1. DEFINITION OF POINTS OF ENTRY/EXIT FROM THE NATIONAL TRASMISSION NETWORK 1.1. Definition of Entry Points In Accordance with Article 7 of the Annex “A” of Deliberazione ARG / gas No. 184/09 (“RTTG”) of the Authority for Electricity and Gas, for the year 2012 No. 62 entry points into the national gas pipelines are defined as follow: ◊ No. 5 entry points interconnected with foreign import pipelines near Mazara del Vallo, Passo Gries, Tarvisio, Gorizia and Gela; ◊ No. 2 entry points interconnected with LNG regasification plant Panigaglia and LNG regasification plant at Porto Viro located in Cavarzere; ◊ No. 53 entry points from national production. In accordance with the provisions of Article 7.2 of RTTG, for tariff purposes entry points from national production are grouped into 10 homogeneous geographical areas identifying 10 different values of unit CPe, as done in previous years; ◊ N. 2 points of virtual entry "hub", one for each Storage Operator (Stogit SpA and Edison SpA Storage). They have been considered a single entry unit price from storage for tariff purposes, as provided in subsection 12.1.c of RTTG. 1 1.2. Definition of Exit Points In Accordance with Article 7 of the Annex “A” of Deliberazione ARG / gas No. 184/09 (“RTTG”) of the Authority for Electricity and Gas, for the year 2012. No. 13 exit points into the national gas pipelines are defined as follow: ◊ No. 6 withdrawal areas distributed throughout the national territory; ◊ No. 5 esportation points near Gorizia, Bizzarrone, San Marino, Passo Gries and Tarvisio; ◊ No. 2 points of virtual exit "hub", one for each Storage Operator (Stogit SpA and Edison SpA Storage). they have been considered a single exit unit price from storage for tariff purposes, as provided in subsection 12.1.c of RTTG. The 6 withdrawal areas have been determined on the basis of the following tariff areas for natural gas distribution service identified by Deliberazione ARG / gas No. 159/08: • Ambito nord occidentale, including the regions: Valle d’Aosta, Piemonte and Liguria; • Ambito nord orientale, including the regions: Lombardia, Trentino – Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli - Venezia Giulia and Emilia – Romagna; • Ambito centrale, including the regions: Toscana, Umbria and Marche; • Ambito centro-sud orientale, including the regions: Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia and Basilicata; • Ambito centro-sud occidentale, including the regions: Lazio and Campania; • Ambito meridionale, including the regions: Calabria and Sicilia. 2 - Graphical representation of entry and exit points from the national network. Note: entry points from national production are grouped into 10 homogeneous geographical areas with same CPe. 3 ENTRY AND EXIT POINT OF NATIONAL TRANSMISSION NETWORK YEAR 2012 ENTRY POINT Mazara Del Vallo Gela Passo Gries Tarvisio Gorizia GNL Panigaglia GNL Cavarzere Hub Stoccaggi Stogit Hub Stoccaggi Edison Stoccaggio Casteggio Caviaga Fornovo Ovanengo Piadena Ovest Pontetidone Quarto Rivolta d'Adda Soresina Trecate Casalborsetti Collalto Medicina Montenevoso Muzza Ravenna Mare Ravenna Mare Lido Adriano Santerno Spilamberto B.P. Vittorio V. (S. Antonio) Rubicone Falconara Fano Capparuccia Carassai Cellino Grottammare Montecosaro Pineto S. Giorgio M. San Benedetto T. Settefinestre/Passatempo Fonte Filippo Larino Ortona Poggiofiorito Reggente S. Stefano M. Candela Roseto/T.Vulgano Torrente Tona Calderasi/Monteverdese Metaponto Monte Alpi Pisticci A.P./B.P. Sinni (Policoro) Crotone Hera Lacinia Bronte Comiso Gagliano Mazara/Lippone Noto EXIT POIT Nord Occidentale Nord Orientale Centrale Centro-sud Orientale Centro-sud Occidentale Meridionale NOC NOR CEN SOR SOC MER Gorizia Bizzarone Rep. San Marino Passo Gries Tarvisio Hub Stoccaggi Stogit Hub Stoccaggi Edison Stoccaggio 4