SOCIOLOGIA DEI PROCESSI CULTURALI E COMUNICATIVI Prof.ssa Donatella Padua A.A. 2011/12 LA SOCIETA’ Cosa hanno in comune tutti questi eventi? Empowerment delle persone prima di internet…. rassegnazione poi…. Azione e partecipazione democrazia Relazioni sociali: fiducia Difficoltà nel fermare il flusso Difficoltà delle organizzazioni Trust, Social Relations and Engagement. Understanding Customer Behaviour on the web. OBIETTIVI DEL CORSO Sviluppo di capacità Applicare la teoria sociologica AI PROCESSI CULTURALI E COMUNICATIVI DELLASOCIETA’ COMPLESSA Gli argomenti Part I The Internet Age 1. Society in the Internet Age Executive summary: The Internet Age: discontinuity of modern control balances in many fields of human expression: society, economy, politics, art, the sciences. The web conversational environment has disoriented many institutions and organizations in the perception of change as a threat or an opportunity. Social Sciences understanding of the Internet Age: global society paradigms: dissolution of the community, complexity, diversity, individualisation, multiple identities, global society transformed into positive leads of value creation via Trust, Social Capital, Relationships and Dialogue, ‘Creative disorder’, ‘Responsible Freedom’, Embedment, Exchange and development. Society in the Internet Age: subjects Dissolution of community Complexity Diversity Individualisation Multiple Identities One Global Society 2. Forms of aggregation on the web: Social Networks and Communities Executive summary Social networks and communities: need for close relationships, sense of belonging and sharing of the same interests, values, experiences. communities’ connectivity: viral environment difficult for institutions to control sharing between institutions and stakeholders helps in personalising one-to-one relationships, to produce loyalty and to source information useful to understand stakeholders’ needs, tastes and behaviours. Sociology offers 10 key learnings on different aspects of the relations between social networks and communities, their structures and dynamics, engagement, trust, online–offline interactions and other strategic approaches. Social Networks and Communities: subjects An overview of on- line Communities The Sharing Paradigm Dynamics of social networks and communities New models of Social Intelligence Executive summary The Internet Age new models of Value creations disrupting the traditional linear rational patterns • It leverages the power of new democratic bottom-up forces. • ‘Connecting the dots’ and ‘Crowdsourcing’ become two new paradigms of the highspeed connected web environment. • • Social Sciences provide different approaches in the understanding of this new realm: • ‘Collective’ ,‘Connective’, ‘Emotional’, ‘Cultural’ intelligence. • a new mindset to be developed by institutions and organisations. • Three challenges are provided New models of Social Intelligence: subjects Connecting dots Crowdsourcing The three paradoxes of change ‘Organisations have to become more Eastern than Western’ ‘Organisations have to become more woman and less man’ ‘Organisations have to become more gift-oriented than sell-oriented’. Experiment and errors Come procederemo COINVOLGIMENTO LAVORI IN AULA: contributi per l’elaborato finale CASE HISTORIES MODALITA’ DI ESAME • Frequentanti: Test in aula • Non frequentanti: il libro di testo BIBLIOGRAFIA D’ESAME Per frequentanti: - Le slides presenti in webclass - (come riferimento: Padua D., Trust, Social Relations and Engagement. Understanding customer behaviour on the web, Palgrave MacMillan, maggio 2012) BIBLIOGRAFIA D’ESAME Per NON frequentanti: Padua D., Trust, Social Relations and Engagement. Understanding customer behaviour on the web, Palgrave MacMillan, maggio 2012 FREQUENZA • La frequenza assidua al corso è la migliore preparazione per affrontare l’elaborato finale e partecipare lavori in aula