Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Building reliable distributed
J2EE and JBoss Clustering
Giorgia Lodi
[email protected]
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
•  J2EE specification
•  An introduction to JBoss application server
–  JBoss 5.x architecture
–  How to install and run it
•  The JBoss Clustering Service
–  The clustering framework
–  Automatic discovery of clustered nodes
•  How JBoss uses JGroups for group communication
–  Distributed cluster-wide hot deployment
–  Fail-over and load balancing
•  At RMI
•  At HTTP
–  Clustering Enterprise Java Beans
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Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Java 2 Enterprise Edition
•  J2EE technology provides a component-based
approach to the design, development, assembly
and deployment of enterprise applications
•  J2EE offers a multi-tiered distributed application
–  The ability to reuse components
–  Integrated eXtensible Markup Language (XML)-based
data interchange
–  A unified security model
–  Flexible transaction control
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Distributed Multi-tiered Applications
•  J2EE application logic is divided into components
according to function
–  Application components
•  can be installed on different machines depending on the tier in the
multi-tiered J2EE environment
•  Four tiers
–  Client-tier
–  Web-tier
–  Business tier
–  Enterprise information system (EIS)-tier
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Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Distributed Multi-tiered Applications
Client tier!
Application Client!
Web tier!
Business tier!
EIS tier!
Enterprise Beans!
J2EE Server
Enterprise Beans!
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Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
J2EE containers
•  Runtime environments
–  They host application components
•  Application components
–  use their protocols and methods for interacting with other components
and platform services
–  never interact directly with other J2EE components
•  Provide the required middleware services to the
application components they host
–  A federated view of the underlying J2EE APIs
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Types of containers
•  Different containers depending on the kind of
application component they host
–  Application client container
–  Applet container
•  manages the execution of applets. Consists of a Web browser and
Java Plug-in running on the client together
–  Web container
•  manages the execution of JSP page and servlet components for
J2EE applications
–  Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container
•  manages the execution of enterprise beans for J2EE applications
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Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
J2EE components
•  A J2EE component is a functional software unit
•  Five types of components:
–  Application clients
–  Web clients
–  Java Servlet
–  JavaServer Pages (JSP)
–  JavaServer Faces (JSF)
–  Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)
•  J2EE components written in Java and compiled in the
same way as any program in Java
•  J2EE components are assembled into a J2EE
application and deployed to production
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Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Application clients
•  Run on a client machine
•  Exhibit a graphical user interface (GUI)
–  Swing or Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) APIs
–  command-line interface
•  They may directly access enterprise beans running
on the business tier
•  They may communication with a servlet running on
the Web tier by opening a HTTP connection
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Web Clients and Applets
•  Web pages (HTML,XML…) generated by Web
•  Web browser
–  it renders the pages received from the server
•  Sometimes called thin clients
•  Small client applications written in Java
–  execute in the JVM installed in the Web browser
•  Necessary
–  Java Plug-in and security policy file in order to successfully
execute the applet in Web browsers
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Web Components: Servlets
•  Java objects that dynamically process requests and
construct responses
–  Serve as a HTTP-aware middle layer that resides on the
server side
•  They know how to communicate with both the clients, in HTTP, and
EJBs with Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
–  Typically take a HTTP request as input, parse its data,
perform some logic, and then construct a response to the
–  They are not scripts; the HTML part is embedded inside the
Java code
•  response.write(“<html> <body> Hello Guys!! </
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Web Components: Servlets
•  The javax.servlet and the
javax.servlet.http provide interfaces and
classes for writing servlets
•  When implementing a generic service
–  use the GenericServlet class provided with the Java
Servlet API
•  When handling HTTP-specific services
–  use the HttpServlet class
•  provides methods such as doGet and doPost
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Servlet life cycle
•  Controlled by the Web container
•  When a request is mapped to a servlet, the container
performs the following steps
–  If an instance of the servlet does not exist
•  Loads the servlet class
•  Instantiates an instance of the servlet class
•  Initializes the servlet instance by calling the init method
–  Invokes the service method, passing a request and
response object
•  Service method can be the service method of the
GenericServlet or a doMethod (e.g., doGet, doPost) of the
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Servlet Example
public class MyServlet extends HTTPServlet {
public void init(ServletConfig config)
throws ServletException {
System.out.println(“Servlet initialized”)
public void destroy() {
System.out.println(“Servlet destroyed”);
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse
resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
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Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Web Components: Java Server Pages (JSP)
