Philippine typhoon death toll rises above 5,000… 4 PAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOA TULEI FUALAAU OONA E TAUSI AI LONA AIGA… 3 The Browns are ‘ready for another brawl’ with the hated Steelers… B1 Saturday, November 23, 2013 $1.00 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ AUMAI FAANANA MARIUANA I LE TERITORI tusia Ausage Fausia C M Y K E toalua ni alii ua taofia nei i le toese i Tafuna, ona o tuuaiga i lo la auai lea i se taumafaiga e aumai faanana ai se vaega tele o le laau faasaina o le mariuana i totonu o le teritori, lea na auala mai i le aso Tofi o le vaiaso nei i le malaga a le Lady Naomi mai Samoa. O i laua e toalua e aofia ai le alii Seila o le vaa a Samoa, le Lady Naomi ia Liki Kerisimasi, ma le alii mai Aoloau ia Fatu Vagana. Talu mai le aso Tofi na taofia ai i laua e leoleo, o ananafi na faatoa faila ai moliaga a le malo faasaga i lenei mataupu. O moliaga mamafa ta’ilua ua faia faasaga ia i laua nei e aofia ai le umia faasolitulafono o vaega o le laau faasaina o le mariuana, atoa ai ma le umia faasolitulafono o mariuana ma le faamoemoe e tulei ma faatau atu i nisi tagata. O le moliaga o le umia faasolitulafono o fualaau faasaina, e mafai ona faasala ai se tasi i le toese mo le umi e le itiiti ifo i le lima tausaga, pe faasala foi i le salatupe e le itiiti ifo i le $5,000. Ae o le faasalaga o le umia faasolitulafono o fualaau faasaina ma le faamoemoe e tulei ma faatau atu i isi tagata, e mafai ona faasala ai se tasi i le toese mo le umi e mafai ona oo atu i le 20 tausaga. E talitonu le Samoa News, o le afiafi ananafi na faila ai e le malo moliaga faasaga ia i laua nei, ma ua maea foi ona tuuina atu e leoleo kopi o moliaga atoa ai ma tuuaiga faasaga i nei alii, ao taofia ai i laua i le toese i Tafuna. O lenei mataupu na masalomia e leoleo ina ua tau saili le auala o lo o sao mai ai mariuana mai Samoa, lea o lo o masalomia o lo o aumai pea i le va’a i le tele o taimi. (Faaauau itulau 14) Le Seila o le Lady Naomi ia Liki Kerisimasi (itu agavale) i le taimi o le a ta’ita’i atu ai e le ali’i Leoleo Su’esu’e ia Det. Leaupepetele Vili Fa’apouli i totonu o le Ofisa o Leoleo i le aso Tofi na te’a nei mo suesuega, ona o le mataupu e uiga i mariuana lea ua tuuaia o ia sa ia taumafai e aumaia [ata: AF] faanana i le teritori. TO’A 15 LEOLEO MAUA TUSI PASI I A’OA’OGA FA’APITOA tusia Ausage Fausia C M Y K E to’a 15 ali’i ma tamaitai leoleo mai le Matagaluega o le Puipuiga o le Saogalemu Lotoifale ua latou tauaaoina Tusi Pasi faapitoa, e mafai ai ona latou su’esu’ina mataupu e faatatau i tagata ave ta’avale ‘onana i luga o le alatele. O le taeao ananafi na tauaaoina ai e le afioga i le Komesina o Leoleo ma nisi o le au taupulega tusi pasi mo i latou nei, i le mae’a ai o se aoaoga sa faagasolo mo le umi e 40 itula, i lalo o le ta’ita’iga a le Taitai o le Ofisa o Leooleo Suesue (CID) ia Cmdr. Lavata’i T. Sagapolutele, ma le Sui Ta’ita’i o le Traffic Division ia Sgt. Utumoe Alefosio, o i laua ia sa faauu mai i se aoga sa faia i le Iunaite Setete, i auala e suesueina ai mataupu e faatatau i tagata ave taavale ‘ona i luga o le alatele. O nisi o faiaoga sa i ai i le faatautaiga o lenei faamoemoe e aofia ai le tofa a Cmdr. Sunia Vaa Sunia; Capt. Muagututia John Cendroski, faapea ai ma le Taitai Leoleo ia Vai Maiava. Na faafetaia e le Komesina o Leoleo ia William E. Haleck alii ma tamaitai leoleo sa faauu mai lenei vasega, ona o le avanoa ua mafai ai ona aloaia le avea o i latou ma leoleo e suesueina mataupu faapenei. “E le o leoleo uma e mafai ona latou suesueina mataupu e faatatau i tagata ave taavale ‘ona i luga o le auala tele, e na o outou lava, o le mafuaaga lena ua faauuina ai outou i lenei taeao (taeao ananafi), ina ua outou ausia vaega uma o lenei aoaoga,” o le saunoaga lea a le alii komesina. I le aga’i atu ai o leoleo e faatino a latou tiute i luga o le alatele, sa fautuaina ai i latou e le alii komesina, ina ia faavae la latou galuega i le alofa ma le faaaloalo, ma ia asoa i o latou ua le faamuamua o le va fealoa’i. “Afai tou te taofia taavale a tagata o le atunuu i luga o le auala, fai ma le faaaloalo la outou galuega, fai pei lava i latou o nisi o lou aiga, o lou tama poo lou tina fo’i, aua o mea lelei tou te faia, e ta’uleleia atu ai a’u ma le matagaluega atoa,” o le fautuaga lea a le alii komesina i leoleo, ma ia talia aloaia ai loa i latou e toa 15 ua pasi i vaega uma o le aoga e pei ona faatautaia mo le lua vaiaso. O i latou ua faamanuiaina i tusi pasi e filifili mai i vaega taitasi o le Matagaluega o Leoleo, e aofia ai lala o fale leoleo i Sisifo, Sasa’e atoa ai ma le ofisa tutotonu o Fagatogo. Buckle up & Save a Life! (Faaauau itulau 14) CRASHES LOCAL HIGHWAYS 01-01-13 to date 931 O se va’aiga i le taimi na mua’i fa’apa’ia ai le nofo a le tofa Launatausala Fa’agau S. Savea Lefiti i lona laoa i Vainiu ina ua poto le ava a le Itumalo, e fa’aulufale o ia lona pou, ma ua talia leleia e le itumalo lona tula’i mai mo le pa’ia o aiga, le afio’aga ma le itumalo Ituaumalosi. O le afioga le Toafiaoali’i Alo, afioga Tupuola ma le Matua ia Savea Tavita sa latou fa’apa’ia i le nofo [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] i le taeao ananafi. FATALITIES LOCAL HIGHWAYS 01-01-13 to date 2 office of highway safety Page 2 samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 Nu’uuli: 699-9866 Tafuna: 699-4823 CBT Ho Ching & Co., Inc. BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Nov. 29th Nuuuli Location 5 to 8am Black Friday • De als VIZIO 22” LED 1080P REG. RETAIL$269.99 #E221A1 $199.00 CIELO 24”LCD 720P REG. RETAIL: $285.99 #TE24T7H $210.00 RCA 24” LED 1080” REG. RETAIL: $289.99 #LED24B45RQ $239.00 SWING SET TRIPLE FUN II #490FF4256T $279.99 (IN BOX) REG. RETAIL: $292.99 SWING SET PLAY PARK $299.99 #4660T (IN BOX) REG. RETAIL: $338.99 3 HOURS ONLY! SWING SET BIG ADVENTURE $399.99 #490ff42575T (IN BOX) REG. RETAIL: $432.99 *SPIN & SAVE 5, 10, 15, 20% off $259 ON YOUR SHOPPING! $359 4TH GENERATIONIPOD 32GB 16 GB #IPADMINI REG RETAIL: $460.99 $359 REG. RETAIL: $315.99 #IPODTOUCH BLENDER 10CUP $17 COFFEE MAKER 12CUPS $99 COFFEE BREWER 10CUPS REG. RETAIL: $139.99 #672293 REG. RETAIL: $22.99 #BVRVMC12 REG. RETAIL: $35.95 #157449 $29.99 10X18.5 GRIDDLE REG. RETAIL: $42.99 #157252 $149 GAS GRILL REG. RETAIL: $299.99 #108460 REG. RETAIL: $34.99 #756645 ALL $19.99 CHAIR STACK/CLAY REG. RETAIL: $26.99 #593683 $20 CHAIR FOLDIN WHT REG. RETAIL: $29.99 #104035 $22 RICE COOKER 10CUPS $22 $99 8X2.5’ TABLE REG. RETAIL: $139.00 #5496682 10% OFF $79 30X72 TABLE FOLDING REG. RETAIL: $87.99 #682536 KAPETA (Linoleum) 75’ REG. RETAIL: $75.99 #599501 $55 STOP IN & CHECK OUT MORE BLACK FRIDAY DEALS THROUGHOUT THE STORE! GENERATOR 8000W PORTABLE $179.99 POWER WASHER 1900PSI REG. RETAIL: $225.99 #121002 REG. RETAIL: $1799.99 #108368 $425 POWER WASHER 2600PSI REG. RETAIL: $536.99 #164678 $59.99 CIRCULAR SAW 7-1/4” 13AMP REG. RETAIL: $86.99 #103887 $199 CIRCULAR SAW 7-1/4” 15AMP $699 GENERATOR 5000W PORTABLE REG. RETAIL: $268.99 #103887 REG. RETAIL: $1199.99 #108366 $1400 GLASS BLOCK $699 UPRIGHT FREEZER 16.7CF WHT REG. RETAIL: $999.99 #CFUFH17LW $1995 REFRIGERATOR 28CF FRENCH DRS REG. RETAIL: $2799.99 #CFD28WIS $350 DRYER 6.0CF ELECT REG. RETAIL: $515.99 #CED126SXQ $799 DRYER 7.0CF COMMERICALELECT REG. RETAIL: $1173. #SDET07WF NAUTILES DESIGN #191988 REG. RETAIL$3.99 $2.99 COCKTAIL DESIGN #19180 REG. RETAIL: $3.99 $2.99 PARALLEL PINK #191992 REG. RETAIL: $5.26 $3.99 ARTISTIC DESIGN #191990 REG. RETAIL: $7.29 $4.99 SALE APPLIES TO ONLY CASH PURCHASES, NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PRICES IN EFFECT WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CORRECT PRINTING ERRORS. THE FOLLOWING IS EXCLUDED FROM THE BLACK FRIDAY SALE: PROMO ITEMS AND BUILDING MATERIALS (LUMBER, BRICKS, ROOFING IRON, ETC.) TULEI FUALAAU OONA Evalani’s E TAUSI AI LONA AIGA samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 Page 3 tusia Ausage Fausia O le alii lea ua tuuaia e le malo i lona umia ma le faatauina atu i isi tagata o le pauta oona o le aisa, sa ia taua i leoleo e faapea, e na o le pau lea o le auala o lo o maua ai se tupe e tausi ai lona toalua ma le la pepe faatoa fanau. E lua moliaga mamafa ua tuuaia ai e le malo le alii o David Letuli, ma o ia moliaga na afua mai ina ua maua e se Masela o le Faamasinoga se taga pepa iila o lo o i ai vaega o le pauta oona o le aisa, i totonu o le ato tupe a Letuli i le taimi na su’e ai e le Masela le ato a le ua molia ina ua ulufale atu i totonu o le Fale Faamasino Faaitumalo i le taeao o le aso Gafua na te’a nei. O le mataupu lenei na tofu atu i le Vaega e Taulimaina Mataupu tau i Fualaau Faasaina a le Ofisa o Leoleo (Vice & Narcotics Division) i le taeao o le aso Gafua na te’a nei, ina ua logo e se alii Masela o le Faamasinoga ia alii leoleo mo se fesoasoani, ona o se mataupu e uiga i se alii na alu atu i totonu o le Fale Faamasino, ae masalomia ai o lo o ia umia faasolitulafono vaega o le pauta fasaina o le aisa, po o le ‘methamphetamine’ e pei ona lauiloa ai i le toatele. E tusa ai ma faamaumauga a le faamasinoga o lo o taua ai e faapea, soo se tagata e ulufale atu i totonu o le Fale Faamasinoga, e muamua siaki e le Masela i luma o le masini e saili ai u’amea ma a’upega (metal detector), poo kilia o ia ona faatoa mafai lea ona ulufale i totonu o le Fale Faamasino. Na faatonu e le Masela ia Letuli e tuu uma i totonu o le bowl o lo o i luga o le laulau mea o lo i totonu o taga o lona ofu (o faiga masani ia e saili ai e Masela tagata uma e ulufale atu i totonu o le Fale Faamasino.) Na aumai e Letuli i fafo mea uma sa i le taga o lona ofu sa fai, e aofia ai ma lana ato tupe, ona tuu atu lea i totonu o le bowl o lo o i luga o le laulau. Sa ia tuu ai foi se afi penisini, pepa sikaleti, telefoni ma se fuifui ki i totonu o le bowl. Ina ua amata ona siaki e le Masela le ato tupe a Letuli sa i totonu o le bowl, o le taimi lea na vaaia ai e le Masela se suiga i foliga o le ua molia, ma e foliga mai e i ai se mea o lo o tupu, atoa ai ma lona aapa atu ua taumafai toe toso ese atu lana ato tupe o lo o uu e le Masela. Na avea uiga na faaalia e le ua molia ma itu na faatonu ai loa o ia e le alii Masela, e sili pe a latou o i totonu o le Ofisa o le Masela e faaauau ai le latou talanoaga, ona o lo o tumu le atunuu i le vaega lea o le Fale Faamasino. Ina ua taunuu le ua molia ma Masela i totonu o le potu, sa faalogoina e le Masela le ua molia ua faapea lana tala, o ia e laititi lona atalii faatoa fanau, ae le faigaluega foi lona toalua. I totonu o le ato tupe a Letuli na maua i ai e leoleo se taga pepa iila o lo o i ai isi tama’i pepa iila se 8, o lo o i ai vaega o le pauta oona o le aisa. Sa faia se suega faapitoa i pauta nei ma iloa ai, o vaega ia o le pauta oona o le aisa. Na taua e le ua molia i leoleo e faapea, sa i ai lona manatu e le suea e le Masela lana ato, leaga na sau muamua foi i le isi aso ae le’i suea lana ato. Sa ia faamaonia foi i leoleo, e pauta sa maua ia te ia, o ana meatotino ia, o lo o faatau atu i le ta’i $50 i le pepa e tasi. O moliaga e lua ua tuuaia ai Letuli e aofia ai le moliaga o lona umia faasolitulafono o le pauta oona o le aisa, atoa ai ma lona umia faasolitulafono o le pauta o le aisa ma le faamoemoe e tulei ma faatau atu i isi tagata. E $80,000 le tupe lea ua faatulaga e totogi ona faatoa mafai lea ona tatala le ua molia i tua, e faatali ai taualumaga o lana mataupu lea