Il feocromocitoma nella Sindrome di Von Hippel Lindau Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome: Type 1 (no pheochromocytoma) Renal cell carcinomas Retinal and central nervous system haemangioblastomas Pancreatic neoplasms and cysts Type 2 (with pheochromocytoma) 2A: Retinal and central nervous system haemangioblastomas Pheochromocytomas 2B: Renal cell carcinomas Retinal and central nervous system haemangioblastomas Pancreatic neoplasms and cysts Pheochromocytomas 2C: Pheochromocytomas only Lancet. 2005 Aug 20-26;366(9486):665-75 Feocromocitoma Ipersecrezione di catecolamine Ipertensione arteriosa: • • • parossistica intermittente continua Anomalie metaboliche: • aumento M.B. (intolleranza al caldo, calo ponderale) • ridotta tolleranza glucidica (raro diabete conclamato) Altri sintomi: • • Comuni: cefalea, tachicardia, iperidrosi (triade classica nel 15-24% dei casi; singolarmente ciascuno nel 70% dei casi) Rari: dolore addominale/toracico, diarrea, vomito, astenia, disturbi accomodazione Caratteristiche del Feocromocitoma nel VHL Età alla diagnosi 28 Fenotipo: noradrenergico Ipertensione: continua/assente Crisi ipertensive: rare N.B. ad oggi non ci sono prove istologiche di MNs plasmatiche: normetanefrine malignità ma l’unico criterio accettato di Secrezione CA: continua malignità è la presenza di metastasi ! E’Prevalenza ancoranella piùSdr importante saper distinguere VHL: 20-25% tra metastasi e malattia multifocale !!! Bilateralità: 40% Localizzazione extra-surrenalica: 2-11% Frequenza di malignità: 5% Opocher G. et al. Familial Cancer 2005; 4:13-16. Referto Istologico PASS Pheochromocytoma of the Adrenal gland Scoring Scale Il PASS può indicarmi un feocromocitoma a comportamento potenzialmente aggressivo (se ≥ 4/20) ma non è diagnostico di malignità. (E viceversa…..) Thompson L.D.R. Am J Surg Pathol 2002;26:551-566 Diagnosis Elevated free catecholamine excretion or high levels of metabolites (that is, metanephrines or vanillylmandelic acid [VMA]) in the serum or urine establish the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma… Recommended biochemical tests for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma include the following: • Plasma free metanephrines. The plasma free metanephrine concentration is a highly sensitive test but is considerably less specific than 24-hour urine collection for free metanephrines or VMA. If normal levels are detected, the presence of a neoplasm of the sympathetic nervous system is highly unlikely. • Timed urine collection (minimum of 4 hours) for metanephrines. These assays are most effective when performed during or immediately after a symptomatic episode. • Urine collection (24-hour specimen) for free catecholamines, metanephrines, and VMA. Urinary VMA is the most specific of all tests for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. L.G. AACE 2006 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGISTS MEDICAL GUIDELINES FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE FOR THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF HYPERTENSION ENDOCRINE PRACTICE Vol 12 No. 2 March/April 2006 193 NATURE CLINICAL PRACTICE ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM FEBRUARY 2007 VOL 3 PAG 92-102 BIOCHEMICAL DIAGNOSIS Recommendations Pheochromocytomas and extra-adrenal paragangliomas are rare, and often overlooked, causes of hypertension. The crucial first step is therefore to consider these tumors when thinking of possible diagnoses. Confirming the diagnosis requires biochemical evidence of inappropriate catecholamine production. Measurement of urinary catecholamine levels has traditionally been the most widely used test, but measurement of urinary catecholamine metabolites or plasma catecholamines has also been recommended… studies have confirmed that measurements of fractionated metanephrines (i.e. normetanephrine and metanephrine measured separately) in urine or plasma provide superior diagnostic sensitivity to measurements of the parent catecholamines. Lenders JW et al. Lancet 2005; 366:665-75. Interferenze su dosaggi catecolamine e metaboliti CGA Conclusions: Plasma determinations of metanephrines are now an easy and convenient tool for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. However, in our study the best specificity was obtained with the urinary tests rather than with the plasma assays while the highest sensitivities were for the normetanephrine assays. The assay of CgA was highly efficient in diagnosing pheochromocytomas in the absence of renal insufficiency. By combining it with fractionated metanephrine assays, the sensitivities of the latter were increased. NATURE CLINICAL PRACTICE ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM FEBRUARY 2007 VOL 3 PAG 92-102 Recommendations TUMOR LOCALIZATION The panel of experts at the ISP felt strongly that localization of pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma should only be initiated if the clinical evidence for the presence of tumor is reasonably compelling. 