•  Text-based documents
–  allow developers to create Web contents with both static and
dynamic components
•  static content expressed in any text-based format (HTML, XML …)
•  dynamic content constructed by JSP elements
•  Provide a more natural approach to creating static
•  HTML pages with special embedded JSP tags
–  tags can contain Java code
•  NO Java classes
–  files with .jsp extension (they are not compiled like common
Java programs)
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Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Java Server Pages (JSP)
•  A JSP engine parses the .jsp and creates a Java servlet
source file (translation)
–  The source file is then compiled into a class file (compilation)
•  Both the translation and compilation phases can yield
–  If an error occurs while the page is being translated (e.g., if the
translator encounters a malformed JSP element)
•  The server returns a ParseException and the servlet class source
file is empty or incomplete
–  If an error occurs while the JSP page is being compiled (e.g.,
due to a syntax error in a scriptlet tag)
•  The server returns a JasperException
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JSP Example
<title> My JSP Example </title>
JSP Hello word
<%! public String writeThisTest() {
String testToWrite=“Hello Guys!!”;
return testToWrite;
<%= writeThisTest() %>
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JavaServer Faces
•  Based on Facelets
–  Facelets is a powerful but lightweight page declaration
language that is used to build JavaServer Faces views
–  Facelets views are usually created as XHTML pages
•  In a typical JavaServer Faces application, each
page of the application connects to a backing bean
–  A type of managed bean
•  Annotation @ManagedBean
•  A constructor and get and set methods
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Business Components
•  The Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) of the J2EE
•  Handle the business code
–  i.e. the logic that meets the needs of a business domain
•  Retrieve data from J2EE clients, process it and send it
to the EIS tier (and vice versa)
•  Three kinds of EJBs (in old J2EE specifications)
–  Session Beans
–  Entity Beans
–  Message Driven Beans
•  New J2EE specification
–  Entity Beans have been deprecated
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J2EE applications
•  J2EE applications packaged in Enterprise Archive
(EAR) files
–  EAR files are standard Java Archive (JAR) files with .ear
•  The EAR file contains J2EE modules
–  J2EE modules (four types)
•  one or more J2EE components for same container type
•  a component Deployment Descriptor (DD) for that type
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J2EE modules
•  EJB module
–  contains .class files for EJBs and an EJB DD
–  EJB module packaged as JAR file (.jar extension)
•  Web module
–  contains JSP files, .class files for servlet, HTML files and a Web DD
–  Web module packaged as JAR file with .war extension
•  Resource adapter module
–  contains Java interfaces, classes and libraries and the resource adapter
–  Resource adapter module packaged as JAR file (.rar extension)
•  Application client module
–  contains .class files and an application client DD
–  Application client module packaged as JAR file (.jar extension)
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Deployment Descriptors (DDs)
•  A XML document
–  describes a component’s deployment settings (e.g.
transactional information, database mapping, security roles)
•  Used to inform the container about how to manage
the bean and its life cycle
•  Can be changed without modifying the bean source
–  it contains declarative information
–  at run time the J2EE server reads the DD and acts upon
the component accordingly
•  Different DDs depending on the J2EE modules
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DD example
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>!
<description>Entity Bean Example </description>!
<display-name>Entity Beans</display-name>!
<!-- Entity Beans -->!
<display-name>Container Managed Persistence Player</displayname>!
</entity> …!
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Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
J2EE middleware services
•  Robust suite of middleware services
–  the services rely on the Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE)
Technologies included in J2EE
•  Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)
–  Defines how server-side components are written
•  Java Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs) Java
ServerFaces (JSF)
–  Defines and manages servlets JSPs Facelets
•  Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and RMI-IIOP
–  RMI allows for inter-process communication
–  RMI-IIOP is a portable extension of RMI that uses the InternetInter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) for CORBA integration
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J2EE middleware services
–  HTTP client-side API defined in the package java.net
–  HTTP server-side API defined by servlets and JSPs interfaces
–  HTTPs: HTTP over SSL
•  Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC)
–  It is a relational database bridge that allows developers to invoke SQL commands
from Java methods
–  Generally used by EJBs but even servlet or JSP page can use it to access the
database directly
–  Composed by two parts: an application-level interface used by applications for
accessing database and a service provider interface to attach JDBC drivers to the
J2EE platform
•  Java Message Service (JMS)
–  It allows application components to create, send, receive and read messages
–  It enables distributed communication that is loosely coupled, reliable, and
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J2EE middleware services
•  Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
–  provides methods for associating attributes with objects,
searching for objects using attributes
–  independent of any specific implementations
•  JNDI used to access multiple naming and directory services (e.g.
