Coming out of the silence is possible
Let’s stop
the violence
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
To stop the violence is possible. With this affirmation the Consulting Body for Women, situated under the care of the regional Council of the Piemonte, intends to start off an information
campaign for helping women victims of any kind of violence to find the courage to come out in
open, to talk, to confide and to report in order to find their lost dignity. It is further desired to do
a work of making institutions, private citizens such that a major attention and input is paid to this
Publication of female regional
Council Care
painful, widespread and in fact much tolerated problem and that no one becomes an associate
of the “Violent” pretending not to see.
Secretary general of Regional Assembly
General manager: Adriana Garabello
Advisory and observatory body sector
Manager: Cosimo Poppa
Professionalism: Rosamaria Zucco
Secretary Regional women consultancy: Ornella Toselli
This is not one of the many publications that speak to women about violence, but it has been
Kami, progetti per comunicare
Testi: Paola Merlino, Meo Nallino
situation and to increase risks and suffering until when a decision of wanting to come out is not
Vote of thanks for your cooperation’s:
Marita Triglio, , Micaela Arcari,
Patrizia Donadello, Anna Maria Gallivanone, Lella
Menzio, Rosa Maria Nicotera,
Chiara Settembri, Clara Soffietti,
Laura Vinassa, Barbara Zangelmi.
and there exists a possibility to have a free legal assistance.
And: Centro di Coordinamento regionale contro la
violenza sulle donne.
to their knowledge. The addresses are also forwarded in the card, which can be pocketed such
Graphics layout:
Kami - [email protected]
Maurizio Elia
Grafica Nuova
September 2009
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
designed as a useful instrument for those who everyday, may be from years are victims. From
page to page, the persons will be guided to face a process that would take them first of all to
understand that they are subjected to an abuse and that it is considered a crime, to distinguish
the various shades, therefore to take note that supporting does not serve, if not to worsen the
taken. To encourage the victims to find in themselves the courage to report, which requires that
they be told that in this case they will not be left alone, because there are laws that guard them
They should know that even near their house exists a command office, services and associations formed to help the victims of violence. Their list is also an important part of the publication
and constitutes a concrete help for those who are witnesses or when such a situation comes
that they are always handy.
These are only the first steps of a project, which deals with violence on women. The Regional
Women’s Consultancy is busy preparing other concrete and important initiatives on the conviction that it is necessary to come out of the silence.
Maria Agnese Vercellotti Moffa
Mariacristina Spinosa
Advisory Secretary of the Office
Regional Women’s Consultancy
of the President of the Regional Council
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of the silence is possible
Let’s stop
the violence
Violence like
Violence against women is perhaps the most shameful of the violation of human rights. And perhaps the most widespread.
It doesn’t recognize any geographical, cultural or social status.
Till the time it continues, we cannot expect to realize a true progress towards equality, development and peace.
Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations
“A World Free of Violence Women”
Global videoconference, 8 March 1999
Violence against women is a violation of human rights.
It consists of any act that produces, or can produce physical,
sexual or psycological damage or suffering.
Any type of treat, making you do something under duress or depriving you of
your freedom in your public or private life, is also a type of violence.
This is called abuse of power, and this control can been manifested into
physical, sexual, psychological e economical abused.
Not to suffer violence
is a right:
Therefore inflicting pains on a woman or on
her children ( from husbands, or cohabitants, relatives or
well known friends) or even treating to assault, or to kill,
or to force her to have sexual intercourse is a crime.
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Stop the Violence
Violence how does it
Different types of violence exist:
Physical violence consists of any form of aggression and ill
treatment against you, your body and things that you own.
Often it is exercised with fury and aims to obtain with force a
role of submission
Punching, slapping, pushing, jerking, beating, destroying objects, things, documents
that you care for.
Economic violence consists of any direct or indirect form of
control on your economic independence and that which limits
or impedes your using money, making a liberal acquisition, having a job of your own.
To hinder the search or maintenance of
one’s own work place, not permitting to
have a bank account, excluding you from
the financial management of the family, to
rebuke every purchase of yours, to take possession of your property, to make important
purchase without asking your opinion.