ua faagasolo i le taimi nei. UA OU FIA ALU I LE FALETAELE Ua o le loomatua ma lana tama i le lotu, ao faagasolo le lotu, te’i lava ua faalogoina e le tamaitiiti ua fia alu i le falemamao e pi, (tulou) fai atu loa le tama i lona tina, “Tina se ou fia alu i le faletaele ua ou fia pi..” fai atu le loomatua o Ella, “Vaai, o iinei i le falesa e le se upu mamalu le upu lena o le ‘pi’, ae tatau ona e fai mai e ‘musumusu’ ua e iloa a ‘pepe’?” Oo loa i le isi aso Sa o loa Etuale ma lana atalii, ua fai foi le lauga, ae fai atu le tamaitiiti i lona tama, “Daddy…!!!!! sa fia ‘’musumusu’ lava…” ae fai mai le tamaloa o Vao, “Ia musumusu mai i lou taliga!!.” IA FAI SE TATALO E TALOSIA AI MEA’AI Sa tumutumu le fale o le aiga i tagata o le la latou aiga i lena afiafi, ia ua oo nei i le taimi o mea’ai, mimita loa le fafine o Ella i isi tagata o le latou aiga, fai loa i ai, “Ia tago oe pepe e fai mai le tatalo o mea’ai.” Fai mai le teineitiiti, “E le iloa e a’u Mommy.” fai atu le fafine, “Tago e fai le tatalo lea e masani ona fai e Mommy, ua galo foi ia te oe ?.” Ia faasaga a’e loa le teine ua fai loa le tatalo o mea’ai, “O le a ea le mea ua tumutumu soo mai ai lo matou nei fale aso uma, ae se’i o mai foi ma aumai ni mea’ai i le suafa o le Tama, Amene.” E amene ane le lotu, ua leai ni tagata o toe nonofo mai i le laulau ‘ai, ua toe o uma tagata i le fietai i le tatalo a lenei teineitiiti, ia o lava ma fai mai, “Magaia lava gutu o le nofotane i le olo i lalo i ‘floor’.. le le ua aliali lava le ‘aiuu, e fiu a gaga la moa e aliali mai lava, e vaai i ai poo a gei ituaiga kakalo na nofo ‘ao’ai ai lana kama guku kele la…..!!!!.” MOSE MA NUU O ISARAELU Fesili mai le faiaoga Aso Sa, “O le a le mea na umi ai ona faataamilo ai e Mose le nuu o Isaraelu ?.” Tali atu loa le isi teineitiiti, “Leaga ua le malie i ai le Atua i le latou le usita’i. Ia fai loa le faiaoga, “Patipati uma mai i le tali o Fiaaiti.” ua patipati uma tamaiti o le vasega, ae o le la e si’i mai le lima a le tama o Vao JR, sa tu’u ai loa le avanoa e le faiaoga aso Sa. Fai mai loa le tali a Vao JR, “Ua alai ona faataamilomilo umi e Mose, leaga lea ua ita Mose i le tagata lea na nofo ma nana lana to’oto’o….!!!!!.” in Pago Book Your Christmas Parties & Special Events NOW. • Party Plans To Fit Your Budget • No “House Fee” • Discounted Drinks & Beer • Karaoke & Disco Specials Dancing • Extended Happy Hours • Live Band By Request Call 633-7777/252-2588/254-6444 Salon Sophia Let us get you looking and feeling your best. HOLIDAY SPECIAL KATIE’s & MIAH’s Chemical Specials include cut and style: All Chemicals, Highlites, Lowlites, Curly Perms, Relaxers 20% Off Thermal ‘Japanese’ Straightening 20% Off * We also offer wedding hair/make-up packages in Salon or your place of choice ** Coming Soon * SENIORS ONLY DAY OF PAMPERING Holiday Greetings and a Huge Fa’afetai, Faafetai tele lava for your support for the past 15+ years of our service Thanksgiving Weekend Special THE EQUATOR RESTAURANT IS SERVING UP TURKEY AND HAM DINNERS WITH ALL THE FIXINS’….“TO GO”…. DON’T BE STUCK IN THE KITCHEN, LET US DO THE COOKING FOR YOU! PRE-ORDER YOUR MEALS, AND IT’LL BE READY FOR PICK UP ON THANKSGIVING DAY. • TURKEY DINNER MEAL • HAM DINNER MEAL • TURKEY & HAM DINNER MEAL Meals include: 10-12# Turkey OR 10# Ham – Home-Made Country Style Stuffing – Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes & Home-Made Turkey Gravy – Steamed Vegetables – Citrus Cranberry Sauce and your Choice of (one) Pumpkin, Apple or Cherry Pie. Assorted Pies & Cakes Available Upon Request (order early) Meals are limited so stop by and place your orders today or call 699-1000 for more information. Deadline for all Meal orders is 3pm, Tuesday, Nov, 26th, 2013 Join us at the Equator Restaurant for our Thanksgiving Dinner Special!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS….. Thank you for your continued patronage The Staff & Management of Tradewinds Hotel & The Equator Restaurant Reservations strongly recommended!! Call us at 699-1000 E-mail: [email protected] Page 4 samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 “Whos goin’ to build Bridges?” “HAWKEYE” “Changing Times.” “If you can learn from hard knocks, you can also learn from soft touches.” “We must be willing to get rid of the life that we have planned, so as to have the life that awaits us.” As Hawkeye recalls, he had readers from “KOKOMO” a few years back. He has not been in communication with the readers of KOKOMO due to a violent computer crash which left Hawkeye without most of his address book. The point is that KoKomo was hit by a Tornado, and Hawkeye wishes his readers well from that area and hopes that they weren’t hit too hard by the weather conditions. Please do send Hawkeye a comment to let him know that all is ok in KoKomo. And speaking of the violent weather conditions that hit parts of the Philippines, Hawkeye understands that the aid is being distributed in a more organized manner. This in spite of looters, armed gangs, and wagon burners! And moving right along to the City of Washington Illinois, this city was literally flattened with a visit from another killer Tornado that touched down over this town over the weekend of 16-17 November of 2013! Hawkeye feels for these people and hopes them the best under the circumstances. Over. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Hawkeye will remind us all here in “Dogpatch” once again to “GEAR UP” for the Tropical Cyclone Season that we are now in. We can never be prepared enough when we are dealing with an ever changing world. Hawkeye hears that there is an Iceberg that has broken away and is now a threat to the sea ways. This is bad news fans, and Hawkeye hopes that the new Titanic will miss this gigantic Iceberg while she is on her way to New York City from Southampton in the USSR. We have certainly learned a lot about Mayor Ford of The great city of Toronto Canada these days. One thing is for certain; The Mayor likes to party hearty! His popularity seems to have soared to new heights with most likely a new wave of young supporters! They are sure that if their present Mayor has to defend his title in the next election, he will win hands down from all of his latest new voting bases. While Hawkeye don’t think that Mayor Ford is setting a good example for the young folks, he does seem to be gaining in overall popularity! Hum. Hawkeye is patiently awaiting the delivery of his copy of “Sweatshops In Paradise” written by Virginia Sudbury. Hawkeye knew Mrs. Sudbury but never knew that she was penning a masterpiece pertaining to the by now Global News Piece, Dawoosa Sewing Factory. Hawkeye recalls that there was one Korean who bit the bullet on that one, but never was there any further investigation as to who shot John from the inside. Perhaps Mrs. Sudbury will elaborate a little bit further for our edification, entertainment, and downright Amazement. Being both the author of the book, and the attorney on the case, this could prove interesting. Humm. At the risk of beating a dead Horse, Hawkeye has ordered a copy of another Masterpiece By Jessie Ventura and Dick Russell. This one is called; “63 Documents that the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read.” This should prove interesting at best. Of course while you happen to be browsing on Amazon, you can scout up Books by Doug Harrington, who just happened to have published three. Over. Hawkeyes Books are somewhat similar to Hawkeyes Column in that the writing has a tendency to overflow in to the Sewer. This is where the reading gets good folks. There were two of Hawkeye and Sweet Leanors friends who happened to grace the shores of Wonderland for one Short day. This was however a day to be remembered and Hawkeye will forever wish these fine people the best that life has to offer. Hello to Francis and Jimmy Stribling of Albuquerque New Mexico. It twas nice having you visit Dogpatch! The world does in fact get rather small when we least expect it. If it gets any smaller, Hawkeye and Sweet Leanor can afford a walk to South Eastern Pennsylvania and visit what is left of Hawkeye’s Family. If the world continues to get smaller, we will walk from Paradise to the Philippines to visit Sweet Leanors family. Humm. As a matter of fact, we will be able to take the Cats and the Dog, “Blackie!” He can show off his new Dog Tag to every stray animal on the road between Hooterville and Delta Pennsylvania! Folks, as Hawkeye mentioned earlier, do have your pets spayed and or neutered. It is the right thing to do, and they will thank you for it in their own little ways. We now have a long awaited Veterinarian, so let’s take advantage of a good thing. Some Homo-sapien e-mailed Hawkeye last week telling A Michels Corporation employee demonstrates the use of a drill machine that will be used beginning the first week of January 2014 for ASTCA’s BLAST (Broadband Linking the American Samoa Territory) Project, according to Project Manager Randy Thompson. The Michels Corporation from the state of Wisconsin will head the construction of the fiber optic cable system to local homes and businesses. Yesterday was ASTCA’s Blessing Ceremony for the project that took place at [photo: Jeff Hayner] the Michels Corporation lot in Tafuna. Read story in Monday’s Samoa News. NEWS IN BRIEF Philippine typhoon Yolanda death toll rises above 5,000 MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The death toll from one of the strongest typhoons on record has risen above 5,000 and is likely to climb further, although recovery efforts are beginning to take hold, Philippine officials said Friday. Interior Secretary Mar Roxas said 4,919 people were killed on Leyte, Samar and nearby islands in the Eastern Visayas region. Civil defense chief Eduardo del Rosario said 290 others died in other parts of the central and southern Philippines. The regions were battered two weeks ago by fierce winds and tsunami-like storm surges from Typhoon Haiyan, locally called Yolanda. Del Rosario said there were 1,611 people still missing. “That is the sad record of Yolanda’s passage through our country,” Roxas said. But he added that “The worst is over.” He said the hard-hit Leyte provincial capital of Tacloban reported 1,725 dead. “I believe this number in Tacloban city is not yet final,” he said. Most of the bodies have been buried in mass graves, many of them unidentified, he said. “It is possible that some of the missing are among the unidentified,” he said. Journalists in Tacloban say the stench of death from piles of debris, upturned vehicles and remnants of what once were homes indicates that bodies remain trapped underneath. More troops and police have been brought to the region from other parts of the country to beef up law and order. The airport in Tacloban, the regional hub, and its seaport are operating. Haiyan hit the eastern seaboard of the Philippines on Nov. 8 and quickly barreled across its central islands, packing winds of 235 kilometers (147 miles) per hour and gusts of up to 275 kph (170 mph), with a storm surge of 6 meters (20 feet). Obama on JFK anniversary: Few fears for own safety WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says he doesn’t spend much time worrying about his own personal safety despite President John F. Kennedy’s assassination 50 years ago. Obama says the tragedy reshaped the Secret Service in many ways. But he says the agency does an outstanding job every day. He says, quote, “It’s not something I think about.” Obama spoke in an ABC News interview on the 50th anniversary of Kennedy being gunned down in an open-top limousine in Dallas. ABC released excerpts of the interview being aired Friday evening. Obama’s comments also come as the Secret Service is dealing with a new case of alleged sexual misconduct involving agents assigned to protect the president. The agency had been seeking to repair its reputation following a 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia. Travelers evacuate after erroneous LAX gun reports LOS ANGELES (AP) — Authorities say a loud auto crash that some passengers thought was shots being fired and a call reporting a gunman prompted evacuations at two terminals of Los Angeles International Airport. LAX spokeswoman Nancy Castles says the crash outside Terminal 5 Friday night caused passengers to report gunfire, and many fled from the terminal. Castles says soon after the crash an anonymous caller reported a gunman at a gate in Terminal 4. Police ordered the evacuation of that terminal as a precaution. The terminal has been deemed safe and travelers can return, but they must go through security again. The incident brought temporary traffic backups and flight delays. It came three weeks after a gunman walked into the airport and opened fire, killing an airport (Continued on page 12) © Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights. dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday, except for some local & federal holidays. Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799. Contact us by Telephone at (684) 633-5599 Contact us by Fax at (684) 633-4864 Contact us by Email at [email protected] Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm. Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in whole or in part, is required. Please address such requests to the Publisher at the address provided above. samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 Page 5 2nd Annual TERRITORIAL FARM013FAIR 2 Malae o le Su’igaula a le Atu Vasa TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH Registration: 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Judging: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Short Service & Entertainments: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. MASTER OF CEREMONY: . . . Joseph Iosua (J-Smooth) INVOCATION PRAYER: . . . . . . Rev. Fouvale Asiata, CCCAS Matu’u & Faganeanea OVERVIEW: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pete Gurr, Deputy Director, Dept. of Agriculture SPECIAL REMARKS: . . . . . . . . . . . Lemanu P. Mauga, Lt. Governor of Am. Samoa BENEDICTION: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Fouvale Asiata, CCCAS Matu’u & Faganeanea VIEWING OF DISPLAYS & ENTERTAINMENTS (6:00pm to 9:00pm) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH Short Service & Entertainments: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Awards: 10:00 a.m. - 12 Noon MASTER OF CEREMONY: Manu Tuionoula INVOCATION PRAYER: . . . . Rev. Pelekina Laupati, CCCAS Utulei OVERVIEW: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lealao M. Purcell, Director, Dept. of Agriculture KEYNOTE SPEAKER: . . . . . . . Hon. Lolo M. Moliga, Governor of Am. Samoa FAUTASI RACE (return to the Malae o le Suigaula afterwards) LUNCH AWARDS & SPECIAL PRESENTATION by DOA BENEDICTION: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Pelekina Laupati, CCCAS Utulei ENTERTAINMENT by Utulei Youth FAUTASI RACING: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00am CANOE PADDLING: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am Page 6 samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 N OW S E RV I N G BREAKFAST & Lunch MON-SAT From 7am - 2pm Oasis for Fine Dining… monday-saturday 5pm to 9pm happy hour from 4:30pm to 9pm with free pupus! Compiled by Samoa News staff private par & banquet rootym s available bar & restaurant MON thru SAT • 7AM-2AM telephone @ 699-6231 Located in Samoa SportS BuiLding, airport rd STARKIST-samoa TO LAUNCH new TUNA PROUCT FOR SAMOA StarKist Samoa is set to launch a new product for Samoa at next week’s Trade Fair in Apia, according to the draft program of the two-day event that will open Nov. 28. Responding to Samoa News inquiries, StarKist Co., cooperate spokesperson Michelle Faist said, the “launch of the new StarKist Samoa product is our 5 oz. Chunk White Tuna in oil,” adding that she will provide later any new information. The Trade Fair program states that StarKist Samoa will launch the product during the opening ceremony in front of the Government complex in Apia. The launching follows the official ribbon cutting to open the Trade Fair Doors by the U.S. Charge’d Affairs with the American Embassy in Apia. The program also states that there will be a tasting event of StarKist products and other company “specials” presented at their booth. As the largest private employer in the territory, about 60% of StarKist Samoa’s workforce comes from neighboring Samoa. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE STAFF SHORT OF FUEL AND SUPPLIES In its fourth quarter performance report, the Department of Administrative Services cited problems faced by staff overseeing government housing properties. The department says its biggest Happy Belated 9th Birthday to our very own DIVA! LeAnne Teugata Grace Laulu You Are a Fighter!! You Are a Survivor! You Are an Awesome Daughter of our Heavenly Father! We Love You and we thank the Lord for each day He allows us to spend with you. Your Bodyguards; MaryAnne, Brienne & Julienne Your Grandma; Fainifo Teu Tuna All Your Cousins, Aunties & Uncles Esp. from your parents; Toone & Malaga Laulu SPECIAL LOVE FROM YOUR COUSIN, SISTER MASIMA, SERVING at the GRAND JUNCTION DENVER, COLORADO MISSION Also from your favorite Aunty Evaga ☺ impediment is the delay in getting much needed gasoline and other supplies in a timely manner in order to continue “our grounds keeping.” “There have been a few occasions when the employees ended up purchasing fuel and supplies for the grounds keeping equipment in order to keep the work running efficiently,” the report says. It also says that they are “in dire need of furniture, building materials and supplies to carry out our basic repairs”, adding that the majority of the units have furniture that needs replaced. Additionally, there is a need to furnish the newly renovated/ repaired units, while the warehouse is “full of broken and/or damaged furniture.” local CRUISE SHIP VENDORS SURVEY A survey by the Commerce Department of cruise vendors during the last quarter of fiscal year 2013 found these small businesses raking in more than $20,000 for the three cruise ships that called into the Port of Pago Pago between July 1 and Sept. 30, said DOC in its 4th quarter performance report for FY 2013. The report says DOC staff surveyed a total of 89 vendors that were selling a variety of goods such as handicrafts, clothing, boutique gift items and food. In total the vendors reported an earned income of $27,352. Meanwhile, American Samoa Visitors Bureau executive director David Vaeafe plans to release either at the end of this month or the first week of next month, the complete 2014 cruise ship schedule, which currently shows 16 confirmed vessels. Vaeafe said the 2014 schedule includes two cruise ships arriving back-to-back “to visit our shores.” STRAY DOG TASK FORCE HELP SOUGHT Rep. Larry Sanitoa has asked the stray dog task force for help regarding stray dogs that are bothering public areas of Tualauta and also suggested that the group look at taking over funding allocation for the stray dog program allocated in the fiscal year 2014 budget. In a letter this week, Sanitoa wrote to Papali’i Marion Fitisemanu, chairman of the governor’s Animal Control and Care Program (ACCP) Task Force, asking for assistance regarding stray dogs in public areas— specifically around the Office of Motor Vehicle area where many residents walk the track in the mornings and evenings. “A pack of stray dogs is reported to be [there] at the least favorable time when there are a lot people walking. This was reported once before and was resolved, however it appears to be a problem again and getting worse,” Sanitoa said. He also pointed out that in the FY 2014 budget, $50,000 is earmarked under the Special Program for a Dog Eradication Project. “Perhaps this is a program the ACCP Task Force would consider taking over and utilizing the funds to control the repeated emergence of stray dogs,” he said and thanked ACCP for their work in addressing the stray dog problem. ASG TO SUBMIT NEW APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL PROGRAM Commerce Department director Keniseli Lafaele confirmed Wednesday that American Samoa will be submitting next week to the U.S. Treasury Department, the territory’s new State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) application and plan. “Hopefully we’ll get the [U.S.] Treasury’s stamp of approval shortly after that,” he told Samoa News. The territory’s new application and plan followed a meeting that Lafaele held Oct. 31 in Washington D.C. with U.S. Treasury official David Rixter, who is the Outreach Manager for the SSBCI program. U.S. Treasury Department had approved $10.4 million for American Samoa under the SSBCI, which was created under the federal Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 in response to concerns that small businesses have been unable to access capital that would allow them to create jobs. The program supplies pledged cash collateral accounts to lending institutions to enhance collateral coverage of individual loans, but officials of the two banks testified in the Fono last year of their reluctance to participate in the program, due to among other things, their concerns that the SSBCI provides only up to 50% of the cash collateral. Officials of the previous administration told lawmakers that the government was looking at off-island banks to participate in this program since the two local banks were reluctant. According to the federal government, the SSBCI is a one-time program of limited duration and the authorities and duties of the Secretary of the Treasury is to implement and administer the program that terminates on September 27, 2017. Moreover, the obligations of participating states and territories to perform and report on progress will expire as outlined in the terms of the Allocation Agreement on March 31, 2017. samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 Page 7 Students of Manumalo donate FAUTUAINA GALUEGA over $1,120 for Haiyan victims MASELA O LE AUALA tusia Ausage Fausia by B. Chen Samoa News Correspondent The devastation of Super Typhoon Haiyan that struck the Philippines two weeks ago is being felt by everyone, even the youngest members of the territory’s population. Super typhoon Haiyan, one of the most powerful storms ever to make landfall hit the Philippines on Nov. 8 with winds as high as 190 mph and blew its way across the islands south of Manila. Yesterday morning, during a one-day fundraising event, the students of Manumalo Baptist Academy in Malaeimi came together to donate whatever they could to help out with relief efforts. In a matter of hours, Manumalo Baptist