Notizie, osservazioni
dopo LCWS05 – Stanford, 17-22 Marzo 2005
Massimo Caccia
Universita’ dell’Insubria
LCWS05 news / 1
(International Technology Recommendation Panel)
Chair : Barry Barish
19 Agosto 2004:
We recommend that
LC be based on superconducting
... we are recommending a
technology not a design. We
expect that the final design
be developed by a team
drawn from the combined
war m and cold linear
collider communities...
B. Barish nominato
Central Team Director
Del Global Design Effort
LCWS05 news / 2
Il comitato FALC (Funding Agencies for the Linear Collider) e’
presieduto da Roberto Petronzio
LCWS05 news / 3
Sviluppo temporale confermato:
• (2004) ITRP tech. recommendation
Set up 3 panels
(detector R&D, MDI, and costing)
• (2005) Accelerator CDR
~ spring 2006, “Detector outline
documents” submitted to WWS by concept teams
• (2007) Accelerator TDR
WWS receives a detector CDR from
each concept team
• (2008) LC site selection
Collaborations form and submit LOIs
for proposal to the global lab
• Site selection + 1yr Global lab selects experiments.
ILC Milestones
GDE (Design)
Start Global Lab.
Detector Outline
Detector R&D Panel
R&D Phase
Jonathan Dorfan says: KEEP UP THE PACE!
R&D internazionali in divenire /1
LCFI collaboration
CCD oriented
• nucleo originario: gruppi in GB (Bristol, Glasgow, Lancaster, Liverpool, Oxford
University, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) guidati da C. Damerell
• possibili partner: gruppi asiatici (Y. Sugimoto a KEK)
Storage gate 3
Storage gate 2
Output node
Output gate
The Revolver In Situ Storage CCD
to column
Nato da una collaborazione con E2V
Transfer gate 8
R&D internazionali in divenire /2
MIMOSA collaboration
CMOS imager oriented
• nucleo originario: LEPSI/IRES (Dulinski & Winter) + RAL (Turchetta)
• altri gruppi nella collaborazione: Saclay, DESY, Ginevra, NIKHEF
• altri R&D in fase di definizione in U.S.: LBL (STAR + Battaglia), YALE,
BNL (Rehak & co.), FNAL (?)
Unconventional detectors:
• sensitive volume = epi-layer, actually undepleted
• monolithic
gruppi italiani:
1. Insubria (Mca - SUCIMA FP5):
• rivelatori monolitici su substrato ad alta resistivita’
(tecnologia SOI – NDA con HAMAMATSU)
• assottigliamento a 15 micron
• Sensore di area ~ cm2 con elevata resistenza a
radiazioni ionizzanti (~ 2 Mrad)
2. ROMA III (E. Spiriti – INFN Gr5):
• Prototipo in tec. 0.25 micron in fase di test
3. Bergamo (Valerio Re – PRIN):
• Prototipo in tec. 0.18 micron disponibile
R&D internazionali consolidati /1
SILC collaboration
Silicon Tracking (baseline detector: microstrips + pixels in the fwd)
Responsabile: Aurore Savoy-Navarro
Aurore Savoy-Navarro [[email protected]] venerdì 25/03/2005 21.02
Ciao Massimo
First of all I hope you had a good trip back to Europe…..
I am on my way back to France. I stay at SLAC until now and we had a
quick visit also at LBL. I will leave this afternoon for Paris.
I understand that pretty soon you will have your meeting with gruppo
1(or XX) in Italy. Let's me first of all tell you that we would be very
much delighted in you and your team joining the SiLC efforts. As we
discussed it there are really sevreal points where your expertise would be
extremely valuable.
1) of course your expertise in MAPS and the issues of the layers
nearby the microvertex……..
2) The other point concerns the new strip wafers from Hamamatsu that
you told me about: 10 x 10 cm2, 350 microns thick and 120 microns pitch.