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Stop the Violence
Psychological violence consists of attacking or injuring your personal
dignity, any form of lack of respect towards you, and an attitude that
continuously confirms your condition of inferiority.
Sexual violence consists of any imposition to involve in an activity e/o
sexual rapport without your consensus within or outside the relation
of a couple.
Often sexual violence consists of physical aggression of which rape,
attempt to rape, gang rape in which one is forced to have relations with
one or more persons who are strangers, with a relative, a friend or a
colleague, who doesn’t accept your refusal.
Interfamily sexual abuse is a subsequent form of sexual violence: it
is committed when a family member or friend forces you to participate
in a sexual rapport or to watch them while on act or yet, tries to involve
you in a sexual activity, even through a form of play.
Other forms of sexual violence are represented by sexual torments
(verbal, relational, visible, physical): consists of undesirable behaviour,
which is sexual in nature or based on sex to injure the dignity of women
by men.
Criticising continuously, insulting humiliation, denigrating you
even in front of others, controlling continuously, attempting to
isolate you from your parents and friends, threatens against you,
your children and family.
Also in the work place one can verify forms of psychological violence that implies a specific will to remove you from your position at work, explaining you
to give a resignation. A widespread phenomenon well known as mobbing and
is liable to prosecution by law.
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
Psychological violence can manifest through proper persecution and tormenting or annoying continuously with a scope of inducing a state of alert, of an
emergency and a psychological stress. Telephone calls, sms, e-mail, unwanted
continuous visits and also following you, collecting information about you and
your movements: persecution can land up in a true and proper threaten. Commonly called as stalking (to lurk) this kind of behaviour is activated not only by
strangers but also family members normally moved by resentment or the fear to
lose a relation.
Forced sexual rapport, forced to watch or use pornographic material, advances that become difficult, implicit and explicit demands for a sexual relation, intentional contact with your body,
threatens on refusal.
Among sexual violence let’s not forget: trading of women for a sexual purpose, mutilation of private parts.
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Violence how does it
Stop the Violence
How “normal” is
The phenomenon of violence against women is:
but underestimated and a good part submerged
Even if during one’s life, on worldly basis:
 one woman out of three is subjected to violence as woman
 one out of four suffers a sexual abuse for her own partner
Italy, begining 2007
• 31.9% of women suffer at least once physical or sexual violence during their life
time: 18.8% have suffered physical violence, 23.7% sexual violence out of which
4.8% are rape or attempted rape (one million women)
• 5.4% of women between 16 and 70 years have suffered violence in the last 12
months: amounts to 1.150.000 women
• The rate of declaration of this offence is less than 15%
(Data supplied by the Ministry of the Internal Affairs)
how deep rooted it is on the cultural level
If it is considered “normal”:
a woman victim, the author of this male abuse, violence in family
 Violence is transversal, it could concern everyone: women and men of every
age, race, nationality, social class and cultural level
to the health and life of women
Violence has devastating effects on the health of women. To tolerate:
 The psycho physical equilibrium is badly effected
 The sufferer is at risk of life.
 Compromises the serenity of the persons who are involved (children, family etc.)
Today, in the World
Violence suffered by partner, husband, and fiancé’ and father is the prime cause of
death or permanent handicap to women between 16 and 44 years: even before cancer
road accidents, wars. Today, in the world, one among two women killed, is killed by the
partner, often after a violent relation.
(Source: research by the European Council)
cannot be justified !
It is believed that normally violence strikes “fragile” women, who are passive victims. It is
deceitful and hypocritical to blame the victims. To tolerate violence needs a lot of strength,
the same strength that many women because of the effect of violence, don’t recognise that
they have, landing up not able to obtain from their own resources or not utilising them in an
adequate way.
The prime effect of violence!
It empties you from inside and it leaves you incapable of asking for help!
 In the ambit of family- with 174 victims (29.1% of the total)- the most risky.
The partner is the author of physical violence in 62.4% of the cases, of sexual
violence 68.3% of rape 69.7%
A solution for this cannot be looked for within the four walls of the house:
it has to be solved by an external help.
