d in Pavvia Univeersity o
of Paviia Our Universsity offers an
n Italian courrse three tim
mes a year: in
n September,, October an d February. Italian courses range from level A1 to leve
el B2 (beginnner to interm
mediate). Levvel C1 coursees (advanced
d level) is d minimum n
number of paarticipants iss reached. activated if the required
ng link: http:///cla.unipv.itt/?page_id=171 For further info, look at the followin
Otherr coursses offered in
n town
n In addition to the coursse provided b
by the Centroo Linguistico
o d’Ateneo (C
CLA), you cann find below a list of other Italian
n courses run
nning in Pavia. • “Ci siam
mo anche noi” , Via Cavalllotti 9 Thee course starts in Septem
mber with thee following tiimetable (Affternoon: 144:30 – 16:00 Eveening : 19:30 – 21:00) and
d it is FREE oof charge Tel:: 0382 06027
71 For detailed info
o: 335 46729
96; 335 14113955 •
Caritas Migrantes, Via Pedotti 16 The course starts in September and it is FREE of charge For further information and in order to get more details on the timetable and schedule, please call the following number: 0382 22084 Centro EDA, Via Verri The course runs from October until February and the cost may vary between 10 and 30 € For further information and in order to get more details on the timetable and schedule, please call the following number: 0382 529855 (working hours: 15 ‐ 21) Coop. Con‐Tatto, Via Volta 31 The course starts in September and it is FREE of charge For further information and in order to get more details on the timetable and schedule, please call the following number or write to this email address: O382 301183 [email protected] 

Unive Other ersity o r cours of Pavi ses off ia ered in n town n