e blueslovacco ; queste sono disponibili dai correspondenti archivi di documentazione. Un bluearticolo esplicativo, intitolato ’the Quintessential Linux Benchmark,’ è stato pubblicato sul Linux Journal, nel numero di gennaio 1996. La voce BogoMips del blueJargon File è un’altra risorsa utile sull’argomento. Nuovi voci del mini-Howto per CPU che non compaiono nell’elenco saranno molto apprezzate e possono essere inviate all’autore via bluee-mail . Traduzione italiana a cura di Nicola Pero (1999), Federico Lucifredi [email protected] , Harvard University (2004); revisione a cura di Claudio Cattazzo. BogoMips mini-Howto Wim van Dorst, [email protected] v36, 2004-04-27 Indice 1 I valori BogoMips più alti e più bassi riportati 1 1.1 Il più alto valore di BogoMips registrato durante una sequenza di boot Linux (CPU singola) . 2 1.2 Il più basso valore di BogoMips registrato durante una sequenza di boot Linux . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 Il più alto valore di BogoMips registrato durante una sequenza di boot Linux (multiple CPU) 2 1.4 Il più alto valore di Bogomips misurato su di un sistema non Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Frequenti domande riguardo i BogoMips 2 2.1 Cosa sono i BogoMips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2 Come stimare quale dovrebbe essere il numero di BogoMips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 Come determinare il numero di BogoMips secondo la valutazionec corrente . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.4 Variazioni nella valutazione dei BogoMips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.5 Un nuovo algoritmo di misurazione? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.6 BogoMips ... failed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.7 Riguardo i processori clone (Cyrix, NexGen, AMD, ecc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.8 Perché fare attenzione ai BogoMips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 Raccolta di misure 7 3.1 Sistemi 386 (SX, DX e Nexgen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2 Sistemi 386 configurati in modo strano o errato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.3 Sistemi 486 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.4 Sistemi 486 configurati in modo strano o errato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.5 Varianti 486 (Cyrix/IBM, UMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.6 Sistemi Pentium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.7 Sistemi Pentium configurati in modo strano o errato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.8 Varianti del processore Pentium: Intel (MMX, Pro, II, Celeron, III, 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.9 Varianti del processore Pentium: Cyrix, AMD (K5/K6/K7, Duron, Athlon, Opteron), Centaur 25 3.10 Sistemi Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.11 Sistemi Motorola 68k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2. Frequenti domande riguardo i BogoMips 1.1 2 Il più alto valore di BogoMips registrato durante una sequenza di boot Linux (CPU singola) • Heiko Steindl [email protected] • Intel Pentium 4 a 3400 MHz • 6717.44 BogoMips 1.2 Il più basso valore di BogoMips registrato durante una sequenza di boot Linux • Tim Van der Linden, [email protected] • Intel 8088 a 4.77 MHz, ELKS • 0.02 BogoMips 1.3 Il più alto valore di BogoMips registrato durante una sequenza di boot Linux (multiple CPU) • Dan Kirkpatrick, [email protected] • 102 CPU Pentium III a 1000MHz, Beowulf • 203862.30 BogoMips 1.4 Il più alto valore di Bogomips misurato su di un sistema non Linux • [email protected] • Sequent Numa-Q, 32 CPU Pentium a 180MHz • Dynix operating system • 3776.00 BogoMips 2 Frequenti domande riguardo i BogoMips Svariati autori hanno contribuito alla mia conoscenza dei BogoMips, e in primo luogo desidero ringraziarli sentitamente. 2.1 Cosa sono i BogoMips Citato da Internet, di fonte oscura ma portato all’attenzione dell’autore da Eric S. Raymond [email protected] e da Geoff Mackenzie [email protected], esiste una divertente definizione dei BogoMips come "il numero di milioni di volte per secondo in cui un processore può non fare assolutamente nulla". Più seriamente, da un’email di Lars Wirzenius [email protected] datata 9 settembre 1993, in cui egli illustra l’argomento, ed estesa con dettagliate informazioni aggiuntive fornite da Alessandro Rubini [email protected] e da Wim van Dorst, si ha il seguente stralcio 2. Frequenti domande riguardo i BogoMips 3 "MIPS è una abbreviazione per Millions of Instructions Per Second, ed è una misura della velocità computazionale di un programma. Come la maggior parte delle misure di questo tipo, è più spesso abusata che usata in modo appropriato (è molto difficile confrontare a ragione MIPS per diversi tipi di computer). I BogoMips sono un’invenzione di Linus. Il kernel (o forse si trattava di un device driver?) ha bisogno di un loop di temporizzazione (il tempo è troppo breve e/o è necessaria una precisione troppo alta per poter impiegare un metodo diverso dal busy-loop) che deve essere calibrato per la velocità del processore della macchina. Perciò, il kernel misura al momento del boot quanto velocemente un certo tipo di busy loop vada sul computer in questione. Bogo viene da bogus, ovvero qualcosa di fasullo. Per cui, il valore dei BogoMips dà una qualche indicazione della velocità del processore, ma è davvero troppo poco scientifica per avere un nome diverso da BogoMips. Le ragioni (ce ne sono due) per cui il numero di BogoMips è stampato durante il bootup è che a) aiuta un pochino il debugging e a controllare che la cache dei computer e il bottone del turbo funzionino, e che b) Linus ama ridacchiare quando vede della gente confusa sui newsgroup." I BogoMips vengono misurati in /usr/src/linux/init/main.c (un semplice algoritmo in C, con un bell’esempio di aritmetica floating point in un kernel completamente ad interi) e la corrispondente variabile del kernel loops per sec è usata in diversi driver per scopi più seri. L’effettiva funzione di delay udelay() è scritta in assembler e di conseguenza ogni port del kernel ha la sua implementazione nel file /include/asm/delay.h. La variabile loops per sec e la funzione udelay() vengono usate in diversi driver, come può essere verificato con il codice seguente: cd /usr/src/linux #o dove si trovino i sorgenti find . -name ’*.[hcS]’ -exec fgrep loops_per_sec {} /dev/null \; find . -name ’*.[hcS]’ -exec fgrep udelay {} /dev/null \; Il loop di calcolo dei BogoMips per CPU non-Intel è simile ma non esattamente lo stesso, essendo per necessità di cose programmato in un altro linguaggio assembler. La misura dei BogoMips è tuttavia l’unica maniera portabile tra le varie piattaforme Intel e non per ottenere un’indicazione della velocità del processore. Persino la velocità di clock non è disponibile su tutte le CPU. 2.2 Come stimare quale dovrebbe essere il numero di BogoMips Grazie a un’iniziativa di Ian Jackson [email protected] e Przemek Klosowski, successivamente estesa ed ampliata dall’autore per processori odierni, è disponibile la seguente guida per l’approssimazione del numero di BogoMips: Processore Intel 8088 Intel/AMD 386SX Intel/AMD 386DX Motorola 68030 Cyrix/IBM 486 Intel Pentium Intel 486 AMD 5x86 Mips R4000/R4400 Motorola 68040 PowerPC 603 Intel StrongArm BogoMips clock * 0.004 clock * 0.14 clock * 0.18 clock * 0.25 clock * 0.34 clock * 0.40 clock * 0.50 clock * 0.50 clock * 0.50 clock * 0.67 clock * 0.67 clock * 0.66 Confronto 0.02 0.8 1 (per definizione) 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.7 3.7 3.7 2. Frequenti domande riguardo i BogoMips 4 Nexgen Nx586 PowerPC 601 clock * 0.75 clock * 0.84 4.2 4.7 Alpha 21064/21064A Alpha 21066/21066A Alpha 21164/21164A Intel Pentium Pro Cyrix 5x86/6x86 Intel Pentium II/III AMD K7/Athlon Intel Celeron Intel Itanium Mips R4600 clock clock clock clock clock clock clock clock clock clock * * * * * * * * * * 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 Alpha 21264 Centaur VIA AMD K5/K6/K6-2/K6-III AMD Duron/Athlon XP UltraSparc II Pentium MMX Pentium 4 Centaur C6-2 PowerPC 604/604e/750 Motorola 68060 Intel Xeon (hyperthreading) clock clock clock clock clock clock clock clock clock clock clock * * * * * * * * * * * 1.99 1.99 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.01 3.97 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.2 22.1 Hitachi SH-4 IBM S390 Intel ARM dati al momento insufficienti dati al momento insufficienti dati al momento insufficienti Si noti che il ciclo che calcola il numero di BogoMips non sfrutta appieno il parallelismo di svariati processori, come ad esempio quello dell’Intel Pentium e dell’Alpha 21164. Si faccia anche riferimento al paragrafo "Un nuovo algoritmo di misurazione?", dal momento che, per alcuni di questi processori, kernel rilasciati recentemente possono produrrre valori differenti. 2.3 Come determinare il numero di BogoMips secondo la valutazionec corrente Vi sono tre metodi per determinare il numero di BogoMips secondo l’algoritmo corrente, vale a dire: 1. guardare in /proc/cpuinfo, ad esempio con il comando cat /proc/cpuinfo. Questo è il metodo preferito. 2. guardare nell’output di syslog per vedere che cosa è stato stampato là durante il boot. Se siete fortunati tale informazione può essere ancora sulla console virtuale usata durante il boot (se necessario, portatevi su detta console con la combinazione di tasti Alt-F1), altrimenti può essere recuperata esplicitamente con i comandi dmesg o syslogk. Questa alternativa produce sempre risultati accurati ma richiede più sforzo di qualla summenzionata. 3. usando il programma bogomips. Questa opzione è raccomandata solo per sistemi non Linux, per ragioni che saranno menzionate di seguito. 2. Frequenti domande riguardo i BogoMips 5 Un’alternativa, che produce risultati non determinativi ma può essere anche usata su sistemi non Linux come ad esempio i Cray, può essere un programma indipendente di misurazione dei BogoMips. Una versione recente (correntemente alla release 1.4) è attualmente disponibile presso Darrick Wong [email protected]. Jeff Tranter jeff [email protected] ne fu invece l’autore originale. Citiamo dal suo file readme: "Stufi di riavviare il vostro sistema solo per vedere a quanti BogoMips sta girando oggi? [...] Bogomips è un programma indipendente che misura la performance del vostro sistema usando uno di benchmark più riconosciuti al mondo. Usa lo stesso codice usato dal kernel Linux all’avvio, ma lo esegue come un’applicazione. [...] La versione 1.3 di BogoMips è portabile e dovrebbe essere utilizzabile su qualunque sistema dotato di un compilatore C e libreria ANSI standard." Si noti che a causa del carico del sistema i valori misurati con tale programma potrebbero risultare più bassi di quanto registrato nell’elenco incluso in questo documento. Un programma standalone non può intrinsecamente dare gli stessi risultati della sequenza di boot, poiché il carico di sistema sarà in competizione con il programma lanciato dall’utente. Conseguentemente sono sottoelencate solo valutazioni di BogoMips originate da sequenze di boot. Si tenga presente che il file di Jeff sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/system/status/bogo-1.2.tar.gz/ contiene una versione oramai superata. Si usi invece il programma di Darrick reperibile al seguente URL: http://thibs.menloschool.org/~djwong/programs/bogomips/, ove si può persino reperire un eseguibile per MSW*nd*ows. 2.4 Variazioni nella valutazione dei BogoMips Da un posting di Linus Torvalds [email protected] del 28 aprile 1994 in comp.os.linux.development, riguardante le variazioni che è possibile osservare nei BogoMips misurati: "Il ciclo di calcolo dei BogoMips è quantizzato e di conseguenza si otterrà lo stesso valore il più delle volte. Solitamente, si otterranno variazioni nei valori misurati solo quando il valore misurato è al limite e piccole variazioni (ad esempio nel timing degli interrupt) può causare il salto da un valore all’altro." Se un kernel non è compilato specificamente per la CPU in questione, si possono anche avere delle variazioni (perfino rilevanti) della valutazione dei BogoMips, principalmente a causa di allineamenti non ottimali. Questo problema sembra verificarsi solo su alcune CPU x86 (Intel e cloni). Fortunatamente può essere facilmente aggirato ricompilando il kernel specificamente per la CPU del sistema. 2.5 Un nuovo algoritmo di misurazione? L’algoritmo di misurazione dei BogoMips, contrariamente alla credenza popolare, NON è cambiato nelle varie versioni del kernel. Inoltre, è intrinsecamente lo stesso per tutti i processori di tutte le marche. Ciò che è cambiato nel kernel 2.2.14 è lo stato della CPU giusto prima della misura dei BogoMips. Questo influenza i BogoMips misurati su tutte le CPU Intel e AMD di classe Pentium, risultando in approssimativamente 2*clock BogoMips, il che non era il caso in precedenza. Le misure ottenute con queste nuove versioni del kernel su CPU dove questo cambiamento è rilevante (Pentium II/III, Celeron, Athlon) sono indicate nella lista seguente con un asterisco (*) iniziale. 2. Frequenti domande riguardo i BogoMips 2.6 6 BogoMips ... failed Sezione originata da varie domande poste in rete e da scambi di e-mail privati tra cui quello con Lily, [email protected], e con Pierre Frenkiel, [email protected]. Nel marzo del 1995 si chiedevano: "Quando avvio Linux ricevo il seguente messaggio: Calibrating delay loop.. ok - 23.96 BogoMips failed Dove e perché il mio ciclo di calibrazione è fallito?" Effettivamente, il ciclo di calibrazione non è fallito. Se il ciclo di calibrazione fosse fallito il messaggio sarebbe invece stato: Calibrating delay loop.. failed Molto probabilmente è stata l’inizializzazione di un qualche driver per un dispositivo che non è installato nel sistema in questione ad aver fallito. Immediatamente dopo il calcolo dei BogoMips vengono inizializzati tutti i device driver. Per primi i dispositivi su controller SCSI, poi i dispositivi di rete e cosı̀ via. Qualsiasi errore è appropriatamente riferito. Degno di nota è il driver AHA152x. Altri effetti della mancata inizializzazione di un driver (e non del mancato calcolo del numero di BogoMips) sono crash del sistema, lunghe attese o completa paralisi del sistema in prossimità dell’output (immediatamente prima o immediatamente dopo) della fatidica linea di testo "ok - xx.xx BogoMips". A partire dal kernel 1.2 molti messaggi di errore sono stati migliorati, per cui si suggerisce di aggiornare il kernel almeno fino a quella versione per scoprire quale particolare driver è quello che fallisce. Un altro suggerimento è quello di ricompilare il kernel affinché siano inclusi solamente i driver necessari alla vostra configurazione di sistema. 