-. - .,.: ~~- " . WAS T E ~.l S . ,T' R A V'f L . (LONDON) LTD. ITALIAN\! RICORDATE CHE LAWASTEELS ORGANIZZA PER VOl • PARTENZE GIORNALIERE CON FORTI RIDUZIONI NON SOLO IN TRENO MA ANCHE IN AEREO DOVETE RECARVIIN ITALIA? TUTTI I GIORNI UN VIAGGIO COMO DO E SICURO CON PRENOTAZIONI 01 POSTI E CUCCETTE FINO A MILANO E ROMA SIA ALL' ANDATA CHE AL RITORNq VIAGGIATE IN QUALSIASI MOMENTO'DELLA SETTIMANA SENZA LlMITAZIONE AL NUMERO 01 VIAGGI CHE INTENDIATE FARE OLTRE ALLE FORTI RIDUZIONI CHE ESSA CONCEDE SUL PERCORSO DA LONDRA E SU TUTTO IL TERRITORIO NAZIONALE LA WASTEELS VIINFORMA CHE PRESSO I SUOI UFFICI SONO OTTENIBILI: TRAVELLER CHEQUES E POLIZZE D'ASSICURAZIONE PERLEVOSTREVACANZE L'ORGANIZZAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE VIAGGI WASTEELS E' A VOSTRA DISPOSIZIONE PER OUALUNQUE VIAGGIO VOl INTENDIATE COMPIERE PER INFORMAZIONI RIVOLGETEVI A NOI! ) I St, Peter's Italian Travel Agency GIRl. Tel: 2781399 136 CLERKENWELL ROAD LONDON E.C.1 • .,- '-"";"'--:-'-,;.,0" ~.,.--..;" -"-...-...."·ss.Jppv. ~-3wUN 71130N3S " ~ f:%t'i~;!;~i~~;f~~r~:~~l~:~r!~ii ~- ~- ~--=,,=,--c= ~ ~~-=_-; ~ t~ ~ _: ~~ ~_:-1 ~ --0- ~ ~ ~~ = , -_co =-=~~-~ ~ ~_--==_=----='- _=: :~== -d_ _-~ -=- _~- -t~~ - =----:., ~ ~ ¥;- :=.--.=-- ~-~- ST:-PETERSOiTALIA~ -CHU~CH!REST()RATION;o FUND" o~~ -"~r:j:t~;ii~i~iN~~¥~i~;$lf; " ~~=--~ ~~ ~~~-~~ J:2~~-~~ :~=-~-!=--~_---.:."=d---=---"...-=-_~-----=--"-'=---· ~loNbbN ·ilCi= ~ ~"_ 7 :'-~~ =";::"- ,;.~ -=-=-~----:;-:- ="-•.'-- =-- ~ - -- _ § -_ _, --=-- ~- =- '"" _.:c:::: ---=-= =-~=;-": -;.: ~~-:-~ =- ii~Hcnmii!tRmj~~m~~il / BACKHILL SOMMARIO CONTENTS ,DUE PAROLE AYLESFORD 1979 - fotografie. VOTIAMO;PER L'EUROPA 1. ~ i~ " NEt-1S FROM ITALY, YOU MAY HAVE MISSED FOTOCRONACA , I ,NOSTRI VINI - Anglo-Italian F'ootball League: A,ssoc. Pedina. ' (continuaZ!one) 'BruJ;lello'~' Chianti. REGION-in'ITAt.:i:A, ... REGIONS OF ITALY: ValleD\Aosta. "THE HILL" - take another stroli with Charles Nolan. SCALABRINI FATHERS DINNER ,& DANCE LUCCHESI NELMONDO ASSOCIATION:": Spiing'Dance. CAR TEST - Peugeot 305, 'SR'. CATHOLIC WOMEN is ASSOCIATION - notices. LETTERA - dai 'Giovaniital:iani di' Willesden. , . . -RESTORATION FUND- COMITATO RESTAURI - ~vvisi. NOTIZIEDELLA ,cnIESA DI SAN PIETRO C.W.A'> ,;"(cont'd) SHOOTING, ., at the Lea Valley' Gun, Club:, results. HAVE YOU BEEN ,THERE? - . Dog arid Pheasant, Brook, Surrey. . . .' v ~ ~ --, ENTERTAINMENT - Theatre'(continued after Rugby): Music Scene. SPORT ,., BA,CKHILL SPORTLIGHT focuses 'on theF. A. Cup Final: ~ennis: ,the Italian' ,Open: Rugby (London' Italians) • THEATRE"; (cont' d) IL MIO .PAESE- .(continua,zionEi) CHILDREN; SP'AGE - PAGINA, DEI PICCOLI WORD GAME CROSSWORD RICETTA' - RECIPE: Tortadi' SpinacJ.. PROSSIMI AVvENIMENTI - FORTHCOMING-EVENTS '" DUE PAROLE .. E' fini't-ol il roese, di' }1agglodedicato, alla Mado'nria, e~ comincia ora 'il'mese' di' Giugno chee' dheicato aT SacroCuore; j " ' di Gesu' ",Ci seIilbra quasi ,di ,parlare di' cose di" ~U trT- t~mp:i., ;eii 'fa",oJ:e, ,d'i ref.' ligionecne' 'Ora -non esiste piu' • 'Ormai tutto e' cambiato II diciamo noi, rna ~H~n!<~,Nglte questa frase ci serve per-nascondere noi stessi, perche' non ci vogliamo impegnare ne1. nostr1.' rapporti' con 1.1 Signore e cos1" tr,oviamo comodo non fare niente dicendo che, ora non oi si capisce piu' niente con la rel'igione. ' , "-', " .- , t 1 ~ l I , '. • " A" Non abbiamo sempre torto quando diaiamo! queste"c'Ose, nia"poss:i:amo~ '. anche avere torto se possj,amo fare qualche cosa'~,_!:lpI?:, J..~ ';,acciiUll~r:, ,.., Cosi' ora abbiamo davanti a noi un intero mese per pensare al Sacro Cu,?re di Gesu', E' vero che :~ofi>J?q~!(:i,<olN9.;)l.a~q.;A!:_e'Ia, vi:t::a~ L~ che faccl.am(): abbiamo il layoro;, ,.1a famigl;!.il, ,ip'arenti' in. Ita,l,ia,., Illa pos's'i1aino'- sempre\ pregare:'ul1-1:pciC'6 'iIi 'piir";'poss£amo dirEH:jua:r;;:.:'· ,', che preghiera in ,piu,! ' dUrante, •.iJ.. ;giorno:;, ,poss;i:amo', ';andare:,a' '," ','"J _ ._ Messa la domenl.ca e accostarci ai Sacramenti della Con'fes'sione e della Comunione;, :P'osSi'aIDo,:ins§"mmir;pe}i'?t t;EF'ai({Sa4rcCcuO're,:dL!" I .~;:, ' Gesu', ed e' t~,IJt;9 pe.P?, n~nr.,o. ,c()1l\ffi.9Y;~I,l~e" ',' .~<&"~_''''''''' ~.~-'-""""<_~'J lI--,"_-"~""~ ____ . _ " " __ .~~._~" ......__ • ...- a ... ' , •• " '< ~ "-" , . . I1 Sacro Cuore d.i Gesu': questa fes.t:a'e quest:6~miese, cne',ei ;;0;':, ", gliono ricordare quanto e' buono... ,dolce, if '~' , , • . ./' .. _r, .... , ... _ ,OJ .-",-. "f."·"' Sl.gnore, Ques to 'Cuore',; d'l.' 'Gesu"· "che 'vi:ve: ;per"no'i;; .. e,,'~ p'j:eno;.. di, amore per noi, ci aiuta in tutto. Ci fa vedere:dove ,sbagl:iamo' e) 61. da la forza di d:iventare piu' buoni. Ci'f'avedere come spesso no:i siaino senza amore e senza'mi'sericorCl':i!ii ~ "Tante>vo1 te:'h'ol' non:' ,, siamo degli uomini; ci muoviamo come tin--iiutomobi'ie." solo i1 ,mo~' tore I 'senza euore I s"enza ~s'e'n'tinten ti~; 'qu~n to 'e I '))ello: ia "se"ra andare a 'letto e sentire' ,che "no-n.abbi'amo, ,avut:o,im-iser£cordi'a' 'e: ', amore verso i no~tri' fra~eili, 'e ~§.:!l,~a~e~ ,~T-~a{::ro c::\lql:e:d:i,;;~~s1:li-! '.. perche' questo Cl. fa venl.re un pro'fondo, senso';d£ um:il:ta !'; ,questo, ci fa'sentire che abbiamo offeso i nostr:i fratelli e"che: 'non ,ab~, biamo a1tro rimedio se non quello cii chiedere, perdono iil' 'sacr~ Cuore, di chiedergli" che 'cerch!L .Luh,di' rip'arare 'i'l maJ:e .che ab± biamo fatto, perche" noi non, 13_iamo capaci ,di fare, ,n:iente; ,no:!, ,,' ' ' .non s.iamo capaer!' :ai' met:tere "l':"amore'e fa g"i:oia'in.quei16:'che·>£acciamq. ~t ~ "~ ~ -~~~ '~ "f(.-, -m1ser.icordioso '''h~ 11." ~",' ',' •• :> un . ,d , , NOi'spesso siamo automobili, non uomin.i'con euore di carne; noi potremoJ \chi:an1arci fig1'!' dj; Dio"e;'frateili:;tra~di'!n'6f';quando ,,'" il nost~q "c;:,~q;r~~' ~s,ara":cont;ent6: ,se gl;io ,'~l trhsono con'tenti';, ;q'uando il nostro cuore sara' pieno di dolore se gli altri :~pfh;9~H) ,gu~I].,q9;·::, ~'" j J nOstro cuore sara I pieno di stima e di rispetto' per coloro"·" . che si danno da fare i1 per il prossimo;, quando' i<1.: 'nostro:,:cuore' ,,' , " s,:ra' ,pienodi misericordia per <;~1~,~9_cihe:-. sb.~~g?,n<:, ,i:;.h~,V:q9:?,'rO~p; : Vl.vere alle spalle degli al tri ',' ,~lt~"Il.on,,:sanno' ,:che: :cosa;fare;:nel(J!a~'''' ":. vita; quando il nostro cuore sara' pieno di coraggio quando s~.1,!l£rayi':: che tutto vada male; quando il nostro cuore amera' la vita ch.~' 'I?;t;<t'" ,'~ ci ha messo. : '" ""',' ;, Un cuore di carne e ~i sangue noi 10 possiamo chiedere al Sacro Cuore di Gesu,' in questo mese. Non ,glj; ,chiediamo., 'che, :non: ,c':il facc.taJ' '. : sbagliare; chiediamogli invece di ",1:"i~ci .. y~~~;:e" dov~ ~', ~,CliE,~,-_', "sb~::;~ ~--:-: ;" ' , :; gliamo; e' mol to meglio. ," ~ ,Cambier~mo tanti nostri pensieri sulla giustizia, sui principi e su'tante altre fesserie che c1. accecano e non ci fan no vedere la vita come e' veramente: e la v1.ta, la nostra vita e' tutta li; nell'amore, nella m:isericordia, nell'umilta', nel perdono del Sacro Cuore di Gesu'. Don Roberto Russo '1979 , . '. ':\ r• . 7' ,'" ~, "'" - "~ . -': ".""-"" - -~ Inizia lamess,a e i l sole hrilla! , , ,'" ,:',-,'~ -~', ~", " .1 I , . 'VOTIAMOP.ER,L~EURO'PA a. y?tare 'il 10 ;giug'iio ine'ttiamoci di bu,<?na yolonta e, ~a:iarno; per 11 ParlamentQ Europeo. . ' . , , \ Anco;ra ,fOrSE! non abbiamo capitobenediche,sitratta; ~d:e' an~he logl~o p~r9h~ ~ la PF~ma v?1ta.nelias:toria.c;t~1_monqo ,c,he ):.'~uro~a C:«;!,r$=a,d~ unirs~cos~;T';1tte Ie I].aziOJ;l~ ,si, \ ~?gl.:l.0n~ qare una mana P~f cercCire d~ yivere"irl:, paC;;e •. '11ft 'e la'nostr~ mana che portera questa pace: la'.nostral1}!'ipoc.l1,e·' ,i~ ,10 giuctno, 'fn una cabin<;t ele,t:~orale! rne,tt~Bt, .~h §~C3,rl:o,.,~, voto. Cos~· fara anche la mana d~ un c~ttadino' quals~asi: in Frclncia; in GerJ!iania,in Belgi6, in Inghilte:rr,a, ecc.' " Saramio 'Ie mani di tutte queste persone, saranno'~e ilost;e' . man'i che contribu1ranno moltissimo alIa pace'-eaHa' gl\iiftizia. Saranno Ie. nostremani che rnetterannoun segno, che darcU!no, . . , un voto, a tutti quei partiti che ci assicurano libert:a di , .peri~ier?, di parola, di rel~gione, discel tct:p~r ques-t;6;l1 :n9!3,t;'o <vo:tosara, mol tOimportcmte. " ~ - ~ - - Anzi sarkmolto importante perche perla'p:t;inia yolta ,riOl: 'j,:talJahipc?trern~vot~r~ all' estero. Nor l;asciamod. sfuggi;e quest~ 'occasione <9.1 ·esercitarei nostri. dir1tti civil±., II mondo canmiiucerchiamo di farlo Carnhi·?b~ '.in megl~o.' , _., '. • . ',. ' • .. -------------~--~--~----------~-------- NE'WS .,FROM ITALY YQUMAYHAV'E M'ISSED Sicilian baker has been charged with fraud and posing a threat to publ,ic safety after being involved in at le'ast 100 road, aqcident~ last year. A Kidnappers have set free the ,grandson ·of ,the .foUnder' of the Lancia car company" who Has abducted, 'three months ago; The 22 year old; grC'mdson was released after'a payment '?f £400,000 by hi~ fanii~Y,. Candy i . . an I~ali.an'd9mestic appliances firm, has come ,fo the, rescue of the, 'BF'i tish Formula lnio'tor racing team run by Ken Tyrell. ,The firm,'ha'soffered sponsqrship of El,SOO,QOO. Two teenagers broke into Turin Cathedral in an attempt to steal the Holy Shroud. They were caught wh'en they set off an electronic. alarm during the raid. The Shroud was unda.maged. A fi~, started by left-wing guerrillas, destroyed a Lancia factory in Turin. Experts estimate the damage at severalriiillion , dollars.. Lancia has been ,the target ,of 11 politicallymot:ivated arsoil' attacks hi the past thl?ee y e a x : s . · · ' Train robbers made off with several hundred thousand pounds' in money orders after using a bogus signal to halt ·the Milan-Rome express,arid detaching the" last five coa~he's 60 rni:lesnorth o~ Rome. rbllian conductor, Riccardo Muti has ;been.named to succeed Eugene Ormandy as' music ~irector'ci'f thePhilade'lphiaOrcliestra. Italy':mourned former Premier, Aldo 'Moro" with' hundreds of special massl'lS anddemons~rations;: on~ year ~~ter his,death. . . ,. . girl was born to Italian actress Claudia Cardimile, just. weeks after the birth ofqei son Patrick's' child ~ade her a grand':' . mother. A, , Telev,ision' journaiist"Franco Piccinelli was shot in the legs in Turt~ by 'Red, Brigade guerrillas. Experts have discovered that drinkkng wine can ease the.strain on. the neart.' Italy 1.s amongst the countries with the'lowest'heart .disease, amol1g. middle aged mem, '-~ _ Italiim, police are now checking the time stamp on motorway, ,t,()n tickets. If the difference between time 6f, entry arid departure fr«;>m .the motorwciy over: the known mileageind{cates that' you: have been breaking th,e limit, you stand to be convipted. of speedi~g., Italianin-c~r entertainment leader, Voxori,. is, pushing its, way 1Ilto the BritisH E85niillion car radio/cassette markef~,Their , smaliest 'modeLis'2~less~than three inches long ;~~~~~ . ".' . .. . '. - - - . .. ' , " ., ~' • FDTDCRONACA, .. . ... " , .... "'~ , lia.-:,., •• . Ahglo~it~iTah, , A Action from the Charity Ma'tch petweeir 'an Footbaii Lea~ue (in" the, dark' ,shirts) . a~<!' a ' S~S;:~b~Z. 'Ii;;: ,'l;'!i~ ;p'rb~~'e!l.s ar~ -:-to be donated ,'to the Gunnar Nil~l?<?~ 'Ca~ce.x; ·Tr~E)at!llen,t., ,Camp'a.i~n: , Il primo "din'ner and' dance" dell' Assoc. Pedina Val Carda I teriutosi . . sab~t~· :p,,:maggio alla Casa San Vincenzo ?~llo~ti., ._" I' ....:... -"=. - - == =='-===~~ ..0- ~~ - _ _===:-~--~~~_= -- ==-~-:-=:- _- birdssportirigSl1oot=:c . ··~c~'2bfrrbe;-6ie ,~gio~1zi:; d~~~;~A~t;;~~~~=~~ ~ - ----_-----...= _--c---=-----o- HORSE~TROPHY=~ SponsoreCi by'~: ~ _~ - suggest iva campagnadL~;c . DYRHAM PARK FARM ;:;~.iC_-: Jrh,,·,m· Lane _ - _- _ = " __- --:~ _- ~ ~-o- Distillers in aid of Scalabrini,- Church ~~:;,~ - -- :~:The.:competition will· ---------------- - . = -GANCIATROPHY _ and a case of CANCIASPUMANTE presentation by Mr: Bruno Bettini ~ ~ ~~ ~.·ofHEDGES & BUTLER'LTD will take place by the PUNI:~MES CARAVAN~ =~-~ just before shooting will resume after lunch. --~--~ r~The --~~- - ,=-- -,,---::-----,.,,-----.- . ...~ ---- -- - -- -- --- ***=c~ - 1· biglietticpossono: essere acqui5t~tCiJresso:· . - = Padri' Scalabriniani . . .. '20 BrixtonRoad, Lond()n~SW9;';oo~ . Tel. 735-8235 --- ~-~ -- -- Fee£10:oq't~~ -- be Bo.ughtonsite £1.50 ..~~ I PER AR~IVARE ALLA DYRHAM PARK FARM I AVVERTENZE .. ci saranno abbondanti esvariate· bevande per cui vi preghiamo vivamente di non portame. * Ci sara' pure a disposizione del cibo. * AU'entrata dovrete presentare il bigliettO e vi sara' quindi eonsegnato il programm!1 dettagliato. Per ora vi forniamo della mappa a fianco con indicazione delluogo e del tragitto. * AUe 12.00 sara' celebrata la Messa al campo. BUON VIAGGIO E ARRIVEDERCI A DOMENICA 17 giugno, 1979. PER FARE 0 RINNOVARE L'AQBONAMENTO • • Riempite iI modulo seguente e speditelo inslema con 3 sterline a: LA VOCE DEGLIITALIANI 20, Brixton Road, London SW9 Nome e Indlrlzzo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (scrivera In atampatello) _ _ _ _-.,,_ _ _ _-'-_-'__-:-- DISTRATTONE!!! Cosa aspetti ad abboriarti a .