CURTIS INSTITUTE OF MUSIC TWENTY–THIRDSTUDENTRECITAL Vocal Studies Department Recital Tuesday, December 9 at 8 p.m. Field Concert Hall SELECTIONS FROM LE NOZZE DI FIGARO, K. 492 MusicbyWolfgangAmadeusMozart—TextbyLorenzoDaPonte DUET: “CINQUE, DIECI, VENTI” FIGARO FIGARO [misurando] Cinque ... dieci ... venti ... trenta ... trentasei ... quarantatre. [measuring] Five ... ten ... twenty ... thirty ... thirty-six ... forty-three. SUSANNA SUSANNA [specchiandosi] Ora sì ch’io son contenta; sembra fatto inver per me. Guarda un po’, mio caro Figaro, guarda adesso il mio cappello. [looking at herself in the mirror] Yes, I’m happy with it now; It seems as if it was made for me. Just look a moment, my dearest Figaro, look over here at my hat. FIGARO FIGARO Sì mio core, or è più bello, sembra fatto inver per te. Yes, my heart, it’s much prettier now, It seems as if it was made for you. SUSANNA SUSANNA Ah, il mattino alle nozze vicino quanto è dolce al mio tenero sposo questo bel cappellino vezzoso che Susanna ella stessa si fe’. Ah, on the morning of our wedding day How sweet to my loving bridegroom is this charming little hat, Which Susanna made herself. FIGARO FIGARO Ah, il mattino alle nozze vicino quanto è dolce al tuo tenero sposo questo bel cappellino vezzoso che Susanna ella stessa si fe’. Ah, on the morning of our wedding day How sweet to your loving bridegroom is this charming little hat, which Susanna made herself. SUSANNA SUSANNA Cosa stai misurando, caro il mio Figaretto? What are you measuring, my dearest Figaro? FIGARO FIGARO Io guardo se quel letto che ci destina il Conte farà buona figura in questo loco. I want to see if the bed which the Count has given us will go well in this spot. SUSANNA SUSANNA E in questa stanza? And in this room? Pleaseturnthepagequietly. FIGARO FIGARO Certo: a noi la cede generoso il padrone. Of course: it’s been given to us by our generous lord and patron. SUSANNA SUSANNA Io per me, te la dono. As for me, I give it to you. FIGARO FIGARO E la ragione? And your reason? SUSANNA SUSANNA [toccandosi la fronte] La ragione l’ho qui. [tapping her forehead] I have my reason here. FIGARO FIGARO [facendo lo stesso] Perché non puoi far che passi un po’ qui? [doing the same] And why can’t you put it in here? SUSANNA SUSANNA Perché non voglio. Sei tu mio servo, o no? Because I don’t want to. Are you my humble servant, or not? FIGARO FIGARO Ma non capisco perché tanto ti spiace la più comoda stanza del palazzo. But I don’t understand why you so dislike this most convenient room in the palace. SUSANNA SUSANNA Perch’io son la Susanna, e tu sei pazzo. Because I’m Susanna, and you’re mad. FIGARO FIGARO Grazie; non tanti elogi! Guarda un poco se potriasi star meglio in altro loco. Thank you; don’t flatter me! But look— don’t you see that we’re much better off here than anywhere else? DUET: “SE A CASO MADAMA LA NOTTE TI CHIAMA” FIGARO FIGARO Se a caso madama la notte ti chiama, din din; in due passi da quella puoi gir. Vien poi l’occasione che vuolmi il padrone, don, don; in tre salti lo vado a servir. If by chance my lady should call you in the night, ‘ding-ding’; in two steps you can be there. And then, when it happens that the Count wants me, ‘dong-dong’; in three bounds I can go to serve him. Pleaseturnthepagequietly. SUSANNA SUSANNA Così se il mattino il caro Contino, din din; e ti manda tre miglia lontan, don don; a mia porta il diavol lo porta, ed ecco in tre salti ... And then, if one morning the dear little Count, ‘ding-ding’; should send you three miles away, ‘dong-dong’; and the devil should bring him here to my door, And then in three steps ... FIGARO FIGARO Susanna, pian, pian. Susanna, hush. SUSANNA SUSANNA Ascolta ... Listen ... FIGARO FIGARO Fa presto ... Make it quick ... SUSANNA SUSANNA Se udir brami il resto, discaccia i sospetti