2.7 Riguardo i processori clone (Cyrix, NexGen, AMD, ecc.) Le CPU Cyrix tipo 486 hanno bisogno di software che attivi la memoria cache, talvolta chiamato anche software BogoBoost. Similmente, le CPU Cyrix 5x86 e 6x86 possono originare valori BogoMips drasticamente migliori se l’opzione BIOS di branch-prediction è stata attivata. Si noti tuttavia che il miglioramento delle performance potrebbe anche essere irrisorio. Ci sono parecchi pacchetti disponibili per calibrare le CPU Cyrix, come le patch bogoboost, cx5x86mod e set6x86, tutti reperibili dagli archivi ufficiali. È stato riferito che le CPU Cyrix 6x86 possono dare performance migliori quando il kernel è compilato con ottimizzazione per 486, invece che con ottimizzazione Pentium. Le CPU NexGen 386-enhanced, marcate come Nx586, sono elencate come simili ai 386, poiché il fatto che abbiano performance simili a quelle di macchine di classe Pentium non è rilevante ai fini dei loro valori BogoMips. Gli AMD 5x86, indicati anche come AMD 486DX5, sono macchine 486/33 quadruplicate del tutto in linea con le altre CPU 486. L’AMD K5 e il K6 sono CPU di classe Pentium ma hanno i loro propri moltiplicatori BogoMips. 2.8 Perché fare attenzione ai BogoMips Lasciatemi aggiungere che ci sono solo due ragioni per prestare attenzione alla valutazione dei BogoMips che viene presentata al momento del boot di Linux: 3. Raccolta di misure 7 1. Per vedere se è nel giusto range per il particolare processore, la sua frequenza di clock e la cache potenzialmente presente. Molte CPU sono prone ai seguenti errori di configurazione • impostazione della memoria cache (l’uso della cache in modalità write-back risulta spesso in errata calibrazione dei BogoMips, spesso indicati come inferiori a 5). Impostare la cache in modalità write-through evita il problema • modalità turbo (che dovrebbe essere attivata all’avvio) • cache emulata dal BIOS (da sostituire con cache fisica) • problemi simili collegati a cache, velocità di clock e talvolta anche settaggi del BIOS. 2. Per vedere se il tuo sistema è più veloce del mio. Naturalmente questo è completamente sbagliato, inaffidabile, mal fondato e completamente inutile, ma tutti i benchmark soffrono di questo identico problema. Per cui, perché non usarlo? Questa stupidità inerente non ha mai fermato la gente dall’usare i banchmark, non è vero? :-) Si noti che usi più seri di benchmark veri sono illustrati nel Linux Benchmarking Howto di André D. Balsa. 3 Raccolta di misure La tabella seguente raccoglie alcune misure di BogoMips per vari sistemi ed include più di 1600 voci riportate da quasi 1300 persone diverse da più di 50 paesi differenti. Si noti che tutte queste misure sono originate dalla sequenza di boot di Linux, eccezzion fatta naturalmente per la sezione sui Sistemi Non-Linux. Alcune misure sono marcate con un asterisco (*). Si veda il capitolo precedente al paragrafo "Un nuovo algoritmo di misurazione?" per le dovute spiegazioni. Tutti gli indirizzi di e-mail sono stati protetti da spam-bot: si sostituisca @ con il classico @ per ottenere l’indirizzo effettivo di chi ha riferito la misura. 3.1 Sistemi 386 (SX, DX e Nexgen) Processore BogoMips 386SX/8 undercl 1.04 386SX/12 1.78 386SX/16 1.99 386SX/16 Packard Bell 2.05 386SX/16 2.09 386SX/16 2.15 386SX/16 2.2 386SX/16 2.23 386SX/16 2.23 386SX/16 2.34 386SX/16 turbo 2.38 386SX/16 0c 2.43 386SX/16 2.49 386SX/20 2.7 386SX/20 2.70 386SX/20 2.89 386SXL/25 AMD 2.9 386SX/25 AMD 0c 3.06 Riferito da Andrew Costa <c_chaos@_wahnapitae.on.ca> Klaus Kettner <kk@_sesom.de> James Vahn <jvahn@_short.circuit.com> <root@_Belvedere\%hip-hop.suvl.ca.us> David E. Fox <dfox@_belvedere.sbay.org> W Stevens <wgsteven@_math.uwaterloo.co> Lech Marcinkowski <puolalm@_tekla.fi> Andrew Bulhak <acb@_yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au> Steven M. Gallo <smgallo@_cs.buffalo.edu> Kevin Burtch <kburtch@_pts.mot.com> Andrew Haylett <ajh@_gec-mrc.co.uk> Adam Clarke <adamc@_loose.apana.org.au> Waymon <waymon@_pacifier.com> Alex Strasheim <astrashe@_nyx.cs.du.edu> J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> Anders Stenback <stenback@_hehe.com> Vaughan R. Pratt <pratt@_sunburn.stanford.edu> K.J. MacDonald <kenny@_festival.ed.ac.uk> 3. Raccolta di misure 386SX/25 AMD 386SX/25 0c 386SL/25 Intel 386SX/25 AMD 386SXL/25 AMD 0c 386SX/33 Intel 386SX/33 Intel 386SX/33 386SX/40 Intel 0c 386DX/16 386DX/20 386DX/20 386DX/20 386DX/20 386DX/20 386DX/25 386DX/25 386DX/25 386DX/25 386DX/33 386DX/33 386DX/33 386DX/33 386DX/33 386DX/40 386DX/33 386DX/33 386DX/33 386DX/33 386DX/33 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 8 3.38 3.52 3.57 3.62 3.71 3.92 4.06 4.71 6.03 2.49 Intel 3.0 Intel 3.08 Nec Powermate 3.22 Micronics 3.25 3.67 3.91 3.95 0cache 3.96 32cache 4.53 5.86 64cache 5.99 Intel 5.99 no387 6.03 387 6.03 6.21 6.46 6.5 387 256cache 6.65 6.65 6.7 6.99 AMD 7.76 AMD 7.10 7.10 128cache 7.23 bogoboosted 7.23 AMD 128cache 7.23 slow DRAM 7.26 128c 7.29 7.29 7.29 7.29 AMD 7.76 7.76 AMD 387 64c 7.91 7.98 64c 7.98 AMD 32c 7.98 AMD 7.98 Hamish Coleman <hamish@_zot.apana.org.au> Rogier Wolff <r.e.wolff@_et.tudelft.nl> S Harris <harris@_teaching.physics.ox.ac.uk> S Harris <harris@_teaching.physics.ox.ac.uk> David E.A. Wilson <david@_cs.uow.edu.au> Yves Bellefeuille <yan@_storm.ca> Kenneth J. Hoover <ken@_psuedvax.psu.edu> Alexander Komlik <apkom@_l.ukrcom.kherson.ua> Michael Kenyon <u3g12@_keele.ac.uk> Mike <mike@_emgee.demon.co.uk> Malcolm Reeves <reeves@_rocky1.usask.ca> Si. Harris <harris@_teaching.physics.ox.ac.uk> David J Dawkins <davidd@_isl.co.uk> M Haardt <u31b3hs@_informatik.rwth-aachen.de> Joost Helberg <jhelberg@_nlsun8.oracle.nl> Ian McCloghrie <imcclogh@_cs.ucsd.edu> Grant Edwards <grante@_aquarius.rosemount.com> J.O. Williams <jow@_techbase.com> J.M.A. Lahtinen <jmalahti@_klaava.Helsinki.FI> Tim Lacy <timla@_microsoft.com> Lars Wirzenius <wirzeniu@_kruuna.Helsinki.FI> Harri Pasanen <hpasanen@_cs.hut.fi> Joel B.Levin <levin@_bbn.com> Peter Bechtold <peter@_fns.greenie.muc.de> J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> Dennis Robinson <djrobins@_uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> Dean Nelson <deannelson@_aol.com> Wim van Dorst <baron@_clifton.hobby.nl> R Lim <ricklim@_opus.freenet.vancouver.bc.ca> Craig Hagan <hagan@_cih.com> Ken Wilcox <wilcox@_math.psu.edu> Joe Phillips <rchandra@_letter.com> Kerry Person <kperson@_plains.NoDak.edu> D. Bikram Singh <a336dhal@_cdf.toronto.edu> Julian Francis Day <jfd0@_aber.ac.uk> Pat St Jean <stjean@_math.enmu.edu> Bergs <rabe@_akela.informatik.rwth-aachen.de> John Lockwood <lockwood@_pan.vlsi.uiuc.edu> Karsten Friese <ftdkafr@_ftd.ericsson.se> E.C. Garrison <ericg@_nickel.ucs.indiana.edu> Darin Cowan <cowan@_rubicon.org> Bonne van Dijk <bonne@_cs.utwente.nl> Todd Lindner <tlindner@_panix.com> Bear Giles <bear@_indra.com> <wires@_gnu.ai.mit.edu> F Pilhofer <fp@_informatik.uni-frankfurt.de> Dean Junk <dpjunk@_mm.com> Tommy Olsen <tommyo@_ifi.uio.no> James Reith <reith@_racores.com> 3. Raccolta di misure 386DX/40 386DX/40 128c 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 386DX/40 AMD 9 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06 Nx586/90 NexGen 67.44 Nx586/90 NexGen 67.44 Nx586/90 NexGen 67.48 Nx586/100 NexGen 74.34 Nx586/100 NexGen 256c 74.56 Nx586/110 NexGen 256c 81.51 Nx586/110 NexGen 81.51 3.2 <root@_wgw.mnsinc.com> Robert Gehring <rag@_cs.tu-berlin.de> David G. Eckard <dgeckard@_eos.ncsu.edu> Cameron L. Spitzer <cls@_truffala.sj.ca.us> Marius Groenendijk <marius@_cray-systems.lu> Michael J. Micek <mmicek@_muddcs.cs.hmc.edu> Ron Marsh <rmarsh@_plains.nodak.edu> Sistemi 386 configurati in modo strano o errato Processore BogoMips 386DX/16 387 nocache 0.57 386DX/25 0.82 386DX/25 nocache 1.03 386SX/16 1.5 386SX/16 1.6 386SX/20 1.87 386SX/20 2.45 386DX/25(?) 128c 6.03 386DX/20 13 3.3 Aaron T. Baldie <atb@_u.washington.edu> John Pate <jpate@_easynet.co.uk> Christian Nelson <cnelson@_csugrad.cs.vt.edu> Alan Peckham <peckham@_drei.enet.dec.com> Michael Guslick <michaelg@_alpha2.csd.uwm.edu> Richard Brown <brown@_midget.towson.edu> Bill G. Bohling <bs146@_tali.uchsc.edu> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> Riferito da H. Peter Anvin <hpa@_nwu.edu> P Wright <philip.wright@_purplet.demon.co.uk> Mark A. Horton <mahmha@_crl.com> Stefan Kromer <sk@_galaxy.sunflower.sub.org> Bill Davidsen <davidsen@_tmr.com> Paul C. Dulany <pcdulany@_wam.umd.edu> Roger Harkess <roger@_visi.com> Chuck Meo <meo@_solbourne.com> Ed Runnion <erunnio@_hubcap.clemson.edu> Sistemi 486 Processore BogoMips 486SX/20 DECpc 9.98 486SX/25 12.24 486SX/25 12.3 486SX/25 12.42 486SX/25 12.42 486DX/25 12.5 486SX/25 12.52 486DX/33 256c 16.33 486DX/33 16.35 486DX/33 16.43 486DX/33 64cache 16.44 486DX/33 256c DIY 16.44 486DX/33 Intel 128c 16.44 486DX/33 16.5 486DX/33 16.6 486DX/33 noturbo 16.61 486DX/33 16.61 Riferito da Thomas Pfau <pfau@_cnj.digex.com> M. Buchenrieder <mibu@_scrum.greenie.muc.de> Darren McKay <e9bh@_unb.ca> Mark R. Lindsey <mlindsey@_nyx.cs.du.edu> Samuel Thibault <samuel.thibault@_ens-lyon.fr> Phillip Hardy <phillip@_mserve.kiwi.gen.nz> Emmanual Emore <emor7672@_elan.rowan.edu> Eric Kemminan <ekemmina@_pms709.ms.ford.com> Christopher L. Morrow <cm43@_andrew.cmu.edu> Rob Janssen <pe1chl@_amsat.org> H. Peter Anvin <hpa@_nwu.edu> Wouter Liefting <wlieftin@_cs.vu.nl> Rafal Kustra <g1krakow@_cdf.toronto.edu> Alex Freed <freed@_europa.orion.adobe.com> Vaughan R. Pratt <pratt@_Sunburn.Stanford.EDU> Vetter <cbvetter@_informatik.th-darmstadt.de> Jeffrey L. Newbern <jnewbern@_athena.mit.edu> 3. Raccolta di misure 486DX/33 486DX/33 486DX/33 486SX/33 486SX/33 486DX/33 486DX/33 486DX/33 256c 486DX/40 486DX/40 486DX/40 486DX/40 AMD 486DX/40 Intel 486DX/40 486DX/40 486DX/40 486DX/40 486DX/40 AMD 486DX/40 AMD 486DX/50 486DX/50 AMD 486DX/50 DTK 486DX/50 486DX2/50 486DX2/50 486SX2/50 486DX/50 VLB 486DX/50 486DX/50 Intel 256c 486DX/50 486DX2/50 486DX2/50 486DX2/50 DECpc 486DX2/50 Eisa 486DX2/50 256c 486DX/50 486DX2/50 486DX2/50 486DX/50 486DX/50 486DX/50 notebook 486DX/50 486DX2/50 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 Intel 10 16.61 16.61 16.61 16.64 16.64 16.77 16.77 16.77 19.8 19.91 19.96 19.97 19.97 19.97 19.97 19.97 19.97 20 20.09 24.48 24.85 24.85 24.85 24.85 24.85 24.93 24.97 24.99 24.99 25 25 25.0 25.04 25.04 25.04 25.04 25.04 25.04 25.04 25.04 25.04 25.10 25.4 32 32.87 32.9 33 33 33 33 Giuseppe De Marco <gdemarco@_freenet.hut.fi> M Heuler <heuler@_informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> Frank Lofaro <ftlofaro@_unlv.edu> Jacob Papenfuss <webmaster@_the-corridor.com> Samuel Thibault <samuel.thibault@_ens-lyon.fr> Donald Lewis <dlewis@_jackson.freenet.org> Stephan Boettcher <staphan@_alzt.tau.ac.il> D Manchester <mustang@_tartarus.uwa.edu.au> Jose Calhariz <cal@_minerva.inesc.pt> M Heuler <heuler@_informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> David A. Ranch <dranch@_ecst.csuchico.edu> M Haardt <u31b3hs@_informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE> Paul van Spronsen <vspr@_teppic.sun.ac.za> Ulf Tietz <ulf@_rio70.bln.sni.de> <Eberhard_Moenkeberg@_p27.rollo.central.de> Zoltan Lajber <lajbi@_lajli.gau.hu> Wim van Dorst <baron@_wiesje.hobby.nl> Chuck Munro <chuckm@_canada.hp.com> Pieter Eendebak <peendebak@_bbsw.idn.nl> Arnd Gehrmann <arnd@_rea.de> Klaas Hemstra <hst@_mh.nl> Randolph Christophers <randyc@_lna.oz.au> Kevin Lentin <kevinl@_bruce.cs.monash.edu.au> Jason Matthew <jmatthew@_kn.pacbell.com> Gregory P. Smith <smithgr@_cs.colorado.edu> Christian Lederer <[email protected]> Tom Miller <tvtom@_en.com> Jeff <css@_erols.com> Mike <mike@_emgee.demon.co.uk> Robert Herzog <rherzog@_rc1.vub.ac.be> M. Abrahamsson <swmike@_uplift.df.lth.se> Christian Holtje <choltje@_ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> Thomas Pfau <pfau@_cnj.digex.com> John Willing <willing@_cimage.com> Zhou Yanmo <zhou@_gauss.math.usf.edu> Michael Kress <kress@_hal.saar.de> Mats Wikholm <mwikholm@_news.abo.fi> J C Delepine <delepine@_linux.u-picardia.fr> J C Delepine <delepine@_linux.u-picardia.fr> Kevin Burtch <kburtch@_pts.mot.com> Pierre Frenkiel <frenkiel@_cdfap1.in2p3.fr> Heuler <heuler@_informatik.uni-wuerzburg.edu> Brian Kennedy <bkenned@_hubcap.clemson.edu> Lee Sau Dan <h9210876@_khuxa.hku.hk> Samuel Thibault <samuel.thibault@_ens-lyon.fr> Frederick <niles@_axp745.gsfc.nasa.gov> Alec Muffett <alecm@_uk-usenet.uk.sun.com> NN <coolefa@_pmifeg.com> Steve Tinney <sjt@_enlil.museum.upenn.edu> Chuck Munro <chuckm@_canada.hp.com> 3. Raccolta di misure 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486SX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX2/66 486DX4/75 486DX4/75 486DX2/80 486DX2/80 VLB AMD VLB VLB Intel/PCI Eisa/VL AMD Intel 256cache 0c Intel/PCI Intel ICL 256c 256c Intel notebook notebook 11 33.0 33.05 33.18 33.18 33.18 33.20 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.22 33.27 33.28 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.55 33.58 33.7 33.81 33.9 33.9 34.06 37.38 37.47 39.83 39.93 Sebastien Dedieu <dedieu@_emi.u-bordeaux.fr> G Skinner <gskinner@_gwsunix1.crystalball.com> Pablo Iranzo Gomez <iranzop@_gong.ci.uv.es> Dag Wieers <dag@_digibel.be> Remco den Besten <besten@_rdr.nl> Arnd Gehrmann <arnd@_rea.com> C Menke <carsten.menke@_post.uni-bielefeld.de> Brian Ricker <gt2327c@_prism.gatech.edu> Don Bennett < <don@_engr.mun.ca> Robert Heller <heller@_cs.umass.edu> Warwick Ward-Cox <wwar@_lostlink.alt.za> Chien-An Chen <giant@_nwu.edu> Serge <sviznyuk@_magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> Wayne Robinson <wayner@_renoir.cftnet.com> Jim Barber <yeul@_marsh.cs.martin.edu.au> Tom Lowery <tlowery@_mcs.kent.edu> Viznyuk <sviznyuk@_magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> Jacob Papenfuss <root@_the-corridor.com> Devon Tuck <devon@_netcom.com> H. Peter Anvin <hpa@_nwu.edu> Jongyoon Lee <mr2@_netcom.com> Petrovsky Alexey <gong@_cs.msu.su> Sung Lee <slee2@_umbc.edu> Gene McCulley <mcculley@_greatwall.cctt.com> W. Zeilinger <wzeil@_doradus.ast.univie.ac.at> Donald Lewis <dlewis@_jackson.freenet.org> Eric Malkowski <malk@_world.std.com> Chris Petit <mystere@_ix.net.com> <al-b@_minster.york.ac.uk> Jesper de Jong <jesper@_cas.et.tudelft.nl> John Paul Morrison <jmorriso@_bogomips.com> Arash <ei39594@_ios.chalmers.se> Ralph Lewis <rlewis@_mail.wsu.edu> Ulisses Alonso Camaro <alonso@_bebe.uv.es> <bussmann@_wolpi.infomatik.uni-bonn.de> L J LaBash <labash@_lcjones.aclib.siue.edu> Andrew Tubbiolo <enigma@_seds.lpl.arizona.edu> W Fink <werner.fink@_physik.uni-stuttgart.de> Mathias Koerber <mathias@_solomon.technet.sg> Bill Pogue <gwp@_dithots.dithots.org> Theo Scott <rkwtgs@_pukrs3.puk.ac.za> Triantafillou <triant@_pegasus.montcleair.edu> S Harris <harris@_teaching.physics.ox.ac.uk> Magnus Back <erambk@_eraj.ericsson.se> Robert A Knop <rknop@_mop.caltech.edu> Al Clark <aclark@_netcom.com> January W <jweiner1@_ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> G Asmundarson <grettir@_wordperfect.com> Samuel Thibault <samuel.thibault@_ens-lyon.fr> Andrew Tubbiolo <enigma@_seds.lpl.arizona.edu> 3. Raccolta di misure 486DX2/80 overcl/66 486DX2/80 AMD 486DX2/80 486DX2/80 486DX2/80 overcl 486DX2/80 overcl 486DX2/80 AMD 486DX2/80 AMD 486DX2/80 AMD 486DX2/80 AMD 486DX2/80 486DX2/80 AMD 486DX2/80 AMD 486DX2/80 486DX2/80 AMD 486DX2/80 486DX2/100 AMD overcl 5x86/100 AMD undercl 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 256c 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 Intel 256c 5x86/100 AMD undercl 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 AMD 486DX4/100 AMD 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 laptop 486DX4/100 256c 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 notebook 486DX4/100 AMD 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 12 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 40 40 40.0 40.14 40.14 40.15 40.18 40.18 49.14 49.66 49.66 49.71 49.71 49.77 49.77 49.78 49.87 49.87 50 50.02 50.02 50.3 50.04 50.05 50.06 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 Mario L. Guttierez <mgutier@_mentor.sdu.edu> Corey D Brenner <brenner@_umr.edu> Dan Delaney <cgdela01@_homer.louisville.edu> D tHaar <danny@_caution.cistron.nl.mugnet.org> Peter Suetterlin <ps@_kis.uni-freiburg.de> Alex Montaron <canal@_multimania.com> JL Gomez <kitana!sysop@_caprica.com> Pete Krawczyk <pkrawczy@_uiuc.edu> Rene Baart <baart@_simplex.nl> Wolfgang Kalthoff <wo@_rio70.bln.sni.de> Rick Brown <ccastrb@_prism.gatech.edu> Jon Lewis <jlewis@_inorganic5.chem.ufl.edu> Richard S. Stone <rstone@_edgp.com> Oleg <oleg@_hpcms.co.il> Adri Verhoef <a3@_a3.xs4all.nl> Mats Andtbacka <mandtback@_abo.fi> Jon Lewis <jlewis@_inorganic5.chem.ufl.edu> NN <root@_tailor.aleim.net> Pete Cervasio <cervasio@_airmail.net> L Pressler <lutz.pressler@_med-stat.GWDG.de> Brett Gersekowski <bgrerseko@_powerup.com.au> Angelo Haritsis <ah@_doc.ic.ac.uk> Bernd Hentig <bernd.hentig@_guug.de> Aurel Balmosan <aurel@_xylo.owl.de> Chris Saia <minkie@_concentric.net> Aaron Brick <abrick@_dcc.uchile.cl> Donald Lewis <dlewis@_jackson.freenet.org> Peter Skov Knudsen <gogol@_ask.diku.dk> Shadow Weaver <djamison@_students.wisc.edu> Dave <shodan@_shodan.clark.net> Tony Smolar <asmolar@_fast.net> fredk <fredk@_shadow.net> Ronald Prague <ronp@_fisnet.net> Matt Gisher <matt@_matt.fidalgo.net> Steven A. Duchene <sduchene@_cis.ysu.edu> Miles O’Neal <meo@_schoneal.com> Will <zxmvg07@_hp12.