SAINT DOMINIC’S 2001 BAY RIDGE PARKWAY R. C. CHURCH 40th ary Annivers 1972— 2012 BROOKLYN, NY 11204 REV. JOHN TINO, PASTOR Deacon Paul P. Morin RECTORY OFFICE Mon - Fri 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM Phone: 718-259-4636 Fax: 718-259-3066 [email protected] FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Mrs. Roseanne Bourke MUSIC MINISTRY Ms. Briana Weiner PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Deacon Paul P. Morin St. Dominic R.C. Church is on facebook! Weekdays: Saturdays: Sundays: Holy Days: SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM English: Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 2:30 PM. Registration is done at the Rectory. Instruction Class is required of parents and godparents which will be on the Thursday two weeks before Baptism at 7:00 PM. Espanol: Los bautismos se celebran el segundo Sabado del mes a las 12:00 PM. Inscripcion en la Rectoria. Reunion para los padres y padrinos el segundo Viernes a las 6:30 PM. Italiano: Contattare la canonica. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confessions are held on Saturdays from 4:30 PM-5:00 PM or at other reasonable times by making an appointment at the rectory. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements must be made with a priest/deacon at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the rectory prior to surgery or in case of a serious illness. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Friday from 9:30 AM-12:00 Noon ending with Benediction. MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 AM (Italian) & 9:00 AM 8:30 AM (Bilingual) & 5:30 PM Vigil 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM (Italian), 11:30 AM, 1:00 PM (Spanish) Please refer to the current bulletin. GRUPPO DI PREGHIERA DI PADRE PIO Messa ogni primo sabato del mese alle 10:30AM seguito da esposizione del Santissimo Sacramento, Rosario e Benedizione. MARIAN DEVOTION Holy Rosary every weekday after the 8:00 AM & 9:00 AM Masses. Miraculous Medal Novena is every Monday after the 9:00 AM Mass. RCIA—RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a Catholic or completing their entrance into the church through Baptism, Confirmation or Holy Eucharist, please call the Rectory. RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTIONS Kindergarten, Grades 1 - 8. Beginning with Pre-K, YOUTH GROUP: Fall meeting date to be announced. YOUNG AT HEART CLUB (SENIOR CITIZENS) Meets each Thursday from 11:30 AM-3:00 PM in the Parish Hall. GIRL SCOUTS Meets each Friday at 4:00 PM. MEN’S CLUB Fridays at 7:30 PM in the Rectory Basement (will resume September 14, 2012) COMUNIDAD HISPANA Viernes a las 7:30 PM TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME — SEPTEMBER 2, 2012 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, September 2nd 9:00 AM Rosario Grasso, Mary, Frank & Joseph Iacono, Peter & Benedetto Degaetano 10:15 AM Francesca & Antonio Craco Requested: Rosaria & Sal Buzzetta 11:30 AM Mario Randone Requested: Famiglia Randone 1:00 PM People of the Parish Monday, September 3rd , Labor Day 8:00 AM Antonietta & Antonio Bertone Requested: Giovannina Arcaro 9:00 AM Nellie & Louis Randisi Requested: Franca & Enza Tuesday, September 4 8:00 AM th Suor Maria Concetta Requested: Chiara Scorcia 9:00 AM Rita, Frankie Briola & Accursio Maria Verdi WEEKLY PARISH CALENDAR Monday, September 3rd Holy Rosary (after the 8:00 AM & 9:00 AM Masses) Tuesday, September 4th Holy Rosary (after the 8:00 AM & 9:00 AM Masses) Wednesday, September 5th Holy Rosary (after the 8:00 AM & 9:00 AM Masses) Thursday, September 6th Holy Rosary (after the 8:00 AM & 9:00 AM Masses) 12:00 PM: Young at Heart (Gym) 7:00 PM: Narcotics Anonymous (Classroom) Friday, September 7th Holy Rosary (after the 8:00 AM & 9:00 AM Masses) 9:30 AM-12:00 Noon - Eucharistic Adoration with Benediction 7:30 PM: Comunidad Hispana Saturday, September 8th Holy Rosary (before the 8:30 AM Mass) Requested: Sina LoMonaco Wednesday, September 5th 8:00 AM Achille, Emilia, Ines Bertollucci 9:00 AM Ortenzia & Francesco Cuore Requested: Adriana LaDelfa Requested: Gisa Ruggiero Thursday, September 6th 8:00 AM Giulio Brunetti 9:00 AM Salvatore Spataro Requested: Rosa Brunetti