Synchronous colorectal cancer: double colon resection, case presentation in patient with three tumours. Discussion about diagnosis and operative management. Cafferati M, Grammatico V, Ghersi T, Cumbo P. Struttura Complessa di Chirurgia Direttore Dott. Pietro Cumbo Ospedale di Carmagnola (Torino) Patient: - 82 years old patient, healthy for age - One episode of enterorragy in ASA treatment Colonoscopy: 1° Substenosis at 20 cm Adenoca 2° Large polyp Adenoma high grade dysplasia 3° Right colon polyp Adenoma low grade dysplasia Normal US and CT scan Surgery: left hemicolectomy + right hemicolectomy with ileum-trasversum anastomosis + transversum-rectal anastomosis Histology: pT2, pN0 well differentiated multiple adenocarcinoma Real synchronous tumours are at least at 2 cm from the main lesion INCIDENCE OF SYNCHRONOUS CANCERS OF ALL CRC: -Before colonoscopy: 1 – 3% -Until 2000: great variability, between 2 and 10% -Last 10 years: 2 – 4,2% PATIENTS WITH MORE THAN TWO SYNCHRONOUS TUMOURS -Eu, Seow-Choen 876 cases of CRC: 0,56% -usually between 0,3 and 0,6% -our series: 0,25% of 390 CRC in the last 10 y. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS - Colonoscopy: 30 - 66% done for stenosis of the main tumour -not obstructing stenosis: barium enema -if obstruction: intraoperative colonoscopy -virtual colonoscopy may provide better results Surgical Treatment - Most of Authors: subtotal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis - but the main indication to subtotal colectomy is the presence of multiple adenomas - Double colon resection, with intensive endoscopic follow up. OSPEDALE DI CARMAGNOLA Thank you!