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de> Piet de Bondt <bondt@_dutiws.twi.tudelft.nl> Karl Kleinpaste <karl_kleinpaste@_cs.cmu.edu> Thomas Kanschik <y0000997@_ws.rz.tu-bs.de> Linas Vepstas <linas@_fc.net> Ed Daiga <daiga@_engin.umich.edu> Gerry Quejada <fd863@_cleveland.freenet.edu> B Schuller <schuller@_ind136a.wi.leidenuniv.nl> J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> David E.A. Wilson <david@_cs.uow.edu.au> Mark Lumsden <root@_titan2.physics.mcmaster.ca> Ashar <ashar@_netcom12.netcom.com> Jacob Waltz <waltz@_pcjiw.lampf.lanl.gov> Tom Sinclair <sinner@_cafe.net> 3. Raccolta di misure 486DX4/100 AMD 486DX4/100 AMD 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/100 486DX4/120 256c 486DX4/120 AMD 486DX4/120 AMD 486DX4/120 AMD 486DX4/120 AMD 486DX4/120 AMD 486DX4/120 486DX4/120 AMD 256c 486DX4/120 overcl 486DX4/120 486DX4/120 AMD 486DX4/120 486DX4/120 486DX4/120 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 256c 5x86/133 AMD 5x86/133 AMD 256c 5x86/133 AMD 256c 5x86/133 AMD 256c 5x86/133 AMD 256c 5x86/133 AMD 256c 5x86/150 AMD overcl 5x86/150 AMD overcl 5x86/160 AMD overcl 5x86/160 AMD overcl 5x86/160 AMD overcl 5x86/160 AMD overcl 5x86/160 AMD overcl 5x86/160 AMD overcl 5x86/160 AMD overcl 5x86/160 AMD overcl 5x86/160 AMD overcl 5x86/160 AMD 13 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.08 50.51 50.66 59.1 59.80 59.80 59.90 59.80 59.80 59.91 60.01 60.45 60.45 60.45 60.45 60.45 60.45 66.15 66.15 66.15 66.44 66.44 66.55 66.56 66.65 66.7 66.80 67.10 67.10 67.10 67.10 67.10 67.10 67.10 74.75 74.75 79.87 79.87 79.87 79.89 79.89 79.92 80.36 80.36 80.36 80.36 G. Skinner <gskinner@_gwsunix1.crystalball.com> Nick Savoiu <nick@_ritz.mordor.com> Thomas J Fisher <twb5odt@_nmia.com> Pascal Pensa <pensa@_aurora.unice.fr> Julian Bradbury <julian@_xabcs.demon.co.uk> Frederic Potter <frederic@_swing.ibp.fr> Bill Stegers <bill_ste@_zeelandnet.nl> Kevin <kalichwa@_oakland.edu> Mark Tranchant <mat92@_ecs.soton.ac.uk> Fred Broce <fbroce@_atlanta.com> Marko Ovaska <ovaska@_cc.helsinki.fi> Bob Purdon <bobp@_mpx.com.au> Pat Young <dice@_netbsd.warped.com> Will <zxmvg07@_hp12.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de> Angelo Haritsis <ah@_doc.ic.ac.uk> Pascal Pensa <pensa@_aurora.unice.fr> Neal Howard <neal@_metronet.com> Oscar Belmar Madrid <obelmar@_anakena.usach.cl> Jason Buchanan <jsb@_digistar.com> Forsterling <dirk@_informatik.uni-frankfurt.de> Bernd Hentig <bernd@_finow.snafu.de> NN <root@_tailor.aleim.net> Brad Wilson <bwilson@_deltanet.com> Paul S. Doyle <paul.doyle@_mci.com> P Krekola <perttu@_ntcmar01ba.ntc.nokia.com> V. Tailor <vtailor@_ibm.net> Andrew B. Cramer <cramer@_ripco.com> Bob Nielsen <nielsen@_primenet.com> Geoff Raye <gtraye@_igsrsparc2.er.usgs.gov> Klaas Hemstra <hst@_mh.nl> N.N. <vp24njcb@_ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu> Vasily Lewis <nn@_nn.com> James Reith <reith@_racores.com> Yves Rougy <yrougy%siam@_cal.fr> Peter A. Koren <pkoren@_lvdc20.dseg.ti.com> Wim Joppe <joppe@_xs4all.nl> Gunnar Stefansson <gunnars@_rhi.hi.is> Vernard Martin <vernard.martin@_cc.gatech.edu> Sergio Riveros <riveros@_musca.unm.edu> Arthur K. Chan <artchan@_cs.ucr.edu> Suencksen <msuencks@_techfak.uni-bielefeld.de> J. Chris Hammond <cosmo@_pcisys.net> Bird Chen <luca@_linux.taiwan.hp.com> Geir Skaugen <geir.skaugen@_energy.sintef.no> Martin Vernon <martin@_gw6hva.demon.co.uk> T. Zerucha <zerucha@_shell.portal.com> Paul Colucci <pcolucci@_acsu.buffalo.edu> Steinar Haug <sthaug@_nethelp.no> James Daniel <triadmin@_bga.com> David H.S. Oh <david@_std.net> 3. Raccolta di misure 3.4 * 14 Sistemi 486 configurati in modo strano o errato Processore BogoMips 486DX/33 0c 1.45 486SL/25 0c 1.95 486DLC/40 0c 2.45 486DX/33 128c 2.94 486DX4/120 AMD 3.04 486DX5/133 AMD 3.05 486DX4/100 Cyrix 3.06 486DX5/133 AMD 3.06 486DX4/100 3.06 486DX2/80 3.08 486DX4/120 AMD 3.08 486DX4/66 256c 3.10 486DX4/100 wb-cache 3.10 486DX4/120 3.13 486DX4/120 AMD 3.15 486DX4/100 3.17 486SLC2/50 Cyrix 3.30 486DX/33 3.61 486DX/33 noturbo 3.61 486DX4/120 3.74 486DX4/120 AMD 3.74 486DX4/100 Cyrix 256c 4 486DX/33 256c noturbo 4.25 486DX/33 4.66 486Rx2 Cyrix 25/50 4.85 486SX/33 noturbo 5.21 486DX2/66 overdrive 5.37 486DX/33 5.66 486DX2/66 5.88 486DX4/100 5.94 486DX4/100 AMD 5.94 486DX4/100 notebook 6.55 486DX4/100 notebook 6.55 486SLC Cyrix 7 486SX/33 7.84 486DLC/40 7.98 486DX/33 256c 8.27 486DX4/100 11.11 486DX4/100 11.3 486SLC/33 Cyrix 13.26 486/66 Cyrix 13.02 486SLC2/25 14.6 486DX2/66 laptop 14.46 486SLC2/66 18.94 486DX/33 turbo 19.98 486DX4/75 21.5 486DX4/75 24.13 Riferito da Mark Gray <vatavian@_gvu1.gatech.edu> Paraskevas Evripidou <skevos@_seas.smu.edu> S.Schendel <sschend@_magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> P.J. Nefkens <p.nefkens@_student.utwente.nl> Andrew Steinbach <stei0113@_maroon.tc.umn.edu> Eric Hagen <ehagen@_hawaii.edu> Stuart Harvey <sharvey@_primenet.com> Charles Galpin <chg@_severn.wash.inmet.com> Bear Giles <bear@_indra.com> Gerald E. Butler <gbutler@_phoenix.kent.edu> Charles Hines <chuck_hines@_vnet.ibm.com> Riccardo Capella <mc8508@_mclink.it> Paul Close <pdc@_sgi.com> Brian Perkins <bperkins@_netspace.com> <eruston@_net2.intserv.com> Thomas Sudbrak <sudbrak@_borneo.gmd.de> Colin J. Wynne <cwynne@_sage.wlu.edu> Marten van de Laan <marten@_cs.rug.nl> Dimitris Evmorfopoulos <devmorfo@_mtu.edu> Brian Wheeler <bdwheele@_indiana.edu> Fr Pilhofer <fp@_informatik.uni-frankfurt.de> Joel Kelso <joel@_cs.murdoch.edu.au> Wouter Liefting <wlieftin@_cs.vu.nl> Mark Gray <vatavian@_gvu1.gatech.edu> <cosc19v2@_menudo.uh.edu> Scott D. Heavner <sdh@_fishmonger.uucp> Jeremy Orr <jeremy@_careercenter.sfsu.edu> Ryan Tucker <rtucker@_ttgcitn.com> P.J. Nefkens <p.nefkens@_student.utwente.nl> Howard Goldstein <hg@_n2wx.ampr.org> Mr Pink <vince@_dallas.demon.co.uk> Thomas <tom@_dirac.physik.uni-konstanz.de> Hugh McCurdy <hmccurdy@_ix.netcom.com> Pieter Verhaeghe <pive@_uia.ac.be> Paul Hedderly <prh6@_unix.york.ac.uk> Wil Cromer <nwc2@_Ra.MsState.Edu> Rohan Tronson <rohan@_kihi.com.au> NN <usenet@_uxmail.ust.hk> Earl Gooch <egooch@_mc.com> Daniel Path <danielp@_r-medialine.hu> Mike Baptiste <baptiste@_bnr.ca> Vaughan R. Pratt <pratt@_Sunburn.Stanford.EDU> Robert Knop <rknop@_netcom.com> <root@_avalon.net> C Vetter <cbvetter@_informatik.th-darmstadt.de> Theo Scott <rkwtgs@_pukrs3.puk.ac.za> Sherman Hsieh <shieh@_csua.berkeley.edu> 3. Raccolta di misure 486DX2/58 486DX4/100 486DX2/80 486DX4/100 486DX2/80 486DX4/100 486DX2/100 486DX5/133 486DX5/133 486DX5/133 3.5 overclock TI overclock AMD AMD AMD 15 26.3 28.67 36 39.94 50.08 60 60.45 75.40 80.08 87 Vassili Leonov <leonov@_iedv7.acd.com> Theo Scott <rkwtgs@_pukrs3.puk.ac.za> Mark Lee <mlee@_heartlab.rri.uwo.ca> Andre Lehrbach <lehrbach@_redamp.com.br> Mark Lee <mlee@_heartlab.rri.uwo.ca> Sebastien Dedieu <dedieu@_emi.u-bordeaux.fr> Tony D Shan <tdsst9+@_pitt.edu> Jeff Hyche <jwhyche@_scott.net> NN <guesta@_slip-29-7.ots.utexas.edu> John Wiggins <jwiggins@_comp.uark.edu> Varianti 486 (Cyrix/IBM, UMC) Processore 486DLC/33 486DLC/33 387DX/40 486DLC/33 Cyrix wb 486DLC/33 Cyrix 386 486DLC/40 256c 486Dx/40 Cyrix 486DRx2/40 Cyrix 486DX/33 Cyrix 486DLC/40 bogoboost 486DLC/40 487 Cyrix 486DCL Cyrix 486DLC/40 486DLC/40 486SLC-S/33 486DLC/40 no Cxpatch 486DLC/40 TI 128c 486DLC/40 Cyrix 486DRx2/40 486DX2/66 IBM no-FF 486SLC2/66 IBM 64c 486SLC2/66 IBM 128c 486SLC2/66 486SLC/50 486BL3/75 IBM 256c 486BL3/75 IBM 256c 486DX2/66 Cyrix 486DX2/66 Cyrix 128c 486DX2/66 Cyrix 486DX2-S/66 256c 486DX2/66 Cyrix 486BL3/100 IBM 256c 486SX-S/33 UMC 0c 486SX-S/40 UMC 0c 486SX-U5/40 UMC 0c BogoMips 9.42 9.47 9.5 11.2 11.33 11.73 13.10 13.21 13.21 13.21 13.3 13.31 13.31 13.51 15.47 15.97 15.97 15.99 19 18.95 18.95 19.02 19.28 21.40 21.50 26.62 26.63 26.63 26.63 26.63 28.36 20.20 26.52 26.63 Riferito da Dennis Robinson <djrobins@_uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> Denis Solaro <drzob@_vectrex.login.qc.ca> M. Asplund <matt@_xenon.cchem.berkely.edu> Alex Freed <freed@_europa.orion.adobe.com> Schendel <sschend@_magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> Malcolm Bremer <malcolm@_strw.LeidenUniv.nl> Christopher Lau <clau@_acs.ucalgary.ca> M Haardt <u31b3hs@_informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE> Harry Pasanen <ps@_tekla.fi> Ian A. Verschuren <iav@_po.CWRU.Edu> Tracer Bullet P.I. <ges@_earth.baylor.edu> Adam Frampton <frampton@_access2.digex.net> Rick Chow <crc@_cacs.usl.edu> Brad Pepers <pepersb@_cuug.ab.ca> Sergei O. Naoumov <serge@_envy.astro.unc.edu> Philip K. Roban <phil@_seal.micro.umn.edu> L.J. LaBash <labash@_lcjones.aclib.siue.edu> Christopher Lau <lauc@_fusion.cuc.ab.ca> NN <coolefa@_pmifeg.com> Sujat Jamil <sujat@_shasta.ee.umn.edu> Sujat Jamil <sujat@_shasta.ee.umn.edu> Harry Mangalam <mangalam@_uci.edu> Sion Arrowsmith <sion@_bast.demon.co.uk> Anders Stenback <stenback@_kuai.se> Ming S. Chan <ming.chan@_canrem.com> Demian Marshall <dandfi@_nospam.shaw.ca> Derek Kwan <dkwan@_zeus.UWaterloo.ca> Adrian Parker <adrian@_willen.demon.co.uk> Jean-Marc Wislez <JeanMarc.Wislez@_rug.ac.be> Curran W. Fey <fey@_biotech.washington.edu> Anders Stenback <stenback@_kuai.se> Hynek Med <xmedh02@_manes.vse.cz> Hynek Med <xmedh02@_manes.vse.cz> Dusan Mihajlovic <zdule@_herkules.co.yu> 3. Raccolta di misure 3.6 16 Sistemi Pentium Processore Pentium/60 Pentium/60 Pentium/60 Pentium/60 Pentium/60 Pentium/60 Pentium/60 Pentium/60 Pentium/60 Pentium/60 Pentium/66 Pentium/66 Pentium/66 Pentium/75 Pentium/75 Pentium/75 Pentium/75 Pentium/75 Pentium/75 Pentium/75 Pentium/75 Pentium/90 Pentium/83 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 BogoMips 23 23.96 23.96 Gateway 23.96 23.96 23.96 NCR 3455 24 24 24.0 24.13 25 26.63 26.84 256c 29.5 29.70 29.79 29.80 29.95 30.22 30.22 30.22 notebook 32.73 overdrive 33.55 34.07 zappa 256c 35.6 35.84 35.88 35.88 35.94 36 36 36 36.0 36.06 36.08 Zeos 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 Gateway 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 Riferito da Chien-An Chen <giant@_nwu.edu> Joost Helberg <jhelberg@_nlsun8.oracle.nl> Ulf Tietz <ulf@_rio70.bln.sni.de> Manoj Kasichainula <mvkasich@_eos.ncsu.edu> Pierre Frenkiel <frenkiel@_cdfap1.in2p3.fr> Tim Oosterbroek <tim@_astro.uva.nl> Mathias Koerber <mathias@_solomon.technet.sg> Joe Sloan <jjs@_engr.ucr.edu> Mark H. Wood <mwood@_indyvax.iupui.edu> R.M. van Rijswijk <rijswijk@_cs.utwente.nl> Chuck Munro <chuckm@_canada.hp.com> Jason M. Naughton <jnaughto@_ee.ryerson.ca> Kelly Carmichael <kcarmich@_cln.etc.bc.ca> Chris Dodd <cdodd@_super.win.or.jp> H. Cuijpers <hcuijpers@_maas-services.com> Scott M. Grim <sgrim@_netwalk.com> Torbjoern Kristoffersen <torbkris@_online.no> Steve Martin <smartin@_mrg.uswest.com> Zoran Marjanski <bagzor@_enterprise.ca> Andrew Buckby <c4ab1@_dmu.ac.uk> Stuart Nuttall <u9230106@_sys.uea.ac.uk> Rich Neves <neves@_cs.colorado.edu> JCS <jean-claude.schwartz@_contiteves.com> A. Galbraith <ajgalb@_postman.essex.ac.uk> Sebastien Dedieu <dedieu@_emi.u-bordeaux.fr> Jason Nunn <jsno@_stormfront.com.au> Joe Anderson <CPJJA@_ttacs3.ttu.edu> Warwick Allison <warwick@_cs.uq.oz.au> Erik Walthinsen <omega@_teleport.com> Joe Sloan <jjs@_engr.ucr.edu> Larry Auton <lda@_nfa.research.att.com> Richard Knipe <knipe@_lobby.ti.com> Werner Almesberger <almesber@_lrc.epfl.ch> Rob J. Nauta <rob@_iaehv.nl> Leung Hon Wa <cshwleun@_cs.citu.edu.hk> Chris Laurel <claurel@_mr.net> Ronald Prague <ronp@_fishnet.net> Adrian Blues <adrian@_hypereality.co.uk> Pak Yin Tam "Fred" <ptam@_eesun1.tamu.edu> Jason Heiss <jheiss@_cco.caltech.edu> Tim Krantz <tek@_dsinc.com> Pete Stewart <stewart@_bae.bellcore.com> Tom Manos <tmanos@_infi.net> Richard Mundell <R.Mundell@_uea.ac.uk> NN <usenet@_uxmail.ust.hk> Yavuz Batmaz <yavuzb@_knidos.cc.metu.edu.tr> Alan Skelley <askelley@_gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> 3. Raccolta di misure Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Micronics Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Plato Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/100 overcl Pentium/100 Pentium/100 overcl Pentium/100 Pentium/100 0c Pentium/100 overcl Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Cyrix Pentium/100 Pentium/100 overcl Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 overcl Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/120 Cyrix Pentium/120 Pentium/120 Cyrix Pentium/120 Pentium/120 Cyrix Pentium/120 Pentium/120 Pentium/120 Pentium/120 Cyrix Pentium/120 Pentium/120 Intel Pentium/120 Cyrix Pentium/120 Pentium/120 Pentium/120 Cyrix Pentium/120 17 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.09 36.27 36.4 36.5 36.9 38.39 39.52 39.73 39.73 39.73 39.83 39.93 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.94 39.96 39.98 40.03 40.08 40.18 40.18 47.8 47.82 47.92 47.93 47.93 47.93 47.98 47.92 48 48.00 48.02 48.27 48.27 48.27 48.2 49.27 Ralph Sims <ralphs@_locus.halcyon.com> Julian Bradbury <julian@_xabcs.demon.co.uk> Dan Langrill <langrlld@_mussel.cig.mot.com> Ravi Krishna Swamy <rkswamy@_eos.ncsu.edu> J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> Andrew Brown <andrewbrown@_acm.org> Giao H Phan <giao@_concrete.resnet.upenn.edu> Joe Valenzuela <smarm@_ibm.net> Mike Kelleher <mikejk@_umfacad.maine.edu> Ted Gaunt <tgaunt@_pms701.pms.ford.com> Stefan Onderka <stefan.onderka@_metronet.de> Adrian Blues <adrian@_hypereality.co.uk> Phil Howard <phil@_clr.com> <Peter.Weiss@_informatik.uni-oldenburg.de> Jason Crawford <jasonc1@_gramercy.ios.com> Stefan Onderka <stefan.onderka@_metronet.de> Tom Miller <tvtom@_en.com> Mike Holland <myk@_cygnus.uwa.edu.au> KAZ Vorpal <kaz@_upx.net> Donar G.E. Alofs <donar@_cs.vu.nl> Larry Snyder <larry@_trauma.iag.net> Ian Hill <ian@_hecate.phy.queensu.ca> John Crawford <link@_spu.edu> Alexandre de Menezes <menezes@_peta.com.br> Jered <jered@_mit.edu> Ian <irs2@_tweedledum.amp.york.ac.uk> Brian McGhee <brianm@_iceonline.com> M Skjelland <morten.skjelland@_pvv.unit.no> Dan Kha <dkha@_yorku.ca> Phillipe Charon <charron@_ecoledoc.ibp.fr> <bon@_elektron.ikp.physik.th-darmstadt.de> Ronny Spiegel <rspiegel@_htwm.de> David Baldwin <davidb@_exis.net> <habibie@_catevr.fiu.edu> Simon Ho <simon@_epsilon.win-uk.net> Jorge Juan-Chico <jjchico@_imse.cnm.es> Joel N. Squire <squire@_colorado.edu> Umberto d’Ortona <umberto@_grenet.fr> Jim T. Polk <jtpolk@_cris.com> Jon Trowbridge <trow@_mcs.com> Craig Bates <cbates@_psu.edu> Aaron Brick <abrick@_dcc.uchile.cl> Steve <horne@_mhd2.pfc.mit.edu> Michael Wazenski <mwazenski@_dsrnet.com> Scott M. Grim <sgrim@_netwalk.com> Glenn T Jayaputera <gjt@_budgie.apana.org.au> Roman Mitnitski <mitnits@_shany.net> Peter Walsh <pwalsh@_rain.org> Viznyuk <sviznyuk@_magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> Simon Hargrave <simon@_revell.demon.co.uk> 3. Raccolta di misure * * * * * * * * * * * Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/150 Pentium/150 Pentium/150 Pentium/166 Pentium/166 Pentium/166 Pentium/166 Pentium/166 Pentium/166 Pentium/166 Pentium/166 Pentium/188 Pentium/200 Pentium/200 Pentium/200 Pentium/200 Pentium/200 Pentium/200 Pentium/200 Pentium/60 Pentium/90 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/133 Pentium/166 Pentium/166 3.7 overcl Intel 256c 256c Intel overcl 512c overcl HP 18 53.04 53.04 53.04 53.04 53.04 53.25 53.26 53.26 53.26 53.26 53.26 53.26 53.26 53.26 53.68 53.68 59.80 60.01 60.21 66.16 66.35 66.36 66.44 66.76 67.10 67.10 67.10 74.96 79.66 79.69 79.89 78.87 80.08 80.08 81.92 119.60 179.81 197.00 198.66 199.48 264.60 265.42 266.24 266.24 331.78 332.60 Wayne Roberts <wroberts@_aug.com> A.J. Wilson <wilston.austin.aj@_bhp.com.au> Gregory Travis <greg@_indiana.edu> A. Kunigelis <algikun@_santaka.sc-uni.ktu.lt> Jimmie Farmer <calvin@_malchick.com> Chuck Mattern <cmattern@_mindspring.com> Glenn Holt <gholt@_lsil.com> Heikki Levanto <heikki@_lsd.ping.dk> Chaim Tarshish <chaim@_ipl.med.nyu.edu> Mitchell B. Hamm <hamm@_one.net> Donald Lewis <dlewis@_jackson.freenet.org> Jon Trowbridge <trow@_kremlin.emccta.com> Charny Peete Mitchell <cpmiche@_eos.ncsu.edu> David Wuertele <dave@_gctech.com> Guiseppe Miceli <ferdy@_ccii.unipi.it> Michael Kress <kress@_hal.saar.de> Joel D. Young <jdyoung@_afit.af.mil> Joost de Greef <joost@_stack.nl> Duarte Cordeiro <l38404@_alfa.ist.utl.pt> Pedro Soria-Rodriguez <sorrodp@_wpi.edu> K. Visweswaran <kviswesw@_lehman.com> T. Endo <enchan@_trc.rwcp.or.jp> Donald Lewis <dlewis@_jackson.freenet.org> F. Baitinger <baiti@_herrenberg.netsurf.de> Jon Trowbridge <trow@_mcs.com> Dylan <dylan@_ert.com> Dirk Freese <freese@_infra.de> Reijo Pitkanen <reijop@_bzln.com> Piete Brooks <Piete.Brooks@_cl.cam.ac.uk> Timm Gleason <timm@_bess.net> Dave S. Baker <dave@_acedia.demon.co.uk> Nick D’Apice <ndapice@_erols.com> Anders Stenback <stenback@_hehe.com> Steve Freeland <sfreel@_cs.mcgill.ca> Steve Baur <steve@_xemacs.org> Luis Miguel Bruga <lmburga@_ieee.org> Gavin McDonald <gavitron@_telus.net> Kevin Rutan <mt2mb@_neo.rr.com> Patrick Nichols <pat@_humbug.org.au> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> Lew Pitcher <lew.pitcher@_td.com> Max Vasin <max@_mail.ru> Vadim <root@_teleline.es> Loren J Donelsson <nojunk@_nojunk.com> Sabu <sabu@_chatpr.org> Electra Flarefire <bcrowe@_optushome.com.au> Sistemi Pentium configurati in modo strano o errato Processore BogoMips Riferito da 3. Raccolta di misure Pentium/66 Pentium/90 notebook 6x86/120 Cyrix Pentium/83 Overdrive Pentium/83 Overdrive Pentium/83 Overdrive Pentium/83 Overdrive 6x86/120 P120+overcl Pentium MMX/266 Pentium MMX/263 overcl AMD K6-2/300 Pentium MMX/231 Pentium MMX/263 overcl SMP4 Pentium Pro/200 3.8 19 2.18 9.5 52.32 82.85 83.32 82.94 83.35 104.86 130.66 392.40 399.95 419.43 435.87 700.13 Bob Myers <root@_shyguy.lonestar.org> Mark Maybee <markm@_cs.colorado.edu> Joel Boring <dwild@_eskimo.com> Brian Smith <smithb@_laraby.tiac.net> Scott Francis <mord@_netcom.com> G. Spiegelberg <greg@_owens.ridgecrest.ca.us> Jacek Polewczak <jacek.polewczak@_csun.edu> Howard Poe <falcor@_kingsnet.com> <yorkchan@_hotmail.com> John Appleby <jma24@_cam.ac.uk> Chris Ebenezer <chriseb@_nortelworks.com> Juan Domenech <domenech@_mail.seric.es> Juan Domenech <domenech@_mail.seric.es> R Carrico <robert_carrico@_themoneystore.com> Varianti del processore Pentium: Intel (MMX, Pro, II, Celeron, III, 4) Processore Pentium MMX/133 Pentium MMX/150 Pentium MMX/166 Pentium MMX/166 Pentium MMX/166 Pentium MMX/166 Pentium MMX/166 Pentium MMX/166 Pentium MMX/166 Pentium MMX/166 Pentium MMX/166 Pentium MMX/180 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/210 Pentium MMX/225 Pentium MMX/225 Pentium MMX/225 Pentium MMX/230 BogoMips 265.77 307.53 notebk 329.31 notebk 331.75 331.78 331.78 331.78 333.41 333.41 333.41 333.46 358.81 398.13 398.13 398.13 398.19 398.95 398.95 398.95 398.95 mobile 398.95 399.77 399.77 400 400.59 400.59 400.59 overcl 416.97 overcl 448.92 overcl 448.92 overcl 448.92 overcl 461.85 Riferito da Ron Peters <rpeters@_f15fast.al.intel.com> Sami Sihvonen <buggy@_fix.no> Massimo Pinto <pinto@_graylab.ac.uk> NN <visionary@_aura.title14.com> Rob Janssen <pe1chl@_amsat.org> Dave Page <dave@_vale-housing.co.uk> Matthew C. Sell <amtmcs@_amsta.leeds.ac.uk> Sjoelie <patrick@_sjoel.xs4all.nl> Viet Yen Nguyen <vt@_multiweb.nl> Marcin Owsiany <porridge@_lo4.ids.bielsko.pl> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> David Efflandt <efflandt@_xnet.com> Andy Saunders <andi@_numenor.oucs.ox.ac.uk> A. James Lewis <james@_vrtx.net> Sean Horan <sean@_psy.ed.asu.edu> Fabio Comolli <comolli@_tin.it> Reinhold J. Gerharz <rgerharx@_erols.com> Eric Beymer <beymer@_soundex.com> Duane Steel <dsteele@_direct.ca> <ndpilatz@_undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> Nam <nam@_netvigator.com> Wei-shi Tsai <perdita@_dallas.crosswinds.net> Erik Terpstra <erik@_solidcode.net> Rob Jokinen <rjokinen@_rt66.com> Paul Black <paul@_darwin.demon.co.uk> Juho Cederstrom <cederstrom@_kolumbus.fi> Bart <bart@_aceonline.com.au> John Saunders <john@_nlc.net.au> Ingo Reimann <reimann@_uni-muenster.de> Mattias Hembruch <mghembru@_ece.uwaterloo.ca> Larry Lade <lade@_btigate.com> Rene Stanneveld <edge@_huizen.nhkanaal.nl> 3. Raccolta di misure * * 20 Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium MMX/233 MMX/233 MMX/233 MMX/233 MMX/233 MMX/233 MMX/233 MMX/233 MMX/250 overcl MMX/266 overcl MMX/266 MMX/290 overcl 463.67 463.67 463.67 465.31 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 498.07 525.93 532.48 581.63 Rui M.B. Machado <rui@_nifdl7.fd.ul.pt> Rob Janssen <pe1chl@_amsat.org> Jose Maria Perez Box <jmpbox@_etsin.upm.es> Per Andersson <ppan@_cntw.com> Eric George <ergeorge@_worldnet.att.net> Mv Overbruggen <marcel@_johannes.iconnect.nl> Keith Beacham <kbeacham1@_sympatico.ca> Erwin Lubbers <erwin@_box.nl> Maarten van Rossum <m@_vr.xs4all.nl> Frank <r2@_xs4all.nl> Wade Mealing <root@_damage.com> Brian <eradicator@_home.com> Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pro/133 Pro/150 Pro/180 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/200 Pro/233 overcl Pro/400 Pro/200 132.88 149.50 179.61 197.42 197.42 198.84 198.84 199.04 199.06 199.06 199.06 199.07 199.07 199.07 199.07 199.07 199.95 200.32 200.32 200.32 200.32 200.32 234.43 397.31 399.76 John D. Sundberg <jdsundberg@_mmm.com> Rogier Wolff <wolff@_bitwizard.nl> Chuck Fee <fee@_ch4549.org> Michael Griffith <grif@_cs.ucr.edu> Curtis Varner <carner@_cs.ucr.edu> Erik Max Francis <max@_alcyone.com> Marc Winkler <marcus@_healthchex.com> V. Bostrom <Vareck_Bostrom@_ccm.jf.intel.com> Justin Clancy <justin@_hippos.demon.co.uk> Glenn Lamb <mumford@_netcom15.netcom.com> Laszlo Herczeg <las@_light-house.com> Stefan <boresch@_schuber.u-strasbg.fr> Greg Fausak <lgfausak@_august.com> Chris Jones <chris@_planetsymphone.com> Matthew S. Crocker <matthew@_crocker.com> Roberto <rc@_cr.com> Reinhold J. Gerharz <rgerharx@_erols.com> Gil Megidish <gmegidis@_ort.org.il> Jose Navarro <jnavarro@_aoc.nrao.edu> <Eric_Zucker@_om.hp.com> Wayne Scott <wscott@_ichips.intel.com> Adrian L. Hosey <ahosey@_cs.indiana.edu> S. Curtarolo <auro@_spiro.fisica.unipd.it> Lamarque Vieira Souza <lamarque@_dcc.ufmg.br> Horst Wente <horst.wente@_acm.org> Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium II/233 II/233 II/233 II/118 II/266 II/266 II/266 II/266 II/266 II/266 II/266 232.65 233.47 233.47 234.29 265.42 265.42 265.42 265.42 265.44 266.24 266.24 Jan Houtsma <jan@_houtsma.net> Torbjoern Kristoffersen <torbkris@_online.no> Sorin Mitran <mitran@_irs.fzk.de> Jose Gerardo A Quejada <gquejada@_nsclub.net> Jon Trowbridge <trow@_kremlin.emccta.com> A. Hochwimmer <a.hochwimmer@_auckland.ac.nz> Matt Garman <garman@_ews.uiuc.edu> Robert Woodwort <woodwort@_utmc.utc.com> Nick Ullman <nick@_avenza.com> Pieter Eendebak <p.t.eendebak@_phys.uu.nl> John Calison <jcalison@_mindspring.com> 3. Raccolta di misure * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium II/266 II/266 II/266 II/266 II/300 II/300 II/333 II/350 II/350 II/350 II/400 II/400 II/400 II/420 II/448 II/450 II/450 II/450 II/450 II/450 II/466 II/233 II/504 II/515 II/266 II/272 II/300 II/307 II/333 II/350 II/350 II/350 II/350 II/360 II/400 II/400 II/400 II/400 II/400 II/450 overcl overcl overcl overcl mobile Celeron/300 Celeron/300 Celeron/300 Celeron/333 Celeron/333 Celeron/366 Celeron/400 Celeron/466 overcl Celeron/500 21 267.06 267.06 267.06 272.79 299.01 299.83 332.60 347.34 349.80 349.80 396.49 396.49 398.13 416.15 447.28 447.28 447.28 447.28 447.28 447.28 462.03 466.94 502.99 514.46 532.48 542.31 594.73 614.40 663.55 688.12 699.50 699.59 699.60 719.25 792.99 796.26 794.62 794.62 797.90 894.56 James McKinnon <jmack@_phys.ualberta.ca> Greg <gl2hughes@_undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca> Pros Robaer <pros@_innet.be> Frank Hale <frankhale@_worldnet.att.net> Martin Lathoud <nytral@_endirect.qc.ca> Andy Busch <buschap@_acs.wooster.edu> Eric Games <frequenc@_laf.cioe.com> NN <silkythreads@_home.com> Rizzoli <rizzoli@_planet.it> Jeff Bishop <jbish@_airmail.net> Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> Sven Skrivervik <sven.skrivervik@_eunet.no> Floris Martens <fmartens@_bigfoot.com> Rafal <rafamiga@_uucp.polbox.pl> Mathieu Bois <mathieu.bois@_nomura.co.uk> Mathieu Bois <mathieu.bois@_nomura.co.uk> Stuart Nuttall <stu@_etcs.demon.co.uk> Richard R. Urena <urena@_wilde.oit.umass.edu> Brantley Jones <bjones@_cte.net> Esmail Bonakdarian <esmail@_uiowa.edu> Bjorn Lindgren <bjorn@_chiba.cx> Bill Maloy <bill.maloy@_goldinc.com> David Hand <dhand@_best.com> NN <luckydaze@_netzero.net> Kenny Gryp <gryp@_dakin.be> Ton <ton@_somedomain.com> Alasdair Earl <aearl@_ph.ed.ac.uk> Nicolas Boiteux <athome1@_caramail.com> John Ferriby <john@_interbroad.com> Niek <niek@_niek.net> Jan <jan-bruchsal@_gmx.net> Kenny Gryp <gryp@_dakin.be> Teun Warnaar <tat@_dds.nl> <tgreaves@_my-deja.com> Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> S Thibault <samuel.thibault@_ens-lyon.fr> Mark Dickie <mark@_dickie29.freeserve.co.uk> Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> Marvin Pierce <mpierce@_bigpond.net.au> Scott <scott421@_bellsouth.net> 299.83 299.97 307.20 332.6 330.96 367.00 398.13 462.03 498.07 Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> Helmut <helmut@_cancon.com> Richard M. Sugg <richardsugg@_earthlink.net> Florian <florian@_egon-bbs.n-a-m.de> Douglas E Harmon <genius91@_gate.net> Raul Belisario <storm@_gold.com.br> Polaris <polaris_c@_my-deja.com> Tim Moore <timothymoore@_bigfoot.com> Falk Herwig <fherwig@_uvic.ca> 3. Raccolta di misure * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Celeron/500 Celeron/300 Celeron/400 Celeron/433 Celeron/433 Celeron/450 Celeron/466 Celeron/466 Celeron/500 Celeron/500 Celeron/533 Celeron/566 Celeron/600 Celeron/633 Celeron/700 Celeron/800 Celeron/900 Celeron/950 Celeron/1035 Celeron/1300 Celeron/1700 Celeron/1700 Celeron/2400 Celeron/2400 Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium III/450 III/450 III/500 III/400 III/500 III/500 III/550 III/550 III/550 III/600 III/600 III/600 III/733 III/733 III/750 III/450 III/450 III/450 III/450 III/450 III/450 III/933 III/500 III/500 III/500 22 499.71 598.01 799.53 865.07 868.35 897.84 927.33 929.07 996.15 999.42 1064.96 1127.22 1192.75 1264.84 1386.08 1599 1795.68 1900.54 2064.38 2601.77 3381.65 3420.97 4734.97 4771.02 Bruce H <xxx@_att.net> R.J. Bergeron <rjber1@_geocities.com> Mike <rapacity@_ii.net> Rob Farrel <rpf@_comcast.net> Abhik Sarkar <asarkar@_optoconnect.net.in> Mike <rapacity@_ii.net> John Pester <johnp@_sonicwall.com> Dominic.Baines <[email protected]> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> Pekka Tiitanen <peti@_kauha.kauhajoki.fi> F. Alfaro <al528580@_mail.mty.itesm.mx> Bacsi Roland <broland@_freemail.hu> Shaun Ewing <shaun@_shaunewing.com> Jan Verner <jan@_jan.cz> Roberto Giungato <roberto@_giungato.it> Yves Bellefeuille <yan@_storm.ca> Hannes Schmiderer <bogomips_o@_schmiderer.cc> Hans-Willem Geitz <hw.geitz@_chello.nl> Marlboro <marlboro_chen@_163.net> Jan Verner <jan@_jan.cz> Andy Wiggin <awiggin@_alpinemicro.com> Darryl Bryant <dazp@_zip.com.au> C Clemson <chris.clemson@_softwareag.co.uk> Zoltan Szabo <zoltan_szabo@_freemail.hu> 447.28 450.56 496.44 497.85 498.00 499.71 547.23 548.86 548.86 598.02 599.65 599.65 733.73 734.00 747.11 891.28 894.56 894.56 897.84 901.12 901.12 930.61 992.87 996.14 999.42 Windsurfer <acorupe@_earthlink.net> Rogier Spieker <rogier@_metallica.com> Cesar Bravo <cesar.bravo@_compaq.com> Eric McCoy <emccoy@_hamilton.edu> Rajko Wehrhahn <seymour@_link-c.cl.sub.de> Morris Walton <mccw@_ipass.net> Art <aeolian@_yahoo.com> Chris <chiuhing@_hotmail.com> Evan L. Carew <ecarew@_emagtechnologies.com> Elaine Wenderholm <wender@_cs.oswego.edu> Donna Williams <silkythreads@_home.com> Steve Cousins <cousins@_umit.maine.ude> Ryan Snodgrass <ryan_snodgrass@_my-deja.com> Steve Cousins <cousins@_umit.maine.ude> Yong <yonliu@_my-deja.com> Bob Bucy <rbucy@_swbell.net> Achim Breunig <achim.breunig@_khe.siemens.de> Anthaam Bozer <hrana@_iname.com> Paul Drees <pad53945@_sci.tamucc.edu> Darrick Wong <DarrickWong@_mindspring.com> Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> Cipriano Groenendal <cipri@_ezlinux.nl> Q. Uijldert <quiten.uijldert@_vicorp.com> Alasdair Earl <aearl@_ph.ed.ac.uk> Shawn D. MacIntyre <sdm1560@_hotmail.com> 3. Raccolta di misure * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium III/500 III/500 III/900 III/533 III/550 III/550 III/550 III/550 III/560 III/600 III/600 III/600 III/600 III/600 III/645 III/645 III/666 III/666 III/700 III/700 III/700 III/700 III/700 III/700 III/700 III/730 III/750 III/800 Vaio III/800 III/800 III/800 III/800 III/800 III/800 III/800 III/850 III/866 III/866 III/866 III/866 III/933 III/930 III/1000 mob III/1000 III/1000 III/1000 III/1000 III/1000 mob III/1000 III/1065 mob 23 999.42 999.75 1028.92 1061.68 1064.96 1094.45 1101.00 1101.50 1117.39 1192.75 1192.75 1192.76 1192.76 1199.31 1287.78 1287.78 1327.10 1330.38 1389.36 1399.19 1399.19 1399.19 1399.19 1405.74 1441.79 1461.45 1490.94 1543.37 1576.96 1585.97 1592.52 1592.52 1592.52 1599.08 1602.36 1697.38 1723.60 1723.60 1723.60 1730.15 1816.22 1854.66 1970.17 1985.74 1985.74 1992.29 1992.29 1992.29 1992.29 2115.76 Dominic.Baines <[email protected]> Darrick Wong <DarrickWong@_mindspring.com> Charles Reese <creese@_engr.ucsb.edu> Ian Pilcher <pilcher@_concentric.net> Limin Yu <dragontec@_justsystem.co.jp> Benedicto Junior <benjr@_elo.com.br> Chris Budde <chrisb@_internation.co.uk> Julius Wijaya <jwijaya@_gmx.co.uk> Jurriaan <thunder@_xs2all.nl> F. Corona <fcorona@_marte.dicm.unica.it> Niek <niek@_niek.net> Taco IJsselmuiden <taco@_wep.tudelft.nl> Alex Jenner <alexj@_ihug.co.nz> J Uusi-Maahi <jarmo.uusi-maahi@_kanetti.com> Federico Licifredi <[email protected]> Dimitri <d_barsoukov@_hotmail.com> Fred Strauss <usenet@_strider.co.za> Bacsi Roland <broland@_freemail.hu> Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> Vipul Mathur <vipul@_linux-delhi.org> Chris Raters <craters@_toasty.com> Alasdair Earl <aearl@_ph.ed.ac.uk> Ivan Leban <ivan.leban@_uni-lj.si> Sam Worf <samworf@_newsguy.com> <a.giachino@_ekkinc.com> Timm Murray <admin@_madtimes.com> Werther Chieric <w_chierici@_hotmail.com> Scott Maines <smaines@_alaya.com> S Thibault <samuel.thibault@_ens-lyon.fr> Darrick Wong <djwong@_thibs.menloschool.org> Slawomir Axzkowski <slawek@_talex.com.pl> Simon Horn <dinoming@_hotmail.com> Marcio Pessoa <marcio_pessoa@_ig.com.br> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> Lew Pitcher <lpitcher@_yesic.com> Ralf Buchwald <ralf@_iehk.rwth-aachen.de> Rob Farrell <rpf@_speakeasy.net> Elgar Pichler <epichler@_yahoo.com> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> John Bland <shrike@_homer.cmp.liv.ac.uk> Cipriano Groenendal <cipri@_ezlinux.nl> Tim Meehan <tmeehan@_alpinemicro.com> Abjihit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> John Davis <root@_anc.net> Mathieu Bois <mathieu.bois@_laposte.net> A Chan <achanjunk@_yahoo.com> Michael Lush <mlush@_hgmp.mrc.ac.uk> Ali Soylu <alisoylu@_jhu.edu> Mate Javor <mjavor@_gskcomp.hu> Marc Frei <marc@_marcfrei.org> 3. Raccolta di misure * * * * 24 Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium III/1125 III/1133 III/1200 III/1266 2247.88 2274.09 2798.38 2523.13 Jacques Bratieres <j.bratieres@_online.fr> Mate Javor <mjavor@_gskcomp.hu> Ronald Bynoe <praeluceo@_attbi.com> Mauricio A A Polo <maraya@_dcc.uchile.cl> Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium Pentium 4/1000 4/1300 4/1400 4/1400 Mobile 4/1500 4/1500 4/1600 4/1615 4/1700 4/1700 4/1800 4/1800 4/1800 mob 4/1800 4/2000 4/2000 4/2000 4/2000 4/2000 4/2000 4/2000 4/2200 4/2400 4/2400 4/2530 4/2600 4/2600 4/2667 4/2800 4/2800 4/2800 4/2800 4/3000 4/3000 4/3060 4/3060 4/3200 4/3200 4/3400 1993.55 2588.67 2785.28 2785.28 2962.23 2981.88 3198.15 3224.37 3381.65 3407.87 3578.26 3578.26 3591.37 3617.58 3961.24 3971.48 3971.48 3971.48 3978.45 3984.58 4023.91 4377.80 4793.23 4836.55 5033.16 5128.19 5203.55 5321.52 5439.48 5496.77 5521.40 5596.77 5976.88 5989.99 6094.84 6121.06 6406.14 6370.09 6716.44 D. Richards <donrich@_neo.rr.com> Nick Johnson <npj7y@_virginia.edu> Hans Loos <hans_loos@_hp.com> Frank Herrmann <fh15@_inf.tu-dresden.de> Gary Bridgewater <gbdsb@_pacbell.net> William C. Glaub <virage@_vast.net> Jan Verner <jan@_jan.cz> Milo Sandydowns <max@_archigraph.net> Janossy Laszlo <djagga@_kabelkon.ro> J. Esquivel <jeroot@_angloamericano.ed.cr> Alasdair Earl <aearl@_ph.ed.ac.uk> Fred Heitkamp <heitkamp@_ameritech.net> Ton Machielsen <ton@_machielsen.net> James Cowie <jcownie@_etnus.com> Craig McCluskey <diesel01@_vla.com> Timothy A. Chagnon <tchagnon@_nc.rr.com> F Liu <francis.lui@_member.sage-au.org.au> Steve Nelson <steve@_out-of-control.com> Ciro Bigongiari <ciro.bigongiari@_pd.infn.it> Gurkan Sengun <gurkan@_linuks.mine.nu> Ralf Buchwald <ralf@_iehk.rwth-aachen.de> John Davies <john.davies@_c24.biz> Istvan Mayer <mayer@_chemres.hu> Spufi <spufi@_pandora.be> Andy Wiggin <awiggin@_alpinemicro.com> Esben Pedersen <esben_pedersen@_tdcadsl.dk> Janossy Laszlo <laca@_knet.ro> Heiko Steindl <heiko@_steindl.com> Kenny Gryp <gryp@_dakin.be> Elie De Brauwer <elie@_de-brauwer.be> Gerrit Holl <gerrit@_nl.linux.org> Jurek Bartuszek <koxta@_koxta.net> Peter Whysall <peter.whysall@_ntlworld.com> Abjihit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> Bacsi Roland <broland@_mailbox.hu> Heiko Steindl <heiko@_steindl.com> Carson Reynolds <carsonr@_media.mit.edu> Scott <magic@_cyberglide.tv> Heiko Steindl <heiko@_steindl.com> Xeon/2400 Xeon/2400 4784.12 4797.23 Mario Kool <m.kool@_linuxpowered.nl> D Lombardo <dario.lombardo@_telecomitalia.it> Itanium/733 SGI Itanium/900 730.88 1346.37 Silvo Bozovicar <silve@_seed.aster.si> Bill Maloy <bill.maloy@_goldinc.com> 3. Raccolta di misure 3.9 25 Varianti del processore Pentium: Cyrix, AMD (K5/K6/K7, Duron, Athlon, Opteron), Centaur Processore Cyrix 5x86/100 Cyrix 5x86/100 Cyrix 5x86/100 Cyrix 5x86/120 Cyrix 5x86/120 Cyrix 5x86/120 Cyrix 5x86/120 Cyrix 5x86/120 Cyrix 5x86/120 P150+ P150+ P150+ P150+ P150+ P150+ BogoMips 100.16 100.19 100.47 119.60 119.60 119.83 119.83 120.68 122.01 Cyrix 6x86/100 Cyrix 6x86/110 P133+ Cyrix 6x86/110 P133+ Cyrix 6x86/110 P133+ Cyrix 6x86/110 P133+ Cyrix 6x86/120 P150+ Cyrix 6x86/120 P150+ Cyrix 6x86/120 P150+ Cyrix 6x86/120 Cyrix 6x86/120 P150+ Cyrix 6x86/120 P150+ Cyrix 6x86/120 Cyrix 6x86/120 Cyrix 6x86/120 P150+ Cyrix 6x86/120 P150+ Cyrix 6x86/120 P150+ Cyrix 6x86/133 undercl Cyrix 6x86/133 P166+ Cyrix 6x86/133 P166+ Cyrix 6x86/133 P166+ Cyrix 6x86/133 P166+ Cyrix 6x86/133 P166+ Cyrix 6x86/133 P166+ Cyrix 6x86/133 P166+ Cyrix 6x86/133 P166+ Cyrix 6x86/133 P166+ Cyrix 6x86/150 P200+ Cyrix 6x86/150 P200+ Cyrix 6x86/150 P200+ Cyrix 6x86/150 P200+ Cyrix 6x86/150 P200+ IBM 6x86/150 P200 Cyrix 6x86MX/166 A-Step Cyrix 6x86MX/166 A-Step Cyrix 6x86MX/188 P233 Cyrix 6x86MX/188 P233 99.42 109.77 109.77 109.77 111.82 119 119.60 119.60 119.60 119.60 119.83 119.83 120 120.01 120.01 120.91 132.30 132.71 132.71 132.71 132.82 132.82 132.88 132.88 133.73 133.12 149.50 149.50 149.50 149.91 149.91 149.96 16.89 166.71 186.78 187.19 Riferito da NN <root@_anxa04.cc.ic.ac.uk> Valient Gough <vgough@_teton.mines.edu> C.Chan <chan@_alfrothul.uchicago.edu> Wynstan Tong <wynstan@_eecg.toronto.ca> Joel N. Squire <squire@_colorado.edu> Leland Olds <olds@_eskimo.com> NN <root@_anxa04.cc.ic.ac.uk> C.Chan <chan@_alfrothul.uchicago.edu> Andre Coetzee <acoetzee@_ctcc.gov.za> Stig M. Valstad <svalstad@_sn.no> Matthew Flint <matthew@_philtrum.demon.co.uk> John Merriam <suprnaut@_esslink.com> Keith Smith <keith@_ksmith.com> Lew Pitcher <lpitcher@_yesic.com> Jean-Claude Gouiran <jcg13@_ibm.net> Taso Lyristis <taso@_remus.rutgers.edu> Hrvoje Stipetic <stipe@_zemris.fer.hr> Yakko J. Warner <yakko@_wtower.com> B. James Philippe <bryan@_terran.org> Roger Merchberger <zmerch@_northernway.net> Daniel Wold <danw@_panix.com> John C. Beasley <beaslej1@_nevada.edu> Jay Thorne <jay@_result.com> Jeawan Kim <jaewan@_harc.edu> Cymen <cymen@_ziplink.net> Maurice Janssen <mauricej@_xs4all.nl> Holger Kemper <hok@_balu.ping.de> Hrvoje Stipetic <stipe@_zemris.fer.hr> Michael Junek <mikey@_webfocus.net.au> Alex Liffers <aliffers@_tartarus.uwa.edu.au> Brian C. Theobald <theobald@_nortel.ca> Alvaro Lopes <alvieboy@_utad.pt> Craig Andersen <andersen@_fastlane.net> C. Drews <drews_c@_informatik.fh-hamburg.de> Daniel Gritter <dgritt47@_calvin.edu> Evan L. Schemm <elschemm@_mtu.edu> Steven Rainwater <srainwater@_ncc.com> Mike <rapacity@_ii.net> Sid Boyce <szb50@_amdahl.com> Eric Haas <haas@_andrew.cmu.edu> M.D. Guardia <mikedg@_ghostbbs.pandora.it> F. Friedman-Romell <ak398@_safr.org> David Anderson <rovaughn@_infoave.net> Dominic Baines <rdab100@_hermes.cam.ac.uk> Dominic Baines <rdab100@_hermes.cam.ac.uk> 3. Raccolta di misure * * Cyrix Cyrix Cyrix Cyrix Cyrix Cyrix Cyrix 6x86/225 6x86MII/233 P300 6x86MII/233 P300 6x86MX/300 overcl 6x86 P200+ 6x86MII/250 6x86M/266 223.28 233.47 233.47 280 374.37 499.71 524.29 Dean Mills <deanmills@_home.com> Russell Marks <rus@_forfree.at> S. Fuller <stu@_c49395-a.wodhvn1.mi.home.com> Terry Porter <tjporter@_odyssey.apana.org.au> Jan Verner <jan@_jan.cz> Anders Hustvedt <corsec@_gamebox.net> Juan Pablo <jpdborgna@_yahoo.com.ar> 149.91 179.40 179.40 179.40 179.81 180.22 181.00 198.66 199.07 199.48 199.88 199.88 200.29 200.32 199.07 199.07 233.47 233.47 overcl 239.21 Simon Karpen <slk@_linux-shell.net> <root@_krabi.mbp.ee> Ken Edwards <edwards@_thor.xon.cuug.ab.ca> Marcin Owsiany <porridge@_lo4.ids.bielsko.pl> Marcin Owsiany <porridge@_lo4.ids.bielsko.pl> Hector DC Gonzalez <turbo@_linux.lsl.com.mx> Drew Golden <golden@_platinum.nb.net> Trond Solem <trond.solem@_homemail.com> Henri Jamgotchian <hjamgot@_planete.net> Dark Mind <root@_dmh.ml.org> J. Grassel <grassel@_heart.cas.und.nodak.edu> Berend Reitsma <berend@_united-info.com> Tilman Sommer <sommer@_vsun02.ag01.kodak.com> Carlo Politi <cpoliti@_mare.gol.grosseto.it> Franco De Angelis <fda@_ied.unipr.it> HaJo Simons <hajo@_frodo.com> Hans-Joachim Baader <hans@_grumber.ika.de> Sean Kelly <s.kelly@_newcastle.ac.uk> Chris Harshman <harshman@_paradigm.uor.edu> AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD K5/75 K5/90 K5/90 K5/90 K5/90 K5/90 K5/90 K5/100 K5/100 K5/100 K5/100 K5/100 K5/100 K5/100 K5/100 K5/100 K5/116 K5/116 K5/120 AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD K6-2/150 undercl K6/166 K6/166 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/200 K6/208 overcl K6/208 overcl K6/208 K6/225 K6/225 overcl PR133 PR133 PR133 PR133 PR133 PR133 PR133 PR133 PR133 PR166 PR166 PR133 26 299.83 332.60 331 398.13 398.85 398.89 398.98 399.77 399.78 400.58 400.59 400.59 400.59 400.59 400.59 400.59 400.64 416.15 416.15 417.97 440 448.92 Alex Montaron <canal@_multimania.com> David Parsons <orc@_pell.chi.il.us> Bill Petersen <brp@_cuberramp.net> Milton <nyceyes@_nyceyes.com> n.n. <uh886@_freenet.victoria.bc.ca> Ian Hanschen <hanschen@_uwyo.edu> Philip Lijnzaad <lijnzaad@_columba.ebi.ac.uk> Murtaza Amiji <murti@_wpi.edu> Dan Hetzel <dan@_icor.fr> Paco Culebras Amigo <paco@_hades.udg.es> Sverre H. Huseby <s.h.huseby@_usit.uio.no> Steve Conley <sconley@_muck.leonine.com> Mark Lehrer <edge@_dux.raex.com> Chris Esser <ksqueak@_erols.com> Federico Pellegrin <fede@_triangolo.it> Howard Poe <falcor@_kingsnet.com> Fabrizio Santini <sanfff@_tin.it> Jani Halme <jaadha@_utu.fi> Donnie Savage <dsavage@_cris.com> J.F. Ursetto <ursetto@_uiuc.edu> n.n. <uh886@_freenet.victoria.bc.ca> Paco Culebras Amigo <paco@_hades.udg.es> 3. Raccolta di misure AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD K6/225 undercl K6/225 overcl K6/233 K6/233 K6/233 K6/233 overcl K6/233 overcl K6/233 K6/233 K6/233 K6/233 K6/233 K6/233 K6/233 K6/233 K6/239 K6/239 K6/239 K6/266 K6/266 K6-2/300 K6-2/300 3D overcl K6-2/300 K6-2/300 K6-2/300 K6-2/300 K6-2/300 K6-2/300 K6-2/300 K6-2/308 K6-2/333 K6-2/333 K6-2/333 K6-2/338 overcl K6-2/350 K6-2/350 3D K6-2/350 K6-2/350 3D K6/350 3D K6-III/360 K6-2/366 K6-2/366 K6-2/366 3D overcl K6-2/400 3D K6/400 3D K6-2/400 overcl K6-2/400 overcl K6-2/400 3D K6-2/400 K6-2/400 27 448.92 450.56 463.67 465.31 466.5 466.84 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 478.41 478.41 478.41 532.48 534.12 598.02 598.02 599.65 599.65 599.65 599.65 599.65 599.65 599.65 614.40 663.55 663.55 665.19 675.02 699.60 699.60 699.60 699.60 699.59 717.62 732.36 734.00 734.00 796.26 799.53 799.54 799.54 799.54 799.54 799.54 Henrik Storner <storner@_image.dk> M. Cramer <mccramer@_stuttgart.netscape.de> Aduanne Carter <drow@_blazenet.net> Michael Haardt <haardt@_gmd.de> R. Garcia <rgarciaitt@_aol.com> Francesco <root@_fly.cnuce.cnr.it> Paco Culebras Amigo <paco@_hades.udg.es> Howard Poe <hpoe@_nyx.net> Andreas Haumer <andreas@_xss.co.at> Damien Castelltort <eznerald@_mail.mnet.fr> G. Cantallops Ramis <gcantallopsr@_jet.se> Juergen Hammelmann <juergen@_neptun.stgt.de> <cseyboldt@_my-deja.com> Chris Gushue <seymour@_iname.com> Maheswara <maheswara@_freeuk.com> Torbjoern Kristoffersen <torbkris@_online.no> Mark Neill <btech@_styx.phy.vanderbilt.edu> Louis van Dompselaar <etaoin@_xs4all.nl> Holly Sommer <sommer@_mugs.net> Andreas Czerniak <cognac@_toppoint.de> Pasa Guglielmo <gpasa@_omedia.ch> Jozsef <formater@_eunet.yu> Ivo Plana <ipv@_tinet.fut.es> Juan Domenech <domenech@_mail.seric.es> Scrambo <pinche@_my-deja.com> Ashley Penney <ashp@_bastard.co.uk> Rob <im@_home.com> Stephen Jenuth <jenuths@_homacjen.ab.ca> Mate Javor <mjavor@_gskcomp.hu> Erv Walter <walter@_chem.wisc.edu> <kuhn@_ernie.lpr.