che torto mi fan. If you want to hear the rest, Dismiss these suspicions that are so unfair to me. FIGARO FIGARO Udir bramo il resto, i dubbi, i sospetti gelare mi fan. I must hear the rest, these doubts and suspicions make my blood run cold. SUSANNA SUSANNA Or bene; ascolta, e taci! Well, then; listen, and be quiet! FIGARO FIGARO Parla: che c’è di nuovo? Tell me: what’s going on? SUSANNA SUSANNA Il signor Conte, stanco di andar cacciando le straniere bellezze forestiere, vuole ancor nel castello ritentar la sua sorte, né già di sua consorte, bada bene, appetito gli viene ... Our noble Count, tired of pursuing foreign beauties, has turned his attention back to his castle— but mind, passion for his own wife, does not spark his flame ... FIGARO FIGARO E di chi dunque? For whom, then? SUSANNA SUSANNA Della tua Susanetta. For your little Susanna. FIGARO FIGARO Di te? For you? Pleaseturnthepagequietly. SUSANNA SUSANNA Di me medesma; ed ha speranza, che al nobil suo progetto utilissima sia tal vicinanza. The very same; and he hopes that this noble design of his will be assisted by having us so close. FIGARO FIGARO Bravo! Tiriamo avanti. Bravo! Let’s hear more. SUSANNA SUSANNA Queste le grazie son, questa la cura ch’egli prende di te, della tua sposa. This is the reason for all these graces, all these favours which he has been lavishing on you, on your intended bride. FIGARO FIGARO Oh guarda un po’, che carità pelosa! What generosity! SUSANNA SUSANNA Chetati, or viene il meglio: Don Basilio, mio maestro di canto, e suo mezzano, nel darmi la lezione mi ripete ogni dì questa canzone. Wait, the best is still to come: Don Basilio, My singing teacher, and his Pandarus, Every day during my lessons repeats this song to me. FIGARO FIGARO Chi? Basilio? Oh birbante! Who, Basilio? The scoundrel! SUSANNA SUSANNA E tu credevi che fosse la mia dote merto del tuo bel muso! And you believed that he’d promised to pay my dowry simply in gratitude for your handsome face! FIGARO FIGARO Me n’ero lusingato. I flattered myself so. SUSANNA SUSANNA Ei la destina per ottener da me certe mezz’ore ... che il diritto feudale ... He intended it to win from me certain little half-hours ... which the old feudal rights ... FIGARO FIGARO Come? Ne’ feudi suoi non l’ha il Conte abolito? What? Hasn’t he abolished those rights? SUSANNA SUSANNA Ebben; ora è pentito, e par che tenti riscattarlo da me. Well now he regrets it, and it seems he’s trying to buy them back from me. Pleaseturnthepagequietly. FIGARO FIGARO Bravo! Mi piace: Che caro signor Conte! Ci vogliam divertir: trovato avete ... [Si sente suonare un campanello] Chi suona? La Contessa. Bravo! I like that: What a dear lord! Well, we’ll play at that game too, sir: you’ve found ... [A bell rings] Who’s ringing? The Countess. SUSANNA SUSANNA Addio, addio, Figaro bello ... Farewell, farewell, farewell, my beautiful Figaro ... FIGARO FIGARO Coraggio, mio tesoro. Have courage, my love. SUSANNA SUSANNA E tu, cervello. [parte] And you, be careful. [Susanna exits] FIGARO FIGARO Bravo,signor padrone! Ora incomincio a capir il mistero ... e a veder schietto tutto il vostro progetto: a Londra, è vero? Voi ministro, io corriero, e la Susanna... secreta ambasciatrice. Non sarà, non sarà. Figaro il dice. Bravo, my lord! Now I begin To understand the mystery ... and to see all of your plan clearly: so we’re going to London? You as the minister, I the courier, and Susanna... secret ambassadress ... No, it will not be! Figaro swears it! CAVATINA: “SE VUOL BALLARE” FIGARO FIGARO Se vuol ballare, Signor Contino, il chitarrino le suonerò. Se vuol venire nella mia scuola la capriola le insegnerò. Saprò ... ma piano, meglio ogni arcano dissimulando scoprir potrò! L’arte schermendo, l’arte adoprando, di qua pungendo, di là scherzando, tutte le macchine rovescerò. Se