Пётр Илъйч Чайковский P e t e r T c h a i k ov s k y (1840 – 1893) Vol. 1 : op.1/1 Scherzo, op.1/2 Impromptu, op.2/1 Ruinen eines Schlosseso, op.2/2 Scherzo, op.2/3 Lied ohne Worte, op.3 Valse, op.5 Romanze, op.7 Valse-Scherzo, op.8 Capriccio, op.9/1 Träume, op.9/2 Polka de Salon, op.9/3 Mazurka de Salon Vol. 2 : op.10/1 Nocturne, op.10/2 Humoresque, op.19/1 Abendträume, op.19/2 Scherzo humoristique, op.19/3 Albumblatt, op.19/4 Nocturne, op.19/5 Capriccioso, op.19/6 Variationen, op.21/1 Prelude, op.21/2 Fuga, op.21/3 Impromptu, op.21/4 Marche funebre, op.21/5 Mazurka, op.21/6 Scherzo, Impromptu in As, Aveu Passone, Militärmarsch Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. 3 4 5 6 : : : : op.37 Grande Sonata, op.80 Sonata 1865 op.37b The Seasons, op.39 Children's album op.40 12 mittelschwere Stücke op.72 18 Stücke Complete Works for Pianoforte solo Original settings Vol.1 : Piano pieces Y a a % $ % $ Y & e e $ $ e 6 $ $ 1867 Allegro moderato Scherzo à la russé op.1 No.1 Allegro rfurioso Impromptu op.1 No.2 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3 Remembrance of Hapsal op.2 Ruines of a castle op.2 No.1 Scherzo op.2 No.2 Song without words op.2 No.3 Adagio misterioso & ; $ a Allegro vivo : $ 1867 e e e e e e Y % e e e Y $ $ e & & 24 1867 28 & e e % e e e & & & : Y Y Y & & % & e e e 37 1868 A tempo rubato non troppo mosso Valse op.4 15 1867 a e % % 1867 & & : cantabile Allegretto grazioso e cantabile a & $ : $ e 4 a e e e r $ $ $ $ $$ & Page Y 41 Vol. 1 Romance op.5 $$ $$ : $ $ $$ Page a % % $ $ % Andante cantabile dolce % 1868 % 1870 ValseScherzo op.7 && & : & & & Cappriccio op.8 # = = 6 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ a e e e $$ 6 Trois Morceaux op.9 $ $ $ $ $ $ & & Polka de Salon op.9 No.2 Mazurka de Salon op.9 No.3 : 62 Allegro giusto 70 1870 & & f :f m.g. b a & & e : e Allegro moderato a poco cresc. a $ $ $ & % $ % : $ $ $ e e Andante capriccioso Dreams op.9 No.1 57 b $ f : dolce $ f e m.g. a Q % Q Q Q e 78 1870 b Y & Y 85 1870 91 Appendix : Valse - Scherzo No.2 r &&& : Allegro in tempo di Valse Biography of Tchaikovsky & & Y e % Y e 98 104 Work list of Tchaikovsky 106 Comments 111 Vol. 2 : Piano pieces 2 Pieces op.10 t Y & $ e : dolce $ Andante cantabile 1.Nocturne op.10 No.1 & a a 6 e e Page 2.Humoresque op.10 No.2 6 Pieces op.19 1.Evening dreams op.19 No.1 2.Scherzo humoristique op.19 No.2 $ $ Y : molto cantabile Allegro vivacissimo a & & & % & e : leggiero a && e : Allegretto semplice 3.Feuillet d'Album op.19 No.3 4.Nocturne op.19 No.4 &&&& e Andante sentimentale & : e a a & e Y Andante espressivo 1871 a Allegretto scherzando a e Y Y a e e a a a & e e Y $ $ : 8 12 1873 $ $ a e e & 16 1873 24 1873 % & Allegretto semplice 5.Capriccioso op.19 No.5 a 1871 1873 a & & e ' a e Y a e a a & e Y 4 27 1873 30 Thème Andante non troppo 6.Theme with Variations op.19 No.6 $ % $ : espr. % $ 1873 & % 35 Vol. 2 6 Pieces upon one Theme op.21 1.Prélude op.21 No.1 Allegro moderato && & & & : &&&& ' & & e : Andante Y a e 2.Fuga á 4 voci op.21 No.2 3.Impromptu op.21 No.3 r r r &&&& r ' 6 Allegro molto 4.Marche funébre op.21 No.4 6.Scherzo op.21 No.6 Y & % e 1873 ' e : 1873 r r r r & & r a 1873 r a % $$$ a $ $ $ $ % e % $ % e % :e e e e $$ $ $ $ $ $ : a % Allegro vivace $ $ % $ $ : a % % Y $ $ e 52 1873 Tempo di Marcia Moderato r Allegro moderato 5.Mazurka op.21 No.5 Page 54 57 60 1873 % a % $ a Y % 68 1873 % $% 75 cresc. Appendix Moderato con moto Impromptu in As $$ $ $ ; r Moderato mosso, molto rubato Aveu Passioné & : r 3 a Tempo di Marcia. Maestoso Military march Comments $$ r cresc. cantabile % r r 86 90 94 98 Vol. 3 : Sonatas op.37, op.80 Grande Sonate op.37 1878 1. Moderato e risoluto 2. Andante non troppo quasi moderato Page c & 3 & g & Allegro avivace 4. Finale Sonata 1865 op.posth.80 1. Allegro con fuoco 2. Andante a & & % 3 & $$ e e &&&& % e a && & : Allegro vivo 3.Scherzo 4. Allegro vivo Comments e a % % e a Y Y Y Y & & & & : & & & & Allegro vivo a ` 2 a poco cresc. 