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de> Sebastian <sebastian882@_my-deja.com> A. Bihlmaier <stormtank@_gmx.net> Nicola Fabiano <mx8644@_mclink.it> Juan Domenech <domenech@_mail.seric.es> Mirko Schur <mschur@_t-online.de> Craig <craig@_pop.uky.edu> D. Breuer <dirk.breuer@_post.rwth-aachen.de> Elie De Brauwer <elie@_de-brauwer.be> <holdar@_krell.com> Risto A. Paju <rp241@_cam.ac.uk> Alex Montaron <canal@_multimania.com> Enrico Oreglia <oreglia@_ibm.net> Rodney <nycjedi@_my-deja.com> Daniel Weiskopf <dan@_circularity.wustl.edu> Ivo Plana <ipv@_tinet.fut.es> Alex Montaron <canal@_multimania.com> Rajko Wehrhahn <seymour@_link-c.cl.sub.de> Silvio Nordio <nordio@_unive.it> Chris <cpr@_intergate.bc.ca> 3. Raccolta di misure 28 AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD K6-2/400 3D K6-2/400 3D K6-2/400 K6-2/400 3D K6-2/400 overcl K6-2/400 overcl K6-2/400 overcl K6-2/400 K6-2/400 K6-2/400 K6-2/400 K6-2/400 K6-2/400 overcl K6-2/400 K6-III/417 overcl K6-2/440 K6-III/450 K6-III/450 K6/450 3D K6/450 3D K6-2/450 overcl K6-2/450 overcl K6-2/450 K6-2/450 K6-2/450 K6-III/455 overcl K6-2/455 3D overcl K6-2/475 laptop K6-2/475 overcl K6-2/475 K6/500 3D K6/500 3D K6-2/500 K6-2/500 3D K6-2/500 K6-2/500 K6-2/500 K6-2/500 3D K6-2/504 K6-III/545 K6-2/550 3D K6-2/550 K6-2 550 799.54 799.54 799.54 799.54 801.18 801.18 801.18 801.18 801.18 801.18 801.18 801.29 801.5 808.7 833.95 878.18 897.84 897.84 897.84 897.84 901.12 901.12 901.12 901.12 902.30 907.67 914.23 943.72 950.27 950.27 996.14 996.14 999.42 999.42 999.42 999.42 999.42 999.42 1005.97 1084.62 1101.00 1101.00 1101.00 Hamid Misnan <hamidmisnan@_ieee.org> James Birchfield <jsbirch@_home.com> Matt Graham <mhgraham@_fleabag.nullhouse.org> John Pate <johnny@_dvc.org.uk> Phillip Deackes <gsmh@_gmx.net> Jon Riekenberg <jrr8208@_ksu.edu> Ryan Bethke <immortal26@_prodigy.net> Wolfgang Zekoll <wzk@_um1.pce.de> Ignacio Valdes <ivaldes@_csi.com> Ted E. Suter <nexion@_home.com> Warren B. Hapke <wbhapke@_prairienet.org> Birko Bergt <birko.bergt@_cdc.com> Juan Domenech <domenech@_tarraco.seric.es> Bob <rebry@_atomicsys.com> Chris Priest <chris@_idol.demon.co.uk> Steve Bourland <sbourlan@_ecn.purdue.edu> Craig <craig@_pop.uky.edu> John Pate <johnny@_dvc.org.uk> Igor Chudov <ichudov@_algebra.com> Seb Wilwerth <swilwerth@_interlap.com.ar> Ted E. Suter <nexion@_home.com> Juan Domenech <domenech@_tarraco.seric.es> John Jaeger <john@_jjgb.com> Piet Ekkebus <piet_e@_zeelandnet.nl> Birko Bergt <birko.bergt@_cdc.com> Phil Stracchino <alaric@_babcom.com> Graham Reed <grwr@_ssm.ca> Chris Matthews <chris@_masc.ca> Willow <el-baul@_ole.com> Craig <craig@_pop.uky.edu> Matt <mwr4722@_fox.tamu.edu> Jens Reimann <frankreimann@_t-online.de> Jon Berlin <jberlin@_worldbank.org> Laurent <blackm@_pop.multimania.com> Robert <robert@_mrcomputers.net> Craig <craig@_pop.uky.edu> John Pate <johnny@_dvc.org.uk> infoman <register_reg@_yahoo.com> F.A. Lessa <felipe.lessa@_brturbo.com> John Bailey <rekkanoryo@_1st.net> Jon Berlin <jberlin@_worldbank.org> James Yang <jamesy@_noemail.com> Hugh Wilson <hugh.e.wilson@_gm.com> AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD Duron/600 Duron/650 Duron/700 Duron/700 Duron/700 Duron/700 1205.86 1294.34 1395.92 1395.92 1395.92 1399.19 Chad Daelhousen <loonxtall@_hotmail.com> Levi Ramsey <lramsey@_student.umass.edu> N. Fabiano <nicola.fabiano@_pg.infn.it> Dennis van Dok <dvandok@_quicknet.nl> A. Aksiucik <a.aksiucik@_elka.pw.edu.pl> Stuart Trusty <stuart@_linuxlabs.com> 3. Raccolta di misure * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 29 AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD Duron/700 Duron/740 Duron/750 Duron/750 Duron/800 Duron/900 Duron/900 Duron/950 Duron/1000 Duron/1200 Duron/1200 Duron/1300 Duron/1600 1399.19 1477.83 1497.49 1500.77 1595.80 1795.69 1789.13 1887.43 1985.74 2385.51 2398.61 2595.22 3191.60 Krzysztof Nikiel <knik@_priv.onet.pl> Corey <corey@_eyetap.org> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> Anson Ringenoldus <ansonr@_mac.com> Papp Tamas <tompos@_ns.martos.bme.hu> Yves Bellefeuille <yan@_storm.ca> Ye Myint <ymyint@_indiana.edu> Darrick Wong <djwong@_thibs.menloschool.org> Petr Slansky <slansky@_usa.net> Joey <cedric@_hei.net> Petr Slansky <slansky@_usa.net> Martin Wojtczyk <largoembargo@_gmx.de> Marcin Gondek <drixter@_e-utp.net> AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD K7/500 K7/550 Athlon/600 Athlon/600 Athlon/600 K7/655 Athlon/750 K7/750 Athlon/755 Athlon/500 Athlon/550 K7/700 Athlon/600 Athlon/600 Athlon/630 K7/650 K7/650 K7/650 Athlon/700 Athlon/700 Athlon/700 Athlon/700 Athlon/700 Athlon/750 K7/750 Athlon/750 Athlon/800 Athlon/800 Athlon/800 Athlon/800 Athlon/800 Athlon/850 Athlon/900 Athlon/900 Athlon/900 Athlon/1000 498.07 548.86 598.02 598.02 602.93 652.08 747.11 748.75 752.03 996.51 1094.45 1196.03 1198.04 1205.86 1258.29 1294.34 1294.33 1297.61 1387.51 1395.92 1395.92 1405.74 1412.30 1494.22 1500.30 1510.60 1595.80 1599.08 1599.08 1605.63 1608.91 1710.48 1795.69 1795.69 1808.79 1992.29 Ludwig <cludwig@_informatik.uni-tuebingen.de> Kieffer <Jerome.KIEFFER@_crans.ens-cachan.fr> C. Heiming <heiming@_informatik.uni-kl.de> Ted Michael <obliv10n@_netscape.net> Chris Wren <wChris@_ubginc.com> Mark Steele <msteele@_belent.com> A Galinovic <andro.galinovic@_public.srce.hr> Manuel Moran Vaquero <mmv@_geocities.com> Mark Steele <msteele@_belent.com> Taco IJsselmuiden <taco@_wep.tudelft.nl> Jan Willem <lm@_zeus.rug.ac.be> N. Dimpfl <norbert.dimpfl@_primusnetz.de> Carsten <heiming@_informatik.uni-kl.de> Stefan Schroepfer <scr@_iis.fhg.de> Nanagiotis Papadakos <papadako@_csd.uoc.gr> Robbe Bihlmeyer <robbe@_orcus.priv.at> Mitch Keller <mitch_keller@_my-deja.com> Travis Brown <tfb999@_yahoo.com> Bradley Lawrence <cecil@_niagara.com> Joop Stakenborg <aba@_casema.net> Martin Kamin <kamin@_atlas.cz> ofrm <owain@_ofrm.demon.co.uk> Ulf Bartelt <ult@_twc.de> A Galinovic <thehack@_fly.srk.fer.hr> W Canaday <rgabill@_ameritech.net> Ilya Sterin <isterin@_ford.com> M Greil <markus.greil@_pl.gcd-erlangen.de> ne <akabi@_home.com> James NJ <jnj@_pobox.com> Robert A. Morris <ramorris@_yifan.net> M Greil <markus.greil@_pl.gcd-erlangen.de> Ricardo N. Sanchez <rnsanchez@_conex.com.br> <rpseguin@_my-deja.com> Yves Bellefeuille <yan@_storm.ca> J Hart <jhart@_atr.co.jp> Wayne Stallwood <wayne@_creaturelabs.com> 3. Raccolta di misure * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 30 AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD Athlon/1000 Athlon/1000 Athlon/1000 Athlon/1000 Athlon/1000 Athlon/1000 Athlon/1000 Athlon/1050 Athlon/1100 Athlon/1150 Athlon/1150 Athlon/1200 Athlon/1200 Athlon/1200 Athlon/1200 Athlon/1300 Athlon/1300 Athlon/1330 Athlon/1300 Athlon/1330 Athlon/1330 Athlon/1330 Athlon/1400 Athlon/1400 Athlon/1400 Athlon/1400 1992.29 1992.29 1992.29 1992.29 1998.85 2011.96 1992.92 2090.59 2182.35 2287.20 2293.76 2392.06 2392.96 2398.61 2411.72 2588.67 2614.88 2647.65 2647.65 2660.76 2660.76 2667.31 2785.28 2798.38 2791.83 2805.78 David Haerdeman <david@_2gen.com> NN <rakim@_altavista.net> Thomas Koester <rufus@_uos.de> Robert E. Blair <reblair@_attbi.com> Pete Ritter <cpritter@_home.com> RJ Bergeron <rjber1@_geocities.com> Martin Brewer <martinbrewer@_attbi.com> Peter Pilsl <pilsl_@_goldfish.at> Stuart Trusty <stuart@_linuxlabs.com> Greg Baumgartel <gregb@_frii.com> Greg Baumgartel <gregb@_frii.com> Thomas Koester <rufus@_uos.de> Andy Wiggin <awiggin@_alpinemicro.com> Dominic.Baines <[email protected]> Pepijn Kenter <kenter@_tpd.tno.nl> Stuart Trusty <stuart@_linuxlabs.com> mace <mace3@_comcast.net> Gergo Barany <gergo@_tud.at> Dominic.Baines <[email protected]> Thomas Koester <rufus@_uos.de> Bill Rhodes <wrhodes@_27.org> Christian Leder <wilhelm@_gate.ledionline.de> M. Greil <markus.greil@_pl.gcd-erlangen.de> R.J. Bergeron <rjber1@_geocities.com> Thomas Koester <rufus@_uos.de> Christian Leder <wilhelm@_gate.ledionline.de> AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon 2411.72 2922.90 2929.45 3040.87 3047.42 3080.19 3191.60 3191.60 3198.15 3217.81 3301.37 3303.01 3322.67 3322.67 3342.33 3342.33 3473.40 3643.80 3643.80 3651.46 3923.96 3984.58 3997.69 Y S Kang <electra@_nownuri.net> Bob Harvey <bobharvey@_engineer.com> Bob Harvey <bobharvey@_engineer.com> Gregg Wonderly <gergg@_cox.net> Tommy Tonteri <tommy.tonteri@_aktia.fi> Martin Kunz <kunzmartin@_gmx.ch> Dag Viggo Lokøe <dagvl@_kvarteret.org> Robert Munro <ramunro1@_ix.netcom.com> Fredrik Brokvist <frb@_post.utfors.se> David Brunke <david@_nantasketbeach.com> Didier Deshomme <dfdeshom@_ncsu.edu> Todd <matlabguru@_yahoo.com> T Hiekkalinna <tero.hiekkalinna@_helsinki.fi> Eric le Cam <ericlecam@_ifrance.com> Artego <gin@_mu.ru> Keith Gyarmati <frostlinux@_cinci.rr.com> Dominic.Baines <[email protected]> Mike Bosschaert <mike.bosschaert@_hccnet.nl> Robert Urban <urban@_unix-beratung.de> Yves Bellefeuille <yan@_storm.ca> Sander Rijken <sr@_sander.yi.org> Jamie Campbell <osarid@_oracleatbelfry.com> Andreas Pflug <andreas.pflug@_cfagroup.de> XP/1200 MP/1500 MP/1500 XP/1525 XP/1533 XP/1533 XP/1600 XP/1600 XP/1600 XP/1600 XP/1666 XP/1650 XP/1666 XP/1666 XP/1675 XP/1675 XP/1740 XP/1800 XP/1800 XP/1840 64/2000 64/2000 MP/2000 3. Raccolta di misure AMD AMD AMD AMD AMD Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon Athlon 31 XP/2100 XP/2100 XP/2100 XP/2175 64/2255 Gerrit Holl <gerrit@_nl.linux.org> Ingo Reimann <post@_i-reimann.de> Bill Rhodes <wrhodes@_27.org> Herbert Wengatz <herbert@_wengatz.de> Mark <baskitcaise@_firstbyte.biz> 2785.28 2804.94 Bill Maloy <bill.maloy@_goldinc.com> Bill Maloy <bill.maloy@_goldinc.com> AMD Opteron/1400 AMD Opteron/1400 4168.08 4168.08 4141.87 4325.37 4456.44 Centaur Centaur Centaur Centaur Centaur Centaur C6/200 C6-2/233 C6-2/200 C6/200 C6-2/200 C6-2/240 Centaur Centaur Centaur Centaur Centaur VIA VIA VIA VIA VIA 3.10 79.46 154.83 397.31 397.31 398.13 478.41 Sam2/600 III/700 Sam2/735 Sam2/735 Exra/900 1196.03 1399.19 1461.45 1468.00 1789.13 James Rotenberry <rotenber@_jmr.lasx.com> Joe Noble <noble@_flashman.com> James Yang <jamesy@_noemail.com> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> Paolo Cravero <cravero@_athena.polito.it> Petr Slansky <slansky@_usa.net> Brent W. York <bwyork@_comcast.net> Rudy Ketterer <ideur@_yahoo.com> Jim Jozwiak <av832@_lafn.org> Francisco Romo <fcoromo@_opensys.com.mx> Duke Robillard <duke@_dummy-io.com> Sistemi Alpha Processore 21064/150 Jensen 21064/150 Jensen 21064/150 Jensen 21064/150 Jensen 21064/150 Jensen 21064A/233 21064A/233 21064A/275 21064A/275 21064A/275 21064A/275 21064A/275 21064A/275 21064A/300 21064A/300 BogoMips 146.80 147.85 148.37 149.49 148.89 AS225 Avanti Avanti Cabriolet Cabriolet Cabriolet Cabriolet Cabriolet 21066/166 Noname 21066/166 21066/166 21066/166 21066/166 21066/166 Multia 21066/166 21066/166 Riferito da Jon Davidsson <e98jd@_efd.lth.se> Stefano <terraneo@_my-deja.com> Linus Torvalds <torvalds@_cc.helsinki.fi> J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> Martin Osterman <ost@_comnets.rwth-aachen.de> 228.58 230.16 271.58 272 272 272.63 273.37 274.11 298 298 Roberto Giungato <roberto@_giungato.it> Rich Griswold <rgriswold@_us.ibm.com> Michal Jaegermann <michal@_phys.ualberta.ca> Linus Torvalds <torvalds@_cc.helsinki.fi> Stephen Gaudet <sjg@_tiac.net> Jay Estabrook <jestabro@_amt.tay1.dec.com> David Mosberger-Tang <davidm@_cs.arizona.edu> Kevin Jacobs <jacobs@_eek.cwru.edu> Jay Estabrook <jestabro@_amt.tay1.dec.com> Stephen Gaudet <sjg@_tiac.net> 162.52 162.53 163.05 163.05 164.59 164.63 165 165.04 Paavo Hartikain <pahartik@_sci.fi> Phil Bostley <pbostley@_qualcomm.com> Matthew Jacob <mjacob@_feral.com> Jon Spreha <jxs557@_psu.edu> David Mosberger-Tang <davidm@_cs.arizona.edu> Rudolf Gabler <rug@_usm.uni-muenchen.de> Gareth Bult <gareth@_ftech.net> Craig Ruff <cruff@_ncar.ucar.edu> 3. Raccolta di misure 32 21066/200 21066/200 UDB overcl 196.9 198 Danny ter Haar <danny@_cistron.nl> Kari Davidsson <d154402@_cs.tut.fi> 21066A/233 21066A/233 21066A/233 21066A/233 21066A/233 21066A/233 21066A/233 21066A/233 21066A/266 21066A/266 21066A/266 21066A/266 21066A/284 21066A/297 21066A/300 UDB AS400 AS200 Avanti NoName UDB NoName UDB NoName NoName ov.cl UDB overcl NoName ov.cl Multia NoName ov.cl NoName ov.cl UDB ov.cl 229.63 230.16 230.16 230.67 230.68 230.76 231.21 231.21 261.62 261.62 262.14 264 281.0 293.6 294.65 Toon van der Pas <toon@_vdpas.hobby.nl> Ophir Ronen <ophir@_connectsoft.com> B. James Phillippe <bryan@_terran.org> T. Bogendoerfer <tsbogend@_bigbug.franken.de> Ted Schipper <ted@_tedux.hobby.nl> Mikael Nykvist <viper@_ludd.luth.se> Eric Smith <eric@_goonsquad.spies.com> Jay Estabrook <jestabro@_amt.tay1.dec.com> Andreas Johansson <ajo@_ludd.luth.se> Michael Brennen <mbrennen@_fni.net> Wim van Dorst <baron@_clifton.hobby.nl> Joshua Grubman <joshg@_dn.net> <imakino@_gloria.cord.edu> <imakino@_gloria.cord.edu> Topi Kanerva <tkanerva@_nks.oulu.fi> 21164/266 21164/300 21164/300 21164/300 21164/333 21164/333 21164/366 21164/366 21164/400 21164/433 21164/433 21164/433 21164/433 21164/433 21164/433 21164/433 21164/466 21164/500 21164/500 21164/500 21164/250 21164/500 21164/500 21164/500 21164/500 EB164 EB164 XLT Alcor AS1000 Alcor Alcor XLT Alcor PC164 Durango Noritake PC164 PC164 Maita PC164 EB164 PC164 PC164 PC164 21164A/500 21164A/500 21164A/500 21164A/533 21164A/533 PC164 Sable AS500 P7 EB164 265.29 297.79 297.79 297.79 331.35 331.35 362.80 363.85 397.41 429.89 429.91 429.91 430.96 430.96 430.96 431.94 464.51 497 497.02 497.05 497.02 497.02 497.03 497.03 Durango 497.43 PWS PWS PC164 PC164LX PC164LX 494.88 497.02 497.02 528.12 529.53 Jay Estabrook <jestabro@_amt.tay1.dec.com> Hilarius <maurice@_math.ualberta.ca> Dave Wreski <dave@_nic.com> Salvador Pinto Abreu <spa@_sc.uevora.pt> Linus Torvalds <torvalds@_cs.helsinki.fi> David Mosberger-Tang <davidm@_azstarnet.com> Paul Slootman <paul@_wurtel.demon.nl> Geerten Kuiper <geerten@_bart.nl> Alan Fay <alanfay@_webcode.co.uk> Paul D. Robertson <proberts@_clark.net> Bernd Meyer <bmeyer@_cs.monash.edu.au> Bill Broadley <bill@_math.ucdavis.edu> <rainer.landes@_physik.uni-karlsruhe.de> <metod.kozelj@_rzs-hm.si> H. Sumargo <habibie@_robotic.eng.fiu.edu> Timm Gleason <timm@_bess.com> Daryll Strauss <daryll@_d2.com> Alex Butcher <alex@_asimov.annex.co.uk> C.J. Grayce <cgrayce@_wasatch.ps.uci.edu> Heiner Kruener <hk@_martian.ping.de> Tom Greene <cowgod@_idt.net> James D. Freels <freelsjd@_ornl.gov> Jim Nance <jlnance@_avanticorp.com> Jan guldentops <jacko@_ba.be> Kevin Jacobs <jacobs@_eek.cwru.edu> Kenny Gryp <gryp@_dakin.be> Robert Harley <robert.harley@_inria.fr> Stephen Oberski <sfo@_deterministic.com> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> Dumb Kid <dumbkid@_hotmail.com> 3. Raccolta di misure * 21164A/533 21164PC/533 21164PC/533 21164PC/533 21164A/533 21164A/533 21164A/533 21164A/533 21164A/600 21164A/600 21164A/600 21164A/666 21164A/666 21164A/433 33 PC164LX PC164SX PC164SX PC164SX Ruffian PC164LX PC164LX PC164LX PC164LX PC164LX PC164 PC164LX PC164LX Miata 529.53 529.53 529.53 529.53 530.57 530.57 530.57 530.58 595.59 595.59 597.60 662.70 662.70 858.04 Harvey J. Stein <hjstein@_bfr.co.il> Danny ter Haar <dth@_cistron.nl> Shane Sturrock <sss@_holyrood.ed.ac.uk> Wim van Dorst <baron@_clifton.hobby.nl> Andreas Czerniak <cognac@_toppoint.de> Ronny Ranerup <ronny@_axis.com> Bill Broadley <bill@_math.ucdavis.edu> Stef. Boresch <stefan@_loop.mdy.univie.ac.at> L.F. Donaldson <donaldlf@_cs.rose-hulman.edu> <stepan@_wesley.informatik.uni-freiburg.de> Fabrizio Santini <sanfff@_tin.it> <stepan@_wesley.informatik.uni-freiburg.de> Stephen S <smart73@_earthlink.net> Jukka <nn@_inet.fi> 21264/400 Pass-1 21264/466 DS10 21264/466 DS10 21264/500 XP1000 21264/500 21264/500 21264/500 DS20 21264/500 DS20 21264/500 XP1000 21264/600 21264/667 XP1000 21264DP/666 Tsunami 21264/730 Wildfire 21264DP/833 Tsunami 794.82 920.64 921.84 996.00 996.00 996.14 996.14 996.15 996.40 1203.76 1329.59 1329.59 1488.97 1661.52 Jay Estabrook <jay.estabrook@_digital.com> Paul Novarese <novarese@_alf.dec.com> ST Wong <st-wong@_alumni.cuhk.net> Wes Bauske <wsb@_paralleldata.com> Karl <hawk@_juno.com> Lionel Tricon <lionel.tricon@_digital.com> Paul Novarese <novarese@_alf.dec.com> Wayne Hall <wayne@_uga.edu> P. Caulfield <patrick@_balti.london.sco.com> Darrick Wong <djwong@_thibs.menloschool.org> Lionel Tricon <lionel.tricon@_compaq.com> Jens Hoefkens <hoefkens@_msu.edu> Lionel Tricon <lionel.tricon@_compaq.com> Andy Schofield <ajs@_th.ph.bham.ac.uk> 3.11 Sistemi Motorola 68k Processore BogoMips 68030/14.7 LCII nofpu 3.69 68030/16 Atari Falcon 3.90 68030/16 Atari Falcon 3.90 68030/16 Atari Falcon 3.95 68030/16 Atari Falcon 3.98 68EC030/20 Cisco 2500 4.33 68030/20 MacII Si 4.88 68030/20 0c 4.92 68030 Amiga 3000 6.08 68030/30 Amiga 4000 6.09 68030/25 Amiga 3000 6.12 68030/25 Amiga 3000 6.21 68030/25 Amiga 