Notiziario settimanale per i Soci APRE
Lunedì, 20/05/2013
Aperto bando 2013 CIP Eco-innovation &
Info Day a Bruxelles, 27 Maggio 2013
Workshop Find Eco-Innovation in air
sector in ECOWEB!
Il bando ha un budget di circa 31 milioni di euro e si focalizza su cinque settori
1. riciclo dei materiali;
2. prodotti sostenibili per l'edilizia;
3. alimentare
4. acqua;
5. “greening business”
Bruxelles, 04 Giugno 2013
Scadenza: 5 Settembre 2013. Per informazioni scrivere al
Ministero dell’Ambiente:i contatti nazionali sono:
[email protected]
Per dettagli:
Nel quadro dell’evento Green Week 2013, due Workshop
saranno organizzati il 4 Giugno 2013 presso la sede APRE
a Bruxelles per parlare di eco-innovazioni legate
all’aria. L’obiettivo dei due workshop è di informare PMI,
moltiplicatori e ricercatori presenti circa la nuova e interattiva piattaforma ECOWEB ( ECOWEB, infatti, ha diverse funzioni che rendono veloce e
comprensibile la ricerca di tecnologie e di applicazioni sviluppate nell’ambito dei progetti finanziati dal 6PQ, 7PQ,
Life plus e CIP nel campo dell’ecoinnovation.!/
Il 27 Maggio 2013 si svolgerà a Bruxelles l’Info Day sul
bando 2013 CIP Eco-Innovation.
Per dettagli:
Nuova call for proposal KBBE
Il tema 2 pubblicherà a breve una nuova call for proposal
per un solo topic, con un budget disponibile di 3 milioni
di euro per una proposta finanziabile.
La proposta dovrà essere sottomessa entro il 17 settembre 2013.
Di seguito la versione (bozza) del topic:
KBBE.2013.3.5-03: Two-year carcinogenicity rat feeding study with maize NK603
The EU legal framework on GMOs ensures that genetically modified (GM) food and feed are when placed on
the market safe as regards human and animal health and
the environment. The European Commission has very
recently adopted a Regulation concerning applications
for the authorisation of GM food and feed, requesting
applicants to carry out an obligatory 90-day feeding study
with whole food/feed for each submitted GMO dossier.
Depending on the outcome of previous studies, a twoyear carcinogenicity study with rats may also be requested by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on
a case-by-case basis….
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Chiara Pocaterra [email protected]
Giulio Cataldi [email protected]
Gli aspetti amministrativi e di rendicontazione del VII Programma Quadro
Roma, 3 Giugno 2013
Verso Horizon 2020
Il nuovo Framework finanziario della
Commissione Europea per la Ricerca e
Roma, 24 Giugno 2013
Commission plans to support development of 'smarter cities'
On 14th May, the Commission hosted the first High Level
meeting of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP)
“Smart Cities and Communities”. The EIP plans to support
wide-scale deployment of innovative technologies in the
areas of mobility management, energy generation, distribution and consumption, and information and communication technologies. The EIP also aims at increasing the
collaboration between local decision makers, industry
suppliers, and civil society representatives. The Commission intends to play the role of catalyst in promoting partnerships whereby stakeholders commit on the basis of co
-operative self-organisation.
http://ec.e urop a.e u/c om mi ssi on_ 2 01 0-2 0 14/ oetti nger/
Bio Japan Cluster Mission : Matchmaking mission in Japan for EU Cluster managers and their SMEs members
Within the framework of the European Commission (DGENTR) new policy aimed at promoting SME internationalisation through Clusters, and the Centre’s current mission
to promote and support EU-Japan Cluster cooperation,
the Centre will organise a cluster match-making mission
in Japan. This mission aims to support cluster organisations and their SME members in their efforts to access
global value chains and develop strategic worldwide partnerships and business cooperation.
The mission will give European SMEs the opportunity to
enter the Japanese market and establish technology or
business partnerships and therefore increase their innovation capacity and make them more competitive on the
global scale. The mission shall also contribute to improve
the cooperation strategies between EU and Japanese
The mission targeting the Biotechnology sector will be
organised in the fringes of “BioJapan 2013” Expo in Yokohama in October 2013. Couples « Cluster & SMEs» are
invited to send the applications by 30th May 2013.
Workshop on the applications of EU satellite navigation programmes (Galileo &
Bruxelles, 04 June 2013
The workshop will bring together the European Commission (EC) and stakeholders and enable them to exchange
their viewpoints and experience about the European GNSS
downstream applications sector.
In the light of the on-going public consultation on applications of EU satellite navigation programmes, the first part
of the workshop will focus on the past and future activities
of the EC aiming to maximise and ensure the market uptake of European GNSS downstream applications.
The second part of the workshop will seek stakeholders'
input and will enable participants to present their experience, ideas or proposition relating to the past and future
Action Plan on GNSS Applications.
Business Breakfast - The Energy Perspective in Horizon 2020: Outlook , Opinions
and Experiences from FP7
Bruxelles, 25 June 2013
The Sector Group Intelligent Energy and Eurochambres are
organizing a Business Breakfast as part of the European
Sustainable Energy Week 2013.
The event aims at providing European stakeholders, SMEs
and research institutes with information about : What
comes next in energy related R&D&I funding in the framework of Horizon 2020 ; Key learnings from selected FP7
Energy projects; the strategy and services offered by the
Enterprise Europe Network and its Sector Group Intelligent
Energy; the strategy and energy relevant activities of Eurochambres.
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Notiziario settimanale per i Soci APRE