M. Cammareri - N. Crowe
Esercizi integrativi
di lingua inglese
Trevisini Editore
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Unit 1
Pagina 6
1. Completa i fumetti utilizzando le seguenti battute.
1. Mike: D • Hello, Mike.
+ Good morning, Dad.
2. Susy:
C • Susy, it’s time to get up.
+ OK, Mum.
3. Nancy: B • Good morning, Nancy.
+ Good morning, Mum.
4. Alan:
A • Alan, breakfast is ready.
+ Thanks, Mum.
Pagina 7
1. Scrivi sotto ciascuna illustrazione la frase esatta
che troverai fra le seguenti.
1. I go to school every morning.
2. I usually go to school by bus.
3. I sometimes walk to school.
4. I rarely go to school by bike.
5. I never go to school by car.
6. I often go to school with Meg.
Pagina 8
1. Scrivi i seguenti saluti al posto giusto.
1. Good morning.
2. Hello/Hi!
3. Good afternoon.
4. Good evening.
5. Goodbye/bye-bye.
6. Good night.
Pagina 9
1. Completa con.
1. I am Mike Morgan. I am a student.
2. You are Susy Stone. You are a student too.
3. This is Roger Gray. He is a teacher.
4. This is Jane Black. She is a teacher too.
5. We are Tony and Kate. We are schoolfriends.
6. They are Alan and Nancy. They are American.
Pagina 10
1. Matching - Abbina le due parti.
1. I go to school.
2. You are a student.
3. He is English.
4. She is American.
5. It is my dog.
6. We are friends.
7. They are schoolfriends.
2. Translate into English.
1. I go to school in the morning.
2. I often walk to school.
3. I never go to school by bus.
4. I rarely go by bike.
5. Tony and Kate are students.
6. They are schoolmates (schoolfriends).
3. Trasforma le seguenti frasi da affermative in
1. Is he Pierre Dupont?
2. Is she Linda Porter?
3. Are you Susy Smith?
4. Is he Tommy Taylor?
5. Are you Bob and Ted?
6. Is she Nancy Roberts?
7. Are they Liz & Meg?
8. Are they American boys?
9. Are they English girls?
Pagina 11
1. Rispondi seguendo l’esempio dato nel fumetto.
1. No, you are not.
2. Yes, they are.
3. No, he is not.
4. Yes, we are.
5. Yes, I am.
6. No, they are not.
7. Yes, I am.
2. Volgi le seguenti frasi alla forma negativa.
1. He is not a doctor.
2. They are not teachers.
3. She is not a nurse.
4. I am not an American woman.
5. You are not an English man.
6. He is not a schoolgirl.
7. We are not Italian students.
8. She is not a schoolboy.
Unit 2
Pagina 14
1. Completa i fumetti utilizzando le seguenti battute.
1. D • Hello, Katia.
+ Hello, Peter.
2. A • Bye, Peter.
+ See you, Katia.
3. C • Good morning, Miss Smith.
+ Good morning, boys and girls.
4. B • Goodbye, children.
+ Goodbye, Miss Smith.
2. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio e facendo
uso del presente di to live – abitare. I personaggi abitano nelle città indicate nelle cartine
sopra riportate.
Pagina 15
1. Questions.
1. No, she is American.
2. He is from Dublin.
3. In Ireland.
4. Malaga.
5. She is from London.
6. No, she is Spanish.
2. True/False.
1. Tony Green is Australian.
2. Tony comes from New York.
3. Abby Coster is American.
4. Abby lives in New York.
5. Linda Romei is from Malaga.
6. Susy Stone lives in England.
Pagina 16
1. Ascolta il dialogo “On holiday in London”
e scegli le risposte esatte per ciascuna delle
seguenti domande.
1. No, they are not.
3. They are from Madrid.
2. Yes, they are.
4. He is German.
2. Completa le seguenti frasi con la nazionalità
e la città di questi ragazzi utilizzando.
