Phone: 0444-479580; fax: 0444479615
e-mail: [email protected]
Address: Via del Parco,1-36071 Arzignano(VI)
Location: Ground Floor, Arzignano Hospital
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2 p.m.4:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.- 1 p.m.
The office is open to the public from Monday to Friday,
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Toll-free phone number:800-212525 Monday-Friday 8
a.m.-4 p.m.
If you are using a cell-phone call 0445-425188,
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
If you are calling for business reasons call 0445423090 Monday-Friday 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
Booking a Mammogram:
-Montecchio Hospital 0444-708241
-Valdagno Hospital: 0445-484600
Montecchio Maggiore Committee:
Via Ca’ Rotte, 9 36075 Montecchio Maggiore(VI)
Phone: 0444708119 fax: 0444708602 cell: 330611385
e-mail: [email protected]
internet site:
Hours: Monday – Friday 9 a.m.-12 noon; Tuesday 2 p.
Phone: 0444-708156 fax: 0444-708151
e-mail: [email protected]
An asymptomatic woman (without symptoms) can access the
Women’s Center for a clinical breast examination by phoning
the Central Booking number(C.U.P.) (see: “How to Contact us”).
A symptomatic woman (with symptoms, e.g. with palpable
swelling) must get a referral for an urgent breast examination
from her family doctor, and then phone C.U.P. to make an
appointment. If there are no appointments available, she can go
to the Women's Centre (Centro Donna) in person where a
nurse will make an appointment for a visit within the time limits
indicated by the physician.
The Staff of the BREAST UNIT and the Women'sCentre:
Director of Administration:
Dr. Graziano Meneghini
Medical Directors:
Dr. F. Di Bartolo, Dr.ssa V.Parise, Dr.ssa M. Pasqualini, Dr.ssa
A Voltan, Dr. I. Zambrano
Coordinator of nursing staff:
Mrs. Tiziana FIN (R.N.)
Nursing Staff :
Ms. O. Bruscagin, Ms. B. Cazzanello, Ms. E. Coccato, Ms. E.
Dalla Riva,Ms. C. Gonella, Ms. N. Lotto, Ms D. Marin, Ms. P.
Pretto, Ms. L. Rossato, Ms. F. Sartori, Ms M. Targon., Ms G.
Nurse’s Aides (O.S.S.) Ms. L. Rossato.
Secretary’s Office:Phone :0444-708326; fax: 0444708328.
Women’s Center
Director Dott. Graziano Meneghini
Phone: 0444-708326 or 0444-708354
Fax: 0444-708328
e-mail: [email protected]
Address: Via Ca’ Rotte, 7-36075 Montecchio Maggiore
Location: Montecchio Maggiore Hospital (First Floor)
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Web page:
Information Brochure
Updated 01.01.2015
Next update 01.01.2018
The BREAST UNIT and the Women’s Center are involved
in the diagnosis and treatment of female diseases and in
particular those affecting the breast.
In addition to the Women's Centre activities, aimed at the
prevention and treatment of breast cancer, there is a gynecology clinic, an obstetrics clinic and a plastic surgery
Our diagnostic-therapeutic-rehabilitative approach to
breast disease is an interdisciplinary one, and is coordinated by a multidisciplinary team made up of a senologist
surgeon, an oncologist, a radiologist, an anatomy pathology technologist, a radiotherapist, a nuclear medicine doctor, a plastic surgeon, a physiatrist, a physiotherapist, a
psychologist, a general medicine doctor, nurses and volunteer associations (e.g. ANDOS)
The diagnostic and therapeutic procedures follow the national and international standards and guidelines, and the
whole process is regulated by the quality controls of the
Veneto Region, to guarantee services offered to patients.
Diagnostic tools available at the Women's Centre are:
-Clinical breast examination using ultrasound
-Digital mammography
-Fine needle aspiration cytology
-Core biopsy
-Mammotome core biopsy
-Pap test
-Colpocitology exam:first level
-Colposcopy exam
-Gynacological Ultrasound
-Obstetrics Ultrasound (I-II-III trimesters of pregnancy)
There is also a Plastic Surgery Clinic at the Women's Centre
which offers various options for breast reconstruction for
women who have been operated on (implants, flap surgery,
lipofilling, nipple reconstruction, areola tattooing and breast reduction).
Finally, psychological assistance is available for patients and
family members (Dr. Alessandra Belfontali).
The surgery performed by the BREAST UNIT utilizes the
techniques of oncoplastic surgery to minimize any cosmetic damage from operations such as the quadrantectomy, and offers reconstructive breast interventions after
such operations as mastectomies.
The clinical services are offered by the Women's Centre,
in the Montecchio Maggiore Hospital. The surgery is performed in the Montecchio Maggiore Hospital Day Surgery,
which is equipped with hospital beds, and at the Arzignano Hospital, which has operating rooms and a ward for
breast and gynecological surgery.