vuol ballare, Signor Contino, il chitarrino le suonerò. If you want to dance, my dear little Count, I’ll play the tune for you on my guitar. If you want to attend my school I’ll teach you all the moves. I’ll know how ... but gently! best to hide secrets: by dissembling I can discover it all. The art of fencing, the arts I’ll adopt Stinging here, joking there, All your plots I’ll overthrow! If you want to dance, my dear little Count I’ll play the tune for you on my guitar. TranslationsbyHannahKilpatrick Pleaseturnthepagequietly. “DEIN IST MEIN GANZES HERZ,” FROM DAS LAND DES LÄCHELNS MusicbyFranzLehár—TextbyFritzLöhner-Beda Dein ist mein ganzes Herz! Wo du nicht bist, kann ich nicht sein. So, wie die Blume welkt, wenn sie nicht küsst der Sonnenschein! Dein ist mein schönstes Lied, weil es allein aus der Liebe erblüht. Sag mir noch einmal, mein einzig Lieb, oh sag noch einmal mir: Ich hab dich lieb! You are my heart’s delight, And where you are, I long to be You make my darkness bright, When like a star you shine on me Shine, then, my whole life through Your life divine bids me hope anew That dreams of mine may at last come true And I shall hear you whisper, “I love you.” Wohin ich immer gehe, ich fühle deine Nähe. Ich möchte deinen Atem trinken und betend dir zu Füssen sinken, dir, dir allein! Wie wunderbar ist dein leuchtendes Haar! Traumschön und sehnsuchtsbang ist dein strahlender Blick. Hör ich der Stimme Klang, ist es so wie Musik. In dreams when night is falling I seem to hear you calling For you have cast a net around me And ‘neath a magic spell hath bound me Yours, yours alone How wondrous fair is your beautiful hair Bright as a summer sky is the night in your eyes Soft as a sparkling star is the warmth of my love. Dein ist mein ganzes Herz! Wo du nicht bist, kann ich nicht sein. So, wie die Blume welkt, wenn sie nicht küsst der Sonnenschein! Dein ist mein schönstes Lied, weil es allein aus der Liebe erblüht. Sag mir noch einmal, mein einzig Lieb, oh sag noch einmal mir: Ich hab dich lieb! You are my heart’s delight, And where you are, I long to be You make my darkness bright, When like a star you shine on me Shine, then, my whole life through Your life divine bids me hope anew That dreams of mine may at last come true And I shall hear you whisper, “I love you.” TranslationbyHarryGraham Pleaseturnthepagequietly. “OH QUANTE VOLTE,” FROM I CAPULETI E I MONTECCHI MusicbyVincenzoBellini—TextbyFeliceRomani Eccomi in lieta vesta...eccomi adorna... Come vittima all’ara. Oh! almen potessi Qual vittima cader dell’ara al piede! O nuzïali tede, Abborrite così, così fatali, Siate, ah! siate per me faci ferali. Ardo...una vampa, un foco Tutta mi strugge. Un refrigerio ai venti io chiedo invano. Ove se’tu, Romeo? In qual terra t’aggiri? Dove, dove invïarti i miei sospiri? Behold me decked out like a victim on the altar. Oh if only I could fall like a victim at the foot of the altar! Oh nuptial torches, so hated, so fateful, ah! would that you were the tapes of my doom. I burn, a blaze, a fire all my torment. In vain I call on the winds to cool me. Where are you Romeo? In what lands do you wander Where, where shall I send them, where my sighs, where to? Oh! quante volte, Oh! quante ti chiedo Al ciel piangendo Con quale ardor t’attendo, E inganno il mio desir! Raggio del tuo sembiante Parmi il brillar del giorno : L’aura che spira intorno Mi sembra un tuo respir. Oh! How much time, Oh! How often I beg you! the sky weeps with the passion of my waiting And delude my desires! To me the light of day ah! is like the flash of your presence ah! the air that winds around is my longings. TranslationbyTinaGray “CHE GELIDA MANINA” FROM LABOHÈME MusicbyGiacomoPuccini—TextbyGiuseppeGiacosaandLuigiIllica Pleaseturnthepagequietly. Che gelida manina, se la lasci riscaldar. Cercar