giovedì 11 febbraio h.14:00 -15:00
Herbicide transport
from land to surface water
Alice Tediosi
(DIA-UniMi & NRD-Cranfield)
laboratorio didattico DIA (ex-aula Microbiologia)
Facoltà di Agraria - via Celoria 2, Milano
In agriculture, pesticides are mainly used to increase (and reduce the
variability of) crop yields. Despite these benefits, they are often
associated with a number of negative impacts on the environment and
on water quality. In addition, recent European Legislation has
introduced a number of legal thresholds to protect the environment and
human health, which should be respected. In cases where
concentrations of agrochemicals are high, new management strategies
will be needed. Agricultural contamination becomes therefore a key
This seminar will focus on herbicide transport mechanisms and
contamination pathways, and will present a research project carried out
in a small agricultural catchment in the UK.
A. Tediosi is a PhD student at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria of UniMi and spent a research period at Cranfield University (England, UK),
where her work focused on agricultural pesticide contamination of surface waters.
A. Tediosi è dottoranda presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria nell’ambito della Scuola di Dottorato in Innovazione Tecnologica per le
Scienze Agro-alimentari e Ambientali. Ha trascorso un periodo di ricerca alla Cranfield University (UK), dove il suo lavoro si è indirizzato sul
trasporto di pesticidi nel terreno e l'inquinamento delle acque superficiali.

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