L’Invasion 1870-1871
L.Marchetti & A.Paris ”Tableaux et dessins de guerre”
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Marchetti - Halevy - Paris - Luca Stefano cristini
The author of the text was Ludovic Halèvy, born 1 January 1834 - and died 8 May 1908. He was an appreciate
French author and playwright. Halévy remained for all his life an assiduous frequenter of the Academy, the
Conservatoire, the Comédie Française, and the Society of Dramatic Authors. His last romance, Kari Kari, appeared
in 1892. Ludovico Marchetti Born in Rome on May 10 1853 and died in Paris on 1909 He was an accomplished
painter and draughtsman who specialized in genre scenes. Marchetti painted in both Italy and in France. Worked as
an illustrator for a popular reprinting of classic Shakespearean plays such as Othello and Romeo and Juliet. Alfred
Paris was a French good illustrator as Marchetti specialized in genre scenes military and novelist.
Luca Stefano Cristini, is an Italian leading historical hautor and illustrator. Specialising in medieval and Renaissance
period. He is author of about twenty books for Soldiershop Publishing, Isomedia, Albertelli (Tuttostoria), and De
Agostini Publishing.
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La collana E-Book dei nostri libri. Dedicata alla storia militare, alle uniformi e alle armi dei grandi eserciti del passato. Basata su testi curati dai
nostri storici ed autori, accompagnata da diverse tavole e Illustrazioni di grande qualità.
Ringraziamenti e Crediti fotografici - Photographic credits:
Le tavole sono generalmente opera dell’autore o dell’illustratore indicato. La gran parte del resto dell’iconografia usata appartiene all’archivio
dell’editore, foto scattate dall’autore, o materiale di amici collezionisti. L’Editore rimane in ogni caso a disposizione degli eventuali aventi diritto
per tutte le fonti iconografiche dubbie o non identificate.
ISBN: 978-88-96519-06-6
1st edition: 2009 - Revisione effettuata nel 2014
Title: SWU-800-005 - L’Invasion 1870-1871 - L.Marchetti & A.Paris ”Tableaux et dessins
a cura di Luca Stefano Cristini
Editor: Soldiershop publishing. Cover & Art Design: Luca S. Cristini. Illustrazioni a colori di Marchetti e Paris
E-book version
de guerre”
Ludovic Halèvy
Original Title page of the book: L’invasion 1870-1871.
Ludovico Marchetti
Nato a Roma il 10 maggio del 1853 e morto a Parigi nel 1909. Pittore romantico, dotato di un felice tratto , specializzato in pittura di genere sopratutto di scene e a sfondo militare. Per queste caratteristiche fu molto richiesto anche
come illustratore sia in Italia che in Francia. Fra I suoi soggetti non militari ricordiamo le illustrazioni per Otello e
Romeo e Giulietta di W.
Come Marchetti anche Alfred Paris fu un richiesto e apprezzato illustratore molto di moda nella Parigi fin de siecle.
Ludovic Halévy
(Parigi, 31 dicembre 1833 – Parigi, 7 maggio 1908) Fu un apprezzato librettista e commediografo francese. Figlio
dello scrittore Léon Halévy e nipote del compositore Jacques. Fra le latre cose fu librettista delle operette di Jacques
Offenbach, caratterizzate da un umorismo scanzonato e irriverente. Scrisse anche il libretto per la Carmen di Georges
Fu altresì autore di commedie leggere, molto in voga nella Parigi della seconda metà del XIX secolo, fra le quali annoveriamo il nostro : Rècits de Guerre: L’invasion 1870-1871
Italian text
This original book was titled : RECITS DE GUERRE, L'INVASION 1870 - 1871 with 245 pages and illustrated with
158 engravings and drawings by L. Marchetti and Alfred Paris - Includes 19 colored plates - Four Double Spreads many highly detailed Black and White Drawings including Eight Double Spreads - A Classic Account of the FrancoPrussian War. Publishing in the 1892 from Boussod et Valadon Editeur at Paris.
The author of the text was Ludovic Halèvy, born 1 January 1834 - and died 8 May 1908. He was an appreciate
French author and playwright. Halévy remained for all his life an assiduous frequenter of the Academy, the Conservatoire, the Comédie Française, and the Society of Dramatic Authors. His last romance, Kari Kari, appeared in 1892.
Ludovico Marchetti Born in Rome on May 10 1853 and died in Paris on 1909 He was an accomplished painter and
draughtsman who specialized in genre scenes. Marchetti painted in both Italy and in France.
Worked as an illustrator for a popular reprinting of classic Shakespearean plays such as Othello and Romeo and Juliet.
Alfred Paris was a French good illustrator as Marchetti specialized in genre scenes military and novelist.
Ludovic Halèvy - Ludovico Marchetti - Alfred Paris
The Franco Prussian war of Halèvy, Marchetti and Paris
An our Marchetti’s plates colorization

l`invasion 1870-1871