Ambasciata d’Italia ad Addis Abeba SERVIZIO NEWS 30.05.2014 1 INDEX ETHIOPIA Us To Open Trade Liaison Office In Ethiopia .................................................................. 3 Prima Catena Di Vendita All’ingrosso, Gestione A Consulenti Us .................................. 4 Nile Basin Countries To Negotiate Entebbe Agreement ................................................. 5 Probabile Rinvio A Ingresso Nell’organizzazione Mondiale Del Commercio ................. 6 Cinesi E Altri Investitori Puntano Sull’industria Tessile ................................................. 7 Diga Sul Nilo, Ministri Degli Esteri Si Vedono Ad Algeri ................................................. 8 Oromia Plans To Reap Over 208 Mln Quintals Of Agricultural Output .......................... 9 SOUTH SUDAN South Sudan: Rebels Reject Un Protection Of Oil Installations................................... 10 DJIBOUTI Djibouti To Seek No-Cost Extension Of Hiv Grant ........................................................ 12 AFRICA Necessari “Investimenti Massicci” Per Le Infrastrutture, Dice FMI ............................ 14 Rafforzata vaccinazione anti poliomielite se si viaggia in alcuni paesi ....................... 15 EVENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………….16 2 ETHIOPIA US TO OPEN TRADE LIAISON OFFICE IN ETHIOPIA Penny Pritzker, US Secretary of Commerce, said her country has made plans to open a trade liaison office in the capital of Ethiopia in order to facilitate commercial ties with Ethiopia. (30.05.2014 – Walta Information Center) Pritzker told President Mulatu Teshome her country is keen to strengthen the two nations’ trade relations. She added the opening of the office will boost the bilateral trade relations. In addition to this, she said, it will help to jointly solve commerce related problems. Acording to the EH, the Secretary further noted US investors are interested in investing in Ethiopia’s renewal energy. On his part Mulatu said Ethiopia is eager to boost the long standing diplomatic relation of the two countries. He added the economic and trade ties should also be strengthened. Mulatu also raised the need to extend the AGOA program which provides African countries with the opportunity to export their products to the U.S without any tax. The program will expire in 2015, according to the current schedule. Mulatu said Ethiopia has not fully utilized this opportunity for different reasons. But now Ethiopia has been building its capacity over the past years in order to compete in the international market and took other measures, it will be able to export more quality products to the U.S. 3 PRIMA CATENA DI VENDITA ALL’INGROSSO, GESTIONE A CONSULENTI US Si avvallerà dell’esperienza di un’azienda statunitense la prima catena di vendita di prodotti all’ingrosso pubblica dell’Etiopia, la Alle, inaugurata nei giorni scorsi. (29.5.2014 – Notiziario InfoAfrica) Per i primi due anni e mezzo di attività, la gestione della società sarà affidata alla A.T. Kearney, una ditta di consulenza statunitense. La Alle appartiene allo Stato, che ha tuttavia annunciato una gestione simile a quella di un’azienda privata. L’Etiopia rappresenta un gigantesco mercato per i beni di consumo ma ha bisogno di acquisire esperienza per gestirlo al meglio, modernizzarlo e far fronte alla concorrenza. 4 NILE BASIN COUNTRIES TO NEGOTIATE ENTEBBE AGREEMENT Tanzanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Bernard Member plans to meet with foreign ministers of the Nile Basin countries in July to discuss amendments to the Entebbe Agreement over the allocation of Nile water, the minister announced in a Wednesday statement. (29.05.2014 – Walta Information Center) He added that discussions would take into account the importance of the Nile water in meeting the economic needs of Egypt. Egyptian foreign ministry spokesman Badr Abdelatty said in a press release that Egypt considers Tanzania’s proposal an important step to protect the interests of all Nile Basin countries and enable them to achieve the maximum benefit of the Nile River. According to Abdelatty, the issue of the dam currently being built in Ethiopia will not be discussed “directly”, but rather within the framework of the Entebbe Agreement. Abdelatty added that the Tanzanian initiative reflects the understanding of the Nile Basin countries regarding the importance of the Nile to Egyptians, due to the unavailability of an alternative source of water. The Entebbe Agreement, signed in February 2011, includes Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Sudan and Burundi, and would increase the share of Nile water for these countries at the expense of downstream countries. Egypt did not sign the agreement, as Mohamed Bahaa ElDin, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation at the time, said that it was not “suitable for downstream countries” and was “against the interests of Egypt and Sudan”. 