Requested: Giovanni Leto Friday, September 7th 8:00 AM In Onore del Cuore di Gesù 9:00 AM Giovanna Randazzo Requested: Legga di Sacro Cuore Requested: Giuseppe & Anna Vassallo Saturday, September 8th 8:30 AM Vito Iacoviello Requested: Francesco Papeo 11:15 AM Memorial Mass for Rocco Fionda Requested: Children 5:30 PM Frank Ragosta Requested: Ragosta Family Please keep in mind that we have weekly Memorial Gifts available to memorialize a loved one. THIS WEEK’S MEMORIAL GIFTS Altar Candles are donated in Memory of: Requested by: Gifts of Bread & Wine are donated in Memory of: Requested by: Tabernacle Candles are donated in Memory of: Requested by: The Rectory office will be closed on Monday, September 3rd in observance of Labor Day. We will re-open on Tuesday at 9:00am. Mary & Yolanda Aiello, John Alessandra, Julia Antelmi, Gina Ardizzone, Bob & Maria Balogh, Salvatore Bennici, Peggy Booker, Fred Bruno, Dominic Butera, Nancy Caputo, Joanne Cassidy, Evelyn Catalano, Dominick, Regina & Steven Catanzaro, Rose Celentano, Dominick Ciaramella, Steven Cox, Pompela Cozza, Joseph Criscione, Joseph D'Angelo, Melina Dani, Kathleen De Maro, Josephine DeFato, Rose Delisi, Laurie Del Negro, Angela DeMari, Lucrezia DeStefano, Frances DiBiase, Leo Di Filippi, Clara Fasano, Sylvia Fiorentino, Jean Gentile, Baby Gino Granato, Regina Grancitano, Kenneth Haines, Leean Hanley, Janet Herbert, Andrea Hernandez, Patrick Hoar, Anna A. Ianno, MaryAnn Kelly, Anna Kozlova, Arthur Larsen, Lucy Leavitti, Joan Lepore, Andrew Logan, Yolanda Lombardo, Michelle LoPresti, Piero Lugara, Nancy Lunden, Diane Mariano, Angelica Marianno, Eddie McGinvey, Louise McGregor, Camillo Messina, Joanne Mirra, Andy Monteverde, Baby Kyle Morrison, Anna Musto, Elizabeth Betty Murino, John Nardi, Kevin O'Connor, Connie Pace, Dominick Pagano, Marie, Palermo, James Pelliccio, Claire Pezza, Anthony Pietravalle, Lucia Pirozzi, Frank & Barbara Pizzigno, Laura Positano, Anna Power, Lillian Ragusa, Rita Rondello, Beverly Ross, Manual Russ, Connie Salzano, Robert Seely, Irene Serrapica, Matthew D. Settanni, Laura Solton, Julieta Soto, Ira, Max & Rosemarie Suliman, Jerry Taddeo, Nick Tanzillo, Suzi Tomasulo, Joann Tortorici, Marie & Theresa Tozzolino, Adrienne Usher, Toni & Patty Uzzalino, John Vella, Fred Venoff, Philomena Vermilyea, Stella Vittolli, Louis Young Please advise the rectory office if any names should be removed from this list. Theresa DiFrancesco, Giuseppe Nanfro ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY CLOTHING TRUCK Saint Dominic R.C. Church F a i t h Formation 2012-2013 Religious Education Classes will begin next Sunday, Sept 9th at 10:00am. Las clases de Educacion Religiosa comienzan Septiembre 9, 2012 a las 10:00am. On Sunday, September 9, 2012 from 8:30AM to 12:00PM, the St. Vincent de Paul Society Clothing Truck will be available for any gently used or new clothing. Please do not leave bags of clothing in the Church lobby or Rectory. Thank you for your generosity. A MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF MARTIN J. GOLDEN SENATOR, 22ND DISTRICT Registration is still open. The fee is be $110 and $60 for each additional sibling. For those new to the Senator Golden invites all to his program, you will need a copy of the child’s baptism certificate. Please come to the Rectory to enroll. Payment in full is due at time of registration. For more information, contact the Rectory. to commemorate the 11th Anniversary on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9/11 ANNUAL MEMORIAL CEREMONY 7:30 PM on 69th St. & Shore Road THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA The Catholic University of America is the national university of the Catholic Church in the United States, located in Washington D.C. It provides an academically rigorous education guided by Catholic intellectual tradition to nearly 7,000 students every year. Next Sunday, is the National Collection for The Catholic University of America. Every donated dollar directly supports financial aid for students from dioceses across the country, including ours. Please be generous. OUR LADY OF POMPEII CHURCH IN VINELAND, NJ PRESENTS Patrizio Buanne (International recording artist & Padre Pio