1970): Jumeaux. In: MÇlanges Marcel Durry. (: ) SociÇtÇ d'Edition Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 49-53. (SO1A 105; OLIS) [FESTSCHRIFT] 1606. van Berchem,Denis (1970): Le Premier Rempart de Palmyre. CRAI april-june 1970, 231-237. (SO10 003) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 290 2320. van Berchem,Denis (1970): Alexandre et la Restauration de Priäne. Museum Helveticum 27, fasc. 4, 198-205. (SO15 008) [OFFPRINT] 957. van Berchem,Denis (1976): Fragments d'Inscriptions Latines TrouvÇs Ö Saint-LÇonard (Valais). In: MÇlanges d'Histoire Ancienne et d'ArchÇologie Offerts Ö Paul Collart. (Ed: Ducrey,P et al) (Cahiers d'ArchÇologie Romande, 5.) Diffusion De Boccard, Lausanne, 75-81. (SO5 198) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1299. van Berchem,Denis (1979): Le Diplìme Militaire de la Bibliothäque Bodmer. Museum Helveticum 36, 101-110. (SO6 146) [OFFPRINT] 145. van Berchem,Denis (1983): Une Inscription Flavienne du MusÇe d'Antioche. Museum Helveticum 40, 185-196. (SO1A 170; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 5388. van Buren,AW (1924): Tacitus, Annals XVI. 21. The Classical Review 38, 110-111. (SO38C 006) [MSS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1848. van Buren,AW (1934): L'Iscrizione di Lucio Betilieno Varo ad Alatri. Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 9, 137-144. (SO11 131) [OFFPRINT] 3130. van Buren,Albert W (1937): Gli Studi Americani sulla Figura e l'Opera di Augusto e sulla Fondazione dell'Impero Romano. (Quaderni Augustei. Studi Stranieri, 5.) Istituti di Studi Romani, Rome. 17 pages. (SO20 083) [AUGUSTUS; MONOGRAPH] 4026. Vanderpool.E (1970): Ostracism at Athens. Lectures in Memory of Louise Taft Semple (Second Series), April 30 and May 1, 1969; University of Cincinnati 1970. (SO26 069) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 1736. van de Weerd,H; de Laet,SJ (1949): La Cohors Asturum et Callaecorum et la Cohors I Asturum et Callaecorum. In: Hommages Ö Joseph Bidez at Ö Franz Cumont. (: ) Latomus Revue d'êtudes Latines, Bruxelles, 347-352. (SO11 019) <<series: Collection Latomus 2>> 3288. Van 't Dack,Edmond (1975/1976): L'êpistratÇgie dans la ThÇbaãde. Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 6-7, 577-587. (SO21 115) <<journal vols. are Festschrift for Joseph Vergote>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3289. Van 't Dack,Edmond (1975): Le ThÇbarque Stratìn. In: Le Monde Grec. PensÇe LittÇrature Histoire Documents. Hommages Ö Claire PrÇaux. (Eds: Bingen,Jean; Cambier,Guy; Nachtergael,Georges) êditions de l'UniversitÇ de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 646-655. (SO21 116) [OFFPRINT] 5526. V†rady,L (1961): New Evidences on Some Problems of the Late Roman Military Organization. AAntHung 9, 333-396. (SO41 029) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4902. V†rady,L (1963): Additional Notes on the Problem of the Late Roman Dalmatian Cunei. AAntHung 11, 391-406. (SO35 090) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 1816. V†rady,L (1968): Stilicho Proditor Arcani Imperii. AAntHung 16, 413-432. (SO11 099) [OFFPRINT] 3868. V†rady,L (1972): Pannonica. Notizien zum Letzten Jahrhundert Pannoniens. AAntHung 24, 261-276. (SO25 084) [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA] 3107. varia (1932): [Book Reviews]. Germania 16,3, 238-249. (SO20 060) <<reviews includes items on Roman Switzerland and on Germania (Tacitus/ Ptolomy)>> [OFFPRINT; REVIEW] 2267. varia (1950): Tabula Hebana. PP (fasc.) 14, 99-184. (SO14 075) <<entire fascicule is devoted to studies of the Tabula Hebana including text and italian translation>> [FASCICULE] 3091. varia (1951): [book review section]. BonnJahr 151, 123-152. (SO20 045) <<numerous reviews on roman subjects>> [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 291 2196. varia (1973): Dibattito sull'edizione italiana della Storia Economica del Mondo Antico di F. Heichelheim. Dialoghi di Archeologia 7, 294-363. (SO14 006) [OFFPRINT] 531. Varia (1976): Remise Ö Jacqueline de Romilly du Bijou DestinÇ Ö CommÇmorer son Çlection Ö l'AcadÇmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. (SO1C 107) <<series of tributes to De Romilly together with response and list of subscribers>> [OFFPRINT] 2264. varia (c1986): L'Area Archaeologica Centrale. VII Il Foro di Augusto. In: Roma Antiqua. ÆEnvoisØ degli Architetti Francesi (1788-1924). (: ),, 110-139. (SO14 072) <<extract from catalogue of exhibition in Rome (1985) and Paris (1986)>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2339. varia (1986): ActivitÇs de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome. Section AntiquitÇ. MEFRA 98,1, 387-425. (SO15 027) [OFFPRINT] 3147. varia (1987): KînyvismertetÇsek Recensiones. Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungaricae, 181-192. (SO20 100) <<number of book reviews on Pannonian subjects>> [BOOK REVIEW; PANNONIA] 2632. varia (19??): Sulpicius. In: Paulys RealencyclopÑdie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft. (: ),, 801-863. (SO17 052) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] [OFFPRINT] 5562. Velkov,V (1961): Zur Geschichte eines Donaukastells in Bulgarien. (Der Untermîsische Statthalter Domitius Antigonus). Klio 39, 215-221. (SO42 022) [MOESIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY; TOPOGRAPHY] 5566. Velkov,V (1961): Iz Istorii Nizhnedunaiskogo Limesa v Kontse i v.n. z. Vetsnik Drevnei Istorii 2, 69-82. (SO42 049) [INCOMPLETE; EPIGRAPHY; MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 5575. Velkov,V (1961): Der Rîmische Limes in Bulgarien wÑhrend der SpÑtantike. Studii Clasice 3, 241-249. (SO42 034) [FRONTIERS; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; THRACE] 5576. Velkov,V (1965): Zur Geschichte der Provinz Thrakien im II. Jh. U.Z. Acta Archaeologia Hungaricae 13, 207-214. (SO42 035) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; THRACE] 5569. Velkov,V (1968): Zur Entwicklung des Handwerks in den StÑdten Thrakiens und Undermîesiens. In: Studien zur Geschichte und Philosophie des Altertums. Kongress fÅr Klassiche Philologie, Budapest 1965. (Ed: Harmata,J) AkadÇmiai Kiad¢, Budapest, 382387. (SO42 028) [ECONOMY; EPIGRAPHY; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; THRACE] 4600. various (1980): Inchiesta: La Rivoluzione Romana. Labeo 26,1, 74-103. (SO32 082) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN REVOLUTION; SYME] 5570. Velkov,V (1968): Keltische Spuren in Westthrakiens. In: Studien zur Geschichte und Philosophie des Altertums. Kongress fÅr Klassiche Philologie, Budapest 1965. (Ed: Harmata,J) AkadÇmiai Kiad¢, Budapest, 382387. (SO42 029) [CELTS; ETHNICITY; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA; THRACE] 4488. Vatin,Cl (1970): Circonscription d'Auvergne et Limousin. Gallia 27,2, 317-341. (SO31 045) <<journal year is 1969>> [EXCAVATIONS; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 3875. Velkov,V (1976): Das Zeitalter Konstantins des Gro·en in Thrakien. AAntHung 24, 397-406. (SO25 092) [CONSTANTINE; OFFPRINT; THRACE] 920. Vatin,Claude (1969): Ex-Voto de Bois Gallo-Romains a Chamaliäres. Revue ArchÇologique 1, 103-114. (SO5 166) [OFFPRINT] 2603. Velkov,V (1983/1984): Der Untergang des Rîmischen Staates auf dem Balkan. In: Actes du VIIe Congres de la F.I.E.C. Vol. 2. (Ed: Harmatta,J†nos) AcadÇmiai Kiad¢, Budapest, 97-104. (SO17 023) <<vol. 2 listed on OLIS as 1984>> [CONFERENCE REPORT; OFFPRINT] 1674. Vatin,Claude (1970): Notes d'êpigraphie Delphique. BCH 94,2, 675-697. (SO10 106) Syme Collection DB page 292 3867. Velkov,Velizar (1966): Ratiaria. Eine Rîmische Stadt in Bulgarien. Eirene, 155-175. (SO25 083) [OFFPRINT] in Tacitus (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970). Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 49,4, ? (SO245 081) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5557. Velkov,Velizar (1969): Bemerkungen Åber die Wirtschaftliche Rolle der StÑdtischen Plebs in der Diîzese Thrakien im 4. Jahrhundert (Ad Cod. Theod. 12, 1, 96). In: Die Rolle der Plebs im SpÑtrîmischen Reich. (Eds: Besevliev,V; Seyfarth,W) AkademieVerlag, Berlin, 55-59. (SO42 019) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; THRACE; URBAN DEVELOPMENT] 882. Verdin,H (1975): HÇrodote Historien? Quelques InterprÇtations RÇcentes. L'AntiquitÇ Classique 44,2, 668-685. (SO5 125) [OFFPRINT] 5559. Velkov,Velizar (1970): Die Stadt und das Dorf in SÅdosteuropa. In: IIäme Congräs International des êtudes du Sud-Est EuropÇem, Athänes, 7-13 Mai 1970. II. Thämes- Cadres. 2: Ville et Campagne dans le Sud-East EuropÇen depuis l'AntiquitÇ jusq'a la fin du XIXäme Siäcle (Aspects Sociaux, Economiques et Culturels). (: ) Association Internationale des êtudes du SudEst EuropÇen, Athänes, 18pp. (SO42 019) <<Congress paper, later published in 'Actes du IIe Congräs International...'>> [BALKANS; OFFPRINT; URBAN DEVELOPMENT] 320. Velkov,Velizar (1977): Die Reihenfolge der Untermîsischen Statthalter (270-300). AArchSlov 28, 421-424. (SO4 099; accent over `s' in Arheoloski) [OFFPRINT] 3895. Velkov,Velizar (1980): Zur Deutung von Dio Cassius 51, 25, 4/ : [MA'IDOUS/ M'ELDOUS]. In: V Chest na Akademik Vladimir Georgiev : Ezikovedski Prouchvanija. Po Sluchai Sedemdeset Godini ot Rozhdenieto Mu. (Ed: Cholakova,Kristalina) Izd-vo na Bulgarskata Akademiia na Naukite, Sofia, 319-322. (SO25 111) <<vol. appears to be a festschrift for V.I. Georgiev>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 5564. Velkov,Velizar (??): Zur Geschichte der Stadt Serdica (Sofia) vom IV.-IX. Jhdt. In: êtudes Historiques vol. 3 (Ö l'Occasion du I Congräs International des êtudes Balkaniques et Sud-Est EuropÇennes, Sofia). (: ) AcadÇmie Bulgare des Sciences; Institut d'Histoire, [Sofia], . (êtudes Historiques; 3; 5360) (SO42 024) [INCOMPLETE; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; SERDICA- ANCIENT CITY; URBAN DEVELOPMENT] 3764. Verdiäre,Raoul (1971): Autour de Tacite. Review of Ronald Syme, Ten Studies 2076. Vermes,Geza (1975): The Impact of The Dead Sea Scrolls on Jewish Studies during the last Twenty-Five Years. Journal of Jewish Studies 26,1-2, 1-14. (SO12 117) [OFFPRINT] 729. Veyne,P (1960): Iconographie de la ÆTransvectio EquitumØ et des Lupercales. REA 62, 1-2, 100-112. (SO2 182) [OFFPRINT] 1863. Veyne,P (1964): Epigraphica. Latomus 23,1, 30-41. (SO11 146) [OFFPRINT] 4795. Veyne,P (1964): Le ÆPrÇnomØ de Naucellius. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 38,2 (3rd. ser), 253257. (SO34 053) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4382. Veyne,P (1966): Un Gouverneur ImpÇrial en Asie. In: MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Offerts Ö AndrÇ Piganiol. (Ed: Chevallier,R) (êcole Practique des Hautes êtudes. Vie Section. Centre de Recherches Historiques.) S.E.V.P.E.N., Paris, 1395-1396. (SO30 005) [ASIA MINOR; FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 4423. Veyne,P (1966): Augustal de l'An I. Premier Pontarque. BCH 90,1, 144-155. (SO30 045) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1178. Veyne,P (1967): Autour d'un Commentaire de Pline le Jeune. Latomus 26,3, 723-751. (SO6 024) [OFFPRINT] 713. Veyne,P (1978): L'Amour Ö Rome. Annales. ESC 1, Jan-Feb. 1978, 35-63. (SO2 165) [OFFPRINT] 1039. Veyne,P (1979): Rome devant la PrÇtendre Fuite de l'Or: Mercantalisme ou Syme Collection DB page 293 Politique Disciplinaire? Annales. ESC 1979,2, 211-244. (SO3 079) [OFFPRINT] 577. Veyne,Paul (1960): Une Hypothäse sur l'Arc de BÇnÇvent. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire ?, 191-219. (SO2 008) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1459. Veyne,Paul (1961): Une Parente de RÇgalien Ö Utique. Karthago 11, 10-16. (SO7 149) [OFFPRINT] 3639. Veyne,Paul (1968): Le CarrÇ Sator ou Beaucoup de Bruit pour Rien. BAGB 27,4 (4th series), 427-460. (SO23 058) [OFFPRINT] 2915. Veyne,Paul (1980): L'Histoire et la Bibliographie de Virgile dans les Bucoliques I et IX. Revue de Philologie, de LittÇrature et d'Histoire Anciennes 54,2, 233-257. (SO18 104) [OFFPRINT] 1035. Veyne,Paul (1981): Les Cadeaux des Colons Ö leur PropriÇtaire: La Neuviäme Bucolique et la MausoleÇ d'Igel. Revue ArchÇologique 2, 245-252. (SO3 074) [OFFPRINT] 1050. Veyne,Paul (19??): Between Myth and History or the Weaness of Greek Reason. Diogenes 113-114, 1-30. (SO3 089) [OFFPRINT] 3512. Veyne,Paul (19??): Contributio : BÇnÇvent, Capoue, Cirta. Latomus, 568-592. (SO22 150) [OFFPRINT] 1418. Vickers,Michael; Reynolds,JM (1972): Cyrenaica 1962-72. In: Archaeological Reports 1971-72. (: ) British School at Athens, London, 27-47. (SO7 110) [OFFPRINT] 3898. Vidman,L ([1975]): K NovÇmu Datov†n° Suebsko-SarmatskÇ Expedice [Ad Expeditionen Suebicam et Sarmaticam Alio in Anno Positam]. Zpr†vy. Jednoty Klasickych Filologu 16,2-3 (1974), 16-26. (SO25 114) <<article in Czech with Latin summary>> [LIMES; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 4058. Vidman,L (1981): Die Namengebung bei Plinius dem JÅngeren. Klio 63,2, 585-595. (SO26 101) [OFFPRINT] 5205. Vidman,Ladislav (1955): Observationes ad Nova Fastorum Ostiensium Fragmenta. Review of: Attilio Degrassi, Inscriptiones Italiae XIII,1, Fasti Consulares et Triumphales, Rome 1947. Listy FilologickÇ 78,2 (n.s. vol. 3), 182-189. (SO37A 024) [BOOK REVIEW; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5183. Vidman,Ladislav (1960): êtude sur la Correspondance de Pline le Jeune avec Trajan. Rozpravy Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved 70, 14, 115. (SO37 004; Czech diacritics in journal title and author name) [OFFPRINT; PLINY; TRAJAN] 1864. Vidman,Ladislav (1963): Duo Tituli Nondum Recte Intellecti. Listy FilologickÇ 86, 259-262. (SO11 147) [OFFPRINT] 1829. Vidman,Ladislav (1965): Die Isis- und Sarapiesverehrung im. 3. Jahrhundert u.Z. In: Neue BeitrÑge zur Geschichte der Alten Welt. II Rîmisches Reich. (Ed: Welskopf,Elizabeth Charlotte) Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 389-400. (SO11 112) [OFFPRINT] 4587. Vidman,Ladislav (1975): Traianus der éltere in den Fasti Ostienses. Listy FilologickÇ 98, 66-71. (SO32 080) <<article in German with Czech summary>> [OFFPRINT; OSTIA; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4574. Vidman,Ladislav (1979): Variable Beinamen Rîmischer Senatoren. Listy FilologickÇ 101, 93-98. (SO32 067) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2598. Vidman,Ladislav (198?): Einige Bermerkungen zu Trajans Stil. Listy FilologickÇ 110, 107-110. (SO17 018) <<year of journal unclear>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2329. Vielberg,Meinolf (1988): Bemerkingen zu Plinius D.J. und Tacitus. WÅrzburger JahrbÅcher fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 14 (new series), 171-183. (SO15 017) [OFFPRINT] 1323. Vigil,Marcelo (1961): Ala II Flavia Hispanorum Civium Romanorum. AEA 34, 103-104, 104-113. Syme Collection DB page 294 (SO7 014) [OFFPRINT] 1309. Vigorita,Tullio Spagnuolo (1978): Æ Bona Caduca Ø e Giurisdizione Procuratoria agli Inizi del Terzo Secolo D.C. Labeo 24,2, 131-168. (SO6 156) [OFFPRINT] 967. Visy,Zsolt (1969): Pannonische Limesstrecken in Ungarn auf Luftaufnahmen. Castellum (?) 184 (?), 39-52. (SO3 009) [OFFPRINT] 963. Visy,Zsolt (1971): Angaben zur Geschichte der Ungarischen Tiefebene im Augusteischen Zeitalter. AAASzeged 14, 7379. (SO3 006) [OFFPRINT] 966. Visy,Zsolt (1978): Der Beginn der Donau-Kriege des Domitian. AAntHung 30, 37-60. (S03 008) [OFFPRINT] 962. Visy,Zsolt (1982): Neuere MilitÑrdiplome aus Pannonien. [Ujaab Pann¢niai Katonai Diplom†k]. A Szeksz†rdi BÇri Balogh Ad†m M£zeum êvkîonyve 10-11, 59-130. (SO3 005; acute accents over 'U' in Ujaab and 'A' in 'Ad†m') <<text in German and Hungarian>> [OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; PROSOPOGRAPHY; ROMAN ARMY] 965. Visy,Zsolt (1982): St. Johnson: The Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore. London, P.Elek, 1979. AAntHung 34, 433-434. (SO3 008A) [BOOK REVIEW] 969. Visy,Zsolt (1983): Basen und Fragmente von Kaiserstatuen in Intercisa. AAntHung 35, 73-85. (SO3 011) [OFFPRINT] 964. Visy,Zsolt (1984): Die Entlassung der Auxiliarsoldaten Aufgrund der MilitÑrdiplome. AAntHung 36, 223-238. (SO3 007) [OFFPRINT] 968. Visy,Zsolt (1985): Orientalische Grabkammern in Intercisa. In: Rîmische Geschichte, Altertumskunde und Epigraphik. Festschrift fÅr Artur Betz zur Vollendung seines 80. Lebensjahres. (Eds: Weber,Ekkehard; Dobesch,Gerhard) (ArchÑolosch-Epigraphische Studien, 1.) ôsterreichischen Gesellschaft fÅr ArchÑologie, Wien, 631-637. (SO3 010) [BURIAL CUSTOMS; EPIGRAPHY; FESTSCHRIFT; INTERCISA-ANCIENT SITE; PANNONIA] 2111. Visy,Zsolt (1986): RegelmÑ·igkeiten in der Entlassung der Auxiliarsoldaten aufgrund der MilitÑrdiplome. In: Studien zu den MilitÑrgrenzen Roms III. 13. Internationaler Limeskongre· Aalen 1983 VortrÑge. (: ) Theiss, Stuttgart, 792-793. (SO13 015) [OFFPRINT] 2131. Visy,Zsolt (1986): Die Kryptotopographische TruppenaufzÑhlung in den Auxiliardiplomen von Pannonien. In: Heer und Integrationspolitik: Die Rîmischen MilitÑrdiplome als Historische Quelle. (Eds: Eck,W; Wolff,H), Kîln, 482-517. (SO13 034) <<series: Paussauer Historische Forschungen 2>> [OFFPRINT] 4508. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1953): Wolfgang Kunkel: Herkunst und Soziale Stellung der Rîmischen Juristen. Weimar: Bîhlaus Nachf. 1952 (Forschungen zum Rîm. Recht. 4). Gnomon 25, 231-237. (SO32 001) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4870. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1953): Eusebius als Verfasser der ÆVita ConstantiniØ. RMfP 69,4 (n.s.), 330-373. (SO35 058) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 5242. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1954): Zur Rede des Kaisers Claudius Åber die Aufname von ØGalliernÆ in der Rîmischen Senat. Hermes, 348-371. (SO37C 001) [CLAUDIUS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1696. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1957): Guido Barbieri: L'Albo Senatorio da Settimio Severo a Carino (193-285) Rome: Signorelli 1952. Gnomon 29, 108-113. (SO10 084) [BOOK REVIEW] 2384. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1957): Rîmische Respublica. Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 1957,12, 717-735. (SO15 072) [OFFPRINT] 2365. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1958): Der öbergang von der "Antike" zum "Mittelalter" und die Problematik des Modernen Syme Collection DB page 295 Revolutionsbegriffes. Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 1958,8, 457-474. (SO15 053) [OFFPRINT] 4785. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1964): Zum Geschichtlichen SelbstverstÑndnis der SpÑtantike. Historische Zeitschrift 198,3, 529574. (SO34 043) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3931. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1968): Die Bedeutung der Legionslager fÅr die Entstehung der Rîmischen StÑdte an der Donau und in Dakien. In: Studien zur EuropÑischen Vor- und FrÅhgeschichte. (Eds: Claus,Martin; Haarnagel,Werner; Raddatz,Klaus) Karl Wachholtz, NeumÅnster, 132-142. (SO25 147) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 3811. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1969): War die Kolonie Malva mit Romula (Resca) Identisch. Acta Musei Napocensis 6, 131-147. (SO25 030; comma under `s' in Resca) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 5465. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1977): Zur Rîmischen Municipalisierung des Lateinischen Donau-Balkanraumes. Methodische Bemerkungen. In: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Rîmischen Welt. II Principat. Vol. 6. (Ed: Temporini,H) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York, 3-51. (SO40 001) [DANUBE; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 1013. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1978): "Stadt" und Urbanisierung in der GriechischRîmischen Antike. Historische Zeitschrift 226, 547-563. (SO3 052) [OFFPRINT] 3777. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (1980): Arcana Imperii. Zur Politischen Integration Sozialer Systeme in der Hohen Rîmischen Kaiserzeit. In: Hans Erich Stier. Gedenkfeier zu Ehren des am 26. Januar Verstorbenen Em. Ordentlichen Professors der Alten Geschichte. Dr. Phil Hans Erich Stier 7. Dezember 1979. (: ) (Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Fîrderung der WestfÑlischen Wilhelms-UniversitÑt zu MÅnster, 68.) Aschendorff, MÅnster Westf., 21-31. (SO24 092) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; STIER, HANS ERICH] 2388. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (19??): Die Theorie des Historischen Materialismus Åber den Antiken "Sklavenhalterstaat". Saeculum 11,1-2, 89-131. (SO15 076) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4799. Vittinghoff,Friedrich (??): Zur Verfassung der SpÑtantiken ØStadtÆ. VortrÑge und Forschungen 4, 11-39. (SO34 057) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 5505. Vîlkl,Karl (1954): Zur Bevîlkerungsdichte im Alten Germanien. In: Ammann-Festgabe. (Ed: Knobloch,J) (Innsbrucker BeitrÑge zur Kulturwissenschaft, Bd. 2, Heft 4 (9).) Sprachwissenschaftlichen Seminars des UniversitÑt Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 178-190. (SO41 007) [BARBARIANS; FRONTIERS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 3200. Vogel-Weidemann,Ursula (c1968): E.Badian: Roman Imperialism in the Late Republic: second (revised) edition (Oxford 1968)., 157-165. (SO21 026) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4143. Vogel-Weidemann,Ursula (1975): Q. Vibius Crispus Proconsul. Eine Notiz zu Plin. Nat. Hist. 19,4. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 18, 149-153. (SO27 029) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 864. Vogel-Weidemann,Ursula (1985): The Dedicatory Inscription of Pompeius Magnus in Diodorus 40.4. Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 28, 57-75. (SO5 107) [OFFPRINT] 4891. Vogliano,Achille; Cumont,Franz (1933): La Grande Iscrizione Bacchica del Metropolitan Museum. AJA 37,2, 215-263. (SO35 079) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN RELIGION] 5633. Vogt,J (1924): Rîmische Politik in égypten. Beihefte zum Alten Orient 2, 39pp. (SO43 013) [EGYPT; NUMISMATICS; OFFPRINT] 4386. Vogt,J (1938): égypten als Reichsprovinz im Wandel der Jahrtausende. Klio 31,3, 301-312. (SO30 009) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT] 4243. Vogt,J (1956): Constantinus der Gro·e. In: Reallexikon fÅr Antike und Christentum. (Ed: Klauser,T) Anton Hiersemann, Stuttgart, 309-379. Syme Collection DB page 296 (SO27 125) [CONSTANTINE; OFFPRINT] 5313. Vogt,J (??): Die Geschichtschreibung des Tacitus, ihr Platz im Rîmischen Geschichtsdenken und ihr VerstÑdnis in der Modernen Forschung. In: Tacitus/ Annalen. (: ) (Krîners Taschenausgabe, 238.) Alfred Krîner, Stuttgart, xv-xlii. (SO38A 001) [INCOMPLETE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5181. Vogt,Joseph (1924): Tacitus als Politiker. Oeffentliche Antrittsrede Gahalten am 30. Oktober 1923 in TÅbingen. W. Kohlhammer, Stuttart. 19pp. (SO37 002) [LECTURE; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5180. Vogt,Joseph (1936): Tacitus und die Unparteilichkeit des Historikers. In: Studien zu Tacitus. Festschrift Hosius. (Ed: Hommel,H et al) (WÅrzburger Studien zur Altertumwissenschaft, 9.) W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1-20. (SO37A 001) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2416. Vogt,Joseph (1937): Unsere Stellung zur Antike. 110. Jahresbericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fÅr VaterlÑndische Cultur/ Geisteswissenschaftliche Reihe Nr. 3. (SO15 104) <<text of address to Breslau division of the German Academy>> [LECTURE; MONOGRAPH] 778. Vogt,Joseph (1949): Andreas Alfîldi: Die Kontorniaten. Ein Verkanntes Propagandamittel der Stadtrîmischen Heidnischen Aristokratie in Ihrem Kampfe gegen das Christliche Kaisertum. Budapest: Magyar Numizmatikai Tarsulat; Leipzig: Harrassowitz 1943. Gnomon 21, 25-29. (SO5 011) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; PAGANISM] 2578. Vogt,Joseph ([1951-1953]): Zum Herrscherkult bei Julius Caesar. In: Studies Presented to David Moore Robinson. (Ed: Mylonas,GE) University of Washington, St. Louis, 1138-1146. (SO16 060) [INCOMPLETE; FESTSCHRIFT] 4916. Vogt,Joseph (1953): Der Erbauer der Apostelkirche in Konstantinopel. Hermes 81,1, 111-117. (SO35 104) [CONSTANTINE; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT; TOPOGRAPHY] 4739. Vogt,Joseph (1957): Struktur der Antiken Sklavenkriege. AAWM 1957,1, 57pp. (SO33 115) [OFFPRINT; SLAVERY] 4905. Vogt,Joseph (1961): Heiden und Christen in der Familie Constantins des Grossen. In: Eranion. Festschrift fÅr Hildebrecht Hommel. (: ) Max Niemeyer, TÅbingen, 149-168. (SO35 093) [FESTSCHRIFT; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 2374. Vogt,Joseph (1962): Die Antike Sklaverei als Forschungsproblem- von Humboldt bis Heute. Gymnasium 69,3-4, 264278. (SO15 062) [OFFPRINT] 4658. Vogt,Joseph (1963): Ammianus Marcellinus als ErzÑhlender Geschichtsschreiber der SpÑtzeit. AAWM 1963,fasc. 8, 801-824. (SO33 035B) [AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3576. Vogt,Joseph (1967): Toynbees RÅckkehr zur Rîmischen Geschichte. Historia 16,1, 119-128. (SO22 216) <<review of Hannibal's Legacy. The Hannibalic War's Effects on Roman Life. Vol. 1 : Rome and her Neighbours before Hannibal's Entry, Vol. II : Rome and her Neighbours after Hannibal's Exit. London : Oxford University Press, 1965>> [OFFPRINT; REVIEW] 3967. Vogt,Joseph (1968): Prefazione alla Nuova Edizione Italiana; Orientamento sulla Ricerca. In: La Republica Romana. (Eds: Omodeo,Vittoria; Gronda,Carla) Editori Laterza, Bari, vii-xi, 417-431. (SO26 011) [OFFPRINT] 750. Vogt,Joseph (1969): Zu Pausanias und Caracalla. Historia 18,3, 299-308. (SO2 117) [OFFPRINT] 2373. Vogt,Joseph (193?): Rassenmischung im Rîmischen Reich. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart 26,1, 1-11. (SO15 061; article is in black letter script) [OFFPRINT] 2410. Vogt,Joseph (19??): BevolkerungsrÅckgang im Rîmischen Reich. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart 25,12, 653664. (SO15 098) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 297 1619. VoisÇ,Waldemar (19??): The Renaissance and the Sources of the Modern Social Sciences. In: . (: ),, 41-63. (SO10 016) <<chapter from unidentified book/ journal>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 2980. Voisin,Jean-Louis (1984): Les Romains, Chasseurs de Tàtes. In: Du ChÉiment dans la CitÇ. Supplices Corporels et Peine de Mort dans le Monde Antique. (: ) êcole Franáaise de Rome, Rome, 241-293. (SO18 166) <<series: Collection de l'êcole Franáaise de Rome 79>> [BIOGRAPHY; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2730. Volkmann,Hans (19??): R,Syme, Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. Oxford (Clarendon Press) 1968. Gymnasium, . (SO17 149A) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 5607. von Blumenthal,A (??): Das Pikenische. Indogermanische Forschungen 47, 48-72. (SO1A 159) [INCOMPLETE; ITALY; LANGUAGE; OFFPRINT; PICENIAN] 168. von Campenhausen,Hans Frhr (1952): Die Bilderfrage als Theologisches Problem der Alten Kirche. Zeitschrift fÅr Theologie und Kirche 49,1, 33-60. (SO1A 193; OLIS) [OFFPRINT] 5642. von Destinon,Justus (1904): Untersuchungen zu Flavius Josephus. Wissenschaftliche Beilage zum Jahresbericht des Kgl. Gymnasiums zu Kiel 1904, progr. 330, 35pp. (SO43 022) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; JOSEPHUS; OFFPRINT] (SO15 127) [OFFPRINT] 5283. von Fritz,Kurt (1957): Tacitus, Agricola, Domitian, and the Problem of the Principate. Classical Philology 52,2, 73-97. (SO37D 001) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY; TACITUS] 4100. von Fritz,Kurt (1972): S.M. Stern : Aristotle and the World State. London/ Colchester: Cassirer 1968; J. Bielawski, J. & Plezia, M.: Lettre d'Aristotle Ö Alexandre sur la Politique Envers les CitÇs. Warschau: Akad. Nauk 1970 (Archivum Filologiczne. Komitet Nauk o Kulturze Antycznej Polskiej.). Gnomon 44, 442-450. (SO26 139) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1518. von Gaertringen,F Hiller (1936): Neue Forschungen zur Geschichte und Epigraphik von Lesbos. Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gîttingen 1,6 (new series), 107-122. (SO9 055) [OFFPRINT] 4504. von Gonzenbach,Victorine (1952): Fides Excercitum. Eine Hand aus Vindonissa. Gesellschaft pro Vindonissa. Jahresbericht 1951/52, 3-21. (SO31 061) [EXCAVATIONS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 4505. von Gonzenbach,Victorine (1952): Eine Ammonsmaske aus dem SchutthÅgel (1951). Gesellschaft pro Vindonissa. Jahresbericht 1951/52, 22-28. (SO31 061) [EXCAVATIONS; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 3847. von Domaszewski,A ([1890-]): Zur Geschichte des Rîmischen Provinzialverwaltung. IV. Dacia. RMfP 48 (n.s.), 240-247. (SO25 066) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 2675. von Haehling,Raban (1977): Ammians Darstellung der Thronbesteigung Jovians im Lichte der Heidnisch-Christlichen Auseinandersetzung. In: Bonner Festgabe Johannes Straub zum 65. Geburtstag am 18. Oktober 1977. (: ) Rheinland-Verlag GMBH; Rudolph Habelt Verlag GMBH, Bonn, 347-358. (SO17 094) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 3841. von Domaszewski,A ([1895-?]): Der Vîlkerbund des Marcomanenkrieges., 8-13. (SO25 061) <<source and date unknown>> [FRONTIERS; MARCOMANNI; OFFPRINT] 291. von Haehling,Raban (1978): Ammianus Marcellinus und der Proze· von Skythopolis. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 21, 74-101. (SO4 070) [OFFPRINT] 2451. von Fritz,Kurt (1944): Emergency Powers in the Last Centuries of the Roman Republic. Annual Report of the American Historical Association 3, 221-237. 370. von Haehling,Raban (1980): Damascius und die Heidnische Opposition im 5. Jahrhundert nach Christus. Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum 23, 82-95. Syme Collection DB page 298 (SO4 154) [OFFPRINT] 396. von Haehling,Raban (1982): Heiden im Griechischen Osten des 5. Jahrhunderts nach Christus. Rîmische Quartalschrift fÅr Christliche Alterumskunde und Kirchengeschichte 77,1-2, 52-85. (SO4 184) [OFFPRINT] 5601. von Haehling,Raban ([c1988]): Timeo, Ne Per Me Consuetudo in Regno Nascatur. Die Germanen und der Rîmische Kaiserthron. In: Roma Renascens. BeitrÑge zur SpÑtantike und Rezeptionsgeschichte. Ilona Opelt von ihren Freunden und SchÅlern in Verehrung Gewidmet. (Ed: Wissemann,Michael) Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M, 88-113. (SO1B 077) [FESTSCHRIFT; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 654. von Heintze,Helga (1979): Ein SpÑtantikes Bildnis Caesars. In: Studies in Classical Art and Archaeology. A Tribute to Peter Heinrich von Blackenhagen. (Eds: Kopcke,G; Moore,M) J.J.Augustin, Locust Valley,N.Y., 291-304. (SO2 091) [FESTSCHRIFT; ICONOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 749. von Petrikovits,Harald (1938): Die Chronologie der Regierung Macrinus. Klio 31,1, 103-107. (SO2 120) [OFFPRINT] 3089. von Petrikovits,Harald (1938): Reichs,Macht- und Volktumsgrenze am Linken Niederrhein im 3. und 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. In: Festschrift fÅr August OxÇ zum 75. Geburtstag 23. Juli 1938. (: ) Darmstadt, L.C. Wittich Verlag, 220-240. (SO20 043) [FRONTIERS; GALLIA BELGICA; OFFPRINT] 608. von Petrikovits,Harald (1939): Opellius. In: Paulys RealencyclopÑdie der Classische Altertumswissenschaft. Vol. 18,1. (Ed: Kroll,W) J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, (columns) 539-558. (SO2 038) [OFFPRINT] 1584. von Petrikovits,Harald (1939): Troiae Lustus. Klio 32,2, 209-220. (SO9 120) [OFFPRINT] 3119. von Petrikovits,Harald (1950): Das Fortleben Rîmischer StÑdte an Rhein und Donau im FrÅhen Mittelalter. Trierer Zeitschrift 19,1-2, 72-81. (SO20 072) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 3104. von Petrikovits,Harald (1951): Birten. Niederrheinischen Jahrbuch des Vereins Linker Niederrhein 3, 3-12. (SO20 057) <<vol. is Festschrift for Albert Steeger>> [FESTSCHRIFT; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 458. von Petrikovits,Harald (1952): Troiaritt und Geranostanz. In: BeitrÑge zur élteren EuropÑischen Kulturgeschichte. Festschrift fÅr Rudolf Egger. Vol. 1. (: ) Verlag des Geschichtvereines fÅr Karnten, Klagenfurt, 126-143. (SO1C 038) [FESTSCHRIFT; RUDOLF EGGER] 4449. von Petrikovits,Harald (1952): JeanJacques Hatt: La Tombe Gallo-Romaine. Recherches sur les Inscriptions et les Monuments FunÇraires Gallo-Romains des Trois Premiers Siäcles de Notre Ere. