Prof. Rodolfo Paoletti
Born on August 23rd, 1931, in Milan, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Medical Doctor “summa cum laude” on November 15th, 1955, University of Milan,
Professor of Pharmacology (1967)
Honorary Doctor of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden (1983)
Honorary Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Urbino, Italy (1985)
Honorary Doctor of Medicine, University of Montpellier, France (1993)
Honorary Doctor of Medicine, University of Gdansk, Poland (1996)
Honorary Doctor, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos
Aires (1999)
Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology March 2007
University positions
Since 2009
October - Rector University – Libera Università degli Studi
di Scienze Umane e Tecnologiche, Lugano, Switzerland
Since 2006
Dean of the School of Pharmacy in Tirana (Albania).
Dean, School of Pharmacy, University of Milan, Italy.
Director Department of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan
Dean, School of Pharmacy, University of Milan, Italy.
Professor of Pharmacology and Chairman of the Institute of
Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
Professor Pharmacology and Chairman of the Department of
Pharmacology, University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Department
Pharmacology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Department
Pharmacology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
Other positions held
Since 2009
Member of the Cardiocerebrovascular Regional Commission,
Since 2008
Member of the National Committee of Food Safety, Ministry
of Health
Since 2007
Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology, University of Milan
Since 2002
Director, School of Pharmacology, University of Milan
Since 2002
Member, Scientific Committee, Carapelli Nutritional Institute,
Since 1999
Member, Ethical Committee, University of Milan
President of the International Atherosclerosis Society (I.A.S.)
President of the Italian Society of Toxicology (SITOX)
Member of the Italian Government Drug Evaluation Committee
(C.U.F.), Ministry of Health, Rome.
Member, Consiglio di Amministrazione, Centro Studi Maria
Branca, Milan.
Italian representative of the European Biomedical Research
Association (E.B.R.A.).
President of the Italian Section of the European Biomedical
Research Association (E.B.R.A.).
Member of the Consulta Nazionale Cardiologica, Centro Study,
Ministry of Health, Rome.
Since 1992
President of the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry “G.
Ronzoni”, Milan.
Foreign Adjunct Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Medical School,
Stockholm, Sweden.
Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology, School of Medicine,
Department of Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania (U.S.A.).
President of the Scientific Committee of the “Centro di Biologia e
Tossicologia Cosmetologica”.
Scientific Director of the
Pharmacology Laboratory”.
Member of the Receptor Nomenclature and Durg Classification
Committee (IUPHAR).
President of the “European Federation of Pharmacologists”
Since 1991
President of the “Centro per lo Studio, la Prevenzione e la
Terapia delle Vasculopatie Aterosclerotiche”, University of Milan.
Since 1990
President of the Italian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences
(S.I.S.F.), Milan.
President of the Italian Heart Foundation (F.I.P.C.), Milan.
Member of the “Comitato Nazionale Bioetica”, Roma
President of Tecnofarmaci S.p.A., Rome
Since 1989
President of the Scientific Committee of the “Centro di Studio e
Ricerca di Neurofarmacologia”, Milan.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the “Centro di Studio e
Ricerca di Farmacologia Cardiopolmonare Sperimentale”, Milan.
President of the Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF), Milan
Member of the Consiglio Universitario Nazionale (CUN),
Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, Roma
Since 1984
President of the Scientific Committee of the “Centro per lo
Studio delle Malattie Dismetaboliche e delle Iperlipemie Enrica
Grossi Paoletti”, Milan.
President of
Italian Representative, NATO Scientific Committee, Bruxelles
President of Tecnoalimenti, SpA, Milan
Since 1977
Member of the Scientific Council of the “Cardiology Foundation
of the Princesse Liliane de Rethy”, Bruxelles.
Since 1976
President of the Giovanni Lorenzini Medical Foundation (Milan,
Houston and S. Paulo, Brasil).
President of the Nutrition Foundation of Italy (N.F.I.), Milan.
• “Marzotto National Price” for the best Italian doctoral thesis in medical
research, 1956.
• Medal of the Purkyne Medical Society, Prague, 1962.
• Award of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for atherosclerosis
research, Boston, Mass. USA, 1963.
• Medal for the Medical Faculty, University of Montpellier, 1970.
• Pamiatkowy Medal of the Polish Pharmacological Society, 1973.
• Kravkov Medal for the Pharmacological Society of the Soviet Union, 1977.
• Gold Medal “for outstanding service in the fields of Education, Art and
Sciences” of the President of the Republic of Italy, 1977.
• Medal of the Société Médicale des Hopitaux de Paris, 1980.
• Medal of the Hungarian Society for Atherosclerosis, Budapest, 1981.
• International Price “Madonnina” for Medical Research, Milano, 1982.
• Distinguished Service Award, International Atherosclerosis Society, Berlin,
• Commendatore della Repubblica Italiana, 1983.
• Award, University of Chieti, Medical School, 1984.
• Kaufmann Memorial Award, Int. Soc. for Fat Research, Munster, September
• Grande ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, June 1989.
• Leloir Medal, Republic of Argentina, 1996
• Doctor Honoris Causa, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica, Universidad de
Buenos Aires, 1999
• Fellow American Heart Association, 2001
• Fellow, International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences
Member of the following national and international societies:
- Academia Europaea, London
- Academie Royale de Medecine, Bruxelles
- Accademia Polacca delle Scienze, Cracovia
- Accademia Nazionale dell’Olivo
- Accademia Mediterranea delle Scienze
- Accademia di Santa Chiara
- Assitol Oliva
- Associazione Biologi Farmacia
- Associazione Bruno Ceccarelli per la Ricerca in Neuroscienze
- Associazione Italiana di Dermatologia e Cosmetologia (AIDECO)
- Associazione per lo Studio dei Farmaci Antitrombotici
- Associazione Italiana di Immunofarmacologia
- Associazione Alumni MIT (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology)
- Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani, Milano
- Fondazione “Emilio Trabucchi”
- Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, Milano
- Società Italiana di Biochimica
- Società Italiana di Psichiatria Biologica, Napoli
- Società Italiana di Farmacologia
- Società Italiana di Farmacognosia
- Società Italiana di Farmacia Ospedaliera
- Società Italiana di Neuroscienze
- Società Italiana di Nutrizione Umana
- Società Italiana di Ricerca Neurovegetativa
- Società Italiana di Scienze Farmacologiche Applicate
- Società Italiana per lo Studio del Metabolismo Normale e
- Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Sostanze Grasse
- Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Aterosclerosi
- Società Italiana di Scienze Farmaceutiche
- Società Italiana di Terapia
- Società Italiana di Tossicologia
- Società Italiana di Ricerche Cardiovascolari
- Società per lo Studio dell’Efficacia e delle Reazioni Avverse dei Vaccini
e dei Prodotti Biotecnologici
- American Heart Association (Council on Atherosclerosis)
- American Oil Chemists’s Society
- American Pharmaceutical Association
- Biochemical Society
- British Pharmacological Society
- European Biomedical Research Association (EBRA), London
- European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Utrecht
- European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS)
- European Neuropeptide Club
- European Society for Clinical Investigation
- European Society of Neurochemistry
- European Society of Toxicology
- European Biomedical Research Association
- European Society of Cardiology
- European Science Foundation
- European Society for the Study of Drug Toxicity, Basel
- European Stroke Council
- French Society for Atherosclerosis Research, Paris
- Group of European Nutritionists
- International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical
- International Atherosclerosis Society
- International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
- International Society Federation of Cardiology
- International Society Developmental Neuroscience
- International Federation Multiple Sclerosis
- International Society of Neurochemistry
- International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation
- International Society for Pathophysiology
- International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinologuy
- International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
- International Union of Angiology
- International Union of Therapeutics, Paris
- Mediterranean European Dietetic Association (MEDA)
- North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO)
- North American Menopause Society (NAMS)
- New York Academy of Sciences
- Royal Society of Medicine (Affiliate), London
- Royal Academy of Medicine, Bruxelles, Belgium
- Sociedad Latinoamericana de Aterosclerosis
- Société de Biologie, Paris
- Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Baltimore
- World Federation of Scientists, Erice
- World Federation of Neurology
Editorial activity
Alimentazione, Nutrizione, Metabolismo.
Archivios de Pharmacologia y Toxicologia.
Biochemical Pharmacology (Editor series).
Cardiovascular Drug Reviews
Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Clinica e Terapia Cardiovascolare.
Current Lipidology Reports
Developmental Neuroscience.
Drug-Nutrient Interactions.
Experimental and Molecular Pathology.
Journal "International Angiology"
Journal "Cardiovascular Risk Factors"
Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, U.K.
International Review of Neurobiology.
International Angiology.
International Journal of Angiology
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
Lipid Digest
Medicinal Research Review.
Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases
Pharmacological Research (Executive editor).
Research in Experimental Medicine.
Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology
Reviews in Pure and applied pharmacological Sciences.
Reproductive Toxicology.
Saudi Medical Journal.
Substance and Alcohol Actions Misuse.
Gli isotopi radioattivi nella ricerca biologica.
Paoletti R. ed.
Milano, Hoepli, 1959.
Drugs affecting lipid metabolism.
Garattini S., Paoletti R. eds.
Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1961.
Lipid pharmacology
Paoletti R. ed.
New York, Academic Press, 1964.
Biochemical and neurophysiological correlation of centrally acting
Trabucchi E., Paoletti R., Canal N., Volicer L. eds.
Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1964.
Progress in biochemical pharmacology, vol. 1: International Symposium
on radiosensitizers and radioprotective drugs.
Paoletti R., Vertua R., eds.
Basel, S. Karger, 1965.
Drugs affecting lipid metabolism, pt. I e II
Kritchevsky D., Paoletti R., Steinberg D. eds.
Basel, S. Karger, 1967.
The reticuloendothelial system and atherosclerosis.
Di Luzio N.R., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Plenum Press, 1967
Recent advances in atherosclerosis.
Miras C.J., Howard A.N., Paoletti R. eds.
Basel, S. Karger, 1968
Pharmacology of hormonal polypeptides and proteins.
Back N., Martini L., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Plenum Press, 1968.
Drugs affecting lipid metabolism.
Holmes W.L., Carlson L.A., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Plenum Press, 1969.
Advances Study Institute on Chemistry and Brain Development.
Chemistry and brain development: proceedings on the advanced study
on chemistry and brain development.
Paoletti R. and Davison Alan N.
New York, Plenum Press, 1971.
Advances in cyclic nucleotide research. Vol. 1: Physiology and
pharmacology of cyclic AMP.
Greengard P., Robison GA, Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1972.
Advances in cyclic nucleotide research. Vol. 2: New assay methods for
cyclic nucleotides.
Greengard P., Robison G.A., Paoletti R., eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1972.
Studies of neurotransmitters at the synaptic level.
New York, Raven Press, 1972.
Pharmacological control of lipid metabolism.
Holmes W.L., Paoletti R., Kritchevsky D. eds.
New York, Plenum Press, 1972.
Lipids, lipoproteins and drugs.
Kritchevsky D., Paoletti R., Holmes W.L. eds.
New York, Plenum Press, 1975.
Atherosclerosis reviews. Vol. 1.
Paoletti R., Gotto A.M. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1976.
Lipid pharmacology. Vol. 2.
Paoletti R., Glueck C.J. eds.
New York, Academic Press, 1976.
Lipids. Vol. 1: Biochemistry.
Paoletti R., Porcellati G., Jacini G. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1976.
Lipids. Vol. 2: Technology.
Paoletti R., Jacini G., Porcellati G. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1976.
Advances in prostaglandin and thromboxane research. Vol. 1 e 2.
Samuelsson B., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1976.
Thrombosis and urokinase.
Paoletti R., Sherry S. eds.
London, Academic Press, 1977.
Atherosclerosis reviews. Vol. 2.
Paoletti R., Gotto A.M. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1977.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R. eds.
Milano, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 1977.
Atherosclerosis reviews. Vol. 3.
Paoletti R., Gotto A.M., eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1978.
International Conference on Atherosclerosis.
Carlson L.A., Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R., Weber G. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1978.
Molecular biology and pharmacology of cyclic nucleotides.
Folco G.C., Paoletti R. eds.
Amsterdam, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, 1978.
Advances in inflammation research. Vol. 1
Weissman G., Samuelsson B., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1979.
Chemical toxicology of food.
Galli C.L., Paoletti R., Vettorazzi G. eds.
Amsterdam, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, 1978.
Atherosclerosis reviews. Vol. 4.
Paoletti R., Gotto A.M., eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1979.
Atherosclerosis reviews. Vol. 5.
Paoletti R., Gotto A.M., eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1979.
Atherosclerosis reviews. Vol. 6
Gotto A.M., Paoletti R., eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1979.
Pediatric aspects of atherosclerosis. Platelets and prostaglandins.
Treatment of hyperlipoproteinemia.
Auerswald W., Feruglio F.S., Paoletti R., Weber G., Sinzinger H.,
Widhalm K. eds.
Wien, Wilhelm Mandrich, 1979.
Advances in lipid research. Vol. 17.
Paoletti R., Kritchevsky D., eds.
New York, Academic Press, 1980.
Drugs affecting lipid metabolism.
Fumagalli R., Kritchevsky D., Paoletti R. eds.
Amsterdam, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, 1980.
The Menopause and Postmenopause.
Pasetto N., Paoletti R., Ambrus J.L. eds.
Lancaster, MTP Press, 1980.
Diet and drug in atherosclerosis.
Noseda G. Barry L., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1980.
Advances in prostaglandin and thromboxane research. Vol. 6, 7, 8.
Samuelsson B., Ramwell P.W., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1980.
Advances in lipid research. Vol. 18.
Paoletti R., Kritchevsky D. eds.
New York, Academic Press, 1981.
New trends in nutrition, lipid research and cardiovascular diseases.
Bazan N.G., Paoletti R., Iacono J.M. eds.
New York, Alan R. Liss, 1981.
Advances in lipid research. Vol. 19.
Paoletti R., Kritchevsky D. eds.
New York, Academic Press, 1982.
Calcium modulators.
Godfraind T., Albertini A., Paoletti R. eds.
Amsterdam, Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1982.
Lipoproteins and coronary atherosclerosis.
Noseda G., Fragiacomo C., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R. eds.
Amsterdam, Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1982.
Le Lipoproteine.
Lewis B., Paoletti R. eds.
Milano, Gruppo Lepetit, 1982.
Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotriene research. Vol.
9. Leukotrienes and other lipoxygenase products.
Samuelsson B., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1982.
Therapeutic selectivity and risk/benefit assessment of hypolipidemic
Ricci G., Paoletti R., Pocchiari F., Poggiolini D. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1982.
Factors in formation and regression of the atherosclerotic plaque.
Born G.R.V., Catapano A.L., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Plenum Press, 1982.
Advances in lipid research. Vol. 20.
Paoletti R., Kritchevsky D. eds.
New York, Academic Press, 1983.
Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane, and leukotriene research.
Vol. 11.
Samuelsson B., Paoletti R., Ramwell P.W. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1983.
Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotriene research. Vol.
Samuelsson B., Paoletti R., Ramwell P.W. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1983.
Phospholipids and atherosclerosis.
Avogaro P., Mancini M., Ricci G., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1983.
Atherosclerosis reviews. Vol. 11.
Gotto A.M., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1983.
Arterial pollution: an integrated view on atherosclerosis.
Peeters H., Gresham G.A., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Plenum Press, 1983.
Advances in cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research.
Vol. 17.
Greengard P., Robison G.A., Paoletti R., Nicosia S. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1984.
Proceedings of the 14th Collegium
Psychopharmacologicum Congress.
Racagni G., Paoletti R., Kielholz P. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1984.
Icosanoids and cancer.
Thaler-Dao H., Crastes De Paulet A., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1984.
Diet, diabetes and atherosclerosis.
Pozza G., Micossi P., Catapano A.L., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1984.
Latent dyslipoproteinemias and atherosclerosis.
De Gennes J.L., Polovsky J., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1984.
Developmental neuroscience: physiological, pharmacological and
clinical aspects.
Caciagli F., Giacobini E., Paoletti R. eds.
Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984.
Cerebral ischemia.
Bes A., Braquet P., Paoletti R., Siesjo B.K. eds.
Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica, 1984.
Calcium entry blockers and tissue protection.
Godfraind T., Vanhoutte P.M., Govoni S., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1985.
Peptides and ion transport.
Braquet P., Garay R., Paoletti R., Racagni G., Verna S. eds.
Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1985.
Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotriene research. Vol.
13: Platelets, prostaglandins and the cardiovascular system.
Neri Serneri G.G., McGiff J.C., Paoletti R., Born G.V.R. eds.
New York, Raven Press,1985.
Advances in lipid research. Vol. 21.
Paoletti R., Kritchevsky D. eds.
New York, Academic Press, 1985.
Prostaglandine, trombossani e meccanismi di inibizione farmacologica
selettiva nell'uomo.
Patrono C., Paoletti R. eds., n.p., 1986.
Atherosclerosis reviews. Vol. 14.
Gotto A.M., Paoletti R., eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1987.
Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotriene research. Vol.
17, A & B.
Samuelsson B., Paoletti R., Ramwell P.W. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1987.
Advances in lipid research. Vol. 22
Paoletti R., Kritchevsky D. eds.
New York, Academic Press, 1987.
Biotechnology in clinical medicine.
Albertini A., Lenfant C., Paoletti R. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1987.
Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism.
Holmes W.L., Paoletti R., Kritchevsky D. eds.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1987
Molecular probes - technology and medical applications.
Albertini A., Paoletti R., Reisfeld R.A. eds.
New York, Raven Press, 1989.
Advances in lipid research. Vol. 23.
Paoletti R., Kritchevsky D. eds.
San Diego, California, Academic Press, 1989.
Aterosclerosi: biologia e scienza clinica.
Traduzione di "Atherosclerosis biology and clinical", editor Olsson
Anders G.
Presentazione a cura del Prof. Rodolfo Paoletti.
Torino, Centro Scientifico Ed., 1989.
Serotonin: from cell biology to pharmacology and therapeutics.
Paoletti R., Vanhoutte P.M., Brunello N., Maggi F.M. eds.
Dordrecht: Keuwer Academic Publ. Group, 1990.
Endogenous factors of cardiovascular regulation and protection.
Cantin M., Paoletti R., Braquet P., Christen Y. (eds.)
Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, 1990
Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotriene research; v.
21 A e B. Prostaglandins and related compounds.
Samuelsson B., Ramwell P.W., Paoletti R., Folco G.C. (eds.)
New York: Raven Press, 1990.
Atherosclerosis Reviews. Vol. 20. Biotechnology of dyslipoproteinemia:
applications in diagnosis and control.
Lenfant C., Albertini A., Paoletti R., Catapano A.L. (eds)
New York: Raven Press, 1990.
Lipid Disorders in Diabetes.
Paoletti R., Alberti K.G.M.M., Buhler F.R. eds.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Satellite to the Congress
"Triglycerides: The Role in Diabetes and Atherosclerosis", Vienna, May
23, 1990, vol. 16, suppl. 9, 1990.
Free radicals, lipoproteins and membrane lipids.
Crastes de Paulet A., Douste-Blazy L. and Paoletti R. (eds)
New York; London: Plenum Press, 1990.
Atherosclerosis Reviews. Vol. 22. Triglycerides. The Role in Diabetes
and Atherosclerosis.
Gotto A.M. Jr. and Paoletti R. (eds)
New York: Raven Press, 1991.
The Hypertriglyceridemias: Risk and Management.
Assmann G., Gotto A.M., Paoletti R.
The American Journal of Cardiology., vol. 68, No. 3, 1991.
Growth Factors of the Vascular and Nervous Systems. Functional
Characterization and Biotechnology.
Lenfant C., Paoletti R. and Albertini A. (eds)
Karger: Basel 1992.
Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease.
Gotto A.M. Jr., Lenfant C., Paoletti R., and Soma M. (eds)
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Fondazione
Lorenzini, Milan. 1992.
Foods, Nutrition and Immunity: effects of dairy and fermented milk
Paubert-Braquet M., Dupont Ch., Paoletti R. (eds).
Dynamic Nutrition Research, vol. 1, Basel, S. Karger AG, 1992.
Iperlipidemia. Manuale Clinico 1993.
Soma M., Paoletti R. (ediz. italiana)
Londra, Science Press, 1992.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids: biochemistry, physiopathology and
clinical science.
Schauder P., Wahre J., Paoletti R., Bernardi R., Rinetti M.
New York, Raven Press, 1992.
Calcium antagonists. Pharmacology and Clinical Research.
Godfraind T., Govoni S., Paoletti R. and Vanhoutte P.M. (eds.)
Kluwer Academic Publishers and Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, vol.
3, Medical Science Symposia Series, 1993.
Drugs and the Liver: High Risk Patients and Transplantation.
Galmarini D., Fassati L.R., Paoletti R. and Sherlock S. (eds.)
Kluwer Academic Publishers and Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, vol.
4, Medical Science Symposia Series, 1993.
Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism.
Catapano A.L., Gotto A.M., Smith L.C. and Paoletti R.