•  Java Transaction API (JTA)
–  provides methods for managing transactions (e.g. begins,
rollbacks, commits)
•  JavaMail
–  Used to send e-mail notifications
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J2EE middleware services
•  Java API for XML Processing (JAXP)
–  supports the processing of XML documents using either
Document Object Model (DOM) or Simple API for XML
Parsing (SAX)
–  enables applications to parse and transform XML
•  Java Authentication and Authorization Service
–  provides a way for J2EE application to authenticate and
authorize a specific user or group of users to run it
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J2EE middleware services
•  Web Service management
–  provides support for both web service clients and web service
–  includes
•  Java API for XML-RPC (JAX-RPC): supports for web services calls
using the SOAP/HTTP protocol
•  SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ): provides support for
manipulating low-level SOAP messages
•  Web Services
–  defines the deployment of web services clients and web service endpoints
–  Defines the implementation of web service endpoints using enterprise
•  Java API for XML Registries (JAXR): provides client access XML
registry servers (UDDI)
–  NEW: Restful web services
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J2EE middleware services
•  J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA)
–  used by tools vendors and system integrators to create
resource adapters
•  resource adapters are software components that allow J2EE
components to access and interact with enterprise information systems,
plugged into any J2EE product
•  resource adapters are useful to manage details of middleware
integration to existing systems
•  Java IDL
–  sun Microsystem’s Java-based implementation of CORBA
–  allows for integration with other languages (J2EE fully
compatible with CORBA)
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J2EE overall architecture
Web Container!
EJB Container!
Java MAIL!
Application client
J2EE Server!
Java MAIL!
Web Srvcs!
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Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
J2EE application example
Web tier [Servlets/
J2EE Server
Business tier
Book B
Shopping order C
Java Mail
Mail server
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Types of EJBs
•  In the past, 3 types of EJBs
–  Session Beans
•  Associated to a client
•  Represent business interactions
–  Entity Beans
•  Persistent
•  Represent business objects
–  Message Driven Beans
•  Act as an entry points for asynchronous messages
•  No interfaces defined, only bean class
•  Today
–  Only Session Beans
–  Message Driven Bean
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Session Beans
•  Useful for describing interactions with clients
•  They do not represent shared data in the database but they can access
shared data
•  In the past two types of Session Beans:
–  Stateless Session Beans
•  They do not maintain state across method invocations
•  Examples: credit card verifier
–  Stateful Session Beans
•  Dedicated to one client for the life of the bean instance
•  Act as client agents: retain state on behalf of the client
•  Example: checking account balance
•  Today
–  Singleton Session Beans
•  Instantiated once per application and exist for the lifecycle of the application
•  Offer similar functionality to stateless session beans
–  However only one singleton session bean per application, as opposed to a pool of stateless session
•  Maintain their state between client invocations but are not required to maintain their state across
server crashes or shutdowns.
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When to use Session Beans
•  Stateful session beans are appropriate if
–  A specific interaction between the bean and a client
–  The bean needs to hold information about the client across method
–  The bean mediates between the client and the other components of the
application, presenting a simplified view to the client
•  Stateless session beans are appropriate if
–  You want to improve performance
–  The bean’s state has no data for a specific client
–  In a single method invocation, the bean performs a generic task for all
–  The bean implements a web service
•  Singleton session beans are appropriate if
–  State needs to be shared across the application
–  A single enterprise bean needs to be accessed by multiple threads
–  The bean implements a web service
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Entity Beans
•  Represent business objects in a persistent storage
–  e.g., accounts, orders, customers
•  They model data
–  object oriented view of a database
•  Have a primary key
–  Each entity bean may be retrieved in much the same manner
you search records with a primary key in a database
•  Can be shared by multiple clients
–  As they are persistent and reachable by any client
•  they suffer from all the same types of problems associated with
concurrent access of a shared resource
•  Deprecated
–  New Persistence API in J2EE 6 specifications
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Message Driven Beans (MDBs)
•  Can consume and process messages
–  designed to consume messages from topics or queues
•  Act as a JMS message listener
–  they implement only one method onMessage()
•  Process only JMS messages (EJB 2.0)
•  A message-driven bean’s instances retain no data or conversational
state for a specific client
•  All instances of a message-driven bean are equivalent
–  this allows the EJB container to assign a message to any message-driven
bean instance
•  The container can pool these instances to allow streams of messages to be processed
When to use them
•  To receive messages asynchronously
•  When consuming JMS messages
–  impossible to write session or entity beans that respond to JMS messages
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•  No persistence for Stateless Session Beans and
Message Driven Beans
•  Stateful Session Beans can be passivated
–  the state is defined by Java Serialization
•  Entity Beans are persistent
–  In the past, two types of persistence
•  Bean Managed Persistence (BMP)
•  Container Managed Persistence (CMP)
•  EJBQL query language
–  Today, Java Persistent API
•  Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL)
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Entity Relationships
•  Support
–  One-to-one
•  Each entity instance is related to a single instance of another entity
–  One-to-many
•  An entity instance can be related to multiple instances of the other entities
–  Many-to-one
•  Multiple instances of an entity can be related to a single instance of the other entity
–  Many-to-many
•  The entity instances can be related to multiple instances of each other
•  There exist specific Java Annotation that can be
used to specify a relationship
–  Es: @OneToMany
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•  Container Managed Transactions (CMT)
–  Managed automatically by the EJB Container
–  No use of API
–  In DD the beans and the methods involved in the transaction
are specified
–  Supported by all bean types
–  The container
•  maps the transactions to DB transactions
•  begins a transaction immediately before an EJB’s method starts
•  commits the transactions just before the method exits
–  Each method is associated with a single transaction. Nested or multiple
transactions are not allowed within a method
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•  Bean Managed Transactions (BMT)
–  Managed by the bean developer
–  Supported by the Session Beans and the Message
Driven Beans only
–  Developers must decide whether to use JDBC or JTA
N.B: Use them only when necessary!!