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
Often women have a relation with those who ill-treat them but that doesn’t mean that they are
responsible or that they contribute to provoke violence.
The kind of attitude that women intended as provoking or less prudent neither explains nor
justifies a kind any kind of violence, that which, doesn’t respect the desire and consensus of
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Stop the Violence
In case of violence
What to do
If you have been a victim of violence ...
Don’t think that
 You have wronged somewhere and that the one who has
abused you is justified. Violence is a crime: The fault is not of the one
who suffers but the one who exercises... don’t ever forget...
 To be the only one to find yourself in such a situation and not
having any possibility to get out. The road to be undertaken, even if not
easy is absolutely possible.
It can happen that
 You may be ashamed of what has befallen, of the situation
that you are forced to live and you don’t have the courage to speak
Instead it is very important to remember that you have that you
have nothing to be ashamed of. Talk about it to someone; see
if he is competent, which is fundamental.
It is the first step to break violence.
 You may feel lonely, but it is not so! There exist a number of
Presiding offices, Agencies and Association at your disposal, capable
of guaranteeing the maximum confidentiality and professionalism.
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Stop the Violence
In case of violence
If you have not been a victim but it happened to you to…
What to do
If you have been a victim of violence in family
Don’t let yourself be taken on by fear for yourself and for your children.
 There are many possible solutions that will be offered to you: You along
with your children will be the ones to decide if or which road to be taken
Remember that
it is indispensable to protect yourself and your children from violence.
The true risk is not been able to take a decision. Hoping
that the situation would change without doing anything is
an “ illusion “.
It is quite probable that the situation worsens and the violence continues, perhaps it might increase.
Be very careful: you are in an extreme danger.
Don’t wait to ask for help!
Even if you are worried for him and someone has suggested you to have patience, to give him
one more chance...
 Turn at the earliest to persons who are competent and who will guide you in finding a
solution that is suitable to you. There is no time to be lost.
Ideal solutions can be worked out for you and your children.
Besides, it is possible to apply caution measures and treatment to those who are responsible for violence.
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
An episode of violence of any kind. Don’t keep quiet, don’t forget, don’t let it go,
don’t think ‘its none of my business’, don’t consider that you should not interfere
in personal matters that is not of your concern.
To listen
Or receive secret information about physical, psychological, sexual, economical suffering about a person.
Don’t think it has been easy for them to speak about it
and don’t believe that you can solve the situation.
To guess
Something, to grasp the repeated hints of an aggressive attitude and abuse of one’s power towards another,
don’t underestimate them.
To see
Signs on the body of a person; if you have been told that they are
just accidental and you happen not to hear from that person. Don’t
minimise the issue end don’t think that they are only your imagination,
hypothesis or excessive worry.
It is important:
• Not to ever underestimate these situations and also give your disponibility to hear the person without judging them.
• To guarantee the person maximum secrecy and discretion.
• Don’t force your solutions on the person and don’t force her to take
decisions in a hurry but respect her timing and stay close.
• Contact, from your side, the Antiviolence Centre to know what kind of
measures need to be taken to help her in this first phase.
• To furnish her with useful references to put her in contact with Services that can help her; eventually accompany her.
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Stop the Violence
To Stop Violence
You Can!
To come out of the circuit of violence is possible!
1o step
Try to recognize and admit to yourself that you have lived
or are living a violent situation. Know that violence however it could be
doesn’t have a reason to be, it is not justifiable.
2o step
Accept your fears, your anxieties, your doubts, they are absolutely normal. You are not guilty of anything and should be ashamed.
You arte the victim and the violence that has struck you is a “violence of
your rights”, is a serious crime.
3o step
Don’t be demoralized and have faith; it is possible to do something to put an end to violence.
4o step
It is very important that you turn to Antiviolence Centres or
to Services that are present on your territory. There you can find competent
persons with whom you can speak to, consult with in maximum privacy,
and from those who will hear you, help you and accompany you, without
ever leaving you alone. You can even contact the Centre telephonically, the
Services or Association that you prefer to take an appointment or receive
useful informations.
