ll primo opuscolo informativo del Biennio post-diploma, progetto di specializzazione sostitutiva del tirocinio, idea' to e realizzato un anno fa dal Conservatorio di Venezia per l'attività didattìca dell'anno accademico 200012001, e inserito successivamente nelle sperimentazioni approvate dal MURST faceva cenno alla possibilità di attivare anche alcuni master tenuti da docenti di chiara fama. Questo proposito diviene ora realtà, offrendo, in rapporto al numero degli studenti iscritti, un'ulteriore occasione formativa che si aggiunge al già ricco programma svolto. tl biennio post-diploma, nato nel nosto Conservatorio con l'intento di dare un primo segnale concreto di innovazione didattica dopo I'approvazione della Legge 508199, si rivolge ai diplomache per prima e più d'ogni altra aspettava I'adeguamento ai livelli europei, già annunciato nel 1993, e la riforma giuridica e didattica degli studi artistico musicali italiani, fermi a normative d'inizio secolo e annunciata già dagli anni Sessanta. ti di Conservatorio, quella fascia d'utenza perno centrale dell'iniziativa è rappresentato dai docenti interni che hanno offerto la loro esperienza e collaborazione per le diverse discipline allivate. tl progelto ha portato all'interno dell'lstituto anche ll conoscenze e materie non disponibili nell'attuale organico awiando cosi, nello spirito voluto dagli stessi relatori della citata legge e, nel nostro caso possiamo aggiungere, dai soggetti attori di cultura e formazione di una città come Venezia, una collaborazione interateneo con l'Università Ca' Foscari, preludio di una piit ampia interazione che potrebbe sfociare in un Politecnico delle Arti, in collabo- razione con Accademia e IUAV. La risposta degli studenti è andata al di là di ogni rosea aspettativa: la prudente ipotesi, vista l'assoluta novità della proposta formativa, di una ventina di iscritti è stata ampiamente superata e, dopo la selezione dell'esame di ammissione, il corso 200012001 ha potuto ammettere una sessantina di frequentanti. Da tempo evidentemente si auspicava che la formazione post-diploma avesse come riferimento, magari privilegiato, il Conservatorio, senza costringere lo studente ad affidarsi alle sole strutture private in un momento cosi delicato per l'inserimento nella professione più musicale. The first information leaflet for the Post-Graduate Programme (started by the Venice Conservatory for the academic year 200012001 as a project of specialization meant to replace the training period and later included within the national MURST expe ri m e ntati o ns) m e nti o ned the possibility of offering master courses taught by well-renowned teachers. This project has now become reality, adding a further range of educational possibilities to the number of students - to the according Conservatory's already intense activity. The post-graduate programme, developed by our Conservatory as a clear sign of innovation after the approval of the Act 508199, addresses its graduates who have been waiting since 1993 for the programme to be brought into accordance with European parameters, and for the legal and didactic reform - announced since the 1960s - of musical studies, which were still stuck in early twe ntieth-ce ntu ry norms. The core of the entire operation is represented by the internal teaching staff, all of whom have offered their experience and collaboration to the various disciplines. The proiect has also managed to bring in from the outside unknown disciplines and subjects by beginning - in the spirit of the mentioned law and, let me add, of the Venetian cultural institutions and the people operating within them - a collaboration with the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. We all hope this is iust the first step towards a much wider relationship that might lead to the birth of an Art Polytechnic