5 PROBABILE RINVIO A INGRESSO NELL’ORGANIZZAZIONE MONDIALE DEL COMMERCIO Il governo di Addis Abeba può rinviare i programmi per entrare a far parte dell’Organizzazione mondiale del commercio (OMC/WTO) a dopo il 2015, qualora l’istituzione finanziaria internazionale chieda di liberalizzare le industrie nazionali delle telecomunicazioni e il settore bancario. (29.5.2014 – Notiziario InfoAfrica) Lo ha deto il ministro etiope del Commercio, Kebede Chane, nel corso di un’audizione parlamentare ad Addis Abeba. “L’OMC ha fatto un certo numero di richieste riguardo il settore dei servizi – ha deto Kebede – Ci è stata chiesta un’agenda sui tempi previsti per la privatizzazione di questi settori”. L’Etiopia è uno dei paesi con le politiche economiche più protezionistiche in Africa. Di fatto, le telecomunicazioni sono in mano allo Stato mentre il settore bancario così come anche quello del commercio è limitato a imprese con sede e proprietà etiopi. KEbede ha aggiunto che il governo è sotto pressione da parte dell’organizzazione internazionale per liberalizzare le industrie dei servizi e promuovere riforme istituzionali in merito. “Dobbiamo pensare a fondo su cosa fare – ha spiegato ancora Kebede, citando anche l’esempio della Cina che ha atteso più di 50 anni prima di entrare a far parte dell’OMC – In questo momento, la nostra economia è ancora piccola e fragile e un’eccessiva apertura all’estero rischia di creare un grave danno all’imprenditoria nazionale”. “Adesso stiamo guardando quali tra le nostre legislazioni sono in linea con i regolamenti dell’OMC e quali no. Faremo un passo alla volta e il risultato potrà essere che non completeremo il prcesso di ingresso nell’organizzazione entro il 2015″. [MV] 6 CINESI E ALTRI INVESTITORI PUNTANO SULL’INDUSTRIA TESSILE Una nuova zona industriale dedicata al settore tessile e costruita dai cinesi sorgerà nell’area di Bole, nella capitale Addis Abeba. (30.5.2014 – Notiziario InfoAfrica) Secondo il giornale Addis Fortune, il ministero dell’Industria e l’azienda Zhejiang Jinda Flax Llc hanno concluso un accordo per la creazione di una joint venture, la Kingdom Linen Textile Industrial Zon, incaricata della costruzione della nuova area. Lo scorso marzo, anche il gruppo turco Akber aveva annunciato l’intenzione di investire nel tessile in Etiopia, nella regione dell’Oromia. Ai primi di maggio, era stato l’indiano ShriVallabh Pittie (Svp) ad annunciare l’avvio di una nuova filatura, che dovrebbe aprire i battenti nel 2015. Secondo una ricerca dello studio di consulenza Bernstein – riferisce l’agenzia Ecofin – la fabbricazione di vestiti costerebbe due volte meno in Etiopia che in Cina. [CC] 7 DIGA SUL NILO, MINISTRI DEGLI ESTERI SI VEDONO AD ALGERI EGITTO/ETIOPIA – I ministri degli Affari esteri di Egitto ed Etiopia, Nabil Fahmy e Tedros Adhanom, si sono incontrati ad Algeri a margine del summit dei paesi appartenenti al Movimento dei Non-Allineati (NAM), dove hanno discusso le questioni relative alla costruzione della diga sul Nilo Azzurro, la Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, in corso di costruzione in Etiopia. (30.5.2014 – Notiziario InfoAfrica) A darne notizia è il quotidiano egiziano al-Ahram, ricordando gli ultimi tentativi di mediazione tra le due parti. In base a quel che riporta al-Ahram, Fahmy avrebbe rinnovato l’offerta del Cairo di partecipare finanziariamente alla costruzione dell’infrastruttura e proseguire i lavori del comitato tripartito creato insieme a Etiopia e Sudan per valutare l’impatto dell’opera sulla portata d’acqua del fiume. 