5o step
Start your “journey, towards getting out of violence” agreed
upon “together”is more easy and through competent and sensitive persons
you can find solutions that is suitable to your situation.
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
It could be of help to know that...
Sexual violence is...
qualified as a crime against personal liberty
The present law recognises sexual violence as a major and serious crime compared
to the precedent normative that would classify ‘crime against public morality and a
good costume’.
(Law 15 February 1996, no. 66 “Norms against sexual violence”)
It is possible to report violence till three months from the time of happening
It is enough to present yourself in a nearby Police Station or Carabiniere or to the
nearest police, with a medical certificate that attests the violence happening.
It is possible to keep away from the house the husband or other cohabiter
If his conduct is judged as dangerous to your physical or moral integrity or for the
liberty of the other spouse or cohabiter or his immediate relative, the judge as a
precaution can apply measures of social protection.
(Law 4 April 2001 No. 154 Measures against violence in family)
It is possible to have an agreement with the Services that you keep
away from the house.
This can be worked out in a state of emergency or even programmed. In the first
case, a helping hand in keeping you as a guest in a relative or a friends place or in
a Centre that accommodates women and children will be considered. The programmed option apart from an insertion in a structure, as an alternative a house on rent
to sustain you can be proposed with an active and constant presence of a caretaker.
Your keeping a distance from the house foresees a social psychological and legal
support, which is often fundamental to reconstruct and program your life.
There exists a free legal aid for ill-treated and violence effected woman
This will be applied in favour of women who don’t have enough means of economic
sustenance. It is a fundamental instrument to guarantee to all the possibility to defend, above all through the activation and collaboration of Centres against violence
and also of Tribunals.
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Stop the Violence
To Stop violence
Where to find
You Can!
Numbers for emergency:
If you have suffered violence even in the past and only now you have decided to ask for
counselling, put yourself in contact with the national free telephone number 1522. It is a
free telephone service that receives telephonically with all personnel exclusively women,
which is specifically established, operating 24 hours round the clock, for 365 days a year,
in many languages (Italian, French, English, Spanish, Russian). It provides an immediate
response and eventually activates other Services for help guaranteeing privacy.
It is promised by the Department of Rights and Equal Opportunities that in the ambit of the Project of Anti violence National
Here are some useful addresses where you can go and ask for information, where you can be accompanied, where you can received a
psychological help, lawful help, Sanitary help, and other help due to
whatever help you are looking for.
These services are free, they are all integrated into the territorial connections of service and support to the victims of violence. Call on any
service closed to you, you will be well received and you will be given
other addresses depending on your needs.
Network that involves local bodies, Sanitary Services, Ministry, Forces of Order which are subject to private-social.
113 / 112
If you are hurt, if you have had a contusion or bruise go to the First Aid in a
hospital and declare the truth. If you are
severely hurt then call directly 118.
If you have just been subjected to violence, threatened or you feel a danger
call 113 Police or 112 Carabiniere for
asking help or to make a statement.
011 313.41.80
Torino Ospedale S. Anna
Orari: da lun a ven 8.00 - 15.30
Centro Soccorso Violenza Sessuale
via Ventimiglia, 3 (ingresso Pronto Soccorso)
Children under 14 years: Regina Margherita Hospital.
[email protected]
You can find at your disposition:
• Presiding, Centres, Associations
• Family consultancies (c/o A.S.L)
• Social services
• Municipal police
• Courts
• Family doctors
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
011 633.53.02
Demetra - Centro d’ascolto contro la Violenza
Torino Ospedale Molinette Bramante, 88
Orari: da lun a ven 10.00 - 16.00 24h service of first aid in any of the hospital.
[email protected]
334 366.47.68
Centro Antiviolenza, Servizio «Svolta Donna»
Pinerolo - ASL 10 Ospedale Agnelli str. Fenestrelle, 72
Orari: directly in the first aid section of any Hospital.
