Progetto speciale Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia Più lingue e culture: innovare l’educazione linguistica per una azione comunicativa integrata. CONTRIBUTO DELLA CLASSE 5ALS - Liceo Scientifico Albert Einstein sede associata ISIS della Bassa Friulana Prof.ssa M. BELTRAMINI Prof.ssa L. GIOLO OUR CONTRIBUTION Encountering Languages and Cultures. Learning about languages and cultures through the literary text. Lingue e culture a confronto. Un’esperienza di apprendimento linguistico-culturale attraverso il testo letterario. A LEAD IN A video to set the atmosphere LEARNING STEPS Step 1: Reading and Comprehension Step 2: Analysis of Novel Structure Step 3: Identifying hot themes in and through the novel Step 4: Identifying main themes Step 5: Learning about the context Step 6: Comparing original text and Italian translation Step 7: Drawing conclusions Step 8: Reflecting on what we learned The Context Pakistan Stati Uniti Fundamentalism Islam/s Symbols of Islam Italian Poetry and the Twin Towers Attack Interview to the novelist at Udine’s Vicino Lontano Podcast from RAI Letteratura English Teacher’s resources IRC Teacher’s Resources L’ Altro Siamo Noi The film by Mira Nair 2013 The Novel and its Structure Examples of structure analysis Example 1: Group: Grando, Pavoni, Puppo Example 2: Group: Abetini, Ferrazzo, Mazza Example 3: Group: Scarpin, Vitale HOT THEMES Different cultures encounter Different and vehicular languages Fundamentalism/s Different genders encounter Different social classes Encounter Love relationship American and Pakistani women Western and Eastern stereotypes Identity, multiple identity/ies The condition of in-betweenness Human nature and the alter Differences and similarities Communication styles (linguistic and non linguistic) INTERCULTURAL OBJECTIVES with a focus on language/s Comparing linguistic phrases, expressions and key words in different languages Making etymological research about relevant and key words Making hypotheses about different interpretation of the same quotation Understanding different linguistic and cultural codes Drawing conclusions about the way languages make meaning Becoming aware of the meaning of translation Improving personal knowledge of the potential of language Learning about similarities and dissimilarities between Christianity and Islam Reflecting on one’s identity/ties FOCUS “and we produce ourselves in language” D.LODGE, Nice Work Languages conceptualize the world differently, through linguistic systems The particular language you speak shapes the way you think about the world FOCUS ON LANGUAGE/S AND TRANSLATION Translation should consider language constraints like: context the rules of grammar of the two languages their writing conventions their idioms There does not exist a simple word-for-word correspondence . Translation is NOT a straightforward mechanical process. OUR COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Quotations from original text and Italian translation have been analysed and compared Example 1 E. Vitale Quotations Example 2 L. Santini Quotations Example 3 L.Grando Quotations English and Italian Language Systems English generally expresses the same concepts in a form shorter than Italian Italian generally priviledges a more complex syntax: hypotaxis rather than parataxis English displays a high density of substantives than Italian Italian needs to reshape sentences resorting to different grammar categories English shows a higher lexical density than Italian and embeds therefore much more information. Modal verbs are very frequent in English. They allow to reshape the speaker’s attitude and opinions in grammatical forms English modal verbs replace complex verb tense use in Italian What we learnt about translation and the original text Moving from one language to another one is forced to reduce or convert meanings. Manipulations or loss of meanings through cultural codes are unavoidable. Translating implies taking decisions and is often an act of recreation When two people from two different language spaces get together they have to look for an in-between-ness to redefine themselves accept the language as a medium of (mis) understanding and (mis)communication OUR CONCLUSIONS Multilingualism and Multiculturalism: atttitudes necessay in the present complex society Life long learning is a must The complexity of the world is the result of different interactions and mediations Translation is a mediation useful to communicate ideas rather than words There exist no perfect language correspondences In translation language trans-forms thoughts adopting the rules and conventions of a different culture Translations offer interpretations of reality and require willingness to decenter oneself and open up to different codes WHY WAS THE PROJECT USEFUL? The Project challenged us to Foster improved comprehension Learn new vocabulary and its potential Gain awareness of languages mutually influence Compare phrases and idioms Reflect on and evaluate the choices the original text made to express English concepts in the Italian translation Gain awareness of the different syntactical structures of English and Italian Understand the metaphorical value of proper names in English literary texts Gain awareness of the role of graphetics in writing Experience the potential of the dramatic monologue as a literary and socio-cultural medium to convey a peculiar perspective about American culture Understand stereotypes are a culturally and ideologically marked form of communication THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 5ALS Project documentation