Synopsis Somet hing Else is a touching story about friendship and tolerance which won the 1997 UNESCO prize for Literature in the service of tolerance. Something Else wants to be like the other creatures but they won’t accept him. One day a strange creature comes to his house and wants to be his friend. One night someone knocked on the door………….. Our ending SCOALA GEORGE BARITIU Turda Romania CHOOSING THE BEST ENDING La uşă erau băieţii. Ei doreau să îşi ceară scuze de la Altfel. Altfel i-a invitat în casă: - Am dori să discutăm cu tine, au spus băieţii. - Despre ce vreţi să discutăm ? - Păi… despre prietenia noastră. El era uimit şi fericit în acelaşi timp. - Ce-ai spune să ne împăcăm şi să ne jucăm împreună? - Bine, ne întâlnim mâine în parc. A doua zi, când s-a trezit, Altfel, şi-a dat seama că era special, chiar dacă era diferit de prietenii lui. The boys were at the door. They wanted to apologize from Something Else. Something else invited them inside. - “We would like to talk with you”, the boys said. - “What do you want us to talk about?” - “Well... about our friendship!” He was surprised and happy at the same time. - What about becoming friends and playing together? - Okay, we’ll meet in the park tomorrow. The next day , when he woke up, Something Else, realized he was unique, even if he was different. Our ending G.Rodari school Roletto Italy Class 4 Something Else aprì la porta e un folto gruppo di “Else” disse: “ Nessuno ci vuole! Potremmo vivere tutti insieme nella tua casa sulla collina?” “Certamente” rispose Something Else e così vissero felici e contenti: “ Tutti diversi ma tutti amici!” Something Else opened the door and a big group of “Else” said: “Nobody wants us. Can we live all together in your house at the top of the hill?” “Of course” said Something Else and they lived happily together: “All different but friends” After the story….. We discussed on things that make us similar and different Name Living things Eat, breathe Born alive Voice Clothes Language,alphabet Die Smile,cry,laugh Body Houses, schools Play, sleep Suffer Love …… Land Likes,dislikes Age Flags,friends dances A FRIEND… RESPECTS rispetta SHARES condivide TRUSTS si fida HELPS aiuta PLAYS gioca LISTENS ascolta LOVES ama SUPPORTS sostiene SUFFERS soffre ……………………………………… We brainstormed words realted to friendship and Tolerance and our teacher helped with the translation in English TOLERANCE Respect rispettare Welcoming accogliere No prejudices No ai preguidizi Our ending Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 81 Warsaw Poland Wszyscy moi przyjaciele. Witajcie! All my friends! Welcome!