Novità 2012 & Best Sellers INDICE ONE_PAG 02 DELUXE_PAG 34 FIRST_PAG 50 ZETA_PAG 8 LUXURY_PAG 10 SUNRISE_PAG 14 ADVANCE_PAG 17 RUEDA_PAG 18 FLUTE_PAG 20 EXTRA_PAG 21 PHANTOM_PAG 22 PRIMO_PAG 24 COVER_PAG 28 FLASH_PAG 29 CHOICE_PAG 30 MAX_PAG 32 SUPER_PAG 33 RACK_PAG 35 DUPLO_PAG 36 FIN_PAG 37 GOLA_PAG 38 ESA_PAG 39 MOON_PAG 40 BIS_PAG 40 ZEN_PAG 41 OSAKA_PAG 42 PUFFO_PAG 43 PILAR_PAG 44 WAVE_PAG 46 LADY_PAG 48 ONLY_PAG 52 MILA_PAG 54 SHEILA_PAG 55 JOLIE_PAG 56 GEORGE_PAG 57 JOE_PAG 58 PHILIP_PAG 58 1 ONE Design: Studio Pizeta Tavolo/Table ONE _ Sedie/Chairs WAVE Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/Glass top and base: Trasparente/Transparent Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, colonna centrale in metallo, base in cristallo, piano in cristallo con allunga laterale sottostante al piano. Extending dining table, central metal column with glass base, glass top and visible extension under the top. Table pour salle à manger, colonne centrale en métal et piétement en verre, plateau verre et rallonge latérale en verre visible sous le plateau. 8 74 74 9 9 8 Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/Glass top and base: Trasparente/Transparent 170 2 134 3 2QHÃ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ÂHDX[V\VWÃPHV GRXYHUWXUHOXLSHUPHWGH[SORLWHUGHV GLPHQVLRQVUHPDUTXDEOHV Tavolo/Table ONE _ Sedie/Chairs WAVE Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/Glass top and base: Trasparente/Transparent 6 7 8QSHUIHWWRPL[GLßQLWXUHFRQWHPSRUDQHH DFFLDLRFURPDWRHFULVWDOOLWUDVSDUHQWL WXWWRFRQFRUUHDIDUHGLTXHVWRWDYRORXQ ¸PXVW¶GHOODFROOH]LRQH(DV\OLQH Tavolo/Table ZETA _ Sedie/Chairs FIRST Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/Glass top and base: Trasparente/Transparent Design: Studio Pizeta $SHUIHFWPL[RIFRQWHPSRUDU\ßQLVKHVFKURPHG VWHHOWUDQVSDUHQWJODVVHVeHYHU\WKLQJFRPELQHGWR FUHDWHD¸PXVW¶E\(DV\OLQHFROOHFWLRQ ZETA 8QSDUIDLWPÂODQJHGHßQLWLRQVFRQWHPSRUDLQHV DFLHUFKURPÂYHUUHVKLWHFKeWRXWDLGH»UHQGUH FHWWHWDEOHXQ¸PXVW¶GHFKH](DV\OLQH 0 0 74 9 74 9 134 8 Table pour salle à manger, colonne centrale en métal et piétement en verre, plateau verre et rallonge latérale en verre visible sous le plateau. Extending dining table, central metal column with glass base, glass top and visible extension under the top. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/Glass top and base: Trasparente/Transparent 170 Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, colonna centrale in metallo, base in cristallo, piano in cristallo con allunga laterale sottostante al piano. 9 Design: Studio Pizeta LUXURY Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, struttura in metallo, piano e allunghe laterali in cristallo a vista sottostanti al piano. Extending dining table, metal structure, glass top and visible extensions under the top. Table pour salle à manger, structure en métal, plateau et rallonges latérales en verre visibles sous le plateau. /HßQLWXUHOXFLGHHODSXUH]]DGHOFULVWDOORFDUDWWHUL]]DQRLO GLVHJQRHVVHQ]LDOHGHOWDYROR/X[XU\ +LJKJORVV\ODFTXHUHGDQGSXUHQHVVJODVVßQLVKHVEHORQJWRWKHSXUHGH VLJQRIWKH/X[XU\WDEOH )LQLWLRQVEULOODQWHVHWSXUHWÂGXYHUUHFDUDFWÂULVHQWOHGHVLJQHVVHQWLHOGH ODWDEOH/X[XU\ Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Verniciato grigio/Grey coating Gambe/Legs: Verniciato bianco lucido/High gloss white coating Verniciato crema caffè lucido/High gloss coffee cream coating 5 75 9 9 75 258 182 10 Tavolo/Table LUXURY _ Sedie/Chairs LADY Struttura/Structure: Verniciato grigio/Grey coating Gambe/Legs: Verniciato crema caffè lucido/ High gloss coffee cream coating Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Trasparente/Transparent 5 Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Trasparente/Transparent 11 /HSUH]LRVHßQLWXUHOXFLGHHLOFULVWDOORWUDVSDUHQWHOR UHQGRQRSURGRWWRUDIßQDWRSHULOFRPSRVÃSUDQ]RLGHDOH 7KHULFKJORVVDQGJODVVßQLVKHVPDNHLWDUHßQHGWDEOHLGHDOIRU GLQLQJURRP /HVSUÂFLHXVHVßQLWLRQVSROLVHWOHYHUUHFUÂHQWXQSURGXLWÂOÂJDQW SRXUOHFRLQUHSDVLGÂDO Tavolo/Table LUXURY Struttura/Structure: Verniciato grigio/Grey coating Gambe/Legs: Verniciato bianco lucido/High gloss white coating Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Trasparente/Transparent 12 13 Tavolo/Table SUNRISE _ Sedie/Chairs ONLY Struttura /Structure: Verniciato bianco lucido/High gloss white coating Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Bianco/White Design: Studio Pizeta SUNRISE Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, struttura in metallo, piano in cristallo, allunga laterale laccata in tinta con la struttura, telescopico. Extending dining table, metal structure, glass top, lacquered extension, telescopic. Table pour salle à manger, structure en métal, plateau en verre, rallonge latérale laquée dans la même couleur que celle de la structure, mécanisme télescopique. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Verniciato bianco lucido/High gloss white coating Verniciato crema caffè lucido/High gloss coffee cream coating 75 75 8 8 5 5 Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Bianco/White Crema caffè/Coffee cream 190 14 140 15 Tavolo/Table ADVANCE _ Sedie/Chairs AGATHA Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/Glass top and base: Trasparente/Transparent 5D]LRQDOLW»IXQ]LRQHHVSD]LRYHUVDWLOHSHUXQWDYRORWRWDOORRNGDOGHVLJQHVVHQ]LDOH 5DWLRQDOLW\IXQFWLRQDQGYHUVDWLOHVSDFHIRUDWRWDOORRNWDEOHZLWKDFOHDUDQGUHßQHGGHVLJQ 5DWLRQDOLWÂIRQFWLRQHWHVSDFHÂFOHFWLTXHSRXUXQHWDEOHcWRWDOORRNdDXGHVLJQHVVHQWLHO Tavolo/Table SUNRISE _ Sedie/Chairs ONLY Struttura/Structure: Verniciato crema caffè lucido/High gloss coffee cream coating Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Crema caffè/Coffee cream ADVANCE Design: Studio Pizeta Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, base centrale in cristallo, piano e allunghe laterali in cristallo a vista sottostanti al piano. Extending dining table with central glass base, glass top and visible extensions under the top. Table de repas à rallonges, piétement centrale en verre, plateau et rallonges latérales en verre visibles sous le plateau. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/ Glass top and base: 11 0 76 76 11 0 Trasparente/Transparent 200 16 112 17 Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, base in cristallo, colonna in alluminio cromato, piano e allunghe laterali in cristallo a vista sottostanti al piano. Extending dining table with glass base, chromed aluminium column, glass top and visible extensions under the top. RUEDA Table de repas à rallonges, piétement en verre, colonne en aluminium chromé, plateau et rallonges latérales en verre visibles sous le plateau. Design: Studio Pizeta 6FHOWRDQFKHGD$QWRQLR&DVVDQR FDPSLRQHGHOODQD]LRQDOHLWDOLDQD Tavolo/Table RUEDA _ Sedie/Chairs MILA Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/Glass top and base: Trasparente/Transparent 75 75 9 90 0 Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/Glass top and base: Trasparente/Transparent 18 160 240 19 Tavolo/Table EXTRA _ Sedie/Chairs MINU’ Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/Glass top and base: Trasparente/Transparent Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, colonna in alluminio, piano e allunghe laterali in cristallo a vista sottostanti al piano. Table de repas à rallonges, colonne en aluminium, plateau et rallonges latérales en verre