Medical Science Symposia Series, vol. 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, 1993.
erotonin. From Cell Biology to Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
Vanhoutte P.M.,, Saxena P.R., Paoletti R., Brunello N. and Jackson
Kluwer Academic Publishers and Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini,
Medical Science Symposia Series, volume 5, 1993.
Low Blood Cholesterol: Health Implications.
Lewis B., Paoletti R., Tikkanen M.J. (eds).
Proceedings of a Workshop held in Milan, July 1993, Current Medical
Literature, Ltd., 1993.
The impact of biotechnology on autoimmunity.
Dalgleish A.G., Albertini A. and Paoletti R.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Medical Science Symposia Series, vol. 6,
Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, Milan and Giovanni Lorenzini Medical
Foundation, Houston, U.S.A. 1994.
Women's Health in Menopause. Behaviour, Cancer, Cardiovascular
Disease, Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Crosignani P.G., Paoletti R., Sarrel P.M., Wenger N.K., Meschia M. and
Soma M. eds.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Medical Science Symposia Series, vol. 7,
Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, 1994.
Oxidative Processes and Antioxidants.
Paoletti R., Samuelsson B., Catapano A.L., Poli A., Rinetti M. eds.
Raven Press, New York, 1994.
Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease: Vascular and Organ
Gotto A.M., Lenfant C., Catapano A.L., Paoletti R. eds.
Dordrecht (The Netherlands): Kluwer Academic Publishers, Medical
Science Symposia Series, v. 8, 1995.
Prostaglandins and related compounds.
Samuelsson B., Ramwell P.W., Paoletti R., Folco G., Gramstrom E.,
Nicosia S. eds.
New York: Raven Press (Advances in Prostaglandin, Thromboxane
and Leukotriene Research; v. 23), 1995.
Trattato di Farmacologia e Terapia.
Paoletti R., Nicosia S., Clementi F., Fumagalli G.
UTET, 1995.
Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism: Risk factors and future directions.
Gotto Jr. A.M., Paoletti R., Smith L.C., Catapano A.L., Jackson A.S.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Medical Science symposia series, vol.
10, 1996.
Paoletti R., Notario A. and Ricevuti G. eds.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 832, 1997.
Recent Advances in Prostaglandins, Thromboxane and Leukotriene
Sinzinger H., Samuelsson B., Vane J.R,, Paoletti R., Ramwell P., Wong
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Plenu, Press, Vol.
433, 1997.
Women’s Health and Menopause: Risk Reduction Strategies.
Paoletti R.,
International Symposium on Women’s Health in Menopause, Florence,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997
Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease: Strategies of
prevention of coronary heart disease, cardiac failure.
Gotto A.M., Lenfant C., Paoletti R., Catapano A.L., Jackson A.S.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Medical Science Symposia series, vol.
12, 1998.
Vitamin C: The state of the art in desease prevention. Sixty years after
the nobel prize.
Paoletti R., Vichi...
Springer Verlag, New York, 1998.
Women’s Health and Menopause. Risk Reduction Strategies –
Improved Quality of Health.
Paoletti R., Crosignani P.G., Kenemans P., Wenger N.K. and Jackson
A.S. editors
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Medical Science Symposia series, Vol.
13, 1999.
Aterosclerosis Al Dia IV
Soltero I., Paoletti R., Moreno P.
Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Cardiovascular Disease.
Paoletti R., Klatsky A.L., Poli A. and Zakhari S.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Medical Science Symposia Series, Vol.
15, 2000
The ILIB Lipid Handbook for Clinical Practice. Blood Lipids and
coronary heart disease. Second Edition.
Gotto A.m., Assmann G., Carmena R., Davignon J., Fernandez-Cruz
A., Fruchart J-C., Kastelein J.J.P. and Paoletti R.
International Lipid Information Bureau, New York, 2000.
Creatine: From Basic Science to Clinical Application
Paoletti R., Jackson A.S., Poli A. eds.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
Advances in Prostaglandin and Leukotriene Research. Basic science
and new clinical applications.
Samuelsson B., Nicosia S., Folco G.C., Granstrom E. eds.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
New Options in lipid management – can we extend the benefits of
current therapy?
Gotto A.. Jr., Paoletti R.
Proceedings of the Symposium held on September 10th, 2001, New
York, U.S.A. American Heart Jourrnal.
Women’s Health and Menopause: New Strategies, Improved Quality of
Lobo A. R., Crosignani P.G., Paoletti R., Bruschi F.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Medical Science Symposia Series, Vol.
17, 2002.
New options in lipid management. Can we extend the benefits of
current therapy?
Gotto A.M., Paoletti R.
American Heart Journal (Supplement), vol. 144, no. 6, 2002.
Advances in lipid research. New York, Academic Press, 1963.
Advances in experimental medicine and biology. New York, Plenum
Press, 1965.
Advances in cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research.
New York, Raven Press, 1971.
Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotriene research.
New York, Raven Press, 1976.
Atherosclerosis Reviews. New York, Raven Press, 1976.
Progress in Biochemical Pharmacology. Basel, Karger, 1976.
Advances in inflammation research. New York, Raven Press, 1979.
Sulla necessità di distinguere due tipi di procainoesterasi.
Garattini S., Paoletti R.
Atti della Società Lombarda di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche, 8: 21-24, 1953.
Sulla liberazione di H2S "in vitro" da parte di alcuni tessuti e sulle condizioni che
possono favorire e inibire tale attività.
Garattini S., Paoletti R.
Atti Società Lombarda Scienze Mediche e Biologiche, 8: 51-54, 1953.
Sulla possibilità di antagonizzare gli effetti tossici dell'isoniazide (INI).
Garattini S., Mussini E., Paoletti R.
G. Ital. Chemioter., 1: 262-269, 1954.
Ancora sui rapporti tra isonicotinilidrazide-cloruro di ammonio e processi di acetilazione.
Garattini S., Paoletti R.
Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 30: 1112-1114, 1954.
L'ATP come fattore di crescita.
Garattini S., Paoletti R.
Atti della Società Lombarda di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche, 9: 114-117, 1954.
L'ATP evidenzia l'azione degli acetati su alcuni organi isolati.
Biffi A., Garattini S., Paoletti R.
Atti della Società Lombarda di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche, 9: 136-142, 1954.
La pantetina come fattore di crescita.
Garattini S., Paoletti R.
Atti della Società Lombarda di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche, 9: 207-209, 1954.
La 6-mercaptopurina inibisce l'acetilazione della sulfanilamide "in vivo".
Garattini S., Paoletti R.
G. Ital. Chemioter., 3: 55-57, 1956.
Attività favorente la crescita di un estratto lipoideo diencefalico.
Curri S., Paoletti R.
Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 32: 1415-1418, 1956.
La 6-mercaptopurina inibisce l'acetilazione della sulfanilamide "in vivo".
Garattini S., Paoletti R.
G. Ital. Chemioter., 3: 55-57, 1956.
Attività favorente la crescita di un estratto lipoideo diencefalico.
Curri S., Paoletti R.
Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 32: 1415-1418, 1956.
L'azione inibente la incorporazione dell'acetato-1-C14 nel colesterolo e nei lipidi, svolta
dell'acido feniletilacetico e difenililetilacetico.
Garattini S., Paoletti P., Paoletti.
Derivati aromatici dell'acido acetico e blocco di alcuni processi metabolici riguardanti gli
acetati (esperienze con acido acetico-1-C14).
Garattini S., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 32: 519-521, 1956.
Recherches sur l'hérédité de l'epithelioma adenoides cysticum.
Serra A., Bernardi-Ronzoni M.G., Paoletti R.
Acta Genetica et Statistica Medica 7: 207-210, 1957.
Ricerche genetiche sull'epidelioma adenoide cistico benigno.
Serra A., Bernardi-Ronzoni M.G., Paoletti R.
Acta Genetica et Statistica Medica 7: 207-210, 1957.
A series of new compounds inhibiting coenzyme A and cholesterol and lipid-increasing
Garattini S., Morpurgo C., Murelli B., Paoletti R., Passerini N.
Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 109: 400-414, 1957.
Eine einfache Methode zur Gewinnung von Bal4C03-Proben durch Zentrifugieren.
Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Atompraxis 3: 222, 1957.
Sintesi del colesterolo a partire da acetato-1-C14 ad opera del fegato, dopo
Paoletti P., Paoletti R., Pozza E.
Minerva Nucleare 1: 177-179, 1957.
Attività di alcune sostanze chelanti sulla sopravvivenza di topi irradiati.
Corradi C., Paoletti R., Pozza E.
Atti Società Lombarda Scienze Mediche e Biologiche 12: 80-82, 1957.
Osservazioni sul meccanismo d'azione della sulfanibutilurea.
Garattini S., Paoletti R., Tessari L.
Minerva Med. 49: 1418-1420, 1958.
Influence of N1-sulfanilyl-N2-n-butylcarbanide on glucose-U-C14 metabolism in the
isolated rat diaphragm.
Garattini S., Paoletti R., Tessari L.
Arzneimittelforsch 8: 477-479, 1958.
Sulla fissazione di isoniazide-C14 da parte di ceppi di N. paratubercolari sensibili e
resistenti all'isoniazide ed al perossido d'idrogeno.
Garattini S., Leonardi A., Paoletti R.
G. Ital. Chemioter. 5: 113-115, 1958.
The effect of diphenylylethylacetic acid on cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis.
Garattini S., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 117: 114-122, 1958.
Biosintesi del colesterolo e degli acidi grassi e rigenerazione epatica.
Paoletti R.
Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere 92B: 389-400, 1958.
Effetto dell'acido difenililetilacetico sull'aumento delle biosintesi lipidiche da irradiazione.
Paoletti R.
Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 34: 936-938, 1958.
Effetto del Triton sulle biosintesi lipidiche epatiche a partire da diversi precursori.
Ballardin E., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 34: 1413-1415, 1958.
Studi sul metabolismo dell'acetato e del mevalonato nell'aorta e nel fegato di feti umani.
Paoletti P., Paoletti R., Savi C.
Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 34: 1416-1418, 1958.
Ipofisectomia, irradiazione e biosintesi lipidiche epatiche.
Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Minerva Nucleare 2: 341-342, 1958.
Effetto dell'irradiazione sulla incorporazione di alcuni precursori nel colesterolo e negli
acidi grassi epatici.
Grossi E., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Minerva Nucleare 2: 343-348, 1958.
Nuovi metodi di dosimetria individuale.
Paoletti R.
Minerva Nucleare 2: 393-395, 1958.
An analysis of brain cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis.
Grossi E., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem. 66: 564-572, 1958.
Farmaci capaci di modificare l'effetto della irradiazione sul DNA intestinale nel topo.
Guzzon A., Paoletti R., Pozza E.
Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere 92B: 406-412, 1958.
Effetto dei barbiturici sulla distribuzione del Ca|45|C12 in diverse zone cerebrali.
Bisiani M., Paoletti R.
Atti Società Lombarda Scienze Medico-Biologiche 13: 474-475, 1958.
Studi sull'antagonismo tra irradiazione e narcosi da barbiturici nel ratto.
Bisiani M., Genovese E., Paoletti R.
Atti Società Lombarda Scienze Medico-Biologiche 13: 476-478, 1958.
Studi sull'attività ipocolesterolemizzante di alcuni derivati dell'acido difenilacetico.
Garattini S., Morpurgo C., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Pharmacia Mediterranea 2: 1-4, 1958.
Differential uptake of isoniazid-C14 by mycobacterium paratuberculosis susceptible and
resistant to isoniazid and hydrogen peroxide.
Garattini S., Leonardi A., Paoletti R.
Am. Rev. Tuberculosis 80: 110-111, 1959.
The incorporation of 2-C14 mevalonic acid into cholesterol and fatty acids of brain and
liver "in vitro".
Garattini S., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 80: 210-211, 80.
The effect of Triton and diphenylylethylacetic acid on cholesterol and fatty acid
biosynthesis in isolated perfused liver.
Garattini S., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Experientia 15: 33-34, 1959.
Comparative tests for rapid evaluation of hypocholesteremic compounds.
Garattini S., Morpurgo C., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Arzneimittelforsch 9: 206-207, 1959.
Biosintesi "in vivo" del colesterolo e degli acidi grassi da acetato a mevalonato.
Paoletti R., Paoletti P., Vertua R.
Minerva Nucleare 3: 204-207, 1959.
Lipid biosynthesis in vivo from acetate-1-C14 and 2-C14 and mevalonic-2-C14 acid.
Garattini S., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys 84: 254-255, 1959.
Recenti sviluppi nell'impiego biologico del tritio.
Paoletti R.
Minerva Nucleare 3:, 377-382, 1959.
The effect of X-irradiation and glucose on brain lipid synthesis.
Grossi E., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem. 67: 651-660, 1959.
Aspects of the biosynthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids.
Paoletti P., Paoletti R., Vertua R.
Panminerva Med. 2: 306-309, 1960.
Conditions modifying cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis.
Garattini S., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
In: Popjak G., eds. Biochemistry of lipids. Oxford: Pergamon Press 184-193, 1960.
An autoradiographic approach to cholesterol biosynthesis and metabolism.
Kim J.J., Paoletti R., Vertua R.
Atompraxis 6: 55-58, 1960.
The DNA level in the small intestine as an index of the action of radioprotective
substances in mammals.
Paoletti R.
In: Buzzati-Traevrso A.A., ed. Immediate and low-level effects of ionizing radiations.
London: Taylor & Francis (International Journal of Radiation Biology: suppl.) 203-204,
Un nuovo epato e radioprotettore: il ditioformato di 2-metilpiperazina.
Paoletti R., Paoletti P., Vertua R.
In: Fossati F., Forti L., eds. V Congresso Nucleare: Simposio di Radiologia Medica: v. 3.
Roma: Rassegna Internazionale Elettronica Nucleare e Teleradiocinematografica, 675687, 1960.
Ricerche sperimentali sull'attività radioprotettrice di nuovi ditioderivati.
Paoletti R., Vertua R.
Minerva Nucleare, 5: 68-71, 1961.
A comparative evaluation of hypocholesteremizing drugs on several tests.
Garattini S., Paoletti R., Bizzi L., Grossi E., Vertua R.
In: Garattini S., Paoletti R., Eds. Drugs affecting lipid metabolism. Amsterdam: Elsevier,
144-157, 1961.
Effect of serotonin on absorption and distribution of calcium-45 in the rat.
Garattini S., Grossi E., Paoletti P., Paoletti R., Poggi M.
Nature, 191: 185-186, 1961.
A comparative evaluation of lipid biosynthesis in brain and liver.
Paoletti R., Paoletti P., Grossi E.
In: Desnuelle P. ed. Enzymes of lipid metabolism. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 264-271,
2-Methyl-piperazine-dithioformate, a new liver and radio-protector.
Palma V., Galli G., Garattini S., Paoletti R., Vertua R.
Arzneimittelforsch, 11: 1034-1037, 1961.
Pharmakologische untersuchungen uber die biosynthese des cholesterins im
Garattini S., Bizzi L., Grossi E., Paoletti R., Poggi M., Vertua R.
Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel, 63: 1027, 1961.
Identification and physiological role of norepinephrine in adipose tissue.
Paoletti R., Smith R.L., Maickel R.P., Brodie B.B.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 5: 424-429, 1961.
A gas liquid chromatographic analysis of fatty acid compositions of human normal and
tumoral nervous tissue.
Grossi E., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
In: Jacob H. ed., 4th Int. Congress of Neuropathology, Stuttgart, G.T. Verlag, 29, 1962.
Comparative studies on hypocholesterolemic agents.
Paoletti R.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 10: 277-284, 1962.
A procedure for the assay of norepinephrine in adipose tissue.
Smith R.L., Paoletti R.
Anal. Biochem., 3: 302-307, 1962.
Recenti studi sui lipidi alimentari.
Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Capella P.
Atti Accad. Med. Lomb., 17: 687-722, 1962.
Drugs as tools in studies of nervous system regulation of release of free fatty acids from
adipose tissue.
Paoletti R., Maickel R.P., Smith R.L., Brodie B.B.
In: Horning E.C., Lindgren P. eds. Proceedings of the First Int. Pharmacological Meeting;
v. 2: Effects of drugs on synthesis and mobilization of lipids. Oxford: Pergamon Press,
29-41, 1963.
Analisi gas-cromatografica del colesterolo e dei suoi precursori nei tessuti e nei liquidi
Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
G. Arteriosclerosi, 1: 157-162, 1963.
The identification and significance of desmosterol in the developing human and animal
Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
Life Sci., 2: 291-295, 1963.
Pharmacological control of lipid mobilization and transport.
Paoletti R.
In: Grant J.K. ed. The control of lipid metabolism. London: Academic Press (Biochemical
Society Symposium; No. 24), 171-180, 1963.
Drugs in lipid metabolism.
Garattini S., Paoletti R.
Ann. Rev. Pharmacol., 3: 91-108, 1963
Biosynthetic preparation of tissue lipids and sterols from labelled precursors.
Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
In: Sirchis J. ed. Proceedings of the Conference on Methods of Preparing and Storing
Marked Molecules. Bruxelles, EURATOM, 1071-1082, 1964.
Studies on lipids in brain tumors. I. Occurrence and significance of sterol precursors of
cholesterol in human brain tumors.
Fumagalli R., Grossi E., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
J. Neurochem., 11: 561-565, 1964.
Blood cholesterol depressants.
Paoletti R., Fumagalli R.
In: Laurence D.R., Bacharach A.L., eds. Evaluation of drug activities: pharmacometrics.
v. 2. London: Academic Press, 875-890, 1964.
Drugs affecting the sympathetic regulation of lipid transport.
Paoletti R., Vertua R.
In: Richter D. ed. Comparative neurochemistry. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 413-424,
Control of lipid mobilization and transport.
Paoletti R., Usardi M.M., Vertua R.
In: II Conferentia Hungarica pro Therapia et Investigatione in Pharmacologia. Budapest:
Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 250-258, 1964.
Applicazioni delle molecole marcate nella ricerca farmacologica.
Paoletti R., Poggi M.
Cronache Farmaceutiche, 7: 6-11, 1964.
The effect of nicotinic acid on free fatty acid mobilization.
Vertua R., Usardi M.M., Bombelli R., Farkas T., Paoletti R.
Life Sci., 3: 281-286, 1964.
A new insight on carbon tetrachloride effect on triglyceride transport.
Poggi M., Paoletti R.
Biochem. Pharmacol., 13: 949-954, 1964.
Investigations on the mechanism of action of nicotinic acid.
Farkas T., Vertua R., Usardi M.M., Paoletti R.
Life Sci., 3: 821-827, 1964.
The effect of ionizing radiations on lipid synthesis in brain and liver.
Grossi E., Poggi M., Paoletti R.
In: Haley T.J., Snider R.S. eds. Response of the nervous system to ionizing radiation.
Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 388-402, 1964.
Studies on brain sterols in normal and pathological conditions.
Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Grossi E., Paoletti P.
J. Am. Oil Che. Soc., 42: 400-404, 1965.
Investigations on the early effects of CC14 on lipid transport.
Poggi M., Fumagalli R., Sabatini-Pellegrini A., Paoletti R.
In: Brodie B.B., Gillette J.R., eds. Drugs and enzymes. Oxford: Pergamon Press
(Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Pharmacological Meeting, v. 4), 363-370, 1965.
Investigation of the biogenetic reaction sequence of cholesterol in rat tissues, through
inhibition with AY-9944.
Fumagalli R., Niemiro R., Paoletti R.
J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 42: 1018-1023, 1965.
The effect of ionizing radiation on lipid transport.
Paoletti R., Poggi M., Vertua R., Farkas T.
In: Paoletti R., Vertua S., eds. 1st Int. Symposium on Radiosensitizers and
radioprotective drugs. Basel, S. Karger (Progress in Biochemical Pharmacology; v. 1),
186-202, 1965.
Pharmacological investigations on the prostaglandin E1 effect on lipolysis.
Paoletti R., Lentati R.L., Korolkiewicz Z.
In: Bergstrom S., Samuelsson B. eds. Prostaglandins. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell,
147-159, 1966.
Sterol composition of human and animal spontaneous and experimental brain tumors.
Fumagalli R., Paoletti R., Allegranza A., Paoletti P.
In: Luthy F., Bischoff A., eds. Proceedings of the 5th Int. Congress of Neuropathology.
Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica (Int. Congress Series; n. 100), 455-458, 1966.
Drug-induced modifications of brain sterol composition.
Fumagalli R., Niemiro R., Paoletti R.
In: Peeters H. ed. Protides of the biological fluids. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing
(Proteins and related subjects; v. 13), 81-84, 1966.
The change in fatty acid composition of rat brain phospholipids during development.
Marshall E., Fumagalli R., Niemiro R., Paoletti R.
J. Neurochem., 13: 857-862, 1966.
Lipids in brain tumors: II. Effects of triparanol and 20-25-diazacholesterol on sterol
composition in experimental and human brain tumors.
Fumagalli R., Grossi Paoletti R., Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
J. Neurochem., 13: 1005-1110, 1966.
Regulation of lipid transport and radiation induced hyperlipidemia.