•. , LA VOCE DEGLIITALIANI 0 Data _ _ _"'--_ _ _ _ __ ~--~ o Segnara con una croce Abbonamento nuovo Abbonamonto rinnovno . "Le"esportazloni Italiane nel , p~riodo 1970;I;9,76,'sono,:piu' che decuplicate passand9dai 28'.12S; ,ett:olitriai 282.724 ettoHtrinel 1976'. '<;il, aUmentl 'in vai6resono ancora piu " ,marcatl: L:l.liliil.Lirdl nel i970, L.12.8 miliardi nel 1976. " " L'a quota eli mercato·,e' passata 'gradualmente djil ",3; 1 n ,del ~970 aI' lS,7S%de~ ~~'76'~' : ". ' 'f; 'Italia e i .1~Unico Paese ,che ·neglI.uihlii1i <liecl' anni ha:fatto registrare 'umi,cont;inua espansione, nelie ,,' proprie;foiriiture,<iiinercato ~'Dritaiirii'co,"seiiza ~ ,anchelnegl1 ~annicri tid. 1974" e 1975'alciuna battuta d' arresto • Lamaggiorpar-te, 'degli' apport!' '#' ·V1ri:i.' ftal,iari~ suI mercato britannico si riferisce a vini ~m bottigliati all' origine ei;iiio' afferrnaisi chEll 1 'Italia contende, in tale" set tore, . oggi, Ie, prime posizioniai tradizionali Paesi fornitorL 'Infatti, oltre il 70% dei vini importati dall'Ital1a sono vini :LIilbOttigllati',all!ori.. gine~ , Q~asi il-'40%~a:ei' vini importati Ilel Re~()7:unito, sono ,;in+ a denominazione d'origine controllata. Torniarno ol;"a'"al~a nostra rivista e selezione dei: vino Italiano. Brunello • I,l;Brunel'lo di Montalcino, prodottoiri:'To,.scana· e'unq'. del vini i taliani piu' costosi, circa"£ 7~'00-:'per botth gJ.::ia:: E "Wi vfno 'prestigioso, aristocratico:; ''insomma un.vino Ai' ;gran classe.'ccin gu~fo'e"1#of~o,'incsmf6n;"" d'ibile. Viene messo al consUlllodopo lungo',iI}vecchia,. mento',almeno quattro anni in':i>otte, e,:plio'st:are in bottiglia. per un prollingato tempo,'senz<f"al~erare Ie sue. quali ta ' '~, . ..Cabernet : Vino prodotto con uva Cabernet" ,spedainlE~nte nel Veneto Orlentalee l'Alto Adige.,· , '. ",'~ " Qa:~otare·. ,il Cabernet del Piave; 'principe dei vini 'veneti, .d,~ colore rosso rubino, a~oma il},gen¢.o; ga 0 accompagilare carne rossa e sughi': 'gradazione 12' 1'),3 • Cannonau : Tipico vino della Sardegna, 'rosso, robilsto t, 'genel;',o,!o, dal' gusto asciutto e austero'; 'gradi'I2 o 'circiC'" , Chianti~ ;!.i E'~ i'l piu!conosciUto deli.v:i.iI! ,it'aliapL 'Ii',f:ta!3co L ricoperto dl paglia, ricorda a tutti, il :vino italiano, e il fiasco e' la tipica bottiglia per 11 Chianti invecchiato di menD di tre ~nL Dopo che e' st!l~o i~ vecchiato piu" di tre anni in fusti di. rovere ;.iL _, ". __ Chianti diventa riserva e viene mess·0.s61tanto;'~«i!1,;Le bottiglie tipo bordolesi. Il Chianti Classico viene prodotto nel,cuore della Zona Chianti tra Firenze e Siena. :L'etichetta:con 11 gallo nero garantisce la genuinita 'del Chianti' , ,Classici:> "che:' e" un: vinofinissimo 'e ,austero ,"di' q~lore rosso rubino i velutato', .dove 'certi. 'dicono ·di ,i'iscontrare, 1 ....... ",;:., ............ profumi ~i' viole e frutta •••• L'etichetta del Consorz~q Chianti Putto cqpre la maggio • ranza .. dell' altro.Chiantiprodotto :intorno !all'a<zona' . <c'E~ntr'aJ,e. ' , , , ',' ' '~ i ; o •" > ," " suofre, 0 ~'" , ~_ J' -". -', - - '~~'L"."''' -~ _ , cont ... ----=--=---- - - -==----=-- • "'. .' I. ',' , ~,' . " , ". >- ' Fra i migilori Chian~i :" Nippozano Frescobald! ,CibOi-io'Ltd:.~, Serristori GailoNero,di ;E~' zazZi,~"; ,Antinori' di. Belloni'~ ;',' , ,. c " RU.ff~ri(j ~i: Hedges,&' B~t;l,er, '" " . . Straccal:i: 'di ,G. Bravo.'& Son Ltd~,. Viccniomaggio'di :Neil-, J3ral-chwait~, ,q, Co.; . " .. ". ", " , , ' ;r~,vos~ro gorrispo~,d~nte Bertino e! ri~scitq a,scovare un opuscolo' del.' Consorzio Vinol Chianti Classico' 'che indica la 'qual! ta j ",delle annate' per i l chianti, t::lassicq:' !Questa ',tabella puo' piu" 0 mena' s'ervire, di pax-agone'" in linea fdi'massima, anche ~per gli altri vini italiani,..:t:enendo' conto :degl:f.' agenti ,chehanno 1nfluem'zato'ia: 'formazione:,e,i'a matura": :ziol1e' d~!'l "uvae dEili~op~r~ziori~ ,~~' ven'demmia:e Cd'!' 'vinificaz~one:• :'; . ' *****' ' 1 eJ].i:,e, j,,', " ,~.:c' -.~qc~l. ' **.''!! "molto b" uono, **b' ' uono, *in f er i ore" • 'alIa media ,,- , • , -, 'l.. . ' ~***ottimo, 1964 1965 1966 .1967, 1968' 1969 197() 19.11 1972 1973 ,1,97<1' 1975' 197.6. , I ~' , . ~.' ~ .' , ,, 1~ ~.,. ** *.** * .. ii**, *** **** :;"** . *'!<*** '** *** , , ~~** *****, '* , ,s'ii "no~ . , , . . _<", .. .,.****, ' , ~~~te d' acc6rdo lainentatevi .~on BacR:hiii ~ , ~~. ~i~ted ' ~ccordo, lJIandate ,i vc;>si:ri., 'ellogi', a, ,Bertino.! " • ~ •• : . , -: • - - '" \0" ,,',: ,~~ ~~,os~ima,~diz.io~e,dj, .BACK~~LL verra ,pubbl:icata:domen1ca " , ..., <'' ~~, :luglio.., Sar~ 'un nUmero 'speciale per lii Proc::essione e Sagra. _ . _. , ,. ., . ~ .~""" v. • • '" ,':The"i"ext' ,edition' of, ;BACKHILL· (the: ;l>rocession?hd ,Sagr,a: Special) . will. .be on sale from 8th July on. ', '; " I R~gioniD' It~ilia~'-~~-- --~ ,..,..'Regions(;>f Jtaly Valle D~Aosta ii3 , 720 POPOLAZIONE Population , POLITICA Politica ' ',D.C. P.C.I._ P'.S. I. U.V. Others 21.4% 19.5% '8:5% ~ 33',9% 16.7% CAPITALE REGIONALE Regional Capital Aosta ALTRE CITTA' Other cit;:ie~. The only major city is Acista. TURISMO Toudsm. sport invernali - winter sportsCervihia, Gressoney, Courmayeur; ,Pre S "'Didier GASTRONOMIA Food and Drink piatt! "'" ,fo.od fonduta bagna cauda vitello valdostana. gianduia vini - wines donnaz' Aos Italy's smallest region was made an 9-utonomous Region by a special statute in 1948. The region used to suffer from iso.., lation until the two great tunnels. were opened wider-Monte Bianco<and the St. Bernard, and a motorway was c6mpleted through the yal,ley! Laregione piu' piccola d'Italia o:ttenne la sua ailtonomia, con 'imo statuto speciale del 1918~ La regione soffriva, inun'isolazione, fino a quando furono aperte Ie ,due -gran_ gaileriesotto i1 Monte Biancoed , ifl San Bernardo, ed'un_autostrada che attraversa la vallefu completata. - . , . --=~ ~(THE HILL) COME WITH: ME ON ANOTHER STROLL' AROUND . THE HILL! Resulting from my contribution on the church, the school?n~ the people up,down and around the Hill, which appe?-red ihthe last July issue of BACKHILL, many people have expressed their pleasure and appreciation. of my efforts and many wrote to say how much they enjoyed the. article. ' ' . ' Therefore, resting my forehead in the palm of my hand, and putting pen to, paper, I invite readers to accompany me on this journey of ~y'~urther memories among a real cosmopolitan collection of 'people and places - all existing in true harmony and happiness - during those mimy years of my childhood and youth at St •. Pet~r' s School and Church. ' Such memories I shall forever cherish':Ice cream being made in la'rge tubs outside the houses arid .shops around the Hill during the summer months. Hot drinks' and chestnuts. being prepared in the winter, @ven hot baked potatoes and all being sold from barrows in the markets of Exmouth ,Street, Leather L.ane ,: Chapel Market; and the like. ' When having' a b~d cough my m()ther and I went to stand ovep- 'or close to - the hot tar being bo1:led up by workmen resurfacing .and repairing the r o a d s . ' . Going to the "Foundling" (Coram Fields in Guildford take part in school sports. ~treet) to T~e shops in Exmouth Market where I went shopping for my mother Rowley's, Maurice Glanz, ,Slftons, Home and Colonial,. Hales, Sander sons , David Grie"p Mick Golds, Sally Toys, Rosins, Hemmings; Peachy ~lalk-Round Shop, Gilbertsons, Pearks -and the stalls, some still re,maining - Higgens: Metcalfs, Lewis -Taylors. ' -, . ~ - The street'~arket in Farringdon Road which, every day - inc~uding saturday - extended from·Clerkenwell ·Road to Hart's Corner. The wholeare~ is, now covere.,d by a yellow line! Going to the school dentist in Spencer Street for dental treatment adffi~~istere~ by gas. Cart horses drinking at the water-trough, opposite Ray Street in Farringdon Road. The' coal man selling sacks of coal from his cart - if you could not afford a )Jag you would go 1:0 a coal shop and buy i t by the., pound in weight. Conductors walking in front of buses,. with lighted flares, in Clerkenwell Road and Far£ingdon Road during pea soup fogs in the' autumn and· .winter months. ' , , Breaking up wooden boxes and selling them as firewood around the local flats. The two sisters serving in the small sweet shop, next door to the barbers in 'Laystall Street. c~nt .... • ~ith hi~tal1An:l~l=he~ Yallf~s\J.8gQal~ bI T r Strand lillV'iqo:r'at(l...4~;s of~{~p~rel~! ..I.!e_~ne i~!,p~int, Blackcurrant (co~ '. n er ~li~ in :t~era~! Y J .' hj,s barrow and' collecting oldragsc for old rag he . books, jigsaws and toys.' l,!,lI,.~cn to the taylor in Griffin ,Mansions to ):)e mElasured, for altar socks. OstJII/03'\!cl ·'~I~MP led ~Ol~~~~ "small , pull:lever and ;.,~it forfireengin~~,". 'r.0oking never' 'Bleeding alas, in • The T,he all. ,hot EXmouth .~~g:~L"S' etc in the CONTJrN(rED NEXT MONTH , J: . CHARLES NOLAN e'.1> .SS: no no:tI1H nobno.1 9rlT :is - rlqs'Xl?o:torlq 9rl:t nI 'to. 9IlW \ '.o::rr,:) "l\"tM .2'XQM.6'l, tn1::r$.1s!t!' /~ _lI:t,;="kQ .tn(15:'()1;~.9:j;°ct'; t?(1J:m'J:l3rlo 9rlj oj :tx::;({ ,(>(11 j:i 1a .:tl.91 -;tsci nO a::n 088Uil 9'lf' • .ls';l!>n9C> I..,8no:> nsl11. 11 'Y , c , , , , ~" THE DRURY TEA &. . C'OFFEE C;Q. LT'D. . ~jhippllers ' - - .- ,tc? ~ , - . cater~frs '. Gift parcels' 'sent 'worlchvlde J MEPHAM ST. WATERLOO. SEI 928-2551 .. , . 3 NEW ROW ,.I?:r.~ARTINS'LA.WC2 836-1960 37 DRURX LANE HOLBORN'WC2. 836-2601 159 EDWARD ST. BRIGHTON ' 0237~6]074 . , . . .. 'V '. u I. \ t." SCALABRINI DINNER AND DANCE - at The London Hilton on 28.4.79 In the photograph Padre Russo sittingn;::xt to the charming Mrs. Cardi, wife of the Italian Consul General. On her left Paare 'Giovanni of the Scalabrini Fathers. - ---------------------------~ The Lucchesi nel Mondo Association Spring, ' Dance Saturday ,.19.5.1979 Some members of the Lucchesi nel Mondo Association were rewarded for their neat footwork at the Association ',s Spring Dance which took place at, Finsbury Town Hall, Rosebery Ave. E.C.lo,onSaturdaYi 19th May. ", """,'" Although the evening's disco beat brought about somedazzling dancing, the footwork ,that was "rewarded was purely to do wi th footpall! 20 year old Nicola Lafaci had every reason to smile after being honoured with the title of "Lucchese F09t- . ball Player of' the Year". Nicola, who plays in the Association's football team, was presented .with a handsome trophy by ,the' , . Association's Honorary President, Mrs. Bianca Tolain1. The limelight was also shared by 21: year old Garychislom wno emerged as the "Lucchese Sportsman of the Year", and, 20 year old Manley Mason whose true aim in the past year made,'liim' the "Lucchese Top Goal Scorer" with 24' goals to his name!' . The rest of the football team were not forgotten. Each player received ,a ~edal for' the hard work and determination 'put iri. Undoubtedly the spirit of Lucca is alive, and kicking. " NICOLA LAFACI: FOOTBALL PLAYER OF , THE YEAR . ===- - .~. -~." ,- • ,. ,- -. < . MANLEY MASON: TOP GOAL SPORER L. GUIDOTTI LTD ( WIN ElM P 0 R T E R S ) 38 MOUNT PLEASANT, LONDON, w.e.!. 278 4870 Suppl1prs to, the 'Tr~de 8. Public TEL ,NO: WHO'LESALE & CASH &' CARRY CASH LOTS ONLY LIS ~ P R 'I C E. ANCU;LI , .<, BIANC9'~<?SC~0 £14.50 "'72 c! E14.50 -EH.10 £14:80 ~11. 'gO, 72 cl 72 ,cl, 12 ,Bot;tles II, 12 II' 12 "12 £15.20 72 cl 12 Bottles £13.30 £14.20 £14.30 £13.30 12 Bottles BARONCIN'i CH IAN TI- .D. 0 ,C~ CHIANTI CLAS's:i:co GALLONERO I?~O.C;;. BAINCO TOSCANO ·D.O~'C. ORVIETo-'D ; <;-~ - - 0": ' , 72 c1; 72 cl CALDIROA FRASCATI D.O.C. DURETTO BARBERA DELPIEMONTE NEBBIOLO DELPIEMONTE GRIGNOLINO DELPIEMONTE PIEMONTE BIANCO' '• PINOT BIANCO' BAROLO :J,9?J ' E21.00 12 Bottles II 12 II 12 II '72, ,cl' 12 II 72 ~J :.12' II 72 ·cl '12 f SEvER! LAMBRUSCo'" £14.5q 72 El'4.90 72 cl 72 i:::l 72 cl .. -j < t~ q:J:: • '12- II " ',- '. Delivery can be provided. " h) . -, , -, - - - - M :, ,Liiunch'ed: on, the-Continent in November 197:7 ,and 'imported.' , ,to th~ 'UK 'in ,May: 191 ~ i the ,Peugeot 30?' fal:ls'into' the Ilea;'vily fought Cortina""class. In its).lpmarket form (SR-whichis' the' subject of this'test)" the Peugeot has to ;compete ....... "'j--'_ ,·c' ...... with 'a. 'mostly 'l:arger' engined and faster opposition. which . 'iilcludes ;th:e Chrysler Alpine ·s;, Ford 'Coieina -',~ :OGL, "Honda . ,Accord':saYoon'"Lahcia Beta l.'b~f,Renaurtl~TL et: 'a'~l;~ ,'Although. the Peugeot has ,a ,smaller engine, (150066)" it...does nq't'offer, better ~consUinptlon. On paper; i'tappears '" , tn'!!~ t~~ ,395SR ,-ts'<highly 'prAqed' j,n this c::ountry'considerlng: ~~~,.'aver,~9'~' pe;-,forllJanC§l and§l90 lC?IJ.lY,,, Pd,ce :af!tested if!. q~,91,~00.