AGENZIA NAZIONALE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE, L’ENERGIA E LO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO SOSTENIBILE RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI CONTRATTI DELL'ENEA CON LA COMMISSIONE EUROPEA Dati Riassuntivi (contratti in vigore nel corso del 2011) maggio 2012 AGENZIA NAZIONALE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE, /¶(1(5*,$(/269,/8332(&2120,&26267(1,%,/( RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI CONTRATTI DELL'ENEA CON LA COMMISSIONE EUROPEA Dati Riassuntivi (contratti in vigore nel corso del 2011) Anna Pibiri, Caterina Salvadego, Marco Sbrana INDICE Pag. 5 SINTESI /$3$57(&,3$=,21('(//¶(1($$/348(-2013) Fig. 1 Confronto tra Programmi Quadro UE: coordinamento e partecipazione ³ 11 Fig. 2 7PQ UE: contributo a ENEA per programma ³ 11 Fig. 3 7PQ UE: progetti a coordinamento ENEA dal 2008 al 2011 ³ 12 CONTRATTI STIPULATI NEL 2011 Tab. 1 Contributo a ENEA per programma ³ 15 Fig. 4 Ripartizione percentuale del contributo per programma ³ 15 Fig. 5 Contributo a ENEA per programma ³ 16 Fig. 6 Contratti stipulati dal 2003 a marzo 2012: n. di contratti e contributo a ENEA ³ 17 Fig. 7 Contributo medio (in euro) e linea di tendenza ³ 18 CONTRATTI IN VIGORE NEL 2011 Tab. 2 Contributo a ENEA per programma ³ 21 Fig. 8 Contratti a partecipazione ENEA in corso negli anni 2002-2011 ³ 22 Fig. 9 Ripartizione del contributo per programmi ³ 23 Fig. 10 Ripartizione del contributo per aree tematiche ³ 23 Tab. 3 Elenco progetti in corso nel 2011 per programma ³ 24 Tab. 4 3DHVLSDUWQHUGHOO¶(1($QXPHURGLFRQWUDWWLSDUWQHUHSDUWHFLSD]LRQL ³ 31 Fig. 11 3DUWQHUHXURSHLHGHOO¶DUHDPHGLWHUUDQHD ³ 33 Fig. 12 Partner di altri paesi ³ 34 Fig. 13 PartecipazionLGLSDUWQHUHXURSHLHGHOO¶DUHDPHGLWHUUDQHD ³ 35 Fig. 14 Partecipazioni di partner di altri paesi ³ 36 Fig. 15 Tipologia dei partner GHOO¶(1($ ³ 37 Fig. 16 Tipologia dei partner italiani GHOO¶(1($ ³ 37 Fig. 17 &ROODERUD]LRQLGHOO¶(1($FRQle Università italiane ³ 38 Fig.18 N. di collaborazioni GHOO¶(1($FRQ8QLYHUVLWjLWDOLDQHper ambito di ricerca ³ 38 Fig.19 N. di collaborazioni GHOO¶(1($FRQ8QLYHUVLWjLWDOLDQHripartizione geografica ³ 39 ELENCO PARTECIPANTI E PROGETTI PER PAESE ³ 41 SCHEDE SINTETICHE DEI PROGETTI (in ordine alfabetico di acronimo) ³ 87 3 4 SINTESI /·HYROX]LRQHGHOODVFLHQ]DGHOODULFHUFDHGHOODWHFQRORJLDVHUYHVRSUDWWXWWRDFUHDUHSRVWLGL lavoro, prosperità e a migliorare la qualità della vita. La politica di ULFHUFD GHOO·8QLRQH KD come obiettivo di coordinare le politiche nazionali ed europee, incoraggiare i contatti tra gruppi di ricerca di paesi diversi e accrescere la mobilità degli individui e le idee al fine di rafforzare la competitività europea. Per ottHQHUH TXHVWL ULVXOWDWL O·8(, dal 1984 al 2006, ha finanziato sei Programmi Quadro, di durata quadriennale, con i quali si è cercato di RULHQWDUHJOLVIRU]LHODFRRSHUD]LRQHQHOO·DPELWRGHOODULFHUFDHXURSHD'DOqDWWLYRLO Settimo Programma Quadro per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo (7PQ), di durata settennale (dal 2007 al 2013), con una dotazione finanziaria di 53,2 miliardi di euro, la maggiore finora VWDQ]LDWD SHU TXHVWL SURJUDPPL ,O 34 q LO SULQFLSDOH VWUXPHQWR DWWUDYHUVR FXL O·8QLRQH Europea finanzia la ricerca in Europa e attua le politiche comunitarie finalizzate al raggiungimento degli obiettivi di crescita, competitività e innovazione. Tra gli ulteriori VWUXPHQWL ILQDQ]LDUL FKH O·8QLRQH HXURSHD PHWWH D GLVSRVL]LRQH GHL SDHVL PHPEUL SHU OD ricerca, ci sono i fondi di coesione e i programmi fuori PQ che, finanziati dalle Direzioni Generali della Commissione Europea, riguardano diverse tematiche di interesse comunitario (CIP, LIFE+, COST, ecc). /·(1($XWLOL]]DJOLVWUXPHQWLILQDQ]LDULFKHOD8( mette a disposizione, partecipando ormai da anni e con successo ai programmi ricerca e ad altri programmi correlati. Il Servizio Relazioni Internazionali (UCREL-INT) VYROJHXQ·DWWLYLWjFRVWDQWHGLPRQLWRUDJJLR della partecipazione ENEA a questi programmi e ciò permette di diffondere informazioni sempre aggiornate. 'DOO·DQDOLVLGHOODGRFXPHQWD]LRQH UDFFROWDULVXOWDFKHO·(1($qSDUWLFRODUPHQWHLQWHUHVVDWD ai temi che riguardano la ricerca nei diversi settori, in particolare alle tematiche energetiche e DPELHQWDOL /·$genzia inoltre contribuisce attivamente al processo decisionale per la GHILQL]LRQH GHL SURJUDPPL G·LQWHUHVVH HXURSHR DWWUDYHUVR OD SDUWHFLSD]LRQH GHL propri esperti a comitati e gruppi di lavoro e i continui contatti che l·ENEA di Bruxelles mantiene con i funzionari della Commissione. Questa pubblicazione annuale riporta, oltre ai dati di sintesi riguardanti la partecipazione GHOO·(1($ ai programmi UE nel 2011, anche il quadro della partecipazione al 7PQ a metà periodo di programmazione. In questo contesto non sono considerate le attività di ricerca sulla fusione che afferiscono al Contratto di Associazione EURATOM-ENEA che ha modalità di finanziamento dei progetti che differiscono e non sono comparabili con quelle dei progetti menzionati nella presente pubblicazione. Inoltre il Contratto di Associazione EURATOM-ENEA ha una durata particolare (è in vigore dal 1988) e un ingente finanziamento comunitario che, per il 2011, ammonta a circa 3,5 milioni di euro. Partecipazione ENEA al 7PQ /·(1($KDSDUWHFLSDWRDWWLYDPHQWHDJOLLQYLWLDSUHVHQWDUHSURSRVWHQHO34VLQGDOO·LQL]LR riportando un tasso di successo superiore alla media nazionale, posizionandosi tra i primi enti di ricerca italiani, soprattutto nel tema Energia. A marzo 2012 risultano stipulati centocinque contratti, per un contributo totale concesso a ENEA pari a circa 28 milioni di euro. I contratti in corso di definizione nel primo trimestre 2012 sono ulteriori quattordici, per un contributo stimato di circa 4.8 milioni di euro che porta il totale acquisito dal 7PQ finora a più 32.5 milioni di euro. Si ricorda che il contributo 5 complessivo derivante dalla partecipazione al 6PQ (2002-2006) era di poco superiore a 13 milioni di euro (fig. 1). ,WHPLGHO34LQFXLO·$JHQ]LDqSLSUHVHQWHHGDFXLGHULYDLOPDJJLRUHFRQWULEXWRVRQR oltre a Energia (che finora ha consentito di acquisire un contributo complessivo di circa 9 milioni di euro), EURATOM Fissione (5.7 milioni di euro) seguiti da Ambiente e Infrastrutture di ricerca; da questi quattro temi derivano i due terzi del cofinanziamento finora acquisito (fig. 2). Il contributo medio per i contraWWLJLjVWLSXODWLQHOO·DPELWRGHO34567qSDULDFLUFD TXDQGR O·(1($ q FRRUGLQDWRUH O·DXPHQWR GHO FRQWULEXWR PHGLR q VLJQLILFDWLYR H DUULYD D 500.000 euro. A questo proposito si rileva che il tasso di coordinamento ENEA complessivo nel 7PQ, sui contratti stipulati fino al 2011, è del 18%, nettamente superiore a quello del Sesto PQ (13,4%); dalla fig. 3 si può rilevare che la linea di tendenza, rispetto al triennio iniziale (2008-2010), è in deciso incremento. Nuovi contratti stipulati nel 2011 1HOO·(1($KDVWLSXODWRFRQOD&RPPLVVLRQH(XURSHDFLQTXDQWXQRFRQWUDWWLUHODWLYLD cinquantuno progetti) in diversi programmi, con un contributo totale pari a circa 12.8 milioni GLHXURGDULSDUWLUHQHOO·DUFRSOXULHQQDOHGLGXUDWDGLFLDVFXQcontratto (tab.1). &RPHVLSXzQRWDUHGDOODILJO·GHOFRQWULEXWRDFTXLVLWRGHULYDGDSURJUDPPLGHO34 567H(85$720SULQFLSDOPHQWHQHOOHWHPDWLFKHUHODWLYHDOO·$PELHQWHHDOOH,QIUDVWUXWWXUH il restante 13% da attività finanziate da altri programmi di cui i più importanti sono e European Metrology Research Programme, CIP EIE, South East Europe (fig. 5). La fig. 6, che riporta i contratti e il contributo dal 2003 al 2011, mostra che la somma di 12.8 PLOLRQLGLHXURUDSSUHVHQWDO·LPSRUWRSLDOWRPDLDFTXLVLWRGDOO·(1($LQXQDQQR /DOLQHDGLWHQGHQ]DUDSSUHVHQWDWDQHOODILJPRVWUDO·DXPHQWRGHOFRQWULEXWRPHGLRSHU progetto nel corso degli anni, in accordo con le indicazione fornite dalla Commissione Europea. La periodica e ricorrente flessione del contributo medio è influenzata in maniera consistente dai contributi derivanti dai Programmi Quadro ed, infatti, coincide con gli anni di passaggio da un PQ al seguente. Contratti in vigore nel 2011 Per quanto riguarda il 2011, come si può notare dalla tab. 2, sono in vigore FHQWRTXDUDQWDFLQTXH SURJHWWL D FXL O·(1($ SDUWHFLSD FRQ UXROL GLYHUVL ,O FRQWULEXWR FRPXQLWDULRDPPRQWDDFLUFDPLOLRQLGLHXURGDULSDUWLUHQHOO·DUFRSOXULHQQDOHGLYDOLGLWj di ciascun contratto (fig. 8 ). Tra le attività finanziate da programmi al di fuori dei PQ è rilevante la partecipazione GHOO·(1($ DO SURJUDPPD &,3 3URJUDPPD FRPSHWLWLYLWj H LQQRYD]LRQH VRWWRSURJUDPPD (,33URJUDPPDSHUO·LQQRYD]LRQHHO·LPSUHQGLWRULDOLWjHVRWWRSURJUDPPD(,(,QWHOOLJHQW Energy Europe). /· FLUFD GHO FRQWULEXWR GHULYDQWH GDOOH DWWLYLWj LQ FRUVR q UHODWLYR D SURJHWWL ILQDQ]LDWL QHOO·DPELWRGHL34 (fig. 9). /D ILJ PRVWUD O·DJJUHJD]LRQH GHL SURJHWWL LQ GLHFL DUHH WHPDWLFKH LQGLSHQGHQWHPHQWH dallo strumento di finanziamento, FRQ O·RELHWWLYR GL HYLGHQ]LDUH TXHOOH GL PDJJLRU SDUWHFLSD]LRQHHGLQWHUHVVHGDSDUWHGHLULFHUFDWRULGHOO·$JHQ]LD3HULSURJHWWLILQDQ]LDWLGD SURJUDPPL¶WUDVYHUVDOL·FRPHDGHVHPSLRLQIUDVWUXWWXUHqVWDWDLGHQWLILFDWDO·DUHDWHPDWLFD RJJHWWRGHOO·DWWLYLWjSHUSURFHGHUHDOO·DJJUHJD]LRQH 6 'D TXHVWD DQDOLVL ULVXOWD FKH O·DUHD HQHUJLD q LQGXEELDPHQWH OD SULQFLSDOH LQIDWWL LO contributo derivante da progetti che afferiscono a questa area rappresenta il 53% del totale, seguita da ambiente con il 15% e ICT e Scienze della Vita entrambi con il 7%. I centoquarantacinque progetti a partecipazione ENEA in corso nel 2011 coinvolgono partner di sessantadue diversi paesi, per un totale di oltre millecento partner e circa milleottocento partecipazioni. I paesi con il maggior numero di partner e partecipazioni sono la Germania e la Francia, seguiti dal Regno Unito e la Spagna (tab. 4 e figg. 11-14). 1HOO·XOWLPRGHFHQQLRO·(1($KDQRWHYROPHQWHDPSOLDWRLOQXPHURGLSDHVLFRQFXLFROODERUD QHOO·DPELWRGHLSrogrammi di ricerca e correlati, incrementando al contempo i rapporti con i SDHVLDVVRFLDWLHLSDHVLGHOO·DUHDPHGLWHUUDQHD Per quanto riguarda la tipologia, tra i partner internazionali le università e gli enti di ricerca rappresentano più del 50% del totale (fig. 15). Tra i partner italiani, invece, i centri di ricerca e istituti di alta formazione sono il 33%, gli HQWL ORFDOL LO OH LQGXVWULH LO ILJ ,Q SDUWLFRODUH FROODERUDQR FRQ O·(1($ ventisette diverse università e politecnici nazionali (fig. 17) in trentasei diversi progetti, per un totale di cinquantaquattro partecipazioni e solo in due progetti su trentasei assumono il ruolo di coordinatore. Le università collaborano con ENEA principalmente in progetti finanziati in ambito energetico e ambientale da programmi dei Programmi Quadro e da altri programmi (LIFE+, AGRI GEN RES) (fig. 18). Secondo quanto si può rilevare dalla fig. 19 la maggioranza delle collaborazioni in corso riguarda università del Nord Italia, seguito dal Centro e poi Sud e isole. Le schede sintetiche nelle pagine finali riassumono le informazioni disponibili per ciascuno dei centoquarantacinque progetti in corso nel 2011, disponibili anche sulla banca dati progetti UE su web curata da UCREL-INT. 7 8 /$3$57(&,3$=,21('(//¶(1($$/348(-2013) 9 10 Confronto tra Programmi Quadro UE: coordinamento e partecipazione 155 nr totale progetti 160 contrib.a ENEA (in milioni di EUR) nr coord. ENEA 105 120 82 80 17,3 15 40 27,8 17 13,2 11 14 4,8* 3 0 5PQ (1998-2002) 6PQ (2002-2006) 7PQ (2007-2013) stipulati marzo 2012 7PQ (2007-2013) in corso di stipula marzo 2012 Sono esclusi i finanziamenti derivanti dal programma fusione * finanziamento stimato (per 5 progetti) Fig. 1 7PQ UE: contributo a ENEA per programma (milioni di euro) contratti stipulati fino a marzo 2012 e progetti ammessi al finanziamento 10 1,6 progetti ammessi al finanziamento stipulati fino a marzo 2012 8 6 4 7,5 0,2 5,7 2 3,0 0,2 0,6 2,6 1,1 1,8 1,4 0 Fig. 2 11 1,1 1,2 0,9 0,5 0,5 0,5 7 PQ UE: progetti a coordinamento ENEA dal 2008 al 2011 (sul totale dei contratti stipulati per anno) 30,00% 15,38% 10,00% 11,11% 2008 2009 2010 Fig. 3 12 2011 CONTRATTI STIPULATI NEL 2011 13 14 CONTRATTI STIPULATI NEL 2011 Contributo a ENEA per programma importi riferiti all'intero periodo di validità contrattuale Contributo a ENEA (euro) Programma Settimo Programma Quadro AMBIENTE ENERGIA EURATOM 669.550 2 4.362.336 6 ICT 723.361 2 Joint Technology Initiatives 351.468 1 BIOTECN., PROD.ALIMENTARI 940.746 2 10.500 1 120.299 1 746.102 1.091.676 9.016.038 342.936 1.834.119 2.177.055 293.318 34.500 201.525 340.229 110.010 0 123.121 262.106 264.120 1.628.929 2 5 22 10 8 18 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 11 12.822.022 51 PEOPLE COOP. INTERNAZ. SICUREZZA INFRASTRUTTURE TOTALE 7PQ R&ST EURATOM FUSIONE (*) EURATOM FISSIONE TOTALE 7PQ EURATOM CIP - EIE Security and safeguarding liberties MED fuori P.Q. Numero contratti EMRP LIFE COST INNOVAZIONE E SOUTH EAST EUROPE ERKC TOTALE Attività Fuori PQ TOTALE 2011 (*) escluso il Contratto di Associazione ENEA/EURATOM fusione Tab. 1 Fig. 4 15 16 Fig. 5 migliaia di euro 4362 1834 1092 940 746 723 669 351 343 Settimo Programma Quadro di R&S (2007-2013) 340 293 262 201 123 121 110 Attività fuori programma quadro CONTRATTI STIPULATI NEL 2011 contributo a ENEA per programma - importi riferiti all'intero periodo contrattuale 105 299 17 Fig. 6 0 25 50 75 100 2,1 2004 5,3 2005 6,3 7,3 2006 48 2007 46 4,6 7,4 2008 43 2009 40 6,0 8,7 2010 45 12,8 2011 51 2012 genmarzo 13 2,5 4,8 2012 in corso di stipula 14 I dati degli anni precedenti al 2011 sono stati aggiornati a seguito di eventuali finanziamenti aggiuntivi d *Escluso il Contratto di Associazione ENEA EURATOM fusione 2003 31 36 56 contributo ad Enea (Mil di euro) numero contratti (importi in milioni di euro riferiti all'intero periodo di validità del contratto) Contratti stipulati dal 2003 a marzo 2012 (tutti i programmi*): numero di contratti e contributo a ENEA 18 Fig. 7 0 50.000 100.000 150.000 200.000 250.000 2003 68.000 2004 147.000 2005 112.500 2006 152.000 2007 100.000 2008 172.000 Contratti stipulati dal 2003 al 2011: contributo medio (in euro) e linea di tendenza 2009 150.000 2010 193.000 2011 251.000 CONTRATTI IN VIGORE NEL 2011 19 20 PROGRAMMI DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA A PARTECIPAZIONE ENEA CONTRIBUTO A ENEA PER PROGRAMMA - importi riferiti all'intero periodo contrattuale numero contratti PROGRAM M I AMBIENTE BIOTECN.,PROD.ALIMENTARI COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZ. 7PQ RST (2007-2013) ENERGIA ICT INFRASTRUTTURE Joint Technology Initiatives NANOTECNOLOGIE PEOPLE PEOPLE ERA NET ACTIONS PMI SCIENZA NELLA SOCIETA' SICUREZZA SPAZIO TRASPORTI 7PQ 6PQ RST (2000-2006) EURATOM TOTALE SETTIMO PQ RST EURATOM FISSIONE EURATOM FUSIONE * TOTALE SETTIMO PQ EURATOM* CAMB. GLOB. INFRASTRUTTURE QUALITA' PRODOTTI ALIMENTARI SIST.EN.SOST. TOTALE SESTO PQ AGRI GEN RES Attività fuori Programma Quadro COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology CIP Energia intelligente per l'Europa CIP Innovazione e Imprenditorialità EMRP European Metrology Research Programme ENPI European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instr. EPCIP EU progr. for Critical Infrastructure Protection ERKC Energy Research Knowledge Centre - SETIS EUROSTAT FESR INTERREG III B CADSES CENTRAL EUROPE SECURITY AND SAFEGUARDING LIBERTIES LIFE + MED SOUTH EAST EUROPE TOTALE ATTIVITA' FUORI P.Q. TOTALE CONTRATTI IN CORSO NEL 2011 * escluso il Contratto di Associazione EURATOM/ENEA fusione Tab. 2 21 8 3 2 12 6 8 5 3 3 2 1 1 3 2 4 63 22 17 Contributo a ENEA Keuro 2.797.929 1.272.746 298.052 5.981.850 1.758.899 2.113.638 891.809 808.374 155.500 377.884 128.079 38.841 1.119.447 463.120 1.142.290 19.348.458 5.536.399 722.845 39 6.259.244 1 219.231 2 323.745 1 622.800 1 70.150 5 1.235.926 1 177705 1 0 10 969591 6 1680764 3 430424 1 385361 2 439467 1 264120 1 100000 1 236500 1 221175 3 218054 4 568126 2 447353 1 262106 38 6.400.746 145 33.244.374 22 Fig. 8 20,1 2002 178 18,6 2003 163 18,3 2004 144 17,8 2005 138 20,6 2006 144 21,6 2007 149 24,0 2008 142 23,6 2009 124 25,4 2010 133 33,2 2011 145 contributo ad Enea (mil di euro) numero contratti in vigore * I dati degli anni precedenti al 2011 sono stati aggiornati a seguito di rifinanziamenti e/o proroga delle scadenze 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 CONTRATTI A PARTECIPAZIONE ENEA IN CORSO NEGLI ANNI 2002-2011 importi riferiti all'intero periodo di validità contrattuale (milioni di euro)* Figg. 9-10 23 24 Acronimo ENERGIA COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE Biotecn, prod.alim, agric., pesca AMBIENTE GREENLION EERASE BIOLYFE ATEST APOLLON IJERA BS-ERA.NET SAHYOG METAPRO AMIGA UMBRELLA TYGRE PERPETUATE IMPACT2C ICE2SEA CLIM-RUN CLEAR AQUAFIT4USE Advanced manufacturing processes for Low Cost Greener Li-Ion batteries EERA SEcretariat Lignocellulosic hYdrolysis and Fermentation Second generation BIOethanol process: demonstration scale for the step of implementation of the energy technology information system Analysing transition planning and systemic energy planning tools for the modules (systems) Multi-approach for high efficiency integrated and intelligent concentrating PV Integrating Jordan into the European Research Area Networking on science and technology in the Black Sea region biotechnologY for EurOpe India inteGration 6WUHQJWKHQLQJQHWZRUNLQJRQELRP$VVUHVHDUF+DQGELRZDVWHFRQYHUVLRQ² useful secondary METAbolite PROduction in planta The development of tools and effective strategies for the optimisation of ecosystems Assessing and Monitoring Impacts of Genetically modified plants on Agro- processes landscape scAle: an integrative approach for soil remediation by geobiological Using MicroBes for the Regulation of heavy metaL mobiLity at ecosystem and High added value materials from waste Tyre Gasification Residues in European and Mediterranean countries Performance-based approach to the earthquake protection of cultural heritage Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming Estimating the future contribution of continental ice to sea-level rise Needs Climate Local Information in the Mediterranean region: Responding to User Climate change, Environmental contaminants and Reproductive Health and food industry Water in industry, fit-for-use sustainable water use in chemical, paper, textile titolo ELENCO PROGETTI IN CORSO NEL 2011 PER PROGRAMMA Settimo Programma Quadro R&ST (2007-2013) PROGRAMMA UE Tab. 3 01-nov-11 01-feb-10 01-gen-10 01-ott-09 01-lug-08 01-gen-11 01-gen-09 01-dic-11 01-dic-09 01-dic-11 01-mag-09 01-set-09 01-gen-10 01-ott-11 01-mar-09 01-mar-11 01-mag-09 01-giu-08 inizio 31-ott-15 31-gen-13 31-dic-13 31-mar-12 30-giu-13 31-dic-12 31-dic-11 30-nov-14 31-mag-13 30-nov-15 30-apr-12 28-feb-13 31-dic-12 30-set-15 31-mag-13 28-feb-14 30-apr-13 31-mag-12 scadenza 25 INFRASTRUTTURE (2007-2013) ICT ENERGIA SOPHIA SFERA SEADATANET II HIPER H2FC ERA-INSTRUMENTS ECCSEL BRISK TDK4PE SEESGEN-ICT MICIE LAMP FLEXNET ARTISAN THINSI SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE OPTS NGCPV MATS HETSI HEAT4U PhotoVoltaic European Research Infrastructure Solar facilities for the European research area management SeaDataNet II: Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data European high power laser energy research facility (preparatory phase study) Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Hydrogen- and Fuel Cell Technologies towards European Strategy for Integrating European Infrastructure to support science and development of Infrastructure funding in the life sciences European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure Conversion The European Research Infrastructure for Thermochemical Biomass Technology & Design Kits for Printed-Electronics Supporting Energy Efficiency in Smart GENeration grids through ICT linked CI information infrastructures Tool for sistemic risk analysis and secure mediation of data exchanged across EMITTING DIODES (LED) AND TRANSISTORS (LET) MATERIALS AND DEVELOPMENT OF MICRO-PATTERNED HYBRID LIGHT exploitation LASER INDUCED SYNTHESIS OF POLYMERIC NANOCOMPOSITE Integration for Flexible Organic and Large Area Electronics (FOLAE) and its Network of Excellence for building up Knowledge for improved Systems Energy-aware enterprise systems for low-carbon intelligent operations Thin Si film based hybrid solar cells on low-cost substrates Towards zero emission with high performance indoor environment Generator Optimization of a Thermal energy Storage system with integrated Steam A new generation of concentrator photovoltaic cells, modules and systems Multipurpose Applications by Thermodynamic Solar Heterojunction solar cells based on a-Si c-Si Gas Absorption Heat Pump solution for existing residential buildings 01-feb-11 01-lug-09 01-ott-11 28-apr-08 01-nov-11 01-apr-08 01-gen-11 01-ott-11 01-ott-11 01-giu-09 01-set-08 01-giu-10 01-ott-10 01-nov-11 01-gen-10 01-gen-11 01-dic-11 01-giu-11 19-lug-11 01-feb-08 01-nov-11 31-gen-15 30-giu-13 30-set-15 27-apr-11 31-ott-15 31-mar-11 31-dic-12 30-set-15 30-set-14 31-mag-11 28-feb-11 31-mag-13 31-dic-12 30-apr-14 31-dic-12 31-dic-15 30-nov-14 30-nov-14 18-gen-15 31-gen-11 31-ott-14 26 TRASPORTI SPAZIO SICUREZZA SCIENZA NELLA SOCIETA' PMI PEOPLE ERA-NET actions PEOPLE NANOTECNOLOGIE JTI A physiologically-based weather-driven geospatial modelling approach to global ITALY PLAYS SCIENCE Carbon nanotube networks for electronics applications process quality in the Textile Industry Textile Work Intelligence by hierarchical closed-loop control for product and Enhanced nano-fluid heat exchange researchers in sustainable energy technologies Euro-Indo forum for nano-materials research coordination & cooperation of Preparing socio and economic evaluations of future H2 lighthouse projects CONTaminant effects and Extraction strategies MCFC catalyst and stack component degradation and lifetime: Fuel Gas Hydrogen technologies Development of Guidance Manual for LCA application to Fuel cells and Evaluating the Performance of Fuel Cells in European Energy Supply Grids Compact Multifuel-Energy To Hydrogen converter HELIOS HCV ENCOMB COMPAIR MYOCEAN HPH.COM CUSTOM BONAS AFTER RELATE GPRIX EBCT BRACHYTERAPY High energy lithium-ion storage solutions Hybrid Commercial Vehicle Extended Non-Destructive Testing of Composite Bonds composite repairs on surface transport applications Continuous health monitoring and non-destructive assessment of composites and services and capabilities Development and pre-operational validation of upgraded GMES marine core Helicon plasma hydrazine combined micro Drugs and Precursor Sensing by Complementing Low Cost Multiple Techniques Bomb factory detection by Networks of Advanced Sensors dEfense and Restoration A Framework for electrical power sysTems vulnerability identification, Research labs for teaching journalists transition from the traditional to the knowledge economy Good Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs: facilitating External beam cancer therapy Increasing cancer treatment efficacy using 3D brachiterapy GLOBALCHANGEBIOLOGY change biology: tackling a multifaceted problem with an interdisciplinary tool EDSCIENCE2011 CANNELA TEXWIN HENIX EICOON PREPAR-H2 MCFC-CONTEX H2FC-LCA FC-EUROGRID COMETHY 01-nov-09 01-gen-10 01-nov-10 01-set-08 01-gen-09 01-dic-08 01-giu-10 01-apr-11 01-set-11 01-feb-09 01-dic-09 01-apr-08 01-lug-08 01-nov-08 01-mag-11 16-mar-09 16-mar-10 01-set-09 01-set-09 01-gen-10 01-gen-10 01-ott-10 01-ott-10 01-dic-11 31-ott-12 31-dic-13 30-apr-14 31-ago-11 31-mar-12 30-nov-11 31-mag-13 30-set-14 31-ago-14 31-gen-11 30-nov-11 31-mar-11 30-giu-11 31-ott-12 30-nov-11 15-mar-12 15-mar-13 28-feb-13 31-ago-12 30-giu-11 31-dic-12 30-set-11 30-set-12 30-nov-14 27 EURATOM FISSIONE THINS SILER SEARCH SARNET2 PROCARDIO ORAMED NEWLANCER MATTER LEADER JASMIN HELIMNET GOFASTR GETMAT FREYA ENETRAP-II DOREMI CP-ESFR CEREBRAD CDT CARBOWASTE ADRIANA ACSEPT Settimo Programma Quadro EURATOM (2007-2013) Thermal-hydraulics of Innovative Nuclear Systems Seismic-lnitiated events risk mitigation in LEad-cooled Reactors Safe ExploitAtion Related Chemistry for HLM reactors Severe accident research network of excellence 2 Radiation Cardiovascular Risk from Exposure to Low-dose and Low-dose-rate Ionizing Optimization of radiation protection of medical staff New ms Linking for and AdvaNced Cohesion in Euratom Research MATerials TEsting and Rules Lead-cooled European Advanced Demonstration Reactor neutron reactors Joint Advanced Severe accidents Modelling and Integration for Na-cooled fast Heavy Liquid Metal Network European Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Gen IV and transmutation materials Fast Reactor Experiments for hYbrid Applications European network for education and training in radiation protection - II Low dose research towards multidisciplinary integration Collaborative project on European sodium fast reactor Radiation Cognitive and Cerebrovascular Effects Induced by Low Dose Ionising facility Central Design Team (CDT) for a fast-spectrum transmutation experimental Treatment and disposal of irradiated graphite and other carbonaceous waste ADvanced Reactor Initiative And Network Arrangement Actinide reCycling by SEParation and Transmutation 01-feb-10 01-ott-11 01-nov-11 01-apr-09 01-ott-11 01-feb-08 01-nov-11 01-nov-10 02-apr-10 01-dic-11 20-gen-10 01-mar-10 01-feb-08 01-mar-11 01-mar-09 01-lug-11 01-gen-09 01-ott-11 01-apr-09 01-apr-08 01-feb-10 01-mar-08 31-gen-14 30-set-14 31-ott-14 31-mar-13 30-set-14 31-gen-11 31-ott-13 31-dic-14 01-apr-13 30-nov-15 19-gen-12 28-feb-13 31-gen-13 28-feb-15 28-feb-12 31-dic-15 31-dic-12 30-set-14 31-mar-12 31-mar-12 31-lug-11 29-feb-12 28 EURATOM FUSIONE 16-mag-11 21-apr-11 04-lug-11 04-lug-11 12-ott-11 TA WP11-PWI TA WP11SER-ETM TA WP11-SYS TA_JW_O_ENEA_93 TA-WP11-DAS 01-set-08 22-set-11 TA WP11-PEX Tritium Technologies for the Fusion Fuel Cycle 10-giu-11 TA WP11-ITM TRI_TOFFY 27-mag-11 TA WP11-HCD 01-lug-11 TA WP11-ETS-DTM-01 01-ott-08 01-ott-08 25-lug-11 Lower Hybrid and Ion Cyclotron Technology Goal Oriented Training in Theory TA WP11-DIA LITE GOTiT 01-set-08 07-mag-10 #134 EUROBREED 28-giu-10 #130 Breeding Blanket Developments for Fusion Reactors 26-ott-09 #120 28-feb-11 15-dic-11 31-dic-12 31-mar-12 28-feb-12 31-dic-11 31-mar-12 31-dic-11 31-dic-11 30-apr-12 31-dic-12 30-set-11 30-set-11 31-ago-11 31-mar-11 31-mar-12 31-dic-11 29 CLASS1 EU-SOL SEADATANET IMECC CIRCE IMPRENDITORIALITA' INNOVAZIONE E EIE SWITCH4FOOD IES GO4EMAS FRIEND EUROPE %5,'*½FRQRPLHV 2GBM WISE REQUEST QUALICERT MOMO CAR SHARING COOL ROOFS COME on LABELS CA ESD II CA ESD BUY SMART ATLETE Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (2007-2013) SIST.ENERGETICI SOSTENIBILI QUALITA' PRODOTTI ALIMENTARI INFRASTRUTTURE CAMBGLOB Sesto Programma Quadro UE (2002-2006) Services for water and integrated techniques for foodindustry Italian Enterprises Speaking Boosting EMAS in European SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network Services in support of business and innovation Business Relay for Innovation of Growings Economies 2nd Generation BioMatch (Biomass to Bioenergy) ROADMAP ROADMAP: WORKFORCE FOR THE ITALIAN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Renovation through quality supply chain and EPC standard energy systems Quality certification & accreditation for installers of small-scale renewable More Options for Energy Efficient Mobility through Car-Sharing Promotion of cool roofs in the EU &RPPRQDSSOLDQFHSROLF\²$OOIRURQH2QHIRUDOO²(QHUJ\/DEHOV of the European Parliament and of the Council Second concerted action supporting implementation of Directive 2006/32/EC CONCERTED ACTION ON THE ENERGY SERVICES DIRECTIVE Green procurement for smart purchasing Appliance Testing for Energy Label Evaluation Cost-effective low-energy advanced sustainable solutions exploration of natural biodiversity High quality solanaceous crops for consumers, processors and producers by A Pan european infrastructure for ocean and marine data management Infrastructures for Measurement of European Carbon Cycle Climate change and impact research: the Mediterranean Environment 15-nov-12 31-dic-11 30-set-11 28-feb-11 31-mag-13 21-mag-14 01-giu-11 31-ott-11 31-mag-11 31-ott-12 30-apr-11 31-mar-11 31-mar-11 31-mar-11 01-mag-10 16-mar-10 26-nov-11 01-gen-08 01-gen-08 10-dic-09 30-apr-12 15-mar-12 25-nov-13 31-dic-12 31-dic-12 09-dic-11 26-nov-11 25-mag-13 16-apr-10 01-lug-09 01-ott-08 01-set-08 01-dic-10 22-mag-11 01-giu-08 01-mag-09 01-giu-09 01-nov-07 01-mag-06 01-apr-06 01-apr-07 01-apr-07 30 ASTROM EPCIP M2RES ERKC N/D MEID ELIH-Med MHYBUS MAN-GMP-ITA FO3REST DINAMO NDE_2 NDE MOTIA SOUTH EAST EUROPE MED LIFE + JLS EUROPE 4BIOMASS ACT CLEAN FESR INTERREG III B CADSES CENTRAL EUROSTAT EUROSTAT NEISAS MSP MetroRWM METROMETAL ENPI EMRP MP1103 COST METROFISSION CYNARES AGRI GEN RES Attività fuori Programma Quadro Energy Research Knowledge Centre From Marginal to renewable energy sources sites Mediterranean Eco Industrial Development Energy Efficiency of Low Income Housing in the Mediterranean Methane and hydrogen blend for public city transport bus and sensitive areas in Italy Validation of risk management tools for genetically modified plants in protected of criteria and thresholds for forest protection Ozone and Climate Change impacts on French and Italian Forests: Refinement demostrative Management mOdel Increasing endangered bioDIversity iN Agricultural and semi-natural areas: a Network on the detection of explosives Network on the detection of explosives Modeling Tools for Interdependencies Assessment in ICT systems putting biomass into action Fostering the sustainable usage of renewable energy sources in Central Europe - ACcess to Technology and know-how in CLEANer Production in Central Europe Development of detailed of statistics on Energy Consumption in Households National and European Information Sharing and Alerting System of electrical transmission network Assessement of resilience to ThReats of cOntrol and data Management systems Paving the Way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan Metrology for Radioactive Waste Management Ionizing radiation metrology for metallurgical industry Metrology for new generation nuclear power plants Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage European genetic resources of Cynara 10-ott-11 01-mar-11 01-lug-10 01-apr-11 01-gen-09 01-gen-10 01-set-11 01-gen-10 24-giu-11 24-giu-09 01-gen-10 01-dic-08 01-dic-08 04-gen-10 16-feb-09 10-mar-09 01-set-10 01-ott-11 01-dic-11 01-set-10 25-ott-11 01-lug-07 09-ott-14 28-feb-14 30-giu-13 31-mar-14 30-giu-13 30-giu-13 31-dic-14 31-dic-12 23-giu-13 23-giu-11 31-dic-11 30-nov-11 30-nov-11 03-lug-11 15-feb-11 09-mar-11 31-ago-13 30-set-14 30-nov-14 01-ago-13 24-ott-15 30-giu-11 Paesi partner dell'ENEA: numero di contratti, partner e partecipazioni 2011 Paesi Paesi UE Tab. 4 Numero contratti Austria Belgio Bulgaria Cipro Danimarca Estonia Finlandia Francia Germania Grecia Irlanda Italia (ENEA escluso) Lettonia Lituania Lussemburgo Malta Paesi Bassi Polonia Portogallo Regno Unito Repubblica Ceca Romania Slovacchia Slovenia Spagna Svezia Ungheria 31 Numero partner Numero partecipaz. 26 19 30 49 50 77 14 12 17 8 4 8 22 29 43 8 7 9 31 20 37 84 96 184 96 128 207 39 34 64 13 11 14 58 195 290 12 5 12 13 8 14 4 4 5 7 4 7 55 48 87 32 31 37 25 17 26 64 78 117 28 21 35 25 18 30 12 10 14 18 17 25 61 66 112 35 23 42 21 15 25 ASSOCIATI Europei extra UE Mediterraneo Resto del mondo Albania Bosnia-Erzegovina Croazia Islanda Israele Moldavia Montenegro Norvegia Serbia Svizzera Turchia Armenia Azerbaigian Georgia Russia Ucraina Algeria Egitto Giordania Libano Marocco Palestina Siria Tunisia Argentina Australia Brasile Canada Cile Corea Del Sud Giappone Groenlandia India Stati Uniti d'America Sudafrica Organ. Internazionali 32 2 2 2 1 1 1 7 6 7 5 4 5 12 10 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 19 30 1 1 1 25 15 31 9 5 10 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 6 7 9 9 7 10 4 4 4 2 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 2 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 11 11 3 3 3 2 3 3 27 2 28 33 Fig. 11 86 - 200 65 - 85 44 - 64 1 - 43 0 N° Partner Partner UE Legenda 4 IS 17 PT 11 IE 1 MA 66 ES 78 GB 4 DZ 96 FR 48 50 NL BE 4 LU 3 TN 15 CH 128 DE 29 DK 195 IT 19 NO 17 6 SI HR 4 MT 19 AT 21 CZ 23 SE 34 GR 1 RS 2 AL 10 SK 15 HU 31 PL 12 BG 18 RO 5 LV 8 LT 7 EE 20 FI 3DUWQHUHXURSHLHGHOO¶DUHDPHGLWHUUDQHD 5 EG 1 MD 7 UA 4 CY 1 1 LB PS 10 1 IL JO 5 TR 1 SY 2 GE 34 11 - 12 7 - 10 4-6 1-3 0 N° Partner Partner Legenda Fig. 12 3 US 3 CA 3 US 3 CA 1 CL 1 CL 3 CA 3 AR 1 BR 3 ZA Partner di altri paesi 2 1 AMAZ 11 IN 7 RU 1 AU 1 2 KR 2 JP JP 2 JP 35 Fig. 13 181 - 300 84 - 180 34 - 83 1 - 33 0 N° Partecipazioni Partecip.UE Legenda 5 IS 26 PT 14 IE 2 MA 112 ES 117 GB 4 DZ 184 FR 87 77 NL BE 5 LU 4 TN 31 CH 207 DE 43 DK 290 IT 30 NO 25 7 SI HR 7 MT 30 AT 35 CZ 42 SE 64 GR 1 RS 2 AL 14 SK 25 HU 37 PL 17 BG 30 RO 12 LV 14 LT 9 EE 37 FI 5 EG 1 MD 10 UA 8 CY Partecipazioni di pDUWQHUHXURSHLHGHOO¶DUHDPHGLWHUUDQHD 1 1 LB PS 17 1 IL JO 10 TR 1 SY 3 GE 36 3 CA 3 US 13 9 - 12 5-8 1-4 0 N° Partecipazioni Partecipazioni Legenda Fig. 14 3 US 3 CA 1 CL 1 CL 3 CA 3 AR 1 BR 3 ZA 2 1 AMAZ Partecipazioni di partner di altri paesi 11 IN 9 RU 2 AU 2 2 KR 2 JP JP 2 JP TIPOLOGIA DEI PARTNER DELL'ENEA nei contratti in corso nel 2011 SOC. CONSUL. AG. ENERGIA ALTRO 1,8% 3,1% 7,3% ASSOC 2,9% RIC 31,5% EDU 20,9% ENLOC 5,2% PUB 7,1% PMI 1,3% ORG.INT.LE 0,6% IND 18,5% Fig. 15 TIPOLOGIA DEI PARTNER ITALIANI DELL'ENEA nei contratti in corso nel 2011 SOC. CONSUL. 2% RIC 19% ALTRO 15% ASSOC 4% PUB 7% EDU 14% PMI 1% IND 18% ENLOC 20% Fig. 16 AG. ENERGIA Agenzie per l'energia Naz., Reg. o Locale Altra tipologia di partner o tipologia non ORG.INT.LE ALTRO identificata PMI ASSOC Associazioni PUB EDU Università e istituti di alta formazione RIC ENLOC Enti locali SOC. CONSUL. IND Industrie 37 Organizz. internaz. Piccole e medie imprese Organismi pub. NO ric. Istituti di ricerca Società di consulenza COLLABORAZIONI '(//·(1($&2181,9(56,7$·,7$/,$1( 1HOO·DPELWRGLSURJHWWLILQDQ]LDWLGDSURJUDPPL8(LQFRUVRQHO BOLOGNA ALMA MATER PISA POLITECN. MILANO NAPOLI FEDERICO II GENOVA TUSCIA ROMA LA SAPIENZA SALERNO n COLLABORAZIONI DELL'ENEA CON UNIVERSITA' ITALIANE PARMA U nell'ambito di progetti finanziati da programmi dell'Unione Europea in corso nel 2011 MODENA e REGGIO EMILIA i FERRARA v ROMA TOR VERGATA e UNIVERSUS-CSEI r L'AQUILA s i SALENTO t NAPOLI PARTHENOPE à MOLISE PAVIA PADOVA POLITECN. TORINO CATANIA CAGLIARI ROMA TRE PERUGIA CATTOLICA SACRO CUORE CARLO BO URBINO CAMPUS BIOMEDICO ROMA 0 1 2 3 4 5 nu m e r o 6 7 8 9 p r o g e t t i NUMERO DI COLLABORAZIONI DELL'ENEA CON UNIVERSITA' ITALIANE PER AMBITO DI RICERCA in progetti finanziati da programmi UE in corso nel 2011 Altri 3 ICT 2 SPAZIO 3 AGROBIOTECNOLOGIE 3 ENERGIA 26 PEOPLE 7 AMBIENTE 10 Figg. 17-18 38 NUMERO DI COLLABORAZIONI DELL'ENEA CON UNIVERSITA' ITALIANE: RIPARTIZIONE PER AREA GEOGRAFICA Numero di progetti finanziati da programmi dell'Unione Europea in corso nel 2011 Isole 2 Sud 10 Nord 23 Nord Centro Sud Isole Centro 18 Fig. 19 39 40 PARTECIPANTI PER PAESI E RELATIVI PROGETTI 41 42 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Albania AG. ENERGIA EDU EEC ENERGY EFFICIENCY CENTRE M2RES UNIV. POLYTECHNIC TIRANA SEADATANET Algeria ASSOCIATION DE RECHERCHE SUR LE CLIMAT ET L'ENVIRONNEMENT CIRCE INSTITUT DES SCIENCES DE LA MER ET DE L'AMÉNAGEMENT DU LITTORAL SEADATANET SONELGAZ Société Algérienne de l'Elecricité et du Gaz MSP UNIV. DES SCIENCES ET LA TECHNOLOGIE HOUARI BOUMEDIENE PERPETUATE RIC RIC IND EDU Argentina INST. DE BIOTECNOLOGIA CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES EN CIENCIAS VETERINARIAS EU-SOL INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA AGROPECUARIA AMIGA UNIV. NACIONAL DE SALTA EU-SOL RIC RIC EDU Armenia NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA BS-ERA.NET STATE COMMITTEE OF SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA BS-ERA.NET EDU PUB Australia AUSTRALIAN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATION ACSEPT MATTER RIC Austria AG. ENERGIA RIC RIC PUB IND RIC RIC IND RIC PUB RIC AEA ÖSTERREICHISCHE ENERGIEAGENTUR 4BIOMASS CA ESD II COME on LABELS REQUEST AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GREENLION HCV HELIOS SEESGEN-ICT SOPHIA ARSENAL RESEARCH QUALICERT AUSTRIAN FEDERAL MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND RESEARCH ERA-INSTRUMENTS AVL LIST GMBH HCV BIOENERGY 2020+ GMBH BRISK BUNDESAMT FUER EICH-UND VERMESSUNGSWESEN BRACHYTERAPY GLOBALCHANGEBIOLOGY METROMETAL MetroRWM CLEANER PRODUCTION CENTER AUSTRIA LTD ACT CLEAN EEE EUROPEAN CENTER FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY GUSSING LTD M2RES ENVIRONMENT AGENCY AUSTRIA AMIGA JOANNEUM RESEARCH FORSCHUNGSGESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. LAMP 43 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Austria IND AG. ENERGIA RIC EDU EDU EDU EDU IND MAGNA STEYR FAHRZEUGTECHNIK AG & CO KG HCV O.Ö. ENERGIESPARVERBAND BUY SMART RESEARCH CENTER FOR NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING GMBH ENCOMB UNIV. BODENKULTUR WIEN CIRCE UNIV. GRAZ BRISK UNIV. TECHNISCHE GRAZ H2FC-LCA UNIV. TECNICA VIENNA BRISK UMBRELLA VCE HOLDING GMBH SILER Azerbaigian PRESIDIUM OF AZERBAIJAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BS-ERA.NET EDU Belgio ALTRO AG. ENERGIA ASSOC IND IND ASSOC ASSOC RIC RIC ASSOC ALTRO IND ALTRO ALTRO ASSOC ASSOC ASSOC ASSOC ASSOC ASSOC ASSOC ASSOC ALTRO EDU EDU ABE AGENCE BRUXELLOIS POUR L'ENTERPRISE SWITCH4FOOD ABEA BRUSSELS ENERGY AGENCY COME on LABELS ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA BIOMASS QUALICERT BASF ANTWERPEN NV AQUAFIT4USE BELGIAN MONITORING SYSTEMS BVBA TEXWIN BOND BETER LEEFMILIEU VLAANDEREN VZW MOMO CAR SHARING CECED CONSEIL EUROPEEN DE LA CONSTRUCTION D'APPAREILS DOMESTIQUES ATLETE CENTEXBEL TEXWIN CENTRE D'ETUDE DE L'ENERGIE NUCLEAIRE CARBOWASTE GETMAT COMITE' EUROPEEN DES EQUIPMENTS TECHNIQUES DU BATIMENT QUALICERT CPA VZW TAXISTOP MOMO CAR SHARING E.N.E. SA ENERGIES NOUVELLES ET ENVIRONNMENT APOLLON EASN TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION SERVICES BVBA ENCOMB ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR AFTER EPIA EUROPEAN PHOTOVOLTAIC INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION QUALICERT EREC EUROPEAN RENEWABLE ENERGY COUNCIL QUALICERT ESTIF ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE DE L'INDUSTRIE SOLAIRE THERMIQUE QUALICERT EUROPEAN APPAREL AND TEXTILE CONFEDERATION ARTISAN EUROPEAN BUILDERS CONFEDERATION QUALICERT EUROPEAN GEOTHERMAL ENERGY COUNCIL QUALICERT EUROPEAN HEAT PUMP ASSOCIATION QUALICERT EUROPEAN PHOTOVOLTAIC INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION SOPHIA EUROPEAN RENEWABLE ENERGY CENTRES AGENCY EEIG SOPHIA FACULTE UNIV. DES SCIENCES AGRONOMIQUES DE GEMBLOUX IMECC FLANDERS INTERUNIVERSITY INST. FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY EU-SOL 44 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Belgio AG. ENERGIA PUB ALTRO ALTRO RIC RIC ASSOC RIC IND PMI IND RIC RIC RIC RIC IND ASSOC EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU RIC FLEMISH ENERGY AGENCY CA ESD CA ESD II FONDS VOOR WETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK-VLANDEREN ERA-INSTRUMENTS GLOBAL E-SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVE SEESGEN-ICT GOPA-CARTERMILL INTERNATIONAL ERKC IMEC INTERNUVERSITAIR MICRO-ELECTRONICA CENTRUM VZW HETSI SOPHIA THINSI Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique MYOCEAN SEADATANET II INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT MOMO CAR SHARING LABORATORY FOR PLASMAPHYSICS - ERM-KMS LITE MILLIKEN EUROPE BVBA TEXWIN MINERVA CONSULTING & COMMUNICATION AMIGA RELATE MOSTFORWATER NV AQUAFIT4USE MULTITEL MICIE OCAS - ONDERZOEKSCENTRUM VOOR AANWENDING VAN STAAL N.V. MATTER ROYAL BELGIAN INSTITUTE OF NATURAL SCIENCES SEADATANET SCK CEN ADRIANA CDT DOREMI ENETRAP-II FREYA HELIMNET LEADER MATTER NEWLANCER ORAMED PROCARDIO SEARCH SILER THINS SUEZ-TRACTEBEL SA SARNET2 THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION AISBL AQUAFIT4USE UNIV. GHENT SEARCH UNIV. LEUVEN KATHOLIEKE SEESGEN-ICT UNIV. LIBRE DE BRUXELLES GETMAT ICE2SEA UNIV. LIEGI ACSEPT ICE2SEA SEADATANET SEADATANET II UNIV. VRIJE BRUSSEL ICE2SEA VITO VLAAMSE INSTELLING VOOR TECHNOLOGISCH ONDERZOEK AQUAFIT4USE REQUEST SAHYOG SEESGEN-ICT 45 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Belgio VLAAMS INSTITUUT VOOR DE ZEE VZW SEADATANET SEADATANET II VON KARMAN INSTITUTE FOR FLUID DYNAMICS SEARCH RIC RIC Bosnia-Erzegovina ALTRO BUSINESS SERVICE CENTRE OF GOVERNMENT OF ZENICA-DOBOJ CANTON MEID Brasile UNIV. SAO PAULO/DEPARTAMENTO BOTANICA EU-SOL EDU Bulgaria RIC SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC ASSOC AG. ENERGIA RIC RIC RIC PUB PUB EDU AGROBIOINSTITUTE SOFIA AMIGA ARC CONSULTING SWITCH4FOOD BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES M2RES NEWLANCER BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, INSTITUTE OF OCEANOLOGY MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II BULGARIAN INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS GO4EMAS EEA ENERGY EFFICIENCY AGENCY CA ESD II REQUEST ENERGY INSTITUTE JSC SARNET2 INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR RESEARCH AND NUCLEAR ENERGY SARNET2 MARITSA VEGETABLE CROPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE EU-SOL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE BS-ERA.NET STATE ENERGY EFFICIENCY AGENCY CA ESD UNIV. TECHNICAL SOFIA NEWLANCER SARNET2 Canada ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LIMITED SARNET2 FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA MYOCEAN UNIV. TORONTO CLEAR IND RIC EDU Cile CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS CIENTIFICOS ICE2SEA RIC Cipro AG. ENERGIA PUB RIC EDU CYPRUS ENERGY AGENCY ELIH-Med MINISTRY OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND TOURISM-ENERGY SERVICE CA ESD II THE CYPRUS RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION CLIM-RUN OPTS UNIV. CIPRO APOLLON MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II Corea del Sud RIC KOREA ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE MATTER SARNET2 46 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Croazia ELMA KURTALJ LTD COME on LABELS ENERGY INSTITUTE HRVOJE POZAR ATEST INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERIES SEADATANET SEADATANET II MINISTRY OF ECONOMY, LABOUR, AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP CA ESD II MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY, LABOUR AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP CA ESD STATE HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE CLIM-RUN IND RIC RIC PUB PUB RIC Danimarca ALTRO IND RIC ENLOC IND RIC IND PUB RIC PUB RIC IND IND RIC IND RIC IND IND RIC SOC. CONSUL. IND IND RIC ENLOC EDU EDU AGRO BUSINESS PARK A/S 2GBM BIOSYNERGI PROCES APS CLASS1 CENERGIA ENERGY CONSULTANTS CLASS1 SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE CITY OF BALLERUP SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE COMETAS A/S TYGRE DANISH BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUT CLASS1 DANSK LECA A/S CLASS1 DEA DANISH ENERGY AUTHORITY CA ESD CA ESD II DHI INSTITUT FOR VAND OG MILJO FORENING AQUAFIT4USE DMI DANISH METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE CIRCE ICE2SEA MYOCEAN FORENINGEN HYDROGEN LINK DANMARK PREPAR-H2 GENVEX A/S CLASS1 INBICON A/S BIOLYFE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE EXPLORATION OF THE SEA SEADATANET SEADATANET II LOGSTOR CLASS1 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE SEADATANET NOVOZYMES A/S BIOLYFE PRO TEC VINDUER CLASS1 RISØ IMECC ROVSING A/S HPH.COM SAINT GOBAIN - ISOVER SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE TAC A/S CLASS1 THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF DENMARK AND GREENLAND ICE2SEA THE MUNICIPALITY OF EGEDAL CLASS1 UNIV. AALBORG REQUEST SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE UNIV. AARHUS AMIGA MYOCEAN SEADATANET II 47 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Danimarca EDU EDU ORG. INT.LE UNIV. COPENHAGEN ICE2SEA UNIV. TECHNICAL DENMARK BRISK CLASS1 EERASE ICE2SEA MYOCEAN SEESGEN-ICT SOPHIA WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION REGIONAL OFFICE FOR EUROPE CIRCE Egitto RIC ORG. INT.LE PMI ALTRO PUB ASRT - ACADEMY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY MATS CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT FOR THE ARAB REGION AND EUROPE CIRCE DELFT ENVIRONMENT, SONIA ABDEL FATTAH SALEM AND CO MATS NAGUIB ONSI SAWIRIS & CO JOINT STOCK COMPANY MATS NREA NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY AUTHORITY MATS Estonia ENLOC PUB SOC. CONSUL. RIC PUB EDU ENLOC ESTONIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 2GBM HARIDUS-JA TEADUS MINISTEERIUM ERA-INSTRUMENTS IB AKSIAAL OU CLASS1 LASER DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS AS BONAS MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNICATION CA ESD II UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY TALLINN MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II VALGA TOWN GOVERNMENT CLASS1 Finlandia EDU PUB RIC RIC IND EDU RIC RIC IND ALTRO RIC ABO AKADEMI BRISK CSC-TIETEELLINEN LASKENTA OY ICE2SEA ETC ENERGITEKNISKT CENTRUM I PITEA BRISK FINNISH METEREOLOGICAL INSTITUTE SEADATANET II GASERA OY CUSTOM HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO GETMAT IMECC ILMATIETEEN LAITOS IMECC MYOCEAN MIKES CENTRE FOR METROLOGY AND ACCREDITATION MetroRWM MOTIVA OY CA ESD CA ESD II MOMO CAR SHARING NATIONAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION BONAS STUK RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY BRACHYTERAPY DOREMI EBCT METROMETAL 48 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Finlandia SUOMEN YMPARISTOKESKUS MYOCEAN T&E CENTER 2GBM TEKES - FINNISH FUNDING AGENCY FOR TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION GOTiT THE FINNISH INSTITUTE OF MARINE RESEARCH SEADATANET UNIV. AALTO CUSTOM UNIV. HELSINKI AMIGA UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY LAPPEENRANTA THINS UNIV. TURKU CUSTOM VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND ATEST COMPAIR EICOON FC-EUROGRID FLEXNET GETMAT H2FC MATTER SARNET2 SEESGEN-ICT SOPHIA RIC EDU RIC RIC EDU EDU EDU EDU RIC Francia RIC RIC PUB SOC. CONSUL. RIC IND SOC. CONSUL. IND RIC IND RIC IND SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC ACRI-ST SAS FO3REST MYOCEAN ADEME ATLETE CA ESD CA ESD II QUALICERT AGENCE NATIONALE POUR LA GESTION DES DECHETS RADIOACTIFS CARBOWASTE AGRO MARCHE STRATEGIES EU-SOL ALCAN CENTRE DE RECHERCHES DE VOREPPE ACSEPT ALCATEL CIT CUSTOM ALMA CONSULTING GROUP HETSI ALSTOM POWER SYSTEMS SA AFTER ANJOU RECHERCHE AQUAFIT4USE AREVA NP SAS SARNET2 ARMINES CARBOWASTE ATOUTVEILLE COMPAIR BIO INTELLIGENCE SERVICE ERKC BRETAGNE BIOTECNOLOGIE VEGETALE CYNARES BUREAU DE RECHERCHES GEOLOGIQUES ET MINIERES ECCSEL PERPETUATE 49 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Francia RIC RIC RIC ALTRO RIC CEA ACSEPT ADRIANA BONAS CARBOWASTE CDT CP-ESFR DOREMI EBCT EERASE ENETRAP-II EUROBREED FLEXNET FREYA GETMAT GOFASTR GOTiT H2FC HELIMNET HELIOS HETSI HIPER IMECC LEADER LITE MATS MATTER METROMETAL MetroRWM NDE NDE_2 NEWLANCER NGCPV OPTS ORAMED SARNET2 SFERA SILER SOPHIA THINS TRI_TOFFY CENTRE DE COOP. INT. EN RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE POUR LE DEV. CIRCE CENTRE TECHNIQUE INTERPROF. DES FRUITS ET LEGUMES EU-SOL CERAM SKEMA BUSINESS SCHOOL MEID CNRS ACSEPT APOLLON BS-ERA.NET CARBOWASTE CDT CIRCE ENCOMB ERA-INSTRUMENTS FLEXNET FREYA GETMAT HELIOS HETSI HIPER HPH.COM ICE2SEA MYOCEAN OPTS SFERA 50 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Francia RIC IND IND ENLOC ENLOC EDU ALTRO RIC ALTRO EDU IND IND ASSOC IND IND IND PMI ASSOC RIC IND PUB RIC RIC RIC IND RIC IND RIC RIC CNRS/DELEGATION REGIONALE LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON IMECC COLLECTE LOCALISATION SATELLITES SA MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES MATIERES NUCLEAIRES ACSEPT CONSEIL REGIONAL AQUITAINE HIPER CONSEIL REGIONAL DU LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON ELIH-Med CONSERVATOIRE NATIONAL DES ARTS ET METIERS METROFISSION CPMR CONFERENCE OF PERIPHERAL MARITIME REGIONS ELIH-Med CSTB CENTRE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE DU BATIMENT ELIH-Med DELEGATION POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA TECHNOPOLE DE LIMOGES ET DU LIMOUSIN GPRIX ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE DE PARIS CARBOWASTE EU-SOL ELECTRICITE DE FRANCE SA ACSEPT CARBOWASTE CP-ESFR GETMAT HELIOS JASMIN MATTER SARNET2 EUROPEAN AERONAUTIC DEFENCE AND SPACE COMPANY EADS FRANCE SAS ENCOMB EUROPEAN TYRE RECYCLERS ASSOCIATION TYGRE GAS RESEAU DISTRIBUTION FRANCE HEAT4U GDF SUEZ HEAT4U GENOME EXPRESS EU-SOL GEOSYS SA AMIGA GERES GROUPE ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES ENVIRONNEMENT ET SOLIDARITES ELIH-Med GIEFS GROUPEMENT INTERNATIONAL D'ETUDES DES FORETS SUD-EUROPEENNES FO3REST GROUPE BOHLER SOUDAGE FRANCE SAS MATTER GROUPE D'ETUDES ET DE CONTROLE DES VARIETES ET DES SEMENCES CYNARES GROUPEMENT INTERET PUBLIC MERCATOR OCEAN MYOCEAN IFP ENERGIES NOUVELLES ECCSEL IFREMER INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II INDUSTEEL CREUSOT SAS MATTER INERIS Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel e des Risques HELIOS INFINISCALE SA TDK4PE INRA AMIGA EU-SOL INSTITUT CURIE DOREMI 51 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Francia RIC RIC RIC RIC EDU RIC PUB ALTRO IND RIC RIC ALTRO RIC IND PUB PUB PMI ENLOC IND IND RIC IND IND ORG. INT.LE EDU ASSOC IND PMI RIC IND INSTITUT DE RADIOPROTECTION ET DE SURETE NUCLEAIRE ADRIANA CP-ESFR DOREMI GOFASTR JASMIN ORAMED SARNET2 THINS INSTITUT DU DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET DES RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES CIRCE INSTITUT GUSTAVE ROUSSY CEREBRAD PROCARDIO INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE IMECC INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE GRENOBLE SEESGEN-ICT INSTITUT SYMLOG NEWLANCER LABORATOIRE CENTRAL DE LA PREFECTURE DE POLICE NDE_2 LAGRANGE SARL ADRIANA LMS IMAGINE SA HPH.COM LNE-LNHB LABORATOIRE NATIONAL DE METROLOGIE ET D'ESSAIS BRACHYTERAPY MEDIAS FRANCE CIRCE MEDITERRANEAN INSTITUTE ELIH-Med METEO FRANCE CENTRE NATIONAL DE RECHERCHES METEOROLOGIQUES CIRCE CLIM-RUN MYOCEAN MGP INSTRUMENTS SA ORAMED MINISTERE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET DE LA RECHERCHE BS-ERA.NET MINISTERE DU BUDGET DES COMPTES PUBLICS ET DE LA FONCTION PUBLIQUE ET DE LA REFORME DE L'ETAT CUSTOM MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY SA GREENLION MUNICIPALITY OF BEGLES CLASS1 NESTLE WATERS MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY SA AQUAFIT4USE NUVIA TRAVAUX SPECIAUX SAS SILER OFFICE NATIONAL D'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES AEROSPATIALES BONAS HPH.COM PEUGEOT CITROEN AUTOMOBILES S.A. HELIOS PHOTO WATT INTERNATIONAL SA HETSI PLAN BLEU POUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT EN MEDITERRANNEE CLIM-RUN POLYTECHNIQUE DE TOULOUSE EU-SOL QUALIT'EnR ASSOCIATION QUALITE' ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES QUALICERT RENAULT S.A.S. HELIOS RESCOLL GREENLION RESEAU EUROPEEN POUR L'ENSEIGNEMENT DU NUCLEAIRE ENETRAP-II RTE International MSP 52 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Francia SAFT S.A. IND ALTRO IND ALTRO ALTRO RIC ALTRO IND ORG. INT.LE EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU RIC IND HELIOS SAVEOL SOCIETE COOPERATIVE AGRICOLE EU-SOL SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC GROUP SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE SIPEA HABITAT COOL ROOFS SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT EUROPEAN NETWORK SUDEN CLASS1 THERMODATA ASBL SARNET2 TOURISME TERRITOIRES TRANSPORTS ENVIRONNEMENT CONSEIL CLIM-RUN UCAR SNC CARBOWASTE UNESCO INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION SEADATANET UNIV. CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN THINS UNIV. CLAUDE BERNARD LYON 1 BONAS UNIV. LA ROCHELLE COOL ROOFS UNIV. LOUIS PASTEUR ACSEPT UNIV. PAUL SABATIER TOULOUSE III SFERA UNIV. PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE PARIS 6 ACSEPT VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT RECHERCHE ET INNOVATION SNC HCV VILMORIN & CIE SA EU-SOL Georgia GEORGIAN NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION BS-ERA.NET UNIV. STATE TBILISI SEADATANET SEADATANET II EDU EDU Germania IND IND IND IND RIC PMI IND ALTRO SOC. CONSUL. RIC AG. ENERGIA 3D-MICROMAC AG TDK4PE ADAM OPEL AG HELIOS AIRBUS OPERATION GMBH ENCOMB AIXTRON AG APOLLON ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT FUER POLAR- UND MEERESFORSCHUNG ICE2SEA SEADATANET SEADATANET II ANDREAS LANG AMIGA AREVA NP GMBH CARBOWASTE CDT CP-ESFR GOFASTR JASMIN MATTER SARNET2 SILER ASEW SEESGEN-ICT B.