Paoletti R., Berti F.
Atompraxis, 12: 285-291, 1966.
Radiation induced hyperlipemia and reticulo-endothelial activity.
Poggi M., Paoletti R.
G. Arteriosclerosi, 5: 581-588, 1967.
A possible biochemical procedure for the diagnosis of human brain tumors.
Vandenheuvel F.A., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R., Paoletti P.
Life Sci., 6: 439-444, 1967.
The occurrence of desmosterol in myelin of developing rats.
Smith M.E., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
Life Sci., 6: 1085-1091, 1967.
The effect of prostaglandin E1 on free fatty acid mobilization and transport.
Berti F., Lentati R., Usardi M.M., Paoletti R.
Protoplasma, 63: 143-146, 1967.
Relations between some in vitro and in vivo effects of prostaglandin E1.
Berti F., Naimzada Kabir M., Lentati R., Usardi M.M., Mantegazza P., Paoletti R.
In: Kritchevsky D., Paoletti R., Steiberg D. eds. Second Int. Symp. on Drugs Affecting
Lipid Metabolism. Part II. Fatty acids, prostaglandins, FFA mobilization, FFA and
triglyceride transport, liposoluble vitamins. Basel: S. Karger (Progress in Biochemical
Pharmacology; v. 3), 110-121, 1967.
Le mode d'action de l'acide nicotinique sur le transport des lipides.
Puglisi L., Solyom A., Usardi M.M., Vertua R., Paoletti R.
Pathol. Biol., 15: 204-208, 1967.
Hypersensitivity to lipid mobilizing agents in essential fatty acid (EFA) deficient rats.
Bizzi A., Veneroni E., Garattini S., Puglisi L., Paoletti R.
Eur. J. Pharmacol., 2: 48-52, 1967.
The use of drugs in biosynthetic preparation of labelled sterols.
Galli G., Grossi Paoletti E., Paoletti R.
In: Sirchis J. ed. Methods of preparing and storing labelled compounds. Brussels:
European Atomic Energy Community - EURATOM, 255-267, 1968.
The biological conversion of 5alpha-cholest-8-en-3beta-ol to 5alpha-cholest-7-en-3betaol in the biosynthesis of cholesterol.
Canonica L., Fiecchi A., Galli Kienle M., Scala A., Galli G., Grossi Paoletti E., Paoletti R.
Steroids, 11: 287-298, 1968.
The stereochemistry of hydrogen elimination in the biological conversion of 5alphacholest-8-en-3beta-ol to 5alpha-cholest-7-en-3beta-ol.
Canonica L., Fiecchi A., Galli Kienle M., Scala A., Galli G., Grossi Paoletti E., Paoletti R.
Steroids, 11: 749-753, 1968.
The fate of the 15beta hydrogen of lanosterol in cholesterol biosynthesis.
Canonica L., Fiecchi A., Galli Kienle M., Scala A., Galli G., Grossi Paoletti R., Paoletti R.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 90: 3597-3598, 1968.
Evidence for the biological conversion of delta 8,14 sterol dienes into cholesterol.
Canonica L., Fiecchi A., Galli Kienle M., Scala A., Galli G., Grossi Paoletti E., Paoletti R.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 90: 6532-6534, 1968.
Quelques observations sur le role des prostaglandins dans l'homeostase.
Paoletti R.
Arch. Mal Coeur - Revue de l'Atherosclerose, suppl. 2: 57, 1968.
Studio cromatografico quantitativo dei lipidi cerebrali in alcune glicolipidosi.
Galli C., Paoletti R.
In: XIII Congresso della Società Italiana per lo Studio del Metabolismo Normale e
Patologico, Milano, 1968.
Inhibition pharmacologique de la mobilisation des acides gras libres.
Berti F., Paoletti R.
Arch. Mal. Coeur, 61, suppl. 1 (Revue de l'Athérosclerose), 61: 31-42, 1968.
The lipolytic action of catecholamines and ACTH and the interaction of prostaglandin
Paoletti R., Puglisi L., Usardi M.M.
In: Back N., Martini L., Paoletti R. eds. Pharmacology of hormonal polypeptides and
proteins. New York: Plenum Press (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology; v.
2), 425-439, 1968.
4,4-dimethyl-5alpha-cholesta-8,14-dien-3beta-ol a new precursor of cholesterol in
mammalian tissues.
Fiecchi A., Canonica L., Scala A., Cattabeni F., Grossi Paoletti E., Paoletti R.
Life Sci., 8 (part II): 629-634, 1969.
Sterol metabolism in brain tumors and cerebrospinal fluid.
Fumagalli R., Grossi Paoletti E., Paoletti R., Paoletti P.
Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 159: 472-479, 1969.
The sterol test for the diagnosis of human brain tumors.
Paoletti P., Vandenheuvel F.A., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
Neurology, 19: 190-197, 1969.
Paoletti R., Grossi Paoletti E., Fumagalli R.
In: Lajtha A. ed. Handbook of Neurochemistry; v. 1: Chemical architecture of the
nervous system. New York: Plenum Press, 195-222, 1969.
The effect of hypocholesteremic agents on myelinogenesis.
Fumagalli R., Smith M.E., Urna G., Paoletti R.
J. Neurochem., 16: 1329-1339, 1969.
Control of lipid and lipoprotein release and transport.
Galli C., Sirtori C.R., Paoletti R.
In: Tria E., Scanu A.M. eds. Structure and functional aspects of lipoproteins in living
systems. London: Academic Press, 518-544, 1969.
An inborn error of cerebroside biosynthesis as the molecular defect of the Jimpy mouse
Galli C., Kneebone G.M., Paoletti R.
Life Sci., 8 (pt. II): 911-918, 1969.
Funzione e metabolismo degli acidi grassi essenziali e dei loro derivati, le
Paoletti R., Berti F.
In: Fondazione Carlo Erba: I vegetali nell'alimentazione umana. Milano: Franco Angeli
Editore (Collana scientifica n. 6), 93-111, 1969.
Effect of hypocholesteremic agents on an experimental brain tumor in mice.
Grossi Paoletti E., Sirtori C.R., Weiss J.F., Paoletti R.
In: Holmes W.L., Carlson L.A., Paoletti R. eds. Drugs affecting lipid metabolism. New
York: Plenum Press (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology; v. 4), 457-471,
The use of specific inhibitors for the selective investigation of sterol biosynthesis in
mammalian tissue.
Galli G., Fumagalli R., Grossi Paoletti E., Paoletti R.
In: Waser P.G., Glasson B., eds. Int. Conference on Radioactive Isotopes in
Pharmacology. London, Wiley-Interscience, 279-294, 1969.
Gas cromatografia-spettrometria di massa e ricerche biologiche.
Paoletti R., Cattabeni F.
Scienze, 4 (Marzo): 72-83, 1970.
Hyperlipaemia in experimental nephrosis and its control by chlorophenoxyisobutyrate
and betabenzalbutyrate.
Edwards K.D.G., Paoletti R.
Med. J. Aust., 1: 474-477, 1970.
Brain lipid modifications induced by essential fatty acid deficiency in growing male and
female rats.
Galli C., White H.B. Jr., Paoletti R.
J. Neurochem., 17: 347-35, 1970.
Serum phospholipid alterations and their control by chlorophenoxyisobutyrate and
betabenzalbutyrate in puromycin aminonucleoside induced nephrotic syndrome in the
Galli C., Edwards K.D.G., Paoletti R.
Life Sci., 9 (pt. II): 523-534, 1970.
Studies on the pharmacological control of hyperlipemia in experimental nephrotic
Edwards K.D.G., Usardi M.M., Galli C., Paoletti R.
Biochem. Pharmacol., 19: 2719-2725, 1970.
The effect of cyclic AMP on the heart rate of the isolated rat atria.
Berti F., Mandelli V., Paoletti R.
Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. Toxicol., 4: 123-124, 1970.
Essential fatty acid deficiency and lipid transport.
Paoletti R., Puglisi L.
In: Fidanza F., Keys A., Ricci G., Somogyi J.C. eds. Nutrition and cardiovascular
diseases. Roma: Morgagni Edizioni Scientifiche, 132-136, 1970.
Hyperlipaemia in experimental nephrosis and its control by chloro-phenoxyisobutyrate
and betabenzalbutyrate.
Edwards K.D.G., Paoletti R.
Med. J. Aust., 1: 474-477, 1970.
The sterol precursors of cholesterol in normal and tumor tissues.
Galli G., Galli Kienle M., Cattabeni F., Fiecchi A., Grossi Paoletti E., Paoletti R.
In: Weber G., ed. Advances in enzyme regulation. v. 8. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 311321, 1970.
Gli antiarteriosclerotici: farmaci attivi sui lipidi plasmatici.
Paoletti R., Fumagalli R.
Riv. Farmacol. Ter., 1 (suppl.): 250-282, 1970.
Paoletti P., Paoletti R.
In: Tedeschi C.G. ed. Neuropathology: methods and diagnosis. Boston: Little, Brown &
Co., 779-795, 1970.
Essential fatty acid deficiency and its effects on the central nervous system.
Galli C., White H.B. Jr., Paoletti R.
In: Paoletti R., Davidson A.N., eds. Chemistry and brain development. New York:
Plenum Press (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology; v. 13), 425-435, 1971.
Brain recovery from essential fatty acid deficiency in developing rats.
White Jr. H.B., Galli C., Paoletti R.
J. Neurochem., 18: 869-882, 1971.
Some pathways and mechanisms in lanosterol-cholesterol conversion in mammalina
Paoletti R., Galli G., Grossi Paoletti E., Fiecchi A., Scala A.
Lipids, 6: 134-138, 1971.
Lipid alterations and their reversion in the central nervous system of growing rats
deficient in essential fatty acids.
Galli C., White Jr. H.B., Paoletti R.
Lipids, 6: 378-387, 1971.
Ethanolamine phosphoglyceride fatty acids in aging human brain.
White Jr. H.B., Galli C., Paoletti R.
J. Neurochem., 18: 1337-1339, 1971.
Cyclophosphate I. Effect of various cyclophosphates on phosphorylate b kinase
Du Plooy M., Michal G., Weimann G., Nelboeck M., Paoletti R.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 230: 30-39, 1971.
Pharmacological control of lipid metabolism.
Paoletti R., Puglisi L.
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmakol., 269: 317-330, 1971.
Drugs acting on blood lipids.
Paoletti R., Fumagalli R.
In: Bacq Z.M., Paoletti R., Capek R. eds. Fundamentals of biochemical pharmacology.
Oxford: Pergamon Press, 557-570, 1971.
Antagonism of dibutyryl-guo-3':5'-P and atropine on stomach smooth muscle
Puglisi L., Berti F., Paoletti R.
Experientia, 27: 1187-1188, 1971.
Effects of dietary fatty acids on the fatty acid composition of brain ethanolamine
phosphoglyceride: reciprocal replacement of n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Galli C., Trzeciak H.I., Paoletti R.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 248: 449-454, 1971.
Essential fatty acid deficiency and lipid transport.
Paoletti R., Puglisi L.
In: Centro Studi Lipidi Alimentari, ed. Nutrition and Cardiovascular diseases. Roma:
Morgagni Edizioni Scientifiche, 132-136, 1971.
Hydrogen exchange and double bond formation in cholesterol biosynthesis.
Fiecchi A., Galli Kienle M., Scala A., Galli G., Grossi Paoletti E., Cattabeni F., Paoletti R.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. (Biol.), 180: 147-165, 1972.
Studies on the enzymatic conversion of oxygen-substituted sterols to cholesterol.
Fiecchi A., Galli Kienle M., Scala A., Galli G., Paoletti R., Grossi Paoletti E.
J. Biol. Chem., 247: 5898-5904, 1972.
Control mechanisms in lipid mobilization and transport.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R.
In: Kun E., Grisolia S. eds. Biochemical regulatory mechanisms in eukariotic cells.
Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 491-513, 1972.
Effects of essential fatty acid deficiency on the central nervous system in the growing
Paoletti R., Galli C.
In: Lipids, malnutrition and the developing brain. Amsterdam: Associated Scientific
Publishers (CIBA Foundation Symposium), 121-140, 1972.
Le prostaglandine e la mobilizzazione dei lipidi.
Paoletti R.
In: Labò G., Barbara L., Melchionda N. eds. La via metabolica dell'aterogenesi.
Bologna, Pàtron, 633.644, 1972.
I nucleotidi ciclici nell'attività cardiaca.
Paoletti R.
G. Ital. Cardiol., 2: 947-951, 1972.
Farmaci ipolipemizzanti: regolazione del trasporto degli acidi grassi e delle lipoproteine.
Paoletti R.
Petrolieri d'Italia, 19 (10): 32-38, 1972.
Oxidative beta-cleavage of long chain fatty acids by cytoplasmic enzymes of rat liver.
Fiecchi A., Galli Kienle M., Scala A., Galli G., Paoletti R.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 4: 243-252, 1972.
Effects of essential fatty acid deficiency on myelin and various subcellular structures in
rat brain.
Galli C., Trzeciak H.I., Paoletti R.
J. Neurochem., 19: 1863-1867, 1972.
Lipid metabolism.
Paoletti R., Puglisi L.
In: Ramwell P.W. ed. Prostaglandins, v. 1. New York: Plenum Press, 317-326, 1973.
Biochemical pharmacology of embryonic development: summary of a discussion.
Paoletti R.
In: Boréus L.O. ed. Fetal pharmacology. New York: Raven Press, 471-477, 1973.
Analogues of cyclic AMP and their physiological response.
Nelboeck M., Michal G., Weimann G., Paoletti R., Berti F.
Pure Appl. Chem., 35: 411-438, 1973.
Hypolipidemic drugs.
Sirtori C.R., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
In: Fumagalli R., Ricci G., Gorini F. eds. Human hyperlipoproteinemias - Principles and
Methods. New York: Plenum Press (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, v.
38), 171-198, 1973.
Farmaci ipolipemizzanti.
Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Sirtori C.R.
Minerva Med., 64: 1267-1275, 1973.
Cyclophosphates V. In vivo metabolic and cardiovascular effects
Paoletti R., Berti F., Spano P.F., Michal G., Weimann G., Nelboeck M.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 5: 87-100, 1973.
Comparison of blood platelet and erythrocyte lipids in man in three age groups from
three regions: Milan, Cincinnati and Sicily.
Iacono J.M., Zellner D.C., Paoletti R., Ishikawa T., Frigeni V., Fumagalli R.
Haemostasis, 2: 141-162, 1973/74.
Hypolipidemic drugs: regulation of fatty acid and lipoprotein transport.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R.
In: Willoughby D.A., Derom F., Cicala V., Malan E. eds. Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Arteriosclerosis. Milano: Carlo Erba Foundation (The Medical Summit;
n. 8), 44-52, 1973.
Le prostaglandine.
Puglisi L., Paoletti R.
Sapere, 74 (767): 24-31, 1973.
Farmaci nel controllo degli acidi grassi e delle lipoproteine plasmatiche.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R.
Ospedale Maggiore, 68: 317-322, 1973.
The beta-oxydative cleavage of long-chain fatty acids in rat-liver cytoplasm.
Fiecchi A., Galli Kienle M., Scala A., Galli G., Paoletti R.
Eur. J. Biochem., 38: 516-528, 1973.
Essential fatty acid deficiency and brain development.
Paoletti R., Galli C.
In: Bogoch S., ed. Biological diagnosis of brain disorders. New York: Spectrum
Publications, 213-225, 1973.
Some interrelations between prostaglandins and cyclic nucleotides.
Paoletti R., Berti F., Fumagalli R., Folco G.C.
In: Velo G.P., Willoughby D.A., Giroud J.P. eds. Future trends in inflammation. Padova:
Piccin Medical Books, 11-18, 1974.
Displacement of albumin bound tryptophan by clofibrate in man.
Spano P.F., Sirtori C.R., Paoletti R.
In: Schettler G., Weizel A., eds. Atherosclerosis III. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 797-799,
Mechanisms of sterol biosynthesis in brain and liver.
Galli G., Paoletti R.
In: Burton R.M., Guerra F.C., eds. Fundamentals of lipid chemistry. Webster Grove,
MO, USA: BI-Science Publications, 413-438, 1974.
A mass fragmentographic study of amphetamine and metabolites in rat brain.
Cattabeni F., Racagni G., Paoletti R.
J. Psychiatr. Res., 11: 45-51, 1974.
Le basi biologiche dell'azione dei farmaci antiarteriosclerotici.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R.
In: Cavallo G., Beretta Anguissola A. eds. Le basi biologiche della medicina moderna, v.
3 Torino: CG Edizione Medico Scientifiche, 573-588, 1974.
The (n-6) pentaene: (n-3) hexaene fatty acid ratio as an index of linolenic acid
Galli C., Agradi E., Paoletti R.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 369: 142-145, 1974.
Meccanismi d'azione dei farmaci antiarteriosclerotici.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R.
In: Atti del XXXV Congresso della Società Italiana di Cardiologia. Roma: Società
Italiana di Cardiologia, 129-147, 1974.
Drug interactions with first and second messengers in the control of lipid transport.
Paoletti R.
In: Centro Culturale Cardiologico Villa Simes, ed. Milano: Simes Servizi Scientifici,
Accumulation of trienoic fatty acids in rat brain after depletion of liver (n-6)
polyunsaturated ratty acids.
Galli C., Agradi E., Paoletti R.
J. Neurochem., 24: 1187-1190, 1975.
Brain free fatty acid levels in rats sacrificed by decapitation versus focused microwave
Cenedella R.J., Galli C., Paoletti R.
Lipids, 10: 290-293, 1975.
Farmaci, lipoproteine ed arteriosclerosi.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R.
In: Beretta Anguissola A., Puddu V. eds. Cardiologia d'oggi, v.2. Torino: C.G. Edizioni
Medico Scientifiche, 559-569, 1975.
Deficiency of essential fatty acids during pregnancy and avoidance learning in the
Galli C., Messeri P., Oliverio A., Paoletti R.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 7: 71-80, 1975.
Clinical relevance of drugs affecting tryptophan transport.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R., Spano P.F.
Ann. Rev. Pharmacol., 15: 73-81, 1975.
La distribuzione dei farmaci nella medicina terapeutica e preventiva.
Paoletti R.
Riv. Ital. Diritto Sociale, 1-2: 134-142, 1975.
Prostaglandine, trombossani, prostacicline ed arteriosclerosi.
Paoletti R.
G. Arteriosclerosi, 2: 103-105, 1975.
Macromolecular drugs I: Long-lasting antilipolytic activity of nicotinic acid bound to a
Puglisi L., Caruso V., Paoletti R., Ferruti P., Tanzi M.C.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 8: 379-386, 1976.
E' possibile la prevenzione farmacologica primaria e secondaria dell'infarto miocardico?
Paoletti R.
In: Fattori di rischio, epidemiologia e terapia dell'aterosclerosi. Lecce: Centro per gli
Stati Disendocrini e Dismetabolici. Ospedale Generale Regionale "Vito Fazzi", 11-16,
Comparative effects of olive oil and other edible fats on brain structural lipids during
Galli C., Spagnuolo C., Agradi E., Paoletti R.
In: Paoletti R., Porcellati G., Jacini G. eds. Lipids, v.1: Biochemistry, New York: Raven
Press, 237-243, 1976.
Prostaglandin-releasing polymers.
Ferruti P., Paoletti R., Puglisi L.
In: Samuelsson B., Paoletti R., eds. Advances in Prostaglandin and Thromboxane
Research. v. 1. New York: Raven Press, 231-239, 1976.
Prostaglandin E2 and central cyclic nucleotides.
Folco G.C., Longiave D., Berti F., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
In: Samuelsson B., Paoletti R., eds. Advances in Prostaglandin and Thromboxane
Research. v. 1. New York: Raven Press, 305-312, 1976.
I farmaci ipolipidemizzanti.
Sirtori C.R., Catapano A.L., Paoletti R.
In: Fattori di rischio epidemiologia e terapia dell'aterosclerosi. Lecce: Centro per gli Stati
Diseondocrini e Dismetabolici, Ospedale Generale Regionale "Vito Fazzi", 111-142,
Interazione tra prostaglandine e nucleotidi ciclici delle piastrine: possibile significato per
l'aggregazione piastrinica.
Paoletti R.
Gazzetta Sanitaria, 47 (2): 34-36, 1976.
Nuovi aspetti di farmacologia sperimentale delle nitrosouree.
Paoletti R., Pezzotta S.
In: Centro Culturale Cardiologico Villa Simes, ed. Le Nitrosouree: moderne acquisizioni
in farmacologica oncologica. Milano: Edizioni "La Cardiologia nel Mondo", 7-26, 1977.
Cerebellar cyclic nucleotides, prostaglandin E2 and some convulsant and tremorogenic
Fumagalli R., Berti F., Folco G.C., Longiave D., Paoletti R.
In: Delgado J.M.R., De Feudis F.V., eds. Behavioral neurochemistry. New York:
Spectrum Publications, 183-195, 1977.
Therapeutic significance of hypolipidemic and antiatherosclerotic drugs.
