English for Italians L’inglese non è uguale per tutti! Finalmente un Corso di inglese centrato sulle difficoltà dello studente italiano! Corso Base Units 1-30 Il Corso Base contiene 750 pagine tra dialoghi originali, letture, grammatica chiara ed esercizi con le relative soluzioni in formato pdf, mobi e epub. Contiene inoltre 18 ore di registrazioni audio del testo integrale in formato mp3. Prezzo DVD Download € 35 € 29 Corso Superiore Units 31-40 Il Corso Superiore contiene 450 pagine in formato pdf, e 10 ore di registrazioni audio in formato mp3 del testo integrale. Prezzo DVD Download € 35 € 29 Per ulteriori informazioni visita il nostro sito: www.englishforitalians.com Puoi inoltre scaricare gratuitamente le Units 1-5 e la Unit 34 in versione integrale (testo e audio). Quando studi con il nostro Corso, puoi sempre contattarci per avere gratuitamente tutte le spiegazioni ed i consigli di cui potresti aver bisogno. Contattaci: [email protected] telefono: +39 095 9895296 Lesson 43 1 www.englishforitalians.com Free English Grammar Present Conditional Grammatica Inglese Gratis * = condizionale presente Fino ad alcuni anni fa, con i pronomi “I” e “we”, si considerava corretto usare “should”. I you he should would would go go go we you they should would would go go go = io andrei = tu andresti = egli andrebbe ecc. Oggigiorno la maggior parte delle persone usano “would” dopo “I” e “we”, e non è considerato errore. forma positiva I you he forma contratta would would would go go go I’d you’d he’d go go go we would you would they would go go go we’d you’d they’d go go go forma interrogativa forma negativa would would would I you he go? go? go? I you he would not would not would not go go go would would would we you they go? go? go? we you they would not would not would not go go go forma negativa contratta I you he wouldn’t wouldn’t wouldn’t go go go we you they wouldn’t wouldn’t wouldn’t go go go Lesson 43 2 www.englishforitalians.com Free English Grammar * Past Conditional Grammatica Inglese Gratis = condizionale passato forma positiva forma contratta I would have gone I’d have gone you would have gone you’d have gone he would have gone he’d have gone we would have gone we’d have gone you would have gone you’d have gone they would have gone they’d have gone forma interrogativa forma negativa would I have gone? I would not have gone would you have gone? you would not have gone would he have gone? he would not have gone would we have gone? we would not have gone would you have gone? you would not have gone would they have gone? they would not have gone forma negativa contratta I wouldn’t have gone you wouldn’t have gone he wouldn’t have gone we wouldn’t have gone you wouldn’t have gone they wouldn’t have gone Lesson 43 www.englishforitalians.com Free English Grammar * 3 Grammatica Inglese Gratis La forma contratta di “had” e quella di “would” sono uguali. I would = I’d I had = I’d Per non confonderle basta osservare che “would” è seguito dalla forma base del verbo... I would study = I’d study (io studierei) … mentre “had” è seguito da un participio passato. I had studied = I’d studied (io avevo studiato) <<<☺ ☺ >>> conditional sentences 1. 2. 3. = frasi condizionali present future If you study… you will pass your exam. (Se studi… passerai il tuo esame.) past present conditional If you studied… you would pass your exam. (Se studiassi… passeresti il tuo esame.) past perfect If you had studied… (Se avessi studiato… past conditional you would have passed your exam. avresti passato il tuo esame.) Lesson 43 www.englishforitalians.com Free English Grammar * 4 Grammatica Inglese Gratis Condizionale di “can” - “may” - “must” Condizionale di “can” forma positiva I you he could could could we you they could could could = io potrei forma negativa I could not - I couldn’t etc. = tu potresti = egli potrebbe forma interrogativa could I? etc. Condizionale di “may” forma positiva I you he might might might we you they might might might = io potrei forma negativa I might not etc. = tu potresti = egli potrebbe forma interrogativa might I? etc. Condizionale di “must” forma positiva forma negativa I you he should = io dovrei should = tu dovresti should = egli dovrebbe I should not – I shouldn’t we you they should should should should I? forma interrogativa etc.