in collaboration with Accademia and IUAV. The students' response has been thoroughly positive: expecting a maximum of 20 students, after the entrance test the 200012001 course admitted about 60 students. Students had long been waiting for the Conservatory to become the main institution for post-degree specialization, in order to avoid turning to private institutions at such a delicate moment in their introduction to the musical profession. An opening to new experiences should represent the professional training of a young graduate student. This is the programme's raison d'étre: the courses are all taught by renowned artists and meant to be brief but intense meetings with Proprio l'esigenza professionale di un giovane diplomato richiede apertura e nuove esperienze ed ecco la ragione dei martec affidati ad aftisti di chiara fama e concepiti, in questa prima edizione, come brevi ma intensi incontri con chi, avendo dedicato attivamente la vita alla musica, può donare la propria esperienza e, non da ultimo, il proprio entusiasmo. Alcuni ricordano che nel 1952, proprio a Venezia, Renato Fasano, allora Direttore del Conservatorio, awio le "Vacanze Musicali" che per piit di dieci anni misero a disposizione degli studenti diplomati, nel periodo estivo, i più bei nomi del concertismo e della compo- sizione, chiedendo al Ministero, purtroppo senza esito, un intervento legislativo che riconoscesse il I ivel lo u niversitario e i nternazionale dell' i niziativa. lspirandosi a tale ineguagliato esempio di corso di pertezionamento e con l'umiltà che un simile paragone consiglia, i master sono stati apefti, oltre agli iscritti al post-diploma, a tutti gli studenti in possesso di diploma di Conservatorio o di titolo equivalente. Accanto all'attività didattica è previsto, per ogni master, un momento di produzione artistica, con il concerto finale she permetterà agli studenti di farsi apprezzare dal pubblico; si aprirà cosi a Venezia, ci si augura, una nuova serie di concerti riservati a giovani musicisti all'inizio della carriera. lJn doveroso ringraziamento alla Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi che ha colto l'alta valenza formativa e artistica dell'iniziativa, coerente con i propri fini Master Classes Arpa Susanna Mildonian 9-10-11 Nov.2001 Clarinetto Romeo Tudarache 13-14-15 Nov. 2001 Violoncello Franco M. Ormezowski 16-'17-18 Nov. 2001 Pianoforte Lya De Barberiis 23-24-25 Nov. 2001 Violino Felice Cusano 27-28-29 Nov. 2001 Chitarra 30 Nov. I 1-2 Dic.20O1 Paolo Pegoraro Pianoforte Walter Krafft 4-5-6 Dic. 2001 Pianoforte Dario De Rosa 7-8-9 Dic. 2001 Pianoforte Frangois-Joel Thiol I ier 1"1-12-13 Dic. 2001 statutari, contribuendo alla realizzazione dei master, con l'auspicio che una sempre maggiore collaborazione tra le lstituzioni veneziane conduca a importanti progetti comuni. Pianoforte Canto ll Direttore Giovanni Umberto Battel Bruno Canino 14-15-16 Dic. 2001 Maurizio Arena 19-20-2'l Dic. 2001 Flauto 7-8-9 Feb. 2002 RobeÉo Fabbriciani people who have dedicated their lives to music and who surely can share their experience and Master Classes enthousiasm with younger artists. Some will remembel at this point, that in 1952, here in Venice, Renato Fasano. who was then the Conservatory's Dean started the "Vacanze Musicali" that for more than ten years allowed graduate studenB to work, during the summer holidays, with the most prestigious names in pertormance and composition. Fasano had also tried, unfortunately with no result, to have the Ministry of Education grant recognition of the university and the international quality of Susanna Mildonian Harp 9-10-11 Nov.2001 Clarinet Franco M. Ormezowski Cello 16-'17-18 Nov. 2001 his project. Piano With that unequalled example of specialization courses in mind and with the humility that such 23-24-25 Nov. 2001 comparison