Sirtori C.R., Catapano A.L., Paoletti R.
Paoletti R., Gotto Jr. A.M. eds. Atherosclerosis Reviews; v. 2. New York: Raven Press,
113-153, 1977.
Treatment of hypertriglyceridemia with metformin: effectiveness and analysis of results.
Sirtori C.R., Tremoli E., Sirtori M., Conti F., Paoletti R.
Atherosclerosis, 26: 583-592, 1977.
Drugs and atherosclerosis.
Paoletti R., Catapano A.L., Ghiselli G.C., Sirtori C.R.
In: Schettler G., Goto Y., Hata Y., Klose G., eds. Atherosclerosis IV. Berlin: SpringerVerlag, 517-527, 1977.
A biochemical analysis of strain differences in narcotic action.
Racagni G., Cattabeni F., Paoletti R.
In: Hanin I., Usdin E. eds. Animal models in psychiatry and neurology. Oxford:
Pergamon Press, 315-319, 1977.
The polyunsaturated fatty acids in human platelets: effects of diet and possible
functional significance.
Paoletti R.
In: Agnoli A., Fazio C. eds. Platelet aggregation in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular
disorders. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 33-43, 1977.
Molecular and cellular sites of action of caffeine.
Puglisi L., Maggi F., Paoletti R.
In: Huitième Colloque Scientifique International sur le Café. Paris: ASIC, 285-290, 1979.
Prostaglandins E2 and cyclic nucleotides in rat convulsions and tremors.
Berti F., Bernareggi V., Folco G.C., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
In: Costa E., Giacobini E., Paoletti R., eds. First and second messengers: new vistas.
New York: Raven Press (Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology; v. 15), 367377, 1977.
Possible significance of the prostaglandins in the central nervous system.
Paoletti R., Galli G., Folco G.C.
In: Usdin E., Hamburg D.A., Barchas J.D., eds. Neuroregulators and psychiatric
disorders. New York: Oxford University Press, 451-454, 1977.
Iperlipemia e arteriosclerosi. Attività della metformina nell'animale e nell'uomo.
Weber G., Losi M., Shore B., Shore V., Ghiselli G.C., Sirtori C.R., Tremoli E., Sirtori M.,
Conti F., Paoletti R.
In: Atti Convegno sulla Metformina. Mosca: Accademia delle Scienze, 27-32, 1978.
Relationship between the prostaglandin system and responsiveness to epileptogenic
agents in mature and immature rats.
Paoletti R., Folco G.C., Spagnuolo C., Terzi C.
In: Coceani F., Olley P.M. eds. Prostaglandins and perinatal medicine. New York:
Raven Press (Advances in Prostaglandin and Thromboxane Research; v. 4), 191-198,
Effects of amphetamine, electrical stimulation and stress on endogenous MOPEG-SO4
levels in rat brain.
Bareggi S.R., Markey K., Paoletti R.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 10: 65-73, 1978.
A new approach to the investigation of drugs affecting lipoproteins.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R., Ghiselli G.C., Fumagalli R.
In: Kritchevsky D., Paoletti P., Holmes W.L., eds. Drugs, Lipid Metabolism, and
Atherosclerosis. New York: Plenum Press (Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology; v. 109), 61-76, 1978.
New advances in antiatherosclerotic drugs.
Paoletti R., Ghiselli G.C., Fumagalli R., Sirtori C.R.
In: Carlson L.A., Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R., Weber G., eds. International Conference on
Atherosclerosis. New York: Raven Press, 29-34, 1978.
Epidemiological studies on dietary lipids, human plasma lipids and platelet lipids and
Agradi E., Carvalho A.C., Dougherty R., Ferro-Luzzi A., Galli C., Galli G.,
Gianfranceschi G., Iacono J., Paoletti R., Sautebin L.
In: Carlson L.A., Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R., Weber G. eds. International Conference on
Atherosclerosis. New York: Raven Press, 441-448, 1978.
Pilot epidemiological studies in thrombosis.
Iacono J., Dougherty R., Paoletti R., Galli C., Carvalho A.C.A., Ferro-Luzzi A., Therriault
D.G., Nelson G.J., Keys A.
In: Chandler B.A., Eurenius K., McMillan G.C., Nelson C.B., Schwartz C.J., Wessler S.
eds. The thrombotic process in atherogenesis. New York: Plenum Press (Advances in
Experimental Medicine and Biology; v. 104), 309-327, 1978.
Hypocholesterolemic effect of soya.
Fumagalli R., Paoletti R., Howard A.N.
Life Sci., 22: 947-952, 1978.
Endogenous and exogenous metabolites of arachidonic acids and cyclic nucleotides in
the central nervous system.
Paoletti R.
In: Vargaftig B.B. ed. Prostaglandins-Immunopharmacology. Oxford: Pergamon Press
(Advances in Pharmacology and Therapeutics; v. 4), 47-52, 1979.
Paoletti R., Racagni G., Pezzotta S.
In: Pannuti F., Creaven P.J. eds. Chemotherapy of solid tumors. Bologna: Pàtron
Editore, 283-298, 1979.
Differential sensitivity to morphine-induced analgesia and motor activity in two inbred
strains of mice: behavioral and biochemical correlations.
Racagni G., Bruno F., Iuliano E., Paoletti R.
J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther, 209: 111-116, 1979.
Prostaglandine e trombossani:presenza e ruolo nell'apparato respiratorio.
Paoletti R., Fumagalli R.
In: Simposio Attualità Pneumologia. Milano: Scientific Publications, 89-92, 1979.
Macromolecular drugs II. Effects of a polymer bound nicotonic acid on experimentally
induced hyperlipidemia in the rat.
Puglisi L., Maggi F., Colli S., Paoletti R.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 11: 775-784, 1979.
Recherches récentes sur les médicaments et les régimes actif sur les lipoprotéines
Paoletti R., Ghiselli G.C., Sautebin L., Sirtori C.R.
In: Hughes J. ed. L'Athérogénese. Paris: Masson, 112-124, 1979.
Nouvelles approaches sur la recherche des médicaments et des diètes actives sur les
lipoprotéines plasmatiques.
Paoletti R.
Macrez M.M.C., Jaillard J., Rouffy J. eds. Les Facteurs de Risque de l'Athérome: bilan
des essais préventifs. Paris: Les Editions de la Vie Médicale, 29-34, 1979.
Ipertensione arteriosa ed arteriosclerosi.
Paoletti R.
In: Associazione Titolari di Farmacia della Provincia di Milano. Atti del 2° Corso di
Aggiornamento Professionale per Titolari di Farmacia. Milano: Grafiche Donati, 9-13,
Metformin and lipid metabolism.
Sirtori C.R., Weber G., Losi M., Shore B., Shore V., Ghiselli G.C., Tremoli E., Sirtori M.,
Conti F., Paoletti R.
In: Cudworth A.G. ed. Metformin: current aspects and future developments. Tunbridge
Wells, England: Research and Clinical Forums (Research and Clinical Forums; v. 1, n.
4), 117-120, 1979.
Le basi biologiche dell'azione dei farmaci antiarteriosclerotici.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R., Poli A.
In: Cavallo G., Beretta Anguissola A. eds. Le basi biologiche della medicina moderna, v.
5, Torino: CG Edizioni Medico Scientifiche, 299-317, 1980.
Estrogens and prostaglandins.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
In: Pasetto N., Paoletti R., Ambrus J.L. eds. The Menopause and postmenopause.
Lancaster: MTP Press Ltd., 17-23, 1980.
The role of prostaglandins in the respiratory system.
Paoletti R., Poli A., Tremoli E.
In: Cumming G., Bonsignore G., eds. Pulmonary circulation in health and disease. New
York: Plenum Press (Ettore Majorana International Science Series: Life Sciences; v. 3),
397-406, 1980.
Prostaglandins, thrombin receptors and platelet aggregation in normal and
hypercholesterolemic subjects.
Paoletti R., Tremoli E.
In: Gotto Jr. A.M., Smith L.C., Allen B., eds. Atherosclerosis V. New York, SpringerVerlag, 772-775, 1980.
Effects of bezafibrate on liver enzymes and lipoproteins in animal experiments.
Bosisio E., Catapano A.L., Cighetti G., Paoletti R.
In: Greten H., Lang P.D., Schettler G. eds. Lipoproteins and coronary heart disease:
new aspects in the diagnosis and therapy of disorders of lipid metabolism. New York:
Gerhard Witzstrock, 86-91, 1980.
A comparison between biologic, radioimmunologic and mass spectrometric analysis of
Cattabeni F., Nicosia S., Folco G.C., Longiave D., Paoletti R.
In: Boeynaems J.M., Herman A.G. eds. Prostaglandins, prostacyclin and thromboxane
measurement. The Hague, NL: Martinus Nijhoff, 56-70, 1980.
New strategies in the development of anti-atherosclerotic drugs.
Sirtori C.R., Tremoli E., Paoletti R.
Artery, 8: 507-518, 1980.
I farmaci ipocolesterolemizzanti nella prevenzione primaria e secondaria dell'infarto
Paoletti R., Catapano A.L.
Medico e Paziente, 6 (6): 9-13, 1980.
Rischi e benefici dell'uso degli additivi in campo enologico.
Galli C.L., Costa L.G., Paoletti R.
In: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza. istituto di Enologia. Tecnologia e
analisi chimica al servizio dell'enologia. Pinerolo (Torino): Chiriotti Editori (Quaderno
Tecnico n. 3), 60-64, 1980.
Round Table. An example of environmental toxicology: the dioxin event.
Paoletti R., Spallino A., Cattabeni F., Foà V., Fortunati U., Garattini S., Nicosia S.,
Weber G.
In: Galli C.L., Murphy S.D., Paoletti R., eds. The Principles and methods in modern
toxicology. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press (Symposia of the
Giovanni Lorenzini Foundation; v. 6), 367-398, 1980.
Biochemical analysis of hypolipidemic versus antiatherosclerotic agents.
Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Poli A., Sirtori C.R.
In: Hegyeli R.J. ed. Measurement and control of cardiovascular risk factors. New York:
Raven Press (Atherosclerosis Reviews, v. 7), 213-229, 1980.
The role of prostaglandins and cyclic nucleotides in tremors and convulsions.
Paoletti R.
In: Levi-Montalcini R., ed. Cellules nerveuses, transmetteurs et comportement. Città del
Vaticano: Pontificia Academia Scientiarum (Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum Scripta
varia; v. 45), 237-247, 1980.
Farmaci prostaglandinici in reumatologia.
Paoletti R.
Farmacista, 33: 31-33, 1980.
Experimental brain tumors by transplacental ENU: multifactorial study of the latency period.
Schiffer D., Giordana M.T., Mauro A., Racagni G., Bruno F., Pezzotta S. and Paoletti R.
Acta Neuropathologica, 49: 117-122, 1980.
Platelets, thrombosis and dietary fats. International pilot epidemiological study in
Carvalho A.C.A., Galli C., Paoletti R., Iacono J.M., Keys A.
In Bazan N.G., Paoletti R. and Iacono J.M. (eds.): New Trends in Nutrition, Lipids
Research and Cardiovascular Diseases. New York, Alan R. Liss, 1981; Current Topics
in Nutrition and Disease, v. 5, pp. 125-142.
Influence of dietary essential fatty acids (EFA) on the prostaglandins system and its role
in platelet function.
Paoletti R., Galli C., Agradi E., Tremoli E.
In: Aebi HE, Brubacher G.B., Turner M.R. eds. Problems in nutrition research today.
London: Academic Press, 93-100, 1981.
Platelet antiaggregating agents, thrombin antagonists and the arachidonic acid
Paoletti R., Tremoli E.
In: Hegyeli R.J., ed. Prostaglandins and cardiovascular disease. New York, Raven
Press (Atherosclerosis Reviews, vol. 8), 169-182, 1981.
A specific inhibitor of thrombin: effects on the arachidonic acid cascade.
Paoletti R., Petroni A., Tremoli E.
In: Conn Jr. HL, De Felice E., Kuo P.T. eds. Prostaglandin, platelets, lipids: new
developments in atherosclerosis. New York: Elsevier/North Holland (Miami, FL, USA:
Symposia Specialists), 131-137, 1981.
Analysis of free nicotinic acid released by a polymeric preparation using a mass
fragmentographic technique.
Sautebin L., Galli G., Puglisi L., Ciapponi M.G., Paoletti R.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 13: 141-149, 1981.
Interazioni piastrine-pareti vasali: ruolo dei prodotti del metabolismo dell'acido
Paoletti R., Colli S., Tremoli E.
In: Atti del Congresso Italiano di Cardiologia. Roma: Società Italiana di Cardiologia,
235-239, 1981.
Farmaci nella prevenzione dell'arteriosclerosi: significato e limiti del loro impiego.
Paoletti R., Catapano A.L.
In: Pecile A. ed. Uso improprio ed abuso di farmaci noti. Milano, Federfarma, 123-142,
New trends in the pharmacology of caffeine.
Paoletti R., Cantaluppi S.
In: Association Scientifique Internationale du Café: 9ème Colloque Scientifique
International sur le Café. V. 1. Paris: ASIC, 41-53, 1981.
GYKI 14,451, a synthetic tripeptide inhibitor of thrombin: activity on platelet aggregation
and arachidonic acid metabolism.
Tremoli E., Maderna P., Colli S., Agradi E., Petroni A., Paoletti R.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 13: 339-345, 1981.
Enhanced platelet sensitivity and arachidonic acid metabolism associated with animal
and human hyperlipidemias.
Tremoli E., Sirtori C.R., Maderna P., Paoletti R.
In: Bazan N.G., Paoletti R., Iacono J., eds. New trends in nutrition, lipid research and
cardiovascular diseases. New York, Alan R. Liss (Current topics in nutrition and
disease, v. 5), 151-163, 1981.
Studies on the antithrombotic acition of boc-D-phe-pro-arg-H (GYKI 14,451).
Tremoli E., Morazzoni G., Maderna P., Colli S., Paoletti R.
Thromb. Res., 23: 549-553, 1981.
GYKI 14,451, a specific inhibitor of thrombin: "in vitro" and "in vivo" studies.
Tremoli E., Maderna P., Colli S., Morazzoni G., Paoletti R.
Thromb. Haemost., 46: 44, 1981.
Visualizzazione in vitro di placche aterosclerotiche mediante ecografia.
Pignoli P., Villa V., Longo T., Villa M., Paoletti R.
In: Atti VI Congresso Nazionale SISUM (Sistemistica Ultrasonica Biomedica), 397-400,
New developments on drugs interfering with the thromboxane-prostacyclin balance in
the vascular system.
Paoletti R., Tremoli E., Cantaluppi S.
In: Barnett HJM, Paoletti P., Flamm E.S., Brambilla G., eds. Cerebrovascular diseases:
new trends in surgical and medical aspects. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North Holland
Biomedical Press (Symposia of the Giovanni Lorenzini Foundation, v. 12), 137-150,
Report of US-Italy joint working meeting on methodology and training.
Paoletti R., McGill J.C.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 13: 315-321, 1981.
Prostaglandins and cyclic nucleotides.
Nicosia S., Paoletti R.
In: Swillens S., Dumont J.E., eds. Cell regulation by intracellular signals. New York:
Plenum Press (NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series. Series A, vol. 44), 109-116,
Pharmacological and dietary control of platelet vessel wall interactions in normal and
pathological conditions.
Tremoli E., Galli C., Paoletti R.
In: Born G.R.V., Catapano A.L., Paoletti R., eds. Factors in formation and regression of
the atherosclerotic plaque. New York, Plenum Press (NATO Advanced Study Institutes
Series. Series A., vol. 51), 217-241, 1982.
Arachidonic acid metabolites in the interaction between platelets and arterial walls.
Paoletti R., Tremoli E.
Arteriosclerosi, 7: 213-216, 1982.
Effetti farmacologici e tossicologici del tabacco e della nicotina.
Paoletti R., Cantaluppi S.
In: Associazione Titolari di Farmacia di Milano. Atti 4° Corso di Aggiornamento
Professionale per Titolari e Direttori di Farmacia. Milano, Grafiche Donati, 11-23, 1982.
Effects of compactin (ML-236 B) on biliary lipid composition and cholesterol catabolism
in the hamster.
Bosisio E., Cighetti G., Di Padova C., Rovagnati P., Galli Kienle M., Galli G., Paoletti R.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 14: 577-592, 1982.
I recettori per le lipoproteine.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
In: Lewis B., Paoletti R. eds. Le Lipoproteine. Milano, Lepetit, 31-36, 1982.
I farmaci del metabolismo lipidico.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Fed. Medica, 5: 448-453, 1982.
Valutazione critica dei farmaci per l'insufficienza cerebrovascolare.
Paoletti R., Govoni S.
In: Fegiz L. ed. Archivio ed Atti della Società Italiana di Chirurgia. Roma: Luigi Pozzi,
59-68, 1982.
I farmaci del metabolismo lipidico.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Farmacista, 35: 9-16, 1982.
Il significato sociale della moderna farmacologia.
Paoletti R.
Rass. Clin. Sci., 58: 154-156, 1982.
North Karelian study: changes in dietay fat reduce thromboxane B2 formation by
platelets only in male subjects. Preliminary report. In Samuelsson B., Paoletti R., and
Ramwell P. (eds): Advances in Prostaglandin, Thromboxane and Leukotriene
Research, v. 12, New York, Raven Press, pp 203-207, 1983.
Selected ion monitoring, a method of choice for the determination of estrogen residues
in food.
Galli C.L., Marinovich M., Sautebin L., Galli G., Paoletti R.
Toxicology Letters, 15: 193-198, 1983.
Prostaglandins in the cardiovascular system: dietary lipid modulation.
Tremoli E., Galli C., Socini A., Paoletti R.
Prev. Med., 12: 11-15, 1983.
Drug control of hypercholesterolemie and platelet funcion.
Tremoli E., Maderna P., Colli S., Paoletti R.
In: Peeters H., Gresham G.A., Paoletti R. eds. Arterial pollution: an integrated view on
atherosclerosis. New York: Plenum Press, Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series,
Series A, v. 58), 391-403, 1983.
I carboidrati nella prevenzione dell'arteriosclerosi e delle sue complicanze.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
In: I carboidrati nell'alimentazione umana: gli alimenti dolci. Perugia: Edizioni Guerra,
105-111, 1983.
Elementi di terapia dell'artrite reumatoide e delle malattie connettivali.
Tremoli E., Paoletti R.
In: Introzzi P. ed. Trattato italiano medicina interna, 2a ed. Parte X: Malattie artroreumatiche e connettiviti. Firenze: USES Edizioni Scientifiche, 137-146, 1983.
North-Karelian study: changes in dietary fat reduce thromboxane B2 formation by
platelets only in male subjects. Preliminary report.
Tremoli E., Petroni A., Galli C., Paoletti R., Puska P., Dougherty R., Iacono J.
In: Samuelsson B., Paoletti R., Ramwell P. eds. Advances in prostaglandin,
thromboxane and leukotriene research, v. 12, New York, Raven Press, 203-207, 1983.
New trends in the pharmacology of caffeine II.
Paoletti R., Cantaluppi S.
In: Dixième colloque scientifique international sur le café. Paris, ASIC, 319-332, 1983.
Preferential utilization of endogenous arachidonate by cyclo-oxygenase in incubations
of human platelets.
Sautebin L., Caruso D., Galli G., Paoletti R.
FEBS Lett, 157: 173-178, 1983.
Wechselwirkungen zwischen thrombozyten und gefaBwand bei hyper-cholesterinamie.
Paoletti R.
Med. Klin., 78 (8), 256-259, 1983.
Influence of bezafibrate, fenofibrate, nicotinic acid and etofibrate on plasma high-density
lipoprotein levels.
Paoletti R., Franceschini G., Sirtori C.R.
Am. J. Cardiol., 52: B21-B27, 1983.
Regressione della malattia aterosclerotica: problemi aperti ed aspetti metodologici.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
Ospedale Maggiore, 78: 352-355.
Un consigliere sempre più prezioso nel labirinto della interazione dei farmaci.
Paoletti R.
Industria dei farmaci, 28 (3-6): 40-42, 1983.
Binding of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin to plasma lipoproteins may delay toxicity in
experimental hyperlipidemia.
Marinovich M., Sirtori C.R., Galli C.L., Paoletti R.
Chem. Biol. Interact., 45: 393-399, 1983.
Platelet-vessel wall interactions in human and experimental hypercholesterolemia.
Tremoli E., Galli C., Paoletti R.
In: Schettler F.G., Gotto A.M., Middelhoff G., Habenicht AJR, Jurutka K.R. eds.
Atherosclerosis VI, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 936-941, 1983.
Prostaglandine e mucosa gastrica.
Paoletti R.
Corriere Medico, 4 (219): 11, 1983.
Platelet-vessel wall interactions: pharmacological modulation in atherosclerosis.
Tremoli E., Cantaluppi S., Paoletti R.
Inter. Angiology, 3: 283-287, 1984.
L'invecchiamento delle arterie.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
In: Sirtori C. ed. La nuova prevenzione attiva antisenile. Verona
Cortina International, 153-158, 1984.