Ambassador, Napoli, Italy) at the American Veterans Memorial Pier. All are invited. Marian Pilgrimage IN THE YEAR OF FAITH Saturday, October 27 BASILICA OF THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION IN WASHINGTON, DC. We are partnering with St. Athanasius & Sts. Simon & Jude churches. Seating is limited. The cost is $52, payable immediately at the time of registration. No seats will be held. To register and pay for this Pilgrimage, please go to the St. Athanasius Rectory (2154 61st Street) with payment of $52 (check should be made to St. Athanasius). The bus will leave from St. Athanasius. To celebrate, pray & sing for a special benefit Saturday, September 22 at 7:30pm Landis Theatre in Vineland, NJ Ticket prices vary by seating and range from $30-$100. Purchase early as premium seating is limited. Call 856-691-7526 for information. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 1 Cor 2:1-5; Lk 4:16-30 1 Cor 2:10b-16; Lk 4:31-37 1 Cor 3:1-9; Lk 4:38-44 1 Cor 3:18-23; Lk 5:1-11 1 Cor 4:1-5; Lk 5:33-39 Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Is 35:4-7a; Ps 146; Jas 2:1-5; Mk 7:31-37 THE CATHOLIC ACADEMY OF ST. MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS—ST. FRANCES CABRINI Opening Mass/Luncheon Tuesday, September 4th Mass: 9:30am, Luncheon: 12:30pm Please Join Us “Abortion has been founded on lies and deception from the very beginning. All I did was lie about how I got pregnant…but my little lie grew and grew and became more horrible with each telling…With the help of willing media and the credibility of well-known columnists, the lie became known as the truth these past 39 years.” We must end abortion and euthanasia. Our life depends upon it. Norma McCorvey- Jane Roe of Roe v Wade 2012 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Goal $20,330.00 206 Families pledged $27,137.00 Received as of 8/24/12 $22,317.00 We have reached our Goal, so all money over the Goal will come back directly to the Parish! JOIN US ON A DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO Florence, Assisi & Rome “In the Year of Faith” APRIL 11-19, 2013 SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR: BISHOP PAUL SANCHEZ FOR A BROCHURE CALL (888) 465-9868 Give early, Give online, Go Green Please visit to make your gift on-line! LA CONGREGA MARIA SS ADDOLORATA Presents the 64th Annual Procession La Madonna Addolorata PATRON SAINT OF MOLA DI BARI, ITALY Sun, Sept 9th, 2:30 p.m. Sacred Hearts & St. Stephens Church (SUMMIT & HICKS ST, BROOKLYN, NY) Upon returning to Church at 6:00 p.m. a Mass in her honor will be celebrated by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio. Why the Mother of God & the Holy Spirit are Needed in our Quest “Just as the Immaculata herself belongs to Jesus and to the Trinity, so too every soul through her and in her will belong to Jesus and to the Trinity in a much more perfect way than would have been possible without her. Such souls will come to love the Sacred Heart of Jesus much better than they would have ever done up to now......Through her Divine Love will set the world on fire and will consume it. —St Maximilian Kolbe “Two artisans—the Holy Spirit and the most holy Virgin Mary—must concur in the work that is at once God’s masterpiece and humanity’s supreme product. Both the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary are necessary to souls, for they are the only ones who can reproduce Christ....Such is the place that the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary have in the order of sanctification. Therefore, Christian piety should put these two artisans of Christ in their true place, making devotion to them something necessary, profound, and constant”. —The Servant of God Archbishop Luis Martinez Narrows Community Theater will be holding auditions for its Fall Musical, “Crazy for You” on Sept 5th & 7th from 7-10pm at Shore Hill Senior Center, 91st St. between Shore Rd & Colonial Rd. Performances will be held on Fri & Sat, Nov. 9, 10, 16 & 17 at 8PM and Sun, Nov 11 & 18 at 3pm. Please bring 32 bars of sheet music in your key, 2 copies of headshots (or any photo), resumes & jazz or character shoes to auditions. Call 718-482-3173 for more details or visit their website