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Summary of EJB container
•  Design of EJBs as single-threaded components (no worry about thread
synchronization with concurrent client accesses)
–  EJB container instantiates multiple instances of components to serve concurrent
client requests
•  Advantages: no need to worry about deadlock inside application code
•  EJB container uses management methods to alert beans when middleware
events take place
Client code!
Enterprise !
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Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)
version 3.0
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EJB 3.0 specification
•  The container does more work and the developers
do less work compared to previous version 2.1
•  Decreases the number of programming artifacts for
developers to provide
•  Reduces the complexity of the entity bean
programming model
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EJB 3.0: advantages
•  Fewer number of classes and interfaces
–  In old specification two interfaces were required for EJBs
•  Home interface
•  Component interface
–  In the new specification
•  POJO/POJI-based components
–  Abstract bean classes replaced with Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs)
–  Component and Home interfaces replaced with Plain Old Java Interfaces
»  Interfaces are optional
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EJB 3.0: advantages
•  Deployment descriptors are optional
–  Use of Java metadata annotations
•  Simplification of APIs for accessing bean’s
–  JNDI lookups are no longer necessary
•  New persistence APIs
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•  Metadata
–  Additional definition that can be attached to an element
within the code in order to further characterize it
–  Can be applied to methods, variables, constructors,
package declarations, and so on
–  Begin with @ sign followed by the annotation name
•  Annotation name may be followed by annotation data
–  EJB 3.0 has defined annotations for use in EJB
•  The specification has also defined metadata to annotate deployment
information within the code
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Deployment Descriptor: optional
•  Deployment descriptors are redundant as developers
can use annotations in lieu of them
•  Deployment metadata can be included in the EJB
–  At deployment time, the metadata can be used to provide
the appropriate behaviour to the bean
•  Remember: they are optional
–  The bean developer can
•  Put all the deployment information in deployment descriptors
•  Distribute deployment information across the bean class and the
deployment descriptor
•  Use only annotations
•  Deployment descriptors override annotations
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Simplifying APIs access
•  Client applications for EJB 2.1 obtain a reference to
entity and session bean objects using the JNDI name
•  EJB 3.0 clients obtain them using annotations
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From 2.1 to 3.0: interfaces
//Remote Interface EJB 2.1 BookCatalog.java
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
public interface BookCatalog
extends EJBObject
public String getEdition(String title)
throws RemoteException;
//Home Interface EJB 2.1 BookCatalogHome.java
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
import javax.ejb.CreateException;
public interface BookCatalogHome
extends EJBHome
public BookCatalog create()
throws RemoteException,
// EJB 3.0 BookCatalog.java
import javax.ejb.Remote
public interface BookCatalogRemote {
public String getEdition
(String title);
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2.1 bean class
// BookCatalogBean.java
import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
public class BookCatalogBean implements SessionBean {
private SessionContext ctx;
public String getEdition(String title){
if(title.equals("Java & XML"))
return new String("2nd edition");
if(title.equals("Java and XSLT"))
return new String("1st edition");
public void ejbCreate(){}
public void ejbRemove() {}
public void ejbActivate() {}
public void ejbPassivate() {}
public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) {this.ctx=ctx;}}
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3.0 Bean Class
//BookCatalogBean.java EJB 3.0 Session Bean
import javax.ejb.Stateless
public class BookCatalogBean implements BookCatalogRemote {
public BookCatalogBean() {} //Constructor with no args
public String getEdition(String title){
if(title.equals("Java & XML"))
return new String("2nd edition");
if(title.equals("Java and XSLT"))
return new String("1st edition");
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//BookCatalogBean.java EJB 3.0 Session Bean
import javax.ejb.Stateless
public class BookCatalogBean {
public String getEdition(String title){
if(title.equals("Java & XML"))
return new String("2nd edition");
if(title.equals("Java and XSLT"))
return new String("1st edition");
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2.1 deployment descriptor
<?xml version="1.0"?>
'-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN'
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3.0 deployment descriptor
•  I do not need it!
