Duotech srl Via Monte Spluga 31 - 20021 Baranzate (Milano) tel. +39.0233106630 fax +39.0233106640 www.duotech.it [email protected] *lv . New Een€rotion polymÉrose urith supÈrior performf,ncÈ r Novel buffer syst*m, with ultro-pure dNTPs ond ÀigCl, . Robust ond high yield ocrass E full rongs of templotes . Convenient oll-in-one moster mix . Direct gel looding The MyTaq* product range is a new generation of very high performance PCR products cjeveioped l:y Eìoline. De*igned to deliver outstanding reeults on all ternplates, includìng cornplex genornic DNA templates. MyTaq ìe baeed on the lateet technology ìn FCFI enzyme preparation, engineered to increase tffinlty for DNA, reaulting ìn significant improvementa to yieid, senaitivity and epeed. The enzyn-re is supplied with an industry-ieading novel buffer system, speciiical{y f*rrnulateel end ualidated for the unique propertiea o MyTaq, rnnkinrg it the perfect choice for all of your PCR assays. g.Emic DilA{Al% GC Entsìt} pollmsms from othÈr flpdieE lDr fiÈ mpllficElim of a 460bp lregmEnt of the hum f,Ue gÈnB, De§rÈasino ffiunts of hutM ttrnplat€ {1p9, l0&ì8, i00ng, EOrE, 26ng@d 12,6ngitam 1-6 NpsÉtEtylln tls FCFI, ThE cvclrE re pÉrfbmad urdsrthB foilflinE aondition§:.g6ic fJr 6min, fdbv#d by 3ù qrcles at S't tor 3Ds, 60.C brSB 6nd IZ'C ftr EOB. irErkÉr is FlypÈrLEdd$ I (M) {Cat No, Bt0_gg0!6), WTq dÈtt ÈE lighBr yi€ld and BÈNilivity N compsr€d !jlh all fN mmpÉflna prEdEte, Fig, I Àliylaq Hobust smpliiisalion of OC.rich humetr @ gtromic Dompar€d with Df,lA Ef,.lA wr€EEd s a srl LIi*ii*llDuotech L,t;r.ìr " quo fata vocant " +q,:a li}}li-l *.nriI liiJ::; i,jiiii ijf.iì'IiJ tli,{;ii-li * f,riH,i Tel +39.0233106630 fax +39.0233106640 Jni.lt .r..ÉÉ ti-,1{si1; iti}li"r,irìi({i}ll.il.:,liyt,l.c;lrll'l e."É,i'rr',ri.j.ii:}ìi.ril:rì. www.duotech.it i:rlri,rr.lyi*r: [email protected] ilHq MyTaq - Full range of templates MyTaq is a hiEh performance polymerase whieh exhibits rnore robust ampliiication than other commonly used polyrnerases (fiq. 1). MyTaq offers higher yields over a fult range of PCR templates. nraking it the ideal choice for moet routine assays. This new enzyme from Bioline is supplied with the MyTaq buffer §ystem, a proprietary formulation containing ultra-pure dtrlTPs, MgCl, and enhancers at optimal concentralionsl removing the need for optimkation and giving euperior amplìfication" MyTaq - For all applications Thie new generation DNA polymerase from Bioline has been validated with a full range of templates and is perfectly suited for the follo'ruing applications : e . o r o High-throughput PCH Specific ampli{ication of complex templates Bobuet ampli{ication of GC-rich sequencee Routine PCR applications TA cloning MyTaq - For faater FGB reactions The advanced forrnulation of MyTaq allows faeter FCR reactione than other conventional polymeraees, thus reducing the overait time from over an hour to leee than thir-ty minutee and most importantly, without cornpromising PCR speci{icity or yield {fig. 2). Reducing the reaction time ailov,rs greater lhroughput afld fast€r screening. Fig. ? Fest atrplitkation o, human gEmmic DfA {p€rfomìcd in 2L5 rinutes} ComFaratire mFliisdian o, a 460bp fEgmst ol ttÉ huflan F]6 gme (61 % ccl used io oompffi lolaq with a conwntiord fag ONA polymelffi. lh€ PCB ws perbrmsd usim both ÉElmssusing d€c@ingamuntsof humm gercmic DNA astemdaia(200nq, 66n9, 10n9, gng, 1n0,300p0. 