3 38 & & Y Y Y & & & e e e f a b a 2Ya a & & & f & & e e Y Y e e b e e & % e 2 a Y a a a $ & & f e Y % & Y poco & marcato & : &&&& Y pesante 24 & f a c 6c & & & Allegro giocoso 3.Scherzo % $ & $ & : cantabile & & & & Y 6Y & Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y e Y Y Y Y e Y Y & & & a ' & 3 47 63 79 84 95 109 Vol. 4 : op.37b - op.39 The Seasons op.37b Page Moderato semplice, ma espressico 1.January At the fireside && & : Allegro giusto 2.February Russian Carnival 3.March Song of the skylark & & $ 2 $ $ $ Allegretto con moto ed un poco rubato 4.April Snowdrop 5.May May nights 6.June Barcarolle 7.July : The song of the Reaper 8.August Harvesting Scherzo a $ $ : dolce poco cresc. a Andante cantabile & & & : Allegro vivace a % & b b & 2 b b a % a % & Andante doloroso e molto cantabile 10.October Autumn song $ : Y &&&& Allegro moderato 11.November Troika Sleigh-ride Tempo di Valse 12.December Christmas $ $ $ $ : Y & e a % e e 6 12 18 20 24 & & % % % 28 33 a a & % e % a & % & e a Allegro moderato con moto a $ $ $ 2 $ $ $ % Andantino & a a a $ Q Q Q Q : Allegro non troppo 9.September The hunt e & & % r & Y & a a a Andantino espressivo a a & Y 36 43 48 52 molto rit. a tempo Q % 58 Vol 4 Children's album op.39 Page a & : Andante 1.Morning Prayer 2.Winter morning 3. The young rider a a % & % e Y a a Y a Y a $ $ $ e e Y e 6 e Allegro Y Y & & Y a $ a % : cresc. Presto && $ $ Moderato 4.Mum & & : molto espressivo e dolce 65 66 68 69 & & e Y & % e Y & % e e e e e e e ; Moderato 5.March of the toy soldiers 6.The sick doll 7.The doll's funeral Moderato $$ W 6 espr. $ $ $ ; W & W a Y e Y e 9.The new doll Allegro $$ a a e : Allegro assai Allegro non troppo $ 6 $ 2 Adagio 13.Kamarinskaya W W & & $ $ 6 a Y e e e e Tempo di Mazurka Allegro 12.The Peasant is playing the Accordion % 8.Valse 11.Russian song W Adagio $ $$ 10.Mazurka W % 73 Y e : a a a : e 72 % Y a e 6 W 71 Vivace & & e : marcato 74 76 77 79 80 80 Vol. 4 Moderato Tempo di Polka b 14.Polka $ $ 15.Italian song & & : : Moderato assai 16.Old french song 17.German song Y Molto moderato 20.Baba-Yaga The witch $ $ $ & e : & Presto : Moderato 21.Sweet dream Y e : grazioso Y e & e & = Y : molto espressivo Y e 83 84 a $ & Y $ & = 85 86 sempre staccato la mano sinistra % Y $ = 82 Molto moderato $$ b $ e 6 Moderato 19.Nanny tells a story e $ $ a : con espressione Andante 18.Neapolitan song b % $ b & % b b % : Page Y = 88 90 92 & r r r r r r: r Moderato 22.Song of the skylark Andante 23.Organgrinder's song & : & & : Moderato 24.In the church & % a Y 6 a & 94 96 97 Photo of P.Tchaikovsky 98 Comments 99 Vol. 5 : Piano pieces 12 Pieces of average difficulty op.40 Allegro giusto 1878 Y 1. Etude Page Y & & % Y % Y Y & % Y % & Y & Y 2 & Allegro non troppo 2.Chanson triste Tempo di marcia funebre 3.Marche funèbre 4.Mazurka 5.Mazurka Y % $ $ $ : : 7.In the village Tempo di mazurka & & Y $ Y & % e e : % & : a a : espressivo $ $ $$ : & & & : % 11.Scherzo Y e r e e Y e e Allegro vivacissimo 2 Andante un poco rubato 12.Interrupted dreams 10 12 Y a & 18 23 29 32 % 38 Y % 44 % poco cresc. & : e eY $ a a a b e & Y e Y Andantino 10.Danse russe Y % Tempo di valse 9.Valse % & $ & 6 Tempo di valse 8.Valse & % Tempo di mazurka Allegro moderato 6.Song without words $ $ & $ : la melodia con molto espressione 4 % $ $ $ $ QQ % 6 Q Q % espr. Y e e a 2 e con molto Y espressione Q $ % Q Q $ Q % 2 & e eY Y e e 50 54 Y Y Y % e e : e 62 6 Pieces op.51 1882 1.Valse de salon Vol. 5 Allegro R.=88 $$ 1 $ $ % : Y a % a 5 4 2 Allegro moderato 2.Polka pour danse 3.Menuetto scherzoso & & : Y $$ $ 6 Moderato 4.Natha-Valse 5.Romance $ a Y $ $ $ Andante cantabile : dolcissimo 6.Valse sentimentale Doumka op.59 Russian rustic Scene Appendix Comments a a a $ e a a a $ $ $ $ % con espressione e dolcezza : Andantino cantabile $ $ $ : Valse op.40 No.9 1.Version && & Nathalie-Valse op.51 No.4 1.Version & `` ` Tempo di Valse Page $ a e Y a % Tempo di valse e Y % r r W W % Y Y a : Q a e % % & & M oderato assai R = 50 && & : dolce Y % 5 3 2 Q & 66 77 84 Y e 91 97 a $ $ : 104 1886 W W Q 109 1876 122 1878 Y e e : : con molto sentimento pensando a Piero 123 125 Vol. 6 : op.72 18 Pieces op.72 Page Allegro moderato e giocoso F = 126 1.Impromptu op.78 No.1 2.Wiegenlied op.78 No.2 3.Tender reproaches op.78 No.2 4.Danse caractéristique op.78 No.4 X X X X $ % % % $ $ $ $ % e e e e e 6 poco cresc. cantabile W Andante mosso F = 76 : W $$ $ $ % % W W Y Y Y ;Y Y Allegro non tanto ed agitato F = 116 & & & W Y W & e : molto espressivo e & & Allegro giusto F = 138 Andante mosso 5.Méditation op.78 No.5 6.Mazurka pour danser op.78 No.6 && a Q : ecantabile $ Y a a $ 2 con anima Tempo di Mazurka Y W & W Y W e 3 e a & e 7.Polka de concert pesante ? quasi cadenza, ad libitum a $ a ? $ $ 3 8.Dialog && & & & 9.Un poco di Schumann F a $$ $ $ $ 6e f Allegro moderato F = 120 Vivace assai R.=96 10.ScherzoFantasy 11 e e 21 Y e Y a & 29 Y a Y a a e e e e 34 a ? ? ? 