visibles sous le plateau. FLUTE 75 75 9 9 4 Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Alluminio/Aluminium Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Trasparente/Transparent 4 Design: Studio Pizeta Extending dining table with aluminium, column, glass top and visible extensions under the top. 160 100 EXTRA Design: Studio Pizeta Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, base in cristallo, colonna in metallo cromato, piano e allunghe laterali in cristallo a vista sottostanti al piano. Extending dining table with glass base, chromed metal column, glass top and visible extensions under the top. Table de repas à rallonges, piétement en verre, colonne en métal chromé, plateau et rallonges latérales en verre visibles sous le plateau. 94 75 75 160 100 20 Tavolo/Table FLUTE _ Sedie/Chairs MILA Struttura/Structure: Alluminio/Aluminium Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Trasparente/Transparent 94 Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Base e piano in cristallo/Glass top and base: Trasparente/Transparent 21 Tavolo/Table PHANTOM _ Sedie/Chairs WAVE Gambe e piano/Legs and top: Cristallo trasparente/Transparent glass PHANTOM Design: Studio Pizeta Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, gambe in cristallo curvato trasparente, piano e allunghe laterali in cristallo a vista sottostanti al piano, meccanismi a scorrimento in metallo. Extending dining table with curved transparent glass legs, glass top and visible extensions under the top, running metal mechanism. Table de repas à rallonges, pieds en verre transparent arrondi, plateau et rallonges latérales en verre visibles sous le plateau, mécanisme coulissant en métal. 90 75 75 9 0 Gambe in cristallo/Glass legs Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Trasparente/Transparent 22 160 240 23 Metal frame transformable table, spring system adjustable height from cm 24 to cm 76 melamine or high gloss lacquered doubling top, with wheels. 'DOPRQRORFDOHDOODSSDUWDPHQWRVWXGLRDOORIWFRQ3ULPRWURYLVHPSUHODJLXVWD GLPHQVLRQH )URPWKHVWXGLRàDWWKHRIßFHXSWRWKHORIWeZLWK3ULPR\RXDOZD\VßQGWKHULJKWGLPHQVLRQ 'XVWXGLR»ODSSDUWHPHQWDXORIWeDYHF3ULPRRQWURXYHWRXMRXUVODGLPHQVLRQFRUUHFWH Table relevable, piétement en métal, haussement par mécanisme à friction de cm 24 à cm 76 plateau doublant en mélamine ou laqué brillant, avec roulette. Tavolino trasformabile/Transformable table PRIMO Struttura/Structure: Verniciato alluminio/Aluminium coating Piano laccato lucido/High gloss lacquered top: Bianco/White PRIMO Design: Studio Pizeta Tavolino trasformabile, base in metallo, meccanismo a molla con frizione regolabile al millimetro in altezza da cm 24 a cm 76 piano raddoppiabile a libro in melamina o laccato lucido, con rotelle. 24 25 24 5 7 24/76 11 0 Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Verniciato alluminio/Aluminium coating Piano in melamina/Melamine top: Wengé/Wengè Piano laccato lucido/High gloss lacquered top: Bianco/White Nero/Black 114 110 Tavolino trasformabile/Transformable table PRIMO_Sedie/Chairs TYKA METACRILATO Struttura/Structure: Verniciato alluminio/Aluminium coating Piano laccato lucido/High gloss lacquered top: Bianco/White 26 27 Table relevable, piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gaz, réglable au millimètre de 24 cm à 85 cm, plateau et ceinture en mélamine, rallonges synchronisées. Transformable table, metal frame, gas adjustable height from 23 cm to 80 cm, glass top and side extensions. Table relevable, piétement en métal, haussement par pistongaz, réglable au millimètre de 23 cm à 80 cm, plateau verre, rallonges latérales. 7 5 23 183 28 Tavolino trasformabile/Transformable table COVER _ Sedie/Chairs TYKA POLIPROPILENE Struttura/Structure: Verniciato satinato/Steel alike coating Piano in melamina/Melamine top: Wengé/Wengé 115 COVER Design: Studio Pizeta 23/80 7 5 120/153/186/219 120 Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Verniciato satinato/Steel alike coating Piano e allunghe in cristallo/Glass top and side extensions: Bianco/White Nero/Black 24 8 0 24/85 8 0 Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Verniciato satinato/Steel alike coating Piano in melamina/Melamine top: Wengé/Wengè Bianco poro aperto/White open pore Design: Studio Pizeta Transformable table, metal frame, gas adjustable height from 24 cm to 85 cm, melamine top and frame, synchronized side extensions. Tavolino trasformabile, base in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza da cm 23 a cm 80, piano in cristallo con allunghe laterali. FLASH Tavolino trasformabile, base in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza da cm 24 a cm 85, piano e fascia laterale in melamina, sistema di estensione sincronizzato. Tavolino trasformabile/Transformable table FLASH Struttura/Structure: Verniciato satinato/Steel alike coating Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Bianco/White 29 /DSLFFRODFRQVROOHFKHGLYHQWDWDYROR 7KHOLWWOHFRQVROHEHFRPHVDWDEOH Consolle da ingresso allungabile, struttura in metallo, piano raddoppiabile a libro in melamina. La rotazione delle gambe di 45° garantisce massima stabilità quando la consolle è aperta. Extendable console, metal structure, doubling melamine top. 45° rotation of the legs assures stability when the table-console is opened. Console ouvrante, structure en métal, plateau doublant en mélamine. La rotation des pieds de 45° donne la meilleure stabilité en ouverture. 75 75 3 5 Consolle/Console CHOICE _ Sedie/Chairs TYKA POLIPROPILENE Struttura/Structure: Verniciato alluminio/Aluminium coating Piano in melamina/Melamine top: Wengé/Wengé 0 Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Verniciato alluminio/Aluminium coating Piano in melamina/Melamine top: Wengé/Wengè Bianco poro aperto/White open pore 7 CHOICE Design: Studio Pizeta /DSHWLWHFRQVROHTXLGHYLHQWWDEOH»PDQJHU 0 75 75 8 0 4 90 90 120 30 120 31 Design: Studio Pizeta Extendable console with telescopic mechanism, 4 extensions, wooden structure, top and extensions. MAX Console ouvrante, mécanisme télescopique, 4 rallonges, structure, plateau et rallonges en bois. SUPER Consolle allungabile, telescopica, meccanismo in alluminio, dotata di 5 prolunghe esterne, struttura, piano e prolunghe in legno. Design: Studio Pizeta Consolle allungabile, telescopica, dotata di 4 prolunghe esterne, struttura, piano e prolunghe in legno. Extendable console with telescopic aluminium mechanism, 5 extensions, wooden structure, top and extensions. Console ouvrante, mécanisme télescopique en alu, 5 rallonges, structure, plateau et rallonges en bois. Struttura e piano/Structure and top: 5 75 75 3 5 4 1 9 75 75 45/91/137/183/230 4 95 43/93/143/193/243/293 Consolle/Console MAX _ Sedie/Chairs FINE Piano, allunghe e struttura/Top, extensions and structure: Laccato bianco poro aperto/White open pore lacquered 32 100 Laccato bianco poro aperto/White open pore lacquered Rovere tinto wengè/Oak stained wengè Laccato tortora poro aperto/Taupe open pore lacquered Struttura e piano/Structure and top: 00 Laccato bianco lucido/High gloss white lacquered Laccato tortora lucido/High gloss taupe lacquered Consolle/Console SUPER _ Sedie/Chairs EGO Piano, allunghe e struttura/Top, extensions and structure: Laccato bianco lucido/High gloss white lacquered 33 Tavolino porta riviste in vetro trasparente con ruote. Finitura/Finish: Cristallo trasparente/Transparent glass RACK 30 50 60 60 Consolle/Console DELUXE _ Sedie/Chairs TYKA ECOCUOIO Piano, allunghe e struttura/Top, extensions and structure: Laccato mastice lucido/High gloss mastice lacquered Table en verre transparent, porte-magazines avec roulettes. Design: Studio Pizeta Glass couch table and magazine-rack with wheels. 