-' ; .. MECHANICS, 'Th:J '305 derives'its' baslcrunning gear 'from the 39"4' mqde~> Two ,versions' of .the 3.04 I S transverse engIne are 'used 1290; ,~~dA4,~2cc •. Th~, :J,~l:'g~l:' .of th~t\>!9- f,1,tte4 pnly ~o the, SR ,version. ' , •• - '."1'-' "" • The engine, produces,;7 4bhp',@,6000"rpm;, inounted' transverselY. driving the front wheels. . . " ... ,," .. ',¥.~ "~,'"' '" -·7.-~' 'I' ',,~ ,6' ",', -, "',".- ... , '.,:" • - fuel' - ~ ~ - - ~ - Suspens,ion on the.30S is indeperidant all round.~her.e ,~re, MacPherson struts, coil springs and an anti roll bar at the, front, while the rear has trailing 'arms, coil springs:3htlC CQ-:~~?-~:J. deinp.er. s, and, all ant;l l:'Rll; bar.~ ,-£i!e .p:()pl.ll~r,dis_c/dl=Ull) .brakirig; layout with ~ervo assistance, ,<l"I!.c:i' P;-~f>s~r~Fe,gula~or o_l!.tl}e:r;e<lrl?r~l.<E!s ~s, uS,ed .. Ser,vi-cing' 'should; prove to'bereriltrvely: chea'p'\'lith an"oil 'change :reconuiiemded every '.5060',inHes, and'ia fuHservic'e "ev,ery 10000 'mile,S,. The';plug. in' diagnostic, socket,. 'also means '<;I\!ick·, ~,i:Clgnos:!-9' of any faul tsand,~heir .rapid"repair'i' ·thus . •saving, on' .labour times., " • ..' .>" 'e- <'. ~". - ~ ~. 0- ____---0-0-~ - --- ---- - -- - ------=-.=;. -==,=~-= ~ - ------=-===- '.- I •.• ",~ . --', PEUGEOT, 305 ,SR c· .... ' --"-, .- ,,~~-=-~~~~~~ ~-=-~-- - - - - - -- - ~ __ cont. :-;.~ ST,YL!NG· n'E;sig1'led by Pinj,nfarina, ,the ,Peugeot's: crisp lines "foll.ow· the. pattern of the Peugeot fl.agship, tne 004, al.sodesigned by the ItaLian. ' . . TheSR,is, distinguish~4 from, the rest of the range (GL & GR) by the s~de rubbingstip~, and of co~rse, rear badging. The inter:ior ,co],.our .sch~me ,of my test car was very pl.easant in varying shades of, brown. ,The onl.y eyeso;:e was ,the exte-'rior col.ou;r;"'brightelectricorange. Ugh! I~ t:t:'ansp~red (aft~r I telephoned t.ocomplain) ~hat Peugeot" s . P:t:'ess 'Offit::er, knowing me to be somewhat of an eixt:t:'ove.rt I, ' thought the col<?)lr wou:td. be, qU9t~,. '!Just lip your street , RiccCl.rdo II •• Good Job Jour.nalists .have, a' 'sense of humour. • I digress. The seats were trimmed' in soft velour and, the, . overall 'impression was of'a ·s.Umptuous car. The se.at:~, coni"" plete with head-restraints, give good lateral support and fore and aft'movement is surprisingly good. Overall sea:ting space is excellent..' , The dash has plenty.ofoddment space. A lockabie 'glovebox, an oddme:n~ .~ray atop, stol;'~ge ~r.ays. iI.l~roni; ot:. ,PC!:ss..el1g§!r and dr:;vei:, and newspaper ~ac;ks 01'). the: bac~s.of. the ·front seats., . The ,in~tFurnen:t po~, se.em through a sIn~rt padde~ ~'1~-:-st3~ke steering ':1heE!l, 'houses. it j wpbJ,e ¢f dials. an~ w?:':-nin.g ,l:!ghts. There i"l::i a large centrally mounted circul.ar speedome.ter • Unfortunateiy, both'Mph and metric calibrations are virtually; ·the 's'ame'si,ze, wit!} the result t::(m~~sing;tosay' t\:ie" 1~~.st. To i;!ither side of the speedometer (the largest dial) ar~ a tachometer and'· combined' fUEdand. temperatur'e gaug~~. ~9:ther criticism" albeit minor, the tachometer is far too smaLL and has no red line mark'ing! Finally, under each of the, :1::':10. smal'ler d~als., m!=!ntioned., in groupings of four, ~re: variol,ls warnirig liglits. ' Quartz' clock,vaz::ious switches and'qeater cohtrolsare mounted 'in the centre of the dash. ColUmn stalks operate the usual. funct·ions of lights~,. indicators and .wipers. The one word which sums up the interior fitmEmts is 'quaLity. ON, THE .ROAD. At all times, the Peugeot started easily arid w:Li:h iittie choke needed. With such a lively and free revvingehgine', the car tends. to be driven ;with brio', but .it is by 'no means , a fast; car, although, i:t gives. Cl great sensation o:!= speeCi •. Performancefigurs !;how ~ 0-60mph time .of. 13.5 'secQnds' 'and a top .speed of '95mph'. .The 305' s acceleration figure~ may not be as :good' :as its rivals, but like so many continental: cars it can be kept on a motorway at top Whack ihdefinitely'. 'I't is also a very quiet saloon. cont .... • ·H?n¢l.ling is go'od. 'There tends ,to be a great deaL of, ,.' . body rc?11 ,'a.nd", tli~.tyi:es screech , but still it grips~'wneri understeer, 'does ,come in, the 305 is easily' controlled. As 'with sornany' front wheel drive cars, there is steering tug when acce~erat,i~g: ;rom res~ ,aiouna ~ :cC?j~eF~! T~~,,~a,,~',<i.lso ' has a hab:!:t: of'wheel-spinn~ng from res~. ,'.' • " 4- _ Handling", -steering'and braking are all to a high order" • the.susp'en~~C>ii'ts so typically F.rench' !;ltough:to say it would make you sea 's;i;ck would be ,a mite unkind,' 'but it could induceth:is ~ffect' at"the back. 'Neverthe-· -- -. in childreri Sitting . . , less its ,road manners are prim 'and proper. . ., ....,-., - -. . With the d,river' sitting upright,. visibility in the 305 i!l good. It is strange, however; ,considering the driving positi'on, that the far corners cannot' be seen. Fortunately C1sses~ng their 'position' is possible with a high degree, o~ accur,a.cy., though_it's_handy to know that should your ,as- ,. sessl.1!g, ,I}eed, );e..,asse~.~iJ~,g:, t:!1ereare :plastic.coated" Jrnpact .resistant,:oumpers !'.'" . ., .. CONCLUSION :{iikea.~i:t. Wha~ mo:r;¢ t~ s~y?" The only cHticism 'Ih~veito n!~!ce:;;,~~;~the fuel csm'sU!l)pti9.n' figures ,:D 6~taine,din tq~\. w~,e~ J;<;>!1g test~Wi th '.nc>;;:!nal,dFiy~~g:~: ,the',P.eugeot \>fqu;L9",llot 7h,urn a' figureb.et;ter, ~l:tan2,5mpg'. . , •. " ;((£3994" thei, 3q5'IJI~y;-'fl¢~in'e,xP~nSl::'{e. It: 'may n~~':have:):~~: p'erformance .oj;; ':.its·..:r1 val's " 'brit,· rt' ;is, well: built,; comfortable i' a'n:effortles~'caf,todr£ve,' andpartic'ular1Y ,pleasant: ;~' :; ~ - ' , - • >f 'fI'" <: '"; \ ",., • • ~ .\ • • • ~. _. ' _ . .... • ;,' • • .. ' .; ~ ~"';. ~ Ricc~rdoIGadeseiH. ". .,..' . .. . ' . .,' ,.' -,. '". " , " , ,. " EXTRACTS' :FRO~I .. , . LETTERS RECEIVED . 'THE, CATH():LIC lYOHENXSASSOCIATION 'EVENING SOIREE HF-CDON SAT:uRDAY 24tl:t'~tARCH'-1979 ~ ~. "., .~ . . Di-. P. F. ~I ~,. 'lii-':i:giey.., ~ I L l " ' , ~~. Bartho:rome'~'s1iospital', '~Eist Smi,th1:iel.d, IJondon, EC1A 7BE ; , " . '. , ; '~. i -? •. ;.. , , ;< "Thank you f'or your mC?st 'geno'rous gift to, tl!e,: H~ckney Oncol.ey Researc<h F¢td giveri 'by'tne"C:atliol'ic i,ome'n '/ X~soci3tion of' st.peter's, ItaHim:Church', ~Ci'oriroillioll, ,/I . . . " .. ",......:::• ~.' , ~',""".;"- EO;' ~'~~ , ~, ) , Iri these dif'f'icul t times in' ;the. Hifai't'h- Servic , i',t: is mostheart-warining to rec·~ive:, s6rgeneiooU's i'i,cdonatio. tp~~ards onr Hork in cancer; and I, on oehal{''or'a!t our:;'. s);!lf'f', thank you f'or this eif't." ' . . . , . .., .. Yo~rs sincerely, " ., J ' 'Peter I·:.• tL lfrigley: 'do~suhilhfP'hvs:i6ia:n. '\ . ~ .....- ~ " -" ;--£, ~;.. '·~.!~~'"';;::;;t=;:~,_.~~~~:l~"U:~ :f:e.~NC?~i~ied~,"l1a ',C.h"~~~~.f;' . "'",~'~-- . - - --=-~ .. _ ' . Tel: OI.8344Soi r ,..,-... • ~. ~- • 'BRUNO rv1EOrCI. Photographer "[: . ,~ " \~ ~ " " , ..."". ',< , \ -- " ,, .(8 ~harlwood, Strpet London. SlW.I. ' - . .., , , bomboniere ', ',,:confetti tulle'~' , . , i f.iori '. DITTA A VERONESI S.n.c. ,MILANO - ITALY SALES AGENT: Maurine Sandler 10, Wilbraham Place LONDON S. W.t . .... ,d' _ _ < ' telephone 01..;.730 2093 '. '. ; .' Londra, 11 12'inagglo! i97~. Egregio ~igno; birettore, ~', "" " ;penso chesia ;giUnto ,ilniornento,oppor'tuno '~~ ,da,i'eg:!-,~~t,ifica, '"C!llungo'periododi silenz,i0 ed' inatt1v~ta,' c!l~, sembra,essersi imposto, sul'"nostro,',giovane ,gruppo: . ',':Il,.llostro;griippo ,~he s1 formo'poco'piu' di ,un 'anno {fa;,ave,va' comejm;ica:',inteiizione';,fare riunire 'la.silElnziosa'mavastisS1ma co';" lI!ijnlta,",£taHana 'C1ierisiede,,1n questo piccolo, img6let:to del 'L<?ndo~ Boroiign of 'Brent. Con' :una presenza',di piu' 'di ,150; fcimiglie, noi 'Gfo' va'ni'Itali'ani Willesden t, decidemmo, di fare quaicosa:;' ;", ' ' ',' , .,.., ~ '-' ,'p.,er t'litto Londra,: e ne1 dintorni esist~no cciinunita' it:ciHan~' i:::he 'si" sono::qrganlzzate, in Clubs' o,Centri 'Sociale",ed,'hanno'; avuto ,u~:enq;m~ s}i,CCj~~S5~;B~sta ,guardare iper'un esmpio"solai;l~,nte, ~~eqt,re 'come, BIlixton, 0, F,inchley per vedere H successo ottenuto;A,'Wi'llesden 'Ken'sal' 'Rise" o,'Kensal Green;' con uria cosi' inunensa presenzi\, Italillllii" non 'Jeslst'eva" nulla"dl' ,questo 'genere. E fu cosi ", che coh" ,1" aiuto"cW P. Ge'rarao de 'Tommas! (Pretemissionario"ora in Kenya)'che:deCldeiIii.:. mo, di:',iiiettere mario: al ,problema. Come figU d " Italiani' eravamo' ,tutti uni ti' da,' I" uhrcodesiderio, di fare"sapere alla gente che~ c' era iliia~ comun{fa', ' :1:tallaria' nel .distretto 'di Willesden. Iniziarono,;cos1" '~i'; , nostri lavori. " ',La"nostra,prima. serata, sociale del, 12"maggio. fu ,un' successo , inaspei:{ato. ,;Eravamo, ,cert1di faliire ;ed invece Uncistrosu,ccesso era' stato,piu" .cne ·fantastico. Alla )fine, della ,ltinga 'seratai' :eravamo 'cEirt:i .cha'. ,questa ,sarebbe .stata il: 'primo di ,moltissim:L aWEmimenf!( :'d1' quest6genere ~ 'nella ,nos,tra ':piccola' comunita" :Ma ;la: 'nostra gioia' :fu di breve' ,dura1:a: "le leggi inglese honanunettario •. '" Siccorne , ...... . - .. ''cIie' ,dove 'Ci:' sia ',un 'bar" ci possano essere presenti" anche .dei, bambini',i 'padroni del":l'o'caJ:e,. nei avendo ,commesso una contravenzione,non ci'permisero '.piu' :di::u'sare, ,il 'loroiocale •. Fu cosi' checi ,trovammo senza' Un locale .permahe'nte',nei::quale.,' poter',organizzare, le,'nostre, :feste ~Da :allora aD" b1amo'::Cercat:o ,invimo .. per un",altro.locale, 'mai problemi'Cile" si pre.!"' ,sentano' ,davanti~ a'noisono 'tre~r locali 'non 'si f1daricfdi ungrtippodi ';giovani :Italiani apparentemente inesperti., I locall nClICiierrnett:ano'la pres'eniii' Ciel' baInbini',ad: una, festa sociale, (un idea',che 'sa:iforse: un, poi del; rngtese). I' iocaUprivati; 0, le' scuole nelnostx'o distretto'Cilie,dono' ~iina' 'somma, sproporZ1onataper l' affitto deiloro saloriL ;Nonostante questi ostacol:i.; non, cf siam arresi'; Le. nostre HcerchE'l contin'uano!" I riosti-'i' due:disco';"furono un 'succesoenorme " rna dinuo'vo, l''propiet.id non' ,ci harino p1u' -dato 'il" pernesso . di usare, 11 loro, lacale,'a 'causa'del fatto" che 'il loro bar rion guadagnava abbastanzasoldi, dalle nostre feste, . ad i nostri rag'azzi erano al di 'sotto dei ·diciott! anni. par'tecipammo"'f' anno' scorso alla.processione<della 'Madonna del: Carmi-ite, che fu per' noi .;un, grande' oriore; Infine,ci fu,,,queHo :clie::per 'noi"fii i!·"riCi~i::.:r::o',p:ru' ,gr~nd~ avv~~iiiientq.OttElnemnio ,dal Parroco di:Kens'al :q~een i1.permess,o ,di, lisare ,la sua' Chiesa, per celebrare la Messa"in Italiano • tutte' J:e domeniche. Cosa. eM continua .,ancora, oggi, grazie,a: 'Sacerdo'tj: f ,iii:'vfs{tadali"It'alia, ,edIP.'Comboniaili. In"questo momenta abbiamo'in l 'parioccIl!a c :Padre"' Sti9iriatino, P . Fausto ':Longo ;che ,:resterci" fra 'no! ., , • - ... .' 'appena \un mese., • . ~ ,,$, "'i!p, cerca:c~ q~rciIi.t~ .,iaprima.parte diquesta miafu,righi~s~in~ 'l,et:, tera;; :d:i delineare ,i motivi.e le ragioni principa11 'che"ci"hanno co~, strett':ri"ad 'un 'per'lodo :diassenza .dalla .vita comunitariai 'Mi' ,tocca :ora • ,"- -t" -., • ", • " "" ,. . . . . <}' ,r~ve,lare. Ul)o;:dei, motivLpiu' dolorosi :della'.nostra 'assenza, motivi che "pe~ "p6cb/non.~haiin·Q di'strutto 11 nostro gruppo (e questa, Iia'rola "dis'- . •, ,tr:Utta :l.non,;e' ',un~\esage~a.zione).' C,i, sOAo alcUn~ 'p~rs.orie"Jn; questa . . ,pB;r:r::oc~J:~a ?lcun i Et~ll~ni ,a!l~nimi qhe, per~ma ragione, 0 .1' aUra ,hanno ,:wo'luto'J!lettere, fine atutto cio che abbiamo fatto durante gli ultimi .: '. ,, ... -, I " ' < ,,-.-, • -, " ~ ~ - • ~-~,~,---~-.,>- • i .., I <{ ~ . ',. , .. ...... f ~ • """ '. ~• • ' •• - ~.. un ~' ~. --,-.,~ ~ ~ .. ~ <. L '- '". _. .. ~', - ~ ......-,". ~ ' _ • ~~..... " ' . ~,~:r~f-£1:;'":'.~~~~~~~.-~~-«.'~ ---,..~= , -- ,~. dodici meis. :Hanno 1anciato delle accuse, cOiltro i1 nostro "gruppo'"" "'-<;!,. accuse' che';non' potevamo farealtro cJ;le mettere in dUbbio tutto 'cio' che noi' 'rappresentavamo;' che metteva' i1 nostro' gruppo in ,una posi:;:iione, di ;incr~diJ;>ili t:a.' , ,negli deg1:L Ita:J.iani qella. ,n~f!~ra. ,c9.~u,";.!, ;'1' 'n ta ; , '..' ,-,. Accusema1iziose, provocate,da' ragioni conosciute solamente da lore, "gli 'a'cicusatori., Ci 'hannoaccusati':di avera rubafo" i '''501'd1: ,de1l.e' nostr'e tre feste;, 'noi .'infatti' "a 'Natale abbi.'amo, doria'tO'~p'iu'1m"'" di cento ,ster1ine a1,Mu1tip1eSc1erosis'Research 'funa~'Offerta piu' ' alta: del :197,S', ,fatta,alla loro"organizzazione i 'ed' :equ:fval~iite';" a1;La so#ia: dona,tadalla, Rol:1s Royce Motors' Ltd!. ,'~'Ci' 'h,<f~~o' ;asc,9~~t!i di aver~avv~c::.i,~.ato:"una ragazzh lSenne .fi,glia, 'd' Ita1i~n:l:" paF.a'..;;:,"~ .. 