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1951. Gnomon 24, 472-480. (SO31 010) [BOOK REVIEW; FRANCE; OFFPRINT] 3092. von Petrikovits,Harald (1956): Neue Forschungen zur Rîmerzeitlichen Besiedlung der Nordeifel. Germania 34,1/2, 99-125. (SO20 046) [GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 2645. von Petrikovits,Harald (1966): Arminius. BonnJahr 166, 175-193. (SO17 065) [OFFPRINT] 2642. von Petrikovits,Harald (1976): C.M.Wells, The German Policy of Augustus. An Examination of the Archaeological Evidence; Oxford, Clarendon Press 1972. Gîttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 228,1-2, 163173. (SO17 062) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 2115. von Petrikovits,Harald (1979): Die Canabae Legionis. In: 150 Jahre Deutsches ArchÑologisches Institut 1829-1979. (: ) Philipp von Zabern, Mainz, 163-175. (SO13 019) [OFFPRINT] 2114. von Petrikovits,Harald (1983): Sacramentum. In: Rome and Her Northern Provinces. (Eds: Hartley,Brian; Wacher,John) Alan Sutton, London, 179-201. (SO13 018) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 299 459. von Petrikovits,Harald (1984): Fragen der Ethnogenese der Sicht der Rîmischen ArchÑologie. In: Studien zur Ethnogenese. Rheinisch-WestfÑlische Akademie der Wissenschaften Abhandlung 72. (: ) (Rheinisch-WestfÑlische Akademie der Wissenschaften Abhandlung, 72.) Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 101-131. (SO1C 039) [BARBARIANS; ETHNICITY; OFFPRINT; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 2835. von Petrikovits,Harald (1985): Rîmischer Handel am Rhein und der Oberen und Mittlern Donau. In: Untersuchungen zu Handel und Vekehr der Vor- und FrÅhgeschichtlichen Zeit in Mittel- und Nordeuropa. Teil 1: Methodische Grundlagen und Darstellung zum Handel in Vorgeschichtlicher Zeit und in der Antike. (Ed: DÅwel,Klaus et al) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gîttingen, 299-336. (SO18 024) <<series: Abhandungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gîttingen PhilologischHistorische Klasse vol. 143 (3rd series)>> 3865. von Premerstein,Anton (1912): Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Kaisers Marcus. II. SeezÅge der Nordpontusvîlker und der Mauren. Der Einfall der Kostoboken. Klio 12,2, 139-178. (SO25 081) [MARCUS AURELIUS; OFFPRINT] 457. von Premerstein,Anton (1931): Zu den KyrenÑischen Edikten des Augustus. ZRG Rom. Abt. 51, 431-459. (SO1C 037) [OFFPRINT] 484. von Premerstein,Anton (1932): (?). Deutsche Literaturzeitung ?, fasc. 50, (columns) 2369-2371. (SO1C 029) <<Removed: (fragment of an article on history of Greece in Julio-Claudian period)>> [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 485. von Premerstein,Anton (1933): Griech.-Latein. Literatur und Kultur. Deutsche Literaturzeitung ?, 8, (columns) 347-350. (SO1C 030) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 1588. von Premerstein,Anton (1933): Lily Ross Taylor, The Divinity of the Roman Emperor. Philological Monographs published by the Amrican Philological Association Nr. 1 edited by Joseph William Hewitt. Middletown, Conn., The Amer. Philol. Association. Philologische Wochenschrift 53,40, (cols) 1114-1122. (SO9 124) [BOOK REVIEW; IMPERIAL CULT; RELIGION-ROMAN] 3706. von Premerstein,Anton (1934): C.Iulius Quadratus Bassus Klient des JÅngeren Plinius und General Trajans. Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. PhilosophischHistorische Abteilung 1934,3, 86. (SO24 020) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4719. von Scala,Rudolf (1912): Bevîlkerungsprobleme Altitaliens. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 42 (3rd. ser. vol. 12), 49-58. (SO33 094) [ITALY; OFFPRINT] 5092. Vretska,Karl (1955): Bemerkungen zum Bau der Charakteristik bei Sallust. Symbolae Osloenses 31, 105-118. (SO36D 006) [OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 5039. Vretska,Karl (1957): Zur Methodik der Echtheitskritik (Epistulae ad Caesarem Senem). Wiener Studien 70, 306-321. (SO36B 012) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 3848. Vulpe,R (1932): Piroboridava. La Station Protohistorique et Daco-Romaine de Poiana dans la Moldavie IntÇrieure. Revue ArchÇologique 34 (5th series), 237-276. (SO25 067) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 5545. Vulpe,R (1965): Scirtus Dacensis. Apulum 5, 151-166. (SO42 007) <<article in Rumanian with French summary>> [DACIA; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 5561. Vulpe,Radu (1931): Piroboridava. Consideratiuni Archeologice si Istorice asupra Cetatuii de la Poiana in Moldovo de Jos. (Reprinted from Viata Romåneasca vol. 22 (1930), 9-10 and vol. 23 (1931), 5 and 6), Bucuresti. 34 pages. (SO42 021) [DACIA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; TOPOGRAPHY] 3850. Vulpe,Radu (1955): Le Probläme des Bastarnes Ö la Lumiäre des DÇcouvertes ArchÇologiques en Moldavie. PrÇsente au Xe Congräs des Sciences Historiques Rome 1955. êditions de l'AcadÇmie de la RÇpublique Populaire Roumaine, Bucarest. 17 pages. (SO25 089) [CONGRESSES; LECTURE; MOLDAVIA; OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 300 3939. Vulpe,Radu (1960): Les Gätes de la Rive Gauche du Bas-Danubes et les Romains. Dacia. Revue d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Ancienne, 4 (n.s.). (SO25 155) [DANUBIANA; OFFPRINT] 5541. Vulpe,Radu (1960): Muntenia si Moldova de Jos ån Lui Traian, ån Lumina Unei Noi Lecturei a Papirului Hunt (La Valachie et la Basse Moldavie au Temps de Trajan, Ö la Lumiäre d'une Nouvelle Leáon du Papyrus Hunt). Studii Clasice 2, 337-357. (SO42 003) <<article in Romanian with Russian (?) and French summaries>> [DACIA; MOESIA; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 3940. Vulpe,Radu (1961): La Valachis et la Basse-Moldavie sous les Romains. Dacia. Revue d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire Ancienne 5 (n.s.), 365-393. (SO25 156) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3801. Vulpe,Radu (1963): Les Bures AlliÇs de DÇcÇbale dans la Premiäre Guerre Dacique de Trajan. Studii Clasice 5, 223-247. (SO25 020) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 1870. Wachtel,Klaus (1964): 100-Jahr-Feier Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Spektrum 10,1, 31-32. (SO11 152A) [OFFPRINT] 5622. Waddell,WG (1932): The Lighter Side of the Greek Papyri. A Talk to the St. Andrew's Society, Cairo, Egypt. 21pp. Newcastle-uponTyne: C.F. Cutter. (SO43 002) [ANATOLICA; LECTURE; OFFPRINT; PAPYRI] 3537. Walbank,FW (1950): Naval Triarii (Polyb. i.26.6). The Classical Review 64,1, 1011. (SO22 177) [OFFPRINT] 2392. Walbank,FW (1957): The Problem of Greek Nationality. Phoenix 5, 41-50. (SO15 080) [OFFPRINT] 5337. Walbank,FW (1960): History and Tragegy. Historia 9,2, 216-234. (SO38A 025) [OFFPRINT; TRAGEDY] 3036. Walbank,FW (1962): Polemic in Polybius. JRS 52, 1-12. (SO19 053) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 3380. Walbank,FW (1965): Political Morality and the Friends of Scipio. JRS 55, 1-16. (SO22 021) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2995. Walbank,FW (1967): The Scipionic Legend. PCPS 193 (n.s. 13), 54-69. (SO19 012) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SCIPIO AFRICANUS] 3005. Walbank,FW (1968-69): The Historians of Greek Sicily. Kokalos 14-15, 476498. (SO19 022) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SICILY] 2998. Walbank,FW (1970): Polybius and Macedonia. In: "Ancient Macedonia". 1st. International Symposium. (: ),, 291-307. (SO19 015) [MACEDONIA; OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 1600. Wade,Donald W (1969): Some Governors of Dacia. A Rearrangement. Classical Philology 64,2, 105-107. (SO9 137) [OFFPRINT] 4032. Walbank,FW (1970): The Achaean Assemblies Again. Museum Helveticum 27,3, 129-143. (SO26 075) [OFFPRINT] 5138. Wagenvoort,Hendrik (1936): Princeps. Philologus 91,2-3, 206-221; 323-345. (SO36F 001) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 2350. Walbank,FW (1972): Nationality as a Factor in Roman History. HSCP 76, 145-168. (SO15 038) [OFFPRINT] 5021. Walbank,FW (1948): The Geography of Polybius. Classica et Mediaevalia 9,2, 155182. (SO36A 020) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 3026. Walbank,FW (1973): The Development of Greek Biography. By Arnaldo Momigliano. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. History and Theory. Studies in the Philosophy of History 12,2, 230240. (SO19 043) [BIOGRAPHY; BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY] Syme Collection DB page 301 3006. Walbank,FW (1974): Polybius Between Greece and Rome. In: Polybe: Neuf ExposÇs Suivis de Discussion. (Eds: Walbank,FW; Gabba,Emilio) Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres-Genäve, 3-38. (SO19 023) <<series: Entretiens sur l'AntiquitÇ Classique 20>> [OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 2999. Walbank,FW (1975): Symploke: its role in Polybius' Histories. Yale Classical Studies 24, 197-212. (SO19 106) [OFFPRINT; POLYBIUS] 974. Walbank,FW (1979): The Surrender of the Egyptian Rebels in the Nile Delta (Polyb. xxii. 17. 1-7). In: [philias charin] Miscellanea in onore di Eugenio Manni. (: ) Giorgio Bretschneider, Roma, 2189-2197. (SO3 015; book title in greek characters) [OFFPRINT] 785. Walbank,FW (1981): Livy, Macedonia and Alexander. In: Ancient Macedonian Studies in Honour of Charles F.Edson. (Ed: Dell,HJ) (Hidryma Meleton Chersonesou tou Haimou.) Institute of Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 335-356. (SO5 020) [FESTSCHRIFT] 3000. Walbank,Frank W ([1974]): Synchronism in Polybius, Books 4 and 5. In: Polis and Imperium: Studies in Honour of Edward Togo Salmon. (Ed: Evans,JAS) Hakkert, Toronto, 59-80. (SO19 017) [CHRONOLOGY; FESTSCHRIFT; POLYBIUS] 1042. Walbank,Frank W (1980): The Idea of Decline in Polybius. In: Niedergang. Studien zu einem Geschichtlichen Thema. (Eds: Koselleck,Reinhart; Widmer,Paul) Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, 41-58. (SO3 081) [OFFPRINT] 2543. Walbank,Frank W (c1983): Howard Hayes Scullard. Gnomon, 189-191. (SO16 027) [INCOMPLETE; OBITUARY; OFFPRINT] 2004. Walbank,Frank W (c1985): Rainer Bernhardt: Polis und Rîmische Herrschaft in der SpÑteren Republik (149-31 v. Chr.) Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 1985., 515-518. (SO12 046) [INCOMPLETE; BOOK REVIEW] 2463. Wallen,Walter (1955): The British Epics of Quintus and Marcus Cicero. Transactions of the American Philological Association 86, 143-159. (SO15 139) [OFFPRINT] 4551. Walser,G; Zawadzki,T (1971): Une ÆClarissima FeminaØ dans une Nouvelle Inscription Latine TrouvÇe Ö GÇronde (Sierre). Vallesia 26, 1-4. (SO32 044) <<repaginated?>> [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3125. Walser,Gerold (1953): Caesars Entdeckung der Germanen und die Tendenz der Bellum Gallicum. Schweizer BeitrÑge zur Allgemeinen Geschichte 11, 5-26. (SO20 078) [CAESAR; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3093. Walser,Gerold (1954): Zur Bevîlkerungsgeschichte des Wallis im Altertum. Schweizer BeitrÑge zur Allgemeinen Geschichte 12, 195-208. (SO20 047) [FOLK MIGRATIONS; OFFPRINT] 5395. Walser,Gerold (1954): Das Strafgericht Åber die Helvetier im Jahre 69 N. Chr. Schweizer BeitrÑge zur Allgemeinen Geschichte 4,2, 260-270. (SO38D 002) [HELVETIA; OFFPRINT] 2551. Walser,Gerold (1955): Vercingetorix. Basler Nachrichten 276(13 April), 1-7. (SO16 035) <<text of radio broadcast from Studio Bern>> [OFFPRINT] 3675. Walser,Gerold (1955): Zur Bedeutung des Ge·lerhutes. Schweizer BeitrÑge zur Allgemeinen Geschichte 13, 130-135. (SO23 090) [OFFPRINT] 4635. Walser,Gerold (1955): Der Kaiser als Vindex Libertatis. Historia 4,2/3, 353-367. (SO33 015) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 5369. Walser,Gerold (1956): Die Rîmische öberlieferung vom Sraatlichen und Kulturellen Zustande der Barbaria. In: Carnuntina. Ergebnisse der Forschung Åber die Grenzprovinzen des Rîmischen Reiches. VortrÑge beim Internationalen Kongre· det Altertumsforcher. Carnuntum 1955. (Ed: Swoboda,Erich) (Rîmische Forschungen in Niederîsterreich, 3.) Hermann Bîhlaus, GrazKîln, 195-201. (SO38B 020) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 302 2773. Walser,Gerold (1959): Der Prozess Gegen Q. Ligarius im Jahre 46 v. Chr. Historia 8,1, 90-96. (SO16 070) [OFFPRINT] 2479. Walser,Gerold (1960): Die Victoria des L. Munatius Plancus. In: ÈEÍPIA. Festschrift fÅr W.-H. Schuchhardt. (Ed: Eckstein,Felix) Bruno Grimm Verlag fÅr Kunst und Wissenschaft Baden-Baden,, 217-223. (SO15 155) <<series: Deutsche BeitrÑge zur Altertumswissenschaft 12-13>> [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 4067. Walser,Gerold (1961): Zu den Ursachen der Reichskrise im Dritten Nachchristlichen Jahrhundert. Schweizer BeitrÑge zur Allgemeinen Geschichte 18-19, 142-161. (SO26 108) [OFFPRINT] 3114. Walser,Gerold (1964): Die Rîmischen Durchgangsstra·en in der Schweiz. Schweizerisches Archiv fÅr Verkehrswissenschaft und Verkehrspolitik (Annales Suisses d'êconomie des Transports) 19,2, 109-130. (SO20 067) [OFFPRINT; RHAETIA] 661. Walser,Gerold (1973): Die Beurteilung des Septimius Severus in der élteren und Neueren Forschung. Museum Helveticum 30, 104-116. (SO2 098) [OFFPRINT] 4682. Walsh,PG (1955): Livy's Preface and the Distortion of History. AJPh 76,4, 369-383. (SO33 059) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 4685. Walsh,PG (1958): The Negligent Historian: `Howlers' in Livy. Greece & Rome 5,1 (2nd. ser.), 83-88. (SO33 062) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 4681. Walsh,PG (1961): Livy and Augustus. Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 4, 1-12 (26-37 in original). (SO33 058) [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; LIVY; OFFPRINT] 4753. Walter de Gruyter & Co. (Ed.) (c1971): LÑrm zum Neuen Jahr. Libanius, Asterius von Amasea und Johannes Chrysostomus Åber das Neujahrsfest. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin; New York. 24 pages. (New Year's present from the publishers `den Autoren und Freunden unsures Hauses zum Jahreswechsel 1970/71') (SO34 013) [LATE EMPIRE; OFFPRINT] 1616. Walton,CS (1929): Oriental Senators in the Service of Rome. JRS 19,1, 38-66. (SO10 013) [OFFPRINT] 3369. Walton,Francis R (1965): A Neglected Historical Text. Historia 14,2, 236-251. (SO22 010) [INCOMPLETE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 516. Ward Perkins,JB (1937): The Career of Sex. Julius Frontinus. CQ 31,2, 102-105. (S)1C 092) [OFFPRINT] 2233. Warren,Larissa Bonfante (1970): Roman Triumphs and Etruscan Kings: The Changing Face of Triumph. JRS 60, 49-66. (SO14 042) [OFFPRINT] 5197. Waters,KA (1969): Trainus Domitiani Continuator. AJPh 90,4, 385-405. (SO37A 018) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TRAJAN] 2219. Watt,WS (1987): Five Notes on Tacitus, Agricola. AJPh 108, 465-466. (SO14 028) [OFFPRINT] 1491. Webber,G (1892): Dinair (Gueikler) CÇlänes ApamÇe Cibotos. Delagrange-Louys, Besanáon. 47pp pages. (SO9 031) [APAMEA-ANCIENT SITE; ASIA MINOR; EXCAVATIONS; MONOGRAPH] 4225. Weber,Ekkehard (1971): Zur Inschrift des Pontius Pilatus. BonnJahr 171, 194-200. (SO27 108) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 3722. Weidemann,Ursula (1957): Ronald Syme, Tacitus, 2 Bde. (Oxford, Clarendon Press 1958). BonnJahr 157, 528-535. (SO24 038) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3719. Weidemann,Ursula (1959): Ronald Syme, Tacitus, 2 volumes. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1958. ZRG Rom. Abt. 76, 664-665. (SO24 034) [BOOK REVIEW; SYME] 1548. Weidemann,Ursula (1964): Eine Bemerkung zu C. Rubellius Blandus, Cos. Suff. 18, und dessen Vater. Acta Classica. Syme Collection DB page 303 Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa 7, 64-69. (SO9 083) [OFFPRINT] 1461. Weidemann,Ursula (1965): Bengt E. Thomasson: Die Statthalter der Rîmischen Provinzen Nordafrikas von Augustus bis Diocletianus. Bd. 1.2 Lund: Gleerup 1960. (Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae, Series in 8ß, 9, 1.2). Gnomon 37, 786-799. (SO9 002) [AFRICA; BOOK REVIEW; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 2614. Weidemann,Ursula (1965): Drei Inschriften aus Kyme. AA 3, 446-466. (SO17 034) [OFFPRINT] 2610. Weinrib,EJ (1968): The Family Connections of M.Livius Drusus Libo. HSCP 72, 247-278. (SO17 030) [OFFPRINT] 4227. Weinstock,S (1937): Rîmische Reiterparade. Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni 13, 10-24. (SO27 110) [OFFPRINT] 3474. Weinstock,Stefan (1962): Treueid und Kaiserkult. Mitteilungen des Deutschen ArchÑologischen Instituts Athenische Abteilung 77, 306-327. (SO22 112) [OFFPRINT] 4808. Weitzmann,Kurt; Schultz,Stefan (1934): Zur Bestimmung des Dichters auf dem Musendiptychon von Monza. Jahrbuch des Deutschen ArchÑologischen Instituts 49,1-2, 128-138. (SO35 001) [ICONOGRAPHY; LATE EMPIRE; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT] 1796. Welles,CB (1938): The Immunitas of the Roman Legionaries in Egypt. JRS 28,1, 41-49. (SO11 080) [OFFPRINT] 3657. Welles,CB (1965): Greek Liberty. Journal of Juristic Papyrology 15, 29-47. (Volume dedicated to the memory of Vincenzo Arangio-Ruiz) (SO23 076) [FESTSCHRIFT; LIBERTY; OFFPRINT] 1895. Welles,C Bradford (1959): Eine PtolemÑische Kînigsurkunde. Edired by Ludwig Koenen. Wiesbaden: Verlag Otto Harrassowitz, 1957. Classical Philology 54,1, 66-67. (SO11 177) [OFFPRINT] 3051. Welles,CW (1957): The Chronology of Dura-Europos. Eos 48,3, 467-474. (SO20 007) <<journal is festschrift for Raphael Taubenschlag>> [ARABIA; FESTSCHRIFT] 1495. Wellesley,K (1953): The Extent of the Territory Added to Bithynia by Pompey. RMfP 96,4 (n.s.), 293-319. (SO9 035) [ASIA MINOR; BITHYNIA-ANCIENT REGION; OFFPRINT] 5284. Wellesley,K (1954): Can You Trust Tacitus? Greece & Rome 1,1 (2nd. ser.), 1333. (SO37D 002) [CLAUDIUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5238. Wellesley,K (1955): The Date of Composition of Tacitus, Ann. II. RMfP 79,2, 135-149. (SO37B 022) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5186. Wellesley,K (1969): Tacitus as a Military Historian. In: Tacitus. (Ed: Dorey),, 6397. (SO37 007) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5494. Wellesley,K (1969): D. Timpe, Der Triumph des Germanicus: Untersuchungen zu den FeldzÅgen der Jahre 14-16 n. Chr. in Germanien. (Antiquitas, Reihe 1, Band 16.) Bonn: R. Habelt, 1968. JRS 59, 277-278. (SO40 029) [BOOK REVIEW; FRONTIERS; GERMANIA; GERMANICUS; OFFPRINT] 5402. Wellesley,Kenneth (1956): Three Historical Puzzles in Histories 3. CQ 49 (n.s. vol. 6), 207-214. (SO38D 007) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5396. Wellesley,Kenneth (1957): Moonshinee in Tacitus. RMfP 100,3 (n.s.), 244-252. (SO38D 003) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5412. Wellesley,Kenneth (1960): Suggestio Falsi in Tacitus. RMfP 103,3, 272-288. (SO38D 017) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5330. Wellesley,Kenneth (1965): Karl BÅchner: Studien zur Rîmischen Literatur. Syme Collection DB page 304 Band 4: Tacitus und Ausklang. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1964. Gnomon 37, 701-705. (SO38A 018) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5234. Wellesley,Kenneth (1967): The Dies Imperii of Tiberius. JRS 57, 23-30. (SO37B 018) [CHRONOLOGY; OFFPRINT; TIBERIUS] 5327. Wellesley,Kenneth (1967): In Defence of the Leiden Tacitus. RMfP 110,3, 210-224. (SO38A 015) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5349. Wellesley,Kenneth (1968): Was the Leiden MS of Tacitus Copied from the Editio Princeps? AJPh 89,3, 302-320. (SO38A 037) [MSS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1205. Wellesley,Kenneth (1969): Cornelii Taciti, De Vita Agricolae, ed R.M. Ogilvie and the late Sir Ian Richmond. Clarendon Press, 1967. JRS 59, . (SO6 052) [AGRICOLA; BRITANNIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 1248. Wellesley,Kenneth (1978): P. Corneli Taciti Annalium libri xv-xvi, ed. F. Rîmer (WS Beiheft 6) 1976 Wien/ Kîln (Bîhlau). Gymnasium 85,4, 365-368. (SO6 095) [BOOK REVIEW; LITERATURE- LATIN; TACITUS] 1251. Wellesley,Kenneth (1978): Kenneth Wellesley. The Long Year A.D. 69. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1976 [1977]. The Classical World April-May 1978, 483. (SO6 098) [BOOK REVIEW] 1236. Wellesley,Kenneth (1984): What Happened on the Capitol in December A.D. 69. AJAH 6,2 (1981), 166-190. (SO6 083) [OFFPRINT] 2270. Wellin,Erik (1954): Ara Matis in Campo. Zur Frage der Bedeutung und des Umfanges des Campus Martius. Opuscula Romana 1, 166-190. (SO14 078) [OFFPRINT] 2651. Wells,Colin W (1971): The Augustan Penetration of Germany: Dates and Destinations. In: Roman Frontier Studies, 1967: Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress held at Tel-Aviv. (Ed: Applebaum,Shimon) Students Organization of Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, [1-6]. (SO17 071) <<pages may not refer to original vol.