5DFNÃXQSUDWLFRHGHOHJDQWHDUWLFRORPXOWLIX]LRQHFRPRGLVVLPRVLDFRPHWDYROLQRFKH FRPHSRUWDULYLVWH 5DFNLVDQHOHJDQWPXOWLIXQFWLRQDOLWHPLWLVVRXVHIXODVFRIIHHWDEOHDQGDVPDJD]LQHUDFN 5DFNFHVWXQDUWLFOHPXOWLIRQFWLRQLQGLVSHQVDEOHFRPPHWDEOHEDVVHHWSRUWHUHYXHV Consolle allungabile, telescopica, dotata di 4 prolunghe esterne, struttura, piano e prolunghe in legno. Extendable console with telescopic mechanism, 4 extensions, wooden structure, top and extensions. Console ouvrante, mécanisme télescopique, 4 rallonges, structure, plateau et rallonges en bois. Struttura e piano/Structure and top: 1 75 75 4 0 00 Laccato bianco lucido/High gloss white lacquered Laccato nero lucido/High gloss black lacquered Laccato mastice lucido/High gloss mastice lacquered 40/80/120/160/200 Design: Studio Pizeta 34 100 DELUXE 35 &ULVWDOORVIDFFHWWDWRHGHVLJQOLQHDUH FDUDWWHUL]]DQRLOQXRYRWDYROLQRGDFDIIÃ)LQ 48 50 55 28 Trasparente/Transparent Fumé/Fumé Bianco/White Finitura cristallo/Glass finish: FIN Tavolino in cristallo esagonale./Hexagonal glass couch table./ Table en verre hexagonal. Design: Studio Pizeta 9HUUH»IDFHWWHVHWGHVLJQPLQLPDOSRXUODQRXYHOOHWDEOH EDVVH)LQ Design: Studio Pizeta Tavolino/Couch table DUPLO Struttura /Structure: Cromo/Chrome Piano superiore in cristallo/Up glass top: Trasparente/Transparent Piano inferiore/Low top: Laccato bianco lucido/High gloss white lacquered 0XOWLIDFHWHGJODVVDQGOLQHDUGHVLJQPDUNWKHQHZFRIIHH WDEOH)LQ DUPLO Couch table, metal base, two tops, one in wood or lacquered and the other in glass, synchronized turning top. Table multifonctions, piétement en métal, deux plateaux verre et bois, ouvrants synchronisés. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Piano superiore in cristallo/Up glass top: Trasparente/Transparent Piano inferiore/Low top: Rovere tinto wengè/Oak stained wengè Laccato bianco lucido/High gloss white lacquered Laccato tortora lucido/High gloss taupe lacquered 55 50 50 55/72 36 36 Tavolino/Couch table DUPLO Struttura /Structure: Cromo/Chrome Piano superiore in cristallo/Up glass top: Trasparente/Transparent Piano inferiore/Low top: Rovere tinto wengé/Oak stained wengé Tavolino, base in metallo, doppio piano in cristallo e legno, piani girevoli sincronizzati. Tavolino/Couch table FIN Finitura cristallo/Glass finish: Fumé/Fumé 37 Design: Studio Pizeta GOLA Tavolino in cristallo curvato rettangolare./ Rectangular glass couch table./Table en verre, courbé rectangulaire. Finitura cristallo/Glass finish: Trasparente/Transparent Fumé/Fumé Bianco/White 70 Tavolino/Couch table ESA Finitura cristallo/Glass finish: Trasparente/Transparent 33 115 ESA Design: Studio Pizeta /DOHJJHUH]]DGHOFULVWDOORFXUYDWRGHOPRGHOOR(VDQHIDQQR LOFDSRVWLSLWHGHOODIDPLJOLDGHLQXRYLWDYROLQLGDVDORWWR 7KHOLJKWQHVVRIWKHEHQWJODVVRI(VDPRGHOVWDQGVLWRXWDV OHDGHURIQHZFRXFKWDEOHVFROOHFWLRQ (VDDYHFVRQYHUUHFRXUEHVLPSRVHGDQVODFROOHFWLRQGHVQRXYHOOHV WDEOHVEDVVHV Tavolino in cristallo curvato esagonale./Hexagonal glass couch table./ Table en verre, courbé hexagonal. 45 32 78 63 89 38 Tavolino/Couch table GOLA Finitura cristallo/Glass finish: Bianco/White Trasparente/Transparent Fumé/Fumé Bianco/White Finitura cristallo/Glass finish: 39 Tavolino, base in metallo, doppio piano in cristallo, piani girevoli sincronizzati. Tavolino, base in metallo, doppio piano in cristallo, piani girevoli sincronizzati. Design: Studio Pizeta Table multifonctions, piétement en métal, deux plateaux verre, plateaux ouvrants synchronisés. ZEN MOON Table multifonctions, piétement en métal, deux plateaux verre ouvrants synchronisés. Design: Studio Pizeta Couch table, metal base, doubling glass tops, synchronized turning tops. Couch table, metal base, two glass tops, synchronized turning tops. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Trasparente/Transparent 42/116 0 42 6 164 95 Design: Studio Pizeta BIS 0 135 6 42 80 42 80 80 Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Piano in cristallo/Glass top: Trasparente/Transparent Tavolino, base in metallo, doppio piano in cristallo e legno, piani girevoli sincronizzati. Couch table, metal base, two tops, one in wood and the other in glass, synchronized turning tops. Table multifonctions, piétement en métal, deux plateaux verre et bois ouvrants synchronisés. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Piano superiore in cristallo/Up glass top: Trasparente/Transparent Piano inferiore/Low top: Rovere tinto wengè/Oak stained wengè Laccato bianco lucido/High gloss white lacquered 42 42 80 120 80 40 80 41 Vetrina in cristallo trasparente con 4 ripiani. Clear glass showcase with 4 shelves. Vitrine en verre clair avec 4 étagères. Multi color pouf suitable for living area, spleeping area and kids area. It is covered with eco soft-leather, with removable lining. Pouf pour la salle, chambre à coucher, pièce d’enfants. Revêtement en éco-cuir amovible. Finitura/Finish: Pelle ecologica/Soft eco-leather Bianco/White Nero/Black Moka/Moka Rosso/Red Verde/Green Arancio/Orange 40 40 Finitura/Finish: Cristallo trasparente/Trasparent glass 180 180 40 42 40 40 PUFFO OSAKA Pouf multi color, adatto alla zona giorno, zona notte, stanza dei ragazzi, rivestito in pelle ecologica, sfoderabile. Design: Studio Pizeta Design: Studio Pizeta 43 Design: Studio Pizeta PILAR (XQDOLEUHULDFKHGLYHQWDVJDEHOOR SHUIHWWRVDOYDVSD]LR 3LODULVDERRNFDVHZKLFKEHFRPHVD VWRROSHUIHFWVSDFHVDYLQJ &HVWXQHELEOLRWKÃTXHTXLGHYLHQWXQ WDERXUHWSDUIDLWJDLQGHSODFH Libreria modulare che si trasforma in composizione porta-tv, parete completa, colonna a muro o comodo sgabello. Modular bookcase which become a tv-rack, wall unit, wall column or comfortable stool. Bibliothèque composable qui devient aussi meuble télé, unité mur composable, colonne mur ou tabouret. Lamierino/Metal sheet > modulo in trafilato in cromo da ø 11 mm chrome unit ø 11 mm Rosso/Red Verde/Green Inox satinato/Satin painted stainless steel Finiture piani/Shelves finishes > lamierino / metal sheet Rovere tinto wengé/Oak stained wengé Verniciato bianco/White lacquered > piano / shelf 40x38 cm > piano / shelf 120x38 cm > piano / shelf 200x38 cm > piano / shelf 240x38 cm 44 45 Sedie/Chairs WAVE Rivestimento cuoio rigenerato/Eco-leather covering: Mastice/Mastice Moka/Moka Bianco/White Corda/Corda Nero/Black Sedie/Chairs WAVE Rivestimento cuoio rigenerato/ Eco-leather covering: Bianco/White Mastice/Mastice :DYHOLFRQDGHOGHVLJQ¸GHPRFUDWLFR¶/DOLQHDRQGDÃSURSRVWDQHLFRORULPRGD :DYHWKHLFRQRIWKH¸GHPRFUDWLF¶GHVLJQ7KHOLQHLVDYDLODEOHLQGLIIHUHQWIDVKLRQFRORXUV :DYHOLPDJHGXGHVLJQGÂPRFUDWLTXH/DOLJQHYDJXHHVWGLVSRQLEOHGDQVFRXOHXUV»JUDQGWHQGDQFH Design: Studio Pizeta WAVE Sedia, struttura in metallo, interamente rivestita in cuoio rigenerato, cuciture in tinta. Sedia rivestita in cuoio rigenerato/ Eco-leather covering: Bianco/White Nero/Black Moka/Moka Corda/Corda Mastice/Mastice Metal frame chair, eco-leather covering, leather colour stiching. 46 98 Chaise en metal, revêtement en éco-cuir, piquages ton sur ton. 44 46 45 47 &RPHÃPRUELGDOD/DG\ +RZVRIW/DG\LV 4XHOOHVRXSOHVVHOD/DG\ LADY Design: Studio Pizeta Sedia, struttura in metallo, seduta rivestita in pelle ecologica, cuciture in tinta. Metal frame chair, with soft eco-leather covering, leather colour stiching. Chaise en metal, revêtement en eco-cuir, piquages ton sur ton. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Rivestimento in pelle ecologica/ Soft eco-leather covering: Bianco/White Nero/Black 47 105 52 48 Sedie/Chairs LADY Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Rivestimento pelle ecologica/Soft eco-leather covering: Bianco/White 42 Nero/Black 49 *ODPRXUDFFHQWVDQGIDVKLRQWUHQGVEHFRPHVSDUWRIWKHFRQWHPSRUDU\OLYLQJ $FFHQWV»ODPRGHGHYLHQWSDUWLHGHOKDELWDWFRQWHPSRUDLQ FIRST Design: Studio Pizeta ,OOLYLQJFRQWHPSRUDQHRVLDUULFFKLVFHGLQXRYHWHQGHQ]HPRGDHDQWLFLSD]LRQLJODPRXU Sedia impilabile, struttura in metallo, interamente rivestita in eco cuoio (PVC), cuciture in tinta. Metal frame stackable chair eco-leather covering (PVC), leather colour stitching. Chaise empilable avec structure en métal, revêtement en éco-cuir (PVC), piquages ton sur ton. Sedia rivestita in eco cuoio/Eco-leather covering: Bianco/White Nero/Black Moka/Moka 46 88 49 50 40 51 Sedia impilabile, struttura in metallo, sedile e schienale in eco cuoio. Metal frame stackable chair, eco-leather seat and back. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: ONLY Chaise empilable avec structure en métal, assise et dossier en éco-cuir. Design: Studio Pizeta Sedie/Chairs ONLY Struttura/Structure: Verniciato bianco lucido/High gloss white coating Verniciato crema caffè lucido/High gloss coffee cream coating Sedile e schienale/Seat and back: Bianco/White Crema caffè/Coffee cream Verniciato bianco lucido/High gloss white coating Verniciato crema caffè lucido/High gloss coffee cream coating Sedile e schienale in eco cuoio/Eco-leather seat and back: Bianco/White Crema caffè/Coffee cream 47 84 47 44 )UHVFDVHPSOLFHSURSRVLWLYD )UHVKVLPSOHZLWKDVXJJHVWLYHORRN 1RXYHOOHVLPSOHHWVXJJHVWLYH 52 53 Sedie/Chairs SHEILA Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Rivestimento pelle ecologica/ Soft eco-leather covering: Bianco/White Nero/Black Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Scocca in pelle ecologica/Soft eco-leather shell: Bianco/White Nero/Black Moka/Moka Tortora/Taupe 47 97 43 MILA Chaise en métal, coque avec revêtement en eco-cuir, piquages ton sur ton. 58 Design: Studio Pizeta Metal frame chair, soft eco-leather covered shell, leather colour stitching. Sedie/Chairs SHEILA Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Rivestimento pelle ecologica/ Soft eco-leather covering: Tortora/Taupe Sedia, struttura in metallo, seduta monoscocca rivestita in pelle ecologica, cucitura in tinta. Metal frame chair, soft eco-leather covered shell, leather colour stitching. Chaise en métal, coque avec revêtement en eco-cuir, piquages ton sur ton. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Scocca in pelle ecologica/Soft eco-leather shell: Bianco/White Nero/Black Moka/Moka Tortora/Taupe Design: Studio Pizeta Sedia, struttura in metallo, seduta monoscocca rivestita in pelle ecologica, cucitura in tinta. SHEILA Sedie/Chairs MILA Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Rivestimento pelle ecologica/Soft eco-leather covering: Bianco/White Nero/Black 47 85 58 54 43 55 Sedie/Chairs JOLIE Rivestimento pelle ecologica/Soft eco-leather covering: Bianco/White Beige/Beige GEORGE Sedie/Chairs JOLIE Rivestimento pelle ecologica/Soft eco-leather covering: Nero/Black Design: Studio Pizeta Sgabello, base in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza da cm 59 a cm 81, seduta in pelle ecologica, cuciture in tinta, girevole. Tabouret, base en métal, haussement par piston-gas reglable en hauteur de cm 59 à cm 81, coque en eco-cuir, tournant. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Seduta e schienale in pelle ecologica/Soft eco-leather seat and back: Bianco/White Nero/Black Moka/Moka 59/81 95/116 Sedia rivestita in pelle ecologica/Chair with soft eco-leather covering: Bianco/White Nero/Black Beige/Beige 46 88 55 56 42 Sgabello/Stool GEORGE Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Seduta e schienale pelle ecologica/Seat and back soft eco-leather: Nero/Black Chaise en metal, revêtement en eco-cuir, piquages ton sur ton. Metal frame chair, soft eco-leather covering, leather colour stitching Sedia, struttura in metallo, interamente rivestita in pelle ecologica, cucitura in tinta. 41 JOLIE Design: Studio Pizeta 41 Sgabello/Stool GEORGE Struttura/Structure: Cromo/Chrome Seduta e schienale pelle ecologica/ Seat and back soft eco-leather: Bianco/White Barstool, metal frame base, gas lifting device adjustable in height from cm 59 to cm 81, eco-leather covering shell, leather colour stitching, swivelling. 57 Barstool, metal frame, gas lifting device adjustable in height from cm 55 to cm 76, methacrylate shell, swivelling. Tabouret, piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gas reglable en hauteur de cm 55 à cm 76, coque en métacrylat, tournant. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Scocca in metacrilato/Methacrylate shell: JOE Design: Studio Pizeta Sgabello, base in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza da cm 55 a cm 76, seduta monoscocca in metacrilato, girevole. Trasparente neutro/Transparent neutral Coprente bianco/White opaque 55/76 65/86 42 Design: Studio Pizeta PHILIP Sgabello, base in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza da cm 60 a cm 80, seduta monoscocca in metacrilato, girevole. Barstool, metal frame, gas lifting device adjustable in height from cm 60 to cm 80, methacrylate shell, swivelling. Tabouret, piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gas reglable en hauteur de cm 60 à cm 80, coque en métacrylat, tournant. Struttura in metallo/Metal structure: Cromo/Chrome Scocca in metacrilato/Methacrylate shell: Trasparente neutro/Transparent neutral Trasparente fumé/Transparent fumé 60/80 90/110 40 46 58 FINISH LEGEND METALLI Cromo Verniciato Verniciato Verniciato Verniciato Verniciato Alluminio METALS Chrome High gloss coffee cream coating High gloss white coating Aluminium coating Grey coating Steel alike coating Aluminium crema caffè lucido bianco lucido alluminio grigio satinato LACCATI Laccato bianco lucido Laccato tortora lucido Laccato nero lucido Laccato mastice lucido Laccato tortora poro aperto Laccato bianco poro aperto LACQUERED High gloss white lacquered High gloss taupe lacquered High gloss black lacquered High gloss mastice lacquered Matt taupe open pore lacquered Matt white open pore lacquered LEGNI Rovere tinto wengé WOOD Oak stained wengé CRISTALLI Trasparente Bianco Nero Crema caffè Fumé GLASS Transparent White Black Coffee cream Fumé MELAMINA Wengé Bianco poro aperto MELAMINE Wengé Oak white open pore METACRILATO Trasparente neutro Trasparente fumé Coprente bianco METHACRYLATE Transparent neutral Transparent fumé White opaque CUOIO RIGENERATO Bianco Nero Moka Mastice Corda Crema caffè ECO-LEATHER White Black Moka Mastice Corda Coffee cream PELLE ECOLOGICA Bianco Nero Moka Rosso Verde Arancio Tortora Beige SOFT ECO-LEATHER White Black Moka Red Green Orange Taupe Beige 38 LEGENDA FINITURE EGD MOBILI SNC VIA PRENESTINA, 1520 00132 ROMA Tel. 06 22446749 r.a. - Fax. 06 22445401 [email protected] - V