GRANT OFFICE - Direzione Scientifica
N. 3 - MARZO 2013
European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) Travel Grants. ....................................................... 3
European Science Foundation (ESF) Exploratory Workshops: 2013 Call for Proposals. ............................... 4
The European Young Researchers’ Award 2013 - Euroscience. .................................................................... 5
Ministero Affari Esteri - Accordo di Cooperazione tra Italia e Israele - Bando per la raccolta di progetti
congiunti di ricerca 2013. .............................................................................................................................. 6
GrantsForResearch è il bollettino informativo mensile, a cura del Grant Office della Direzione Scientifica
dell’Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS “Fondazione G. Pascale”, realizzato sulla base di un monitoraggio
sistematico di fonti di informazione ufficiali circa le opportunità di finanziamento riguardanti la ricerca
scientifica e l’innovazione tecnologica.
Ricordiamo a tutti i ricercatori di informare sempre il Grant Office della partecipazione, come
coordinatori o partners, a qualsiasi tipologia di Grants e/o Fellowships, anche se non segnalati nel
bollettino, inviando la comunicazione per e-mail all’indirizzo: [email protected]
GRANT OFFICE – Direzione Scientifica
Dr.ssa Maria Luigia Mazzone
Tel: 0815903531
e-mail: [email protected]
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European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) Travel Grants.
The European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) is delighted to announce that it will
award travel grants at the value of 600 Euros each to 150 participants attending the ICI 2013
in Milan (August 22-27, 2013).
Young post-docs and PhD-students under 35 years of age and belonging to an EFIS-affiliated
National Society. Upon written request to [email protected], a grace period can be added to this
age limit (e.g., 1 year/child for parenthood, for long-term sick leave, civil/military service, etc.).
To be eligible for a grant, the applicant must be the first author of an abstract submitted to
the ICI 2013.
Candidates can apply only AFTER successfully submitting an abstract to ICI 2013, since the
abstract number must be provided in the application. The applicant must also provide proof of
membership in good standing in an EFIS-affiliated society.
Proof of membership must have been issued in the past 12 months. Only one grant will be
allocated per person, and the grant cannot be transferred. An EFIS travel grant cannot be held
simultaneously with a grant for ICI 2013 awarded by another organization.
15 April 2013
To apply for a grant, please fill in the online application form and have your abstract, CV and
proof of membership ready for uploading (accepted formats: .doc and .pdf). Successful
applicants will receive their grant by bank transfer AFTER ICI 2013; no advance payments will
be made
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European Science Foundation (ESF) Exploratory Workshops: 2013 Call for
The Call is open to proposals across all scientific domains. The focus of the scheme is to foster
meetings that aim to open up new directions in research or to explore emerging research
fields with potential impact on new developments in science. Proposals should also
demonstrate the potential for initiating follow-up actions. Proposals will be evaluated on the
potential to create breakthroughs and form the basis for new areas of research and/or
innovative applications, or the changing of paradigms.
The 2013 Call for Proposals is for workshops to be held between 1 February and 31 December
The award will be up to a maximum value of 15 000 €.
The award will cover the costs of workshop activities and travel, accommodation and
subsistence for participants.
Proposals may be submitted in any or across several of the following broad scientific fields:
Biomedical Sciences
Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Physical and Engineering Sciences
Social Sciences
ESF Exploratory Workshops are small, interactive and output-oriented discussion meetings
following the format below:
A number of participants comprised between 15 minimum and 30 maximum (including
speakers and convenors).
A usual duration of 1-3 days.
Ample time for discussion must be provided in the scientific programme.
A workshop shall conclude with plans for follow-up research activities and/or
collaborative actions or other specific outputs at the international level.
A workshop should have wide participation from across Europe, with no country,
including that of the convenor(s), represented by more than 25% of the total
participants. Proposals with participation from less than 4 ESF Member Organisation
countries will not be considered.
ESF encourages promotion of gender equality in all its activities: representation from
either gender at a workshop must be at least 1/3 of the total participation.