>> [OFFPRINT] 5272. Welskopp,Elizabeth Charlotte (1961): Die Kunst der Suggestion in der Darstellungsweise des Tacitus. Studii Clasice 3, 361-368. (SO37C 031) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2415. Wenger,Leopold (1905): Rîmische und Antike Rechsgeschichte. Inaugural lecture to the University of Vienna given on 26 October 1904; pamphlett published in Graz by Leuschner & Leubensky's. (SO15 103) [OFFPRINT] 2402. Wenger,Leopold (1925): Von der Staatkunst der Rîmer. Hochschulbuchhandlung Max Hueber, MÅnchen. 40 pages. (SO15) <<Lecture delivered on the installation of the vice-chancellor of the University of Munich on 29 Nov. 1924/series: MÅnchener UniversitÑtsreden 1>> [LECTURE; MONOGRAPH] 3977. Werner,Werner (1973): Vom Stadtstaat zum Weltreich. GrÅndzÅge der Innenpolitischen und Sozialen Entwicklung Roms. Gymnasium 80,3, 209-235. (SO26 021) [OFFPRINT] 3979. Werner,Werner (1973): Vom Stadtstaat zum Weltreich [ctd.]. Gymnasium 80,5, 437-456. (SO26 022) <<continuation of SO26 021>> [OFFPRINT] 3982. Werner,Werner (1973): öber Herkunst und Bedeutung von Ciceros Staatsdefinition. Chiron 3, 163-178. (SO26 026) [OFFPRINT] 1167. West,Stephanie (1984): Thomas HÑgg: The Novel in Antiquity. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983. The Classical Review 34, 201-203. (SO6 013) <<proof copy>> [BOOK REVIEW; LITERATURE- GREEK; LITERATURE- LATIN] 2053. West,Stephanie (1984): Lycophron Italicised. JHS 104, 127-151. (SO12 094) [OFFPRINT] 2052. West,Stephanie (1985): Herodotus' Epigraphical Interests. CQ 35,2, 278-305. (SO12 093) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 305 [OFFPRINT] 2031. West,Stephanie (1987): O. Kimball Armayor: Herodotus' Autopsy of the Fayoum: Lake Moeris and the Labyrinth of Egypt. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben. 1985. The Classical Review 37,1, 6-8. (SO12 074) [OFFPRINT] 2045. West,Stephanie (1987): Mabel L Lang: Herodotean Narrative and Discourse. (Martin Classical Lectures, 28). Cambridge, MA and London: Oberlin College, Harvard University Press, 1984. The Classical Review 37,1, 8-9. (SO12 087) [BOOK REVIEW] 2432. Westermann,William Linn (1949): Concerning Urbanism and Anti-Urbanism in Antiquity. Farouk I University Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts 5, 81-95. (SO15 199) [OFFPRINT] 2426. Westrup,CW (1952): A Near-Kin within the Kin: A Comparative Study. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. HistoriskFilologiske Meddelelser 33,4, 26. (SO15 194) <<journal published as a series of separate fascicules>> [OFFPRINT] 4321. Whatmough,J (1951): Estudios Sobre las Primitivas Lenguas Hisp†nicas. By Antonio Tovar (Ministerio de Educaci¢n), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosof°a y Letras, Instituto de Fililog°a: Secci¢n Cl†sica, Ser. B., Vol. 4). Buenos Aires, 1949. Language 27,4, 571-575. (SO29 008) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 3152. Whatmough,Joshua (1949): Gentes Variae Linguis (Verg. A. 8, 722-23). Word 5,2, 106-115. (SO20 105) [OFFPRINT] 3096. Whatmough,Joshua (1957): ALPES POPVLIQVE INALPINI. HSCP 60, 175-185. (SO20 049) [OFFPRINT] 2489. Wheeler,Marcus (1952): Cicero's Political Ideal. Greece & Rome 21 (no. 62), 4956. (SO15 156) [OFFPRINT] 3077. Wheeler,REM (19??): Roman Contact with India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. In: Aspects of Archaeology in Britain and Beyond : Essays Presented to O.G.S. Crawford. (: ) H.W. Edwards, London, 345-373. (SO20 032) 2956. White,Donald (1981): Cyrene's Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone: A Summary of a Decade of Excavation. AJA 85, 13-30. (SO18 143) [LIBYA; OFFPRINT; SANCTUARIES] 820. White,Peter (1967): The Authorship of the Historia Augusta. JRS 57, 115-133. (SO5 058) [OFFPRINT] 784. White,Peter (1973): Vibius Maximus, the Friend of Statius. Historia 22,2, 295-301. (SO5 019) [OFFPRINT] 1179. White,Peter (1975): The Friends of Martial, Statius, and Pliny, and the Dispersal of Patronage. HSCP 79, 265-300. (SO6 025) [OFFPRINT] 3015. White,Peter (1977): Horace A.P. 12830: The Intent of the Wording. CQ 27,1, 191201. (SO19 032) [HORACE; LATIN LITERATURE; OFFPRINT] 2996. White,Peter (1978): Amicitia and the Profession of Poetry in Early Imperial Rome. JRS 68, 74-92. (SO19 013) [AMICITIA; LATIN LITERATURE; OFFPRINT] 1119. White,Peter (1988): Julius Caesar in Augustan Rome. Phoenix 42,4, 334-356. (SO3 166) [OFFPRINT] 3618. Whitfield,JH (1967): The Charlecote Manuscript of Machiavelli's Prince. Italian Studies 22, 6-25. (SO23 037) [OFFPRINT] 303. Whittaker,CR (1976): Agri Deserti. In: Studies in Roman Property. (Ed: Finley,MI) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 137207. (SO4 082) [OFFPRINT] 667. Wickert,L (1938): Willy HÅttl: Antoninus Pius. Bd i: Historisch-Politische Darstellung; Bd. 2: Rîmische Reichbeamte und Offiziere unter Antoninus Pius in der Inschriften seiner Zeit. Prag: Calve 1936; 1933. Gnomon 14,4, 219-221. (SO2 105) [ANTONINES; BOOK REVIEW] Syme Collection DB page 306 1398. Wickert,Lothar (1931): Bericht Åber eine Zweite Reise zur Vorbereitung von CIL II Suppl. 2. Sitzungberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 32, 3-18. (SO7 090) [OFFPRINT] 1355. Wickert,Lothar (1934): Epigraf°a Emeritense. Anuario del Cuerpo Facultativo de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios y Arque¢logos 1, 116. (SO7 046) [OFFPRINT] 4637. Wickert,Lothar (1949): Der Prinzipat und die Freiheit. In: Symbola Coloniensia. Iosepho Kroll Sexagenario A.D.6.Id.Nov.A.1949 Oblata. (: ) B. Pick; Bibliopolae Universitatis, Coloniae ad Rhenum, 111-141. (SO33 017) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 1765. Wickert,Lothar (1950): Die Flotte der Rîmischen Kaiserzeit. WÅrzburger JahrbÅcher fÅr die Altertumswissenschaft 1949/50, 1, 100125. (SO11 049) [OFFPRINT] 2553. Wickert,Lothar (1953): Das Imperium Proconsulare des Augustus. RMfP 96, 192. (SO16 037A) [OFFPRINT] 2554. Wickert,Lothar (1953): Caesar Sitz auf der Tribunenbank. RMfP 96,3, 288. (SO16 037) [OFFPRINT] 3613. Wickert,Lothar ([c1954): Theodor Mommsen. Lebendige Gegenwart. GedÑchtnisrede, Gehalten zur Feier des 50. Todestages am 1. Nov. 1953. (Verîffentlichung des Freien UniversitÑt Berlin.) Colloquium Verlag, Berlin; Dahlem. 24 pages. (SO23 032) [MOMMSEN,THEODOR 1817-1903; OFFPRINT] 4626. Wickert,Lothar (1954): Jean BÇranger: Recherches sur l'Aspect IdÇologique du Principat. Basel: Reinhardt 1953. (Schweizerische BeitrÑge zur Altertumwissenschaft. 6). Gnomon 26, 534544. (SO33 006) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5064. Wickert,Lothar (1954): Sertorius. In: Rastloses Schaffen. Festschrift fÅr Friedrich Lammert. (: ) W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 97106. (SO36C 012) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SERTORIUS] 4632. Wickert,Lothar (1956): Ettore Lepore: Il Princeps Ciceroniano e gli Ideali Politici della Tarda Repubblica. Napoli 1954 (Ist. Ital. per gli Studi Stor. 6). Gnomon 28, 294-299. (SO33 012) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 1284. Wieacker,Franz (1969): Augustus und die Jusisten Seiner Zeit. Revue d'Histoire du Droit 37, 331-349. (SO6 131) [OFFPRINT] 1285. Wieacker,Franz (1970): Die Rîmischen Juristen in der Politischen Gesellschaft des Zeiten Vorchristlichen Jahrshunderts. In: Sein und Werden im Recht. Festgabe fÅr Ulrich von LÅbtow. (Eds: Becker,Walter G; von Carolsfeld,Ludwig Schnorr) Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 183-214. (SO6 132) [FESTSCHRIFT] 1272. Wieacker,Franz (c1975): Die Provinz der Rechtsgeschichte. In: Festschrift fÅr Erwin Seidl zum 70. Geburtstag. (Eds: HÅbner,Heinz; KlingmÅller,E; Wacke,A) Peter Hanstein, Kîln, 220-230. (SO6 119) [FESTSCHRIFT; HISTORIOGRAPHY] 1043. Wieacker,Franz (1980): Su Federico Carlo di Savigny. Quaderni Fiorentini per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno 9, 303306. (SO3 082) [OFFPRINT] 1044. Wieacker,Franz (1982): ÆAmbiguitas CrocodilinaØ. In: Studi in Onore di Caesare Sanfilippo. Vol. 2. (: ) Giuffrä Editore,, 739755. (SO3 083) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 3696. Wieacker,Franz (1982): L'Esperienza Romana e la Moderna Nozione di Rivoluzione. In: La Rivoluzione Romana. Inchiesta tra gli Antichisti. (: ) (Biblioteca di Labeo.) Jovene, Napoli, 74-84. (SO24 011) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; POLITICAL IDEOLOGY] 1460. Wiegels,R (1974): GÇza Alfîldy: Fasti Hispanienses. Senatorische Reichsbeamte und Offiziere in den Spanischen Provinzen des Rîmischen Reiches von Augustus bis Diokletian. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1969. Gnomon 46, 188-198. (SO9 001) [BOOK REVIEW; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SPAIN] Syme Collection DB page 307 1383. Wiegels,Rainer (1968): Zur Familie des Raecius Gallus. Madrider Mittleilungen 9, 230-236. (SO7 075) [OFFPRINT] 938. Wiegels,Rainer (1973): Ein Rîmisches InschriftenhÑuschen aus dem Kleinkastell Hîhehaus (Odenwald). Germania 51,2, 543552. (SO5 183) [OFFPRINT] 1322. Wiegels,Rainer (1974): Zum Rechtsstatus von Carteia WÑhrend des Prinzipats. Madrider Mittleilungen 15, 203-208. (SO7 013) [OFFPRINT] 1349. Wiegels,Rainer (1974): Liv. per. 55 und die GrÅndung von Valentia. Chiron 4, 153-176. (SO7 039) [OFFPRINT] 5389. Wight Duff,J (1917): P. Cornelii Taciti Dialogus De Oratoribus. The Classical Review 31, 176-179. (SO38C 007) [MSS; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 5175. Wilcken,Ulrich (1925): Der Angebliche Staatsstreich Octavians im Jahre 32 v. Chr. Sitzungberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 10, 6687. (SO36F 038) [AUGUSTUS; OFFPRINT] 3470. Wilcken,Ulrich (1931): Zu den Impensae der Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Sitzungberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 27, 16pp. (SO22 109) [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5166. Wilcken,Ulrich (1931): Zu den Impensae der Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Sitzungberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 27, 16pp. (SO36F 029) <<dupl. of SO22 106/ #3470>> [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5165. Wilcken,Ulrich (1932): Zur Genesis der Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Sitzungberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 11, 24pp. (SO36F 028) [AUGUSTUS; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 1541. Wilcken,Ulrich (1937): Die Letzten PlÑne Alexanders des Gro·en. Sitzungberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 24, 518. (SO9 075) [OFFPRINT] 1526. Wilhelm,Adolf (1933): Zu Neuen Inschriften aus Pergamon. Sitzungberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-Hist. Klasse 20, 3-26. (SO9 062) [OFFPRINT] 760. Wilkenson,LP (1957): The Earliest Odes of Horrace. Hermes 84,4, 495-500. (SO2 201) [OFFPRINT] 5502. Wilkes,JJ (1963): A Note on the Mutiny of the Pannonian Legions in A.D. 14. CQ 66 (n.s. vol. 13), 268-271. (SO41 005) [FRONTIERS; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT; PANNONIA; ROMAN ARMY] 5481. Wilkes,JJ (1965): [SPLAUNON]. Splonum Again. AAntHung 13, 111-125. (SO40 017) [GERMANICUS; ILLYRIA; OFFPRINT] 5532. Wilkes,JJ (1966): GÇza Alfîldy, Bevîlkerng und Gesellschaft der Rîmischen Privinz Dalmatien. Mit einem Beitrag von Andreas M¢csy. Budapest: AkadÇmiai Kiad¢, 1965. BonnJahr 166, 646-654. (SO41 035) [BOOK REVIEW; DALMATIA; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 5588. Wilkes,JJ (1967): A New Governor of Dalmatia. Epigraphische Studien 4, 119-121. (SO42 047) [DALMATIA; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY; PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION] 4211. Wilkes,JJ (1975): Eric Birley: A Bibliography, 1928-74. Britannia 6, xi-xxviii. (SO27 094) <<with addenda and corrigenda to original in type>> [BIBLIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3893. Wilkes,JJ (1976): Arthur Evans in the Balkans 1875-81. BIAL 13, 25-56. (SO25 109) [OFFPRINT] 798. Wilkes,JJ (1977): Governors of Asia Minor. Bernd Kreiler: Die Statthalter Kleinsaiens unter der Flaviern. By the author, 8 MÅnchen 19, Blutenburgst. 