che giova? Al buio non si trova. Ma per fortuna é una notte di luna, e qui la luna l’abbiamo vicina. Aspetti, signorina, le dirò con due parole chi son, e che faccio, come vivo. Vuole? What a frozen little hand, let me warm it for you. What’s the use of looking? We won't find it in the dark. But luckily it’s a moonlit night, and the moon is near us here. Wait, mademoiselle, I will tell you in two words who I am, what I do, and how I live. May I? Chi son? Sono un poeta. Che cosa faccio? Scrivo. E come vivo? Vivo. In povertà mia lieta scialo da gran signore rime ed inni d’amore. Per sogni e per chimere e per castelli in aria, l’anima ho milionaria. Who am I? I am a poet. What do I do? I write. And how do I live? I live. In my carefree poverty I squander rhymes and love songs like a lord. When it comes to dreams, visions, and castles in the air, I’ve the soul of a millionaire. Talor dal mio forziere ruban tutti i gioelli due ladri: gli occhi belli. V’entrar con voi pur ora, ed i miei sogni usati e i bei sogni miei, tosto si dileguar! Ma il furto non m’accora, poiché, poiché v’ha preso stanza la speranza! Or che mi conoscete, parlate voi, deh! Parlate. Chi siete? Vi piaccia dir! From time to time two thieves steal all the jewels out of my safe: two pretty eyes. They came in with you just now, and my customary dreams, my lovely dreams, melted at once into thin air! But the theft doesn’t anger me, for their place has been taken by hope! Now that you know all about me, tell me who you are. Please do! TranslationbyPeterJ.Nasou “VES’ TABOR SPIT,” FROM ALEKO MusicbySergeiRachmaninoff—TextbyV.I.NemirovichDanchenko Ves’ tabor spit. Luna nad nim polnochnoy krasotoyu bleshchet. Chto zh serdce bednoe trepeshchet? Kakoyu grust’yu ya tomim? Ya bez zabot, bez sozhalen ’ya vedu kochuyushchie dni. Prezrev okovy prosveshchen’ya, ya volen tak zhe, kak oni! Ya zhil, ne priznavaya vlasti sud’by kovarnoy I slepoy. No, bozhe, kak igrayut strasti moey poslushnoyu dushoy! Zemfira! Kak ona lyubila! Kak, nezhno priklonyas’ ko mne, v pustynoy tishine chasy nochnye provodila! Kak chasto milym lepetan’em, upoitel’nym lobzan’em zadumchivost’ moyu v mi nute razognat’ umela! Ya pomnyu, s negoy, polnoy strasti, sheptala mne ona todga: “Lyublyu tebja! V tvoey ya vlasti! Tvoya, Aleko, navsegda!” I vsë togda ya zabyval, kogd a recham eyë vnimal i, kak bezumnyy, celoval eyë charuyushchie ochi, kos chudnih pryad’, temnee nochi, usta Zemfiry. A ona, vsya negoy, strastyu polna, pril’nuv ko mne, v glaza glyadela ... I chto zh? Zemfira ne verna! Moya Zemfira ohladela! Pleaseturnthepagequietly. The whole camp is sleeping. The moon above it with midnight splendor shines. Why then is my poor heart trembling? With what sadness am I tormented? Without cares or regrets I lead my days in wandering. Having rejected the chains of civilization, I am as free as they are! I lived despising the power of cruel and blind fate. But, God, how the passions play with my susceptible soul! Zemfira! How she loved me! How, in the silence of the wilderness, leaning toward me tenderly, she spent the night hours! How often with a gentle whisper or an intoxicating kiss, she could dissipate my sadness! I recall how, with tenderness and passion, she would whisper to me: “I love you! I am in your power! I am yours, Aleko, forever!” When I listened to her words, I would forget everything and madly kiss her intoxicating eyes, the strands of her wonderful hair, darker than night, Zemfira’s lips. And she, full of tenderness and passion, would lean toward me and look into my eyes ... And now? Zemfira is unfaithful! My Zemfira has grown cold to me! Translation©2004byLeyerlePublications Pleaseturnthepagequietly. “JE VEUX VIVRE,” FROM ROMÉO ET JULIETTE MusicbyCharlesGounod—TextbyJulesBarbier Je veux vivre Dans le rêve qui m’enivre