Prior to hospitalization the patient may be contacted by
the Women’s Center nursing staff to run some preoperative tests.
On the day of admission: if the operation is going to be
performed in day surgery, the patient must come to the
first floor of the Montecchio Maggiore Hospital. If the operation is going to be performed in the in-patient hospital
ward, the patient must come to the Surgery Department
(on the first floor of the Arzignano Hospital) where hospital
beds are available for the Senology Department.
Upon arriving you will be admitted by a nurse. Do not forget to bring along your health card, social security number
(codice fiscale), identity card and any health records
(discharge letters, medicines you are currently taken, previous medical records). We advise you not to bring excessive amounts of money or valuables to the hospital. On
the day of admission, you must have fasted since midnight. You can have half a glass of water to take your
regular medicines. We ask you to notify hospital staff
when away from your hospital room.
The day of surgery you must not eat or drink anything and
you should remain on the ward. When it is time to go to
the operating room, you will be prepared by a nurse. We
advise patients to remove dentures, rings and nail polish.
The day of discharge: the hour for going home may have
been previously arranged by your doctor but the final decision will be made on the morning after the clinical examination and medications. The patient will receive a discharge letter to give to their family doctor with indications
for subsequent medications that will take place at the
Women's Centre (first floor of the Montecchio Maggiore
Information on health status: with respect to the patient’s
privacy, you should give the hospital in advance the
names of people to whom the hospital staff can give inform ation
The outcome of the histological examination will be communicated personally to the patient by the Director of the
Senology Department. In this regard, the patient will also
receive a written report for his/her physician with all information relating to subsequent breast checks.
A n a s y m p t om a t i c w o m a n (w i t h o u t s ym p t o m s ) c a n a c c e s s t h e W om e n ’ s Ce n t e r f o r a c l i n ic a l br e a s t e x am i n a ti o n b y p h o n i n g t h e C e n tr a l B o o k i n g n u m b er ( C .U .P . ) ( s ee : “ H o w t o C o n t a c t u s” ) .
A s ym p t o m a t i c w o m a n ( w i t h s ym p t o m s, e . g . w i t h p a l p a b l e s w e l li n g ) m u s t g e t a r e f er r a l f or a n u r g e n t br e a s t ex a m i n a t i o n f r om h er f am il y d o c t o r , a n d t h e n p h o n e C .U .P . t o m a k e a n a p p o i n t m e n t . I f t h er e ar e n o a p p o i n tm e n t s a v a il a b l e , s h e c a n g o t o t h e W o m e n' s C e n tr e (C e n tr o D o n n a ) i n p er s o n w h er e a n u r s e w i l l m a ke a n a p p o i n t m e n t f o r a v i si t w i t h i n t h e t im e l im i t s i n d i c a t e d b y t h e p h y s i c i a n .
T h e S t a f f o f t h e B RE AS T UN I T a n d t h e W o m e n' s C e n tr e :
D i r e c t o r o f A dm i n i s tr a t i o n :
D r . Gr a z i a n o M e n e g h i n i
M e d i c a l D ir e c t or s :
D r . F . Di B ar t o l o , Dr . s s a V .P ar i s e, Dr . s s a M . P a s q u a l i n i, Dr . s s a A V o l t a n , Dr . I. Z am b r a n o
C o o r d i n a t or o f n u r s i n g s t a f f :
M r s . T i z i a n a FI N (R . N . )
N ur s i ng S ta ff :
M s . O . B r u s c a gi n , M s . B . C a z z a n el l o , M s . E. C o c c a t o , M s . E . D a l l a R i v a, M s . C . G o n e l la , M s . N . L o t t o , M s D . M a r i n , M s . P . Pr e t t o , M s . L . R o s s a t o , M s. F . S ar t o r i, M s M . T a r g o n . , M s G . V a c ca r e t ti .
N u r s e ’s A i d e s ( O .S .S . ) M s . L . R o s s a t o.
S e cr e t ar y ’ s O f fi c e : P h o n e : 04 4 4 - 7 0 8 3 2 6 ; fa x : 0 4 4 4 7 0 83 2 8 .
P hone : 0 4 4 4 -7 0 8 3 2 6 or 0 4 4 4 -7 0 8 3 5 4
Fa x : 0 4 4 4 -7 0 8 3 2 8
e - m a i l : c e n t r o. d o n n a @ u l s s 5 . i t
A d d r e s s : V i a C a ’ R o t t e , 7- 3 6 0 7 5 M o n t e c c h i o M a g g i or e
L o c a t i o n : M o n t e c c h i o M a g g i o r e H o s p i t a l ( F ir s t Fl o o r )
H o u r s : M o n d a y - Fr i d a y 8 a. m . - 8 p .m .
W e b p a g e : h t t p : / / w ww . u l s s 5 .i t

opuscolo senologia inglese