1. This is Robert. He is English. He is from London.
2. This is Annie. She is French. She is from Paris.
3. This is Marcus. He is German. He is from Berlin.
4. This is Carmen. She is Spanish. She is from Madrid.
5. This is Paola. She is Italian. She is from Rome.
6. This is Jimmy. He is American. He is from Washington.
Pagina 18
1. Completa le seguenti frasi con la voce di
nazionalità che sceglierai fra.
1. Susan is English.
2. You are German.
3. They are American.
4. We are British.
5. Carmen is Spanish.
6. Valerie is French.
7. James is Irish.
8. I am Italian.
1. Susan lives in London.
2. Mike lives in Washington.
3. You live in Berlin.
4. They live in Madrid.
5. Pierre lives in Paris.
6. I live in Dublin.
7. We live in Rome.
8. Robert lives in London.
Pagina 19
1. Compila il seguente dialogo fra te e Sarah,
una ragazza australiana che incontri per la
prima volta.
A. You
A. Sarah
B. You
B. Sarah
C. You
C. Sarah
D. You
D. Sarah
E. You
E. Sarah
– Hello, my name is (name).
– Hello (name).
– What is your name?
– My name is Sarah.
– This is Ronald. He is my brother.
– Hello, Ronald.
– Are you English or American?
– I’am Australian. I come from Sydney.
– Goodbye, Sarah.
– Bye, (name).
2. Traduci le seguenti frasi.
1. Buon giorno, ragazzi.
2. Arrivederci, ragazzi e ragazze.
3. Io sono italiano. Di dove sei tu?
4. Sono inglese. Abito a Liverpool.
5. Noi siamo qui in vacanza.
6. Mi chiamo Robert. Bob per gli amici.
1. My name is Caterina, Kate to my friends.
2. I am Italian; I come from Milan.
3. What is your name? Where are you from?
4. I’m 13 years old; I am here on holiday.
5. I am an Irish student.
6. I am a pupil of a Secondary School.
Unit 3
2. Volgi queste frasi alla forma interrogativa e
rispondi secondo gli esempi dei fumetti e le
indicazioni date.
Pagina 21
1. Where is Birmingham? It is in Great Britain.
2. Where are Rome and Florence? They are in Italy.
3. Where are Malaga and Granada? They are in Spain.
4. Where are Bonn and Berlin? They are in Germany.
5. Where is Washington D. C.? It is in America.
6. Where is Cape Town? It is in South Africa.
7. Where are Dublin and Cork? They are in Ireland.
1. Questions.
1. Paul Scott.
2. Amy.
3. No. They are brother and sister.
4. A domani.
5. No, he is a teacher.
2. Quali espressioni usi per dire.
1. What is that woman? Is she your mother?
2. The girl is Paul’s sister.
3. They are brother and sister.
4. Who is your new teacher?
5. Bye. See you tomorrow.
Pagina 22
2. Matching.
1. He is Mr Johnson.
2. She is Mrs Johnson.
3. She is Miss Johnson.
4. He is Peter Cruise.
5. She is Cindy Miller.
6. I’m Harold Smith.
Pagina 24
1. Fill in this form for Sally.
Compila questo modulo per Sally.
First name
Favourite subjects
13 years old
42 Mandley Road, Coventry
Sport and music
History and geography
2. Completa inserendo.
Sally is a girl. She is an English girl. Her name is Sally
Fox. Sally is her first name and Fox is her surname. Sally
is 13. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She has got a
brother; his name is Tim. They have got a dog, too. Sally
lives in Coventry. She is a pupil at a secondary school.
Sally’s parents are not English. They are Scottish.
Pagina 25
1. Collega le domande con le risposte e trascrivile
sul quaderno.
Pagina 23
1. Volgi alla forma interrogativa queste frasi e
rispondi secondo gli esempi dei fumetti e le
indicazioni date.
1. Where are Tony and Rudy? They are at home now.
2. Where is Mary? She is in the school canteen.
3. Where are the boys? They are in the classroom.
4. Where are your sisters? They are in the park.
5. Where is your brother? He is in the garden.
6. Where is Ted Townsend? He is in Australia.
7. Where are Vera and Jimmy? They are in India.
1. No, I have got a Play Station.
2. No, he has got a moped.
3. No, she has got a camera.
4. No, we have got a cell phone.
5. No, they have got a radio.
6. No, Ted has got a new guitar.
2. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio dato.