[email protected]
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Stop the Violence
Telefono Rosa - Ass. Nazionale
011 530.666
Torino via Assietta, 13/A
[email protected]
Orari: lun 9.30 - 16.00; ma 15.00 - 17.30; me 9.30 - 12.30; gio 15.00 - 18.30; ven 9.30 - 18.30
Altri Tel. 011 562.83.14
Punto Presenza Amica
349 41.61.218-219
Torino Stazione Porta Nuova, fronte binario 2
Orari: da lun a ven 20.00 - 24.00
Servizio Vicino a Te
011 530.666
Service of first contact, to be listening to, to welcomed and to be accompaniment through camper itinerant.
UDI - Centro Donne Contro la Violenza
011 88.24.36
Torino via Vanchiglia, 6
Orari: lun - ma - gio 15.00 - 19.00
[email protected]
Casa delle Donne di Torino
011 81.22.519
Torino via Vanchiglia, 3
Orari: gio 16.00 - 19.00
[email protected]
Altri Tel.
G.V.V. - Gruppi Volontariato Vincenziano
011 48.04.33
Torino via Saccarelli, 2
Orari: da lun a ven 9.00 - 12.00 e 15.00 - 18.00
011 518.74.38
Torino Via Norberto Rosa, 13/A
Orari: da lun a ven 9.00 - 18.00
011 443.25.56
[email protected]
Progetto Help, Centro d’Ascolto Donne & Futuro
Torino Via Barbaroux, 31
[email protected]
Orari: da lun a ven 9.30 - 12.30 e 15.30 - 18.30
011 246.70.02
Altri Tel. 348 896.06.50
Centro Interculturale delle Donne Alma Mater
011 942.82.88
Centro Ascolto contro Mobbing, Molestie e Violenze
Orario: lun 17.00 - 18.30; ven 11.00 - 12.30 Tel. 011.942.82.88
Pino Orario: lun 17.00 - 18.30; ven 9.00 - 11.00
Tel. 011.811.73.28
Casa delle Donne di Ivrea
0125 49.514
[email protected]
Ivrea via Dora Baltea, 1
Orari: lun e mar 14.30 - 16.00; mer 17.30 - 19.00; ven 9.30 - 11.00
Centro di Ascolto - Ass. ME.DEA
0131 226.289
[email protected]
Alessandria via Santa Maria di Castello, 14
Orari: lun 10.00 - 14.00; mer 13.00 - 16.00; giov 15.30 - 18.30
0141 720.42.13
C.I.S.A. Asti Sud – Progetto contro la violenza
Nizza Monferrato via Gozzellini, 56
[email protected]
Orari: da lun a ven 8.00 - 14.00 e 15.00 - 18.00; sab 15.00 - 18.00
0141 591.801
Asti Einaudi, 4
[email protected]
0141 399.559
Asti Alfieri, 350
Unità Operativa Minori - Comune di Asti
Altri Tel. 0141 399.500
[email protected]
Progetto “Accogliere le Donne” - Comune di Torino
Torino via Corte d’Appello, 16 presso il Settore Pari Opportunità e Politiche di Genere
Orari: da lun a ven 9.30 - 17.30
Altri Tel. 345 288.02.12
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
800 266.233
Biella c/o Centro Sanitario - Via Don Sturzo, 20
Orari: mar 9.30 - 11.30; giov 15.00 - 17.00
Centro di Ascolto
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Where to find
Stop the Violence
Other references
Telefono Donna
0171 63.15.15
Cuneo via C. Emanuele III, 34
Orari: lun 9.00 - 12.00; ma e gio 15.00 - 18.30
335 170.10.08
[email protected]
Centro Antiviolenza Donne - Ass. Mai più Sole
Savigliano Via Beggiami, 7
who are prepared in, services of hearing, reception, psychological and legal support, which are
capable of sustaining and keeping you in contact with specialized centres.
Consultation centres Care of A.S.L of Piemonte there are active in Consultation.