8 OROMIA PLANS TO REAP OVER 208 MLN QUINTALS OF AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT Preparations that enable to reap 208.5 million quintals of agricultural output in the upcoming Meher (production) season are underway in the Oromia Regional State, according to the state agriculture bureau. (29.05.2014 – Walta Information Center) Bureau Governemnt Communication Process Owner, Abera Lemma, told WIC the stated volume of crop will be harvested from the 6.12 million hectares of land which the state set to cover with various types of seeds. Similarly watershed development activities were carried out on 3.3 million hectares of land during the past nine months of this budget year, according to Abera. More than 8.2 million people took part at the watershed development activities which include planting of tree seedlings, terracing and fencing, among others, he said. In order to carry out successful watershed development, short term training was provided to 16,477 development agents, 32,685 leaderships and 3 million farmers, he added. 9 SOUTH SUDAN SOUTH SUDAN: REBELS REJECT UN PROTECTION OF OIL INSTALLATIONS Juba — South Sudanese rebels led by the former vice-president Riek Machar rejected on Thursday the use of United Nation peacekeepers to protect oil installations in the country, saying such a mandate would make the world body complicit in the 5-month conflict. (29.05.2014 – AllAfrica) The UN Security Council adopted on Wednesday resolution 2155 (2014) renewing the mandate of its mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and condemned the attacks on oil installations, petroleum companies and their employees as well as the fighting around these facilities. It urged all parties to ensure this infrastructure, which is the only source of national revenue, was protected. The 15-member body further included the protection of oil installations among the tasks that the 12500 peacekeepers have to fulfill, saying it was concerned by "the threats made to oil installations, petroleum companies and their employees". The "Military Leadership of SPLA totally rejects the clause under Protection of Civilians (ii) which in particular gives UNMISS the right to protect oil installations, 'in particular when the Government of the Republic of South Sudan is unable or failing to provide such security'," said a statement released by the rebel military spokesperson, Brigadier General Lul Ruai Koang on Friday. Koang argued that protection of the oil installations by the UNMISS forces will be ensuring continuous flow of oil revenues and give the government in Juba the needed means to fight them and maintain president Kiir in power. "We feel that it's not the business of UNMISS to provide protection to Oil Installations whether the government of the Republic of South Sudan is capable or not. By stepping in to protection Oil Installations on behalf of the government, UNMISS will have sided with one of the parties to the conflict and inevitably becomes part of the problem not solution," he said. 10 The statement further claimed that revenues generated from oil sales are being used by Kiir's government to "pay mercenaries from Uganda (UPDF) JEM, and SPLA North fighters" that are accused of fighting alongside the government troops. The rebel spokesperson recalled that the UNMISS admitted the participation of JEM fighters in a report released on 8 May and urged the Security Council to reconsider this decision emphasising that "otherwise the line that delineates UNMISS force from UPDF will be seriously blared". This week, the Juba government welcomed the six-month renewal of UNMISS's new mandate and vowed to cooperate with the world body on this matter. "As the government, we welcome the extension of the mandate of the United Nations mission here. We will extend our support as usual and assurance of commitment to working together to support our people. The support of the United Nations is still crucial here because we still need it in South Sudan to help people achieve peace and stability", said foreign Ministry spokesperson Mawien Makol Arik on Thursday. 11 DJIBOUTI DJIBOUTI TO SEEK NO-COST EXTENSION OF HIV GRANT Extension should help marshal technical assistance ahead of integrated HIV/TB proposal (28.05.2014 – All Africa) Djibouti is negotiating a no-cost extension for its HIV grant with the Global Fund. Savings of some $1.1 million from grant DJB-613-G05-H will be used to continue the program until November 2014, when funds allocated under the new funding model should be ready for disbursement, according to principal recipient UNDP. "We want to ensure that there is no interruption from May to December to avoid a gap in financing", said Nicole F. Kouassi, the former deputy resident representative for UNDP in Djibouti. "The no-cost extension is to assure continuity." Djibouti's allocation under the new