1izzata da11a Mu1tip1e'>Sc1erosis' (Sc1erosi Nera), permotivi"pub-t _. b1icitari. Cioe!' di vo1ere ,usare' l' aniicizia di questa giovane~ ra-, , gazzci', ',per:.g?,re, un, 'sensodi, 'cred;ibili:ta' a1, nO,stro' 'g~~~p,cii'-:A·.~rEi~,:-:"~:~ 'lIu~ a1t;:0 !lI0tiyo .,Accuse ,che hannom,andato 1a 'raga:/;,?!a: 'al};'~9m:~ed~~~";:'. ,gravemente,.m~lata. A cuasa'di quest~ .. ~ccuse ,1a raga.z~a,n0R-'':81~~R'!'r pill'.. v:e~ere,,~nche se noi abbiamo prpvato del, tutto,:!i.prC>.Y.~r.f:l!"~.i':1lil0f! qll~ste ,~cc!ls~.~ Accuse' c~e ci', hanno fer:l,t~ p~o:l:on?am~.nt.'7,:(c,e: }!-!3-:,l.~ '! era,no d~l:le a1tre I, ,ma non ne vale la' pena :t:ac:~on,tarfe>, ,17'9,;':.1l.~P~ ("~I f~t!=.<?, pens arE:!; ,a, tutt<;> que!1o'che"andavamo, incon~r.o~ ~~.~;t;~~i~/a t ;11' Pa,'1Fl'l Gianl)i ,Picc0;Lboni i giovane prete ,missi9nario, :i:;:g~~'~i' 't~9Y?;r';.w~' tra noj".,PlOlr f!ei, mesi, eche :ora :sittrova in, Africa; 'e" c~~':,~~~d';l~:~e('f! noi i1 coraggio di and are avanti" decidemmo di riprovare; ," ,"• "Ab~;Lam9: ,deciso',dunque ,;di 1avorare per'~a c?:m~ni~a', I1::~l;:ifU}~',:t ma '~9!l :~f!c1ul!ivamente 'per,loro •.:Lavoreremo anchepe,:t; bene:f:ic,e~~a.", ~ y~st~ c,h~ 1e accuse"sonostate.,sparse,qa, que~10' che, a~I?,:I,~o,\got~~~o l:l,cPIlr~r~,.,\d,a·,sol,amentedue :0 ,tre persone.. ,:ch..~ 'non, ,ha~,no ,<:':Vl!~oM~ 'I! '0 coraggio, di ,farsi "conoscere" ,perche' ,sanno inei, 'loro 'cuori'; 'che ~le" 1 _ ac;c\1s,~' ~,o~C?',f~lse"la, comunita" Ita1:1:aria in,ge,n~r~ !lon, deYE!,:,r;llIe~,1D terc,i.: .Le :.no~tx:e ,attivi ta'~ continueranno'. Lcivore.r,emol'er t~~t,i "c:h~;f~ ne,.,hanno bisogno,. ,I~,'mese:'scorso abbiamo"o'rganizzato ~na' Cnari.ty • '.: '. ,ti,i.;t¥,· . :po:tere'mandare; .1a·ragazza' .It~liana:, 'ed ~_a'inb,:~n~:,:~~:;1"~~.~*\ ,ann~-,.,,~,. C. eco ! a, ,~ourdes .,Grazie aHa' ,gene,rosita' :<3.i ~t~ti!s!l~~~ ~p,e;~~!l~ .1a, .130mma. E!' ~st.ata 'tre: vol t~quella, che,antic,ip.avamo. DIl:Z::§ln:!;~:'~':,,~nl?;;, che, ,viene, abbiamo 'intenzione di' .raccogl:iere 'i "soldi 'per 'poter 'comprare e~ pO,i, ,r.ega~ar~'ad Una:,persona~ cieca; un ca.!1,e:: 9)1ida.; reF qu~J1\C!',~Si,'l:::'; v;ogliano S!lll!'l ,£,1000: 00., ;Aiuteremo', anch~ quest,' ~p.no ,con' 1f1,:1'70,c;~s'"'.,; 1 , sione della Madonna',de1 Carmine; e, possibi1mente' faremo parte 'de 1 ra'.: Sagra. ,CerCneremo. <'If, dare ,Un contr:ibuto ,posi tiv6, '(forse organi!zzaiidb) 'uri:grande: ,ballo), al St; ,Peter' sItalian Church! Res toratlon' FundI," 'e':'" F cerc~~reni6ai·ess·e:i:e.a,'disposizi6ne del comitato' per oglii ·iioro'l':r:I.'':-:· < cli'i~stCl. ~j;?,ssistenza; anchese quello che ,potreijlo':f~i~} ~6n:~.Cl.r:a::;:, L' "'_-,_.' - . ' " .•. '~" "" ...... per .. , .. ~'(~"-ll&..P un" " troPP?Ed e!cos'i' .che alla gente, qilelle"due 6 'tre ,persone" che>k.ili~~ p~r .;,qu~l5:.~~ motivo' distruggere 'tutto ,quello che' nC?:I:':v99~.i·~c? ~ai~ ;,2,;;:' dioiamo".,.Non.lsaremo distrutti;Abbiamo ,dato del'nostro tempci1i.bero, ,abbiamo,dato 'dalle ,nostre ;taschejabbiamo'datoda't:utte 1e'nostre" ~' \ril:l~x:~e,' :;r.t!a p~u~' di tutto' questa abb~amo' diit:o ga,i, no#ri.-':c,uor.i :·'.P~X;'~, ' 1avorare per voi.'Continueremo,a 1avorare"per'voi,n:onstante il,pas~. sa~(),.:,:r..~v0I.'~reIn9 anc~eper co10ro ,che appr~z:l:an9 'tutto ci,?", ~~e :13~~~()' fa~endo. N()n.. andiamo in' cerca' 'di'z;ingraziamente ,ma 'sarell\0 ,cont~,~t.j;".,~i sapere che 1a gente e felice e contenta dpacce:tt,are i n<?s.~ri 'l,a.vori't i, ;nostri, impegni" ,e: 1e nostre, offerte, ,come segno .di -frate11anz'a, of"':, • ".. " . . , -' '" • , • .. J: fer:t.0d~:lpr,ofondo dei, ;nostri ,cuori", con,tutto' 1-' aI1)()x: e edil"sen,ti:i.' l mento Cristiano che' ;sentiamo verso, lion ,solo voi .Ita1iani', ,ma tutti,., ~r1' gefer~,. ',~appiamo '.che tutto' Cio' che fac'ciain~ ottie~e l' a.pp6g~}!:>' ~4~i no.str s~pE!ri,pJ;:i 'La ringrazio Signor Direttore;per avere .dato a:1,:nostro. gruppo l'opportun;L ta,'dipo't~rsi es'primere, ~ n_e,l1a speranza: :cheJ 1a',sua . ;rivista', ,Backhill, 'continue' a dare 11 su? p:l,eno, <!ppo9,gio ,tl .. ~u~ti,i, nostri imp~9Il.i, , , '. ~ " .. ~.. ~. , - " . ' . " ,~ I' , • '" • .' ' A\ ~ 0: I Giovani.' ita1iani di ~i11esden. " ... -- - - - - -1 .PRO!CESSIONE. . " ' 'D'" -=t','L"A' ,,' , .~, '~~'~" . . " -.-. -' , ,~ . , " . iMADOl\I'NA " - - DE'L'CAR'MI'NE" " -. - , ~<;; • . ~ ~ ", " " , - - - - -- - - - -- ~-)'~"~ Procession,,'iil Honour of. Ollf 'Lady,'oJ.' Mouiit 'Carmel st' ~PE'TER'S 'ITALIAN CH LJRCHi{!' CLERI(ENWELL HI). LONDON E.C.l ' , ., " ',' - " , 'th ' , " ',' , :§lHN]!lllY :a~l ~JLY;,:!9 , . flI'L·f"%."O" :P'" , , m ", " ' . . .: '~U.'; : • ". ' , -', JLlE 'Jl§§({ltIAiZI€DlN"f1r lrlflltIAiNJE . -. " ·ORGAil~lIZZlERAiNNO . .. . " .... - , . . . -'. .. ,. " -. -', ' . . , , EA, ';GRANOS· ~ . '. ' - . -. 'SASRA. ,,~', ~ y , < ~.,.. _ , __ -~",.. _ _ , '~ -'--~ . : . , ",' a< • • .! JNT·ERVENIT:E,NUMEROSl;.E~".:t <, - . , ' ... " ... " '\! <.:..;( ;> - • •• -' - PORT A'-~ . ;::AMJC I·: ·lE 'qFFI;'~::r~<~~: , ," t'A i. . ~, " ~ .• , " ";" ....'" .', ,,~,~ .~:, RA,CCO.LTE,,~:~D~IANNQ;A: ·FA'lPRE ' ~ -'" ",,,[~-_-~<cDr; rRESTA'·CJRI=~7DE.l!IIA:~tdi..flESA ~:=-_co~_~~; - . . '- - . ~ ." - - - - - St.PETER!S ITALIAN <fi1iWRCH Cl.ERKENWELl RD.EC1 . , • I • I. !,· ••• . •• ~ •••• o ••••••••• o.~o.oo •• ~.~. ' . -. ~ , IL CORO.PELLA CHIESA ITALIANA ·oi· SAN PIETRO' E AlCUI\1I AMICI . SOL,ISTI PRESENTERt\NNOiiN~- • , . i• i > . I• GranaeConcerto·· .til' Musicaeopertt . " 'I . ,1 I,I . NELLA CHIESA . '~D'QM~'NIC!\'1:0G rUGNO -O~E?30pni '. • , ,~~ '. '.., '«"»" :-';./' .. . " ... :•• ( • , ! I >,,"', ·I THE CHOIR ·OFST.PETEF{'S ITALIAN ,CHURCH. AND· FRIENDS· WILL PRESENT A <-- -. ..-- -- • ' Gra~~uI Concert· , ofItalt~ln Music . ana Opera IN CHURCH SUNDAY101:h JUNEat !$.30 "'.>__ _"'_ _ _ "-,,, '. "-- , i ,r ' .. "'~ pm ~ INTERVENITENUMEROSI . ,._.-_. . E PORTATE AMICI':LE 'OFFERTE RA:CCOLTE ANDRANNO A F·AVORE ~- <jy - > ' . ' " , '.. "", -~--"..,' '" ..- - . . . . . , DE! RE5TAURIDELLA . ·CH",........-,IESA.,. . - . , - . ' . • ST. PETERS ITALIAN CIIURCII RESTORATIQN FUND COMITATO RESTAUR. CUlE'SA ITAI.I4.N'A SAN 'PIETRO -~Z .'.. 136 CLtRKENWELL ROAD.' LONDON' ECI. 1:EL·oi.i78 1S99-, .~,~ 01-837 1528" . ·QtA~Y ~!'l~ ~S!?'O. CHAIIlMAN s. Fiol'f, SECRETARY- 'RESIDENT ,/c."'o;d . G.cbcirl_ VlCl. ~RESIf!ilfi: VICE CHAllt~AN, ·r..rollf'dli :~L tOn~m ;}: R}~:, - Car"., . " ,TREASURElt: .' ~~co ~ Oues.t'arino lat,ua parte!'ipadone -a~ 206 CLUB della chIesa e' ve"rameiite 'Importante.lnfatti·dobblamO:.fi"'e del grossi'lavori .. - - '. ~ ~ . ". ,~ di res~,!uro pe:r diverse-'ml.gl1aia dl :ste~li.ne.Sl stanno formando "omihti,e ~Jl;uppi 'eU <;ollaborat'1ri. Nol. n~Il vogl1amo la grossa offert~ una voita-sola"e poi- cl. ,s1,dlmen"tlca di tutto: noi desi , ,.' ""'" - • ~ . :der1amo fare t~n~~ piccs>le ~ inizla~lY-e ch~:possono ess~re. segul~o .~a~la ,gez:t.t~,~rciie' e ia' gerite co~une: t ahe e' invltata a·p~rteclpare a11a" Chiesa. ,In q':1e~t<?~.inOd~ s1, crea W'l ~app.9r~~~ch_e non e' so~o materlal~ ~. ~nche' dl p~r~eclpaz~lorie_ affet,!-os~.:la.,.C~l~esa mat~rlalmente vive d~ ;q~~.sto'-'Rerche-' noi. non abbl~ ~~~s,~~ ;,tarlffa per nessuna cosa. 11 200 CLUB,e' una' di quest;' inIziative: : durada Gi.ugn~ 1979 a di~.;no. '1980. -., " ogni mese "ve~gono estratti' 4·_p"r~m1. n primo dl £;55. ,sterlin".' 11 secondo £ 20., ".'. oil terzo £ 15 '" .', 11 qua'rto £ 10. • . La quota e' d~ "'~ 12'"seerl1ne all'anno.~ej,!~i il piacere di parteci- ... - I?are' e d~ fare p~opag:anda,,'·te .ne sarema ver~ente gratl perch-e' "bb1amo' bisogno <1i ognJ, ~iuto. ,, Puoi Inviare 11 modUloqui s"otto con 'l'~~,egno di £ 12.sterline consegnar10 a mano 0 a1: -----------------------------------------------------------------COMITATO RESTAURI CHIESA: ITALIANA 200CLUil': .4 .Back lIill, London. E,C. 1Nome e c?gnome. ---------.;..---__ --~-----------_;_:~~~-- , Indirizzo -------------------_______________ ~-----To1efono' ----------~--------------------~----~~~~~----------," " Grazie.' = --- ='=~= -'= -- ~.-= -= ,~ -- -'~:-'- '---- --==--" ~=-=- -=~--= v ~ ~ ~ • ST. PETE" ITAIfAN CItURCHfESTORATION FUN~ COMITATO RESTAURI CHIESA I~LIANA SAN PIETRO \ \ ". f ' lI 13' CLERKENWEL~ ROAD, . LONDON EC1. I '. SPE9~AL PERFORMANCE IN AID OF STP:r;TERS ITALIAN CHURCH RESTORATION FUND. THUR~AY, 5th JULy 8pm .roOK'EARLY .. ALL TICKETS .£5, OBTAINABLE FROM: 278-6~98 (day) 263-2086 (evening) LeElnard Beschizza' - Adriana Rigolli Giuseppe Gasparini - Sandra Ferrarin Antonio Mairati - Lucia Garli Gaetano"Mercur.£ !",.:Elizabeth Simonds:" (f· ')ltot"';',,-,, .'~'! f.i ':{c:.~= Robert Thompson- Carla de i-!:i:chi!~F,:":,,j(,'! ,,1t.... i ,, -,'\J!~t'J .......... • · . . ! ... # .. ~,h~~ _ _ , • ...,... '_""~."'''_'_~ < ______ , _ Vince_nj:,q;'lQ.""g~~s .;- ,Rosanna:"Imerinic " r ,~. i .lld,lli'~,i , ,,:J ~>! j ,,,> ·' h ,,' . ...:.4-M'1... ,'''''I 'L~ I ;'··B.... ··~/·· -., -~Z II ;'d f \l ,i!''. !~i-1 L~-, i.( r)')D ~~1 '~'Ga~F.,· ~'-"~J.J'p M ~c e ... e"" oren a' - ' runa" ar on" ' . , ", - -"rr)~;")L" ~";:'f"»-!'i1. ':!')':' , .! 9.ri'_'i_·1Ir~.q ~ :=.4"_~"".·.;'~~>~;"')': r');I.'{ I !t·C~· ~)~.~ I~,d~[!:-, ... I~. l~' ... ~: ::-~! .~·jf· ftJj(d;; : :~ r,<,,:I~.iiI.~·.\.q ,BATTESIMI . . \ " ~ t, ,) i ~e,:t8il..i\~ .. ~ ... " '}n~'.~~l'Q<:~;J ')u':) ~t. .. .'. <'i..i.: ~A_ +"f"' ~ -.; "" " ..... 1": ~\r"''''' ,,"' ','. '.' " .. ."~'I.,".I>-I'''''..I" '':'U ~ ~u\.'"""",,,---_ -' - .. _,~~} ~ - :L'''. . i :.' -"':i')q ()(!~.!.'1 t,l:.\t ',' .'.)!l,J.~~.)~(/r"YM~h~Jf:t"A~~~§~~i '., ,:~~.~ ;,"> '.. ~ '~~-"~ohn"~lats6n' 'j:)' ." . ·"1V--'~.,:,~j ,d , .. ' Gian Franco Marchione :> 1)'~•• !""11'):':.~-' .~l" , ,-....~.j:~." of !.~.: ;,:,··:.,=,-tl -,;~.~~. ,~tfj'! ",,": 'y. -:..)j";(f~.q ~r.tVanaessa1(Came'lia',;.~J~-=:,y-,~<.r,~,~r!~<}'<: ",)t10 '-Yf·,~ij '')flr.r~l''''HJI f (~ 11. -,·,:d" ,'" i.'!'~;;~."~ ,1!.-",~:J.~··· ......' "f ','.":-"".<1 \ ~assimo Pugl~ese Franco Arrigoni ",~ij~t9!l;i.o"Romano!,. ' ",; ',' r i I : . ' :1.V, "t~·;' ':J <~.-- ,- ""- --- "~.',::'~'i'.i· .. r"i·· Steven Beschi'z~a:: :.,iAnt9nietta,: Porte Feo '~. C~~fuirie~~~de .a~'l~ t i·.:·q io t.·,!ti,j}1AF'~~1 .~~! J~.)" ". , ~,~ " ~ ", '., 11 1f. Rosalia Spoto Lisa Mustafa Giuseppe Ciano ...Antonio Basilo - . -.. '". t:. -'""- ~ -" .-~ "-'- FUNERALI ")Jflq.f\ii~ .... :l!iO!l""L: ,_~,~"l,.:-.;"i~'''· J'-"'~'! ["J;;' ,:,~,;> ,.,/p';-:<q Gj.9E9j.~'AJ;!!I:k1),i: '. 'b~';',' .~,I L)ipi~t:i:o' :'Gli'sparirii"': ,:,'.11', Aldo Tosson Antonietta Grilli Giuseppe Cavaqiuti ! A'I't1A~ ~,(~ ~·"VJ'f,j6:~ ~ tul ~(r0b t9:D i~"'q f ~"I:::t ~ ,) 1L I :";.:"', ,t~'~~:·1 11'('Q t~~u~ ! , :"',1> (1 e "!J 8()f~ FESTA DELLA MADONNA Perla Processione allaMadonna del Carmine, d6menica i5' lugliO - ore 3".30 raccomandiamo: 1. A tutti i bambini della Prima Comunione e'Cresima di quest' anne e degli al tr:Lanni di, trovarsi in Chiesa, aile 2. 30 con i loro vesti t';( della c6munione per aceoiii;. pagnare la statua della M a d o n n a . ' ' 2. Tutti quelli che vogliono collaborare in, qualsi?si modo alla Processione, specialmente coloro che vogliono por'tare Ie statue, di dare' il nome all' Ufficio Parrocchi,ale. 2.. Tutti coloro che vogliono vestirsi in cost:ume, per partecipare a'i carri 0 al corteo diane i nomi all'Ufficio . ." Parrocchiale. Per laSagra: La prima riunione per organizzare questa grande festa italiana si terra venerat 15 giugno alle 8.00., . ,. . Tutti quelli che vogliono possono intervenire perche sappiamo benis~imo che.ognuno e capace di dire e fare' tante cose buone. --------------------------~----- LA STATUA DI SANTA F~CA sta attraversando trionfalmente tutti i paesi della Val D'Arda. Accompagnata dallepreghiere' e dall'affetto dei nostri amici italiani sara.quinella nostra chiesa ' DOMENICA 1 LUGLIO . , ) .. ~ ,\~'l;'~~nl'" l,'icevutq questa 1attera da due giovani sposiitaliani. ...'i: h.:t ,f~t to t.:tnto piacere. Li abbiamo ringraziat:i: e l i rill"; ~1l.·.:t=i.:tril".:tncor.:t. 'La' pubb1icchiamo perche 10 'meritano l.:t s-'ddisf.:tzione di tutti noi. e per ( .~l Rcy. Parroco, Chiesa Itali?na di S. Pietro: ~'Si'a!:1o" due giovam: sposi i Suoi connaziona1i, 6he, hanno a\·t:to 1a fortuna di assistere, come turisti, alIa' ,::essa dl: :Pasqua depe ore 11, nella Sua ,chies,a., " ::;, stata un' esperienia indi,menticabile ,per il calore e l'a 's{~pat.i'a che 'Lei e i partecip~nti' hanno espresso ,in c:.ue11aoccasione. Abbiamo capito pero come sia dif:iC:i·1e vi,vere da' emiarati e' come sia ;bello ritrovarsi e 'senti're, p'arlare: la'~propd,a lingua. ' "', , , ::n carQ salu'to 10 rivo1giamo al coro,cheinagistralto' ';:a esc~uj;to lamessa cantata, e devo dire; corne :-ari t-:., che e, stato forse 1a prlma volta che, ho ::,i5 tattJ, senza 'sopportare ,una messa cantati.l' :;'(::1 !.