PRESS RELEASE BIRTH OF “CATTOLICA-BPVI MEDIAZIONE CREDITIZIA”: the joint venture between Cattolica and BPVI for sale of banking products via the Cattolica Assicurazioni Group’s agency network Verona, Vicenza, October 5th 2007. Today Cattolica Assicurazioni and Banca Popolare di Vicenza set up Cattolica-BPVI Mediazione Creditizia SpA. This is the 50/50 joint venture that will perform banking brokerage activities for sale throughout the Cattolica Group’s agency network of banking products, in particular of loan products, developed by units of the Banca Popolare di Vicenza Group. Creation of the new company was envisaged in the two groups’ strategic partnership agreement. The CATTOLICA ASSICURAZIONI GROUP, consisting of Cattolica Assicurazioni, which is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, and thirteen other insurance companies, is the fifth largest Italian insurance group. The Group closed 2005 consolidated net income of 139 million euro and total premiums, including investment contracts, of 5,188 million euro. At 30 September 2006, there were 1,502 agencies, 2,991 bank branches, 939 financial consultants and 264 insurance brokers. BANCA POPOLARE DI VICENZA, founded in 1866 as the first cooperative bank in the Veneto, can claim more than a hundred years of experience in banking. In recent years, it has achieved excellent growth both in size and in profitability, steadily reinforcing its presence throughout the country to reach a total of more than 550 branches, while still maintaining its strong roots and a particular attention for its historical base. At the end of 2005, Banca Popolare di Vicenza had equity of 2 billion euro, deposits of more than 22 billion, net loans of 10 billion and net income of 92 million. SOCIETA’ CATTOLICA DI ASSICURAZIONE BANCA POPOLARE DI VICENZA CONTACTS CATTOLICA ASSICURAZIONI Giulio Fezzi Investor Relations Officer 0039 045 8391620 [email protected] SOCIETA’ CATTOLICA DI ASSICURAZIONE - Società Cooperativa Sede in Verona, Lungadige Cangrande n.16 C.F. 00320160237 – Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Verona al n. 00320160237 Società iscritta all'Albo delle Società Cooperative al n. A100378 BANCA POPOLARE DI VICENZA Luca Brusadelli Press Relations Officer 0039 335 1994366 [email protected] BANCA POPOLARE DI VICENZA - Società cooperativa per azioni ", con sede legale in Vicenza (VI), via Battaglione Framarin n. 18, capitale sociale interamente versato al 31 dicembre 2006 euro 230.868.285,00, aderente al Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi, Capogruppo del Gruppo Bancario "Banca Popolare di Vicenza", iscritta al n. 1515 dell'Albo delle Banche e dei Gruppi Bancari, Codice ABI 5728.1, ed iscritta al n. A159632 dell'Albo Società Cooperative (sezione Cooperative Diverse), Codice fiscale, partita I.V.A. e numero di iscrizione presso il Registro delle Imprese di Vicenza: 002 040 10243.