Due esempi di brevi moduli inseriti nel curricolo
Sicurezza in laboratorio
Becco Bunsen
Sicurezza in laboratorio
Prima lezione (1h)
 L’insegnante e l’assistente di laboratorio preparano i tavoli
con gli oggetti necessari
 Quando gli studenti entrano si siedono ai tavoli e osservano
le attrezzature del laboratorio, gli armadi e il loro contenuto
 Insegnante e studenti parlano dei possibili pericoli e delle
precauzioni da prendere
 Controllano dove sono gli estintori e l’allarme
 Gli studenti controllano se tutti gli oggetti elencati nel loro
libro di testo sono presenti, viene data una lista con una breve
 Gli studenti identificano gli oggetti
 L’insegnante fa vedere flaconi di varie sostanze e fa notare
i simboli
Sicurezza in laboratorio
Seconda lezione (1h)
 Gli studenti si dividono in gruppi
 L’insegnante consegna loro dei fogli con la descrizione delle norme di
comportamento nel laboratorio (foglio 1) (foglio 2)
 Vengono assegnati i compiti, gli studenti devono preparare dei poster
da mettere in laboratorio
 Alla fine dell’ora l’insegnante raccoglie i lavori
Sicurezza in laboratorio
Terza lezione (1h / 2h)
Gli studenti preparano una presentazione in powerpoint
Guidelines for a Safe Lab
Plant SafetyUse caution when handling plants. Do not eat or taste any unfamiliar plant or
plant parts. If you are allergic to pollen, do not work with plant or plant parts without a
gauze face mask. Glassware SafetyCheck for broken, cracked, or chipped glassware.
It should be disposed of properly. Do not force glass tubing into rubber stoppers. Clean
and air dry all glassware. Eye Safety Wear your laboratory safety glasses at all times.
Know how to use the emergency eyewash system. If chemicals get into your eyes, flush
them out with plenty of water and inform your teacher. Heating SafetyTurn off heat
sources when they are not in use. Point test tubes away from yourself and others when
heating substances in them. Use the proper procedures when lighting a Bunsen burner. To
avoid burns, do not handle heated glassware or materials directly. Use tongs, test-tube
holders, or heat resistant gloves. Electrical SafetyUse care when using electrical
equipment. Check all electrical equipment for worn cords or loose plugs before using
them. Keep your work area dry. Do not overload electrical circuits. Clothing
ProtectionWear your laboratory coat or apron. It will help protect your clothing from stains
or damage. Poison Do not mix any chemicals unless directed to do so in a procedure or
by your teacher. Inform your teacher immediately if you spill chemicals or get any on your
skin or in your eyes. Never taste any chemicals or substances unless directed to do so by
your teacher. Keep your hands away from your face when working with
chemicals. Animal SafetyHandle live animals with care. If you are bitten or scratched by
an animal, inform your teacher. Do not bring wild animals into the classroom. Do not
cause pain, discomfort, or injury to an animal. Be sure any animals kept for observations
are given the proper food, water, and living space. Wear gloves when handling live
animals. Always wash your hands after handling any animal. Fire SafetyTie back long
hair and secure loose clothing when working near an open flame. Do not reach across an
open flame. Know the location and proper use of fire blankets and extinguishers.
test tube
test tube rack
conical flask
round-bottomed flask
spring balance
slender glass tube, used in chemical
framework for holding test tubes
a cone-shaped bottle with a narrow neck,
used in scientific laboratories for mixing or
storing chemicals
bottle with a narrow neck and round
bottom,used in scientific laboratories for
mixing or storing chemicals
device that measures weight by the
tension of a spring
evaporating basin
an open-top vessel for holding liquids that
change into a vapour
an instrument for the measurement of
potential difference between two points, in
tripod and gauze
three-legged support and a netting made
of very thin wire
Bunsen burner
A type of gas burner with an adjustable air
a glass or plastic jar which is used in
tool with a flat, blunt blade used for mixing
and spreading
device for holding things tightly together,
usually by means of a screw
protuberance on a cast metal or plastic
part to add strength, facilitate assembly
rubber bung
stopper made of rubber for closing the
hole in a jar or barrel
Safety in the science laboratory
Group 1 – Create a lab safety poster illustrating major safety rules.
Group 2 – Create a lab safety PowerPoint presentation (10 slides
Group 3 – Create a lab safety poster for chemicals
Group 4 – Create a lab safety poster for Glassware
Group 5 – Create a lab safety poster for the use of the Bunsen
Useful sites You can find drawings here Safety signs
Safety rules Search engine
Becco Bunsen
 Gli alunni osservano l’insegnante e l’assistente che fanno vedere il
becco Bunsen e ne spiegano il funzionamento
 L’insegnante consegna delle fotocopie con la descrizione e le
norme per l’uso
 Agli studenti viene data una fotocopia con il compito assegnato
Test finale formato da tre parti:
Reading (esercizi sulla comprensione del testo)
2) Safety rules quiz
3) Bunsen Burner

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