41 a W 6 quasi parlando Moderato mosso Moderato mosso YF = 100 a % Y 4 16 a e e Y a Y a a e e Tempo di Polacca % a a W W Y W Y e Y e e 1893 cresc. a % % Y : a Y % e : 6 a a % $$ $ $ % $ $ $ f e % e e e 51 55 58 Vol 6 Tempo di Valse 11.Valse-bluette 12.Naughty child 13.Echo rustique 14.Elegie $ $ $ 6 e e e e Allegro moderato F = 112 & && W Y & W Y W W & e e Y 6 con grazia, in modo di scherzo Allegro non troppo F = 120 $ $ $ ! ] W ] ] Adagio F = 69 a a a a Q Q % $ $ $ $ $ Wa : cantando quanto possibile Q ! ] e ] ] Q W W W e ! ! ! ! % r r r Page 79 84 88 93 Tempo di Mazurka 15.Un poco Chopin 16.Waltz à 5 Tempi 17.A long time ago 18.Scène dansante (Trèpak) Comments && & & g 6 dim. Vivace a F.F =58 & & e : e a e M oderato assai quasi andante F = 84 a e cantabile, con noblezza ed intimo sentimento $ $ $ : Allegro non tanto Y F = 132 Y Y a 2 101 a marcato e Ya a e 107 W W W più 2 111 115 Ya 123 Biography of Peter Tchaikovsky Tchaikovsky was born in Kamsko-Votkinsk, 7 May 1840; hier died in St. Petersburg, 6 November 1893). His father was a mine inspector. He started piano studies at five and soon showed remarkable gifts; his childhood was also affected by an abnormal sensitivity. The Tchaikovsky family moved to St. Petersburg in 1850, and Peter llyich was then placed under a good teacher, Filipov, with whom he made rapid but not phenomenal progress. At ten he was sent to the School of Jurisprudence at St. Petersburg. His parting from his mother was painful; further, she died when he was 14 - an event that may have stimulated him to compose. At the School of Jurisprudence Tchaikovsky joined the choral class given by the famous choir director Lomakin and continued his piano lessons under Kundinger; but neither of these musicians seems to have suspected a budding genius. The whole of this period of his life was distinctly inimical to his artistic development; he appears to have simply acquiesced in the commonplace ideas of the majority, and on leaving the school entered upon a somewhat frivolous and worldly life. Music was the highest of his pleasures, but his dealings with it were not very lofty; at twenty he improvised pleasantly and composed waltzes and polkas which he did not venture to put on paper. After a time, however, he saw with disgust the emptiness of his daily existence. With this moral awakening came also the first suspicion that he had chosen the wrong career. At 19 he took a post at the Ministry of Justice, where he remained for four years despite a long joumey to western Europe and increasing involvement in music. In 1863 he entered the Conservatory, also undertaking private teaching. Tchaikovsky completed his course at the Conservatory in 1865. For his diploma work (a setting of Schiller's "Ode to Joy'') he received a silver medal and a good deal of unflattering criticism. Early in 1866 Nicolai Rubinstein organized the Conservatory in Moscow and offered Tchaikovsky the post of professor of harmony. Three years later he moved to Moscow with a professorship of harmony at the new conservatory. During the first years of his career in Moscow Tchaikovsky lived with Nicholas Rubinstein, a man of somewhat irritable and overbearing temper, but a loyal and devoted friend. Whether Rubinstein's masterful guidance did not check the free development of Tschaikovsky's character and talent is an open question, though it was an inestimable advantage to have such an influential friend; year by year, Rubinstein introduced Tchaikovsky's compositions - even the earliest ones - at the concerts of the Russian Musical Society, which he conducted. In the course of his first two years in Moscow Tchaikovsky completed three works, each of importance in its different style: a "Festival Overture on the Danish National Hymn", his first Symphony in G minor "Winter Daydreams'' and an opera to a libretto by Ostrovsky "The Voyevoda''. About Easter 1868, while on a visit to St. Petersburg, Tchaikovsky first came into contact with that group of young musicians who were working for the cause of nationalism in art. There is no doubt that he was stirred by the enthusiasm of Balakirev, Rimsky-Korsakov and their supporter Vladimir Stassov, and that they exercised a temporary influence upon his choice of musical subjects. Little of his music so far had pleased the conservative musical establishment or the more nationalist group, but his First Symphony had a good public reception when heard in Moscow in 1868. Rather less successful was his first opera, The Voyevoda, given at the Bol'shoy in Moscow in 1869; Tchaikovsky later abandoned it and re-used material from it in his next, The