Platelet-vessel wall interactions and hypercholesterolemia.
Paoletti R., Galli C., Tremoli E.
In: Lemberger L., Reidenberg M.M. eds. Proceedings of the Second World Conference
on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Bethesda, American Society for
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 895-902, 1984.
GYKI 14,451, a synthetic tripeptide inhibitor of thrombin: "in vitro" and "in vivo" studies.
Tremoli E., Colli S., Paoletti R.
In: Strano A., ed. Thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases. New York: Plenum Press,
(Advances in experimental medicine and biology; v. 164), 187-192, 1984.
Le arterie alla deriva.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Corriere Medico, 5 (45): 9-10, 1984.
Evaluation of enzyme activities by gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry. HMGCoAreductase and cholesterol-7alpha-hydroxylase.
Galli Kienle M., Galli G., Bosisio E., Cighetti G., Paoletti R.
J. Chromatogr., 289: 267-276, 1984.
The use of stable prostaglandins to investigate prostacyclin (PGI2)-binding sites and
PGI2-sensitive adenylate cyclase in human platelet membranes.
Lombroso M., Nicosia S., Paoletti R., Whittle B.J.R., Moncada S., Vane J.R.
Prostaglandins, 27: 321-333, 1984.
Dietary fatty acids and platelet-vessel wall interactions.
Tremoli E., Galli C., Paoletti R.
In: Hegyeli R.J. ed. End points for cardiovascular drug studies. New York, Raven Press
(Atherosclerosis reviews. Vol. 12), 103-112, 1984.
Pharmacology of selective calcium-entry blockers.
Paoletti R., Govoni S.
In: Lenzi S., Descovich G.C. eds. Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
Lancaster: MTP Press, 439-443, 1984.
Platelets and arachidonic acid metabolism
Tremoli E., Colli S., Maderna P., Paoletti R.
Vasa, 13: 333-337, 1984.
Ruolo dei calcio-antagonisti nella farmacoterapia dell'ipertensione.
Lombardi C., Govoni S., Paoletti R.
Clin. Ter. Cardiovasc., 3: 97-103, 1984.
Influence of diamide on aggregation, cytoskeletal proteins and arachidonic acid
metabolism in human platelets.
Caruso D., Galli G., Till U., Spangenberg P., Losche W., Paoletti R.
Thromb. Res. 36: 9-16, 1984.
Dependence of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolization in human blood platelet on
reduced enzymes.
Losche W., Bosia A., Caruso D., Spangenbreg P., Pescarmona G.P., Hofmann J., Galli
G., Arese P., Paoletti R., Till U.
Biomed. Biochim. Acta, 43: S362-S365, 1984.
Central nervous system effects of calcium channel blocking drugs.
Battaini F., Govoni S., Trabucchi M., Paoletti R.
In: Caciagli F., Giacobini E., Paoletti R. eds. Developmental neuroscience:
physiological, pharmacological and clinical aspects. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science
Publishers (Symposia of the Giovanni Lorenzini Foundation, Vol. 20), 189-192, 1984.
Paoletti R.
In: Enciclopedia generale Mondadori. Vol. 5, Milano, Mondadori, 250, 1984.
La parete arteriosa in presa diretta.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Quad. Corr. Med., n. 12: 4-5, 1984.
Pathological significance of the thromboxane-prostacyclin hypothesis.
Paoletti R., Maderna P., Tremoli E.
J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 7 (suppl. 3): S179-S185, 1985.
Abnormal neurotransmitter release and calcium entry blockers.
Govoni S., Trabucchi M., Magnoni M.S.m, Battaini F., Paoletti R.
In: Godfraind T., Vanhoutte P., Govoni S., Paoletti R. eds. Calcium entry blockers and
tissue protection. New York, Raven Press, 151-162, 1985.
Control of human and animal platelet aggregation by a new prostacyclin analog.
Maderna P., Colli S., Sirtori C.R., Tremoli E., Paoletti R.
In: Neri Serneri G.G., McGiff J.C., Paoletti R., Born G.V.R. eds. Platelets,
prostaglandins and the cardiovascular system. New York, Raven Press (Advances in
prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotriene research. Vol. 13), 363-369, 1985.
Cardiopatia coronarica: nuove responsabilita' per il fumo.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Riv. Med. Prat. 5 (104): 1-3, 1985.
In vitro effects of iloprost on WB and PRP aggregation in normal and
hypercholesterolemic subjects.
Maderna P., Tremoli E., Mannucci L., Paoletti R.
Thromb. Haemost. 54: 240, 1985.
The role of prostacyclin in normal and pathological conditions.
Tremoli E., Paoletti R.
In: Hegyeli R.J. ed. Arachidonic acid metabolites. New York, Raven Press
(Atherosclerosis reviews. Vol. 13), 145-159, 1985.
Receptors and mechanisms of action of prostacyclin in preserving nonmucosal cell
Nicosia S., Oliva D., Paoletti R.
Gastroenterol. Clin. Biol. (12 bis), 9: 33-36, 1985.
Il vino come alimento e come farmaco.
Paoletti R., Galli C.L., Tremoli E.
In: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza. Istituto di Enologia. Vino: bevanda
ed alimento dell'uomo moderno. Pinerolo: Chirotti Editore, 43-46, 1985.
Arterial wall visualization with bio-sound.
Poli A., Pignoli P., Mora G., Tremoli E., Paoletti R.
In: Rusconi C., Orlando G., Non-Invasive Access to Cardiovascular Dynamics.
Dominiani, COmo, pagg. 140-143, 1985.
Calcium antagonists and low density lipoproteins metabolism by human fibroblasts and
by human cell line HEP G2.
Corsini A., Granata A., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 18: 1-16, 1986.
Aspirin inhibits platelet 12-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid formation.
Eynard A.R., Galli G., Tremoli E., Maderna P., Magni F., Paoletti R.
J. Lab. Clin. Med. 107: 73-78, 1986.
Dietary interventions in North Karelia, Finland and South Italy. Modification of
thromboxane B2 formation in platelets of male subjects only.
Tremoli E., Petroni A., Socini A., Maderna P., Colli S., Paoletti R., Galli C., Ferro-Luzzi
A., Strazzullo P., Mancini M., Puska P., Iacono J., Dougherty R.
Atherosclerosis, 59: 101-111, 1986.
Recenti acquisizioni sui farmaci ad attivita' antiaggregante piastrinica.
Tremoli E., Colli S., Paoletti R.
In: Masini V. ed. Giornate Cardiologiche Romane, Roma, 202-206, 1986.
The CNR program of preventive medicine - SP4 objective 44: non invasive technique
for the evaluation of atherosclerotic plaque progression or regression.
Lenzi S., Bucci A., Crepaldi G., Mancini M., Menotti A., Paoletti R., Spagnoli L.G.,
Ventura A., Weber G.
In: Ventura A., Crepaldi G., Senin U. eds. Extracoronary atherosclerosis. Basel, S.
Karger (Monographs in atherosclerosis. Vol. 14), 83-90, 1986.
New lipid-regulating agents of the future.
Paoletti R.
In: Assmann G., Steinberg D. eds. The treatment of atherosclerosis: current clinical
considerations and future trends. Princeton, NJ: Communications Media for Education,
35-37, 1986.
Variations des neuromediateurs lors du viellisement cerebral. Effect de l'extrait de
Ginkgo Biloba.
Racagni G, Brunello N., Paoletti R.
Presse Medicale, 15: 1488-1490, 1986.
Biologia e biochimica.
Knerich R., Paoletti R., Robustelli Della Cuna G., Racagni G., Fumagalli R., Paoletti P.,
Pierangeli E.
In: Paoletti P., Robustelli Della Cuna G., Knerich R. Manuale di neurooncologia clinica.
Milano, Masson Italia Editori, 33-52, 1986.
Intimal plus medial thickness of the arterial wall: a direct measurement with ultrasound
Pignoli P., Tremoli E., Poli A., Oreste P., Paoletti R.
Circulation, 74: 1399-1406, 1986.
In vitro effects of iloprost on platelet aggregation in normal and hypercholesterolemic
Tremoli E., Maderna P., Mannucci L., Colli S., Paoletti R.
In: Gryglewski R.J., Stock G. eds. Prostacyclin and its stable analogue Iloprost. Berlin,
Springer-Verlag, 47-51, 1987.
Platelet 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid synthesis and aspirin: in vitro effects of plasma
and albumin.
Tremoli E., Maderna P., Caruso D., Galli G., Paoletti R.
In: Samuelsson B., Paoletti R., Ramwell P.W. eds. Prostaglandins and related
compounds. New York, Raven Press (Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane and
leukotriene research. Vol. 17A), 274-278, 1987.
The WHO classification of calcium antagonists.
Vanhoutte P.M., Paoletti R.
Trends Pharmacol. Sci., 8: 4-5, 1987.
Classification of calcium antagonists: proposal of the WHO committee.
Paoletti R., Govoni S.
Pharmacol. Res. Commun., 19: 195-208, 1987.
Colesterolo plasmatico e salute pubblica: fatti nuovi su di un rapporto ben conosciuto.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
Rass. Clin. Sci., 63: 42-47, 1987.
Calcium antagonists and LDL receptors.
Paoletti R., Bernini F., Allorio M., Fumagalli R.
Proc. N.Y. Academy of Sciences on Inter. Symp. on "Calcium antagonists", 1987.
ZK 36374, a new chemically stable prostacyclin derivative: in vitro studies on platelet
Tremoli E., Maderna P., Paoletti R.
In: Kharasch N. ed. Prostacyclin: new basic and clinical studies, 1987.
Meccanismi vascolari e neuronali dei calcio antagonisti.
Govoni S., Trabucchi M., Battaini F., Magnoni M.S., Paoletti R.
Minerva Med., 1987.
Modulation of LDL receptor by calcium antagonists.
Paoletti R., Allorio M., Fumagalli R., Corsini A., Bernini F.
In: "Biotechnology in Clinical Medicine", Albertini A., Lenfant C., Paoletti R. eds, New
York, Raven Press, pp. 45-55, 1987.
I farmaci antiaggreganti nella prevenzione dell'ictus cerebrale.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Attualita' Terapeutica Internazionale, 1987.
Farmaci attivi sul metabolismo lipidico e farmaci antiaterogeni.
Paoletti R., Tremoli E., Poli A.
In: Beretta Anguissola A. ed. Trattato delle malattie cardiovascolari, Torino, UTET,
Appraisal of endocrinology and metabolism and possible clinical potential.
Paoletti R., Cantaluppi S.
In: Curtis-Prior P. ed. Handbook of prostaglandins and related compounds. Edinburgh,
Churchill Livingstone, 1987.
Pharmacological control of serum lipid levels: currently available drugs.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Eur. Heart J. (Suppl. E), 8: 87-91, 1987.
Dietary and pharmacological control of human and experimental hypercholesterolemia.
Poli A., Tremoli E., Galli C., Paoletti R.
In: Galli C., Fedeli E. eds. Fat production and consumption technologies and nutritional
implications. New York, Plenum Press (NATO Advances Science Institutes Series A:
Life Sciences, Vol. 131), 37-41, 1987.
I farmaci antiaterosclerotici.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
Farmaci, 11: 397-407, 1987.
Modulation of LDL receptors by drugs affecting calcium metabolism.
Paoletti R., Allorio M., Fumagalli R., Corsini A., Bernini F.
In: Albertini A., Lenfant C., Paoletti R., eds. Biotechnology in clinical medicine. New
York, Raven Press, 45-55, 1987.
Drugs interfering with platelet functions: an outlook.
Paoletti R., Galli G., Tremoli E.
Atti Congresso Firenze, Marzo 38-30, 1987.
Drugs as tools in atherosclerosis research.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
In: Olsson A.G. ed. Atherosclerosis: biology and clinical science. Edinburgh, Churchill
Livingstone, 17-21, 1987.
Differential effects of oral administrations of acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin and
sodium salicylate to human subjects on the formation of 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic
acid by platelets.
Tremoli E., Caruso D., Maderna P., Galli G., Paoletti R.
Thromb. Haemost., 58: 163, 1987.
The Italian National Cholesterol Education Campaign.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
Atheroma, 13: 14-15, 1987.
Regression of the atherosclerotic lesion in man: the impact of non invasive techniques.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
International Angiology, 6: 327-329, 1987.
Colesterolo e cardiopatia ischemica.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
Stampa Medica, 431 (13), 12-19, 1987.
Prevenzione dell'aterosclerosi.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
In: Croce L. ed. Le Dislipidemie, fisiopatologia clinica e terapia.
Milano: Farmit. Carlo Erba, pagg. 63-67, 1987.
Le nuove terapie contro l'ipercolesterolemia.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Stampa Medica, 439: 42-48, 1987.
Calcium antagonists and low density lipoprotein receptors.
Paoletti R., Bernini F., Fumagalli R., Allorio M., Corsini A.
In: "Calcium antagonists. Pharmacology and Clinical Research", Vanhoutte P.M.,
Paoletti R., Govoni S. eds., Annals New York Academy of Sciences, 522: 390-398,
Calcium antagonists and hypocholesterolemic drugs in the regulation of LDL receptors.
Paoletti R., Bernini F.
Actualite's Chim. Ther. 15a serie, 35-40, 1988.
Ultrasonographic measurement of the common carotid artery wall tickness in
hypercholesterolemic subjects: a new model for the quantitation and follow-up of
preclinical atherosclerosis in living human subjects.
Poli A., Tremoli E., Colombo A., Sirtori M., Pignoli P., Paoletti R.
Atherosclerosis, 70: 253-261, 1988.
Effects of derivatives of trapidil on the expression of LDL receptors in tissue cells.
Beitz J., Corsini A., Granata A., Fumagalli R., Mest H.J., Paoletti R.
Biomed. Biochim. Acta, 47: 153-156, 1988.
Effect of PGI2 and its stable analog on platelet function in hyperlipoproteinemia.
Maderna P., Tremoli E., Colli S., Paoletti R.
Pharm. Res. Comm., 20 (3SP): 85-99, 1988.
Calcium antagonists in tissue protection.
Battaini F., Govoni S., Trabucchi M., Paoletti R.
Pharm. Ther. 39: 385-388, 1988.
Variations in neuromediators in cerebral aging effect on Ginko Biloba Extract.
Racagni G., Brunello N., Paoletti R.
In: Funfgeld E.W., Rokan (Ginko Biloba)-Recent results in pharmacology and clinic.
Basel, Springer-Verlag, 98-102, 1988.
Inhibition of LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis in human fibroblasts by calcium
Bernini F., Granata A., Corsini A., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
Pharm. Res. Commun. 20 (Suppl. II): 34, 1988.
Piastrine aggregate per colpa del PAF.
Paoletti R.
Doctor VI: 8, 1988.
Eicosanoids and pain.
Omini C., Daffonchio L., Paoletti R.
In: Genazzani A.R., Nappi G., Facchinetti F., Martignoni E. eds. The Pantheon
Publishing Group, 49-51, 1988.
Eicosanoids in pulmonary hypertension.
Vigano' T., Crivellari M.T., Sala A., Pasargiklian R., Paoletti R., Folco G.C.
In: Proc. of the Workshop on pulmonary circulation. Springer-Verlag, 1988.
Detection and treatment of lipid disorders.
Assmann G., Davignon J., Fernandez-Cruz A., Gotto A.M. Jr., Jacotot B., Lewis B.,
Paoletti R.
Rev. Clin. Exp. 183 (8): 433-41.
Calcium antagonists: pharmacology and clinical research.
Vanhoutte P.M., Paoletti R., Govoni S. eds.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 802, 1988.
Endogenous factors of vascular regulation: atrial natriuretic factor. Prostacyclin, calcium
antagonists and the vascular wall.
Braquet P., Tarrade T., Paoletti R., Clostre F. eds.
Pharm. Res. Commun. 20 (Suppl. 3), 133, 1988.
La biologia molecolare del controllo del colesterolo.
Corsini A., Poli A. and Paoletti R.
Biotechnology Reports, 2-4, 1988.
Effetto protettivo delle lipoproteine HDL verso la cardiopatia ischemica.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
Medico e Paziente, 1: 58-61, 1988.
HDL cholesterol profile in 1988.
Assmann G., Davignon J., Fernandez-Cruz A., Gotto A.M. Jr., Jacotot B., Lewis B.,
Paoletti R.
Rev. Clin. Exp. 184 (8): 421-30, 1989.
Women and ischemic cardiopathye.
Assmann G., Davignon J., Fernandez-Cruz A., Gotto A.M., Jacotot B., Lewis B., Paoletti
Rev. Clin. Exp. 185 (6): 308-315.
Non-pharmacologic treatment of hyperlipemia: diet and exercisee.
Assmann G., Davignon J., Fernandez-Cruz A., Gotto A.M., Jacotot B., Lewis B., Paoletti
Rev. Clin. Exp. 185 (3): 153-161.
Effects of coffee on plasma lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins.
Paoletti R., Corsini A., Tremoli E., Fumagalli R., Catapano A.L.
Pharm. Res. 21 (I): 27-38, 1989.
Trapidil derivatives and low density lipoprotein metabolism by human skin fibroblasts
and by human hepatoma cell line HEP G2.
Corsini A., Beitz J., Granata A., Fumagalli R., Mest H.-J., Paoletti R.
Pharm. Res. 21 (5): 521-531, 1989.
Pharmacological basis of atherosclerosis therapy.
Paoletti R., Bernini F.
In: "8th International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Crepaldi G., Gotto A.M., Manzato
E., Baggio G. eds., Elsevier Science Pub., pp. 699- 705, 1989.
Human intraocular smooth muscle: role of receptors in aqueous dynamics.
Lograno M., Paoletti R.
Pharm. Res. 21 (6): 683-699, 1989.
Nuovi approcci al trattamento delle ipercolesterolemie: gli inibitori della sintesi del
Paoletti R., Franceschini G.
Cardiologia nel Mondo, 39, 1989.
Effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids on biochemical and functional aspects of
endothelial and blood cells.
Paoletti R., Maderna P., Galli C., Tremoli E.
Klor H.U. ed. Lipoprotein subfractions omega-3 fatty acids. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, pp.
95-99, 1989.
Le basi biologiche della prevenzione.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Giornale Italiano Cardiologia, Conferenza Nazionale sulla Prevenzione della
Cardiopatia ischemica. Settembre, 19: 763-769, 1989.
Colesterolo e cardiopatia ischemica: dalla ricerca ai progetti di intervento.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Stampa Medica, 4: 161-166, 1989.
Livelli di guardia.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Doctor Farmacia, 2, 1989.
Strategie per la prevenzione della patologia coronarica.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Atti del 50° Congresso Nazionale della Società Itlaiana di Cardiologia, 12-15 Dicembre
1989, Cardiologia 34 (suppl. 1 al n. 12): 15-18, 1989.
Colesterolo e cardiopatia ischemica: nuovi dati.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
Rassegna Clinico Scientifica, 65: 44-46, 1989.
Effects of calcium antagonists on lipids and atherosclerosis.
Bernini F., Catapano A.L., Corsini A., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
Am. J. Cardiol. 64 (17): 129I-133I, 1989.
The control of dyslipoproteinemias: ways and means.
Paoletti R., Corsini A.
In: Lenfant C., Albertini A., Paoletti R., Catapano A.L. eds. Biotechnology of
dyslipoproteinemias: applications in diagnosis and control (Atherosclerosis Reviews.
Vol. 20), New York, Raven Press, 159-170, 1990.
Calcio antagonisti e aterosclerosi. Il punto sui derivati diidropiridinici.
Bernini F., Paoletti R.
SIMG, Medicina Generale, UTET n. 3, 274-279, 1990.
Calcium antagonists and intimal cell proliferation in atherogenesis.
Paoletti R., Bernini F.
Experimental Gerontology, 25: 257-260, 1990.
Using HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors to treat hypercholesterolemia.
Paoletti R.
Lipid Insight, 2: 6-7, 1990.
A new generation of calcium antagonists and their role in atherosclerosis.
Paoletti R., Bernini F.
Am. J. Cardiol. 66: 28H-31H, 1990.
Mode of action of PGI2 and of its stable derivative Iloprost on platelets and leukocytes.
Tremoli E., Colli S., and Paoletti R.
Thromb. Res., Suppl. XI: 33-42, 1990.
Paoletti R., Soma M.
A.C., 1: 1-2, 1990.
Nuove conoscenze sul metabolismo del colesterolo: colesterolo legato alle lipoproteine
LDL ed alle lipoproteine HDL.
Corsini A., Paoletti R.
Giornate Cardiologiche Romane, 122-126, 1990.
Consensus: Hypertriglyceridemia as a vascular risk factor. The Italian Group for the
Study of Metabolic Diseases and Arteriosclerosis.
Sirtori C.R., Mancini M., Paoletti R.
European Heart Journal, 11 (Suppl. H), 44-48, 1990.
Qu'y a-t-il de nouveau dans le fondamental et de fondamental dans le nouveau?
Paoletti R., Poli A.