10Op€ ild 30psl tseE l-8 Espstivsly) ard undqr tlE icll@ing IEstsrcling conditiom: gEdc for 3min, fdwEd bry 30 c!&ls st gs'C tur 15s. 60oC lor 15s ild 72"C ior 15§. Marksr i§ HypsLaddsr I [M) (Cat llr. BIO-33@5). MyTaq rsdilycoFeswith ttrb.rsction3 tim6, EEulting in highqryiÉld uithoul fis n6Èd for turllsopiimization. w* MyTaq - Oirect gel loeding MyTaq is also supptied as MyTaq Red DNA Polymeraee, which includes a 5x colored reaction buffer with an inert red dye. Following PCB, samples can be loaded directly onto the agarose gel without the need for a loading buffer, since the mix is of sufficiently high density to sink to the bottom of the weli. ilr ;l*r MyTaq - Pramixee to simplify PCR eet-up tul,itrr:LiUàir,:i,,,nr;."rrsr L.1..:L,::ljllÀi'r:i.",§ar:r+ llr.-I;r,l'Ji'lAFr:il",rr*rts i{r.Ìir,1 Xrr.ì i-:f i,{ i:rÌ,,,nt r rasa .i""; r.' iri;:l.,^rqii*,1illiéÈciir*agrt f';l:.lh1l.!ir 3r i,,,l.,iii( i.,'lìv :ì;o l"li'liu1 [!*i:l irir,. :ir [,ir,..In,:l ffe;i i",lir ;.; MyTaq 2x Mix and MyTaq Red 2x Mix contain all the reagents (inclucling stabilizers) necessary for eetting up a trouble-free PCR reaclion. These novel mixes, supplied conveniently in one tube, reduce the number o{ pipetting stepe and facilitate greater eff lì,: iciency. thro ughput and reproducibi[ity. Ìr' ii I ll: :t r I r I I j| !:rr 1. 3ti44f ,1.* Jf ;' tS $rlf')ìr'1. :tt'1!ì :tirtrlìtrìiq : ! 1,ll,.l!ll i ! i!':!]i,) aìl:iìlJìJniii .i !i.r,:lir!r1 ]!ilù r ,1!:4il1 :,ir(-iilt.r Li r r i";:il .'.: irilùljnirj : .liillÉiÌ*tit.:nr.l l{lii{, Fì+{*liiirii ;l:ia liitr;nltii.n* li.liru i: i5r1[i i i:iiri -:f !, 1 lI|rl !ii ':1-i:5rrìl 4, Llaìltl .1 l1Èrirrln,ri 1lr.ì 1-l.l.i1iìi i.riirr;rr ii;,rl I'jrr jil * srl " quo fata vocant " i.ts Duotech 'liitil{r i{{tii!j }l"r{.}t:r + ,l:r^.,l.|;';: ".1. .. Tel +39.0233106630 fax +39.0233106640 r;t:li::ii: ir ri':i.ilt dtt[:rir::lil]+:.i:r<:i'it s'ièi,"!'.",f rt {-rrlril i,r il {i www.duotech.it [email protected] #i{:li!.lnr 't*l: +.t".1 . l-1 j i i fi ì 11. :r r I ,& i{i*:r;di;;r I ir& §.t:rqili:;er LìDirju,i;r jì!' Stor4e and stability: The MyTaq is shipped on Dry/Blue lce and can be stored ficr up to 12 rnorìth at -20'C, or up to 2 ì,veeks at +4"C. Repeated freeze^havv cydes should be avoided. Shipping: On Dry/Blue Exp. Date: See lce vial Catalog numbers BIO-21 105 : Safety precautions: Hannful if swallo,ed. lrritating to eyee, respiratory system and skin. Please refer to the material 500 Units Batch No.: See vial Blo-21'106: 2500 Units Concentration:su/pl BIO-21107: 5000 Units safety data sheet for further information. Unit definition: One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme that incorporates l0nmoles of dNTPs into acidinsoluble fiorm in 30 minutes at 72"C. This product insért is a declaration of analysis at the time of manufacture. Research Use Only. BIOLINE srl "guo fata vocant'- www.duotech.it [email protected] Description MyTaqrM DNA Polymerase is a high performance PCR product that exhibits more robust amplification than other commonly used polymerases, delivering very high yield over a wide range of PCR templates and making it the ideal choice for most routine assays. This new enzyme preparation from Bioline is supplied with MyTaq Reaction Buffer system, an advaned formulation that savès time