Academy - with an enrollment of 606 - managed to rake up $1,120.40 from students who generously donated their lunch money, allowance, and whatever they had and wanted to give. Manumalo’s Filipino teachers Miriam Mirasol and Veronica Occena presented the donation to Maria Guyapa, a representative of the local Filipino community who was grateful for the meaalofa and expressed gratitude on behalf of their small organization. Since news of Haiyan’s wrath hit the airwaves, members of the local Filipino community have been busy soliciting donations all over the territory and the response has been sensational, evident through the outpouring of love, words of encouragement, and monetary contributions. Even the local chapter of the American Red Cross is accepting donations on behalf of the victims. As of yesterday morning, according to, the death toll in the Philippines had topped 5,200 and counting. More than 23,000 had been injured and 1,611 were still missing across islands devastated by Haiyan, which is known as ‘Yolanda’ in the Philippines. A reported 800,000 people were able to evacuate their homes, but the storm nonetheless “damaged millions of dollars worth of crops and infrastructure, destroyed half-a-million homes, and affected more than 10 million people.” Additionally, “Some 4.3 million people were said to have been displaced— one million of whom were children,” reports. The total cost of the damage is pegged at more than $288 million, with around $112 million of it being damaged crops, and $100 million damage to livestock and fisheries. The U.S. is one of about two dozen governments who have sent aid to the Philippines. According to an online tracker, a United Nations appeal for $301 million in relief aid has so far raised $131 million. Samoa News spoke to several local Filipino seamstresses and domestic workers who are hopeful that their family members are at least getting by. One local Filipino seamstress said she is grateful that the storm didn’t affect her family, as they reside on an island that wasn’t in the direct path of Haiyan. Another local Filipino said that although his family was not affected, his wife’s family is hurting right now, as their home was completely damaged and they are relying on relief efforts for food and shelter. Major Reynaldo Balido, spokesman for the Philippines National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), told NBC News yesterday that they are on their third round of distributing relief. O le vaiaso nei na taoto atu ai i luma o le Kovana Sili se fautuaga mai se tasi o Faatonusili faasaga i le galuega o lo o faatino e le Masela o le Auala (Street Marshall), ina ia i ai sina avanoa e tuu i tagata faigaluega mo le toe faafo’iina atu o ta’avale i totonu o a latou fale faigaluega, ae le o le taofi ma faasala ae le’i o o i le taimi faatulagaina. O lea mataupu na fofogaina e le tamaitai faatonusili ia Faleosina Voight i le Fono a le Kapeneta sa faia i le aso Lua na te’a nei. E ui na viia e le tamaitai faitonu le auaunaga o lo o faatinoina e le Street Marshall, peitai sa ia taua e faapea, sa i ai se taavale a lona Ofisa na taofia e le Masela i se taimi e le’i mamao atu, ae faatoa ta le itula e 3:30, e le’i o o foi i le taimi e amata faamalosia ai le tiute a le Masela o le Auala. Saunoa Faleosina, e manaia foi ae tuu atu i le itula e 5:00 i le afiafi le taimi e amata faamalosia ai e le Masela lana galuega, ina ia maua ai se taimi o tagata faigaluega e toe faafoi atu ai taavale i totonu o le lotoa, pe afai e mae’a galuega i le 4:30 i le afiafi. Mo se faataitaiga e pei ona saunoa Faleosina o lana matagaluega, e vava mamao nofoaga e faatino ai galuega a nai tama, ae a oo ina mavana, ona aga’i atu lea i totonu o le lotoa i Tafuna e toe faafoi atu taavale a’o le’i fo’i i o latou aiga i le afiafi. O se fautuaga na taoto lelei i le finagalo o le afioga i le kovana sili ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga, lea ua ia tuuina atu le faamalosia o le tulafono o taavale a le malo, i lalo o le taitaiga a le susuga a Sonny L. Thompson ma le matagaluega a Tagata Faigaluega a le malo. “O lo o tulaga lelei lava le faatinoina o galuega a le alii Masela ma lana aufaigaluega, e ui o lo o maitauina pea nisi o Matagaluega e le o usitai i le tatou tulafono ua maea ona tuuina atu,” o le sanoaga lea a Lolo, ma ia toe fautuaina ai faatonusili ina ia fautua i a latou tagata faigaluega, afai e leai se pemita e faataga ai se tasi ona fealua’i i le taavale a le malo, e le tatau ona fealua’i ai lea tagata. Talu ona tofia mai le alii Masela o le Auala ia Alu Faamasino i le amataga o le tausaga nei, na te faamalosia le tulafono o taavale afi a le malo, e aofia ai le faasa lea ona toe alu o se tagata faigaluega i se taavale a le malo i lo latou aiga, atoa ai ma le toe soona faaaoga o taavale a le malo i galuega e le patino i le malo, e tele ni taavale ua taofia e le susuga Faamasino ina ua faamaonia latou te le o usitaia le tulafono. gâÜ~xç eâÇ LEONE HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL When: Start Time: Location: Entry Fee: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 5:00am Leone High School Gymnasium All Students $3 - Adults $5 REGISTRATION STARTS NOVEMBER 19-26, 2013 (LHS Office 688-7688) Categories: • POWER WALKERS • PROFESSIONAL RUNNERS • AMATEUR RUNNERS • TEACHERS & STUDENTS & ENJOY UN! HAVE F RUN & WALK WHILE PROMOTING A HEALTHY ANNUAL THANKSGIVING TRADITION WITH LEONE HIGH SCHOOL & THE COMMUNITY E! N O E COM E ALL! COM Page 8 samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 T ALA mai brought to you by SAMOA tanoa tusitala hotel, apia, samoa Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions O LE FINAGALO TOATASI LAVA O LE TAITAIFONO Ua faaalia i se faaaliga aloaia mai le Fono o Ekalesia Soofaatasi a Samoa e faapea, o se finagalo na faaalia e le taitaifono, le afioga Tiakono Kasiano Leaupepe, e faatatau i le mataupu e faatatau i feusuaiga fai faamalosi po o le toso teine, faapea sauaga mataga ma faaoogalima mataga faasaga i tamaitai, o le finagalo toatasi lava lea o le taitaifono, ae le atagia ai pe tauaofai ai finagalo o sui o le Fono o Ekalesia Soofaatasi a Samoa. Sa faasalalau faalauaitele le finagalo faaalia o le afioga i le taitaifono i le fofo o lea faafitauli e faapea, e tatau i tina ma tamaitai o lo o aafia i nei sauaga mataga, ona matua u se vaega o tino o alii o lo o faia lea solitulafono ina ia faamanualia tuga ai. Fai mai a ia, a le faia lea tulaga, e ono faauigaina o lo o latou taliaina le faia o ia sauaga ia i latou. Na saunoa foi le taitaifono, o le solomuli o le olaga faakerisiano ua mafua ai faatupulaia pea o ia ituaiga solitulafono. TOALUA NA MALILIU I SE FAALAVELAVE TAU TAAVALE E toalua ni alii talavou na maliliu i se faalavelave tau taavale na tulai mai i le afioaga o Vailoa, Faleata i le vaveao o le aso Tofi ina ua taavalevale le pikiapu sa tietie ai i laua i le keli. O i laua ua maliliu o Leslie Risale o se alii e 21 tausaga le matua o Vaimoso, ma Thesaurus Heather, e 23 tausaga o Tufuiopa. Na faaalia e se tama na muamua oo atu i le nofoaga na tupu ai le faalavelave e faapea, e oo atu o taatitia mai ia alii i luga o le auala, ae na faasaoina le tamaitai talavou sa faafoeina le taavale. Na faaalia e lea tama, na maliu ai lava i lena taimi se tasi o alii, ao le isi sa manava lava. Ae peitai e oo atu i le falemai ua maliu o ia. Na faaalia foi e lea tama e faapea, sa ia mauaina se atigifagu o se fagu malosi o le ituaiga o le Jim Beam i le nofoaga na tupu ai le faalavelave. O lo o masalomia e leoleo o le faasua’ava tele o le ave taavale na mafua ai lea faalavelave. FAALAUILOA TAITOA 7 MANU SAMOA Ua faalauiloa mai e le Iuni Lakapi a Samoa ia suafa o le Manu Samoa Taitoafitu o le a malaga atu mo le Taamilosaga Taitoafitu a le Fono Faatonu o le Lakapi i le Lalolagi, le IRB i le vae i Dubai i le faaiuga o le vaiaso fou, sosoo atu ai ma le vae i Aferika i Saute i le vaiaso i ona tua atu. I se sauniga faapitoa i le ofisa tutotonu o le iuni i Tuanaimato i le aso Faraile na sei mavae atu nei, na saunoa ai le taitaifono o le iuni, le susuga i le alii palemia, Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi, e le gata i upu faalaeiau ma faamalosi i le au ua filfilia, ae sa faapea ona faalauiloa aloaia ai foi suafa o i latou ua filifilia. O le au ua filifilia; Laina i luma – Falemiga Selesele, Fale Sooiali, Misioka Timoteo, Oneone Faafou, Levi Asi-Faamatala, Lio Lolo. Laina i tua – Vavao Afemai, Sani Niue, Reupena Levasa (kapeteni), Alatasi Tupou, Richie Ah Chong, Tulolo Tulolo. O le faiaoga taiulu o Viliamu Punivalu, faiaoga lagolago/taitai malaga o Malo Nofoagatoto’a. Mai le au ua filifilia, e toalua sui o le a faatoa taaalo lea i lea taamilosaga faavaomalo, ma oi laua ia o Richie Ah Chong ma Oneone Faafou. Na toe faamanatu e le alii palemia i le faiaoga taiulu, e faalagolago lava le toe filifilia o ia i lea tofiga i le sologa lelei o le taaalo a le au. Fai mai a ia, e faaletonu le au, o le a sailia foi se faiaoga fou e tauaveina le aoina o le au. TATALA ALOAIA FALEMAI FOU NA FAATUPE AMERIKA Ua tatalaina nei le falemai faaitumalo fou i Faleolo lea na faatupeina e le malo Amerika i se faiga faapaaga ma le malo Samoa. E sefulu masina sa faatinoina ai lenei galuega i le tau aofai e $3 miliona tala e pei ona saunoa faafetai ai le afioga i le alii palemia, le susuga Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi, i le sauniga faapitoa e tatala aloaia ai lenei galuega tele. Na faafetaia foi e Tuilaepa, le vaega o le Navy a Amerika lea na tauala mai ai lenei fesoasoani i le latou polokalama fesoasoani i atunuu eseese o le Pasefika. Na saunoa le alii amepasa o Amerika, le susuga David Huebner, o lenei galuega ua faaalia ai le faatauaina e Amerika o avanoa e faaleleia atili ai le soifua maloloina lelei o tagata o le Pasefika. LE FAASALAINA SEVE I LE FALEPUIPUI Ua le faasalaina i se faasalaga faafalepuipui le alii sa avea ma komesina o le Ofisa Tinei Mu, le susuga Seve Tony Hill, ae ua faanofovaavaaia o ia mo le lua tausaga. O lea faaiuga a le Faamasinoga Faaitumalo na lauina i le aso Faraile na sei mavae atu nei, ma sa vaaia le faatumulia o le maota Faamasino i aiga ma uo o le susuga Seve sa tapuaia lona faamasinoga. E pei ona lipotia muamua i a tatou tala, sa molia Seve i moliaga o le faia o sauaga faafeusuaiga i se tamaitai sa faigaluega i le Ofisa Tinei Mu. O le vaiaso nei na teena ai e le Faamasinoga se talosaga a le loia a Seve ina ia tatala o ia i tua e faatali ai le lauina o lona faasalaga. The fish sculpture shown here is made up of recycled material from CD’s, used foil, plastic bottles collected from our beaches, newspapers, screen wire and soda cans. Created by Faga’itua High School’s Physical Science class, whose instructor is Lulu F. Pulu and Vaimili Tyrell’s Art Class, also at Fagaitua, the work was entered in the Marine Debris Sculpture Competition 2013. The contest was part of the People, Air, Land and Sea Program that concluded yesterday after week -long [photo: Jeff Hayner] activities at the DMWR marina in Fagatogo, sponsored by the Dept. of Marine and Wildlife Resources. C M Y K C M Y K samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 Page 9 C M Y K C M Y K Page 10 samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 Tulimanu O KATI LE LEOLEO NANA o le fa’aolataga [Sosoo ane loa lau faitau i le tatou tala faasolo mo lenei