Ce jour encor! Douce flamme, Je te garde dans mon âme Comme un trésor! I want to live In the dream that exhilarates me This day again! Sweet flame, I guard you in my soul Like a treasure! Cette ivresse de jeunesse Ne dure hélas! qu’un jour, Puis vient l’heure Oú l’on pleure, Le coeur cède à l’amour, Et le bonheur fuit sans retour! This rapture of youthfulness Doesn’t last, alas! but a day, Then comes the hour At which one cries, The heart surrenders to love And the happiness flies without returning Loin de l’hiver morose, Laisse moi sommeiller, Et respirer la rose, Avant de l’effeuiller. Far from a morose winter, Let me slumber And breath in the rose Before it dies. TranslationbyRobertGlaubitz “IL LACERATO SPIRITO,” FROM SIMON BOCCANEGRA MusicbyGiuseppeVerdi—TextbyFrancescoMariaPiave A te l’estremo addio, palagio altero, Freddo sepolcro dell’angiolo rnio!... Né a proteggerti io valsi!... Oh maledetto!...O vile seduttore E tu, Vergin, soffristi (volgendosi all’immagine) Rapita a lei la verginal corona?... Ma che dissi!... deliro!... ah mi perdona! The last farewell to you, lofty palace, Cold sepulchre of my angel! Nor was I able to protect you! Oh accursed man! O vile seducer And you, Virgin, did you allow (turning to the picture) her virginal crown to be taken from her? But what am I saying! I’m raving! Oh pardon me! Il lacerato spirito Del mesto genitore Era serbato a strazio D’infamia e di dolore. Il serto a lei de’ martiri Pietoso il cielo diè... Resa al fulgor degli angeli, Prega Maria, per me. The torn spirit of a sad father was preserved for the torment of infamy and sorrow. Heaven in its mercy gave her the crown of martyrs, Returned to the refulgence of the angels, Maria, pray for me. TranslationbyMarkWoolston Pleaseturnthepagequietly. “GIVE ME MY ROBE, PUT ON MY CROWN,” FROM ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA MusicbySamuelBarber—TextbyGian-CarloMenotti Give me my robe,put on my crown, I have Immortal longings in me. Now no more The juice of Egypt’s grape shall moist this lip. Yare, yare, good Iras: quick, Methinks I hear Antony call:I see him rouse himself To praise my noble act. Husband, I come: Now to that name my courage prove my title! I am fire, and air;my other elements I give to baser life. So, have you done? Come then, and take the last warmth of my lips. Farewell, kind Charmian, Iras, long farewell. Have I the aspic on my lips? Dost fall? If thou and nature can so gently part, The stroke of death is as a lover’s pinch. Which hurts, and is desired. Pleaseturnthepagequietly. SCENA DI BERENICE, HOB. XXIVA:10 MusicbyJosephHaydn—TextbyPietroMetastasio Recitativo Berenice, che fai? Muore il-tuo bene, stupida, e tu non corri! Oh Dio! Vacilla l’incerto passo; ungelido mi scoute insolito tremor tutte le vene, e a gran pena il suo peso il piè sostiene. Dove son? Dove son? Qual confuse folia d’idee tutte funeste adombra la mia ragion? Veggo Demetrio; il veggo che in atto ferir… Fermati! Fermati! Vivi! D’antigono io sarò. Del core ad onta volo a giurargli fè: dirò, che l’amo; dirò… Misera me, s’oscura il giorna, balena il ciel! L’hanno irritato I miei meditate spergiuri. Ahimè! Lasciate ch’io soccorra il mio ben, babari Dei. Voi m’impedite e intanto forse un colpo improvviso… Ah, sarete contenti; eccolo ucciso. Aspetta, anima bella; ombre compagne a Lete anrem, Se non potei salvarti, potrò fedel… Ma tu mi quardi, e parti? Non partir! Aria Non partir, bell’idol mio per quell’onda all’altra sponda voglio anch’io passer con te. Recitativo Me infelice! Che fingo? Che ragiono? Dove rapita sono dal torrente crudel de’miei martiri? Misera Berenice, ah tu deliri! Perchè, se tanti siete che delirar mi fate, perchè non m’uccidete, affanni del mio cor? Crescete, oh Dio, crescete, affani del mio cor, finchè mi porga alta con togliermi di vita