Oprichnik. A severe critic was Balakirev, who suggested that he write a work on Romeo and Juliet: this was the Fantasy-Overture, several times rewritten to meet Balakirev's criticisms; Tchaikovsky's tendency to juxtapose blocks of material rather than provide organic transitions serves better in this programmatic piece than in a symphony as each theme stands for a character in the drama. Its expressive, well-defined themes and their vigorous treatment produced the first of his works in the regular repertory. The Oprichnik won some success at St. Petersburg in 1874, by when Tchaikovsky had won acclaim with his Second Symphony (which incorporates Ukrainian folktunes); he had also composed two string quartets (the first the source of the famous Andante cantabile), most of his next opera, Vakula the Smith, and of his First Piano Concerto, where contrasts of the heroic and the lyrical, between soloist and orchestra, clearly fired him. Originally intended for Nikolay Rubinstein, the head of Moscow Conservatory, who had much encouraged Tchaikovsky, it was dedicated to Hans von Bülow (who gave its premiere, in Boston) when Rubinstein rejected it as ilI-composed and unplayable (he later recanted and became a distinguished interpreter of it). In 1875 came the carefully written Third Symphony and Swan Lake, commissioned by Moscow Opera. The next year a journey west took in Bizet's Carmen in Paris, a cure at Vichy and the first complete Ring at Bayreuth; although deeply depressed when he reached home - he could not accept his homosexuality - he wrote the fantasia Francesca da Rimini and (an escape info the 18th century) the Rococo Vanations for cello and orchestra. Vakula, which had won a competition, had its premiere that autumn. At the end of the year he was contacted by a wealthy widow, Nadezhda von Meck, who admired his music and was eager to give him financial security; they corresponded intimately for 14 years but never met. Tchaikovsky, however, saw marriage as a possible solution to his sexual problems; and when contacted by a young woman who admired his music he offered (after first rejecting her) immediate marriage. It was a disaster: he escaped from her almost at once, in a state of nervous collapse, attempted suicide and went abroad. This was however the time of two of his greatest works, the Fourth Symphony and Eugene Onegin. The symphony embodies a 'fate' motif that recurs at various points, clarifying the structure; the first movement is one of Tchaikovsky's most individual with its hesitant, melancholy waltz-like main theme and its ingenious and appealing combination of this with the secondary ideas; there is a lyrical, intermezzo-like second movement and an ingenious third in which pizzicato strings play a main role, while the finale is impassioned if loose and melodramatic, with a folk theme pressed into service as second subject. Eugene Onegin, after Pushkin, tells of a girl's rejected approach to a man who fascinates her (the parallel with Tchaikovsky's situation is obvious) and his later remorse: the heroine Tatyana is warmly and appealingly drawn, and Onegin's hauteur is deftly conveyed too, all against a rural Russian setting which incorporates spectacular ball scenes, an ironic background to the private tragedies. The brilliant Violin Concerto also comes from the late 1870s. The period 1878-84, however, represents a creative trough. The year 1880 marks a distinct increase in Tchaikovsky's popularity as a composer. He had now reached his fourtieth year, and thanks to Nicholas Rubinstein all his principal orchestral works had received the best possible interpretations at the concerts of the Musical Society in Moscow, while his operas had all been given in both capitals. His reputation was therefore well established in Russia, but so far he had had dubious success abroad. In Vienna he was still the object of Hanslick's almost venomous hostility, in Berlin the press had unanimously condemned Francesca da Rimini in Paris Romeo and Juliet' and The Tempest had proved failures and, as recently as January 1880, the Fourth Symphony had been received with "icy coldness'' at the Colonne concerts. This was a discouraging record, even if it is borne in mind that in England and the USA his music had met with a far more cordial reception. Now, however, came news of the success of his third string Quartet op.30, and of the Serenade' for violin and piano at the Société de Sainte Cecile in Paris, of the excellent reception of the