UC Classics Library New Acquisitions September –October 2014 1. The ideals of inquiry : an ancient history / G.E.R. Lloyd. Oxford : Oxford university press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B111 .L69 2014. 2. The possibility of Inquiry : Meno's Paradox from Socrates to Sextus / Gail Fine. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B187.K7 F56 2014. 3. Methodos : aspetti dei metodi e dei processi cognitivi nella Grecia antica / Aniello Montano. Napoli : Loffredo editore, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B200.K45 M66 2014. 4. Sophistical practice : toward a consistent relativism / Barbara Cassin. New York : Fordham University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B288 .C385 2014. 5. Kratylos, E, Peri orthotetos onomaton, logikos / Platon ; eisagoge, metaphrase, scholia Giorgos Kentrotes. Athena : Ekdoseis Gutenberg, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g B367.A8 G75 2013. 6. Gorgia / Platone ; a cura di Angelica Taglia ; traduzione di Federico Petrucci. Torino : Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a., [2014]. Piccola biblioteca Einaudi. Nuova serie ; 611. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B371.A8 I78 2014. 7. Laches / Platon ; Ubersetzung und Kommentar von Jorg Hardy. Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B373 .P53 2014. 8. Plato, poet and philosopher : in memory of Ioannis N. Theodoracopoulos : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Philosophy, Magoula - Sparta, 26-29 May 2011 = Platon, poietes kai philosophos : mneme Ioannou N. Theodorakopoulou : praktika tou G' Diethnous Synedriou Philosophias Magoula Spartes, 26-29 Maiou 2011 / Academy of Athens Research Centre on Greek Philosophy ; edited by E. Moutsopoulos, M. Protopapas-Marneli ; copy edited by Christina Sinou. Athens : Academy of Athens Research Centre on Greek Philosophy, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g B395 .D54 2011. 9. Platon / sous la direction de Monique Dixsaut, Anissa Castel-Bouchouchi, Gilles Kevorkian. Paris : Ellipses, [2013]. Lectures de-LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B395 .P523 2013. 10. "Tout est plein de dieux" : les divinites traditionnelles dans l'oeuvre de Platon : du rapport entre religion et philosophie / Aikaterini Lefka, preface de Luc Brisson. Paris : L'Harmattan, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B398.R4 L44 2013. 11. Nicomachean ethics / Aristotle ; translated with introduction and notes by C.D.C. Reeve. Indianapolis, Indiana : Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B430.A5 R438 2014. 12. The great ethics of Aristotle / translated with explanatory comments by Peter L.P. Simpson. New Brunswick : Transaction Publishers, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B432.A5 S56 2014. 13. La grande etica / Aristotele ; a cura di Marcello Zanatta. Milano : Mimesis, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B432.A8 I8 2014. 14. Ad notitiam ignoti : l'Organon dans la translatio studiorum a l'epoque d'Albert le Grand / edite par Julie BrumbergChaumont. Turnhout : Brepols, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B437 .A93 2013. 15. Aristotele : dalla dialettica alla filosofia prima con saggi integrativi / Enrico Berti ; presentazione di Giovanni Reale. Milano : Bompiani, 2004. Bompiani Il pensiero occidentale. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B485 .B39 2004. 16. Aitia I : les quatre causes d'Aristote : origines et interpretations / edite par Cristina Viano, Carlo Natali, Marco Zingano. Leuven : Peeters, 2013. Aristote, traductions et etudes. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B491.C3 A58 2013. 17. Ethiques en dialogue : Aristote lecteur de Platon / Charlotte Murgier. Paris : Libr. philosophique J. Vrin, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B491.E7 M87 2013. 18. Aristotle on perceiving objects / Anna Marmodoro. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B491.P38 M37 2014. 19. La psychologie d'Aristote / textes reunis et publies par Cristina Rossitto. Bruxelles : Editions Ousia ; Paris : Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B491.P8 P77 2013. 20. La philosophie comme mode de vie / Daniel Desroches. [Quebec, Quebec] : Presses de l'Universite Laval, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B505 .D477 2014. 21. Spoude ston hystero neoplatonismo : ho Platon epistrephei sten Athena / Chrestos Ath. Terezes. Athena : Herodotos, 2010. Philosophia (Herodotos (Firm)). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g B517 .T47 2010. 22. Los filosofos estoicos : ontologia, logica, fisica y etica : traduccion, comentario filosofico y edicion anotada de los principales textos griegos y latinos / Marcelo D. Boeri, Ricardo Salles. Sankt Augustin : Academia Verlag, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B528 .F55 2014. 23. Ho Poseidonios kai he archaia stoa : symvole ste melete tes stoikes philosophias / Helene KarampatzakePerdike. Ioannina : Ektypose Typographeio, Panepistemio Ioanninon, 1998. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g B607.P24 K37 1998. 24. Traite 12. [Enneades] II, 4 / Plotin ; introduction, traduction, commentaires et notes par Eleni Perdikouri. Paris : Cerf, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B693.E52 F8 2014. 25. Platone latino : forme di teoresi nel medioevo "alto" e "centrale" / Concetto Martello. Sankt Augustin : Academia-Verlag, 2013. Symbolon (Catania, Italy) ; v. 41. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B732 .M378 2013. 26. Apo ton Platona ston Voltairo kai ton Korae : archaia hellenike philosophia kai Diaphotismos ; erga technes apo to Louvro ste Thessalonike / [epimeleia Polyxene AdamVelene, Euangelia Stephane, Katerina Mauromichale] = De Platon a Voltaire et Korais : La philosophie grecque ancienne et les Lumieres ; oeuvres d'art du Musee du Louvre a Thessalonique / [supervision Polyxene Adam-Veleni, Evangeli Stefani, Katerina Mavromichali]. Thessalonike : YPAIThPA, Archaiologiko Mouseio Thessalonikes, 2012. Erga technes apo to Louvro ste Thessalonike. Ektheseis sta 5 Mouseia tes Thessalonikes ; [2]. Ekdose (Archaiologiko Mouseio Thessalonikes) ; ar. 17. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g B802 .A66 2012. 27. Officium magicum : estudios de magia, teurgia, necromancia, supersticiones, milagros y demonologia en el mundo greco-romano / Sabino Perea Yebenes. Madrid : Signifer Libros, 2014. Thema mundi ; 6. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BF1434.G8 P47 2014. 28. Crowell's handbook of classical mythology. New York, Crowell [1970]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL303 .T75 1970. 29. La cintura di Perseo : dal mito della grande madre all'alfabeto galattico / Giuseppe Sermonti. Torino : Lindau, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL325.M6 S47 2013. 30. Divination and prediction in early China and ancient Greece / Lisa Raphals. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL613 .R37 2013. 31. Der Mensch zwischen Weltflucht und Weltverantwortung : Lebensmodelle der paganen und der judisch-christlichen Antike / herausgegeben von HeinzGunther Nesselrath und Meike Ruhl. Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2014]. ©2014. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum ; 87. 1436-3003. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL624 .M47 2014. 32. Thesaurus cultus et rituum antiquorum (ThesCRA). Los Angeles, Calif. : J. Paul Getty Museum, c2004-c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. BL727 .T44 2004. Index. 33. What men or gods are these? : A genealogical approach to classical mythology / by Fred and Jeanetta Boswell. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1980. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. BL782 .B67. 34. Poetry as initiation : the Center for Hellenic Studies symposium on the Derveni papyrus / edited by Ioanna Papadopoulou and Leonard Muellner. Washington, D.C. : Center for Hellenic Studies, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL782 .P58 2014. 35. He latreia tes megales theas : mythikes theotetes, historikes gynaikes / Vranas Gkrekas. Athena : Ekdoseis Gutenberg, [2012]. ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BL795.G63 V73 2012. 36. Spazio sacro e potere politico in Grecia e nel Vicino Oriente / a cura di Lia Raffaella Cresci ; contributi di Filippo Carinci [and nine others]. Roma : Aracne editrice S.r.l., giugno 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL795.P57 I53 2013. 37. Fear and loathing in ancient Athens : religion and politics during the Peloponnesian War / Alexander Rubel. Durham : Acumen, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL795.P57 R8313 2014. 38. Power, politics, and the cults of Isis : proceedings of the Vth International Conference of Isis studies, Boulogne-sur-Mer, October 13-15, 2011 / edited by Laurent Bricault and Miguel John Versluys. Boston : Brill, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL802 .E7 v.180. 39. Der Kampf ums Ritual : Diskurs und Praxis traditioneller Rituale in der Spatantike / von Marco Mattheis. Dusseldorf : Wellem, [2014]. ©2014. Reihe Geschichte (Wellem (Publisher)) ; Bd. 4. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL808 .M388 2014. 40. Tra la vigna e la croce : Dioniso nei discorsi letterari e figurativi cristiani (II-IV secolo) / Francesco Massa ; prefazione di Nicole Belayche. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, [2014]. ©2014. Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beitrage ; Bd. 47. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL820.B2 M37 2014. 41. Al amparo de los Lares : el culto domestico en las provincias romanas Betica y Tarraconense / Maria Perez Ruiz. Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas : Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL820.L3 P47 2014. 42. Le choix d'Ulysse, mortel ou immortel? : symboles de la mythologie grecque / Gilbert Andrieu. Paris : L'Harmattan, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL820.O3 A53 2013. 43. 9. Agyptologische Tempeltagung : Kultabbildung und Kultrealitat, Hamburg, 27. September - 1. Oktober 2011 / herausgegeben von Horst Beinlich. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2013. ©2013. Konigtum, Staat und Gesellschaft fruher Hochkulturen ; 3,4. Konigtum, Staat und Gesellschaft fruher Hochkulturen. Akten der Agyptologischen Tempeltagungen. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL2445 .A39 2011. 44. Die Gaumonographien in Edfu und ihre Papyrusvarianten : ein uberregionaler Kanon kultischen Wissens im spatzeitlichen Agypten / Christian Leitz ; Zeichnungen von Mareike Wagner. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014. Studien zur spatagyptischen Religion ; Bd. 9. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. BL2450.T43 L45 2014. v.1. 45. Die Gaumonographien in Edfu und ihre Papyrusvarianten : ein uberregionaler Kanon kultischen Wissens im spatzeitlichen Agypten / Christian Leitz ; Zeichnungen von Mareike Wagner. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014. Studien zur spatagyptischen Religion ; Bd. 9. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. BL2450.T43 L45 2014. v.2. 46. Vivliotheke Hellenon pateron kai ekklesiastikon syngrapheon. Athenai : Ekdosis tes Apostolikes Diakonias tes Ekklesias tes Hellados, 1955LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BR60 .B5. t.65. 47. The Shepherd of Hermas in Latin : critical edition of the oldest translation Vulgata / edited by Christian Tornau and Paolo Cecconi. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2014. ©2014. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur ; Bd. 173. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .T46 Bd.173. 48. Christiana minora : studii, articole si note in legatura cu crestinismul timpuriu din Dacia romana, Dacia postromana si unele provincii vecine = Studien, Aufsatze und Notizen betreffend die Geschichte des fruhen Christentums in Dakien, in den dakischen Provinzen nach Aurelian's Ruckzug und in einigen Nachbarprovinzen / Nicolae Gudea. Cluj-Napoca : Editura Mega, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. BR133.R6 G83 2011. 49. Das Romische Reich im religiosen Wandel der Spatantike : Kaiser und Bischofe im Widerstreit / Pedro Barcelo. Regensburg : Verlag Friedrich Pustet, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR162.3 .B373 2013. 50. Die Spatantike : der eine Gott und die vielen Herrscher / Rene Pfeilschifter. Munchen : Beck, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR162.3 .P44 2014. 51. Die Zitate aus dem Neuen Testament bei Clemens von Alexandrien. [Von] M. Mees. [Roma] Istituto di Letteratura Christiana Antica, 1970. Vetera christanorum. Quaderni ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR1720.C6 M4 1970. 52. Greco-Roman associations : texts, translations, and commentary : Attica, Central Greece, Macedonia, Thrace / John S. Kloppenborg, Richard S. Ascough. Berlin ; New York : De Gruyter, c2011LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BS410 .Z42 Beih.204. 53. Su questa pietra : Gesu, Pietro e la nascita della Chiesa / Andrea Carandini ; appendici e illustrazioni di Francesco De Stefano. Roma : Editori GLF Laterza, novembre 2013. Robinson. Letture. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BS2515 .C35 2013. 54. "When you were gentiles" : specters of ethnicity in Roman Corinth and Paul's Corinthian correspondence / Cavan W. Concannon. New Haven and London : Yale University Press, [2014]. Synkrisis. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BS2675.6.E815 C66 2014. 55. Tod und Ritual in den christlichen Gemeinden der Antike / von Ulrich Volp. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2002. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BT825 .V65 2002. 56. Oratore divino : linguaggio e rappresentazione retorica nella controversia tra Cappadoci e Anomei / Chiara Spuntarelli. Roma : Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2012. Studia ephemeridis "Augustinianum" ; 132. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BT1350 .S68 2012. 57. Protestation ; Lettres / Eutherios de Tyane ; texte de M. Tetz (PTS) ; introduction, traduction et notes par Joseph Paramelle, s.j., avec la collaboration de Louis Neyrand, s.j. Paris : Editions du Cerf, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BT1440 .E98 2014. 58. The sentences of Sextus / by Walter T. Wilson. Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, [2012]. ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BV4500 .S4913 2012. 59. To Hagion Oros kai he Dyse, 963-1963 : agnostes ptyches tes athonikes historias / Markos N. Roussos Melidones. Athena : Vivliopoleion tes "Hestias", I.D. Kollarou & Sias, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BX385.A8 R69 2013. 60. The sixteenth century donor inscriptions in the monastery of the Dormition of the Virgin (Theotokos Molybdoskepastos) : the legend of the Emperor Constantine IV as founder of monasteries in Epirus / Christos Stavrakos. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag in Kommission, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BX385.E7 S83 2013. 61. Sylvester Syropoulos on politics and culture in the fifteenth-century Mediterranean : themes and problems in the memoirs, section iv / [edited by] Fotini Kondyli, Vera Andriopoulou, Eirini Panou, Mary B. Cunningham. Farnham, Surrey ; Burlington : Ashgate, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g BX830 1438 .S86 2014. 62. Priests and prophets among pagans, Jews and Christians / edited by Beate Dignas, Robert Parker and Guy G. Stroumsa. Leuven, Belgium : Peeters Publishers, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BX1912 .D54 2013. 63. Vie et miracles de Berard eveque des Marses (1080-1130) / [Jean de Segni] ; introduction, edition critique du texte latin et traduction francaise par Jacques Dalarun. Bruxelles : Societe des Bollandistes, 2013. Subsidia hagiographica ; no 93. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BX4700.B373 V54 2013. 64. Les ruines : entre destruction et construction de l'Antiquite a nos jours / edite par Karolina Kaderka ; preface de Francois Queyrel. Roma : Campisano editore, [2013]. Hautes etudes. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC65 .R85 2013. 65. Woordenboek van archeologische termen : Nederlands-Engels, Engels-Nederlands = Dictionary of archaeological terms : Dutch-English, English-Dutch / Sofie Debruyne & Vickie Hardy. Utrecht : Uitgeverij Matrijs, c2008. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. CC70 .D43 2008. 66. Dictionary of archaeological terms : English-Italian / Italian-English = Dizionario di termini archaeologici : Inglese-Italiano / Italiano-Inglese / Andrea Vianello. Oxford : Archaeopress, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. CC70 .V45 2012. 67. The construction of value in the ancient world / edited by John K. Papadopoulos and Gary Urton. Los Angeles : Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, ©2012. Cotsen advanced seminars ; 5. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC72.4 .C74 2012. 68. Field methods and post-excavation techniques in late antique archaeology / edited by Luke Lavan and Michael Mulryan. Leiden : Brill, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC76 .F54 2013. 69. Archaeology, heritage, and civic engagement : working toward the public good / Barbara J. Little, Paul A. Shackel. Walnut Creek, California : Left Coast Press, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC77.C66 L57 2014. 70. Ceramic petrography : the interpretation of archaeological pottery & related artefacts in thin section / Patrick Sean Quinn. Oxford : Archaeopress, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC79.P4 Q85 2013. 71. William Gell, archeologo, viaggiatore e cortigiano : un inglese nella Roma della Restaurazione / a cura di Bianca Riccio. Roma : Gangemi, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC115.G45 W55 2013. 72. Scritti su Amedeo e Bianca Maiuri / Benito Iezzi ; a cura di Mario Capasso ; con una nota di Enzo Puglia. Lecce, Brescia : Pensa multimedia, c2012. Officina (Naples, Italy) ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC115.M285 I49 2012. 73. Auguste Salzmann, 1824-1872 : pionnier de la photographie et de l'archeologie au Proche-Orient / Lise Brossard-Gabastou. Paris : Harmattan, c2013. Historiques. Travaux. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CC115.S35 B76 2013. 74. Minoan cushion seals : innovation in form, style, and use in Bronze Age glyptic / Giulia Dionisio, Anna Margherita Jasink, Judith Weingarten. Roma : L'Erma di Bretschneider, [2014]. Studia archaeologica ("Erma" di Bretschneider) ; 196. Studia archaeologica ("Erma" di Bretschneider). Vicino Oriente ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CD5363 .D565 2014. 75. L'administration byzantine de Cherson : catalogue des sceaux / Nicolas Alekseyenko. [Paris] : ACHCByz, 2012. Occasional monographs (Natasaionalnyikomitet ukrainskykh vizantinistiv) ; 4. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CD5381 .A44 2012. 76. Catalogue of the late Roman, Byzantine and barbaric coins in the Charles University Collection (364-1092 A.D.) / by Federico Gambacorta. Prague : Karolinum Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ215.C952 P73 2013. 77. Praestantia nummorum : temi e note di numismatica tardo antica e alto medioevale / Michele Asolati. Padova : Esedra, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ233 .A86 2012. 78. Themata nomismatokopias kai nomismatikes kyklophorias ton Patron 14 p.Ch.-268 m.Ch. / Penelope Agallopoulou. Tripole : Archaiologiko Institouto Peloponnesiakon Spoudon, 2012. Seira monographion kai didaktorikon diatrivon ; 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CJ435 .A43 2012. 79. La monetazione di Taranto : le monete degli Ostrogoti e dei Longobardi in Italia. Bari : Circolo numismatico pugliese, 2013. EOS ; 5. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ522.T37 C66 2012. 80. Early Roman coinage; a study of the chronology. [Kobenhavn] Nationalmuseet, 1957-61. Nationalmuseets skrifter. Arkaeologisk-historisk raekke, 5, 9-10. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. CJ833 .T45. v. 1. 81. Bauten der Wasserversorgung und Abwasseranlagen auf antiken Munzen / Peter Kowalewski. Clausthal-Zellerfeld : Papierfliegerverlag, 2013. Schriften der Deutschen Wasserhistorischen Gesellschaft. Sonderband ; 9. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ885 .K69 2013. 82. Roselle : le monete dagli scavi archeologici (1959-1991) e dal territorio / a cura di Massimo De Benetti e Fiorenzo Catalli. [Florence, Italy] : Ministero per i beni e le attivita culturali, Soprintendenza per i beni archeologici della Toscana ; Grosseto : Comune di Grosseto ; [Arcidosso, Italy] : Effigi, c2013. Microcosmi (Arcidosso, Italy) ; 16. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. CJ1043.R67 R67 2013. 83. Le numeraire antique / Jeremie Chameroy. Mont-Saint-Aignan : Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, c2013. Archeologie en Haute-Normandie ; 2. Fouilles de la cathedrale de Rouen ; t. 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ1115.R68 C43 2013. 84. El tesoro de la Pobla de Mafumet, Tarragona : sextercios y dupondios de Claudio I / Marta Campo, Jean-Claude Richard, Hans-Markus von Kaenel. Barcelona : Asociacion Numismatica Espanola, Instituto Antonio Agustin de Numismatica del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1981. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CJ1123.P63 C36 1981. 85. Money of the incipient Byzantine Empire : Anastastius I-Justinian I, 491-565 / Wolfgang Hahn with the collaboration of M.A. Metlich. Wien : Osterreichische Forschungsgesellschaft fur Numismatik, c/o Institut fur Numismatik und Geldgeschichte, Universitat Wien, 2013. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur Numismatik und Geldgeschichte ; Bd. 15. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g CJ1229 .H1413 2013. 86. Gold coin and small change : monetary circulation in fifth-seventh century Byzantine Palestine / Gabriela I. Bijovsky. Trieste (Italy) : EUT Edizioni Universita di Trieste, [2012]. Polymnia. Studi di filologia classica. Numismatica antica e medievale Studi ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CJ1375 .B55 2012. 87. Deir el-Bahari / sous la direction de Kazimierz Michalowski. Varsovie : PWN - Editions scientifiques de Pologne, 1974LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. CLASSICS GIFT 20130819. v.5. 88. L'Annee epigraphique; revue des publications epigraphiques relatives a l'antiquite romaine. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. CN120 .A6. 2011. 89. Choix d'inscriptions de Delphes, traduites et commentees / Anne Jacquemin, Dominique Mulliez, Georges Rougemont. Athenes : Ecole Francaise d'Athenes, 2012. Etudes epigraphiques ; 5. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CN350 .J23 2012. 90. Le epigrafi della Valle di Comino : atti del decimo Convegno epigrafico cominese : Sora, Abbazia di S. Domenico, Sala "Riccardo Courrier," sabato 1 giugno 2013 / a cura di Heikki Solin. San Donato Val di Comino (FR) : Associazione "Genesi," MMXIV. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CN532.C66 C66 2013. 91. Entre la croix et le croissant : Les Notaras, une grande famille de Mediterranee orientale / Paltin Nottara. Paris : L'Harmattan Editions Distribution, [c2014]. Collection "Graveurs de memoire." LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g CS739.N67 N672 2014. 92. Lexikon onomaton : 15000 onomata theoteton, 32700 kyria onomata : "apo ta archaika onomata sta vyzantina eponyma" / Phoivos Panagopoulos, Petros N. Nezes. Athena: 3E Elikranon, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g CS2349 .P36 2013. 93. Personal names in ancient Anatolia / edited by Robert Parker. Oxford : Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2013. Proceedings of the British Academy ; 191. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CS2349 .P47 2013. 94. The last amateur : the life of William J. Stillman / Stephen L. Dyson. Albany, NY : Excelsior Editions, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. CT275.S747 D97 2014. 95. Le voyage des legendes : hommages a Pierre Chuvin / textes reunis et presentes par Delphine Lauritzen et Michel Tardieu. Paris : CNRS, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D15.C48 V69 2013. 96. Die Herrschaft des Carus, Carinus und Numerianus als Vorlaufer der Tetrarchie / Klaus Altmayer. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, [2014]. ©2014. Alte Geschichte (Stuttgart, Germany). Historia (Wiesbaden, Germany). Einzelschriften ; Heft 230. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D52.A2 H5 Hft.230. 97. Griechische Profanhistoriker des funften nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts / Bruno Bleckmann, Timo Stickler (Hg.). Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, [2014]. ©2014. Historia (Wiesbaden, Germany). Einzelschriften ; Heft 228. Alte Geschichte (Stuttgart, Germany). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D53.A2 H5 Hft.228. 98. Der romische Kaiserhof in severischer Zeit (193-235 n. Chr.) / Bjorn Schope. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, [2014]. ©2014. Historia (Wiesbaden, Germany). Einzelschriften ; Heft 231. Alte Geschichte (Stuttgart, Germany). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D53.A2 H5 Hft.231. 99. The high command in the Roman republic : the principle of the summum imperium auspiciumque from 509 to 19 BCE / Frederik J. Vervaet. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, [2014]. ©2014. Historia (Wiesbaden, Germany). Einzelschriften ; Bd. 232. Alte Geschichte (Stuttgart, Germany). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D53.A2 H5 Hft.232. 100. Salutationes, Beitrage zur Alten Geschichte und ihrer Diskussion : Festschrift fur Peter Herz zum 65. Geburtstag / Babett Edelmann-Singer, Heinrich Konen (Hg.) ; unter Mitarbeit von Julia Bottcher. Berlin : Frank & Timme, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D59 .S258 2013. 101. Mediterranes Kaisertum und imperiale Ordnungen : das lateinische Kaiserreich von Konstantinopel / Stefan Burkhardt. [Berlin] : De Gruyter ; [Berlin] : Akademie Verlag, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g D118 .B87 2014. 102. Crusader castles of Cyprus : the fortifications of Cyprus under the Lusignans, 1191 - 1489 / James Petre. Nicosia : Cyprus Research Centre, 2012. Texts and studies of the history of Cyprus ; 69. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g D157 .P48 2012. 103. Apo te dytike Europe sten anatolike Mesogeio : hoi staurophorikes hegemonies ste Romania, 13os-15os aionas : politikes kai thesmikes pragmatikotetes / Maria Dourou- Eliopoulou. Athena : Panepistemiakes Ekdoseis Kyprou : Ekdoseis Gutenberg, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g D182 .D7 2012. 104. Archaiologika tekmeria henos nosokomeiou ste Therme/Sedes : he Stratia tes Anatoles sta Valkania / epistemonike epimeleia Anastasios Ch. Antonaras, Ioannes Motsianos = Temoignages archeologiques d'un hopital a Thermi/Sedes : l'Armee d'Orient dans les Balkans / sous la direction de Anasstasios Ch. Antonaras, Ioannis Motsianos. Thessalonike : Mouseio Vyzantinou Politismou, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g D548.1 .A7314 2012. 105. Hemerologion helleno-italikou polemou (1940-1941) / Christou N. Petrou-Mesogeite. Parartema Hemerologio polemou Ioanne Sp. Demetriou ; epexergasia keimenon-photographion : Chrestos I. Demetriou ; epimeleia ekdoses: Petros I. Philippou-Angelou. Kalyvia Attikes : Demotike Vivliotheke Kalyvion Demou Saronikou, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g D766.3 .P48 2012. 106. Hoi Kyprioi ethelontes tou 2. Pankosmiou Polemou : ta metroa, hoi katalogoi kai ho phoros tou aimatos / Petros Papapolyviou (eisagoge, epimeleia). Leukosia : Politistikes Hyperesies, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g D766.7.C93 K9 2012. 107. El viaje y sus riesgos : los peligros de viajar en el mundo greco-romano / Anton Alvar Nuno (director). [Madrid] : Liceus, ©2010. Historia antigua (Liceus (Firm)). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. D911 .V53 2010. 108. Life in the limes : studies of the people and objects of the Roman frontiers presented to Lindsay Allason-Jones on the occasion of her birthday and retirement / edited by Frances McIntosh and Rob Collins. Oxford ; Philadelphia : Oxbow Books, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DA145 .L54 2014. 109. The Roman Villa at Box : the story of the extensive Romano-British structures buried below the village of Box in Wiltshire / Mark Corney. East Knoyle, Salisbury : On behalf of the KOBRA Trust by The Hobnob Press, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DA147.B69 C66 2012. 110. The masonry defences of Roman Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum), North Hampshire : building materials, building styles and the building programme / J.R.L. Allen. Oxford, England : Archaeopress, 2013. BAR British series ; 580. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DA147.S54 A45 2013. 111. London gateway : Iron Age and Roman salt making in the Thames Estuary : excavation at Stanford Wharf Nature Reserve, Essex / by Edward Biddulph ... [et al.] ; illustration and design by Julia Collins ... [et al.]. Oxford : Oxford Archaeology, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DA670.T2 L66 2012. 112. The Romans at Nostell Priory : excavations at the new visitor car park in 2009 / Dave Pinnock ; with contributions by Graham Bruce, [and six others] ; Illustrations by Berny McCluskey, Dave Pinnock and Tim Robinson. York : On-Site Archaeology Ltd., 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DA670.Y6 P56 2013. 113. Roman roadside settlement and rural landscape at Brentford : archaeological investigations at Hilton London Syon Park Hotel, 2004-10 / Robert Cowie, Amy Thorp and Angela Wardle. [London?] : Museum of London Archaeology, [2013?]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DA680 .C69 2013. 114. Roman and medieval development south of Cheapside : excavations at Bow Bells House, City of London, 2005-6 / Isca Howell with Lyn Blackmore, Christopher Phillpotts and Amy Thorp. London : Museum of London Archaeology, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DA685.C435 H68 2013. 115. Fundmaterial spatantiker Hohensiedlungen in Steiermark und Karnten : Frauenberg im Vergleich mit Hoischhugel und Duel / Ulla Steinklauber ; mit einem Beitrag von Daniel Modl. Graz : Im Selbstverlag der Historischen Landeskommission fur Steiermark, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DB110.15 .S7 2013. 116. Das kaiserzeitliche Graberfeld von Halbturn, Burgenland / Nives Doneus (Hrsg.) ; mit Beitragen von Nives Doneus ... [et al.] ; RomischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut fur Archaologie. Mainz : Verlag des Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums ; [Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner, distributor], 2014. Monographien (Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. Forschungsinstitut fur Vor- und Fruhgeschichte) ; Bd. 122, 1-4. 0171-1474. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DB785.B8 K35 2014. v.1. 117. Das kaiserzeitliche Graberfeld von Halbturn, Burgenland / Nives Doneus (Hrsg.) ; mit Beitragen von Nives Doneus ... [et al.] ; RomischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut fur Archaologie. Mainz : Verlag des Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums ; [Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner, distributor], 2014. Monographien (Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. Forschungsinstitut fur Vor- und Fruhgeschichte) ; Bd. 122, 1-4. 0171-1474. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DB785.B8 K35 2014. v.2. 118. Das kaiserzeitliche Graberfeld von Halbturn, Burgenland / Nives Doneus (Hrsg.) ; mit Beitragen von Nives Doneus ... [et al.] ; RomischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut fur Archaologie. Mainz : Verlag des Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums ; [Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner, distributor], 2014. Monographien (Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. Forschungsinstitut fur Vor- und Fruhgeschichte) ; Bd. 122, 1-4. 0171-1474. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DB785.B8 K35 2014. v.3. 119. Das kaiserzeitliche Graberfeld von Halbturn, Burgenland / Nives Doneus (Hrsg.) ; mit Beitragen von Nives Doneus ... [et al.] ; RomischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut fur Archaologie. Mainz : Verlag des Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums ; [Regensburg : Schnell + Steiner, distributor], 2014. Monographien (Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. Forschungsinstitut fur Vor- und Fruhgeschichte) ; Bd. 122, 1-4. 0171-1474. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DB785.B8 K35 2014. v.4. 120. Gallien in Spatantike und Fruhmittelalter : Kulturgeschichte einer Region / herausgegeben von Steffen Diefenbach und Gernot Michael Muller. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2013]. Millennium-Studien ; Bd. 43. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DC61 .G35 2013. 121. Le Cantal / Michel Provost, Pierre Vallat ; avec la collaboration d'Alphonse Vinatie ; avec Jean-Luc Boudartchouk ... [et al.]. Paris : Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres : Diffusion, Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1996. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DC611.C229 P76 1996. 122. Le sanctuaire gallo-romain du Chasseron : decouvertes anciennes et fouilles recentes : essai d'analyse d'un lieu de culte d'altitude du Jura vaudois / Thierry Luginbuhl, Cedric Cramatte et Jana Hoznour dir. Lausanne : Cahiers d'archaeologie romande, 2013. Cahiers d'archeologie romande de la Bibliotheque historique vaudoise ; 139. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DC611.J83 S26 2013. 123. Decouvertes gallo-romaines en Rhone-Alpes / Adrien Bostmambrun. Chatillon-sur-Chalaronne : Taillanderie, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DC611.R478 B67 2012. 124. Nimes et ses antiquites : un passe present : XVIe-XIXe siecle / edite par Veronique Krings & Francois Pugniere. Bordeaux : Ausonius ; Paris : Diffusion De Boccard, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DC801.N72 N56 2013. 