La revolution lipidologique, No. 3, pp.25-35, 1990.
Nutritional education as a tool to control plasma cholesterol levels in children of the
primary school: a controlled trial.
Paoletti R., Poli A., Pozzi P., Bellù R., Ortisi M.T., Giovannini M.
Assessment and management of risks associated with hyperlipidemia, Osteoporosis
and hepatitis-B: Effectiveness of intervention
Edited by R.G. Douglas, Hanley and Belfus Inc. Philadelphia, September 7-8, 1990.
Effects of trapidil and its derivatives on the receptor-mediated low density lipoprotein
metabolism by cultured human hepatic and extrahepatic cells.
Corsini A., Beitz J., Bellosta S., Bernini F., Fumagalli R., Mest H.J. and Paoletti R.
In: Proceedings of the VII Atherosclerosis Cardiovascular Disease Conference
(Descovich G.C. ed.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dor Drecht, The Netherlands 1990:
pp 468-476.
Children and dyslipemiae
Assmann G., Davignon J., Fernandez-Cruz A., Gotto A.M., Jacotot B., Lewis B., Paoletti
Rev. Clin. Esp., 186 (4), 178-186, 1990.
Alimentazione e Malattie del Metabolismo Lipidico.
Paoletti R., Novali I., Poli A.
Atti dell'11° Corso di Aggiornamento Professionale per Titolari e Direttori di Farmacia,
S. Felice del Benaco, 28-30 Settembre 1990, pp. 61-67.
Triglicéridos y HDL: su importancia en las dislipidemias.
Paoletti R.
Expresion Medica, Comunicacion Actual en Medicina, vol. 1, No. 4, 1990.
Cicletanine and endogenous factors of regulation of the vascular system.
Paoletti R.
Endogenous Factors of Cardiovascular Regulation and Protection, IPSEN Symposium,
Manila, February 1990, Eds. M. Cantin., Paoletti R., Braquet P., Christen Y., Excerpta
Medica, Amsterdam, 1990.
Paoletti R.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, vol. 16, suppl. 9, 1990.
Thirty years of fibrates.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Atti del Congresso sui Fibrati, Roma, 25 giugno 1990.
Simvastatin but not pravastatin inhibits the proliferation of rat aorta myocytes.
Corsini A., Raiteri M., Soma M., Fumagalli R. and Paoletti R.
Pharmacological Research, vol. 23, n. 2, 173-180, 1991.
Plasma Lp(a) concentration after oestrogen and progestagen in postmenopausal
Soma M., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R., Meschia M., Carena Maini M., Crosignani P.,
Ghanem K., Gaubatz J., Morriset J.D.
The Lancet, vol. 337 (8741), March 9, pp 612, 1991.
Fattori di rischio lipidico ed aterosclerosi.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Atti VIII Simposio del Centro per la Lotta contro l'infarto a cura di Pier Luigi Prati,
Firenze, 15-17 Marzo 1991.
Interactions of atherogenic lipoproteins with endothelium and blood cells.
Tremoli E., Eligini S., Paoletti R.
Atti congresso Multiple Risk Factors.
Simvastatin, a blocker of cholesterol biosynthesis inhibits human glioma cell
Soma M.R., Pagliarini P., Butti G., Paoletti R., Paoletti P., Fumagalli R.
In: Neuro-Oncology (Paoletti R., Takakura K., Walker M.D., Butti G., Pezzotta S., eds.),
The Netherlands, Kluwer Academy Publ., pp. 121-125, 1991.
Influence of Trapidil and Derivatives on Cholesterol Synthesis and Esterification in
Cultured Cells.
Beitz J., Corsini A., Bellosta S., Bernini F., Fumagalli R., Mest H.J. and Paoletti R.
Pharmacological Research, vol. 24, No. 3, pag. 235-242, 1991.
Triglycerides: risk factors and management
Assmann G., Gotto A.M. Jr. and Paoletti R.
The American Journal of Cardiology, vol. 68, July 24, 1991, pag. 1A-4A.
Gli additivi ed i contaminanti degli alimenti: aspetti tossicologici e prospettive di controllo
Galli C.L., Marinovich M., Restani P. and Paoletti R.
XIV Corso Nazionale di Aggiornamento in Tossicologia, Vietri sul Mare, 6-8 Novembre
1987, pag. 239-247.
L'adeguamento al processo di internalizzazione della ricerca e modalità del
finanziamento. Linee di sviluppo della ricerca biomedica in Italia.
Paoletti R. and Beretta A.
Atti del Convegno, Milano 11 Maggio 1991, pag. 20-25.
La terapia delle dislipidemie. Le sintesi di check-up
Poli A., Paoletti R.
Check-up Incontri 1991; 86: 25-40.
NMR microscopy: a new technique in atherosclerosis research.
Soma M.R., Beringhelli T., Paoletti R., Asdente M.
In: Atherosclerotic plaques", NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Progress,
Problems and Promise for an Effective Quantitative evaluation of Atherosclerosis in
Living and Autopsied experimental animals and men. NATO Series, a Life Sciences,
New York, Plenum Press, New York, vol. 219, pp. 147-156, 1991.
Ipotesi lipidica dell'aterosclerosi: come armonizzarla con le conoscenze sugli altri fattori
di rischio coronarico?
Paoletti R., Poli A.
VIII Simposio di Cardiologia del Centro per la Lotta contro l'Infarto "Conoscere e Curare
il Cuore 1991".
Firenze, Palazzo Congressi, 15-17 Marzo 1991.
Introduction: Thirty Years of Fibrates
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Atti del Congresso sui Fibrati, Roma 25 giugno 1990 (in stampa)
Tutti alleati contro i nemici del cuore
Paoletti R.
Corriere Salute - Suppl. Corriere della Sera, Anno 3, n. 9, 4 Marzo 1991.
Iniziative di pediatria preventiva e sociale. Prevalenza di ipercolesterolemia nella scuola
media inferiore.
Paoletti R., Poli A., Brambilla P., Rondanini G.F., Lattuada M.C., Brunelli V., Chiumello
G., Ceratti F., Volpato C., Piatti L.
Anno 2, n. 3, 15-16 Maggio 1991.
The hypertriglyceridemias: risk and management. Laboratory procedures.
Kostner G., Paoletti R.
Am. J. Cardiol., Jul. 24, 68(3), pag. 26A-29A, 1991.
The regression of atherosclerotic lesions: possibility of pharmacological treatment.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Follow-up and prevention of atherosclerotic plaque. III International Workshop on
Vascular Haemodynamics. Bologna, October 17-18, 1991.
Effetti della correzione farmacologica dell'ipercolesterolemia sulle lesioni coronariche e
sugli eventi clinici.
Bruno F., Paoletti R.
25° Corso di Aggiornamento, Cardiologia, Centro A. De Gasperis, Cardiologia Librex,
710-714, 1991.
Assmann G., Gotto A.M. and Paoletti R.
The American Journal of Cardiology,, vol. 68., No. 3, pp 1A-4A, 1991.
Cholesterolemia and ischemic cardiopathy: a causal relationship.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Cardiologia, 36 (12 Suppl. 1): 299-301, 1991.
Lipid control and thrombosis
Paoletti R.
Rassegna Clinico Scientifica, v. 67, n. 1-2-3, pp. 36-37, 1992
Pharmacological approach to individual and combined risk factors.
Paoletti R. and Soma M.R.
In: Hypertension, Atherosclerosis and Lipids, Van Zwieten P.A., Mancia G. and Brodde
O.E. eds., Int. Congress and Symposium Series Number 191, Royal Society of
Medicine Services Limited, pp. 27-34, 1992.
Il ruolo dell'informazione sul farmaco.
Paoletti R.
Farmacia Regioni, v. 3(5), pp. 26-31, 1992.
Simvastatin, an inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis, shows a synergistic effect with N,
N'-Bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea and -Interferon on Human Glioma Cells.
Soma M.R., Pagliarini P., Butti G., Paoletti R., Paoletti P., and Fumagalli R.
Cancer Research, 52, pp.4348-4355, 1992.
Interactions of atherogenic lipoproteins with endothelium and blood cells.
Tremoli E., Elgini S., Paoletti R.
In: Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease, Gotto A.M. Jr, Lenfant C., Paoletti
R. and Soma M. eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht and Fondazione
Giovanni Lorenzini, Milano, pp. 201-207, 1992.
I farmaci per il trattamento delle iperlipoproteinemie.
Baggio G., Poli A., Bilato C., Padrini R., and Paoletti R.
In: Farmacologia Clinica Cardiovascolare, Ferrari M. and Padrini R. eds., Piccin,
Padova, pp, 513-552, 1992
Il Manuale delle Dislipidemie.
Poli A., Cortese C. Presentazione: M. Mancini, R. Paoletti
Momento Medico, Parke Davis, 1992
Calcium channel inhibitors in the protection of the arterial wall.
Paoletti R. and Bernini F.
In: "Recent advances in cellular and molecular biology", (Proceedings of the 1st World
Congress on Cellular and Molecular Biology, Paris September 1-7, 1991), Peeters
Press, Leuven, Belgium, vol. 4, pp. 205-208, 1992.
Drugs treatment on the prevention of coronary heart disease.
Soma M., Corsini A., Paoletti R.
In: Atherosclerosis IX: Proceedings of the Ninth Int. Symp. on Atherosclerosis, Ed. O.
Stein, S. Eisenberg, Y. Stein. R & L Creative Communications Ltd, pp 383-385, 1992.
Pharmacological management of hypertriglyceridemic patients.
Franceschini G., Paoletti R.
Cardiovascular risk factors, vol. 2(5), pp 343-347, 1992.
Classification of calcium channels and the sites of action of drugs modifying channel
Spedding M. and Paoletti R.
Pharmacological Reviews, vol. 44, n. 3, pp 363-376, 1992.
Il controllo dei lipidi plasmatici nella prevenzione della cardiopatia ischemica.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Cardiologia, Suppl. 1 al 12, vol. 37: 95-98, 1992.
Effects of drugs on low density lipoprotein endocytosis.
Bernini F., Beretta A. and Paoletti R.
In: E. Windler, H. Greten eds., Hepatic Endocytosis of Lipids and Proteins, W.
Zuckschwerdt Verlag, pp 374-379, 1992.
Cholesterol and mevalonic acid modulation in cell metabolism and multiplication.
Soma M.R., Corsini A. and Paoletti R.
Toxicology Letters, 64/65, 1-15, 1992.
Simvastatin but not pravastatin has a direct inhibitory effect on rat and human myocyte
Corsini A., Raiteri M., Soma M.R., Gabbiani G. and Paoletti R.
Clin. Biochem., vol. 25, pp. 399-400, 1992.
Effetti della correzione farmacologica dell'ipercolesterolemia sulle lesioni coronariche e
sugli eventi clinici.
Bruno F., Paoletti R.
Cardiologia-Librex, 710-714, 1992.
Control of smooth muscle cell proliferation by HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors.
Corsini A., Fumagalli R., and Paoletti R.
Lipid Rev., 6(1): 6-7, 1992.
Focus on anti-atherosclerotic therapy.
Bernini F., Paoletti R.
Eur. J. Epidemiol., 8 (suppl. 1): 104-106, 1992.
Potential role for antioxidants in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
Paoletti R.
Smp. on Antioxidants and Lipid Metabolism, Florence, Modern Medicine, Suppl., 1992.
Aterosclerosi e malattia coronarica: l'ipercolesterolemia del soggetto anziano.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Atti del II Congresso Nazionale di Riabilitazione Geriatrica, Mantova, 3-5 ottobre 1991.
Drug treatment on the prevention of coronary heart disease.
Soma M., Corsini A., Paoletti R.
In: "Atherosclerosis IX, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on
Atherosclerosis" (Stein O., Eisenberg S., Stein Y. eds.), R. and L. Creative
Communications Ltd, Tel Aviv, Israel, 383-85, 1992.
Lipid lowering and regression of atherosclerosis: pharmacologic approaches.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Controversies in Cardiology, 4: 5-8, 1992.
Classification of calcium channels and calcium antagonists: progress report.
Spedding M., Paoletti R.
Cardiovascular Drugs & Therapy, 6(1): 35-9, 1992.
Effects of lacidipine on experimental models of atherosclerosis.
Bernini F., Corsini A., Raiteri M., Soma M. and Paoletti R.
Journal of Hypertension, vol. 11 (1), pp. S61-S66, 1993.
Drugs controlling triglyceride metabolism
Franceschini G., Paoletti R.
Medicinal Research Reviews, vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 125-138, 1993.
Effect of trapidil derivative AR 12456 on intracellular cholesterol homeostasis in human
hepatoma cell line Hep G2.
Corsini A., Grignaffini P., Beitz J., Mest J., Bellosta S., Fumagalli R. and Paoletti R.
Cytotechnology, 11 (Suppl. 1): S15-S17, 1993.
Effects on plasma cholesterol versus local effects on the arterial wall exerted by 3Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A reductase inhibitors.
Corsini A., Mazzotti M., Soma M.R., Donetti E., Fumagalli R. and Paoletti R.
Gotto A.M. Jr, Mancini M., Richter W.O., Schwandt P. (eds): Treatment of Severe
Dyslipoproteinemia in the Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease 4. 4th Int. Symp.,
Munich 1992, Basel, Karger, pp 73-80, 1993.
HMGCoA reductase inhibitors: in vivo effects on carotid intimal thickening in
normocholesterolemic rabbits.
Soma M.R., Donetti E., Parolini C., Mazzini G., Ferrari C., Fumagalli R. and Paoletti R.
Arterioscl. and Thromb., vol. 13 (4), 571-578, 1993.
Relationship between mevalonate pathway and arterial myocyte proliferation: in vitro
studies with inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase.
Corsini A., Mazzotti M., Raiteri M., Soma M.R., Gabbiani G., Fumagalli R. and Paoletti
Atherosclerosis, vol. 101 (1), 117-125, 1993.
Calcium antagonists and lipid-lowering agents in the protection of the arterial wall.
Paoletti R., Raiteri M., Soma M., and Bernini F.
In: T. Godfraind et al. (eds.), Calcium Antagonists, Kluwer Academic Publishers and
Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, pp. 125-132, 1993.
Effect of the nifedipine-atenolol association on arterial myocyte migration and
Corsini A., Quarato P., Raiteri M., Paubert-Braquet M., Nguyen G., Picquot S., Bourgain
R.H., Fumagalli R. and Paoletti R.
Pharmacological Research, vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 299-307, 1993.
The lowering of lipoprotein[a] induced by estrogen plus progesterone replacement
therapy in postmenopausal women.
Soma M.R., Osnago-Gadda I., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Morrisett J.D., Meschia M.,
Crosignani P.
Arch. Intern. Med., vol. 153 (12), 1462-1468, 1993.
Antiatherosclerotic drugs: a critical assessment.
Raiteri M., Corsini A., Soma M.R., Donetti E., Bernini F., Fumagalli R. and Paoletti R.
In: Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism (Catapano A.L., Gotto A.M., Smith L.C. Jr., Paoletti
R. eds.) vol. 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 317-331, 1993.
Farmaci per la regolazione del metabolismo lipidico.
Paoletti R., Bruno F.
In: Bizzi B., Negri M., Trabucchi P. eds. "Recentia in Farmacoterapia", Utet, Torino,
Controllo farmacologico degli isoprenoidi nella regolazione della proliferazione delle
cellule muscolari lisce vasali.
Corsini A., Raiteri M., Soma M.R., Peschechera E., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R.
Atti dell'Adunanza presso l'Istituto Lombardo dell'Accademia delle Scienze e delle
Lettere, Rendiconti "Scienze Chimiche e Fisiche, Geologiche, Biologiche e Mediche" B,
vol. 127, 51-67, 1993.
Lacidipine and Atherosclerosis.
Bernini F., Corsini A., Mazzotti M., Bellosta S., Soma M. and Paoletti R.
In: "Calcium Antagonists: Pharmacology and Clinical Research" (P.M. Vanhoutte, R.
Paoletti, S. Govoni and T. Godfraind eds.), pp. 157-164, 1993.
HMGCoA reductase enzyme inhibitors effects on proliferation of arterial myocyte.
Soma M.R., Donetti E., Dimitri V., Corsini A., and Paoletti R.
In: "Cellular Metabolism of the Arterial Wall and Central Nervous System - Selected
Aspects", Schettler G., Greten H. and Habenicht AJR (eds.), Springer Verlag, pp. 255263, 1993.
Lipoprotein(a) lowering induced by oestrogen/progestogen replacement therapy in post
menopausal women.
Soma M.R., Osnago-Gadda I., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Morrisett J.D., Meschia M.,
Crosignani P.
Archives of Internal Medicine, 153: 1462-1468, 1993.
Synergic interaction between simvastatin and antineoplastic drugs of glioma cell growth.
Soma M.R., Baetta R., Ferrari C., de Renzis M.R., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R.
In: "Cancer Therapy: Differentiation, Immunomodulation and Angiogenesis", NATO ASI
Series (D'Alessandro N., Mihich E., Rausa L., Tapiero H., Tritton T.R. eds.), vol. 75, pp.
217-223, 1993.
Pharmacological control of hypertriglyceridemia.
Franceschini G., Paoletti R.
Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther., 7 (3): 297-302, 1993.
Effects of lacidipine on experimental models of atherosclerosis.
Paoletti R.
Annals of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 1: 23-25, 1993.
Lipoprotein and Drugs
Paoletti R. and Poli A.
Experimental Cardiology, Linking Laboratory and Clinical Research, C. Casagrande
Ed., pp 335-344, 1993.
Costo-beneficio delle campagne di prevenzione dell'arterosclerosi.
Paoletti R.
Milano-Medicina, 1993.
La manipolazione farmacologica della placca aterosclerotica.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Giornate Cardiologiche Romane, 1993.
Mechanism of action of calcium antagonists and their possible interaction with
Soma M., Bernini F., and Paoletti R.
Proceedings of the XII Int. Congress on Thrombosis, 1993.
Hypolipidemic agents.
Paoletti R., Bernini F.
In: "Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics", Singh B.N., Dzau V.J., Vanhoutte
P., Woosley R.L. (eds.), New York: Churchill Livingstone, pp. 369-384, 1994
Vascular smooth muscle and atherosclerosis: role of isoprenoids and calcium
Corsini A., Raiteri M., Dimitri V., Donetti E., Soma M.R., Bernini F., Fumagalli R., and
Paoletti R.
J. Vascular Medicine and Biology, 5: 111-119, 1994.
Pharmacologie de la migration et de proliferation des cellules musculaires lisses et
protection de la paroi arterielle.
Corsini A., Quarato P., Raiteri M., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
Symp. de Strasbourg "De l'hypertension artérielle à l'athérosclérose, May 15th, 1993,
Actualités Thérapeutiques (Supplément a l'édition française JAMA, pp. 18-23, 1994.
Endothelial dysfunction and dyslipidemia.
Van Boven A.J., Jukema J.W., Paoletti R.
Pharmacological Research, vol. 29, 3: 261-272, 1994.
Calcium antagonists in atherosclerosis: focus on lacidipine.
Soma M.R., Bernini F., Corsini A., Paoletti R.
Research and Clinical Forums, vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 43-51, 1994.
Effect of lacidipine on the carotid intimal hyperplasia induced by cuff injury.
Soma M.R., Donetti E., Parolini C., Barberi L., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Catapano A.L.
J. of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 23 (Suppl.5): S71-S74, 1994.
Hormonal agents used in lowering lipoprotein(a).
Soma M.R., Meschia M., Bruschi F., Morrisett J.D., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Crosignani
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 67-68, 345-350, 1994.
Pharmacology of lipoprotein receptors.
Bernini F., Corsini A., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
J. Lipid Med. and Cell Signalling, 9 (1), 9-17, 1994.
Experimental and clinical effects of isradipine relevant to atherosclerosis.
Bernini F., Soma M.R., Corsini A., Paoletti R.
Am. J. Hypertension, vol. 7, no. 7, 30S-34S, 1994.
Lipoprotein(a) changes in perimenopausal years.
Meschia M., Bruschi F., Soma M., Amicarelli F., Paoletti R. and Crosignani P.
In: P.G. Crosignani et al. (eds), Women's Health in Menopause, Kluwer Academic
Publishers and Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, Medical Science Symposia Series, vol.
7, pp. 125-132, 1994.
Lipophilic dihydropiridines: new opportunities for prevention of atherosclerosis.
Paoletti R.
Proceedings, Multiple Risk Factors Congress, Florence, July 1994.
Direct drug control of the vascular wall
Paoletti R., Bernini F., Corsini A., and Soma M.R.
Proceedings, Multiple Risk Factors Congress, Florence, July 1994.
Status of the European Guidelines for Lipid Management
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease, Yamamoto A. ed., Churchill
Livingstone Japan, Tokyo, pp. 43-46, 1994.
Combined drug therapy and the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Paoletti R.
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. (Netherlands), 2: 1-2 (24), 1994.
III. Classification of calcium channels and the sites of action of drugs modifying channel
Spedding M., Paoletti R.
Pharmacol. Rev., 46: 2 (119-120), 1994.
