il Collare Barriera e le Fit-On Medal, ovvero una gamma di collari e pratiche medagliette da applicare al collare o alla pettorina impregnati di olio essenziale di Neem e terpeni d’arancio, che possono essere usati da soli oppure in sinergia con lozione o spot-on. Non temono l’acqua e offrono protezione per due mesi (i collari) e per 15 giorni (le medagliette). Disponibili in tre diversi formati: per cane, per gatto, medagliette; le Salviette Detergenti con olio di Neem, praticissime (20x30 cm in confezione da 20 pezzi), da tenere sempre a portata di mano: sono perfette a casa e in viaggio, per proteggere, pulire il pelo e le zampe, togliere il cattivo odore, detergere il muso e le orecchie; la Lozione Orecchie all’Olio di Neem da 50 ml, a base di olio di Neem, propoli, Hamamelis, malva e camomilla, che rinfresca e lenisce gli arrossamenti, aiutando a mantenere l’orecchio dell’animale sano e protetto. LA LINEA PER L’AMBIENTE. La sinergia tra olio di Neem e oli essenziali di eucalipto, palmarosa, basilico sacro, cedro, timo, Curcuma longa e menta piperita, oltre a profumare gradevolmente la casa, protegge l’uomo e i suoi amici a quattro zampe in modo del tutto naturale. Il cliente ha a sua disposizione una gamma che gli consente di scegliere il prodotto più adatto alle proprie esigenze. La linea comprende: lo spray Ambiente Protetto all’olio di Neem (500 ml); il diffusore elettrico per ambienti con ricarica da 30 ml; l’elettroemanatore con 12 piastrine e la spirale all’olio di Neem in confezione da10 pezzi. (L.D.) CATS & DOGS PROTECTED AS NATURE INTENDED The main ingredient of the Protection range is Neem oil, which protects, soothes, regenerates and purifies WHO better than nature can create an effective and long lasting solution that rules all its creatures? The Protection range comes from the demand to design a natural protection against undesired guests: a product that can be used also with young, pregnant and lactating pets, elderly and recovering dogs and cats and above all pets that live in contact with children. The raw materials used are of best quality and pureness to be top effective and safe at the same time. The main ingredient in all solutions of the Protection range is Neem oil. It is extracted from the Neem tree native to India, where that plant is popular and already described in the first Sanskrit medical documents: it is obtained from tree seeds cold pressure and is used in a large number of remedies for topical use, which not only has a protective action but also soothing, regenerating and purifying properties. TWO WINNING LINES. The Protection range includes one Body Line with shampoo, lotion, spot-on formula, wipes and collar, and one Environment Line with sprays and diffusers. The products branded Orme Naturali offer a further guarantee in comparison with other natural products: it is the top quality and pureness of the attentively selected raw materials. The range includes many different tools that can be combined to ensure total safety: even the most sceptical pet owner considers the natural solution as the best for his/her fourlegged friend: The Body Line includes: - Shampoo Difesa Naturale (natural defence shampoo, 200 ml) that comes from the synergy of Neem oil, grey clay and tea tree oil to protect the skin and also to balance sebum, absorb and repair. It cleanses deeply and respects the natural skin and hair structure. The precious natural raw materials nourish the hair bulb , strengthen keratin and add texture and elasticity to the coat. It is especially effective also in case of irritations, dandruff, itching and, to produce an even stronger barrier effect, it is an excellent base for the following treatment with the spot-on product, the lotion or the collar. - Lozione Protettiva (protection lotion, 300 ml) is the special formula with Neem oil, Wintergreen oil and glycerine that creates a barrier effect, soothes and purifies the skin irritated from insect bites; - Spot On all’Olio di Neem (spot-on formula with Neem oil), that contains extremely pure Neem oil and a blend of jojoba oil, sweet almond oil and allantoin that acts like a liposoluble factor for top spreadability on the skin. The product is packed in different sizes: for cats (5 vials of 2 ml), for dogs up to 10 kt (5 vials of 3 ml) and for dogs of more than 11 kg (5 vials of 5 ml); - Collare Barriera e Fit-On Medals (barrier collar and fit-on medals) – All the collars and medals to hang to the collar or harness are soaked with Neem essential oil and orange terpenes can be used alone or in synergy with the lotion or spot-on product. They do resist to water and the collars protect the pets for 2 months whereas the tags for 15 days. Available in three sizes: collars for dogs, collars for cats and tags; - Salviette detergenti con Olio di Neem – Very useful cleansing wipes (20x30 cm in 20 pieces packs) to keep always at hand: at home and outdoors, they protect and cleanse the coat and paws, the remove smell and clean the MUZZLE and ears; - Lozione orecchie all’Olio di Neem – 50 ml – Lotion with Neem oil, propolis, Hamamelis, mallow and chamomile, that refreshes and soothes irritated skin and helps keep the ears healthy and protected. THE LINE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. THE synergy of Neem oil and the essential oils of eucalyptus, palmarosa, sacred basilicum, citrus, thyme, long curcuma and peppermint does not only leave a nice scent in the house but also protect the owner and pets- naturally. The customer can selecte the right product in the wide range, which includes: - Spray “Ambiente Protetto” all’olio di Neem (“Protected Environmnet” with Neem oil) – 500 ml; - Electric diffuser with recharging pack of 30 ml; - Elecric stove with 12 tabs and the Spiral with Neem oil with 10 pieces.