3) Last but not least, if it was possible sometime in June as you
proposed it to meet together with Yamamoto from H. to discuss the whole
issue of SiLC. Reminding that H. is an official partner of SiLC. But it
would be important to convince him to do 8 inches sensors.
OK, certainly more issues to see together and also with the other
members of SiLC. Before closing my laptop to go to the airport, let me
also tell you that I am at disposal to send you any type of informations
and files etc... that you would like to have for your gruppo XX session at
INFN or any otherreason.
Looking forward to talk with you soon and keeping in touch
a presto
R&D internazionali consolidati /2
CALICE collaboration
Calorimetry & muon detection
Argonne National Laboratory , Department of Physics - University of Texas at Arlington
Northern Illinois Center for Accelerator and Detector Development - North Illinois University - Batavia
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham , Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University
Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire – Clermont, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research - Dubna
DESY - Hamburg , Hamburg University , University of Iowa – Iowa , Kangnung National University - Kangnung
Department of Physics,Imperial College London
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester
University of Minsk , Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics - Moscow
Lebedev Physics Institute - Moscow
27 Institutes from 8 countries
Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute- Moscow
Institute of Nuclear Physics - Moscow State University Moscow
Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire - Orsay
Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet - Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau
Physique des Interfaces et Couches Minces - Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau
Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire des Hautes Energies - Université de Paris 6 et 7
Charles University - Prague
Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - Prague
Institute of High Energy Physics - Protvino
School of Electric Engineering and Computing Science, Seoul National University
gruppi italiani:
1. LCCAL (Padova (Paolo Checchia) – Frascati – Insubria –
Ts): Si/Scintillator + converter e.m. calorimeter
2. CAPIRE (Frascati (M. Piccolo) – Mi-Bicocca (TTF)–
Torino): RPC su vetro con elettrodi serigrafati per
calorimetria adronica digitale e rivelazione di muoni
The set-up at the Frascati test
beam line
Che fare?
Un esempio dinamico: UK
• 1991; messaggio da Chris Damerell, prima della riunione di Gr1 di
Hi Massimo,
The UK has no general policy for TESLA-related R&D. There are a few
(our vertex detector development, high power RF sources for the machine,
some discussion about calorimetry). Each proposal is considered separately
for funding.
All the best,
• 1994; status riportato da G. Blaire al workshop di Durham - Settembre
Un esempio statico: la Francia
• 1991; messaggio da parte di Marc Winter, citando al posizione
ufficiale di IN2P3:
La France se rapproche graduellement du Collisioneur Lineaire,
Mais en trainant d’un pied, sa politique etant intimement liee a
celle du CERN
• 1994; messaggio da parte di Aurore Savoy-Navarro:
Dear Massimo
Nice to hear from you; I am indeed back in France since last
saturday and the flight went well also.
I think it is important that Italy gives the full support to the ILC
and thus that this programs pass from small generic R&D to real long term
dedicated long R&D project. UK and Germany already did this pass since a
certain time, I believe that our 2 countries should do it too. Maybe we are
slightly better treated here in France as compared to you but still we are
far from the situation of our UK and German colleagues.
I wish you a lot of success and will keep in touch
Osservazioni finali & proposte
• se l’INFN considera ILC una delle priorita’ a medio termine, e’
necessario definire un piano di investimento su scala triennale a partire
dal 2006
• a fronte di questa disponibilita’, I gruppi attualmente coinvolti in ILC si
impegnano a definire un piano di attivita’ per la discussione di
Settembre 2005. In alternativa, si puo’ pensare ad una “call for
proposals” + processo di valutazione, come in UK e nei programmi EC.
• per il 2005, si chiede di parificare l’investimento a quanto garantito
negli scorsi anni (~ 40 kEUR), eventualmente maggiorati come segue:
+ 20% se necessario giungere a Settembre con proposal
+ 10 kEUR come travel grants per giovani ricercatori per Snowmass