funding model announced in March is some $20 million. A funding split has yet to be confirmed by the country coordination mechanism, but was allocated by the Grant Management team at the Fund Secretariat as $7 million to HIV, $6 million to TB and $7 million to malaria. As one of 38 Fund-eligible countries with a high co-morbidity of HIV/TB, Djibouti is thus required to submit a joint proposal for the two disease components. That proposal should be ready by October, according to UNDP. The amount agreed for the current HIV grant, to respond to an estimated 1.4% HIV prevalence rate, under a transitional funding mechanism to ensure no gaps in service provision is $4.5 million. A small country perched at the tip of the Horn of Africa, Djibouti has struggled to develop the technical capacity needed to forge ahead with the requirements to develop the robust high-impact proposals that the Global Fund is expecting, according to Angela De Tommasi, the project coordinator for Global Fund programming at UNDP. "Djibouti is a small country, We only have a limited number of experts," she said. In requiring an inclusive country dialogue drawing stakeholders from all sectors including civil society, as well as robust data upon which to base their proposals for activities supported by the 12 Global Fund, she expressed concerns about tight timelines -- although the timeline for the application will ultimately be determined by the country itself. UNDP is likely to draw on its own wealth of experience both as PR and as a major technical partner of the Global Fund to help Djibouti develop its concept note. Aidspan understands that the Global Fund will also mobilize technical partners, including France's 5% Initiative, to support Djibouti in its preparation for its NFM application. UNDP has been PR for HIV and TB in Djibouti since 2013, following an investigation into allegations of fraud by the Office of the Inspector General. Since then Global Fund support has been restricted to essential services, and fiduciary controls have been implemented to mitigate further financial risk. 13 AFRICA NECESSARI “INVESTIMENTI MASSICCI” PER LE INFRASTRUTTURE, DICE FMI AFRICA – Sono necessari almeno 68 miliardi di euro all’anno per finanziare la realizzazione delle infrastrutture necessarie ad accompagnare lo sviluppo sociale ed economico dei Paesi dell’Africa. (30.5.2014 – Notiziario InfoAfrica) E’ la stima del Fondo monetario internazionale (FMI), resa nota dalla sua direttrice Christine Lagarde nel discorso con cui ha aperto i lavori della conferenza ‘Africa Rising’, organizzata dall’organizzazione internazionale a Maputo. “Solo il 16% delle strade qui sono asfaltate, rispetto all’85% dell’Asia – ha detto Christine Lagarde – Questo è soltanto l’esempio più lampante delle carenze che sussistono nel continente e che rappresentano il costo più alto per lo sviluppo degli affari, nonché per la vita delle persone”. Ricordando come le economie dei paesi del continente siano attese in crescita nei prossimi anni ad una media del cinque per cento, la direttrice del FMI ha sottolineato come la carenza di infrastrutture sia l’ostacolo principale al pieno dispiegamento delle opportunità di crescita. “Infrastrutture di alta qualità – ha aggiunto – potranno essere il miglior magnete per attirare investimenti dall’estero”. 14 RAFFORZATA VACCINAZIONE ANTI POLIOMIELITE SE SI VIAGGIA IN ALCUNI PAESI AFRICA – Ci sono nuove raccomandazioni da seguire in materia di vaccinazione anti poliomielite per chi deve recarsi in Camerun, Guinea Equatoriale, Etiopia, Nigeria e Somalia. (30.5.2014 – Notiziario InfoAfrica) Se si è ricevuta una dose di vaccino anti-polio da meno di dodici mesi dalla partenza è sufficiente chiedere ai servizi di igiene e sanità pubblica dell’AUSL il certificato di vaccinazione redatto sul libretto giallo. Se non si è stati vaccinati nell’ultimo anno, occorre vaccinarsi e ottenere la relativa certificazione sul libretto giallo. Secondo l’organizzazione mondiale della Sanità, si rischia di assistere a un’impennata di casi poliomielite se non viene adottata una risposta internazionale coordinata. [CC] 15 EVENTI 01.06.2014 – TRAVIATA A contemporary dance show by Artemis Danza on the music composed by Giuseppe Verdi at the National Theatre at 6:30 pm 7 – 8 JUNE 2014 – EXPOSITION OF MORE THAN 20 LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS JUVENTUS CLUB – for additional information contact 0118959864 or [email protected] 16