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Client accessing 2.1 session bean
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
public class BookCatalogClient {
public static void main(String[] argv){
try {
InitialContext ctx=new InitialContext();
BookCatalogHome catalogHome =
(BookCatalogHome) ctx.lookup(”ejb/BookCatalog");
BookCatalog catalog =
(BookCatalog) catalogLocalHome.create();
String title="Java and XML";
String edition = catalogLocal.getEdition(title);
System.out.println("Edition for Title: ” + title + " " + edition);
}catch(Exception e){}}}
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Client accessing 3.0 session bean
public class BookCatalogClient {
@Inject BookCatalogBean;
BookCatalogBean catalogBean;
String title="Java and XML";
String edition=catalogBean.getEdition(edition);
System.out.println("Edition for Title: "
+ title + " " + edition);
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Other types of injections
•  @EJB
–  Used to inject in particular EJB stubs
–  @EJB public BookCatalogBean catalogBean;
•  @Resource
–  Used to inject dependencies on resources in general
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2.1 entity bean
import javax.ejb.*;
public abstract class BookBean implements EntityBean {
private String title;
private String author;
String getTitle(){return title;}
void setTitle(String title){this.title=title;}
void setAuthor(String author){this.author=author;}
String getAuthor(){return author;}}
public String ejbCreate(String title,String author)
throws javax.ejb.CreateException {
return null;
//other ejb life cycle methods
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Accessing entity instances in EJB 3.0
•  javax.persistence.EntityManager API is used
for creating, finding, updating and deleting entity
•  You can inject an instance of EntityManager in a
session bean and use persist or find method to
create or query entity bean objects
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3.0 Entity
import javax.persistence.*;
@Entity @Table(name=“BOOK”)
@NamedQuery(name="findByAuthor", queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT(obj) FROM Book
obj WHERE obj.author = ?1")
public class BookBean implements java.io.Serializable {
private String title;
private String author;
public BookBean(){}
public BookBean(String title){this.title=title; }
@Id @Column(name=“title”)
(use @GeneratedValue if you want the container to manage the auto increment of
primary keys)
public String getTitle(){return title;}
public void setTitle(){this.title=title;}
public void setAuthor(String author){this.author=author;}
public String getAuthor(){return author;}
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Accessing entity instances in EJB 3.0:
an example
private EntityManager em;
private BookBean bb;
public BookBean findByPrimaryKey(String title) {
return ((BookBean) em.find(BookBean.class,title));
public BookBean finderAuthor (String auth) {
return (BookBean)
.setParameter(1, auth).getSingleResult();
public void createBook(String title, String author) {
if (bb == null) bb = new BookBean();
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Persistence deployment descriptor
•  It is called persistence.xml
•  It is included in the META-INF directory
•  It looks like
<persistence-unit name="manager1">
<provider>org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence< /provider>
<property name="hibernate.dialect”
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J2EE application servers
•  Middleware platforms that implement the J2EE specifications
–  Open source
•  JBoss (JBoss group)
•  JOnAS (ObjectWeb consortium)
•  Geronimo (Apache Software Foundation)
–  …
–  Commercial
•  BEA Web Logic
•  IBM WebSphere
–  …
–  Other component-based technologies
•  Corba Component Model (CCM)
•  Microsoft .Net
•  The most popular open-source application server is JBoss
–  Many versions available
7.0 Beta
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JBoss 4.x Application Server
•  Collection of middleware services for
communication, persistence, transactions,
security, and clustering
•  Services interoperate by means of a microkernel,
i.e., Java Management eXtension (JMX)
–  JMX provides Java developers with a common
software bus
•  Allows them to integrate components (e.g., modules,
–  Components are declared as Managed Beans
(MBeans) services
•  Implementation of manageable resources in JBoss
•  Represented by Java objects that expose interfaces
•  Consisting of methods to be used for invoking the MBeans
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JBoss 5.x Application Server
•  It uses the microcontainer
–  It is a refactoring of JBoss's JMX Microkernel to support direct
Plain Old Java Object (POJO) deployment and standalone use
outside the JBoss application server
–  It allows the application server to integrate enterprise services with
a Servlet/JSP and EJB containers, deployers and management
utilities in order to provide a standard Java EE environment
•  If you need additional services
–  simply deploy these on top of Java EE to provide the functionality you need
–  Since it is very lightweight and deals with POJOs it can be also
used to deploy services into a Java ME runtime environment
•  New possibilities for mobile applications to take advantage of enterprise
services without requiring a full J2EE application server
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JBoss 5.x Application Server
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JBoss Installation
•  You should have already installed java J2DK (latest
•  Set the JAVA_HOME to point where java is installed
•  Download the JBoss Application server
–  You can download the src code and build it
•  jboss-XXX-src.tar.gz
–  You can download the software already built (unzip the file)
•  jboss-XXX.zip
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How to run and shutdown JBoss
•  cd jboss-XXX/bin
–  ./run.sh (under Linux) or run.bat (under Windows)
•  You are running the default server
•  There exist three server confs:
–  Minimal
•  starts the core server container without any of the enterprise services
–  Default
•  all the basic services of the J2EE specifications
–  All
•  default conf + IIOP + clustering and load balancing services
•  New two configurations since JBoss AS 5
–  Standard
•  Deployment isolation properties, specific juddi implementation, …
–  Web
•  New experimental lightweight configuration created around JBoss Web
•  You can terminate the server by using ctrl-c
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JBoss Clustering Service
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Why Clustering?