1. If suspicion is derived from signs and symptoms of catecholamine excess, biochemical test results should be strongly positive. 2. If the pretest probability of a tumor is higher, such as in patients with a hereditary predisposition or previous history of the tumor, less compelling biochemical evidence might justify imaging studies. NATURE CLINICAL PRACTICE ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM FEBRUARY 2007 VOL 3 PAG 92-102 TC o RMN? … there was no consensus on whether CT or MRI is preferred for initial localization of a tumor. This largely depends on the institutional preference and local expertise. Regardless of whether CT or MRI is used, there was a general agreement that imaging studies should initially focus on the abdomen and pelvis. If a tumor is not found, chest and neck images should be obtained, but with recognition that metastatic lesions in long bones can be missed. Although CT and MRI have excellent sensitivity for detecting most catecholamine-producing tumors, these anatomic imaging approaches lack the specificity required to unequivocally identify a mass as a pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma. NATURE CLINICAL PRACTICE ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM FEBRUARY 2007 VOL 3 PAG 92-102 Scintigrafia MIBG The panel of experts agreed that functional imaging is useful. The test of choice is currently 123I-labeled meta-iodobenzylguanide (MIBG) scintigraphy. Two main reasons warrant the use of functional imaging: • first, the modality provides a method to more correctly distinguish pheochromocytomas or paragangliomas from other lesions; • second, it enables determination of the extent of disease, including the presence of multiple tumors or metastases. Exceptions for which functional imaging might not be required include adrenal tumors of <5 cm in diameter that are associated with a significant elevation of plasma or urine metanephrine levels. TERAPIA MEDICA DEL FEOCROMOCITOMA La terapia medica del Feocromocitoma si basa sull’uso degli -antagonisti La terapia medica deve essere iniziata appena i dati di laboratorio dimostrano la presenza del feocromocitoma e almeno 7-14 giorni prima dell’intervento chirurgico. Gli -antagonisti localizzazione. non interferiscono con le metodiche di Si può associare un β-bloccante (meglio se β1-selettivo come atenololo o metoprololo) solo dopo almeno 2 giorni di terapia con -antagonisti Lenders JW et al. Lancet 2005;366:665-75 Pacak K. JCEM 2007;92:4069-4079 Preparazione all’intervento chirurgico La terapia -litica: Riduce la pressione arteriosa Riduce le crisi ipertensive Riespande il volume plasmatico Annulla gli effetti della downregulation Elimina la crisi ipotensiva post-operatoria Terapia per os: Fenossibenzamina (non in commercio in Italia) Doxazosina DOXAZOSINA Inibitore competitivo Inibitore selettivo alfa1 Cp da 2 o 4 mg; in commercio in Italia Emivita: 20 h Dose: 4-16 mg/die in 3-6 somministrazioni Effetti collaterali: ipotensione ortostatica Calcio antagonisti Bloccano l’ingresso di calcio NA-mediato nelle cellule muscolari lisce vasali • • Da associare nei pazienti con controllo pressorio inadeguato, per evitare l’aumento di posologia dell’alfa-litico e i suoi effetti collaterali. In sostituzione dei bloccanti dei recettori adrenergici in pazienti con importanti effetti collaterali. • Per prevenire l’ipotensione ortostatica iatrogena in pazienti con ipertensione intermittente. • Per prevenire lo spasmo coronarico indotto dall’eccesso di catecolamine. Più utilizzati: amlodipina 10-20 mg die (Norvasc) nicardipina 60-90 mg die (Nicapress) nifedipina 30-90 mg die (Adalat) verapamil 180-540 mg die (Isoptin) = Metirosina, inibitore competitivo della sintesi catecolamine Pacak K. JCEM 2007;92:4069-4079 Algoritmo del trattamento pre-operatorio Follow-up Nel paziente VHL: ABPM, metanefrine urinarie, CGA e RMN addome 1 volta/anno ogni anno Nel feocromocitoma sporadico: diario pressorio, CGA e metanefrine urinarie 1 volta/anno per 10 anni Grazie per l’attenzione