HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY YEAR A – JUNE 15, 2014 DOM 22 GIUGNO – PROCESSIONE CORPUS SUN 22 JUNE – CORPUS PROCESSION On Sun June 22, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, we are planning a short procession “around the block” with the Blessed Sacrament. This will begin at approximately 10 a.m. In a special way, we will invite this year’s First Communion Children to participate. Siamo cercando di programmare una piccola processione col Santissimo in zona nella ricorrenza della solennità del Corpo e Sangue di Cristo – 22 giugno. Prevediamo l’inizio subito dopo la prima Messa. V’invitiamo a partecipare in questo momento di devozione verso il nostro Signore, alimentazione per la nostra anima. Invitiamo i bambini della Prima Comunione a partecipare, vestiti come nel giorno del sacramento. PELLEGRINAGGIO AL SANTUARIO DEI MARTIRI La Commissione Pastorale Italiana organizza per il 2014 il seguente pellegrinaggio per tutte le parrocchie con comunità italiana: Al Santuario dei Martiri di Midland, DOM 29 GIUGNO Programma: ore 10:30 am – Processione con la statua della Santa Famiglia dalla sua cappella sulla collina all’altare, seguita dalla solenne Santa Messa ore 2:30 pm – Adorazione del Santissimo Sacramento seguita dalla processione sulla collina e cerimonia di chiusura. either Fr. Jimmy Zammit, Fr. Conrad Ferdandes, or Mr. Ricardo Aleixo after Mass in the Sacristy. The candlesticks cost $1,400 each and at present 3 more are still needed for the altar to complete the set. A tax receipt will be provided in recognition of your donation for tax purposes for those interested in sponsoring a candlestick. ----------------------------------------------Desideriamo esprimere i nostri ringraziamenti al Signor Rocco Farella per il suo dono di $1600.00 al fine di coprire le spese d’acquisto di un nuovo candeliere in ottone per il Cero Pasquale. Il candeliere è stato donato alla Parrocchia nella cara memoria dei suoi defunti genitori, i Signori Francesco e Nunziata Farella. Desideriamo inoltre ringraziare in modo particolare la famiglia Olimpio per la loro donazione di $1400.00 al fine di coprire le spese d’acquisto di un nuovo candeliere in ottone per l’altare. Continuiamo ad impegnarci a sostituire gradualmente l’esistente completo di candelieri in legno dorato che di solito circondano l’altare durante le Sante Messe. Il costo di riparare il completo di candelieri da altare (i quali sono stati acquistati tra il 1972 e il 1973 e che d’allora sono stati ripristinati quattro volte) non può essere giustificato benché ad una frazione del costo stimato per il ripristino degli esistenti candelieri è possibile acquistare nuovi candelieri. Attualmente il candeliere per il Cero Pasquale è in malissime condizioni. L’anno che viene ricorre il centenario della nostra Chiesa e dunque il dono di un candeliere o della croce processionale è un modo propizio per regalare un dono indelebile per abbellire l’altare durante le liturgie per i prossimi 100 anni. FATHER’S DAY NOVENA NOVENA PER IL GIORNO DEL PAPÀ CENTENARY ALTAR SET - CANDLESTICKS We would like to acknowledge Mr. Rocco Farella for his donation of $1,600 to cover the purchase cost of a new Paschal brass candlestick. The candlestick is being presented to the parish in memory of his late parents Mr. Francesco & Mrs. Nunziata Farella. Also, a special thanks to Mrs. Giuseppina Olimpio and Ms Ana Olimpio for their donation of $1,400 to cover the purchase cost of a new brass candlestick for the altar. The candlestick is being presented in the memory of Giuseppe Olimpio. We are slowly working on replacing the existing set of gilt wooded candlesticks that usually surround our altar during Mass. The cost to refurbish the existing altar set (purchased in 1972/73 and since refurbished 4 times) couldn't be justified as new replacements could be purchased for a fraction of the estimated costs to refurbish the existing. At present the Paschal candlestick is in the worst condition. Given that this upcoming year will mark the 100th centenary of the current church we now occupy -- this donation of candlesticks and a new processional cross is a fitting way of giving a permanent gift that will grace our altar during our liturgies