1. Have you got two brothers?
2. Have you got a sister too?
3. Has Laura got a big dog?
4. Has she got four cats too?
5. Have we got a video game?
6. Have they got a computer?
7. Has Deborah got an i – Pod?
Pagina 27
Q. Where are you from?
A. I come from Liverpool.
Q. Where is Susan?
A. She is at school.
Q. Where are Tim and Tom? A. They are at home.
1. Matching.
Q. Who is that man?
Q. Who is the woman?
Q. Who is this girl?
A. He is Mr Kelly.
A. She is Mrs Kelly.
A. She is Roger’s sister.
Q. What is this?
Q. What is your name?
Q. What is your address?
A. It’s a satchel.
A. Robert White.
A. 10, London Street.
Unit 4
Pagina 29
1. Questions.
1. She is from Canada.
2. In Croydon.
3. Because her father works there.
4. He is a journalist.
5. In London.
6. Because she has got a brother and a sister.
2. Quali espressioni usi per dire.
1. Where do you live? Do you live here?
2. Why do you live in London?
3. I live in London because I study here.
4. I am not an only child.
5. I have got a brother and a sister.
6. Their names are Ted and Meg.
2. Translate into English. Traduci in inglese.
1. My parents are Italian.
2. I am 12 years old; I live in Palermo.
3. I have black hair and brown eyes.
4. I have got a brother and a sister.
5. I am a student. I go to school.
6. Robert is Laura’s brother.
5. Translate into English.
1. Robert, you are 11 years old.
2. How old is your sister?
3. My sister is fifteen years old.
4. My brother is sixteen.
5. And how old are you?
6. I am thirteen years old.
7. Tom and Bob are twins.
8. How old are they?
9. They are nineteen years old.
10. Liz is eighteen years old.
Pagina 32
1. Leggi i seguenti numeri telefonici e svolgi
l’esercizio secondo l’esempio.
1. It’s Nancy’s phone number.
2. It’s Susan’s phone number.
3. It’s Mike’s phone number.
Pagina 30
1. Metti le seguenti frasi alla forma interrogativa.
1. Does she live with her family?
2. Do they live in a nice town?
3. Does Rory come from Australia?
4. Do you speak French very well?
5. Do you know Mr and Mrs Roberts?
3. Metti le seguenti frasi alla forma interrogativa.
1. Can Mike play the guitar?
2. Can they play volleyball?
4. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio.
1. Mike can play the guitar but he cannot play the piano.
2. They can play volleyball but they cannot play tennis.
2. Svolgi l’esercizio scrivendo i numeri telefonici
in cifre.
1. 394427; 2. 508936; 3. 573001; 4. 822614.
Pagina 33
1. Completa il dialogo fra Mario e la segretaria
della scuola con le battute del riquadro.
2. My name is Mario Fontana.
3. I’m Swiss. I come from Bern.
4. I’m fourteen years old.
5. Yes. My phone number is 347-25668091.
6. Yes, please.
7. Oh, that’s a good idea.
Pagina 34
Pagina 35
1. Answer these questions.
1. Completa le sei frasi con le parti mancanti qui
1. Emily’s mother.
1. In Croydon.
2. Not far from London.
3. He is a journalist.
4. Her father is 40; her mother is 38.
5. She does not go out to work.
6. He is thirteen.
2. Emily’s parents.
3. Emily’s sister.
4. Emily’s brother.
5. Emily’s father.
6. husband & wife.
2. Put into the negative.
2. Dai a queste domande risposte complete come
da esempi indicati.
1. Emily does not live with her parents.
2. Mr Ford does not work for the Times.
3. They do not live in a nice town.
4. I do not live with my family now.
5. You do not come from New York City.
3. True/False.
1. Emily’s family consists of four persons.
2. Mr and Mrs Ford are husband and wife.
3. They live in a big town far from London.
4. Mrs Ford works in a supermarket near London.
5. Mr and Mrs Ford have got three children. 6. They have got one a son and two daughters. 1. husband and wife.
2. brother and sister.