&S.U. BERATUNGS- UND SERVICE-GESELLSCHAFT UMWELT BUY SMART BAM FEDERAL INSTITUTE FOR MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TESTING H2FC BERLINER ENERGIEAGENTUR BUY SMART 53 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Germania IND ALTRO IND IND PUB RIC ASSOC IND SOC. CONSUL. ENLOC RIC PUB RIC RIC PUB IND IND IND IND IND RIC RIC IND PUB PUB PUB RIC BIOPLANT EU-SOL BKA FEDERAL CRIMINAL POLICE OFFICE NDE_2 BOA BALG - UND KOMPENSATOREN - TECHNOLOGIE GMBH SILER BOSCH THERMOTEKNIK GMBH HEAT4U BUNDESAMT FUER SEESCHIFFAHRT UND HYDROGRAPHIE MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II BUNDESAMT FUER STRAHLENSCHUTZ DOREMI ENETRAP-II ORAMED BUNDESVERBAND CARSHARING E.V. MOMO CAR SHARING CAMBIO MOBILITATSSERVICE GMBH & CO KG MOMO CAR SHARING CARSTEN BROCKMANN MYOCEAN CITY OF STUTTGART SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE DENA - DEUTCHES ENERGIE-AGENTUR REQUEST DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGSGEMEINSCHAFT ERA-INSTRUMENTS DEUTSCHES INSTITUTE FUER TEXTIL- UND FASERFORSCHUNG DENKENDORF ARTISAN TEXWIN DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUER LUFT UND RAUMFAHRT E.V. BS-ERA.NET ECCSEL SAHYOG SFERA DIN DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FUER NORMUNG E.V. SFERA DYCKHOFF GMBH TEXWIN E. ON RUHRGAS AG FC-EUROGRID HEAT4U EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH BONAS ENCOMB EBZ ENTWICKLUNGS- UND VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT BRENNSTOFFZELLE MBH FC-EUROGRID ECPE EUROPEAN CENTER FOR POWER ELECTRONICS E.V. SEESGEN-ICT EIFER EUROPEAN INSTITUT FOR ENERGY RESERACH/UNIV. KARLSRUHE ERKC FC-EUROGRID EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES LABORATORIES E.V. SOPHIA FASTOPT DRS. RALF GIERING UND THOMAS KAMINSKI GBR IMECC FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY ACT CLEAN FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR ENVIRONMENT, NATURE CONSERVATION & NUCLEAR SAFETY 4BIOMASS ACT CLEAN FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ECONOMICS AND TECHNOLOGY CA ESD CA ESD II FHG FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ENCOMB GPRIX MATS NGCPV SOPHIA THINSI 54 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Germania RIC PUB IND RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC IND RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC FHG FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT/ICT NDE_2 FNR AGENCY FOR RENEWABLE RESOURCES 4BIOMASS FORD FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM AACHEN GMBH HELIOS FORSCHUNGSVERBUND BERLIN E.V./MAX-BORN-INSTITUT HIPER FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM DRESDEN-ROSSENDORF EV FREYA FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JUELICH GMBH ACSEPT CARBOWASTE FC-EUROGRID GOFASTR H2FC SARNET2 SOPHIA FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM KARLSRUHE GMBH ACSEPT CDT CP-ESFR GETMAT SARNET2 FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM ROSSENDORF E.V. ADRIANA CDT CP-ESFR GETMAT HELIMNET THINS UMBRELLA FZK FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT EUROBREED HEAT4U OPTS SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE TRI_TOFFY GABO:MI GESELLSCHAFT FUR ABLAUFORGANISATION:MILLIARIUM MBH & CO KG GAB O PROCARDIO GESELLSCHAFT FUER ANLAGEN- UND REAKTORSICHERHEIT JASMIN SARNET2 GESELLSCHAFT FUER SCHWERIONENFORSCHUNG MBH HIPER GKN SINTER METALS ENGINEERING GMBH COMETHY GKSS-FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM GEESTHACHT GMBH CIRCE GRS GESELLSCHAFT FUER ANLAGEN - UND REAKTORSICHERHEIT MBH THINS GSF NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH EU-SOL GSI HELMHOLTZZENTRUM FUER SCHWERIONENFORSCHUNG GMBH PROCARDIO HAHN-MEITNER-INSTITUT BERLIN GMBH HETSI HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM BERLIN FUR MATERIALIEN UND ENERGIE GMBH IMPACT2C SOPHIA HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM DRESDEN-ROSSENDORF EV MATTER HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM MUENCHEN DEUTSCHES FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM FUER GESUNDHEIT UND UMWELT GMBH CEREBRAD DOREMI PROCARDIO HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ-GEMEINSCHAFT DEUTSCHER FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM EV EERASE ERA-INSTRUMENTS 55 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Germania RIC RIC RIC IND ALTRO IND EDU IND IND IND RIC RIC RIC RIC IND IND IND IND SOC. CONSUL. RIC PMI SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC IND EDU IKTS FRAUNHOFER INSTITUTE FOR CERAMIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS COMETHY INSTITUT FUER SOLARE ENERGIEVERSORGUNGSETECHNIK E.V. SEESGEN-ICT INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED ECOLOGY COME on LABELS ITN NANOVATION AG HENIX IUS - INSTITUT FUER UMWELTSTUDIEN WEISSER UND NESS GMBH BIOLYFE JOHNSON CONTROLS HYBRID AND RECYCLING GMBH HELIOS KIT Karlsruher Institut fuer technologie ADRIANA ENETRAP-II FREYA GOFASTR H2FC HELIMNET JASMIN LEADER MATTER SEARCH THINS MARC CAIN GMBH ARTISAN MASCHINENFABRIK RIETER AG TEXWIN MAURER SOEHNE GMBH & CO. KG SILER MAX PLANCK CIRCE GOTiT IMECC METAPRO MAX PLANCK/INST. FOR PLANT BREEDING RESEARCH EU-SOL MAX PLANCK/INST. OF MOLECULAR PLANT PHYSIOLOGY EU-SOL MAX PLANCK/IPP LITE MTU ONSITE ENERGY GMBH MCFC-CONTEX MVV decon GmbH MSP PALL FILTERSYSTEMS GMBH BRISK PCCELL GMBH AQUAFIT4USE PLANET PLANUNGSGRUPPE ENERGIE UND TECHNIK GBR H2FC-LCA POTSDAM INSTITUT FUER KLIMAFOLGENFORSCHUNG CIRCE CLIM-RUN PRO-SCIENCE - GESELLSCHAFT FUR WISSENSCHAFTLICHE UND TECHNISCHE DIENSTLEISTUNGEN MBH H2FC PSE AG NGCPV PTB PHYSIKALISCH TECHNISCHE BUNDESANSTALT METROMETAL MetroRWM PTB PHYSIKALISCH-TECHNISCHE BUNDESANSTALT BRACHYTERAPY EBCT Q-CELLS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT HETSI RHEINISCH WESTFULISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN HELIOS TYGRE 56 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Germania IND IND ENLOC IND IND IND IND IND IND ALTRO RIC IND IND EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU RIC ROBERT BOSCH GMBH HCV SAP AG SEESGEN-ICT SENATOR FOR UMWELT, BAU, VERKEHER UND EUROPA BREMEN MOMO CAR SHARING SGL CARBON GMBH CARBOWASTE SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT AFTER HENIX SMURFIT KAPPA C.D. HAUPT PAPIER- UND PAPPENFABRIK GMBH AQUAFIT4USE SOLARTEC AG APOLLON SOLON AG FUER SOLARTECHNIK HETSI SOLVAY FLUOR GMBH GREENLION STEINBEIS-EUROPA-ZENTRUM DER STEINBEIS INNOVATION GMBH GO4EMAS THE PAPER TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST AQUAFIT4USE TUV RHEINLAND INDUSTRIE SERVICE GMBH GOFASTR UMICORE AG & CO. KG HELIOS UNIV. BERGISCHE WUPPERTAL LAMP UNIV. BREMA IMECC SEADATANET II UNIV. ERLANGEN-NURNBERG DOREMI EU-SOL UNIV. FREIBURG METAPRO UNIV. FREIE BERLINO CIRCE UNIV. FRIEDRICH-SCHILLER JENA UMBRELLA UNIV. HAMBURG CIRCE UNIV. JOHANN WOLFGANG GOETHE FRANKFURT AM MAIN DOREMI UNIV. KARLSRUHE CP-ESFR UNIV. KIEL MYOCEAN UNIV. MUENSTER GREENLION UNIV. ROSTOCK DOREMI UNIV. RUHR BOCHUM SARNET2 UNIV. STOCCARDA ATEST GETMAT JASMIN SARNET2 UNIV. TECHN. CHEMNITZ FLEXNET TDK4PE UNIV. TECHN. DARMSTADT HIPER UNIV. TECHN. MONACO BRISK MCFC-CONTEX THINS UNIV. TECHNISCHE BERLIN PREPAR-H2 UNIV. WUERZBURG JULIUS-MAXIMILIANS AMIGA VDI/VDE INNOVATION FLEXNET 57 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Germania IND IND RIC IND RIC SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC VERMICON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT AQUAFIT4USE VOLKSWAGEN AG GREENLION VTI JOHANN HEINRICH VON THUENEN-INSTITUT AMIGA WEDECO GMBH AQUAFIT4USE WIP Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur Planungs-KG BIOLYFE WIRTSCHAFT UND INFRASTRUKTUR GMBH & CO PLANUNGS KG SAHYOG ZENIT ZENTRUM FUR INNOVATION UND TECHNIK IN NORDRHEIN WESTFALEN GO4EMAS SWITCH4FOOD ZENTRUM FUER SONNENENERGIE- UND WASSERSTOFF-FORSCHUNG, BADEN-WUERTEMBERG HELIOS Giappone CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY ACSEPT INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES ZAIDAN HOJIN DOREMI RIC RIC Giordania ROYAL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY IJERA RIC Grecia SOC. CONSUL. SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC ENLOC IND RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC ATHENA CONSULTING GROUP COOL ROOFS ATHENS TECHNOLOGY CENTER SA ARTISAN CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY HELLAS BRISK COMETHY ECCSEL CRES ATEST CA ESD CA ESD II COME on LABELS ELIH-Med HCV M2RES MOMO CAR SHARING QUALICERT REQUEST SEESGEN-ICT EFXINI POLI MEID ENVIROCOUSTICS A.B.E.E. COMPAIR FORTH FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY HELLAS 2GBM GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY HIPER GENIKI GRAMMATIA EREVNAS KAI TECHNOLOGIAS, YPOURGIO ANAPTIXIS BS-ERA.NET GREEK ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORAMED HELLENIC CENTRE FOR MARINE RESEARCH CIRCE MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II INSTITUTE OF ACCELERATING SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS CIRCE MYOCEAN INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS CIRCE SEESGEN-ICT 58 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Grecia RIC ENLOC RIC RIC RIC RIC PUB IND IND IND ENLOC EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU IND INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR BLACK SEA STUDIES BS-ERA.NET MUNICIPALITY OF KESSARIANI COOL ROOFS NATIONAL CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DEMOKRITOS H2FC SARNET2 NATIONAL DOCUMENTATION CENTRE NATIONAL HELLENIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION ERA-INSTRUMENTS NATIONAL OBSERVATORY OF ATHENS CIRCE CLIM-RUN NHRF NATIONAL HELLENIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION SWITCH4FOOD OEK WORKERS HOUSING ORGANISATION ELIH-Med PERDIKIS BROS CO. COOL ROOFS PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION SEESGEN-ICT PYROGENESIS SA THINSI REGIONS OF EAST MACEDONIA AND TRACIA ELIH-Med TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CRETE COOL ROOFS HIPER UNIV. AEGEAN CIRCE UNIV. ARISTOTLE OF THESSALONIKI CEREBRAD COMETHY EU-SOL FLEXNET MEID PERPETUATE UNIV. CRETA CIRCE UNIV. NATIONAL AND KAPODISTRIAN ATHENS CIRCE COOL ROOFS PERPETUATE UNIV. NATIONAL TECHNICAL ATENE COMPAIR H2FC-LCA SAHYOG UNIV. OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS RESEARCH CENTER ATHENS ARTISAN UNIV. PATRAS ENCOMB FLEXNET UNIV. TECHN. CRETA HIPER ZENON SA ROBOTICS AND INFORMATICS COMPAIR Groenlandia GRONLANDS NATURINSTITUT CLEAR RIC India RIC ASSOC RIC RIC RIC APPROPRIATE RURAL TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE SAHYOG CONFEDERATION OF INDIAN INDUSTRY EICOON COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH SAHYOG INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY EICOON JAWAHARLAL NEHRU CENTRE FOR ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 59 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti India EICOON MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EICOON SATYENDRA NATH BOSE NATIONAL CENTRE FOR BASIC SCIENCES EICOON THE ENERGY AND RESOURCES INSTITUTE SAHYOG UNIV. AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY GOVIND BALLABH SAHYOG UNIV. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU SAHYOG UNIV. TEZPUR SAHYOG PUB RIC RIC EDU EDU EDU Irlanda COLLEGE OF THE HOLY AND UNDIVIDED TRINITY OF QUEEN ELIZABETH IMECC DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS, ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES CA ESD CA ESD II DUBLIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DOREMI MARINE INSTITUTE SEADATANET SEADATANET II MENDES GOCAR LIMITED MOMO CAR SHARING TEAGASC, THE NATIONAL FOOD CENTRE AMIGA TECHWORKS MARINE LIMITED MYOCEAN UNIV. COLLEGE DUBLIN AFTER UNIV. LIMERICK GREENLION UNIV. NATIONAL OF IRELAND - GALWAY IMECC UNIV. QUEEN'S BELFAST BONAS FREYA EDU PUB EDU RIC IND RIC RIC EDU EDU EDU EDU Islanda EDU ALTRO RIC EDU HASKOLI ISLANDS ICE2SEA ICELANDIC NEW ENERGY LTD PREPAR-H2 MARINE RESEARCH INSTITUTE SEADATANET SEADATANET II THE ICELANDIC CENTRE FOR RESEARCH ERA-INSTRUMENTS Israele PMI IND RIC PUB EDU EDU EDU EDU ACKTAR LTD COMETHY ISRAEL ELECTRIC CORPORATION MICIE ISRAEL OCEANOGRAPHIC AND LIMNOLOGICAL RESEARCH LIMITED MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II MATIMOP ISRAELI CENTER FOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SWITCH4FOOD TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY COMETHY UNIV. BEN GURION NEGEV CIRCE UNIV. HAIFA CIRCE UNIV. HEBREW OF JERUSALEM CIRCE EU-SOL METAPRO 60 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Israele UNIV. TEL AVIV CIRCE WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE EU-SOL HENIX OPTS SFERA EDU EDU Italia PUB IND IND ALTRO ALTRO ASSOC IND RIC ALTRO IND ALTRO ASSOC ENLOC PUB ENLOC PUB PUB ALTRO ENLOC SOC. CONSUL. IND RIC ENLOC RIC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC AGENZIA REGIONALE PER LA TECNOLOGIA E L'INNOVAZIONE %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV AGRICONSULTING SPA BIOLYFE ALDES SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE ALINTEC SCARL 2GBM ALTRA SPA HCV ANCE ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE COSTRUTTORI EDILI WISE ANSALDO FUEL CELLS SPA MCFC-CONTEX ANSALDO NUCLEARE SPA CDT CP-ESFR FREYA GOFASTR LEADER OPTS THINS APRE IES NEWLANCER ARCHIMEDE SOLAR ENERGY SRL MATS ASI RAGUSA MEID ASSISTAL ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE COSTRUTTORI DI IMPIANTI WISE ASSOCIAZIONE COMPAGNIA DELLE OPERE PESARO URBINO IES ASTER EDSCIENCE2011 MHYBUS ATM AZIENDA TRASPORTI E MOBILITA' RAVENNA MHYBUS AZIENDA SPECIALE ARIES DELLA CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI TRIESTE FRIEND EUROPE AZIENDA SPECIALE PROMOZIONE FRIEND EUROPE AZIENDA UNITA' SANITARIA LOCALE ROMA E CIRCE BIC LAZIO IES BOOZ & COMPANY NEISAS BOTTO GIUSEPPE E FIGLI SPA TEXWIN C.R.A.T. CONSORZIO PER LA RICERCA NELL'AUTOMATICA E NELLE TELECOMUNICAZIONI MICIE CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI GORIZIA FRIEND EUROPE CASPUR CONSORZIO INTERUNIVERSITARIO PER LE APPLICAZIONI DI SUPERCALCOLO PER UNIVERSITA' E RICERCA MOTIA CCIAA ASCOLI PICENO IES CCIAA CHIETI IES CCIAA NAPOLI %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV IES 61 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Italia ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC ALTRO RIC RIC PMI IND SOC. CONSUL. ASSOC ALTRO RIC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC CCIAA PALERMO %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV CCIAA RAVENNA IES CCIAA TERAMO IES CCIAA UMBRIA CENTRO ESTERO IES CENTRO DI RICERCA, SVILUPPO E STUDI SUPERIORI IN SARDEGNA CDT SEARCH THINS CENTRO EURO-MEDITERRANEO PER I CAMBIAMENTI CLIMATICI SCARL CIRCE CLIM-RUN MYOCEAN CENTRO PER LA RICERCA ELETTRONICA IN SICILIA %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV IES CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT HCV HELIOS LAMP CENTRO RICERCHE PLAST-OPTICA APOLLON CENTRO SERVIZI PER LE IMPRESE IES CENTRO SVILUPPO MATERIALI SPA MATTER CESI RICERCA SPA APOLLON ASTROM GETMAT SARNET2 SEESGEN-ICT CF CONSULTING SRL HEAT4U CHEMTEX ITALIA SRL BIOLYFE CLU SRL CIRCE CNA- ECIPA ENTE CONFEDERALE ISTRUZIONE PROFESSIONALE ARTIGIANATO E PICCOLA E MEDIA IMPRESA WISE CNIPA CENTRO NAZIONALE PER L'INFORMATICA NELLA PUBBLICA AMMINISTRAZIONE MOTIA CNR CIRCE CUSTOM CYNARES EDSCIENCE2011 ERA-INSTRUMENTS EU-SOL FO3REST GETMAT HELIMNET HIPER IMECC LAMP MATTER MOTIA MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II COMUNE DI BOLOGNA CLASS1 COMUNE DI CESENA SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE COMUNE DI FRATTAMAGGIORE ELIH-Med 62 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Italia ENLOC ENLOC ALTRO ASSOC ASSOC IND ALTRO ALTRO RIC RIC IND ALTRO ALTRO RIC RIC RIC ALTRO RIC ALTRO IND RIC IND IND ALTRO IND IND IND IND IND RIC IND PUB RIC ALTRO COMUNE DI GENOVA ELIH-Med CONCENTRO AZIENDA SPECIALE DELLA CAMERA DI COMMERCIO FRIEND EUROPE CONFCOMMERCIO IES CONFCOMMERCIO CAMPANIA %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV CONFEDERAZIONE ITALIANA AGRICOLTORI, ASSOC. PROV. CAMPOBASSO DINAMO CONFINDUSTRIA PIEMONTE IES CONFINDUSTRIA TOSCANA IES CONSORTIUM IN.BIO MAN-GMP-ITA CONSORZIO CATANIA RICERCHE %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV IES CONSORZIO CREATE CONSORZIO CREO CENTRO RICERCHE ELETTRO OTTICHE BONAS CONSORZIO EUROSPORTELLO CONFESERCENTI IES CONSORZIO INTERUNIVERSITARIO NAZIONALE PER LA SCIENZA E TECNOLOGIA DEI MATERIALI CUSTOM CONSORZIO INTERUNIVERSITARIO PER LA RICERCA TECNOLOGICA NUCLEARE GOFASTR LEADER CONSORZIO NAZIONALE INTERUNIVERSITARIO PER LE SCIENZE FISICHE DELLA MATERIA HIPER CONSORZIO PER L'AREA DI RICERCA SCIENTIFICA E TECNOLOGICA DI TRIESTE FRIEND EUROPE CONSORZIO PISA RICERCHE IES CONSORZIO RFX CONSORZIO TOPIX MOTIA CPOWER SRL APOLLON CRA CONSIGLIO PER LA RICERCA E SPERIMENTAZIONE IN AGRICOLTURA MAN-GMP-ITA D'APPOLONIA SPA ASTROM HEAT4U DEL FUNGO GIERA ENERGIA S.P.A CDT CP-ESFR DIMAC RED SRL HCV DOMINA S.R.L. ARTISAN TEXWIN ECOBIOS SRL COOL ROOFS ELASTRADE SRL TYGRE ELSAG DATAMAT SPA ASTROM ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE SPA SEESGEN-ICT ENEL INGEGNERIA E INNOVAZIONE SPA SOPHIA ENEL PRODUZIONE SPA APOLLON EOS EXPORT ORGANISATION SOUTH TYROL FRIEND EUROPE ERSE SPA CP-ESFR ETRURIA INNOVAZIONE IES 63 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Italia SOC. CONSUL. ALTRO RIC ALTRO IND ALTRO ASSOC ALTRO ALTRO RIC ENLOC RIC ENLOC RIC RIC RIC PMI RIC SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC ENLOC IND IND ENLOC IND RIC PUB ALTRO PUB FEBE ECOLOGIE STUDIO ASSOCIATO DI CONSULENZA E FORMAZIONE AMBIENTALE TYGRE FILANDOLARETE EDSCIENCE2011 FONDAZIONE ENI ENRICO MATTEI CIRCE FONDAZIONE FENICE ONLUS MEID FRATELLI PIACENZA SPA ARTISAN TEXWIN GENELAB SRL EU-SOL IFRF FONDAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE PER LA RICERCA SULLA COMBUSTIONE - ONLUS BRISK IGEAM SRL DINAMO IL CENACOLO SRL PERPETUATE INFN FREYA INFORMEST CENTRO DI SERVIZI E DOCUMENTAZIONE PER LA COOPERAZIONE ECONOMICA INTERNAZIONALE FRIEND EUROPE IES INGV CIRCE EDSCIENCE2011 MYOCEAN SEADATANET II INNOVHUB CCIAA MILANO IES INRIM ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI RICERCA METROLOGICA EBCT INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS CLIM-RUN IPLA ISTITUTO PER LE PIANTE DA LEGNO E L'AMBIENTE FO3REST ISIS - ISTITUTO DI STUDI PER L'INTEGRAZIONE DEI SISTEMI ATLETE ISIS R&D SRL HENIX ISNOVA ELIH-Med ISPRA MAN-GMP-ITA MYOCEAN ISTITUTO COOPERATIVO PER L'INNOVAZIONE CLASS1 ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ASTROFISICA EDSCIENCE2011 ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI GEOFISICA E VULCANOLOGIA SEADATANET ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA' DOREMI ITER CCIAA UDINE IES IVECO SPA HCV KEMET ELECTRONICS ITALIA SRL GREENLION LAORE SARDEGNA ELIH-Med MARCHI & FILDI S.P.A. INDUSTRIE ITALIANE FILATI TEXWIN METAPONTUM AGROBIOS EU-SOL METAPRO MINISTERO DELL'AMBIENTE MOMO CAR SHARING MIX MOTIA MONDIMPRESA %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV IES 64 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Italia ALTRO IND RIC IND EDU EDU PUB IND IND ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ASSOC PMI IND RIC IND ALTRO IND IND ASSOC ALTRO IND IND RIC PUB NAMEX NaMeX MOTIA OBEM SPA AQUAFIT4USE OGS ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI OCEANOGRAFIA E DI GEOFISICA SPERIMENTALE CIRCE ECCSEL MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II PININFARINA SPA HEAT4U POLITECNICO DI MILANO ACSEPT EDSCIENCE2011 GREENLION HEAT4U POLITECNICO DI TORINO LITE PRESIDENZA DEL CONSIGLIO DEI MINISTRI NEISAS PROCESSI INNOVATIVI SRL COMETHY PROIND SRL PRODOTTI INDUSTRIALI PERPETUATE PROMOFIRENZE - AZIENDA SPECIALE DELLA CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI FIRENZE IES PROVINCIA DI TRAPANI COOL ROOFS PROVINCIA REGIONALE DI CATANIA %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV IES REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA MHYBUS REGIONE TOSCANA MOTIA WISE RENAEL ASSOCIAZIONE RETE NAZIONALE DELLE AGENZIE ENERGETICHE LOCALI WISE ROBUR SPA HEAT4U RONDA SPA MATS RSE SPA RICERCA SUL SISTEMA ENERGETICO ex CESI ricerca AFTER SOPHIA S.R.S. SERVIZI DI RICERCHE E SVILUPPO SRL GOFASTR LEADER SILER SARDEGNA RICERCHE IES SELEX COMMUNICATION SPA MICIE SELEX SISTEMI INTEGRATI SPA CUSTOM SFCS SISTEMI FORMATIVI CONFINDUSTRIA SICILIA SCARL %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV IES SINTEC SRL HELIMNET SOCIETA' ITALIANA CARBONI ATTIVI VEGETALI SRL TYGRE SOL SPA MHYBUS SPIN CONSORZIO DI RICERCA IN TECNOLOGIE DELL'INFORMAZIONE DELLA COMUNICAZIONE %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV IES STATO MAGGIORE AERONAUTICA - UFFICIO GENERALE SPAZIO AEREO E METEOROLOGIA MYOCEAN 65 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Italia RIC IND IND ALTRO IND IND PUB ALTRO PUB ALTRO ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC ENLOC PUB EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN EU-SOL STUDIO PROGETTAZIONE E REALIZZAZIONE DI APPARATI ELETTRONICI DI SELMO ANTONIO HPH.COM TECNIMONT KT MATS OPTS TELECOM ITALIA SPA MOTIA TERNA - RETE ELETTRICA NAZIONALE SOCIETA' PER AZIONI AFTER ASTROM MSP THALES ALENIA SPACE ITALIA SPA HPH.COM TRENTINO SVILUPPO SPA FRIEND EUROPE U.MEDIA SRL EDSCIENCE2011 UMBRIA INNOVAZIONE IES UNICREDIT LEASING SPA M2RES UNIONCAMERE ABRUZZO %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV UNIONCAMERE BASILICATA %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV UNIONCAMERE CALABRIA %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV UNIONCAMERE CAMPANIA %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV UNIONCAMERE EMILIA ROMAGNA IES UNIONCAMERE MOLISE %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV UNIONCAMERE PIEMONTE 2GBM IES UNIONCAMERE PUGLIA %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV UNIONCAMERE TOSCANA IES UNIONCAMERE VENETO 2GBM FRIEND EUROPE IES UNIONE REGIONALE CAMERE DI COMMERCIO CAMPANIA IES UNIONE REGIONALE CCIAA LIGURIA IES UNIONE REGIONALE CCIAA MOLISE IES UNIONE REGIONALE CCIAA PUGLIA IES UNIONE REGIONALE CCIAA VENETO M2RES UNIV. BOLOGNA ALMA MATER STUDIORUM AMIGA CIRCE EDSCIENCE2011 HPH.COM IMECC LEADER MAN-GMP-ITA THINS UNIV. CAGLIARI UMBRELLA UNIV. CAMPUS BIOMEDICO DI ROMA COMETHY UNIV. CARLO BO URBINO ICE2SEA UNIV. CATANIA FLEXNET 66 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Italia UNIV. CATTOLICA SACRO CUORE EDSCIENCE2011 UNIV. DELL'AQUILA CIRCE UNIV. FERRARA APOLLON EDSCIENCE2011 UNIV. GENOVA AFTER MCFC-CONTEX PERPETUATE UNIV. MODENA E REGGIO EMILIA EDSCIENCE2011 THINS UNIV. MOLISE DINAMO UNIV. NAPOLI FEDERICO II %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV BRISK EU-SOL UNIV. NAPOLI PARTHENOPE H2FC-LCA UNIV. PADOVA HPH.COM UNIV. PARMA ACSEPT EDSCIENCE2011 UNIV. PAVIA DOREMI UNIV. PERUGIA H2FC UNIV. PISA H2FC HCV SARNET2 SEARCH THINS UNIV. ROMA LA SAPIENZA COMETHY CP-ESFR HPH.COM UNIV. ROMA TOR VERGATA EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU PUB ALTRO UNIV. ROMA TRE MICIE UNIV. SALENTO CIRCE UNIV. SALERNO COMETHY EDSCIENCE2011 UNIV. TUSCIA CIRCE CYNARES IMECC UNIVERSUS-CSEI CONSORZIO UNIVERSITARIO PER LA FORMAZIONE E L'INNOVAZIONE WISE VENETO INNOVAZIONE SPA FRIEND EUROPE ZADIGROMA SRL CIRCE Lettonia ALTRO SOC. CONSUL. RIC PUB CONSTRUCTION, ENERGY AND HOUSING STATE AGENCY CA ESD EKODOMA BUY SMART COME on LABELS LATVIAN INSTITUTE OF AQUATIC ECOLOGY SEADATANET II MINISTRY OF ECONOMICS CA ESD II 67 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Lettonia UNIV. LATVIA ADRIANA CP-ESFR EUROBREED HELIMNET MYOCEAN SEADATANET SILER EDU Libano NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH - NATIONAL CENTER FOR MARINES SCIENCES SEADATANET RIC Lituania RIC IND RIC RIC ALTRO RIC AG. ENERGIA EDU CENTER OF MARINE RESEARCH MYOCEAN SEADATANET EKSPLA UAB LAMP ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY SEADATANET II INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS CARBOWASTE HIPER INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF LATVIA 2GBM LEI LITHUANIAN ENERGY INSTITUTE CARBOWASTE MATTER NEWLANCER SARNET2 STATE ENTERPRISE ENERGY AGENCY CA ESD CA ESD II UNIV. KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS COMPAIR Lussemburgo RIC SOC. CONSUL. SOC. CONSUL. PUB CENTRE DE RECHERCHE PUBLIC HENRI TUDOR MICIE INTRASOFT INTERNATIONAL SA ARTISAN ITRUST CONSULTING MICIE MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY AND FOREIGN TRADE CA ESD CA ESD II Malta RIC PUB ALTRO EDU MALTA COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BS-ERA.NET MALTA RESOURCES AUTHORITY CA ESD CA ESD II TEMI ZAMMIT FOUNDATION MEID UNIV. MALTA MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II Marocco INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE HALIEUTIQUE MYOCEAN SEADATANET RIC Moldavia ACADEMIA DE STIINTE A MOLDOVEI BS-ERA.NET EDU Montenegro ENLOC MUNICIPALITY OF ULCINJ M2RES 68 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Norvegia ENLOC IND IND RIC RIC RIC PUB RIC RIC RIC RIC PUB RIC RIC RIC RIC EDU EDU EDU CITY OF STAVANGER SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE ELKEM SOLAR AS THINSI GLASS OF FASADEFORENINGEN SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE IFE INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY TECHNOLOGY H2FC IMR INSTITUTE OF MARINE RESEARCH MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II METEOROLOGISK INSTITUTT MYOCEAN MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND ENERGY CA ESD II NANSEN ENVIRONMENTAL AND REMOTE SENSING CENTER MYOCEAN NORSK POLARINSTITUTT ICE2SEA NORWEGIAN INSTITUTE FOR MARINE RESEARCH MYOCEAN NORWEGIAN INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC HEALTH DOREMI NORWEGIAN RADIATION PROTECTION AUTHORITY DOREMI SINTEF AFTER ECCSEL SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE SEESGEN-ICT STIFTELSEN NANSEN SENTER FOR FJERNMAALING AFTER H2FC PREPAR-H2 STIFTELSEN SINTEF BRISK ECCSEL SOPHIA THINSI THE RESEARCH COUNCIL OF NORWAY ECCSEL UNIV. NORWEGIAN OF LIFE SCIENCES DOREMI UNIV. NORWEGIAN OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BRISK ECCSEL UNIV. OSLO ICE2SEA Organ. Internazionali ORG. INT.LE RIC EUROPEAN CLIMATE FORUM CIRCE JRC COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES ACSEPT ADRIANA AFTER APOLLON ATEST BRISK CARBOWASTE CIRCE CLIM-RUN CP-ESFR GETMAT GOFASTR H2FC JASMIN LEADER MATTER MCFC-CONTEX 69 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Organ. Internazionali JRC COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES METROFISSION METROMETAL MetroRWM MYOCEAN SARNET2 SEADATANET SEADATANET II SEARCH SILER SOPHIA RIC Paesi Bassi IND SOC. CONSUL. IND IND IND IND RIC RIC IND ASSOC ALTRO RIC RIC RIC SOC. CONSUL. IND PUB PUB ALTRO RIC PUB RIC IND AGROTECHNOLOGY & FOOD INNOVATIONS BV EU-SOL AOES GROUP BV - ADVANCED OPERATIONS AND ENGINEERING SERVICES GROUP BV HPH.COM AVERIS SEEDS B.V. EU-SOL BRADFORD ENGINEERING BV HPH.COM CINC SOLUTIONS BV ACSEPT DAF TRUCKS NV HCV DE RUITER SEED R&D NL BV EU-SOL ECN ENERGY RESEARCH CENTRE OF THE NETHERLANDS APOLLON BRISK COMETHY ERKC HETSI ENZA ZADEN BEHEER B.V. EU-SOL FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN HEATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION COOL ROOFS HZPC HOLLAND BV EU-SOL KEYGENE N.V. EU-SOL KNMI KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDS METEOROLOGISCH INSTITUUT MYOCEAN KWEEK EN RESARCHBEDRIJF AGRICO B.V. EU-SOL LIS CONSULT EU-SOL MARIENE INFORMATIE SERVICE "MARIS" B.V. SEADATANET SEADATANET II MINISTERIE VAN ECONOMISCHE ZAKEN, LANDBOUW EN INNOVATIE SAHYOG NEDERLANDSE ORGANISATIE VOOR WETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK ERA-INSTRUMENTS NICC NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AGAINST CYBERCRIME NEISAS NIOZ ROYAL NETHERLANDS INSTITUTE FOR SEA RESEARCH SEADATANET II NL AGENCY CA ESD CA ESD II NMI VAN SWINDEN LABORATORIUM BRACHYTERAPY EBCT NT-MDT EUROPE BV THINSI 70 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Paesi Bassi RIC IND RIC IND RIC RIC IND RIC RIC ALTRO IND RIC RIC RIC RIC EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU NUCLEAR RESEARCH AND CONSULTANCY GROUP ACSEPT ADRIANA CARBOWASTE CDT CP-ESFR ENETRAP-II EUROBREED GETMAT GOFASTR LEADER MATTER SARNET2 SEARCH THINS PHOENIX BV TDK4PE PLANT RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL B.V. AMIGA EU-SOL RIJK ZWAN ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL B.V. EU-SOL RIJKSINSTITUUT VOOR KUST EN ZEE, RIJKSWATERSTAAT SEADATANET RIVM NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT PROCARDIO SAPPI NETHERLANDS SERVICES B.V. AQUAFIT4USE STICHTING DIENST LANDBOUWKUNDIG ONDERZOEK SAHYOG STICHTING ENERGIEONDERZOEK CENTRUM NEDERLAND ATEST EERASE IMECC SEESGEN-ICT SOPHIA STICHTING EUROPEAN JOURNALISM CENTRE RELATE SVS HOLLAND B.V. EU-SOL SYNGENTA SEEDS B.V. EU-SOL TNO - NETHERLANDS ORGANISATION FOR APPLIED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AQUAFIT4USE ECCSEL HCV NDE_2 UNILEVER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT VLAARDINGEN BV AQUAFIT4USE UNIRESEARCH BV AQUAFIT4USE UNIV. AMSTERDAM PROCARDIO UNIV. ERASMUS ROTTERDAM CEREBRAD DOREMI UNIV. GRONINGEN ACSEPT IMECC UNIV. MAASTRICHT GPRIX UNIV. TECHN. EINDHOVEN HENIX UNIV. TECHNISCHE DELFT BRISK FREYA GOFASTR THINS 71 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Paesi Bassi UNIV. TWENTE ACSEPT EICOON HENIX UNIV. UTRECHT CLEAR HETSI ICE2SEA UNIV. WAGENINGEN AMIGA EU-SOL VERENIGING VOOR CHRISTELIJK HOGER ONDERWIJS WETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK EN PATIENTENZORG CIRCE IMECC EDU EDU EDU RIC Palestina UNIV. HEBRON EU-SOL EDU Polonia EDU RIC IND IND ALTRO RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC AG. ENERGIA IND RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC EDU EDU IND AKADEMIA GORNICZO-HUTNICZA FREYA IMECC LEADER CMI CENTRAL MINING INSTITUTE ACT CLEAN ENVIRO-CHEMIA POLSKA SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA AQUAFIT4USE FLOWAIR GLOGOWSKI I BRZEZINSKI Sp.J. HEAT4U FUNDACJA ROZWOJU GO4EMAS INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR AUTOMATION AND MEASUREMENTS MICIE INSTITUTE OF METEOROLOGY AND WATER MANAGEMENT SEADATANET SEADATANET II INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY ACSEPT INSTITUTE OF PLASMA PHYSICS AND LASER MICROFUSION HIPER INSTITUTE OF POWER ENGINEERING 4BIOMASS INSTYTUT CHEMII I TECHNIKI JADROWEJ NEWLANCER INSTYTUT ENERGETYKI FC-EUROGRID INSTYTUT GEOFIZYKI POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK ICE2SEA KRAJOWA AGENCJA POSZANOWANIA ENERGII QUALICERT REQUEST KWAZAR CORPORATION SP.Z O.O UMBRELLA MARITIME INSTITUTE IN GDANSK MYOCEAN NATIONAL INSTITUT OF PUBLIC HEALTH CLEAR NOFER INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE ORAMED POLATOM INSTITUTE OF ATOMIC ENERGY METROMETAL MetroRWM POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ENCOMB POLISH GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE ECCSEL POLITECHNIKA LODZKA FLEXNET POLITECNIKA WARSZAWSKA FLEXNET RADCARD ORAMED 72 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Polonia IND AG. ENERGIA EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU SOLARIS BUS & COACH S.A. HCV THE POLISH NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION AGENCY CA ESD II COME on LABELS UNIV. JAGELLONIAN UMBRELLA UNIV. LODZ SEESGEN-ICT UNIV. OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CRACOVIA 4BIOMASS UNIV. SLASKI ICE2SEA UNIV. WROCLAWSKI BRISK Portogallo AG. ENERGIA PUB SOC. CONSUL. RIC PMI RIC RIC EDU EDU RIC RIC ALTRO ALTRO IND EDU EDU EDU ADENE AGENCIA PARA A ENERGIA REQUEST DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND GEOLOGY CA ESD II EDISOFT-EMPRESA DE SERVICOS E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SOFTWARE SA MYOCEAN INESC ID - INSTITUTO DE ENGENHARIA DE SISTEMAS E COMPUTADORES, INVESTIGACAO e desenvolvimento em Lisboa SFERA INOVAMAIS - SERVICOS DE CONSULTADORIA E INOVACAO TECNOLOGICA S.A. GPRIX INSTITUTO DE ENGENHARIA MECANICA HCV INSTITUTO HIDROGRAFICO SEADATANET SEADATANET II INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE AGRONOMIA IMECC IST - INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO HIPER LITE MYOCEAN ITN INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO E NUCLEAR ACSEPT BRACHYTERAPY CDT ENETRAP-II FREYA METROMETAL LABORATORIO NACIONAL DE ENERGIA E GEOLOGIA I.P. OPTS QUERCUS Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza COME on LABELS SOCIEDADE PORTUGUESA DE INOVACAO - CONSULTADORIA EMPRESARIAL E FOMENTO DA INOVACAO S.A. EICOON TEKEVER - TECNOLOGIAS DE INFORMACAO, S.A. BONAS UNIV. ALGARVE FLEXNET TDK4PE UNIV. COIMBRA MICIE UNIV. LISBONA CIRCE Regno Unito IND IND SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC A2 TECHNOLOGIES LTD ENCOMB ALPRO UK LTD AQUAFIT4USE AMEC NUCLEAR UK LIMITED CARBOWASTE CP-ESFR GOFASTR BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL ERA-INSTRUMENTS BRADTEC DECON TECHNOLOGIES LTD CARBOWASTE 73 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Regno Unito IND IND ALTRO IND IND IND ALTRO ALTRO SOC. CONSUL. PUB RIC ENLOC ALTRO RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC IND RIC EDU SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC PUB EDU PUB RIC IND BRITISH ENERGY GENERATION LTD MATTER BRITISH GAS TRADING LTD HEAT4U CENTRE FOR PROCESS INNOVATION LIMITED HENIX COMPUTATIONAL DYNAMICS LTD THINS DISPERSIA LIMITED HENIX DOOSAN BABCOCK ENERGY LIMITED CARBOWASTE EISC LTD 2GBM ENERGY SAVING TRUST LTD REQUEST EUROPE FOR BUSINESS LTD IJERA EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM-RANGE WEATHER FORECASTS MYOCEAN FLEXINK TDK4PE GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY COOL ROOFS G-TRONIC LTD COMPAIR HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE H2FC HEALTH PROTECTION AGENCY DOREMI ENETRAP-II PROCARDIO HR WALLINGFORD LTD MYOCEAN ICONAL TECHNOLOGY LTD NDE_2 IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE EU-SOL GOFASTR NGCPV THINS IMPT INNOVATIVE MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES LTD THINSI INSTITUTE OF NANOTECHNOLOGY EICOON KING'S COLLEGE LONDON BONAS LANDITD NEISAS MET OFFICE CIRCE ICE2SEA MYOCEAN NAREC - NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY CENTRE APOLLON NATIONAL NUCLEAR LABORATORY LIMITED GOFASTR NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM EU-SOL NDA - NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING AUTHORITY CARBOWASTE NERC NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL CIRCE ECCSEL ICE2SEA MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II NEXIA SOLUTIONS LIMITED ACSEPT CARBOWASTE SARNET2 74 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Regno Unito RIC IND IND RIC IND EDU RIC RIC SOC. CONSUL. ALTRO ALTRO ALTRO PUB EDU ALTRO IND RIC RIC EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU NPL NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY BRACHYTERAPY H2FC MetroRWM OXFORD INSTRUMENTS PLASMA TECHNOLOGY LTD THINSI OXFORD TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED CDT PLYMOUTH MARINE LABORATORY MYOCEAN ROLLS-ROYCE POWER ENGINEERING PLC GOFASTR ROYAL ALLOWAY AND BEDFORD NEW COLLEGE EU-SOL IMECC METAPRO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES COUNCIL HIPER SCOTTISH CROP RESEARCH INSTITUTE AMIGA EU-SOL METAPRO SERCO LTD MATTER SEVERN WYE ENERGY AGENCY LIMITED COME on LABELS SYMANTEC LIRIC LTD NEISAS THE ENERGY SAVING TRUST CA ESD CA ESD II THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS MYOCEAN THE UNIVERSITY COURT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS LAMP THE WELLCOME TRUST ERA-INSTRUMENTS THERMACORE EUROPE LTD HENIX TWI LIMITED COMPAIR UKAEA EUROBREED GOTiT TRI_TOFFY UNIV. ABERYSTWYTH UMBRELLA UNIV. ASTON BRISK UNIV. BANGOR UMBRELLA UNIV. BATH PERPETUATE UNIV. BIRMINGHAM CEREBRAD CIRCE HENIX PROCARDIO UNIV. BRADFORD MICIE UNIV. BRISTOL ENCOMB ICE2SEA IMECC UNIV. BRUNEL COOL ROOFS UNIV. CARDIFF BRISK SEESGEN-ICT UNIV. CRANFIELD MATS 75 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Regno Unito UNIV. EAST ANGLIA CIRCE CLIM-RUN UNIV. EDINBURGH ACSEPT GETMAT ICE2SEA IMECC UNIV. LIVERPOOL GETMAT UNIV. LOUGHBOROUGH SOPHIA UNIV. MANCHESTER CARBOWASTE UNIV. NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE SARNET2 UNIV. NOTTINGHAM EU-SOL THINSI UNIV. OXFORD MATTER UNIV. PLYMOUTH MYOCEAN UNIV. READING ACSEPT AMIGA MYOCEAN UNIV. SOUTHAMPTON CIRCE UNIV. STAFFORDSHIRE GPRIX UNIV. THE CITY LONDON AFTER UNIV. ULSTER H2FC UNIV. WESTMINSTER ATEST UNIV. YORK CIRCE EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU Repubblica Ceca EDU IND RIC ALTRO EDU RIC RIC IND IND SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC IND ACADEMY OF SCIENCES/INST. OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY ACSEPT AQUATEST AS AQUAFIT4USE CENTRUM VYZKUMU REZ S.R.O. ADRIANA GOFASTR MATTER CEPS AS AFTER CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V PRAZE ACSEPT CMI CZECH METROLOGY INSTITUTE BRACHYTERAPY GLOBALCHANGEBIOLOGY METROMETAL MetroRWM CZ BIOM - CZECH BIOMASS ASSOCIATION 4BIOMASS ENERGOVYZKUM SPOL. LTD CP-ESFR ENVINET A.S. MetroRWM ENVIROS S.R.O. ACT CLEAN GRANTOVA AGENTURA CESKE REPUBLIKY ERA-INSTRUMENTS IMC - INSTITUTE OF MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY FLEXNET INOTEX SPOL SRO 76 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Repubblica Ceca PUB PUB RIC AG. ENERGIA PUB EDU EDU RIC AQUAFIT4USE INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PBC MOMO CAR SHARING MINISTERSTVO SKOLSTVI MLADEZE A TELOVYCHOVY HIPER NUCLEAR PHYSICS INSTUTUTE ASCR ACSEPT SEVEn ATLETE BUY SMART COME on LABELS STATE ENERGY INSPECTORATE CA ESD CA ESD II UNIV. CHARLES PRAGA ACSEPT UNIV. MEDICAL SLOVAK ORAMED USTAV JADERNEHO VYZKUMU REZ A.S. ADRIANA CP-ESFR GETMAT HELIMNET LEADER SARNET2 Romania ASSOC PUB SOC. CONSUL. RIC RIC RIC RIC PUB PUB ENLOC RIC RIC RIC RIC ASSOCIATION OF THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PROMOTERS CLASS1 CENTRUL NATIONAL DE MANAGEMENT PROGRAME BS-ERA.NET ENERO CENTRE FOR PROMOTION OF CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGY IN ROMANIA M2RES ICEMENERG SEESGEN-ICT IFIN HH Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering METROMETAL INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCERTARE DEZVOLTARE PENTRU STIINTE BIOLOGICE RA AMIGA INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE METROMETAL MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI, CERCETARII SI TINERETULUI - AUTORITATEA NATIONALA PENTRU CERCETARE STIINTIFICA BS-ERA.NET MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH TRI_TOFFY MUNICIPALITY OF FOCSANI CLASS1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MARINE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT "GRIGORE ANTIPA" MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II OSKAR VON MILLER - INSTITUT DE CONCEPTIE, CERCETARE SI PROIECTARE ECHIPAMENTE TERMOENERGETICE MCFC-CONTEX PROPLANTA SRL METAPRO REGIA AUTONOMA PENTRU ACTIVITATI NUCLEARE ADRIANA CARBOWASTE LEADER MATTER NEWLANCER SARNET2 SEARCH 77 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Romania PUB ASSOC EDU EDU ROMANIAN AGENCY FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION CA ESD CA ESD II SUNE ASSOCIATION OF NEW AND RENEWABLE SOURCES INDUSTRIES M2RES UNIV. BUCAREST ENETRAP-II FLEXNET UMBRELLA UNIV. POLITECNICA BUCAREST NEWLANCER Russia ALL-RUSSIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION - WORLD DATA CENTRE - B SEADATANET SEADATANET II FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE SOUTHERN URALS BIOPHYSICS INSTITUTE OF FEDERAL MEDICOBIOL. AG. PROCARDIO KELDYSH INSTITUTE OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS OF THE RAS HPH.COM RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS HIPER RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE P.N. LEBEDEV PHYSICAL INSTITUTE HIPER RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES P.P. SHIRSHOV INSTITUTE OF OCEANOLOGY SEADATANET SEADATANET II SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION NANSEN ENVIRONMENTAL AND REMOTE SENSING CENTER MYOCEAN RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC RIC Serbia MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND SPATIAL PLANNING M2RES PUB Siria ORG. INT.LE ICARDA - INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN THE DRY AREAS CIRCE Slovacchia ALTRO RIC PUB PUB SOC. CONSUL. AG. ENERGIA RIC EDU PUB RIC CPC SLOVAK CLEANER PRODUCTION CENTER ACT CLEAN INZINIERSKA VYPOCTOVA SPOLOCNOST TRNAVA LTD SARNET2 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY CA ESD MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC CA ESD II SLOVAK BIOMASS ASSOCIATION 4BIOMASS SLOVAK INNOVATION AND ENERGY AGENCY REQUEST SMU SLOVAK INSTITUTE OF METROLOGY EBCT METROMETAL MetroRWM UNIV. AGRICULTURAL SLOVAK AMIGA URAD JADROVEHO DOZORU SARNET2 VUJE TRNAVA INC ENGINEERING, DESIGN AND RESEARCH ORGANISATION ADRIANA SARNET2 78 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Slovenia ALTRO RIC SOC. CONSUL. ALTRO IND RIC RIC PUB ENLOC RIC RIC IND IND IND EDU EDU RIC ARAO AGENCY FOR RADWASTE MANAGEMENT NEWLANCER BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING INSTITUTE BUY SMART ENERGY RESTRUCTURING AGENCY 4BIOMASS GRADBENI INSTITUT ZRMK DOO PERPETUATE INDUSTRIJSKI RAZVOJNI CENTER SLOVENSKE PREDILNE INDUSTRIJE AQUAFIT4USE INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN ACT CLEAN CA ESD METROMETAL MetroRWM NEWLANCER SARNET2 THINS JSI JOZEF STEFAN INSTITUT ELIH-Med MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY CA ESD II MUNICIPALITY OF VELENJE M2RES NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY SEADATANET NIB NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY MYOCEAN SEADATANET II PRIMORJE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY HEAT4U SVILANIT TEKSTILNA TOVANA DD AQUAFIT4USE TEKSTILNA INDUSTRIJA AJDOVSCINA DD AQUAFIT4USE UNIV. LJUBLJANI NEWLANCER PERPETUATE UNIV. MARIBOR AQUAFIT4USE ZAG SLOVENIAN NATIONAL BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING INST. HEAT4U Spagna IND IND IND ASSOC IND IND RIC RIC IND RIC ACCIONA INFRAESTRUCTURAS S.A. CP-ESFR ADEX SL ADAPTIVE PREDICTIVE EXPERT CONTROL CDT ASISTENCIA TECNOLOGICA MEDIOAMBIENTAL, SA AQUAFIT4USE ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA INDUSTRIA AGROALIMENTARIA SWITCH4FOOD AUNERGY THERMOSOLAR S.R.L. SFERA CELAYA EMPARANZA Y GALDOS SA GREENLION CEM CENTRO ESPANOL DE METROLOGIA CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS E INVESTIGACIONES TECNICAS DE GIPUZKOA AQUAFIT4USE CENTRO TECNICO DE SEAT SA GREENLION CIEMAT ACSEPT ATEST CARBOWASTE CDT CP-ESFR ENETRAP-II EUROBREED FREYA GETMAT 79 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Spagna RIC PUB IND IND IND RIC RIC PUB IND IND PMI RIC PUB RIC RIC RIC RIC ALTRO ALTRO RIC ALTRO RIC RIC IND CIEMAT HELIMNET JASMIN MATTER METROMETAL MetroRWM OPTS SARNET2 SFERA CIUDEN FUNDACIÓN CIUDAD DE LA ENERGÍA BRISK ECCSEL COBRA INSTALACIONES Y SERVICIOS S.A OPTS COMPANIA ESPANOLA DE ALTA EFICIENCIA FOTOVOLTAICA BS SOLAR SL NGCPV CONSERVAS HIJOS DE MANUEL SANCHEZ BASARTE SA AQUAFIT4USE CREAL FUNDACIO CENTRE DE RECERCA EN EPIDEMIOLOGIA AMBIENTAL DOREMI PROCARDIO CSIC ACSEPT CIRCE ERA-INSTRUMENTS EU-SOL MYOCEAN TDK4PE EMPRESA NACIONAL DE RESIDUOS RADIACTIVOS S.A. CARBOWASTE EMPRESARIOS AGRUPADOS INTERNACIONAL SA CDT CP-ESFR GOFASTR LEADER SILER EQUIPOS NUCLEARES SA CP-ESFR ESCAN S.A. COME on LABELS FUNDACIO INSTITUT CATALA DE CIENCIES DEL CLIMA CLIM-RUN FUNDACIO MOBILITAT SOSTENIBLE I SEGURA MOMO CAR SHARING FUNDACIO PRIVADA INSTITUT CATALA D'INVESTIGACIO QUIMICA ACSEPT FUNDACIO PRIVADA PARC CIENTIFIC DE BARCELONA CIRCE IMECC FUNDACION CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS AMBIENTALES DEL MEDITERRANEO CIRCE IMECC FUNDACION CIDETEC GREENLION FUNDACION INASMET CUSTOM FUNDACION INTRAECO MEID FUNDACION LABEIN MEID SEESGEN-ICT FUNDACION MADRI+D PARA EL CONOSCIMIENTO 2GBM FUNDACION ROBOTIKER APOLLON FUNDACION TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION H2FC SOPHIA HOLMEN PAPER MADRID AQUAFIT4USE 80 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Spagna RIC RIC PUB IND IND EDU RIC RIC RIC IND RIC ENLOC IND IND PMI IND EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU EDU IAT ISTITUT ANDALUZ DE TECNOLOGIA GO4EMAS SWITCH4FOOD IDAE INSTITUTO PARA LA DIVERSIFICACION Y AHORRO DE LA ENERGIA CA ESD II IMPIVA INSTITUTO DE LA PEQUENA Y MEDIANA INDUSTRIA DE LA GENERALITAT VALENCIANA 2GBM INERCO INGENIERIA, TECNOLOGIA Y CONSULTORIA SA BRISK INGENIERIA IDOM INTERNACIONAL SA SILER INSTITUT QUIMIC DE SARRIA HELIMNET INSTITUTO ESPANOL DE OCEANOGRAFIA SEADATANET SEADATANET II INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACION Y TECNOLOGIA AGRARIA Y ALIMENTARIA AMIGA INSTITUTO TECNICO Y DE GESTION AGRICOLA CYNARES ISOFOTON SA THINSI IVE VALENCIA INSTITUTE OF BUILDING FOUNDATION ELIH-Med MALAGA CITY COUNCIL ELIH-Med SENER INGENIERIA Y SISTEMAS S.A. CDT CP-ESFR SENSING TEX S.L. TDK4PE STARLAB BARCELONA SL MYOCEAN TECNICAS REUNIDAS SA GREENLION UNIV. ALCALA DE HENARES CIRCE UNIV. ALICANTE GETMAT UNIV. AUTONOMA BARCELONA TDK4PE UNIV. BARCELONA FLEXNET UNIV. COMPLUTENSE MADRID AQUAFIT4USE CIRCE UNIV. DE CANTABRIA CLIM-RUN UNIV. DE LES ILLES BALEARS CIRCE UNIV. DEL PAIS VASCO CIRCE UNIV. MALAGA EU-SOL UNIV. POLITECNICA DE CARTAGENA CYNARES UNIV. POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA CIRCE ORAMED TEXWIN UNIV. POLITECNICA MADRID CDT CIRCE CP-ESFR GETMAT HIPER HPH.COM SOPHIA UNIV. POLITECNICA VALENCIA CDT GPRIX UNIV. ROVIRA I VIRGILI CEREBRAD FLEXNET 81 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Spagna UNIV. SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA CIRCE UNIV. VALLODOLID UMBRELLA UNIV. ZARAGOZA BRISK EDU EDU EDU Stati Uniti d'America TEES TEXAS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION THINS THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF MARYLAND FOUNDATION, INC. CLIM-RUN U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION SARNET2 RIC EDU PUB Sudafrica PEBBLE BED MODULAR REACTOR COMPANY (PTY) LTD CARBOWASTE SOUTH AFRICAN NUCLEAR ENERGY CORPORATION LIMITED CARBOWASTE UNIV. PRETORIA EU-SOL IND IND EDU Svezia EDU EDU IND AG. ENERGIA RIC SOC. CONSUL. EDU ALTRO IND IND IND AG. ENERGIA RIC PUB AG. ENERGIA EDU BLEKINGE TECKNISKA HOGSKOLA SEESGEN-ICT CHALMERS TEKNISKA HOEGSKOLA AKTIEBOLAG ACSEPT FREYA GETMAT SARNET2 SEARCH DANAHER MOTION STOCKHOLM AB HCV ENERGYKONTOR SYDOST AB BUY SMART FOI SWEDISH DEFENCE RESEARCH AGENCY NDE_2 GRONTMIJ AB FC-EUROGRID KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HOEGSKOLAN BRISK FREYA GETMAT HELIMNET HENIX LEADER MCFC-CONTEX SARNET2 SILER THINS LTC AB 2GBM PERSTORP SPECIALTY CHEMICALS AB AQUAFIT4USE SERSTECH AB BONAS SKF SVERIGE AB HCV STEM SWEDISH ENERGY AGENCY CA ESD II STUDSVIK RADWASTE AB CARBOWASTE SVERIGES METEOROLOGISKA OCH HYDROLOGISKA INSTITUT MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II SWEDISH ENERGY AGENCY CA ESD UNIV. LULEA TEKNISKA UMBRELLA 82 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Svezia UNIV. LUND AMIGA BIOLYFE CLEAR IMECC UNIV. OREBRO UMBRELLA UNIV. STOCCOLMA DOREMI UNIV. UPPSALA CEREBRAD HELIOS VOLVO POWERTRAIN CORPORATION HELIOS VOLVO TECHNOLOGY AB HCV VR - SWEDISH RESEARCH COUNCIL GOTiT EDU EDU EDU EDU IND IND RIC Svizzera SOC. CONSUL. RIC EDU RIC EDU RIC ALTRO IND RIC IND IND EDU EDU EDU EDU ASCOMP GMBH THINS CSEM - CENTRE SUISSE D'ELECTRONIQUE ET DE MICROTECHNIQUE SA BONAS FLEXNET ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE ENCOMB RELATE EIDGENOESSISCHE FORSCHUNGSANSTALT FUER AGRAROEKOLOGIE UND LANDBAU SFERA EIDGENOESSISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZUERICH ECCSEL EMPA MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY H2FC HOSPICES CANTONAUX CHUV ORAMED ITEMA GROUP TEXWIN PAUL SCHERRER INSTITUT ACSEPT BRISK CIRCE CP-ESFR GETMAT GOFASTR H2FC HELIMNET LEADER MATTER SARNET2 SEARCH SFERA THINS POLYTYPE CONVERTING AG GREENLION TIMCAL SA GREENLION UNIV. BERNA CIRCE IMECC UNIV. DE LAUSANNE BONAS UNIV. NEUCHATEL HETSI UNIV. ZURIGO ICE2SEA 83 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Tunisia INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LA MER CIRCE SEADATANET INSTITUT PASTEUR DE TUNIS CIRCE UNIV. TUNIS CLIM-RUN RIC RIC EDU Turchia TUBITAK THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TURKEY BRISK BS-ERA.NET MCFC-CONTEX RELATE SEADATANET II TYGRE ULUSAL METROLOJI ENSTITUSU EBCT UNIV. EGE SWITCH4FOOD UNIV. TECHNICAL MIDDLE EAST SEADATANET II UNIV. TEKNIK ORTA DOGU SEADATANET RIC RIC EDU EDU EDU Ucraina ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE STATE INSTITUTION RESEARCH CENTER FOR RADIATION MEDICINE CEREBRAD KYIV STATE CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INFORMATION BS-ERA.NET NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE ENCOMB STATE ENTERPRISE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING APOLLON UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE MARINE HYDROPHYSICAL INSTITUTE MYOCEAN SEADATANET SEADATANET II UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES A.O. KOVALEVSKIY INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY OF SOUTHERN SEAS SEADATANET II UNIV. KHARKIV CLEAR HPH.COM RIC PUB RIC RIC RIC RIC EDU Ungheria RIC EDU AG. ENERGIA AG. ENERGIA EDU RIC AG. ENERGIA PUB AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY CENTER EU-SOL BUDAPESTI MUSZAKI ES GAZDASAGTUDOMANYI EGYETEM ENETRAP-II GOFASTR SARNET2 ENEREA ESZAK-ALFOLD REGIONAL ENERGY AGENCY M2RES ENERGY CENTRE NON-PROFIT LIMITED COMPANY 4BIOMASS CA ESD II M2RES HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES EUROBREED TRI_TOFFY HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES CHEMICAL RESEARCH CENTER TYGRE HUNGARIAN ENERGY CENTRE CA ESD HUNGARIAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE IMECC 84 Partecipanti per paese e relativi progetti Ungheria PUB RIC RIC ORG. INT.LE EDU EDU RIC HUNGARIAN TRADE LICENSING OFFICE METROMETAL MetroRWM MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA CHEMICAL RESEARCH CENTER ADRIANA GOFASTR MATTER NEWLANCER SARNET2 NATIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR RADIOBIOLOGY AND RADIOHYGIENE FREDERIC JOLIOT-CURIE CEREBRAD REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTRE FOR CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE ERKC UNIV. CORVINUS BUDAPEST ACT CLEAN UNIV. SPLIT H2FC-LCA VEIKI INSTITUTE FOR ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH SARNET2 85 86 SCHEDE SINTETICHE DEI PROGETTI in ordine alfabetico di acronimo 87 88 EEN/SPA/09/MME/250425 2GBM 2nd Generation BioMatch (Biomass to Bioenergy) Abstract The aim of the project is to promote advanced and comprehensive commercial and technological co-operation formulas, including matchmaking and follow up, as a strategy to strengthen SME development and competitiveness within the biomass to bioenergy sectors. A total of 4 matchmaking events will include the participation of around 600 SMEs, organisations, RTD institutes from public and private sectors, industry support organisations etc from the bioenergy sectors, which are clustered in and around these regions/events. All four events and follow up support for a further 360 organisations and companies will promote investment in business, access to new markets, access to new research findings and contacts with research institutes, technology transfer between businesses cross border as well as product and process innovation. The 2GBM project will run a series of 4 events for the 2nd Generation biomass to bioenergy sectors with events taking place during the Elmia World Bioenergy and Elmia Recycling to Energy (Sweden) in May 2010, Agromek (Denmark) in November 2010, Genera in Madrid (Spain) in May 2011 and EcoMondo-Keyenergy in Rimini (Italy) in November 2011. These are some of the largest and most important dedicated bioenergy events in Europe. The 4 events each focus on a particular specific subsector of the industry. Attività ENEA Le attività ENEA riguarderanno: - assicurare la comunicazione e la diffusione delle informazioni relative al progetto nelle regioni del Sud Italia in cui opera il nodo Enterprise Europe Network BRIDGEECONOMIES. - partecipare all'organizzazione degli eventi match making organizzati, in attuazione del progetto 2GBM,per favorire la partecipazione delle PMI, centri di ricerca ed associazioni di categoria. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE INNOVAZIONE E IMPRENDITORIALITA' (2007-20 Unita ENEA UTT Data inizio Determina 157/2010/COMM 10-dic-09 Costo eleggibile totale ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità AMMIRATI FILIPPO Nazione AGRO BUSINESS PARK A/S 89 2010 0MG41 09-dic-11 ¼ ¼ UTT Danimarca 1CE001P3 4BIOMASS Fostering the sustainable usage of renewable energy sources in Central Europe - putting biomass into action Abstract The Project 4Biomass fosters usage of bioenergy throughout Central Europe (CE) via turning know-how to show-how. The project contributes to sustainable exploitation of biomass in two ways: The exchange of best practice concerning technology, demonstration projects and management approaches throughout CE will contribute to territorial cohesion. It will provide an equal level of knowledge regarding available technologies, investment possibilities and operation of bioenergy systems. Direct support to regional stakeholders by turning know-how to show-how (workshops, project develop-ment, field trips). A Joint Management Tool consisting of a databank will pool information on CE demonstration projects and best practise. It will help stakeholders to find tailor-made solutions for investments in bioenergy plants, and for their operation. Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE INTERREG III B CADSES CENTRAL EUROPE Unita ENEA UTRINN-BIO Data inizio Anno di stipula Determina 134/2009/COMM 01-dic-08 Coordinatore Codice atto Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Ruolo ENEA Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Unità SCODITTI EMANUELE Nazione FNR AGENCY FOR RENEWABLE RESOURCES 90 2009 0QHES 30-nov-11 ¼ UTRINN-BIO Germania 211267 ACSEPT Actinide reCycling by SEParation and Transmutation Abstract Actinide recycling by separation and transmutation is considered worldwide and particularly in several European countries as one of the most promising strategies to reduce the inventory of radioactive waste, thus contributing to make nuclear energy sustainable. Consistently with potentially viable recycling strategies, the Collaborative Project ACSEPT will provide a structured R&D framework to develop chemical separation processes compatible with fuel fabrication techniques, with a view to their future demonstration at the pilot level. Considering technically mature aqueous separation processes, ACSEPT will optimise and select the most promising ones dedicated to actinide partitioning and those featuring a group separation. These developments will be appropriately balanced with an exploratory research focused on the design of new molecules. In parallel, promising group actinide separation pyro-processes will be developed beyond the current state-of-the-art, as an alternative option, for a longer term. ACSEPT will also pave the way towards more integration between Partitioning and Transmutation by carrying dissolution as well as actinide conversion studies. All experimental results will be integrated by carrying out engineering and systems studies on aqueous and dry (pyro) processes to prepare for future demonstration at a pilot level. A training and education programme will also be implemented to share the knowledge among partitioning community and present and future generations of researchers. The challenging objectives of ACSEPT will be addressed by a multi-disciplinary consortium composed of European universities, nuclear research bodies and major industrial players. This consortium will generate fundamental improvements for a future design of an Advanced Processing Pilot Unit. ACSEPT will thus be an essential contribution to the demonstration, in the long term, of the potential benefits of actinide recycling to minimise the burden on the geological repositories. Attività ENEA 1HOO¶DPELWRGHOOHDWWLYLWjGLVHSDUD]LRQHODQWDQLGLDWWLQLGLFRQPHWRGLSLURPHWDOOXUJLFL(1($VYROJHUjULFHUFKHGLFDUDWWHUHVSHULPHQWDOH VXLPSLDQWR3<5(/,,PHGLDQWHSURYH³DIUHGGR´UHODWLYHDOODHOHWWURUDIILQD]LRQHGLODQWDQLGLLQDPELHQWHGLFORUXULIXVLDOOD temperatura di esercizio di 460°C); i risultati conseguiti permetteranno la progettazione e realizzazione di un nuovo impianto (PYREL III), per la separazione di uranio dalle terre rare quali prodotti di fissione. Sarà inoltre svolta attività sperimentale relativamente al condizionamento dei rifiuti salini derivanti dai processi pirometallurgici VXGGHWWLFRQSDUWLFRODUHULIHULPHQWRDOODVLQWHVLHFDUDWWHUL]]D]LRQHGLVRGDOLWHFRQVLGHUDWDDWXWW¶RJJLFRPHODPDWULFHSLDGDWWDDOOR scopo. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISST Data inizio 01-mar-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 2008/56/FPN Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DE ANGELIS GIORGIO Nazione CEA 91 0FP34 29-feb-12 ¼ ¼ UTFISST Francia 1CE002P3 ACT CLEAN ACcess to Technology and know-how in CLEANer Production in Central Europe Abstract Act Clean supports Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) throughout Central Europe to implement eco-efficient production processes. It promotes environmental technologies and management systems by connecting demand and supply: It provides SMEs with technological and managerial know-how on one side and it facilitates the marketing of already existing solutions on the other. Why? Environmentally friendly technologies and management systems increase the environmental performance of SMEs, they boost profits of the entrepreneurs by reducing costs and increasing sales and they support compliance with environmental standards as required by EU directives and regulations. How? The Act Clean network offers you several ideas on how to optimize your production processes via: Direct support from your Act Clean National Contact Point, which can directly connect you with over 200 outstanding institutions in the field of Cleaner Production throughout Central Europe. Matchmaking events focusing on your specific needs and giving you access to best solutions from Germany, Austria, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Slovakia. Knowledge sharing via the Act Clean Database on over 1000 examples of best available technologies, management systems and support tools for eco-efficiency. Attività ENEA Enea come Contact Point per il progetto è impegnato nell'organizzazione di Workshop sul territorio italiano e parteciperà portando tecnologie italiane ai Workshops organizzati dai partner in Europa. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE FESR Unita ENEA UTVALAMB-LCA Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 2009/046/ACS 01-dic-08 Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA 2009 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità RINALDI CATERINA Nazione FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY 92 0VHNI 30-nov-11 ¼ UTVALAMB-LCA Germania 249687 ADRIANA ADvanced Reactor Initiative And Network Arrangement Abstract The ADRIANA project addresses the following reactor systems and connecting technologies: Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) Lead Fast Reactor (LFR) Gas Fast Reactor (GFR, including very high temperature technologies) Instrumentation, diagnostics and experimental devices Irradiation facilities and hot laboratories Zero power reactors A consolidated roadmap of the development of research infrastructures will be established. The objective of the ADRIANA project is to identify the development needs for the three chosen types of Gen IV prototypes (SFR, GFR & LFR), to specify their parameters and characteristics, and to define the needed experimental facilities. Some of these facilities exist, and others should be constructed. The ADRIANA partners were chosen for their knowledge and information about such facilities and capacities. Additionally, an important input is the Nuclear Energy Agency's Research and Test Facilities Data Base (RTFDB) and other NEA resources. Both existing and future facilities will be analysed in the relevant ADRIANA work packages, and they will be evaluated from the point of view of their applicability and potential contributions to ESNII's objectives. For the key facilities identified by this evaluation, the needed investments, human resources and their profiles to operate these installations and facilities will be estimated. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il workpackage 3 "LFR Technology" e partecipa altri cinque workpackage Tipo di progetto CA - Azione di coordinamento Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTIS Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 323/2010/COMM 01-feb-10 Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA 2010 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità AGOSTINI PIETRO Nazione USTAV JADERNEHO VYZKUMU REZ A.S. 93 BR06A 31-lug-11 ¼ ¼ UTIS Repubblica Ceca 261788 AFTER A Framework for electrical power sysTems vulnerability identification, dEfense and Restoration Abstract AFTER project addresses the challenges posed by the need for vulnerability evaluation and contin-gency planning of the energy grids and energy plants considering also the relevant ICT systems used in protection and control. Project emphasis is on cascading events that can cause catastrophic outages of the electric power systems. The main addressed problems are related to high impact wide spread multiple contingencies, the most significant wide area criticality. This kind of contingencies and the following cascading effects can be caused by deliberate acts of terrorism, sabotage, criminal activity, malicious behaviour etc or they can simply be caused by a combination of accidents, natural disasters, negli-gence. Both risk analysis and risk mitigation will be pursued. In particular, two major objectives are addressed. The first is to develop a methodology and tool for the integrated, global vulnerability analysis and risk assessment of the interconnected Electrical Power Systems considering their interdependencies. This objective meets the TSO (Transmission System Operator) need to overcome current approaches based on separate evaluations of either power system or ICT system. Further, the adoption of risk concepts allows a more in-depth, quantitative evaluation of the security of the electrical power V\VWHP7KHVHFRQGREMHFWLYHLVWRGHYHORSDOJRULWKPVDQGWRROVVXSSRUWLQJFRQWLQJHQF\SODQQLQJLQDWZRIROGDSSURDFKSUHYHQWLQJRU OLPLWLQJV\VWHPGLVUXSWLRQE\PHDQVRISK\VLFDOVHFXULW\WHFKQLTXHVDQGGHIHQFHSODQVDQGUHHVWDEOLVKLQJWKHV\VWHPDIWHUDPDMRU disruption, by means of restoration plans. To this aim, AFTER propose the use of the global risk assessment methodologies as a support to defence plan design. A language to model defence plans functionalities and ICT architecture is de-veloped. New defence plan concepts are also introduced to cope with emergency situations. Attività ENEA L'ENEA sarà leader nel WP 2 'Identification and classification of vulnerability hazards and threats' e nel WP 9 'Dissemination and exploitation'. Inoltre svolgerà delle attività nel Workpackage 4 'Methodologies for vulnerability, analysis, global risk assessment and contingency planning and emergency management of electrical power systems considering both power and the associated protection/control system'. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE SICUREZZA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTMEA-CAL Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 507/2011/COMM 01-set-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza VICOLI GIORDANO 94 31-ago-14 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTMEA-CAL Nazione ERSE SPA 0QHFD Italia 289706 AMIGA Assessing and Monitoring Impacts of Genetically modified plants on Agro-ecosystems Abstract The project aims at : 1 providing baseline data on biodiversity in agro-ecosystems in the EU, 2 translating regional protection goals in measurable assessment endpoints, 3 defining lists of suitable bioindicators for various European regions, 4 improving knowledge on potential long term environmental effects of genetically modified plants (GMPs), 5 testing the efficacy of the EFSA Guidance Document (GD) for the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of GMPs, 6 exploring new strategies for post market monitoring, 7 estimating the ompatibility of GMPs with the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles implemented in the EU, 8 providing a systematic analysis of economical aspects of GMPs cultivation in the EU, and 9 setting a training and communication plan addressing public concerns about GMPs. The consortium includes 22 partners (Research institutes, Universities, State Agencies and SMEs) located in 15 EU countries and. An ICPC country (Argentina) will contribute in validating the monitoring methodology in areas where GM crops are cultivated on larger scales. A cornerstone is the application of the EFSA ERA GD, which is the basis for the update of the regulatory process of GMPs in the EU. The GD has provided ecologically sound principles for ERA, triggering the need of practically testing them. Partners of the consortium participated to the preparation of GD and 3 of them are senior authors of relevant chapters. The scientific activities will consist of case studies of maize and potato, the two GM crops currently approved for cultivation in the EU, and surveys in non-GM agro-ecosystems. The final outcome will include a network of EU representative sites for pre-market risk assessment and long-term monitoring studies, a set of standardised testing methods and a geographical information system integrating relevant datasets, protocols and tools to help EU decision-makers. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto e, in particolare, il WP1 'Project management and Compliance with EFSA Guidance Document'. ENEA è coinvolto in attività di tipo tecnico e partecipa a tutte le attività nei diversi workpackages. Inoltre di particolare rilevanza sono le attività sperimentali inerenti la valutazione dell'impatto ambientale di piante geneticamente modificate su insetti non bersaglio (insetti impollinatori e predatori) da svolgere presso i laboratori e le serre del centro ricerche Trisaia presso il laboratorio di UTTRI BIOTEC. Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE Biotecn, prod.alim, agric., pesca (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTRI-BIOTEC Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ARPAIA SALVATORE Nazione ENEA 95 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 606/2011/COMM 01-dic-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula 30-nov-15 ¼ ¼ UTTRI-BIOTEC Italia 213514 APOLLON Multi-approach for high efficiency integrated and intelligent concentrating PV modules (systems) Abstract APOLLON proposal concerns the optimisation and development of Point focus and Mirror Based Spectra Splitting photovoltaic concentrating (CPV) systems (multi-approach). The different technology paths will be followed with due focalisation on the recognised critical issues related to each system component in order to increase CPV efficiency, assure reliability, reduce cost and environmental impact. MJ solar cells will be manufactured by using new materials and deposition technologies allowing reaching and even surpassing the MJ solar cell efficiency target set on the European Strategic Research Agenda on Concentration Photovoltaics. Optimisation of Fresnel and Prismatic lens along with the development of new non-imaging, low F/#, high concentration, cell self-protecting stable optics will allow getting high optical efficiency and wide acceptance angles. New concepts will be applied for Mirror based spectra splitting systems which will allow eliminating the cooling needs. Both the optimised and the new technologies will be properly tested to get reliable a long life time CPV systems. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTP Data inizio 01-lug-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 196/2008/DG Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità SARNO ANGELO Nazione CESI RICERCA SPA 96 0CG50 30-giu-13 ¼ ¼ UTTP Italia 211534 AQUAFIT4USE Water in industry, fit-for-use sustainable water use in chemical, paper, textile and food industry Abstract Sustainable water use in industry is the goal of AquaFit4Use, by a cross-sectorial, integrated approach. The overall objectives are: the development and implementation of new, reliable, cost-effective technologies, tools and methods for sustainable water supply, use and discharge in the main water consuming industries in order to significantly reduce water use, mitigate environmental impact and produce and apply water qualities in accordance with industrial own specifications (fit - for - use) from all possible sources, and contributing to a far-going closure of the water cycle in a economical, sustainable and safe way while improving their product quality and process stability. The 4 pillars of the project are Industrial Water Fit-for-use, Integrated water resource management, Strong industrial participation and Cross-sectorial technologies and approach. Water fit-for-use is the basis for sustainable water use; the integrated approach a must. Tools will be developed to define and control water quality. The heart of AquaFit4Use however is the development of new cross-sectorial technologies, with a focus at biofouling and scaling prevention, the treatment of saline streams, disinfection and the removal of specific substances. By intensive co-operation between the industries, the knowledge and the technologies developed in this project will be broadly transferred and implemented. This AquaFit4Use project is based on the work of the Working group "Water in Industry" of the EU Water Platform WSSTP; 40 % of the project partners of AquaFit4Use were involved in this working group. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE AMBIENTE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTVALAMB-IDR Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 2008/60/ACS 01-giu-08 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità FARINA ROBERTO Nazione TNO - NETHERLANDS ORGANISATION FOR APPLIED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 97 0VHMX 31-mag-12 ¼ ¼ UTVALAMB-IDR Paesi Bassi 287993 ARTISAN Energy-aware enterprise systems for low-carbon intelligent operations Abstract The ARTISAN project envisions significant reductions (at least 10%) in energy consumption and CO2 emissions of the European Textile Industry by integrating data-capturing technologies, process-based energy measurement and real-time optimization of operations. It will provide enterprise management systems with services for monitoring and operational decision making, available at each supply chain partner, and, additionally, trading services for energy and carbon permits forging collaboration across supply networks. Relying on a service-oriented architecture and data capturing through sensors and energy metering devices, expected achievements and technologies to be used of ARTISAN include: - an information infrastructure, enabled by AUTO ID, WSN or other hardware components, for efficient capture, storage and communication of energy consumption data; - energy performance indicator structures and services for the textile industry; - services monitoring, reporting and analyzing energy performance per process; - real-time optimization algorithms for planning and scheduling of supply chain processes and enterprise operations in terms of cost reductions and minimum consumption of energy; - tools for evaluating overall energy efficiency based on productivity assessment of processes and implicitly of products; - intra- and inter-organisational services for energy consumption forecast and trade of energy and CO2; - a layered architecture interconnecting the modules in a seamless way, enabling interoperability both internally and among supply chain partners. Field trials based on representative use-cases drawn from the European textile industry will demonstrate the functionality of the modules and the interconnections in a real context. Hence, each company is encouraged to become an ARTISAN in energy management, but mostly an ARTISAN in decisions based on energy and environmental indicators in both its day-to-day operations and business partnerships. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto e svolge le seguenti attività di ricerca: - definizione degli indici di efficienza energetica; - contributo all'elaborazione dell'approccio metodologico al tema dell'analisi dei consumi e implementazione del modello di efficientamento energetico; - audit presso le aziende per la validazione del precedente modello per l'individuazione di problemi e criticità nel pattern di consumo e per l'individuazione di best practice; - realizzazione di una guida per aiutare le aziende a ridurre i loro consumi energetici; - analisi e implementazione di infrastruttura per l'interoperabilità fra i sistemi informatici per il monitoraggio e l'ottimizzazione dell'efficienza energetica con ottica di filiera; - analisi e progettazione dei servizi per l'interfacciamento con i mercati dell'energia e dei carbon permits; - analisi e progettazione del tool per la previsione dei consumi L'ENEA parteciperà inoltre attivamente alla disseminazione dei risultati del progetto e sarà responsabile dell'interazione con gli enti di standardizzazione. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE ICT (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTT-PMI Data inizio 01-nov-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 506/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DE SABBATA PIERO Nazione ENEA 98 IO091 30-apr-14 ¼ ¼ UTT-PMI Italia JLS/2008/CIPS/018 ASTROM Assessement of resilience to ThReats of cOntrol and data Management systems of electrical transmission network Abstract N/D Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EPCIP Unita ENEA UTMEA Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 31-E/2009/FIM 10-mar-09 Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza ¼ Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico 2009 Unità BOLOGNA SANDRO Nazione CESI RICERCA SPA 99 0AT52 09-mar-11 ¼ ¼ UTMEA Italia 241382 ATEST Analysing transition planning and systemic energy planning tools for the implementation of the energy technology information system Abstract The present project aims at bringing together EU competence on a transition towards a sustainable and low carbon energy system through energy innovation, encompassing transition planning, energy modeling activities, and technology assessment. This will be achieved by creating a platform in which techniques and data are collected, shared and harmonized. The Objectives of the project are to: Review models/tools used in the European Countries, taking in mind what is used outside Europe; and what are the requirements of the SETPlan (WP1, WP2) Identify and recommend common tools to be used in all countries and in the Energy Technology Information System, and gain consensus on these models (WP3). Identify and recommend existing technology databases and provide a roadmap for the development of these databases on a European and on a regional basis (WP4). Demonstrate the ability of the recommended tools to be used for energy planning (WP5) Identify the roadmap for the improvement and development of the tools in order to cover the needs of the SETPlan implementation (WP6). To achieve these objectives the project consortium consists of Institutions with a long experience in the fields of energy planning tools development and use. In order to ensure the direct links with the SETPlan development and requirements, the JRC, Institute of Energy will be part of the Steering Committee of the project. The final outcome of the project is expected to be a concrete list of tools, that can be used on a Member State level and on a European level which will be generally accepted, an initial set of input data for these models, and a roadmap for the development of both data and tools, in the future. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto CA-SA - Azione di coordinamento/azione di supporto Programma UE ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA STUDI Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 50/2009/COMM 01-ott-09 Codice atto Data scadenza ¼ Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Unità MANNA CARLO Nazione CRES 100 02R42 31-mar-12 ¼ ¼ STUDI Grecia EIE/08/728/SI2.528428 ATLETE Appliance Testing for Energy Label Evaluation Abstract The main goal of the ATLETE project is to increase European-wide implementation and control of energy labelling and eco-design implementing measures for appliances. The developed methodology, once validated, will be applicable with very minor adaptations for any Energy-using Products (EuP). ATLETE will demonstrate that market surveillance and testing can be done in a systematic, effective and cost-efficient way, thus helping to transform the market to ensure the highest benefit for consumers, manufacturers and the environment. Key stakeholders to be engaged in the project include the EU institutions, governmental organisations, manufacturers, UHWDLOHUVDVVRFLDWLRQVFRQVXPHUJURXSVDQG1*2¶VWKHPHGLDDQGJHQHUDOSXEOLF3URJUHVVDQGUHVXOWVRIWKHSURMHFWZLOOEHZLGHO\ disseminated via a website, publishable reports, a conference and the media. Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTEE Data inizio 01-giu-09 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 12/E/2009/TER Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità PRESUTTO MILENA Nazione ISIS - ISTITUTO DI STUDI PER L'INTEGRAZIONE DEI SISTEMI 101 0DG10 31-mag-11 ¼ ¼ UTEE Italia EEN-150329 %5,'*¼FRQRPLHV Business Relay for Innovation of Growings Economies Abstract Enterprise Europe Network is the European network of services to companies, promoted by the EC Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry and funded by the CIP program, which combines two existing networks that encourage innovation at the European level: the network of IRC-Innovation Relay Centres and the network of EIC-Euro Info Centres. Attività ENEA . Partecipazione alla creazione e consolidamento del nodo della rete Enterprise Europe Network nelle regioni Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia e Sicilia. . Analisi e valutazione delle necessità tecnologiche e dell'evoluzione strategica dei principali settori produttivi delle regioni coinvolte, identificazione delle relative risposte tecnologiche e loro indirizzamento alla rete EEN. . Potenziamento delle capacità dei fornitori di tecnologia locali nella promozione e sfruttamento dei loro risultati di ricerca verso l'ambiente europeo. . Organizzazione di seminari, workshop e giornate di trasferimento tecnologico. . Pubblicizzazione delle attività mediante articoli di stampa, bollettini e supporti multimediali. . Organizzazione di visite e audit tecnologici ad aziende innovative e a fornitori di tecnologia. . Scambi di visite transnazionali con imprese innovative centri di ricerca ed altri IRC europei. . Fornitura di servizi, consulenza e supporto ad aziende e centri di ricerca delle regioni di competenza per la realizzazione e la pubblicizzazione dei casi esemplari di trasferimento tecnologico transnazionale. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE INNOVAZIONE E IMPRENDITORIALITA' (2007-20 Unita ENEA UTT Data inizio Determina 334/2008/DG 01-gen-08 Costo eleggibile totale ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità AMMIRATI FILIPPO Nazione MONDIMPRESA 102 2008 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTT Italia 239204 BIOLYFE Second generation BIOethanol process: demonstration scale for the step of Lignocellulosic hYdrolysis and Fermentation Abstract The overall goal of BIOLYFE PROJECT is to developing and demonstrating the hydrolysis and fermentation steps at industrial scale of the lignocellulosic bioethanol process, considering the entire chain (i.e. including at the same scale the up-stream and downstream process, namely innovative pre-treatment steps and product separation/utilization). BIOLYFE specifically seeks technologies which have the highest undiscovered potential to enhance the technical and economic feasibility of the hydrolysis and the complete conversion of all sugars into ethanol through an optimized fermentation process. The focus of BYOLIFE is to demonstrate at significant industrial scale (20.000 tonEtOH/y) of innovative 2nd generation ethanol technologies, transferring research results into industrial activities and paving the way to large industrial production (200.000 tonEtOH/y). The aims of BIOLYFE are: - Optimization and improvement of the Hydrolysis process in order to increase the monomeric sugar yield and to reduce accumulation of inhibitors with a feasible and economic production of specific lignocellulosic enzymes cocktails. - Reduction of the viscosity by a Liquefaction of the solid content stream in order to guarantee a constant and continuous flow of the material into the fermenters. - Improve flexible process of Fermentation by the utilization of high performance fermentation micro-organisms that would efficiently co-ferment hexoses and pentoses and tolerate high concentrations of ethanol and the inhibitory compounds. - Design, Construction, commissioning, start up and testing campaign of an industrial demonstration plant based on innovative technologies specifically focused on the enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation steps, able to produce 20.000 ton/y of Ethanol and to treat up to 80.000 ton/y of inlet selected biomasses. - Distribution and use of bioethanol products under real operational conditions, thus including installation of a distribution system and use in vehicles. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa alle attività di steam explosion, , idrolisi enzimatica, fermentazione, analisi della sostenibilità. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTRI Data inizio 01-gen-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 157/2009/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DE BARI ISABELLA Nazione CHEMTEX ITALIA SRL 103 0DG29 31-dic-13 ¼ ¼ UTTRI Italia 261685 BONAS Bomb factory detection by Networks of Advanced Sensors Abstract The aim of BONAS is to design, develop and test a novel wireless sensors network for increasing citizen protection and homeland security against terrorist attacks, in particular against the threat posed by IED devices. The sensor network will focus on the detection of traces of precursors used in IED production (particulates, gases and/or waterborne) present in the environment surrounding the vicinity of a 'bomb factory'. The different sensors are specifically designed to be deployed in sensitive locations and easily camouflaged. This network will support the 'factory's location', allowing an early threat thwart. A feasibility study will assess the usefulness and potential advantages that the BONAS concept will bring about in the future and the costs of mass production of sensor networks integrating COTS components. BONAS intends also to investigate and prepare the potential future deployment of key sensors aboard a flying platform with a view towards increasing the BONAS network detection capabilities. The wireless sensor network will feature a variety of sensing devices (insitu and remote), that will jointly provide broad chemical spread and low false alarm rates through an expert system management of the data collected. In particular, BONAS will develop: Lidar/Dial system; QEPAS sensor; SERS sensor; an Immunosensor. BONAS includes a multidisciplinary team of leading European research groups (ENEA, QUB, CSEM, ONE, UCBL, UNIL, KCL) together with industrial organizations (CREO, LDI, SAB, TEK, EADS) and end-users (NBI) with previous experience and activity in the field of specific local and remote sensors development and with experience on Security projects. The consortium represents the complete supply chain of the proposed product, which sets good perspectives for exploitation and commercialization of the generated innovations. The consortium will be supported by an already established Advisory Board formed by experts from the main European and Israeli police corps. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto. E' inoltre responsabile delle attività gestionali del WP1, contribuisce allo sviluppo del sensore Lidar/dial per le misure stand-off (WP4) e del sensore SERS (WP6). Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE SICUREZZA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTAPRAD-DIM Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 115/2011/COMM 01-apr-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità PALUCCI ANTONIO Nazione ENEA 104 AR010 30-set-14 ¼ ¼ UTAPRAD-DIM Italia T2.J06 BRACHYTERAPY Increasing cancer treatment efficacy using 3D brachiterapy Abstract The target of the project is to use the absorbed dose to water as the reference quantity to be directly measured for dosimetry in LDR and HDR brachiterapy. The absorbed dose is the quantity of interest for dosimetry and radioterapy treatment. The absorbed dose due to the radioactive sources used in brachiterapy is currently not determined by direct measurement. It is determinated indirectly by a conversion procedure in which the absorbed dose is obtained from measurement of air kerma. In fact , brachiterapy gamma ray sources are currently calibrated in terms of air kerma strenght of reference air kerma rate (RAKR), defined in air at a distance of 1 m from the radioactive source. However, patient dosimetry and algorithms for treatment planning dose calculation are based ont he quantity absorbed dose to water at a distance lower than 1 cm. The absorbed dose to water, Dw, around a brachiterapy source is currently calculated bu applying the formalism of a protocol, published bu Task Group 43 of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). This protocol allows the conversion from air kerma strenght or RAKR to Dw at a reference distance of 1 cm crom the source, located at the center of a cubic water phantom with dimension of 30 cm. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE PEOPLE (2007-2013) ERA-NET actions Unita ENEA METR Data inizio 01-lug-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità TONI MARIA PIA Nazione ENEA 105 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 278/2008/DG Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula 30-giu-11 ¼ ¼ METR Italia 284498 BRISK The European Research Infrastructure for Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Abstract Enhancing biomass utilization without risking its sustainability is a European energy priority, and can be linked to targets for curbing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 and 50% by 2050: enhanced energy security and integration with other industrial sectors, such as agriculture, also play a role. Improved use of biofuels and products in advanced biomass conversion units and biorefineries are seen as a key element in achieving this goal. In recent years leading industrial nations have established facilities in which their researchers have addressed the challenges associated with the production of biofuels and the establishment of bio-refineries. There remains fragmentation in terms of access to high-level experimental equipment necessary for achieving significant advances in this field. The BRISK initiative will integrate networking activities to foster a culture of co-operation between the participants in the project, and the scientific communities benefiting from access to the research infrastructures, with the pursuit of joint research activities, and facilitate transnational access by researchers to one or more infrastructures among those operated by participants in a coordinated way so as to improve the overall services available to the research communities with interests in these fields. Attività ENEA L'ENEA svolgerà attività di ricerca sulla gassificazione della biomassa, contribuendo all'aggiornamento ed usufruendo di banche dati sui biofuel e metterà a punto metodiche analitiche. Saranno inoltre eserciti gli impianti di gassificazione installati presso il CR Trisaia da 10, 200 e 500 kWh con annesse sezioni di purificazione dei gas avendo reciprocamente la possibilità di programmare ed effettuare campagne sperimentali utilizzando le numerose ed importanti infrastrutture dei partner. Tipo di progetto CP-SA - Progetto di collaborazione azione di supporto Programma UE INFRASTRUTTURE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTRI-BIOM Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 454/2011/COMM 01-ott-11 Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza ZIMBARDI FRANCESCO 106 30-set-15 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTTRI-BIOM Nazione KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HOEGSKOLAN 0TL09 Svezia 226160 BS-ERA.NET Networking on science and technology in the Black Sea region Abstract The main objectives of the BS-ERA.NET project are: - reduce the fragmentation of the European Research Area (ERA) by improving the coherence and coordination of national and regional research programmes; - to develop and strengthen the coordination of public research programmes conducted at national and regional level, which target a group of countries from the extended Black Sea region. -to sustain the communication in order to develop better reciprocal knowledge and promote trust-building among programme owners and/or managers through a mutual learning process, and a systemic exchange of information and good practice. -to enhance the complementarities and synergy between the Framework Programme and activities carried out in the framework of governmental structures such as COST, EUREKA, NEP, UNESCO-BRESCE or EIROforum. -to promote a network and mutually open at national regional research programmes level which will lead to: concrete cooperation in the frame of the Black Sear Research Programme (BSRP) and to the development and implementation of joint programmes and activities in the region Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto CA-SA - Azione di coordinamento/azione di supporto Anno di stipula Programma UE COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE (2007-2013) Ruolo ENEA Unita ENEA UTAGRI Data inizio Determina 7/2009/BAS 01-gen-09 Costo eleggibile totale ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità IANNETTA MASSIMO Nazione CENTRUL NATIONAL DE MANAGEMENT PROGRAME 107 2009 07M78 31-dic-11 ¼ ¼ UTAGRI Romania IEE/08/488/SI2.528388 BUY SMART Green procurement for smart purchasing Abstract Buy Smart will promote, implement and further develop the instrument of green procurement (procurement of energy efficient products) in private and public institutions, using the established green procurement guidelines developed in the GreenLabelsPurchase project. The project will not provide new tools but will address the main barriers which are presently hampering a broad implementation of green procurement. The collaboration with professional platforms who already offer electronic procurement to a large number of customers, %X\6PDUWZLOOIRUWKHILUVWWLPHUHDOLVHµJUHHQHSURFXUHPHQW¶WKXVUHDFKLQJWKHWDUJHWJURXSDWWKHULJKWWLPHDQGSODFHRIIHUHGWKURXJK a provider they already trust. By involving professional trade associations, the target group of private purchasers will be better reached. With extensive training offers, capacity-building will be enhanced. Policy recommendations will finally be developed and channelled into the discussions to strengthen green procurement in the revision of the NEEAPs (national energy efficiency action plans) in 2011. Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTEE Data inizio 01-mag-09 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 10/E/2009/TER Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità PRESUTTO MILENA Nazione BERLINER ENERGIEAGENTUR 108 0DG11 31-ott-11 ¼ UTEE Germania IEE/08/CA/001/SI2.503473 CA ESD CONCERTED ACTION ON THE ENERGY SERVICES DIRECTIVE Abstract The Energy Services Directive (ESD) (2006/32/EC) has the potential to drive real improvements in energy efficiency across the EU, but the effort required to implement the Directive in all Member States (MS) is significant and they will face many common challenges. The Concerted Action (CA) for the Energy Services Directive aims to enhance and structure the sharing of information and experiences from national implementation in MS and to promote good practice concepts, in order to improve and strengthen MS implementation of the ESD. In the Concerted Action this facilitated information exchange is realised through a series of five Core Themes focussing on the key UHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKH(6'LH1DWLRQDO(QHUJ\(IILFLHQF\$FWLRQ3ODQV±1(($3VWKHUROHRIWKHSXEOLFVHFWRUWKHUROHRIWKHHQHUJ\ sector; auditing, metering and billing; and financial instruments). Within the Core Themes, the specific topics and priorities to be considered will be driven by the needs and interests of the participants, the Commission and the Energy Demand Management Committee members. The CA will facilitate a series of 7 structured meetings for information exchange, plus an interactive website, for MS only Attività ENEA L'ENEA contribuirà al raggiungimento degli obiettivi sopra esposti curando in particolare lo svolgimento delle seguenti attività: . Coordinamento di un core theme (in particolare quello relativo al ruolo del settore energetico); . Partecipazione ai lavori durante i Plenary Meetings per lo scambio di informazionie la produzione di rapporti intermedi. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTEE-IND Data inizio 01-giu-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 31/2008/ACS Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DI FRANCO PASQUALE Nazione NL AGENCY 109 OVHML 01-giu-11 ¼ ¼ UTEE-IND Paesi Bassi IEE/CA/11/001/SI2.594052 CA ESD II Second concerted action supporting implementation of Directive 2006/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Abstract Attività ENEA L'ENEA costituisce il National Contact Point per l'azione concertata. Oltre a ciò sarà responsabile del core theme n. 4. e parteciperà a tutti i workpackages previsti dal progetto. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTEE-IND Data inizio 22-mag-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 370/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DI FRANCO PASQUALE Nazione NL AGENCY 110 0VHOT 21-mag-14 ¼ ¼ UTEE-IND Paesi Bassi 238202 CANNELA Carbon nanotube networks for electronics applications Abstract Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are well known for their unique electronic, thermal and mechanical properties. Ensembles of CNTs form networks that can be transparent and at the same time conductive, showing great potential for replacing the currently used indium tin oxide (ITO), whose future availability is at risk due to the impoverishment of the world's sources of indium. CNT networks offer not only an alternative to ITO but also advantages like flexibility, useful with plastic substrates, or avoiding the contamination from ITO of other device materials. The studies of transparent conductive CNT networks are still at an early stage and despite their good performance the measured properties are below expectation due to the presence of different tube types (metallic and semiconducting) in the same sample, impurities, defectious tubes and interconnection problems. One aim of this project is to explore recently developed possibilities of sorting CNTs according to type for realizing improved and tunable networks. Due to the high anisotropy of CNTs, their macroscopic organization has an impact on the properties of the network: disorganization brings an averaging-down of the properties of individual tubes that thus could be brought to macroscopic scale only by ordering. The applicant has previously shown that liquid crystalline materials can be used to unidirectionally align CNTs. We propose in this project to use this approach also to form aligned networks, studying the relation between electrical conductivity and degree of order and evaluating the corresponding percolation thresholds. The networks will be implemented in device configurations such as LCDs, OLEDs, and solar cells. Also graphene has recently shown to have excellent properties as transparent electrode, but further studies are required of this new material. In combination with CNTs, one could envisage multifunctional electrodes with ordering and optically polarizing properties. Attività ENEA Verranno studiati reticoli nanotubi di carbonio un argomento di rilevanza tecnologica e fondamentale. In particolare verranno perseguiti i seguenti obiettivi: - lo studio delle prestazione dei films prodotti in relazione alla geometria e alla qualità dei nanotubi - analisi dei film in cui i nanotubi vengono separati tra nanotubi metallici e nanotubi semiconduttori - esame di reticoli organizzati in funzione del grado di allineamento dei nanotubi - realizzazione di reticoli dei nanotubi in LCD, OLED, celle solari e sensori - fabbricazione di elettrodi trasparenti con funzionalità multiple Queste ricerche verranno effettuato sfruttando appieno il precedente know-how sviluppato presso l'istituto Max Planck di Stoccarda dalla Dott.ssa Giusy Scalia puntando a creare nuove competenze in questo settore presso il Centro Ricerche ENEA di Portici, con l'auspicio di inserire al più presto azioni finanziate dall'UE. Tipo di progetto ERG - Azioni che favoriscono il rientro dei ricercatori Programma UE PEOPLE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA FIM Data inizio 16-mar-09 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 24-E/09/FIM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità TAGLIENTI SANDRO Nazione ENEA 111 0BP37 15-mar-12 ¼ ¼ FIM Italia 211333 CARBOWASTE Treatment and disposal of irradiated graphite and other carbonaceous waste Abstract Gas-Cooled Reactors (GCR), RBMK and some Material Test Reactors (MTR) make use of graphite as moderator of the fuel, structures of the core and/or thermal columns. During operation, the graphite and other carbonaceous materials like carbon brick, pyrocarbon and silicon carbide coatings are contaminated by fission products and neutron activation. These irradiated carbonaceous wastes are problematic due to their content of long-lived radioisotopes (e.g. Carbon14, Chlorine 36) and due to their large volumes. About 250000 t of i-carbon are existing, worldwide. Acceptable solutions have not yet been established to handle this kind of waste. This fact also represents a significant drawback for the market introduction of graphite-moderated reactors like Very/High-Temperature Reactors (V/HTR) as a promising Generation IV system candidate. Graphite moderated reactors represent the very first generation of nuclear reactors and therefore need to be decommissioned ahead of other reactor types which evolved later. Presently, accelerated decommissioning of GCR and RBMK and subsequent disposal of i-graphite is the preferred option for not leaving this waste as a legacy for future generations. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISST-CATNUC Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 53/2008/FPN 01-apr-08 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DODARO ALESSANDRO Nazione FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JUELICH GMBH 112 0FP39 31-mar-12 ¼ ¼ UTFISST-CATNUC Germania 2322527 CDT Central Design Team (CDT) for a fast-spectrum transmutation experimental facility Abstract The CDT project objective is to develop the Engineering Design of a first-step experimental device that can serve both as a test-bed for transmutation and as a fast spectrum irradiation facility, operating as a sub-critical (accelerator driven) system, and/or as a critical reactor. The project team will also define the new R&D activities needed to support the detailed design and construction of such a facility. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa ai seguenti workpackage: WP 1 "Definition of specifications and detailed workprogramme of fast spectrum transmutation and experimental facility (FASTEF)"; WP 2 "Design of the fast spectrum transmutation and experimental facility (FASTEF)in sub-critical and critical mode; WP3 "Plant requirements". Coordina inoltre le seguenti task: T1.2: analysis of FASTEF to operate in a critical mode T2.2: design changes for the FASTEF to operate in a critical mode Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISSM Data inizio Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 93/2009/FPN 01-apr-09 Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA Anno di stipula Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità BIANCHI FOSCO Nazione SCK CEN 113 0FP52 31-mar-12 ¼ ¼ UTFISSM Belgio 295552 CEREBRAD Cognitive and Cerebrovascular Effects Induced by Low Dose Ionising Radiation Abstract The major elements of scientific uncertainty in the context of radiation protection policy and of risk assessment for cerebrovascular diseases, set the following key topics (1) the direct assessment of health effects through epidemiological studies of groups exposed to low doses, (2) doses-response and biological effects from different types of radiation and (3) the biological processes in cells and tissues mediating the cerebrovascular effects of low-dose radiation. These 3 topics have been identified as priorities by the HLEG, the MELODI Strategic Agenda and ARCH (Agenda for Research on Chernobyl Health), and will be covered in the CEREBRAD (Cognitive and Cerebrovascular Effects Induced by Low Dose Ionising Radiation) project. CEREBRAD will address the problem of cerebrovascular effects in humans: in individuals that were exposed in utero, in cohorts of adults from the Chernobyl liquidators, and in children receiving low doses to the brain during cancer radiotherapy. We will study cognitive effects in animal models exposed to radiation at different stages of brain development, with special emphasis on early postnatal exposures, and will examine the initial and late effects induced in brain by irradiation at the cellular and molecular levels. The main concern of CEREBRAD is to identify the potential risk of doses below 100 mGy delivered to a young child. To inform on risk estimates of the effect from internal and external exposures, as well as synergistic effect with other environmental pollutants, all these different conditions will be evaluated. The consortium is an interdisciplinary team of radiobiologists, epidemiologists, experts in neurodegenerative diseases, genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics, paediatricians and dosimetrists. Special attention will be paid to efficient project management, training, dissemination and communication with stakeholders and the general public. Attività ENEA L'ENEA si occuperà in particolare dello studio degli effetti di dosi di radiazioni ionizzanti su modelli animali (WP 3) e dei meccanismi di azione (WP 4). Tipo di progetto STREP - Progetti Specifici Mirati Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTBIORAD-RAB Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 629/2011/COMM 01-ott-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità PAZZAGLIA SIMONETTA Nazione SCK CEN 114 07O08 30-set-14 ¼ ¼ UTBIORAD-RAB Belgio GOCE-CT-2007-036961 CIRCE Climate change and impact research: the Mediterranean Environment Abstract CIRCE aims at developing for the first time an assessment of the climate change impacts in the Mediterranean area. The objectives of the project are: - to predict and to quantify physical impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean area; - to evaluate the consequences of climate change for the society and the economy of the populations located in the Mediterranean area; - to develop an integrated approach to understand combined effects of climate change; - to identify adaptation and mitigation strategies in collaboration with regional stakeholders, CIRCE wants to understand and to explain how climate will change in the Mediterranean area. The project will investigate how global and Mediterranean climates interact, how the radiative properties of the atmosphere and the radiative fluxes vary, the interaction between cloudiness and aerosol, the modifications in the water cycle. Recent observed modifications in the climate variables and detected trends will be compared. The economic and social consequences of climate change shall be evaluated by analyzing direct impacts on migration, tourism and energy markets together with indirect impacts on the economic system. CIRCE will moreover investigate the consequences on agriculture, forests and ecosystems. human health and air quality. The variability of extreme events in the future scenario and their impacts will be assessed. A rigorous common framework, including a set of quantitative indicators developed specifically for the Mediterranean environment will be developed and used in collaboration with regional stakeholders. The results will be incorporated in a decision support system tool and disseminated to the relevant users. Possible adaptation and mitigation strategies will be identified. The integrated results discussed by the project CIRCE will be presented in the first Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean area. Attività ENEA Simulazioni e studio della variabilità climatica sul bacino Euro-Mediterraneo; simulazioni e studio degli scenari climatici sul bacino Euro-Mediterraneo; Studio del ciclo idrologico integrato sul bacino Euro-Mediterraneo. Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE CAMBGLOB (2002-2006) Unita ENEA UTMEA Data inizio 01-apr-07 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2007 Ruolo ENEA Determina 45/2007/ACS Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ARTALE VINCENZO Nazione INGV 115 0QHDV 31-mar-11 ¼ ¼ UTMEA Italia 38572 CLASS1 Cost-effective low-energy advanced sustainable solutions Abstract The Municipality of Stenloese has decided to strengthen the energy requirements for a new settlement to be erected in the municipality. In this new settlement 650 dwellings will be constructed in the years 2007-2008 to a low-energy standard referred to as "low-energy class 1" in the Danish Building Regulations. This requirement means that the energy consumption will be 50 % below the new energy regulations to be introduced with the implementation of the EPBD (Energy Performance of Building Directive) in Denmark in 2006 (which are app. 25% lower than the present regulations). The CLASS 1 project will use this strengthening of the energy requirements to boost and drive the technological development of 6 selected technologies/building components covering the 3 areas: Eco-buildings, Renewable Energy Supply and intelligent energy management system and to prove the economical and environmental benefits of ultra-low energy buildings integrated with biomass- and solar heating based renewable energy supply. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il WP4 (Indoor Environment Quality) relativo al supporto delle attività di progettazione; è inoltre responsabile delle attività di monitoraggio energetico e ambientale. Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE SIST.EN.SOST. (2002-2006) Unita ENEA CAS Data inizio 01-nov-07 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2007 Ruolo ENEA Determina 32/E/2007/TER Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA CITTERIO MARCO GIULIO MARIA Unità Nazione THE MUNICIPALITY OF EGEDAL 116 0BG562 31-ott-12 ¼ ¼ CAS Danimarca 226217 CLEAR Climate change, Environmental contaminants and Reproductive Health Abstract CLEAR is part of the NECTAR cluster ( The research project investigates the possible impact of global climate change on reproductive health in Arctic and two local European populations. The key questions to be addressed are, first, how may climate change impact on human exposure to widespread environmental contaminants and, second, how may contaminants impact on occurrence of reproductive disorders as sensitive indicators of health? To provide affirmative answers to these questions the proposal will (i) identify and describe mechanisms by which a changing climate may affect the exposure of arctic and other human populations to contaminants through change in chemical use and emissions, delivery to the arctic ecosystem as well as processing within the arctic physical environment and human food chain. This work relies on modeling of existing data (ii) expand the existing knowledge database on human exposure to polybrominatedbiphenylethers, perfluorinated surfactants and phthalates by analyses of 1000 biobanked serum samples collected in a EU FP5 project (iii) increase the limited knowledge on links between human exposure to contaminants and reproductive health. This work relies on a large existing parent-child-cohort, where a follow-up survey provide new data that are fed into risk assessment (iv) perform reviews of experimental and epidemiological literature to identify critical reproductive effects and exposure-response data for selected compounds as input to the risk assesment (v) integrate data on relative climate induced changes in contaminant mobility and distribution and links between contaminant exposure and reproductive health into a risk evaluation providing insight into possible future risk scenarios related to global climate change The project draws upon a network of experts in climate modelling and in experimental, epidemiological and risk assessment methodologies and builds upon three established cohorts in Greenland, Warsaw and Ukraine. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa alla Task 2 Epigenetics (objective 2.) ENEA will assess the level of global DNA methylation in 200 semen samples. Methods using specific monoclonal antibodies to methylated cytosine (or cytidine) to evaluate the human sperm global methylation pattern have been described both for fluorescence microscopy and for flow cytometry. So far, only limited clinical applications of this method have been described. In this project, which represents the first application to field studies, we plan to set up and standardize a flow cytometry immunofluorescence approach to measure the level of global DNA methylation on sperm-by-sperm basis by using commercially available monoclonal antibodies against 5-methylcytosine (5-Mc). The 5-Mc measurements will be carried out trying to unravel human heterogeneity for the resulting phenotype (at a first level, high and low degree of DNA methylation) and possible associations between this and other biomarkers of exposure and effect. The results of the 5-Mc measurements will be compared to the results of SCSA on the very same samples carried out previously within the framework of the INUENDO project. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE AMBIENTE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTBIORAD-TOSS Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 28/2009/BAS 01-mag-09 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità SPANO' MARCELLO Nazione UNIV. AARHUS 117 07M92 30-apr-13 ¼ ¼ UTBIORAD-TOSS Danimarca 265192 CLIM-RUN Climate Local Information in the Mediterranean region: Responding to User Needs Abstract CLIM-RUN aims at developing a protocol for applying new methodologies and improved modeling and downscaling tools for the provision of adequate climate information at regional to local scale that is relevant to and usable by different sectors of society (policymakers, industry, cities, etc.). Differently from current approaches, CLIM-RUN will develop a bottom-up protocol directly involving stakeholders early in the process with the aim of identifying well defined needs at the regional to local scale. The improved modeling and downscaling tools will then be used to optimally respond to these specific needs. The protocol is assessed by application to relevant case studies involving interdependent sectors, primarily tourism and energy, and natural hazards (wild fires) for representative target areas (mountainous regions, coastal areas, islands). The region of interest for the project is the Greater Mediterranean area, which is particularly important for two reasons. First, the Mediterranean is a recognized climate change hot-spot, i.e. a region particularly sensitive and vulnerable to global warming. Second, while a number of countries in Central and Northern Europe have already in place well developed climate service networks (e.g. the United Kingdom and Germany), no such network is available in the Mediterranean. CLIM-RUN is thus also intended to provide the seed for the formation of a Mediterranean basin-side climate service network which would eventually converge into a pan-European network. The general time horizon of interest for the project is the future period 2010-2050, a time horizon that encompasses the contributions of both inter-decadal variability and greenhouse-forced climate change. In particular, this time horizon places CLIM-RUN within the context of a new emerging area of research, that of decadal prediction, which will provide a strong potential for novel research. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto. Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE AMBIENTE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTMEA-CLIM Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 102/2011/COMM 01-mar-11 Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità RUTI PAOLO MICHELE Nazione ENEA 118 0QHF7 28-feb-14 ¼ ¼ UTMEA-CLIM Italia IEE/09/628/SI2.558219 COME on LABELS &RPPRQDSSOLDQFHSROLF\±$OOIRURQH2QHIRUDOO±(QHUJ\/DEHOV Abstract ComeOn Labels aims at summarising the best European experience related to the energy labelling of household appliances and supporting the proper implementation of the new legislation. Best practices will be collected in the participating countries and distributed EU-wide. The project will involve local partners and responsible organisations (retailers, consumers, manufacturers and Member States) and work on key areas: - legislation (existing and upcoming implementing measures under the Eco-design directive 2009/125/EC in relation to labelled appliances); - test (collection and exchange of information on concrete tests, comparison with situations outside the EU); - retailer compliance (good practices within the EU, random visits to shops, etc.); - promotion (communication on the new energy labels with pictograms). - replacement (information on average age of appliances in households, summary paper on available tools: fiscal legislation, rebate programmes, incentives, etc.). Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTEE Data inizio 01-dic-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 449/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità PRESUTTO MILENA Nazione SEVEn 119 0VHo8 31-mag-13 ¼ ¼ UTEE Repubblica Ceca 279075 COMETHY Compact Multifuel-Energy To Hydrogen converter Abstract Sustainable decentralized hydrogen production requires development of efficient fuel-flexible units adaptable to renewable sources. CoMETHy aims at developing a compact steam reformer to convert reformable fuels (methane, bioethanol, glycerol, etc.) to pure hydrogen, adaptable to several heat sources (solar, biomass, fossil, refuse derived fuels, etc.) depending on the locally available energy PL[7KHIROORZLQJV\VWHPVDQGFRPSRQHQWVZLOOEHGHYHORSHGDVWUXFWXUHGRSHQFHOOHGFDWDO\VWIRUWKHORZWHPSHUDWXUH& VWHDPUHIRUPLQJSURFHVVHVDPHPEUDQHUHDFWRUWRVHSDUDWHK\GURJHQIURPWKHJDVPL[WXUHWKHXVHRIDQLQWHUPHGLDWHORZFRVWDQG environmentally friendly liquid heat transfer fluid (molten nitrates) to supply process heat from a multi fuel system. Reducing reforming temperatures below 550°C by itself will significantly reduce material costs. The process involves heat collection from several energy sources and its storage as sensible heat of a molten salts mixture at 550°C. This molten salt stream provides the process heat to the steam UHIRUPHUVWHDPJHQHUDWRUDQGRWKHUXQLWV7KHFKRLFHRIPROWHQVDOWVDVKHDWWUDQVIHUIOXLGDOORZVLPSURYHGFRPSDFWQHVVRIWKH UHIRUPHUUDSLGDQGIUHTXHQWVWDUWXSRSHUDWLRQVZLWKPLQRUPDWHULDODJHLQJFRQFHUQVLPSURYHGKHDWUHFRYHU\FDSDELOLW\IURP GLIIHUHQWH[WHUQDOVRXUFHVFRXSOLQJZLWKLQWHUPLWWHQWUHQHZDEOHVRXUFHVOLNHVRODULQWKHPHGLXPORQJWHUPXVLQJHIILFLHQWKHDWVWRUDJH to provide the renewable heat when required. Methane, either from desulfurized natural gas or biogas, will be considered as a reference feed material to be converted to hydrogen. The same system is flexible also in terms of the reformable feedstock: bioethanol and/or glycerol can be converted to hydrogen following the same reforming route. The project involves RTD activities ion the single components, followed by proof-of-concept of the integrated system at the pilot scale (2 Nm2/h of hydrogen) and cost-benefit analysis. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto ed è coinvolta in tutte le attività di ricerca, sviluppo sperimentale e dimostrazione previste nel workpackage 6 che costituiscono il piano di lavoro. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE JTI Unita ENEA UTRINN-STD Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 543/2011/COMM 01-dic-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza GIACONIA ALBERTO 120 30-nov-14 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTRINN-STD Nazione ENEA 0H104 Italia 218697 COMPAIR Continuous health monitoring and non-destructive assessment of composites and composite repairs on surface transport applications Abstract Composites are used in a wide range of applications in surface transport. Damage to composite components in vehicles and surface transport applications is not always visible to the naked eye and the extent of damage is best determined for structural components by suitable non-destructive and evaluation (NDT & E) techniques. A detailed NDT and/or health monitoring procedure for proper damage assessment needs to be performed. This involves identification of the nature of the damage, its position and its extent, during different phases of the material and/or structure, i.e. during manufacturing and assembly, as well as during maintenance and repair. One can also locate damage by simply tapping the composite s surface and listening to the sound (boundary between good and damaged composite can easily be mapped to identify the area for repair). Inspection for composite damage should be included in the regular maintenance schedules for composite structures. Nonetheless, particular attention should be made to areas that are more prone to damage by using continuous health monitoring approaches, as well as prompt and reliable NDT approaches. Transient thermal NDT is a prompt and reliable approach and has the ability to provide quantitative information about hidden defects features in composite materials and/or structures. Analysing the transient temperature in the time domain typically attains this. Furthermore, since most damage to fibre-reinforced composites is a result of low velocity and sometimes high-velocity impact, 3-D laser micro-topography could also be used for the surface morphology and analysis of the composites. The SMEs and RTOs in this project are proposing to bring their expertise in composites assessment and/or NDT & E and in partnership with the LEs Public Bodies who also have great expertise in the field of composites and/or surface transport and/or NDT. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE TRASPORTI (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTEE Data inizio 01-set-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 15-E/09/FIM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità FANOU STYLIANI Nazione TWI LIMITED 121 0BP30 31-ago-11 ¼ ¼ UTEE Regno Unito IEE/07/475/S12.499428 COOL ROOFS Promotion of cool roofs in the EU Abstract A cool roof is a roofing system that is characterised by high solar reflectance and high infrared emittance and delivers cooling energy and financial savings, improved thermal comfort conditions, mitigates heat islands and reduces air pollution. The proposed action aims to create and implement an Action Plan to promote cool roofs technology in EU. The specific objectives are: to support policy development by transferring experience and improving understanding of the actual and potential contributions by cool roofs to heating and cooling consumption in the EU; to remove market barriers and simplify the procedures for cool roofs integration in construction and EXLOGLQJ¶VVWRFNWRFKDQJHWKHEHKDYLRXURIGHFLVLRQPDNHUVDQGVWDNHKROGHUVVRWRLPSURYHDFFHSWDELOLW\RIWKHFRROURRIVWR disseminate and promote the development of innovative legislation, codes, permits and standards, including application procedures, construction and planning permits concerning cool roofs. The work will be developed in four axes, technical, market, policy and endusers. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTEE-ERT Data inizio 01-set-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 32/E/2008/TER Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ZINZI MICHELE Nazione UNIV. NATIONAL AND KAPODISTRIAN ATHENS 122 0CG47 28-feb-11 ¼ ¼ UTEE-ERT Grecia 232658 CP-ESFR Collaborative project on European sodium fast reactor Abstract The suggested Collaborative Project (CP) addresses key viability and performance issues to support the development of a fourth generation European Sodium Fast Reactor (ESFR). This innovative system is mainly developed for competitive electricity generation and offer interesting potential characteristics in terms of safety, environmental impact, resource utilisation and waste minimisation (e.g. potential for Minor Actinides management). The objectives of the CP-ESFR look for the improvement, vis-à-vis of current nuclear systems, of the safety level, the guarantee of a financial risk comparable to that of the other means of energy production and a flexible and robust management of the nuclear materials. The corresponding technical requirements in terms of System's performance; Operation, maintenance and procedures; Safety design and analysis and licensing issues; Physical protection and Proliferation resistance; Functional requirements for provisions; Fuel cycle Constructability; Decommisioning; System s economy are based among others - upon the results of the 6th FP Specific Support Action EISOFAR (Roadmap for a European Innovative SOdium cooled FAst Reactor). The schedule for this four years project fit with the principle for an industrial deployment of ESFR technology around 2040 with the preliminary deployment of a demonstrator by 2020-2025. Following the requirements above, and considering the context as it is described, the Collaborative Project is tentatively structured into six main technical sub projects (SPs): 1) Consistency and assessment and international relationships 2) Fuel, fuel element, core and fuel cycle 3) Safety and Security 4) Energy Conversion System Components and materials 5) Reactor system (including handling) 6) Education and training: A specific Management activity will insure the whole consistency. Attività ENEA L'ENEA è impegnato nei seguenti sottoprogetti: SP2.1: progettazione di elementi di combustibile e noccioli innovativi, capaci di bruciare attinidi minori; SP3: definizione di un approccio di sicurezza adeguato al conseguimento degli obiettivi e criteri di sicurezza, all'implementazione della strategia della difesa in profondità, alla valutazione di incidenti e scenari rappresentativi, alla valutazione delle soluzioni progettuali in grado di limitare la fusione parziale o totale del nocciolo e alla verifica della capacità dei codici di simulare situazioni incidentali; SP4: focalizzazione su tre temi: concetti e sistemazioni impiantistiche innovative (ISI, strumentazione innovativa), sistemi innovativi di conversione dell'energia (a gas, utilizzo di fluidi alternativi al sodio nel circuito secondario) e strumenti (normativa, codici) ed esperiementi a supporto al progetto. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISSM Data inizio 01-gen-09 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 92/2009/FPN Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità BIANCHI FOSCO Nazione CEA 123 0FP51 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTFISSM Francia 242387 CUSTOM Drugs and Precursor Sensing by Complementing Low Cost Multiple Techniques Abstract A large number of techniques have been developed in the latest decades, which are able to screen and identify specific molecules for drug precursors detection even at very low concentration in lab testing. Nevertheless the objective to build up a system which proves to be easy to use, compact, able to provide screening over a large number of compounds and discriminate them with low false alarm (FA) and high probability of detection (POD) is still an open issue. The project will focus on employing multiple techniques, integrating them in a complex system which employs them in a complimentary approach in order to identify an optimum trade-off between opposite requirements: compactness, simplicity, low cost vs. sensitivity low false alarm rate, selectivity. Known techniques, as fluorescence will be improved by mean of novel proteins, as antibodies to extend Probability of Detection (PoD). The techniques are: 1. A low cost, high data throughput sensing technique, based on UV-Vis-NIR fluorescence. Fluorescence will be enhanced by development of Organic macro-molecules sensitive to specific classes of compounds of interest (ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, P2P, ) in the domain of drug detection. The fluorescence analysis will be based on an opto-chip which can incorporate an array of different properly engineered fluorescent chemical protein able to bind to the analytes with an immuno-type reaction. An array of classes of compounds can be thus very fast discriminated by one-shot measurement. 2. A high sensitivity and selectivity, but compact and low weight, spectroscopic sensing technique in MIR IR optical range, based on Laser PhotoAcoustic Sensor (LPAS). Detection of drug precursors based on spectroscopic techniques can guarantee a good selectivity, a low Probability of False Alarm and a suitable operation speed. The size of the photo-acoustic cell can be made as small as possible for a compact sensor and, depending on the performances, it can cost down to 1000 . Attività ENEA L'ENEA è responsabile del workpackage 6 per la parte di sviluppo della piattaforma elettronica comune ai due sensori e alla gestione della dimostrazione. Partecipa nel workpackage 2 alla definizione dello scenario, al workpackage 3 per la definizione dell'architettura di controllo, al workpackage 4 per la realizzazione del prototipo del workpackage 6 (sviluppo della piattaforma elettronica comune), ed infine al workpackage 7 per la disseminazione e sfruttamento dei risultati comuni. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE SICUREZZA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTAPRAD-DIM Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 273/2010/COMM 01-giu-10 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità PALUCCI ANTONIO Nazione SELEX SISTEMI INTEGRATI SPA 124 AR001 31-mag-13 ¼ ¼ UTAPRAD-DIM Italia AGRI-2006-0398 CYNARES European genetic resources of Cynara Abstract The objectives of the action are: - germplasm conservation; Collection rationalisation; Characterisation at morphological, biochemical and molecular levels; - valorisation of the European Cynara genetic resources; - promote variety registration to protect their utilisations; - set methodologies (i.e. evaluation criteria, in-vitro conservation and propagation, biochemical analysis, protocols, etc.). $OOWKHSURMHFW¶VGDWDZLOOEHFROOHFWHGLQDVKDUHGGDWDEDVHV\VWHP The CYNARES action is aimed at conserving, characterising, collecting and utilising the potential Cynara diversity, in agreement with the Convention of Biodiversity, the FAO's Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources (ITPGR) for Food and Agriculture. Methodologies will be standardised to make possible the creation of a unique database that will give information not yet available for all the European germplasm. Biochemical evaluation will promote the artichoke utilisation stressing its nutraceutical properties. The Cynara DNA bank will be the first in the world and with the advances in genomics will be of potential use in gene discovery. Molecular characterisation will certificated the lines fingerprinting and will give information on germplasm relationships and assess Cynara variation in Europe giving the instrument to create a European Cynara core collection. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE AGRI GEN RES Unita ENEA UTAGRI-GEN Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2007 Ruolo ENEA Determina 34/2007/BAS 01-lug-07 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA CRINO' PAOLA PATRIZIA MARIA Unità Nazione UNIV. TUSCIA 125 07M32 30-giu-11 ¼ ¼ UTAGRI-GEN Italia LIFE08/NAT/IT/000324 DINAMO Increasing endangered bioDIversity iN Agricultural and semi-natural areas: a demostrative Management mOdel Abstract 2ELHWWLYRJHQHUDOHGHOSURJHWWRqIDYRULUHODFRQVHUYD]LRQHHO¶LQFUHPHQWRGHOODELRGLYHUVLWjGHOOHDUHHDJULFROHHVHPLQDWXUDOL realizzando un modello innovativo per la gestione integrata degli interventi dei soggetti privati e pubblici. Il territorio rurale, gestito in PRGRRSSRUWXQRSXzLQIDWWLIRUQLUHXQDVHULHGLVHUYL]LGLUHWWLSHUO¶DPELHQWHHODELRGLYHUVLWjRLQGLUHWWLSHUXQDVXDPLJOLRUHJHVWLRQH Obiettivi specifici: 'LPRVWUDUHO¶HIILFDFLDGLXQPRGHOORUHSOLFDELOHGLJHVWLRQHLQWHJUDWDWHUULWRULDOHILQDOL]]DWRDOO¶DUUHVWRGHOODSHUGLWDGLELRGLYHUVLWjFKH coinvolga sia soggetti pubblici che privati. 3URPXRYHUHODFRQVHUYD]LRQHHO¶LQFUHPHQWRGLVSHFLHWDUJHWDULVFKLRGLHVWLQ]LRQHHGHLORURKDELWDWLQDUHHDJULFROHHVHPLQDWXUDOL WUDPLWHSUDWLFKHGLPRVWUDWLYHLQJUDGRGLIDYRULUHO¶LQWHJUD]LRQHHODFRPSOHPHQWDULHWjWUDSROLWLFKHHXURSHHDPELHQWDOLHUXUDOL Azioni principali a. Azioni preparatorie Project management; Analisi del contesto territoriale; Individuazione delle buone pratiche; Realizzazione di un Sistema di Supporto alle Decisioni; Individuazione di fabbisogni e tipologie di intervento Processo di consultazione e di coinvolgimento degli stakeholder c. Azioni concrete di conservazione Attuazione interventi diretti Attuazione interventi di buone pratiche d. Disseminazione dei risultati Workshop informativi Manuale e linee guida e. Monitoraggio Gestione e monitoraggio del progetto Monitoraggio della biodiversità Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE LIFE + (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTAGRI Data inizio 01-gen-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 153/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità PADOVANI LAURA MARIA Nazione UNIV. MOLISE 126 07N09 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTAGRI Italia 249689 DOREMI Low dose research towards multidisciplinary integration Abstract The aim of DoReMi is to promote the sustainable integration of low dose risk research in Europe in order to aid the effective resolution of the key policy questions identified by the High Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Low Dose Risk Research ( DoReMi provides an operational tool for the development of the proposed MELODI platform (Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Risk Re-search Initiative) consisting of major national bodies and research programmes that have long term commitment in low dose risk research in Europe. A Letter of Intent between the core members of MELODI has been signed in April 2009. During the project, new members are expected to join the Initiative. The Joint Programme of Activities (JPA) of DoReMi includes: - A Joint Programme of Research (JPR) covering the issues outlined above and providing an overview of the needs for research infrastructures of pan-European interest and facilitating multilateral initiatives leading to better use and development of research infrastructures - A Joint Programme of Integration (JPI) to develop a coor-dinated European roadmap for the long term needs of the key players in Europe - A Joint Pro-gramme for the Spreading of Excellence (JPSE), covering knowledge management, training and mo-bility and its implementation The JPR focuses on the areas identified by the HLEG as the most prom-ising in terms of addressing/resolving the key policy questions, namely: the shape of dose response curve for cancer, individual susceptibilities and non-cancer effects. Radiation quality, tissue sensitivity and internal exposures will be addressed as cross cutting themes within the three main research areas. A substantial proportion of the JPA will be dedicated to the joint programme of research. The pro-gramme describes a multidisciplinary approach including interfaces with the broader biological toxico-logical and epidemiological communities. Strategic planning will be carried out in close collaboration with MELODI. The long term Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) will be developed by MELODI, whereas DoReMi research priorities are based on a shorter term Transitional Research Agenda (TRA), focusing on goals that are feasible to achieve within the 6 year project and areas where barriers need to be removed in order to proceed with the longer term strategic objectives. Attività ENEA L'ENEA si occuperà di valutare in vivo, utilizzando un modello animale molto sensibile agli effetti delle radiazioni, l'incidenza di tumori cerebellari dopo irraggiamento con raggi gamma a basso rateo di dose. Saranno, inoltre, studiati i meccanismi molecolari implicati nello sviluppo del tumore. In queste ricerche si utilizzerà una particolare facility giapponese in esercizio presso l'Institute for Environmental Sciences (IES) di Rokkasho-Mura, nell'ambito di un accordo in vigore con tale istituto. Tipo di progetto NOE - Rete di Eccellenza Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTBIORAD-RAB Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 662/2011/2011 01-lug-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità SARAN ANNA Nazione STUK RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 127 07O10 31-dic-15 ¼ ¼ UTBIORAD-RAB Finlandia T2.J07 EBCT External beam cancer therapy Abstract Il progetto si propone di fornire un fondamento metrologico affidabile per le misure di radiazione necessarie nelle più recenti forme di radioterapia dei tumori. In particolare sono state individuate come tecniche con maggiore urgenza di affidabilità metrologica la radioterapia con fotoni ad intensità modulata (IMRT), la radioterapia con adroni e la terapia con ultrasuoni focalizzati ad alta intensità (HITU) Il progetto ha come obiettivo la realizzazione nei diversi settori di nuovi campioni primari e secondari, metodi di misura e procedure di standardizzazione che assicurino la riferibilità ai campioni primari delle misure effettuate nella dosimetria per la radioterapia. Attività ENEA Le attività ENEA riguarderanno in particolare: la realizzazione di campioni secondari in grado di assicurarela riferibilità agli attuali campioni primari delle misure di dose assorbita in fasci di fotoni di piccole dimensioni: lo sviluppo di metodi di misura per la determinazione della dose assorbita nei fasci per IMRT con l'accuratezza richiesta dall'International Commission on Radiation Unit and Measurements; la definizione di nuove condizioni di riferimento e di un nuovo descrittore della qualità del fascio di radiazione. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE PEOPLE (2007-2013) ERA-NET actions Unita ENEA METR Data inizio 01-apr-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità PIMPINELLA MARIA Nazione PTB PHYSIKALISCHTECHNISCHE BUNDESANSTALT 128 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 08/2008/BAS_ION Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula IO035 31-mar-11 ¼ ¼ METR Germania 262512 ECCSEL European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure Abstract The ECCSEL consortium teams up selected Centres of Excellence on CCS across Europe (Norway, Poland, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Greece, UK, Netherlands and Switzerland). The mission is to develop (i.e. build and operate) a European distributed, goaloriented, integrated Research Infrastructure, to: - Provide a dynamic scientific foundation to respond systematically to the urgent R&D needs in CCS at a pan-European level in a short and long term perspective; - Maintain Europe at the forefront of the international CCS scientific community; - Increase the attractiveness of the European Research Area, reinforcing the research-based clusters and improving their socio-economic impacts; - Optimise the value of the Community financial support The existing and new ECCSEL laboratories will be owned by the involved partner institutions. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa principalmente al WP3 "infrastructure development plan", che individuerà le linee strategiche per la costruzione del laboratorio europeo e i nodi nazionali che lo costituiranno. Tipo di progetto CP-CS Programma UE INFRASTRUTTURE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTEI Data inizio 01-gen-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 38/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità GIRARDI GIUSEPPE Nazione UNIV. NORWEGIAN OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 129 0EG07 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTTEI Norvegia 287450 EDSCIENCE2011 ITALY PLAYS SCIENCE Abstract 7KHUGRI6HSWHPEHUWKH³(YHU\GD\6FLHQFH,WDO\SOD\V6FLHQFH´SURMHFWRUJDQLVHV51HYHQWVLQ,WDOLDQWRZQV distributed in 10 regions from North to South of the nation: Bologna, Ferrara, Piacenza, Faenza (EMILIA-ROMAGNA), Pavia (LOMBARDIA), Lerici-La Spezia (LIGURIA), Padova, Verona (VENETO), Pisa (TOSCANA), Napoli Capodimonte, Salerno &$03$1,$&RVHQ]D&$/$%5,$&DWDQLD6LFLOLD&DJOLDUL6DUGHJQD7KHDLPLVWRPDNHUHVHDUFKHUV¶ZRUNDQGH[SHULHQFH closer to general public and offer an unusual amusement alternative for the Friday night by playing with science thought different perspectives. Researchers are involved in live hands-on, short labs, games, music and talk shows, together with artists and musicians. In HYHQWVDUHPRUHIRFXVHGRQSUHVHQWLQJUHVHDUFKHUV¶ZRUNDQGH[SHULHQFHWKRXJKWDUWSHUIRUPDQFHVDPXVLQJFKDOOHQJHVDQGJDPHV Synergy with national celebrations of 150° anniversary of the Italian Unity is foreseen, by organizing ad hoc initiatives with researchers DQGVFLHQWLVWV/LYHZHEWYDQGZHEUDGLREURDGFDVWIURP%RORJQDZLWKOLQNVZLWKDOOSURMHFWHYHQWVDQGZLWKRWKHU5HVHDUFKHUV¶1LJKW in Italy. National communication campaign is mainly based on web social media (blog, facebook, twitter) and channels (web tv and radio). Synergies on communication strategies are planned with other Italian funded projects. After the two successful editions in Emilia5RPDJQD³(YHU\GD\6FLHQFH´SURMHFWHQODUJHVLWVFDSDFLW\WRLQYROYHUHVHDUFKFHQWUHVXQLYHUVLWLHVDQGPHGLD SDUWQHUVDWQDWLRQDOOHYHO³,WDO\SOD\V6FLHQFH´LVWKHQHZVXEWLWOHZKLFKXQGHUOLQHVWKLVZLGHUJHRJUDSKLFDODSSURDFKXQLYHUVLWLHV national research institutes and 2 national media partners compose the partnership, coordinated by ASTER (consortium of universities, research institutes and entrepreneurial associations). The project can count on the large consensus of local authorities and the support private sponsors Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa al progetto organizzando gli eventi di Faenza e Lerici il 23 settembre 2011. Tali attività rientrano nei compiti istituzionali dell'Agenzia in materia di comunicazione/ informazione sui temi della sostenibilità, energia sostenibile, cambiamenti climatici del mare. Tipo di progetto CA-SA - Azione di coordinamento/azione di supporto Programma UE PEOPLE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA BOL Data inizio 01-mag-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 363/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA VALPREDA EDI MARCELLA EMILIA Unità Nazione ASTER 130 IO083 30-nov-11 ¼ ¼ BOL Italia 259462 EERASE EERA SEcretariat Abstract Ten leading European Research Institutes have taken up the challenge to found a European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). The key objective of the EERA is to accelerate the development of new energy technologies by conceiving and implementing Joint Research Programmes in support of the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) plan by pooling and integrating activities and resources, combining national and Community sources of funding and maximizing complementarities and synergies. The EERA aims to strengthen, expand and optimize EU energy research capabilities through the sharing of world-class national facilities in Europe and the joint realization of pan-EU programmes. The primary focus of the EERA will be on the strategic and targeted development of next generations of energy technologies drawing on results from fundamental research and maturing technologies to the point where it can be embedded in industry driven research. In this field the EERA Secretariat is composed by five national research institutes which are part of the ten leading members. They are recognized as being among the leading exemplars of RTO programmes in Europe. All five can be considered as key player in their own country. The high level of experience of the members will conduct to an efficient work done by the secretariat. This work team will be present at every level of the governance and will organize, coordinate and monitor the work of EERA. The scope for significant joint work by the EERA Secretariat includes support to all other players in the EERA and outside through administrative, organizational and communication activities. Attività ENEA L'ENEA è responsabile del workpackage relativo alla disseminazione dei responsabili e partecipa agli altri workpackage: - supporto alle attività dell'Executive Committee - supporto alla predisposizione dei programmi di ricerca congiunti - supporto ai nuovi membri dell'EERA a Tipo di progetto CA-SA - Azione di coordinamento/azione di supporto Programma UE ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA BRUX Data inizio 01-feb-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 314/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità BUSUOLI MASSIMO Nazione HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZGEMEINSCHAFT DEUTSCHER FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM EV 131 IO044 31-gen-13 ¼ ¼ BRUX Germania 233466 EICOON Euro-Indo forum for nano-materials research coordination & cooperation of researchers in sustainable energy technologies Abstract In a globalized world energy is a decisive factor for the further development and economic and social well being of the nations and stability in the different world regions. Materials science and research has in the past significantly contributed to solving issues in sustainable energy technologies. To bring about advancement and improvements in energy technologies and to address sustainability, research in nano-materials is expected to contribute significantly to solutions in a highly competitive and increasingly globalize world. Such research will inevitably have to be coordinated at European level but also internationally. In Europe, materials researchers cooperate increasingly in EU funded projects and bilaterally with non-European countries. The EU has concluded S&T agreements and implementation arrangements with India. It foresees the coordination and the execution of joint projects. This proposal intends to address the strategic assessment including synergy analysis of nano-materials research needs in the EU and India. It will establish and communicate to DG RTD and DST the mutual interests and the topics for future coordinated calls to enable the decision & policy makers and the funding bodies to make better informed decisions and to better select the implementation mechanisms and instruments. Beside the assessment, the proposal also addresses the dissemination of the nano-materials research acquis in the field by organization of events. Finally, it will bring together researchers for future research collaboration, to exchange ideas for joint projects and to inform each other on their core competencies & expertise. The project aims at the generation and enhancement of knowledge in materials science and research especially nano-materials applied to sustainable energy technologies. It also aims to increase the deployment of these materials in the technologies in both regions. Attività ENEA Le azioni dell'ENEA consisteranno nella partecipazione sistematica ai work package 1 "consolidamento strategico" e 3 "disseminazione strategica" oltre alla organizzazione di una scuola estiva nel corso del secondo anno di attività. Tipo di progetto CA-SA - Azione di coordinamento/azione di supporto Programma UE NANOTECNOLOGIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTMAT Data inizio 01-set-09 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 32/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DELLA SALA DARIO Nazione UNIV. TWENTE 132 0BP49 31-ago-12 ¼ ¼ UTTMAT Paesi Bassi 1S-MED10-029 ELIH-Med Energy Efficiency of Low Income Housing in the Mediterranean Abstract The general objective of ELIH MED project is to identify and implement innovative technical solutions and financing mechanisms to improve energy efficiency in low-income housings in the Mediterranean area. The project should then lead to: )RFXVQDWLRQDOUHJLRQDODQGORFDOSXEOLFSROLFLHVRQHQHUJ\HIILFLHQF\LQORZLQFRPHKRXVLQJDQGKHOSWKLVVHFWRUUHDFK(8¶V objectives . Boost energy efficiency investments in low income housing in the Mediterranean Area through the creation, transfer, combination and adaptation of innovative financing mechanisms backed with ERDF funds . Increase living comfort levels and the quality of life for low income households . Develop innovative energy policies to reduce energy poverty through a combination of focused and adapted technical and financial solutions and incentives to change energy behaviour . Facilitate the achievement of 4% ERDF allocation objective for the housing sector and pave the way for a more important role of ERDF in energy efficiency in building . Develop and get a political consensus on a transnational operational program on energy efficiency in low-income buildings, as a component of a macro regional strategy in the Mediterranean area in the next programming period 2014-2020. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto e si occuperà della realizzazione del sito Web del progetto. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE MED (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTT-LEARN Data inizio 01-apr-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 433/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MORENO ANNA Nazione ENEA 133 IO086 31-mar-14 ¼ ¼ UTT-LEARN Italia 266226 ENCOMB Extended Non-Destructive Testing of Composite Bonds Abstract Even though composite materials are already used in the manufacturing of structural components in aeronautics industry a consequent light-weight design of CFRP primary structures is limited due to a lack of adequate joining technologies. In general, adhesive bonding is the optimum technique for joining CFRP light-weight structures, but difficulties in assessing the bond quality by non-destructive testing (NDT) limit its use for aircraft structural assembly. In consequence certification by the regulation authorities is restrictive. In order to implement robust and reliable quality assurance procedures for adhesive bonding, the main objective of ENCOMB (Extended NonDestructive Testing for Composite Bonds) is the identification, development and adaptation of methods suitable for the assessment of the adhesive bond quality. Since the performance of adhesive bonds depends on the physico-chemical properties of adherend surfaces and adhesives, testing methods for adhesive and adherend surface characterisation will also be developed. The implementation of reliable adhesive bonding processes by advanced quality assurance will lead to an increased use of light-weight composite materials for highly integrated structures minimising rivet based assembly. The expected weight savings for the fuselage airframe are up to 15 %. These weight savings will have further effects on the size and weight of the engines. From the overall weight savings, significant reductions in fuel consumption (direct costs) and hence CO2 emissions per passenger-kilometre will result. In ENCOMB, a multidisciplinary consortium of 14 partners from top-level European research organisations, universities and industries brings together leading experts from all relevant fields. The participation of three major European aircraft manufacturers as well as one SME ensures the consideration of relevant application scenarios, technological specifications and use of the full exploitation potential of the results. Attività ENEA Le attività ENEA prevedono di sviluppare, realizzare e testare un Naso Elettronico. L'attività è concentrata nel Wp 3 'ENDT for adherent surface characterisation'. Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE TRASPORTI (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTP-MDB Data inizio 01-nov-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 586/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DE VITO SAVERIO Nazione FHG FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT 134 P0001 30-apr-14 ¼ ¼ UTTP-MDB Germania 232620 ENETRAP-II European network for education and training in radiation protection - II Abstract As is the case with all nuclear expertise, there is a trend of a decreasing number of experts in radiation protection due to various reasons. On the other hand, current activities in the nuclear domain are expanding: the nuclear industry faces a so-called "renaissance", high-tech medical examinations based on ionising radiation are increasingly used, and research and non-nuclear industry also make use of a vast number of applications of radioactivity. Within this perspective, maintaining a high level of competency in radiation protection is crucial to ensure future safe use of ionising radiation and the development of new technologies in a safe way. Moreover, the perceived growth in the different application fields requires a high-level of understanding of radiation protection in order to protect workers, the public and the environment of the potential risks. A sustainable Education and Training (E&T) infrastructure for radiation protection is an essential component to combat the decline in expertise and to ensure the availability of a high level of radiation protection knowledge which can meet the demands in the future. Today's challenge involves measures to make the work in radiation protection more attractive for young people and to provide attractive career opportunities, and the support of professionals in their need to gain and maintain high level radiation protection knowledge. This can be reached by the development and implementation of a high-quality European standard for initial education and continuous professional development for Radiation Protection Experts (RPEs) and Radiation Protection Officers (RPOs). This project aims at developing a methodology for mutual recognition and setting up "reference" training schemes as an instrument to facilitate this mutual recognition, within the relevant regulatory framework. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto CA - Azione di coordinamento Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA IRP Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 178/2010/COMM 01-mar-09 Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza ¼ Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico 2010 Unità FANTUZZI ELENA Nazione SCK CEN 135 28-feb-12 ¼ ¼ IRP Belgio 211928 ERA-INSTRUMENTS Infrastructure funding in the life sciences Abstract It has become increasingly obvious that concepts and strategies for research infrastructure (RI) funding should be harmonised and coordinated within the EU. ESFRI has determined requirements for European RI funding and has presented a roadmap. Growing attention is paid to life sciences that rely on RIs of a less centralised, but more networked dimension. There is a clear need for action in the interdisciplinary area between physics, chemistry, biology and medical sciences as cutting edge instrumentation becomes increasingly expensive and, yet, indispensable for world-class research. However, promotion of research policies, apart from the ESFRI projects, has been restricted so far to national efforts without managing these actions with a European view. Funding and research organisations can not afford to remain at the national stage with world-wide competition for the best scientists and the most promising projects. Frontier research is international since long and funding organisations have to follow scientists to the European level. ERA-Instruments aims at initiating coordination and a sustainable network of ministries, charities, funding agencies and research councils active in funding of life science RI. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto CA - Azione di coordinamento Programma UE INFRASTRUTTURE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTAGRI-GEN Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 29/2008/BAS 01-apr-08 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza GALEFFI PATRIZIA 136 31-mar-11 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTAGRI-GEN Nazione DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGSGEMEINSCHAFT 07M63 Germania ENER/C2/SER72010-513-I/S12.601485 ERKC Energy Research Knowledge Centre Abstract The necessary information and relevant data on the extensive array of the energy research and innovation programmes and projects is fragmented and dispersed. It is currently very difficult to get a clear overview of the corresponding activities at the EU, Member States and the private sector levels. The SETIS's online Energy Research Knowledge Centre (ERKC) will help to bridge the information gap. It will collect and organise validated and referenced information on energy research programmes, projects and their results from across the EU and beyond. The ERKC will improve the access to energy research knowledge, allowing it to be timely exploited and used across the EU, thus also increasing the pace of further innovation. It will also facilitate SETIS's efforts to analyse trends in energy research activities at national and European level, derive thematic analyses and policy recommendations from the aggregated project results, and provide a platform IRU(XURSH¶VHQHUJ\UHVHDUFKFRPPXQLW\ Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE N/D Unita ENEA STUDI Data inizio 10-ott-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 620/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità GIUFFRIDA LAURA GAETANA Nazione GOPA-CARTERMILL INTERNATIONAL 137 02R47 09-ott-14 ¼ ¼ STUDI Belgio WP08-GOT-EUROBREED EUROBREED Breeding Blanket Developments for Fusion Reactors Abstract The overall objective of the proposed training programme is helping to provide the necessary broad expert basis to successfully conduct the European brreding blanket devlopemtn programme along with ITER and the developments beyond ITER, i.e., for a fusion power reactor, comprising the development of the optimum breeder and neutron multiplier materials, the design of specific breeder blanket components for future fusion reactors, and testing the breeding blanket in ITER Attività ENEA Neutronics and radiation protection shielding design of the HCLL Reactor Tipo di progetto RST - Progetto di RST Anno di stipula Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Ruolo ENEA Unita ENEA UTFUS-TEC Data inizio Determina 05/2008/CA 01-set-08 Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità PETRIZZI LUIGINO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 138 2008 31-ago-11 ¼ UTFUS-TEC * 330304.2009.003-2009-701 EUROSTAT Development of detailed of statistics on Energy Consumption in Households Abstract The project aims at providing an overview of all the energy sources used in the italian residential sector by the End Use (water heating, cooking, space heating), with, in particular a detailed breakdown of biomass consumption following a bottom up approach. A specific survey will help to collect data concerning the consumption of the different energy sources by end use from a significant sample of italian households (especially focused on different tipology of biomass). The survey will cover technological aspect of the different energy sources used (by collecting data on the technologies used by households), providing also a detailed breakdown of the energy consumption by the end use. A set of relevant indicators (see the point 3 below) will finally help to estimate the disaggregation of the total consumption into separated quantities by end use at a national level: more careful and detailed estimation of such a disaggregation is an important step towards the general improvement of energy statistic, according to the european agreements on RES and CO2 emission. Attività ENEA ENEA will develop all the activies of the project. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EUROSTAT Unita ENEA STUDI Data inizio 04-gen-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 434/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MANNA CARLO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 139 02R44 03-lug-11 ¼ ¼ STUDI * 016214 FOOD EU-SOL High quality solanaceous crops for consumers, processors and producers by exploration of natural biodiversity Abstract EU-SOL is a network of plant scientists from universities, research institutes and industry within the EU, Israel and INCO countries that focuses on the development of high quality and healthy tomato and potato varieties with improved consumer-, processor- and producerdirected traits. Quality and wholesomeness of food and food products are two issues addressed prominently by society especially in relation to obesity (and atherosclerosis), the most important cause of cardiovascular disease, age-related diseases, such as cancer and diabetes. Additionally producers are challenged by environmental constraints such as diminishing fresh water supplies and climate change that undermine stability of production. The strategic objectives of EU-SOL are to understand the factors that affect consumerdriven and environmentally-directed quality of the two most important vegetable products in the EU, tomato fruits and potato tubers, both belonging to the Solanaceae. To this end, EU-SOL will attempt to dissect the genetic and molecular components that control these quality traits by applying state-of-the-art knowledge and technologies. EU-SOL particularly focuses on mapping, isolation and characterization of genes responsible for traits important for consumers and processors (health, nutrition, flavour, fragrance, soluble solids, texture, colour, shelf-life) as well as for producers (abiotic stress: cold, heat, drought, salt), and the mechanisms underlying these traits (control of gene activity, regulatory networks). To accomplish these objectives EU-SOL will explore and exploit the natural biodiversity related to these quality traits that are largely unexplored and hardly used in current commercial varieties. EU-SOL will apply genomics and post-genomics research approaches and will contribute to the International Solanaceae Genome Initiative. Attività ENEA Unique transgenic and ecotype germplasm will be provided for metabolic profiling of phytonutrient. Candidates genes controlling tomato fruit nutritional quality via light perception will be identified and characterised. ENEA will coordinate and contribute to WP "Expression profiling platform", coordinate WP "Tools for functional analysis" and contribute to tomato genome sequencing. Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE QUALITA' PRODOTTI ALIMENTARI (2002-2006) Unita ENEA UTAGRI-GEN Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore Determina 223/2006/DG 01-mag-06 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità GIULIANO GIOVANNI Nazione UNIV. WAGENINGEN 140 2006 PARTNER 07L99 30-apr-11 ¼ ¼ UTAGRI-GEN Paesi Bassi 256810 FC-EUROGRID Evaluating the Performance of Fuel Cells in European Energy Supply Grids Abstract It has become apparent in the development of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) Multi Annual Implementation Plan (MAIP) and Annual Implementation Plans (API) that it is difficult to formulate precise targets and requirements for stationary fuel cell applications due to the complicated interaction of FC system operation with grid specifics and the differing goals of FC implementation in the Member States. Neither for efficiency and emission levels, for example, nor for more technical specifications like cycling ability and turn-down ratio can clear targets be set and benchmarks applied that are independent from the energy supply grid environment the FC system is operating in. Therefore it was decided to omit such targets from the JU programme, which on the other hand constitutes an unsatisfactory situation due to the lack of clear technical guidelines. The project will contribute to solving this situation by collecting and reviewing information on stationary FC operations in various grid environments and application strategies. From this analysis and using information on competing technologies and their future development, benchmarks and targets for stationary fuel cell applications in Europe will be developed and coordinated with the relevant European stakeholders, as well as with the FCH JU and the Commission. These benchmarks will be essential in assessing the progress of the JU programme in improving fuel cell technology and the advantages fuel cells can offer over conventional technologies in the context of different energy supply grids. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa al progetto con attività di ricerca nei seguenti Workpackage: Wp 1. Review of European electricity and heat supply infrastructures Wp 3. Case studies Wp 4. Establishment of targets and benchmarks for stationary fuel cells Wp 5. Technology gap analysis Wp 6. Dissemination and liaison In particolare, l'attività scientifica dell'ENEA comprende la raccolta dettagliata delle informazioni sulla rete elettrica italiana, con riferimento a: potenza installata, efficienza, penetrazione delle rinnovabili, mix energetico, curve di carico, politiche per le rinnovabili, energy price, dipendenza dall'importo, costi di installazione e manutenzione, ecc.; la valutazione delle performance delle FC in assetto cogenerativo in diversi ambienti operativi, con l'obiettivo di stabilire i target tecnico economici per le diverse applicazioni che caratterizzano le FC, in funzione della tipologia di rete e della taglia degli impianti; l'identificazione del ruolo delle FC per applicazioni stazionarie per contribuire al raggiungimento degli obiettivi europei, sia in termini di efficienza energetica sia di emissioni. Tipo di progetto CA-SA - Azione di coordinamento/azione di supporto Programma UE JTI Unita ENEA UTRINN Data inizio 01-ott-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 685/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MORENO ANGELO Nazione FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JUELICH GMBH 141 0HI02 30-set-12 ¼ ¼ UTRINN Germania 247745 FLEXNET Network of Excellence for building up Knowledge for improved Systems Integration for Flexible Organic and Large Area Electronics (FOLAE) and its exploitation Abstract In the NoE FlexNet 17 participants from eleven European countries work together in order to support Europe in becoming a world leader in Flexible, Organic and Large Area Electronics (FOLAE). FlexNet aims at interlinking Europe's FOLAE-expertise in the domains of science, technology development, components, devices and systems integration technologies. A special emphasis will be set on the subsequent commercial exploitation of FOLAE-based systems knowledge especially through SMEs in order to enable a wide spread FOLAE-based future businesses in Europe. The NoE FlexNet will support the integration process of the scientific excellence of FOLAE-oriented European research on Materials, Devices and Systems. This part is complementary to the NoE PolyNet efforts. In addition FlexNet will integrate excellent scientific capacities from Southern and Eastern Europe. FlexNet partners have identified the organic transistor as the most crucial building block in order to realised integrated organic systems. Therefore the scientific focus of the NoE FlexNet will be set on the application of FOLAE-specific Organic Semiconductors as well as Supporting Materials for OTFTs including Interface Properties, Barrier Materials, Characterisation, and OTFT Device Integration into Systems. Further topics of dedicated attention and activity will be on establishing know-how on Devices Characterisation, Systems Integration, Modelling and Design of Systems, and Manufacturing Processes for Systems. Accordingly, NoE FlexNet will be structured in three platforms: - A platform FOLAE Materials and Devices Integration, - A platform Systems Integration and - A platform Knowledge, Dissemination and Transfer to industry The knowledge associated to these topics will actively be made available to European stakeholders from research and industry, especially SMEs, in Southern and Eastern Europe. This will make FlexNet a bidirectional catalyst for information transfer in the FOLAE area between West-Central- and South-Eastern Europe. FlexNet will work in close contact with existing coordination actions in the FOLAE area like the Quadriga projects. This will ensure additional support in unifying and streamlining the fragmented FOLAE R&D arena in Europe. Attività ENEA Le azioni dell'ENEA consisteranno nella partecipazione significativa e coordinamento del workpackage 1 "definizione delle questioni critiche per la ricerca", partecipazione al wp 3 "Piattaforma sulla integrazione dei sistemi" e collaborazione al wp 4 "Piattaforma sullo sviluppo di conoscenze, disseminazione e trasferimento all'industria". Tipo di progetto NOE - Rete di Eccellenza Programma UE ICT (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTMAT Data inizio 01-ott-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 46/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DELLA SALA DARIO Nazione VDI/VDE INNOVATION 142 0BP54 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTTMAT Germania LIFE10/ENV/FR/2010 FO3REST Ozone and Climate Change impacts on French and Italian Forests: Refinement of criteria and thresholds for forest protection Abstract The main objective of the FO3REST project is to refine the criteria and suggest validated thresholds for forest protection against ozone and climate change, in order to propose new standards that are more appropriate and based on the quantity of ozone absorbed by plants. Direct or indirect relevance to climate change. Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE LIFE + (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTAMB-ATM Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 595/2011/COMM 01-set-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DE MARCO ALESSANDRA Nazione ACRI-ST SAS 143 0DHA9 31-dic-14 ¼ ¼ UTTAMB-ATM Francia 269665 FREYA Fast Reactor Experiments for hYbrid Applications Abstract Building up on the former activities accomplished in the previous FPs, namely MUSE in FP5 and EUROTRANS in FP6, it is proposed in the FREYA project to extend the investigations of the subcritical configurations for validation of the methodology for on-line reactivity monitoring of ADS systems. The investigations will be related to the different subcriticality levels for the nominal operation mode of ADS. In order to investigate the robustness of several proposed measurement techniques with regard to the reflector effect, it is foreseen to perform experiments with different reflector materials. To complete the validation of the methodology for subcriticality monitoring, the robustness of the reactivity indicators with regard to a change in vertical position of the neutron source will be investigated in view of possible variations of the height of the spallation source in a real ADS. On the other hand given the objectives for MYRRHA/FASTEF as studied within FP7 CDT to be operated as a subcritical facility and a critical facility, an experimental programme in support of the design and licensing of both operation modes is needed. Although the experimental programme with regard to the critical mode operation of MYRRHA/FASTEF can generate useful information for the validation of reactor codes for LFR development, a dedicated effort for the validation of reactor codes for LFR developments is envisaged by the LFR community. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordinerà il wp3: 'Critical configurations for design and licensing of MYRRHA/FASTEF'. Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISSM-PRONOC Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 681/2010/COMM 01-mar-11 Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità CARTA MARIO Nazione SCK CEN 144 IO071 28-feb-15 ¼ ¼ UTFISSM-PRONOC Belgio EEN-150404 FRIEND EUROPE Services in support of business and innovation Abstract Enterprise Europe Network is the European network of services to companies, promoted by the EC Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry and funded by the CIP program, which combines two existing networks that encourage innovation at the European level: the network of IRC-Innovation Relay Centres and the network of EIC-Euro Info Centres. This network aims to offer European SMEs a single access point to obtain support and develop their cross-border projects on innovation and technological transfer, and to provide new international business opportunities. AREA Science Park, which is a member of the trans-regional consortium named Friend Europe, acts as a regional one-stop shop for Enterprise Europe Network with regional competence over the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, thus offering local SMEs further opportunities to develop their business and take part in the largest world-wide network of services for the innovation of SMEs. Attività ENEA Le attività di pertinenza ENEA riguardano: . Partecipazione alla creazione e consolidamento di questo nodo della rete Enterprise Europe Network nelle regioni Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige e Veneto; . Analisi e valutazione delle necessità tecnologiche e dell'evoluzione strategica dei principali settori produttivi delle regioni coinvolte, identificazione delle relative risposte tecnologiche e loro indirizzamento alla rete EEN; . Potenziamento delle capacità dei fornitori di tecnologia locali nella promozione e sfruttamento dei loro risultati di ricerca verso l'Europea; . Organizzazione di seminari, workshop e giornate di trasferimento tecnologico; . Pubblicizzazione delle attività mediante articoli di stampa, bollettini e rapporti multimediali; . Organizzazione di visite e audit tecnologici ad aziende innovative e a fornitori di tecnologia e scambi di visite transnazionali con imprese innovative, centri di ricerca e altri IRC europei; . Fornitura di servizi, consulenze e supporto ad aziende e centri di ricerca delle regioni di competenza per la realizzazione e la pubblicizzazione di casi esemplari di trasferimento tecnologico transnazionale. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE INNOVAZIONE E IMPRENDITORIALITA' (2007-20 Unita ENEA UTT-VALNET Data inizio Anno di stipula Determina 127/2008/DG 01-gen-08 Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Ruolo ENEA Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità SANTI DIEGO Nazione UNIONCAMERE VENETO 145 2008 0MG22 31-dic-12 ¼ UTT-VALNET Italia 212175 GETMAT Gen IV and transmutation materials Abstract In FP5 and FP6, a number of significant projects have been launched, aimed at investigating innovative strategies for safe and optimised radioactive waste management. In particular P/T strategies based on the use of Accelerator Driven Systems are being addressed within the integrated project EUROTRANS. Moreover, during FP6, projects were also initiated to study advanced systems, as defined in the frame of the Generation-IV: VHTR, GFR, LFR, SFR, SCWR and MSR. Some of these innovative systems (i.e. those based on fast neutron spectra) allow also the deployment of optimised waste minimisation technologies, compatible with sustainability and increased proliferation resistance goals. New issues and challenges related to the development and qualification of structural materials for core and primary components have been recognized as crucial in all these systems to ensure their safe and reliable operation. The objective of the proposed project is to integrate in a comprehensive and common effort within the European materials laboratories the R&D activities needed to select and characterize (in terms of mechanical behaviour, coolant compatibility and particle irradiation effects) structural materials with required properties for advanced nuclear reactor and transmutation systems. Specific items have been identified and selected in order to focus the proposed project on cross-cutting issues, applicable to more than one system, by taking advantage of expertise and experimental facilities operating in the area of both fission and fusion technology programs. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UCP Data inizio 01-feb-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 2007/54/FPN Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità BENAMATI GIANLUCA Nazione FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM KARLSRUHE GMBH 146 0FP31 31-gen-13 ¼ ¼ UCP Germania 224091 GLOBALCHANGEBIOLOGY A physiologically-based weather-driven geospatial modelling approach to global change biology: tackling a multifaceted problem with an interdisciplinary tool Abstract Analytical tools that provide a synthesis of ecological data are increasingly needed to design and maintain sustainable agroecosystems increasingly disrupted by global change in the form of agro-technical inputs, invasive species, and climate change. This is particularly relevant to the Mediterranean Basin, a climate change hot-spot already threatened by local environmental changes including desertification. The project will provide important tools for summarizing, managing, and analyzing ecological data in agricultural systems to address global change effects using grape and olive as model systems. The project will integrate weather driven physiologically based Ecosystem Modeling (EM) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to derive a dynamic understanding of complex agricultural systems in the face of global change including climate warming. Multivariate analyses will be used to summarize the main effect of model predictions in a space and time independent way to provide a solid but flexible basis for managing Mediterranean grape and olive systems in a changing global environment. The integrated EM/GIS system may be viewed as a library of the current knowledge about agroecosystems that can be extended to other systems, updated with new knowledge and used to help guide multidisciplinary research on local and regional scales. The need for extensive weather datasets to drive the models requires that the EM/GIS technology be linked with remote sensing (RS) to enhance spatial resolution of the approach and increase its real-world applications. This combined innovative EM/GIS/RS tool will provide European governmental agencies with the scientific basis for developing policy required to adjust to global change including climate warming. Attività ENEA N/A Tipo di progetto ERG - Azioni che favoriscono il rientro dei ricercatori Programma UE PEOPLE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTAGRI Data inizio 01-nov-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 224/2008/DG Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità IANNETTA MASSIMO Nazione ENEA 147 07/M/66 31-ott-12 ¼ ¼ UTAGRI Italia EEN/SPA/10/SMESENV/283757 GO4EMAS Boosting EMAS in European SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network Abstract Reducing the environmental impact is a challenge to SMEs all over Europe. The pressure on SMEs for products and processes with a lower environmental impact will increase from the market place as well as environmental legislation in the coming years. In 2007, the EC launched the Environmental Compliance Assistance Programme (ECAP) to support SMEs with regards to their compliance with a wide set of environmental legislation. ECAP also actively promotes the uptake of EMAS as a cost-effective way to improve SMEs environmental performance whilst simultaneously increasing their profitability. Despite this, as of 2007 only 6% of SMEs had any type of Environmental Management System (EMS) in place. Go4EMAS' main objective is to ensure that pro-active services in the field of Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) are delivered to European SMEs. Three key sectors with a high environmental benefit potential have been selected in the partner regions: PHWDOZRUNLQJ VXUIDFHWUHDWPHQW PDQXIDFWXULQJRIHOHFWULF HOHFWURQLFFRPSRQHQWV A tailored methodology to support EMAS implementation on a step-by-step basis will be developed and implemented. The project sustainability will be assured by the direct participation of local stakeholders and the creation of so called EMAS clubs with the participation of SMEs and environmental service providers. The clubs will be created by making use of the Enterprise Europe Network. Attività ENEA Coordination of Go4EMAS methodology implementation (WP5). Responsible of implementation of all project activities in the region of North West, North East and South Italy. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE INNOVAZIONE E IMPRENDITORIALITA' (2007-20 Unita ENEA UTT Data inizio Determina 610/2011/COM 26-nov-11 Costo eleggibile totale ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità AMMIRATI FILIPPO Nazione IAT ISTITUT ANDALUZ DE TECNOLOGIA 148 2011 IO094 25-nov-13 ¼ ¼ UTT Spagna 249678 GOFASTR European Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Abstract Fast reactors have the unique ability to be sustainable by, not only being able to generate their own fuel, but through being able to burn minor actinides to reduce the quantity and radio-toxicity of nuclear wastes. The latter ability enables fast reactors to not only burn the minor actinides produced by themselves but, in addition, the minor actinides arising from legacy wastes and thermal reactors in the nuclear park. This proposal concentrates on the gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) with a view to developing the GFR as a more sustainable version of the very high temperature reactor (VHTR). The design goals for GFR are ambitious, aiming, initially, for a core outlet temperature of around 850 deg.C, a compact core with a power density of about 100MWth/m3, a low enough plutonium inventory to allow wide deployment, a self-sustaining core in terms of plutonium consumption, and a proliferation resistant core by not using specific plutonium breeding elements. This project will contribute EURATOM's contribution to the Generation IV system research programme. As such, it is strongly aligned with the goals and structure of the latter. In addition this project fulfils an objective of the strategic research agenda of the European Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology platform, for GFR to be developed as one of the longer-term alternatives to the sodium cooled fast reactor. The work of this project is aligned with the viability phase of the Generation IV GFR system which concludes at the end of 2012. As such this is a three year project and its objective is to contribute to the demonstration of the viability of the GFR system with regard to deployment as a commercial sustainable nuclear energy system. As well as contributing to Generation IV GFR research, this project provides the Euratom representation on the GFR System Steering Committee and the two project management boards (PMBs), namely, the Conceptual Design and Safety PMB and the Fuel and Core Materials PMB. Attività ENEA Le attività dell'ENEA nel progetto riguardano essenzialmente gli studi di sicurezza sia per il reattore di taglia industriale (Workpackage 1.3) sia il prototipo (WP 1.4) nonché la validazione degli strumenti di analisi utilizzati (WP 1.5). Nel Workpackage 1.5 ENEA è responsabile di una task che prevede l'utilizzo di dati sperimentali già disponibili della facility HE-FUS3 (Brasimone) per l'organizzazione di un benchmark tra diversi codici e diversi utilizzatori. Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISSM-SICSIS Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 682/2010/COMM 01-mar-10 Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MELONI PARIDE Nazione AMEC NUCLEAR UK LIMITED 149 IO070 28-feb-13 ¼ ¼ UTFISSM-SICSIS Regno Unito WP08-GOT-GOTiT GOTiT Goal Oriented Training in Theory Abstract The EFDA Goal Oriented Training Programme shall train modellers (amongst others) to the most recent mathematical and numerical methods and best practice in the use of high performance computers as well as to the state of the art theoretical models developed and applied by the fusion community. Attività ENEA ENEA will be the coordinator for a joint effort by ENEA, CREATE and Univ. Libre de Brussels. Tipo di progetto RST - Progetto di RST Anno di stipula Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Ruolo ENEA Unita ENEA UTFUS-MAG Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale Determina 05/2008/CA 01-ott-08 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza ¼ Unità ZONCA FULVIO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 150 2008 30-set-11 ¼ ¼ UTFUS-MAG * 245459 GPRIX Good Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs: facilitating transition from the traditional to the knowledge economy Abstract The GPrix project - Good Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs: facilitating transition from the traditional to the knowledge economy - will provide a comprehensive insight into the design and implementation of SME research and innovation support programmes, actions, services and networks especially at national and regional level, and on its impact, in particular amongst the traditional sectors SMEs that represent the vast majority of companies in Europe. The GPrix consortium will carry out an in-depth analysis of R&D&I support measures and their impact in SMEs and on their transaction towards a knowledge economy, focusing on eight European regions, namely on the North and Central regions of Portugal, Limousin in France, Emilia-Romagna in Italy, West Midlands in the UK, Comunidad Valenciana in Spain, North Brabant in The Netherlands, Flanders in Belgium and Saxony-Anhalt in Germany. The ultimate question that GPrix partners will try to address is: - Which support measures can help local economic communities, with a strong basis of traditional industries, to prosper in the rapidly changing, increasingly open global economy? In order to answer such question, partners will assess current measures and its impact at local level close to SMEs, perform a European benchmark of R&D&I measures and suggest a set of new measures targeted to traditional sectors, which will be validated at European scale and disseminated through several channels, including synergies with the UNIC network for an effective implementation in 9 European regions. Attività ENEA Il ruolo dell'Unità Trasferimento Tecnologico dell'ENEA, partner del consorzio, sarà quello di analizzare l'impatto delle tecnologie innovative sulle PMI dei settori tradizionali in particolare nella regione Emilia Romagna presa come riferimento e mettere a punto gli interventi di sostegno che possano migliorarne la competitività attraverso l'adozione di tecnologie di punta. L'analisi e l'individuazione di tecnologie appropriate come risposta ai bisogni aziendali sarà particolarmente approfondita nel settore della ceramica. Tipo di progetto SA - Azioni di supporto Programma UE PMI (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTT-VALNET Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 15/2010/COMM 01-dic-09 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità SANTI DIEGO Nazione INOVAMAIS - SERVICOS DE CONSULTADORIA E INOVACAO TECNOLOGICA S.A. 151 0MG38 30-nov-11 ¼ ¼ UTT-VALNET Portogallo 285268 GREENLION Advanced manufacturing processes for Low Cost Greener Li-Ion batteries Abstract GREENLION is a Large Scale Collaborative Project with the FP7 (topic GC.NMP.2011-1) leading to the manufacturing of greener and cheaper Li-Ion batteries for electric vehicle applications via the use of water soluble, fluorine-free, high thermally stable binders, which would eliminate the use of VOCs and reduce the cell assembly cost. GREENLION has 6 key objectives: (i) development of new active and inactive battery materials viable for water processes (green chemistry); (ii) development of innovative processes (coating from aqueous slurries) capable of reducing electrode production cost and avoid environmental pollution; (iii) development of new assembly procedures (including laser cutting and high temperature pre-treatment) capable of substantially reduce the time and the cost of cell fabrication; (iv) lighter battery modules with air cooling and easier disassembly through eco-designed bonding techniques (v) waste reduction, which, by making use of the water solubility of the binder, allows the extensive recovery of the active and inactive battery materials; and (v) construction of fully integrated battery module for electric vehicle applications with optimized cells, modules, and other ancillaries. Accordingly, GREENLION aims to overcome the limitations of present Li-ion manufacturing technology for electric vehicle batteries with the goal to: 1- perform breakthrough work to position Europe as a leader in the manufacturing of high energy and environmentally benign batteries; 2- develop highly effective eco-designed processes; 3- develop automotive battery module systems with: A) specific energy higher than 100 Wh/kg and specific power higher than 500 W/kg with respect to the overall weight of the system; B) coulombic efficiency on average higher than 99.95% during cycling; C) cycle life of 1,000 cycles with 20% maximum loss of capacity upon cycling between 100% and 0% SOC; and D) evaluate their integration in electric cars and renewable energy systems. Attività ENEA L'ENEA svolgerà attività di networking nei seguenti workpackages: 2- Advanced electrode development 3- Cell design and assembly process development 4- Dissemination and exploitation Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTRINN-IFC Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 645/2011/COMM 01-nov-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA APPETECCHI GIOVANNI BATTISTA Unità Nazione FUNDACION CIDETEC 152 0H106 31-ott-15 ¼ ¼ UTRINN-IFC Spagna 284522 H2FC Integrating European Infrastructure to support science and development of Hydrogen- and Fuel Cell Technologies towards European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Abstract The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) recognizes in its roadmap for Research Infrastructures that "in the near future, hydrogen, as an energy carrier derived from a number of other fuels, and fuel cells, as energy transformers, are expected to play a major role, for mobile and stationary applications". With the current fragmentation of the European R&D infrastructures and the uncoordinated approaches adopted, the demand for effective support of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (H2FC) technology developers cannot be satisfied. Therefore this proposal is built to integrate the European R&D community around rare and/or unique infrastructural elements that will facilitate and significantly enhance the R&D outcome. H2FCEuropean Infrastructure addresses the topic INFRA-2011³5HVHDUFK,QIUDVWUXFWXUHVIRU+)&)DFLOLWLHV´DQGWKHUHODWHGHQHUJ\FKDLQVE\EULQJLQJWRJHWKHUIRUWKHILUVWWLPHLQ(XURSH the leading European R&D institutions of the H2 community together with those of the fuel cell community, covering the entire lifecycle of H2FC, i.e. hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and final use in fuel cells. The three pillars of the proposal are networking, transnational access and joint research activities. All are strongly interrelated and oriented towards the resolution of LGHQWLILHGERWWOHQHFNV7KHDLPLVWRSURYLGH$VLQJOHLQWHJUDWHGYLUWXDOLQIUDVWUXFWXUHDFFRPPRGDWLQJ+)&WHVWDQGDQDO\VLVIDFLOLWLHV 7UDQVQDWLRQDODFFHVVIRUWKH+)&5'FRPPXQLWLHVWRDGYDQFHGLQIUDVWUXFWXUHV([SHUWZRUNLQJJURXSVWRHQKDQFHZRUNDWWKH SURYLGHGIDFLOLWLHVDQGFRRUGLQDWLRQLQDVSHFWVRIVDIHW\SHUIRUPDQFHDQGGXUDELOLW\&HQWUDOGDWDEDVHVDQGOLEUDULHVIRUVDIHW\ SHUIRUPDQFHDQGGXUDELOLW\GDWDDQGPRGHOOLQJFRGHV&RRUGLQDWLRQRIUHOHYDQWHGXFDWLRQDQGWUDLQLQJDFWLRQV,QWHJUDWLRQ HQKDQFHPHQWDQGLPSURYHPHQWRIWKHH[LVWLQJLQIUDVWUXFWXUHV&RRUGLQDWLRQZLWKQDWLRQDOLQWHUQDWLRQDOERGLHVDQGLQGXVWULDODFWLYLWLHV Attività ENEA L'ENEA è presente con un impegno di personale appartenente all'unità UTRINN nella parte indicata come attività nei workpackages: 3 - Technical School, researchers exchange programme 4 - Foresight knowledge innovation 5 - Dissemination and public relation 6 - Long Perspective H2FC european infrastructure Nelle attività di ricerca comune l'ENEA parteciperà ai workpackage: 7 - Facility improvement for investigation of Basic Hydrogen properties and material behaviour 8 - Facility improvement for investigation of components and systems of the hydrogen energy chain and low and high temperature fuel cells 9 - Methods, protocols and benchmarking Tipo di progetto CP-SA - Progetto di collaborazione azione di supporto Programma UE INFRASTRUTTURE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTRINN Data inizio 01-nov-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 654/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MORENO ANGELO Nazione KIT Karlsruher Institut fuer technologie 153 0H105 31-ott-15 ¼ ¼ UTRINN Germania 256850 H2FC-LCA Development of Guidance Manual for LCA application to Fuel cells and Hydrogen technologies Abstract The project aims to develop a Guidance manual for LCA of FC and H2 based systems, training material and courses. The MANUAL will offer a step by step guidance, following the LCA Handbook procedure, together with specific examples, targeting LCA practitioners in industry and researcher. FC and H2 are technologies with a broad range of functions, applications and input processes thus we will adopt a flexible and modular approach, adapting the modularity of the ISO 14025. Proposed approach consists of 5 steps: - Definition of product category groups for FC and H2 to allow a broader comparability among the different technologies, guaranteeing high accuracy. - Development of common rules (PCR type documents) for product category, based on Consortium experience and on FC and H2 LCA studies. PCR will prescribe how to perform LCA study: life cycle stages, system boundaries, parameters to be covered, relevant impact categories, cut-off rules, allocation rules etc. Methodological issues will be defined on the basis of ILCD Handbook that identifies 4 decision contexts which require different Life Cycle Inventory modelling frameworks and LCI method approaches to be applied. Specific rules will also be defined to deal with the multifunctional processes (very relevant in the FC and H technologies) *Consensus process on PCRs. Relevant stakeholders, with particular attention to the intended target audience, will be invited in workshops and discussion forum *Development of the MANUAL, by the execution of full case studies to be used for illustrative purpose. It includes a step by step guided procedure on Goal and Scope definition, LCI, data collection and documentation for ILCD Data Network, Impact Assessment, Interpretation and Review, strictly adhering to the ILCD Handbook. *Development of training material and courses on PCRs and MANUAL. The approach allows technology developer producing information modules of its own product and making it available in the Data Network. Attività ENEA L'ENEA contribuisce al progetto sia con attività di management, in qualità di coordinatore, che con attività di ricerca partecipando ai seguenti Work Package (WP): WP 1: project management WP 2: state of the art in H2, FC and related LCA, identification of critical steps WP 3: development of PCRs for identified device/products and aof Guidance book (manual) WP 4: promotion and dissemination of results. In particolare l'attività scientifica dell'ENEA comprenderà l'analisi dettagliata dello stato dell'arte nella produzione di celle a combustibile MCFC, SOFC, PEMFC e di H2, focalizzando l'attenzione principalmente sull'efficienza energetica e dei materiali, sui processi industriali, produzione di rifiuti/residui, livello di integrazione con altri processi e prodotti, market penetration ecc. e sullo stato dell'arte dell'LCA applicato a FC e H2. Con questa analisi e un'analisi dettagliata delle categorie di prodotto coinvolte nei processi di produzione, si arriverà a sviluppare le regole principali per l'LCA, ed infine a sviluppare un manuale user-friendly per le FC e relativi combustibili utilizzati. Infine è prevista la promozione e disseminazione dei risultati ottenuti. Tipo di progetto CA-SA - Azione di coordinamento/azione di supporto Programma UE JTI Unita ENEA UTRINN Data inizio 01-ott-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 675/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MORENO ANGELO Nazione ENEA 154 0HI03 30-set-11 ¼ ¼ UTRINN Italia 234019 HCV Hybrid Commercial Vehicle Abstract The HCV project aims to develop urban buses and delivery vehicles with advanced second generation of energy efficient hybrid electric power trains in line with objectives in topic SST 2008.3.1.5. The final result will be the demonstration of a passenger bus and a distribution truck with this advanced technology. In addition early second generation buses and distribution trucks will be demonstrated in practical real-life conditions in different cities in the enlarged Europe in order to ensure good acceptance by public transport, delivery operators, drivers and passengers. Research, development and demonstration will be made of innovative e-drives, energy storage technologies as well as auxiliary components. In addition lightweight body technologies will be demonstrated. The decision to start vehicle production with advanced second generation technology will to a high degree be based on the outcome of the project. Attività ENEA Oltre al management complessivo del progetto l'ENEA partecipa alla parte relativa al sottoprogetto SP3000: energy storage system in qualità di SP leader e che questo SP riguarda lo studio e la simulazione delle prestazioni di celle e moduli di batterie litio ione e supercondensatori, in una configurazione già selezionata sul mercato e fornite da due partecipanti al progetto. Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE TRASPORTI (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTEI Data inizio 01-gen-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 353/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità CONTE MARIO Nazione VOLVO TECHNOLOGY AB 155 0DG04 31-dic-13 ¼ ¼ UTTEI Svezia 285158 HEAT4U Gas Absorption Heat Pump solution for existing residential buildings Abstract Residential buildings represent 60% of the building stock and the area where most of the potential to drastically reduce energy use and CO2 emissions lies. New directives push for deep retrofitting efforts, in order to achieve energy efficiency and RES adoption targets for 2020 and beyond. These require acting both on envelope and on energy use systems, mainly heating and DHW equipment that representing 51% of energy use in this sector. Frequently the upgrade of the envelope insulation is subject to constraints (i.e. historical centres, availability of space, need to relocate the tenants, costs and time issues) and acting on the heating plant is the only viable option. Currently solutions are not always suitable or cost effective in existing buildings (radiators, DHW, solar radiation in winter). Therefore to accelerate the improvement in energy efficiency and in the use of renewable energy in the residential building, a specifically designed solution needs to be made available. HEAT4U is an Industry led project whose main objective is to develop a Gas Absorption Heat Pump (GAHP) solution with efficiency on primary energy of 165% (EN12309) to allow a cost-effective use of renewable energy in existing residential building for heating and DHW services. The project is conceived to overcome a number of technological and nontechnological barriers which currently prevent GAHP application in single family houses or small multi-storey buildings. HEAT4U main REMHFWLYHVDUHL'HYHORSPHQWRI$SSOLDQFHZLWKVSHFLILFDWLRQVVXLWDEOHIRUWKHUHVLGHQWLDOPDUNHW±N:LLLQWHJUDWLRQRIWKH technology in existing heating and DHW architectures or into pre-fabricated building components, designed for deep retrofitting; iii) Development of a decision support system, enabling the optimal design in different building operating conditions; iv) Dissemination activity to promote the awareness of the benefits of the GAHP technology. The results will be demonstrated in 5 real cases Attività ENEA L'attività ENEA sarà finalizzata principalmente alle attività connesse ai test dimostrativi e prove in campo (WP5) e alla disseminazione dei risultati (WP8). Inoltre collaborerà ai WP1 e 9 Tipo di progetto Programma UE Anno di stipula ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTEI-TERM Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Ruolo ENEA Determina 575/2011/COMM 01-nov-11 Costo eleggibile totale 2011 Codice atto Data scadenza CORALLO GIUSEPPE 156 31-ott-14 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTTEI-TERM Nazione ROBUR SPA 0EG11 Italia 249677 HELIMNET Heavy Liquid Metal Network Abstract HeLiMnet is a project aimed at integrating the R&D efforts going on within and outside Europe, in different areas of investigation. In particular it is intended to create a large and strong network for the diffusion of information on the HLM technologies, exploiting the characteristics of both the new information technologies in order to create a virtual space for debates, focus groups and information exchanges and the traditional tools as workshops, seminars, information days etc. It aims, moreover, at rationalize the knowledge through the development of guidelines, protocols and standards, with particular attention to the homogenization of operational procedures in order to have a better control on the quality and comparability of the experimental data obtained in different labs. Finally, one other HeLiMnet goal is the appraisal of the liquid metal technology research area, through the analysis of approaches and activities going on at national and international level in different areas of investigation (fission (LFR, ADS, SFR), neutron spallation targets and fusion), the identification of possible cooperation, the definition of existing gaps and possible future R&D activities to cover these gaps. Attività ENEA Nel progetto HELIMNET viene assegnato all'ENEA il coordinamento del workpackage 5 "Coordination with ADS/LFR design teams" a testimonianza delle competenze e capacità dell'agenzia nell'ambito della progettazione e sviluppo di sistemi nucleari innovativi. Tipo di progetto CA - Azione di coordinamento Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTIS Data inizio 20-gen-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 135/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità AGOSTINI PIETRO Nazione CNR 157 BR05A 19-gen-12 ¼ ¼ UTIS Italia 233765 HELIOS High energy lithium-ion storage solutions Abstract The reluctance of OEM worldwide to extend electric drive applications to the private customers depends partly from considerations on customer acceptance (limited range in the case of EV, long charging time after depletion of the battery, cost), but also from the increased reliability and life span that private customers are entitled to expect. The first goal of HELIOS project is to evaluate electrochemical couples whose lower voltage window matches perfectly with the stability window of the electrolyte, which should guarantee an outstanding steadiness of the performance during ageing, and an intrinsic excellent safety. The items evaluated by the project are: performance, safety, life, recyclability and global cost. Another issue addressed by the project is the definition of a European standard for safety and life (cycle/storage) tests, adapted to High Energy applications such ad EV, PHEV and Heavy Duty Hybrid Truck. The project partners include six OEMs, one battery manufacturer, test Institutes/Universities and one recycler. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto STREP - Progetti Specifici Mirati Programma UE TRASPORTI (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTEI Data inizio 01-nov-09 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 28/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità CONTE MARIO Nazione RENAULT S.A.S. 158 0DG28 31-ott-12 ¼ ¼ UTTEI Francia 228882 HENIX Enhanced nano-fluid heat exchange Abstract Henix will translate promising laboratory based nanotechnology results into pilot lines for the production of nanofluid coolants. This project, conceived and led by its European industrial partners, is designed to improve the competitiveness of European industry by developing new and more efficient cooling technologies and processes; specifically a new, state of the art, nanofluid coolant with a significantly enhanced technological capabilities that will transform the design and performance of thermal management systems. Nanofluid coolants represent a new exploitation of nanotechnology that has only become possible as a result of recent advances in nanoparticle production and dispersion technology. The beneficial adoption of nanofluid coolants usually requires re-design of the whole system including heat exchangers, pumps, pipe work and operating points. The gains come from a subtle re-balancing of the pump power, heat losses, plant cost and thermal efficiency. Flow regimes and the geometry of cooling channels play a key role. Understanding how to design systems to realise these benefits is a bottleneck to industrial adoption of nanofluids coolants. The mechanism of how heat transfer is facilitated by nanoparticles in carrier fluids is not clearly understood by the global research community. Analytical Models as yet do not fully explain and predict the thermal performance of nanofluid coolants. The advancement of this knowledge will enable engineers to readily design heat systems using nanofluid coolants. The most promising application opportunities for nanofluid coolants reside in large information data centres containing computer servers and racks, power electronics and power electronics for electric drives. The project will stimulate and accelerate the industrial take-up of nanofluid coolants used to innovate next generation heat exchangers to more effectively cool equipment and machinery, significantly reducing energy consumption and costs by up to 50%. Attività ENEA /¶(1($SDUWQHUGHO3URJHWWR+(1,;DYUjXQUXRORVLJQLILFDWLYRLQYDULHIDVLGHO3URJHWWR FRQWULEXHQGRVLDDOO¶RWWLPL]]D]LRQHGHOODIRUPXOD]LRQHGHLQDQRIOXLGLGDLPSOHPHQWDUHDOLYHOORLQGXVWULDOHFKHDOORVYLOXSSRGHL GLPRVWUDWRULHFRRUGLQDQGRO¶DWWLYLWjGL/LIH&\FOH$QDO\VLV/&$HGHO5LVN$VVHVVPHQW5$ Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE NANOTECNOLOGIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTAPRAD Data inizio 01-set-09 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 51/2009/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità BORSELLA ELISABETTA Nazione THERMACORE EUROPE LTD 159 0CG62 28-feb-13 ¼ ¼ UTAPRAD Regno Unito 211821 HETSI Heterojunction solar cells based on a-Si c-Si Abstract The Photovoltaic (PV) industry needs to find new approaches to make solar cells competitive. Crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafer-based technology has a real potential to achieve significant cost reduction if the R&D effort is made on the most critical issues. These issues are the reduction of silicon material consumption, the increase of solar cell efficiency and an improved integration into modules. In this context, silicon heterojunction solar cells, the active part of which is basically produced by a low temperature growth of ultra-thin layers of silicon onto both sides of a thin crystalline silicon wafer-base, represent clearly one of the most promising options. The HETSI project aims to design, develop and test novel aSi-cSi Heterojunction solar cell structure concepts with high efficiency. This project covers all aspects of the value chain, from upstream research of layer growth and deposition, to module process and cell interconnection, down to upscaling and cost assessment of heterojunction concept. The Consortium is a balanced team of 12 partners from 6 European countries with a wide range of expertise in the field of silicon for PV covering various aspects from the deposition of thin silicon films, passivation of interfaces, through characterization and modelling, down to technological implementation and industrial achievement capabilities. The cooperation of Europe's leading research institutes in the field of heterojunction solar cells (HMI, ECN, CEA-INES, IMEC, UNINE, UU, ENEA and CNRS) will generate synergy effects that will help to provide the know-how needed to reach the optimum relation of cell efficiency and cost. The presence in the consortium of 3 industrial partners, Q-Cells, Photowatt and Solon, which are among the leading European solar cell and module producers, will insure a rapid and efficient economic exploitation of HETSI results. Attività ENEA Amorphous & micro-crystalline silicon, TCO deposition and characterization; Characterization of the interfaces; Development of new architectures of SHJ; High level photolithography Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTP Data inizio 01-feb-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 1/E/2008/TER Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ROCA FRANCESCO Nazione CEA 160 0CG49 31-gen-11 ¼ ¼ UTTP Francia 211737 HIPER European high power laser energy research facility (preparatory phase study) Abstract HiPER is a multi-national laser facility designed to allow Europe to take a leading position in the pursuit of Inertial Fusion Energy, whilst offering an internationally unique capability for science in extreme conditions. It will open up entirely new areas of research, providing access to physics regimes which cannot be explored on any other science facility. It has been formally endorsed by 7 European nations at the governmental or national funding agency level, 2 regional governments, over 20 scientific institutions and has direct involvement from industry. Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) lies at the heart of the design of HiPER. Fusion is the holy grail of energy sources combining abundant fuel with no greenhouse gas emissions, minimal waste products, and a scale that can meet mankind s long-term energy demands. Fusion combines hydrogen isotopes to create helium gas and a neutron which is captured to provide heat for a steam turbine. The IFE solution for fusion is a proven scientific concept. A laboratory demonstration of net energy production using lasers for IFE is now only 3 years away, marking the culmination of 40 years research. Attività ENEA A ENEA è affidato il coordinamento nazionale (CNR, INFN, CNISM). Tipo di progetto CP-SA - Progetto di collaborazione azione di supporto Programma UE INFRASTRUTTURE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA FPN-FUSINER Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 2009/4/FPN 28-apr-08 Codice atto Data scadenza ¼ Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Unità STRANGIO CARMELA Nazione SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES COUNCIL 161 0LNV2 27-apr-11 ¼ ¼ FPN-FUSINER Regno Unito 218862 HPH.COM Helicon plasma hydrazine combined micro Abstract The objective of the research program is to design, optimize and develop a space plasma thruster based on helicon-radio-frequency technology and its application to a nano-satellite for attitude and position control. Moreover a detailed feasibility study will be also conducted to evaluate the possibility of using the plasma thruster to heat and decompose a secondary propellant. The feasibility study will asses the possibility of building up a combined-two-mode-thruster able to operate in the low-thrust high-efficiency plasma-mode and high-thrust low-efficiency secondary-propellant-plasma-enhanced mode. Only the plasma thruster will be developed and fully tested during this study. The main characteristics of the thruster are: Power 50 W Weight within 1.5 kg Thrust >1.5 mN Specific Impulse (Isp) >1200 s The program will develop thought the following steps: - Deep numerical-theoretical investigation through dedicated plasma-simulation tools. - Extensive experimental campaign to validate codes, to investigate the physics phenomena involved and to proof thruster performance. - The development of a thruster-prototype to be mounted on board of a mini-satellite to demonstrate technology feasibility, -The study of all the critical issues related to the application to a mini-satellite - the design and manufacturing of the mini-satellite mock up including all critical components - analysis of scaling law to lower and higher power. As a final results of the project, a detailed analysis will be conducted in order to evaluate the possible application of the thruster in space missions requiring low thrust accurate attitude and position control. Attività ENEA Progettazione delle diagnostiche indispensabili per lo studio della fisica dei processi che avvengono nei motori al plasma sia delle antenne di accoppiamento della RF (riscaldamento a radiofrequenza) ai plasmi (gas ionizzato) Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE SPAZIO (2007-2013) Unita ENEA FPN-FUSINER Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 336/2008/DG 01-dic-08 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità STRANGIO CARMELA Nazione UNIV. PADOVA 162 0LNV8 30-nov-11 ¼ ¼ FPN-FUSINER Italia 226375 ICE2SEA Estimating the future contribution of continental ice to sea-level rise Abstract The melting of continental ice (glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets) is a substantial source of current sea-level rise, and one that is accelerating more rapidly than was predicted even a few years ago. Indeed, the most recent report from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlighted that the uncertainty in projections of future sea-level rise is dominated by uncertainty concerning continental ice, and that understanding of the key processes that will lead to loss of continental ice must be improved before reliable projections of sea-level rise can be produced. The ice2sea programme will draw together European and international partners, to reduce these uncertainties. We will undertake targeted studies of key processes in mountain glacier systems and ice caps (e.g. Svalbard), and in ice sheets in both polar regions (Greenland and Antarctica) to improve understanding of how these systems will respond to future climate change. We will improve satellite determinations of continental ice mass, and provide much-needed datasets for testing glacier-response models. Using newly developed ice-sheet/glacier models, we will generate detailed projections of the contribution of continental ice to sea-level rise over the next 200 years, and identify thresholds that commit the planet to long-term sea-level rise. We will deliver these results in forms accessible to scientists, policy-makers and the general public, which will include clear presentations of the sources of uncertainty. The ice2sea programme will directly inform the ongoing international debate on climatechange mitigation, and European debates surrounding coastal adaptation and sea-defence planning. It will leave a legacy of improved understanding of key cryospheric processes affecting development of the Earth System and the predictive tools for glacier-response modelling, and it will train a new generation of young European researchers who can use those tools for the future benefit of society. Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE AMBIENTE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTMEA Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 80/2009/COMM 01-mar-09 Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza ¼ Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico 2009 Unità FREZZOTTI MASSIMO NERC NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL 163 Nazione 0QHER 31-mag-13 ¼ ¼ UTMEA Regno Unito EEN/SPA/09/SME/250370 IES Italian Enterprises Speaking Abstract The aim of the italian proposal "IES" is getting the view and feedback of SMEs via the Enterprise Europe Network on forthcoming policies and legislation in relevant priority areas in the Commission's legislative Work Programme (CLWP), stimulating SMES to participate actively to a mechanism of consultation of SMEs. The more specific objectives of IES project are the following: . Enhance the communication channel between SMEs, Enterprise Europe Network partners and the Commission; . Provide feedback to SMEs on the outcome of the exercise; . Use and further develop best practices from the pilot phase; . Increase the involvement of the Enterprise Europe Network host structures in the new policies of the European Union; . Enhance relationship with experts in the consultation fields; . Enhance the institutional relations with local and national (ministries) authorities engaged on the topics covered by the consultation of the Commission; Promote at national level Enterprise Europe Network as main contact points providings information and advice to EU companies on EU matters in particular small and medium enterprises: Increase, where possible, collaboration with other EU network located in the regional territory as, for example Europedirect Attività ENEA L'ENEA contribuirà al progetto partecipando prevalentemente, anche con ruolo di leader, alle seguenti attività: Transfer of knowledge and capacity building (individuazione delle competenze disponibili nei paesi coinvolti, definizione di una roadmap per una collaborazione con la UE, seminari, workshop e visite); Support to implement sustainable energy policies (definizione di una clean energy platform e di una agenda di ricerca strategica, programmi di training). Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE INNOVAZIONE E IMPRENDITORIALITA' (2007-20 Unita ENEA UTT Data inizio Determina 187/2010/COMM 16-mar-10 Costo eleggibile totale ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità AMMIRATI FILIPPO Nazione PROMOFIRENZE - AZIENDA SPECIALE DELLA CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI FIRENZE 164 2010 IO059 15-mar-12 ¼ ¼ UTT Italia 266514 IJERA Integrating Jordan into the European Research Area Abstract The IJERA project is aiming at strengthening capacities of the Environment Monitoring and Research Central Unit at The Royal Scientific Society (EMARCU/RSS) in Jordan while realizing it as an international centre of excellence, and reinforcing the cooperation capacities and research activities in Jordan's water sector by defining water research priorities to respond to socio-economic needs, facilitating participation in European water research initiatives and inclusion in Euro-Mediterranean Research and Innovation Area. The specific objectives of IJERA project are: - EMARCU's Cooperation Capacities Reinforcement, - Water-Related Research Results Dissemination, - Internationalization and Coordination between Research and Business Sectors, - Enhancement of EU-Jordan S&T Partnerships in Water Research,Capacity Building for Solving Specific Water Issues, - EMARCU's Strengthening,Setting Up Jordan's Environmental NCP The project thus addresses current Work Programme for International Cooperation to reinforce the cooperation capacities of research centres located in the ENP countries and contributes to the European international co-operation in science and technology strategy implementation, while strengthening the international dimension of the ERA and improving the framework conditions for international S&T cooperation. The main impact of IJERA will be increased capacities of the EMARCU centre and the structuring and enhancement of the existing EUJO support landscape in the domain of Water S&T cooperation through a threefold way: (i) by supporting the participation of Jordan in the FP7 in water research area, (ii) knitting together all relevant support schemes, and (iii) facilitating both the uptake of common identified water research areas and the monitoring of the performance and impacts of this cooperation. The IJERA consortium brings together 4 Jordanian and EU organisations representing a well-defined mix of competencies and expertise. Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto CA-SA - Azione di coordinamento/azione di supporto Anno di stipula Programma UE COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE (2007-2013) Ruolo ENEA Unita ENEA UTVALAMB-IDR Data inizio 01-gen-11 Costo eleggibile totale ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Determina 17/2011/COMM Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità FARINA ROBERTO NUVIA TRAVAUX SPECIAUX SAS 165 Nazione 2011 IO079 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTVALAMB-IDR Francia 26188 IMECC Infrastructures for Measurement of European Carbon Cycle Abstract The IMECC project aims to build the infrastructure for a coordinated, calibrated, integrated and accessible dataset for characterizing the function of the European terrestrial biosphere. Such an infrastructure is necessary since the critical measurements a respatially dispersed. Their interpretation, however, relies on precise knowledge of the spatial and temporal structures of measured quantities. Thus the measurements must be of the highest quality and precisely calibrated in order to be useful. They should also be well-planned, that is subject to some coordinated and targeted experimental design and should be accessible to a wide range of researchers. IMECC will deliver these services to the range of measurements within various European projects. As an added benefit, the improved measurements will also be increasingly compatible with the range of global measurements. IMECC will not only provide these services for the life of the project but will aid the development of strategies and techniques to streamline this coordination, into the future. Attività ENEA ENEA è impegnato in diversi progetti riguardanti le ricerche sui cambiamenti climatici nella comunità europea; IMECC è uno di questi SURJHWWLGHOSURJUDPPDTXDGUR,QIUDVWUXFWXUHHGKDO¶RELHWWLYRGLFUHDUHXQDLQIUDVWUXWWXUDFKHFRRUGLQLLQWHJULHUHQGDRPRJHQHLHG DFFHVVLELOLLGDWLVXOO¶DWPRVIHUDHGLOFLFORGHOFDUERQLRHODERUDWLGDLYDULFHQWULGLULFHUFDGHLSDHVLPHPEUL /¶(1($LQ,0(&&qFRLQYROWDQHOO¶DWWLYLWj-5$5HDO7LPH7UDQVPLVVLRQDQG3URFHVVLQJRI$WPRVSKHULF&2GDWDFRQ O¶2VVHUYDWRULR&OLPDWLFRGL/DPSHGXVDFKHUDSSUHVHQWDXQRGHLVHGLFLQRGLGLTXHVWDUHWHHXURSHDHIRUQLVFHFRQJOLVWDQGDUGGHILQLWLL dati sui gas serra misurati ed elaborati a Lampedusa. /¶(1($FRQWULEXLVFHLQROWUHDOOHDWWLYLWjGL7$$FFHVVWR&DUERHXURSH,3$WPRVSKHULF1HWZRUNFKHFRQVHQWHHIDYRULVFHO¶DFFHVVR trasnazionale ai vari siti e laboratori della Comunità Europea, di ricercatori, apparecchiature di campionamento e campagne di misure coinvolti nel network di ricerca internazionale sul ciclo del Carbonio e più in generale sul Climate Changing theme. Anche per questa attività il sito interessato è quello di Lampedusa. Tipo di progetto I3 - Iniziativa Integrata di Infrastrutture Programma UE INFRASTRUTTURE (2002-2006) Unita ENEA UTMEA-TER Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2007 Ruolo ENEA Determina 37/2007/ACS 01-apr-07 Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità BOMMARITO CARLO Nazione CEA 166 0QHDS 31-mar-11 ¼ ¼ UTMEA-TER Francia 282746 IMPACT2C Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming Abstract Political discussions on the European goal to limit global warming to 2°C demands that discussions are informed by the best available science on projected impacts and possible benefits. IMPACT2C enhances knowledge, quantifies climate change impacts, and adopts a clear and logical structure, with climate and impacts modelling, vulnerabilities, risks and economic costs, as well as potential responses, within a pan-European sector based analysis. IMPACT2C utilises a range of models within a multi-disciplinary international expert team and assesses effects on water, energy, infrastructure, coasts, tourism, forestry, agriculture, ecosystems services, and health and air qualityclimate interactions. IMPACT2C introduces key innovations. First, harmonised socio-economic assumptions/scenarios will be used, to ensure that both individual and cross-sector assessments are aligned to the 2°C (1.5°C) scenario for both impacts and adaptation, e.g. in relation to land-use pressures between agriculture and forestry. Second, it has a core theme of uncertainty, and will develop a methodological framework integrating the uncertainties within and across the different sectors, in a consistent way. In so doing, analysis of adaptation responses under uncertainty will be enhanced. Finally, a cross-sectoral perspective is adopted to complement the sector analysis. A number of case studies will be developed for particularly vulnerable areas, subject to multiple impacts (e.g. the Mediterranean), with the focus being on cross-sectoral interactions (e.g. land use competition) and cross-cutting themes (e.g. cities). The project also assesses climate change impacts in some of the worlds most vulnerable regions: Bangladesh, Africa (Nile and Niger basins), and the Maldives. IMPACT2C integrates and synthesises project findings suitable for awareness raising and are readily communicable to a wide audience, and relevant for policy negotiations. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa a diverse attività di modellistica climatica e di valutazione degli impatti nel settore energetico, idrologico e di produzione alimentare. Inoltre l'ENEA coordina il Workpackage "Impact, vulnerability and adaptation in most vulnerable regions: African case study". Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE AMBIENTE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTMEA-CLIM Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 446/2011/COMM 01-ott-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità RUTI PAOLO MICHELE Nazione HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM BERLIN FUR MATERIALIEN UND ENERGIE GMBH 167 0QHF9 30-set-15 ¼ ¼ UTMEA-CLIM Germania 295803 JASMIN Joint Advanced Severe accidents Modelling and Integration for Na-cooled fast neutron reactors Abstract This project will support the ESNII (European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative) roadmap and the Strategic Research Agenda and the Deployment Strategy of SNETP (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform) on the enhancement of Sodium-cooled Fast neutron Reactors (SFR) safety, especially towards a higher resistance to severe accidents. In the initiation phase of SFR core disruptive accidents, it is essential to investigate the impact of new core designs that may disperse core debris and minimize risks of core compaction. The available codes today have been developed in the 80s. The objective is to develop a new European simulation code, ASTEC-Na, with improved physical models, accounting for results of recent LWR research, with modern software architecture and high flexibility to account for innovative reactor designs. It will be based on the ASTEC European code system, developed by IRSN and GRS for severe accidents in water-cooled reactors. This will allow to capitalize the stateof-the-art knowledge on SFR severe accidents. The code will evaluate the consequences of fuel pin failure conditions on materials relocation and primary system loads, and the source term produced by the migration inside the reactor of activated fission products and aerosols that may be released to the environment. The project will gather partners with strong experience on SFR safety and/or on ASTEC code. Specific SFR physical models will be developed, on the basis of outputs of the CP-ESFR FP7 project. After the elaboration of general specifications and of a validation matrix, the models will be developed, implemented into the code, validated vs. experiments (like past CABRI ones) and benchmarked with other codes. The further extension of ASTEC-Na to cover other parts of the SFR severe accidents (transition phase, fires) and to LFR will be investigated. An Education programme will include workshops as well as the secondment of young researchers in other organizations. Attività ENEA E' un "follow-up" della partecipazione ENEA ai progetti EVITA, SARNET e SARNETZ, svolti nell'ambito dei programmi quadro EURATOM 5, 6 e 7. In stretta collaborazione con CIEMAT (Spagna) e USTUTT (Germania), ENEA procederà alla formazione del code users' group, finalizzato alla modellazione di fenomenologie e/o processi riferiti al sistema nucleare SFR (Sodium Fast Reactor) previsto in GEN-IV e alla validazione degli strumenti di calcolo direttamente coinvolti. In particolare, si procederà ad attività finalizzate a dotare il codice ASTEC, strumento di riferimento europeo per il calcolo di incidenti severi, di quanto servirà per simulare evoluzioni incidentali in sistemi a neutroni veloci raffreddati a sodio, mantenendo aperta l'opzione di estendere queste capacità anche ai sistemi raffreddati a piombo. ENEA sarà leader della task WP2.1 (THNA): "Sodium Thermal-hydraulics". Parteciperà inoltre all'assessment del modulo ASTEC-Na. Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISSM-SICSIS Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 452/2011/COMM 01-dic-11 Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DE ROSA FELICE Nazione INSTITUT DE RADIOPROTECTION ET DE SURETE NUCLEAIRE 168 30-nov-15 ¼ ¼ UTFISSM-SICSIS Francia 247928 LAMP LASER INDUCED SYNTHESIS OF POLYMERIC NANOCOMPOSITE MATERIALS AND DEVELOPMENT OF MICRO-PATTERNED HYBRID LIGHT EMITTING DIODES (LED) AND TRANSISTORS (LET) Abstract The project described in this proposal aims at developing a new methodology to obtain semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) regionselectively in a polymeric matrix by means of a heating probe (laser). This new method is designed to produce light emitting devices (LED/T) based on semiconductor/polymer nano-composite emission without using lithographic processes. This type of effect is possible because, after being heated, certain types of molecules produce metal or semiconductor QDs. If this process is carried out in polymeric foil, the resulting nano-composite can be used for several purposes. It may be particularly appealing for industrial applications since it results in conducting/semiconducting micro/nano-regions in predetermined areas of the polymer without any patterning process. The potential applications of this technology can be utilized in many fields such as memory data storage, labelling of goods and, as proposed in this project, for the construction of displays. Producing a LED/T with this methodology requires selecting several types of polymers, metal-thiolate precursors (both metal and thiol group), lasers and LED/T architectures. To simplify the concept, the whole process sequence involves material synthesis as the first step, then the formation of the polymer/precursor foil, its laser irradiation in specific regions so that only the irradiated region will be enriched with QD, and, finally, testing the LED/T. Combining the electro-optical properties of QDs, the ease of processing of polymers and the use of laser will allow for the construction of a light-emitting device (LED/T) with increased life-time as well as obtaining matrices of LED/Ts (pixels) without any patterning or inkjet processing. The expected results of this project are: i) understanding the mechanism of the nano-composites formation in situ and its optimization and ii) the formation of LED/T with enhanced electro-optical properties (QDs) without the use of any patterning process. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto ed è responsabile del workpackage 1 (management), 2 (produzione di molecole metallo-organiche) e 9 (dissemination and exploitation). Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE ICT (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTMATF Data inizio 01-giu-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 304/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ANTOLINI FRANCESCO Nazione ENEA 169 IO046 31-mag-13 ¼ ¼ UTTMATF Italia 249668 LEADER Lead-cooled European Advanced Demonstration Reactor Abstract The LEADER proposal deals with the development to a conceptual level of a Lead Fast Reactor Industrial size plant and of a scaled demonstrator of the LFR technology. The proposal is based on previous achievements obtained during the 6th FP of the EU in the ELSY project but takes into account the indications emerged from the European Strategic Research Agenda as well as the main goals of the European Industrial Initiative on Fission. As a consequence the project is strongly committed to the conceptual design of a scaled/pilot plant to be constructed in the relatively short term. The focus of the first part of activity will be the resolutions of the key issues emerged in the frame of the ELSY project to reach a new reference reactor configuration. This updated reactor configuration of an industrial size LFR will be used to design a low cost and fully representative scaled down prototype of a suitable size. The project foresee an important involvement of End-Users and Safety Authorities from the beginning of the design process to help the plant conception and to assure high safety standards. Education and Training activities are included in a specific work package where European Universities are directly involved with the aim to grow-up the future nuclear energy designer. The LEADER projects takes strongly into account the others already proposed or on-going EU projects. All projects dedicated to R&D and material developments, projects dedicated to the development of ADS systems for transmutation or related to the development of fast reactors (VELLA, CDT, CP-ESFR, GETMAT, FAIRFUELS, ACSEPT, EUFRAT, F-BRIDGE, ACSEPT, ACTINET-I3, THINS) have strong synergies with LEADER toward the development of a Lead cooled fast reactor system. The project Partners are convinced that fostering the European efforts towards a LFR demonstration/pilot plant realization would be very beneficial, will speed up the development needed and establish Europe as a leader in this field. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa ai seguenti Work packages: W.P. 1: Refrence design objectives and specification W.P. 2: Core design (coordinato da ENEA) W.P. 3: Conceptual designa W.P. 4: Plant Operation, instrumentation, control and protection system design W.P. 5: Safety and transietn analysis W.P. 6: Lead technology Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISSM Data inizio 02-apr-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 402/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MONTI STEFANO Nazione ANSALDO NUCLEARE SPA 170 IO050 01-apr-13 ¼ ¼ UTFISSM Italia WP08-GOT-LITE LITE Lower Hybrid and Ion Cyclotron Technology Abstract The goal of the project is to strenghten the European group of RF professionals with young scientists and engineers able to work on all the RF issues. Attività ENEA ENEA will involve a trainee in all the aspects of the design, manufacturing, quality assurance, testing, operation and maintenance of both the systems. He could be also involved in the construction, test and operation of a new ECRH launcher for FTU, the Real Time Steering (RTS) launcher to be used for MHD control Tipo di progetto RST - Progetto di RST Anno di stipula Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Ruolo ENEA Unita ENEA UTFUS-MAG Data inizio 01-ott-08 Costo eleggibile totale ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Determina 05/2008/CA Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità TUCCILLO ANGELO ANTONIO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 171 2008 30-set-11 ¼ ¼ UTFUS-MAG * SEE/B/0014/2.4/X M2RES From Marginal to renewable energy sources sites Abstract The EU territory has an enormous under-valorised natural asset: marginal terrains (exhausted landfills, mines & quarries, brownfields & contaminated terrains, former military sites, etc).The project aims at re-qualifying marginal areas through investments programmes that focus on the installation of RES (PV, Wind, Biomass, geothermal, biogas, etc) that will contribute to a significant amount of renewable energy.This approach will hereinafter be called M2RES(From marginal to renewable energy sources sites).M2RES can boost Eu?s sustainable development, giving back social and economic value to areas that have irreparably lost it. Main activities: evaluating the potential application of M2RES investments in the SEE area; enhancing the transfer of M2RES known-how; assisting public administrations in developing territorial management plans for the startoff of M2RES;implementing demonstrative M2RES pilot projects proposals; establishing a Road Map for the permanent transfer and implementation of M2RES. National agencies will spread knowledge concerning M2RES through a wide sensitization programme (location & extension of marginal areas;connected problems; preservation of environment; returns (economic,social,environmental) from the development of RES applications in these areas.All PPs will contribute at enabling policies/strategies at national/regional/local level empowering SEE public administrations with management capacities and creating the framework conditions for boosting a truly environmentally-friendly RES market development.Regional agencies will assist public administrations in drawing up programmes/projects for favouring the start-off of M2RES.National agencies will support local bodies in starting-off M2RES pilot experiences through public, private or Public-Private investments, pacesetters for diffusion of M2RES projects in the rest of the SEE area.The Chamber of Commerce network will focus on development of the RES market, linked supply-chain and job-places. Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE SOUTH EAST EUROPE Unita ENEA UTT-VALNET Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 373/2011/COMM 01-mar-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza SANTI DIEGO 172 28-feb-14 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTT-VALNET Nazione ENEA IO084 Italia LIFE08/NAT/IT/000334 MAN-GMP-ITA Validation of risk management tools for genetically modified plants in protected and sensitive areas in Italy Abstract The main goal of this project is to validate a methodology for monitoring and managing possible environmental effects of genetically modified plants (GMPs) on plant and animal biodiversity. This will involve setting specific protection goals for sensitive or protected areas near genetically modified agro-ecosystems and monitoring any threat caused by the GMPs to the protected sites. The process will help identify optimal operational parameters for the monitoring system, and thus help improve knowledge about how best to manage environmental impacts from genetically modified plants. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto. Le attività sono dirette ad effettuare ricerche relative al rischio ambientale di piante geneticamente modificate in quattro aree protette italiane site in Emilia, Lazio e Basilicata. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE LIFE + (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTRI-BIOTEC Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 125/2009/COMM 01-gen-10 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ARPAIA SALVATORE Nazione ENEA 173 07M99 30-giu-13 ¼ ¼ UTTRI-BIOTEC Italia 268219 MATS Multipurpose Applications by Thermodynamic Solar Abstract The proposed MATS project aims at promoting the exploitation of concentrated solar energy through small and middle scale facilities, suitable to fulfil local requirements of power and heat, and easily to back-up with the renewable fuels locally already available or that can be expressly produced. The implementation of the project will allow to test the CSP (Concentrating Solar Power) technology in a location very advantageous with regard to the solar radiation rate as an example for the diffusion of this technology in other Mediterranean Countrie. Besides, it will represent the start-up for a development of specialized local industries. More in detail, the MATS project is focused on the innovative CSP technology developed by ENEA as an improvement of its Solar Thermodynamic technology based on molten salts as heat transfer fluid. This technology, referred as TREBIOS, allows combined heat and power production from solar source integrated with renewable fuels, such as biomass, biogas, industrial residues etc. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto e svolge un'intesa attività di ricerca, sviluppo sperimentale e dimostrazione anche mediante una gestione basata su sistemi informatici avanzati, quali un sito web di ultima generazione, servizi di videoconferenza in ambiente di comunicazione COMM-Virtual world 3d ed e-learning di supporto alle attività di training previste. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTRINN-STD Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 375/2011/COMM 19-lug-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità FABRIZI FABRIZIO Nazione ENEA 174 0ST16 18-gen-15 ¼ ¼ UTRINN-STD Italia 269706 MATTER MATerials TEsting and Rules Abstract The 2010-2012 implementation plan of the European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative (ESNII), in the frame of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNE TP), establishes a very tight time schedule for the start of construction of the European Gen IV prototypes; namely the construction of the LFR ETPP (European Technology Pilot Plant) Myrrha will start in 2014 and that of the SFR Prototype ASTRID will start in 2017. The GEN IV reactors pose new challenges to the designers and scientists in terms of higher operating temperature and higher irradiation damage of materials with respect to the present technologies. In this frame, the MATTER (MATerials TEsting and Rules) Project intends to start well targeted researches to perform careful studies of materials behaviors in GEN IV operational conditions and to find out criteria for the correct use of these materials in relevant reactor applications. Aim of the present Project is to complement the materials researches, in the frame of the EERA guidelines, with the implementation of pre-normative rules. The Project comprehends: - Mature materials research focused on testing procedures for the new reactors conditions - Supporting experiments of mature materials aimed to liquid metals characterization and to pre-normative qualification, - Pre-normative activities, comprehensive of experiments, to revise and update the design rules, - Preparation and starting of the EERA Joint Program by harmonization of the structure and finalization of the preliminary program in accordance with the deployment strategy of the SNETP. A relevant advantage of this approach consists in the possibility to achieve a correct aiming for the expensive materials testing operations. Other advantages are the comparability of the experimental data, being produced by consensual procedures, and the immediate availability of the experimental results (at least for some properties) in view of their pre-normative deployment. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina le attività dei 27 partner del progetto, è presente in tutti i Domini e responsabile del Dominio 4 (management, coordination and education/training). L'ENEA svolgerà attività sperimentali, di calcolo e di elaborazione delle linee guida presso il centro Brasimo (UTIS). In particolare il contributo ENEA al progetto avverrà nell'ambito delle prove materiali sperimentali e teoriche sul racketting e sul creep/fatica degli acciai feritico/martensitici, accompagnate da simulazioni numeriche mediante codice CAST 3M. Verranno inoltre elaborate le proposte operative di ricerca nel settore dei materiali ceramici e dei refrattari. Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTIS Data inizio 01-nov-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 621/2010/COMM; 57 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità AGOSTINI PIETRO Nazione ENEA 175 BR08A 31-dic-14 ¼ ¼ UTIS Italia 245171 MCFC-CONTEX MCFC catalyst and stack component degradation and lifetime: Fuel Gas CONTaminant effects and Extraction strategies Abstract High-T fuel cells like the MCFC are the best candidate for exploiting cleanly & efficiently non-conventional fuels of organic or wastederived origin that are one of the keys to a sustainable energy infrastructure & have very strong potential, but the degradation caused by the contaminants in these fuels must be addressed. MCFC-CONTEX aims to tackle this problem from 2 sides: 1) investigating poisoning mechanisms caused by alternative fuels & determining precisely MCFC tolerance limits for long-term endurance; 2) optimizing fuel cleaning to achieve tailored degrees of purification according to MCFC operating conditions & tolerance. The 1st line of activity requires extensive & long-term cell testing, so in parallel methods will be sought to increase experimental effectiveness: a numerical model will be set up to simulate & predict the effects of contaminants, and as knowledge is gained of the poisoning mechanisms through the experimental & simulation campaigns, accelerated testing procedures will be conceived & validated. The 2nd line of investigation entails characterization & development of clean-up materials & processes, focusing on the most promising options to be selected at the start of the project. To carry out this research, real-time & highly accurate contaminant detection methods are necessary which have to be implemented in the fuel-clean-up-MCFC chain to monitor the fate of the harmful species & thus deduce their effects. This will be the 3rd line of activity. Outcome of the project will be: - increased understanding of poisoning mechanisms & a set of operating conditions-dependent tolerance limits for the MCFC - a numerical model for prediction of contaminant-induced degradation effects - validated accelerated testing procedures - a prototypal clean-up system optimized for upgrading selected non-conventional fuel gases to established MCFC requirements - a reliable trace species detection system for monitoring of fuel quality & process control Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto e partecipa ai workpackage 1 "Promotion and dissemination of results", wp 2 "Effects of contaminants on degradation and Lifetime, wp 4 "Cleaning strategies". L'attività dell'ENEA comprende la sperimentazione di monocelle MCFC alimentati con gas simulanti i combustibili alternativi. Con un'analisi sistematica degli effetti dei vari contaminanti sulle prestazioni delle celle nel tempo, si arriverà a correlare gli effettivi livelli di tolleranza ai contaminanti con le condizioni operative imposte e così a una mappatura delle condizioni ottimali per le MCFC. In parallelo si contribuirà allo sviluppo di sistemi di pulizia ad assorbimento per rendere la qualità del combustibile alternativo idoneo all'utilizzo in cella. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE JTI Unita ENEA UTRINN Data inizio Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 163/2010/COMM 01-gen-10 ¼ 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MORENO ANGELO Nazione ENEA 176 0DG59 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTRINN Italia 2G-MED09-291 MEID Mediterranean Eco Industrial Development Abstract Thanks to previous experiences and a multidisciplinary level of the partnership, M.E.I.D. project will reach the European debate furnishing innovative figures to plan, build and govern a more competitive and less expensive sustainable Industrial Areas (Ias). The common aim is to reduce environmental impacts in the wider optic to sustain SMEs competitiveness. The enhancement of transnational cooperation will be the mean for reaching an unified standard for planning a sustainable development of Ias and to create necessary tools to implement the proposed innovative solutions. Decision tools will be developed for Competent Authorities in order to integrate environmental friendly solutions into Development Strategies for Industrial and Productive Policy. Thanks to this integrative approach, SMEs will be the final beneficiaries, fostered to ecoinnovation, competitiveness and transnational cooperation. To concretely reach these objective, the project has been planned in order to be correspond to a coherent solution following the results of the SWOT analysis of several target Ias, and consequently the following elements will be developed: a decision support system, sustainable construction rules and detailed recommendations for applicants. The achieved model, MEID, will be tested in some pilot areas. SMEs of traditional construction sector will be introduced to Life cycle thinking approach, to assess their impact and improve their activities. SMEs located in involved areas will take advantages of planned sustainable service and sharing common facilities. In addition, some SMEs will test eco-innovation procedures to follow the sustainable standards of their Ias. The main technical solutions developed can be summarized in the following points: LQQRYDWLYH³VFDOHHFRQRPLHV´FRQFHSWUHGXFWLRQRIWKH³H[WHUQDOFRVWV´ -a suitable Environmental Verification Scheme for IA level; -a integrated database with all new technologies and applicable BAT (Best Available Technology). Attività ENEA L'ENEA è responsabile del coordinamento tecnico scientifico del progetto e della sua gestione amministrativo finanziaria. Partecipa inoltre alla fase di elaborazione del protocollo da seguire nella SWOT Analysis, nella definizione del modello procedurale MEID e nella definizione dei requisiti degli edifici industriali sostenibili con l'approccio di Life Cycle Thinking Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE MED (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTVALAMB Data inizio 01-lug-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 305/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ZANINI GABRIELE Nazione ENEA 177 IO045 30-giu-13 ¼ ¼ UTVALAMB Italia 244348 METAPRO The development of tools and effective strategies for the optimisation of useful secondary METAbolite PROduction in planta Abstract In the METAPRO project we aim to optimise the production of several useful isoprenoid derived secondary metabolites to demonstrate the tools and strategies developed for the generic production of useful secondary metabolites in plants. Astaxanthin (ketocarotenoids) and the apocarotenoid crocin have been selected to demonstrate the application of the technologies adopted and developed. These compounds are of high-value and used in the industrial and health sectors. Both are classical secondary plant metabolites being formed in slow growing species that are not readily amenable to agricultural production. They are non-essential to the plant, synthesised at a defined developmental stage, in specialised tissues, cells and/or cellular compartments. In order to generate cheap renewable bio-resources of these compounds with improved economic and environmental potential, natural variation will be exploited and genetic engineering approaches implemented. Astaxanthin and crocin will be engineered into Solanaceae host platforms. Tomato fruit and potato tuber are ideal cell factories for this class of molecules, as at defined developmental stages their tissues and specialised cellular compartments are pre-disposed to high level isoprenoid formation. To optimise production in these hosts the METAPRO project aims to use modern and emerging technologies to - elucidate regulatory mechanisms involved in synthesis, - optimise storage by increasing, altering and transport from, the cellular compartment responsible for synthesis and accumulation, - improve stability of the products in the cell and during bioprocessing and - implement improved transformation, transcription and translation tools for more efficient engineering and improved yields and quality. To achieve these objectives and deliver scientific excellence with impact a multidisciplinary pan-European team with complementary expertise, industrial (SME) participation and global interaction has been constructed. Attività ENEA L'attività di ENEA è relativa alla caratterizzazione da un punto di vita molecolare della pathway biosintetica che porta alla sintesi dei metaboliti secondari presenti nello zafferano (crocina, pirocrocina, safranale) e di trasferire i geni relativi in una pianta modello come il pomodoro. Tipo di progetto STREP - Progetti Specifici Mirati Programma UE Biotecn, prod.alim, agric., pesca (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTAGRI-GEN Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza GIULIANO GIOVANNI 178 07N20 31-mag-13 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTAGRI-GEN Nazione ROYAL ALLOWAY AND BEDFORD NEW COLLEGE 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 371/2010/COMM 01-dic-09 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Regno Unito METROFISSION Metrology for new generation nuclear power plants Abstract Society demands energy supplies that are secure, sustainable and of high quality. In the next decade, Europe is facing potential energy shortages as oil and gas supplies run down and nuclear power facilities age. Pressure to reduce the green house gas emissions has lead to a requirement for the development of a new generation of nuclear power plants in Europe. This JRP will develop the necessary infrastructure to enable measurement of the parameters associated with new generation nuclear power plants, in the area of materials, temperature, neutron fluence, nuclear data and radiometric methods to ensure that energy suppliers and regulators can work towards an energy secure future within a metrology framework. Attività ENEA L'ENEA, oltre a prender parte al Management complessivo del progetto, partecipa principalmente per la parte relativa al: WP6: Triple-to-Double-Coincidence-Ratio, riguardante lo sviluppo di un sistema portatile per la misura in campo (centrale nucleare) di radionuclidi emettitori alfaheta mediante la tecnica delle rapporto delle coincidenze tripleldoppie con contatori a scintillazione liquida; WP7: Digital Coincidence Counting, riguardante lo sviluppo di nuovi sistemi digitali per l'acquisizione ed elaborazione di segnali ad elevatissimo rateo da rivelatori nucleari; WP8: Creating impact, quest'ultimo in qualità di WP leader, con l'obiettivo di trasferire i risultati del progetto agli utilizzatori esterni agli Istituti Metrologici europei, in particolare agli operatori di impianti nucleari, alle aziende e istituzioni internazionali operanti nel settore del nucleare da fissione. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EMRP Unita ENEA METR Data inizio 01-set-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 520/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità CAPOGNI MARCO Nazione NPL NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY 179 0EG05 01-ago-13 ¼ ¼ METR Regno Unito IND04 METROMETAL Ionizing radiation metrology for metallurgical industry Abstract The JRP has the following scientific and technical objectives: Ɣ:37KHGHYHORSPHQWRIUHOLDEOH6,WUDFHDEOHPHWKRGVRSWLPLVHGIRUWKHFRQWUROPHDVXUHPHQWRIUDGLRDFWLYLW\DWHDFKVWDJHRIWKH smelting process (e.g. scrap loads, metal products, slag and fumes dust). Ɣ:37KHGHYHORSPHQWRIUHIHUHQFHVWDQGDUGVIRUFDVWVWHHOUHDODQGFRPSRVLWHUHIHUHQFHVWDQGDUGVVODJDQGIXPHGXVW5HIHUHQFH standards will be contaminated with potential contaminant radionuclides (e.g. 60Co, 137Cs, 192Ir, 226Ra) and have different geometries/matrices that correspond to the cast steel probes currently used for on-line measurements and the slag cartridges used for the calibration of radioactivity detectors. Ɣ:37KHFKDUDFWHULVDWLRQRIWKHPHDVXUHPHQWPHWKRGVUHFRPPHQGHGLQ:3ZLWKWKHUHIHUHQFHVWDQGDUGVSURGXFHGLQ:3XVLQJ inter-laboratory comparisons and Monte Carlo simulations to cover the large diversity of sample geometries, shapes, densities and elemental compositions. Ɣ:37KHGHVLJQRIDQRSWLPLVHGVSHFWURPHWULFGHYLFHDQGWKHSURGXFWLRQRISURWRW\SHGHYLFHVIRUWKHPHDVXUHPHQWRIDFWLYLW\LQFDVW steel, fume dust and slag samples using the methods developed in WP1. This work package includes laboratory testing of the prototype devices. Ɣ:3±(YDOXDWLRQRIWKHSURWRW\SHVSHFWURPHWULFGHYLFHVSURGXFHGLQ:3DQGWKHPHWKRGVGHYHORSHGLQ:3:3DWHQGXVHU facilities (i.e. foundries). Evaluation criteria will be developed based on end-user needs/constraints. Ɣ:3±'HPRQVWUDWLRQRIWKHSURWRW\SHVSHFWURPHWULFGHYLFHVDWVHOHFWHGIRXQGULHVLQ(XURSHGHYHORSPHQWRIWHFKQLFDO recommendations and input into European and National Standards Committees for the standardisation of radioactivity monitoring (e.g. calibration of measurement systems, on-line monitoring of production and certification of cast steel batches), and worldwide dissemination of project results to end-users, stakeholders and the general society through journal articles, conference presentations and specialised workshops. Attività ENEA L'ENEA, oltre a prender parte alla gestione complessiva dei progetti: (WP6) e (WP7), partecipa principalmente per la parte relativa al: WPl: Sviluppo e miglioramento di metodi e misurazione dell'attività di radionuclidi presenti nella lavorazione industriale metallurgica; WP2: Sviluppo di nuove sorgenti standard di riferimento, a geometria nota; WP3: Caratterizzazione di sorgenti standard di riferimento, combinando misure e metodi, mediante circuiti di interconfronto; WP4: Progettazione e realizzazione di uno strumento adatto a misure di scorie e metalli fusi; WP5: Dimostrazione e disseminazione dei risultati ottenuti: alla comunità scientifica, agli stakeholders e agli utilizzatori finali. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EMRP Unita ENEA METR Data inizio 01-dic-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 646/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità CARCONI PIERLUIGI Nazione CIEMAT 180 0EG26 30-nov-14 ¼ ¼ METR Spagna JRP N. ENV09 MetroRWM Metrology for Radioactive Waste Management Abstract It is imperative that the thousands of tonnes of low and intermediate level radioactive wastes arising each year from the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and the clearance of sites are disposed of in a manner which is (i) safe, (ii) secure, (iii) socially-acceptable, and (iv) cost-effective. Key metrological problems must be addressed if the nuclear and ionising radiation industry is to achieve these goals. These include the needs for novel methods, standards, decay data, reference materials and instruments for radioactive waste measurements. Only accurate and traceable measurements will ensure waste is consigned to the correct waste stream. This JRP will address these needs via a programme of research in the ionising radiation and environmental areas by improving the instruments, measurement methods, reference materials and decay data to be used. During the project, standardised traceable measurement methods for solid radioactive waste free release and for acceptance to repositories, novel instruments and methods for in-situ measurements, gaseous effluent monitor/sampler for stored wastes and standards DQGµVSLNHG¶RUFKDUDFWHUL]HGµUHDO¶UHIHUHQFHPDWHULDOVZLOOEHGHYHORSHGDQGGHFD\GDWDIRUORQJOLYHGUDGLRQXFOLGHVLPSURYHG The proposed scientific and technological methodology is a sound concept because it solves present metrology problems in radioactive waste management, identified by thirteen European metrology institutes as most significant. Attività ENEA L'ENEA prende parte alla gestione complessiva del progetto (WP7) e partecipa alle seguenti attività: WP1 - development of a standandised traceable measurment methods for solid radioactive waste clearance (free release) and disposal, WP2 - development of in situ measurement methods; WP3 - development of measurement methods for gaseous effluents; WP4 - development of reference material; WP6 - creating impact (trasferimento dei risultati agli utilizzatori esterni). Tipo di progetto JRP - Joint research project Programma UE EMRP Unita ENEA METR Data inizio 01-ott-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 486/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità COZZELLA MARIA LETIZIA Nazione CMI CZECH METROLOGY INSTITUTE 181 0EG22 30-set-14 ¼ ¼ METR Repubblica Ceca LIFE07 ENV/IT/000434 MHYBUS Methane and hydrogen blend for public city transport bus Abstract The MHyBus project aims to reduce the environmental impact of the public city passenger transport sector (in terms of CO2 and air SROOXWDQWVHPLVVLRQVWKURXJKWKHXVHRIDJDVHRXVIXHOEOHQGRIXSWRK\GURJHQDQGQDWXUDOJDVLQVKRUW³K\GURPHWKDQH´ The project seeks to implement the first prototype hydro-methane bus and to support the spread of this technology through regional policy measures. It will increase awareness in the Emilia-Romagna region on climate change and air quality topics through the active demonstration of the vehicle prototype. Expected results of the project are: The optimization of the percentage composition of the hydro-methane blend (of up to 20% hydrogen and 80% natural gas); Verification of the functioning of the prototype fuel supply system and its components; The development of a public transport city bus prototype able to use hydro-methane (developed from an existing bus fuelled by natural gas); Development of a standardized procedure for the prototype bus (which may be used to transform the entire bus fleet); Experimental results that are a valuable and important reference for the diffusion of the hydrogen technology in the transport sector (e,g. acting as a starting point for the improvement of air quality and the fight against climate change); Regional technical guidelines for the conversion of the natural gas fuelled buses currently in circulation to hydro-methane fuelled buses. Attività ENEA Il progetto ha l'obiettivo principale di realizzare un prototipo di autobus per il circuito cittadino alimentato dalla miscela idrogenometano (idrometano) a partire da un autobus alimentato a metano. Inoltre il progetto mira ad ottenere l'autorizzazione del mezzo a circolare su strada soprattutto con il fine di semplificare il percorso autorizzativo per la stessa trasformazione su analoghi mezzi in seguito. Una volta ottenuta l'omologazione del prototipo infatti non sarà più necessario affrontare i costi, i tempi e le difficoltà tecniche dei test, delle certificazioni, delle procedure autorizzatorie. Questo dovrebbe facilitare la conversione di una parte della flotta di trasporto pubblico a metano verso l'idrometano apportando benefici rispetto alla qualità dell'aria locale: è provato infatti che l'uso di questa miscela produce una riduzione di emissioni di inquinanti atmosferici locali (in particolare CO e Nox). ENEA realizzerà tutti i test a banco e su strada necessari per mettere a punto il motore e la centralina ed eventualmente sostituire alcune parti della catena di alimentazione con parti certificate per l'uso con miscele di idrogeno al 15%. ATM metterà a disposizione un mezzo per la realizzazione del prototipo ed un autista per i test su strada; ASTER si occuperà, oltre che della gestione del progetto (in vece della Regione EmiliaRomagna), soprattutto delle attività di trasferimento tecnologico verso le altre aziende dei trasporti regionali e nazionali e della disseminazione; la Regione Emilia-Romagna elaborerà delle linee guida tecniche indirizzate alle aziende dei trasporti e una road map per la diffusione dell'idrogeno nel settore dei trasporti a livello regionale Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE LIFE + (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTEI-VEBIM Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 11/E/2009/TER; 457/2 Codice atto 01-gen-09 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità GENOVESE ANTONINO Nazione REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA 182 0CG70 30-giu-13 ¼ ¼ UTTEI-VEBIM Italia 225353 MICIE Tool for sistemic risk analysis and secure mediation of data exchanged across linked CI information infrastructures Abstract MICIE will design and implement a so-called "MICIE alerting system" that identifies, in real time, the level of possible threats induced on a given Critical Infrastructure (CI) by "undesired" events happened in such CI and/or other interdependent CIs. Whenever such events occur, the MICIE alerting system will support the CI operators providing them with a real time risk level (e.g. expressed in a chromatic scale such as green, yellow, red). The alarm conditions will be evaluated by means of an on-line prediction tool making use of properly designed abstract CI models. The CI model will make use of hierarchical modelling in order to evaluate the "level of interdependency" existing among the different CIs, which will be characterized through proper 'thresholds' values. The MICIE alerting system will also include a proper discovery communication infrastructure able to operate in a heterogeneous CI framework. The purpose is to discover the "sensible" data in the different CIs, translate them in CI-independent metadata and transport them via a communication network. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE ICT (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTMEA-CAL Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 302/2008/DG 01-set-08 Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico 2008 MINICHINO MICHELE 183 28-feb-11 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTMEA-CAL Nazione SELEX COMMUNICATION SPA 0AT35 Italia IEE/07/696/SI2.499387 MOMO CAR SHARING More Options for Energy Efficient Mobility through Car-Sharing Abstract 7KHRYHUDOOREMHFWLYHRIPRPRLVWRHVWDEOLVKDQGLQFUHDVH&DU6KDULQJDVSDUWRIDQHZPRELOLW\FXOWXUH±FRQWULEXWLQJWRLPSOHPHQW SROLF\JRDOVRIWKH(8*UHHQ3DSHUµ7RZDUGVDQHZFXOWXUHIRUXUEDQPRELOLW\¶,QVWHDGRIFDURZQHUVKLS&DU6KDULQJLQFRRSHUDWLRQ with alternative transport modes provides a more intelligent and resource-efficient transport solution. With Car-Sharing as a marketbased service, transport can be organised more rationally and more energy-efficient. This modern service is market based - without any restriction for individual mobility. Aditionally Car-Sharing helps to reclaim street space in city centres from parking to social and HFRORJLFDOIXQFWLRQV±WKXVPDNLQJRXUFLWLHVDVUHVRXUFHHIILFLHQWVHWWOHPHQWPRUHDWWUDFWLYH7KHWDUJHWLVWRH[WHQGWKHQXPEHURI&DU Sharers in Europe considerably and to establish Car-Sharing in cities where this innovative system currently does not yet exist. momo will support the awareness about Car-Sharing and will develop recommendations on how to develop and establish eco-efficient CarSharing. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTFISST-SIMING Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 31/E/2008/TER 01-ott-08 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità NEGRENTI EMANUELE Nazione SENATOR FOR UMWELT, BAU, VERKEHER UND EUROPA BREMEN 184 0CG55 30-set-11 ¼ ¼ UTFISST-SIMING Germania JLS/2009/CIPS/AG/C1-016 MOTIA Modeling Tools for Interdependencies Assessment in ICT systems Abstract MOTIA project is aimed at developing a methodological framework for ICT network inter-dependencies analysis. Special efforts will be devoted to identify critical system inter-dependencies as potential amplifiers of negative impacts upon failures or deliberate attacks. A representative Italian case study will be deeply analyzed, whilst providing general purpose tools. Generally speaking, one expects increases of inter-dependency among the different systems to reduce resilience of the overall system. In this respect, one of the main objectives is to define and implement alert-indicators for crisis prevention and mitigation policy purposes. The analysis of indicators may also help CERT's (Computer Emergency Response Teams) to take prompt and effective actions in order to recover an acceptable operational state. Among related objectives the following are worth noting: . Developing analytical tools capable to identify the most critical inter-dependencies. . Basic screenings will be in terms of potential impact on Quality of Service, security perception and economic status, according European Commission general indications, . Ensuring the analysis tools to account for emerging technologies, forthcoming operators and growth trends Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE Security and safeguarding liberties Unita ENEA UTMEA Data inizio 01-gen-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 152/2009/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità BOLOGNA SANDRO Nazione ENEA 185 0AT55 31-dic-11 ¼ ¼ UTMEA Italia MP1103 MP1103 Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage Abstract This COST Action deals with the future of energy storage and aims to set up a competitive and coordinated network capable to define new and unexplored ways for Solid State Hydrogen Storage (SSHS) by innovative and interdisciplinary research within the European Research Area (ERA). This Action focuses on SSHS in light-weight nanostructured materials to discover novel guidelines and phenomena for the design of advanced SSHS systems. This Action will exploit the potential of state-of-the-art synthesis techniques, VWUXFWXUHDQDO\VLVDQGFRPSXWHUVLPXODWLRQVWRDFKLHYHWUXO\DWRPLFOHYHOFRQWUROLQWKHGHVLJQRIPDWHULDOV¶VWUXFWXUHPLFURVWUXFWXUHDQG chemical bonding which are crucial for the assessment of structure-properties relationships. Through the control of the hydrogen binding energy and the optimization of hydrogen transport and surface catalysis, the final goal is the development of SSHS materials with tailored properties that find practical implementation in transportation and energy sectors to sustain in medium-long terms the economies of European countries. This Action contributes to form a critical mass of researchers, increasing cooperation and interaction to coordinate outstanding R&D and innovation-based growth in the field of SSHS materials, in order to overcome the present bottlenecks for their widespread industrial application. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa a tutte le attività previste dall'azione e coordina i ricercatori dei ventinove paesi coinvolti. L'azione COST, infatti, è uno strumento intergovernativo per il coordinamento di attività di ricerca finanziate a livello nazionale. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE COST Unita ENEA UTTMAT-DIAG Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina Codice atto 25-ott-11 Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Coordinatore 24-ott-15 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico 2011 Unità MONTONE AMELIA Nazione ENEA 186 UTTMAT-DIAG Italia ENPI/2010/248-486 MSP Paving the Way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan Abstract The purpose of the project is to improve conditions favourable to the increased use of renewable energy in general and solar energy in particular, across all the Southern Mediterranean Partner Countries. The focus is on renewable energy, combined with energy efficiency and savings. The Service Contract will aim to achieve results that include progress in the establishment of a harmonised legislative and regulatory framework, strengthened institutional capacity, improvement in knowledge transfer and capacity building in renewable energy technologies, and an improved business climate. Attention will also be paid to tackling issues related to the guarantees of origin. According to the Service Procurement Notice, the project will support and coordinate activities among various stakeholders, targeting for example ministries in charge of energy, finance, and social affairs, industry, the research community, and International Financing Institutions. Activities should also enhance synergies with ongoing EU- and other donor-funded cooperation, as well as reinforce existing energy agencies and their networks, collaborate with the MEDREG Association of Euro-Mediterranean energy Regulators, as well as coordinate ZLWKWKH(XURSHDQ,QGXVWULDO,QLWLDWLYHµ6RODU(XURSH¶RIWKH(86WUDWHJLF(QHUJ\7HFKQRORJLHV6(73ODQDQGRQJRLQJLQLWLDWLYHV under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Attività ENEA L'ENEA contribuirà al progetto partecipando prevalentemente, anche con ruolo di leader, all'individuazione delle competenze disponibili nei Paesi coinvolti, alla definizione di una roadmap per la collaborazione con la UE, alla preparazione di seminari, workshop e visite, alla definizione di una clean energy platform e di una agenda di ricerca strategica. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE ENPI (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTRINN Data inizio 01-set-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 536/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DE LILLO ANNA Nazione MVV decon GmbH 187 0ST013 31-ago-13 ¼ ¼ UTRINN Germania 218812 MYOCEAN Development and pre-operational validation of upgraded GMES marine core services and capabilities Abstract MyOcean is THE PROJECT to set up infrastructures, services and resources to prepare the operational deployment of first Marine Core Services. My Ocean answers to the topic SPA.2007.1.1.01 - development of upgraded capabilities for existing GMES fast-track services and related (pre)operational services. MyOcean is proposed by a consortium of 67 partners spread in maritime countries: - federated around a core team of MCS operators - connected to Key R&D players with independent experts - rich of key intermediate users ready to commit to the service validation and promotion and play the role of beta-testers. My Ocean is not the MCS but shall provide the major building blocks and umbrella to allow the operational deployment of a full MCS in cooperation with external providers (National Met services, EMSA). MyOcean proposes to set an incremental logic and a governance to remain sustainable after the project and able to welcome new science and new services. The project includes the following tasks: - The definition of a first set of operational Marine Core Services, first package of an enlarged MCS portfolio - The operational development of European upgraded capacities acting as a common denominator for Member States, EU needs for reference marine information - The pre-operational validation of these MCS infrastructures and services and their formal commissioning - The marketing and promotion of Marine Core Services for use widening - The elaboration of a committed organisation to support at long term MCS operations, evolution and research. My Ocean inherits, benefits and pursues a European operational oceanography strategy started within EUROGOOS networks, and progressively implemented through subsequent projects: MERSEA Strand1, MERSEA, BOSS4. BOSS4 will provide a Version 0 of Marine Core Services fast tracks. MyOcean work plan shall cover the development, validation and pre-operations of the following versions of MCS V1 and V2. Attività ENEA Le attività ENEA riguarderanno in particolare: - la partecipazione alle decisioni di indirizzo tecnico scientifico del progetto e attività di sviluppo di sistemi informativi per la gestione delle aree marine e costiere negli oceani e nei mari regionali europei; lo sviluppo di sistemi di accesso a banche dati distribuite a varie nazioni; lo sviluppo di protocolli di acquisizione, trasmissione e controllo in tempo reale di dati ambientali Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE SPAZIO (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTMAR Data inizio 01-gen-09 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 32/2009/ACS Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA MANZELLA GIUSEPPE MARIA ROSAR Unità Nazione GROUPEMENT INTERET PUBLIC MERCATOR OCEAN 188 0QHEN 31-mar-12 ¼ ¼ UTMAR Francia JLS/2008/ISEC/PR/020-D1 NDE Network on the detection of explosives Abstract The Network on the Detection of Explosives (NDE), is to support the EU and the Commission in the tasks related to the implementation of the EU 'Action plan on enhancing security of explosives', particularly of its detection section. In its activities the network will have to take account of the existing work carried out by different bodies at the EU level as well as national level across the EU 27. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa significativamente a tutti i task. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE JLS Unita ENEA UTAPRAD-DIM Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 175/2010/COMM 24-giu-09 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità PALUCCI ANTONIO Nazione CEA 189 0BP59 23-giu-11 ¼ ¼ UTAPRAD-DIM Francia HOME/A4/MP/D(2011)/68732 NDE 2 Network on the detection of explosives Abstract The Network on the Detection of Explosives (NDE), is to support the EU and the Commission in the tasks related to the implementation of the EU 'Action plan on enhancing security of explosives', particularly of its detection section. In its activities the network will have to take account of the existing work carried out by different bodies at the EU level as well as national level across the EU 27. Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE JLS Unita ENEA UTAPRAD-DIM Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 21/2012/COMM 24-giu-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità PALUCCI ANTONIO Nazione CEA 190 0BP59 23-giu-13 ¼ ¼ UTAPRAD-DIM Francia JLS/2008/CIPS/016 NEISAS National and European Information Sharing and Alerting System Abstract Project Objective: ±'HYHORSPHQWRIDQ,QIRUPDWLRQ6KDULQJ)UDPHZRUND0RGHODQGD3LORW3ODWIRUPIRUD1DWLRQDODQG(XURSHDQ,QIRUPDWLRQ6KDULQJ and Alerting System (based on the results of various EU funded projects) ±3URMHFWLQFRQWUDFWILQDOL]DWLRQVWDJHVWDUWXS Activities: ±$QDO\VLVRIWKHUHVXOWVRIRWKHU(XURSHDQSURMHFWVRQWKLVVXEMHFW ±'HILQLWLRQRID)UDPHZRUNPRGHOIRU,QIRUPDWLRQ6KDULQJDQG$OHUWVDWD1DWLRQDODQG,QWHUQDWLRQDOOHYHO ±3LORWVRIWZDUHSODWIRUPDQDO\VLVGHYHORSPHQWDQGWHVWLQJ ±'HSOR\PHQWRIWKH3LORW3ODWIRUPLQ8.,WDO\1HWKHUODQGV ±$QDO\VLVRI3LORWUHVXOWVDQG)UDPHZRUN0RGHO)LQH7XQLQJ ±'LVVHPLQDWLRQRISURMHFWUHVXOWV Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EPCIP Unita ENEA UTMEA Data inizio 16-feb-09 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 9-E/2009/FIM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità BOLOGNA SANDRO Nazione ENEA 191 0AT43 15-feb-11 ¼ ¼ UTMEA Italia 295826 NEWLANCER New ms Linking for and AdvaNced Cohesion in Euratom Research Abstract NEWLANCER project proposes to identify and implement effective and efficient actual solutions leading to enlarged NMS involvement in future Euratom Framework Programmes by strengthening and catalyzing the full R&D potential at national level, by increasing cohesion between New Member States institutions, and by improving their cooperation with Old Member States research centres. The specific sub-objectives of the project are to promote: Analysis of skills and current participation of NMS in Euratom Projects aiming to review and assess NMS research capabilities and participation in Euratom R&D Programmes (key issues, gaps, good practices and barriers, challenges, etc. with increased attention to the risk, safety and environmental aspects) Network for advanced cohesion in NMS nuclear research aiming to create a multi-level regional network having as mission to enhance cohesion and interact with national and European levels in order to strengthen future participation in European research. Good Practices and Recommendations aiming to collect and analyze relevant cases on New and Old MS participation in Euratom Programmes and draw up good practices and recommendations addressed to a large end-users spectrum: scientists, research managers, national authorities, EC structures (SNE-TP, IGD-TP, EERA, ESNII) interested in better use of entire research potential. Visibility and Connectivity aiming to ensure broad visibility of NMS research potential in Europe, to promote actual activities shared between networking partners, to publicize the project outcomes, and to create links with European structures with a major role in the configuration of nuclear research programmes. Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto Programma UE Anno di stipula EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISSM-PRONOC Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Ruolo ENEA Determina 474/20117COMM 01-nov-11 Costo eleggibile totale 2011 Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità GLINATSIS GEORGIOS Nazione REGIA AUTONOMA PENTRU ACTIVITATI NUCLEARE 192 IO090 31-ott-13 ¼ ¼ UTFISSM-PRONOC Romania 283798 NGCPV A new generation of concentrator photovoltaic cells, modules and systems Abstract The Project, through a collaborative research between seven European and nine Japanese leading research centres in the field of concentration photovoltaic (CPV), pursues the improvement of present concentrator cell, module and system efficiency. Particular effort will be devoted to the development of multijunction solar cells (by researching on metamorphic, lattice match, inverted and bifacial growth, use of silicon substrates and incorporation of quantum nanostructures) with the objective of approaching the 50 % efficiency goal at cell level and 35% at module level (by incorporating advanced optics as for example Fresnel-Kohler concentrators). As a means to speed up the progress, the Project will also expand the use of characterization techniques suitable for CPV materials, cells, trackers, modules and systems by developing new ones, incorporating advanced semiconductor techniques to the field of photovoltaic (such as three dimensional real-time reciprocal space mapping, 3D-RTSM, piezoelectric photo-thermal and optical time resolved techniques) and by deploying a round robin scheme that allows the qualification and standardization of the results derived from the measurements. To support all these studies from a global perspective and, in particular, to ensure an accurate forecast of the energy produced at system level, the Project plans to build a 50 kW concentrator plant. To achieve its goals, the Project is structured into five RTD workpackages: new materials and device characterization, development of novel device technologies and quantum nanostructures for CPV, development of advanced CPV cells, development of characterization tools for CPV cells, modules and systems and development of CPV modules and systems. To strength the collaboration between EU and Japan, the Proposal also foresees more than 20 interchange visits. NGCPV is an EU coordinated project in the framework of call FP7-ENERGY-2011-JAPAN, forseeing a simultaneous start with the Japanese coordinated project. Accordingly, the Japanese project should start at the latest within 3 months of the signature of the EU grant agreement. Attività ENEA Le attività ENEA copriranno diverse tematiche: . Sviluppo di strumenti di caratterizzazione di sistemi CPV e test onsite, anche basati su procedure innovative di controllo a distanza e caratterizzazioni basate sull'isocronismo per la misura contemporanea di più parametri (leader ENEA). . Procedure di Round robin di caratterizzazioni di moduli a concentrazione. . Caratterizzazione del sistema da 50 Kwp. .Contributo alla definizione delle procedure operative per la predizione della produzione energetica anche al fine di permettere analisi comparative tra le varie tecnologie. L'ENEA sfrutterà anche i propri sistemi eliostati da 5 Kwp focus pho per sviluppare le proprie competenze di base per la caratterizzazione di sistemi prototipali da 50 Kwp. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTP Data inizio 01-giu-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 246/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ROCA FRANCESCO Nazione UNIV. POLITECNICA MADRID 193 P0010 30-nov-14 ¼ ¼ UTTP Spagna 283138 OPTS Optimization of a Thermal energy Storage system with integrated Steam Generator Abstract OPTS project aims at developing a new Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system based on single tank configuration using stratifying Molten Salts (MS, Sodium/Potassium Nitrates 60/40 w/w) as heat storage medium at 550°C maximum temperature, integrated with a Steam Generator (SG), to provide efficient, reliable and economic energy storage for the next generation of trough and tower plants. The three-year experimental program will be focused to the full development of the integrated system (TES-SG) up to demonstration level. The SG, with natural recirculation of the MS, can be either positioned directly into the tank (Pool-type) or as an external shell-andtube once-through SG (Loop-type) with piping system and pump. Since the objective is to develop a new TES-SG concept for large-scale CSP plants, i.e. 50 MWe, the experimental concept has to be verified in a relevant scale (at least 12.5 MWth), maintaining the same main thermo-fluid-dynamic parameters as the full scale system. This test section will be designed, built, and tested. Basic experimental, modelling and engineering activities will be carried out to support the design and optimization of the proposed technology. These activities include assessment of MS heat transport properties under relevant representative conditions for the TES-SG system. Moreover, design, optimization and cost-benefit assessment for a full-scale TES-SG system (125 MWth/50MWe) will be done in the framework of the OPTS project coupled with a CSP (tower or trough) plant. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto e svolge anche un'intensa attività di ricerca, sviluppo sperimentale e dimostrazione negli otto workpackage che costituiscono il piano di lavoro anche mediante una gestione basata su sistemi informatici avanzati, quali un sito web di ultima generazione, servizi di videoconferenza in ambiente di comunicazione COMM-virtual word 3D ed e-learning di supporto alle attività di training previste. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTRINN-STD Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 545/2011/COMM 01-dic-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza FABRIZI FABRIZIO 194 30-nov-14 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTRINN-STD Nazione ENEA 0ST22 Italia 211361 ORAMED Optimization of radiation protection of medical staff Abstract The state-of-the-art analysis performed in the FP6 CONRAD project highlighted high extremity doses and a lack of systematic data analysis on exposures to the staff in interventional radiology (IR) and nuclear medicine (NM). To optimize the working procedures in the medical field with respect to radiation protection, a project focussed on improving the knowledge on extremity and eye lens exposures is proposed, combined with an optimization in the use of active personal dosemeters. The first objective is to obtain extensive extremity dose data for staff in IR, with special attention to eye lens doses and the analysis of the radiation protection measures. At the present time there is no suitable dosimeter for eye lens dosimetry. Hp(3) is mentioned as the operational quantity to control the dose limits, but there are no conversion coefficients nor a calibration procedure available. The second objective of the project is to develop a formalism to measure eye lens doses and to design a prototype eye lens dosemeter. IR staff belongs to a specific working group which could benefit from a real time accurate dose assessment. Therefore, the third objective is to study the behaviour of commercial active personal dosemeters under real conditions and to design a prototype that could solve the present problems. In NM the doses to the different parts of the hands will be systematically mapped, with special attention to unsealed therapy sources, aiming to estimate the real dose load of NM workers and to describe appropriate protection measures. The different objectives of this project will be achieved through well coordinated measurement campaigns in European hospitals. Simulations will be performed to determine the main parameters that influence the extremity and eye lens doses and the effectiveness of different radiation protection measures. The final objective is to develop a program to disseminate all conclusions and recommendations to the interested parties. Attività ENEA Le attività dell'ENEA riguardano il: WP 1 "Extremity dosimetry and eye lens dosimetry in interventional radiology and cardiology " ; WP 2 "Development of practical eye lens dosimetry in interventional radiology" WP 4 "Extremity dosimetry in nuclear medicine" WP 5 "Training and dissemination of know how; organisation of training courses" Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA IRP Data inizio 01-feb-08 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2008 Ruolo ENEA Determina 02/2008/BAS_ION Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità GUALDRINI GIAN FRANCO Nazione SCK CEN 195 IO029 31-gen-11 ¼ ¼ IRP Belgio 244229 PERPETUATE Performance-based approach to the earthquake protection of cultural heritage in European and Mediterranean countries Abstract PERPETUATE intends to develop European Guidelines for evaluation and mitigation of seismic risk to cultural heritage assets, with innovative techniques for the seismic strengthening of historical buildings and the preservation of artworks (frescos, stucco-works, statues, battlements, banisters, ). The main deliverable of the project will be made by a main document, which outlines the safety and conservation conceptual approach and the overall methodology, and other specific documents, describing the different components of the risk analysis. Two different problems are considered: a) assessment of a single cultural heritage asset (hazard analysis; soil foundation problems; investigations for the building knowledge; seismic analysis; SHM and strengthening interventions); b) policy initiatives for seismic risk mitigation (simplified vulnerability and risk analysis at territorial scale). Other important deliverables will come out from the application and validation of the methodology in several case studies (the Citadel of Algiers and the historical centre of Rhodes, both in the UNESCO list of the World Cultural Heritage, the St.Maria Paganica Cathedral and the Branconio Palace in L Aquila Abruzzo Region, the St. Pardo Cathedral in Larino Molise Region, the Cathedral St. Nicholas in Ljubljana Slovenia). The call asks for the development of integrated methodologies and innovative tools for protection.. of the main cultural heritage assets as regards the impact of earthquakes and makes expressly reference to the contribution for improved regulation and standards. The recommendations recently issued by the Italian Ministry of Culture represent the framework for the development of European Guidelines, applicable in the European and the other Mediterranean countries. The methodology proposed in PERPETUATE will use a displacement-based approach for the vulnerability evaluation and the design of interventions. Attività ENEA L'ENEA svolge le seguenti attività: contribuisce alla definizione dell'abaco degli stati di danno associati alla definizione degli stati limite specifici per il patrimonio culturale verificati in sito e sperimentalmente tramite prove su tavola vibrante; utilizza le tecniche NDT per l'identificazione dei danni al patrimonio artistico dovuti all'interazione tra gli elementi strutturali e non strutturali (affreschi ecc.) effettua campagne sperimentali su tavola vibrante delle tecniche di intervento sui macroelementi strutturali del patrimonio artistico progettate secondo l'approccio agli spostamenti. Utilizza tecniche 3Dvision per l'acquisizione dei dati di spostamento durante le prove su tavola vibrante e sperimentazione condivisa a distanza; contribuisce alla stesura delle linee guida europee per la protezione del patrimonio artistico; svolge attività di management del progetto. Tipo di progetto STREP - Progetti Specifici Mirati Programma UE AMBIENTE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTMAT-QUAL Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 119/2009/COMM 01-gen-10 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DE CANIO GERARDO Nazione UNIV. GENOVA 196 0BP50 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTTMAT-QUAL Italia 245332 PREPAR-H2 Preparing socio and economic evaluations of future H2 lighthouse projects Abstract Economic predictions indicate that many national economies are falling into financially difficult times. When this occurs, there is tendency to refocus priories and funds and less emphasis is placed on projects promoting environmental well-being. Prepar-H2 is unique because the partners draw upon five ongoing nationally funded demonstration H2 projects and updating 5th-6th EC framework projects in addition to the national projects, creating many benefits at a very low cost. The thrust behind Prepar-H2 is driven by a study-matrix composed for the Hy-Approval and HyFLEET:CUTE which revealed that social studies carried out in context with hydrogen demonstrations often lacked substantiation and consisted of preset and repetitive questionnaires than revealing dialogues. Often technical and demonstration projects, like some of the national projects referenced here, use vast resources for hardware while neglecting the human interface and cultural variations of both public and private perceptions as well as economic aspects. Integrating lessons learned from these H2 projects, Prepar-H2 will upgrade the social matrix through progressive interviews from a cross-disciplinary approach by involving all stakeholders throughout the entire duration of the project. Applying the same method and having accessibility to others who are involved with other alternative fuels, Prepar-H2 will simultaneously provide an economic comparison between H2, other alternative fuels and conventional fossil fuel. The final outcome will be a systematic social and economic data sets providing grounds for accompanying measures in future hydrogen lighthouse projects. More importantly, findings from Prepar-H2 will not only be applicable to future lighthouse projects but also have the flexibility to be applied to other H2 projects thereby successfully promoting H2 in societies through a thorough social and economic understanding of all stakeholders perceptions, attitudes and actions. Attività ENEA L'ENEA ha il compito di analizzare i progetti dimostrativi in corso in Italia e contribuisce, con le informazioni derivanti da tali progetti, raccolte attraverso interviste ai partecipanti agli stessi, ai seguenti workpackage: 1 Methods and gaps in social parameters 2 Economic parameters in H2 demonstration 3 Accompanying studies for future lighthouse projects Tipo di progetto CSA Programma UE JTI Unita ENEA TER Data inizio 01-gen-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 133/2009/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MATTUCCI ANTONIO Nazione ICELANDIC NEW ENERGY LTD 197 0DG60 30-giu-11 ¼ ¼ TER Islanda 295823 PROCARDIO Cardiovascular Risk from Exposure to Low-dose and Low-dose-rate Ionizing Radiation Abstract Epidemiological evidence has established a link between cardiovascular disease and exposure of the heart and major vessels to doses above 500mGy. At lower doses the evidence for a detrimental effect is inconclusive. In part, this is due to the lack of appropriate epidemiological studies, coupled with lack of knowledge of the processes involved that is needed for construction of mathematical models. The ProCardio consortium will study cardiovascular outcomes in childhood cancer survivors where the radiation doses given to the heart are available. These data will be interrogated using new mathematical models developed from the data from our molecular and biological studies. These will use state-of-the-art technologies to map cardiovascular changes after photon irradiation at both low doses and low dose rates. This will be complemented by comparative studies using high LET irradiation. We will apply an integrative approach to combine transcriptional (mRNA and miRNA) and translational (proteomics) studies to understand the disease processes. High throughput proteomics (ICPL, SILAC and label-free analysis) will be used to identify new biomarkers of radiation-induced cardiovascular disease for future molecular epidemiological studies. These will be validated using the archives of cardiovascular tissue samples from the Mayak facility. Attività ENEA / (1($FRRUGLQDLO:RUNSDFNDJH(IIHFWRI'RVH5DWHHFRQWULEXLVFHDO:RUNSDFNDJH³&RPSOH[WLVVXHLQWHUDFWLRQVLQUDGLDWLRQ LQGXFHGYDVFXODUGLVHDVH´ Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTBIORAD-RAB Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 659/2011/COMM 01-ott-11 Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità SARAN ANNA Nazione HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM MUENCHEN DEUTSCHES FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM FUER GESUNDHEIT UND UMWELT GMBH 198 07O09 30-set-14 ¼ ¼ UTBIORAD-RAB Germania IEE/08/479SI2.528546 QUALICERT Quality certification & accreditation for installers of small-scale renewable energy systems Abstract 4XDOL&HUWVWDQGVIRU³&RPPRQTXDOLW\FHUWLILFDWLRQDQGDFFUHGLWDWLRQIRULQVWDOOHUVRIVPDOOVFDOHUHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\5(V\VWHPV´,Q line with Member States (MS) obligations arising from the new Directive on RE sources, QualiCert proposes a concerted action on FHUWLILFDWLRQDQGDFFUHGLWDWLRQRILQVWDOOHUVRIVPDOOVFDOHEXLOGLQJLQWHJUDWHG5(V\VWHPV7KHDFWLRQDGGUHVVHVWKH'LUHFWLYH¶V UHTXLUHPHQWRIFHUWLILFDWLRQVFKHPHVLQHDFK06WKDWREH\WRDVHWRIVLPLODUFULWHULDDQGUHFRJQLVHHDFKRWKHU¶VFHUWLILFDWLRQ7R guarantee broadest possible support to the future accreditation and certification scheme, QualiCert relies on an interdisciplinary multistakeholder approach involving builders, installers, training providers, accrediting bodies, the European RE industry, and a number of national energy agencies. This EU-wide concerted approach will allow going beyond national discussion to have a result-oriented outcome based on the best identified methodology valid for EU-27. QualiCert addresses also the market need for a comprehensive system to certify installers to guarantee quality installations and satisfied customers, which in turn will spur further market deployment. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa a tutte le fasi del progetto anche se con un ruolo marginale nel punto 5 (attività di disseminazione in tutti i 27 paesi europei) assegnato principalmente al coordinatore. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTT-LEARN Data inizio 01-lug-09 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 107/2009/DG Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza MORENO ANNA 199 31-dic-11 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTT-LEARN Nazione ADEME 0MG27 Francia 230495 RELATE Research labs for teaching journalists Abstract RELATE is an ambitious experimental project conceived to bridge the relations between research laboratories involved in EU funded activities and the media. The objective is to select 80 final year students from different European journalism schools and organize for each of them a visit to a high-standing research laboratory in Europe. Since the project wants to test different approaches to the involvement of research labs in such actions, the participation of scientific organisation is coordinated using 3 methods: - two high profile research organisations, ENEA (IT) and EPFL (CH) are partners in the project and will host students at their research facilities; - one partner, TUBITAK (TR) acts as a gateway to Turkish research organisations. Its mission is to ensure the involvement of Turkish entities in hosting the students. - Project coordinator MINERVA will run a so-called recruitment campaign aimed at involving in the action or at signing partnership agreements for the future with research organisations other those directly involved as partners. Thus, while the project relies on a core group of partners that can already ensure the involvement of different labs (ENEA and EPFL are involved in several projects in various research areas), it will also seek the involvement of other laboratories and test the level of interest that such an approach generates in the research community of Europe, new Members States included. The students' visits to the labs are organised through a common format of 5 days, in which they will be asked to carry out a practical work. The outcome of which should be the production of a fully fledged article of 3-4 pages (of a standard European weekly magazine), with interviews and pictures. Attività ENEA L'ENEA è coinvolto nei workpackage: 1 'Project management'; 4 'Students' visits to research laboratories; 5 'Communication and dissemination activity and final workshop with debate'; 6 'Project assessment' Tipo di progetto CA-SA - Azione di coordinamento/azione di supporto Programma UE SCIENZA NELLA SOCIETA' (2007-2013) Unita ENEA RESRELPROM Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità FALCONIERI FABIOLA LETIZIA Nazione MINERVA CONSULTING & COMMUNICATION 200 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 005/2009/ASPRES 01-feb-09 Anno di stipula 31-gen-11 ¼ ¼ RESRELPROM Belgio IEE/09/870/SI2.558308 REQUEST Renovation through quality supply chain and EPC standard Abstract The goal of the REQUEST project is to increase the uptake of low carbon renovation measures in residential properties across Europe for all ownership tenures. Working as an EU-consortium of national energy agencies and building research institutes, we focus on addressing one of the key barriers to action for property owners, namely easy access to a reliable quality installer or, in the case of major UHQRYDWLRQDUDQJHRISURIHVVLRQDOVUHIHUUHGWRIRUWKHSXUSRVHRIWKLVSURMHFWDVWKH³VXSSO\FKDLQ´7KHSURMHFWUHJDUGVXSRQ(QHUJ\ 3HUIRUPDQFH&HUWLILFDWHVDVDVWDUWLQJSRLQWIRUDFKDLQRITXDOLW\UHQRYDWLRQDFWLRQVDQGDLPVWRHQIRUFHWKHUROHRI(3&¶VLQWKLV SHUVSHFWLYH(3&¶VQHHGWRFRQWDLQTXDOLWDWLYHDQGFRPSUHKHQVLEOHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVPRWLYDWLQJKRPHRZQHUVDQGWHQDQWVWR FRPPLVVLRQD³MRLQHGXS´UHQRYDWLRQSURGXFWZKHUHWKH\FDQWUXVWWKHTXDOLW\RIWKHGHOLYHUHGUHQRYDWLRQ The REQUEST project will provide national and regional agencies across the EU with a set of tried and tested tools and techniques which they can use to promote: $QLQWHJUDWHGFXVWRPHUMRXUQH\OHDGLQJGZHOOLQJRZQHUVRUWHQDQWVIURP(3&LQIRUPDWLRQWRORZFDUERQDFWLRQ $QLQWHJUDWHGVXSSO\FKDLQIRUSURIHVVLRQDOVLQYROYHGLQUHQRYDWLRQSURFHVVHVZLWKPXWXDOUHFRJQLWLRQRIWKHUROHVRIWKHYDULRXVWUDGHV involved enhancing quality, professionalism, ease of use and confidence in the outcome for the dwelling owner/tenant. These objectives will be met through collaboration and interaction with key actors from the 4 different target groups involved: 'HPDQGVLGH,QGLYLGXDOKRXVHKROGHUVDQGWKHPXOWLUHVLGHQWLDOEXLOGLQJRZQHUVPDQDJHUV 6XSSO\VLGH%XLOGLQJSURIHVVLRQDOVDQGWUDGLQJRUJDQL]DWLRQV ,QWHUPHGLDU\(3&DGYLVRUVDUFKLWHFWV 5HJXODWRUVDQGIDFLOLWDWRUV*RYHUQPHQWDJHQFLHVH[SHUWVLQORZFDUERQUHQRYDWLRQ Attività ENEA ENEA participates in all phases of the Project. In particular ENEA led REQUEST Work Package 2. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTEE-ERT Data inizio 16-apr-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 448/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità COSTANZO EZILDA Nazione ENERGY SAVING TRUST LTD 201 0VHO9 15-nov-12 ¼ ¼ UTEE-ERT Regno Unito 289615 SAHYOG 6WUHQJWKHQLQJQHWZRUNLQJRQELRP$VVUHVHDUF+DQGELRZDVWHFRQYHUVLRQ±ELRWHFKQRORJ<IRU(XU2SH India inteGration Abstract The main objective of the SAHYOG project is to establish a partnering initiative to coordinate research activities carried out in Europe and India on biomass production and biowaste conversion through biotechnological approaches. The integrated project activities will be carried out by a partnership of stakeholders from EU and India involving public and private organizations that conceive and fund research programmes as well as representatives from the scientific community. Strong EU-India linkages will be created between ongoing and future research and innovation projects with the aim to exploit cooperation synergies for sustainable development. The project will be based on comprehensive inventories integrating research activities from Europe and India in order to identify common areas of interest as well as knowledge gaps and cooperation opportunities. The twinning of projects and short term exchanges among researchers will be important tools to strengthen collaboration and promote networking in areas of shared strategic interest. Several stakeholder workshops will provide opportunities to explore the opinions and perspectives of European and Indian scientists and R&D programme managers. Thereby, the SAHYOG project will help to identify opportunities for joint initiatives between the EU and its Member States and India in the field of biomass production and biowaste conversion. The organization of conferences and summer schools will contribute to increase the visibility of scientific excellence and the impact of innovation in the sector. Finally, a Strategic Research Agenda and a R&D road map will be developed in order to facilitate concerted planning of future joint EU-India research initiatives Thereby, pathways will be identified to promote new technologies that will drive Europe and India to an increased exploitation of biotechnology for biomass production and biowaste conversion. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto. Tipo di progetto CA-SA - Azione di coordinamento/azione di supporto Programma UE Biotecn, prod.alim, agric., pesca (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTRI-BIOTEC Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità SHARMA NEETA Nazione ENEA 202 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 628/2011/COMM 01-dic-11 Anno di stipula 30-nov-14 ¼ ¼ UTTRI-BIOTEC Italia 231747 SARNET2 Severe accident research network of excellence 2 Abstract Most of the actors involved in severe accident research in Europe, plus Canada, Korea and the United States (41 partners), will network in SARNET2 (Severe Accident Research NETwork of Excellence - Phase 2) their capacities of research in order to resolve important pending issues on postulated severe accidents of existing and future Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). The project has been defined in order to optimize the use of the available means and to constitute a sustainable consortium in which common research programmes and a common computer tool to predict NPP behaviour during a postulated severe accident (ASTEC integral code) are developed. With this aim, the SARNET2 partners contribute to a Joint Programme of Activities, which consists of: - Maintaining and improving an advanced communication tool (developed during SARNET Phase 1) for accessing all project information, fostering exchange of information, and managing documents; - Harmonizing and re-orienting the research programmes, and defining new ones; - Performing experimental programmes on high priority issues, defined during SARNET Phase 1; - Analyzing experimental results in order to elaborate a common understanding of relevant phenomena; - Developing the ASTEC code (including its applicability to all types of European NPPs), which capitalizes in terms of physical models the knowledge produced within SARNET2; - Developing Scientific Databases in which all the results of research programmes are stored in a common format (DATANET); - Developing education courses on severe accidents for students and researchers, and training courses for specialists; - Promoting personnel mobility amongst various European organizations; - Organizing yearly a large international conference on Severe Accident research (ERMSAR). After the first phase (2004-2008), and the four-year proposed second phase, co-funded by the EC, the network will evolve toward selfsustainability: a legal entity will be created. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa alla seconda fase del progetto SARNET per mantenere ed aggiornare il know-how in ambito di sicurezza nucleare. Il personale ENEA si occupa di analisi e valutazioni delle sequenze incidentali con uso di codici integrali e confronto con i dati sperimentali e dati reattore disponibili. Il lavoro fa riferimento all'attività europea di ricerca sugli incidenti reattore con fusione del core, volto a migliorare le conoscenze di questi fenomeni attraverso l'analisi degli eventi inziatori, l'elaborazione dei programmi di ricerca e l'utilizzo di mezzi avanzati di calcolo. Tipo di progetto NOE - Rete di Eccellenza Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISSM-SICSIS Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 102/09/FPN 01-apr-09 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità DE ROSA FELICE Nazione INSTITUT DE RADIOPROTECTION ET DE SURETE NUCLEAIRE 203 0FP57 31-mar-13 ¼ ¼ UTFISSM-SICSIS Francia 260102 SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE Towards zero emission with high performance indoor environment Abstract Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa al progetto fornendo un apporto scientifico qualificato in tutti i work package del progetto, con diversi livelli di apporto in funzione della posizione ricoperta. ENEA è infatti co-leader di due workpackage: 'Technology screening' e 'Advisory and evaluation group'. Attività dei primi work package sono quelle legate all'individuazione delle tecnologie disponibili per edifici solastici, in funzione delle condizioni climatiche interne ed esterne. Il secondo work package è strettamente legato alle attività di riqualificazione energetica degli edifici scolastici selezionati, per i quali saranno sviluppati i concetti energetici più opportuni, nonché il supporto alle fasi progettuali e di realizzazione. In questa attività sono poi incluse le azioni di disseminazione dei risultati ottenuti ed il monitoraggio degli edifici analizzati. Tipo di progetto Programma UE Anno di stipula ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTEE-ERT Data inizio 01-gen-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Ruolo ENEA Determina 698/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale 2011 Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ZINZI MICHELE Nazione FZK FRAUNHOFERGESELLSCHAFT 204 0VHOG 31-dic-15 ¼ ¼ UTEE-ERT Germania 26212 SEADATANET A Pan european infrastructure for ocean and marine data management Abstract Data availability is of vital importance for marine research but most of the European data are fragmented, not always validated and not easily accessible. In the 40 countries bordering the European seas, more than 600 scientific laboratories from governmental organizations and private industry collect data by using various sensors on board of research vessels, submarines, fixed and drifting platforms, airplanes and satellites to measure physical, geophysical, geological, biological and chemical parameters, biological species etc. SEADATANET aims to develop an efficient distributed Pan-European Marine Data Management Infrastructure for managing these large and diverse data sets. The objective is to network the existing professional data centres of 35 countries, active in data collection, and provide integrated databases of standardized quality on-line. The on-line access to in-situ and remote sensing data, meta-data and products will be provided through a unique portal interconnecting, in the first phase, 11 interoperable node platforms. The development and adoption of common communication standards and adapted technology will ensure the platforms interoperability. This activity will be developed to gradually connect all the other data centres to the interoperable system. The quality, compatibility and coherence of the data issuing from so many sources, will be ensured by adopting standardized methodologies for data checking, by dedicating part of the activities to training and preparation of synthesised regional and global statistical gridded products from the most comprehensive in-situ and remote sensing data sets made available by the participants. These products, easier to interpret by non-specialist users, will be used first to check the data and the system operability, and further to market SEADATANET and to serve a wider range of uses than raw data: e.g. model initialisation, industrial projects and teaching. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina l'attività networking "Communication, Users Marketing and feedback" che provvederà l'accesso ai dati del Mediterrano Occidentale attraverso la Transnational Access Platform TA5 e partecipa alle altre attività previste dal progetto. Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE INFRASTRUTTURE (2002-2006) Unita ENEA UTMAR Data inizio 01-apr-06 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore Ruolo ENEA Determina 317/DG/2006 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità Nazione IFREMER INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER 205 PARTNER Codice atto Data scadenza MANZELLA GIUSEPPE MARIA ROSAR 2006 31-mar-11 ¼ ¼ UTMAR Francia 283607 SEADATANET II SeaDataNet II: Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management Abstract The overall objective of the SeaDataNet II project is to upgrade the present SeaDataNet infrastructure into an operationally robust and state-of-the-art Pan-European infrastructure for providing up-to-date and high quality access to ocean and marine metadata, data and data products originating from data acquisition activities by all engaged coastal states, by setting, adopting and promoting common data management standards and by realising technical and semantic interoperability with other relevant data management systems and initiatives on behalf of science, environmental management, policy making, and economy. SeaDataNet is undertaken by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs), and marine information services of major research institutes, from 31 coastal states bordering the European seas, and also includes Satellite Data Centres, expert modelling centres and the international organisations IOC, ICES and EUJRC in its network. Its 40 data centres are highly skilled and have been actively engaged in data management for many years and have the essential capabilities and facilities for data quality control, long term stewardship, retrieval and distribution. SeaDataNet II will undertake activities to achieve data access and data products services that meet requirements of end-users and intermediate user communities, such as GMES Marine Core Services (e.g. MyOcean), establishing SeaDataNet as the core data management component of WKH(02'1HWLQIUDVWUXFWXUHDQGFRQWULEXWLQJRQEHKDOIRI(XURSHWRJOREDOSRUWDOLQLWLDWLYHVVXFKDVWKH,2&,2'(±2FHDQ'DWD Portal (ODP), and GEOSS. Moreover it aims to achieve INSPIRE compliance and to contribute to the INSPIRE process for developing implementing rules for oceanography. Attività ENEA L'ENEA partecipa alle decisioni di indirizzo tecnico-scientifico del progetto e alle attività di sviluppo di sistemi informativi per la gestione delle aree marine e costiere negli oceani e mari regionali Europei; partecipa allo sviluppo di protocolli di acquisizione e controllo reale di dati ambientali e alla creazione di collaborazioni con iniziative internazionali sulla gestione dati, sistemi informativi. In particolare ENEA sta curando la collaborazione tra SeaDataNet e l'iniziativa della DG MARE chiamata EMODNET Physics (European 0DULQH2EVHUYDWLRQDQG'DWD1HWZRUN±SK\VLFDOSDUDPHWHUVFKHVLSURSRQHFRPHEDVHGLGDWLVRVWHQXWDGDXQVLVWHPDGLRVVHUYD]LRQH in situ) per il Global Monitoring for Environment and Security. Tipo di progetto CP-SA - Progetto di collaborazione azione di supporto Programma UE INFRASTRUTTURE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTMAR Data inizio 01-ott-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 574/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA MANZELLA GIUSEPPE MARIA ROSAR Unità Nazione IFREMER INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE RECHERCHE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DE LA MER 206 30-set-15 ¼ ¼ UTMAR Francia 295736 SEARCH Safe ExploitAtion Related Chemistry for HLM reactors Abstract In accordance with the ESNII roadmap MYRRHA will be the first HLM cooled nuclear system to be deployed in Europe. The SEARCH project aims to support the licensing process of MYRRHA by investigating the safe chemical behaviour of the fuel and coolant in the reactor. The control of the oxygen content and the management of impurities in the melt will be studied. A second critical issue in the safety assessment of a nuclear system is the compatibility of the fuel with the coolant after fuel pin leakage or a core melt. The full analyses of these scenarios using validated codes require more experimental data on "basic" properties of the interactions between the materials involved. For that the heat transfer coefficients of a wire-spaced fuel bundle and the basic chemical behaviour of a mixture of fuel, coolant and clad materials range will be studied at relevant temperatures. The compatibility experiments will be done with UO2, PuO2 and unirradiated MOX fuel, addressing the energy release, solubility in the coolant and fuel-coolant-clad compound formation. Fuel dispersion in the coolant will be simulated by a suitable numerical approach, aiming to address the migration of the fuel and the possibility to have criticality problems due to fuel accumulation. The prevention of risks to the general public will be studied by looking into the escape of radioactive materials including fission products and heavy volatile elements as Po and Hg into the environment. The kinetics and efficiency of methods to capture these elements in the covergas system will be examined. The evaporation of Po and Hg from LBE will be measured to obtain a full data set for licensing. Issues related to Po management will be also addressed by an ab initio theoretical approach, predicting its solubility in LBE, the interaction with noble metals to select possible getters and studying formation of Po-compounds. Attività ENEA 1. Qualification of components (i.e. pump and heat exchanger) and study at a system level of selected transients for supporting the prelicensing of MYRRHA. Investigation of flow patterns and velocity field in connection with erosion issues and the occurrence of stagnant zones is also necessary. Integra1 tests must also characterize the primary and secondary systems coupling under selected transients. 2. Experimental investigation of the thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena in wire-spaced fuel bundles under free, mixed and forced convection. Measured bulk velocity, pressure drop, temperature profiles and heat transfer coefficient will give important input for the MYRRHA's FA design. Experimental data will validate CFD turbulence modelling. Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTIS Data inizio 01-nov-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 448/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità AGOSTINI PIETRO Nazione SCK CEN 207 31-ott-14 ¼ ¼ UTIS Belgio 238868 SEESGEN-ICT Supporting Energy Efficiency in Smart GENeration grids through ICT Abstract Obiettivo del progetto è di mettere in rete gli attori europei più attivi nello sviluppo e nella valutazione dell'impatto delle tecnologie ICT per l'efficienza energetica, con particolare riferimento all'uso delle tecnologie ICT nel governo delle "smart grids". Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto RETE TEM - Rete tematica Programma UE ICT (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTMEA Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 32-E/2009/FIM 01-giu-09 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Costo eleggibile ENEA Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico 2009 Unità BOLOGNA SANDRO Nazione CESI RICERCA SPA 208 0AT51 31-mag-11 ¼ ¼ UTMEA Italia 228296 SFERA Solar facilities for the European research area Abstract Concentrated solar energy is a very promising renewable source of energy. The solar resource in the Mediterranean countries of the EU and in North Africa is huge. The best known application so far is bulk electricity generation through thermodynamic cycles, but other applications have also been demonstrated, such as production of hydrogen and solar fuels, water treatment and research in advanced materials. Europe is a leader in research and development of this technology. Most of the large R&D infrastructures are European and our industry is leading the way in its commercial deployment, now in an early stage. All the most important European R&D infrastructures on concentrated solar energy are participating in this proposal. Five of them, CIEMAT-PSA, DLR, PROMES-CNRS, ETH and PSI were already part of a virtual laboratory consortium known as Sol LAB , which has initiated several networking activities since its creation in 2004. ENEA and WIS now join the consortium submitting this proposal, thus looking to consolidate a partnership as the reference European Solar Research Laboratory. This proposal concerns three activities: - Networking: Aiming at the creation of a stable framework for co-operation in which resources are shared, common standards developed, duplication of research effort is avoided and interaction with European research, education and industry is encouraged. - Transnational access: Opening the doors of the most relevant R&D infrastructures to interested users, optimizing the use of the facilities and creating critical mass for new research initiatives. - Joint Research: developing common standards and procedures for better consortium performance and development of advanced instrumentation and new RI thus improving the services offered to the user community. Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto CP-SA - Progetto di collaborazione azione di supporto Programma UE INFRASTRUTTURE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTRINN-STD Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 183/2009/DG 01-lug-09 Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza FABRIZI FABRIZIO 209 30-giu-13 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTRINN-STD Nazione CIEMAT 0DG65 Spagna 295485 SILER Seismic-lnitiated events risk mitigation in LEad-cooled Reactors Abstract SILER is a Project aimed at studying the risk associated to seismic initiated events in Generation IV Heavy Liquid Metal reactors and developing adequate protection measures. The attention is focused on the evaluation of the effects of earthquakes (with particular regards to beyond design seismic events and tsunamis) and to the identification of mitigation strategies, acting both on structures/components design as well as on the development of isolation devices, which can also have positive effects on economics, leading to an high level of plant design standardization. Attention is devoted also to the identification of plant layout solutions able to avoid risks of radioactive release from both the core and other structures (i.e. the spent fuel storage pools). Specific effort is devoted to the development of guidelines and recommendations for addressing the seismic issue in next generation reactor systems. In addition, consideration will be devoted to transfer the knowledge developed in the project to Generation III advanced systems, in line with the objective of the SNE-TP SRA to support present and future Light Water Reactors and their further development, for which safety issues are key aspects to be addressed. Note, in this respect, that the benefits of seismic isolation in terms of response to design seismic actions are already widely recognized for Generation III LWRs, along with the possibility of a significant standardization of structural and equipment design. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto e si occupa della progettazione, delle analisi numeriche, delle attività che riguardano lo sviluppo della normativa, delle prove su tavola vibrante e le attività di disseminazione. Tipo di progetto Programma UE Anno di stipula EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTSISM Data inizio 01-ott-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Ruolo ENEA Determina 427/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale 2011 Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità FORNI MASSIMO Nazione ENEA 210 IO088 30-set-14 ¼ ¼ UTSISM Italia 262533 SOPHIA PhotoVoltaic European Research Infrastructure Abstract The objective of the SOPHIA project is to strengthen and optimise research capabilities, mainly by coordinating efforts on important but precompetitive issues. Large research infrastructures working together will avoid the useless replication of a large number of small efforts. The SOPHIA project aims at pulling together the main European photovoltaic research infrastructures in order to provide the scientific community with common referential to conduct efficient and coordinated research work in the field of PV technologies. Attività ENEA /¶XQLWjFRLQYROWDq87738QLWj7HFQLFD7HFQRORJLH3RUWLFLPDYHUUDQQRDQFKHFRLQYROWH875,1139SHUOHFHOOHDVLOLFLRFULVWDOOLQR כed il progetto Cresco, per la parte modellistica. Verrà riservato spazio anche alle altre unità tecniche Enea interessate a svolgere attività qualificata scientifica e tecnologica nel settore fotovoltaico. /¶(QHDSDUWHFLSHUjDWWLYDPHQWHDWXWWHOHDWWLYLWjSURJHWWXDOLFKHULJXDUGDQRLOVLOLFLRFULVWDOOLQRLOIRWRYROWDLFRDILOPVRWWLOHO¶ RUJDQLFRLOIRWRYROWDLFRDFRQFHQWUD]LRQHO¶DQDOLVLSUHVWD]LRQDOHGHLPRGXOLIRWRYROWDLFLHO¶LQWHJUD]LRQHDUFKLWHWWRQLFDWXWWHDWWLYLWj IDFHQWLGHLSLDQLRSHUDWLYLGHOOHXQLWjWHFQLFKH/¶(QHDSDUWHFLSHUjDQFKHDOODGHILQL]LRQHGHLSLDQLVWUDWHJLFLHSURWRFROOLFRPXQLGL כ ULFHUFDGHOO¶LQIUDVWUXWWXUD (QHDRIIUHD39(5,623+,$DQFKHO¶DFFHVVRDGDOFXQHSURSULHIDFLOLWLHVVSHULPHQWDOLSHUOD caratterizzazione indoor-outdoor di celle e moduli, realizzazione di celle di cSi, deposizione di ossidi trasparenti conduttori, ed al VXSHUFDOFRODWRUH&5(6&2$QDORJDPHQWHO¶(QHDDYUjDFFHVVRDWXWWHOHPDJJLRULIDFLOLWLHVHXURSHHGLULFHUFDGLQRWHYROHLQWHUHVVHSHUOR כ svolgimento delle attività assegnate istituzionalmente. /¶(QHDFRRUGLQHUjDQFKHLOZRUNSDFNDJH:3([FKDQJHRISHUVRQQHOFKHULJXDUGDORVFDPELRGHLULFHUFDWRULHIRUPD]LRQHGHOOH giovani risorse, uno dei più importanti WP del progetto, vista la natura di network. Tipo di progetto CP-SA - Progetto di collaborazione azione di supporto Programma UE INFRASTRUTTURE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTP Data inizio 01-feb-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 241/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ROCA FRANCESCO Nazione CEA 211 P0011 31-gen-15 ¼ ¼ UTTP Francia EEN/SPA/09/ENV/250426 SWITCH4FOOD Services for water and integrated techniques for foodindustry Abstract project aims to identify and analyse best practices and knowledge (technologies/ methodologies) of SMEs in the food industry for water use and wastewater to allow their exchange and transfer among the involved countries. Best practices identified will be confronted with industries and environmental consultants (Environmental Service Providers, ESPs) and their adoption within the working processes of SMEs will be stimulated. Traditional and innovative technologies will be identified in each partner region and compared with each other so as to provide recommendations and guidelines for their application. Connected to water use and wastewater, two other fields will be thoroughly evaluated: wastewater reuse and energy recovery from solid wastes and wastewater. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto. Provvederà inoltre ad analizzare l'impatto delle tecnologie innovative per le imprese dell'agroalimentare, in particolare nella regione Emilia Romagna, e a mettere a punto degli interventi di sostegno che possano migliorare la competitività attraverso l'adozione di tecnologie di punta. Inoltre si sosterrà la creazione di "club" di PMI sia a livello nazionale che transnazionale al fine di condividere e quindi ridurre i costi ambientali ed energetici, garantendo l'alta qualità dei prodotti e una sostanziale diminuzione degli impatti ambientali. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE INNOVAZIONE E IMPRENDITORIALITA' (2007-20 Unita ENEA UTT-VALNET Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Determina 276/2010/COMM 01-mag-10 Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Ruolo ENEA Codice atto Data scadenza ¼ Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA SANTI DIEGO Unità Costo eleggibile ENEA Nazione ENEA 212 2010 IO048 30-apr-12 ¼ ¼ UTT-VALNET Italia TA WP11-DIA Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA UTFUS-TEC Data inizio 25-lug-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 53/2011/UTFUS Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità ESPOSITO BASILIO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 213 0LPD7 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTFUS-TEC * TA WP11-ETS-DTM-01 Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA UTFUS-TEC Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 57/2011/UTFUS 01-lug-11 Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA 2011 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità MADDALUNO GIORGIO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 214 0LPE1 30-apr-12 ¼ UTFUS-TEC * TA WP11-HCD Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA UTFUS-MAG Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 52/2011/UTFUS 27-mag-11 Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 ¼ CESARIO ROBERTO CARLO ALBERTO Codice atto Data scadenza 31-dic-11 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 215 0LPD8 UTFUS-MAG * TA WP11-ITM Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA UTFUS-MAG Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 51/2011/UTFUS 10-giu-11 Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA 2011 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità VLAD GREGORIO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 216 0LPD9 31-dic-11 ¼ UTFUS-MAG * TA WP11-PEX Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA UTFUS-TEC Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 71/2011/UTFUS 22-set-11 Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA 2011 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità VISCA ELISEO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 217 0LPE7 31-mar-12 ¼ UTFUS-TEC * TA WP11-PWI Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA UTFUS-TEC Data inizio 16-mag-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 54/2011/UTFUS Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MADDALUNO GIORGIO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 218 OLPD5 31-dic-11 ¼ ¼ UTFUS-TEC * TA WP11SER-ETM Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA STUDI Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 56/2011/UTFUS 21-apr-11 Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 ¼ Codice atto Data scadenza 28-feb-12 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità CIORBA UMBERTO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 219 0LPE0 STUDI * TA WP11-SYS Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA UTFUS Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 60/2011/UTFUS 04-lug-11 Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2011 ¼ Codice atto Data scadenza 31-mar-12 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità CRISANTI FLAVIO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 220 0LPE2 UTFUS * TA JW O ENEA 93 Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA UTFUS-MAG Data inizio Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina 66/2011/UTFUS 04-lug-11 Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA 2011 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità FRIGIONE DOMENICO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 221 OLPE3 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTFUS-MAG * TA-WP11-DAS Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA UTFUS-MAG Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 72/2011/UTFUS 12-ott-11 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità TUCCILLO ANGELO ANTONIO Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 222 0LPE6 15-dic-11 ¼ ¼ UTFUS-MAG * 287682 TDK4PE Technology & Design Kits for Printed-Electronics Abstract The goal of Technology & Design Kit for Printed Electronics (TDK4PE) is to set a fundamental change in the way printed electronics (PE) are designed and manufactured in Europe, with the aim of reducing costs and time-to-market by more than an order of magnitude for more complex designs than ever before by addressing thousands of transistors on a substrate. The key is to develop a methodology to enable application-specific PE circuit implementation. This will be achieved by adopting a methodology similar to the silicon microelectronics one: using a Technology and Design Kit to abstract physics to a point where engineers could address physical design with sufficient certainty and great freedom for creativity. This TDK will support circuit design at physical, full-custom, and cell-based levels. TDK4PE addresses the whole product and value chain from concept application to material, through design to manufacturing using both S2S and R2R processes. It will establish cell-based design methodologies coupled with technology process flows and supported by Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools towards mass production. EDA needs building cell libraries based on characterized devices made of functional inks and will enable automatic synthesis of circuits with predictable properties, high yield and improved circuit reliability. Establishing such a methodology is an ambitious task that can only be approached from a consortium possessing a wide range of complementary skills. TDK4PE has brought together such a collaboration of European key players in the fields of materials, inks, printing technologies, manufacturing, modelling, component and system design, microelectronics, EDA tools and applications. Two key points are at the technological opposite poles of this project -FOLAE technology and applications- that shall come together on a seamless way by means of a TDK and its related methodology, which will be the enablers for PE design activities between both of them. This convergence between PE technology and its potential applications will contribute to create a sustainable business sector with potential for significant future growth. Attività ENEA L'ENEA si occuperà dello sviluppo della piattaforma tecnologica inerente alla definizione dei materiali, alla caratterizzazione della tecnologia, alla definizione delle tecnologie di simulazione e caratterizzazione dei componenti elettronici alla fabbricazione di dispositivi elementari e infine di dimostratore. Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE ICT (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTP-MDB Data inizio 01-ott-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 467/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità VILLANI FULVIA Nazione UNIV. AUTONOMA BARCELONA 223 PO012 30-set-14 ¼ ¼ UTTP-MDB Spagna 246143 TEXWIN Textile Work Intelligence by hierarchical closed-loop control for product and process quality in the Textile Industry Abstract The objective of TexWIN is to increase productivity by up to 20% and reduce down-times of machines by one third of workshop factories; due to a reduction of stop times, set-up times and waiting times, increased flexibility and reliability of processes, and due to reduced sampling effort. The breakthrough is to exploit existing knowledge available in various factory internal and factory external sources by (1) combining and evaluating process state information as well as product and material characteristics and (2) deriving best production instructions. Additionally existing production knowledge and experiences from production operators will be preserved and made available by the CBR module. This will be enabled by the hierarchical control structure "TexWIN-Concept" consisting of an adaptive and modular system "TexWIN-System" and re-engineered "TexWIN-Processes" improving quality of products and processes of workshop factory operations. The TexWIN-System" integrates the two following units: (a) the factory controller for the improvement of the process schedule and event-based coordination of factory (inter-)operations and (b) the adaptive CBR-based production unit controller for identification of best process recipes/machine settings concerning product quality and production process set-up and execution efficiency. The modules will be integrated into a common communication framework, which will enable flexible interfacing and ontology-based information transformation. The "TexWIN-Processes" are adapted factory business processes which allow maximising the efficiency and quality effects and seamless integration into existing factories. TexWIN, which will be tested within in 5 textile and plastic mills, will be best suited for industries dealing basically with make-to-order production, small batches, high-quality product variants, workshop production, complex processes and non-homogeneous and/or natural materials. Attività ENEA In questo progetto l'ENEA ricopre il ruolo di partner di ricerca per l'utilizzo di tecnologie ICT necessarie alla realizzazione di una piattaforma di comunicazione interna fra i vari moduli del sistema TexWIN e per lo sviluppo di un'ontologia di riferimento per l'integrazione e il funzionamento dei suddetti moduli. ENEA inoltre parteciperà attivamente alla disseminazione dei risultati del progetto e alle iniziative di training correlate al trasferimento tecnologico che verranno veicolate attraverso la rete già operante di relazioni già esistente con aziende, centri di ricerca ed associazioni industriali del settore in Italia. Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE NANOTECNOLOGIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTT-PMI Data inizio 16-mar-10 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 413/2010/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità GESSA NICOLA DEUTSCHES INSTITUTE FUER TEXTIL- UND FASERFORSCHUNG DENKENDORF 224 Nazione IO051 15-mar-13 ¼ ¼ UTT-PMI Germania 249337 THINS Thermal-hydraulics of Innovative Nuclear Systems Abstract For the long-term development of nuclear power, innovative nuclear systems such as Gen-IV reactors and transmutation systems need to be developed for meeting future energy challenges. Thermal-hydraulics is recognized as a key scientific subject in the development of innovative reactor systems. This project is devoted to important crosscutting thermal-hydraulic issues encountered in various innovative nuclear systems, such as advanced reactor core thermal-hydraulics, single phase mixed convection and turbulence, specific multiphase flow, and code coupling and qualification. The main objectives of the project are: Generation of a data base for the development and validation of new models and codes describing the selected crosscutting thermal-hydraulic phenomena. This data base contains both experimental data and data from direct numerical simulations (DNS). Development of new physical models and modeling approaches for more accurate description of the crosscutting thermal-hydraulic phenomena such as heat transfer and flow mixing, turbulent flow modeling for a wide range of Prandtl numbers, and modeling of flows under strong influence of buoyancy. Improvement of the numerical engineering tools and establishment of a numerical platform for the design analysis of the innovative nuclear systems. This platform contains numerical codes of various classes of spatial scales, i.e. system analysis, sub-channel analysis and CFD codes, their coupling and the guidelines for their applications. The project will achieve optimum usage of available European resources in experimental facilities, numerical tools and expertise. It will establish a new common platform of research results and research infrastructure. The main outcomes of the project will be a synergized infrastructure for thermal-hydraulic research of innovative nuclear systems in Europe. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il workpackage 2 "Single phase mixed convection" e partecipa al workpackage 4 "Multiphase flow" con attività di R&D sia di tipo numerico che sperimentale indirizzate alla termo-idraulica dei metalli liquidi pesanti. Tipo di progetto IP - Progetto Integrato Programma UE EURATOM FISSIONE Unita ENEA UTFISSM-SICSIS Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 315/2010/COMM 01-feb-10 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità MELONI PARIDE Nazione KIT Karlsruher Institut fuer technologie 225 IO047 31-gen-14 ¼ ¼ UTFISSM-SICSIS Germania 241281 THINSI Thin Si film based hybrid solar cells on low-cost substrates Abstract The ThinSi project will develop a solar cell processing chain for high throughput, cost-effective manufacturing of thin film silicon based solar cells on low-cost silicon substrates. The substrates will be made on the basis of an innovative powder-to-substrate concept. In line with the Workprogramme topic addressed, it will reduce the cost of solar cell modules compared to those made by the conventional wafer based approach. A set of innovative processes will be developed to realise the new low-cost concept and transfer the results into production. The new silicon based substrates will be made from low-cost material using state-of-the-art ceramics technologies. Cost effective processes for the formation of the thin film silicon base and the complete solar cell structure will be developed. New methods for optical confinement will be investigated. The electronic properties of individual solar cell materials and their interfaces as well as the relationship between the deposition parameters and the device properties will be analyzed using advanced characterisation and modelling. It will also develop a better understanding of relevant materials issues. Manufacturing procedures suitable for pilot scale production will be developed based on an innovative process chain. The produced solar cells will be assembled into complete modules. The project will develop innovative technologies and equipment prototypes that can easily be scaled up and transferred to production lines by the end of the project. New market opportunities for the SME and industrial partners will be created, both as production tool suppliers and as end-users of the technology. Attività ENEA L'ENEA è coinvolta nel workpackage 3 e le attività previste per il gruppo componenti ottici prevedono le caratterizzazioni ottiche delle singole componenti di tali celle, cioè di materiali a forma di film sottili e nelle interfacce nelle strutture multistrato Tipo di progetto CP - Progetto di collaborazione Programma UE ENERGIA (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTMAT-OTT Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2010 Ruolo ENEA Determina 172/2009/COMM 01-gen-10 Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità SYTCHKOVA ANNA Nazione STIFTELSEN SINTEF 226 0BP51 31-dic-12 ¼ ¼ UTTMAT-OTT Norvegia WP08-GOT-TRI_TOFFY TRI TOFFY Tritium Technologies for the Fusion Fuel Cycle Abstract The overall objective of the proposal training programme is to support EU activities in the Deuterium-Tritium Fuel Cycle area for Tritium. This will provide a broader basis for the optimum design of Fuel Cycle components, for wider experience for safe operation of the tritium facilities, and for recruiting of skilled professional staff required for the realisation and operation of the Fuel Cycle and for the tritium handling in ITER. Attività ENEA ENEA will involve trainees in activities related to 'Technologies for tritium recovery and trapping' Tipo di progetto RST - Progetto di RST Anno di stipula Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Ruolo ENEA Unita ENEA UTFUS-TEC Data inizio Costo eleggibile totale Determina 05/2008/CA 01-set-08 Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore Codice atto Data scadenza ¼ TOSTI SILVANO 227 28-feb-11 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTFUS-TEC Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 2008 * 226549 TYGRE High added value materials from waste Tyre Gasification Residues Abstract This project is focused on the waste tyres recycling and promotes a thermal process mainly devoted to the production of ceramic materials. The disposal of waste tyres represents a relevant problem within the waste management strategy of the European Community and, despite the attempts of reusing waste tyre in many different ways, a relevant fraction (nearly 23%) is still landfilled. Pyrolysis and gasification are a promising way for alternative high-efficiency material and energy production, since both the processes provide a gaseous and a liquid fraction easily usable as fuels or chemical sources. Nevertheless, besides these encouraging preliminary remarks, the experiences on both pilot and industrial scale have shown that without a valuable exploitation of the solid by-product (char), the whole economic balance of the process is not advantageous and therefore the process is not sustainable. The gasification/pyrolysis treatment of waste tyres, apart from a high hydrogen rich syngas, brings to a very high carbon-rich char fraction, which has been tested in the past as a semi-reinforcing filler for new tyres or as an active carbon. Nevertheless, despite the recent technological advances, it is still unclear whether there is a market demand for this product. On these bases, the main idea of the proposal consists in redirecting the gasification process towards the material recycling, by coupling a second thermal process, dedicated to the plasma synthesis of silicon carbide, to the preliminary waste tyres gasification. The overall strategy of the project s workplan mainly consists of three levels: a.the development of a sustainable recycling process for the waste tyre treatments, with the final construction of a prototype plant; b.the sustainability assessment, in terms of impact analyses on economical, ecological and social aspects; c.the market requirements analysis and the future perspectives in view of potential stakeholders, and the diffusion of the results. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto. Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE AMBIENTE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTTP-NANO Data inizio ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 236/2009/DG 01-set-09 Costo eleggibile totale Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Unità GALVAGNO SERGIO Nazione ENEA 228 0QHEQ 28-feb-13 ¼ ¼ UTTP-NANO Italia 226870 UMBRELLA Using MicroBes for the Regulation of heavy metaL mobiLity at ecosystem and landscape scAle: an integrative approach for soil remediation by geobiological processes Abstract The overall goal of UMBRELLA is to use microorganisms to develop cost-efficient and sustainable measures for soil remediation at heavy metal contaminated sites throughout Europe. This will be facilitated by research in microbiology, plant uptake and (hydro)geochemistry centers on the study of microbial influence on metal biogeochemical cycles and their impact for use in soil and water protection. The technologies developed provide a speed-up of existing bioremediation techniques and will provide a tool-box to end-users with microbes for remediation actions in different European climatic, geological and biological setting which will allow lowcost, sustainable, on-site bioremediation of metal contaminations. At the same time, the introduction of a concerted, internationalized education of interdisciplinary trained PhD students across Europe will ascertain a long-lasting, sustainable education profile with relevance to soil remediation. The involvement of government agencies is focussing on the possibility to provide governments with fused guidelines for soil and water protection in a way that overcomes the practises of separated agencies by focussing on ecotoxicological risks resulting from metal contamination on-site as well as by transport through water paths in ground water and international water ways. Dissemination of results will be ensured by international congresses and publications. The management of an integrative, multi-partner consortium ensures the applicability by combination of eight sites across Europe in one modeling approach which will cover Northern, Southern, Middle and Eastern European sites to guarantee future applicability across Europe. Attività ENEA A comparative physiological characterization of microbial communities native to 6 different mining-sites will be performed, at community-level, using the BIOLOG system together with other methods which specifically address properties related to living in hostile, metal rich soils at (former) mining sites, which are generally poor in organic nutrients. This will also include molecular characterization of microbial communities, using PCR-DGGE, and the physiological characterisation of individual strains for specific enzymes or molecules produced and for heavy metal resistances. The soil from which strains have been isolated will be characterised; analyses of both total heavy metals burden and the bioavailable fraction will be carried out, in order to investigate if it is possible to show a significant correlation between the distribution of bioavailable heavy metals and the distribution of microbial resistances to the corresponding metals. A geographical analysis of the biodiversity of the microbial communities native to the six mining sites and their relation with the detected physico-chemical traits would also contribute to a better understanding of the ecology of various mining sites Europe- wide. Tipo di progetto CP-FP - Progetto di collaborazione-progetto mirato Programma UE AMBIENTE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTPRA-GEOC Data inizio Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2009 Ruolo ENEA Determina 39/2009/ACS 01-mag-09 Codice atto Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA Anno di stipula ¼ SPROCATI ANNA ROSA 229 30-apr-12 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTPRA-GEOC Nazione UNIV. FRIEDRICH-SCHILLER JENA 0VHNG Germania IEE/11/BW1/456/SI2.604586 WISE ROADMAP: WORKFORCE FOR THE ITALIAN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY ROADMAP Abstract The WISE roadmap project will identify a national qualified training system able to improve the competences of workers needed to UHDFKWKH³QHDUO\]HURHPLVVLRQEXLOGLQJV´REMHFWLYH7KHSURMHFWZLOOIRFXVQRWRQO\RQWKHFRQWLQXLQJHGXFDWLRQRIFUDIWVPHQEXWDOVR on the development of new training curricula aligned with the European Qualification Framework (EQF) and the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). To achieve these ambitious objectives the stakeholders have been divided in WZR³OHYHOV´FRQVLVWLQJRISDUWQHUVGLUHFWO\LQYROYHGLQWKHURDGPDSGHILQLWLRQDQG³DVVRFLDWHGSDUWQHUV´LQYROYHGLQWKHURDGPDS validation and implementation. The WISE roadmap will consider the existing complex Italian situation, whereas the European legislation on energy saving is first implemented at national level through the Ministry of Economic Development, and, then, it is put into operation at regional level. Furthermore, different associations develop their own VET with different rules and different objectives. The partners will identify the changes needed to reach a unique qualification/certification schema accepted by all the stakeholders and based on existing best experiences, both at European and national level. Attività ENEA L'ENEA coordina il progetto e partecipa a tutte le fasi. Le principali azioni previste sono: project management, analisi dello stato dell'arte, identificazione dei fabbisogni formativi, promozione e comunicazione, elaborazione della road map nazionale per gli schemi di qualificazione e/o certificazione, attività finalizzata all'endorsement, condivisione di esperienze a livello europeo. Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EIE (2007-2013) Unita ENEA UTT-LEARN Data inizio 26-nov-11 ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Coordinatore 2011 Ruolo ENEA Determina 616/2011/COMM Costo eleggibile totale Responsabile scientifico Anno di stipula Codice atto Data scadenza MORENO ANNA 230 25-mag-13 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ ¼ Unità UTT-LEARN Nazione ENEA IO095 Italia FU07-CT-2009-00202-001 ----------- Abstract N/D Attività ENEA N/D Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina Data inizio Codice atto 26-ott-09 Costo eleggibile totale ¼ Costo eleggibile ENEA ¼ Data scadenza Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2009 31-dic-11 ¼ ¼ Unità Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 231 * FU07-CT-2010-00208 ----------- Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina Data inizio Codice atto 28-giu-10 Data scadenza Costo eleggibile totale Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2010 31-mar-12 ¼ Unità Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 232 * FU07-CT-2010-00067 ----------- Abstract Attività ENEA Tipo di progetto N/A - Non applicabile Programma UE EURATOM FUSIONE Unita ENEA Anno di stipula Ruolo ENEA Determina Data inizio Codice atto 07-mag-10 Costo eleggibile totale Costo eleggibile ENEA Responsabile scientifico Coordinatore 2010 Data scadenza 31-mar-11 Contributo totale Contributo totale a ENEA ¼ Unità Nazione NON PREVISTO DAL PROGETTO 233 * 234