•  It allows developers to run an application on several parallel
servers while providing a single view to application clients
•  It is crucial for
–  Fault tolerance
•  If one or more servers fails, the application is still accessible via the
surviving servers
–  Load Balancing
•  Load is distributed across different servers
–  Scalability
•  Performance can be improved by simply adding more nodes to the cluster
and performing load balancing
–  Highly availability
•  The clustering infrastructure supports the redundancy needed for high
•  It is obtained through load balancing and fault tolerance as well
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Why JBoss Clustering?
•  Transparent
–  No stub re-compiling!
–  Client does not know about clustering
–  Cluster is maintained automatically
–  Modular/stack approach
•  Open source
–  No extra cost to activate clustering
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Overview of Clustering functionalities
State Replication
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Running JBoss Clustering
•  Use JBoss’ “all” configuration
–  run.bat -c all
–  ./run.sh -c all
•  The “all” configuration contains everything needed
for clustering
–  It has all the libraries for clustering
•  E.g., JGroups.jar, etc.
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Modular/stack approach
HTTP Session
Distributed Replicant
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Clustering divided in 3 parts
•  Cluster communication (inside cluster)
–  Based on JGroups
–  Method calls across all cluster nodes
•  HA-JNDI, Farming, etc…
•  Client-cluster communication
–  Formerly HA-RMI
–  Load balancing and failover logic for fat clients
•  State replication (inside cluster)
–  JBoss Cache
•  HTTP session, SFSBs, DistributedState
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Clustering divided in 3 parts
•  Cluster communication (inside cluster)
–  Based on JGroups
–  Method calls across all cluster nodes
•  HA-JNDI, Farming, etc…
•  Client-cluster communication
–  Formerly HA-RMI
–  Load balancing and failover logic for fat clients
•  State replication (inside cluster)
–  JBoss Cache
•  HTTP session, SFSBs, DistributedState
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Cluster definition
•  A JBoss cluster (or partition) consists of a set of
–  Nodes communicate with each other and work toward a
common goal
–  A node in JBoss is a JBoss server instance
–  More than one JBoss server instance can be deployed in
one single machine
•  Pay attention to the service ports: they must be changed!
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JGroups Channels
•  Communication between nodes is handled by the JGroups group
communication library
•  Two main components
–  Channel
–  Protocol stack
•  A JGroups Channel
–  Tracks who is in the cluster
–  Enables reliable exchanging of messages between the cluster members
–  JGroups channels with the same configuration and name dynamically
discover each other and form a group
–  Nodes can be dynamically added to or removed from clusters at any time
•  by starting or stopping a Channel with a configuration and name that matches the
other cluster members
•  In essence, a JBoss cluster is a set of AS server instances each
of which is running an identically configured and named JGroups
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JGroups Channels
•  On a same network,
even for the same
service, we may
have different
–  In order to
differentiate them,
each cluster must
have an individual
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JGroups Configuration
•  It is built on top of a stack of
network communication protocols
–  Protocols provide transport,
discovery, reliability and failure
detection, and cluster membership
management services
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JGroups Configuration in old JBoss versions
•  cluster-service.xml file in /deploy folder
–  Describes configuration for the default cluster partition
•  JGroups configurations appear as a nested attribute in
cluster related MBean services
•  PartitionConfig attribute in the
ClusterPartition MBean is an XML string
–  Describes and configures the JGroups stack of protocols
–  All the JGroups configuration data is contained in the
<Config> element under the PartitionConfig attribute
–  Default configuration uses UDP with IP multicast
•  multicast identified by address and port number
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JGroups Configuration in old JBoss versions
<mbean code="org.jboss.ha.framework.server.ClusterPartition" name="jboss:service=
<attribute name="PartitionConfig">
<UDP mcast_addr="${jboss.partition.udpGroup:}"
… …
<PING timeout="2000"
down_thread="false" up_thread="false"
<MERGE2 max_interval="100000”
down_thread="false" up_thread="false"
<FD timeout="10000" max_tries="5"
down_thread="false" up_thread="false" shun="true"/>
<VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="1500" down_thread="false"
<pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER down_thread="false" up_thread="false"/>
… …
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JGroups configurations in new JBoss version
•  Cluster directory in /deploy folder
–  Describes configuration for the default cluster partition
–  It includes jgroups-channelfactory.sar which in
turn embodies the xml configuration files of JGroups in
the META-INF directory
•  jgroups-channelfactory-stacks.xml
–  with the JGroups stack configurations
•  jgroups-channelfactory-jboss-beans.xml
–  Defines the bean JChannelFactory and uses the previous file for
the JGroups stack configuration
–  It includes the address used to determine the name node
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JGroups Channels
•  By default JBoss uses four separate JGroups
–  Two broad categories
•  The Channel used by the general purpose HAPartition service
•  Three Channels created by JBoss Cache for special purpose
caching and cluster wide state replication
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HA Partition
•  HAPartition is a general purpose service used for a variety of
tasks in AS clustering
•  It is an abstraction built on top of a JGroups Channel
•  It provides support for making/receiving RPC invocations on/from
one or more cluster nodes
•  It supports a distributed registry of which clustering services are
running on which cluster members
•  It provides notifications to interested listeners when the cluster
membership changes or the clustered service registry changes
•  It is the core of many clustering services
smart client-side clustered proxies
EJB 2 SFSB replication and entity cache management
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HA Partition: example
<mbean code="org.jboss.ha.framework.server.ClusterPartition"
<! -- Name of the partition being built -->
<attribute name="PartitionName">
<! -- The address used to determine the node name -->
<attribute name="NodeAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
<! -- Determine if deadlock detection is enabled -->
<attribute name="DeadlockDetection">False</attribute>
<! -- Max time (in ms) to wait for state transfer to complete.