vaiaso, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na tea nei i le taimi lea faateia ai le fafine ave taxi ina ua faailoa atu e Kati faamatalaga uma e uiga ia te ia.] Na te’i le fafine ina ua faailoa e Kati talaaga uma e faatatau ia te ia, atoa ai ma le mafuaaga o lona i ai i totonu o le malo. Na fesili le fafine ia Kati pe i ai se mea o tupu, ae na faailoa i ai e le tama, o lo o i ai le vaega faatupu faalavelave o lo o taumafai e fasioti o ia, e ala i le faaaoga o se tamaitai e faatosina o ia la te momoe. E silia ma le afa itula o talanoa Kati ma le ave taxi i totonu o le taavale, ao paka pea le taavale i luma o le faleoloa lea e tu i le tulimanu o le auala. Ao talanoa Kati ma le ave taxi, na faafuase’i ona la vaaia se solo o taavale lanu uli sa tumutumu i luma o le fale’aiga ua toe faataalise agai atu i le isi tulimanu o le aai, e foliga mai e i ai se mea o lo o mafua ai ona nati nati atu i le isi itu o le aai. Talu ai e masani lelei le ave taxi i le ma’ale’ale o le galuega lea o lo o galue ai Kati, na maua ai ona ia valaaulia o ia la te o sa’o i lona fale se’i fai sina mapu ma tau faato’a lona mafaufau, ona toe seki ai lea mo se isi ana fuafuaga, peitai sa musu le tama ona e popole i lana taavale lea e paka i luma o le Fale’aiga ina nei faaleaga e ni tagata ona faaletonu lea o lana galuega o lo o faatino i le taimi lea. Ui o lea, na talia e le Kati ma valaaulia a le fafine, ona alu lea o Kati i le taxi ae alu atu le fafine ave taxi i lana taavale, ma la aga’i atu loa i le nofoaga o lo o nofo ai le fafine, i luga o le isi pito mauga o le aai o Italia, e le mamao lava ma le taulaga lea o lo o autu i ai le galuega a le tama. Se fale ina tele ma matagofie ae na o le fafine lava ma lana tama teine ua 21 tausaga le matua, o lo o ave foi lana mataupu i galuega faa leoleonana i le Iunivesite tele o Italia, o le aoga foi lena na faauu mai ai lona tina atoa ai ma le tama o Kati. Na lilo i le manatu o Kati, sa i ai tagata o le au faatupu faalavelave na lalafi i le vaega e paka ai taavale a le fale’aiga, mo le tau maitauina o le tagata e alu atu e piki mai lana taavale sa paka ai, ma na avea le alu atu o le fafine ave taxi e piki mai lana taavale ma itu na mulimuli atu ai loa ma le au alii ia i tua o le taavale, ma latou iloa ai le nofoaga o lo o nofo ai le fafine. Toeititi ao le po o talanoa ma fefaasoaa’i Kati ma le fafine i auala e fesoasoani ai i lana galuega, ae o la faalogoina loa se pao e aga’i mai i le pito i lalo o le fale. Na oomi e le fafine le ki o lo o i luma o le faitoto’a ma vaaia ai le tau fai ola uma o moli o le auala seia oo lava i luma o le auala, ma vaaia ai loa se Sipi lanuuliulio lo o tu faasaga mai i le isi itu auala, ma ni tagata se to’alua o lo o nonofo mai ai i totonu. “Pei lava e i ai le mea o le a tupu,” o le tala lea a Kati ma fai atu i le fafine ina ia saili se vaega o lona fale e saogalemu ai ma lana tama, ona o lea ua ia iloa sa mulimuli atu le au faatupu faalavelave i tua o lana taavale. “E faapefea ona e iloaina lena mea,?” o le fesili lea a le fafine, ae na tali Kati, “A lea ua o mai le au faatupu faalavelave.” E LE MAUMAU LE OLA O LE FAAMUAMUA LE ATUA. (Hakai 1:7-15, Mataio 16:24-28.) Ua amata ona faailoa mai e Iesu i tatalu ona alu i Ierusalema, e faatigaina foi i mea e tele e toeaina ma le ‘au ositaulaga sili, ma le ‘au tusiupu, e fasiotia foi o ia, a faatuina foi o ia e le aso tolu, ae ua vavao atu ai Peteru ua faapea mai, “Le Alii e, ia mamao ia te oe lea mea, e le oo lena mea ia te oe.” Ona faliu mai lea o ia ma faapea mai, “Satani e, ina e alu ia oe i o’u tua, ua fai oe ma mea ou te tausuai ai, aua e le o mea a le Atua ua e loto i ai, a o mea a tagata.” E faapea le upu faafoma’i e i ai le upu o le ‘pulse’ poo se ola, ae ‘ese ma upu faa-Eleni, o se ola poo le ‘psyche’ i totonu o le tatou ola poo ‘our innermost self’ i totonu o tatou loto ma a tatou olaga e nofo ai na o tatou ola ai. E le tutusa le upu ola lena e ta’u mai i le upu faa-foma’i ma le upu faa-Eleni i le ola. E le’i o mai le tusitusi tala lena e i ai le ola i tua atu o le isi ola lea tatou te feola ai nei, na’o Iesu lava na ia ta’u mai e i ai le isi ola i tua o le ola lenei tatou te soifua ai, pe a E LE MAUMAU LE OLA O LE FAAMUAMUA LE ATUA. O le lua o tausaga o le tupu o Tariu i le ono o masina na auina mai le afioga a le Alii e le perofeta o Hakai ia Serupapelu le atalii o Salatielu, le alii e pule e ia Iuta, atoa ma Iosua le atalii o Iosataka o le faitaulaga sili, o loo faapea mai, “Fai mai lenei nuu, e le’i oo i ona aso, o aso e fai ai le fale o le Alii.” Ona fai mai ai lea o le afioga a le Alii e le perofeta o Hakai, “O ona po nei ea tou te nonofo ai i fale ua tapapa (mananaia) a o lenei ua faatufunaina.” ona fetalai mai lea o le Alii, “Ia outou mafaufau i o ala. [E toe faatalofa atu i le mamalu o le au faitau i lenei taeao, malo le soifua maua malo foi le Ua ‘ese le mea ua ave i ai le faamuamua o le nu’u, ua ‘ese fo’i onosa’i, ae alo mai loa o le toe sosooina lenei o le tatou tala faasolo lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na le mea ua popona lava le tagata latou ia, ua faamuamua i lona aiga te’a nei i le taimi lea na pepese fiafia ai manu o le vao maoa ae molimau fetu i le lagi i le mafuaga ma mea e lelei ai le tagata latou ia, ae ua faamulimuli le Malumalu a Lisati ma Lasela lea ua faatoa atoa i le la mafutaga ina ua maea le misa.] lea e tu’u ai i le totonu le ato laau. E lei toe ano lava tagata o le nuu i le mea sa tupu, ae ua na o le foi i o latou aiga ma talie i faasUa le ano i ai Isaraelu i le mea na alai ona faatonuina i latou e alaga lea ua sauni le nuu e tuu atu i le fafine o Mekala, ona o le mea sese sa ia faia i lona fasi lea le tupu a Asuria o Tariu, o le Malumalu o le Atua Soifua, o lea na o le toalua o le matai o le nuu, ae na lilo i tagata ua avea le vevesi na tulai mai ma itu ua maua ai faatonuina e le Alii e ala i le miti, ia toe aumaia. loa ma le avanoa o Lisati ma Lasela e mafuta ma feiloa’i ai, talu mai tausaga e tele o le la faigauo i E pei ona faatonuina ai Hakai ma Sakaria o perofeta a le Alii, e totonu o le nuu, aemaise ai o tausaga e lua lea na tuua ai e le tamaititi le nuu ona o aoga i Niu Sila. taua o le ‘O le periota Auro o le feagaiga tuai’ o i laua o perofeta “Sole, sole, o ai lea e pisa mai tua i i,?” o le fesili fia iloa lea a le tama o Lisati lea faatoa fo’i laiti i le Tusi Paia, ae ua laua talanoa i le nuu i uiga i le faia o le mai i le piliaki, ina ua ia maua le tala e uiga i le mea sa tupu. “Papa, o a’u lea e i tua i i, o lea ma Malumalu poo le mea e taua e le Tusi Paia, ‘O le feau taua o le te talanoa ma Lasela,” o le tali lea a le tamaititi o Lisati ma savali mai i luma o le auala, a’o lona Feagaiga Tuai.’ tama o lo o tu ma autilotilo aga’i i le latou fale, e foliga mai e i ai se mea o lo o manu’a ai lona I le faiga o le pa, e tau mai ia tatou ua ‘O le finagalo le Alii e tuu loto. “Aisea ga vevesi ai lou kiga ma Mekala, a’o fea sa e i ai,?” o le fesili lea a le tamaloa i lona ai mea tuai i le taimi tuai i tua’ ua lifi e le Alii aso tuai ma e olaga atalii, ma maua ai loa le avanoa o le tamaititi e faamatala atoa ai i lona tama le mea sa tupu, amata tuai ae o le a tatou savavali atu i le olaga fou, ma ia faia le finagalo o mai lava i le taimi o le taaloga Bingo, ma faasolo mai ai lava seia oo i le taimi na tupu ai le misa. le Alii, (1) Muamua lona Malumalu (2) aua le faamuamuaina mea e O le ‘ona o le tamaloa o Lomi na faigata ai ona televave lona ita, ae sa na o le luelue ulu ma mananao i ai lona nuu, ae mulimuli le mea lea e finagalo i ai le Alii. faalogologo i le faamatalaga a lona atalii. “A’o ai le la e gofo mai i luga o le oga giu,?” o le fesili Aua le ma aua fai mai lo tatou matua, E LE MAUMAU LE lea a Lomi ma faasaga atu i le isi itu o le latou fale lea o lo o saofa’i mai ai le tagata, “O Lasela OLA O LE FAAMUAMUA LE ATUA. le la ma te talanoa.” O le musu o le tamaloa e toe tulai mai se isi talanoaga i le va o lona atalii ma Le mea nao finagalo i ai le Alii, ia muamua lava Ia ona tatou o Lasela, na mafua ai ona ia faatonu lona atalii e fai ia Lasela e alu i le fale, ae alu atu loa o ia latou ai lea e faia isi mea i le olaga lenei, le mea lena na fetalai ai Iesu, te momoe o lea ua totoeititi ao le isi aso fou. “Ai se tasi e fia mulimuli mai ia te au, ea faafeti o ia se fia faasaoO le po o le aso fou lea o le a malama, e toe fo’i atu ai Lisati i Niu Sila mo lana aoga, ina ua galemuina lona ola,e maumau ai ia te ia, a o le faamaumau lona maea vaiaso e lua na faanoi ai ona o le ma’i a lona tama. Ua sauni le tamaititi e toe foi i lona aiga ola ona o a’u, e maua e ia.” fou i Niu Sila o lo o nofo ai, ae o lona loto lea ua faavaeluatai i lona manatu ia Lasela, ona o lea ua Ae o le tagata lava e talitonu ia Iesu ae lea faia le mea ma uiga feulua’i le alofa ma ua lagona foi e le tamaititi le moni o upu na talanoa atu ai le tamaitai ia te ia. faa-keriso e manumanu i lona olaga e manumanu nei i le lalolagi Ua faasolosolo atu le aiga e faamavae ia Lisati i le malae vaalele, e o o foi i le faifeau ma isi tagata ae le maua e ia se olaga fiafia i le ola pe a mavae lenei ola. o le aulotu atoa ai ma le autalavou, sa gasolo atu uma e faamavae ia Lisati, peitai e maea loa le solo E le mafai ona ia ave ‘esea mea o lenei lalolagi, ola faamaualuga, umi o le a savali le tamaititi i totonu o le potu e faatali ai le aga’i atu i le vaalele, ae valaau mai loa ola fia sili, ola lava ia ia te ia, e le fia fesoasoani i se tasi ua mafatia, ma le tei laititi o Lisati, “Sati, vaai fo’i ia Lasela la le savali mai.” e le loto fesoasoani lava ia i se ua fia maua le ola e faavavau lava, la e pei lava ona fai mai ai le (Mataio 10:38) “O se le ave lona satauro ma mulimuli mai ia te au, e le aoga foi lea ia te ia.” Pei ona fetalai Iesu, “Sa i le amataga, le Upu, sa i le Atua le Upu, A le Atua foi le Upu. O ia lava sa e le Atua o le amataga. Na O le Tala ia Lata poo Rata ia faia mea uma lava e leai se e tasi na faia e lei faia e ia. Sa ia te ia le ola, o le ola foi o le malamalama lea o tagata. Ua pupula mai Ao tatou i ai i le faamata- e uiga i le mea na afua mai ai foi le malamalama e le pouliuli, a e lei manumalo i ai le pouliuli.” laina o le mafuaaga na afua mai tagata Polenisia, peitai o le mea O ai se faataitai ia te Ia, ina ave ia lona satauro ma tatou ai tagata Polenisia, fai mai le ua manino i la tatou polokalame, mulimuli atu ia te Ia, Amene. mau a Samoa i aso ua mavae, e i ai lava itu i le gagana ma soo se taimi lava e usuia ai le aganuu e tutusa ai tagata eseese fono a agaga o Saualii poo alii nei, ma o i latou foi nei sa nofoia folauga, ae taunuu loa le vaega i le malae i Pulotu, e le fe’ausi atumotu o le atu Polenisia, lea e lea na folau mai Kiripati ma o pe a’au i le sami, ae momoli e pei ona i ai ma Samoa. laou iloa ai, e tai tutusa lava i le Vaaloa, ma, atonu o le ala O le isi mea ua manino i le latou ma tagata na ulua’i nofoia lea a tuumalo ai se tamalii i aso tatou polokalame, o le toatele le motu, peitai o le mea ua tupu, ua mavae, ona momoli lea e le o tagata nei na uluai nofoia le ua amata ona le fiafia tagata na Vaaloa, ma, atonu o le ala foi atu Polenisia, na o latou folau mua’i taunuu i Samoa i tagata lea a tuumalo se tamalii, ona i vaega eseese o le lalolagi, ma fou, e ui e tutusa o latou lanu, faapea lea o upu pe a manu, “o o le toatele lava o i latou na peitai e le masani le isi vaega lea ua tootoo atu nei le Vaaloa..” toe a’e manumalo