for the next 100 years. If you would like to contribute to the purchase of a candlestick for the altar or the new processional cross please speak with Father’s Day Cards are available for those who would like to give their Father a Novena of Masses. Cartoline per il giorno del babbo sono disponibili per chi vuole dare al loro Padre una novena di ss Messe. ST ANTHONY OF PADUA – SANT’ANTONIO Today we honour St Anthony’s feast day a beloved Franciscan saint fondly known as “il Santo” in Italy, and the patron saint of lost and stolen articles! Any monetary donations to St Anthony will be forwarded to St Francis Table to help feed the poor. Oggi onoriamo S. Antonio, un santo francescano amato affettuosamente e conosciuto come "Il Santo" e anche il santo patrono di articoli smarriti o rubati! Le offerte di denaro ricevuti in onore di sant’Antonio vanno inoltrate a St Francis Table per alimentare i poveri . LA SANTISSIMA TRINITA - ANNO A – 15 GIUGNO 2014 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES MASS SCHEDULE June 14th to June 22nd 2014 We take this opportunity to congratulate the families and all the First Communion and Confirmation Candidates from St Francis School and other schools who received the sacraments last weekend: June 7th and June 8th . Saturday, June 14th 5:oo PM First Holy Communion ADRIAN ADEMAJ DOMINIC ARIGANELLO ELIZABETH BARTKIWPRICE MARGOT BARTKIW-PRICE MIA BARTKIW-PRICE EMMA BOAVENTURA MAI CUPIDO LIAM DA SILVA CRISTIANO DE FREITAS LUCA FAVA SIENA CABEZAS GARDA SOFIA GENTILE Sunday, June 15th 9:00 AM Father’s Day Novena ELIJAH GIUGNI SOFIA GOUVEIA JOHN (JACK) HEGGTVEIT 11:30 AM For Parishioners’ Intentions EMILY KARCZMARZYK DYLAN LINO JORDAN HEI SING LO NICOLE PACHECO 8:00 AM SOPHIA POVOA-RESENDES ISABELLA PEREIRA RASO VINCENT RENDACE REBECCA RIZZUTO ANTONINA ZAMBITO Monday, June 16th Bl. John of Parma, Friar Priest SIMON CARRABAU VITOR SILVA CLARO BRANDON COELHO LUIGI DE FAZIO THEODORE DE JULIIS CHIARA FAVA CARMELA FERREIRA MARCIO MOREIRA GOMES STEPHANIE GUERREIRO MADISON LEANDRO DOMENIC MAIO MARINA PINHEIRO DYLAN RALEZA ENRIQUE REALI MARK RIZZOTTO DYLAN TAVARES MAXIMILIAN TEMPELCABALLERO ALEXANDER TORRES ANTONIO VIOLO SHEMAR WILTON SOS OCTOBER WEDDING – RIZZO/RIZZUTO? 8:0o AM 9:30 AM Please be good enough to call the office during our office hours and speak to Anna – there are some details that we need to clarify. It is important that you do so within the next few days. Father’s Day Novena School Mass- St Francis Wednesday, June 18th 8:00 AM Father’s Day Novena Thursday, June 19th St Romuald, Abbot 8:00 AM 9:30 AM Father’s Day Novena School Mass – St Luke Friday, June 20th Bls. Patrick, Conn, Conor, and John, Martyrs of Ireland 8:00 AM Father’s Day Novena Saturday, June 21st St Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious 12:00 PM 1:30 PM th We received a phone call on Friday June 6 about an October wedding. The couple is hoping to get married in October this year. The person calling works for the Ontario Government. We are not quite sure about the surname – Rizzo/Rizzuto? Father’s Day Novena Tuesday, June 17th Confirmation JACOB BARTRUM NOAH CABREIRO Giovanni Pomponio 5:00 PM Wedding: Francesco Metallo & Veronica Melo Wedding: Samir Chahine & Angela Martins Father’s Day Novena Sunday, June 22nd Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ 9:00 AM Father’s Day Novena 11:30 AM For Parishioners’ Intentions SOLEMN EUCHARISTIC ADORATION WITH CARDINAL COLLINS MARRIAGE BANNS There is a promise of marriage between Francesco Metallo and Veronica Melo, and Samir Chahine and Angela Martins getting married on Sat June 21st, 2014. Please remember to pray for these couples and all other couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage at St Francis. The Office of Catholic Youth invites you to join His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins for Solemn Eucharistic Adoration on Saturday, June 28. The location is St Paul’s Basilica at 83 Power Street, Toronto. From 7:00- 8:30 pm, Cardinal Collins will lead a Holy Hour and reflection. Afterwards, there will be a social for young adults in the parish hall downstairs. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Catholic Youth at 416-599-7676 or [email protected].