demands, the Master programme is open to all the students registered in the postdiploma programme, and to all the students holding a bachelorS degree from a Consentatory or an accredited university or institution. Lya De Barberiis Felice Cusano Violin 27-28-29 Nov. 2001 Paolo Pegoraro Guitar 30 Nov. / 1-2 Dec. 2001 EesrUes the teaching activity, every Master includes Walter Krafft an artistic creative moment ending with a final Piano concett that 4-5-5 Dec. 2001 students to pertorm in front of an audience. A new concert season, let us atl hope, will then begin in Venice, reserved for will enable young musicians beginning their careers- m and educatio d d ugo to the making of the Dario De Rosa Piano 7-8-9 Dec. 2001 n Avery Master programme, in the hope that an ever in«easing collaboration among Venice institutions might lead Romeo Tudarache 13-14-15 Nov. 2001 to important 11-12-'13 Dec. 2001 The Director Giovanni Umberto Battel Bruno Canino Piano 1 common projects. Frangois-Joe! Thiollier Piano 4-1 5-1 6 Dec. 2001 Voice Maurizio Arena 19-20-21 Dec. 2001 Flute 7-8-9 Feb. 2002 RobeÉo Fabbriciani Susanna Mildonian Harp Romeo Tudorache Clarinet with Margherita Cicognari at the "8. Marcello" Conservatory obtaining her Harp diploma in 1959. Susanna Mildonian was born in Venice where she studied She pursued her studies under the guidance of Pierre Jamet at the Superior National Conservatory of Paris where she was awarded the "Premier Prix" in 1962. She has been the only harpist who has succeeded in obtaining the first prize at all of the three most prestigious competitions in the world: First Prize at the lsrael lnternational Harp Competition (1959); she was unanimously awarded the First Prize at the lnternational Competition in Geneva (1964); First Prize at the "Marcel Tournier" lnternational Competition in Paris (1971). Since she was fourteen years old, Susanna Mildonian has given concerts both in ltaly and abroad. ln 1972 ;1'tt :',1,6de her debut at New York City's "Carnegie Hall". She has played with the accompaniment of orchestras such asl lhe Amsterdam Concert Gebouw Orkest, the Accademia dii§; Cécilia, the Bamberger Symphoniket the Tokyo NHK, the Paris ORTE the Berlin RIAS Orchestra and with conductors such ' rdo Mata, Bruno Maderna, Horst Stein, Raphael Louis de Froment, Eugene Jochum, Ephrem Kurtz, Chailly, Giuseppe Sinopoli, and she has given recitals thròu§hout Europe, The United States, Japan, Russia, Korea, Taiwan, etc. §ùiànna Mildonian has been playing regularly for quite a few years with flutist Maxence Larrieu and with guitarist Huqus Romeo Tudorache carried out his brilliant studies at the conservatories of Bucharest, Prague, and Bratislava, and he distinguished himself in prestigious international competitions such as "The Prague Spring", "G.B. Viotti", and the "Bucharest Competition". He has had a long career of performances both in a number of important tours throughout Europe and the United States and as a soloist in great orchestras. His presence at various international festivals, on television and radio programmes, his many recordings and his chamber music activity have contributed as one of the most important living clarinettists. Besides being a soloist, he has a long didactic record as a teacher of clarinet and Chamber Music at the Cologne State Ciinsetuatory of Music (Germany), and he chairs many Master to his fame classei throughout Europe (Fiesole Music School; intétnazionale Meisterkurse Koblenz - Germany; Académie lnternationale d'Ete Moulin d'Andé - France, etc.), the United 5tàtéi,'{Queens College of Music - New York University; Eastman School of Music Rochester - New York), and lsrael (Tel Aviv Rubin Academy). ,'Tudorache is the artistic director of the "Koblenz lnternational Festival" (Germany) and of the "Académie Rorn lnternationale dlEté" in Ande (France). ,Nave2., Winner of the prestigious Paris "Grand Prix du Disque", she .h,as more than twenty recordings to date in recitals, chamber "musii''and with orchestra with record companies such as Denon, Columbia, Decca, Vox, Pavane, and Musidisc. H'àir.'d,iscography includes most of the Harp repertoire from Boieldieu to Ginastera and Villa-Lobos. rr,5,U,sra,nna Mild,Onian has been teaching at the Royal he Accademia ional 5ummer ',Duration,:,of' 910111Nove ,,AÙàilable opénings §,,166{11gl'i ".r r: Duration of Master 01 '13-] 4-15 November 2001 Available Openings '" 4 'actual' :":':, Lya De Barberiis Piano Franco Maggio Ormezowski Cello Italian-born from a Polish mother; he started studying the Cello very young and got his diploma at the lstituto Boccherini of Lucca. He later followed post-degree courses with Gaspar Cassadò and Andrè Navarra at the Accademia Musicale in Siena. ,, . !.teen, he won the first prize at the National Competition ung concert artists at the Accademia di Musica Santa Cecilia,.:in Rome. ,Sin 'then, he has embraced a long and successful career both l:,à'soloist and with great symphonic orchestras, string and ,ÈMrmbèr orchestras. , He holds the Cello chair at the Accademia Toscanini in has performed at the Festivals of Spoleto, t, and Plodiv; at the Spanish celebration for the lf centuries since Boccherini's death and at the rEslgbrations in honour of Casals, held in Caracas. Hé'hà :given concerts in most major cities in ltaly and all over 'thtiwòrld from Paris to London, Madrid, Vienna, Hamburg, ,,B,russels, Moscow, Warsaw, and in the U.S'A., Canada, and Làti'n:'rAmerica. ,H€,rlrhar'n'r"n concerts for French Television, BBC RAI in ltaly and in other countries. in London, recorded with Dynamic record company in Genoa, A.D.El5i and Erato in Paris. He har,,:played with the following Conductors: W. Sawallisch, ,,L',,8,éinstein, L. FosteL R. Swarz, F. Caracciolo, F. Scaglia, A. 'eètcato. He has played with the following pianists: M. h, T. Vasary J.B. Pommier: D. Levy, A. Rabinovitch, A. : ; A. Hinceff. played with violinist S. Accardo and presently plays in quartét and as a soloist with Uto Ughi. ,,}{é,1,1,hq5 Dùràtion:,r:of Master 16-17-18 November 2001 le Openings , , -..t i.lli,tl r,,,,it,illit,, Lya De Barberiis was born in Lecce and has dedicated her last seventy years to music. At n.ine years of age, she gave her first concert; at'15 she got her diploma with honours at the Naples Conservatory under the guidance of Alessandro Longo; she followed post-degree courses at the Accademia di 5. Cecilia with masters Casella and Bonucci, receiving her dip! as with the highest marks; and she was awarded the flr,St priÈ at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena with the same rinràstei-. She was offered a scholarship by the French Government to follow a course with Marguerite Long in r,Pà,ii,i;,:,,'l{er repertoire is immense (soIoistic, symphonic, chamber), she has played all over the world with notable ,te!! rplayers and under prestigious conductors like Molinari, Previtali, Casella, Gui, Sanzogno, Gracis, La Rosa Parodi, Argento, Urbini, Pradella, Pizzetti, Gavazzeni, Pedrotti, Ziino, rAbbado, Molinari-Pradelli, Zecchi, Leibowitzk, Steinberg, 'Albert,'Macall, Jorda, Mahler, Aronowitsch, Maazel, Dorati, ,B:loomJleld, Berti n i, Kletzy, Ma rti non, etc. i'Éot hei,rconcerto activity in support of ltalian music abroad, shè wae,,honoured the title of "Commendatore" of the ltalian ,,Rèpu'blic and for her devotion to teaching (she holds a chair at the Accademia di S. Cecilia) she received the Gold Medal crf,the:rltalian Ministry of Education for the meritorious in the School;t,rCulture and in the Arts. Dedicatèe of many pieces of music composed for her by rfiiEhY,::r,remarkable composers, she has recorded, always for Fonit Cetra, the piano 'integrali' of