<::iri'/ iai:l~, Ie fotograf ie che abbiilino ,scattato i~, quella ',-::c;;:s'i',ne, come nostro ricordo, e un' piccolo aiuto "11 213 stcr1inc - l'Editore ) per Ie necessita, che :.;:,r:~nnr, ,]rand i', della' Sua l'arrocchia. ,'"'' !.:J :.;:l1lJt i :~rnrJ cr)rcl ia1mcntc c siamo vici,ni con 10 spirit.o (~ :11 I;, C',r"unit~ Itri1ian<i. :, r.r,j Ann:1 a Vittorio Ciri11i " EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS RECEIVED(CONT'D) CAFOD,(The Cath011c Fund for Overseas Deve10pment) 21a, Soho ~quare, London, ,lY1V 6NR "Thank you very much for the cheque 1n the amoLmt of £50 for wh1chwe have p1easure 1n enc~os1ng our off1c1a1 receipt. Hay we a1so say a persona1, ,word of thanks on beha1f of CAFOD to a11 the membersotCthe=' , Cath011c 'lyomen's Assoc1at10n of' St.peter's Itai1an Church for th1s donation to he1p our work 1n ~he deve10p1ng countr1es. 'f'" As we are writ1ng we thought that you rn1ght. 11ke to know that a spec1a1 Mass 1S offer,ed up here at Soho Square for the wh01e CAFOD fam11y, both at home and ,overseas. You :may be sure 'tha t you wi:l.'1·a1i 'i"~memb'ered at th1s,Hass." ' , ~, , .,"" be Yours sincere1y, K1eronMoore. ST.VINCENT'S ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL (Under the"care of the S1sters of Char1ty of St.V1ncent de 'Pau1). Eastcote, Pinner, Hidd1esex. lIA5 2ND "l,e were de11ghted to receive a ,cheque for £500 from the Cath011c Women's Associat10n of St.Peter's Ita1ianChurch, and on beha1f of ,the members of the Board of"Miinagement 'and ihe staff, tliank'you' so much !:or this most generous' donat'10n to the, ch:L1dren .and :e1derJ.y ,peop1e in this hosp:i. tal.: . ' ,.. "', ' You~ donat1on wi..f1 be used to buy ,a cha:i.r we:i.gh9r·.f'~rl:f~iy .c~i;ic:t House cost1ng'£?6g. Th:i.s type ot; wEii'ghing machi:ne :i.s n~cessary be~ause most of the ch:i.1dren are' unab1e' to stand, andihe ba1ance o~ ~he ~on~p10n w:i.11 provide some ger1atr1c cha:i.rs for the wa1t1ng room 1n th1S bu:i.1ding. Many e1der1y peop1e, part1cu1ar1y those who have hadhip'op~fat:L<?ris,' find ord;inary cha:i.rs'lUos'j;'uncomfox:tab1e. ,r be a great p1easllre i ,f you. -and some I t WQu1d, '-", _ .. . . " members of the A"ssoc:i.'at:i.on CQu1d v:i.s:i. t us when the new department has 9~~n bU11t and your k~nd g:i.fts have .been & ~f ~. :i.nstaU~a~ C.E. Carne, Secretary' . THE WOMEN'S' CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION WISlffiS TO THANK MOST S;tN9ERELY ALL THOSE WHO HAVE VERY KINDLY CONTRIBUTED T01,ARDS THESE VERY WO~THY CAUSES. • , ~~v SJJMME~ ~...~ ... n..-<?;~v OFFER r .~-?> V13YMAIL ORDER £2·S0eachlNCL. P+P Ott~R OPEN. WHILE STOCKS LAST , Please complete coupon in block. ,capi tala, allowing 14 days for delivery. Satisfaction or your money refunded immediately. size .•c~quanti ty ADULTS smell medium large CHILDREN 22" 26" 30" Orders for U.K. only to: BACK HILL 136 CLERICENI'IELL ROAD LONDON ECl • _ ....... >-..,. -~.---I "t TO,TAL L..::.::=:::.-."----"--L. _ _ _--'-_,.• Name ..........................~._. ~. ... ...... ............. . Address., •• ~.' .........".' •.• -.~ ••• - ,-, - ., " postal order/cheque enclosed for £ ••••••••• pay?ble to Back Hill .: LEA VALLEY GUN CLUB - PESULTS COPPA ITALIA - (sponsored by Comm. B. Longinotti') . t'1inner - P. Pelopida .whobeat L. Ras£e11~ in the shoot q# .. COPPA. T:rRATORI 1st. 2nd. 3rd. COPPA CACCIATORI (sponsored by Assoc. Cacciatori) 1st. 2nd. 3rd.. M. Boffi S. Fiori L. Solari A. Pagano L. ~astel,lj; A •. Belli -- --- --------------------~--~~~~----------------~------------------~ -0;, ~-' • -=-:-"- THE DOG AND PHEASANT,BROOK, SURREY -, " . -.~,.. '",- - My norine, was' 'often ,heardt6: state that ,only in'England could 'one ,be :subjest,ed to all "four,-'seasons in' one~daY.:' . ,urifortunatei:Yiwith, the ,excepti6n of 11 miraculous 'EaSter' week'end; winter appears' to 'be the ,most durable :9f all , seasons .-Undauntedby,the, ,seve-rity of :these naturiilelAments ,;my hlfs})and and",,'I ,decided,:'tO';, escape,:'the prElssures 6f' ,grey" London 'ana 'venture intotlie innermost :depths of grey-'gre'en. -Surrey. ' r, was-amazed to discover three National Trust houses, (all: worth ,a viSit) frl.- . the area between Heatherhead ,and"Guildford'j including Pol.esderi -Lacey:, Hatchlarids and'Clandon' Park (Clandon' Hoilse 'was in, fact' 'designed' by, a: , venetian architect irithe,palladianstyle). ' Being true ,to our stomachs. " wedeci'ded:at -about' 1.30·p.in'.:to inf:errupt':ourcult'ural','jaunt.witli;·' , lunch, at wliich momenewe :ciune~ across itpubiic house -called' UTheDog and 'Pheasant u, .at' Bro9k." in whose fore court a, plaque ,boasted, ',the: sale c;i-'f6'od.':' -- . ----- ,'-, " " . " •• " ' " " Alfhough,~t '~spOssiJ:>'~e~ ,toq6ffsumet;Ii~:u~,ual:'I;upl foge:1, Le,;::p,lollg~an,i s etc. atone of the various 'bars we, ,opted for the pub's Restaurant. >, Tne :Restau'rantcoru:iistetFof a,smallish ioom.ovedooking'the ';actual in<iin .building ,:seatIngai'rangements "we're:for 'about-25-30people. ' . Th!,! d~~or w~s p~ain ,'eo .boring ~ l?~t ni~1:ic\l.l,<Lu!!y , c>l~~n.· One CQul,d 'choosEl from a varied !>ut ~is~inct,ly Fr~ll:ch: l1\enu,:!?:t:,a set menu_ ?f the day' which was "priced at' £4.50 exclusive of service. My husband made h~s choJc~from the former' and,I:'froin-tli~ latter;" -- For starters Ich.ose· smoked trout that was flawless and adequately" , • -,garnished. "As .. a 'main dish"I'chose' the' triiditionalEngHsn :Suiiday~" ' lunch of roast, beef ,and 'Yorkshire pudding 'tliat was served ,with an abundanc~' of 'yegetables incliiding roastpotafg~s ~ .peafl.l ,car:r;ot:s~, ;parsnips, broccoli and of all things, pepperonata. The"beef was' , I::easonably"'terider and the Yorkshire, pudding perfect. ,My ,husband's, choice of <entrecote au poivre was {lrepared, a'fl ainbe ,'in' the, main, ,restaurant is: we ,ate our hors d' oeuvres' 'The, inch :thick 'steak' ,was covered, fn :a 'cream,' brandy'and,freshly, grourid< p~ppe,r';s'auce',:and ?J:' ,do believe that ,actually naving seen itbeEm,'cooked·:erirlch'ed'ith-e,: already,:perfect 'flavour. For dessert " 'I>chosea l1.on-:descilpt"'l g~teauthat. ildrowilC3'd in, fresh cream '(for which~I have a:"weakness)' . ~!!:ie.reas:my,hi:isband opted for ,fresh, fruit salad.~ :;Itf~e;'Eights \:t~re 'served',withthe 'coffee~ " .' , ' . , -. ~ - > '0 • - 'i". Although' ,the restaurant area lackedcharact~r,~ anauril"of~quality, "lias; engendered.~bY the,'excellerit' service which ',was' absolutely' first clais. aridJ'indeed"wo"uld not ,go amiss in ;manyan elegant London '' res~t,51urant.' '-;[)rJ.ri~frigMoetei:, Chilridon,(~6ri7,i.iintaqe)· pU,f)ill,'forthp. above.,meal'came ,to approx~mately £18; SO inclusive, "and a:J.though ',tne set meaT ~IaS- very good valuef6:r; money I -thought the normal menu -to be, rather pricey. L P,S. --- .J SInce I wrote the above· article the sun has deigned to' shine once again, thus,satisfying the needs--of its, ',ic~ n;h ipper'" 'soplc(lsc:,disregard thl:l grumb,lingo; ,th~ fir,;t p:ira<jraph. ' . ' )A~;T. --- '='0-- = .. - _7'=-;0 _-~_",,~_::-_=-...c;c- -, -- s;-~=~t~ -¥-= --~ -- -- .~- .- -;-;~~ .1 ". , . ,.., "I !!!IIIIIIIilllillllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflillllllllllll1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illlllllllllllllUIIIIIIIII -,., '7 = .. ~ '.';; (" A,$ "I' '. . ," " · ., ~ ,-,,<c.:-:·i - hY' '7' ,I;,. . .; , .~'(. .'~; "':;),>:', .hF ,., .. ""111111"11"11111111111"111 II 1I111111111!1111111111111 1111111/11/11 1111 1/11 111111111111111 1/1111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iii,~' : j .. '~~-: ~.~~, " ~"~----' -:'. • "',-' - -. -' ... ; . , . ,'.'P~.stj¢~.~.:j'~" :itali~rl~ ~', ,,~. , ,~ • ,~,J " ,. -. . . ~'II ,. - ~." • ,,}; ')-;" ~< -.1>- • , .. '. '" .- , "It. :Wia~i :v~ IJfE=JtY'9f'sanpwi£~fJ.sj'J( ,.' :: ".. ~ _ . '-,."') ; ';. :! "'" ,~.' ,~ ~nacks' , , 3", ,-, ' -f_': , " ...... ~"';"'-~'~"" M.'" AJf'Parties,~ ~Qffi~et . & Pr;vateCatered:.for' .~ ':y~ .:, __ "v"~,r',.~.·""'i·'_~:~'""'~·"'-I·~."," ~:~ '~'::'-~' '"' .~-" ,.~:;"'-, > , ',- '~;~~-~'~~'-~'~---~'~'~~~~~~~ '.",," ' . -" ........ '''.~.. ,~"~ .; ....... ~,.-,..-.' ..... ~.'..., ... ~ ... :;' ~~":' .~... ~'.,., ":'.4 ,\0.) t / .. ~ ,..., '-' .....~I'-. ~. _ ~ _,~'." '.", ,". :..' ~A _. '" ' ,.- 48,KINGS,WAty LONDON WC2' -' , 'Telepliori'~_(q~df3~~6~';';'" . -. . - 1,',-"-' ~, -. "-~~ ~- '" , ... ..." , 'eo ITALIAN RESTAURANT ,~, " • " 'ISIISOtiTHAMJ>T()N"R()\\' , ,: ,; ~'. ~ ." . 'I.<>"'J)()~ 'VCI' ,~rcl: 111::8374584/5837 a: m':·'u riiiUl p:m. .()jJ L'ii'I"~"-"'" J.311 '~.'" " ' 'I .sala . '. ¥ A'" "._': ~... . '. .,'_ "_" '., .. di 120 posti per 'sposalizi r icevimenti e ··parties·· , .. t)7['.:,< '~"'<' ... ' " · -,_ '. ;' , ~,.. "',,;", ~ .I .,-,r~~~:', ~ ~', " , -. , ;'~T'E,Ffr A A"'· "~ -, - ','"'''' ~ ' 'Theatre • :'·AldWych·i.\.R~S'.c •.. iri !'The Taming ·of. the S h r e w " . ,,' " ;' ,. " ~- .... " -., ." ~ ...... ., '. ~- . '~'-" ... . ' · '~a~:ters §d.:~~,:!;s;s,!iprem~ii tat,,~ri~e~',~as:t; ~ave .the,audien,~~.i!\· " • '. " ~AS,~S ·,u.suii~' ,with' J:he' ~ple~~~?' ensembl~.:P~ay}.'~g.# .~'1~..J~.• S.•~C •. "it',i.s ·,Un.;ait·;a~<:,!~us.,:allY unnege!l.ll"a,ryt.9 .. pa~~.ic.~lari~~" :b~~. I' . : ·mUS:b :mention Ian. Charleson' 'as"Tranco", the s)lpposed:suitor. ' . ' 'ScottlS1LaccEiri,6;', it· seems, ,ar·e".de '·rigueur. ·this. seasori.to denote ··e1ther "razor: islla'rp minds of charming"but malapert' characters··'ol< , , ,tiiuggisn' d1spositionsof those whose razors . have ·,litt:le,·,te);do; . , :wi.th~ha~ n'l:lIid. they~ :have. ·.The jissom·:MJ:':. "Charlesor.. ;is: o{tlle . ·ht;a~~~;r:'.SP,~~~Ef~~ A~'ipPi.ng.~n.~n~ o!1t::of the 'grand is·ei9n.e~·r "!~nd: isc·maSter. s: ·trousers. . . " .'" ,,', ';', .' , " <MaYb'e'!t.is :too, mlich",to' say .thatKathar1na i s s'hrewHlhriess' is. , ,whoily ,due .to her,sister'slndulged bitchinesst, but Pa6la~ : ',' , 'Dionisot.t'i ,is;, mdre.,composed than. weare' usuatly le'd'to:acd:ip,t.. .,,', She' is. not· a:J:together' 'UngracfouS' and' ··the' resiil t of' her. "taming' "is"ina, application' of her .intelligence; t6"ensuringthe%esF .' ' possible'lffefbr :herself i while allowing"Petrucnib 1115 il1u-t ' , ' :·s:i.dn 'of ,power.~" "., ," ." , . " ", , :'~,. , '·';.i6nath~~iy.~~ 'as,Petruchio is imcompromi'sing ,in ,hlssavagery.;, :He.~:pr~'inf:!~i ik,~" .~~ r~st~e~~,:!lnimal icapable~,cif'·bFu~a:l. la,t.¥aol$. fo~; :ci. ,.".' ' .. '.' , ,fanCied: ·sright~ 'Yet ,before, 'his .flrst ,eIlccitiiiter"'with ;Katharina. '" ., .- ' w', ,")/-.'- ~--~ " , :/ ,,-,~, ' " -' "- >. :.c. ~,: .:. ~;. :~:d~~:~~6 '.~~~~ ,~~~~~g~~~~~5~~~~n~e~~~t~~~~i:~!~~;f~~1f!;~~e. '. " ' ,', ,.. . speecn6f~Kat:hadila.' "',' .. - ;- -- , a" "'. · condition"of: riotous jocularity" However, asthe·:basic'tlieine" 'of ·this·,i'riterpretatiori' i'snot',.thedusual one·of 'ribiildry:';and: , wlioopee~th:e~detaiis, .cannot .be'sid.dto intrude;. Ti:u'e,~ tiiei,be~ . gihi:iing: ~t;the ':play:i :is given' over ·to' cornic',i'nvention'; .but .the i3C?·ci.al c;:l,i!Rate~ ·i.s nonet~osa:v:o.,!rY. '" ..... . . . . . .' , .' PauiBr.Qoke as' Bapt'ista is,an :astu,te'businessman'~ho'<l'ives' 'oehii:ld·,·looked,,'gat:es, and is guarded by a hea\ti •. Hisda~gl1t;ers" , : :marrracjes; ;are: ,a. ma:~ter', of mercantil'e ;speculli~ti'6ri .:', (ilaptista,'s" . da.ughters: :n§t•• th~i h.eaVY'.5! :" .,' ,.. ... '.' ',." ". ' '. , , , The'l.cidY beiiind: ,me preferred: 'it in'costtiine I a·'y.o:ting..9'eritie.:,. ' 'm~n .~as·, ~~ra,sS:eci: by ,'t~e'~ir~~~ ·squ~~. 'Ali!. ~:.~~ucii~ $).f,.:.~~;' " ,sadisti.c :perverts; 'you remark ·pleasantly •.Well ~ no. (At (least tp.E!y;,d:[4~tt cjiyeany 'puolic ind~cation of being ,so,. b~t .~r " ' .be' :it. from :me :t:o .cri ticize. anyorie ~s :choice of party· games. l. Anyway;; , tliEfse' ,aforesa1djiersons .were summing up, in'V!ilY'mode!-:' . . 'rate terms ·'·Hamlet·, ,and: 'Richard'III ,. :which"wi'th"'TnEfTernpest," .. 'compounded' Micha91, :Bogdanov' s ' .Ad:ion Man'Ctdlogy;, Arid;H:'ls' ·o.f~ t~is.'Mr·;:;'Bo9'cia.novtha!: I "W~!l!l ,!:o~peak f ~ ,"~ ';",.'; "L'ack of iht'egr:i.ty has.been mentioned cin connection 'With, Mr. ' 'Bo'gdcihov~s . narne:bllt what 'transpprts' liiS 'd1sparage'rs ;into" fi;en:;'. , 'z~es ,of' agitation ,sends: me·in· t'o fiE!ll:£ies.·.6f adniiiation:.Mt i ' ·B,.'.s'in6,derndress. producUons' pitch, Shakespearel;s':plays;;~nto , .20thcenttirY·'s·1tuat:ions·. ' . ...... . ... . .. . . ' " ' . Drre;to~"·~·ne·~h~rt 'du~ati6ii 'Of' the rtin '!,cotiidh i tp'ermit mY;!, .s~l( ~~e ,sat:i~£:~¢tioii,of diScussit1;g. the ,t.r:i:.l~gY·l?~t ;:(ca~,: ' ,express, ··wi th" vast, satisfaction, 'the' Shrew" :at. the. ·.~Aldwy.ch ", ·I.t' 'cibi::111Ad,s~w:L th, what' purists' call'· giriuitlcks . a"nd 'I catiiittent16n .to -detail: necessary to ,make the play ,a.viable .. proposition as,~a.· , pre'sellt ,day story • !Bes:Ldes, ·.these" details, are, in .the ,hands .of- . --, ---=0 N~QO OBER~E~LI. S'po.-t ---- BACKHILL,SPORTLIGHT In the june '197.8, issue" I w~ote about "A· Day, at W~'lililey" .but this year I 'was iiiss iuckyilnd did not' possess aticke.t. My reView of ,the'cup" Fina.l:.must', therefore, be written ,from an armchair' fri~ront· of thetelevi~ion." ". It is a bright, ·slinny.May Saturday. but:. from ll.30a:m. ,the garden is .foisak~nfoi:"a gl'impse of'DavidColemanstan5!ing on the hallowed turf. In spite of ·tne"attract.ions. of Brian Clough and ,Jackie Charlton, I decide "my patrc)nag;e' "must go the 'theB.B:C • ..,after all 'theydo have 'Bob\ :WH'son 'on th€d,r'staff' and a camera on" the Arsenal coach. '. Tony Gub}j~l' has: ·th"e task of interviewing ,the team ''in their hotel (appa.rent'j.Y 't~e qrosv~nor in 'Park ~ane) and.'thEm, travefnng > wi th', ,them", :to', \Wembley. Regrettably he cannq.t avoid th,e temptati<m and haS,.to·. ask: 'Sammy 'Nelson what he 'is going to do if he. scores a goal - will he drop his shorts again?' Apparently David. Pl:1ce has a new car \<!hich. he never takes out of the gar agEl. ~n <::ase i1: rain~ stimulating[l~'tu££:. '. . . . Frankly I always feel these team interviews ,crea~e' a_ totally 'false impref'i~j.on ~nd, nev~l? 'refl'ect: the: true intelligence ofinost :plllyers': J ~ ~.1 - -. • We travel wi!;h. th~ side .to Wembley to the accompaniment ,of the. i)ub.Liners and ·there is sadness. at the sight of Malc9lm M~cDonald missirt%c;>u:t;: 0.1:1- '~h~: 'ch~nce ,toLobtain a winner's 'medal ,at: last; ;r:;side the commentary box we are introduced to the now. silver-haired Stanley Hatthews' o:ver- from. Malta' (how. :appropriate in the light, of ;w,h~t: was to happen);.: . ' , " '.-" , -.,.. , ~., Lawrie McMenemy tips Hanchester'United but Jimmy Hill favours, The Gunners. ,>.".. ~"" I am in' ."no. doupt ;,. after last year", there won't be any. mistake this time. "':I 'iii confident but not" to the ex.tent of 'tempting providence. and saying anything out loud.. . Now we Jlre""in' the ,capable hands oiJohn Motson and· for 10 'minutes we are" giveri':a s,tudied: 'survey 6f the -fans' banners. Nelson' s"shorts feature prom:i.ne'ntlY~ 'but 'theon'a which' ci'atches 'tlieeye links a sp~,ciali ty o!! ~rady ~ s ,p,lay w,ith the scandal9us i:eputation thrust upon one 9f ~~1l,~ p{>H t,i,RaJ: part:ies....lt is. a c0I!Ullentwprthy· of' .the· late Max 'HJ,:),-ler ~hi91j. ~i,'ll exp!ain whY. I call' t.J::epeat. ,it ,on .th~s·. page. ',"' It does·"serve 't6- rem':i.nd us though, that a.oove all else the Cup Final lst·a' festive .. . - ' " ,occasion;' ' . .. ~ We haveal"readybeen :shoWn 'snippets ·fiom great, finals of the past, - the· Graf Zeppelin over theTW1n Towers 'in 'i93o' when , Arsenal beat Huddersfield 2-0; Joe Mercer working in his selfservice store: before 'leading the 19'50 Gunners to victory over Li.verpool.." "We'have,bEien ~e.rriiride,~ 'of the: gie:~t, Manchesi;er,Unit':!d sides of the late 1940' s :and 50's' -' for a moment or two we have been ab.le to l!Ia'rvel again at the sheer power and majesty of. the late, great Duncan Edwards. Now the camera pans up to the Royal ---~~£----- -""'..;--~~~ ... - --=-~~Cont;,. •• ! I • ,Box and w~ see the arch~tect of "'lbe Babes", the legendary Sir Matt" Busby take his seat for United,' s th.:l.:rd Finai in ' four years. ' At 'last the game gets under way. Anxious and nervous opening minutes - a nasty clash between Frank Stapleton and Jimmy Greenhof b:i:-ings the game ,to a halt. Suddenly fr9m nowhere David:E>riceis in space and all thoughts of h~s' car forgotten', squares the ball across an open ,goalmouth as' 2 yeliow sh~rts converg;e for tp,e kill. 1-0 - as Coleman would bluntly put it: But who was the scorer? Does ~t matter4 It prob~bly does ,to the player concer~~d. yrom the Action Replay I'm sure ~t's Sunderland only to '~ear'~ohp Motson say the film proves ~twas'Talbot. ' • a_ • It's a scrappy game with Manchester Un~ted having the sl~ght , advantage in'play then Brady wr~ggles f;ree on the right flnd,q()olly picks out Staple'tonwho heads home on the farp.ost. ,2-0. (sorry to coPy the style'David:).' ' ,., We are well into the second half now. Manchester United have tried hard but still have noth~ng to show for~t. Motson' praises~he little w~nge:i:; Mickey Thomas :but the truth is ~fhe had been ,blessed w1t:h' Brady's composUre when~ well ,pl~cedon a couple, of occasions, the game ~ight be more eVBnlypoised~ , , We are inside the 'last 10 miriutes, Steve Walford comes on for the hard-working and much under":rated Price. An ~mmediate feeling 6f unease - the move wpuld, appear to be motivated by sentiment, ' (although Terry Neill later strongly ~isputedthesuggestion)., The little old grey cells recall the consequences of Alf Ramsey's subst~tut~on of Bobby c:h~rlton in Mexico ag?~nst West ,Germany'., The m~nd ~s still pondering O'ler the comparison when McQueen sticks out a leg from nowhere and makes i t 2 - 1 . ' ' Still no need .t.o worry, they are profess~onal enough to hang on ..... but McIlroy 1:s free in the box, Jennings' is at his feet but "'the bail is gOing past h~m Into the net. mv feet nowin d~sbelief, walking to the window. I return to the chair, Brady has the ball and I am shouting, encouragement, 'not that it will",do much good as I' am Smiles away. Rix centres, it"s going to beat Bai,leYi" and: Sunderland is the,re. ,3-2. ' ." ' ," on I am in a state oil' disbelieii. It can ',t ,al;t reallyl have hapEened in the last ,4,m~nutes ":there'was certainly no reason whY. l.t s~oUlq after all, i t was, always going ~o be ArsenaJ,'s ¢up wasn't, it? Pat Rice, '.'a boy.brought, up in a humble North London home" is presented 'with the Trophy by his contempo:rary , "a boy brought up in Pa,lac'e" (as Motson chooses to describe Prince Charles).' My immediate reaction - if the truth be told,is a pang ()f jealousy at not ,being there especia,lly as I have witnessed four defeats, and, only one win in my previous visits over the last :l.l years.,O!?-·welll C'est la vie. B~t I would have to miss the Final which will go down irr history as having the most exc~ting finish since Blackpool with Stanley Matthews, beatB<?:i.ton 1~S3. " in One small consolation is the camera picks up Matt Busby drying ,an eye in the Royal Box ,,"'a spontaneous and emotional moment which 'I would not have experienced. had'+ been at the game. R.E. The second part of our article on Sport be held over for, the time be~ng. an~ the Law has had to The Italian Open Championship 1979 -'I , file organisers of the Ch}Ullpionships tried out a novel idea, this 'year., The Ladies tournament was played a week earlier than the' Mens. In" consequence public opinion was' very apparent "whemtthe 'gates',for' .the, 'first' days; ,play in\ the:'mens,,·competition ~ ,,!ex~eeded ,the'enUre; .weeks; .takings:for, the L~q.;es ·Cpampionship Chris, Ever,t, Tracyi',Aifstin: and~ a11.'i " , , " " ", , ->_ '0 ':J __ A :- _ 1, ': '.,', , Tlie. 'ltal:ianl·federation~'must. have been 'particuIar1y:'p1e'ased 1:0 {see' six ,home'plaY,er's'l playing) in the first round:·of 64!<ajid ',a,l though~ ,young;. Claudio Panatta ,the':young,cousfil.·'of"Adriano, did 'not' go beyond ,this, stage, the.'other.five;,progressed':·; , ,~ianni Oc1eppo suprised most eXp'erts by.be~ti~g'John .M~Fks who' in Decerilber was runner up to Vilas in the AustraliaI,l C~amp'ionships. Tonil}o, Zugarell'i suprised evei:l more people , by.dismissing lIfe Nastase in straight sets'. 'Paolo'Berfo1ucci struggled past the Frenchman Proisy, but ,Panatta made light work of, the: Argentinian 'Ricardo Cano. Barazzutti too had things ' much his own, way against Eliot Telscher 9f the Uni tedS~ates 0 '. ~- -,> ":0,' '"' ,' ___ ~ ___ ,:-,__ ~'" _ . - ~ _.' -. I . ! . " -;:. _ 'By round two Brltistihopes had ended when the 'stuooorn"Buster ,Mottram was outlasted by the'more stubborn American Eddie Dibbs but the ltaliaJ}s stormed on. Bertolucci :had'another ;close ' shave but ousted the new Czech No.1 Tomas Smie. Barazzutti ,beat the Australian ,Davis Cup player Kim Warwick andPanatta ~§!!'! n~y'er, \extend~d-.by 'Amer,iean, ;BHl: Scan'lon';, ,prrde.~f ,pl~ce as :).n the fi~st round went 'to ,the 2,2year. old' .frOm Turiri';~ Gianni OcIeppo who won a marathon tie ~gainst the seeded Jose Luis C1.erc of Argentina. Zugarel1i was a casualty to the, new, lea~inglight from' Austria Peter Fe;gl. ' .. 'The the ias,'t sixteen produced a much higher c~ass of Tennis than ,the previous rounds which'in itself is not suprising. But there were no riots or antics from players or crowds which' is suprising at the For9 ,Italico. Barazz\l.tti hung on for a lo~g 'time but in', the end was forced ,to ,surrender .to the 4th seeded Dibbs. BertolucCi found 'Vilas,the top seed, far' too much toc:::ope with but 1;'anatta carded the banner forward by beating the higher seeded Higueras of Spain'. Ocleppo averiged his ciountrymans defeat by' beaUp,g, r~~9l;,1!!!~; !;m~doing so could well take Zugarellis place inth~ Davis ·<;:up"team. round of " •- " ~ ~"'. '''~," •. _ - . I ._, A~" for,'" the rest it,was"very Inuch ·i5f"an ;Ailierfcan:talteover • ." 'l'h.e:"lasbeight 'compr:!,sedt;of '5, 'Ani~rj:can~';D1bbs'i _sOloiri6n{ Gerulal.tis" 'Terry 'MoorandIGene :Mayer:, the'~€wo Itilli:aiis' Panatta~andtlOcleppo "and, ,the, lOiie:Argeritin1ari"tlle' t:op';;seed Guillermo, Vilas., .Unfortunately theUtle,wfll ,be <decided " • a~~e;:, ~~~,d~~dl:bil~ ~c!r,: th.~s ,~;t~~~e., 'the j,iisu~ ,liS ,lwide\open with -5 of. the, ,Iast ,8 ",in, with '.a,_.realchan'ce. ,My" ,head ,'.tells .• -.. . ,:" .. ..... .-.-... ,... -.' . , -' ., ,me its ,aJ:iout: ,'time Dibbs won·a maJor title',tbut-.'my heart ,tells .. . '. ',,' 'Il!~~-t? 'l:!t:i£~ "!.:i;t;.hp.?Jl~tta •. WE!Wp,l ,!?~~h?\,! it··t.ur~s;,out :next 'ontli. ',~ ... ",.,~ 'I,' .... '~f·~.-~ " ~ ... " ' _.,~., ....~ 4 >. "_~·~l >.~~"." .;0" ~ ~':""".c' . c - ' '.-, -~~ -"',- ---~--- '~.~~<'.o ~ -=~- ~- " - ._. - -~ " Rugby: , " 'On a re,cerit,tour to Europe the England, Under' 23 side' were held to a·draw by 'an Italian national 'side with an, average age of 22. This augers well for the ,Itali.ans, 'i,mder their, French coach,Villepreux. Back Hill's congratulations go to the Italian side but we must mention the'captai~ ,of the vi:sitiJilg England team. Peter,Polledri from Bristo] ,liad: ~ very ,good ,to.ur as a player and captain and we hope to,see, him as the first' "paesano" in a senior England shil in the not too distant future. ' '~~g~y- Londonltalian~: As a postscript to the season which has just ended.I can repo~t that the final record 'for the London Italians was ,as fol:l'ows: Played -20 Won 13 ,Drew 1 Lost 6~ -Top try scorers were Giovanni Croci and Roberto Oddi who ran 'in, eleven, tries apiece • ..:,.....- ... _ . ........ 'THEATRE (c'ont ... ~) This is delivered with growing sarcasm and it is a point of contention ,whether ,Petruchio is .. overcome with emotion or shame' as 'he 'casts aside the hand which she is about to' place' under 'his focit .. I'm inclined to more than a bit of ,both~ , ~ichever it is, Katharina is silently triumphaJlt. :At the risk O'f spilling onto a sports page I, will also: reveal ,that the play ends not on a·.note of frivolity blit in a man's ,world around a green baize table. The "chaps are ,.~~. , ,stoical about their wives' ill nature as, 'the drinks circulate • and ,'the,cardsiare 'dealt in ,the dim smoky atmosphere. 'Some you win, some you lose. , Loss of integrity ••••• ~but for what a gain! , 1 Paese f> (CONTINUA DA ~GGiO) La vit~ er~a certai!)ente ;piU per,guelle famig1ie che erano.piu 'numerose di t'ant:e aitre, coine ,oar esempio. 1a fariiiglia'in cui sono nato, e perc~o ~9 p'u~e cosa vuo1,dire, a .volte, ,di andare scalzo e a' pied;: 'nua~. "'" " ' diff~c£~~ ~ dtir~ • • ,;< ; \ •• , '_. ..,. _ i- _ " • • • _ La nc:istra fede Cristiana natural;" mente,ci,:aiuta a'sopportare Ie riostre~privazioni e:difficolta' . - '. ',' ... ' . , ., g~o.rna;Lieri" ,e a, perserverare in tutti> c~oche e onorevole e, giust6i ,e in quello che porta gioia all'animo e al cuore. L 'umile rnontanaro \rive rassegnato, al propr~,? destino: non invid:i,a nessun!',e vive'in armonia con'tutti, ' .'. --~'.' - - ' Iri questi: ·brevi. ,rfcordidi un erma! J.ungo passato, tie io ne queili 'dei~ m'iei ,giorni avranno, dirilenticato' che al slio'ho' dell' Ave Mar'ia la gente, dovunque si trovava, s1 fermavada, ogni attivita" 'si scooriva il capo e recitava una'preghiera alla VEo!,rgine. Ne comeio' stesso- potranno dimenticare la g:raz'iosis~ima ed unica voce di ,una' giovane donna dellZa' nos~ra p?ir;rocchia, cpt! s1 chiamava Virginia. II suo c'antci imge1ipo, dolce, edinimit:abile, riempiva la chiesa,piena di. gente, neigiorni: festivi"di' una incantevble atmosfer'a. ' , Al tempo in'>,cui ci rifer,iamo pochissimi sapevano leggere e scrivere nef' nQstro paese;',e quei pO,chi potevano appena scrivere una 'sernplice l:ettera~ "PerQ' vi erano due uomini del nostro ,piccolo paese che sapeva!:l0 leggere e scriverecorrettainEmte e uno di questi era un certo Peppino Cavalli, non un', parente, rna: arnico della nQstra famiglia. Egliera allora i1 :segretario del'comune di Monchioiche e'i1 nostro Comune':' Per Iii seried. del/suo carattere e 'per Ie sue rnaniere geritin il' Cavalli' era rispettato da tutti non solo. nelsuc>'paese na#y6 rna d~ tut:,tig:Li,abi~a:riti del Comune; iEg1i era unuomo a'cui uno si potevarivolgersi nelJ.:e' sue difficolta s:lcuro, di esse'rebenevolmente ascoItato ed aiutato ~',risolvere i ,sUoi proble~i. Un altro uomo che sapeva leggeree ,scrivere' cerr4?ttarn~n:te era' Cavalli 'Guglielmoregli'i °mi Ef .grato, ricordare; 'era il consigHere Comunale rappre!!