at REGIS HIGH SCHOOL OF MANHATTAN all-scholarship Jesuit school for talented & gifted Catholic boys Invites students and their parents to its Brooklyn Admissions Information Night Wednesday, September 26 at 7:00pm ST. SAVIOUR CHURCH, 611 8TH AVE (6TH ST.), PARK SLOPE For information, contact Eric Di Michele, Director of Admissions, Regis H.S., 55 E. 84th St., NY (212) 288-1100 Come to our weekly Eucharistic Adoration on Fridays, after the 9:00 AM Mass until 12:00 Noon when we conclude with Benediction. At this time, we will also have the DIVINE MERCY PRAYER. WEEKLY COLLECTION REPORT August 28, 2011 August 26, 2012 $1,536 $ 2,419 FOR REPAIR & RENOVATION: August 26, 2012: $ 892 PER LA COMMUNITÀ ITALIANA COME CAMBIARE IL MONDO Siamo di nuovo alle prese con scribi e farisei che dominano la scena anche in questo brano di Vangelo. Erano proprio sempre attenti e intenti a osservare Gesù con la lente di ingrandimento nel tentativo di coglierlo in fallo. "Si riunirono attorno a Gesù i farisei e alcuni scribi venuti da Gerusalemme. Avendo visto che alcuni dei suoi discepoli prendevano cibo con mani immonde, cioè non lavate, lo interrogarono: "Perché i tuoi discepoli prendono cibo con mani immonde?". Ecco che, dopo aver dato segni strabilianti, Gesù viene rimproverato dalle autorità religiose per il fatto che i suoi discepoli non osservano certe regole di purità rituali. Queste regole erano state stabilite dai rabbini che avevano aggiunto alla legge scritta tantissimi precetti (613 addirittura!) e sostenevano di averli ricevuti dal grande legislatore (Mosè). Gesù disapprova a più riprese questa precettistica così minuziosa, estesa e dettagliata. "Bene ha profetato Isaia di voi, ipocriti: "Questo popolo mi onora con le labbra, ma il suo cuore è lontano da me". Il Signore ci invita dunque a rinnovare l'interno. A puntare sull'essere, non sull'apparire.Noi non possiamo cambiare il mondo, ma possiamo cambiare noi stessi e migliorando noi stessi, inizieremo a cambiare il mondo? — PREGHIERA PER TUTTI I LAVORATORI Gesù, che, pur essendo il padrone dell'Universo, hai voluto assoggettarti alla legge del lavoro, guadagnandoti il pane col sudore della tua fronte, noi ti riconosciamo e ti proclamiamo nostro modello e Redentore del lavoro. Benedici, o divino operaio di Nazareth, la nostra quotidiana fatica, che ti offriamo come sacrificio di espiazione e di propiziazione. Benedici il sudore della nostra fronte, affinché ci procuri un pane sufficiente per noi e per le nostre famiglie. Quello era un modo di interpretare la legge in maniera molto superficiale "invano essi mi rendono culto insegnando dottrine che sono precetti di uomini". Era solo un ritualismo E concedi che sul mondo del lavoro, esterno che lasciava intatta solo la durezza di cuore, mentre travagliato da tante incertezze e difficoltà, Gesù ribadisce che ciò che conta invece è il cuore, non la purisplenda sempre la Tua provvida benedizione, rità rituale; ciò che rende immondo e impuro viene dal di dene fa che tutti possano ottenere tro: "Ascoltatemi tutti e intendete bene: non c'è nulla fuori e conservare un onesto e dignitoso lavoro. dell'uomo che possa contaminarlo, sono invece le cose che Amen. escono dall'uomo a contaminarlo: è dal cuore che escono le intenzioni cattive?" e aggiunge un elenco di nefandezze da far Domenica, 9 Settembre, 8:30AM - 12:00PM: Il camion di rabbrividire! Come siamo conciati! Gesù pone dunque l'accento sull'interiorità. Il suo insegnamento mira a debellare la pratica superficiale di un ritualismo puramente esteriore. Occorre vigilare sul cuore per non cadere in una pericolosa forma di illusione religiosa, cioè quella di sentirsi a posto perché si sono osservate determinate pie pratiche. Eccovi un esempio molto efficace per illustrare questa verità. abbigliamento de la Società di San Vincenzo de Paoli sarà disponibile per gli abiti gentilmente nuovo o usato. Si prega di non lasciare i sacchi di vestiti nella Chiesa o canonica. Domenica, 9 Settembre, 2:30PM: La Congrega Maria SS Addolorata annuncia che L’Annuale Processione in onore della Madonna (Patrona di Mola di Bari) avrà presso la Chiesa Sacro Cuori e Santo Stefano, Summit & Hicks Street, Brooklyn, NY. Al rientro in chiesa (circa 