ISTITUTO TECNICO COMMERCIALE “ A. GALLO” Progetto FSE C 1 Interventi per lo sviluppo delle competenze chiave Comunicazione nelle lingue straniere viaggio/studio nei paesi Europei. C-1-FSE04_POR_CAMPANIA-2013-205 “English the key for my future” LANGUAGE LEARNING IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF A STUDENT’S EDUCATION FOR MANY REASONS. ENGLISH is THE KEY FOR OUR FUTURE as we can: learn more about other people and other cultures communicate with people from different countries and cultures get educational opportunities increase our ability to solve problems and think creatively enpower our communication skills get a job REMEMBER: The MORE you put in, the MORE you get out! THE ADVENTURE STARTS….. THE SCHOOL : “EXPERIENCE ENGLISH” LONDON TOUR BUCKINGHAM PALACE GREENWICH ROYAL OBSERVATORY KENSINGTON PALACE OUTSIDE THE NATIONAL GALLERY TRAFALGAR SQUARE WELCOMES ITC A.GALLO IN THIS WAY… SCIENCE MUSEUM LONDON EYE VISITING OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE LONDON BY NIGHT DINNER TIME……… WE ALL PASSED THE FINAL EXAM !!!! QUALITY HOTEL……..THE DEPARTURE THANKS TO Dirigente Scolastico: Prof.ssa Vincenza Di Ronza Collaboratori del D.S . :P rof.ssa Maria Grazia de Chiara – Prof. Antonio Lungo Docente madrelingua: Cappuccio Terence Docenti Tutors: Proff. Turco Michelina e Guarino Giuseppina Allievi: Bouchoucha Marco Capuano Veronica Colella Vincenzo Di Fraia Nazaro Damiano Di Peppo Domenico Di Santillo Rosa Di Sarno Lina Laiso Marco Lavino Stefano Mangiacapra Nicola Menditto Nicola Micillo Beatrice Oliva Maria Parolisi Raffaele Romano Nicole