~nt.ant:.e del.,proprio':paese, carica che egli occupo con distinZione per un periodo< 'di ve'nt' anni. ~A' lu:C si devono la fontana del paese e la scuo1~l.'elernEmtare· ('a partE! quella gia E;sistente di Lugagnano superi'Qreh La 'strada che congiunge ora iI, nostro:, -, ...... rotabile \ paese ,con 'la prov~nc~ale e dovuta al suo costant,e ~nteressarnento ed insistenia.' 'Primadi: questa'vi era solo una strada campestre a tratt:i ripidae tbrtuQsa. Questi due figli della l10ntagna sararino\ 1ungarnerite 'ricordati nel 'l()ro"pae'se ;per la.probita, del lQro caratt:eree per" iI. huon esempio ,che .sepnero dare, a, tutti nel 'ciors9' delJ.:a lQro vit<;\. . ' -. . o ;"'~',.~.-- ' '~" ~- , vi 050110 iiitri uomini ,e Cionne del nostr() paese che per Ie lore, . benemerenze' :meri terebbero essere qui ricordati, ,rna che tral:asCiamo perora.r:Lpromettend6d' di'ritornare,su auesto soggetto pi~ tai'dL ,. ", '-' .-,_" ~;'_.J.-;~~._ .'._0' - • -,.- -.' .,'~<~ '-~ ~ ---cont. -:. V~ sono due persona pero che non posso fare a meno di menzionare, sla purebrevemente. Uno era uri certo Gioyarin~ 9~si, un nos~ro vicino di casa, e amico carissimo di mio padre a cui ,confidava tu:tte lesue speranze e sentimenti. Egli era un brillarite senilnarista 'e alltore d;(. alcuni sonnettd!satirici relativi a cert'~ av:Venimenti'~che accadevario allora nel paese. Questi son nett:!.: erano'cosl divertenti che non furono mai dimenticati nel paese: e,taricora oggi ,sone ricordati 'da imol'ti 'con 'un'certo' gusto., Io;"a,quel tElmpoanda:vo anc.ora,'a scuola e subito dopo, che que'st:!.:· sonnetti furono composti egl'ime, lidiede da copiare prima cne ,fossero,. 'diffusi nel paese. lL ' al tro era un certo ...... , r;eni! 'd,i Parrna~' 'Egli, era nat'o nel nostro .-paese, rita', specialmente durante 1;' es'tate,pre,feriva 'stare coi "suoi montanari, come 'egli stesso diceva~7:Era:'nel medesimo tempo che Orsi compose i suoi ririomati sorinei,tti' ,cll"E!' il Leni' si ,trovava .in ,ritontagna e che seris'se . una bellissima poesia che poi egli .stesso mi diede da copiare in un auaderno ora ingiallito' dal tempo; sia \ i " sonnetti . che de:t~a ppes.ias9I;l9 al1.cora in ~io,posses~o ;dopo piu,di ·sette decenni·. - " Ritorniamo ora ~ par,lare'. del nos.tro '.amato paese dove .abbiamo trascorso la nost~a fanciullezza e giovinezza, cio~ gli anni piu f,elic;L d~l~a ~of!~ra, y.i;t~ p:i,ena d,j, :i,ndime~ticabili ,ricordi, e degli ann!''funesti', della ,prima ."' ,,'-. - ,guerra mondiale. .~ - .. . . ~ " .. . .' ' " Nel maggio '1915 l'Italia.,entro, in. guerra 'contro l'. allora Impero Austro Ungarico, eterrio n:emico, della nostra nazione. 'Come. tutti i 'g'iovarii della penisOla"! giovani !dei nostri paesi, compreso, . io "s'tesso, , 'furono' chia'm:a'tialle armi 'per:. la liberazione di ' Trentc) e' di'Trieste' che da seco'l':i.,erano sotto dominazione . , . . . - ... . . straniera. L "Italia ·non· era alTora l' unica' nazione ;in ;guerra , contro l'Austiaungheria; la Germania e ,1'Aus,tria da .un, lato; e, lac Francia, :i:nghfIt'erra, e" ,lB., Rus sia' dal! ' altro; ~rari.og.ia ip <;Juerr Cl §",,: un arinp .. - - "' .. ~ }""., ," ~ ~ .' t'Italia forte, nel· suo diritto di redimere le sue: terre. e cittc\ dalla· domi'n'cizione austriaca si 'schier~ a fiancQ, della Francia, Inghilterra e Russia. I nostrl giov~mi come tutti gli a;Ltri di'ogni provincia non coritbatterono soltantosul fronte. "Nel maggio' 1915 V Italia itaiiano;"che, s1 es'tendeva .dai monti Trent'ird. al' mare, rna' anche.in Francia'. entroin guer~a~' e' nei Balcarii 'a fianco, dei'rle' nazioni, aileate. 'La lotta, dura e lunga sui monti, sugI'i altipianiesulla pianura controil potente nemico 'continuo per tre anni e inezzocon immense perdite d~, vite umane. I nostri gi'ovani' che non ,mancarono, mai di coraggio comhatterono a Hanco' del',lpro, qompagni cop il'ldomito. valore nel.'l.a ,sanguinosa 'battagJ:i'a del Carso, 'del monti, Trentini e sugli altipiani d:i Asiago e, d,ella B~il'lz:!-zia, e. in Albania;, infine nella·battaglia di Vittori'o Veneto che determino la fine della guerra e dell'Impero Austro Ungarico. Io, grazie al cielo, fui uno dei piu fortunati, mentre parecchi a1tri dei nostri paesi morirono, inquelJ:e,sang~inose battaglie e'du~ante la re~iste1'l:za a;l.le in'lradenti forze nemiche dopo la sfortunata 'battaglJ,a di . Caporetto. ,Io so' quindi per esperienza cosa vuol dire' camminare per la via dell'urniliazione ma anche quella della Vittoria. PAGINA DEI PICCOLI REMEMBER : RICORDATEVI COMPETITION ,,' ')1 The competit'ion to design a he~~.ing f9i: 1.1 , ,this page closes on WEDNESDA~, ..r5TH, JUNE ','I~I ,lJ.urryand send your ent~ie.~jlt,efs>,ret,then;;1 iW YoU: mi"ght win a £3 R~coFdl of,!·~~8.k, Token hIe I Vo'stri disegni per 'il concors (di disegn.i're un titolo per questa pagina) dovranno arrivare a BhCKHILLentro MERCOLEDI 15' . GIUGNO. Fa~e presto! , , ~>1 >. U., SAN FRANCESCO E 'Ir; Lq~.o . . CHILDREN'S PAGE , • ~. "T Ne'i dintorni della piccola citta. di Gubbio~, ~,rancesco, la· gente viveva in: grande. ap',p·'re,p.S'ic~ grosso lupo che calava ogni' 'notte a ~B~:~gnel~~:.9 ,C'apr.ett'i, di.vitellini.e .porcellinL perfi:rio la sfac,ciatag<jine dientrare , che poteva e spaventando i. bambini. I' ci' ... i . contadini dei dintorni g1:i davano inutilmefi.teJ;.~'i . 1 'appostavano, notte90po notte, seIlza poterlo sp9xare. Sembrava "ch~ quel. ,maledetto lupofosse il diavolo in persona! Quando il buon fraticello ,Francesco seppe La cosa, prolll.!.."'" ',a q\lelli di Gubbio che li avrebbe aiutatL Attese.. il iupo nella piazzetta del paese, una ,riotte fonda e ,senza,l,una. E il lupo. verine, come ad ~n~·al'EP.Jltamento .. Francesco gIL mosse incontro , cos!, senz' armi, senza nemmeno il. suo. bastone. E gli parlo~, . . "iT ,ao,11 ~v £1 • ,. ., '!iT \,sja j:.lJ Era un Sallto COSl. dolce e buollo,. ~, c,osi ,Pi,~I\<>r <!dc!~mo.reJ P'jt~ tutte Ie creature, che anche gH animal~i·~flP~WFSHl,.~ s.~ei !?ar6~e:" ' 1 inH :taUt I j'o63 '. " ,_ 'lOcI )1nibc d. fII' I ~, ~:. f'ratel1...o , Lupo, - disse Fra!'lce!>99 ,Jr ,!'I9l'\I,ftlf);'flla~WL D}.qj I1W : t,yt).ole. . . I .n ill :laonl" :tl • . ,IIlB :t1ll.Jl J J '063 ;1:1 '1\11'0 ulu16 sordamente e scosse iicap~ ..;. a' om&:J • 113rlW . " Isvon \!:l i I ~ a' ~l ;.. .Lo s6 -disse il Santo; che cap~vCl ben;S!\~JIlqltR- ·?~,?9.sH'.;;o. ;..; 'Tu uccidi pe'rche ~hai fame,. , \,032 ja~t 1 j'IIs3 poveretto; ~a "s:e'prometti :~ a I :1'050 ,1[oW che non 'fiu:'al.'piu ·male a , 1:1 • e!l:t 1111 11 nessuno, io. ,ti prometto' ,(0 \,cd!! 1 chei Dio J?rovvedera ate'. E il lupo, dice labella' storia, chino la testa' per 'dir di si e porse anche la zampa destra. Da allora vis'se tra gl'i' uomini, mite e domestico come un buon cane,e i cittadinidi Gubbiogli dettero da mangiare ogni , giorno. ~oc ~~& • o(''1t)! i h~)'· -,"" ! 11 .. · 9\. ;:£111)£1 HOV ELDABOSSI -" --=--=- ----,._.-.-.< 'SCARLET ROSE Rose, Oh Rose Who might it be? Who wants to brighten up The long summer days? How do your petals Kngw ~here to stay. Know where to, stay? Rose, Oh Rose Who made you? Who giHed you, With scarlet ~et~ls? Such a wciric;ierHil thfrg. A Spike of Green Rose~ Oh Rose Who would ma~e you Ole in the,winter To c9me 'back in the summer.? J:wonder again Who might it be? 'Francesca 'Nast'a Age '12 When I went out The sun was hot. It shone' upon My flow~r pot. 'And there I saw 'A spike' of 'green That no one glse Had ever' seen': On other days The things I'see Are mostly, 'oHI Except for mE!' BEDTIME Five minutesi five minutes more p~ease~ Let me stay five minutes more! Can't I just finish the castle' 'I'm builc;lirighe~e"on'the floor? Can't I ju~t finish the story? I' ,m reading pere in my book? Can't I just firit~H t~is bei~-c~ai~ It almost is finished, look. CC!~'t I~ust finish' this game, please? When a gaine' s Ollcebe'gun It's a pit~,never to find out Whether yoy've lost or ~on. Can't I just ,st?y five milutes? Wel~, can't I stay jup~ four? Three minutes, then? two minutes? Can't I stay o~e minute more? Butth~s green spike So new and small Had never yet Been'seeri at all. Barbara Baker Ele'anor Farjeon " , On~ of the ~oe~s on th~s page ~as written by one of our youn~ reade~s. 00 you think you could write us an interepting P.gem or p funny joke? If you can. ' sene;! i~ intq the ~Bpckhill" office with your name, age and address on the back. Mark your envelope "GI1i1dl"l:lfll'S 'Page~. I f your poem or joke is printed ~e will send yOU e free copy of the magazine to show yqur fami~y anq'friends. ,.., - - ,- , " , , '. \< 'Hew to p'ley :th18:G$t\NT_IIOJlO~Gat!,Ei' find.olt.,th'. worci. In ,tho Hot' In' tho oc~o;;,ponylng' dlet.o"" ·Words may be rClId~ rom ~loft to right, backwards: up-or down.~ 01'" diagonally,. Unr91oted~w"rd8 "not In a· partlcul'nr, 'I iSt ,occ;,81onolly ,app.or In th., dlagrom', ,but oro' not rol.v'ant'to tho • ~b lut,lori ,or.. ~hot p~ZZle. 'Who" ;you ,Iocot • •'word In ·th., dlagrom, cl;'el.o ,I t and Ch,oi:k, H' on, ,your,word,·list.· A.word som'otimae eppeaNl'moNJ~,than",ol'\eG;" circle Just-ona. In SOMe cesaa m~y,.b'o 'toloec'o·pod Insfda' e'~oth8r. ," ~ • t!eva:fun: ,,,~,, , ~ . , ,,,'s'word, ...,' ~ . " ' ~ .",,, '~.... ' , .' , , . ~ " , 4 22. Cas~rta :. ":43:. Ganoa 64'. tlardo, 65" "Romo " Acrepo!!' '23, ,,:Cataril4 , "; '44.' ,Cro.o.te 65 •., Nard" 68., Sen' Harlno, Alassl,,' 24. "Catanzaro 45. Cubblo' 66. ,Noto 87. '50hlo: : Alba' '25~, ',Comacchlo, ~6;, ImjlorlO " ,67. Ndva,.a, .: ,8e. ,:Sesto. a Alcam 0 " ,,·;'26·~Jo~Ccmo .. ' ,~. ,47.' Le Spazie ' '68., ,0";"0, 89;' S!racu.a, .6. 'Altamu';a ,,' "",27~~', Cooeqza '48i 'Lauria' ,.' 90; SUai';" 89; 'P.d~. . 7." Arozzo, ~:. ",,"I'~28';i;i.>,Crema'!"" ,49. Leghorn" 70. Palo""o 91." Toranto e. Atri, "',, ~29~;', 'turi.'';.' 50. Lo.1 ' 71. ' 'Paterno ' 9Z. T.rmol!,' 9; Augusta ' >,:30]' .jEnrio"{ , 51.: Lonlgo. ' 72., ,P.~na',: "93. Tod!'"" 10. Av"lllno',. • '31. " E e t a " 5 Z ; Lucca' ' ,73. 'Plruglo '94: Trap,anl' " "11: Aversa' .." f '32:, 'Fehoj- :'. .'~ . 53.: 'Luio' ',' '74': Poacera 9S:.T"lno, ' " 12. Barl ~ ~ 33~ '~:F8rmo~·".~~,< ... ~{ .54 •. l1ecerata 75. ,Phcanza' ,96. ,Turin "13.. Benevento, 34·... Ferrara;, '-I ~ ,55;' 'J1anduri6 ·76. Plaa-' '97. Udl~" 14 • • 8erg8mo 35. ~Flri41oj('; '56. ·,Harsala' 17.: PlaUc.1 98. 'V.. to' ,IS. BhU" 36;" Floro,;.o: ,.". 57. ' Horano: '78. Plot.h, ~. Vlnlcl" , 16~ 'Bolognil;.·" ,37: 'Foligiar/ '., ' 58: 'Ho.alna 79 .. ' Prato" 100: Ventimiglia' , 17. Bolz .. no " : :3e;, '~ol1gnll' " ,59." Hllan eo. Ravenna 101., .. Verbar1!a, " 'Ie. Bov".', ", ," 39;' ,Fdndl" "~'" 60 .. , HI ... 81;, Ro,glo' 10Z. 'VorelUI' 19. Brlridi.t/,,' '40." Franco , '61., 'Hodlca ' '103; Vltirtio' '82. Rho " 20. ,Cap .. riner! • 4b",:Galllpoll ,6Z. Honopol!" '83. ,Rlmlnl; , 104;, VI ttorllo ,21., Carr.. ra '42.~ CBl .. ~,' ,-" 63. Naplos""" , 84; 'Rlva, 'IDS., Viz. In! ' i., 'Acqui .2: 3., ,4. ,5." 4 >, ,, , , .' , . , . , , Z "Z " '" ,E, I' ,R ~O ,G, L 'E I, N: " ,,'~ L ,L 10 'R '0 N 'I R., 8"B G 'e;. T'B, " ('N e 'A' .T :,~ ,0 1\ " " 5: 1 "Ii 0" ,R ,N 'e ' L, ,j; G' H A' T' u' ·ec u '~, ,c' 'NN, 'A 'C A. o . 'e, 'e H A,'R 'I TS I 1 .Z 'A', If )1" 0 Ii ',C ,i: 'L R,' 'C, >N ,8 'R G:R L G, 0:'1 A, 1:' R U "', II NS 0' 0 ,A " , 5 I'U C ''(: P' ,U E ,5 ~ e'R, sri ,I " 'IE', 'u" ,/I 'A ,N' 'ir 0' AQ ,R I '·c· T A 1. :L 'N ii " " 'O".A'L 'N~/r O,;C '11 " S 0 P,: Z C R ,e S L .~ ~. . 0'·1 '0, 0 ,NA R, z.:z I N, IS, Y 0, A' A NN :0: '0' V' A ,A .e, N C '1/ ;T' 5 B. I 0 5 ~ ,F' A U FH' L 'H', R A, e Ii o' e: Y' 0 0 H 'I, ''1 Z I, AU';I' 1. 0 I; C ROC C C: C ' II C 'N '0' 'V R" I' t 'E ,R jJ.' '''>1' ,·T:-_~},·;x,J,_ ",,'T, 0 e G ° AD' L ,I I F:' e ,'L e e !l, ,~ . i: 'i R' N, 'A' VI ,0 P' N/I' C:'O' NR' O"A" S,U ,L, ,T 'A R ,R' ,.0 5 A {t, e e ~" ,t -c, ~, R L i;, E N, A ,TR' ',0 T, A' ,-TV' 'RJl, ":'S'"'C, "o.;,\', ,E I ~, 0 iF B "~,..II ~ V· C' V A' ,5 ,0 'N ,R ,.R cj I (t P' , A, ~ F ,'I i, e,"o 'I I -T' 'N'V 'B,t V ~, 'e A, '~' N" 5 A,',R, " L' e l l : .'L ,e, 1;:, A '/I. A, '/I' 0' 'N--e ,f 5 ,Z" , V,A R " t , ~ ,5' to R 'PG 'r j, I A' A ,p C ,~, :~, P '/1' 'I:' 'R :B,I. ,I, A 6' R c' ,5 A I' A A e, 'A. ,Ii p '~ri 'H 'P 0' F B 'E A ' A, N, '\- ,F '~- ,c: ARB 1:, 'A . I, 'R ,0 'R A' (C :f, ,ri ; 'A " R. 