6 p.m.) C'era una volta un bramino indiano che apparteneva alla casta sarà celebrata una Messa Solenne con il nostro vescovo, sacerdotale. In India ci sono infatti le varie caste: i bramini S.E. Mons. Nicholas DiMarzio. apartengono a una casta elevata, mentre i paria (i poveri) partengono al rango inferiore: sono anche definiti gli intocca- Domenica, 7 Ottobre: Giornata dell’Apostolato Italiana—Messa Giubilare in onore della Madonna, bili, appunto perché non bisogna abbassarsi al loro rango. Questo bramino buono e pio, viveva di elemosine che gli davano i suoi fedeli. Un giorno decise di vestirsi da intoccabile paria per fare il solito giro. Quel giorno nessuno lo salutò, né al mercato, né al tempio e nessuno gli diede niente, né per lui, né per il tempio. Il giorno dopo si vestì di nuovo da bramino: si mise un bel vestito bianco, un turbante di seta, una giacchetta ricamata. Tutti lo salutavano, gli facevano inchini, gli davano denaro per lui e per il tempio. Arrivato a casa, il bramino si tolse gli abiti, li pose su una sedia e si inchinò profondamente dicendo: "O fortunati voi vestiti, fortunati voi! Sulla terra ciò che è certamente più onorato è il vestito, non l'essere umano che vi sta sotto"? Nostra Signora del Santo Rosario: Celebrata da S.E. Mons. Nicholas DiMarzio, Vescovo della Diocesi di Brooklyn e Queens. Presso la Chiesa di St. Mel (28-20 154th Street, Flushing, NY). Inizio Processione alle 4:30pm e Santa Messa alle 5:30pm. Venite, Vi Aspettiamo Numerosi anzi Numerosissimi! Sabato, 13 Ottobre: Pellegrinaggio al Blue Army Shrine Siete invitati al pellegrinaggio a Blue Army a New Jersey, per l’anniversario dell’appparizione della Madonna. Il prezzo del biglietto per l’autobus è $35 a persona e la colazione è a sacco. Per prenotazioni venite o chiamate l’ufficio entro e non oltre di 30 Settembre. PARA LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA LA DIGNIDAD DEL TRABAJO Si nos ponemos a escoger las palabras que más gastan nuestros labios modernamente, estas dos palabras trabajo y trabajador no se van a quedar las últimas de la lista. Esto lo podemos asegurar a ciegas. ¡Ojalá hubiera sido siempre así! Porque esas palabras --dándoles el sentido que hoy les damos-- hubieran hecho del trabajador y del trabajo la persona y la actividad más dignas que existen. Quitándoles el sentido que les quiso dar la revolución marxista, nosotros las miramos bajo la luz de la fe, y esas dos palabras resultan entonces sagradas. Trabajador y trabajo nos remontan al Dios del paraíso y al taller de Nazaret, y en esos dos lugares, tan santificados por la presencia de Dios, es donde se descubre tanto la dignidad de la persona que trabaja como el poder santificador del trabajo. El poeta se dirige al hombre trabajador, y le canta entusiasmado: No hay cosa que se mire con más desdén en la sociedad que la pereza, la apatía, la holgazanería, el aprovecharse de los demás y liberarse de una ley como la del trabajo, que nos obliga a todos. ¿Y si no hace falta trabajar porque se puede vivir de renta, sin preocupación alguna?... Habremos de decir que no se justifica el dejar de trabajar en este caso. Si no lo necesito yo, lo necesitan otros, para los cuales debo ser brazo productivo. El apóstol San Pablo nos lo dice desde el principio de la Iglesia: -¡A trabajar fuerte con las propias manos, para poder ayudar así al que se encuentra en necesidad! Dejar de trabajar porque se tiene para vivir de renta, es condenarse a una vida sin ilusión. ¡Cuando resulta tan bello el entregarse al trabajo para aportar mayor bienestar a la familia o tener para dar más a los miembros de la sociedad que están necesitados!... Labra, funde, modela, torna rico el erial, pinta, cincela, incrusta, sierra, pule y abrillanta, edifica, nivela, inventa, piensa, escribe, rima y canta. Igual que podría decirle a la mujer --aunque no en verso, sino en prosa muy vulgar--, que limpie, cocine, cosa, estudie, ponga una inyección, enseñe en clase, sea la más eficiente de su oficina o de su taller, brille en la universidad o en la política, distíngase en cualquier campo... Nosotros miramos el trabajo como virtud humana y cristiana a la vez. El trabajo dignifica a la persona, la ennoblece y la santifica. Más