mai a latou i le isi. O le vaega na ulua’i o lona uiga, o lea ua molimoli folauga ae o nisi na maliliu atu nofoia Samoa, ua latou taamilo atu e le Vaaloa lona agaga i le ai ona o le tulaga soua o le vasa ia Upolu ma Savaii, ma ua latou Fafa o Saualii, poo le nofoaga e na folau ai. I le tala faasolopito faailogaina ai nofoaga lelei ma faatasitasi i ai agaga o alii uma o Samoa o loo taua ai, tusa i le le tu matafaga, ua latou mumusu o le atunuu. E ui i le lavelave va o le 100 ma le 150 tausaga ai e toe foa’i atu nei nofoaga i isi ma nunumi solo faamatalaga talu ona nofoia Upolu e le ulua’i (Faaauau itulau 14) POLOGA I LE ALOFA Tala i Vavau o Samoa samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 Page 11 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Pago Pago American Samoa 96799 Poloa’iga Fa’alaua’itele Vaiaso e Toto ai La’au “Puipui le Vaomatua” Novema 18-23, 2013 TALUAI, o la’au Samoa e pei o le Aoa, ‘Ava, U’a, Tamanu, Malili, Asi, Au’auli, Tava, Poumuli, Maota, Taputo’i, Magaui, ma’anunu, Futu, To’ito’i, Niu, Fetau, Pu’a, Milo, Fogamamala ma Ifilele sa fa’aaoga e fau ai fale, gaosi ai vailaau mo togafitiga o gasegase, e gaosi ai fo’i taumafa fa’apea ma lavalava mo tagata Samoa i le afe ma afe o tausaga ua mavae; ma TALUAI, o nei la’au e matua tele le taua i le Aganu’u Fa’asamoa; ma, TALUAI, o nei la’au Samoa ua fai ma lafitaga o manu/meaola i le vaomatua, atoa ma le puipuiga o punavai ma le suavai, fa’apea le fa’aitiitia o le tafe ese o ele’ele; ma, TALUAI, o nei la’au Samoa e matua taua lona aoga i le si’osi’omaga tulaga ese i Amerika Samoa, e aofia ai vaomatua i mauga maualuluga i Manu’a, togatogo Masefau, Nu’uuli ma Aunu’u, ‘ele’ele susu o Leone, atoa ma vaega o le gataifale atoa o Amerika Samoa, ae maise le Vaomatua fa’apitoa i Ottoville, Tafuna; ma, TALUAI, o nei la’au Samoa o lo’o tumau pea le taua ma le aoga i lo tatou ola i aso nei, e pei ona taua foi ma fa’aaoga e o tatou tua’a, ma, TALUAI, e taua le toto, puipui ma fa’asao la’au Samoa, o se tala’aga/molimau ola, e taua i la tatou aganu’u; ma, TALUAI, ua alaga tatau ma onomea le fa’amanatu/fa’ataua o la’au Samoa ese’ese e pei o la’au o lo o ola/tutupu i le Vaomatua i Ottoville e ala i le puipuia o nei la’au mai le ta/tu’u i lalo faapea le fa’aleaga/fa’atama’ia on a o fauga o fale, pisinisi, auala; ma TALUAI, o le Vaiaso e Toto ai La’au o se taimi e fa’amanatu/fa’ataua ai lo tatou tofi faapea le mitamita ma le fa’aaloalo e ala i le totooga ma le si’iga o la’au e maua mai ai taumafa, vaila’au e togafitia ai gasegase, fafie, la’au fau fale, lavalava, tupe, fa’aasinomaga, ma le matagofie; ma, TALUAI, o Amerika Samoa sa fa’aleaga/fa’atama’ia e se mafui’e ma le galulolo ia Setema 29, 2009; ma, TALUAI, o la’au o le vaomatua, ua fa’atusa o ni fa’ailoga o le iai o le fa’amoemoe, toe fuata’iga, ma le toe afua; ma, TALUAI, o le Vaiaso e Toto ai La’au o lo’o fa’amanatu i le Iunaite Setete o Amerika, Hawaii, Guam ma le tele o isi atunu’u, e aofia ai ma le Malo Tuto’atasi o Samoa. O le Masina o Novema i tausaga ta’itasi ua fa’atulaga/fa’ailoga e fa’amanatu/fa’ataua ai le taimi mo La’au ma Vaomatua i Amerika Samoa. O LE MEA LEA, O A’U, LOLO M. MOLIGA, Kovana Sili o Amerika Samoa, ua o’u fa’alauiloa atu o Novema i lona aso 18 e o’o i le 23, 2013, i Tutuila ma Manu’a, o le Vaiaso e Toto ai La’au i Amerika Samoa, ma ou te talosaga atu ai i faia’oga, tama ma teine a’oga, ma tagatanu’u o Amerika Samoa ina ia fa’ataua/fa’amanatu nei aso e ala i le auai i fuafuaga ma polokalama uma e pei on a fa’atulagaina e le Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi i Amerika Samoa fa’apea le Vaega o Laufanua ma Atina’e. Ua ou fa’amaonia ma tu’uina iai le Fa’amaufa’ailoga a lo’u Ofisa i le aso 15 lenei o Novema i le tausaga o lo tatou Ali’i 2013. Ia manuia le vaiaso o le fa’ataua/fa’amanatu o La’au ma le Vaomatua i Amerika Samoa. LOLO M. MOLIGA Kovana Sili o Amerika Samoa Page 12 samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 Tafaoga i Matafaga? SASA’E: Alega Stream Beach Faga’itua Aoa Stream Beach Aganoa Auasi Fagasa-Fagale’a AuaP ouesi AuaS tream AfonoS tream Vatia Lauli’i SISIFO: Asili Stream TUtotonu: Fatumafuti Utulei,D DW Utulei Beach Lapata’iga mo Matafaga: Novema 20, 2013 Ofisa o le Puipuia o le Si’osi’omaga i Amerika Samoa (AS-EPA) 633-2304 ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… security officer and injuring three other people. Media — Chinese stealth drone takes its 1st test flight BEIJING (AP) — China’s first unmanned stealth drone made its first test flight in the latest advance for the domestic arms industry, state media reported Friday. Photos and video of the tailless delta-wing drone flying were posted on the websites of People’s Daily and other major outlets. The location of the 20-minute flight made Thursday was identified only as a southwestern China testing base. The jet powered drone was identified as the Lijian, or “Sharp Sword,” photos of which have been circulating for some time. The aircraft is similar to the X-47B drone being tested by the U.S. Navy for aircraft carrier operations, as well as France’s experimental Neuron project. Others have reported the drone is a reverse-engineered copy of Russia’s Mikoyan Skat unmanned aerial vehicle. Potential uses for such an aircraft range from conducting electronic surveillance and to launching missile strikes. Some analysts have suggested the drone might someday be launched from China’s sole aircraft carrier, possibly to fly missions around China’s East China Sea and South China Sea island claims. AETO FINANCE COMPANY E-mail: [email protected] Aeto Finance Company encourages the following account holders to contact Samantha Fetui @ 699-5214 or Susan Tafaoialii @ 633-8582 to settle your delinquent accounts. AETUI, Ernest Samoa ALESANA, Simealai R. ALE-TAU, Taapeifaletele J. ALOFAITULI,M aana APAUI, Opetaia ATUATASI, Joanne S. ATOFAU,K eziah BALANTAC,E duardo BROWN,F aataomalo CHOU LEE, Siliva DANIELSON, Sifiti ESAU,M ark ESAU, Sophia Theresa ESERA,T auva FAALIGA, Aiolupo FAALILI, Tauinaolaa FAAOFO,L avilavi FAASAFUA, Amosa FAGOTA, Solefai FAITONU,T oga FALETOI, Peata FAO,R ose FEILOAIGA, Misipita FITIAUSI, Vasati FOGAVAI, Vailoa FOSTER,A lice GALU,T opeto GODINET, Katie GALUMALEMANA, Thomas HALAFIHI, Daniel (Pastor) IOAPO, Kristen IOPU, Taoa T. KAPELI, Tauilo KAUFUSI, Sione KIM,E ugene KITIONA, Tiave KIVALU, Salesi KRAUSE,J effrey LAFAI,T umoa LAUAGO,E neliko LAULU,S hirley LEAFA, Asia LEUMA,N ive LOA, Juliana LOTOVALE,L oki LUI, Sanele MALAUULU,V aaleama MALIGI, Penetekoso MALILA, Miliama MAPU, Loreta MASUNO, Richard MAUIANEIASO, Faatoafe MOANANU, Misionare MOORS, Punaosiva MUA, Shary MULIPOLA, Asotasi NAEA, Faalolo OSA, Taumate PAPALII, Fuasilika PESETI, Peseti RASMUSSEN, Corina A. ROE,J ohnny “Tracy” SALU,F aalauamea SAMI,E sau SAO,S ao SATAUA, Itai SAUFOI,T auese SAVAINAEA, Iosefa SAVUSA, Isi SEA, Siliaivao F. SEFUIVA Tautitina SEGI, Uesili SEVE, Silipa SEWELL,M ichael SEWELL, Sheronne T. SIAULAIGA,N ila SILIATO, Kilisi SIMEONA,L eilani SIONE, Allistair SIOELI, Silivia SIPA, Faatoa SKELTON, Pepe L. SOU,S auaso TAAGA, Taloapatina TAALOLO,S iainiu TAC-AN,A remenda TAETULI, Sani V. TAGO,S uluia TALOSAGA,M elesaini TALOSAGA,P ule TAO, Fu’a Matila TASI, Glory TATUPU,J eremaiah TAUAI,M alua TAUFAU, Sagale Aigaii TAUSUNU,K uini TEO, Faafetai Leach THOMPSON,A rieta TOFA, Faaliliu TOSO, Fua V. TUALELE,S ua TUFELE, Ivi TUFELE,L oise TUGAGA, Falani TUIGAMALA, Ailini TUIASOSOPO,A soolevale TUIASOSOPO,T autee TUIOLEMOTU,A sovale TYRELL,F alelimu UELIGITONE,S auileone UME,F auamoa UNASA,W endell UPUTAUA,F uiava UTU, Moliupu F. VAA, Liva VAIVAO, Francis VAIVAO, Langahelotu The capabilities of the drone and two manned stealth fighters, the J-20 and J-31, that China is developing aren’t known, although China’s arms industry is producing increasingly sophisticated weapons systems. Those include a large range of military drones. WFP feeds 3 Million after typhoon; aid in Kenya camps cut NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The executive director of the U.N.’s World Food Program says food aid is now reaching 3 million people affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, but that the extraordinary needs there and in Syria mean food assistance is being curtailed to refugees in Kenya. Ertharin Cousin told The Associated Press on Friday that the destruction in the Philippines, including the loss of key bridges, has made reaching victims difficult but that food deliveries have steadily increased. WFP is also feeding 4 million people inside Syria and 1.8 million outside the war-torn country. WFP spends $40 million a week delivering food to the region. That expense means that two refugee camps in Kenya where close to 400,000 Somalis live have seen food rations cut by 20 percent in November and December. US survey: More than 1 in 10 kids has ADHD ATLANTA (AP) — The number of U.S. children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder continues to rise but may be leveling off a bit, a new survey shows. More than 1 in 10 children has been diagnosed with it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which surveyed more than 95,000 parents in 2011. ADHD diagnoses have been rising since at least 1997, according to CDC data. Experts think that’s because more doctors are looking for ADHD, and more parents know about it. The condition makes it hard for kids to pay attention and control impulsive behaviors. It’s often treated with drugs, behavioral therapy, or both. The latest survey found about 11 percent of children ages 4 through 17 had been diagnosed with ADHD. That translates to nearly 6 ½ million children. Half of children are diagnosed by age 6, the study found. A 2007 survey put ADHD diagnoses at 9.5 percent of kids. The CDC survey asked parents if a health care provider told them their child had ADHD. It’s not known how thorough the assessment was to reach that conclusion. ADHD diagnoses were increasing at a rate of about 6 percent a year in the mid2000s, but slowed to 4 percent a year from 2007 to 2011. That may reflect that doctors are closer to diagnosing most of the kids with the condition, said the CDC’s Susanna Visser, the study’s lead author. Continued from page 4 conspiracy group demonstrates in Dealey Plaza DALLAS (AP) — Members of a group that believes John F. Kennedy’s assassination was part of a conspiracy demonstrated during the ceremony in Dealey Plaza on the 50th anniversary of the shooting. As “America the Beautiful” was sung, several men wearing T-shirts showing Kennedy’s image on the half-dollar coin with a bullet hole and blood gathered toward the back of the standing crowd and silently pointed toward the plaza’s “grassy knoll.” The T-shirts include the slogan “50 years in denial is enough.” The group usually gathers on the “grassy knoll” for a moment of silence at 12:30 p.m. Some members gathered a few blocks away for their own ceremony. OKC bomb squad says suspicious item was just a burrito OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A burrito caused a minor scare at an Oklahoma City police briefing station after a man brought the foil-wrapped object in for analysis. Oklahoma City Police Capt. Dexter Nelson says a man discovered a Thermos-type container in his lawn Thursday afternoon and brought it to a police briefing station. Nelson says the container was heavy