3. Emily’s father.
4. Betty’s mother.
5. three children.
scente inglese.
1. What school do you go to?
Pagina 38
2. Is it far from your house?
1. Questions.
3. How do you usually go to school?
1. Emily goes to a Junior High School.
2. It’s about a mile away.
3. Because the school is far from her house.
4. At school.
5. Meat and vegetables.
6. No, she isn’t (is not).
7. Water or Coca Cola.
1. Emily does not go to school by bus.
2. Emily’s school is not far from her house.
3. There is a bus stop near her house.
4. Emily has lunch at home with her family.
5. Emily usually eat a sandwich for lunch.
6. She does not drink alcohol with lunch.
3. Matching.
3. Immagina di dover chiedere ad un tuo cono-
Unit 5
2. True/False.
1. No, she has got one brother.
2. Yes, he has.
3. No, they have got one brother.
4. Yes, they are.
5. No, she is not.
6. Yes, they are.
4. Do you have lunch at school?
5. What do you usually eat?
6. What do you drink with lunch?
4. Quali espressioni usi per dirgli che.
1. I go to a Junior High School.
4. I have lunch at school.
2. The school is far from my house.
3. I go to school by bus.
5. I do not like the food.
6. I eat meat and vegetables and I drink water.
5. Matching.
1. She goes to a Junior High School.
2. far from her school.
3. she does not like the food.
4. she usually eats meat and vegetables.
5. water or Coca Cola with lunch.
Pagina 39
1. Match the correct sentence with each picture.
Scrivi la frase esatta sotto ciascun disegno.
1. Emily usually gets up at seven o’clock.
2. At eight o’clock she has breakfast.
3. Then she leaves the house and goes to school.
4. Lessons start at nine o’clock sharp.
5. She has lessons until four o’clock.
6. Then she takes a bus back home.
2. Answer these questions.
1. At seven o’clock.
2. At eight o’clock.
3. She leaves the house and goes to school.
4. At nine o’clock.
5. At four o’clock.
6. By bus.
3. Ask a friend about his school day.
1. What time do you get up?
2. When do you have breakfast?
3. What do you do after that?
4. What time do lessons start?
5. What time does school finish?
6. How do you go back home?
Pagina 40
2. Write the time under each clock.
1. It’s one o’clock.
2. It is ten o’clock.
3. It is eight o’clock.
4. It is three o’clock.
5. It is four o’clock.
6. It is twelve o’clock.
7. It is two o’clock.
8. It is nine o’clock.
Pagina 41
1. Match the correct sentence with each picture.
1. In the afternoon Emily does her homework.
2. At five she usually meets her friends.
3. Emily has dinner at half past six.
4. Then she watches television or reads a book.
5. At half past nine Emily often has a shower.
6. As a rule1 she goes to bed at ten o’clock.
2. Answer these questions.
1. In the afternoon.
2. At five.
3. At half past six.
4. She watches television or reads a book.
5. She often has a shower.
6. At ten o’clock.
3. Ask a friend what he does in the afternoon.
1. When do you do your homework?
2. When do you meet your friends?
3. What time do you have dinner?
4. What do you do after dinner?
5. What do you do at 9.30 p.m.?
6. What time do you go to bed?
Pagina 43
1. Questions.
1. Tennis.
2. Because it is exciting.
3. On Monday and Saturday afternoons.
2. True/False.
1. Bill plays tennis and golf.
2. Bill likes tennis very much.
3. Bill plays tennis every day.
3. Quale espressione usi per chiedere.
1. What sport do you play? Tennis?
2. Why do you like this sport?
3. Do you play tennis every day?
4. Quali espressioni usi per dire.
1. In the evening I usually read.
2. In the evening I do not go out. I stay at home.
3. I often watch television.
Unit 6
Pagina 45
1. Metti in ordine le seguenti battute in modo da
costruire due mini dialoghi fra Peter e sua madre.