You can find the list of addresses and the list of telephone numbers on the website:
On work
The violence in the place of work, whatever type it maybe, molesty, psycho-
logical or physical violence is considered “discrimination”. In this case you can turn:
Centro Servizi Donna - Provincia di Novara
0321 666.476-483
Novara via Dominioni, 4
Orari: da lun a ven 9.30 - 12.30; lun e gio 15.00 - 18.00
via S. Carlo, 2 Borgomanero
via Don Minzoni, 38
Oleggio Matteotti, 90 Trecate
via Rugiada, 20 [email protected]
Altri Tel. 0321 378.446
Tel. 0322 868.126
Tel. 0321 99.42.88
Tel. 0321 76.658
Sportello Antiviolenza, Provincia VCO / La Bitta
Gravellona Toce Sempione, 54
Orari: lun 14.00 - 18.00; merc 9.00 - 13.00
Domodossola Via Ceretti, 26
Orari: mar 14.00 - 18.00; gio 9.00 - 13.00
• To Council members of Region or Province on Equality care of the region or the Province of
• To the Syndicate Organisations of Workers present on the entire Regional territory.
• To the Regional Management and leaders of workers. (inspectors of workers)
Tel. 0322 231.122
Helping Links
Dipartimento Diritti e Pari Opportunità
Ministero della Salute
Ministero della Solidarietà Sociale
Arianna - Rete nazionale antiviolenza
Centri antiviolenza in Italia
Amnesty - Mai Più violenza sulle donne
Il Cerchio degli Uomini
Reg. Piemonte, Ass. Pari Opportunità
[email protected]
Altri Tel. 335 646.82.77 - 0323 840.184
Altri Tel. 335 646.82.77 - 0323 840.184
0161 596.514
There are numerous Associations present on the entire regional territory
that don’t engage themselves specifically of violence against women but have as internal staff
[email protected]
Altri Tel. 331 689.36.98 - 331 689.36.84 (24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7)
335 697.87.67
Sportello Donna – Comune di Vercelli
Vercelli Piazza del Municipio, 9
Orari: da lun a gio 8.30 - 12.30 e 14 - 15.30; ven 8.30 - 12.30
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Where to find
Stop the Violence
Rulws: Some
Law anti Stalking
Law of conversion n. 38 «Urgent measure in matters of public securities and conflict to sexual violence, as well as in theme of the persecutor»
Approved on the 23rd of April 2009 by the Counsel of Ministry, on the proposal of the Ministry of Equal Opportunity e Justice introduced by Penal Code crime of Stalking.
Provides: warning and removal measures of the Stalker, arrest is obligatory in a flagrant
sexual violation either in groups or sexual act with an under age, ulterior worsening
measure for the Stalkers.
Under the sentences of sexual violence with under age or group sexual violence will be worsen specially when it result to killing which will determine provisions for life imprisonment.
For supports to the victims there is a provision for legal aid for who is been raped, regardless of their annual income, and an institutes of a free toll call to help the victims over
their persecutors.
Regione Piemonte
Regional law of 17 march 2008, n.11 «Institutes of Solidarity Fund for Legal Aids
for women, who are victims of violence and maltreatment»
Proposal from Regional counsellor and supports from the Female Regional Council, provides an institutes of a solidarity Fund aimed to sustain the judiciary action right from when
the case is been reported. The Fund will cover the total judiciary cost completely, in theory
legal aids which consists of list of registered lawyers which are going to be set up.
Proposal of the law of popular initiative n. 477 «Institution of antiviolence centres
with secret houses»
Dismissal with vote unanimous from the Regional Counsel in 27 February 2009, there was
commitment of numerous associations in the collective signatures (more than 12.000) for
the request of an institution, in all the regional territory and of the Antiviolence Centres
with secret houses for women, and women with children, who are been treated with any
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
form of violence. The law provides Institutions of a guarantee Fund to support the victims
and to move them away from violent situation and a Solidarity Fund for legal aids.
«Regional Projects for the prevention of violence against women and supports for
the victims»
Approved by the Town Council of Piedmont Region in July 2008 staged to face violence
in a successful ways and to coordinated a phenomenal comparison to the women. The
Project is as a result of the work combined by the Councillorship of Equal Right Opportunity, Work and Welfare, Health, Educational Board, Housing, Security, Local Board and Political youth and from interdiction group work. this was propose to integrate the intervention
suppression with politics and interventions coordinated in social areas, sanitary, educative
e informative to all the subject that intervene in the sector.
