Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale Erasmus Plus 2014-2015 – mobilità per studio GRADUATORIA FINALE AREA LINGUISTICA: TEDESCO MATRICOLA 160684 161454 160911 160974 165299 DESTINAZIONE OTTO-FRIEDRICH UNIVERSITY BAMBERG TUD - DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY TUD - DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF HAMBURG UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN CODICE DESTINAZIONE MESI SUBJECT AREA PUNTEGGIO D BAMBERG01 6 Sociology and cultural studies 69,90 D DRESDEN02 5 Sociology and cultural studies 68,61 D DRESDEN02 5 Sociology and cultural studies 60,53 D HAMBURG01 D SIEGEN01 9 6 Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Sociology and cultural studies 80,48 79,75 ESITO VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale Erasmus Plus 2014-2015 – mobilità per studio GRADUATORIA FINALE AREA LINGUISTICA: SPAGNOLO MATRICOLA 161177 153076 168467 167701 168248 168249 168247 167402 165065 159716 167701 152918 153355 160573 161599 163837 159559 160778 160518 164119 158481 167701 DESTINAZIONE AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA POMPEU FABRA UNIVERSITY POMPEU FABRA UNIVERSITY POMPEU FABRA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY RAMON LLULL UNIVERSITY RAMON LLULL UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA UNIVERSITY CARLOS III UNIVERSITY CARLOS III UNIVERSITY OF SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA CODICE DESTINAZIONE MESI SUBJECT AREA PUNTEGGIO ESITO E BARCELO02 10 Sociology and cultural studies 63,97 VINCITORE CON BORSA E BARCELO02 6 Sociology and cultural studies 60,16 VINCITORE CON BORSA E BARCELO02 6 Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) 60,00 VINCITORE CON BORSA E BARCELO02 10 Sociology and cultural studies 45,50 NON IDONEO E BARCELO02 10 Sociology and cultural studies - NON AMMISSIBILE E BARCELO02 10 Sociology and cultural studies - NON AMMISSIBILE E BARCELO02 10 Sociology and cultural studies - NON AMMISSIBILE E BARCELO02 6 E BARCELO15 E BARCELO15 E BARCELO15 E BARCELO16 E BARCELO16 E GRANADA01 E GRANADA01 E GRANADA01 E MADRID14 E MADRID14 - NON AMMISSIBILE 10 10 10 4 4 9 9 9 5 5 International Relations, European Studies, Area Studies Political Sciences Political Sciences Political Sciences Social Work Social Work Sociology and cultural studies Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Sociology and cultural studies Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) 75,34 60,59 45,50 60,52 69,17 63,33 60,50 68,48 - VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA NON IDONEO VINCITORE CON BORSA NON AMMISSIBILE VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA NON AMMISSIBILE E SANTIAG01 9 Political science and civics 60,42 RINUNCIATARIO E VALENCI01 E VALENCI01 E VALENCI01 9 9 9 Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) 61,50 60,00 41,00 VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA NON IDONEO Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale Erasmus Plus 2014-2015 – mobilità per studio GRADUATORIA FINALE AREA LINGUISTICA: FRANCESE MATRICOLA 167686 167687 169075 169424 169467 169100 161275 153669 168767 167686 160579 153669 168767 167686 153669 168767 168953 168067 153669 160695 168767 167686 167402 DESTINAZIONE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF LILLE AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITY AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITY AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITY AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF NANTES UNIVERSITY OF NANTES UNIVERSITY OF NANTES UNIVERSITY OF NANTES UNIVERSITY OF NANTES UNIVERSITY OF NANTES PARIS SORBONNE UNIVERSITY PARIS SORBONNE UNIVERSITY PARIS SORBONNE UNIVERSITY PARIS - DESCARTES UNIVERSITY PARIS - DESCARTES UNIVERSITY SCHOOL FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES SCHOOL FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES SCHOOL FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY RENNES II HAUTEBRETAGNE UNIVERSITY RENNES II HAUTEBRETAGNE UNIVERSITY RENNES II HAUTEBRETAGNE UNIVERSITY RENNES II HAUTEBRETAGNE CODICE DESTINAZIONE F LILLE11 F MARSEIL84 F MARSEIL84 F MARSEIL84 F MARSEIL84 F NANTES01 F NANTES01 F NANTES01 F NANTES01 F NANTES01 F NANTES01 F PARIS004 F PARIS004 F PARIS004 F PARIS005 F PARIS005 MESI SUBJECT AREA PUNTEGGIO ESITO 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Social work and counselling Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies 72,75 60,00 51,82 51,63 68,75 64,03 59,82 49,00 45,00 59,82 49,00 45,00 59,82 49,00 NON AMMISSIBILE VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA NON IDONEO NON IDONEO VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON AMMISSIBILE NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO F PARIS057 10 Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) 61,34 VINCITORE CON BORSA F PARIS057 10 Sociology and cultural studies 61,00 VINCITORE CON BORSA F PARIS057 10 Sociology and cultural studies 59,82 NON IDONEO F RENNES02 5 Social Work 76,14 VINCITORE CON BORSA F RENNES02 5 Social Work 49,00 NON IDONEO F RENNES02 5 Social Work 45,00 NON IDONEO F RENNES02 5 Social Work - NON AMMISSIBILE Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale Erasmus Plus 2014-2015 – mobilità per studio GRADUATORIA FINALE AREA LINGUISTICA: INGLESE MATRICOLA 163595 161256 160778 160496 160774 161712 161334 160670 168172 169484 160496 163583 160774 160669 168248 168247 169030 169291 153046 153355 163403 157489 162099 152315 160669 169598 164313 160553 164089 161039 DESTINAZIONE PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST WEST UNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA WEST UNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA MALMO UNIVERSITY MALMO UNIVERSITY MALMO UNIVERSITY MALMO UNIVERSITY MALMO UNIVERSITY MALMO UNIVERSITY MALMO UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI CODICE DESTINAZIONE MESI PUNTEGGI O ESITO G KALLITH02 6 Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) - Political science and civics 74,50 VINCITORE CON BORSA G KALLITH02 6 Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) - Political science and civics 69,30 VINCITORE CON BORSA G KALLITH02 6 Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) - Political science and civics 66,61 IDONEO NON VINCITORE G KALLITH02 6 Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) - Political science and civics 64,44 IDONEO NON VINCITORE G KALLITH02 6 Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) - Political science and civics 61,30 IDONEO NON VINCITORE G KALLITH02 6 Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) - Political science and civics 60,93 VINCITORE CON BORSA HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 HU BUDAPES03 RO TIMISOA01 RO TIMISOA01 S MALMO01 S MALMO01 S MALMO01 S MALMO01 S MALMO01 S MALMO01 S MALMO01 SF HELSINK01 SF HELSINK01 SF HELSINK01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Social work and counselling Social work and counselling Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Social work and counselling Social work and counselling Social work and counselling 89,01 80,70 61,00 60,82 60,44 60,17 59,30 53,21 43,39 43,28 60,77 60,52 97,00 72,22 67,93 61,50 53,21 42,77 41,78 84,29 77,00 71,78 VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA IDONEO NON VINCITORE IDONEO NON VINCITORE NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON AMMISSIBILE NON AMMISSIBILE VINCITORE CON BORSA IDONEO NON VINCITORE VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA IDONEO NON VINCITORE IDONEO NON VINCITORE NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA IDONEO NON VINCITORE SUBJECT AREA Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale Erasmus Plus 2014-2015 – mobilità per studio GRADUATORIA FINALE 152315 160669 UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI 161195 DIACONIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES 160887 DIACONIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES 167701 161469 164164 160778 160774 163583 163874 165296 163978 164069 169030 169291 169161 161429 169030 152315 169291 146631 163897 152315 160774 160496 163583 163938 160669 161429 163874 168248 168247 DIACONIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA UNIVERSITY OF KENT UNIVERSITY OF KENT UNIVERSITY OF KENT UNIVERSITY OF KENT UNIVERSITY OF KENT KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY SF HELSINK01 SF HELSINK01 SF HELSINK19 SF HELSINK19 5 5 5 5 Social work and counselling Social work and counselling Social Work Social Work 61,50 53,21 ASSEGNAZ. COMMISSIO NE ASSEGNAZ. COMMISSIO NE IDONEO NON VINCITORE NON IDONEO VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA SF HELSINK19 5 Social Work 48,00 NON IDONEO SF KUOPIO12 SF KUOPIO12 SF KUOPIO12 SF KUOPIO12 SF KUOPIO12 SF KUOPIO12 SI LJUBLJA01 SI LJUBLJA01 SI LJUBLJA01 SI LJUBLJA01 SI LJUBLJA01 UK CANTERB01 UK CANTERB01 UK CANTERB01 UK CANTERB01 UK CANTERB01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Social work and counselling - Social Work / Sociology and cultural studies Social work and counselling - Social Work / Sociology and cultural studies Social work and counselling - Social Work / Sociology and cultural studies Social work and counselling - Social Work / Sociology and cultural studies Social work and counselling - Social Work / Sociology and cultural studies Social work and counselling - Social Work / Sociology and cultural studies Social work and counselling Sociology and Cultural Studies Social work and counselling Sociology and Cultural Studies Sociology and Cultural Studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Sociology and cultural studies Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling 73,34 64,00 61,61 61,30 58,17 40,00 89,17 81,00 65,75 72,50 50,59 89,24 87,50 61,50 59,30 57,44 57,17 56,84 53,21 50,59 48,00 43,39 43,28 VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA IDONEO NON VINCITORE IDONEO NON VINCITORE NON IDONEO NON IDONEO VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA NON AMMISSIBILE NON AMMISSIBILE VINCITORE CON BORSA NON IDONEO NON AMMISSIBILE NON AMMISSIBILE NON AMMISSIBILE VINCITORE CON BORSA VINCITORE CON BORSA IDONEO NON VINCITORE NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON IDONEO Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale Erasmus Plus 2014-2015 – mobilità per studio GRADUATORIA FINALE 168249 169598 152159 KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY KEELE UNIVERSITY UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 UK KEELE01 5 5 5 Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling Social Work/Social Services/Social Work and Counselling 43,17 42,77 - NON IDONEO NON IDONEO NON AMMISSIBILE PUNTEGGIO ESITO 60,41 VINCITORE CON BORSA AREA LINGUISTICA: INGLESE-PORTOGHESE MATRICOLA 160589 DESTINAZIONE UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA CODICE DESTINAZIONE P COIMBRA01 MESI 6 SUBJECT AREA Sociology and cultural studies Trento, 25.03.2014