Alfredo Casella, Luigi Dallapiccola, Goffredo Petrassi and the Sonatas by Cherubini of the time. For the record company "Rivo Altò", she has recorded "Nine Pieces" and "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Mussorgsky. ,gQ,,,B:,rJ€rtepiano ,Dùration of Master 23-2+25 November 2001 lé,,Opeòings Paolo Pegoraro Guitar Felice Cusano Violin Felice Cusano studied at the "San Pietro a Majella" Conservatory in Naples having as a teacher Maestro Giovanni Leone and then perfected his musical education in Munich with Maestri Otto Buechner and Franz Beyer and at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena with Franco Gulli. ln 1972 he resulted the only winner of the "Auditorium Giovani lnterpreti" National Festival organized by RAl. He has played for years within prestigious groups like Sestetto Chigiano, I Virtuosi di Roma and I Solisti ltaliani with which he has performed as a soloist in the most important theatres throughout the Country. He has played with the most prestigious orchestras (Teatro alla Scala Theatre of Milan - RAI of Milano, Rome and Turin - Fenice in Venezia - Pomeriggi Musicali in Milano - Haydn Orchestra in Bolzan, etc.) receiving all over great recognition both from the audiences and from the critics. lmportant composers of our time, like William Walton and Bruno Bettinelli (who has also dedicated to him his Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, premiered with the Sanremo Orchestra) have showed him much appreciation. He performs widely, especially chamber music. One of his latest recordings of Mendelssohn's Octet and Trio has lately been reviewed by the renowned American magazine "Fanfare" as one of the best recordings on the market. He has been published by Erato, RCA and by Dynamic. He has iééhlly recorded Carlo Galante's Concerto for Violin and Orchéitra. He presents several specialization courses and has held lhe major chair for at the "Giuseppe Verdi" Conservatory i,n:,,iB0,l[àn. He presently teaches at the Music School in Fiesole. Paolo Pegoraro was born in Bassano del Grappa in 1968. He is considered to be one of his generation's best guitarists. Both specialized critics and well-known figures in the musical world praise his communicative ability with the audience, his brilliant technique, and especially his highly refined artistic sensibility. He begun studying music at a very early age, revealing a special talent in a family surrounding rich in musical stimuli: his father used to play the violin, his grandfather was a guitar-maker, and his uncle was a guitarist. His education started in the class of Master Tommaso de Nardis at the "Benedetto Marcello" Conservatory in Venice, where he got his degree with honours, and continued with the master classes he attended of prestigious concertists like Manuel Barrueco and David Russell. Moreover, at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena, he obtained a Merit Diploma in the class of Maestro Oscar Ghiglia. Between 1986 and 1993, he was the winner of a number of national and international competitions (Rome, Viareggio, StiéSà; Bari, Paris, Taranto), and, as the winner of the "Città di Sahiemo" competition, he had his debut as a soloist with the sa,me Symphonic Orchestra in the Villa Lobos Concert. ln "1993r he was awarded by the Rotary Club recognition for his professional achievements. He is regularly invited as a soloist in the most important lnternal Festivals in Europe, in the U.S., iìn,:,rsouth America, Africa and Asia. (New York, Nùrtingen, Mexico City, Wirral, Morelia, Rome, Milan, Siracusa) and has ,perforrmed the most important concerts for guitar and Orichè9tra with the Symphonic Orchestras of Sanremo, Liu-bljàna, Kiev and Plovdiv. ln 199-7, together: with some of the best ltalian guitarists, he has created the, ,enseirible Vivaldi Guitar Consort (eight guitars, harpsichord, double bass and percussion) performing i^iitti.