40, 1975. The Syme Collection DB page 308 Classical Review 27,2 (n.s. vol. 91 of whole series), 228-230. (SO5 033) [ASIA MINOR; BOOK REVIEW; PROSOPOGRAPHY; SOCIAL STRUCTURE] 5466. Wilkes,JJ (1983): Romans, Dacians and Sarmatians in the First and Early Second Centuries. In: Rome and Her Northern Provinces. Papers Presented to Sheppard Frere in Honour of his Retirement from the Chair of the Archaeology of the Roman Empire, University of Oxford, 1983. (Eds: Hartley,B; Wacher,J) A. Sutton, Gloucester, 255-289. (SO40 002) [BARBARIANS; DANUBE; FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT] 5125. Williams,Gordon (1960): Wolf Steidle: Sallusts Historische Monographien. Themenwahl und Geschichtsbild. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1958. (Historia. Einzelschriften 3). Gnomon 32, 509-515. (SO36E 004) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; SALLUST] 3604. Wilson,FH (1938): Studies in the Social and Economic History of Ostia. PBSR 14, 152-162. (SO23 023) [OFFPRINT] 1146. Wilson,NG (1988): Vettor Fausto, Professor of Greek and Naval Architect. In: The Uses of Greek and Latin. (Eds: Dionisotti,AC; Grafton,Anthony; Kraye,Jill) Warburg Institute, London, 89-95. (SO3 192) [OFFPRINT] 4732. Wimmel,Walter (1981): Der Tragische Dichter L. Varius Rufus. Zur Frage seines Augusteertums. AAWM 1981,5, 32pp. (SO33 107) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; TRAGEDY] 5231. Windisch,H (1929): Die Orakel des Hystaspes. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Afdeeling Letterkunde 28,3 (n.s.), 103. (SO37B 015) [OFFPRINT; RELIGION] 3584. Winkler,Henry R (1963): Sir Lewis Namier. Journal of Modern History 35,1, 1-19. (SO23 003) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; NAMIER, SIR LEWIS; OFFPRINT] 2436. Wirszubski,Ch (1954): Cicero's CVM DIGNITATE OTIVM: A Reconsideration. JRS 44, 1-13. (SO15 112) [OFFPRINT] 1207. Wirszubski,Ch (1955): Spinoza's Debt to Tacitus. Scripta Hierosolymitana 2, 176186. (SO6 054) [OFFPRINT] 4189. Wirth,G (1967): Prokop: Werke Bd. 1, Prokop, Anekdota, Griechisch-Deutsch ed. Otto Veh. Ernst Heimeran Verlag in MÅnchen, 1961. Helikon 7, 1-4, 621-629. (SO27 072) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 4750. Wirth,G (1971): Adolf Lippold. Theodosius der Grosse und seine Zeit. Eirene, 146-154. (SO34 0010) [BOOK REVIEW; LATE EMPIRE; PHOTOCOPY] 2084. Wirth,Gerhard (1969): Flavius Josephus, Der JÅdische Krieg. öbertrÑgen und Eingeleitet von Hermann Endrîs. Bd. 1.2. MÅnchen: Goldmann, 1965-66. Deutsche Literaturzeitung 90,3, 227-231. (SO12 125) [OFFPRINT] 4030. Wirth,Gerhard (1971): Alexander Zwischen Gaugamela und Persepolis. Historia 20,5-6, 617-632. (SO26 073) [OFFPRINT] 4033. Wirth,Gerhard (1971): Dareios und Alexander. Chiron 1, 133-152. (SO26 076) [OFFPRINT] 3167. Wirth,Gerhard (1972): Die [syntaxeis] von Kleinasien 224 v. Chr. Chiron 2, 92-98. (SO20 120; [ ] in title in greek characters) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 4672. Wirth,Gerhard (1978): Julians Perserkeieg. Kriterien einer Katastrophe. In: Julian Apostata. (Ed: Klein,R) (Wege der Forschung, 509.) Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 455-507. (SO33) [FRONTIERS; JULIAN; OFFPRINT] 373. Wirth,Gerhard (1980): Vom Anonymus de Rebus Bellicis zu Ammian. Perspektiven eines Rombildes im 4. JHDT. In: Passagio dal Mondo Antico al Medio Evo da Teodosio a San Gregorio Magno. (: ) (Atti dei Convegni Lincei, 45.) Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, . (87-122) (SO4 158) [OFFPRINT] 986. Wirth,Gerhard (1980): Taktika Tina. WÅrzburger JahrbÅcher fÅr die Syme Collection DB page 309 Altertumswissenschaft 6a (n.s.) (=Festschrift fÅr Hartmut Erbse), 107-125. (SO3 025) [ALEXANDER THE GREAT; FESTSCHRIFT; WARFARE-ANCIENT] 2535. Wirth,Gerhard (c1981): Die AnfÑnge des Bonner Corpus. In: Barthold Georg Niebuhr. Historiker und Staatsmann. VortrÑge bei dem AnlÑ·lich seines 150. Todestages in Bonn Veranstalteten Kolloquiums 10.-12. November 1981. (Ed: Wirth,Gerhard) Ludwig Rîhrscheid, Bonn, 211-239. (SO16 019) <<series: Bonner Historische Forschungen vol. 52>> [OFFPRINT] 2240. Wirth,Gerhard (1983): PompeiusArmenien-Parther. Mutma·ungen zur BewÑltigung einer Kriesensituation. BonnJahr 183, 1-60. (SO14 049) [OFFPRINT] 2952. Wirth,Gerhard (1983): Der Weg an die Grenze. BlÅte und Schicksal der Antiken Bildungstradition. In: Schulgeschichte im Zusammenhang der Kulturentwicklung. (Eds: Kriss-Rettenbeck,Lenz; Liedtke,Max) Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, 77-117. (SO18 139) [PHILOSOPHY SCHOOLS] 399. Wirth,Gerhard (1984): Jovian- Kaiser und Karikatur. In: Vivarium. Festschrift Theodor Klauser zum 90. Geburtstag. (: ) (Jahrbuch fÅr Antike und Christentum. ErgÑnzungsband, 11.) Aschendorff, MÅnchen, 353-384. (SO4 187) [FESTSCHRIFT; JOVIAN; OFFPRINT] 2049. Wirth,Gerhard (1985): GÅnter Grimm, Heinz Heinen und Erich Winter (Hrsg.), Alexandrien. Kulturbegegnungen dreier Jahrtausende im Schmelztiegel einer Mediterranen Gro·stadt. Verlag Phillip von Zabern, Mainz 1981. BonnJahr 185, 649-652. (SO12 090A) [BOOK REVIEW] 2048. Wirth,Gerhard (1986): Nochmals zur FÅnften Hipparchie Fast öberflÅssige ErwÑgungen zum Arriantext. In: Xenia: Scritti in Onore di Piero Treves. (Ed: Fulviomario,Broilo) L'Erma di Bretschneider, Rome, 235-246. (SO12 090) [FESTSCHRIFT] 2324. Wirth,Gerhard (1988): Nearch, Alexander und die Diadochen. Spekulationen Åber einen Zusammenhang. Tyche 3, 241259. (SO15 012) [OFFPRINT] 2323. Wirth,Gerhard (1989): Lehrer, Kirche und Kaiser. Zum Literarischen Bild am Ende der Antike. In: Schreiber, Magister, Lehrer. Zur Geschichte und Funktion eines Berufsstandes. (Eds: von Hohenzollern,Johann Georg Prinz; Liedtke,Max) Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, 83-118. (SO15 011) [OFFPRINT] 2663. Wiseman,TP (1963): Teidia's Husband. Latomus 22, 87-90. (SO17 082) [OFFPRINT] 2633. Wiseman,TP (1964): Some Republican Senators and the Tribes. CQ 14,1 (new series; vol. 58 of continuous series), 122133. (SO17 053) [OFFPRINT] 4616. Wiseman,TP (1964): Viae Anniae. PBSR 32 (n.s. vol. 19), 21-37. (SO32 097) [OFFPRINT; ROMAN ROADS] 3215. Wiseman,TP (1965): The Mother of Livia Augusta. Historia 14,3, 333-334. (SO21 043) [OFFPRINT] 2487. Wiseman,TP (1966): The Ambitions of Quintus Cicero. JRS 56, 108-115. (SO15 163) [OFFPRINT] 2611. Wiseman,TP (1968): Pulcher Claudius. HSCP 74, 207-221. (SO17 031) [OFFPRINT] 4014. Wiseman,TP (1969): Viae Anniane Again. PBSR 37, 82-91. (SO26 057) [OFFPRINT] 3966. Wiseman,TP (1970): The Definition of 'Eques Romanus' in the Late Republic and Early Empire. Historia 19,1, 67-83. (SO2 010) [OFFPRINT] 3983. Wiseman,TP (1970): E.S.Gruen, Roman Politics and the Criminal Courts 14978 B.C. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard U.P., 1968. JRS 60, 212-213. (SO26 027) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5461. Wiseman,TP (1970): A Note on P. Mucius Scaevola. Athenaeum 48,1-2, 152153. (SO39 042) Syme Collection DB page 310 [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 5422. Wiseman,TP (1971): Celer and Nepos. CQ 21,1, 180-182. (SO39 003) [OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1555. Wiseman,TP (1976): Senators, Commerce and Empire. Liverpool Classical Monthly 1, 21-22. (SO9 089) [OFFPRINT] 3992. Wiseman,TP (1976): Camerius. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 23, 15-17. (SO26 035) [OFFPRINT] 3993. Wiseman,TP (1977): Cicero, pro Sulla 60-61. Liverpool Classical Monthly 2, 21-22. (SO26 036) [CICERO; OFFPRINT] 1240. Wiseman,TP (1978): Flavians on the Capitol. AJAH 3,2, 163-178. (SO6 087) [OFFPRINT] 417. Wiseman,TP (1979): Strabo on the Campus Martius: 5.3.8, C23b. Liverpool Classical Monthly 4,7, 129-133. (SO4 206) [OFFPRINT] 1307. Wiseman,TP (1979): Tile-Stamps and Roman Nomenclature. In: Roman Brick and Tile. Studies in Manufacture, Distribution and Use in the Western Emopire. (Ed: McWhirr,Alan) (B.A.R. International Series, 68.) British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 221-230. (SO6 154) [BRICK STAMPS; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ONOMASTICA] 3221. Wiseman,TP (1979): Frank Stoessl, C. Valerius Catullus: Mensch, Leben, Dichtung (BeitrÑge zur Klassichen Philologie LXXXV). Meisenheim am Glan : Verlag Anton Hain. JRS 69, 161-168. (SO21 049) [BOOK REVIEW; OFFPRINT] 5003. Wiseman,TP (1981): Practice and Theory in Roman Historiography. History (Oct 1981), 375-393. (SO36A 004) [INCOMPLETE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; ROMAN HISTORY-REPUBLIC] 854. Wiseman,TP (1983): Domi Nobiles and the Roman Cultural êlite. In: Les ÆBourgeoisiesØ Municipales Italiennes aux IIe et Ier Siäcles av. J.