and delivers superior results, containing dNTPs, MgCl2 and enhancers at optimal concentrations which eliminates the need for optimization. Gomponents lmpoÉant considerations and PCR optimization The optimal conditions will vary from reaction to reaction and are dependent on the templatelprimers used. The 5x ltlyTaq Reacfon Buffer: 5x MyTaq Reaction Buffer oompdses 5mM dNTPs, 15mM MgCla, Etabilizers and enhancers. The concentration of each component has been extensively optimized, reducing lhe need for further optimization. Additional PCR enhancers such as HiSpec, PolyMate or Betaine etc. are not recommended. 14 x 1.5m1 Standard MyTaq Protocol The following protocol is for a standard 50pl reaction and can be used as a starting point for reaction optimization. All reactions should be set-up on ice. Primens: Fonitrard and reverse primers are generally used at the final concentration of 0.24.6pM each- As a starting point we recommend, using 0,4pM as a final concentration (i.e. 2Opmol of each primer per 50pl reaction volume). Too high a primer concentration can reduce the specifici§ of priming, resulting in non-specific products. designing primers we recommend using primerdesign software such as Primer3 (htp://frodo.wi.mit.edu/primer3) or visual OMPrM (http://dnasoftware.com) with mdnovalent and divalent cation concentrations of 1OmM and 3mM respectively. Primers should have \Men PCR reaction set-up: 5x MyTaq Reaction Buffer 1Opl Iemplate rs required Primers 20pM each 1pl MyTaq DNA Polymerase ).25 - 11tl ullater (ddHzO) a melting temperature (Tm) of approximately 60'C Template: The amount of template in the reaction depends mainly on the type of DNA used. For templates with low structural complexity, such as plasmid DNA, we recommend using 50pg-10n9 DNA per 50pl reaction volume. For eukaryotic genomic DNA, we recommend a starting amount of 200n9 DNA per 50pl reaction, this can be varied between 5ng-500n9. important to avoid using template re-suspended in EDTA-containing solutions (e.9. TE buffer) since EDTA chelates free Mg'". lt ls tp to 50pl PCR cycling conditions: lnitial Denaturation: An initial denaturation step of lmin at 95"C Step Temperature Time Cycles lnitial denaturation 95"C lmin 1 Denaturation 95"C 15s Annealing 55"C 15s Extension 72"C 10s 25-35 is recommended for non-complex templates such as plasmid DNA or cDNA. For more complex templates such as eukaryotic genomic DNA, longer initial denaturation times of up to 3mins are required in order to facilitate complete melting of the DNA. Denaturation: Our protocol recommends a 15s cycling denaturation step at 95"C which is also suited to GC-rich templates, however for low GC content (4045o/ol templates, the denaturation time can be decreased down to 5s. and time; The optimal annealing temperature is dependent upon the primer sequences and is usually 2 -5'C below the lower Tm of the pair. We recommend starting with a 55'C annealing temperature and, if necessary, to run a temperature gradient to determine the optimal annealing temperature. Depending on the reaction the annealing time can also be reduced to 5s. Annealing temperature * These steps may require optimization, please if needed. MT10-O9e refer to the PCR optìmization section Vllebsite: wìM,ì/.bioline.corn/ èmail: [email protected] Extension temperature and time: The extension