DS Control Chemical Pollution: perspectives and costs G. Tomasello, Alessandria Province A. Fava, Arpa Emilia Romagna Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 1 WFD and Economics The Water Framework Directive integrates economics into water management and policy making Article 5 - Characteristics of the river basin district, review of environmental impact of human activity and economic analysis of water use; Annex III - Economic analysis; Article 9 - Recovery of costs for water services Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 2 Economics : general approach To achieve its environmental objectives in the most effective manner (i.e. good water status for all waters), the Directive calls for: the application of economic principles (e.g. the polluter pays principle); the use of economic approaches and tools (e.g. cost-effectiveness analysis); the consideration of economic instruments (e.g. water pricing). Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 3 Integration of economica elements Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 4 Economics : objectives to carry out an economic analysis of water uses in each River Basin District (RBD); to assess trends in water supply, water demand and investments; to identify areas designated for the protection of economically significant aquatic species; to designate heavily modified water bodies based on assessment of impact (including economic impact) on existing uses and costs of alternatives for providing the same beneficial objective; to assess current levels of cost-recovery; to support selection of programme of measures on the basis of cost-effectiveness criteria; Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 5 Economics : objectives to assess the potential role of pricing in programmes of measures – implications on cost-recovery; to estimate the need for potential (time and objective) derogation from the Directive’s environmental objectives based on assessment of costs and benefits and of costs of alternatives for providing the same beneficial objective; to assess possible derogation resulting from new activities/modifications, based on assessment of costs and benefits and costs of alternatives for providing the same beneficial objective; to evaluate costs of measures to identify costeffective way to control priority substances. Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 6 Economics and local offices Why the Control and Monitoring activities cost assessment performed at Regional, River Basin and Districts level should be relevant for local offices ? a) Helps to define the budjetary needs of the Office ↓ to cope with its administrative and technical duties b) Strengthens on a practical basis the capacity of the Office in negotiation ↓ Versus upper decisional levels Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 7 Economics and local offices c) Supports the control activities ↓ facing the management of conflicts toward stakeholders and the public d) Allows to perform a cost-benefit evaluation ↓ To set priority actions facing the defined objectives e) Improves the cost effective use of human and technical resources ↓ thus giving relevant support in defining the action programmes Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 8 Control and Monitoring Plan Economical focus Activities Monitoring What is the least-costly set of measures that will ensure good water status? Controls Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 Issues for cost evaluation Surface and Ground Water Bodies Monitoring networks (surveillance, operational, investigation): - N. of sampling sites - Quality and Quantity elements - Sampling Frequencies - Reporting Wastewater discharge pattern - EQS - Discharge Limits - Authorizations / Permits Control Activities costs 9 Control and Monitoring Plan Economical focus Activities Monitoring What is the likely economic impact of proposed measures on key economic sectors/water uses? Controls Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 Issues for cost evaluation - Protection and/ or Remediation of water bodies - Protected areas - Sensible Area - Vulnerable area - Derogations - Permits Revision - EMAS installations - BAT introduction - Agricultural Best Practices Sanctions and fines 10 Control and Monitoring Plan Economical focus How much will it cost to reach good water status? How to determine whether the costs of achieving good water status are considered to be disproportionate so that derogation may be appropriate? Activities Issues for cost evaluation Monitoring Overall costs Controls Overal costs Monitoring Policy: decision making Controls Policy: decision making Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 11 Control and Monitoring Activities A total cost is calculated for three issues Sampling Analysis Data handling and reporting For each of the above operational phases costs are computed according to the following items Personnel costs management personnel (planning, coordination, etc.) technical operational personnel administration personnel Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 12 Control and Monitoring Activities Durable and consumable goods costs investment costs depreciation(motor vehicles, scientific instruments, hardware tools, furnishings, etc.) operational management costs net of depreciation costs (ordinary and extraordinary maintenance) Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) consumable goods costs (chemicals, standard materials, tools for laboratories,..) Overhead cost internal/external training costs QA/QC system cost (ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 17025) utilities (phone, internet, power, etc) other costs Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 13 Rilascio delle autorizzazioni allo scarico Costi delle risorse interne management personnel (planning, coordination, etc.) technical operational personnel administration personnel Impiego di beni e servizi dell’Ente Per altre attività degli uffici dell’Ente in aggiunta alle attività standard di rilascio delle autorizzazioni Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 14 Rilascio delle autorizzazioni allo scarico Overhead cost External training costs QA/QC system cost (ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 17025, ISO 14001) utilities (phone, internet, power, etc) other costs Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 15 La scheda di rilevazione dei fattori di costo Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 16 Esempio di costo dettagliato Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 17 Autorizzazione agli scarichi Acque reflue industriale modifica sostanziale e rinnovo autorizzativo 5,6 Acque reflue domestiche modifica sostanziale e rinnovo autorizzativo 4,6 Acque domestiche rinnovo impianto 4,1 Acque reflue urbane modifica sostanziale e rinnovo autorizzativo 5,3 Acque reflue urbane rinnovo impianto 2,4 Prevenzione e gestione acque di prima pioggia 2,6 Accettazione rifiuti liquidi di acque reflue 1 (Valore di riferimento) Euro 230.00 Utilizzazione in agricoltura dei fanghi Spandimento dei fanghi in agricoltura 7,4 Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 18 ATTIVITA’ DESCRIZIONE VALORE Concessione di derivazione di acqua pubblica Derivazione di acqua concessione di derivazione di acqua superficiale soggetta a valutazione di impatto ambientale 17,6 Derivazione di acqua concessione di derivazione di acqua sotterrane soggetta a valutazione di impatto ambientale 16,3 Derivazione di acqua concessione di derivazione di acqua non soggetta a valutazione di impatto ambientale 11,2 Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 19 The Polluter Pays principle Il recupero dei costi delle istruttorie è previsto dalla normativa nazionale. L’ammontare del pagamento può essere determinato in due modi: * Dettaglio * Forfait La scelta è demandata ad una decisione politica locale Le realtà locali piemontesi hanno definito un costo per il rilascio delle autorizzazioni allo scarico che varia da Euro 50.00 a Euro 250.00 Trencin - 12 settembre 2008 20