1. Mum, where is my shirt?
2. It is on the chair.
3. And where are my shoes?
4. They are under the chair.
1. Peter, hurry up! It is late.
2. Oh no, it’s early. What time is it?
3. It’s eight.
4. Okay. Thank you, Mum.
2. Translate into English. Ora traduci le seguenti
1. Hurry up, Peter, hurry up!
2. But, what time is it, Mum?
3. It’s late. It’s eight o’clock.
4. Oh no, Mum. It’s early.
1. Where are my trousers?
2. On the chair near the blazer.
3. And where are my shoes?
4. Use your eyes. They are under the chair.
Pagina 47
1. Questions.
1. A secondary school.
2. All the subjects.
3. She hates school uniforms.
4. Blue and white.
5. The skirt is blue, the blouse is white.
6. (Personale)
7. Skirt, a blouse, a pullover, a tie.
8. Because she can wear what she want.
Pagina 48
1. Completa le frasi inserendo correttamente.
1. There is a book on the chair.
2. There are 4 pens near the book.
3. There is a bag on the table.
4. There are 2 cats under the chair.
5. There is a bike in the street.
6. There are 2 girls in the garden.
7. There is a guitar near the door.
8. There 2 bikes near that car.
Pagina 49
1. Volgi le seguenti frasi al plurale e alla forma
Pagina 46
1. Leggi e traduci.
In molte scuole inglesi gli studenti devono (indossare)
portare una divisa scolastica. Questa generalmente consiste di un blazer o un maglione, pantaloni per i ragazzi
e gonna per le ragazze, una camicia, una cravatta con i
colori ufficiali della scuola a volte un berretto per i ragazzi e un cappello (cappellino) per le ragazze.
2. Scrivi sotto ciascun capo di vestiario la parola
Giacca sportiva - pantaloni - scarpe - camicia
cravatta - berretto - blusa - cardigan
maglione - gonna - cappello
distintivo di scuola.
1. Are there two buses in that street?
2. Are there two glasses in the cupboard?
3. Are there two boxes near that door?
4. Are there two boys in the garden?
5. Are there two ladies in that room?
6. Are there two pictures on the wall?
7. Are there two maps in the classroom?
8. Are there two cups near the bottle?
9. Are there two dogs under the chair?
2. Dai alle seguenti domande risposte complete
come da esempio.
1. The glass is in the cupboard.
2. The cup is near the bottle.
3. The dog is under the chair.
4. The picture is in the classroom.
Pagina 53
Unit 7
1. Questions.
1. Vanilla.
2. Chocolate.
3. Two.
4. In the ice-cream bar.
5. 50 pence.
6. (Personale).
7. (Personale).
Pagina 51
1. Questions.
1. In Canberra.
2. Below the equator.
3. Canberra.
4. English with different expressions.
5. Computer and video games.
6. Because she does not know Italian.
2. True/False.
1. Vera lives in Scotland now.
2. Vera can’t write in Italian.
3. She can’t use the computer.
4. Vera lives in a village now.
5. She likes to play video games.
6. Australia is a continent.
2. Matching.
1. Yes, she has.
2. A bird.
3. Yellow.
4. Small.
5. Black and white.
6. Fido.
1. Questions.
1. In the street.
2. To the swimming pool.
3. An ice-cream.
4. That’s a good idea.
5. He is not very well.
6. He has got a temperature.
1. Emily is not very well today.
2. Her brother Jack is in bed.
3. Emily is going to a concert.
4. Emily does not like ice-cream.
5. The two friends are in the street.
6. Emily is in a hurry.
3. Matching.
1. She isn’t in a hurry at all now.
2. The 2 friends are in the street.
3. Because it is a very warm day.
4. She’s going to the swimming pool.
5. While Benny prefers chocolate.
4. Translate into English.
1. Hello Paul. How are you?
2. I’m very well, thank you.
3. Where are you going?
4. I’m going to the cinema.
5. It’s hot today.
6. What about an ice-cream?
Pagina 54
1. Questions.
Pagina 52
2. True/False.
1. They are at an ice-cream bar.
2. One vanilla and one chocolate.
3. Benny prefers chocolate.
4. different tastes.