first Suite in America and of the triumph of the B flat minor Piano Concerto, which had been played by Below and by Friedenthal in Berlin, by Breitner in Budapest and by Rummel in New York. Tchaikovsky now stood on the brink of universal fame and recognition. From November 1880 till September 1881 he composed nothing. In the spring of 1881 he was deeply affected by the death of Nicholas Rubinstein. He was now confronted with the question whether he could fill his friend's place as director of the Moscow Conservatory. He decided in favour of freedom and his creative work, yet, wise as the decision was, it cost him some pangs of conscience and so disturbed his peace of mind that he felt no inclination to embark upon an important composition. He resigned from the conservatory and, tortured by his sexuality, could produce no music of real emotional force (the Piano Trio, written on Rubinstein's death, is a single exception). He spent some time abroad. But in 1884, stimulated by Balakirev, he produced his Manfred symphony, after Byron. He continued to travel widely, and conduct; and he was much honoured. In 1888 the Fifth Symphony, similar in plan to the Fourth (though the motto theme is heard in each movement), was finished. A note of hysteria in the finale was recognized by Tchaikovsky himself. The next three years saw the composition of two ballets, the finely characterized Sleeping Beauty and the more decorative Nutcracker, and the opera The Queen of Spades, with its ingenious atmospheric use of Rococo music (it is set in Catherine the Great's Russia) within a work of high emotional tension. Its theatrical qualities ensured its success when given at St. Petersburg in late 1890. The next year Tchaikovsky visited the USA; in 1892 he heard Mahler conduct Eugene Onegin at Hamburg. In 1893 he worked on his Sixth Symphony, to a plan - the first movement was to be concerned with activity and passion; the second, love; the third, disappointment; and the finale, death. It is a profoundly pessimistic work, formally unorthodox, with the finale haunted by descending melodic ideas clothed in anguished harmonies. It was performed on 28 October. He died nine days later: traditionally, and officially, of cholera, but recently verbal evidence has been put forward that he underwent a 'trial' from a court of honour from his old school regarding his sexual behaviour and it was decreed that he commit suicide. Which version is true must remain uncertain. Work index of Peter Tchaikovsky (1840 -1893) Stage works opus Opera 1. The Opritschnik ("The bodyguard") 2. Wakula the blacksmith 3. Eugen Onegin 4. The virgin of Orleans 5. Mazeppa 6. The magician wife 7. Pique Dame 8. Jolanthe Ballet 1. Swan lake 2. The Sleeping Beauty 3. The Nutcracker Year 68 69 1870-72 1874 1877/78 1878/79 1881-83 1885-87 1890 1891 Opera in 4 acts after Lashetschnikow Opera in 3 acts after Gogol Opera in 3 acts after Puschkin Opera in 4 acts after Schiller Opera in 3 acts after Puschkin Opera in 4 acts after I.W.Schpashinski Opera in 3 acts after Puschkin Opera in one act after Hertz 20 66 71 1875/76 1890 1892 Ballet in 4 acts Ballet in 3 acts after Ch.Perrault Ballet in 2 acts after E.T.A.Hoffmann 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 for small Orchestra for String orchestra for small orchestra for small orchestra for big orchestra about the danish National hymne corrected 1874 Ouverture about Ostrowski’s drama Symphonic poem Fantasy-Ouverture after Shakespeare, 1870 and 1880 reworked 1879 Fantasy after Shakespeare 61 64 67 posth.78 74 1866 1866 1868 1866/67 1868 1869 1872 1873 1875 1876 1876/77 1876/77 1878/79 1880 1880 1880 1883 1884 1883 1884 1885 1885 1887 1888 1888 1891 1893 23 26 33 34 35 44 56 62 posth.75 posth.79 1863/64 1874/75 1875 1876/77 1878 1878 1879/80 1884 1887 1893 1893 for 2 Flutes and String orchestra 24 Orchestra works Symphonies and other Orchestra works 1. Allegro vivo E-major 2. Allegro ma non tanto G-major 3. Andante ma non troppo/Allegro moderato 4. Agitatio/Allegro c-minor 5.Concertouverture c-minor 6.Ouverture F-major 7. Danish Ouverture D-major 8. Symphonie No.1 g-minor 9. The thanderstorm e-minor 10. Fatum c-minor 11. Romeo and Julia 12. Symphonie No.2 c-minor 13. The Storm f-minor 14. Symphonie No.3 D-major 15. Slavic March bb-minor 16. Francesca da Rimini e-minor 17. Symphonie No.4 f-minor 18. Suite No.1 d-minor 19. Capriccio Italien A-major 20. Serenada C-major 21. Ouverture solennelle Eb-major 22. Suite No.2 C-major 23. Suite