Commitee Centres
The Centre of regional committee against women violence
Has been insert in the picture of actions scheduled «Regional Projects» with specific
assignment committee and monitoring as an act of prevention, sensitization and communication, guardianship and assistance of the victims.
011. 666.64.57
Torino via Nizza, 18 (c/o Ires Piemonte)
Orari: da lun a ven 9.30 - 13.00
[email protected]
Fax 011. 666.64.33
Committee of people against women violence - Torino
Created in year 2000 on the initiative of the Municipality (sector Equal Right Opportunity
and Politics in general), have united over 90 Board, Associations and Organisations of
the territories any citizen that offers help and assistance to victims are performing a phenomenal prevention of women violence.
011. 442.45.02-03
[email protected]
Torino via Corte d’Appello, 14 (c/o Ires Piemonte)
Orari: da lun a ven 9.30 - 13.00
Fax 011. 666.64.33
Let’s stop the violence !
Coming out of silence is possible
Stop the Violence
Some suggestions for using
This booklet is promoted by the Women’s Consulting Body of the Piemonte region for providing support and useful information to women who have
been ill-treated or who are victims of violence. It’s a concrete gesture for hel-
Sede: via Alfieri, 15 - 10121 Torino
Tel 011 57.57.291 Fax 011 57.57.365
Hence it is directed above all, towards, all women in difficult situations, but
that’s not all. It speaks also to men, until when they find the courage to recognise the importance of their taking a sound position against the violence
to women. And it is also addressed to all of them who are close to such
situations or are having knowledge of violent situations or persons who are
at risk because they can help victims of violence and not underestimate the
depth and dangerousness of the situation to find an effective support.
Let’s stop
the violence
Coming out
of the silence
is possible
e-mail: [email protected]
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
[email protected]
The card enclosed contains the principal references to be
contacted in case of emergency. Keep them with you, insert
them in your diary of useful numbers or find a way so that
persons whom you think are living a situation of violence can
have them.
This booklet and card , delivered in person or even posted in
the post box, could be an important indication from the one in
President: Maria Agnese Vercellotti Moffa
Vice president: Maria Grazia Boffa, Maria Rosaria Ferrara
Secretary: Adriana Celotto, Maria Pia Brizzi
Forming the part of the Cosulting Body are:
• The Regional Advisors
• The representatives of the Women’s equality parties, the union organisations and
other organisations of this category.
• The representatives of the women’s association operating on the regional territory
for more than two years, that have as their pre eminent scope the complete insertion
of women in the society and that have asked to become a part of it.
‘coming out of the silence’ and ‘stopping the violence’.
e impaginazione:
ping them to take that first step, the most difficult one, on the path towards
The Regional Consulting Body for Women is a permanent Body of Consultation of regional
Advisors on themes on women’s interest.
From 1976, first among the Bodies for equality instituted in the Region, contributes actively in
elaboration of the program to plan a legislation for the Region with special references to the
conditions of life, work an health of the women.
The activities favour the effective participation of all the women in the political economic social
activities of the regional community through promotions and of initiatives and formations and
information, which work on removing the obstacles and a total insertion of the woman in position of an effective equality in the society.
The Consulting Body promotes and participates in the meetings with the Consulting Bodies of
the other Regions, and particularly with the Regional Commission for the realisation of Equal
Opportunities of the Man/ Woman kind, with elected members, with the Advisor on Equality,
with the Consultants of local bodies of the Piemonte region.
Coming out of silence is possible
First Aid
The State Police
Your blood group
The free line on Violence Against Women
Coming out of silence is the first step towards stopping violence!
You can download this booklet “let’s stop the violence” from the website:
This card contains numbers that are indispensable for utilising in case of emergency for the one who is a victim to physical, psychological, sexual or the one who is witness to it.
Keep it with you, personalize it with numbers of associations,
services, persons who can be of help to you.
Find a way to make it reach those whom you think is in a
situation of violence.
Municipal Police
ASL territory
Family doctors
Campaign promoted by the Regional Women Consultancy
Coming out
of the silence
is possible
Let’s stop
the violence

Let`s stop the violence - Consiglio regionale del Piemonte