2. True/False.
1. Pamela hasn’t got a pet.
2. Pamela has got a canary.
3. Pamela’s bird is green.
4. Denise’s dog is very big.
5. Her dog’s name is Fido.
6. Fido is black and white.
Pagina 55
2. Traduci ora in inglese il seguente dialogo fra te e Meg.
1. You: Have you got a cat?
Meg: Yes, I have.
2. You: What kind of cat is it?
Meg: He is a Persian.
3. You: Is he big or small?
Meg: He is small. He is a kitten.
4. You: How old is he?
Meg: He is only three months old.
5. You: What’s his name?
Meg: Pussy, but I call him Spider.
6. You: What colour is he?
Meg: He is white. I like him very much.
Unit 8
Pagina 57
1. Questions.
1. He does not feel very well.
2. He has got a sore throat.
3. He thinks he has.
4. For 2 days.
5. No. He must stay in bed.
6. One 3 times a day.
Pagina 58
1. Matching.
1. Good morning, Doctor. I don’t feel very well.
2. I’ve got a terrible sore throat.
3. Yes, I like smoking.
4. Do I have to take any medicine?
5. When must I take these pills, Doctor?
2. Role play - Costruisci questa conversazione
telefonica secondo le indicazioni date, e immaginando di essere JOE.
Joe: Hello, Tom.
Tom: Hello, Joe.
Joe: How are you? Are you well?
Tom: I do not feel very well today.
Joe: What’s the matter?
Tom: I have got a bad cold.
Joe: Are you in bed? Have you got a temperature?
Tom: No, but I have got a cough.
Joe: I’m sorry.
Tom: Thanks, Joe.
Joe: Goodbye, Tom.
Tom: Bye, Joe.
3. Matching.
1. I’m fine, thank you.
2. Tony is very well, too.
3. She is not very well.
4. They’re very well, thanks.
Pagina 59
1. Trascrivi e traduci le parole che indicano le
parti del corpo come da esempio.
1. Ear - orecchio. 2. Face - faccia. 3. Shoulder - spalla
4. Arm - braccio. 5. Wrist - polso. 6. Fingers - dita delle
mani. 7. Toes - dita dei piedi. 8. Eye - occhio. 9. Nose
- naso. 10. Mouth - bocca. 11. Teeth - denti. 12. Lips
- labbra. 13. Hand - mano. 14. Chest - torace.
15. Stomach - stomaco. 16. Leg - gamba. 17. Knee ginocchio. 18. Foot - piede.
Pagina 60
1. Write questions and answers. Svolgi gli esercizi
secondo gli esempi.
Q. What time is prayer for the Day on?
A. At twenty-five past six.
Q. What time is Local Politics on?
A. At a quarter to nine.
Q. What time is the Happy Prince on?
A. At half past ten.
Q. What time is the Quiz programme on?
A. At twelve o’clock.
Q. What time is the News on?
A. At one p.m.
Q. What time is Treasure Island on?
A. At a quarter past one.
Q. What time is Good Morning Britain on?
A. At a quarter past seven.
Q. What time is the Charity pop concert on?
A. At half past nine.
Q. What time is Sport special on?
A. At a quarter to eleven.
Q. What time is At home and Away on?
A. A eleven o’clock.
Q. What time is Favourite songs on?
A. At a quarter past eleven.
Q. What time is the film on?
A. At twenty past one.
Pagina 61
1. Completa con is/are hungry o con is/are thirsty.
1. When Pamela is hungry she has two biscuits.
2. When we are thirsty we have some water.
3. When my mother is thirsty she has a cup of tea.
4. When Tommy is hungry he has a sandwich.
5. When they are thirsty they have some beer.
6. When Laura in thirsty she has some Coca Cola.
7. When Ted and Meg are thirsty they have a glass of milk.
8. When Robert is hungry he has some crakers.
Pagina 62
Pagina 63
1. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo gli esempi e le indicazioni date.
1. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo gli esempi e le indicazioni date.
1. toast – drink tea
2. milk – eat a sandwich
3. At one o’clock – we have lunch – I eat pizza and drink
Coca Cola
4. At four o’clock – we have a snack – I eat a piece of cake
and drink orangeade
5. At six o’clock – we have dinner – I eat meat or fish and
drink water
6. At ten o’clock – I go to bed – I eat biscuits and drink hot
You: I am thirsty, Mum. Where is the water?
Your mother: The water is in the bottle in the fridge.
You: And where is the orange juice?
Your mother: It is in the fridge too.
You: Ok, Mum. But I am hungry too.
Your mother: There are some biscuits in the cupboard.
You: I don’t like biscuits.
Your mother: Eat a sandwich, then.
You: And where is the bread, Mum?
Your mother: The bread is near the biscuits.
Unit 9
Pagina 65
1. Questions.
1. In England.
2. 55 Castle Road.
3. Fantastic.
4. Dover.
5. In England.
6. She likes to travel.
7. Nice people.
8. To visit Australia, New Zealand and Alaska.
Pagina 67
1. Sostituisci le parole in corsivo con i pronomi.
1. These records are for him.
2. These cakes are for her.
3. All that meat is for it/him.
4. The sweets are for us.
5. The money is for you.
6. The books are for them.
7. This blouse is for her.
3. Give answers. Rispondi alle seguenti domande
secondo l’esempio.
1. I’ve got some chocolates for her.
2. I’ve got two presents for you.
3. I’ve have got a nice camera for you.
4. I’ve have got milk and sugar for it.
5. I’ve got a red motorbike for him.
Pagina 68
1. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio dato.
1. Benny Crowe is a bus driver. He works for a bus company.
2. David Taylor is a mechanic. He works in a garage.
3. Mary Wilson is a nurse. She works in a hospital.
4. Daniel White is a waiter. He works in a restaurant.
5. John Parker is a clerk. He works in a bank.
6. Janet Lee is a shop assistant. She works in a big shop.
7. Fred Brown is a postman. He works in a post office.
8. Jane Robinson is a teacher. She works in a school.
Pagina 69
2. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio.
1. Rispondi alle seguenti domande secondo
1. Because he is a bus driver.
1. Yes, I know him very well.
2. Yes, I kwon them very well.
3. Yes, I know her very well.
4. Yes, I know it/him very well.
5. Yes, I know you very well.
6. Yes, I know them very well.
2. Because he is a mechanic.
3. Because she is a nurse.
4. Because he is a waiter.
5. Because he is a clerk.
6. Because he is a postman.
7. Because she is a teacher.
2. Completa le seguenti frasi inserendo correttamente say o tell. Usa tell quando è espressa la
persona a cui si parla, si dice: usa say quando
tale persona non è espressa.
Pagina 70
1. Scrivi sotto ciascun disegno il mestiere esercitato dalle persone rappresentate che troverai fra
quelli qui elencati.
1. Confectioner; 2. Tailor; 3. Shoemaker; 4. Farmer;
5. Briklayer; 6. Taxi-driver.
1. They say that they live in Britain.
2. We can’t tell you where David works.
3. He says that he usually gets up at 7.
4. You never listen to what they say.
5. I often tell him to drive carefully.
6. Milton says that he comes from N. Y.
Pagina 71
1. Immagina di essere Paola e costruisci il seguente dialogo.
1. You: Do you live in England?
Olga: I live in Clapham with my family.
2. You: Where is Clapham located?
Olga: Clapham is a suburb of London.
3. You: Why do you live in Clapham?
Olga: Because my parents work there.
4. You: What is your father’s job?
Olga: My father is a trainman.
5. You: What is your mother’s job?
Olga: My mother is a hairdresser.
6. You: Do you live in a house or in a flat?
Olga: I live in a house near the station.
7. You: Do you like London?
Olga: I like London a lot (very much).
