Eco-physiological adaptation of model polychaete species
to climate change and laboratory rearing protocols
Alexia Massa Gallucci
Scientific Coordinator: Maria Cristina Gambi
Laboratory of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology,
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli
research team at Villa Dohrn Ischia
CO2 vents and acidified areas off Ischia
Castello Aragonese, Ischia
North side
Seawater pH
South side
Extreme Low
pH gradient
Model Polychaete Species
Amphiglena mediterranea (Leydig,1851) Sabellidae
Size: 4-5 mm
Ecology: littoral vegetated rocky reef, and seagrass meadows
Trophic habits: filter feeder
Reproductive biology: iteroparous, brooder inside the tube
Geographic distribution: Mediterranean Sea and
North Atlantic Ocean
Syllis prolifera (Krohn,1852) Syllidae
Size: 5-25 mm
Ecology: littoral vegetated rocky reef, and seagrass meadows
Trophic habit: mesograzer
Reproductive biology: iteroparous, sexual stolons
Geographic distribution: Mediterranean Sea and
North Atlantic Ocean
Project objective: Rearing Protocols
Set-up of standardized rearing
protocols to obtain a multi-cohortpopulation of model species
Project objective: Eco-physiological adaptation to Climate Change
Study biological and eco-physiological adaptation
to climate change of model species:
• In situ reciprocal transplant experiments and
measure of metabolic rates and biomarkers
• Test of pH and temperature variation on labreared population: biometric data, tissue
regeneration and reproductive output

Eco-physiological adaptation of model polychaete