énormous suffest,in' terms of audience and criticism in the major ltaliàn theatres. He has recorded a CD with the sa,mé group, a homage to Spanish music of the 20th century with the guest star En§lish soprano Lorna Windsor. Very much qppreciated also as,,a professor, since a few years he has ,beEn teachi,ngiat the'Accademia di Perfezionamento "Francisco Térrèga" in Pordenone, also giving master classes 'for. f eStivals a nd rema rka ble m usica I i nstitutions. He is'the anistie''diièctoi,of the lnternational Guitar Festival of "Friuli \Ienezia Giulia" that has taken place in Pordenone ,in,,,thé last,few ygar§,, ,r, ,. Hè has recorded three CDs. As a soloist, he has been recording fur Real Sound (Udine DUration'of Màeter Duration of,r,Master 27 -28-29 lt ove m ber:, 200 able Opgn,i'n§s uali " - ltaly). 1 l.tl-2 December 2001 Available,,Openin§s : Triaetual' "":'" ,30 Novem,ber Dario De Rosa Walter Krafft Piano Piano He was born in 1936 and begun his study of music with his mother Hermine Krafft whose musical personality had been shaped in pre-war Berlin. He got his degree at the Music Academy of Bucharest, a unique musical ambience, teeming with illustrious such Flesch, Enescu, Menuhin, Lipatti, Haskil, Perlea, Celibidache. He was a student of the famous pianist Florica Muzicescu, about whom Dinu Lipatti once said: "Everything I know, I have learnt it from her". After finishing his studies, he started an intense concert activity. ln 1967 he founded in Munich the MÙnchen Musikseminar, a musical school of the highest rahk, and simultaneously opened a recording company aimed at supporting and promoting young artists along their debut. Master Contents Theory and praxis of contemporary piano pedagogy: multilateral, varied and alive teaching instead of mechanic practise; how to learn a musical piece at the highest level in ihe shortest time; the entire piano technique, without studying but using intellectual logic; maximum use of memory with minimum use of scores; parallel development of the different skills: concert activity, chamber music, musical pedagogy. Dario De Rosa has been the Trieste Trio pianist since the founding of the group, in 1933' With the Trio he has participated in about 3000 concerts - with a notable presence atthe major international festivals (Edinburgh, Luzern, ZÙrich, Vienna, Salzburg, Bregenz, Bonn, Ascona, Montreux, Stresa, Venice, Florence, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Aix-en-Provence, Santande[ Granada, lstanbul, etc.) - all around the world, also collaborating with the most famous orchestras and with. Conductors like Bòhm, Celibidache, Donhanyi, Gavazzeni, Giulini, Kempe, Kubelik, Rosbaud, Sawallisch, Solti, van Beinum. His recording credits are huge (for DG, Decca, Nuova Era) as well as the internatlonal prizes and recognitions he has been awarded (Grand Prix du Disque, Viotti d'oro, San Giusto d'oro, Diapason, Maschera d'argento, Quadrivio, Premio della Critica Musicale ltaliana, del Mozarteum Argentino, etc.). Dario De Rosa has taught Piano and Chamber Music at the "G. Tartini" Conservatory in Trieste and presently teaches at the Fiesole School of Music, at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana and at the Duino lnternational School of Chamber Music (College of the United Adriatic). He has very often held seminars and courses both in ltaly and abroad, and he has taken part in numerous commitees in the most important for Piano and chàù,Uer Music. He is artistic manager of the "v. Gui- Premio Cirttà dii Firenze" Competition and of the "A. Casagrande" Cò,mpetition that both belong to the Geneva lnternational Federation. H:erlpéi{orms regularly in concerts, also in duet with Maureen ,lÒnes ànd in quartet with Piero Farulli. He is a member