Calcium antagonists and atherosclerosis.
Paoletti R., Bernini F., Corsini A., and Soma M.R.
High Blood Press, 3: 334-338, 1994.
Multiple risk factors in cardiovascular disease.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Ed. A. Yamamoto, Churchill Livingstone, Japan, Tokyo, pagg. 43-46, 1994.
No deception in symposium supplement (letter, comment)
Gotto A.M., Assmann G., Paoletti R.
BMJ, 308 (6921): 139, 1994.
The lipid triad as a risk factors.
Paoletti R., Soma M.
Cardiovascular Risk Factors J., 5 (suppl.1): 1-2.
Effetti antiaterosclerotici dei calcioantagonisti.
Paoletti R.
Adis International, Sat. Symposium on Calcium Antagonists, Berlin September 1994,
Introduction and treatment objectives.
Bernini F., Paoletti R.
Lipoproteins in Health and Disease, Betteridge, Illingworth and Shepherd eds., in press,
Direct drug control of the vascular wall.
Paoletti R., Bernini F., Corsini A., and Soma M.R.
In: Atherosclerosis X, Proceedings, Int. Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Montreal,
October 9-14th, 1994, Elsevier Science B.V., pp.1034-1040, 1995.
In vivo enhanced antitumor activity of carmustine [N,N'-Bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea]
by simvastatin.
Soma M.R., Baetta R., De Renzis M.R., Mazzini G., Davegna C., Magrassi L., Butti G.,
Pezzotta S., Paoletti R. and Fumagalli R.
Cancer Research, 55 (3): 597-602, 1995
Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and the role of 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Coenzyme
A reductase inhibitors.
Corsini A., Raiteri M., Soma M.R., Bernini F., Fumagalli R. and Paoletti R.
Am. J. Cardiol, 76 (2): 21A-28A, 1995.
Effect of 26-aminocholesterol, 27-hydroxycholesterol and 25-hydroxycholesterol on
proliferation and cholesterol homeostasis in arterial myocytes.
Corsini A., Verri D., Raiteri M., Quarato P., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp 420-428, 1995.
Le terapie delle iperlipidemie.
Soma M.R., Paoletti R.
Settimana Italiana di Terapia, Montecatini, 5-8/5/1993, 1995.
Rationale for combined therapy with calcium antagonists and ACE inhibitors.
Paoletti R.
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on "Pharmacological control of calcium
and potassium homeostasis, Florence, October 4-6, 1994, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1995
Atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Old and new drugs.
Paoletti R., Bruno F., Colli S.
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 20: 43-48, 1995.
Plasma Lipid Modifying Agents.
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R.
In: Principles of Pharmacology. Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications. Edited by P.L.
Munson, R.A. Mueller, G.R. Breese, Chapman & Hall, Chapter 75, pp. 1189-1207,
Diagnosi e trattamento delle dislipidemie.
R. Paoletti, A. Poli
Atti delle Giornate Cardiologiche Romane, Roma, 10-12 maggio 1995, pp. 119-128,
Inhibition of isoprenoid biosynthesis and arterial smooth-muscle cell proliferation.
Soma M.R., Parolini C., Donetti E., Fumagalli R. and Paoletti R.
J. of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 25 (Suppl. 4): S20-S24, 1995.
The antiatherosclerotic effects of calcium antagonists.
Paoletti R., Bernini F., Corsini A., and Soma M.R.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 25 (Suppl. 3): S6-S10, 1995.
Ipercolesterolemia: prevenzione e terapia
Paoletti R.
Editoriale - Pharmacoeconomic Issues in Cardiovascular Disease, Adis International,
Settembre 1995.
Farmacologia delle statine: evidenze di un'azione antiaterosclerotica diretta.
Raiteri M., Arnaboldi L., Quarato P., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Corsini A.
Ann. Ital. Med. Int., 10 (Suppl.), 35S-42S, 1995.
Mevalonate pathway and isoprenoids regulate human bronchial myocyte proliferation.
Viganò T., Hernandez A., Corsini A., Granata A., Belloni P., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.,
Folco G.C.
Eur. J. of Pharmacology 291 (2): 201-203, 1995.
The antiatherosclerotic effect of calcium antagonists.
Soma M.R., F. Bernini, Corsini A., Fumagalli R. and Paoletti R.
In:Pharmacological control of calcium and potassium homeostasis, T. Godfraind et al.
(eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers and Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, pp. 103-110,
Nuovi potenziali usi farmaceutici.
Colombo M.L., Corsini A., Paoletti R.
L'Informatore Agrario, 32, 35-38, 1995.
New professional aspects of pharmacists
Paoletti R.
Inviato al Prof. Andò per la pubblicazione.
Major cardiovascular risk factors and guidelines in the European Community.
Paoletti R.
Cardioscopies, n. 32, May, 1995.
Direct drug control of the vascular wall.
Paoletti R., Bernini F., Corsini A., Soma M.
Cardioscopies, n. 32, May, 1995.
La sperimentazione clinica dei farmaci
Paoletti R., Sirtori C.
Bioetica, Ed. A. Bompiani, 1995.
The control of smooth muscle cell duplication in the arterial wall - therapeutic
Soma M.R., Bernini F., Corsini A., Paoletti R.
Acta Angiologica, 1, 2: 97-102, 1995.
Razionale farmacologico per lo sviluppo di un calcio antagonista nella prevenzione del
danno della parete arteriosa.
Paoletti R.
Annali Italiani di Medicina Interna, Suppl. 10: 73S, 1995.
Effect of 25-hydroxycholesterol, 26-hydroxycholesterol and its analogue, 26aminocholesterol, on protein content, protein synthesis and LDH leakage in mouse
epidermal cells.
Marinovich M., Guizzetti M., Ghilardi F., Paoletti R., Galli C.L.
Toxicology, 99 (1-2): 125-134, 1995.
Plasma cholesterol and total mortality.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease, A.M. Gotto et al. (eds), Kluwer
Academic Publishers, pp 315-319, 1995.
Lipophilic dihydropyridines: new opportunities for prevention of atherosclerosis.
Paoletti R.
Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease, A.M. Gotto et al. (eds), Kluwer
Academic Publishers, pp.109-115, 1995.
Controllo della colesterolemia e mortalità totale.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
Cardiologia, pp. 489-493, 1995.
The pharmacology of the statins: the evidence of a direct antiatherosclerotic action.
Raiteri M., Arnaboldi L., Quarato P., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Corsini A.
Annali Italiani di Medicina Interna, 10 Suppl., 35S-42S, 1995.
Direct drug control of the vascular wall.
Paoletti R., Bernini F., Corsini A., Soma M.
Journal Medical Libanais - Lebanese Medical Journal, 43 (3): 122-5, 1995.
Preclinical studies of fluvastatin
Corsini A., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R. and Bernini F.
Drugs of Today, vol. 32, No. 1 (Jan./Feb.), 19-38, 1996.
Introduction, principles of therapeutics of fluvastatin.
Corsini A., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R. and Soma M.R.
Drugs of Today 1996; 32 : 9 - 18 No. 1 (Jan. Feb).
Controllo della colesterolemia e mortalità totale
Poli A., Paoletti R.
Cardiologia 1995, 489-493, 1996.
Farmaci per la regolazione del metabolismo lipidico.
Paoletti R., Bruno F.
Farmacoterapia (ed. Bizzi, Trabucchi), Utet, in press, 1996.
Effect of the new calcium antagonist lercanidipine and its enantiomers on the migration
and proliferation of arterial myocytes.
Corsini A., Bonfatti M., Quarato P., Raiteri M., Sartani A., Testa R., Paoletti R. and
Fumagalli R.
J. Cardiov. Pharm., 28 (5): 687-694, 1996.
Effect of the new HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor cerivastatin (bay W 6228) on migration,
proliferation and cholesterol synthesis in arterial myocytes.
Corsini A., Arnaboldi L., Raiteri M., Quarato P., Faggiotto A., Paoletti R. and Fumagalli
Pharmacological Research, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 55-61, 1996.
Resume of the future of cardiovascular disease. Prevention and the role of lipid
M.R. Soma and Paoletti R.
Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp 262-268, 1996.
Non-lipid-related effects of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl Coenzyme A reductase
Corsini A., Bernini F., Quarato P., Donetti E., Bellosta S., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.,
Soma M.R.
Cardiology, 87 (6): 458-468, 1996.
Drugs protecting the arterial wall.
Bernini F., Corsini A., Bellosta S., Donetti E., Soma M., Paoletti R.
In: "Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism", Gotto A.M. jr., Paoletti R., Smith L.C., Catapano
A.L. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 17-26, 1996.
Role of isoprenoids in the growth-factor signal transduction and their pharmacological
Quarato P., Ferri N., Rudy L., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Corsini A.
In: "Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism", Gotto A.M. jr., Paoletti R., Smith L.C., Catapano
A.L. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 103-110, 1996.
Paoletti R., Corsini A., Poli A., Catapano A.L.
In "Enciclopedia del corpo umano", vol. 1, Treccani Ed., in press, 1996.
Modulation of the mevalonate pathway in atherosclerosis and tumors.
Baetta R., Donetti E., Seregni R., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Soma M.R.
In: "Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism", Gotto A.M.jr., Paoletti R., Smith L.C., Catapano
A.L. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 111-118, 1996.
Relation between hemostatic variables and increase of common carotid intima-media
thickness in patients with peripheral arterial disease.
Cortellaro M., Baldassarre D., Cofrancesco E., Tremoli E., Colombo A., Boschetti C.,
Paoletti R.
Stroke, 27 (3): 450-454, 1996.
Lipoprotein(a) and other lipids after oophorectomy and estrogen replacement therapy.
Bruschi F., Meschia M., Soma M.R., Perotti D., Paoletti R. and Crosignani P.G.
Obstet. Gynecol., 88 (6): 950-954, 1996.
Introduction. European Position Paper on Hormone Replacement and the Menopause.
Crosignani P.G., Paoletti R., Woodford F.P.
Eur. Men. J., 3: 201-202, 1996.
Inhibition of proliferation of arterial smooth muscle cells by fluvastatin.
Corsini A., Pazzucconi F., P., Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R.
Lancet, 348 (9041), p. 1584, 1996.
Alla ricerca di un compromesso tra pratica clinica, etica professionale ed economia.
Poli A., Paoletti R.
La Cardiologia nella Pratica Clinica, editoriale, Springer-Verlag, 4: 203-206, 1996.
The future of cardiovascular disease prevention and the role of lipid regulation.
Soma M.R. and Paoletti R.
Cardiovascular Risk Factors, October 1996, 262-268, 1996.
Effect of lacidipine on fatty and proliferative lesions induced in hypercholesterolemic
Soma M.R., Donetti E., Seregni R., Barberi L., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R., Catapano A.L.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 118 (2), 215-9, 1996.
Pharmacological control of the mevalonate pathway: Effect on arterial smooth muscle
cell proliferation.
Raiteri M., Arnaboldi L., McGeady P., Gelb M.H., Tagliabue C., Quarato P., Ferraboschi
P., Santaniello E., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R. and Corsini A.
J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 281 (3): 1144-1153, 1997.
Calcium, calcium antagonists and experimental atherosclerosis.
Paoletti R., Corsini A., Soma M.R., Bernini F.
Blood Pressure, supp., 4: 12-15, 1997
The role of anchoring protein RACK1 in PKC activation in the ageing rat brain
Battaini F., Pascale A., Paoletti R. and Govoni S.
Trends in Neurosciences, vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 410-415, 1997.
Direct effects of statins on the vascular wall.
Corsini A., Pazzucconi F., Arnaboldi L., Pfister P., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R., Sirtori C.
Proceedings of the European Atherosclerosis Society meeting, Florence, July, 1997.
NF- B activation and tissue factor expression in human endothelial cells: mevalonatedependent processes inhibited by fluvastatin.
Camera M., Gaviraghi M., Fuortes N., Paoletti R. and Tremoli E.
Submitted to Blood, 1997.
Dual effects of the antioxidant agents probucol and carvedilol on proliferative and fatty
lesions in hypercholesterolemic rabbits.
Donetti E., Soma M.R., Barberi L., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R. and Catapano A.L.
Atherosclerosis, in press, 1997
n-3 Fatty acids do not lead to an increased diabetic risk in patients with hyperlipidemia
and abnormal glucose tolerance1-3
Sirtori C.R., Paoletti R., Mancini M., Crepaldi G., Manzato E., Rivellese A., Pamparana
F., Stragliotto E.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 65 (6):1874-81, 1997.
Secretory processing of amyloid precursor protein is inhibited by increase in cellular
cholesterol content.
Racchi M., Baetta R., Salvietti N., Ianna P., Franceschini G., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R.,
Govoni S., Trabucchi M. and Soma M.
Biochem. J., 322 (Pt 3): 893-898, 1997.
Hormone replacement and the menopause: a European position paper.
Crosignani P.G., Kenemans P., Paoletti R., Soma M.R., Woodford F.P.
European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 74: 67-72,
Pharmacological control of phagocyte function: inhibition of cholesterol accumulation.
Paoletti R., Bellosta S., Bernini F.
Annals New York Academy of Sciences, 832: 322-329, 1997.
Controle pharmacologique de la voie de biosynthèse du mévalonate: effet sur la
prolifération de cellules musculaires lisses artérielles.
Corsini A., Arnaboldi L., Quarato P., Ferri N., Granata A., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R.
C.R. Soc. Biol., 191: 169-194, 1997.
Olive oil and the Mediterranean diet: implications for health in Europe.
Assmann G., De Backer G., Bagnara S., Betteridje J., Crepaldi G., Fernandez-Cruz A.,
Godtfredsen J., Jacotot B., Paoletti R., Renaud S., Ricci G., Rocha E., Trautwein E.,
Urbinati G.C., Varela G., Williams C.
British Journal of Nursing, 6 (12): 675-7, 1997.
Vastatins inhibit tissue factor in cultured human macrophages. A novel mechanism of
protection against atherothrombosis.
Colli S., Eligini S., Lalli M., Camera M., Paoletti R., Tremoli E.
Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol., 17 (2): 265-272, 1997.
Proapoptotic effect of atorvastatin on stimulated rabbit smooth muscle cells.
Baetta R., Donetti E., Comparato C., Calore M., Rossi A., Teruzzi C., Paoletti R.,
Fumagalli R. and Soma M.R.
Pharmacological Research, vol. 36, No. 2, pp 115-121, 1997.
Direct antiatherogenic activity of isradipine and lacidipine on neointimal lesions induced
by perivascular manipulation in rabbits.
Donetti E., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R. and Soma M.R.
Pharmacological Research, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp 417-422, 1997.
Novità su alcuni farmaci “protettori” della parete arteriosa.
Paoletti R., Soma M.R.
Atti del V Meeting Scientifico di Aggiornamento su “Lipoproteina (a) e novità sul rischio
aterogeno”, Siena, 27 febbraio 1997.
International Consensus statement on olive oil and the mediterranean diet: implications
for health in Europe. The Olive Oil and the Mediterranean Diet Panel.
Assmann G., De Backer G., Bagnara S., Betteridge J., Crepaldi G., Fernandez-Cruz A.,
Godtfredsen J., Jacotot B., Paoletti R., Renaud S., Ricci G., Rocha E., Trautwein E.,
Urbinati G.C., Varela G., Williams C.
European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 6 (5): 418-421, 1997.
Alimentazione e prevenzione delle malattie cardiovascolari.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
In Atti del Convegno “Alimenti, Tecnologie Alimentari e Salute”, Milano, 17 ottobre
Il ruolo della placca aterosclerotica nella malattia coronarica. Cosa è cambiato?
Paoletti R.
Editoriale, La cardiologia nella pratica clinica, Springer-Verlag, 3: 155-156, 1998.
Pharmacological control of phagocyte function: inhibition of cholesterol accumulation.
Paoletti R., Bellosta S., Bernini F.
Annals New York Academy of Sciences, 832: 322-329, 1998.
Consensus for the use of fibrates in the treatment of dyslipoproteinemia and coronary
heart disease.
Fruchart J.C., Brewer B., Leitersdorf E., Brochier M., Brown G., Calvo C., Carmena R.,
Ceska R., Loysoong W.C., Davignon J., Gotto A., Grundy S., Hamsten A., Keech A.,
Matsuzawa Y., Patch J.R., Paoletti R., Raslova K., Smirnov V., Steiner G., Thompson
G., Zhu J.R.
American Journal of Cardiology, 81 (7): 912 , 1998.
Peripheral markers in testing pathophysiological hypotheses and diagnosing
Alzheimer’s disease.
Gasparini L., Racchi M., Binetti G., Trabucchi M., Solerte S.B., Alkon D.,
Etcheberrigaray R., Gibson G., Blass J., Paoletti R. and Govoni S.
The Faseb Journal, 12 (1): 17-34, 1998.
International Consensus Statement on Olive Oil and the Mediterranean Diet Implications for Health in Europe.
Assmann G., Debacker G., Bagnara S., Betteridge J., Crepaldi G., Fernandez-Cruz A.,
Godtfredsen J., Jacotot B., Paoletti R., Renaud S., Ricci G., Rocha E., Trautwein E.,
Urbinati G.C., Varela G., Williams C.
European Journal of Cancer Prevention, (5): 418-421, 1998.
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors reduce MMP-9 secretion by macrophages.
Bellosta S., Canavesi M. Via D., Pfister P., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R. and Bernini F.
Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 18 (11): 1671-8, 1998.
Direct vascular effects of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors.
Bellosta S., Bernini F., Ferri N., Quarato P., Canavesi M., Arnaboldi L., Fumagalli R.,
Paoletti R., Corsini A.
Atherosclerosis, 137 Suppl., pp S101-S109, 1998.
Direct effects of statins on the vascular wall.
Corsini A., Pazzucconi F., Arnaboldi L., Pfister P., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R., Sirtori C.R.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 31 (5): 773-778, 1998.
One-year treatment with ethyl esters of n-3 fatty acids in patients with
hypertriglyceridemia and glucose intolerance. Reduced triglyceridemia, total cholesterol
and increased HDL-C without glycemic alterations.
Sirtori C.R., Crepaldi G., Manzato E., Mancini M., Rivellese A., Paoletti R., Pazzucconi
F., Pamparana F., Stragliotto E.
Atherosclerosis, 137 (2): 419-427, 1998.
Section III. Should separate endopoint trials be required for all lipid-lowering drugs
acting by the same mechanism. Section III Discussion.
Black D.N., Orloff D.G., Bilheimer D.W., Shepherd J., Olsson A.G., Sacks F.M., Paoletti
R., Catapano A.
American Journal of Cardiology, 81 (8A Special Issue SI): 88F- F 94, 1998.
Hormones and cardiovascular diseases. Oral contraceptives and hormonal
replacement therapy. Differential effects on coronary heart disease, deep venous
thrombosis and stroke.
Collins J., Collins P., Crosignani P.G., Lavecchia C., Mannucci P.M., Mishell D., Paoletti
R., Stevenson J.C., Whitehead M., Benagiano G., Diczfalusy E., Elstein M., Farley T.,
Mancuso S., Meschia M., Rosano G., Skouby S.O., Heineman L.A.J., Rubin B.L.
Human Reproduction, 13 (8): 2325-2333, 1998.
The new calcium antagonist lercanidipine and its enantiomers affect major processes of
atherogenesis in vitro: is calcium entry involved?
Corsini A., Accomazzo M.R., Canavesi M., Sartani A., Testa R., Catapano A.L.,
Fumagalli R., Paoletti R., Bernini F.
Blood Pressure, 7 (Suppl. 2): 18-22, 1998
Dual effects of the antioxidant agents probucol and carvedilol on proliferative and fatty
lesions in hypercholesterolemic rabbits.
Donetti E., Soma M.R., Barberi L., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Roma P., Catapano A.L.
Atherosclerosis, 141(1): 45-51, 1998.
Hormonal agents used in lowering lipoprotein(a).
Baetta R., Bruschi F., Meschia M., Crosignani P., Paoletti R., Soma M.R.
In: Jacotot B., Mathè D., Fruchart J.C., Atherosclerosis XI, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1998.
(International Congress Series No. 1155). Proceedings of the Xith International
Symposium on Atherosclerosis, held in Paris, France on 5-9 October 1997. pp. 1204,
Iperlipidemie: nuove acquisizioni.
Paoletti R., Bellosta S.
Cardiologia, 43 (Suppl. 2): 733-736, 1998.
Effects of oral and transdermal hormone replacement therapy on lipoprotein(a) and
lipids: a randomized controlled trial.
Meschia M., Bruschi F., Soma M., Amicarelli F., Paoletti R. and Crosignani P.
Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Society, vol. 5, No. 3, pp
157-162, 1998.
Dual effects of the antioxidant agents probucol and carvedilol on proliferative and fatty
lesions in hypercholesterolemic rabbits.
Donetti E., Soma M.R., Barberi L., Paoletti R., Fumagalli R., Roma P., Catapano A.L.
Atherosclerosis, 141: 45-51, 1998.
Effects of statins beyond lowering cholesterol: Where do we stand?