3000 6.21 68030/32 Atari Falcon 7.91 68030 Atari TT 7.96 68030/32 Atari MegaST 7.98 68030/33 Atari TT 7.98 Riferito da Ruda Moura <ruda@_conectiva.com.br> Jay T. Millar <jmillar@_eaglequest.com> Bruno Aubin <baubin@_lemel.fr> J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> <Roman.Hodek@_informatik.uni-erlangen.de> <koen.devleeschauwer@_lid.kviv.be> Bill Maloy <maloy@_goldinc.com> Chris Nadigh <chrnadig@_iiic.ethz.ch> Andy Wick <awick@_vt.edu> Karsten Merker <km@_golf.dinet.com> Glen Hewlett <hewlett@_planeteer.com> Hamish Macdonald <hamish@_bnr.ca> J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> Franz Korntner <fkorntne@_bazis.nl> <schwab@_issan.informatik.uni-dortmund.de> E.J. van den Bussche <busscheh@_ksepl.nl> <Roman.Hodek@_informatik.uni-erlangen.de> 3. Raccolta di misure 34 68030 Atari TT 68030/60 68030/33 Amiga 2000 68EC030/40 Cisco 4000 68030/40 MacIIfx 68030/48 32c 68030/50 Atari 68030/50 Amiga 1200 68030/50 Amiga 1200 68030/50 32c 68030/50 Amiga 1200 68030/50 Amiga 1200 7.98 8.06 8.14 8.75 9.90 11.89 12 12.36 12.4 12.42 12.33 12.36 Wayne Booth <trek@_ihgp114r.ih.att.com> Korey Budgen <kbudgen@_st.nepean.uws.edu.au> W. Haidinger <e9225662@_stud1.tuwien.ac.at> <koen.devleeschauwer@_lid.kviv.be> Ray Knight <audilvr@_speakeasy.org> Martin Rogge <Martin_Rogge@_ki.maus.de> <Roman.Hodek@_informatik.uni-erlangen.de> Chris Sumner <chris@_ganymede.sonnet.co.uk> Richard Jerome <etlrdje@_tigger.ericsson.se> Michael Plonus <michi@_pluto.ping.de> Detrix <detrix@_popd.ix.netcom.com> E.J.M. Brocklesby <ejb@_klamath.demon.co.uk> 68040 Mac Centris 68040/24 Mac LC475 68040/24 Amiga 4000 68040/24 Amiga 4000-40 68040/24 Amiga 4000-20 68040/25 Amiga 4000-040 68040/25 Amiga 4000 68040/60 Amiga 4000-40 68040/28 Mac Quadra650 68040/32 Medusa T40 68040 Amiga 2000 68040 Mac Quadra650 68040/33 Mac Quadra950 68040/33 Mac Quadra650 68040 Mac Quadra650 68040/40 Amiga 1200 13.21 16.38 16.59 16.6 16.60 16.61 16.61 18.99 18.99 21.25 21.86 22 22.11 22.11 22.17 26.52 <pgrb-usenet@_ygdrasil.demon.co.uk> Ray Knight <audilvr@_speakeasy.org> Bjarne Wichmann Petersen <mekanix@_nospam.dk> Hamish Macdonald <hamish@_bnr.ca> J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> <Geert.Uytterhoeven@_cs.ku-leuven.ac.be> Lawrence <lawrenc@_nextwork.rose-hulmand.edu> Darren Enns <dmenns@_surf.pangea.ca> Warren James <wjames1@_my-deja.com> <Hartmut.Koptein@_et-inf.fho-emden.de> Ron Flory <rjflory@_feist.com> Henry Garcia <compdata@_nb.net> Ray Knight <audilvr@_speakeasy.org> Schmitz <schmitz@_biophys.uni-duesseldorf.de> Ingvar Hagelund <ingvar@_unik.no> Gavin Kinsey <gavin@_kinsey.u-net.com> 68060/50 68060/50 68060/50 68060/50 68060/66 Amiga Amiga Amiga Amiga Amiga 2000 1200 4000 4000 CS MkII C8260/132 3.12 98.68 99.53 99.74 100.16 132.71 Frank Mainz <cybermainzel@_gmx.de> baba <baba@_pa.yokogawa.jp> Stefan Tauche <otauche@_uni-paderborn.de> Jan Johansson <jj@_mordor.it.kth.se> Paul Hill <paul@_lagernet.clara.co.uk> 287.85 Wil Moloughney <wil_moloughney@_hotmail.com> Sistemi Sparc Processore BogoMips Sparc sun4c 17.94 Sparc SLC/20 S1 19.86 Sparc sun4c/25 24.88 Sparc SS10 sun4m 35.94 Sparc IPX 4c 39.83 Sparc SS10 super50 4m 39.93 Sparc microS/50 SS-LX 49.76 Sparc SS20/50 49.86 Sparc hyperS Classic 4m 49.86 Riferito da J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> Simon Karpen <slk@_linux-shell.net> Paolo <paolo0@_yahoo.com> Michael Junek <mickey@_webfocus.net.au> Paul D. Robertson <proberts@_clark.net> Juan Cespedes <cespedes@_etsit.upm.es> Will Shaw <romulan@_netwatch.clemson.edu> Gary A. Donahue <lordgad@_webspan.net> Juan Cespedes <cespedes@_etsit.upm.es> 3. Raccolta di misure 35 Sparc Sparc Sparc Sparc Sparc Sparc Sparc Sparc Sparc Sparc Voyager portable SS5 Netra SS5 SS50 SS5/85 sun4m SS10 hyperS SS5/66 SS4/110 hSparc sum4m hSparc/150 Sun4m 59.80 68 69.84 74.95 84.78 99.73 109.77 109.77 124.92 150.32 Edward Austin <eastin@_shl.com> Craig Falconer <cf@_papanui.school.nz> Richard D. Davis <rddavis1@_lucent.com> Kaz <kaz@_latte.cafe.net> Kenny Gryp <gryp@_dakin.be> Thomas B. Fox <tfox@_oliverdesign.com> Lance S. Nehring <lnehrin@_uswest.com> Chris Sylvain <csylvain@_umms-itg.ab.umd.edu> Georg Schwarz <schwarz@_physik.tu-berlin.de> Tethys <tethys@_ml.com> Sparc Sparc Sparc Sparc Ultra Ultra Ultra Ultra I/143 I sun4u I/143 I sun4u 278.00 284.05 285.08 333.41 Helmut <helmut@_cancon.com> Iban Cardona <icc@_seric.es> Jason Hong <hong@_csulb.edu> Roberto Giungato <roberto@_giungato.it> Sparc Sparc Sparc Sparc Sparc Ultra Ultra Ultra Ultra Ultra II/270 II/300 II/360 II/450 IIe 539.03 598.01 719.26 897.84 1002.70 3.13 Pieter Krul <pieter@_dare.demon.nl> Silvo Bozovicar <silvo.bozovicar@_aster.si> Bjorn Augustsson <d3august@_dtek.chalmers.se> Darrick Wong <djwong@_thibs.menloschool.org> Elie De Brauwer <elie@_de-brauwer.be> Sistemi PowerPC Processore BogoMips PowerPC 601 Mac 33.28 PowerPC 601/60 Mac6100 45.24 PowerPC 601/66 Mac 51.62 PowerPC 601/60 Mac6100 59.38 PowerPC 601/66 Mac7100 65.74 PowerPC 601/75 Mac7200 73.93 PowerPC 601/90 Mac7200 89.00 PowerPC 601/90 Mac7200 89.50 PowerPC 601/100 Mac7500 98.91 PowerPC 601/110 Mac8100 108 PowerPC 601/120 Mac8200 119.19 Riferito da David Wetzel <dave@_turbocat.de> J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> Fred Klein <klein@_des3.u-strasbg.fr> Kent Radek <goo@_itd.sterling.com> Kenny Gryp <gryp@_dakin.be> Dimitris Tsifakis <jimmy@_typhoeus.dg.uoa.gr> Heinrich H. Beck <thebigduck@_earthlink.net> Ian <ian@_neath.org> Russ Hoffman <reh@_fore.com> Charles Eicher <ceicher@_inav.net> Roberto Waha <roberto.waha@_rcm.dsi.unimi.it> PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC 603/200 603/300 SM5000 603/100 603/200 PSII 603ev/250 11.39 57.00 66.56 133.12 166.29 Jan Toonen <jtoonen@_xs4all.nl> Brian J. Landsberger <brian@_landsberger.com> A. Costa <c_chaos@_chaosnet.wahnapitae.on.ca> Richard Heurtley <richard@_heurtley.com> Stig Sørensen <stig@_aub.dk> PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC 604/100 604/100 604/100 604/120 604/120 604 604/120 99.74 199 199.48 239.20 239.20 239.21 239.21 Evaldas Darcianovas <evaldas@_isi.kvm.lt> Hamish Marson <hamish@_aixrules.nz.ibm.com> Evaldas Darcianovas <evaldas@_isi.kvm.lt> Jason Colflesh <jason.colflesh@_sap.com> James <e5z8652@_mail.com> Steve <sjs132@_psu.edu> Jason Colflesh <jason.colflesh@_sap.com> PPS6050 PPS7248 Mac8500 Mac8500 Mac8500 Mac8500 3. Raccolta di misure 36 PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC 604/132 Mac9500 604/132 Mac7500 604/133 MOT PS 604/150 Mac9500 604e/300 604e/195 604e/195 604/200 Mac8600 604e/170 PM7300 604/180 SM900 604e/375 RS6000 604e/199 604e/200 SM4000 604e/200 263.78 263.78 266.24 297.73 299 359.63 399.76 320 335.55 367.82 373.56 398.13 399.12 399.76 Matt Templeton <cybear@_pacbell.net> Patrick Murmann <murmann@_mi.uni-erlangen.de> Christoper Harrel <cnh@_eng.mindspring.net> Jean-Philippe Lord <jpl@_binex.com> Guido Lehwalder <guido@_lehwalder.de> Mike Potts <pottsjam@_flyernet.udayton.edu> Griff Miller <griff.miller@_positron.com> Julien Sebot <sebot@_lri.fr> Marco van de Voort <marcov@_toad.stack.nl> J.E. Cook <jcojones@_mail.athen1.ga.home.com> Darrick Wong <djwong@_thibs.menloschool.org> Greg <gkv@_interflight.com> Roland Kuhn <kuhn@_physik.uni-kassel.de> Alan Galloway <alan@_alangalloway.com> PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC 750/166 398.13 750 465.30 750 465.31 750/266 Mac 532.48 750/195 Mac G3 583.27 750/292 Mac 586.38 750/300 iBook 589 750/333 iMac 665.19 G4 350 Mac 400 697.96 G3/350 697.96 750/366 G3 732.36 G4 Mac8500 796.26 750/400 Mac 796.26 750/400 iMac DV 797.90 G4 797.90 750/400 G3 801.18 750/400 G3 801.18 750/400 G3 801.67 G4/500 992.87 G4/500 996.64 G4/500 999.42 G3/600 1170.31 750cx/600 iMac 1198.00 750fx/700 G3 1389.36 750fx/700 G3 1389.36 G4/999 1992.29 Greg <gkv@_interflight.com> Scot Richardson <scotrich99@_hotmail.com> Neal P Murphy <neal.p.murphy@_alum.wpi.edu> Fritz Anderson <fritza@_tezcat.com> <gustilo@_mail.med.upenn.edu> John McAulay <johnmcaulay@_ndirect.co.uk> M. van Steensel <mvanstee@_baserv.uci.kun.nl> Koyot <koyot@_alpha.pl> Guillame Blain <blaingu@_iro.umontreal.ca> Juergen Fricke <jofry@_web.de> Mike Hopkins <mhopkins@_netmatters.co.uk> Alain Birtz <abz@_videotron.ca> William F. Adams <willadams@_aol.com> Daniel Koerner <wum42@_netscape.net> P. Radermecker <pradermecker@_iquibec.com> Richard Petty <repetty@_austin.rr.com> Brian Kendig <brian@_enchanter.net> Schmitz <schmitz@_biophys.uni-duesseldorf.de> K. Gustilo <gustilo@_mail.med.upenn.edu> Heinz Nabielek <h.nabielek@_fz-juelich.de> Stephen D. Scotti <sdscotti@_earthlink.net> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> Jan-Jaap Boor <jjboor@_mac.com> Gurkan Sengun <gurkan@_linuks.mine.nu> Keller <kkeller@_wombat.san-francisco.ca.us> Paula <canthavespam@_yahoo.com> 3.14 Sistemi con CPU di altro tipo: Mips, Intel 8088/286 ELKS, IBM, Crusoe, PA-RISC, Hitachi SH, Arm e StrongArm, iDragon, Vax, CRIS Etrax, XScale Processore BogoMips Mips R3000A/20 19.79 Mips R4000/100 48.30 Mips R4000/100 Magnum 50.03 Riferito da Kagstrom <simon.kagstrom.864@_student.lu.se> J.L. Brothers <brothers@_halcyon.com> Andreas Busse <andy@_soft-n-hard.de> 3. Raccolta di misure 37 Mips Mips Mips Mips Mips Mips Mips Mips R4400/134 R4400/134 R4600/133 R4600/133 R5000/150 R5000/180 R5900 PS2 R5900 PS2 Acer Pica 67.10 Acer Pica 67.10 Tyne 133.12 RM200 133.08 Indy 154.83 Indy 179.81 392.39 392.40 ELKS ELKS ELKS ELKS ELKS ELKS ELKS ELKS ELKS ELKS ELKS Intel 8088/4.77 Intel 8088/10 Intel 8086 NEC V20/8 Intel 286 Tandy Intel 8086 NecV20/16 Intel 286 Intel 286/8 VAXMate Intel 286/10 Comm. Intel 286 PS2 Intel 286 PS2 IBM S390 Gen4 IBM S390 R46/500 0.02 0.05 0.5 0.69 0.75 0.88 0.99 1.03 1.30 2.32 2.34 Andreas Busse <andy@_soft-n-hard.de> Ralf Baechle <ralf@_waldorf-gmbh.de> Ralf Baechle <ralf@_waldorf-gmbh.de> Ralf Baechle <ralf@_julia.de> Ralf Baechle <ralf@_julia.de> Bradley Bell <btb@_debian.org> Otto Slooten <otto.slooten@_planet.nl> Anders Hustvedt <corsec@_gamebox.net> Tim Van der Linden <timvdl@_innet.be> Tim Van der Linden <timvdl@_innet.be> Kin Lau <gabe@_zot.io.org> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> Joey Hess <joey@_kite.ml.org> Vasilis Ventirozos <cyberpunk@_freemail.gr> Anders Stenback <stenback@_hehe.com> Andrew Costa <c_chaos@_wahnapitae.on.ca> Hans-Joachim Baader <hans@_grumber.inka.de> Morillas C.H. Antonio <morilla@_fie.us.es> Joey Hess <joey@_kite.ml.org> 75.16 412.05 J Scott <mrbinary@_yahoo.com> Odilon Cirillo <odilon.cirillo@_eds.com> Crusoe/400 Crusoe Crusoe TM5800/1000 725.81 1182.92 1985.74 Bill Rhodes <wrhodes@_27.org> Michael Heiming <mh@_vbag.de> Mathieu Bois <mathieu.bois@_laposte.net> Atmel ARM CL7110/18 ARM710 StrongARM-1110/206 StrongARM-1110/206 StrongARM-1110/206 StrongARM-1110/206 13.00 17.05 137.21 137.21 137.21 137.21 Stanley <jstedile@_hotmail.com> McWilliam <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> Jon Ward <aardvark@_fnord.org.uk> Sander Fransen <sander@_fransen.com> Jan walter <jan@_millfilm.co.uk> W Stallwood <wayne@_crimsontechnology.com> PA-Risc Gecko/60 PA-Risc 9000/160 PA-Risc 7300LC/160 59.80 319.48 106.49 Arthur Aldridge <aj@_yasashi.net> Frank Ickstadt <frank.ickstadt@_btignite.de> Peter Whysall <peter.whysall@_ntlworld.com> Hitachi SH-4/200 iDragon/200 Vax 3100-m38 CRIS Etrax Webcam Intel XScale Sharp 199.47 399.76 5.41 99.73 397.31 Da Wrecka <da_wrecka@_blueyonder.co.uk> Princo <hoge@_hogehoge.cc> Blaz Antonic <yint@_email.si> Pat Niemeyer <pat@_pat.net> John Davies <john.davies@_c24.biz> 3.15 Sistemi con più processori (SMP2, SMP4 e altri) Processore SMP2 Pentium/75 SMP2 Pentium/90 BogoMips 59.50 71.68 Riferito da Michael Engel <engel@_unix-ag.uni-siegen.de> Edwin Whitelaw <elw@_ivc.com> 3. Raccolta di misure SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SPM2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 Pentium/90 Pentium/90 Pentium/100 Sparc 630MP Pentium/100 Pentium/100 Pentium/120 Sparc SS/50-40 Sparc SS/50 Pentium/133 Pentium/166 Sparc SM71/75 Pentium/200 Pentium/200 Sparc RossHS/150 Pentium Pro/150 Pentium Pro/150 Sparc SM71/75 Pentium Pro/166 Pentium Pro/180 Pentium Pro/180 Pentium Pro/180 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/233 Pentium II/233 Pentium II/266 Pentium II/266 Pentium II/266 Pentium II/266 Pentium II/274 21064A/275 AS2000 Pentium II/300 Pentium II/300 Pentium II/300 Pentium II/300 Pentium II/333 ov Pentium II/333 38 71.98 72.08 79.46 79.66 80.08 80.08 95.85 90.11 99.84 106.09 133.53 149.70 158.72 158.92 209.71 299.00 299.01 299.40 331.78 358.81 358.81 358.81 396.25 397.32 398.13 398.13 398.13 398.14 398.14 398.14 398.14 398.14 398.6 398.95 398.98 400.18 464.49 466.94 530.84 534.12 534.12 531.66 546.41 556.53 597.20 598.02 599.66 599.76 665.73 665.20 Daniel Luhde-Thompson <dl10010@_cam.ac.uk> Alan Cox <alan@_cymru.net> Lam Dang <dangit@_ix.netcom.com> Daniel Aubry <daniel.aubry@_unibas.ch> Christian Tan <pigeon@_xs4all.nl> McNalley <jmcnalle@_attila.stevens-tech.edu> Maurice de Bijl <maurice.d.bijl@_topic.nl> Benjamin Appee <benjamin@_appee.de> Dimitris Tsifakis <sv1det@_freemail.gr> Maurice de Bijl <maurice.d.bijl@_topic.nl> <Reinhard.Simkovics@_jk.uni-linz.ac.at> C Redmon <credmon@_utk.edu> Ed Hoppitt <edward@_dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk> Zeus <heyzeus@@_verios.net> Nico Will <nicolas.will@_sbcglobal.net> Steven Gallo <smgallo@_numenor.csgeeks.org> Eric van Dijken <E.vanDijken@_PTT-Telecom.nl> C Redmon <credmon@_utk.edu> Eric van Dijken <E.vanDijken@_PTT-Telecom.nl> Eric van Dijken <E.vanDijken@_PTT-Telecom.nl> Frankie East <fae2401@_rit.edu> James K. Wiggs <wiggs@_wolfenet.com> Will Shaw <shaww@_dialup.dstm.com> Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> David Konerding <dek@_cgl.ucsf.edu> B Heinen <benedikt.heinen@_infrasys.ascom.ch> Ramon Huerta <huerta@_minerva.ii.uam.es> C.-A. Possamai <camille@_sugiton.cnrs-mrs.fr> Leland <llucius@_millcom.com> John Lellis <lellis@_dmccorp.com> Jim Gifford <jim@_mail.rath.peachnet.edu> Manuel Galan <root@_ulpgc.es> Bill Davidsen <davidsen@_tmr.com> Fons Rademakers <f.rademakers@_cern.ch> Greg Fausak <glfausak@_august.com> Attila Karpati <karpati@_cs.elte.hu> F. Baitinger <baiti@_zenon.toplink.net> Eli Kane <eli@_crl.nmsu.edu> Shon Martin <cshoon@_oberlin.edu> n.n. <service@_cprompt.sk.ca> Emmanuel Tychon <manu@_acm.org> Stefaan A. Eeckels <stefaan.eeckels@_ecc.lu> Richard Jellinek <rj@_suse.de> Jochen Gatternig <jochen@_gatternig.com> Paul Sheer <psheer@_obsidian.co.za> Hans Ameel <hans@_pla.to> Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> S. Curtarolo <auro@_spiro.fisica.unipd.it> S. Curtarolo <auro@_spiro.fisica.unipd.it> D.A. Sergatskov <dima@_cholla.phys.unm.edu> 3. Raccolta di misure * * * * * * * * SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 Pentium II/350 Pentium II/350 Pentium II/350 Pentium II/350 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium MMX/200 Pentium II/400 Celeron/400 Celeron/400 Pentium II/400 PowerPW 604e/200 Pentium II/400 Pentium II/400 Pentium II/400 Pentium II/400 Pentium II/400 Pentium II/448 ov Celeron/450 Pentium III/450 Pentium III/450 Pentium II/450 Pentium II/466 Pentium MMX/233 Pentium III/500 Pentium III/500 Celeron/500 Celeron/500 Pentium III/500 Pentium III/500 Celeron/515 overc Pentium II/266 Celeron/550 overc Celeron/550 overc Celeron/550 overc Celeron/550 overc Celeron/550 overc Pentium III/550 Pentium III/560 Celeron/563 overc Sparc USII/296 Celeron/606 overc Pentium III/650 Pentium II/400 Itanium/800 Pentium II/450 Pentium III/450 39 697.14 700.42 700.42 700.42 792.48 792.98 793.80 794.42 794.62 796.26 796.26 796.26 798.21 797.08 797.90 800.20 800.36 800.36 800.36 800.47 894.57 894.57 899.48 899.48 901.12 925.70 927.33 996.14 996.15 999.42 999.42 999.42 999.42 1028.92 1066.59 1101.00 1101.00 1101.00 1101.00 1101.00 1101.00 1117.39 1120.00 1182.92 1207.50 1300.88 1587.60 1593.82 1789.13 1789.13 Riley <rhw@_bigfoot.com> David Overeem <overeem.1@_osu.edu> Mathijs <matthijs@_helena.tux.nu> Joe Gray <jgray_111@_yahoo.com> Eric P. McCoy <emccoy@_hamilton.edu> David Ewan Kahana <dek@_bnl.gov> Eric P. McCoy <ctr2sprt@_yahoo.com> Dondo <yan@_seiner.com> Kristian Koehntopp <kris@_koehntopp.de> Eric Clark <eclark@_opencominc.com> Michael Necaise <necaise@_jlab.org> Stuart Hall <stuarthall@_mailandnews.com> Stefan Onderka <nop@_gameart.com> Mogens Kjaer <mk@_crc.dk> Tom <invalid@_charter.net> Simon van Sleuwen <sleuwen@_hotmail.com> <joachim.j.gloger@_daimlerchrysler.com> Marcel Lanz <marcel.lanz@_ds9.ch> Frank <frank@_sazza.ping.de> Jung Pyo Hong <hongjungpyo@_my-deja.com> Rob Leach <dslfreak@_pacbell.net> Stephan Eisler <stephan@_lingo.gun.sub.org> Ramses Smeyers <fatman@_khk.org> Roland Exler <r.exler@_jk.uni-linz.ac.at> Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@_wiw.org> A. Giachino <a.giachino@_ekkinc.com> Jeff White <jwhite@_ghq.com> Ola Samuelson <ola@_datalink.se> Rob Green <mooncrow@_lava.net> Ingimar Rovertsson <iar@_skyrr.is> Rob Farrell <rpf@_speakeasy.net> Douglas Osborn <daozb@_earthlink.net> Greg M. Hebel <gregh@_twcny.rr.com> Ryan Werber <rwerber@_ctel.net> Jacques Rodary <jrodary@_free.fr> Olof Zachrisson <eraolza@_ks.ericsson.se> John Katagawa <dhc@_50k.com> Mattias Moberg <mattias.moberg@_home.se> Kieffer <Jerome.KIEFFER@_crans.ens-cachan.fr> C. Shenefiel <chris.shenefiel@_bigfoot.com> Jean-David Beyer <jdbeyer@_exit109.com> Nathan Laredo <laredo@_gnu.org> Cecchinel Stephan <inter.zone@_free.fr> Bill Maloy <maloy@_goldinc.com> Mattias Moberg <mattias.moberg@_home.se> Dan Kegel <dank@_alumni.caltech.edu> Bill Maloy <bill.maloy@_goldinc.com> Cipriano Groenendal <cipri@_ezlinux.nl> Steve Snyder <swsnyder@_home.com> J Snowdon <john@_snowdon36.freeserver.co.uk> 3. Raccolta di misure * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 40 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SPM2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 SMP2 PowerPC 7400/450 Celeron/466 Celeron/500 Pentium III/1100 Pentium III/550 Pentium III/560 Pentium III/600 Pentium III/600 Pentium III/750 Pentium III/750 Pentium Pro/800 Pentium III/800 Pentium III/800 Pentium III/810 EV67/833 UP2000 Pentium III/850 Pentium III/866 Pentium III/933 PowerPC G4/1400 Pentium III/1000 Pentium III/1000 Pentium III/1000 Pentium III/1000 Pentium III/1133 Pentium III/1133 Pentium III/1133 Pentium III/1266 Athlon/1400 Athlon/1400 Athlon/1400 Athlon/1400 Athlon/1600 Xeon/2000 Xeon/2800 Xeon/3060 Xeon/2000 ht Xeon/2400 ht Xeon/2800 ht Xeon/3060 ht 1789.63 1857.94 1998.84 2194.23 2202.00 2238.05 2401.89 2401.89 2992.90 3001.55 3181.77 3188.33 3201.43 3234.20 3324.17 3407.86 3466.85 3742.10 2831.15 3984.58 3991.14 4004.25 4010.80 4508.86 4508.87 4521.98 5052.81 5590.21 5590.22 5590.22 5590.22 6442.18 7956.06 11154.22 12202.80 15925.22 19031.64 22282.24 24379.39 Jake Goulding <shepmaster@_home.com> Dominic.Baines <[email protected]> Rob Farrell <rpf@_comcast.net> Jean-David Beyer <jdbeyer@_exit109.com> <ekk@_ekkinc.com> David Yeung <dyeung@_ust.hk> Shawn Hicks <shicks@_impulse.net> John Wiggins <jwiggins@_csce.uark.edu> George Hauser <hausergj@_pop.nwnexus.com> Jesse Tie Ten Quee <tie@_mountlinux.com> NN <ulisses@_pusa.informat.uv.es> Steve Bradtke <sjbradtke@_home.com> Paul Skinner <skin@_skin.dhs.org> Pietro Abate <abate@_students.cs.unibo.it> Rob Harley <robert.harley@_inria.fr> Michael Cohen <me@_ohdarn.net> Tommy Johansen <tommy.johansen@_idemitsu.no> Justin Baugh <baughj@_cs.rpi.edu> Bill Maloy <bill.maloy@_goldinc.com> Kenny Gryp <gryp@_dakin.be> Guy Tel-Zur <tel-zur@_computer.org> Birko Bergt <byrko.bergt@_syntegra.com> Andy Vlassov <andreyv@_ece.ubc.ca> Umaid Rajpurohit <sunadm@_rediffmail.com> S Bozovicar <silvo.bozovicar@_hermes-plus.si> Ralf Buchwald <ralf@_iehk.rwth-aachen.de> Sandy Harris <sandy@_storm.ca> Dominic.Baines <[email protected]> Paul Skinner <skin@_skin.dhs.org> Matthew Anderson <matt@_alameda-systems.com> Pierre Vignéras <vigneras@_labri.fr> Rick H. Wesson <wessorh@_ar.com> Dave Gilligan <g1ogy@_g1ogy.com> Paolo Cravero <paolo.cravero@_csi.it> Bill Maloy <bill.maloy@_goldinc.com> Dave Gilligan <g1ogy@_g1ogy.com> Vasilis Ventirozos <cyberpunk@_freemail.gr> John Davies <john.davies@_c24.biz> Brian Wheeler <bdwheele@_indiana.edu> SMP4 SMP4 SMP4 SMP4 SMP4 SMP4 SMP4 SMP4 SMP4 SMP4 Sparc SM100/40 Pentium Pro/133 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium Pro/200 Pentium/133 Pentium/200 Pentium III/450 Pentium III/550 Alpha EV5/300 Itanium/800 159.64 532.07 794.62 796.28 1064.14 1598.25 1794.00 2195.46 2393.60 3189.20 C Redmon <credmon@_utk.edu> Erik Walthinsen <omega@_sequent.com> Kenneth Hedlund <c415khd@_nll.se> John Pelan <j.pelan@_am.qub.ac.uk> Arthur Aldridge <monark@_aracnet.com> Arthur Aldridge <aj@_yasashi.net> Glenn Stone <glenns@_ami.com> Yan P Yuan <yanping.yuan@_embl-Heidelberg.de> Daniel Aubry <daniel.aubry@_sygroup.ch> Bacsi Roland <broland@_mailbox.hu> 3. Raccolta di misure SMP4 SMP4 SMP4 SMP4 5955.88 11979.96 19136.38 22321.54 Holger Staab <holger.staab@_lhsystems.com> T Hiekkalinna <tero.hiekkalinna@_helsinki.fi> David Hubbard <dhubbard@_hostasaurus.com> Paolo Cravero <paolo.cravero@_csi.it> SMP8 Pentium III/500 3996.06 SMP6 SunUltraII/336 4030.46 SMP14 SparcII 6927.16 SMP31 EV67/731 Wildf. 46170.90 SMP8 Xeon/1600 51052.50 Myrinet144 PII/400 57684.96 Beowulf102 PIII/1000 203862.30 Richard Langis <rlangis@_primux.geekfest.net> Daniel James <astac@_swbell.net> Vassili Tchersky <vt@_bsdjeunz.org> Peter Rival <frival@_zk3.dec.com> Michael Heiming <michael@_heiming.de> <zumbusch@_iam.uni-bonn.de> Dan Kirkpatrick <dkirk@_physics.syr.edu> 3.16 Itanium/995 Xeon/1500 Xeon/2400 Xeon/2800 41 Sistemi non-Linux (riportati qui solo per riferimento) Processore Casio 9850g calculator Commodore 64 Z80 TRS80 model 4 Z80/4.6 NC100 Saturn/7.8 HP49G Saturn/3.9 HP48S Saturn/7.8 HP48G Saturn/7.8 HP49G BogoMips Casio 0.000027 VICE 0.0033 TRSDOS 0.004 ZCN 0.013 none 0.321 none 0.196 none 0.271 none 0.321 Riferito da <littlemanthegeek@_hotmail.com> <bdwheele@_indiana.edu> <cervasio@_airmail.net> <rus@_forfree.at> <samuel.thibault@_fnac.net> <samuel.thibault@_ens-lyon.fr> <samuel.thibault@_ens-lyon.fr> <samuel.thibault@_ens-lyon.fr> 68000/8 Macintosh Classic ARM9/75 HP49G+ 68020/20 Sun 3 Intel 386SX/16 68EZ328/20 Palm Vx Microvax 3100-30 ARM ARM250/12 68020/16 Macintosh LC 68020/25 Sun 3-180 Sparc Sun 3-60 Sparc Sun 3-80 Vaxstation 3100 M38 68030/25 Macintosh IIci AMD 386DX/40 68040/25 Macintosh LC475 68040/33 HP9000-280 68040/25 Apollo 5500 Sparc Sun 4-280/20 Sparc Sun IPC/40 68040/25 HP9000-425 68040 NextStep Sparc Sun SS1 Sparc Sun SS1 IBM RS6000 320 ARM ARM710/40 MacOS none SUNOS MSDOS PalmOS NetBSD RISCOS MacOS SUNOS SUNOS SUNOS VAXVMS NetBSD MSDOS MacOS HP-UX DomainOS SUNOS Solaris DomainOS (?) SUNOS SUNOS AIX RISCOS <jimmy@_typhoeus.dg.uoa.gr> <samuel.thibault@_ens-lyon.fr> <korpela@_ssl.berkeley.edu> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <dv5a@_dc.uba.ar> <goodman@_goodman.hu> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <jimmy@_typhoeus.dg.uoa.gr> <korpela@_ssl.berkeley.edu> <tranter@_software.mitel.com> <tranter@_software.mitel.com> <bdwheele@_indiana.edu> <kirk-corey@_uiowa.edu> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <jimmy@_typhoeus.dg.uoa.gr> <niles@_axp745.gsfc.nasa.gov> <kirk-corey@_uiowa.edu> <korpela@_ssl.berkeley.edu> <gong@_cs.msu.su> <kirk-corey@_uiowa.edu> <petergun@_coffeehaus.com> <tranter@_software.mitel.com> <jimmy@_typhoeus.dg.uoa.gr> <mg@_svtpc3.fb12.tu-berlin.de> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 0.53 1.335 2.0 2.00 2.53 2.74 2.95 3.09 4.0 4.00 4.00 4.66 5.62 8.03 12.27 14 14.00 16.0 16.00 16.00 16.26 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.43 3. Raccolta di misure Sparc Sun SS1+ Sparc Sun SS1+ Sparc Sun IPC IBM RS6000 320H Sparc Sun Sparcstation2 SparcClassic/50 Sparc Sun ELC HP-PA 9000-720 Sparc Sun SS10 Sparc Sun SS10 Pentium/100 Sparc Sun Sparcstation2 Intel Pentium/100 Intel Pentium/100 Intel Pentium/100 Intel Pentium/100 Mips R4000/100 Indy Mips R4000/100 SGI IndySC HP-PA 9000-720 Sparc SS10 IBM RS-6000-250/66 Sparc Sun Sparcstation10d Sparc SS1000 2CPU Sparc SS20 IBM RS6000-250/80 Alpha 21064/133 Decstation Alpha 21064/133 Dec3000 Sparc Sun SS5 Sparc Sun SS20 Sparc Sun SS20/712 Mips R4400/150 Challenge Mips R4400/150 Indigo2Extr HP-PA 9000-715 Centaur C6/200 Centaur C6/200 Centaur C6/200 Centaur C6/200 Sparc SS5 sun4m Sparc SS1000E Alpha Mips R4400/200 Indigo2Extr HP-PA 9000-735/99 Sparc SS5 Sparc Sun SS4/110 Sparc Sun SS4 Sparc Sun SS5 Alpha 21064A/233 Alpha 3000 21064/300 HP-PA 700/125 HP-PA 9000-735/125 42 SUNOS SUNOS SUNOS AIX SUNOS Solaris SUNOS HP-UX SUNOS SUNOS Win-NT SUNOS Beos5 WinNT4 FreeBSD MSDOS (?) Irix HP-UX SUNOS AIX SUNOS SUNOS SUNOS AIX OSF1 OSF1 SUNOS SUNOS Solaris (?) (?) HP-UX WinNT4 Win98 MSDOS Win95 SUNOS SUNOS OSF1 (?) HP-UX SUNOS Solaris Solaris SUNOS OSF1 OSF1 HP-UX HP-UX 19 24.00 24.00 24.00 26.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 34.00 34.00 36.21 38.0 38.50 39.66 40.32 40.71 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 52.00 54.0 58.00 60.00 62.00 64 66.00 68.00 72.00 74 74.00 74.00 74.00 77.00 78.48 78.79 78.81 84.00 84.00 92.00 98.00 98.00 104.00 108 108.00 110 114 120.00 122 122.00 <swmike@_uplift.df.lth.se> <tranter@_software.mitel.com> <tranter@_software.mitel.com> <mg@_svtpc3.fb12.tu-berlin.de> <gong@_cs.msu.su> <gong@_cs.msu.su> <tranter@_software.mitel.com> <metod.kozelj@_rzs-hm.si> <tranter@_software.mitel.com> <makler@_man.torun.pl> <marcus@_healthchex.com> <korpela@_ssl.berkeley.edu> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <p.verwer@_organon.akzonobel.nl> <lziegler@_csbsju.edu> <metod.kozelj@_rzs-hm.si> <makler@_man.torun.pl> <gl23@_e4.hrz.uni-giessen.de> <korpela@_ssl.berkeley.edu> <gong@_cs.msu.su> <makler@_man.torun.pl> <gl23@_e4.hrz.uni-giessen.de> <niles@_axp745.gsfc.nasa.gov> <daniels@_helplaxp1.harvard.edu> <tranter@_software.mitel.com> <tranter@_software.mitel.com> <spohr@_qmos.com> <p.verwer@_organon.akzonobel.nl> <p.verwer@_organon.akzonobel.nl> <metod.kozelj@_rzs-hm.si> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> <chrisv@_allegria.com> <makler@_man.torun.pl> <petergun@_coffeehaus.com> <p.verwer@_organon.akzonobel.nl> <lankhors@_cs.rug.nl> <makler@_man.torun.pl> <spohr@_qmos.com> <jimmy@_typhoeus.dg.uoa.gr> <swmike@_uplift.df.lth.se> <niles@_axp745.gsfc.nasa.gov> <gl23@_e4.hrz.uni-giessen.de> <niles@_axp745.gsfc.nasa.gov> <lankhors@_cs.rug.nl> 4. Firma Mips R4600/133 SGI Indy MIPS R5000/150 IBM 6x86 Alpha MIPS R10000/195 Alpha 21164/333 AS500 Sparc Ultra-1 sun4u PPC604/133 IBM RS6000 IBM RS-6000 43P powerpc Sparc U-1 sun4u Alpha 21164/433 DPW433au HP9000-C160/160 Intel Pentium MMX/166 Intel Pentium MMX/166 Sparc Sun US1/170 Sparc Sun US1/167 Intel Pentium MMX/166 Sparc Ultra-1 sun4u Intel Pentium MMX/166 Alpha 3000-600S AMD Duron/750 Alpha server 1000-4/200 Sparc Sun-Ultra30/248 Intel Celeron/500 Intel Celeron/500 Intel Celeron/500 Alpha 21164A/533 PC164LX Pentium II/350 Sparc US2/296 2cpu AMD Duron/750 AMD Duron/750 PowerPC G3/600 Intel Pentium III/800 Intel Pentium III/800 Intel Pentium III/866 Cray J90 Y-MP/100 16cpu Sequent Symmetry 6xP5/166 Sequent Symmetry 16xP5/66 HP9000-C160/160 Sequent NUMA-Q 12x P6/180 Pentium III/800 Sequent NUMA-Q 32x P6/180 4 43 Irix Irix OS/2 OSF1 Irix OSF1 Solaris AIX AIX SunOS OSF1 HP-UX Beos5 Win98 Solaris Solaris WIN95 SUNOS MSDOS VMS BeOS5 VMS Solaris MSDOS BeOS5 WinNT4 NetBSD Win2000 SUNOS MSDOS Win98 MacOSX Win98 MSDOS MSDOS Unicos Dynix Dynix HP-UX Dynix Win NT Dynix 132 <lziegler@_csbsju.edu> 148.00 <nachiket@_indimax.hydroqual.com> 149.13 <mikedg@_ghostbbs.pandora.it> 180.0 <mauger@_ensinfo.univ-nantes.fr> 194.00 <nachiket@_indimax.hydroqual.com> 222.00 <daniels@_helplaxp1.harvard.edu> 254.00 <alternat@_rwth-aachen.de> 254.00 <kirk-corey@_uiowa.edu> 260.00 <gl23@_e4.hrz.uni-giessen.de> 284.00 <gl23@_e4.hrz.uni-giessen.de> 286.00 <daniels@_helplaxp1.harvard.edu> 316.00 <nicolai@_prz.tu-berlin.de> 327.96 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 328.36 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 330 <spohr@_qmos.com> 330 <jimmy@_typhoeus.dg.uoa.gr> 331.40 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 334.00 <chrisv@_allegria.com> 336.93 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 348.61 <metod.kozelj@_rzs-hm.si> 372.05 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 397.68 <metod.kozelj@_rzs-hm.si> 482.00 <marc.Quinton@_stna.dgac.fr> 488.55 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 494.81 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 496.18 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 531.55 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 573.00 <benjy@_kateandbenjy.com> 596.00 <manu@_acm.org> 723.78 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 745.65 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 789.51 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 795.36 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 814.25 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 849.65 <hamishpmcwilliam@_netscape.net> 912.00 <lankhors@_cs.rug.nl> 984.00 <omega@_sequent.com> 1056.00 <omega@_sequent.com> 1278.00 <nicolai@_prz.tu-berlin.de> 1416.00 <omega@_sequent.com> 2267.00 <benjy@_kateandbenjy.com> 3776.00 <omega@_sequent.com> Firma Sembra che i bambini crescendo si caccino nei guai: l’altro giorno, Isolde è tornata da una gita scolastica con un occhio nero causato dall’incontro con il gomito di qualcuno, mentre lo scorso fine settimana Roderick ha deciso di saltare fuori dalla vasca ed è caduto con la sua schiena contro il rubinetto (con conseguente visita al pronto soccorso e punti di sutura), e per finire oggi Daphne trova il modo di inciampare in una stanza 4. Firma 44 altrimenti vuota e battere la testa sullo spigolo di un tavolo (con conseguente altra visita al pronto soccorso per incollarle la fronte). Devo dire che non mi ricordo di essere stato tanto imbranato quando ero piccolo... Met vriendelijke groeten, Wim ’Dad’ van Dorst. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Wim van Dorst, Clifton Scientific Text Services, tel/fax +31 355 242 319 This sentence have three erors