of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia and has been granted the title of ,Grà,nde Ufficiale al merito of the ltalian Republic. rnational and international competitions Duration of Master Ma§ter Title Piano in Cha,rrb,er,,M,usic Dru,ration of Master 4.5-6 Decèmb,e,r 2001 7-8:9, Decern:bè,r 2OO1 Availablà openings ,r ,r' 4,!,361gg1r',.i ' 4 groups including piano Availablà opénings Frangois-Joél Thiol I ier Piano Bruno Canino Piano Franco-American by birth, Thiollier has assimilated the best Born in Naples, he studied piano and composition at the in New York with Sascha Gorodnitzki at the of Music where he obtained top awards in all age of 18, but then in the ghout of several cultures. He studied in France with Robert Casadesus and Juilliard School e was five! comPetition "Grands Moscow Tchaikowsky prize en Elizabeth and the enormous repertoire (80 concertos) with pianistic gifts. He concertize culture and countries and gives orchestras: concert Moscow and Leningrad than thirty msterdam Concertgebouw France's Orchestre de Paris and Orchestre National, the ltalian RAl, the London Symphony etc' and in all the famous concert halls in Europe: the Théàtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris, the Teatro Real in Madrid, the Victoria Hall in Geneva, the Scala in Milan, the Berlin Philharmonie, the Leipzig Gewandhaus among others. On stage, his charisma ensures him success. FranEoisJoèl Thiollier is acclaimed for "his power, his ease in an always controlled discourse". Others love his "total precision blended liituith:.:rèmarkably controlled lyricism". All agree on his total command of the instrument allied to a deep musical ,,iénsitivity which is brought to life through his knowledge o{ the most complex musical elements. years. na. He has performed in piano duets with Antonio Ballista for 40 years now and has belonged to the Milan Trio for 30 years' ile collaborates with famous instrumentalists like Salvatore Accardo, Lynn Harrel, Perlman. For several Ye society called 'Giovine ltzahk of the of the Music' Autumn season of the At present, he is the director of the Music section at the Venice Biennale. He has devoted his studies in particular to contemporary music, working with composers such as Pierre Boulez, Luciano Berio, Karl-Heinz Stockhausen, Gyorgy Ligeti, Bruno Maderna, Luigi Nono, Sylvano Bussotti, and others of whose works he has given many premiere performances' His most recent recording credits include: Goldberg Variations la, and the by J.S. Bach, the tradivarius opening of the c (of which the fl teaches a speci Chamber lished)' He Piano and Musi His book, "Vademecum del pianista da camera" has recently been published by Passigli Editore. lUlastèr Title Piàno Music o{,th,e,,Fjrst Half of the 20th Century ' Duration of Master 2-13 Déièrnber 2001 iiabh OpCnings 4, g61q g 1.1,,r..,,, .,.:I,,, -,,,.,.,Ilt,,,., Duration of Master 1 4-1 5.'l 5 D,etòmbe r 2OO1 Ava,llablè Opènings 4,actual,rr, ',i, RobeÉo Fabbriciani Flute Maurizio Arena Voice tn collaboration with the Luigi Nono Archive - Venice Born in Messina, he studies Roberto Fabbriciani was born in Arezzo in 1949' He graduated After achieving remarkable Serafin, Votto, Gavazzeni, i Teatro Massimo in Palermo From that moment till 1971, his name was connected, on the Radio Orchestra, Dubrovnik Festival), in America (Chicago Lyric Opera, San Francisco Opera, California Verdi Festival, Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires) and in Japan (Tokyo and Osaka)' Since 1973 he has also been a regular presence atthe Arena of Verona where, among other things, he conducted, at an early age in Traverse Flute, he has won numerous competitions ànd plays in the orchestras of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and of the Scala in Milan. A virtuoso, a performe4 and a versatile artist, Roberto Fabbriciani has a ienewed technique increasing the sound possibilities of the instrument. For this type of skill, and his careful attention to Sotelo, K. Stockhausen, T. Takemitsu, l. Yun. T. Hosokawa' ln particular, he has collaborated very closely with Luigi Nono dul:ing the last 10 years of Nono's life. All the Flute parts of Nonot works of the 1980s were all inspired by Roberto Fa,bbriciani's unique technique. He has performed with a in 1979, Mephistopheles by Boito; in 1984, The Lombards at The and witi the major Orchestras. As a soloist, he has performed with gréat conductors like C. Abbado, L. Berio, R. Chailly, G' Gavaizeni, G. Gelmetti, M. Gielen, B. Klee, B. Maderna, P' fvfaàg, n. Muti, Z. Pesko, G. Sinopoli, A. Tamayo, L. Zagrosek' He,hàs,remarkable recording credits. At present, he teaches di Mercadante and Matilde di Shabran by ,Rossirni in Paris for Radio France. He has conducted, as premiere performànce; in Lyon, Cherubini's Solemn Mass ll Giuramento with the National Òrché5tra. He presents Master i-lasses for singers and orchestra conductors, both in:,,italy'and abroad. He has recorded for RCA - BMG Ariola Adriana Lecouvreur and Francesca da Rimini' Mà§ter Title ' The,,Opera Singer and the Orchestra Conductor Duiation of Master 19-20-21 Decembè'i 2001 Available OPenings 4'actual' at the specialization course at the Salzburg Mozarteum University. Master Contents i parti first cons The Nono's works, in executed for the . The course will ollowing works: "Omaggio a GY,6rgY Kurtàg si lenzio, i nquietu m" (1985) diario polacco n. 2" (1982) course will be: Prof. Alvise Music at the Venice Conservatory), who will see to /ive eleitronics section; and Dott. Erika Schaller (Luigi Nono Archive), who will introduce the historico-analytical aspects i"i' of the works. 'ìì' Duration of Master 7-8-9 February 2002 Available Openings 8 'actual' Admission Requirements availab These Diplom Applican of the p teacher. ngs indicated for each master course' s. will be increased should the PostttÙà"ntt decide not to attend' the basis of an examination s' CVs bY the Master course 'actual' studqrlts, COUfSeS. .,,.i., will ..,, : ho will not be admitted as to audit the have the possibility .. t,,r:,rr:aòpl'cant to send in t ' student openings are urged of payment no' account bank (Lit. on the 50,000 of registration fe-g ,',i:irl1i.3240304 , including receipt i.:i6,.:]r'6d;:;"rr"aorio Benedetto M a rceI Io - 'Ph ,;v,:.pay th€ full,,,feer,of Lit. 150,000 by October 31st, 20o1' 4. .i,:ìir,.i'rrr Master course have to PaY 15th,2001. more than one course students are exPected to At the end:,o,f the, Méster course 'actual' students will be a ceÈificàte of attendance. of Music may alter in some of 9. The Ven lation' parts ,tii,r:il,ri,r,:,lrrti§ on, Pleasecontact: 10. Forany ,,trt,,,],ttit,,tlt,cicnservatoiio,,'di"vènezia - Master classes 2001, 8. r.ì:]rri,r,.rrr:'ioiven ,,ì::,r Fax: +ag:04r.sza,g2.5a eirl tr ì(o .N I à ù o) OJ ftft a\v L^= o q, = UI D G) ^'= :^o) o E È c) + o o P (o o L P itÀor 6; o p 0) E(L, f o U o != f E UJ s a # o E c 3 o F i o E I o- rio G P 0) E (o z il o 'tr o P z o U a o E à o L o (L c d E i; a '- lI' o E (I, z o ! ! a o .C, o- E o .+ o UI o o UÉIJ IE E o , I a + o è + o o n o n. n L o a o : o à è tD. o o o =. @ a a oo à o oJ , (§ m 3 C o- o o À) ,= ò, g o a o N. (» I o è (» N. o l o 1' OJ o o 0 O) è 0) _o- f (» OJ !èu Y'6'È!,t: 3 aa tr OJ V9o o n o (o f + <.= !o 6'> ca-- g x OJ o U o + l» 3 o 6' = o o (r+È -of e.vE T _o- è f bò I o =. o 0 OJ (o u+ Xdjc, E o ) tr a tr f ,P o /1 P p o 9:o(o rnf ! -: n f o= ot^ (, + e. U ^69 L o o C_ o UJ o § Eo .eE + o o o P 9 l|l à C) or 3 o OJ m (, z o o È o) xo N NJ +o tr> o7 P =. N (^) N o u _o- o s' o m o st P t l o o 0) s -{ (D OJ + (Dr f. Ln <.o (o C P ! 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