Processi di messa in posto dei prodotti piroclastici Lezione del 16 Aprile 2012 I prodotti piroclastici (Tephra) Juvenili Accessori (Cognate) Accidentali • Ceneri • Lapilli • Bombe e Blocchi • Pomici • Scorie • Litici Bombe e Blocchi Lapilli e Ceneri Cenere vulcanica Blocchi e bombe (> 64 mm) { 50 Lapillistone Tufo-breccia Tufo a lapilli Breccia Piroclastica (blocchi) Agglomerato piroclastico (bombe) 50 Tufo Lapilli tuff Lapilli (64-2 -mm) 50 Ceneri (< 2 mm) { Litico Cristallino Vetroso Meccanismi primari di deposizione piroclastica Distribuzione depositi di flussi piroclastici (colata e surge) Tripartite Classification of Pyroclastic Materials Emplacement Mechanism Areal Dispersal Deposit Textures Grain-Size Characteristics Eruption Mechanism Ballistic, aerodynamic drag modified; suspension Symmetrical along wind vectors; relatively wide-spread Mantles topography; normally and reversely (Plinian) graded beds Well sorted by terminal velocity; coarse near vent, fines at distance All Steady, lateral movement over substrate by grain flow, saltation, suspension Directed, radial from vent, following drainages up to tens of kilometers Massive; confined to topographic lows; fine base with reverse pumice grading; some bedded intervals Poorly sorted fine to coarse ash with near vent breccia Plinian, Vulcanian Unsteady, lateral blast over substrate by pulsating saltation, suspension, and grain flow locally accelerated by shocks Directed, partially confined by drainages (some mantling), up to several vent radii from source Thinly bedded, showing variety of bedforms: dunes, plane beds, massive beds, wet sediment deformations Poor to moderate sorting of fine to coarse ash; zones of fine ash depletion Vulcanian, Surseyan, Plinian, phreatic, hydrothermal Class Fall Flow Surge Depositi di caduta Depositi di caduta hawaiiani Depositi di caduta hawaiiani Depositi di caduta hawaiiani (Coni di scorie saldate o Spatter cones) Depositi di caduta stromboliani Deposito di caduta stromboliano (Cono di scorie) Depositi di caduta stromboliani Ecuador's Chimborazo volcano Depositi di caduta vulcaniani, pliniani, freatopliniani Pliniana Vulcaniana Colonna eruttiva Depositi di caduta pliniani e subpliniani Depositi di caduta pliniani e subpliniani Colate piroclastiche Acqua essolta (peso%) 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 500 700 600 1010 Raggio boc,ca (m) 400 109 300 108 200 Colonna convettiva Tasso eruttivom (m3/s) Colonna collassante 500 100 107 0 200 300 400 500 Velocità (m/s) Wilson et al., 1981 Illustration of the "energy-line" concept for a Plinian eruption from a hypothetical composite cone. The gas and convective thrust regions of the eruption column (Wilson, 1976; Sparks et al ., 1978) are shown with a pyroclastic flow that is initiated by collapse near the top of the gas thrust region (hc ) with the vent at a height of h(0). The initial potential velocity of the pyroclastic flow is constrained by v(0) = [2gD h(0)]1/2 , where D h(0) = hc - ho . Flow acceleration a(i) and runout are a function of the local topographic slope [q (i)] and the Heim coefficient (µh ) shown by Eq. (1-17). The general slope of the energy line (q e ) is given by arctan (hc /Lf ) for which Lf = the distance from the vent where v(i) vanishes (that is, where the energy line intersects the topographic surface). (Adapted from Sheridan, 1979.) Ignimbriti • LARI • HARI Saldatura Co-ignimbrite breccia • - depositi di colata piroclastica fortemente saldati e con strutture a fiamme. •- depositi di colata piroclastica di grande volume ed estensione areale •- depositi di colata piroclastica, saldati o non saldati, formati essenzialmente da pomici e ceneri (Encyclopedia of Volcanoes,1999)