and had tinfoil protruding from the lid, so the man considered it suspicious. The Oklahoman reports that officers told the man to leave the container outside and the police bomb squad X-rayed the item. The analysis determined that it was only a burrito. Although it was harmless, police aren’t laughing at the incident. Nelson says anyone who finds a suspicious object should call authorities — not bring it to a police station themselves. ESA satellites in orbit to study magnetic field MOSCOW (AP) — Russia’s space agency says it has successfully launched three European Space Agency’s satellites intended to study Earth’s magnetic field. Roscosmos said that a Rokot booster rocket launched Friday from the Plesetsk launchpad in northwestern Russia put the three Swarm satellites into their designated orbits. During their four-year mission, the satellites will help gather data that would help better understand the workings of Earth’s magnetic field that protects its biosphere from deadly space radiation, ESA said. The satellites will monitor the magnetic field from Earth’s core to its upper atmosphere and perform precise measurements to evaluate the current weakening of the magnetic shield. The satellites are controlled by ESA teams at the European (Continued on page 13) samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 Page 13 ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… Continued from page 12 Space Operation Center in Darmstadt, Germany. UN court orders release of Greenpeace ship, crew BERLIN (AP) — A U.N.mandated tribunal has ordered Russia to immediately release a Greenpeace ship and its crew in return for a 3.6 million euro ($5 million) bond. The Hamburg-based International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea ruled Friday that “the Russian Federation shall immediately release the vessel Arctic Sunrise and all persons who have been detained upon the posting of a bond or other financial security by the Netherlands.” The tribunal also ordered Russia to allow the vessel and those detained to leave the country. Thirty people aboard a Greenpeace ship were detained when the Arctic Sunrise was seized by the Russian coast guard after a protest near a Gazprom-owned oil rig on Sept. 18. Most of them have already been ordered released on bail. Burgled Pa. tattoo shop offers body art for information BERWICK, Pa. (AP) — The owner of a Pennsylvania tattoo shop that was broken into is putting up an unusual reward for information leading to arrests — free tattoos and piercings for life. Brandon George of Permanently Scarred Tattoos in Berwick posted the offer on his Facebook page after he found the door kicked in Thursday morning and a TV and other gear stolen. He told The Press Enterprise of Bloomsburg that the break-in cost him several thousand dollars. George says he thinks more than one person was involved because it would take several people to move his 70-inch TV and other equipment. As for the tattoo and piercing offer, he says, “I’d do that in a heartbeat. That offer is good.” Utah man found not guilty of indecent exposure on plane SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Utah man who says he exposed himself on a plane because he accidentally got peppermint oil on his private parts has been cleared of wrongdoing. The Salt Lake Tribune reports a judge ruled Thursday that 49-year-old Stuart Ronald Clarke is not guilty of indecent exposure. The incident happened on a Delta flight from Minneapolis to Salt Lake City last November, when a seatmate says she spotted Clarke fiddling with his genitals. Prosecutors say he told investigators he put oil on his forehead for a headache and then went to the bathroom with the oil still on his hands. He told authorities he unbuttoned his jeans as he became uncomfortable. The judge cited several reasons for the not guilty finding, including that Clarke covered himself with a jacket. JFK’s death overshadowed Ohio nursing home fire TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) — A nursing home fire that killed 63 people in Ohio 50 years ago is largely forgotten — and went barely noticed at the time — because it came just hours after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Many of those who died at the Golden Age Nursing Home outside the northern Ohio village of Fitchville were restrained to their beds or trapped behind wheelchairs too wide for the exits. It remains one of the worst nursing home fires in U.S. history. Investigators blamed faulty wiring and found that the nursing home didn’t have an evacuation plan. The fire and a string of other nursing home fires in the 1960s brought about better federal and state oversight and safety regulations for nursing homes. Norway: workers at US Embassy avoided taxes OSLO, Norway (AP) — Norwegian tax officials say they have reported 15 to 20 local employees at the U.S. Embassy in Oslo to police for not paying income tax over several years. The head of the country’s tax administration Hans Christian Holte says most of the failed payments were on incomes of 100,000 to 600,000 kroner ($16,500-$99,000) over 10 years ending in 2011. Holte said Friday that the most serious violations were on incomes of up to 2 million kroner. The U.S. Embassy has declined to comment on the claims but says that paying taxes is an issue between a local employee and the government. It said in a statement to the AP that the embassy doesn’t share income information of its personnel with the Norwegian government. Killer dinosaur found in Utah; preceded T. rex NEW YORK (AP) — Scientists have discovered a killer dinosaur that roamed in what is now Utah some 100 million years ago. Experts say the discovery provides insight into the top predators in North America before T. rex showed up. The two-legged beast was estimated to stretch more than 30 feet long and weigh more than 3 tons. It helps fill a gap in the fossil record of big North American predators between earlier killer beasts and the arrival of the group including T. rex. It wasn’t related to that famous beast. Researchers from the Field Museum in Chicago and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh announced the finding Friday in the journal Nature Communications. They named the (Continued on page 15) A tent city for typhoon survivors emerges Saturday Nov. 23, 2013 at Tacloban city, Leyte province in central Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan, one of the most powerful typhoons to make a landfall this year, battered central Philippines Nov. 8, leaving a wide swath of destruction. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez) AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Samoan Studies Institute EMPLOYMENTO PPORTUNITY Position Title: Employment Status: ASSISTANT ETHNOGRAPHER / VIDEOGRAPHER Full Time/Career Service General Description: Under the general director of the Director of the Samoa Studies Institute, the incumbent assists in the performance of field and archival research in oral history and ethnography; recording and editing of research and program materials that are of interest to SSI, students and ASCC; record activities of SSI and ASCC and compile reports thereon as directed; maintaining and repair of equipment; coordinating field research / trips by staff and / or students; anthropological logging and planning and other duties directed by the director. Job Duties and Responsibilities: • Assist in the performance of field and archival research in oral history and ethnography; • Record and edit research and program materials that are of interest to SSI, students and ASCC; • Record activities of SSI and ASCC and compile reports thereon as directed; • Maintain and repair equipment • Coordinate field research/trips by staff, faculty and/or students; • Anthropological logging and planning; • Perform other related duties as assigned by the Director. Minimum Qualifications: Incumbent must have an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree and at least four years of ethnographic and video recording, with a demonstrated portfolio of fieldwork. Incumbent must also be able to demonstrate ability to perform film/video editing, and formulation of raw research materials into completed programs. Salary: $16,780.00 - $20,477.00 Application Deadline: November 29, 2013 at 04:00 pm Applications are available from American Samoa Community College, Human Resources Office. Phone 699-9155 Ext. 403/335/436 or email Silaulelei Saofaigaalii at [email protected] or Roxanne Moananu at [email protected] “An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer And A Drug-Free Workplace” Page 14 samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 ➧ MARIUANA… EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Mai itulau 1 I le aso Tofi na te’a nei, sa aga’i atu ai leoleo mo le faataunuuina o le latou siaki masani i le uafu i Fagatogo, ma latou tuli mata’iina ai loa gaioiga e pei ona afua mai ai lenei mataupu. Na taua i faamaumauga a le faamasinoga e faapea, sa maitauina uma lava e leoleo gaioiga a le alii Seila atoa ai ma Vagana, i le taimi na ulufafo mai ai le Seila ma le afifi ma tuuina atu ia Vagana i se nofoaga e le mamao ese mai le uafu. I totonu o le afifi lea sa tuu atu e le Seila ia Vagana, e tolu nisi afifi lapopo’a o lo o i ai i totonu, ma o ia afifi o lo o kava uma i pepa iila ina ia faigata ona lagona le manogi. E le o se taimi muamua lenei ua aafia ai Seila mai le vaa o le Lady Naomi i ni solitulafono i totonu o le teritori. O le tausaga na te’a nei na molia ai se Seila i lona faia lea o ni uiga mataga i se teineitiiti sa malaga mai i luga o le va’a, e aofia ai lona ave o ia i toton o se potu ma la fai’aiga ai. O le tausaga nei fo’i na molia ai se isi Seila i lona aumaia faanana lea o se vaega o le laau faasaina o le mariuana, a’o lea fo’i ua toe alia’e mai le isi mataupu e pei ona aafia ai se tasi o Seila i le vaiaso na te’a nei. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] An established, major employer in American Samoa is looking for a REPAIR SHOP MANAGER. The ideal candidate will: • Be fully bilingual, and can communicate orally and verbally with customer’s and staff • Have a proven track record in customer service • Be confident in the use of computer service tracking system • Be able to give ‘hands on’ guidance and direction to the repair technician’s in the repair of electrical and engine driven machines • Be a self-motivated, and have a ‘take charge’ personality This position is an immediate opening, and pay/benefits will be commensurate with qualifications. Apply in writing, with a resume (CV) either by email to [email protected], or ordinary mail to PO Box 5985. Se vaaiga i nisi o alii ma tamaitai leoleo sa faauuina i le taeao ananafi, i le maea ai o se aoaoga e 40 itula sa a’otauina ai i latou, mo le suesueina o mataupu e faatatau i tagata ave [ata: AF] taavale ‘onana i luga o le alatele. AUTO NATION ➧ TO’A 15 LEOLEO MAUA… Mai itulau 1 Brake Pads & Ball Joints Now in Stock. WINDSHIELD IN STOCK 250.00 $ Hundreds of RADIATOR IN STOCK We carry Genuine Aftermarket and Used Parts All All PPG PPG Paints Paints 10% 10% OFF OFF Auto Nation in Nu’uuli next to Talofa Video. 