Medical Imaging
• Il medical imaging è
attualmente in grado, con
varie tecniche, di fornire
informazioni su scala dal
cm fino a mm (cellula)
• Imaging multimodale
(funzionale – anatomico,
informazione integrata)
• Applicazioni: diagnostica,
validazione protocolli
terapeutici, studio di
processi in-vivo
Approccio multidisciplinare
Classico campo in cui c’e’ bisogno di competenze interdisciplinari sia all’interno del
dipartimento che con gli altri dipartimenti. Infatti non esiste una sola tecnica elettiva ma molte
tecniche possono essere usate, cosi come molti processi possono essere studiati e investigati in
ambiti di vario genere. Es. appunto stem cell, diagnostica, sviluppo di nuovi farmaci,
neuroscienze …
… Applying the new molecular imaging tools to humans will
make a fundamental improvement in how cancer is
understood in vivo and should allow earlier detection,
stratification of patients for treatment, and objective
evaluation of new therapies in a given patient.
The outcome will be considerably better management and
care of those with cancer.
Diagnosi precoce
Monitor di efficacia terapeutica /
medicina personalizzata
Diagnosi/terapia combinate
Image guidance” di terapia rigenerativa
Controllo dell’efficacia terapeutica
Chirurgia e biopsia “Imagine-guided”
Molecular Libraries and Imaging
The Molecular Imaging Roadmap has three components:
1.High-Specificity/High-Sensitivity Molecular Imaging Probes.
The goal of this initiative is to improve probe detection sensitivity
10- to 100-fold within 5 years.
2.Molecular Imaging and Contrast Agent Database (MICAD).
This new database catalogs imaging probe information, describing
the specificities, activities, and applications of imaging probes for a
wide range of diseases and biological functions.
3.Imaging Probe Development Center (IPDC). This center offers
the production of known imaging probes for the research community
in cases where there is no viable commercial supplier, and generates
novel imaging probes for biomedical research and clinical
Life Sciences Fund grants awards to launch health research
Public release date: 17-Apr-2008
Patricia Kuhl, University of Washington, $4,033,304
Program title: Early Learning and Brain Development: MEG Brain Imaging Center for
Infants and Children
Program focus: To establish a regional child brain imaging center to utilize the latest in
brain imaging technology to measure the young brain in action and explore the basic
mechanisms, and the potential underlying problems, that drive early learning and lay
the foundation for life-long learning.
Children's brain responses to events such as thinking, listening to language and music,
and social interactions have been linked to their subsequent development and learning
capacity. The investigators will use magneto-encephalography (MEG), a technology
which is new to Washington State. MEG measures brain waves at the surface of the
scalp in a non-invasive, noiseless process. This will be the only MEG in the world
devoted to children. The behaviors, syndromes, and disabilities that will be addressed
by the team represent unmet medical needs and are all prevalent in Washington State
and worldwide. Improved understanding of the causes and possible treatment of autism,
ADHD, dyslexia, learning difficulties and other diseases with early childhood onset will
have profound implications for both the educational and health-care systems.
The Medical Imaging Conference
(MIC) in collaboration with the
Nuclear Science Symposium, is one
of the outstanding scientific
meetings where innovative
research results on physical,
technological and mathematical
aspects of radiotracer-based
medical imaging are presented. It
provides a unique interdisciplinary
platform for discussing future
developments in medical imaging
along the whole chain from basic
research to medical application.
Following the ongoing trend to
multimodality and to the
synergistic exchange of algorithms
and methodology, MIC attracts
researchers from the whole field
of medical imaging. These
technological developments result
in a steady increase of the
diagnostic power of medical
imaging techniques and facilitate
new therapeutic approaches.
• Founded: 29 December 2000
• The mission of the NIBIB is to improve human health by providing
leadership for development and accelerating the application of
biomedical technologies. The Institute is committed to integrating
engineering and physical sciences with the life sciences to advance
basic research and medical care.
Scientific Program Areas (Extramural)
NIBIB Intramural Labs
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Radiochemistry Group
Laboratory of Bioengineering and
Physical Science
Drug Delivery and Kinetics
Instrumentation Research and
Molecular Interactions
Nanoscale Immunodiagnostics
Protein Biophysics
Supramolecular Structure and Function
Biomedical Informatics
Drug and Gene Delivery Systems and Devices
Image-Guided Interventions
Image Processing, Visual Perception and Display
Imaging Agents and Molecular Probes
Magnetic, Biomagnetic and Bioelectric Devices
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy
Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Analysis
Multi-Scale Modeling Initiative
Medical Devices and Implant Science
Micro- and Nano-Systems; Platform Technologies
Nuclear Medicine
Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy
Rehabilitation Engineering
Structural Biology
Surgical Tools, Techniques and Systems
Tissue Engineering
Ultrasound: Diagnostic and Interventional
X-ray, Electron, and Ion Beam
Medical Imaging
Medical imaging
• Multidisciplinarietà, Multimodality 
Tecnologie e salute
• Diagnosi precoce, funzionale, specifica
• Molecular Imaging in-vivo
• Image-guidance di terapie, ad es. con
cellule staminali

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