-C. [Colloque] 7-10 DÇcembre 1981, Centre Jean BÇrard, Institut Franáais de Naples. (Ed: CÇbeillacGervasoni,M) (Colloques Internationaux de C.N.R.S, 609; Bibliothäque de l'Institut Franáais de Naples, 2nd. ser., vol. 6.) êditions de CNRS; Institut Franáais de Naples, Paris; Naples, 299-307. (SO5 096) [OFFPRINT] 2941. Wiseman,TP (1983): The Wife and Children of Romulus. CQ 33,2, 445-452. (SO18 128) [MYTH; OFFPRINT] 4711. Wiseman,TP (1983): The Credibility of the Roman Annalists. Liverpool Classical Monthly 8,2(Feb. 1983), 20-22. (SO33 086) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 2018. Wiseman,TP (1985): Who was Crassicius Pansa. Transactions of the American Philological Association 115, 187196. (SO12 061) [OFFPRINT] 4094. Wiseman,TP (?): Clodia: Some Imaginary Lives. Arion 2,1, 96-115. (SO26 133) [INCOMPLETE; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5365. Wissowa,Georg (??): Interpretatio Romana. Rîmische Gîtter im Barbarenlande. Archiv fÅr Religionswissenschaft 19, 1-49. (SO38B 016) [ACCULTURATION; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT] 5017. Wiseman,TP (1979): Cicero, De Divinatione 1.55. CQ 29,1, 142-144. (SO36A 016) [CICERO; HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 5380. Wissowa,Georg (??): Die Germanische Urgeschichte in Tacitus' Germania., 14-31. (SO38B 028) <<date and source unknown>> [INCOMPLETE; GERMANIA; OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 2230. Wiseman,TP (1981): The Temple of Victory on the Palatine. AntJ 61,1, 35-52. (SO14 039) [OFFPRINT] 2470. Wistrand,Erik (1941): Gratus, Grates, Gratia, Gratiousus. Eranos 39, 17-26. (SO15 146) [OFFPRINT] Syme Collection DB page 311 2471. Wistrand,Erik (1946): Invidia. Ein Semasiologischer Beitrag. Eranos 44 (Festschrift for Gunnar Rudberg), 355-369. (SO15 147) [FESTSCHRIFT; OFFPRINT] 2776. Wistrand,Erik (1963): The Date of Curio's African Campaign. Eranos 61, 38-44. (SO16 073) [OFFPRINT] 4919. Wistrand,Erik (1964): A Note on the Geminis Natalis of Emperor Maximian. Eranos 62, 131-145. (SO35 107) [LATE EMPIRE; LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; PANEGYRICS] 3001. Wistrand,Erik (1967): On the Problem of Catalepton 3. Arctos 5 (n.s.), 169-175. (SO19 018) [LATIN LITERATURE; OFFPRINT; VIRGIL] 941. Wistrand,Erik (1969): Cohors. Opuscula Romana 7, 77-80. (SO5 186) [OFFPRINT] 5342. Wistrand,Erik (1973): Eckard Lefävre: Das Prooemium der Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus. Ein Beitrag zur Typik Epischer Prooemien der Rîmischen Kaiserzeit. Wiesbaden: Steiner i. Komm. (AbhMainz 1971, 6, 159-226). Gnomon, 497-498. (SO38A 030) [BOOK REVIEW; LITERATURE-ROMAN; OFFPRINT] 1006. Wistrand,Erik (1979): Zum Gebrauch des Lateinischen Adjektivs Similis. Eranos 77, 147-155. (SO3 046) [OFFPRINT] 1254. Wistrand,Erik (1979): The Stoic Opposition to the Principate. Studii Clasice 18, 93-101. (SO6 101) [OFFPRINT] 5030. Wistrand,Eril (1962): The Date of Sallust's First Letter to Caesar. Eranos 60, 160-173. (SO36B 003) [HISTORIOGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PSEUDO-SALLUST] 5416. Wîlfflin,Eduard (1901): Composition der Historien des Tacitus. Sitzungsberichten der Kgl. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Abteilung 1901,1, 52pp. (SO38D 021) [OFFPRINT; TACITUS] 3172. Wîrrle,Michael (1971): égyptisches Getreide fÅr Ephesos. Chiron 1, 325-340. (SO20 125) [ASIA MINOR; OFFPRINT] 792. Wîrrle,Michael (1975): Epigraphic Extracts by M. Wîrrle. In: Myra. Eine Lykische Metropole in Antiker und Byzantinischer Zeit. (Ed: Borchhardt,JÅrgen) (Istanbuler Forschungen, 30.) Bebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin, 67-72; 159-160; 253-300. (SO5 027) [ASIA MINOR; EPIGRAPHY; MYRAANCIENT CITY; OFFPRINT] 1132. Wolf,Joseph Georg (1988): Das Senatusconsultum Silanianum und die Senatsrede des C. Cassius Longinus aus dem Jahre 61 n. Chr. Sitzungberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 1988, 2, 50pp. (SO3 178) [C. CASSIUS LONGINUS; NERO; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 1754. Wolff,Hartmut (1974): Zu den BÅrgerrechtsverleihungen an Kinder von Auxiliaren und Legionaren. Chiron 4, 479-510. (SO11 037) [OFFPRINT] 356. Wolff,Hartmut (1982): Kritische Bemerkungen zum SÑkularen Severin. Ostbairische Grenzmarken 24, 24-51. (SO4 139) [OFFPRINT] 4435. Wolski,J (1954): Remarques Critiques sur les Institutions des Arsacides. Eos 46, 5982. (SO30 057) [OFFPRINT; PARTHIA] 989. Wolski,J (1976): L'Origine de la Relation d'Arrian sur la Paire des Fräres Arsacides, Arsace et Tiridate. AAntHung 24, 63-70. (SO3 027) [OFFPRINT] 992. Wolski,J (1977): L'Iran dans la Politique des SÇleucides. AAntHung 25, 149156. (SO3 030) [OFFPRINT] 987. Wolski,J¢sef (1980): La Place et le Rìle de l'Çpoque Arsacide dans l'Histoire de l'Iran Ancien. Rocznik Orientalistyczny 41,2, 145-150. (SO3 029) [OFFPRINT] 990. Wolski,J¢sef (1980): Le Rìle et l'Importance des Guerres de Deux Fronts Syme Collection DB page 312 dans la DÇcadence de l'Empire Romain. Klio 62,2, 411-423. (SO3 028) [OFFPRINT] 3046. Woodman,AJ (1983): Velleous Paterculus, Historiae Romaine. Tome I: Livre I; Tome II: Livre II. Texte Çt. et Trad. par Joseph Hellegouarc'h. Paris: Belles Lettres 1982. T. Doppels. (Coll. des UniversitÇs de France). Gnomon 55, 11-15. (SO20 003) [BOOK REVIEW; HISTORIOGRAPHY; VELLEIUS PATERCULUS] 1090. Woodman,AJ (1989): Tacitus' Obituary of Tiberius. CQ 39,1, 197-205. (SO3 132) [OFFPRINT] 1238. 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(SO14 004) <<lecture given on 16th June 1968 to mark the 1900th anniversary of the VII Legio Gemina>> [LECTURE; OFFPRINT] 600. Yonge,David (1979): The So-Called Interregnum Coinage. Numismatic Chronicle 19 (seventh series), 47-60. (SO2 032) [OFFPRINT] 1083. Yoshimura,T (1988): Zum Rîmischen Libertas-Begriff in der Aussenpolitik im Zweiten Jahrhundert vor Chr. AJAH 9,1, 1-22. (SO3 124) [OFFPRINT] 3202. Yoshimura,Tadasuke (1961): Die Auxiliartruppen und die Provinzialklientel in der Rîmischen Republik. Historia 10,4, 473-495. (SO21 028) [FRONTIERS; OFFPRINT; ROMAN ARMY] 1726. Yoshimura,Tadasuke (1963): öber die Legio Vernacula des Pompeius. Annuario dell'Istituto Giapponese di Cultura 1, 3-8. (SO11 009) [OFFPRINT] 4791. Yourcenar,Marguerite (1960): Historia Augusta. 14, 312-337. (SO34 049) <<source illegible>> [BIOGRAPHY; HISTORIA AUGUSTA; OFFPRINT] 2266. Zanker,Paul (1983): Der Apollontempel auf dem Palatin. Ausstatung und Politische SinnbezÅge nach der Schlacht von Actium. In: CittÖ e Architectura nella Roma Imperiale. (Ed: De Fine Licht,Kjeld) Odense University Press, Odense, 21-40. (SO14 075) [OFFPRINT] 2946. Zanker,Paul (1983): Zur BildnisreprÑsentation FÅhrender MÑnner in Mittelitalischen und Campanischen StÑdten zur Zeit der SpÑten Republik und der JulischClaudischen Kaiser. In: Les ÆBourgeoises Municipales ItaliennesØ aux IIe et Ier Siäcles av. J.-C. [Colloque] 7-10 DÇcembre 1981, Centre Jean BÇrard. (Ed: CÇbeillacGervasioni,Mireille) êditions du CNRS: Bibliothäque de l'Institut Franáais de Naples, Paris: Naples, 251-266. (SO18 133) <<series: CNRS 609; Bibliothäque de l'Institut Franáais de Naples ser. 2, v. 6>> [INCOMPLETE; ICONOGRAPHY; ITALY; OFFPRINT] 4413. Zawadski,T (1969): Un Nouveau Praefectus Castrorum en êgypt et Deax ObÇlisques êrigÇs par un Centurion. Chronique d'êgypte 44 (no. 87), 106-117. (SO30 036) [EGYPT; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4411. Zawadzki,T (1966): Un TÇmoignage Nouveau sur Cosmus Augusti Libertus a Rationibus. Travaux du Centre d'ArchÇologie MÇditerranÇenne de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences 3, 82-83. (SO30 034) [EGYPT; EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT] 3888. Zawadzki,Tadeusz (1973): L'IdÇe de la Reconquàte de la Dacie. Dacoromania. Jahrbuch fÅr ôstliche LatinitÑt 1, 65-68. (SO25 105) [DACIA; OFFPRINT] 3902. Zawadzki,Tadeusz (1975): La LÇgislation de Ti. Plautus Silvanus Aelianus en MÇsie et la Politique Frumentaire de NÇron. PP (fascicule) 160, 59-73. Syme Collection DB page 314 (SO25 118) <<journal vol. comprises `Neronia 1974'. relazioni Presentate al i Convegno di Studi S.I.E.N. (SociÇtÇ Internationale des êtudes NÇroniennes)>> [MOESIA; OFFPRINT] 2878. Zehnacker,Hubert (1979 [1980]): La Terre et l'Argent (CicÇron, Pro Flacco, 42-50). Revue des êtudes Latines 57, 165-186. (SO18 067) <<offprint/ journal published in 1980>> [OFFPRINT] 2846. Zehnacker,Hubert (1983 [1984]): L'Onomastique Grecque Ö Rome. Revue des êtudes Latines 61, 32-35. (SO18 035) [OFFPRINT] 3132. Zeiss,Hans (1938): KontinuitÑtsproblem und DenkmÑlerforschung. In: VIIIä Congräs International des Sciences Historiques. ZÅrich, 1938. Communications PrÇsentÇes I. (: ),, 188-191. (SO20 085) [INCOMPLETE; OFFPRINT] 4093. Zetzel,JEG (1973): Emendavi ad Tironem: Some Notes on Scholarship in the Second Century A.D. HSCP 77, 225-243. (SO26 132) [OFFPRINT] 887. Zetzel,JEG (1974): Statilius Maximus and Ciceronian Studies in the Antonine Age. Institute of Classical Studies Bulletin 21, 107123. (SO5 131) [OFFPRINT] 2880. Zetzel,JEG (1980): The Subscriptions in the Manuscripts of Livy and Fronto and the Meaning of Emendatio. Classical Philology 75,1, 38-59. (SO18 069) [OFFPRINT] 3963. Zevi,F (nd): Considerazioni sull'Elogio di Scipione Barbata. Studi Miscellanei 15, 6573. (SO26 007) [OFFPRINT] 4519. Zevi,Fausto (1970): Nuovi Documenti Epigrafici sugli Egrili Ostiensi. MÇlanges d'ArchÇologie et d'Histoire 82, 279-320. (SO32 012) [EPIGRAPHY; OFFPRINT; PROSOPOGRAPHY] 4117. Zevi,Fausto (1972): Miscellanea Ostiense. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 26,5-6 (8th ser.), 449479. (SO27 003) <<various papers relating to Ostia>> [OFFPRINT] 2291. Zevi,Fausto (1973): P. Lucilio Gamala Senior e i ÆQuattro TempiettiØ di Ostia. MEFRA 85,2, 555-581. (SO14 098) [OFFPRINT] 994. Zimmer,R (1981): Zwei Neue Inschriften aus Kirchberg/ HunsrÅck (Dumnissus). ZPE 42, 257-260. (SO3 034) [OFFPRINT] 2296. Zinserling,Gerhard (1960): Studien zu den Historiendarstellung der Rîmischen Republik. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-UniversitÑt Jena. Gesellschafts- und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 9, 4-5, 403-488. (SO14 103) [OFFPRINT] 3385. Zinserling,Gerhard (1961): Republikanische Historienmalerei und Tagespolitik. In: Sozialîkonomische VerhÑltnisse im Alten Orient und im Klassichen Altertum. (: ) Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 346-354. (SO22 026) <<series : Deutsche HistorikerGesellschaft>> [OFFPRINT] 5161. Zippel,Gustav (1883): Die Losung der Konsularischen Prokonsuln in der FrÅheren Kaiserzeit. Programm des Kîniglichen Friedrichs-Kollegiums zu Kînigsberg in Pr. 1883, no. 7, 1-35. (SO36F 024) [OFFPRINT; POLITICAL THEORY] 2686. Zoepfel,Renate (1978): Hadrian und Numa. Chiron 8, 391-427. (SO17 105) [OFFPRINT] 4607. Zucca,Raimondoo (1984): I Rapporti tra l'Africa e la Sardinia alla Luce dei Documenti Archeologici. Nota Preliminare. In: Atti del II Convegno su ÆL'Africa RomanaØ Sassari, 14-16 Dic. 1984. (Ed: Mastino,Attilio) Gallizzi, Sassari, 83-94. (SO32 088) [AFRICA; OFFPRINT; SARDINIA] 4731. Zweirlein,Otto (1984): Senecas Hercules im Lichte Kaiserzeitlicher und SpÑtantiker Deutung. Mit einem Anhang Åber 'Tragische Schuld' sowie Seneca-Imitationen bei Claudian und Boethius. AAWM 1984,6, 69pp. Syme Collection DB page 315 (SO33 106) [LITERATURE- LATIN; OFFPRINT; SENECA]