idee, metodi e numeri per l’economia OUTLOOK | Flash 16 June 2014 Bologna, Italy OUTLOOK | Flash How are Italian exports going? It is a known fact that net exports (exports minus imports) were the only component of spending that provided a contribution in support of GDP during the recession. This was also possible due to better Italian sales performance in destination markets than in past years. The boost came not so much from the expansion of the menu of products-destinations that characterise Italian exports, as from the substantial intensification of the export efforts for the same products exported and destinations served. While on the first front (extension), performance has been negative compared to the partners, on the second front (intensity), the results were much better. In a nutshell, at the basis of the increase in Italian exports between 2010 and 2013, there was a rise in the volume of exports of the same products to the same destinations (product-destination combinations almost unchanged), while for Spain the increase was due to the ability to find new markets for the same products exported in 2010. 16 June 2014 2 OUTLOOK | Flash Export performance of Italy compared to the euro partners in terms of extensive and intensive factors (difference between logarithmic variations in %, 2010-13) 20 10 0 -10 Extensive Intensive -20 -30 Italy/Germany Italy/France Italy/Spain Source: Agenzia delle Entrate 16 June 2014 3 OUTLOOK | Flash Contacts Nomisma – Società di studi economici Spa Bologna (Italy) T + 39 (051) 64 83 301 F + 39 (051) 22 34 41 [email protected]