125. Perigueux, 24-2 / Claudine Girardy ; avec la collaboration d'Etienne Saliege et d'Herve Gaillard. Paris : Academie des inscriptions et belles lettres, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DC801.P43 G56 2013. 126. Ein Traum von Rom : Stadtleben im romischen Deutschland. Darmstadt : Theiss, Imprint der WBG, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DD53 .T73 2014. 127. Antike im Mittelalter : Fortleben, Nachwirken, Wahrnehmung : 25 Jahre Forschungsverbund "Archaologie und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends in Sudwestdeutschland" / herausgegeben von Sebastian Brather, Hans Ulrich Nuber, Heiko Steuer und Thomas Zotz. Ostfildern : Jan Thorbecke Verlag, [2014]. Archaologie und Geschichte ; Bd. 21. 1436-2686. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DD63 .A58 2009. 128. Hellas als unerreichbare Gegenmoderne : die Entstehung des tragischen Bewusstseins aus der Griechensehnsucht in der deutschen Altertumswissenschaft zwischen 1800 und 1875 / Frank Lisson. Hamburg : Kovac, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DD66 .L57 2013. 129. Romer und Germanen in Ostwestfalen-Lippe : Untersuchungen zu kulturhistorischen Entwicklungen von der Mittellatenezeit bis zur jungeren romischen Kaiserzeit / Beate Herring, Elke Treude, Michael Zelle (Hrsg.). Oldenburg : Isensee Verlag, c2011Schriften des Lippischen Landesmuseums ; Bd. 8,9. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DD801.E237 R66 2011. Bd.2. 130. Studien zu romischen Einzelsiedlungen in Rheinhessen / von Mathias Faul. Bonn : Habelt, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DD801.P445 F38 2013. 131. Das Romische Koln / Thomas Fischer, Marcus Trier. Koln : J.P. Bachem Verlag, 2014. ©2014. Reihe "Historische Stadtfuhrer." LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DD901.C745 F57 2014. 132. Kolner Jahrbuch / herausgegeben vom Romisch-Germanischen Museum und der Archaologischen Gesellschaft Koln. Berlin : Gebr. Mann, 1994LOCATION = CLASS Journals. DD901.C745 K6. Bd.46(2013). 133. Athanasia : the earthly, the celestial and the underworld in the Mediterranean from the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Age / Nicholas Chr. Stampolidis, Athanasia Kanta, Angeliki Giannikouri. Herakleio : Panepistemio Kretes, Eidikos Logariasmos, [2012]. ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DE2.5 .I584 2009. 134. Bauurkunden und Bauprogramm von Epidauros (400-350) : Asklepiostempel, Tholos, Kultbild, Brunnenhaus / Sebastian Prignitz. Munchen : Verlag C.H. Beck, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DE3 .V4 Bd.67. 135. Zwischen Antike und Moderne : Festschrift fur Jurgen Malitz zum 65. Geburtstag, dargebracht von Kollegen, Freunden, Schulern und Weggefahrten / Andreas Hartmann und Gregor Weber (Hg.). Speyer : Kartoffeldruck-Verlag Kai Brodersen, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE3 .Z95 2012. 136. Ad perpetuam memoriam Michaelis D. Petrusevski : proceedings of the international conference 100th anniversary of the birth of professor Mihail D. Petrusevski (1911-1990) / edited by P. Hr. Ilievski, V. Mitevski, R. Duev. Skopje : Society for Classical Studies Ziva Antika, 2012. ©2012. Ziva antika. Monographs ; no. 10. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE9.P487 A6 2012. 137. Mediterranean archaeology : a Gid-eman training course, Rome, 8-10 October 2012 / editors: Louis Godart, Eugenio La Rocca, Paolo Sommella, coordination by Maurizio Brunori. Roma : Scienze e letter editore commerciale, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE59 .M395 2012. 138. Oriente y Occidente en el Mediterraneo : estudios de arqueologia, historia y arte / Jose Maria Blazquez. Madrid : Catedra, 2013. Historia. Serie menor. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE60 .B55 2013. 139. La presenza dei bambini nelle religioni del Mediterraneo antico : la vita e la morte, i rituali e i culti tra archeologia, antropologia e storia delle religioni / a cura di Chiara Terranova ; contributi di Angela Bellia [and seventeen others]. Roma : Aracne editrice S.r.l., maggio 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE61.C4 P74 2014. 140. Egypt, Greece, and Rome : civilizations of the ancient Mediterranean / Charles Freeman. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE71 .F74 2014. 141. La construccion religiosa de la Helade imperial : el Panhelenion / Rocio Gordillo Hervas. Firenze : Firenze University Press, 2012. Premio Firenze University Press tesi di dottorato (Series) ; 27. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DE71 .G67 2012. 142. Understand Greek civilization / John Purkis. London : Hodder Education, 2012. 201205. Teach yourself books (Lincolnwood, Ill.). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF77 .P973 2012. 143. Die ekecheiria zwischen Religion und Politik : der sog. "Gottesfriede" als Instrument in den zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen der griechischen Welt / Maria Theotikou. Berlin : Lit, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF77 .T44 2013. 144. Athen und/oder Alexandreia? : Aspekte von Identitat und Ethnizitat im hellenistischen Griechenland / Klaus Freitag, Christoph Michels (Hg.) ; [Autoren, Jorg Fundling ... et al.]. Koln : Bohlau, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF78 .A84 2014. 145. Polutropia : d'Homere a nos jours : [melanges offerts a Daniele Aubriot] / sous la direction de Sylvie Perceau et Olivier Szerwiniack ; preface de Paul Dermont. Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2014. Rencontres (Editions Classiques Garnier) ; 72. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF78 .P725 2014. 146. Le savoir public : la vocation politique du savoir en Grece ancienne / textes publies sous la direction d'Arnaud Mace. Besancon : Presses universitaires de Franche-Comte, [2013]. ©2013. Collection Les cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux ; no. 18. Collection Cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux. Serie Normes, pratiques et savoirs ; 7. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF82 .S38 2013. 147. Ekthesis tes polemikes historias ton Hellenon / Genikon Epiteleion Ethnikes Amynes. [Athenai] : Ekd. Archegeiou Enoplon Dynameon, 1970. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g DF89 .A45 1970. t.1. 148. Ekthesis tes polemikes historias ton Hellenon / Genikon Epiteleion Ethnikes Amynes. [Athenai] : Ekd. Archegeiou Enoplon Dynameon, 1970. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g DF89 .A45 1970. t.2. 149. Omeron ex Omerou saphenizein : omaggio a Domenico Musti : atti del convegno internazionale, Chieti, 13-14 dicembre 2011 / a cura di Umberto Bultrighini e Elisabetta Dimauro. Lanciano : Carabba, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF211 .O44 2013. 150. Tradizione e trasmissione degli storici greci frammentari II : atti del III workshop internazionale, Roma, 24-26 febbraio 2011 / a cura di Virgilio Costa. Tivoli (Roma) : Edizioni Tored, 2013. Themata (Tivoli, Italy) ; 12. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF211 .T73 2013. 151. Apo ten technologike anoixe ton Hellenistikon chronon ston Vyzantino Mesaiona / Vasile A. Doukake, homotimou kathegete tou Panepistemiou Makedonias. Athena : Institouto tou Vivliou - A. Kardamitsa, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF214 .D68 2013. 152. Kleine Geschichte Griechenlands : von der Staatsgrundung bis heute / Ioannis Zelepos. Munchen : Beck, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF214 .Z45 2014. 153. Greci e persiani : storia delle relazioni diplomatiche (550-386 a.C.) / Vito Andrea Mariggio. Monteroni di Lecce (Le) : Edizioni Esperidi, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF217 .M37 2013. 154. Khostia II : the bronze age : results of Canadian explorations and excavations at Khostia, Boiotia, Central Greece / by Jacques Morin. Chicago : Ares, 2004. McGill University monographs in classical archaeology and history ; no. 21. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF221.C56 M67 2004. 155. A Cretan landscape through time : Priniatikos Pyrgos and environs / edited by Barry P.C. Molloy, Chloe N. Duckworth. Oxford : Archaeopress, 2014. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DF221.C8 C74 2014. 156. Mortuary behavior and social trajectories in pre- and protopalatial Crete / by Borja Legarra Herrero. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : INSTAP Academic Press, 2014. Prehistory monographs ; 44. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF221.C8 L37 2014. 157. In search of Agamemnon : early travellers to Mycenae / by Dudley Moore, Edward Rowlands and Nektarios Karadimas. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF221.M9 M66 2014. 158. Rodiaka ergasteria chalkoplastikes / Gerhard Zimmer, Kalliope Bairame. Athena : Hypourgeio Politismou, Tameio Archaiologikon Poron kai Apallotrioseon, 2008. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF221.R56 Z56 2008. 159. Troya : efsane ile gercek arasi bir kente yolculuk = Troy : journey to a city between legend and reality / [metinler/texts Devrim Calis-Sazci]. Ankara : T.C. Kultur Bakanligi Anitlar ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu, 2002. Yapi Kredi yayinlari ; 1718. LOCATION = CLASS Reserves. DF221.T8 T765 2002. 160. Wandering Greeks : the ancient Greek diaspora from the age of Homer to the death of Alexander the Great / Robert Garland. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF222.2 .G37 2014. 161. Leonidas : histoire et memoire d'un sacrifice / Jacqueline Christien, Yohann Le Tallec. Paris : Ellipses, c2013. Collection "Biographies et mythes historiques." LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF225.5 .C47 2013. 162. Pylos and Sphacteria 425 BC : Sparta's island of disaster / William Shepherd ; illustrated by Peter Dennis. 201309. Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2013. Campaign ; 261. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF229.47 .S547 2013. 163. Cleon : le guerrier d'Athena / Philippe Lafargue. Bordeaux : Ausonius, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF230.C56 L34 2013. 164. Olympias : prinkepissa ton Molosson, Vasilissa ton Makedonon, metera tou Meg. Alexandrou / Petros E. Garouphalias. Athena : [Mousikophilologikos Syllogos Artes "Ho Skouphas"], 1980. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF233.8.O6 G37 1980. 165. Alexander the Great : a very short introduction / Hugh Bowden. United Kindom ; Oxford Univ Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF234 .S76 2014. 166. LOST BOOK OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF234 .Y68 2014. 167. Ho Megalexandros sten Tourkokratia / Charalampos Ath. Menaoglou. Thessalonike : Ekdotikos Oikos Adelphon Kyriakide, [2012]. ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF234.2 M47 2012. 168. The age of the successors and the creation of the Hellenistic kingdoms (323-276 B.C.) / edited by Hans Hauben and Alexander Meeus. Leuven : Peeters, 2014. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF235.4 .A34 2014. 169. The epigraphy and history of Boeotia : new finds, new prospects / edited by Nikolaos Papazarkadas. Leiden, the Netherlands ; Boston : Brill, [2014]. Brill studies in Greek and Roman epigraphy ; 4. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF261.B5 E65 2014. 170. Late Classical and early Hellenistic Corinth : 338-196 B.C. / Michael D. Dixon. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New Yotk, NY : Routledge, 2014. Routledge monographs in classical studies. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF261.C65 D48 2014. 171. Praktika tou 8. Diethnous Synedriou Peloponnesiakon Spoudon : Korinthos 26-28 Septemvriou 2008, aphieroma sten aionia Korintho = Acts of the VIII International Congress of Peloponnesian Studies : Corinth, 26-28 September 2008, dispute to the eternal Corinth. Athenai : Hetaireia Peloponnesiakon Spoudon, 2010. Peloponnesiaka. Parartema ; 29. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.C65 I57 2008. 172. Archaiologiko ergo Kretes 2 : praktika tes 2es synanteses, Rethymno, 26-28 Noemvriou 2010 / epistemonike epimeleia: Michales Andrianakes, Petroula Varthalitou, Iris Tzachile. Rethymno : Ekdoseis Philosophikes Scholes Panepistemiou Kretes, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.C8 A73 2012. 173. Creta romana / Ioannes E. Tzamtzes. Chania Kretes : Institouto Kretikou Dikaiou, [2013]. Talos ; t. 21 (2013). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.C8 T93 2013. 174. Dodone / Georgios Papadopoulos, Georgios Lolos, Konstantinos Pappas. Ioannina : Ekdoseis Ephyra, 2009. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.D6 P37 2009. 175. Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos : die Wohneinheit 6 : Baubefund, Ausstattung, Funde / herausgegeben von Hilke Thur, Elisabeth Rathmayr ; mit Beitragen von I. Adenstedt ... [and others] ; Koordination: Elisabeth Rathmayr ; Redaktion: Ernst Kanitz, Elisabeth Rathmayr. Wien : Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2014. Forschungen in Ephesos ; VIII/9. Forschungen in Ephesos, veroffentlicht vom Osterreichischen Archaeologischen Institute. Wien, A. Holder, 1906LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DF261.E5 O7 Bd.8 Heft 9. Tafelbd. 176. Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos : die Wohneinheit 6 : Baubefund, Ausstattung, Funde / herausgegeben von Hilke Thur, Elisabeth Rathmayr ; mit Beitragen von I. Adenstedt ... [and others] ; Koordination: Elisabeth Rathmayr ; Redaktion: Ernst Kanitz, Elisabeth Rathmayr. Wien : Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2014. Forschungen in Ephesos ; VIII/9. Forschungen in Ephesos, veroffentlicht vom Osterreichischen Archaeologischen Institute. Wien, A. Holder, 1906LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DF261.E5 O7 Bd.8 Heft 9. Textbd.1. 177. Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos : die Wohneinheit 6 : Baubefund, Ausstattung, Funde / herausgegeben von Hilke Thur, Elisabeth Rathmayr ; mit Beitragen von I. Adenstedt ... [and others] ; Koordination: Elisabeth Rathmayr ; Redaktion: Ernst Kanitz, Elisabeth Rathmayr. Wien : Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2014. Forschungen in Ephesos ; VIII/9. Forschungen in Ephesos, veroffentlicht vom Osterreichischen Archaeologischen Institute. Wien, A. Holder, 1906LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DF261.E5 O7 Bd.8 Heft 9. Textbd.2. 178. Tra mare e continente : l'isola d'Eubea / a cura di Cinzia Bearzot, Franca Landucci. Milano : Vita e Pensiero, [2013]. Storia. Ricerche. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF261.E9 T73 2013. 179. Kavousi IIB : the late Minoan IIIC settlement at Vronda : the buildings on the periphery / by Leslie Preston Day and Kevin T. Glowacki ; contributions by Heidi Dierckx, M.E. Evans, Kimberly Flint-Hamilton, Geraldine C. Gesell, David S. Reese, and Lynn M. Snyder ; edited by Geraldine C. Gesell and Leslie Preston Day. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : INSTAP Academic Press, 2012. Prehistory monographs ; 39. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF261.K4 D395 2012. 180. Lemnos : cultura, storia, archeologia, topografia di un'isola del nord-Egeo / Laura Ficuciello. Atene : Scuola archeologica italiana di Atene, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DF261.L56 F53 2013. 181. Pelina anathemata apo ten Pylo : anaskaphe Voidokoilias / Eirene Peppa Papaioannou. Athena : Hetaireia Peloponnesiakon Spoudon, 2012. Epistemonike vivliotheke (Hetaireia Peloponnesiakon Spoudon (Athens, Greece)) ; 14. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.P94 P46 2012. 182. Lakedaimon : "... he tote pote ousa hyph' helio nesos hiera ..." (Platonos Kritias 115B) / Theodoros G. Spyropoulos. Athena : Institouto tou Vivliou - A. Kardamitsa, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.S8 S697 2013. v.1. 183. Lakedaimon : "... he tote pote ousa hyph' helio nesos hiera ..." (Platonos Kritias 115B) / Theodoros G. Spyropoulos. Athena : Institouto tou Vivliou - A. Kardamitsa, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.S8 S697 2013. v.2. 184. Lakedaimon : "... he tote pote ousa hyph' helio nesos hiera ..." (Platonos Kritias 115B) / Theodoros G. Spyropoulos. Athena : Institouto tou Vivliou - A. Kardamitsa, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.S8 S697 2013. v.3. 185. Proistorika tes Nesou Tenou = Tenos in the prehistoric era / Chares Koutelakes, dr archaiologias-historikos. Athena : [publisher not identified], 2012. Athena : Copy Express, [2012]. Tenos archaia kai Christianike. Proistoria ; 3. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF261.T64 K68 2012. 186. Die eisenzeitlichen Grabhugel von Vergina : die Ausgrabungen von Photis Petsas 1960-1961 / Andrea Brauning, Imma Kilian-Dirlmeier ; RomischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut fur Archaologie. Mainz : Verlag des Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2013. Monographien (Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. Forschungsinstitut fur Vor- und Fruhgeschichte) ; Bd. 119. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DF261.V28 B734 2013. 187. Attische Grabbezirke klassischer Zeit / Jan Breder. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DF275 .B744 2013. 188. Regards sur la democratie athenienne / Claude Mosse. Paris : Perrin, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF277 .M715 2013. 189. The Byzantine court : source of power and culture ; papers from the Second International Sevgi Gonul Byzantine Studies Symposium, Istanbul 21 23 June 2010 / edited by Ayla Odelam, Nevra Necipoglu, Engin Akyurek. Istanbul : Koc University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF521 .U587 2010. 190. He koinonike exelixe ste diarkeia ton legomenon "skoteinon aionon" (602-867) / Telemachos K. Lounges. Athena : Herodotos, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF531 .L683 2013. 191. Agoge kai morphose ton paidion kai ton ephevon sto proimo Vyzantio : archaies hellenikes kai synchrones didaktikes kai paidagogikes antilepseis sta erga ton Pateron tes Ekklesias / Anastasia D. Vakaloude. Thessalonike : Ekdotikos Oikos Ant. Stamoule, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF531 .V35 2013. 192. La figure du mage a Byzance de Jean Damascene a Michel Psellos (VIIIe-fin XIe siecles) / Stephanie Vlavianos. Paris : Centre d'etudes byzantines, neo-helleniques et sud-est europeennes, Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales, 2013. Dossiers byzantins ; 13. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF531 .V53 2013. 193. He anatrope ton tyrannon en te Anatolike Romaike Autokratoria kai to Islam : to platonikon hypovathron / Kyriakos Th. Nikolaou-Patragas ; prologos Ioannes Th. Mazes. Athena : Herodotos, 2013. Islamica, Arabica et Turcica ; 13. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF547.I74 N56 2013. 194. Mesaionike Peloponnesos : Vyzantio, latinokratia, proime tourkokratia / Panagiotes A. Giannopoulos, Alexios G.K. Savvides. Athena : Herodotos, 2013. Vyzantine historia kai politismos. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF552 .G54 2013. 195. A short history of the Byzantine Empire / Dionysios Stathakopoulos. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris, 2014. I.B.Tauris short histories. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF552 .S73 2014. 196. Historia / Michaelis Attaliatae ; recensuit Eudoxos Th. Tsolakis. Athenis : Academia Atheniensis Institutum Litterarum Graecarum et Latinarum Studiis Destinatum, 2011. Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; v. 50. Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae. Series Atheniensis. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF591 .A88 2011. 197. He Katalano-Aragonike kyriarchia ston helleniko choro. Athena : Instituto Cervantes Atenas, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF624 .K38 2012. 198. Toponymika tes Attikes : oikismoi, mnemeia, toponymia / Nikos Nezes. Athena : Hellenike Homospondia Oreivasias Anarricheses : Ekdoseis Anavase, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF715 .N49 2013. 199. Eleutheros skopeutes : anamochleuontas to chthes scholiazontas to semera / Michales A. Tiverios ; epimeleia Vive Saripanide. [Athens, Greece] : Ekdoseis Gutenberg : Kaireios Vivliotheke, c2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF741 .T58 2011. 200. Proepanastatike Hellada kai Osmaniko kratos : apo to cheirographo tou Souleuman Penach ephente tou Moraite, 1785 / Neokles Sarres. Athena : Herodotos, 1993. Historia (Herodotos (Firm)). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF801 .S24 1993. 201. Europe in modern Greek history / edited by Kevin Featherstone. London : Hurst & Company, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF802 .E976 2014. 202. "Poios eptaisen"? : emphylios 1941-1944 / Nikos Xanthopoulos, philologos. Thessalonike : Ekdotikos Oikos Adelphon Kyriakide, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF849.52 .X36 2013. 203. Via kata ekprosopon tou laou : 50 chronia apo te dolophonia tou Gregore Lamprake / epimeleia ekdoses Anna Karapanou Tmema Ekdoseon, Hidryma tes Voules ; kallitechnike epimeleia Thymios Presvytes, Thodores Anagnostopoulos. Athena : Hidryma tes Voules ton Hellenon gia ton Koinovouleutismo kai te Demokratia, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF851.L36 V53 2013. 204. Populism and crisis politics in Greece / Takis S. Pappas. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. Palgrave pivot. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF854 .P417 2014. 205. L'Asklepieion di Kos : archeologia del culto / Elisabetta Interdonato. [Roma] : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DF901.C76 I58 2013. 206. Ioakeim Kyprios' "Struggle" : a narrative poem on the "Cretan War" of 1645-1669 : editio princeps / Tassos A. Kaplanis. Nicosia : Cyprus Research Centre, 2012. Texts and studies of the history of Cyprus ; 67. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF901.C83 I63 2012. 207. Praktika tou Lakonikou Pneumatikou Symposiou 2008 : Gytheion 17-19 Oktovriou 2008. Athenai : Hetaireia Peloponnesiakon Spoudon, 2013. Peloponnesiaka. Parartema ; 30. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF901.L28 L34 2008. 208. Hodegos ton mouseion tes Makedonias / ereuna, Vlases Vlasides, Stelios Chatzeioannou ; keimena, Vlases Vlasides. Athena : Leadercom Ekdoseis AE, [2002]. ©2002. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF901.M3 V53 2002. 209. Ho kodikas Vaticanus Graecus 2639 : Naxiaka notariaka engrapha tou doukatou tou Aigaiou kai tes tourkokratias (1472-1598 kai 1702-1798) / Demetra P. Karampoula - Georgios E. Rodolakes. Athena : Akademia Athenon, 2012-2013. Epeteris tou Kentrou Ereunes tes Historias tou Hellenikou Dikaiou ; tomos 44. Epeteris tou Kentrou Ereunes tes Historias tou Hellenikou Dikaiou. Parartema ; 12. 1790-1006. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF901.N3 K37 2013. 210. Metamorphose Kavalas : he historia tes Enorias ste dekaetia 1955-1965 : symvole sten historia tes poles tes Kavalas / p. Konstantinos Chalvatzakes. Thessalonike : Ekdotikos Oikos Adelphon Kyriakide, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DF951.K35 C43 2013. 211. Eikones tes palaias Thessalonikes / Nikolaos Chormpos, Ath. E. Karathanases. Thessalonike : Ekdotikos Oikos Adelphon Kyriakide, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g DF951.T45 C478 2013. 212. Rediscovering the ancient world on the Bay of Naples, 1710-1890 / edited by Carol C. Mattusch. Washington : National Gallery of Art, [2013]. New Haven : Yale University Press. Studies in the history of art (Washington, D.C.) ; 79. Studies in the history of art (Washington, D.C.). Symposium papers ; 56. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG55.C3 R43 2013. 213. Incontri tirrenici : le relazioni fra Etruschi, Sardi e Fenici in Sardegna (630480 a. C.) / Stefano Santocchini Gerg. Bologna : Bononia University Press, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG55.S2 S24 2014. 214. Bis ans Ende der bewohnten Welt : die romische Grenz- und Expansionspolitik in der augusteischen Zeit / Felix Bartenstein. Munchen : Herbert Utz Verlag, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG59.A2 B37 2014. 215. 312 D.C. un ponte tra antichita e Medioevo : la Roma di Massenzio e Costantino. Roma : Palombi & Partner, [2012]. ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG62 .A178 2012. 216. Scritti in onore di Lucos Cozza / a cura di Robert Coates-Stephens e Lavinia Cozza. Roma : Edizioni Quasar, 2014. Lexicon topographicum Urbis Romae. Supplementum ; 7. LOCATION = CLASS Ref Ovrsz. DG63 .L49 1993 Suppl.7. 217. Collis : il Quirinale et il Viminale nell'antichita / Filippo Coarelli. Roma : Edizioni Quasar, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG66 .C63 2014. 218. Forum Romanum : Zeitreise durch 3000 Jahre Geschichte / Herausgeber: Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, Bernd Kuster ; Autoren: Klaus Stefan Freyberger, Patric-Alexander Kreuz, Cornelia Kurz, Rainer Werthmann, Nathalie Schmitt, Philipp Baas, Sebastian Dohe, Martin Menz, Rudiger Splitter. Kassel : MHK, Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel ; Petersberg : Imhof, 2014. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG66.5 .F678 2014. 219. Cales : un'area archeologica da riscoprire / Concetta Bonacci. Roma : Vertigo, novembre 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.C15 B66 2013. 220. Memorie dal passato di Iulia Concordia : un percorso attraverso le forme del riuso e del reimpiego dell'antico / Elena Petteno, Federica Rinaldi ; con la collaborazione di Raffaella Bortolin e Yuri A. Marano. Portogruaro (Venezia) : Fondazione Antonio Colluto, 2011. Collana "L'Album" ; 18. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG70.C5745 P48 2011. 221. Civita Castellana e il suo territorio : ricognizioni archeologiche e archivistiche / a cura di Maria Anna De Lucia Brolli, Maria Cristina Biella, Lucia Suaria. Roma : Officina Edizioni, [2012]. ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.F34 C58 2012. 222. L'area archeologica di Fiesole : conservazione della memoria e innovazioni per la fruizione / a cura di Roberto Sabelli ; testi di Daria Ballerini [and twelve others]. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG70.F54 A75 2014. 223. Fiesole : Museo civico archeologico : un secolo di bellezza / a cura di Marco De Marco ; testi di Mario Cantini, Giuseppina Carlotta Cianferoni, Marco De Marco, Carlo Salvianti. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG70.F54 F54 2013. 224. Finziade I : scavi sul Monte Sant'Angelo di Licata (2003-2005) / a cura di Gioacchino Francesco La Torre, Fabrizio Mollo. Roma : Giorgio Bretschneider editore, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG70.L52 F559 2013. 225. L'archeologia con gli occhi di Silvia : atti della giornata di studi per ricordare Valeria Silvia Mellace, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, 7 marzo 2009, Roma / a cura di Anna Gallone, Sabrina Zottis. Catania : Prampolini, 2010. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.M45 A73 2010. 226. L'Antiquarium archeologico di Milazzo : guida all'esposizione / Gabriella Tigano ; con il contributo di Laura Bonfiglio, Gabriella Mangano, Piero Coppolino. Palermo : Regione siciliana, Assessorato dei beni culturali e dell'identita siciliana, Dipartimento dei beni culturali e dell'identita siciliana ; Messina : Sicania, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.M57 T54 2011. 227. Il Museo archeologico di Morgantina : catalogo / a cura di Carmela Bonanno. Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG70.M66 M87 2013. 228. Gli etruschi e il Serchio : l'insediamento della Murella a Castelnuovo di Garfagnana / [di] Giulio Ciampoltrini [and others]. [Firenze] : I segni dell'Auser, [2012]. Segni dell'Auser. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG70.M84 E88 2012. 229. Pompei : la monumentale dimora degli Epidii (IX, 1, 20) / Alessandro Gallo. Napoli : Arte tipografica editrice, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.P7 G2534 2013. 230. Tra Rhegion e Lokroi Epizephyrioi : un quindicennio di ricerche topograficoarcheologiche tra Palizzi e Capo Bruzzano : atti del seminario di studi (Bova Marina, 24 settembre 2011) / a cura di Giuseppe Cordiano. Pisa : Edizioni ETS, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.R43 T73 2014. 231. Sibari : archeologia, storia, metafora / a cura di Giorgio Delia e Tullio Masneri. Castrovillari : Edizioni Il coscile, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG70.S52 S53 2013. 232. Terre di confine : una necropoli dell'eta del ferro a Urago d'Oglio / a cura di Filli Rossi, Serena Solano. Milano : ET, 2012. Archeologia preventiva e valorizzazione delterritorio ; 1. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG70.U66 T47 2012. 233. Ancient Rome : an anthology of sources / edited and translated, with an introduction, by Christopher Francese and R. Scott Smith. Indianapolis : Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG77 .A585 2014. 234. Roma e la romanizzazione : i fondamenti della civilta romana / Aldo Lo Schiavo. Napoli : Bibliopolis, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG77 .L62 2013. 235. Production and prosperity in the Theodosian period / edited by Ine Jacobs. Leuven, Belgium ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG77 .P76 2014. 236. La vittoria "di Kassel" e l"Augusteum" di Forum Sempronii : un ritorno nel bimillenario di Augusto / Mario Luni e Oscar Mei ; con schede e contriguit di L. Cariddi [and twelve others]. Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, [2014]. ©2014. Studia archaeologica ("Erma" di Bretschneider) ; 197. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG78 .V58 2014. 237. Politiche monetarie e fraus monetae nella legislazione del tardo impero / Andrea Filocamo. Napoli : Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2013. Pubblicazioni dell'Universita degli studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Dipartimento di giurisprudenza ed economia ; 15. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG85 .F55 2013. 238. Rom - die antike Seerepublik : Untersuchungen zur Thalassokratie der res publica populi romani von den Anfangen bis zur Begrundung des Principat / Marco Ladewig. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, [2014]. Alte Geschichte (Stuttgart, Germany). Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beitrage ; Bd. 48. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG89 .L32 2014. 239. A Roman army reader : twenty-one selections from literary, epigraphic, and other documents / Dexter Hoyos. Mundelein, Illinois USA : Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc., 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG89 .R644 2013. 240. Warfare in the Roman Republic : from the Etruscan Wars to the Battle of Actium / Lee L. Brice, editor. Santa Barbara, California : ABC-CLIO, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG89 .W38 2014. 241. Funus hispaniense : espacios, usos y costumbres funerarias en la Hispania Romana / Alberto Sevilla Conde. Oxford : Archaeopress, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DG103 .S495 2014. 242. Identites et dynamiques provinciales du IIe siecle avant notre ere a l'epoque julio-claudienne / sous la direction de Sabine Lefebvre. Dijon : Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2013. Societes (Dijon, France). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG211 .I34 2013. 243. Embassies, negotiations, gifts : systems of East Roman diplomacy in Late Antiquity / Ekaterina Nechaeva. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, [2014]. ©2014. Alte Geschichte (Stuttgart, Germany). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG214.5 .N434 2014. 244. Seduzione etrusca : dai segreti di Holkham Hall alle meraviglie del British Museum / a cura di Paolo Bruschetti ... [et al.]. Milano : Skira, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG223 .S385 2014. 245. Ancient Rome : a new history, with 200 illustrations, 149 in color / David Potter. New York : Thames & Hudson Australia, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG233 .P68 2014. 246. The Cambridge companion to the Roman Republic / edited by Harriet I. Flower, Princeton University. New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014. Cambridge companions to the ancient world. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG235 .C36 2014. 247. Vae victis! : il problema della sconfitta militare a Roma durante lo scontro con Annibale / Francesca Cavaggioni. Bologna : Patron Editore, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG247 .C28 2013. 248. Catiline : monster of rome : an ancient case of political assassination / Francis Galassi. Yardley, Pennsylvania : Westholme Publishing, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG259 .G35 2014. 249. Octavia contra Cleopatra : el papel de la mujer en la propaganda politica del Triunvirato, 44-30 a. C / Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vivas. Madrid : Liceus, 2013. Estudios. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG260.O28 G37 2013. 250. Pompee : l'anti-Cesar / Eric Teyssier. [Paris] : Perrin, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG260.P6 T498 2013. 251. Die romische Kaiserzeit : die Legionen und das Imperium / Armin Eich. Munchen : Beck, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG270 .E534 2014. 252. Naissance, vie et mort de l'Empire romain : de la fin du Ier siecle avant notre ere jusqu'au Ve siecle de notre ere / Yann Le Bohec. Paris : Picard, c2012. Antiquite/Syntheses ; 15. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG270 .L5 2012. 253. Ancient Rome : the Empire, 30BC-AD476 / Patricia Southern. Stroud, Gloucestershire : Amberley, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG270 .S66 2011. 254. Aspects of Roman history, 31 BC-AD 117 / Richard Alston. London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG276 .A44 2014. 255. AD 69 : emperors, armies & anarchy / Nic Fields. Barnsley : Pen & Sword Military, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG278.3 .F545 2014. 