l’eccesso del dolor. Recitative Berenice, what are you doing? The one ou love is ding, foolish girl, and you do not run to him! Oh God! My uncertain step hesitates; an unaccustomed, icy tremor shivers through my veins, and my feet can hardly bear my weight. Where am I? Where am I? What a host of woeful thoughts clouds my reason! I see Demetrius; in the act of striking…Stop! Stop! Live! I shall belong to Antigonus. I fly to him against my will to swear my fidelity to him… I shall say, that I love him; I shall say… Unhappy me, the day is dark, the sky is full of lightning! My deliberate perjuries have irritated it. Alas! Let me help my love, cruel gods! You hold me back, while, perhaps, an unexpected blow… Ah! You will be satisfied; see he is killed. Wait, lovely soul; our shades shall go together to Lethe. If I could not save you, faithful, I shall be able to… But you look at me, and go? Do not leave! Aria Do not go, my handsome love, across that water to the other shore, I wish to cross with you Recitative Unhappy me! What am I pretending? What am I saying? Where have I been carried by the cruel torrent of my sufferings? Unhappy Berenice, ah, you are delirious! Why, if you are so many, that you make me go mad do you not kill me, torments of my heart? Increase, oh God, increase these torments of my heart, until the excess of grief brings me help by taking m life from me. TranslationcourtesyofKathleenBethSasnett Pleaseturnthepagequietly. “J'AI MARQUÉ L'HEURE DU DÉPART...NOUS VIVRONS À PARIS,” FROM MANON MusicbyJulesMassenet—TextbyHenriMeilhacandPhilippeGille Pleaseturnthepagequietly. DESGRIEUX DESGRIEUX J'ai marqué l'heure du départ ... J'hésitais ... chose singulière! ... I have timed the hour of departure I hesitate a singular thing! Enfin, demain soir au plus tard J'embrasserai mon père! Oui, je le vois sourire, Et mon coeur ne me trompe pas! Je le sens, il m'attire, Et je lui tends les bras! At last, tomorrow evening My father I'll embrace! I see him smile, And my heart is not deceived! He draws me to him, My arms to him outstretched! O ciel! ... Est-ce un rêve? ... Est-ce la folie? ... D'où vient ce que j'éprouve? On dirait que ma vie Va finir ... ou commence! ... Il semble qu'une main De fer me mène en un autre chemin Et malgré moi m'entraîne devant elle! ... Is it a dream? Is it madness? What is this I feel? It seems as if my life Were ending or commencing! Another path Appears to open to my steps, An iron hand compels me take it! Mademoiselle ... Young lady… MANON MANON Eh! quoi? Well! What? DESGRIEUX DESGRIEUX Pardonnez-moi! Je ne sais ... j'obéis ... je ne suis plus mon maître ... Je vous vois, J'en suis sûr, pour la première fois Et mon coeur cependant vient de vous reconnaître; Et je sais votre nom ... Pardon me! I know not… I obey… I am no longer master of myself I see you, For the first time I am sure, And yet my heart has recognized you! And I know your name. On m'appelle Manon ... MANON. MANON I am called Manon! DESGRIEUX. Manon! DESGRIEUX Manon! Que son regard est tendre! Et que j'ai de plaisir à l'entendre! ... MANON,(ÀPART). MANON(ASIDE). How tender is his look! I love to hear him. DESGRIEUX DESGRIEUX Ces paroles d'un fou, veuillez les pardonner! ... These foolish words pray pardon! MANON MANON Comment les condamner! Elles charment le coeur en charmant les oreilles! J'en voudrais savoir de pareilles Pour vous les répéter! How condemn them; They charm the heart, the listening ears! I'd love to know such words, To you I'll repeat them! DESGRIEUX DESGRIEUX Enchanteresse Au charme vainqueur! Manon, vous êtes la maîtresse De mon coeur! MANON Mots charmants, enivrantes fièvres Enchantress of compelling charm! Manon, you are the mistress of my heart! MANON Charming words, whispering of happiness, Pleaseturnthepagequietly. Pleaseturnthepagequietly.