Quarato P., Ferri N., Arnaboldi L., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R., Corsini A.
In: Gotto A.M. Jr., Lenfant C., Paoletti R., Catapano A.L., Jackson A.S. Multiple Risk
Factors in Cardiovascular Disease. Strategies of prevention of coronary heart disease,
cardiac failure and stroke. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (Medical Science
Symposia Series, v. 12), pp. 370, 1998.
Antiossidanti dietetici, cancro e cardiovasculopatie.
Visioli F., Paoletti R., Galli C.
In: Orlandi F., Pallotta U. – Vino: degustare con moderazione., pp. 11-21, 1998.
Best practice - ongoing polemics.
Paoletti R., Bellosta S.
Atherosclerosis (suppl. 1): 143, S3-S6, 1999.
The pleiotropic effects of statins in atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Bellosta S., Ferri N., Arnaboldi L., Bernini F., Paoletti R. and Corsini A.
Diabetes Care, in press, 1999.
Hormone replacement therapy.
Grant C., Gray A., Paoletti R., Thornton H., Von Kleist S., Beral V., Burger H.,
Creasman W., Delmas P., Kenemans P., Leake R.E., Meade T.W., Skoog I., Andrews
W.C., Autier P., Birkhauser M., Fugh-Berman A., Bush T., Calle E., Franceschi S.,
Holmberg L., Stampfer M., Trimble E., Duffy S., Robertson C. et al.
Lancet, 354 (9173): 152-155, 1999.
Treatment objectives.
Bernini F., Paoletti R.
Lipoproteins in Health and Disease, 1101-1109, 1999.
Paoletti R., Corsini A., Poli A., Catapano A.L.
In: “Enciclopedia del corpo umano”, vol. 1, Treccani Ed. (in press).
New insights into pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic properties of statins.
Corsini A., Bellosta S., Baetta R., Fumagalli R., Paoletti R., Bernini F.
Pharmacology and Therapeutic, 84, 413-428, 1999.
The role of measurement of intima-media thickness by B-mode ultrasound for
epidemiological and pharmacological trials in atherosclerosis
Faggiotto A., Baldassarre D., Paoletti R.
In: Proceedings of the XXIst Congress of the European Society of Cardiology,
Barcelona, Spain, August 28-September 1, 1999.
Statins and blockers of the renin-angiotensin system. Vascular protection beyond their
primary mode of action.
Faggiotto A., Paoletti R.
Hypertension, 34 (part. 2), 987-996, 1999.
Efficacy and safety of a combination of fluvastatin and bezafibrate in patients with mixed
hyperlipidaemia (FACT study).
Pauciullo P., Merotta G., Carlotto A., Borgnino C., Paoletti R., Mariani M., and Mancini
Monduzzi Ed., XXI Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, pp. 949-952, 1999.
Paoletti R.
Pharmacol. 40, 1, 1999.
Coronary heart disease: reducing the risk. A worldwide view.
Assmann G., Carmena R., Cullen P., Fruchart J.-C., Jossa F., Lewis B., Mancini M.,
Paoletti R. for the International Task Force for the Prevention of Coronary Heart
Circulation, 100: 1930-1938, 1999.
Flogosi e aterosclerosi.
Paoletti R., Bellosta S.
In: Atti del VII Congresso Nazionale “I fattori di rischio aterogeno”, Siena, 25-2-1999, pp.
3-16, 1999.
Do pleiotropic effects of statins beyond lipid alterations exist in vivo? What are they and
how do they differ between statins?
Faggiotto A., Paoletti R.
Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 2: 20-25, 2000.
Trattamento e prospettive dell’aterosclerosi oggi.
Faggiotto A., Paoletti R.
Atti del 60° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Cardiologia, 11-15 dicembre
1999, Ital. Heart J. Suppl. 1), 2000.
The Pleiotropic effects of statins in atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Bellosta S., Ferri N., Arnaboldi L., Bernini F., Paoletti R., Corsini A.
Diabetes Care, vol. 23, suppl. 2, B72-B78, 2000.
Non-lipid-related effects of statins.
Bellosta S., Ferri N., Bernini F., Paoletti R. and Corsini A.
Ann. Med., 32: 164-176, 2000.
Efectos pleiotropicos de las estatinas.
Bellosta S., Canavesi M., Comparato M., Paoletti R.
Atherosclerosis Al Dia IV, Ivan Soltero, Caracas 2000.
Le statine oggi.
Faggiotto A., Paoletti R.
Convegno Nazionale, Attualità in Cardiologia, Bologna 11-12 maggio 200, pp. 34-41,
Malattia aterosclerotica e diabete
Cignarella S., Paoletti R., Puglisi L.
Life Sciences Cardiology, 3: 21-25, 2000
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: non-lipid-related effects.
Bellosta S., Ferri N., Bernini F., Paoletti R., Corsini A.
Ann. Med., 32: 164-176, 2000
Efficacia e tollerabilità delle statine: nuovi dati
Corsini A., Paoletti R., Bellosta S.
Atti del 101° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, 106S111S, 2000.
Gli ipocolesterolemizzanti protettori di parete
Corsini A., Paoletti R., Bellosta S.
Atti dell'VIII Congresso Nazionale di Siena: I fattori di rischio aterogeno, 121-142, 2000.
Statin therapy and prevention of stroke.
Bellosta S., Paoletti R.
Curr. Atheroscl. Reports, 2: 181-182, 2000.
Current approach and perspectives of atherosclerosis today.
Faggiotto A., Paoletti R.
Italian Heart Journal Supplement, vol. 1 (1), pp. 30-37, 2000.
Efficacy and safety of a combination of fluvastatin and bezafibrate in patients with mixed
hyperlipidaemia (FACT study)
Pauciullo P., Borgnino C., Paoletti R., Mariani M. Mancini M.
Atherosclerosis, vol. 150 (2) - 429-436, 2000.
Effects of fluvastatin and bezafibrate combination in plasma fibrinogen, t-plasminogen
activator inhibitor and C reactive protein levels in coronary artery disease patients with
mixed hyperlipidaemia (FACT study)
Cortellaro M. Cofrancesco E, Boschetti C., Cortellaro F., Mancini M., Mariani M.,
Paoletti R.
Thrombosis and Haemostasis, vol. 83 (4), 549-553, 2000.
Lacidipine modulates the secretion of matrix metalloproteinase-9 by human
Bellosta S., Canavesi M., Favari E., Cominacini L., Gaviraghi G., Fumagalli R., Paoletti
R., Bernini F.
Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., Mar 1, 296 (3) - 736-743, 2001.
Clinically relevant pleiotropic effects of statins: drug properties or effect of profound
cholesterol reduction?
Comparato C., Altana C., Bellosta S., Baetta R., Paoletti R., Corsini A.
Nutr. Metab. Cardiovasc. Dis., 11: 328-343, 2001
Acute-phase proteins before cerebral ischemica in stroke-prone rats. Identification by
Sironi L., Tremoli E., Miller I., Guerrini U., Calvio A.M., Eberini I., Gemeiner M., Asdente
M., Paoletti R., Gianazza E.
Stroke, 32 (3): 753-760, 2001.
Guidelines for economic evaluations in Italy: Recommendations from the Italian group
of pharmacoeconomic studies
Capri S., Ceci A., Terranova L., Mario F., Mantovani L., Attanasio E., Benzi G. , Berto
P., Bruzzi P., Bruzzone M., Colombo G., Fattore G., Massotti M., Negrini C., Palazzo F.,
Paoletti R., Pasotti V., Reggio S., Santi L., Serra G.
Drug Information Journal., Vol. 35 (1), 189-201, 2001.
La nuova normativa sulla rimborsabilità dei farmaci ipolipidemizzanti: opportunità,
problemi e prospettive.
Paoletti R., Poli A.
Ital. Heart J. Suppl., vol. 2, aprile, pp. 408-412, 2001.
Direct effects of estrogen on the vessel wall.
Cignarella A., Paoletti R., Puglisi L.
Medicinal Research Reviews, vol. 21 (2), pp. 171-184, 2001.
Rosuvastatin demonstrates greater reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
compared with pravastatin and simvastatin in hypercholesterolaemic patients: a
randomized, double-blind study.
Paoletti R., Fahmy M., Mahla G., Mizan J. and Southworth H.
Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, 8: 383-390, 2001.
Phytoestrogens: pharmacological and therapeutics perspectives
Bolego C., Poli A., Cignarella A., Paoletti R.
Current Drug Targets, submitted for publication
Safety of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors: Focus on Atorvastatin
Bernini F., Poli A., Paoletti R.
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 15: 211-218, 2001
Effect of S(-)perillic acid on protein prenylation and arterial smooth muscle cell
Ferri N., Arnaboldi L., Orlandi A., Yokoyama K., Gree R., Granata A., Hachem A.,
Paoletti R., Gelb M.H., Corsini A.
Biochemical Pharmacology, 62: 1637-1645, 2001
Smoking and gender.
Bolego C., Poli A., Paoletti R.
Cardiovascular Research, 53: 568-576, 2002.
New insights into brain damage in stroke-prone rats. A nuclear magnetic imaging study.
Guerrini U., Sironi L.., Tremoli E., Cimino M., Pollo B., Calvio A.M., Paoletti R., Asdente
Stroke, 33: 825-830, 2002.
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte-myocite interaction: an early event in collar-induced
rabbit carotid intimal thickening.
Donetti E., Baetta R., Comparato C., Altana C., Sartore S., Paoletti R., Castano P.,
Gabbiani G., and Corsini A.
Exp. Cell Research, 274: 197-206, 2002
Pharmacological interactions of statins
Paoletti R., Corsini A., Bellosta S.
Atherosclerosis Supplement, 3 (1), 35-40,. 2002
Treatment of hypertension to prevent atherosclerosis
Bolego C., Poli A., Paoletti R.
Hypertension Therapy, Annual 2002, pp. 129-139, 2002.
Alteration in the blood-brain barrier in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats:
proteomic and magnetic resonance imaging studies.
Sironi L. , Tremoli E., Calvio A.M., Guerrini U., Eberini I., Lodetti B., Miller I., Gemeiner
M., Paoletti R., Gianazza E.
Stroke, submitted for publication, 2002.
Pharmacological protection of the arterial wall: effects on myocardial infarction and
Bolego C., Paoletti R.
Submitted for publication.
History and development of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors.
Bellosta S., Paoletti R., Corsini A.
Milestones in Drug Therapy, in “HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors”, edited by Schmitz G.
and Torzewski M., pp 1-17, 2002
Gotto A.. Jr., Paoletti R.
American Heart Journal, vol. 144, Number 6, 2002
Novel statins: pharmacological and clinical results
Bolego C., Poli A., Cignarella A., Catapano A.L. and Paoletti R.
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 16: 251-257, 2002.
Safety considerations for statins
Bolego C., Baetta R., Bellosta S., Corsini A. and Paoletti R.
Current Opinion Lipidology, 13 (6): 637-644, 2002.
The role of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in the prevention and treatment of
coronary heart disease: expert group recommendations.
Sacks Frank M., for the Expert Group on HDL Cholesterol.
The American Journal of Cardiology, vol. 90, pp 139-143, 2002.
New options in lipid management – can we extend the benefits of current therapy?
Gotto A.M., Paoletti R.
Am. Heart J., 144 (Suppl.): S19-20, 2002.
Cholesterol-induced thrombogenicity of the vessel wall: inhibitory effect of fluvastatin.
Camera M., Toschi V., Comparato C., Baetta R., Rossi F., Fuortes M., Ezekowitz M.D.,
Paoletti R., Tremoli E.
Thromb. Haemost., 87 (4): 748-55, 2002.
Treatment with statins after induction of focal ischemia in rats reduces the extent of
brain damage.
Sironi L., Cimino M., Guerrini U., Calvio A.M., Lodetti B., Asdente M., Balduini W.,
Paoletti R., Tremoli E.
Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol., 23 (2): 322-7, 2003.
Ajoene, a garlic compound, inhibits protein prenylation and arterial smooth muscle cell
Ferri N., Yokohama K., Sadilek M., Paoletti R., Apitz-Castro R., Gelb M.H. and Corsini
British Journal of Pharmacology, 138: 811-818, 2003.
Impact of statins on novel risk markers
Cignarella A., Bolego C., Paoletti R.
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 17:361-366, 2003
Can we stabilize unstable plaque?
Paoletti R., Cignarella A.
Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 5: 423-4, 2003.
Treatment of hypertension to prevent atherosclerosis.
Bolego C., Poli A., Paoletti R.
Hypertension Therapy Annual, 129-139, 2003.
Efficacy and safety of plant stanols and sterols in the management of blood cholesterol
Katan Martijn B., Grundy Scott M., Jones P., Law M., Miettinen T. and Paoletti R.
Mayo Clin Proc., 78 (8): 965-978, 2003.
Plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and bone mass densitometry in
postmenopausal women.
Poli A., Bruschi F., Cesana B., Rossi M., Paoletti R., Crosignani P.G
Obstet. Gynecol. 102: 922-6, 2003.
Efficay of rosuvastatin 10 mg in patients with the metabolic syndrome.
Ballantyne C.M., Stein E.A., Paoletti R., Southworth H., Blasetto J.W.
Am. J. Cardiol., 6 (91): 25C-27C, 2003.
Review of the International Position Paper on Women’s Health and Menopause: a
comprehensive approach.
Paoletti R., Wenger N.K.
Circulation, 107 (9): 1336-1339.
Cardiovascular risk in diabetic women.
Bolego C., Poli A., Paoletti R.
Curr. Atheroscl. Rep., 5 (2): 79-81, 2003.
Phytoestrogens: pharmacological and therapeutic perspectives
Bolego C., Poli A., Cignarella A., Paoletti R.
Curr. Drug Targets, 4 (1): 77-87, 2003.
Safety of Statins. Focus on Clnical Pharmacokinetics and Drug Intractions.
Bellosta S., Paoletti R., Corsini A.
Circulation 2004; 109 [ suppl. III ]: III50 – III57
Inflammation in Atherosclerosis and Implications for Therapy
Paoletti R., Gotto A. M., Hajjar D. P.
Circulation 2004; 109 [ suppl. III ]: III20– III26
Analysis of pathological events at the onset of brain damage in stroke-prone rats: a
proteomics and magnetic resonance imaging approach.
Sironi L, Guerrini U, Tremoli E, Miller I, Gelosa P, Lascialfari A, Zucca I, Eberini I, Gemeiner
M, Paoletti R, Gianazza E.
J Neurosci Res. 2004 Oct 1;78(1):115-22
Statins effect on smooth muscle cell proliferation.
Bellosta S, Arnaboldi L, Gerosa L, Canavesi M, Parente R, Baetta R, Paoletti R, Corsini A.
Semin Vasc Med. 2004 Nov;4(4):347-56.
Rosuvastatin, but not simvastatin, provides end-organ protection in stroke-prone rats by
antiinflammatory effects.
L. Sironi, E. Gianazza, P. Gelosa, U. Guerrini, E. Nobili, A. Gianella, B. Cremonesi, R.
Paoletti, E. Tremoli
Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol., 25: 598-603, 2005.
Multiexponential T2 –relaxation analysis in cerebrally damaged rats in the absence and
presence of a gadolinium contrast agent
Lascialfari A., Zucca I., Asdente M., Cimino M., Guerrini U., Paoletti R., Tremoli E., Lorusso
V. and Sironi L.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 53: 1326-1332, 2005
EUFEPS Report – Contribution of academic research to discovery and development of
medicines: current status and future opportunities.
Couvreur P., Braguer D., Crommelin Dann JA, Duchene D., Engels JW, Kerrr DJ,
Krogsgaard-Larsen P., Meijer DK, Paoletti R., Wagner E.
Eur. J. of Pharmac. Sci., 24: 245-252, 2005.
Implications of emerging risk factors for therapeutic intervention
Assmann G, Cullen P, Fruchart JC, Greten H, Naruszewicz M, Olsson A, Paoletti R, Riesen
W, Stoll M, Tikkanen M, von Eckardstein A; for the International Task Force for Prevention of
Coronary Heart Disease.
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2005 Oct;15(5):373-81.
Lipid-modified proteins as biomarkers for cardiovascular disease: a review.
Ferri N, Paoletti R, Corsini A.
Biomarkers. 2005 Jul-Aug;10(4):219-37.
Lipid and non-lipid effects of statins
Paoletti R, Bolego C, Cignarella A.
Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2005;(170):365-88.
Activation of NF-kB and ERK1/2 after permanent focal ischemia is abolished by simvastatin
Sironi L, Banfi C, Brioschi M, Gelosa P, Guerrini U, Nobili E, Gianella A, Paoletti R, Tremoli E,
Cimino M.
Neurobiol Dis. 2006 Feb 8
The emerging link between nutrition, inflammation and atherosclerosis.
Paoletti R, Poli A, Cignarella A.
Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2006 May;4(3):385-93.
Recombinant apolipoprotein A-IMilano for the treatment of cardiovascular
Calabresi L, Sirtori CR, Paoletti R, Franceschini G.
Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2006 Mar;8(2):163-7.
Metabolic syndrome, inflammation and atherosclerosis
Paoletti R, Bolego C, Poli A, Cignarella A
Vascular Health and Risk Management, 2 (2): 145-152, 2006.
Rosuvastatin displays anti-atherothrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties in apoEdeficient mice
M Monetti, M Canavesi, M Camera, R Parente, R Paoletti, E Tremoli, A Corsini, S Bellosta
Pharmacological Research 55 2007; 441-449
Increasingly Selective Pharmacologic Targets in Cardiovascular Disease
Paoletti R., Cignarella A.
Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2007; 7:89-90
Serum from hypercholesterolemic patients treated with atorvastatin or simvastatin inhibits
cultured human smooth muscle cell proliferation.
Arnaboldi L, Gazzetta M, Pazzucconi F, Radaelli G, Paoletti R, Sirtori CR, Corsini A
Pharmacological Research 56 2007; 503-508
Assessment of nutritional profiles: a novel system based on a comprehensive approach.
Visioli F, Poli A, Peracino A, Luzi L, Cannella C, Paoletti R.
Br J Nutr. 2007 Dec;98(6):1101-1107.
Levels of the n-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid in addition to those of alpha linolenic acid
are significantly raised in blood lipids by the intake of four walnuts a day in humans.
Marangoni F, Colombo C, Martello A, Poli A, Paoletti R, Galli C.
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 2007 Jul; 17(6): 457-61.
Practical guidelines for familial combined hyperlipidemia diagnosis: an up-date.
Gaddi A, Cicero AF, Odoo FO, Poli AA, Paoletti R; Atherosclerosis and
Metabolic Diseases Study Group.
Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2007;3(6):877-86
Non-pharmacological control of plasma cholesterol levels.
Poli A, Marangoni F, Paoletti R, Mannarino E, Lupattelli G, Notarbartolo A, Aureli P, Bernini F,
Cicero A, Gaddi A, Catapano A, Cricelli C, Gattone M,Marrocco W, Porrini M, Stella R,
Vanotti A, Volpe M, Volpe R, Cannella C, Pinto A, Del Toma E, La Vecchia C, Tavani A,
Manzato E, Riccardi G, Sirtori C, Zambon A.
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2008 Feb;18(2):S1-16.
Modulation of inflammation by nutritional interventions.
Visioli F, Poli A, Richard D, Paoletti R.
Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2008 Dec;10(6):451-3.
Chocolate, lifestyle, and health.
Visioli F, Bernaert H, Corti R, Ferri C, Heptinstall S, Molinari E, Poli A,
Serafini M, Smit HJ, Vinson JA, Violi F, Paoletti R.
Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2009 Apr;49(4):299-312.
Diet as a risk factor for CVD
Peracino A, Paoletti R.
Appendix A. Atheroscler,Suppl. 2009 Jun 10;10(1):29.
The Lorenzini Foundation in a changing scenario of patient management.
Peracino A, Paoletti R.
Atheroscler Suppl. 2009 Jun 10;10(1):22-8.
Bridging science and health policy in cardiovascular disease: focus on lipid management:
A Report from a Session held during the 7th International Symposium on Multiple Risk Factors
in Cardiovascular Diseases: Prevention and Intervention--Health Policy, in Venice,
Italy, on 25 October, 2008
Atella V, Brady A, Catapano AL, Critchley J, Graham IM, Hobbs FD, Leal J,
Lindgren P, Vanuzzo D, Volpe M, Wood D, Paoletti R..
Atheroscler Suppl. 2009 Jun 10;10(1):3-21.
Barriers to multiple risk factor management in cardiovascular disease.
Peracino A, Paoletti R.
Atheroscler Suppl. 2009 Jun 10;10(1):1-2.
A consensus document on the role of breakfast in the attainment and maintenance
of health and wellness
Marangoni F, Poli A, Agostoni C, Di Pietro P, Cricelli C, Brignoli O, Fatati G, Giovannini M,
Riva E, Marelli G, Porrini M, Rotella CM, Mele G, Iughetti L, Paoletti R
Acta Biomed, 80: 166-171, 2009

CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Rodolfo Paoletti Born on August 23rd