The standard language at a workshop is English.
Deadline on 18 April 2013 (16:00 CET)
Applicants will be informed of the outcome by end of November 2013.
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The European Young Researchers’ Award 2013 - Euroscience.
The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA) is granted to researchers demonstrating
outstanding research performance and leadership. At the same time, the award aims to inspire
early stage and experienced researchers to incorporate a European dimension and perspective
into their research. The Award is granted each year but the prize-giving-ceremony is held every
two years at the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) where the two recipients will present their
The Award consists of a Certificate and a grant to cover travel and accommodation for the
stay in the ESOF city.
Please note, that the call for 2013 is dedicated to PhD candidates only.
Qualification Criteria
o The research should be of demonstrably excellent quality (publications, prizes, grants
o The research must have a clear European dimension, either because it is a collaboration of
researchers in different European countries or it is a research project in one European
country that addresses a research topic of European added value.
o The applicant should have demonstrated independence or/and central role in the
research project; should have inspired students working for him as well as colleagues; and
should have initiated outreach to wider audiences.
Eligibility Criteria
o Candidates should work in a European country, but are not required to have a European
o The definition of young researcher in this context is all persons who are enrolled in her/his
first PhD at the time of the application deadline. Young researchers who have obtained
their PhD after 30 September 2012 are also eligible.
o The application should be in English.
Call open until 30th April 2013.
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Ministero Affari Esteri - Accordo di Cooperazione tra Italia e Israele - Bando per la
raccolta di progetti congiunti di ricerca 2013.
Il MIUR, nell'ambito dell'Accordo di cooperazione nel campo della ricerca e dello sviluppo
industriale, scientifico e tecnologico tra ITALIA ed ISRAELE, pubblica il Bando per la raccolta di
progetti congiunti di ricerca per l'anno 2013.
I progetti di Ricerca e Sviluppo congiunti italo-israeliani possono essere presentati, nelle
seguenti aree:
- medicina, salute pubblica e organizzazione ospedaliera;
- biotecnologie;
- agricoltura e scienze dell’alimentazione;
- nuove fonti di energia, alternative al petrolio e sfruttamento delle risorse naturali;
- applicazioni dell’informatica nella formazione e nella ricerca scientifica;
- ambiente, trattamento delle acque;
- comunicazioni;
- innovazioni dei processi produttivi;
- spazio;
- tecnologie dell’informazione, comunicazioni di dati, software;
- qualunque altro settore di reciproco interesse.
Requisiti di partecipazione
• Il partner israeliano dovrà essere obbligatoriamente un soggetto industriale (impresa)
che può essere assistito tecnologicamente e scientificamente da un soggetto non
industriale (università, centro di ricerca etc.).
• Il partner italiano potrà essere sia un’impresa sia un soggetto non industriale
(università, centro di ricerca, etc.). Le università e i centri di ricerca dovranno però
obbligatoriamente essere affiancati da un’impresa.
• I partner italiano ed israeliano dovranno esprimere la volontà di cooperare, su base
paritaria, allo sviluppo di un nuovo prodotto, processo industriale o servizio.
• Il prodotto, processo o servizio deve presentare caratteristiche di innovazione
• I vincitori dovranno firmare un ‘Accordo di cooperazione’ sulla commercializzazione del
prodotto, processo o servizio, commercializzazione che avrà inizio una volta che la fase
di ricerca e sviluppo sia stata completata e che la proprietà e l’uso del know-how e dei
diritti di proprietà intellettuale siano stati concordati (Accordo di cooperazione).
I finanziamenti verranno concessi a ciascun partner dalle proprie Autorità nel rispetto delle
leggi, norme, regolamenti e procedure nazionali in vigore. I progetti approvati potranno essere
finanziati fino al 50% dei costi documentati di ricerca e sviluppo.
2 maggio 2013
 Bando 2013
 Call for proposal Israel - Italy 2013
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GrantsForResearch - Istituto Nazionale Tumori