3. Translate into English.
1. Why are you in England, Marco?
2. Because I wish to learn English.
3. Why do you live in Sevenoaks now?
4. Because my parents work there.
1. You never tell us what you do.
2. Robert says that he lives in the country.
3. Margaret always tells me the truth.
4. They say that their mother is tired.
Unit 10
Pagina 75
1. Compila questo modulo relativo all’appartamento di David.
Pagina 74
1. Decidi se queste affermazioni sono vere o false.
Correggi quelle sbagliate.
1. Emily lives in a small flat.
2. Emily’s house is big and new.
3. The house has two bedrooms.
4. There is a bathroom upstairs.
5. There is a kitchen upstairs.
6. There is a large garage too.
City centre/suburb
City centre
2. Questions.
1. In a nice street.
2. Emily lives in a house.
3. No, it has not got a garage.
4. Emily’s house is old.
5. It’s large.
6. In the front garden.
2. Decidi se queste affermazioni sono vere o false.
Correggi quelle sbagliate.
1. David lives in a modern flat.
2. David lives in Oxford now.
3. David’s flat is very large.
4. The flat has got a bathroom.
5. The flat has got a toilrt too.
6. David sleeps in a big room.
Pagina 76
1. Questions.
1. Emily’s brother is downstairs.
2. Emily’s sister is upstairs.
3. The boy is reading a book.
4. Emily is still at school.
5. Jack is in the sitting room.
6. Emily is in the kitchen now.
Pagina 77
1. Scrivi sotto ciascuna illustrazione la frase
esatta che troverai fra le seguenti.
1. Margaret is eating a cake.
2. That boy is drinking a coke.
3. Nancy and Susan are writing.
4. The girls are playing tennis.
5. The children are watching TV.
6. Mr Lee is reading the newspaper.
2. Completa queste frasi inserendo il verbo to go
al presente semplice o progressivo.
1. My parents go to London every day.
2. Mrs Laura Brown is going to London now.
3. Those children are going to school now.
4. Ted and Mary go to school by bus.
5. My friends seldom go to a concert.
6. Tim is in his car. He is going to Bath.
7. Tim usually goes to Bath with Mary.
8. They always go to Bath together.
9. Those boys are going to the cinema now.
10. Bob and I often go to the theatre.
1. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio e facendo
uso dei verbi elencati.
1. He always drinks tea for breakfast.
2. He often catches a bus to go to work.
3. He always eats his lunch at 12.30.
4. He often reads a paper at that time.
5. He sometimes smokes a pipe after lunch.
6. He usually comes home at about five.
7. Dad never goes to bed after ten p.m.
Pagina 79
1. Emily is upstairs. Jack is downstairs.
2. She is doing her homework.
3. Jack.
4. He is reading a comic.
5. Emily.
6. Merenda.
7. Because she is in the garden.
2. True/False.
Pagina 78
1. Matching.
Characters: Mrs Taylor and her three children,
Mike, Robert and Susan.
1. I’m in my room.
2. He’s downstairs, now.
3. I’m doing my homework.
4. He is watching a video.
5. She is reading a book.
6. A piece of chocolate cake.
7. Some orange juice.
2. Utilizza le indicazioni della tabella e svolgi
l’esercizio secondo l’esempio. Usa where e what.
1. Where is Tommy? He is in the sitting room.
What is he doing? He is reading a comic.
2. Where are Tim and Tom? They are downstairs.
What are they doing? They are having a snack.
3. Where is Susan? She is in the kitchen.
What is she doing? She is eating an apple.
4. Where is Johnny? He is in the dining room.
What is he doing? He is having lunch.
5. Where are Mr and Mrs Lee? They are in the living
What are they doing? They are watching television.
Unit 1
...................................................................................................... 3
Unit 2
...................................................................................................... 4
Unit 3
...................................................................................................... 5
Unit 4
...................................................................................................... 6
Unit 5
...................................................................................................... 7
Unit 6
...................................................................................................... 9
Unit 7
.................................................................................................... 10
Unit 8
.................................................................................................... 11
Unit 9
.................................................................................................... 12
Unit 10
.................................................................................................... 13
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