No.3 G-major 24. The Coronation march D-major 25. Elegie G-major 26. Manfred b-minor 27. The Lawyer march D-major 28. Suite No.4 G-major 29. Symphonie No.5 e-minor 30. Hamlet f-minor 31. The Wojewode a-minor 32. Symphonie No.6 b-minor 15 13 posth.76 posth.77 17 18 29 13 32 36 43 45 48 49 53 55 58 Fantasy after Dante for String orchestra Festival ouverture "Suite charactéristique" In memoriam I.W.Ssamarin Symphonie in 4 pictures after Byron "Mozartiana" Fantasy-Ouverture after Shakespeare Symphonic Ballad "Pathétique" Works for Solo instrument and orchestra 1. Concert piece D-major 2. Piano concert No.1 b-minor 3. Melancholic Serenada b-minor 4. Rokoko-Variations A-major 5. Valse-Scherzo C-major 6. Violin concert D-major 7. Piano concert No.2 G-major 8. Concert fantasy G-major 9. Pezzo capriccioso b-minor 10. Piano concert No.3 Eb-major 11. Andante and Finale Bb-major/Eb-major for Violine and orchestra for Violoncello and orchestra for Violine and orchestra corrected 1893 for Piano and orchestra, for Violoncello and orchestra for Piano and orchestra, instrumented by S.Tanejew Orchestra works Suite 1. Suite from Ballet "The Swan lake" 2. Suite from Ballet "The Nutcracker" opus Year 20 71a 1876 1892 Chember music 1. Adagio F-major 2. Allegro c-minor 3. Adagio molto Eb-major 4. Allegro vivace Bb-major 5. Andante molto G-major 6. Andante ma non troppo e-minor 7. Allegretto E-major 8. Adagio C-major 9. Allegretto D-major 10. String quartet Bb-major 11. String quartet No.1 D-major 12. Serenade to Named day of N.G. Rubinstein D-major 13. String quartett No.2 F-major 14. String quartett No.3 eb-minor 15. Three pieces 22 30 42 1874 1876 1878 16. Piano trio a-minor 17. Sextet d-minor 50 70 1881/82 1890 1 1863-67 11 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1865 1871 1872 for Wind player octet for Piano sextet for Stringquartet and Harp for String quartet for String quartett for String quartet for String quartet for Wind player quartet for String trio in one Set for Flute, 2 Clarinet, Horn, Fagot and String quartet "Souvenir d'un lieu cher"-for Violine and Piano, from A.Glasunow orchestred "A la mèmoire d'un grand artiste" "Souvenir de Florence", String sextett, corrected 1891/92 Piano works Piano for 2 Hands 1. Two pieces 2. Theme and Variationes a-minor 1863/64 3. Souvenir de Hapsal 2 1867 4. Valse-Caprice D-major 4 1868 5. Romance f-minor 5 1868 6. Valse-Scherzo A-major 7 1870 7. Capriccio Gb-major 8 1870 8. Three pieces 9 1870 9. Two pieces 10 1871 10. Six pieces 19 1783 11. Six pieces about a Theme 21 1873 12. Grande Sonata G-major 37 1878 13. The Seasons 37a,b 14. March "Voluntary Fleet" C-major 1875/76 15. Chilldren’s album 39 1878 16. Twelfe pieces 40 1878 17. Six pieces 51 1882 18. Impromptu-Caprice G-major 19. Dumka c-minor 59 1886 1889 21. Impromptu Ab-major 1889 22. Aveu passionné e-minor 1891 23. Military march Bb-major 1893 72 25. Not the blow the branch shakes 26. Sonata c sharp minor 1892 1893 posth.80 1865 Piano for 4 Hands 1. Fifteen russian Folk songs 24 easy pieces 1884 20. Waltz-Scherzo A-major 24. Eighteen pieces Twelfe Characterisic pieces (orchestered by Alexander Gauk) 1878 1868/69 Ucrainic village szene Tchaikovsky ? Orchestra works Suite 1. Suite from Ballet "The Swan lake" 2. Suite from Ballet "The Nutcracker" opus Year 20 71a 1876 1892 Chember music 1. Adagio F-major 2. Allegro c-minor 3. Adagio molto Eb-major 4. Allegro vivace Bb-major 5. Andante molto G-major 6. Andante ma non troppo e-minor 7. Allegretto E-major 8. Adagio C-major 9. Allegretto D-major 10. String quartet Bb-major 11. String quartet No.1 D-major 12. Serenade to Named day of N.G. Rubinstein D-major 13. String quartett No.2 F-major 14. String quartett No.3 eb-minor 15. Three pieces 22 30 42 1874 1876 1878 16. Piano trio a-minor 17. Sextet d-minor 50 70 1881/82 1890 1 1863-67 11 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1865 1871 1872 for Wind player octet for Piano sextet for Stringquartet and Harp for String quartet for String quartett for String quartet for String quartet for Wind player quartet for String trio in one Set for Flute, 2 Clarinet, Horn, Fagot and String quartet "Souvenir d'un lieu cher"-for Violine and Piano, from A.Glasunow orchestred "A la mèmoire d'un grand artiste" "Souvenir de Florence", String sextett, corrected 1891/92 Piano works Piano for 2 Hands 1. Two pieces 2. Theme and Variationes a-minor 1863/64 3. Souvenir de Hapsal 2 1867 4. Valse-Caprice D-major 4 1868 5. Romance f-minor 5 1868 6. Valse-Scherzo