todavía. Miramos hoy el trabajo, sea cual sea, bajo otro aspecto muy atractivo y estimulante, como es el perfeccionamiento del mundo. El que trabaja, presta sus manos a Dios para que siga adelante con su obra creadora. Así vamos a mirar el trabajo nosotros ahora en nuestro mensaje: como una virtud humana y cristiana eminente. El trabajo es, ante todo, un medio grande de perfeccionamiento personal. Dios creó el mundo muy bello, pero lo dejó, diríamos, a medias. Quiso que fuéramos nosotros, con nuestro ingenio y nuestro esfuerzo, los que le diéramos los últimos retoques y lo fuéramos preparando así para la restauración final, que será obra del mismo Dios. Nos dice la Biblia que el hombre ha nacido para el trabajo como el pájaro para volar. ¿Qué diríamos de un pájaro que estuviese tendido en tierra sin poder alzar el vuelo? Pues diríamos esto: que es un pájaro que está enfermo y que nunca se va a desarrollar como los demás compañeros suyos, que gozan surcando el cielo azul... Así también, el hombre que no trabaja no desarrolla sus facultades, indica que algo anormal hay en sus adentros, y que nunca llegará a la perfección exigida por su naturaleza. El trabajo hace vivir con dignidad, porque lo que se come no es fruto del trabajo ajeno ni del robo -descarado o elegante, que es igual--, sino de un esfuerzo noble y generoso. El poeta que nos ha dicho aquellos versos primeros, se dirige ahora al trabajador, y le suelta este elogio supremo: Sin ofensa de Dios, que fue el primero, tú, el creador segundo, bien te puedes llamar del mundo entero. Si nos formamos este concepto del trabajo, y trabajamos así, a la luz de estos principios tan humanos y tan cristianos, ¿quién nos va a negar que somos felices? La Biblia nos lo asegura con estas palabras: - Será dulce la vida del trabajador que está contento con su suerte. ¿Y cómo no vamos a estar contentos, siendo brazos para nosotros mismos, para los demás y para el mismo Dios?.... — "WE SEEK AN ECONOMY THAT SERVES THE PERSON RATHER THAN THE OTHER WAY AROUND" —U.S. BISHOPS ANNUAL LABOR DAY STATEMENT This Labor Day, our country continues to struggle with a broken economy that is not producing enough decent jobs. Millions of Americans suffer from unemployment, underemployment or are living in poverty as their basic needs too often go unmet. This represents a serious economic and moral failure for our nation. As people of faith, we are called to stand with those left behind, offer our solidarity, and join forces with "the least of these" to help meet their basic needs. We seek national economic renewal that places working people and their families at the center of economic life. THE BROKEN ECONOMY LEAVES TOO MANY WITHOUT DECENT WORK Officially over 12 million workers are looking for work but cannot find a job and millions more have actually given up seeking employment. Millions more are underemployed; they are willing and able to work full time, but there are not enough jobs available. Over ten million families are "working poor"-they work hard, but their jobs do not pay enough to meet their basic needs. The sad fact is that over 46 million people live in poverty and, most disturbingly, over 16 million children grow up poor in our nation. The link between joblessness and poverty is undeniable, as Pope Benedict points out: In many cases, poverty results from a violation of the dignity of human work, either because work opportunities are limited (through unemployment or underemployment), or "because a low value is put on work and the rights that flow from it, especially the right to a just wage and to the personal security of the worker and his or her family" (Caritas in Veritate, no. 63). These harsh economic realities bring terrible human costs for millions of families, who live with anxiety and uncertainty and cope with stagnant or falling wages. Many are forced to work second or third jobs, which places further strain on their children's well-being, and millions of young adults are denied the ability to begin families. These people are not abstractions: they are fellow parishioners and our neighbors; our cousins, aunts, and uncles; our brothers and sisters; our mothers and fathers; possibly our own children. The economy should help families thrive, not place additional pressures on them. The Catholic bishops of the United States, through our Migration and Refugee Services (MRS) and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), provide help and hope to exploited and mistreated working people. MRS helps workers who have fled their home countries with the promise of employment, only to find themselves forced to work long hours in dangerous jobs. CCHD supports groups throughout the country that empower working people to raise their voices and regain wages that have been taken from them, demand fair treatment, and seek greater economic opportunity. The broken economy also places additional strain on other Catholic organizations such as Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Charities, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, that struggle to fulfill our Gospel mandate in the face of increased demand and fewer resources. A CALL FOR ECONOMIC RENEWAL AND SUPPORT FOR WORKERS Everyone and every institution has a role to play in building a more just economy. In the words of our Conference, we seek an economy that serves the person rather than the other way around. Blessed John Paul II said: …society and the State must ensure wage levels adequate for the maintenance of the worker and his family, including a certain amount for savings. This requires a continuous effort to improve workers' training and capability so that their work will be more skilled and productive, as well as careful controls and adequate legislative measures to block shameful forms of exploitation, especially to the disadvantage of the most vulnerable workers, of immigrants and of those on the margins of society. The role of trade unions in negotiating minimum salaries and working conditions is decisive in this area Centesimus Annus, no. 15). Our Church has long taught that unions are "an indispensable element of social life, especially in modern industrialized societies" (Laborem Exercens, no. 20) and are examples of the traditional Catholic principles of solidarity and subsidiarity in action. At their best, unions demonstrate solidarity by bringing workers together to speak and act collectively to protect their rights and pursue the common good. Unions are a sign of subsidiarity by forming associations of workers to have a voice, articulate their needs, and bargain and negotiate with the large economic institutions and structures of government. Our Conference of Bishops is developing a pastoral reflection on work, poverty, and a broken economy. This modest reflection will draw heavily from Pope Benedict's powerful encyclicals, will communicate our solidarity with those who have been left behind, and will call for prayer, education, discussion and action. It will be an example of responding to the call of Pope Paul VI to the laity: take the initiatives freely and to infuse a Christian spirit into the mentality, customs, laws and structures of the community in which they live. Let each one examine himself, to see what he has done up to now, and what he ought to do. It is not enough to recall principles, state intentions, point to crying injustice and utter prophetic denunciations; these words will lack real weight unless they are accompanied for each individual by a livelier awareness of personal responsibility and by effective action (Octogesima Adveniens, no. 48). This Labor Day, millions of working people and their families have urgent and compelling needs. I ask you to join me in a special prayer for them and all workers, especially those without a job struggling to live in dignity. May God guide our nation in creating a more just economy that truly honors the dignity of work and the rights of workers. — INFORMATION SHEET (JSPaluch will replace this with your 1 ad page) Church name & address: St. Dominic 196625 2001 Bay Ridge Parkway Brooklyn NY 11204 Contact person: Anna DiNella or Fr. John Tino Phone number: 718-259-4636 Software: MSPub 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9 WinXP-SP2 Printer: HPDeskjet 722C Day/time of transmission: Wednesday 10:00 AM Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 6 text pages + this page = 8 pages (8SJL) Special instructions: