Association for Educational Assessment-Europe Prof. Emma Nardi President Università degli Studi Roma Tre AEA-Europe 32 corporate members 83 individual members Annual conference Dublin, 3-4-5 November 2005 Naples, 9-10-11 November 2006 Goals of AEA-Europe Develop educational assessment in Europe. Foster co-operation between organizations and persons active in educational assessment across the whole of Europe. Objectives of AEA-Europe (1) Improve communication among European organisations and institutions interested in educational and occupational assessment; Provide a framework within which cooperative research, of projects involving educational assessment can be undertaken. Objectives of AEA-Europe (2) Co-operate with other agencies having complementary interests. Engage in a range of activities that will lead to the improvement of assessment processes and products and their appropriate use by organizations throughout Europe. Enhance awareness of assessment processes and products in relation to their impact on learning and understanding.