699-7168 699-7168 American Samoa Government OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT INVITATION FOR BIDS IFB No: 017-2014 Issuance Date: November 21, 2013 Closing Date: December 04, 2013 No Later than 2:00pm local time 1. INVITATION Sealed bids are invited from qualified contractors to provide for the “Ta’uD ispensary Facility Repair and Canopy Construction”, located in the island of Manu’a, Territory of AmericanS amoa. 2. RECEIPT & OPENING OF BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Chief Procurement Officer, American Samoa Government, Tafuna, American Samoa 96799, until 2:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at which time and place the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read. 3. PRE-BIDC ONFERENCE A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Monday, November 25, 2013, 9:00 a.m. at the Office of Procurement Conference Room. Bids will not be accepted from bidders who are not present at the pre-bid conference. 4. CONTRACTD OCUMENTS Contract documents, including Scope of Work may be examined at the Office of Procurement or obtained there from during regular business hours. 5. The American Samoa Government reserves the right not to accept the lowest or any bid. 6. The American Samoa Government reserves the right to waive any informalities in bidding as may be in the best interest of American Samoa Government. “Equal Opportunity Employer / Affirmative Action” TIAOTALAGA J.E. KRUSE Chief Procurement Officer Saunoa le Sui Komesina ia Leseiau Laumoli e faapea, e ui sa i ai foi isi aoaoga faapenei sa faia i tausaga ua mavae, peitai e ese mamao ma aoaoga lea ua maea ona a’o tauina ai i latou nei. O aoaoga fo’i nei o lo o faia i ofisa o leoleo i setete uma ma teritori o le Iunaite Setete, lona uiga, o lo o laina tutusa Amerika Samoa ma isi vaega faamalosi tulafono i le faamalosia o tulafono e uiga i le ave taavale ‘ona. Na fautua Leseiau i leoleo e faapea, e leai se aoga o aoaoga ua latou maua pe afai e sese ona faatino a latou tiute. Ua fautuaina foi le mamalu o le atunuu, ina ia faaeteete i le tagofia o le ava ma ave le taavale, leaga e aafia atu ai ma le saogalemu o tagata lautele. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] SC child taken 20 years ago is safe in Australia CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — A woman accused of abducting her infant daughter from South Carolina 20 years ago has been located in Australia and is facing extradition back to the United States to face charges, federal authorities announced this week. On Thursday, U.S. Attorney Bill Nettles said that an indictment had been unsealed charging Dorothy Lee Barnett, 53, with international parental kidnapping and making a false statement on a passport application. Her daughter, Savanna Catherine Todd, now 20, was in Australia living a normal life, Nettles said. Barnett did not have custody of her then 10-month-old daughter when she left in 1994 from Isle of Palms, Nettles said. At the time, police said Barnett left for a birthday party with her daughter and never returned. In 1993, she had filed for divorce from her husband, Bowling Green, Ky., native and former Charleston stockbroker Benjamin Harris Todd III. Authorities said Barnett was located in Australia earlier this month and had been living under several aliases. Federal authorities have not given details on how they tracked Barnett down. In a news release, Nettles said federal law enforcement agencies from the U.S. and Australia cooperated on the case. Court papers show that an arrest warrant was issued for Barnett in 1994. Barnett has been denied bond pending extradition back to the United States, where no court date has been set, Nettles said. If convicted on all charges, she could face more than 20 years in prison, and court papers listed no attorney for her. ➧ Tala i vavau… Mai itulau 10 tagata faatoa taunuu mai. Ua tula’i mai le faafitauli tele ia Samoa ina ua amata ona feitana’i ona tagata na ulua’i nofoia le motu, ma i’u ai loa ina lua itu, mulimuli ane ua tupu le taua i lo latou va. Ae ui i lea, na mafai lava ona toe faatoafilemu i latou nei, e ui na manumalo tagata Samoa fou ia ua faatoa taunuu mai i tagata ua leva ona taunuu, ma faaigoa ai loa e tagata tuai tagata fou o Samoa “Togafiti” e faamanatu ai a latou togafiti pepelo ma le mata’utia lea ua mafua ai ona latou manumalo i fanua ma laueleele ua maea ona latou faailogaina mo i latou lava, ma o Samoa la na amata ai ai loa folauga ia ua mafua ai ona nofoia le tele o atumotu o le Pasefika i le taimi nei. I faamaumauga mai ia Samoa anamua o loo taua ai, o ona tagata na folau atu i isi atumotu o le Pasefika ma latou vaaia ai le tulaga manuia o ia motu, ona latou toe foi mai lea ma tapena atu o latou auaiga ma nofoia loa nei motu eseese. samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 Page 15 ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… beast Siats meekerorum, after a man-eating monster of legend from Utah’s Ute tribe, and a family that has donated to the Field Museum. China sets new air defense zone over the East China Sea BEIJING (AP) — The Chinese Defense Ministry on Saturday issued a map of an East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone including a chain of disputes islands also claimed by Japan. Beijing also issued a set of rules for the zone, saying all aircraft must notify Chinese authorities and are subject to emergency military measures if they do not identify themselves or obey orders from Beijing. Both Beijing and Tokyo claim the islets, known as the Senkakus in Japan and the Diaoyu in Chinese. Protests erupted throughout China last year to denounce the Japanese government’s purchase of the islands from private ownership. A rising economic and military power, China has become more assertive over its maritime claims. It has been in rows with several neighboring countries over islands in the East and the South China seas. Judge considers closing Sriracha hot sauce factory LOS ANGELES (AP) — A judge has declined to act immediately on a request to close a factory that residents say is stinking up their Southern California city with spicy smells produced by the manufacture of the popular hot sauce Sriracha. City News Service reports that Judge Robert O’Brien did agree Friday to take Irwindale’s request for a preliminary injunction to close the plant under consideration. The judge didn’t indicate when he might rule. Huy Fong Foods says there is no reason to close the plant now because harvest season for red-hot Jalapeno peppers, the sauce’s key ingredient, has passed. Residents say when the peppers are ground into sauce during summer months their eyes water, they have trouble breathing and they must stay indoors. The issue could eventually be resolved with a trial. Deputy pleads guilty to helping jail inmate escape DENVER (AP) — A former Denver sheriff’s deputy has pleaded guilty to a charge of helping an inmate escape from jail. KMGH-TV reports Matthew Andrews faces up to six years in prison at his Jan. 24 sentencing after entering his plea on Friday to a felony charge of attempting to influence a public servant. Prosecutors say he helped Felix Trujillo walk out of jail in a sheriff’s deputy’s cap and jacket and drove him away in April. Investigators say Andrews told co-workers he helped with the escape because he and his family had been threatened. Trujillo later surrendered. He was sentenced to 34 years Continued from page 13 in prison after pleading guilty to both the escape and the robbery he was in jail for at the time of his escape. Obama speaks to Peace Corps to honor J.F.K. WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama has spoken with Peace Corps volunteers in Tanzania to pay tribute to President John F. Kennedy. The White House says Obama met with volunteers and leaders via videoconference on Friday, the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination. Kennedy is credited with establishing the Peace Corps. Obama opened the meeting with a moment of silence to honor Kennedy’s memory. Obama also heard about work Americans are doing overseas to promote public health, food security and youth empowerment. The White House says since the Peace Corps was created, more than 215,000 Americans have participated, serving in 139 countries. ex-cop sentenced for sex assaults SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — A former Garden Grove police officer who sodomized three women he dated has been sentenced to 12 years in prison. City News Service says 36-year-old Jesse Green was sentenced Friday in Orange County. He was convicted of three forcible sodomy charges in September. Prosecutors say the Huntington Beach man assaulted the women between 2006 and 2009. He met two victims online and a third through friends. Authorities say two women had consensual sex with Green but he also forced them to commit sex acts while insulting them and saying he was giving them a sexually transmitted disease. One woman told the judge that Green was a “Jekyll and Hyde” who turned into a monster. At trial, Green denied sexually assaulting the women, saying he understood that “no means no.” PACIFIC FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Notice to interested Vendors and Contractors The Centennial Office Building is Requesting information from Qualified Vendors/Contracting Firms for the following building services: • LANDSCAPING • JANITORIAL • SECURITY • HVAC/AIR CONDITIONING • GENERATOR • PEST CONTROL • GENERAL MAINTENANCE These contracts will be awarded for 2014 to qualified firms based upon past experience, price and quality of workmanship. The Timeline for this process and service specifications will be forwarded to you as part of the package. Deadline for picking up applications is November2 9th,2013. Please make sure you already have your 2014 necessary documents. Please call Betty Cavanagh at 733-5603 for more information between 9am til 2pm. 48 CHANNEL * (E) English Subtitles * (L)-Live Programming/News * (R)-Rerun *Note: If you need this Schedule, e-mail <[email protected]>. and I will send it to you every week!” “TRUTH of DOKDO!” <> <> NATIONAL PACIFIC INSURANCE LIMITED “Working with the Community” TEL: 633-4266 • FAX: 633-2964 Page 16 samoa news, Saturday, November 23, 2013 ! HURRICANE SEASON NOVEMBER - APRIL VAI TAU AFA NOVEMA - APERILA We have witness the devastation Ua tatou molimauina le faigata ua in the Philippines as Typhoon iai nei le atu-Filipaina ona o le Hyian (Yolanda) blows through… malosi o le Afa o Hyian (Yolanda)… Prepare now by putting a EMERGENCY SUPPLY KIT together for your family Water/Vai C M Y K C M Y K Tapena nei ma tu’u fa’atasi ni OLOA FA’ALEOLEO mo lou aiga Radio/Leitio Flashlight/Batteries Moli-uila/Ma’a Food/Mea’ai Medication/Prescription Fuala’au/Vaila’au fa’atonuina First Aid Kit/Oloa mo manu’a - 1 gallon of WATER per person per day Battery powered RADIO FLASHLIGHT and batteries FOOD FIRST AID KIT MEDICINE including prescription - 1 le kalone VAI mo le tagata i le aso LEITIO e ola i ma’a moli-uila MOLI-UILA ma ma’a MEA’AI TAUMAFA OLOA mo lavea ma manu’a FUALA’AU ma vaila’au mo ma’itaga BE HURRICANE READY / SAUNI MA TAPENA NEI MO AFA MA MATAGI MALOLOSI Message from ASDHS – TEMCO Report any landslides, flooding or other emergencies that need assistance to the EOC at 699-3800, or call 911. Afai e va’aia tulaga i sologa ma lologa, vala’au ane mo se fesoasoani i le 699-3800 (EOC), po’o le 911. FUNDED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY