Come si valuta un progetto -esperienza di valutazione nell’ambito del Tema NMP Valter Sergo CENMAT, Dipartimento di Materiali e Risorse Naturali Università di Trieste ([email protected]) Seminario formativo sulle opportunità 2011 del Tema “Nanoscienze, Nanotecnologie, Materiali e Nuovi Processi di Produzione” (NMP) nell’ambito del VII PQ Trieste, 28 maggio 2010 QuickTime™ e un decompressore TIFF (Non compresso) sono necessari per visualizzare quest'immagine. 1 Remote at stage 1, repeated for GO proposal on site in stage 2 2 3 1) S/T excellence a)Soundness of concept and quality of objectives b)Progress beyond the state-of-art c)Quality and effectiveness of the S/T methodology and associated work plan 2) Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management a) appropriateness of the management structure and procedures b) quality and relevant experience of the individual partecipants c) Quality of the consortium as a whole (including complementarity, balance) d) Appropriateness of the allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment) 3) Potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results a) Contribution at the EU/international level, to the expected impacts listed in the work programme under relevant topic/activity b) Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual property 4 At stage 2, beside the previous points, also “the quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management” is evaluated NOTE: you can pass each treshold and still fail!!!! 5 6 Final remarks • -be highly competent in at least one field but do not be afraid to evaluate proposals not exactly in your field; • -be ready to change views (the Consensus phase can be painful if you are too rigid!); • -try to be very effective in English: you must not only understand it but must be capable of convincing others, if necessary. • -Don’t take it lightheartedly: the work of a lot of people and a lot of money will be affected by your decisions. 7