256. La traduction grecque des Res gestae diui Augusti : les temples d'Honneur et Vertu ; aspects formulaires de la religion romaine ; abstractions grecques et romaines ; histoire et philosophie ; les enjeux de droit romain dans les Res gestae diui Augusti / Claude Badami. [Paris] : Connaissances et savoirs, [2013]. Lettres et langues. Litterature. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG279 .B27 2013. 257. Kaiser Augustus : Neugestalter Roms / Angela Pabst. Stuttgart : Reclam, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG279 .P32 2014. 258. Imperator Caesar Didius Iulianus Augustus : seine Regentschaft und die Usurpationen der Provinzstatthalter (193 n. Chr.) / Steve Pasek. Munchen : AVM, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG298.7.D55 P384 2013. 259. Il potere e i suoi inganni : nuovi modelli di comportamento nella tarda antichita / Claudia Giuffrida Manmana. [Acireale] : Bonanno editore, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG312 .M36 2013. 260. Diocleziano / Umberto Roberto. Roma : Salerno editrice, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG313 .R63 2014. 261. Costantino e le sfide del cristianesimo : tracce per una difficile ricerca / Stanislaw Adamiak e Sergio Tanzarella (edd.). Trapani : Il pozzo di Giacobbe, [2013]. Christianoi. Sezione antica. Sezione antica ; 17. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG315 .C6675 2013. 262. Les fils de Constantin : Constantin II, 337-340, Constance II, 337-361, Constant, 337-350 / Pierre Maraval. Paris : CNRS, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG316 .M37 2013. 263. Flavio Claudio Juliano, un emperador intelectual : tres estudios / Santiago Montero Diaz. Salamanca : Signifer, 2012. Mikra ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG317 .M66 2012. 264. Kaiser Julians Gottesverehrung im Kontext der Spatantike / Sara Stocklin-Kaldewey. Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2014]. ©2014. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum ; 86. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG317 .S76 2014. 265. Theodahad : a Platonic king at the collapse of Ostrogothic Italy / Massimiliano Vitiello. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG508.5 .V574 2014. 266. The archaeology of south-east Italy in the first millenium BC : Greek and native societies of Apulia and Lucania between the 10th and the 1st century BC / Douwe Yntema. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, [2013]. Amsterdam archaeological studies ; 20. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG825 .Y59 2013. 267. Formia : Museo archeologico nazionale e monumenti / Nicoletta Cassieri. Roma : Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 2013. Itinerari dei musei, gallerie, scavi e monumenti d'Italia ; nuova ser., 76. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG975.F7633 C388 2013. 268. Prima del castello : ricerche archeologiche nel Castello aragonese di Taranto, 2007- 2011 / Federico Giletti. Taranto : Scorpione, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG975.T25 G55 2012. 269. L'arena di Verona / Margherita Bolla. Caselle di Sommacampagna : Cierre, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DG975.V495 B65 2012. 270. Calagurris iulia / Urbano Espinosa. Logrono : Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y A.T. de La Rioja y Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Calahorra, 1984. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DP402.C3 E86 1984. 271. Am Sudtor von Vindonissa : die Steinbauten der Grabung WindischSpillmannwiese 2003-2006 (V.003.1) im Suden des Legionslagers / Jurgen Trumm, Matthias Fluck ; mit Beitragen von Orni Akeret ... [et al.]. Brugg : Kantonsarchaologie Aargau, c2013. Veroffentlichungen der Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa ; 22. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DQ851.W62 T78 2013. 272. Everyday life in ancient Greece : a social history of Greek civilization and culture, shown in 250 magnificent photographs, sculptures and paintings / Nigel Rodgers. Wigston [England] : Southwater, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DR77 .R56 2012. 273. The Asia Minor catastrophe and the Ottoman Greek genocide : essays on Asia Minor, Pontos, and Eastern Thrace, 1912-1923 / edited by George N. Shirinian. Bloomingdale, Ill. : Asia Minor and Pontos Hellenic Research Center, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DR435.G8 A85 2012. 274. Glykythymia hellenoprepes / Ioanne N. Papanearchou. Leukomia : Athlothesia Hieras Metropoleos Kyreneias, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS54.5 .P366 2012. 275. Historia tes nesou Kyprou : apo ten arche heos semera / Antros Paulides. Leukosia : Ekdoseis Elia Epiphaniou, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS54.5 .P377 2013. 276. Actes de Famagouste du notaire genois Lamberto di Sambuceto (decembre 1299-septembre 1300) / publies par Michel Balard, William Duba, Chris Schabel. Nicosie : Centre de Recherche Scientifique, 2012. Texts and studies of the history of Cyprus ; 70. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS54.6 .A38 2012. 277. Ho agonas tes EOKA 1955-1959 ston Kypriako typo / Andreas Kl. Sophokleous. Leukosia : Hidryma Apeleutherotikou Agona EOKA 1955-1959, 2012LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g DS54.86 .S67 2012. v.1. 278. The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of the Levant : c. 8000-332 BCE / edited by Margreet L. Steiner and Ann E. Killebrew. Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2014. Oxford handbooks. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS56 .O925 2014. 279. Ancient Syria : a three thousand year history / Trevor Bryce. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS96.2 .B79 2014. 280. Les divinites d'Europos-Doura : personnalite et identite : (301 av. N.E.-256 de N.E. / Marie-Emmanuelle Duchateau ; preface de Pierre Leriche. Paris : Geuthner, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS99.D8 D867 2013. 281. Die Wandmalereien aus Tall Misrife/Qatna im Kontext uberregionaler Kommunikation / Constance von Ruden ; mit Beitragen von Ann Brysbaert und Ilka Weisser. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2011. Qatna Studien ; Bd. 2. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS99.M5 R944 2011. 282. The Byzantine-Islamic transition in Palestine : an archaeological approach / Gideon Avni. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS111 .A96 2014. 283. Josephus, the emperors, and the city of Rome : from hostage to historian / by William den Hollander. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS115.9.J6 H65 2014. 284. From Jerusalem priest to Roman Jew : on Josephus and the paradigms of ancient Judaism / Michael Tuval. Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2013]. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2. Reihe ; 357. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS115.9.J6 T88 2013. 285. The ancient Jews from Alexander to Muhammad / Seth Schwartz. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, [2014]. Key themes in ancient history. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS117 .S48396 2014. 286. Studien zum mittelalterlichen Judentum im byzantinischen Kulturraum : Suditalien und Sizilien, Konstantinopel und Kreta : Vortrage an der Universitat Trier, 4. Juni und 6. November 2012 mit dem Jahresbericht des Arye Maimon-Instituts 2012/13 / Vera von Falkenhausen und David Jacoby. Trier : Kliomedia, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g DS135 .E81 F355 2013. 287. 4th century Karia : defining a Karian identity under the Hekatomnids / edited by Olivier Henry. [Istanbul] : Institut francais d'etudes anatoliennes Georges Dumezil ; Paris : De Boccard, 2013. Varia Anatolica ; 28. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS156.C33 A15 2013. 288. Gordion awakened : conserving a Phrygian landscape / editing by Meredith Keller and Frank G. Matero = Canlanan Gordion : Frig peyza jının korunmas ı. Philadelphia, PA : Architectural Conservation Laboratory, [2011]. ©2011. Architectural Conservation Laboratory monograph series ; v. 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS156.G6 G67 2011. 289. Der Lykische Weg - der Antike auf der Spur : ein archaologischhistorischer Fuhrer zu den Ruinenstatten entlang des lykischen Weges / Melanie Heinle. Wien : Phoibos, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS156.L8 H45 2014. 290. Etudes pontiques : histoire, historiographie et sites archeologiques du bassin de la mer Noire / volume edite par Pascal Burgunder. Lausanne : Universite de Lausanne (UNIL), [2012]. Etudes de lettres ; 2012, 1-2 = no. 290. 0014-2026. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS156.P8 E88 2012. 291. Excavations at Zeugma : conducted by Oxford Archaeology / edited by William Aylward. Los Altos, California : The Packard Humanities Institute, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS156.Z48 E93 2013. v.1. 292. Excavations at Zeugma : conducted by Oxford Archaeology / edited by William Aylward. Los Altos, California : The Packard Humanities Institute, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS156.Z48 E93 2013. v.2. 293. Excavations at Zeugma : conducted by Oxford Archaeology / edited by William Aylward. Los Altos, California : The Packard Humanities Institute, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DS156.Z48 E93 2013. v.3. 294. Excavating an empire : Achaemenid Persia in longue duree / edited by Touraj Daryaee, Ali Mousavi and Khodadad Rezakhani. 1312. Costa Mesa, California : Mazda Publishers, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DS281 .E82 2014. 295. Le quatrieme livre des entretiens et epitres de Shenouti / publie par m. Emile Chassinat. [Le Caire : Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale, 1911]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT57 .F72 t.23. 296. The Alexandrian tradition : interactions between science, religion, and literature / Luis Arturo Guichard, Juan Luis Garcia Alonso & Maria Paz de Hoz (eds.). 1405. Bern: Peter Lang, 2014. IRIS, Forschungen zur europaischen Kultur ; Bd. 28. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT73.A4 A128 2014. 297. British Museum expedition to Middle Egypt : a Temple of Domitian at El-Ashmunein / S.R. Snape. London : British Museum, 1989. Occasional paper (British Museum) ; no. 68. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT73.A85 S6 1989. 298. Qasr Ibrim : the textiles from the cathedral cemetery / by Elizabeth Grace Crowfoot ; with contributions by Donald King and Michael Ryder. London : Egypt Exploration Society, 2011. Excavation memoir ; 96th. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT73.I27 C769 2011. 299. Kom Firin II : the urban fabric and landscape / by Neal Spencer ; with contributions by Judith Bunbury... (and 4 others). London : British Museum, [2014]. ©2014. Research publication (British Museum) ; 192. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT73.K64 S77 2014. 300. Army and society in Ptolemaic Egypt / Christelle Fischer-Bovet. Cambridge, England : Cambridge University Press, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. DT92 .F58 2014. 301. Tamuda : cronosecuencia de la ciudad mauritana y del castellum romano : resultados arqueologicos del Plan de investigacion del PET, 20082010 / Dario Bernal ... [et al.] (editores cientificos) ; con la participacion de M.A. Anqouda ... [et al.]. Cadiz : Universidad de Cadiz, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. DT329.T15 T36 2013. 302. Theodore C. Blegen, a memoir / by John T. Flanagan. Northfield, Minn. : Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1977. Authors series (Norwegian-American Historical Association) ; v. 4. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. E175.5.B57 F56 1977. 303. The Geography of Strabo / translated by Duane W. Roller. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. G87 .S9 2014. 304. Catalhoyuk excavations : the 2000-2008 seasons / edited by Ian Holder. London : British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara ; Los Angeles CA : Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, [2014]. Catalhoyuk Project (Series) ; v. 7. Monograph (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara) ; no. 46. Monumenta archaeologica (Los Angeles, Calif.) ; 29. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. GN776.32.T9 C38 2014. 305. Georgia kai ktenotrophia sto proistoriko Aigaio : hoi scheseis anaktorou kai idioton ston protogene tomea tes oikonomias hopos parousiazontai sta keimena ton proistorikon graphon tou Aigaiou / Angelos Tsagrakes. Athena : Institouto tou Vivliou - A. Kardamitsa, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g GN799.A4 T763 2013. 306. Petralona : hena spelaio, mia pro...istoria / Georgios Kouphos, kathegetes, Euangelia Tsoukala, epikoure kathegetria = Petralona Cave / George Koufos, professor, Evangelia Tsoukala, assistant professor. [Thessalonike] : Aristoteleio Panepistemio Thessalonikes, 2007. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g GN816.P48 K68 2007. 307. La fata dai piedi di mula : licantropi, streghe e vampiri nell'Oriente greco / Tommaso Braccini ; introduzione di Maurizio Bettini. Milano : Encyclomedia, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. GR81 .B73 2012. 308. The cemetery of Noviomagus and the wealthy burials of the municipal elite / by Annelies Koster ; with contributions by Vera Bakker ... [et al.]. Nijmegen : Museum Het Valkhof 2013. Description of the Archaeological Collections in Museum Het Valkhof at Nijmegen; 14. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. GT3254.N55 K57 2013. 309. Die lange Leitung der Romer : der Romerkanal-Wanderweg NettersheimKoln / Klaus Grewe, Manfred Knauff ; Eifelverein. Duren : Eifelverein, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. GV199.44.G32 N48 2012. 310. The large estates of Byzantine Egypt. New York, AMS Press [1968]. Columbia studies in the social sciences ; 354. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g HD130 .H3 1968. 311. Strassen von der Fruhgeschichte bis in die Moderne : VerkehrswegeKulturtrager- Lebensraum : Akten des Interdisziplinaren Kolloquiums Koln Februar 2011 / herausgegeben fur ZAKMIRA von Thomas Fischer und Heinz Gunter Horn. Wiesbaden : Reichert, 2013. Schriften des Lehr- und Forschungszentrums fur die Antiken Kulturen des Mittelmeerraumes--Centre for Mediterranean Cultures (ZAKMIRA) ; Bd. 10. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HE341 .S77 2013. 312. Local economies? : production and exchange of inland regions in late antiquity / edited by Luke Lavan. Leiden : Brill, 2013. Late antique archaeology ; v. 10. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HF377 .L63 2013. 313. Kaliarnta : erasitechnike glossologike ereuna / tou Elia Petropoulou. Athenai : Nephele, 1980. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g HG9 .P48 1980. 314. Il foro proibito : luoghi di ospitalita e di erotismo nel Foro romano / Maria Elisa Garcia Barraco. In appendice, G. Lugli, Caupona sive lupanar. Roma : Arbor sapientiae, [2012]. Antichita romane (Rome, Italy) ; 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HQ113 .G37 2012. 315. Immigrant women in Athens : gender, ethnicity, and citizenship in the classical city / Rebecca Futo Kennedy. New York, NY : Routledge, 2014. Routledge studies in ancient history ; 6. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HQ1134 .K46 2014. 316. Les femmes et le sexe dans la Rome antique / Virginie Girod. Paris : Tallandier, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HQ1136 .G58 2013. 317. Hoi Vyzantines poleis (8os-15os aionas) : prooptikes tes ereunas kai nees prosengiseis / epimeleia: Tonia Kiousopoulou. Rethymno : Ekdoseis Philosophikes Scholes Panepistemiou Kretes, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g HT115 .V99 2012. 318. The fabric of cities : aspects of urbanism, urban topography and society in Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome / edited by Natalie N. May and Ulrike Steinert. Boston : Leiden, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. HT147.M53 F33 2013. 319. He eupoiia sten Andro, 19os-20os aionas / Helene Beneke. Athena : Hetaireia Andrion Epistemonon, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g HV375.5.Z9 A533 2012. 320. 17N's philosophy of terror : an analysis of the 17 November revolutionary organization / Ioanna K. Lekea. Santa Barbara, California : Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, [2014]. ©2014. PSI guides to terrorists, insurgents, and armed groups. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g HV6433.G722 E635 2014. 321. La educacion politica en la antiguedad clasica : el enfoque sapiencial de Plutarco / Ricardo Rovira Reich. Madrid : Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos : Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, 2012. Biblioteca de autores cristianos ; 708. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. JA86 .R69 2012. 322. Der romische Senat im 3. und 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr : Entscheidung, Konflikt und Konsens : zum Verhaltnis von Senat und Senator / von Anne Kuhnert. Jena : Leander Wissenschaft, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. JC85.S4 K83 2013. 