step should be performed at 72"C. The extension time depends on the length of the amplicon and the complexity of the template. \Mth low complexi§ template such as plasmid DNA, an extension time of "l0s is sufficient for amplicons under 1kb or up to Skb. For amplification of fragments over 1kb from high complexi§ template, such as eukaryotic genomic DNA, longer extension times are recommended. ln order to find the fastest optimal condition, we suggest incrementing the extension time successively up to 30s/kb. Troubleshooting Guide - Check reaction set-up and volumes used - Check the aspect and the concentrations of all components as well as the storage conditions. lf necessary test each component individually in controlled reactions - lncrease enzyme quantity to up to 2Ul50p1 reaction Decrease the annealing temperature Run a temperature gradient to determine the optimal annealing temperature lncrease the extension time, especially if amplifying long target lncrease the number of cycles Cycling conditions not optimal Decrease the number of cycles Smearing Annealing temperature too low lncréase the annealing temperature or Decrease primer concentration Non Specific producb - Make sure all reactions are set-up on ice. Run reaction as quickly as possible Replace each component in order to find the possible source of contamination Set-up the PCR reaction and analyze the PCR produc* in separated areas. Technical SuppoÉ Associated Products lf the troubleshooting guide does not solve the difficul§ you are experiencing, please contact your local distributor or our Technical Support with details of reac{ion setup, cycling conditions and relevant data, Email: [email protected] TRADEIIiARKS 1). Hyperladder and MyTaq are Trademarks of Bioline Ltd. Bioline Ltd UNITED KINGDOM Bioline USA lnc. USA Bioline GmbH GERMANY Bioline (Aust) Pty. Ltd AUSTRALIA Tel: +44(0)20 8830 5300 Fax: +44 (O)2084522822 Tel: +1 508 880 8990 Fax +1 508 880 8993 Tel: +49(0)33 7168 1229 Fax +49 (0)337168 1244 Tel: +61 (0)2 9209 41 80 Fax +61 (0)2 9209 4763 DUOtgCh ttl Vi" Mont" Spluga 31 -20021 Baranzate (Ml) tel. +39.02.33106630 fax +39.02.33't06640 www.duotech.it [email protected] 7! Listino Prezzi MyTaq'* Bioline Cat No: q.tà Descrizione Prezzo € BIO-21105 5(D units MyTaq DNA Polymerase € 115 BIO-21106 25fi1 units MyTaq DNA Polymerase € 380 Bto-21107 SfiX! units MyTaq DNA Polymerase € 57s Bro-21108 500 units MyTaq Red DNA Polymerase € 115 Bro-21109 2500 units MyTaq Red DNA Polymerase € 380 Blo-211X0 5ul0 units MyTaq Red DNA Polymerase € 675 Blo-21111 250 units MyTaq HS DNA Polymerase € 115 Bto-21112 lfiX) units MyTaq H§ DNA Polymerase € 385 Bto-21113 25fi! units MyTaq HS DNA Polymerase € 875 Bto-21114 250 units MyTaq HS Red DNA Polymerase € 115 Bto-21115 10fi1 units MyTaq HS Red DNA Polymerase € 400 Bto-21116 25fi) units MyTaq llS Red DNA Polymerase € 87s Blo-25041 2(X) Reactions MyTaq Mix,2x € 100 Bto-2il42 10fi1 Reactions MyTaq Mrx,2x € 430 81(>25043 2fi) Bro-25044 € 100 1000 Reactions MyTaq Red Mix,2x € 430 Bto-25{r45 2OO Reactions MyTaq HS Mif 2x € 1s5 B10-25046 10O0 Reactions MyTaq H§ Mix,2x € 690 Br0-25@7 2fi) Reactions MyTaq HS Red Mix,2x € 155 Bto-2s048 l(XX) Reactions MyTaq HS Red Mix,2x € 690 Duotech.20l0 MyTaq Red Mir 2x MyTaq a MyTaq Reactions HS comes with the dNTPs and MgCl2 already in the Reaction Buffer.