TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Milano, ACIDO TIOGLICOLICO 99% THIOGLYCOLIC ACID 99% Rev. 1.00.02 del 01/10/2014 Codice prodotto: ACID.39 lotto n./batch n. Denominazione INCI: Nome chimico: Formula: CAS: EINECS/ELINCS: THIOGLYCOLIC ACID ACIDO MERCAPTOACETICO / Mercaptoacetic acid HS-CH2-COOH 68-11-1 200-677-4 Data di produzione: Manufacturing date: Usare preferibilmente entro 60 mesi. Use best before 60 months. Specification Method Standard ASPETTO Appearance (visivo) LIQUIDO LIMPIDO INCOLORE clear colourless liquid ODORE Odour Analysis CARATTERISTICO SULFUREO sulphidic odour DENSITA' A 20°C Specific gravity at 20°C (bilancia idrost.) TITOLO % Assay % 1.320 - 1.330 min. 99 TITOLO % IN ALTRI ACIDI Assay % as other acids (alcalim.) (alkalim.) max. 0.3 FERRO ppm Iron ppm (A.A) max. 0.3 RAME-PIOMBO-ARSENICO ppm Copper-Lead-Arsenic ppm (A.A) max. 0.1 SOLUBILITA' IN ACQUA Solubility in water COMPLETA in all proportion The above data represent the result of our quality assestment. They do not free purchaser from his own quality check nor do they confirm that product has certain properties or is suitable for a specific application. Print out by electronic system, therefore no signature. Signed By: Dr. Fratucello title: Quality Assurance Manager Materie prime per cosmetica - profumeria - alimentari Via A. Binda, 29 20143 Milano (Italia) Cap. Soc. є 10.400,00 Tel 02 89122219 / 27 / 36 Fax 02 89122257 e-mail [email protected] - Rea 1046362 - Registro Tribunale Milano MI 198201 Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 05889860150