A-major 7 1870 7. Capriccio Gb-major 8 1870 8. Three pieces 9 1870 9. Two pieces 10 1871 10. Six pieces 19 1783 11. Six pieces about a Theme 21 1873 12. Grande Sonata G-major 37 1878 13. The Seasons 37a 14. March "Voluntary Fleet" C-major 1875/76 15. Chilldren’s album 39 1878 16. Twelfe pieces 40 1878 17. Six pieces 51 1882 18. Impromptu-Caprice G-major 19. Dumka c-minor 59 1886 1889 21. Impromptu Ab-major 1889 22. Aveu passionné e-minor 1891 23. Military march Bb-major 1893 72 25. Not the blow the branch shakes 26. Sonata c sharp minor 1892 1893 posth.80 1865 Piano for 4 Hands 1. Fifteen russian Folk songs 24 easy pieces 1884 20. Waltz-Scherzo A-major 24. Eighteen pieces Twelfe Characterisic pieces (orchestered by Alexander Gauk) 1878 1868/69 Ucrainic village szene Tchaikovsky ? Vocal instrumented works opus Year Songs and/or Chor and orchestra 1. To the comming sleeping c-minor 2. To joy 3. Cantata 1863/64 1865 1872 4. Cantata 5. Moscow – Corronations Cantata 1875 1883 for mixed Chor and orchestra Cantata for Solo voice, Chor and orchestra after Schiller for Tenor, mixed Chor and orchestra, in memoriam to the 200. birthday of Zar Peter the Big for Tenor, mixed Chor and orchestra after Nekrassow for Mezzosopran, Bariton, mixed Chor and orchestra after Maikow Songs 1. My Genius, my Angel, my Friend 2. Semphiras `song 3. Six Romances 4. Forget so fast 5. Six Romances 6. Take my hard 7. Six Romances 8. Six Romances 9. Six Romances 10. Song „Ich wollt', meine Schmerzen ergössen sich“ 11. Not longer 12. Six Romances 13. Six Duette 14. Seven Romances 15. Romeo and Julia 16. Sixteen Children songs 17. Six Romances 18. Twelfe Romances 19. Six Romances 20. Six Songs 21. Six Romances 22. The night 6 16 25 27 28 38 46 47 54 57 60 63 65 73 vor 1860 1860 ? 1869 1870 1875 1873 1875 1875 1875 1875 Fet Puschkin Apuchtin Fet Mey after Heine 1875 1878 Grekow 1881-93 1883 1883 1886 1887 1888 1893 1893 Szene with Duet, instrumented by S.Tanejew with french text with german text after dem Andantino from Piano fantasy c-minor KV from W.A.Mozart, for Sopran, Old, Tenor, Basso and Piano Vocal works 1. To the comming sleeping c-minor 2. Chor to 50.Year of the Law scoole B-major 3. The Angel is cheering G-major 4. The golden cloud was sleeping f-minor 5. Greeting to A.Rubinstein C-major 6. The Nightingale D-major 7. Not the coucou G-major 8. The Evening G-major 9. Happy is, wo is smiling F-major 10. Why against the happy voices? B-major 11. Without time e-minor 12. Liturgie the holy Johannes Chrysostomus 13. Night vesper 14. Nine Chirch chorals 15. Hymnus in memoriam of the holy Cyrill and Methodius F-major 16. Night 41 52 1863/64 1885 for mixed Chor for mixed Chor 1887 1887 for mixed Chor for mixed Chor 1889 1889 1891 1881 1887 1891 for mixed Chor for mixed Chor for mixed Chor for 3 voices Mans chor for 4 voices Mans chor for Mans chor 1878 1881/82 1884/85 1885 for Womens chor (4 voices) 14 Numbers for mixed Chor 17 Chors for mixed Chor for mixed Chor (4 voices) for mixed Chor 1893 after Mozarts Piano fantasy KV 475, for 4 Solo voices (SATB) with Piano Drama music 1. Music to drama "The false Dmitri and Wassili Schuiski" Introduktion and Mazurka 2. Music to drama "The Barber from Sevilla" 3. Music to drama "Snowflake" 4. Music to drama "The Wojewod" 5. Music to drama "Hamlet" 1867 from Ostrowski 12 1872 1873 1886 67a 1891 from Beaumarchais from n Ostrowski from Ostrowski, Monolog for blower, Harp and String orchestra for small orchestra Transcriptions 1. The Wojewod 2. The Wojewod 3. The Wojewod 4. Symphonie No.2 5. Romance 6. Piano concert No.1 7. Der Opritschnik 8. Melancholische Serenade 9. Slawischer Marsch 10. Dänische Ouverture 11. Liturgie 12. orchestrasuite No.1 13. Eugen Onegin 14. Piano concert No.2 15. Capriccio Italien 16. Serenade 17. Orchestra suite No.2 18. Mazeppa 19. Children’s song 20. Romance 21. orchestrasuite No.3 22. Moskau 23. Manfred 24. Pezzo capriccioso 25. The magician women 26. Andante cantabile 27. Nocturne 28. Duet 29. Children’s song 30. Pique Dame 31. Jolanthe 32. The Nutcracker 33. Symphonie No.6 34. Piano concert No.3 35. Weber: Menuetto capriccioso 36. Beethoven: Allegro der Violin sonata 37. Beethoven: 1.Set from the Piano sonata op.13 38. Schumann: Adagio and Allegro brillante 39. Gungl: Le Retour 40. Dubuque: Maria-Dagmar 41. Dubuque: Love remembers 42. Dargomyshski: Kasatschok 43. Auber: Adss to Opera "Le domino noir" 44. Fifty russian folk songs 45. Rubinstein: Iwan the terrible 46. Stradella: O del mio dolce ardor 47. Cimarosa: Terzet from Opera "Il matrimonio segreto" 48. Rubinstein: Don Quixote 49. Children songs for russian and ucrainic Melodies 50. Haydn: God save Franz 51. Schumann: Ballad for Heideknaben op.122 52. Liszt: The king of Thule 53. Gaudeamus igitur 54. Mozart: Figaros wedding 55. Dargomyshski: The golden cloud was sleeping 56. Glinka: Slawsja (Chor from "A life for the Zar") 57. Laroche: Fantasy-Ouverture 58. Menter: Hungrian gypsy kinds 59. Valse-Scherzo C-major 60. Liszt: Orchestra transcription of the Piano concert of hungrian kind opus 3 3 3 17 16 No.5 23 26 31 15 41 43 44 45 48 53 54 No.5 47 No.7 55 58 62 11 No.2 19 No.4 46 No.6 54 No.5 68 69 71 74 75 39 No.2 47 Year 1868 1868 1868 1872 vor 1873 1874 1874 1875 1876 1878 1878 1878 1878 1880 1883 1880 1883 1883 1884 1884 1884 vor 1885 1886 1887 1887 1888 ? 1888 1888 1889 1890 1892 1892 1893 1893 1863 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1863/64 1886 1866/67 1867 1868 1869 1869 1870 1870 ? 39 for Voice and Piano Potpurri for Piano for Piano for 4 Hands for Piano for 4 Hands for Piano for 2 Pianoe for Voice and Piano for Violine and Piano for Piano for Piano for 4 Hands for Piano for Piano for 4 Hands for Voice and Piano for 2 Pianos for Piano for 4 Hands for for 4 Hands for Piano for 4 Hands for Gesang and Piano for Gesang and orchestra for Gesang and orchestra for Piano for 4 Hands for Voice and Piano for Piano for 4 Hands for Violoncello and Piano for Voice and Piano 2.Set from String quartet for Violoncello and String orchestra for Violoncello and orchestra for Voice and orchestra for mixed Chor a cappella 2 settings for Voice and Piano for Voice and Piano for Piano (als op.71b ) for Piano for 4 Hands for 2 Pianoe (as der Pianosonate) for orchestra (No.11 and 12 of the Sinfonic Etudes op.13) for orchestra for orchestra No.11 and 12 der Sinfonischen Etüden op.13 for orchestra for orchestra, unfinished for orchestra for Piano for 4 Hands for Piano for Piano for 4 Hands for Piano for 4 Hands for Gesang and orchestra for orchestra 1871 1872 and 1877 1874 ? 1874 1874 1874 1875 1876 for Piano zu 4 Händen for Voice and Piano for orchestra for Speaker and orchestra for Voice and orchestra for Mans chor wit h Piano Change of any Recitatives for Voices terzet (STB) and orchestra 1883 for Unisono-Chor and String orchestra 1888 1892/93 1893 1893 from "Marmosina" for Piano and orchestra for Piano and orchestra for Violine and Piano Fragments and lost works opus 1. Anastasie-Valse Year 1854 for Piano , loss 2. Mezza notte 1860 song for high voices with italian text, loss 3. Nah dem Flusse, nah der Brücke 1862 for Piano, loss 4. The Romans in Colosseum 1863/64 Drama music, loss 5. Boris Godunow 1863/64 Drama music for a szene after Puschkin, loss 6. Oratorium 1863/64 for Solo voice, mixed Chor and orchestra, loss 7. Allegro f-minor 1863/64 for Piano, Skizzes 8. Character dances 1865 9. A quickly story 1867 as "Dances and Land maid" recieved in the Opera "The Wojewod", loss Drama music to P.S.Fedorows, loss 10. The Wojewod 3 1867/68 11. Undine 1869 12. Mandragora 1869/70 13. Natur and Love Gb-major 1870 Opera in 3 acts after Ostrowski, Libretto: Ostrowski and P.Tschaikowski, Opera in 3 acts, Libretto: W.Ssollogub, Urperformance of the Fragments: Moscow 1870, loss, any parts in other compositions used Opera after S.A.Ratschinski, survive is "Chor of the flowers and Insects" for Chor and orchestra for 2 Sopran, Old, Womens chor and Piano, loss 14. The blu spring-eyes 1873 song after Heine, loss 15. Funeral march to the Opera "The Opritschnic" 1877 for Piano, loss 16. The Fairy 1879 Drama music to a piece of O.Felier, Berceuse and Waltz, loss 17. Montenegro 1880 Music to live pictures, for small orchestra, loss 18. Cantata 1880 for vierstimmigen Frauenchor a cappella 19. Romeo and Julia 1894 20. Concert piece 1883 Opera after Shakespeare, begin of the 1880s, finished by Sergej Tanejew for Flute and orchestra, any Themes 21. Sleeping Beauty 1889/90 Suite for orchestra, Skizzes 22. Symphonie Es-major 1891/92 23. Momento lirico (Impromptu) Ab-major 1892/93 unfinished, only first Set is instrumented, Sets 1, 2 and 4 op.75 and op.79, 3.Set Scherzo-Fantasy op.72 No.10 for Piano, instrumented 1955 by S.Bogatyrijew and as Symphonie No.7 declared for Piano, finished by S.Tanejew 24. Spring 1893 Womens chor a cappella, loss Edited by Alexej Wilk © 2005 pdf-Noten Wilk, Berlin Unauthorised copying of music is forbidden by law, and may result in criminal or civil action.