Increase for large states -->
<attribute name="StateTransferTimeout">30000</attribute>
<! -- The JGroups protocol configuration -->
<attribute name="PartitionConfig”>... ...
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HA Partition
•  In order for nodes to form a cluster, they must
–  the exact same PartitionName and the
PartitionConfig elements
•  Changes to these elements on some nodes of the
cluster but not all nodes would cause the cluster
to split
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Types of deployments
•  JBoss’ staff recommends use of homogeneous
–  Each application component replicated in all clustered
•  Requests do not need to span on different nodes
•  Potentially, heterogeneous deployment is also
–  Application components can span on different nodes
•  Not recommended for lack of distributed transaction manager for
example in old JBoss versions
•  In new JBoss version a distributed transaction manager has been
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Homogeneous deployment
•  Realized using JBoss farming service
–  application copied into JBoss /farm directory
Copy .ear in /farm
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Clustering JNDI
•  The client obtains a HA-JNDI proxy object and
invokes JNDI lookup services on the remote
server through the proxy
•  On the server side, the HA-JNDI service
maintains a cluster-wide context tree
–  The tree is always available as long as there is one
node left in the cluster
–  Each node in the cluster also maintains its own local
JNDI context tree
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Clustering JNDI
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Clustering JNDI
•  A remote client does a lookup through HA-JNDI
–  If the binding is available in the cluster-wide JNDI tree,
return it
–  If the binding is not in the cluster-wide tree, delegate
the lookup query to the local JNDI service and return
the received answer if available
–  If not available, the HA-JNDI service asks all other
nodes in the cluster if their local JNDI services own
such a binding
–  If no local JNDI service owns such a binding, a
NameNotFoundException is finally raised
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Clustering divided in 3 parts
•  Cluster communication (inside cluster)
–  Based on JGroups
–  Method calls across all cluster nodes
•  HA-JNDI, Farming, etc…
•  Client-cluster communication
–  Formerly HA-RMI
–  Load balancing and failover logic for fat clients
•  State replication (inside cluster)
–  JBoss Cache
•  HTTP session, SFSBs, DistributedState
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JBoss Clustering Configurations
•  Two types of clustering configurations
–  JBoss fat client clustering
–  JBoss thin client clustering
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JBoss Fat Client Clustering
•  Client uses smart proxies
•  HA smart proxy has logic inside
–  Load Balancing policies, e.g., RoundRobin
–  Failover capabilities
•  HA smart proxy logic can be pluggable
–  User can define his/her own logic
•  Failover policy
•  Load balancing based on weight or load
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JBoss Thin Client Clustering
•  Front end load balancing mechanism
–  Hardware
•  JBoss group suggests F5 BIG-IP
–  Software
•  Apache + JBossWeb
–  Apache mod_jk/mod_proxy
–  mod_cluster
»  This latter fully integrated in JBoss AS6
–  Tomcat
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Fail-over and load balancing: RMI
•  RMI fail-over and load balancing (fat client clustering)
–  Clustering logic included into the client stubs (HA-RMI)
–  Stub contains the list of available clustered nodes + load balancing
•  Random
•  Round Robin
•  First Available
–  If cluster topology changes, next client invocation server piggybacks
new list of target nodes
•  Works only on remote invocations
–  The list of target nodes is maintained automatically, using JGroups
–  The client stub
receives a reply from the invoked server
unpacks the list of target nodes from that reply
updates the current list of target nodes with the received one
terminates the client RMI
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Fail-over and Load Balancing: RMI
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HA RMI: Interceptors
•  When the stub’s interface is invoked, the invocation is
translated from a typed call to a de-typed call
•  The de-typed invocation is passed through a set of clientside interceptors
•  The load balancing and failover mechanisms are located
in the last interceptor of the chain
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Fail-over and load balancing: RMI
WEB Container
EJB Containers
RMI fail-over and load balancing are possible!!
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Fail-over and load balancing: RMI
WEB Container
EJB Containers
RMI Fail-over and load balancing do not apply!!!
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Clustering divided in 3 parts
•  Cluster communication (inside cluster)
–  Based on JGroups
–  Method calls across all cluster nodes
•  HA-JNDI, Farming, etc…
•  Client-cluster communication
–  Formerly HA-RMI
–  Load balancing and failover logic for fat clients
•  State replication (inside cluster)
–  JBoss Cache
•  HTTP session, SFSBs, DistributedState
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JBoss Cache
•  JBoss Cache is a fully featured distributed cache framework that
can be used standalone or in any application server environment
–  It caches frequently accessed Java objects in order to dramatically improve
the performance of applications
•  it is easy to remove data access bottlenecks - such as connecting to a database
•  In JBoss, it provides cache services for
HTTP sessions
EJB 3.0 session beans
EJB 3.0 entity beans
Each cache service creates its own JGroups Channel
•  JBoss Cache is a cluster-aware cache; that is, state is always kept
in sync with other servers in the cluster when there are concurrent
–  Any state stored in JBoss Cache is resilient to server crashes or restarts
–  It can either invalidate or update its state
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Fail-over and Load Balancing: HTTP
•  Session state replication handled by JBoss
–  in “all” JBoss conf included files for session state replication
–  configure HTTP session replication with JBoss Cache
•  Load balancing handled by external software or hardware
components (thin client clustering)
–  typically use software components such as Apache+mod_jk
–  mod_cluster
•  Compared with the former mod_jk, mod_cluster accepts a dynamic
configuration of httpd workers
–  This can be done through an advertise mechanism where all httpd workers
communicate lifecycle events (like startup or shutdown) thus leveraging
dynamic configuration of nodes
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Fail-over and Load Balancing: HTTP
HTTP State
Apache mod_jk
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•  If you use sticky sessions you do not need HTTP session replication
•  All requests coming from the same client are sent to the same node
•  In the example round robin policy is applied per-client
Node 2
Node 1
Node 3
Apache mod_jk
Client 1
Client 2
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Sticky Session: Pros and Cons
•  Pros
–  You may disable HTTP session replication that is an
expensive operation
•  All requests from the same clients are processed by the same server
•  Cons
–  If server that serves the requests fails, you loose your session
•  It is a tradeoff and depends on the type of application
you are deploying
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Hybrid solution: Sticky session and HTTP
state replication
•  You may enable both sticky session and HTTP session replication
–  In case of server crash the client session is replicated in the remaining
•  Asynchronous vs synchronous HTTP replication
–  Synchronous: the application has to wait for the response until the state is
replicated to all nodes of the cluster
–  In case you use sticky session, it may be better enabling an asynchronous
HTTP replication that is more scalable
•  The application receives immediately the response and then the state is replicated to
the nodes of the cluster
•  You can also specify the granularity of the replication for optimization
•  Entire session
•  Modified attributes
–  More efficient than session granularity
•  Modified field
–  If size of the attribute is huge, replication of modified field is efficient
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HTTP session replication: configuration
•  Session replication is enabled per web application in
–  Add <distributable/> to your webapp
•  JBoss specific configurations (asynchronous vs
synchronous replication) goes into WEB-INF/
•  Session replication is configured in Tomcat
<!-- Valid modes are LOCAL, REPL_ASYNC and REPL_SYNC ! -->
<attribute name="CacheMode">REPL_SYNC</attribute>
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Hybrid: Thin and Fat Client Clustering
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Clustering EJBs
•  In general, you have to annotate your application in
order to instruct the EJB container that the bean is
•  Stateless Session Beans
–  As no state involved, calls can be load balanced on any node
•  Stateful Session Beans
–  It is necessary to manage the state
•  The states of all stateful session beans are replicated and
synchronized across the cluster
–  Each time the state of a bean changes
•  JBoss Cache provides the session state replication for EJB 3.0
stateful session beans
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Clustering EJBs
•  Entity Beans
–  2.x: do not use clustering
•  Introduces data synchronization problems
–  they do not have a distributed locking mechanism and a distributed cache
–  3.0
•  Entity bean clustering service deals with distributed caching and
–  Through JBoss Cache
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•  If you are not able to successfully run JBoss
clustering, it does not mean that it does not work
–  Network issues (firewall, multicast disabled, etc.)
–  JGroups issues
•  JGroups comes with a handy set of Trouble Shooting tools
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•  Java EE 6 Tutorial available at http://download.oracle.com/
•  Bela Ban, “JBoss Clustering Overview”, 2006
•  JBoss Application Server 4.x, Chapter 16. Clustering, “High
Availability Enterprise Services via JBoss Clusters”,
available online at
–  http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/jboss4guide/r4/html/cluster.chapt.html
•  Brian Stansberry, Galder Zamarreno JBoss Application
Server 5, “Clustering Guide”, November 2008
•  Any other problem?

Outline - Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica