Birth Records
(for Battista Maero)
L'anno milleottocento novantaqinque, addi ventiquattro di Luglio, a ore antimeridrano undici e minuti
dieci, nella Casa Comunale. Avanti di me Gullino Giovanni Sindaco.
Literal: The year one thousand eight hundred ninety-five, this, the twenty-fourth day of Luglio in the morning hours, ten
minutes of eleven, in the Town Hall. Before me Gullino Giovanni, Mayor.
English: The year 1895, the 2lh of July, at 11:10 in the morning in the Town Hall. Before me stood
Mayor Giovanni Gullino.
Uffiziale dello Stato Civile del Comune di Lagnasco, e comparso Maero Battista, di anni ventisette,
contadino, domiciliato in Lagnasco, il quale me ha dichiarato che aIle ore pomeridiano una e --minuti, del
di ventidue del corrente mese, nelle casa posta in vla di Manta al numero --, da Bertinotti Maria sua
moglie secolui convivente contadina e nato un bambino di sesso mas chile che -(me presenta, e a cui da it
nome di Battista.
Literal: Officer of the Registrar of the City of Lagnasco, it appeared Maero Battista, of twenty-seven years, farmer,
residing in Lagnasco, which it was told to that at the pm hour of one and -- minutes, of the twenty-second day of the
current month, in the house placed in the village of Manta, at number --, by Bertinotti Maria, his wife living with him,
farmer was born a baby of masculine sex that 1submit, presented to me, and which has the name of Battista.
English: As Registrar Officer of the City of Lagnasco, Battista Maero, 27-year-oldfarmer, residing
in Lagnasco, declared that at 1o'clock in the afternoon, on the 3rd of this month, in their house in the
town of Manta, his wife, Maria Bertinotti, who is living with him, afarmer, gave birth to a male baby,
whose name was presented to me as Battista, which I submit on this record.
A quanto sopra e a quest'atto sono stati presenti quali testimoni Trava Giovanni, di anni quarantotto,
falegname, e Sartori Giovanni Battista, di anni trenta, panettiere, entrambi residenti in questo Comune.
To this above act were present as witnesses Trava Giovanni, offorty-eight years, carpenter, and Sartori
Giovanni Battista, of thirty years, baker, both residents in this Town.
English: Two witnesses were present to the act listed above; Giovanni Trava, a carpenter, age 48, and
Giovanni Battista Sartori, a baker, age 30, both of whom are residents of this City.
Letto il presente atto agli intervenuti 10 hanno questi meco sottoscritto.
1 read this document to the participants who have undersigned with me.
English: I read this document to the participants who have signed below with me.
Maero Giovanni Battista
Trava Giovanni
Sartori Giov Battista
L'Ufficiale (The Official)

ATTI DI NASCITA Birth Records (for Battista Maero