'Z ,S . ,O .0' T ,,0 '5, P o V, z, NR c 5 'L' 'N 1\ ;; ,c'eE 'R Ii II I ' , s: 0 'TO' N',A ;e,.,l,. E' " '" . , , B:R F'V' N· ,U' ,,' o ,. 0 'N A R 'U: I ICC, ,L A, U e· I 0 HA, I ,il A' D, ,0 ,1 !l ,I 'C A RH' R 5' 1\" 0 DV: 5 L,Y'B 8.1,'1.'1. p 'e .r L E '! U)! F, O.T_;II~_A,!l' A:TS_G;;l=,~_R_ " I NAP A R , , . , - . .j<- ~ ;' ,J. DOWN .st:t~igljti;~rwar4'· .. ) .. , . Rim· hui'riEtdly AW~j!:n9'lishinan i~n:f;t. a~ home 'w:i!thout oile'!~'< Bicy.cle for two l , : Dru.nkard ",:.: ..... : .... ' ~! ....-,' 1. ~ Sufffcu:ilent:: . ," .L' " ~ : .: ,;l .. '...... ·t} ~'. '-" rJ r,-, ", - • '4'"o/J' ;.),:." • , ~ .. Q~~~·r~fr:~Y ::~ Bad, ;cold ."~ Dead>'iuj.e:g~ .},' ,.,~ , .. I :_,1.. ~ ,i;'; Of Qtne,;teeth,' " . . ~' .. ~,-:;j .ct " trr:-' "11 .:.1. " t'i)~~.H jJ'-):; ,,:;.: " .,. . ~ ,it ,'" 11'.1"('." "~,lJ!~ • • ,, J " ) ACROSS DOWN : : <", i- ~ :::- 'If '-i. ' 1.·Brulse 3." Flower 6. Ale 7'~ Jam 9 _. Nave 12. Ludo 13. Special'lS. Pending 19.' Shi!p '21. 'Wash' 22. Pod 24. E~ster ?S, Parc~l l.~ ., Brunch 2. Idle 4. Oval S. Remove '6.' Ave 8. Mud 10. 'Cleaner 11. British 14. Castl'e iJ.6'. School 17. 'Sip 18. Wag 20. Post 21. Wear ST. PETERS ITALIAN CHURCH RESTORATION FUND COMITATO RESTAURi . - - CJIIESA 11-,.\I.I"S,\ SAN . PltT-RO, . .. 136 CLERI<E~-WELL ROAD. LONOOSECI • . :rEL. 01·273 1$99 OI,SF 1523 OlAlUTY CIIAIRMA~ 50 no. uc. No. 25:9'0 n£SID£.Vr S£CRETARr 0."'- o.Oni VICE C/lAIR.VAN' VICE 'R;~JD£N7' E.toll_ t', RIzd TRlA$UltlR M. T0I"I4dl!l Dear Friends; This year your participa,tion at the 200 CLUB of our church ~bccome. imperative. The fact is that We have to raiso thousands of Pounds for, the restoration fun'd in order to pay for the all the~ variolls' renovations to be done to tho presbetery as well as the roof of the ch~urch and other repair jobs ,in church .~. ,Wo ,are ,at the moment forming a cOlllZlllttee and a group of cOllaborato~s for this very purpose;We do not ask for the once off large s'Wn of money and then it Is all forgotten,but we intend to' have, various little events and a-ctlvltles at-which everyone c~ .pa~t1clpate,es~c1ally those_ who always are aro~d us. ~n th~s manne~ ,we create not only a commUnity spirit,but that ~()f belongiilg to our church. The 'church depends on those little eeforts as we do not have a fee:for'ariy~of the functions we ,perform. The 200 CLUB·~works as follow.: From Jime 19:79', to June.l980. "vvery':month four, (4) prizes aro dxawn, I" '." ',-' • !!t~~~!_~~~~ The annual fee is ._ __ ___ ~~~~_2!~g_~Q~ __ ~r~~_~!~~_!~~_~~_!~Eh_Q!_g~!Q~ E 12. If you desire to partake and , publ1zfse the , ~ fact we should~ be very obliged,as wo need all •the help we can get. 'you~ the 'form hereunder either by post~,or by 'han~ with may return 'the appropriate' fee any time ~you wish. ST PETER'S ITALIAN CHURCH to: RESTORATION~FUND 4. BACK HILL. London. E.C. ,1;, NAME'AND SURNAME ...................... .............. -- ADDRESS ,.. -------~---~-------~~--~----------------------TELEPHONE: No ••••••••• 0" • • • • • - --~-, JHE DURLINGTON REPORT._ _ _-----'-~--'-____. r - - _ - - ' -_ _ _ _ FIAT 5TRADA 65CL RECENTLY LAUNCHED IN THE U.K., THE NEW FIAT STRADAJS NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO SEE AND DRIVE AT LONDON'S PREMIER FIAT DEALER, BURLINGTON CAMDEN LTD. IN HIS FIRST "BURLINGTON REPORT", RICCARDO GADESELLI TESTS THIS NEWCOMER TO THE HATCHBACK MARKET. . I aunched last year, the Fiat Strada is Fiat's car for the '80s. Although it will be sold alongside the 128 range, there is no" doubting that the Strada will soon replace the old warrior, after all. the Strada is derived from the 128. sharing many, common mechanicals. The Strada has a good track record. selling very well In Con-tinental Europe. As for awards. it. came second in Car of the Year (when it should have come first), and first in the Style Auto Award. Strada is its name for Britain. It was felt that the Italian word Ritmo does-not flow easily off Anglo- " Saxon tongues. So Strada it is. When the automatic- version comes on the market. will it be known as the 'Autostrada'? Sorry. - " "class, a sWidanUitment" of this calibre is commendable. Seat triijl is in "a pleasant hard wearing cord material. The front reclinable1seats have headrests. The rear bench seat. as with most hatchbacks. folds flat to increase luggage space. The whole boot space is neatly carpeted with the removable rear shelf finished in a soft velvet material. I found the level 0(, trim to be exceptionally high; uch Joy! 'This Fiat is indeed S different.- Gone is the automatic choke which on ,every Fiat- I have- tested has caused much cursing! The Strada has a , manual choke whicn makes first time scam"g easy. Any attempt to push the choke in tOO soon results in "kangaroo petrol'. A goOd five ,minutes is needed to wann the engine. Again. once warm. -the five- thOUgh ~ three engine sizes are available in Italy, only the 1300 and 1500cc variants will be offered in the UK. Three or five door versions. and levels of trim go to make up a good range. " Choices of trim. l' or Cl. determine not only trif!l finishes. but whether the customer wants a four or five-speed gearbox. Five speed is standard on Cl versions. The 7S _. CL Strada will also have the option of the excellent V~lkswagcn automatic transmission. My test car, the 65 CL five door is the version expected to sell best of the range. USt price of the tesf vehicle is £3,198 which includes front and rear seat belts and a splendid Voxson push-button stereo radio. In case readers are unaware, the whole Fiat range is now supplied with Voxson units as standard fitment. As the 128, the Strada is a front· wheel drive car, with the engine transversely mounted. The 1300 cc unit fitted to the 65CL develops a healthy 65 bhp (hence the "65" tide) @ 5,800 rpm. " Although the spare wheel, jack and tool kit are mounted In the engine compartment, accessibility is very good indeed. The Whole compartment is ncat, tidy and beautifully clean. Following in japan's footsteps? speed gearbox Is -easy to use, It's notchiness makes it instantly ~recognisable ,.,j.~!,:::::;,,,,,:,,,-...;..d the standard hatchback look. Fiat The oblong Instrument pod sits have succeeded in getting away atop a wide shelf·like brown plastic" from the sameness of the 'pack', dash - a bit like the new Rover ' and have produced what is a highly series. There 'are two large round dials centrally pOsitioned; distinctive shape. ·The Strada is in--.deed a car that' arouses great in-speedometer' and quartz clock. (The 7S Cl has a tachometer in terest. Ah! a touch of Italian flair! It is nice "to see that a good deal' place of the clock. Also on the 75 of thought has gone into the CL is adigi~1 quare: clock.) design. ~th the styling theme being Between these two dials are two carried throughout the whole vehj.. long narrow gauges mounted north/south. These are fuel level cle. The wheel design, matching door handles and petrol cap blend and temperature. Ranged down in ,with the car's overall 'dumpy' either side of speedo and clock are shape. The front and rear bumpers, our friends the warning lights. or more correctly. ·bibs'. are imOffset to the right. colour-coded pact resistant. barrel switches for the side lights. Also. the Cl versions with fatter rear fog light, hazard warning. rear tyres (low profile 165/70) sit on Wash/wipe and heated rear window. Three column mounted stalks work the road nicely giving the Strada a squat and 'roadhugging' look. The dipped/beam lights, wipers/washers, overall design meets with a resoun- and indicators. ding 'thumbs-up'. The heating and ventilation conThe interior is again different. trois are of the same rounded Stylish or just plain strange? Many theme as is found throughout the Strada. With four face level vents. things such as the colour coded he one thing I really like barrel switches and door locks. or the system is good. about the Strada is" its the flask holder and rotary heater The daSh is finished off with a styling. For once, a manufac-- controls. are quite unlike anything Voxson radio with (Jusll'door turer has tried to get away from done before. 'mounted speakers. for a car of this P as a good old Fiat unit. Incidentally, the Strada flV"speed box is the same'as fitted to Fiat's "beautiful .portS car, the X·19. The' 1300 cc- unit revs quite easiJy, "and lively performance figures are obtainable. 0·60 mph in 14 seconds. and a top speed of around 80 mph. As with many continental cars, the top speed is a~ maximum cruising speed. The Strada will sit quite happily on a motorway at 1l0,mph all day. Noise supression even_ at'top whack 1s good. As for fuel consumption 1 returnid an average,of 30 mpg. The feel of the car is very good. Steering. braking. pedal action handling and ride are all to a high order, Visib-ility, as with all of today's low waistline generation of cars, is' good. The driver sits quite high and looks down over the raked bonnet.. The addition of Impact bumpers front and rear, means that even the (himsiest of parkers need not worry about denting the Strada. The bumpers are designed to witJl.stand an impact of 6Kmlhour, whereas conventional bumpers are normally damaged at speeds of only 3Kmlhour~ . . M~e_chanically ~e Stra~ behaves impeccably,'and styling, both Inside and out, gives the Strada a certain edge. over th,e competition. Call the car gimmicky or over-designed. but It is nevertheless different. And who 'doesn't like to stand out from_ the crowd~ Fora te.)t-drive, phone Clem Arricale on. 01- 405 9333/6 DURLINGTON-CAmDEN LTD gilDS Durlinqton Corner. 27 Camden Road London ~~' ADVERTISMENT - -- , -- Ricetta • Recipe I , TORTA DI .. SPINACI SPINACH TART INGREDIENTI 'INGREDIENTS 140z di fal;"ina 70z purro poco acqua .pizzico di sale • llb spinaqi loz burro 3 cipol.line v~rde tritate 90z ricotta 2 cqcchia~ di .parmigiane l4ez plain fleur 7'oz butter a iH:tie water pinch .of salt. Ub spinach l'oz butter 3 spring eniens cheppe~ gez .of .ricetta cheese 2 .tablespeens Parmes~n cheese METODO METHOD Aii:aigamat,e l~ farlpa, p~rre ,i'l saleeoh ledi ta, poi' \lni t~ sufficiente acqua per 'impastare, 6ttenemdo una. 'massa neil dura. .' Las'ciatela 'in riposo ceperta da un tovagliolo'percirca 1 ora. Cuccinate·i. spinaci, strizzateli, tritateli e pei unitevi loz.'_purt:o 'neil' ,qua'le,avete. . fatt.o·frigere le cipolline. Salate, pepepate, poi irnpastate con la ricotta edil parmigiano. ' Div~dete la pasta in 'due parti, con una, info derate una tertiera ben iritburrata e 'bucate 11 fendo con una forchetta. Sistematevi sopra l'impasto di spinaci. Pei ricoprite con 11 reste della pasta ebuca,te COn la ferchetta Cuccinate in forno No.5 per circa ~ ora. . Si~~e fle,qr and salt, rub the butter int.o the fleur ~lith yeur:fing~r~, 'then add ", s'ufficient water until the pastry is. 9f a reUil1g , censistency<. . Coyer'th~ pastry with a cleth and "feave fer abeut ',1 heur. Beil the ~pinach With; salt, peppei:::., 'Parmesan. and ricetta cheese~ .., Mix ail these ingredients ,thereugh'ly. 'Li~e . a greased tin with l.! the pas~ry and prick the surface wi th a, ,f.ork; . Place the spinach mi~ture in the tin, thencever with rest .of the pastry. . ',' Prick 'the tep with a ferk. Bake in even No. 5 fer abeut l.! heur. MRS. M.G • • -;'~ Sabato 9 Cena per i'l RESTORATION FUND. al "Cardinal"," Ristorante, Cowcross Stree~, E.C. 7.30 ~ 8.00 p.m. ,Concerto _del. Coro Ide-l'la Chiesa, ne-l.1.a Chiesa 5 .30. ; •. '. Venerdi' 15 . Sabato 16 , . . . . ore._' CLIC DISCO Cafe' Royal, Regent .St. W.l 7.30 p.m. (Admission to members and members' guests, :J;:6yrs ,old, a~d .over.) Prima Riunione per la processione. e. Sagra, Cas a S.- vincenzo Pal lotti" 136 ClerkenwellRoad, Ore. 8 ,00 p.m. . -. Catholic -Women's Assoc. t>inner. _at. .Casa S. Yincenzo Pallotti, 136 Clerkenwell _Road, '8:00 p.m. Cena delle Signore Del Mazzini Garibaldi Domenica 1 Barn Dance della,Scuola Italiana di Stanmore Dyrham Farm, Barl1et. 7.30 p.m. Domenica 15 Processione del'la Madonna del Carmine e Sagra Italiana Ore-. 3. 30p.m., . Domenica 22 Mazzini GaribaldiScampagnata ,:;, ~ . ""~ CLIC DISCO C~fe' RC?y~i, Regent' Street. W 1 7.30 p.m (Admission t'o member~ and members· guests, 16 years old and -over). I A. FRANCE & SON Catholic Undertakers SERVIZI FUNEBRI ALL'ITALIANA PERITI NELL'ESECUZIONE 01 TRASPORTI FUNEBRI DA QUALSIASI PARTE. DELL'INGHILTERRA, E D'ITALIA OFFRIAMO I NOSTRI SERVICI PRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST Head Office: 45' LAMBS CONDUIT STREET, LONDON, W.C.1. Telephone: 01·4054901 01·4052094 CAW YOO N~l'\E A S~EETS"09 '1H~t M,SO OffERS ~"~ r{~U~N t'\~~~"Z.\NeS NE'H~~~9E.'RS, NE~l\\.V \,000 \~ ~u.. ~~\) W\\~~e: You ·W\\l.. A\..SO l=lN\') B~Ct<H\lL YOU AU. 1'\\£ "TOP EN&USl-\ e • A. TROWSE &SONS _""'.~I"'\r &Tobacconist 3 Bod", I, EC1 Tel. 8~7-6385 . < •