323. Gesetzgebung und politische Kultur in der romischen Republik / herausgegeben von Uwe Walter. Heidelberg : Verlag Antike, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA147 .G48 2012. 324. Psephides historias dikaiou apoteres kai neoteres / Spyros N. Troianos. Athena : Herodotos, c2013. Idees kai ereuna. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g KJA1350 .T76 2013. 325. Le statut de l'esclave et sa capacite a agir dans le domaine contractuel : etude de droit romain de l'epoque classique / Samuel Pahud. Geneve : Schulthess, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA2198 .P35 2013. 326. Les droits de la femme au Bas-Empire romain, le Code Theodosien : textes, traductions et commentaires / Patrick Laurence. Paris : Editions Chemins de tr@verse, [2012]. Collection Traboules. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA2213.5.W65 L38 2012. 327. Ius pontificium cum iure civili coniunctum : das Recht der Arrogation in klassischer Zeit / Anna Margarete Seelentag. Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2014. Ius Romanum ; 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA2254 .S44 2014. 328. Die coniunctio in testamentarischen Verfugungen des klassischen romischen Rechts / Susanne Losch. Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2014. Ius Romanum ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA2404 .L67 2014. 329. Expropriations et confiscations dans les royaumes barbares : une approche regionale / etudes reunies par Pierfrancesco Porena et Yann Riviere. Rome : Ecole Francaise de Rome 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KJA3070 .E97 2012. 330. Law and legal practice in Egypt from Alexander to the Arab conquest : a selection of papyrological sources in translation, with introductions and commentary / edited by James G. Keenan, J.G. Manning, Uri Yiftach-Firanko. Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KL2814.5 .L39 2014. 331. La giustizia dei greci tra riflessione filosofica e prassi giudiziaria / testi di M. Bonazzi, G. Fornari, E. Vimercati, E. Peroli, C. Bearzot, F. Landucci Gattinoni, M. Bertoli, P.A. Tuci ; introduzione di Cinzia Bearzot ed Emmanuele Vimercati. Milano : V&P Vita e pensiero, [2013]. c2013. Pubblicazioni del Centro di ricerche di metafisica. Collana Temi metafisici e problemi del pensiero antico ; 131. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. KL4345 .G58 2013. 332. He poine tou thanatou sten klassike Athena kai sten epoche ton retoron : ho anthropoktonos nomos / Theodoros Papoulakos. Athena : Ekdotikos Organismos Livane, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g KL4395 .P37 2013. 333. Lernen in der Revolte : das griechische Bildungssystem und seine ideologische Bedeutung / Angelika Gravert ; mit einem Vorwort von Frieder Otto Wolf. Hamburg : VSA: Verlag, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g LA782 .G73 2013. 334. He mousike zoe sten hellenoromaike Aigypto mesa apo te martyria ton papyron / Maria Terzidou. Thessalonike : Ekdotikos Oikos Adelphon Kyriakide, c2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g ML164 .T47 2013. 335. He neoellenike politismike physiognomia mesa apo to rolo tes mousikes se anavioseis tou archaiou dramatos : mousikes diadromes hos antanaklaseis tes archaias Helladas ste neotere / Anastasia A. Siopse. ©2012. Athena : Ekdoseis Gutenberg, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g ML254.5 .S56 2012. 336. Hellenika Mousika Organa : anazeteseis se eikastikes kai grammateiakes martyries (2000 p.Ch. - 2000 m.Ch.) / genike euthyne Alexandra Goulaki-Voutira ; keimena ton Maria Alexandrou, Andrew Barker, Marias Voutsa, Gabriela Currie, Alexandras Goulake-Voutyra, Stefan Hagel, Katerinas Kolotourou, Egert Pohlmann, Massimo Raffa, Antonias Roumpe, Tilman Seebass, Elisavet Soteroude. Thessalonike : Tellogleio Hidryma Technon, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g ML522.G74 H45 2012. 337. Approaching the ancient artifact : representation, narrative, and function : a Festschrift in honor of H. Alan Shapiro / edited by Amalia Avramidou and Denise Demetriou. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N72.A56 A67 2014. 338. Using images in late antiquity / edited by Stine Birk, Troels Myrup Kristensen and Birte Poulsen. Oxford : Oxbow Books, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N72.S6 U85 2014. 339. Mouseio Benake : [periodiko]. Athena : Mouseio Benake, 2001LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g N2425 .M68. v.1-2(2001-02). 340. Mouseio Benake : [periodiko]. Athena : Mouseio Benake, 2001LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g N2425 .M68. v.3-4(2003-04). 341. Mouseio Benake : [periodiko]. Athena : Mouseio Benake, 2001LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g N2425 .M68. v.5-6(2005-06). 342. Mouseio Benake : [periodiko]. Athena : Mouseio Benake, 2001LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g N2425 .M68. v.7-8(2007-08). 343. Collezione Egizia del Civico Museo di Storia ed Arte di Trieste / a cura di Franco Crevatin e Marzia Vidulli Torlo ; con testi di Susanna Moser e dei soci della "Casa della Vita". Trieste : Commune di Trieste, Civico Musei di Storia ed Arte, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. N5336.I8 T7 2013. 344. Aphrodite's island : Australian archaeologists in Cyprus : the Cypriot collection of the Nicholson Museum / Craig Barker ; with essays by Judith Powell [et al.]. [Sydney] : Nicholson Museum, ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N5430 .N53 2012. 345. Der neue Overbeck (DNO) : die antiken Schriftquellen zu den bildenden Kunsten der Griechen / herausgegeben von Sascha Kansteiner, Klaus Hallof, Lauri Lehmann... [et al.]. Berlin : De Gruyter, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. N5633 .N484 2014. v.1. 346. Der neue Overbeck (DNO) : die antiken Schriftquellen zu den bildenden Kunsten der Griechen / herausgegeben von Sascha Kansteiner, Klaus Hallof, Lauri Lehmann... [et al.]. Berlin : De Gruyter, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. N5633 .N484 2014. v.2. 347. Der neue Overbeck (DNO) : die antiken Schriftquellen zu den bildenden Kunsten der Griechen / herausgegeben von Sascha Kansteiner, Klaus Hallof, Lauri Lehmann... [et al.]. Berlin : De Gruyter, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. N5633 .N484 2014. v.3. 348. Der neue Overbeck (DNO) : die antiken Schriftquellen zu den bildenden Kunsten der Griechen / herausgegeben von Sascha Kansteiner, Klaus Hallof, Lauri Lehmann... [et al.]. Berlin : De Gruyter, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. N5633 .N484 2014. v.4. 349. Der neue Overbeck (DNO) : die antiken Schriftquellen zu den bildenden Kunsten der Griechen / herausgegeben von Sascha Kansteiner, Klaus Hallof, Lauri Lehmann... [et al.]. Berlin : De Gruyter, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. N5633 .N484 2014. v.5. 350. Les Etrusques et la Mediterranee : La cite de Cerveteri / Francoise Gaultier, Laurent Haumesser, Paola Santoro. Paris : Somogy Editions, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N5750 .E887 2013. 351. Dal mondo pagano a quello cristiano : l'imago clipeata (IV-IX sec.) : mosaici e affreschi nel contesto archeologico-artistico mediterraneo / Letizia Sotira. Roma : Aracne, 2013. Riflessi in Elicona ; 8. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. N7831 .S68 2013. 352. Autokephalophoroi hagioi-martyres kai kephalophoroi hagion-martyron sten orthodoxe techne : mia prote prosengise : didaktorike diatrive hypovletheisa sto tmema Theologias tes Theologikes Scholes tou Panepistemiou Athenon / Alexios Orphanos. Athena : Ekdosis Hieras Metropoleos Megaron kai Salaminos, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g N8187.5 .O76 2013. 353. DPMS "Prostasia mnemeion" : 2e Epistemonike Synantese Apophoiton : "dodeka chronia leitourgias tou programmatos PROSTASIA MNEMEION : symvole sten Prostasia Mnemeion mesa apo to ergo ton apophoiton tou" / epistemonike epimeleia: Helene Maistrou ; epimeleia ekdoses: Photeine Chalvantze. Athena : Ekdoseis Propompos, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA109.G8 E65 2010. 354. Architetture egee : momenti di culture variegate e premesse alla civilta greca / Gianluigi Ciotta. Milano : FrancoAngeli, [2013]. Storia dell'architettura e della citta. Antica, medievale e moderna. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA267 .C56 2013. 355. Peristyl und Polis : Entwicklung und Funktionen offentlicher griechischer Hofanlagen / Burkhard Emme. Berlin ; Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, [2013]. Urban spaces (Walter de Gruyter & Co.) ; Bd. 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA278.P83 E46 2013. 356. "Diazoma" : kinese politon gia ten anadeixe ton archaion theatron / epimeleia ekdoses, Ch. G. Lazos. Athena : Diazoma, [2009]. Archaia theatra 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA278.T5 D53 2009. 357. Archaia theatra tes Makedonias / epistemonike epimeleia: Polyxene Adam-Velene. Athena : Diazoma, 2012. Archaia theatra ; 3. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA279.M28 A73 2012. 358. Archaia theatra tes Stereas Elladas / epistemonike epimeleia: Rozina Kolonia. Athena : Diazoma, 2013. Archaia theatra ; 7. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA279.S74 A73 2013. 359. Archaia theatra ste Thessalia / epistemonike epimeleia: Vasilike Adryme-Sismane. Athena : Diazoma, 2011. Archaia theatra ; 5. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA279.T44 A73 2011. 360. Le terrecotte architettoniche di Selinunte : tetti del VI e V secolo a.C. : Museo civico di Castelvetrano e parco archeologico di Selinunte / Maria Clara Conti. Pisa : Fabrizio Serra editore, 2012. Biblioteca di "Sicilia antiqua" ; 5. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NA3700 .C66 2012. 361. Lucus Feroniae : mosaici e pavimenti marmorei / Fulvia Bianchi, Matthias Bruno. Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, [2014]. Studia archaeologica ("Erma" di Bretschneider) ; 195. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA3770 .B53 2014. 362. La Villa Romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina : guida all'interpretazione degli ornati musivi : mito e realta tra gli ambienti della residenza tardoantica / a cura di Giada Cantamessa ; testi di Giada Cantamessa, Ilaria Cremona. Palermo : Kalos, 2013. Arti (Palermo, Italy) ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA3770 .C25 2013. 363. Desnudo y cultura : la construccion del cuerpo en los mosaicos romanos / Luz Neira (coordinacion y edicion). Madrid : CVG, Creaciones Vincent Gabrielle, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NA3770 .D47 2013. 364. Haleplibahce Mozaikleri Sanliurfa / Edessa / Hasan Karabulut, Mehmet Onal, Nedim Dervisoglu. Galatasaray, Istanbul : Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayinlari, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA3780 .K297 2011. 365. He architektonike tou katholikou tes Mones tes Pantanassas tou Mystra / Stephanos Sinos ; me mia henoteta gia to glypto diakosmo tou naou apo te Georgia Marinou. Athena : Ekdoseis Patake, 2013. Architektonike (Ekdoseis Patake). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NA5593 .S56 2012. 366. Un museo di antichita nella Padova del Cinquecento : la raccolta di Marco Mantova Benavides all'Universita di Padova ... / a cura di Irene Favaretto, Alessandra Menegazzi ; testi di Luisa Attardi [and others]. Roma : G. Bretschneider, 2013. Collezioni e musei archeologici del Veneto ; 47. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NB27.M8 M87 2013. 367. Praxiteles : the Cleveland Apollo / Michael Bennett. [Cleveland, Ohio] : Cleveland Museum of Art ; London : In association with D Giles Limited, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NB102 .B36 2013. 368. La gloria dei vinti : Pergamo, Atene, Roma / [a cura di] Filippo Coarelli. Milano : Electa, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NB115 .G66 2014. 369. Nouvel Esperandieu : recueil general des sculptures sur pierre de la Gaule / sous la direction de Henri Lavagne. Paris : Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 2003-<2010> LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NB118.F8 E7 2003. t.4. 370. Enthettalizesthai : technotropia kai ideologia ton Thessalikon epitymvion anaglyphon tou 5ou kai tou 4ou ai. p.Ch. / Demetres Bosnakes. Volos : Hypourgeio Paideias kai Threskeumaton, Politismou kai Athletismou : Genike Grammateia Politismou : Archaiologiko Institouto Thessalikon Spoudon, 2013. Meletes (Volos, Greece) ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NB133.5.S46 B67 2013. 371. Colore e luce nella statuaria antica in bronzo / a cura di Edilberto Formigli. Roma : L'Erma di Bretschneider, [2013]. ©2013. Automata (Rome, Italy) ; 6. Manuali L'Erma ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NB1230 .C66 2013. 372. La pittura romana nell'Italia settentrionale e nelle regioni limitrofe : atti della XLI Settimana di studi aquileiesi, 6 - 8 maggio 2010 / a cura di Flaviana Oriolo e Monika Verzar. Trieste : Editreg, 2012. Antichita altoadriatiche ; 73. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. ND120 .S488 2010. 373. Les enduits peints en Gaule romaine : approches croisees : actes du 23eme seminaire de l'Association Francaise pour la Peinture Murale Antique, Paris, ENS, 13-14 novembre 2009 / sous la direction de Michel E Fuchs et Florence Monier. Dijon : Revue archeologique de l'est, 2012. Revue archeologique de l'Est. Supplement ; 31. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. ND2575 .S46 2009. 374. Hoi zographoi Kakava : symbole ste metavyzantine entoichia zographike tou notiou helladikou chorou (16os-17os ai. m.Ch.) / Xanthe Proestake. Metamorphose Attikes : Epistemonikes Ekdoseis Parisianou, A.E., [2012]. ©2012. Seira Technes & politismos. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g ND2752 .P76 2012. 375. Hoi toichographies tou Agiou Demetriou (1286) stis Krokees tes Lakonias kai to ergasterio tou anonymou zographou : symvole ste melete tes proimes Palaiologeias zographikes ste Lakonia / Kalliope P. Diamante. Tripole : Hypourgeio Paideias kai Threskeumaton, Politismou kai Athletismou, Archaiologiko Institouto Peloponnesiakon Spoudon, 2012. Seira Monographion kai didaktorikon diatrivon ; ap. 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g ND2753.L35 D53 2012. 376. Die figurlichen Malereien in Thessaloniki vom Ende des 4. bis zum 7. Jahrhundert : neue Untersuchungen zur erhaltenen Malereiausstattung zweier Doppelgraber, der Agora und der Demetrios-Kirche / Pamela Bonnekoh. Oberhausen : Athena, 2013. ©2013. Nea polis ; Band 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g ND2753.T5 B65 2013. 377. Pamiaaatniki vizantiiskogo prikladnogo iskusstva : vizantiiskaiaaa keramika IX-XV vekov : katalog kollektsii / V.N. Zalesskaiaaa. Sankt-Peterburg : Izd-vo Gos. Ermitazha, 2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NK715 .Z35 2011. 378. Ceramics / Marc Lebeau (ed.). Turnhout : Brepols, [2014]. Arcane Interregional (ARCANE-IR 1) ; 1. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK3800 .C475 2014. 379. Understanding standardization and variation in Mediterranean ceramics : mid 2nd to late 1st millennium BC / edited by Antonis Kotsonas. Leuven : Peeters, 2014. Bulletin antieke beschaving. Supplement ; 25. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NK3835 .U62 2014. 380. Pottery markets in the Ancient Greek World : (8th - 1th centuries B.C.) : proceedings of the international symposium held at the Universite libre de Bruxelles, 19-21 June 2008 / edited by Athena Tsingarida and Didier Viviers ; with the contribution of Zosia Archibald ... [et al.]. Bruxelles : CReA-Patrimoine, 2013. Etudes d'archeologie classique de l'ULB ; 7. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK3840 .P685 2013. 381. Pottery, peoples and places : study and interpretation of Late Hellenistic pottery / edited by Pia Guldager Bilde and Mark L. Lawall. Aarhus : Aarhus University Press, 2014. Black Sea studies ; 16. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NK3840 .P69 2014. 382. Die Trierer schwarz engobierte Ware und ihre Imitationen in Noricum und Pannonien / Eszter Harsanyi. [Wien] : Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Archaologie ; Graz : Uni-Press Graz, distr, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK3850 .H31 2013. 383. Spatantike, byzantinische und postbyzantinische Keramik / bearbeitet von Beate Bohlendorf-Arslan ; mit einem Beitrag zur Geschichte der Sammlung von Gabriele Mietke. Wiesbaden : Reichert Verlag, 2013. Spatantike, fruhes Christentum, Byzanz. Reihe A, Grundlagen und Monumente ; Bd. 3. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g NK3873 .S63 2013. 384. La collezione Astarita nel Museo gregoriano etrusco. pt. I, v. 1: Citta del Vaticano : EdizIoni Musei Vatiani, 2012pt. II, v. 1: Citta del Vaticano : Monumenti musei e gallerie pontificie, 2002LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK4624.5 V3 M878 2002. Pt.1:v.1. 385. L'Europe du vase antique : collectionneurs, savants, restaurateurs aux XVIIIe et XIXe siecles / sous la direction de Brigitte Bourgeois & Martine Denoyelle ; preface d'Alain Schnapp. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes ; Paris : Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art : Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musees de France, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. NK4645 .E87 2013. 386. Atticheskie krasnofigurnye vazy IV v. do n.e. / Otmar IaAaggi pri uchastii Lidii Lazenkovoi= Attisch-rotfigurige Vasen des 4. Jhs. v. Chr. / Othmar Jaeggi mit Beitragen von Lydia M. Lazenkova. Kiev : Mystetstvo, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK4648 .J34 2012. 387. Le luminaire antique : lychnological acts 3 : actes du 3e Congres International d'etudes de l'ILA, Universite d'Heidelberg, 2126.IX.2009 / sous la direction de L. Chrzanovski. Montagnac : Editions Monique Mergoil, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK4680 .C65 2009. 388. Vidrios antiguos del Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas / por Maria Josefa Almagro Gorbea y Eduardo Alonso Cereza. Madrid : Real Academia de la Historia, 2009. Publicaciones del Gabinete de Antiguedades. Bibliotheca archaeologica hispana ; 30. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK5107 .V53 2009. 389. New light on old glass : recent research on Byzantine mosaics and glass / edited by Chris Entwistle and Liz James. London : British Museum, c2013. 201212. Research publication (British Museum) ; no. 179. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK5108.8 .N49 2013. 390. Glanzvolle Silhouetten : Meisterwerke archaischer Toreutik im Badischen Landesmuseum Karlsruhe / Hanna Philipp ; mit Beitragen von Hermann Born .. [et al.] ; Zeichnungen, Sonja Sutt ; Photos, Thomas Goldschmidt ; Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe (Hrsg.). Lindenberg : Fink, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. NK6450.K37 P45 2014. 391. Simbologia delle gemme imperiali bizantine nella tradizione simbolica mediterranea delle pietre preziose (secoli I-XV d.C.) / Eleutheria Avgoloupi. Spoleto : Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2013. Quaderni della Rivista di bizantinistica ; 16. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g NK7308.8 .A94 2013. 392. Konsonantenwandel : Bausteine zu einer Typologie des Lautwandels und ihre Konsequenzen fur die vergleichende Rekonstruktion / von Martin Joachim Kummel. Wiesbaden : Reichert, 2007. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. P235 .K86 2007. 393. Complicating the history of western translation : the ancient Mediterrannean in perspective / edited by Siobhan McElduff and Enrica Sciarrino. Manchester, UK ; Kinderhook, NY : St. Jerome Pub., c2011. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. P306 .C6566 2011. 394. Donum mycenologicum : Mycenaean studies in honour of Francisco Aura Jorro / edited by Alberto Bernabe and Eugenio R. Lujan. Leuven : Peeters ; Walpole, MA : Louvain-La-Neuve, 2014. Bibliotheque des Cahiers de l'Institut de linguistique de Louvain. Antiquite ; 131. 0779-1666. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. P1038 .D56 2014. 395. Ancient narrative. Groningen : Barkhius Publishing ; University Library, Groningen, 2002LOCATION = CLASS Journals. PA1 .A53. v.11. 396. Horace / by S.J. Harrison. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. Greece & Rome. New surveys in the classics ; no. 42. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA25 .G74 no.42. 397. Pompeyo Trogo, Justino y Mitridates : comentario al Epitome de las Historias Filipicas (37,1,6 - 38,8,1) / Luis Ballesteros Pastor. Hildesheim : Georg Olms Verlag, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA25 .S75 Bd.154. 398. Am Langen Seil des Altertums : Beitrage zur antiken Literatur aus Anlass des 90. Geburtstags von Walter Wimmel / herausgegeben von Boris Dunsch, Felix M. Prokoph. Heidelberg : Universitatsverlag Winter, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA26.W56 A4 2013. 399. Diccionario de motivos amatorios en la literatura latina (siglos III a.C.-II d.C.) / Rosario Moreno Soldevila (ed.). Huelva : Universidad de Huelva, 2011. Exemplaria classica. Anejo ; 2. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA31 .D53 2011. 400. L'Antiquite, territoire des ecarts : entretiens avec Pauline Colonna d'Istria et Sylvie Taussig / Florence Dupont. Paris : Albin Michel, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA85.D87 A5 2013. 401. Expressions of time in ancient Greek / Coulter H. George. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014. Cambridge classical studies. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA369 .G46 2014. 402. Diffusion de l'attique et expansion des koinai dans le Peloponnese et en Grece centrale : actes de la journee internationale de dialectologie grecque du 18 mars 2011, universite Paris-Ouest Nanterre / edites et indexes par Sophie Minon. Geneve : Droz, 2014. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. Sciences historiques et philologiques. III, Hautes etudes du monde greco-romain ; 50. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA607 .J68 2014. 403. Opseis epitases ste Nea Hellenike / Zoe Gavrielidou. Thessalonike : Ekdotikos Oikos Adelphon Kyriakide a.e., [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA1089 .G38 2013. 404. Lecture ad metrum, lecture ad sensum : etudes de metrique stylistique / Antoine Foucher. Bruxelles : Latomus, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA2329 .F68 2013. 405. Quid novi? : Vivre, penser et dire la nouveaute / coordonne par Laure Echalier, Charles Guerin, Sabine Luciani & Brigitte PerezJean. Montpellier : Presses universitaires de la Mediterranee, 2013. Collection "Mondes anciens." LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3003 .Q53 2013. 406. The ancient novel and the frontiers of genre / edited by Marilia P. Futre Pinheiro, Gareth Schmeling, Edmund P. Cueva. Eelde : Barkhius, [2014]. ©2014. Ancient narrative. Supplementum ; 16. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3013 .P65 2014. 407. Defining Greek narrative / edited by Douglas Cairns and Ruth Scodel. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2014]. Edinburgh Leventis studies ; 7. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3014.N37 D44 2014. 408. Voix inouies : etude comparative de l'enchassement dans "Leucippe et Clitophon" d'Achille Tatius et les "Metamorphoses" d'Apulee / Loreto Nunez. Saarbrucken : Editions Universitaires Europeenes, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3040 .N86 2013. t.1. 409. Voix inouies : etude comparative de l'enchassement dans "Leucippe et Clitophon" d'Achille Tatius et les "Metamorphoses" d'Apulee / Loreto Nunez. Saarbrucken : Editions Universitaires Europeenes, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3040 .N86 2013. t.2. 410. Submerged literature in ancient Greek culture : an introduction / edited by Giulio Colesanti and Manuela Giordano. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3052 .S83 2014. 411. Estudios filologicos sobre poesia griega arcaica / Antonio Villarubia Medina. Zaragoza : Portico, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3093 .V55 2012. 412. Alkimenes - Kantharos : Einleitung, Ubersetzung, Kommentar / Andreas Bagordo. Heidelberg : Verlag Antike, 2014. Fragmenta comica ; Bd. 1.1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3161 .B35 2014. 413. The Cambridge companion to Greek comedy / edited by Martin Revermann. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014. Cambridge companions to topics. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3161 .C27 2014. 414. Greek theatre in the fourth century B.C. / edited by Eric Csapo [and three others]. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3201 .G725 2014. 415. Aesopic conversations : popular tradition, cultural dialogue, and the invention of Greek prose / Leslie Kurke. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2011. Martin classical lectures (Unnumbered). New series. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3257 .K87 2011. 416. Die Stimme in der antiken Rhetorik / Verena Schulz. Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3265 .S349 2014. 417. Un dossier fiscal hermopolitain d'epoque romaine : conserve a la Bibliotheque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg : P. Strasb. inv. gr. 897-898, 903-905, 939-968, 982-1000, 1010-1013, 1918-1929 : edition, commentaire et traduction (P. Stras. 901-903) / Ruey-Lin Chang. Le Caire : Institut francais d'archeologie orientale, 2014. Publications de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire; 1094. Bibliotheque generale (Institut francais d'archeologie orientale du Caire) ; 46. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. PA3306.S8 C43 2014. 418. Discours et fragments / Procope de Gaza ; texte etabli, introduit et commente par Eugenio Amato ; avec la collaboration de Aldo Corcella et Gianluca Ventrella ; traduit par Pierre Marechaux. Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 2014. Collection des universites de France. Serie grecque ; 503. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3641.B5 P73 2014. 419. Carmina Anacreontea : Griechisch/Deutsch / herausgegeben und ubersetzt von Silvio Bar ... [et al.]. Stuttgart : Reclam, 2014. Reclam-Bibliothek. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3865.A5 G4 2014. 420. Iambic poetics in the Roman Empire / Tom Hawkins, Ohio State University. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3873.A77 H39 2014. 421. Erotic letters / Aristaenetus ; introduced, translated, and annotated by Peter Bing and Regina Hoschele. Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3874.A3 E5 2014. 422. Les oeuvres perdues d'Aelius Aristide : fragments et temoignages : edition, traduction et commentaire / Fabrice Robert. Paris : De Boccard, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3874.A7 Z5 2012b. 423. La crisi dell'utopia : Aristofane contro Platone / Luciano Canfora. Roma : GLF Editori Laterza, marzo 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3875.E3 C36 2014. 424. Lust am Lesen : literarische Anspielungen im Frieden des Aristophanes / von Fabian Zogg. Munchen : Verlag C.H. Beck, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3875.P23 Z64 2014. 425. Aristotelis De generatione animalium index verborum : avec listes de frequence et listes complementaires : Aristotelis De Generatione animalium, De Historia animalium, De Partibus animalium : tableaux synoptiques de sept categories lexicales : index verborum in Aristotelis Partes animalium (1990): Addenda : index verborum in Aristotelis Historiam animalium (2004), Partes animalium (1990): Corrigenda grammaticaux, Corrigenda lexicaux / par Liliane Bodson. Hildesheim : Olms-Weidmann, 2014. Alpha-Omega. Reihe A, Lexika, Indizes, Konkordanzen zur klassischen Philologie ; 264. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. PA3893.A33 A758 2014. 426. The true history of the so-called Artemidorus papyrus : a supplement / edited by Luciano Canfora. Bari : Edizioni di Pagina, 2008. Ekdosis (Bari, Italy) ; 5. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3936.A23 C362 2008. 427. Der syrische Alexanderroman : eine Untersuchung uber die Beziehungen des syrischen zum griechischen Alexanderroman des Pseudo-Kallisthenes / Peter Kotar. Hamburg : Kovac, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3946.C3 K68 2013. 428. Die Rezeption des Demosthenes von den Anfangen bis ins 17. Jh. / von Alexander Duren. Bonn : Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, 2014. Antiquitas. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur alten Geschichte ; Bd. 63.1+2. 0066-4839. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3952 .D87 2014. Bd.1. 429. Die Rezeption des Demosthenes von den Anfangen bis ins 17. Jh. / von Alexander Duren. Bonn : Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, 2014. Antiquitas. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur alten Geschichte ; Bd. 63.1+2. 0066-4839. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA3952 .D87 2014. Bd.2. 430. Diphilou tou Siphniou peri ton prospheromenon tois nosousi kai tois hygiainousin : synagoge apospasmaton apo tous Athenaiou "deipnosophistes" : eisagoge, keimeno, metaphrase, scholia, pinakes, lexilogio, epimetro / [Nikolaos G. Promponas]. Athena : Politistikos Syllogos Siphnou, c2003. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA3968 .P765 2003. 431. Herodotus / edited by Rosaria Vignolo Munson. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013. Oxford readings in classical studies. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4004 .H46 2013. v.1. 432. Hesiodic voices : studies in the ancient reception of Hesiod's Works and days / Richard Hunter. 1312. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4011 .H86 2014. 433. Homeric hymns : a translation, with introduction and notes / Diane J. Rayor. Berkeley : University of California Press, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4025.H8 R39 2014. 434. Block 1 : Homer and the Greek "dark age" / Chris Emlyn-Jones and Naoko Yamagata. Milton Keynes : Open University, 2006. A219, Exploring the classical world. block 1. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4037.A5 H755 2006. 435. Die religionsgeschichtlichen Grundlagen von Homers Ilias / Andreas Bruschweiler. Wurzburg : Konigshausen & Neumann, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4037 .B787 2014. 436. The mighty dead : why Homer matters / by Adam Nicolson. 201405. London : William Collins, 2014. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4037 .N523 2014. 437. L'ombre de l'empereur Julien : le destin des ecrits de Julien chez les auteurs paiens et chretiens du IVe au VIe siecle / Pascal Celerier. [Nanterre] : Presses universitaires de Paris-Ouest, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4225.J6 C45 2013. 438. Gli occhi e la lingua della satira : studi sull'eroe satirico in Luciano di Samosata / Alberto Camerotto. Milano : Mimesis, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4236 .C345 2014. 439. Samia (the Woman from Samos) / Menander ; edited by Alan H. Sommerstein. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4246 .E4 2013. 440. Le dionisiache / Nonno di Panopoli. Milano : Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 2006BUR (Series). Classici antichi. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4251 .I8 2006. v.3. 441. The odes of Pindar / translated by Richmond Lattimore. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, c1976. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4275 .E5 1976. 442. Scholies a Pindare. Volume 1, Vies de Pindare et scholies a la premiere Olympique : Un chemin de paroles, O. I, 110 / texte, traduction et commentaires par C. Daude [and others]. Besancon : Presses universitaires de Franche-Comte, ©2013. Collection ISTA (Institut des sciences et techniques de l'antiquite). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4276 .A1 2013. 443. Cult, myth, and occasion in Pindar's Victory Odes : a study of Isthmian 4, Pythian 5, Olympian 1, and Olympian 3 / Eveline Krummen ; English translation by J.G. Howie. Prenton, U.K. : Francis Cairns, c2014. ARCA, classical and medieval texts, papers, and monographs ; 52. Collected classical papers. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4276 .K78 2014. 444. Platons Hippias Minor : Ubersetzung und Kommentar / von Jan-Markus Pinjuh. Tubingen : Narr, [2014]. ©2014. Classica Monacensia ; Bd. 48. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4279.H7 P56 2014. 445. Pour saluer Plutarque / Olivier Battistini. Porto-Vecchio : Clementine, [2013]. Studia humanitatis. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4382 .B38 2013. 446. Gli scritti di Plutarco : tradizione, traduzione, ricezione, commento : atti del IX Convegno internazionale della International Plutarch Society, RavelloAuditorium Oscar Niemeyer, 29 settembre-1°ottobre 2011 / a cura di Giovanna Pace, Paola Volpe Cacciatore. Napoli : M. D'Auria editore, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4382 .I58 2011. 447. Sappho : a new translation of the complete works / Diane J. Rayor, Andre Lardinois. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4408.E5 R39 2014. 448. Un sogno in scena : come rappresentare l'Edipo re di Sofocle / Franco Maiullari ; traduzione dell'Edipo re di F. Maiullari e O. Longo. Milano : Mimesis, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4413.O7 M296 2014. 449. I papiri di Eschilo e di Sofocle : atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 14-15 giugno 2012 / a cura di Guido Bastianini e Angelo Casanova. Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4417 .P24 2013. 450. I papiri di Eschilo e di Sofocle : atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 14-15 giugno 2012 / a cura di Guido Bastianini e Angelo Casanova. Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4417 .P24 2013. 451. Stephani Byzantii Ethnica / recensuit, Germanice vertit, adnotationibus indicibusque instruxit Margarethe Billerbeck ; adiuvantibus Jan Felix Gaertner, Beatrice Wyss, Christian Zubler. Berolini ; Novi Eboraci : de Gruyter, 2006Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; v. 43Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae. Series Berolinensis. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA4435.S6 A43 2006. v.3. 452. Thucydides on politics : back to the present / Geoffrey Hawthorn. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4461 .H39 2014. 453. Ordine delle parole e struttura sintattica in greco antico : uno studio cartografico alla luce di Thuc. VII, 1-10 / Fulvio Beschi. Padova, Italy : Unipress, c2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4486 .B42 2012. 454. Timothee de Milet, le poete et le musicien / Gerard Lambin. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013. Interferences. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4488 .L353 2013. 455. The symposium : a new critical edition with a facing-page English translation / by Xenophon of Athens ; [edited and translated by] Donald F. Jackson ; with a foreword by Diana Robin. Lewiston, New York : Edwin Mellen Press, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA4494 .S8 2013. 456. The Byzantine Alexander poem / edited by Willem J. Aerts. 1404. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2014. Byzantinisches Archiv. Munchen, C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung [etc.] 1898LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5000 .B66. Suppl.:Hft.26:v.1. 457. The Byzantine Alexander poem / edited by Willem J. Aerts. 1404. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2014. Byzantinisches Archiv. Munchen, C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung [etc.] 1898LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5000 .B66. Suppl.:Hft.26:v.2. 458. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Munchen, [etc.] C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung [etc.]. (Frau St. Hormann-v. Stepski) 8 Munchen 40, Jungwirthstrasse 20. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g PA5000 .B86. Bd.106:Hft.1(2013). 459. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Munchen, [etc.] C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung [etc.]. (Frau St. Hormann-v. Stepski) 8 Munchen 40, Jungwirthstrasse 20. LOCATION = CLASS Journals. cl-g PA5000 .B86. Bd.106:Hft.2(2013). 460. The language of Byzantine learned literature / edited by Martin Hinterberger. Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2014]. ©2014. Byzantios ; 9. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5110 .L58 2014. 461. Proime neoellenike demodes grammateia : Glossa, paradose kai poietike / epimeleia Giannes K. Mauromates, Nikos Agiotes. Erakleio : Vikelaia Demotike Vivliotheke, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5125 .P76 2005. 462. Ten centuries of Byzantine prose : a selection of Greek texts / Anna Maria Taragna. Alessandria : Universitas ; Edizioni dell'Orso, c2012. Universitas (Alessandria, Italy). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5195 .T37 2012. 463. "His words were nourishment and his counsel food" : a festschrift for David W. Holton / edited by Efrosini Camatsos, Tassos A. Kaplanis and Jocelyn Pye. Newcastle Upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5225 .H57 2014. 464. Allelographia / Sepheres kai Maro ; philologike epimeleia M.Z. Kopidakes. Herakleion : Vikelaia Demotike Vivliotheke, 1989LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA5610.S36 Z496 1989. v.2. 465. Le tyran et sa posterite dans la litterature latine de l'Antiquite a la Renaissance / sous la direction de Laurence Boulegue, Helene Casanova-Robin et Carlos Levy. Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6030.K55 T97 2013. 466. The space that remains : reading Latin poetry in late antiquity / Aaron Pelttari. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2014. Cornell studies in classical philology. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6051 .P45 2014. 467. Flavian epic interactions / edited by Gesine Manuwald and Astrid Voigt. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2013]. Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes ; v. 21. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6054 .F57 2013. 468. La renaissance de l'epigramme dans la latinite tardive. Actes du colloque de Mulhouse, 6-7 octobre 2011 / Marie-France Guipponi-Gineste. Paris : De Boccard Editions, 2013. Collection de l'Universite Marc Bloch. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6059.E65 R45 2013. 469. Form und Bedeutung im lateinischen Drama = Form and meaning in Latin drama / Timothy J. Moore, Wolfgang Polleichtner (Hg.). Trier : WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6069 .F67 2013. 470. Commenta in Ciceronis Rhetorica / C. Marius Victorinus. Accedit incerti auctoris tractatus De attributis personae et negotio / recensuit Thomas Riesenweber. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2013]. ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Reference. PA6104.V773 C66 2013. 471. Metamorphoses. book IX / Apuleius Madaurensis ; text, introduction, and commentary B.L. Hijmans Jr. ... [et al.]. Groningen : E. Forsten, 1995. Groningen commentaries on Apuleius. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6207 .M33 1995. 472. Patterning delle incisioni e strategia retorica nei faleci di Catullo / Marco Onorato. Napoli : Loffredo editore, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6276.Z6 O56 2013. 473. Hyper tou Markou Kailiou / Markos Toullios Kikeron ; eisagoge, keimeno, metaphrase, scholia Vasiles A. Phyntikoglou. Thessalonike : University Studio Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g PA6279.C18 P49 2013. 474. Mit Zitaten kommunizieren : Untersuchungen zur Zitierweise in der Korrespondenz des Marcus Tullius Cicero / Anja Behrendt. Rahden/ Westf. : VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2013. Litora classica ; Bd. 6. 1869-6813. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6298 .B45 2013. 475. La sociabilite epistolaire chez Ciceron / Jacques-Emmanuel Bernard. Paris : Champion, ©2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6320 .B36 2013. 476. The Annals of Quintus Ennius and the Italic tradition / Jay Fisher. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6382 .F57 2014. 477. Odes / Horace ; translated with commentary by David R. Slavitt. Madison, Wisconsin : The University of Wisconsin Press, [2014]. ©2014. Wisconsin studies in classics. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6395 .S56 2014. 478. Satire 6 / Juvenal ; edited by Lindsay Watson and Patricia Watson (University of Sydney). Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2014. Cambridge Greek and Latin classics. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6446.A66 J78 2014. 479. Charakterfokalisation bei Lucan : eine narratologische Analyse / Kathrin Ludwig. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2014]. ©2014. Gottinger Forum fur Altertumswissenschaften. Beihefte ; n.F., Bd 6. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6480 .L79 2014. 480. Martials epigrammatischer Kanon / von Nina Mindt. Munchen : C.H. Beck, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6507 .M563 2013. 481. Commentaire des fragments dramatiques de Naevius / Francois Spaltenstein. Bruxelles : Latomus, 2014. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6514.N2 Z87 2014. 482. Ovid unseens : practice passages for Latin verse translation and comprehension / Mathew Owen. 1402. London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6519.A6 O96 2014. 483. Il gran poema delle passioni e delle meraviglie : Ovidio e il repertorio letterario e figurativo fra antico e riscoperta dell'antico : atti del convegno (Padova, 15-17 settembre 2011) / a cura di Isabella Colpo, Francesca Ghedini. Padova : Padova University Press, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. PA6537 .G73 2012. 484. La cena di Trimalchione : dal Satyricon di Petronio / Gian Franco Gianotti. [Acireale] : Bonanno editore, [2013]. Multa paucis ; 14. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6558.A5 C46 2013. 485. Lettere a Lucilio / Seneca ; a cura di Rosanna Marino. Siena : Lorezo Barbera editore, 2011. Classicigrecilatini. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6671.E6 M29 2011. 486. Lehrreiche Trugbilder : Senecas Tragodien und die Rhetorik des Sehens / Alexandre Kirichenko. Heidelberg : Universitatsverlag Winter, [2013]. ©2013. Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften ; n.F., 2. Reihe, Bd. 142. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6685 .K575 2013. 487. Senecan tragedy and the reception of Augustan poetry / Christopher V. Trinacty. 1502. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6685 .T75 2014. 488. Asthetisierung und asthetische Erfahrung von Gewalt : eine Untersuchung zu Senecas Tragodien / Antje Wessels. Heidelberg : Winter, c2014. Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften. 2. Reihe ; Bd. 137. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6686 .W477 2014. 489. Tebaide / Stazio ; a cura di Laura Micozzi. Milano : Oscar Mondadori, 2010. Classici greci e latini (Arnoldo Mondadori editore) ; 164. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6697.A4 M53 2010. 490. Tractavi monumentum aere perennius : Untersuchungen zu vergilischen und ovidischen Pseudepigraphen / Markus Stachon. Trier : WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA6826 .S819 2014. 491. Cliches de femmes dans la litterature latine des deux premiers siecles de notre ere : 50-150 ap. J.C / Alexis Mengue M'Oye. Paris : Harmattan, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PA8101 .M45 2014. 492. Carteggio su Servio (1993-2000) / Sebastiano Timpanaro, Giuseppe Ramires ; a cura di Giuseppe Ramires ; prefazione di Fabio Stok. Pisa : Edizioni ETS, [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PC1064.T56 A4 2013. 493. Dendara : le temple d'Isis / par Sylvie Cauville ; photographies, Alain Lecler. Louvain : Peeters, 2009. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PJ1526.D32 C378 2009. v.1. 494. Dendara : le temple d'Isis / par Sylvie Cauville ; photographies, Alain Lecler. Louvain : Peeters, 2009. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PJ1526.D32 C378 2009. v.2. 495. Dendara : traduction / par S. Cauville ; photographies, A. Lecler. Leuven : Peeters, 1998LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PJ1526.D32 C38 1998. v.5/6:pt.2. 496. Edfou VI / Dieter Kurth ; unter Mitarbeit von Almuth Behrmann [and 13 others]. Gladbeck : PeWe-Verlag, 2014. Inschriften des Tempels von Edfu. Abteilung I, Ubersetzungen ; Bd. 3. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. PJ1526.I33 K87 2014. 497. A.E. Housman at University College, London : the election of 1892 / by P.G. Naiditch. Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill, 1988. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PR4809.H15 N35 1988. 498. Guerre de Troie, guerres des cultures et guerres du Golfe : les usages de l'Iliade dans la culture ecrite americaine contemporaine / Gael Grobety. Berne : Lang, 2014. Echo ; 11. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. PS121 .G76 2014. 499. Aristotle's empiricism : experience and mechanics in the fourth century BC / Jean De Groot. Las Vegas : Parmenides Publishing, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. Q124.95 .D43 2014. 500. The priority of locomotion in Aristotle's Physics / Sebastian Odzuck. Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. Q151 .O398 2014. 501. Die grosse Arithmetik aus dem Codex Vind. phil. gr. 65 : eine anonyme Algorismusschrift aus der Endzeit des byzantinischen Reiches : Textbeschreibung, Transkription, Teilubersetzung mit Kommentar, Fachsprache, Vokabular, Metrologie / Stefan Deschauer. Wien : Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. cl-g QA14.B9 D4 2014. 502. Eutocius d'Ascalon : commentaire sur le traite des "Coniques" d'Apollonius de Perge (livres I-IV) / par Micheline Decorps-Foulquier et Michel Federspiel. 1405. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. QA31 .A643 2014. 503. Note illustrative delle carta della vegetazione reale d'Italia / L. Fenaroli. Roma : Minist. Agric. e Foreste, 1970. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. QK316 .F46 1970. 504. Stochasmoi hellenon iatrophilosophon / Anastasia-Sophia Alexiadou, Didaktor Philosophias - Historikos APTh. Thessalonike : University Studio Press, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g R138 .A54 2012. 505. The archaeology of medicine in the Greco-Roman world / Patricia A. Baker, University of Kent. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. R138 .B35 2013. 506. 'Greek' and 'Roman' in Latin medical texts : studies in cultural change and exchange in ancient medicine / edited by Brigitte Maire. Leiden : Brill, [2014]. ©2014. Studies in ancient medicine ; Volume 42. 0925-1421. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. R138 .G73 2014. 507. Mental disorders in ancient philosophy / Marke Ahonen. Cham, Switzerland ; New York : Springer, [2014]. ©2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. RC437.5 .A42 2014. 508. L'eau : usages, risques et representations dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule et le Nord de la peninsule iberique de la fin de l'Age du fer a l'Antiquite tardive (IIe s.a.C-VIe s.p.C.) / sou la direcion de Jean-Pierre Bost. Pessac : Federation Aquitania Publications, [2012]. Aquitania. Supplement ; 21. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. TD216 .E38 2012. 509. Interdisciplinary studies on ancient stone : proceedings of the IX Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA) Conference (Tarragona 2009) / edited by Anna Gutierrez Garcia-M., Pilar Lapuente Mercadal, Isabel Roda de Llanza. Tarragona : Institut Catala d'Arqueologia Classica, 2012. Documenta ; 23. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. TN967 .A852 2009. 510. Nemea : an historical wineland / Stavroula Kourakou-Dragona ; translated by Alexandra Doumas. Athens : Foinikas Publications, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g TP559.G8 K69 2012. 511. He panida sten diatrophe kai sten iatrike sto Vyzantio / Marias Chrone. Athenai : Syllogos pros Diadosin Ophelimon Vivlion, 2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g TX350.B9 C57 2012. 512. La cucina degli dei : miti e ricette dall'antica Grecia alla Roma imperiale / Anna Ferrari. [Turin, Italy] : Blu, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. TX641 .F47 2014. 513. Die Pratorianer : Folterknechte oder Elitetruppe? / Ritchie Pogorzelski. Mainz am Rhein : Nunnerich-Asmus, 2014. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. U35 .P646 2014. 514. L'armee romaine : une armee modele? / Catherine Wolff. Paris : CNRS editions, [2012]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. U35 .W67 2012. 515. Storia dell'esercito romano / Livio Zerbini. Bologna : Odoya, [2014]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. U35 .Z47 2014. 516. Gladiator : taglich den Tod vor Augen : die Gladiatorenwaffen von Pompeji in Aufnahmen von Juraj Liptak / mit Texten von Esau Dozio und Konstanze Eckert ; [herausgegeben von Harald Meller, Valeria Sampaolo, Luigia Melillo ; Ubersetzung, Orla Mulholland] = Looking on death every day : the gladiatorial armour from Pompeii in photographs by Juraj Liptak / with texts by Esau Dozio and Konstanze Eckert. Halle : Landesamt fur Denkmalpflege und Archaologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Landesmuseum fur Vorgeschichte Halle ; [Darmstadt] : [Von Zabern], [2013]. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. U820.I8 G53 2013. 517. Arpenteurs militaires dans les legions de Jules Cesar / Bernard Gillier. Vichy : Gillier ; Puy Guillaume : Adequat, ©2012. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. UG360 .G55 2012. 518. Chartae Latinae antiquiores : facsimile edition of the Latin charters ... / edited by Albert Bruckner and Robert Marichal. Olten : U. Graf, 1954LOCATION = CLASS Paleog Eleph. Z114 .C455. pt.107. 519. Chartae Latinae antiquiores : facsimile edition of the Latin charters ... / edited by Albert Bruckner and Robert Marichal. Olten : U. Graf, 1954LOCATION = CLASS Paleog Eleph. Z114 .C455. pt.83. 520. Chartae Latinae antiquiores : facsimile edition of the Latin charters ... / edited by Albert Bruckner and Robert Marichal. Olten : U. Graf, 1954LOCATION = CLASS Paleog Eleph. Z114 .C455. pt.84. 521. Katalog der festlandischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts : (mit Ausnahme der wisigotischen) / Bernhard Bischoff. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1998LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. Z6601 .B57 1998. T.3. 522. Ta cheirographa tes Mones Rousanou ton Meteoron : katalogos perigraphikos / Demetriou Z. Sophianos. Athenai : Syllogos pros Diadosin Ophelimon Vivlion, 2009. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. cl-g Z6605.G7 S67 2009. 523. Hebrew manuscripts of Leiden University Library / Albert van der Heide. [Leiden] : Universitaire Pers Leiden, 1977. Codices manuscripti (Leiden University Press) ; 18. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. Z6621 .L68 v.18. 524. Poiesis : bibliografia della poesia greca. Pisa : Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, c2002LOCATION = CLASS Reference. Z7022 .P643. v.10(2010).